Applied Medical Statistics Using SAS Written with medical statisticians and medical researchers in mind this intermediate-level reference explores the use of SAS for analyzing medical data. Applied Medical Statistics Using SAS covers the whole range of modern statistical methods used in the analysis of medical data including regression analysis of variance and covariance longitudinal and survival data analysis missing data generalized additive models (GAMs) and Bayesian methods. The book focuses on performing these analyses using SAS the software package of choice for those analysing medical data. Features Covers the planning stage of medical studies in detail; several chapters contain details of sample size estimation Illustrates methods of randomisation that might be employed for clinical trials Covers topics that have become of great importance in the 21st century including Bayesian methods and multiple imputation Its breadth and depth coupled with the inclusion of all the SAS code make this book ideal for practitioners as well as for a graduate class in biostatistics or public health. Complete data sets all the SAS code and complete outputs can be found on an associated website: Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781439867976

Applied Meta-Analysis for Social Science Research Offering pragmatic guidance for planning and conducting a meta-analytic review this book is written in an engaging nontechnical style that makes it ideal for graduate course use or self-study. The author shows how to identify questions that can be answered using meta-analysis retrieve both published and unpublished studies create a coding manual use traditional and unique effect size indices and write a meta-analytic review. An ongoing example illustrates meta-analytic techniques. In addition to the fundamentals the book discusses more advanced topics such as artifact correction random- and mixed-effects models structural equation representations and multivariate procedures. User-friendly features include annotated equations; discussions of alternative approaches; and ""Practical Matters"" sections that give advice on topics not often discussed in other books such as linking meta-analytic results with theory and the utility of meta-analysis software programs. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462525003

Applied Meta-Analysis with R In biostatistical research and courses practitioners and students often lack a thorough understanding of how to apply statistical methods to synthesize biomedical and clinical trial data. Filling this knowledge gap Applied Meta-Analysis with R shows how to implement statistical meta-analysis methods to real data using R. Drawing on their extensive research and teaching experiences the authors provide detailed step-by-step explanations of the implementation of meta-analysis methods using R. Each chapter gives examples of real studies compiled from the literature. After presenting the data and necessary background for understanding the applications various methods for analyzing meta-data are introduced. The authors then develop analysis code using the appropriate R packages and functions. This systematic approach helps readers thoroughly understand the analysis methods and R implementation enabling them to use R and the methods to analyze their own meta-data. Suitable as a graduate-level text for a meta-data analysis course the book is also a valuable reference for practitioners and biostatisticians (even those with little or no experience in using R) in public health medical research governmental agencies and the pharmaceutical industry. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781466505995

Applied Meta-Analysis with R and Stata Applied Meta-Analysis Using R and Stata Second Edition provides a thorough presentation of statistical meta-analyses (MA) with step-by-step implementations using R/Stata. The authors develop analysis step-by-step using appropriate R/Stata functions which enables readers to gain an understanding of meta-analysis methods and R/Stata implementation so that they can use these two popular software packages to analyze their own meta-data. Each chapter gives examples of real studies compiled from the literature. After presenting the data and necessary background for understanding the applications various methods for analyzing meta-data are introduced. The authors then develop analysis code using the appropriate R/Stata packages and functions. What’s New in the Second Edition Adds Stata programs along with the R programs for Meta-Analysis. Updates all the statistical Meta-Analyses with R/Stata programs. Covers fixed-effects and random-effects MA meta-regression MA with rare-event and MA-IPD vs. MA-SS. Adds five new chapters on multivariate MA publication bias missing data in MA MA in evaluating diagnostic accuracy and network MA. Suitable as a graduate-level text for a meta-data analysis course the book is also a valuable reference for practitioners and biostatisticians (even those with little or no experience in using R or Stata) in public health medical research governmental agencies and the pharmaceutical industry. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367183837

Applied Methodologies in Polymer Research and Technology This book covers a broad range of polymeric materials and provides industry professionals and researchers in polymer science and technology with a single comprehensive book summarizing all aspects involved in the functional materials production chain. This volume presents the latest developments and trends in advanced polymer materials and structures. It discusses the developments of advanced polymers and respective tools to characterize and predict the material properties and behavior. This book has an important role in advancing polymer materials in macro and nanoscale. Its aim is to provide original theoretical and important experimental results that use non-routine methodologies. It also includes chapters on novel applications of more familiar experimental techniques and analyses of composite problems that indicate the need for new experimental approaches. This new book: • Provides a collection of articles that highlight some important areas of current interest in key polymeric materials and technology • Gives an up-to-date and thorough exposition of the present state of the art of key polymeric materials and technology • Describes the types of techniques now available to the engineers and technicians and discusses their capabilities limitations and applications • Provides a balance between materials science and chemical aspects basic and applied research • Focuses on topics with more advanced methods • Emphasizes precise mathematical development and actual experimental details • Explains modification methods for changing of different materials properties Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771880404

Applied Methods Of Regional AnalysisThe Spatial Dimensions Of Development Policy This book offers an approach to spatial analysis and regional planning that focuses on building the productive and service capacity of settlements of different sizes and functional characteristics. It describes the locational dimension of regional and rural development planning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367158057

Applied Microphotonics As the limits of electrical performance come within sight photons are poised to take over for the electron. But the search continues for the materials topologies and fabrication technologies capable of producing photonic devices at a reasonable speed and cost. Taking a fundamentallook at the development of photonic technology from the macro- to the microscale Applied Microphotonics introduces the major principles and technologies underlying the field. Following an overview of historical and commercial driving forces the authors briefly review the underlying physics emphasizing the practical and design implications for photonic systems. This general discussion lays the foundation for the remainder of the book where the authors first introduce the photonic node and then discuss each subsystem in detail including transmitters couplers and switches multiplexers and demultiplexers receivers amplifiers and compensators. The following chapters explore new technologies such as photonic band gap structures materials and fabrication processes integration methodologies and advanced devices such as photonic computers. The book concludes with a brief introduction to quantum photonics and a forward look at potential directions of photonics. Applied Microphotonics encapsulates the recent push toward all-optical networks and devices with an applications-oriented perspective. It is ideal for newcomers to the field as well as anyone curious to know how photonic technology can benefit their own field. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315221502

Applied Molecular BiotechnologyThe Next Generation of Genetic Engineering Applied Molecular Biotechnology: The Next Generation of Genetic Engineering explains state-of-the-art advances in the rapidly developing area of molecular biotechnology the technology of the new millennium. Comprised of chapters authored by leading experts in their respective fields this authoritative reference text:Highlights the latest omics-based tools and approaches used in modern biotechnologyExplains how various molecular biology technologies can be used to develop transgenic plants and how those plants can meet growing food and plant-derived product demandsDiscusses chloroplast gene expression systems mitochondrial omics plant functional genomics and whole-genome resequencing for crop improvementExplores plant–microbe and plant–insect interactions affecting plant protection and productivityCovers animal models pharmacogenomics human tissue banking and the molecular diagnosis of diseases such as cervical cancer obesity and diabetesExamines the molecular aspects of viral diseases production of industrial commodities using viral biotechnology and biotechnological uses of magnetic nanoparticlesDescribes the use of biotechnology in the food chemical pharmaceutical environmental conservation and renewable energy sectorsApplied Molecular Biotechnology: The Next Generation of Genetic Engineering serves as a springboard for new discoveries in molecular biology and its applications. Thus this book is an invaluable resource for students and researchers of molecular biotechnology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367872472

Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences This classic text on multiple regression is noted for its nonmathematical applied and data-analytic approach. Readers profit from its verbal-conceptual exposition and frequent use of examples. The applied emphasis provides clear illustrations of the principles and provides worked examples of the types of applications that are possible. Researchers learn how to specify regression models that directly address their research questions. An overview of the fundamental ideas of multiple regression and a review of bivariate correlation and regression and other elementary statistical concepts provide a strong foundation for understanding the rest of the text. The third edition features an increased emphasis on graphics and the use of confidence intervals and effect size measures and an accompanying website with data for most of the numerical examples along with the computer code for SPSS SAS and SYSTAT at . Applied Multiple Regression serves as both a textbook for graduate students and as a reference tool for researchers in psychology education health sciences communications business sociology political science anthropology and economics. An introductory knowledge of statistics is required. Self-standing chapters minimize the need for researchers to refer to previous chapters. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203774441

Applied Multivariate Statistical Concepts More comprehensive than other texts this new book covers the classic and cutting edge multivariate techniques used in today’s research. Ideal for courses on multivariate statistics/analysis/design advanced statistics or quantitative techniques taught in psychology education sociology and business the book also appeals to researchers with no training in multivariate methods. Through clear writing and engaging pedagogy and examples using real data Hahs-Vaughn walks students through the most used methods to learn why and how to apply each technique. A conceptual approach with a higher than usual text-to-formula ratio helps reader’s master key concepts so they can implement and interpret results generated by today’s sophisticated software. Annotated screenshots from SPSS and other packages are integrated throughout. Designed for course flexibility after the first 4 chapters instructors can use chapters in any sequence or combination to fit the needs of their students. Each chapter includes a ‘mathematical snapshot’ that highlights the technical components of each procedure so only the most crucial equations are included. Highlights include: -Outlines key concepts and vignettes related to key concepts preview what’s to come in each chapter -Examples using real data from education psychology and other social sciences illustrate key concepts -Extensive coverage of assumptions including tables the effects of their violation and how to test for each technique -Conceptual computational and interpretative problems mirror the real-world problems students encounter in their studies and careers -A focus on data screening and power analysis with attention on the special needs of each particular method -Instructions for using SPSS via screenshots and annotated output along with HLM Mplus LISREL and G*Power where appropriate to demonstrate how to interpret results -Templates for writing research questions and APA-style write-ups of results which serve as models -Propensity score analysis chapter that demonstrates the use of this increasingly popular technique -A review of matrix algebra for those who want an introduction (prerequisites include an introduction to factorial ANOVA ANCOVA and simple linear regression but knowledge of matrix algebra is not assumed) provides the text’s datasets preformatted for use in SPSS and other statistical packages for readers as well as answers to all chapter problems Power Points and test items for instructors Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415842365

Applied Multivariate Statistics for the Social SciencesAnalyses with SAS and IBM’s SPSS Sixth Edition Now in its 6th edition the authoritative textbook Applied Multivariate Statistics for the Social Sciences continues to provide advanced students with a practical and conceptual understanding of statistical procedures through examples and data-sets from actual research studies. With the added expertise of co-author Keenan Pituch (University of Texas-Austin) this 6th edition retains many key features of the previous editions including its breadth and depth of coverage a review chapter on matrix algebra applied coverage of MANOVA and emphasis on statistical power. In this new edition the authors continue to provide practical guidelines for checking the data assessing assumptions interpreting and reporting the results to help students analyze data from their own research confidently and professionally. Features new to this edition include: NEW chapter on Logistic Regression (Ch. 11) that helps readers understand and use this very flexible and widely used procedure NEW chapter on Multivariate Multilevel Modeling (Ch. 14) that helps readers understand the benefits of this "newer" procedure and how it can be used in conventional and multilevel settings NEW Example Results Section write-ups that illustrate how results should be presented in research papers and journal articles NEW coverage of missing data (Ch. 1) to help students understand and address problems associated with incomplete data Completely re-written chapters on Exploratory Factor Analysis (Ch. 9) Hierarchical Linear Modeling (Ch. 13) and Structural Equation Modeling (Ch. 16) with increased focus on understanding models and interpreting results NEW analysis summaries inclusion of more syntax explanations and reduction in the number of SPSS/SAS dialogue boxes to guide students through data analysis in a more streamlined and direct approach Updated syntax to reflect newest versions of IBM SPSS (21) /SAS (9.3) A free online resources site at with data sets and syntax from the text additional data sets and instructor’s resources (including PowerPoint lecture slides for select chapters a conversion guide for 5th edition adopters and answers to exercises). Ideal for advanced graduate-level courses in education psychology and other social sciences in which multivariate statistics advanced statistics or quantitative techniques courses are taught this book also appeals to practicing researchers as a valuable reference. Pre-requisites include a course on factorial ANOVA and covariance; however a working knowledge of matrix algebra is not assumed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415836661

Applied MyrmecologyA World Perspective This book brings together a broad range of pest ant articles for recognizing that many ant species have an important role in their ecosystems. It permits the separation of myrmecology from the penta- and quadrinomial system. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367163112

Applied NanotechnologyMaterials and Applications This important book presents a collection of scientific papers on recent theoretical and practical advances in nanostructures nanomaterials and nanotechnologies. Highlighting some of the latest developments and trends in the field the volume presents the developments of advanced nanostructured materials and the respective tools to characterize and predict their properties and behavior. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771883504

Applied Natural ScienceEnvironmental Issues and Global Perspectives Applied Natural Science: Environmental Issues and Global Perspectives provides the reader with a complete insight into the natural-scientific pattern of the world covering the most important historical stages of the development of various areas of science methods of natural-scientific research general scientific and philosophical concepts and the fundamental laws of nature. The book analyzes the main scientific trends and developments of modern natural science and also discusses important aspects of environmental protection. Topics include: The problem of "the two cultures": the mathematization of natural sciences and the informatization of society The non-linear nature of the processes occurring in nature and society Application of the second law of thermodynamics to describe the development of biological systems Global problems of the biosphere Theory and practice of stable organic paramagnetic materials Polymers and the natural environment Key features include: An interdisciplinary approach in considering scientific and technical problems A discussion of general scientific trends in modern natural science including globalization challenges in nature and society the organic chemistry of stable paramagnetic materials the fundamentals of the environmental chemistry of polymeric materials etc. A justification of applying classical (non-equilibrium) thermodynamics to studying the behavior of open (including biological) systems Of particular importance in the book is the discussion of some problems associated with the place of man in the biosphere issues of the globalization of science and technology new ideas about the universe and the concept of universal evolutionism. At the same time the book discusses more specific issues related to solving major global and regional environmental problems (particularities of organic paramagnetic materials the influence of polymers on the man and environment etc). All this leads to the fundamental conclusion of the unity of animate and inanimate nature as well as improvement of the process of cognition of the real world which consists in objective and natural changing of world views. The book is intended for professors teachers and students of classical and technological universities who are interested in the development of the foundations of modern natural sciences as well as for professionals working in the field of chemical physics and applied ecology.     Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771882729

Applied Neuropsychology of AttentionTheory Diagnosis and Rehabilitation The concept of attention in academic psychology has been treated with varying degrees of importance over the years. From playing a key role in the 19th century it was discarded in the first half of the 20th century as clinical psychologists claimed it was superfluous to the essential subconscious processes of the mind and experimental psychologists thought it was not a scientific term. Applied Neuropsychology of Attention aims to review the considerable developments in the field of attention over the last 20 years as it makes its comeback.This collection of essays forms a comprehensive overview of this crucial component of human cognitive function. The book begins with an explanation of the essential theoretical concepts and definitions. Aspects of diagnosis are then discussed as the assessment and impairments of attention are reviewed in normal ageing and in specific neurological categories. Victims of brain injury and patients with cerebrovascular or neurodegenerative diseases are considered. A critical analysis of existing practices in cognitive rehabilitation is given and a review of the techniques and methodologies used for treating attentional disturbances brings the book to a conclusion.Leclercq and Zimmermann have compiled a book of cutting-edge research which provides an effective framework to detect analyse and understand the nature of attention deficit. The book will be invaluable to clinicians mental health specialists and all academic psychologists in the field. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9780415653565

Applied Nonparametric Statistical Methods While preserving the clear accessible style of previous editions Applied Nonparametric Statistical Methods Fourth Edition reflects the latest developments in computer-intensive methods that deal with intractable analytical problems and unwieldy data sets. Reorganized and with additional material this edition begins with a brief summary of some Media > Books > E-books Chapman & Hall 9780429184710

Applied Numerical Methods for Food and Agricultural Engineers Written from the expertise of an agricultural engineering background this exciting new book presents the most useful numerical methods and their complete program listings. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315137650

Applied Operational Research with SAS Using a wide range of operational research (OR) optimization examples Applied Operational Research with SAS demonstrates how the OR procedures in SAS work. The book is one of the first to extensively cover the application of SAS procedures to OR problems such as single criterion optimization project management decisions printed circuit board assembly and multiple criteria decision making.The text begins with the algorithms and methods for linear programming integer linear programming and goal programming models. It then describes the principles of several OR procedures in SAS. Subsequent chapters explain how to use these procedures to solve various types of OR problems. Each of these chapters describes the concept of an OR problem presents an example of the problem and discusses the specific procedure and its macros for the optimal solution of the problem. The macros include data handling model building and report writing.While primarily designed for SAS users in OR and marketing analytics the book can also be used by readers interested in mathematical modeling techniques. By formulating the OR problems as mathematical models the authors show how SAS can solve a variety of optimization problems. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367576813

Applied Optics Fundamentals and Device ApplicationsNano MOEMS and Biotechnology How does the field of optical engineering impact biotechnology? Perhaps for the first time Applied Optics Fundamentals and Device Applications: Nano MOEMS and Biotechnology answers that question directly by integrating coverage of the many disciplines and applications involved in optical engineering and then examining their applications in nanobiotechnology. Written by a senior U.S. Army research scientist and pioneer in the field of optical engineering this book addresses the exponential growth in materials applications and cross-functional relevance of the many convergent disciplines making optical engineering possible including nanotechnology MEMS (MOEMS) and biotechnology. Integrates Coverage of MOEMS Optics and Nanobiotechnology—and Their Market Applications Providing an unprecedented interdisciplinary perspective of optics technology this book describes everything from core principles and fundamental relationships to emerging technologies and practical application of devices and systems—including fiber-optic sensors integrated and electro-optics and specialized military applications. The author places special emphasis on: Fiber sensor systems Electro-optics and acousto-optics Optical computing and signal processing Optical device performance Thin film magnetic memory MEMS MOEMS nano- and bionanotechnologies Optical diagnostics and imaging Integrated optics Design constraints for materials manufacturing and application space Bridging the technology gaps between interrelated fields this reference is a powerful tool for students engineers and scientists in the electrical chemical mechanical biological aerospace materials and optics fields. Its value also extends to applied physicists and professionals interested in the relationships between emerging technologies and cross-disciplinary opportunities. Author Mark A. Mentzer is a pioneer in the field of optical engineering. He is a senior research scientist at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory in Maryland. Much of his current work involves extending the fields of optical engineering and solid state physics into the realm of biochemistry and molecular biology as well as structured research in biophotonics. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138118102

Applied Optimal ControlOptimization Estimation and Control This best-selling text focuses on the analysis and design of complicated dynamics systems. CHOICE called it "a high-level concise book that could well be used as a reference by engineers applied mathematicians and undergraduates. The format is good the presentation clear the diagrams instructive the examples and problems helpful...References and a multiple-choice examination are included." Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138472037

Applied Organizational CommunicationTheory and Practice in a Global Environment The fourth edition of Applied Organizational Communication provides a current in-depth analysis of the theories and practices critical to understanding organizational communication concepts in a global environment. This new edition has been thoroughly updated and revised to reflect the most current organizational communication theory and research and includes new information on the use of technology incorporated throughout. Additional features of this text include: Extensive real-life examples that establish links between organizational communication and perceptions theory networks and symbolic behaviour. Theory-based consulting approaches that enhance abilities to link issues with actions. Grounding in transactional communication and advanced systems approaches. Macro and micro analyses of key topics and issues. As an accessible and practical examination of organizational communication this text is intended for use in organizational communication leadership organizational development and organizational intervention courses at the advanced undergraduate and graduate level. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138497184

Applied Parameter Estimation for Chemical Engineers This book determines adjustable parameters in mathematical models that describe steady state or dynamic systems presenting the most important optimization methods used for parameter estimation. It focuses on the Gauss-Newton method and its modifications for systems and processes represented by algebraic or differential equation models. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367398026

Applied Pharmaceutical Science and MicrobiologyNovel Green Chemistry Methods and Natural Products This volume on applied pharmaceutical science and microbiology looks at the latest research on the applications of natural products for drug uses. It focuses on understanding how to apply the principles of novel green chemistry methods in the vital area of pharmaceuticals and covers the important aspects of green microbial technology in the pharmaceutical industry. Chapters include studies on the applications of natural products used in folk and regional medicines such as for digestive problems dermatological infections respiratory diseases vessel diseases diarrhea and dysentery ringworms boils fevers (antipyretic) skin and blood diseases mouth sores channel discharges and even cancer. The volume also looks at medical benefit of microbial fermentation for the conservation of nutrients. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771888912

Applied PhilosophyMorals and Metaphysics in Contemporary Debate In bringing the concepts and methods of philosophy to bear on specific pressing practical concerns applied philosophy is the modern expression of a perennial concern: to understand in part to control and to come to terms with the conditions in which human life is to be lived. Originally published in 1991 and written by distinguished philosophers and academics from Europe the USA and Australia the essays collected in this volume examine subjects of continued concern and debate such as the environment personal relationships terrorism and medicine. The contributions were originally published in the Journal of Applied Philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367457204

Applied Photovoltaics A reliable accessible and comprehensive guide for students of photovoltaic applications and renewable energy engineering. This thoroughly considered textbook from a group of leading influential and award-winning authors is brimming with information and is carefully designed to meet the needs of its readers. Along with exercises and references at the end of each chapter the book features a set of detailed technical appendices that provide essential equations data sources and standards. Starting from basics with 'The Characteristics of Sunlight' the reader is guided step-by-step through semiconductors and p-n junctions; the behaviour of solar cells; cell properties ad design; and PV cell interconnection and module fabrication. The book covers stand-alone photovoltaic systems; specific purpose photovoltaic systems; remote are power supply systems; and grid-connected photovoltaic systems. There is also a section on photovoltaic water pumping system components and design. Applied Photovolatics is well illustrated and readable with an abundance of diagrams and illustrations and will provide the reader with all the information needed to start working with photovoltaics. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781849770491

Applied Photovoltaics The new edition of this thoroughly considered textbook provides a reliable accessible and comprehensive guide for students of photovoltaic applications and renewable energy engineering. Written by a group of award-winning authors it is brimming with information and is carefully designed to meet the needs of its readers. Along with exercises and references at the end of each chapter it features a set of detailed technical appendices that provide essential equations data sources and standards. The new edition has been fully updated with the latest information on photovoltaic cells modules applications and policy. Starting from basics with 'The Characteristics of Sunlight' the reader is guided step-by-step through semiconductors and p-n junctions; the behaviour of solar cells; cell properties and design; and PV cell interconnection and module fabrication. The book covers stand-alone photovoltaic systems; specific purpose photovoltaic systems; remote area power supply systems; grid-connected photovoltaic systems and water pumping. Applied Photovoltaics is highly illustrated and very accessible providing the reader with all the information needed to start working with photovoltaics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781849711425

Applied Physical Chemistry with Multidisciplinary Approaches Presenting illustrative case studies highlighting technological applications and explaining theoretical and foundational concepts this book is an important reference source on the key concepts for modern technologies and optimization of new processes in physical chemistry. This volume combines up-to-date research findings and relevant theoretical frameworks on applied chemistry materials and chemical engineering. This new volume presents an up-to-date review of modern materials and chemistry concepts issues and recent advances in the field. Distinguished scientists and engineers from key institutions worldwide have contributed chapters that provide a deep analysis of their particular subjects. At the same time each topic is framed within the context of a broader more multidisciplinary approach demonstrating its relationship and interconnectedness to other areas. The premise of this book therefore is to offer both a comprehensive understanding of applied science and engineering as a whole and a thorough knowledge of individual subjects. This approach appropriately conveys the basic fundamentals state-of-the-art technology and applications of the involved disciplines and further encourages scientific collaboration among researchers. This volume emphasizes the intersection of chemistry math physics and the resulting applications across many disciplines of science and explores applied physical chemistry principles in specific areas including the life chemistry environmental sciences geosciences and materials sciences. The applications from these multidisciplinary fields illustrate methods that can be used to model physical processes design new products and find solutions to challenging problems. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771886062

Applied Police ResearchChallenges and opportunities Remarkably little has been written about the theory and practice of applied police research despite growing demand for evidence in crime prevention. Designed to fill this gap this book offers a valuable new resource. It contains a carefully curated selection of contributions from some of the world's leading applied police researchers. Together the authors have almost 300 years of relevant experience across three continents. The volume contains both practical everyday advice and calls for more fundamental change in how police research is created consumed and applied. It covers diverse topics including the art of effective collaborations the interaction between policing academia and policy the interplay between theory and practice and managing ethical dilemmas. This book will interest a broad and international audience from academics and students to police management officers and trainees to policymakers and research funders. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138838116

Applied Policy ResearchConcepts and Cases Where many textbooks on policy research focus on methodological and statistical theories leaving students to wonder how they will apply those theories to future policy positions this innovative textbook takes theories of policy research and puts them into practice demystifying the subject by translating it into real-world situations in which students can actively engage. Beginning with an orientation and overview of policy research outlining the processes of policy analysis and evaluation from start to finish Applied Policy Research 2e walks students through an examination of case studies to demonstrate how these theories play out in real policy situations. New to this edition: A rewritten Part I that includes several new chapters incorporating the latest developments in applicable policy research design implementation and products to provide a framework for conducting policy research. A matrix at the start of Part II to easily identify how each of the fifteen case-study chapters correspond with concepts and topics presented in Part I showing the reader where to look for a specific real-life example of a given topic or concept. Each case is drawn from real instances of policy research to provide students with an opportunity to consider and learn how to grapple with the challenges posed by the needs of public programs and agencies. Cases include local state and nonprofit agencies as well as federal-state-local intergovernmental "hybrids." Each chapter is presented in a uniform format: (1) a detailed description of a policy research problem; (2) a discussion of the unique challenges posed by the problem; (3) a description of the policy research techniques used; (4) a summary of the outcomes or conclusions associated with the research as it was conducted; and (5) conclusions about the implications or lessons for policy research. Illustrative figures help students understand the stages of policy research and end-of-chapter tools such as discussion questions assignments and activities and case studies "at a glance" help students master not only the particulars of each case but the broader skills needed in future research. Applied Policy Research Second Edition will be essential reading in all policy research courses with a focus on practical outcomes and student preparation for public service.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415805087

Applied Population HealthDelivering Value-Based Care with Actionable Registries Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems today provide increasing levels of clinical decision support and are the fulcrum for change for value-based healthcare delivery. Billions of dollars of government and insurer payments are dependent on evidence-based workflow design and quality report. In this context quality measurement is no longer a retrospective exercise but an essential prospective process embedded in clinical operations. Population health tools in the EHR enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of interventions thus improving the quality of care at lower cost. Population health methods are effective in ensuring that the right patient receives the right care at the right time. This book provides a clear framework for design implementation and monitoring of innovative population health tools to accelerate measurable improvements in care delivery. Key benefits for readers include conceptual framework team approach and technical insights that result in improved patient care improved performance on quality measures and increased revenue from quality performance incentives and risk-based contracts. This is also a practice guide to the healthcare professionals many roles who are eager to build or improve population health programs with the goal of delivering high quality value-based care. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9780367196677

Applied Positive Pedagogy in Sport CoachingInternational Cases Positive Pedagogy is an athlete-centred inquiry-based approach that transforms the way we understand learning and coaching in sport and can be successfully employed across a range of different sports and levels of performance. Applied Positive Pedagogy in Sports Coaching: International Cases reflects the uptake of Positive Pedagogy by coaches across different countries and sport settings through its complete focus on their experiences of using it and adapting it to their needs and contexts. Comprising 17 detailed chapters that examine both Team Sports (Part 1) and Individual Sports (Part 2) this book seeks to provide insight into the opportunities and challenges involved in the application of Positive Pedagogy for sport coaching (PPed). Critically it also identifies any problems the coaches encountered how they addressed them and what they learned from these experiences. Acting as a complementary text to the successful Positive Pedagogy for Sport Coaching 2nd edition Applied Positive Pedagogy in Sports Coaching: International Cases is an exciting applied text that will be vital reading for all practising sports coaches or physical education teachers looking to improve or even transform their professional practice as well as sports coaching students and researchers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367489823

Applied Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences2nd Edition Applied Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences is a practical "how-to" guide to conducting statistical power analyses for psychology and related fields. The book provides a guide to conducting analyses that is appropriate for researchers and students including those with limited quantitative backgrounds. With practical use in mind the text provides detailed coverage of topics such as how to estimate expected effect sizes and power analyses for complex designs. The topical coverage of the text an applied approach in-depth coverage of popular statistical procedures and a focus on conducting analyses using R make the text a unique contribution to the power literature. To facilitate application and usability the text includes ready-to-use R code developed for the text. An accompanying R package called pwr2ppl (available at provides tools for conducting power analyses across each topic covered in the text. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138044593

Applied Principles of Horticultural Science Applied Principles of Horticultural Science is that critical thing for all students of horticulture - a book that teaches the theory of horticultural science through the practice of horticulture itelf.The book is divided into three sections - Plant science Soil science Pest and disease. Each section contains a number of chapters relating to a major principle of applied horticulture. Each chapter starts with a key point summary and introduces the underpinning knowledge which is then reinforced by exercises. The book contains over 70 practical exercises presented in a way that makes students think for themselves. Answers to the exercises are given at the end of chapters. Clear step-by-step instructions make practical work accessible to students of all abilities.This new third edition provides an even wider sweep of case studies to make this book an essential practical workbook for horticulture students and gardners alike. Updated material fits with the latest RHS City and Guilds and Edexcel syllabus. It is particularly suitable for the RHS Certificate Advanced Certificate and Edexcel Diplomas as well as for those undertaking NPTC National Advanced National courses and Horticulture NVQs at levels 2 and 3 together with the new Diploma in Environmental and Land-based studies.Laurie Brown is a horticultural scientist and educator. He is Director of Academex a consultancy company aspiring to excellence in teaching and learning. Laurie previously worked with the Standards Unit on the design of exemplary teaching resources in the land-based sector. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138437401

Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes Second Edition presents a self-contained introduction to elementary probability theory and stochastic processes with a special emphasis on their applications in science engineering finance computer science and operations research. It covers the theoretical foundations for modeling time-dependent random phenomena in these areas and illustrates applications through the analysis of numerous practical examples. The author draws on his 50 years of experience in the field to give your students a better understanding of probability theory and stochastic processes and enable them to use stochastic modeling in their work.New to the Second EditionCompletely rewritten part on probability theory—now more than double in size New sections on time series analysis random walks branching processes and spectral analysis of stationary stochastic processesComprehensive numerical discussions of examples which replace the more theoretically challenging sections Additional examples exercises and figuresPresenting the material in a student-friendly application-oriented manner this non-measure theoretic text only assumes a mathematical maturity that applied science students acquire during their undergraduate studies in mathematics. Many exercises allow students to assess their understanding of the topics. In addition the book occasionally describes connections between probabilistic concepts and corresponding statistical approaches to facilitate comprehension. Some important proofs and challenging examples and exercises are also included for more theoretically interested readers. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367658496

Applied PsychologyNew Frontiers and Rewarding Careers Applied Psychology demonstrates the power of applied psychology to promote human welfare and optimal human functioning as well as the vast career opportunities that exist for those with a psychology education. Some of the most eminent psychologists in the world today examine how psychological science is and can be used to prevent and ameliorate pressing human problems to promote positive social change. Part one provides an overview of the history and rise of applied psychology. The second part provides examples of how psychological science has been and can be used to prevent and ameliorate human problems. Part three presents examples of cutting-edge research in applied psychology while exploring non-traditional career opportunities. The contributors provide evidence for the range of career opportunities discuss skill and educational requirements and explore the quality of work life in a wide range of areas within psychology. Advice on what it takes to prepare for a rewarding career in applied psychology is also provided.Intended as a supplement for courses in introductory or applied psychology contemporary issues professional development social and organizational psychology this book will also be a valued addition to campus career centers. Psychologists considering new career options will also appreciate this volume. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9780203837603

Applied Public RelationsCases in Stakeholder Management With its practical orientation and scope Applied Public Relations is the ideal text for any public relations case studies or public relations management course that places an emphasis on stakeholder groups. Through the presentation of current cases covering a wide variety of industries locations and settings Kathy Richardson and Marcie Hinton examine how real organizations develop and maintain their relationships offering valuable insights into business and organizational management practices. The book’s organization of case studies allows instructors to use the text in several ways: instructors can focus on specific stakeholders by using the chapters presented; they can focus on particular issues such as labor relations or crisis management by selecting cases from within several chapters; or they can select cases that contrast campaigns with ongoing programs or managerial behaviors. A focus on ethics and social responsibility underlies the book and students are challenged to assess the effectiveness of the practices outlined and understand the ethical implications of those choices. This Third Edition features: 25 new and current domestic and international case studies specifically chosen for their relevancy and relatability to students New "Professional Insights" commentaries where practitioners respond to a set of questions relating to their work Increased emphasis on ethics and social responsibility Fully enhanced companion website that is connected with the text including a test bank and PowerPoint presentations for instructors and chapter-specific discussion questions and additional readings for students Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415526593

Applied Qualitative Research DesignA Total Quality Framework Approach This unique text provides a comprehensive framework for creating managing and interpreting qualitative research studies that yield valid and useful information. Examples of studies from a wide range of disciplines illustrate the strengths limitations and applications of the primary qualitative methods: in-depth interviews focus group discussions ethnography content analysis and case study and narrative research. Following a consistent format chapters show students and researchers how to implement each method within a paradigm-neutral and flexible Total Quality Framework (TQF) comprising four interrelated components: Credibility Analyzability Transparency and Usefulness. Unlike other texts that relegate quality issues to one or two chapters detailed discussions of such crucial topics as construct validity interresearcher reliability researcher bias and verification strategies are featured throughout. The book also addresses applications of the TQF to the writing review and evaluation of qualitative research proposals and manuscripts.Pedagogical Features:*Summary tables that highlight important content such as the application of a method to vulnerable or hard-to-reach populations.*Case studies that illustrate TQF standards in practice for each method.*Guidelines for effective documentation (via thick descriptions) of each type of study.*End-of-chapter discussion topics exercises and suggested further reading and Web resources.*Chapters open with a preview and close with a bulleted summary of key ideas.*Extensive glossary. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462515752

Applied Quantitative Analysis for Real Estate To fully function in today’s global real estate industry students and professionals increasingly need to understand how to implement essential and cutting-edge quantitative techniques. This book presents an easy-to-read guide to applying quantitative analysis in real estate aimed at non-cognate undergraduate and masters students and meets the requirements of modern professional practice. Through case studies and examples illustrating applications using data sourced from dedicated real estate information providers and major firms in the industry the book provides an introduction to the foundations underlying statistical data analysis common data manipulations and understanding descriptive statistics before gradually building up to more advanced quantitative analysis modelling and forecasting of real estate markets. Our examples and case studies within the chapters have been specifically compiled for this book and explicitly designed to help the reader acquire a better understanding of the quantitative methods addressed in each chapter. Our objective is to equip readers with the skills needed to confidently carry out their own quantitative analysis and be able to interpret empirical results from academic work and practitioner studies in the field of real estate and in other asset classes. Both undergraduate and masters level students as well as real estate analysts in the professions will find this book to be essential reading. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138561335

Applied Quantitative Analysis in Education and the Social Sciences To say that complex data analyses are ubiquitous in the education and social sciences might be an understatement. Funding agencies and peer-review journals alike require that researchers use the most appropriate models and methods for explaining phenomena. Univariate and multivariate data structures often require the application of more rigorous methods than basic correlational or analysis of variance models. Additionally though a vast set of resources may exist on how to run analysis difficulties may be encountered when explicit direction is not provided as to how one should run a model and interpret results. The mission of this book is to expose the reader to advanced quantitative methods as it pertains to individual level analysis multilevel analysis item-level analysis and covariance structure analysis. Each chapter is self-contained and follows a common format so that readers can run the analysis and correctly interpret the output for reporting. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415893497

Applied Quaternary Research Proceedings of a symposium at the 1987 INQUA Congress Ottawa Aug. 1987. Contributions present the application of quaternary studies to land use planning and development. No index. Annotation copyright Book News Inc. Portland Or. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003079309

Applied Regression Analysis and Experimental Design For a solid foundation of important statistical methods the concise single-source text unites linear regression with analysis of experiments and provides students with the practical understanding needed to apply theory in real data analysis problems.Stressing principles while keeping computational and theoretical details at a manageable level Applied Regression Analysis and Experimental Design features an emphasis on vector geometry and least squares to unify and provide an intuitive basis for most topics covered… abundant examples and exercises using real-life data sets clearly illustrating practical of data analysis…essential exposure to MINITAB and GENSTAT computer packages including computer printouts…and important background material such as vector and matrix properties and the distributional properties of quadratic forms.Designed to make theory work for students this clearly written easy-to-understand work serves as the ideal texts for courses Regression Experimental Design and Linear Models in a broad range of disciplines. Moreover applied statisticians will find the book a useful reference for the general application of the linear model. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367403416

Applied Regression AnalysisDoing Interpreting and Reporting This book is an introduction to regression analysis focusing on the practicalities of doing regression analysis on real-life data. Contrary to other textbooks on regression this book is based on the idea that you do not necessarily need to know much about statistics and mathematics to get a firm grip on regression and perform it to perfection. This non-technical point of departure is complemented by practical examples of real-life data analysis using statistics software such as Stata R and SPSS. Parts 1 and 2 of the book cover the basics such as simple linear regression multiple linear regression how to interpret the output from statistics programs significance testing and the key regression assumptions. Part 3 deals with how to practically handle violations of the classical linear regression assumptions regression modeling for categorical y-variables and instrumental variable (IV) regression. Part 4 puts the various purposes of or motivations for regression into the wider context of writing a scholarly report and points to some extensions to related statistical techniques. This book is written primarily for those who need to do regression analysis in practice and not only to understand how this method works in theory. The book’s accessible approach is recommended for students from across the social sciences. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138335486

Applied Regression and ANOVA Using SAS Designed for researchers primarily interested in what their data are revealing Applied Regression and ANOVA Using SAS presents rigorous statistical methods without burdening readers with matrix algebra and calculus. Each method is introduced by discussing its characteristic features the reasons readers would want to use it and its underlying assumptions. The book then guides readers in applying each method by describing a step-by-step approach giving SAS code to implement the steps. The SAS code is annotated which allows users to readily adapt it to their own data set. In the step-by-step approach readers are given practical advice on how to evaluate in depth whether the assumptions of a method are reasonable for their data set. The book also gives practical advice on interpreting results in the light of modern multiple testing procedures and simultaneous confidence intervals. Readers are shown throughout the book how high resolution publication-ready graphics associated with regression and ANOVA methods are produced with virtually no effort by the SAS user. Suggestions for navigating issues encountered in analyzing real-life data make this book invaluable to both non-statisticians and applied statisticians. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781439869512

Applied Reliability Since the publication of the second edition of Applied Reliability in 1995 the ready availability of inexpensive powerful statistical software has changed the way statisticians and engineers look at and analyze all kinds of data. Problems in reliability that were once difficult and time consuming even for experts can now be solved with a few well-chosen clicks of a mouse. However software documentation has had difficulty keeping up with the enhanced functionality added to new releases especially in specialized areas such as reliability analysis. Using analysis capabilities in spreadsheet software and two well-maintained supported and frequently updated popular software packages—Minitab and SAS JMP—the third edition of Applied Reliability is an easy-to-use guide to basic descriptive statistics reliability concepts and the properties of lifetime distributions such as the exponential Weibull and lognormal. The material covers reliability data plotting acceleration models life test data analysis systems models and much more. The third edition includes a new chapter on Bayesian reliability analysis and expanded updated coverage of repairable system modeling. Taking a practical and example-oriented approach to reliability analysis this book provides detailed illustrations of software implementation throughout and more than 150 worked-out examples done with JMP Minitab and several spreadsheet programs. In addition there are nearly 300 figures hundreds of exercises and additional problems at the end of each chapter and new material throughout. Software and other files are available for download online Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781584884668

Applied Research in Hydraulics and Heat Flow Applied Research in Hydraulics and Heat Flow covers modern subjects of mechanical engineering such as fluid mechanics heat transfer and flow control in complex systems as well as new aspects related to mechanical engineering education. The chapters help to enhance the understanding of both the fundamentals of mechanical engineering and their application to the solution of problems in modern industry. The book includes the most popular applications-oriented approach to engineering fluid mechanics and heat transfer. It offers a clear and practical presentation of all basic principles of fluid mechanics and heat transfer tying theory directly to real devices and systems used in mechanical and chemical engineering. It presents new procedures for problem-solving and design including measurement devices and computational fluid mechanics and heat transfer. This book is suitable for students both in upper-level undergraduate and graduate mechanical engineering courses. The book also serves as a useful reference for academics hydraulic engineers and professionals in fields related to mechanical engineering who want to review basic principles and their applications in hydraulic engineering systems. This fundamental treatment of engineering hydraulics balances theory with practical design solutions to common engineering problems. The authors examine the most common topics in hydraulics including hydrostatics pipe flow pipelines pipe networks pumps hydraulic structures water measurement devices and hydraulic similitude and model studies. A glossary of terms case studies list of abbreviations and recent references are included. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781926895826

Applied Research on Polymer Composites This new volume presents leading-edge research in the rapidly changing and evolving field of polymer science as well as on chemical processing. The topics in the book reflect the diversity of research advances in the production and application of modern polymeric materials and related areas focusing on the preparation characterization and applications of polymers. Also covered are various manufacturing techniques. The book helps to fill the gap between theory and practice in industry. The book introduces current state-of-the-art technology in modern materials with an emphasis on the rapidly growing technologies. It takes a unique approach by presenting specific materials and then progresses into a discussion of the ways in which these materials and processes are integrated into today's functioning manufacturing industry. Readers will also discover how material properties relate to the process variables in a given process as well as how to perform quantitative engineering analysis of manufacturing processes. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771880381

Applied Respiratory Pathophysiology This easy yet comprehensive reference guide covers the mechanisms of respiratory diseases explaining the main respiratory conditions for clinicians and postgraduate trainees. It discusses their aetiology as well as the basic concepts required to effectively evaluate and treat them. Applied Respiratory Pathophysiology is the first book to bring together detailed clinically-relevant explanation of respiratory physiological processes and pathophysiological processes in one text. It is essential reading for anyone diagnosing and treating specific clinical conditions of the lungs. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138196445

Applied Semantic Web Technologies The rapid advancement of semantic web technologies along with the fact that they are at various levels of maturity has left many practitioners confused about the current state of these technologies. Focusing on the most mature technologies Applied Semantic Web Technologies integrates theory with case studies to illustrate the history current state and future direction of the semantic web. It maintains an emphasis on real-world applications and examines the technical and practical issues related to the use of semantic technologies in intelligent information management. The book starts with an introduction to the fundamentals—reviewing ontology basics ontology languages and research related to ontology alignment mediation and mapping. Next it covers ontology engineering issues and presents a collaborative ontology engineering tool that is an extension of the Semantic MediaWiki. Unveiling a novel approach to data and knowledge engineering the text: Introduces cutting-edge taxonomy-aware algorithms Examines semantics-based service composition in transport logistics Offers ontology alignment tools that use information visualization techniques Explains how to enrich the representation of entity semantics in an ontology Addresses challenges in tackling the content creation bottleneck Using case studies the book provides authoritative insights and highlights valuable lessons learned by the authors—information systems veterans with decades of experience. They explain how to create social ontologies and present examples of the application of semantic technologies in building automation logistics ontology-driven business process intelligence decision making and energy efficiency in smart homes. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781138372801

Applied Sensory Analy of Foods This book extends the analysis of perception of food qualities to the area of multivariate methods. It presents the field of sensory analysis and gives the reader first-hand descriptions of research approaches and applications. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315137681

Applied Sequential MethodologiesReal-World Examples with Data Analysis A technically precise yet clear presentation of modern sequential methodologies having immediate applications to practical problems in the real world Applied Sequential Methodologies communicates invaluable techniques for data mining agricultural science genetics computer simulation finance clinical trials sonar signal detection randomization multiple comparisons psychology tracking surveillance and numerous additional areas of application.Includes more than 500 references 165 figures and tables and over 25 pages of subject and author indexes.Applied Sequential Methodologies brings the crucial nature of sequential approaches up to speed with recent theoretical gains demonstrating their utility for solving real-life problems associated with Change-point detection in multichannel and distributed systemsBest component selection for multivariate distributionsMultistate processesApproximations for moving sums of discrete random variablesInterim and terminal analyses of clinical trialsAdaptive designs for longitudinal clinical trialsSlope estimation in measurement-error modelsTests for randomization and target trackingAppropriate count of simulation runsStock price modelsOrders of genesSize and power control in multiple comparisonsAuthored by 33 leading scientists this volume will greatly benefit sequential analysts data analysts applied statisticians biometricians clinical trialists and upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in these disciplines. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367394561

Applied Singular Integral Equations The book is devoted to varieties of linear singular integral equations with special emphasis on their methods of solution. It introduces the singular integral equations and their applications to researchers as well as graduate students of this fascinating and growing branch of applied mathematics. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781578087105

Applied Social Psychology and Organizational Settings Originally published in 1990 this title presents work that bridges social psychology and organizations. The primary goal is understanding but that goal has two opposite sides: understanding organizations by bringing to bear the concepts and methods of social psychology (along with other social sciences) and understanding and developing social psychology by confronting it with the phenomena of actual organizational life. As such the authors break down some traditional stereotypical barriers between the academic world and the business world between theoretical and applied research between laboratory and field and between various academic sub-disciplines. The result is a series of challenging forays into new research domains from which provocative ideas and provocative phenomena emerge. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138845091

Applied Social Science For Environmental Planning This book represents contributions from a wide spectrum of the social sciences all seeking to show how our information can assist other disciplines concerned with understanding changes taking place in the natural and social environments of communities and regions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367165369

Applied Social Science Research in a Regional Knowledge SystemBalancing validity meaning and convenience This book illustrates how applied social scientists and their research are integrated with stakeholders and practitioners in a local/regional setting and how knowledge development is a mutual concern made in and dependent on ongoing dialogue. Focusing on the Agder region the southernmost region in Norway researchers and contributors question what impact the changing economic environment will have on applied researchers around the world. Applied research is seen as a vital part of the infrastructure for economic and social development in the Agder region and beyond. The chapters are divided into four parts: the spatial dimension of knowledge development;understanding regional practice;explaining regional practice;influencing regional social practice.A useful resource for both policy makers and researchers the book helps readers reflect on the type of mutual competence building that applied social science research implies and depends on in a regional knowledge development process. It represents a voice on how to understand the development of the knowledge society at regional and global levels. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367884390

Applied Sociology Sociology offers fascinating insights into social life that tell us so much about people and society. But what can we do with those insights? How can we put them to good use? That is exactly what this book is all about. It explores the practical value of sociology how sociological understanding can be of help in a variety of settings. Neil Thompson’s wealth of experience in using sociology in practice comes shining through in this clearly written and accessible text that succeeds in conveying complex ideas without oversimplifying them. Key concepts are explained and clear links are drawn with how the ideas can be used to inform professional practice and cast light on a wide range of situations across all sectors of working life and in our personal lives too. So whether you are involved in the helping professions or any other occupation where success depends on having a good understanding of people; a student of sociology wanting to put your learning into practice; or simply interested in how sociology can help address social issues this book offers a solid foundation of understanding. It is an ideal text for anyone seeking to use sociological ideas to make a positive difference. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138629707

Applied Software Product Line Engineering Over the last decade software product line engineering (SPLE) has emerged as one of the most promising software development paradigms for increasing productivity in IT-related industries. Detailing the various aspects of SPLE implementation in different domains Applied Software Product Line Engineering documents best practices with regard to system development. Expert contributors from academia and industry come together and focus on core asset development product development and management addressing the process technical and organizational issues needed to meet the growing demand for information. They detail the adoption and diffusion of SPLE as a primary software development paradigm and also address technical and managerial issues in software product line engineering. Providing an authoritative perspective of the latest research and practice in SLPE the text:Presents in-depth discussions and many industry / case studies Covers applications in various domains including automotive business process management and defenseOrganized according to the organizational process and technical aspects of software product lines within an organizationProvides the expertise of a distinguished panel of global contributorsEver-increasing global competition coupled with a fragile world economy means that the pressure is on for software engineers and software process improvement professionals to find ways to meet the needs of expanding markets—with greater efficiency and effectiveness. This book arms readers with the insight needed to harness the power of SPLE to increase productivity reduce time to market and to handle the growing diversity in the quickly evolving global marketplace. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367384661

Applied Software Risk ManagementA Guide for Software Project Managers Few software projects are completed on time on budget and to their original specifications. Focusing on what practitioners need to know about risk in the pursuit of delivering software projects Applied Software Risk Management: A Guide for Software Project Managers covers key components of the risk management process and the software development process as well as best practices for software risk identification risk planning and risk analysis. Written in a clear and concise manner this resource presents concepts and practical insight into managing risk. It first covers risk-driven project management risk management processes risk attributes risk identification and risk analysis. The book continues by examining responses to risk the tracking and modeling of risks intelligence gathering and integrated risk management. It concludes with details on drafting and implementing procedures. A diary of a risk manager provides insight in implementing risk management processes.Bringing together concepts across software engineering with a project management perspective Applied Software Risk Management: A Guide for Software Project Managers presents a rigorous scientific method for identifying analyzing and resolving risk. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367453299

Applied Spatial CognitionFrom Research to Cognitive Technology Applied Spatial Cognition illustrates the vital link between research and application in spatial cognition. With an impressive vista ranging from applied research to applications of cognitive technology this volume presents the work of individuals from a wide range of disciplines and research areas including psychologists geographers information scientists computer scientists cognitive scientists engineers and architects. Chapters throughout the book are a testimony to the importance of basic and applied research regarding human spatial cognition and behavior in the many facets of daily life. The contents are arranged into three sections the first of which deals with a variety of spatial problems in real-world settings. The second section focuses on spatial cognition in specific populations. The final part is concerned principally with applications of spatial cognitive research and the development of cognitive technology. Relevant to a number of remarkably diverse groups Applied Spatial Cognition will be of considerable interest to researchers and professionals in industrial/organizational psychology human factors research and cognitive science. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138004139

Applied Spatial Modelling and Planning This book highlights the extraordinary range of areas to which geographical analysis and spatial modelling can bring lessons and insights. It shows how these techniques have been used to address ‘real world’ issues that are of concern to international organisations public agencies and businesses as illustrated by actual funded projects that geographers have developed collaboratively with end-users.Applied Spatial Modelling and Planning shows how much geographical research is policy relevant to a wide variety of agencies through the use of GIS and spatial modelling in applied geography. The book’s chapters contain a cross-section of innovative applications and approaches to problem solving within five major domains of the dynamics of economic space housing and settlements population movements and population ageing health care and the environment. Using a number of case studies on the use of GIS and spatial modelling this book demonstrates the fact that much of what is done by quantitative geographers is not only relevant within academia but also has use in policy work.This book will appeal to an international audience interested in cutting-edge spatial modelling to better understand the processes involved in solving real problems. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367873646

Applied Spatial Statistics and EconometricsData Analysis in R This textbook is a comprehensive introduction to applied spatial data analysis using R. Each chapter walks the reader through a different method explaining how to interpret the results and what conclusions can be drawn. The author team showcases key topics including unsupervised learning causal inference spatial weight matrices spatial econometrics heterogeneity and bootstrapping. It is accompanied by a suite of data and R code on Github to help readers practise techniques via replication and exercises. This text will be a valuable resource for advanced students of econometrics spatial planning and regional science. It will also be suitable for researchers and data scientists working with spatial data. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367470760

Applied Sport Exercise and Performance PsychologyCurrent Approaches to Helping Clients Applied sport exercise and performance psychology practice has diversified considerably over the years as consultants have explored various theoretical models to guide them in helping their clients. Applied Sport Exercise and Performance Psychology: Current Approaches to Helping Clients provides in-depth and critical coverage from a global perspective of the common approaches practitioners now use with clients. Chapters are supplemented with case studies showing the approaches in action. The text explores topics such as: Cognitive behavioural approaches Psychodynamics approaches Family systems therapy approaches Mindfulness approaches Practitioner training and development Cultural considerations in practice Evidence-based practice This text is a vital resource for students in applied sport psychology courses sport and exercise science courses and psychology and counselling courses. It is also an invaluable read for practicing applied sport exercise and performance psychologists as well as coaches and parents with some background in psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138587854

Applied Statistical Designs for the Researcher Showcasing a discussion of the experimental process and a review of basic statistics this volume provides methodologies to identify general data distribution skewness and outliers. It features a unique classification of the nonparametric analogs of their parametric counterparts according to the strength of the collected data. Applied Statistical Designs for the Researcher discusses three varieties of the Student t test including a comparison of two different groups with different variances; two groups with the same variance; and a matched paired group. It introduces the analysis of variance and Latin Square designs and presents screening approaches to comparing two factors and their interactions. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367395063

Applied Statistical Inference with MINITAB® Second Edition Praise for the first edition: "One of my biggest complaints when I teach introductory statistics classes is that it takes me most of the semester to get to the good stuff—inferential statistics. The author manages to do this very quickly….if one were looking for a book that efficiently covers basic statistical methodology and also introduces statistical software [this text] fits the bill." -The American Statistician Applied Statistical Inference with MINITAB Second Edition distinguishes itself from other introductory statistics textbooks by focusing on the applications of statistics without compromising mathematical rigor. It presents the material in a seamless step-by-step approach so that readers are first introduced to a topic given the details of the underlying mathematical foundations along with a detailed description of how to interpret the findings and are shown how to use the statistical software program Minitab to perform the same analysis. Gives readers a solid foundation in how to apply many different statistical methods. MINITAB is fully integrated throughout the text. Includes fully worked out examples so students can easily follow the calculations. Presents many new topics such as one- and two-sample variances one- and two-sample Poisson rates and more nonparametric statistics. Features mostly new exercises as well as the addition of Best Practices sections that describe some common pitfalls and provide some practical advice on statistical inference. This book is written to be user-friendly for students and practitioners who are not experts in statistics but who want to gain a solid understanding of basic statistical inference. This book is oriented towards the practical use of statistics. The examples discussions and exercises are based on data and scenarios that are common to students in their everyday lives. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781498779982

Applied Statistics - Principles and Examples This book should be of interest to senior undergraduate and postgraduate students of applied statistics. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138469549

Applied Statistics for Business and Economics Designed for a one-semester course Applied Statistics for Business and Economics offers students in business and the social sciences an effective introduction to some of the most basic and powerful techniques available for understanding their world. Numerous interesting and important examples reflect real-life situations stimulating students to think realistically in tackling these problems. Calculations can be performed using any standard spreadsheet package. To help with the examples the author offers both actual and hypothetical databases on his website The text explores ways to describe data and the relationships found in data. It covers basic probability tools Bayes’ theorem sampling estimation and confidence intervals. The text also discusses hypothesis testing for one and two samples contingency tables goodness-of-fit analysis of variance and population variances. In addition the author develops the concepts behind the linear relationship between two numeric variables (simple regression) as well as the potentially nonlinear relationships among more than two variables (multiple regression). The final chapter introduces classical time-series analysis and how it applies to business and economics. This text provides a practical understanding of the value of statistics in the real world. After reading the book students will be able to summarize data in insightful ways using charts graphs and summary statistics as well as make inferences from samples especially about relationships. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367384449

Applied Statistics for Economists This book is an undergraduate text that introduces students to commonly used statistical methods in economics. Using examples based on contemporary economic issues and readily available data it not only explains the mechanics of the various methods but also guides students to connect statistical results to detailed economic interpretations. Because the goal is for students to be able to apply the statistical methods presented online sources for economic data and directions for performing each task in Excel are also included. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415554688

Applied Statistics for Public Policy This practical text provides students with the statistical tools needed to analyze data and shows how statistics can be used as a tool in making informed intelligent policy decisions. The authors' approach helps students learn what statistical measures mean and focus on interpreting results as opposed to memorizing and applying dozens of statistical formulae. The book includes more than 500 end-of-chapter problems solvable with the easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet application developed by the authors. This template allows students to enter numbers into the appropriate sheet sit back and analyze the data. This comprehensive hands-on textbook requires only a background in high school algebra and has been thoroughly classroom-tested in both undergraduate and graduate level courses. No prior expertise with Excel is required. A disk with the Excel template and the data sets is included with the book and solutions to the end-of-chapter problems will be provided on the M.E. Sharpe website. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315669243

Applied Statistics for the Social and Health Sciences Applied Statistics for the Social and Health Sciences provides graduate students in the social and health sciences with the basic skills that they need to estimate interpret present and publish statistical models using contemporary standards. The book targets the social and health science branches such as human development public health sociology psychology education and social work in which students bring a wide range of mathematical skills and have a wide range of methodological affinities. For these students a successful course in statistics will not only offer statistical content but will also help them develop an appreciation for how statistical techniques might answer some of the research questions of interest to them. This book is for use in a two-semester graduate course sequence covering basic univariate and bivariate statistics and regression models for nominal and ordinal outcomes in addition to covering ordinary least squares regression. Key features of the book include: interweaving the teaching of statistical concepts with examples developed for the course from publicly-available social science data or drawn from the literature thorough integration of teaching statistical theory with teaching data processing and analysis teaching of both SAS and Stata "side-by-side" and use of chapter exercises in which students practice programming and interpretation on the same data set and course exercises in which students can choose their own research questions and data set. This book is for a two-semester course. For a one-semester course see Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415875363

Applied StatisticsHandbook of GENSTAT Analysis GENSTAT is a general purpose statistical computing system with a flexible command language operating on a variety of data structures. It may be used on a number of computer ranges either interactively for exploratory data analysis or in batch mode for standard data analysis.The great flexibility of GENSTAT is demonstrated in this handbook by analysing the wide range of examples discussed in Applied Statistics - Principles and Examples (Cox and Snell 1981). GENSTAT programs are listed for each of the examples. Most of the data sets are small but often it is these seemingly small problems which involve the most tricky statistical and computational procedures. This handbook is self-contained although for a full description of the analysis and interpretation it should be used in parallel with Applied Statistics - Principles and Examples. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367450632

Applied Stochastic Modelling Highlighting modern computational methods Applied Stochastic Modelling Second Edition provides students with the practical experience of scientific computing in applied statistics through a range of interesting real-world applications. It also successfully revises standard probability and statistical theory. Along with an updated bibliography and improved figures this edition offers numerous updates throughout. New to the Second Edition An extended discussion on Bayesian methods A large number of new exercises A new appendix on computational methods The book covers both contemporary and classical aspects of statistics including survival analysis Kernel density estimation Markov chain Monte Carlo hypothesis testing regression bootstrap and generalised linear models. Although the book can be used without reference to computational programs the author provides the option of using powerful computational tools for stochastic modelling. All of the data sets and MATLAB and R programs found in the text as well as lecture slides and other ancillary material are available for download at Continuing in the bestselling tradition of its predecessor this textbook remains an excellent resource for teaching students how to fit stochastic models to data. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138469693

Applied Stochastic Processes Many Smart Grid books include "privacy" in their title but only touch on privacy with most of the discussion focusing on cybersecurity. Filling this knowledge gap Data Privacy for the Smart Grid provides a clear description of the Smart Grid ecosystem presents practical guidance about its privacy risks and details the actions required to protect data generated by Smart Grid technologies. It addresses privacy in electric natural gas and water grids and supplies two different perspectives of the topic—one from a Smart Grid expert and another from a privacy and information security expert.The authors have extensive experience with utilities and leading the U.S. government’s National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST) Cyber Security Working Group (CSWG)/Smart Grid Interoperability Group (SGIP) Privacy Subgroup. This comprehensive book is understandable for all those involved in the Smart Grid. The authors detail the facts about Smart Grid privacy so readers can separate truth from myth about Smart Grid privacy. While considering privacy in the Smart Grid the book also examines the data created by Smart Grid technologies and machine-to-machine (M2M) applications and associated legal issues.The text details guidelines based on the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Privacy Guidelines and the U.S. Federal Trade Commission Fair Information Practices. It includes privacy training recommendations and references to additional Smart Grid privacy resources. After reading the book readers will be prepared to develop informed opinions establish fact-based decisions make meaningful contributions to Smart Grid legislation and policies and to build technologies to preserve and protect privacy. Policy makers; Smart Grid and M2M product and service developers; utility customer and privacy resources; and other service providers and resources are primary beneficiaries of the information provided in Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367379773

Applied Strategic MarketingA Step by Step Approach This book originally published in Dutch provides a uniquely practical approach to strategic marketing planning. Combining a comprehensive overview of theory with practice each chapter takes the reader step by step through the strategic marketing process. Beginning with identifying the value proposition it moves on to the situational analysis that underpins the corporate strategy and finally details the overall implementation and creation of a customer and brand values. Applied Strategic Marketing equips the reader with the necessary tools and techniques to develop and deliver a thorough and effective marketing strategy. With a broad range of international case studies that bring the theory to life this well-renowned and updated translation is vital reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students of marketing management and strategic marketing. It should also be of interest to marketing practitioners who want a clear overview to aid them in the planning process. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138332089

Applied Strength of Materials Designed for a first course in strength of materials Applied Strength of Materials has long been the bestseller for Engineering Technology programs because of its comprehensive coverage and its emphasis on sound fundamentals applications and problem-solving techniques. The combination of clear and consistent problem-solving techniques numerous end-of-chapter problems and the integration of both analysis and design approaches to strength of materials principles prepares students for subsequent courses and professional practice. The fully updated Sixth Edition. Built around an educational philosophy that stresses active learning consistent reinforcement of key concepts and a strong visual component Applied Strength of Materials Sixth Edition continues to offer the readers the most thorough and understandable approach to mechanics of materials. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498716758

Applied Strength of Materials SI Units Version APPLIED STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 6/e SI Units Version provides coverage of basic strength of materials for students in Engineering Technology (4-yr and 2-yr) and uses only SI units. Emphasizing applications problem solving design of structural members mechanical devices and systems the book has been updated to include coverage of the latest tools trends and techniques. Color graphics support visual learning and illustrate concepts and applications. Numerous instructor resources are offered including a Solutions Manual PowerPoint slides Figure Slides of book figures and extra problems. With SI units used exclusively this text is ideal for all Technology programs outside the USA. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498779296

Applied Structural and Mechanical VibrationsTheory and Methods Second Edition The second edition of Applied Structural and Mechanical Vibrations: Theory and Methods continues the first edition’s dual focus on the mathematical theory and the practical aspects of engineering vibrations measurement and analysis. This book emphasises the physical concepts brings together theory and practice and includes a number of worked-out examples of varying difficulty and an extensive list of references. What’s New in the Second Edition: Adds new material on response spectra Includes revised chapters on modal analysis and on probability and statistics Introduces new material on stochastic processes and random vibrations The book explores the theory and methods of engineering vibrations. By also addressing the measurement and analysis of vibrations in real-world applications it provides and explains the fundamental concepts that form the common background of disciplines such as structural dynamics mechanical aerospace automotive earthquake and civil engineering. Applied Structural and Mechanical Vibrations: Theory and Methods presents the material in order of increasing complexity. It introduces the simplest physical systems capable of vibratory motion in the fundamental chapters and then moves on to a detailed study of the free and forced vibration response of more complex systems. It also explains some of the most important approximate methods and experimental techniques used to model and analyze these systems. With respect to the first edition all the material has been revised and updated making it a superb reference for advanced students and professionals working in the field. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073081

Applied Structural Equation Modeling using AMOSBasic to Advanced Techniques This is an essential how-to guide on the application of structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques with the AMOS software focusing on the practical applications of both simple and advanced topics.   Written in an easy-to-understand conversational style the book covers everything from data collection and screening to confirmatory factor analysis structural model analysis mediation moderation and more advanced topics such as mixture modeling censored date and non-recursive models. Through step-by-step instructions screen shots and suggested guidelines for reporting Collier cuts through abstract definitional perspectives to give insight on how to actually run analysis. Unlike other SEM books the examples used will often start in SPSS and then transition to AMOS so that the reader can have full confidence in running the analysis from beginning to end. Best practices are also included on topics like how to determine if your SEM model is formative or reflective making it not just an explanation of SEM topics but a guide for researchers on how to develop a strong methodology while studying their respective phenomenon of interest.   With a focus on practical applications of both basic and advanced topics and with detailed work-through examples throughout this book is ideal for experienced researchers and beginners across the behavioral and social sciences. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367435264

Applied Surface Thermodynamics Surface thermodynamics forms the foundation of any meaningful study of capillarity and wetting phenomena. The second edition of Applied Surface Thermodynamics offers a comprehensive state-of-the-art treatment of this critical topic. It provides students and researchers with fundamental knowledge and practical guidelines in solving real-world problems related to the measurement and interpretation of interfacial properties. Containing 40 percent new material and reorganized content this second edition begins by presenting a generalized Gibbs theory of capillarity including discussions of highly curved interfaces. Concentrating on drop-shape techniques the book discusses liquid-fluid interfacial tension and its measurement. Next the authors focus on contact angles with chapters on experimental procedures thermodynamic models and the interpretation of contact angles in terms of solid surface tension. The book discusses theoretical approaches to determining solid surface tension as well as interfacial tensions of particles and their manifestations. It concludes by discussing drop size dependence of contact angles and line tension. What’s New in the Second Edition: Recent progress in Axisymmetric Drop Shape Analysis (ADSA) Image processing methods for drop shape analysis Advanced applications and generalizations of ADSA Recent studies of contact angle hysteresis Contact angles on inert fluoropolymers Update on line tension and the drop size dependence of contact angles Exploring a range of different aspects of surface science and its applications the book logically progresses so that knowledge of previous chapters enhances the understanding of subsequent material yet each chapter is freestanding so that experienced researchers can quickly refer to topics of particular interest. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138116375

Applied Surrogate Endpoint Evaluation Methods with SAS and R An important factor that affects the duration complexity and cost of a clinical trial is the endpoint used to study the treatment’s efficacy. When a true endpoint is difficult to use because of such factors as long follow-up times or prohibitive cost it is sometimes possible to use a surrogate endpoint that can be measured in a more convenient or cost-effective way. This book focuses on the use of surrogate endpoint evaluation methods in practice using SAS and R. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367736552

Applied Survey Data Analysis Highly recommended by the Journal of Official Statistics The American Statistician and other journals Applied Survey Data Analysis Second Edition provides an up-to-date overview of state-of-the-art approaches to the analysis of complex sample survey data. Building on the wealth of material on practical approaches to descriptive analysis and regression modeling from the first edition this second edition expands the topics covered and presents more step-by-step examples of modern approaches to the analysis of survey data using the newest statistical software. Designed for readers working in a wide array of disciplines who use survey data in their work this book continues to provide a useful framework for integrating more in-depth studies of the theory and methods of survey data analysis. An example-driven guide to the applied statistical analysis and interpretation of survey data the second edition contains many new examples and practical exercises based on recent versions of real-world survey data sets. Although the authors continue to use Stata for most examples in the text they also continue to offer SAS SPSS SUDAAN R WesVar IVEware and Mplus software code for replicating the examples on the book’s updated website. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367736118

Applied System InnovationProceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2015) May 22-27 2015 Osaka Japan The 2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2015) was held May 22-27 2015 in Osaka Japan and provided a unified communication platform for researchers active in a wide range of research fields. Professionals from industry academia and government were encouraged to discourse on research and development professional practice business and management in the information innovation communication and engineering fields. This conference enabled interdisciplinary collaboration between science and engineering technologists in the academic and industry fields as well as networking internationally. The conference received 1063 submitted papers whereby 421 papers were selected by the committees to be presented at the ICASI 2015 conference. These papers were divided into 13 Regular Sessions and 13 Invited Sessions and presented in several parallel sessions. The ICASI 2015 committees selected 226 excellent papers for publication in this proceedings volume covering topics ranging from information technology innovation design communication science and engineering industrial design creative design applied mathematics computer science design theory and cultural and creative research to electrical and electronic engineering mechanical and automation engineering green technology and architecture engineering and material science among others. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138028937

Applied Systems AnalysisScience and Art of Solving Real-Life Problems Applied Systems Analysis: Science and Art of Solving Real-Life Problems Subject Guide: Engineering – Industrial and Manufacturing Any activity is aimed at solving certain problems which means transferring a system from an existing unsatisfactory problematic state to a desired state. The success or failure of the system depends on how its natural properties were implemented during the planning of improvement and intervention state. This book covers the theory and experience of successfully solving problems in a practical and general way. This book includes a general survey of modern systems analysis; offers several original results; presents the latest methodological and technological results of the theory of systems; introduces achievements; and discusses the transition from the ideology of the machine age to the ideology of the systems age. This book will be of interest to both professionals and academicians. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367472399

Applied ThermodynamicsAvailability Method And Energy Conversion Deals with the availability method and its application to power plant system design and energy conversion. The first part of the book describes the development and the formulation of the availability method. The second part presents its applications to energy conversion processes. Examples for each energy conversion system are introduced and there are practice problems throughout the text. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315137711

Applied Time Series Analysis with R Virtually any random process developing chronologically can be viewed as a time series. In economics closing prices of stocks the cost of money the jobless rate and retail sales are just a few examples of many. Developed from course notes and extensively classroom-tested Applied Time Series Analysis with R Second Edition includes examples across a variety of fields develops theory and provides an R-based software package to aid in addressing time series problems in a broad spectrum of fields. The material is organized in an optimal format for graduate students in statistics as well as in the natural and social sciences to learn to use and understand the tools of applied time series analysis. Features Gives readers the ability to actually solve significant real-world problems Addresses many types of nonstationary time series and cutting-edge methodologies Promotes understanding of the data and associated models rather than viewing it as the output of a "black box" Provides the R package tswge available on CRAN which contains functions and over 100 real and simulated data sets to accompany the book. Extensive help regarding the use of tswge functions is provided in appendices and on an associated website. Over 150 exercises and extensive support for instructors The second edition includes additional real-data examples uses R-based code that helps students easily analyze data generate realizations from models and explore the associated characteristics. It also adds discussion of new advances in the analysis of long memory data and data with time-varying frequencies (TVF). Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498734226

Applied Urban AnalysisA critique and synthesis Much of the theoretical literature in planning and human geography at present is materialist in perspective. This offers a powerful critique but locates the dynamics of urban systems too specifically in just one basic social relationship. It fails to provide an intellectual base broad enough for constructive detailed urban analysis partly because it fails to do justice to the reflective awareness of the individual. The alternative humanist position redresses the balance in favour of the individual but again cannot serve the practical requirements of urban analysis since it so often ignores social or contextual analysis. Ian Cullen synthesizes these tow apparently inconsistent theoretical positions and to render the increasingly obscure debate between them accessible. This book was first published in 1984. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415864749

Applied Welfare EconomicsCost-Benefit Analysis of Projects and Policies What is the effect of a new infrastructure on the well-being of a local community? Is a tax reform desirable? Does the privatization of a telecommunication provider increase social welfare? To answer these questions governments and their policy advisors should have in mind an operative definition of social welfare and cannot rely on simple official statistics such as GDP. The price we observe are often misleading as welfare signals and costs and benefits for the society should be based on ‘shadow prices’ revealing the social opportunity costs of goods and of changes of the world. This book explains how to apply these welfare economics ideas to the real world. After a theoretical discussion of the concept of social welfare a critical analysis of the traditional doctrine of welfare economics embodied in the Two Fundamental Theorems and a presentation of social cost-benefit analysis the book introduce the readers to an applied framework. This includes the empirical estimation of shadow prices of goods of the social cost of labour and capital the assessment of risk. This book also includes the state of the art of international experience with CBA including ex-post evaluation of major projects economic rates of return in different sectors and a case study on privatisation is presented. This book offers a unique and original blend of theory empirics and experience. The theoretical discussion clarifies why shadow prices are not virtual market equilibrium prices as they arise as the solution of a planning problem often with governments and economic agents constrained in their information and powers. The empirical chapters show how to compute proxies of the shadow prices in simple ways. The experience chapters draw from first hand research gained by the Author and his collaborators over many years of advisory work for the European Commission and other international and national institutions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415858311

Applying an International Human Rights Framework to State Budget AllocationsRights and Resources Human rights based budget analysis projects have emerged at a time when the United Nations has asserted the indivisibility of all human rights and attention is increasingly focused on the role of non-judicial bodies in promoting and protecting human rights. This book seeks to develop the human rights framework for such budget analyses by exploring the international law obligations of the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) in relation to budgetary processes. The book outlines international experiences and comparative practice in relation to economic and social rights budget analysis and budgeting. The book sets out an ICESCR-based methodology for analysing budget and resource allocations and focuses on the legal obligation imposed on state parties by article 2(1) of ICESCR to progressively realise economic and social rights to 'the maximum of available resources'. Taking Northern Ireland as a key case study the book demonstrates and promotes the use of a ‘rights-based’ approach in budgetary decision-making. The book will be relevant to a global audience currently considering how to engage in the budget process from a human rights perspective. It will be of interest to students and researchers of international human rights law and public law as well as economic and social rights advocacy and lobbying groups. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138665507

Applying AnalyticsA Practical Introduction Newcomers to quantitative analysis need practical guidance on how to analyze data in the real world yet most introductory books focus on lengthy derivations and justifications instead of practical techniques. Covering the technical and professional skills needed by analysts in the academic private and public sectors Applying Analytics: A Practical Introduction systematically teaches novices how to apply algorithms to real data and how to recognize potential pitfalls. It offers one of the first textbooks for the emerging first course in analytics.The text concentrates on the interpretation strengths and weaknesses of analytical techniques along with challenges encountered by analysts in their daily work. The author shares various lessons learned from applying analytics in the real world. He supplements the technical material with coverage of professional skills traditionally learned through experience such as project management analytic communication and using analysis to inform decisions. Example data sets used in the text are available for download online so that readers can test their own analytic routines. Suitable for beginning analysts in the sciences business engineering and government this book provides an accessible example-driven introduction to the emerging field of analytics. It shows how to interpret data and identify trends across a range of fields. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367379865

Applying Anthropology in the Global Village The realities of the globalized world have revolutionized traditional concepts of culture community and identity—so how do applied social scientists use complicated fluid new ideas such as translocality and ethnoscape to solve pressing human problems? In this book leading scholar/practitioners survey the development of different subfields over at least two decades then offer concrete case studies to show how they have incorporated and refined new concepts and methods. After an introduction synthesizing anthropological practice key theoretical concepts and ethnographic methods chapters examine the arenas of public health community development finance technology transportation gender environment immigration aging and child welfare. An innovative guide to joining dynamic theoretical concepts with on-the-ground problem solving this book will be of interest to practitioners from a wide range of disciplines who work on social change as well as an excellent addition to graduate and undergraduate courses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781611320862

Applying APL Principles in Flexible AssessmentA Practical Guide Accreditation of prior learning (APL) is a key component of the current drive towards competence-based education and training. The author in this edition emphasizes that APL is part of the continuum of learning not a stand-alone assessment service. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315041865

Applying Body Mapping in ResearchAn Arts-Based Method This book provides an overview of the innovative arts-based research method of body mapping and offers a snapshot of the field. The review of body mapping projects by Boydell et al. confirms the potential research and therapeutic benefits associated with body mapping. The book describes a series of body mapping research projects that focus on populations marginalised by disability mental health status and other vulnerable identities. Chapters focus on summarising the current state of the art and its application with marginalised groups; analytic strategies for body mapping; highlighting body mapping as a creation and a dissemination process; emerging body mapping techniques including web-based virtual reality and wearable technology applications; and measuring the impact of body maps on planning practice and behaviour. Contributors and editors include interdisciplinary experts from the fields of psychology sociology anthropology and beyond. Offering innovative ways of engaging in body mapping research which result in real-world impact this book is an essential resource for postgraduate students and researchers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367355630

Applying Color Theory to Digital Media and Visualization This book provides an overview of the application of color theory concepts to digital media and visualization. It highlights specific color concepts like color harmony and shows how to apply the concept with case study examples and usage of actual online and mobile color tools. Color deficiencies are reviewed and discussed are color tools for examining how a specific color map design will look to someone with the deficiency. Other books on color examine artists' use of color color management or color science. This book applies fundamental color concepts to digital media and visualization solutions. It is intended for digital media and visualization content creators and developers. Presents Color Theory Concepts that can be applied to digital media and visualization problems over and over again Offers Comprehensive Review of the Historical Progression of Color Models Demonstrates actual case study implementations of color analyses tools Provides overview of Color Theory and Harmony Analytics in terms of online and mobile analysis tools Teaches the color theory language to use in interacting with color management professionals Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498765497

Applying Cross-Curricular Approaches Creatively Applying Cross-Curricular Approaches Creatively explores the relevance and effectiveness of cross-disciplinary and project-based teaching. With a focus on personal reflection and discussion it offers educators inspiration guidance and resources to deliver a truly integrated curriculum creatively. Exploring how we can make connections in the classroom through our own lives and those of our children it supports teachers in becoming more personally involved in decisions about the style of teaching and substance of curriculum in schools. Applying Cross-Curricular Approaches Creatively examines key topics such as:   Educationalists with an interest in cross-curricular and creative approaches  Planning for and provoking creativity   Choosing cross-curricular themes  Mind-full approaches to teaching and learning  Assessing creative and integrated learning  Teachers as researchers in the classroom   Applying Cross-Curricular Approaches Creatively is an essential text for those wishing to plan a coherent curriculum with cross-curricular elements. It places the 'basics' of knowledge genuine motivation engagement and participation at the core of its arguments for meaningful learning for all children. Filled with autobiographical accounts and case studies and with ready-to-use ideas for creative lessons this uplifting book challenges us to return to curriculum breadth and balance and away from a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach.      Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138200951

Applying Cultural Historical Activity Theory in Educational SettingsLearning Development and Research Applying Cultural Historical Activity Theory in Educational Settings harnesses research and development for educational improvement bridging the gap between research and practice. Exploring how collaborations between researchers and practitioners can be used to co-construct solutions to real-world problems this book considers key concepts in cultural historical activity theory (CHAT) including models as resources that can be used to build and facilitate collaboration between researchers and practitioners. The chapters of the book draw on research findings from the practices of learning communities in diverse educational settings: teacher education the education of school leaders early childhood education and driving teacher education. Applying Cultural Historical Activity Theory in Educational Settings is an excellent resource for researchers and practitioners seeking to construct new knowledge and develop practice or wishing to expand their knowledge of CHAT. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367321314

Applying Ecosystem and Landscape Models in Natural Resource Management Managing today’s lands is becoming an increasingly difficult task. Complex ecological interactions across multiple spatiotemporal scales create diverse landscape responses to management actions that are often novel counter-intuitive and unexpected. To make matters worse exotic invasions human land use and global climate change complicate this complexity and make past observational ecological studies limited in application to the future. Natural resource professionals can no longer rely on empirical data to analyze alternative actions in a world that is rapidly changing with few historical analogs. New tools are needed to synthesize the high complexity in ecosystem dynamics into useful applications for land management. Some of the best new tools available for this task are ecological and landscape simulation models. However many land management professionals and scientists have little expertise in simulation modeling and the costs of training these people will probably be exorbitantly high because most ecosystem and landscape models are exceptionally complicated and difficult to understand and use for local applications. This book was written to provide natural resource professionals with the rudimentary knowledge needed to properly use ecological models and then to interpret their results. It is based on the lessons learned from a career spent modeling ecological systems. It is intended as a reference for novice modelers to learn how to correctly employ ecosystem landscape models in natural resource management applications and to understand subsequent modeling results. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367340001

Applying Emotional IntelligenceA Practitioner's Guide The explosion of research on emotional intelligence (EI) in the past decade has provided increasing evidence that EI can be measured reliably and can be useful in predicting important outcomes such as managerial effectiveness and relationship quality. Naturally people are now asking "So how does one improve EI?". Applying Emotional Intelligence collects the most important programs focused on that idea and enquires of their originators "What do you do?" "Why do you do it?" and "What is the evidence for your approach?". The emphasis of the book is applied in that it provides and contrasts concrete examples of what we do in our interventions in a wide variety of situations. The chapters present descriptions of programs including specific activities and exercises that influence emotional knowledge and social effectiveness more generally. While practical in its focus this book also discusses the theoretical bases for these approaches. These are new programs with outcomes that are now beginning to be studied. The book presents the most important and recent research findings that examine the efficacy of these programs. Applying Emotional Intelligence is a "must-read" for anyone interested in EI and its application. This book will be of interest to researchers conducting EI intervention research as well as a wide variety of practitioners including those interested in developing EI in organizations health areas clinical populations and school-age settings. Finally the book is designed to be relevant to the reader's own life encouraging the reader to consider how the programs and the exercises might impact his or her personality and outlook as well as contribute to the development of those who have themselves participated in the programs. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315782935

Applying English Grammar.Corpus and Functional Approaches This edited collection is about the application of English grammar and specialises in 'functional' and'corpus' approaches approaches which are increasingly recognised as providing significant insights into English language in action. It aims to stimulate interest and understanding of grammar as an applied tool not just for grammarians or language learners but for all those interested in how language is organized to shape our view of events in the world.As the chapters in this book show functional and corpus approaches allow us to make observations that would not be amenable through more traditional forms of grammatical analysis. They also illustrate how researchers can fruitfully bring together corpus and functional approaches to reveal how grammar and lexis create and transmit values identities and ideologies. Research in Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) has a long tradition of drawing on functional grammar but has only relatively recently begun to draw on corpus linguistics. As such the book is unusual in presenting work on CDA which draws on corpus linguistics. But not only that it is also unique in presenting work in CDA which brings together the methodologies of corpus linguistics and functional grammar demonstrating their combined potential for illuminating ideological perspectives particularly in media texts.Given this focus and given the increasing value of empirical data the book will be of interest to those in a range of disciplines including the humanities and media and cultural studies.Chapters comprise both newly commissioned and previously published works that illustrate the two methodological approaches to grammatical analysis and how they can be applied to deepen our understanding of language. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138156630

Applying fabric first principles to comply with energy efficiency requirements in dwellings Significant improvements to the regulatory requirements for energy efficiency in national building regulations are now in force. This guide explains the implications of these requirements and demonstrates how to meet them by using fabric first principles. Media > Books > Print Books IHS BRE Press 9781848064218

Applying Genomic and Proteomic Microarray Technology in Drug Discovery Microarrays play an increasingly significant role in drug discovery. The commercial landscape has changed dramatically over the past few years and researchers have made great advancements with regard to construction and use. Now in its second edition Applying Genomic and Proteomic Microarray Technology in Drug Discovery highlights describes and evaluates current scientific research using microarray technology in genomic and proteomic applications. Updated and revised to reflect recent progress in the field the second edition discusses: Expanded omics-driven applications including the areas of metabolomics and chemical biology The commercialization of the microarray platform with a historical perspective aimed at recognizing key technological developments Solid-supports (substrates) and surface chemistries currently used in the creation of nucleic acid and protein microarrays Different approaches to producing microarrays that achieve spot equality with the same number of molecules properly oriented The development of the gene expression microarray and representative applications The development of protein microarray technology including its history and key applications Unique to this edition is a new chapter on multiplex assays that examines the development and applications of arrays across diverse platforms. It discusses applications for qPCR multiplex lateral flow and multiplex bead assays. It also presents platform-to-platform comparisons. Microarrays remain an invaluable tool for omics-based research not only in drug discovery but in the life sciences in clinical research and for diagnostic applications worldwide. This volume presents the current state of the art on the utility of this technology to solve a host of important biological problems. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439855638

Applying Guiding Principles of Effective Program Delivery While today’s programs continue to grow in size and complexity at the same time their success rates remain low. To manage programs effectively in this environment project managers and program managers must take a "consultative approach" that applies a core set of guiding principles across every function of the program.Applying Guiding Principles of Effective Program Delivery explains what it means to take a consultative approach. Instead of focusing on specific program management techniques it covers the guiding principles required to make those techniques effective—making it applicable to any program in any industry. It identifies the eight guiding principles of effective program delivery and outlines proven strategies to help program managers succeed in the current environment.Filled with figures case studies and templates the book illustrates the application of these principles across the various program functions—including financial management schedule management and resource management. It includes nine cases studies of actual programs from across several industries that demonstrate the application of these principles and their results. Supplying in-depth coverage of each function of the program office it also contains 20 templates of the key deliverables outlined in the text.Intended for IT professionals tasked with managing large projects or programs the book is an ideal reference for project managers and program managers who have a fundamental background in project and program management and are ready to improve their skill set and thinking on how to manage their work more effectively.The text concludes by summarizing the key lessons you need to understand to successfully apply the program management tools covered in the text in your own programs. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367379735

Applying Ibn KhaldūnThe Recovery of a Lost Tradition in Sociology The writings of Ibn Khaldūn particularly the Muqaddimah (Prolegomenon) have rightly been regarded as being sociological in nature. For this reason Ibn Khaldūn has been widely regarded as the founder of sociology or at least a precursor of modern sociology. While he was given this recognition however few works went beyond proclaiming him as a founder or precursor to the systematic application of his theoretical perspective to specific historical and contemporary aspects of Muslim societies in North Africa and the Middle East. The continuing presence of Eurocentrism in the social sciences has not helped in this regard: it often stands in the way of the consideration of non-Western sources of theories and concepts. This book provides an overview of Ibn Khaldūn and his sociology discusses reasons for his marginality and suggests ways to bring Ibn Khaldūn into the mainstream through the systematic application of his theory. It moves beyond works that simply state that Ibn Khaldūn was a founder of sociology or provide descriptive accounts of his works. Instead it systematically applies Khaldūn’s theoretical perspective to specific historical aspects of Muslim societies in North Africa and the Middle East successfully integrating concepts and frameworks from Khaldūnian sociology into modern social science theories. Applying Ibn Khaldūn will be of interest to students and scholars of sociology and social theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138125964

Applying Indigenous Research MethodsStorying with Peoples and Communities Applying Indigenous Research Methods focuses on the question of "How" Indigenous Research Methodologies (IRMs) can be used and taught across Indigenous studies and education. In this collection Indigenous scholars address the importance of IRMs in their own scholarship while focusing conversations on the application with others. Each chapter is co-authored to model methods rooted in the sharing of stories to strengthen relationships such as yarning storywork and others. The chapters offer a wealth of specific examples as told by researchers about their research methods in conversation with other scholars teachers and community members. Applying Indigenous Research Methods is an interdisciplinary showcase of the ways IRMs can enhance scholarship in fields including education Indigenous studies settler colonial studies social work qualitative methodologies and beyond. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138049062

Applying Islamic Principles to Clinical Mental Health CareIntroducing Traditional Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy This text outlines for the first time a structured articulation of an emerging Islamic orientation to psychotherapy a framework presented and known as Traditional Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy (TIIP). TIIP is an integrative model of mental health care that is grounded in the core principles of Islam while drawing upon empirical truths in psychology. The book introduces the basic foundations of TIIP then delves into the writings of early Islamic scholars to provide a richer understanding of the Islamic intellectual heritage as it pertains to human psychology and mental health. Beyond theory the book provides readers with practical interventional skills illustrated with case studies as well as techniques drawn inherently from the Islamic tradition. A methodology of case formulation is provided that allows for effective treatment planning and translation into therapeutic application. Throughout its chapters the book situates TIIP within an Islamic epistemological and ontological framework providing a discussion of the nature and composition of the human psyche its drives health pathology mechanisms of psychological change and principles of healing. Mental health practitioners who treat Muslim patients Muslim clinicians students of the behavioral sciences and related disciplines and anyone with an interest in spiritually oriented psychotherapies will greatly benefit from this illustrative and practical text. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367488864

Applying Karnatic Rhythmical Techniques to Western Music Most classical musicians whether in orchestral or ensemble situations will have to face a piece by composers such as Ligeti Messiaen Varèse or Xenakis while improvisers face music influenced by Dave Holland Steve Coleman Aka Moon Weather Report Irakere or elements from the Balkans India Africa or Cuba. Rafael Reina argues that today’s music demands a new approach to rhythmical training a training that will provide musicians with the necessary tools to face with accuracy more varied and complex rhythmical concepts while keeping the emotional content. Reina uses the architecture of the South Indian Karnatic rhythmical system to enhance and radically change the teaching of rhythmical solfege at a higher education level and demonstrates how this learning can influence the creation and interpretation of complex contemporary classical and jazz music. The book is designed for classical and jazz performers as well as creators be they composers or improvisers and is a clear and complete guide that will enable future solfege teachers and students to use these techniques and their methodology to greatly improve their rhythmical skills. An accompanying website of audio examples helps to explain each technique. For examples of composed and improvised pieces by students who have studied this book as well as concerts by highly acclaimed karnatic musicians please copy this link to your browser: Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472451507

Applying Lean in Health and Social Care ServicesImproving Quality and the Patient Experience at NHS Highland Organizations around the world are using Lean to redesign care and improve processes in a way that achieves and sustains meaningful results for patients staff physicians and health systems. This book systematically describes how NHS Highland uses Lean principles and mindsets to improve safety quality access and morale while reducing costs and increasing capacity. Existing books often describe the gains obtained by using Lean methods but often do not describe the underlying concepts and methods in details. Other books describe continuous improvement work or specific techniques such as daily management in detail. This book seeks to occupy a middle space by providing an overview of the range of Lean ideas applicable to healthcare with sufficient examples and cases studies from NHS Highland and partner organizations so readers can see them in use and practice. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9780367001896

Applying Lean Six Sigma in the Pharmaceutical Industry Bikash Chatterjee emphasizes the criticality of applying the principles of Lean and Six Sigma within the paradigm of the drug development process. His guide to operational excellence in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries is a focused summary of the application of Lean Six Sigma theory to the regulated life sciences. From molecule discovery to the application of PAT Applying Lean Six Sigma in the Pharmaceutical Industry will highlight the importance of framing these initiatives within the key deliverables of drug development manufacturing and quality. Challenging conventional wisdom the author offers a quality and efficiency perspective as a foundation for the principles of Quality by Design PAT and the new philosophies underlying Process Validation. Each chapter includes discussion around the considerations for applying Lean manufacturing and Six Sigma principles and their tools culminating in a case study to illustrate the application. The book is organized to reflect the major work centers involved in the drug development lifecycle. Each chapter is stand-alone but together they illustrate the necessary synergy between Lean Six Sigma and compliance sensibilities required to be successful in the pharmaceutical industry. These design manufacturing and management techniques are not without their challenges. Bikash Chatterjee's book offers the roadmap for an industry that is struggling to reinvent many of its development and business processes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780566092046

Applying Linguistics in the ClassroomA Sociocultural Approach Making linguistics accessible and relevant to all teachers this text looks at language issues in the classroom through an applied sociocultural perspective focused on how language functions in society and in schools—how it is used for what purposes and how teachers can understand their students’ language practices. While touching on the key structural aspects of language (phonetics phonology morphology and syntax) it does not simply give an overview but rather provides a way to study and talk about language. Each chapter includes practical steps and suggests tools for applying different kinds of linguistic knowledge in classrooms. The activities and exercises are adaptable to elementary or high school settings. Many examples focus on the intersection of math science and language. Teacher case studies show how real teachers have used these concepts to inform teaching practices. Given the increasing use of multimedia resources in today’s schools multiple mediums are integrated to engage educators in learning about language. The Companion Website provides a multitude of relevant resources that illustrate the diversity of language functions and debates about language in society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415633161

Applying LinguisticsLanguage and the Impact Agenda Applying Linguistics: Language and the Impact Agenda explores the challenges of demonstrating the socio-cultural and economic impact of research in linguistics. The chapters provide critical discussion of the concept of impact as well as an examination of both the constraints and opportunities of the impact agenda. The book includes: case studies of impact-focused research from leading scholars such as M. Lynne Murphy David Britain Peter French and Bas Aarts; discussion of impact from the perspective of the UK Research Excellence Framework (REF); insights and opinions from academics practitioners and journalists; personal reflection on the nature of impact from the ESRC’s Interim Chief Executive; practical advice on generating and evidencing impact. With chapters from international authors exploring impact both within and outside the context of the UK REF Applying Linguistics: Language and the Impact Agenda will be essential reading for early-career researchers established academics and PhD students interested in developing impact from their research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138237513

Applying Luhmann to Translation StudiesTranslation in Society This book deals with one of the most prominent and promising developments in modern Translation Studies--the sociology of translation. Tyulenev develops an original way of applying Luhmann's Social Systems Theory to translation viewing translation as a social-systemic boundary phenomenon. The book consists of two major parts: in the first translation is described as a system in its own right with its systemic properties; in the second part translation is viewed as a social subsystem and as a boundary phenomenon in the overall social system. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367602161

Applying Maths in Construction This book and its accompanying Teacher's Pack are the result of a project supported by the Nuffield Foundation to provide flexible learning materials for the Basic Application of Number core skill for both the NVQs and GNVQ in construction and the construction crafts. The student book uses a unique approach to explain how mathematical principles apply to construction tasks. Each chapter forms an individual construction project and uses the full range of number skills from the fundamentals of addition and subtraction to statistics trigonometry and technical drawing. Successfully completed projects provide the student with the required portfolio of evidence for their course. Notes throughout the text refer the student to the relevant module in the Teacher's Pack which contains assessments tests and detailed explanations of the number skills needed to complete the projects. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138414235

Applying MBA Knowledge and Skills to Healthcare Clinicians increasingly need a firm grasp of the fundamental principles of business management finance and related subjects. Even so business disciplines are still rarely taught during medical training while busy practices and complicated accounting tasks mean that gaining business acumen 'on the job' is impractical for many. As a result increasing numbers of clinicians learn the skills they need by taking an MBA (Masters in Business Administration). While an MBA may be the answer for some the formidable costs and time commitment it demands leave many busy practitioners seeking more accessible options. This book provides a readable tightly organised alternative - a primer on MBA principles and their practical application. Twelve compact carefully structured modules cover the entire gamut of a business education from basic finance and accounting principles to strategic management methods and leadership theories. Unlike some similar texts this book is designed to be light in tone easy to read and digest and thoroughly practical. Busy clinicians academic surgeons administrative physicians and other healthcare professionals will find this an invaluable resource in understanding the core principles of business management. Allied medical professionals and nurses will also find it useful as will interview candidates who increasingly face management questions as part of selection processes. 'An invaluable resource in understanding the core principles of business management and in learning how to apply them. For busy clinicians the value proposition is enormous in terms of the knowledge gained versus the amount of reading required to capture what the authors have so capably managed to distill between the covers. The authors have done a remarkable task in capturing the latest concepts and thinking in the business management arena [and] the essence of an entire MBA education and customise it for healthcare professionals. A delight.' From the Foreword by B Sonny Bal Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781846193750

Applying Personality-Informed Treatment Strategies to Clinical PracticeA Theoretical and Practical Guide A strategic approach for positive change tailored to the unique qualities of different individuals this text assists readers in factoring personality functioning into any psychotherapeutic undertaking providing a guide for comprehensive Personality-Informed assessment and treatment planning. Drawing upon research from across scientific disciplines chapters emphasize the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in effectuating enduring therapeutic change whilst dealing with clients’ unique personality styles. Also featured is Dr. Nevins’ Personality Wheel used throughout as a framework for therapeutically addressing the problematic personality patterns styles or traits related to most clients' presenting problems and for constructing healthy personality change. Graduate students and professionals will benefit from the book’s key insights into the major contributing factors underlying psychological distress due to maladaptive personality patterns styles and traits. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367371869

Applying Pharmacogenomics in Therapeutics Recent advances in high-throughput gene sequencing and other omics biotechnologies have served as a springboard for the field of pharmacogenomics. Pharmacogenomics is now generally accepted as the major determinant of variable drug safety efficacy and cost-effectiveness. Therefore widespread use of pharmacogenomics for patient care has become a critical requirement. There is an unprecedented urgency for aspiring and practicing clinicians to become trained on how to interpret data from pharmacogenomic testing in preparation for the future of healthcare—i.e. personalized medicine. Applying Pharmacogenomics in Therapeutics provides timely coverage of the principles practice and potential of pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine. Comprised of chapters contributed by well-established pharmacologists and scientists from US and Chinese academia and industry this authoritative text: Demonstrates how to apply the principles of pharmacogenomics and its biotechnologies in patient care Depicts the use of genetic biomarkers in drug discovery and development laboratory medicine and clinical services Describes the practice of pharmacogenomics in the treatment of cancers cardiovascular diseases neurologic and psychiatric disorders and pulmonary diseases Discusses the merging of pharmacogenomics and alternative medicine as well as the integration of pharmacogenomics into pharmacoeconomics Each chapter begins with the key concepts followed by in-depth explorations of case reports or critical evaluations of genetic variants/biomarkers and concludes with questions for self-examination. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466582675

Applying Psychology in the Classroom First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books David Fulton Publishers 9781138165632

Applying Servant Leadership in Today's Schools This book illustrates how the ideal of servant leadership can be applied in your school today. With real-life scenarios discussions and self assessments this book gives practical suggestions to help you develop into a caring and effective servant leader. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138472617

Applying Social Cognition to Consumer-Focused Strategy Applying Social Cognition to Consumer-Focused Strategy a book in the Advertising and Consumer Psychology series sponsored by the Society for Consumer Psychology focuses on the most important recent developments at the interface of social cognition and marketing and develops integrative theoretical frameworks with rich practical implications. More specifically the chapters offer a novel and thought-provoking perspective on consumer-focused strategy--or the effects of marketing stimuli and activities on an integrated system of consumer processes and responses.Divided into four parts this book:*offers new perspectives on consumer information processing selective or one sided information processing and attribution theory;*discusses how asking questions in focus groups surveys and experiments leads consumers to create opinions that would not have occurred to them otherwise;*advances a new approach for modeling uncertainty and a new framework for thinking about uncertainty;*summarizes recent developments concerning the Implicit Association Test and their implications for branding strategy;*develops a new approach for analyzing the effects of intention on behavior and unplanned purchase behaviors;*discusses the devaluation effect and shows both how implementation intentions can be used to increase new product consumption and also how promotion versus prevention regulatory focus influences consumer preferences; and*focuses on consumer information processing and persuasion.The text is intended for advanced graduate students academics and practitioners who embrace cutting-edge paradigms and methodologies in social-cognitive consumer research. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138875951

Applying Social Media Technologies in Healthcare Environments Applying Social Media Technologies in Healthcare Environments provides an indispensable overview of successful use of the latest innovations in the healthcare provider-patient relationship. As professionals realize that success in the business of healthcare requires incorporation of the tools of social media into all aspects of their worlds and recognize the value offered by the numerous media channels this compendium of case studies from various voices in the field-caregivers administrators marketers patients lawyers clinicians and healthcare information specialists-will serve as a valuable resource for novices as well as experienced communicators. Written by experienced players in the healthcare social media space and edited with the eye of an administrator chapters provide insight into the motivation planning execution and evaluation of a range of innovative social media activities. Complete with checklists tips and screenshots that demonstrate proven application of various social channels in a range of situations this will be a valuable tool to maximize opportunities in meeting the challenges of new healthcare demands. Media > Books > Print Books HIMSS Publishing 9781938904677

Applying Social PsychologyImplications for Research Practice and Training Originally published in 1975 these contributions surveyed the range of social intervention technology available to psychologists at the time but they are more than a simple cataloguing of technology. The stress is on articulating certain metatheoretical assumptions that underlie different strategies of social intervention. For example assumptions about the personal agency the nature of social systems and levels and forms of interpersonal influences are all examined. The implications for the training of psychologists are developed and specific attention is given to the identity crisis in social psychology precipitated by existing pressures and potentials for change at the time. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138900479

Applying Standards-Based ConstructivismElementary This book provides teachers with practical ways of constructing lessons that will engage students and help them develop personal responsibility for their own learning. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315853840

Applying Standards-Based ConstructivismSecondary This book provides teachers with practical ways of constructing lessons that will engage students and help them develop personal responsibility for their own learning. State learning standards and related core curricula require students to demonstrate what they know and understand. Students cannot learn to demonstrate their understanding if they sit passively. The authors call for constructivist practices which recognize the important role played by standards and student accountability and which also acknowledge the practical need for lecture in an appropriate context. This book also shows the links between constructivism and differentiated instruction and other approaches to teaching and learning. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315853734

Applying Statistics in the CourtroomA New Approach for Attorneys and Expert Witnesses This publication is directed at both attorneys and statisticians to ensure they will work together successfully on the application of statistics in the law. Attorneys will learn how best to utilize the statistician's talents while gaining an enriched understanding of the law relevant to audits jury selection discrimination environmental hazards evidence and torts as it relates to statistical issues. Statisticians will learn that the law is what judges say it is and to frame their arguments accordingly. This book will increase the effectiveness of both parties in presenting and attacking statistical arguments in the courtroom. Topics covered include sample and survey methods probability testing hypotheses and multiple regression. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367397135

Applying Student Development Theories HolisticallyExemplar Programming in Higher Education This book dives into student development theory unpacking key foundational and emergent theories of college student development while providing contemporary examples and application. Showcasing a diversity of programs practices and services across a variety of institutional types Applying Student Development Theories Holistically demonstrates how professionals are intertwining the science of theory with the art of practice in multidimensional holistic ways. Helping aspiring higher education and student affairs practitioners grasp and use theories holistically this important text brings to life theoretical knowledge to enhance the development and learning of college and university students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815380771

Applying Systemic-Structural Activity Theory to Design of Human-Computer Interaction Systems Human–Computer Interaction (HCI) is no longer limited to trained software users. Today people interact with various devices such as mobile phones tablets and laptops. How can such interaction be made more user friendly even when user proficiency levels vary? This book explores methods for assessing the psychological complexity of computer-based tasks. It also presents methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of exploratory activity during interaction with a computer. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482258042

Applying the Constructivist Approach to Cognitive TherapyResolving the Unconscious Past Applying the Constructivist Approach to Cognitive Therapy goes beyond the traditional objectivist approach of uncovering the what of a client’s dysfunctional thinking by helping client and therapist understand why the client thinks in a dysfunctional manner. This unique work demonstrates how this thinking can be uncovered through dreamwork analytic hypnotherapy ecstatic trance and other spontaneous trance experiences such as the use of imagination free association and guided imagery. Utilizing hypnotherapeutic techniques the author shows how clients can reframe these thoughts to achieve a healthier more functional way of thinking. Replete with case studies and practical guidance this text will help therapists take clients beyond a simple resolution of their problems and offer an avenue to greater personal growth maturity and creativity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367028060

Applying the Flood Vulnerability Index as a Knowledge Base for Flood Risk AssessmentUNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Floods are one of the most common and widely distributed natural risks to life and property worldwide. There is a need to identify the risk of flooding in flood prone areas to support decisions for flood management from high level planning proposals to detailed design. An important part of modern flood risk management is to assess vulnerability to floods. This assessment can be done only by using a parametric approach. Worldwide there is a need to enhance our understanding of vulnerability and to also develop methodologies and tools to assess vulnerability. One of the most important goals of assessing flood vulnerability is to create a readily understandable link between the theoretical concepts of flood vulnerability and the day-to-day decision-making process and to encapsulate this link in an easily accessible tool. The present book portrays a holistic parametric approach to be used in flood vulnerability assessment and this way to facilitate the consideration of system impacts in water resources decision-making. The approach was verified in practical applications on different spatial scales and comparison with deterministic approaches. The use of flood vulnerability approach can produce helpful understanding into vulnerability and capacities for using it in planning and implementing projects. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780415641579

Applying the Rasch Model in Social Sciences Using R This unique text provides a step-by-step beginner’s guide to applying the Rasch model in R a probabilistic model used by researchers across the social sciences to measure unobservable ("latent") variables. Each chapter is devoted to one popular Rasch model ranging from the least to the most complex. Through a freely available and user-friendly package BlueSky Statistics Lamprianou offers a range of options for presenting results critically examines the strengths and weaknesses of applying the Rasch model in each instance and suggests more effective methodologies where applicable. With a focus on simple software code which does not assume extensive mathematical knowledge the reader is initially introduced to the so-called simple Rasch Model to construct a "political activism" variable out of a group of dichotomously scored questions. In subsequent chapters the book covers everything from the Rating Scale to the Many-facets Rasch model. The final chapter even showcases a complete mock manuscript demonstrating how a Rasch-based paper on the identification of online hate speech should look like. Combining theoretical rigor and real-world examples with empirical datasets from published papers this book is essential reading for students and researchers alike who aspire to use Rasch models in their research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138500785

Applying the Rasch ModelFundamental Measurement in the Human Sciences Recognised as the most influential publication in the field ARM facilitates deep understanding of the Rasch model and its practical applications. The authors review the crucial properties of the model and demonstrate its use with examples across the human sciences. Readers will be able to understand and critically evaluate Rasch measurement research perform their own Rasch analyses and interpret their results. The glossary and illustrations support that understanding and the accessible approach means that it is ideal for readers without a mathematical background. Highlights of the new edition include: More learning tools to strengthen readers’ understanding including chapter introductions boldfaced key terms chapter summaries activities and suggested readings. Greater emphasis on the use of R packages; readers can download the R code from the Routledge website. Explores the distinction between numerical values quantity and units to understand the measurement and the role of the Rasch logit scale (Chapter 4). A new four-option data set from the IASQ (Instrumental Attitude towards Self-assessment Questionnaire) for the Rating Scale Model (RSM) analysis exemplar (Chapter 6). Clarifies the relationship between Rasch measurement path analysis and SEM with a host of new examples of Rasch measurement applied across health sciences education and psychology (Chapter 10). Intended as a text for graduate courses in measurement item response theory (advanced) research methods or quantitative analysis taught in psychology education human development business and other social and health sciences. Professionals in these areas will also appreciate the book’s accessible introduction. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367141424

Applying the Results of Neuropsychological and Psychological AssessmentsA Manual for Teachers and Specialists Neuropsychological and psychological evaluations in school settings are often rich in detail about a child’s cognitive academic and emotional functions and come with specific recommendations to support the child’s performance in school. However there is often a gap between the assessment results and the implementation of the recommendations since learning specialists and teachers frequently do not have the means to both interpret and implement the recommendations. This manual presents clear and specific guidelines for school counselors and teachers to decode and put into practice evaluation findings. The book begins by describing various functional domains that are assessed in a neuropsychological evaluation and then notes how to recognize behavior and learning styles impacted by difficulty in one of more of the domains. Furthermore it outlines activities that could be used in the classroom or other environments to support a child’s weaknesses develop new skills or appear to particular strengths. Finally ready-to-use worksheets and activities are offered. This is an essential tool for school psychologists special education teachers and learning specialists and counselors. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138238961

Applying Theory to Policy and PracticeIssues for Critical Reflection The analysis of social and public policy and professional practice has become increasingly theoretical in recent years. This volume draws together experienced practitioners and academics in social work probation and counselling as well as from other forms of legal and social practice to better understand the relationship between theory policy and practice. The contributors argue that the use of theory in studying policy and practice is overall a positive and necessary development. However they also highlight and explore a number of methodological problems and philosophical issues for critical reflection: ¢ The often inaccessible nature of abstract theoretical argument ¢ Perceived problems of relevance and applicability to practice given the structure and purpose of theoretical modelling; ¢ Philosophical difficulties and questions when applying theoretical generalization to policy and practice. The authors address these problems in a style fully accessible to non-theorists offering a unique multi-disciplinary resource for students academics policy analysts and practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138276628

Applying Trauma-Sensitive Practices in School CounselingInterventions for Achieving Change Applying Trauma-Sensitive Practices in School Counseling provides school counselors with the research knowledge and skills they need to implement interventions that will impact the academic social and emotional outcomes of traumatized students. This guidebook is for school counselors especially those who work with students with Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Readers will obtain background information about ACEs and the effects of chronic stress in childhood trauma-informed programs for school counselors to lead school-wide and tools and strategies for school counselors to implement in personal practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367237233

Applying Turbulence Theory to Educational Leadership in Challenging TimesA Case-Based Approach In our increasingly complex world the turbulent forces affecting educators have become vastly more dynamic creating complex challenges but perhaps paradoxically also unique opportunities. Reframing how to understand the drivers of turbulence Applying Turbulence Theory to Educational Leadership in Challenging Times provides aspiring and practicing educational leaders with the theory and tools for understanding Turbulence Theory and its application to school contexts. Renowned author Steven Jay Gross explores how you can apply turbulence theory to respond to critical incidents as well as how to address the tensions across various stakeholders including the central office principals teachers students families and communities. With over 20 innovative case-based examples and discussion questions this book explores how turbulence can be leveraged or minimized to increase creative opportunity and address dilemmas in schools. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138046726

Appointing and Managing Learning Support AssistantsA Practical Guide for SENCOs and Other Managers First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138164154

AppraisalImproving Performance and Developing the Individual In this revised and updated text Fletcher and Williams take an evidence-based approach to analysing the key elements of the appraisal process and its place in performance management. Drawing on the academic literature and examples of best-practice the authors explain how performance appraisal can motivate and develop staff foster commitment and positivity and ultimately improve an organisation’s performance. Key topics covered include: Designing an appraisal system Identifying and developing talent Multi-level and multi-source feedback Appraising professionals Cultural challenges Evaluating and maintaining appraisal systems Appraisal: Improving Performance and Developing the Individual 5th Edition is a standard in the field and essential reading for all students of HRM and occupational psychology and for any HRM professional looking to develop more effective performance appraisal systems. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138936102

Appraising and Exploring Organisations (Routledge Revivals) First published in 1988 this book offers a comprehensive description of the functions and performance of organisational surveys from a wide range of European experts in the field. The book examines the utility of organisational surveys as a method of research for the social sciences and as a support for employee relations strategies and personnel policies. It looks at the broad question of 'what are the key dimensions of an organisation with which managers and researchers should be concerned?' and at how they can be an essential element in a participative management approach to employee relations. Throughout the book emphasizes the utility of surveys for the study and understanding of organisations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415506045

Appraising PersonalityTHE USE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS IN THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138875395

Appraising Teachers in SchoolsA Practical Guide Originally published in 1988 Appraising Teachers in Schools considers and provides advice on the introduction of staff appraisal in schools. Following the publication of the 1987 Pay and Conditions of Employment and written by contributors with practical experience of introducing staff appraisal into schools the book provides guidance on the introduction of staff appraisal across a range of schools; outlines a planning process for the establishment of staff appraisal; and offers suggestions for how to prepare for the appraisal process. It covers both primary and secondary education in a variety of larger and smaller schools. Appraising Teachers in Schools will appeal to those with an interest in the history of education and the history of staff appraisal in schools in particular. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367628901

Appraising the Economics of Smart MetersCosts and Benefits This book focuses on the economics of smart meters and is one of the first to present comprehensive evidence on the impacts cost-benefits and risks associated with smart metering. Throughout this volume Jacopo Torriti integrates his findings from institutional cost-benefit analyses and smart metering trials in a range of European countries with key economic and social concepts and policy insights derived from almost ten years of research in this area. He explores the extent to which the benefits of smart meters outweigh the cost and poses key questions including: which energy savings can be expected from the roll out of smart meters in households? Is Cost-Benefit Analysis an appropriate economic tool for assessing the impacts of smart metering rollouts? Can smart meters play a significant role in research on people’s activities and the timing of energy demand? Torriti concludes by providing a much-needed survey of recent changes and expected future developments in this growing field.   This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of energy policy and demand and smart metering infrastructure. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367203368

Appreciating the Art of TelevisionA Philosophical Perspective Contemporary television has been marked by such exceptional programming that it is now common to hear claims that TV has finally become an art. In Appreciating the Art of Television Nannicelli contends that televisual art is not a recent development but has in fact existed for a long time. Yet despite the flourishing of two relevant academic subfields—the philosophy of film and television aesthetics—there is little scholarship on television in general as an art form. This book aims to provide scholars active in television aesthetics with a critical overview of the relevant philosophical literature while also giving philosophers of film a particular account of the art of television that will hopefully spur further interest and debate. It offers the first sustained theoretical examination of what is involved in appreciating television as an art and how this bears on the practical business of television scholars critics students and fans—namely the comprehension interpretation and evaluation of specific televisual artworks. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367871864

Apprehension: Reason in the Absence of RulesReason in the Absence of Rules This title was first published in 2002. This work introduces and explores the role of apprehension in reasoning - setting out the problems determining the vocabulary fixing the boundaries and questioning what is often taken for granted. Lynn Holt argues that a robust conception of rationality must include intellectual virtues which cannot be reduced to a set of rules for reasoners and argues that the virtue of apprehension an acquired disposition to see things correctly is required if rationality is to be defensible. Drawing on an Aristotelian conception of intellectual virtue and examples from the sciences Holt shows why impersonal standards for rationality are misguided why foundations for knowledge are the last elements to emerge from inquiry not the first and why intuition is a poor substitute for virtue. By placing the current scene in historical perspective Holt displays the current impasse as the inevitable outcome of the replacement of intellectual virtue with method in the early modern philosophical imagination. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138718142

ApprehensionReason in the Absence of Rules This book introduces and explores the role of apprehension in reasoning - setting out the problems determining the vocabulary fixing the boundaries and questioning what is often taken for granted. Lynn Holt argues that a robust conception of rationality must include intellectual virtues which cannot be reduced to a set of rules for reasoners and argues that the virtue of apprehension an acquired disposition to see things correctly is required if rationality is to be defensible. Drawing on an Aristotelian conception of intellectual virtue and examples from the sciences Holt shows why impersonal standards for rationality are misguided why foundations for knowledge are the last elements to emerge from inquiry not the first and why intuition is a poor substitute for virtue. By placing the current scene in historical perspective Holt displays the current impasse as the inevitable outcome of the replacement of intellectual virtue with method in the early modern philosophical imagination. Written in an engaging and jargon-free style this book is of interest to a wide range of readers particularly epistemologists and philosophers of science concerned with the fate of reason. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138256538

ApprehensionReason in the Absence of Rules This title was first published in 2002. This work introduces and explores the role of apprehension in reasoning - setting out the problems determining the vocabulary fixing the boundaries and questioning what is often taken for granted. Lynn Holt argues that a robust conception of rationality must include intellectual virtues which cannot be reduced to a set of rules for reasoners and argues that the virtue of apprehension an acquired disposition to see things correctly is required if rationality is to be defensible. Drawing on an Aristotelian conception of intellectual virtue and examples from the sciences Holt shows why impersonal standards for rationality are misguided why foundations for knowledge are the last elements to emerge from inquiry not the first and why intuition is a poor substitute for virtue. By placing the current scene in historical perspective Holt displays the current impasse as the inevitable outcome of the replacement of intellectual virtue with method in the early modern philosophical imagination. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138718173

Apprenticeship In England 1600-1914 First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963702

Apprenticeship: Towards a New Paradigm of Learning In the light of changes the government has launched as part of its welfare to work initiatives this text explores apprenticeship. The authors set the historical context and discuss the theoretical and practical aspects of acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills for competence. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367605087

ApprenticeshipAn Enquirey into its Adequacy under Modern Conditions First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415868471

Approach Urban Sociol Ils 168 First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415868532

Approaches and Methods in Event Studies The recent proliferation of events as a subject of study in its own right has signalled the emergence of a new field – event studies. However whilst the management-inspired notion of planned events which strives for conceptual slenderness may indeed be useful for event managers the moment we attempt to advance knowledge about events as social cultural and political phenomena we realise the extent to which the field is theoretically impoverished. Event studies it is argued must transcend overt business-like perspectives in order to grasp events in their complexities. This book challenges the reader to reach beyond the established modes of thinking about events by placing them against a backdrop of much wider critical discourse. Approaches and Methods in Event Studies emerges as a conceptual and methodological tour de force—comprising the works of scholars of diverse backgrounds coming together to address a range of philosophical theoretical and methods-related problems. The areas covered include the concepts of eventification and eventual approaches to events a mobilities paradigm rhizomatic events critical discourse analysis visual methods reflexive and ethnographic research into events and indigenous acumen. Researchers and students engaged in the study of events will draw much inspiration from the contributions and from the volume as a whole. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138780521

Approaches for Enhancing Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants Plants are frequently exposed to unfavorable and adverse environmental conditions known as abiotic stressors. These factors can include salinity drought heat cold flooding heavy metals and UV radiation which pose serious threats to the sustainability of crop yields. Since abiotic stresses are major constraints for crop production finding the approaches to enhance stress tolerance is crucial to increase crop production and increase food security. This book discusses approaches to enhance abiotic stress tolerance in crop plants on a global scale. Plants scientists and breeders will learn how to further mitigate plant responses and develop new crop varieties for the changing climate. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780815346425

Approaches to American Cultural Studies Approaches to American Cultural Studies provides an accessible yet comprehensive overview of the diverse range of subjects encompassed within American Studies familiarising students with the history and shape of American Studies as an academic subject as well as its key theories methods and concepts. Written and edited by an international team of authors based primarily in Europe the book is divided into four thematically-organised sections. The first part delineates the evolution of American Studies over the course of the twentieth century the second elaborates on how American Studies as a field is positioned within the wider humanities and the third inspects and deconstructs popular tropes such as myths of the West the self-made man Manifest Destiny and representations of the President of the United States. The fourth part introduces theories of society such as structuralism and deconstruction queer and transgender theories border and hemispheric studies and critical race theory that are particularly influential within American Studies. This book is supplemented by a companion website offering further material for study ( Specifically designed for use on courses across Europe it is a clear and engaging introductory text for students of American culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415720854

Approaches to Art TherapyTheory and Technique The third edition of Approaches to Art Therapy brings together varied theoretical approaches and provides a variety of solutions to the challenge of translating theory to technique. In each chapter the field's most eminent scholars provide a definition of and orientation to the specific theory or area of emphasis showing its relevance to art therapy. The third edition includes many new chapters with material on a wide variety of topics including contemplative approaches DBT neuroscience and mentalization while also retaining important and timeless contributions from the pioneers of art therapy. Clinical case examples and over 100 illustrations of patient artwork vividly demonstrate the techniques in practice. Approaches to Art Therapy 3rd edition is an essential resource in the assembly of any clinician's theoretical and technical toolbox and in the formulation of each individual's own approach to art therapy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138884564

Approaches to Assessment that Enhance Learning in Higher Education This book addresses the need to diversify mainstream forms of assessment currently used in Higher Education in order to re-establish the focus on the learning process. Making assessment central to student learning is about returning to what current research emphasises: the primary beneficiary of assessment should be the student. To achieve this in the assessment context students and tutors must engage in a process of dialogue and feedback. It seems to be widely accepted that assessment succeeds when the learner monitors identifies and then is able to ‘bridge’ the gap between current learning achievements and agreed goals. It is however more questionable whether adequate opportunities are given to students to be active participants in closing what has been termed ‘the loop’. Contributors to this book have responded in different ways to the challenge of enhancing learning through assessment offering reasons for the lack of focus on learning within assessment processes as well as suggesting possible solutions. The chapters demonstrate a balance between innovation and practicality drawing on the underpinning theories. The result is both rich in discussion and an extremely useful resource for practitioners. This book was originally published as a special issue of Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415754743

Approaches to Byzantine Architecture and its DecorationStudies in Honor of Slobodan Curcic The fourteen essays in this collection demonstrate a wide variety of approaches to the study of Byzantine architecture and its decoration a reflection of both newer trends and traditional scholarship in the field. The variety is also a reflection of Professor Curcic’s wide interests which he shares with his students. These include the analysis of recent archaeological discoveries; recovery of lost monuments through archival research and onsite examination of material remains; reconsidering traditional typological approaches often ignored in current scholarship; fresh interpretations of architectural features and designs; contextualization of monuments within the landscape; tracing historiographic trends; and mining neglected written sources for motives of patronage. The papers also range broadly in terms of chronology and geography from the Early Christian through the post-Byzantine period and from Italy to Armenia. Three papers examine Early Christian monuments and of these two expand the inquiry into their architectural afterlives. Others discuss later monuments in Byzantine territory and monuments in territories related to Byzantium such as Serbia Armenia and Norman Italy. No Orthodox church being complete without interior decoration two papers discuss issues connected to frescoes in late medieval Balkan churches. Finally one study investigates the continued influence of Byzantine palace architecture long after the fall of Constantinople. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138110946

Approaches To Child And Family Policy This book examines the state of child and family policy in the United States. It assesses the influence of federal policy on families; reasons for the failures in child-care legislation; and the possibilities and limitations of the social sciences as they relate to the formation of the policies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367171728

Approaches to CognitionContrasts and Controversies To the vast majority of academic psychologists in the 1980s the study of cognition referred to that area of psychology known as ‘cognitive psychology’. The major basis of this area had been the computer metaphor with its accompanying notion of the individual as an information-processing system. Yet within the field the study of cognition is much broader and has a history that reaches into antiquity whereas ‘cognitive psychology’ as information-processing psychology had only recently become the standard bearer of cognitive studies. One of the purposes of this volume originally published in 1986 was to articulate some of the fundamental distinctions between and concordances among different orientations concerning the study of cognition. The collection includes chapters on information processing ecological Gestalt physiological and operant psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138641020

Approaches to Communication through Music One of the ways forward when working with those who have little or no speech or limited comprehension of language is to use music. In this book tried and tested approaches and activities devised to promote the development of communication and social interaction at a fundamental level are clearly set out. The ethos behind this manual is a person-centered approach within a structured framework and allowing for differentiation and improvisation according to the learner's individual needs and developmental levels. This is a practical guide that contains lots of ideas and original activities for the specialist and non-specialist alike. It provides original songs and music scores activities and games and suggestions for group work for learners at a variety of levels.This book will be helpful to teachers carers therapists and parents who work or live with people with severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties. Music teachers and coordinators working in mainstream early years and primary education will also find the songs and activities useful. Media > Books > Print Books David Fulton Publishers 9781138177505

Approaches to Developing Accessible Learning ExperiencesConceptualising Best Practice For the past five to ten years researchers have been developing tools and guidelines for developing accessible e-learning experiences for students with disabilities. Despite this very few practitioners in higher education are confident that they know how to develop accessible e-learning experiences. This is prompting researchers to work with practitioners in order to develop meaningful approaches to addressing accessibility; ones that facilitate the development of a clear conceptualisation of why and how practice can be changed to meet the varied needs of students. This book describes these approaches and explores the extent to which they might challenge current thinking and understanding. Topics covered include: approaches to developing accessible multimedia and learning objects holistic approaches to developing accessible e-learning and blended learning experiences institutional and programme approaches to addressing accessibility issues. Exploration and discussion of these topics will challenge practitioners to reconceptualise their understanding of ‘best practice’ in relation to accessibility and e-learning and offer directions for future practice and development. This book was previously published as a special issue of Alt-J. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963719

Approaches to Discourse in Dementia The qualitative analysis of naturally occurring discourse in neurogenic communication disorders specifically in dementia studies has experienced recent burgeoning interest from wide-ranging disciplines. This multidisciplinarity has been exciting but has added contextual confusion. This book advances the study of discourse in dementia by systematically exploring and applying different approaches to the same free conversational data sets collected and transcribed by the authors. The applied methodologies and theories comprise a useful sourcebook for students researchers and practitioners alike. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138003866

Approaches to Economic GeographyTowards a geographical political economy The last four decades have seen major changes in the global economy with the collapse of communism and the spread of capitalism into parts of the world from which it had previously been excluded. Beginning with a grounding in Marxian political economy this book explores a range of new ideas as to what economic geography can offer as it intersects with public policy and planning in the new globalised economy.Approaches to Economic Geography draws together the formidable work of Ray Hudson into an authoritative collection offering a unique approach to the understanding of the changing geographies of the global economy. With chapters covering subjects ranging from uneven development to social economy this volume explores how a range of perspectives including evolutionary and institutional approaches can further elucidate how such economies and their geographies are reproduced. Subsequent chapters argue that greater attention must be given to the relationships between the economy and nature and that more consideration needs to be given to the growing significance of illegal activities in the economy. The book will be of interest to students studying economic geography as well as researchers and policy makers that recognise the importance of the relationships between economy and geography as we move towards a sustainable future economy and society.Winner of the Regional Studies Association Best Book Award 2017. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367870713

Approaches to Educational and Social InclusionInternational perspectives on theory policy and key challenges In this insightful text the editors reflect on contributions from scholars representing Bangladesh Greece India Israel New Zealand Switzerland UK and USA by showing how the majority of educational and social institutions in both developed and developing countries have failed to overcome the many barriers to an effective integrated system of education suggesting ways as to how these barriers might be challenged. By looking closely at the overt and covert injuries of educational and social exclusion a variety of approaches to overcoming the consequences of those challenges is proposed drawing together strands of social theory research data and conceptualisations for social action. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138672642

Approaches To Emotion This sourcebook is intended as a reader in the fullest sense of that word: a work that offers researchers and students alike the opportunity to examine the many different aspects and widely divergent approaches to the study of emotion. The contributors include samples of biological ontogenetic ethological psychological sociological and anthropological approaches. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138422698

Approaches to HistoryA Symposium The contributors to this volume originally published in 1962 explain the raison d’être of their own specialism in history be it archaeology political local economic or social history or historical geography. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138194342

Approaches to Measuring Human Behavior in the Social Environment Make the best use of measurement approaches that gauge social behaviorHere is a state-of-the-art examination of various approaches to measuring and assessing client functioning and specific aspects of clients’ social environments. It examines numerous age groups and ethnic populations and makes use of cutting-edge methodologies in its examinations of measuring depression in children measuring the neighborhood from a child’s perspective measuring and assessing family functioning measuring spirituality and measuring psychosocial problems in seriously mentally ill families. Helpful tables in each chapter make complex information easy to access and understand.Inside Approaches to Measuring Human Behavior in the Social Environment you’ll find: a psychometric evaluation of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Childhood Diagnoses (KID-SCID) (with 4 tables) a clinical/psychometric perspective on using self-rating scales for assessing severely mentally ill individuals (with a chapter appendix and 2 tables) vital information on assessing the influence of tradition upon Chinese elders in order to provide culturally sensitive services (with 4 tables) a report on the psychometric properties of the Rap Music Attitude and Perception (RAP) Scale an instrument designed to measure attitudes toward and perceptions of rap music (with 6 tables) a report on the assessment of self-esteem in people with severe mental illness (with 2 figures and 4 tables) a qualitative study of fourth and fifth graders’ views of the neighborhoods they live in (with 5 figures and 2 tables) an NIMH- and USDHHS-funded study examining the reliability and validity of the Preschool Symptom Self-Report (PRESS) which measures depression in maltreated young children (with 4 tables) a study of advances designed to improve the reliability/validity of the North Carolina Family Assessment Scale (NCFAS) as it relates to placement and the prediction of future placement within the context of Intensive Family Preservation Services (IFPS) (with 1 figure and 7 tables) conformatory factor analyses of the Secondary Traumatic Stress Scale (STSS) (with 3 figures and 4 tables) a report illustrating the development and empirical testing of the Spiritual Strategies Scale (SSS)a measure of spiritual supports used by older adults in managing challenges in their lives (with 4 tables) an examination of the validity of college students’ responses to the Scale for the Identification of Acquaintance Rape Attitudes (SIARA) a measure designed to assess attitudes believed to be supportive of sexual violence within dating relationships (with 3 figures and 5 tables)Approaches to Measuring Human Behavior in the Social Environment is vital reading for master’s and PhD level social workers psychologists counselors marriage and family therapists psychiatrists and researchers in these fields. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203051474

Approaches to Media Literacy: A HandbookA Handbook Completely updated with current examples and new coverage of digital media this popular handbook provides a range of qualitative approaches that enable students to effectively decipher information conveyed through the channels of mass communication - photography film radio television and interactive media. It aim is to help students develop critical thinking skills and strategies with regard to what media to use and how to interpret the information that they receive. The techniques include ideological autobiographical nonverbal and mythic approaches. An Instructor's Manual is available to professors who adopt this new edition. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706344

Approaches to MonteverdiAesthetic Psychological Analytical and Historical Studies This volume gathers together twelve essays on the composer’s music reflecting the author's interests in aesthetic and psychological issues the sacred works methods of structural analysis and the problems of making critical editions. The opera Orfeo and two madrigals from Monteverdi's Book Eight are the subject of aesthetic and psychological investigation especially from the perspective of Michel Foucault's The Order of Things and the psychology of C.J. Jung all supported by musical analysis. Two essays analyze in detail the structural principles of the psalms Laetatus sum from the 1610 Vespers and the first Dixit Dominus from the Sevla Morale e spirituale of 1641. Two others re-examine the story of Monteverdi's Mass of Thanksgiving and consider the question of what sacred music Monteverdi actually or likely wrote but is now lost. The final essay critiques and compares the methodology and problems of the Malipiero and Cremona editions of Monteverdi's Opera Omnia. All but one of these essays were originally published over a time span of twenty years in journals conference reports Festschriften and as book chapters. The majority of them were not widely distributed or readily available until now. The essay on the Malipiero and Cremona editions appears here for the first time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409463337

Approaches to Personality Theory Originally published in 1975 this book reviews the major personality theories influential at the time including those of Freud Kelly Cattell and Eysenck and presents the main assessment techniques associated with them. It also discusses their application in such fields as abnormal psychology diagnosis psychotherapy education and criminology. The authors find none of the theories completely satisfactory but pinpoint important successes and suggest a promising new approach. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367135874

Approaches to Rhythm Game Design As the genre has gained popularity music video games have demonstrated the ability to support a range of different styles of gameplay. The most common form of music game today is rhythmic in nature and has been termed the "rhythm game." Music video games are also commonly included as minigames in the party game genre. This book provides an overview of the subgenre of music games from a design perspective showing how to capitalize on the wisdom that has been accrued by decades of trial-and-error from various companies and efforts in the scene. Media > Books > Print Books A K Peters/CRC Press 9781482224986

Approaches to SociologyAn Introduction to Major Trends in British Sociology These essays commissioned by John Rex reflect the state of sociology in Britain today. Leading representatives of the diverse ‘schools’ provide lucid accounts of their own particular approaches to this complex discipline and in doing so demonstrate the techniques described. Topics covered include the empirical study of stratification social evolution survey techniques mathematical sociology systems theory phenomenological approaches Weberian sociology structuralism contemporary Marxism and the development of theory after Talcott Parsons. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987463

Approaches to Specialized Genres Approaches to Specialized Genres provides a timely update of the field of genre studies with 14 cutting-edge contributions split into five sections using and integrating an exceptionally wide variety of methods and perspectives (such as ESP genre research corpus linguistics systemic functional linguistics ethnographic and multimodal research) to analyse genres in written spoken visual and auditory modes across a multiplicity of pedagogic professional and digital settings. It highlights and illustrates the growing trend of a multiperspective and inter-theoretic approach to genre studies and demonstrates how such methodological rigour can extend our knowledge of language in general and genres in particular. It also examines a rich variety of underexplored genres such as the digital genre of synchronous videoconferencing instructional slides video ads engineers’ training log book entries the narrative story genres fundraising letters and retraction notices. It demonstrates not only the prominent value of genre research but wide applications of genre knowledge in various educational and professional domains. The book brings together experts spreading across the world including countries in South-East Asia Europe America West Africa and South America. Accordingly it will appeal to readers of diversified socio-cultural backgrounds working in all the aforementioned inter-related fields of applied linguistics and communication studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367147723

Approaches to Substance Abuse and Addiction in Education CommunitiesA Guide to Practices that Support Recovery in Adolescents and Young Adults This book is designed to increase the awareness among mental health professionals and educators about the potential sources of support for students struggling with substance abuse addiction and compulsive behaviors. The book includes a description of the scope of the problem of substance abuse in high schools and colleges followed by sections describing recovery high schools and collegiate recovery communities. A further unique component of this book is the inclusion of material from the adolescents and young adults whose lives have been changed by these programs. This book was published as a special issue in the Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315877501

Approaches to Sustainable Development First published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963726

Approaches to Teaching and LearningIncluding Pupils with Learnin Diffculties First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books David Fulton Publishers 9780203064962

Approaches to Teaching the Works of Edwidge Danticat Providing an intellectual interpretation to the work of Edwidge Danticat this new edited collection provides a pedagogical approach to teach and interpret her body of work in undergraduate and graduate classrooms. Approaches to Teaching the Works of Edwidge Danticat starts out by exploring diasporic categories and postcolonial themes such as gender constructs cultural nationalism cultural and communal identity and moves to investigate Danticat’s human rights activism the immigrant experience the relationship between the particular and the universal and the violence of hegemony and imperialism in relationship with society family and community. The Editors of the collection have carefully compiled works that show how Danticat’s writings may help in building more compassionate and relational human communities that are grounded on the imperative of human dignity respect inclusion and peace. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367263744

Approaches to the Anglo and American Female Epic 1621-1982 Epic has long been regarded as the exclusive domain of the male literary genius and as an incarnation of patriarchal values. This provocative collection of essays challenges such a hegemonic stereotype by demonstrating the ways in which women writers have successfully adapted the masculine epic tradition to suit their own aesthetic needs and to express their own heroic literary social and historical visions. Bringing the female epic out of the shadows the contributors rethink generic boundaries to illuminate this heretofore hidden literary practice. The essays range from Mary Tighe to Rebecca West from Elizabeth Barrett Browning to Gwendolyn Brooks and from Frances Burney to Virginia Woolf. Bernard Schweizer's introduction titled 'Muses with Pens ' connects the trajectory of ideas and influences in the individual essays to demonstrate how each participates in reclaiming for women writers a place in the development of a female epic tradition. The volume will be an invaluable resource for scholars working on issues related to genre canon formation and the evolution of female literary authority. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138618879

Approaches to the Byzantine Family The study of the family is one of the major lacunas in Byzantine Studies. Angeliki Laiou remarked in 1989 that ’the study of the Byzantine family is still in its infancy’ and this assertion remains true today. The present volume addresses this lacuna. It comprises 19 chapters written by international experts in the field which take a variety of approaches to the study of the Byzantine family and embrace a chronological span from the later Roman to the late Byzantine empire. The context is established by chapters focusing on the Roman roots of the Byzantine family the Christianisation of the family and the nature of the family in contemporaneous cultures (the late antique west and the Islamic east). Key methodological approaches to the Byzantine family are highlighted and discussed in particular prosopographical and life course approaches. The contribution of hagiography to the understanding of the Byzantine family is analysed by several authors; other chapters on the family and children in art and on the archaeology of the Middle Byzantine house explore the material evidence that can shed light on the Byzantine family. Overall the diversity of families that existed in Byzantium (blood fictive metaphorical) is emphasised and chapters consider the specific cases of ascetic monastic aristocratic and peasant families as well as the imperial family which is illuminated by the comparative case of a Caliphal family. The volume is topped and tailed by a Preface and an Afterword by the editors which address the state of the field and consider the way ahead. Thus the volume is vital in putting the subject of the Byzantine Family in sharp focus and setting the research agenda for the future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409411581

Approaches to the Conformational Analysis of Biopharmaceuticals The activity of many biopharmaceutical polymers is dependent on conformation and the next several years will see increased interest in the conformational analysis of these polymers resulting from the development of biosimilar or "follow-on" biological products. While a wide variety of approaches to analysis exists finding the most viable ones would be much easier with a consolidated reference that details the benefits and cost of each approach with an emphasis on real results and real products. Explores the Growing Role of Conformational Analysis in Comparing Generic Biopharmaceuticals Approaches to the Conformational Analysis of Biopharmaceuticals gathers the most useful techniques and methods into a single volume putting the greatest emphasis on those approaches that have proven the most fruitful. Rather than cover specific uses of techniques in detail this book provides commercial biotechnologists and researchers with the information and references they need to make good choices about the technology they choose to use. With a large number of references that direct readers to primary source material it includes studies drawn from the gamut of current literature covering physical methods such as differential scanning calorimetry light scanning and analytical ultracentrifugation. It also addresses chemical methods such as hydrogen–deuterium exchange and trace labeling along with infrared ultraviolet and Raman spectroscopy. Written by Roger Lundblad a true pioneer in protein science this volume supplies the necessary information researchers need to access when deciding on the most cost-effective approach including: Comparability of biopharmaceuticals Characterization of follow-on biologics Quality attributes of protein biopharmaceuticals Confrontational analysis of biopharmaceutical products With a clear focus on relevant commercial biotechnology this book belongs on the shelves of those serious researchers who are paving the way for the next generation of biopharmaceutical polymers. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138114944

Approaches to the Development of Moral Reasoning The first part of the book offers a survey of current approaches to the development of moral reasoning: those of Freud ego psychology Piaget and Kohlberg. The approach of Kohlberg has been popular because he was able to give an impressive account of findings from the key method of interviews the other crucial method being naturalistic observation of moral discourse. The accounts of interview evidence given by ego psychology and Piaget were less comprehensive and less impressive. Naturalistic studies have either been impressionistic or less detailed in their methods of analysis.The second part of the book argues that the impressive nature of Kohlberg's later evidence for his view that moral reasoning passes through a sequence of stages is in part illusory because his theory predicts that specific types of reply will show specific developmental patterns. However as data are always reported in terms of stages which amalgamate very disparate types of reply it is impossible to know whether the specific types of reply follow their predicted developmental courses or not. Reasons given for assigning given types of reply to a stage are also often doubtful. This leads to discussion of studies that have reported findings in terms of specific types of reply (weakly interpretive methods) as opposed to Kohlberg's stage-based and strongly interpretive methods. Findings from these disconfirm Kohlberg's theory at several crucial points.The second and third parts of the book also examine findings from non-Kohlbergian interviews and other methods again advocating that weakly interpretive and largely descriptive presentation of findings is preferable to strongly interpretive techniques. It is argued that a wide variety of mechanisms suggested by the theories outlined in the first part of the book as well as others drawn from general theories of personality development are able to explain existing descriptive developmental findings. The task for the future is to assess the relative importance of these mechanisms. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138882980

Approaches to the Qur'an In recent years the study of the Qur'an and its interpretation has expanded to incorporate insights gained from historical biblical literary and critical studies. A variety of approaches to the Qur'an and the Muslim exegetical tradition are currently available. Approaches to the Qur'an consists of thirteen essays by leading scholars both Muslim and non-Muslim in the fields of qur'anic studies and Islamic studies. Taken together they offer a sample of the aims methods and topics of enquiry now being pursued. Each study has a full critical apparatus and the book includes a consolidated bibliography which will be of great value to students and specialists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415862073

Approaches to the Study of Sound Structure and SpeechInterdisciplinary Work in Honour of Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk This innovative work highlights interdisciplinary research on phonetics and phonology across multiple languages building on the extensive body of work of Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk on the study of sound structure and speech. // The book features concise contributions from both established and up-and-coming scholars who have worked with Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk across a range of disciplinary fields toward broadening the scope of how sound structure and speech are studied and how phonological and phonetic research is conducted. Contributions bridge the gap between such fields as phonological theory acoustic and articulatory phonetics and morphology but also includes perspectives from such areas as historical linguistics which demonstrate the relevance of other linguistic areas of inquiry to empirical investigations in sound structure and speech. The volume also showcases the rich variety of methodologies employed in existing research including corpus-based diachronic experimental acoustic and online approaches and showcases them at work drawing from data from languages beyond the Anglocentric focus in existing research. // The collection reflects on Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk’s pioneering contributions to widening the study of sound structure and speech and reinforces the value of interdisciplinary perspectives in taking the field further making this key reading for students and scholars in phonetics phonology sociolinguistics psycholinguistics and speech and language processing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367337605

Approaches to the Treatment of Stuttering In the years prior to publication ‘cures’ for stuttering seemed to appear constantly but many were of limited value were poorly evaluated and gave only a temporary alleviation that was not transferred to daily life. More responsible clinicians produced publications expounding one particular approach to therapy but less was available giving a balanced overview which was of practical help to therapists. Originally published in 1983 this book aimed to provide such an overview with a focus on practical intervention rather than on theory. The need for careful assessment is particularly stressed and also the need for flexibility in the choice of treatment for any one client. Changes in fluency are looked at in relation to the effects they might have on the person’s life as a whole and factors involved in the maintenance of this change are discussed. In addition adjuncts to speech therapy such as drugs hypnosis and various forms of masking are evaluated. Issues of the training of therapists are raised and suggestions made as to the nature of the therapeutic relationship when working with people who stutter. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138388642

Approaches to Welfare Originally published in 1983 Approaches to Welfare provides a unique introduction to the study of social welfare in Britain. The contributions by distinguished figures in the field of social welfare and social policy explore all the dimensions of the study of social welfare demonstrating that not only have social policies changed in the forty years since the establishment of the welfare state but so too have approaches to their analysis. The contributors consider these changes in relation to a wide range of social welfare issues illuminating the diversity and variety within the contemporary study of social policy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138607422

Approaching DisabilityCritical issues and perspectives Disability Studies is an area of study which examines social political cultural and economic factors that define 'disability' and establish personal and collective responses to difference. This insightful new text will introduce readers to the discipline of Disability Studies and enable them to engage in the lively debates within the field. By offering an accessible yet rigorous approach to Disability Studies the authors provide a critical analysis of key current issues and consider ways in which the subject can be studied through national and international perspectives policies culture and history. Key debates include: The relationship between activism and the academy Ways to study cultural and media representations of disability The importance of disability history and how societies can change National and international perspectives on children childhood and education Political perspectives on disability and identity The place of the body in disability theory This text offers real-world examples of topics that are important to debates and offers a much needed truly international scope on the questions at hand. It is an essential read for any individual studying practising or with an interest in Disability Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781408279069

Approaching Historical Sources in their ContextsSpace Time and Performance In Approaching Historical Sources in Their Contexts 12 academics examine how space time and performance interact to co-create context for source analysis. The chapters cover 2000 years and stretch across the Americas and Europe. They are grouped into three themes with the first four exploring aspects of movement within and around an environment: buildings the tension between habitat and tourist landscape cemeteries and war memorials. Three chapters look at different aspects of performance: masque and opera in which performance is (re)constructed from several media radio and television. The final group of chapters consider objects and material culture in which both spatial placement and performance influence how they might be read as historical sources: archaeological finds and their digital management the display of objects in heritage locations clothing photograph albums and scrapbooks. Supported by a range of case studies the contributors embed lessons and methodological approaches within their chapters that can be adapted and adopted by those working with similar sources offering students both a theoretical and practical demonstration of how to analyse sources within their contexts. Drawing out common threads to help those wishing to illuminate their own historical investigation this book encourages a broad and inclusive approach to the physical and social contexts of historical evidence for those undertaking source analysis. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815364818

Approaching Jonathan EdwardsThe Evolution of a Persona Exploring the inner motivations of one of America’s greatest religious thinkers this book analyses the ways in which Jonathan Edwards' intense personal piety and deep experience of divine sovereignty drove an introverted intellectual along a course that would eventually develop into a mature and respected public intellectual. Throughout his life the tension between his innately contemplative nature and the active demands of public office was a constant source of internal and public strife for Edwards. Approaching Jonathan Edwards offers a new theoretical approach to the study of Edwards with an emphasis on his writing activity as the key strategy in shaping his legacy. Tracing Edwards’ strategic self-fashioning of his persona through the many conflicts in which he was engaged the critical turning points in his life and his strategies for managing conflicts and crises Carol Ball concludes that Edwards found his place as a superlative contemplative apologist and theorist of experiential spirituality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138053069

Approaching Multivariate Analysis 2nd EditionA Practical Introduction This fully updated new edition not only provides an introduction to a range of advanced statistical techniques that are used in psychology but has been expanded to include new chapters describing methods and examples of particular interest to medical researchers. It takes a very practical approach aimed at enabling readers to begin using the methods to tackle their own problems. This book provides a non-mathematical introduction to multivariate methods with an emphasis on helping the reader gain an intuitive understanding of what each method is for what it does and how it does it. The first chapter briefly reviews the main concepts of univariate and bivariate methods and provides an overview of the multivariate methods that will be discussed bringing out the relationships among them and summarising how to recognise what types of problem each of them may be appropriate for tackling. In the remaining chapters introductions to the methods and important conceptual points are followed by the presentation of typical applications from psychology and medicine using examples with fabricated data. Instructions on how to do the analyses and how to make sense of the results are fully illustrated with dialogue boxes and output tables from SPSS as well as details of how to interpret and report the output and extracts of SPSS syntax and code from relevant SAS procedures. This book gets students started and prepares them to approach more comprehensive treatments with confidence. This makes it an ideal text for psychology students medical students and students or academics in any discipline that uses multivariate methods. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415645911

Approaching Photography Fully updated and revised this seminal book explains and illustrates what photographs are how they were made and used in the past and more particularly what their place is in the creative arts and visual communications world of today. Paul Hill looks at photographs as modes of expression and explores the diversity of approaches taken when creating photographs and what these mean for a photographer’s practice and purpose. It emphasises the importance of contextualisation to the understanding of the medium diving into the ideas behind the images and how the camera transforms and influences how we see the world. With an impressive collection of 200 full colour images from professional practitioners and artists it invites us to consider the foundations of photography’s past and the digital revolution’s impact on the creation and dissemination of photographs today. Essential reading for all students of photography it is an invaluable guide for those who want to make a career in photography covering most areas of photographic practice from photojournalism to fine art to personal essay. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781350108868

Approaching PsychoanalysisAn Introductory Course This book provides the scope and complexity of Freud's contributions and emphasizes the wide proliferation of the Lacanian approach. It describes psychoanalytical theories and is helpful for the readers as a stimulus to independent investigation and critical thought. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323332

Approaching the EUropean Federation? The European project has within only 52 years achieved a surprising momentum and the European Union is now approaching full statehood. The Convention on the Future of Europe has finished its work and handed over a proposal for a constitutional treaty to the Heads of State and Government of the EU. It is therefore the ideal time to present an integrated analysis of what appears to be the emerging European State. This key volume therefore discusses the central questions and concepts within the field of European studies which include federalism the relationship between statehood and constitution integration and constitution the regions in the 'new' Europe and the EU as an international actor. These discussions are then developed and analyzed in relation to the draft constitution. Timely and insightful the volume is suitable for courses on European integration federalism and international politics. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315567464

Approaching Urban DesignThe Design Process This companion to Introducing Urban Design: Interventions and Responses shows how the principles and concepts of urban design can be applied and implemented in a range of real-world settings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138474079

Appropriate Environments for Children under Three The most rapid and significant phase of development occurs in the first three years of a child’s life. The Supporting Children from Birth to Three series focuses on the care and support of the youngest children. Each book takes a key aspect of working with this age group and gives clear and detailed explanations of relevant theories together with practical examples to show how such theories translate into good working practice. It is widely known that babies and infants will flourish in an environment that supports and promotes their learning and development. But what constitutes an appropriate environment for children under three? Drawing on recent research this book explores the concept of an appropriate environment both within and beyond the early years setting. It sets this within the context of child development and practically demonstrates how a high quality environment can be created for babies and children under three that supports their learning and development. Features include: clear explanation of relevant theories case studies and examples of good practice focus points for readers questions for reflective practice Providing a wealth of practical ideas and activities this handy text provides detailed guidance on how to develop an appropriate indoor and outdoor environment for babies and children under three to help practitioners ensure effective outcomes for the youngest children in their care. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415612630

Appropriate Technology For DevelopmentA Discussion And Case Histories This book explores the concept of development in terms of needs characteristics and theories and examines the pivotal role of technology in the developmental process. It presents twenty contemporary case histories that illustrate specific instances of applied technology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367171421

Appropriate Technology in Vector Control This book was first published in 1990. It discusses a plethora of both high and low tech options for the control of vectors such as mosquitos in the spread of disease. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890722

Appropriated Photographs in French Surrealist Periodicals 1924-1939 The first monograph to analyze the Surrealist gesture of photographic appropriation this study examines "found" photographs in three French Surrealist reviews published in the 1920s and 1930s: La Révolution surréaliste edited by André Breton; Documents edited by Georges Bataille; and Minotaure edited by Breton and others. The book asks general questions about the production and deployment of meaning through photographs but addresses more specifically the construction of a Surrealist practice of photography through the gesture of borrowing and re-contextualization and reveals something crucial both about Surrealist strategies and about the way photographs operate. The book is structured around four case studies including scientific photographs of an hysteric in Charcot's clinic at the Salpêtrière hospital positioned as poetry rather than pathology; and one of the first crime-scene photographs depicting Jack the Ripper's last victim radically transformed into a work of art. Linda Steer traces the trajectory of the found photographs from their first location to their location in a Surrealist periodical. Her study shows that the act of removal and re-framing highlights the instability and mutability of photographic meaning an instability and mutability that has consequences for our understanding both of photography and of Surrealism in the 1920s and 1930s. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409437307

Appropriating GenderWomen's Activism and Politicized Religion in South Asia Appropriating Gender explores the paradoxical relationship of women to religious politics in India Pakistan Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Contrary to the hopes of feminists many women have responded to religious nationalist appeals; contrary to the hopes of religious nationalists they have also asserted their gender class caste and religious identities; contrary to the hopes of nation states they have often challenged state policies and practices. Through a comparative South Asia perspective Appropriating Gender explores the varied meanings and expressions of gender identity through time by location and according to political context. The first work to focus on women's agency and activism within the South Asian context Appropriating Gender is an outstanding contribution to the field of gender studies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203379585

Approval PlansIssues and Innovations How can you as an acquisition librarians keep current on the output of hundreds of publishers? The answer of course is that you cannot. For over 30 years approval plans have been used by librarians to acquire current titles save staff time and build core collections. Even today these reasons seem appropriate as libraries try to maintain up-to-date collections and control personnel and operating budgets. However as shown in Approval Plans: Issues and Innovations the use of approval plans is not so simple and straightforward; their use is subject to complex procedures and policies--and even politics. This book presents research by librarians from academic libraries and professionals from approval vendors to give you necessary insight on the major approval plan issues and to show you some of the innovative approaches to solving the problems associated with approval plans. Unfortunately approval plans are not as simple as creating a “needs” profile and receiving the books that match that profile from an approval vendor. Problems and questions invariably arise. If you are in acquisitions and collection development or administration it is particularly important that you explore the following questions posed in Approval Plans: What mechanisms can reduce receipt of duplicate titles? Do vendors see small college libraries as a viable market? What role does technology play in improving approval plans? What level of returns is acceptable? Do the hidden operational costs of approval plans offset their benefits? Approval Plans is full of useful information that will show you how to save time and money improve collections and utilize new technology. The book discusses such key issues as: the benefits of approval plans to public service vs. the costs to technical service; the call for refined profiles to help keep return rates low; proper management in key areas such as profile development quality control and plan maintenance; approval plan overlap; and vendor responsibilities. Innovations covered include: the call for introduction of approval plans to small college libraries; the possibility of “outsourcing” technical service functions with vendor-supplied cataloging and end-processing; the use of online services World Wide Web and the Internet to improve communication between vendors publishers and libraries; and a list of criteria to be considered when selecting an automated acquisitions system. Approval Plans is especially useful and timely as libraries are considering the best ways for acquiring books during an era of declining materials budgets. This collection also has special importance in a broader sense to the many changes that are occurring in academic libraries today. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315863214

Approved Document L1BConservation of fuel and power in existing dwellings (2013 edition) Building Regulations Part L: Approved Document L1B Conservation of fuel and power in existing dwellings (2013 edition effective 6 April 2014) requires a 25% improvement 2006 standards for every new home. An aggregate approach for improvement of new non-domestic buildings delivers an improvement of 25% overall rather than for each individual building. This is because there is greater variety among non-domestic buildings and some will be much easier than others to make efficient. The changes to Part L increase the minimum levels of energy efficiency for building fabric and services so that CO2 targets cannot be achieved through renewables alone. This reflects the principle of reducing overall demand for energy. The measures also come into play when people elect to carry out work to existing buildings including extensions and conversions fabric renovations replacement windows and boilers. Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859465110

Approved Document L2BConservation of fuel and power (existing buildings other than dwellings) Building Regulations Part L: Approved Document L1B (2013 edition effective 6 April 2014) requires a 25% improvement over 2006 standards for every new home. An aggregate approach for improvement of new non-domestic buildings delivers an improvement of 25% overall rather than for each individual building. This is because there is greater variety among non-domestic buildings and some will be much easier than others to make efficient. The changes to Part L increase the minimum levels of energy efficiency for building fabric and services so that CO2 targets cannot be achieved through renewables alone. This reflects the principle of reducing overall demand for energy. The measures also come into play when people elect to carry out work to existing buildings including extensions and conversions fabric renovations replacement windows and boilers. Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859465134

Approximate Analytical Methods for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations Approximate Analytical Methods for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) is the first book to present all of the available approximate methods for solving ODEs eliminating the need to wade through multiple books and articles. It covers both well-established techniques and recently developed procedures including the classical series solution method diverse perturbation methods pioneering asymptotic methods and the latest homotopy methods.The book is suitable not only for mathematicians and engineers but also for biologists physicists and economists. It gives a complete description of the methods without going deep into rigorous mathematical aspects. Detailed examples illustrate the application of the methods to solve real-world problems.The authors introduce the classical power series method for solving differential equations before moving on to asymptotic methods. They next show how perturbation methods are used to understand physical phenomena whose mathematical formulation involves a perturbation parameter and explain how the multiple-scale technique solves problems whose solution cannot be completely described on a single timescale. They then describe the Wentzel Kramers and Brillown (WKB) method that helps solve both problems that oscillate rapidly and problems that have a sudden change in the behavior of the solution function at a point in the interval. The book concludes with recent nonperturbation methods that provide solutions to a much wider class of problems and recent analytical methods based on the concept of homotopy of topology. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367378127

Approximate Iterative Algorithms Iterative algorithms often rely on approximate evaluation techniques which may include statistical estimation computer simulation or functional approximation. This volume presents methods for the study of approximate iterative algorithms providing tools for the derivation of error bounds and convergence rates and for the optimal design of such algorithms. Techniques of functional analysis are used to derive analytical relationships between approximation methods and convergence properties for general classes of algorithms. This work provides the necessary background in functional analysis and probability theory. Extensive applications to Markov decision processes are presented.This volume is intended for mathematicians engineers and computer scientists who work on learning processes in numerical analysis and are involved with optimization optimal control decision analysis and machine learning. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367378882

Approximate Methods in Structural Seismic Design This book examines the recent developments in computerized structural analysis and finite element analysis to re-appraise existing approximate techniques and to define their scope and limits more accurately. The book proposes new techniques and provides many numerical examples and comparisons with 'accurate' methods. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367448752

Approximation Techniques for EngineersSecond Edition This second edition includes eleven new sections based on the approximation of matrix functions deflating the solution space and improving the accuracy of approximate solutions iterative solution of initial value problems of systems of ordinary differential equations and the method of trial functions for boundary value problems. The topics of the two new chapters are integral equations and mathematical optimization. The book provides alternative solutions to software tools amenable to hand computations to validate the results obtained by "black box" solvers. It also offers an insight into the mathematics behind many CAD CAE tools of the industry. The book aims to provide a working knowledge of the various approximation techniques for engineering practice. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367658076

Approximation TheoryIn Memory of A.K. Varma "Contains the contributions of 45 internationally distinguished mathematicians covering all areas of approximation theory-written in honor of the pioneering work of Arun K. Varma to the fields of interpolation and approximation of functions including Birhoff interpolation and approximation by spline functions." Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003064732

Approximation with Quasi-Splines In the theory of splines a function is approximated piece-wise by (usually cubic) polynomials. Quasi-splines is the natural extension of this allowing us to use any useful class of functions adapted to the problem.Approximation with Quasi-Splines is a detailed account of this highly useful technique in numerical analysis.The book presents the requisite approximation theorems and optimization methods developing a unified theory of one and several variables. The author applies his techniques to the evaluation of definite integrals (quadrature) and its many-variables generalization which he calls "cubature."This book should be required reading for all practitioners of the methods of approximation including researchers teachers and students in applied numerical and computational mathematics. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003062929

ApproximationDocumentary History and the Staging of Reality In our era of ‘fake news’ Stella Bruzzi examines the dynamism that results from reusing and reconfiguring raw documentary data (documents archive news etc.) in creative ways. Through a series of individual case studies this book offers an innovative framework for understanding how in our century film and media texts frequently represent reality and negotiate the instabilities of ‘truth’ by ‘approximating’ factual events rather than merely representing them through juxtaposing disparate often colliding perspectives of history and factual events. Covering areas such as true crime politics and media the book analyses the fluidity and instability of truth arguing that 'approximation' is more prevalent now in our digital age and that its conception is a result of viewers’ accidental or unconscious connections and interventions. Original and thought-provoking Approximation provides students and researchers of media film and cultural studies a deeper insight into our understanding and acceptance of what truth really means today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415688352

Approximation-solvability of Nonlinear Functional and Differential Equations This reference/text develops a constructive theory of solvability on linear and nonlinear abstract and differential equations - involving A-proper operator equations in separable Banach spaces and treats the problem of existence of a solution for equations involving pseudo-A-proper and weakly-A-proper mappings and illustrates their applications.;Facilitating the understanding of the solvability of equations in infinite dimensional Banach space through finite dimensional appoximations this book: offers an elementary introductions to the general theory of A-proper and pseudo-A-proper maps; develops the linear theory of A-proper maps; furnishes the best possible results for linear equations; establishes the existence of fixed points and eigenvalues for P-gamma-compact maps including classical results; provides surjectivity theorems for pseudo-A-proper and weakly-A-proper mappings that unify and extend earlier results on monotone and accretive mappings; shows how Friedrichs' linear extension theory can be generalized to the extensions of densely defined nonlinear operators in a Hilbert space; presents the generalized topological degree theory for A-proper mappings; and applies abstract results to boundary value problems and to bifurcation and asymptotic bifurcation problems.;There are also over 900 display equations and an appendix that contains basic theorems from real function theory and measure/integration theory. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367402570

Apps Technology and Younger LearnersInternational evidence for teaching This book provides an in-depth analysis of the challenges potential and theoretical possibilities of apps and considers the processes of change for education and home learning environments. Drawing together a diverse team of international contributors it addresses the specific features context of use and content of apps to uncover the importance of these tools for young children’s learning. Apps Technology and Younger Learners focuses on ways that apps support early years and primary school learning connect various learning spaces and engage children in a range of edutainment and knowledge-building activities. In each chapter the current state of knowledge and key research questions in the field for future study are identified with clear messages provided at the end of each chapter. Focusing on empirical studies and strong theoretical frameworks this book covers four key parts: Understanding the learning potential of children’s apps; Key app challenges; Empirical evidence; Future avenues. This book is an essential guide for educators post-graduate students researchers and all those interested in the advantages or challenges that may result from integrating apps into early education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138927889

ApraxiaThe Neuropsychology of Action The purpose of this book is to provide the reader with a perspective on apraxia that considers a link between the pathology of apraxia and normal motor skill. In addition it is the intention of the authors to provide information that is theoretically interesting as well as clinically applicable. The book is a collection of papers by various authors working in the area of apraxia almost exclusively with limb aparaxia specifically. Beginning with Hugo Liepman's work of the late 19th century a cognitive neuropsychological model of limb apraxia is reviewed the use of new technologies that are informative about the mechanisms of limb praxis are discussed and issues related to research as well as clinical assessment/management of the disorder are provided. While acquired limb apraxia is the focus of the book there are also chapters on handedness developmental apraxia of speech and disorders of handwriting. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138883062

Aprender a aprender en la era digitalTecnopedagogÃa crÃtica para la enseñanza del español LE/L2 Aprender a aprender en la era digital provides a comprehensive state-of-the-art account that empowers readers to leverage learning technologies to promote second language learner autonomy. Written entirely in Spanish the book covers a breadth of innovative topics in the teaching of Spanish via and with technology such as emerging pedagogies autonomous and participatory learning learner agency and identity teacher development and post-communicative curriculum design. Key features: a novel and unique approach combining the latest research on learning autonomy and instructional technologies in language learning; an emphasis on the connections between theory and practice with concrete suggestions for using technology in the classroom; an extensive selection of curricular and pedagogical tools that can be easily adapted to various teaching and learning environments and needs; a broad selection of bibliographical references for further reading and research; a bilingual glossary of key techno-pedagogical terms; a catalogue with over 250 tools for second language learning and teaching with contextualized examples of their practical application; a comprehensive eResource with a wealth of additional materials including access to a database of technological tools and best practices in teaching Spanish with technology. Written in a clear and accessible manner Aprender a aprender en la era digital is ideal for instructors of Spanish at all educational levels. The book will also be of great interest to teachers of languages other than Spanish as well as graduate students pursuing a degree in Spanish Educational Technology or Language Education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138954632

Apropos of AfricaSentiments of Negro American Leaders on Africa from the 1800s to the 1950s First published in 1969 Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138010963

Apropos of IdeologyTranslation Studies on Ideology-ideologies in Translation Studies Today's worldwide ideological tensions have captured the interest of such varied disciplines as political science anthropology sociology cultural studies and linguistics. There are two primary reasons why translation studies cannot ignore the ideological debate. Historically translation has always been a site for ideological clashes. In addition globalization is now setting off translational mechanisms even within monolingual artifacts and this calls for the expertise of translation scholars. Apropos of Ideology aims to contribute to the broader discussion of ideology by providing a forum for debating ideological issues in translation as well as by bringing together within the pages of a single volume different types of translation research informed by very different research ideologies. Adopting a wide definition of ideology as a set of ideas beliefs and codes of behaviour that "govern a community by virtue of being regarded as the norm" a number of translation scholars look into ideological phenomena as they impinge on the process of translation. They consider questions of politics but also reflect upon gender sexuality religion secularity technology and even the very discipline of translation studies. At the same time the volume displays the kaleidoscopic complexity of the discipline while providing a strong argument that such diversity of perspectives is highly desirable. Contributors include Maria Tymoczko Rosemary Arrojo Christiane Nord Keith Harvey Peter Fawcett Ma Carmen Africa Vidal Christina Schäffner David Katan Francesco Straniero-Sergio and Sehnaz Tahir. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781900650519

AptamersTools for Nanotherapy and Molecular Imaging Aptamers often termed as ‘chemical antibodies ’ are an emerging class of synthetic ligands for efficient target-specific molecular recognition. The objective of this book is to highlight recent advances and potential of aptamers in various disease conditions. . This book focuses on the applications of aptamers in targeted nanotherapy detection and in molecular imaging in various disease conditions such as cancer neurological diseases and infectious diseases. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814669832

AptitudeA Special Issue of Educational Psychologist Richard Snow's research influenced many students and colleagues both directly through his findings and indirectly by inspiring others to carry on the work. A cross-section of his influence is represented in this special issue. The articles present several themes in his work including the importance of multivariate considerations of individual differences adapting instruction to individual learners a process understanding of aptitude and an enlarged role for spatial ability. Each paper picks up one of the themes identified--trait complexes ATIs process analyses and spatial ability--and has a strong quantitative empirical foundation but is nested within appropriately complex theoretical frameworks. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203764664

Apuleius and Africa The Metamorphoses or Golden Ass of Apuleius (ca. 170 CE) is a Latin novel written by a native of Madauros in Roman North Africa roughly equal to modern Tunisia together with parts of Libya and Algeria. Apuleius’ novel is based on the model of a lost Greek novel; it narrates the adventures of a Greek character with a Roman name who spends the bulk of the novel transformed into an animal traveling from Greece to Rome only to end his adventures in the capital city of the empire as a priest of the Egyptian goddess Isis. Apuleius’ Florida and Apology deal more explicitly with the African provenance and character of their author while also demonstrating his complex interaction with Greek Roman and local cultures. Apuleius’ philosophical works raise other questions about Greek vs. African and Roman cultural identity. Apuleius in Africa addresses the problem of this intricate complex of different identities and its connection to Apuleius’ literary production. It especially emphasizes Apuleius’ African heritage a heritage that has for the most part been either downplayed or even deplored by previous scholarship. The contributors include philologists historians and experts in material culture; among them are some of the most respected scholars in their fields. The chapters give due attention to all elements of Apuleius’ oeuvre and break new ground both on the interpretation of Apuleius’ literary production and on the culture of the Roman Empire in the second century. The volume also includes a modern sub-Saharan contribution in which "Africa" mainly means Mediterranean Africa. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367867157

AQA Psychology A Level Paper Three: Forensic Psychology The Extending Knowledge and Skills series is a fresh approach to A Level Psychology designed for greater demands of the new AQA specification and assessment and especially written to stretch and challenge students aiming for higher grades. Dealing with the AQA's Paper 3: Forensic Psychology this book is deliberately laid out with the assessment objectives in mind from AO1: Knowledge and understanding material followed by AO2: Application material to AO3: Evaluation and analysis material. Providing the most in-depth accessible coverage available of individual topics in Paper 3 the text is packed full of pedagogical features including: Question Time features to ensure that the reader is consistently challenged throughout the book. New research sections clearly distinguished within each chapter to ensure readers have access to the most cutting-edge material. A clear focus on the assessment objectives for the Paper topic to ensure readers know when and where to apply knowledge. The use of example answers with examiner style comments to provide greater insight into how to/how not to answer exam questions. An engaging relevant and challenging text which broadens student understanding beyond that of the average textbook this is the essential companion for any student taking the AQA A Level Paper 3 in Psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367403942

AQA Psychology A Level Paper Three: Issues and Debates The Extending Knowledge and Skills series is a fresh approach to A Level Psychology designed for greater demands of the new AQA specification and assessment and especially written to stretch and challenge students aiming for higher grades. Dealing with the compulsory topic of AQA’s Paper 3: Issues and Debates this book is deliberately laid out with the assessment objectives in mind from AO1: Knowledge and understanding material followed by AO2: Application material to AO3: Evaluation and analysis material. Providing the most in-depth accessible coverage available of individual topics in Paper 3 the text is packed full of pedagogical features including: Question Time features to ensure that the reader is consistently challenged throughout the book. New research sections clearly distinguished within each chapter to ensure readers have access to the most cutting-edge material. A clear focus on the assessment objectives for the Paper topic to ensure readers know when and where to apply knowledge. The use of example answers with examiner-style comments to provide greater insight into how to/how not to answer exam questions. An engaging relevant and challenging text that broadens student understanding beyond that of the average textbook this is the essential companion for any student taking the AQA A level Paper 3 in Psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367375430

AQA Psychology A Level Paper Three: Relationships The Extending Knowledge and Skills series is a fresh approach to A Level Psychology designed for greater demands of the new AQA specification and assessment and especially written to stretch and challenge students aiming for higher grades. Dealing with the top of AQA’s Paper 3: Relationships this book is deliberately laid out with the assessment objectives in mind from AO1: Knowledge and Understanding material followed by AO2: Application material to AO3: Evaluation and analysis material. Providing the most in-depth accessible coverage available of individual topics in Paper 3 the text is packed full of pedagogical features including: Question Time features to ensure that the reader is consistently challenged throughout the book. New research sections clearly distinct within each chapter to ensure readers have access to the most cutting-edge material. A clear focus on the assessment objectives for the paper topic to ensure readers know when and where to apply knowledge. The use of example answers with examiner-style comments to provide greater insight into how to/how not to answer exam questions. An engaging relevant and challenging text which broadens student understanding beyond that of the average textbook this is the essential companion for any student taking the AQA A Level Paper 3 in Psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367403911

AQA Psychology A Level Paper Three: Schizophrenia The Extending Knowledge and Skills series is a fresh approach to A Level Psychology designed for greater demands of the new AQA specification and assessment and especially written to stretch and challenge students aiming for higher grades. Dealing with the optional topic of AQA’s Paper 3: Schizophrenia this book is deliberately laid out with the assessment objectives in mind from AO1: Knowledge and understanding material followed by AO2: Application material to AO3: Evaluation and analysis material. Providing the most in-depth accessible coverage available of individual topics in Paper 3 the text is packed full of pedagogical features including: Question Time features to ensure that the reader is consistently challenged throughout the book. New research sections clearly distinct within each chapter to ensure readers have access to the most cutting-edge material. A clear focus on the assessment objectives for the paper topic to ensure readers know when and where to apply knowledge. The use of example answers with examiner style comments to provide greater insight into how to/how not to answer exam questions. An engaging relevant and challenging text that broadens student understanding beyond that of the average textbook this is the essential companion for any student taking the AQA A Level Paper 3 in Psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367403874

AQA PsychologyAS and A-level Year 1 AQA Psychology for AS and A-level Year 1 is the definitive textbook for the new 2015 curriculum. Written by eminent psychologist Professor Michael Eysenck in collaboration with a team of experienced A-level teachers and examiner the book enables students not only to pass their exams with flying colours but also to fully engage with the science of psychology. As well as covering the six core topics students will study the book includes: Activities which test concepts or hypotheses bringing theory to life Key research studies explained and explored showing the basis on which theory has developed Case studies which show how people’s lives are affected by psychological phenomena Evaluation boxes which critically appraise key concepts and theories Self-assessment questions which encourage students to reflect on what they’ve learnt Section summaries to support the understanding of specific ideas – perfect for revision Exam hints which steer students towards complete and balanced answers Key terms defined throughout so students aren’t confused by new language 200 figures tables and photos End of chapter further reading to enable students to develop a deeper understanding End of chapter revision questions and sample exam papers to consolidate knowledge and practice exam technique A full companion website with a range of further resources for both students and teachers including revision aids and class materials Incorporating greater coverage of research methods as well as key statistical techniques the sixth edition of this well-loved textbook continues to be the perfect introduction to psychology. Accessible yet rigorous the book is the ideal textbook for students taking either the AS course or year 1 of the A-level. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138902091

AQA Religious Ethics for AS and A2 Structured directly around the specification of the AQA this is the definitive textbook for students of Advanced Subsidiary or Advanced Level courses. It covers all the necessary topics for Religious Ethics in an enjoyable student-friendly fashion. Each chapter includes: a list of key issues AQA specification checklist explanations of key terminology helpful summaries self-test review questions exam practice questions. To maximise students' chances of exam success the book contains a section dedicated to answering examination questions. It comes complete with lively illustrations a comprehensive glossary full bibliography and a companion website. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415549332

Aquacultural DevelopmentSocial Dimensions Of An Emerging Industry This book examines issues of social equity user-group conflict environmental impacts of production and the mediating role of the state focusing on the social and environmental dimensions of aquacultural development in both industrialized and nonindustrialized nations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367166786

Aquaculture Development In Less Developed CountriesSocial Economic And Political Problems This book intended to improve planning for further development of aquaculture examines the factors that can determine the success or failure of aquaculture projects in developing countries. It gives specific examples of social economic and political constraints on aquaculture development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367168834

Aquaculture In AmericaThe Role Of Science Government And The Entrepreneur This book tracks the financial prospects for American companies cultivating aquatic plants and animals. Art Tiddens surveys the support currently available from state and federal governments and scientific institutions and urges that more is needed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367165444

Aquaculture LandscapesFish Farms and the Public Realm Aquaculture Landscapes explores the landscape architecture of farms reefs parks and cities that are designed to entwine the lives of fish and humans. In the twenty-first century aquaculture’s contribution to the supply of fish for human consumption exceeds that of wild-caught fish for the first time in history. Aquaculture has emerged as the fastest growing food production sector in the world but aquaculture has agency beyond simply converting fish to food. Aquaculture Landscapes recovers aquaculture as a practice with a deep history of constructing extraordinary landscapes. These landscapes are characterized and enriched by multispecies interdependency performative ecologies collaborative practices and aesthetic experiences between humans and fish. Aquaculture Landscapes presents over thirty contemporary and historical landscapes spanning six continents with incisive diagrams and vivid photographs. Within this expansive scope is a focus on urban aquaculture projects by leading designers—including Turenscape James Corner Field Operations and SCAPE—that employ mutually beneficial strategies for fish and humans to address urban coastal resiliency wastewater management and other contemporary urban challenges. Michael Ezban delivers a compelling account of the coalitions of fish and humans that shape the form function and identity of cities and he offers a forward-thinking theorization of landscape as the preeminent medium for the design of ichthyological urbanism in the Anthropocene. With over two hundred evocative images including ninety original drawings by the author Aquaculture Landscapes is a richly illustrated portrayal of aquaculture seen through the disciplinary lens of landscape architecture. As the first book devoted to this topic Aquaculture Landscapes is an original and essential resource for landscape architects urbanists animal geographers aquaculturists and all who seek and value multispecies cohabitation of a shared public realm. Winner of the 2020 John Brinckerhoff Jackson Book Prize! Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138218352

Aquaculture Law and PolicyTowards principled access and operations The aquaculture industry is fast expanding around the globe and causing major environmental and social disruptions. The volume is about getting a 'good governance' grip on this important industry. The book highlights the numerous law and policy issues that must be addressed in the search for effective regulation of aquaculture. Those issues include among others: the equitable and fair assignment of property rights; the design of effective dispute resolution mechanisms; clarification of what maritime laws apply to aquaculture; adoption of a proper taxation system for aquaculture; resolution of aboriginal offshore title and rights claims; recognition of international trade law restrictions such as labeling limitations and food safety requirements; and determination of whether genetically modified fish should be allowed and if so under what controls. This book will appeal to a broad range of audiences: undergraduate and postgraduate students academic researchers policy makers NGOs practicing lawyers and industry representatives. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415653572

Aquaculture Microbiology and Biotechnology Vol. 1 Aquaculture is currently one of the fastest growing production sectors in the world. It now accounts for nearly half (45%) of the worlds food fish (which refers to production of aquatic animals: fish crustaceans molluscs amphibians) and this increase is expected to reach 50% in 2015. Genetic engineering and biotechnology have contributed vastly to this field. The most commonly used methods in fish biotechnology are chromosome manipulation and hormone treatment which can be used to produce triploid tetraploid haploid gynogenetic and androgenetic fish. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138115224

Aquaculture Microbiology and Biotechnology Volume Two Fish and shrimp producing industries generate huge amounts of wastes in form of viscera scales waste water etc. Applications of microorganisms and/or microbesbased products have contributed significantly in solving many of these problems associated with aquaculture and waste management. This book addresses strategies for control of bacterial infection in farmed aquatic organism products. It covers: spoilage of fresh fish microorganisms and processed seafoods microbiological safety and quality of processed shrimps and fish and molecular detection of seafood borne human pathogenic bacteria. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138113756

Aquaculture Technology in Developing Countries Aquaculture technology has been evolving rapidly over the last two decades led by an increasingly skilled cadre of researchers in developing countries. Rather than copying or adapting work done in industrialized countries to their situations these scientists are moving aquaculture research out of the box to explore species and production systems relevant to their natural resources economies and social institutions. Studies from India Latin America the Middle East and Africa are highlighted in this collection of papers covering the entire gamut of aquaculture science from comparison of tilapia breeds novel feed ingredients for indigenous species improving disease resistance water-use efficiency traditional farming systems spatial planning and economics. More than a how-to book this volume introduces the researchers and institutions leading the development of aquaculture as it expands into new frontiers. This book was based on a special issue of the Journal of Applied Aquaculture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415827782

Aquaculture TechnologyFlowing Water and Static Water Fish Culture Key features:Takes a quantitative approach to the science of aquacultureCovers the complete landscape of the scientific basis of fish culturePromotes problem solving and critical thinkingIncludes sample problems at the end of most chaptersGuides the reader through the technical considerations of intensive aquaculture including fish growth rates hydraulic characteristics of fish rearing units oxygen consumption rates in relation to oxygen solubility and fish tolerance of hypoxia and water reconditioning by reaeration and ammonia filtration.Discusses the environmental effects of aquacultureIncludes a chapter on hatchery effluent control to meet receiving water discharge criteriaAquaculture Technology: Flowing Water and Static Water Fish Culture is the first book to provide the skills to raise fish in both a flowing water and a static water aquaculture system with a pragmatic and quantitative approach. Following in the tradition of the author’s highly praised book Flowing Water Fish Culture this work will stand out as one that makes the reader understand the theory of each type of aquaculture system; it will teach the user "how to think" rather than "what to think" about these systems.The book presents the scientific basis for the controlled husbandry of fish whether it be in a stream of water or a standing water pool. Part 1 Flowing Water Fish Culture is a major revision of the author’s initial book and includes greatly expanded coverage of rearing unit design criteria fish growth and the use of liquid oxygen hatchery effluent control and recirculating systems. Part 2 Static Water Fish Culture presents the scientific basis of fish culture in standing water systems including nutrient and dissolved gas dynamics pond ecology effects of fertilization and supplemental feeding water quality management and representative static water aquacultures.Aquaculture Technology conveys the science in a manner appropriate for use by university students and teachers and others involved in fish production and aquaculture research and development worldwide. It will enable the reader to adapt to changing technologies markets and environmental regulations as they occur. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367573744

AquacultureBiology and Ecology of Cultured Species This unique book introduces the biological and ecological basis of the production process in water and the biology of cultured species. It bridges the gap between research data and aquaculture techniques and covers problems arising in aquaculture production such as filtering molluscs. It also introduced modern aspects of oceanography that are important for understanding the production process. The book starts with a section dedicated to the production of living material and matter in the aquatic environment. It then goes on to explore in detail the biological basis of mollusc crustacean and fish cultures and the reproduction and nutrition of bivalve molluscs. Also discussed are the intensive and extensive aquaculture producing processes in fresh and marine waters and finally the pathology reared animals. Up-to-date data are provided and explained to the student using graphs and copious illustrations. The work is especially orientated toward the student reader and provides a comprehensive and authoritative text on the subject. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890739

AquananotechnologyGlobal Prospects The world’s fresh water supplies are dwindling rapidly—even wastewater is now considered an asset. By 2025 most of the world's population will be facing serious water stresses and shortages. Aquananotechnology: Global Prospects breaks new ground with its informative and innovative introduction of the application of nanotechnology to the remediation of contaminated water for drinking and industrial use. It provides a comprehensive overview from a global perspective of the latest research and developments in the use of nanotechnology for water purification and desalination methods. The book also covers approaches to remediation such as high surface area nanoscale media for adsorption of toxic species UV treatment of pathogens and regeneration of saturated media with applications in municipal water supplies produced water from fracking ballast water and more. It also discusses membranes desalination sensing engineered polymers magnetic nanomaterials electrospun nanofibers photocatalysis endocrine disruptors and Al13 clusters. It explores physics-based phenomena such as subcritical water and cavitation-induced sonoluminescence and fog harvesting. With contributions from experts in developed and developing countries including those with severe contamination such as China India and Pakistan the book’s content spans a wide range of the subject areas that fall under the aquananotechnology banner either squarely or tangentially. The book strongly emphasizes sorption media with broad application to a myriad of contaminants—both geogenic and anthropogenic—keeping in mind that it is not enough for water to be potable it must also be palatable. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073098

AquanomicsWater Markets and the Environment Water is becoming increasingly scarce. If recent usage trends continue shortages are inevitable. Aquanomics discusses some of the instruments and policies that may be implemented to postpone or even avoid the onset of "water crises." These policies include establishing secure and transferable private water rights and extending these rights to uses that traditionally have not been allowed including altering in-stream flows and ecosystem functions. The editors argue that such policies will help maximize water quantity and quality as water becomes scarcer and more valuable. Aquanomics contains many examples of how this is being accomplished particularly in the formation of water markets and market-like exchanges of water rights.Many observers see calamity ahead unless water supplies are harnessed and effectively conserved and unless water quality can be improved. It is also clear that declining water quality is a serious problem in much of the world as increasing human activities induce high levels of water degradation. Those who voice these concerns argue the contributors to this volume fail to consider the forces for improvement inherent in market political-economic systems that can address water issues. The contributors see water quality in economically advanced countries as improving and they believe this establishes the validity of market-based approaches. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412845786

Aquaporins in Health and DiseaseNew Molecular Targets for Drug Discovery Since the discovery of Aquaporin-1 (AQP1) as a water channel many studies have revealed the importance of aquaporins in mammalian physiology and pathophysiology as well as plant and microbial biology. The studies have also shown aquaporins as potential drug targets and targets for improving crop properties. Written by an international group of contributors at the forefront of the field Aquaporins in Health and Disease: New Molecular Targets for Drug Discovery presents the latest research advances in aquaporins and other major intrinsic protein (MIP) channels. The first section of the book describes the general concepts of aquaporin channel function genomic research structure-function analysis of aquaporins and glycerol facilitators and regulation by gating and trafficking including yeast aquaporin regulation and function. The second section discusses the physiological and pathophysiological roles of aquaporins in humans and microbes. The final section covers the development of inhibitors of aquaporin function. The book’s epilogue offers future perspectives and directions mainly in the area of aquaporin-based diagnostics and therapeutics. Stimulating future research on this important protein family this book facilitates a paradigm shift in the understanding and roles of aquaporin membrane proteins in all biological settings. It encourages scientists to develop novel approaches for the treatment of human diseases based on aquaporin function or dysfunction. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138894013

AquatectureBuildings Designed to Live and Work with Water Water plays a vital role in shaping our built environment as it has done for centuries. We depend on it we use it we live with it and we must respect it. Aquatecture is the first book to outline new ways of ‘designing for water ’ using examples from around the world to illustrate methods of utilizing water innovatively efficiently and safely. The first part of the book explores the historical relationship between water and architecture examining how cities and civilisations have been drawn to water and have attempted to control it. The chapters go on to assess how this relationship has changed over time and introduce readers to a range of brand new techniques that will revolutionise the way we think about water design and urban planning. Solutions such as amphibious housing wet-proof buildings zero carbon development rain gardens flood storage and new methods of waterfront design are discussed and their effectiveness assessed.     Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859465318

Aquatic and Surface Photochemistry Aquatic and Surface Photochemistry provides a broad overview of current research in the emerging field of environmental aquatic and surface photochemistry. Selected reviews and current research articles are blended to provide an in-depth treatment of various aspects of this research area. The first part of the text deals with photochemistry in the environment covering recent research on the following topics: aquatic photochemistry of organic pollutants and agrochemicals photochemical cycling of carbon and transition metals (especially iron) photochemical formation of reactive oxygen species in natural waters photoreaction in cloud and rain droplets and photoreactions on environmental surfaces (soil ash metal oxide). The second part provides discussions and data on both heterogeneous photocatalytic and homogeneous processes with topics ranging from applications to mechanistic studies. These chapters illustrate the wide diversity of pollutant classes that are degradable by photochemical techniques and the effects of various reaction conditions on the rates and efficiency of the techniques. Current kinetic studies are presented which provide new information about the role of adsorption and the nature of the reactive oxidizing species that mediate these photoremediation processes.This book will interest civil chemical and environmental engineers as well as chemists soil scientists geochemists and atmospheric chemists. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890746

Aquatic Chemistry Concepts Second Edition Aquatic Chemistry Concepts Second Edition is a fully revised and updated textbook that fills the need for a comprehensive treatment of aquatic chemistry and covers the many complicated equations and principles of aquatic chemistry. It presents the established science of equilibrium water chemistry using the uniquely recognizable step-by-step Pankow format which allows a broad and deep understanding of aquatic chemistry. The text is appropriate for a wide audience including undergraduate and graduate students industry professionals consultants and regulators. Every professional using water chemistry will want this text within close reach and students and professionals alike will expect to find at least one copy on their library shelves.   Key Features Extremely thorough one-of-a-kind treatment of aquatic chemistry which considers: a) chemical thermodynamics fundamentals; b) acid/base titration and buffer calculations; c) CO2 chemistry and alkalinity; d) complexation of metal ions by ligands and chelates; e) mineral solubility processes; f) redox chemistry including the chemistry of chlorine (as in disinfection) oxygen CO2 and methane nitrogen sulfur iron and lead including the story of lead in the drinking water of Flint Michigan; and g) electrical effects in aqueous solutions including the Debye-Hückel Law (and related equations for activity corrections) double layers and colloid stability Discussions of how to carry out complex calculations regarding the chemistry of lakes rivers groundwater and seawater Numerous example problems worked in complete detail Special foreword by Jerry L. Schnoor 'There’s a lot to like about a book on water chemistry that lays it out simply. Einstein said that everything should be as simple as it can be but not simpler. Wise advice. And that is what James F. Pankow has accomplished in the second edition of his textbook Aquatic Chemistry Concepts. It covers the “waterfront” of essential inorganic chemistry topics and it supplies enough examples to lead the student toward problem solving.' -From the Foreword Jerry L. Schnoor Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439854402

Aquatic Death and Homicidal Drowning Investigation This book provides information regarding bodies found in aquatic environments including bathtubs buckets sinks pools toilets ponds creeks rivers lakes oceans and wells. Besides homicides the book includes accidents and fatalities from scuba diving submerged vehicles and planes boats cold water immersion ice covered water falls from bridges and water births. Topics include the assumption of an accident what should cause suspicion in a drowning negligence and abuse securing a scene profiling a scene and interviewing a witness. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498722797

Aquatic Dicotyledons of North AmericaEcology Life History and Systematics Aquatic Dicotyledons of North America: Ecology Life History and Systematics brings together a wealth of information on the natural history ecology and systematics of North American aquatic plants. Most books on aquatic plants have a taxonomic focus and are intended primarily for identification. Instead this book provides a comprehensive overview of the biology of major aquatic species by compiling information from numerous sources that lie scattered among the primary literature herbarium databases and other reference materials. Included dicotyledon species are those having an obligate (OBL) wetland status a designation used in the USACE National Wetland Plant List. Recent phylogenetic analyses are incorporated and rationale is provided for interpreting this information with respect to species relationships. This diverse assemblage of information will be useful to a wide range of interests including academic researchers wildlife managers students and virtually anyone interested in the natural history of aquatic and wetland plants. Although focusing specifically on North America the cosmopolitan distribution of many aquatic plants should make this an attractive text to people working virtually anywhere outside of the region as well. This book is an essential resource for assisting with wetland delineation. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482225020

Aquatic Ecosystems in a Changing Climate Global climate change affects productivity and species composition of freshwater and marine aquatic ecosystems by raising temperatures ocean acidification excessive solar UV and visible radiation. Effects on bacterioplankton and viruses phytoplankton and macroalgae have farreaching consequences for primary consumers such as zooplankton invertebrates and vertebrates as well as on human consumption of fish crustaceans and mollusks. It has affected the habitation of the Arctic and Antarctic oceans the most so far. Increasing pollution from terrestrial runoff industrial municipal and household wastes as well as marine transportation and plastic debris also affect aquatic ecosystems. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138350052

Aquatic EcotoxicologyVolume 1: Fundamental Concepts and Methodologies Research into ecotoxicology can be classified into three fundamental concerns: abiotic factors which characterize the physicochemistry of environments; biotic factors relating to biological structures and functions; and contamination factors which define the modes of pollution of ecosystems. The most significant research methodologies currently being developed in aquatic ecotoxicology are presented specifically experimental approaches in the laboratory Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890753

Aquatic EcotoxicologyVolume 2: Fundamental Concepts and Methodologies Research into ecotoxicology can be classified into three fundamental concerns: abiotic factors which characterize the physicochemistry of environments; biotic factors relating to biological structures and functions; and contamination factors which define the modes of pollution of ecosystems. The most significant research methodologies currently being developed in aquatic ecotoxicology are presented specifically experimental approaches in the laboratory Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890760

Aquatic Effects of Acidic Deposition The completion of the initial phase of the U.S. National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP) in 1990 marked the end of the largest environmental research and assessment effort to that time. The resulting series of 27 State of Science and Technology (SOS/T) Reports and the NAPAP Integrated Assessment represent a decade of work by hundreds of scientists engineers and economists. Since then many new significant more refined studies on acid deposition have been completed and published considerably broadening knowledge in this area. Aquatic Effects of Acidic Deposition summarizes and synthesizes these major advancements particularly those topics that are directly relevant to policy making. It offers complete coverage of recent findings that have substantiated deepened modified or in some cases revolutionized scientific understanding in environmental research. This resource addresses the quantification of effects and recent developments in predictive modelling capabilities. It covers virtually all aspects of nitrogen effects research the importance of natural sources of acidity the influence of land use and landscape change on drainage water chemistry and the role of short-term episodic events. This comprehensive update thoroughly illustrates the progression and refinement in the field. Aquatic Effects of Acidic Deposition helps you make educated decisions based on the most recent reliable data for air pollution sensitivities effects remediation and future research. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138475335

Aquatic Food Quality and Safety Assesment Methods The book explains on the methods and procedures adopted for testing the quality and safety of aquatic food products. The analytical techniques available for testing the chemical constituents of aquatic food with separate chapters on the analysis of lipids proteins vitamins and minerals are exhaustively given to determine their nutritional quality. The various methods for sensory physical biochemical and microbiological quality assessments of aquatic food are explicitly given with detailed protocols for easy adoption. Special chapters covering the chemical contaminants and permitted additives for residue monitoring are dealt as they are important food safety requirements. This book will be very helpful for the food quality control technologists food analysts research scholars and fisheries professionals as a holistic guide on a variety of testing procedures for facile adoption to meet the food safety and quality regulatory requirements. Note: T& F does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India Pakistan Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367619466

Aquatic Habitats in Sustainable Urban Water ManagementUrban Water Series - UNESCO-IHP Aquatic habitats supply a wide range of vital ecosystem benefits to cities and their inhabitants. The unsustainable use of aquatic habitats including inadequate urban water management itself however tends to alter and reduce their biodiversity and therewith diminish their ability to provide clean water protect us from waterborne diseases and po Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429192463

Aquatic Health and Aquaculture This book discusses how to use the wastewaters liquid biowastes and soils unfit for agriculture to economically viable aquaculture practices; and putting the emphasis on aquaculture posology the science of quantification and administration of doses in aquatic health and aquaculture management. Broadly aquaculture practices come across three types of problems each; in the context of water quality and fin fish and shell fish diseases; and preventive curative and noncurative diseases in fin fish and shell fish. Note: T&F does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India Pakistan Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367629274

Aquatic Macrophyte Risk Assessment for Pesticides Given the essential role that primary producers play in aquatic ecosystems it is imperative that the potential risk of pesticides to the structure and functioning of aquatic plants is adequately assessed. An integration of regulatory and research information from key specialists in the area of environmental regulation Aquatic Macrophyte Risk Assessment for Pesticides provides a state-of-the-art guide to ecotoxicological risk assessment. Written by well-known experts in the field of aquatic risk assessment this book is a practical reference for the assessment of the risk of pesticides with herbicidal activity to aquatic macrophytes.The book supplies a concise coherent and science-based view from influential regulators academics and industry scientists. They address the selection of additional species critical regulatory endpoints and assessing the risk of plant protection products to aquatic macrophytes. They also present a clear description of key issues in macrophyte risk assessment information on macrophyte test methods suitable measurement endpoints and data evaluation and interpretation. Filled with recommendations distilled from existing regulatory experiences of aquatic macrophyte risk assessment the book includes case studies to identify issues data gaps and inadequacies in study design. It also identifies improvements to risk assessment that could be implemented immediately and those for which further research is needed. An authoritative resource the book points the way to an improved approach to aquatic macrophyte risk assessment. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367384920

Aquatic Mesocosm Studies in Ecological Risk Assessment A Special Publication of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)Aquatic Mesocosm Studies in Ecological Risk Assessment discusses the methods currently used for conducting simulated field studies and provides a series of case histories in which mesocosm type studies have been used to assess the impact of pesticides on aquatic ecosystems. Specific chapters address the dosing and exposure components of such studies and how they influence experimental design. Advantages and disadvantages of various statistical designs are addressed in detail. Regulatory aspects of the design and interpretation of these studies are also covered. The book will be a superb reference for aquatic biologists ecologists toxicologists environmental toxicologists environmental chemists and regulatory personnel. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003070016

Aquatic Monocotyledons of North AmericaEcology Life History and Systematics Aquatic Monocotyledons of North America brings together information on the natural history ecology and systematics of North American aquatic monocotyledons. The book is an overview of the biology of major aquatic species by compiling information from numerous sources that lie scattered among the primary literature herbarium databases and other reference sources. Information on more than 300 species in 87 genera of monocotyledons will be included. Recent phylogenetic analyses will be incorporated. Although focusing specifically on North America the cosmopolitan distribution of many aquatic plants should make this an attractive text to people working virtually anywhere outside of the region as well. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138054936

Aquatic Plants of North AmericaEcology Life History and Systematics Aquatic Monocotyledons of North America: Ecology Life History and Systematics brings together information on the natural history ecology and systematics of North American aquatic monocotyledons. The book is an overview of the biology of major aquatic species by compiling information from numerous sources that lie scattered among the primary literature herbarium databases and other reference sources. Information on more than 300 species in 87 genera of monocotyledons will be included. Recent phylogenetic analyses will be incorporated. Although focusing specifically on North America the cosmopolitan distribution of many aquatic plants should make this an attractive text to people working virtually anywhere outside of the region as well.Aquatic Dicotyledons of North America: Ecology Life History and Systematics brings together a wealth of information on the natural history ecology and systematics of North American aquatic plants. Most books on aquatic plants have a taxonomic focus and are intended primarily for identification. Instead this book provides a comprehensive overview of the biology of major aquatic species by compiling information from numerous sources that lie scattered among the primary literature herbarium databases and other reference materials. Included dicotyledon species are those having an obligate (OBL) wetland status a designation used in the USACE National Wetland Plant List. Recent phylogenetic analyses are incorporated and rationale is provided for interpreting this information with respect to species relationships. This diverse assemblage of information will be useful to a wide range of interests including academic researchers wildlife managers students and virtually anyone interested in the natural history of aquatic and wetland plants. Although focusing specifically on North America the cosmopolitan distribution of many aquatic plants should make this an attractive text to people working virtually anywhere outside of the region as well. This book is an essential resource for assisting with wetland delineation. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367467647

Aquatic PlantsPharmaceutical and Cosmetic Applications Aquatic Plants: Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Applications provides a concise description of popular aquatic plants found across the globe. The chapters in this beautifully illustrated full-color book focus on the aquatic species native to specific continents. Written by a global team of experts this book explains the distribution ethnobotanical uses genome sequencing chemical compounds and biological activity of these plants and addresses the cultivation and sustainable production of aquatic and wetland plants. Features: Describes the biological activity of a large collection of aquatic plants. Color photographs highlight each plant’s ethnobotanical characteristics and structural formulae show their chemical constituents. Contributions come from leading scientists from countries including the United States India Mauritius South Africa and Cyprus. Aquatic Plants: Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Applications is a valuable resource for academics conducting research on aquatic plants and for professionals in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries who are involved with the therapeutic applications of these plants and their sustainable usage. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367518462

Aquatic ToxicologyMolecular Biochemical and Cellular Perspectives Aquatic Toxicology examines research findings on the chronic effects of pollutants on aquatic species. Understanding these chronic effects is vital to determining the impact of small concentrations of pollutants on aquatic life in rivers estuaries lakes and coastal waters. Featuring research from renowned experts in the field this book evaluates modern techniques in the fields of molecular biology and biochemistry. It is indispensable to aquatic toxicologists aquatic biochemists fisheries scientists industrial chemists and researchers at federal state and university levels. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890777

Aqueous Phase AdsorptionTheory Simulations and Experiments This book covers theoretical aspects of adsorption followed by an introduction to molecular simulations and other numerical techniques that have become extremely useful as an engineering tool in recent times to understand the interplay of different mechanistic steps of adsorption. Further the book provides brief experimental methodologies to use test and evaluate different types of adsorbents for water pollutants. Through different chapters contributed by accomplished researchers working in the broad area of adsorption this book provides the necessary fundamental background required for an academician industrial scientist or engineer to initiate studies in this area.Key FeaturesExplores fundamentals of adsorption-based separationProvides physical insight into aqueous phase adsorptionIncludes theory molecular and mesoscopic level simulation techniques and experimentsDescribes molecular simulations and lattice-Boltzmann method based models for aqueous phase adsorptionPresents state-of-art experimental works particularly addressing removal of "emerging pollutants" from aqueous phase Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367570934

Aqueous Polymeric Coatings for Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms Aqueous-based film coating has become routine in the pharmaceutical industry. This process eliminates the use of organic solvents and thus avoids economic environmental and toxicological issues related to residual solvents and solvent recovery. Aqueous-based coating however is complex and many variables may impact the final product and its performance. This fourth edition of Aqueous Polymeric Coatings for Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms aims to provide insight into the factors and parameters that should be considered and controlled for the successful development and commercialization of a coated product. The fourth edition has been revised and expanded to reflect the most recent scientific advancements from the literature. The contributing authors explain in detail using illustrated examples appropriate steps to solve and ideally avoid formulation processing and stability problems and to achieve an optimized dosage form. Trade names and chemical names of commercially marketed coatings are used throughout the text to help familiarize the reader with the various materials available for pharmaceutical applications. This book will be a valuable resource for anyone in the pharmaceutical industry working in the area of aqueous-based film coating. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367736873

Aquifer Systems Management: Darcy's Legacy in a World of Impending Water ShortageSelected Papers on Hydrogeology 10 By 2050 the demand for water to sustain world agriculture will increase by seventy-five per cent in order to feed an estimated nine billion inhabitants. Increased amounts of water will be required for irrigation and for industrial and domestic use. Natural ecosystems will be threatened by the expansion of agricultural land and by a reduc Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429082122

Aquifer Test Modeling In recognition of the trend toward using numerical methdos for analyzing aquifer test data Aquifer Test Modeling delineates the application of numerical Laplace inversion analytical equations and numerical models and demonstrates the use of public domain software. Written by a leading expert with over fifty years of experience this highly practical text provides a thorough grounding in the terms and methods employed in aquifer test modeling while also establishing a protocol for organizing and simplifying conceptual model definition and data analysis.Using graphs tables and sample datasets to enhance understanding the author delineates the five major steps involved in the aquifer test modeling process. He discusses the importance of the conceptual model definition as a framework for organizing simplifying and idealizing information. The chapters cover the selection of appropriate aquifer test mathematical model equations compatible with previously defined conceptual models and highlight the importance of reviewing the mathematical assumption and the adjustment of data for any departures. They also explain format selection technique selection well function or drawdown calculation and calibration.The book provides five sample data sets to assist the reader in becoming familiar with WTAQ and MODFLOW aquifer test modeling input and output data file contents with confined nonleaky and unconfined aquifer conditions. It includes conceptual models consisting of abbreviated descriptions of aquifer test facilities aquifer test data and aquifer parameter values together with selected sample file sets. These are just a few of the features that make the book a valuable tool for estimating the supply and contamination characteristics of aquifers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367389918

Aquifer TestingDesign and Analysis of Pumping and Slug Tests New! A practical easy-to-use reference for the design and analysis of groundwater pumping and slug testsAquifer Testing: Design and Analysis of Pumping and Slug Tests is a complete design and analysis reference emphasizing practical solutions for engineers scientists consultants and students knowledgeable in basic ground water theory. T Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429156717

Aquinas and Modern Law This volume collects some of the best recent writings on St. Thomas’s philosophy of law and includes a critical examination of Aquinas’s theory of the relation between law and morality his natural law theory as well as the modern reformulation of his approach to natural rights. The volume shows how Aquinas understood the importance of positive law and demonstrates the modern relevance of his writings by including Thomistic critiques of modern jurisprudence and examples of applications of Thomistic jurisprudence to specific modern legal problems such as federalism environmental policy abortion and euthanasia. The volume also features an introduction which places Aquinas’s writings in the context of modern jurisprudence as well as an extensive bibliography. The volume is suited to the needs of jurisprudence scholars teachers and students and is an essential resource for all law libraries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409431770

Aquinas and Radical OrthodoxyA Critical Inquiry Aquinas and Radical Orthodoxy investigates the encounter of the most vibrant and controversial trend in recent theology with the greatest Christian thinker of the Middle Ages. The book describes Radical Orthodoxy’s orientation and highlights those anti-secular strategies and intellectual influences that have shaped its appeal to Aquinas. It surveys the emergence of the particular picture of Aquinas especially associated with the leaders of Radical Orthodoxy John Milbank and his student Catherine Pickstock along with the scholarly disputes which prompted and followed that development. The book then undertakes a detailed investigation of the pivotal publications on Aquinas of those two authors laying out their difficult theories in clear language carefully examining the texts of Aquinas to which they appeal and challenging their interpretations on a number of fundamental points. Topics covered include: analogical language and knowledge of God the role of metaphysics within theology the relation of cognition to the divine archetypes of things the possibility of human apprehension of God’s essence the nature of substance and speculation on the Trinity. The conclusion reflects on those elements suppressed by the Radical Orthodox reading of Aquinas their constructive philosophical and theological possibilities and the challenges they present to the Radical Orthodox project. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138809529

Aquinas on Being Goodness and God Thomas Aquinas is one of the most important figures in the history of philosophy and philosophical theology. Relying on a deep understanding of Aristotle Aquinas developed a metaphysical framework that is comprehensive detailed and flexible. Within that framework he formulated a range of strikingly original and carefully explicated views in areas including natural theology philosophy of mind philosophical psychology and ethics. In this book Christopher Hughes focuses on Aquinas’s thought from an analytic philosophical perspective. After an overview of Aquinas’s life and works Hughes discusses Aquinas’s metaphysics including his conception of substance matter and form and his account of essence and existence; and his theory of the nature of human beings including his critique of a substance dualism that Aquinas attributes to Plato but is usually associated with Descartes. In the final chapters Hughes discusses Aquinas’s account of the existence and nature of God and his treatment of the problem of evil as well as his ideas about the relation of goodness to being choice and happiness. Aquinas on Being Goodness and God is essential reading for students and scholars of Aquinas and anyone interested in philosophy of religion or the history of medieval philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138574038

Aquinas on GodThe 'Divine Science' of the Summa Theologiae Aquinas on God presents an accessible exploration of Thomas Aquinas' conception of God. Focusing on the Summa theologiae - the work containing Aquinas' most systematic and complete exposition of the Christian doctrine of God - Rudi te Velde acquaints the reader with Aquinas' theological understanding of God and the metaphysical principles and propositions that underlie his project. Aquinas' conception of God is dealt with not as an isolated metaphysical doctrine but from the perspective of his broad theological view which underlies the scheme of the Summa. Readers interested in Aquinas historical theology metaphysics and metaphysical discourse on God in the Christian tradition will find this new contribution to the studies of Aquinas invaluable. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138457751

Aquinas on Mind This book shows how the mature writings of Thomas Aquinas though written in the thirteenth century have much to offer the human mind and the relationship between intellect and will body and soul. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138142817

Arab Muslim WomanVoice and Vision in Postcolonial Literature and Film Given a long history of representation by others what themes and techniques do Arab Muslim women writers filmmakers and visual artists foreground in their presentation of postcolonial experience? Lindsey Moore’s groundbreaking book demonstrates ways in which women appropriate textual and visual modes of representation often in cross-fertilizing ways in challenges to Orientalist/colonialist nationalist Islamist and ‘multicultural’ paradigms. She provides an accessible but theoretically-informed analysis by foregrounding tropes of vision visibility and voice; post-nationalist melancholia and mother/daughter narratives; transformations of ‘homes and harems’; and border crossings in time space language and media. In doing so Moore moves beyond notions of speaking or looking ‘back’ to encompass a diverse feminist poetics and politics and to emphasize ethical forms of representation and reception. Aran Muslim Woman is distinctive in the eclectic body of work that it brings together. Discussing Algeria Egypt Jordan Lebanon Morocco the Palestinian territories and Tunisia as well as postcolonial Europe Moore argues for better integration of Arab Muslim contexts in the postcolonial canon. In a book for readers interested in women's studies history literature and visual media we encounter work by Assia Djebar Mona Hatoum Fatima Mernissi Ahlam Mosteghanemi Nawal el Saadawi Leila Sebbar Zineb Sedira Ahdaf Soueif Moufida Tlatli Fadwa Tuqan and many other women. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415759526

Arab American AestheticsLiterature Material Culture Film and Theatre Arab American Aesthetics enlists a wide range of voices to explore if not tentatively define what could constitute Arab American aesthetics in literature material culture film and theatre.This book seeks to unsettle current conversations within Arab American Studies that neglect aesthetics as a set of choices and constraints. Rather than divorce aesthetics from politics the book sutures the two more closely together by challenging the causal relationship so often attributed to them. The conversations include formal choices but also extend to the broad idea of what makes a work distinctly Arab American. That is what about its beauty ugliness sublimity or humor is explicitly tied to it as part of a tradition of Arab American arts? The book opens up the ways that we discuss Arab American literary and fine arts so that we understand how Arab American identity and experience begets Arab American artistic enterprise. Split into three sections the first offers a set of theoretical propositions for understanding aesthetics that traverse Arab American cultural production. The second section focuses on material culture as a way to think through the creation of objects as an aesthetic enterprise. The final section looks at narratives in theatre and how the impact of such a medium has the potential to recreate in both senses of the word: play and invention. By shifting the conversation from identity politics to the relationship between politics and aesthetics this book provides an important contribution to Arab American studies. It will also appeal to students and scholars of ethnic studies museum studies and cultural studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367593179

Arab American Children with DisabilitiesConsiderations for Teachers and Service Providers Despite a proliferation of special education literature on racial minorities over the past three decades research and writing on Arab American children with disabilities remain remarkably sparse. This book fills that gap by promoting culturally appropriate services for Arab American children with disabilities. Special education and service providers in the U.S.—including school psychologists rehabilitation counselors and social workers—are increasingly likely to work with Arab Americans with disabilities. By focusing on this marginalized minority population Al Khatib provides much-needed context and direction for service providers and researchers working with the Arab American community. Offering an overview of special education and the rights guaranteed under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) this book also helps Arab American families understand the special education process and advocate for their children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138207066

Arab and Jewish Immigrants in Latin AmericaImages and Realities This collection of essays addresses various aspects of Arab and Jewish immigration and acculturation in Latin America. The volume examines how the Latin American elites who were keen to change their countries' ethnic mix felt threatened by the arrival of Arabs and Jews. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315038049

Arab and Regional Politics in the Middle East Thee main themes are explored in this book first published in 1984: the first is the problem of religion and politics as a major and long-standing preoccupation of Middle-easterners or Arab Muslims themselves; the second is that of the conflict-ridden inter-Arab and regional politics approached largely from a local rather than an international perspective; the third deals with Egypt. The book also enquires into the nature of rule and regimes in the Middle East the basis of authority and the arrangements for the organisation exercise and use of power. Drawing examples from Egypt and the Fertile Crescent the emphasis is on the relation between tradition and politics historical evolution and state policy domestic factors and external constraints. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138925298

Arab Approaches to Conflict ResolutionMediation Negotiation and Settlement of Political Disputes This book examines Arab approaches to mediation negotiation and settlement of political disputes. This book proposes that two clusters of independent variables are potentially responsible for the distinctive nature of Arab conflict resolution. Firstly those linked with Arab political regimes and imperatives and secondly those linked with Arab and /or Islamic culture. The text also focuses on the Arab League and its history of involvement in crisis and conflict situations along with the roles of individual leaders emissaries and extra-regional actors such as IGOs (Inter-Governmental Organisations) in undertaking mediation initiatives. IGO and Arab League activity has taken on new importance since the various intervention attempts in connection with the 'Arab Spring' since 2011. During the negotiation process most Arab regimes tend to view conflicts within a broad historical context and Islamic culture prioritises the cohesion of the community and internal stability of the state over individual autonomy. This has created an authoritarian style of leadership and in practice leaders in the Middle East have had near absolute authority in the decision-making process—a fact which will have a lot of weight in conflict management and whether peace will endure for a long period of time. This book is unique in studying these clusters through comparative systematic case study analysis of events prior to and subsequent to the 'Arab Spring' augmented by a quantitative analysis of sample data on Arab disputes compiled from a larger and newly augmented study comprising the years 1945-2000. Complementary data from the Uppsala Conflict Data Program’s (UCDP) data base of armed conflicts since 1975 is also utilized. This book will be of much interest to students of conflict resolution peace and conflict studies Middle Eastern politics and IR in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815361305

Arab Attitudes to Israel Because of recent changes in the explicitly declared goals of Arabs in the Palestinian conflict this book is of singular importance and no scholar or expert on Middle East affairs can afford to ignore it.This work by a scholar described as "the doyen of Israeli Arabists " is the result of vast research into the attitude of the Arabs toward Israel manifested both in their declared explicit aims and in ideological exegeses on the roots of the Palestinian problem. Approximately one hundred twenty books written by Arabs and the Arab press and radio are herein analyzed. Harkabi's searching examination is objective. His detection of consistent patterns in what at first seems amorphous is convincing. If there is such a thing as a science of political psychology Harkabi is its master. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507340

Arab Awakening First published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963733

Arab Awakening and Islamic RevivalThe Politics of Ideas in the Middle East Over the past decade the political ground beneath the Middle East has shifted. Arab nationalism the political orthodoxy for most of this century has lost its grip on the imagination and allegiance of a new generation. At the same time Islam as an ideology has spread across the region and "Islamists" bid to capture the center of politics. Most Western scholars and experts once hailed the redemptive power of Arabism. Arab Awakening and Islamic Revival is a critical assessment of the contradictions of Arab nationalism and Islamic fundamentalism and the misrepresentation of both in the West.The first part of the book argues that Arab nationalism--the so-called Arab awakening--bore within it the seeds of its own failure. Arabism as an idea drew upon foreign sources and resources. Even as it claimed to liberate the Arabs from imperialism it deepened intellectual dependence upon the West's own romanticism and radicalism. Ultimately Arab nationalism became a force of oppression rather than liberation and a mirror image of the imperialism it defied. Kramer's essays together form the only chronological telling and the at fully documented postmortem of Arabism. The second part of the book examines the similar failings of Islamism whose ideas are Islamic reworkings of Western ideological radicalism. Its effect has been to give new life to old rationales for oppression authoritarianism and sectarian division.Arab Awakening and Islamic Revival provides an alternative view of a century of Middle Eastern history. As the region moves fitfully past ideology Kramer's perspective is more compelling than at any time in the past-in Western academe no less than among many in the Middle. This book will be of interest to sociologists political scientists economists and Middle East specialists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138518889

Arab Cultural StudiesHistory Politics and the Popular This book seeks to both showcase and further develop innovative research and debates on contemporary Arab cultural production. Popular culture in the form of cinema popular music literature visual media and cyber-cultures both local and imported enjoy a central role in Arab cultural life and the contributors to this innovative collection showcase the tremendous cultural output emerging from the Arab world. They present sensitive conceptual readings whilst remaining mindful of the place of this work within a wider framework that seeks to prevent isolationist readings of cultural phenomena. Making sense of the place of culture in the Arab world and agreeing upon a broadly recognisable and commonly accepted set of terms within which to discuss this output is a new and urgent challenge. Arab Cultural Studies aspires to understand communicate and theorise these forms. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal for Cultural Research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138844940

Arab Development Challenges of the New Millennium This title was first published in 2002. In 2000 a major international conference was organized by the Arab Planning Institute to identify analyze and compare development challenges facing Arab countries at the dawn of the new millennium. An interdisciplinary team of scholars were brought together from the fields of regional science development studies economics business and government policy and together they addressed global regional and domestic challenges and their impact on the Arab region. This volume brings together the best papers presented at this conference. In doing so it offers up-to-date insights into and a clearer understanding of this region. It highlights issues including: economic and social implications of globalization; strategic alliances; the implications for Arab countries of emerging technological patterns; the impact of the European Monetary Union and the euro; Arab regional integration; education; and the development of individual Arab country's economies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138721784

Arab Education in TransitionA Source Book The operation of schools in the Arab world is a topic about which very little is known in the West. This volume first published in 1991 provides information about the Arab school and thus contributes to an understanding of what is taught by whom and under what conditions. It seeks to define the interaction between traditional elements and innovative forces impinging on the Arab school as well as reviewing policies that concern the education of Arab children. It is maintained that Arab schools are in a state of transition reproducing society and its norms on one hand while on the other operating as agents seeking to transform society. This work examines this claim in detail providing a unique discussion about education in the Arab world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138643017

Arab History and the Nation-StateA Study in Modern Arab Historiography 1820-1980 The study of Arab historiography and of the emergence of the Arab nation-state as an object of historical treatment is a matter of considerable current interest. Despite its importance no academic work has dealt with this subject as a major preoccupation of Arab historians and intellectuals. This book first published in 1989 discusses the development of modern Arab historiography and its study of the nation-state in the nineteenth century and analyses the work of three contemporary Arab historians from Egypt the Lebanon and Morocco. An important and highly readable account it reaffirms the importance of historiography and proposes a revision of the manner in which modern Arab thought has hitherto been classified and interpreted. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138221406

Arab Industrial IntegrationA Strategy for Development The Arab countries are increasingly recognising their importance as a regional economic grouping. Given the highly skewed distribution of natural human and financial resources the course of economic development in the Arab countries seems to be interrelated. Through pooling their resources and markets these countries will not only be able to optimise investment decisions but also broaden the potential for development. This book argues that economic integration is not merely a question of reducing or eliminating discriminatory measures as emphasised in previous integration attempts. It calls rather for a positive action based on a regional investment strategy which coordinates production programmes to reap the benefits of specialisation and scale. The book focuses on past industrialisation efforts in the Arab countries and examines the emerging patterns of industrial growth. A pioneering attempt is made to identify specific industries whose economic viability can be enhanced by conceiving them on a regional basis. The book concludes by framing a strategy for an integrated industrial development in the Arab region. First published in 1982. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138820005

Arab Industrialisation and Economic Integration Independently commissioned by IAI the three studies comprising this book examine inter-Arab industrial and economic cooperation. The first chapter analyses the industrial strategies economic policies and attempts at harmonisation and cooperation of the Arab countries providing a detailed picture of the convergences and divergences the potential and the difficulties faced by the region. The second chapter examines the importance of coordinating economic polices if economic integration is to be sustained and considers the implications to the world economy. Lastly the third chapter examines Arab labour flows a key factor in the development of the Arab countries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138815865

Arab Kingdom:Orientalism V 7 This book provides a well researched and fascinating guide to the rise and fall of the political community of Islam in the Arab kingdom. It also presents information on the civil wars and the tribes in the Arab kingdom. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415757850

Arab Local Government In Israel A study in the project The Status and Condition of the Arabs in Israel under the direction of Professor Henry Rosenfeld. In this book the authors present a historical analysis of local authorities in Arab communities prior to and since the establishment of the state of Israel. They discuss the workings of Arab local councils municipalities and national political groupings as well as the circumstances of internal conflicts in Arab settlements. They also present comparative data on budgets in Jewish and Arab communities. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429042997

Arab ManpowerThe Crisis of Development The Arab world increasingly falls into two divisions the capital-poor and the capital-rich countries (where capital means in essence oil). In the capital-rich countries shortage of labour is the chief constraint on growth. In the capital-poor countries analysis of the labour market is equally central as shortage of labour compounds the already existing problem of shortage of capital. This book surveys the labour markets of the Arab world state by state evaluating them by demand and supply analysis and analysing the different elements in trends of employment. It forecasts the areas of stress in the next decade and suggests ways of minimising them. The book based on much previously unpublished information and on extensive on-the-spot research in the respective Arab countries sets out the economic and social conditions which underly the impending crisis of development in the Arab region. First published in 1980. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138820029

Arab Minority Nationalism in IsraelThe Politics of Indigeneity National minorities and their behaviour have become a central topic in comparative politics in the last few decades. Using the relationship between the state of Israel and the Arab national minority as a case study this book provides a thorough examination of minority nationalism and state-minority relations in Israel. Placing the case of the Arab national minority in Israel within a comparative framework the author analyses major debates taking place in the field of collective action social movements civil society and indigenous rights. He demonstrates the impact of the state regime on the political behaviours of the minorities and sheds light on the similarities and differences between various types of minority nationalisms and the nature of the relationship such minorities could have with their states. Drawing empirical and theoretical conclusions that contribute to studies of Israeli politics political minorities indigenous populations and conflict issues this book will be a valuable reference for students and those in policy working on issues around Israeli politics Palestinian politics and the broader Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138788879

Arab Monetary IntegrationIssues and Prerequisites Pre-eminent among the requisites for economic integration is monetary integration. It is the premise of the chapters in this book that if the Arab world is to achieve a closer degree of cooperation in economic and political spheres the issue of monetary integration must be given much more attention. To this end the contributors to this book who include well-known academics and economic experts from the Arab countries Europe the USA and Latin America have looked at the experience of other areas of the world which have introduced monetary unity. They consider the experiences of Western Europe Latin America and Western Africa evaluating them with the objective of focusing on the various major issues which have to be coped with when planning for closer monetary cooperation. While the analysis concerning the scope for future Arab monetary integration revealed varying positions as to the factors which should be stressed and the pre-requisites which should be fulfilled there emerged general agreement on certain major issues including the following: at the present time the Arab countries should strive to achieve partial rather than full monetary integration and to create the requisite conditions for such a move; economic and monetary integration should be viewed as mutually reinforcing rather than as successive processes; and the political will to achieve integration is a major pre-requisite for any move in that direction. First published in 1981. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138820043

Arab NationalismThe Politics of History and Culture in the Modern Middle East Arab nationalism has been one of the dominant ideologies in the Middle East and North Africa since the early twentieth century. However a clear definition of Arab nationalism even as a subject of scholarly inquiry does not yet exist. Arab Nationalism sheds light on cultural expressions of Arab nationalism and the sometimes contradictory meanings attached to it in the process of identity formation in the modern world. It presents nationalism as an experienceable set of identity markers – in stories visual culture narratives of memory and struggles with ideology sometimes in culturally sophisticated forms sometimes in utterly vulgar forms of expression. Drawing upon various case studies the book transcends a conventional history that reduces nationalism in the Arab lands to a pattern of political rise and decline. It offers a glimpse at ways in which Arabs have constructed an identifiable shared national culture and it critically dissects conceptions about Arab nationalism as an easily graspable secular and authoritarian ideology modeled on Western ideas and visions of modernity. This book offers an entirely new portrayal of nationalism and a crucial update to the field and as such is indispensable reading for students scholars and policymakers looking to gain a deeper understanding of nationalism in the Arab world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415499385

Arab Oil Policies in the 1970sOpportunity and Responsibility Until 1973 few people either in the advanced industrial countries or in the developing countries of the Third World thought seriously on the issues and complexities involved in the production and marketing of the oil on which they relied. It was only with the sudden steep increases in oil prices that the oil industry became a matter of general discussion and the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) became a front page topic for analysis and comment. However real understanding of the organisation and its policies did not accompany this rush of interest and much confusion has followed. In particular the Arab exporters have received the weight of the criticism although they have only a share in the market and not a monopoly. This book attempts to instil a greater mutual understanding between oil exporters and importers although it is not a wholesale endorsement of Arab policies by outlining the major policy areas in this field. It looks at new policy options and their implications in exploration marketing and pricing and at downstream operations such as the petrochemical and gas industries. In conclusion this study identifies the wide-ranging opportunities that the new oil policies have opened up for the Arab countries in the national regional and international context and assesses and clarifies the responsibilities which accompany this success. First published in 1983. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138820074

Arab Periodicals and SerialsA Subject Bibliography This bibliography first published in 1979 is a guide to serials and periodicals in Arabic English French and other European languages published in the Arab countries or in the Western hemisphere. Arab serials and periodicals are considered primary sources of information on subject matters related to the Arab world. Lack of comprehensive bibliographies of Arab serials in the English language has hindered the work of librarians and Middle East specialists who need to identify a large number of such publications published in and about the Arab world. This bibliography is a research tool designed specifically to fill that gap. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138694637

Arab RegionalismA Post-Structural Perspective Arab regionalism details and examines the power relations involved in the making of an Arab region. On an empirical level this book concentrates on the drawing of topographic and ideational boundaries in the Arab region on Arab regional organizations on the functional cooperation among Arab states and institutions and on the socio-cultural infra-structure that supports the Arab region making process with a strong focus on post-1990 dynamics. On a theoretical level this work makes a case for the analytical autonomy of "Arab" regionalism (as opposed to regionalism in the Middle East or in the Mediterranean) and for the necessity of approaching it as an actual process instead of a failed project. The attitude of debasement and erasure towards Arab regionalism that is common-place in the field of regional studies is replaced in this book for the acknowledgment that there is much more political coordination economic cooperation and social integration in the Arab region than has previously been assumed. Providing a fresh perspective on Arab regionalism this book will be an essential resource for scholars and researchers with an interest in Regionalism Middle Eastern Politics and International Relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138282476

Arab ResourcesThe Transformation of a Society The modern Arab world is faced with a serious problem in the imbalance between human and natural resources. The Gulf states with their vast natural resources are poor in human resources whereas in Egypt or Jordan the picture is reversed. This study first published in 1983 considers the range of factors affecting development in the Arab world and examines the broad sectoral resources the infrastructure for resource development and the range of problems shaping the political economy of Arab advancement. In conclusion an analysis is made of the existing trends in the transformation of Arab society and ways are suggested in which these trends will develop over the next decade. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138642911

Arab Revolutions and World Transformations Stories about institutions and regimes that have failed us are echoing worldwide. This book critically engages the multiple uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) following the self-immolation of Tunisian street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi in December 2010. It brings together authors who critically analyse the unstoppable force unleashed in the streets of Tunisia Egypt Bahrain Syria Libya and Yemen. This book analyses the roots and trajectory of the recent revolts in the context of the global transformations that have redefined the politics of movement and revolution. For example some authors engage extensively with the strategies embraced by the younger generation of activists. Others argue that the power of these revolutions lies in the people’s creative orientations including their collaborations. While much of the mobilization efforts in these different parts of the world happen through word of mouth radio cartoons placards and SMS services; sites such as Facebook helped people meet each other with a click carrying their claims through stories songs poetry and art of protest across international borders quickly enabling them to rapidly bring authoritarian regimes to the brink of collapse and make a qualitatively different expression of uprisings.  All authors in this volume address the question of the stakes in these revolts as through them spectacular and everyday violence can be challenged and alternative social projects can emerge. Neither a footnote to the West's history nor an appendix to neoliberal capitalist global projects people are actively drawing on their power to disrupt domination and oppression creatively responding to global problems and calling for democratic institutions with viable ecologies. This book was published as a special issue of Globalizations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138798397

Arab Society (Routledge Revivals)Continuity and Change The Arab world has long been subjected to super-power rivalry for influence and control. The area has been characterized by bloody conflict with Israel and the internal instability that has been particularly prevalent in the last few years. Whilst these political struggles have been highly visible and at times spectacular over the decades other transformations have taken place within the societies and peoples of the region on a less pronounced – although just as profound – scale. The integration of the region into the world economy and the spread of Islamic revivalism are perhaps the most significant of these transformations. This volume inspired by a lecture series on the Arab world in transition at the American University Washington D.C. was first published in 1985. It discusses a wide range of issues from economic to religious which together form an in-depth analysis of the complex processes of transformation in Arab society. This is a fascinating work that holds the same interest and value to scholars and students of Middle Eastern history politics and domestic affairs as it did when it was first published. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415829182

Arab Spring and Arab WomenChallenges and opportunities This volume examines the role of Arab women in the Arab Spring and their contribution to the ongoing process of change sweeping the region. The book begins with an examination of the process of democratization and its impediments in the Arab World since the Second World War. It then looks at the conditions that led to the upsurge of the so-called Arab Spring. Finally it underscores women’s role as participants organizers leaders but also as victims. The main thesis of the book is that while Arab women were an integral part of the revolutionary efforts within the Arab Spring paradigm they did not benefit from their sacrifices. Although they continue to be part of the process of change their gains rights and scope for participation are still limited. If the expansion of women’s participation and the scope of their rights do not seem to be a priority for revolutionary forces women have made remarkable achievements especially in some Arab Spring countries such as Yemen and Libya. The book includes case studies of some Arab Spring countries and other countries influenced by developments: Egypt Bahrain Kuwait Libya Yemen Algeria Jordan Morocco and Saudi Arabia. It calls on revolutionary and reformist forces to give special attention to issues related to Arab women as they are an indispensable pillar in the process of reform development peace and stability in the Middle East. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781857437126

Arab Spring and PeripheriesA Decentring Research Agenda The emerging literature on the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ has largely focused on the evolution of the uprisings in cities and power centres. In order to reach a more diversified and inner understanding of the ‘Arab Spring’ this edited book examines how peripheries have reacted and contributed to the historical dynamics at work in the Middle East and North Africa. It rejects the idea that the ‘Arab Spring’ is a unitary process and shows that it consists of diverse Springs which differed in terms of opportunity structure strategies of a variance of actors and outcomes. This book looks at geographical religious gender and ethnical peripheries conceptualizing periphery as a dynamic structure which can expand and contract. It shows that the seeds for changing the face of politics and polities are within peripheries themselves. Focusing on the voices of peripheries can therefore be a powerful tool to ‘de-simplify’ the reading of the Arab Spring and to reshape the paradigmatic schemes through which to look at this part of the world. This book was published as a special issue of Mediterranean Politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138393226

Arab Spring Challenges for Democracy and Security in the Mediterranean This volume presents essential aspects of Mediterranean politics to be reconsidered in the light of the Arab upheavals since 2010. Taking as its focal point the question of how far European-Mediterranean relations are challenged by the various developments this book explores the relationship between security and democracy within the Arab countries and in European-Mediterranean relations. The ambiguity between the promotion of democratic values and the preservation of common interests in economic and security affairs is stirred up by changing political actors and new conflictual constellations inside the Arab countries. The chapters in this volume offer range of different angles on the re-formulation of the European Neighbourhood Policy as well as the Democracy Assistance towards the Southern Mediterranean. They discuss the major security issues of a cooperative security architecture counter-terrorism action migration control and security sector reform in order to explore the relevant challenges in the field. The contributions analyse the recent developments and challenges provide critical insights into those fields and endeavour to provide some proposals for improving Mediterranean cooperation on democracy and security. This book was published as a special issue of Democracy and Security. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138790148

Arab VoicesThe human rights debate in the Middle East This book first published in 1991 moves beyond sensational headlines to explore how Middle Eastern men and women speak and feel about the societies in which they live. Kevin Dwyer makes use of extensive research and interview material from Egypt Tunisia and Morocco and combines first-hand testimony with vivid and illuminating analysis. The voices are those of lawyers political militants religious thinkers journalists and human rights activists who focus their discussion on the question of human rights and critical issues in social and cultural life. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138642287

Arab-Byzantine Relations in Early Islamic Times The Byzantine Empire was the Islamic commonwealth’s first and most stubborn adversary. For many centuries it loomed large in Islamic diplomacy military operations and commerce as well as in Islamic representations of the world in general. Moreover the ways in which early Muslims and Byzantines perceived one another †both polemically and otherwise †afterwards proved decisive for the mutual perceptions between the Islamic world and Christian Western Europe. For these and other reasons Arab-Byzantine relations have been a major concern of modern scholarship on early Islam for well over a century. Arab-Byzantine Relations in Early Islamic Times presents some of the most important of these contributions organized according to the following themes: war and diplomacy; frontiers and military organization; polemics and images of the 'other'; exchange influence and convergence; and martyrdom jihad and holy war. An introductory essay discusses these themes within the contexts of early Islamic society politics and economy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315262284

Arabia & The Gulf First published in 1982. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138869929

Arabia & The Isles First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987470

Arabia Before Muhammad First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415510844

Arabian Adventure First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963740

Arabian Essays First Published in 1982. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138869936

Arabian Medicine and its Influence on the Middle Ages: Volume I First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415510837

Arabian Medicine and its Influence on the Middle Ages: Volume II First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138862104

Arabian Society Middle Ages First Published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138164260

Arabic and Hebrew Love Poems in Al-Andalus Arabic and Hebrew Love Poems in al-Andalus investigates a largely overlooked subset of Muslim and Jewish love poetry in medieval Spain: hetero- and homo-erotic love poems written by Muslim and Jewish religious scholars in which the lover and his sensual experience of the beloved are compared to scriptural characters and storylines. This book examines the ways in which the scriptural referents fit in with or differ from the traditional Andalusian poetic conventions. The study then proceeds to compare the scriptural stories and characters as presented in the poems with their scriptural and exegetical sources. This new intertextual analysis reveals that the Jewish and Muslim scholar-poets utilized their sacred literature in their poems of desire as more than poetic ornamentation; in employing Qur’Änic heroes in their secular verses the Muslim poets presented a justification of profane love and sanctification of erotic human passions. In the Hebrew lust poems which utilize biblical heroes we can detect subtle subversive and surprisingly placed interpretations of biblical accounts. Moving beyond the concern with literary history to challenge the traditional boundaries between secular and religious poetry this book provides a new multidisciplinary approach to existing materials and will be of interest to students scholars and researchers of Islamic and Jewish Studies as well as to those with an interest in Hebrew and Arabic poetry of Islamic Spain. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367867560

Arabic Grammar and Linguistics This book explores aspects of the Arabic Grammatical Tradition and Arabic Linguistics from both a theoretical and descriptive perspective. It also touches on issues of relevance to other disciplines particularly Qur'anic exegesis and jurisprudence. The links between the fields of language and religion are historically strong in the Arabic and Islamic traditions as so much time and effort was spent by grammarians in interpreting the precise meanings of two of the main sources of Islamic jurisprudence - the Quran and Hadith. Prof Suleiman has assembled an international team of experts in this area and presents a thorough review of the sources and arguments. The book will be of interest to all students researchers and teachers of Arabic Language and Culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963757

Arabic Grammar in Context Arabic Grammar in Context offers a unique and exciting approach to learning grammar. It presents grammar as a necessary and essential tool for understanding Arabic and for developing comprehension and production skills. Features include: authentic texts from a rich variety of sources literary and non-literary used as the starting point for the illustration and explanation of key areas of Arabic grammar clear and authoritative demonstration of the relevance of grammar for understanding and interpreting Arabic a wide range of appropriate exercises designed to consolidate learning fully vocalized exercises and texts a glossary of vocabulary and expressions provided at the end of the book audio readings of the texts available online for additional listening practice. Suitable for class use and independent study Arabic Grammar in Context is ideal for intermediate to advanced learners of Arabic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415715966

Arabic IdiomsA Corpus Based Study Idioms represent a fascinating linguistic phenomenon that has captured the attention of many linguists for decades. This corpus-based study of idioms in Modern Standard Arabic sheds light on their intricate nature establishes the major patterns of their linguistic behaviour and provides explanations for these patterns. Adopting a descriptive framework the study addresses two main issues with regard to the discursive behaviour of idioms: the discursive functions that they perform and the ways in which they contribute to the cohesion of their texts. Examining primary data with regard to the semantic discursive lexical and grammatical properties of Arabic idioms the author touches on the ubiquity of these expressions in language use the wide range of functions they perform in discourse the problems they often cause in domains such as foreign language learning and translation and their typical divergence from the normal rules of grammar and semantic compositionality.Providing explanations for major linguistic phenomena this analysis will be accessible to linguists translators lexicographers translation software developers and language teachers as well as learners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367865993

Arabic in IsraelLanguage Identity and Conflict In Arabic in Israel Muhammad Amara analyses the status of Arabic following the creation of the State of Israel and documents its impact on the individual and collective identity of Israel’s Palestinian Arab citizens. The interplay of language and identity in conflict situations is also examined. This work represents the culmination of many years of research on Arabic linguistic repertoire and educational policy regarding the language of the Palestinian citizens of Israel. It draws all of these factors together while linking them to local regional and global developments. Its perspective is interdisciplinary and as such examines the topic from a number of angles including linguistic social cultural and political. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138063556

Arabic in the CityIssues in Dialect Contact and Language Variation Filling a gap in the literature currently available on the topic this edited collection is the first examination of the interplay between urbanization language variation and language change in fifteen major Arab cities. The Arab world presents very different types and degrees of urbanization from well established old capital-cities such as Cairo to new emerging capital-cities such as Amman or Nouakchott these in turn embedded in different types of national construction. It is these urban settings which raise questions concerning the dynamics of homogenization/differentiation and the processes of standardization due to the coexistence of competing linguistic models. Topics investigated include: History of settlement The linguistic impact of migration The emergence of new urban vernaculars Dialect convergence and divergence Code-switching youth language and new urban culture Arabic in the Diaspora Arabic among non-Arab groups. Containing a broad selection of case studies from across the Arab world and featuring contributions from leading urban sociolinguistics and dialectologists this book presents a fresh approach to our understanding of the interaction between language society and space. As such the book will appeal to the linguist as well as to the social scientist in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415762175

Arabic Islamic Cities RevBuilding and Planning Principles First published in 1989. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415861687

Arabic L2 InterlanguageSyntactic sequences agreement and variation Arabic L2 Interlanguage is a significant and timely addition to the field of Second Language Acquisition providing valuable insight into the development of ‘interlanguage’ the interim language of early beginners in learners of Arabic.This book:Clearly establishes what interlanguage is and why it should form an important part of foreign language teaching Presents the reader with a sequence in which six English-speaking learners of Arabic acquire the languageMakes use of the rich morphological and syntactic property of Arabic to offer a new perspective on the field of Second Language Acquisition.Arabic L2 Interlanguage contributes directly towards building a more comprehensive theoretical framework for explaining how L2s are acquired. It will be key text for SLA scholars as well as an important resource for graduate students in Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367596705

Arabic Literature for the ClassroomTeaching Methods Theories Themes and Texts Arabic Literature for the Classroom argues for a more visible presence of Arabic within the humanities and social sciences stressing the need to make Arabic literature available as a world literature without damaging its own distinctive characteristics. The nineteen chapters which make up this book broach theoretical and methodical cultural concerns in teaching literatures from non-American cultures along with issues of cross-cultural communication cultural competency and translation. While some chapters bring out the fascinating and ever tantalizing connections between Arabic and the literatures of medieval Europe others employ specific approaches to teaching particular texts potential methodologies themes and a variety of topics that can place Arabic widely in a vast swathe of academic application and learning. Topics that are explored include gender race class trauma exile dislocation love rape humor and cinema as well as issues that relate to writers and poets women’s writing and the so called nahdah (revival) movement in the 19th Century. The comparative framework and multi-disciplinary approach means that this book injects new life into the field of Arabic Literature. It will therefore be an essential resource for students scholars and teachers of Arabic Literature as well as for anyone with an interest in learning more about Arabic culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138211971

Arabic Media Dictionary Arabic Media Dictionary is designed to equip students with translations of terms from Arabic into English. Covering Arabic language mass media this up-to-date dictionary enables easy reference of media terminologies and phrases and the acquisition of a wide range of terms related to different media themes and registers. This dictionary offers a wide range of Arabic media entries which have been translated and contextualised in authentic Arabic media texts some of which have been extracted from Arabic newspapers and online Arabic media sources. Containing more than 6500 entries with sample sentences this dictionary is a vital reference for students of Arabic translation journalists Arabic instructors and learners of Arabic at intermediate and advanced levels. The dictionary is structured in alphabetical order accompanied with an Arabic index for easy access. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138783959

Arabic Military DictionaryEnglish-Arabic Arabic-English With some 7000 entries in each language this dictionary first published in 1986 gives clear and comprehensive coverage of all vocabulary areas connected with defence for military personnel and for anyone who is directly or indirectly involved in military technology. Areas covered extend throughout the sphere of the armed forces of the world including arms and armaments land-based weapons and equipment aircraft warships and submarines as well as communications and training and terms in everyday use in the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138698949

Arabic Political Memoirs and Other Studies First Published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987487

Arabic ProverbsThe Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians Completed just before his death in 1817 by one of the foremost European pioneers in Arabic studies. Reprint with Introduction by C.E. Bosworth. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138406018

Arabic SociolinguisticsIssues and Perspectives First Published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963764

Arabic Thought and Islamic Societies This is a study of the structure and composition of the official learning current in medieval Arabic culture. This comprises natural sciences both exoteric and esoteric (medicine alchemy astrology and others) traditional and religious sciences (such as theology exegesis and grammar) philosophical sciences such as metaphysics and ethics in addition to technical disciplines like political theory and medicine and other fields of intellectual endeavour. The book identifies and develops a number of conceptual elements common to the various areas of official Arabic scientific discourse and shows how these elements integrate these disparate sciences into an historical epistemic unity. The specific profile of each of these different sciences is described in terms of its conceptual content but especially with reference to its historical circumstances. These are seen to be embodied in a number of institutional supports both intellectual and social: paradigms schools of thought institutions of learning pedagogic techniques and a body of professionals all of which combine to form definite albeit ever renewed traditions of learning. Finally an attempt is made to relate Arabic scientific knowledge in the Middle Ages to patterns of scientific and political authority. First published in 1986. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138912533

Arabic Thought and its Place in History First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415852654

Arabic Translation Across Discourses A rare contribution to global translation as a ‘cross-cultural-open-concept’ Arabic Translation Across Discourses provides explorations of Arabic translation as an instance of transcultural and translingual encounters (transculguaging). This book examines the application and interrogation of discourses of translation in the translation of discourses (religion literature media politics technology community audiovisual and automated systems of communication for translation). The contributors provide insights into the concerns and debates of Arabic translation as a tradition with local yet global dimensions of translation and intercultural studies. This volume will be of great interest to students and researchers of all translation studies but will also provide a rich source for those studying and researching history geopolitics intercultural studies globalization and allied disciplines. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138480254

ArabicAn Essential Grammar This new edition of Arabic: An Essential Grammar is an up-to-date and practical reference guide to the most important aspects of the language. Suitable for beginners as well as intermediate students the book offers a strong foundation for learning the fundamental grammar and structure of Arabic. The complexities of the language are set out in short readable sections while exercises and examples are provided throughout. Features of this new edition include: coverage of the Arabic script and alphabet a chapter on Arabic handwriting a guide to pronunciation full examples throughout. Ideal for independent learners and for classroom study Arabic: An Essential Grammar is the complete reference guide to the most important aspects of modern literary Arabic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138659605

Arabic-English-Arabic Legal Translation Arabic-English-Arabic Legal Translation provides a groundbreaking investigation of the issues found in legal translation between Arabic and English. Drawing on a contrastive-comparative approach it analyses parallel authentic legal documents in both Arabic and English to examine the features of legal discourse in both languages and uncover the different translation techniques used. In so doing it addresses the following questions: What are the features of English and Arabic legal texts? What are the similarities and differences of English and Arabic legal texts? What are the difficult areas of legal translation between English and Arabic legal texts? What are the techniques for translating these difficult areas on the lexical and syntactic levels? Features include: A thorough description of the features of legal translation in both English and Arabic drawing on empirical new research corpus data analysis and strategic two-way comparisons between source texts and target texts Coverage of a broad range of topics including an outline of the chosen framework for data analysis a historical survey of legal discourse developments in both Arabic and English and detailed analyses of legal literature at both the lexical and syntactic levels Attention to common areas of difficulty such as Shariah Law terms archaic terms and model auxiliaries Many examples and excerpts from a wide selection of authentic legal documents reinforced by practical discussion points exercises and practice drills to encourage active engagement with the material and opportunities for hands-on learning. Wide-ranging scholarly and thought-provoking this will be a valuable resource for advanced undergraduates and postgraduates on Arabic Translation Studies and Comparative Linguistics courses. It will also be essential reading for translation professionals and researchers working in the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415707534

Arabic-English-Arabic TranslationIssues and Strategies Arabic-English-ArabicTranslation: Issues and Strategies is an accessible coursebook for students and practitioners of Arabic-English-Arabic translation. Focusing on the key issues and topics affecting the field it offers informed guidance on the most effective methods to deal with such problems enabling users to develop deeper insights and enhance their translation skills. Key features include: A focus on Arabic-English translation in both directions preparing students for the real-life experiences of practitioners in the field In-depth discussion of the core issues of phraseology language variation and translation legal translation and translation technology in Arabic and English translation Authentic sample texts in each chapter taken from a variety of sources from across the Arabic-speaking world to provide snapshots of real-life language use Source texts followed by examples of possible translation strategies with extensive commentaries to showcase the best translation practices and methodologies A range of supporting exercises to enable students to practise their newly acquired knowledge and skills Inclusion of a wide range of themes covering both linguistic and genre issues offering multidimensional perspectives and depth and breadth in learning List of recommended readings and resources for each of the topics under discussion Comprehensive glossary and bibliography at the back of the book. Lucid and practical in its approach Arabic-English-Arabic Translation: Issues and Strategies will be an indispensable resource for intermediate to advanced students of Arabic. It will also be of great interest to professional translators working in Arabic-English-Arabic translation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415478854

Arabiyyat al-Naas (Part One)An Introductory Course in Arabic ‘Arabiyyat al-Naas (Part One) offers a groundbreaking introduction to Arabic as it is written and spoken by native speakers. It combines a progressive and rigorous grounding in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) – the form employed for reading writing and formal speaking – with an innovative integration of the spoken Levantine variety used in everyday situations in Syria Lebanon Jordan and Palestine. Introducing the two simultaneously ‘Arabiyyat al Naas (Part One) uses each in its proper context: Levantine for conversations and MSA for reading and writing activities. In this way the course efficiently prepares students for the practical realities of learning and "living" Arabic today. Features include: 21 theme-based units covering all the core topics expected in a first-year Arabic course such as countries clothes colors family and professions a broad range of stimulating activities and exercises fostering active engagement with the course and the development of comprehension and communication skills comprehensively covers the 5 Cs: communication culture connections comparisons and communities a free DVD filmed on location in Jordan presenting over 40 videos and incorporating a wide variety of entertaining and realistic scenarios a free companion website ( offering a wealth of additional instructor and student resources including a teacher’s guide an introduction to the letters and sounds of Arabic (with audiovisual aid and writing demonstrations) audio recordings of songs and listening passages video clips sample tests an answer key and language games clear explanations of grammatical structures and concepts as they occur in the reading and listening materials to encourage progressive learning and active interaction with the text a user-friendly and vibrant full colour text design richly illustrated throughout with over 200 illustrations and photographs songs with simple lyrics tied to the themes of the course to help advance vocabulary acquisition and understanding of basic grammatical structures. Written by a dynamic author team and tested over a number of years at Cornell University ‘Arabiyyat al-Naas (Part One) will be an essential resource for students beginning to learn Arabic. While primarily designed for classroom use the accessibility of the course and website also renders it highly suitable for independent study. The materials are designed to bring students from the novice low level to the intermediate low level on the ACTFL scale (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) and from A1 to A2/B1 on the CEFR scale (Common European Framework Reference). This volume is the first in an exciting three-part series of Arabic textbooks which together provide a complete three-year undergraduate language program. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415516938

Arabiyyat al-Naas (Part Three)An Advanced Course in Arabic ‘Arabiyyat al-Naas (Part Three): An Advanced Course in Arabic builds further on the groundbreaking approach used in Part One and Part Two of the series. It integrates Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and spoken Levantine in a way specially tailored to the needs of advanced students. Levantine Arabic strongly features in spoken discussions of MSA materials reflecting authentic practice by native speakers. However the overall ratio of MSA – the form employed for reading writing and formal speaking in the Arab world – to Levantine has been increased supporting students’ mounting need for MSA as they progress further in their education. This textbook is designed to take learners from the Advanced Low to the Advanced High level according to the ACTFL criteria and from level B2 to C1 on the CEFR proficiency scales. Features include: 18 theme-based units covering topics such as Arab minorities; education; religion; love and marriage; the Arab woman; economics; politics; military matters; and the environment thorough coverage of listening speaking reading and writing skills with clear grammar explanations and lessons structured to provide opportunities for further practice humorous realistic dialogues reflecting educated speech among Arabs to build up strong and practical communication skills attention to issues highly relevant to modern Arab society encouraging active engagement with the course and further exploration of the themes a rich variety of reading passages from contemporary sources such as Al Jazeera as well as excerpts from the classic works One Thousand and One Nights and Kalila wa Dimna an extensive range of stimulating exercises and activities including crossword puzzles root-and-pattern identification exercises passage completions and free compositions free companion website ( with the audio tracks and texts of the listening passages and answer key. Developed by a dynamic author team and tested over a number of years at Cornell University ‘Arabiyyat al-Naas (Part Three) is an essential resource for advanced-level students of Arabic. While primarily designed for classroom use the accessibility of the course also renders it highly suitable for independent study. This volume is the final installment of a pioneering three-part series of Arabic textbooks which together provide a complete three-year undergraduate language program. Munther Younes and Yomna H. Chami both teach Arabic at Cornell University USA. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415509015

Arabiyyat al-Naas (Part Two)An Intermediate Course in Arabic Arabiyyat al Naas (Part Two): An Intermediate Course in Arabic offers a vibrant course in Arabic as it is written and spoken today by educated native speakers. Not only does it continue the innovative integration of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and Levantine Arabic used in Part One of the series but it does so in a way that supports and develops students’ increased mastery of the language. Combining a greater focus on cultural topics with an increased coverage of MSA Part Two introduces more sophisticated communication giving students a deeper awareness of the cultural base of the Arabic language.  Features include: Twenty-one theme-based units covering a wide range of relevant and engaging topics including education and learning jobs and professions the Arab woman religion money and the economy politics and government and the environment Thorough coverage of listening speaking writing and reading skills in every unit with lessons structured to provide students with variety stimulation and further opportunities for practice Humorous realistic dialogues reflecting everyday educated  speech among Arabs to build up strong and practical communication skills A rich variety of reading passages including poems short stories newspaper articles descriptions of Arab cities and biographies of famous figures designed to improve comprehension and analytical skills and to deepen students’ knowledge of Arab history culture language and literature An extensive range of appealing exercises and activities including crossword puzzles root-and-pattern identification exercises passage completions guided and free compositions and songs Free accompanying CD that includes audio recordings of the listening materials in the 21 units and a number of songs tied to their themes Free companion website ( featuring the texts of the listening passages the audio recordings available on the CD a track list of all the audio materials the answer keys to the crossword puzzles sample tests and language games. Developed by an experienced and dynamic author team and tested over a number of years at Cornell University Arabiyyat al Naas (Part Two) will be an essential resource for intermediate-level students of Arabic. While primarily designed for classroom use the accessibility of the course also renders it highly suitable for independent study. This volume is the second in a pioneering three-part series of Arabic textbooks which together provide a complete three-year undergraduate language program. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415509084

Arabiyyat al-Naas fii MaSr (Part One)An Introductory Course in Arabic ‘Arabiyyat al-Naas fii MaSr (Part One) offers a ground-breaking introduction to Arabic as it is written and spoken by native speakers. It combines a progressive and rigorous grounding in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) the register employed for reading writing and formal speaking with an innovative integration of the dominant Egyptian variety. Introducing the two simultaneously and seamlessly building on their shared features ‘Arabiyyat al-Naas fii MaSr (Part One) uses each in its proper context: Egyptian dialect for conversations and MSA for reading and writing activities. In this way the course efficiently prepares students for the practical realities of learning and living Arabic today. Features include: Expanded grammar explanations and activation drills including discussions about colloquial and formal similarities and differences A series of authentic video-clips recorded in Egypt to help learners revise the vocabulary and structures then learn unit by unit Extensive classroom activities and homework exercises that provide constant review to reinforce learning Arabic-English and English-Arabic glossaries reference charts and a grammar index Songs with simple lyrics tied to the themes of the course to help advance vocabulary acquisition and understanding of basic grammatical structures A companion website ( that features fully integrated interactive self-correcting exercises audio and video materials and additional online course management and grading options for teachers A user-friendly and vibrant text design with full colour richly illustrated throughout with over two hundred illustrations and photos A teachers manual with an Arabic introduction for the teacher which lays out the structure of the student course book its methodology and directions and suggestions for its use. Written by experienced teachers of Arabic and experts in Arabic teaching pedagogy ‘Arabiyyat al-Naas fii MaSr (Part One) is an essential resource for students beginning to learn Arabic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138065154

Arab-Jewish Activism in Israel-Palestine Applying the insights of Deleuze and Guattari's works to Israel-Palestine Arab-Jewish Activism in Israel-Palestine sets out to re-conceptualise the relationship between resistance and power in ethnically segregated spaces in general and the Israeli-Palestine context in particular. Combining many years of ethnographic study and political and social activism with a solid theoretical conceptual framework Marcelo Svirsky convincingly argues that successful efforts to decolonise the region depend on taking the struggle beyond self-determination and making it collaborative. Decolonisation depends on political and cultural changes that elaborate on the historical partition of social life in the region that have been an issue since the early twentieth century. This elaboration means producing a civil struggle aimed at the destabilisation of the Zionist supremacy and resulting in a democratic political community from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River. Simply not just another book on Israel and Palestine Arab-Jewish Activism in Israel-Palestine provides refreshingly new empirical evidence and theoretical analysis on the connection between resistance intercultural alliances civil society and the potential for actualising shared sociabilities in a conflict-ridden society. An indispensable read to all scholars wishing to gain original insights into the transversal connections which transcend ethnicity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138110663

Arabs and Iranians in the Islamic Conquest NarrativeMemory and Identity Construction in Islamic Historiography 750�1050 Arabs and Iranians in the Islamic Conquest Narrative analyzes how early Muslim historians merged the pre-Islamic histories of the Arab and Iranian peoples into a didactic narrative culminating with the Arab conquest of Iran.  This book provides an in-depth examination of Islamic historical accounts of the encounters between representatives of these two peoples that took place in the centuries prior to the coming of Islam. By doing this it uncovers anachronistic projections of dynamic identity and political discourses within the contemporaneous Islamic world.  It shows how the formulaic placement of such embellishment within the context of the narrative served to justify the Arabs’ rise to power whilst also explaining the fall of the Iranian Sasanian empire. The objective of this book is not simply to mine Islamic historical chronicles for the factual data they contain about the pre-Islamic period but rather to understand how the authors of these works thought about this era.  By investigating the intersection between early Islamic memory identity construction and power discourses this book will benefit researchers and students of Islamic history and literature and Middle Eastern Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367869311

Arabs And Jews In Israel/two Volume Set In this treatment of the problem of Arab-Jewish coexistence in Israel which furnishes data on the news of Israel's divided population Dr. Smooha challenges the gloomy perspective that impediments to peaceful relations between Israel's Jewish majority and Arab minority will inevitably lead to ever more violent confrontation. He asserts instead tha Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429037863

Arabs And Jews In IsraelVolume 1 Conflicting And Shared Attitudes In A Divided Society This book explores the orientation of Israeli Arabs and Jews toward each other and the change it has undergone. By examining the opinions of both sides after over thirty years of coexistence it evaluates the widespread conviction that the major trend is a process of growing mutual estrangement. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367153212

Arabs at Home and in the WorldHuman Rights Gender Politics and Identity This volume brings together an interdisciplinary group of scholars from the United States the Middle East and North Africa to discuss and critically analyze the intersection of gender and human rights laws as applied to individuals of Arab descent. It seeks to raise consciousness at the intersection of gender identity and human rights as it relates to Arabs at home and throughout the diaspora. The context of revolution and the destabilizing impact of armed conflicts in the region are used to critique and examine the utility of human rights law to address contemporary human rights issues through extralegal strategies. To this end the volume seeks to inform educate persuade and facilitate newer or less-heard perspectives related to gender and masculinities theories. It provides readers with new ways of understanding gender and human rights and proposes forward-looking solutions to implementing human rights norms.The goal of this book is to use the context of Arabs at home and throughout the diaspora to critique and examine the utility of human rights norms and laws to diminish human suffering with the goal of transforming the structural social and cultural conditions that impede access to human rights. This book will be of interest to a diverse audience of scholars students public policy researchers lawyers and the educated public interested in the fields of human rights law international studies gender politics migration and diaspora and Middle East and North African politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367662622

Arbitration and Rent Review Arbitration and Rent Review has become a standard work in the property world for guidance on rent review. In a clear style the author examines the procedures that landlord and tenant should follow in order to agree a new rent or to have one decided by arbitration. By means of cases he highlights the key areas of conflict that come before the courts the contentious issues being introduced in the order in which they would be encountered by landlords or tenancts facing a review. Media > Books > Print Books Estates Gazette 9781138158108

Arbitration Concerning the South China SeaPhilippines versus China On 22 January 2013 the Republic of the Philippines instituted arbitral proceedings against the People’s Republic of China (PRC) under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) with regard to disputes between the two countries in the South China Sea. The South China Sea Arbitration is a landmark case in international law because of the parties involved the legal questions to be decided and the absence of one of the parties. As revealed in its official statements the PRC will neither accept nor participate in this arbitration nor present written and oral arguments in the tribunal room. Such default of appearance makes applicable certain procedural rules. According to Article 9 of Annex VII the Tribunal before making its Award is obligated to satisfy itself not only that it has jurisdiction over the dispute but also that the claims brought by the Philippines are well-founded in fact and law. Therefore it is necessary for the Tribunal to look into all the claims brought forward by the Philippines and all the disputes constituted by the claims in the procedural phase. The possible arguments the PRC could make should be explored during this process. This book brings together chapters selected from well-established scholars in Asia Europe and North America addressing the issues arising from the South China Sea Arbitration. It contains five easy to read parts: origin and development of the South China Sea dispute; the jurisdiction and admissibility of the case; international adjudication and dispute settlement; legal issues arising from the case such as the legal status of the U-shaped line and islands rocks and low-tide elevations; and the Arbitration case and its impact on regional maritime security. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138309197

Arbitration Law Handbook The Arbitration Law Handbook collects together in one volume the laws in force in more than twenty countries with the main procedural rules used in each of those countries. Each section has a short overview identifying relevant treaty obligations the main arbitral bodies and the principal laws in force. Additionally there is an international section in which the UNCITRAL Model Law and Arbitration Rules are set out and in which the major international conventions relating to arbitration such as the New York Convention and table of signatories are reproduced. The section also includes the ICSID Arbitration Rules (applicable to the settlement of investment disputes) as well as those of WIPO (applicable to the settlement of intellectual property disputes) Media > Books > Print Books Informa Law from Routledge 9781138139947

Arbitration Practice in Construction Contracts Considers each stage in the course of an arbitration in detail from the claimant's decision to seek the means of resolving a dispute to the arbitrator's award explaining clearly and concisely what is expected of the claimant respondent and arbitrator and when. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138155992

ArbovirusesEpidemiology and Ecology First Published in 1988 this five volume set documents the transmission and growth of Arthropod born viruses. Carefully compiled and filled with a vast repertoire of notes diagrams and references this book serves as a useful reference for Students of Epidemiology and other practitioners in their respective fields. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367235420

Arcadia UpdatedRaising landscape awareness through analytical narratives Arcadia Updated delves into the concept of landscape as it is shaped by the literary tradition and material works known as pastoral. Referring to several of the tradition’s works as well as scholarly critiques Fiskevold and Geelmuyden highlight how individual landscape perception is primarily a cultural construct: each individual may see a unique landscape based on personal experiences but simultaneously landscape represents a tradition of engaging with nature and land which has been largely forgotten. In re-engaging and connecting the practice of understanding landscapes with the pastoral tradition the authors establish a common ground for treating landscape as an object of analysis in landscape planning. Arcadia Updated contributes to the methodological debate concerning landscape character assessment. Including 30 black-and-white images this book analyses how humans engage with land organically materially and communicatively. It seeks to raise landscape awareness as both an individual and a collective act of imagination. The practice of analysing landscapes is an ongoing culture of reinterpreting the land as landscape in response to society’s development and technical progress. The role of the landscape analyst is to interpret the contemporary world and offer visual explanations of it. This book will be beneficial to professional landscape planners as well as to academics and students of landscape literature and cultural studies. It provides an essential contribution to the cross-disciplinarity of the landscape discourse. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138496941

Arch Bridges Modern structural engineering surprises us with the mastery and certainty with which it plans and carries out daring projects such as the most recent metal or concrete bridges whether they be suspension or arch bridges. On the other hand little is yet known about the state of knowledge of construction science and techniques which well before the arrival of modern methods based on the mechanics of deformable continua made it possible in the past to erect the vaulted masonry structures rthat we have inherited.The fact that these have lasted through many centuries to our time and are still in a fairly good state of conservation makes them competitive as far as stability and durability are concerned with those constructed in other materials.Although it is known that the equilibrium of the arch is guaranteed by any funicular whatsoever of the loads contained inside the profile of an arch finding the unique solution is not such a certainty. In other words the problem of the equilibrium of vaulted structures is 'Poleni's problem' the one for which the Venetian scientist was able to give an exemplary solution on the occasion of the assessment of the dome of St. Peter's.Arch Bridges focuses on the main aspects of the debate about the masonry arch bridge: History of structural mechanics and construction theoretical models analysis for assessment numerical methods experimental and non-destructive testing maintenance and repair are the topics of the Conference. The breadth and variety of the contributions presented and discussed by leading experts from many countries make this volume an authoritative source of up-to-date information. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003078494

Archaeoastronomy And The Roots Of Science This book focuses on archaeoastronomy that attempts to reconstruct the ways in which early peoples made use of the sky and its significance to them. The discussion covers the relationship of ancient sky-watching to the development of true science. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367169237

Archaeological Approaches to Cultural Identity First published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138139022

Archaeological Approaches to Technology This book is designed for upper-division undergraduate and graduate level archaeology students taking courses in ancient technologies archaeological craft production material culture the history of technology archaeometry and field methods. This text can also serve as a general introduction and a reference for archaeologists material culture specialists in socio-cultural disciplines and engineers/scientists interested in the backgrounds and histories of their disciplines. The study of ancient technologies that is the ways in which objects and materials were made and used can reveal insights into economic social political and ritual realms of the past. This book summarizes the current state of ancient technology studies by emphasizing methodologies some major technologies and the questions and issues that drive archaeologists in their consideration of these technologies. It shows the ways that technology studies can be used by archaeologists working anywhere on any type of society and it embraces an orientation toward the practical not the philosophical. It compares the range of pre-industrial technologies from stone tool production fiber crafts wood and bone working fired clay crafts metal production and glass manufacture. It includes socially contextualized case studies as well as general descriptions of technological processes. It discusses essential terminology (technology material culture chaine operatoire etc.) primarily from the perspective of how these terms are used by archaeologists. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315434612

Archaeological Artefacts as Material Culture This book is an introduction to the study of artefacts setting them in a social context rather than using a purely scientific approach. Drawing on a range of different cultures and extensively illustrated Archaeological Artefacts and Material Culture covers everything from recovery strategies and recording procedures to interpretation through typology ethnography and experiment and every type of material including wood fibers bones hides and adhesives stone clay and metals. With over seventy illustrations with almost fifty in full colour this book not only provides the tools an archaeologist will need to interpret past societies from their artefacts but also a keen appreciation of the beauty and tactility involved in working with these fascinating objects. This is a book no archaeologist should be without but it will also appeal to anybody interested in the interaction between people and objects. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203068526

Archaeological Displays and the PublicMuseology and Interpretation Second Edition This volume is a set of a dozen case studies of innovative programs designed to attract the public to both archaeological sites and exhibits of archaeological artifacts. Papers deal with general issues of interpretation and presentation and cover British Australian European and American settings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138405042

Archaeological Field SchoolsA Guide for Teaching in the Field The field school is often described as arite of passage among archaeologists. They are considered essential for the appropriate training of students for academic or professional archaeological careers and are perhaps the only universal experience in an increasingly diverse array of archaeological career paths. Jane Baxter‘s practical guide about how to run a successful field school offers archaeologists ways to maximize the educational and training benefits of these experiences. She presents a wide range of pedagogical theories and techniques that can be used to place field schools in an educational as well as an archaeological context. Baxter then offers ahow to guide for the design of field schools including logistical legal and personnel issues as well as strategies for integrating research and teaching in the field. Replete with checklists forms and cogent examples the author gives directors and staff a set ofbest practices for designing and implementing a school. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138404441

Archaeological Heritage Management This book results from discussions at the 1982 World Archaeological Congress on 'Public Archaeology and Cultural Resource Management'. It brings to everyone's notice the common need of a coherent well-planned response to the potentially destructive threats of development and tourism to archaeology. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003058724

Archaeological Heritage Management in the Modern World Representing the latest thinking in this fast-moving and often emotive field this book offers a remarkably comprehensive international coverage of the public aspects of archaeology. The process of survey and inventory rescue and archaeology conservation and protection have until now been studied largely on the basis of individual countries and their administrative and legislative structures. Now by virtue of its broad geographical coverage this volume provides many rights and guidelines not hitherto brought into focus: the history and philosophy of archaeological heritage management case studies (regional national and specialised) and the training and qualification of archaeologists for heritage management.This book is essential reading for all students researchers and practitioners concerned with archaeological heritage management public administration and the legal community whose work involves archaeological issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138151284

Archaeological History Of The Ancient Middle East This book aims to give a connected account of what happened in the ancient Middle East primarily on the basis of the records and monuments that have been recovered through the work of modem archaeology. . Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367167417

Archaeological Investigation Drawing its numerous examples from Britain and beyond Archaeological Investigation explores the procedures used in field archaeology travelling over the whole process from discovery to publication. Divided into four parts it argues for a set of principles in part one describes work in the field in part two and how to write up in part three. Part four describes the modern world in which all types of archaeologist operate academic and professional. The central chapter ‘Projects Galore’ takes the reader on a whirlwind tour through different kinds of investigation including in caves gravel quarries towns historic buildings and underwater. Archaeological Investigation intends to be a companion for a newcomer to professional archaeology – from a student introduction (part one) to first practical work (part two) to the first responsibilities for producing reports (part three) and in part four to the tasks of project design and heritage curation that provide the meat and drink of the fully fledged professional. The book also proposes new ways of doing things tried out over the author’s thirty years in the field and brought together here for the first time. This is no plodding manual but an inspiring provocative informative and entertaining book urging that archaeological investigation is one of the most important things society does. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203523124

Archaeological Networks and Social Interaction Archaeological Networks and Social Interaction focuses on conceptualisations of human interaction human-thing entanglement material affordances and agency. Network concepts in the archaeological discipline are ubiquitous these days. They range from loose concepts used as metaphors to address a notion of connectivity to highly formal and mathematically complex predictions of human behaviour. These different networked worlds sometimes clash and rarely converge. Archaeologists interested in network analysis however have achieved a much better understanding of the implications of adopting formal methods for studying social interaction and there have been theoretical advancements realising a better synergy between different theoretical perspectives. These nascent concerns are explored further in this volume with regional specialists exploring case studies from Prehistory to the Middle Ages throughout the Ancient and New Worlds outlining how formal network approaches contribute to studying social interaction archaeologically. This book will be of interest to archaeologists wishing to access the latest research on networks and interconnectivity and how these approaches have been productively modified to archaeological research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138545205

Archaeological Parenchyma The parenchymous remains of roots and tubers are increasingly becoming recognized as an important category of plant remain alongside seeds fruits and wood charcoal. Identification is however frequently viewed as problematical and such important indicators of past diet are often left unidentified. This book describes the full range of anatomical and morphological characters used in the identification of the parenchymous remains of roots and tubers. Each of the characters is illustrated by photographs of modern and archaeological plant tissues and by line drawings. Further sections of the book also deal with the examination of archaeological tissues and the preparation of modern plant tissue reference collections. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138405011

Archaeological ResearchA Brief Introduction This updated edition of Archaeological Research introduces the basic methods of archaeological research including data collection analysis interpretation as well as a consideration of the state of archaeology today. New to the Second Edition is updated information on geographic information systems and remote sensing strategies and a greatly expanded discussion of practices in cultural resource management archaeology. This popular concise textbook explores various research methods analytical techniques legal and ethical issues facing archaeologists; includes discussions of the archaeological process and record sampling and research design survey and excavation methods and strategies recordkeeping analysis archaeological dating presenting results and research opportunities; is an excellent text for undergraduate students in basic archaeology courses field methods courses and field schools Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781629583433

Archaeological Sediments and SoilsAnalysis Interpretation and Management A collection of papers focusing on the links between archaeology and the study of geological sediments and soils. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138404977

Archaeological Spatial AnalysisA Methodological Guide Effective spatial analysis is an essential element of archaeological research; this book is a unique guide to choosing the appropriate technique applying it correctly and understanding its implications both theoretically and practically. Focusing upon the key techniques used in archaeological spatial analysis this book provides the authoritative yet accessible methodological guide to the subject which has thus far been missing from the corpus. Each chapter tackles a specific technique or application area and follows a clear and coherent structure. First is a richly referenced introduction to the particular technique followed by a detailed description of the methodology then an archaeological case study to illustrate the application of the technique and conclusions that point to the implications and potential of the technique within archaeology. The book is designed to function as the main textbook for archaeological spatial analysis courses at undergraduate and post-graduate level while its user-friendly structure makes it also suitable for self-learning by archaeology students as well as researchers and professionals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815373230

Archaeological Surveys in Baluchistan 1948 and 1957 Final report of a key set of archaeological surveys in a previously unstudied area of eastern Iran by one of the pioneer archaeologists of this region. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138404960

Archaeological Theory in a Nutshell Adrian Praetzellis provides a brief readable introduction to contemporary theoretical models used in archaeology for the undergraduate or beginning graduate student. He demystifies a dozen flavors of contemporary theory for the theory-phobic reader providing a short history of each its application in archaeology and an example of its use in recent work. The book: teaches about different contemporary archaeological theories including postcolonialism neoevolutionism materiality and queer theoy is written in accessible language with key examples for each theory includes illustrations and cartoons by the author provides questions at the end of each chapter to facilitate discussion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781629581590

Archaeological Theory in DialogueSituating Relationality Ontology Posthumanism and Indigenous Paradigms Archaeological Theory in Dialogue presents an innovative conversation between five scholars from different backgrounds on a range of central issues facing archaeology today. Interspersing detailed investigations of critical theoretical issues with dialogues between the authors the book interrogates the importance of four themes at the heart of much contemporary theoretical debate: relations ontology posthumanism and Indigenous paradigms. The authors who work in Europe and North America explore how these themes are shaping the ways that archaeologists conduct fieldwork conceptualize the past and engage with the political and ethical challenges that our discipline faces in the twenty-first century. The unique style of Archaeological Theory in Dialogue switching between detailed arguments and dialogical exchange makes it essential reading for both scholars and students of archaeological theory and those with an interest in the politics and ethics of the past. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367135478

Archaeological Theory in EuropeThe Last Three Decades The 1980s witnessed exciting developments in theoretical writing in Western archaeology. Where previous decades were dominated by the Anglo-American perspective or "New Archaeology" the recent years showed the European debate grow in confidence and vitality. This book published in 1991 captures this spirit of debate as contributors from a wide cross-section of countries evaluate the development of the distinctly national and European characteristics of archaeology and assess future directions. Contributors consider an extensive range of ideologies and viewpoints stressing the fundamentally historical emphasis and social construction of European archaeology. The development of archaeological theory is traced with specific emphasis on factors which differ from country to country. Ultimately it argues that the most active response to archaeology is to celebrate theory within a constantly critical mode. A great insight into the development of theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138817920

Archaeological Theory in Practice Many students view archaeological theory as a subject distinct from field research.  This division is reinforced by the way theory is taught often in stand-alone courses that focus more on logic and reasoning than on the application of ideas to fieldwork. Divorcing thought from action does not convey how archaeologists go about understanding the past. This book bridges the gap between theory and practice by looking in detail at how the authors and their colleagues used theory to interpret what they found while conducting research in northwest Honduras. This is not a linear narrative. Rather the book highlights the open-ended nature of archaeological investigations in which theories guide research whose findings may challenge these initial interpretations and lead in unexpected directions. Pursuing those novel investigations requires new theories that are themselves subject to refutation by newly gathered data. The central case study is the writers’ work in Honduras. The interrelations of fieldwork data theory and interpretation are also illustrated with two long-running archaeological debates the emergence of inequality in southern Mesopotamia and inferring the ancient meanings of Stonehenge.  The book is of special interest to undergraduate Anthropology/Archaeology majors and first- and second-year graduate students along with anyone interested in how archaeologists convert the static materials we find into dynamic histories of long-vanished people. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138202801

Archaeological Theory in the New MillenniumIntroducing Current Perspectives Archaeological Theory in the New Millennium provides an account of the changing world of archaeological theory and a challenge to more traditional narratives of archaeological thought. It charts the emergence of the new emphasis on relations as well as engaging with other current theoretical trends and the thinkers archaeologists regularly employ. Bringing together different strands of global archaeological theory and placing them in dialogue the book explores the similarities and differences between different contemporary trends in theory while also highlighting potential strengths and weaknesses of different approaches. Written in a way to maximise its accessibility in direct contrast to many of the sources on which it draws Archaeological Theory in the New Millennium is an essential guide to cutting-edge theory for students and for professionals wishing to reacquaint themselves with this field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138888715

Archaeologies of ArtTime Place and Identity This international volume draws together key research that examines visual arts of the past and contemporary indigenous societies. Placing each art style in its temporal and geographic context the contributors show how depictions represent social mechanisms of identity construction and how stylistic differences in product and process serve to reinforce cultural identity. Examples stretch from the Paleolithic to contemporary world and include rock art body art and portable arts. Ethnographic studies of contemporary art production and use such as among contemporary Aboriginal groups are included to help illuminate artistic practices and meanings in the past. The volume reflects the diversity of approaches used by archaeologists to incorporate visual arts into their analysis of past cultures and should be of great value to archaeologists anthropologists and art historians. Sponsored by the World Archaeological Congress. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315434339

Archaeologies of Hitler’s Arctic WarHeritage of the Second World War German Military Presence in Finnish Lapland This book discusses the archaeology and heritage of the German military presence in Finnish Lapland during the Second World War framing this northern overlooked WWII material legacy from the nearly forgotten Arctic front as ‘dark heritage’ – a concrete reminder of Finns siding with the Nazis often seen as polluting ‘war junk’ that ruins the ‘pristine natural beauty’ of Lapland’s wilderness. The scholarship herein provides fresh perspectives to contemporary discussions on heritage perception and ownership indigenous rights community empowerment relational ontologies and also the ongoing worldwide refugee crisis. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367138202

Archaeologies of PlacemakingMonuments Memories and Engagement in Native North America This collection of original essays explores the tensions between prevailing regional and national versions of Indigenous pasts created reified and disseminated through monuments and Indigenous peoples’ memories and experiences of place. The contributors ask critical questions about historic preservation and commemoration methods used by modern societies and their impact on the perception and identity of the people they supposedly remember who are generally not consulted in the commemoration process. They discuss dichotomies of history and memory place and displacement public spectacle and private engagement and reconciliation and re-appropriation of the heritage of indigenous people shown in these monuments. While the case studies deal with North American indigenous experience—from California to Virginia and from the Southwest to New England and the Canadian Maritime—they have implications for dealings between indigenous peoples and nation states worldwide. Sponsored by the World Archaeological Congress. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315434292

Archaeologies of Presence Archaeologies of Presence is a brilliant exploration of how the performance of presence can be understood through the relationships between performance theory and archaeological thinking. Drawing together carefully commissioned contributions by leading international scholars and artists this radical new work poses a number of essential questions: What are the principle signifiers of theatrical presence? How is presence achieved through theatrical performance? What makes a memory come alive and live again? How is presence connected with identity? Is presence synonymous with 'being in the moment'? What is the nature of the ‘co-presence’ of audience and performer? Where does performance practice end and its documentation begin? Co-edited by performance specialists Gabriella Giannachi and Nick Kaye and archaeologist Michael Shanks Archaeologies of Presence represents an innovative and rewarding feat of interdisciplinary scholarship. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415557672

Archaeologies of Rock ArtSouth American Perspectives Rock art in South America is as diverse as the continent itself. In this vast territory different peoples produced engravings paintings and massive earthworks from the Atacama to the Amazon. These marks on the landscape were made by all different kinds of peoples from some of the earliest hunter-gatherers in the continent to the very complex societies within the Inca Empire. This book brings together the work of specialists from throughout the continent addressing this diversity as well as the variety of approaches that the Archaeology of rock art has taken in South America. Constructed of eleven thought-provoking chapters and arranged in three thematic sections the book presents different theoretical approaches that are currently being used to understand the roles rock art played in prehistoric communities. The editors have skillfully crafted a book that presents the contribution the study of South American rock art can offer to the global research of this materiality both theoretically and methodologically. This book will interest a broad range of scholars researching in archaeology anthropology history of art heritage and conservation as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students who will find interesting case studies showcasing the diverse ways in which rock art can be approached. Despite its focus on South America the book is intended as a contribution towards the global study of rock art. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367592288

Archaeologies of Us and ThemDebating History Heritage and Indigeneity Archaeologies of “Us†and “Them†explores the concept of indigeneity within the field of archaeology and heritage and in particular examines the shifts in power that occur when ‘we’ define ‘the other’ by categorizing ‘them’ as indigenous. Recognizing the complex and shifting distinctions between indigenous and non-indigenous pasts and presents this volume gives a nuanced analysis of the underlying definitions concepts and ethics associated with this field in order to explore Indigenous archaeology as a theoretical ethical and political concept. Indigenous archaeology is an increasingly important topic discussed worldwide and as such critical analyses must be applied to debates which are often surrounded by political correctness and consensus views. Drawing on an international range of global case studies this timely and sensitive collection significantly contributes to the development of archaeological critical theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367875275

Archaeology Anthropology and CultThe Sanctuary at Gilat Israel The Chalcolithic period was formative in Near Eastern prehistory being a time of fundamental social change in craft specialization horticulture and temple life. Gilat - a low mound semi-communal farming settlement in the Negev desert - is one of the few Chalcolithic sanctuary sites in the Southern Levant. 'Archaeology Anthropology and Cult' presents a critical analysis of the archaeological data from Gilat. The book brings together archaeological finds and anthropological theory to examine the role of religion in the evolution of society and the power of ritual in promoting change. This comprehensive volume which includes artefact drawings photographs maps and data tables will be of interest to students and scholars of ancient history anthropology archaeology as well as biblical and religious studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138663855

Archaeology Economy and SocietyEngland from the Fifth to the Fifteenth Century Many books have been written on particular aspects of medieval archaeology or on particular parts of the period but synthesis across the whole spectrum has not been attempted before. The aim of this book is to examine the contribution that archaeology can make to an understanding of the social economic religious and other developments that took place in England from the migrations of the fifth and sixth centuries to the beginning of the Renaissance showing how society and economy evolved in that time-span.Drawing on the latest available material the book takes a chronological approach to the archaeological material of the post-Roman period in order to emphasize the changes that can be observed in the physical evidence and some of the reasons for them that can be suggested. The environment in which people functioned and how they expressed themselves - for example in their houses and burial practices their pottery and their clothes - show how they were constrained by social customs and economic pressures. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138152618

Archaeology Heritage and Civic EngagementWorking toward the Public Good The definition of “public archaeology†has expanded in recent years to include archaeologists’ collaborations with and within communities and activities in support of education civic renewal peacebuilding and social justice. Barbara Little and Paul Shackel long-term leaders in the growth of a civically-engaged relevant archaeology outline a future trajectory for the field in this concise thoughtful volume. Drawing from the archaeological study of race and labor among other examples the authors explore this crucial opportunity and responsibility then point the way for the discipline to contribute to the contemporary public good. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781598746389

Archaeology Heritage and Ethics in the Western Wall Plaza JerusalemDarkness at the End of the Tunnel This volume is a critical study of recent archaeology in the Western Wall Plaza area Jerusalem. Considered one of the holiest places on Earth for Jews and Muslims it is also a place of controversy where the State marks ‘our’ remains for preservation and adoration and ‘theirs’ for silencing. Based on thousands of documents from the Israel Antiquities Authority and other sources such as protocols of planning committees readers can explore for the first time this archaeological ‘heart of darkness’ in East Jerusalem. The book follows a series of unique discoveries reviewing the approval and execution of development plans and excavations and the use of the areas once excavation has finished. Who decides what and how to excavate what to preserve – or ‘remove’? Who pays for the archaeology for what aims? The professional scientific archaeology of the past happens now: it modifies the present and is modified by it. This book ‘excavates’ the archaeology of East Jerusalem to reveal its social and political contexts power structures and ethics.    Readers interested in the history archaeology and politics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will find this book useful as well as scholars and students of the history and ethics of Archaeology Jerusalem conservation nationalism and heritage.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367143350

Archaeology History and ScienceIntegrating Approaches to Ancient Materials Using a combination of historical archaeological and scientific data is not an uncommon research practice. Rarely found however is a more overt critical consideration of how these sources of information relate to each other or explicit attempts at developing successful strategies for interdisciplinary work. The authors in this volume provide such critical perspectives examining materials from a wide range of cultures and time periods to demonstrate the added value of combining in their research seemingly incompatible or even contradictory sources. Case studies include explorations of the symbolism of flint knives in ancient Egypt the meaning of cuneiform glass texts medieval metallurgical traditions and urban archaeology at industrial sites. This volume is noteworthy as it offers novel contributions to specific topics as well as fundamental reflections on the problems and potentials of the interdisciplinary study of the human past. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315433578

Archaeology After InterpretationReturning Materials to Archaeological Theory A new generation of archaeologists has thrown down a challenge to post-processual theory arguing that characterizing material symbols as arbitrary overlooks the material character and significance of artifacts. This volume showcases the significant departure from previous symbolic approaches that is underway in the discipline. It brings together key scholars advancing a variety of cutting edge approaches each emphasizing an understanding of artifacts and materials not in terms of symbols but relationally as a set of associations that compose people’s understanding of the world. Authors draw on a diversity of intellectual sources and case studies paving a dynamic road ahead for archaeology as a discipline and theoretical approaches to material culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781611323429

Archaeology After StructuralismPost-structuralism and the Practice of Archaeology Most practising archaeologists have preferred to leave the deep theories of what lies behind their methods and perceptions on one side. Now archaeologists have faced up to the difficult task of making (or not making) the connections between the past interpretation and the present. The writers of this volumes address the problems of archaeology sometimes warily and sometimes with enthusiasm. The connections are not easy to accomplish: a great deal of theory seems of little relevance to the everyday practice of archaeology and much of post-structuralism refers exclusively back to itself rather than to the more specific concerns of a historical discipline. But where the junction between post-structuralism and archaeology can be made the results are innovative and enriching. Originally published in 1990. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138817081

Archaeology and AnthropologyPast Present and Future Though archaeologists have long acknowledged the work of social anthropologists anthropologists have been much less eager to repay the compliment. This volume argues that the time has come to recognise the insights archaeological approaches can bring to anthropology. Archaeology's rigorous approach to evidence and material culture; its ability to develop flexible research methodologies; its readiness to work with large-scale models of comparative social change and to embrace the latest technology all means that it can offer valuable methods that can enrich and enhance current anthropological thinking.Cross-disciplinary and international in scope this exciting volume draws together cutting-edge essays on the relationship between the two disciplines arguing for greater collaboration and pointing to new concepts and approaches for anthropology. With contributions from leading scholars this book will be essential reading for students and scholars of archaeology anthropology and related disciplines. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781847889652

Archaeology and Archaeological Information in the Digital Society Archaeology and Archaeological Information in the Digital Society shows how the digitization of archaeological information tools and workflows and their interplay with both old and new non-digital practices throughout the archaeological information process affect the outcomes of archaeological work and in the end our general understanding of the human past. Whereas most of the literature related to archaeological information work has been based on practical and theoretical considerations within specific areas of archaeology this innovative volume combines and integrates intra- and extra-disciplinary perspectives to archaeological work looking at archaeology from both the inside and outside.With fields studies from museums and society and pioneering new academic research Archaeology and Archaeological Information in the Digital Society will interest archaeologists across the board. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367590536

Archaeology and Architecture of the Military OrdersNew Studies As elite communities in medieval societies the Military Orders were driven by the ambition to develop built environments that fulfilled monastic needs as well as military requirements and in addition residential and representational purposes. Growing affluence and an international orientation provided a wide range of development potential. That this potential was in fact exploited may be exemplified by the advanced fortifications erected by Templars and Hospitallers in the Levant. Although the history of the Military Orders has been the subject of research for a long time their material legacy has attracted less attention. In recent years however a vast range of topics concerning the Orders’ building activities has become the object of investigation primarily with the help of archaeology. They comprise the choice of sites and building materials provision and storage of food and water aspects of the daily life the design and layout of commanderies churches and fortifications their spatial arrangement and the role these buildings played in their environmental context. This volume contains ten articles discussing the archaeology and architecture of buildings erected by the three major Military Orders in different geographical regions. They cover most countries of Western Europe and include a number of important fortifications in the Levant. These studies break new ground in the investigation of the built fabric of the Military Orders. Written by noted international scholars this publication is an important contribution to modern research on these institutions which in their association of monasticism and knighthood were so typical for the Middle Ages. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367600846

Archaeology and Buddhism in South Asia This book traces the archaeological trajectory of the expansion of Buddhism and its regional variations in South Asia. Focusing on the multireligious context of the subcontinent in the first millennium BCE the volume breaks from conventional studies that pose Buddhism as a counter to the Vedic tradition to understanding the religion more integrally in terms of dhamma (teachings of the Buddha) dÄna (practice of cultivating generosity) and the engagement with the written word. The work underlines that relic and image worship were important features in the spread of Buddhism in the region and were instrumental in bringing the monastics and the laity together. Further the author examines the significance of the histories of monastic complexes (viharas stupas caityas) and also religious travel and pilgrimage that provided connections across the subcontinent and the seas. An interdisciplinary study this book will be of great interest to students and scholars in South Asian studies religion especially Buddhist studies history and archaeology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367345136

Archaeology and CapitalismFrom Ethics to Politics The editors and contributors to this volume focus on the inherent political nature of archaeology and its impact on the practice of the discipline. Pointing to the discipline’s history of advancing imperialist colonialist and racist objectives they insist that archaeology must rethink its muted professional stance and become more overtly active agents of change. The discipline is not about an abstract “archaeological record†but about living individuals and communities whose lives and heritage suffer from the abuse of power relationships with states and their agents. Only by recognizing this power disparity and adopting a political ethic for the discipline can archaeology justify its activities. Chapters range from a critique of traditional ethical codes to examinations of the capitalist motivations and structures within the discipline to calls for an engaged emancipatory archaeology that improves the lives of the people with whom archaeologists work. A direct challenge to the discipline this volume will provoke discussion disagreement and inspiration for many in the field. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315434216

Archaeology and Economic Development The sixteen papers collected in this volume explore points of contact across the Latin Greek and Islamic worlds between c. 1000 and c. 1250. They arise from a conference organized by the British Archaeological Association in Palermo in 2012 and reflect its interest in patterns of cultural exchange across the Mediterranean ranging from the importation of artefacts - textiles ceramics ivories and metalwork for the most part - to a specific desire to recruit eastern artists or emulate eastern Mediterranean buildings. The individual essays cover a wide range of topics and media: from the ways in which the Cappella Palatina in Palermo fostered contacts between Muslim artists and Christian models the importance of dress and textiles in the wider world of Mediterranean design and the possible use of Muslim-trained sculptors in the emergent architectural sculpture of late-11th-century northern Spain to the significance of western saints in the development of Bethlehem as a pilgrimage centre and of eastern painters and techniques in the proliferation of panel painting in Catalonia around 1200. There are studies of buildings and the ideological purpose behind them at Canosa (Apulia) Feldebro (Hungary) and Charroux (Aquitaine) comparative studies of the domed churches of western France significant reappraisals of the porphyry tombs in Palermo cathedral the pictorial programme adopted in the Baptistery at Parma and of the chapter-house paintings at Sigena and wide-ranging papers on the migration of images of exotic creatures across the Mediterranean and on that most elusive and apparently Mediteranean of objects - the Oliphant. The volume concludes with a study of the emergence of a supra-regional style of architectural sculpture in the western Mediterranean and evident in Barcelona Tarragona and Provence. It is a third volume based on the British Archaeological Association's 2014 Conference in Barcelona will explore Romanesque Patrons and Processes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781909662667

Archaeology and Folklore Archaeology and Folklore explores the complex relationship between the two disciplines to demonstrate what they might learn from each other.This collection includes theoretical discussions and case studies drawn from Western Europe the Mediterranean and North. They explore the differences between popular traditions relating to historic sites and archaeological interpretations of their history and meaning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415518857

Archaeology and History in Roman Medieval and Post-Medieval GreeceStudies on Method and Meaning in Honor of Timothy E. Gregory The essays in Archaeology and History in Roman Medieval and Post-Medieval Greece honor the contributions of Timothy E. Gregory to our understanding of Greece from the Roman period to modern times. Evoking Gregory's diverse interests the volume brings together anthropologists art historians archaeologists historians and philologists to address such contested topics as the end of Antiquity the so-called Byzantine Dark Ages the contours of the emerging Byzantine civilization and identity in post-Medieval Greece. These papers demonstrate the continued vitality of both traditional and innovative approaches to the study of material culture and emphasise that historical interpretation should be the product of methodological self-awareness. In particular this volume shows how the study of the material culture of post-Classical Greece over the last 30 years has made significant contributions to both the larger archaeological and historical discourse. The essays in this volume are organized under three headings - Archaeology and Method the Archaeology of Identity and the Changing Landscape - which highlight three main focuses of Gregory's research. Each essay interlaces new analyses with the contributions Gregory has made to our understanding of Medieval and Post-Medieval Greece. Read together these essays not only make a significant contribution to how we understand the post-Classical Greek world but also to how we study the material culture of the Mediterranean world more broadly. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315262277

Archaeology and Language IIArchaeological Data and Linguistic Hypotheses Using language to date the origin and spread of food production Archaeology and Language II represents groundbreaking work in synthesizing two disciplines that are now seen as interlinked: linguistics and archaeology. This volume is the second part of a three-part survey of innovative results emerging from their combination. Archaeology and historical linguistics have largely pursued separate tracks until recently although their goals can be very similar. While there is a new awareness that these disciplines can be used to complement one another both rigorous methodological awareness and detailed case-studies are still lacking in the literature. This three-part survey is the first study to address this. Archaeology and Language II examines in some detail how archaeological data can be interpreted through linguistic hypotheses. This collection demonstrates the possibility that where archaeological sequences are reasonably well-known they might be tied into evidence of language diversification and thus produce absolute chronologies. Where there is evidence for migrations and expansions these can be explored through both disciplines to produce a richer interpretation of prehistory. An important part of this is the origin and spread of food production which can be modelled through the spread of both plants and words for them. Archaeology and Language II will be of interest to researchers in linguistics archaeologists and anthropologists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415518697

Archaeology and Language IIIArtefacts Languages and Texts Archaeology and Language III interprets results from archaeological data in terms of language distribution and change providing the tools for a radical rewriting of the conventional discourse of prehistory. Individual chapters present case studies of artefacts and fragmentary textual materials concerned with the reconstruction of houses maritime technology pottery and grave goods. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415518703

Archaeology and Language ITheoretical and Methodological Orientations Archaeology and Language I represents groundbreaking work in synthesizing two disciplines that are now seen as interlinked: linguistics and archaeology. This volume is the first of a three-part survey of innovative results emerging from their combination. Archaeology and historical linguistics have largely pursued separate tracks until recently although their goals can be very similar. While there is a new awareness that these disciplines can be used to complement one another both rigorous methodological awareness and detailed case-studies are still lacking in literature. Archaeology and Language I aims to fill this lacuna. Exploring a wide range of techniques developed by specialists in each discipline this first volume deals with broad theoretical and methodological issues and provides an indispensable background to the detail of the studies presented in volumes II and III. This collection deals with the controversial question of the origin of language the validity of deep-level reconstruction the sociolinguistic modelling of prehistory and the use and value of oral tradition. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415513487

Archaeology and Language IVLanguage Change and Cultural Transformation Archaeology and Language IV examines a variety of pressing issues regarding linguistic and cultural change. It provides a challenging variety of case-studies which demonstrate how global patterns of language distribution and change can be interwoven to produce a rich historical narrative and fuel a radical rethinking of the conventional discourse of linguistics within archaeology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138006829

Archaeology and PhotographyTime Objectivity and Archive Does a photograph freeze a moment of time? What does it mean to treat a photographic image as an artefact? In the visual culture of the 21st century do new digital and social forms change the status of photography as archival or objective – or are they revealing something more fundamental about photography’s longstanding relationships with time and knowledge?Archaeology and Photography imagines a new kind of Visual Archaeology that tackles these questions. The book reassesses the central place of Photography as an archaeological method and re-wires our cross-disciplinary conceptions of time objectivity and archives from the History of Art to the History of Science.Through twelve new wide-ranging and challenging studies from an emerging generation of archaeological thinkers Archaeology and Photography introduces new approaches to historical photographs in museums and to contemporaryphotographic practice in the field. The book re-frames the relationship between Photography and Archaeology past and present as more than a metaphor or an analogy – but a shared vision.Archaeology and Photography calls for a change in how we think about photography and time. It argues that new archaeological accounts of duration and presence can replace older conceptions of the photograph as a snapshot orremnant received in the present. The book challenges us to imagine Photography like Archaeology not as a representation of the past and the reception of traces in the present but as an ongoing transformation of objectivity and archive.Archaeology and Photography will prove indispensable to students researchers and practitioners in History Photography Art Archaeology Anthropology Science and Technology Studies and Museum and Heritage Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781350029682

Archaeology and Place-Names and HistoryAn Essay on Problems of Co-ordination In the period A.D. 400-1100 perhaps more than in any other it is necessary to bring together the results of historical archaeological and place-name studies. Each provides information that is either badly preserved or not preserved at all in the other two but it is not always realised how great are the difficulties involves in co-ordination and integration. This book originally published in 1962 draws attention to the problems and provides a basis for discussion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138818118

Archaeology and Religion in Early Northwest IndiaHistory Theory Practice This book explains how the early historic archaeological record of Punjab was put to use in the process of identity formation in the colonial and postcolonial periods. It focuses on the archaeological material with an eye towards how it was shaped by ancient identities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780815373094

Archaeology and SocietyReconstructing the Prehistoric Past This reissue of the 1957 3rd edition of this book describes how archaeologists go about their work how ancient sites are found what methods are used to explore them how finds are dated and within what limits archaeological evidence is able to tell us how people lived before the dawn of recorded history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138817289

Archaeology and the Information Age Traditional methods of making archaeological data available are becoming increasingly inadequate. Thanks to improved techniques for examining data from multiple viewpoints archaeologists are now in a position to record different kinds of data and to explore that data more fully than ever before. The growing availablility of computer networks and other technologies means that communication should become increasingly available to international archaeologists. Will this result in the democratisation of archaeological knowledge on a global basis? Contributors from Western and Eastern Europe the Far East Africa and the Americas seek to answer this and other questions about the way in which modern technology is revolutionising archaeological knowledge. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415513371

Archaeology and the Media The public’s fascination with archaeology has meant that archaeologists have had to deal with media more regularly than other scholarly disciplines. How archaeologists communicate their research to the public through the media and how the media view archaeologists has become an important feature in the contemporary world of academic and professional archaeologists. In this volume a group of archaeologists many with media backgrounds address the wide range of questions in this intersection of fields. An array of media forms are covered including television film photography the popular press art video games radio and digital media with a focus on the overriding question: What are the long-term implications of the increasing exposure through and reliance upon media forms for archaeology in the contemporary world? The volume will be of interest to archaeologists and those teaching public archaeology courses. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315434179

Archaeology and the Modern WorldColonial Transcripts in South Africa and Chesapeake Archaeology and the Modern World advances a new controversial theory of historical archaeology. Using new case studies Martin Hall evaluates the major theoretical traditions in historical archaeology while contributing significantly to the debate. In this study the author places an emphasis on material culture and the recent past to bring to light a picture of an unstable and violent early colonial world in which material culture played a crucial mediating role. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203754795

Archaeology and WomenAncient and Modern Issues Archaeology and Women draws together from a variety of angles work currently being done within a contemporary framework on women in archaeology. One section of this collection of original articles addresses the historical and contemporary roles of women in the discipline. Another attempts to link contemporary archaeological theory and practice to work on women and gender in other fields. Finally this volume presents a wide diversity of theoretical approaches and methods of study of women in the ancient world representing a cross section of work being carried out today under the broad banner of gender archaeology. The geographical and chronological range of the contributions is also wide from Southeast Asia and South America to Western Asia Egypt and Europe from Great Britain to Greece and from 10 000 years ago to the recent past. An ideal sampler for courses dealing with women and archaeology. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315434131

Archaeology Behind the Battle LinesThe Macedonian Campaign (1915-19) and its Legacy This volume focuses on a formative period in the history and archaeology of northern Greece. The decade following 1912 when Thessaloniki became part of Greece was a period marked by an extraordinary internationalism as a result of the population movements caused by the shifting of national borders and the troop movements which accompanied the First World War. The papers collected here look primarily at the impact of the discoveries of the Army of the Orient on the archaeological study of the region of Macedonia. Resulting collections of antiquities are now held in Thessaloniki London Paris Edinburgh and Oxford. Various specialists examine each of these collections bringing the archaeological legacy of the Macedonian Campaign together in one volume for the first time. A key theme of the volume is the emerging dialogue between the archaeological remains of Macedonia and the politics of Hellenism. A number of authors consider how archaeological interpretation was shaped by the incorporation of Macedonia into Greece. Other authors describe how the politics of the Campaign in which Greece was initially a neutral partner had implications both for the administration of archaeological finds and their subsequent dispersal. A particular focus is the historical personalities who were involved and the sites they discovered. The role of the Greek Archaeological Service particularly in the protection of antiquities as well as promoting excavation in the aftermath of the 1917 Great Fire of Thessaloniki is also considered. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138285255

Archaeology by Experiment Experimental archaeology is a new approach to the study of early man. By reconstructing and testing models of ancient equipment with the techniques available to early man we learn how he lived hunted fought and built. What did early man eat? How did he store and cook his food? How did he make his tools and weapons and pottery? Such everyday questions besides the more dramatic mysteries associated with the monuments of Easter Island and Stonehenge and the colonization of Polynesia can all be explored by experiment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138817340

Archaeology in England and Wales 1914 - 1931 This survey of work carried out over a number of years synthesises the progress of archaeology showing at a glance the changes within less than quarter of a century on the interpretation of and reflection on knowledge in the area. Entertainingly written this is a lasting introductory account of important finds in English and Welsh archaeology by two of the key researchers of the time. Heavily illustrated this book showcases many artefacts as well as maps and plans offering a wealth of information. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138817951

Archaeology in Environment and TechnologyIntersections and Transformations Environments landscapes and ecological systems are often seen as fundamental by archaeologists but how they relate to society is understood in very different ways. The chapters in this book take environment culture and technology together. All have been the focus of much attention; often one or other has been seen as the starting point for analysis but this volume argues that it is the study of the inter-relationships between these three factors that offers a way forward. The contributions to this book pick up different strands within the tangled web of intersections between environment technology and society providing a series of case studies which explore facets of this common theme in different settings and circumstances and from different perspectives. As well as addressing themes of theoretical and methodological interest these case studies draw on primary research dealing with time periods from the late Pleistocene glacial maximum to the very recent past and involve societies of very different types. Running through all the contributions however is a concern with the archaeological record and the ways in which scales of observation and availability of evidence affect the development of questions and explanations.The diversity of the chapters in this volume demonstrates the inherent weakness in any attempt to prioritise environment technology or society. These three factors are all embedded in any human activity as change in one will result in change in the others: social and technical changes alter relations with the environment–and indeed the environment itself—and as environmental change drives changes in society and technology. As this book shows it is possible to consider the relationship between the three factors from different perspectives but any attempt to consider one or even two in isolation will mean that valuable insights will be missed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367868161

Archaeology in the Holy Land This classic book extensively revised in 1979 includes the most important archaeological discoveries of that time made regarding both the pre-biblical and biblical history of Palestine. The earliest archaeological finds in Palestine reveal man’s presence as early as 9000 B.C. about 6000 years before early biblical history is established. This early phase of human activity was first defined by remarkable discoveries in the Mount Carmel caves and later elucidated by the author’s own excavations at Jericho. This book traces the development of man from hunter and food-gatherer to the earliest agricultural settlements that grew into towns and city states which were eventually incorporated into the Israelite Kingdom. It also discusses the post-Exilic period down to the early fourth century B.C. This book added considerable knowledge about early phases of Palestinian history particularly due to the inclusion of Carbon-14 determinations and special study of animal and plant remains from Jericho. This is a detailed guide to twentieth-century archaeology in the Holy Land that remains fascinating wonderfully illustrated and a great aid in understanding life in Palestine as revealed by archaeological evidence. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138817968

Archaeology in the MakingConversations through a Discipline Archaeology in the Making is a collection of bold statements about archaeology its history how it works and why it is more important than ever. This book comprises conversations about archaeology among some of its notable contemporary figures. They delve deeply into the questions that have come to fascinate archaeologists over the last forty years or so those that concern major events in human history such as the origins of agriculture and the state and questions about the way archaeologists go about their work. Many of the conversations highlight quite intensely held personal insight into what motivates us to pursue archaeology; some may even be termed outrageous in the light they shed on the way archaeological institutions operate – excavation teams professional associations university departments.Archaeology in the Making is a unique document detailing the history of archaeology in second half of the 20th century to the present day through the words of some of its key proponents. It will be invaluable for anybody who wants to understand the theory and practice of this ever developing discipline. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138108349

Archaeology Is a Brand!The Meaning of Archaeology in Contemporary Popular Culture What impact is there on the field to recognize that archaeology is a regular feature in daily life and popular culture? Based upon the study of England Germany Sweden and the USA Cornelius Holtorf examines the commonalities and peculiarities of media portrayal of archaeology in these countries and the differences between media presentations and audience knowledge and attraction to the subject In his normal engaging populist style Holtorf discusses the main strategies available to archaeologists in engaging with their popular representations. Possessors of a widely recognized positively valued and well underpinned brand archaeologists need to take more seriously the appeal of their work. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315434094

Archaeology MattersAction Archaeology in the Modern World Archaeology is perceived to study the people of long ago and far away. How could archaeology matter in the modern world? Well-known archaeologist Jeremy Sabloff points to ways in which archaeology might be important to the understanding and amelioration of contemporary problems. Though archaeologists have commonly been associated with efforts to uncover cultural identity to restore the past of underrepresented peoples and to preserve historical sites their knowledge and skills can be used in many other ways. Archaeologists help Peruvian farmers increase crop yields aid city planners in reducing landfills and guide local communities in tourism development and water management. This brief volume aimed at students and other prospective archaeologists challenges the field to go beyond merely understanding the past and actively engage in making a difference in the today’s world. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315434056

Archaeology of African Plant Use The first major synthesis of African archaeobotany in decades this book focuses on Paleolithic archaeobotany and the relationship between agriculture and social complexity. It explores the effects that plant life has had on humans as they evolved from primates through the complex societies of Africa including Egypt the Buganda Kingdom southern African polities and other regions. With over 30 contributing scholars from 12 countries and extensive illustrations this volume is an essential addition to our knowledge of humanity’s relationship with plants. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781611329742

Archaeology of CommunitiesA New World Perspective The Archaeology of Communities develops a critical evaluation of community and shows that it represents more than a mere aggregation of households. This collection bridges the gap between studies of ancient societies and ancient households. The community is taken to represent more than a mere aggregation of households it exists in part through shared identities as well as frequent interaction and inter-household integration. Drawing on case studies which range in location from the Mississippi Valley to New Mexico from the Southern Andes to the Blue Ridge Mountains of Madison County Virginia the book explores and discusses communities from a whole range of periods from Pre-Columbian to the late Classic. Discussions of actual communities are reinforced by strong debate on for example the distinction between 'Imagined Community' and 'Natural Community.' Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203354933

Archaeology of Domestic Architecture and the Human Use of Space This volume is the first text to focus specifically on the archaeology of domestic architecture. Covering major theoretical and methodological developments over recent decades in areas like social institutions settlement types gender status and power this book addresses the developing understanding of where and how people in the past created and used domestic space. It will be a useful synthesis for scholars and an ideal text for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in archaeology and architecture. The book-covers the relationship of architectural decisions of ancient peoples with our understanding of social and cultural institutions;-includes cases from every continent and all time periods-- from the Paleolithic of Europe to present-day African villages;-is ideal for the growing number of courses on household archaeology social archaeology and historical and vernacular architecture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781611322835

Archaeology of Entanglement Entanglement theory posits that the interrelationship of humans and objects is a delimiting characteristic of human history and culture. This edited volume of original studies by leading archaeological theorists applies this concept to a broad range of topics including archaeological science heritage and theory itself. In the theoretical explications and ten case studies the editors and contributing authors:• build on the intersections between science humanities and ecology to provide a more fine-grained multi-scalar treatment emanating from the long-term perspective that characterizes archaeological research;• bring to light the subtle and unacknowledged paths that configure historical circumstances and bind human intentionality;• examine the constructions of personhood the rigidity of path dependencies the unpredictable connections between humans and objects and the intricate paths of past events in varied geographic and historical contexts that channel future actions.This broad focus is inclusive of early complex developments in Asia and Europe imperial and state strategies in the Andes and Mesoamerica continuities of postcolonialism in North America and the unforeseen and complex consequences that derive from archaeological practices. This volume will appeal to archaeologists and their advanced students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367605339

Archaeology of Knowledge In France a country that awards its intellectuals the status other countries give their rock stars Michel Foucault was part of a glittering generation of thinkers one which also included Sartre de Beauvoir and Deleuze. One of the great intellectual heroes of the twentieth century Foucault was a man whose passion and reason were at the service of nearly every progressive cause of his time. From law and order to mental health to power and knowledge he spearheaded public awareness of the dynamics that hold us all in thrall to a few powerful ideologies and interests. Arguably his finest work Archaeology of Knowledge is a challenging but fantastically rewarding introduction to his ideas. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203604168

Archaeology of Native North America This comprehensive text is intended for the junior-senior level course in North American Archaeology. Written by accomplished scholar Dean Snow this new text approaches native North America from the perspective of evolutionary ecology. Succinct streamlined chapters present an extensive groundwork for supplementary material or serve as a core text.The narrative covers all of Mesoamerica and explicates the links between the part of North America covered by the United States and Canada and the portions covered by Mexico Guatemala Belize and the Greater Antilles. Additionally book is extensively illustrated with the author's own research and findings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138405189

Archaeology of Pacific OceaniaInhabiting a Sea of Islands This book integrates a region-wide chronological narrative of the archaeology of Pacific Oceania. How and why did this vast sea of islands covering nearly one-third of the world’s surface come to be inhabited over the last several millennia transcending significant change in ecology demography and society? What can any or all of the thousands of islands offer as ideal model systems toward comprehending globally significant issues of human-environment relations and coping with changing circumstances of natural and cultural history? A new synthesis of Pacific Oceanic archaeology addresses these questions based largely on the author’s investigations throughout the diverse region. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138097179

Archaeology of Psychotherapy in KoreaA study of Korean therapeutic work and professional growth This is the first English book dedicated solely to the historical development of psychotherapy in Korea. It is an archaeological research of literature relating to the care and treatment of mind in Korean history in dialogue with spiritual philosophical cultural social and medical perspectives. It reviews the evolution of different approaches on mental illnesses covering autochthonous practices psychiatry clinical psychology counseling Western psychotherapy and Korean psychotherapy. Archaeology of Psychotherapy in Korea inspects: Folk Treatment First Psychiatry Influence from Clinical Psychology Counselling Development Implementation of Western Psychotherapy Shaping of Korean Psychotherapy Its discussion engages firmly with the Korean culture and perspective while acknowledging various extrinsic influences and the fact that Korean psychotherapy continues to evolve in its own unique manner. It aims to refine the understanding of psychotherapy development in Korea in connection with its historical and social backgrounds and to interpret a way to highlight the culturally relevant psychotherapy that is more suitable as a Korean psychotherapy better attuned to the distinct cultural and societal expectation of Korea. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138580220

Archaeology of ReligionCultures and their Beliefs in Worldwide Context Steadman fills an empty niche in the offerings on how archaeology interprets past religions with this useful textbook. The book includes case studies from around the world from the study of Upper Paleolithic religions and of shamans in foraging societies to formal religious structures in advanced complex societies of Mesopotamia Egypt India and the Andes. Steadman also includes key contemporary religions—Christianity Islam and Buddhism among others—to provide an historical and comparative context. This is an ideal text for a archaeology of religion courses and classes that include a significant component on “past religions †as well as an excellent guide for general readers. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315433899

Archaeology of the British Isles This is a guide to the archaeology of the British Isles from the Ice Age to the medieval period. Beginning with an introduction to the methods and techniques of modern archaeology the author moves on to cover the archaeology of the British Isles dealing with such questions as: when the British Isles were first inhabited; how the great Neolithic monuments were planned and built; and the impact of the Roman Conquest. The guide is completed by a detailed gazetteer of 468 sites that can be visited. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138407930

Archaeology of the Lower Ohio River Valley Although it has been occupied for as long and possesses a mound-building tradition of considerable scale and interest Muller contends that the archaeology of the lower Ohio River Valley�from the confluence with the Mississippi to the falls at Louisville Kentucky � remains less well-known that that of the elaborate mound-building cultures of the upper valley. This study provides a synthesis of archaeological work done in the region emphasizing population growth and adaptation within an ecological framework in an attempt to explain the area�s cultural evolution. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138404397

Archaeology of the Mississippian CultureA Research Guide First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963771

Archaeology of the Southeastern United StatesPaleoindian to World War I A chronological summary of major stages in Southeastern United States' development this unique textbook overviews the region's archaeology from 20 000 years ago to World War I. Early chapters review the history and development of archaeology as a discipline. The following chapters organized in chronological order highlight the archaeological characteristics of each featured period. The book's final chapters discuss new directions in Southeastern archaeology including trends in teaching research the business of archaeology and the public's growing interest. This versatile text perfectly suits undergraduates or anyone requiring a hands-on guide for self-exploration of the fascinating region. This is the first-of-its kind book to summarize Southeastern archaeology. It includes both prehistoric and historic archaeology. Its easy-to-read format is filled with valuable research information. Each chapter is chronologically organized and fully referenced. It has broad audience appeal. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138405158

Archaeology of the Southwest The long-awaited third edition of this well-known textbook continues to be the go-to text and reference for anyone interested in Southwest archaeology. It provides a comprehensive summary of the major themes and topics central to modern interpretation and practice. More concise accessible and student-friendly the Third Edition offers students the latest in current research debates and topical syntheses as well as increased coverage of Paleoindian and Archaic periods and the Casas Grandes phenomenon. It remains the perfect text for courses on Southwest archaeology at the advanced undergraduate and graduate levels and is an ideal resource book for the Southwest researchers’ bookshelf and for interested general readers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781598746754

Archaeology of The TeufelsbergExploring Western Electronic Intelligence Gathering in Cold War Berlin For over 50 years the white radomes of the Teufelsberg have been one of Berlin’s most prominent landmarks. For half of this time the city lay over 100 miles behind an 'Iron Curtain' that divided East from West and was surrounded by communist East Germany and the densest concentration of Warsaw Pact military forces in Europe. From the vantage point high on the Teufelsberg British and American personnel constantly monitored the electronic emissions from the surrounding military forces as well as high-level political intelligence. Today the Teufelsberg stands as a contemporary and spectacular ruin representing a significant relic of a lost cyber space of Cold War electronic emissions and espionage. Based on archaeological fieldwork and recently declassified documents this book presents a new history of the Teufelsberg and other Western intelligence gathering sites in Berlin. At a time when intelligence gathering is once more under close scrutiny when questions are being asked about the intelligence relationship between the United States and Russia and amidst wider debate about the US’s National Security Agency (NSA) intelligence programmes sites like the Teufelsberg raise questions that appear both important and timely. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367671846

Archaeology of the UnconsciousItalian Perspectives In reconstructing the birth and development of the notion of ‘unconscious’ historians of ideas have heavily relied on the Freudian concept of Unbewussten retroactively projecting the psychoanalytic unconscious over a constellation of diverse cultural experiences taking place in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries between France and Germany. Archaeology of the Unconscious aims to challenge this perspective by adopting an unusual and thought-provoking viewpoint as the one offered by the Italian case from the 1770s to the immediate aftermath of WWI when Italo Svevo’s La coscienza di Zeno provides Italy with the first example of a ‘psychoanalytic novel’. Italy’s vibrant culture of the long nineteenth century characterised by the sedimentation circulation intersection and synergy of different cultural philosophical and literary traditions proves itself to be a privileged object of inquiry for an archaeological study of the unconscious; a study whose object is not the alleged ‘origin’ of a pre-made theoretical construct but rather the stratifications by which that specific construct was assembled. In line with Michel Foucault’s Archéologie du savoir (1969) this volume will analyze the formation and the circulation across different authors and texts of a network of ideas and discourses on interconnected themes including dreams memory recollection desire imagination fantasy madness creativity inspiration magnetism and somnambulism. Alongside questioning pre-given narratives of the ‘history of the unconscious’ this book will employ the Italian ‘difference’ as a powerful perspective from whence to address the undeveloped potentialities of the pre-Freudian unconscious beyond uniquely psychoanalytical viewpoints. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367263737

Archaeology of the War of 1812 This is the first summary of how archaeology has contributed to our understanding of the War of 1812. The contributors of original papers discuss recent excavations and field surveys that present an archaeological perspective that enriches —and often conflicts with received historical narratives. The studies cover fortifications encampments landscapes shipwrecks and battles in the midwestern southern mid-atlantic and northeastern regions of the United States and in Canada. In addition to archaeologists this volume will appeal to military history specialists and other historians. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781611328844

Archaeology to Delight and InstructActive Learning in the University Classroom This book presents novel and interesting ways of teaching archaeological concepts and processes to college and university students. Seeking alternatives to the formal lecture format the various contributions seek better ways of communicating the complexities of human behavior and of engaging students in active learning about the past. This collection of imaginative exercises designed by 20 master instructors on three continents includes role-playing games simulations activities and performance all designed to teach archaeological concepts in interesting and engaging ways. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315433653

Archaeology: The Basics Now in an updated third edition Archaeology: The Basics provides a straightforward and engaging introduction to the world of Archaeology. This book answers key questions about how and why we practice archaeology and examines the theories and themes underpinning the subject. Fully updated this new edition includes a wide range of examples and new material on key growth areas including:* Evolutionary approaches in current archaeology* The archaeology of landscape and place* The impact and value of archaeology* Conflict archaeology and the politics of the pastWith 12 new illustrations four new boxes and additional case studies this text is essential reading for all those beginning to study archaeology and anyone who has ever questioned the past. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415694834

Archaeology: The Key Concepts From two of the best-known archaeological writers in the trade this outstanding resource provides a thorough survey of the key ideas in archaeology and how they impact on archaeological thinking and method. Clearly written and easy to follow Archaeology: The Key Concepts collates entries written specifically by field specialists and each entry offers a definition of the term its origins and development and all the major figures involved in the area. The entries include: thinking about landscape archaeology of cult and religion cultural evolution concepts of time urban societies the antiquity of humankind archaeology of gender feminist archaeology experimental archaeology multiregional evolution. With guides to further reading extensive cross-referencing and accessibly written for even beginner students this book is a superb guide for anyone studying teaching or with any interest in this fascinating subject. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203491096

ArchaeologyA Brief Introduction Archaeology is a jargon-free and accessible introduction to the field which details how archaeologists study the human past in all its fascinating diversity. Now in its twelfth edition this classic textbook has been updated to reflect the latest research and new findings in the field. Reflecting the global scope of the discipline the book has a truly international coverage of important discoveries and sites from many corners of the globe. Individual chapters examine archaeology and its history considering the role of the archaeologist and how they discover investigate and classify sites and artifacts. This journey through archaeology also includes a discussion of important individuals and groups and some of the ways in which archaeologists attempt to explain major social and cultural changes in the remote past. Archaeology ends with an outline of the complex world of cultural resource management and gives invaluable advice on how to become an archaeologist. Richly illustrated throughout this popular and engaging textbook on archaeological methods has introduced generations of students to the captivating world of archaeology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138190313

Archaeology's Visual CultureDigging and Desire Archaeology’s Visual Culture explores archaeology through the lens of visual culture theory. The insistent visuality of archaeology is a key stimulus for the imaginative and creative interpretation of our encounters with the past. Balm investigates the nature of this projection of the visual revealing an embedded subjectivity in the imagery of archaeology and acknowledging the multiplicity of meanings that cohere around artifacts archaeological sites and museum displays. Using a wide range of case studies the book highlights how archaeologists can view objects and the consequences that ensue from these ways of seeing.Throughout the book Balm considers the potential for documentary images and visual material held in archives to perform cultural work within and between groups of specialists. With primary sources ranging from the mid-nineteenth to the early twenty-first century this volume also maps the intellectual and social connections between archaeologists and their peers. Geographical settings include Britain Cyprus Mesoamerica the Middle East and the United States and the sites of visual encounter are no less diverse ranging from excavation reports in salvage archaeology to instrumentally derived data-sets and remote-sensing imagery. By forensically examining selected visual records from published accounts and archival sources enduring tropes of representation become apparent that transcend issues of style and reflect fundamental visual sensibilities within the discipline of archaeology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367874278

ArchaeologyThe Science of the Human Past Archaeology: The Science of the Human Past provides an introduction to the broad and fascinating world of archaeology from the scientific perspective. Conveying the exhilaration of archaeological work it explores the ways archaeologists analyse and interpret evidence. Varying perspectives are considered to provide holistic coverage of archaeological techniques and methods and show how the complexity of the past can be captured by the empirical science of archaeology. The Fifth Edition has been updated and revised to include the latest archaeological approaches and the impact developments in archaeological science have made in recent years. The chapter on bioarchaeology has been completely rewritten to reflect these developments. Archaeology: An Introduction will allow students to understand the theoretical and scientific aspects of archaeology and how various archaeological perspectives and techniques help us understand how and what we know about the past. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138093478

Archaic EretriaA Political and Social History from the Earliest Times to 490 BC This book presents for the first time a history of Eretria during the Archaic Era the city's most notable period of political importance and Keith Walker examines all the major elements of the city's success. One of the key factors explored is Eretria's role as a pioneer coloniser in both the Levant and the West - its early Aegaen 'island empire' anticipates that of Athens by more than a century and Eretrian shipping and trade was similarly widespread. Eretria's major indeed dominant role in the events of central Greece in the last half of the sixth century and in the events of the Ionian Revolt to 490 is clearly demonstrated and the tyranny of Diagoras (c.538-509) perhaps the golden age of the city is fully examined. Full documentation of literary epigraphic and archaeological sources (most of which has previously been inaccessible to an English speaking-audience) is provided creating a fascinating history and valuable resource for the Greek historian. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415518536

Archaic Hunters and Gatherers in the American Midwest This volume reports on a series of multidisciplinary projects involving the Archaic period of the American Midwest. A period of innovation and technical achievement the articles focus on changes in environmental social and economic factors operating in this period and the adaptation of the hunter gatherer peoples living at this time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138404366

Archbishop Anselm 1093–1109Bec Missionary Canterbury Primate Patriarch of Another World St Anselm's archiepiscopal career 1093-1109 spanned the reigns of two kings: William Rufus and the early years of Henry I. As the second archbishop of Canterbury after the Norman Conquest Anselm strove to extend the reforms of his teacher and mentor at Bec and his predecessor at Canterbury Archbishop Lanfranc. Exploring Anselm's thirty years as Prior and Abbot of the large rich Norman monastery of Bec and teacher in its school this book notes the wealth of experiences which prepared Anselm for his archiepiscopal career--in particular Bec's missionary attitude toward England. Sally Vaughn examines Anselm's intellectual strengths as a teacher philosopher and theologian: exploring his highly regarded theological texts including his popular Prayers and Meditations and how his statesmanship was influenced as he dealt with conflict with the antagonistic King William Rufus. Vaughn argues that Rufus's death influenced Anselm's rivalry with King Henry I and fostered a more subdued and civil conflict between Anselm and Henry which ended with cooperation between king and archbishop at the end of Anselm's life. King and archbishop became’yoked together as two oxen pulling the plow of the church through the land of England’. Anselm’s final years at the pinnacle of power reveal a superb administrator over Canterbury and Primate over the churches of all Britain in which position his followers described him as 'Pope of another world'. The final section includes a selection of original source material including archiepiscopal letters drawn primarily from Lambeth Palace Library. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409401223

Archbishop Fisher 1945–1961Church State and World Archbishop Fisher’s archiepiscopate reflected the central issues of his time and place. It was Fisher who oversaw an immense programme of reforms which effectively recast the institutions of the Church of England for generations to come. It was Fisher who proved to be the essential architect politician and diplomat behind the creation of a worldwide Anglican Communion. His determination to promote the development of relations with other churches produced a vital contribution to the cause of ecumenism which culminated in his momentous meeting with Pope John XXIII. Archbishop Fisher was a vigorous participant in the questions which defined national and international life. This book explores Fisher’s influence on major contemporary issues and events including divorce-law reform and capital punishment at home and the end of Empire and the most dangerous years of the Cold War abroad. This new biography establishes the continuing significance not only of the office of Archbishop in the Church but also of the Church at large in the tumultuous world of the later twentieth century. A final section of original source material includes letters sermons and other writings bringing vividly to life the range and character of Fisher's public and private role. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409412335

Archbishop Howley 1828–1848 William Howley Archbishop of Canterbury 1828-1848 led the Church of England during the beginning and expansion of the Oxford Movement at a time when the precursor to the Church Commissioners was established and during the momentous debates and decisions in Parliament which saw the final retreat from the myth of an all Anglican legislature. Howley’s chairmanship of the commissions of the 1830s and 1840s which began the gargantuan task of reforming the Church’s practices and re-arranging its finances made him an object of fury and scorn to some of those who benefited from things as they were most especially in the cathedrals. Exploring the central events and debates within the Church of England in the first half of the nineteenth century this book draws on primary and secondary evidence about Howley’s career and influence. A section of original sources including his Charges and other public documents correspondence and speeches in the House of Lords places Howley’s achievements in proper context and illustrates his prevailing concerns in education the establishment and political reform relationships with the Tractarians and in the early stages of Church reform. Dealing thematically with many of the issues faced by Howley and exploring his own High Church theological views in historical context James Garrard offers a fruitful re-appraisal of the intellectual spiritual and ’party’ context in which Howley moved. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138053076

Archbishop Pole This fresh exploration of the life work and writing of Archbishop Pole focuses particularly on Pole’s final years (1556-58) as Archbishop of Canterbury. Fully integrating Pole’s English and Continental European experiences John Edwards places these in their historical context and signposts lessons for contemporary issues and concerns. Stressing the events and character of Pole's 'English' life up to his exile in the 1530s as well as in his final years in England (1554-58) this book explores his close relationship both genealogical and emotional with Henry VIII and Mary I. Portraying Pole as a crucial figure in the Catholic-Protestant division which still affects Britain today this book details the first and so far last attempt to restore Roman Catholicism as the 'national religion' of England and Wales by telling the life-story of the hinge figure in forging English religious and political identity for several centuries. The final section of this book draws together important and illuminating source material written by Pole during his years as Archbishop of Canterbury. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409420576

Archbishop RamseyThe Shape of the Church Archbishop Michael Ramsey’s archiepiscopate from 1961 to 1974 saw profound renegotiations of the relationship of the Church of England with its own flock with the nation more widely with the Anglican church worldwide and with the other Christian churches. Drawing from unique source material in the Lambeth Palace Library archives and reproducing many original writings of Ramsey for the first time this book explores key questions which surround Ramsey’s tenure. How did Ramsey react to the rapid hollowing-out of the regular constituency of the church whilst at the same time seeing sweeping changes in the manner in which the church tried to minister to those members? What was his role in the widening of the church's global vision and the growing porousness of its borders with other denominations? And how did the nature of the role of archbishop as figurehead change in this period? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780754665960

Archbishop Randall Davidson Randall Davidson was Archbishop of Canterbury for quarter of a century. Davidson was a product of the Victorian ecclesiastical and social establishment whose advance through the Church was dependent on the patronage of Queen Victoria but he became Archbishop at a time of huge social and political change. He guided the Church of England through the turbulence of the Edwardian period when it faced considerable challenges to its status as the established Church as well as helping shape its response to the horrors of the First World War. Davidson inherited a Church of England that was sharply divided on a range of issues and he devoted his career as Archbishop to securing its unity whilst ensuring that its voice continued to be heard both nationally and internationally. A modest and pragmatic man he was widely respected both within the Church and beyond helping to find solutions to a range of political and ecclesiastical problems. This book explores Davidson’s role within the Church and in the life of Britain more broadly during his time at Canterbury. It includes a large selection of documents that help to reveal the Archbishop’s character and cast light on the way in which he carried out his varied and demanding duties. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472418678

Archbishops Ralph d'Escures William of Corbeil and Theobald of BecHeirs of Anselm and Ancestors of Becket The first two archbishops of Canterbury after the Norman Conquest Lanfranc and Anselm were towering figures in the medieval church and the sixth archbishop the martyred Thomas Becket is perhaps the most famous figure ever to hold the office. In between these giants of the ecclesiastical world came three less noteworthy men: Ralph d'Escures William of Corbeil and Theobald of Bec. Jean Truax's volume in the Ashgate Archbishops of Canterbury Series uniquely examines the pontificates of these three minor archbishops. Presenting their biographies careers thought and works as a unified period Truax highlights crucial developments in the English church during the period of the pontificates of these three archbishops from the death of Anselm to Becket. The resurgent power of the papacy a changed relationship between church and state and the expansion of archiepiscopal scope and power ensured that in 1162 Becket faced a very different world from the one that Anselm had left in 1109. Selected correspondence newly translated chronicle accounts and the text and a discussion of the Canterbury forgeries complete the volume. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780754668336

Archeology in Cultural Systems Archeology shares with other anthropological sciences the goal of explaining differences and similarities among cultural systems. Sally R. Binford and Lewis R. Binford therefore are concerned with theory and arguments which treat problems of the interrelationship of cultural variables with explanatory value. Archeology in Cultural Systems is devoted to four different aspects of archeology.This book progresses from theoretical-methodological discussions to specific consideration of archeological materials. It focuses on the analysis of archeological remains from a single site. Its concern is primarily with recognizing measuring and explaining variability in the form and distribution of a site's cultural remains. The authors argue that internal variability derives from the composition and distribution of societal segments represented at the site. The work then shifts to study of archeological components (or their attributes) and seeks explanations for observed differences and similarities. A final section of the volume comments and discusses materials in the volume.Archeology in Cultural Systems is not a monolithic presentation of any particular school of archeological thought. There are common interests and many points of agreement among the authors but there is also diversity of opinion on several points. These points are the focus of research here. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138518896

Archetypal and Cultural Perspectives on the ForeignerMinorities and Monsters In this era of intense migration the topic of the foreigner is of paramount importance. Joanne Wieland-Burston examines the question of the "foreign" and "foreigner" from multiple perspectives and explores how Jung and Freud were more interested in the wide phenomenon of the foreign in the unconscious rather than in their own personal lives. She analyses cultural approaches to the archetype of the foreigner throughout history using literary cultural (as seen in mythological texts and fairy tales) and psychological references and interprets the scapegoating of foreign minorities as a projection of the monster onto the foreigner. The book includes contemporary perspectives on immigration and displacement throughout from analysing patient case material the archetypal needs of people who join terrorist groups feelings of alienation and the work of Palestinian-German psychologist Ahmad Mansour. Throughout this personal and highly topical study Wieland-Burston questions and studies C. G. Jung’s own reflections on himself as a foreigner and her own personal experiences. This book will be vital reading for Jungian psychotherapists and analytical psychologists in practice and in training as well as for academics and students of Jungian and post-Jungian studies archetypal studies identity politics and courses examining the experiences of displaced persons refugees migrants and minority groups. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138345812

Archetypal GriefSlavery’s Legacy of Intergenerational Child Loss Archetypal Grief: Slavery’s Legacy of Intergenerational Child Loss is a powerful exploration of the intergenerational psychological effects of child loss as experienced by women held in slavery in the Americas and of its ongoing effects in contemporary society. It presents the concept of archetypal grief in African American women: cultural trauma so deeply wounding that it spans generations. Calling on Jungian psychology as well as neuroscience and attachment theory Fanny Brewster explores the psychological lives of enslaved women using their own narratives and those of their descendants and discusses the stories of mothering slaves with reference to their physical and emotional experiences. The broader context of slavery and the conditions leading to the development of archetypal grief are examined with topics including the visibility/invisibility of the African female body the archetype of the mother stereotypes about black women and the significance of rites of passage. The discussion is placed in the context of contemporary America and the economic educational spiritual and political legacy of slavery. Archetypal Grief will be an important work for academics and students of Jungian and post-Jungian studies archetypal and depth psychology archetypal studies feminine psychology women’s studies the history of slavery African American history African diaspora studies and sociology. It will also be of interest to analytical psychologists and Jungian psychotherapists in practice and in training. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415789066

Archetypal NonviolenceJung King and Culture Through the Eyes of Selma Renée Moreau Cunningham’s unique study utilizes the psychology of C. G. Jung and the spiritual teachings of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. to explore how nonviolence works psychologically as a form of spiritual warfare confronting and transmuting aggression. Archetypal Nonviolence uses King’s iconic march from Selma to Montgomery a demonstration which helped introduce America to nonviolent philosophy on a mass scale as a metaphor for psychological and spiritual activism on an individual and collective level. Cunningham’s work explores the core wound of racism in America on both a collective and a personal level investigating how we hide from our own potential for evil and how the divide within ourselves can be bridged. The book demonstrates that the alchemical transmutation of aggression through a nonviolent ethos as shown in the Selma marches is important to understand as a beginning to something greater within the paradox of human violence and its bedfellow nonviolence. Archetypal Nonviolence explores how we can truly transform hatred by understanding how it operates within. It will be of great interest to Jungian analysts and analytical psychologists in practice and in training and to academics and students of Jungian and post-Jungian studies American history race and racism and nonviolent movements. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367112264

Archetypal PsychotherapyThe clinical legacy of James Hillman Archetypal psychology is a post-Jungian mode of theory and practice initiated primarily through the prolific work of James Hillman. Hillman’s writing carries a far-reaching collection of evocative ideas with a wealth of vital implications for the field of clinical psychology. With the focus on replacing the dominant fantasy of a scientific psychology with psychology as logos of soul archetypal psychology has shifted the focus of therapy away from cure of the symptom toward vivification and expression of the mythopoetic imagination. This book provides the reader with an overview of the primary themes taken up by archetypal psychology as differentiated from both classical Jungian analysis and Freudian derivatives of psychoanalysis. Throughout the text Jason Butler gathers the disparate pieces of archetypal method and weaves them together with examples of dreams fantasy images and clinical vignettes in order to depict the particular style taken up by archetypal psychotherapy—a therapeutic approach that fosters an expansion of psychological practice beyond mere ego-adaptation and coping providing a royal road to a life and livelihood of archetypal significance. Archetypal Psychotherapy: The clinical legacy of James Hillman will be of interest to researchers and academics in the fields of Jungian and archetypal psychology looking for a new perspective as well as practising psychotherapists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415791700

Archetype Culture and the Individual in EducationThe Three Pedagogical Narratives In Archetype Culture and the Individual in Education: The Three Pedagogical Narratives Clifford Mayes presents a unique approach to understanding how Jungian principles can inform pedagogical theory and practice. In a time when what the educational historian Lawrence Cremin called the 'military-industrial-educational complex' and its standardized education are running roughshod over the psyche and spirit of students Mayes deploys depth psychology especially the work of Jung to advance an archetypal approach to teaching and learning. Mayes demonstrates how catastrophic it is to students when the classroom is governed by forces that objectify the individual in a paralysing stranglehold. He argues that one’s life-narrative is significantly impacted by one’s narrative as a learner; thus schooling that commodifies learning and turns the student into an object has neuroticizing effects that will spread throughout that student’s entire life. In Part I Mayes explores the interaction between archetypes and various types of time—ultimately focusing on the individual but always mediated by ‘the cultural unconscious’. In Parts II and III he brings together education with (post-)Jungian and (post-)Freudian psychology examining transference/countertransference in the classroom; the Jungian idea of ‘the shadow’ applied to educational processes; Jung’s unique vision of ‘the symbol’ and its importance for educational theory; and Jung’s ‘transcendent function’ as a prime educational modality. Mayes concludes by looking to the future of archetypal pedagogy. This groundbreaking work in the emerging field of Jungian pedagogy is invaluable reading in Jungian Studies depth psychological theory educational theory and for teachers and psychotherapists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138389694

Archetype RevisitedAn Updated Natural History of the Self Archetype: A Natural History of the Self first published in 1982 was a ground-breaking book; the first to explore the connections between Jung's archetypes and evolutionary disciplines such as ethology and sociobiology and an excellent introduction to the archetypes in theory and practical application as well. C.G. Jung's 'archetypes of the collective unconscious' have traditionally remained the property of analytical psychology and have commonly been dismissed as 'mystical' by scientists. But Jung himself described them as biological entities which if they exist at all must be amenable to empirical study. In the work of Bowlby and Lorenz and in studies of the bilateral brain Anthony Stevens has discovered the key to opening up this long-ignored scientific approach to the archetypes originally envisaged by Jung. At last in a creative leap made possible by the cross-fertilisation of several specialist disciplines psychiatry can be integrated with psychology with ethology and biology. The result is an immensely enriched science of human behaviour. In Archetype Revisited Stevens considers the enormous cultural social and intellectual changes that have taken place since the publication of the original edition and includes: - An updated chapter on The Archetypal Masculine and Feminine reflecting recent research findings and developments in feminist thinking; - Commentary on the intrusion of neo-Darwinian thinking into psychology and psychiatry; - Analysis of what has happened to the archetype in terms of our understanding of it and our responses to it. This Classic Edition of the book includes a new introduction by the author. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138824690

ArchetypeA Natural History of the Self Commonly dismissed as mystical by scientists archetypes were described by Jung as biological entities which have evolved through natural selection and which if they exist at all must be amenable to empirical study. Anthony Stevens has discovered the key to opening up this long-ignored scientific approach to the archetype. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138177109

Archetypes Man is dominated by his archetypes; they mould not only his history but his dreams. But how are we to define and evaluate them? Is it perhaps possible for us to relate more creatively to them? Originally published in 1981 these are some of the questions raised by this title. To answer them the author gathered together a vast amount of material drawn from Eastern and Western traditions from science literature art and poetry. The answers he puts forward are often highly original and will surely challenge many of our most cherished patterns of thought. There emerges from this book what can only be described as a global metaphysical system yet the author’s language is not that of an ordinary metaphysical treatise and what he writes offered new challenge and hope to those suffering from the despair and cynicism engendered by a great deal in modern society at the time. Zolla does not however advocate a return to earlier historical patterns nor is he proposing a new Utopia but rather offers us a brilliant series of lessons in the art of centring. In the words of Bernard Wall writing in the Times Literary Supplement Zolla’s ‘deep polymathic probing of the terms of human existence makes it sensible to compare him with Simone Weil while some of his conclusions about ultimate mysteries – expressed in signs symbols and sacraments the sense of which we have lost – will make us think of the later T. S. Eliot’. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138921085

Archetypes and Motifs in Folklore and Literature: A HandbookA Handbook This is an authoritative presentation and discussion of the most basic thematic elements universally found in folklore and literature. The reference provides a detailed analysis of the most common archetypes or motifs found in the folklore of selected communities around the world. Each entry is written by a noted authority in the field and includes accompanying reference citations. Entries are keyed to the Motif-Index of Folk Literature by Stith Thompson and grouped according to that Index's scheme. The reference also includes an introductory essay on the concepts of archetypes and motifs and the scholarship associated with them. This is the only book in English on motifs and themes that is completely folklore oriented deals with motif numbers and is tied to the Thompson Motif-Index. It includes in-depth examination of such motifs as: Bewitching; Chance and Fate; Choice of Roads; Death or Departure of the Gods; the Double; Ghosts and Other Revenants; the Hero Cycle; Journey to the Otherworld; Magic Invulnerability; Soothsayer; Transformation; Tricksters. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315097121

Archetypes of Thought In Archetypes of Thought originally published in 1991 with the title Philosophical Grounds Thomas Molnar follows seven basic themes of Western philosophical speculation from their development in the earliest times of systematic thought through their evolution through the centuries and civilizations to the present. Some of the themes are origin and its reflection guilt of being one and the multiple the temptation of mechanization and nocturnal man. The book is neither a chronological treatment of issues nor a list of philosophical schools and movements. Rather it reaches for the archetypes of philosophical reasoning.Molnar shows the presence of modern themes in the entire history of thinking traces technology to the first stirrings of rationalism and evinces modern man's feeling of culpability. Throughout the soul is perceived as the keeper of God's and man's secret one which reflects reality and also tries to organize it according to an ontologically implanted rhythm.In his new introduction Molnar explains and re-examines his reasons for writing the book. While the themes he covers have been widely dealt with in contemporary thought they are brought together to form an original combination of philosophical concepts. Archetypes of Thought is an intriguing study of the evolution of philosophical thinking. It is essential reading for both students and professionals of philosophy history and sociology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138518902

Archipelagic IdentitiesLiterature and Identity in the Atlantic Archipelago 1550–1800 Archipelagic Identities explores the invention and interplay of national regional and linguistic identities in the literatures of early modern Britain and Ireland. The volume includes innovative work by leading practitioners of British studies and sheds new light on classic cases such as Edmund Spenser's Irish experience whilst also introducing less familiar writers and texts such as Anne Dowriche's The French Historie William Browne's Britannia Pastorals William Richards' Wallography Anne Bradstreet's 'Dialogue between Old England and New' and the works of Gaelic bards and French Huguenot refugees. Foregrounding issues of gender class and migratory identity which have not previously received significant attention in this field Archipelagic Identities brings British studies into the mainstream of contemporary literary criticism. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315262253

Archipelago TourismPolicies and Practices Exploring the conceptual insights provided by the archipelagic 'twist' in the context of tourism principles policies and practices this volume draws on an international series of case studies to analyse best practice in branding marketing and logistics in archipelago tourist destinations. The book asks and seeks to answer such questions as: How to 'sell' a multi-island destination without risking a message that may be too complex and diffuse for audiences to grab on to? Does one encourage visitors to do 'island hopping'; and if so how and with what logistic facilities? How does one ascribe specific island destinations within an overall archipelago brand? Would smaller islands rebel against a composite branding strategy that actually benefits other islands? How does one read or craft transport policies as a function of the 'reterritorialisation' of a multi-island space? This book pioneers the exploration of the archipelago as tourism study focus (and not just locus); a heuristic device for rendering islands as sites of different tourism practices industries and policies but also of challenges and possibilities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138083875

Architect Knows BestEnvironmental Determinism in Architecture Culture from 1956 to the Present The idea that buildings could be used to reform human behaviour and improve society was fundamental to the 'modernist' architecture and planning of people like Walter Gropius Le Corbusier and José Luis Sert in the first half of the 20th century. Their proposals for functional zoning multi-level transport high-rise living and machine-inspired aesthetics came under attack from the 1950s onwards and many alternative approaches to architecture and planning emerged. It was thought that the environmental determinist strand of the discourse was killed off at this time as well. This book argues that it was not but on the contrary that it has deepened and diversified. Many of the most prominent architect-planners continue to design with a view to improving the behaviour of individual people and of society at large. By looking at - and interviewing - major figures and movements of recent years in Britain Europe and America including Léon Krier Peter Eisenman Andrés Duany Jane Jacobs Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown it demonstrates the myriad ways that architect-planners seek to shape human behaviour through buildings. In doing so the book raises awareness of this strand within the discourse and examines its different purposes and manifestations. It questions whether it is an ineradicable and beneficial part of architecture and planning or a regrettable throwback to a more authoritarian phase discusses why is it seldom acknowledged directly and whether it could be handled more responsibly and with greater understanding. Richards does not provide any simple solutions but in conclusion is critical of architect-planners who abuse the rhetoric of social reform simply to leverage their attempts to secure building commissions while being more sympathetic towards those who appear to have a sincere desire to improve society through their buildings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138249073

Architect’s Guide to NEC4 This user friendly guide introduces explains and demystifies the NEC4 contract on a practical work-based level. Made for architects by an architect it explores the best approach to collaborative and contractual partnering work practices. Alongside explanations of the contracts and clauses it presents the key areas of distinction from alternative standard form contracts and examines the integrated project management principles that bring the NEC4 contracts together as a whole. It's the perfect companion book for professionals who are new to the NEC contract family and former users trying to understand the latest updates. Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859468562

Architecting Failâ€Safe Supply Networks A fail-safe supply network is designed to mitigate the impact of variations and disruptions on people and corporations. This is achieved by (1) developing a network structure to mitigate the impact of disruptions that distort the network structure and (2) planning flow through the network to neutralize the effects of variations. In this monograph we propose a framework develop mathematical models and provide examples of fail-safe supply network design. We show that contrary to current thinking as embodied in the supply network literature disruption management decisions made at the strategic network design level are not independent from variation management decisions made at the operational level. Accordingly we suggest that it is beneficial to manage disruptions and variations concurrently in supply networks. This is achieved by architecting fail-safe supply networks which are characterized by the following elements: reliability robustness flexibility structural controllability and resilience. Organizations can use the framework presented in this monograph to manage variations and disruptions. Managers can select the best operational management strategies for their supply networks considering variations in supply and demand and identify the best network restoration strategies including facility fortification backup inventory flexible production capacity flexible inventory and transportation route reconfiguration. The framework is generalizable to other complex engineered networks. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138504264

Architecting Secure Software Systems Traditionally software engineers have defined security as a non-functional requirement. As such all too often it is only considered as an afterthought making software applications and services vulnerable to attacks. With the phenomenal growth in cybercrime it has become imperative that security be an integral part of software engineering so that all software assets are protected and safe. Architecting Secure Software Systems defines how security should be incorporated into basic software engineering at the requirement analysis phase continuing this sharp focus into security design secured programming security testing and secured deployment.Outlines Protection Protocols for Numerous ApplicationsThrough the use of examples this volume defines a myriad of security vulnerabilities and their resultant threats. It details how to do a security requirement analysis and outlines the security development lifecycle. The authors examine security architectures and threat countermeasures for UNIX .NET Java mobile and Web environments. Finally they explore the security of telecommunications and other distributed services through Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). The book employs a versatile multi-platform approach that allows users to seamlessly integrate the material into their own programming paradigm regardless of their individual programming backgrounds. The text also provides real-world code snippets for experimentation.Define a Security Methodology from the Initial Phase of Development Almost all assets in our lives have a virtual presence and the convergence of computer information and telecommunications makes these assets accessible to everyone in the world. This volume enables developers engineers and architects to approach security in a holistic fashion at the beginning of the software development li Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367386184

Architects Angels Activists and the City of Bath 1765–1965Engaging with Women's Spatial Interventions in Buildings and Landscape A unique contribution to the architectural and social history of Bath Architects Angels Activists and the City of Bath 1765-1965: Engaging with Women's Spatial Interventions in Buildings and Landscape approaches the past with the methods of the architectural historian and the site-specific interventions of the contemporary artist. Looking beyond and behind Bath's strategic marshalling of its past Cynthia Imogen Hammond presents the ways in which women across classes shaped the built environment and designed landscapes of one of England's most architecturally significant cities. This study argues that Bath's efforts to preserve itself as an idealized Georgian town reveal an aesthetics of exclusion. Jane Austen may be well known but the role of historic women in the creation of this city has had minimal treatment within the city's collective public memory. This book is an intervention into this memory; the author uses site-specific works of public art as strategic counterparts to her historical readings. Through them she aims to transform as well as critique the urban image of Bath. At once a performative literature an extensively researched history and an alternative guide to the city Architects Angels Activists engages with current struggles over urban signification in Bath and beyond. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138246744

Architects After ArchitectureAlternative Pathways for Practice What can you do with a degree in architecture? Where might it take you? What kind of challenges could you address? Architects After Architecture reframes architecture as a uniquely versatile way of acting on the world far beyond that of designing buildings.  In this volume we meet forty practitioners through profiles case studies and interviews who have used their architectural training in new and resourceful ways to tackle the climate crisis work with refugees advocate for diversity start tech companies become leading museum curators tackle homelessness draft public policy become developers design videogames shape public discourse and much more.  Together they describe a future of architecture that is diverse and engaged expanding the limits of the discipline and offering new paths forward in times of crisis. Whether you are an architecture student or a practicing architect considering a change you’ll find this an encouraging and inspiring read.    Please visit the Architects After Architecture website for more information including future book launches and events: Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367441210

Architects' Drawings The sketch is a window into the architects mind. As creative designers architects are interested in how other architects particularly successful ones think through the use of drawings to approach their work. Historically designers have sought inspiration for their own work through an insight into the minds and workings of people they often regard as geniuses. This collection of sketches aims to provide this insight. Here for the first time a wide range of world famous architects' sketches from the Renaissance to the present day can be seen in a single volume. The sketches have been selected to represent the concepts or philosophies of the key movements in architecture in order to develop an overall picture of the role of the sketch in the development of architecture. The book illustrates the work of designers as diverse as Andrea Palladio Erich Mendelsohn Sir Edwin Lutyens Gianlorenzo Bernini Le Corbusier Michelangelo Alvar Aalto Sir John Soane Francesco Borromini Walter Gropius and contemporary architects Tadao Ando Zaha Hadid and Frank Gehry to name but a few. Each chronologically placed sketch is accompanied by text providing details about the architect’s life a look at the sketch in context and the connection to specific buildings where appropriate. Style media and meaning are also discussed developing an explanation of the architect’s thinking and intentions. As creative designers themselves architects are interested in how other architects particularly successful ones think and draw and approach their work. Historically designers have sought inspiration for their own work through an insight into the minds and workings of people they often regard as geniuses. This collection of sketches aims to provide this insight.Listed chronologically each sketch will be accompanied by a text which provides: A short synopsis/history of the architect's life; a look at the sketch in this context; the connection to a specific building (where appropriate); techniques of the sketch: style and media; meaning - what the sketch shows about the architect's thinking and intentions followed by a select bibliography for each section. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138950801

Architect's Guide to Feng Shui Cate Bramble has devoted her career to highlighting the differences between 'feng shui-lite' as a fashionable pursuit in contrast to the original intentions of the Chinese masters. Here she presents the authentic principles in a technical no-nonsense pocket book specifically for architects. As clients become more demanding and the competition for projects heats up the architect is well advised to have many strings to their bow. This practical guide includes line illustrations that present the principles of feng shui the Chinese art or practice in which a structure or site is chosen or configured so as to harmonize with the spiritual forces that inhabit it and their application in architecture through planning principles services building elements and materials in an accessible easy reference format. The feng shui-savvy architect can also benefit from feng shui's ability to match structures and land and the peculiar capacity of authentic feng shui to forecast development-related concerns including cost overruns quality issues - even worker injuries and trade disputes!The author explains feng shui from archaeological sources and evidence of practice in the east contrasting it with what passes for feng shui in the west. She analyses the practice in terms of such concepts as western systems theory viewshed space syntax and the 'pattern landscape' theory of urban planning. For the first time the Sustainable implications of feng shui design are explained with reference to the latest developments in behavioural and cognitve sciences evolutionary biology and other western viewpoints. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138159747

Architect's Guide to Running a Job Best practice is the concern of this book. An architect has to be an administrator as well as designer and smooth economical administration will provide the conditions under which client relations can be constructive and good design can be acheived.The book is divided into 76 short sections covering the entire process from preliminary enquiries to final fees each with a small flow chart showing who is involved and when. This sixth revised edition updates the contents in line with present day practice bearing in mind the changes in terminology technology environmental demands and the legislative background.Ronald Green and Professor Ross Jamieson who writes the foreword to this edition are both examiners for Part Three. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138131545

Architect's Illustrated Pocket Dictionary This pocket-sized dictionary offers huge coverage for the 40 000 plus people studying or working in architecture construction or any of the built environment fields. From Abaciscus to Zophorus the reader is able to quickly track down precisely the term they are looking for. It is illustrated with stunning drawings that provide a visual as well as a textual definition of both key concepts and subtle differences in meaning. Compact and affordable; Davies and Jokiniemi's work is the miniature version of the Dictionary of Architecture and Building Construction. The Architect‘s Illustrated Pocket Dictionary can be used on site or quickly at the desk and is suitable for all those interested in the buildings that surround us. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138405431

Architect's Legal Handbook Architect's Legal Handbook is the most widely used reference on the law for architects in practice and the established leading textbook on law for architectural students. The ninth edition includes all the latest development in the law that affect an architect‘s work and comprehensive coverage of relevant UK law topics. Most significantly the chapter on the JCT contracts has been completely revised to cover the 2005 update. Key features of this edition are: contributions by the foremost legal and architectural experts in the UK full coverage of the JCT 2005 update new chapter on procurement selected bibliography provides useful references to further reading tables of cases statutes and statutory instruments provide full referencing for cited cases. Architect‘s Legal Handbook is the essential legal reference work for all architects and students of architecture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138460676

Architect's Legal HandbookThe Law for Architects The Architect's Legal Handbook is the most widely used reference on the law for practicing architects and the established textbook on law for architectural students. Since the last edition of this book in 2010 the legal landscape in which architecture is practised has changed significantly: the long-standing procurement model with an architect as contract administrator has been challenged by the growing popularity of design and build contracts contract notices in place of certificates and novation of architect’s duties. The tenth edition features all the latest developments in the law which affect an architect's work as well as providing comprehensive coverage of relevant UK law topics. Key highlights of this edition include: an overview of the legal environment including contract tort and land law; analysis of the statutory framework including planning law health and safety construction legislation and building regulations in the post-Grenfell legal landscape; procurement and the major industry construction contract forms; building dispute resolution including litigation arbitration adjudication and mediation; key fields for the architect in practice including architects’ registration and professional conduct contracts with clients and collateral warranties liability in negligence and insurance; entirely new chapters on various standard form contracts architects’ responsibility for the work of others disciplinary proceedings and data protection; tables of cases legislation statutes and statutory instruments give a full overview of references cited in the text. The Architect’s Legal Handbook is the essential legal reference work for all architects and students of architecture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367233686

Architect's Legal Pocket Book A little book that's big on information the Architect's Legal Pocket Book is the definitive reference on legal issues for architects and architectural students. This handy pocket guide covers key legal principles which will help you to quickly understand the law and where to go for further information. Now in a fully updated new edition this bestselling book covers a wide range of subjects focused on the UK including building legislation negligence liability planning policy and development listed buildings party wall legislation and rights of light. This edition also contains greater coverage of contracts including the RIBA contracts dispute resolution and legal issues in professional practice. Illustrated with clear diagrams and featuring key cases this is an invaluable source of practical information and a comprehensive guide of the current law for architects. It is a book no architect should be without. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138460652

Architect's Legal Pocket Book A little book that’s big on information the Architect’s Legal Pocket Book is the definitive reference guide on legal issues for architects and architectural students. This handy pocket guide covers key legal principles which will help you to quickly understand the law and where to go for further information. Now in its third edition this bestselling book has been fully updated throughout to provide you with the most current information available. Subjects include contract administration building legislation planning listed buildings contract law negligence liability and dispute resolution. This edition also contains new cases and legislation government policy contract terms and certificates including the RIBA contract administration certificates inspection duties and practical completion The Building a Safer Future Proposals for Reform of the Building Safety Regulatory System Report the Hackitt review the Report of the Independent Inquiry into the Construction of Edinburgh Schools and practical issues facing architects. Illustrated with clear diagrams and featuring key cases this is a comprehensive guide to current law for architects and an invaluable source of information. It is a book no architect should be without. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138506695

Architects of Continental SeapowerComparing Tirpitz and Gorshkov This book describes and analyses two iconic figures in twentieth-century naval history: the German Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz and the Russian Admiral Sergei Gorshkov. It examines the men what they thought and wrote about seapower the fleets they created and the strategic consequences of what they did. More broadly it draws on the respective histories of the post-1897 Imperial German Navy and the post-1956 Soviet Navy to examine the continental bid for large-scale seapower. The work argues that both individuals built navies that did not and could not fulfil the objectives for which they were created. Drawing on the legacies of both men the book also develops some wider ideas about the creation of large navies by continental states with cautionary lessons for today’s emerging powers India and China. Both admirals have received book-length biographies but this is the first attempt at a comparative study and the first to draw broader strategic lessons from their respective attempts as continental navalists to challenge maritime states.  This book will be of much interest to students of naval history strategic studies and International Relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367531270

Architects of the International Financial System Who were the great thinkers on international finance in the mid-twentieth century? What did they propose should be done to create a stable international financial order for promoting world trade and economic growth? This important book studies the ideas of some of the most innovative economists in the mid-twentieth century including three Nobel Laureates; great thinkers who helped shape the international financial system and the role of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Covering the period from the late 1940s up until the collapse of the fixed US dollar-gold link in 1971 the impact of Hansen Williams Graham Triffin Simons Viner Friedman Johnson Mises Rueff Rist Hayek Heilperin and Röpke is assessed. This outstanding book will prove invaluable to students studying international economics economic history and the history of economic thought. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415648127

Architect's Pocket Book This handy pocket book brings together a wealth of useful information that architects need on a daily basis – on-site or in the studio. It provides clear guidance and invaluable detail on a wide range of issues from planning policy through environmental design to complying with Building Regulations from structural and services matters to materials characteristics and detailing. This fifth edition includes the updating of regulations standards and sources across a wide range of topics. Compact and easy to use the Architect’s Pocket Book has sold well over 90 000 copies to the nation’s architects architecture students designers and construction professionals who do not have an architectural background but need to understand the basics fast. This is the famous little blue book that you can’t afford to be without. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138643994

Architect's Pocket Book of Kitchen Design As with the best-selling 'Architects Pocket Book' this title includes everyday information which the architect/designer normally has to find from a wide variety of sources and which is not always easily to hand.Focusing on kitchen design this book is of use to the student as well as the experienced practitioner. It outlines all the information needed to design a workable kitchen including ergonomics services such as water and waste appliances and material choices for the floor walls and ceiling. There is no similar compendium currently available. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138134638

Architects' Sketches Concepts from architects’ minds evolve through sketches and as a mode of transference are conveyed to the finished building. This book compares qualities of sketches to reveal unique approaches to the instruments of thinking in which all architects engage. It provides new insight into the relationship between architectural sketches and the process of creative manipulation. Sketches comprise a thinking mechanism and through the qualities of ambiguity quickness and change they initiate a dialogue for architects. As a medium to facilitate communication recording discovery and evaluation their pertinence lies in their ability to exhibit both the precise and the imprecise. Exploring four related theoretical approaches play memory-imagination-fantasy caricature and the grotesque the book shows how imprecision stimulates imagination to conceive new forms in the dialogue of architectural sketches. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138950825

Architects Without Frontiers From the targeted demolition of Mostar’s Stari-Most Bridge in 1993 to the physical and social havoc caused by the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami the history of cities is often a history of destruction and reconstruction. But what political and aesthetic criteria should guide us in the rebuilding of cities devastated by war and natural calamities? The title of this timely and inspiring new book Architects Without Frontiers points to the potential for architects to play important roles in post-war relief and reconstruction. By working “sans frontières†Charlesworth suggests that architects and design professionals have a significant opportunity to assist peace-making and reconstruction efforts in the period immediately after conflict or disaster when much of the housing hospital educational transport civic and business infrastructure has been destroyed or badly damaged. Through selected case studies Charlesworth examines the role of architects planners urban designers and landscape architects in three cities following conflict - Beirut Nicosia and Mostar - three cities where the mental and physical scars of violent conflict still remain. This book expands the traditional role of the architect from 'hero' to 'peacemaker' and discusses how design educators can stretch their wings to encompass the proliferating agendas and sites of civil unrest. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138175556

Architectural Energy and Information EngineeringProceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Architectural Energy and Information E This proceedings volume brings together selected peer-reviewed papers presented at the 2015 International Conference on Architectural Energy and Information Engineering (AEIE 2015) held July 15-16 2015 in Hong Kong China. The proceedings are divided into two parts Architectural Energy and Environmental Engineering and Information Engineering and Its Applications. Topics covered include Civil Engineering Architectural Science Energy Engineering Environmental Science and Information Engineering among others. This volume will be of interest to a global audience of academic researchers industry professionals and policy-makers active in various fields of engineering. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138027916

Architectural Acoustics The application of good acoustic design can seem daunting to designers when trying to understand the often-complex physics of sound control. The ever-increasing number of standards and performance criteria that can be requested on new developments further complicates acoustics for architects. Architectural Acoustics part of the PocketArchitecture series provides the fundamental theory and understanding of acoustics and applications of effective detailing for specific building types and conditions in an accessible and clear technical guide. The book provides: a compact and understandable introduction to the fundamentals of building and architectural acoustics definitions of suitable acoustic performance criteria for a wide range of common buildings and room types guidance on specification and detailing of the most suitable construction types in North America and the UK. This book is both a handy rule of thumb on acoustics for anyone involved in the design or construction of buildings as well as an essential addition to any architect’s reference library. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415732147

Architectural AcousticsA guide to integrated thinking This book is an authoritative but uniquely accessible and highly illustrated guide to good acoustic design practice for architects interior designers and acoustic professionals. It provides a user-friendly introduction to architectural acoustics and acoustics technology where the market is crowded with dense and technical texts. It will go through each typology in turn explaining the key acoustic concepts with highly illustrated and international case studies that demonstrate cutting-edge practice and technology innovative design techniques and common challenges and solutions. Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859466360

Architectural Affects after Deleuze and Guattari Architectural Affects after Deleuze and Guattari is the first sustained survey into ways of theorising affect in architecture. It reflects on the legacy and influence of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in the uptake of affect in architectural discourse and practice and stresses the importance of the political in discussions of affect. It is a timely antidote to an enduring fixation on architectural phenomenology in the field. The contributors offer a variety of approaches to the challenges presented in discussing the relation between affect and architecture and how this is contextualised in the broader field of affect studies. Ranging from evaluations of architectural and urban productions and practices to inquiries into architectural experience to modes of affective inquiry in education to experimental affective writing each contribution to this seminal volume suggests ways of developing a more sustained approach to a crucial thematic domain. The volume will be of use to students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels; researchers theorists and historians of architecture and related urban and spatial disciplines; the fields of social science and cultural theory; and to philosophy in particular the studies of Deleuze and Guattari and Baruch Spinoza. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367376505

Architectural Approach to Level DesignSecond edition Written by a game developer and professor trained in architecture An Architectural Approach to Level Design is one of the first books to integrate architectural and spatial design theory with the field of level design. It explores the principles of level design through the context and history of architecture. Now in its second edition An Architectural Approach to Level Design presents architectural techniques and theories for you to use in your own work. The author connects architecture and level design in different ways that address the practical elements of how designers construct space and the experiential elements of how and why humans interact with that space. It also addresses industry issues like how to build interesting tutorial levels and how to use computer-generated level design systems without losing the player-focused design of handmade levels. Throughout the text you will learn skills for spatial layout evoking emotion through gamespaces and creating better levels through architectural theory. FEATURES Presents case studies that offer insight on modern level design practices methods and tools Presents perspectives from industry designers independent game developers scientists psychologists and academics Explores how historical structures can teach us about good level design Shows how to use space to guide or elicit emotion from players Includes chapter exercises that encourage you to use principles from the chapter in digital prototypes playtesting sessions paper mock-ups and design journals Bringing together topics in game design and architecture this book helps you create better spaces for your games. Software independent the book discusses tools and techniques that you can use in crafting your interactive worlds. Media > Books > Print Books A K Peters/CRC Press 9780815361367

Architectural Colossi and the Human BodyBuildings and Metaphors The human body has been used as both a model and metaphor in architecture since antiquity. This book explores how it has been an inspiration for the exterior form of architectural colossi through the years. It considers the body as a source of architectural and artistic representation and in doing so explores the results of such practices in colossal sculptures and architectural praxis within a philosophical discourse of space time and media. Architectural Colossi and the Human Body discusses the role of Platonic and Cartesian philosophy and how philosophers such as Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty and theoreticians such as Frascari and Pallasmaa have seen described and analysed the human body and the role of architecture and perception. Drawing upon three key case studies and by employing theoretical ideas of Venturi and others this book will provide an understanding of the role of anthromorphism and the relation and use of the human body with reference to selected architects and artists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367207922

Architectural Colour in the Professional Palette How do architects use color? Do they adopt a different strategy or starting point for every project? Do they gradually cultivate individual color palettes which develop alongside their body of built work? Do they utilize or are they aware of the body of theoretical work that underpins the use of color in the past and forms the basis of most of the color systems commercially available today? Informed by the author’s thirty years in architectural practice and academia this book investigates documents and analyzes the work of a number of contemporary architects in order to respond to these questions and provide a clear reference of contemporary color use. The book suggests a holistic approach to the integration of color in architecture; through a series of thematic essays the text explores and reveals underlying principles in color design and application. Case studies include: AHMM Caruso St John Erich Wiesner and Otto Steidle Gigon/Guyer O’Donnell + Tuomey Sauerbruch Hutton Steven Holl UN Studio. The book provides clear insights into how particular contemporary architects use color confidently and intelligently as an integral part of their design philosophy in conjunction with their choices of materials and finishes. Offering a stimulating view of the history of color theory and pragmatic advice to practicing architects this book will be inspiring to both design professionals and students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415597098

Architectural Commercial Design Using Autodesk Revit 2016 Architectural Commercial Design Using Autodesk Revit 2016 is designed for the architectural student using Revit 2016. The intent is to provide the student with a well-rounded knowledge of tools and techniques for use in both school and industry. This text takes a project based approach to learning Revit's architectural tools in which the student develops a three story office building. Each book comes with a disc containing numerous video presentations of the written material. General building codes and industry standard conventions are covered in a way that is applicable to the current exercise. The first two chapters are intended to get the reader familiar with the user interface and many of the common menus and tools of Revit 2016. A small office is created in chapter two to show just how easy it is to get started using Revit. By the end of chapter two the student will be excited and prepared to take on a much larger project. Throughout the rest of the book the student develops a three story office building. The drawings start with the floor plans and develop all the way to photo-realistic renderings like the one on the cover of this book. In these chapters many of the architectural tools and features of Revit 2016 are covered in greater detail. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781585039692

Architectural Conservation and Restoration in Norway and Russia Norway and Russia have been closely related through the ages both geographically and historically and have experienced similar problems relating to climate building maintenance and national wooden architecture. As a result the parallel study of architectural conservation and restoration theories and practices in both neighbouring Northern states makes for a stimulating collective monograph. Architectural Conservation and Restoration in Norway and Russia delves into the main challenges of historic and contemporary architectural preservation practices in the two countries. The book consists of three main parts: the discovery and preservation of historical architecture in the late nineteenth to early twentieth century; contemporary approaches to former restorations and the conservation and maintenance of historical architecture; and finally current questions concerning preservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage which due to different building technologies and artistic qualities demand revised methods and historical evaluation. This is a valuable resource for academics researchers and students in different areas of architecture (medieval nineteenth-century wooden and contemporary architecture) as well as in the fields of art architectural history cultural heritage and Scandinavian and Russian studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367208028

Architectural Conservation in AsiaNational Experiences and Practice At a time when organized heritage protection in Asia is developing at a rapid pace Architectural Conservation in Asia provides the first comprehensive overview of architectural conservation practice from Afghanistan to the Philippines. The country-by-country analysis adopted by the book draws out local insights experiences best practice and solutions for effective cultural heritage management that will inform study and practice both in Asia and beyond. Whereas architectural conservation in much of the Western world has been extensively documented this book brings together coverage of many regions where architectural conservation has been understudied. Following on from the highly influential companion volumes on global architectural conservation and architectural conservation in Europe and the Americas with this book the authors extend their pioneering global examination to the dynamic and evolving field of architectural conservation in Asia. Throughout the book the authors and regional experts provide local case studies and profile topics that bring depth and insight to this ambitious study. As architectural conservation becomes increasingly global in practice this book will be of considerable assistance to architectural conservation practitioners site managers and students of architecture planning archaeology and heritage studies worldwide. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138926103

Architectural Design and Ethics Architectural Design and Ethics offers both professional architects and architecture students a theoretical base and numerous suggestions as to how we might rethink our responsibilities to the natural world and design a more sustainable future for ourselves. As we find ourselves on the steep slope of several exponential growth curves – in global population in heat-trapping atmospheric gases in the gap between the rich and poor and in the demand for finite resources Fisher lays down a theory of architecture based on ethics and explores how buildings can and do provide both social and moral dimensions. The book also has practical goals demonstrating how architects can make better and more beautiful buildings whilst nurturing more responsible sustainable development. Architectural Design and Ethics will prove an invaluable text not only to those in the architecture field but to anyone simply interested in the ethical issues surrounding our built environment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138175167

Architectural Design in Steel Steelwork offers the opportunity for architectural expression as well as being structurally versatile and adaptable material. Good detailing is vital because it affects structural performance costs buildability and perhaps most importantly appearance. Whilst the choice of the structural form is often the province of the structural engineer architects should have a broad appreciation of the factors leading to the selection of the structure and its details. Traditionally most detailing of connections is the responsibility of the steelwork fabricator but for exposed steelwork detailing is of much more interest to the architect as it impacts on the aesthetics of the structure. In this respect it is important that designers appreciate the common fabrication and erection techniques which may exert a strong influence on the method and approach to the detailing of modern steelwork in buildings. Architectural Design in Steel is a design guide to the detailing of exposed steelwork in buildings. It is a guide which offers technical guidance and general principles as well as examples of best practice. It covers all aspects from manufacture to detailing specification of finishes and fabrication providing architects as well as engineers with essential information to inform the design. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9781138136267

Architectural Design Procedures This book explains how architects obtain and administer work from the moment the contract is signed to the handing over of the finished building to the client and is an indispensible guide to all architecture students.This second edition has been thoroughly updated and expanded. It now includes significant additions to the section on design constraints a new section on quality assurance and management and information on new acts and regulations introduced since the publication of the first edition. Other sections on subjects such as the Building Regulations use of computers and standard forms and letters have been brought up to date. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138137769

Architectural Details 2003 This is a compilation of the full year's information including: the "Discussion" section where well-known architects and critics as well as specialist authors and architectural historians articulate their views; the "Documentation" section containing an analysis of selected projects in which buildings from around the world are covered in depth; and the "Technology" section where the specific theme of each issue of the magazine is treated in greater depth. Along with these are illustrations of the high standards that Detail is known for where all plan drawings are true to scale and have been approved by the architects planners and engineers responsible for the original design. This annual sourcebook is a beautiful record not only of the year's Detail publication but of some of the best and most innovative contemporary architecture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138470521

Architectural Energetics in ArchaeologyAnalytical Expansions and Global Explorations Archaeologists and the public at large have long been fascinated by monumental architecture built by past societies. Whether considering the earthworks in the Ohio Valley or the grandest pyramids in Egypt and Mexico people have been curious as to how pre-modern societies with limited technology were capable of constructing monuments of such outstanding scale and quality. Architectural energetics is a methodology within archaeology that generates estimates of the amount of labor and time allocated to construct these past monuments. This methodology allows for detailed analyses of architecture and especially the analysis of the social power underlying such projects.Architectural Energetics in Archaeology assembles an international array of scholars who have analyzed architecture from archaeological and historic societies using architectural energetics. It is the first such volume of its kind. In addition to applying architectural energetics to a global range of architectural works it outlines in detail the estimates of costs that can be used in future architectural analyses.This volume will serve archaeology and classics researchers and lecturers teaching undergraduate and graduate courses related to social power and architecture. It also will interest architects examining past construction and engineering projects. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367662011

Architectural Excellence in Islamic SocietiesDistinction through the Aga Khan Award for Architecture This book discusses architectural excellence in Islamic societies drawing on textual and visual materials from the Aga Khan Documentation Center at MIT developed over more than three decades. At the core of the discussion are the efforts processes and outcomes of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture (AKAA). The AKAA recognises excellence in architectural and urban interventions within cities and settlements in the Islamic world which are continuously challenged by dramatic changes in economies societies political systems decision-making and environmental requirements. Architectural Excellence in Islamic Societies responds to the recurring question about the need for architectural awards arguing that they are critical to validating the achievements of professional architects while making their contributions more widely acknowledged by the public. Through analysis and critique of over sixty awarded and shortlisted projects from over thirty-five countries this book provides an expansive look at the history of the AKAA through a series of narratives on the enduring values of architecture architectural and urban conservation built environment sustainability and architectural pluralism and multiple modernities.   Architectural Excellence in Islamic Societies will appeal to professionals and academics researchers and upper-level students in architectural history and theory and built environment related fields. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138482555

Architectural Heritage RevisitedA Holistic Engagement of its Tangible and Intangible Constituents By improving our understanding of how the tangible and intangible dimensions of heritage are correlated we could develop a relationship with heritage that goes beyond the mere act of conservation. This book argues that we need to recognize the historic monument as a tangible aspect of a holistic expression of culture that is rooted in specific spatio-temporal conditions. However since the latter are constantly changing it is vital to identify an implicit contradiction with the goals of conservation. As the intangible dimensions are more dynamic driven by the transmission reception and advancement of knowledge the reliance of the prevailing treatment of heritage today conservation ossifies this relationship. By examining three major heritage monuments - the Pantheon Teotihuacan's Sun Pyramid and Alhambra - the book shows how these sites are the product of multiple strategies and unforeseen agents accumulated through history. It emphasizes how these historical trends need to be better understood in order to attain a more 'organic' relationship with heritage and offers some recommendations that should be analyzed in participative processes of deliberation: the Pantheon's continuity could be extended; the Pyramid's loss accepted; and Alhambra's exclusion reversed. In this way the book invites people to engage heritage from a historical understanding that is open to critical reassessment dialogue and cooperation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138276703

Architectural History Retold How much do you know about Greek architecture? Roman? Gothic? The Renaissance? Modernism? Perhaps more importantly do you know how these are connected or how one style evolved to become another? Or what happened historically during each of these periods? Architectural History Retold is your roadmap for your journey through architectural history. Offering a fresh take on what the author calls the ‘Great Enlightenment project’ it traces the grand narrative of western architecture in one concise accessible volume. Starting in Ancient Greece and leading up to the present day Paul Davies' unconventional engaging style brings the past back to life helping you to think beyond separate components and styles to recognise ‘the bigger picture’. The author is an academic and journalist with three decades of experience in introducing students to architectural history. The book is based on his successful entry-level course which has used the same unstuffy approach to break down barriers to understanding and engagement and inspire generations of students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138799486

Architectural Integration and Design of Solar Thermal Systems Although solar thermal systems are technologically mature and cost effective they have not yet been sufficiently used in building design to play an adequate role in the reduction of fossil fuel consumption. One main hindrance to adoption is the generally low architectural design quality of the building integration of these thermal systems. As confirmed by the example of photovoltaics improvement of the architectural quality of building integrated systems can increase the use of a solar technology even more than price reductions or technical advances. Solar thermal collectors have to be mounted very close to the point of consumption – i.e. on the building itself – which stresses the urgency of the architectural integration issue. Starting from a definition of architectural integration quality and related criteria this book is intended to help both architects and manufacturers improve their design work. Architects are given recommendations to optimize integration quality and make the best out of the generally limited flexibility and low formal quality of presently available collectors. Manufacturers on their side are offered a set of guidelines for the development of new multifunctional and flexible products conceived from the outset for building integration thus improving the market offer. Media > Books > Print Books EFPL Press 9780415667913

Architectural KnowledgeThe Idea of a Profession These essays written over a third of a century during a time of huge ideological technological and methodological upheaval witness British architecture's unceasing negotation with a vast and rigorous set of constraints and its eventual emergence as a truly modern profession - a special interest group responsive and answerable to social changes but shaped and informed by values and principles that may be on a longer cycle and perhaps a loftier plane. The backdrop to this debate is the term of presidency of the RIBA held by Francis Duffy Chairman of DEGW UK between 1993 and 1995. During this period the architectural profession faced major challenges and threats. The book looks at the relationship between the architectural profession and the built environment in the context of the great political and social cycles in the British post-war period. Francis Duffy's writings provide additional insights and viewpoints to the subject. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9781138460737

Architectural Management This book allows the construction professional to gain an insight into the fast moving subject of architectural management. Subjects covered include: organization of design and construction; Computing and the architect; quality and value engineering; performance of buildings; the public estate; professional/construction law and education and training. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9781138963788

Architectural Management in PracticeA Competitive Approach Architectural Management in Practice is intended to provide both an introduction to the architectural management discipline and a bridge between education and practice.The book informs students about the management issues faced by architects architectural technologists and surveyors in a competitive marketplace and the practices that should be adopted to enable them to compete effectively. It is split into four main sections. Section One sets the background to the profession looking at how architectural management is evolving and the environment in which the profession sits. Section Two looks at the assets of a practice that is people information and business strategies. Section Three covers the practice of architectural management and looks at all the main management issues: managing projects design quality and construction. Finally Section Four defines competitive advantage for a design practice and shows how to achieve it and how to promote the company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138460669

Architectural Model as Machine This book explains why scale models are important to the design process. Albert Smith takes the reader through the history and significance of models in architecture from the magic of the Egyptian scale model to the present day. Through this description of the relationship between architecture and the scale model Smith demonstrates the most effective process between concept and 'machine' between the idea and the final building. The great value of this book is to reveal the nature of the scale model and to unlock the tremendous potential of this design tool as a thinking and communicative advice. His chronological analysis goes on from Egypt through Rome to the relationship between the Greek paradigm scale model and then on to Medieval and Renaissance models. It concludes with the models of the Spanish architect Antonio Gaudi the Russian Constructivists the American architect Louis Khan and finally looks at the role of scale models in the present day through the work of the Polish/American architect Daniel Libeskind and the American Frank Gehry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138473416

Architectural Programming and Predesign Manager In this book first published in 1999 Hershberger presents architectural programming and predesign management in a clear detailed manner. With numerous examples and illustrations from both his and his colleagues’ experience he shows the reader step by step how to use the techniques of architectural programming set values resolve issues apply tested methods and leverage skills when working with clients. This title will be of interest to students of architecture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138183575

Architectural Projects of Marco FrascariThe Pleasure of a Demonstration Marco Frascari believed that architects should design thoughtful buildings capable of inspiring their inhabitants to have pleasurable and happy lives. A visionary Italian architect academic and theorist Frascari is best-known for his extraordinary texts which explore the intellectual theoretical and practical substance of the architectural discipline. As a student in Venice during the late 1960s Frascari was taught and mentored by Carlo Scarpa. Later he moved to North America with his family where he became a fulltime academic. Throughout his academic career he continued to work on numerous architectural projects including exhibitions competition entries and designs for approximately 35 buildings a small number of which were built. As a means of (re)constructing the theatre of imaginative theory within which these buildings were created Sam Ridgway draws on a wide selection of Frascari’s texts including his richly poetic book Monsters of Architecture to explore the themes of representation demonstration and anthropomorphism. Three of Frascari’s delightful buildings are then brought to light and interpreted revealing a sophisticated and interwoven relationship between texts and buildings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138567795

Architectural Rendering with 3ds Max and V-RayPhotorealistic Visualization Create high-quality photorealistic renders of architectural visualizations using 3ds Max and Vray with the project-based tutorials in this book. Learn how to combine lighting and rendering options to end-up with the most realistic final renders possible at a professional level. The tutorials in this book are filled with beautiful full-color images and they teach you how to light both interiors and exteriors and daytime and nighttime scenes. Learn how to save time without sacrificing the quality of your final renders with tips and tricks on rendering with Vray - the most accurate rendering application for 3ds Max. The companion CD includes all the project files that you need to recreate each of the projects presented within the book. Please note that this book does not support the current versions of 3ds Max and V-Ray. Topics include: Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138400757

Architectural Research Addressing Societal Challenges Volume 1Proceedings of the EAAE ARCC 10th International Conference (EAAE ARCC 2016) 1 The escalating interdependecy of nations drives global geopolitics to shift ever more quickly. Societies seem unable to control any change that affects their cities whether positively or negatively. Challenges are global but solutions need to be implemented locally. How can architectural research contribute to the future of our changing society? How has it contributed in the past? The theme of the 10th EAAE/ARCC International Conference "Architectural Research Addressing Societal Challenges" was set to address these questions. This book Architectural Research Addressing Societal Challenges includes reviewed papers presented in June 2016 at the 10th EAAE/ARCC International Conference which was held at the facilities of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon. The papers have been further divided into the following five sub-themes: a Changing Society; In Transit – Global Migration; Renaturalization of the City (all Volume 1); Emerging Fields of Architectural Practice; and Research on Architectural Education (Volume 2). The EAAE/ARCC International Conference held under the aegis of the EAAE and of the ARCC is a conference organized every other year in collaboration with one of the member schools/ universities of those associations alternatively in North America or in Europe. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138056800

Architectural Research Addressing Societal Challenges Volume 2Proceedings of the EAAE ARCC 10th International Conference (EAAE ARCC 2016) 1 The escalating interdependecy of nations drives global geopolitics to shift ever more quickly. Societies seem unable to control any change that affects their cities whether positively or negatively. Challenges are global but solutions need to be implemented locally. How can architectural research contribute to the future of our changing society? How has it contributed in the past? The theme of the 10th EAAE/ARCC International Conference "Architectural Research Addressing Societal Challenges" was set to address these questions. This book Architectural Research Addressing Societal Challenges includes reviewed papers presented in June 2016 at the 10th EAAE/ARCC International Conference which was held at the facilities of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon. The papers have been further divided into the following five sub-themes: a Changing Society; In Transit – Global Migration; Renaturalization of the City (all Volume 1); Emerging Fields of Architectural Practice; and Research on Architectural Education (Volume 2). The EAAE/ARCC International Conference held under the aegis of the EAAE and of the ARCC is a conference organized every other year in collaboration with one of the member schools/ universities of those associations alternatively in North America or in Europe. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138056817

Architectural Research Addressing Societal ChallengesProceedings of the EAAE ARCC 10th International Conference (EAAE ARCC 2016) 15-18 June The escalating interdependecy of nations drives global geopolitics to shift ever more quickly. Societies seem unable to control any change that affects their cities whether positively or negatively. Challenges are global but solutions need to be implemented locally. How can architectural research contribute to the future of our changing society? How has it contributed in the past? The theme of the 10th EAAE/ARCC International Conference “Architectural Research Addressing Societal Challenges†was set to address these questions. This book Architectural Research Addressing Societal Challenges includes reviewed papers presented in June 2016 at the 10th EAAE/ARCC International Conference which was held at the facilities of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon. The papers have been further divided into the following five sub-themes: a Changing Society; In Transit – Global Migration; Renaturalization of the City; Emerging Fields of Architectural Practice; and Research on Architectural Education. The EAAE/ARCC International Conference held under the aegis of the EAAE and of the ARCC is a conference organized every other year in collaboration with one of the member schools/ universities of those associations alternatively in North America or in Europe. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138029668

Architectural Rhetoric and the Iconography of Authority in Colonial MexicoThe Casa de Montejo This book investigates the Casa de Montejo and considers the role of the building’s Plateresque façade as a form of visual rhetoric that conveyed ideas about the individual and communal cultural identities in sixteenth-century Yucatán. C. Cody Barteet analyzes the façade within the complex colonial world in which it belongs including in multicultural Yucatán and the transatlantic world. This contextualization allows for an examination of the architectural rhetoric of the façade the design of which visualizes the contestations of autonomy and authority occurring among the colonial peoples. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138585652

Architectural Science and the SunThe poetics and pragmatics of solar design Architectural Science and the Sun synthesizes physics climate program and perception to provide a foundation in the principles of architectural science related to the sun: solar geometry solar analysis and design techniques passive design principles and daylighting. Part analytical handbook part inspiration source for schematic design the content comprises a critical component of effective sustainable design. Beyond the purely technical aspects of these topics Architectural Science and the Sun begins with the premise that great architecture goes beyond energy performance and the visual-aesthetic to engage all of the senses. Given that the stimuli to which our senses respond are physical phenomena such as light heat and sound the designer must manipulate these parameters through the craft of building form and technology to create the desired qualitative experience. This book is designed to help the reader develop that skill. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138899216

Architectural Space in Eighteenth-Century EuropeConstructing Identities and Interiors Architectural Space in Eighteenth-Century Europe: Constructing Identities and Interiors explores how a diverse pan-European group of eighteenth-century patrons - among them bankers bishops bluestockings and courtesans - used architectural space and décor to shape and express identity. Eighteenth-century European architects understood the client's instrumental role in giving form and meaning to architectural space. In a treatise published in 1745 the French architect Germain Boffrand determined that a visitor could "judge the character of the master for whom the house was built by the way in which it is planned decorated and distributed." This interdisciplinary volume addresses two key interests of contemporary historians working in a range of disciplines: one the broad question of identity formation most notably as it relates to ideas of gender class and ethnicity; and two the role played by different spatial environments in the production - not merely the reflection - of identity at defining historical and cultural moments. By combining contemporary critical analysis with a historically specific approach the book's contributors situate ideas of space and the self within the visual and material remains of interiors in eighteenth-century Europe. In doing so they offer compelling new insight not only into this historical period but also into our own. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138245815

Architectural System StructuresIntegrating Design Complexity in Industrialised Construction This book proposes a system structure in architectural design that conceptualises a systemic level in architecture and construction that lies between general construction techniques and specific architectural results. In order to make such a system structure operational the elaboration of a model seeks on the one hand to analytically grasp and on the other hand to make it possible to actively work with system structures as part of architectural design. Kasper Sanchez Vibaek's ambition is to bridge an apparent and increasing gap between architectural ideation and the way these ideas are brought to life as real physical manifestations of our built environment. In line with the so-called systems sciences the book rejects the prevalent scientific view that the degree of detail ‘automatically’ enhances understanding and explanative power of complex phenomena. It establishes the idea of a systems view on buildings and architectural design that through the use of flexible constituent elements facilitates discussion and decision making about how architectural wholes are appropriately put together as assemblages of what the current and future building industry is capable of producing. Based on several years of detailed research into the architectural consequences of construction when exposed to industrialised production techniques and systems Architectural System Structures represents a new way to look at what is already there and is useful for all those interested in the processes of architectural creation and realisation specifically attached to time place and cultural context. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138229303

Architectural TemperanceSpain and Rome 1700-1759 Architectural Temperance examines relations between Bourbon Spain and papal Rome (1700-1759) through the lens of cultural politics. With a focus on key Spanish architects sent to study in Rome by the Bourbon Kings the book also discusses the establishment of a program of architectural education at the newly founded Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Madrid. Victor Deupi explores why a powerful nation like Spain would temper its own building traditions with the more cosmopolitan trends associated with Rome; often at the expense of its own national and regional traditions. Through the inclusion of previously unpublished documents and images that shed light on the theoretical debates which shaped eighteenth-century architecture in Rome and Madrid Architectural Temperance provides readers with new insights into the cultural history of early modern Spain. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138229310

Architectural Theories of the EnvironmentPosthuman Territory As architects and designers we struggle to reconcile ever increasing environmental humanitarian and technological demands placed on our projects. Our new geological era the Anthropocene marks humans as the largest environmental force on the planet and suggests that conventional anthropocentric approaches to design must accommodate a more complex understanding of the interrelationship between architecture and environment Here for the first time editor Ariane Lourie Harrison collects the essays of architects theorists and sustainable designers that together provide a framework for a posthuman understanding of the design environment. An introductory essay defines the key terms concepts and precedents for a posthuman approach to architecture and nine fully illustrated case studies of buildings from around the globe demonstrate how issues raised in posthuman theory provide rich terrain for contemporary architecture making theory concrete. By assembling a range of voices across different fields from urban geography to critical theory to design practitioners this anthology offers a resource for design professionals educators and students seeking to grapple the ecological mandate of our current period. Case studies include work by Arakawa and Gins Arons en Gelauff Casagrande The Living Minifie van Schaik R & Sie (n) SCAPE Studio Gang and xDesign. Essayists include Gilles Clément Matthew Gandy Francesco Gonzáles de Canales Elizabeth Grosz Simon Guy Seth Harrison N. Katherine Hayles Ursula Heise Catherine Ingraham Bruno Latour William J. Mitchell Matteo Pasquinelli Erik Swyngedouw Sarah Whatmore Jennifer Wolch Cary Wolfe and Albena Yaneva Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415506199

Architectural Theory of ModernismRelating Functions and Forms Architectural Theory of Modernism presents an overview of the discourse on function-form concepts from the beginnings in the eighteenth century to its peak in High Modernism. Functionalist thinking and its postmodern criticism during the second half of the twentieth century is explored as well as today's functionalism in the context of systems theory sustainability digital design and the information society. The book covers among others the theories of Carlo Lodoli Gottfried Semper Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc Louis Sullivan Frank Lloyd Wright Hannes Meyer Adolf Behne CIAM Jane Jacobs Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown Charles Jencks William Mitchell and Manuel Castells. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138642485

Architectural TilesConservation and Restoration This new edition of Architectural Tiles: Conservation and Restoration continues to inform and educate on appropriate means towards the preservation of this valuable heritage.It not only contains new and up to date information on materials practical methods and historical research but also reflects changes in the attitudes outlook and perceptions within the wider conservation architectural heritage and construction communities which give a new dimension to the conservation and restoration techniques described in the previous edition. The growing interest in the preservation of post war ceramic tile murals and the subsequent demand for information pertaining specifically to this era is a welcome and useful addition.The new overview of common problems will be helpful in domestic and ecclesiastical situations and will appeal to independent tilers who are in need of information to deal with problems out of the normal run of their work but which are now more commonly being dealt with outside of conservation practice circles. The book has always been and remains an accessible resource to anyone who is interested either professionally or as an enthusiast in the preservation of historic architectural tiles. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367868291

Architectural TopographiesA Graphic Lexicon of How Buildings Touch the Ground Architectural Topographies is a critical dictionary for architects and landscape architects in which the graphic lexicon can be read from a beginning the ground to a conclusion the specific case studies. Meant as a tool to help you recognise analyse choose and invent solutions the book's key words refer to the physical and material relationship between construction and ground; to where and how the link is built; to the criteria methods and tools used to know and transform the ground; and to the possible approaches to the place and their implications on the way the earth is touched. Fifty case studies by forty-six of the greatest architects of the previous hundred years are represented throughout in sectional drawings which place the buildings along the same ground plane to illustrate how the key words might be combined and to show each architect's position on their built work in relation to all the others. Includes projects by Alvar Aalto; Tadao Ando; Gunnar Asplund; Atelier Bow-Wow; João Batista Vilanova Artigas; Patrick Berger; Mario Botta; Marcel Breuer; Erik Bryggman; Gonçalo Byrne; David Chipperfield; Le Corbusier; Sverre Fehn; Aurelio Galfetti Flora Ruchat and Ivo Trumpy; Dick Van Gameren; Herzog and De Meuron; Steven Holl; Arne Jacobsen; Kengo Kuma; Anne Lacaton and Jean Philippe Vassal; Adalberto Libera; Frank Lloyd Wright; Paulo Mendes da Rocha; Ludwig Mies van der Rohe; Enric Miralles and Carme Pinos; Glenn Murcutt; Juan Navarro Baldeweg; Sheila O’Donnell and John Tuomey; Jan Olav Jensen and Børre Skodvin; John Pawson; Giuseppe Perugini Mario Fiorentino and Nello Aprile; Renzo Piano; Georges-Henry Pingusson; Rudolph Schindler; Roland Simounet; Alvaro Siza; Luigi Snozzi; Alejandro de la Sota; Eduardo Souto de Moura; Alison Smithson and Peter Smithson; Fernando Tavora; Jørn Utzon; Livio Vacchini; Francesco Venezia Roberto Collovà and Marcella Aprile; Amancho Williams; and Peter Zumthor. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415836227

Architecture Actor and Audience Understanding the theatre space on both the practical and theoretical level is becoming increasingly important to people working in drama in whatever capacity. Theatre architecture is one of the most vital ingredients of the theatrical experience and one of the least discussed or understood. In Architecture Actor and Audience Mackintosh explores the contribution the design of a theatre can make to the theatrical experience and examines the failings of many modern theatres which despite vigorous defence from the architectural establishment remain unpopular with both audiences and theatre people. A fascinating and provocative book. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138132856

Architecture Art and Identity in Venice and its Territories 1450–1750Essays in Honour of Deborah Howard Cities are shaped as much by a repertoire of buildings works and objects as by cultural institutions ideas and interactions between forms and practices entangled in identity formations. This is particularly true when seen through a city as forceful and splendid as Venice. The essays in this volume investigate these connections between art and identity through discussions of patronage space and the dissemination of architectural models and knowledge in Venice its territories and beyond. They celebrate Professor Deborah Howard’s leading role in fostering a historically grounded and interdisciplinary approach to the art and architecture of Venice. Based on an examination and re-interpretation of a wide range of archival material and primary sources the contributing authors approach the notion of identity in its many guises: as self-representation as strong sub-currents of spatial strategies as visual and semantic discourses and as political and imperial aspirations. Employing interdisciplinary modes of interpretation these studies offer ground-breaking analyses of canonical sites and works of art diverse groups of patrons as well as the life and oeuvre of leading architects such as Jacopo Sansovino and Andrea Palladio. In so doing they link together citizens and nobles past and present the real and the symbolic space and sound religion and power the city and its parts Venice and the Stato da Mar the Serenissima and the Sublime Port. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138248762

Architecture Culture and Spirituality Architecture has long been understood as a cultural discipline able to articulate the human condition and lift the human spirit yet the spirituality of architecture is rarely directly addressed in academic scholarship. The seventeen chapters provide a diverse range of perspectives grouped according to topical themes: Being in the World; Sacred Secular and the Contemporary Condition; Symbolic Engagements; Sacred Landscapes; and Spirituality and the Designed Environment. Even though the authors’ approach the subject from a range of disciplines and theoretical positions all share interests in the need to rediscover redefine or reclaim the sacred in everyday experience scholarly analysis and design. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138296848

Architecture Death and NationhoodMonumental Cemeteries of Nineteenth-Century Italy In the nineteenth century new cemeteries were built in many Italian cities that were unique in scale and grandeur and which became destinations on the Grand Tour. From the Middle Ages the dead had been buried in churches and urban graveyards but in the 1740s a radical reform across Europe prohibited burial inside cities and led to the creation of suburban burial grounds. Italy’s nineteenth-century cemeteries were distinctive as monumental or architectural structures rather than landscaped gardens. They represented a new building type that emerged in response to momentous changes in Italian politics tied to the fight for independence and the creation of the nation-state. As the first survey of Italy’s monumental cemeteries the book explores the relationship between architecture and politics or how architecture is formed by political forces. As cities of the dead cemeteries mirrored the spaces of the living. Against the backdrop of Italy’s unification they conveyed the power of the new nation efforts to construct an Italian identity and conflicts between Church and state. Monumental cemeteries helped to foster the narratives and mentalities that shaped Italy as a new nation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138392694

Architecture Democracy and EmotionsThe Politics of Feeling since 1945 After 1945 it was not just Europe’s parliamentary buildings that promised to house democracy: hotels in Turkey and Dutch shopping malls proposed new democratic attitudes and feelings. Housing programs in the United Kingdom the United States and the Soviet Union were designed with the aim of creating new social relations among citizens and thus better more equal societies. Architecture Democracy and Emotions focuses on these competing promises of consumer democracy welfare democracy and socialist democracy. Spanning from Turkey across Eastern and Western Europe to the United States the chapters investigate the emotional politics of housing and representation during the height of the Cold War as well as its aftermath post-1989. The book assembles detailed research on how the claims and aspirations of being "democratic" influenced the affects of architecture and how these claims politicized space. Architecture Democracy and Emotions contributes to the study of Europe’s "democratic age" beyond Cold War divisions without diminishing political differences. The combination of an emotional history of democracy with an architectural history of emotions distinguishes the book’s approach from other recent investigations into the interconnection of mind body and space. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815357384

Architecture Design and Craft in Toronto 1900-1940Creating Modern Living Toronto - the largest and one of the most multicultural cities in Canada - boasts an equally interesting and diverse architectural heritage. Architecture Design and Craft in Toronto 1900-1940 tells a story of the significant changes in domestic life in the first 40 years of the twentieth century. Adopting a multidisciplinary approach to studies of residential spaces the author examines how questions of modernity and modern living influenced not only architectural designs but also interior furnishings modes of transportation and ways to spend leisure time. The book discusses several case studies some of which are known both locally and internationally (for example Casa Loma) while others such as Guild of All Arts or Sherwood have been virtually unstudied by historians of visual culture. The overall goal of the book is to put Toronto on the map of scholars of urban design and architecture and to uncover previously unknown histories of design craft and domesticity in Toronto. This study will be of interest not only to the academic community (namely architects designers craftspeople and scholars of these disciplines along with social historians) but also the general public interested in local history and/or visual culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472457004

Architecture Festival and the City Historically the urban festival served as an occasion for affirming shared convictions and identities in the life of the city. Whether religious or civic in nature these events provided tangible expressions of social cultural political and religious cohesion often reaffirming a particular shared ethos within diverse urban landscapes. Architecture has long served as a key aspect of this process exhibiting continuity in the flux of these representations through the parading of elaborate ceremonial floats the construction of temporary buildings the ‘dressing’ of existing urban space the alternative occupations of the everyday and the construction of new buildings and spaces which then become a part of the background fabric of the city. This book examines how festivals can be used as a lens to examine the relationship between city and citizen and questions whether this is fixed through time or has been transformed as a response to changes in the modern urban condition. Architecture Festival and the City looks at the multilayered nature of a diverse selection of festivals and the way they incorporate both orderly (authoritative) and disorderly (subversive) components. The aim is to reveal how the civic nature of urban space is utilised through festival to represent ideas of belonging and identity. Recent political and social gatherings also raise questions about the relationship of these events to ‘ritual’ and whether traditional practices can serve as meaningful references in the twenty-first century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138362345

Architecture Islam and Identity in West AfricaLessons from Larabanga Architecture Islam and Identity in West Africa shows you the relationship between architecture and Islamic identity in West Africa. The book looks broadly across Muslim West Africa and takes an in-depth study of the village of Larabanga a small Muslim community in Northern Ghana to help you see how the built environment encodes cultural history through form material and space creating an architectural narrative that outlines the contours of this distinctive Muslim identity. Apotsos explores how modern technology heritage and tourism have increasingly affected the contemporary architectural character of this community revealing the village’s current state of social cultural and spiritual flux. More than 60 black and white images illustrate how architectural components within this setting express the distinctive narratives value systems and realities that make up the unique composition of this Afro-Islamic community. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138192461

Architecture Liberty and Civic OrderArchitectural Theories from Vitruvius to Jefferson and Beyond This book brings to light central topics that are neglected in current histories and theories of architecture and urbanism. These include the role of imitation in earlier centuries and its potential role in present practice; the necessary relationship between architecture urbanism and the rural districts; and their counterpart in the civil order that builds and uses what is built. The narrative traces two models for the practice of architecture. One follows the ancient model in which the architect renders his service to serve the interests of others; it survives and is dominant in modernism. The other first formulated in the fifteenth century by Leon Battista Alberti has the architect use his talent in coordination with others to contribute to the common good of a republican civil order that seeks to protect its own liberty and that of its citizens. Palladio practiced this way and so did Thomas Jefferson when he founded a uniquely American architecture the counterpart to the nation’s founding. This narrative gives particular emphasis to the contrasting developments in architecture on the opposite sides of the English Channel. The book presents the value for clients and architects today and in the future of drawing on history and tradition. It stresses the importance indeed the urgency of restoring traditional practices so that we can build just beautiful and sustainable cities and rural districts that will once again assist citizens in living not only abundantly but also well as they pursue their happiness. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138567801

Architecture Mentalities and Meaning In order to function architectural theory and practice must be shaped to suit current cultural economic and political forces. Thus architecture embodies reductive logic that conditions the treatment of human and social processes – which raises the question of how to define objectivity for architectural mentalities that must conform to a set of immediate conditions. This book focuses on meaning and on the physical and mental processes that define life in built environments. The potential to draw knowledge from aesthetics psychology political economy philosophy geography and sociology is offset by the fact that architectural logic is inevitably reductive cultural socio-economic and political. However despite the duty to conform it is argued that the treatment of human processes and the understanding of architectural mentalities can benefit from interdisciplinary linkages small freedoms and cracks in a system of imperatives that can yield the means of greater objectivity. This is valuable reading for students and researchers interested in architectural theory as a working reality and in the relationships between architecture and other fields. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367140977

Architecture Power and National Identity The first edition of Architecture Power and National Identity published in 1992 has become a classic winning the prestigious Spiro Kostof award for the best book in architecture and urbanism. Lawrence Vale fully has fully updated the book which focuses on the relationship between the design of national capitals across the world and the formation of national identity in modernity. Tied to this it explains the role that architecture and planning play in the forceful assertion of state power. The book is truly international in scope looking at capital cities in the United States India Brazil Sri Lanka Kuwait Bangladesh and Papua New Guinea. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315880921

Architecture Print Culture and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth-Century France This book focuses on the complex ways in which architectural practice theory patronage and experience became modern with the rise of a mass public and a reconfigured public sphere between the end of the seventeenth century and the French Revolution. Presenting a fresh theoretical orientation and a large body of new primary research this book offers a new cultural history of virtually all the major monuments of eighteenth-century Parisian architecture with detailed analyses of the public debates that erupted around such Parisian monuments as the east facade of the Louvre the Place Louis XV [the Place de la Concorde] and the church of Sainte-Genevieve [the Pantheon]. Depicting the passage of architecture into a mediatized public culture as a turning point and interrogating it as a symptom of the distinctly modern configuration of individual society and space that emerged during this period this study will interest readers well beyond the discipline of architectural history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415514651

Architecture Space and Memory of Resurrection in Northern IrelandShareness in a Divided Nation Northern Ireland has a complex urbanism with multilayered socio-spatial politics. In this environment issues of communication self-representation and expression of identity are central to the experience of urban space and architecture where the dichotomy of division and shared living are spatially exercised in everyday life. Unlike other studies in the area this book focuses on the everyday experiences of local communities in both public and private spheres - issues of ‘shareness’ - challenging conventional approaches to divided cities. The book aims to layer its narratives of architectural and social developments as an urban experience in post-conflict settings over the past two decades. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367729769

Architecture Travellers and WritersConstructing Histories of Perception 1640-1950 This book explores the mechanics of architectural writing its relation to perception. It examines the effects of travel as movement towards unfamiliar places on perception. The book evolves from five key perceptual-representational processes: rendering ordering reading thinking and looking. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781907975639

Architecture & Design versus ConsumerismHow Design Activism Confronts Growth The mentality that consumerism and economic growth are cure-alls is one of the biggest obstacles to real sustainability but any change seems impossible unthinkable. Our contemporary paradox finds us relying for our well being on consumer-driven economic growth that we actually can’t afford — not in environmental economic or social terms. Although architecture and design have long been seen as engines for consumerism and growth increasing numbers of designers are concerned about the problems resulting from growth. But designers face a paradox of their own; in scenarios of sustainable consumption where people consume or build significantly less what will be left for designers to do? This book informed by recent research into the viability of a "steady state" economy sets an agenda for addressing the designer’s paradox of sustainable consumption. The agenda includes ways that architecture and design can help transition us towards a new kind of economy that prioritizes real wellbeing rather than economic growth. Packed with examples and illustrations the book argues that taking action or activism is an important but so far underexplored way for architects and designers to confront consumerism. The first chapters explore how economic growth and consumerism shape and are shaped by the professions of architecture product and landscape design and how we can understand the problem of consumerism as four main challenges that designers are already addressing. The book maps out the main issues surrounding the development of metrics that designers and others can use to measure wellbeing instead of simply measuring economic growth. The second half of the book looks at how design activism works and its connection to growth and consumerist issues. These chapters examine how activist practices are financed highlight five specific methods that designers use in working for social change and investigate the power of these methods. The book concludes with a consideration of what design’s role might be in a "post-growth" society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781849713566

Architecture 3.0The Disruptive Design Practice Handbook This book provides a definitive guide for the future direction of the practice and profession of architecture. In five parts Cliff Moser provides you with all the tools and know-how to implement changes that will serve you and your practice in the short medium and long term. Written at a crucial time for the industry this is essential reading for every architect. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415622820

Architecture Against the Post-PoliticalEssays in Reclaiming the Critical Project Written by a team of renowned contributors and carefully edited to address the themes laid out by the editors in their introduction the book includes theoretical issues concerning the questions of aesthetics and politics and addresses city and urban strategies within the general critique of the "post-political". By focusing on specific case studies from Warsaw Barcelona Dubai Tokyo and many more the book consolidates the contributions of a diverse group of academics architects and critics from Europe the Middle East and America. This collection fills the gap in the existing literature on the relation between politics and aesthetics and its implications for the theoretical discourse of architecture today. In summary this book provides a response to the predominant de-politicization in academic discourse and is an attempt to re-claim the abandoned critical project in architecture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415725385

Architecture and AdaptationFrom Cybernetics to Tangible Computing Architecture and Adaptation discusses architectural projects that use computational technology to adapt to changing conditions and human needs. Topics include kinetic and transformable structures digitally driven building parts interactive installations intelligent environments early precedents and their historical context socio-cultural aspects of adaptive architecture the history and theory of artificial life the theory of human-computer interaction tangible computing and the social studies of technology. Author Socrates Yiannoudes proposes tools and frameworks for researchers to evaluate examples and tendencies in adaptive architecture. Illustrated with more than 50 black and white images. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138843165

Architecture and AgricultureA Rural Design Guide Architecture and Agriculture: A Rural Design Guide presents architectural guidelines for buildings designed and constructed in rural landscapes by emphasizing their connections with function culture climate and place. Following on from the author’s first book Rural Design the book discusses in detail the buildings that humans construct in support of agriculture. By examining case studies from around the world including Australia China Japan Norway Poland Japan Portugal North America Africa and the Southeast Asia it informs readers about the potentials opportunities and values of rural architecture and how they have been developed to create sustainable landscapes and sustainable buildings for rapidly changing rural futures. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138937680

Architecture and Anthropology Both architecture and anthropology emerged as autonomous theoretical disciplines in the 18th-century enlightenment. Throughout the 19th century the fields shared a common icon—the primitive hut—and a common concern with both routine needs and ceremonial behaviours. Both could lay strong claims to a special knowledge of the everyday. And yet in the 20th century notwithstanding genre classics such as Bernard Rudofsky’s Architecture without Architects or Paul Oliver’s Shelter and various attempts to make architecture anthropocentric (such as Corbusier’s Modulor) disciplinary exchanges between architecture and anthropology were often disappointingly slight.This book attempts to locate the various points of departure that might be taken in a contemporary discussion between architecture and anthropology. The results are radical: post-colonial theory is here counterpoised to 19th-century theories of primitivism archaeology is set against dentistry fieldwork is juxtaposed against indigenous critique and climate science is applied to questions of shelter. This publication will be of interest to both architects and anthropologists.The chapters in this book were originally published within two special issues of Architectural Theory Review. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367583729

Architecture and Armed ConflictThe Politics of Destruction Architecture and Armed Conflict is the first multi-authored scholarly book to address this theme from a comparative interdisciplinary perspective. By bringing together specialists from a range of relevant fields and with knowledge of case studies across time and space it provides the first synthetic body of research on the complex multifaceted subject of architectural destruction in the context of conflict. The book addresses several specific research questions: How has the destruction of buildings and landscapes figured in recent historical conflicts and how have people and states responded to it? How has the destruction of architecture been represented in different historical periods and to what ends? What are the relationships between the destruction of architecture and the destruction of art particularly iconoclasm? If architectural destruction is a salient feature of many armed conflicts how does it feature in post-conflict environments? What are the relationships between architectural destruction and processes of restoration recreation or replacement? Considering multiple conflicts multiple time periods and multiple locations allows this international cohort of authors to provide an essential primer for this crucial topic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415702508

Architecture and Capitalism1845 to the Present Architecture and Capitalism tells a story of the relationship between the economy and architectural design. Eleven historians each discuss in brand new essays the time period they know best looking at cultural and economic issues which in light of current economic crises you will find have dealt with diverse but surprisingly familiar economic issues. Told through case studies the narrative begins in the mid-nineteenth century and ends with 2011 with introductions by Editor Peggy Deamer to pull the main themes together so that you can see how other architects in different times and in different countries have dealt with similar economic conditions. By focussing on what previous architects experienced you have the opportunity to avoid repeating the past. With new essays by Pier Vittorio Aureli Ellen Dunham-Jones Keller Easterling Lauren Kogod Robert Hewison Joanna Merwood-Salisbury Robin Schuldenfrei Deborah Gans Simon Sadler Nathan Rich and Micahel Sorkin. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415534888

Architecture and ClimateAn Environmental History of British Architecture 1600–2000 This book traces the evolving relationship between the architecture and climate of Britain from the late sixteenth to the twentieth century. Through detailed studies of buildings by major architects it explores how the unique character of the climate of the British Isles has had a fundamental influence on the nature of buildings of all kinds and periods in both country and city. Based on extensive documentary research and on first-hand analyses of significant buildings this book combines architectural history with the parallel fields of climate history and the representation of environment in literature and the fine arts. It spans the period in British architectural history from the late sixteenth century to the twentieth century – from the buildings of the greatest architect of the Elizabethan age Robert Smythson to the twentieth century work of Alison and Peter Smithson. Copiously illustrated with drawings and photographs including a colour plate section this book brings a historical dimension to the appreciation of the environment in architecture and equally introduces an environmental dimension to the study of the history of architecture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415561877

Architecture and EmbodimentThe Implications of the New Sciences and Humanities for Design In recent years we have seen a number of dramatic discoveries within the biological and related sciences. Traditional arguments such as "nature versus nurture" are rapidly disappearing because of the realization that just as we are affecting our environments so too do these altered environments restructure our cognitive abilities and outlooks. If the biological and technological breakthroughs are promising benefits such as extended life expectancies these same discoveries also have the potential to improve in significant ways the quality of our built environments. This poses a compelling challenge to conventional architectural theory... This is the first book to consider these new scientific and humanistic models in architectural terms. Constructed as a series of five essays around the themes of beauty culture emotion the experience of architecture and artistic play this book draws upon a broad range of discussions taking place in philosophy psychology biology neuroscience and anthropology and in doing so questions what implications these discussions hold for architectural design. Drawing upon a wealth of research Mallgrave argues that we should turn our focus away from the objectification of architecture (treating design as the creation of objects) and redirect it back to those for whom we design: the people inhabiting our built environments. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415810203

Architecture and EnergyPerformance and Style Does energy consumption influence architectural style? Should more energy-efficient buildings look different? Can that "look" be used to explain or enhance their performance? Architecture and Energy provides architects and architectural theorists with more durable arguments for environmental design decisions arguments addressing three different scales or aspects of contemporary construction. By drawing together essays from the leading experts in the field this book engages with crucial issues in sustainable design such as: The larger role of energy in forming the cultural and economic systems in which architecture is conceived constructed and evaluated The different measures and meanings of energy "performance" and how those measures are realized in buildings The specific ways in which energy use translates into the visible aspects of architectural style. Drawing on research from the UK US Europe and Asia the book outlines the problems surrounding energy and architecture and provides the reader with a considered overview of this important topic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415639309

Architecture and FeminismsEcologies Economies Technologies Set against the background of a ‘general crisis’ that is environmental political and social this book examines a series of specific intersections between architecture and feminisms understood in the plural. The collected essays and projects that make up the book follow transversal trajectories that criss-cross between ecologies economies and technologies exploring specific cases and positions in relation to the themes of the archive control work and milieu. This collective intellectual labour can be located amidst a worldwide depletion of material resources a hollowing out of political power and the degradation of constructed and natural environments. Feminist positions suggest ways of ethically coping with a world that is becoming increasingly unstable and contested. The many voices gathered here are united by the task of putting critical concepts and feminist design tools to use in order to offer experimental approaches to the creation of a more habitable world. Drawing inspiration from the active archives of feminist precursors existing and re-imagined and by way of a re-engagement in the histories theories and projected futures of critical feminist projects the book presents a collection of twenty-three essays and eight projects with the aim of taking stock of our current condition and re-engaging in our precarious environment-worlds. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138304888

Architecture and Globalisation in the Persian Gulf Region This is the first book ever to examine the architecture and urbanism of the Persian Gulf as a complete entity dealing equally with conditions on the eastern Iranian shoreline as in Arabic countries on the western side. By inviting a range of architects and scholars to write about historical and contemporary influences on 14 cities along both Gulf coastlines the book traces the changes in architecture and human settlement in relation to environmental factors and particularity of place. It provides an innovative contribution to the study of architecture and globalisation through a detailed investigation of this particular region investigating how buildings and cities are being shaped as a result. A set of thematic essays at the end offer important insights into issues of globalisation urbanism and environmental design drawing from the experience of the Persian Gulf. The outcome is a unique record of the Gulf in the early-21st century at a point when global capitalism is making major inroads and yet questions of architectural design climate change ecological sustainability cultural identity and so-called 'Facebook Democracy' are likewise shaking up the Middle Eastern region. The book thus offers a fresh reading of the architecture and urbanism of a fascinating and often contradictory region while also showing how globalisation can be analysed in a more engaged and integrated manner. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138245624

Architecture and Hagiography in the Ottoman EmpireThe Politics of Bektashi Shrines in the Classical Age Based on a thorough examination of buildings inscriptions archival documents and hagiographies this book uncovers the political significance of Bektashi shrines in the Ottoman imperial age. It thus provides a fresh and comprehensive account of the formative process of the Bektashi order which started out as a network of social groups that took issue with Ottoman imperial policies in the late fifteenth century was endorsed imperially as part of Bayezid II's (r. 1481-1512) soft power policy and was kept in check by imperial authorities as the Ottoman approach to the Safavid conflict hardened during the rest of the sixteenth century. This book demonstrates that it was a combination of two collective activities that established the primary parameters of Bektashi culture from the late fifteenth century onwards. One was the writing of Bektashi hagiographies; they linked hitherto distinct social groups (such as wandering dervishes and warriors) with each other through the lives of historical figures who were their patron saints idols and identity markers (such as the saint Hacı Bektaş and the martyr Seyyid Gazi) while incorporating them into Ottoman history in creative ways. The other one was the architectural remodelling of the saints' shrines. In terms of style imagery and content this interrelated literary and architectural output reveals a complicated process of negotiation with the imperial order and its cultural paradigms. Examined in more detail in the book are the shrines of Seyyid Gazi and Hacı Bektaş and associated legends and hagiographies. Though established as independent institutions in medieval Anatolia they were joined in the emerging Bektashi network under the Ottomans became its principal centres and underwent radical architectural transformation mainly under the patronage of raider commanders based in the Balkans. In the process they thus came to occupy an intermediary socio-political zone between the Ottoman empire and its contestants in the sixteenth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138270756

Architecture and HealthGuiding Principles for Practice Architecture and Health recognizes the built environment and health as inextricable encouraging a new mind-set for the profession. Over 40 international award-winning projects are included to explore innovative design principles linked to health outcomes. The book is organized into three interdependent health domains—individual community and global—in which each case study proposes context-specific architectural responses. Case studies include children’s hospitals rehabilitation facilities elderly housing mental health facilities cancer support centers clinics healthy communities healthcare campuses wellness centers healing gardens commercial offices infrastructure for developing countries sustainable design and more. Representing the United States Africa Asia Europe and Australia each author brings a new perspective to health and its related architectural response. This book brings a timely focus to a subject matter commonly constricted by normative building practices and transforms the dialogue into one of creativity and innovation. With over 200 color images this book is an essential read for architects designers and students to explore and analyze designed environments that promote health and well-being.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367075224

Architecture and IdentityResponses to Cultural and Technological Change Expanding his collected essays on architectural theory and criticism Chris Abel pursues his explorations across disciplinary and regional boundaries in search of a deeper understanding of architecture in the evolution of human culture and identity formation. From his earliest writings predicting the computer-based revolution in customized architectural production through his novel studies on ‘tacit knowing’ in design or hybridization in regional and colonial architecture to his radical theory of the ‘extended self’ Abel has been a consistently fresh and provocative thinker contesting both conventions and intellectual fashions. This revised third edition includes a new introduction and six additional chapters by the author covering a broad range of related topics up to recent concerns with genetic design methods and virtual selves. Together with the former essays the book presents a unique global perspective on the changing cultural issues and technologies shaping human identities and the built environment in diverse parts of the world both East and West. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138206564

Architecture and JusticeJudicial Meanings in the Public Realm Bringing together leading scholars in the fields of criminology international law philosophy and architectural history and theory this book examines the interrelationships between architecture and justice highlighting the provocative and curiously ambiguous juncture between the two. Illustrated by a range of disparate and diverse case studies it draws out the formal language of justice and extends the effects that architecture has on both the place of and the individuals subject to justice. With its multi-disciplinary perspective the study serves as a platform on which to debate the relationships between the ceremonial legalistic administrative and penal aspects of justice and the spaces that constitute their settings. The structure of the book develops from the particular to the universal from local situations to the larger city and thereby examines the role that architecture and urban space play in the deliberations of justice. At the same time contributors to the volume remind us of the potential impact the built environment can have in undermining the proper juridical processes of a socio-political system. Hence the book provides both wise counsel and warnings of the role of public/civic space in affirming our sense of a just or unjust society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138246485

Architecture and Labor Through a collection of 13 chapters Peggy Deamer examines the profession of architecture not as an abstraction but as an assemblage of architectural workers. What forces prevent architects from empowering ourselves to be more relevant and better rewarded? How can these forces be set aside by new narratives new organizations and new methods of production? How can we sit at the decision-making table to combat short-term real estate interests for longer-term social and ethical value? How can we pull architecture—its conceptualization its pedagogy and its enactment—into the 21st century without succumbing to its neoliberal paradigm? In addressing these controversial questions Architecture and Labor brings contemporary discourses on creative labor to architecture a discipline devoid of labor consciousness. This book addresses how not just what architects produce and focuses not on the past but on the present. It is sympathetic to the particularly intimate way that architects approach their design work while contextualizing that work historically institutionally economically and ideologically. Architecture and Labor is sure to be a compelling read for pre-professional students academics and practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367343507

Architecture and Movementthe Dynamic Experience of Buildings and Landscapes The experience of movement of moving through buildings cities landscapes and in everyday life is the only involvement most individuals have with the built environment on a daily basis. User experience is so often neglected in architectural study and practice. Architecture and Movement tackles this complex subject for the first time providing the wide range of perspectives needed to tackle this multi-disciplinary topic. Organised in four parts it: documents the architect’s planner’s or designer’s approach looking at how they have sought to deploy buildings as a promenade and how they have thought or written about it. concentrates on the individual’s experience and particularly on the primacy of walking which engages other senses besides the visual. engages with society and social rituals and how mutually we define the spaces through which we move both by laying out routes and boundaries and by celebrating thresholds. analyses how we deal with promenades which are not experienced directly but via other mediums such as computer models drawings film and television. The wide selection of contributors include academics and practitioners and discuss cases from across the US UK Europe and Asia. By mingling such disparate voices in a carefully curated selection of chapters the book enlarges the understanding of architects architectural students designers and planners alerting them to the many and complex issues involved in the experience of movement. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415725354

Architecture and Nationalism in Sri LankaThe Trouser Under the Cloth The role of the home the domestic sphere and the intimate ethno-cultural identities that are cultivated within it are critical to understanding the polemical constructions of country and city; tradition and modernity; and regionalism and cosmopolitanism. The home is fundamental to ideas of the homeland that give nationalism its imaginative form and its political trajectory. This book explores positions that are vital to ideas of national belonging through the history of colonial bourgeois self-fashioning and post colonial identity construction in Sri Lanka. The country remains central to related architectural discourses due to its emergence as a critical site for regional architecture post-independence. Suggesting patterns of indigenous accommodation and resistance that are expressed through built form the book argues that the nation grows as an extension of an indigenous private sphere ostensibly uncontaminated by colonial influences domesticating institutions and appropriating rural geographies in the pursuit of its hegemonic ideals. This ambitious comprehensive wide-ranging book presents an abundance of new and original material and many imaginative insights into the history of architecture and nationalism from the mid nineteenth century to the present day. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138118645

Architecture and OrderApproaches to Social Space Architecture is a powerful medium for representing ordering and classifying the world and understanding the use of space is fundamental to archaeological inquiry. Architecture and Order draws on the work of archaeologists social theorists and architects to explore the way in which people relate to the architecture which surrounds them. In many societies houses and tombs have encoded cultural meanings and values which are invoked and recalled through the practices of daily life.Chapters include explorations of the early farming r archi*eye of Europe from before the use of metals to the Classical and Medieval worlds of the Mediterranean and Europe. Research of the recent past and present include an overview of hunter-gatherers' camp organization a reassessment of the use of space amongst the Dogon of West Africa and an examination of mental disorders relating to the use of space in Britain. The volume goes beyond the implication that culture determines form to develop an approach that integrates meaning and practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138134843

Architecture and Participation Bringing together leading international practitioners and theorists in the field ranging from the 1960s pioneers of participation to some of the major contemporary figures in the field Architecture and Participation opens up the social and political aspects of our built environment and the way that the eventual users may shape it. Divided into three sections looking at the politics histories and practices of participation the book gives both a broad theoretical background and more direct examples of participation in practice. Respectively the book explores participation's broader context outlining key themes and including work from some seminal European figures and shows examples of how leading practitioners have put their ideas into action. Illustrated throughout the authors present to students practitioners and policy makers an exploration of how a participative approach may lead to new spatial conditions as well as to new types of architectural practices and investigates the way that the user has been included in the design process. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203022863

Architecture and Pilgrimage 1000-1500Southern Europe and Beyond Although there is an obvious association between pilgrimage and place relatively little research has centred directly on the role of architecture. Architecture and Pilgrimage 1000-1500: Southern Europe and Beyond synthesizes the work of a distinguished international group of scholars. It takes a broad view of architecture to include cities routes ritual topographies and human interaction with the natural environment as well as specific buildings and shrines and considers how these were perceived represented and remembered. The essays explore both the ways in which the physical embodiment of pilgrimage cultures is shared and what we can learn from the differences. The chosen period reflects the flowering of medieval and early modern pilgrimage. The perspective is that of the pilgrim journeying within - or embarking from - Southern Europe with a particular emphasis on Italy. The book pursues the connections between pilgrimage and architecture through the investigation of such issues as theology liturgy patronage miracles and healing relics and individual and communal memory. Moreover it explores how pilgrimage may be regarded on various levels from a physical journey towards a holy site to a more symbolic and internalized idea of pilgrimage of the soul. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138248168

Architecture and Politics in NigeriaThe Study of a Late Twentieth-Century Enlightenment-Inspired Modernism at Abuja 1900–2016 In 1975 the Nigerian authorities decided to construct a new postcolonial capital called Abuja and together with several internationally renowned architects these military leaders collaborated to build a city for three million inhabitants. Founded five years after the Civil War with Biafra which caused around 1.7 million deaths the city was envisaged as a place where justice would reign and where people from different social religious ethnic and political backgrounds would come together in a peaceful manner and work together to develop their country and its economy. These were all laudable goals but they ironically mobilized certain forces from around the country in opposition against the Federal Government of Nigeria. The international and modernist style architecture and the fact that the government spent tens of billions of dollars constructing this idealized capital ended up causing more strife and conflict. For groups like Boko Haram a Nigerian Al-Qaida affiliate organization and other smaller ethnic groups seeking to have a say in how the country’s oil wealth is spent Abuja symbolized everything in Nigeria they sought to change. By examining the creation of the modernist national public spaces of Abuja within a broader historical and global context this book looks at how the successes and the failures of these spaces have affected the citizens of the country and have in fact radicalized individuals with these spaces being scene of some of the most important political events and terrorist targets including bombings and protest rallies. Although focusing on Nigeria’s capital the study has a wider global implication in that it draws attention to how postcolonial countries that were formed at the turn of the twentieth century are continuously fragmenting and remade by the emergence of new nation states like South Sudan. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367667955

Architecture and Principles of Systems Engineering The rapid evolution of technical capabilities in the systems engineering (SE) community requires constant clarification of how to answer the following questions: What is Systems Architecture? How does it relate to Systems Engineering? What is the role of a Systems Architect? How should Systems Architecture be practiced?A perpetual reassessment of c Media > Books > E-books Auerbach Publications 9780429117718

Architecture and ResilienceInterdisciplinary Dialogues Resilience will be a defining quality of the twenty-first century. As we witness the increasingly turbulent effects of climate change the multiple challenges of resource depletion and wage stagnation we know that our current ways of living are not resilient. This volume takes resilience as a transformative concept to ask where and what architecture might contribute. Bringing together cross-disciplinary perspectives from architecture urban design art geography building science and psychoanalysis it aims to open up multiple perspectives of research spatial strategies and projects that are testing how we can build local resilience in preparation for major societal challenges defining the position of architecture in urban resilience discourse. Chapter 16 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 3.0 license. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138065819

Architecture and SacramentA Critical Theory David Wang’s Architecture and Sacrament considers architectural theory from a Christian theological perspective specifically the analogy of being (analogia entis). The book tracks social and cultural reasons why the theological literature tends to be separate from contemporary architecture theory. Wang argues that retrieval of the sacramental outlook embedded within the analogy of being which informed centuries of art and architecture in the West can shed light on current architectural issues such as "big box stores " the environmental crisis and the loss of sense of community. The book critiques the materialist basis of current architectural discourse subsumed largely under the banner of critical theory. This volume on how European ideas inform architectural theory complements Wang’s previous book A Philosophy of Chinese Architecture: Past Present Future and will appeal to architecture students and academics as well as those grappling with the philosophical moorings of all built environments. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815370659

Architecture and Science-Fiction FilmPhilip K. Dick and the Spectacle of Home The home is one of our most enduring human paradoxes and is brought to light tellingly in science-fiction (SF) writing and film. However while similarities and crossovers between architecture and SF have proliferated throughout the past century the home is often overshadowed by the spectacle of 'otherness'. The study of the familiar (home) within the alien (SF) creates a unique cultural lens through which to reflect on our current architectural condition. SF has always been linked with alienation; however the conditions of such alienation and hence notions of home have evidently changed. There is often a perceived comprehension of the familiar that atrophies the inquisitive and interpretive processes commonly activated when confronting the unfamiliar. Thus by utilizing the estranging qualities of SF to look at a concept inherently linked to its perceived opposite - the home - a unique critical analysis with particular relevance for contemporary architecture is made possible. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409407485

Architecture and Silence This book explores the role of silence in how we design present and experi-ence architecture. Grounded in phenomenological theory the book builds on historical theoretical and practical approaches to examine silence as a methodological tool of architectural research and unravel the experiential qualities of the design process. Distinct from an entirely soundless experience silence is proposed as a material condition organically incorporated into the built and natural landscape. Kakalis argues that either human or atmospheric silence is a condition of waiting for a sound to be born or a new spatio-temporal event to emerge. In silence therefore we are attentive and attuned to the atmos-phere of a place. The book unpacks a series of stories of silence in religious topographies urban landscapes film and theatre productions and architec-tural education with contributed chapters and interviews with Jeff Malpas and Alberto Pérez-Gómez. Aimed at postgraduate students scholars and researchers in architectural theory it shows how performative and atmospheric qualities of silence can build a new understanding of architectural experience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138345577

Architecture and Space Re-imaginedLearning from the difference multiplicity and otherness of development practice As with so many facets of contemporary western life architecture and space are often experienced and understood as a commodity or product. The premise of this book is to offer alternatives to the practices and values of such westernised space and Architecture (with a capital A) by exploring the participatory and grass-roots practices used in alternative development models in the Global South. This process re-contextualises the spaces values and relationships produced by such alternative methods of development and social agency. It asks whether such spatial practices provide concrete realisations of some key concepts of Western spatial theory questioning whether we might challenge the space and architectures of capitalist development by learning from the places and practices of others.Exploring these themes offers a critical examination of alternative development practices methods in the Global South re-contextualising them as architectural engagements with socio-political space. The comparison of such interdisciplinary contexts and discourses reveals the political social and economic resonances inherent between these previously unconnected spatial protagonists. The interdependence of spatial issues of choice value and identity are revealed through a comparative study of the discourses of Henri Lefebvre John Turner Doreen Massey and Nabeel Hamdi. These key protagonists offer a critical framework of discourses from which further connections to socio-spatial discourses and concepts are made including post-marxist theory orientalism post-structural pluralism development anthropology post-colonial theory hybridity difference and subalterneity.By looking to the spaces and practices of alternative development in the Global South this book offers a critical reflection upon the working practices of Westernised architecture and other spatial and political practices. In exploring the methodologies implications and values of such participatory development practices this book ultimately seeks to articulate the positive potential and political of learning from the difference multiplicity and otherness of development practice in order to re-imagine architecture and space. . Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367668297

Architecture and Spectacle: A Critique Focusing on six leading contemporary architects: Peter Eisenman Frank Gehry Bernard Tschumi Zaha Hadid Rem Koolhaas and Steven Holl this book puts forward a unique and insightful analysis of "neo-avant-garde" architecture. It discusses the spectacle and excess which permeates contemporary architecture in reference to the present aesthetic tendency for image making but does so by applying the tectonic of theatricality discussed by the 19th-century German architect Gottfried Semper. In doing so it breaks new ground by opening up a dialogue between the study of the past and the design of the present. The work of each discussed architect is seen as addressing a historiographical problem. To this end and this is the second important aspect of this book the chosen buildings are discussed in terms of the thematic of the culture of building (the tectonic of column and wall for example) rather the formal and this through a discussion that is informed by the latest available theories. Having set the aesthetic implication of the processes of the digitalization of architecture the book's conclusion highlights "strategies" by which architecture might postpone the full consequences of digitalization and thus the becoming of architecture as ornament on its own right. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138274068

Architecture and Systems EcologyThermodynamic Principles of Environmental Building Design in three parts Modern buildings are both wasteful machines that can be made more efficient and instruments of the massive metropolitan system engendered by the power of high-quality fuels. A comprehensive method of environmental design must reconcile the techniques of efficient building design with the radical urban and economic reorganization that we face. Over the coming century we will be challenged to return to the renewable resource base of the eighteenth-century city with the knowledge technologies and expectations of the twenty-first-century metropolis. This book explores the architectural implications of systems ecology which extends the principles of thermodynamics from the nineteenth-century focus on more efficient machinery to the contemporary concern with the resilient self-organization of ecosystems. Written with enough technical material to explain the methods it does not include in-text equations or calculations relying instead on the energy system diagrams to convey the argument. Architecture and Systems Ecology has minimal technical jargon and an emphasis on intelligible design conclusions making it suitable for architecture students and professionals who are engaged with the fundamental issues faced by sustainable design. The energy systems language provides a holistic context for the many kinds of performance already evaluated in architecture—from energy use to material selection and even the choice of building style. It establishes the foundation for environmental principles of design that embrace the full complexity of our current situation. Architecture succeeds best when it helps shape accommodate and represent new ways of living together. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138846074

Architecture and the Body Science and Culture The relationship of architecture to the human body is a centuries-long and complex one but not always symmetrical. This book opens a space for historians of the visual arts archaeologists architects and digital humanities professionals to reflect upon embodiment spatiality science and architecture in premodern and modern cultural contexts. Architecture and the Body Science and Culture poses one overarching question: How does a period’s understanding of bodies as objects of science impinge upon architectural thought and design? The answers are sophisticated interdisciplinary explorations of theory technology symbolism medicine violence psychology deformity and salvation and they have unexpected and fascinating implications for architectural design and history. The new research published in this volume reinvigorates the Western survey-style trajectory from Archaic Greece to postâ€war Europe with scientificallyâ€framed bodyâ€centred provocations. By adding the third factor—science—to the architecture and body equation this book presents a nuanced appreciation for architectural creativity and its embeddedness in other sets of social institutional and political relationships. In so doing it spatializes body theory and ties it to the experience of the built environment in ways that disturb traditional boundaries between the architectural container and the corporeally contained. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367501938

Architecture and the Forest AestheticA New Look at Design and Resilient Urbanism Despite population trends toward urbanization the forest continues to have a strong appeal to the human imagination and the human preference for forest over many other types of terrain is well documented. This book re-imagines architecture and urbanism by allowing the forest to be a prominent consideration in the language of design thus recognizing the forest as essential rather than just incidental to human well-being. In Architecture and the Forest Aesthetic forest is a large-scale urban construct that is far more extensive and nuanced than trees and shrubbery. The forest aesthetic opens designers to the forest as a model for an urban architecture of permeable floors protective canopies connected food chains beneficial decomposition and resilient ecologies. Much can be learned about these features of the forest from the natural sciences; however when they are given due consideration technically and metaphorically in the design of urban habitat the places in which humans live become living forests. What is present here in Architecture and the Forest Aesthetic is both a review of many ingenious ways in which the forest aesthetic has already been expressed in design and urbanism and an encouragement to further use the forest aesthetic in design language and design outcomes. Case study projects featured include the Chilotan building craft of Southern Chile the yaki sugi of Japan the Biltmore Forest in the Southeastern United States the Australian capital city Canberra Bosco Verticale in Milan Italy the Beijing Olympic Forest Park in China and more. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138837744

Architecture and the Historical ImaginationEugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc 1814–1879 Hailed as one of the key theoreticians of modernism Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc was also the most renowned restoration architect of his age a celebrated medieval archaeologist and a fervent champion of Gothic revivalism. He published some of the most influential texts in the history of modern architecture such as the Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle and Entretiens sur l’architecture but also studies on warfare geology and racial history. Martin Bressani expertly traces Viollet-le-Duc’s complex intellectual development mapping the attitudes he adopted toward the past showing how restoration in all its layered meaning shaped his outlook. Through his life journey we follow the route by which the technological subject was born out of nineteenth-century historicism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138563193

Architecture and the Landscape of Modernity in China before 1949 This book explores China’s encounter with architecture and modernity in the tumultuous epoch before Communism – an encounter that was mediated not by a singular notion of modernism emanating from the west but that was uniquely multifarious deriving from a variety of sources both from the west and importantly from the east. The heterogeneous origins of modernity in China are what make its experience distinctive and its architectural encounters exceptional. These experiences are investigated through a re-evaluation of established knowledge of the subject within the wider landscape of modern art practices in China. The study draws on original archival and photographic material from different artistic genres and architecturally concentrates on China’s engagement with the west through the treaty ports and leased territories the emergence of architecture as a profession in China and Japan’s omnipresence not least in Manchuria which reached its apogee in the puppet state of Manchukuo. The study’s geographically temporally and architecturally inclusive approach framed by the concept of multiple modernities questions the application of conventional theories of modernity or post-colonialism to the Chinese situation. By challenging conventional modernist historiography that has marginalised the experiences of the west’s other for much of the last century this book proposes different ways of grappling with and comprehending the distinction and complexity of China’s experiences and its encounter with architectural modernity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138342187

Architecture and the Language DebateArtistic and Linguistic Exchanges in Early Modern Italy This book examines the creative exchanges between architects artists and intellectuals from the Early Renaissance to the beginning of the Enlightenment in the forging of relationships between architecture and emerging concepts of language in early modern Italy. The study extends across the spectrum of linguistic disputes during this time – among members of the clergy humanists philosophers and polymaths – on issues of grammar rhetoric philology etymology and epigraphy and how these disputes paralleled and informed important developments in architectural thinking and practice. Drawing upon a wealth of primary source material such as humanist tracts philosophical works architectural/antiquarian treatises epigraphic/philological studies religious sermons and grammaticae the book traces key periods when the emerging field of linguistics in early modern Italy impacted on the theory design and symbolism of buildings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138195288

Architecture and the Late Ottoman Historical ImaginaryReconfiguring the Architectural Past in a Modernizing Empire While European eclecticism is examined as a critical and experimental moment in western art history little research has been conducted to provide an intellectual depth of field to the historicist pursuits of late Ottoman architects as they maneuvered through the nineteenth century’s vast inventory of available styles and embarked on a revivalist/Orientalist program they identified as the ’Ottoman Renaissance.’ Ahmet A. Ersoy’s book examines the complex historicist discourse underlying this belated ’renaissance’ through a close reading of a text conceived as the movement’s canonizing manifesto: the Usul-i Mi’mari-i ’Osmani [The Fundamentals of Ottoman Architecture] (Istanbul 1873). In its translocal cross-disciplinary scope Ersoy’s work explores the creative ways in which the Ottoman authors straddled the art-historical mainstream and their new self-orientalizing aesthetics of locality. The study reveals how Orientalism was embraced by its very objects the self-styled ’Orientals’ of the modern world as a marker of authenticity and a strategically located aesthetic tool to project universally recognizable images of cultural difference. Rejecting the lesser subsidiary status ascribed to non-western Orientalisms Ersoy’s work contributes to recent post-Saidian directions in the study of cultural representation that resituate the field of Orientalism beyond its polaristic core recognizing its cross-cultural potential as a polyvalent discourse. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367432836

Architecture and the Mimetic SelfA Psychoanalytic Study of How Buildings Make and Break Our Lives Buildings shape our identity and sense of self in profound ways that are not always evident to architects and town planners or even to those who think they are intimately familiar with the buildings they inhabit. Architecture and the Mimetic Self provides a useful theoretical guide to our unconscious behaviour in relation to buildings and explains both how and why we are drawn to specific elements and features of architectural design. It reveals how even the most uninspiring of buildings can be modified to meet our unconscious expectations and requirements of them—and by the same token it explores the repercussions for our wellbeing when buildings fail to do so. Criteria for effective architectural design have for a long time been grounded in utilitarian and aesthetic principles of function efficiency cost and visual impact. Although these are important considerations they often fail to meet the fundamental needs of those who inhabit and use buildings. Misconceptions are rife not least because our responses to architecture are often difficult to measure and are in large part unconscious. By bridging psychoanalytic thought and architectural theory Architecture and the Mimetic Self frees the former from its preoccupations with interpersonal human relations to address the vital relationships that we establish with our nonhuman environments. In addition to providing a guide to the unconscious behaviours that are most relevant for evaluating architectural design this book explains how our relationships with the built environment inform a more expansive and useful psychoanalytic theory of human relationship and identity. It will appeal to psychoanalysts and analytical psychologists architects and all who are interested in the overlaps of psychology architecture and the built environment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415693042

Architecture and the Modern HospitalNosokomeion to Hygeia More than any other building type in the twentieth century the hospital was connected to transformations in the health of populations and expectations of lifespan. From the scale of public health to the level of the individual the architecture of the modern hospital has reshaped knowledge about health and disease and perceptions of bodily integrity and security. However the rich and genuinely global architectural history of these hospitals is poorly understood and largely forgotten. This book explores the rapid evolution of hospital design in the twentieth century analysing the ways in which architects and other specialists reimagined the modern hospital. It examines how the vast expansion of medical institutions over the course of the century was enabled by new approaches to architectural design and it highlights the emerging political conviction that physical health would become the cornerstone of human welfare. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367665104

Architecture and the Paradox of Dissidence Architecture and the Paradox of Dissidence maps out and expands upon the methodologies of architectural action and reinvigorates the concept of dissent within the architectural field. It expands the notion of dissidence to other similar practices and strategies of resistance in a variety of historical and geographical contexts.The book also discusses how the gestures and techniques of past struggles as well as ‘dilemmas’ of working in politically suppressive regimes can help to inform those of today. This collection of essays from expert scholars demonstrates the multiple responses to this subject the potential and dangers of dissidence and thus constructs a robust lexicon of concepts that will point to possible ways forward for politically and theoretically committed architects and practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415714099

Architecture and the Politics of Gender in Early Modern Europe Written by leading scholars in the field the essays in this book address the relationships between gender and the built environment specifically architecture in early modern Europe. In recent years scholars have begun to investigate the ways in which architecture plays a part in the construction of gendered identities. So far the debates have focused on the built environment of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to the neglect of the early modern period. This book focuses on early modern Europe a period decisive for our understanding of gender and sexuality. Much excellent scholarship has enhanced our understanding of gender division in early modern Europe but often this scholarship considers gender in isolation from other vital factors especially social class. Central to the concerns of this book therefore is a consideration of the intersections of gender with social rank. Architecture and the Politics of Gender in Early Modern Europe makes a major contribution to the developing analysis of how architecture contributes to the shaping of social relations especially in relation to gender in early modern Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138275836

Architecture and the Smart City Increasingly the world around us is becoming ‘smart.’ From smart meters to smart production from smart surfaces to smart grids from smart phones to smart citizens. ‘Smart’ has become the catch-all term to indicate the advent of a charged technological shift that has been propelled by the promise of safer more convenient and more efficient forms of living. Most architects designers planners and politicians seem to agree that the smart transition of cities and buildings is in full swing and inevitable. However beyond comfort safety and efficiency how can ‘smart design and technologies’ assist to address current and future challenges of architecture and urbanism? Architecture and the Smart City provides an architectural perspective on the emergence of the smart city and offers a wide collection of resources for developing a better understanding of how smart architecture smart cities and smart systems in the built environment are discussed designed and materialized. It brings together a range of international thinkers and practitioners to discuss smart systems through four thematic sections: ‘Histories and Futures’ ‘Agency and Control’ ‘Materialities and Spaces’ and ‘Networks and Nodes’. Combined these four thematic sections provide different perspectives into some of the most pressing issues with smart systems in the built environment. The book tackles questions related to the future of architecture and urbanism lessons learned from global case studies and challenges related to interdisciplinary research and critically examines what the future of buildings and cities will look like. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367342074

Architecture and the Unconscious There are a number of recent texts that draw on psychoanalytic theory as an interpretative approach for understanding architecture or that use the formal and social logics of architecture for understanding the psyche. But there remains work to be done in bringing what largely amounts to a series of independent voices into a discourse that is greater than the sum of its parts in the way that say the architect Peter Eisenman was able to do with the architecture of deconstruction or that the historian Manfredo Tafuri was able to do with the Marxist critique of architecture. The discourse of the present volume focuses specifically for the first time on the subject of the unconscious in relation to the design perception and understanding of architecture. It brings together an international group of contributors who provide informed and varied points of view on the role of the unconscious in architectural design and theory and in doing so expand architectural theory to unexplored areas enriching architecture in relation to the humanities. The book explores how architecture engages dreams desires imagination memory and emotions how architecture can appeal to a broader scope of human experience and identity. Beginning by examining the historical development of the engagement of the unconscious in architectural discourse and the current and historical theoretical and practical intersections of architecture and psychoanalysis the volume also analyses the city and the urban condition. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138506923

Architecture and the Welfare State In the decades following World War Two and in part in response to the Cold War governments across Western Europe set out ambitious programmes for social welfare and the redistribution of wealth that aimed to improve the everyday lives of their citizens. Many of these welfare state programmes - housing schools new towns cultural and leisure centres – involved not just construction but a new approach to architectural design in which the welfare objectives of these state-funded programmes were delineated and debated. The impact on architects and architectural design was profound and far-reaching with welfare state projects moving centre-stage in architectural discourse not just in Europe but worldwide. This is the first book to explore the architecture of the welfare state in Western Europe from an international perspective. With chapters covering Austria Belgium France Germany Italy The Netherlands Sweden and the UK the book explores the complex role played by architecture in the formation and development of the welfare state in both theory and practice. Themes include: the role of the built environment in the welfare state as a political project the colonial dimension of European welfare state architecture and its ‘export’ to Africa and Asia the role of welfare state projects in promoting consumer culture and economic growth the picture of the collective produced by welfare state architecture the role of architectural innovation in the welfare state the role of the architect as opposed to construction companies and others in determining what was built the relationship between architectural and social theory the role of internal institutional critique and the counterculture. Contributors include: Tom Avermaete Eve Blau Nicholas Bullock Miles Glendinning Janina Gosseye Hilde Heynen Caroline Maniaque-Benton Helena Mattsson Luca Molinari Simon Pepper Michelle Provoost Lukasz Stanek Mark Swenarton Florian Urban and Dirk van den Heuvel. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415725408

Architecture and Urban Form in Kuala LumpurRace and Chinese Spaces in a Postcolonial City Kuala Lumpur the capital city of Malaysia is a former colony of the British Empire which today prides itself in being a multicultural society par excellence. However the Islamisation of the urban landscape which is at the core of Malaysia’s decolonisation projects has marginalised the Chinese urban spaces which were once at the heart of Kuala Lumpur. Engaging with complex colonial and postcolonial aspects of the city from the British colonial era in the 1880s to the modernisation period in the 1990s this book demonstrates how Kuala Lumpur’s urban landscape is overwritten by a racial agenda through the promotion of Malaysian Architecture including the world-famous mega-projects of the Petronas Twin Towers and the new administrative capital of Putrajaya. Drawing on a wide range of Chinese community archives interviews and resources the book illustrates how Kuala Lumpur’s Chinese spaces have been subjugated. This includes original case studies showing how the Chinese re-appropriated the Kuala Lumpur old city centre of Chinatown and Chinese cemeteries as a way of contesting state’s hegemonic national identity and ideology. This book is arguably the first academic book to examine the relationship of Malaysia’s large Chinese minority with the politics of architecture and urbanism in Kuala Lumpur. It is also one of the few academic books to situate the Chinese diaspora spaces at the centre of the construction of city and nation. By including the spatial contestation of those from the margins and their resistance against the state ideology this book proposes a recuperative urban and architectural history seeking to revalidate the marginalised spaces of minority community and re-script them into the narrative of the postcolonial nation-state. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138267008

Architecture and UtopiaThe Israeli Experiment There are more than 450 Moshavim settlements and about 270 kibbutzim in Israel. While there is a range of communal and cooperative kibbutz movements all with slight ideological differences they are all collective rural communities based on an ideal to create a social utopian settlement. Placing the kibbutz within the wider context of utopian social ideals and how they have historically been physically and architecturally constructed this book discusses the form of the 'ideal settlement' as an integral part and means for realizing a utopian doctrine. It presents an analysis of physical planning in the kibbutz through the past eight decades and how changes in ideology are reflected in changes in layout and aesthetics. In doing so this book shows how a utopian settlement organization behaves over time from their first appearance in 1920 on to an examination of the current spatial layouts and the directions of their expected future development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138257597

Architecture as a Performing Art How do buildings act with people and among people in the performances of life? This collection of essays reveals a deep alliance between architecture and the performing arts uncovering its roots in ancient stories and tracing a continuous tradition of thought that emerges in contemporary practice. With fresh insight the authors ask how buildings perform with people as partners rather than how they look as formal compositions. They focus on actions: the door that offers the possibility of making a dramatic entrance the window that frames a scene and the city street that is transformed in carnival. The essays also consider the design process as a performance improvised among many players and offer examples of recent practice that integrates theater and dance. This collection advances architectural theory history and criticism by proposing the lens of performance as a way to engage the multiple roles that buildings can play without reducing them to functional categories. By casting architecture as spatial action rather than as static form these essays open a promising avenue for future investigation. For architects the essays propose integrating performance into design through playful explorations that can reveal intense relationships between people and place and among people in place. Such practices develop an architectural imagination that intuitively asks 'How might people play out their stories in this place?' and 'How might this place spark new stories?' Questions such as these reside in the heart of all of the essays presented here. Together they open a position in the intersection between everyday life and staged performance to rethink the role of architectural design. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138255425

Architecture as Civil Commitment: Lucio Costa's Modernist Project for Brazil Architecture as Civil Commitment analyses the many ways in which Lucio Costa shaped the discourse of Brazilian modern architecture tracing the roots developments and counter-marches of a singular form of engagement that programmatically chose to act by cultural means rather than by political ones. Split into five chapters the book addresses specific case-studies of Costa’s professional activity pointing towards his multiple roles in the Brazilian federal government and focusing on passages of his work that are much less known outside of Brazil such as his role inside Estado Novo bureaucracy his leadership at SPHAN and his participation in UNESCO’s headquarters project all the way to the design of Brasilia.  Digging deep into the original documents the book crafts a powerful historical reconstruction that gives the international readership a detailed picture of one of the most fascinating architects of the 20th century in all his contradictory geniality. It is an ideal read for those interested in Brazilian modernism students and scholars of architectural and urban planning history socio-cultural and political history and visual arts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409454625

Architecture as Cultural and Political DiscourseCase studies of conceptual norms and aesthetic practices This book is concerned with cultural and political discourses that affect the production of architecture. It examines how these discursive mechanisms and technologies combine to normalise and aestheticise everyday practices. It queries the means by which buildings are appropriated to give shape and form to political aspirations and values. Architecture is not overtly political. It does not coerce people to behave in certain ways. However architecture is constructed within the same rules and practices whereby people and communities self-govern and regulate themselves to think and act in certain ways. This book seeks to examine these rules through various case studies including: the reconstructed Notre Dame Cathedral the Nazi era Munich Konigsplatz Auschwitz concentration camp and the Prora resort Sydney’s suburban race riots and the Australian Immigration Detention Centre on Christmas Island. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138490284

Architecture as the Ethics of Climate At a time when climate and ethics have become so important to architectural debate this book proposes an entirely new way for architects to engage with these core issues. Drawing on Tetsuro Watsuji‘s (1889-1960) philosophy the book illuminates climate not as a collection of objective natural phenomena but as a concrete form of bond in which "who we are"—the subjective human experience—is indivisibly intertwined with the natural phenomena. The book further elucidates the inter-personal nature of climatic experiences criticizing a view that sees atmospheric effects of climate under the guise of personal experientialism and reinforcing the linkage between climate and ethos as the appropriateness of a setting for human affairs. This ethical premise of climate stretches the horizon of sustainability as pertaining not only to man’s solitary relationship with natural phenomena—a predominant trend in contemporary discourse of sustainability—but also to man’s relationship with man. Overcoming climatic determinism—regional determinism too—and expanding the ethics of the inter-personal to the level where the whole and particulars are joined through the dialectics of the mutually-negating opposites Jin Baek develops a new thesis engaging with the very urgent issues inherent in sustainable architecture. Crucially the book explores examples that join climate and the dynamics of the inter-personal including: Japanese vernacular residential architecture the white residential architecture of Richard Neutra contemporary architectural works and urban artifacts by Tadao Ando and Aldo Rossi Beautifully illustrated this book is an important contribution to the discourse which surrounds architecture climate and ethics and encourages the reader to think more broadly about how to respond to the current challenges facing the profession. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415623506

Architecture Beyond CriticismExpert Judgment and Performance Evaluation For the first time this book demonstrates that the two paradigms of architectural criticism and performance evaluation can not only co-exist but complement each other in the assessment of built works. As architecture takes more principled stances worldwide from environmental sustainability to social cultural and economic activism this book examines the roles of perceived and measured quality in architecture. By exploring in tandem both subjective traditional architectural criticism and environmental design and performance evaluation and its objective evaluation criteria the book argues that both methodologies and outcomes can achieve a comprehensive assessment of quality in architecture. Curated by a global editorial team the book includes: Contributions from international architects and critics based in the UK USA Brazil France Qatar Egypt New Zealand China Japan and Germany Global case studies which illustrate both perspectives addressed by the book and comparative analyses of the findings A six part organization which includes introductions and conclusions from the editors to help guide the reader and further illuminate the contributions. By presenting a systematic approach to assessing building performance design professionals will learn how to improve building design and performance with major stakeholders in mind especially end users/occupants. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415725330

Architecture CompetitionProject Design and the Building Process Much valued by design professionals controversially discussed in the media regularly misunderstood by the public and systematically regulated by public procurement; in recent years architecture competitions have become projection screens for various and often incommensurable desires and hopes. Almost all texts on architectural competition engage it for particular reasons whether these be for celebration of the procedure or dismissal. Moving on from such polarised views Architecture Competition is a revelatory study on what really happens when competitions take place. But the story is not just about architecture and design; it is about the whole construction process from the definition of the spatial programme to judgement and selection of projects and the realization of the building. This book explores the competition in the building process as it takes place but also before and after its execution. It demonstrates that competitions are not just one step of many to be taken but that competitive design procedures shape the entire process. Along the way the book exposes among others one of the key evolutions of design competitions – that competition procedures need to be regulated in order to respond to public awarding rules and need to integrate an increasing amount of given standards regarding for example efficiency fire safety and thermal comfort. These notions force competing architects to respond to inflexible and overloaded competition programmes instead of focusing on genuinely crafting an architectural project. If the architecture competition wants to be more highly valued as a design tool it should pay attention to the iterative nature of design and to the fact that perspectives on the problem often change in process. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138368637

Architecture Design Notebook Architecture Design Notebook focuses on the process of design as pragmatic and non-theoretical. Dealing systematically with the core design curriculum it clearly demonstrates the skills required for designing at undergraduate level. Providing students with fundamental maxims of design and a framework within which they can approach their work this book supports undergraduates as they learn to produce solutions to design challenges. This vital design companion underpins the cornerstone of an architectural undergraduates' studies - studio design projects. With over 100 sketches included the book inspires student's design ideas. This updated edition includes new sections on green architecture urban space typology and the virtual building. A. Peter Fawcett is an architect and critic who combines teaching with sporadic practice; he is currently Professor Emeritus of Architecture at the University of Nottingham and visiting Professor at the University of Lincoln. In recent years his work has been placed in architectural competitions and has been hung at the Royal Academy and Royal Ulster Academy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138145665

Architecture Follows Nature-Biomimetic Principles for Innovative Design Applying Properties of Animals Skins to Inspire Architectural EnvelopesBiology influences design projects in many ways; the related discipline is known as biomimetics or biomimicry. Using the animal kingdom as a source of inspiration Ilaria Mazzoleni seeks to instill a shift in thinking about the application of biological principles to design and architecture. She focuses on the analysis of how organisms have adapted to different environments and translates the learned principles into the built environment. To illustrate the methodology Mazzoleni draws inspiration from the diversity of animal coverings referred to broadly as skin and applies them to the design of building envelopes through a series of twelve case studies.Skin is a complex organ that performs a multitude of functions; namely it serves as a link between the body and the environment. Similarly building envelopes act as interfaces between their inhabitants and external elements. The resulting architectural designs illustrate an integrative methodology that allows architecture to follow nature."Ilaria Mazzoleni in collaboration with biologist Shauna Price has developed a profound methodology for architectural and design incentives that anticipates and proposes novel ways to explore undiscovered biological inspirations for various audiences."—Yoseph Bar-Cohen Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138076693

Architecture for a Free SubjectivityDeleuze and Guattari at the Horizon of the Real Architecture for a Free Subjectivity reformulates the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze's model of subjectivity for architecture by surveying the prolific effects of architectural encounter and the spaces that figure in them. For Deleuze and his Lacanian collaborator Félix Guattari subjectivity does not refer to a person but to the potential for and event of matter becoming subject and the myriad ways for this to take place. By extension this book theorizes architecture as a self-actuating or creative agency for the liberation of purely "impersonal effects." Imagine a chemical reaction a riot in the banlieues indeed a walk through a city. Simone Brott declares that the architectural object does not merely take part in the production of subjectivity but that it constitutes its own. This book is to date the only attempt to develop Deleuze's philosophy of subjectivity in singularly architectural terms. Through a screening of modern and postmodern American and European works this provocative volume draws the reader into a close encounter with architectural interiors film scenes and other arrangements while interrogating the discourses of subjectivity surrounding them and the evacuation of the subject in the contemporary discussion. The impersonal effects of architecture radically changes the methodology just as it reimagines architectural subjectivity for the twenty-first century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409419952

Architecture for Rapid Change and Scarce Resources Architects development practitioners and designers are working in a global environment and issues such as environmental and cultural sustainability matter more than ever. Past interactions and interventions between developed and developing countries have often been unequal and inappropriate. We now need to embrace fresh design practices based on respect for diversity and equality participation and empowerment. This book explores what it means for development activists to practise architecture on a global scale and provides a blueprint for developing architectural practices based on reciprocal working methods. The content is based on real situations - through extended field research and contacts with architecture schools and architects as well as participating NGOs. It demonstrates that the ability to produce appropriate and sustainable design is increasingly relevant whether in the field of disaster relief longer-term development or wider urban contexts both in rich countries and poor countries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781849711166

Architecture for Residential Care and Ageing CommunitiesSpaces for Dwelling and Healthcare Architecture for Residential Care and Ageing Communities confronts urgent architectural design challenges within residential innovation ageing communities and healthcare environments. The increasing and diversified demands on the housing market today call for alterability and adaptability in long term solutions for new integrated ways of residing. Meanwhile an accentuated ageing society requires new residential ways of living combining dignity independence and appropriate care. Concurrently profound changes in technical conditions for home healthcare require rethinking healing environments. This edited collection explores the dynamics between these integrated architectural and caring developments and intends to envision reconfigured environmental design patterns that can significantly enhance new forms of welfare and ultimately an improved quality of life. This book identifies presents and articulates new qualities in designs in caring processes and healing atmospheres thereby providing operational knowledge developed in close collaboration with academics actors and stakeholders in architecture design and healthcare. This is an ideal read for those interested in health promotive situations of dwelling ageing and caring. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367358716

Architecture for the CommonsParticipatory Systems in the Age of Platforms Architecture for the Commons dives into an analysis of how the tectonics of a building is fundamentally linked to the economic organizations that allow them to exist. By tracing the origins and promises of current technological practices in design the book provides an alternative path one that reconsiders the means of achieving complexity through combinatorial strategies. This move requires reconsidering serial production with crowdsourcing and user content in mind. The ideas presented will be explored through the design research developed within Plethora Project a design practice that explores the use of video game interfaces as a mechanism for participation and user design. The research work presented throughout the book seeks to align with a larger project that is currently taking place in many different fields: The Construction of the Commons. By developing both the ideological and physical infrastructure the project of the Commons has become an antidote to current economic practices that perpetuate inequality. The mechanisms of the production and governance of the Commons are discussed inviting the reader to get involved and participate in the discussion. The current political and economic landscape calls for a reformulation of our current economic practices and alternative value systems that challenge the current market monopolies. This book will be of great interest not only to architects and designers studying the impact of digital technologies in the field of design but also to researchers studying novel techniques for social participation and cooperating of communities through digital networks. The book connects principles of architecture economics and social sciences to provide alternatives to the current production trends. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138362369

Architecture History Theory and PreservationPrehistory to the Middle Ages Architecture History Theory and Preservation critically explores the historic development theoretical underpinnings and conservation practices of architecture. Complete with 170 full color images this volume presents architectural and urban examples from Prehistory to the Middle Ages chronologically and thematically examining contextual issues that provide each period with distinctive expressions. The special features structural systems materials and construction technologies are analyzed as well as how the international community deals with the task of interpreting and preserving certain historic properties. This publication provides professors and students of architecture art history historic preservation and related fields with an integrated view of architecture using historical theoretical and conservation perspectives. As an architect architectural historian and preservationist herself Dr Pabón-Charneco weaves a field of relationships regarding each building creating a silent yet empowering bridge between past and present. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138326774

Architecture History and Theory in ReverseFrom an Information Age to Eras of Meaning This book looks at architecture history in reverse in order to follow chains of precedents back through time to see how ideas alter the course of civilization in general and the discipline of architecture in particular. Part I begins with present-day attitudes about architecture and traces them back to seminal ideas from the beginning of the twentieth century. Part II examines how pre-twentieth-century societies designed and understood architecture how they strove to create communal physical languages and how their disagreements set the stage for our information age practices. Architecture History and Theory in Reverse includes 45 black-and-white images and will be useful to students of architecture and literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138958197

Architecture in a Climate of Change Revised to incorporate and reflect changes and advances since it was first published the new edition of Architecture in a Climate of Change provides the latest basic principals of sustainability and the future of sustainable technology.Including new material on wind generation domestic water conservation solar thermal electricity as well as international case studies Architecture in a Climate of Change encourages readers to consider new approaches to building making minimum demand on fossil based energy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138135598

Architecture in an Age of Uncertainty In the past two decades economic bubbles inflated and architectural spending around the globe reached fever pitch. In both well-established centers of capital accumulation and far--flung locales audacious building projects sprang up while the skyscraper heretofore more commonly associated with American capitalism seemed as if it might pack up and relocate to Dubai and Shanghai. Of course much has changed in the past couple of years. In formerly free-spending Dubai the tallest building in the world is now is named after the president of Abu Dhabi after he stepped in with last--minute debt financing. In cities across the United States housing prices have nose-dived and cleared lots sit ready for commercial redevelopment that likely won't take place for another decade. Similar stories are not hard to find in many other nations. Architecture firms that swelled in flush days are jettisoning employees at a startling rate. In the context of economic instability (and its attendant social and political consequences) this edited volume brings together scholars critics and architects to discuss the present state of uncertainty in the practice and discipline of architecture. The chapters are organized into three main areas of inquiry: economics practice and technology. Within this larger framework authors explore issues of security ecological design disaster architecture the future of architectural practice and the ethical obligations of the social practice of design. In doing so it argues that this period has actually afforded architecture a valuable moment of self-reflection where alternative directions for both the theory and practice of architecture might be explored rather than continuing with an approach which was so nurtured by capitalist prosperity and affluence. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367739621

Architecture in ConservationManaging Development at Historic Sites One of the problems faced by heritage organizations and museums is adapting old buildings to their needs or building new ones to fit in with historic sites. How exactly do you create a visitor's centre at Stonehenge? The real difficulty lies where the budget is minimal and the potential damage to the environment or setting enormous. Architecture in Conservation looks at the need of the heritage industry to respond sensitively to the limitations or potentials of the environment. James Strike explains the strategies for producing new development at historic sites examining the philosophy of conservation practive and stressing the importance of taking into account the characteristics of each individual site. He explains the way in which the methods of producing good developments relate to our very perception of history and addresses the practical problems involved in developing appropriate sites including the current architectural interest in pastiche versus modern design. Case studies from around the world demonstrate the potential of each approach. James Strike draws on his broad experience as an architect at English Heritage to show that a sensitive approach to these issues can unlock conservation problems and open up new opportunities for architectural expansion. Architecture in conservation will be of considerable interest to site owners and architects responsible for site development and to students of architecture history and building practice and is intended as a handbook for those responsible for commissioning heritage work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415642361

Architecture in Context: Boxset Architecture in Context is a series of seven books describing and illustrating all the seminal traditions of architecture from the earliest settlements in the Euphrates and Jordan valleys to the stylistically and technologically sophisticated buildings of the second half of the twentieth century. It brings together the fruits of the author’s lifetime of teaching and travelling the world seeing and photographing buildings in an extraordinary synthesis. Each stand-alone volume sets the buildings described and illustrated within their political technological social and cultural contexts exploring architecture not only as the development of form but as an expression of the civilization within which it evolved. The series focuses on the story of the Classical tradition from its origins in Mesopotamia and Egypt through its realization in ancient Greece and Rome to the Renaissance Neo-Classicism Eclecticism and Modernism. This thread is supplemented with detailed excursions to cover the development of architecture in Central America India South-East Asia and the Islamic world. For students of architecture and art history for travellers and for readers who want to understand the genesis of the buildings they see around them each volume provides a complete readable and superbly illustrated reference. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138086234

Architecture in Detail II Following on from Graham Bizley's successful Architecture in Detail Architecture in Detail II presents forty case studies of detailing on recent construction projects. Over 150 full colour drawings and photos provide a reference compendium for the professional architect seeking detailing inspiration. Originally featured in Building Design's in Detail magazine the included projects represent some of the most interesting and innovative techniques in recent architecture. Graham Bizley's beautifully presented detail drawings allow the architect to easily see how ideas and techniques can be applied to other projects. The book is organized by building type for quick and easy reference. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138470484

Architecture in FormationOn the Nature of Information in Digital Architecture Architecture in Formation is the first digital architecture manual that bridges multiple relationships between theory and practice proposing a vital resource to structure the upcoming second digital revolution. Sixteen essays from practitioners historians and theorists look at how information processing informs and is informed by architecture. Twenty-nine experimental projects propose radical means to inform the new upcoming digital architecture. Featuring essays by: Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa Aaron Sprecher Georges Teyssot Mario Carpo Patrik Schumacher Bernard Cache Mark Linder David Theodore Evan Douglis Ingeborg Rocker and Christian Lange Antoine Picon Michael Wen-Sen Su Chris Perry Alexis Meier Achim Menges and Martin Bressani. Interviews with: George Legendre Alessandra Ponte Karl Chu CiroNajle and Greg Lynn. Projects by: Diller Scofidio and Renfro; Mark Burry; Yehuda Kalay; Omar Khan; Jason Kelly Johnson Future Cities Lab; Alejandro Zaera-Polo and Maider Llaguno Munitxa; Anna Dyson / Bess Krietemeyer Peter Stark Center for Architecture Science and Ecology (CASE); Philippe Rahm; Lydia Kallipoliti and Alexandros Tsamis; Neeraj Bhatia Infranet Lab; Jenny Sabin Lab Studio; Luc Courschene Society for Arts and Technology (SAT); Eisenman Architects; Preston Scott Cohen; Eiroa Architects; Michael Hansmeyer; Open Source Architecture; Andrew Saunders; Nader Tehrani Office dA; Satoru Sugihara ATLV and Thom Mayne Morphosis; Reiser and Umemoto; Roland Snooks Kokkugia; Philip Beesley; Matias del Campo and Sandra Manninger SPAN; Michael Young; Eric Goldemberg Monad Studio; Francois Roche; Ruy Klein; Chandler Ahrens and John Carpenter. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415534901

Architecture in MotionThe history and development of portable building The idea that architecture can be portable is one that grabs the imagination of both designers and the people who use it perhaps because it so often forecasts a dynamic and creative solution to the complex problems of our contemporary mobile society while at the same time dealing with issues of practicality economy and sustainability. Architecture in Motion examines the development of portable transportable demountable and temporary architecture from prehistory to the present day. From familiar vernacular models such as the tent mobile home and houseboat to ambitious developments in military and construction engineering all aspects of portable building are considered. Building on his earlier works Portable Architecture and Houses in Motion Robert Kronenburg compares traditional forms of building current commercial products and the work of innovative designers and examines key contemporary portable buildings to reveal surprising exciting and imaginative examples. He explores the philosophical and technological issues raised by these experimental and futuristic prototypes. By understanding the nature of transitory architecture a new ecologically aware design strategy can be developed to prioritise buildings that 'tread lightly on the earth' and still convey the sense of identity and community necessary for an established responsible society. This book provides a unique insight into this pivotal field of design. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415676380

Architecture in Nineteenth-Century PhotographsEssays on Reading a Collection Revealing that nineteenth-century photography goes beyond the functional to reflect the aesthetic intellectual and cultural concerns of the time this study proposes that each photographic image of architecture be studied both as a primary visual document and an object of aesthetic inquiry. This multi-faceted approach drives Architecture in Nineteenth-Century Photographs: Essays on Reading a Collection. Despite three decades of post-colonial post-structuralist and gender-conscious criticism the study of architectural photography continues to privilege technical virtuosity. This volume offers a thematic exploration of the material and a socio-historical examination that allows consideration of questions that have not been addressed comprehensively before in a single publication. Themes include exoticism and "armchair tourism"; the absence of women from architectural photography; the role of photographs as commodities; vernacular architecture and the picturesque; and historic preservation urban renewal and nationalism. Micheline Nilsen analyzes photographs from France and Englandâ€the two countries where photography was inventedâ€and from around the world representing a corpus of over 10 000 photographs from the Janos Scholz Collection of Nineteenth-Century Photographs of the Snite Museum of Art at the University of Notre Dame. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138251151

Architecture in the Space of Flows Traditionally architecture has been preoccupied with the resolution of form. That concern helps to make photogenic buildings which have received a great deal of attention. This book looks instead at the idea of the flows which connects things together and moves between things. It is more difficult to discuss but more necessary because it is what makes things work. Architects have to think about flow – the flow of people through buildings the flow of energy into buildings and waste out of them – but usually the effects of flow do not find expression. The essays gathered here present a collection of exploratory ideas and offer an understanding of buildings people and settlements through concepts of flow. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415585422

Architecture In Use This unique book discusses programming design and building evaluation providing a ‘joined up’ approach to building design. By linking the functional and architectonic qualities of a building the authors show the practical implications of the utility value of buildings. Starting by looking at how the relationship between form and function has been dealt with by different approaches to architecture from a historical perspective it goes on to discuss how the desired functional quality and utility value of a building can be expressed in a brief and given a physical form by the architect. Finally it advises on how to carry out post-occupancy evaluation and provides the architect with methods and techniques for testing whether the intended utility value of a building has been achieved. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138149861

Architecture is a Verb Architecture is a Verb outlines an approach that shifts the fundamental premises of architectural design and practice in several important ways. First it acknowledges the centrality of the human organism as an active participant interdependent in its environment. Second it understands human action in terms of radical embodiment—grounding the range of human activities traditionally attributed to mind and cognition: imagining thinking remembering—in the body. Third it asks what a building does—that is extends the performative functional interpretation of design to interrogate how buildings move and in turn move us how they shape thought and action. Finally it is committed to articulating concrete situations by developing a taxonomy of human/building interactions. Written in engaging prose for students of architecture interiors and urban design as well as practicing professionals Sarah Robinson offers richly illustrated practical examples for a new generation of designers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367610364

Architecture Live ProjectsPedagogy into Practice Architecture Live Projects provides a persuasive evidence-based advocacy for moving a particular kind of architectural learning known as Live Projects towards a holistic integration into current and future architectural curricula. Live Projects are work completed in the borderlands between architectural education and built environment practice; they include design/build work community-based design urban advocacy consulting and a host of other forms and models described by the book’s international group of authors. Because of their position Live Projects as vehicle for simultaneously providing teaching and service has the potential to recalibrate the contesting claims that both academia and profession make to architecture. This collection of essays and case studies consolidates current discussions on theory and learning ambitions academic best practices negotiation with licensure and accreditation and considerations of architectural integrity. It is an invaluable resource to current and future Live Projects advocates – whether they aim to move from pedagogy into practice or practice into pedagogy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415733526

Architecture of Defeat Kengo Kuma one of Japan’s leading architects has been combining professional practice and academia for most of his career. In addition to creating many internationally recognized buildings all over the world he has written extensively about the history and theory of architecture. Like his built work his writings also reflect his profound personal philosophy. Architecture of Defeat is no exception. Now available in English for the first time the book explores events and architectural trends in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in both Japan and beyond. It brings together a collection of essays which Kuma wrote after disasters such as the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York City on 9/11 and the earthquake and tsunami that obliterated much of the built landscape on Japan’s northern shore in a matter of minutes in 2011. Asking if we have been building in a manner that is too self-confident or arrogant he examines architecture’s intrinsic—and often problematic—relationship to the powerful forces of contemporary politics economics consumerism and technology as well as its vital ties to society. Despite the title Architecture of Defeat is an optimistic and hopeful book. Rather than anticipating the demise of architecture Kuma envisages a different mode of conceiving architecture: guided and shaped by more modesty and with greater respect for the forces of our natural world. Beautifully designed and illustrated this is a fascinating insight into the thinking of one of the world’s most influential architects. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138390843

Architecture of Great Expositions 1937-1959Messages of Peace Images of War This book investigates architecture as a form of diplomacy in the context of the Second World War at six major European international and national expositions that took place between 1937 and 1959. The volume gives a fascinating account of architecture assuming the role of the carrier of war-related messages some of them camouflaged while others quite frank. The famous standoffs between the Stalinist Russia and the Nazi Germany in Paris 1937 or the juxtaposition of the USSR and USA pavilions in Brussels 1958 are examples of very explicit shows of force. The book also discusses some less known - and more subtle - messages revealed through an examination of several additional pavilions in both Paris and Brussels; of a series of expositions in Moscow; of the Universal Exhibition in Rome that was planned to open in 1942; and of London’s South Bank Exposition of 1951: all of them related in one way or another to either an anticipation of the global war or to its horrific aftermaths. A brief discussion of three pre-World War II American expositions that are reviewed in the Epilogue supports this point. It indicates a significant difference in the attitude of American exposition commissioners who were less attuned to the looming war than their European counterparts. The book provides a novel assessment of modern architecture’s involvement with national representation. Whether in the service of Fascist Italy or of Imperial Japan of Republican Spain or of the post-war Franquista regime of the French Popular Front or of socialist Yugoslavia of the arising FRG or of capitalist USA of Stalinist Russia or of post-colonial Britain exposition architecture during the period in question was driven by a deep faith in its ability to represent ideology. The book argues that this widespread confidence in architecture’s ability to act as a propaganda tool was one of the reasons why Modernist architecture lent itself to the service of such different masters. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138573352

Architecture of Mathematics Architecture of Mathematics describes the logical structure of Mathematics from its foundations to its real-world applications. It describes the many interweaving relationships between different areas of mathematics and its practical applications and as such provides unique reading for professional mathematicians and nonmathematicians alike. This book can be a very important resource both for the teaching of mathematics and as a means to outline the research links between different subjects within and beyond the subject. Features All notions and properties are introduced logically and sequentially to help the reader gradually build understanding. Focusses on illustrative examples that explain the meaning of mathematical objects and their properties. Suitable as a supplementary resource for teaching undergraduate mathematics and as an aid to interdisciplinary research. Forming the reader's understanding of Mathematics as a unified science the book helps to increase his general mathematical culture. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138601055

Architecture of Modern ChinaA Historical Critique A collection of essays on architecture of modern China arranged chronologically covering a period from 1729 to 2008 focusing mainly on the twentieth century. The distinctive feature of this book is a blending of ‘critical’ and ‘historical’ research taking a long-range perspective transcending the current scene and the Maoist period. This is a short elegant book that condenses the wide subject matter into key topics. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315881348

Architecture of Regionalism in the Age of GlobalizationPeaks and Valleys in the Flat World This book remains the definitive introductory text on the theory and history of regionalist architecture in the context of globalization. It addresses issues of identity diversity community inequality geopolitics and sustainability. From the authors who coined the concept of Critical Regionalism this new edition enhances the understanding of the complex evolution of regionalism and its rival unchecked globalization. Covering a rich selection of the most outstanding examples of design from all over the world Liane Lefaivre and Alexander Tzonis who introduced the concept of Critical Regionalism to architecture present an enlightening concise historical analysis of the endurance of regionalism and the ceaseless drive for globalization. New case studies include current cutting-edge projects in Japan Africa China and the United States. Architecture of Regionalism in the Age of Globalization offers undergraduate and graduate students of architecture geography history environmental studies and other related fields an accessible vivid and scholarly perspective of this major conflict as it relates to the design and to the future of the human-made environment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367281168

Architecture of Regionalism in the Age of GlobalizationPeaks and Valleys in the Flat World The definitive introductory book on the theory and history of regionalist architecture in the context of globalization this text addresses issues of identity community and sustainability along with a selection of the most outstanding examples of design from all over the world. Alex Tzonis and Liane Lefaivre give a readable vivid scholarly account of this major conflict as it relates to the design of the human-made environment. Demystifying the reasons behind how globalization enabled creativity and brought about unprecedented wealth but also produced new wastefulness and ecological destruction the book also looks at how regionalism has also tended to confine tearing apart societies and promoting destructive consumerist tourism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415575799

Architecture of ResistanceCultivating Moments of Possibility within the Palestinian/Israeli Conflict Architecture of Resistance investigates the relationship between architecture politics and power and how these factors interplay in light of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. It takes Palestine as the key ground of spatial exploration looking at the spaces between people boundary lines documents and maps in a search for the meaning of architecture of resistance. Stemming from the need for an alternative discourse that can nourish the Palestinian spaces of imagination the author reinterprets the land from a new perspective by stripping it of the dominant power of lines to expose the hidden dynamic topography born out of everyday Palestine. It applies a hybrid approach of research through design and visual documentary through text illustrations mapping techniques and collages to capture the absent local narrative as an essential component of spatial investigation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472447883

Architecture of Schools: The New Learning Environments This is the standard design guide on schools architecture providing vital information on school architecture. Mark Dudek views school building design as a particularly specialised field encompassing ever changing educational theories the subtle spatial and psychological requirements of growing children and practical issues that are unique to these types of building. He explores the functional requirements of individual spaces such as classrooms and shows how their incorporation within a single institution area are a defining characteristic of the effective educational environment. Acoustics impact damage the functional differentiation of spaces such as classrooms music rooms craft activities and gymnasium within a single institution are all dealt with. More esoteric factors such as the effects on behaviour of colour light surface texture and imagery are considered in addition to the more practical aspects of designing for comfort and health.Chapter 4 comprises 20 case studies which address those issues important in the creation of modern school settings. They are state of the art examples from all parts of the world. These examples include: Pokstown Down Primary Bournemouth; Haute Vallee School Jersey; Heinz-Galinski School Berlin; Anne Frank School Papendract Netherlands; Seabird Island School British Columbia and The Little Village Academy Chicago. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138140257

Architecture of the Periphery in ChineseCartography and Minimalism Architecture of the Periphery in Chinese offers a comprehensive survey on the fine structure of the sentence peripheral domain in Mandarin Chinese from a cartographic perspective. Different functional projections hosting sentence-final particles implicit operators and other informational components are hierarchically ordered according to the "Subjectivity Scale Constraint" functioning at syntax-discourse interface. Three questions will be essentially addressed: What is the order? How to determine such an order? Why such an order? This research not only gives a thorough examination of the peripheral elements in Chinese but also improves the general understanding of the ordering issue in the left-periphery crosslinguistically. This book is aimed at scholars interested in Chinese syntax or generative syntax. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138068186

Architecture on the BorderlineBoundary Politics and Built Space Architecture on the Borderline interrogates space and territory in a turbulent present where nation-state borders are porous to a few but impermeable to many. It asks how these uneven and conflicted social realities are embodied in the physical and material conditions imagined produced or experienced through architecture and urbanism. Drawing on historical global examples this rich collection of essays illustrates how empires nations and cities expand their frontiers and contest boundaries but equally how borderline identities of people and places influence or expose these processes. Empirical chapters covering Central Asia the Asia Pacific region the American continent Europe and the Middle East offer multiple critical insights into the ways in which our spatial imagination is contingent on ‘border-thinking’; on the ways of being and navigating frontiers boundaries and margins the three themes used to organise their content. The underlying premise of the book is that sensitisation to border conditions can alter our understanding of the static physical spaces that service political or cultural ideologies and that the view from the periphery opens up new ways of understanding sovereignty. In exploring these various spaces and their transformative subjectivities this book also reveals the unrelenting precarity of contesting and living on the margins and related spaces and discourses that are neglected or suppressed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138102828

Architecture or RevolutionEmancipatory Critique After Marx By linking building theory to the emancipatory project of critique advanced by radical thinkers in our time this work investigates the key conceptual and historical elements that culminate in an emancipatory theory of building entitled: 'Toward a philosophy of shelter’. Taking Marx as its only resource this work proceeds with the conviction that our era is contemporaneous to Marx’s historical era. This means ‘not judging the validity of Marx from the perspective of the historical situation’ but rather ‘demonstrating the validity of a Marxian perspective for a singular historical situation’ as ours. This work will therefore translate this perspective into seeing the situation of architecture through the eyes of Marx. All those concerned with the predicament in our current condition in which architecture must play a major social role in upholding the universal value of what Alain Badiou calls 'generic humanity' will take an interest in this work. In particular architects critics scholars and students inside the field of architecture who would be seeking the application of this universal value to a new theory of building will be a welcoming audience for this work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367425487

Architecture Post MortemThe Diastolic Architecture of Decline Dystopia and Death Architecture Post Mortem surveys architecture’s encounter with death decline and ruination following late capitalism. As the world moves closer to an economic abyss that many perceive to be the death of capital contraction and crisis are no longer mere phases of normal market fluctuations but rather the irruption of the unconscious of ideology itself. Post mortem is that historical moment wherein architecture’s symbolic contract with capital is put on stage naked to all. Architecture is not irrelevant to fiscal and political contagion as is commonly believed; it is the victim and penetrating analytical agent of the current crisis. As the very apparatus for modernity’s guilt and unfulfilled drives-modernity’s debt-architecture is that ideological element that functions as a master signifier of its own destruction ordering all other signifiers and modes of signification beneath it. It is under these conditions that architecture theory has retreated to an 'Alamo' of history a final desert outpost where history has been asked to transcend itself. For architecture’s hoped-for utopia always involves an apocalypse. This timely collection of essays reformulates architecture’s relation to modernity via the operational death-drive: architecture is but a passage between life and death. This collection includes essays by Kazi K. Ashraf David Bertolini Simone Brott Peggy Deamer Didem Ekici Paul Emmons Donald Kunze Todd McGowan Gevork Hartoonian Nadir Lahiji Erika Naginski and Dennis Maher. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409462224

Architecture Re-assembledThe Use (and Abuse) of History Beginning from the rise of modern history in the eighteenth century this book examines how changing ideas in the discipline of history itself has affected architecture from the beginning of modernity up to the present day. It reflects upon history in order to encourage and assist the reader in finding well-founded principles for architectural design. This is not simply another history of architecture nor a ‘history of histories’. Setting buildings in their contemporaneous ideas about history it spans from Fischer von Erlach to Venturi and Rossi and beyond to architects working in the fallout from both the Modern Movement – Aalto Louis Kahn Aldo van Eyck – and Post-modernism – such as Rafael Moneo and Peter Zumthor. It shows how Soane Schinkel and Stirling amongst others made a meaningful use of history and contrasts this with how a misreading of Hegel has led to an abuse of history and an uncritical flight to the future. This is not an armchair history but a lively discussion of our place between past and future that promotes thinking for making. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415522458

Architecture RePerformed: The Politics of Reconstruction First emerging at the beginning of the twentieth century architectural reconstruction has increasingly become an instrument to visually revive a long bygone past. This book deals with the phenomenon of meticulous reconstruction in architecture. It argues that the politics of reconstruction go far beyond aesthetic considerations. Taking architecture as a major source of history and regional identity the impact of large-scale reconstruction is deeply intertwined with political and social factors. Furthermore memories and associations correlated with lost buildings of a bygone era are heavily influenced by their re-appearance something which often contradicts historical events. Reconstruction has become an established way of building and dealing with the past yet so far there is no comprehensive scientific study on it. By bringing together eight case studies from Eastern Europe France Spain China Japan Israel and Brazil it provides valuable insights into this topic. The chapters analyse the political background of the reconstructions and identify the protagonists. In doing so this volume adds to our understanding of the impact of reconstruction to memory and oblivion as well as the critical power of reconstruction regarding contemporary architecture and urbanism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138573291

Architecture's AppealHow Theory Informs Architectural Praxis This collection of previously unpublished essays from a diverse range of well-known scholars and architects builds on the architectural tradition of phenomenological hermeneutics as developed by Dalibor Veseley and Joseph Rykwert and carried on by David Leatherbarrow Peter Carl and Alberto Pérez-Gómez. Taking an interdisciplinary approach and drawing on ideas from beyond the architectural canon contributors including Kenneth Frampton David Leatherbarrow Juhani Pallasmaa Karsten Harries Steven Holl Indra Kagis McEwen Paul Emmons and Louise Pelletier offer new insights and perspectives on questions such as the following: Given the recent fascination with all things digital and novel what is the role of history and theory in contemporary architectural praxis? Is authentic meaning possible in a technological environment that is so global and interconnected? What is the nature and role of the architect in our shared modern world? How can these questions inform a new model of architectural praxis? Architecture's Appeal is a thought-provoking book which will inspire further scholarly inquiry and act as a basis for discussion in the wider field as well as graduate seminars in architectural theory and history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138024229

Architectures for IntelligenceThe 22nd Carnegie Mellon Symposium on Cognition This unique volume focuses on computing systems that exhibit intelligent behavior. As such it discusses research aimed at building a computer that has the same cognitive architecture as the mind -- permitting evaluations of it as a model of the mind -- and allowing for comparisons between computer performance and experimental data on human performance. It also examines architectures that permit large complex computations to be performed -- and questions whether the computer so structured can handle these difficult tasks intelligently. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315807843

Architectures of Chance Architectural discourse and practice are dominated by a false dichotomy between design and chance and governed by the belief that the architect’s role is to defend against the indeterminate. In Architectures of Chance Yeoryia Manolopoulou challenges this position arguing for the need to develop a more creative understanding of chance as aesthetic experience and critical method and as a design practice in its own right. Examining the role of experimental chance across film psychoanalysis philosophy fine art and performance this is the first book to comprehensively discuss the idea of chance in architecture and bring a rich array of innovative practices of chance to the attention of architects. Wide-ranging and through a symbiotic interplay of drawing and text Architectures of Chance makes illuminating reading for those interested in the process and experience of design and the poetics and ethics of chance and space in the overlapping fields of architecture and the aleatoric arts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409435365

Architectures of DisplayDepartment Stores and Modern Retail Through an international range of case studies from the 1870s to the present this volume analyzes strategies of display in department stores and modern retail spaces. Established scholars and emerging researchers working within a range of disciplinary contexts and historiographical traditions shed light on what constitutes modern retail and the ways in which interior designers architects and artists have built or transformed their practice in response to the commercial context. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367343897

Architectures of Economic SubjectivityThe Philosophical Foundations of the Subject in the History of Economic Thought The history of European economic thought has long been written by those seeking to prove or disprove the truth-value of the theories they describe. This work takes a different approach. It explores the philosophical groundwork of the theoretical structure within which economic subjects are presented. Demonstrating how the subjects of economic texts tend to be defined in and through their relationship to knowledge this study addresses the epistemological constitution of subjectivity in economic thought. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138686502

Architectures of ExcessCultural Life in the Information Age First Published in 1995. Much of recent theory has characterized life in media-sophisticated societies in terms of a semiotic overload which allegedly has had only devastating effects on communication and subjectivity. In Architectures of Excess Jim Collins argues that while the rate of technological change has indeed accelerated so has the rate of absorption. The seemingly endless array of information has generated not chaos but different structures and strategies which harness that excess by turning it into forms of art and entertainment. Digital sampling in rap music and cyber-punk science fiction are well-known examples of techno-pop textuality but Collins concentrates on other contemporaneous phenomena that are also envisioning new cultural landscapes by accessing that array--hyper-self-reflexivity in mall movies best sellers and prime-time television; the deconstructive vs. new-classical debate in architecture; the emergence of the "New Black Aesthetic;" the development of retro-modernism in interior design and the fashion industries. The analyses of these disparate discontinous attempts to develop a meaningful sense of location in an historical as well as a spatial sense address a cluster of interconnected questions: How is the array of information being "domesticated?" How has appropriationism evolved from the Pop-Art of the sixties to the sampling of the nineties? How has the relationship between tradition innovation and evaluation been altered? Architectures of Excess investigates how these phenomena reflect change in taste and subjectivity considering how we must account for both pedagogically. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315021461

Architectures of Festival in Early Modern EuropeFashioning and Re-fashioning Urban and Courtly Space This fourth volume in the European Festival Studies 1450–1700 series breaks with precedent in stemming from a joint conference (Venice 2013) between the Society for European Festivals Research and the PALATIUM project supported by the European Science Foundation. The volume draws on up-to-date research by a Europe-wide group of academic scholars and museum and gallery curators to provide a unique intellectually-stimulating and beautifully-illustrated account of temporary architecture created for festivals of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries together with permanent architecture pressed into service for festival occasions across major European locations including Italian French Austrian Scottish and German. Appealing and vigorous in style the essays look towards classical sources while evoking political and practical circumstances and intellectual concerns – from re-shaping and re-conceptualizing early sixteenth-century Rome through providing for the well-being and political allegiance of Medici-era Florentines and exploring the teasing aesthetics of performance at Versailles to accommodating players and spectators in seventeenth-century Paris and at royal and ducal events for the Habsburg French and English crowns. The volume is unique in its field in the diversity of its topics and the range of its scholarship and fascinating in its account of the intellectual and political life of Early Modern Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472432001

Architectures of Hurry—Mobilities Cities and Modernity ‘Hurry’ is an intrinsic component of modernity. It exists not only in tandem with modern constructions of mobility speed rhythm and time–space compression but also with infrastructures technologies practices and emotions associated with the experience of the ‘mobilizing modern’. ‘Hurry’ is not simply speed. It may result in congestion slowing-down or inaction in the face of over-stimulus. Speeding-up is often competitive: faster traffic on better roads made it harder for pedestrians to cross or for horse-drawn vehicles and cyclists to share the carriageway with motorized vehicles. Focusing on the cultural and material manifestations of ‘hurry’ the book’s contributors analyse the complexities tensions and contradictions inherent in the impulse to higher rates of circulation in modernizing cities.The collection includes but also goes beyond accounts of new forms of mobility (bicycles buses underground trains) and infrastructure (street layouts and surfaces business exchanges and hotels) to show how modernity’s ‘architectures of hurry’ have been experienced represented and practised since the mid nineteenth century. Ten case studies explore different expressions of ‘hurry’ across cities and urban regions in Asia Europe and North and South America and substantial introductory and concluding chapters situate ‘hurry’ in the wider context of modernity and mobility studies and reflect on the future of ‘hurry’ in an ever-accelerating world. This diverse collection will be relevant to researchers scholars and practitioners in the fields of planning cultural and historical geography urban history and urban sociology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367591892

Architectures of JusticeLegal Theory and the Idea of Institutional Design Law can be seen to consist not only of rules and decisions but also of a framework of institutions providing a structure that forms the conditions of its workable existence and acceptance. In this book Olsen and Toddington conduct a philosophical exploration and critique of these conditions: what they are and how they shape our understanding of what constitutes a legal system and the role of justice within it. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138266247

Architectures of TransversalityPaul Klee Louis Kahn and the Persian Imagination Architectures of Transversality investigates the relationship between modernity space power and culture in Iran. Focusing on Paul Klee’s Persian-inspired miniature series and Louis Kahn’s unbuilt blueprint for a democratic public space in Tehran it traces the architectonics of the present as a way of moving beyond universalist and nationalist accounts of modernism. Transversality is a form of spatial production and practice that addresses the three important questions of the self objects and power. Using Deleuzian and Heideggerian theory the book introduces the practices of Klee and Kahn as transversal spatial responses to the dialectical tension between existential and political territories and in doing so situates the history of the silent unrepresented and the unbuilt – constructed from the works of Klee and Kahn – as a possible solution to the crisis of modernity and identity-based politics in Iran. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367502621

Architecture's PretextsSpaces of Translation The aim of this book is to expose readers to architecture’s pretexts that include literary narratives film theatre painting music and ritual as a bridge between diverse intellectual territories and architecture. It introduces a selection of seminal modern and contemporary architectural projects their situation within the built environment and their intellectual and formal situation/context as pretexts and design paradigms. Connections between diverse bodies of information will be cultivated along with the ability to posit consequential relationships for the production of architecture. Architecture’s Pretexts seeks to cultivate a vision for architecture that sponsors operative links between the discipline of architecture and those outside of architecture. Exploring the works of various architects including Guiseppe Terragni Peter Eisenman Peter Zumthor Perry Kulper and Smout Allen and Rem Koolhaas this book provides the framework to understanding architecture through the lens of art. Key concepts discussed are: allegories diagrams form material montage movement musical ratios narrative sequence and representation. A valuable tool with over 75 black and white illustrations for students and professionals interested in interdisciplinary methods of design thinking. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415898928

ArchitectureThe Subject is Matter The aim of this book is to expand the subject and matter of architecture and to explore their interdependence. There are now many architectures. This book acknowledges architecture far beyond the familiar boundaries of the discipline and reassesses the object at its centre: the building. Architectural matter is not always physical or building fabric. It is whatever architecture is made of whether words bricks blood cells sounds or pixels. The fifteen chapters are divided into three sections - on buildings spaces and bodies - which each deal with a particular understanding of architecture and architectural matter.The richness and diversity of subjects and materials discussed in this book locates architecture firmly in the world as a whole not just the domain of architects. In stating that architecture is far more than the work of architects this book aims not to deny the importance of architects in the production of architecture but to see their role in more balanced terms and to acknowledge other architectural producers. Architecture can for example be found in the incisions of a surgeon the instructions of a choreographer or the movements of a user. Architecture can be made of anything and by anyone. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315011356

Archival Futures This book draws on the contributions of a range of international experts to consider the current archival landscape and imagine the archive of the future. Firmly rooted in current professional debate and scholarship Archival Futures offers thought provoking and accessible chapters that aim to challenge and inspire archivists globally and to encourage debate about their futures. It is widely acknowledged that the archive profession/discipline is facing a time of change. The digital world has presented changes in how records are created used stored and communicated. At the same time there is increased public debate over issues such as ownership of and access to information and its authenticity and reliability in a networked and interconnected world. On a practical level archivists are being asked to do more to have a greater range of skills often with increasingly restricted resources while competing with others to maintain their role as experts in ever changing environments. Media > Books > Print Books Facet Publishing 9781783301829

Archival StorytellingA Filmmaker’s Guide to Finding Using and Licensing Third-Party Visuals and Music Fully revised and updated Archival Storytelling second edition is a timely pragmatic look at the use of audiovisual materials available to filmmakers and scholars from the earliest photographs of the 19th century to the work of media makers today.  Whether you’re a top Hollywood filmmaker or a first-time documentarian at some point you are going to want to find use and license third-party materials—images audio or music that you yourself did not create—to use them in your work. This book explains what’s involved in researching and licensing visuals and music and exactly what media makers need to know when filming in a world crowded with rights-protected images and sounds. Filled with insights from filmmakers archivists and intellectual property experts this second edition defines key terms such as copyright fair use public domain and orphan works. It guides readers through the complex archival process and challenges them to become not only archival users but also archival and copyright activists.  This book is an essential resource for both students and professionals from seasoned filmmakers to those creating their first projects offering practical advice for how to effectively and ethically draw on the wealth of cultural materials that surround us. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138915039

Archives Museums and Collecting Practices in the Modern Arab World Collecting has a long tradition in the Middle East but the museum as a public institution is relatively new. Today there are national museums for antiquities in most Arab countries. While in some cases the political and social climate has hindered the foundation of museums with existing collections even destroyed at times the recent museum boom in the Gulf States is again changing the outlook. This unique book is the first to explore collecting practices in archives and museums in the modern Arab world featuring case studies of collecting practices in countries ranging from Egypt and Lebanon to Palestine Jordan Iraq and the Gulf and providing a theoretical and methodological basis for future research. The authors are also concerned with investigating the relationship between past and present since collecting practices tell us a great deal not only about the past but also about the ways we approach the past and present conceptions of our identities. Collections can be textual as well as in the stories memories or events selected recalled and retold in the pages of a text. As interest in memory studies as well as popular and visual culture grows in the Arab World so collecting practices are at the heart of any critical approach to the past and the present in that region. The book will be of great interest not only to scholars and students of the modern Arab world but also to professionals in museums and collections in the region as well as around the world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138279681

Archives Recordkeeping and Social Justice Archives Recordkeeping and Social Justice expands the burgeoning literature on archival social justice and impact. Illuminating how diverse factors shape the relationship between archives recordkeeping systems and recordkeepers this book depicts struggles for different social justice objectives. Discussions and debates about social justice are playing out across many disciplines fields of practice societal sectors and governments and yet one dimension cross-cutting these actors and engagement spaces has remained unexplored: the role of recordkeeping and archiving. To clarify and elaborate this connection this volume provides a rigorous account of the engagement of archives and records—and their keepers—in struggles for social justice. Drawing upon multidisciplinary praxis and scholarship contributors to the volume examine social justice from historical and contemporary perspectives and promote impact methodologies that align with culturally responsive democratic Indigenous and transformative assessment. Underscoring the multiplicity of transformative social justice impacts influenced by recordmaking recordkeeping and archiving the book presents nine case studies from around the world that link the past to the present and offer pathways towards a more just future. Archives Recordkeeping and Social Justice will be an essential reading for researchers and students engaged in the study of archives truth and reconciliation processes social justice and human rights. It should also be of great interest to archivists records managers and information professionals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472483881

Archives Second Revised EditionPrinciples and Practices This new and extensively revised second edition offers an international perspective on archives management providing authoritative guidance relevant to collections-based repositories and to organizations responsible for managing their own institutional archives. Written in clear language with lively examples Archives: Principles and practices introduces core archival concepts explains best-practice approaches and discusses the central activities that archivists need to know to ensure the documentary materials in their charge are cared for as effectively as possible. Topics addressed include core archival principles and concepts; archival history and the evolution of archival theories the nature and diversity of archival materials and institutions; the responsibilities and duties of the archivist; issues in the management of archival institutions; the challenges of balancing access and privacy in archival service best practice principles and strategic approaches to central archival tasks such as acquisition preservation reference and access; detailed comparison of custodial fonds-oriented approaches and post-custodial functional approaches to arrangement and description. Discussion of digital archives is woven throughout the book including consideration of the changing role of the archivist in the digital age. In recasting her book to address the impact of digital technologies on records and archives Millar offers us an archival manual for the twenty-first century. This book will be essential reading for archival practitioners archival studies students and professors librarians museum curators local authorities small governments public libraries community museums corporations associations and other agencies with archival responsibility. Media > Books > Print Books Facet Publishing 9781783302062

Archives and Archivists in 20th Century England 'Archives have the potential to change people's lives. They are 'a fundamental bulwark of our democracy our culture our community and personal identity' - National Council of Archives. Archives and Archivists in 20th Century England innovatively focuses on the multifunctional reasons behind the creations of archives - they enable the conduct of business and support accountability whilst also meeting the demands of a democratic society's expectations for transparency and the protection of rights. They are the raw material of our history and memory while archivists and records managers are the professionals responsible for ensuring that these qualities are protected and exploited for the public good. This volume will be of key interest to anyone working with archives. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815399063

Archives and Human Rights Why and how can records serve as evidence of human rights violations in particular crimes against humanity and help the fight against impunity? Archives and Human Rights shows the close relationship between archives and human rights and discusses the emergence at the international level of the principles of the right to truth justice and reparation. Through a historical overview and topical case studies from different regions of the world the book discusses how records can concretely support these principles. The current examples also demonstrate how the perception of the role of the archivist has undergone a metamorphosis in recent decades towards the idea that archivists can and must play an active role in defending basic human rights first and foremost by enabling access to documentation on human rights violations. Confronting painful memories of the past is a way to make the ghosts disappear and begin building a brighter more serene future. The establishment of international justice mechanisms and the creation of truth commissions are important elements of this process. The healing begins with the acknowledgment that painful chapters are essential parts of history; archives then play a crucial role by providing evidence. This book is both a tool and an inspiration to use archives in defence of human rights. The Open Access version of this book available at has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367150341

Archives and Library AdministrationDivergent Traditions and Common Concerns This informative volume focuses on the effective management of library archives presenting perspectives and firsthand accounts from experienced and successful administrators in the field. The contributors examine the differences and similarities in the management of archives and other library/information centers providing valuable insights into various managment styles decisions and planning techniques. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203727201

Archives and New Modes of Feminist Research In an era when the metaphor of the archive is invoked to cover almost any kind of memory collection or accumulation it is important to re-examine what is entailed—politically and methodologically—in the practice of feminist archival research. This question is central not only to the renewed interest many disciplines are showing in empirical research in archives but also given the current explosion of online social and cultural data which has fundamentally transformed what we understand an archive to be. Contributors in this collection are keen to mark out what may be novel and what is enduring in the ways in which feminist thought and feminist practice frame archives. Importantly they engage with archives in their historical and political complexity rather than treating them as simple repositories of source material. In this respect contributors are keenly interested in what it means to archive particular materials and not simply in what those materials may hold for feminist researchers. The collection features established and emerging feminist scholars and brings together interventions from across such disciplines as history literature modernist studies cinema studies and law. This book was originally published as a special issue of the journal Australian Feminist Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367586003

Archives and RecordkeepingTheory into practice This groundbreaking text demystifies archival and recordkeeping theory and its role in modern day practice.The book's great strength is in articulating some of the core principles and issues that shape the discipline and the impact and relevance they have for the 21st century professional.Using an accessible approach it outlines and explores key literature and concepts and the role they can play in practice. Leading international thinkers and practitioners from the archives and records management world Jeannette Bastian Alan Bell Anne Gilliland Rachel Hardiman Eric Ketelaar Jennifer Meehan and Caroline Williams consider the concepts and ideas behind the practicalities of archives and records management to draw out their importance and relevance.Key topics covered include: Concepts roles and definitions of records and archives Archival appraisal Arrangement and description Ethics for archivists and records managers Archives memories and identities The impact of philosophy on archives and records management Does technological change marginalize recordkeeping theory? Readership: This is essential reading for students and educators in archives and recordkeeping and invaluable as a guide for practitioners who want to better understand and inform their day-to-day work. It is also a useful guide across related disciplines in the information sciences and humanities. Media > Books > Print Books Facet Publishing 9781856048255

Archives and RecordkeepingTheory into Practice This groundbreaking text demystifies archival and recordkeeping theory and its role in modern day practice. The book's great strength is in articulating some of the core principles and issues that shape the discipline and the impact and relevance they have for the 21st century professional. Using an accessible approach it outlines and explores key literature and concepts and the role they can play in practice. Leading international thinkers and practitioners from the archives and records management world Jeannette Bastian Alan Bell Anne Gilliland Rachel Hardiman Eric Ketelaar Jennifer Meehan and Caroline Williams consider the concepts and ideas behind the practicalities of archives and records management to draw out their importance and relevance. Media > Books > Print Books Facet Publishing 9781783303083

Archives and the Digital Library Technological advances and innovative perspectives constantly evolve the notion of what makes up a digital library. Archives and the Digital Library provides an insightful snapshot of the current state of archiving in the digital realm. Respected experts in library and information science present the latest research results and illuminating case studies to provide a comprehensive glimpse at the theory technological advances and unique approaches to digital information management as it now stands. The book focuses on digitally reformatted surrogates of non-digital textual and graphic materials from archival collections exploring the roles archivists can play in broadening the scope of digitization efforts through creatively developing policies procedures and tools to effectively manage digital content.Many of the important advances in digitization of materials have little to do with the efforts of archivists. Archives and the Digital Library concentrates specifically on the developments in the world of archives and the digitization of the unique content of information resources archivists deal with on a constant basis. This resource reviews the current issues and challenges effective user assessment techniques various digital resources projects collaboration strategies and helpful best practices. The book is extensively referenced and includes helpful illustrative figures.Topics in Archives and the Digital Library include: a case study of LSTA-grant funded California Local History Digital Resources Project expanding the scope of traditional archival digitations projects beyond the limits of a single institution a case study of the California Cultures Project the top ten themes in usability issues case studies of usability studies focus groups interviews ethnographic studies and web log analysis developing a reciprocal partnership with a digital library the technical challenges in harvesting and managing Web archives metadata strategies to provide descriptive technical and preservation related information about archived Web sites long-term preservation of digital materials building a trusted digital repository collaboration in developing and supporting the technical and organizational infrastructure for sustainability in both academic and state government the Archivists’ Toolkit software applicationArchives and the Digital Library is timely important reading for archivists librarians library administrators library information educators archival educators and students. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203051856

Archives in Russia: A Directory and Bibliographic Guide to Holdings in Moscow and St.PetersburgA Directory and Bibliographic Guide to Holdin This is a comprehensive directory and bibliographic guide to Russian archives and manuscript repositories in the capital cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is an essential resource for any researcher interested in Russian sources for topics in diplomatic military and church history; art; dance; film; literature; science; ethnolography; and geography. The first part lists general bibliographies of relevant reference literature directories bibliographic works and specialized subject-related sources. In the following sections of the directory archival listings are grouped in institutional categories. Coverage includes federal ministerial agency presidential local university Academy of Sciences organizational library and museum holdings. Individual entries include the name of the repository (in Russian and English) basic information on location staffing institutional history holdings access and finding aids.More comprehensive and up-to-date than the 1997 Russian Version this edition includes Web-site information dozens of additional repositories several hundred more bibliographical entries coverage of reorganization issues four indexes and a glossary. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706337

Archives of Library Research From the Molesworth Institute An anthology of library humor by the director of the mythical Molesworth Institute Norman Stevens this book is sure to provide librarians with many hours of amusement. This collection is full of Stevens’most memorable papers describing the odd kinds of research conducted by the Institute such as a sophisticated study of the disappearance of umbrellas in libraries a computer analysis of library postcards and a “precostretrieval” scheme to accelerate the disintegration of book pages while saving the letters in them. Archives of Library Research from the Molesworth Institute is also well-stocked with unforgettable one-liners such as the author’s “plan to solve a major space problem for libraries by microfilming all Braille books.”The imaginary Molesworth Institute has taken on a life of its own since its story first appeared in the ALA Bulletin in 1963. Stevens writes mostly for fun and entertainment but also to stress the point that librarians should take a less serious view of their work. After all as Stevens points out in this anthology “The library world like the real world [is] impossible to understand on a rational basis.” Now librarians can enjoy the convenience of having Stevens’most treasured papers--spanning over two decades--all in one very funny book. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315860060

Archives of the Black AtlanticReading Between Literature and History Many African diasporic novelists and poets allude to or cite archival documents in their writings foregrounding the elements of archival research and data in their literary texts and revising the material remnants of the archive. This book reads black historical novels and poetry in an interdisciplinary context to examine the multiple archives that have produced our historical consciousness. In the history of African diaspora literature black writers and intellectuals have led the way for an analysis of the archive querying dominant archives and revising the ways black people have been represented in the legal and hegemonic discourses of the west. Their work in genres as diverse as autobiography essay bibliography poetry and the novel attests to the centrality of this critique in black intellectual culture. Through literary engagement with the archives of the slave trader colonizer and courtroom creative writers teach us to read the archives of history anew probing between the documents for stories left untold questions left unanswered and freedoms enacted against all odds. Opening new perspectives on Atlantic history and culture Walters generates a dialogue between what was and what might have been. Ultimately Walters argues that references to archival documents in black historical literature introduce a new methodology for studying both the archive and literature itself engaging in a transnational and interdisciplinary reading that exposes the instability of the archive's truth claim and highlights rebellious possibility. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138377707

Archiving LossHolding Places for Difficult Memories Drawing together many stories from the archives of difficult events and volatile histories Archiving Loss: Holding Places for Difficult Memories asks how we might cut and walk a path for memory loss and silence in the archive. The difficult events discussed in this book include state responses to refugees events of genocide alongside other less documented pockets of trauma violence and loss. This book describes the archives whose language and logic have shaped our ways we remember and respond to difficult events and the ways in which we expect memory and loss to be coherent credible and lead to clear conclusions. In asking what is missing and what is found in the archives of difficult events this book argues for the necessity of looking more closely at other ways of remembering loss and archiving memory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367821098

Archiving Settler ColonialismCulture Space and Race Archiving Settler Colonialism: Culture Race and Space brings together 15 essays from across the globe to capture a moment in settler colonial studies that turns increasingly towards new cultural archives for settler colonial research. Essays on hitherto under-examined materials—including postage stamps musical scores urban parks and psychiatric records—reflect on how cultural texts archive moments of settler self-fashioning. Archiving Settler Colonialism also expands settler colonial studies’ reach as an international academic discipline bringing together scholarly research about the British breakaway settler colonies with underanalyzed non-white non-Anglophone settler societies. The essays together illustrate settler colonial cultures as—for all their similarities—ultimately divergent constructions locally situated and produced of specific power relations within the messy operations of imperial domination. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367583194

Arc-Search Techniques for Interior-Point Methods This book discusses an important area of numerical optimization called interior-point method. This topic has been popular since the 1980s when people gradually realized that all simplex algorithms were not convergent in polynomial time and many interior-point algorithms could be proved to converge in polynomial time. However for a long time there was a noticeable gap between theoretical polynomial bounds of the interior-point algorithms and efficiency of these algorithms. Strategies that were important to the computational efficiency became barriers in the proof of good polynomial bounds. The more the strategies were used in algorithms the worse the polynomial bounds became. To further exacerbate the problem Mehrotra's predictor-corrector (MPC) algorithm (the most popular and efficient interior-point algorithm until recently) uses all good strategies and fails to prove the convergence. Therefore MPC does not have polynomiality a critical issue with the simplex method. This book discusses recent developments that resolves the dilemma. It has three major parts. The first including Chapters 1 2 3 and 4 presents some of the most important algorithms during the development of the interior-point method around the 1990s most of them are widely known. The main purpose of this part is to explain the dilemma described above by analyzing these algorithms' polynomial bounds and summarizing the computational experience associated with them. The second part including Chapters 5 6 7 and 8 describes how to solve the dilemma step-by-step using arc-search techniques. At the end of this part a very efficient algorithm with the lowest polynomial bound is presented. The last part including Chapters 9 10 11 and 12 extends arc-search techniques to some more general problems such as convex quadratic programming linear complementarity problem and semi-definite programming. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367487287

Arctic and Alpine Environments Originally published in 1974 Arctic and Alpine Environments examines the relatively simple ecosystems of arctic and alpine lands that still occupy extensive areas little disturbed by modern technology. The book argues that there is a necessity for carefully controlled development of the resources of these regions and suggests that there is a risk of irreversible disturbance without full understanding of these regions. This book provides a detailed documentation of cold-stressed arctic and alpine terrestrial environments and systematically deals with the present and past physical environment – climate hydrology and glaciology; biota – treeline vegetation vertebrate zoology and historical biogeography; abiotic processes – geomorphological and pedological and the role of man – bioclimatology archaeology and technological impact including radioecology. The book will appeal to academics and students of environmental and biological science as well as providing a significant source for conservationists’ government agencies and industrial organizations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367352516

Arctic and Environmental Change Presented at The Arctic and Environmental Change meeting held by the Royal Society in October 1994 the fourteen papers which form the basis of this book contain a wide-ranging review of Arctic environmental change in response to global warming and also give a broad insight into the transformation of the Arctic which we can expect during the next century. It will be an invaluable reference for anyone seeking a greater understanding of the factors and processes affecting the Arctic environment which may ultimately have a major impact on global climatic change. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367579463

Arctic Archaeology Examining human occupation of the arctic and subarctic zones irrespective of place and time this book explores a wide variety of fascinating areas and inhabitants along several points in history. Beautifully illustrated Arctic Archaeology is essential reading for all those curious about how organisms survived in this life threatening environment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138164505

Arctic Environmental CooperationA Study in Governmentality This title was first published in 2000: The book analyses the development of arctic environmental cooperation since the late 1980s until the establishment of the Arctic Council in 1996. The study is based on the discourse analysis of statement documents and interviews by the different actors in the cooperation. In this book the problem of the environment is seen as a problem of order: it is a problem of ordering relations among related actors of ordering priorities of action and of ordering relations between different institutional arrangements locally regionally and internally. Three discourses were found in the cooperation: discourses of sovereignty knowledge and development. In the discourse of sovereignty the development of relations between state and indigenous peoples in terms of international environmental cooperation is central. In the discourse of knowledge the different forms of knowledge and the role of different producers of knowledge in cooperation has been discussed. The discourse of development focuses on the idea of sustainable development and its applications in defining the future of the Circumpolar North and the activities of the Arctic Council. The arctic cooperation can be understood as a regional effort to make an order of sustainability into practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138720145

Arctic Exploration in the Nineteenth CenturyDiscovering the Northwest Passage Focusing on nineteenth-century attempts to locate the northwest passage the essays in this volume present this quest as a central element of British culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138661837

Arctic Geopolitics Media and Power Arctic Geopolitics Media and Power provides a fresh way of looking at the potential and limitations of regional international governance in the Arctic region. Far-reaching impacts of climate change its wealth of resources and potential for new commercial activities have placed the Arctic region into the political limelight. In an era of rapid environmental change the Arctic provides a complex and challenging case of geopolitical interplay. Based on analyses of how actors from within and outside the Arctic region assert their interests and how such discourses travel in the media this book scrutinizes the social and material contexts within which new imaginaries spatial constructs and scalar preferences emerge. It places ground-breaking attention to shifting media landscapes as a critical component of the social environmental and technological change. It also reflects on the fundamental dilemmas inherent in democratic decision making at a time when an urgent need for addressing climate change is challenged by conflicting interests and growing geopolitical tensions. This book will be of great interest to geography academics media and communication studies and students focusing on policy climate change and geopolitics as well as policy-makers and NGOs working within the environmental sector or with the Arctic region.The Open Access version of this book available at has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367728366

Arctic OpeningInsecurity And Opportunity The Arctic is opening. Global warming is leading to seasonal sea-ice retreat which in turn opens hitherto impassable shipping routes and new areas for resource exploitation. Such changes are elevating the Arctic’s geostrategic value and stoking inter-state competition. The admission of five Asian states as Arctic Council observers in 2013 underlines the increased importance of the High North in global politics. And as the sea ice retreats so military forces are redeployed northwards raising the prospect of conflict. Christian Le Mière and Jeffrey Mazo bring much-needed sobriety to the discussion of change in the Arctic outlining the possibilities of and limits to economic opportunities in the High North while providing a detailed examination of the political and military changes this might bring. Their analysis provides an invaluable guide as the region transforms from a parochial concern to a global interest. . Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138776692

Arctic Pleistocene History And The Development Of Submarine Permafrost This book is about the regional distribution composition structures thermophysical characteristics and dynamics of temperature changes of submarine permafrost based on Eurasiatic shelf data. It discusses a proposed new hypothesis of complete isolation of the Arctic Ocean during the glaciations. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367171674

Arctic ShippingClimate Change Commercial Traffic and Port Development This book considers both the present state of Arctic shipping and possible future trends with reference to the various sectors of maritime transportation: cruise tourism container traffic and bulk shipping. Ports are analysed as tools that support the strategies of coastal states to foster the development of resource extraction enhance the attractiveness of Arctic shipping lanes and enable the control of maritime activities through coast guard deployment. The aim of this book is to draw a picture of the trends of Arctic shipping. How is traffic evolving in Canada’s Arctic or along the Northern Sea Route? Are there significant differences between bulk and container shipping segments when considering the Arctic market? How are the ports and the hinterland developing and what are the strategies behind those? How is the legal framework shaping the evolution of maritime transportation? The contributors to this book consider all of these questions and more as they map out the prospects for Arctic shipping and analyse in detail the development of Arctic shipping as a result of multi-variable interactions. This book will be key reading for industry professionals and post-graduate students alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138489431

Arctic SpringPotential for Growth in Adults with Psychosis and Autism In this book the author compares the characteristics of autistic child psychotherapies and those of the adult cases illustrated. She describes clinical cases to show the development of analysis which was long and complex due to the underlying difficulties. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323233

Arctic Sustainability Key Methodologies and Knowledge DomainsA Synthesis of Knowledge I This book provides a first-ever synthesis of sustainability and sustainable development experiences in the Arctic. It presents state-of-the-art thinking about sustainability for the Arctic from a multi-disciplinary perspective. This book aims to create a comprehensive integrative knowledge base for the assessment of Arctic sustainability for countries such as the United States Canada Greenland Iceland Norway Sweden Finland and Russia alongside emerging ideas about sustainable development in the Arctic. These ideas relate to understanding how a community’s geography matters in determining the required sustainability efforts decolonial thinking for building sustainability that is crafted by and for local and Indigenous communities and the idea of polycentrism (i.e. that the paths toward sustainability differ among places and communities). This volume also highlights the recent thinking about sustainability and resilience over the past decade for the rapidly changing Arctic region.  With patterns of thinking drawn from economic social environmental community and other components of sustainability; observations and monitoring; engagement of Indigenous knowledge; and integration with policy and decision making the book helps us understand the complexity and interconnectedness of current Arctic transformations in a more comprehensive way. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367228194

Arctic Sustainability ResearchPast Present and Future The Arctic is one of the world’s regions most affected by cultural socio-economic environmental and climatic changes. Over the last two decades scholars policymakers extractive industries governments intergovernmental forums and non-governmental organizations have turned their attention to the Arctic its peoples resources and to the challenges and benefits of impending transformations. Arctic sustainability is an issue of increasing concern as well as the resilience and adaptation of Arctic societies to changing conditions. This book offers key insights into the history current state of knowledge and the future of sustainability and sustainable development research in the Arctic. Written by an international interdisciplinary team of experts it presents a comprehensive progress report on Arctic sustainability research. It identifies key knowledge gaps and provides salient recommendations for prioritizing research in the next decade. Arctic Sustainability Research will appeal to researchers academics and policymakers interested in sustainability science and the practices of sustainable development as well as those working in polar studies climate change political geography and the history of science. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367219109

Arctic: Commerce Governance and Policy In May 2013 China India Japan Singapore and South Korea (Asia 5) were given status as permanent observers in the Arctic Council. It was a symbolic and significant moment in the history of Arctic affairs. The list of stakeholders in the Arctic has now expanded to include both the Arctic littoral states and the five Asian states. The drivers and policies of these stakeholders on the Arctic vary but research on climate change possible changes to the global energy and minerals markets adherence to international norms like the UNCLOS and geopolitical considerations are issues of concern. This volume is based on the reviewed revised and updated versions of papers presented at the roundtable on The Geopolitics of the Arctic: Commerce Governance and Policy hosted by the Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses (IDSA) in New Delhi in September 2013 in joint co-operation with the Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI) the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies (IFS) and Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO).We hope that this book with some compelling perspectives on a number of challenging issues will help engage the policy community to identify and explore opportunities for international cooperation in the Arctic. This book was originally published as a special issue of Strategic Analysis. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138058798

Ardā Wirāz NāmagThe Iranian 'Divina Commedia' Ardā Wirāz Nāmag or the Book of the Righteous Wirāz is an outstanding example of Iranian apocalyptic literature. It is in the Middle Persian (Pahlavi) language and was written probably during the later period of the Sasanian dynasty (AD 226-650). The Zoroastrian priests chose a man called Wirāz the most righteous among them to go to the spiritual realm to discover the truth of the religion. This book first published in 1986 contains the observations of Wirāz’ divine journey and his description of heaven and hell. The basic MS. is K20 (Royal Library of Copenhagen) which is carefully compared with other MSS. The MS. is printed in facsimile followed by transliteration and transcription following the MS. closely line by line. A full translation is given and a commentary is included together with a glossary bibliography and index. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138204706

Arden (Routledge Revivals)A Study of His Plays John Arden was one of the major playwrights to have emerged during the 1950s yet his work has arguably been misunderstood. In this book first published in 1974 Albert Hunt’s primary concern is to relate the plays written by John Arden alone as well as those written in collaboration with Margaretta D’Arcy both to Arden’s whole concept of theatre and to his social and political attitudes. The book begins with a biographical introduction followed by a play-by-play study of Arden’s work and a survey of the impact of his plays in performance alongside fascinating images. Celebrating the work and life of the playwright this timely reissue will be of particular value to students of theatre studies as well as professional actors with an interest in John Arden’s plays and theatrical ideologies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415739559

Arduino-Based Embedded SystemsInterfacing Simulation and LabVIEW GUI Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software while LabVIEW is a graphical programming telling how to connect functions and work with a variety of datatypes when constructing applications.This book will help beginners to get started with Arduino-based embedded systems including essential know-how of the programming and interfacing of the devices. Book includes programming and simulation of Arduino-based projects and interfacing with LabVIEW based on practical case studies. The book comprises of total twenty five chapters with description working model of LabVIEW and programming with Arduino IDE. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367572686

Are Americans Becoming More Peaceful? "It's time that someone broke into the general gloom created by a war-loving administration and reminded us that we are a peace-loving people. Paul Joseph's book does just that not with fantasy but with facts showing how the public antipathy to war suppressed too long by propaganda and deception is coming to the surface and offers hope." Howard Zinn "In this antidote to despair Joseph shows how even the most sophisticated efforts of US political and military leaders to maintain public support for war are flawed and doomed to failure in the face of an increasingly skeptical public that is unwilling to accept the costs." William A. Gamson Boston College "An original and thought-provoking perspective on one of the most important issues in American politics today." Michael Klare Hampshire College Are Americans becoming more peaceful -- even after the 2004 elections and the seeming affirmation of the war in Iraq? This book looks at the meaning of peace in the face of war and offers an optimistic interpretation of the public's changing views. US citizens are becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the costs of war that can be measured not just in dollars but in lives and international respect. Americans are becoming ever more resistant to government management of the "facts" surrounding war. In areas ranging from media and photojournalism to gender and casualties Joseph exposes the reality of popular opposition to war. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315635965

Are Christians Mormon? In the past scholars and others have asked whether Mormons are Christian. This work reverses this question by asking ‘are Christians Mormon?’. By identifying Mormon doctrines formerly considered heretical and documenting how these doctrines have recently gained increasing acceptance within mainstream Christian theologies the work presents some surprising insights. In chapters focusing on subjects such as deification the divine feminine and the reopening of the scriptural canon among others the book sets out Joseph Smith's teachings on these ideas summarizes traditional Christian views and criticisms of Joseph's positions and examines trends in contemporary Christian theology that significantly converge in Joseph's direction. Exploring the convergence of contemporary Christian theology with Mormon doctrines this book will appeal to a broad range of students and other readers exploring Christian theology and Mormonism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409430858

Are Human Rights for Migrants?Critical Reflections on the Status of Irregular Migrants in Europe and the United States Human rights seemingly offer universal protection. However irregular migrants have at best only problematic access to human rights. Whether understood as an ethical injunction or legally codified norm the promised protection of human rights seems to break down when it comes to the lived experience of irregular migrants. This book therefore asks three key questions of great practical and theoretical importance. First what do we mean when we speak of human rights? Second is the problematic access of irregular migrants to human rights protection an issue of implementation or is it due to the inherent characteristics of the concept of human rights? Third should we look beyond human rights for an effective source of protection? Written is an accessible style with a range of socio-legal and doctrinal approaches the chapters focus on the situation of the irregular migrant in Europe and the United States. Throughout the book nuanced theoretical debates are put in the context of concrete case studies. The critical reflections it offers on the limitations and possibilities of human rights protections for irregular migrants will be invaluable for students scholars and practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415828451

Are Italians White?How Race is Made in America This dazzling collection of original essays from some of the country's leading thinkers asks the rather intriguing question - Are Italians White? Each piece carefully explores how when and why whiteness became important to Italian Americans and the significance of gender class and nation to racial identity. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203616673

Are Leaders Born or Are They Made?The Case of Alexander the Great This book discusses the psychodynamics of leadership-in and relies on concepts of developmental psychology family systems theory cognitive theory dynamic psychiatry psychotherapy and psychoanalysis to understand Alexander's behaviour and actions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323240

Are SDGs a Myth?Industrial Development and Water Pollution in India This book discusses the continued emphasis on development gains in India’s national policies and its quest to meet sustainable development goals. It offers an analysis of the laws and infrastructure for environment protection in the country and their ineffectiveness in dealing with the water pollution which has had dire consequences on India’s ecological landscape. The book while highlighting the need and importance of industrial development argues for sustainable measures to moderate and monitor such developmental efforts in light of severe environmental degradations. Focusing on the state of Gujarat it looks at published and un-published data on industrial development and water pollution levels and data obtained via applications filed under the Right to Information Act. It also offers a detailed account of the concentration of red industries which release the most hazardous pollutants and their effects on the environment. The authors look at the data from a theoretical and empirical perspective offering insights into how the checks and balances levied by the state have been violated. They highlight the patterns and trends which emerge from the study of these developmental efforts and underline the need to improve the effectiveness of policy instruments and the need to diversify the existing mechanisms. The book will be of great interest to students and researchers of environment and development studies public policy sociology law and governance human ecology and economics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367560416

Are There Really Neutrinos?An Evidential History This intriguing and accessible book examines the experiments on neutrino oscillations. It argues that this history gives us good reason to believe in the existence of neutrinos a particle that interacts so weakly with matter that its interaction length is measured in light years of lead. Yet the scientific process has provided evidence of the elusive neutrino. Written in a style accessible to any reader with a college education in physics Are There Really Neutrinos? is of interest to students and researchers alike. This second edition contains a new epilogue highlighting the new developments in neutrino physics over the past 20 years. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367190026

Are You an Illusion? In Are You an Illusion? today’s scientific orthodoxy which treats the self as nothing more than an elaborate illusion comes under spirited attack. In an impassioned defence of the importance of our own thoughts feelings and experiences Mary Midgley shows that there’s much more to our selves than a jumble of brain cells.Exploring the remarkable gap that has opened up between our understanding of our own sense of self and today’s science she exposes some very odd claims and muddled thinking on the part of cognitive scientists and psychologists when they talk about the self and shows that many well-known philosophical problems in causality and free have been glossed over.Midgley argues powerfully and persuasively that the rich variety of our imaginative life cannot be contained in the narrow bounds of a highly puritanical materialism that simply equates brain and self. Engaging with the work of prominent thinkers Midgley investigates the source of our current attitudes to the self and reveals how ideas traditions and myths have been twisted to fit in seemingly naturally with science’s current preoccupation with the physical and in doing so have made many other valuable activities and ideas appear as anti-scientific. Midgley shows that the subjective sources of thought – our own experiences – are every bit as necessary in helping to explain the world as the objective ones such as brain cells.Are You an Illusion? offers a salutary analysis of science’s claim to have done away with the self and a characteristic injection of common sense from one of our most respected philosophers into a debate increasingly in need of it. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781844657926

Are you an inclusive designer? Despite improvements in the last 20 years we still have a long way to go before all of our buildings places and spaces are easy and comfortable for all of us to use. This book puts forward a powerful case for a totally new attitude towards inclusivity and accessibility. Exploring both the social and the business cases for striving for better this book will empower architects to have more enlightened discussions with their clients about why we should be striving for better than the bare minimum and challenging the notion that inclusive design should be thought of reductively as simply a list of “special features†to be added to a final design or that inclusivity is only about wheelchair access. This book will be to help make inclusive design business as usual rather than something that is added on to address legislation at the end of the development process. Accessible and engaging this book will be an invaluable resource for students as well as practicing architects richly illustrated with case studies showing both good and bad examples of inclusive design and celebrating inclusion. Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859468524

Are You Considering Therapy? Are You Considering Therapy? is a guidebook for people who are thinking about going into therapy but aren't quite sure where to start. It will look at the various aspects of choosing a therapist from sorting through the numerous types of treatment on offer to deciding whether an individual practitioner is someone you might want to work with. The book will not only explain the differences between a psychiatrist a psychotherapist and a psychologist say but will also give people some sense of the sorts of things that might happen in a session - as well as looking at the many and varied notions of 'cure'. For example while a behavioural counsellor might make it their mission to rid you of your symptom as quickly as possible a Lacanian psychoanalyst may consider it their ethical duty to see you through an experience of subjective destitution. (The book would also explain what on earth this means.) Are You Considering Therapy? will aim to treat all therapies equally and to allow readers to make their own choices about what might suit them. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781855758575

Area Child Protection Committees First published in 1997. Area Child Protection Committees are at the heart of interagency child protection services in Britain. Drawing on original research this book provides the first detailed analysis of ACPs and how they operate. The authors examine the policy role of the committees the processes of representation and the effectiveness of the committees’ work both in directing practice and in responding to change. They also report on research into how ACPCs deal with cases that go wrong. The book considers the impact both of agency reorganisation and of changes in child care policy on the work of the committees and includes an account of the development of children’s service plans. If child protection policy is to change its direction then ACPCs will have to change too. This book aims to contribute to an understanding of how that can happen. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138609563

Area-Wide Management of Fruit Fly Pests Fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) pests have a profound impact on horticultural production and economy of many countries. It is fundamental to understand their biology and evaluate methods for their suppression containment or eradication. Area-Wide Management of Fruit Fly Pests comprises contributions from scientists from around the world on several species of tephritids working on diverse subjects with a focus on area-wide management of these pests. The first three sections of the book explore aspects of the biology ecology physiology behavior taxonomy and morphology of fruit flies. The next two sections provide evidence on the efficacy of attractants risk assessment quarantine and post-harvest control methods. The fifth and sixth sections examine biological control methods such as the Sterile Insect Technique and the use of natural enemies of fruit flies. The seventh section focuses on area-wide integrated pest management and action programs. Finally the eighth section examines social economic and policy issues of action programs aimed at involving the wider community in the control of these pests and facilitate the development of control programs. Features: Presents information on the biology of tephritid flies. Provides knowledge on the use of natural enemies of fruit flies for their biological control. Includes research results on models and diets used for the Sterile Insect Technique. Reports developments on the chemical ecology of fruit flies that contribute to make control methods more specific and efficient. Reviews subjects such as Holistic Pest Management and Area-Wide Management Programs including social economic and policy issues in various countries. The Open Access version of this book available at has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138477452

Arenas of Comfort in AdolescenceA Study of Adjustment in Context Adolescence is a time when the social world expands a time of increasing engagement beyond the family sphere to the school the peer group and the workplace. These contexts may present experiences that differ greatly in their tone and content either contributing to or hindering satisfaction and a positive sense of self. This book examines how the constellation of stressors and rewards in various life domains influences adolescent adjustment. The theoretical framework is Simmons' "arena of comfort": a context for individuals to relax and to rejuvenate so that potentially stressful changes and experiences in another arena can be endured or mastered. The concept of the arena of comfort highlights the adolescent's active role in the developmental process as young people seek out and alternate between contexts that provide challenge and those that provide solace. By providing social support a comfort arena strengthens the young person so that challenges in other life spheres can be dealt with. This book uses data from 1 000 adolescents to address key questions derived from the "arena of comfort" thesis: In which arenas of their lives do adolescents typically find comfort? Does the experience of comfort differ by gender socioeconomic level and other dimensions of social background? Do sources of comfort change as the adolescent moves through high school? Do adolescents typically find comfort in just one or two or in several arenas? Where are they most likely to experience this positive comfortable state? Are adolescents who find comfort in a greater number of arenas better off in terms of their mental health and achievement than those who are comfortable in fewer contexts? Are some arenas more consequential for adolescent adjustment than others? Can an arena of comfort in one setting in fact buffer the effects of stressful experiences in another context? The results of this research indicate that making adolescents' contexts more supportive and comfortable will be reflected in improved mental health and achievement. This book will be of interest to all practitioners and researchers concerned with the mental health of adolescents. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9780415645928

Arenas of PowerReflections on Politics and Policy Arenas of Power represents the first time that Theodore J. Lowi's model of policy analysis has been presented together with key applications and case studies drawn from his long history of scholarship-all in one place. Lowi's signature four-fold typology is shown as conceived and then as extended to include that most relevant of contemporary phenomena-"social regulatory policy." As Lowi says when radicals add morality to the goals of public policy the system may be turned on its head. This volume shows the evolution of the public policy arena over more than forty years of writing and thinking and presents some never before published material including helpful analytical introductions. The book concludes as Lowi looks ahead to an internationalizing U.S. political economy and the need for a global political science. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315635958

Arendt Agamben and the Issue of Hyper-LegalityIn Between the Prisoner-Stateless Nexus In the Origins of Totalitarianism Hannah Arendt famously argued that the stateless were so rightless that it was better to be a criminal who at least had some rights and protections. In this book Kathleen R. Arnold examines Arendt’s comparison in the context of post-1996 U.S. criminal and immigration policies arguing that the criminal-stateless binary is significant to contemporary politics and yet flawed. A key distinction made today is that immigrant detention is not imprisonment because it is a civil system. In turn prisoners are still citizens in some respects but have relatively few rights since the legal underpinnings of "cruel and unusual" have shifted in recent times. The two systems – immigrant detention and the prison system – are also concretely related as they often house both populations and utilize the same techniques (such as administrative segregation). Arnold compellingly argues that prisoners are essentially made into foreigners in these spaces while immigrants in detention are cast as outlaws. Examining legal theory political theory and discussing specific cases to illustrate her claims Arendt Agamben and the Issue of Hyper-Legality operates on three levels to expose the degree to which prisoners’ rights have been suspended and how immigrant policy and detention cast foreigners as inherently criminal. Less talked about the government in turn expands sovereign discretionary power and secrecy at the expense of openness transparency and democratic community. This book will be of interest to scholars and students of contemporary political theory philosophy and law immigration and incarceration. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815381068

Arendt Fanon and Political Violence in Islam This book looks at contemporary political violence in the form of jihadism through the lens of a philosophical polemic between Hannah Arendt and Frantz Fanon: intellectual representatives of the global north and global south. It explores the relationship of Arendt’s thought mostly as expressed in On Violence (1969) to Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth (1961) and the transposition of that relationship to the contemporary phenomenon of violent Islamic extremism. The book reveals a greater commonality between Fanon and Arendt as well as the universal function of jihadism that satisfies the conditions for political violence as categorized by Fanon in the global south and Arendt in the global north. Read in tandem Arendt and Fanon help uncover the fundamental problems of our European American Middle Eastern and African political systems as well as north-south relations. By studying political theory the book finds global political commonalities in a postcolonial reality. Written in an accessible style this book will be of great interest to undergraduates and graduates in philosophy political sciences and international relations (IR) sociology and Middle Eastern studies as well as scholars and professionals interested in radicalization; violent extremism; and the foreign policies of European Middle Eastern and African countries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367259594

Arendt and Law The essays selected for this volume demonstrate the importance of law - conceptually normatively and practically - to a proper understanding of Hannah Arendt’s work. Though Arendt herself was not a lawyer and lacked any legal training it is remarkable that in each of her guises law plays an often subtle at times idiosyncratic but unavoidably vital role. For example as a journalist confronting the evil of Adolf Eichmann; or as an essayist engaged with emerging democracies in the East or their unravelling in the West; or as a political thinker concerned to celebrate and secure the conditions for political action; or as a philosopher reflecting on man’s capacity for judgement. Although Arendt herself never wrote systematically about law her rich insights in this field have been studied closely by scholars and this collection marks the first attempt to gather that work and to understand it thematically. In so doing the editors seek to open a dual dialogue: inviting Arendt scholars to uncover what Arendt had to say about law and legal scholars to evaluate her contribution to the field of law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472439444

Arendt Contra SociologyTheory Society and its Science Hannah Arendt is today widely regarded today as a political theorist who sought to rescue politics from society and political theory from the social sciences. But this view has had the effect of distracting attention from many of Arendt's most important insights concerning the constitution of society and the significance of its 'science' sociology. Arendt Contra Sociology re-assesses the relationship between Arendt's work and the theoretical foundations of sociology bringing her insights to bear on some key themes within contemporary theoretical sociology. Re-reading Arendt's distinctions between labour fabrication and action as a theory of the fundamental ontology of human societies this book assesses her criticism of the tendency of many sociological paradigms to conflate the activity of fabrication with that of action. It re-examines Arendt's understanding of central areas of research within contemporary theoretical sociology - including the meaning of power the trajectory of modern science the rise of consumerism and the problem of reflexivity. This volume offers a comprehensive reconstruction of Arendt's thought uncovering its refutation of or latent contribution to key sociological approaches. It will be of interest to sociologists social and political theorists and philosophers of social science. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138702233

ARFID Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake DisorderA Guide for Parents and Carers ARFID Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder: A Guide for Parents and Carers is an accessible summary of a relatively recent diagnostic term. People with ARFID may show little interest in eating eat only a very limited range of foods or may be terrified something might happen to them if they eat such as choking or being sick. Because it has been poorly recognised and poorly understood it can be difficult to access appropriate help and difficult to know how best to manage at home. This book covers common questions encountered by parents or carers whose child has been given a diagnosis of ARFID or who have concerns about their child. Written in simple accessible language and illustrated with examples throughout this book answers common questions using the most up-to-date clinical knowledge and research. Primarily written for parents and carers of young people ARFID Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder includes a wealth of practical tips and suggested strategies to equip parents and carers with the means to take positive steps towards dealing with the problems ARFID presents. It will also be relevant for family members partners or carers of older individuals as well as professionals seeking a useful text which captures the full range of ARFID presentations and sets out positive management advice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367086107

Argentina's Economic Growth and RecoveryThe Economy in a Time of Default This book examines the causes of the economic and political crisis in Argentina in 2001 and the process of strong economic recovery. It poses the question of how a country which defaulted on its external loans and was widely criticized by international observers could have succeeded in its growth and development despite this decision in 2002. It examines this process in terms of the impact of neo-liberal policies on the economy and the role of development strategy and the state in recovering from the crisis Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138686533

Argentina's Economic Reforms of the 1990s in Contemporary and Historical Perspective Why has Argentina suffered so much political and economic instability? How could Argentina once one of the wealthiest countries in the world failed to meet its potential over decades? What lessons can we take from Argentina's successes and failures?  Argentina’s economy is - irresistibly - fascinating. Argentina's economic history - its crises and its triumphs cannot be explained in purely economic terms. Argentina's economic history can only be explained in the context of conflicts of interest of politics war and peace boom and bust. Argentina's economic history is also intertwined with ideological struggles over the ideal society and the on-going struggle of ideas.   The book comprises two distinct components: an economic history of Argentina from the Spanish colonial period to 1990 followed by a narrative by Domingo Cavallo on the last 25 years of reform and counter reform. Domingo Cavallo has been at the centre of Argentina's economic and political debates for 40 years. He was one of the longest serving cabinet members since the return of democracy in 1983. He is uniquely qualified to help the reader make the connection between historical and current events through all these prisms. His daughter Sonia Cavallo Runde is an economist specialized on public policy that currently teaches the politics of development policy. The two Cavallos offer academics and students of economics and finance a long form case study. This book also seeks to offer researchers and policymakers around the world with relevant lessons and insights to similar problems from the Argentine experience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781857439755

Argentina's Foreign Policy/h This book examines Argentina as an independent actor in world affairs and as an example useful for understanding the Latin American international system from the perspective of middle powers and developing countries. It focuses intensively on the 1973–1976 period. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367170875

Argentina's Parallel CurrencyThe Economy of the Poor Analyzes the rise and fall of the Red de Trueque (launched in 1995 by a group of environmentalists who exchanged goods and services at their own 'market' using a system of mutual credit) in Argentina. This book identifies rules of governance and sustainability for institutional settings in which state regulation is minimal. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138665088

Argentine Serialised Radio Drama in the Infamous Decade 1930–1943Transmitting Nationhood In her study of key radio dramas broadcast from 1930 to 1943 Lauren Rea analyses the work of leading exponents of the genre against the wider backdrop of nation-building intellectual movements and popular culture in Argentina. During the period that has come to be known as the infamous decade radio serials drew on the Argentine literary canon with writers such as Héctor Pedro Blomberg and José Andrés González Pulido contributing to the nation-building project as they reinterpreted nineteenth-century Argentina and repackaged it for a 1930s mass audience. Thus a historical romance set in the tumultuous dictatorship of Juan Manuel de Rosas reveals the conflict between the message transmitted to a mass audience through popular radio drama and the work of historical revisionist intellectuals writing in the 1930s. Transmitted at the same time González Pulido’s gauchesque series evokes powerful notions of Argentine national identity as it explores the relationship of the gaucho with Argentina’s immigrant population and advocates for the ideal contribution of women and the immigrant population to Argentine nationhood. Rea grounds her study in archival work undertaken at the library of Argentores in Buenos Aires which holds the only surviving collection of scripts of radio serials from the period. Rea’s book recovers the contribution that these products of popular culture made to the nation-building project as they helped to shape and promote the understanding of Argentine history and cultural identity that is widely held today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367669614

Argonauts of the DesertStructural Analysis of the Hebrew Bible 'Argonauts of the Desert' presents a revolutionary new commentary on the Bible and its origins arguing that most biblical stories and laws were inspired by Greek literature. From Genesis to Kings the books of the Bible may have been written by a single author a Hellenized Judean scholar who used Plato's ideal state in The Laws as a primary source. As such biblical Israel is a recreation of that twelve tribes State and the stories surrounding the birth life and death of that State were inspired by Greek epics. Each chapter presents the biblical material and compares this to the Greek or Roman equivalents discussing similarities and differences. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367872168

Argonauts of the Western Pacific Bronislaw Malinowski’s pathbreaking Argonauts of the Western Pacific is at once a detailed account of exchange in the Melanesian islands and a manifesto of a modernist anthropology. Malinowski argued that the goal of which the ethnographer should never lose sight is ‘to grasp the native’s point of view his relation to life to realise his vision of his world.’ Through vivid evocations of Kula life including the building and launching of canoes fishing expeditions and the role of myth and magic amongst the Kula people Malinowski brilliantly describes an inter-island system of exchange - from gifts from father to son to swapping fish for yams - around which an entire community revolves. A classic of anthropology that did much to establish the primacy of painstaking fieldwork over the earlier anecdotal reports of travel writers journalists and missionaries it is a compelling insight into a world now largely lost from view.   With a new foreword by Adam Kuper. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415738644

Argos and the Argolid (Routledge Revivals)From the End of the Bronze Age to the Roman Occupation Argos and the Argolid first published in 1972 presents a study of the history and achievements of the Argives who have hitherto been largely neglected: partly because Classical Argos is overshadowed by the legends of an earlier millennium and partly because many of her monuments and records have been lost. Richard Tomlinson describes the region and considers the relationship between the Argives who claimed Dorian descent and those whose ancestors were in all probability the inhabitants of the region during the Bronze Age. In particular he emphasises the Argives’ role as a ‘third force’ in mainland Greek history where they challenged the supremacy of the Spartans in Peloponnesian affairs. This thorough treatment is intended to correct the usual bias in favour of the better documented affairs of Athens and Sparta. It includes an assessment of Argive military and political organisation and of their contribution to the arts of Ancient Greece. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138019935

Argue with MeArgument as a Path to Developing Students' Thinking and Writing It is essential that middle- and high-school students develop argument skills. This rich resource provides a clear step-by-step approach that achieves this goal. The method is rooted in peer dialog and makes use of readily available technology. The authors document impressive gains in students’ skills in producing and interpreting both dialogic and written arguments. The method can be used in English or content-area classes or even be implemented as a stand-alone class or as part of a debate program. This curriculum helps students become critical thinkers prepared for the demands of college careers and citizenship. Book Features: Background on why students should develop argument skills and what these skills consist of The nuts and bolts of how to implement the curriculum in your own classroom Alignments to the Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards Accessible video material showing both teacher’s instructions and students’ activities Samples of students’ written work Assessment tools that you can use or modify to fit your own needs An appendix with additional guides examples suggested topics and classroom-ready reproducibles. New to the second edition is a chapter on how you can incorporate this approach into an existing curriculum if you are unable to implement the full program.The techniques are designed to be flexible and adaptable and work with students of all ability levels—especially with those who are less motivated and engaged in school. This enhanced edition is also accompanied by free bonus eResources such as suggested readings on different topics and full lesson plans which you can download and print from our website Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138911406

Arguing Reasoning and Thinking Well Arguing Reasoning and Thinking Well offers an engaging and accessible introduction to argumentation and critical thinking. With a pro-social focus the volume encourages readers to value civility when engaged in arguing and reasoning. Authors Gass and Seiter renowned for their friendly writing style include real-world examples hypothetical dialogues and editorial cartoons to invite readers in. The text includes a full chapter devoted to the ethics of argument as well as content on refutation and formal logic. It is designed for students in argumentation and critical thinking courses in communication philosophy and psychology departments and is suitable for students and general education courses across the curriculum. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815374336

Arguing About Bioethics Arguing About Bioethics is a fresh and exciting collection of essential readings in bioethics offering a comprehensive introduction to and overview of the field. Influential contributions from established philosophers and bioethicists such as Peter Singer Thomas Nagel Judith Jarvis Thomson and Michael Sandel are combined with the best recent work in the subject. Organised into clear sections readings have been chosen that engage with one another and often take opposing views on the same question helping students get to grips with the key areas of debate. All the core issues in bioethics are covered alongside new controversies that are emerging in the field including: embryo research selecting children and enhancing humans human cloning using animals for medical purposes organ donation consent and autonomy public health ethics resource allocation developing world bioethics assisted suicide. Each extract selected is clear stimulating and free from unnecessary jargon. The editor’s accessible and engaging section introductions make Arguing About Bioethics ideal for those studying bioethics for the first time while more advanced readers will be challenged by the rigorous and thought-provoking arguments presented in the readings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415476331

Arguing About Human NatureContemporary Debates Arguing About Human Nature covers recent debates--arising from biology philosophy psychology and physical anthropology--that together systematically examine what it means to be human. Thirty-five essays--several of them appearing here for the first time in print--were carefully selected to offer competing perspectives on 12 different topics related to human nature. The context and main threads of the debates are highlighted and explained by the editors in a short clear introduction to each of the 12 topics. Authors include Louise Anthony Patrick Bateson David Buller John Dupre Paul Griffiths Sally Haslanger Richard Lewontin Ron Mallon and E.O. Wilson. Contributors Rachel Cooper Nancy Holmstrom Kim Sterelny and Elizabeth Cashdan provide brand new chapters in these debates.  Suggested Reading lists offer curious readers new resources for exploring these debates further. Arguing About Human Nature is the first volume of its kind designed to introduce to an interdisciplinary student audience some of the most important arguments on the subject generated by scientific research and philosophical reflection. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415894401

Arguing about JudaismA Rabbi a Philosopher and a Revealing Debate Arguing about Judaism differs from other introductions to Judaism. It is unique not solely in its engaging dialogues between a Reform rabbi and a humanist atheist philosopher but also in its presentation of and challenges to the fundamental religious beliefs of the Jewish heritage and their relevance to today’s Jewish community.   The dialogues contain both Jewish narratives and philosophical responses with topics ranging from the nature of God to controversies over sexual relations animal welfare and the environment — from antisemitism to the state of Israel and Zionism. Although the rabbi and philosopher argue strongly clearly enjoying the cut and thrust of debate they do so with sensitivity charm and respect revealing the rich intricacies of the Jewish religion and contemporary Jewish life. While essential reading for those studying Judaism and Jewish history the book aims to stimulate debate more generally amongst Jews and non-Jews the religious and the atheist — all those with a general interest in religion and philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367334062

Arguing About Knowledge What is knowledge? What are the sources of knowledge? What is the value of knowledge? What can we know? Arguing About Knowledge offers a fresh and engaging perspective on the theory of knowledge. This comprehensive and imaginative selection of readings examines the subject in an unorthodox and entertaining manner whilst covering the fundamentals of the theory of knowledge. It includes classic and contemporary pieces from the most influential philosophers from Descartes Russell Quine and G.E. Moore to Richard Feldman Edward Craig Gilbert Harman and Roderick Chisholm. In addition students will find fascinating alternative pieces from literary and popular work such as Lewis Caroll Jorges Luis Borges and Paul Boghossian. Each article selected is clear interesting and free from unnecessary jargon. The editors provide lucid introductions to each section in which they give an overview of the debate and outline the arguments of the papers. Arguing About Knowledge is an inventive and stimulating reader for students new to the theory of knowledge. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003061038

Arguing About Law Arguing about Law introduces philosophy of law in an accessible and engaging way. The reader covers a wide range of topics from general jurisprudence law the state and the individual to topics in normative legal theory as well as the theoretical foundations of public and private law. In addition to including many classics Arguing About Law also includes both non-traditional selections and discussion of timely topical issues like the legal dimension of the war on terror. The editors provide lucid introductions to each section in which they give an overview of the debate and outline the arguments of the papers helping the student get to grips with both the classic and core arguments and emerging debates in: the nature of law legality and morality the rule of law the duty to obey the law legal enforcement of sexual morality the nature of rights rights in an age of terror constitutional theory tort theory. Arguing About Law is an inventive and stimulating reader for students new to philosophy of law legal theory and jurisprudence. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415462419

Arguing About Political Philosophy This second edition of Arguing About Political Philosophy is the most complete up-to-date and interdisciplinary anthology of its kind. Its selections cover both classic philosophical sources such as Hobbes and Rousseau and contemporary figures such as Robert Nozick and G.A. Cohen. But additional excerpts from economists psychologists novelists and legal theorists help students from diverse intellectual backgrounds to connect with and appreciate the problems and distinctive methodology of political philosophy. This second edition also goes beyond any other anthology on the market in its coverage of traditionally under-represented views such as libertarianism neo-socialism feminism and critical race theory. And it is one of the only anthologies to go beyond A Theory of Justice in its coverage of the political thought of John Rawls. The volume is divided into 3 parts – Foundational Concepts; Government the Economy and Morality; and Applied Political Philosophy – covering core arguments and emerging debates in topics like: social contract theory political economy property rights freedom equality immigration global distributive justice The new companion website offers valuable resources for instructors and students alike including sample quizzes exams and writing assignments extensive study questions for each reading and an online version of the "What’s Your Political Philosophy" self-assessment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415535823

Arguing About Science Arguing About Science is an outstanding engaging introduction to the essential topics in philosophy of science edited by two leading experts in the field. This exciting and innovative anthology contains a selection of classic and contemporary readings that examine a broad range of issues from classic problems such as scientific reasoning; causation; and scientific realism to more recent topics such as science and race; forensic science; and the scientific status of medicine. The editors bring together some of the most influential contributions of famous philosophers in the field including John Stuart Mill and Karl Popper as well as more recent extracts from philosophers and scientists such as Ian Hacking Stephen Jay Gould Bas van Fraassen Nancy Cartwright and John Worrall. The anthology is organised into nine clear sections: science non science and pseudo-science race gender and science scientific reasoning scientific explanation laws and causation science and medicine probability and forensic science risk uncertainty and science policy scientific realism and anti-realism. The articles chosen are clear interesting and free from unnecessary jargon. The editors provide lucid introductions to each section in which they provide an overview of the debate as well as suggestions for further reading. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415492300

Arguing and JustifyingAssessing the Convention Refugees' Choice of Moment Motive and Host Country This is the first book of its kind to address the crucial issue of why people choose to make Convention refugee claims. It represents a substantial and original contribution primarily to the field of refugee studies but also applicable for a broader readership of political science international studies sociology law history and women’s studies. Furthermore it theorizes the problems that face refugees by discussing the perception of the possible host countries. The conclusions of the book bear directly upon contemporary issues in refugee studies that suggest refugees move on the basis of (generally) extreme levels of persecution. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367604936

Arguing CounterterrorismNew perspectives This book offers a multifaceted analytical account of counterterrorism argumentative speech. Traditionally existing scholarship in this field of research has taken a selective focus on issues and actors concentrating mainly on US state discourse after 9/11. However this approach ignores the fact that there was counterterrorism speech before 9/11 and that there are other countries and other actors who also actively engage in the counterterrorism discursive field both within and outside of the Western world. Addressing several thematic chronological and methodological gaps in the current literature Arguing Counterterrorism offers a dynamic perspective on counterterrorism argumentative speech. Over the course of the volume the authors tackle the following key issues: first historical and cultural continuity and change. Second the phenomenology of counterterrorism speech: its nature instrumentalisation implications and interactions between the various actors involved. The third theme is the anatomy of counterterrorism speech; namely its political cultural and linguistic constitutive elements. Employing a multi-disciplinary framework the authors explore these issues through a geographically and historically diverse range of case studies resulting in a book that broadens the perspective of counterterrorism argumentation analysis. This book will be of much interest to students of critical terrorism studies counterterrorism discourse analysis security studies and IR. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138951891

Arguing Development PolicyFrames and Discourses This collection shows how policy discourses in the fields of national and international developments are constructed and operate and how they can be analysed. Dominant discourses screen out certain aspects: they frame' issues to include some matters and typically exclude important others. More generally different policy discourses construct the world in distinctive ways through language that requires deconstruction and careful review. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138160286

Arguing Global GovernanceAgency Lifeworld and Shared Reasoning This book deals with the questions of how global governance can and ought to effectively address serious global problems such as financial instability military conflicts distributive injustice and increasing concerns of ecological disasters. Providing a unified theoretical framework the contributors to this volume utilise argumentation research broadening the concept by identifying the concerns about agency lifeworld and shared reasoning that different strands of argumentation research have in common. Furthermore they develop the concept of argumentative deontology in order to make sense of the processes through which argumentation comes to shape global governance. Empirically the book demonstrates how ideas define actors’ interests shape their interactions with each other and ground intentions for collective action. Normatively it provides an excellent theoretical platform for unveiling less visible manifestations of power in global politics and thereby improves our understandings of the ethical implications of global ordering. Addressing topical issues such as conflict and inter-civilizational dialogue decision-making in international regimes and organizations the World Social Forum the Women’s Environment and Development Organization and Tobin Tax this book will be of interest to students and scholars of argumentation theory globalization and global governance Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138811003

ArguingExchanging Reasons Face to Face Arguing: Exchanging Reasons Face to Face describes the process and products of face-to-face argument. Author Dale Hample presents arguing as a type of interpersonal interaction rather than as a kind of text or a feature of a public speech. He focuses primarily on argument production and explores the rhetorical and philosophical traditions of arguing keeping as the volume's main focus the integration of arguing into the literatures on message production conflict management and interpersonal communication.Distinctive in its approach this volume offers:*a synthesis of empirical research on situational and individual differences in arguing;*an exploration of argument frames--perceptions and expectations about arguing;*an examination of the conversational and rational natures of argument products;*a psychological description of inventional processes; and*a full chapter on the emotional experience of arguing.This unique work is appropriate for scholars and graduate students in argumentation discourse persuasion conflict management interpersonal communication organizational communication and message production. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415645935

Argument as Dialogue Across DifferenceEngaging Youth in Public Literacies In the spirit of models of argument starting with inquiry this book starts with a question: What might it mean to teach argument in ways that open up spaces for change—changes of mind changes of practice and policy changes in ways of talking and relating? The author explores teaching argument in ways that take into account the complexities and pluralities young people face as they attempt to enact local and global citizenship with others who may reasonably disagree. The focus is foremost on social action—the hard hopeful work of finding productive ways forward in contexts where people need to work together across difference to get something worthwhile done. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138665934

Argument for ActionEthics and Professional Conduct First published in 1999. This book will help professions and professionals to identify their contribution to society and to understand the argument in which they must engage if they are to justify their conduct. Because of their specialized expertise and power the task is both difficult and pressing. The work is divided into two parts. Part 1 discusses the concepts ‘ethics’ and ‘professional conduct’ indicating their dimensions and contested nature. In each case following examination and analysis of relevant literature a conceptual framework or model is proposed for locating instances of in turn ethics and professional conduct. In part 2 the model of ethical choice is used to discuss the ethical justification of professional conduct in the various forms locations and stages provided by its social setting. In this way it provides grounding arguments for relevant action by professionals and others dealing with professionals. The book concludes with a proposal for a national standing commission on the professions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138609464

Argumentation Communication and FallaciesA Pragma-dialectical Perspective This volume gives a theoretical account of the problem of analyzing and evaluating argumentative discourse. After placing argumentation in a communicative perspective and then discussing the fallacies that occur when certain rules of communication are violated the authors offer an alternative to both the linguistically-inspired descriptive and logically-inspired normative approaches to argumentation. The authors characterize argumentation as a complex speech act in a critical discussion aimed at resolving a difference of opinion. The various stages of a critical discussion are outlined and the communicative and interactional aspects of the speech acts performed in resolving a simple or complex dispute are discussed. After dealing with crucial aspects of analysis and linking the evaluation of argumentative discourse to the analysis the authors identify the fallacies that can occur at various stages of discussion. Their general aim is to elucidate their own pragma- dialectical perspective on the analysis and evaluation of argumentative discourse bringing together pragmatic insight concerning speech acts and dialectical insight concerning critical discussion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138144552

Argumentation Schemes for Presumptive Reasoning Recent concerns with the evaluation of argumentation in informal logic and speech communication center around nondemonstrative arguments that lead to tentative or defeasible conclusions based on a balance of considerations. Such arguments do not appear to have structures of the kind traditionally identified with deductive and inductive reasoning but are extremely common and are often called "plausible" or "presumptive " meaning that they are only provisionally acceptable even when they are correct. How is one to judge by some clearly defined standard whether such arguments are correct or not in a given instance? The answer lies in what are called argumentation schemes -- forms of argument (structures of inference) that enable one to identify and evaluate common types of argumentation in everyday discourse. This book identifies 25 argumentation schemes for presumptive reasoning and matches a set of critical questions to each. These two elements -- the scheme and the questions -- are then used to evaluate a given argument in a particular case in relation to a context of dialogue in which the argument occurred. In recent writings on argumentation there is a good deal of stress placed on how important argumentation schemes are in any attempt to evaluate common arguments in everyday reasoning as correct or fallacious acceptable or questionable. However the problem is that the literature thus far has not produced a precise and user-friendly enough analysis of the structures of the argumentation schemes themselves nor have any of the documented accounts been as helpful accessible or systematic as they could be especially in relation to presumptive reasoning. This book solves the problem by presenting the most common presumptive schemes in an orderly and clear way that makes them explicit and useful as precisely defined structures. As such it will be an indispensable tool for researchers students and teachers in the areas of critical thinking argumentation speech communication informal logic and discourse analysis. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203811160

ArgumentationAnalysis and Evaluation This book concentrates on argumentation as it emerges in ordinary discourse whether the discourse is institutionalized or strictly informal. Crucial concepts from the theory of argumentation are systematically discussed and explained with the help of examples from real-life discourse and texts. The basic principles are explained that are instrumental in the analysis and evaluation of argumentative discourse. Methodical instruments are offered for identifying differences of opinion analyzing and evaluating argumentation and presenting arguments in oral and written discourse. Attention is also paid to the way in which arguers attempt to be not just reasonable but effective as well by maneuvering strategically. In addition the book provides a great variety of exercises and assignments to improve the student’s skill in presenting argumentation. The authors begin their treatment of argumentation theory at the same juncture where argumentation also starts in practice: The difference of opinion that occasions the evolvement of the argumentation. Each chapter begins with a short summary of the essentials and ends with a number of exercises that students can use to master the material. Argumentation is the first introductory textbook of this kind. It is intended as a general introduction for students who are interested in a proper conduct of argumentative discourse. Suggestions for further reading are made for each topic and several extra assignments are added to the exercises. Special features: • A concise and complete treatment of both the theoretical backgrounds and the practice of argumentation analysis and evaluation. • Crucial concepts from pragmatics (speech act theory Grice’s cooperative principle) presented in a non-technical way; introducing the theory of verbal communication. • The first textbook treatment of strategic maneuvering as a way of balancing being reasonable with being effective • Exercises and assignments based on real-life texts from a variety of contexts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138225084

Arguments with EthnographyComparative Approaches to History Politics and Religion Volume 70 A critique of the globalisation of the culture principle arguing that theory is dependent on the actual study of peoples. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003136293

Ariane Mnouchkine Over the last forty years French director Ariane Mnouchkine and her theater collective Le Théâtre du Soleil have devised a form of research and creation that is both engaged with contemporary history and committed to reinvigorating theater by focusing on the actor. Now revised and reissued this volume combines: ◠an overview of Mnouchkine’s life work and theatrical influences ◠an exploration of her key ideas on theater and the creative process ◠analysis of key productions including her early and groundbreaking environmental political piece 1789 and the later Asian-inspired play penned by Hélène Cixous Drums on the Dam. ◠practical exercises including tips on mask work. As a first step toward critical understanding and as an initial exploration before going on to further primary research Routledge Performance Practitioners offer unbeatable value for today’s student. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815386766

Arianism: Roman Heresy and Barbarian Creed This is the first volume to attempt a comprehensive overview of the evolution of the 'Arian' churches in the Roman world of Late Antiquity and their political importance in the late Roman kingdoms of the 5th-6th centuries ruled by barbarian warrior elites. Bringing together researchers from the disciplines of theology history and archaeology and providing an extensive bibliography it constitutes a breakthrough in a field largely neglected in historical studies. A polemical term coined by the Orthodox Church (the side that prevailed in the Trinitarian disputes of the 4th century C.E.) for its opponents in theology as well as in ecclesiastical politics Arianism has often been seen as too complicated to understand outside the group of theological specialists dealing with it and has therefore sometimes been ignored in historical studies. The studies here offer an introduction to the subject grounded in the historical context then examine the adoption of Arian Christianity among the Gothic contingents of the Roman army and its subsequent diffusion in the barbarian kingdoms of the late Roman world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367600266

Arid Land Resources & Their Mana First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963795

Arid LandsToday And Tomorrow This book represents the efforts of scientists and other individuals who through their various disciplines are addressing the problems of and opportunities presented by the arid lands of the world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367164324

ArielInternet Transmission Software for Document Delivery Supplement traditional interlibrary loan programs with this speedy document delivery system! Since its introduction in 1991 the Ariel system has transformed the interlibrary loan of documents. Compared to standard interlibrary loan Ariel is often simpler faster and cheaper and it allows many users at a time to have access to requested documents. Though Ariel has enjoyed a rapidly increasing user base Ariel: Internet Transmission Software for Document Delivery is the first book dedicated to Ariel and the experiences of libraries using it. Ariel: Internet Transmission Software for Document Delivery provides practical details on this innovative technology including clear discussions of how the system works. The software manages the process of scanning requested documents transmitting them between libraries and document suppliers over high-speed Internet connections and logging their receipt. Ariel discusses the pros and cons of various delivery options including Web-based delivery email and delivery of laser-printed hard copy by hand mail or courier service. This comprehensive volume covers all aspects of adopting and using Ariel including: training library staff and overcoming their resistance patron needs and response choosing scanners and other equipment setting up consortia to share Ariel files copyright issues international use of Ariel enhancing the system to suit your needsLike its Shakespearean namesake the Ariel system darts through the air to rapidly fetch what someone needs. Ariel: Internet Transmission Software for Document Delivery gives you the solid data you need to get the most out of Ariel. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315863535

Ariosto Shakespeare and Corneille Originally published in 1921 this volume consists of the first of Croce’s literary criticisms to be published in English and as well as a section on Shakespeare it contains unique essays on Ariosto and Corneille which together inaugurated a new era in literary criticism. The essays are based on Croce’s Theory of Aesthetic - a theory which to many is the only one that completely explains the problem of poetry and the fine arts - and as a result are profound and suggestive. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367144371

Aristo of CeosText Translation and Discussion Volume 13 in the RUSCH series continues work already begun on the School of Aristotle. Volume 9 featured Demetrius of Phalerum Volume 10 Dicaearchus of Messana Volume 11 Eudemus of Rhodes and Volume 12 both Lyco of Troas and Hieronymus of Rhodes. Now Volume 13 turns our attention to Aristo of Iulis on Ceos who was active in the last quarter of the third century BCE. Almost certainly he was Lyco's successor as head of the Peripatetic School. In antiquity Aristo was confused with the like-named Stoic philosopher from Chios so that several works were claimed for both philosophers. Among these disputed works those with Peripatetic antecedents like Exhortations and Erotic Dissertations are plausibly assigned to Aristo of Ceos. Other works attributed to the Peripatetic are Lyco (presumably a biography of Aristo's predecessor) On Old Age and Relieving Arrogance.Whether part of the last-named work or a separate treatise Aristo's descriptions of persons exhibiting inconsiderateness self-will and other unattractive traits relate closely to the Characters of Theophrastus. In addition Aristo wrote biographies of Heraclitus Socrates and Epicurus. We may be sure that he did the same for the leaders of the Peripatos whose wills he seems to have preserved within the biographies.The volume gives pride of place to Peter Stork's new edition of the fragments of Aristo of Ceos. The edition includes a translation on facing pages. There are also notes on the Greek and Latin texts (an apparatus criticus) and substantive notes that accompany the translation. This edition will replace that of Fritz Wehrli which was made over half a century ago and published without translation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507371

Aristocratic LiberalismThe Social and Political Thought of Jacob Burckhardt John Stuart Mill and Alexis De Tocqueville "Liberalism" is widely used to describe a variety of social and political ideas but has been an especially difficult concept for historians and political scientists to define. Burckhardt Mill and Tocqueville define one type of liberal thought. They share an aristocratic liberalism marked by distaste for the masses and the middle class opposition to the commercial spirit fear and contempt of mediocrity and suspicion of the centralized state. Their fears are combined with an elevated ideal of human personality an ideal which affirms modernity. All see their ideals threatened in the immediate future and all hope to save European civilization from barbarism and militarism through some form of education although all grow more pessimistic towards the end of their lives.Aristocratic Liberalism ignores the national boundaries that so often confine the history of political thought and uses the perspective thus gained to establish a pan-European type of political thought. Going beyond Burckhardt Mill and Tocqueville Aristocratic Liberalism argues for new ways of looking at nineteenth-century liberalism. It corrects many prevalent misconceptions about liberalism and suggests new paths for arriving at a better understanding of the leading form of nineteenth-century political thought. The new Afterword by the author presents a novel description of liberal political language as the "discourse of capacity " and suggests that this kind of language is the common denominator of all forms of European liberalism in the nineteenth century. Aristocratic Liberalism will be valuable to students of history political science sociology and political philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138518919

Aristocratic Society in Ancient Crete (Routledge Revivals) Aristocratic Society in Ancient Crete first published in 1955 investigates the emergence and progress of Dorian society on Crete from the 8th century BC onwards. The major contribution of Cretan culture in this period was in the field of law – law and order are traditionally linked and Dorian Crete remained steadfast in its pursuit of order. The author offers an explanation for the protracted aristocratic character of Cretan society basing his study on the crucial Code of Gortyna. The primitive foundations of the social system are examined illuminating the tribal institutions which formed the basis of the aristocratic states which developed. The four classes of the Cretan states and the mutual relations of these classes are defined and the stages whereby family institutions developed are analysed. Finally political and judicial organisation is scrutinised and the Cretan culture is situated in the wider horizon of Mediterranean civilisation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415747080

Aristophanes (Routledge Revivals)Poet and Dramatist To many people Aristophanes is the most immediately attractive and enjoyable of the Greek dramatists. No other comedies from the great age of Attic drama survive in a complete state and the vigour of his fictions and the brilliance of his humour maintain their power to stimulate and entertain even after two thousand years. Aristophanes: Poet and Dramatist first published in 1986 offers an account of the early comedies and Frogs the most famous of his works. It avoids theorising and abstraction keeping close to individual passages and scenes whilst also shunning a pedestrian approach in favour of one which seeks out illuminating similarities and contrasts both within Aristophanes’ own corpus and between the comedian and other writers on whom he draws. The focus throughout is on the serious and accomplished craftsman whose achievement deserves and repays the kind of detailed scrutiny applied to tragic and lyric poetry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415749220

Aristophanes and Women (Routledge Revivals) Aristophanes and Women first published in 1993 investigates the workings of the great Athenian comedian’s ‘women plays’ in an attempt to discern why they were in fact probably quite funny to their original audiences. It is argued that modern students scholars and dramatists need to consider much more closely the conditions of the plays’ ancient productions when evaluating their ostensible themes. Three plays are focused upon: Lysistrata Thesmophoriazusae and Ecclesiazusae. All seem to speak quite eloquently to contemporary concerns about women’s rights the value of women’s work and the relationships between women and war literary representation and politics. On the one hand Professor Taaffe tries to retrieve what an ancient Athenian audience may have l appreciated about these plays and what their central theses may have meant within that culture. On the other hand Aristophanes is discussed from the perspective of a late twentieth-century specifically female reader. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138018594

Aristophanes in Performance 421 BC-AD 2007Peace Birds and Frogs This book traces the international performance history of Aristophanic comedy and its implication in aesthetic and political controversies from 421 BC to AD 2007. It includes Brechtian experiments in East Berlin and musical theatre from Gilbert and Sullivan to Stephen Sondheim. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367602222

Aristotelian Character Education This book provides a reconstruction of Aristotelian character education shedding new light on what moral character really is and how it can be highlighted measured nurtured and taught in current schooling. Arguing that many recent approaches to character education understand character in exclusively amoral instrumentalist terms Kristjánsson proposes a coherent plausible and up-to-date concept retaining the overall structure of Aristotelian character education.After discussing and debunking popular myths about Aristotelian character education subsequent chapters focus on the practical ramifications and methodologies of character education. These include measuring virtue and morality asking whether Aristotelian character education can salvage the effects of bad upbringing and considering implications for teacher training and classroom practice. The book rejuvenates time-honoured principles of the development of virtues in young people at a time when ‘character’ features prominently in educational agendas and parental concerns over school education systems.Offering an interdisciplinary perspective which draws from the disciplines of education psychology philosophy and sociology this book will appeal to researchers academics and students wanting a greater insight into character education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138737945

Aristotelian Ethics in Contemporary Perspective By bringing together influential critics of neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics and some of the strongest defenders of an Aristotelian approach this collection provides a fresh assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of Aristotelian virtue ethics and its contemporary interpretations. Contributors critically discuss and re-assess the neo-Aristotelian paradigm which has been predominant in the philosophical discourse on virtue for the past 30 years. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138922242

Aristotle First published in 1977 this volume is the only account published in English in the 20th century to be exclusively devoted to an interpretation of Aristotle's political thought (as distinct from commentaries translations and works on Aristotelean philosophy in general). It places Aristotle in his background of the Greek political experience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415611534

Aristotle In this extensively revised new edition of his excellent guidebook Christopher Shields introduces the whole of Aristotle’s philosophy showing how his powerful conception of human nature shaped much of his thinking on the nature of the soul and the mind ethics politics and the arts. Beginning with a brief biography Shields carefully explains the fundamental elements of Aristotle’s thought: his explanatory framework his philosophical methodology and his four-causal explanatory scheme. Subsequently he discusses Aristotle’s metaphysics the theory of categories logical theory and his conception of the human being as a composite of soul and body. The last part concentrates on Aristotle’s value theory as applied to ethics and politics and assesses his approach to happiness virtue and the best life for human beings before turning to a consideration of Aristotle's theory of rhetoric and the arts with a special focus on his perennially controversial treatment of tragedy. This second edition includes an expanded discussion of Aristotle's method and new sections on key issues in perception thought akrasia and mimesis. It concludes with an expanded assessment of Aristotle's legacy sketching currently emerging Neo-Aristotelian movements in metaphysics and virtue ethics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415622493

Aristotle Written by renowned Aristotle scholar Sir David Ross this study has long been established as one of the foremost surveys of Aristotle's life work and philosophy. With John L. Ackrill's introduction and updated bibliography created for the sixth edition the book continues to serve as a standard guide both for the student of ancient history and the general reader. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138141049

Aristotle Emotions and Education What can Aristotle teach us that is relevant to contemporary moral and educational concerns? What can we learn from him about the nature of moral development the justifiability and educability of emotions the possibility of friendship between parents and their children or the fundamental aims of teaching? The message of this book is that Aristotle has much to teach us about those issues and many others. In a formidable display of boundary-breaking scholarship drawing upon the domains of philosophy education and psychology Kristján Kristjánsson analyses and dispels myriad misconceptions about Aristotle’s views on morality emotions and education that abound in the current literature - including the claims of the emotional intelligence theorists that they have revitalised Aristotle’s message for the present day. The book proceeds by enlightening and astute forays into areas covered by Aristotle’s canonical works while simultaneously gauging their pertinence for recent trends in moral education. This is an arresting book on how to balance the demands of head and heart: a book that deepens the contemporary discourse on emotion cultivation and virtuous living and one that will excite any student of moral education whether academic or practitioner. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138254077

Aristotle and Confucius on Rhetoric and TruthThe Form and the Way The current study argues that different cultures can coexist better today if we focus not only on what separates them but also on what connects them. To do so the author discusses how both Aristotle and Confucius see rhetoric as a mode of thinking that is indispensable to the human understanding of the truths of things or dao-the-way or how both see the human understanding of the truths of things or dao-the-way as necessarily communal open-ended and discursive. Based on this similarity the author aims to develop a more nuanced understanding of differences to help foster better cross-cultural communication. In making the argument she critically examines two stereotyped views: that Aristotle’s concept of essence or truth is too static to be relevant to the rhetorical focus on the realm of human affairs and that Confucius’ concept of dao-the-way is too decentered to be compatible with the inferential/discursive thinking. In addition the author relies primarily on the interpretations of the Analects by two 20th-century Chinese Confucians to supplement the overreliance on renderings of the Analects in recent comparative rhetorical scholarship. The study shows that we need an in-depth understanding of both the other and the self to comprehend the relation between the two. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367884789

Aristotle and Early Christian Thought In studies of early Christian thought ‘philosophy’ is often a synonym for ‘Platonism’ or at most for ‘Platonism and Stoicism’. Nevertheless it was Aristotle who from the sixth century AD to the Italian Renaissance was the dominant Greek voice in Christian Muslim and Jewish philosophy. Aristotle and Early Christian Thought is the first book in English to give a synoptic account of the slow appropriation of Aristotelian thought in the Christian world from the second to the sixth century. Concentrating on the great theological topics – creation the soul the Trinity and Christology – it makes full use of modern scholarship on the Peripatetic tradition after Aristotle explaining the significance of Neoplatonism as a mediator of Aristotelian logic. While stressing the fidelity of Christian thinkers to biblical presuppositions which were not shared by the Greek schools it also describes their attempts to overcome the pagan objections to biblical teachings by a consistent use of Aristotelian principles and it follows their application of these principles to matters which lay outside the purview of Aristotle himself. This volume offers a valuable study not only for students of Christian theology in its formative years but also for anyone seeking an introduction to the thought of Aristotle and its developments in Late Antiquity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138697997

Aristotle and His Philosophy In this stunning act of synthesis Abraham Edel captures the entire range of Aristotle's thought in a manner that will prove attractive and convincing to a contemporary audience. Many philosophers approach Aristotle with their own rather than his questions. Some cast him as a partisan of a contemporary school. Even the neutral approach of classical scholarship often takes for granted questions that reflect our modern ways of dissecting the world.Aristotle and His Philosophy shows him at work in asking and answering questions. Abraham Edel fashions a sound comparative way of using current analysis to deepen our understanding of Aristotle rather than argue with or simply appropriate him. Edel examines how Aristotle's basic ideas operated in his scientific and humanistic works what they enabled him to do what they kept him from doing and what in turn we can learn from his philosophical experimentation.The purpose of this volume is twofold: to provide a comprehensive introduction to Aristotle's thought and to throw fresh light on its patterned and systematic character. First tracing the pattern in Aristotle's metaphysical and physical writings he then explores the psychology epistemology ethics and politics rhetoric and poetics. In the process Edel discusses the way interpretations of Aristotle are built up and how different philosophical outlooks Catholic Hegelian Marxian linguistic naturalistic and pragmatic have affected the reading of Aristotelian texts and ideas.The new introduction probes the general problem of interpreting a philosophy and suggests how working through the different interpretations can contribute to a fuller understanding. This methodological self-consciousness makes Aristotle and His Philosophy markedly different from other studies of Aristotle. Martha C. Nussbaum of Brown University has described Edel as having "philosophical sensitivity and good sense throughout. His scholarship is comprehensive but handled with grace and clarity." Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138518926

Aristotle And Moral Realism The question of moral realism?whether our ethical beliefs rest on some objective foundation?is one that mattered as much to Aristotle as it does to us today and his writings on this topic continue to provide inspiration for the contemporary debate. This volume of essays expands the fruitful conversation among scholars of ancient philosophy and con Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314576

Aristotle and Philoponus on Light Originally published in 1991. Philoponus’ long commentary on Aristotle’s definition of light sets up the major concerns both in optics and theory of light that are discussed here. Light was of special interest in Neoplatonism because of its being something incorporeal in the world of natural bodies. Light therefore had a special role in the philosophical analysis of the interpenetration of bodies and was also a paradigm for the soul-body problem. The book contains much about the physiology of vision as well as the propagation of light. Several chapters investigate the philosophical theory behind what came to be known as ‘multiplication of species’ in medieval light theory. These issues in the history of science are placed within an analysis of Neoplatonic development of the distinction between Aristotle’s kinesis and energeia. The book treats Philoponus’ philosophy of mathematical science from the point of view of matter quantity and three-dimensionality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138942356

Aristotle in CoimbraThe Cursus Conimbricensis and the education at the College of Arts Aristotle in Coimbra is the first book to cover the history of both the College of Arts in Coimbra and its most remarkable cultural product the Cursus Conimbricensis examining early Jesuit pedagogy as performed in one of the most important colleges run by the Society of Jesus in the sixteenth century. The first complete philosophical textbook published by a Jesuit college the Cursus Conimbricensis (1592–1606) was created by some of the most renowned early Jesuit philosophers and comprised seven volumes of commentaries and disputations on Aristotle’s writings which had formed the foundation of the university philosophy curriculum since the Middle Ages. In Aristotle in Coimbra Cristiano Casalini demonstrates the connection between educational practices in a sixteenth-century college and the structure of a scholastic philosophical commentary providing insight into this particular form of late-scholastic Aristotelianism through historiographical discourse. This book provides both a narrative of the historical background behind the publication of the Cursus and an analysis of the major philosophical and educational issues addressed by its seven volumes. It is valuable reading for all those interested in intellectual history the history of education and the history of philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472464101

Aristotle on Fallacies; or The Sophistici Elenchi First published in 1866 Aristotle on fallacies; or the Sophistici Elenchi Poste explains Aristotles explanation of the nature of fallacies if not satisfactory seems to be as compete and intelligible as any that has since been offered. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367190569

Aristotle: New Light on His Life and On Some of His Lost Works Volume 1Some Novel Interpretations of the Man and His Life Originally published in 1973. The predominantly historical approach in this book heralds a belief that a better understanding of Aristotle the man and the salient events of his life leads to a greater insight into his work as a philosopher. This the first of two volumes presents interpretations of Aristotle’s life widely interesting to any Aristotle scholars. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138942370

Aristotle: New Light on His Life and On Some of His Lost Works Volume 2Observations on Some of Aristotle's Lost Works Originally published in 1973. Aristotle’s early works probably belong to the formative era of his philosophic thought and as such contribute vitally to the understanding and evaluation of the development of his philosophy. This book shows that the philosophy propagated in these lost works indicates an undeniable Platonism and thus seems to conflict with the basic doctrines in the traditional treatises collected in the Corpus Aristotelicum. Was the author of the lost early works and the later preserved treatises one and the same person or were some of these treatises written by members of the Early Peripatus? This the second of two volumes discusses in detail certain decisive aspects of Aristotle’s early works. Fascinating hypotheses and conjectures put forward here provoke discussion and further investigation in the ‘Aristotelian Problem’. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138942394

Aristotle’s Political Philosophy in its Historical ContextA New Translation and Commentary on Politics Books 5 and 6 This book offers new translations of Aristotle’s Politics 5 and 6 accompanied by an introduction and commentary targeted at historians and those who like to read political science in the context in which it was produced. Philosophical analysis remains essential and there is no intention to detract from the books as political theory but the focus of this volume is the text as a crucial element in the discourse of fourth-century Greece and the conflict throughout the Greek world between democracy oligarchy and the rise of the Macedonian monarchy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367593612

Aristotle's Critique of Political EconomyWith a Contemporary Application This book presents a positive account of Aristotle’s theory of political economy arguing that it contains elements that may help us better understand and resolve contemporary social and economic problems.The book considers how Aristotle’s work has been utilized by scholars including Marx Polanyi Rawls Nussbaum and Sen to develop solutions to the problem of injustice. It then goes on to present a new Social Welfare Function (SWF) as an application of Aristotle’s theory. In exploring how Aristotle’s theories can be applied to contemporary social welfare analysis the book offers a study that will be of relevance to scholars of the history of economic thought political theory and the philosophy of economics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367666569

Aristotle's De Anima in Focus Originally published in 1993. This book presents an amended version of R.D. Hick's classic translation of Aristotle's "De Anima" Books 2 and 3 with pertinent extracts from Book 1 together with an introduction and six papers by prominent international Aristotelian scholars. The editor brings together up-to-date discussions of Aristotle's "De Anima" examining central topics such as the nature of perception perception and thought thinking and the intellect the nature of the soul and the relation between body and soul. These papers draw attention to the importance and value of Aristotle's original contributions both to these topics and to philosophical psychology in general. They show the relevance of Aristotle's ancient classical philosophy to contemporary philosophical debate. This book also examines the key issues of Aristotle's thesis and aims to demonstrate its enduring significance. The "De Anima" is placed within a wider Aristotelian framework and also within a more comprehensive structure as a contribution to philosophical development and advance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138942400

Aristotle's Ethics and Legal RhetoricAn Analysis of Language Beliefs and the Law Taking the novel position of dealing with law classical rhetoric and feminism concurrently this book considers the effects of beliefs about language on those who attempt to theorize about and use law to accomplish practical and political purposes. The author employs Aristotle's terminology to analyze economic and literary schools of thought in the US legal academy noting the implicit language theory underlying claims by major thinkers in each school about the nature of law and its relationship to justice. The underlying assumption is that as law can only work through language beliefs about its relationship to justice are determined by assumptions about the nature of language. In addition the author provides an alternative feminist rhetoric that being focused on the production of texts rather than their interpretation offers a practical ethic of intervention. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138257139

Aristotle's Moral Realism ReconsideredPhenomenological Ethics This book elaborates a moral realism of phenomenological inspiration by introducing the idea that moral experience primordially constitutes a perceptual grasp of actions and of their solid traces in the world. The main thesis is that before any reference to values or to criteria about good and evil—that is before any reference to specific ethical outlooks—one should explain the very materiality of what necessarily constitutes the ‘moral world’. These claims are substantiated by means of a text- centered interpretation of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics in dialogue with contemporary moral realism. The book concludes with a critique of Heidegger’s Gadamer’s and Arendt’s approaches to Aristotle’s ethics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415856744

Aristotle's Theory of Contrariety First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315823164

Aristoxenus of Tarentum and the Birth of Musicology First published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415653589

Aristoxenus of TarentumTexts and Discussion Aristoxenus of Tarentum was reported to have been bitterly disappointed when Theophrastus was chosen instead of him to succeed Aristotle as the head of the Peripatetic School. He had a truly phenomenal output of some 453 volumes most of which survive only in fragments. He was the most famous music theorist in antiquity and came to be referred to simply as "the musician." In addition he was a founder of Greek biography and wrote the life histories of Pythagoras Archytas Socrates and Plato among others.This volume includes eleven selections which are almost evenly divided between his work in music theory and biography. There is a chapter on his general biographical method as well as chapters on his specific treatments of the Pythagoreans Socrates and Plato. There are chapters evaluating the extent to which Aristoxenus was a historian of music his account of music therapy his views on musical "character " the use of instruments and empiricism in his harmonic theory and his relation to the "Neoclassical" Greek composers of the fourth century.This volume includes: "Did Aristoxenus Write Musical History? " Andrew Barker; "Instruments and Empiricism in Aristoxenus' Elementa harmonica " David Creese; "Aristoxenus and Musical Ethos " Eleonora Rocconi; "Aristoxenus and Music Therapy: Fr. 26 Wehrli Within the Tradition on Music and Catharsis " Antonella Provenza; "Aristoxenus and the "Neoclassicists " Timothy Power; "Apollonius on Theophrastus on Aristoxenus " William W. Fortenbaugh; "Aristoxenus' Biographical Method " Stefan Schorn; "Aristoxenus and the Pythagoreans " Leonid Zhmud; "Aristoxenus' Life of Socrates " Carl A. Huffman; "Aristoxenus' Life of Plato " John Dillon; and "Aristoxenus and the Early Academy " Andrew Barker. Spanning close to three full decades Transaction's Rutgers University Studies in Classical Humanities Series continues to pioneer in the field of classical studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507395

Arithmetical Properties of Commutative Rings and Monoids The study of nonunique factorizations of elements into irreducible elements in commutative rings and monoids has emerged as an independent area of research only over the last 30 years and has enjoyed a recent flurry of activity and advancement. This book presents the proceedings of two recent meetings that gathered key researchers from around the world to review recent major results. The first seven chapters demonstrate the diversity of approaches taken in studying nonunique factorizations and serve both as an introduction to factorization theory and as a survey of current trends and results. The remaining chapters reflect research motivated by arithmetical properties of commutative rings and monoids. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138402072

Arius Didymus on Peripatetic Ethics Household Management and PoliticsText Translation and Discussion This volume features a unique epitome (original summation) of Aristotelian practical philosophy. It is often attributed to Arius Didymus who composed a survey of Peripatetic thought on three closely related areas: ethics household management and politics. The quality of the epitome which draws not only on the surviving treatises of Aristotle but also on works by later Peripatetics is excellent.In recent years the epitome has attracted increased attention as an important document for the understanding of Hellenistic philosophy. This new edition of the Greek text is much needed; the most recent edition dates from 1884 and is seriously faulty. This translation provided by Georgia Tsouni is based on the oldest and best manuscripts and takes account of recent discussions of difficult passages. In addition an English translation appears opposite the Greek text on facing pages. The text-translation is followed by nine essays which are written for a wide audience—not only philosophers and classicists but also scholars interested in politics and social order.The essays also consider issues of a more philological nature: Who in fact was the author of the epitome? Is Theophrastus an important source? In discussing political matters is the author intending to defend the practice of philosophy in Augustan Rome? Was there a second epitome perhaps with a different slant that has been lost? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367594589

Arizona This systematic study of the geography of Arizona emphasizes the relationship between the human population and the environment – the patterns of human activities and their effects on the landscape. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367171391

Arjuna–OdysseusShared Heritage in Indian and Greek Epic Bringing together the study of the Greek classics and Indology Arjuna–Odysseus provides a comparative analysis of the shared heritage of the MahÄbhÄrata and early Greek traditions presented in the texts of Homer and Hesiod. Building on the ethnographic theories of Durkheim Mauss and Dumont the volume explores the convergences and rapprochements between the MahÄbhÄrata and the Greek texts. In exploring the networks of similarities between the two epic traditions it also reformulates the theory of Georges Dumézil regarding Indo-European cultural comparativism. It includes a detailed comparison between journeys undertaken by the two epic heroes – Odysseus and Arjuna – and more generally it ranges across the philosophical ideas of these cultures and the epic traditions metaphors and archetypes that define the cultural ideology of ancient Greece and India. This book will be useful to scholars and researchers of Indo-European comparativism social and cultural anthropology classical literature Indology cultural and post-colonial studies philosophy and religion as well as to those who love the Indian and Greek epics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367348304

ARM Assembly LanguageFundamentals and Techniques Second Edition Delivering a solid introduction to assembly language and embedded systems ARM Assembly Language: Fundamentals and Techniques Second Edition continues to support the popular ARM7TDMI but also addresses the latest architectures from ARM including Cortex™-A Cortex-R and Cortex-M processors—all of which have slightly different instruction sets programmer’s models and exception handling. Featuring three brand-new chapters a new appendix and expanded coverage of the ARM7™ this edition: Discusses IEEE 754 floating-point arithmetic and explains how to program with the IEEE standard notation Contains step-by-step directions for the use of Keil™ MDK-ARM and Texas Instruments (TI) Code Composer Studio™ Provides a resource to be used alongside a variety of hardware evaluation modules such as TI’s Tiva Launchpad STMicroelectronics’ iNemo and Discovery and NXP Semiconductors’ Xplorer boards Written by experienced ARM processor designers ARM Assembly Language: Fundamentals and Techniques Second Edition covers the topics essential to writing meaningful assembly programs making it an ideal textbook and professional reference. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482229851

ARM Microprocessor SystemsCortex-M Architecture Programming and Interfacing This book presents the use of a microprocessor-based digital system in our daily life. Its bottom-up approach ensures that all the basic building blocks are covered before the development of a real-life system. The ultimate goal of the book is to equip students with all the fundamental building blocks as well as their integration allowing them to implement the applications they have dreamed up with minimum effort. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367573911

Armageddon or Evolution?The Scientific Method and Escalating World Problems We are currently experiencing a wide range of evolving problems that threaten us with extinction. However Phillips argues that we have the capacity-with the aid of a broad approach to the scientific method that builds on Mills's concept of "the sociological imagination"-to confront these problems ever more effectively. This book develops and builds upon new methods for addressing such social problems as global warming terrorism growing inequalities and others. Phillips reveals procedures for achieving conscious evolution by uncovering fundamental assumptions and their contradictions and by moving toward alternative assumptions that promise to resolve these contradictions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781594516078

Armana Age When we consider the Cretans and Hittites the powers of Babylonia and Assyria and the internal conditions in Syria and Palestine it can hardly be doubted that the reign of Akhetaten marks a turning point notably in Egyptian history but also in the wider history of the ancient world. Here the author vigorously reproduces this age to show the intensely human interest that lies in the story of religion and art of decadence and reform. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415645942

Armed and Considered DangerousA Survey of Felons and Their Firearms Armed and Considered Dangerous is a book about "bad guys" and their guns. But Wright and Rossi contend that for every suspected criminal who owns and abuses a firearm a hundred or more average citizens own guns for sport for recreation for self-protection and for other reasons generally regarded as appropriate or legitimate. Armed and Considered Dangerous is the most ambitious survey ever undertaken of criminal acquisition possession and use of guns.There are vast differences between the average gun owner and the average gun-abusing felon but the analyses reported here do not suggest any obvious way to translate these differences into gun control policies. Most policy implications drawn from the book are negative in character: this will not work for this reason that will not work for that reason and so on. When experts are asked "Okay then what will work?" they usually fall back on the old warhorses of poverty the drug problem or the inadequate resources of the criminal justice system and otherwise have little to say. This is not a failure of social science. It simply asks more of the data than the data were ever intended to provide.Several of Wright and Rossi's findings have become "coin of the realm" in the gun control debate cited frequently by persons who have long since forgotten where the data came from or what their limitations are. Several other findings including many that are important have been largely ignored. Still other findings have been superseded by better and more recent data or rendered anachronistic by intervening events. With the inclusion of a new introduction detailing recent statistics and updated information this new edition of Armed and Considered Dangerous is a rich source of information for all interested in learning about weapon behavior and ownership in America. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138518933

Armed Conflict Women and Climate Change The gender-differentiated and more severe impacts of armed conflict upon women and girls are well recognised by the international community as demonstrated by UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on Women Peace and Security and subsequent resolutions. Similarly the development community has identified gender-differentiated impacts upon women and girls as a result of the effects of climate change. Current research and analysis has reached no consensus as to any causal relationship between climate change and armed conflict but certain studies suggest an indirect linkage between climate change effects such as food insecurity and armed conflict. Little research has been conducted on the possible compounding effects that armed conflict and climate change might have on at-risk population groups such as women and girls. Armed Conflict Women and Climate Change explores the intersection of these three areas and allows the reader to better understand how military organisations across the world need to be sensitive to these relationships to be most effective in civilian-centric operations in situations of humanitarian relief peacekeeping and even armed conflict. This book examines strategy and military doctrine from NATO the UK US and Australia and explores key issues such as displacement food and energy insecurity and male out-migration as well as current efforts to incorporate gender considerations in military activities and operations. This innovative book will be of great interest to students and scholars of international relations international development international security sustainability gender studies and law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138205352

Armed Conflict and Forcible DisplacementIndividual Rights under International Law This book addresses the involuntary and arbitrary displacement of individuals resulting from armed conflict and gross human rights violations. It shows that forcible displacement constitutes a serious violation of international law and of fundamental community interests. Armed Conflict and Forcible Displacement provides a critical legal analysis of the contemporary international framework permeating forcible displacement in these circumstances and explores the rights that individuals possess with specific focus on the right not to be displaced and where this fails the right to return home and to receive property restitution. In doing so this volume marries together different fields of international law and builds on the case studies of Cyprus Colombia Cambodia and Syria. While the case studies considered here are far from exhaustive they are either little explored or present significant challenges due to the magnitude of displacement or contested international jurisprudence. Through this analysis the volume exposes some of the legal challenges that individuals encounter in being protected from forcible displacement as well as the legal obstacles that persist in ensuring the return of and the recovery of property by the displaced. It will be of interest to those interested in the fields of international law human rights law as well as conflict and war studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367592332

Armed Conflict Survey This book provides data on fatalities refugees and separated people for all major armed conflicts in the Middle East Sub-Saharan Africa South Asia Asia-Pacific Europe and Eurasia and Latin America in 2015 alongside in-depth analysis of their political military and humanitarian dimensions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781857437799

Armed Conflict Survey 2016 The Armed Conflict Survey provides yearly data on fatalities refugees and internally displaced people for all major armed conflicts alongside in-depth analysis of their political military and humanitarian dimensions. This edition covers the key developments and context of more than 40 conflicts worldwide. It features essays by the world’s leading authorities on armed conflict covering the development of jihadism after 9/11 hybrid warfare refugees and internally displaced people criminality and conflict and the evolution of peacekeeping operations. It includes maps infographics and the IISS Chart of Conflict. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781857438611

Armed Conflict Survey 2017 The Armed Conflict Survey provides in-depth analysis of the political military and humanitarian dimensions of all major armed conflicts as well as data on fatalities refugees and internally displaced persons. Compiled by the IISS publisher of The Military Balance it is the standard reference work on contemporary conflict. The book assesses key developments in 36 conflicts including those in Iraq Syria Afghanistan South Sudan Israel–Palestine Southern Thailand Colombia and Ukraine.The Armed Conflict Survey also features chapters on UN peacekeeping; sexual violence; the Islamic State’s shifting narrative; governance by armed groups and rebel-to-party transitions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781857439144

Armed Conflict Survey 2018 The Armed Conflict Survey provides in-depth analysis of the political military and humanitarian dimensions of all major armed conflicts as well as data on fatalities refugees and internally displaced persons. Compiled by the IISS publisher of The Military Balance it is the standard reference work on contemporary conflict. The book assesses key developments in 36 high- medium- and low-intensity conflicts including those in Iraq Syria Afghanistan South Sudan Israel–Palestine Southern Thailand Colombia and Ukraine. The Armed Conflict Survey features essays by some of the world’s leading experts on armed conflict including Mats Berdal Elisabeth Jean Wood Julia Bleckner Nelly Lahoud William Reno and Carrie Manning. They write on: • UN peacekeeping; • conflict-related sexual violence; • the Islamic State’s shifting narrative; • the changing foundations of governance by armed groups; and • rebel-to-party transitions. The authors’ discussion of principal thematic and cross-national trends complements the detailed analysis of each conflict at the core of the book. The Armed Conflict Survey also includes maps infographics and multi-year data as well as the IISS Chart of Conflict. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781857439564

Armed Conflict Survey 2019 The Armed Conflict Survey provides in-depth analysis of the political military and humanitarian dimensions of all major armed conflicts as well as data on fatalities refugees and internally displaced persons. Compiled by the IISS publisher of The Military Balance it is the standard reference work on contemporary conflict. The book assesses key developments in 36 high- medium- and low-intensity conflicts including those in Iraq Syria Afghanistan South Sudan Israel–Palestine Southern Thailand Colombia and Ukraine. The Armed Conflict Survey features essays by some of the world’s leading experts on armed conflict including Mats Berdal Elisabeth Jean Wood Julia Bleckner Nelly Lahoud William Reno and Carrie Manning. They write on: • UN peacekeeping; • conflict-related sexual violence; • the Islamic State’s shifting narrative; • the changing foundations of governance by armed groups; and • rebel-to-party transitions. The authors’ discussion of principal thematic and cross-national trends complements the detailed analysis of each conflict at the core of the book. The Armed Conflict Survey also includes maps infographics and multi-year data as well as the IISS Chart of Conflict. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367273583

Armed Conflict Survey 2020 The Armed Conflict Survey is the annual review of the political military and humanitarian dimensions of all active conflicts from the International Institute for Strategic Studies. It offers in-depth analysis of the drivers dynamics and impact of 33 current wars along with detailed information on conflict parties and more than 60 full-colour maps and infographics. The Armed Conflict Survey is an essential resource for those involved in security policymaking and an indispensable handbook for anyone conducting serious analysis of armed conflict. Key features · Essays on global trends in armed conflict with a focus on armed groups and their increasingly horizontal structures adaptability and propensity for exploiting technology. · Overviews of key events and political and military developments in 2019 for each conflict. · In-depth analysis of the underlying drivers and historical roots of conflicts. · Expanded information on conflict parties. · New timelines showing the key political and military developments of 2019. · Analysis of the humanitarian social and economic impact of conflicts. · Conflict-specific trends strategic implications and prospects for peace. · More than 60 full-colour maps tables and infographics highlighting key conflict developments and data. · Key statistics on refugees internally displaced persons and people in need. · The 2020 Chart of Armed Conflict providing an overview of conflict actors including state forces armed groups and multinational missions to conflict and post-conflict countries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367541507

Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2008–11 First published in 2012. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780415624886

Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2008Growing Violence This book examines the major armed conflicts in South Asia — in India (with special reference to the Northeast Jammu & Kashmir and the Naxalites) Pakistan Nepal Bangladesh Sri Lanka and Afghanistan. Designed as an annual series the articles cover a set of issues across volumes. Each article provides a brief historical sketch of the emergence of armed conflict and outlines its various phases. The roles objectives and strategies of the major state non-state and international actors are critically evaluated. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138380295

Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2009Continuing Violence Failing Peace Processes The essays in this volume are concerned with armed conflicts in South Asia and the conflict management efforts made to mitigate them. Articles in the volume study conflict management look at the direction armed conflict is likely to take and provide a set of alternative measures that could be perused by the actors. It addresses five key issues: history of the armed conflict identifying the principal actors of the conflict describing the course of the conflict and its major trends evaluating conflict management measures undertaken if any presenting appropriate conclusions. It also includes additional chapters on Naxalism and sectarian strife in Pakistan. Designed as an annual series this important collection discusses India’s geo-strategic importance including its common borders with its neighbours; the psychological and economic costs of violence and the problem of refugee migrants; treaties and ceasefire agreements signed across countries; the role of the UN and other peacekeeping forces; and the future of failed and failing democracies. The book makes an important contribution to analysing armed conflicts and conflict resolution. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138380387

Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2010Growing Left-wing Extremism and Religious Violence This book examines the major armed conflicts in South Asia. The articles study conflict management look at the direction the armed conflict is likely to take and provide a set of alternative measures that could be pursued by the actors. Designed as an annual series the articles provide a brief historical sketch of the emergence of armed conflict outlining its various phases. This volume examines the various armed conflicts in South Asia in 2009 – in Afghanistan FATA and NWFP J&K North-East India Nepal and Sri Lanka and sectarian and Naxalite violence in Pakistan and India respectively. The volume also includes an exclusive chapter on the continuing story of suicide terrorism in Pakistan. This important collection discusses India’s geo-strategic importance and its common borders with its neighbours; the psychological and economic costs of violence and the problem of refugee migrants; treaties memorandums and ceasefire agreements signed over the past several years across countries; the role of the United Nations and other peacekeeping forces; and the future of failed and failing states. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138383005

Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2011The Promise and Threat of Transformation Fourth in the annual series this volume reviews the transformative changes which have emerged in the armed conflicts in South Asia in 2010 several of these with long and convoluted histories including the conflicts in Jammu & Kashmir northeast India and the Naxalite movement in central India; as also issues of autonomy in Balochistan the FATA region in Pakistan the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh and the Terai foothills in Nepal. The book examines whether armed conflicts have transformed since their inception; or only metamorphosed into the sullen acceptance that could usher future violence. While conflicts in South Asia have been interspersed with peace efforts the book looks at the complex trajectories that such attempts have taken. Specifically it identifies three regions where most significant transformative trends were witnessed in South Asia in 2010: conflict-ridden Sri Lanka Af-Pak and the Naxalite regions of India. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138110618

Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2012Uneasy Stasis and Fragile Peace Sixth in the annual series this volume examines the major trends in armed conflicts in South Asia during 2011 efforts towards conflict management undertaken by the State and their effectiveness as also the road ahead. While focusing on the burning issues within the region the volume looks into two important aspects of the conflict situation: conflict alert and peace audit. In providing critical policy recommendations to the State the former anticipates early warning regarding an impending conflict and its potential transformation. The latter assesses the status of ceasefires and peace processes adopted by the respective countries. The volume highlights the causes of armed conflicts in South Asia so as to facilitate concrete peace processes. In addition to essays addressing armed conflicts in Afghanistan Pakistan India and Myanmar it includes a special section entitled 'Peace Audit'. This segment reviews and evaluates specific peace efforts undertaken in Jammu and Kashmir Nepal Sri Lanka and Northeast India measures their successes and failures and discusses the lessons that may be learnt from them. Further it studies the nature of these peace processes their effectiveness and the dangers of conflict relapse. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367226251

Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2013Transitions Seventh in the annual series this volume focuses on civil society movements in South Asia besides covering armed conflicts in the region in 2012. The first section addresses the conflicts in Afghanistan Pakistan and Myanmar and the situation in Northeast India and Naxalite violence; the second assesses peace audits in Nepal Sri Lanka Jammu and Kashmir along with the peace process in Nagaland. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367176822

Armed Drones and Globalization in the Asymmetric War on TerrorChallenges for the Law of Armed Conflict and Global Political Economy This book is a critical exploration of the war on terror from the prism of armed drones and globalization. It is particularly focused on the United States’ use of the drones and the systemic dysfunctions that globalization has caused to international political economy and national security creating backlash in which the desirability of globalization is not only increasingly questioned but the resultant dissension about its desirability appears increasingly militating against the international consensus needed to fight the war on terror. To underline the controversial nature of the "war on terror" and the pragmatic weapon (armed drones) fashioned for its prosecution some of the elements of this controversy have been interrogated in this book. They include amongst others the doubt over whether the war should have been declared in the first place because terrorist attacks hardly meet the United Nations’ casus belli – an armed attack. There are critics as highlighted in this book who believe that the "war on terror" is not an armed conflict properly so called and thus remains only a "law enforcement issue."The United States and all the states taking part in the war on terror are obligated to observe International Humanitarian Law (IHL). It is within this context of IHL that this book appraises the drone as a weapon of engagement discussing such issues as "personality" and "signature" strikes as well as the implications of the deployment of spies as drone strikers rather than the Defence Department the members of the U.S armed forces. This book will be of value to researchers academics policymakers professionals and students in the fields of security studies terrorism the law of armed conflict international humanitarian law and international politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367593650

Armed Drones and the Ethics of WarMilitary virtue in a post-heroic age This book assesses the ethical implications of using armed unmanned aerial vehicles (‘hunter-killer drones’) in contemporary conflicts. The American way of war is trending away from the heroic and towards the post-heroic driven by a political preference for air-powered management of strategic risks and the reduction of physical risk to US personnel. The recent use of drones in the War on Terror has demonstrated the power of this technology to transcend time and space but there has been relatively little debate in the United States and elsewhere over the embrace of what might be regarded as politically desirable and yet morally worrisome: risk-free killing. Arguably the absence of a relationship of mutual risk between putative combatants poses a fundamental challenge to the status of war as something morally distinguishable from other forms of violence and it also undermines the professional virtue of the warrior as a courageous risk-taker. This book considers the use of armed drones in the light of ethical principles that are intended to guard against unjust increases in the incidence and lethality of armed conflict. The evidence and arguments presented indicate that in some respects the use of armed drones is to be welcomed as an ethically superior mode of warfare. Over time however their continued and increased use is likely to generate more challenges than solutions and perhaps do more harm than good. This book will be of much interest to students of the ethics of war airpower counter-terrorism strategic studies and security studies in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138900882

Armed Forces Conflict And Change In Africa This book provides some arguments concerning the nature of African militaries. It focuses on the broader issue of the relationships between civilians and military in the context of African countries which continue to face difficulties in establishing central authority over national territory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367153229

Armed Forces and Insurgents in Modern Asia This volume traces the historical roots and evolution of insurgencies and counter-insurgencies in modern Asia. Focusing on armed rebellions and use of armed forces by both Western powers and indigenous states from the nineteenth century till present day the volume unravels the problematic of change continuity and addresses key questions on the nat Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367177065

Armed Forces in the Middle EastPolitics and Strategy An examination of the Middle East's leading armed forces and their role in both military and political affairs. The book considers their missions doctrine training equipment and effectiveness as fighting forces. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315039152

Armed Group Structure and Violence in Civil WarsThe Organizational Dynamics of Civilian Killing This book examines whether differences in the organizational structure of armed groups shape patterns of human rights violations in civil wars. Since the end of World War II civil wars have been characterized by extremely high numbers of civilian casualties. However the exact extent of civilian suffering varies across time conflict and geographic region. Recently a new strand of research has emerged primarily focused on studying the dynamics underlying the variation in civilian abuse by examining the characteristics of the armed groups and how these characteristics influence the armed groups’ behaviour towards the civilian population. With reference to principal-agent theory and data on the organizational structure of more than 70 armed groups active worldwide from 1989 onwards the author’s analysis functions both on the level of the armed group and on the level of the individual via personal interviews with combatants. Offering a unique insight into how factors such as recruitment methods hierarchy and organizational commitment may affect the likelihood of civilian abuse by combatants this book will be of much interest to students of political violence civil wars war and conflict studies security studies and IR in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138829367

Armed Groups and Contemporary ConflictsChallenging the Weberian State Armed groups operating beyond the state have become the most important actors in most contemporary wars and violent conflicts from Iraq and Afghanistan to Colombia and Somalia. They come in a dizzying array of forms: some informally linked to the state and state power others in opposition to the state; some pursuing classic political goals others primarily predatory and large-scale criminal enterprises. All groups however challenge the state’s Weberian monopoly of the legitimate use of force yet their origins evolution violent dynamics and relations with state power are poorly understood. This interdisciplinary collection includes both conceptual and empirical studies of contemporary armed groups examining cases in Latin America Asia and Africa. It brings sociological political economy and ethnographic approaches to bear on larger questions including armed groups and the changing nature of warfare the economic dimensions of their activities and means of engagement with armed actors. It both broadens and sharpens our understanding of how force and violence are used in today’s contemporary armed conflicts. This book was published as a special issue of Contemporary Security Policy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415815925

Armed Groups and International LegitimacyChild Soldiers in Intra-State Conflict This book analyses the issue of child soldiers in order to understand how armed groups engage with international organizations to gain international legitimacy. The work examines why some armed groups ‘follow the rules’ of international humanitarian law and others do not. It argues that armed groups in conflicts around the world engage with international organizations in order to gain international legitimacy and to show they are following the laws of war. By examining the issue of child soldiers in contemporary armed conflict the volume establishes a typology of which groups will engage with international actors and follow the laws of war – and which will not. The main aim of the book is to understand the rationality of even the most violent of actors and to understand when and how armed groups can be encouraged to follow the laws of war. The work draws from extensive primary research conducted among armed groups in Syria and Myanmar including al-Qaeda the Islamic State and the many small ethnic insurgent groups of Myanmar. This book will be of much interest to students of war and conflict studies security studies international humanitarian law and International Relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367649319

Armed Non-State Actors in International Humanitarian and Human Rights LawFoundation and Framework of Obligations and Rules on Accountability The accountability of armed non-state actors is a neglected field of international law overtaken by the regimes of state responsibility and individual criminal accountability as well as fears of legitimacy. Yet armed non-state actors are important players in the international arena and their activities have significant repercussions. This book focuses on their obligations and accountability when they do not function as state agents regardless of the existence or extent of accountability of their individual members. The author claims that their distinct features lead to their classification into three different types: de facto entities armed non-state actors in control of territory and common article 3 armed non-state actors. The mechanisms that trigger the applicability of humanitarian and human rights law regimes are examined in detail as well as the framework of obligations. In both cases the author argues that armed non-state actors should not be treated as entering international law and process exclusively through the state. The study concludes by focussing on their accountability in international humanitarian and human rights law and more specifically to the rules of attribution remedies and reparations for violations of their primary obligations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815393412

Armed Robbery Despite the significance of armed robbery in the criminal justice system the media and in the public mind there has been little systematic research or writing on the subject beyond the popular accounts. In both the USA and the UK there remains a large gap in the literature on the subject which this book aims to fill. It provides a comprehensive account of armed robbery based on extensive research with 350 armed robbers in prison and on work with two police armed response units Despite the significance of armed robbery in the criminal justice system the media and in the public mind there has been little systematic research or writing on the subject beyond the popular accounts – from the Metropolitan and South Yorkshire Police. This is the book on the subject. Media > Books > E-books Willan 9781843924227

Armed Struggle In PalestineA Political-military Analysis This book investigates the Palestinian guerrilla movement and assesses the probability that the fedayeen will achieve their aim of liberating Palestine by means of protracted revolutionary insurgency. It is concerned with political revolution more conjectural question of social revolution. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367167912

Armenia and Imperial DeclineThe Yerevan Province 1900-1914 This book seeks for the first time to examine the demography and the social and economic conditions in the Yerevan Province during the first decade of the twentieth century before the great changes that occurred during World War I and the seven decades of Soviet rule. Unlike in Tiflis and Baku the Armenian inhabitants of the Yerevan Province were overwhelmingly peasants. They did not play a major role in the political intellectual or economic life of the South Caucasus.The aim of the book is to prove conclusively that the Armenians of the Yerevan Province not only benefited from living under the umbrella of imperial security but as junior and senior officials they also acquired important administrative and professional skills. The social and economic changes of the last decade of Russian rule enabled the local Armenians to advance and following the collapse of the Russian Empire to occupy posts previously held by Russians. Thus despite the absence of their most talented individuals and the lack of experienced political leaders as well as the loss of half their territory to Turkish attacks in 1918 the local Armenian administration in the face of terrible conditions and great odds provided the foundation which allowed the Armenian Republic to maintain its independence until December of 1920. In fact some of the survivors would assist in the modernization and nation building of Soviet Armenia. Providing a detailed overview of the history of the Yerevan Province in the late imperial age this book will be a valuable resource for students and scholars interested in the History of Armenia the Russian Empire and the Caucasus. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367590673

ArmeniaAt the Crossroads Since the collapse of the Soviet Union Armenia has remained on the brink of on the brink of becoming an economic crossroads or an isolated backwater a democratic or authoritarian state a peaceful and prosperous country or a nation on the brink of conflict. Armenia's difficult independence is intricately linked with her transcaucasian neighbours and whichever path she follows they will undoubtedly be affected. Armenia: At the Crossroads considers Armenia as a nationa and as a state and puts her tragic history into the context of current events since independence. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315079288

Armenian Christianity TodayIdentity Politics and Popular Practice Armenian Christianity Today examines contemporary religious life and the social political and cultural functions of religion in the post-Soviet Republic of Armenia and in the Armenian Diaspora worldwide. Scholars from a range of countries and disciplines explore current trends and everyday religiosity particularly within the Armenian Apostolic Church (AAC) and amongst Armenian Catholics Protestants and vernacular religions. Themes examined include: Armenian grass-roots religiosity; the changing forms of regular worship and devotion; various types of congregational life; and the dynamics of social composition of both the clergy and lay believers. Exploring through the lens of Armenia this book considers wider implications of ’postsecular’ trends in the role of global religion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138548879

Armenian Neume System of NotationStudy and Analysis The study of the Armenian system of notation called Khazs (Neumes) is of significance both for Armenian and Byzantine music from a historical and aesthetic point of view. Over the centuries the Armenian people have created a musical culture which is largely inaccessible because of the fact that to this day the medieval notation of this music has not been deciphered.Prof. R.A. At'ayan's unique study based on the abundant manuscript sources of the Institute of Ancient Manuscripts (Erevan) not only traces the origin and development of this notation system convincingly but also re-creates the tunes of the numerous chants and songs composed over the centuries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987500

Armenian Organization and Ideology Under Ottoman Rule1908-1914 This book provides a comprehensive picture of Armeno-Turkish relations for the brief period of Ottoman Constitutional rule between 1908 and 1914. Kaligian integrates internal documents of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation and existing research on the last years of the empire as well as the archives of the British American and German diplomatic corps. By reducing the overemphasis on central government policies and by describing unofficial contacts political relations and provincial administration and conditions Kaligian provides a unified account of this key period in Ottoman history.Kaligian sets out to resolve many of the conflicting conclusions in the current historiography—including the most central issue the Armenian Revolutionary Federation relations with the Turkish Committee of Union and Progress. It is impossible to obtain a true picture of Armeno-Turkish relations without an accurate analysis of their two leading parties. This study finds that the ARF was torn between maintaining relations with a CUP that had failed to implement promised reforms and was doing little to prevent increasing attacks on the Armenian population or break off relations thus ending any realistic chance for the constitutional system to succeed. The party continued to stake its reputation and resources on the success of constitutional government even after the trauma of the 1909 Adana massacres. The decisive issue was the failure of land restitution.This book sets the record straight in terms of understanding Armeno-Turkish relations during this short but pivotal period. Kaligian's study the first of its kind shows that the party's internal deliberations support the conclusion that it did remain loyal and contradicts the view that the party's only aim was to incite a rebellion against Ottoman rule. The author has done an excellent job of leading the reader through this rich history using primary source information to bridge the gaps from theory to analysis to evidence. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412842457

Armenian Perspectives Papers covering the history religion and culture of the Armenian people from the 10th anniversary conference of the Association Internationale des Etudes Armeniennes held at the School of Oriental and African Studies London. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963801

Armenian Sacred and Folk Music Translated by E. Gulbekian edited with introduction by N.V. Nersessian. Komitas Vardapet was the giant of Armenian sacred and folk music. Eight of Komitas's principal musicological studies have been selected from his Collected Works published in Yerevan in 1941. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963818

Armenian TerrorismThe Past The Present The Prospects Arising seemingly out of nowhere Armenian terrorist groups in the last two decades have carried out over 200 attacks in some two dozen countries around the world. Although this wave of terror at first appears to have sprung up without warning a closer look at Armenian history especially since World War I shows that it is only the most recent in a series of outbreaks of ethnic violence. In this study the author examines the social and political background of Armenian terrorism and its similarities to and differences from other terrorist movements and he carefully dissects the organizational methods of these groups. An important feature of the work is an extensive and detailed chronology of Armenian terrorism from 1915 to the present. Each entry provides essential information concerning the date and time of the attack location victims weapons used terrorist groups and individual commandos responsible for the attack and a list of sources for further reference. A resource for specialists studying terrorism and ethnic violence "Armenian Terrorism" should also be useful to those interested in the tragic and difficult history of Armenia and Turkey. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429045714

Armenian-AmericansFrom Being to Feeling American Assimilation has been a contentious issues for most immigrant groups in the United States. The host society is assumed to lire immigrants and their descendants away from their ancestral heritage. Yet in their quest for a "better" life few immigrants intentionally forsake heir ethnic identity; most try to hold onto their culture by transplanting their traditional institutions and recreating new communities in America. Armenian-Americans are no exception. Armenian-Americans have been generally overlooked by census enumerators survey analysts and social scientists because of their small numbers and relative dispersion throughout the United States. They remain a little-studied group that has been called a "hidden minority." Armenian Americans fills this significant gap. Based on the results of an extensive mail questionnaire survey in-depth interviews and participant observation of communal gatherings this book analyzed the individual and collective struggles of Armenian-Americans to perpetuate their Armenian legacy while actively seeking new pathways to the American Dream. This volume shows how men and women of Armenian descent become distanced from their ethnic origins with the passing of generations. Yet assimilation and maintenance of ethnic identity go hand-in-hand. The ascribed unconscious compulsive Armenianness of the immigrant generation is transformed into a voluntary rational situational Armenianness. The generational change is from being Armenian to feeling Armenian. The Armenian-American community has grown and prospered in this century. Greater tolerance of ethnic differences in the host society the remarkable social mobility of many Armenian-Americans and the influx of large numbers of new immigrants from the Middle East and Soviet bloc in recent decades have contributed to this development. The future of this community however remains precarious as it strives to adjust to the ever changing social economic and political conditions affecting Armenians in the United States; the diaspora; and the new republic of Armenia. Armenian-Americans will be of interest to sociologists anthropologists and social historians and of course to people of Armenian ancestry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412842273

Armenians And The Iranian Constitutional Revolution Of 1905-1911The Love For Freedom Has No Fatherland Drawing upon original sources this study provides the most comprehensive treatment to date of the issue of Armenian politicization and participation in the Iranian Constitutional Revolution (1905-1911). Houri Berberian traces the political economic and social situation of Armenians in the nineteenth century with a special emphasis on the Armenian provinces of the Ottoman Empire which became the focus of the Armenian revolutionary movement in the late nineteenth century and on the Russian-ruled Caucasus which became the source of the nationalist and socialist revolutionary movement. Discussion of the Iranian Armenian community includes for the first time a look into the roles and activism of Iranian Armenian women. Berberian explores the ideological political and pragmatic motivations of Armenians and examines the collaboration of Armenian and Iranian constitutionalists drawing attention to the ideological and military contributions of Armenians to the revolution as well as to the internal and external conflicts among Armenian activists and between Armenian and Iranian constitutionalist elements. Berberian concludes with a discussion of the causes and consequences of the retreat of Armenians from Iranian politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367096618

Armenians in the Service of the Ottoman Empire1860-1908 First published in 1977. Although hundreds of books have been published on the Armenian question and massacres very little is known about their services in the cultural economic and administrative life and development of the Ottoman Empire. This study is an investigation into the contribution by Armenians to Ottoman public life from 1860 when the Armenian community in Turkey was given a new legislative Constitution on the basis of Tanzimat (Reforms) until 1908 when the young Turks seized power and there followed a bitterly fanatic policy of intolerance which had tragic consequences for both the Armenians and the Turks. The author has concentrated his investigations on the eastern provinces of Anatolia which earlier formed the western part of historic Armenia and which in the diplomatic language of the nineteenth century were referred to as ‘provinces inhabited by Armenians’. To these he has added the provinces of Syria close to the neighbouring Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia and where especially in and around Aleppo old Armenian communities had settled. Both in Anatolia and Syria the Armenians were employed in various administrative judicial economic and secretarial fields and to a lesser extent in technical affairs agriculture education and public health. The author shows how this contribution was made in spite of the fact that for the Armenians these were years of transition from their established status as a favoured Christian millet to the tragic insecurity of a hunted people. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138492097

Armies in Europe This book originally published in 1980 is a study of the nature and purposes of peace-time military organization in Europe and of the characteristics and outcome of the major wars fought during these years. It charts the rise of mass armies and the role of conscription as a socializing agent and a military instrument as well as discussing the growing involvement of society in war both as agent and target of military activity the mounting effort required of a society in order to ahcieve victory culminating in the ‘Total War’ of 1939-45. Among other subjects explored are the development of war economies the genesis and significance of war aims the importance of social cohesion in modern war and the impact of technology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138932708

Armies of the PoorDeterminants of Working-class Participation in in the Parisian Insurrection of June 1848 In June 1848 two irregular armies of the urban poor fought a four-day battle in the streets of Paris that decided the fate of the French Second Republic. The Parisian National Workshops and the Parisian Mobile Guard-organizations newly created at the time of the February Revolution-provided the bulk of the June combatants associated with the insurrection and repression respectively. According to Marx's simple and compelling hypothesis a nascent French proletariat unsuccessfully attempted to assert its political and social rights against a coalition of the bourgeoisie and lumpenproletariat represented by the Parisian Mobile Guard. Through a detailed study of archival sources Mark Traugott challenges this interpretation of these events and proposes an organizational explanation.Research has consistently shown that skilled artisans and not unskilled proletarians stood at the forefront of the revolutionary struggles of the nineteenth century. Traugott compares the social identities of the main participants on opposite sides of the conflict and sorts out the reasons for the political alignments observed. Drawing on work by Charles Tilly and Lynn Lees Traugott demonstrates that the insurgents were not highly proletarianized workers but rather members of the highly skilled trades predominant in the Parisian economy. Meanwhile those who spearheaded the repression were little different in occupational status though they tended to be significantly younger. Traugott's "organizational hypothesis" makes sense of the observed configuration of forces. He accounts for the age differential as a by-product of the recruitment criteria that Mobile Guard volunteers were required to meet. Finally he explains why class position creates no more than a diffuse political predisposition that remains subject to the influence of situation-specific factors such as organizational affiliations. Armies of the Poor helps clarify our understanding of the dynamic at work in the insurrectionary turmoil of 1848 in particular and in the great waves of early industrial revolutionism in general. It now is a standard interpretation for subsequent research on the French Revolution of 1848. Armies of the Poor will be of interest to historians seeking a re-interpretation of a major revolutionary episode and social scientists considering a re-examination of Marx and Engels' hypotheses of the roots of political mobilization and protest. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138518940

Arming AsiaTechnonationalism and its Impact on Local Defense Industries Bitzinger examines the phenomenon of attempted self-reliance in arms production within Asia and assesses the extent of success in balancing this independence with the growing requirements of next-generation weapons systems. He analyzes China India Japan South Korea and Southeast Asia. The overarching question in the book is whether self-reliance is a strategically viable solution for development and manufacturing of arms. Given the ever-changing dynamics and increasing demand for sophisticated next-generation weaponry will these countries be able to individually sustain their domestic defense industries and constantly update their technologies? This is the first book to analyze arms production from a regional perspective. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138366022

Arming East Russia During the 1990s military spending arms procurement and defence industrialisation have all increased rapidly in East Asia. Although these developments do not constitute an arms race they nevertheless have important implications for suppliers of defence equipment for arms control and for regional stability. This paper assesses trends in the defence spending of East Asian states particularly in the light of the economic crisis which began in mid-1997. It also focuses on three closely-related issues: the nature of the regional market for defence equipment; defence industrialisation; and the effect of trends in defence procurement and industrialisation on East Asian states' military capabilities and on the regional military balance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138432338

Arming the British PoliceThe Great Debate As the fear of violent crime escalates there are calls for the police to carry guns. This examination of the history of violent crime and violence against the representatives of law and order looks at the extent to which the "unarmed" British police have had recourse to firearms in the past. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003062530

Arming the Royal Navy 1793–1815The Office of Ordnance and the State The Office of Ordnance has been ill-served by previous accounts of its role in arming the Royal Navy during the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars. Cole offers an in-depth examination of its organizational structure and demonstrates how the department responded to the pressures of war over an extended period of time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138664517

Arming the Two KoreasState Capital and Military Power North Korea has traditionally been seen as militarily superior to South Korea in the long feud between the two nations. This brilliantly argued book taps into a great deal of news interest in North Korea at the moment in the wake of recent hostility against Japan. Hamm controversially shows that the received idea of Koreas military strength is partly a myth created by South Korea to justify a huge programme of rearmament. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203022719

Arming the Western FrontWar Business and the State in Britain 1900–1920 The First World War was above all a war of logistics. Whilst the conflict will forever be remembered for the mud and slaughter of the Western Front it was a war won on the factory floor as much as the battlefield. Examining the war from an industrial perspective Arming the Western Front examines how the British between 1900 and 1920 set about mobilising economic and human resources to meet the challenge of 'industrial war'. Beginning with an assessment of the run up to war the book examines Edwardian business-state relations in terms of armament supply. It then outlines events during the first year of the war taking a critical view of competing constructs of the war and considering how these influenced decision makers in both the private and public domains. This sets the framework for an examination of the response of business firms to the demand for 'shells more shells' and their varying ability to innovate and manage changing methods of production and organisation. The outcome a central theme of the book was a complex and evolving trade-off between the quantity and quality of munitions supply an issue that became particularly acute during the Battle of the Somme in 1916. This deepened the economic and political tensions between the military the Ministry of Munitions and private engineering contractors as the pressure to increase output accelerated markedly in the search for victory on the western front. The Great War created a dual army one in the field the other at home producing munitions and the final section of the book examines the tensions between the two as the country strove for final victory and faced the challenges of the transition to the peace time economy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815366836

ArmourMaterials Theory and Design Highlights Recent Advances in Materials/Armour Technology As long as conflict exists in the world protection technologies will always be in demand. Armour: Materials Theory and Design describes the existing and emerging protection technologies that are currently driving the latest advances in armour systems. This book explains the theory applications and material science aspects of modern armour design as they are used in relation to vehicles ships personnel and buildings and explores the science and technology used to provide protection against blasts and ballistic attacks. It covers materials technologies used in protection; addresses the system effects of adding blast-wave shaping to vehicles as well as the effect on the human body; and outlines ballistic testing techniques. Takes a Look at How Armour Works The book discusses ceramics for armour applications; transparent armour; and metals for armour applications (including aluminium alloys magnesium alloys titanium alloys and steels); as well as composite armour systems; explosive reactive armour systems with reference to defensive aid suites for vehicles; and wound ballistics. In addition the author lists more than 100 references for advanced study and further reading. Armour: Materials Theory and Design introduces a variety of armour technologies outlines modern threats and dangers applicable to protection technology and aids readers in implementing protective structures that can be used in battle conflict military zones and other related environments. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482238297

Arms and Judgment"Law Morality and the Conduct of War in the Twentieth Century" This book examines the justifications of the use of armed force and their limits as well as the law of war. It is a moral enquiry and adopts an interdisciplinary approach. The divergence between legality and morality and its significance is one of the underlying themes of the book. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367005580

Arms And Politics In The Dominican Republic This chronicle and interpretation of recent military and political events in the Dominican Republic analyzes the political behavior of the country's armed forces and scrutinizes policies put in action since the nation's civil war and the subsequent U.S. intervention of 1965. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367168520

Arms and the StateSir William Armstrong and the Remaking of British Naval Power 1854–1914 Arms and the State is a history of Britain's first and foremost modern armaments company the Armstrong Whitworth Company from its origins in 1854 to 1914. It focuses on the role of Sir William G. Armstrong an engineer and entrepreneur who transformed his modest mechanical engineering business into a vast industrial enterprise which invented developed manufactured and sold heavy guns and warships throughout the world. Arms and the State reconstructs the global arms trade as it follows Armstrong's companies selling the latest weapons to both sides in the American Civil War Egypt Turkey and Italy in the 1860s to China Chile and Japan in the 1870s and 1880s and became Britain's leading armaments company in the age of the naval arms races that preceded the First World War. In so doing it discusses varied topics such as the social and political nature of technological innovation the quality of Britain's late-Victorian entrepreneurs and the impact of armaments on British politics defence policies the international arms trade and imperialism. Arms and the State situates the history of the company in its technological political and international contexts with particular attention given to the role of British Parliamentary politics and the inner workings of the War Office and Admiralty bureaucracies. The central narrative is Armstrong's role in the militarization of technology in the 1850s the commercialization of the armaments trade on a global scale in the 1860s and 1870s and the emergence of the British military-industrial state in the 1880s and 1890s. Arms and the State provides a history of the people the technology and the business of the Arms trade. It is a fascinating story of the domestic politics the foreign policy and strategic calculations the manipulation of the press and the bureaucratic intrigues that lay behind the invention production and proliferation of the first weapons of mass destruction. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138251717

Arms Control The Frg And The Future Of East-west Relations This book explores the implications of arms control negotiations for the Federal Republic of Germany and considers why Germany has traditionally found it impossible to divorce considerations of arms control from their larger political context. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367163648

Arms Control AgreementsA Handbook This book first published in 1982 provides a well-informed historical overview insightful analysis and searching critique of arms control agreements and negotiations from the Hague Declaration of 1899 to the SALT Treaties and Conventions of the 1970s and 1980s. Arms control agreements of international importance and historical merit are assessed for the extent to which each affected the arms race or reduced the likelihood of war. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367623838

Arms Control And Defense Postures In The 1980s This book explores problems of arms competition in the 1980s and stresses the need for a complete reassessment of U.S. security interests lest negotiations become curiously disconnected from defense policy. It explains the Soviet approach to integrating national security with arms control policies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367168537

Arms Control and East-West Relations This book first published in 1983 examines the role that arms control has to play alongside defence and deterrence in stabilising East-West relations and reducing tensions during the Cold War. Arms control agreements were designed in the attempt to achieve parity between the nuclear forces of the superpowers without making war more likely. A danger of confrontation between the USSR and the USA came from their involvement in Third World conflicts and this arena is also discussed. The diplomatic approaches of the Soviet Union the Third World and the West and their aims in arms control are also analysed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367613181

Arms Control And International Security This book contains papers and comments presented at the Conference on International Security and Arms Control convened for the understanding of international security and arms control. The papers represent a wide diversity of subjects relevant to arms control. . Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367165253

Arms Control and Iranian Foreign PolicyDiplomacy of Discontent Since 2003 when the world learned that the Islamic Republic of Iran had succeeded in secretly developing a capability to enrich uranium and separate plutonium the question of Iran’s nuclear program has ranked high on the international political and arms control agenda. This book studies the IRI’s diplomatic operations in the issue area of arms control and demonstrates how arms control diplomacy has formed an integral part of the IRI’s foreign policy during the various phases of its history. Furthermore it fills a gap in the research literature on Iran’s foreign and security policies by providing the first comprehensive account of Iranian arms control diplomacy under the Islamic regime. This book aims at reconstructing Iran’s diplomatic operations in four distinct thematic areas of arms control: conventional chemical biological and nuclear arms control. It also looks at the diplomatic means by which the IRI’s leadership has tried to achieve its arms control objectives. This text also seeks to identify and examine the individual objectives that have guided Iranian policy choices in the domain of arms control. Finally it places the reconstructed Iranian objectives into a broader context by elaborating on the fundamental values or foreign policy goals that the IRI’s arms control objectives have served. This highly informative and thought provoking volume will be valuable reading for students researchers and academics as well as for commentators and policy-makers interested in Middle East studies Iranian studies international relations and arms control. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138115903

Arms Control and Missile Proliferation in the Middle East First published in 2012. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415516396

Arms Control and Security: The Changing Role of Conventional Arms Control in EuropeThe Changing Role of Conventional Arms Control in Europe This title was first published in 2000: The aim of this text is to explore conventional arms control in Europe. The early chapters provide a primarily historical perspective looking at the context foundations main provisions and institutional structure of the main agreements. The later chapters explore the continuing and likely future roles of the OSCE and NATO in the arms control process. The final chapters examine more contemporary developments by looking at the Adapted CFE Treaty and Vienna Documents agreed at the OSCE Istanbul Summit in November 1998 and the challenges posed to existing arrangements by the changing and emergent security threats that potentially face Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138725188

Arms Control And The New Middle East Security Environment This book incorporates the talks delivered at a conference on "Arms Control and the New Middle East Security Environment " held in Ginosar (Israel) in January 1992. The objective of the conference was to air the experience gained in arms control in the US-Soviet and NATO-Warsaw Pact context. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367159122

Arms Control in the 21st CenturyBetween Coercion and Cooperation This volume evaluates the impact of coercive arms control efforts to curb the spread of weapons of mass destruction in the twenty-first century. A new paradigm in arms control is gradually replacing the idea that mutually agreed restrictions on armaments can improve international security. Thus Hedley Bull’s classic definition of arms control as the "cooperation between antagonistic pairs of states in military affairs" needs to be amended by a new notion of coercive arms control as the set of non-cooperative and non-reciprocal measures to restrict the weapons or military capabilities of certain states. This volume addresses the topic of how this ongoing paradigmatic shift will affect the effectiveness of arms control as a conflict management instrument.While some argue that new instruments can complement and strengthen traditional multilateral and inclusive arms control regimes others maintain that conflicts and contradictions between coercive and cooperative arms control regimes will severely limit their effectiveness. This volume provides a forum for academics and practitioners from around the globe to discuss these developments in depth and to assess the specific strengths and weaknesses of these new instruments of arms control. This book will be of much interest to students of arms control global governance foreign policy and IR/Security Studies in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138789418

Arms Control In TransitionProceedings Of The Livermore Arms Control Conference This book includes presentations on examining policies and negotiating goals in five major areas of arms control. The presentations were provided at a conference on arms control held at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory on 26–27 May 1981. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367169169

Arms Control Law This volume features a selection of the best scholarship on international law as it is relevant to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The essays consider the nonproliferation legal regime as a normative system and offer a more discrete consideration of international law in each weapons of mass destruction technology area: nuclear weapons proliferation; chemical and biological weapons proliferation; and delivery systems proliferation. In addition the essays consider the closely related questions of the role authority and track record of the UN Security Council in monitoring implementing and enforcing compliance with these primary sources of nonproliferation law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780754629535

Arms Control: What Next? In this book specialists consider the many ways that arms control continues to make an important contribution to US security and global stability. They argue that traditional arms control concerns must change to accommodate the realities of the post-cold war world. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union the task of shaping the future arms control agenda falls mainly to the United States. This volume exhorts US officials to "think big" in order to fully realize the contribution that arms control could make toward creating a new peaceful world order. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429041099

Arms ControlManagement or Reform? Originally published in 1986 although the pace of arms control negotiations has been stepped up there is still little sign of agreement. In this paper the author examines the current negotiating effort with particular emphasis on its implications for European security. He provides an up-to-date analysis of the superpower discussions on nuclear arms control including the impact of ‘star wars’ and also of the talks at Vienna on conventional force reductions and at Stockholm on confidence-building measures. He notes a shift in emphasis from ‘parity’ to ‘transparency’ in Western proposals and questions whether this promises greater results than were achieved from earlier approaches. He also warns of the risks of arms control arrangements obstructing possibilities for reforming the European security system. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367550752

Arms ControlNew Approaches to Theory and Policy Contents: Bridging the Gaps on Arms Control Nancy W. Gallagher. Arms Control in the Information Age Emily O. Goldman. A New Role for Transparency Ann M. Florini. Beyond Deterrence Defence and Arms Control Gloria Duffy. Nuclear Arms Control through Multilateral Negotiations Rebecca Johnson. The Impact of Govermental Context on Negotiation and Implementation: Constraints and Opportunities for Change Amy Sands. The Politics of Verification: Why How Much?' is Not Enough Nancy W. Gallagher. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203044513

Arms DiffusionThe Spread of Military Innovations in the International System Weapons proliferation is one of the most pressing global concerns following the end of the Cold War. Despite the absence of an overarching superpower conflict armaments and related technologies have continued to spread throughout the international system. This has been particularly true in areas like East Asia and the Middle East where the traditional two party arms races are not readily apparent. This text addresses these concerns and shortcomings using data on fourteen specific military technological innovations that diffused throughout the international system from 1960 to 1997. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367604738

Arms for UncertaintyNuclear Weapons in US and Russian Security Policy Nuclear weapons are here to stay. They have survived into the twenty-first century as instruments of influence for the US Russia and other major military powers. But unlike the Cold War era future nuclear forces will be developed and deployed within a digital-driven world of enhanced conventional weapons. As such established nuclear powers will have smaller numbers of nuclear weapons for the purpose of deterrence working in parallel with smarter conventional weapons and elite military personnel. The challenge is to agree proportional reductions in nuclear inventories or abstinence requiring an effective nonproliferation regime to contain aspiring or threshold nuclear weapons states. This is the most comprehensive view of nuclear weapons policy and strategy currently available. The author’s division of the nuclear issue into the three ages is a never seen before analytical construct. With President Obama reelected the reduction and even elimination of nuclear weapons will now rise to the top of the agenda once more. Moreover given the likelihood of reductions in US defense spending the subject of the triad which is covered in Chapter One will no doubt be an important subject of debate as will the issue of missile defense covered in Chapter 10. This book provides an excellent analysis of the spread of nuclear weapons in Asia and the Middle East and the potential dangers of a North Korean or Iranian breakout subjects that dominate current policy debates. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138271999

Arms in AcademiaThe Political Economy of the Modern UK Defence Industry This book studies how the arms trade has continued to receive generous state subsidies along with less direct forms of financial and intellectual support from academia in the UK. It examines the ways in which arms dealing has contributed to the violation of human rights in the Middle East North Africa South America Indochina and other regions of intense conflict and in doing so reveals how the industry sells a particular image of itself to the public. The volume: Extensively covers the arms trade and its impact across the world. Shows how the UK arms trade has developed research investment and consultancy links with universities museums and other public institutions. Discusses the future of the arms trade and explores alternatives in terms of job opportunities economic growth and academic research criteria. A major intervention in international politics this volume will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of military and strategic studies international relations human rights and the social sciences in general. It will also be of interest to policy analysts and defence professionals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367509439

Arms in the '80sNew Developments in the Global Arms Race In the 1980s the world spent an enormous amount on preparations for war. Year by year more and more resources went into the military sector. More and more complex weapon systems were devised. At the time of all research scientists and engineers in the world more than one in four was working for the military. Throughout the 40 years since the end of World War II the technological arms race continued. Then began moving faster. The United States lead the way followed by the Soviet Union. Between them they possessed some 50 000 nuclear warheads—more than enough to destroy the world. They planned to increase the number to make the weapons more accurate and to base them on new weapon platforms closer to the borders of the other side. Some people preferred not to think about these things. Many however were becoming increasingly concerned—wondering about the future for themselves and for their children. Originally published in 1985 this book was for those who wanted to know what was happening. What new missiles were being built? What was happening in outer space? What are the facts about chemical weapons? What progress was being made (if any) in Geneva Vienna and Stockholm where the powers were negotiating on these matters? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367533083

Arms Production In JapanThe Military Applications Of Civilian Technology This book presents an overview of Japan's arms production capability to contribute to a better understanding of Japan's economic success by highlighting a special segment of Japan's industry that plays a major role in its future direction. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367160647

Arms Sales And The U.s. EconomyThe Impact Of Restricting Military Exports This book addresses the U.S. economic impact of possible restrictions that might be placed on the sale of specific combat equipment to selected countries in the Middle East. It focuses on prospective demand for advanced equipment by Jordan and the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367164317

Arms Trade and Economic DevelopmentTheory Policy and Cases in Arms Trade Offsets Countries that spend scarce resources to import arms from abroad often require arms sellers to 'reinvest' part or all of the proceeds back into the arms-importing country. These so-called 'arms trade offsets' are therefore thought to enhance domestic economic development. But does this process actually succeed?This book examines the theory and policy applications of arms trade offsets and looks at more than a dozen case studies drawn from across Europe Africa Asia and the Americas. The chapters based on original research and published here for the first time are all written by leading experts.That an impressive lucid and cohesive volume such as this will interest defence economists can be taken almost for granted. The book will also be a useful and enlightening read for those interested in international development economics military studies and policy-makers across the globe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415500166

Army and State in Postcommunist Europe This study explores the complex military issues that are raised by the transition to post-communist rule with particular reference to Russia Ukraine Bulgaria and the new members of NATO. All faced similar problems yet their responses it emerges were surprisingly diverse. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315039978

Army Manpower Economics This book is designed to serve as a comprehensive resource for the formulation of Army manpower policy. It examines the importance of the state of the national economy as well as pay and compensation to enlistment and retention. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367156039

Army of Charles II First published in 2006. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846110

Arnhem 1944The Airborne Battle This book describes all aspects of the fighting in and around Arnhem in as much detail as possible and with correct 'balance'. It highlights the story of the holding of the area around the Arnhem road bridge by the 2nd Parachute Battalion and by other troops. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367159917

Arnold BakeA Life with South Asian Music Arnold Bake (1899–1963) was a Dutch pioneer in South Asian ethnomusicology whose research impressed not only the most renowned Indologists of his time but also the leading figures in the emerging field of ethnomusicology. This long overdue biography sheds light on his knowledge of the theory and practice of South Asian music as well as his legacy on the intellectual history of ethnomusicology. Bake spent nearly seventeen years in the Indian subcontinent and made numerous irreplaceable recordings films and photographs of local musicians and dancers. As a gifted Western musician he studied Indian singing with Bhimrao Shastri Dinendranath Tagore and Nabadwip Brajabashi and successfully performed Rabindranath Tagore’s compositions and South Asian folk songs during hundreds of lecture-recitals in India Europe and the United States. For the last fifteen years of his life Bake taught Indian music at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) University of London; he was the first to do so at a Western university. Besides his numerous writings and radio presentations he advanced his subject through his activities in British and international research associations. The history of ethnomusicology especially as applied to South Asia cannot be fully understood without regard to Bake and yet his contribution has remained until now unclear and unknown. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367588151

Arnold Bennett This set comprises fory volumes covering nineteenth and twentieth century European and American authors. These volumes will be available as a complete set mini boxed sets (by theme) or as individual volumes. This second set compliments the first sixty-eight volume set of Critical Heritage published by Routledge in October 1995. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846226

Arnold WeskerA Casebook First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987517

AromatherapyBasic Mechanisms and Evidence Based Clinical Use Recent clinical studies have demonstrated an impact of aromatherapy on the control of symptoms associated with human diseases not fully controlled by conventional therapy. Aromatherapy: Basic Mechanisms and Evidence Based Clinical Use provides an up-to-date compilation of background scientific information that advocates the application of currently developed clinical studies on the effects of aromatherapy to the treatment of human diseases such as mild stress-induced mood disorders infectious diseases and age-related disturbances. The book encompasses all aspects of successful clinical use of aromatherapy including phytochemistry technology and clinical trials. It outlines a rational basis for clinical translation of aromatherapy for treating human diseases in need of safer therapies. It also describes evidence-based use of aromatherapy in controlling clinical manifestations of severe diseases for which conventional therapies often fail such as managing agitation and aggression associated with Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. Containing a wealth of references and a thorough presentation of knowledge on essential oils and aromatherapy this book is a valuable resource for students researchers clinicians and policy makers in health care systems. It details the current clinical uses of aromatherapy while promoting further clinical development in areas where therapy is lacking. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482246636

Aromatic C(sp2)−H Dehydrogenative Coupling ReactionsHeterocycles Synthesis This comprehensive text covers the research and development trends in the growing field of aromatic C–H dehydrogenative coupling reactions leading to different types of heterocycles. The author provides answers to how these coupling reactions occur what kinds of heterocycles are synthesized and what their advantages are. The palladium- rhodium- iridium- copper- cobalt- ruthenium- and ferric-catalyzed aromatic C(sp2)–H dehydrogenative cross-coupling reactions are described in detail. A useful reference source for researchers and graduates in the field of heterocyclic chemistry and transition-metal-catalyzed dehydrogenative coupling reactions. Features: Comprehensive volume on the synthesis of benzo-heterocycles via aromatic C(sp2)–H bond activation. Heterocycles are of paramount importance to medicinal chemistry and drug discovery. Provides a comprehensive literature survey on the construction of heterocycles. Reaction procedures and mechanistic explanations are included which will appeal to those in fine chemicals and pharmaceutical companies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367347291

Aromatic Fluorination Academia and industry join forces in Aromatic Fluorination as an expert from each domain contributes to this new text on fluorination of carbocyclic and heterocyclic rings. The book begins with a discussion of fluorine's unique combination of properties including size electronic effects and hydrophobicity as well as the historical development of its product applications. It explains methods for introducing fluorine into an aromatic ring focusing on nucleophilic fluorine transfer reactions. The role of catalysts solvents and other variables are examined and the scope and limitations of the methods are discussed. Of particular interest to those working in non-specialist laboratories Aromatic Fluorination includes detailed descriptions of the new electrophilic routes to fluoroaromatics in addition to traditional routes and alternative methods involving radical chemistry. Because one of the most important fluorine-containing substituent is CF3 the book explains routes to benzotrifluorides (ArCF3) including traditional industrial methods and modern alternatives employing C-1 halofluorocarbons and other fluoroaliphatics. An alternative to CF3 is CF3S and several methods of synthesizing aromatic CF3S-containing molecules are described. Since the successful development and diverse applications of aromatic fluorine compounds have led to the search for new compounds and novel substituents the incorporation of other substituents is also explored. Aromatic Fluorination concludes with discussion of the factors responsible for the successful development of pharmaceutical agrochemical and liquid crystal applications and the potential for applications in high-performance polymers and other areas. This section also describes in detail important industrial aromatic fluorination processes and the relative merits of different process technologies and their costs. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890784

Around 1981Academic Feminist Literary Theory Jane Gallop’s book offers a clear-eyed and comprehensive history of feminist literary criticism. Why she asks have we so quickly buried 1970s feminist criticism? What lies buried there? Why do 1990s academic feminists accuse other academic feminists of being ‘academic’? Gallop takes the novel approach of structuring her inquiry around anthologies of feminist criticism: twelve important texts that have had a wide impact on more than a decade of scholarship. In reading an anthology as a whole she typically identifies a central hegemonic voice (usually that of the editor/s) which would organise all the voices into a unity and then explores the resistance within that volume to such a unity. Weight is placed behind these internal differences as a wedge against the centrist drive. Around 1981 addresses briefly ‘french feminism’ and psychoanalytic feminism before focusing on its principal subject: the mainstream of feminist literary criticism before and after its general acceptance as part of the changing institution of literary studies. This brilliantly illuminates the dilemma of the feminist critic divided by her allegiance to both feminism and literary studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415752312

Around and About Stock Orchard Street 9/10 Stock Orchard Street colloquially known as the Straw House is a house and an office designed by two architects for their own use. Completed in 2000 the buildings were experimental in design execution and inhabitation and have resisted categorization challenged received wisdom and provoked debate especially among architectural critics. With access to all the material records of the project this book responds to that debate by presenting multi-faceted narratives from a wide range of writers that have been invited to reflect both positively and negatively on what the buildings represent and how they have performed. Using the buildings as the central case study it situates them in a broader cultural context revealing the breadth of conversations and issues engaged by architecture. Highly illustrated with original material including the authors’ own drawings and with specially-commissioned photographs this book discusses theory practice ethics material culture the media narrative feminism sustainability and construction offering illuminating and sometimes surprising conclusions relevant to lay professional and academic readers. While offering a wide ranging set of approaches and critiques of its subject this book provides a unique insight into a building’s conception construction and reception and in turn facilitates the engagement with the issues facing architectural practice today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415575294

Around the Patient BedHuman Factors and Safety in Health Care The occurrence of failures and mistakes in health care from primary care procedures to the complexities of the operating room has become a hot-button issue with the general public and within the medical community. Around the Patient Bed: Human Factors and Safety in Health Care examines the problem and investigates the tools to improve health care quality and safety from a human factors engineering viewpoint—the applied scientific field engaged in the interaction between the human operator (functionary worker) task requirements the governing technical systems and the characteristics of the work environment. The book presents a systematic human factors-based proactive approach to the improvement of health care work and patient safety. The proposed approach delineates a more direct and powerful alternative to the contemporary dominant focus on error investigation and care providers' accountability. It demonstrates how significant improvements in the quality of care and enhancement of patient safety are contingent on a major shift from efforts and investments driven by a retroactive study of errors incidents and adverse events to an emphasis on proactive human factors-driven intervention and the development of corresponding conceptual approaches and methods for its systematic implementation. Edited by Yoel Donchin representing the medical profession and Daniel Gopher from the human factors engineering field the book brings together experts who have collaborated to present studies that reveal a wide range of problems and weaknesses of the contemporary health care system which impair safety and quality and increase workload. The book presents practical solutions based on human factors engineering components and cognitive psychology and explains their driving principles and methodologies. This approach provides tools to significantly reduce the number of errors creates a safe environment and improves the quality of health care. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466573628

Around the World in 80 SpeciesExploring the Business of Extinction The world is currently experiencing a sixth period of mass species extinction and extinction of flora and fauna is caused by a variety of factors arising from industrial activity and increasing human population such as global warming climate change habitat loss pollution and use of pesticides. Most causes of extinction are linked to corporate activity either directly or indirectly. Around the World in 80 Species: Exploring the Business of Extinction responds to the ongoing mass extinction crisis engulfing our planet by exploring the ways in which accounting business and finance can be used to prevent species extinctions. From Africa to the Far East and from Europe to the Americas the authors explore species loss and how businesses can stop mass extinctions through greater transparency and through closer engagement with their investors and wildlife organisations. The book concludes that global capitalism has led us to this extinction crisis and that therefore the mechanisms of capitalism – namely accounting finance investment – can help to pull us out. Businesses must urgently address extinction before it is too late for all species including ourselves. As the first book to explore corporate accounting and accountability in relation to species on the brink of extinction this book will be of great interest to both professionals and a wider audience interested in the causes and prevention of extinction. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781783537136

Around The World With A King First published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963825

Arresting ImagesImpolitic Art and Uncivil Actions Although contemporary art may sometimes shock us more alarming are recent attempts to regulate its display. Drawing upon extensive interviews a broad sampling of media accounts legal documents and his own observations of important events sociologist Steven Dubin surveys the recent trend in censorship of the visual arts photography and film as well as artistic upstarts such as video and performance art. He examines the dual meaning of arresting images--both the nature of art work which disarms its viewers and the social reaction to it. Arresting Images examines the battles which erupt when artists address such controversial issues as racial polarization AIDS gay-bashing and sexual inequality in their work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138153790

ArroganceDevelopmental Cultural and Clinical Realms Arrogance as a specific constellation of affect fantasy and behavior has received little attention in psychoanalysis. This is striking in light of the enormous amount of literature accumulated on the related phenomenon of narcissism. Rectifying this omission the book in your hands addresses arrogance from multiple perspectives. Among the vantage points employed are psychoanalysis evolutionary psychology cross-cultural anthropology fiction as well as clinical work with children and adults. The result is a harmonious gestalt of insight that is bound to enhance the clinician's attunement to the covert anguish of those afflicted with arrogance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782206668

Ars antiquaOrganum Conductus Motet The ars antiqua began to be mentioned in writings about music in the early decades of the fourteenth century where it was cited along with references to a more modern "art" an ars nova. It was understood by those who coined the notion to be rooted in the musical practices outlined in the Ars musica of Lambertus and especially the Ars cantus mensurabilis of Franco of Cologne. Directly or indirectly the essays collected in this volume all address one or more of the issues regarding ars antiqua polyphony-questions relating to the nature and definition of genre; the evolution of the polyphonic idiom; the workings of the creative process including the role of oral process and notation and the continuum between these extremes; questions about how this music was used and understood; and of how it fits into the intellectual life of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Some of the essays ask new questions or approach long-standing ones from fresh perspectives. All however are rooted in a line of scholarship that produced a body of writing of continuing relevance. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315097015

Ars et Ingenium: The Embodiment of Imagination in Francesco di Giorgio Martini’s Drawings When did drawing become an integral part of architecture? Among several architects and artists who brought about this change during the Renaissance Francesco di Giorgio Martini’s ideas on drawing recorded in his Trattati di architettura ingegneria e arte militare (1475-1490) are significant. Francesco suggests that drawing is linked to the architect’s imagination and central in conveying images and ideas to others. Starting with the broader edges of Francesco’s written work and steadily penetrating into the fantastic world of his drawings the book examines his singular formulation of the act of drawing and its significance in the context of the Renaissance. The book concludes with speculations on how Francesco’s work is relevant to us at the onset of another major shift in architecture caused by the proliferation of digital media. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138229341

Ars novaFrench and Italian Music in the Fourteenth Century In the early fourteenth century musicians in France and later Italy established new traditions of secular and sacred polyphony. This ars nova or "new art " popularized by theorists such as Philippe de Vitry and Johannes de Muris was the among the first of many later movements to establish the music of the present as a clean break from the past. The rich music of this period by composers such as Guillaume de Machaut and Francesco Landini is not only beautiful but also rewards deep study and analysis. Yet contradictions and gaps abound in the ars nova of the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries-how do we read this music? how do we perform this music? what was the cultural context of these performances? These problems are well met by the ingenuity of approaches and solutions found by scholars in this volume. The twenty-seven articles brought together reflect the broad methodological and chronological range of scholarly inquiry on the ars nova. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315097008

Arsenic in GroundwaterPoisoning and Risk Assessment Arsenic-contaminated groundwater is considered one of the world’s largest environmental health crises as more than 300 million people in more than one-third of countries worldwide are at risk of groundwater arsenic poisoning. This book addresses how arsenic in groundwater impacts human health by using the frameworks of natural sciences social sciences and health sciences in the context set by environmental and legal considerations. Arsenic in Groundwater: Poisoning and Risk Assessment examines the spatial quantitative and qualitative aspects on arsenic poisoning; for instance using geographical information systems (GIS) to investigate the spatial discontinuity of arsenic-laced water in spatial and temporal dimensions to uncover patterns of variations over scales from meters to kilometers. Spatial risk mapping provides insight for academics researchers policy makers and politicians on possible long-term strategies for arsenic mitigation. Qualitative methodological approaches uncover the hidden issues of arsenic poisoning on human health and the related social implications. The book also examines legal aspects such as the right to safe drinking water as well as an in-depth look at how community participation can shape public policy. Features: Describes arsenic poisoning from both the scientific and social science perspectives Includes technical insights drawn from GIS-based modeling for spatial arsenic discontinuity and spatial health risks of arsenic poisoning Provides a state-of-the-art review of the human health literature and cutting-edge scientific evidence for arsenic-related health and social implications Examines the environmental justice and legal issues of drinking water and its quality Presents environmental policy and public mitigation strategies with Public Participation GIS (PPGIS) related to arsenic contamination More than 2 000 references serve as valuable resources for various aspects of arsenic poisoning Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439839270

Arsenic Research and Global SustainabilityProceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment (As2016) June 19-23 The Congress "Arsenic in the Environment" offers an international multi- and interdisciplinary discussion platform for research and innovation aimed towards a holistic solution to the problem posed by the environmental toxin arsenic with considerable societal impact. The congress has focused on cutting edge and breakthrough research in physical chemical toxicological medical agricultural and other specific issues on arsenic across a broader environmental realm. The Congress "Arsenic in the Environment" was first organized in Mexico City (As2006) followed by As2008 in Valencia Spain As2010 in Tainan Taiwan As2012 in Cairns Australia and As2014 in Buenos Aires Argentina. The 6th International Congress As2016 was held June 19-23 2016 in Stockholm Sweden and was entitled Arsenic Research and Global Sustainability. The Congress addressed the broader context of arsenic research along the following themes:Theme 1: Arsenic in Environmental Matrices and Interactions (Air Water Soil and Biological Matrices)Theme 2: Arsenic in Food ChainTheme 3: Arsenic and HealthTheme 4: Clean Water Technology for Control of ArsenicTheme 5: Societal issues Policy Studies Mitigation and ManagementLong term exposure to low-to-medium levels of arsenic via contaminated food and drinking water can have a serious impact on human health and globally more than 100 million people are at risk. Since the end of the 20th century arsenic in drinking water (mainly groundwater) has emerged as a global health concern. In the past decade the presence of arsenic in plant foods – especially rice – has gained increasing attention. In the Nordic countries in particular the use of water-soluble inorganic arsenic chemicals (e.g. chromated copper arsenate CCA) as wood preservatives and the mining of sulfidic ores have been flagged as health concern. The issue has been accentuated by discoveries of naturally occurring arsenic in groundwater primarily in the private wells in parts of the Fennoscandian Shield and in sedimentary formations with potentially detrimental effects on public health. Sweden has been at the forefront of research on the health effects of arsenic technological solutions for arsenic removal and sustainable mitigation measures for developing countries. Hosting this Congress in Sweden was also relevant because historically Sweden has been one of the leading producer of As2O3 and its emission from the smelting industries in northern Sweden and has successfully implemented actions to reduce the industrial emissions of arsenic as well as minimizing the use of materials and products containing arsenic in since 1977. The Congress has gathered professionals involved in different segments of interdisciplinary research in an open forum and strengthened relations between academia industry research laboratories government agencies and the private sector to share an optimal atmosphere for exchange of knowledge discoveries and discussions about the problem of arsenic in the environment and catalyze the knowledge generation and innovations at a policy context to achieve the goals for post 2015 Sustainable Development.   Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367737054

Arsenic ToxicityPrevention and Treatment The most talked about metalloid in the modern world arsenic affects the liver kidney and lungs; leads to cardiovascular diseases cancer and diabetes; and may cause blindness with long-time exposure. With naturally occurring arsenic boosted by mining and other industrial processes contaminating soil and drinking water arsenic toxicity is a major challenge to health professionals and scientists around the world. Arsenic Toxicity: Prevention and Treatment reviews current understanding of arsenic poisoning and the health consequences resulting from exposure. The book paints a vivid picture of the sources of arsenic toxicity including ground water; food such as rice fruits and vegetables fish and chicken as well as occupational exposures from industries using inorganic arsenic such as glass production non-ferrous alloy wood preservation and semiconductor manufacturing units. The text details the health hazards of arsenic toxicity and then examines removal mainly from soil and water highlighting eco-friendly bioremediation techniques. It discusses classical and modern treatment methods for arsenic toxicity emphasizing the use of nutraceuticals and functional foods. With its focus on the remediation of arsenic toxicity using nutraceutical and functional food the book provides a unique resource for combatting this global scourge. It provides strategies for defending arsenic toxicity naturally without causing any additional adverse effects. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482241969

Arsenic: Natural and Anthropogenic The discussion on arsenic in the environment is complex and must grasp the importance of very many mostly unrelated works on individual aspects. This volume represents one of the first comprehensive and interdisciplinary examinations into arsenic's behaviour in air water soils sediments plants and the human body. Based on state-of-the-art investigations into the global arsenic cycle the related human toxicology and available remediation technologies arsenic is assessed holistically in all the environmental compartments. Using the results of primary research the authors offer concrete suggestions for risk reduction and management of environmental pollution that allow the reader to successfully tackle similar problems and find sustainable solutions. The book consists of three essential parts: Review of the current knowledge of arsenic behaviour in the environment (global biogeochemical cycles) toxicology remediation techniques immobilization technologies and environmental legislation Case studies for mining-related arsenic problems Discussion of mitigation and remediation technologies and approaches such as environmental education hygiene training backed by real experience and successful implementation in the study area In a highly coherent manner the book makes use of 120 tables and figures a large number of literature citations and very detailed subject index (that encompasses references) to provide rapid and up-to-date access to all relevant information. Cross-references provide a great manoeuvrability between the chapters. The book delivers very insightful and hands-on approaches for graduate students and professionals working on arsenic questions not only in environmental science but also in the fields of environmental engineering medicine and social science. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073104

Art Animals and ExperienceRelationships to Canines and the Natural World Elizabeth Sutton using a phenomenological approach investigates how animals in art invite viewers to contemplate human relationships to the natural world. Using Rembrandt van Rijn’s etching of The Presentation in the Temple (c. 1640) Joseph Beuys’s social sculpture I Like America and America Likes Me (1974) archaic rock paintings at Horseshoe Canyon Canyonlands National Park and examples from contemporary art this book demonstrates how artists across time and cultures employed animals to draw attention to the sensory experience of the composition and reflect upon the shared sensory awareness of the world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138241954

Art Anthropology and the Gift In recent decades the dialogue between art and anthropology has been both intense and controversial. Art Anthropology and the Gift provides a much-needed and comprehensive overview of this dialogue whilst also exploring the reciprocal nature of the two subjects through practice theory and politics. Fully engaging with anthropology and art theory this book innovatively argues that art and anthropology don’t just share methodologies but also deeper intellectual theoretical and even political concerns inviting scholars and students alike to look at this contentious relationship in a more critical light. One of the central arguments of the book is that the problem of the ‘gift’ has been central to both anthropological and artistic practice. This very idea connects the different chapters on topics including aesthetics politics participation and fieldwork. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780857855350

Art Artefacts and Chronology in Classical Archaeology The museums of the world are full of statues and other artefacts of the Greeks and the Romans. All are given a date. But how are these dates arrived at. What is the evidence?This study provides the student with an introduction and explanation of the ways scholars date the archaeological remains of classical antiquity. Specific examples from architecture sculpture and painting are presented and the differnt methods of dating them are explained. These are supplemented with many original photographs and drawings. Old and not so old problems in chronology are thus investigated and new theories reviewed from a fresh perspective. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138177956

Art Artists and PedagogyPhilosophy and the Arts in Education This volume has been brought together to generate new ideas and provoke discussion about what constitutes arts education in the twenty-first century both within the institution and beyond. Art Artists and Pedagogy is intended for educators who teach the arts from early childhood to tertiary level artists working in the community or those studying arts in education from undergraduate to Masters or PhD level. From the outset this book is not only about arts in practice but also about what distinguishes the ‘arts’ in education. Exploring two different philosophies of education the book asks what the purpose of the arts is in education in the twenty-first century. With specific reference to the work of Gert Biesta questions are asked as to the relation of the arts to the world and what kind of society we may wish to envisage. The second philosophical set of ideas comes from Deleuze and Guattari looking in more depth at how we configure art the artist and the role played by the state and global capital in deciding on what art education has become. This book provides educators with new ways to engage with arts focusing specifically on art music dance drama and film studies. At a time when many teachers are looking for a means to re-assert the role of the arts in education this text provides many answers with reference to case studies and in-depth arguments from some of the world’s leading academics in the arts philosophy and education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138500600

Art Awakening and Modernity in the Middle EastThe Arab Nude This edited scholarly volume offers a perspective on the history of the genre of the nude in the Middle East and includes contributions written by scholars from several disciplines (art history history anthropology). Each chapter provides a distinct perspective on the early days of the fine arts genre of the nude as its author studies a particular aspect through analysis of artworks and historical documents from the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-centuries. The volume examines a rich body of reproductions of both primary documents and of works of art made by Lebanese Egyptian Syrian artists or of anonymous book illustrations from the nineteenth century Ottoman erotic literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367471408

Art Creativity and PsychoanalysisPerspectives from Analyst-Artists Art Creativity and Psychoanalysis: Perspectives from Analyst-Artists collects personal reflections by therapists who are also professional artists. It explores the relationship between art and analysis through accounts by practitioners who identify themselves as dual-profession artists and analysts. The book illustrates the numerous areas where analysis and art share common characteristics using first-hand in-depth accounts. These vivid reports from the frontier of art and psychoanalysis shed light on the day-to-day struggle to succeed at both of these demanding professions.  From the beginning of psychoanalysis many have made comparisons between analysis and art. Recently there has been increasing interest in the relationship between artistic and psychotherapeutic practices. Most important both professions are viewed as highly creative with spontaneity improvisation and aesthetic experience seeming to be common to each. However differences have also been recognized especially regarding the differing goals of each profession: art leading to the creation of an art work and psychoanalysis resulting in the increased welfare and happiness of the patient. These issues are addressed head-on in Art Creativity and Psychoanalysis: Perspectives from Analyst-Artists. The chapters consist of personal essays by analyst/artists who are currently working in both professions; each has been trained in and is currently practicing psychoanalysis or psychoanalytic psychotherapy. The goal of the book is to provide the audience with a new understanding of psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic processes from the perspective of art and artistic creativity. Drawing on artistic material from painting poetry photography music and literature the book casts light on what the creative processes in art can add to the psychoanalytic endeavor and vice versa.  Art Creativity and Psychoanalysis: Perspectives from Analyst-Artists will appeal to psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists theorists of art academic artists and anyone interested in the psychology of art. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138859128

Art Creativity Living This volume in the Winnicott Studies series is dedicated to the life and work of Marion Milner and reflects in varying ways her unique use of Winnicott's work to shape her own thinking about art and creativity. Among the papers here are contemporary reviews of Milner's books by both Winnicott and the poet W.H. Auden - the latter providing fascina Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323349

Art Creativity and Imagination in Social Work Practices Harnessing the inspiration available from the arts and the imagination brings to life sensitive and effective social work practice. Workers feel most satisfied while service users and communities are more likely to benefit when creative thinking can be applied to practice dilemmas. Drawing on contributions from Canada England and Utrecht this book illustrates the transforming effect of creatively applied thinking to social problems. The first part of the book considers how use of the self can be enhanced by analytic reflection and application to difficulties facing individuals and communities. The second part shows psychodynamic theory to be a valuable aid when thinking about issues faced by social workers facing threats and accusations therapeutic work with children and restorative youth justice. The third part of the book considers the implications of working with the arts in community settings – an ex-mining community in North West England the Tate Gallery in London and the ‘cultural capital’ of Liverpool. Taken as a whole these chapters combine to inspire and provoke thought of how the arts and the imagination can be used creativity to help service users confronted by problems with living and the workers who attempt to get alongside them to think about these. This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of Social Work Practice. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315876504

Art Critical Pedagogy and Capitalism This book offers a re-examination of art production in terms that understand the process of learning as the production of art itself. Drawing on the thought of Ranciere Freire Gramsci and Mouffe it provides an account of the politics of art production and a theoretical understanding of hegemonic power while developing a view of method in critical pedagogy founded on the process of ‘making adversaries’. Through a re-evaluation of the relationships between process arts production and pedagogy within accelerated developments of neoliberalism the author uncovers ways of forming a more co-operative and less conflictual approach to democratic politics. An investigation of ways in which art practice can be used to engage with critical pedagogy in relation to a commodity driven neoliberal agenda Art Critical Pedagogy and Capitalism constitutes a radical rethinking of art making and an attempt to address the paradox between the proliferation of the commodity of learning and the perceived crisis of arts education. As such it will appeal to scholars of education pedagogy and the arts with interests in social and critical theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367435516

Art Culture and Enterprise (Routledge Revivals)The Politics of Art and the Cultural Industries First published in 1990 this investigative overview of the politics of arts’ and cultural funding examines the question of public support for the arts. Looking at both popular commercial forms of culture including radio pop music and cinema and the more traditional highbrow arts such as drama and opera Art Culture and Enterprise was the first book of its kind to deal systematically with the politics of contemporary culture. Drawing examples from specific British venues Justin Lewis shows how innovative projects work in practice and considers arts marketing and the promotion of culture as an economic strategy. A particularly relevant title in the context of the debate surrounding Arts Council funding this reissue will prove valuable for artists administrators and students of media and cultural studies alongside those with a general interest in the future of public art and culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415732864

Art Culture and International DevelopmentHumanizing social transformation Culture is not simply an explanation of last resort but is itself a rich multifaceted and contested concept and set of practices that needs to be expanded appreciated and applied in fresh ways if it is to be both valued in itself and to be of use in practical development. This innovative book places culture specifically in the form of the arts back at the centre of debates in development studies by introducing new ways of conceptualizing art in relation to development. The book shows how the arts and development are related in very practical ways – as means to achieve development goals through visual dramatic filmic and craft-inspired ways. It advocates not so much culture and development but rather for the development of culture. Without a cultural content to economic and social transformation the problems found in much development – up-rooting of cultures loss of art forms languages and modes of expression and performance – may only accelerate. Paying attention to the development of the arts as the content of development helps to amend this culturally destructive process. Finally the book argues for the value of the arts in attaining sustainable cultures promoting poverty alleviation encouraging self-empowerment stimulating creativity and the social imagination which in turn flow back into wider processes of social transformation. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter make this book ideal to help foster further thinking and debate. This book is an inspiring read for postgraduate students and researchers in the fields of development studies cultural studies and sociology of development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138024724

Art Cybernetics and Pedagogy in Post-War BritainRoy Ascott’s Groundcourse This is the first full-length study about the British artist Roy Ascott one of the first cybernetic artists with a career spanning seven decades to date. The book focuses on his early career exploring the evolution of his early interests in communication in the context of the rich overlaps between art science and engineering in Britain during the 1950s and 1960s. The first part of the book looks at Ascott’s training and early work. The second park looks solely at Groundcourse Ascott’s extraordinary pedagogical model for visual arts and cybernetics which used an integrative and systems-based model drawing in behaviourism analogue machines performance and games. Using hitherto unpublished photographs and documents this book will establish a more prominent place for cybernetics in post-war British art. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138605572

Art Death and Lacanian Psychoanalysis Art Death and Lacanian Psychoanalysis examines the relationship between art and death from the perspective of Lacanian psychoanalysis. It takes a unique approach to the topic by making explicit reference to the death drive as manifest in theories of art and in artworks. Freud’s treatment of death focuses not on the moment of biological extinction but on the recurrent moments in life which he called "the death drive" or the "compulsion to repeat": the return precisely of what is most unbearable for the subject. Surprisingly in some of its manifestations this painful repetition turns out to be invigorating. It is this invigorating repetition that is the main concern of this book which demonstrates the presence of its manifestations in painting and literature and in the theoretical discourse concerning them from the dawn of Western culture to the present. After unfolding the psychoanalytical and philosophical underpinnings for the return of the death drive as invigorating repetition in the sphere of the arts the authors examine various aspects of this repetition through the works of Gerhard Richter Jeff Wall and contemporary Israeli artists Deganit Berest and Yitzhak Livneh as well as through the writings of Virginia Woolf and James Joyce. First to articulate the stimulating aspect of the death drive in its relation to the arts and the conception of art as a varied repetition beyond a limit Art Death and Lacanian Psychoanalysis will be indispensable to psychoanalysts scholars of art theory and aesthetics and those studying at the intersection of art and psychoanalysis. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138044043

Art Design and Capital since the 1980sProduction by Design This book examines artists’ engagements with design and architecture since the 1980s and asks what they reveal about contemporary capitalist production and social life. Setting recent practices in historical relief and exploring the work of Dan Graham Rita McBride Tobias Rehberger and Liam Gillick Bill Roberts argues that design is a singularly valuable lens through which artists evoke trace and critique the forces and relations of production that underpin everyday experience in advanced capitalist economies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138313774

Art EcoJustice and EducationIntersecting Theories and Practices Emphasizing the importance of contemporary art forms in EcoJustice Education this book examines the interconnections between social justice and ecological well-being and the role of art to enact change in destructive systems. Artists educators and scholars in diverse disciplines from around the world explore the power of art to disrupt ways of thinking that are taken for granted and dominate modern discourses including approaches to education. The EcoJustice framework presented in this book identifies three strands—cultural ecological analysis revitalizing the commons and enacting imagination—that help students to recognize the value in diverse ways of knowing and being reflect on their own assumptions and develop their critical analytic powers in relation to important problems. This distinctive collection offers educators a mix of practical resources and inspiration to expand their pedagogical practices. A Companion Website includes interactive artworks supplemental resources and guiding questions for students and instructors. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138732452

Art Education and African-American CultureAlbert Barnes and the Science of Philanthropy A physician who applied his knowledge of chemistry to the manufacture of a widely used antiseptic Albert Barnes is best remembered as one of the great American art collectors. The Barnes Foundation which houses his treasures is a fabled repository of Impressionist post-Impressionist and early modern paintings. Less well known is the fact that Barnes attributed his passion for collecting art to his youthful experience of African-American culture especially music. Art Education and African-American Culture is both a biography of an iconoclastic and innovative figure and a study of the often-conflicted efforts of an emergent liberalism to seek out and showcase African American contributions to the American aesthetic tradition.Mary Ann Meyers examines Barnes's background and career and the development and evolution of his enthusiasm for collecting pictures and sculpture. She shows how Barnes's commitment to breaking down invidious distinctions and his use of the uniquely arranged works in his collection as textbooks for his school created a milieu where masterpieces of European and American late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century painting along with rare and beautiful African art objects became a backdrop for endless feuding. A gallery requiring renovation a trust prohibiting the loan or sale of a single picture and the efforts of Lincoln University known as the "black Princeton " to balance conflicting needs and obligations all conspired to create a legacy of legal entanglement and disputes that remain in contention.This volume is neither an idealized account of a quixotic do-gooder nor is it a critique of a crank. While fully documenting Barnes's notorious eccentricities along with the clashing interests of the main personalities associated with his Foundation Meyers eschews moral posturing in favor of a rich mosaic of peoples and institutions that illustrate many of the larger themes of American culture in general and African-American culture in particular. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351323246

Art Enterprise and Ethics: Essays on the Life and Work of William MorrisThe Life and Works of William Morris The life and works of William Morris continue to excite the imaginations of fresh generations of scholars working in many traditions from the history of art and design to literary criticism and the history of socialism and socialist thought. This book concentrates on Morris's social and political acheivements as well as his artistic talents. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315096902

Art Gender and Religious Devotion in Grand Ducal Tuscany Art Gender and Religious Devotion in Grand Ducal Tuscany focuses on the intersection of the visual and the sacred at the Medici court of the later sixteenth to early seventeenth centuries in relation to issues of gender. Through a series of case studies carefully chosen to highlight key roles and key interventions of Medici women this book embraces the diversity of their activities from their public appearances at the centre of processionals such as the bridal entrata to the commissioning and collecting of art objects and the overseeing of architectural projects to an array of other activities to which these women applied themselves with particular force and vigour: regular and special devotions visits to churches and convents pilgrimages and relic collecting. Positing Medici women’s patronage as a network of devotional entrepreneurial and cultural activities that depended on seeing and being seen Alice E. Sanger examines the specific religious context in which the Medici grand duchesses operated arguing that these patrons’ cultural interests responded not only to aesthetic concerns and the demands of personal faith but also to dynastic interests issues of leadership and authority and the needs of Catholic reform. By examining the religious dimensions of the grand duchesses' art patronage and collecting activities alongside their visually resonant devotional and public acts Sanger adds a new dimension to the current scholarship on Medici women’s patronage. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409400790

Art History and the Senses1830 to the Present Should sight trump the other four senses when experiencing and evaluating art? Art History and the Senses: 1830 to the Present questions whether the authority of the visual in 'visual culture' should be deconstructed and focuses on the roles of touch taste smell and sound in the materiality of works of art. From the nineteenth century onward notions of synaesthesia and the multi-sensorial were important to a series of art movements from Symbolism to Futurism and Installations. The essays in this collection evaluate works of art at specific moments in their history and consider how senses other than the visual have (or have not) affected the works' meaning. The result is a re-evaluation of sensory knowledge and experience in the arts encouraging a new level of engagement with ideas of style and form. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138257719

Art Imagination and Christian HopePatterns of Promise In hope Christian faith reconfigures the shape of what is familiar in order to pattern the contours of God's promised future. In this process the present is continuously re-shaped by ventures of hopeful and expectant living. In art this same poetic interplay between past present and future takes specific concrete forms furnishing vital resources for sustaining an imaginative ecology of hope. This volume attends to the contributions that architecture drama literature music and painting can make as artists trace patterns of promise resisting the finality of modernity's despairing visions and generating hopeful living in a present which although marked by sin and death is grasped imaginatively as already pregnant with future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138250680

Art Literature and Religion in Early Modern SussexCulture and Conflict Art Literature and Religion in Early Modern Sussex is an interdisciplinary study of a county at the forefront of religious political and artistic developments in early-modern England. Ranging from the schism of Reformation to the outbreak of Civil War the volume brings together scholars from the fields of art history religious and intellectual history and English literature to offer new perspectives on early-modern Sussex. Essays discuss a wide variety of topics: the coherence of a county divided between East and West and Catholic and Protestant; the art and literary collections of Chichester cathedral; communities of Catholic gentry; Protestant martyrdom; aristocratic education; writing preaching and exile; local funerary monuments; and the progresses of Elizabeth I. Contributors include Michael Questier; Nigel Llewellyn; Caroline Adams; Karen Coke; and Andrew Foster. The collection concludes with an Afterword by Duncan Salkeld (University of Chichester). This volume extends work done in the 1960s and 70s on early-modern Sussex drawing on new work on county and religious identities and setting it into a broad national context. The result is a book that not only tells us much about Sussex but which also has a great deal to offer all scholars working in the field of local and regional history and religious change in England as a whole. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138379879

Art Media Design and PostproductionOpen Guidelines on Appropriation and Remix Art Media Design and Postproduction: Open Guidelines on Appropriation and Remix offers a set of open-ended guidelines for art and design studio-based projects. The creative application of appropriation and remix are now common across creative disciplines due to the ongoing recycling and repurposing of content and form. Consequently basic elements which were previously exclusive to postproduction for editing image sound and text are now part of daily communication. This in turn pushes art and design to reconsider their creative methodologies. Author Eduardo Navas divides his book into three parts: Media Production Metaproduction and Postproduction. The chapters that comprise the three parts each include an introduction goals for guidelines of a studio-based project which are complemented with an explanation of relevant history as well as examples and case studies. Each set of guidelines is open-ended enabling the reader to repurpose the instructional material according to their own methodologies and choice of medium. Navas also provides historical and theoretical context to encourage critical reflection on the effects of remix in the production of art and design. Art Media Design and Postproduction: Open Guidelines on Appropriation and Remix is the first book of guidelines to take into account the historical theoretical and practical context of remix as an interdisciplinary act. It is an essential read for those interested in remix studies and appropriation in art design and media. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138211339

Art Memoir and JungPersonal and Psychological Encounters In this intimate study Juliet Miller maps the artworks that have influenced her throughout her life and examines how she has integrated them into her development as a psychotherapist. Working from the premise that our initial reactions to art provide a crucial key to self-analysis Miller interrogates the significance of different artists including Bourgeois Vermeer Rousseau and Kahlo and analyses how personal circumstances recollections and emotions have affected responses to their work. Chapters incorporate clinical material from Miller’s practice linking into her own anxieties about sitting with and connecting with patients and touching on themes including creativity character identity and communication. Through this exploration she questions many of the conventions of art and psychotherapy and suggests ways in which looking at art can be used as a psychological tool. Art Memoir and Jung offers a highly personal and innovative perspective on meaning in art and how it can be used to explore Jungian thought as based in the aesthetic and how the aesthetic can inform depth psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367537180

Art Mobility and Exchange in Early Modern Tuscany and Eurasia This book explores how the Medici Grand Dukes pursued ways to expand their political commercial and cultural networks beyond Europe cultivating complex relations with the Ottoman Empire and other Islamicate regions and looking further east to India China and Japan. The chapters in this volume discuss how casting a global cross-cultural net was part and parcel of the Medicean political vision. Diplomatic gifts items of commercial exchange objects looted at war maritime connections and political plots were an inherent part of how the Medici projected their state on the global arena. The eleven chapters of this volume demonstrate that the mobility of objects people and knowledge that generated the global interactions analyzed here was not unidirectional—rather it went both to and from Tuscany. In addition by exploring evidence of objects produced in Tuscany for Asian markets this book reveals hitherto neglected histories of how Western cultures projected themselves eastwards. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367467289

Art Nation and GenderEthnic Landscapes Myths and Mother-Figures This title was first published in 2003. The essay collection explores the conjunctions of nation gender and visual representation in a number of countries-including Ireland Scotland Britain Canada Finland Russia and Germany-during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The contributors show visual imagery to be a particularly productive focus for analysing the intersections of nation and gender since the nation and nationalism as abstract concepts have to be "embodied" in ways that make them imaginable especially through the means of art. They explore how allegorical female figures personify the nation across a wide range of visual media from sculpture to political cartoons and how national architectures may also be gendered. They show how through such representations art reveals the ethno-cultural bases of nationalisms. Through the study of such images the essays in this volume cast new light on the significance of gender in the construction of nationalist ideology and the constitution of the nation-state. In tackling the conjunctions of nation gender and visual representation the case studies presented in this publication can be seen to provide exciting new perspectives on the study of nations of gender and the history of art. The range of countries chosen and the variety of images scrutinised create a broad arena for further debate. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138723764

Art Piety and Destruction in the Christian West 1500–1700 Spanning two centuries and two continents Art Piety and Destruction in the Christian West 1500-1700 addresses the impact of religious tensions on art design and architecture in the early modern world. Beyond famous works of art such as Kraft's Eucharistic Tabernacle the volume examines less-studied objects including church plate and vestments stained glass graffiti and Mexican images of St. Anne created throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The collection's contributors present religious artworks from Germany England Italy France Spain and Mexico; the media include sculpture oil painting fresco metalwork dress and architecture. Questions of art's destruction preservation and censorship are discussed against the ever-present backdrop of religious conflict and varying degrees of tolerance. New information and original perspectives demonstrate the ways in which art illuminates history and the close links between the changing values of a society and the images it displays to represent itself. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138274891

Art Play and Narrative TherapyUsing Metaphor to Enrich Your Clinical Practice Art Play and Narrative Therapy shows mental health professionals how the blending of expressive arts psychotherapy and metaphorical communication can both support and enhance clinical practice. This book illuminates the ways in which metaphorical representations form who we are how we interact and how we understand our larger environment. Author Lisa Moschini explains how to couple clients’ words language stories and artwork with treatment interventions that aid empathic understanding promote a collaborative alliance and encourage conflict resolution. Chapters include numerous illustrations exercises and examples that give clinicians inspiration for both theoretical and practical interventions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815371274

Art Psychoanalysis and Adrian StokesA Biography Illustrated with Barbara Hepworth's abstract stone carving with other works of art and with fascinating vignettes from Adrian Stokes's writing this biography highlights his revolutionary emphasis on the materials-led inspiration of architecture sculpture painting and the avant-garde creations of the Ballets Russes. In also detailing Stokes's role as catalyst of the transformation of St Ives in Cornwall into an internationally-acclaimed centre of modern art and his falling in love again in his early forties this biography shows how Stokes used all these experiences together with his many years of psychoanalytic treatment by Melanie Klein in forging insights about ways the outer world gives form to the inner world of fantasy and imagination. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782202837

Art Psychotherapy and Psychosis Art Psychotherapy and Psychosis reveals the unique role of art therapy in the treatment of psychosis. Illustrating their contributions with clinical material and artwork created by clients experienced practitioners describe their work in a variety of settings. Writing from different theoretical standpoints they reflect the current creative diversity within the profession and its links with psychotherapy psychoanalysis analytical psychology and psychiatry.In part I specific issues involved in working with psychosis are explored. These include discussion of the therapeutic relationship the process of symbolisation the nature and meaning of art made by psychotic patients and the interplay between words and pictures. Part II recounts the history of art therapy and psychosis tracing its origins in art to its present-day role as a respected treatment in psychiatric community and therapeutic settings.Art Psychotherapy and Psychosis extends the existing theory develops analytical approaches in art psychotherapy and offers innovative perspectives for students and practitioners on the treatment of borderline states as well as psychosis. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203437599

Art Race and Fantastic Color Change in the Victorian Novel As a study of color in the Victorian novel this volume notices and analyzes a peculiar literary phenomenon in which Victorian authors who were also trained as artists dream up fantastically colored characters for their fiction. These strange and eccentric characters include the purple madwoman Bertha Mason in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre (1847) the blue gentleman Oscar Dubourg from Wilkie Collins’s Poor Miss Finch (1872) the red peddler Diggory Venn in Thomas Hardy’s The Return of the Native (1878) and the little yellow girls of Arthur Conan Doyle’s "The Yellow Face" (1893) and Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden (1911). While color has been historically viewed as suspicious and seductive in Western culture the Victorian period constitutes a significant moment in the history of color: the rapid development of new color technologies and the upheavals of the first avant-garde art movements result in an increase in coloring’s prestige in the art academies. At the same time race science appropriates color using it as a criterion for classification in the establishment of global racial hierarchies. These artist-authors draw on color’s traditional association with constructions of otherness to consider questions of identity and difference through the imaginative possibilities of color. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367663742

Art Religion AmnesiaThe Enchantments of Credulity Art Religion Amnesia addresses the relationship between art and religion in contemporary culture directly challenging contemporary notions of art and religion as distinct social phenomena and explaining how such Western terms represent alternative and even antithetical modes of world-making. In this new book Professor Preziosi offers a critique of the main thrust of writing in recent years on the subjects of art religion and their interconnections outlining in detail a perspective which redefines the basic terms in which recent debates and discussions have been articulated both in the scholarly and popular literature and in artistic political and religious practice. Art Religion and Amnesia proposes an alternative to the two conventional traditions of writing on the subject which have been devoted on the one hand to the ‘spiritual’ dimensions of artistry and on the other hand to the (equally spurious) ‘aesthetic’ aspects of religion. The book interrogates the fundamental assumptions fuelling many current controversies over representation idolatry blasphemy and political culture. Drawing on debates from Plato’s proposal to banish representational art from his ideal city-state to the Danish cartoons of Mohamed Preziosi argues that recent debates have echoed a number of very ancient controversies in political philosophy theology and art history over the problem of representation and its functions in individual and social life. This book is a unique re-evaluation of the essential indeterminacy of meaning-making marking a radically new approach to understanding the inextricability of aesthetics and theology and will be of interest to students and researchers in art history philosophy and religion and cultural theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415778619

Art Research Philosophy Art Research Philosophy explores the emergent field of artistic research: art produced as a contribution to knowledge. As a new subject it raises several questions: What is art-as-research? Don’t the requirements of research amount to an imposition on the artistic process that dilutes the power of art? How can something subjective become objective? What is the relationship between art and writing? Doesn’t description always miss the particularity of the artwork? This is the first book-length study to show how ideas in philosophy can be applied to artistic research to answer its questions and to make proposals for its future. Clive Cazeaux argues that artistic research is an exciting development in the historical debate between aesthetics and the theory of knowledge. The book draws upon Kant phenomenology and critical theory to show how the immediacies of art and experience are enmeshed in the structures that create knowledge. The power of art to act on these structures is illustrated through a series of studies that look closely at a number of contemporary artworks. This book will be ideal for postgraduate students and scholars of the visual and creative arts aesthetics and art theory. The Open Access version of this book available at has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138789784

Art Sex and EugenicsCorpus Delecti This book reveals how art and sex promoted the desire for the genetically perfect body. Its eight chapters demonstrate that before eugenics was stigmatized by the Holocaust and Western histories were sanitized of its prevalence a vast array of Western politicians physicians eugenic societies family leagues health associations laboratories and museums advocated through verbal and visual cultures the breeding of 'the master race'. Each chapter illustrates the uncanny resemblances between models of sexual management and the perfect eugenic body in America Britain France Communist Russia and Nazi Germany both before and after the Second World War. Traced back to the eighteenth-century anatomy lesson the perfect eugenic body is revealed as athletic hygienic 'pure-blooded' and sexually potent. This paradigm is shown to have persisted as much during the Bolshevik sexual revolution as in democratic nations and fascist regimes. Consistently posed naked these images were unashamedly exhibitionist and voyeuristic. Despite stringent legislation against obscenity not only were these images commended for soliciting the spectator's gaze but also for motivating the spectator to act out their desire. An examination of the counter-archives of Maori and African Americans also exposes how biologically racist eugenics could be equally challenged by art. Ultimately this book establishes that art inculcated procreative sex with the Corpus Delecti - the delectable body healthy wholesome and sanctioned by eugenicists for improving the Western race. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138259577

Art Technology and NatureRenaissance to Postmodernity Since 1900 the connections between art and technology with nature have become increasingly inextricable. Through a selection of innovative readings by international scholars this book presents the first investigation of the intersections between art technology and nature in post-medieval times. Transdisciplinary in approach this volume’s 14 essays explore art technology and nature’s shifting constellations that are discernible at the micro level and as part of a larger chronological pattern. Included are subjects ranging from Renaissance wooden dolls science in the Italian art academies and artisanal epistemologies in the followers of Leonardo to Surrealism and its precursors in Mannerist grotesques and the Wunderkammer eighteenth-century plant printing the climate and its artistic presentations from Constable to Olafur Eliasson and the hermeneutics of bioart. In their comprehensive introduction editors Camilla Skovbjerg Paldam and Jacob Wamberg trace the Kantian heritage of radically separating art and technology and inserting both at a distance to nature suggesting this was a transient chapter in history. Thus they argue the present renegotiation between art technology and nature is reminiscent of the ancient and medieval periods in which art and technology were categorized as aspects of a common area of cultivated products and their methods (the Latin ars the Greek techne) an area moreover supposed to imitate the creative forces of nature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138310322

Art Theatre and Opera in Paris 1750-1850Exchanges and Tensions Art Theatre and Opera in Paris 1750-1850: Exchanges and Tensions maps some of the many complex and vivid connections between art theatre and opera in a period of dramatic and challenging historical change thereby deepening an understanding of familiar (and less familiar) artworks practices and critical strategies in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Throughout this period new types of subject matter were shared fostering both creative connections and reflection on matters of decorum legibility pictorial and dramatic structure. Correspondances were at work on several levels: conception design and critical judgement. In a time of vigorous social political and cultural contestation the status and role of the arts and their interrelation came to be a matter of passionate public scrutiny. Scholars from art history French theatre studies and musicology trace some of those connections and clashes making visible the intimately interwoven and entangled world of the arts. Protagonists include Diderot Sedaine Jacques-Louis David Ignace-Eugène-Marie Degotti Marie Malibran Paul Delaroche Casimir Delavigne Marie Dorval the 'Bleeding Nun' from Lewis's The Monk the Comédie-Française and Etienne-Jean Delécluze. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138310308

Art Vision and Nineteenth-Century Realist DramaActs of Seeing Realism in theatre is traditionally defined as a mere seed of modernism a crude attempt to reproduce an exact copy of reality on stage. Art Vision & Nineteenth-Century Realist Drama redefines realism as a complex and under-examined form of visual modernism one that positioned theatre at the crux of the encounter between consciousness and the visible world. Tracing a historical continuum of "acts of seeing" on the realist stage Holzapfel demonstrates how theatre participated in modernity’s aggressive interrogation of vision’s residence in the human body. New findings by scientists and philosophers—such as Diderot Goethe Müller Helmholtz and Galton—exposed how the visible world is experienced and framed by the unstable relativism of the physiological body rather than the fixed idealism of the mind. Realist artists across media paradoxically embraced this paradigm shift by focusing on the embodied observer. Drawing from extensive archival research Holzapfel conducts close readings of iconic dramas and their productions—including Scribe’s The Glass of Water Zola’s Thérèse Raquin Ibsen’s A Doll House Strindberg’s The Father and Hauptmann’s Before Sunrise—alongside analyses of artwork by major painters and photographers—such as Chardin Nadar Millais Rejlander and Liebermann. In a radical challenge to existing criticism Holzapfel argues that realism in theatre was never the attempt to reproduce an exact copy of the seen world but rather the struggle to make visible the act of seeing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138927728

Art & Beauty This work attempts to establish a philosophy of art that is both intellectual and objective. At first sight it may appear that these goals are at variance with contemporary ideas. On closer examination however the reader will see that the tendency is in the opposite direction a closer approach to present-day thought rather than a departure from it. To admit that there exists a world other than that of our subjective states is to subscribe to an interpretation more in keeping with the real and thus also with artistic reality. The intellectual and objective philosophy to which this book appeals in order to interpret the beauty of art will not be an intrusion if it guards against all exclusiveness and does not itself compromise that which gives it its value. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9783868385724

Art & Letters July-Winter 19182 Volumes First Published in 1971. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415761062

Art & Science of Music TherapyA Handbook First Published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315077512

Art : Process : ChangeInside a Socially Situated Practice This book brings a practitioner’s insight to bear on socially situated art practice through a first-hand glimpse into the development organisation and delivery of art projects with social agendas. Issues examined include the artist’s role in building creative frameworks the relationship of collaboration to participation management of collective input and wider repercussions of the ways that projects are instigated negotiated and funded. The book contributes to ongoing debates on ethics/aesthetics for art initiatives where process product and social relations are integral to the mix and addresses issues of practical functionality in relation to social outcome. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367330446

Art After AppropriationEssays on Art in the 1990s Beginning with the first comprehensive account of the discourse of appropriation that dominated the art world in the late 1970s and 1980s Art After Appropriation suggests a matrix of inflections and refusals around the culture of taking or citation each chapter loosely correlated with one year of the decade between 1989 and 1999. The opening chapters show how the Second World culture of the USSR gave rise to a new visibility for photography during the dissolution of the Soviet Union around 1989. Welchman examines how genres of ethnography documentary and travel are crossed with fictive performance and social improvisation in the videos of Steve Fagin. He discusses how hybrid forms of subjectivity are delivered by a new critical narcissism and how the Korean-American artist Cody Choi converts diffident gestures of appropriation from the logic of material or stylistic annexation into continuous incorporated events. Art After Appropriation also examines the creation of public art from covert actions and social feedback and how bodies participate in their own appropriation. Art After Appropriation concludes with the advent of the rainbow net an imaginary icon that governs the spaces of interactivity proliferation and media piracy at the end of the millennium.John Welchman is Professor of Modern Art History Theory and Criticism at the University of California San Diego. He is the author of Modernism Relocated (1995) and Invisible Colors (1997); and editor of Rethinking Borders (1996) and a forthcoming three-volume anthology of the writings of LA artist MIke Kelley. Welchman has contributed to numerous journals magazines museum catalogues and newspapers including Artforum; New York Times; Los Angeles Times; International Herald Tribune; Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Tate Gallery; Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles; Reina Sofia Madrid; Haus der Kunst Munich Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138139237

Art and Activism in the Age of Systemic CrisisAesthetic Resilience This book examines how renewed forms of artistic activism were developed in the wake of the neoliberal repression since the 1980s. The volume shows the diverse ways in which artists have sought to confront systemic crises around the globe searching for new and enduring forms of building communities and reimagining the political horizon. The authors engage in a dialogue with these artistic efforts and their histories – in particular the earlier artistic activism that was developed during the civil rights era in the 1960s and 70s – providing valuable historical insight and new conceptual reflection on the future of aesthetic resilience. This book will be of interest to scholars in contemporary art history of art film and literary studies protest movements and social movements. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367219840

Art And Architecture In Medieval FranceMedieval Architecture Sculpture Stained Glass Manuscripts The Art Of The Church Treasuries This is an English-language study on the architecture and art of medieval France of the Romanesque and Gothic periods between 1000-1500. In addition to essays on individual monuments there are general discussions of given periods and specific problems such as: why did Gothic come into being? Whitney Stoddard explores the interrelationship between all forms of medieval ecclesiastical art and characterization of the Gothic cathedral which he believes to have an almost metaphysical basis. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367094737

Art and Art Therapy with the ImprisonedRe-Creating Identity Through the author’s experiences investigations and discussions with artists art therapists and inmates from around the world Art and Art Therapy with the Imprisoned: Re-Creating Identity comprehensively explores the efficacy methods and outcomes of art and art therapy within correctional settings. The text begins with a theoretical and historical overview of art in prisons as a precursor to exploring the benefits of art therapy followed by a deeper exploration of art therapy as a primary focus for wellness and mental health inside penitentiaries. Relying on several theoretical perspectives results of empirical research studies and case vignettes and illustrations gleaned from over 25 years of clinical and programmatic experience this book argues why art therapy is so beneficial within prisons. This comprehensive guide is essential reading for professionals in the field as well as students of sociology criminology art theory art therapy and psychology who wish to explore the benefits of art therapy with inmate populations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367252779

Art and BeliefArtists Engaged in Interreligious Dialogue 'Art and Belief' explores communication between faiths through an examination of contemporary artistic practice. The book discusses how a range of artists formulate their worldview and what motivates them to engage in dialogue. These artists are engaged in a wide range of artistic forms and practice and come to dialogue from diverse religious positions. The aim of the book is to question the assumptions of interreligious dialogue as a largely intellectual exercise in defining the religious "other" and to explore dialogue as a manifestation of interpersonal ethics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138117143

Art and Commerce in the British Short Story 1880–1950 The short story was a commercial phenomenon which took off in the late nineteenth century and lasted through to the rise of television and film. Baldwin uses a wide variety of sources to show how economic factors helped to dictate how and what a wide variety of authors wrote. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138661707

Art and Communication in the Reign of Henry VIII Exploring the intersection between art and political ideology this innovative study of art in Henrician England sheds new light on the ways in which Henry VIII and his advisers exploited visual images in order to communicate ideas to his subjects. The works analyzed include water triumphs coronation pageants and funeral processions printed title pages of vernacular Bibles coins portrait miniatures and murals as well as panel paintings. With her analysis of these categories of objects and using communication theory as a starting point String presents a new model of communication based on the concepts of magnificence topicality persuasiveness and propaganda. Through this model she shows how medium location display and viewership were all considered in the transmission of royal messages. Using the art of Henry VIII's reign as a case study String enriches our understanding of the fundamental contribution of imagery to communication and also provides a model for the study of the dissemination of ideas and the patron-artist relationship in other royal courts and historical periods. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138265639

Art and Cultural Production in the Gulf Cooperation Council State-driven investments in art and cultural production in the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) are an important part of the search for longer-term alternatives to the longer-term unsustainability of the hydrocarbon-based economic development model. They also are an element in the search for soft power and status and intersect with the nation-building project. The long-term planned––and unplanned––effects of such cultural initiatives include a necessary opening up to a future of unexpected and often undesired cultural encounters whether in the classroom the art gallery the sports stadium or the labor office. As states driven by a desire to raise both their regional and international status but needing to satisfy their domestic conservative constituencies their greatest test will be their judicious negotiating of the conflicting sociocultural elements of an increasingly globalized world. This volume offers a comprehensive multi-disciplinary analysis of this complex arena and the state of art and cultural production in these Gulf societies through original studies on identity formation and an emerging museology; the aesthetics of censorship; the question of authenticity; cultural projects as state-driven soft power efforts; the phenomenon of public art; and artistic engagements with migrant labor communities.The chapters originally published as a special issue in the Journal of Arabian Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367592691

Art and Design for Children with SENA Resource for Inclusive Teaching The purpose of this book is to offer professionals working with children with special educational needs (SEN) a compilation of tried and tested themed lessons designed to excite and involve children in developing their creative art skills. Each lesson is carefully planned with step by step instructions to assist teaching and learning in small group settings. This resource equips professionals with an understanding of how to prepare and deliver a good art lesson that will enable the children to express their natural creativity and achieve pleasing results. Features include: step by step tried and tested lesson plans devised by an experienced and qualified art teacher learning outcomes linked to the National Art Curriculum illustrated throughout with the children's own art work useful hints and visual teaching aids for introducing new techniques themed lessons to cover the year or to dip into as you choose progressive learning to achieve confident art skills and knowledge. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781911186083

Art and Design for Secondary School Children with SENA Resource for Inclusive Teaching Art and Design for Secondary Students with SEN is a valuable compilation of practical ideas visual aids and lesson plans designed to engage students in developing their creative art skills. Made up of twelve lessons that each examine a particular theme the book spans a wide variety of topics and different media in art progressing from basic drawing and painting techniques in pencil pastel watercolour and acrylic and moving onto higher level creative design techniques of painting on glass and silk. FEATURES INCLUDE: • Step by step tried and tested lesson plans devised by an experienced and qualified art teacher. • Helpful learning outcomes timings materials and recommended resources for each lesson. • Useful tips and visual teaching aids for introducing new techniques. • Full colour illustrations throughout including examples of students’ art work. • All illustrations available to download as e-resources. With links to the National Art Curriculum and other secondary curriculum subjects this resource offers innovative and creative ideas for delivering engaging art lessons. This book will be ideal reading for both specialist and non-specialist teachers of art and design at secondary level who work with small groups as well as teaching assistants art and occupational therapists youth workers and PGCE students of secondary art and design. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138559493

Art and Design in PhotoshopHow to simulate just about anything from great works of art to urban graffiti Fancy designing your own classic and contemporary movie posters books and magazine covers?Feel like turning your photographs into works by Turner Matisse and Magritte?Want to create illustrations in the styles of The Simpsons steampunk and Victorian engravings?Then you need Art and Design in Photoshop. In this unique book acclaimed master of photomontage and visual trickery Steve Caplin shows you how to stretch your creative boundaries. Taking the same tried-and-tested practical approach as his best selling How to Cheat in Photoshop titles Steve's step-by-step instructions recreate a dazzling and diverse array of fabulous design effects. You'll learn how to design everything from wine labels to sushi cartons from certificates to iPod advertising from textbooks to pulp fiction.Written by a working pro the clear guidelines pinpoint exactly what you need to know: how to get slick-looking results with minimum fuss with a 16-page Photoshop Reference chapter that provides an at-a-glance guide to Photoshop tools and techniques for less experienced users. Steve explains both typography and the design process in a clear informative and entertaining way.All the images textures and fonts used in the book are supplied on the accompanying CD-ROM. Imaginative inspirational and fun to use this book is a must-have for every creative Photoshop user both amateur and professional. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138401099

Art and Design Pedagogy in Higher EducationKnowledge Values and Ambiguity in the Creative Curriculum Art and Design Pedagogy in Higher Education provides a contemporary volume that offers a scholarly perspective on tertiary level art and design education. Providing a theoretical lens to examine studio education the authors suggest a student-centred model of curriculum that supports the development of creativity. The text offers readers analytical frameworks with which to challenge assumptions about the art and design curriculum in higher education. In this volume Orr and Shreeve critically interrogate the landscape of art and design higher education offering illuminating viewpoints on pedagogy and assessment. New scholarship is introduced in three key areas: curriculum: the nature and purpose of the creative curriculum and the concept of a ‘sticky curriculum’ that is actively shaped by lecturers technicians and students; ambiguity which the authors claim is at the heart of a creative education; value asking what and whose ideas practices and approaches are given value and create value within the curriculum. These insights from the perspective of a creative university subject area also offer new ways of viewing other disciplines and provide a response to a growing educational interest in cross-curricular creativity. This book offers a coherent theory of art and design teaching and learning that will be of great interest to those working in and studying higher education practice and policy as well as academics and researchers interested in creative education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367192501

Art and Ethics in a Material WorldKant’s Pragmatist Legacy In this book McMahon argues that a reading of Kant’s body of work in the light of a pragmatist theory of meaning and language (which arguably is a Kantian legacy) leads one to put community reception ahead of individual reception in the order of aesthetic relations. A core premise of the book is that neo-pragmatism draws attention to an otherwise overlooked aspect of Kant’s "Critique of Aesthetic Judgment " and this is the conception of community which it sets forth. While offering an interpretation of Kant’s aesthetic theory the book focuses on the implications of Kant’s third critique for contemporary art. McMahon draws upon Kant and his legacy in pragmatist theories of meaning and language to argue that aesthetic judgment is a version of moral judgment: a way to cultivate attitudes conducive to community which plays a pivotal role in the evolution of language meaning and knowledge. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138943964

Art and ExpressionStudies in the Psychology of Art Perception of expression distinguishes our cognitive activity in a pervasive significant and peculiar way and manifests itself paradigmatically in the vast world of artistic production. Art and Expression examines the cognitive processes involved in artistic production aesthetic reception understanding and enjoyment. Using a phenomenological theoretical and methodological framework developed by Rudolf Arnheim and other important scholars interested in expressive media Alberto Argenton considers a wide range of artistic works which span the whole arc of the history of western graphic and pictorial art. Argenton analyses the representational strategies of a dynamic and expressive character that can be reduced to basic aspects of perception like obliqueness amodal completion and the bilateral function of contour giving new directions relative to the functioning of cognitive activity. Art and Expression is a monument to the fruitful collaboration of art history and psychology and Argenton has taken great care to construct a meaningful psychological approach to the arts based also on a knowledge of pictorial genres that allows him to systematically situate the works under scrutiny. Art and Expression is an essential resource for postgraduate researchers and scholars interested in visual perception art and gestalt psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138604100

Art and Expressive Therapies within the Medical ModelClinical Applications Art and Expressive Therapies Within the Medical Model explores how to best collaborate across disciplines as art and expressive therapists continue to become increasingly prevalent within the medical community. This collection of diverse chapters from seasoned practitioners in the field introduces readers to art therapy interventions across a variety of artistic approaches patient demographics and medical contexts while paying special attention to new approaches and innovative techniques. This is a cutting-edge resource that illustrates the current work of practitioners on a national and global level while providing a better understating of the integration of biopsychosocial approaches within art and expressive therapies practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367023416

Art and Human Development This interdisciplinary volume explores art its development and its role in the construction of knowledge. Presenting theory and research on artistic development as a cultural and creative endeavor contributors examine the origins of human art during the Paleolithic cultural revolution as part of a modern cultural transformation in the growth of a creative artist and in developing children. Target chapters expressing the disciplinary perspectives of psychology archaeology communications education and the performing arts are followed by commentaries from internationally acclaimed scholars of human development. Part 1 explores how cultures harness and exploit the arts to give expression to values social practices and traditions. This section traces the emergence of new art forms that arose during social unrest including the symbolization of spiritual beliefs expressed on the walls of Paleolithic caves and the racial identity and cultural values expressed in the media of the hip-hop generation. Part 2 examines the journeys of a composer and a group of students to highlight the process of becoming an artist and the role education plays in its development. The book concludes with a focus on the development of aesthetic appreciation and artistic activity in childhood and adolescence including for example how a child’s developing theory of mind affects appreciation for the arts and how developing empathy and emotional regulation contribute to the cognitive and affective underpinnings of acting in adolescence. As a whole contributors explore the developmental sociocultural and evolutionary processes that make the creation and experience of art possible. Intended for researchers and advanced students in both human development and the arts this book will also serve as a textbook for advanced courses on psychology and the arts and/or special topics courses in cognitive and/or human development. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9780415653596

Art and Identity at the Water's Edge The water's edge whether shore or riverbank is a marginal territory that becomes invested with layers of meaning. The essays in this collection present intriguing perspectives on how the water's edge has been imagined and represented in different places at various times and how this process contributed to the formation of social identities. Art and Identity at the Water's Edge focuses upon national coastlines and maritime heritage; on rivers and seashore as regions of liminality and sites of conflicting identities; and on the edge as a tourist setting. Such themes are related to diverse forms of art including painting architecture maps photography and film. Topics range from the South African seaside resort of Durban to the French Riviera. The essays explore successive ideological mappings of the Jordan River and how Czech cubist architecture and painting shaped a new nationalist reading of the Vltava riverbanks. They examine post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans as a filmic spectacle that questions assumptions about American identity and the coast depicted as a site of patriotism in nineteenth-century British painting. The collection demonstrates how waterside structures such as maritime museums and lighthouses and visual images of the water's edge have contributed to the construction of cultural and national identities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138249899

Art and Identity in Early Modern Rome From the late fifteenth to the late seventeenth century Rome was one of the most vibrant and productive centres for the visual arts in the West. Artists from all over Europe came to the city to see its classical remains and its celebrated contemporary art works as well as for the opportunity to work for its many wealthy patrons. They contributed to the eclecticism of the Roman artistic scene and to the diffusion of 'Roman' artistic styles in Europe and beyond. Art and Identity in Early Modern Rome is the first book-length study to consider identity creation and artistic development in Rome during this period. Drawing together an international cast of key scholars in the field of Renaissance studies the book adroitly demonstrates how the exceptional quality of Roman court and urban culture - with its elected 'monarchy' its large foreign population and unique sense of civic identity - interacted with developments in the visual arts. With its distinctive chronological span and uniquely interdisciplinary approach Art and Identity in Early Modern Rome puts forward an alternative history of the visual arts in early modern Rome one that questions traditional periodisation and stylistic categorisation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138251809

Art and Identity in Thirteenth-Century ByzantiumHagia Sophia and the Empire of Trebizond The church of Hagia Sophia in Trebizond built by the emperor Manuel I Grand Komnenos (1238-63) in the aftermath of the fall of Constantinople to the Fourth Crusade is the finest surviving Byzantine imperial monument of its period. Art and Identity in Thirteenth-Century Byzantium is the first investigation of the church in more than thirty years and is extensively illustrated in colour and black-and-white with many images that have never previously been published. Antony Eastmond examines the architectural sculptural and painted decorations of the church placing them in the context of contemporary developments elsewhere in the Byzantine world in Seljuq Anatolia and among the Caucasian neighbours of Trebizond. Knowledge of this area has been transformed in the last twenty years following the collapse of the Soviet Union. The new evidence that has emerged enables a radically different interpretation of the church to be reached and raises questions of cultural interchange on the borders of the Christian and Muslim worlds of eastern Anatolia the Caucasus and Persia. This study uses the church and its decoration to examine questions of Byzantine identity and imperial ideology in the thirteenth century. This is central to any understanding of the period as the fall of Constantinople in 1204 divided the Byzantine empire and forced the successor states in Nicaea Epiros and Trebizond to redefine their concepts of empire in exile. Art is here exploited as significant historical evidence for the nature of imperial power in a contested empire. It is suggested that imperial identity was determined as much by craftsmen and expectations of imperial power as by the emperor's decree; and that this was a credible alternative Byzantine identity to that developed in the empire of Nicaea. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315262161

Art and LiberationCollected Papers of Herbert Marcuse Volume 4 The role of art in Marcuse’s work has often been neglected misinterpreted or underplayed. His critics accused him of a religion of art and aesthetics that leads to an escape from politics and society. Yet as this volume demonstrates Marcuse analyzes culture and art in the context of how it produces forces of domination and resistance in society and his writings on culture and art generate the possibility of liberation and radical social transformation. The material in this volume is a rich collection of many of Marcuse’s published and unpublished writings interviews and talks including ‘Lyric Poetry after Auschwitz’ reflections on Proust and Letters on Surrealism; a poem by Samuel Beckett for Marcuse’s eightieth birthday with exchange of letters; and many articles that explore the role of art in society and how it provides possibilities for liberation. This volume will be of interest to those new to Marcuse generally acknowledged as a major figure in the intellectual and social milieus of the 1960s and 1970s as well as to the specialist giving access to a wealth of material from the Marcuse Archive in Frankfurt and his private collection in San Diego some of it published here in English for the first time. A comprehensive introduction by Douglas Kellner reflects on the genesis development and tensions within Marcuse’s aesthetic while an afterword by Gerhard Schweppenhäuser summarizes their relevance for the contemporary era. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815371687

Art and Magic in the Court of the Stuarts Spanning from the inauguration of James I in 1603 to the execution of Charles I in 1649 the Stuart court saw the emergence of a full expression of Renaissance culture in Britain. Hart examines the influence of magic on Renaissance art and how in its role as an element of royal propaganda art was used to represent the power of the monarch and reflect his apparent command over the hidden forces of nature. Court artists sought to represent magic as an expression of the Stuart Kings' divine right and later of their policy of Absolutism through masques sermons heraldry gardens architecture and processions. As such magic of the kind enshrined in Neoplatonic philosophy and the court art which expressed its cosmology played their part in the complex causes of the Civil War and the destruction of the Stuart image which followed in its wake. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415756167

Art and Masculinity in Post-War BritainReconstructing Home In this book Gregory Salter traces how artists represented home and masculinities in the period of social and personal reconstruction after the Second World War in Britain. Salter considers home as an unstable entity at this historical moment imbued with the optimism and hopes of post-war recovery while continuing to resonate with the memories and traumas of wartime. Artists examined in the book include John Bratby Francis Bacon Keith Vaughan Francis Newton Souza and Victor Pasmore. Case studies featured range from the nuclear family and the body to the nation. Combined they present an argument that art enables an understanding of post-war reconstruction as a temporally unstable long-term phenomenon which placed conceptions of home and masculinity at the heart of its aims. Art and Masculinity in Post-War Britain sheds new light on how the fluid concepts of society nation masculinity and home interacted and influenced each other at this critical period in history and will be of interest to anyone studying art history anthropology sociology history and cultural and heritage studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781350052727

Art and Memory in the Work of Elizabeth Bishop In Art and Memory in the Work of Elizabeth Bishop Jonathan Ellis offers evidence for a redirection in Bishop studies toward a more thorough scrutiny of the links between Bishop's art and life. The book is less concerned with the details of what actually happened to Bishop than with the ways in which she refracted key events into writing: both personal unpublished material as well as stories poems and paintings. Thus Ellis challenges Bishop's reputation as either a strictly impersonal or personal writer and repositions her poetry between the Modernists on the one hand and the Confessionals on the other. Although Elizabeth Bishop was born and died in Massachusetts she lived a life more bohemian and varied than that of almost all of her contemporaries a fact masked by the tendency of biographers and critics to focus on Bishop's life in the United States. Drawing on published works and unpublished material overlooked by many critics Ellis gives equal attention to the influence of Bishop's Canadian upbringing on her art and to the shifts in her aesthetic and personal tastes that took place during Bishop's residence in Brazil during the 1950s and 1960s. By bringing together the whole of Bishop's work this book opens a welcome new direction in Bishop studies specifically and in the study of women poets generally. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315262154

Art and Merchandise in Keith Haring’s Pop Shop As one of the first academic monographs on Keith Haring this book uses the Pop Shop a previously overlooked enterprise and artist merchandising as tools to reconsider the significance and legacy of Haring’s career as a whole. Haring developed an alternative approach to both the marketing and the social efficacy of art: he controlled the sales and distribution of his merchandise while also promulgating his belief in accessibility and community activism. He proved that mass-produced objects can be used strategically to form a community and create social change. Furthermore looking beyond the 1980s into the 1990s and 2000s Haring and his shop prefigured artists’ emerging self-aware involvement with the mass media and the art world’s growing dependence on marketing and commercialism. The book will be of interest to scholars or students studying art history consumer culture cultural studies media studies or market studies as well as anyone with a curiosity about Haring and his work the 1980s art scene in New York the East Village street art art activism and art merchandising. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367858735

Art and Morality Featuring contributions from Matthew Kieran Aaron Ridley Roger Scruton and Mary Mothersill to name but a few this collection of groundbreaking new papers on aesthetics and ethics highlights the link between the two subjects. These leading figures tackle the important questions that arise when one thinks about the moral dimensions of art and the aesthetic dimension of moral life.The volume is a significant contribution to philosophical literature opening up unexplored questions and shedding new light on more traditional debates in aesthetics. The topics explored include:the relation of aesthetic to ethical judgment the relation of artistic experience to moral consciousnessthe moral status of fictionthe concepts of sentimentality and decadencethe moral dimension of critical practice pictorial art and musicthe moral significance of tragedythe connections between artistic and moral issues elaborated in the writings of central figures in modern philosophy such as Kant Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.The contributors share the view that progress in aesthetics requires detailed study of the practice of criticism. This volume will appeal to both the philosophical community and to researchers in areas such as literary theory musicology and the theory of art. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003060222

Art and MourningThe role of creativity in healing trauma and loss Art and Mourning explores the relationship between creativity and the work of self-mourning in the lives of 20th century artists and thinkers. The role of artistic and creative endeavours is well-known within psychoanalytic circles in helping to heal in the face of personal loss trauma and mourning.  In this book Esther Dreifuss-Kattan a psychoanalyst art therapist and artist - analyses the work of major modernist and contemporary artists and thinkers through a psychoanalytic lens. In coming to terms with their own mortality figures like Albert Einstein Louise Bourgeois Paul Klee Eva Hesse and others were able to access previously unknown reserves of creative energy in their late works as well as a new healing experience of time outside of the continuous temporality of everyday life. Dreifuss-Kattan explores what we can learn about using the creative process to face and work through traumatic and painful experiences of loss. Art and Mourning will inspire psychoanalysts and psychotherapists to understand the power of artistic expression in transforming loss and traumas into perseverance survival and gain. Art and Mourning offers a new perspective on trauma and will appeal to psychoanalysts and psychotherapists psychologists clinical social workers and mental health workers as well as artists and art historians. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138886940

Art and Music in the Early Modern PeriodEssays in Honor of Franca Trinchieri Camiz The relationship between music and painting in the Early Modern period is the focus of this collection of essays by an international group of distinguished art historians and musicologists. Each writer takes a multidisciplinary approach as he or she explores the interface between music performance and painting or between music and art theory. The essays reflect a variety and range of approaches and offer methodologies which might usefully be employed in future research in this field. The volume is dedicated to the memory of Franca Trinchieri Camiz an art historian who worked extensively on topics related to art and music and who participated in some of the conference panels from which many of these essays originate. Three of Professor Camiz's own essays are included in the final section of this volume together with a bibliography of her writings in this field. They are preceded by two thematic groups of essays covering aspects of musical imagery in portraits issues in iconography and theory and the relationship between music and art in religious imagery. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138272972

Art and Music: Therapy and Research This is the first comprehensive overview of the present state of research in art therapy and music therapy in the UK. It challenges assumptions about research in these areas and makes use of research models from art history and music analysis as well as the more orthodox psychological and medical models used in clinical work. Informative and reassuring for those interested in undertaking research the book gives lively accounts of the personal process of the art therapy and music therapy researcher. It presents the reader with many original ideas and strategies and will be an invaluable reference book for practitioners and students of art therapy and music therapy as well as for health professionals who work with them. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315812694

Art and MysticismInterfaces in the Medieval and Modern Periods From the visual and textual art of Anglo-Saxon England onwards images held a surprising power in the Western Christian tradition. Not only did these artistic representations provide images through which to find God they also held mystical potential and likewise mystical writing from the early medieval period onwards is also filled with images of God that likewise refracts and reflects His glory. This collection of essays introduces the currents of thought and practice that underpin this artistic engagement with Western Christian mysticism and explores the continued link between art and theology.The book features contributions from an international panel of leading academics and is divided into four sections. The first section offers theoretical and philosophical considerations of mystical aesthetics and the interplay between mysticism and art. The final three sections investigate this interplay between the arts and mysticism from three key vantage points. The purpose of the volume is to explore this rarely considered yet crucial interface between art and mysticism. It is therefore an important and illuminating collection of scholarship that will appeal to scholars of theology and Christian mysticism as much as those who study literature the arts and art history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367590192

Art and Protest in Putin's Russia The Pussy Riot protest and the subsequent heavy handed treatment of the protestors grabbed the headlines but this was not an isolated instance of art being noticeably critical of the regime. As this book based on extensive original research shows there has been gradually emerging over recent decades a significant counter-culture in the art world which satirises and ridicules the regime and the values it represents at the same time putting forward through art alternative values. The book traces the development of art and protest in recent decades discusses how art of this kind engages in political and social protest and provides many illustrations as examples of art as protest. The book concludes by discussing how important art has been in facilitating new social values and in prompting political protests. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138102279

Art And Psychoanalysis A pioneering overview of art and psychoanalysis that shows how each field can enrich and enlarge the other. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367094898

Art and Reform in the Late RenaissanceAfter Trent Drawing on recent research by established and emerging scholars of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century art this volume reconsiders the art and architecture produced after 1563 across the conventional geographic borders. Rather than considering this period a degraded afterword to Renaissance classicism or an inchoate proto-Baroque the book seeks to understand the art on its own terms. By considering artists such as Federico Barocci and Stefano Maderno in Italy Hendrick Goltzius in the Netherlands Antoine Caron in France Francisco Ribalta in Spain and Bartolomeo Bitti in Peru the contributors highlight lesser known "reforms" of art from outside the conventional centers. As the first text to cover this formative period from an international perspective this volume casts new light on the aftermath of the Renaissance and the beginnings of "Baroque." Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367665630

Art and Social Justice EducationCulture as Commons Art and Social Justice Education offers inspiration and tools for educators to craft critical meaningful and transformative arts education curriculum and arts integration projects. The images descriptive texts essays and resources are grounded within a clear social justice framework and linked to ideas about culture as commons. Essays and a section written by and for teachers who have already incorporated contemporary artists and ideas into their curriculums help readers to imagine ways to use the content in their own settings. This book is enhanced by a Companion Website ( featuring artists and artworks project examples and dialogue threads for educators. Proposing that art can contribute in a wide range of ways to the work of envisioning and making a more just world this imaginative practical and engaging sourcebook of contemporary artists’ works and education resources advances the field of arts education locally nationally and internationally by moving beyond models of discipline-based or expressive art education. It will be welcomed by all educators seeking to include the arts and social justice in their curricula. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415879071

Art and the Augustinian Order in Early Renaissance Italy The rise of the mendicant orders in the later Middle Ages coincided with rapid and dramatic shifts in the visual arts. The mendicants were prolific patrons relying on artworks to instruct and impress their diverse lay congregations. Churches and chapels were built and new images and iconographies developed to propagate mendicant cults. But how should the two phenomena be related? How much were these orders actively responsible for artistic change and how much did they simply benefit from it? To explore these questions Art and the Augustinian Order in Early Renaissance Italy looks at art in the formative period of the Augustinian Hermits an order with a particularly difficult relation to art. As a first detailed study of visual culture in the Augustinian order this book will be a basic resource making available previously inaccessible material discussing both well-known and more neglected artworks and engaging with fundamental methodological questions for pre-modern art and church history from the creation of religious iconographies to the role of gender in art. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315262147

Art and the Christian Apocrypha The Christian canon of scripture known as the New Testament excluded many of the Church's traditional stories about its origins. Although not in the Bible these popular stories have had a powerful influence on the Church's traditions and theology and a particularly marked effect on visual representations of Christian belief. This book provides a lucid introduction to the relationship between the apocryphal texts and the paintings mosaics and sculpture in which they are frequently paralleled and which have been so significant in transmitting these non-Biblical stories to generations of churchgoers. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315812144

Art and the Church: A Fractious EmbraceEcclesiastical Encounters with Contemporary Art A vibrant critical exchange between contemporary art and Christianity is being increasingly prompted by an expanding programme of art installations and commissions for ecclesiastical spaces. Rather than 'religious art' reflecting Christian ideology current practices frequently initiate projects that question the values and traditions of the host space or present objects and events that challenge its visual conventions. In the light of these developments this book asks what conditions are favourable to enhancing and expanding the possibilities of church-based art and how can these conditions be addressed? What viable language or strategies can be formulated to understand and analyse art's role within the church? Focusing on concepts drawn from anthropology comparative religion art theory theology and philosophy this book formulates a lexicon of terms built around the notion of encounter in order to review the effective uses and experience of contemporary art in churches. The author concludes with the prognosis that art for the church has reached a critical and decisive phase in its history testing the assumption that contemporary art should be a taken-for-granted element of modern church life. Art and the Church: A Fractious Embrace uniquely combines conceptual analysis critical case studies and practical application in a rigorous and inventive manner dealing specifically with contemporary art of the past twenty-five years and the most recent developments in the church's policies for the arts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367879686

Art and the CityWorlding the Discussion through a Critical Artscape Artistic practices have long been disturbing the relationships between art and space. They have challenged the boundaries of performer/spectator of public/private introduced intervention and installation ephemerality and performance and constantly sought out new modes of distressing expectations about what is construed as art. But when we expand the world in which we look at art how does this change our understanding of critical artistic practice? This book presents a global perspective on the relationship between art and the city. International and leading scholars and artists themselves present critical theory and practice of contemporary art as a politicised force. It extends thinking on contemporary arts practices in the urban and political context of protest and social resilience and offers the prism of a ‘critical artscape’ in which to view the urgent interaction of arts and the urban politic. The global appeal of the book is established through the general topic as well as the specific chapters which are geographically socially politically and professionally varied. Contributing authors come from many different institutional and anti-institutional perspectives from across the world. This will be valuable reading for those interested in cultural geography urban geography and urban culture as well as contemporary art theorists practitioners and policymakers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138346437

Art And The Committed EyeThe Cultural Functions Of Imagery This book examines Western European and American art from the fifteenth to the twentieth century. It discusses how meaning accrues to images and what role vision and visuality play in the history of modernity and explores art's relation to the material world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367154615

Art And The Creative UnconsciousFour Essays First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415868778

Art and the Performance of MemorySounds and Gestures of Recollection This book investigates the role that the visual and performing arts play in our experience and understanding of the past. Expanding upon longstanding concerns in cultural history about the relation of text and image the book highlights the distinction between enactive and cognitive memory and the implications of this for artists and their publics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415513944

Art and the Relic Cult of St. Antoninus in Renaissance Florence Tracing the history of St. Antoninus' cult and burial from the time of his death in 1459 until his remains were moved to their final resting place in 1589 this interdisciplinary study demonstrates that the saint's relic cult was a key element of Florence's sacred cityscape. The works of art created in his honor as well as the rituals practiced at his fifteenth- and sixteenth-century places of burial advertised Antoninus' saintly power and persona to the people who depended upon his intercessory abilities to negotiate life's challenges. Drawing on a rich variety of contemporary visual literary and archival sources this volume explores the ways in which shifting political familial and ecclesiastical aims and agendas shaped the ways in which St. Antoninus' holiness was broadcast to those who visited his burial church. Author Sally Cornelison foregrounds the visual splendor of the St. Antoninus Chapel which was designed built and decorated by Medici court artist Giambologna and his collaborators between 1579 and 1591. Her research sheds new light on the artist whose secular and mythological sculptures have received far more scholarly attention than his religious works. Cornelison draws on social and religious history patronage and gender studies and art historical and anthropological inquiries into the functions and meanings of images relics and ritual performance to interpret how they activated St. Antoninus' burial sites and defined them in ways that held multivalent meanings for a broad audience of viewers and devotees. Among the objects for which she provides visual and contextual analyses are a banner from the saint's first tomb early printed and painted images and the sculptures frescoes panel paintings and embroidered textiles made for the present St. Antoninus Chapel. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138271319

Art and the Sacred Journey in Britain 1790-1850 The practice of walking to a sacred space for personal and spiritual transformation has long held a place in the British imagination. Art and the Sacred Journey in Britain examines the intersections of the concept of pilgrimage and the visual imagination from the years 1790 to 1850. Through a close analysis of a range of interrelated written and visual sources Kathryn Barush develops the notion of the transfer of ‘spirit’ from sacred space to representation and contends that pilgrimage both in practice and as a form of mental contemplation helped to shape the religious literary and artistic imagination of the period and beyond. Drawing on a rich range of material including paintings and drawings manuscripts letters reliquaries and architecture the book offers an important contribution to scholarship in the fields of religious studies anthropology art history and literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367197223

Art and the Transitional Object in Vernon Lee's Supernatural Tales In her persuasively argued study Patricia Pulham astutely combines psychoanalytic theory with socio-historical criticism to examine a selection of fantastic tales by the female aesthete and intellectual Vernon Lee (Violet Paget 1856-1935). Lee's own definition of the supernatural in the preface to Hauntings questions the nature of the 'genuine ghost' and argues that this figure is not found in the Society of Psychical Research but in our own psyches where it functions as a mediator between past and present. Using D.W. Winnicott's 'transitional object' theory which maintains that adults transfer their childhood engagement with toys to art and cultural artifacts Pulham argues that the prevalence of the past in Lee's tales signifies not only an historical but a psychic past. Thus the 'ghosts' that haunt Lee's supernatural fiction as well as her aesthetic psychological and historical writings held complex meanings for her that were fundamental to her intellectual development and allowed her to explore alternative identities that permit the expression of transgressive sexualities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138383739

Art And The UnconsciousA Psychological Approach to a Problem of Philosophy First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415758086

Art and Ventriloquism This exciting collection of David Goldblatt's essays available for the first time in one volume uses the metaphor of ventriloquism to help understand a variety of art world phenomena. It examines how the vocal vacillation between ventriloquist and dummy works within the roles of artist artwork and audience as a conveyance to the audience of the performer's intentions emotions and beliefs through a created performative persona. Considering key works including those of Nietzsche Foucault Socrates Derrida Cavell and Wittgenstein Goldblatt examines how the authors use the framework of ventriloquism to construct and negate issues in art and architecture. He ponders 'self-plagiarism'; why the classic philosopher cannot speak for himself but must voice his thoughts through fictional characters or inanimate objects and works. With a close analysis of two ventriloquist paintings by Jasper Johns and Paul Klee a critical commentary by Garry L. Hagberg and preface by series editor Saul Ostrow Goldblatt's thoroughly fascinating book will be an invaluable asset to students of cultural studies art and philosophy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315019000

Art and Visual Culture on the French Riviera 1956–1971The Ecole de Nice The Riviera in the 1950s and 1960s was culturally rich with modernist icons such as Matisse and Picasso in residence but also a burgeoning tourist culture that established the Côte d'Azur as a center of indigenous artists associated with Nouveau Réalisme Fluxus and Supports/Surfaces emerged under the mantle of the "Ecole de Nice." Drawing on the primary sources and little known publications generated during the period from museum archives collections in the region and privately owned archives this study integrates material published in monographic studies of individuals and art movements to offer the first in-depth study of this important movement in twentieth-century art. The author situates the work of the Ecole de Nice within the broader social currents that are so important in contextualizing this phenomenon within this internal region of France and underscores why this work was so significant at this historical moment within the context of the broader European art scene and contemporary American art with which it shared affinities. Despite their stylistic differences and associations with groups that are generally considered distinct O'Neill discloses that these artists shared conceptual affinitiesâ€theatrical modes of presentation based on appropriation use of the ready-made and a determination to counter style-driven painting associated with the postwar Ecole de Paris. Art and Visual Culture on the Riviera 1956-1971 suggests that the emergence of an Ecole de Nice internally eroded the dominance of Paris as the national standard at this moment of French decentralization efforts and that these artists fostered a model of aesthetic pluralism that remained locally distinct yet fully engaged with international vanguard trends of the 1960s. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138269804

Art and Womanhood in Fin-de-Siecle WritingThe Fiction of Lucas Malet 1880–1931 Lucas Malet is one of a number of forgotten female writers whose work bridges the gap between George Eliot and Virginia Woolf. Malet’s writing was intrinsically linked to her passion for art. This is the first book-length study of Malet’s novels. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138661455

Art as a Way of Talking for Emergent Bilingual YouthA Foundation for Literacy in PreK-12 Schools This book features effective artistic practices to improve literacy and language skills for emergent bilinguals in PreK-12 schools. Including insights from key voices from the field this book highlights how artistic practices can increase proficiency in emergent language learners and students with limited access to academic English. Challenging current prescriptions for teaching English to language learners the arts-integrated framework in this book is grounded in a sense of student and teacher agency and offers key pedagogical tools to build upon students’ sociocultural knowledge and improve language competence and confidence. Offering rich and diverse examples of using the arts as a way of talking this volume invites teacher educators teachers artists and researchers to reconsider how to fully engage students in their own learning and best use the resources within their own multilingual educational settings and communities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815384526

Art as Abstract MachineOntology and Aesthetics in Deleuze and Guattari First Published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415762724

Art as LanguageAccess to Emotions and Cognitive Skills through Drawings Through the use of case studies and more than 150 illustrations of patient artwork this book summarizes findings of cognitive development and art therapy practices. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415763356

Art as Music Music as Poetry Poetry as Art from Whistler to Stravinsky and Beyond In 1877 Ruskin accused Whistler of ’flinging a pot of paint in the public’s face’. Was he right? After all Whistler always denied that the true function of art was to represent anything. If a painting does not represent what is it other than mere paint flung in the public’s face? Whistler’s answer was simple: painting is music - or it is poetry. Georges Braque half a century later echoed Whistler’s answer. So did Braque’s friends Apollinaire and Ponge. They presented their poetry as music too - and as painting. But meanwhile composers such as Satie and Stravinsky were presenting their own art - music - as if it transposed the values of painting or of poetry. The fundamental principle of this intermedial aesthetic which bound together an extraordinary fraternity of artists in all media in Paris from 1885 to 1945 was this: we must always think about the value of a work of art not within the logic of its own medium but as if it transposed the value of art in another medium. Peter Dayan traces the history of this principle: how it created our very notion of ’great art’ why it declined as a vision from the 1960s and how in the 21st century it is fighting back. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138276253

Art as Politics in Late Medieval and Renaissance Siena In Art as Politics in Late Medieval and Renaissance Siena contributors explore the evolving relationship between image and politics in Siena from the time of the city-state's defeat of Florence at the Battle of Montaperti in 1260 to the end of the Sienese Republic in 1550. Engaging issues of the politicization of art in Sienese painting sculpture architecture and urban design the volume challenges the still-prevalent myth of Siena's cultural and artistic conservatism after the mid fourteenth century. Clearly establishing uniquely Sienese artistic agendas and vocabulary these essays broaden our understanding of the intersection of art politics and religion in Siena by revisiting its medieval origins and exploring its continuing role in the Renaissance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138248717

Art as TheologyFrom the Postmodern to the Medieval Religion and spirituality are key aspects of the contemporary art scene. Following Ronald Barthes' 'death of the author' - which argued for the dissociation of work from creator - works of art have withdrawn as independent objects giving way to a growing religious awareness or practice. 'Art and Theology' examines the connection between art and religion in ancient Jewish drama Greek tragedy the Renaissance the Byzantine icon and the medieval cathedral. The book explores how art lost its sacred character in the late Middle Ages and how the current withdrawal or 'death' of art and the fusion of the limits of art and life are consistent with the medieval view of the religious icon. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315539676

Art as TherapyAn Introduction to the Use of Art as a Therapeutic Technique Art as Therapy introduces the theory and practice of art therapy in a concise accessible and informative way. Tessa Dalley's introduction gives an overview of basic issues research and development. Subsequent chapters written by specialists are chosen to demonstrate the ways in which art therapy can be applied to different client groups in a variety of clinical settings. These include children adolescents suffering from anorexia nervosa the mentally handicapped the elderly and terminally ill those in psychiatric hospitals and prison inmates. Illustrated case studies provide visual explanations for the art therapy processes and the final chapter discusses training for the profession. Art as Therapy has been welcomed by art therapists social workers psychologists nurses and teachers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138131385

Art as UnlearningTowards a Mannerist Pedagogy Art as Unlearning makes an argument for art’s unlearning as a mannerist pedagogy. Art’s pedagogy facilitates a form of forgetfulness by extending what happens in the practice of the arts in their visual auditory and performative forms. The concept of learning has become predominantly hijacked by foundational paradigms such as developmental narratives whose positivistic approach has limited the field of education to a narrow practice within the social sciences. This book moves away from these strictures by showing how the arts confirm that unlearning is not contingent on learning but rather anticipates and avoids it. This book cites the experience and work of artists who by unlearning the canon have opened a diversity of possibilities by which we make and live the world. Moving beyond clichés of art’s teachability and what we have to learn through the arts it advances a scenario where unlearning is uniquely presented to us by the diverse practices that we identify with the arts. The very notion of art as unlearning stems from and represents a fundamental critique of the constructivist pedagogies that have dominated arts education for over half a century. This book will be of great interest to academics researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of education philosophy of education history of education pedagogy of art and art education. It will also appeal to educators art educators and artists interested in the pedagogy of art. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367582548

Art Beyond the LensWorking with Digital Textures Vintage-looking dream-like textures can open up a whole new world in your photography. However there is much much more to working with textures than simply merging them with an image via Photoshop. In this gorgeous new guide from texture guru Sarah Gardner you'll learn everything there is to know about how to maximize the potential of these exciting tools. In addition to hundreds of beautiful example images this book is also packed with practical advice on what makes a good texture and how and when to use them. How an image is initially captured and processed has a significant impact on the effect a texture will have so you'll also learn what to consider when composing and shooting (rather than simply relying on post-processing) and how to use lighting and background considerations effectively for later work with textures. Workshop notes and a supplemental website will help you put Sarah's techniques into practice immediately. Beautiful enough to sit on your coffee table yet practical enough to store near your computer this book will show you everything you need to know to get that coveted vintage-feel in your images whether you're a casual family snapper or a seasoned professional. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780240824093

Art BooksA Basic Bibliography of Monographs on Artists Second Edition First published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203775646

Art Direction for Film and Video Written by an author with over 30 years of working experience this book takes a practical thorough look at the duties and skills of art directors and production designers. It teaches readers how to analyze a script develop concepts that meet the needs of a script develop sketches and construction drawings work with directors and producers and operate within budget limitations. The book has been updated and expanded to include interviews with professionals at all levels in the art department. A chapter on digital effects as they relate to the work of the art director has been added to this new edition. Students novices in the profession and persons from other art/design fields who are interested in expanding into film and video will find this is a valuable resource. Written by an author with over 30 years of working experience this book takes a practical thorough look at the duties and skills of art directors and production designers. It teaches readers how to analyze a script develop concepts that meet the needs of a script develop sketches and construction drawings work with directors and producers and operate within budget limitations. The book has been updated and expanded to include interviews with professionals at all levels in the art department. A chapter on digital effects as they relate to the work of the art director has been added to this new edition. Students novices in the profession and persons from other art/design fields who are interested in expanding into film and video will find this is a valuable resource. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138141131

Art for All - IIThe Practice Originally published in 1996 Art for All is aimed at the non-specialist teacher of art and offers a practical approach for working with pupils with wide-ranging learning needs. It presents a developmental framework for art in the light of National Curriculum requirements with strategies for structuring and supporting appropriate art activity. It is presented in two volumes with colour illustrations: The Framework which describes the principles of art education in relation to pupils learning difficulties and The Practice which deals with the specifics of delivering these principles in the classroom. Whilst they stand as independent texts they are intended to be used together. Art for All will be of interest to all those working in this and related fields in mainstream as well as special education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815362708

Art for All - IThe Framework Originally published in 1996 Art for All is aimed at the non-specialist teacher of art and offers a practical approach for working with pupils with wide-ranging learning needs. It presents a developmental framework for art in the light of National Curriculum requirements with strategies for structuring and supporting appropriate art activity. It is presented in two volumes with colour illustrations: The Framework which describes the principles of art education in relation to pupils learning difficulties and The Practice which deals with the specifics of delivering these principles in the classroom. Whilst they stand as independent texts they are intended to be used together. Art for All will be of interest to all those working in this and related fields in mainstream as well as special education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815362661

Art for Children Experiencing Psychological TraumaA Guide for Art Educators and School-Based Professionals Art for Children Experiencing Psychological Trauma aims to increase understanding of art’s potential to enhance learning for children living in crisis. In this ground-breaking resource the first of its kind to focus specifically on the connection between art education and psychological trauma in youth populations readers can find resources and practical strategies for both teachers and other school-based professionals. Also included are successful models of art education for diverse populations with specific attention to youth who face emotional mental behavioral and physical challenges as well a framework for meaningful visual arts education for at-risk/in-crisis populations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138236950

Art Hack PracticeCritical Intersections of Art Innovation and the Maker Movement Bridging art and innovation this book invites readers into the processes of artists curators cultural producers and historians who are working within new contexts that run parallel to or against the phenomenon of ‘maker culture’. The book is a fascinating and compelling resource for those interested in critical and interdisciplinary modes of practice that combine arts technology and making. It presents international case studies that interrogate perceived distinctions between sites of artistic and economic production by brokering new ways of working between them. It also discusses the synergies and dissonances between art and maker culture analyses the social and collaborative impact of maker spaces and reflects upon the ethos of the hackathon within the fabric of a media lab’s working practices. Art Hack Practice: Critical Intersections of Art Innovation and the Maker Movement is essential reading for courses in art design new media computer science media studies and mass communications as well as those working to bring new forms of programming to museums cultural venues commercial venture and interdisciplinary academic research centres. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815374916

Art History as Cultural HistoryWarburg's Projects This book focuses on Aby Warburg (1866-1929) one of the legendary figures of twentieth century cultural history. His collection which is now housed in the Warburg Institute of the University of London bears witness to his idiosyncratic approach to a psychology of symbolism and explores the Nachleben of classical antiquity in its manifold cultural legacy. This collection of essays offers the first translation of one of Warburg's key essays the Gombrich lecture described by Carlo Ginzburg as 'the richest and most penetrating interpretation of Warburg' and original essays on Warburg's astrology his Mnemosyne project and his favourite topic of festivals. Richard Woodfield is Research Professor in the Faculty of Art and Design at the Nottingham Trent University England. He has edited E.H Gombrich's Reflections on the History of Art (1987) Gombrich on Art and Psychology (1996) The Essential Gombrich (1996) and a volume on Riegl in the Critical Voices in Art Theory and Culture series. He is also the General Editor of a new series of books for G+B Arts International Aesthetics and the Arts. Edited by Richard Woodfield Research Professor in the Faculty of Art and Design at Nottingham Trent University UK. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315078571

Art History in AfricaAn Introduction to Method This is a pioneering introduction to a subject that is still at an early srage of academic development. It aims to provide the reader with a systematic method for the historical understanding of African art. Professor Vansina considers the medium technique style and meaning of art objects and examines the creative process through which they come into being. Numerous photographs and drawings illustrate his arguments and help to explain the changes that have taken place. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138141582

Art History Through the Camera's Lens First Published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315075433

Art History Versus Aesthetics In this unprecedented collection over twenty of the world's most prominent thinkers on the subject including Arthur Danto Stephen Melville Wendy Steiner Alexander Nehamas and Jay Bernstein ponder the disconnect between these two disciplines. The volume has a radically innovative structure: it begins with introductions and centres on an animated conversation among ten historians and aestheticians. That conversation was then sent to twenty scholars for commentary and their responses are very diverse: some are informal letters and others full essays with footnotes. Some think they have the answer in hand and others raise yet more questions. The volume ends with two synoptic essays one by a prominent aesthetician and the other by a literary critic. This stimulating inaugural volume in the Routledge The Art Seminar series presents not one but many answers to the question; Does philosophy have anything to say to art history? Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203959879

Art in Consumer CultureMis-Design Written with beautiful clarity Art in Consumer Culture: Mis-Design asks the contemporary art world to be honest about the pervasive effects of commodification and the difficulty of staging critique. The book examines the collusion of 'art' and 'design' in contemporary artistic practices in order to find avenues of critique in a commercially driven cultural landscape. Grace McQuilten focuses on the work of Takashi Murakami Andrea Zittel Adam Kalkin and Vito Acconci four contemporary artists who claim to be working in the field of design rather than the traditional art world. McQuilten argues that Zittel Acconci and Kalkin engage with 'design' only to reactivate the critical practice of art in a more direct engagement with capital - and conceives of and affirms a future for art outside of the art world as a parasite in the complex beast of late capitalism. This book is an important and timely provocation to a cynical and apathetic consumer culture and a call to arms for creative freedom and critical thought. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138261198

Art in CrisisThe Lost Center The history of art from the early nineteenth century on- ward is commonly viewed as a succession of conflicts between innovatory and established styles that culminated in the formalism and aesthetic autonomy of high modernism. In Art and Crisis first published in 1948 Hans Sedlmayr argues that the aesthetic disjunctures of modern art signify more than matters of style and point to much deeper processes of cultural and religious disintegration. As Roger Kimball observes in his informative new introduction Art in Crisis is as much an exercise in cultural or spiritual analysis as it is a work of art history. Sedlmayr's reads the art of the last two centuries as a fever chart of the modern age in its greatness and its decay. He discusses the advent of Romanticism with its freeing of the imagination as a conscious sundering of art from humanist and religious traditions with the aesthetic treated as a category independent of human need. Looking at the social purposes of architecture Sedlmayr shows how the landscape garden the architectural monument and the industrial exhibition testified to a new relationship not only between man and his handiwork but also between man and the forces that transcend him. In these institutions man deifies his inventive powers with which he hopes to master and supersede nature. Likewise the art museum denies transcendence through a cultural leveling in which "Heracles and Christ become brothers" as objects of aesthetic contemplation. At the center of Art in Crisis is the insight that in art as in life the pursuit of unqualified autonomy is in the end a prescription for disaster aesthetic as well as existential. Sedlmayr writes as an Augustinian Catholic. For him the underlying motive for the pursuit of autonomy is pride. The "lost center" of his subtitle is God. The dream of autonomy Sedlmayr argues is for finite mortal creatures a dangerous illusion. The book invites serious analysis from art critics and theological thinkers alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138518957

Art in Greece Originally published between 1920-70 The History of Civilization was a landmark in early twentieth century publishing. It was published at a formative time within the social sciences and during a period of decisive historical discovery. The aim of the general editor C.K. Ogden was to summarize the most up to date findings and theories of historians anthropologists archaeologists and sociologists. This reprinted material is available as a set or in the following groupings: * Prehistory and Historical Ethnography Set of 12: 0-415-15611-4: £800.00 * Greek Civilization Set of 7: 0-415-15612-2: £450.00 * Roman Civilization Set of 6: 0-415-15613-0: £400.00 * Eastern Civilizations Set of 10: 0-415-15614-9: £650.00 * Judaeo-Christian Civilization Set of 4: 0-415-15615-7: £250.00 * European Civilization Set of 11: 0-415-15616-5: £700.00 Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415869690

Art in PsychoanalysisA Contemporary Approach to Creativity and Analytic Practice A revolution is brewing in psychoanalysis: after a century of struggle to define psychoanalysis as a science the concept of psychoanalysis as an art is finding expression in an unconventional 'return to Freud' that reformulates the relationship between art and psychoanalysis and in this process discovers and explores uncharted routes through art to re-think problems in contemporary clinical work. This book explores recent contributions to the status of psychoanalytic thought in relation to art and creativity and the implications of these investigations for todays analytic practice. The title 'Art in Psychoanalysis' reflects its double perspective: art and its contributions to theory and clinical practice on the one hand and the response from psychoanalysis and its "interpretation" of art. These essays expose the "aesthetic value of analytic work when it is able to 'create' something new in the relation with the patient". The authors surprise the reader with an immense array of fresh and stimulating hypotheses which reflect the originality of their own creative process that has overturned ideas including the 'application of psychoanalysis' to art and the entity of the object of art. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782200031

Art in Science MuseumsTowards a Post-Disciplinary Approach Art in Science Museums brings together perspectives from different practitioners to reflect on the status and meaning of art programmes in science centres and museums around the world. Presenting a balanced mix of theoretical perspectives practitioners’ reflections and case-studies this volume gives voice to a wide range of professionals from traditional science centres and museums and from institutions born with the very aim of merging art and science practices. Considering the role of art in the field of science engagement the book questions whether the arts might help curators to convey complex messages foster a more open and personal approach to scientific issues become tools of inclusion and allow for the production of totally new cultural products. The book also includes a rich collection of projects from all over the world synthetically presenting cases that reveal very different approaches to the inclusion of art in science programmes. Art in Science Museums should be of great interest to academics researchers and postgraduate students working in the fields of museum studies cultural heritage management material culture science communication and contemporary art. It should also be essential reading for museum professionals looking to promote more reflective social science engagement in their institutions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138589520

Art in Social Work PracticeTheory and Practice: International Perspectives This is the first book ever to be published on arts use in social work. Bringing together theoretical connections between arts and social work and with practice examples of arts in micro and macro social work practice from around the world the book aims to inspire the reader with new ideas. It provides specific skills defines what is social rather than fine or projective art use and explains the theoretical connection between art and social work. It has chapters from all over the world showing how arts are adjusted to different cultural contexts.Section I explores the theoretical connections between art and social work including theories of resilience empowerment inclusion and creativity as they relate to art use in social work. Section II describes specific interventions with different populations. Each chapter also summarizes the skills and hands-on knowledge needed for social workers to use the practical elements of using arts for social workers not trained in these fields. The third section does the same for arts use in community work and as social change and policy. Using Art in Social Work Practice provides theoretical but also hands-on knowledge about using arts in social work. It extends the fields of both social work and arts therapy and serves as a key resource for students academics and practitioners interested in gaining the theoretical understanding and specific skills for using social arts in social work and for arts therapists interested in using social theories. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367584290

Art In The Age Of Mass Media This book examines certain aspects of the condition of the fine arts in the age of the mass media. It identifies the differences between these two relatively autonomous realms and discusses the ways in which they interact. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367159399

Art in the Asia-PacificIntimate Publics As social locative and mobile media render the intimate public and the public intimate this volume interrogates how this phenomenon impacts art practice and politics. Contributors bring together the worlds of art and media culture to rethink their intersections in light of participatory social media. By focusing upon the Asia-Pacific region they seek to examine how regionalism and locality affect global circuits of culture. The book also offers a set of theoretical frameworks and methodological paradigms for thinking about contemporary art practice more generally. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138961166

Art in the Early Years For all involved in teaching young children this timely book offers the necessary tool with which to develop a broad creative and inspirational visual arts programme. Presented in two parts this text covers both theoretical and practical angles: part one investigates contemporary early childhood art education challenging what is traditionally considered an early years art experience part two puts theory to text by presenting the reader with numerous inventive visual art lessons that imaginatively meet goals for creative development issued by the QCA. The author strikes the perfect balance between discussion of the subject and provision of hands-on material for use in lessons which makes this book a complete art education resource for all involved in early years art education. Teachers trainee teachers or nursery teachers who wish to implement a more holistic art curriculum in the classroom whilst meeting all the required standards will find this an essential companion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138166646

Art in the North of England 1979-2008 Based on rare archival material and numerous interviews with practitioners Art in the North of England 1979-2008 analyses the relation between political and economic changes stemming from the 1980s and artistic developments in the principal cities of the North of England in the late 20th century. Looking in particular at the art scenes of Liverpool Manchester Leeds Sheffield and Newcastle Gabriel Gee unveils a set of powerful aesthetic reactions to industrial change and urban reconstruction during this period on the part of artists including John Davies Pete Clarke the Amber collective Richard Wilson Karen Watson Nick Crowe & Ian Rawlinson John Kippin and the contribution of organisations such as Projects UK/Locus + East Street Arts the Henry Moore Sculpture Trust and the Bluecoat Gallery in Liverpool. While the geographical focus of this study is highly specific a key concern throughout is the relationship between regional national and international artistic practices and identities. Of interest to all scholars and students concerned with the developments of British art in the second half of the 20th century the study is also of direct pertinence to observers of global narratives which are here described and analysed through the concept of trans-industriality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367470470

Art in the Primary School Art has always been an important part of the primary school experience. It is now one of the foundation subjects in the National Curriculum. In this book John Lancaster helps teachers rise to the challenge of art for young children. He encourages thought about the purpose of art teaching and at the same time provides a wealth of project ideas and helpful advice on how to organize art craft and design in the primary classroom. The book fully illustrated with charts and black and white plates gives practical advice on how to: define suitable objectives and plan lessons so as to achieve them make the best use of natural and man-made resources within and outside the classroom present children's work effectively by display throughout the school encourage aesthetic awareness and art knowledge by a study of the historical and cultural aspects Organise and benefit from visits to local art galleries approach assessment of children's art and craft activities This is a basic philosophical and practical guide which will give confidence to new teachers and fresh ideas to their more experienced colleagues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138145009

Art in the Roman Empire Michael Grant has specially selected some of the most significant examples of painting portraits architecture mosaic jewellery and silverware to give a unique insight into the functions and manifestations of art in the Roman Empire. Art in the Roman Empire shows how many of the most impressive masterpieces were produced outside Rome on the frontiers of its enormous empire. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415862332

Art in the Time of Colony It is often assumed that the verbal and visual languages of Indigenous people had little influence upon the classification of scientific legal and artistic objects in the metropolises and museums of nineteenth-century colonial powers. However colonized locals did more than merely collect material for interested colonizers. In developing the concept of anachronism for the analysis of colonial material this book writes the complex biographies for five key objects that exemplify embody and refract the tensions of nineteenth-century history. Through an analysis of particular language notations and drawings hidden in colonial documents and a reexamination of cross-cultural communication the book writes biographies for five objects that exemplify the tensions of nineteenth-century history. The author also draws on fieldwork done in communities today such as the group of Koorie women whose re-enactments of tradition illustrate the first chapter’s potted history of indigenous mediums and debates. The second case study explores British colonial history through the biography of the proclamation boards produced under George Arthur (1784-1854) Governor of British Honduras Tasmania British Columbia and India. The third case study looks at the maps of the German explorer of indigenous taxonomy Wilhelm von Blandowski (1822-1878) and the fourth looks at a multi-authored encyclopaedia in which Blandowski had taken into account indigenous knowledge such as that in the work of Kwat-Kwat artist Yakaduna whose hundreds of drawings (1862-1901) are the material basis for the fifth and final case study. Through these three characters’ histories Art in the Time of Colony demonstrates the political importance of material culture by using objects to revisit the much-contested nineteenth-century colonial period in which the colonial nations as a cultural and legal-political system were brought into being. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138247734

Art in World History 2 Vols A guide to the establishment of the library which covers materials acquisition the organization and usage of the library's collection to provide a variety of services and the use of automation. This book aims to instruct the librarian on managing the small library effectively. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706320

Art Information and the InternetHow to Find it How to Use It In the first book of its kind art information expert Lois Swan Jones discusses how to locate visual and textual information on the Internet and how to evaluate and supplement that information with material from other formats--print sources CD-ROMS documentary videos and microfiche sets--to produce excellent research results. The book is divided into three sections: Basic Information Formats; Types of Websites and How to Find Them; and How to Use Web Information. Jones discusses the strengths and limitations of Websites; scholarly and basic information resources are noted; and search strategies for finding pertinent Websites are included. Art Information and the Internet also discusses research methodology for studying art-historical styles artists working in various media individual works of art and non-Western cultures--as well as art education writing about art problems of copyright and issues concerning the buying and selling of art. This title will be periodically updated. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315062198

Art Into Pop This book first published in 1987 tells the intriguing and culturally complex story of the art school influence on postwar British popular music. Following Romantic attitudes from life class to recording studio it focuses on two key moments – the early 1960s when art students like John Lennon and Eric Clapton begin to play their own versions of American rock and blues and inflected youth music with Bohemian dreams and the late 1970s when punk musicians emerged from design courses and fashion departments to disrupt what were by then art-rock routines. Sixties rock Bohemians and seventies pop Situationists were in their different ways trying to solve the art students’ perennial problem – how to make a living from their art. Art Into Pop shows how this problem has been shaped by the history of British art education from its nineteenth-century origins to current arguments about ‘pure’ and ‘applied’ training. In their simultaneous pursuit of authenticity and artifice art school musicians exemplify the postmodern condition the collapse of any distinction between ‘high’ and ‘low’ culture the confusions of personal and commercial creativity. And so high pop theorists rub shoulders here with low pop practitioners experimental musicians debate avant-garde ideas with corporate packagers and artistic integrity becomes a matter of making oneself up. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138652682

Art Into TheatrePerformance Interviews and Documents Art Into Theatre investigates the processes of hybrid forms of performance developed between 1952 and 1994 through a series of interviews with key practitioners and over 80 pieces of documentation many previously unpublished of the works under discussion.Ranging from the austerity of Cage's 4'33" through the inter-species communication of Schneeman's Cat Scanand the experimental theatre work of Schechner Foreman and Kirby to the recent performances of Abramovic Forced Entertainment and the Wooster Group Art Into Theatre offers a fascinating collection of perspectives on the destabilizing of conventional ideas of the art "object" and the theatrical "text". Nick Kaye's introductory essay to the volume offers a useful context for the reader and each interview is preceded by an informative biographical sketch. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315077796

Art Markets in Europe 1400–1800 The reinvention of art-history during the 1980s has provided a serious challenge to the earlier formalist and connoisseurial approaches to the discipline in ways which can only help economic and social historians in the current drive to study past societies in terms of what they consumed produced perceived and imagined. This group of essays focuses on three main issues: the demand for art including the range of art objects purchased by various social groups; the conditions of artistic creativity and communication between different production centres and artistic millieux; and the emergence of art markets which served to link the first two phenomena. The work draws on new research by art historians and economic and social historians from Europe and the United States and covers the period from the late Middle Ages to the early nineteenth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138380073

Art Museums of Latin AmericaStructuring Representation Since the late nineteenth century art museums have played crucial social political and economic roles throughout Latin America because of the ways that they structure representation. By means of their architecture collections exhibitions and curatorial practices Latin American art museums have crafted representations of communities including nation states and promoted particular group ideologies. This collection of essays arranged in thematic sections will examine the varying and complex functions of art museums in Latin America: as nation-building institutions and instruments of state cultural politics; as foci for the promotion of Latin American modernities and modernisms; as sites of mediation between local and international private and public interests; as organizations that negotiate cultural construction within the Latin American diaspora and shape constructs of Latin America and its nations; and as venues for the contestation of elitist and Eurocentric notions of culture and the realization of cultural diversity rooted in multiethnic environments. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367667009

Art MusicLove Listening and Soulfulness Listening to music is not merely something one does but something central to a way of living. Listening has the power to transport one into another way of being. It is a mode of feeling and forms the bedrock of deep emotion. Written from the viewpoint of a philosophy of sensibility Matthew Del Nevo notes that this perspective may not be in fashion but it follows a long tradition.Del Nevo emphasizes the aesthetic experience of listening to art music as it has developed and disintegrated in Western civilization. He recognizes a deep psychological element to what he calls "soul" or more accurately "sensibility." He addresses music in a non-technical way taking up the powerful art theory of Charles Baudelaire the music philosophy of Schopenhauer and Richard Wagner and takes a strong critical stand against modernist intellectual art music.The importance of this book for the musically- literate reader is its insight into the metaphysics of nostalgia. This comprehension is missing from nearly all musical instruction because we have lost sight of it. Del Nevo asserts that this understanding must be brought back into our culture. And since this is a book about listening to art music it is no less about sensibility and its cultivation which in its object form we call culture. An engaging book Art Music will appeal to those interested in music culture and philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507418

Art NouveauA Research Guide for Design Reform in France Belgium England and the United States First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963849

Art of Constructivist Teaching in the Primary SchoolA Guide for Students and Teachers First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138179547

Art of Digital Audio Described as "the most comprehensive book on digital audio to date" it is widely acclaimed as an industry "bible". Covering the very latest developments in digital audio technology it provides an thorough introduction to the theory as well as acting as an authoritative and comprehensive professional reference source. Everything you need is here from the fundamental principles to the latest applications written in an award-winning style with clear explanations from first principles. New material covered includes internet audio PC audio technology DVD MPEG audio compression digital audio broadcasting and audio networks.Whether you are in the field of audio engineering sound recording music technology broadcasting and communications media or audio design and installation this book has it all. Written by a leading international audio specialist who conducts professional seminars and workshops around the world the book has been road tested for many years by professional seminar attendees and students to ensure their needs are taken into account and all the right information is covered.This new edition now includes:Internet audioPC Audio technologyDVDMPEG Audio compressionDigital Audio BroadcastingAudio networksDigital audio professionals will find everything they need here from the fundamental principles to the latest applications written in an award-winning style with clear explanations from first principles.John Watkinson is an international consultant in audio video and data recording. He is a Fellow of the AES a member of the British Computer Society and a chartered information systems practitioner. He presents lectures seminars conference papers and training courses worldwide. He is the author of many other Focal Press books including: the Kraszna-Krausz award winning MPEG-2; The Art of Digital Audio; An Introduction to Digital Video; The Art of Sound Reproduction; An Introduction to Digital Audio; TV Fundamentals and Audio for Television. He is also co-author with Francis Rumsey of The Digital Interface Handbook and contributor to the Loudspeaker and Headphone Handbook 3rd edition. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780080499369

Art of Information of Communications Technology for Teachers First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138420533

Art Of Japanese Gardens First published in 2006. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987531

Art of JudgingVolume 8 The single most important issue in American constitutional law is the role the Supreme Court should play in interpretation of the constitution. This issue has been a source of controversy since at least 1803 when Chief Justice John Marshall proclaimed that the Supreme Court could declare acts of Congress unconstitutional. But public attention has been refocused by the recent debate between Attorney General Edwin Meese and Supreme Court Justice William Brennan. The Attorney General admonished the Justices to confine themselves to strict construction of the Constitution-to apply the Constitution as the framers intended. Justice Brennan rejected this as errant and arrogant because the framers had certainly not thought about the specific problems facing the country today. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351316286

Art Of Memory First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315010960

Art of Teaching PeacefullyImproving Behavior and Reducing Conflict in the Classroom First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138162129

Art of Teaching Primary Science Children have an innate curiosity about the natural world that makes teaching science a rewarding experience.However teaching science is an art that requires a unique combination of knowledge and skills to make the most of students' interest and foster their understanding. With contributions from leading educators The Art of Teaching Primary Science addresses the fundamental issues in teaching science in primary and early childhood years.Reflecting current research in science education The Art of Teaching Primary Science covers the following areas:* the theoretical underpinnings of science education and curriculum;* effective science teaching practice planning teaching strategies investigations resources and assessment;* key issues including scientific literacy integrating science and technology and activities outside the classroom.The Art of Teaching Primary Science is invaluable for student teachers as a guide to the fundamentals of science education and as a resource for experienced teachers to review and enhance their professional skills.'An excellent reference for those teachers of the primary years seeking the best ways to engage their students in good science and scientific investigation and keen to link these with other learning areas.'Peter Turnbull President Australian Science Teachers Association Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003114871

Art of the Brooklyn BridgeA Visual History The Brooklyn Bridge is a pre-eminent global icon. It is the world’s most famous and beloved bridge a "must-see" tourist hotspot and a vital fact of New York life. For almost a hundred and forty years it has inspired artists of all descriptions fueling a constant stream of paintings photographs lithographs etchings advertising copy movies and book magazine and LP covers. In consequence the bridge may have the richest visual history of any man-made object so much so in fact that almost no major American artist has failed to pay homage to the span in some form or other. Oddly however there are no books currently available that chart and discuss the bridge’s visual history or its role in the development of American (or Western) art. This monograph aims to correct that providing a full visual record of the bridge from the origins of its conception to the present day. It is a celebration of the bridge’s glorious visual heritage timed to appear when the city will celebrate the span’s 125th birthday. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203365939

Art of the CutConversations with Film and TV Editors Art of the Cut provides an unprecedented look at the art and technique of contemporary film and television editing. It is a fascinating "virtual roundtable discussion" with more than 50 of the top editors from around the globe. Included in the discussion are the winners of more than a dozen Oscars for Best Editing and the nominees of more than forty plus numerous Emmy winners and nominees. Together they have over a thousand years of editing experience and have edited more than a thousand movies and TV shows. Hullfish carefully curated over a hundred hours of interviews organizing them into topics critical to editors everywhere generating an extended conversation among colleagues. The discussions provide a broad spectrum of opinions that illustrate both similarities and differences in techniques and artistic approaches. Topics include rhythm pacing structure storytelling and collaboration. Interviewees include Margaret Sixel (Mad Max: Fury Road) Tom Cross (Whiplash La La Land) Pietro Scalia (The Martian JFK) Stephen Mirrione (The Revenant) Ann Coates (Lawrence of Arabia Murder on the Orient Express) Joe Walker (12 Years a Slave Sicario) Kelley Dixon (Breaking Bad The Walking Dead) and many more. Art of the Cut also includes in-line definitions of editing terminology with a full glossary and five supplemental web chapters hosted online at This book is a treasure trove of valuable tradecraft for aspiring editors and a prized resource for high-level working professionals. The book’s accessible language and great behind-the-scenes insight makes it a fascinating glimpse into the art of filmmaking for all fans of cinema. Please access the link below for the book's illustration files. Please note that an account with Box is not required to access these files: Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138238664

Art Of The Postmodern EraFrom The Late 1960s To The Early 1990s The fourth and final installment in Irving Sandler's series on contemporary art Art of the Postmodern Era surveys the artists works movements and ideas as well as the social and cultural context of this energetic and turbulent period in art.The book begins with the late 1960s when new directions in art emerged ranging from diverse postminimal Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314583

Art Platforms and Cultural Production on the Internet In this book Goriunova offers a critical analysis of the processes that produce digital culture. Digital cultures thrive on creativity developing new forces of organization to overcome repetition and reach brilliance. In order to understand the processes that produce culture the author introduces the concept of the art platform a specific configuration of creative passions codes events individuals and works that are propelled by cultural currents and maintained through digitally native means. Art platforms can occur in numerous contexts bringing about genuinely new cultural production that given enough force come together to sustain an open mechanism while negotiating social technical and political modes of power. Software art digital forms of literature 8-bit music 3D art forms pro-surfers and networks of geeks are test beds for enquiry into what brings and holds art platforms together. Goriunova provides a new means of understanding the development of cultural forms on the Internet placing the phenomenon of participatory and social networks in a conceptual and historical perspective and offering powerful tools for researching cultural phenomena overlooked by other approaches. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415717922

Art Practice in a Digital Culture Much as art history is in the process of being transformed by new information communication technologies often in ways that are either disavowed or resisted art practice is also being changed by those same technologies. One of the most obvious symptoms of this change is the increasing numbers of artists working in universities and having their work facilitated and supported by the funding and infrastructural resources that such institutions offer. This new paradigm of art as research is likely to have a profound effect on how we understand the role of the artist and of art practice in society. In this unique book artists art historians art theorists and curators of new media reflect on the idea of art as research and how it has changed practice. Intrinsic to the volume is an investigation of the advances in creative practice made possible via artists engaging directly with technology or via collaborative partnerships between practitioners and technological experts ranging through a broad spectrum of advanced methods from robotics through rapid prototyping to the biological sciences. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138267862

Art Psychotherapy GroupsBetween Pictures and Words A growing number of art therapists are also trained in group analytic psychotherapy. This book explores the new theories and models for practice arising from the merging of these two disciplines.Contributors ask whether a model can be applied universally to art therapy group work with diverse client groups. They present in-depth case studies looking at work with the following:-* children* drug and alcohol abusers* forensic patients* patients on acute psychiatric wards* the cognitively-impaired elderly* institutionalised patients moving into the communityA common theme which emerges is that the physical use of art materials and the space of the art room offer a possibility for communication of feelings which is not possible in purely verbal groups. This allows clients who would not normally be considered for group therapy to benefit from a psychodynamic group process. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315788029

Art Rooms as Centers for Design EducationCreativity and Innovation in K-12 Classrooms Merging the teaching of art innovation through design with traditional art media taught in K–12 art programs this book introduces art theories and histories in design offers classroom-tested pedagogical approaches that emphasize innovation and includes a wealth of graphics and stories about bringing in curiosity play and creativity into the classroom. Interspersed with engaging personal narratives and anecdotes George Szekely paints a picture of transformed art classrooms and shows how art teachers can effectively foster student risk-taking and learning with new teaching pedagogies and methodologies. By breaking down how teacher encouragement and stimulating classroom environments can empower students and motivate them to challenge themselves Szekely demonstrates how art rooms become sites where children act as critical makers and builders and are positioned to make major social contributions to the school and beyond. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138642607

Art TeachingElementary through Middle School Art Teaching speaks to a new generation of art teachers in a changing society and fresh art world. Comprehensive and up-to-date it presents fundamental theories principles creative approaches and resources for art teaching in elementary through middle-school. Key sections focus on how children make art why they make art the unique qualities of children’s art and how artistic development can be encouraged in school and at home. Important aspects of curriculum development integration evaluation art room management and professional development are covered. A wide range of art media with sample art activities is included. Taking the reader to the heart of the classroom this practical guide describes the realities challenges and joys of teaching art discusses the art room as a zone for creativity and illustrates how to navigate in a school setting in order to create rich art experiences for students. Many textbooks provide information; this book also provides inspiration. Future and practicing teachers are challenged to think about every aspect of art teaching and to begin formulating independent views and opinions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415990585

Art Therapy Dreams and HealingBeyond the Looking Glass Art Therapy Dreams and Healing: Beyond the Looking Glass synthesizes methods to work with one’s dreams through art therapy and introduces the reader to brief creative methods Gestalt and Jungian experiential methods and research on lucid dreaming and dream re-entry. The author provides a unique clear and concise synthesis of 19 available dreamwork methods to find the message of your dreams with examples from her own 35 years of psychotherapy practice. Along with a classification of types and functions of dreams chapters include information such as how to keep a dream journal how to remember one’s dreams how to identify 25 different dream types and how to follow your own dreamwork process. This book provides a succinct blend of available dreamwork methods for readers to find the existential message of their dreams and grow from them. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367460440

Art Therapy Trauma and NeuroscienceTheoretical and Practical Perspectives Art Therapy Trauma and Neuroscience combines theory research and practice with traumatized populations in a neuroscience framework. Recognizing the importance of understanding both art therapy and trauma studies as brain-based interventions some of the most renowned figures in art therapy and trauma use translational and integrative neuroscience to provide theoretical and applied techniques. Therapists will come away from this book with tools for a refined understanding of brain-based interventions in a dynamic yet accessible format. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138839380

Art Therapy and Childbearing IssuesBirth Death and Rebirth This text introduces readers to the diverse and unique ways art therapy is used with women who are undergoing various stages of the childbearing process including conception pregnancy miscarriage childbirth and postpartum. Art Therapy and Childbearing Issues discusses a range of topics including the role of transference/countertransference attachment and maternal tasks and neuropsychology. The book also addresses several motifs that are outside cultural norms of pregnancy and childbearing such as racial sociopolitical issues grief and loss palliative care midwifery menstruation sex-trafficking disadvantaged populations and incarceration. Each chapter offers research modalities case studies and suggestions on how to work in this field in a new way accompanied by visual representations of different therapy methods and practices. The approachable style will appeal to a range of readers who will come away with a new awareness of art therapy and a greater knowledge of how to work with women as they enter and exit this universal psychobiological experience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367436506

Art Therapy and Health Care Demonstrating the benefits of creative expression for patients living with acute or chronic illness this volume provides a complete practical introduction to medical art therapy. It presents evidence-based strategies for helping people of all ages--from young children to older adults--cope with physical and cognitive symptoms reduce stress and improve their quality of life. The book includes detailed case material and 110 illustrations. It describes ways to work with individuals and groups with specific health conditions and challenges as well as their family members. Contributors are experienced art therapists who combine essential knowledge with in-depth clinical guidance. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462507160

Art Therapy and Learning DisabilitiesDon't guess my happiness In this book Stephanie Bull and Kevin O’Farrell bring together practising clinicians who provide an insight into using contemporary art therapy with people with learning disabilities. The authentic voice of people who have learning disabilities is central to the book and case examples snapshots of thoughts dialogue photographs and artwork are included to ensure that the subjects' voices are heard. The book covers: having a learning disability loss and bereavement attachment and separation infantilisation fear powerlessness self and identity. This accessible and thought-provoking book is essential reading for anyone involved with people with learning disabilities including art therapists psychotherapists counsellors students and carers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415583244

Art Therapy and PsychologyA Step-by-Step Guide for Practitioners Taking an interdisciplinary approach Robert Gray offers a thorough and well-rounded clinical guide to exploring the depth of the unconscious through art in psychotherapy. He emphasises the clinical relevance of art therapy and critically highlights ideas around evidence-based practice and the link to cognitive behavioural therapy. Gray suggests specific ways of engaging with clients and their images such as uncovering life scripts changing neural pathways through Creative Mind Ordering and addressing traumatic experiences through the Jungian Self- Box. He shows how artists and psychotherapists can make a transformational difference by combining ‘art as therapy’ and ‘art in therapy’ with a scientific approach and a spiritual awareness. He argues a clear framework that bridges the unmeasurable and spontaneous part of psychotherapy through art along with the work with the unconscious and the clarity of a scientific method can help facilitate long term change. Art Therapy and Psychology is hands-on and rich with supportive study tools and numerous case studies with which the reader can relate. This book is essential reading for art therapists in training and in practice psychologists and mental health professionals looking to establish or grow their expertise. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815355915

Art Therapy And PsychotherapyBlending Two Therapeutic Approaches First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315783437

Art Therapy for GroupsA Handbook of Themes and Exercises First published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138127555

Art Therapy for PsychosisTheory and Practice Art Therapy for Psychosis presents innovative theoretical and clinical approaches to psychosis that have developed in the work of expert clinicians from around the world. It draws on insights that have emerged from decades of clinical practice to explain why and how specialised forms of art therapy constitute a particularly appropriate psychotherapeutic approach to psychosis. The contributors present a diverse range of current theoretical perspectives on the subject derived from the fields of neuroscience phenomenology and cognitive analytic theory as well as from different schools of psychoanalysis. Collectively they offer insights into the specific potentials of art therapy as a psychotherapeutic approach to psychosis and describe some of the specialised approaches developed with individuals and with groups over the past 20 years. Throughout the book the meaning and relevance of art-making as a medium for holding and containing unbearable unthinkable and unspeakable experiences within the psychotherapeutic setting becomes apparent. Several of the chapters present detailed illustrated case studies which show how making visual images with an appropriately trained art psychotherapist can be a first step on the path into meaningful relatedness. This book offers fresh insights into the nature of psychosis the challenges encountered by clinicians attempting to work psychotherapeutically with people in psychotic states in different settings and the potentials of art therapy as an effective treatment approach. It will be essential reading for mental health professionals who work with psychosis including psychiatrists psychoanalysts psychotherapists and arts therapists and those in training. Full colour versions of the illustrations can be viewed at Please see p. ix of the book for details of how to access them. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138792104

Art Therapy for Social JusticeRadical Intersections Art Therapy for Social Justice seeks to open a conversation about the cultural turn in art therapy to explore the critical intersection of social change and social justice. By moving the practice of art therapy beyond standard individualized treatment models the authors promote scholarship and dialogue that opens boundaries; they envision cross disciplinary approaches with a focus on intersectionality through the lens of black feminism womanism antiracism queer theory disability studies and cultural theory. In particular specific programs are highlighted that re-conceptualize art therapy practice away from a focus on pathology towards "models of caring" based on concepts of self-care radical caring hospitality and restorative practice methodologies. Each chapter takes a unique perspective on the concept of "care" that is invested in wellbeing. The authors push the boundaries of what constitutes art in art therapy re-conceptualizing notions of care and wellbeing as an ongoing process emphasizing the importance of self-reflexivity and reconsidering the power of language and art in trauma narratives. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138909069

Art Therapy in Palliative CareThe Creative Response This book provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the practice and results of art therapy in palliative care. It includes first-hand accounts from both therapists and clients in a variety of palliative care settings including:- * hospices and hospitals * patients own homes * prisons (AIDS patients) * adolescent griefwork groupsThese case studies include examples of client art work and illustrate clearly how art therapy can allow patients to regain feelings of control over their lives. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315788012

Art Therapy in the Early YearsTherapeutic interventions with infants toddlers and their families Art therapy with infants toddlers and their families is an exciting and developing area of practice. With contributions from Australia the United Kingdom and Spain Art Therapy in the Early Years has an international flavour. The authors describe clinical art psychotherapy practice with children under five and their families in settings that include children in care mental health clinics paediatric wards pre-schools and early intervention programs. Divided into three sections Art Therapy in the Early Years presents different clinical environments in which art psychotherapy with this client group is found: •                      individual art therapy; •                      group art therapy; •                      parent-child dyad and family art therapy. The book proposes that within these different contexts the adaptive possibilities inherent in art psychotherapy provide opportunities for therapeutic growth for young children and their families. Art Therapy in the Early Years will be of interest to art therapists working with children; students and practitioners from creative arts therapies; psychologists and psychotherapists; social workers; pre-school teachers; child psychiatrists clinical supervisors and other professionals working in the early years settings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138814776

Art Therapy Practices for Resilient YouthA Strengths-Based Approach to At-Promise Children and Adolescents Art Therapy Practices for Resilient Youth highlights the paradigm shift to treating children and adolescents as "at-promise" rather than "at-risk." By utilizing a strength-based model that moves in opposition to pathology this volume presents a client-allied modality wherein youth are given the opportunity to express emotions that can be difficult to convey using words. Working internationally with diverse groups of young people grappling with various forms of trauma 30 contributing therapists share their processes informed by current understandings of neurobiology attachment theory and developmental psychology. In addition to guiding principles and real-world examples also included are practical directives strategies and applications. Together this compilation highlights the promise of healing through the creative arts in the face of oppression. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138293519

Art Therapy ResearchA Practical Guide Art Therapy Research is a clear and intuitive guide for educators students and practitioners on the procedures for conducting art therapy research. Presented using a balanced view of paradigms that reflect the pluralism of art therapy research this exciting new resource offers clarity while maintaining the complexity of research approaches and considering the various epistemologies and their associated methods. This text brings research to life through the inclusion of sample experientials in every chapter and student worksheets as well as a full chapter on report writing that includes a completed sample report. This comprehensive guide is essential reading for educators looking to further the application of learning outcomes such as teamwork communication and critical thinking in their practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138126114

Art Therapy TheoriesA Critical Introduction Art therapists work with a range of distinct philosophical and theoretical underpinnings but as yet there has been no single book to offer an overview of these theories. Art Therapy Theories provides an introductory non-partisan overview of art therapy theories outlining the following therapy approaches:  Cognitive Behavioural Art Therapy Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Psychoanalytical (Freudian) Art Therapy Analytical (Jungian) Art Therapy Gestalt Art Therapy Person-Centred or ‘Rogerian’ Art Therapy Mindfulness Art Therapy Integrative Art Therapy (the Group-Interactive Model) Feminist Art Therapy Art Therapy as Social Action Art Therapy as a Research Tool Each chapter provides a non-judgemental yet analytical synopsis of each approach. No detailed knowledge is necessary to understand the different approaches as the book explains them in clear and concise English. Difficult terms and concepts are explained as they arise and a glossary of terms is also provided. Art Therapy Theories is aimed at trainee art therapists who need to demonstrate that they have a grasp of theory as well as a sense of how the theory can translate into practice. It will also appeal to seasoned therapists counsellors and to a wide range of professionals in the mental health field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415836340

Art Therapy Treatment with Sex Trafficking SurvivorsFacilitating Empowerment Recovery and Hope This groundbreaking book introduces and researches art therapy as a creative and effective treatment for the sensitive and pertinent issue of human sex trafficking. Rich empirical examples and best practices are provided through the contributors’ expertise and knowledge in the field of art therapy. Art therapy facilitates emotional catharsis a personal sense of worth and empowerment through making choices; supports connection to others and the inner self; resolves trauma grief and shame; and provides hope for the future and recovery. This book explores art therapy interventions and outcomes through detailed case studies for sex trafficking survivors in the United States India and Nepal and includes international recommendations for survivor treatment and recovery as well as staff support programming. Professional helpers and learners from mental health social services medical care and those who work with trafficking and sexual abuse survivors will benefit from this guide. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138602281

Art Therapy With Families In CrisisOvercoming Resistance Through Nonverbal Expression This volume describes art therapy interventions for particularly dysfunctional families and explains the connections between the process of creating art and the curative process in meeting these families' needs. The first chapter examines distressed family systems and psychotherapy in relation to the uses of art therapy. Subsequent chapters present a crisis intervention model for family art therapy and demonstrate the applications of this model with single-parent families families affcetd by alcoholism or sexual abuse and families of political refugees and disaster victims. More than 70 samples of the art produced by these families are reproduced and analyzed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138869189

Art Therapy with Military PopulationsHistory Innovation and Applications For decades art therapy has proved to be a practical treatment for veterans and other military populations suffering from trauma. Art Therapy with Military Populations provides an in-depth overview of both the theoretical and historical bases of art therapy with these groups while also chronicling the latest trends in treatment and the continued expansion of treatment settings. Edited by an art therapist with over 25 years’ experience working with the military and including chapters by a variety of seasoned and innovative clinicians this comprehensive new volume provides professionals with cutting edge knowledge and interventions for working with military service members and their families. Available for download are employment resources for art therapists who would like to work in military settings a bonus chapter historical documents on establishing art therapy a treatment objectives manual and resources for art therapists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138948662

Art Therapy with Military VeteransTrauma and the Image Art Therapy with Military Veterans: Trauma and the Image provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and applying art therapy with former and serving armed forces personnel who have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This book brings together experienced contributors in one volume to provide the range of information essential to those seeking to understand the complexities of working in this context. In recent years art therapy has received increasing attention as a promising treatment for veterans with PTSD. This cutting-edge book provides vital background information on PTSD military culture and mental health provision and an effective art therapy working model. The text explores creative partnerships with other disciplines in different settings and includes first-hand accounts from veterans about the role art therapy has played in their recovery. This accessible book is a timely response to growing recognition of the value of art therapy with veterans and it also addresses issues relevant to the wider population of people whose lives have been detrimentally affected by trauma. With chapters authored by leading clinicians in this field Art Therapy with Military Veterans: Trauma and the Image will be of interest to all art therapists and mental health professionals working with traumatised veterans. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138654556

Art/MuseumsInternational Relations Where We Least Expect it Art/Museums takes the study of international relations to the art museum. It seeks to persuade those who study international relations to take art/museums seriously and museum studies to take up the insights of international relations. And it does so at a time when both international relations and art are said to be at an end-that is out of control and beyond sight of their usual constituencies. The book focuses on the British Museum the National Gallery of London the Museum of Iraq the Museum of Modern Art in New York the Getty museums the Guggenheim museums and "museum" spaces instantly created by the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001. The art includes works over which museums might struggle acquire through questionable means hoard and possibly lose such as the Parthenon sculptures Raphael's Madonna of the Pinks the ancient art of Babylon modern art and the art/museum itself in an era of rapid museum expansion. Bringing art museums and international relations together draws on the art technique of collage which combines disparate objects themes and time periods in one work to juxtapose unexpected elements leaving the viewer to relate objects that are not where they are expected to be. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315635934

Artangel and Financing British ArtAdapting to Social and Economic Change The Artangel Trust has been credited with providing artists with all the money and logistics they need to create one-off dream projects. An independent art commissioning agency based in London it has operated since 1985 and is responsible for producing some of the most striking ephemeral and site-specific artworks of the last decades from Rachel Whiteread’s House to Jeremy Deller’s The Battle of Orgreave. Artangel’s existence spans three decades which now form a coherent whole in terms of both art historical and political periodisation. It was launched as a reaction to the cuts in funding for the visual arts introduced by the Thatcher government in 1979 and has since adapted in a distinctive way to changing cultural policies. Its mixed economic model the recourse to public private and corporate funds is the result of the more general hybridisation of funding encouraged by successive governments since the 1980s and offers a contemporary case study on broader questions concerning the specificities of British art patronage. This book aims to demonstrate that the singular way its directors have responded to the vagaries of public funding and harnessed new national attitudes to philanthropy has created a sustainable independent model but also that it has been reflected more formally in their approach to site. The locational art produced by the agency has indeed mirrored new distinctions between public and private spaces it has reflected the social and economic changes the country has gone through and accompanied the new cultural geographies shaping London and the United Kingdom. Looking into whether their funding model might have had a formal incidence on the art they helped produce and on its relation to notions of publicness and privacy the study of Artangel gives a fresh insight into new trends in British site-specific art. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138489813

Art-Based SupervisionCultivating Therapeutic Insight Through Imagery Art-Based Supervision is a unique text for graduate supervision classes and seminars as well as a resource for post-graduate supervisors and practitioners. It offers a new view of supervision one that incorporates both images and words as tools to investigate and communicate the interactions that occur in therapy and in the systems in which clinicians work. The fundamental principles of supervision provided in the book are useful for anyone interested in exploring the use of images to support reflection understanding and empathy in their work. Full-color images further enrich the narrative. In addition to supervision courses Art-based Supervision may be used for introductory art therapy psychology social work and counseling courses for readers interested in a broad range of intimate examples of the challenges of therapeutic work and the use of response art to grasp nuanced communication. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138814370

Arte Ambientale Urban Space and Participatory Art Working in 1970s Italy a group of artists—namely Ugo La Pietra Maurizio Nannucci Francesco Somaini Mauro Staccioli Franco Summa and Franco Vaccari—sought new spaces to create and exhibit art. Looking beyond the gallery they generated sculptural conceptual and participatory interventions called Arte Ambientale (Environmental Art) situated in the city streets. Their experiments emerged at a time of cultural crisis when fierce domestic terrorism aggravated an already fragile political situation. To confront the malaise these artists embraced a position of artistic autonomy and social critique democratically connecting the city's inhabitants through direct art practices.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815393733

Arte of Rhethorique Originally published in 1982 this book includes The Arte of Rhetorique by Thomoas Wilson alongisde a critical analysis by Thomoas J. Derrick. It includes chapters on biographical context a critical introduction and historical collation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367133160

Artemia Biology Artemia is widely used in both life-sciences research and aquaculture. Although there are over 4000 references regarding Artemia the literature is widely scattered. Artemia Biology provides a comprehensive state-of-the-art review of this literature containing a considerable amount of previously unpublished data. Although all aspects of Artemia biology are covered the book emphasizes whole-organism approaches. Topics covered include molecular genetics ontogeny clonal diversity mitochondrial DNA-based phylogeny and comparisons of Artemia and Parartemia (including a taxonomic key to Parartemia species). The book also contains the latest information on Artemia culturing in fertilized ponds and culture tanks as well as the use of the organism as a food source. Researchers investigating basic biological questions involving molecular genetics biochemistry enzymatic and developmental activities physiology ecological genetics and adaptation ecology and aquaculture production will find this book indispensable. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890791

Artemis Artemis is a literary iconographic and archaeological study of the ancient Greek goddess of the hunt who presided over the transitions and mediations between the wild and the civilized youth and maturity life and death. Beginning with a study of the early origins of Artemis and her cult in the Bronze and Archaic Ages Budin explores the goddess' persona and her role in the lives of her worshippers. This volume examines her birth and childhood her place in the divine family her virginity and her associations with those places where the wilds become the "cities of just men." The focus then turns to Artemis’ role in the lives of children and women particularly how she helps them navigate the transition to adulthood and perhaps too often death. Budin goes on to reconsider some of the more harrowing aspects of Artemis’ mythology such as plague and bloodshed while also examining some of her kinder oft overlooked associations. Finally the role of Artemis in the Renaissance and modern society is addressed from the on-going fascination with the "breasts" on the statue of Artemis of Ephesos to the Artemisian aspects of Katniss Everdeen. Written in an accessible style Artemis is a crucial resource for students not only of Greek myth religion and cult but also those seeking to understand the lives and roles of girls and women in ancient Greece as this goddess presided over their significant milestones from maiden to wife to mother. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367001001

Artemisia A comprehensive overview of this genus Artemisia examines all aspects of the herbs uses and applications its mode of action and clinical importance. Following a comprehensive introduction to the genus the book discusses the botanical phytochemical and biological aspects of a number of important species of Artemisis. Considering that the discovery of artemisinin a highly active antimalarial agent from the Chinese herb A. annua is of considerable importance this volume devotes several chapters to the traditional uses cultivation and phytochemistry of this species and to the development of artemisinin-derived antimalarial agents their mode of action and clinical use. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367396824

Artemisia annuaProspects Applications and Therapeutic Uses Artemisia annua is a well-known medicinal plant that has been utilized for a number of purposes including malaria for centuries. This is the first comprehensive book to cover the importance of Artemisia annua in the global health crisis and in the treatment against diseases. A component and extract artemisinin is the source of other derivatives which are also suitable for pharmaceutical use. The present demand for artemisinin far outpaces its supply. Researchers are working globally towards improving artemisinin content in the plant by various means. Artemisia annua: Prospects Applications and Therapeutic Uses highlights the different approaches including ‘omics' that are being used in current research on this immensely important medicinal plant. Providing comprehensive coverage of the agricultural and pharmaceutical uses of this plant Artemisia annua will be essential reading for botanists plant scientists herbalists pharmacognosists pharmacologists and natural product chemists. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138632103

Artful ItinerariesEuropean Art and American Careers in High Culture 1865-1920 First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963887

Artful SeductionHomosexuality and the Problematics of Exile "The controversial works of Brazilian authors Silviano Santiago(1936-) and Caio Fernando Abreu (1948-96) offer distinctive but complementary explorations of male homosexual subjectivities formulated through displacement exile and the abject. Posso examines the innovative ways in which these writers stage-manage Western poststructuralist thought to critique heterosexist exclusion in Brazil and in globalized popular and folk culture and he explains how they draw on diverse cultural productions and art works to extend a general undermining of oppositional logic and psychoanalytic theory." Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351197236

Artful Virtue: The Interplay of the Beautiful and the Good in the Scottish Enlightenment During the Scottish Enlightenment the relationship between aesthetics and ethics became deeply ingrained: beauty was the sensible manifestation of virtue; the fine arts represented the actions of a virtuous mind; to deeply understand artful and natural beauty was to identify with moral beauty; and the aesthetic experience was indispensable in making value judgments. This book reveals the history of how the Scots applied the vast landscape of moral philosophy to the specific territories of beauty - in nature aesthetics and ethics - in the eighteenth century. The author explores a wide variety of sources from academic lectures and institutional record to more popular texts such as newspapers and pamphlets to show how the idea that beauty and art made individuals and society more virtuous was elevated and understood in Scottish society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472448484

ArthritisPathophysiology Prevention and Therapeutics A debilitating disease of pain inflammation and loss of mobility and quality of life arthritis takes victims of all ages from young children to seniors. Usually chronic the broad term arthritis refers to nearly 100 distinct manifestations each with their own etiology pathophysiology and treatment. With medical research getting so much attention it is no wonder there have been recent leaps in the investigation into arthritis treatment. It is important to have a high quality trusted compendium to capture the breadth and depth of new information in the field.Covering cutting-edge information on arthritic diseases and their treatment Arthritis: Pathophysiology Prevention and Therapeutics details the intricacies of arthritis and inflammatory responses their consequences their economic burden and their impact on society. Offering a mechanistic approach to pathophysiology and treatment the book begins with an overview of rheumatoid arthritis osteoarthritis and psoriatic arthritis. Section Two highlights the consequences of arthritis and the link between arthritis and obesity diabetes and cardiovascular disease as well as other related disabilities. The third section focuses on antiarthritic drugs including an overview and update on antiarthritic drug development by Dr. Micheal G. Lyon from Stanford University School of Medicine and a chapter on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Other chapters cover biologics in arthritis treatment topical applications and the use of hyaluronan and hyaluronic acid in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.Sections Four and Five are devoted to natural therapeutic and orthopedic interventions such as glucosamine and chondroitin MSM capsaicin shark cartilage and fish oil while Section Six discusses nonpharmacological approaches including physical exercise and acupuncture. The final section provides a commentary on the correlation between a Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367382872

Arthropod Cell Culture Systems Invertebrate cell culture is increasingly being used in various areas of biological research. Research in cellular biology and pathology that previously depended primarily on in vitro investigations of vertebrate animal cell systems is now being conducted using invertebrate cells. Specialists and pioneers from the United States Japan Switzerland Slovakia and China have presented original contributions to create a well-balanced cross-section of current developments. Topics discussed include the preparation of cell culture media; cultivation of mosquito lepidopteran grasshopper and tick cells; the application of such cells to mammalian and plant virus research; and diverse applications in medicine biology and agriculture. A special chapter devoted to the work of Japanese cell culture pioneers is also featured. All chapters are supported by tables photographs and up-to-date bibliographies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890807

Arthropod-borne Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat The book Arthropod-borne Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat is edited by professor Michael Day – a living legend of veterinary science in the fields of immunology and clinical pathology. All veterinary practitioners in Europe should be familiar with this issue even though they have never seen some of those diseases. For that reason Arthropod-borne Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat is a must-have book for a practitioner’s professional library. -- Nenad Milojković DVM (Serbia) in FECAVA June 2019 Arthropod-borne Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat is an invaluable resource for information on the clinical presentation pathogenesis diagnosis and treatment of the major arthropod-borne diseases of dogs and cats. Also discussed is an array of diagnostic techniques routinely available to veterinarians presented with these diseases. Illustrated in colour throughout the book incorporates photographs of clinical cases haematology cytology and gross and microscopic pathology which help understand the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases. While its fundamental structure remains unchanged this new edition adds a chapter on haemoplasma infections as well as a revised chapter on rare and particularly viral arthropod-borne diseases of dogs and cats. This new edition is fully updated to reflect the changes and geographical spread of the diseases covered. New for this edition is the inclusion of a series of clinical case studies providing relevant examples of the diseases discussed. In short the book provides an accessible guide to arthropod-borne infectious disease for veterinarians both in practice and training. With the effects of climate change and increasing international pet travel this book is a useful addition to every small animal practitioner's library. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367574932

Arthur BlissMusic and Literature This title was first published in 2002. This volume of essays seeks to reflect aspects of the life and work of Arthur Bliss Master of the Queen's Music. Though each is self-contained the editor has attempted to keep a theme running throughout. Looking beyond surface impressions is an attitude constantly expressed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138718500

Arthur Conan Doyle and the Meaning of Masculinity A valued icon of British manhood Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has been the subject of numerous biographies since his death in 1930. All his biographers have drawn heavily on his own autobiography Memories & Adventures a collection of stories and anecdotes themed on the subject of masculinity and its representation. Diana Barsham discusses Doyle's career in the context of that nineteenth-century biographical tradition which Dr Watson so successfully appropriated. It explores Doyle's determination to become a great name in the culture of his day and the strains on his identity arising from this project. A Scotsman with an alcoholic Irish fairy-painting father Doyle offered himself and his writings as a model of British manhood during the greatest crisis of British history. Doyle was committed to finding solutions to some of the most difficult cultural problematics of late Victorian masculinity. As novelist war correspondent historian legal campaigner propagandist and religious leader he used his fame as the creator of Sherlock Holmes to refigure the spirit of British Imperialism. This original and thought-provoking study offers a revision of the Doyle myth. It presents his career as a series of dialoguic contestations with writers like Thomas Hardy and Winston Churchill to define the masculine presence in British culture. In his spiritualist campaign Doyle took on the figure of St Paul in an attempt to create a new religious culture for a Socialist age. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367888091

Arthur Hugh CloughSelected Poems This book presents a selection of the full range of Arthur Hugh Clough's poetry which explores the tensions of a time of radical changes in the religious political and literary landscape. It also includes a detailed introduction and annotations by Shirley Chew. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003061830

Arthur Hugh CloughThe Critical Heritage The Critical Heritage gathers together a large body of critical sources on major figures in literature. Each volume presents contemporary responses to a writer's work enabling students and researchers to read the material themselves. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415756747

Arthur Jensen: Consensus And Controversy First Published in 1987. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963894

Arthur Lessac’s Embodied Actor Training This book situates the work of the renowned voice and movement trainer Arthur Lessac in the context of contemporary actor training as a whole. Melissa Hurt uses Maurice Merleau-Ponty's theories of embodiment to frame Lessac's approach in terms of Embodied Acting a key subject in contemporary performance. In doing so she explains how the actor can come to experience both technique and expression as a subjective whole through meditation and spatial attunement. As well as feeding this somatic approach into a wider discussion of embodiment the author provides concrete examples of how the practice can be put into effect and studied at university level. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138094062

Arthur Morrison and the East EndThe Legacy of Slum Fictions This the first critical biography of Arthur Morrison (1863-1945) presents his East End writing as the counter-myth to the cultural production of the East End in late-Victorian realism. Morrison’s works particularly Tales of Mean Streets (1894) and A Child of the Jago (1896) are often discussed as epitomes of slum fictions of the 1890s as well as prime examples of nineteenth-century realism but their complex contemporary reception reveals the intricate paradoxes involved in representing the turn-of-the-century city. Arthur Morrison and the East End examines how an understanding of the East End in the Victorian cultural imagination operates in Morrison’s own writing. Engaging with the contemporary vogue for slum fiction Morrison redressed accounts written by outsiders positioning himself as uniquely knowledgeable about a place considered unknowable. His work provides a vigorous challenge to the fictionalised East End created by his predecessors whilst also paying homage to Charles Dickens George Gissing Walter Besant and Guy de Maupassant. Examining the London sites which Morrison lived in and wrote about this book is an excursion not into the Victorian East End but into the fictions constructed around it. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367661311

Arthur O'Shaughnessy A Pre-Raphaelite Poet in the British Museum Arthur O'Shaughnessy's career as a natural historian in the British Museum and his consequent preoccupation with the role of work in his life provides the context with which to reexamine his contributions to Victorian poetry. O'Shaughnessy's engagement with aestheticism socialism and Darwinian theory can be traced to his career as a Junior Assistant at the British Museum and his perception of the burden of having to earn a living outside of art. Making use of extensive archival research Jordan Kistler demonstrates that far from being merely a minor poet O'Shaughnessy was at the forefront of later Victorian avant-garde poetry. Her analyses of published and unpublished writings including correspondence poetic manuscripts and scientific notebooks demonstrate O'Shaughnessy's importance to the cultural milieu of the 1870s particularly his contributions to English aestheticism his role in the importation of decadence from France and his unique position within contemporary debates on science and literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367140311

Arthur Schopenhauer: The World as Will and PresentationVolume I Part of the “Longman Library of Primary Sources in Philosophy †this first volume of Schopenhauer's The World as Will and Presentation is framed by a pedagogical structure designed to make this important work of philosophy more accessible and meaningful for undergraduates. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780321355782

Arthur Schopenhauer: The World as Will and PresentationVolume II This second volume of Schopenhauer's World as Will and Presentation is framed by a pedagogical structure designed to make this important work of philosophy more accessible and meaningful for undergraduates. With in-depth user-friendly introductions copious notes to clarify difficult or important passages and a rich index each volume makes the masterworks of philosophy accessible to students and emphasizes their relevance to contemporary issues and debates. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780321355805

Arthur Schopenhauer's English Schooling Originally published in 1988 Arthur Schopenhauer’s English Schooling examines the famous German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer and his image of England and the influences and experiences which formed that image notably his visit to England in 1803. His philosophy when he came to formulate it showed the pervasive influence of his English reading was riddled with allusions to his three months at Wimbledon School and was indeed in many ‘English’ style; above all it was a philosophy designed as a refutation of ‘Christianity’ as understood and practised by his English headmaster who is the invisible bête noire behind it. In the course of the book two major figures who have hitherto been known only by name are identified and their lives related. The book also examines many background figures in Schopenhauer’s English diary and the letters addressed to him in 1803. This book which is based on a wide variety of hitherto unknown material from many different sources will permanently modify our view of his philosophy; it also has important implications for educationalists and for all interest in the history of ideas. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367440770

Arthur Sullivan: A Victorian MusicianA Victorian Musician Published in 1992. This is a revised enlarged edition of a book which on its original appearance in 1984 was hailed as a landmark in the study of Victorian musical life. It presents the figure of Sir Arthur Sullivan (1842-1990) not only as the celebrated co-creator of light operas with W.S Gilbert but as a composer of all kinds of music from symphony and concerto to ballads such as ‘The Lost Chord’ and hymns such as ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’. A prominent public life with a knighthood in 1883 is contrasted with an unconventional private life involving a liaison of almost thirty years with an American living in London Mary Frances Ronalds. The author’s access to Sullivan’s diary held by Yale University and to letters and other documents at the Pierpont Morgan library in New York gives this book both a unique authority and a deep human understanding. A new chapter updates research to the 150th anniversary of the composer’s birth 1992 and incorporates music examples. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138609495

Arthur SullivanA Musical Reappraisal Arthur Sullivan (1842–1900) was Victorian Britain’s most celebrated and popular composer whose music to this day reaches a wider audience than that of any of his contemporaries. Yet the comic operas on which Sullivan’s reputation is chiefly based have been consistently belittled or ignored by the British musicological establishment while his serious works have until recently remained virtually unknown. The time is thus long overdue for scholarly re-engagement with Sullivan. The present book offers a new appraisal of the music of this most notable nineteenth-century British composer combining close analytical attention to his music with critical consideration of the wider aesthetic and social context to his work. Focusing on key pieces in all the major genres in which Sullivan composed it includes accounts of his most important serious works – the music to The Tempest the ‘Irish’ Symphony The Golden Legend Ivanhoe – alongside detailed examination of the celebrated comic operas created with W.S. Gilbert to present a balanced portrayal of Sullivan’s musical achievement. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367231910

Arthur SymonsSelected Writings First published in 1974. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003059042

Arthurian DramaAn Anthology This anthology reproduces six plays based on stories of King Arthur from a variety of periods. Originally published in 1991 it offers a comprehensive discussion of Arthurian Drama in introduction and also provides an appendix listing printed scripts in English that address Arthurian legend. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987555

Arthurian Legend in the Seventeenth Century The study of the Arthurian legend in the 1600s has revealed almost no romance; the stories are more about the truth of Arthur’s existence and his exploits with influence due to political bearing of the royalty versus parliament at the time. This fascinating study elucidates the differences between the stories of the seventeenth century and those more well-known now and looks at the development of the literature in line with the political climate and its links with Arthurian prophecy and lineage. Originally published 1932 and again in 1967. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963900

Arthurian Literature and ChristianityNotes from the Twentieth Century Intended as "the other bookend" to Jessie Weston's work some eighty years earlier this essay collection provides a careful overview of recent scholarship on possible overlap between Arthurian literature and Christianity. From Ritual to romance and Notes taken together bracket contemporary inquiry into the relationship (if any) between Jesus and Arthur. T.S. Eliot's "The Waste Land" is here regarded as one strand joining this matter to many a recent literary riddle (such as the meaning of the term "postmodernism"). Without reprinting work readily available elsewhere and no longer subject to revision through dialogue with fellow contributors Notes attempts to do justice to all sides in twentieth century exploration of christianity's contribution to an art form which is also grounded in early European polytheism ("paganism"). Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138001817

Arthurian WomenA Casebook Featuring three original and 14 classic essays this volume examines literary representations of women in Arthuriana and how women artists have viewed them. The essays discuss the female characters in Arthurian legend medieval and modern readers of the legend modern critics and the modern women writers who have recast the Arthurian inheritance and finally women visual artists who have used the material of the Arthurian story. All the essays concentrate interpretation on a female creator and the work. This collection contains a useful bibliography of material devoted to female characters in Arthurian literature. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203760819

Articular Cartilage This book covers the latest research and advancements related to articular cartilage in biology development pathology clinical applications and tissue engineering. The authors take an interdisciplinary approach that encompasses the breadth and depth of basic science bioengineering translational science and detailed methological approaches. It is designed to be an all encompassing encyclopedia of articular cartilage. Written at a level that allows wide accessibility the book’s comprehensive focus on multiple aspects of articular cartilage sets it apart from other books. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367871802

Articulating Asia in Japanese Higher EducationPolicy Partnership and Mobility This book is a study of cross-border activity in and around Japanese universities employing ‘Asia’ as the cornerstone of inquiry. It offers qualitative case-based analysis of Asia-oriented student mobility and partnership projects framed by critical evaluation of discourses and texts concerning Japan’s positioning in an era of Asian ascendancy. This combination of Asia as theme and international higher education as empirical subject matter allows the book to shed new light on some of the fundamental policy currents in contemporary Japan. It also furnishes a fresh approach to comprehending the modalities of regionalism and regionalisation in the sphere of higher education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367375782

Articulating Change In The ""Last Unknown"" This book explores questions of identity and value posed by people living on (or near) the small Pacific island of Karavar in Papua New Guinea focusing on how the Karavarans' long-term preoccupation has played out in various social contexts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367159832

Articulating The Global And The LocalGlobalization And Cultural Studies This book explores how discourses of the local the particular the everyday and the situated are being transformed by new discourses of globalization and transnationalism as used both by government and business and in critical academic discourse. Unlike other studies that have focused on the politics and economics of globalization Articulating Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314590

Articulations of ResistanceTransformative Practices in Contemporary Arab-American Poetry Using a theoretical framework located at the intersection of US ethnic studies transnational studies and postcolonial studies Articulations of Resistance: Transformative Practices in Arab-American Poetry maps an interdisciplinary model of critical inquiry to demonstrate the intimate link and multilayered connections between poetry and resistance. In this study of contemporary Arab-American poetry Sirène Harb analyzes how resistance defined as the force challenging the dominant intervenes in ways of rethinking the local and the global vis-à -vis traditional paradigms of time space language and value. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367366971

Artifact ClassificationA Conceptual and Methodological Approach Archaeologists have been developing artifact typologies to understand cultural categories for as long as the discipline has existed. Dwight Read examines these attempts to systematize the cultural domains in premodern societies through a historical study of pottery typologies. He then offers a methodology for producing classifications that are both salient to the cultural groups that produced them and relevant for establishing cultural categories and timelines for the archaeologist attempting to understand the relationship between material culture and ideational culture of ancient societies. This volume is valuable to upper level students and professional archaeologists across the discipline. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315433493

Artifacts and IdeasEssays in Archaeology Prehistoric archaeologists cannot observe their human subjects nor can they directly access their subjects' ideas. Both must be inferred from the remnants of the material objects they made and used. In recent decades this incontrovertible fact has encouraged partisan approaches to the history and method of archaeology. An empirical discipline emphasizing data classification and chronology has given way to a behaviorist approach that interprets finds as products of ecologically adaptive strategies and to a postmodern alternative that relies on an idealist cultural-relativist epistemology based on belief and cultural traditions.In Artifacts and Ideas Bruce G. Trigger challenges all partisan versions of recent developments in archaeology while remaining committed to understanding the past from a social science perspective. Over 30 years Trigger has addressed fundamental epistemological issues and opposed the influence of narrow theoretical and ideological commitments on archaeological interpretation since the 1960s. Trigger encourages a relativistic understanding of archaeological interpretation. Yet as post-processual archaeology influenced by postmodernism became increasingly influential Trigger countered nihilistic subjectivism by laying greater emphasis on how in the long run the constraints of evidence could be expected to produce a more comprehensive and objective understanding of the past.In recent years Trigger has argued that while all human behavior is culturally mediated the capacity for such mediation has evolved as a flexible and highly efficient means by which humans adapt to a world that exists independently of their will. Trigger agrees that a complete understanding of what has shaped the archaeological record requires knowledge both of past beliefs and of human behavior. He knows also that one must understand humans as organisms with biologically grounded drives emotions and means of understanding. Likewise even in the absence of data supplied in a linguistic format by texts and oral traditions at least some of the more ecologically adaptive forms of human behavior and some general patterns of belief that display cross-cultural uniformity will be susceptible to archaeological analysis.Advocating a realist epistemology and a materialist ontology Artifacts and Ideas offers an illuminating guide to the present state of the discipline as well as to how archaeology can best achieve its goals. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351324083

Artifacts and OrganizationsBeyond Mere Symbolism Artifacts in organizations are ubiquitous but often overlooked. The chapters in this book illustrate that artifacts are everywhere in organizational life. They prevail in how offices are decorated language is used business cards are designed and office cartoons are displayed. In addition artifacts can be seen in the name of an organization and its employees products buildings processes and contracts and they represent people organizations and professions.Artifacts and Organizations suggests that artifacts are neither superficial nor pertinent only to organizational culture. They are relevant to a rich and diverse set of organizational processes within and across multiple levels of analysis. Artifacts are shown to be integral to identity sense-giving and sense-making processes interpretation and negotiation legitimacy and branding. The book seeks to communicate that artifacts are often much more than what is currently recognized in organizational research. The four sections of this edited volume address various aspects of what is known about and known through artifacts. Together the full set of chapters challenge the field to move beyond a narrow conceptualization and understanding of artifacts in organizations.This book leads students to embrace the full complexity and richness of artifacts. In addition the text seeks to inspire those who focus on artifacts as symbols to delve deeper into the complexities of artifacts-in-use for individuals organizations and institutions. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9780415645966

Artifice and Invention in the Spanish Golden Age This book showcases the research of established and younger colleagues from Great Britain and Ireland on artifice and invention in the Spanish Golden Age. It falls into four sections in each of which works on particular authors are examined in detail: prose poetry drama and colonial writing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367599454

Artificial BelieversThe Ascription of Belief Modeling of individual beliefs is essential to the computer understanding of natural languages. Phenomena at all levels -- syntactic semantic and pragmatic -- cannot be fully analyzed in the absence of models of a hearer and of the hearer's model of other believers. The heart of this text is the presentation of an artificial intelligence (AI) program intended to simulate certain aspects of a human believer. This book provides a prolog program Viewgen that maintains belief structures about the world and other believers and is able to ascribe beliefs to others without direct evidence by using a form of default reasoning. The authors contend that a plausible model such as this can -- in the best cognitive science tradition -- shed light on the long-standing philosophical problem of what belief is. The issues presented here will be of considerable interest to an informed general reader as well as those with a background in any of the disciplines that make up what is now called cognitive science: philosophy linguistics psychology neuropsychology and also AI itself. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963917

Artificial CultureIdentity Technology and Bodies Artificial Culture is an examination of the articulation construction and representation of "the artificial" in contemporary popular cultural texts especially science fiction films and novels. The book argues that today we live in an artificial culture due to the deep and inextricable relationship between people our bodies and technology at large. While the artificial is often imagined as outside of the natural order and thus also beyond the realm of humanity paradoxically artificial concepts are simultaneously produced and constructed by human ideas and labor. The artificial can thus act as a boundary point against which we as a culture can measure what it means to be human. Science fiction feature films and novels and other related media frequently and provocatively deploy ideas of the artificial in ways which the lines between people our bodies spaces and culture more broadly blur and at times dissolve. Building on the rich foundational work on the figures of the cyborg and posthuman this book situates the artificial in similar terms but from a nevertheless distinctly different viewpoint. After examining ideas of the artificial as deployed in film novels and other digital contexts this study concludes that we are now part of an artificial culture entailing a matrix which rather than separating minds and bodies or humanity and the digital reinforces the symbiotic connection between identities bodies and technologies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138851528

Artificial DNAMethods and Applications Combining elements of biochemistry molecular biology and immunology artificial DNA can be employed in a number of scientific disciplines. Some of the varied applications include site-specific mutagenesis hybridization amplification protein engineering anti-sense technology DNA vaccines protein vaccines recombinant antibodies screening for genetic and pathogenic diseases development of materials with new biochemical and structural properties and many more. Artificial DNA: Methods and Applications introduces the concept of artificial DNA that has been rationally designed and explains how it may be exploited in order to develop products that will achieve your intended purpose. The first part of the book covers methods of oligonucleotide synthesis and direct applications of synthetic DNA. The second part describes methods of gene assembly from synthetic oligonucleotides and applications of synthetic genes. The authors also discuss the different trends and future developments within each application area .With state-of-the art research the contributing authors describe how to engineer proteins using rational and semi-rational design to exhibit the desired traits and detail the various amplification reactions and hybridization techniques for modeling evolution and for use in basic research. The only text devoted to this subject Artificial DNA offers a comprehensive review that allows you to understand the strategy design and applications of synthetic oligonucleotides. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367395810

Artificial Hearing Natural SpeechCochlear Implants Speech Production and the Expectations of a High-Tech Society This book explores the interface between speech perception and production through a longitudinal acoustic analysis of the speech of postlingually deaf adults with cochlear implants (electrode and computer prostheses for the inner ear in cases of nerve deafness). The methodology is based on the work of Joseph Perkell at MIT replicating and extending analysis to subjects with modern digital cochlear implants and processor technology. Lowenstein also examines how cochlear implants are portrayed in dramatic and documentary television programs the scientific accuracy of those portrayals and what expectations might be taken away by viewers particularly given modern society's view that technology can overcome the frailties of the human body. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415540902

Artificial Human SensorsScience and Applications As the elderly population increases the importance of creating sophisticated information support to humans with limited sensing performance has also grown. This book discusses human and artificial sensing in conjunction with human perception capabilities (auditory taste smell vision and touch). It also discusses the fusion of this sensing information to find answers to questions such as how we can increase our human "fuzzy" decision capability (perception). The book presents intelligent new technologies that can enhance the natural sensing perception and mobility abilities of humans allowing them to have healthier more productive safer lives. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814241588

Artificial Intelligence Automation and the Future of Competence at Work Artificial intelligence and the autonomous robots of the Fourth Industrial Revolution will render certain jobs and competences obsolete but will also create new roles which in turn require new sets of skills. They will also transform how we produce distribute and consume as well as how we think. Rather than a linear understanding of evolutionary processes we will develop a more interactive and circular interpretation. This book offers a unique and holistic perspective on the future of work in the context of industry 4.0. It discusses the globalization of capital markets how artificial intelligence can help organizations to be more competitive and the new role of leadership in this technological landscape. The author argues that there are four categories of competences which will be required in order to maintain the relevance of human skills and expertise in the innovation economy. The new jobs that come into being will lend themselves to a particular set of skills. General competences will be necessary for roles involving the 4Cs of communication creativity collaboration and change. Specific or STEM competences will be called for across the science technology engineering and mathematics sectors. Human competences will lend themselves to positions comprising the SELC framework of social emotional leadership and cultural skills. Critical or REVE competences will be in demand for roles embracing reflection ethics values and the environment. The book provides a human-centric view of the current technological advancements of artificial intelligence and robotics and offers a positive outlook for human actors seeking continued relevance. It will appeal to scholars and students of the innovation economy the knowledge society and the coming Fourth Industrial Revolution. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367640460

Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for Engineers This book provides a comprehensive presentation of artificial intelligence (AI) methodologies and tools valuable for solving a wide spectrum of engineering problems. What's more it offers these AI tools on an accompanying disk with easy-to-use software. Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for Engineers details the AI-based methodologies known as: Knowledge-Based Expert Systems (KBES); Design Synthesis; Design Critiquing; and Case-Based Reasoning. KBES are the most popular AI-based tools and have been successfully applied to planning diagnosis classification monitoring and design problems. Case studies are provided with problems in engineering design for better understanding of the problem-solving models using the four methodologies in an integrated software environment.Throughout the book examples are given so that students and engineers can acquire skills in the use of AI-based methodologies for application to practical problems ranging from diagnosis to planning design and construction and manufacturing in various disciplines of engineering.Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for Engineers is a must-have reference for students teachers research scholars and professionals working in the area of civil engineering design in particular and engineering design in general. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315137773

Artificial Intelligence And International Politics This book provides an overview of the study of international relations using a computational modeling approach (abbreviated as Al/IR). It deals with general theoretical and applied issues in AI/IR subfield and also showcases actual research produced by those working in the AI/IR subfield. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367153588

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Business for Non-Engineers The next big area within the information and communication technology field is Artificial Intelligence (AI). The industry is moving to automate networks cloud-based systems (e.g. Salesforce) databases (e.g. Oracle) AWS machine learning (e.g. Amazon Lex) and creating infrastructure that has the ability to adapt in real-time to changes and learn what to anticipate in the future. It is an area of technology that is coming faster and penetrating more areas of business than any other in our history. AI will be used from the C-suite to the distribution warehouse floor. Replete with case studies this book provides a working knowledge of AI’s current and future capabilities and the impact it will have on every business. It covers everything from healthcare to warehousing banking finance and education. It is essential reading for anyone involved in industry. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367365745

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in 2D/3D Medical Image Processing Digital images have several benefits such as faster and inexpensive processing cost easy storage and communication immediate quality assessment multiple copying while preserving quality swift and economical reproduction and adaptable manipulation. Digital medical images play a vital role in everyday life. Medical imaging is the process of producing visible images of inner structures of the body for scientific and medical study and treatment as well as a view of the function of interior tissues. This process pursues disorder identification and management. Medical imaging in 2D and 3D includes many techniques and operations such as image gaining storage presentation and communication. The 2D and 3D images can be processed in multiple dimensions. Depending on the requirement of a specific problem one must identify various features of 2D or 3D images while applying suitable algorithms. These image processing techniques began in the 1960s and were used in such fields as space clinical purposes the arts and television image improvement. In the 1970s with the development of computer systems the cost of image processing was reduced and processes became faster. In the 2000s image processing became quicker inexpensive and simpler. In the 2020s image processing has become a more accurate more efficient and self-learning technology. This book highlights the framework of the robust and novel methods for medical image processing techniques in 2D and 3D. The chapters explore existing and emerging image challenges and opportunities in the medical field using various medical image processing techniques. The book discusses real-time applications for artificial intelligence and machine learning in medical image processing. The authors also discuss implementation strategies and future research directions for the design and application requirements of these systems. This book will benefit researchers in the medical image processing field as well as those looking to promote the mutual understanding of researchers within different disciplines that incorporate AI and machine learning. FEATURES Highlights the framework of robust and novel methods for medical image processing techniques Discusses implementation strategies and future research directions for the design and application requirements of medical imaging Examines real-time application needs Explores existing and emerging image challenges and opportunities in the medical field Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367374358

Artificial Intelligence and Soft ComputingBehavioral and Cognitive Modeling of the Human Brain With all the material available in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and soft computing-texts monographs and journal articles-there remains a serious gap in the literature. Until now there has been no comprehensive resource accessible to a broad audience yet containing a depth and breadth of information that enables the reader to fully understand and readily apply AI and soft computing concepts.Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing fills this gap. It presents both the traditional and the modern aspects of AI and soft computing in a clear insightful and highly comprehensive style. It provides an in-depth analysis of mathematical models and algorithms and demonstrates their applications in real world problems. Beginning with the behavioral perspective of "human cognition " the text covers the tools and techniques required for its intelligent realization on machines. The author addresses the classical aspects-search symbolic logic planning and machine learning-in detail and includes the latest research in these areas. He introduces the modern aspects of soft computing from first principles and discusses them in a manner that enables a beginner to grasp the subject. He also covers a number of other leading aspects of AI research including nonmonotonic and spatio-temporal reasoning knowledge acquisition and much more. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: Behavioral and Cognitive Modeling of the Human Brain is unique for its diverse content clear presentation and overall completeness. It provides a practical detailed introduction that will prove valuable to computer science practitioners and students as well as to researchers migrating to the subject from other disciplines. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315219738

Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203058572

Artificial Intelligence and the Environmental CrisisCan Technology Really Save the World? A radical and challenging book which argues that artificial intelligence needs a completely different set of foundations based on ecological intelligence rather than human intelligence if it is to deliver on the promise of a better world. This can usher in the greatest transformation in human history an age of re-integration. Our very existence is dependent upon our context within the Earth System and so surely artificial intelligence must also be grounded within this context embracing emergence interconnectedness and real-time feedback. We discover many positive outcomes across the societal economic and environmental arenas and discuss how this transformation can be delivered. Key Features: Identifies a key weakness in current AI thinking that threatens any hope of a better world. Highlights the importance of realizing that systems theory is an essential foundation for any technology that hopes to positively transform our world. Emphasizes the need for a radical new approach to AI based on ecological systems. Explains why ecosystem intelligence not human intelligence offers the best framework for AI. Examines how this new approach will impact on the three arenas of society environment and economics ushering in a new age of re-integration. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367436544

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Testing This volume consists of a series of essays written by experts most of whom participated in a conference conducted by the Educational Testing Service to explore how current fields of artificial intelligence might contribute to ETS's plans to automate one or more of its testing activities. The papers presented in Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Testing touch on a variety of topics including mathematics tutors graph comprehension and computer vision student reasoning and human accessing modeling software design within a general problem-space architecture memory organization and retrieval and natural language systems. Also included: speculation on possible uses each AI specialty might have for a wide number of testing activities and selective critical commentaries by two eminent AI researchers. As Roy Freedle notes in his introduction "We are at an exciting juncture in applying AI to testing activities." The essays presented in this collection convey some of that excitement and represent an important step toward the merging of AI and testing -- a powerful combination that has the potential to instruct and inspire. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138987562

Artificial Intelligence and the LawCybercrime and Criminal Liability This volume presents new research in artificial intelligence (AI) and Law with special reference to criminal justice. It brings together leading international experts including computer scientists lawyers judges and cyber-psychologists. The book examines some of the core problems that technology raises for criminal law ranging from privacy and data protection to cyber-warfare through to the theft of virtual property. Focusing on the West and China the work considers the issue of AI and the Law in a comparative context presenting the research from a cross-jurisdictional and cross-disciplinary approach. As China becomes a global leader in AI and technology the book provides an essential in-depth understanding of domestic laws in both Western jurisdictions and China on criminal liability for cybercrime. As such it will be a valuable resource for academics and researchers working in the areas of AI technology and criminal justice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367347970

Artificial Intelligence and the Two Singularities The science of AI was born a little over 60 years ago but for most of that time its achievements were modest. In 2012 it experienced a big bang when a branch of statistics called Machine Learning (and a sub-branch called Deep Learning) was applied to it. Now machines have surpassed humans in image recognition and they are catching up with us at speech recognition and natural language processing. Every day the media reports the launch of a new service a new product and a new demonstration powered by AI. When will it end? The surprising truth is the AI revolution has only just begun. Artificial Intelligence and the Two Singularities argues that in the course of this century the exponential growth in the capability of AI is likely to bring about two "singularities" - points at which conditions are so extreme that the normal rules break down. The first is the economic singularity when machine skill reaches a level that renders many of us unemployable and requires an overhaul of our current economic and social systems. The second is the technological singularity when machine intelligence reaches and then surpasses the cognitive abilities of an adult human relegating us to the second smartest species on the planet. These singularities will present huge challenges but this book argues that we can meet these challenges and overcome them. If we do the rewards could be almost unimaginable. This book covers: • Recent developments in AI and its future potential • The economic singularity and the technological singularity in depth • The risks and opportunities presented by AI • What actions we should take Artificial intelligence can turn out to be the best thing ever to happen to humanity making our future wonderful almost beyond imagination. But only if we address head-on the challenges that it will raise. Calum Chace is a best-selling author of fiction and non-fiction books and articles focusing on the subject of artificial intelligence. He is a regular speaker on artificial intelligence and related technologies and runs a blog on the subject at www.pandoras-brain. com. Prior to becoming a full-time writer and speaker he spent 30 years in business as a marketer a strategy consultant and a CEO. He studied philosophy at Oxford University where he discovered that the science fiction he had been reading since boyhood was simply philosophy in fancy dress. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780815368533

Artificial Intelligence Applications on Wall Street Originally published in 1996 as a special issue journal Artificial Intelligence Applications on Wall Street presents a series of articles derived from papers at the Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications on Wall Street. The volume addresses how Artificial Intelligence can be used to address the variety of issues in that arise in the world of investments such as synthetic instruments forecasting and surveillance. It examines the potential problems surrounding economic assumption of rationality in a global market and how artificial intelligence can push the bounds of rationality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138570870

Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Networks Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Networks introduces the autonomous network by juxtaposing two unique technologies and communities: Networking and AI. The book reviews the technologies behind AI and software-defined network/network function virtualization highlighting the exciting opportunities to integrate those two worlds.Outlining the new frontiers for autonomous networks this book highlights their impact and benefits to consumers and enterprise customers. It also explores the potential of the autonomous network for transforming network operation cyber security enterprise services 5G and IoT infrastructure monitoring and traffic optimization and finally customer experience and care.With contributions from leading experts this book will provide an invaluable resource for network engineers software engineers artificial intelligence and machine learning researchers. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367570965

Artificial Intelligence for Computer GamesAn Introduction Learn to make games that are more fun and engaging! Building on fundamental principles of Artificial Intelligence Funge explains how to create Non-Player Characters (NPCs) with progressively more sophisticated capabilities. Starting with the basic capability of acting in the game world the book explains how to develop NPCs who can perceive remember what they perceive and then continue in the game play to think about the effects of possible actions and finally learn from their experience. Funge considers the system architecture and explains how to implement potential behaviors (both reactive and deliberate) for intelligent and responsive NPCs allowing for games that are more fun and engaging. Emphasizing enduring design principles Funge covers the basics of Game AI and provides a clear easy to read introduction that beginning programmers and game designers will enjoy. Media > Books > Print Books A K Peters/CRC Press 9780367446567

Artificial Intelligence for Drug Development Precision Medicine and Healthcare Artificial Intelligence for Drug Development Precision Medicine and Healthcare covers exciting developments at the intersection of computer science and statistics. While much of machine-learning is statistics-based achievements in deep learning for image and language processing rely on computer science’s use of big data. Aimed at those with a statistical background who want to use their strengths in pursuing AI research the book: · Covers broad AI topics in drug development precision medicine and healthcare. · Elaborates on supervised unsupervised reinforcement and evolutionary learning methods. · Introduces the similarity principle and related AI methods for both big and small data problems. · Offers a balance of statistical and algorithm-based approaches to AI. · Provides examples and real-world applications with hands-on R code. · Suggests the path forward for AI in medicine and artificial general intelligence. As well as covering the history of AI and the innovative ideas methodologies and software implementation of the field the book offers a comprehensive review of AI applications in medical sciences. In addition readers will benefit from hands on exercises with included R code. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367362928

Artificial Intelligence Frontiers in StatisticsAl and Statistics III This book presents a summary of recent work on the interface between artificial intelligence and statistics. It does this through a series of papers by different authors working in different areas of this interface. These papers are a selected and referenced subset of papers presented at the 3rd Interntional Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics Florida January 1991. Media > Books > E-books Chapman & Hall 9781003059875

Artificial Intelligence in a Throughput ModelSome Major Algorithms Physical and behavioral biometric technologies such as fingerprinting facial recognition voice identification etc. have enhanced the level of security substantially in recent years. Governments and corporates have employed these technologies to achieve better customer satisfaction. However biometrics faces major challenges in reducing criminal terrorist activities and electronic frauds especially in choosing appropriate decision-making algorithms. To face this challenge new developments have been made that amalgamate biometrics with artificial intelligence (AI) in decision-making modeling. Advanced software algorithms of AI processing information offered by biometric technology achieve better results. This has led to growth in the biometrics technology industry and is set to increase the security and internal control operations manifold. This book provides an overview of the existing biometric technologies decision-making algorithms and the growth opportunity in biometrics. The book proposes a throughput model which draws on computer science economics and psychology to model perceptual informational sources judgmental processes and decision choice algorithms. It reviews how biometrics might be applied to reduce risks to individuals and organizations especially when dealing with digital-based media. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367217815

Artificial Intelligence in AccountingPractical Applications Artificial Intelligence in Accounting: Practical Applications was written with a simple goal: to provide accountants with a foundational understanding of AI and its many business and accounting applications. It is meant to serve as a guide for identifying opportunities to implement AI initiatives to increase productivity and profitability.    This book will help you answer questions about what AI is and how it is used in the accounting profession today. Offering practical guidance that you can leverage for your organization this book provides an overview of essential AI concepts and technologies that accountants should know such as machine learning deep learning and natural language processing. It also describes accounting-specific applications of robotic process automation and text mining. Illustrated with case studies and interviews with representatives from global professional services firms this concise volume makes a significant contribution to examining the intersection of AI and the accounting profession. This innovative book also explores the challenges and ethical considerations of AI. It will be of great interest to accounting practitioners researchers educators and students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367431778

Artificial Intelligence in Medical ImagingFrom Theory to Clinical Practice Choice Recommended Title January 2021 This book written by authors with more than a decade of experience in the design and development of artificial intelligence (AI) systems in medical imaging will guide readers in the understanding of one of the most exciting fields today. After an introductory description of classical machine learning techniques the fundamentals of deep learning are explained in a simple yet comprehensive manner. The book then proceeds with a historical perspective of how medical AI developed in time detailing which applications triumphed and which failed from the era of computer aided detection systems on to the current cutting-edge applications in deep learning today which are starting to exhibit on-par performance with clinical experts. In the last section the book offers a view on the complexity of the validation of artificial intelligence applications for commercial use describing the recently introduced concept of software as a medical device as well as good practices and relevant considerations for training and testing machine learning systems for medical use. Open problematics on the validation for public use of systems which by nature continuously evolve through new data is also explored. The book will be of interest to graduate students in medical physics biomedical engineering and computer science in addition to researchers and medical professionals operating in the medical imaging domain who wish to better understand these technologies and the future of the field. Features: An accessible yet detailed overview of the field Explores a hot and growing topic Provides an interdisciplinary perspective Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367229177

Artificial Intelligence In Medicine This book presents the research efforts in the U. S. in artificial intelligence application techniques to medical decision making. It has grown out of a Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine presented at the 1979 Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367172084

Artificial Intelligence in Power System Optimization With the considerable increase of AI applications AI is being increasingly used to solve optimization problems in engineering. In the past two decades the applications of artificial intelligence in power systems have attracted much research. This book covers the current level of applications of artificial intelligence to the optimization problems in power systems. This book serves as a textbook for graduate students in electric power system management and is also be useful for those who are interested in using artificial intelligence in power system optimization. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781578088058

Artificial Intelligence Programming Artificial intelligence research has thrived in the years since this best-selling AI classic was first published. The revision encompasses these advances by adapting its coding to Common Lisp the well-documented language standard and by bringing together even more useful programming tools. Today's programmers in AI will find this volume's superior coverage of programming techniques and easily applicable style anything but common. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315802251

Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security The history of robotics and artificial intelligence in many ways is also the history of humanity’s attempts to control such technologies. From the Golem of Prague to the military robots of modernity the debate continues as to what degree of independence such entities should have and how to make sure that they do not turn on us its inventors. Numerous recent advancements in all aspects of research development and deployment of intelligent systems are well publicized but safety and security issues related to AI are rarely addressed. This book is proposed to mitigate this fundamental problem. It is comprised of chapters from leading AI Safety researchers addressing different aspects of the AI control problem as it relates to the development of safe and secure artificial intelligence. The book is the first edited volume dedicated to addressing challenges of constructing safe and secure advanced machine intelligence. The chapters vary in length and technical content from broad interest opinion essays to highly formalized algorithmic approaches to specific problems. All chapters are self-contained and could be read in any order or skipped without a loss of comprehension. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780815369820

Artificial Intelligence Techniques in IoT Sensor Networks Artificial Intelligence Techniques in IoT Sensor Networks is a technical book which can be read by researchers academicians students and professionals interested in artificial intelligence (AI) sensor networks and Internet of Things (IoT). This book is intended to develop a shared understanding of applications of AI techniques in the present and near term. The book maps the technical impacts of AI technologies applications and their implications on the design of solutions for sensor networks. This text introduces researchers and aspiring academicians to the latest developments and trends in AI applications for sensor networks in a clear and well-organized manner. It is mainly useful for research scholars in sensor networks and AI techniques. In addition professionals and practitioners working on the design of real-time applications for sensor networks may benefit directly from this book. Moreover graduate and master’s students of any departments related to AI IoT and sensor networks can find this book fascinating for developing expert systems or real-time applications. This book is written in a simple and easy language discussing the fundamentals which relieves the requirement of having early backgrounds in the field. From this expectation and experience many libraries will be interested in owning copies of this work. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367439255

Artificial Intelligence ToolsDecision Support Systems in Condition Monitoring and DIagnosis Artificial Intelligence Tools: Decision Support Systems in Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis discusses various white- and black-box approaches to fault diagnosis in condition monitoring (CM). This indispensable resource:Addresses nearest-neighbor-based clustering-based statistical and information theory-based techniquesConsiders the merits of each technique as well as the issues associated with real-life applicationCovers classification methods from neural networks to Bayesian and support vector machinesProposes fuzzy logic to explain the uncertainties associated with diagnostic processes Provides data sets sample signals and MATLAB® code for algorithm testingArtificial Intelligence Tools: Decision Support Systems in Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis delivers a thorough evaluation of the latest AI tools for CM describing the most common fault diagnosis techniques used and the data acquired when these techniques are applied. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367738358

Artificial Intelligence Trends for Data Analytics Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches Artificial Intelligence (AI) when incorporated with machine learning and deep learning algorithms has a wide variety of applications today. This book focuses on the implementation of various elementary and advanced approaches in AI that can be used in various domains to solve real-time decision-making problems. The book focuses on concepts and techniques used to run tasks in an automated manner. It discusses computational intelligence in the detection and diagnosis of clinical and biomedical images covers the automation of a system through machine learning and deep learning approaches presents data analytics and mining for decision-support applications and includes case-based reasoning natural language processing computer vision and AI approaches in real-time applications. Academic scientists researchers and students in the various domains of computer science engineering electronics and communication engineering and information technology as well as industrial engineers biomedical engineers and management will find this book useful. By the end of this book you will understand the fundamentals of AI. Various case studies will develop your adaptive thinking to solve real-time AI problems. Features Includes AI-based decision-making approaches Discusses computational intelligence in the detection and diagnosis of clinical and biomedical images Covers automation of systems through machine learning and deep learning approaches and its implications to the real world Presents data analytics and mining for decision-support applications Offers case-based reasoning Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367417277

Artificial Intelligence with Uncertainty This book develops a framework that shows how uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (AI) expands and generalizes traditional AI. It explores the uncertainties of knowledge and intelligence. The authors focus on the importance of natural language – the carrier of knowledge and intelligence and introduce efficient physical methods for data mining amd control. In this new edition we have more in-depth description of the models and methods of which the mathematical properties are proved strictly which make these theories and methods more complete. The authors also highlight their latest research results. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367573683

Artificial Intelligence: The Basics 'if AI is outside your field or you know something of the subject and would like to know more then Artificial Intelligence: The Basics is a brilliant primer.' - Nick Smith Engineering and Technology Magazine November 2011 Artificial Intelligence: The Basics is a concise and cutting-edge introduction to the fast moving world of AI. The author Kevin Warwick a pioneer in the field examines issues of what it means to be man or machine and looks at advances in robotics which have blurred the boundaries. Topics covered include: how intelligence can be defined whether machines can 'think' sensory input in machine systems the nature of consciousness the controversial culturing of human neurons. Exploring issues at the heart of the subject this book is suitable for anyone interested in AI and provides an illuminating and accessible introduction to this fascinating subject. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415564830

Artificial IntelligenceAn Introduction First published in 1987 this book provides a stimulating introduction to artificial intelligence (AI) - the science of thinking machines. After a general introduction to AI including its history tools research methods and its relation to psychology Garnham gives an account of AI research in five major areas: knowledge representation vision thinking and reasoning language and learning. He then describes the more important applications of AI and discusses the broader philosophical issues raised by the possibility of thinking machines. In the final chapter he speculates about future research in AI and more generally in cognitive science. Suitable for psychology students the book also provides useful background reading for courses on vision thinking and reasoning language and learning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138569140

Artificial IntelligenceApplications in Healthcare Delivery The rediscovery of the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve healthcare delivery and patient outcomes has led to an increasing application of AI techniques such as deep learning computer vision natural language processing and robotics in the healthcare domain. Many governments and health authorities have prioritized the application of AI in the delivery of healthcare. Also technological giants and leading universities have established teams dedicated to the application of AI in medicine. These trends will mean an expanded role for AI in the provision of healthcare. Yet there is an incomplete understanding of what AI is and its potential for use in healthcare. This book discusses the different types of AI applicable to healthcare and their application in medicine population health genomics healthcare administration and delivery. Readers especially healthcare professionals and managers will find the book useful to understand the different types of AI and how they are relevant to healthcare delivery. The book provides examples of AI being applied in medicine population health genomics healthcare administration and delivery and how they can commence applying AI in their health services. Researchers and technology professionals will also find the book useful to note current trends in the application of AI in healthcare and initiate their own projects to enable the application of AI in healthcare/medical domains. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9780367321512

Artificial IntelligenceEvolution Ethics and Public Policy What will the future be? A dystopian landscape controlled by machines or a brave new world full of possibilities? Perhaps the answer lies with Artificial Intelligence (AI)—a phenomenon much beyond technology that has continues to and will shape lives in ways we do not understand yet. This book traces the evolution of AI in contemporary history. It analyses how AI is primarily being driven by "capital" as the only "factor of production" and its consequences for the global political economy. It further explores the dystopian prospect of mass unemployment by AI and takes up the ethical aspects of AI and its possible use in undermining natural and fundamental rights. A tract for the times this volume will be a major intervention in an area that is heavily debated but rarely understood. It will be essential reading for researchers and students of digital humanities politics economics science and technology studies physics and computer science. It will also be key reading for policy makers cyber experts and bureaucrats. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138625389

Artificial IntelligenceIts Philosophy and Neural Context Originally published in 1986 in order to probe dispute and analyse the role of artificial intelligence in cybernetic thought and information science the author pursues this topic within its philosophical behavioral and neurophysiological contexts while drawing attention to cognitive issues. By elucidating the problems and potential associated with knowledge-based systems the book emphasized the need to examine artificial intelligence in its own right. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815363415

Artificial IntelligenceResearch Directions in Cognitive Science: European Perspectives Vol. 5 Originally published in 1992 this title reviews seven major subareas in artificial intelligence at that time: knowledge acquisition; logic programming and representation; machine learning; natural language; vision; the design of an AI programming environment; and medicine a major application area of AI. This volume was an attempt primarily to inform fellow AI workers of recent European work in AI. It was hoped that researchers in ‘sister’ disciplines such as computer science and linguistics would gain a deeper understanding of the assumptions techniques and tools of contemporary AI. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367405960

Artificial IntelligenceThe Case Against The purpose of this book originally published in 1987 was to contribute to the advance of artificial intelligence (AI) by clarifying and removing the major sources of philosophical confusion at the time which continued to preoccupy scientists and thereby impede research. Unlike the vast majority of philosophical critiques of AI however each of the authors in this volume has made a serious attempt to come to terms with the scientific theories that have been developed rather than attacking superficial ‘straw men’ which bear scant resemblance to the complex theories that have been developed. For each is convinced that the philosopher’s responsibility is to contribute from his own special intellectual point of view to the progress of such an important field rather than sitting in lofty judgement dismissing the efforts of their scientific peers. The aim of this book is thus to correct some of the common misunderstandings of its subject. The technical term Artificial Intelligence has created considerable unnecessary confusion because of the ordinary meanings associated with it and for that very reason the term is endlessly misused and abused. The essays collected here all aim to expound the true nature of AI and to remove the ill-conceived philosophical discussions which seek answers to the wrong questions in the wrong ways. Philosophical discussions and decisions about the proper use of AI need to be based on a proper understanding of the manner in which AI-scientists achieve their results; in particular in their dependence on the initial planning input of human beings. The collection combines the Anglo-Saxon school of analytical philosophy with scientific and psychological methods of investigation. The distinguished authors in this volume represent a cross-section of philosophers psychologists and computer scientists from all over the world. The result is a fascinating study in the nature and future of AI written in a style which is certain to appeal and inform laymen and specialists alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815351351

Artificial IntelligenceWith an Introduction to Machine Learning Second Edition The first edition of this popular textbook Contemporary Artificial Intelligence provided an accessible and student friendly introduction to AI. This fully revised and expanded update Artificial Intelligence: With an Introduction to Machine Learning Second Edition retains the same accessibility and problem-solving approach while providing new material and methods.The book is divided into five sections that focus on the most useful techniques that have emerged from AI. The first section of the book covers logic-based methods while the second section focuses on probability-based methods. Emergent intelligence is featured in the third section and explores evolutionary computation and methods based on swarm intelligence. The newest section comes next and provides a detailed overview of neural networks and deep learning. The final section of the book focuses on natural language understanding.Suitable for undergraduate and beginning graduate students this class-tested textbook provides students and other readers with key AI methods and algorithms for solving challenging problems involving systems that behave intelligently in specialized domains such as medical and software diagnostics financial decision making speech and text recognition genetic analysis and more. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367571641

Artificial LifeProceedings Of An Interdisciplinary Workshop On The Synthesis And Simulation Of Living Systems This book is an outcome of workshop on Artificial Life held at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1987. It focuses on the general theme of Artificial Life its history techniques and various associated methodological issues. It describes simulation systems for studying various aspects of life. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367152772

Artificial MusclesApplications of Advanced Polymeric Nanocomposites Smart materials are the way of the future in a variety of fields from biomedical engineering and chemistry to nanoscience nanotechnology and robotics. Featuring an interdisciplinary approach to smart materials and structures Artificial Muscles: Applications of Advanced Polymeric Nanocomposites thoroughly reviews the existing knowledge of ionic polymeric conductor nanocomposites (IPCNCs) including ionic polymeric metal nanocomposites (IPMNCs) as biomimetic distributed nanosensors nanoactuators nanotransducers nanorobots artificial muscles and electrically controllable intelligent polymeric network structures. Authored by one of the founding fathers of the field the book introduces fabrication and manufacturing methods of several electrically and chemically active ionic polymeric sensors actuators and artificial muscles as well as a new class of electrically active polymeric nanocomposites and artificial muscles. It also describes a few apparatuses for modeling and testing various artificial muscles to show the viability of chemoactive and electroactive muscles. The authors present the theories modeling and numerical simulations of ionic polymeric artificial muscles’ electrodynamics and chemodynamics. In addition they feature current industrial and medical applications of IPMNCs. By covering the fabrication techniques of and novel developments in advanced polymeric nanocomposites this book provides a solid foundation in the subject while stimulating further research. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367389444

Artificial Neural Networks for Engineers and ScientistsSolving Ordinary Differential Equations Differential equations play a vital role in the fields of engineering and science. Problems in engineering and science can be modeled using ordinary or partial differential equations. Analytical solutions of differential equations may not be obtained easily so numerical methods have been developed to handle them. Machine intelligence methods such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are being used to solve differential equations and these methods are presented in Artificial Neural Networks for Engineers and Scientists: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations. This book shows how computation of differential equation becomes faster once the ANN model is properly developed and applied. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498781381

Artificial Neural Networks in Biological and Environmental Analysis Originating from models of biological neural systems artificial neural networks (ANN) are the cornerstones of artificial intelligence research. Catalyzed by the upsurge in computational power and availability and made widely accessible with the co-evolution of software algorithms and methodologies artificial neural networks have had a profound impact in the elucidation of complex biological chemical and environmental processes. Artificial Neural Networks in Biological and Environmental Analysis provides an in-depth and timely perspective on the fundamental technological and applied aspects of computational neural networks. Presenting the basic principles of neural networks together with applications in the field the book stimulates communication and partnership among scientists in fields as diverse as biology chemistry mathematics medicine and environmental science. This interdisciplinary discourse is essential not only for the success of independent and collaborative research and teaching programs but also for the continued interest in the use of neural network tools in scientific inquiry. The book covers: A brief history of computational neural network models in relation to brain function Neural network operations including neuron connectivity and layer arrangement Basic building blocks of model design selection and application from a statistical perspective Neurofuzzy systems neuro-genetic systems and neuro-fuzzy-genetic systems Function of neural networks in the study of complex natural processes Scientists deal with very complicated systems much of the inner workings of which are frequently unknown to researchers. Using only simple linear mathematical methods information that is needed to truly understand natural systems may be lost. The development of new algorithms to model such processes is needed and ANNs can play a major role. Balancing basic principles and diverse applications this text introduces newcomers to the field and reviews recent developments of interest to active neural network practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138112933

Artificial Neural Networks in Cancer Diagnosis Prognosis and Patient Management The potential value of artificial neural networks (ANN) as a predictor of malignancy has begun to receive increased recognition. Research and case studies can be found scattered throughout a multitude of journals. Artificial Neural Networks in Cancer Diagnosis Prognosis and Patient Management brings together the work of top researchers - primarily clinicians - who present the results of their state-of-the-art work with ANNs as applied to nearly all major areas of cancer for diagnosis prognosis and management of the disease.The book introduces the theory of neural networks and the method of their application in oncology. It is not an exercise in ANN research but the presentation of a new technique for diagnosing and determining the treatment of cancers. The authors have included almost all cancers for which there exist ANN applications. When the data available is ill-defined and the development of an algorithmic solution difficult neural networks provide a non-linear approach which helps sift through the maze of information and arrive at a reasonable solution.Highly interdisciplinary in nature this book provides comprehensive coverage of the most important materials relating to the applications of ANNs in the cancer field. With contributions from prominent research centers worldwide it serves as an introduction to how neural networks can be used for accurate prediction or diagnosis and shows why neural networks are more accurate. Artificial Neural Networks in Cancer Diagnosis Prognosis and Patient Management gives you an understanding of this new tool its applications and when it should be used. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367455217

Artificial or Constructed WetlandsA Suitable Technology for Sustainable Water Management Artificial or constructed wetlands are an emerging technology particularly for tropical areas with water scarcity. For big cities the sustainable management of water resources taking into account proper use is always challenging. The book presents case studies illustrating the above. As plants and microorganisms are a fundamental part of the correct functioning of these systems their contribution to the degradation of the organic matter and to the removal and transformation of the pollutant compounds present in the wastewaters is also a highlight of this book. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138739185

Artificial Recharge of Groundwater This text covers the proceedings of the third International Symposium - TISAR 98 held in Amsterdam. Topics include: basin recharge; water management in arid regions; behaviour of pollutants; bank basin well and other types of recharge; and storage and recovery efficiency. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003078500

Artificial Reef EvaluationWith Application to Natural Marine Habitats Beneath the coastal waters of the world lie thousands of artificial reefs. Some are old and retired freighters and ships that once plied the oceans of the world but now serve as habitats for marine life. Others are newer reefs that have been designed and built for specific applications. With the field of aquatic habitat technology continually growing this book responds to the global need for a compendium of consistent and reliable practices with which to evaluate how well artificial reefs meet their objectives. Artificial Reef Evaluation With Application to Natural Marine Habitats is a comprehensive guide to the methods used to document the performance of artificial reefs in coastal and oceanic waters. It is the first volume to combine the essential disciplines required for proper evaluation including engineering economics biology and statistics. This work covers the design of reef studies multi-disciplinary methods of investigation data analysis and examples of applying the methods to reefs built for different purposes. Further the methods examined in this book apply to other benthic marine habitats such as coral reefs or “live bottoms†thus expanding the book’s relevance to a wider audience and enhancing research efforts in the field of artificial habitat technology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367398842

Artificial Reefs in Fisheries Management While artificial reefs may have much to offer they remain an anecdote in the greater scheme of fisheries management primarily due to the lack of data specific to validating their use. Based on papers presented at the 9th Conference on Artificial Reefs and Artificial Habitats (CARAH) and also including original articles written for this reference Artificial Reefs in Fisheries Management brings to the forefront the current state of knowledge regarding artificial reefs and their pragmatic application to furthering fisheries sustainability. It presents a timely compilation of research to increase options for the implementation of artificial reefs for fishery and natural resource managers. Artificial Reefs in Fisheries Management offers an inclusive and encompassing description of the field by chapter authors drawn from diverse geographical areas. This approach gives readers the broadest of perspectives and reflects regional interests and experience with artificial reefs in different parts of the world. Coming at an opportune time in the field of artificial reefs Artificial Reefs in Fisheries Management aids researchers and natural resource managers more carefully consider the special features of artificial reefs in their application to resolving fisheries management problems. This book is an important step toward improving the prescribed use of artificial reefs as a viable option in many of the world’s fisheries in the quest to make more of the world’s fisheries sustainable. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439820070

Artificial ReefsMarine and Freshwater Applications In this book fisheries biologists ecologists limnologists oceanographers aquatic resource managers and planners commercial fisherman and environmental scientists are offered information on the latest artificial fishing reef designs siting and placement methods and ecological research as well as an overview of current united states legislation and regulations. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890814

Artificial Seeds TechnologyAn Emerging Avenue of Seed Science and Applied Biotechnology The artificial seed technology is a rousing and fast growing area of research in plant tissue culture. This technology is currently considered as an efficient alternative technique for plant propagation of commercially important plant materials. This technology also facilitates the way of handling cells and tissues protecting them from external gradients short-term and long-term storage under low temperature and ultra-low temperature respectively and as an efficient system of delivery.The information in the areas of synthetic seed preparation technology its implications achievements and limitations are lying unorganized in different articles of journals and edited books. Those information is presented in this book in organized way with up-to-date citations which will provide comprehensive literature of recent advances. Note: T& F does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India Pakistan Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. This title is co-published with New India Publishing Agency. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367633561

Artificial SocietiesThe Computer Simulation Of Social Life An exploration of the implications of developments in artificial intelligence for social scientific research which builds on the theoretical and methodological insights provided by "Simulating societies".; This book is intended for worldwide library market for social science subjects such as sociology political science geography archaeology/anthropology and significant appeal within computer science particularly artificial intelligence. Also personal reference for researchers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963924

Artificial SuperintelligenceA Futuristic Approach A day does not go by without a news article reporting some amazing breakthrough in artificial intelligence (AI). Many philosophers futurists and AI researchers have conjectured that human-level AI will be developed in the next 20 to 200 years. If these predictions are correct it raises new and sinister issues related to our future in the age of intelligent machines. Artificial Superintelligence: A Futuristic Approach directly addresses these issues and consolidates research aimed at making sure that emerging superintelligence is beneficial to humanity. While specific predictions regarding the consequences of superintelligent AI vary from potential economic hardship to the complete extinction of humankind many researchers agree that the issue is of utmost importance and needs to be seriously addressed. Artificial Superintelligence: A Futuristic Approach discusses key topics such as: AI-Completeness theory and how it can be used to see if an artificial intelligent agent has attained human level intelligence Methods for safeguarding the invention of a superintelligent system that could theoretically be worth trillions of dollars Self-improving AI systems: definition types and limits The science of AI safety engineering including machine ethics and robot rights Solutions for ensuring safe and secure confinement of superintelligent systems The future of superintelligence and why long-term prospects for humanity to remain as the dominant species on Earth are not great Artificial Superintelligence: A Futuristic Approach is designed to become a foundational text for the new science of AI safety engineering. AI researchers and students computer security researchers futurists and philosophers should find this an invaluable resource. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781482234435

Artisans and Politics in Early Nineteenth-Century London (Routledge Revivals)John Gast and his Times First published in 1979 this book was the first full-length study of working-class movements in London between 1800 and the beginnings of Chartism in the later 1830s. The leaders and rank and file in these movements were almost invariably artisans and this book examines the position of the skilled artisan in politics. Starting from the social ideals outlook and the experience of the London artisan Dr Prothero describes trade union political co-operative educational and intellectual movements in the first forty years of the century. Setting a scene of alternating growth and contraction in trade successive hostile governments and the increasing articulation of working-class consciousness the author shows that artisans could be no less militant radical or anti-capitalist than other groups of working class men. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415643702

Artist Emily Carr and the Spirit of the LandA Jungian Portrait Emily Carr often called Canada’s Van Gogh was a post-impressionist explorer artist and writer. In Artist Emily Carr and the Spirit of the Land Phyllis Marie Jensen draws on analytical psychology and the theories of feminism and social constructionism for insights into Carr’s life in the late Victorian period and early twentieth century. Presented in two parts the book introduces Carr’s émigré English family and childhood on the "edge of nowhere" and her art education in San Francisco London and Paris. Travels in the wilderness introduced her to the totem art of the Pacific Northwest coast at a time Aboriginal art was undervalued and believed to be disappearing. Carr vowed to document it before turning to spirited landscapes of forest sea and sky. The second part of the book presents a Jungian portrait of Carr including typology psychological complexes and archetypal features of personality. An examination the individuation process and Carr’s embracement of transcendental philosophy reveals the richness of her personality and artistic genius. Artist Emily Carr and the Spirit of the Land provides captivating reading for analytical psychologists academics and students of Jungian studies art history health gender and women’s studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138830752

Artist Management for the Music Business Anyone managing an artist’s career needs to be well versed and have a savvy understanding of the moving parts of the music business. Learn how and why those moving parts "move " as well as how to manage and navigate a music-based career. Artist Management for the Music Business gives a comprehensive view of how to generate income through music and how to strategically plan for future growth. The book is full of valuable practical insights. It includes interviews and case studies with examples of real-world management issues and outcomes. Updates to this new edition include the importance of online streaming to music careers how anyone can effectively network tools for successful negotiation ways to identify and manage income sources and guidance on the ever-changing social media landscape of the music business. This book gives access to resources about artist management and the music business at its companion website There is no login and the resources are updated regularly. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815392668

Artist ManagementAgility in the Creative and Cultural Industries Artists are creative workers who drive growth in the creative and cultural industries. Managing artistic talent is a unique challenge and this concise book introduces and analyses its key characteristics. Artist Management: Agility in the Creative and Cultural Industries makes a major contribution to our understanding of the creative and cultural industries of artistic and managerial creativities and of social and cultural change in this sector. The book undertakes an extensive exploration of the increasingly pivotal role of artist managers in the creative and cultural industries and argues that agile management strategies are useful in this context. This book provides a comprehensive and accessible account of the artist–artist manager relationship in the twenty-first century. Drawing from research interviews conducted with artist managers and self-managed artists in five cities (New York London Toronto Sydney and Melbourne) this book makes an original contribution to knowledge. Nation-specific case studies are highlighted as a means of illuminating various thematic concerns. This unique book is a major piece of research and a valuable study aid for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of subjects including arts management creative and cultural industries studies arts entrepreneurship business and management studies and media and communications. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138697669

Artistic and Cultural Exchanges between Europe and Asia 1400-1900Rethinking Markets Workshops and Collections The European expansion to Asia was driven by the desire for spices and Asian luxury products. Its results however exceeded the mere exchange of commodities and precious metals. The meeting of Asia and Europe signaled not only the beginnings of a global market but also a change in taste and lifestyle that influences our lives even today. Manifold kinds of cultural transfers evolved within a market framework that was not just confined to intercontinental and intra-Asiatic trade. In Europe and Asia markets for specific cultural products emerged and the transfers of objects affected domestic arts and craft production. Traditionally relations between Europe and Asia have been studied in a hegemonic perspective with Europe as the dominant political and economic centre. Even with respect to cultural exchange the model of diffusion regarded Europe as the centre and Asia the recipient whereby Asian objects in Europe became exotica in the Kunst- und Wunderkammern. Conceptions of Europe and Asia as two monolithic regions emerged in this context. However with the current process of globalization these constructions and the underlying models of cultural exchange have come under scrutiny. For this reason the book focuses on cultural exchange between different European and Asian civilizations whereby the reciprocal complexities of cultural transfers are at the centre of observation. By investigating art markets workshops and collections in Europe and Asia the contributors exemplify the varieties of cultural exchange. The book examines the changing roles of Asian objects in European material culture and collections and puts a special emphasis on the reception of European visual arts in colonial settlements in Asia as well as in different Asian societies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315262062

Artistic and Political Patronage in Early Stuart EnglandThe Career of William Herbert Third Earl of Pembroke 1580-1630 Artistic and Political Patronage in Early Stuart England explores the remarkable life and career of William Herbert Third Earl of Pembroke. Pembroke was one of the most influential aristocrats during the reigns of Elizabeth I James I and Charles I. He was a great patron a prominent politician and electoral manager an entrepreneur and a gifted poet. Yet despite his influence and many talents Pembroke’s life has been little studied by historians. Drawing on archival material this book throws new light on Pembroke and demonstrates just how significant he was during his lifetime. This book will appeal to scholars and students of early modern British history as well as those interested in politics and patronage during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367349820

Artistic Approaches to Cultural MappingActivating Imaginaries and Means of Knowing Making space for imagination can shift research and community planning from a reflective stance to a "future forming" orientation and practice. Cultural mapping is an emerging discourse of collaborative community-based inquiry and advocacy. This book looks at artistic approaches to cultural mapping focusing on imaginative cartography. It emphasizes the importance of creative process that engages with the "felt sense" of community experiences an element often missing from conventional mapping practices. International artistic contributions in this book reveal the creative research practices and languages of artists a prerequisite to understanding the multi-modal interface of cultural mapping. The book examines how contemporary artistic approaches can challenge conventional asset mapping by animating and honouring the local giving voice and definition to the vernacular or recognizing the notion of place as inhabited by story and history. It explores the processes of seeing and listening and the importance of the aesthetic as a key component of community self-expression and self-representation. Innovative contributions in this book champion inclusion and experimentation expose unacknowledged power relations and catalyze identity formation through multiple modes of artistic representation and performance. It will be a valuable resource for individuals involved with creative research methods performance and cultural mapping as well as social and urban planning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367587475

Artistic Brotherhoods in the Nineteenth Century This title was first published in 2000. The nineteenth century saw the emergence of numerous artistic brotherhoods - groups of artists bound together in communal production sharing spiritual and aesthetic aims. Although it is widely acknowledged that this is an unique feature of the period there has not previously been a separate study of the phenomenon. This collection of essays provides a thorough and wide-ranging exploration of the issue. Situating artistic brotherhoods within their historical context it offers unique insights into the social political economic and cultural milieu of the nineteenth century. It focuses on the most celebrated and influential brotherhoods while also bringing to light lesser-known or forgotten artists. The essays explore the artistic fraternity from a wide variety of perspectives probing issues of gender identity professional practices and artistic formation in Europe and the United States. This book investigates the Nazarenes the Pre-Raphaelites the Russian Abramatsova the Primitifs the Nabis as well as other leading groups. The book contains a substantial introduction which establishes the key questions and issues surrounding the phenomena of the artistic brotherhood including their relation to the larger artistic community their association with other social and political organizations of the period and the ways in which mythologies have been built around them in subsequent histories and recollections of the period. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138727618

Artistic Circulation between Early Modern Spain and Italy This collection of essays by major scholars in the field explores how the rich intersections between Italy and Spain during the early modern period resulted in a confluence of cultural ideals. Various means of exchange and convergence are explored through two main catalysts: humans—their trips or resettlements—and objects—such as books paintings sculptures and prints. The visual and textual evidence of the transmission of ideas iconographies and styles are examined such as triumphal ephemera treatises on painting the social status of the artist collections and their display church decoration and funerary monuments providing a more nuanced understanding of the exchanges of styles forms and ideals across southern Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138605817

Artistic Interventions in OrganizationsResearch Theory and Practice Artistic intervention where the world of the arts is brought into organizations has increasingly become a research field in itself with strong links to both creativity and innovation. Opportunities for the arts to interact with public and private organizations occur worldwide but during the last decade artistic interventions have received growing attention in both practice and research. This book is the first comprehensive attempt to map the development of the field and provides an international overview of the area of artistic interventions and their impact on organizations from different perspectives ranging from strategic management to organizational development innovation and organizational learning. Featuring chapters from prominent and emerging scholars including Nancy J. Adler Barbara Czarniawska Lotte Darsø and Alexander Styhre it places artistic interventions within an international context. The book also offers readers the opportunity to learn from experiences in a varied range of organisations including newspapers manufacturing government schools and covers many art-forms such as music contemporary dance painting photography and theatre. Using extensive empirical examples this book is vital reading for researchers and scholars of creativity and cultural industries as well as innovation creative entrepreneurship organizational studies and management. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138497436

Artistic LivesA Study of Creativity in Two European Cities Artistic Lives examines cultural production as a non-standard self-directed and frequently unpaid activity which is susceptible to developments that affect the availability of unstructured time. It engages with discourses which have historically had little to do with the arts including urban sociology and social policy research to explore the social conditions and identities of ordinary artists revealing the importance of the cost of living or access to housing benefits or employment in determining who is able to become an artist or sustain an artistic career. The book thus challenges recent policy discourses that celebrate the ability of cultural producers to create something from nothing and more generally the myth of creativity as an individual phenomenon divorced from social context. Presenting rich interview material with artists and arts professionals in London and Berlin together with ethnographic descriptions Artistic Lives engages with debates surrounding Post-Fordism gentrification and the nature of authorship to raise challenging questions about the function of culture and the role of cultural producers within contemporary capitalism. An empirically grounded exploration of the identity of the modern artist and his or her ability to make a living in neoliberal societies Artistic Lives will be of interest to students and scholars researching urban studies the sociology of art and creative cultures social stratification and social policy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409450009

Artistic Practice as Research in Music: Theory Criticism Practice Artistic Practice as Research in Music: Theory Criticism Practice brings together internationally renowned scholars and practitioners to explore the cultural institutional theoretical methodological epistemological ethical and practical aspects and implications of the rapidly evolving area of artistic research in music. Through various theoretical positions and case studies and by establishing robust connections between theoretical debates and concrete examples of artistic research projects the authors discuss the conditions under which artistic practice becomes a research activity; how practice-led research is understood in conservatoire settings; issues of assessment in relation to musical performance as research; methodological possibilities open to music practitioners entering academic environments as researchers; the role of technology in processes of musical composition as research; the role and value of performerly knowledge in music-analytical enquiry; issues in relation to live performance as a research method; artistic collaboration and improvisation as research tools; interdisciplinary concerns of the artist-researcher; and the relationship between the affordances of a musical instrument and artistic research in musical performance. Readers will come away from the book with fresh insights about the theoretical critical and practical work being done by experts in this exciting new field of enquiry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138284548

Artistic Practices and Cultural Transfer in Early Modern ItalyEssays in Honour of Deborah Howard For too long the ’centre’ of the Renaissance has been considered to be Rome and the art produced in or inspired by it. This collection of essays dedicated to Deborah Howard brings together an impressive group of internationally recognised scholars of art and architecture to showcase both the diversity within and the porosity between the ’centre’ and ’periphery’ in Renaissance art. Without abandoning Rome but together with other centres of art production the essays both shift their focus away from conventional categories and bring together recent trends in Renaissance studies notably a focus on cultural contact material culture and historiography. They explore the material mechanisms for the transmission and evolution of ideas artistic training and networks as well as the dynamics of collaboration and exchange between artists theorists and patrons. The chapters each with a wealth of groundbreaking research and previously unpublished documentary evidence as well as innovative methodologies reinterpret Italian art relating to canonical sites and artists such as Michelangelo Titian Tintoretto Veronese and Sebastiano del Piombo in addition to showcasing the work of several hitherto neglected architects painters and an inimitable engineer-inventor. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138548114

Artistic PracticesSocial Interactions and Cultural Dynamics Art matters. It affects us in our daily lives and is full of meanings that are valuable to all of us. As a catalyst for social interactions art may either cause public conflict and create dissensions or facilitate mutual understanding and strengthen collective bonds. All of this is grounded in practices that develop and change along social interaction cultural dynamics as well as technological and economic lines. So how is art formed and produced? What are the relevant constraints and challenges that artists experience in the creative process? And what constitutes artistic agency? This collection of contributions from international interdisciplinary experts explores particular case studies to deeply analyse artistic practices. Comprising eleven chapters relating to different art forms each chapter offers an original perspective conveying a comprehensive understanding of artistic practices as arrays of specific activities in contemporary art worlds. This book will be important for both researchers and practitioners in the field. It will help artists to deepen their analytical abilities enabling them to further their own creative practice. It will allow students and researchers to gain insights into processes of artistic creation and thus into the reproduction of art as well as innovation in the arts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138195622

Artistic Responses to Travel in the Western Tradition In an era when ease of travel is greater than ever it is also easy to overlook the degree to which voyages of the body – and mind – have generated an outpouring of artistry and creativity throughout the ages. Exploration of new lands and sensations is a fundamental human experience. This volume in turn provides a stimulating and adventurous exploration of the theme of travel from an art-historical perspective. Topical regions are covered ranging from the Grand Tour and colonialism to the travels of Hadrian in ancient times and Georgia O’Keeffe’s journey to the Andes; from Vasari’s Neoplatonic voyages to photographing nineteenth-century Japan. The scholars assembled consider both imaginary travel as well as factual or embellished documentation of voyages. The essays are far-reaching spatially and temporally but all relate to how art has documented the theme of travel in varying media across time and as illustrated and described by writers artists and illustrators. The scope of this volume is far-reaching both chronologically and conceptually thereby appropriately documenting the universality of the theme to human experience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472481245

Artistic Visions of the Anthropocene NorthClimate Change and Nature in Art In the era of the Anthropocene artists and scientists are facing a new paradigm in their attempts to represent nature. Seven chapters which focus on art from 1780 to the present that engages with Nordic landscapes argue that a number of artists in this period work in the intersection between art science and media technologies to examine the human impact on these landscapes and question the blurred boundaries between nature and the human. Canadian artists such as Lawren Harris and Geronimo Inutiq are considered alongside artists from Scandinavia and Iceland such as J.C. Dahl Eija-Liisa Ahtila Toril Johannessen and Björk. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138232631

Artist-Parents in Contemporary ArtGender Identity and Domesticity This book examines the increasing intersections of art and parenting from the late 1990s to the early 2010s when constructions of masculine and feminine identities as well as the structure of the family underwent radical change. Barbara Kutis asserts that the championing of the simultaneous linkage of art and parenting by contemporary artists reflects a conscientious self-fashioning of a new kind of identity one that she calls the ‘artist-parent.’ By examining the work of three artists—Guy Ben-Ner Elżbieta Jabłońska and the collective Mothers and Fathers— this book reveals how these artists have engaged with the domestic and personal in order to articulate larger issues of parenting in contemporary life. This book will be of interest to scholars in art and gender gender studies contemporary art and art history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138605664

Artists and Patrons in Post-war Britain This title was first published in 2001. An examination of art and patronage in Britain during the post-war years. It consists of five case studies initially written as MA theses that closely investigate aspects of the mechanisms of patronage outside the state institutions while indicating structural links within it. The writers have sought to elucidate the relationship between patronage the production of art and its dissemination. Without seeking to provide an inclusive account of patronage or art production in the early post-war years their disparate and highly selective papers set up models for the structure of patronage under specific historical conditions. They assume an understanding that works of art are embedded in their social contexts are products of the conditions under which they were produced and that these contexts and conditions are complex fluid and imbricated in one another. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138722842

Artists EmergingSustaining Expression through Drawing This title was first published in 2000. Most children enjoy drawing and use it to express a wide range of experiences and emotions. Drawing can offer an avenue of expression where words fail. So why do many people stop drawing after the early school years? This is an examination of the early work of John Everett Millais Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Pablo Picasso Michael Rothenstein Gerard Hoffnung Sarah Raphael and David Downes to investigate the reasons why these artists were able to sustain and develop their drawing skill and expressive potential while others failed. The close study of these artists' early drawings reveals their sequences of progress and their eventual achievement. The author a former President of the National Society for Education in Art and Design shares the experience of a lifetime's work in art education to explore the mysteries of drawing fluency its often precocious beginnings and the personal social and cultural circumstances which help or hinder its development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138738096

Artists in OfficesAn Ethnography of an Academic Art Scene Universities have become important sources of patronage and professional artistic preparation. With the growing academization of art instruction young artists are increasingly socialized in bureaucratic settings and mature artists find themselves working as organizational employees in an academic setting. As these artists lose the social marginality and independence associated with an earlier more individual aesthetic production much cultural mythology about work in the arts becomes obsolete.This classic ethnography based on fieldwork and interviews carried out at the California Institute of the Arts in the 1980s analyzes the day-to-day life of an organization devoted to work in the arts. It charts the rise and demise of a particular academic art "scene " an occupational utopian community that recruited its members by promising them an ideal work setting.Now available in paperback it offers insight into the worlds of art and education and how they interact in particular settings. The nature of career experience in the arts in particular its temporal structure makes these occupations particularly receptive to utopian thought. The occupational utopia that served as a recruitment myth for the particular organization under scrutiny is examined for what it reveals about the otherwise unexpressed impulses of the work world. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351318969

Artists in the ArchiveCreative and Curatorial Engagements with Documents of Art and Performance Artists in the Archive explores the agency and materiality of the archival document through a stunning collection of critical writings and original artworks. It examines the politics and philosophy behind re-using remains historicising this artistic practice and considering the breadth of ways in which archival materials inform inflect and influence new works. Taking a fresh look at the relationships between insider know-how and outsider knowledge Artists in the Archive opens a vital dialogue between a global range of artists and scholars. It seeks to trouble the distinction between artistic practice and scholarly research offering disciplinary perspectives from experimental theatre performance art choreography and dance to visual art making archiving and curating. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138929784

Artists in UniformA Study of Literature and Bureaucratism First published in 1934 Artists in Uniform confronts what the author describes as ‘two of the worst features of the Soviet experiment’ following Lenin’s death – bigotry and bureaucratism – and shows how they have functioned in the sphere of arts and letters. It is divided into three parts: The Artist’s International; A Literary Inquisition; and Art and the Marxian Philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367752118

Artists Letters From Japan First Published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963931

Arts Entertainment and Tourism 'Arts Entertainment and Tourism' is a pioneering text that by focusing on the consumer investigates the relationship between these 3 industries and how this relationship can be developed to its best competitive advantage. Issue-led this text draws on appropriate disciplines rather than using one single approach to examine issues in arts and entertainment within the framework of cultural tourism.Written to meet the needs of students studying on management courses in the arts tourism and leisure 'Arts Entertainment and Tourism':* Describes the general arts and tourism background* Identifies a framework for analysis that acknowledges differing levels of interest in the arts and entertainment* Discusses the arts and entertainment that feature (past and present) in tourism * Examines the reasons why the arts entertainment and tourism have an interest in each other and how they go about developing the relationship* Examines the relationship: are there tourists in audiences and do the arts and entertainment attract tourists to a destination?* Evaluates the wider effects (good and bad) on both the arts and tourism* Discusses the direction of future developments by arts and tourism organizations and for future research Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138150683

Arts Government and Community Revitalization First published in 1999 this book goes beyond the standard economic tools used to evaluate the effectiveness of arts in redevelopment processes. It assumes that the sectors involved in the process of arts-led community revitalization (artists non-profit organizations government and for-profit firms) act upon the economic structure and initiate a resurgence path. This assumption allows us to study the political and economic interaction among these sectors understand their incentives and define and explore their boundaries. This book explores the 1) cultural and regeneration reasons for revitalization; 2) sources of funds; 3) political interaction; 4) definition and estimation of output; 5) evaluation of output; 6) estimation of coefficients and multipliers effects obtained from input-output tables. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138613577

Arts Health and Well-BeingA Critical Perspective on Research Policy and Practice This important book develops a critical understanding of the bridging of arts and health domains drawing on models and perspectives from social sciences to develop the case for arts and health as a social movement. This interdisciplinary perspective offers a new research agenda that can help to inform future developments and sustainability in arts health and well-being. Daykin begins with an overview of the current evidence base and a review of current challenges for research policy and practice. Later chapters explore the international field of health and the arts; arts with well-being as a social movement; and boundary work and the role of boundary objects in the field. The book also includes sections summarising research findings and evidence in arts and health research and examples from specific research projects conducted by the author chosen to highlight particularly widespread challenges across many arts health and well-being contexts. Arts Health and Well-Being: A Critical Perspective on Research Policy and Practice is valuable reading for students in sociology psychology social work nursing psychiatry creative and performing arts public health and policymakers and practitioners in these fields. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367404178

Arts Administration The nature of arts administration and management has changed dramatically over the last decade with policy funding and restructuring all playing major parts. Following on from the successful first edition Arts Administration has now been updated to include arts policy under the new UK Ministry of Heritage the workings of the national lottery and the role of ethnic minority fringe and community arts. Ten new case studies include a variety of problems commonly encountered in arts administration such as balancing budgets marketing fund raising and programming. Arts administration is presented here in an historical social and practical context. An essential read for students those engaged in administering the arts and for anyone concerned with the arts in contemporary society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138139671

Arts and Aesthetics in a Globalizing World This is an investigation of arts and aesthetics in their widest senses and experiences presenting a variety of perspectives which range from the metaphysical to the political. Moving beyond art as an expression of the inner mind and invention of the individual self the volume bridges the gap between changing perceptions of contemporary art and aesthetics and maps globalizing currents in a number of contexts and regions.The volume includes an impressive variety of case studies offered by established leaders in the field and original and emerging scholarly talent covering areas in India Nepal Indonesia Iran Russia Rwanda and Germany as well as providing transnational or diasporic perspectives. From the contradictory demands made on successful artists from the south in the global art world such as Anish Kapoor to images of war and puppetry created by female political prisoners the volume compels creative and political interpretations of the ever-changing and globalizing terrain of arts and aesthetics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472519313

Arts and BusinessBuilding a Common Ground for Understanding Society Arts and Business aims at bringing arts and business scholars together in a dialogue about a number of key topics that today form different understandings in the two disciplines. Arts and business are many times positioned as opposites. Where one is providing symbolic and aesthetic immersion the other is creating goods for a market and markets for a good. They often deal and struggle with the same issues framing it differently and finding different solutions. This book has the potential of offering both critical theoretical and empirical understanding of these subjects and guiding further exploration and research into this field. Although this dichotomy has a well-documented existence it is reconstructed through the writing-out of business in art and vice versa. This edited volume distinguishes itself from other writings aimed at closing the gap between art and business as it does not have a firm standpoint in one of these fields but treating them as symmetrical and equal. The belief that by giving art and business an equal weight the editors also create the opportunity to communicate to a wider audience and construct a path forward for art and business to coexist. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138616851

Arts and Community ChangeExploring Cultural Development Policies Practices and Dilemmas Arts and Community Change: Exploring Cultural Development Policies Practices and Dilemmas addresses the growing number of communities adopting arts and culture-based development methods to influence social change.  Providing community workers and planners with strategies to develop arts policy that enriches communities and their residents this collection critically examines the central tensions and complexities in arts policy paying attention to issues of gentrification and stratification. Including a variety of case studies from across the United States and Canada these success stories and best practice approaches across many media present strategies to design appropriate policy for unique populations. Edited by Max Stephenson Jr. and A. Scott Tate of Virginia Tech Arts and Community Change presents 10 chapters from artistic and community leaders; essential reading for students and practitioners in economic development and arts management. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138024342

Arts and Cultural Leadership in Asia Arts and cultural activity in Asia is increasingly seen as important internationally and Asia’s growing prosperity is enabling the full range of artistic activities to be better encouraged supported and managed. At the same time cultural frameworks and contexts vary hugely across Asia and it is not appropriate to apply Westerns theories and models of leadership and management. This book presents a range of case studies of arts and cultural leadership across a large number of Asian countries. Besides examining different cultural frameworks and contexts the book considers different cultural approaches to leadership discusses external challenges and entrepreneurialism and explores how politics can have a profound impact. Throughout the book covers different art forms and different sorts of arts and cultural organisations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815364290

Arts and Cultural ManagementSense and Sensibilities in the State of the Field Arts and Cultural Management: Sense and Sensibilities in the State of the Field opens a conversation that is much needed for anyone identifying arts management or cultural management as primary areas of research teaching or practice. In the evolution of any field arises the need for scrutiny reflection and critique as well as to display the advancements and diversity in approaches and thinking that contribute to a discipline’s forward progression. While no one volume could encompass all that a discipline is or should be a representational snapshot serves as a valuable benchmark.This book is addressed to those who operate as researchers scholars and practitioners of arts and cultural management. Driven by concerns about quality of life globalization development of economies education of youth the increasing mobility of cultural groups and many other significant issues of the twenty-first century governments and individuals have increasingly turned to arts and culture as means of mitigating or resolving tough policy issues. For their growth arts and culture sectors depend on people in positions of leadership and management who play a significant role in the creation production exhibition dissemination interpretation and evaluation of arts and culture experiences for publics and policies. Less than a century old as a formal field of inquiry however arts and cultural management has been in flux since its inception. What is arts and cultural management? remains an open question. A comprehensive literature on the discipline as an object of study is still developing. This State of the Discipline offers a benchmark for those interested in the evolution and development of arts and cultural management as a branch of knowledge alongside more established disciplines of research and scholarship. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367733742

Arts Development in Community HealthA Social Tonic This book considers how and why the field of arts development in community health has come about the characteristics of its practice and the challenges it poses for evaluation. It summarises what has been learnt from a number of case studies and other forms of research from the UK and elsewhere. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138450530

Arts Education and Curriculum StudiesThe Contributions of Rita L. Irwin Highlighting Rita L. Irwin’s significant work in the fields of curriculum studies and arts education this collection honors her well-known contribution of a/r/tography to curriculum studies in the form of arts based educational research and beyond this her contributions towards understanding the inseparability of making knowing and being. Together the chapters document an important beginning as well as an ongoing transitional time in which curriculum understood as aesthetic text is awakening to the ways in which art practices stimulate a social awareness at the level of other embodied practices. Organized in three themes gathering transforming and becoming this volume brings together a selection of Irwin’s single and co-authored essays to offer a variety of rich perspectives to scholars and students in the field of education who are interested in the ways in which arts-based research allows the possibilities of bringing together the artistic pedagogical and scholarly selves of an educator. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367342616

Arts Education and Literacies In a struggling global economy education is focused on core subjects such as language arts and mathematics and the development of technological and career-readiness skills. Arts education has not been a central focus of education reform movements in the United States and none of the current education standards frameworks deeply address the processes texts and literacies that are inherent to arts disciplines. This lack of clarity poses a problem for state and district leaders who might be inclined to advocate for the arts in schools and classrooms across the country but cannot find adequate detail in their guiding frameworks. This volume acknowledges the challenges that arts educators face and posits that authentic arts instruction and learning can benefit a young person’s development both inside and outside of the classroom. It presents ways that arts teachers and literacy specialists can work together to help others understand the potential that arts learning has to enhance students 21st century learning skills. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138084964

Art's EmotionsEthics Expression and Aesthetic Experience Despite the very obvious differences between looking at Manet’s Woman with a Parrot and listening to Elgar’s Cello Concerto both experiences provoke similar questions in the thoughtful aesthete: why does the painting seem to express reverie and the music nostalgia? How do we experience the reverie and nostalgia in such works of art? Why do we find these experiences rewarding in similar ways? As our awareness of emotion in art and our engagement with art’s emotions can make such a special contribution to our life it is timely for a philosopher to seek to account for the nature and significance of the experience of art’s emotions. Damien Freeman develops a new theory of emotion that is suitable for resolving key questions in aesthetics. He then reviews and evaluates three existing approaches to artistic expression and proposes a new approach to the emotional experience of art that draws on the strengths of the existing approaches. Finally he seeks to establish the ethical significance of this emotional experience of art for human flourishing. Freeman challenges the reader not only to consider how art engages with emotion but how we should connect up our answers to questions concerning the nature and value of the experiences offered by works of art. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781844655120

Arts EntrepreneurshipCreating a New Venture in the Arts Arts Entrepreneurship: Creating a New Venture in the Arts provides the essential tools techniques and concepts needed to invent launch and sustain a business in the creative sector. Building on the reader’s artistic talents and interests the book provides a practical action-oriented introduction to the business of art focusing on product design organizational planning and assessment customer identification and marketing fundraising legal issues money management cultural policy and career development. It also offers examples exercises and references that guide entrepreneurs through the key stages of concept creation business development and growth. Special attention is paid to topics such as cultural ventures seeking social impact the emergence of creative placemaking the opportunities afforded by novel corporate forms and the role of contemporary technologies in marketing fundraising and operations. A hands-on guide to entrepreneurial success this book is a valuable resource for students of Arts Entrepreneurship programs courses and workshops as well as for early-stage business founders in the creative sector looking for guidance on how to create and sustain their own successful venture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138889743

Arts GovernancePeople Passion Performance Since the crisis in governance which led to a shortage of capable board members recent years have seen the emergence of the enterprising arts organisation – a development which has led to the need for new types of board members who have a greater understanding of 'mission money and merit' within a cultural construct. This innovative book explores the world of the arts board member from the unique perspective of the cultural and creative industries. Using a wide range of research techniques including interviews with board members and stakeholders board observations and case studies this book provides a rich and deep analysis from inside the boardroom. It provides in-depth insight into the changing pressures on arts boards after the financial crisis and focuses uniquely on the role of passion on arts boards. Part of the Routledge Research in Creative and Cultural Industries Management series written specifically for people seeking to develop their careers in cultural and creative management this book is also for people working in and with arts organisations in government and non-profit arts organisations. It will also be of interest to academics and researchers working in the wider corporate governance field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138499485

Arts in PlaceThe Arts the Urban and Social Practice This interdisciplinary book explores the role of art in placemaking in urban environments analysing how artists and communities use arts to improve their quality of life. It explores the concept of social practice placemaking where artists and community members are seen as equal experts in the process. Drawing on examples of local level projects from the USA and Europe the book explores the impact of these projects on the people involved on their relationship to the place around them and on city policy and planning practice. Case studies include Art Tunnel Smithfield Dublin an outdoor art gallery and community space in an impoverished area of the city; The Drawing Shed London a contemporary arts practice operating in housing estates and parks in Walthamstow; and Big Car Indianapolis an arts organisation operating across the whole of this Midwest city. This book offers a timely contribution bridging the gap between cultural studies and placemaking. It will be of interest to scholars students and practitioners working in geography urban studies architecture planning sociology cultural studies and the arts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367219093

Arts Integration and Special EducationAn Inclusive Theory of Action for Student Engagement Arts Integration and Special Education contributes to research policy and practice by providing a theory of action for studying how linguistic cognitive and affective student engagement relates to arts integrated learning contexts and how these dimensions of engagement influence content area and literacy learning. Arts Integration and Special Education connects the interdisciplinary framework in human development and linguistics special education and urban education with primary action research by special educators trained in arts integration working in an inclusive urban charter school with middle school age students. Upper elementary to middle-grade level student learning is relatively understudied and this work contributes across fields of special education and urban education as well as arts education. Moreover the classrooms in which the action research occurs are comprised of students with a diverse range of abilities and needs. The book’s interdisciplinary model which draws on developmental and educational psychology special education and speech/language pathology research and practice is the first to posit explanations for how and why AI contexts facilitate learning in students with language and sensory processing disorders and those at-risk for school failure due to low socioeconomic status conditions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415744188

Arts IntegrationTeaching Subject Matter through the Arts in Multicultural Settings Practical and engaging Merryl Goldberg’s popular guide to integrating the arts throughout the K-12 curriculum blends contemporary theory with classroom practice. Beyond teaching about the arts as a subject in and of itself the text explains how teachers may integrate the arts—literary media visual and performing—throughout subject area curriculum and provides a multitude of strategies and examples. Promoting ways to develop children's creativity and critical thinking while also developing communications skills and fostering collaborative opportunities it looks at assessment and the arts engaging English Language Learners and using the arts to teach academic skills. This text is ideal as a primer on arts integration and a foundational support for teaching learning and assessment especially within the context of multicultural and multilingual classrooms. In-depth discussions of the role of arts integration in meeting the goals of Title I programs including academic achievement student engagement school climate and parental involvement are woven throughout the text as is the role of the arts in meeting state and federal student achievement standards. Changes in the 5th Edition: New chapter on arts as text arts integration and arts education and their place within the context of teaching and learning in multiple subject classrooms in multicultural and multilingual settings; Title I and arts integration (focus on student academic achievement student engagement school climate and parental involvement–the 4 cornerstones of Title I); Attention to the National Core Arts Standards as well as their relationship to other standardized tests and arts integration; more (and more recent) research-based studies integrated throughout; Examples of how to plan arts integrated lessons (using backward design) along with more examples from classrooms’; Updated references examples and lesson plans/units; Companion Website: Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138647381

Arts Leadership in Contemporary Contexts This book explores and critiques different aspects of arts leadership within contemporary contexts. While this is an exploration of ways arts leadership is understood interpreted and practiced it is also an acknowledgement of a changing cultural and economic paradigm. Understanding the broader environment for the arts is therefore part of the leadership imperative. This book examines aspects such as individual versus collective leadership gender creativity and the influences of stakeholders and culture. While the book provides a theoretical and critical understanding of arts leadership it also gives examples of arts leadership in practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367592547

Arts LeadershipCreating Sustainable Arts Organizations The contemporary world faces unprecedented upheaval and change forcing institutions of all types to rethink how they are designed and how they must now function if they are to survive into an uncertain future. The performing arts are no exception; in an era of constant change and technological transformation arts organizations and their leaders face significant organizational challenges if they are to maintain their relevance. Arts Leadership: Creating Sustainable Arts Organizations provides a contemporary overview of the field of arts leadership focused on the performing arts. It examines what these challenges are how they are affecting the performing arts and arts organizations in general and proposes creative ways to reimagine build and lead sustainable arts organizations in this uncharted environment. With a global perspective drawn from his extensive experience advising arts organizations around the world and based on his own work successfully leading important performing arts organizations in the United States Foster proposes an innovative approach to organizational design systems and structures for arts leaders in the 21st century that is based in ecological thinking and the creative process that is intrinsic to the arts. In disrupting conventional arts leadership practice the book provides an exceptional tool to understand a unique sector and is essential reading for students and practitioners across the creative and cultural industries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138740297

Arts ManagementAn entrepreneurial approach Arts Management is designed as an upper division undergraduate and graduate level text that covers the principles of arts management. It is the most comprehensive up to date and technologically advanced textbook on arts management on the market. While the book does include the background necessary for understanding the global arts marketplace it assumes that cultural fine arts come to fruition through entrepreneurial processes and that cultural fine arts organizations have to be entrepreneurial to thrive. Many cases and examples of successful arts organizations from the Unites States and abroad appear in every chapter. A singular strength of Arts Management is the author's skilful use of in-text tools to facilitate reader interest and engagement. These include learning objectives chapter summaries discussion questions and exercises case studies and numerous examples and cultural spotlights. Online instructor's materials with PowerPoints are available to adopters. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780765641540

Arts Marketing Arts Marketing focuses on a variety of sectors within the arts and addresses the way in which marketing principles are applied within these outlining both the similarities and the differences that occur. Relating policy to practice this contributed text demonstrates the most effective means of marketing in specific areas of the arts with each chapter having been written by a specialist in the field. Although primarily focusing on the UK market the subject has global relevance and appeal and policy is evaluated on national European and supranational levels. Specialist topics dealt with range from the marketing of the theatre opera and museums through to the film industry and popular music. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138144880

Arts of PerceptionThe Epistemological Mentality of the Spanish Baroque 1580-1720 Arts of Perception offers a new account of a key period in Spanish history and culture and a fundamental reassessment of its major writers and intellectuals including Gracián Quevedo Calderón Saavedra Fajardo López de Vega and Sor Juana. Reading these figures in the context of European thought and the new science and philosophy the study considers how they developed various ‘arts of perception’ - complex perceptual strategies designed to overcome and exploit epistemic problems to enable an individual to act effectively in the moral political social or religious sphere. The study takes as its subject the distinctive epistemological mentality behind such ‘arts of perception’. This mentality was fostered by the creative interaction of scepticism and Stoicism and found expression in the key concepts ser/parecer and engaño/desengaño. The work traces the emergence development and impact of these concepts on Spanish thought and culture. As well as offering new interpretations of specific major figures Arts of Perception offers an interpretation of the mentality of an entire culture as it made the fraught transition to intellectual modernity. As such it ranges over numerous discourses and formative contexts and provides a wealth of new material which will be of use to all those seeking to understand and interpret the literature culture and thought of Golden Age Spain. This book was previously published as a special issue of The Bulletin of Spanish Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415860291

Arts of the Medieval CathedralsStudies on Architecture Stained Glass and Sculpture in Honor of Anne Prache The touchstones of Gothic monumental art in France - the abbey church of Saint-Denis and the cathedrals of Chartres Reims and Bourges - form the core of this collection dedicated to the memory of Anne Prache. The essays reflect the impact of Prache’s career both as a scholar of wide-ranging interests and as a builder of bridges between the French and American academic communities. Thus the authors include scholars in France and the United States both academics and museum professionals while the thematic matrix of the book divided into architecture stained glass and sculpture reflects the multiple media explored by Prache during her long career. The essays employ a varied range of methodologies to explore Gothic monuments. The chapters in the architectural section include an intensive archeological analysis of the foundations of Reims Cathedral the close reading of a late medieval literary text for a symbolic understanding of Paris and essays that explore the medieval use of practical geometry in designing entire buildings and their components. Saint-Denis Reims and Chartres all monuments studied by Prache are discussed in the next part on stained glass. These chapters demonstrate how old problems can be clarified by new evidence whether from the accessibility of previously unknown archival information for Reims or through revelations that arise from restoration at Chartres. These essays also include a study showing the complexity of making attributions for the storied glass of Saint-Denis. The final set of essays likewise takes different approaches to sculpture whether constructing links to the liturgy at Reims or discussing the meaning of a sculptural ensemble studied by Prache early in her career the cloister of Notre-Dame-en-Vaux in Châlons-en-Champagne or scrupulously examining the façade sculpture at Bourges Cathedral for insights into the design process. As a whole the volume provides a window onto key directions in the study of Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472440556

Arts of West Africa(Excluding Music) Originally published in 1935 the aim of this book was to introduce the European to the art of West Africa. Many of the examples (extensively illustrated with black and white photos are from the regions between Senegal and Angola primarily from Gambia Sierra Leone the Gold Coast Nigeria and the Cameroons. Although the art and sculpture of West Africa is coherent there are tribal and territorial characteristics which are discussed as is the significance of masks in ritual ceremony. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138597723

Arts Programming for the AnthropoceneArt in Community and Environment Arts Programming for the Anthropocene argues for a role for the arts as an engaged professional practice in contemporary culture charting the evolution of arts over the previous half century from a primarily solitary practice involved with its own internal dialogue to one actively seeking a larger discourse. The chapters investigate the origin and evolution of five academic field programs on three continents mapping developments in field pedagogy in the arts over the past twenty years. Drawing upon the collective experience of artists and academicians in the United States Australia and Greece operating in a wide range of social and environmental contexts it makes the case for the necessity of an update to ensure the real world relevance and applicability of tertiary arts education. Based on thirty years of experimentation in arts pedagogy including the creation of the Land Arts of the American West (LAAW) program and Art and Ecology discipline at the University of New Mexico this book is written for arts practitioners aspiring artists art educators and those interested in how the arts can contribute to strengthening cultural resiliency in the face of rapid environmental change. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138385269

Arts ReviewingA Practical Guide Arts Reviewing: A Practical Guide is an accessible introduction to the world of arts criticism. Drawing on professional expertise and a range of cultural reviews from music film theatre visual arts television and books Andy Plaice discusses different approaches to arts criticism with tips on crafting great reviews. Chapters explore: • a brief history of arts criticism; • researching and preparing for an assignment; • legal and ethical boundaries when reviewing; • finding your own writing style; • starting and sustaining a career in arts criticism in the digital age. The book is underpinned by over 20 interviews with leading practitioners from across Britain America and Australia. They offer fascinating insights into the life of a critic including their best and worst career moments and the debates impacting the field of arts criticism. Interviewees include Neil McCormick rock critic at the Daily Telegraph the Guardian theatre critic Lyn Gardner and television critic Mark Lawson (BBC/ the Guardian). New approaches to reviewing techniques and writing style are combined with real-world advice from leading professionals in the field making this book an ideal resource for students and graduates of journalism cultural studies and media studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138675124

Arts Therapies and Gender IssuesInternational Perspectives on Research Arts Therapies and Gender Issues offers international perspectives on gender in arts therapies research and demonstrates understandings of gender and arts therapies in a variety of global contexts. Analysing current innovations and approaches in the arts therapies it discusses issues of cultural identity which intersect with sex gender norms stereotypes and sexual identity. The book includes unique and detailed case studies such as the emerging discipline of creative writing for therapeutic purposes re-enactment phototherapy performative practice and virtual reality. Bringing together leading researchers it demonstrates clinical applications and shares ideas about best practice. Incorporating art drama dance and music therapy this book will be of great interest to academics and researchers in the fields of arts therapies psychology medicine psychotherapy health and education. It will also appeal to practitioners and teachers of art dance-movement drama and music therapy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815358695

Arts Therapies and New Challenges in Psychiatry Despite their increasing popularity and reported effectiveness there is a dearth of evidence-based research on the practices that fall under the umbrella of "the arts therapies". The successful treatment of a variety of psychiatric illnesses through the application of the arts therapies has long been recognized in many countries around the world including psychosis schizophrenia depression and borderline symptoms.  Providing valuable data on the effectiveness of the arts therapies Arts Therapies and New Challenges in Psychiatry fills an important gap in the literature on psychiatric illnesses. Contributors to this impressive volume have carried out research in psychiatry and mental health with patients diagnosed with a variety of illnesses. The international focus of the book shows the global cross-cultural relevance of the arts therapies whilst quantitative and qualitative evidence is used to demonstrate the need for art- music- drama- and dance therapy in a wide variety of contexts. This book shows that research in these fields can be carried out convincingly using a broad range of approaches including each field's own professional matrix. Providing a much-needed assessment of the arts therapies this book will appeal to art therapists music therapists dance therapists and drama therapists as well as psychiatrists psychologists psychoanalysts and educators of arts therapy training. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367368968

Arts Therapies in the Treatment of Depression Arts Therapies in the Treatment of Depression is a comprehensive compilation of expert knowledge on arts therapies’ potential in successfully addressing depression. The book identifies ways of addressing the condition in therapy sessions shares experience of tools and approaches which seem to work best and guides towards a conscious and confident evidence-based practice. Including contributions from international experts in the field of arts therapies the book presents some of the most recent high-profile and methodologically diverse research whether in the form of clinical trials surveys or case studies. The three sections of this volume correspond to particular life stages and explore major topics in arts therapies practice and the nature of depression in children adults and in later life. Individual chapters within the three sections represent all four arts therapies disciplines. The book hopes to improve existing arts therapies practice and research by encouraging researchers to use creativity in designing meaningful research projects and empowering practitioners to use evidence creatively for the benefit of their clients and the discipline. Arts Therapies in the Treatment of Depression is an essential resource for arts therapies researchers practitioners and arts therapists in training. It should also be of interest to other health researchers and health professionals particularly those who work with clients experiencing depression and in multidisciplinary teams. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367487843

Arts-based and Contemplative Practices in Research and TeachingHonoring Presence This volume presents a scholarly investigation of the ways educators engage in artistic and contemplative practices – and why this matters in education. Arts-based learning and inquiry can function as a powerful catalyst for change by allowing spiritual practices to be present within educational settings but too often the relationship between art education and spirituality is ignored. Exploring artistic disciplines such as dance drama visual art music and writing and forms such as writing-witnessing freestyle rap queer performative autoethnograph and poetic imagination this book develops a transformational educational paradigm. Its unique integration of spirituality in and through the arts addresses the contemplative needs of learners and educators in diverse educational and community settings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138286740

Arts-Based Educational Research and Qualitative InquiryWalking the Path Awarded QRSIG's Honerable Mention for 2021 2020 AESA Critics' Choice Book Award Winner Arts-Based Educational Research and Qualitative Inquiry introduces novice qualitative researchers within education and related fields to arts-based educational research (ABER). Abundant prompts and exercises are provided to help readers apply the concepts and experiment with various applications of the ideas presented. The authors walk the path with novice researchers offering a variety of approaches to the practice of arts-based methods while providing a guided overview of ABER and include pedagogical features in each chapter. Exercises are designed to assist educational researchers who wish to expand their repertoire of methodologies. The authors also weave into the discussion the possibilities and limitations of many types of arts-based methods while introducing readers to the growing methodological literature. By offering a tapestry of ways to engage the novice researcher the book illustrates that it is not always possible to separate cognitive findings from aesthetic knowing. This book will help qualitative researchers to expand their methodologies to include arts-based approaches to their projects and by doing so reshape their identities as qualitative researchers. It also offers some evaluative criteria and tool kits for experimenting with various arts and educational research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138309494

Arts-Based Research in EducationFoundations for Practice Presenting readers with definitions and examples of arts-based educational research this text identifies tensions questions and models in the field and provides guidance for both beginning and more experienced practice. As arts-based research grows in prominence and popularity across education and the social sciences the barriers between empirical institutional and artistic research diminish and new opportunities emerge for discussion consideration and reflection. This book responds to an ever increasing global need to understand and navigate this evolving domain of research. Featuring a diverse range of contributors this text weaves together critical essays about arts-based research in the literary visual and performing arts with examples of excellence in theory and practice. New to the Second Edition: Additional focus on the historical and theoretical foundations of arts-based educational research to guide readers through development of the field since its inception. New voices and chapters on a variety of artistic genres including established and emerging social science researchers and artists who act sing draw and narrate findings. Extends and refines the concept of scholartistry introduced in the first edition to interrogate excellence in educational inquiry and artistic processes and products. Integrates and applies theoretical frameworks such as sociocultural theory new materialsm and critical pedagogy to create interdisciplinary connections. Expanded toolkit for scholartists to inspire creativity questioning and risk-taking in research and the arts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138235199

Arts-Based Research Methods in Writing StudiesA Primer As the arts become an increasingly popular pedagogical tool in writing studies Arts-Based Research Methods in Writing Studies offers scholars and educators in the field ways to leverage the arts for their own scholarship through the practice of arts-based research (ABR).  Tailored to the needs of writing studies scholars this concise guide presents ways of exploring and addressing unresolved research questions from the past as well as new pressing questions that are emerging in light of increasingly fraught and complicated current contexts. It explores motives and methods for taking up ABR sheds light on the processes of representing research and the ethical imperative of methodological disclosure and looks critically at the complexities of fully realizing ABR in writing studies while offering some pedagogical applications. Connecting theory to practice this book also performs ABR through a co-created mixed-media text about the everyday and extraordinary stories woven into the fabric of new American artists’ composing processes.  Arts-Based Research Methods in Writing Studies lends itself to insight that is at once personal for writing studies researchers useful for research communities and a catalyst for social change beyond institutional walls; as such it will be an important resource for scholars educators and graduate students in writing studies and those interested in multimodal multilingual and translingual learning; equitable pedagogies and administrative practices; online writing instruction; transnational literacies; research methods; community-based research; and disability studies in composition. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367567064

Arts-Based Teaching and Learning in the Literacy ClassroomCultivating a Critical Aesthetic Practice This book highlights the unique and co-generative intersections of the arts and literacy that promote critical and socially engaged teaching and learning. Based on a year-long ethnography with two literacy teachers and their students in an arts-based public high school this volume makes an argument for arts-based education as the cultivation of a critical aesthetic practice in the literacy classroom. Through rich example and analysis it shows how over time this practice alters the in-school learning space in significant ways by making it more constructivist more critical and fundamentally more relational. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367670740

ArtSublimation or Symptom Each of the contributors addresses the theoretical questions by pursuing a definite artistic problem including a close look at the relation between the image and the object in Hitchcock's Vertigo the sexual aesthetics of Caravaggio the artistic pen of Barthes and how Cronenberg's film Crash functions as a sinthome. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367107291

Artwriting Nation and Cosmopolitanism in BritainThe 'Englishness' of English Art Theory since the Eighteenth Century Arguing in favour of renewed critical attention to the 'nation' as a category in art history this study examines the intertwining of art theory national identity and art production in Britain from the early eighteenth century to the present day. The book provides the first sustained account of artwriting in the British context over the full extent of its development and includes new analyses of such central figures as Hogarth Reynolds Gilpin Ruskin Roger Fry Herbert Read Art & Language Peter Fuller and Rasheed Araeen. Mark A. Cheetham also explores how the 'Englishing' of art theory-which came about despite the longstanding occlusion of the intellectual and theoretical in British culture-did not take place or have effects exclusively in Britain. Theory has always travelled with art and vice versa. Using the frequently resurgent discourse of cosmopolitanism as a frame for his discourse Cheetham asks whether English traditions of artwriting have been judged inappropriately according to imported criteria of what theory is and does. This book demonstrates that artwriting in the English tradition has not been sufficiently studied and that 'English Art Theory' is not an oxymoron. Such concerns resonate today beyond academe and the art world in the many heated discussions of resurgent Englishness. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138254534

Arup’s Tall Buildings in AsiaStories Behind the Storeys Through a series of detailed case studies from East Asia Arup one of the global leaders in tall building design presents the latest developments in the field to inspire more innovative and sustainable ideas in tall building design and engineering. This book exhibits the key design aspects of tall buildings in 20 case studies from China Singapore Hong Kong Vietnam and Japan. Chapters cover design and construction safety concerns sustainability strategies BIM and optimisation solutions and include contributions from the actual project engineers. The projects chosen are not the tallest buildings but all of them have been selected for their significant engineering insights and values. Arup’s engineers explain the design principles and how they overcame various design constraints and challenges while exceeding their clients’ expectations. Unique examples include: the design and application of a hybrid outrigger system in the Raffles City Chongqing project the challenges encountered in the construction of the CCTV Headquarters Beijing as well as Tianjin’s Goldin Finance 117 Tower Ho Chi Minh City’s Vincom Landmark 81 the China Resources Headquarters Ping An IFC Tokyo’s Nicolas G Hayek Center and the Shanghai World Financial Centre. These varied and complex cases studies draw on multi-disciplinary design and engineering challenges which make this book essential reading for architects structural engineers project managers and researchers of high-rise buildings. The book also provides a usual reference and link between practitioners in the industry academia and engineering students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138058736

AS Communication and CultureThe Essential Introduction AS Communication and Culture: The Essential Introduction is fully revised for the current GCE Communication and Culture Advanced Subsidiary specification with full colour throughout over 120 images new case studies and examples. The authors introduce students step-by-step to the skills of reading communication texts and understanding the link between communication and culture as well as taking students through the tasks expected of them to pass the AQA AS Communication and Culture exam. The book is supplemented with a website featuring additional activities and resources quizzes and tests. Areas covered include: an introduction to communication and culture cultural and communication codes semiotics communication process and models the individual and contemporary culture cultural contexts and practices how to do the coursework how to do the exam examples from advertising fashion music magazines body language film and more. AS Communication and Culture: The Essential Introduction clearly guides students through the course and gives them the tips they need to become proficient in understanding and deconstructing communication texts and everyday culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138358522

AS Critical Thinking for AQA AS Critical Thinking for AQA is the definitive textbook for students of the current AQA Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabus. Structured very closely around the AQA specification it covers the two units of the AS level in an exceptionally clear and student-friendly style. The chapters are helpfully subdivided into short digestible passages and include: intended learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter student exercises at the end of each section with a ‘stretching activity’ for more advanced learners exam orientated questions key point summaries at the end of each section cross references. In line with the AQA specification there is a heavy emphasis on more imaginative forms of source material for example music film artwork historical documents adverts moral dilemmas and scientific debates as a means of illustrating key points. A great deal of emphasis is also placed on ‘live’ or ‘real’ arguments taking topical examples from the world of science politics entertainment and sport. The book is accompanied by a companion website with extensive resources for both instructors and students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415559256

As Heard on TV: Popular Music in Advertising The use of popular music in advertising represents one of the most pervasive mergers of cultural and commercial objectives in the modern age. Steady public response to popular music in television commercials ranging from the celebratory to the outraged highlights both unresolved tensions around such partnerships and the need to unpack the complex issues behind everyday media practice. Through an analysis of press coverage and interviews with musicians music supervisors advertising creatives and licensing managers As Heard on TV considers the industrial changes that have provided a foundation for the increased use of popular music in advertising and explores the critical issues and debates surrounding media alliances that blur cultural ambitions with commercial goals. The practice of licensing popular music for advertising revisits and continues a number of themes in cultural and media studies among them the connection between authorship and ownership in popular music the legitimization of advertising as art industrial transformations in radio and music the role of music in branding and the restructuring of meaning that results from commercial exploitation of popular music. As Heard on TV addresses these topics by exploring cases involving artists from the Beatles to the Shins and various dominant corporations of the last half-century. As one example within a wider debate about the role of commerce in the production of culture the use of popular music in advertising provides an entry point through which a range of practices can be understood and interrogated. This book attends to the relationship between popular culture and corporate power in its complicated variation: at times mutually beneficial and playfully suspicious of constructed boundaries and at others conceived in strain and symbolic of the triumph of hypercommercialism. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315568058

As I Run Toward AfricaA Memoir As I Run Toward Africa is Molefi Kete Asante's memoir of his extraordinary life. He takes the reader on a journey from the American South to the homes of kings in Africa. Born into a family of 16 children living in a two bedroom shack Asante rose to become director of UCLA's Centre for Afro American Studies editor of the Journal of Black Studies and university professor by the age of 30. The government of Ghana designated Asante as a traditional king in 1996. Asante recounts his meetings with personalities such as Wole Soyinka Cornel West and others. This is an uplifting real-life story about hope and empowerment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781612050768

AS Law This latest edition of AS Law has been fully updated to meet the requirements of the most recent changes to the specifications of both AQA and OCR examination boards. This title is tailored to the NEW four-module specifications for both AQA and OCR (although also suitable for the existing six-module specifications) includes a new chapter on Contract as part of the section on The Concept of Liability contains coverage of recent legal changes includes the effects of the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 especially concerning appointment of judges and the role of senior officers such as the Lord Chancellor; reform of the powers of the police; recent statutes and cases particularly useful in preparing for questions involving judicial precedent and statutory interpretation. is written by authors who are experienced teachers writers and examiners for AS/A-level law. Media > Books > Print Books Willan 9781138170070

AS Level Psychology Workbook AS Level Psychology Workbook includes structured worksheets for students to fill in as they progress through their AS psychology course. The resulting notes are aimed to provide a useful resource bank for revision purposes. In addition to outlining a structure for note-taking the workbook also gives supported guidance on everything students need to know in order to do well in the exams. The content is directly relevant to the AQA Specification A and can be used in conjunction with any AS psychology textbook. To integrate with the rest of the learning materials in the Psychology Press A-Level Programme cross-references are provided throughout to the appropriate pages in Eysenck‘s AS Level Psychology and Brody and Dwyer‘s Revise AS Level Psychology. AS Level Psychology Workbook includes the following features: Learning objectives that condense the vast amount of specification content into focused and manageable chunks for each topic Structured worksheets that map on to each of the learning objectives and consist of cues for note-taking opportunities to fill in the blanks and activities to enrich learning Using this in the exam sections that consider possible exam questions along with guidance on how to answer them. This workbook will be invaluable for all students tackling AS psychology. It enables them to navigate through the wealth of material linked to the subject and encourages active learning to promote enjoyment of study. The AS workbook has been fully revised for the new specification for teaching from September 2008. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138401662

AS Media StudiesThe Essential Introduction for WJEC This full colour highly illustrated textbook is designed to support students through their WJEC AS in Media Studies. Individual chapters cover the following key areas: Textual Analysis: Visual Technical and Audio codes Textual Analysis: Narrative and Genre Codes Approaches to Representation Approaches to Audience Response Case Studies on Representation and Audience: Gender Age Ethnicity Identity Events and Issues Passing MS1: Media Representations and Receptions Production Work Evaluation and report Specially designed to be user-friendly AS Media Studies: The Essential Introduction for WJEC includes activities key terms case studies and sample exam questions. It introduces the course tackles useful approaches to study key content covered in the specification and guides the student in approaching and planning the exam and production work through analysis prompts and activities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415613347

As Nomadism EndsThe Israeli Bedouin Of The Negev This book analyzes the socio-spatial changes that follow the end of nomadism especially in the unique case of the Bedouin of the Negev. It explores the related socio-spatial issues of the encounter with the modern westernized world within a settlement frontier context. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367160548

As Others See UsBody Movement and the Art of Successful Communication As Others See Us first published in 1994 by Gordon & Breach is a book designed to introduce the reader to a new way of thinking about the movements both conscious and unconscious that we make every day and every second of our lives. Goldman describes the human experience as a continuous stream of body movements though we are only aware of a small fraction of the more obvious and intrusive physical acts. The aim of this book is first to increase awareness of the subtleties and complexities of our body language and then to encourage the reader to perceive these intricacies in their own movements and in those of others. Finally with a more complete understanding and appreciation for the power of body language and non-verbal communication one can achieve a deeper connection between physical and intellectual spheres to allow for a fuller and more engaging experience of communication and expression. This new knowledge of the human body's movements not only permits one to more accurately perceive the emotions and thoughts of others but can allow a glimpse into one's own mind to see how we present ourselves to the world and whether our thoughts are in sync with our actions. Central to the text is the author's treatment of the Integrated Movement a term used to describe the merger of a posture and a gesture with a consistent quality dynamic or shape. This approach to understanding and explaining human movement offers a unique way of thinking about conscious gesture unconscious body language and verbal speech as interconnected communication a synthesis that allows for a more complete view of ourselves and others around us. The structure of the book follows a logical framework that mirrors the progress of the reader from perception of movement to the close inspection of gesture and body language to the introduction and experience of Integrated Movement to the application of one's new awareness to different aspects of life. Biographical sketches of leading figures in the field are included as are suggestions for additional reading and resources. Perhaps the most unique feature of the book are the personal exercises (boxed-off text) that appear on almost every other page. These exercises are designed to allow the reader to experience the power of body language in real-life situations while working towards the increased awareness and perception that is the goal of the book. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138140196

AS Psychology Exam Companion This exam companion provides students with the understanding they need to approach the AQA-A AS Level Psychology exam with confidence. Full of expert advice to help students achieve their best the companion provides: A range of example exam questions which cover all of the topics on the specification A set of model answers to these questions Examiner advice which highlights key mistakes that can be made Advice on Assessment Objectives where relevant to emphasise how the AO1 AO2 and AO3 skills are assessed. A full range of short answer questions is also provided including the new style Application of Knowledge and Research Methods questions. Written by an experienced teacher author and examiner the AS Psychology Exam Companion goes beyond revision notes to show the student exactly how the full range of exam questions can be approached. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138408630

As You Like ItCritical Essays This essay collection offers a lengthy introduction describing trends in criticism and theatrical interpretation of As You Like It. Twenty-six major essays on the play including several written especially for this volume highlight the work coupled with twenty-three reviews of various productions ranging from 1741 to 1919. Edward Tomarken edited this valuable collection with a contents that includes pieces by Samuel Johnson Charles Gildon J. Payne Collier Denton J. Snider Charles Wingate Victor O. Freeburg J.B. Priestly Cumberland Clark Margaret Maurer and others. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315776149

Asante Court Music and Verbal Arts in GhanaThe Porcupine and the Gold Stool Asante Court Music and Verbal Arts in Ghana is a comprehensive portrait of Asante court musical arts. Weaving together historical narratives with analyses of texts performed on drums ivory trumpets and a cane flute the book includes a critical assembly of ancient song texts the poetry of bards (kwadwom) and referential poetry performed by members of the constabulary (apae). The focus is on the intersections between lived experience music and values and refers to musical examples drawn from court ceremonies rituals festivals as well as casual performances elicited in the course of fieldwork. For the Asante the performing arts are complex sites for recording and storing personal experiences and they have done so for centuries with remarkable consistency and self-consciousness. This book draws on archaeological archival historical ethnographical and analytical sources to craft a view of the Asante experience as manifested in its musical and allied arts. Its goal is to privilege the voices of the Asante and how they express their history religious philosophy social values economic and political experiences through the musical and allied arts. The author’s theoretical formulation includes the concept of value referring to ideas worldview concepts beliefs and social relationships that inform musical practices and choices in Asante. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367356101

Asante Ntahera Trumpets in GhanaCulture Tradition and Sound Barrage Based on the author's fieldwork in Ghana with the Asante and Denkyira ntahera trumpeters this book draws on interviews field recordings oral traditions written accounts archaeological evidence transcriptions and linguistic analyses to situate the Asante trumpet tradition in historical culture. There are seven ivory trumpet ensembles in residence at the Asante Manhyia Palace in Kumase and ivory trumpets are blown at every Akan court. The Asante trumpets which are made from elephant tusks are symbols of Asante strength and have an important role in Asante cosmology. Surrogate speech is performed via lipped tones through a tusk in praise of the Asante royal ancestors and the living Asante king. This book contains transcriptions and analyses of surrogate speech texts and their accompanying ensemble songs. When several ensembles play simultaneously as a representation of power they make staggered entrances beginning separate songs in order. This results in a simultaneous performance of separate songs. This phenomenon which Kaminski has termed 'sound-barrage' is an ancient aesthetic and is performed to protect the kingdom and the ancestors. It is both spiritual and acoustical. This 'sound barrage' is believed to act in the metaphysical world dispelling evil spirits from court rituals ancestor venerations and funerals for there is a spirit in the sound. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409426844

Asbestos for Surveyors Asbestos for Surveyors is a practical reference guide for all those responsible for identifying and dealing with asbestos in buildings. The book is based upon the Control of Asbestos at Work Act 2002 and is intended to be a guide to the technical aspects of asbestos and why it was originally used. It illustrates where it may be found in buildings what type of survey is required and how to undertake it. The information that the dutyholder needs from the surveyor to compile an adequate management plan is also detailed. This edition has been fully revised to take account of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/2739) which came into force in November 2006. The regulations which replaced three existing sets of asbestos regulations with a single set of rules reduce exposure limits and introduce mandatory training for those working with asbestos. Media > Books > Print Books Estates Gazette 9781138461383

Asbestos The Hazardous Fiber With the passage of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act AHERA Public Law 99-519 it was clear that great quantities of asbestos would be disturbed and would require proper management and disposal. If these were poorly done many people would be placed at risk unnecessarily.Into such an environment a book dealing with the many diverse facets of asbestos abatement written by people with substantial experience seemed reasonable and appropriate but even more so necessary. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890821

AsbestosDirectory of Unpublished Studies First Published in 1986. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367580308

AsbestosEngineering Management and Control This single source asbestos reference/text book incorporates major legal issues and cost estimating methods. Every aspect of abatement work from initial survey through final cleanup is detailed. In addition medical aspects respirator use training sample contracts and other topics coupled with a practical approach make this the book to have when the goal is to get the job done. The book contains lots of valuable information and data including CFR 1910 and NFPA 220/241 and will serve as an ideal reference source for asbestos contractors building owners industrial hygienists consultants and schools. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367451257

AsbestosRisk Assessment Epidemiology and Health Effects Second Edition The first edition of Asbestos: Risk Assessment Epidemiology and Health Effects received critical acclaim due to the interdisciplinary nature of its content. Editors Ronald Dodson and Samuel Hammar have carefully kept this popular focus while updating and expanding the topics covered in the first edition with the help of internationally known experts. While there are hundreds of books available on many different aspects of asbestos none contain the encyclopedic comprehensive coverage you will find here. See What’s New in the Second Edition: Definitions of asbestos by different methodologies and the potential impact that those forms have on health Internationally accepted sampling/analytical schemes Findings of major asbestos-related diseases that continue to increase in most industrialized countries where asbestos is widely used Information on asbestos-induced diseases in biological systems Expanded regulations chapter Copiously illustrated with diagrams tables and photographs including some in color the book remains an interdisciplinary resource on the major issues in asbestos exposure and human health with coverage that spans history pathology and epidemiology as well as sampling analysis and regulatory issues. The editors’ expertise and careful updating set this book apart making it a comprehensive resource that interlinks diverse specialties. They provide an updated and expanded state-of-the-art discussion of important interdisciplinary factors associated with asbestos-related issues in an easy-to-use reference. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138076709

Ascent of the Mountain Flight of the DoveAn Invitation to Religious Studies The essence of Ascent of the Mountain Flight of the Dove remains intact: its vision of religious studies as sustained refl ection on our lifelong voyage to discover who we are. The story we choose for ourselves the story we live can sacralize or secularize our lives and our world by the way in which we choose to relate to it. With this awareness of the story dimension of life Ascent of the Mountain Flight of the Dove opens us to awe reverence and wonder at the risks and possibilities of human freedom.This book is even more important than it was thirty years ago. We need religion to strike deeply into the self away from public glare. Unless Americans become more sophisticated about the language of the self inner life will shrivel. In addition our people will continue to be vulnerable to fundamentalist movements. Such movements take over too many innocents. Th ey promise and sometimes deliver a touching happiness. But they do so by closing the spirit in a powerful and dangerous way.Families and schools do not provide a large and critical vocabulary by which to express the inner longings of the spirit. The souls of many are parched and they gladly accept water any water from those who off er it. Th e liberation of the religious spirit from trivial closed and simplistic systems of thought can only be achieved through the development of a critical language exercises and disciplines that open rather than close the mind that lead to higher viewpoints breakthroughs and new syntheses in a constant enlargement of spirit. Novak's book leads us to that place. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138518964

Ascent to the AbsoluteMetaphysical Papers and Lectures Originally published in 1970. This book is a collection of lectures and papers given by Professor Findlay in the 1960s. The theme is an argument for a metaphysical Absolute in the sense of post-Hegelian Idealism. Findlay’s word for the Absolute process is ‘Enterprise’ which must be necessary in thought and reality. This ontological argument goes further that previous cosmological arguments and addresses both traditions from ancient philosophy and the modern Anglo-American school of philosophy. The book discusses the case for a Perfect Being a Necessary Being and in a change to Findlay’s previous published thought presents a case for mysticism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367194024

Ascetic Modernism in the Work of T S Eliot and Gustave Flaubert Gott examines Eliot’s The Waste Land (1922) in conjunction with Gustave Flaubert’s La Tentation de Saint Antoine (1874). He provides a highly original reading of both texts and argues that a stylistic affinity exists between the two works. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138663022

Ascetic Practices in Japanese Religion Ascetic practices are a common feature of religion in Japan practiced by different religious traditions. This book looks at these ascetic practices in an inter-sectarian and inter-doctrinal fashion in order to highlight the underlying themes common to all forms of asceticism. It does so by employing a multidisciplinary methodology which integrates participant fieldwork – the author himself engaged extensively in ascetic practices – with a hermeneutical interpretation of the body as the primary locus of transmission of the ascetic ‘embodied tradition’. By unlocking this ‘bodily data’ the book unveils the human body as the main tool and text of ascetic practice. This book includes discussion of the many extraordinary rituals practiced by Japanese ascetics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138652064

Ascorbic Acid In Aquatic OrganismsStatus and Perspectives We are just beginning to discover the importance of vitamin C in the health of natural and man-made ecosystems. Synthesis of ascorbic acid is well understood but algae as the only source of ascorbate in the aquatic food pyramid has not been explored. There is an expanding field of the culture of aquatic organisms that demand formulated feeds to best meet their requirements for health growth and reproduction. With over 100 species now cultured for human consumption the question arises as to whether we have reliable information for the dietary needs for vitamin C for even a small percentage of these organisms. A comprehensive approach to the role of vitamin C at the cellular level as well as in the aquatic food chains this book discusses growth and reproduction disease resistance and toxicology of aquatic organisms. Ascorbic Acid in Aquatic Organisms was written as the offshoot of a special session on aquatic organisms and practical aquaculture at the 1998 World Aquaculture Society (WAS) meeting. This book reviews the research already available and identifies new directions for research. It is a unique combination of good nutrition research ecology and practical aquaculture (for instance brine shrimp enrichment). This interdisciplinary volume will appeal to marine fish culturists aquatic biologists comparative and evolutionary cellular physiologists and environmental toxicologists. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367397821

ASEAN and Power in International RelationsASEAN the EU and the Contestation of Human Rights This book analyses the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as a powerful actor in International Relations by examining how the ASEAN community has evolved looking specifically at its relationship with the EU with regards to human rights. The book adds to important contemporary debates within constructivist theory shedding light on the need for ‘critical’ constructivism that emphasises language and contestation and what that may entail. On an empirical level it challenges the idea of an 'EU-centrism ' demonstrating how ASEAN is the major driving force behind its human rights and community aspirations as well as within the ASEAN-EU relationship. Furthermore this book engages with the introspection surrounding constructivism by addressing the trouble with 'norms ' and instead unpacking the relationship between ASEAN and the EU to show language power in play. In particular the book looks at how language or rather coercive language helps us ‘see’ contestation in action something that researchers sympathetic towards the idea of ASEAN’s ‘resistance’ have been unable to show through a focus on norms. Tracing the evolution of the ASEAN community and human rights aspirations in a new light showing how exactly the EU remains an inspiration but not a model and more interestingly how ASEAN demonstrates power in the relationship the book will be of interest to academics working on Asian Studies European Studies International Relations Theory and human rights. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367465810

ASEAN and Regional Free Trade Agreements Efforts to use existing trade agreements to build a larger regional agreement face many challenges. This book considers this problem with reference to ASEAN’s current agreements with key partners and the interest to build the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). The analysis of the options is framed by a focus on the use of supply chains in international business. Issues considered include those related to reductions in tariffs trade facilitation the treatment of investment and of services and the definition of rules of origin. The work is informed by case studies of supply chains in automobile and electronics and in a professional service sector. The book provides a set of priority actions for better progress in taking a bottom-up approach to building RCEP. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138067127

ASEAN and the Diplomacy of Accommodation This book studies the activities undertaken by the ASEAN states and reflects the inspiration and support of many individuals. The ASEAN phenomenon is about the successful consultative process the accommodation that these states used in managing tensions and dealing with external environments. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003069744

ASEAN and the Institutionalization of East Asia This book examines the evolving multilateral security arrangements in East Asia with a focus on the role of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). It explores the function and relevance of ASEAN in East Asia's emerging institutional security landscape. These issues have direct implications for the future of the ASEAN Security Community the relevance of the ASEAN cooperative model to wider regional arrangements and finally for the further institutionalization of great power relations within these multilateral structures. The book highlights ASEAN's successes and shortcomings. It also considers ASEAN-led institutions in the wider region and goes on to analyse alternative approaches to regionalism including the China-Japan-South Korea Trilateral Summit. Overall it assesses how the various initiatives are likely to develop concluding that ASEAN despite its shortcomings is likely to continue to play a key role. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415725897

ASEAN and the Security of South-East Asia (Routledge Revivals) Problems of internal and external security in South-East Asia have persisted as one set of competing global alignments has been succeeded by another with major impact on regional relationships. This book first published in 1989 examines how the states of The Association of South-East Nations (ASEAN) have attempted to confront the problems of regional security. It considers the nature and role of the Association - intended to promote economic growth social progress and cultural development - traces its institutional development from 1967 and identifies a basic structural weakness arising from the differing strategic perspectives held by member governments. Leifer explores in particular ASEAN’s response to conflicts over Kampuchea renamed Cambodia in 1990 which was critical in exposing those differing perspectives and the limited role of a diplomatic community in coping with regional security problems. This comprehensive work will be of particular value to students and academics with an interest in South-East Asian diplomacy history and regional security. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415834049

ASEAN as a MethodRe-centering Processes and Institutions in Contemporary Southeast Asian Regionalism This edited volume proposes that an understanding of ASEAN – its development and institutionalization – is invaluable to our conception of international relations theory in the Asian context. Southeast Asia and ASEAN host peoples ideas institutions and relations that contribute to a critical reassessment of theories in social sciences. In the field of IR studies on transnational networks diasporas small states middle powers the role of history and identity learn from Southeast Asian practices. ASEAN has long been established as an authoritative example of alternative ways of regional institutionalization. Besides empirical analysis these fields can also benefit from their interactions with regional scholarly communities. This edited book offers an opportunity for a dialogue among scholarly communities on a variety of issues of which Southeast Asia and ASEAN provide ample opportunities for a critical analysis. This book will be of great interest to scholars of ASEAN the broader Asian region and for scholars of regionalism in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367428136

ASEAN Business in CrisisContext and Culture The impact of the Asia crisis has contributed to the debate about the need for regulation of global markets. This book outlines the events leading up to and during the Financial Crisis of 1997 and assesses the responses of the financial contagion. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203045794

ASEAN in an Interdependent WorldStudies in an Interdependent World This title was first published in 2000. This volume contains nine selected applied economic papers presented during the 1999 Faculty of Economics and Management Seminar in Melaka. The articles included focus the studies on trade and finance in Malaysia and other ASEAN member countries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138741836

ASEAN Law and Regional IntegrationGovernance and the Rule of Law in Southeast Asia’s Single Market Since the passage of the ASEAN Charter in 2008 ASEAN has transformed itself from a loose economic cooperation into a formal intergovernmental organization designed to create an “ASEAN Community†forged together in three pillar communities – the ASEAN Political-Security Community ASEAN Economic Community and tASEAN Socio-Cultural Community. Forty years of pre-Charter ASEAN practices coupled with over ten years of post-Charter ASEAN practices thus far has witnessed the conclusion of hundreds of legally binding regional treaties and similarly binding international instruments in all areas of economic political-security and socio-cultural concerns for Southeast Asia to achieve ASEAN’s rule of law-based development objective. Pre-Charter and post-Charter ASEAN Law is variably implemented under a hybrid governance system that depends heavily on ASEAN Member State national implementation alongside ASEAN’s evolving regional institutions. The result is not a model of deep integration as in the case of the European Union but a particular paradigm of horizontal embeddedness of ASEAN Law – in all its norms and operational practices – contingent on the capacities and compliance of national government bureaucracies in Southeast Asia. This edited collection is a concise authoritative volume covering the practical doctrinal legal and policy aspects of the new regime of ASEAN Law and its consequences for realizing rule of law-based development in Southeast Asia’s emerging single market and production base. Drawing together contributions from a range of key thinkers in the field the editors present the legal and policy-making issues implicated in the practical implementation of Southeast Asia’s single market and its regime for the free movement of goods services foreign investment and cross-border labor. The book also examines the nature of regional law-making under ASEAN before and after the commencement of regional integration in 2015 the nature of ASEAN’s economic regulators as well as the evolving structure for enforcement and harmonization of “ASEAN Law†through the array of Southeast Asian national courts arbitral tribunals and incipient mechanisms for inter-State intra-regional and individual-State conflict management and dispute resolution. This book is highly relevant to students scholars and policy-makers with an interest in ASEAN Law and regional policy and to Southeast Asian studies in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138934917

ASEAN RegionalismCooperation Values and Institutionalisation This book examines the key motivations for and challenges to greater regional integration in Southeast Asia. It demonstrates how security and economic concerns -domestic regional and international - have either contributed to or detracted from an increased level of unity and cooperation in ASEAN. It also explores how the patterns of interaction and socialization generated by these issues together with the nature of domestic political systems have affected the emergence of common values norms and interests. It covers the full range of issues confronting ASEAN at present and the full range of ASEAN countries and discusses both developments in ASEAN to date and also likely future developments. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415856645

ASEAN-India Development and Cooperation Report 2015 India’s engagement with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is at the heart of its Look East Policy. As a regional bloc ASEAN has developed much faster than any of the other blocs in the Asia-Pacific. With ASEAN and India working towards establishing a Comprehensive Free Trade Area through Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) their cooperation will be key to promoting economic stability competitiveness growth and integration in the region. This Report: provides a comparative analysis of the global and regional economies; examines the impact and implications of India–ASEAN integration; assesses policy priorities effectiveness implementation imperatives and challenges; and discusses themes central to the economic sustainability of the region including public and foreign policy trade facilitation financial and scientific cooperation food security energy cooperation and productivity and opportunities in the manufacturing and service sectors. It will be invaluable to scholars and researchers of economics international relations development studies area studies as well as policy-makers administrators private sector professionals and non-governmental organisations in the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138926035

ASEAN's Diplomatic and Security CultureOrigins Development and Prospects Member states of ASEAN - the Association of South-East Asian Nations - have developed a distinctive approach to political and security co-operation which builds on the principles of sovereign equality non-intervention and non-interference quiet diplomacy mutual respect and the principle of not involving ASEAN in mediating bilateral disputes among the membership.This book examines the origins of ASEAN's diplomatic and security culture and analyses how over time its key principles have been practised and contested as ASEAN states have responded to regional conflicts as well as challenges posed by the major regional powers ASEAN's enlargement and the Asian financial crisis. The book goes on to assess whether ASEAN's diplomatic and security culture is likely to remain salient as the political economic and security context in which regional leaderships operate is undergoing further change. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203037539

Aseptic Pharmaceutical Manufacturing IIApplications for the 1990s Asceptic Pharmaceutical Manufacturing II explores the sophisticated technology developments and applications that allow aseptic processing to approach the sterility levels achieved with terminal sterilization. Written by experts in sterile manufacturing this book covers aseptic technology developments and applications and makes a valuable contribution to understanding the issues involved in aseptic manufacture. Topics include the processing of biopharmaceuticals lyophilization personnel training radiopharmaceuticals hydrogen peroxide vapor sterilization regulatory requirements validation and quality systems. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367401733

Aseptic Processing of Foods Aseptic food processing has become important as a safe and effective method for the preparing and packaging of a variety of foods. This recent book prepared by a team of European specialists provides a detailed guide and reference to aseptic food processing technology. All aspects are presented systematically: principles practice equipment applications packages and packaging quality control and safety. All applicable food and beverage categories are examined. More than 130 photographs diagrams and other schematics illustrate equipment and their function and a variety of procedures. Tables and graphs provide important quantitative data in convenient form. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138426603

AsexualitiesFeminist and Queer Perspectives What is so radical about not having sex? To answer this question this collection of essays explores the feminist and queer politics of asexuality. Asexuality is predominantly understood as an orientation describing people who do not experience sexual attraction. In this multidisciplinary volume the authors expand this definition of asexuality to account for the complexities of gender race disability and medical discourse. Together these essays challenge the ways in which we imagine gender and sexuality in relation to desire and sexual practice. Asexualities provides a critical reevaluation of even the most radical queer theorizations of sexuality. Going beyond a call for acceptance of asexuality as a legitimate and valid sexual orientation the authors offer a critical examination of many of the most fundamental ways in which we categorize and index sexualities desires bodies and practices. As the first book-length collection of critical essays ever produced on the topic of asexuality this book serves as a foundational text in a growing field of study. It also aims to reshape the directions of feminist and queer studies and to radically alter popular conceptions of sex and desire. Including units addressing theories of asexual orientation; the politics of asexuality; asexuality in media culture; masculinity and asexuality; health disability and medicalization; and asexual literary theory Asexualities will be of interest to scholars and students in sexuality gender sociology cultural studies disability studies and media culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138284791

Asexuality and Sexual NormativityAn Anthology The last decade has seen the emergence of an increasingly high profile and politically active asexual community united around a common identity as 'people who do not experience sexual attraction'. This unique volume collects a diverse range of interdisciplinary empirical and theoretical work which addresses this emergence raising important and timely questions about asexuality and its broader implications for sexual culture. One of the most pressing and contentious issues within academic and public debates about asexuality is what relationship if any it has to sexual dysfunction. As well as collecting cutting edge scholarship in the emerging field of asexuality studies rendering it indispensable to any sexualities course across the range of disciplines this anthology also addresses this urgent debate offering a variety of perspectives on how and why some have pathologised asexuality. This includes a range of chapters addressing the broader issues of sexual normativity within which these contemporary debates about asexuality are taking place. This book was originally published as a special issue of Psychology and Sexuality. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315795768

Asexuality and Sexual NormativityAn Anthology The last decade has seen the emergence of an increasingly high profile and politically active asexual community united around a common identity as 'people who do not experience sexual attraction'. This unique volume collects a diverse range of interdisciplinary empirical and theoretical work which addresses this emergence raising important and timely questions about asexuality and its broader implications for sexual culture. One of the most pressing and contentious issues within academic and public debates about asexuality is what relationship if any it has to sexual dysfunction. As well as collecting cutting edge scholarship in the emerging field of asexuality studies rendering it indispensable to any sexualities course across the range of disciplines this anthology also addresses this urgent debate offering a variety of perspectives on how and why some have pathologised asexuality. This includes a range of chapters addressing the broader issues of sexual normativity within which these contemporary debates about asexuality are taking place. This book was originally published as a special issue of Psychology and Sexuality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415731324

Asher the Thresher SharkTargeting the sh Sound Asher the thresher shark is very shy. Will it stop him from being a hero? This picture book targets the /sh/ sound and is part of Speech Bubbles 2 a series of picture books that target specific speech sounds within the story. The series can be used for children receiving speech therapy for children who have a speech sound delay/disorder or simply as an activity for children’s speech sound development and/or phonological awareness. They are ideal for use by parents teachers or caregivers. Bright pictures and a fun story create an engaging activity perfect for sound awareness. Picture books are sold individually or in a pack. There are currently two packs available – Speech Bubbles 1 and Speech Bubbles 2. Please see further titles in the series for stories targeting other speech sounds. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367648664

Ashgate Critical Essays on Early English Lexicographers: 5-Volume Set This series of five volumes enshrines the collective achievement of English lexicographers from the Old English period to the eighteenth century. These author-scholars are unique in that they witness and analyze the growth of English vocabulary over nine hundred years. The volumes are organized chronologically and discuss historical and theoretical topics such as: the great range of activity by anonymous early lexicographers; the gradual evolution of varied glossarial compilations during the medieval period; the appearance of a numerous cadre of monolingual bilingual law and herbal lexicographers in the sixteenth century; the emergence in the Renaissance of a more recognizably modern dictionary incorporating synonymy illustrative citations and other standard features; the making of the first free-standing monolingual English dictionaries in the seventeenth century and of increasingly specialized works on subjects such as dialect etymology medicine and mathematics; and the flourishing tradition of English lexicography in the eighteenth century that unified these many lexical streams and enabled Samuel Johnson to write his legendary A Dictionary of the English Language. Each volume in the series is edited and introduced by a recognized authority who has surveyed the existing literature and has selected essays that are regarded as significant contributions to an understanding of the historical development of dictionaries during the period. The volumes also include some original essays specially commissioned for this series as well as full indexes. This series constitutes an indispensable reference resource of the key essays in the field and is an invaluable research tool for students of lexicography and English literature textual history and bibliography. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780754668848

Ashgate Critical Essays on Early English LexicographersVolume 1: Old English Anglo-Saxon lexicography studies Latin texts and words. The earliest English lexicographers are largely unidentifiable students teachers scholars and missionaries. Materials brought from abroad by early teachers were augmented by their teachings and passed on by their students. Lexicographical material deriving from the early Canterbury school remains traceable in glossaries throughout this period but new material was constantly added. Aldhelm and Ælfric Bata among others wrote popular much studied hermeneutic texts using rare exotic words often derived from glossaries which then contributed to other glossaries. Ælfric of Eynsham is a rare identifiable early English lexicographer unusual in his lack of interest in hermeneutic vocabulary. The focus is largely on context and the process of creation and intended use of glosses and glossaries. Several articles examine intellectual centres where scholars and texts came together for example Theodore and Hadrian in Canterbury; Aldhelm in Malmesbury; Dunstan at Christ Church Canterbury; Æthelwold in Winchester; King Æthelstan's court; Abingdon; Glastonbury; and Worcester. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780754656913

Ashgate Critical Essays on Early English LexicographersVolume 2: Middle English The teaching of Latin remained important after the Conquest but Anglo-Norman now became a language of instruction and from the thirteenth century onwards a language to be learned. During this period English lexicographers were more numerous more identifiable and their works more varied for example: the tremulous hand of Worcester created an Old English-Latin glossary and Walter de Bibbesworth wrote a popular contextualized verse vocabulary of Anglo-Norman country life and activities. The works and techniques of Latin scholars such as Adam of Petit Point Alexander Nequam and John of Garland were influential throughout the period. In addition grammarians' and schoolmasters' books preserve material which in some cases seems to have been written by them. The material discussed ranges from a twelfth-century glossary written at a minor monastic house to four large alphabetical fifteenth-century dictionaries some of which were widely available. Some material seems to connect with the much earlier Old English glossaries in ways not yet fully understood. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409426615

Ashgate Critical Essays on Early English LexicographersVolume 3: The Sixteenth Century Laying the foundations for the first monolingual dictionaries of English the sixteenth century in English lexicography is here shown to form a bridge between the glossarial compilations which had slowly evolved during the Middle Ages and the more recognisably modern dictionary incorporating synonymy illustrative citations and other standard features. The articles collected here treat general lexicography and dictionaries in this period their uses and the state of research in this field. The volume also covers a fascinating and diverse collection of lexicographers from the well known - John Palsgrave Thomas Cooper Thomas Elyot and John Florio - to those about whom next to nothing is known - Richard Howlet John Baret and Peter Levens. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780754656920

Ashgate Critical Essays on Early English LexicographersVolume 4: The Seventeenth Century Three major developments in English lexicography took place during the seventeenth century: the emergence of the first free standing monolingual English dictionaries; the making of new kinds of English lexicons that investigated dialect or etymology or that keyed English to invented 'philosophical' languages; and the massive expansion of bilingual lexicography which not only placed English alongside the European vernaculars but also handled the languages of the new world. The essays in this volume discuss not only the internal history of lexicography but also its wider relationships with culture and society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780754656937

Ashgate Critical Essays on Early English LexicographersVolume 5: The Eighteenth Century The eighteenth century is renowned for the publication of Samuel Johnson's A Dictionary of the English Language which reference sources still call the first English dictionary. This collection demonstrates the inaccuracy of that claim but its tenacity in the public mind testifies to how decisively Johnson formed our sense of what a dictionary is. The essays and articles in this volume examine the already flourishing tradition of English lexicography from which Johnson drew as represented by Kersey Bailey and Martin as well as the flourishing contemporary trade in encyclopedic technical pronunciation and bilingual lexicons. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780754656944

Ashgate Critical Essays on Women Writers in England 1550-1700Volume 1: Early Tudor Women Writers This volume includes leading scholarship on five writers active in the first half of the sixteenth century: Margaret More Roper Katherine Parr Anne Askew Mildred Cooke Cecil and Anne Cooke Bacon. The essays represent a range of theoretical approaches and provide valuable insights into the religious social economic and political contexts essential for understanding these writers' texts. Scholars examine the significance of Margaret More Roper's translations and letters in the contexts of humanism family relationships and changing cultural forces; the contributions of Katherine Parr and Anne Askew to Reformation discourses and debates; and the material presence of Mildred Cooke Cecil and Anne Cooke Bacon in the intellectual religious and political life of their time. The introduction surveys the development of the field as an interdisciplinary project involving literature history classics religion and cultural studies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315264745

Ashgate Critical Essays on Women Writers in England 1550-1700Volume 2: Mary Sidney Countess of Pembroke Mary Sidney Herbert Countess of Pembroke was renowned in her own time for her metrical translation of biblical Psalms several original poems translations from French and Italian and her literary patronage. William Shakespeare used her Antonius as a source Edmund Spenser celebrated her original poems John Donne praised her Psalmes and Lady Mary Wroth and Aemilia Lanyer depicted her as an exemplary poet. Arguably the first Englishwoman to be celebrated as a literary figure she has also attracted considerable modern attention including more than two hundred critical studies. This volume offers a brief introduction to her life and an extensive overview of the critical reception of her works reprints some of the most essential and least accessible essays about her life and writings and includes a full bibliography. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315264752

Ashgate Critical Essays on Women Writers in England 1550-1700Volume 3: Anne Lock Isabella Whitney and Aemilia Lanyer Anne Lock Isabella Whitney and Aemilia Lanyer have emerged as important literary figures in the past ten years and scholars have increasingly realized that their bold and often unorthodox works challenge previously-held conceptions about women's engagement with early modern secular and religious literary culture. This volume collects some of the most influential and innovative essays that elucidate these women's works from a wide range of feminist literary aesthetic economic racial sexual and theological perspectives. The volume is prefaced by an extended editorial overview of scholarship in the field. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315264714

Ashgate Critical Essays on Women Writers in England 1550-1700Volume 4: Mary Wroth The last twenty-five years have seen exciting new developments in scholarly work on Lady Mary Wroth whose Urania and Pamphilia to Amphilanthus constitute the first romance and the first sonnet sequence to be published by an Englishwoman. Wroth's writings enter into a suggestive and gendered dialogue with the lyric and narrative works of her uncle Sir Philip Sidney even as they carve out a place for her own literary experiments. This volume gathers together some of the most striking recent criticism addressing Wroth's oeuvre; many of its essays also discuss the intellectual and cultural contexts in which she wrote. The collection is prefaced by an extended editorial overview of scholarship in the field. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315264738

Ashgate Critical Essays on Women Writers in England 1550-1700Volume 5: Anne Clifford and Lucy Hutchinson Until recently Anne Clifford has been known primarily for her Knole Diary edited by Vita Sackville-West which recounted her steadfast resistance to the most authoritative figures of her culture including James I as she insisted on her right to inherit her father's title and lands. Lucy Hutchinson was known primarily as the biographer of her husband a Puritan leader during the English Civil Wars. The essays collected here examine not only these texts but in Clifford's case her architectural restorations and both the Great Book which she had compiled and the Great Picture which she commissioned in order to explore the identity she fashioned for herself as a property owner matriarchal head of her family patron and historian. In Hutchinson's case recent scholars have turned their attention to her poetry her translation of Lucretius and her biblical epic Order and Disorder to analyze her contributions to early modern scientific and political writing and to place her work in relation to Milton's Paradise Lost. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315264769

Ashgate Critical Essays on Women Writers in England 1550-1700Volume 5: Anne Clifford and Lucy Hutchinson Until recently Anne Clifford has been known primarily for her Knole Diary edited by Vita Sackville-West which recounted her steadfast resistance to the most authoritative figures of her culture including James I as she insisted on her right to inherit her father's title and lands. Lucy Hutchinson was known primarily as the biographer of her husband a Puritan leader during the English Civil Wars. The essays collected here examine not only these texts but in Clifford's case her architectural restorations and both the Great Book which she had compiled and the Great Picture which she commissioned in order to explore the identity she fashioned for herself as a property owner matriarchal head of her family patron and historian. In Hutchinson's case recent scholars have turned their attention to her poetry her translation of Lucretius and her biblical epic Order and Disorder to analyze her contributions to early modern scientific and political writing and to place her work in relation to Milton's Paradise Lost. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003063414

Ashgate Critical Essays on Women Writers in England 1550-1700Volume 6: Elizabeth Cary Elizabeth Cary's Tragedy of Mariam the first original drama written in English by a woman has been a touchstone for feminist scholarship in the period for several decades and is now one of the most anthologized works by a Renaissance woman writer. Her History of ... Edward II has provided fertile ground for questions about authorship and historical form. The essays included in this volume highlight the many evolving debates about Cary's works from their complicated generic characteristics to the social and political contexts they reflect to the ways in which Cary's writing enters into dialogue with texts by male writers of her time. In its critical introduction the volume offers a thorough analysis of where Cary criticism has been and where it might venture in the future. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315264721

Ashgate Critical Essays on Women Writers in England 1550-1700Volume 7: Margaret Cavendish A maverick in her own time Margaret Cavendish Duchess of Newcastle (1623-1673) was dismissed for three centuries as an eccentric crank. Yet the past few decades have witnessed a true renaissance in Cavendish studies as scholars from diverse academic disciplines produce books articles and theses on every aspect of her oeuvre. Cavendish's literary creations hold a wide appeal for modern readers because of her talent for thinking outside the rigid box that delimited the hierarchies of class race and gender in seventeenth-century Europe. In so doing she challenged the ultimate building blocks of early modern society whether the tenets of Christianity the social and political imperatives of patriarchy or the arrogant claims of the new Baconian science. At the same time Cavendish offers keen insights into current social issues. Her works have become a springboard for critical discourse on such topics as the nature of gender difference and the role of science in human life. Sara Mendelson's aim in compiling this volume is to convey to readers some idea of the scope and variety of scholarship on Cavendish not only in terms of dominant themes but of critical controversies and intriguing new pathways for investigation. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315264707

Ashgate Handbook of Anti-Infective Agents: An International Guide to 1 600 Drugs in Current UseAn International Guide to 1 600 Drugs in Current Use This title was first published in 2000: The discovery in the 1930s and 1940s of antibiotics revolutionized the practice of medicine. Beginning with the streptomycins and the penicillins hundreds of antibiotics have been developed and have come into routine use for the management of infectious diseases opportunistic infections and infections resulting from trauma. This cornucopia of anti-infective agents has created a number of problems not the least of which is the organization of information concerning them.This Handbook contains records for all the major drugs currently used in the treatment of infection. Monographs are provided for 1600 anti-infective agents. For each main entry the following information is provided: the chemical name and a list of proprietary names and synonyms; the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number; the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS) number; and the Merck Index (12th edition) number. The physical properties of each compound are described and the known biological activity and indicated applications are presented. The structure of each compound is provided together with a summary of the acute toxicity data associated with it and the manufacturers and suppliers of the drug are also given. Indexes including a master index of names and synonyms are appended. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138736757

Ashgate Handbook of Autineoplastic Agents This title was first published in 2000: One of the most active areas in medicinal chemical research concerns the search for drugs used to treat different forms of cancer. This Handbook contains records for all the major drugs currently in use to treat cancer. Monographs are provided for 409 antineoplastic agents and in addition 23 cytoprotectant agents are described. For each main entry the chemical name and a list of trade names and synonyms is provided; the CAS Registry Number the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS) Number and the Merck Index (12th Edition) Number are given. The physical properties of each compound are described and the known biological activity and indicated applications are presented. The structure of each compound is provided together with a summary of the acute toxicity data associated with it and the manufacturers and suppliers of the drug are also given. Indexes including a master index of names and synonyms are appended. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138724631

Ashgate Handbook of Cardiovascular Agents: An International Guide to 1900 Drugs in Current UseAn International Guide to 1900 Drugs in Current Use This title was first published in 2001. The cardiovascular system serves to carry essential compounds to the tissues and to remove metabolic by-products. It also plays an important role in maintaining homeostasis and functions directly or indirectly in the regulation of body temperature oxygen supply nutrient distribution water and electrolyte balance and endocrine activity. Consisting of a pump connecting tubes exchange membranes and blood this system is governed by a diverse and complex array of regulatory mechanisms encompassing central neural autonomic endocrine paracrine and autocrine control. Drugs used in the treatment of cardiovascular disease are disseminated widely in western industrialized countries. In the US alone nearly $18 billion was spent on drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular disease and stroke in 1999. This Handbook contains records for all the major drugs that directly affect the cardiovascular system. Monographs are provided for over 1900 cardiovascular agents. For each main entry the following information is provided: the chemical name and a list of proprietary names and synonyms; the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number; the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS) number; and the Merck Index (12th edition) number. The physical properties of each compound are described and the known biological activity and indicated applications are presented. The structure of each compound is provided together with a summary of the acute toxicity data associated with it and the manufacturers and suppliers of the drug are also given. Indexes including a master index of names and synonyms are appended. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138732711

Ashgate Handbook of Endocrine Agents and Steroids This title was first published in 2000: Treatment of endocrine disorders is an important branch of medicine and many drugs have been developed for use in this area. Endocrine disorders and the drugs used to treat them are quite diverse ranging from iodine-containing thyroxine analogs used to treat hypothyroidism to steroid androgens progestins and estrogens.This Handbook contains records for all the major drugs currently used in endocrinology. Monographs are provided for 818 endocrine agents and steroids. For each main entry the following information is provided: the chemical name and a list of trade names and synonyms; the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number; the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS) Number and the Merck Index (12th edition) Number. The physical properties of each compound are described and the known biological activity and indicated applications are presented. The structure of each compound is provided together with a summary of the acute toxicity data associated with it and the manufacturers and suppliers of the drug are also given. Indexes including a master index of names and synonyms are appended. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138732193

Asi somos los espanolesSpanish Skills for Advanced Students As omos los espa‘s provides advanced students with a genuine insight into Spanish culture via a range of practical activities and exercises. The courses include many unscripted recordings of interviews with Spaniards from a variety of geographical areas. Students explore these recordings through activities designed to develop listening speaking reading and writing skills.This course suitable for classroom use or independent learning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138469099

Asia the US and Extended Nuclear DeterrenceAtomic Umbrellas in the Twenty-First Century Since the end of the Cold War significant attention has focussed on the issue of nuclear deterrence and in particular whether formal nuclear security guarantees from nuclear weapons states to non-nuclear weapons states involving the possible use of nuclear weapons have a place in the twenty-first century global strategic landscape. Growing support for nuclear disarmament in the US and elsewhere has seen serious doubts being raised about the ongoing utility of extended nuclear deterrence. This book provides the first detailed analysis of the way in which extended nuclear deterrence operates in contemporary Asia. It addresses the following key questions: What does the role of extended nuclear deterrence in Asia tell us about the broader role of extended nuclear deterrence in the contemporary international system? Is this role likely to change significantly in the years ahead? O’Neil uses a theoretical and historical framework to analyse the contemporary and future dynamics of extended nuclear deterrence in Asia and challenges many of the existing orthodox perspectives on the topic. Providing a new perspective on debates surrounding extended nuclear deterrence this book will be of interest not only to students and scholars of Asian politics international relations and security studies but also to policy makers and professionals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415644945

Asia (IISS) Asia: Critical Themes in Contemporary Security is new four volume collection featuring the key articles on the region published in Survival the International Institute for Strategic Studies’ bi-monthly journal one of the world’s leading forums for analysis and debate of international and strategic affairs. Covering both East Asia and South Asia this is an ambitious and wide-ranging collection covering a vast region of pivotal importance that continues to be a theatre for the power-plays of grand strategy. Articles by key and influential figures including Coral Bell Robert Scalpino and Robert Zoelllick explore the shifts in the global order including anxiety about the role of the United States and the rise of China look at resources and energy supply in the region as well as nuclear weapons and the arms race. Including an introduction and a full index this collection will provide provocative thoughtful and expert insight for both the student and scholar alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138119086

Asia and Latin AmericaPolitical Economic and Multilateral Relations Until the late 1980s Japan was the only country in Asia with notable political and economic relations. Since then however several Asian nations have perceived growing links with the Latin American region as a means of diversifying their political and particularly economic relations while many Latin American decision-makers have increasingly recognised the strategic importance of East Asia in their foreign policy and foreign economic policy designs. This book analyses the economic political and socio-cultural relations between Asia and Latin America and examines their growing importance in international relations. In the first part of the book the contributors look at the policies interests and strategies of individual Asian and Latin American states while the second part delves into the analysis of multilateral institution-building in Asia-Latin America relations . As such Asia and Latin America will be of interest to undergraduate and postgraduate scholars of comparative politics international relations Asian politics and Latin American politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415854665

Asia and OceaniaInternational Dictionary of Historic Places From the Taj Mahal to the Parthenon from Gettysburg to Heidelberg from Beacon Hill to Tower Hill from the Great Wall to Hadrian's Wall from Jerusalem to Kyoto the International Dictionary of Historic Places presents some 1 000 comprehensive and fully illustrated histories of the most famous sites in the world. Entries include: location description and site office details; and a 3 000 to 4 000 word essay that provides a full history of the site and the condition of the site today. An annotated Further Reading list of books and articles about the site completes each entry. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203059173

Asia and the Future of FootballThe Role of the Asian Football Confederation Football is the most popular sport in the world. Globalisation and commercialisation of the game however have created new conflicts and challenges. This book explores the role of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) within the rising significance of football in Asia drawing on three key theoretical perspectives: globalisation neo-institutionalism and governance as well as comprehensive data from interviews and archive material. It explores the organisational structure of AFC its decision-making processes relations with other actors and policies put forward. To understand the specificities AFC has faced in its 60-year history the broader historical political economic socio-cultural and geographic contexts of football in Asia are taken into account. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138640719

Asia and the History of the International EconomyEssays in Memory of Peter Mathias This collection of essays sheds new light on many aspects of Asia’s integration with the international economy. H.I.H. Crown Prince Naruhito discusses the problems of controlling water in the interest of urban development. He first examines the problems encountered on the River Thames in relationship to the growth of London in the eighteenth century and then relates his findings to Japan where similar problems arose with respect to the expansion of Edo (Tokyo). Other chapters looking at the eighteenth century examine the development of plant collecting in Asia and the wider world in the interest of the economy and leisure Japan’s connections with the outside world by way of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and the Dutch acquisition of the knowledge of the Japanese language at their base at Dejima Island Nagasaki. India features next with a chapter showing how India was crucial in initiating the industrial revolution in Britain by stimulating British manufacturers to copy the fine textiles made by hand loom weavers there. This is followed by a chapter showing how in the late nineteenth century India was the central pivot in the entire international economic system based on its trading surplus with China. Other discussions trace the role of Scotland as a centre of heavy industry and shipbuilding with Scottish companies dominating the shipping lanes of Asia. A further chapter shows how British connections with Asia in this case Shanghai brought problems of debt and non payment and outlines the steps taken to try to control the situation. Elsewhere problems arose in Bangkok over the quality of rice being supplied to European merchants in the 1920s leading to a decline in sales. Finally there is a discussion of Japanese commercial policy towards Africa in the inter-war period. This book will be of interest and use to students researchers and general readers interested in Asia’s role in world economic development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367504274

Asia and the Middle-Income Trap The term ‘Middle-Income Trap’ refers to countries which stagnate economically after reaching a certain level of per capita income on the basis of labour- and capital-intensive growth and are struggling to transition towards more skill-intensive and technology-driven development. It has resonance for the increasing number of countries in Asia who have either languished in middle-income status for extended periods of time or are worried about growth slow-downs. This book sets outs the conceptual underpinnings of the Middle-Income Trap and explores the various ways it can be defined. It also focuses on the debate surrounding the Middle-Income Trap which questions the appropriate institutional and policy settings for middle-income countries to enable them to continue past the easy phase of economic growth. The book engages with this debate by investigating the role of institutions human capital and trade policy in helping countries increase their income levels and by highlighting factors which enable the shift to higher and qualitatively better growth. It questions how the large emerging economies in Asia such as China Indonesia and India are currently grappling with the challenges of transitioning from labour-intensive to technology- and knowledge-intensive production and discusses what can be learnt from the countries that have been able to escape the trap to attain high-income status. Providing a conceptual framework for the Middle-Income Trap this book will be of interest to students and scholars of Asian Economics Comparative Economics and Asian Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138580671

Asia and the Transformation of the World-System In this collaboratively authored book world-system scholars critically synthesize Asia's re-emerging centrality despite the myriad financial crises that have punctuated the end of the U.S.-dominated Cold War world order. From different vantage points the authors review the turbulent landscape of the region that points toward a new Asian world order as well as contradictory symptoms and signals. The text highlights the salience of Northeast Asia; the resurgence of Russia and Eurasianism; and the class gender and ecological implications of a conflict-ridden regional ascent for the future of the North-South divide and for the struggle between the spirit of Davos and the spirit of Porto Alegre. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315635910

Asia as Method in Education StudiesA defiant research imagination  Unlearning and re-inventing the theoretical frameworks of Intercultural and Asian Studies is central to this book as it is to Chen Kuan-Hsing’s evocative Asia as Method; this book’s inspirational source. Chen insists that studies of Asia move beyond their paralysing fixation on the West as either a positive or negative referent and that they develop their own standpoints reference points and research agendas. Asia as Method in Education Studies is therefore a provocative and suggestive exploration of educational ideas imported from the West. Chen’s challenge provokes the writers in this collection to consider the implications of colonial and imperialist forces for education systems policies and practices as well as for educational research itself. The writers offer examples of what it means to rethink and re-examine education in Asia beyond both the Western imperialist eye and the post-colonial ‘politics of resentment’. Asia as Method in Education Studies combines the diverse research of scholars from various countries of Asia as they consider for example: Struggles to Construct New Research Imaginations in Response to Chen’s Challenges East-West Dialogue: Three Cases in Chinese Educational Research "Asia as [a] method" of Complexity and Dialogue Generalizing the Self? Asianizing Perspectives on International Education and the Formation of Self Against Asia-centric Methods: Australia-China Theoretic-linguistic Knowledge Co-production  Highly anticipated for its novel contemporary perspectives this book offers researchers specialising in educational studies and policy-making fresh practices of thought. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138576650

Asia in International RelationsUnlearning Imperial Power Relations Asia in International Relations decolonizes conventional understandings and representations of Asia in International Relations (IR). This book opens by including all those geographical and cultural linkages that constitute Asia today but are generally ignored by mainstream IR. Covering the Indian subcontinent Turkey the Mediterranean Iran the Arab world Ethiopia and Central-Northeast-Southeast Asia the volume draws on rich literatures to develop our understanding of power relations in the world’s largest continent. Contributors "de-colonize" "de-imperialize" and "de-Cold War" the region to articulate an alternative narrative about Asia world politics and IR. This approach reframes old problems in new ways with the possibility of transforming them rather than recycling the same old approaches with the same old "intractable" outcomes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472469076

Asia in Soviet Global Strategy This book the final report of the Soviet Global Strategy Project describes the USSR's basic approach to the many states in Asia and the Pacific Basin including nations stretching from Japan to Australia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367014261

Asia in the Undergraduate Curriculum: A Case for Asian Studies in Liberal Arts EducationA Case for Asian Studies in Liberal Arts Education The contributors place the development of Asian studies programs in small colleges in historical context make a compelling case for the inclusion of Asian studies in the liberal arts curriculum and consider the challenges faced in developing and sustaining Asian studies programs and ways of meeting such challenges now and in the future. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315500652

Asia in Western and World History: A Guide for TeachingA Guide for Teaching A guide aimed at introducing students to the history of Asia in conjunction with Western and world history. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706313

Asia Literate Schooling in the Asian Century Globalization migration transnational movements and the development of the tiger economies of Asia have led education leaders and policy makers around the world but particularly in Australia the USA Canada and New Zealand to view schools as key sites for developing ‘globally competent’ ‘Asia literate’ citizens who have the capabilities to live work and interact with the peoples cultures and societies of Asia. In what has been dubbed the ‘Asian Century’ nations are increasingly seeking to transform their schooling policies curricula and teaching workforces to engage with the growing influence of the peoples cultures and societies both within and beyond Asia. This is the first book to subject to critical scrutiny and analysis the concepts policies and practices of schooling involved in building intercultural relations with the diverse contemporary manifestations of ‘Asia’. It brings into dialogue scholars who are at the forefront of current thinking policy and practice on Asia-related schooling and contributes to a broader international debate about the future shape of intercultural schooling in a global world. Asia Literate Schooling in the Asian Century offers chapters on: •      Learning Asia: In search of a new narrative •      Asia Literacy as Experiential Learning •      Professional Standards and Ethics in Teaching Asia Literacy •      The Feasibility of Implementing Cross-Curricular Studies of Asia •      Deparochialising Education and the Asian Priority: A Curriculum (Re)Imagination This book will appeal to scholars and practitioners in Education and is suitable as a reference for teacher education courses. It will also interest scholars specialising in Asian Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138492806

Asia Pacific and Human RightsA Global Political Economy Perspective Human rights are acquiring an increasingly prominent role on the world stage. Interest in concern about and action on human rights are widespread and rising albeit in a far from globally even uniform and untroubled fashion. Human rights have generated a booming global industry while having become not unconnectedly highly controversial and deeply contested. Human rights matters have emerged as a major source of disagreement dispute and discord at and between the local regional and global levels of social cultural political and economic life. These developments are addressed in the book by an examination of the links between the evolving global human rights regime (GHRR) and the character and course of human rights in the world's most dynamic complex and problematic region that of the Asia Pacific. The authors argue that although the Asia Pacific and human rights nexus is influenced by cultural clashes it is largely shaped by power distributions and struggles rooted in the global political economy (GPE). The prevailing GHRR reflects the way in which globalization processes have been Western led but its future is far from certain given the current shift in the balance of GPE power towards the Asia Pacific and especially East Asia. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315262031

Asia Pacific Confidence And Security Building Measures This book provides a summation of many of the key points and insights that emerged during the first meeting of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific Confidence and Security Building Measures Working Group in Washington D.C. in October 1994. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367172404

Asia Pacific Dynamism 1550-2000 First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963948

Asia Pacific Security This new title from Routledge edited by Professor Leszek Buszynski includes the key literature on Asia Pacific Security. Arranged across four volumes the collection covers China the United States Japan and South Korea as well as peripheral players such as Australia and India. It explores in depth trouble spots and potential flashpoints for example Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula. It also brings together the major works on regional security architecture and non-traditional security. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415828802

Asia Struggles with DemocracyEvidence from Indonesia Korea and Thailand Since 1974 when the current wave of democratisation began the movement towards democracy in Asia has remained limited. Many countries in Asia in fact are not making a decisive move towards democracy and find themselves struggling with the challenges of democratic consolidation and governance. Focusing on Indonesia Thailand and Korea this book analyses why democratisation is so difficult in Asia. The book investigates the dynamics by which citizens embrace democratic rule and reject authoritarianism and also compares these dynamics with those of consolidating democracies around the world. The book looks at the forces that affect the emergence and stability of democracy such as elite interactions economic development and popular attitudes as beliefs and perceptions about the legitimacy of political systems have long been recognised as some of the most critical influences on regime change. The book also discusses what it is about the nature of public opinion and the processes of day-to-day democratic participation that have made these countries vulnerable to repeated crises of legitimacy. Using Indonesia Korea and Thailand as case studies this book highlights the uniqueness of the Asia’s path to democracy and shows both the challenges and opportunities in getting there. The book will be of interest to students and scholars of Asian Politics Comparative Politics and International Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138319677

Asia through Art and AnthropologyCultural Translation Across Borders * AWARDED BEST ANTHOLOGY BY THE ART ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND *How has Asia been imagined represented and transferred both literally and visually across linguistic geopolitical and cultural boundaries? This book explores the shifting roles of those who produce critique and translate creative forms and practices for which distinctions of geography ethnicity tradition and modernity have become fluid. Drawing on accounts of modern and contemporary art film literature fashion and performance it challenges established assumptions of the cultural products of Asia.Special attention is given to the role of cultural translators or 'long-distance cultural specialists' whose works bridge or traverse different worlds with the inclusion of essays by three important artists who share personal accounts of their experiences creating and showing artworks that negotiate diverse cultural contexts.With contributions from key scholars of Asian art and culture including art historian John Clark and anthropologist Clare Harris alongside fresh voices in the field Asia Through Art and Anthropology will be essential reading for students and scholars of anthropology art history Asian studies visual and cultural studies.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The publication of the color plates of works by Phaptawan Suwannakudt and Savanhdary Vongpoothorn is funded by the Australian Government. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780857854490

Asia’s Naval ExpansionAn Arms Race in the Making? The navies of China India and to a lesser extent Japan are expanding rapidly at present. This has the potential to alter the US-dominated naval balance in Asia-Pacific but it also raises a question: are the region’s powers involved in a naval arms race? Naval development is and always has been a crucial indicator of economic and political development. It shows the emergence of a significant shift in strategic weight from West to East. But within the Asia-Pacific Region alongside growing economic and institutional integration there are geo-political tensions that threaten the regions stability and peace. The balance between the two determines the form that naval development in that region is taking. Some aspects of this suggest the beginnings of a naval arms race that would have profound consequences for the region and the world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415696388

AsiaCase Studies in the Social Sciences - A Guide for Teaching The material in this study is covered by Myron L. Cohen on religion and family organization in China; John R. Bowen on family kinship and Islam in Indonesia; Robert W. Hefner on hierarchy and stratification in Java; and Nancy Rosenberger on gender roles in Japan. Further material is provided by William W. Kelly on rural society in Japan; Theodore C. Bestor on urban life in Japan; Stephen R. Smith on the family in Japan; Doranne Jacobson on gender relations in India; Lawrence A. Babb on religion in India; Owen M. Lynch on stratification inequality and the caste system in India; Laurell Kendall on changing gender relations in Korea; Andrew G. Walder on comparative revolution in China and Vietnam Maoism and the sociology of work in China and Japan; Moni Nag on the comparative demography of China Japan and India; and Helen Hardacre on the new religions of Japan. Other contributors offering information through case studies are Hiroshi Ishida on stratification and mobility in Japan; Robert C. Liebman on work and education compared in Japan and the US; Joseph W. Elder on education urban society urban problems and industrial society in India; Andrew J. Nathan on totalitarianism authoritarianism and democracy in China; Jean C. Oi on mobilisation and participation in China; Edwin A. Winckler on political development in Taiwan; Carl H. Lande on political parties and representation in the Philippines ; Clark N. Neher on political development and political participation in Thailand; and Benedict R. O'G. Anderson on political culture the military and authoritarianism in Indonesia. The final chapters of this work include studies by Stephen Philip Cohen on the military in India and Pakistan; Paul R. Brass on democracy and political participation in India; T.J. Pempel on Japanese democracy and political culture political parties and representation and bureaucracy in Japan; Han-kyo Kim on political development in South Korea; and Thomas G. Rawski on the economies of China and Japan. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315288178

Asia-Europe Cooperation After the 1997-1998 Asian Turbulence This title was first published in 2000: When the second Asia-Europe meeting took place in London in April 1998 the EU's economic motivation of building strong links with Asia was challenged by the ongoing Asian economic crises that broke out in mid-1997. The political and social turmoil that ensued in many East Asian economies not only urges the re-examination of the East Asian economic miracle but also reprioritizes the regional agenda and thus embarks on a new environment for Asia-Europe co-operation. The impact of this Asian turbulence on the establishment of the long-term Asia-Europe equal partnership in general and the ASEM process in particular are addressed in this book based on the conclusions of the 1998 Asia-Europe Co-operation Forum. The aim of this book is to examine the background causes responses prospects and lessons of the first wave of financial crisis in Southeast Asia and to then move on to an analysis of developments in Asia-Europe co-operative relations after the onset of the crisis. It examines the importance of continued interregional economic co-operation between ASEAN and the EU looks at the economic impact of the 1997/98 East Asian financial crisis on the EU and analyzes the economic fabric of ASEM. In the final chapter the book explores how the ASEM process has furthered the development of interregionalism in world affairs and discusses how the crisis has led to uncertainty for the organization's future development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138725072

Asian America.NetEthnicity Nationalism and Cyberspace Asian America.Net demonstrates how Asian Americans have both defined and been defined by electronic technology illuminating the complex networks of identity community and history in the digital age. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203957349

Asian American Athletes in Sport and Society For more than a century sporting spectacles media coverage and popular audiences have staged athletics in black and white. Commercial media and academic accounts have routinely erased excluded ignored and otherwise made absent the Asian American presence in sport. This book seeks to redress this pattern of neglect presenting a comprehensive perspective on the history and significance of Asian American athletes coaches and teams in North America. The contributors interrogate the sociocultural contexts in which Asian Americans lived and played detailing the articulations of power and possibility difference and identity representation and remembrance that have shaped the means and meanings of Asian Americans playing sport in North America. This volume will be of interest to students and scholars of the Asian American experience ethnic relations and the history of sport. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138042681

Asian American Culture on StageThe History of the East West Players This book captures the 30-year history of the East West Players (EWP) tracing the company's representation of Asian Americans through the complex social and cultural changes of the past three decades. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963955

Asian American Family Life and Community First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203827420

Asian American Feminisms Co-published by Routledge and Edition SynapseEspecially since the postwar women’s and civil rights movements there has been an explosion of interest in race and gender in the United States. Writing by and about Asian American women has kept pace with the emergence of serious scholarship concerned with the nuances of gender and culture and as research in and around the area flourishes as never before this new four-volume collection from Routledge and Edition Synapse meets the need for an authoritative reference work to make sense of a rapidly growing and ever more complex corpus of literature. Asian American Feminisms brings together the very best foundational and cutting-edge writing and scholarship on Asian women in the United States. The first volume collects historical and contemporary memoirs essays fiction and stories that reveal the diversity of Asian American women’s experience. The creative and testimonial narratives gathered here engage with themes such as freedom labour domesticity sexuality self-actualization liberalism nationalism family language and coalition. The following three volumes meanwhile place the very best research from history literature law sociology popular culture psychology new media and visual culture into interdisciplinary dialogue. Asian American Feminisms counters the popular misconstruction of Asian women as pre-feminist subjects who lack critical gender and race consciousness. At the same time understanding the ways in which women remain vulnerable to state institutions and to cultural representations becomes increasingly urgent in a globalized world; and this collection bridges the divide between women-of-colour feminism in the United States and the transnational analysis of women in Asia and the Asian diaspora. Edited by Leslie Bow a leading scholar in the field Asian American Feminisms is a vital resource for researchers and students seeking an introduction to Asian American feminist thought. It will also be welcomed by established scholars and activists invested in women’s issues and gender analysis in the United States the Pacific Rim and beyond. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415579087

Asian American Fiction History and Life WritingInternational Encounters The last ten years have witnessed an enormous growth in American interest in Asia and Asian/American history. In particular a set of key Asian historical moments have recently become the subject of intense American cultural scrutiny namely China’s Cultural Revolution and its aftermath; the Korean American war and its legacy; the era of Japanese geisha culture and its subsequent decline; and China’s one-child policy and the rise of transracial international adoption in its wake. Grice examines and accounts for this cultural and literary preoccupation exploring the corresponding historical-political situations that have both circumscribed and enabled greater cultural and political contact between Asia and America. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415809016

Asian American History and Culture: An EncyclopediaAn Encyclopedia With overview essays and more than 400 A-Z entries this exhaustive encyclopedia documents the history of Asians in America from earliest contact to the present day. Organized topically by group with an in-depth overview essay on each group the encyclopedia examines the myriad ethnic groups and histories that make up the Asian American population in the United States. "Asian American History and Culture" covers the political social and cultural history of immigrants from East Asia Southeast Asia South Asia the Pacific Islands and their descendants as well as the social and cultural issues faced by Asian American communities families and individuals in contemporary society. In addition to entries on various groups and cultures the encyclopedia also includes articles on general topics such as parenting and child rearing assimilation and acculturation business education and literature. More than 100 images round out the set. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706306

Asian American Interethnic Relations and Politics First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315051949

Asian American Issues Relating to Labor Economics and Socioeconomic Status First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315051956

Asian American Literature Co-published by Routledge and Edition SynapseAmerican writers whose provenance lies in Asia have been producing and publishing work of interest and distinction for well over a century. However in recent decades there has been an exponential growth in their output and much Asian-American literature has now achieved new levels of both popular success and critical acclaim. Moreover the burgeoning number of literary anthologies and academic studies attests to a growing and deepening scholarly attention. Indeed Asian-American literature—and the serious critical work it has spawned—is now central to debates about national cultures world civilizations and transnational imaginations. As research on and around Asian-American literature continues to flourish this new title from Routledge answers the urgent need for an authoritative reference work to map its vast critical terrain. The collection will enable users to make sense of the rapidly growing and ever more complex corpus of scholarly literature which explores—among many others—dizzying questions about racial diversity and identity cultural history and literary value. The collection is organized into four volumes. The first volume (‘Literary History: Criticism and Theory’) brings together the best work to define explicitly or implicitly the parameters of Asian-American literature. It addresses its political and aesthetic significance and major issues of contention. Volume II (‘Prose: Fiction and Non-Fiction’) brings together the best interpretive work and practical criticism on key works of Asian-American literature both fictive and factual. Volume III (‘Poetry’) assembles the essential scholarship on Asian-American poetry while the final volume in the collection (‘Drama and Performance’) collects the vital research on theatrical texts and performance pieces. Asian-American Literature is fully indexed and includes a comprehensive new introduction by the editor which places the collected material in its historical and intellectual context. An indispensable reference collection it is destined to be valued by scholars and students as a vital one-stop research and pedgagogic resource. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415498876

Asian American Literature and the Environment This book is a ground-breaking transnational study of representations of the environment in Asian American literature. Extending and renewing Asian American studies and ecocriticism by drawing the two fields into deeper dialogue it brings Asian American writers to the center of ecocritical studies. This collection demonstrates the distinctiveness of Asian American writers’ positions on topics of major concern today: environmental justice identity and the land war environments consumption urban environments and the environment and creativity. Represented authors include Amy Tan Maxine Hong Kingston Ruth Ozeki Ha Jin Fae Myenne Ng Le Ly Hayslip Lan Cao Mitsuye Yamada Lawson Fusao Inada Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston Milton Murayama Don Lee and Hisaye Yamamoto. These writers provide a range of perspectives on the historical social psychological economic philosophical and aesthetic responses of Asian Americans to the environment conceived in relation to labor racism immigration domesticity global capitalism relocation pollution violence and religion. Contributors apply a diversity of critical frameworks including critical radical race studies counter-memory studies ecofeminism and geomantic criticism. The book presents a compelling and timely "green" perspective through which to understand key works of Asian American literature and leads the field of ecocriticism into neglected terrain. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138547841

Asian American SexualitiesDimensions of the Gay and Lesbian Experience Asian American Sexualities works to dispel the stereotype of oriental sexual decadence as well as the "model minority" heterosexual Asian sterotype in the US. Writing from an impressive array of interdisciplinary perspectives the contributors discuss a variety of topics including sexuality and identity politics; community activism and gay activism; transnational aspects of love between women in Thailand; queer South Asian culture in the US; gay and lesbian filmmakers; same-sex sexuality in Pacific literature; and Asian American male homosexuality and AIDS. The relationship of the gay and lesbian experience to Asian American studies and Ethnic Studies is also explored. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203760512

Asian American Students in Higher Education Asian American Students in Higher Education offers the first comprehensive analysis and synthesis of existing theory and research related to Asian American students’ experiences in postsecondary education. Providing practical and insightful recommendations this sourcebook covers a range of topics including critical historical and demographic contexts the complexity of Asian American student identities and factors that facilitate and hinder Asian American students’ success in college. The time has come for institutions of higher education to develop more holistic and authentic understandings of this significant and rapidly growing population and this volume will help educators acquire deeper and more intricate knowledge of Asian American college students’ experiences. This resource is vital for college educators interested in better serving Asian American students in their institutions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415844314

Asian Americans and the Mass MediaA Content Analysis of Twenty United States Newspapers and a Survey of Asian American Journalists First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987586

Asian Americans and the Shifting Politics of RaceThe Dismantling of Affirmative Action at an Elite Public High School Asian Americans and the Shifting Politics of Race examines the political and discursive struggles around the dismantling of race-based admissions policies in an elite public high school in San Francisco. The book analyzes the arguments put forth by plaintiffs in and the media's depiction of the case Brian Ho Patrick Wong & Hilary Chen v. SFUSD. The Ho lawsuit filed by a group of Chinese Americans challenged race-based admissions policies that were intended to ensure diversity by giving special consideration to African-American and Latino students. Robles argues that the Ho plaintiffs exploited the dominant racial construction of Asian Americans as model minorities to portray themselves as victims of discrimination and relied on contrasting constructions of Black and Latino students as undeserving and unqualified beneficiaries of affirmative action. The decision in favor of the plaintiffs effectively ended school desegregation racial balance and affirmative action in San Francisco. In order to examine the consequences of the Ho decision on student attitudes Robles spent four years studying and observing the first cohort of students to enter the high school after race was eliminated from admissions considerations. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203959725

Asian Americans on CampusRacialized Space and White Power While there are books on racism in universities few examine the unique position of Asian American undergraduates. This new book captures the voices and experiences of Asian Americans navigating the currents of race gender and sexuality as factors in how youth construct relationships and identities. Interviews with 70 Asian Americans on an elite American campus show how students negotiate the sexualized racism of a large institution. The authors emphasize the students' resilience and their means of resistance for overcoming the impact of structural racism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781612057361

Asian and Hispanic Immigrant Women in the Work ForceImplications of the United States Immigration Policies since 1965 First Published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315051765

Asian and Pacific CitiesDevelopment Patterns The cities of Asia and the Pacific are at the epicentre of development in what is arguably the most populous culturally distinctive and economically powerful region in the world. 16 major cities such as Tokyo Shanghai Manila Jakarta Bangkok Singapore Auckland Kuala Lumpur and Santiago located in countries as diverse as Mexico and Vietnam Samoa and India China and Australia exemplify the changing patterns of development across this vast region of the world. By tracking economic and social trends the contributors to this collection reveal how a wide range of political and cultural factors have interacted over time to provide a powerful explanation for the shape and characteristics of ‘the city’ today. Based on a collaborative research programme and drawing on the work of local researchers this book examines the realities of city development characterised by domestic migration spatial and social fragmentation squatter settlements and gated communities economic experiments and the emergence of the ‘Asian Tigers’. The collection as a whole records the way in which countries in this region have moved from underdevelopment to become global economic and political powers. This book provides a fascinating journey through Asia and the Pacific by generating an insiders’ view of each city and an insight into national development. As such it will be of great interest to students and scholars interested in: the Asian and Pacific region; in disciplines such as economics politics geography and sociology; and in policy domains such as urban planning and economic development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138814424

Asian and United States Market Reactions to Trade Restrictions The effect of US protectionist policy on stock prices of firms in the US and abroad is still an open question. This book first published in 1996 investigates the effects of trade restrictions at the level of the individual firm focusing on US Taiwan and South Korea. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138312838

Asian Approaches to International Law and the Legacy of ColonialismThe Law of the Sea Territorial Disputes and International Dispute Settlement The chapters in this volume address international legal issues impacted by the legacy of the Asian region’s historical experience with colonialism and its current standing in the international system. This volume provides a perspective on these issues from Asian legal scholars who have embarked on an analysis and discussion of the various ways in which international law and the international legal process can resolve these issues in a manner that is appropriate for the region. The book examines the interconnections between diverse topics such as current territorial disputes over maritime areas (which includes disputes over maritime delimitation) and the scope of exclusive economic zones in East and Southeast Asia both of which are aspects of some of the critical political economic and legal issues presently confronting the region. These territorial and maritime disputes are partially due to the geography of the region but the editors make a convincing argument for the genesis of these disputes being rooted in the legacy of the region’s colonial past; a legacy which has confounded attempts at resolution of these disputes and still deeply influences international relations in the region. Asian Approaches to International Law and the Legacy of Colonialism will be of particular interest to academics and students of International Law Maritime Law and Asian Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138805026

Asian Art TherapistsNavigating Art Diversity and Culture This book explores Asian art therapist experiences in a predominantly white professional field challenging readers with visceral racial and personalized stories that may push them far beyond their comfort zone. Drawing from the expertise and practices of Asian art therapists from around the world this unique text navigates how minority status can affect training and clinical practice in relation to clients co-workers and peers. It describes how Asian pioneers have broken therapeutic and racial rules to accommodate patient needs and improve clinical skills and illustrates how the reader can examine and disseminate their own biases. Authors share how they make their own path—by becoming aware of the connection between their lives and circumstances—and how they liberate themselves and those who seek their services. This informative resource for art therapy students and professionals offers non-Asian readers a glimpse at personal and clinical experiences in the White-dominant profession while detailing how Asian art therapists can lead race-based discussions with empathy to become more competent therapists and educators in an increasingly diversifying world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367625481

Asian BerriesHealth Benefits As consumers look to natural foods to promote health and well-being their focus has been on foods with recognized health properties. Natural health products with rich antioxidant and high free radical scavenging activity such as Asian berries currently draw the interest of scientific researchers whose goal is to evaluate Asian berries’ nutritional and health-promoting properties. Collected in one source Asian Berries: Health Benefits covers a wide array of different Asian berries their properties potential health benefits and possible uses. Asian berries are well-known traditional nutritional foods and herbal medicinals as well as valuable nourishing tonic which has been used for thousands of years in Asian countries. They are traditionally employed as herbal medicinals from ancient times. Recently Asian berries widely marketed as health foods have become increasingly popular in the Western world because of their health-promoting properties. This book explores a wide array of possibilities and benefits that come from Asian berries. Key Features: Defines chemical biochemical properties bioactive components and health benefits of Asian berries Details postharvest storage technology and processing technology development Explains utilization of Asian berries by-products Discusses Asian berries functional foods as well as food safety issues Complete with 18 chapters written by experts in their field Asian Berries: Health Benefits serves as an excellent reference for anyone interested in the science and technology of bioactive components from Asian berries as health-promoting foods. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367251994

Asian Cinema and the Use of SpaceInterdisciplinary Perspectives Asian cinemas are connected to global networks and participate in producing international film history while at the same time influenced and engaged by spatial cultural social and political transformations. This interdisciplinary study forwards a productive pairing of Asian cinemas and space where space is used as a discursive tool to understand cinemas of Asia. Concentrating on the performative potential of cinematic space in Asian films the contributors discuss how space (re)constructs forms of identities and meanings across a range of cinematic practices. Cities landscapes buildings and interiors actively shape cinematic performances of such identities and their significances. The essays are structured around the spatial themes of ephemeral imagined and contested spaces. They deal with struggles for identity belonging autonomy and mobility within different national and transnational contexts across East Southeast and parts of South Asia in particular which are complicated by micropolitics and subcultures and by the interventions and interests of global lobbies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138549043

Asian Cities Migrant Labor and Contested Spaces This volume explores how migration is playing a central role in the renewing and reworking of urban spaces in the fast growing and rapidly changing cities of Asia. Migration trends in Asia entered a new phase in the 1990s following the end of the Cold War which marked the advent of a renewed phase of globalization. Cities have become centrally implicated in globalization processes and therefore have become objects and sites of intense study. The contributors to this book reflect on the impact and significance of migration with a particular focus on the contested spaces that are emerging in urban contexts and the economic social religious and cultural domains with which they intersect. They also examines the roles and effects of different forms of migration in the cauldron of urban change from low-skilled domestic migrants who maintain a close engagement with their rural homes to highly skilled/professional transnational migrants to legal and illegal international migrants who arrive with the hope of transforming their livelihoods. Providing a mosaic of insights into the links between migration marginalization and contestation in Asia’s urban contexts Asian Cities Migrant Labor and Contested Spaces will be of interest to students and scholars of Asian studies migration studies urban studies and human geography. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415854979

Asian Cities in an Era of Decentralisation This book critically engages with the idea of decentralization as empowering cities and their residents to act innovatively and creatively. The contributions thus highlight how the term ‘empowerment’ in the context of decentralization regimes masks a competing array of intentions and agendas. Who and what are ‘empowered’ given a ‘voice’ and allowed to ‘participate’ via the processes and structures of decentralization (and to what ends) are too frequently assumed in normative conversations about ‘bringing government closer to the people’ and ‘community driven development’. Creating an illusion of a shared language and common set of priorities therefore obscures more complex realities particularly when there is a disconnect between the official goals of decentralization and civil society aspirations that reinforces politics of exclusion at the grassroots. Equally official processes of decentralization can and often are accompanied by less visible processes of ‘recentralization’ through the reassertion of central state control over putatively autonomous jurisdictions. Through studies in six Asian countries (India the Philippines Indonesia Bangladesh Thailand and Japan) the essays in this book examine cases whereby a range of urban actors and institutions have been ‘empowered’ via decentralization and how this realignment of local power relations impacts upon the dynamics of urban governance albeit not always in socially progressive ways. This book was published as a special issue of Space and Polity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138377356

Asian ContagionThe Causes And Consequences Of A Financial Crisis For much of the second half of the twentieth century the Asian economic ?miracle? has fueled the greatest expansion of wealth for the largest population in the history of mankind. In the summer of 1997 thirty years of economic boom came crashing back to earth. The reality of unrestrained speculation misallocated private investment fixed exchang Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314606

Asian Democracy in World History Taking a comparative approach Alan T. Wood traces the evolution of democracy from its origins in prehistoric times and describes democratic growth in thirteen Asian countries from Japan in East Asia to Pakistan in South Asia and examines key issues such as: * How does the democratic experience in Asia in countries with unique and totalitarian political traditions compare with democracies worldwide?* Is the aspiration to freedom universal or is it a product of western ideas and institutions? Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315011240

Asian Department Stores In this pioneering study of the development of the Asian department store economists anthropologists and historians examine various aspects of retailing business organization networking and consumerism in the expanding economies of Asia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963962

Asian Diaspora Poetry in North America Presenting a new way of reading that helps us discern some previously unnoticed or unnoticeable features of Asian diaspora poetry this volume highlights how poetry plays a significant role in mediating and defining cross-cultural and transnational positions. Asian diaspora poetry in North America is a rich body of poetic works that not only provide valuable material for us to understand the lives and experiences of Asian diasporas but also present us with an opportunity to examine some of the most important issues in current literary and cultural studies. As a mode of writing across cultural and national borders these poetic works challenge us to reconsider the assumptions and meanings of identity nation home and place in a broad cross-cultural context. In recent postcolonial studies diaspora has been conceived not only as a process of migration in which people crossed and traversed the borders of different countries but also as a double relationship between different cultural origins. With all its complexity and ambiguity associated with the experience of multi-cultural mediation diaspora as both a process and a relationship suggests an act of constant repositioning in confluent streams that accommodate to multiple cultural traditions. By examining how Asian diaspora poets maintain and represent their cultural differences in North America Zhang is able to seek new perspectives for understanding and analyzing the intrinsic values of Asian cultures that survive and develop persistently in North American societies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415512862

Asian Dimensions of Services Marketing Explore current trends in the Asian service industry!Asian Dimensions of Services Marketing takes you on a journey through the service industries of Asia. Due to the extraordinary amount of growth in Asian service industries over the past few decades this sector is expanding greatly in many Asian countries. These changes have had many effects on countries such as China Korea Singapore and Thailand mostly at the expense of agriculture and manufacturing. This book examines these effects and establishes ways to achieve success in services marketing. This educational book provides an enlightening look at topics such as: the influence of reference groups in the service industry of Singapore the moderating effect of switching costs on the relationship between service performance and customer satisfaction in the Thai cultural and business setting how multinational professional service firms in South Korea have achieved success the emotional impact of store atmosphere on Chinese customers in a leisure service setting the rapid development of services in Asia and how to effectively market intangibles to various kinds of consumers Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315864952

Asian Education MiraclesIn Search of Sociocultural and Psychological Explanations With a focus on Asian contexts this book brings together knowledge on how values and practices embedded and practised in the classroom school family and the society at large can influence students’ motivation engagement and psychological well-being. The book synthesizes research on students and systems from culturally diverse Asian countries and economies including Cambodia Hong Kong-China Indonesia Japan Korea the Philippines Singapore Chinese Taipei Thailand the United Arab Emirates and beyond. The book takes special interest in applying the insights gained from understanding students’ motivation engagement and well-being within their sociocultural contexts. Importantly chapters in the book are grounded on thorough theoretical reviews and sound empirical findings which together inform practical applications to enhance the motivation engagement and well-being of students in the Asian region. Taken together this book will serve as a comprehensive and authoritative source for scholars researchers and practitioners (teachers school policy makers and educators in general) who are interested in examining and enhancing student motivation engagement and well-being from Asian perspectives. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367664190

Asian English Language ClassroomsWhere Theory and Practice Meet The teaching of English in the Asian context is always challenging and dynamic because both teachers and learners have diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Equally important where English is not widely used outside the classroom English language classrooms are an authentic site of learner engagement. For these reasons for all those concerned with contemporary English language teaching (ELT) in Asia Asian English Language Classrooms: Where Theory and Practice Meet provides an account of theoretical orientations and practices in the teaching of English to multilingual speakers whose primary language is not English. While covering the fundamental ELT areas (e.g. the teaching of language skills educational literature the use of technology in ELT the role of pragmatics in ELT social psychology of the language classroom and language classroom management) with which every language teacher and teacher trainer must be concerned this volume showcases how particular orientations shape ELT practices. We believe that practicing English teachers must have a heightened awareness of the theory behind their practice. At the same time the theoretical stance must be firmly anchored in actual classrooms. Containing newly commissioned chapters written by well-regarded and emerging scholars this book will appeal not only to beginning teachers or teachers in training but also to established teachers around Asia where English is used as a lingua franca. If you are a student teacher of English or an English teacher who would like to see what other progressive teachers like you are doing across Asia this is the book you have been looking for. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367141783

Asian Entreprenuerial MinoritiesConjoint Communities in the Making of the World Economy 1570-1940 First Published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315026466

Asian ExpansionsThe Historical Experiences of Polity Expansion in Asia Asia as we know it today is the product of a wide range of polity expansions over time. Recognising the territorial expansions of Asian polities large and small through the last several millennia helps rectify the fallacy long-held and deeply entrenched that Asian polities have been interested only in the control of populations not in expanding their command of territory. In countering this misapprehension this book suggests that Asian polities have indeed been concerned with territorial control and expansion over time whether for political or strategic advantage trade purposes defence needs agricultural expansion or increased income through taxation. The book explores the historical experiences of a set of polity expansions within Asia specifically in East and Southeast Asia and by examining the motivations mechanisms processes validations and limitations of these Asian territorial expansions reveals the diverse avenues by which Asian polities have grown. The chapters draw on these historical examples to highlight the connections between Asian polity expansion and centralised political structures and this aids in a broader and more comprehensive understanding of Asian political practice both past and present. Through these chapter studies and the integrative introduction the book interrogates key concepts such as imperialism and colonialism and the applicability and relevance of such terminology in Asian contexts both historical and contemporary. Comparisons and contrasts with European historical expansions are also suggested. This book will be welcomed by students and scholars of Asian history as well as by those with an interest in Asian interactions international relations polity expansion Asia--Europe historical comparisons and globalisation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138094833

Asian Financial IntegrationImpacts of the Global Crisis and Options for Regional Policies In the wake of the global financial crisis Asia is leading the global recovery with strong economic growth. However this book argues that in the coming years the region will need to play a much more active role in shaping the future global financial system and in turn suggests policy strategies for doing so. Asian Financial Integration explores the lessons we can learn from Asia’s experience during the global financial crisis in terms of the future direction of the region’s economic policy and the challenges posed by the opening and deepening of its financial markets. The contributors deal with a number of crucial questions including what Asia should learn from the crisis especially with regards to financial innovation and regulation; whether global imbalances are a result of policy distortions or a natural outcome of global division of labour; what are the lessons and implications from the financial market reform and liberalization experiences of some of the region’s major economies; and what should Asia do to promote regional financial integration particularly with regards to currency integration. This book will be welcomed by students and scholars interested in Asian economics and international economics as well as by policy-makers working in the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138069176

Asian FoodsScience and Technology This comprehensive new book provides up-to-date information on many types of Asian prepared foods-their origin preparation methods processing principles technical innovation quality factors nutritional values and market potential. Written by experts who specialize in the field it includes information on Asian dietary habits and the health significance of Asian diets.Asian Foods also discusses differences in preparations and varieties among diverse Asian ethnic groups and regions cultural aspects associated with the consumption of the products and the market status or potential of more than 400 varieties of Asian foods. These foods include products made from rice wheat other starchy grains soybeans meat poultry fish fruits and vegetables as well as functional foods and alcoholic beverages. This timely book will be of interest to food professionals in product development dieticians interested in Asian diets and dietary habits business developers seeking market potential for Asian prepared foods and food science and human nutrition students who need supplemental information. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367399825

Asian FoodThe Global and the Local By documenting analysing and interpreting the transformations in the local diets of Asian peoples within the last hundred years this volume pinpoints the consequences of the tension between homogenisation and cultural heterogenisation which is so characteristic for today's global interaction. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138879157

Asian Forms of the Nation The general tendency among theorists in nationalism and national identity has been to assume that the modernization process in Asia and Africa is a kind of distorted reflection of a Western precedent; Asian forms of the nation have rarely been seen as independent alternative models. Among today's leading theoreticians there is a growing tendency to take Asia seriously and to include Asian examples in the general discussion. The aim of the present collection is to build on and reinforce this tendency. It does not postulate any specifically Asian form of the nation as opposed to a Western one. Rather it seeks to demonstrate that in Asia as well as in Europe each nation forms a unique amalgam which can be compared fruitfully with others. History culture and geography have posed various kinds of limits to what can be imagined (as Benedict Anderson puts it). The relationship between geographical space and national construction is explored in depth here. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315026640

Asian Functional Foods The consumption of functional foods has emerged as a major consumer-driven trend based on the needs of an ever-growing health conscious population that wants to exercise greater control over its health. Focusing on an important sector of this rapidly growing field Asian Functional Foods discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of functional foods found in the traditional Asian diet from fundamental concepts of biochemistry nutrition and physiology to food science and technology.The book covers a wide range of topics beginning with an introduction to the source history functionality and chemical physical and physiological properties of traditional Asian functional foods followed by the health benefits mechanisms of antioxidant action anticancer and antiaging properties supported by clinical and epidemiological evidence. The chapter authors discuss processing technology and process systems equipment material preparation food preparation and quality control during processing. They explore stability shelf life and storage criteria for traditional functional food products industrial production home-made products consumer and marketing issues and social and economical impact. As Asian functional foods continue to gain popularity worldwide a solid understanding of these functional foods will help food scientists take advantage of them to better maintain and promote health. Examining the scientific and social issues impacting their development this book provides that understanding. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367393236

Asian Heritage ManagementContexts Concerns and Prospects The prevalent global heritage discourse has been primarily Euro-centric in its origin premise and praxis. Diverse cultural historical and geographical contexts such as that of Asia call for more context-specific approaches to heritage management. This book explores this complexity of managing the cultural heritage in Asia. Case studies include sites of Angkor Himeji Castle Kathmandu Valley Luang Prabang Lumbini and Malacca and the book uses these to explore the religious worldviews heritage policies intangible heritage dimensions traditional preservation practices cultural tourism and the notion of cultural landscape that are crucial in understanding the cultural heritage in Asia. It critiques the contemporary regulatory frameworks in operation and focuses on the issues of global impact on the local cultures in the region. The book goes on to emphasize the need for integrated heritage management approaches that encompass the plurality of heritage conservation concerns in Asian countries. Themes are discussed from the vantage point of heritage scholars and practitioners in the South Southeast and East Asia. This book thus presents a distinctive Asian perspective which is a valuable source for students and practitioners of heritage within and beyond the Asian context. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138086951

Asian Imperial Banking History When European powers annexed parts of Asia banking systems were an important part of that process. The essays in this edited collection are based on original research using primary sources in English French Russian Chinese and Japanese. The book as a whole provides new insights into banking in imperial Asia and a platform for further research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367669089

Asian Indigenous Law First published in 1986. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415861694

Asian Interventions in Global Shakespeare‘All the World’s His Stage’ This volume critically analyses and theorises Asian interventions in the expanding phenomenon of Global Shakespeare. It interrogates Shakespeare’s ‘universality’ from Asian perspectives: how this has been modified or even replaced by the ‘global bard’ as a recognisable brand and how Asian Shakespeares have contributed to or subverted this process by both facilitating the worldwide dissemination of the bard’s plays and challenging and resisting the very templates through which they become globally legible. Critically acclaimed Asian productions have prominently figured at premier Western festivals and popular Asian appropriations like Bollywood manga and anime have created new kinds of globally accessible Shakespeare. Essays in this collection engage with the emergent critical issues: the efficacy of definitions of the ‘local’ ‘global’ ‘transnational’ and ‘cosmopolitan’ and of the liminalities and mobilities in between. They further examine the politics of ‘West’ and ‘East’ the evolving markers of the ‘Asian’ and the equation of the ‘glocal’ with the ‘Asian’; they attend to performance and archiving protocols and bring the current debates on translation appropriation and world literature to speak to the concerns of global and transnational Shakespeare. These investigations analyse recent innovative Asian theatre productions popular cinematic and manga appropriations and the increasing presence of Shakespeare in the Asian digital sphere. They provide an Asian standpoint and lens in rereading the processes of cultural globalisation and the mobilisation of Shakespeare. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367615192

Asian Labor in the Wartime Japanese EmpireUnknown Histories During the Pacific War the Japanese government used a wide range of methods to recruit workers for construction projects throughout the occupied territories. Mistreatment of workers was a major grievance both in widely publicized cases such as the use of prisoners of war and forced Asian labor to construct the Thailand-Burma "Death" Railway and in a very large number of smaller projects. In this book an international group of specialists on the Occupation period examine the labor needs and the recruitment and use of workers (whether forced military or otherwise) throughout the Japanese empire. This is the first study to look at Japanese labor policies comparatively across all the occupied territories of Asia during the war years. It also provides a graphic context for examining Japanese colonialism and relations between the Japanese and the people living in the various occupied territories. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706290

Asian Labor MigrationPipeline To The Middle East This book estimates the stock of Asian workers in the Middle East and the annual flows as well as the costs and benefits to the major labor suppliers in Asia. It reviews the policies to control labor migration and the innovative programs to maximize the benefits of labor migration. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367160319

Asian Law in DisastersToward a Human-Centered Recovery This book is a critical analysis of several of the most disaster-prone regions in Asia. Its unique focus is on the legal issues in the phase of disaster recovery the most lengthy and difficult stage of disaster response that follows the conclusion of initial emergency stage of humanitarian aid. In the stage of disaster recovery the law decides the fate of reconstruction for the individual houses and livelihoods of the disaster-affected people and sets the limit of governmental support for them during the lengthy period of suspension of normal living until full recovery is obtained. Researchers who were participant-observers in the difficult recovery phase after the mega-disasters in Asia analyse the reality of the functions of law which often hinder rather than foster efforts to restore disaster victims’ lives. The book collects research conducted with an emphasis on empirical approaches to legal sociology including direct interviews with people affected by the disaster. It offers a holistic approach beyond the traditional sectionalism of legal studies by starting with a historical review and incorporating both spheres of public law and private law in order to obtain a new perspective that can concurrently achieve disaster risk reductions and human-centered recoveries. With particular emphasis on the unexplored area of law in the post-disaster recovery phase this book will attract the attention of students and scholars of disaster studies legal studies Asian studies as well as those who work in the practice of disaster management. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815361480

Asian MasculinitiesThe Meaning and Practice of Manhood in China and Japan This book shows how East Asian masculinities are being formed and transformed as Asia is increasingly globalized. The gender roles performed by Chinese and Japanese men are examined not just as they are lived in Asia but also in the West. The essays collected here enhance current understandings of East Asian identities and cultures as well as Western conceptions of gender and sexuality. While basic issues such as masculine ideals in China and Japan are examined the book also addresses issues including homosexuality women's perceptions of men the role of sport and food and Asian men in the Chinese diaspora. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415511087

Asian Media Productions A substantial book on the social practices and cultural attitudes of people producing reading watching and listening to different kinds of media in Japan China Taiwan Indonesia Vietnam Singapore and India. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138863286

Asian Migrants and European Labour MarketsPatterns and Processes of Immigrant Labour Market Insertion in Europe In an era of globalization and demographic transition international migration has become an important issue for European governments. The past decades have seen an increasing and diversifying flow of migrants from different parts of the world including many from South Southeast and East Asia. It has become apparent that in several European countries the demand for workers in certain sectors of the labour market is increasing and that Asia has become the source for these workers. This collection explores the phenomenon of Asian immigration in Europe particularly focusing on the ways in which Asian immigrants gain access to local labour markets. The book includes studies of several countries including Germany France and the United Kingdom - shedding light on the labour market positions of different ethnic groups within Europe. Asian Migrants and European Labour Markets will interest scholars in the field of labour economics population and migration studies and international business. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415645973

Asian Migration and Education Cultures in the Anglosphere Asian migration and mobilities are transforming education cultures in the Anglosphere prompting mounting debates about ‘tiger mothers’ and ‘dragon children’ and competition and segregation in Anglosphere schools. This book challenges the cultural essentialism which prevails in much academic and popular discussion of ‘Asian success’ and in relation to Asian education mobilities.As anxiety and aspiration within these spaces are increasingly ethnicised the children of Asian migrants are both admired and resented for their educational success. This book explores popular perceptions of Asian migrant families through in-depth empirically informed accounts on the broader economic social historical and geo-political contexts within which education cultures are produced. This includes contributions from academics on global markets and national policies around migration and education classed trajectories and articulations local formations of ‘ethnic capital’ and transnational assemblages that produce education and mobility as means for social advancement.At a time when our schooling systems and communities are undergoing rapid transformations as a result of increasing global mobility this book is a unique and important contribution to an issue of pressing significance.This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367661663

Asian MigrationsSocial and Geographical Mobilities in Southeast East and Northeast Asia This textbook describes and explains the complex reality of contemporary internal and international migrations in East Asia. Taking an interdisciplinary approach; Tony Fielding combines theoretical debate and detailed empirical analysis to provide students with an understanding of the causes and consequences of the many types of contemporary migration flows in the region. Key features of Asian Migrations: Comprehensive coverage of all forms of migration including labour migration student migration marriage migration displacement and human trafficking Text boxes containing key concepts and theories More than 30 maps and diagrams Equal attention devoted to broad structures (e.g. political economy) and individual agency (e.g. migration behaviours) Emphasis on the conceptual and empirical connections between internal and international migrations Exploration of the policy implications of the trends and processes discussed Written by an experienced scholar and teacher of migration studies this is an essential text for courses on East Asian migrations and mobility and important reading for courses on international migration and Asian societies more generally. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415639477

Asian Nationalism in an Age of Globalization Topics include: Government Intervention and Economic Growth in East Asia Agricultural Nationalism in the Age of Globalization Japan's Dominance and Multi- Racial Coalitions in Malaysia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987593

Asian Nationalisms Reconsidered Nationalism appears to be rising in a renascent Asia and stoking tensions aspirations and identity politics while amplifying grievances and raising questions about prospects in what is touted as the Asian century. This book provides a broad overview and introduction to nationalism in Asia. Leading experts in their fields succinctly convey key information and critical analysis useful to students in a range of courses across disciplines. Part I presents thematic chapters mostly cross-national studies that elucidate the roots and consequences of nationalism in these societies and the varying challenges they confront. Part II presents concise country case studies in Asia providing an overview of what is driving contemporary nationalism and surveys the domestic and international implications. Approaching Asia from the perspective of nationalism facilitates a comparative interdisciplinary analysis that helps readers better understand each society and what the ramifications of nationalism are for contemporary Asians and the worlds that they (and we) participate in. Asian Nationalisms Reconsidered is an invaluable textbook for undergraduate courses and graduate seminars related to international relations Asian Studies political science government foreign policy peace and conflict and nationalism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138826076

Asian Pacific American PoliticsCelebrating the Scholarly Legacy of Don T. Nakanishi Asian Pacific American Politics presents some of the most recent research on Asian American politics including both quantitative and qualitative examinations of the role of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans in some of today’s major political controversies. In the highly polarized politics of the United States in the early 21st century non-Black racial minorities such as Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Americans will increasingly find themselves swept into the epicenter of many of the divisive controversies. This timely volume presents the latest scholarly research on some of these issues examining questions such as Asian American support for #Black Lives Matter responses to racially-charged attacks and the differences in the political socialization politicization and community-based activism within and across sectors of the Asian American population. In addition to examining political identity voting participation political mobilization transnational politics and partisan formation the volume also investigates important but little discussed issues such as the Native Hawaiian sovereignty movement political incorporation of Filipino Americans and the struggle to establish "comfort women" memorials in the United States. Contributors also examine through dialogues how Asian Americans fit into the larger world of American racial politics the extent to which they are likely to build coalitions with other communities of color and the boundaries and contours of Asian American political theory. Exploring and Expanding the Political World Pioneered by Don T. Nakanishi Asian Pacific American Politics will be of great interest to scholars of race and ethnicity in American politics immigration and minority incorporation ethnic identity politics and political participation and democratic inclusion of Asians. The chapters were originally published in Politics Groups and Identities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367857233

Asian Perceptions of NatureA Critical Approach This highly acclaimed 'bold and refreshing' collection of essays takes a critical look at Asians' perception of their natural environments as well as at Western views of Asia in this respect. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315026138

Asian Perspectives on Animal EthicsRethinking the Nonhuman To date philosophical discussions of animal ethics and Critical Animal Studies have been dominated by Western perspectives and Western thinkers. This book makes a novel contribution to animal ethics in showing the range and richness of ideas offered to these fields by diverse Asian traditions. Asian Perspectives on Animal Ethics is the first of its kind to include the intersection of Asian and European traditions with respect to human and nonhuman relations. Presenting a series of studies focusing on specific Asian traditions as well as studies that put those traditions in dialogue with Western thinkers this book looks at Asian philosophical doctrines concerning compassion and nonviolence as these apply to nonhuman animals as well as the moral rights and status of nonhuman animals in Asian traditions. Using Asian perspectives to explore ontological ethical and political questions contributors analyze humanism and post-humanism in Asian and comparative traditions and offer insight into the special ethical relations between humans and other particular species of animals. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of Asian religion and philosophy as well as to those interested in animal ethics and Critical Animal Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815373780

Asian Perspectives on Digital CultureEmerging Phenomena Enduring Concepts In Asia amidst its varied levels of economic development and diverse cultural traditions and political regimes the Internet and mobile communications are increasingly used in every aspect of life. Yet the analytical frames used to understand the impact of digital media on Asia predominantly originate from the Global North neither rooted in Asia’s rich philosophical traditions nor reflective of the sociocultural practices of this dynamic region. This volume examines digital phenomena and its impact on Asia by drawing on specifically Asian perspectives. Contributors apply a variety of Asian theoretical frameworks including guanxi face qing dharma and karma. With chapters focusing on emerging digital trends in China Hong Kong India Japan Korea Philippines Singapore and Taiwan the book presents compelling and diverse research on identity and selfhood spirituality social networking corporate image and national identity as shaped by and articulated through digital communication platforms. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138598003

Asian Perspectives on Education for Sustainable Development This book critically considers what various Asian philosophies can contribute to a more substantive discourse on sustainability education and educational philosophy. The contributors examine how ‘east’ and ‘west’ interact in educational philosophy and practice in Asian contexts. As a collection they provide a broad view of Asian sustainability thinking that is not dominated by Confucianism Buddhism Islam and post-colonialism but rather which regards these themes—and other frameworks for sustainable education—as dynamic aspects of Asian contexts both historically and today. As such the book invites readers to consider the challenges and opportunities for theorising of sustainability in the philosophy of education while also critically engaging with the way in which ‘Asia’ and ‘east’ are typically understood. Of interest to those researchers in Asian conceptions of sustainability this book highlights a series of potential insights in relation to the often-foregrounded perspectives of Global North and western-based frameworks. The chapters were originally published in Educational Philosophy and Theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367359232

Asian Perspectives on International Investment Law With changes to the international investment law landscape and Asian countries now actively developing their network of bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and free trade agreements (FTAs) this volume studies issues relating to Asian perspectives on international investment law and forecasts the future of Asian contribution to its science and practice.The book discusses the major factors that have been driving Asian countries to new directions in international investment rule-making and dispute settlement. It also looks at whether Asian countries are crafting a new model of international investment law to reflect their specific socio-cultural values. Finally the book examines whether there are any ‘Asian’ styles of international investment rule-making and dispute settlement or if individual Asian countries are seeking specific national ‘models’ based on economic structure and geopolitical interests.This unique collection is exceptionally useful to students scholars and practitioners of international investment law international trade law and public international law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367671112

Asian Perspectives on Teacher Education Research into teacher education is dominated by Anglophone literature with the inevitable result that teacher education in non-English speaking regions of the world largely remains unexamined. This book fills the gap in the existing literature and comprises twelve invited contributions from an international panel of educationists. To provide the reader with a clear structure the book offers a detailed introduction and afterword which brings together the various themes examined in each chapter. The contributions offer perspectives on teacher education in the Asian region perspectives which until now have been missing from contemporary debate on teacher education. Presenting research from Australia Japan the USA the People’s Republic of China the Republic of Korea and Vietnam this book examines the varied situations teacher educators experience in their own countries; in so doing the researchers identify resonances and dissonances in comparison with the dominant Anglophone research literature on the same subjects. This book is an important contribution to the comparative study of teacher education in the first decade of the twenty-first century giving a voice to an important sector of the international community of teacher educators. This book was published as a special issue of Journal of Education for Teaching: International research and pedagogy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415852661

Asian Perspectives on Water Policy Asian countries are not homogenous. They are in different stages of social and economic development with cultural conditions and institutional and legal frameworks varying from one country to another. Therefore how water can be successfully managed differs from one country to another. The book provides authoritative analyses of how water is being managed in different Asian countries ranging from the world’s most populous countries like China and India to a city state like Singapore and an island country like Fiji. It also analyses in depth several wide ranging issues like terrorism human rights water-energy nexus and roles of media along with comprehensive discussions of legal institutional and regulatory frameworks in an Asian water management context. The overall focus is on how water can be managed efficiently cost-effectively and equitably in various Asian countries. This book was based on a special issue of the International Journal of Water Resources Development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138692657

Asian Philosophies With an inside view from an expert in the field solid scholarship and a clear and engaging writing style Asian Philosophies invites students and professors to think along with the great thinkers of the Asian traditions. John M. Koller is a scholar and teacher who has devoted his life to understanding Asian thought and practice. He wrote this text to give students and professors access to the rich philosophical and religious ideas of both South and East Asia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138418745

Asian Philosophies With an inside view from an expert in the field and a clear and engaging writing style Asian Philosophies Seventh Edition invites students and professors to think along with the great minds of the Asian traditions. Eminent scholar and teacher John M. Koller has devoted his life to understanding and explaining Asian thought and practice. He wrote this text to give students access to the rich philosophical and religious ideas of both South and East Asia. New to this seventh edition: Added material on Confucianism including focused coverage of (1) the Analects and society and (2) ren and nature; Additional information on Theravada Buddhism Vajrayana Buddhism and Zen Buddhism as well as new in-depth coverage of ecological attitudes in Buddhism; Expanded coverage of ecological attitudes in all of the Asian traditions; Brief excerpts from primary sources to help better explain the key concepts; Added timelines for essential texts in each tradition; Improved Glossary and Pronunciation Guide; Additional text boxes to help students quickly understand key ideas texts and concepts; Updated Further Reading sections. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138629721

Asian Philosophies and the Idea of ReligionBeyond Faith and Reason With a focus on Asian traditions this book examines varieties of thought and self-transformative practice that do not fit neatly on one side or another of the standard Western division between philosophy and religion. It contains chapters by experts on Buddhist Confucian Taoist Hindu and Jain philosophies as well as ancient Greek philosophy and recent contemplative and spiritual movements. The volume also problematizes the notion of a Western philosophical canon distinguished by rationality in contrast to a religious Eastern "other". These original essays creatively lay the groundwork needed to rethink dominant historical and conceptual categories from a wider perspective to arrive at a deeper more plural and global understanding of the diverse nature of both philosophy and religion. The volume will be of keen interest to scholars and students in the Philosophy of Religion Asian and Comparative Philosophy and Religious Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367862831

Asian Popular Culture in Transition Asian Popular Culture in Transition examines contemporary consumption practices in South Korea China India and Japan and both updates and extends popular culture studies of the region. Through an interdisciplinary lens this collection of essays explores how recent advances and shifts in information technologies and globalization have impacted cultural markets fashion the digital generation mobile culture femininity matrimonial advertising and a film actress’ image and performance. Drawing upon a diverse range of sources and methods including historical research content analysis anthropological observation textual analyses and interviews Asian Popular Culture in Transition makes a significant contribution to this growing area of research. Given its broad range of countries theories and approaches this book will be of great interest to students and scholars of Asian studies cultural studies media and communication studies and gender studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138108523

Asian Popular CultureThe Global (Dis)continuity This book examines different aspects of Asian popular culture including films TV music comedy folklore cultural icons the Internet and theme parks. It raises important questions such as – What are the implications of popularity of Asian popular culture for globalization? Do regional forces impede the globalizing of cultures? Or does the Asian popular culture flow act as a catalyst or conveying channel for cultural globalization? Does the globalization of culture pose a threat to local culture? It addresses two seemingly contradictory and yet parallel processes in the circulation of Asian popular culture: the interconnectedness between Asian popular culture and western culture in an era of cultural globalization that turns subjects such as Pokémon Hip Hop or Cosmopolitan into truly global phenomena and the local derivatives and versions of global culture that are necessarily disconnected from their origins in order to cater for the local market. It thereby presents a collective argument that whilst local social formations and patterns of consumption and participation in Asia are still very much dependent on global cultural developments and the phenomena of modernity yet such dependence is often concretized reshaped and distorted by the local media to cater for the local market. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415557177

Asian Regionalism and JapanThe Politics of Membership in Regional Diplomatic Financial and Trade Groups This book explores the essential nature of regionalism by conducting a comprehensive analysis of more than 30 regionalist proposals made by Japan and other Asian countries throughout the post-war period. Shintaro Hamanaka examines the whole post war period and covers all regionalist proposals since then while most existing studies cover only the development of Asian regionalism in the recent decade. A significant number of cases in the proposed book enable the readers to go beyond an understanding of each regionalist project to a deeper understanding of theoretically generalizeable behavior pattern of Japan and other countries. The book also comparatively analyzes political financial and trade regionalisms. The central aim of the book is to reveal the fact that policies with regard to regionalism have a pattern in this case with a principal though not an exclusive focus on Japan. The author demonstrates that the behavior pattern of external policy is extremely consistent in terms of the membership of regionalist organizations and discusses whether this new approach to regionalism holds explanatory power vis-Ã -vis regionalism outside Asia. This book will be of interest to scholars postgraduate students and policy makers in the fields of international relations Asian studies international trade and regionalism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415690232

Asian Religions Technology and Science Over the past five decades the field of religion-and-science scholarship has experienced a considerable expansion. This volume explores the historical and contemporary perspectives of the relationship between religion technology and science with a focus on South and East Asia. These three areas are not seen as monolithic entities but as discursive fields embedded in dynamic processes of cultural exchange and transformation. Bridging these arenas of knowledge and practice traditionally seen as distinct and disconnected the book reflects on the ways of exploring the various dimensions of their interconnection. Through its various chapters the collection provides an examination of the use of modern scientific concepts in the theologies of new religious organizations and challenges the traditional notions of space by Western scientific conceptions in the 19th century. It looks at the synthesis of ritual elements and medical treatment in China and India and at new funeral practices in Japan. It discusses the intersections between contemporary Western Buddhism modern technology and global culture and goes on to look at women’s rights in contemporary Pakistani media. Using case studies grounded in carefully delineated temporal and regional frameworks chapters are grouped in two sections; one on religion and science and another on religion and technology. Illustrating the manifold perspectives and the potential for further research and discussion this book is an important contribution to the studies of Asian Religion Science and Technology and Religion and Philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138319288

Asian Sacred Natural SitesPhilosophy and practice in protected areas and conservation Nature conservation planning tends to be driven by models based on Western norms and science but these may not represent the cultural philosophical and religious contexts of much of Asia. This book provides a new perspective on the topic of sacred natural sites and cultural heritage by linking Asian cultures religions and worldviews with contemporary conservation practices and approaches. The chapters focus on the modern significance of sacred natural sites in Asian protected areas with reference where appropriate to an Asian philosophy of protected areas. Drawn from over 20 different countries the book covers examples of sacred natural sites from all of IUCN’s protected area categories and governance types. The authors demonstrate the challenges faced to maintain culture and support spiritual and religious governance and management structures in the face of strong modernisation across Asia. The book shows how sacred natural sites contribute to defining new more sustainable and more equitable forms of protected areas and conservation that reflect the worldviews and beliefs of their respective cultures and religions. The book contributes to a paradigm-shift in conservation and protected areas as it advocates for greater recognition of culture and spirituality through the adoption of biocultural conservation approaches. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138936317

Asian Security HandbookTerrorism and the New Security Environment This thoroughly revised and updated edition of Asian Security Handbook focuses on the new challenges to security in the Asia-Pacific region presented by international terrorism. It reviews old security realities covered in previous editions and highlights more recent security issues in the region including the North Korean threat weapons of mass destruction proliferation the South China Sea dispute and the future U.S.-China rivalry. Featuring contributions by a distinguished group of international security and Asia experts this new edition has been reformatted and restructured. A new introductory chapter on terrorism sets the stage for the country-by-country profiles and assessments of the political-security situations in twenty-three individual nations. A new appendix on foreign terrorist organizations is also included. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315289854

Asian Social WorkProfessional Work in National Contexts The countries of East and Southeast Asia taken as a whole display a laboratory of social and political conditions with individual countries presenting a variety of political cultural and social characteristics. Some with one-party state systems others with stable liberal democracies and yet others with more fragile democratic systems. As such the region presents a unique opportunity to examine the relationship between diverse national environments and social work education regimes. In this book social work educators and theorists from around East and Southeast Asia provide accounts of the social work programs within the higher education systems of their respective countries and compare them to those of their neighbours. This is the first book to offer a structured account of how social work and social work education have emerged and finds their present place in the historical economic political urban/rural and higher education contexts of Southeast Asia and East Asia. Experts from the region assess the extent to which these countries’ systems possess a collective coherence while examining the diversity among them. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138611795

Asian Trade Routes First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138163621

Asian Translation Traditions Translation Studies one of the fastest developing fields in the humanities since the early 1980s has so far been Euro-centric both in its theoretical explorations and in its historical grounding. One of the major reasons for this is the unavailability of reliable data and systematic analysis of translation activities in non-Eurpean cultures. While a number of scholars in the Western tradition of translation studies have become increasingly aware of this bias and its problems practically indicates that the burden of addressing such defiencies and imbalances should be on the shoulders of scholars who are conversant with the non-Western translation traditions and capable of engaging in much-nedded basic research. This book brings together eleven scholars with expertise in different Asian translation traditions who highlight language and cultural environments as well as perceptions and modes of operation often different from those in the Western tradition. Their contributions enhance our understanding of the various elements that influence the transfer of knowledge across cultures and provide invaluable data for the study of translation as a force for cultural development and cultural planning. Contributors include Eva Hung Judy Wakabayashi Lawrence Wong Yoshihiro Osawa Teresa Hyun Keith Taylor Rita Kothari Doris Jedamski Raniela Barbaza and Bill Cummings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138172715

Asian Tsunami and Social Work PracticeRecovery and Rebuilding Asian Tsunami and Social Work Practice presents an inside look at the complicated nature of disaster preparedness and how it relates to poverty trauma community development and service delivery systems. Health human services and mental health professionals from countries still reeling from the devastations of the Asian Tsunami of 2004 reflect on the challenges facing survivors the effects of the disaster and interventions by the community and social work professionals. This unique book offers real-life accounts of practice models and the experiences of recovery from natural and man-made events.When disaster strikes social workers and other human service professionals not only are the first responders they are also called upon to help victims with the effects of trauma and displacement providing social and emotional support in the recovery and rebuilding of families and communities. Asian Tsunami and Social Work Practice explores social interventions used in relief efforts to aid hundreds of thousands of people who were left at risk and in need in affected areas of South Asia and East Africa including Thailand Sri Lanka India Singapore and Indonesia.Asian Tsunami and Social Work Practice examines: mental health practice in emergency response the connections between disability and disaster social and physical conditions after the tsunami of 2004 state and civil society responses in India service delivery frameworks the effective use of volunteers training programs for social workers and recovery workers the economic social and psychological impacts on survivors and much moreAsian Tsunami and Social Work Practice is an invaluable aid for students practice professionals and educators in health and human services as well as anyone working in international aid and disaster relief. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203051641

Asian ValuesEncounter with Diversity This book opens with an examination of values themselves grappling with western assertions of individual human rights and the eastern emphasis on duties and analysing selected Asian philosophical and religious traditions. Several case studies follow on countries the Philippines Japan China Malaysia and Thailand. The purpose of the book is to help westerners in particular to understand and appreciate better the changes taking place in Asia to handle relations more sensitively and thereby to help bring Europe and Asia together. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315028408

Asian Women Identity and MigrationExperiences of Transnational Women of Indian Origin/Heritage This book explores the influence which education and migration experiences have on women of Indian origin in Australia and the United Kingdom when (re)negotiating their identities. The intersections of migration and transnationalism are critically examined through multiple theoretical lenses across three thematic domains encompassing socio-historical discourses postcolonial theory theories on intersectionality and interceptionality emotional reflexivity and affects. In doing so the book highlights the ambiguities around gendered access and equity to education migration experiences the acculturation process dilemmas surrounding transnationality and negotiation of identities belonging and struggles inherent in simultaneously maintaining ties with home and new social fields. Chapters highlight the practical methodological and substantive aspects of affective dimensions and voice with a critical understanding of different tensions challenges complexities and conflicts underlining the stories. The book raises the question of voice and agency in advocating emotion-based writing in recalibrating conditions representing gendered subjective multivocality of women in breaking silences. Presenting non-Western perspectives through fragmented and often marginalised accounts within transnational and global spaces this book will be of interest to researchers in the fields of Sociology Gender Studies Migration Transnational and Diaspora studies Sociology of Education Feminist Studies Cultural Studies Literature and Cultural Geographies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367516819

Asian Women LeadershipA Cross-National and Cross-Sector Comparison This book is an interdisciplinary anthology grounded in scholarly research that offers a concise but in-depth examination and exposition of leadership that helps readers better grasp the basics of the various aspects of Asian leadership and examines the practices of Asian women leadership across sectors in Asian and western countries. While many leadership books effectively describe leadership styles and/or outline various approaches to leadership this book focuses on Asian women leadership and illustrates performed styles experiences opportunities challenges and management strategies across sectors ranging from higher education business nonprofit organizations the media industry politics and social movement to immigration using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. It can serve as a handy reference for aspiring women leaders academic researchers general readers and students who want to study Asian women leadership work in Asian societies and/or work with Asians. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367133115

Asian Worlds in Latin America There has been increasing Asian interest in Latin America in recent years beginning with Japanese investment in the 1980s and continuing into the present decade when there is growing investment by China. This book examines the nature and extent of Asian business and related activity in Latin America. It shows how investment is not just from Japan and China with Korea and India also involved and with Taiwan directly competing with China. It explores activity in the minerals and energy sector and also in trade and other areas. It demonstrates how Asian activity has a wide impact on the countries of both South America and the Caribbean making them less exclusively "the United States’ backyard"; how different countries are affected differently by Asian activity; and how the growing links with Asia increasingly open up the possibility of greater Latin American activity in Asia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138477155

Asian Yearbook of International LawVolume 15 (2009) Launched in 1991 The Asian Yearbook of International Law is a major refereed publication dedicated to international law issues as seen primarily from an Asian perspective under the auspices of the Foundation for the Development of International Law in Asia (DILA). It is the first publication of its kind edited by a team of leading international law scholars from across Asia. The Yearbook provides a forum for the publication of articles in the field of international law and other Asian international law topics written by experts from the region and elsewhere. Its aim is twofold: to promote international law in Asia and to provide an intellectual platform for the discussion and dissemination of Asian views and practices on contemporary international legal issues. Each volume of the Yearbook contains articles and shorter notes; a section on State practice; an overview of Asian states participation in multilateral treaties; succinct analysis of recent international legal developments in Asia; an agora section devoted to critical perspectives on international law issues; surveys of the activities of international organizations of special relevance to Asia; and book review bibliography and documents sections. This volume offers Asian perspectives on topics including : treaty-making power in China; the crime of aggression illegal fishing and the destruction of environment in armed conflicts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415690379

Asian-american EducationHistorical Background and Current Realities Asian-American Education: Historical Background and Current Realities fills a gap in the study of the social and historical experiences of Asians in U.S. schools. It is the first historical work to provide American readers with information about highly individual ethnic groups rather than viewing distinctly different groups as one vague global entity such as "Asians." The people who populate each chapter are portrayed as active participants in their history rather than as passive victims of their culture. Each of the twelve country-specific chapters begins with a description of the kind of education received in the home country including how widely available it was how equal or unequal the society was and what were the circumstances under which the emigration of children from the country occurred. The latter part of each of these chapters deals with the education these children have received in the United States. Throughout the book instead of dwelling on a relatively narrow range of children who perform spectacularly well the author tries to discover the educational situation typical among average students. The order of chapters is roughly chronological in terms of when the first sizable numbers of immigrants came from a specific country. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203053799

Asian-European PerspectivesDeveloping the ASEM Process The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) is an interregional forum for political dialogue education and culture security and business aimed at enhancing relations between Asia and Europe to achieve a better interregional balance in the spheres of politics economics and culture. Its members are the seven ASEAN countries and the 15 EU countries. This book addresses three questions of central importance to the ASEM process and to the involvement of the private sector: What role can Europe and Asia play in managing an integrated global economy? What will be the role of the private sector in boosting the ASEM process? And how can the full potential of ASEM be realised? The contributors to the volume are Asian and European academics politicians and businessmen who have been involved in the process from the very beginning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138863347

Asianism and the Politics of Regional Consciousness in Singapore Over the last two decades Singapore has undergone a substantial degree of ‘Asianization’. Apart from participating in the Asian values debate of the 1990s re-visioning itself as ‘New Asia’ and a global-Asian hub and establishing Asian identities for the commodities it consumes and produces Singapore has also repurposed its modernity cultures and ethos along similar regionalist precepts. However even in recent times Singapore continues to vacillate ambivalently between identifying with and differentiating itself from Asia. Responding to the challenges Singapore faces in coming to terms with its Asian identity this book examines the complex cultural social and political underpinnings that have shaped Singapore’s mainstream discourse on Asia. Indeed it argues that its legacy as a colonial port city the exigencies of managing the post-independence nation state and the larger forces of imperialism and capitalism all contribute to its politics of Asianism. Taking a thoroughly interdisciplinary approach that spans history cultural studies postcolonialism and cultural geography Leong Yew reveals how Asia has been used to narrate Singapore’s beginnings revalidate Singaporean ethnic culture and to consolidate its practices of consumption and commodification. This book will be welcomed by students and scholars working across a range of fields including Asian culture and society Asian politics cultural theory and postcolonial studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138579194

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)The First Decade The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was founded in 1989. Since then the forum has developed into a major player in tri-partite relations between North America East Asia and Europe. The Seattle and Bogor Summits were landmark events suggesting to many observers a gravitational shift in the world economy and world politics. Yet the Asian financial crisis had a sobering effect on high-flying expectations as APEC contributed little to crisis management. In the light of such contradictory performance distinguished scholars here examine APEC's achievements and failures its role and functions in international relations its linkages with regional organisations and the interplay between the forum and national interests of major factors in the region. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203037508

Asia-Pacific Film Co-productionsTheory Industry and Aesthetics This book examines cross-regional film collaboration within the Asia-Pacific region. Through a mixed methods approach of political economy industry and market as well as textual analysis the book contributes to the understanding of the global fusion of cultural products and the reconfiguration of geographic political economic and cultural relations. Issues covered include cultural globalization and Asian regionalization; identity regionalism and industry practices; and inter-Asian and transpacific co-production practices among the U.S.A. China South Korea Japan India Hong Kong Taiwan Argentina Australia and New Zealand. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367444556

Asia-Pacific in the New World Order Asia-Pacific in the New World Order critically explores the notion that a distinctive regional power bloc is developing linking countries bordering the Pacific with East Asia at its core. This student-friendly volume sheds light on the complex interplay between global regional and national forces which have transformed the Asia-Pacific area into one of the most vibrant and economically successful regions in the world. Historical narratives alongside geopolitical and geoeconomic perspectives are deployed to examine the shifting pattern of power relations and security structures across the region set within a wider world context.Key issues addressed include:* what are the primary security problems of the region and how are they being resolved?* does the dynamic growth of the region and particularly the rise of China pose a challenge to existing structures of world order?The text has a strong interdisciplinary flavour drawing on analytical approaches from the international relations political economy and political geography literature. Authors have been drawn from the Asia-Pacific region and the UK and all are established scholars in their specialist fields. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315006307

Asia-Pacific Perspectives on Intercultural Psychology Today’s world is more interconnected and interdependent than ever before. Within the context of globalisation and the associated increased contact between diverse groups of people the psychology of culture is more relevant than ever. Asia-Pacific Perspectives on Intercultural Psychology brings together leading researchers from 11 countries to showcase the innovative evolving and diverse approaches that epitomise the development of the psychology of culture across the Asia-Pacific region. The contributors provide a range of examples of how different psychologies of culture can inform engagements with a range of psychological issues. Central to each chapter is the relationship between local cultures and ways of being and knowledge production practices imported theories and methods from the global discipline. It is the resulting tensions and opportunities for dialogue that are central to the further development of intercultural psychology as a diverse scholarly arena. This important work argues the case for a combination of etic and emic approaches to theory research and practice in psychology that this is foundational to the development of intercultural perspectives and more comprehensive understandings of both the universal and local elements of human experience and psychological phenomena today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138068032

Asia-Pacific Regional Security Assessment 2017 This book offers an analysis of the four central regional security themes relevant to the policy-focussed discussions at the annual IISS Shangri-La Dialogue. Namely: The evolving roles of the United States and China in Asia-Pacific security; Responses by the US and regional states to regional security tensions particularly in the South China Sea; Emerging security questions relating to nuclear weapons missiles and military cyber capabilities; The prospects for regional security cooperation including the challenges for the ASEAN-centred architecture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780860792154

Asia-Pacific Regional Security Assessment 2018 The Asia-Pacific Regional Security Assessment 2018 is the fifth IISS Strategic Dossier to be published in association with the IISS Shangri-La Dialogue. It examines a broad array of regional security themes relevant to the policy-focussed discussions expected at the Dialogue in 2018 in beyond: The evolving roles of the United States and China in Asia-Pacific security; Military and naval policies and deployments in the region including detailed analyses of missile-defence and undersea capabilities; The confluence of ongoing domestic security concerns and emerging transnational threats The achievements in and prospects for regional security cooperation including through the ASEAN institutional architecture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780860792161

Asia-Pacific Regional Security Assessment 2020Key Developments and Trends The Asia-Pacific Regional Security Assessment provides insight into key regional strategic geopolitical economic military and security topics. Among the topics explored are: the deteriorating US China relationship and great-power competition; US alliances and security partnerships; the collapse of the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty; diplomatic gridlock on the Korean Peninsula; Japan’s role in Indo-Pacific security; the breakdown in Japan–South Korea relations; Indonesian policy towards the South China Sea; Australia’s defence and security outlook; the European security role in Asia. Authors include leading regional analysts and academics Douglas Barrie William Choong Aaron Connelly Andrew Davies Michael Elleman Bonnie S. Glaser Euan Graham Christopher W. Hughes Meia Nouwens Brendan Taylor and William Tow. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780860792208

Asia-Pacific Security Cooperation: National Interests and Regional OrderNational Interests and Regional Order New developments in the Asia Pacific are forcing regional officials to rethink the way they manage security issues. The contributors to this work explore why some forms of security cooperation and institutionalisation in the region have proven more feasible than others. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706283

Asia-Pacific Security Dynamics in the Obama EraA New World Emerging This book examines the critical changes to the Asia-Pacific security architecture emerging in the context of shifts in the global order as the Obama Administration’s major strategic innovation and likely legacy unfold. The author reviews the state of the international security system during the Obama presidency recording the Administration’s Asia-Pacific inheritance and tracing its efforts to chart a collaborative course aimed at retaining US primacy amidst strategic turbulence. While security discourses are coloured by relative US ‘decline’ and China’s ‘rise ’ the book points out the competitive-cooperative complexity of interactions with symbiotic economic ties moderating rivalry. Focusing on the military-security cutting edge of Sino-US dynamics the narrative outlines the dangers posed by extreme nationalist dialectics in an interdependent milieu. It examines the policies of Japan Australia India and Russia towards the evolving Sino-US diarchy while recording Washington’s and Beijing’s contrasting approaches to these allies and possible adversaries. The book concludes with observations on the loss of definition and clarity as the system evolves with multiple actors bidding for influence and the need for statesmanship as the systemic fulcrum moves from the Atlantic to the Pacific.   This book will be of interest to students and scholars of International Politics Asian Politics American Politics International Security and International Relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138017054

Asia's Clean RevolutionIndustry Growth and the Environment The world's environmental future will be determined in significant part by what happens in the rapidly industrialising and urban economies of Asia. The sheer scale of urban population and industrial growth in Asia - from Indonesia to China - and the energy and materials intensive character of the development process constitutes a dark shadow over the region's and indeed the world's environment. And yet this challenge is also an opportunity. Precisely because so much of the urban-industrial investment within developing Asia has yet to take place the opportunity exists to shape a different development future - one that is far less energy materials and waste intensive.Asia's Clean Revolution examines the prospects for and pathways to such a new trajectory. The book lays out a path-breaking vision of how developing economies might go beyond environmental regulation and put in place an array of policies and institutions that could integrate environmental industrial and technological goals. These findings provide important input for negotiators considering climate change on a global scale.The book approaches the challenge of growth and environment in Asia in a novel way by identifying six major transformational dynamics under way in the world today and assessing whether these can be harnessed to the goal of improved environmental performance of industry.With a set of specially commissioned chapters from the leading authorities in North America and Asia this ground-breaking book is the first to present concrete policy solutions to the looming crisis driven by large-scale urban-industrial growth in developing Asia. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351282567

Asia's EntrepreneursDilemmas Risks and Opportunities This book is a collection of technology startup cases in Asia told in a narrative form to give readers an insider view to how innovators and technopreneurs view entrepreneurial opportunities from use of technology how the technopreneurs raise funding to support their vision and the subsequent relationship of the technopreneurs and their investors. The book illustrates some of the cases using the theory of effectuation. The book is divided into four sections: Part One chronicles case studies of technopreneurs who raised capital but had difficulty with managing the investor expectations and relationship to the detriment of the venture. Part Two chronicles case studies of technopreneurs who started their ventures without venture capital with some who later raised capital at a much later stage and were able to exit successfully. All case studies are of technology ventures in Asia from the mid-1990’s where venture capital and entrepreneur ecosystem were under-developed. Lessons learned from the various case studies are told from a practitioner’s perspective. Part Three describes the development of the venture ecosystem specifically in Singapore a city-state aspiring to follow the Silicon Valley model. The technopreneurs in Parts I and II play the roles of mentors/investors in the newly developing system. Part Four includes two new young technology ventures’ fund raising dilemmas written in a teaching case format. The book can be used by practitioners and by educators for developing a deep understanding on the issues of raising capital for the purpose of growing the venture and the trade-offs of capital from the different groups of investors and their financial terms. It is useful to young and mid-career professionals looking at starting a technology venture in Asia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138910379

Asia's Environmental Crisis This book focuses on the political economy of the environment in Asia examining the economic and political forces that have generated the problems the political efforts to find solutions and the economic and political contexts of proposed solutions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367161880

Asia's Environmental Movements in Comparative Perspective Exploring one of the most dynamic and contested regions of the world this series includes works on political economic cultural and social changes in modern and contemporary Asia and the Pacific. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706276

Asia's Environmental MovementsComparative Perspectives Adopting a comparative perspective this book traces the social political economic and cultural conditions under which environmental movements have emerged and assesses the transformative capacities of these movements. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315479811

Asia's Financial Crisis and the Role of Real Estate This book by a distinguished academic and a professional economist from the World Bank clearly demonstrates the significant role played by the real estate sector in inducing the Asian crisis; the linkage of the real estate sector to the general economy; the causes of real estate booms and subsequent busts; and the economic costs of real estate price volatility. The book also includes suggestions for moderating such volatility in the future. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315500010

Asia's High Performing Education SystemsThe Case of Hong Kong Education officials specialist leaders and teachers have all been involved in different ways to bring about school reform in Hong Kong. This book is a very current and relevant analysis of this reform highlighting the way in which agencies have cooperated in bringing about change over the last several decades. Through a process of wide-ranging decision-making collaboration and consensus among key bodies and agencies of change some important developments have occurred. The reforms collectively have had and are continuing to have a major impact upon schooling in Hong Kong. This volume represents a range of authors and specialists involved in a number of different reforms covering themes such as historical policy contexts new curriculum approaches changing pedagogies school leadership implementation and change and assessment and evaluation. This is a very topical book which provides a probing analysis of how an Asian education system has been able to reach and maintain a very high performing level. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138286856

Asia's Latent Nuclear PowersJapan South Korea and Taiwan If the nuclear weapons club were to further expand would America�s democratic allies in Northeast Asia be among the next entrants? Japan South Korea and Taiwan all have robust civilian nuclear energy programmes that make them �virtual nuclear powers� according to many analysts. All three once pursued nuclear weapons and all face growing security threats from nuclear-armed adversaries. But will they � or rather under what circumstances might they? This book analyses these past nuclear pursuits and current proliferation drivers. In explaining the nuclear technology that the three now possess it considers how long it would take each to build a nuclear weapon if such a fateful decision were made. Although nuclear dominoes Northeast Asia cannot be ruled out the author does not predict such a scenario. Unlike when each previously went down a nuclear path democracy and a free press now prevail as barriers to building nukes in the basement. Reliance on US defence commitments is a better security alternative -- as long as such guarantees remain credible an issue that is also assessed. But extended deterrence is not a tight barrier to proliferation of sensitive nuclear technologies. Nuclear hedging by its Northeast Asian partners will challenge Washington�s nuclear diplomacy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138930803

Asia's Miracle Economies An expanded and updated edition of Woronoff's 1986 study of Asia's emerging economic giants this book looks back at what has happened in the intervening years especially as regards the "discovery" of this phenomenon in the Western media and the overreactive hype that has accompanied it. As the author puts it: "My purpose is to show how these countries which hitherto has been quite unremarkable began to develop vigorously. What policies and strategies they used. What they did right and even more importantly what they did wrong." Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315487694

Asia's Nuclear Future/h In this book a number of specialists with a variety of academic backgrounds analyze the nuclear future of Asia. It gives an overall view on nuclear power nuclear arms and proliferation in China Japan Eastern Asia and India. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367167806

Asia's Role in Governing Global Health In an era of rapid and extensive globalisation the world faces a wide range of transboundary problems that require effective collective action. Key among these are threats to human health that do not recognise national borders and include emerging and re-emerging infections rising rates of chronic diseases inadequate access to affordable and safe medicines spreading anti-microbial resistance and the health effects of climate change. These threats require a transnational response and thus pose significant challenges to global health governance as well as to long established notions of national sovereignty. This book investigates the neglected question of the impact of a rising Asia on the management of transboundary health problems. The chapters examine the role played by Asia in the governance of a range of global health issues from development assistance in health to global health instruments dealing with tobacco control and disease outbreaks to health research and knowledge products and the book concludes by examining the broad themes of a rising Asia’s role in the complexity of global health governance. The various analyses are tied together by a common focus on Asian countries’ use of the sovereignty principle and seek to understand how traditional notions of national sovereignty can both clash with and enhance governance objectives in global health. In addition the contributors examine the interaction between global regional and domestic institutions and present current ideas in Asia on the challenge of governing global health. With an inter-disciplinary approach that combines international relations public policy and public health this book will be invaluable to both scholars and policy makers working in these fields as well as Asian politics social policy and governance more generally. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415503433

Asiatic RussiaImperial Power in Regional and International Contexts Although the Russian Empire has traditionally been viewed as a European borderland most of its territory was actually situated in Asia. Imperial power was huge but often suffered from a lack of enough information and resources to rule its culturally diverse subjects and asymmetric relations between state and society combined with flexible strategies of local actors sometimes produced unexpected results. In Asiatic Russia an international team of scholars explores the interactions between power and people in Central Asia Siberia the Volga-Urals and the Caucasus from the 18th to the early 20th centuries drawing on a wealth of Russian archival materials and Turkic Persian and Tibetan sources. The variety of topics discussed in the book includes the Russian idea of a "civilizing mission " the system of governor-generalships imperial geography and demography roles of Muslim and Buddhist networks in imperial rule and foreign policy social change in the Russian Protectorate of Bukhara Muslim reformist and national movements. The book is essential reading for students and scholars of Russian Central Eurasian and comparative imperial history as well as imperial and colonial studies and nationalism studies. It may also provide some hints for understanding today’s world where "empire" has again become a key word in international and domestic power relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138789197

Ask Explore Write!An Inquiry-Driven Approach to Science and Literacy Learning Discover how to effectively incorporate literacy instruction into your middle or high school science classroom with this practical book. You’ll find creative inquiry-based tools to show you what it means to teach science with and through writing and strategies to help your students become young scientists who can use reading and writing to better understand their world. Troy Hicks Jeremy Hyler and Wiline Pangle share helpful examples of lessons and samples of students’ work as well as innovative strategies you can use to improve students’ abilities to read and write various types of scientific nonfiction including argument essays informational pieces infographics and more. As all three authors come to the work of science and literacy from different perspectives and backgrounds the book offers unique and wide-ranging experiences that will inspire you and offer you insights into many aspects of the classroom including when why and how reading and writing can work in the science lesson. Featured topics include: Debates and the current conversation around science writing in the classroom and society. How to integrate science notebooks into teaching. Improving nonfiction writing by expanding disciplinary vocabulary and crafting scientific arguments. Incorporating visual explanations and infographics. Encouraging collaboration through whiteboard modeling. Professional development in science and writing. The strategies are all aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core State Standards for ease of implementation. From science teachers to curriculum directors and instructional supervisors this book is essential for anyone wanting to improve interdisciplinary literacy in their school. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367225131

Ask AnythingA Pastoral Theology of Inquiry Know how to answer those most-asked questionsby using a scriptural perspectiveThe search for answers remains a valuable catalyst for the growth of personal faith. Ask Anything: A Pastoral Theology of Inquiry provides a fresh approach to answering questions of personal growth facing problems and building community. The questions most asked of today’s pastors and pastoral counselors are answered by integrating psychological with biblical/Christian perspectives. Jesus’ own questions from scripture are presented as a response to those difficult questions sparking a self-reflective personal dialogue that illuminates as well as inspires. As each of us journeys through life urgent questions arise even for the most faithful. Each chapter of Ask Anything: A Pastoral Theology of Inquiry takes parishioners' most-asked questions about the basic issues of life death and faith and connects them with Jesus' questions from scripture allowing a new depth of introspection and thought. These questions open a free flow of ideas that refreshes personal perspectives and leads to a spiritual resolution for the issue at hand. Jesus' teachings spring to life through the questions from the gospels and the probing thoughts of contemporary authors and scholars stimulating a productive inner dialogue and positive direction for reflection. Each chapter is carefully referenced and includes helpful exercises and questions for group discussion counseling conversations or personal contemplation. Appendixes are included with complete listings of Jesus' questions from the gospels as well as a complete bibliography to facilitate further research.Ask Anything: A Pastoral Theology of Inquiry discusses these questions often asked of pastors: Where do I find meaning in life? How can I succeed? What can I do to protect my children? How can I know which leaders to trust? What can I do about my battle with depression? What can I do about my burnout and fatigue? How can I know God loves me? What is prayer? What happens when I pray? Why is my prayer unanswered? Why is there suffering? Where do I find hope? What happens when I die? What can I do about the pain of grief?Ask Anything: A Pastoral Theology of Inquiry is inspiring eye-opening reading perfect for pastoral and other Christian counselors ministers with responsibility for preaching and any layperson hoping to gather greater insight into Jesus’ personal answers to their own questions. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315808499

Ask No QuestionsAn International Legal Analysis on Sexual Orientation Discrimination Ask No Questions provides readers with a better understanding of Sexual Orientation Discrimination as an increasingly important area of law around the world. It aims to increase the likelihood of achieving equality at national and international levels through a focus on the impact of primary role legislation on the court process and a discussion on the two most important trade agreements of our day - namely the North American Free Trade Agreement and the European Union Treaty - in a historical and compelling analysis of discrimination. Anne-Marie Mooney-Cotter's sixth book in her series of volumes on discrimination law follows the approach and structure of her previous Ashgate volumes. Through a focus on the comparisons and contradictions of this type of law and its detailed examination of the relationship between sexual orientation issues and the law the book will be of importance to those concerned with equality. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315568072

Asking the EarthFarms Forestry and Survival in India The need to produce food without the destructive chemical horrors of much modern farming for an intelligent use of dwindling natural resources and for humane forms of production is universal the practice is limited. This book is an account of one large instance of success in practice. Twenty-five years ago Winin Pereira a nuclear physicist abandoned academia to start a co-operative farm at Alonde in a tribal area north of Bombay. The group experienced and finally discarded all the false hopes and promises of Western originated forms of development: ploughs that ploughed too deep irrigation systems that lowered water tables fertilizers and pesticides which managed the earth and became so expensive that poorer farmers were dispossessed. Instead they learnt from the adivasai or tribal people who have nurtured or been nurtured by foresets for millennia ways of applying popular knowledge to contemporary problems. This book is a combination of Pereira's record of achievement of sustainable livelihoods and an account of the farm and its effect on the India around it by a leading British journalist. Originally published in 1991 Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315066806

ASLIB Directory of Information Sources in the United Kingdom The ASLIB Directory of Information Sources in the United Kingdom provides instant access to listings of 6 700 associations clubs societies companies educational establishments institutes commissions government bodies and other organizations which provide information freely or on a fee-paying basis.Entries in the 17th edition include: Macular Disease Society Costume Society of Scotland Parentline Plus Centre for Global Energy Studies Surrey Performing Arts Library. Each entry is listed alphabetically and includes the organization's name and contact details type and purpose and lists publications and collections where appropriate. The Directory also contains a comprehensive index of acronyms and abbreviations and a substantial subject index. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781857436648

AspartamePhysiology and Biochemistry This book summarizes the research that resulted in aspartame's approval as a food additive as well as related topics regarding its function as a potential sweetening agent. It complies specific issues relating to human consumption of aspartame. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003065289

Aspartic Proteinases Physiology and Pathology Published in 1995: Aspartic Proteinases: Physiology and Pathology focuses on the advantages and limitations of the use of proteinases and their inhibitors in human pathology. A virus-specific aspartic proteinase enzyme is required for the maturation of a virus. If the enzyme can be eliminated so can the maturation of the virus. This book reviews the wealth of recently published information sparked by the renewed interest in these enzymes. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367200589

Aspect Perception after WittgensteinSeeing-As and Novelty This volume brings together new essays that consider Wittgenstein’s treatment of the phenomenon of aspect perception in relation to the broader idea of conceptual novelty; that is the acquisition or creation of new concepts and the application of an acquired understanding in unfamiliar or novel situations. Over the last twenty years aspect perception has received increasing philosophical attention largely related to applying Wittgenstein’s remarks on the phenomena of seeing-as found in Part II of Philosophical Investigations (1953) to issues within philosophical aesthetics. Seeing-as however has come to occupy a broader conceptual category particularly in philosophy of mind and philosophical psychology. The essays in this volume examine the exegetical issues arising within Wittgenstein studies while also considering the broader utility and implications of the phenomenon of seeing-as in the fields of aesthetics philosophical psychology and philosophy of mathematics with a thematic focus on questions of novelty and creativity. The collection constitutes a fruitful interpretative engagement with the later Wittgenstein as well as a unique contribution to considerations of philosophical methodology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367871499

Aspects of a Changing Social Structure Originally published in 1937 Aspects of a Changing Social Structure presents lectures delivered in 1936 on behalf of the Sir Halley Stewart Trust. These lectures focus on discussing the interest that government was beginning to take in Britain’s social welfare and industrial patterns. Topics covered include nutrition child welfare housing and health in relation to individuals and the state as well as new developments in industrial organisation and the future of the agricultural and coal industry. This title will be of interest to students of Sociology and History. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963306

Aspects of a Theory of Singular ReferenceProlegomena to a Dialectical Logic of Singular Terms Originally published in 1985. This study concerns the problem of treating identity as a relation between an object and itself. It addresses the Russellian and Fregean solutions and goes on to present in the first part a surfacist account of belief-context ambiguity requiring neither differences in relative scope nor distinctions between sense and reference. The second part offers an account of negative existentials necessity and identity-statements which resolves problems unlike the Russell-Frege analyses. This is a detailed work in linguistics and philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367420246

Aspects of Anomalous Transport in Plasmas Anomalous transport is a ubiquitous phenomenon in astrophysical geophysical and laboratory plasmas; and is a key topic in controlled nuclear fusion research. Despite its fundamental importance and ongoing research interest a full understanding of anomalous transport in plasmas is still incomplete due to the complexity of the nonlinear phenomena involved.Aspects in Anomalous Transport in Plasmas is the first book to systematically consider anomalous plasma transport theory and provides a unification of the many theoretical models by emphasizing interrelations between seemingly different methodologies. It is not intended as a catalogue of the vast number of plasma instabilities leading to anomalous transport; instead it chooses a number of these and emphasizes the aspects specifically due to turbulence.After a brief introduction the microscopic theory of turbulence is discussed including quasilinear theory and various aspects of renormalization methods which leads to an understanding of resonance broadening mode coupling trajectory correlation and clumps. The second half of the book is devoted to stochiastic tramsport using methods based on the Langevin equations and on Random Walk theory. This treatment aims at going beyond the traditional limits of weak turbulence by introducing the recently developed method of decorrelation trajectories and its application to electrostatic turbulence magnetic turbulence and zonal flow generation. The final chapter includes very recent work on the nonlocal transport phenomenon. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367393090

Aspects of Book Culture in Early Modern England Thomas Anthony Birrell (1924-2011) was a man of many parts. For most of his working life he was Professor of English Literature in the University of Nijmegen The Netherlands where he was famous for his lively humoristic and thought-provoking lectures. He was the author of some very popular literary surveys in Dutch one of which - a history of English literature - has had seven editions so far. However first and foremost he was a bibliographer and a book historian. The present collection contains fifteen of his book-historical articles two reviews and one published version of a lecture for the illustrious ’Association Internationale de Bibliophilie’. The lecture - with a wealth of illustrations - about the British Library as the ’Custodian of the Unique’ gives one a sense of Birrell’s ability to present an audience with a complicated topic in comprehensible but not simplified terms. The reviews serve as a statement of principle of how to tackle the subject of ’English readers and books’ and the standards that ought to apply. The articles demonstrate Tom Birrell’s in-depth knowledge dedication and scholarship. He once said that he felt that he could have talked to the 17th-century London booksellers on an equal footing and his work convinces one that they would have enjoyed these conversations. Aspects of Book Culture was edited by Birrell’s former pupil colleague friend and fellow-bibliographer Jos Blom. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409455691

Aspects of British Economic History1918-1925 Covering the period from November 1918 to the restoration of the Gold Standard in the UK in April 1925 this book originally published in 1947 sets out and explains the economic facts of the immediate post-war period. There are sections on employment production government intervention in industry the monetary factor real income and real wages. A statistical appendix brings together in four sections a number of important tables which supplement the text. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138221635

Aspects of British Music of the 1990s The 1990s work of six British composers forms the focus of this collection of essays arising from a conference that took place at University of Surrey Roehampton in February 1999. The composers whose music is discussed are James Dillon Thomas Adès Harrison Birtwistle Jonathan Harvey Edwin Roxburgh and Sebastian Forbes. Reflecting the aims of the conference this volume brings together composers and musicologists to discuss significant works from the last decade of the twentieth century and also some of the wider issues surrounding British music. Arnold Whittall and Julian Johnson provide perspectives on the plurality of contemporary British music. Edwin Roxburgh offers a personal account of 'The Artists' Dilemma' whilst the essays that follow explore aspects of musical form and structure in a variety of works. The second half of the book comprises interviews with most of the composers whose music is discussed in Part I adding a further dimension to our understanding of the preoccupations of British composition at the end of the twentieth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138258419

Aspects of British Policy and the Treaty of VersaillesOf War and Peace Aspects of British Policy and the Treaty of Versailles looks at some key issues involving British policy and the Treaty of Versailles one of the twentieth century’s most controversial international agreements. The book discusses the role of experts and the Danzig Question at the Paris Peace Conference; the establishment of diplomatic history as a field of academic research; and the role of David Lloyd George and his Vision of Post-War Europe. Contributors also look at the restitution of cultural objects in German possession and after the war the Treaty’s impact on both Britain’s enemy Germany and its ally France revealing how it profoundly affected the European balance of power. Aspects of British Policy and the Treaty of Versailles will be of great interest to scholars of diplomatic history as well as modern history and international relations more generally. The chapters were originally published as a special issue of Diplomacy & Statecraft. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367856403

Aspects of British Political History 1815-1914 Aspects of British History 1815-1914 addresses the major issues of this much-studied period in a clear and digestible form.* Introduces a fresh feel to long-studied topics* Consolidates a grest deal of recent research* Carefully organised to reflect the way teachers tackle this course* Written by and experienced and renowned textbook author* Illustrated with helpful maps and photographs Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138126510

Aspects of Building Design Management Achieving design value depends upon the collective efforts of all participants involved in the design and realization of buildings necessitating the establishment of appropriate managerial frames as well as the assembly and maintenance of effective teams. Building design management is a rapidly evolving field and this special issue of the journal Architectural Engineering and Design Management examines a variety of approaches to design management from different perspectives. The underlying argument is for the better management of design value in an increasingly complex building sector. Written by international experts in the field the core themes include the modelling coordination and management of design information; the definition and realization of architectural value; digital outsourcing of architectural services; knowledge capital in architectural education; and the importance of cultural issues. Design management is addressed from the perspective of consultants and contractors which helps to illustrate the dynamic interrelationships between people technologies and management. This peer-reviewed publication will be invaluable reading for lecturers and students on architecture built environment and civil engineering courses. The contents will also be of interest to professional architects engineers and sponsors of design and construction projects. Published with CIB Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138409125

Aspects of Capital Investment in Great Britain 1750-1850A preliminary survey report of a conference held the University of Sheffield 5-7 J These six papers were originally delivered to a conference at Sheffield University in 1969 and represent an overview of a research project led by Professor Pollard which aimed to construct a series of annual figures of capital formation for the Industrial Revolution in Britain - both in aggregate and broken down into main sectors. Each paper is accompanied by a summary of the discussion which followed. The problems encountered in such an undertaking are examined a major one being definition: what to include in the term 'capital' how to measure or isolate expenditure under that heading and how to deal with changes which have made the definitions and practices of present-day national income estimates inapplicable to earlier centuries. Sources are also examined in depth as statistical information is not only uncertain and often unreliable but of different value and completeness for different sectors of the economy. This book was first published in 1971. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138864849

Aspects of Confused SpeechA Study of Verbal Interaction Between Confused and Normal Speakers Based on research focusing on the experience of having confused speech and being with confused speakers this book begins with everyday commonly understood ideas such as "talking too much" and examines how confused speech is "brought off" as a collaborative activity by the people involved. The author became involved in this project because she was interested in how "confusion" seemed to be something that everyone is not only involved in but also recognizes as part of ordinary life. At the same time "confusion" is a word that is used somewhat as a blanket category for some people considered permanently incompetent and "set apart" from ordinary members of society. Her study analyzes how talk between confused and normal speakers throws light on this tension. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138166219

Aspects of Confused SpeechA Study of Verbal Interaction Between Confused and Normal Speakers Based on research focusing on the experience of having confused speech and being with confused speakers this book begins with everyday commonly understood ideas such as "talking too much" and examines how confused speech is "brought off" as a collaborative activity by the people involved. The author became involved in this project because she was interested in how "confusion" seemed to be something that everyone is not only involved in but also recognizes as part of ordinary life. At the same time "confusion" is a word that is used somewhat as a blanket category for some people considered permanently incompetent and "set apart" from ordinary members of society. Her study analyzes how talk between confused and normal speakers throws light on this tension. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203810811

Aspects of Early English Keyboard Music before c.1630 English keyboard music reached an unsurpassed level of sophistication in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries as organists such as William Byrd and his students took a genre associated with domestic amateur performance and treated it as seriously as vocal music. This book draws together important research on the music its sources and the instruments on which it was played. There are two chapters on instruments: John Koster on the use of harpsichord during the period and Dominic Gwynn on the construction of Tudor-style organs based on the surviving evidence we have for them. This leads to a section devoted to organ performance practice in a liturgical context in which John Harper discusses what the use of organs pitched in F may imply about their use in alternation with vocal polyphony and Magnus Williamson explores improvisational practice in the Tudor period. The next section is on sources and repertoire beginning with Frauke Jürgensen and Rachelle Taylor’s chapter on Clarifica me Pater settings which grows naturally out of the consideration of improvisation in the previous chapter. The next two contributions focus on two of the most important individual manuscript sources: Tihomir Popović challenges assumptions about My Ladye Nevells Booke by reflecting on what the manuscript can tell us about aristocratic culture and David J. Smith provides a detailed study of the famous Fitzwilliam Virginal Book. The discussion then broadens out into Pieter Dirksen’s consideration of a wider selection of sources relating to John Bull which in turn connects closely to David Leadbetter’s work on Gibbons lute sources and questions of style. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367729776

Aspects of Educational and Training Technology These papers discuss flexible learning the term used to describe more learner-centred approaches to teaching and learning and its potential application in colleges and universities. Flexible learning offers these institutions opportunities to improve their quality of instruction. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367605223

Aspects of Educational Change In recent years teachers have realized that change has become a permanent factor on the educational scene and therefore its operation or mechanism must not just be accepted or even rejected but above all understood. This book presents an approach towards some real understanding of educational changes and innovations. A number of mechanisms and processes are discussed and analysed in an attempt to present some sort of overview of the agents involved in change an analysis of the major characteristics of resisters and innovators an account of the traits and functions of innovative institutions and a description of three particular models which delineate the way in which change occurs. In the final section of the text attention is given to some contemporary educational innovations and some suggestions provided for dealing with problems involved in their evaluation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415750509

Aspects of European History 1494-1789 First published in 1984. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138132276

Aspects of European History 1789-1980 In this sequel to his popular Aspects of European History 1494 - 1789 Stephen J. Lee charts the most commonly encountered topics of nineteenth and twentieth century history from the origins of the French Revolution through the social and political reforms and upheavals of the last two centuries to the present. Helpful and accessible the book includes: * an invigorating guide and sound source of background material * short analytical chapters* an interpretative approach to history providing a range of viewpoints on each subject* both a broad survey and specific studies* stimulation for student's ability to develop and clarify theme* a careful structure which aids notetaking preparation of essays and revision. Any student of European history will want to have this book at their side throughout their course studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138171411

Aspects of Grammatical Architecture This volume collects eleven papers written between 1991 and 2016 some of them unpublished which explore various aspects of the architecture of grammar in a minimalist perspective. The phenomena that are brought to bear on the architectural issue come from a range of languages among them French European Portuguese Welsh German and English and include clitic placement expletive pronouns resumption causative structures copulative and existential constructions VP ellipsis as well as the distinction between the SVO VSO and V2 linguistic types. This book sheds a new light on the division of labor between components and paves the way for further research on grammatical architecture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367593308

Aspects of GriefBereavement in Adult Life How do bereaved people come to terms with their loss? What factors are important in successful coping? The death of a loved one is one of the most painful experiences that we have to encounter. If the loved one is a child or partner the experience can be especially devastating. How do we cope? Do our families provide sufficient support? Would professional help be better? In this book originally published in 1992 the author provides an in-depth study of the many aspects of bereavement and the grieving process. With ample support from personal accounts of bereaved people she examines the experience of bereavement: what can go wrong the importance of social networks both family and professional and looks at how society’s attitudes to death and dying can affect our ability to cope. There are specific chapters on the death of children in childhood adolescence and adult life and on the death of a partner. The result is a book that will be of importance to all those who have regular contact with the dying and bereaved. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138807983

Aspects of History and Class Consciousness The various contributions in this book originally published in 1971 discuss many aspects of the complex subject of history and class consciousness and the themes that are dealt with are all inter-related. The papers range from history and sociology through political theory and philosophy to art criticism and literary criticism. Georg Lukács’ classic work History and Class Consciousness is discussed in several of the essays and the volume is prefaced by a letter from Georg Lukács to István Mészáros. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138194380

Aspects of Housing Law Aspects of Housing Law provides a comprehensive up-to-date and readable account of what is often regarded as a complex and technical area of the law. It is essential reading for students of housing law and those taking courses in housing studies.With comprehensive coverage of all areas covered in an undergraduate course on housing this concise and clear text covers: homelessnessowner-occupationregulation of rentsrepairs and disrepairsuccession to tenanciesprivate rented sectorsocial housinganti-social behaviour. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge-Cavendish 9781138160255

Aspects of Illness This title was first published in 2001. With critical observations on past approaches to this issue and the proposal of alternative lines of inquiry this book is concerned with the attempts made by sociologists (and to a lesser extent doctors) to account for patterns of social conduct that are observably associated with periods of illness. The author argues that medical sociologists have confused the proper realms of biological and sociological inquiry and that it is this confusion that lies at the heart of the paucity of genuinely informative work in this field. The first chapter examines some of the influential explanations of the social consequences of illness that medical sociologists have put forward. The author analyzes representative selections from the body of literature on illness behaviour and on attempts to formulate accounts of illness within that tradition. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138732841

Aspects of Independent Romania's Economic History with Particular Reference to Transition for EU Accession After fifteen years of transition in the former communist states of Central and Eastern Europe it has become clear that for a substantial number the objective of reform and restructuring process is a market system in line with membership of the EU. In this study the long term economic transformation of Romania is studied offering a detailed narrative and thematic account of events from the nineteenth to the twenty-first centuries. From the first steps towards large scale industrialisation begun prior to the First World War through the accelerated pace set by the communist regime after 1945 and the uncertainty following its subsequent collapse in 1989 the book addresses a wide range of pertinent issues that have shaped Romania's economic development. The study also offers an interpretation of a distinctive phase in the modernisation of post-communist Romania supported by economic-historical surveys of the proceeding century as a context for recent restructuring on the eve of EU accession. This is linked with trends in the region as a whole so that a broad perspective is maintained throughout the book. By highlighting Romania's position as one of more backward accession states and considering in what ways its experience during transition differs from the more developed states of the region this study offers a valuable insight into both the history of Romania and its future prospects. Furthermore it provides a valuable case study that can be compared and contrasted with other countries who are likewise still grappling with the legacy of a centralised economy and in the process of adopting a more market orientated approach in order to gain EU membership. As such this study will be of interest not only to historians and economists but anyone with an interest in the expansion of the European Union. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138259638

Aspects of Islamic CivilizationAs Depicted in the Original Texts Originally published in 1964 this volume gathers together extracts from many of Arberry’s best-known works and supplements them with a selection of previously unpublished translations. The material therefore presents a vivid picture of the richness and variety of Islamic civilization from its origins to the late twentieth century. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315889115

Aspects of Language Development in an Intensive English Program While there is much in the literature on ESL development this book is the first of its kind to track the development of specific language abilities in an Intensive English Program (IEP) longitudinally and highlights the implications of this particular study’s findings for future IEP implementation and practice and ESL and SLA research. The volume draws on many years’ worth of data from learners at an IEP at the University of Pittsburgh to explore selected aspects of language development including lexical grammatical speaking and writing abilities in addition to placement assessment practices and student learning outcomes. A concluding chapter points to the ways in which these findings can be applied to decision making around IEP curriculum development and the future role of IEPs in higher education more broadly. With its focus on students in IEP settings and the concentration on data from students evaluated over multiple semesters this volume offers a unique opportunity in which to examine longitudinal developmental patterns of different L1 groups on a variety of measures from the same learners and will be key reading for students and researchers in second language acquisition English for Academic Purposes language education and applied linguistics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138048362

Aspects of Language Production This volume represents major research issues in language production today presenting readers with a picture of the breadth of current research in the field. Contributors have focused on models of visual word processing aphasic speech object recognition and language production in children. Many chapters highlight the need for psychological models of language production to learn from theoretical linguistics in order to become better informed about the structure of language itself. Therefore this volume also includes chapters written by linguists for psychologists which serve to remind us of the complexity of structure and process in the languages of the world. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315804453

Aspects of Language Variation in Arabic Political Speech-Making This socio-linguistic study throws new light on variation and the defining of register in Arabic political discourse. The research is based on three dialects (Egyptian Iraqi and Libyan) and on political speeches delivered by Gamal Abdunnasir Saddam Hussein and Muammar Al Gadhdhafi. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138963993

Aspects of Learning (RLE Edu O) The time has passed when learning was identified purely as a process involving the ability to store and recall knowledge and facts and the competence to produce them when required. These abilities still seriously concern the potential teacher and this book duly examines them but the ‘whys’ and the ‘hows’ of learning and teaching are now considered as important as the implanting of facts for regurgitation at exam time.Some children learn more quickly than others some can remember facts more easily and a teacher must ask several fundamental questions in order to understand the factors at work in this learning process. Where is knowledge stored? Why do we remember some facts and forget others? When are we learning new facts and when are we remembering and adapting knowledge to see it in a new light? To help answer these and many other questions a number of learning situations typical in most schools are examined the processes at work in the classrooms are examined and then they are both related to different theories of learning. The examination of a series of learning processes should not necessarily involve a choice between them and a feature of this volume is its lack of partiality towards any particular teaching method although the teacher and student will draw their own conclusions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415750929

Aspects of Love in John Gower's Confessio Amantis First published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415861441

Aspects of Modern Language Teaching in Europe From the teaching of grammar to the teaching of literature; from classroom teaching to independent learning; from role-playing to CAL - few books on teaching languages cover such a wide field. In this book teaching experience and research from practitioners in four European countries throw new light on old problems faced every day while others reveal innovative teaching methods and new insights into how teachers and learners interact. Sections include: language learning strategies and computer-assisted language learning facilitating individual progress through autonomous learning how to bring a foreign country alive in the classroom de-mythologising grammar teaching how different types of dictionaries can make valuable contributions to language teaching teaching and using idiomatic phrases. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138421158

Aspects of Odawa Morphophonemics First published in 1980. This study investigates salient properties of the phonological structure of Odawa a dialect of Ojibwa in terms of their implications for phonological theory. Indeed the primary concern is with theoretical issues specifically with questions about the abstractness of phonological descriptions and about the ordering and application of phonological rules. This title will be of interest to students of language and linguistics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138318021

Aspects of Peacekeeping The nature of UN operational involvement in the practical management of conflict has evolved dramatically since the end of the Cold War. The post-Cold War liberation of the Security Council the subsequent paralysis in its decision-making competence and the apparent dilution of the concept of sovereignty as a prohibition on intervention have been principal factors in the evolving fortunes of UK peace-support operations. This evolving environment has had profound implications for the way in which the humanitarian community the United Nations and military forces engaged under a UN flag have reacted to peace-support operations. This book explores contemporary peace-support operations and examines many of the principal challenges that now confront those charged in different ways with bringing peace to war-torn societies. In particular this volume looks at the evolving nature of military UN and humanitarian non-governmental organization's intervention in these complex conflicts. It also explores how these organizations relate to one another and the way in which a division of labour is determined. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315038391

Aspects of Political TheoryClassical Concepts in an Age of Relativism First published in 1976. This study continues an endeavour whose aim was to use traditional concepts as a basis for the discussion of contemporary political predicaments. The endeavour began with the publication of the symposium In Defense of Sovereignty (1969). Its long-range goal is to consider under a common denominator—relativism in politics— various aspects of theory such as the basic concepts discussed in the present essay together with more modern theories of democracy and the wider spectrum of political ideologies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507432

Aspects of Psychopharmacology The study of drug effects on behaviour and psychological processes has a long history. Developments in the decade prior to first publication had been based on a more adequate synthesis than hitherto of psychology and pharmacology and as a result great progress was made in establishing psychopharmacology as an interdisciplinary subject in its own right. Undergraduate courses in departments of psychology and pharmacology were increasingly including some coverage of this material but there was a paucity of texts suitable at this level at the time. Originally published in 1984 this book was designed to provide broad coverage of psychopharmacology with the minimum necessary focus on basic pharmacology and with carefully chosen subjects which are still likely to be of interest to psychology undergraduates and in which good empirical work is available for discussion at that level. The emphasis throughout the book is on the needs of psychology students but the contents will also interest pharmacology students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138691131

Aspects of RationalityReflections on What It Means To Be Rational and Whether We Are What does it mean to be rational – to reason well and effectively? How does rationality broadly conceived relate to the knowledge one acquires the beliefs one forms the explanations one constructs or appropriates the judgments and decisions one makes the values one adopts? What is the character of human reasoning and in particular does it tend to be rational? Much has been written about human rationality – or lack thereof. In recent years some writers have focused attention on the numerous ways in which people appear not to be rational at least if being rational is taken to mean always thinking or behaving in accordance with some normative standard. Others have argued that if human reasoning is as flawed as this work suggests it is a wonder that we as a species are around to notice the fact. This book examines much of the experimental research on reasoning as it relates to a variety of conceptions of rationality not limited to conformity of thought and behavior or to the dictates of one or another normative system. The discussion focuses on specific topics that represent essential aspects of any adequately inclusive conception of rationality: intelligence and knowledge; beliefs; goals values and affect; explanations; judgment and choice; understanding and wisdom. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138006287

Aspects of Recusant History Thomas Anthony Birrell (1924–2011) was a man of many parts. For most of his working life he was Professor of English and American Literature in the University of Nijmegen The Netherlands where he was famous for his lively humoristic and thought-provoking lectures. He was the author of some very popular surveys of English Literature in Dutch but – first and foremost – he was a bibliographer and a historian. His scholarly oeuvre is extensive and includes such highlights as English Monarchs and their Books (London 1986) a study of the Old Royal Library. However many of his publications are hidden in occasional publications periodicals and introductions to books no longer in print. That is why a – posthumous – selection of his bibliographical essays appeared in 2013 entitled Aspects of Book Culture (Ashgate 2013) and that is why it was decided to bring out a companion volume containing a selection of his essays in the field of recusant history. The present edition contains fourteen of Birrell’s articles published between 1950 and 2006. They all demonstrate his bibliographical expertise his in-depth knowledge of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century English Catholic history and his absolute determination to examine every scrap of archival material that might shed light on the episodes he was investigating. But perhaps most important of all he combined his scholarship with an intense interest in the individual lives that shape and are shaped by history so the lasting impression that these articles will make is the sense of getting close to a whole series of personalities caught up in the turmoil of their time. Aspects of Recusant History was edited by Jos Blom Frans Korsten and Frans Blom all three former students of Tom Birrell and both individually and collectively authors and editors of a whole range of important book historical publications. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367364434

Aspects of Roman History 31 BC-AD 117 This new edition of Aspects of Roman History 31 BC- AD 117 provides an easily accessible guide to the history of the early Roman Empire. Taking the reader through the major political events of the crucial first 150 years of Roman imperial history from the Empire’s foundation under Augustus to the height of its power under Trajan the book examines the emperors and key events that shaped Rome’s institutions and political form. Blending social and economic history with political history Richard Alston’s revised edition leads students through important issues introducing sources exploring techniques by which those sources might be read and encouraging students to develop their historical judgement. The book includes: chapters on each of the emperors in this period exploring the successes and failures of each reign and how these shaped the empire sections on social and economic history including the core issues of slavery social mobility economic development and change gender relations the rise of new religions and cultural change in the Empire an expanded timeframe providing more information on the foundation of the imperial system under Augustus and the issues relating to Augustan Rome a glossary and further reading section broken down by chapter. This expanded and revised edition of Aspects of Roman History covering an additional 45 years of history from Actium to the death of Augustus provides an invaluable introduction to Roman Imperial history surveying the way in which the Roman Empire changed the world and offering critical perspectives on how we might understand that transformation. It is an important resource for any student of this crucial and formative period in Roman history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415611213

Aspects of Teaching and Learning in Secondary SchoolsPerspectives on Practice This textbook heads the Open University's flexible PGCE Perspectives on Practice series which provides a practical illustration of skills knowledge and understanding required to teach in the secondary classroom. As well as describing concepts and ideas the book provides a critical examination of some of the key issues and will encourage the reader to engage with the ideas and consider their views and beliefs. This book accompanies each of the subject-specific books in the series providing a valuable link between disciplines. The series complements our other OU series Teaching in the Secondary School which addresses theoretical issues relating to teaching. Together these to series provide a complete resource for students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138175075

Aspects of Teaching Secondary Design and TechnologyPerspectives on Practice Beginning by outlining the national curriculum for design and technology Aspects of Teaching Secondary Design and Technology goes on to look at what design and technology is in the primary school at examination level and post-16. Vocational qualifications relevant to design and technology are also discussed. There are chapters looking at the relationship between design and technology and the wider social and cultural context. The development of cross-curricular skills and value judgements are discussed as are sustainability and the role of the community in the teaching and learning of design and technology. Together these articles comprise a sound guide to good classroom practice related to the requirements of the curriculum and rooted in the professional perspectives of experienced teachers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138176607

Aspects of Teaching Secondary MathematicsPerspectives on Practice If learners in the classroom are to be excited by mathematics teachers need to be both well informed about current initiatives and able to see how what is expected of them can be translated into rich and stimulating classroom strategies. The book examines current initiatives that affect teaching mathematics and identifies pointers for action in the classroom. Divided into three major sections it looks at: the changing mathematics classroom at primary secondary and tertiary level major components of the secondary curriculum practical pedagogical issues of particular concern to mathematics teachers. Each issue is explores in terms of major underpinnings and research in that area and practical ideas can be drawn from the text and implemented in the reader's classroom practice. Each chapter has been written by a well-respected writer researcher and practitioner in their field and all share a common goal: to look thoughtfully and intelligently at some of the practical issues facing mathematics teachers and offer their perspectives on those issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138167926

Aspects of Teaching Secondary Modern Foreign LanguagesPerspectives on Practice This lively and inspiring collection of readings is divided into three sections: 'Developing teaching strategies and effective classroom management' covers all major aspects of classroom practice; 'Planning evaluating and assessing MFL learning' is a guide to the day to day requirements and practicalities of MFL teaching; 'In search of a wider perspective' considers how MFL teaching might develop and expand and its place outside the classroom. Fully engaged with teaching and learning MFL at a practical level it illustrates concepts and good practice through a braod range of classroom-based examples and case studies.Issues covered in this book include: maximising potential engaging pupils in their learning developing listening reading and oral skills use of information communication technology assessment and differentiation broadening the content of MFL lessons role play in the language class MFL beyond the classroom. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138140899

Aspects of Teaching Secondary SciencePerspectives on Practice This book's structure reflects the different dimensions to learning science. The first section focuses on the importance of talk in the science classroom while the second explores the key role of practical work. The third section is concerned with the creative theoretical aspect of science. Section four follows this by considering the communication of ideas and how pupils learn to participate in the discourse of the scientific community. Section five emphasizes the place of science in the broader context considering its moral and ethical dimensions and its place in a cultural context. Finally section six explores the complexity of the task faced by science teachers highlighting the knowledge and skills science teachers must acquire in order to create an environment in which students are motivated to learn science. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138180529

Aspects of the Development of Competencethe Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology Volume 14 Published in the year 1981 Aspects of the Development of Comptenece is a valuable contribution to the field of Developmental Psychology. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9780203780916

Aspects of the Economic Implications of Accounting First published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138865525

Aspects of the Feminine 'Love is a force of destiny whose power reaches from heaven to hell.' So Jung advises while reflecting on 'The Love Problem of a Student' an essay contained in this volume. But it is not just love that Jung speaks of in this book. Taking as its theme Jung's interpretation of the feminine principle in his hugely influential theories about the inner world of the individual it guides the reader from the mythological archetype of the mother-figure to the experience of women in twentieth-century Europe explaining along the way concepts crucial to Jung's understanding of the personality such as animus and anima. Many of his contentions have become the assumptions of the generations growing up in the twenty-first century. Aspects of the Feminine is a provocative controversial book which offers readers the opportunity to discover at first hand just how radical Jung's arguments were. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138834569

Aspects of the Masculine The concept of masculinity was crucial not only to Jung's revolutionary theories of the human psyche but also to his own personal development. If as Jung believed "modern man is already so darkened that nothing beyond the light of his own intellect illuminates his world " then it is essential to show every man the limits of his understanding and how to overcome them. In Aspects of the Masculine Jung does this by revealing his most significant insights concerning the nature and motivations of masculinity both conscious and unconscious and explaining how this affects the development of the personality. Offering a unique perspective on the masculine based upon both his personal and clinical experiences Jung asks questions that remain as insistent as ever. He offers answers that--whether they surprise shock or edify--challenge us to re-examine our contemporary understanding of masculinity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138133808

Aspects of the Secular Cantata in Late Baroque Italy As shown by the ever-increasing volume of recordings editions and performances of the vast repertory of secular cantatas for solo voice produced primarily in Italy in the second half of the seventeenth century and the first half of the eighteenth century this long neglected genre has at last 'come of age'. However scholarly interest is currently lagging behind musical practice: incredibly there has been no general study of the Baroque cantata since Eugen Schmitz's handbook of 1914 and although many academic theses have examined microscopically the cantatas of individual composers there has been little opportunity to view these against the broader canvas of the genre as a whole. The contributors in this volume choose aspects of the cantata relevant to their special interests in order to say new things about the works whether historical analytical bibliographical discographical or performance-based. The prime focus is on Italian-born composers working between 1650 and 1750 (thus not Handel) but the opportunity is also taken in one chapter (by Graham Sadler) to compare the French cantata tradition with its Italian parent in association with a startling new claim regarding the intended instrumentation. Many key figures are considered among them Tomaso Albinoni Giovanni Bononcini Giovanni Legrenzi Benedetto Marcello Alessandro Scarlatti Alessandro Stradella Leonardo Vinci and Antonio Vivaldi. The poetic texts of the cantatas all too often treated as being of little intrinsic interest are given their due weight. Space is also found for discussions of the history of Baroque solo cantatas on disc and of the realization of the continuo in cantata arias - a topic more complex and contentious than may at first be apparent. The book aims to stimulate interest in and to win converts to this genre which in its day equalled the instrumental sonata in importance and in which more than a few composers invested a major part of their creativity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138257276

Aspects of the Syntax of Agreement This volume brings together various strands of research focusing on aspects of the syntax of agreement and the role that agreement plays in linguistic theory. The essays collected here show how and why agreement has emerged in recent years as the central theoretical construct in minimalism. Although the theoretical context of the volume is minimalist in character Boeckx formulates formal and substantive universals in the domain of agreement. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415808019

Aspects of the Theory of Tariffs (Collected Works of Harry Johnson) An internationally acknowledged authority on all aspects of the theory of international trade and payments this book collects Harry Johnson’s contributions to the study of international trade including a critique of the theory of effective protection. The book discusses: the integration of income distribution and other aspects of the economy into the positive theory of tariffs the issues raised by the use of tariffs to promote economic development the implications of distortions of various kinds in the working of competition for tariff theory and policy the costs of protection the implications of effective protection for world economic development and the economic effects of trade preferences the question of free trade and the extent to which it requires the harmonization other aspects of economic policy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415831772

Aspects of Toleration Routledge Library Editions: Political Science Volume 41 Originally published in 1985 these essays relate philosophical questions about the meaning and justification of toleration to debates about such issues as religious freedom racial discrimination pornography and censorship. Many take their point of departure from classic works especially J S Mill’s On Liberty and many consider recent developments in moral and political philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415645980

Aspects of Violence in Renaissance Europe Interest in the history of violence has increased dramatically over the last ten years and recent studies have demonstrated the productive potential for further inquiry in this field. The early modern period is particularly ripe for further investigation because of the pervasiveness of violence. Certain countries may have witnessed a drop in the number of recorded homicides during this period yet homicide is not the only marker of a violent society. This volume presents a range of contributions that look at various aspects of violence from the fourteenth to the seventeenth centuries from student violence and misbehaviour in fifteenth-century Oxford and Paris to the depiction of war wounds in the English civil wars. The book is divided into three sections each clustering chapters around the topics of interpersonal and ritual violence war and justice and the law. Informed by the disciplines of anthropology criminology the history of art literary studies and sociology as well as history the contributors examine all forms of violence including manslaughter assault rape riots war and justice. Previous studies have tended to emphasise long-term trends in violent behaviour but one must always be attentive to the specificity of violence and these essays reveal what it meant in particular places and at particular times. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409433415

Aspectual Grammar and Past Time Reference This study presents a semantic framework for analysing all aspectual constructions in terms of the event state distinction and describes the grammatical expression of aspectual meaning in terms of a theory of grammatical constructions. In this theory grammatical constructions like words are conventionalized form-meaning pairs which are best described not only with respect to their intrinsic semantic values but also with respect to the functional oppositions in which they participate. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415653602

Asperger SyndromeA Practical Guide for Teachers This fully revised new edition is a clear and concise guide to effective classroom practice. It is designed for teachers and assistants supporting children with Asperger syndrome in mainstream schools and other non-specialist settings. The book provides up-to-date information on the latest developments in this area and relates this to educational practice. With examples of innovative strategies and approaches to facilitate progress in learning this new edition: outlines the underlying impairments and their educational implications; explores the process of assessment and diagnosis in Asperger Syndrome; offers practical strategies for effective and realistic classroom intervention including access to the National Curriculum; considers the behavioural challenges the child with Asperger Syndrome may pose; shows how transitions can be supported. Asperger Syndrome: A Practical Guide for Teachers 2nd Edition seeks to inform professionals meeting a child with Asperger Syndrome for the first time and equip them with effective educational and behavioural intervention strategies. This new edition is also updated with reference to Every Child Matters the Disability Equality Duty and Access Inclusion Planning. This book will be essential to professionals in mainstream schools educational psychologists INSET providers (including initial teacher training) as well as to parents carers and others supporting social and behavioural progress for students with Asperger Syndrome. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138371323

Asperger SyndromeAssessing and Treating High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders Completely revised with the latest research and clinical strategies this is the authoritative volume on Asperger syndrome (now part of DSM-5 autism spectrum disorder). Considered the definitive reference since its initial publication the book focuses on how to assess each child or adolescent's needs and provide effective interventions in the areas of communication behavior and academic and vocational functioning. The neural and genetic bases of autism spectrum disorders are also explored. Â New to This Edition *Expanded coverage of evidence-based assessment and treatment including two chapters on behavioral interventions. *Addresses challenges in the transition to new diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder in DSM-5. *Chapters on neuropsychological advances the transition to higher education and forensic issues. *Many new authors and extensively revised chapters. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462514144

Asperger's ChildrenPsychodynamics Aetiology Diagnosis and Treatment The DSM-5 (2013) classifies all autism-related disorders including Asperger's under the heading "autism spectrum disorder." This book argues that this lumping together is unhelpful for clinicians. Instead finer diagnostic distinctions are helpful to clinicians who treat children with Asperger's. This book spells out in detail the psychodynamics the author has repeatedly uncovered in Asperger's children adolescents and adults and explores the central factors in the aetiology of Asperger's Disorder. There is a section suggesting how Asperger's can be adequately diagnosed from "the outside" (using external descriptive features) and more importantly from "the inside" (based on internal psychodynamic processes). Finally there is a section outlining psychodynamic treatment approaches to Asperger's children based on their psychodynamics and on which type of Asperger's is present. The book includes numerous case illustrations to help the reader appreciate the central psychodynamics that are regularly observed in Asperger's children namely splitting of the self into victim and bully aspects and projective identification into remote objects. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782203599

Asphalt Mixture Selection This practical guide starts with a survey of the types of site and the asphalt properties which are required. Various external influences which may affect the relative importance of some properties are addressed and the interplay of sites and external is considered. Asphalt mixture types and their properties are reviewed largely as defined in the EN 13108 series but subdivided into further categories and into maximum nominal coarse aggregate sizes using EN 13043 basic set plus set 2 sizes. Guidance is given including using flowcharts of the different mixtures that are suitable for each situation. In some cases a range of choices or mixtures with different degrees of suitability is offered. The guidance covers surface course binder course and base but with more focus on the surface course where the external influence is most significant. The site and external influence combinations on which a mixture can be used successfully are also given. The book is primarily intended for those who select asphalt on an occasional basis such as architects or housing developers but could be of use to other engineers with limited experience. It is also useful as an educational textbook for those studying asphalt technology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138616820

Asphalt Mixture Specification and Testing This guide reviews the way asphalt mixture can be specified with particular emphasis on the test methods used to measure performance. The advantages and limitations of the tests are described for measuring the desired property and engineers can specify a test according to the material’s use.The book starts with a resume of specifications and their relative advantages and disadvantages for different situations. Then different properties are discussed in terms of: their specification; the test methods that can be used (primarily the EN 12697 suite of European methods of which the author has been responsible for drafting); the extent to which the results predict performance; the levels that can be achieved with different asphalt mixes and types; what levels if any should be specified in various situations and pavement layers; and which other properties are adversely affected by enhanced performance. The final section covers various aspects of sustainability with a strong emphasis on durability. Better understanding should enable clients and consultants who specify pavements to produce durable asphalt pavements more economically and also help asphalt producers and students trying to understand the black art of asphalt. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367877637

Asphalt Pavements Asphalt Pavements contains the proceedings of the International Conference on Asphalt Pavements (Raleigh North Carolina USA 1-5 June 2014) and discusses recent advances in theory and practice in asphalt materials and pavements. The contributions cover a wide range of topics: - Environmental protection and socio-economic impacts - Additives and modifiers for asphalt concrete - Maintenance and rehabilitation - Experimental characterization of asphaltic materials - Life cycle cost analysis/modeling of compaction in the laboratory and in the field - Perpetual pavements - Pavement management systems - Sustainable asphalt technologies - Nondestructive testing of asphalt pavement - Pavement condition survey/pavement smoothness/quality control/quality assurance - Microstructural characterization and micromechanics of asphaltic materials - Long-term pavement performance prediction - Mineral aggregate in asphalt concrete/mix design methodology/novel methods to aid mix design - Warm mix asphalt technologies - Innovative pavement analysis and design - Pavement response analysis under static and moving wheel loads - Recycling - Modeling of asphaltic materials and pavements - Microstructural characterization and micromechanics of asphalt materials - Asphalt pavement and environment - Performance-related specifications Asphalt Pavements will be of interest to academics and professional involved in asphalt engineering. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138026933

Asphalt PavementsA Practical Guide to Design Production and Maintenance for Engineers and Architects Asphalt Pavements provides the know-how behind the design production and maintenance of asphalt pavements and parking lots. Incorporating the latest technology this book is the first to focus primarily on the design production and maintenance of low-volume roads and parking areas.Special attention is given to determining the traffic capacity required thickness and asphalt mixture type for parking applications. Topics covered include: material information such as binder properties testing grading and selection; construction information such as mixing plant operation proportioning mixture placement and compaction; and design information such as thickness and mixture design methods and guidelines on applying these to highways city streets and parking Areas.It is an essential practical guide aimed at those engineers and architects who are not directly involved in the asphalt industry but who nonetheless need to have a good general knowledge of the subject. Asphalt Pavements provides a novice with enough information to completely design construct and specify an asphalt pavement. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367865092

Asphalt Science and Technology "Offers comprehensive authoritative coverage of the chemistry technology and engineering of asphaltic products for paving road construction roofing coatings adhesives and batteries. Analyzes microcracking and elucidates the mechanisms of degradation to aid the development of hot melt asphalt and increase longevity." Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367400897

Asphaltene DepositionFundamentals Prediction Prevention and Remediation As global consumption of fossil fuels such as oil increases previously abundant sources have become depleted or plagued with obstructions. Asphaltene deposition is one of such obstructions which can significantly decrease the rate of oil production. This book offers concise yet thorough coverage of the complex problem of asphaltene precipitation and deposition in oil production. It covers fundamentals of chemistry stabilization theories and mechanistic approaches of asphaltene behavior at high temperature and pressure. Asphaltene Deposition: Fundamentals Prediction Prevention and Remediation explains techniques for experimental determination of asphaltene precipitation and deposition and different modeling tools available to forecast the occurrence and magnitude of asphaltene deposition in a given oil field. It discusses strategies for mitigation of asphaltene deposition using chemical inhibition and corresponding challenges best practices for asphaltene remediation current research and case studies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138035232

AsphaltenesChemical Transformation during Hydroprocessing of Heavy Oils During the upgrading of heavy petroleum asphaltene is the most problematic impurity since it is the main cause of catalyst deactivation and sediments formation. Exploring many aspects related to asphaltenes composition and conversion Asphaltenes: Chemical Transformation during Hydroprocessing of Heavy Oils highlights the various changes that these heavy and complex molecules undergo during catalytic hydroprocessing. After defining and characterizing asphaltene structure the book examines the composition of petroleum and the processes and catalysts for upgrading heavy oils. It then details the characterization of asphaltenes after hydroprocessing and the effect of reaction conditions on their structures. The authors also analyze the deactivation and characterization of spent hydroprocessing catalysts as well as the role played by asphaltenes. They cover sediments formation during hydroprocessing and the role of asphaltenes on it. The final chapters describe the hydrocracking and kinetics of asphaltenes and the fractionation of heavy crudes and asphaltenes. Due to the increasing production of heavy crude oils asphaltene has become one of the most studied molecules. This book provides a deep understanding of how asphaltenes transform during hydroprocessing offering insight on designing catalysts and processing for the upgrading of heavy oils. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138198951

Asphyxia and DrowningAn Atlas This third volume in the Forensic Pathology Atlases: Causes of Death Series provides an overview of the types mechanisms and physical findings associated with deaths involving asphyxia. Asphyxia and Drowning serves as a basic framework for an extensive pictorial representation of findings associated with these types of deaths. It helps the reader to gain a better understanding of the processes leading to asphyxiation to recognize the associated physical findings and better appreciate the difficulties in evaluating asphyxiation deaths. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138427006

Asphyxiation Suffocation and Neck Pressure Deaths Combining theory and practice this book is a comprehensive analysis of suffocation asphyxiation and neck pressure deaths. It includes important developments in the field such as lung histomorphology in fatal strangulation systematic dissection of the larynx biochemical findings and postmortem imaging. Significant challenges arise in accurately diagnosing these deaths when compared to other forms of external violence. International experts explain the pitfalls and subtleties of identifying such cases making this an important resource for readers involved in such investigations. Tables statistics scientific and historical evidence throughout further validate the value of this book. Provides a comprehensive introduction to every major topic of asphyxia and neck pressure death Features more than 300 figures to aid understanding and facilitate accurate diagnosis of these death types Includes the important topic of postmortem radiology findings Navigates the reader through the potential pitfalls and misdiagnoses of asphyxia and neck pressure deaths with expert guidance About the Editor Professor Burkhard Madea MD Director Instiute of Forensic Medicine University of Bonn Germany is a world-renowned forensic pathologist and the author of more than a dozen books and 600 papers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498759021

Aspiration Desire and the Drivers of Migration This book throws new light on the drivers of migration and explores the different ways in which aspiration and desire are involved in the generation experiences and outcomes of migration. The authors propose novel approaches to advancing collective understanding of migration including reassessments of classical push and pull theory; explorations of the lexicon of aspiration desire and voluntariness in migration; and reflections on the relationships between migration and modernity youth and expectation and anti-immigrant discourses. The chapters have a broad geographical scope spanning migration on different continents and in diverse socio-economic and cultural settings. At a time when migration has become one of the most prominent areas of national and international political debate this volume provides the tools for researchers to reconsider how we understand the forces and outcomes of global mobility. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367236953

Aspiration Representation and MemoryThe Guise in Europe 1506–1688 Exploiting the turbulence and strife of sixteenth-century France the House of Guise arose from a provincial power base to establish themselves as dominant political players in France and indeed Europe marrying within royal and princely circles and occupying the most important ecclesiastical and military positions. Propelled by ambitions derived from their position as cadets of a minor sovereign house they represent a cadre of early modern elites who are difficult to categorise neatly: neither fully sovereign princes nor fully subject nobility. They might have spent most of their time in one state France but their interests were always ’trans-national’; contested spaces far from the major centres of monarchical power - from the Ardennes to the Italian peninsula - were frequent theatres of activity for semi-sovereign border families such as the Lorraine-Guise. This nexus of activity and the interplay between princely status and representation is the subject of this book. The essays in this collection approach Guise aims ambitions and self-fashioning using this ’trans-national’ dimension as context: their desire for increased royal (rather than merely princely) power and prestige and the use of representation (visual and literary) in order to achieve it. Guise claims to thrones and territories from Jerusalem to Naples are explored alongside the Guise ’dream of Italy’ with in-depth studies of Henry of Lorraine fifth Duke of Guise and his attempts in the mid-seventeenth century to gain a throne in Naples. The combination of the violence and drama of their lives at the centres of European power and their adroit use of publicity ensured that versions of their strongly delineated images were appropriated by chroniclers playwrights and artists in which they sometimes featured as they would have wished as heroes and heroines frequently as villains and ultimately as characters in the narratives of national heritage. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472419347

Aspirations Access and AttainmentInternational perspectives on widening participation and an agenda for change It is perhaps ironic that as the global financial crisis has in some cases led governments and institutions to pull back from and/or set more modest goals and associated funding around widening participation there is an ever-growing sense that the ideals buttressing the widening participation movement are becoming more universally acknowledged by educators across the globe. That acknowledgement has translated into action on the ground via such means as policy formulation strategic planning and target setting – each of which often reflects local contexts and manifests a regional ‘flavour’. There is also however an increasing realisation that there are commonalities in the challenges involved with national or regional initiatives to increase the participation of non-traditional groups in higher education and that the drivers of such initiatives – and ultimately the cohorts they target – stand to benefit considerably from an open exchange of ideas and sharing of experience. This book brings together current regional perspectives on widening participation as presented by prominent academics researchers policy-makers and students from across the globe. It will create for policy-makers institutions and individuals interested in enabling access a useful and informative resource that will introduce formulate shape and reinforce the ideas and aims of the World Congresses on widening access. As the contributors maintain in an increasingly globalised market economy and in the face of recent seismic economic political and social change around the world it is imperative to both secure existing talent within our populations and uncover and nurture new sources of talent. The series of essays featured in this book will explore anticipate and highlight themes underpinning a global movement towards a step-change in thinking strategies and policies – one that places youth and students from around the world at its heart. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415828789

Aspire Poster The poster is available with a thin Plastic Film Coating to protect against dust and grime fading due to light exposure and oil from finger marks. We encourage our customers to protect their posters with this product. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781897363768

Aspirin and Related Drugs Reviewing over a century of aspirin research and use Aspirin and Related Drugs provides a comprehensive source of information on the history chemistry absorption in the body therapeutic effects toxicology elimination and future uses of aspirin.Highlighting the historical evolution of the salicylates and the commercial development of aspirin the book reviews the pharmacokinetics of the salicylates ibuprofen and paracetamol as a basis for understanding the biodisposition of these analgesic drugs. Leading specialists discuss the therapeutic role of aspirin in the prevention and treatment of thrombo-embolic diseases its place along with non-acetylated salicylates in the treatment of rheumatic diseases and plain and the potential applications for aspirin and related drugs as prophylactics for colon cancer Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. They also present comparisons with other drugs used to treat pain and inflammation.With extensive data and literature covering a broad field this is the definitive reference on the actions and applications of aspirin salicylates and related drugs. Physicians pharmacists pharmacologists toxicologists and chemists will find this resource useful in their daily work. It will also be valuable to pharmaceutical companies and researchers in the development of newer agents and novel applications. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367393656

AssassinTheory and Practice of Political Violence Assassination as a political act has a long history predating the murder of Julius Caesar and continuing into our own time. The murder of the mighty has long fascinated artists and rebels but only rarely has it been studied in a scholarly manner. In Assassin J. Bowyer Bell combines existing historical evidence with years of personal interviews with terrorists in Africa the Middle East and Europe. The result is an incisive study of that enigmatic figure the revolutionary killer. As Bell makes clear the motives of the actors and effectiveness of assassination vary widely across time and place. Assassination in many parts of the world has not only been a normal political act rational explicable but also often effective in some cases taking fewer lives in the transfer of power than an election. Likewise there have been all kinds of assassins--personal psychopathic professional ranging from lonely failures trying to make their mark to authorized agents of the state. Using the assassination of Henry IV of France as a historical backdrop Bell writes about contemporary political murder from the perspective of one who has studied the subject of political violence for decades. Bell has met with or known well the perpetrators conspirators and intended victims of assassination who have escaped. His interviewees include a radical Irish revolutionary leader an American Arabist diplomat a spokesman for the PLO and the president of a Mozambique liberation movement. The itinerary of his investigative journeys covers most of the flashpoints of contemporary political violence.The people and places studied here at firsthand are engaged in a deadly game. The attrition rate is often high the power fleeting and the consequences often unforeseen. If past is prologue assassination is to be with us for years to come. The volume will be essential reading for those engaged in the prevention of political violence and terror as well as historians and political scientists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138518988

Assault on the SoulWomen in the Former Yugoslavia Assault on the Soul: Women in the Former Yugoslavia sheds light upon women’s wartime experiences and makes sense of their coping strategies in the face of the innumerable atrocities committed against them. This is the only book to present the experiences of therapists counselors and other mental health professionals along with attorneys and Justices of the International Criminal Tribunal in working from both psychological and legal perspectives with women in former Yugoslavia. The workers who relate their experiences come from both former Yugoslavia and other nations representing countries such as Norway Germany Holland Costa Rica and the United States. Focusing on this region offers you a look at applied feminist practice in a cultural context outside the United States or Northern European. Assault on the Soul contains an integration of feminist theories and practice in psychology women’s history women’s geography and women’s jurisprudence. This collection of articles is intended as a historical document as assurance that both the plight of women and the role of women in bringing it to the attention of the international community and the justice system will not be erased. Assault on the Soul will help you serve your patients’needs by focusing on such issues as: feminist psychology and global issues concerning crimes against women interviews with judges for the International Criminal Tribunal Belgrade feminists’experiences working with female survivors of war supporting women’s projects in the former Yugoslavia traumatized women and the impact of a women-centered training program in Bosnia psychosocial services among refugee women during the war the victims and perpetrators of Serbia reports of rapes killings burning villages and other serious war crimesAssault on the Soul gives you first-hand accounts of war trauma to women. Deeply moving and well written the articles in this book are written in a combination of legal and psychological approaches to help you teach clients to heal from severe acute and chronic trauma. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315880662

Assemblage Enactment and AgencyEducational policy perspectives Assemblage Enactment and Agency offers an exploration of the emerging shift in policy research towards the notion of policy enactment namely the creative recontextualization and translation of policy ideas into social realities by policy actors in education. Bringing together recent work on the intersections between assemblages enactments and agencies in educational policy analysis the authors call attention to issues of subjectivity practice power and relationality as they offer critical perspectives that challenge linear/instrumentalist views of policy processes. In doing so they not only interrogate conventional understandings of policy design implementation and evaluation they also recognize the role of agency interpretation sense-making translation embodiment and meaning throughout policy processes. They also explore the contested nature of policy situating educational policies as sites of conflict and negotiation between actors highlighting the uncertainty fragility and instability of policy work. By offering a non-linear and heterogeneous account of education policy the collection furthers contemporary conversations on the nature and goals of education reform. This book was originally published as a special issue of Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367029906

Assemblage Thought and Archaeology From examinations of prehistoric burial to understanding post-industrial spaces and heritage practices the writing of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari is gaining increasing importance within archaeological thought. Their concept of ‘assemblages’ allows us to explore the past in new ways by placing an emphasis on difference rather than similarity on fluidity rather stasis and unpredictability rather than reproduceable models. Assemblage Thought and Archaeology applies the notion of assemblage to specific archaeological case studies ranging from early urbanism in Mesopotamia to 19th century military fortifications. It introduces the concept of assemblage within the context of the wider ‘material turn’ in the social sciences examines its implications for studying materials and urban settlements and explores its consequences for the practice of archaeological research and heritage management. This innovative book will be of particular interest to postgraduate students of archaeological theory and researchers looking to understand this latest trend in archaeological thought although the case studies will also have appeal to those whose work focusses on material culture settlement archaeology and archaeological practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138067509

Assemblages of Violence in EducationEveryday Trajectories of Oppression Assemblages of Violence: Everyday Trajectories of Oppression brings together fields including new materialisms anthropology curriculum theory and educational foundations to examine how violence is intertwined with everyday events and ideas. Artfully weaving participant narratives in two contexts that exist a literal world apart—queer middle school youth of color in an urban context and Indian women who have survived domestic violence—Assemblages of Violence conceptualizes how social justice functions in opposition to normalized aggressions. Often overlooked these deeply significant connections document how multiplicities of aggression operate as business-as-usual in a variety of spaces and places including those that are often thought of as helpful. To these ends this book introduces pathologies to theoretically and methodologically trace affects in order to more clearly perceive both where and how violence is embedded in and between sociopolitical and cultural ways of being knowing and doing. In so doing Assemblages of Violence argues that pathologizing trajectories of violence can provide theoretical and methodological tools for those seeking to engage in a pedagogy of equity access and care to help people and communities in ways they wish to be helped. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367409807

Assembling a Collaborative Project TeamPractical tools including Multidisciplinary Schedules of Services Contemporary construction practice presents a shift in emphasis from thinking about the design team in isolation to considering the project team as a collaborative whole: client design team and contractor. This approach requires greater consideration of how the project team is procured and assembled – and Assembling a Collaborative Project Team provides a range of in-depth and invaluable methods for ensuring that this essential task is carried out effectively. It will bring a range of benefits to any project – from facilitating BIM-ready teams to better construction programming and reducing risk through ensuring a watertight contractual framework. Many of the methods presented here are likely to become ingrained in the way all projects are coordinated. It shows that the best way of assembling a collaborative team is by establishing the team at the outset in manner that ensures that each party is fully aware of what they need to do and when and by agreeing how this will be achieved. Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859464977

Assembling Çatalhöyük RPD Assembling Çatalhöyük like archaeological remains can be read in a number of ways. At one level the volume reports on the exciting new discoveries and advances that are being made in the understanding of the 9000 year-old Neolithic site of Çatalhöyük. The site has long been central to debates about early village societies and the formation of ‘mega-sites’ in the Middle East. The current long-term project has made many advances in our understanding of the site that impact our wider understanding of the Neolithic and its spread into Europe from the Middle East. These advances concern use of the environment climate change subsistence practices social and economic organization the role of religion ritual and symbolism. At another level the volume reports on methodological advances that have been made by team members including the development of reflexive methods paperless recording on site the integrated use of 3D visualization and interactive archives. The long-term nature of the project allows these various innovations to be evaluated and critiqued. In particular the volume includes analyses of the social networks that underpin the assembling of data and documents the complex ways in which arguments are built within quickly transforming alliances and allegiances within the team. In particular the volume explores how close inter-disciplinarity and the assembling of different forms of data from different sub-disciplines allow the weaving together of information into robust distributed arguments. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815372424

Assembling Bus Rapid Transit in the Global SouthTranslating Global Models Materialising Infrastructure Politics This book explores the mobile ethnography of Dar es Salaam where consultants and politicians have planned and implemented a bus rapid transit (BRT) system for two decades. It analyses the dual processes of assembling BRT in the Tanzanian metropolis and establishing BRT as a policy model of and for the Global South. The book elucidates how policy models are constructed and circulated around the globe and depicts the processes by which they are translated between and materialise within specific contexts. It presents the case of BRT to demonstrate how technocrats shape these processes through persuasive work aimed at disseminating and stabilising this transport model and how local actors influence its adaptation in Dar es Salaam. The book adopts a ‘double mobility’ approach to show how this ethnography follows travelling consultants circulating policies and moving buses to explore the fluidity of the BRT model. Linking key debates in policy mobility studies and Science and Technology Studies enriched with postcolonial perspectives and geographies of transport and infrastructure it offers new insights into the technopolitics of planning and implementing infrastructure systems. This book will appeal to academics and students of human geography transport studies science and technology studies and African and development studies interested in the technopolitics of transport planning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367894771

Assembling ConsumptionResearching actors networks and markets Assembling Consumption marks a definitive step in the institutionalisation of qualitative business research. By gathering leading scholars and educators who study markets marketing and consumption through the lenses of philosophy sociology and anthropology this book clarifies and applies the investigative tools offered by assemblage theory actor-network theory and non-representational theory. Clear theoretical explanation and methodological innovation alongside empirical applications of these emerging frameworks will offer readers new and refreshing perspectives on consumer culture and market societies. This is an essential reading for both seasoned scholars and advanced students of markets economies and social forms of consumption. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138820944

Assembling Culture If the social does not exist as a special domain but in Bruno Latour’s words as ‘a peculiar movement of re-association and reassembling’ what implications does this have for how ‘the cultural’ might best be conceived? What new ways of thinking the relations between culture the economy and the social might be developed by pursuing such lines of inquiry? And what are the implications for the relations between culture and politics? Contributors draw on a range of theoretical perspectives including those associated with Deleuze and Guattari Foucault Law and Haraway in order to focus on the roles of different forms of expertise and knowledge in producing cultural assemblages. What expertise is necessary to produce indigenous citizens? How does craniometry assemble the head? What kinds of knowledge were required to create markets for life insurance? These and other questions are pursued in this collection through a challenging array of papers concerned with cultural assemblages as diverse as brands and populations bottled water and mobile television. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138864498

Assembling Exclusive ExpertiseKnowledge Ignorance and Conflict Resolution in the Global South This book looks at the worlding of the Global South in the process of assembling conflict resolution expertise. Anna Leander Ole Wæver and their contributors pursue this ambition by following the experts institutions databases and creative expressions that are assembled into conflict resolution expertise in the Global South. Expertise shapes how conflicts in the Global South are understood and consequently dealt with. Yet expertise is always and necessarily exclusive. The exclusivity of expertise refers both to the fashionable the sophisticated and what counts and also to the exclusion of some people or views. Assembled from a wealth of competing knowledges expertise is always both knowledgeable and ignorant. The ambition of the volume is to explore how this exclusive expertise is assembled and in what ways it is therefore knowledgeable and ignorant of knowledges in/of the Global South. This work will be of significant interest to advanced students and scholars of conflict resolution peace research mediation and international relations and scholars of expertise. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815353331

Assembling for DevelopmentThe Maquila Industry in Mexico and the United States First published in 1989 this book focuses upon the phenomenon of export-led industrialisation fuelled by foreign investment and technology. He concentrates on Mexico where US companies have been taking advantage of inexpensive labour to establish "maquila" factories that assemble US parts for export. Through this detailed study of the maquila industry Sklair charts the progress from the political imperialism of colonial days to the economic imperialism of today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846134

Assembling Health Rights in Global ContextGenealogies and Anthropologies What do we mean when we talk about rights in relation to health? Where does the language of health rights come from and what are the implications of using such a discourse? During the last 20 years there have been an increasing number of initiatives and efforts – for instance in relation to HIV/AIDS – which draw on the language institutions and procedures of human rights in the field of global health. This book explores the historical cultural and social context of public health activists’ increasing use of rights discourse and examines the problems it can entail in practice. Structured around three interlinked themes this book begins by looking at what health as a right means for our understandings of citizenship and political subjectivities. It then goes on to look at how and why some health problems came to be framed as human rights issues. The final part of the book investigates what happens when health rights are put into practice – how these are implemented realised cited ignored and resisted. Assembling Health Rights in Global Context provides an in-depth discussion of the historical anthropological social and political context of rights in health and develops much needed critical perspectives on the human rights approach to global health. It will be of interest to scholars of public health and human rights within health care as well as sociology and anthropology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138960282

Assembling the Centre: Architecture for Indigenous CulturesAustralia and Beyond Metropolitan Indigenous Cultural Centres have become a focal point for making Indigenous histories and contemporary cultures public in settler-colonial societies over the past three decades. While there are extraordinary success stories there are equally stories that cause concern: award-winning architecturally designed Indigenous cultural centres that have been abandoned; centres that serve the interests of tourists but fail to nourish the cultural interests of Indigenous stakeholders; and places for vibrant community gathering that fail to garner the economic and politic support to remain viable. Indigenous cultural centres are rarely static. They are places of ‘emergence’ assembled and re-assembled along a range of vectors that usually lie beyond the gaze of architecture. How might the traditional concerns of architecture – site space form function materialities tectonics – be reconfigured to express the complex and varied social identities of contemporary Indigenous peoples in colonised nations? This book documents a range of Indigenous Cultural Centres across the globe and the processes that led to their development. It explores the possibilities for the social and political project of the Cultural Centre that architecture both inhibits and affords. Whose idea of architecture counts when designing Indigenous Cultural Centres? How does architectural history and contemporary practice territorialise spaces of Indigenous occupation? What is architecture for Indigenous cultures and how is it recognised? This ambitious and provocative study pursues a new architecture for colonised Indigenous cultures that takes the politics of recognition to its heart. It advocates an ethics of mutual engagement as a crucial condition for architectural projects that design across cultural difference. The book’s structure method and arguments are dialogically assembled around narratives told by Indigenous people of their pursuit of public recognition spatial justice and architectural presence in settler dominated societies. Possibilities for decolonising architecture emerge through these accounts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138229327

Assembling TherapeuticsCultures Politics and Materiality The Open Access version of this book available at has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license. This volume examines the ways in which people engage with therapeutic practices such as life coaching mindfulness complementary and alternative medicine sex and relationship counselling spiritual healing and self-tracking. It investigates how human and non-human actors systems of thought and practice are assembled and interwoven in therapeutic engagements and traces the situated material and political dimensions of these engagements. By focusing on lived experiences through ethnographically informed case studies the book elucidates the diverse forms meanings and embodied effects of therapeutic engagements in different settings as well as their potential for both oppressive and subversive social change. In this way Assembling Therapeutics contributes to our understanding of multiple modes of healing self-knowledge and power in contemporary societies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815377979

Assembly Line DesignMethodology and Applications This book attempts to treat line design and its related subjects in a cohesive manner with an emphasis on design applications. It discusses general guidelines for setting up assumptions and determining line performance parameters based on empirical data from literature reports. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003066477

Assertive Community TreatmentEvidence-based Practice or Managed Recovery The twenty-first century has witnessed an explosion in studies on comparative health studies but mental health remains virtually ignored. Unlike the well researched topic of health policy there is a gap in the marketplace covering mental health policy and health care policymaking. This book fills that gap; it is a comparative analysis of the implementation of Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) an evidence-based practice employed in two states that promises to empower the well-being of individuals suffering from mental illness.Assertive Community Treatment specifically examines the tension separating the notion of client recovery and evidence-based programs. Johnson challenges the assumption that practitioners should rely on evidence-based practices to close the gap between scientific knowledge and practice. She argues that in an era of managed care this encourages state mental health administrators to adopt policies that are overly focused on outcomes. Programs that can measure the outcomes of care provided and evidence-based practices have become central aspects of the quality care agenda.This study traces the role of policy entrepreneurs throughout the Assertive Community Treatment policymaking process. By differentiating mental health in general qualitative research increases the chances of observing similarities and differences in outcomes. Johnson explains why the ACT model was adopted and implemented. She concludes that there is a clear monopoly by medical researchers and scientists within Assertive Community Treatment research and as a result too much emphasis is placed on the roles of policy entrepreneurs as the main innovators in the agenda and policy formulation stages. Johnson presents a strong argument for more innovation in the implementation stage. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507449

Assertive ReligionReligious Intolerance in a Multicultural World Questions about religions and religious institutions have changed dramatically since they first arose many years ago. In the beginning of the twenty-first century the link of religion with extreme ideologies captures our attention. Such questions have been the focus of a steadily growing number of books. What does Assertive Religion add to the debate?Emanuel de Kadt discusses the relationship of religion to wider social issues such as human rights and multiculturalism. He traces the growth during the religious revival over the past decades of assertive and even coercive forms of religion notably but not exclusively fundamentalist varieties. He deals with these questions as they relate to the three major Abrahamic religions thereby addressing a readership wider than that made up of persons interested exclusively in Judaism Christianity or Islam.The author takes on issues such as the effects of the "Jewishness" of Israel on the rights of Palestinians; the consequences of the centralized authority structure of the Roman Catholic Church; and the implications of the failure of reform-oriented Muslims to make their voices heard in an organized Islamic reform movement. He is even-handed focusing on both positive and negative features of each religious perspective though he does have a clear viewpoint. Assertive Religion adds to increasingly sharp political discussions on issues arising out of religion. It is a must read for anyone interested in how religion is shaping the world of tomorrow. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507456

AssertivenessA Practical Approach This highly successful title offers an opportunity for professionals from all backgrounds to develop an understanding of assertiveness which has been shown to be therapeutically advantageous for all kinds of client groups and can be useful in many contexts. It is a highly practical working manual from which you can apply the principles of assertiveness both to yourself and to your clients. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315169101

Assess Your Own Teaching Quality Containing over 100 checklist grids of performance indicators on a wide range of teaching elements this guide allows teachers to assess their own work uncovering strengths and weaknesses. The text can also be used for formal peer assessment or as a basis for gathering feedback. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138149960

Assessing Adolescent PsychopathologyMMPI-A / MMPI-A-RF Fourth Edition Assessing Adolescent Psychopathology: MMPI-A / MMPI-A-RF Fourth Edition provides updated recommendations for researchers and clinicians concerning the MMPI-A the most widely used objective personality test with adolescents and also introduces the MMPI-A-Restructured Form (MMPI-A-RF) the newest form of the MMPI for use with adolescents. Further this fourth edition includes comprehensive information on both MMPI forms for adolescents including descriptions of the development structure and interpretive approaches to the MMPI-A and the MMPI-A-RF. This text provides extensive clinical case examples of the interpretation of both tests including samples of computer based test package output and identifies important areas of similarities and differences between these two important tests of adolescent psychopathology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138830868

Assessing Adolescents in Educational Counseling and Other Settings Adolescence is a distinct period of development that presents a number of special challenges. This fact has important implications for professionals selecting and administering assessment procedures and interpreting the data they yield yet assessment texts have focused on adults or children and devoted minimal attention to adolescents. This book constitutes the first up-to-date and practical guide to the effective psychological assessment of adolescents. Throughout the author's emphasis is on standardized instruments. Their use he argues provides more valid information about individuals leads to better treatment or placement decisions and contributes to the more efficient management of organizational resources than does reliance on clinical interviews and judgment alone. Assessing Adolescents in Educational Counseling and Other Settings will be welcomed by all those professionally involved in the assessment of adolescents--psychologists psychiatrists social workers child care agency staff and educators--as well as by those who must make decisions based on their assessments--school principals youth court judges and managers of residential treatment facilities among others. Developmental researchers will also find this review of available standardized tools helpful in their work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138003170

Assessing Affective Characteristics in the Schools The affective realm is a critical but often forgotten aspect of schooling. The development of character and the formation of appropriate learning environments rely to a large extent on understanding the affective nature of students. Even when the focus is on cognitive achievement affect has a role to play. Teachers frequently mention a lack of motivation as a primary reason for students not achieving as well as they should or as well as their teachers would like. Despite the importance of affect educators rarely make an effort to systematically collect and use information about students' affective characteristics to better understand students and to substantially improve the quality of education they receive. This book's purpose is to provide educators with the knowledge and skills they need to design and select instruments that can be used to gather information about students' affective characteristics. Once valid and reliable information has been gathered it can be used to aid in understanding and to improve educational quality. The second edition features: * an updated list of affective characteristics (i.e. attitudes values interests self-esteem self-efficacy locus of control) * a dual emphasis on selecting and designing affective assessment instruments * an emphasis on multi-scale instruments (i.e. a single instrument with multiple affective scales) * the use of a single small data set to illustrate and foster understanding of key concepts and procedures * a dual emphasis on data about individual students and groups of students * a dual focus on the instrumental value of affective data and the inherent value of affective data (i.e. affect is valuable in and of itself) Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781410605443

Assessing and Managing Groundwater in Different Environments This collection of papers is a snapshot of modern hydrogeology in which highly technical methods and approaches sit side-by-side with overlapping legal social organisational institutional and governance considerations. Groundwater is integral to many human and environmental systems. Indeed there appears to be a growing realisation that some of the most pressing physical problems in the field of hydrogeology - over-abstraction salinization or pollution - can only really be solved by taking a multi-disciplinary approach to the issues that takes all other related professions into account. Whilst a ‘technical’ solution may be readily deciphered the larger challenge usually lies in the sustainably-funded and widely-accepted implementation of that measure. This book ranges from discussion and debate on the hot topic of hydraulic fracturing of wells or ‘fraccing’ for shale gas and its potential to disrupt groundwater systems to the application of highly technical modelling procedures to help solve complex real world problems. It is a window on the preoccupations of modern hydrogeologists and an insight into the way in which hydrogeological techniques and methods are being holistically adapted to address problems in the real world. This book is targeted at professional hydrogeologists sociologists experts in governance law and policy as well as ecologists and other professionals that nowadays all sit alongside groundwater understanding. The book will also appeal to politicians resource managers regulators and others interested in sustainable water supply. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367379407

Assessing and Managing Problematic Sexual InterestsA Practitioner's Guide Assessing and Managing Problematic Sexual Interests: A Practitioner’s Guide provides a thorough review of atypical sexual interests and offers various ways through which they can be measured and controlled including compassion-focused and psychoanalytic approaches. This unique guide presents a detailed analysis of deviant sexual interest. Part I 'Assessment ' overviews the range of sexual interests and fantasies in men and women. Part II 'Management ' investigates the cutting-edge tools approaches interventions and treatment advances used in a variety of settings to control deviant sexual interest. In Part III 'Approaches to assessment and management' the authors consider how females with sexual convictions can be assessed and how offence paralelling behaviour can be used for assessment and treatment. Throughout Assessing and Managing Problematic Sexual Interests offers necessary perspectives and emerging research from international experts at the forefront of this field. With a thorough assessment of current research and a critical overview of treatment advances for problematic sexual interests Assessing and Managing Problematic Sexual Interests is an essential resource for clinical and forensic psychologists probation officers academics students working in the field and members of allied professional fields. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367254186

Assessing and Restoring Natural Resources In Post-Conflict Peacebuilding When a country emerges from violent conflict the management of the environment and natural resources has important implications for short-term peacebuilding and long-term stability particularly if natural resources were a factor in the conflict play a major role in the national economy or broadly support livelihoods. Only recently however have the assessment harnessing and restoration of the natural resource base become essential components of postconflict peacebuilding. This book by thirty-five authors examines the experiences of more than twenty countries and territories in assessing post-conflict environmental damage and natural resource degradation and their implications for human health livelihoods and security. The book also illustrates how an understanding of both the risks and opportunities associated with natural resources can help decision makers manage natural resources in ways that create jobs sustain livelihoods and contribute to economic recovery and reconciliation without creating new grievances or significant environmental degradation. Finally the book offers lessons from the remediation of environmental hot spots restoration of damaged ecosystems and reconstruction of the environmental services and infrastructure necessary for a sustainable peace. Assessing and Restoring Natural Resources in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding is part of a global initiative to identify and analyze lessons in post-conflict peacebuilding and natural resource management. The project has generated six books of case studies and analyses with contributions by practitioners policy makers and researchers. Other books address highvalue resources land water livelihoods and governance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781849712347

Assessing and Teaching Reading Composition and Pre-Writing K-3 Vol. 1 The performance tasks in this book are linked directly to instructional strategies and include holistic rubrics analytic rubrics and assessment lists. They can be photocopied and distributed to your students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138439771

Assessing and Teaching Reading Composition and Writing 3-5 Vol. 4 The performance tasks in this book are linked directly to instructional strategies and include holistic rubrics analytic rubrics and assessment lists. They can be photocopied and distributed to your students. Included in this series are 98 performance tasks 196 assessment lists 18 holistic rubrics 30 analytic rubrics and 88 graphic organizers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138439757

Assessing and Teaching Reading Composition and Writing K-3 Vol. 2 The performance tasks in this book are linked directly to instructional strategies and include holistic rubrics analytic rubrics and assessment lists. They can be photocopied and distributed to your students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138439764

Assessing Bacterial Growth Potential in Seawater Reverse Osmosis PretreatmentMethod Development and Applications Seawater desalination is increasingly being used as a means to augment freshwater supplies in regions with high water stress and reverse osmosis is increasingly the technology of choice because of the low energy consumption. However seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) systems suffer from various types of fouling which can increase energy consumption and the use of chemicals during SWRO operation. In practice pre-treatment systems are put in place to reduce the particulate and biological fouling potential of SWRO feed water. However simple reliable and accurate methods to assess the extent to which biological fouling potential is reduced during pre-treatment are not available for seawater. This research developed a new method to measure bacterial growth potential (BGP) using the native bacterial consortium in seawater. New reagents to extract and detect ATP in microbial cells were specifically developed for seawater. The new lysis and detection reagents overcame the salt interference in seawater and allow low detection of total ATP free ATP and microbial ATP in seawater. Incorporating a filtration step further increased the sensitivity of the method six fold enabling ATP detection of ultra-low levels of microbial ATP in seawater. The newly developed ATP-based BGP method was applied to monitor and assess the pre-treatment of five full-scale seawater desalination plants around the world. A good correlation was observed between BGP measured in SWRO feed water and the pressure drop increase in the SWRO systems suggesting the applicability of using the ATP-based BGP method as a biofouling indicator in SWRO. Furthermore a safe level of BGP (<70 µg/L) is proposed for SWRO feed water in order to ensure a chemical cleaning frequency of once/year or lower. However to validate this conclusion more SWRO plants with different pre-treatment systems need to be monitored.  In the future on-line monitoring of BGP in SWRO feed water may further reduce the consumption of chemicals and energy and improve the overall sustainability of seawater desalination by reverse osmosis. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367899066

Assessing Basic Academic Skills in Higher EducationThe Texas Approach Addressing the growing concerns about reading math and writing skills of freshman-level students this volume provides different perspectives and approaches to the assessment of basic academic skills in higher education. The book provides an in-depth investigation into the Texas Academic Skills Program (TASP). More generally the book provides insights into the construction of testing programs and their evaluations. The development and implementation of testing programs is discussed by outstanding educators involved and will be of great value to program administrators policymakers deans and faculty members of colleges state legislators and educational professionals working directly with institutions of higher learning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964006

Assessing Building Performance The building performance evaluation (BPE) framework emphasizes an evaluative stance throughout the six phases of the building delivery and life cycle: (1) strategic planning/needs analysis; (2) program review; (3) design review; (4) post-construction evaluation/review; (5) post-occupancy evaluation; and (6) facilities management review/adaptive reuse.The lessons learned from positive and negative building performance are fed into future building delivery cycles. The case studies illustrate how this basic methodology has been adapted to a range of cultural contexts and indicates the positive results of building performance assessment in a wide range of situations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138174108

Assessing Business Excellence Assessing Business Excellence presents a strategic framework for business excellence and total quality management and shows how you can be actively involved in continuous improvement by systematically reviewing your business activities and results against holistic business excellence frameworks.For all practitioners who seek to use total quality management to improve their organization's effectiveness efficiency and responsiveness this title is the essential route map to business excellence. From two leading expert authors comes a book where the most recognized quality award criteria are used to explore the concepts of business excellence and self-assessment. This book:* Introduces the major business excellence and total quality frameworks including The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and the European Quality Award and ISO9000:2000* Compares the frameworks and identifies their strengths and limitations * Introduces the self-assessment process * Explores the main approaches to self-assessment * Illustrates the practical benefits of self-assessment through case examples Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138137806

Assessing Change in English Second Language Writing Performance This book introduces a new framework for analyzing second language (L2) learners’ written texts. The authors conducted a major study on changes and differences in English L2 learners’ writing performance to advance understanding of the nature of L2 writing development over time in relation to L2 instruction and testing and to offer a model that professionals and researchers can use in their own longitudinal and cross-sectional studies of L2 writing development. Grounded in research data theory and technology this will be a welcome how-to for language test developers scholars and graduate students of (L2) writing and assessment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367551902

Assessing Change in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of Children and AdolescentsToday's Challenge This book draws together work from across Europe by leading clinical researchers who have been looking into the effectiveness of psychoanalytic interventions. They are mostly time limited brief non-intensive ways of working so are applicable in many settings and can therefore be generalised to other clinical teams. The populations worked with are Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323356

Assessing Child Maltreatment ReportsThe Problem of False Allegations This seminal book in the literature of child protective services stimulates critical thinking and informed discussion for those professionals and educators concerned with the quality of children’s protective services. The first book of its kind to present scholarly reports on false allegations Assessing Child Maltreatment Reports tackles the age-old problem of deciding which reports verbal or written represent truth and which represent falsehood. When one deals with accusations in the area of child maltreatment special problems are posed. This vital resource brings home the complexity and seriousness of confronting the need to separate true reports from false reports. Given the serious consequences of reports of maltreatment determining the accuracy or inaccuracy of such reports is of major critical importance to all concerned and the parents children and professionals directly involved. This book deals effectively and practically with the everyday work of assessing the validity and reliability of maltreatment reports and guides professionals through rough waters of finding truth with helpful research.This courageous book provides hope for establishing a deeper understanding of the broad system of child protection and consequently enables professionals to better handle individual crises and cases. Containing a range of chapters--authored by leading academic researchers and practitioners in child welfare services in the United States--which examine the policy and practice issues related to false allegations of child abuse and neglect this volume provides guideposts for further research and discussion. College and university students in child welfare and related programs human service practitioners working in child protective and welfare services and the larger public--both parents and professionals working with children--who have an interest in this important issue will find Assessing Child Maltreatment Reports a compassionate approach to a sensitive issue. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315803999

Assessing Children in the Urban Community This book illuminates the process of child psychological assessment in community psychology through discussion theory and case studies of collaborative systemic treatment of children and their parents. "Assessing Children in the Urban Community" presents a semi-structured form of collaborative psychological assessment designed to help clients gain new insights and make changes in their lives. Traditional psychological assessment focuses on diagnosis and treatment but has been slow to include contextual elements particularly social and cultural contexts into the assessment process and psychological report. Clients receiving services in a community psychology clinic pay for their treatment through state welfare coverage. They cannot choose their providers they cannot always determine the length and course of their mental health care they often do not have access to transportation to begin services to continue them or to take advantage of follow-up recommendations. The Therapeutic Assessment model is particularly adaptable to community psychology because it allows maximum interaction in the assessment process and promotes participation and collaboration in an often dis-empowering system. This book will be relevant to clinical psychologists community psychologists social workers family therapists graduate students in psychology social work marriage and family therapists and counseling programs. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138776289

Assessing Children with Specific Learning DifficultiesA teacher's practical guide This comprehensive book provides all the information that practitioners need to know about assessment in relation to their pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties. The why how and what of assessment is addressed whilst the link between assessment and intervention is also a key focus. Looking at the full range of Specific Learning Difficulties this book provides practical guidance on implementing strategies that are tried and tested for use in any classroom whilst also acknowledging that assessment is a process involving other professionals and parents. Addressing issues and topics common in inclusive classrooms around the world key topics covered include: Specific Learning Difficulties in context Teacher Assessment in literacy numeracy and movement Motor development and co-ordination Attention factors in learning The key issues on learning differences Self-esteem and emotional literacy How to enhance skills and the self-sufficiency of teachers Assessing Children with Specific Learning Difficulties will be an invaluable guide for classroom teachers learning support departments psychologists and other professionals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415670272

Assessing Children’s Learning (Classic Edition) "It is my sincere wish that the teachers of those thousands of children who increasingly are also teacher educators read and learn from Assessing Children’s Learning. The hope is that they will go on to make a reality of the ‘imaginary but not impossible classroom’ and make moral judgements and choices in the best interests of children." - Sue Swaffield Senior Lecturer - Educational Leadership and School Improvement University of Cambridge UK "Not all education books are worth a tired teacher’s spare time. This one is." - Times Educational Supplement from a review of the first edition Now featuring a brand new foreword by Sue Swaffield this classic text Assessing Children’s Learning examines some of the vital questions that teachers and other educators ask themselves as they assess children’s learning across the curriculum. The author sets out to offer an alternative to objective mechanical approaches to assessment; she defines assessment as a process in which teachers look at children’s learning strive to understand it and then put their understanding to good use in the classroom where children are given both trust and freedom to learn. Throughout the book teachers are invited to consider the choices they make in the process of assessment and to acknowledge their right their responsibility and their power to act in the interests of children. Now part of the Routledge Education Classic Edition Series this influential inspiring and timely book will introduce the ideas of Mary Jane Drummond to a new generation of teachers practitioners and other education professionals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415686730

Assessing Children's Well-BeingA Handbook of Measures Behavioral medicine has now matured as a field to the point where all recognize that different populations are presented with different issues. Psychological reactions and patterns affect the health and well-being of children as well as adults and numerous standardized instruments for the assessment of a variety of areas of children's functioning are currently available. Yet it can be difficult for practitioners and researchers searching through general compendia of resources for child assessment--which are frequently focused on general techniques rather than specific instruments--to identify the optimal ones to meet their particular needs and to choose among them.This practical and comprehensive reference guide is the first to sort present and review all the measures that can be used to evaluate the behavioral cognitive and emotional aspects of children's health. It organizes the measures under eight general headings such as quality of life adherence pain management and patient satisfaction. Each chapter begins with a leading authority's overview of the underlying theoretical construct and any concerns about how to measure it. Descriptions and reviews of relevant instruments follow; these include information on administration scoring psychometric properties and ordering as well as comments by the instruments' developers.Assessing Children's Well-Being: A Handbook of Measures will be welcomed by all those professionals and scientists who seek to assess and effectively address the complex interactions between physical health and mental health in children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138003231

Assessing Command and Control EffectivenessDealing with a Changing World Assessing Command and Control Effectiveness: Dealing with a Changing World offers a description of the current state of Command and Control (C2) research in imperfect settings showing how a research process should assess analyse and communicate results to the development cycle of methods work manning and C2-technology. Special attention is given to the development of C2 research methods to meet the current and coming needs. The authors also look forward towards a future where effective assessment of C2 abilities are even more crucial for instance in agile organisations. The purpose of the C2 research is to improve the process and make it more effective while still saving time and money. Research methods have to be chosen carefully to be effective and simple yet provide results of high quality. The methodological concerns are a major consideration when working under such circumstances. Furthermore there is often a need for a swift iterative development cycle and thus a demand to quickly deliver results from the research process. This book explains how field research experimentation can be quick simple and effective being able to draw valid conclusions even when sample sizes are small and resources are limited collecting empirical data using measures and procedures that are minimally intrusive. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073128

Assessing Common Mental Health and Addiction Issues With Free-Access Instruments As healthcare costs rise so too do the costs of assessment instruments critical tools for mental health professionals. While some traditional assessment instruments have become prohibitively expensive as with many other fields the Internet offers a host of more affordable and equitable alternative assessment tools at little or no cost. The pitfall of this alternative thus far has been the lack of vetting and quality assessment. Assessing Common Mental Health and Addiction Issues With Free-Access Instruments fills this gap by providing the first analysis and assessment of these tools provided by some of the leading names in mental health assessment instruments. This resource identifies the most efficient free access instruments and provides summary information about administration scoring interpretation psychometric integrity and strengths and weaknesses. The book is organized around the most common broad range issues encountered by helping professionals and whenever possible a link to the instrument itself is provided. This is an essential text for all mental health professionals looking to expand the scope and range of their assessment instruments. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415898294

Assessing Communication EducationA Handbook for Media Speech and Theatre Educators Designed as a handbook this text provides media speech (public speaking interpersonal small group and organizational communication) and theatre educators with both the theoretical and practical ammunition to fight the assessment battles on their campuses. The philosophical implications of accountability are balanced with concrete specific and usable assessment strategies. Stressing student faculty course program department and institutional assessment this book's aim is to provide in one place information that will help diverse and complex communication programs face the growing challenges in assessment. The book is divided into three sections: background and foundational information for assessment; broad assessment strategies that apply to a variety of media "speech " and theatre courses and programs; and context-specific assessment strategies. While covering a host of topics it: * provides an overview of assessment and suggests how it might impact communication education * discusses the elements of program assessment and how linkage of mission statements with outcomes can lead to strong innovative programs * compares and contrasts regional association requirements and presents a specific how-to strategy for writing outcome statements * discusses teaching evaluation and argues that we need to identify the "what" of teaching before we try to measure the "how " * looks at creative ways for formative and summative course evaluation that starts with the creation of an explicit syllabus * discusses the use of capstone courses as a way of evaluating not only their major but also how students have integrated their "total" educational experience * suggests the variety of ways that interpersonal communication can be assessed and calls for future research that stresses the "knowledge" component of learning * reports on a strategy for developing small group communication assessment measures and * provides media speech and theatre faculty and administrators with the background understanding and tools to build stonger programs and develop better courses and educational experiences for their students. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203811993

Assessing Competence in Medicine and Other Health Professions This comprehensive yet accessible text demystifies the challenging area of competence assessement in medicine and the health sciences providing a clear framework and the tools for anyone working or studying in this area. Written by a single highly experienced author the content benefits from uniformity of style and is supported and enhanced by a range of pedagogic features including cases questions and summaries. Essential reading for all students and practitioners of medical education it will also be an invaluable guide for allied health professionals and psychologists with a general interest in assessment evaluation and measurement and a useful library reference. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498785082

Assessing Contributions/h This book provides a systematic integrated review and comparison of the contributions of sociology political science economics demography anthropology psychiatry and psychology to a number of health-related fields including epidemiology health services research and health policy studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367167578

Assessing Critical Thinking in Elementary SchoolsMeeting the Common Core This practical very effective resource helps elementary school teachers and curriculum leaders develop the skills to design instructional tasks and assessments that engage students in higher-level critical thinking as recommended by the Common Core State Standards. Real examples of formative and summative assessments from a variety of content areas are included and demonstrate how to successfully increase the level of critical thinking in every elementary classroom! This book is also an excellent resource for higher education faculty to use in undergraduate and graduate courses on assessment and lesson planning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781596672369

Assessing Critical Thinking in Middle and High SchoolsMeeting the Common Core This practical very effective resource helps middle and high school teachers and curriculum leaders develop the skills to design instructional tasks and assessments that engage students in higher-level critical thinking as recommended by the Common Core State Standards. Real examples of formative and summative assessments from a variety of content areas are included and demonstrate how to successfully increase the level of critical thinking in every classroom! This book is also an excellent resource for higher education faculty to use in undergraduate and graduate courses on assessment and lesson planning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781596672338

Assessing Culturally Informed Parenting in Social Work This book explores how social workers incorporate issues of culture when evaluating the parenting competence of Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) parents and highlights the gap in how social workers assess safe parenting in BAME families. Drawing on a study that combined a phenomenological research philosophy with frame analysis the book explores how culturally informed parenting is construed by social workers and BAME parents. It argues that effective assessment of the parenting competence of BAME parents is predicated on understanding how culture frames perspectives of what constitutes competent parenting. Throughout the eight chapters the book moves the debate within the literature away from the universality of parenting concepts to a focus on a deeper understanding of culture. It highlights the influence that culture has on the way that BAME parents socialise their children as well as how parents and social workers conceptualise safe parenting. The result is useful insights into the cultural context of parenting. The book will be of interest to all scholars and students of social work childhood studies sociology and social policy as well as social work professionals more broadly. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367543839

Assessing Dyslexia Assessing Dyslexia guides readers through the design administration and interpretation of dyslexia assessments. Grounded in research on the linguistic and neural foundations of dyslexia as well as the clinical outcomes of reading and writing processes this concise volume provides a comprehensive framework for assessment diagnosis and intervention. Utilizing detailed examples to illustrate methodology and concepts this book is critical reading for students looking to deepen their understanding of assessment literacy and the written language challenge. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367681777

Assessing English for Professional Purposes ** WINNER OF ILTA/SAGE Best Book Award 2020 ** Assessing English for Professional Purposes provides a state-of-the-art account of the various kinds of language assessments used to determine people’s abilities to function linguistically in the workplace. At a time when professional expertise is increasingly mobile and diverse with highly trained professionals migrating across national boundaries to apply their skills in English-speaking settings this book offers a renewed agenda for inquiry into language assessments for professional purposes (LAPP). Many of these experts work in high-risk environments where communication breakdowns can have serious consequences. This risk has been identified by governments and professional bodies who implement language tests for gate-keeping purposes. Through a sociological lens of risk and responsibility this book: provides a detailed overview of both foundational and recent literature in the field; offers conceptual tools for specific purpose assessment including a socially oriented theory of construct; develops theory and practice in key areas such as needs analysis test development validation and policy; significantly broadens the scope of the assessment of English for professional purposes to include a range of assessment practices for both professionals and laypeople in professional settings. Assessing English for Professional Purposes is key reading for researchers graduate students and practitioners working in the area of English for Specific Purposes assessment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138118867

Assessing English Language LearnersTheory and Practice Assessing English Language Learners explains and illustrates the main ideas underlying assessment as an activity intimately linked to instruction and the basic principles for developing using selecting and adapting assessment instruments and strategies to assess content knowledge in English language learners (ELLs). Sensitive to the professional development needs of both in-service and pre-service mainstream teachers with ELLs in their classrooms and those receiving formal training to teach culturally and linguistically diverse students the text is designed to engage readers in viewing assessment as a critical part of teaching appreciating that assessments provide teachers with valuable information about their students’ learning and thinking becoming aware of the relationship among language culture and testing understanding the reasoning that guides test construction recognizing the limitations of testing practices being confident that assessment is an activity classroom teachers (not only accountability specialists) can perform Highlighting alternative multidisciplinary approaches that address linguistic and cultural diversity in testing this text enhanced by multiple field-tested exercises and examples of different forms of assessment is ideal for any course covering the theory and practice of ELL assessment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415819299

Assessing English Language Proficiency in U.S. K–12 Schools Assessing English Language Proficiency in U.S. K–12 Schools offers comprehensive background information about the generation of standards-based English language proficiency (ELP) assessments used in U.S. K–12 school settings. The chapters in this book address a variety of key issues involved in the development and use of those assessments: defining an ELP construct driven by new academic content and ELP standards using technology for K–12 ELP assessments addressing the needs of various English learner (EL) students taking the assessments connecting assessment with teaching and learning and substantiating validity claims. Each chapter also contains suggestions for future research that will contribute to the next generation of K–12 ELP assessments and improve policies and practices in the use of the assessments. This book is intended to be a useful resource for researchers graduate students test developers practitioners and policymakers who are interested in learning more about large-scale standards-based ELP assessments for K–12 EL students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138589407

Assessing Expressive LearningA Practical Guide for Teacher-directed Authentic Assessment in K-12 Visual Arts Education Assessing Expressive Learning is the only book in the art education field to date to propose and support a research-supported teacher-directed authentic assessment model for evaluating K-12 studio art and to offer practical information on how to implement the model. This practical text for developing visual arts assessment for grades 1-12 is based on and supported by the results of a year-long research effort primarily sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts involving 70 art teachers and 1 500 students in 12 school districts in Florida Indiana and Illinois. The purpose of the study was to demonstrate that creative artwork by K-12 students can be empirically assessed using quantitative measures that are consistent with the philosophical assumptions of authentic learning and with the means and ends of art and that these measures can reliably assess student art growth. A further goal was to provide a rationale for the assessment of student art as an essential part of the K-12 instructional program and to encourage art teachers to take responsibility for and assume a leadership role in the assessment of art learning in the school and the school district. Assessing Expressive Learning: *reports on current assessment methods but also stresses a time-tested portfolio assessment process that can be used or adapted for use in any K-12 art classroom; *includes the assessment instruments used in the study and several case studies of art teachers using electronic portfolios of student work a bibliography of major art assessment efforts and a critical review of current methods; *is designed to be teacher- and system-friendly unlike many other art assessment publications that provide only a review of information on assessment; and *both documents an experiment where artistic values and aesthetic issues were considered paramount in the education of K-12 students in the visual arts and also serves as a guide for the conduct of similar experiments by art teachers in the nation's schools--the research methodology and results are reported in an appendix in a format that will enable educational researchers to duplicate the study. This volume is ideal as a text for upper-division undergraduate and graduate classes in visual arts education assessment and highly relevant for college art education professors researchers and school district personnel involved in the education and supervision of art teachers and researchers interested in performance measurement. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781410608970

Assessing Family RelationshipsA Family Life Space Drawing Manual Assessing Family Relationships shows mental health professionals how to utilize the Family Life Space Drawing (the FLSD) a family assessment tool that incorporates information from multiple family members while building connections between the clinician and the client. In this manual Theresa A. Beeton and Ronald A. Clark demonstrate the usefulness of the FLSD in both family and couple counseling. As a task-centered assessment tool the FLSD enables an interactive and personalized process of counseling which helps individuals to express concerns and information about themselves in an indirect and nonthreatening manner. Chapters are illustrated throughout with case studies and drawings adapted from the authors’ own clinical experience and the manual offers an overview of the history of the FLSD as well as where future research is headed. Providing a practical explanation of how to complete the FLSD process Assessing Family Relationships will be highly relevant to couple and family therapists as well as clinical social workers who are interested in updating their practice with innovative family assessment research and techniques. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138543058

Assessing Forest Ecosystem Health in the Inland West Inland West their historical origins assessments of available management tools and analyses of the various choices available to policymakers. Its goal is to help people understand the Inland West forests so that public policies can reflect a constructive and realistic framework in which forests can be managed for sustained health. This resource is the product of a scientific workshop where 35 participants including scientists resource managers administrators and environmentalists addressed the forest health problem in the Inland West. Synthesis chapters integrate the diverse knowledge and experience which participants brought to the workshop. They identify and link together many of the ecological social and administrative conditions which have created the forest health problem in the West. The book is unique in that it reflects a process that fostered the use of academic research field realities and industrial knowledge to define an interdisciplinary problem establish rational policy objectives and set-up “do-able†management approaches.The following topics are analyzed: Assessing forest ecosystem health in the Inland West Historical and anticipated changes in forest ecosystems in the Inland West Defining and measuring forest health Historical range of variability as a tool for evaluating ecosystem change Administrative barriers to implementing forest health problems Economic and social dimensions of the forest health problem Fire management Ecosystem and landscape management Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315137797

Assessing Historical Thinking and UnderstandingInnovative Designs for New Standards Assessing Historical Thinking and Understanding advocates for a fundamental change in how educators think about making sense of learners’ developing cognition and understanding in history. Author Bruce VanSledright argues that traditional and typical standardized testing approaches are seldom up to the task of measuring the more complex understandings students are asked to attain as they cannot fully assess what the student knows. Rather he points forward along a path toward changes in learning teaching and assessing that closely aligns with the Common Core State Standards. He delves into the types of history knowledge the standards require illustrates how they can be applied in-use in history learning contexts and theorizes how the standards might fit together cognitively to produce deep historical understandings among students in teaching-learning contexts. By providing a variety of assessment strategies and items that align with the standards and identifying rich useful assessment rubrics applicable to the different types of assessments he offers an important resource for social studies teachers and curriculum writers alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415836982

Assessing ImpactHandbook of EIA and SEA Follow-up Written and edited by an authoritative team of internationally known experts in environmental impact assessment (EIA) this is the first book to present in a coherent manner the theory and practice of EIA and strategic environmental assessment (SEA) follow-up. Without some form of follow-up the consequences of impact assessments and the environmental outcomes of development projects will remain unknown. Assessing Impact examines both EIA follow-up and the emerging practice of SEA follow-up and showcases follow-up procedures in various countries throughout Europe North America and Australasia. Theoretical and legislative perspectives are examined in the light of detailed case study examples and the authors present a micro- macro- and meta scale analysis of EIA practice ranging from individual plan and project level through to the jurisdictional level as well as an analysis of the concept of EIA. Full coverage is given to the roles of proponents both private and governmental EIA regulators and the affected public in designing and executing follow-up programmes. This book is the must-have tool for impact assessment professionals academics regulators and proponents working on projects of all scales in all jurisdictions. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781849770507

Assessing Individual NeedsA Practical Approach First Published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books David Fulton Publishers 9781138160668

Assessing Information Needs in the Age of the Digital Consumer Aiming at ensuring that everyone obtains the rich rewards available in today's information-centred society this book seeks to provide a systematic method for the understanding appreciation and evaluation of information needs which alone can guarantee the value of information to the consumer. Based on the insights gained from research projects involving hundreds of thousands of people it sets out to provide a framework firmly grounded in theory but nevertheless highly practical for information needs analysis. The book is written both for librarians publishers archivists records managers journalists and other information professionals to help them in their efforts to design improved systems and monitor the effectiveness of their services on an ongoing basis and for individual information consumers to enable them better to meet their own information needs in the expanding sphere of virtual information. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138439603

Assessing Language and Literacy with Bilingual StudentsPractices to Support English Learners From expert authors this book guides educators to conduct assessments that inform daily instruction and identify the assets that emergent bilinguals bring to the classroom. Effective practices are reviewed for screening assessment and progress monitoring in the areas of oral language beginning reading skills vocabulary and comprehension in the content areas and writing. The book also addresses how to establish schoolwide systems of support that incorporate family and community engagement. Packed with practical ideas and vignettes the book focuses on grades K–6 but also will be useful to middle and high school teachers. Appendices include reproducible forms that can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462540884

Assessing Learners in Higher Education This study examines the factors influencing the changes in teaching assessment at the higher education level and studies the range of techniques and methods available to the assessor. It evaluates the effectiveness of certain methods and discusses their implementation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138156852

Assessing Learning in the Primary Classroom Why is assessment so important in the teaching-learning process? How should we assess pupils in the primary classroom? Assessing Learning in the Primary Classroom is an accessible introduction to the concepts critical to a professional understanding of this vital aspect of a teacher’s role. It comprehensively considers the principles underpinning effective assessment the different forms it can take and the different purposes it serves both within and beyond the classroom. Linking the latest research and theory with examples of assessment in the classroom it considers key issues such as: Why we assess How we assess How we ensure quality in assessment: validity and reliability Assessment internal and external to the school Statutory assessment throughout the primary school Local national and international assessment Using assessment results in pupil teacher school and system evaluation Assessing Learning in the Primary Classroom is for all students undertaking their PGCE those working at masters level and experienced teachers who wish to broaden their understanding of both the value and pitfalls of educational assessment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415562768

Assessing Listening for Chinese English LearnersDeveloping a Communicative Listening Comprehension Test Suite for CET This book reports in detail the newly developed Communicative Listening Comprehension Test (CLCT) for the National College English Test (CET) of China. Following the principles of communicative testing in general and test construction approach proposed by Bachman and Palmer (1996) in particular the project develops CLCT for CET-4 and CET-6. The research begins with the construction of frameworks of listening task characteristics and communicative listening ability. Subsequently based on a survey of Chinese college students' English listening needs and an analysis of listening tasks in influential English listening course books and public tests CLCT-4 and CLCT-6 test specifications are developed. Finally sample papers are produced and a series of posteriori studies are conducted to examine the difficulty and usefulness of the newly developed notes-completion task type in two CLCT tests. As an example of successful integration of communicative testing theories and test construction practice this research provides valuable insights into listening test development for other large-scale tests. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367516765

Assessing Maritime Disputes in East AsiaPolitical and Legal Perspectives Combining practical and theoretical approaches this book addresses the political legal and economic implications of maritime disputes in East Asia. The maritime disputes in East Asia have multiplied over the past few years in parallel with the economic growth of the countries in the region the rise of nationalist movements fears and sometimes fantasies regarding the emergence of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as a global power increasing military expenses as well as speculations regarding the potential resources in various disputed islands. These disputes however are not new and some have been the subject of contention and the cause of friction for decades if not centuries in a few cases. Offering a robust analysis this volume explores disputes through the different lenses of political science international law history and geography and introduces new approaches in particular to the four important disputes concerning Dokdo/Takeshima Senkaku/Diaoyu Paracels and Spratlys. Utilising a comparative approach this book identifies transnational trends that occur in the different cases and therefore at the regional level and aims to understand whether the resurgence of maritime disputes in East Asia may be studied on a case by case basis or should be analysed as a regional phenomenon with common characteristics. This book will be of interest to students of Asian Politics Maritime Security International Security Geopolitics and International Relations in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472479426

Assessing Maritime Power in the Asia-PacificThe Impact of American Strategic Re-Balance Leading academics from around the world who specialize in analysing maritime strategic issues deliberate the impact of the American 'pivot' or 're-balance' strategy and the 'Air-Sea Battle' operational concept on the maritime power and posture of a number of selected states. Intending to strengthen US economic diplomatic and security engagement throughout the Asia-Pacific both bilaterally and multilaterally the re-balance stands out as one of the Obama administration's most far-sighted and ambitious foreign policy initiatives. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472463579

Assessing Media EducationA Resource Handbook for Educators and Administrators This component of Assessing Media Education is intended for those who would like to know how other schools have grappled with implementing assessment initiatives and who have used assessment to improve their programs. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781410614421

Assessing Media EducationA Resource Handbook for Educators and Administrators: Component 1: Measurement The chapters included in this component of Assessing Media Education are intended for those who have already developed an assessment plan and identified key student learning outcomes and who need more information on how to measure the outcomes both indirectly and directly. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138834248

Assessing Media EducationA Resource Handbook for Educators and Administrators: Component 2: Case Studies This component of Assessing Media Education is intended for those who would like to know how other schools have grappled with implementing assessment initiatives and who have used assessment to improve their programs. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138164819

Assessing Media EducationA Resource Handbook for Educators and Administrators: Component 3: Developing an Assessment Plan The chapters in this component of Assessing Media Education are valuable for those who need to know how to develop an assessment plan. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138164956

Assessing Mental CapacityA Handbook to Guide Professionals from Basic to Advanced Practice This practical how-to handbook provides essential resources to help clinicians and other professionals assess mental capacity in key decisions. The book illustrates the basics of capacity assessments before discussing a variety of complex issues of which professionals will need to be aware. Offering expertise from a multi-disciplinary perspective the book provides hands-on coverage of mental capacity law (concentrating on England and Wales). This book is accompanied by online resources including semi-structured interviews and a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) questionnaire which can be downloaded and used for clinical cases as well as further examples information and tips. Please visit Chapters are written by a variety of different professionals with extensive experience in the assessment of mental capacity. Coverage includes: Explanations of mental capacity law and how to put it into practice across a range of settings services and populations A "how to" approach for administering assessments of mental capacity both for professionals who are new to the area and for more experienced professionals Information on practical aspects of assessing mental capacity for commonly occurring decisions and for more specialist and complex decisions Consideration of the best interests process and Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS). With easily accessible information case studies examples from case law and internationally relevant discussions on ethical issues this is the perfect companion to help busy professionals understand complex concepts relating to mental capacity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138102774

Assessing Middle and High School Mathematics & ScienceDifferentiating Formative Assessment For middle and high school teachers of mathematics and science this book is filled with examples of instructional strategies that address students’ readiness levels interests and learning preferences. It shows teachers how to formatively assess their students by addressing differentiated learning targets. Included are detailed examples of differentiated formative assessment schedules plus tips on how to collaborate with others to improve assessment processes. Teachers will learn how to adjust instruction for the whole class for small groups and for individuals. They will also uncover step-by-step procedures for creating their own lessons infused with opportunities to formatively assess students who participate in differentiated learning activities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138179370

Assessing Middle and High School Social Studies & EnglishDifferentiating Formative Assessment For middle and high school teachers teachers of social studies and English this book is filled with examples of instructional strategies that address students’ readiness levels interests and learning preferences. It shows teachers how to formatively assess their students by addressing differentiated learning targets. Included are detailed examples of differentiated formative assessment schedules plus tips on how to collaborate with others to improve assessment processes. Teachers will learn how to adjust instruction for the whole class for small groups and for individuals. They will also uncover step-by-step procedures for creating their own lessons infused with opportunities to formatively assess students who participate in differentiated learning activities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138145641

Assessing Needs and Planning Care in Social Work The assessment of needs and the process of planning care are central issues in modern social work practice. Skilled assessment of client needs and strengths is essential to effective planning and efficient provision of quality social work services including both counselling and personal care. The focus of this book is on the development of the skills required at each stage of the social work process: assessment care planning implementation and evaluation. Throughout the book a balance is maintained between the focus on client involvement and the role of the social worker in an agency. The latter part of the book addresses practical issues in developing new approaches to assessment and care planning: primary workers individual support and managing change. Social work practitioners managers and trainers and students on qualifying and pre-qualifying training will find this an invaluable aid to the development of sound and yet creative practice. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003076728

Assessing Open and Distance Learners Research has indicated that assessment is a key factor in student learning. This book details the issues of assessment in the open and distance learning field where changes in budgets the location and environment of the students and other factors have prompted innovations in assessment. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003062813

Assessing Outcomes in Child and Family ServicesComparative Design and Policy Issues In this collective portrait editors and authors do not attempt to draw systematic country-by-country comparisons. Given the magnitude of the issues they believed that it would be inappropriate to paint with too broad a stroke. What they have accomplished however is to codify and identify what the participants repeatedly noted in regard to issues and difficulties inherent in conducting outcome evaluation. These include: varying definitions of outcome; complexities in measuring outcomes of particular interventions with different groups of consumers and documenting the effectiveness of the intervention; the tendency to focus on evaluation of process more than outcome; the challenge of involving practitioners in the evaluation task in part because its value is unclear to them or perceived as distant or untrustworthy; the typical inadequacy of resources available for systematic evaluation; and the need to inject rigor into the design and execution of evaluation projects. The authors demonstrate strong conviction about sharing research expertise across national boundaries; learning through each other how to cope with organizational impediments to cross-national collaboration; and strengthening the interaction between practice and research. Their contributions suggest that there is wide interest in pursuing cross-national collaboration. In recent years largely in response to demands by their funding sources for accountability assessment of performance and cost effectiveness researchers in human services have been devoting increased attention to outcome evaluation. Limited attention however has been given to the findings of evaluation studies conducted in different countries. The present volume has been organized and edited to address the task of learning from outcome research across the world. Its goal an extension of a major goal of the human services in any one country is to improve life chances of vulnerable children and youth. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351328128

Assessing Pain and Communication in Disorders of Consciousness Recent advances in medicine for resuscitation and care have led to an increased number of patients that survive severe brain damage but who are poorly responsive and non-communicative at the bedside. This has led to a striking need to better characterize understand and manage this population who present a real challenge for the assessment of pain and for planning treatment. This edited collection provides clinicians with a guide to recent developments in research on pain perception and assessment and the detection of consciousness and communication in patients with disorders of consciousness (DOC). With contributions from leading global researchers the book gives an overview of issues concerning the assessment of pain. It also covers the development of suitable tools both to improve pain management and to detect consciousness and communication in these patients to influence their prognosis and treatment and their quality of life. Methodological and ethical issues concerning the implication for future research are also considered. The book will be an invaluable guide for clinicians medics and therapists working in rehabilitation and acute care particularly in the demanding field of pain perception pain assessment and detection of consciousness and communication in patients with DOC. It will also be useful for students and researchers in neuropsychology and medical sciences. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138814820

Assessing Participatory DevelopmentRhetoric Versus Reality This book was shaped by ten years of International Fund for Agricultural Development's experience on innovative approaches to people's participation in development. Its critical assessment of the participatory approach explains how it works its benefits and the pitfalls it harbours for the unwary. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367013172

Assessing Political Representation in Europe It has long been realized that democratic governance requires a two-way flow of influence. Governments must be able to respond to what people want and people must be able to react to what governments do. These mechanisms of democratic governance have contributed to two research traditions: one the responsible party approach views policy change as a consequence of ‘electoral turnover’; and the other the dynamic representation approach views policy change as occurring in ‘rational anticipation’ of electoral repercussions. The aim of this book is to evaluate the state of political representation in contemporary Europe in the light of these two approaches. The chapters present fresh insight into issue congruence between voters and parties and into the extent of dynamic representation. The chapters are logically clustered into three groups: one group of scholars base their work on the ‘responsible party model’ and apply it to voters and European parties and party groups; a second group of scholars demonstrate the importance of institutional structures on the degree of issue congruence; and a third group of scholars examine the reciprocal nature of dynamic representation and the effects of institutions on the opinion-policy connection. This book was published as a special issue of West European Politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138377400

Assessing Prospective Trade PolicyMethods Applied to EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements The European Union (EU) has provided trade preferences to the former colonies of the African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) regions since 1975 but these preferences have been of limited value and found to be incompatible with WTO rules. To continue preferences economic partnership agreements (EPAs) were established under which the EU and regional groupings of ACP countries offer reciprocal trade preferences to each other. This volume not only assesses EPAs and the impact on ACP countries but also provides guidance for ACP negotiators in future negotiations and provides an evaluation of methods used to analyse the impact of trade reforms. In addition to overviews of the content and process of EPAs estimates of impacts on a range of ACP countries and evaluating how they can contribute to development these chapters focus on specific negotiating concerns such as legal commitments adjustment costs impacts on poverty and food security and regulatory reforms. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138014015

Assessing Prostitution Policies in Europe Once again prostitution occupies a prominent position on public and political agendas both nationally and internationally. A topic of concern and interest within social and academic realms it is a highly moralised contested issue that is at the centre of heated and drawn-out debates. With each chapter dedicated to a separate country and written by a national authority on the subject Assessing European Prostitution Policies seeks to explore how prostitution is regulated in 21 European countries thus drawing out important implications for an effective and humane prostitution policy. Indeed this innovative volume brings together systematic accounts of how national and local forms of governance influence the commercial market for sex as well as the lives of sex workers and third parties. All chapters cover the history of prostitution policy national laws regulating prostitution policy formulation and implementation the national discourse on prostitution the gap between national and local regulation the impact of policy on the lives and rights of sex workers and sex worker advocacy organizations. In addition to this the authors examine and highlight how immigration labour fiscal and welfare law have as much impact on the sex trade as designated prostitution law. A unique interdisciplinary title that is comprehensive in its coverage Assessing European Prostitution Policies will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students postdoctoral researchers sex worker advocacy organisations and policy makers interested in fields such as Sexuality and Prostitution Public Policy Criminology and Gender Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367375126

Assessing PsychosisA Clinician's Guide Assessing Psychosis: A Clinician’s Guide offers both a practical guide and rich clinical resource for a broad audience of mental-health practitioners seeking to sharpen their understanding of diagnostic issues clinical concepts and assessment methods that aid in detecting the presence of psychotic phenomena. Practicing psychiatrists psychologists social workers and psychiatric nurses will find this a valuable resource for clinical practice training and teaching purposes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415715119

Assessing Public Health Needs in a Lower Middle Income Country This book demonstrates a methodology for assessing public health needs in communities experiencing environmental sanitation inadequacies. Centring on a case study of the Republic of Cameroon the findings represent the starting point of a campaign to implement a comprehensive water and sanitation infrastructure through advocacy housing improvements and new service chains. Based on an assessment report undertaken by ARCHIVE Global an international non-profit organization focusing on the link between health and housing this book: Explores and establishes a causal relationship between the built environment and its impacts on public health Uses the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals as a benchmark for highlighting issues and challenges with sanitation infrastructure projects Provides lessons for communities around the world facing environmental health issues similar to those Cameroon’s Idenau Municipality deals with. This book is intended for environmental health professionals academics and policymakers be they domestic to the African region or multinational practitioners. Donor countries the likes of the United States and European nations will also value the book’s advocacy for interventions in the built environment and current public health impacts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367530365

Assessing Pupil's Performance Using the P Levels This book has been designed to provide guidance for special and mainstream schools in the assessment of pupils' learning from Level P1 up to and including National Curriculum Level 1A. It contains exemplification of the descriptions of attainment for reading writing and the three strands of mathematics identified in Planning Teaching and Assessing the Curriculum for Pupils with Learning Difficulties produced by the QCA. The book provides clarification of the performance criteria through illustrative examples and supports accurate and consistent teacher assessment of pupils working at these levels. It enables effective monitoring of attainment and progression which will support the target setting process and demonstrates how assessments can be used to inform next steps in learning. The authors include examples from special and mainstream schools on reading writing and mathematics. The book also contains photocopiable proformas for your own use.SENCOs and teachers in special and mainstream schools should find this book helps them to chart the progress of their pupils' learning very effectively. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138145528

Assessing quality in applied and practice-based research in education.Continuing the debate One of the most persistent features of the research environment in the UK over the last decades has been the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE); now more and more countries are following suit by developing their own systems for research quality assessment. However in the field of education one of the difficulties with this policy has been that a great deal of educational research characterises itself as either applied or practice-based. These are forms of research that have been notoriously difficult to accommodate within the RAE in all disciplines not just in education. But what is applied and practice-based research in education? How can we define it and how can we assess its quality? The authors in this book come from diverse traditions within educational research but through their papers each aims to contribute to the debate about what applied and practice-based research is and how we can understand articulate and assess its quality. This book was first published as a special issue of Research Papers in Education: Policy and Practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138376793

Assessing ReadersQualitative Diagnosis and Instruction Second Edition A Co-publication of Routledge and the International Reading Association This new edition of Assessing Readers continues to bridge the gap between authentic informal and formative assessments and more traditional quantitative and summative assessment approaches. At the heart of the book is respect and confidence in the capabilities of knowledgeable teachers to make the correct literacy decisions for the students they teach based on appropriate assessments. Inclusive and practical it supports individual classroom teachers' knowledge beliefs decisions and roles and offers specific assessment instruction and organizational ideas and strategies while incorporating a range of perspectives that inform the field of reading and literacy education covering the most important ideas and information found in more traditional reading diagnosis books. Changes in the Second Edition Addresses the Common Core State Standards Includes Response to Intervention (RTI) Discusses family literacy in language-diverse homes and the needs of ELL students Covers formative assessment Offers ideas and guidelines for ELL assessment Looks at issues of accountability and teaching to prescribed state tests and objectives versus accommodating to them – the pitfalls and problems and how to cope Provides new practical examples including new rubrics more teacher-developed cognitive assessments a new case study and new teacher-developed strategy lessons Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415527750

Assessing Reference and User Services in a Digital Age Effectively assess whether any library is making good use of the reference/user service resources available todayLibraries need to develop standards by which they can assess their individual performances in a larger context and Assessing Reference and User Services in a Digital Age makes significant contributions to this ongoing discussion. The book addresses its subject matter via approaches ranging from case studies of individual libraries to general discussions of best practices. The contributors explore the impact of the Internet on the field of evaluation focusing on electronic reference and instruction. They highlight current issues present research results and offer expert advice on how to assess online reference and instruction. All chapters are well referenced to facilitate further study and many include tables appendixes checklists and other helpful features that make difficult information easy to access and understand.The chapters that make up Assessing Reference and User Services in a Digital Age are as rich and varied as the backgrounds of their authors. Experienced researchers provide the results of studies conducted to determine the nature and effectiveness of the online reference services offered by various libraries. Practitioners and administrators from different institutional settings (academic libraries public libraries consortiums etc.) provide their perspectives on the issues facing librarians who need to assess the electronic services they provide.In this important new book: Andrew Briedenbagh shows how a chat service can be implemented and suggests which data should be collected for it Buff Hirko examines VET: the Virtual Evaluation Toolkit Ruth Vondracek shares the experiences of a university library as it entered a statewide e-reference consortium and offers advice and issues to consider before entering such a partnership librarians from San Jose State University present a model for evaluating electronic reference services that can be used in public or academic libraries Kathleen Kern discusses holistic evaluation chat transcripts are addressed in several chapters including Joseph Fennewald’s comparisons of question categories Lesley Moyo’s analysis of the use of instruction in the virtual environment and Caleb Tucker-Raymond’s proposed set of quality measures for chat reference Laurie Probst and Michael Pelikan report on the use of a Tell Us What You Think button to gather user feedback Kristi Nelson and Catherine L. Ross examine a research study that asked library school students to submit a reference question online and report on their experiences Melissa Gross Charles McClure and R. David Lankes suggest measures to determine the cost and benefits of a virtual reference service librarians from Utah State University describe the development of their online instructional moduleAssessing Reference and User Services in a Digital Age is designed as essential reading for library administrators public service librarians and researchers. It provides general advice for practitioners as well as an examination of research results and methodological issues. We urge you to consider making it part of your professional or teaching collection today. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203726235

Assessing RiskA Relational Approach Assessing Risk: A Relational Approach offers the practitioner a novel framework for understanding the complex and subtle issues involved in assessing and managing risks related to violence and sexual offending. The authors draw on their considerable experience working with high risk individuals in assessment and treatment. They have for many years consulted to practitioners in forensic mental health services and the criminal justice system and taught renowned courses at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.   This book outlines a comprehensive model of risk which draws on mainstream empirical research threat assessment developmental psychopathology attachment theory and a relational model derived from psychoanalysis. The framework incorporates intrapersonal and interpersonal dimensions and is designed to enhance the reader’s capacity to make a thorough risk formulation. The approach highlights the significance of childhood development in understanding violent and sexually violent acts and the complicated interpersonal processes involved in managing individuals who have a propensity to violent enactment. These dynamic processes between people impact on risk and risk perception and can distort judgement if not recognised and understood.   Assessing Risk will be of practical use in enhancing the skills of professionals to assess and manage risk in a comprehensive and effective way and will appeal to all those mental health and criminal justice practitioners working with risky individuals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415787734

Assessing Service QualitySatisfying the expectations of library customers Technological progress has meant that the old measures of service quality no longer apply. If libraries are to succeed they must see themselves in competition with other institutions and sources of information especially the Web and make customers feel welcome and valued. This classic book is brought fully up to date as Peter Hernon and Ellen Altman integrate the use of technology into the customer experience. They offer solid practical ideas for developing a customer service plan that meets the library's customer-focused mission vision and goals challenging librarians to think about customer service in new ways including: Distance educationUse of library Web sitesPartnerships and consortia for electronic collectionsWays to effectively embrace change for continuous improvement. Readership: Senior librarians library directors and trustees will learn how to see the library as the customer does with the aid of dozens of tools to measure service quality - from mystery shoppers and benchmarking to surveys and group interviews. Media > Books > Print Books Facet Publishing 9781783300594

Assessing Sociologists in Higher Education This title was first published in 2001. A detailed investigation of the practice of teaching sociology in a climate of increasing scrutiny from external stakeholders. The book explores an academic community accustomed to deconstructing the practices of other professional groups but now facing a challenge to some of its own beliefs and assumptions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138726390

Assessing Student Learning in Higher Education There is no doubt about the importance of assessment: it defines what students regard as important how they spend their time and how they come to see themselves - it is a necessary part of helping them to learn.This text provides background research on different aspects of assessment. Its purpose is to help lecturers to refresh their approach to the assessment of student learning.It explores the nature of conventional assessment such as essays and projects and also considers less widely used approaches such as self- and peer-assessment. There are also chapters devoted to the use of IT the role of external examiners and the introduction of different forms of assessment.With guidelines suggestions examples of practice and activities this book will become a springboard for action discussion and even more active learning. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315004914

Assessing Student Learning Outcomes in Higher Education This book examines important advances and offers a realistic image of the state of the art in student learning outcomes assessment in higher education—a field close to the core of nearly every higher education institution. Producing sound information on what students know and can do is critical to higher education practitioners and future social prosperity. Spanning international national and institutional developments the book presents methodological and empirical insights highlights research challenges and showcases the enormous progress made in recent years. The book will be of interest to researchers in education assessment and neighbouring fields and stakeholders like institutional leaders teachers and graduate employers looking for better insight on returns governments searching for information to assist with funding and regulation and members of the public wanting more clarity about outcomes and public investment. This book was originally published as a special issue of Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367892722

Assessing Surprises and Nonlinearities in Greenhouse WarmingProceedings of an Interdisciplinary Workshop In 1992 Resources for the Future conducted a workshop concerning the issues of global climate change. This title originally published in 1993 is a collection of the revised versions of the papers commissioned for the workshop with an added introduction and overview. Each paper emphasises the potential nonlinearities or surprises in physical effects caused by humans loading the atmosphere with greenhouse gases and examines how shifts in the natural environment from climate change may affect human well-being. This collection is a valuable resource for any student interested in environmental studies and climate change issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138953765

Assessing Teacher Classroom and School EffectsA Special Issue of the Peabody Journal of Education First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315046020

Assessing Teacher EffectivenessDifferent models How can we really evaluate teacher effectiveness? Systems of teacher appraisal and evaluation are being created across the world in order to monitor and assess teacher performance. But do the models used really give a fair evaluation? Based on international research the authors argue that teacher effectiveness is too narrowly conceptualised and methods of measuring it are not attuned to the real contexts in which teachers work. They propose a model of differential teacher effectiveness which takes into account that: * teachers may be more effective with some categories of students than with others* teachers may be more effective with some teaching contexts than others* teachers may be more effective with some subjects or components than with others. Building on and developing previous research on models of teacher effectiveness and current theories the authors open up possible new debates which will be of interest to academics and researchers working in this area throughout the world. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203403709

Assessing Technology and Innovation Policies This volume brings together eminent international scholars to discuss and analyze regional and national technology and innovation policies from an economic assessment or economic impacts perspective. The analysis covers policies relevant to countries in Europe and Asia and the United States.Not only might this volume initiate further study of technology and innovation policies on a country-by-country basis but also it might open doors for comparative policy analysis. This book was originally published as a special issue of Economics of Innovation and New Technology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367582562

Assessing the 2019 European Parliament Elections Informed by and against the backdrop of the 2019 European Parliament (EP) elections this innovative book provides a critical assessment of where Europe stands in terms of the quest to achieve democratic legitimacy. Since the 2014 EP elections the European Union (EU) has experienced multiple crises which arguably have undermined its legitimacy. The 2019 EP elections were hence seen as a crucial moment in the EU’s attempts to show resilience and regain trust. Using political science and legal frames of analysis Assessing the 2019 European Parliament Elections provides an understanding and assessment of the current politico-legal framework and its impact on European elections. Furthermore using original data it provides a timely examination of public opinion issue priorities and voting behaviour at the 2019 EP elections in eight countries. Given the critical conjuncture that the 2019 EP elections represent this volume provides a key contribution to understanding both the dynamics surrounding the elections as well as voters’ responses and informs debates on European politics for example second-order elections democratic legitimacy and political representation. This book will be of key interest to scholars and students of EU politics public administration European studies European law and sociology along with practitioners in politics journalism and policy analysis. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367365936

Assessing the Accuracy of Remotely Sensed DataPrinciples and Practices Third Edition The past 10 years have brought amazing changes to the technologies used to turn remotely sensed data into maps. As a result the principles and practices necessary for assessing the accuracy of those maps have also evolved and matured. This third edition of Assessing the Accuracy of Remotely Sensed Data: Principles and Practices is thoroughly updated and includes five new chapters. Now 15 chapters long this text is the only one of its kind to provide geospatial analysts with the requisite considerations tools and theory necessary to conduct successful and efficient map accuracy assessments; and map users with the knowledge to fully understand the assessment process to ensure effective use of maps. See What’s New in the Third Edition:All original chapters have been updated to include new standards practices and methodologies.A new chapter on planning accuracy assessments.A new chapter on assessing maps created using object-based technologies. Two case study chapters - one showcasing the assessment of maps created from traditional methods and one on the assessment of object-based maps.Emphasis on considering and planning for positional accuracy in concert with thematic accuracy. An appendix containing the internationally recognized ASPRS Positional Accuracy Standards.A new final chapter summarizing the key concepts considerations and lessons learned by the authors in their decades of implementing and evaluating accuracy assessments. Assessing map accuracy is complex; however the discussions in this book together with the many figures tables and case studies clearly present the necessary concepts and considerations for conducting an assessment that is both is practical statistically reliable and achievable. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367656676

Assessing the Balance of Power in Central-Local Relations in China How do we understand the evolution of central-local relations in China during the reform period? This book addresses this question by focusing on eight separate issues in which the central-local relationship has been especially salient – government finance investment control regional development administrative zoning implementation culture social welfare and international relations. Each chapter introduces a sector and the way the center and various local governments have shared or divided power over the different periods of China’s reform era. The balance of power is gauged dynamically over time to measure the extent to which one level of government dominates influences or shares power in making decisions in each of these particular domains as well as what is likely to occur in the foreseeable future. The authors assess the winners and losers of these changes among key actors in China’s society. The result provides a dynamic view of China’s changing power relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815361503

Assessing the Capitalist Peace Researchers have recently reinvigorated the idea that key features associated with a capitalist organization of the economy render nation states internally and externally more peaceful. According to this adage the contract intensity of capitalist societies and the openness of the economy are among the main attributes that drive these empirical relationships. Studies on the Capitalist Peace supplement the broadly received examinations on the role that economic integration in the form of trade and foreign direct investment play in the pacification of states. Some proponents of the peace-through-capitalism thesis controversially contend that this relationship supersedes prominent explanations like Democratic Peace according to which democratic pairs of states face a reduced risk of conflict. This volume takes stock of this debate. Authors also evaluate the theoretical underpinnings of the relationship and offer an up-to-date idea history and classification of current research. Leading scholars comment on these theoretical propositions and empirical findings. This book is an extended and revised version of a special issue of International Interactions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138945173

Assessing the Common CoreWhat's Gone Wrong--and How to Get Back on Track From distinguished educators this book imagines what our schools could look like if an authentic vision of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) were put in place and thoughtfully critiques how and why implementation has faltered. The authors outline a curriculum framework that focuses on student-based inquiry and the use of formative assessment to monitor and guide student learning. They provide workable innovative alternatives to the packaged instructional programs and summative tests that have come to be associated with the English language arts (ELA) standards. Vignettes of diverse schools and districts highlight a range of successful approaches to making the CCSS work. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462524327

Assessing the environmental impact of agriculture A prerequisite to improving the sustainability of agriculture are reliable methods to identify and quantify types of environmental impact. This collection summarises current research on the use of life cycle assessment (LCA) and other modelling techniques to measure and improve the sustainability of agriculture. Part 1 looks at current best practice and key methodological challenges in life cycle assessment. Part 2 reviews ways of modelling particular types of impact from nutrient and carbon cycles to freshwater balances energy use pesticide use and biodiversity. Part 3 reviews the environmental assessment and optimization of sectors such as crops ruminant and other livestock production as well as by-products. Assessing the environmental impact of agriculture will be a standard reference for researchers in agricultural and environmental science concerned with understanding and mitigating the environmental impact of agriculture. Media > Books > E-books Life Science (Burleigh Dodds) 9780429275425

Assessing the Extent of China's Marketization China is indisputably one of the most dynamic economic regions in the world; however the character nature and extent of its market economy status remains in question. This book provides an empirical analysis of many aspects of the developing market economy including: government reform; the marketization of enterprises; land transactions; capital transactions and finance; the market determination of wage rates; the development of intermediary organizations; and the improvement in the economy's legal framework. China's economic growth has also brought conflict with both the EU and the US. This book examines the contentious debates such as: the extent of renminbi convertibility; the independence of the financial sector; the freedom of labour in wage-rate bargaining; the extent of foreign investment; the extent of government ownership of enterprises; the protection of property rights; and the development of company law and of corporate governance. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315568140

Assessing the Hazard of Metals and Inorganic Metal Substances in Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems Current procedures used for hazard identification and classification are based on persistence bioaccumulation and toxicity measurements. Assessing the Hazard of Metals and Inorganic Metal Substances in Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems provides the basis for improvements to the current model for hazard assessment. The book reviews the scientific underpinnings of the use of persistence as applied to metals including bioavailability and the use of bioaccumulation to evaluate aquatic species and aquatic-linked food chains. It also examines toxicity procedures as used within PBT approaches and measurements for metals in terrestrial ecosystems.The book brings together a multidisciplinary and international group of scientists managers and policy makers from Australia Belgium Canada Germany the Netherlands the United Kingdom and the United States to discuss various means for assessing the environmental hazard posed by metals and inorganic metal substances. The contributors include representatives from regulatory and nonregulatory government agencies academia industry environmental groups and consulting firms involved in assessment management and basic research of metals and metal substances. They provide a focused discussion of the fate and effects of metals in the environment incorporating important advances developed over the past decade. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367389550

Assessing the Impacts of Environmental Changes on the Water Resources of the Upper Mara Lake Victoria Basin Growing population and unregulated access to forest land have exerted high pressure on the land and water resources of the recharge areas of the transboundary Mara river in the Lake Victoria region leading to changes in land and water use patterns in the basin. This thesis considers the interactions among climate change and variability water quality land surface cover hydrology and human systems including societal adaptations to changing environmental conditions. The thesis explores the interaction between trends in climatic variables and the feedback response of vegetation variables. The effect of different land cover types on water quality is addressed and alternative methods to treat data quality for hydrological model inputs and validation are discussed. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrological model was adapted to the tropical watershed experiencing data scarcity and used to assess the impacts of changes to the climate land use and management practices. Different scenarios driven by the prevailing natural trends strategic national development and economic policies were used to asses the potential impacts of changes. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138026384

Assessing the Lee Teng-hui Legacy in Taiwan's PoliticsDemocratic Consolidation and External Relations The 12 years of Lee Teng-hui's presidency were marked by a series of contrary trends such as progress in the consolidation of Taiwan's democracy and periodic conflicts with China. This book assesses the complex legacy of Lee Teng-hui by looking at his accomplishments and setbacks. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315290416

Assessing the Long-Term Impact of Truth CommissionsThe Chilean Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Historical Perspective In 1990 after the end of the Pinochet regime the newly-elected democratic government of Chile established a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) to investigate and report on some of the worst human rights violations committed under the seventeen-year military dictatorship. The Chilean TRC was one of the first truth commissions established in the world.  This book examines whether and how the work of the Chilean TRC contributed to the transition to democracy in Chile and to subsequent developments in accountability and transformation in that country. The book takes a long term view on the Chilean TRC asking to what extent and how the truth commission contributed to the development of the transitional justice measures that ensued and how the relationship with those subsequent developments was established over time.It argues that contrary to the views and expectations of those who considered that the Chilean TRC was of limited success that the Chilean TRC has in fact over the longer term played a key role as an enabler of justice and a means by which ethical and institutional transformation has occurred within Chile. With the benefit of this historical perspective the book concludes that the impact of truth commissions in general needs to be carefully reviewed in light of the Chilean experience. This book will be of great interest and use to students and scholars of conflict resolution criminal international law and comparative legal systems in Latin America. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138215214

Assessing the Needs of Bilingual PupilsLiving in Two Languages Ever since its publication in 1995 this book has offered a means for teachers to consider why some bilingual pupils in their classrooms are not making learning progress or are academically underachieving. This new second edition has been revised and updated in the light of the new government legislation and guidance most significantly the revised Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs.It continues to look at ways of asking questions about the pupil of collecting evidence of both learning and language development and of offering support within the classroom. It contains a model and photocopiable proformas for use within schools which should help to establish clear systems of identification of those bilingual pupils who may have special learning needs and to distinguish these from the need for language support. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138177529

Assessing the Performance of Phase Change Materials in Buildings Find out about how Phase Change Materials (latent heat technology) are being used in building applications. PCMs can smooth daily temperature fluctuations and prevent overheating in buildings. They can also be used as part of low energy ventilation and cooling systems. Phase Change Materials (PCMs) or latent heat storage materials for building applications are an emerging technology in the UK. They offer a solution for improving the thermal performance and comfort of low thermal mass buildings currently being constructed using modern materials and techniques and also when renovating existing building stock. Media > Books > Print Books IHS BRE Press 9781848064522

Assessing the Presidency of Ma Ying-jiu in TaiwanHopeful Beginning Hopeless End? The years of the Ma Ying-jiu presidency in Taiwan were controversial from the beginning. When he came to power in 2008 Ma was considered the strongest and most popular KMT presidential candidate since Lee Teng-hui. However his rapprochement towards China met with increasing resistance and by the time he stepped down in 2016 he enjoyed the lowest support rates of any incumbent president. What happened in between? This book undertakes a balanced empirical assessment of the achievements and failures of the Ma Ying-jiu era. Renowned Taiwan scholars analyse the changing political environment that shaped the Ma presidency covering important topics such as Taiwan’s evolving nationalism and rising civil societal activism cross-strait economic integration and migration and the factors determining its ‘international space’. As the first comprehensive scholarly work on the Ma Ying-jiu presidency this books is a must read for students and scholars of Taiwanese politics and society cross-strait relations and East Asian politics in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367590338

Assessing the Societal Implications of Emerging TechnologiesAnticipatory governance in practice A growing problem of interest in the field of science and technology policy is that the next generation of innovations is arriving at an accelerating rate and the governance system is struggling to catch up. Current approaches and institutions for effective technology assessment are ill suited and poorly designed to proactively address the multidimensional interconnected societal impacts of science and technology advancements that are already taking place and expected to continue over the course of the 21st century. This book offers tangible insights into the strategies deployed by well-known high-profile organizations involved in anticipating the various societal and policy implications of nanotechnology and synthetic biology. It focuses predominantly on an examination of the practices adopted by the often-cited and uniquely positioned Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies in the United States as well as being informed by comparisons with a range of institutions also interested in embedding forward-looking perspectives in their respective area of innovation. The book lays out one of the first actionable roadmaps that other interested stakeholders can follow when working toward institutionalizing anticipatory governance practices throughout the policymaking process. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815355786

Assessing the Sustainability and Biological Integrity of Water Resources Using Fish Communities This book examines the application of fish community characteristics to evaluate the sustainability and biological integrity of freshwaters. Topics include perspectives on use of fish communities as environmental indicators in program development collaboration and partnership forming; influence of specific taxa on assessment of the IBI; regional applications for areas where the IBI had not previously been developed; and specific applications of the IBI developed for coldwater streams inland lakes Great Lakes reservoirs and tailwaters. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003068013

Assessing the Value of Digital HealthLeveraging the HIMSS Value STEPSâ„¢ Framework HIMSS set out to develop a dynamic framework by which to easily catalogue the varied beneficial evidences of digital health. From this effort HIMSS introduced to the market the HIMSS Value STEPSâ„¢ framework. This book will leverage the HIMSS Value STEPSâ„¢ model to identify and define the expressions of value the use of health IT systems can yield per the following domains: Satisfaction Treatment/Clinical Electronic Secure Data Patient Engagement and Population Health and Savings. Using this framework HIMSS has developed a collection of over 2 000 cases reflecting the value that hospitals health systems and other providers have experienced following implementation of their electronic health record and/or other IT-related applications. The more than 17 000 value statements that have been extracted from the 2 000+ case articles have been classified within 85 Standard Value Standard (SVS) within the five STEPS domains. The book will describe the STEPS model to demonstrate the impact of health IT in healthcare organizations and the quality of care and overall financial and operational performance improvements that have been achieved. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9780815376415

Assessing the War on TerrorWestern and Middle Eastern Perspectives This volume is a collection of articles that critically examine the efficacy ethics and impact of the War on Terror as it has evolved since 9/11. During the decade and a half of the Global War on Terror (GWOT) numerous books have considered the political psychosocial and economic impacts of terrorism. However there has been little systematic effort to examine the effectiveness of the GWOT in achieving its goals. Furthermore there is virtually nothing that presents a comparative analysis of the GWOT by the people most directly affected by it—citizens and scholars from conflict zones in the Middle East. There is therefore great need for a book that analyzes the strategies tactics and outcomes of the GWOT and that also presents facts and ideas that are missing or underrepresented in the dominant public narratives. The contributions in this volume were chosen to specifically address this need. In doing so it uniquely provides not only Western perspectives of the GWOT but also importantly includes perspectives from the Middle East and those most directly affected by it including contributions from scholars and policy makers. Overall the contributions demonstrate how views differ based on geographical location and how views have changed during the course of the still-evolving War on Terror.The book will be of much interest to students and scholars of terrorism and counter-terrorism foreign policy Middle Eastern politics security studies and IR as well as policy makers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367667900

Assessing Vulnerability to Global Environmental ChangeMaking Research Useful for Adaptation Decision Making and Policy Assessing the vulnerability of human populations to global environmental change particularly climate change is now the main imperative of research and international action. However much of the research into vulnerability is not designed to feed directly into decision making and policy creating a gap between the knowledge created by researchers and what is required by decision makers. This book seeks to rectify this problem and bridge the gap. It discusses vulnerability as the central theme and brings together many different applications from disaster studies climate change impact studies and several other fields and provides the most comprehensive synthesis of definitions theories formalization and applications to date illustrated with examples from different disciplines regions and periods and from local through to regional national and international levels. Case study topics cover sea level rise vulnerability to changes in ecosystem services assessing the vulnerability of human health and 'double exposure' to climate change and trade liberalization amongst other issues. Research outcomes stress that science-policy dialogues must be transparent to be effective and concentrate on a mutual understanding of the concepts used. A key research finding is that the most useful information for decision makers is that which shows the separate causes and drivers of vulnerability rather than presenting vulnerability in an aggregated form. The book concludes with a unifying framework for analysing integrated methodologies of vulnerability assessment and guiding how research and policy can be linked to reduce vulnerability. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781849770514

Assessment Evaluation and Repair of Concrete Steel and Offshore Structures Civil engineers must assure that buildings have long and durable lives and therefore structural assessment and repair are routinely required and must be performed with the utmost accuracy and professionalism. Assessment Evaluation and Repair of Concrete Steel and Offshore Structures presents the typical causes of structural failure and their mechanisms discusses the most up-to-date methods for evaluation and structural assessment and explains the best project management strategies from the feasibility stage through operations and maintenance. Numerous types of structures are examined and are further illustrated by relevant case studies.   Features: Examines the probability of several types of structural failure and includes reliability analysis.  Presents best practices for predicting the structural lifetime for both onshore and offshore structures and reviews the most advanced methods for repair.  Includes numerous practical case studies of structural failure and offers mitigation strategies depending of type of structure.  Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780815362982

Assessment Measurement and Prediction for Personnel Decisions Robert Guion’s best seller is now available in this new second edition. This noted book offers a comprehensive and practical view of assessment –based personnel decisions not available elsewhere in a single source. This edition more frankly evaluates the current research and practice and presents challenges that will change the basic thinking about staffing systems.This new edition suggests new directions for research and practice includes emphasis on modern computers and technology useful in assessment and pays more attention to prediction of individual growth and globalization challenges in the assessment process. The book will be of interest to faculty and students in Industrial Organizational psychology human resource management and business. IO psychologists in private business and public sector organizations who have responsibilities for staffing and an interest in measurement and statistics will find this book useful. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367864361

Assessment Schools and Society The 1970s saw a growing worldwide pre-occupation with school assessment; Britain witnessed lengthy debate in response to the proposals for examination reform initiated by the Schools Council and the setting up of an Assessment of Performance Unit to monitor standards of achievement. This book analyzes the origins of school assessment and of international trends in practice and explores the ideology of assessment which is now so widely accepted yet rarely questioned. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415753425

Assessment and Accountability in Reference Work This book first published in 1992 explores the issue of library assessment methods and the impact of accountability on the delivery of reference services. It is a call for librarians to actively adopt performance measures and learn how to work with the results. It analyses a wealth of assessment methods that librarians can use to collect data and create standards that are valid practical and useful in accounting for reference services. Some of the methodologies described include quantitative measures qualitative measures patron surveys questionnaires interviews case studies peer review unobtrusive testing and even updating the library's policies and procedures manual as a way to evaluate services. A variety of assessment methods for reference services are applied to all types of libraries. Chapters in Assessment and Accountability in Reference Work describe how a small town library defends the relevancy of its services at a town meeting how a special library documents the value of its services to cost-conscious management and how academic libraries can become involved in university- and college-level assessment programs. Librarians seeking to develop their own assessment methods will benefit from practical advice on assessing diversity in the library and helpful suggestions for improving reference services through training workshops peer-coaching and changes in organizational climate. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367361037

Assessment and Development Centres Since the first edition of this book the level of interest and the varied forms of assessment and development centres have mushroomed. Iain Ballantyne and Nigel Povah's book looks at the entire process from the underlying concepts to the most effective methods of validation - not forgetting the organizational politics involved. The main objectives of the book are: ¢ to establish a thorough understanding of the principles and practice of assessment and development centres; ¢ to provide sufficient knowledge to enable practitioners to run their own events in a professional manner; ¢ to help readers to recognise when they may need to call on outside expertise and ¢ to equip readers to ask pertinent questions of any prospective advisers. This second edition includes guidance to reflect the significant developments within the technology along with further advice on quality control process improvements and further refinements to the increasingly popular development centre concept. Assessment and Development Centres represents a practical approach which is sure of a warm welcome from HR professionals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138270428

Assessment and Diagnosis for Organization DevelopmentPowerful Tools and Perspectives for the OD Practitioner Although the theory and methods of organization development (OD) assessment and diagnosis have been covered in other books there is a lack of practitioner-focused guides that introduce real-world case studies and tools rooted in the methodology. This book will fill that gap providing practical perspective and insight from practitioners and consultants currently practicing OD assessment and diagnosis. Organization Development (OD) differs from management consulting in that OD assessment and diagnosis is not a prescriptive consulting engagement. Instead OD methods include engaging clients to build change leadership initiatives customized to their particular situation. OD is not about a consultant telling a client company what to do. It is about an OD professional guiding client companies on their journey towards the best end point for their particular situation. This book will address that journey. The theory and foundational principles of OD are covered but the primary focus is on providing practical applications to businesses. While the book is grounded in sound academic theory its strength is its practitioner-focused methodology containing vignettes and tools that individuals can use to help guide the assessment and diagnosis efforts in their own or their client organizations. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781138033344

Assessment and Documentation in Early Childhood Education Documentation in early childhood education is typically seen as a means to enhance the quality of care and education and as a way to take account of the child’s view.   Assessment and Documentation in Early Childhood Education considers the increasing trend towards systematic child documentation especially in early childhood institutions. The authors present ways in which assessment and evaluation is done sometimes explicitly but more often implicitly in these practices and explore its means aims forms and functions. They also examine the rationalities of child documentation from the perspective of professional practice and professionalism and suggest that documentation and assessment practices can weaken and constrain but also empower and strengthen teachers children and parents. Topics explored include: Different forms of documentation and assessment Documentation and listening to the children Dilemmas of assessment and documentation Participation by children Involvement of parents This timely book will be appealing for those studying in the field of early childhood education teacher education special education general education social work counselling psychology sociology childhood studies and family studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415661263

Assessment and Evaluation for Transformation in Early Childhood Assessment and Evaluation for Transformation in Early Childhood establishes a new democratic and participatory approach to assessment and evaluation in early childhood. By analysing the practice of assessment and evaluation within early childhood pedagogy it provides a clear theoretical and methodological basis for this approach and a set of practical techniques for assessment and evaluation. Structured into three parts – context and principles approaches and techniques and case studies the authors show how documentation and portfolios can be an ethical mode of conducting assessment and evaluation. The third part of the text provides educational snapshots of countries that use a participatory approach to learning and teaching and which include the pedagogical dimension of assessment and evaluation. Each of the seven illustrative case studies from three different countries bring to life the theories principles and techniques presented throughout the book. Key points explored include: · The nature and purpose of assessment and evaluation within a participatory pedagogy. ·Participatory methods for assessment and evaluation. ·The search for a holistic approach to evaluation ·Pedagogic documentation: uncovering solidary learning. · Ethical principles for holistic pedagogic evaluation This book is a crucial read for anyone working in early childhood education who wishes to learn more about professional practice and policy development and all those interested in the pedagogical dimensions of assessment and evaluation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138909748

Assessment and Instruction of Social SkillsA Special Double Issue of Exceptionality First published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138465992

Assessment and Intervention Issues Across the Life Span This volume evolved from the second life span development conference held at Southern Illinois University entitled "Assessment and Intervention Across the Lifespan." Providing an overview and consideration of important directions for research in areas of assessment and intervention across the lifespan the presentations covered a variety of topic areas including social ecology cultural diversity attitudes about aging as well as attention visual and linguistic skills. This volume consists of chapters based on the conference presentations as well as additional chapters by experts in related specialty areas discussing attachment theory learning disabilities and phonological processing. The second conference and volume continue the work of the first conference and its associated earlier volume. The chapters cover important interactions between assessment and intervention for each major developmental period; several emphasize the importance of early assessment and intervention. A common theme found throughout is the critical connection between basic research and practice. The editors hope this book will prove useful not only to researchers but also to practitioners in related disciplines working with individuals of all ages. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964013

Assessment and Learning in the Primary School This is an innovative yet practical resource book for teachers focusing on the classroom and covering vital skills for primary and secondary teachers. The book is strongly influenced by the findings of numerous research projects during which hundreds of teachers were observed at work. This book addresses both formal and informal ways of assessing children's work and progress. Pupils' learning is often neglected in the debate so this book puts what children actually learn right at its centre. Divided into six units Ted Wragg addresses important topics such as: principles and purposes of assessment written oral and practical evaluation self-assessment the 'whole school' approach staff development and appraisal. The inclusion of practical activities discussion topics photographs cartoons and case examples makes this a very user-friendly book for both trainee and experienced teachers in primary schools. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138460270

Assessment and Learning in the Secondary School Assessment is now regarded as a 'high stakes' issue: schools teachers and individual pupils are often judged by the results of national tests and public examinations. This book addresses both formal and informal ways of assessing children's work and progress. Pupils' learning is often neglected in the debate so this book puts what children actually learn right at its centre and involves them sensibly and appropriately in the improvement of teaching and learning. The book is divided into six units where Ted Wragg address topics such as: principles and purposes of assessment written oral and practical evaluation self-assessment the 'whole school' approach staff development and appraisal. The inclusion of tried and tested practical activities discussion topics photographs cartoons and case examples makes this a very user-friendly book for both trainee and experienced teachers in secondary schools. This is one of a set of eight innovative yet practical resource books for teachers focussing on the classroom and covering vital skills for primary and secondary teachers. The books are strongly influenced by the findings of numerous research projects during which hundreds of teachers were observed at work. The first editions of the series were bestsellers and these revised second editions will be equally welcomed by teachers eager to improve their teaching skills. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138466388

Assessment and Refurbishment of Steel Structures The material properties spatial configuration and variation in the construction of steel structures means they often have the potential for reconstruction. This book provides civil engineers with the necessary information to approach projects of reconstruction and reinforcement of steel structures such as buildings masts towers chimneys storage tanks and bridges.The book analyses the causes of failures presents up-to-date information on the methodology and equipment used for diagnosis of failures and includes a survey of repair and reconstruction techniques. The methods described are illustrated by examples of successful real-life case studies and relevant codes are examined where appropriate.Assessment and Refurbishment of Steel Structures is a comprehensive combination of both theory and practice and is an essential reference for engineers engaged in the modernisation and repair of civil engineering steel structures. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367863524

Assessment and Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Sites Federal regulations have required thousands of underground storage tanks (USTs) to be dug up and removed or replaced. The contamination of soil and ground water from leaking USTs has become widespread and has produced an overwhelming number of sites that require remediation. Assessment and Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Sites presents the broad scope of the remedial process from initial site assessment to closure in an integrated understandable format. The book guides you effortlessly through regulatory requirements site assessments and sampling and remediation methods. RCRA and CERCLA federal regulations are addressed. The chemistry and toxicology of petroleum hydrocarbons in the remediation process are explained and factors affecting soil remediation are discussed. Environmental assessments site characterizations remediation planning and remediation methods are all covered in detail. The book is an essential guide for environmental consultants regulatory agency personnel engineers and environmental attorneys. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367449544

Assessment and TestingAn Introduction Originally published in 1972 there were many ‘classics’ dealing with assessment and testing on the market at the time but most of these left the inexperienced reader bewildered in the early stages because of their size and insufficient explanation of the many technical terms used. There were a distinct lack of books which gave students in Colleges of Education dealing with psychology for the first time a simple explanation of basic terms in assessment and testing and which introduced them briefly to the different types of tests available. Assessment and Testing aimed to fill this large gap. It looks at such key psychological terms as ‘sample’ ‘objectivity’ ‘subjectivity’ and such basic statistical terms such as ‘mean’ ‘standard deviation’ and ‘normal curve of distribution’. Because it assumes that the reader has no knowledge of such terms it gives careful and simply illustrated explanations of each. In the same way in simple language with any technical terms explained and illustrated it explains intelligence and personality tests questionnaires sociometric measures projection techniques and other areas of assessment and testing which every practising teacher will meet. The book aims to be essentially practical. It is appreciated all the time that the readers are those who will teach children. It is designed to provide a solid foundation upon which the reader can build later to augment his own experience of identifying children’s particular needs. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367439392

Assessment and Treatment of Childhood ProblemsA Clinician's Guide This highly accessible work now thoroughly revised has shown thousands of students and clinicians how to assess and treat children's emotional and behavioral difficulties from a developmental perspective. The authors provide a sound understanding of typical development (ages 2-12) and the risk and protective factors for psychopathology. Chapters on common psychological disorders and family stressors describe the nature of each problem review evidence-based treatments and offer step-by-step guidelines for intervention illustrated with helpful case examples. A comprehensive framework for assessing children and planning treatment is used throughout. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the book's 24 reproducible forms and handouts in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. New to This Edition:*Chapters on developmental disabilities and trauma.*Significantly revised to reflect advances in assessment treatment and developmental psychopathology research.*Additional material on pharmacological treatments in each disorder-specific chapter.*Sibling rivalry chapter expanded to include difficulties with peers.*Updated for DSM-5. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462545957

Assessment and Treatment of Childhood ProblemsA Clinician's Guide This highly accessible work now thoroughly revised has shown thousands of students and clinicians how to assess and treat children's emotional and behavioral difficulties from a developmental perspective. The authors provide a sound understanding of typical development (ages 2-12) and the risk and protective factors for psychopathology. Chapters on common psychological disorders and family stressors describe the nature of each problem review evidence-based treatments and offer step-by-step guidelines for intervention illustrated with helpful case examples. A comprehensive framework for assessing children and planning treatment is used throughout. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the book's 24 reproducible forms and handouts in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.New to This Edition:*Chapters on developmental disabilities and trauma.*Significantly revised to reflect advances in assessment treatment and developmental psychopathology research.*Additional material on pharmacological treatments in each disorder-specific chapter.*Sibling rivalry chapter expanded to include difficulties with peers.*Updated for DSM-5. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462530700

Assessment and Treatment of Non-Suicidal Self-InjuryA Clinical Perspective Assessment and Treatment of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: A Clinical Perspective is the ideal primer for anyone who works with people who self-injure. Profiling who is affected as well as what their behaviour includes the book explores the range of factors behind why people self-injure from the influence of social media to the need for self-regulation and offers recommendations for both assessment and outpatient treatment. Throughout the book is permeated by profound respect for those who use self-injury in an attempt to live a good life while conveying a deep understanding of the challenges that self-injury presents for family members and treatment professionals. It recognizes that the behaviour can spread in hospital wards or other institutional setting introducing the concept of self-injury by proxy and assesses the range of therapies available including CBT MBT ERGT and family therapy. Each chapter is complemented by clinical vignettes. In an era when a great number of professionals will come into contact with someone who self-injures – including teachers social workers and nurses as well as therapists – The Assessment and Treatment of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury is an invaluable resource that examines both the causes and the treatments available. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138349803

Assessment and Treatment of the DWI Offender Work more effectively with DWI offenders!This valuable book provides current information on the psychological social-demographic and psychiatric characteristics of DWI offenders. It also will provide you with up-to-date assessment strategies that can be employed with offenders who characteristically are resistant to such assessment. Until now books written on this subject have focused purely on research that has been done with offenders. This book however provides both theoretical and applied strategies for working with this very difficult population in clinical/treatment settings. Assessment and Treatment of the DWI Offender provides practical treatment approaches such that will help you manage client resistance and incorporate family members and significant others into the treatment process to more effectively treat offenders.Assessment and Treatment of the DWI Offender examines: the important variables that separate DWI offenders from alcoholics in general as well as the “normal” population patterns of drinking behavior among offenders the magnitude of the DWI problem in the United States the history of the DWI countermeasures movement prevention and public education organizations such as SADD MADD the Partners in Progress program the College Binge Drinking Initiative and more enforcement techniques like breath testing standardized field sobriety tests on-site drug detection devices etc. problems with the tools and techniques that are currently being used to address this issue interviewing techniques that work with DWI offenders more!Intended primarily for counselors social workers psychologists and other professionals who work with DWI offenders and packed with helpful and easy-to-read statistical charts and tables this book is also essential for graduate students in psychology social work chemical dependency or any of the helping professions. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315821351

Assessment at 16 What students are deemed to have achieved when they are sixteen is the measure of how successful or otherwise their progress through the system of compulsory education has been. And yet despite the importance of the process there has been no clear consensus about how best to assess students at sixteen. The various formal examinations which have been tried have now largely been superseded by the GCSE: a common system of examining at sixteen. Originally published in 1988 the book discusses the development of this system its application to the main subject areas of the curriculum and some of its innovative aspects from both a theoretical and a practical standpoint. In addition it also looks at the broader aspects of assessment of pupils at the age of sixteen and how we can give a more rounded indication of their achievements and abilities by the use of profiles and records of achievement. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367458294

Assessment Center Perspectives for Talent Management Strategies2nd Edition Written by three leading scholars with vast experience in the science and practice of assessment centers (ACs) this is the first volume to comprehensively integrate variations of the assessment center method with alternative talent management strategies. A useful reference guide it examines the many ways in which organizations can apply the assessment center method to achieve their talent management goals. It provides balanced and in-depth coverage of theory research and practice pertaining to the dimension- task- and multifaceted-perspectives on the AC method. Ideal for researchers practitioners and students alike and well suited for courses in testing and measurement personnel selection HR planning and staffing training and development and organizational change Assessment Center Perspectives for Talent Management Strategies is a complete and up-to-date account of the assessment center method. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848725058

Assessment Centres and Global Talent Management Globalization innovation market share identifying visionary leaders and particularly talent management ...are just some of the issues that benefit from using assessment and development centres. Assessment Centres and Global Talent Management focuses on topics that influence the design of the assessment centre in terms of the competencies being assessed the exercises that are used and the nature of the event so that they can deliver what is required; often to change organizational culture and values. Practical examples and case studies are sprinkled throughout the book as international contributors explore cross-cultural implications and consider how the design development and use of assessment centres should be adapted to different cultures. Some of the world's leading researchers and practitioners outline their research into new applications for assessment centre methods showing how they have used it to design and implement specific assessment and development centres. This is a book from which practitioners can see how science informs good practice and scholars will find the 32 chapters a rich source of ideas for conducting research into emerging issues in the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409403869

Assessment for Equity and InclusionEmbracing All Our Children How students are assessed can determine not only the quality type and degree of education they receive but has long-term consequences for their future. Assessment by standardized testing often labels poor and minority children in ways that exclude them from opportunities while failing to measure their true potential. Assessment for Equity and Inclusion confronts the debate between standardized testing and alternative assessment methods locating strategies of assessment by which students are included rather than excluded. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203610848

Assessment for InterventionA Problem-Solving Approach Problem-solving assessment is an essential component of multi-tiered systems of support such as response to intervention (RTI) and positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS). This authoritative work provides a complete guide to implementing a wide range of problem-solving assessment methods: functional behavioral assessment interviews classroom observations curriculum-based measurement rating scales and cognitive instruments. Prominent experts demonstrate the key role of assessment throughout the process of supporting at-risk students from identifying academic and behavioral problems to planning and monitoring interventions. Several chapters include reproducible forms that can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. New to This Edition Reflects current education policy and best practices. Seminal chapter on problem solving by Stanley L. Deno has been updated with a revised model. All chapters now discuss assessment in the context of multi-tiered systems of support. Chapter on working with culturally and linguistically diverse learners. Chapter on graphing student data. See also Response to Intervention Second Edition by Rachel Brown-Chidsey and Mark W. Steege which provides step-by-step guidelines and practical tools for implementing RTI schoolwide. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462520947

Assessment for Learning in Higher Education Combining a range of case studies with theoretical research this volume analyzes current developments and best practice. The contributors discuss innovative approaches in assessment peer assessment the NCVQ model the positive side of assessment staff training for assessment and much more. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138163751

Assessment for Learning in Higher Education "an invaluable guide for practitioners quality assurors university managers and students themselves who wish to better understand the importance of assessment for learning and it will further scholarship in the field significantly." -Professor Sally Brown Assessment for Learning in Higher Education is a practical guide to Assessment for Learning (AfL); a term that has become internationally accepted in Higher Education and features in the learning and teaching strategies of many universities. It is also mandated by official bodies such as QAA in the UK. Many staff in Higher Education are uncertain about how to implement AfL especially in times of increasingly constrained resources and this vital new guide provides solutions that make best use of assessment as a tool for learning. This book provides an important and accessible blend of practical examples of AfL in a variety of subject areas. The authors present practical often small-scale and eminently ‘do-able’ ideas that will make its introduction achievable. It provides practical case examples both for new lecturers and more experienced staff who may be interested in embedding AfL principles and practice into their university teaching. AfL approaches go beyond minor adaptations to teaching practice and signify a shift in the foundations of thinking about assessment. With this in mind there is guidance on the development of effective learning environments and communities through the use of: collaboration and dialogue authentic assessment formative assessment peer and self assessment student development for the long term innovative approaches to effective feedback . It provides helpful realistic guidance backed up by relevant theory and is written in an accessible jargon-free style grounded in practical experience and brought to life via a wide range of illustrative examples and case studies. Assessment for Learning in Higher Education fills a vital gap in assessment literature and as AfL is increasingly on the Higher Education agenda with the promotion of assessment as a tool for learning this book will become an essential handbook to guide all academic practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415586580

Assessment for Reading Instruction Now in a revised and updated fourth edition this accessible text has given over 100 000 preservice and inservice teachers vital tools for systematic reading assessment in grades K–8. The book explains how to use both formal and informal assessments to evaluate students' strengths and needs in all components of reading. Effective engaging methods for targeted instruction in each area are outlined. In a convenient large-size format the book includes 30 reproducible tools plus an additional multipage assessment in an online-only appendix. Purchasers get access to a companion website where they can download and print the reproducible materials. New to This Edition*Expanded coverage of the middle grades (4–8) including a new chapter and case study and explicit attention to this grade range throughout; new coauthor Kevin Flanigan adds expertise in this area.*New and expanded topics: computer-based testing methods assessing academic language and how to use reading inventories more accurately.*Additional reproducible tools: informal reading inventory summary form comprehension retelling forms for narrative and informational text computer-based comprehension test comparison worksheet revised Informal Decoding Inventory and more. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462541577

Assessment in Art Therapy Assessment in Art Therapy gives a unique insight into the diverse contemporary practices that constitute assessment in art therapy providing an overview of the different approaches employed in Britain and the USA today. This professional handbook comprises three parts. 'Sitting Beside' explores the discursive and the relational in art therapy assessments with adults and children in different settings. 'Snapshots from the Field' presents a series of short practice-based reports which describe art therapists working in private practice secure settings and community mental health centres. 'A More Distant Calculation' consists of chapters that describe the development and use of different kinds of art-based assessment procedures developed on both sides of the Atlantic as well as different kinds of research about art therapy assessment. Both students and practitioners alike will benefit from the wealth of experience presented in this book which demonstrates how art therapists think about assessment; the difficulties that arise in art therapy assessment; and the importance of developing the theory and practice of art therapy assessment whilst taking into account the changing demands of systems and institutions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415567961

Assessment in Behavioral Medicine How can the influence of behavioral factors on health and well-being be measured? Research over the past two decades has shown that psychological factors and lifestyle have been found to be relevant to the onset and course of disease. In addition these factors codetermine how patients and those in their social environment cope with illness and what their quality of life is. Assessment in Behavioral Medicine gives the reader a greater understanding of the influence of behavioral factors on somatic health. There is a continuing need for research to better our understanding of the processes that play a crucial role in the influence of psychosocial factors on health. However the proliferation of tools for assessing psychosocial and psychobiological factors makes it difficult to make an optimal choice of measurement. This volume aims to advance the state of measurement in the multidisciplinary fields of behavioral medicine and health psychology by bringing together state-of-the-art theory and research on assessment issues in this area. It provides the reader with an insight into the different kinds of measures that are available along with practical guidelines for choosing the appropriate tools and designs to meet specific research questions. Assessment in Behavioral Medicine is a unique resource for students researchers clinicians and teachers who are involved in education research or clinical work in which measuring behavioral and psychosocial factors is a crucial activity. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315783185

Assessment in Child Psychotherapy This book describes an approach to children and young people who might be helped by child psychotherapy. Attention is paid to factors within the child's personality to strengths and impediments in the developmental process and to the family and wider school and community context. Individual chapters address both clinical methods and a variety of clinical problems including work with very young children and their parents severe deprivation and family breakdown developmental delay and the more serious psychological illnesses of childhood. Assessment in Child Psychotherapy is a significant contribution to all mental health professionals who need to be able to identify the precise nature of a child adolescent or family's problems and to offer the most appropriate help. Such a book is long overdue. It spans a range of thinking about how best to reach those whose emotional and behavioural difficulties pose challenging questions as to the most suitable forms of treatment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367105419

Assessment in Cognitive Therapy This volume brings together leading experts to explore the state of the art of cognitive clinical assessment and identify cutting-edge approaches of interest to clinicians and researchers. The book highlights fundamental problems concerning the validity of assessments that are widely used in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Key directions for further research and development are identified. Updated cognitive assessment methods are described in detail with particular attention to transdiagnostic treatment evidence-based practice cognitive case formulation and imagery-based techniques. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462518128

Assessment in Educational Therapy Assessment in Educational Therapy offers essential grounding skills and ethical approaches for understanding and conducting assessments in the context of educational therapy. Six clear straightforward chapters guide graduate students and trainees of the field to use scores observation and hypothesis testing to create strengths-based assessments and intervention strategies that can be delivered orally or in written reports. The book is the first to describe and critique all the standardized assessment instruments that qualified educational therapists can use to measure skills in reading written expression mathematics and processing. Real-world case studies practical takeaways of key concepts resources for self-study reflective questions and other readers’ tools enliven this comprehensive yet accessible reference. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367407209

Assessment in Health Professions Education Assessment in Health Professions Education second edition provides a comprehensive guide for educators in the health professions—medicine dentistry nursing pharmacy and allied health fields. This second edition has been extensively revised and updated by leaders in the field. Part I of the book presents an introduction to assessment fundamentals and their theoretical underpinnings from the perspective of the health professions. Part II covers specific assessment methods with a focus on validity best practices challenges and practical guidelines for the effective implementation of successful assessment programs. Part III addresses special topics and recent innovative approaches including narrative assessment situational judgment tests programmatic assessment mastery learning settings and the key features approach. This accessible text addresses the essential concepts for the health professions educator and provides the background needed to understand interpret develop and effectively implement assessment methods. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781315166902

Assessment in Higher EducationIssues of Access Quality Student Development and Public Policy Assessment in Higher Education brings together in one place most of the major issues confronting higher education in the 1990s. These include enhancing student access development and success in higher education; transforming admissions testing to meet expanding educational needs; resolving the politics of accountability by assessing quality outcomes of higher education; assuring fair assessment responsive to human diversity; and facing the technological future of higher education. An integrative thread that weaves through all of these issues is the concept of equity especially as it bears on social justice in education and on fairness in assessment. Another integrative thread is the role of computer and multimedia technology not only in improving the efficiency and power of all the functions of higher education assessment but also in revolutionizing the delivery of higher education itself. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987616

Assessment in Mathematics Education ContextsTheoretical Frameworks and New Directions This book aims to provide theoretical discussions of assessment development and implementation in mathematics education contexts as well as to offer readers discussions of assessment related to instruction and affective areas such as attitudes and beliefs. By providing readers with theoretical implications of assessment creation and implementation this volume demonstrates how validation studies have the potential to advance the field of mathematics education. Including chapters addressing a variety of established and budding areas within assessment and evaluation in mathematics education contexts this book brings fundamental issues together with new areas of application. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367670764

Assessment in Middle and High School MathematicsA Teacher's Guide It describes each strategy and clarifies its advantages and drawbacks. Also included is a large sample of classroom-tested examples along with sample student responses. These examples can be used "as is" - or you can customize them for your own class. This book will help prepare your students for standardized tests that include items requiring evidence of conceptual understanding. The strategies reflect the assessment Standards benchmarks established by the NCTM. In addition an entire chapter is devoted to help teachers use these assessments to arrive at their students' grades. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138148208

Assessment in Open Distance and e-LearningLessons from Practice Universities across the globe are attempting to change assessment practices to address challenges in student engagement and achievement and to respond to a global employability agenda demanding evidence of a broader range of skills and competencies. In the UK this has acquired urgency given the shift of higher education over the last 20 years from the prerogative of an elite minority to mass participation in a highly diversified market system. Integral to this interrogation of objectives for assessment is the identified need to develop and improve academics’ assessment practice. Strategies frequently focus on attendance at formal Continuous Professional Development events and/or implementation of institutional blueprints.This book showcases how scholarship as part of academics’ practice can be part of an academic toolkit for change that expands awareness and knowledge of the purposes and effects of the pedagogy of assessment. The case studies – ranging from assessment in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to assessment design for students whose first language is not English to the effectiveness of peer learning to support academic integrity and programme-level assessment strategies – are framed by an introduction that explores a ‘communities of practice’ approach to the institution-wide improvement of assessment. It argues – through a case study from The Open University (OU) – that academics’ professional expertise is best deepened through participation in authentic activities of teaching and scholarship. The discussion identifies what is involved in such an approach including the role of an enabling principles-based framework the constraints on implementation and the implications for leaders of teaching and learning. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Open Learning journal. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367584627

Assessment in Physical EducationA Sociocultural Perspective Assessment has widely been acknowledged as a central element of institutional education shaping curriculum and pedagogy in powerful ways and representing a critical reference point in political professional and public debates about educational achievement and policy directions. Within physical education there remains significant debate regarding the subject knowledge skills and understandings that should be assessed in what ways and at what points in students’ education this should occur. Divided into three parts Assessment in Physical Education makes an important contribution to our understanding of the socio-cultural issues associated with assessment in physical education in terms of its systemic development as well as at the level of pedagogic relations between physical education teachers and their students. It provides readers with an insightful critique and theoretically informed ideas for rethinking assessment policies and practices in physical education. This book will be of interest to advanced students and researchers in physical education and youth sport studies as well as those involved in initial teacher education and teacher professional development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138795754

Assessment in PracticeExplorations in Identity Culture Policy and Inclusion Assessment in Practice explores timely and important questions in relation to assessment. By examining the relationship between identity culture policy and inclusion the book investigates the conflicted and fractured battleground of assessment and challenges current and practiced understandings of assessment practice. The authors encourage the reader to reconceptualise assessment as a sociocultural practice. Each chapter studies a key theme in the understanding of assessment policy and practice from a sociocultural perspective and provides questions to prompt reflection on the key assessment concepts outlined in the book. Using culture as both a lens and analytic tool the chapters examine topics such as The social order of assessment how assessment works in the world and how learning could be assessed Perspectives on social justice and assessment with a particular focus on social class and other potential inequalities on the experiences of assessment for young people Discussions of ability and the assessment of students with special education needs as well as the role of inclusivity in assessment practice Written by leading academics from University College Cork the third volume in the successful Routledge Current Debates in Educational Psychology series is an essential read for researchers and postgraduate students in educational research and education psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138832428

Assessment in Primary and Middle Schools Effective evaluation of a pupil’s performance and of resources available is a vital part of successful teaching. Originally published in 1983 this non-statistical guide aims to help teachers organise their work so as to improve their assessment of their pupils and also to analyse their own management efforts. A model is developed showing how teachers can progressively structure their work to increase the objectivity of their assessment. The use of published tests and the production of tests by teachers is covered but the focus throughout is on the part played by assessment in the organisation of learning. The steps recommended are arranged so that the first yield the largest return. But none requires any statistical expertise or a large investment of time. The second part of the book shows how schools can be evaluated by their staff – school organisation staff development and the curriculum are given special attention in this step-by-step guide to effective and rewarding school assessment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367459581

Assessment in Psychotherapy This book explores the assessment for psychoanalytic psychotherapy from various perspectives. It bridges the two disciplines of medicine and psychotherapy showing where general practitioners might be able to make an appropriate referral for therapy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323363

Assessment in Residential Care for Children and Youth Residential treatment for children and youth (RTCY) programs not only need to be explored for the efficacy of the programs but also in the actual assessment of various aspects of those programs. Assessment in Residential Care for Children and Youth provides practical information on the placement of children in residential care programs the efficacy of those programs staff issues and outcomes for youths in the programs. Respected authorities examine issues on assessment upon entering residential care treatment issues during care and programmatic concerns from a larger systems perspective. Unlike other resources on this topic this book uniquely focuses solely on assessment. The book comprehensively offers strategies and practical assessment tools addressing the full spectrum of issues from the child’s or youth’s entrance in residential care to their exit such as placement treatment and outcomes. This valuable text is extensively referenced and includes helpful figures and tables to clearly present data. Topics discussed include: assessment processes and tools to enhance therapeutic childcare interventions the unique needs of GBL youth in residential care settings a strengths-based assessment tool developed specifically for use in juvenile justice programs staff satisfaction rates as compared to client satisfaction development of the Staff Implementation Observation Form that assesses staff competence delivering an intervention to youth in group home care with behavioral disorders differences in two residential care giving models in providing continuity of care for youth in residential placement an assessment technique that uses the point of view of children. This book is a valuable resource for Residential Administrators program directors and coordinators counselors and staff who have a role in assessing residential treatment programs for children and youth at any level. This book was published as a special issue of Residential Treatment for Children and Youth. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315877259

Assessment in Second Language Pronunciation Assessment in Second Language Pronunciation highlights the importance of pronunciation in the assessment of second language speaking proficiency. Leading researchers from around the world cover practical issues as well as theoretical principles enabling the understanding and application of the theory involved in assessment in pronunciation. Key features of this book include: Examination of key criteria in pronunciation assessment including intelligibility comprehensibility and accentedness; Exploration of the impact of World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca on pronunciation assessment; Evaluation of the validity and reliability of testing including analysis of scoring methodologies; Discussion of current and future practice in assessing pronunciation via speech recognition technology. Assessment in Second Language Pronunciation is vital reading for students studying modules on pronunciation and language testing and assessment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138856875

Assessment in Speech and Language Therapy What assessment tests are available to speech therapists? How are they best used? Originally published in 1993 Assessment in Speech and Language Therapy was designed to guide speech therapists in choosing the most appropriate assessments for evaluation monitoring and intervention at the time. By providing guidance on defining the issues in assessment it shows how to make sure that the process will produce a result relevant to the therapist’s own needs and those of his or her clients. The major issues involved are discussed in detail in particular how to make sure that assessments are relevant to individual needs. This title will be invaluable to all speech therapists and clinical psychologists working in this area. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138352995

Assessment in Technical and Professional Communication This collection of essays focuses on both how and why assessment serves as a key element in the teaching and practice of technical and professional communication. The collection is organized to form a dual approach: on the one hand it offers a landscape view of the activities involved in assessment - examining how it works at institutional program and classroom levels; on the other it surveys the implications of using assessment for formulating maintaining and extending the teaching and practice of technical communication. The book offers teachers students scholars and practitioners alike evidence of the increasingly valuable role of assessment in the field as it supports and enriches our thinking and practice. No other volume has addressed the demands of and the expectations for assessment in technical communication. Consequently the book has two key goals. The first is to be as inclusive as is feasible for its size demonstrating the global operation of assessment in the field. For this reason descriptions of assessment practice lead to examinations of some key feature of the landscape captured by the term 'technical communication'. The second goal is to retain the public and cooperative approach that has characterized technical communication from the beginning. To achieve this the book represents a 'conversation' with contributors chosen from among practicing highly active technical communication teachers and scholars; and the chapters set up pairs of opening statement and following response. The overriding purpose of the volume therefore is to invite the whole community into the conversation about assessment in technical communication. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415362825

Assessment LiteracyAn Educator's Guide to Understanding Assessment K-12 This clear no-nonsense book guides current and future teachers through the concepts tools methods and goals of classroom literacy assessment. The expert authors examine the roles of formative summative and benchmark assessments; demystify state and national tests and standards; and show how assessment can seamlessly inform instruction. Strategies for evaluating choosing and interpreting assessments are discussed as are ways to communicate data to parents and administrators. User-friendly resources include boxed vignettes from teachers and researchers practical assessment tips (and traps to avoid) and 12 reproducible planning forms and handouts. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462542079

Assessment Methods for Soil Carbon Since carbon sequestration in soils reduces the amount of carbon available to the atmosphere the Kyoto Protocols have heightened interest in soil carbon pools and their effect on carbon fluxes. Assessment Methods for Soil Carbon addresses many of the questions related to the measurement monitoring and verification of organic and inorganic carbon in soils. The major topics covered are: carbon pools; soil samplingand preparation analytical techniques for soil carbon; soil erosion and sedimentation; remote sensing GIS and modeling; procedures for scaling carbon data from point and local measurements to regional and even national scales; and economic and policy issues. In Assessment Methods for Soil Carbon leading researchers show that we now have the ability to measure monitor and verify changes to soil carbon. The book establishes the need for standardized methods that can be used by anyone and helps us better understand the link between the pedosphere (soils) and the atmosphere. It also shows the importance of developing links between the economics of carbon sequestration and the amounts sequestered and highlights the need for scientists and policy makers to interact to ensure that policies fit within the scope of present technologies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367397685

Assessment of Authentic Performance in School Mathematics This book is the result of a conference sponsored by the Educational Testing Service and the University of Wisconsin's National Center for Research in Mathematical Sciences Education. The purpose of the conference was to facilitate the work of a group of scholars whose interests included the assessment of higher-order understandings and processes in foundation-level (pre-high school) mathematics. Discussions focused on such issues as the purposes of assessment guidelines for producing and scoring "real-life" assessment activities and the meanings of such terms as "deeper and higher-order understanding " "cognitive objectives " and "authentic mathematical activities." Assessment was viewed as a critical component of complex dynamic and continually adapting educational systems. During the time that the chapters in this book were being written sweeping changes in mathematics education were being initiated in response to powerful recent advances in technology cognitive psychology and mathematics as well as to numerous public demands for educational reform. These changes have already resulted in significant reappraisals of what it means to understand mathematics of the nature of mathematics teaching and learning and of the real-life situations in which mathematics is useful. The challenge was to pursue assessment-related initiatives that are systematically valid in the sense that they work to complement and enhance other improvements in the educational system rather than act as an impediment to badly needed curriculum reforms. To address these issues most chapters in this book focus on clarifying and articulating the goals of assessment and instruction and they stress the content of assessment above its mode of delivery. Computer- or portfolio-based assessments are interpreted as means to ends not as ends in themselves. Assessment is conceived as an ongoing documentation process seamless with instruction whose quality hinges upon its ability to provide complete and appropriate information as needed to inform priorities in instructional decision making. This book tackles some of the most complicated issues related to assessment and it offers fresh perspectives from leaders in the field--with the hope that the ultimate consumer in the instruction/assessment enterprise the individual student will reclaim his or her potential for self-directed mathematics learning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964020

Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder This authoritative resource now thoroughly revised for DSM-5 has set the standard for the comprehensive assessment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Leading experts demonstrate how to craft a scientifically grounded profile of each child's strengths and difficulties make a formal diagnosis and use assessment data to guide individualized intervention in clinical and school settings. Chapters review state-of-the-art instruments and approaches for evaluating specific areas of impairment in ASD and co-occurring emotional and behavioral disorders. Considerations in working with children of different ages are highlighted. With a primary focus on children several chapters also address assessment of adolescents and adults.New to This Edition*Chapter on key implications of DSM-5 diagnostic criteria plus related updates throughout the volume.*Chapter on advances in early identification (ages 0–3).*Chapter with in-depth case examples illustrating the evaluation decision-making process and common diagnostic challenges.*Chapters on pseudoscience (including strategies for advising parents) and future directions in the field.*Current assessment data numerous new and revised measures and cutting-edge screening approaches. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462545964

Assessment of Biological Mechanisms Across the Life Span Based on the First Biannual Lifespan Development Conference this volume offers a multidisciplinary and multidimensional approach to the study of lifespan development in the areas of neuropsychology cognition behavior genetics and perception. The objective of the conference was to provide a lively forum for the discussion of issues related to lifespan development and to reflect on important topics challenging the field during the 1990s. The chapters in this book motivated by the conference presentations cover: * the assessment and evaluation of developmental changes in visual perception; * the contribution of behavioral genetic factors to development; * the predictability of perinatal risk factors as they relate to cognitive and linguistic outcomes; * the neuropsychological changes during aging; and * innovative approaches to the study of cognitive development using neuropsychological testing methods. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138964037

Assessment of Cataloging and Metadata Services Written by experienced practitioners and researchers Assessment of Cataloging and Metadata Services provides the reader with many examples of how assessment practices can be applied to the work of cataloging and metadata services departments. Containing both research and case studies it explores a variety of assessment methods as they are applied to the evaluation of cataloging productivity workflows metadata quality vendor services training needs documentation and more. Assessment methods addressed in these chapters include surveys focus groups interviews observational analyses workflow analyses and methodologies borrowed from the field of business. Assessment of Cataloging and Metadata Services will help managers and administrators as they attempt to evaluate and communicate the value of what they do to their broader communities whether they are higher education institutions another organization or the public. This book will help professionals with decision making and give them the tools they need to identify and implement improvements.The chapters in this book were originally published in a special issue in Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367665333

Assessment of Chemical ExposuresCalculation Methods for Environmental Professionals Traditionally industrial hygienists and environmental engineers have been responsible for conducting chemical exposure assessments however this task is now becoming a team effort taken on by scientists businessmen and policymakers. Assessment of Chemical Exposures: Calculation Methods for Environmental Professionals addresses the expanding scope of exposure assessments in both the workplace and environment. It discusses the basics of gathering data and assessing exposure including how to estimate exposure to chemicals using fundamental chemical engineering concepts. The book opens with a brief discussion on the history of exposure assessments and provides terms and nomenclature needed for communications between various disciplines involved in exposure assessments. The potential impact of chemical exposures on humans the environment and communities is discussed in detail The book also addresses modeling source generation pathway transport and receptor impact. With the clear explanations presented in this text even a novice will be able to practice the art of exposure assessment. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003075646

Assessment of Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence This leading course text and practitioner reference has been extensively revised with 90% new content covering a broader range of child and adolescent problems in more concise chapters. Prominent authorities provide a comprehensive framework for evidence-based assessment. Presented are methods and tools for developing effective diagnoses and case formulations building strong treatment plans monitoring progress and documenting outcomes. Chapters are packed with practical guidance handy tables and sample instruments. Illustrative case material is included. Prior edition title: Assessment of Childhood Disorders Fourth Edition edited by Eric J. Mash and Russell A. Barkley. New to This Edition *Many new authors and topics reflecting over a decade of research and clinical advances. *Updated for DSM-5 and ICD-11. *Chapters on additional disorders: obsessive–compulsive disorder persistent complex bereavement and body dysmorphic disorder. *Chapters on transdiagnostic concerns: sleep problems risky behaviors and life stressors. *Four chapters on the "whys" and "hows" of using assessment in each phase of treatment. *Disorder-specific "starter kits"--lists of essential checklists rating scales interviews and progress measures including links to exemplary free measures online. See also the editors' Treatment of Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence Fourth Edition. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462543632

Assessment of Key Issues in the Coloration of Polyester Material This book addresses the problems in the dyeing of polyester textile materials in various forms and provides an overview of various textile operations for polyester. It presents various key steps and critical factors involved in the production of dyed polyester textile materials. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780415693271

Assessment of Language Disorders in Children This book constitutes a clear comprehensive up-to-date introduction to the basic principles of psychological and educational assessment that underlie effective clinical decisions about childhood language disorders. Rebecca McCauley describes specific commonly used tools as well as general approaches ranging from traditional standardized norm-referenced testing to more recent ones such as dynamic and qualitative assessment. Highlighting special considerations in testing and expected patterns of performance she reviews the challenges presented by children with a variety of problems--specific language impairment hearing loss mental retardation and autism spectrum disorders. Three extended case examples illustrate her discussion of each of these target groups. Her overarching theme is the crucial role of well-formed questions as fundamental guides to decision making independent of approach.Each chapter features lists of key concepts and terms study questions and recommended readings. Tables throughout offer succinct summaries and aids to memory.Students their instructors and speech-language pathologists continuing their professional education will all welcome this invaluable new resource. Distinctive features include: A comprehensive consideration of both psychometric and descriptive approaches to the characterization of children's language A detailed discussion of background issues important in the language assessment of the major groups of children with language impairment Timely information on assessment of change--a topic frequently not covered in other texts Extensive guidance on how to evaluate individual norm-referenced measures for adoption An extensive appendix listing about 50 measures used to assess language in children A test review guide that can be reproduced for use by readers. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781410605719

Assessment of Library Collections in a Consortial EnvironmentExperiences From Ohio The consortial environment provides librarians with new ways to manage collections at their home institutions. Academic libraries in Ohio have been participating in OhioLINK since 1988 and the consortium has had an effect on shaping local collections for more than one decade. While each institution pursues its own collection management strategy the shared resources and delivery system provided through OhioLINK influence local collections profoundly. What has been the effect? This work is a collection of articles assessing local collections within a consortial environment. The authors assess collections from their own vantage points considering such diverse factors as cost regional depositories book reviews and faculty input. The influence of consortial ties in shaping local collections is a common thread throughout the work. This book was published as a special issue of Collection Management. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315877464

Assessment of Marital DiscordAn Integration for Research and Clinical Practice Originally published in 1987 this book was designed to present the most recent research data on assessment of various aspects of marriage. Noted authorities on specific assessment areas provide information on conceptual and practical issues in marital assessment. The chapters include assessment of: behavior; affect; social cognition; communication; sexual dysfunction; child and marital problems; family assessment. All the chapters include reference to specific assessment measures of the areas covered. In addition for clinical use one has been selected by each of the authors to represent a state of the art measure that can be used by clinicians. Reliability validity and normative data are presented on these measures which appear in full in the appendix of the text. O'Leary provides a context for this book in the first chapter of the book and in the final chapter discusses with his co-author how they begin their assessments from the initial phone contact the assessment battery the interviews with the clients and the couple to the evaluation of the therapy sessions by the clients. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415728973

Assessment of Medicinal Plants for Human HealthPhytochemistry Disease Management and Novel Applications This volume looks at the importance of medicinal plants and their potential benefits for human health providing insight with scientific evidence on the use of functional foods in the treatment and management of certain diseases. Divided into four sections the volume covers the assessment and identification of medicinal plants the role of medicinal plants in disease management the ethnobotany and phytochemistry of medicinal plants and novel applications of plants. Assessment of Medicinal Plants for Human Health: Phytochemistry Disease Management and Novel Applications sheds light on the potential of certain plants and will be of value to faculty and advanced-level students of natural products food science pharmacognosy pharmacology and biochemistry. It will also be of interest to researchers in the area of drug discovery and development. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771888578

Assessment of Mental Health Religion and CultureThe Development and Examination of Psychometric Measures Assessment of mental health religion and culture: The development and examination of psychometric measures focuses on questionnaires that are of practical value for researchers interested in examining the relationship between the constructs of mental health religion and culture. Three particular areas of development and evaluation are represented within this volume: firstly the psychometric properties of recently developed new questionnaires; secondly the psychometric properties of established questionnaires that have been translated into other languages; and thirdly the psychometric properties of questionnaires employed in various cultural contexts and religious samples. The research in this book is authored by a wide range of international scholars working on diverse samples and in a variety of different cultures. In doing so the book facilitates future research in the area of mental health religion and culture. This book was originally published as two special issues of Mental Health Religion & Culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367590246

Assessment of ParentingPsychiatric and Psychological Contributions These are the sorts of questions that face mental health practitioners who are increasingly involved in complex child care cases which come before the courts. They have been given little guidance to date on how these assessments should be made especially where a decision has to be taken as to whether a child has experienced `significant harm.' In this much needed book senior clinicians consider the principles and practice of parenting assessments and how they guide courts' decisions about children's welfare. They describe a number of frameworks for assessment and discuss the factors which help predict the risk of future maltreatment or the likelihood of successful rehabilitation. Throughout the book the emphasis is on the need to integrate the assessments of all relevant professionals in order to serve the best interests of the child while also addressing the parents' potential to improve their caretaking skills. Offering guidance in areas of crucial significance for child family and professional alike Assessment of Parenting will be widely welcomed. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315824697

Assessment of Problem Solving Using Simulations This volume explores the application of computer simulation technology to measurement issues in education -- especially as it pertains to problem based learning. Whereas most assessments related to problem solving are based on expensive and time consuming measures (i.e. think-aloud protocols or performance assessments that require extensive human rater scoring) this book relies on computerization of the major portion of the administration scoring and reporting of problem-solving assessments. It is appropriate for researchers instructors and graduate students in educational assessment educational technology and educational psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964044

Assessment of Reading in International Studies This book brings together contributions from different scholarly contexts that address a diverse range of focused topics as well as empirical and conceptual perspectives on research with international studies.Some chapters focus on technical aspects exploring opportunities for drawing causal inferences from the data and investigating biases originating in distributional scale properties. Others are of a more conceptual nature addressing changes in the relevance of socio-economic indicators across time and countries examining the exposure of mother-tongue and English instruction on performance and investigating the effects of test construction on gender difference.The discussion takes a much-needed meta-perspective on the usefulness of international large-scale assessments for educational research and allows reflection upon possibilities and opportunities for their improvement. This book was originally published as a special issue of Assessment in Education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367728281

Assessment of Responsible InnovationMethods and Practices Responsible Innovation encourages innovators to work together with stakeholders during the research and innovation process to better align the outcomes of innovation with the values needs and expectations of society. Assessing the benefits and costs of Responsible Innovation is crucial for furthering the responsible conduct of science technology and innovation. However there is until now only limited academic work on Responsible Innovation assessment. This book fills this lacuna. Assessment of Responsible Innovation: Methods and Practices presents tools for measuring monitoring and reporting upon the Responsible Innovation process and the social environmental scientific and economic impacts of innovations. These tools help innovators to mitigate risk and to strengthen their strategic planning. This book aligns assessment tools and practices with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The prospects as well as the limitations of various Responsible Innovation assessment approaches and tools are discussed as well as their applicability in various industry contexts. The book brings together leading scholars in the field to present the most comprehensive review of Responsible Innovation tools. It articulates the importance of assessment and value creation the different metrics and monitoring systems that can be deployed and the reporting mechanisms including the importance of effective communication. This book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license at Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367279752

Assessment of Student Achievement Assessment is a concept familiar across the field of education and is inherent to the work of professors administrators teachers researchers journalists and scholars. A multifaceted and politically charged topic assessment ranges from informal interactions with learners in classrooms to systematic high-stakes testing and examination. Written by a leading expert on assessment this book situates the topic within the broader context of educational psychology research and theory and brings it to a wider audience. With chapters on the fundamentals of assessment explanations of its uses and advice for best application this concise volume is designed for any education course that includes assessment in the curriculum. It will be indispensable for student researchers and both pre- and in-service teachers alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138061866

Assessment of the Effects of Climate Variability and Land-Use Changes on the Hydrology of the Meuse River BasinPhD: UNESCO-IHE Institute Delft Anthropogenic climate change may lead to intensification of the global hydrological cysle and to increased flooding risk of rivers across Europe. A series of extreme floods in European rivers in the last decades have stimulated discussions about the possible effects of climate variability/change and human interventions in river basins. A synoptic-climatological analysis was carried out to elucidate the observed precipitation change in the Meuse basin in northwestern Europe. The findings of this research will be valuable to those developing improved flood protection strategies as well as those engaged in water resource management in river basins similar to the Meuse. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138434011

Assessment of the Fate of Surrogates for Enteric Pathogens Resulting From the Surcharging of Combined Sewer Systems In the last ten years (2009-2019) flooding caused the death of over 48 000 people and affected over 697 million people globally. This is expected to increase as a result of climate change population growth and urbanisation. Floods can cause infections due to the release of water-borne pathogens from surcharged combined sewers and other sources of faecal contamination on urban surfaces such as concrete asphalt gravel pavement playground rubber tiles and grass. Using laboratory experiments with faecal indicator bacteria Escherichia coli and with Bacillus subtilis spores and MS2 bacteriophages under controlled exposure to simulated sunlight this research contributes towards a better understanding of the environmental parameters that affect the concentration of pathogens in contaminated shallow water bodies and on different urban surfaces. Also several sampling methods are assessed for the recovery of bacteria from flood-prone urban surfaces. This study suggests that given the sunlight conditions after an urban flood the concentration of indicator organisms and of total suspended solids and the surface type it is possible to estimate the fate of selected pathogens. The observations and results presented in this study contribute to the development of policy-making tools for rapid implementation of appropriate measures to mitigate public health risks after flooding. This book:- highlights the relation of urban floods with water-borne diseases.-stresses for the first time the importance of urban surfaces (pavement concrete asphalt etc.) on the inactivation of water-borne pathogens.-provides equations that can be used to develop policy-making tools for implementation of appropriate measures to mitigate public health risks after flooding. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367556921

Assessment of Trauma in YouthsUnderstanding issues of age complexity and associated variables Assessment of Trauma in Youths: Understanding issues of age complexity and associated variables is a collection of articles by well-known specialists in the field of childhood trauma. The articles describe developmental issues in addition to others that are important to the assessment of trauma-exposed youth to the ongoing refinement of trauma-related diagnoses for children and to understanding PTSD and more complicated reactions to trauma for young people. The book explores trauma in very young to middle childhood aged children trauma in adolescents childhood complicated trauma and childhood complicated grief. It considers PTSD and Reactive Attachment Disorder as well as discussing disorders that are under continued study such as Developmental Trauma Disorder Prolonged Grief Disorder and Traumatic Grief. In the second half of the book chapters look at the associated features of childhood traumatic response such as genetics and personality cortisol poly-victimization and guilt and shame. Variables such as cortisol reactivity and guilt/shame may influence or follow traumas in children. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415634816

Assessment of Young Children with Special NeedsA Context-Based Approach Assessment of Young Children with Special Needs Second Edition helps prepare teachers for the task of evaluating the skills of infants toddlers and preschool children with developmental delays and those considered at risk to experience developmental delays or difficulties. A child’s environment is a critical consideration when focusing on assessment and authors Susan Benner and Joan Grim explore the important issues of family resources health multidimensional environmental influences economic deprivation and domestic violence on infant and child development. This textbook conveys a sense of respect for parents the powerful influence assessment results can and do have in the lives of young children with special needs and an understanding of the complexity of child development progression and measurement. This book sets the tone for important values and beliefs to honor throughout one’s professional life. This fully revised edition addresses recent legislation updated versions of assessment and the newest assessment tools that teachers will come across. The popular full-length case studies of the first edition have been updated and vignettes of other cases are fully integrated across chapters bringing the text alive with meaning. Assessment of Young Children with Special Needs Second Edition now includes expanded discussion on progress monitoring and response to intervention functional behavioral analysis pros and cons of norm-referenced testing web-based gathering tools ELL students and screening for autism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415885690

Assessment of Young ChildrenA Collaborative Approach In an era where assessment mandates tend to minimize or dismiss individual differences and creativity resulting in punitive outcomes or inertia this essential guide provides teachers with a collaborative approach to assessment that emphasizes the importance of bringing children and families into the process. Now in its second edition Assessment of Young Children explores both standardized and authentic assessment work sampling systems and observation skills. Fully updated with current standards and research this new edition also features an enhanced focus on trauma-informed practices culturally and linguistically diverse learners and family involvement. Lively and engaging chapters help readers cultivate developmentally appropriate practice create appropriate expectations examine and celebrate children’s work interact in groups and improve their reflective teaching. Accounts of real experiences from children families teachers and administrators provide on-the-ground models of assessment strategies and demonstrate how children are affected. Exploring a variety of ways to observe and assess young children in their natural environments this critical volume encourages an assessment strategy where the child remains the focus and collaboration with children families and colleagues creates an image – not a diagnosis – of the child that is empowering rather than constraining. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367407223

Assessment Policy Reform This book highlights the impact of policy and politics on assessment across the globe. With contributions from England the Irish Republic Northern Ireland Norway Sweden Switzerland and Wales it explores state-led assessment policies and practices that have been the subject of much debate. We are experiencing a shift from using assessments — especially national tests — as measurement instruments designed to produce information to a reliance on tests to influence policy and instruction. Once tests become high stakes — for students teachers and schools — even those that might have been reasonable monitors of educational success can lose dependability and credibility. However not all countries’ assessment policies follow the same model and the contributors explore and analyse a range of different national (and supra-national) assessment policy approaches and perspectives. The chapters identify the impetus behind changing assessment policies and practices and analyse ways forward and innovative approaches. Readers can draw their own conclusions about which model(s) can provide the best outcomes for learners – surely the most important part of the equation. This book was originally published as a special issue of Assessment in Education: Principles Policy & Practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367345228

Assessment Rubrics DecodedAn Educator's Guide Rubrics offer concrete artefacts of what schools evaluate to be of merit and what educators and schools value to be worth rewarding. Assessment Rubrics Decoded offers insights into a myriad of issues that affect and are affected by the construction of merit in students’ learning and the articulation of (underlying) educational ideologies in the assessment of student achievement. Designed for both students and teachers – who should have parity of involvement in developing and using rubrics – this book covers the problematic issues of assessment in schools while offering readers practical solutions to navigating the ensuing tensions and dilemmas. The notion that rubrics may hinder assessment transparency is also discussed with examples to warn against uncritical use of rubrics that may discipline rather than help learners. The perspective of a school leader in providing assessment leadership to rubrics usage across a school is included for extending awareness of rubrics beyond classroom contexts. This provides an informed approach for teachers to understand the stakes and complexities involved in judging learning and learners whilst offering concrete options and suggestions to consider. This book will be a valuable resource for classroom teachers school leaders teacher educators and researchers interested in the field of assessment rubrics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367076832

AssessmentCase Studies Experience and Practice The fourth volume in this series deals with one of the ubiquitous higher and further education subjects. With a practice-based approach the text avoids being overly academic and instead uses a case study format to detail a wide range of approaches to assessment. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315042589

Asset Maintenance Engineering Methodologies The book aims to be reading for asset maintenance management in a perspective of whole life cycle of any type of physical asset. It deals with acquisition management including econometric models to evaluate its life cycle and the maintenance policies to adopt during its life until withdrawal. It also covers vital areas such as EAM/CMMS systems and its integration with the many technologies that are used to aid condition monitoring and the internet of things to improve maintenance management and to increase equipment availability. This will equip readers with new management methodologies their requisites and its importance to the improvement of corporate competitiveness.Key Features• Presents life cycle analysis in asset management• Attribution of tools to improve the life cycle of equipment• Provides assistance on the diagnosis of the maintenance state• Presentation of the state-of-the-art of technology to aid maintenance• Explores integration of EAM/CMMS systems with internet of things Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367571764

Asset Management and International Capital Markets This innovative volume comprises a selection of original research articles offering a broad perspective on various dimensions of asset management in an international capital market environment. The topics covered include risk management and asset pricing models for portfolio management performance evaluation and performance measurement of equity mutual funds as well as the wide range of bond portfolio management issues. Asset Management and International Capital Markets offers interesting new insights into state-of-the-art asset pricing and asset management research with a focus on international issues. Each chapter makes a valuable contribution to current research and literature and will be of significant importance to the practice of asset management. This book is a compilation of articles originally published in The European Journal of Finance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415661874

Asset Management ExcellenceOptimizing Equipment Life-Cycle Decisions Second Edition During the eight years since the publication of Maintenance Excellence: Optimizing Equipment Life-Cycle Decisions the business environment has changed drastically. Globalization consolidation and changes in technology challenge asset management and maintenance professionals to be more efficient. Globalization and consolidation have been particularly instrumental in the changes in maintenance standards approaches and the use of technology to become more efficient and cost effective. Reflecting all this and more the second edition has been renamed: Asset Management Excellence: Optimizing Equipment Life-Cycle Decisions.New in the Second Edition:Two new chapters on Maintenance Management FundamentalsCoverage of leadership issues the implementation of new processes and change managementDiscussion of the design stage and key factors for successful implementationUnderstanding the dynamic influences and optimization of spares managementUpdated case studiesIntroduction to new software packages that optimize a variety of maintenance and replacement decisionsAlthough there have been patterns and trends that have emerged around the world in asset management the root principles are the same—personnel with tools go out to address the needs of maintaining assets. However many of the tools technologies and thought processes have evolved and matured to allow a rethinking of the deeper maintenance processes. For this edition a new set of authors and contributors have revisited the content updated information and added new content based on the passage of time changes in thinking and the introduction and improvement in technologies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367864378

Asset Management of BridgesProceedings of the 9th New York Bridge Conference August 21-22 2017 New York City USA Maintaining bridges in good condition has extended service life and proven to be more cost effective than allowing degradation to advance necessitating costlier bridge rehabilitation or replacement projects. Preventive maintenance is therefore an important tool to retard deterioration and sustain the safe operation of bridges. This includes a continuous effort of periodic inspections condition evaluations and prioritizing repairs accordingly. The above measures define the framework for asset management of bridges. On August 21-22 2017 bridge engineering experts from around the world convened at the 9th New York City Bridge Conference to discuss issues of construction design inspection monitoring preservation and rehabilitation of bridge structures. This volume documents their contributions to the safe operation of bridge assets. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367735920

Asset Pedagogies in Latino Youth Identity and AchievementNurturing Confianza Asset Pedagogies in Latino Youth Identity and Achievement explores the theory research and application of asset-based pedagogies to counter approaches that fail to challenge deficit views of youth. Presenting details on the role of teachers’ knowledge about students’ language and culture as strengths as opposed to deficiencies Francesca A. López connects classroom practices to positive outcomes preparing teachers to use asset pedagogies to promote academic achievement and implement asset-based teaching practices. Making thorough use of examples from research both in and out of the classroom and concluding with concrete applications from experienced educators this book provides future teachers with a critical understanding of how to support Latino youth. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138911420

Asset Protection through Security Awareness Supplying a high-level overview of how to protect your company’s physical and intangible assets Asset Protection through Security Awareness explains the best ways to enlist the assistance of your employees as the first line of defense in safeguarding company assets and mitigating security risks. The author reviews key topics surrounding computer security—including privacy access controls and risk management—to help fill the gaps that might exist between management and the technicians securing your network systems. In an accessible style that requires no previous networking or programming experience the book delivers a practical approach to asset protection. It specifies the roles of managers and employees in creating a company-wide culture of security awareness and provides step-by-step instruction on how to build an effective security awareness team. Each chapter examines a separate security issue and provides a brief overview of how to address that issue. It includes tools and checklists to help you address:Visual digital and auditory data security Credit card compliance (PCI) password management and social engineering User authentication methodsComputer and network forensicsPhysical security and continuity planning Privacy concerns and privacy-related regulationThis concise security management primer facilitates the up-to-date understanding required to protect your digital and physical assets including customer data networking equipment and employee information. Providing you with powerful tools of diplomacy this text will help you win the support of your employees and empower them to be effective gatekeepers of your company’s most valued assets and trade secrets. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367381813

Asset-Building Policies and Innovations in Asia Asia has long been a testing ground for efforts to augment financial and social security by developing assets that may support individuals and households and contribute to long-term social development. Rapid growth in the number and breadth of asset-based social policies has prompted Asian scholars practitioners and policymakers to share lessons from current efforts and chart future directions. This book offers a unique collection of macro- and micro-level analyses on asset-based social development and compares and contrasts national social policies across the Asia Pacific region. Many asset-building policies and programmes have been undertaken in Asia and innovative proposals continue to emerge. The contributions in this book present and assess this broad often nuanced and evolving landscape and offer an insightful analysis of the evolution of asset-building policies innovative programmes in rural populations asset-based interventions to facilitate the development and well-being of children as well as case studies on new ground-breaking asset-building projects. Asset-Building Policies and Innovation in Asia will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars of Asian social policy social welfare social development and social work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138104082

Assets Crimes and the StateInnovation in 21st Century Legal Responses Organised crime corruption and terrorism are considered to pose significant and unrelenting threats to the integrity security and stability of contemporary societies. Alongside traditional criminal enforcement responses strategies focused on following the money trail of such crimes have become increasingly prevalent. These strategies include anti-money laundering measures to prevent ‘dirty money’ from infiltrating the legitimate economy proceeds of crime powers to target the accumulated assets derived from crime and counter-terrorist financing measures to prevent ‘clean’ money from being used for terrorist purposes. This collection brings together 17 emerging researchers in the fields of anti-money laundering proceeds of crime counter-terrorist financing and corruption to offer critical analyses of contemporary anti-assets strategies and state responses to a range of financial crimes. The chapters focus on innovative anti-financial crime measures and assemblages of governance that have become a feature of late modernity and on the ways in which individual nation states have responded to anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing requirements in light of their specific social political and economic contexts. This collection draws on perspectives from law criminology sociology politics and other disciplines. It adopts a much-needed international approach focusing not only on expected jurisdictions such as the United States and United Kingdom but also on analysis from countries such as Qatar Kuwait Iran and Nigeria. The authors stand out for their fresh and original research which places them at the cutting edge of the subject. This book provides a comprehensive insightful and original study of an important and developing field for academics students practitioners and policymakers in multiple jurisdictions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367025922

Assets and the PoorNew American Welfare Policy This work proposes a new approach to welfare: a social policy that goes beyond simple income maintenance to foster individual initiative and self-sufficiency. It argues for an asset-based policy that would create a system of saving incentives through individual development accounts (IDAs) for specific purposes such as college education homeownership self-employment and retirement security. In this way low-income Americans could gain the same opportunities that middle- and upper-income citizens have to plan ahead set aside savings and invest in a more secure future. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315288376

Assigning Liability for Superfund CleanupsAn Analysis of Policy Options While more than 2 700 emergency removals of hazardous materials have taken place under Superfund implementing the long-term cleanup program has been the object of considerable controversy. One of the most contentious issues is whether the liability standards in the law should be revised. The authors analyze the pros and cons associated with the current liability approach as well as with a variety of alternative strategies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138423992

Assigning Structures to Ions in Mass Spectrometry Summarizing our present knowledge of the structures and chemistry of small organic cations in the gas phase Assigning Structures to Ions in Mass Spectrometry presents the methods necessary for determining gas-phase ion structures. It is a comprehensive resource of background material that is essential for the interpretation and understanding of organic mass spectra.Following a historical introduction of chief discoveries the book surveys current experimental methods for ion production and separation as well as those designed to reveal qualitative and quantitative aspects of gas-phase ions. It also examines the computational chemistry and theoretical calculations that provide complementary thermochemical structural and mechanistic information. Five selected case studies illustrate specific challenges associated with ion structure assignment and thermochemical problems. The last major section of the book contains the data for describing or identifying all ions containing C alone and C with H O N S P halogens and small organic cations. Presenting material written by leading researchers in the field Assigning Structures to Ions in Mass Spectrometry underscores the importance of understanding the behavior of small organic ions and gas-phase ion chemistry for making new ion structure assignments Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367577735

Assignments as ControversiesDigital Literacy and Writing in Classroom Practice Approaching academic assignments as practical controversies this book offers a novel approach to the study of digital literacy. Through in-depth accounts of assignment writing in college classrooms Bhatt examines ways of understanding how students engage with digital media in curricular activities and how these give rise to new practices of information management and knowledge creation. He further considers what these new practices portend for a stronger theory of digital literacy in an age of informational abundance and ubiquitous connectivity. Looking also at how institutional digital learning policies and strategies are applied in classrooms and how students may embrace or avoid imposed technologies this book offers an in-depth study of learner practices. It is through the comprehensive study of such practices that we can better understand the efficacy of technological investments in education and the dynamic nature of digital literacy on the part of students charged with using those technologies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367194291

Assimilation Versus SeparationJoseph the Administrator and the Politics of Religion in Biblical Israel How to behave in the diaspora has been a central problem for Jews over the ages. They have debated whether to assimilate by adopting local customs or whether to remain a God-centered people loyal to their temporal rulers but maintaining the peculiar customs that separated them from their host nations. The question not only of survival but of the basis for survival is also a central problem in the Joseph stories of the Book of Genesis. The work shows its readers the grand alternatives of Judaism instilled in two larger-than-life figures so its readers can reassess for themselves the road Judaism did not take and understand why Joseph though admirable in many respects is left out of the rest of the Bible.The question is answered through the stories about how Joseph the son of Jacob saved his people/family from famine by becoming a high-ranking administrator to Pharaoh. By analyzing his behavior to the people over whom he exercises power Joseph lords it over his brothers grieves his father takes lands from Egyptian farmers and engages in forced deportation. Wildavsky explains why Joseph-the-assimilator is replaced in the Book of Exodus by Moses-the-lawgiver. The book ends by demonstrating that Joseph and Moses are and are undoubtedly meant to be exact opposites.As in his earlier book on The Nursing Father: Moses as a Political Leader Wildavsky combines analysis of political and administrative leadership with both traditional and modern study of texts: thematic linkages via plot grammar dreams poetry and religious doctrine. Thus the chapter on "Joseph the Administrator" is preceded by a chapter on Joseph as The Dream Lord" and followed by an analysis and explanation of why Jacob's obscure blessings to his sons are more like curses. Always the emphasis is on the reciprocal influence of religion and politics on rival answers to questions about how Hebrews should relate to each other and to outsiders. New in paperback the book will be of interest to biblical scholars and readers as well as those concerned with the interaction of religion and political life. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519008

Assisted ConceptionResearch Ethics and Law This title was first published in 2003. Assisted conception is an area where it often seems that all the ethical and legal issues have been covered and then technology advances and the discussions start all over again. The book is an anthology of papers presented during a project looking at thearaputic research in assisted conception (TRAC). It is divided into three areas addressing research ethics and law. Each chapter begins with an overview of the issues with the aim being to present new perspectives rather than covering old ground. The European Convention on Human rights and Biomedicine came into force on December 1 1999. The Convention allows thearaputic research and research on spare embryos but forbid fundamental research which may be essential to the safe development of new techniques. This also means that people may become part of an experimental process without their consent. The project brings together clinicians embryologists lawyers and ethicists to ascertain whether there might be a risk of infertility patients being exposed to insufficiently tested procedures and to see if there is a need for fundamental research in this area. It also looks at the legislative safeguards that exist and whether a European standard for treatment should be set. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138743243

Assisted LivingSobering Realities Learn how to make elder housing more homelike!Taking an incisive look at assisted living for the elderly Assisted Living: Sobering Realities is an important book for the professionals who work with aging Americans and their families. This vital book provides a multidisciplinary overview of the world of assisted living for older Americans. With unique insight and a keen clinical perspective Assisted Living examines a variety of topics: the dilemma of aging in place the realities of end-of-life care and the ins and outs of residential care supply. Easy-to-read graphs and charts make the data user-friendly.This book delivers current information on: the housing needs of elderly renters with case studies of 109 residents in two facilities the need for improved housing and services for low-income elderly providing an overview of how successful facilities take a comprehensive approach in linking low-income elders with community-based services the advantages and disadvantages of residential care facilities research about aging in place from providers and residents’ perspectives the unmet needs of the elderly who qualify for housing assistance how visitation patterns affect the overall satisfaction and quality of life of assisted living residents Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315043791

Assisted Reproduction Discrimination and the Law The numbers of women undergoing Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) treatments have risen steadily yet they remain largely outside the scope of equality and employment law protection while undergoing treatment. Assisted Reproduction Discrimination and the Law examines this gap in UK law with reference to EU law as appropriate and argues that new conceptions of equality are necessary. Drawing from the literature on multidimensional and intersectional discrimination it is argued that an intersectionality approach offers a more useful analytical framework to extend protection to those engaged in ART treatments. Drawing from Schiek’s intersectional nodes model the book critically examines two alternative interpretations of existing protected characteristics namely infertility as a disability with reference to the social model of disability and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2006 and redefining the boundaries of pregnancy and/or sex discrimination with reference to attempts to extend associative discrimination to pregnancy. Comparisons are drawn with the US where infertility has been recognised as a disability under the American’s with Disabilities Act 1990 and as a pregnancy-related condition under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act 1978. A specific right to paid time off work to undergo treatment is also proposed drawing comparisons with the US Family and Medical Leave Act 1993 and the existing UK work-family rights framework. It is argued that the reinterpretations of equality law and the rights proposed here are not only conceptually possible but could practically be achieved with minor but significant amendments to existing legislation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138610040

Assisted Reproduction Across BordersFeminist Perspectives on Normalizations Disruptions and Transmissions Today it often seems as though Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) have reached a stage of normalization at least in some countries and among certain social groups. Apparently some practices – for example in vitro fertilization (IVF) – have become standard worldwide. The contributors to Assisted Reproduction Across Borders argue against normalization as an uncontested overall trend. This volume reflects on the state of the art of ARTs. From feminist perspectives the contributors focus on contemporary political debates triggered by ARTs. They examine the varying ways in which ARTs are interpreted and practised in different contexts depending on religious moral and political approaches. Assisted Reproduction Across Borders embeds feminist analysis of ARTs across a wide variety of countries and cultural contexts discussing controversial practices such as surrogacy from the perspective of the global South as well as the global North as well as inequalities in terms of access to IVF. This volume will appeal to scholars and students of anthropology ethnography philosophy political science history sociology film studies media studies literature art history area studies and interdisciplinary areas such as gender studies cultural studies and postcolonial studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367350826

Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the Global South and NorthIssues Challenges and the Future Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the Global South and North critically analyses the political and social frameworks of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and its impact in different countries. In the context of a worldwide social pressure to conceive – particularly for women – this collection explores the effect of the development of ARTs growing globalisation and reproductive medicalization on global societies. Providing an overview of the issues surrounding ART both in the Global South and North this book analyses ART inequalities commonalities and specificities in various countries regions and on the transnational scene. From a multidisciplinary perspective and drawing on multisite studies it highlights some new issues relating to ART (e.g. egg freezing surrogacy) and discusses some older issues regarding infertility and its medical treatment (e.g. in vitro fertilisation childless stigmatisation and access to treatment). This book aims to redress the balance between what is known about Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the Global North and how the issue is investigated in the Global South. It aims to draw out the global similarities in the challenges that ARTs bring between these different areas of the world. It will appeal to scholars and students in the social sciences medicine public health health policy women’s and gender studies and demography. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138932357

Assisted Suicide and EuthanasiaA Natural Law Ethics Approach As medical technology advances and severely injured or ill people can be kept alive and functioning long beyond what was previously medically possible the debate surrounding the ethics of end-of-life care and quality-of-life issues has grown more urgent.In this lucid and vigorous new book Craig Paterson discusses assisted suicide and euthanasia from a fully fledged but non-dogmatic secular natural law perspective. He rehabilitates and revitalises the natural law approach to moral reasoning by developing a pluralistic account of just why we are required by practical rationality to respect and not violate key demands generated by the primary goods of persons especially human life.Important issues that shape the moral quality of an action are explained and analysed: intention/foresight; action/omission; action/consequences; killing/letting die; innocence/non-innocence; and person/non-person. Paterson defends the central normative proposition that 'it is always a serious moral wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human person whether self or another notwithstanding any further appeal to consequences or motive'. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315096766

Assisting Students with Language Delays in the ClassroomA Practical Language Programme Assisting Students with Language Delays in the Classroom is a structured language programme designed for teachers and SENCOs to use in the classroom with children and adolescents with a range of language abilities. This resource caters to the needs of a broad range of students who require assistance with their language development from the pre-verbal skills of language progressing through to the skills required for effective interactive conversation. The resource is accordingly structured within three key sections: the Pre-Verbal Skills of Language the Building Bricks of Language the Skills of Conversation. Features: step-by-step instructions language charts 200+ activities and exercise. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781909301573

Assistive Technology Assessment Handbook The process of matching a person who has a disability with the most appropriate assistive technology requires a series of assessments typically administered by multidisciplinary teams at specialized centers for technical aid. Assistive Technology Assessment Handbook fills the need for a reference that helps assistive technology experts perform assessments that more effectively connect the person and the technology. Emphasizing the well-being of the individual with a disability the book proposes an ideal model of the assistive technology assessment process and outlines how this model can be applied in practice internationally. Organized into three parts the handbook: Gives readers a toolkit for performing assessments Describes the roles of the assessment team members among them the new profession of the psychotechnologist who is skilled in understanding individuals and their psychosocial and technological needs and preferences Reviews cutting-edge technologies for rehabilitation and independent living including brain–computer interfaces and microswitches The book synthesizes information scattered throughout the international literature focusing on aspects that are particularly representative or innovative. It also addresses the challenges posed by the variety of health and social care systems and the different ways that individuals who need aid are defined—are they users patients clients or consumers and how does that affect the assessment? Edited by Stefano Federici and Marcia J. Scherer internationally renowned leaders in the field of assistive technology assessment this cross-cultural handbook includes contributions from leading experts across five continents. Guiding readers in matching the person and the appropriate assistive technology it offers a framework for future practice and research. Listen to Stefano Federici talk about the handbook. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138076716

Assistive Technology Assessment Handbook Assistive Technology Assessment Handbook Second Edition proposes an international ideal model for the assistive technology assessment process outlining how this model can be applied in practice to re-conceptualize the phases of an assistive technology delivery system according to the biopsychosocial model of disability. The model provides reference guidelines for evidence-based practice guiding both public and private centers that wish to compare evaluate and improve their ability to match a person with the correct technology model. This second edition also offers a contribution to the Global Cooperation on Assistive Technology (GATE) initiative whose activities are strongly focused on the assistive products service delivery model. Organized into three parts the handbook: gives readers a toolkit for performing assessments; describes the roles of the assessment team members among them the new profession of psychotechnologist; and reviews technologies for rehabilitation and independent living including brain–computer interfaces exoskeletons and technologies for music therapy. Edited by Stefano Federici and Marcia J. Scherer this cross-cultural handbook includes contributions from leading experts across five continents offering a framework for future practice and research. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498774116

Assistive Technology for Blindness and Low Vision Assistive technology has made it feasible for individuals with a wide range of impairments to engage in many activities such as education and employment in ways not previously possible. The key factor is to create consumer-driven technologies that solve the problems by addressing the needs of persons with visual impairments. Assistive Technology for Blindness and Low Vision explores a broad range of technologies that are improving the lives of these individuals. Presenting the current state of the art this book emphasizes what can be learned from past successful products as well as what exciting new solutions the future holds.Written by world-class leaders in their field the chapters cover the physiological bases of vision loss and the fundamentals of orientation mobility and information access for blind and low vision individuals. They discuss technology for multiple applications (mobility wayfinding information access education work entertainment) including both established technology and cutting-edge research. The book also examines computer and digital media access and the scientific basis for the theory and practice of sensory substitution.This volume provides a holistic view of the elements to consider when designing assistive technology for persons with visual impairment keeping in mind the need for a user-driven approach to successfully design products that are easy to use well priced and fill a specific need. Written for a broad audience this book provides a comprehensive overview and in-depth descriptions of current technology for designers engineers practitioners rehabilitation professionals and all readers interested in the challenges and promises of creating successful assistive technology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073135

Assistive Technology for CognitionA handbook for clinicians and developers Assistive technology for cognition is technology which can be used to enable enhance or extend cognitive function. This book systematically examines how cutting-edge digital technologies can assist the cognitive function of people with cognitive impairments with the potential to revolutionize rehabilitation. Technologies are reviewed which direct attention remind recognize prompt and generally guide people through activities of daily living. Written by experts in neuropsychology and technology development Assistive Technology for Cognition provides a comprehensive overview of the efficacy of technologies to assist people with brain impairments. Based on the list provided by the International Classification of Function each chapter covers a different cognitive function; namely attention memory affect perception executive function language numeracy sequencing and navigation onto which existing and future assistive technologies for cognition are mapped. This structure provides in-depth research in an accessible way and will allow practitioners to move from an assessment of cognitive deficits to the prescription of an appropriate assistive technology for cognition. The chapters also make suggestions for future developments. Assistive Technology for Cognition will be of great interest to clinicians and researchers working in brain injury rehabilitation technology developers and also to students in clinical psychology neuropsychology and allied health disciplines. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781848724020

Associated Press Coverage of a Major DisasterThe Crash of Delta Flight 1141 Originally published in 1989. This diary of a news event looks at how the reporting happened as spread by the news wire system of the Associated Press service in America. Analysing the flow of information in this detailed way this book presents how a major disaster a fast-moving story with considerable spin was fed out to the press via the Dallas bureau in 1988. Introductory chapters outline the workings of a press bureau office during a major story and present interview sections with key reporters on the story about how their role unfolded. Sidebar commentary alongside the reproductions of the news wires organised by date and time adds interesting discussion throughout the book while a conclusion evaluates the coverage of the story. The Appendices include reproductions of Texas newspapers’ resulting pages about the crash. This is a fascinating case-study of the dissemination of news date before the internet compiled at a time when computers were just large enough to retain in memory all stories relating to event ‘X’ in order for this kind of analysis to be attempted. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138928213

Association FootballA Study in Figurational Sociology This book presents a synthesis of the work on early football undertaken by the authors over the past two decades. It explores aspects of a figurational approach to sociology to examine the early development of football rules in the middle part of the nineteenth century. The book tests Dunning’s status rivalry hypothesis to contest Harvey’s view of football’s development which stresses an influential sub-culture outside the public schools. Status Rivalry re-states the primacy of these latter institutions in the growth of football and without it the sport’s story would remain skewed and unbalanced for future generations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138242586

Associations and ConsultantsExternal Aid to Management Originally published in 1970. Trade associations and consultants in their many varieties are arguably the most important of our economic organisations. The people that manage those organisations are among the most influential members of modern society. The research reported in this book constitutes one of the first attempts to obtain systematic knowledge about the process of helping management. This title will be of interest to students of business management and economics as well as policy-makers concerned with external aids in government associations and firms. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138570542

Associations and the Chinese StateContested Spaces What role do Chinese popular associations play in the expansion of civil society and democratization? Under Mao few associations were permitted to exist while today over 200 000 associations are officially recognized. Are they important foundations of civil society or vehicles for state corporatism and control? In this book leading China specialists examine an interesting range of associations from business associations to trade unions to urban homeowners associations women's groups against domestic violence and rural NGOs that develop anti-poverty programs. The contributors find different important trends underway in different parts of China's economy and society. Their findings are nuanced insightful - and often not what might be expected. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706269

Associative DemocracyThe Real Third Way This book aims to unlock the current crisis in democratic accountability by supplementing representative democracy with democratic governance in civil society. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203045602

Associative Illusions of MemoryFalse Memory Research in DRM and Related Tasks The last decade has seen a flurry of experimental research into the neurocognitive underpinnings of illusory memories. Using simple materials and tests (e.g. recalling words or pictures) methods such as the famed Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) task have attracted considerable attention. These tasks elicit false memories of nonstudied events that are vivid long lasting and difficult to consciously avoid. Additional research shows that these memory illusions are fundamentally related to more complex memory distortions. As a result this rapidly expanding literature has generated a great deal of excitement - and even some controversy - in contemporary psychology.Associative Illusions of Memory provides an ambitious overview of this research area. Starting with the historical roots and major theoretical trends this book exhaustively reviews the most recent studies by cognitive psychologists neuropsychologists and cognitive neuroscientists. The strengths and limits of various experimental techniques are outlined and the large body of existing data is meaningfully distilled into a few core theoretical concepts. This book highlights the malleability of memory as well as the strategies and situations that can help us avoid false memories. Throughout the review it is argued that these basic memory illusions contribute to a deeper understanding of how human memory works. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138006072

Associative Learning and Representation: An EPS Workshop for N.J. MackintoshA Special Issue of the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychol The papers published in this Special Issue of The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section B are based upon presentations at a workshop on "Associative Learning and Representation" which was sponsored by the Experimental Psychology Society at Emmanuel College Cambridge. The Workshop celebrated the contribution of Professor Nicholas Mackintosh to animal learning and conditioning in particular and experimental psychology in general in the year of his retirement from the Chair of Psychology at the University of Cambridge. The papers collected here focus on issues that are of relevance to learning in both humans and other animals being particularly concerned with the nature of representation and how representations are developed and deployed. The topics addressed included stimulus representation and perceptual learning discrimination learning learned irrelevance retrospective revaluation discriminative control and spatial learning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138883284

Associative Learning of Likes and DislikesA Special Issue of Cognition and Emotion Preferences are assumed to play a crucial role in many phenomena that are studied in learning psychology social psychology consumer science emotion research and clinical psychology. Given the pervasive impact that preferences have on behaviour it is important to know where these likes and dislikes come from. Although some preferences are genetically determined most stem from learning that took place during the lifetime of the individual. In this special issue the editors focus on one such type of learning: associative learning of likes and dislikes that is changes in liking that are due to the pairing of stimuli. Prior studies on evaluative conditioning have shown that pairing an affectively neutral stimulus with an affectively positive or negative stimulus will change the liking of the originally neutral stimulus. The papers that are part of this special issue explore the relevance of evaluative conditioning for social psychology provide new data about the impact of contingency awareness attention and extinction trials on evaluative conditioning and examine whether pairing stimuli can also result in the transfer of non-evaluative stimulus properties. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138877955

Assuming the Light "Miguel Angel Asturias (1899-1974) the first Spanish-American prose writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature is both a pivotal and a representative figure in the development of the twentieth-century Spanish-American novel. Asturias's literary apprenticeship in the Paris of the 1920s and 1930s is arguably the most crucial and least understood period of his career. In forging his definitions of Guatemalan cultural identity and Spanish-American modernity from a French vantage point Asturias made literary innovations and generated cultural paradoxes which have proved central to subsequent generations of writers. This study of Asturias's early academic writings journalism and short fiction and of his first major novel ""El se""or presidente provides a prehistory of the contemporary Spanish-American novel." Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351198790

Assumptions Inhibiting Progress in Comparative Biology This book is a thought-provoking assessment of assumptions inhibiting progress in comparative biology. The volume is inspired by a list generated years earlier by Donn Rosen one of the most influential innovative and productive comparative biologists of the latter 20th century. His list has assumed almost legendary status among comparative evolutionary biologists. Surprisingly many of the obstructing assumptions implicated by Rosen remain relevant today. Any comparative biologist hoping to avoid such assumptions in their own research will benefit from this introspective volume. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498741279

Assumptions of Social PsychologyA Reexamination This book is a thorough revision of the successful Assumptions of Social Psychology first published in 1969. Reexamining the implicit and explicit assumptions concerning inquiry as to the nature of the human organism it takes as its major thesis the idea that the epistemologies utilized by social psychologists -- encompassing behavioral intentional and historical analyses -- are complementary rather than contradictory. After examining key figures in the history of Western epistemology such as Descartes Vico Hume and Kant contemporary issues such as the nature of causation intentions behavior rhetoric and hermeneutics are discussed. A major thesis is that the epistemologies utilized by social scientists encompassing behavioral cognitive and historical analyses are complimentary rather than contradictory. In order to demonstrate this the historical underpinnings of social psychological epistemologies and an argument for the complimentarity of major social psychological theoretical approaches are developed. Most importantly some of the possibilities for building explanation of social phenomena which are alternatives to existing forms of explanation are discussed. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315807164

Assuring Quality Ambulatory Health CareThe Martin Luther King Jr. Health Center This book looks at how Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Health Center viewed ambulatory quality care assurance. It presents the forms and methods that serve as tested models for agencies involved in ambulatory quality care assurance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367170912

Asthma COPD and OverlapA Case-Based Overview of Similarities and Differences Using illustrative case examples this book thoroughly reviews similarities and differences between asthma chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and the overlap syndrome. It is important to highlight the distinctions because these commonly encountered conditions in respiratory and primary care share many similarities but have important differences often mistaken for each other. This can have serious implications for treatment particularly as new treatments are targeted at specific phenotypes of the diseases. This practical guide shows how to distinguish between the diseases on a pathological and clinical basis so that appropriate management and treatment may be pursued. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498758413

Asthma and Infections An invaluable resource this book covers the full range of respiratory infections and explores the techniques used to detect the pathogens involved in asthma. Fifteen international experts representing the range of specialties involved in treating asthma examine the relationship between asthma and infection. They provide authoritative time-tested guidance clinicians and researchers can utilize and trust. They cover bacterial and viral respiratory infections and pathogen detection examining how microbes infections and antibiotic and anti-inflammatory agents affect asthma. The book helps readers identify the basic translational clinical aspects of asthma bacterial infection inflammation and allergic response. Not only does it present the facts but raises questions that will stimulate the clinical and research communities to explore new avenues that may provide clear answers to old questions. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367446017

Asthma in the Workplace Occupational factors are responsible for a large percentage of cases of asthma in adults of working age. Any irritant generated at high concentrations can cause occupational asthma and early diagnosis is critical because cure is still possible at this stage. This latest edition of Asthma in the Workplace reflects the rapid pace of discovery and research in workplace asthma that has taken place in recent years.This Fourth Edition retains the international flavor of prior editions with contributions from editors and contributors from around the world. Several chapters commence with clinical histories and workplace scenarios relevant to the focus of the chapter making it particularly germane for primary care providers to develop skills in early recognition of the disease.Topics discussed include:Definitions historical background epidemiology genetics pathophysiology and animal modelsGuidelines for assessing the worker and the workplace and proposed guidelines for management including compensation aspectsMedicolegal aspects prevention and surveillanceDetailed information about specific agents including a variety of high- and low-molecular weight agentsOther types of work-related asthma conditions such as irritant-induced asthma eosinophilic bronchitis and occupational rhinitis This new edition has been significantly restructured and places a greater emphasis on the clinical aspects of management and treatment. This heightened focus on practical considerations makes it a truly comprehensive hands-on resource for practitioners and researchers in this fast-moving field. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367576448

AsthmaClinician's Desk Reference As the series title implies each Clinician’s Desk Reference is a practical resource and a daily aid for physicians in the hospital setting and in primary care.Asthma is one of the most important chronic disorders in the developed world. Evidence from around the world shows the prevalence of asthma has increased considerably since 1975 and now affects around 7.2% of the world population (about 100 million individuals). In the UK asthma is now the most common chronic disease affecting all age groups with approximately 11% of the population being diagnosed as having asthma at some time in their lives.Understanding of the basic mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of asthma has improved dramatically over the past 20 years. Along with this increase in basic scientific knowledge randomized clinical trials have produced evidence to guide clinicians in how to manage patients with asthma.The book covers epidemiology diagnosis and management and takes a look at future developments. The authors highlight the under diagnosis of occupational asthma and emphasize the importance of effective patient education particularly asthma action plans. There are ten clinical cases dealing with common diagnostic and management problems frequently asked questions and appendices containing resources for patients and clinicians including useful websites information leaflets and major references. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138113466

Astraea - Yates First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315888767

AstrobiologyAn Evolutionary Approach Astrobiology: An Evolutionary Approach provides a full course in astrobiology with an emphasis on abiogenesis and evolution. The book presents astrobiology both as a developing science and as the science of the future. The origins of life and the possibility of life elsewhere continues to be a subject of scientific and philosophical examination. These topics evolve with time as our understanding of life itself and the laws of chemical and biological evolution evolve. Astrobiology: An Evolutionary Approach aims both to provide a foundation in astrobiology and to describe the most challenging questions and problems in the field. The book begins with an overview of astrobiology the origin of elements and the formation of the solar system planets and exoplanets. Other topics covered include prebiotic synthesis of biochemical compounds transition from abiotic to biotic microorganisms in space the roles of silicon in life encapsulation of organic materials in protocells cold and dry limits of life virolution and more. The contributors explore different aspects of astrobiology reflecting the exciting journeys of their own research. This book will inspire students to explore the endless possibilities in astrobiology. The book includes end-of-chapter questions a glossary of terms and recommended references making it ideal for use as a classroom text. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466584617

AstrobiologyAn Introduction Astrobiology is a multidisciplinary pursuit that in various guises encompasses astronomy chemistry planetary and Earth sciences and biology. It relies on mathematical statistical and computer modeling for theory and space science engineering and computing to implement observational and experimental work. Consequently when studying astrobiology a broad scientific canvas is needed. For example it is now clear that the Earth operates as a system; it is no longer appropriate to think in terms of geology oceans atmosphere and life as being separate. Reflecting this multiscience approach Astrobiology: An Introduction: Covers topics such as stellar evolution cosmic chemistry planet formation habitable zones terrestrial biochemistry and exoplanetary systems Discusses the origin evolution distribution and future of life in the universe in an accessible manner sparing calculus curly arrow chemistry and modeling details Contains problems and worked examples and includes a solutions manual with qualifying course adoption Astrobiology: An Introduction provides a full introduction to astrobiology suitable for university students at all levels. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439875766

AstrocytesWiring the Brain Astrocytes play diverse roles in central nervous system (CNS) function and dysfunction and the connections that the astrocyte makes with other cells of the brain are essential for a variety of important neural tasks. Bringing together contributions from international experts at the top of their field Astrocytes: Wiring the Brain emphasizes cellular connections and surveys the most current findings on astrocyte activity. The first section of the book identifies major astrocyte biomarkers and describes how they define the different connectivity domains. Next the book examines the role of these connections. It explains how their function can be manipulated under physiological conditions and how dysfunction of the connectivity leads to aberrant brain performance. The final section explores the alterations of glia that have been observed in specific diseases of the brain. These include epilepsy autoimmune encephalitis Alzheimer’s disease autism and major depression. The book identifies key mechanisms responsible for these alterations. An important and emerging field astrocytes and their functions are critical to neuroscientists and neurologists both in academia and in industry particularly in the search for and development of new drugs to combat a variety of diseases affecting the CNS. As research continues to grow in this area this volume will spur heightened advances and understanding into the effects of these neural cells on a range of pathologies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138374300

Astrolabes from Medieval Europe This is the fourth set of studies in the Variorum series by David King a leading authority on the history of astronomy in Islamic civilization and on medieval astronomical instruments European as well as Islamic. The first of the eleven studies collected here deals with medieval instruments in general as precious historical sources. The following papers focus on individual astrolabes from the European Middle Ages and early Renaissance that are of singular historical importance. Two look at the origins of the simple universal horary quadrant and the complicated universal horary dial (navicula). The collection concludes with a list of all known medieval European astrolabes ordered chronologically by region. Three "landmark" astrolabes are discussed: (1) the earliest known European astrolabe from 10th-century Catalonia that milieu in which the astrolabe first became known to Europeans; (2) an astrolabe from 14th-century Picardy bearing numerals written in monastic ciphers as well as a later dedication mentioning two friends of Erasmus; (3) the splendid astrolabe presented in 1462 by the German astronomer Regiomontanus to his patron Cardinal Bessarion with its enigmatic angel and Latin dedication here presented in the context of other astrolabes of similar design from 15th-century Vienna. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409425939

Astrology Almanacs and the Early Modern English Calendar Astrology Almanacs and the Early Modern English Calendar is a handbook designed to help modern readers unlock the vast cultural religious and scientific material contained in early modern calendars and almanacs. It outlines the basic cosmological astrological and medical theories that undergirded calendars traces the medieval evolution of the calendar into its early modern format against the background of the English Reformation and presents a history of the English almanac in the context of the rise of the printing industry in England. The book includes a primer on deciphering early modern printed almanacs as well as an illustrated guide to the rich visual and verbal iconography of seasons months and days of the week gathered from material culture farming manuals almanacs and continental prints. As a practical guide to English calendars and the social mathematical and scientific practices that inform them Astrology Almanacs and the Early Modern English Calendar is an indispensable tool for historians cultural critics and literary scholars working with the primary material of the period especially those with interests in astrology popular science popular print the book as material artifact and the history of time-reckoning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472481832

Astrology Science and CulturePulling down the Moon Mainstream science has long dismissed astrology as a form of primitive superstition despite or perhaps even because of its huge popular interest. From daily horoscopes to in-depth and personalized star forecasts astrology for many plays a crucial role in the organization of everyday life. Present-day scholars and scientists remain baffled as to why this pseudo-science exercises such control over supposedly modern rational and enlightened individuals yet so far they have failed to produce any meaningful analysis of why it impacts on so many lives and what lies behind its popular appeal. Moving beyond scientific scepticism Astrology Science and Culture finally fills the gap by probing deeply into the meaning and importance of this extraordinary belief system. From the dawn of pre-history humankind has had an intimate connection with the stars. With its roots in the Neolithic culture of Europe and the Middle East astrology was traditionally heralded as a divinatory language. Willis and Curry argue that contrary to contemporary understanding including that of most astrologers astrology was originally and remains a divinatory practice. Tackling its rich and controversial history its problematic relationship to Jungian theory and attempts to prove its grounding in objective reality this book not only persuasively demonstrates that astrology is far more than a superstitious relic of years gone by but that it enables a fundamental critique of the scientism of its opponents. Groundbreaking in its reconciliation of astrologys ancient traditions and its modern day usage this book impressively unites philosophy science anthropology and history to produce a powerful exploration of astrology past and present. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003084723

Astrology and Magic from the Medieval Latin and Islamic World to Renaissance EuropeTheories and Approaches Astrology and Magic from the Medieval Latin and Islamic World to Renaissance Europe brings together ten of Paola Zambelli's papers on the subject four of which are published in English for the first time. The papers in Part I of this volume deal with theories: the ideas of astrology and magic held by Renaissance thinkers; astrologers' ideas on universal history and its cycles; i.e. catastrophes and rebirths theories; and myths regarding the spontaneous generation of man himself. Part II focuses on the role of astrologers in Renaissance society. As political counsellors courtiers and academics their ideas were diffused and appreciated in both popular and high culture. Part III looks at the Great Conjunction of 1524 and on the long and extended debate surrounding it which would not have been possible prior to Gutenberg since astrologers printed numberless booklets (full of religious and political innuendo) predicting the catastrophe - flood as well as earthquake or fire - foreseen for February 1524 (which in the event proved to be a month of extraordinary mild weather). Part IV reprints some review-articles of twentieth century scholars whose writing has contributed to our understanding of the historical problems concerning magic and other connected debates. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409425144

Astrology and Popular Religion in the Modern WestProphecy Cosmology and the New Age Movement This book explores an area of contemporary religion spirituality and popular culture which has not so far been investigated in depth the phenomenon of astrology in the modern west. Locating modern astrology historically and sociologically in its religious New Age and millenarian contexts Nicholas Campion considers astrology's relation to modernity and draws on extensive fieldwork and interviews with leading modern astrologers to present an invaluable contribution to our understanding of the origins and nature of New Age ideology. This book challenges the notion that astrology is either 'marginal' or a feature of postmodernism. Concluding that astrology is more popular than the usual figures suggest Campion argues that modern astrology is largely shaped by New Age thought influenced by the European Millenarian tradition that it can be seen as an heir to classical Gnosticism and is part of the vernacular religion of the modern west. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138261624

Astronomically SpeakingA Dictionary of Quotations on Astronomy and Physics To understand the history accomplishments failures and meanings of astronomy requires a knowledge of what has been said about astronomy by philosophers novelists playwrights poets scientists and laymen. With this in mind Astronomically Speaking: A Dictionary of Quotations on Astronomy and Physics serves as a guide to what has been said about astronomy through the ages. Containing approximately 1 550 quotations and numerous illustrations this resource is the largest compilation of astronomy and astrophysics quotations published to date.Devoted to astronomy and the closely related areas of mathematics and physics this resource helps form an accurate picture of these interconnected disciplines. It is designed as an aid for general readers with little knowledge of astronomy who are interested in astronomical topics. Students can use the book to increase their understanding of the complexity and richness that exists in scientific disciplines. In addition experienced scientists will find it as a handy source of quotes for use in the classroom in papers and in presentations. A quick glance through the table of contents illustrates the variety of topics discussed. Readers can quickly and easily access the wit and wisdom of several hundred scientists writers philosophers poets and academics using the comprehensive indexes. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138429796

Astronomy and Astrology in al-Andalus and the Maghrib This new volume of papers by Julio Samsó deals with the development of astronomy and astrology in al-Andalus and the Maghrib between the 10th and the 19th centuries. Opening with a survey of the social history of the exact sciences in al-Andalus the book then looks at astronomical tables: the first stages of the introduction of al-Khwarizmi's and al-Battani's tables through the school of Maslama al-Majriti the development of Ibn al-Zarqalluh/ Azarquiel's theories in Maghribi zijes (Ibn al-Banna' and Ibn Azzuz) and the abandonment of this tradition towards the end of the 14th century. From this period onwards new Eastern zijes (Muhyi al-Din al-Maghribi Ibn al-Shatir Ulugh Beg) are introduced in the Maghrib and towards the beginning of the 17th century a translation of Abraham Zacut and José Vizinho's Almanach Perpetuum (end of the 15th century) becomes well known in the whole Islamic world from Morocco to the Yemen. As well as zijes themselves the author also deals with theoretical astronomy (the use of an elliptical deferent for Mercury in Ibn al-Zarqalluh's equatorium and the criticisms of Ibn al-Haytham and Jabir b. Aflah on Ptolemy's determination of the parameters of the same planet) and with the use of zijes for the calculation of horoscopes and an experimental astrological method for the correction of mean motion planetary tables (Ibn Azzuz). Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138375161

Astronomy Through the AgesThe Story Of The Human Attempt To Understand The Universe From an historical perspective this text presents an entirely non- mathematical introduction to astronomy from the first endeavours of the ancients to the current developments in research enabled by cutting edge technological advances. Free of mathematics and complex graphs the book nevertheless explains deep concepts of space and time of relativity and quantum mechanics and of origin and nature of the universe. It conveys not only the intrinsic fascination of the subject but also the human side and the scientific method as practised by Kepler defined and elucidated by Galileo and then demonstrated by Newton. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367400880

AstronomyPrinciples and Practice Fourth Edition (PBK) Despite remarkable advances in astronomy space research and related technology since the first edition of this book was published the philosophy of the prior editions has remained the same throughout. However because of this progress there is a need to update the information and present the new findings. In the fourth edition of Astronomy: Principles and Practice much like the previous editions the celebrated authors give a comprehensive and systematic treatment to the theories of astronomy.This reference furthers your study of astronomy by presenting the basic software and hardware providing several straightforward mathematical tools and discussing some simple physical processes that are either involved in the astronomer's tools of trade or concerned in the mechanisms associated with astronomical bodies. The first six chapters introduce the simple observations that can be made by the eye as well as discuss how such observations were interpreted by previous civilizations. The next several chapters examine the interpretation of positional measurements and the basic principles of celestial mechanics. The authors then explore radiation optical telescopes and radio and high-energy technologies. They conclude with practical projects and exercises.New to the Fourth Edition:Revised values such as the obliquity of the eclipticExpanded material that is devoted to new astronomies and techniques such as optical data recordingA listing of Web sites that offer information on relevant astronomical eventsRevised and expanded this edition continues to offer vital information about the fundamentals of astronomy. Astronomy: Principles and Practice Fourth Edition satisfies the need of anyone who has a strong desire to understand the philosophy and applications of the science of astronomy. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138406223

Astrophysical Techniques Long used in undergraduate and introductory graduate courses Astrophysical Techniques Seventh Edition provides an accessible yet comprehensive account of the innovate instruments detectors and techniques employed in astronomy and astrophysics. Emphasizing the underlying unity of all astronomical observations this popular textbook provides a coherent state-of-the-art account of the instruments and techniques used in current astronomy and astrophysics. Fully updated throughout this seventh edition builds upon the sixth edition covering improved techniques and cutting-edge methods in the field as well as other exciting new developments in gravitational waves dark matter and energy the use of photonics and astronomy education and outreach in addition to further detailed discussions on the latest scientific instruments and individual detectors. The book is written in a very accessible manner and most of the mathematics is accessible to those who have attended a mathematics course in their final years at school. Nevertheless the treatment of the topics in general is at a sufficiently high level to be of use to those professionals seeking technical information in areas of astronomy with which they might not be completely familiar. Key Features: Details the instrumentation and theory of astronomical observations including radio waves gamma rays cosmic rays neutrinos gravitational waves and dark matter and energy and more Presents the background theory and operating practice of state-of-the-art detectors and instruments Fully updated to contain the latest technology and research developments Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138591202

Asylum - A Right DeniedA Critical Analysis of European Asylum Policy In recent decades asylum has emerged as a highly politicized European issue. The term ’asylum seeker’ has suffered a negative perception and has been associated with notions of illegality and criminality in mainstream media. These misconceptions have been supported by politicians as a distraction from economic and political uncertainties with the result that asylum seekers have been deprived of significant rights. This book examines the effect of recent attempts of harmonization on the identification and protection of refugees. It considers the extent of obligations on the state to admit and protect refugees and examines the 1951 Refugee Convention. The motivations of European legislators and legislation concerning asylum procedures and reception conditions are also analysed. Proposals and initiatives for refugee movements and determinations are examined and assessed. The author makes suggestions for better protection of refugees while responding to the security concerns of States and questions whether European law and policy is doing enough to uphold the fundamental right to seek and enjoy asylum as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This book takes a bold look at a controversial issue and generates discussion for those involved in the fields of human rights migrational and transnational studies law and society and international law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138248106

Asylum Law in the European Union This book examines the rules governing the right to asylum in the European Union. Drawing on the 1951 United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol Francesco Cherubini asks how asylum obligations under international refugee law have been incorporated into the European Union. The book draws from international law EU law and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and focuses on the prohibition of refoulement; the main obligation the EU law must confront. Cherubini explores the dual nature of this principle examining both the obligation to provide a fair procedure that determines the conditions of risk in the country of origin or destination and the obligation to respond to a possible expulsion. Through this study the book sheds light on EU competence in asylum when regarding the different positions of Member States. The book will be of great use and interest to researchers and students of asylum and immigration law EU law and public international law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138242753

Asylum Seekers Sovereignty and the Senses of the InternationalA Politico-corporeal Struggle The confrontation between asylum seeking and sovereignty has mainly focused on ways in which the movement and possibilities of refugees and migrants are limited. In this volume instead of departing from the practices of governance and surveillance Puumala begins with the moving body its engagements and relations and examines different ways of seeing and sensing the struggle between asylum seekers and sovereign practices. Puumala asserts that our political imagination is being challenged in its ways of ordering practicing and thinking about the international and those relations we call international. The issues relating to asylum seekers are one example of the deficiencies in the spatiotemporal logic upon which these relations were originally built; words such as ‘nation’ ‘people’ ‘sovereignty’ and ‘community’ are challenged. Conventional methods of governing regulating and administering increased forms of mobility are in trouble which gives rise to the invention of new technologies at borders and introduces regulations and spaces of exception. Based on extensive fieldwork that sheds light on a range of Europe-wide practices in the field of asylum and migration policies this book will be of interest to scholars of IR theory biopolitics and migration as well as critical security more broadly. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138944886

Asylum Seekers and the StateThe Politics of Protection in a Security-Conscious World Highly topical in subject matter Asylum Seekers and the State reveals immigration policy as a political process which has social consequences not only for the newcomer group but also for the wider receiver society. This work considers the obligations which receiver societies have for considering refugee claims but at the same time assesses contemporary security concerns; it also provides an introduction to the roles of non-government organizations as stake-holders in the political process. The book also offers a study of the historical and cultural context of immigration in Germany and Australia which demonstrates the practical impact of these issues. Taking a fresh approach to the issue of asylum seekers and refugees this book offers unique perspectives from non-state actors as significant brokers and advocates of social and political processes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138278042

Asylum Seeking and the Global City Asylum seeking and the global city are two major contemporary subjects of analysis to emerge both in the literature and in public and official discourses on human rights urban socioeconomic change and national security. Based on extensive original ethnographic research this book examines the situation of asylum seekers in Hong Kong and offers a narrative of their experiences related to internal and external borders the performance of border crossing and asylum politics in the context of the global city. Hong Kong is a city with no comprehensive legislation covering refugee claims and official and public opinion is dominated by the view that the city would be flooded with illegal economic migrants were policy changes to be implemented. This book considers why Hong Kong has become a destination for asylum seekers how asylum seekers integrate into local and global economic markets and why the illegalization of asylum seekers plays a significant role in the processes of global city formation. This book will be essential reading for academics and students involved in the study of migration; globalization and borders; research methods in criminology; social problems and urban sociology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138687721

Asylum-Seeker and Refugee Protection in Sub-Saharan AfricaThe Peregrination of a Persecuted Human Being in Search of a Safe Haven It is not often acknowledged that the great majority of African refugee movement happens within Africa rather than from Africa to the West. This book examines the specific characteristics and challenges of the refugee situation in Sub-Saharan Africa offering a new and critical vision on the situation of asylum-seekers and refugees in the African continent. Cristiano d’Orsi considers the international regional and domestic legal and institutional frameworks linked to refugee protection in Sub-Saharan Africa and explores the contributions African refugee protection has brought to the cause on a global scale. Key issues covered in the book include the theory and the practice of non-refoulement an analysis of the phenomenon of mass-influx the concept of burden-sharing and the role of freedom fighters. The book goes on to examine the expulsions of refugees and the historical role played by UNHCR in Sub-Saharan Africa. As a work which follows the persecution and legal challenges of those in search of a safe haven this book will be of great interest and use to researchers and students of immigration and asylum law international law human rights and African studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138094253

Asylum-Seeking Migration and Church Asylum-Seeking Migration and Church addresses one of the most pressing issues confronting contemporary society. How are we to engage with migrants? Drawing on studies of church engagement with asylum seekers in the UK and critical immigration and refugee issues in North America Snyder presents an extended theological reflection on both the issue of asylum-seeking and the fears of established populations surrounding immigration. This book outlines ways in which churches are currently supporting asylum seekers encouraging closer engagement with people seen as 'other' and more thoughtful responses to newcomers. Creatively exploring biblical and theological traditions surrounding the 'stranger' Snyder argues that as well as practising a vision of inclusive community churches would do well to engage with established population fears. Trends in global migration and the dynamics of fear and hostility surrounding immigration are critically and creatively explored throughout the book. Inviting more complex nuanced responses to asylum seekers and immigrants this book offers invaluable insights to those interested in Christian ethics practical theology social work mission and faith and social action as well as those working in the field of migration. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409423003

Asylum-Seeking Journeys in AsiaRefugees in Hong Kong and Bangkok This book looks in detail at the journeys to asylum in Asia which are largely neglected in the media and academic analyses despite Asia becoming the most essential region for asylum receiving refugees from both within and outside of the continent.  Treating asylum-seeking journeys as a transnational space the author investigates the actual asylum-seeking process from homelands to either Hong Kong or Bangkok. Today refugees undertake multiple long and life-threatening journeys before arriving in receiving societies; from the moment of arrival in Hong Kong or Bangkok they face a wide array of challenges. An ethnographic account of how refugees navigate and negotiate their journeys to asylum this book highlights the social political economic and psychological processes involved in "becoming" and "being" a refugee. This encompasses not only the physical movement of refugees but also their embodiments and emotional encounters. The author offers a micro-level analysis of asylum-seeking journeys - from the aspiration to flee to migration preparation to border crossing to homemaking in prolonged displacement. All of these stages reveal how these journeys create ever-evolving realities with new constellations of options and constraints. By focusing on refugees’ understanding perception of and interaction with the people environments and situations around them this book illustrates how refugee life plans are shaped and reshaped by the embodied experience of their journeys and how their ideas of home have changed over time.Asylum-seeking Journeys in Asia will appeal to scholars and students in the fields of migration and refugee studies diaspora studies globalisation and Asian studies. It will also be of interest to policymakers and humanitarian workers involved in providing services and assistance to the global refugee population. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367660482

AsylumsEssays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates A total institution is defined by Goffman as a place of residence and work where a large number of like-situated individuals cut off from the wider society for an appreciable period of time together lead an enclosed formally administered round of life. Prisons serve as a clear example providing we appreciate that what is prison-like about prisons is found in institutions whose members have broken no laws. This volume deals with total institutions in general and mental hospitals in particular. The main focus is on the world of the inmate not the world of the staff. A chief concern is to develop a sociological version of the structure of the self.Each of the essays in this book were intended to focus on the same issue--the inmate's situation in an institutional context. Each chapter approaches the central issue from a different vantage point each introduction drawing upon a different source in sociology and having little direct relation to the other chapters.This method of presenting material may be irksome but it allows the reader to pursue the main theme of each paper analytically and comparatively past the point that would be allowable in chapters of an integrated book. If sociological concepts are to be treated with affection each must be traced back to where it best applies followed from there wherever it seems to lead and pressed to disclose the rest of its family. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507463

Asymmetric Crisis in Europe and Possible FuturesCritical Political Economy and Post-Keynesian Perspectives The crisis in Europe is often discussed as a crisis of European integration or a crisis of national economies within Europe. Both the ‘methodological Europeanism’ and ‘methodological nationalism’ miss out the important links between economic and political processes at different spatial scales within Europe and therefore asymmetries and phenomena of uneven development. In addition a discussion of possible scenarios which systematically addresses the implications of anti-crisis policies is missing. This volume seeks to close this gap by systematically integrating the analysis of economic policy or ‘technical’ solutions to the crisis within a broader framework of political economy. It argues that combining critical political economy approaches and post-Keynesian perspectives allows for a systematic understanding of the economic and political dimensions of the crisis. Although both approaches have the capacity to deal with asymmetries and uneven development the heterogeneity in Europe has been an often largely neglected dimension of analysis. However this recent crisis has shown that this is an essential dimension which has to be addressed in order to better understand the dynamics of European development and integration. Hence this book aims to deal with asymmetries in Europe and to bridge the gap between the two perspectives. This work will initiate an integrative debate that is crucial for a deeper understanding of the current crisis and is an important resource for all students and scholars of IPE European political economy and European politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138239463

Asymmetric Gearing The history of gears with asymmetric teeth is not sufficiently recorded in modern gear literature with some gear researchers concluding that asymmetric tooth gears were discovered just several decades ago. This book sheds light upon the origins and state of asymmetric gearing referencing technical articles from the 19th 20th and 21st centuries. As a practicing gear engineer with over 40 years’ experience author Alexander L. Kapelevich has successfully implemented asymmetric gears in a variety of custom gear transmissions. This book addresses all aspects of asymmetric gear development including theoretical fundamentals; tooth geometry optimization; stress analysis and rating; design and production specifics; analytical and experimental comparison to the best symmetric gears; and application examples. Readers are encouraged to look beyond the status quo established by traditional gear design and to apply principles of asymmetric gearing to actual gear design. Optimal solutions are presented for gear drives that will maximize technical performance and marketability. Features Presents a state-of the-art comprehensive historical overview of asymmetric gearing Explains the Direct Gear Design® approach to asymmetric gear design Describes asymmetric tooth gear geometry optimization areas of existence and parameter selection limits Considers practical aspects of asymmetric gear fabrication and measurement Presents analytical and experimental comparison of asymmetric gears to advanced symmetric gears showing the advantages of asymmetric designs Provides numerous real-world examples of asymmetric gear application Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138554443

Asymmetric Synthesis of Drugs and Natural Products This book focuses on different techniques of asymmetric synthesis of important compounds such as drugs and natural products. It gives insightful information on recent asymmetric synthesis by Inorganic Organic and Enzymatic combinations. It also emphasizes chiral compounds and design of new catalyst for synthesis of compounds. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138033610

Asymmetric Synthetic Methodology This comprehensive text presents a critical discussion of the scopes and limitations of various organic synthetic methodologies that are available for performing asymmetric transformations. In addition to purely chemical methods the book covers applications of new enzymes and other biological systems that are increasingly useful in asymmetric methodology. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003069195

Asymmetric Trade Negotiations The slow pace of the Doha Round has boosted the proliferation of regional and bilateral trade agreements. Paradoxically the more powerful actors the US and the European Union who at the same time have benefited the most from the multilateral system have also been engaged in bilateral and regional negotiations in order to sign WTO-plus agreements with developing countries. Combining a clear theoretical exposition with systematic cross-regional analysis 'Asymmetric Trade Negotiations' offers a coherent picture of strategic design and political economy aspects of North-South trade negotiation processes from African Asian and Latin American perspectives. Skilled area specialists gather to provide negotiators and policy makers in the South with recommendations best practices and benchmarks and contribute to the understanding of these recent processes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138261563

Asymmetries of ConflictWar Without Death Decisions about defence and security are becoming increasingly open to public influence. This book therefore aims to give both the voter and the decision maker a new vision of how to manage crises and avert hostilities with non-traditional means. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315040172

Asymmetry Multinationalism and Constitutional LawManaging Legitimacy and Stability in Federalist States This book examines the link between constitutional asymmetry and multinationalism and the effects asymmetry produces on legitimacy and stability in federal and quasi-federal systems. This is done through a structured and exhaustive comparative analysis covering states in Africa America Asia and Europe. Contrary to traditional federal theory contemporary scholars have linked constitutional asymmetry with multinational federal systems by presenting asymmetry as a mechanism for diversity management. This book offers insights on whether and how constitutional asymmetry is linked with multinationalism and looks into the socio-economic cultural-ideological historical and separatist factors that support the emergence of asymmetries. The work also provides a legal analysis of whether constitutional asymmetry is a condition or a threat to legitimacy and stability in federal systems. The book will be essential reading for academics researchers and policy-makers in law and political science interested in the fields of constitutional law federal theory multinationalism and minorities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367532109

Asymmetry in PlantsBiology of Handedness Plants exhibit forms of asymmetry analogous to "handedness" in bilaterally symmetrical animals. This book explores the evolutionary significance and development of asymmetry. Examples of genetic control include the direction of tendril or stem coiling of many climbing plants; the so-called spiral phyllotaxy and floral taxy; and contorted petal arrangement is another kind of left- right symmetry in plants; the direction of contortion is fixed in some but not in other plants. The book will underscore tha all phenomena related to handedness start during embryogenesis itself with the occurrence of embryo rotation. Key selling features:First consolidated book on Plant HandednessRelates handedness asymmetry and chirality to the evolution of different organizational levels in plant biologyEmphasizes handedness as a vital governing force in plant functional evolutionProvides a new perspective hitherto ignored into plant developemtn and evolutionDescribes how an age-old phenomenon can give scope for investigation from a very modern interdisciplinary approach Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367730598

Asymptotic Analysis and Perturbation Theory Beneficial to both beginning students and researchers Asymptotic Analysis and Perturbation Theory immediately introduces asymptotic notation and then applies this tool to familiar problems including limits inverse functions and integrals. Suitable for those who have completed the standard calculus sequence the book assumes no prior knowledge of differential equations. It explains the exact solution of only the simplest differential equations such as first-order linear and separable equations. With varying levels of problems in each section this self-contained text makes the difficult subject of asymptotics easy to comprehend. Along the way it explores the properties of some important functions in applied mathematics. Although the book emphasizes problem solving some proofs are scattered throughout to give readers a justification for the methods used. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781466515116

Asymptotic Analysis and the Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations Integrates two fields generally held to be incompatible if not downright antithetical in 16 lectures from a February 1990 workshop at the Argonne National Laboratory Illinois. The topics of interest to industrial and applied mathematicians analysts and computer scientists include singular per Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138441736

Asymptotic Analysis of Mixed Effects ModelsTheory Applications and Open Problems Large sample techniques are fundamental to all fields of statistics. Mixed effects models including linear mixed models generalized linear mixed models non-linear mixed effects models and non-parametric mixed effects models are complex models yet these models are extensively used in practice. This monograph provides a comprehensive account of asymptotic analysis of mixed effects models. The monograph is suitable for researchers and graduate students who wish to learn about asymptotic tools and research problems in mixed effects models. It may also be used as a reference book for a graduate-level course on mixed effects models or asymptotic analysis. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781498700443

Asymptotic and Computational AnalysisConference in Honor of Frank W.j. Olver's 65th Birthday Papers presented at the International Symposium on Asymptotic and Computational Analysis held June 1989 Winnipeg Man. sponsored by the Dept. of Applied Mathematics University of Manitoba and the Canadian Applied Mathematics Society. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138441712

Asymptotics Nonparametrics and Time Series "Contains over 2500 equations and exhaustively covers not only nonparametrics but also parametric semiparametric frequentist Bayesian bootstrap adaptive univariate and multivariate statistical methods as well as practical uses of Markov chain models." Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367399924

At a Theater or Drive-in Near YouThe History Culture and Politics of the American Exploitation Film Millions of Americans have been thrilled scared titillated and shocked by exploitation movies low budget films with many scenes of sex violence and other potentially lurid elements. The term derives from the fact that promoters of such films exploit the contents in advertising that plays up the sexual or violent aspects of the films. This is the first comprehensive study of the American exploitation film to be published. It discusses five distinct genres: the teen movie the sexploitation film the martial arts movie the blaxploitation film and the lawbreaker picture. Contained within these genres are many popular American film types including beach movies biker pictures and women's prison movies. The study provides a history and sociopolitical analysis of each genre focusing on significant films in those genres. It also discusses the economics of exploitation films and their place in the motion picture industry the development of drive-in theaters the significance of the teenage audience and the effect of the videocassette. Finally the book applies major film and cultural theories to establish an aesthetic for evaluating the exploitation film and to explore the relationship between film and audience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964051

At Cross PurposesU.S.-Taiwan Relations Since 1942 Written by the former chairman and managing director of the American Institute in Taiwan this book sheds new light on key topics in the history of U.S.-Taiwan relations. It fills an important gap in our understanding of how the U.S. government addressed Taiwan and the Taiwan Strait issue from the early 1940s to the present. One theme that runs through these essays is the series of obstacles erected that denied the people of Taiwan a say in shaping their own destiny: Franklin Roosevelt chose to return Taiwan to mainland China for geopolitical reasons; there was little pressure on the Kuomintang to reform its authoritarian rule until Congress got involved in the early 1980s; Chiang Kai-shek spurned American efforts in the 1960s to keep Taiwan in international organizations; and behind the ROC's back the Nixon Carter and Reagan administrations negotiated agreements with the PRC that undermined Taiwan's position. In addition to discussing how the United States reacted to key human rights cases from the 1940s to the 1980s the author also discusses the Bush and Clinton administrations' efforts to preserve U.S. interests while accommodating new forces in the region. All these episodes have an enduring relevance for the people of Taiwan and in his conclusion the author discusses where the relationship stands today. The book includes related documents that helped shape the U.S.-Taiwan relationship. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706252

At Home in School (1988)Parent Participation in Primary Education Originally published in 1988 this book discusses the gradual move from the separation of home and school to an increasing acceptance of the central role of parents as partners in their children's education. The book looks at the progress made towards real partnership with parents. An eminently practical account of the advantages of working with parents and the ways in which this can be achieved it will be of special value to student teachers and practicing teachers and to parents interested and involved in their children's education. The authors review national trends and developments since the issue was first seriously raised by the Plowden Report in 1967. Then focusing on one urban primary school (Redlands Primary School Reading) they describe the changes which have taken place over a seven-year period from the perspective of teachers parents and children. The book includes a personal account by Angela Redfern (formerly Deputy Head at Redlands) of what it has been like to be a teacher during this period of change and telling comments from both parents and children on all aspects of involvement in school. Partnership with parents emerges as a course of action which reaps benefits for all concerned and the authors stress that the developments taking place in schools like Redland are important for all schools irrespective of their social class or ethnic composition. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138301351

At Home in Shakespeare's Tragedies Bringing together methods assumptions and approaches from a variety of disciplines Geraldo U. de Sousa's innovative study explores the representation perception and function of the house home household and family life in Shakespeare's great tragedies. Concentrating on King Lear Hamlet Othello and Macbeth de Sousa's examination of the home provides a fresh look at material that has been the topic of fierce debate. Through a combination of textual readings and a study of early modern housing conditions accompanied by analyses that draw on anthropology architecture art history the study of material culture social history theater history phenomenology and gender studies this book demonstrates how Shakespeare explores the materiality of the early modern house and evokes domestic space to convey interiority reflect on the habits of the mind interrogate everyday life and register elements of the tragic journey. Specific topics include the function of the disappearance of the castle in King Lear the juxtaposition of home-centered life in Venice and nomadic 'unhoused' wandering in Othello and the use of special lighting effects to reflect this relationship Hamlet's psyche in response to physical space and the redistribution of domestic space in Macbeth. Images of the house home and household become visually and emotionally vibrant and thus reflect define and support a powerful tragic narrative. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138275430

At Home with Computers New technologies are profoundly reshaping the world around us. Home computers - unheard of two decades ago - now play an intimate role as personal possessions in many people's lives. For some computer games may be vital to winding-down after a busy day while for others the home computer represents only work or is a means through which to socialize in cyberspace. Powerfully symbolic of both future and present trends computers are increasingly seen as essential home purchases. This book is the first sustained examination of the revealing role computers play in our domestic lives. Do computers cause or help to resolve arguments? What role does gender play in negotiating their use? Who spends the most time with the computer? How does the importance of home computers change as we move from childhood through careers to retirement? Drawing upon topical theories from material culture technology and consumption studies Lally traces the social life of these machines and provides unique insights into the many different ways in which they are transformed into highly personal possessions. The result is an absorbing account of everyday life in the information age. This book will be of interest to anthropologists geographers sociologists and anyone who wants to get to know how their home computer affects their family life. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003084730

At Home with GriefContinued Bonds with the Deceased What would you say to a deceased loved one if they could come back for one day? What if you can’t just ‘move on’ from grief? At Home with Grief: Continued Bonds with the Deceased chronicles Blake Paxton’s autoethnographic study of his continued relationship with his deceased mother. In the 90s Silverman Klass and Nickman argued that after the death of a loved one the bond does not have to be broken and the bereaved can find many ways to connect with memories of the dead. Building on their work many other bereavement scholars have discussed the importance of not treating these relationships as pathological and have suggested that more research is needed in this area of grief studies. However very few studies have addressed the communal and everyday subjective experiences of continuing bonds with the deceased as well as how our relationship with our grief changes in the long term. In this book Blake Paxton shows how a community in southern Illinois continues a relationship with one deceased individual more than ten years after her death. Through this gripping autoethnographic account of his mother’s struggles with a rare cancer her death and his struggles with sexuality he poses possibilities of what might happen when cultural prescriptions for grief are challenged and how continuing bonds with the dead may help us continue or restore broken bonds with the living. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138897618

At Home with the AztecsAn Archaeologist Uncovers Their Daily Life At Home with the Aztecs provides a fresh view of Aztec society focusing on households and communities instead of kings pyramids and human sacrifice. This new approach offers an opportunity to humanize the Aztecs moving past the popular stereotype of sacrificial maniacs to demonstrate that these were successful and prosperous communities. Michael Smith also engagingly describes the scientific logistic and personal dimensions of archaeological fieldwork drawing on decades of excavating experience and considering how his research was affected by his interaction with contemporary Mexican communities. Through first-hand accounts of the ways archaeologists interpret sites and artifacts the book illuminates how the archaeological process can provide information about ancient families. Facilitating a richer understanding of the Aztec world Smith’s research also redefines success prosperity and resilience in ancient societies making this book suitable not only for those interested in the Aztecs but in the examination of complex societies in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138100749

At Last!! Encoded Totals Second AdditionThe Long-awaited Sequel to Have Some Sums to Solve How long have you been thirsting for tempting tantalizing teasers craving for challenging cryptographic conundrums? A sequel to ""Have Some Sums to Solve"" this work can satiate the desires of even the most prolific puzzle enthusiast. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415785747

At Play in the Fields of ConsciousnessEssays in Honor of Jerome L. Singer This book provides a state-of-the-art look at the study of consciousness which is in the midst of a great renaissance. While honoring Jerome Singer's impressive career it demonstrates the broad and integrative influence the study of consciousness has across a variety of subdisciplines of psychology--experimental personality developmental social and clinical. The contributors are pioneers in the study of consciousness and contemporary researchers. This volume is a landmark statement about psychology's understanding of the role of consciousness in affective and cognitive processes the development of imagination in children and its application to the practice of psychotherapy. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138002807

At Risk StudentsReaching and Teaching Them This book is organized around CBUPO the basic psychological needs of all students: competence belonging usefulness potency and optimism. When teachers and schools focus on meeting these needs the rate of at-riskiness is drastically reduced. This book presents practical strategies and tips to help teachers and administrators help all students become successful learners. The revised edition offers new material on using classroom assessment complying with standards and high stakes testing an updated approach to evaluating At-Risk Prevention programs and alternative strategies for meeting the motivational needs of at-risk youth from developmental constructivism to mastery learning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138470613

At RiskNatural Hazards People's Vulnerability and Disasters The term 'natural disaster' is often used to refer to natural events such as earthquakes hurricanes or floods. However the phrase 'natural disaster' suggests an uncritical acceptance of a deeply engrained ideological and cultural myth. At Risk questions this myth and argues that extreme natural events are not disasters until a vulnerable group of people is exposed. The updated new edition confronts a further ten years of ever more expensive and deadly disasters and discusses disaster not as an aberration but as a signal failure of mainstream 'development'. Two analytical models are provided as tools for understanding vulnerability. One links remote and distant 'root causes' to 'unsafe conditions' in a 'progression of vulnerability'. The other uses the concepts of 'access' and 'livelihood' to understand why some households are more vulnerable than others. Examining key natural events and incorporating strategies to create a safer world this revised edition is an important resource for those involved in the fields of environment and development studies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203714775

At School This collection of short wordless picture books helps to support children with speech language and communication needs as they develop their expressive sentence and narrative skills through storytelling. Each book is comprised of six colourful images that follow a simple everyday routine such as ‘Brushing Teeth’ ‘Having a Haircut’ and ‘Walking the Dog’. Unlike traditional picture books they follow a film scroll effect showing the progression of time and allowing the child to follow the story to its resolution. Because of their simplicity the books can support children as they move from simple to intermediate sentence levels as well as encouraging them to consider additional elements of language such as cause and effect sequencing and inference. This resource includes: Ten beautifully illustrated picture books each following a simple pattern of routine disruption and resolution An accompanying guidebook including story scripts cue questions and prompts for using the resource to support additional skills Although developed specifically to help children with speech language and communication needs this set is suitable for any child who requires support and practice in developing their speech. It is an invaluable resource for speech and language therapists teaching staff and caregivers. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429323485

At the Boundaries of Law (RLE Feminist Theory)Feminism and Legal Theory Feminists have recently begun to challenge the powerful influence of the law on the social and cultural construction of women’s roles identities and rights. At the Boundaries of Law is a timely and path-breaking work that provides a series of non-technical interdisciplinary explorations into the nature and effects of legal regulation on women’s lives. Together the essays examine the fertile – and radically revisionary – links between feminism and legal theory. But At the Boundaries of Law rejects the abstract ‘grand theorizing’ of traditional feminist legal theory focusing instead on the concrete and material implications of the legal injustices endured by women. These essays emphasise the complex diversity of female experience collectively arguing for legal theory and practice that both recognises and accommodates the concept of ‘difference’ – in gender class race and sexual orientation. At the Boundaries of Law also raises provocative questions about the methodology and future of feminist legal theory itself. In its rich variety of issues and approaches this volume will command the interest not only of legal theorists but of those interested in women’s studies philosophy politics sociology and history. It is sure to set the future agenda for scholars policymakers and anyone concerned with the role of law in society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415752190

At the CrossroadsSpecial Educational Needs and Teacher Education First published in 1997. This book examines recent and contemporary trends in training teachers in special educational needs. It views initial teacher education and subsequent professional development as part of a continuum in which significant opportunities exist for innovation. It presents a series of chapters in support of this optimistic stance which provide practical examples of effective ways of working written by authors who have direct experience in the field. For student teachers tutors lecturers and school-based mentors in both general subjects and SEN. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138592155

At the Edge of LawEmergent and Divergent Models of Legal Professionalism Following significant changes in the legal profession since the 1980s how do new organizational forms and actors at the edge of the law impact upon our understanding of the changing nature of the core values of mainstream legal professionalism? This methodological approach brings together a series of case studies built on original empirical research and focuses on those operating at the margins of legal professionalism in England and Wales. Also including comparative material on the US and Canada the issues discussed are relevant for common law countries more generally and the analysis reveals the ways in which an increasingly fluid fragmented and heterogeneous legal profession is responding to the challenges it faces in the early twenty-first century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138254787

At the Edges of CitizenshipSecurity and the Constitution of Non-citizen Subjects Proposing a new dynamic conception of citizenship this book argues against understandings of citizenship as a collection of rights that can be either possessed or endowed and demonstrates it is an emergent condition that has temporal and spatial dimensions. Furthermore citizenship is shown to be continually and contingently reconstituted through the struggles between those considered insiders and outsiders. Significantly these struggles do not result in a clear division between citizens and non-citizens but in a multiplicity of states that are at once included within and excluded from the political community. These liminal states of citizenship are elaborated in relation to three specific forms of non-citizenship: the ’respectable illegal the ’intimate foreigner’ and the ’abject citizen’. Each of these modalities of citizenship corresponds to either the figure of the clandestino/a or the nomad as invoked in the 2008 Italian Security Package and a second set of laws commonly referred to as the ’Nomad Emergency Decree’. Exploring how this legislation affected and was negotiated by individuals and groups who were constituted as ’objects of security’ author Kate Hepworth focuses on the first-hand experience of individuals deemed threats to the nation. Situated within the field of human geography the book draws on literature from citizenship studies critical security studies and migration studies to show how processes of securitisation and irregularisation work to delimit between citizens and non-citizens as well as between legitimate and illegitimate outsiders. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138308367

At the Forefront of Political PsychologyEssays in Honor of John L. Sullivan At the Forefront of Political Psychology pays tribute to John L. Sullivan one of the most influential political psychologists of his generation. Sullivan’s scholarly contributions have deeply shaped our knowledge of belief systems and political tolerance two flourishing research areas in political psychology that are crucial to understanding the turbulence of our times. This volume compiled by three of Sullivan’s longtime colleagues and collaborators includes cutting-edge contributions from scholars in political science and psychology. The book is divided into three sections; the first two focus on how Sullivan’s work on political tolerance and belief systems influenced generations of political psychologists. The final section offers a more personal look at Sullivan’s influence as a mentor to young scholars many of whom are now intellectual leaders in political psychology. The chapters featured here elucidate how these students were able to flourish under Sullivan’s tutelage and lifelong mentorship. One of John L. Sullivan’s defining traits is his generosity—as a scholar mentor leader and friend. Over the years many have benefited greatly from Sullivan’s willingness to share his intellect insight and passion for democratic values. This impressive collection will appeal to both students and professors of political psychology but also scholars of social and political behavior political tolerance and anyone who has an interest in the contributions made by Sullivan. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367368173

At The Fringes Of Science Scientific discoveries are constantly in the news. Almost daily we hear about new and important breakthroughs. But sometimes it turns out that what was trumpeted as scientific truth is later discredited or controversy may long swirl about some dramatic claim.What is a nonscientist to believe? Many books debunk pseudoscience and some others presen Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314613

At the Heart of the Coral TriangleCelebrating Biodiversity The Coral Triangle straddling the confluence of the Indian and Pacific Oceans harbours the greatest biodiversity of marine life on the planet. It is home to a wondrous variety including 75% of the world's coral species and around 2500 species of fish. The biological and environmental diversity is driven by the volcanically active and complex geology of the so called 'Ring of Fire'. Habitats range from underwater slopes of volcanic black sand to extensive coral reefs in atolls and vast calderas. While clearly vulnerable to increasing global threats such as climate change pollution and overfishing the Coral Triangle currently features some the richest coral reefs in the world. With stunning photography supported by an engaging and accessible text this book highlights and celebrates this biodiversity along with the underlying message that it needs our care and protection before it is too late. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367428167

At the Interface of Transactional Analysis Psychoanalysis and Body PsychotherapyClinical and Theoretical Perspectives At the Interface of Transactional Analysis Psychoanalysis and Body Psychotherapy revolves around two intertwined themes: that of the critique and expansion of the theory and practice of transactional analysis and that of the generative richness discovered at the intersection of transactional analysis psychoanalysis and somatic psychotherapy. William F. Cornell explores the work of psychotherapists and counsellors through the lenses of clinical theory practice supervision and ethics. The reader is thus invited into a more vivid experience of being engaged and touched by this work’s often deep and at times difficult intimacy. The book is grounded in the approaches of contemporary transactional analysis and psychoanalysis using detailed case discussions to convey the flesh of these professional and yet all too human working relationships. Attention is paid to the force and richness of the transferential and countertransferential tensions that pervade and enliven the therapeutic process. Unconscious processes are viewed as fundamentally creative and life-seeking with the vital functions of fantasy imagination and play brought into the foreground. In the era of short-term cognitive-behavioural solution-focused and evidence-based models of counselling and psychotherapy At the Interface of Transactional Analysis Psychoanalysis and Body Psychotherapy seeks to demonstrate the power and creativity of longer-term dynamically oriented work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782205852

At the Limits of HistoryEssays on Theory and Practice "Why bother with history? Keith Jenkins has an answer. He helps us re-think the "end of history" as signalled by postmodernity. Readers may disagree with him but he never fails to provoke debate about the future of the past." Joanna Bourke Professor of History Birkbeck College Keith Jenkins’ work on historical theory is renowned; this collection presents the essential elements of his work over the last fifteen years. Here we see Jenkins address the difficult and complex question of defining the limits of history. The collection draws together the key pieces of his work in one handy volume encompassing the ever controversial issue of postmodernism and history questions on the end of history and radical history into the future. Exchanges with Perez Zagorin and Michael Coleman further illuminate the level of debate that has surrounded postmodernism and which continues to do so. An extended introduction and abstracts which contextualize each piece together with a foreword by Hayden White and an afterword by Alun Munslow make this collection essential reading for all those interested in the theory and practice of history and its development over the last few decades. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203609408

At the Margins of PlanningOffshore Wind Farms in the United Kingdom Offshore wind farms are being developed on a major scale around the UK coastline as part of the drive to increase renewable energy production. This presents a new departure for the renewables sector. Having fewer physical constraints than on land they avoid the planning system which currently ends at low water mark. However planning authorities and the communities they represent are deeply concerned about the consequences of offshore wind farms along their coastal zones. This book presents an empirical investigation into the attitudes of local planning authorities into the development of offshore wind farms examining these findings in light of wider debates about the use and management of the seas and the potential contribution of the mechanisms of planning. The book also raises questions about the geographical limits of planning and how to go about establishing a form of spatial planning to cover the marine environment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815387657

At the Margins of the Welfare StateSocial Assistance and the Alleviation of Poverty in Germany Sweden and the United Kingdom The persistence of poverty in advanced welfare states casts doubt on the fundamental operating procedures of income distribution and redistribution. What are the reasons for this apparent failure of the welfare state in alleviating poverty? Why are some countries more effective than others in this respect and what can explain these variations in effectiveness? Addressing one of the major puzzles in comparative welfare state research this volume examines why there is income poverty in highly developed welfare states. Focusing on the basic safety net of the welfare state it offers a systematic analysis of the effectiveness of minimum income schemes in a comparative study across three highly developed welfare states: Germany Sweden and the United Kingdom. Blending insights from a combination of institutional information and quantitative data from income surveys the author evaluates the causal mechanisms for the persistence of income poverty in highly developed welfare states and derives conclusions for political reforms Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138731042

At the Mountains’ AltarAnthropology of Religion in an Andean Community In high-Andean Peru Rapaz village maintains a temple to mountain beings who command water and weather. By examining the ritual practices and belief systems of an Andean community this book provides students with rich understandings of unfamiliar religious experiences and delivers theories of religion from the realm of abstraction. From core field encounters each chapter guides readers outward in a different theoretical direction successively exploring the main paths in the anthropology of religion. As well as addressing classical approaches in the anthropology of religion to rural modernity Salomon engages with newer currents such as cognitive-evolution models power-oriented critiques the ontological reworking of relativism and the "new materialism" in the context of a deep-rooted Andean ethos. He reflects on central questions such as: Why does sacred ritualism seem almost universal? Is it seated in social power human psychology symbolic meanings or cultural logics? Are varied theories compatible? Is "religion" still a tenable category in the post-colonial world? At the Mountains’ Altar is a valuable resource for students taking courses on the anthropology of religion Andean cultures Latin American ethnography religious studies and indigenous peoples of the Americas. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138037502

At the Point of ProductionThe Social Analysis of Occupational and Environmental Health "At the Point of Production" a compilation of contributions to "New Solutions Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health Policy" locates workers' health and safety problems in the broad political economy. It argues that without a deep understanding of the social/political/economic context of particular industries or workplaces we cannot fully grasp the process of recognition and control of industrial hazards. The contributors report on a series of case studies all of which used the 'point of production' framework to investigate particular problems or industries.The focus of the first section is on globalization the impact of privatization on the health and safety of workers and communities in Brazil and Mexico. The next section addresses environmental issues: the unintended effects of environmental regulation on workers the situation of hazardous waste workers and emergency responders the implementation of toxics use reduction and the role of workers in pollution prevention. In the third section the contributors explore the intersection of labor relations with gender relations at the point of production. A final chapter deals with some of the practical issues involved in conducting occupational health research in the contested terrain of the workplace. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415784290

At the Root of ThingsThe Subatomic World At the Root of Things: The Subatomic World is a journey into the world of elementary particles—the basic constituents of all matter in the universe—and the nature of the interactions among them. The book begins with a summary of pre-quantum physics and later tackles quantum physics which is essential for the study of elementary particles. The book discusses the emergence of quantum theory from studies in heat radiation and the photoelectric effect as well as developments that led to the concept of duality between particles and waves. Also discussed is how quantum theory helped to better understand the structure of atoms and the discovery of particles that were not constituents of atoms such as the positron and the muon. Dozens of particles that were discovered experimentally in the 1950s and the 1960s are described along with fundamental particles—quarks and leptons. The book concludes with a discussion on fundamental interactions the basic nature of quantum theories surrounding these interactions and a discussion of how these interactions might be unified. At the Root of Things: The Subatomic World is written in non-technical language making it accessible to a broad audience. It helps outsiders understand the subject in a non-mathematical manner and inspires them to learn more about this interesting field. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466591295

At the Roots of Italian Identity'Race' and 'Nation' in the Italian Risorgimento 1796-1870 This book investigates the relationship between the ideas of nation and race among the nationalist intelligentsia of the Italian Risorgimento and argues that ideas of race played a considerable role in defining Italian national identity. The author argues that the racialization of the Italians dates back to the early Napoleonic age and that naturalistic racialism—or race-thinking based on the taxonomies of the natural history of man—emerged well before the traditionally presumed date of the late 1860s and the advent of positivist anthropology. The book draws upon a wide number of sources including the work of Vincenzo Cuoco Giuseppe Micali Adriano Balbi Alessanro Manzoni Giandomenico Romagnosi Cesare Balbo Vincenzo Gioberti and Carlo Cattaneo. Themes explored include links to antiquity on the Italian peninsula archaeology and race-thinking. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367524593

At the Titan's BreakfastThree Essays on Byron's Poetry This title first published in 1987 comprises of three essays which examine Lord Byron’s poetry. Some of Byron’s most famous poems are examined including Don Juan and Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. This title will be of interest to students of literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138673243

At the Verge of InclusivenessA Study of Learning Support in Post-Compulsory Education Published in 1998 this book provides an analysis of the development of learning support for students with special needs from the 1970s to the present. Based on case study research the book examines the complexities of defining special needs and considers ways in which marginalization of students is created and maintained. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138311404

At War with the ObviousDisruptive Thinking in Psychoanalysis Psychoanalytic thought has already transformed our basic assumptions about the psychic life of individuals and cultures. Those assumptions often take on the valence of common sense. However this can mean that their original and important meanings often become obscured. Disruptive ideas become domesticated. At War with the Obvious aims to return those ideas to their original disruptive status.  Donald Moss explores a wide range of issues—the loosening of constraints on deep systematized forms of hatred clinical and technical matters the puzzling status of revenge and forgiveness a consideration of the dynamics of climate change denial and an innovative look at the problem of voice in the clinical situation. Because it is rooted in a profound reconsideration of the origins of psychic life psychoanalysis remains vital in spite of the perennial efforts to keep it effaced and quieted. Moss covers a range of central psychoanalytic concepts to argue that only by examining and challenging our everyday assumptions about issues like sexuality punishment creativity analytic neutrality and trauma can psychoanalysis offer a radical alternative to other forms of therapy. At War with the Obvious will appeal to psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists cultural theorists and anyone for whom incisive psychoanalytic thought matters. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138841567

Ataturk This concise account of the life and career of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881--1938) the formidable "founder of modern Turkey" offers a substantial revaluation of a key figure in modern history and also an introduction to the Turkish republic itself. It is a timely study with Turkey again at the centre of international attention as Islamic fundamentalists challenge many of Atatürk's westernising and secularizing reforms and as the regional aftershocks of the Soviet collapse reopen profound questions about Turkey's nature role and relationships Atatürk had sought to settle for good. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138836471

Ataturk And The Modernization Of Turkey In this first attempt to evaluate Ataturk's overall contribution to the modernization of Turkey this book examines his impact on Turkey's political culture and civil bureaucracy; his experiments with state intervention in the economy; and his attempts to reform Turkish law education and language. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367170226

Atheism and Deism RevaluedHeterodox Religious Identities in Britain 1650-1800 Given the central role played by religion in early-modern Britain it is perhaps surprising that historians have not always paid close attention to the shifting and nuanced subtleties of terms used in religious controversies. In this collection particular attention is focussed upon two of the most contentious of these terms: ’atheism’ and ’deism’ terms that have shaped significant parts of the scholarship on the Enlightenment. This volume argues that in the seventeenth and eighteenth century atheism and deism involved fine distinctions that have not always been preserved by later scholars. The original deployment and usage of these terms were often more complicated than much of the historical scholarship suggests. Indeed in much of the literature static definitions are often taken for granted resulting in depictions of the past constructed upon anachronistic assumptions. Offering reassessments of the historical figures most associated with ’atheism’ and ’deism’ in early modern Britain this collection opens the subject up for debate and shows how the new historiography of deism changes our understanding of heterodox religious identities in Britain from 1650 to 1800. It problematises the older view that individuals were atheist or deists in a straightforward sense and instead explores the plurality and flexibility of religious identities during this period. Drawing on the most recent scholarship the volume enriches the debate about heterodoxy offering new perspectives on a range of prominent figures and providing an overview of major changes in the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409456803

Atheism: The Basics Atheism: The Basics is a concise and engaging introduction to belief in the non-existence of deities. Atheism has long fascinated people but debate around this controversial position may seem daunting. In this lively and lucid book Graham Oppy addresses the following important questions: • What does it mean to be an atheist? • What is the difference between atheism agnosticism theism and innocence? • How has atheism been distributed over time and place? • What does science tell us about atheism? • Are there good reasons to be an atheist? • Are there good reasons not to be an atheist? • What do we mean by ‘new atheism'? With a glossary of key terms and suggestions for further reading throughout the book considers key philosophical arguments around atheism making this an ideal starting point for anyone seeking a full introduction to the arguments between those who hold atheistic beliefs and those who do not. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138506961

Atheist ExceptionalismAtheism Religion and the United States Supreme Court Due to its Constitution and particularly to that Constitution’s First Amendment the relationship between religion and politics in the United States is rather unusual. This is especially the case concerning the manner with which religious terminology is defined via the discourse adopted by the United States Supreme Court and the larger American judicial system. Focusing on the religious term of Atheism this book presents both the discourse itself in the form of case decisions as well as an analysis of that discourse. The work thus provides an essential introduction and discussion of both Atheism as a concept and the influence that judicial decisions have on the way we perceive the meaning of religious terminology in a national context.As a singular source on the Supreme Circuit and District Court cases concerning Atheism and its judicial definition the book offers convenient access to this discourse for researchers and students. The discursive analysis further provides an original theoretical insight into how the term ‘Atheism’ has been judicially defined. As such it will be a valuable resource for scholars of religion and law as well as those interested in the definition and study of Atheism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367590598

AthenagorasPhilosopher and Theologian Athenagoras of Athens was a Christian thinker of the second century who engaged with contemporary philosophical thought in the matters of the divine and the relationship of that divine to the material world. While clearly a Christian apologist Athenagoras presents doctrines of God of the Holy Trinity and of other theological matters which clearly evidence an engagement with Greek philosophical thought which goes beyond the merely linguistic and embraces the notion of God as true being. Athenagoras is a Church Father who has not been given great attention in twentieth-century and early twenty-first-century scholarship. This book explores Athenagoras' undeniable place in the development of Christian thought on the divine on the Trinity on the human person and on the resurrection. His work provides an important link between the mid-second-century and the work of Justin and that of the third-century Christian theologians of the East. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138265875

Athenian Democracy The fifth century BC witnessed not only the emergence of one of the first democracies but also the Persian and the Peloponnesian Wars. John Thorley provides a concise analysis of the development and operation of Athenian democracy against this backdrop. Taking into account both primary source material and the work of modern historians Athenian Democracy examines:* the prelude to democracy* how the democractic system emerged* how this system worked in practice* the efficiency of this system of government* the success of Athenian democracy.Including a useful chronology and blibliography this second edition has been updated to take into account recent research. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203622568

Athenian Law and Society Athenian Law and Society focuses upon the intersection of law and society in classical Athens in relation to topics like politics class ability masculinity femininity gender studies economics citizenship slavery crime and violence. The book explores the circumstances and broader context which led to the establishment of the laws of Athens and how these laws influenced the lives and action of Athenian citizens by examining a wide range of sources from classical and late antique history and literature. Kapparis also explores later literature on Athenian law from the Renaissance up to the 20th and 21st centuries examining the long-lasting impact of the world’s first democracy. Athenian Law and Society is a study of the intersection between law and society in classical Athens that has a wide range of applications to study of the Athenian polis as well as law democracy and politics in both classical and more modern settings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367664954

Athenian Politics c800-500 BCA Sourcebook First published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138152359

Athens Attica and the MegaridAn Archaeological Guide This exciting new guide is the ideal companion to Greece if you are a traveller with historical and archaeological interests as it combines practical information with impeccable scholarly research.Written by an expert on Greece's landscape and archaeology the guide is unique in exploring a wide range of sites off the beaten track. It also tours all the best-known monuments and regions from the Acropolis to Aegina from Megara to Marathon and from Sounion to Salamis.Beautifully illustrated with over 200 plates maps plans and drawings it includes:* precise descriptions of routes and individual sites* artistic historical social and political background* unprecedented coverage outside Athens* detailed exploration of the post-classical Byzantine and post-Byzantine periods.Take it with you on your travels or read it at home; either way you will gain a deeper appreciation and enjoyment of Greece's history and archaeology. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203458815

Athens after the Peloponnesian War (Routledge Revivals)Class Faction and Policy 403-386 B.C. Historians are used to studying the origins of war. The rebuilding in the aftermath of war is a subject that – at least in the case of Athens – has received far less attention. Along with the problems of reconstructing the economy and replenishing the population the problem of renegotiating political consensus was equally acute. Athens after the Peloponnesian War first published in 1986 undertakes a radically new investigation into the nature of Athenian political groups. The general model of ‘faction’ provided by political anthropology provides an indispensable paradigm for the Athenian case. More widely Professor Strauss argues for the importance of the economic social and ideological changes resulting from the Peloponnesian War in the development of political nexus. Athens after the Peloponnesian War offers a detailed demographic analysis astute insight into political discourse and is altogether one of the most thorough treatments of this important period in the Athenian democracy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138019621

Athens and SpartaConstructing Greek Political and Social History from 478 BC Athens and Sparta is an essential textbook for the study of Greek history. Providing a comprehensive account of the two key Greek powers in the years after 478 BC it charts the rise of Athens from city-state to empire after the devastation of the Persian Wars and the increasing tensions with their rivals Sparta culminating in the Peloponnesian Wars. As well as the political history of the period it also offers an insight into the radically different political systems of these two superpowers and explores aspects of social history such as Athenian democracy life in Sparta and the lives of Athenian women. More than this though it encourages students to develop their critical skills guiding them in how to think about history demonstrating in a lucid way the techniques used in interpreting the ancient sources. In this new third edition Anton Powell includes discussion of the latest scholarship on this crucial period in Greek history. Its bibliography has been renewed and for the first time it includes numerous photographs of Greek sites and archaeological objects discussed in the text. Written in an accessible style and covering the key events of the period – the rise to power of Athens the unusual Spartan state and their rivalry and eventual clash in all out war – this is an invaluable tool for students of the history of Greece in the fifth century BC. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138778467

Athens in Decline (Routledge Revivals)404-86 B.C. Athens has at different times and from different points of view been cited as a model of moderate democracy and triumphant humanism or on the contrary as an illustration of the disorders due to demagoguery and misguided imperialism. Professor Mossé looks beyond these judgments to discuss the exceptional destiny of Athens – a city which for two centuries dominated the Eastern Mediterranean world but then faded from the political scene when Rome extended its control over the whole Mediterranean. The history of Athenian democracy does not end in 404 BC as is sometimes thought when the city capitulated to Sparta at the end of its Golden Age. Athens in Decline first published in 1973 demonstrates how the city experienced another seventy-five years of greatness and survived more or less curtailed under Macedonian domination. She examines the reasons for the final collapse and follows the stages of a decline which was not wholly without grandeur. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415745758

Athens Transformed 404–262 BCFrom Popular Sovereignty to the Dominion of Wealth During the heady democratic days of the fifth and fourth centuries the poorer members of Athenian society the lower two classes of zeugitai and thetes enjoyed an unprecedented dominance in both domestic and foreign politics. At home the participatory nature of the constitution required their presence not only in the lawcourts and assembly but also in most of the minor magistracies; abroad they were the driving force of the navy which ensured Athens’ control of the Aegean and the Black seas. Their participation at all levels was made possible by state pay (for jury duty attendance in the assembly public office and military service). In the fifth century state pay was financed largely through the tribute paid by members of the empire supplemented by the liturgical contributions of the rich and beginning during the war a property tax (the eisphora). In the fourth century almost the whole burden was shouldered by taxation upon the wealthy especially those who owned property. In this book author Phillip Harding traces the major changes that occurred in the administration of the state that eventually deprived the lower classes of their supremacy and transferred power into the hands of the wealthy land-owners. Things changed radically after Athens’ defeat in the Lamian (or Hellenic) War in 322BC. Over the next several decades restriction of the franchise elimination of pay for some public offices the loss of the navy the increased dependence upon local grain from the larger estates in Attika the removal of the tax burden from the rich by the ending of such major liturgies as the trierarchia and the choregia and the abandoning of the eisphora all contributed to this transformation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138574311

Athens: Its Rise and FallWith Views of the Literature Philosophy and Social Life of the Athenian People Athens: Its Rise and Fall originally published in 1837 is the most important and readable of the Victorian histories of ancient Greece. It stands alongside Macauley and Carlyle as a great historical work of British Romanticism and anticipates the thinking of George Grote and John Stuart Mill on Greek history by over a decade. Originally published in two volumes this new one-volume edition includes the text of the never-before published 'third volume' on which he was working at the time of his death recently rediscovered by Oxford academic Oswyn Murray. An absolute must for any scholar of ancient Greece. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415518512

AthensThe City as University The citizens of ancient Athens were directly responsible for the development and power of its democracy; but how did they learn about politics and what their roles were within it? In this volume Livingstone argues that learning about political praxis (how to be a citizen) was an integral part of the everyday life of ancient Athenians. In the streets shops and other meeting-places of the city people from all levels of society from slaves to the very wealthy exchanged knowledge and competed for power and status. The City as University explores the spaces and occasions where Athenians practised the arts of citizenship for which they and their city became famous.In the agora and on the pnyx Athenian democracy was about performance and oratory; but the written word opened the way to ever-increasing sophistication in both the practice and theory of politics. As the arts of spin proliferated spontaneous live debate in which the speaker’s authority came from being one of the many remained a core democratic value. Livingstone explores how ideas of democratic leadership evolved from the poetry of the legendary law-giver Solon to the writings of the sophist Alcidamas of Elaia. The volume offers a new approach to the study of ancient education and will be an invaluable tool to students of ancient politics and culture and to all those studying the history of democracy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367864675

Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis Selected as an outstanding book in vascular surgery by members of the Society for Vascular Surgery.*This unique new text describes the current understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of human atherosclerosis. It also details the methods for quantitating and characterizing both experimental and clinical lesions and describes the methods for preparing available animal models. Providing an in-depth review of each of these topics the text organizes the information in one volume for the convenience of the reader. The text is divided into two sections. First is a description of the cell biology biochemistry and pharmacology of normal vessels and of atherosclerotic human lesions with details of the methods to accurately characterize and quantitate the disease. Secondly it presents a description of the methods for preparing the available experimental animal models including a discussion of the distribution and pathological characteristics of the lesions. It also includes comparisons of human atherosclerosis and experimental animal models. Intended to provide a basis for expediting future research in this priority health care area this text compiles the available information for those who treat patients with atherosclerosis or who are involved in atherosclerosis research. It is of particular interest to students physicians and academic and commercial researchers. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780367812782

AtherosclerosisTreatment and Prevention In recent years the understanding of the pathophysiological processes of atherosclerosis a chronic inflammatory disease of the vessel wall being the leading cause for mortality in industrial countries has tremendously increased. The feasibility of translating such knowledge to novel therapeutic approaches is currently being explored at various levels. This book highlights advances in atherosclerosis and links these to relevant therapeutic strategies. It compiles and details cutting-edge research in cardiovascular medicine from internationally renowned authors. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814316262

Athlete Learning in Elite SportA Cultural Framework Elite athletes lead a particular way of life which creates significant learning and shapes their selves. This is the first sociological-pedagogical text to conceptualise athlete learning in elite sport and across athletic careers. It outlines theories of learning and argues for a cultural perspective capturing contextual influence temporal changes individual dispositions and subjectivity. Presented in three parts—landscaping elite sport and theorising athlete learning; showcasing athletes’ learning in elite sport; and informing research and practice—the book features nine international multi-contextual and multi-experience case studies of athlete careers experiences and learning across individual and team sports such as boxing rugby basketball hockey and gymnastics. This is fascinating reading for students researchers and practitioners in sport organisations sports coaching coach education and sport sociology and pedagogy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367661472

Athletes Sexual Assault and Trials by MediaNarrative Immunity Since footballer sexual assault became top news in 2004 six years after the first case was reported much has been written in the news media about individual cases footballers and women who have sex with them. Deb Waterhouse-Watson reveals how media representations of recent sexual assault cases involving Australian footballers amount to "trials by media" trials that result in acquittal. The stories told about footballers and women in the news media evoke stereotypes such as the "gold digger" "woman scorned" and the "predatory woman" which cast doubt on the alleged victims’ claims and suggest that they are lying. Waterhouse-Watson calls this a "narrative immunity" for footballers against allegations of sexual assault. This book details how popular conceptions of masculinity and femininity inform the way footballers’ bodies team bonding women sex and alcohol are portrayed in the media and connects stories relating to the cases with sports reporting generally. Uncovering similar patterns of narrative grammar and discourse across these distinct yet related fields Waterhouse-Watson shows how these discourses are naturalised with reports on the cases intertwining with broader discourses of football reporting to provide immunity. Despite the prevalence of stories that discredit the alleged victims Waterhouse-Watson also examines attempts to counter these pervasive rape myths articulating successful strategies and elucidating the limitations built into journalistic practices and language itself. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138807464

Athletes' Careers Across Cultures Athletes’ Careers Across Cultures is the first book of its kind to bring together a truly global spread of leading sports psychology career researchers and practitioners into one comprehensive resource. This extensive volume traces the evolution of athlete career research through a cultural lens and maps the complex topography of athletes’ careers across national boundaries exploring how social and cultural discourses shape their development. The area of athlete career development has traditionally been dominated by a Western perspective an imbalance which has had a considerable influence on the shaping of career studies more generally. Stambulova and Ryba adopt a more culturally sensitive approach offering a comprehensive analytical review of athlete career research and assistance in 19 different nations. The authors employ diverse theoretical methodological and practical ideas to demonstrate how local knowledge enables a better understanding of the dynamics of cultural diversity within the field. Athletes’ Careers Across Cultures considers the ‘cultural praxis’ of athletes’ careers as a practical implication of the cultural turn. As such it will stimulate the development of culturally situated career research and assistance and be an invaluable and internationally relevant resource for academics professionals and students working in sport and exercise psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848721678

Athletic and Orthopedic Injury AssessmentA Case Study Approach The case studies in this book use authentic injury assessment examples to help readers link theory and clinical practice with the goal of becoming competent clinicians. The situations are realistic and present more than 130 of the injuries that athletic trainers may encounter in the real world. The questions that accompany the cases ask readers to identify clinical and differential diagnoses critique the evaluating clinician's actions recommend treatment comment on ethical choices and make many of the decisions they will face in the field. The cases encourage readers to think and problem solve; evidence-based answers (for select cases in the text and for all cases in the instructor's manual) ensure that the recommended clinical decisions are based on the best available research clinical expertise and patient preferences rather than on anecdotal practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138078420

Athletic and Orthopedic Injury AssessmentCase Responses and Interpretations Athletic and Orthopedic Injury Assessment: Case Responses and Interpretations is a companion book that provides responses and interpretations to the case studies in Athletic and Orthopedic Injury Assessment: A Case Study Approach. Research evidence-based practices and professional experience form the basis of these responses and interpretations. The suggested answers for case questions include information such as identification of differential and clinical diagnoses explanations of diagnostic tests relevant anatomical information and more. We hope you find this book helpful in responding to the case questions whether you are an instructor leading class discussions and analyzing student work a preprofessional preparing to interpret the case scenarios on the BOC national certification examination or a student seeking to compare the suggested answers with your own analyses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415789851

Athleticism in the Victorian and Edwardian Public SchoolThe Emergence and Consolidation of an Educational Ideology Games obsessed the Victorian and Edwardian public schools. The obsession has become widely known as athleticism. When it appeared in 1981 this book was the first major study of the games ethos which dominated the lives of many Victorian and Edwardian public schoolboys. Written with Professor Mangan's customary panache it has become a classic the seminal work on the social and cultural history of modern sport. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138408203

Athletics and Philosophy in the Ancient WorldContests of Virtue This book examines the relationship between athletics and philosophy in ancient Greece and Rome focused on the connection between athleticism and virtue. It begins by observing that the link between athleticism and virtue is older than sport reaching back to the athletic feats of kings and pharaohs in early Egypt and Mesopotamia. It then traces the role of athletics and the Olympic Games in transforming the idea of aristocracy as something acquired by birth to something that can be trained. This idea of training virtue through the techniques and practice of athletics is examined in relation to Socrates Plato and Aristotle. Then Roman spectacles such as chariot racing and gladiator games are studied in light of the philosophy of Lucretius Seneca and Marcus Aurelius. The concluding chapter connects the book’s ancient observations with contemporary issues such as the use of athletes as role models the relationship between money and corruption the relative worth of participation and spectatorship and the role of females in sport. The author argues that there is a strong link between sport and philosophy in the ancient world calling them offspring of common parents: concern about virtue and the spirit of free enquiry. This book was previously published as a special issue of the Ethics and Sport. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415818353

Athletics ChallengesA Resource Pack for Teaching Athletics Athletics Challenges is a practical resource file designed to ensure that all students have a positive learning experience in track and field athletics. It provides a wide range of activities and teaching approaches to enable teachers and coaches to promote a climate of inclusion enjoyment and challenge for young people up to and beyond the age of sixteen. Including straightforward guidance on how to use the resources effectively Athletics Challenges is a compendium of ready-to-use photocopiable activity sheets to use with your students in a wide range of athletics events. 'Athletics Challenges' activity sheets provide a wide-range of running jumping and throwing activities designed to develop physical literacy fundamental athletic techniques and personal and social skills. 'Peer Teaching' activities for a range of athletic events aim to help improve technical understanding and to enhance social and communication skills through peer teaching. 'Technical Guidance' resource sheets ensure students develop a good understanding of the principles and techniques of running jumping and throwing through a series of progressive activities and related questions. Athletics Challenges is a complete kit offering an invaluable source of support and ideas for all student and practising physical education teachers heads of departments and training and practising professional sports coaches who want to help learners achieve their full potential and lay the foundation for a healthy and physically active life style. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415584425

Atlantic Childhoods in Global Contexts Atlantic Childhoods in Global Contexts explores childhood and youth in the Global South. The term childhood often conjures images of innocence vulnerability and the need for protection but this book suggests that in colonial contexts these images need to be re-examined. In fact as the articles in this collection demonstrate deviance culpability and a presumed autonomy were the more popular notions of childhood in the colonial context. These notions were held by the various actors in the colonial drama not only colonial officials but interestingly enough often by the colonized people themselves. Furthermore traditional notions of childhood as a period of total dependency are challenged in this collection as the various authors explore the ways in which children were pro-active agents who shaped notions of childhood and therefore our understanding of the history of childhood. This collection provides in-depth analysis and offers new perspectives on how children were imagined and constructed (both legally and informally) in the colonial context. The contributions cover a broad geographic range that spans the Caribbean Latin America Africa and India. Each of the authors explore the ways in which the interplay of Atlantic and Global influences shaped young people’s experiences as well as the discourses that were used to articulate concerns about youth. The themes explored in this collection include the pathologization of childhood juvenile delinquency cultural creativity and the use of child labour. The book ends with an interview by Sara Austin of World Vision Canada who discusses the ways in which the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child neglected to include the voices of children until 2014. This book was originally published as a special issue of Atlantic Studies: Global Currents. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138392281

Atlantic LivesA Comparative Approach to Early America Atlantic Lives offers insight into the lived experiences of a range of actors in the early modern Atlantic World. Organized thematically each chapter features primary source selections from a variety of non-traditional sources including travel narratives from West Africa the Caribbean and Latin America. The fully revised and expanded second edition goes into even greater depth in exploring the diverse roles and experiences of women Native Americans and Africans as well as the critical theme of emerging capitalism and New World slavery. New chapters also address captivity experiences intercultural religious encounters and interracial sexuality and marriage. With classroom-focused discussion questions and suggested additional readings accompanying each chapter Atlantic Lives provides students with a wide-ranging introduction to the many voices and identities that comprised the Atlantic World. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138577732

Atlantic ReverberationsFrench Representations of an American Presidential Election The 2004 US election provided French citizens and their media with a springboard for re-conceiving 'self' and 'other'. Given its prominent opposition to recent US foreign policy such as the invasion of Iraq a volley of insults and caustic remarks reverberated between France and the US. French observers linked the Bush administration's policies to particular groups and regions within the US to a democratic deficit to a perceived threat of US collapse and to the need for a stronger Europe. By examining how the French media - newspapers television the internet and scholarly research - represented the election from a critical geopolitical perspective this book provides the first major in-depth study of views of the US in contemporary foreign media. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815387671

Atlas of Adult Autopsy Pathology The Atlas of Adult Autopsy Pathology is a full-color atlas for those performing or learning to perform adult autopsies. It is arranged by organ systems and also includes chapters on external examination findings the effect of decomposition and histopathological findings as well as procedures and devices one may encounter during autopsy. The book includes a series of more than 700 color clinical images of adult autopsy pathology. It covers both diseases that are commonly seen as well as less common or even rare diseases. In some instances a diagnosis may be made on the basis of the macroscopic appearance alone while in others further investigation is required and appropriate guidance is provided. Unlike other atlases this book goes beyond simply providing a collection of images. It features concise guidance on how to interpret macroscopic findings and prompts when further considerations are useful. This atlas is designed to be a visual reference that can assist with rapid diagnosis of autopsy findings. Comprehensive in its coverage with high-quality illustrations this definitive atlas is an invaluable resource to trainees and consultant pathologists performing non-forensic autopsies. The book is also an important reference for anatomical pathology technicians medico-legal specialists and their officers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781444137521

Atlas of Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy Arthroscopic surgery has been one of the biggest Orthopedic advances in the last century. It affects people of all ages. Total joint replacement may capture popular imagination but arthroscopy continues to have a greater effect on more people. This Atlas provides the most up to date resource of advanced arthroscopic techniques as well as including all the standard procedures. Beautifully illustrated and supported by online videos of the latest techniques this Atlas will appeal to both experienced shoulder surgeons as well as the orthopedic surgeon seeking to enhance his or her knowledge of shoulder arthroscopy. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498787482

Atlas of Alzheimer's Disease The last 20 years have brought unprecedented new knowledge to our understanding of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and for the first time approved symptomatic treatments. Authored by one of the world's leading authorities on the management of AD and related dementias this highly illustrated Atlas of Alzheimer’s Disease describes the colorful history of the illness its neuropathological basis from structural brain imaging and post-mortem studies and its devastating effects on perception cognition communication and social behavior. In addition to an accurate and detailed historical perspective the book provides a state-of-the-art review of current working hypotheses diagnostic approaches and treatments of AD. Many tables and illustrations help readers comprehend the scientific information provided and the book places great emphasis on the increasingly identifiable risk factors for development of the disease with a view towards prevention. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367452988

Atlas of British Social and Economic History Since c.1700 First published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138408210

Atlas of Bullous Diseases The bullous or blistering diseases of the skin are a very diverse group of dermatolgical conditions that range from those that are unpleasant but should be very simple to treat to those that are life-threatening. There have been many exciting discoveries concerning some of these conditions made in other fields of which Dermatologists need to be fully aware. This highly illustrated text from a world pioneer in research and treatment for some of these diseases will be of great value in setting out the criteria for diagnosis and management. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429165122

Atlas of Cardiometabolic Risk The first atlas devoted specifically to cardiometabolic risk this book will provide a concise visual primer on the pathophysiology epidemiology diagnosis treatment and clinical and radiologic features of this disorder. Describing recent care strategies and current practices in patient assessment this source will allow clinicians to accurately identify and treat those patients at increased risk for metabolic syndrome cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367389246

Atlas of Classical History From the Bronze Age to the reign of Constantine the Atlas of Classical History provides a comprehensive series of maps diagrams and commentary designed to meet the needs of classical scholars as well as general readers. Over 135 maps of the Greek and Roman worlds clearly mark the political affiliations of the cities and states major military events trade routes artistic cultural and industrial centers and colonization and exploration. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138127531

Atlas of Clinical Nuclear Medicine The long-awaited third edition of An Atlas of Clinical Nuclear Medicine has been revised and updated to encapsulate the developments in the field since the previous edition was published nearly two decades ago. Highlights of the Third Edition: Adopts a structured format throughout for quick assimilation Includes expanded coverage of new radiopharmaceuticals PET/CT and SPECT/CT Contains new chapters on paediatrics oncology and infection imaging Presents a comprehensive set of top-quality nuclear image scans Provides helpful teaching points The previous editions of this book received various awards including Honorable Mention from the Association of American Publishers in 1988 and the Glaxo Prize for Medical Writing in 1989. This foundation has been built upon and expanded to provide the ultimate guide for beginners those in training and experienced practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781841846538

Atlas of Contraception This revised and updated Atlas provides a comprehensive guide to modern contraceptive practice. The book is heavily illustrated with color photographs and line drawings that guide the reader through the various options available and provide a valuable educational resource. The supporting text offers a concise description of family planning in today’s world.Family planning is needed simple and inexpensive. This book provides an invaluable resource for the wide range of physicians and allied health workers who advise and deliver contraceptive care. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367387488

Atlas of Diagnostic Endoscopy 3E This book is a compilation of endoscopic images of the upper gastrointestinal tract. The 3rd edition is enriched with high-resolution digital images highlighting the classification and staging of endoscopically relevant diseases. Serial documentation of diseases and procedures like corrosive injury variceal obliteration peptic ulcer etc. provides a complete informative and interesting perspective. Rare conditions like Dieulafoy’s disease and Gastric antral vascular ectasia (GAVE) have been extensively discussed along with common diseases of the GI tract. This book outlines the technique and interpretation of endoscopic images proving to be a helpful guide to endoscopy practitioners. Key Features Explores various GI tract diseases through coloured high resolution clinical photographs. Serves as a useful reckoner for trainee endoscopists and practitioners pursuing gastroenterology or gastrointestinal endoscopy. The text is updated with tables flowcharts classifications and international treatment guidelines. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367345006

Atlas of Differential Diagnosis in Neoplastic Hematopathology Management of tumor patients now relies on new individualized approaches to treatment requiring extensive knowledge of the molecular makeup of tumors. Updated and expanded the third edition of Atlas of Differential Diagnosis in Neoplastic Hematopathology examines not only the differential diagnosis but also the detailed morphologic immunophenotypic and especially genetic characteristics of the majority of hematolymphoid malignancies. Featuring a new structure and including new chapters the third edition updates all content and presents considerable expansion on many topics including: Metaphase cytogenetic and FISH Flow cytometry (overview and detailed analysis of specific tumors) Acute myeloid leukemia and new classification schemes MDS AML and B- and T-cell lymphoproliferations Abnormal patterns in the lymph node and bone marrow with detail differential diagnosis based on histologic features and cellular composition Detailed differential diagnosis based on the expression of broad list of antigenic markers (flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry) Extranodal lymphomas Diagnosis of MDS and myeloproliferative neoplasm and their differential diagnosis based on the morphologic flow cytometric and chromosomal features The book also provides expanded differential diagnosis of the most common as well as most difficult and rare entities including morphologic immunophenotypic and karyotypic/molecular features. This edition includes updated algorithms for most common diagnoses as well as several new algorithms. The majority of figures have been revised and are in full color. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482212211

Atlas of Early Modern Britain 1485-1715 The Atlas of Early Modern Britain presents a unique visual survey of British history from the end of the Wars of the Roses through to the accession of George I in 1715. Featuring 117 maps accompanied throughout by straightforward commentary and analysis the atlas begins with a geographical section embracing England Scotland Ireland and Wales and providing clear orientation for the reader. It then focuses separately on the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries dividing its coverage of each into four key themes: Geography and Counties – Outlining in detail how Britain’s geography was shaped during the period; Politics and War - the main campaigns rebellions and political changes in each century; Religion - including denominational concentrations diocesan boundaries and witch trials; Economy and Culture –charting Britain’s wealthiest towns the locations of Britain’s houses of aristocracy and the effects of The Great Fire of London; The broad scope of the atlas combines essential longer-term political social cultural and economic developments as well as key events such as the Spanish Armada the Dissolution of the Monasteries the Civil War and the Glorious Revolution. Its blend of clear visual aids and concise analysis represents an indispensable background and reference resource for all students of the early modern period. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415729246

Atlas of Endometriosis Endometriosis affects women in the reproductive years is associated with pelvic pain and infertility and - although not life threatening - can seriously impair health with huge economic and social consequences. It is arguably the most frequent problem encountered in contemporary More...gynecology and is the subject of much ongoing research and innovation in management. This beautifully and comprehensively illustrated Atlas now in its third edition provides a useful educational tool for trainees and general obstetricians and gynecologists who may not be up-to-date with the most important recent research on the diagnosis and management of the condition; particularly expanded for this edition are the chapters on ultrasound imaging and the nutritional aspects of the subject. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429130502

Atlas of Feline Anatomy For Veterinarians Presenting more than 266 full color anatomic drawings arranged by organ system this book is dedicated exclusively to feline anatomy with emphasis on those areas of anatomy that are frequently encountered in clinical practice. It includes a highly detailed chapter on special senses which collects and organizes difficult to find information for quick access. Nomenclature is from Nomina Anitomica Veterinaria so that the feline anatomy is in line with that used in other textbooks of veterinary anatomy of the domestic animals. The book accurately captures the anatomy pertinent to clinical veterinary medicine. Media > Books > E-books Teton NewMedia 9781315137865

Atlas of Flexible Bronchoscopy This unique and comprehensive atlas by an expert practioner provides an innovative pictorial guide to flexible bronchoscopy one of the most exciting and challenging procedures in respiratory medicine today. Includes the very latest procedures and techniques Comprehensive coverage guides you through the range of anatomical and pathological possibilities A step-by-step guide to the use of bronchoscopic techniques interpretation of images and differential diagnoses Integrates naked eye bronchoscopic and radiological anatomy to give you a thorough understanding of the procedure Numerous full colour illustrations and sound practical advice make this a key text for learning and refining your technique The book will be invaluable to those training in respiratory medicine plus also specialist respiratory nurses and practising pulmonologists who wish to expand their practice and knowledge of the technique. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780340968321

Atlas of Functional Neuroanatomy Understanding how the brain is organized and visualizing its pathways and connections can be conceptually challenging. The Atlas of Functional Neuroanatomy Third Edition addresses this challenge by presenting a clear visual guide to the human central nervous system (CNS). This edition has been completely reorganized to facilitate learning the structure and function of the CNS. The material provided gives you a solid understanding of the brain. This edition: Presents an instructive format that fosters a thorough understanding of complex neuroanatomy emphasizing the functional perspective and supplemented with clinical aspects Incorporates enhanced illustrations retaining the selective labeling of the nuclei and tracts (pathways) Includes new material explaining the visual system meninges venous system and limbic system Features a substantial increase in the number of neuroradiological (CT and MRI) images An accompanying Web site ( includes the book’s illustrations along with rollover labeling animation of the pathways and connections a glossary and narrated video demonstrations of the brain. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466585348

Atlas of Genodermatoses Diagnosing a genetic skin disease can sometimes be a difficult task for a dermatologist. This is especially true for genodermatoses─generally considered rare diseases seldom seen by practicing clinicians. As a result professionals often have little experience with their diagnosis. The Atlas of Genodermatoses presents a unique collection of such cases gathered patiently over the course of the years by the authors. It provides an unsurpassed overview of the major genodermatoses encountered in practice even if only on rare occasions. This book discusses almost 200 inherited diseases of the skin hair and nails. The entry for each disease includes its epidemiology laboratory findings genetics pathogenesis cutaneous and extracutaneous findings differential diagnosis disease course complications and follow-up and therapy where appropriate. In addition to being a clinical primer this atlas is also a work of scientific research. The new edition rewrites the classification of some diseases adds some newly described conditions and updates established information with the latest molecular genetic studies and references. Specialists in both dermatology and pediatrics should find the atlas an invaluable frontline resource in the clinic. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466598355

Atlas of Glaucoma Glaucoma affects all age groups and is a leading cause of blindness worldwide. It is imperative that practicing clinicians and surgeons recognize both primary and secondary glaucoma as well as cases of glaucoma associated with other disorders. Atlas of Glaucoma Third Edition provides an in-depth review and analysis of the management of glaucoma and discusses research advancements that have resulted in the latest therapies. See What's New in the Third Edition: The influence of the cornea on intraocular pressure measurements and new devices designed to account for this Spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) New statistical methods for tracking rates of progression New medications released since 2006 New chapter on trabecular bypass surgery Additional topics include: Classification of glaucoma Measurement of intraocular pressure and gonioscopy The optic nerve Psychophysical and electrophysiological testing in glaucoma Primary open-angle secondary open-angle and angle closure glaucomas Ocular blood flow and metabolism Medical therapy and surgical treatments Aqueous shunts Combined cataract and glaucoma surgery Treatment of developmental glaucoma This colorful atlas contains detailed captions for each illustration making it ideal for teaching purposes as well as a reference for the practicing ophthalmologist. Glaucoma encompasses a wide variety of clinical entities clinical findings diagnostic techniques and treatment options. This book presents a vast assemblage of insight from internationally recognized experts. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482209211

Atlas of Human HairMicroscopic Characteristics It fills a void in the resources available to researchers and practitioners in forensic hair examination by providing photographic archetypes for the microscopic characteristics of human hair and the variates of the characteristics seen in forensic examinations including curl; color; pigment distribution and density; cortical fusi; and ovoid bodies. These illustrations provide a uniform basis for describing the characteristics and their variations for forensic professionals in differing geographical areas. The documentation of hair characteristics using the scoring system outlined in this atlas allows researchers to develop data regarding the frequency of characteristics within the hairs of one or more individuals and the assessment of whether certain hair characteristics are co-dependent. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138426993

Atlas of Human Poisoning and Envenoming Clinicians undergoing competency testing certification and periodic recertification are frequently faced with computer-based exams designed to evaluate clinical acumen and judgment. Test questions often include an image or radiograph followed by a vignette of the clinical encounter and a series of questions. Designed to better prepare practitioners for image-intense computer-based examinations in their respective fields Atlas of Human Poisoning and Envenoming is a visual and written reminder of the ubiquitous sources of toxins and toxoids in the environment and the outcomes of accidental or intentional toxic exposures in humans. The Second Edition has been restructured with bulleted text tables and figures resembling the vignettes that accompany national examinations. Combining the four specialties of toxicology—analytical medical environmental and industrial—into one comprehensive atlas the book presents photographs and diagrams of toxic plants and animals their mechanisms of poisoning or envenoming and the human responses caused by toxic exposure. Highlights of the new edition include: Prescription and illicit drug abuse epidemics Environmental and occupational nephrotoxicology and neurotoxicology Tick paralysis Petrochemical toxicants Biological chemical and radiological warfare agents Workplace substance abuse screening and monitoring Epidemiological design and statistical analysis of toxicological investigations The book is conveniently divided into four sections covering general medical toxicology environmental toxicology industrial and occupational toxicology and epidemiology and statistics for toxicology. Supplemented with a 16-page color insert the second edition includes new images and tables. The atlas will be a useful study guide for a range of practitioners preparing for a lifetime of image-intense national examinations. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466505407

Atlas of Imaging of the Paranasal Sinuses Second Edition With color illustrations the Second Edition of this best-selling guide concentrates on the advances in technology that are now available to the clinical otolaryngologist. This reinforces the book's position as a classic guide especially to the problems associated with endoscopic sinus surgery. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367390723

Atlas of Industrializing Britain 1780-1914 First published in 1986. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138408173

Atlas of Inherited Metabolic Diseases In a field where even experts may find that years have elapsed since they last encountered a child with a given disorder it is essential for the clinician to have a comprehensive source of practical and highly illustrated information covering the whole spectrum of metabolic disease to refer to. The content is divided into sections of related disorders including disorders of amino acid metabolism lipid storage disorders and mitochondrial diseases for ease of reference with an introductory outline where appropriate summarizing the biochemical features and general management issues. Within the sections each chapter deals with an individual disease opening with a useful summary of major phenotypic expression including clear and helpful biochemical pathways identifying for the reader exactly where the defect occurs. Throughout the book plentiful photographs often showing extremely rare disorders are an invaluable aid to diagnosis. Key Features • Fully updated to incorporate all new developments in the field • Brand new chapters cover methylmalonic aciduria of ACSF3 deficiency branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase deficiency serine deficiencies purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency antiquitin deficiency and others • Excellent and detailed clinical descriptions with numerous valuable hints and suggestions for management • Helpful explanatory algorithms and decision trees and high-quality illustrative material including biochemical pathways and an unrivaled photographic collection which enhance clinical applicability The fourth edition of this highly regarded book authored by two of the foremost authorities in pediatric metabolic medicine continues to provide incomparable insight into the problems associated with metabolic diseases and remains invaluable to pediatricians geneticists and general clinicians worldwide. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138196599

Atlas of Islamic History This Atlas provides the main outlines of Islamic history from the immediate pre-Islamic period until the end of 1920 that is before most parts of the Muslim world became sovereign nation states. Each map is accompanied by a text that contextualises explains and expands upon the map and are fully cross-referenced. All of the maps are in full colour: 18 of them are double-page spreads and 25 are single page layouts. This is an atlas of Islamic not simply Arab or Middle Eastern history; hence it covers the entire Muslim world including Spain North West and East Africa the Indian sub-continent Central Asia and South-East Asia. The maps are not static in that they show transitions within the historical period to which they refer: for instance the stages of the three contemporaneous Umayyad Fatimid and ‘Abbasid caliphates on Map 10 or the progress of the Mongol invasions and the formation of the various separate Mongol khanates between 1200 and 1300 on Map 21. Using the most up to date cartographic and innovative design techniques the maps break new ground in illuminating the history of Islam.  Brought right up to date with the addition of a Postscript detailing The Islamic World since c.1900 a Chronology from 500 BCE to 2014 and additional endpaper maps illustrating The Spread of Islam through the Ages and The Islamic World in the 21st Century the Atlas of Islamic History is an essential reference work and an invaluable textbook for undergraduates studying Islamic history as well as those with an interest in Asian History Middle East History and World History more broadly. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138821309

Atlas of Jewish History In this illuminating history Dan Cohn-Sherbok traces the development of Jewish history from ancient times to the present day. Containing over 100 maps and 30 photographs this is a comprehensive atlas of Jewish history designed for students and the general reader. It is ideally suited for those courses in Jewish or Biblical Studies serving as a handy reference guide as well as a textbook. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203806876

Atlas of Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy Techniques This beautifully illustrated book provides a practical step-by-step guide to all the laparoscopic and hysteroscopic procedures performed by gynecologists. Each procedure is described in detail and fully illustrated with color photographs. The potential complications are described and the circumstances in which a procedure is contraindicated are examined. The Third Edition of the "Manual of Laparoscopic and Hysteroscopic Techniques" has been expanded and extensively updated with new chapters including: transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy laparoscopy radical trachelectomy laparoscopic abdominal cerclage and hysteroscopy sterilization. "Manual of Laparoscopic and Hysteroscopic Techniques" is an invaluable resource for busy practicing gynecologists who want to learn step-by-step techniques of a surgical procedure. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367387860

Atlas of Medieval Britain Christopher Daniell's Atlas of Medieval Britain presents a sweeping visual survey of Britain from the Roman occupation to 1485. Annotated throughout with clear commentary this volume tells the story of the British Isles and makes visually accessible the varied and often complex world of the Middle Ages. The Atlas depicts the spatial distribution of key events and buildings between 1066 and 1485 as well as providing the relevant Anglo-Saxon background. Charting the main political administrative and religious features of medieval society the maps also locate cultural landmarks such as the sites of mystery plays universities and specific architectural styles. Topics covered include: Iron Age and Roman occupation Anglo-Saxons and Vikings changing political scenarios within England Scotland Wales and Ireland religious framework including diocesan boundaries monasteries and friaries government society and economy. Complete with recommended further reading this volume is an indispensable reference resource for all students of medieval British history. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203463161

Atlas Of Mexico This atlas a part of a larger project devoted to developing a database of population of Mexico will enhance understanding of Mexico broaden US perspectives on Mexico and interest others in using the data and maps in the information system. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367162849

Atlas of Moral Psychology This comprehensive and cutting-edge volume maps out the terrain of moral psychology a dynamic and evolving area of research. In 57 concise chapters leading authorities and up-and-coming scholars explore fundamental issues and current controversies. The volume systematically reviews the empirical evidence base and presents influential theories of moral judgment and behavior. It is organized around the key questions that must be addressed for a complete understanding of the moral mind. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462541225

Atlas of Nazi Germany Originally published in hardback only in 1987 Michael Freeman's valuable guide to the history of Nazi Germany now returns to print in a substantially revised Second Edition. Dealing with all aspects of the Nazi regime it is far more than just an atlas: the integration of the maps themselves with charts and other visually-displayed data and an extensive and authoritative commentary makes this a book to read as well as to refer to. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138157392

Atlas of Nepal in the Modern World Nepal is associated in most people's imagination with Everest (Sagarmatha to the Nepalese) vivid plants and picturesque villages and people. The truth as always is other. It is one of the poorest countries in the world surrounded by big and powerful neighbours. It is immensely diverse ranging from the great mountains to the north through the trans-Himalaya a high barren plateau through the deep valleys which include the one which contains the ancient cities of Kathmandu Patan and Bhaktapur to the Terai which is an extension of Ganges plain. This atlas describes not only the complexity of the environment but the people the languages the towns and industries the agriculture food and land management the natural resources the effects of tourism sources of energy transport and education policies. Originally published in 1991 Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846141

Atlas of Neuro-ophthalmology There are many great neuro-ophthalmology texts available ranging from huge encyclopedic tomes to small detailed resources. Combining the best features of these books Atlas of Neuro-ophthalmology offers a glimpse into a wide variety of rare and unusual neuro-ophthalmic disorders. Long recognized as a leading authority on the optic nerve Tom Spoor distills his years of experience into this superbly illustrated atlas.The book is a completely revised and updated version of Dr. Spoor's original Atlas of Optic Nerve Disorders (1992). He addresses all aspects of the optic nerve and its disorders-such as optic atrophy neuropathy and nerve tumors-making this an essential book for practitioners and students. The inclusion of basic and advanced topics makes it an ideal study guide and the superb illustrations make it a practical diagnostic tool. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367394349

Atlas Of Plant VirusesVolume I This book assembles a comprehensive collection of plant virus electron micrographs of good quality offers a consistent treatment and backs the visual data with a consistent and comprehensive text. Although this book is primarily about the structure of virus particles and infected cells the results of biochemical experiments are referred too when relevant so that the virus particles described appear as part of a replicating complex. Similarly infected cells are portrayed as active rather than static structures. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890852

Atlas Of Plant VirusesVolume II This book assembles a comprehensive collection of plant virus electron micrographs of good quality offers a consistent treatment and backs the visual data with a consistent and comprehensive text. Although this book is primarily about the structure of virus particles and infected cells the results of biochemical experiments are referred too when relevant so that the virus particles described appear as part of a replicating complex. Similarly infected cells are portrayed as active rather than static structures. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890845

Atlas of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Based on one leading center’s experience with over 100 000 cases the new edition of this extensively illustrated atlas provides a detailed manual for procedures and techniques in preimplantation genetic diagnosis. New topics in this edition include de novo mutations diseases with genetic predisposition and HLA typing. The book provides insight from authors who are pioneers in some of the procedures described. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466598393

Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology A core text from the renowned Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology Third Edition covers the latest developments in both open and minimally invasive surgery. Supplemented with full-color photographs practical explanations and video clips the book provides a detailed overview of the major gynecologic oncology procedures. With expanded topics to include more areas of interest the book continues its tradition of emphasizing technique and surgical approach. Topics include: Conization surgical staging vulvar surgery and radical hysterectomy Paracentesis chest tube placement and central venous access Sentinel node mapping and minimally invasive lymph node dissection Intraoperative radiation therapy inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy and myocutaneous flap reconstruction Nerve-sparing approaches laterally extended parametrectomy and urinary diversion Peritoneal surface malignancy surgery including heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy application In addition to the commonly performed procedures the book also illustrates many advanced techniques currently in use only at specialized centers throughout the world. This comprehensive atlas presents the insight of national and international leaders in gynecologic oncology making it an essential resource for a broad-based audience including medical students those beginning their surgical training and senior practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781841849799

Atlas of Remote Sensing of the Wenchuan Earthquake In May 12 2008 the Wenchuan County earthquake caused devastating loss of human life and property. Applying all the remote sensing technology available the Chinese Academy of Sciences immediately launched into action making full use of its state-of-the-art facilities remote sensing planes and satellites to amass invaluable optical and radar data. This unprecedented use of comprehensive remote sensing techniques provided accurate up to the minute information for disaster management and has left us with a visually stunning and beautiful record that is as much a scientific achievement as it is an artistic one. Based on the accumulated data and images collected by the Project Team of Remote Sensing Monitoring and Assessment of the Wenchuan Earthquake Atlas of Remote Sensing of the Wenchuan Earthquake documents the events as they happened in real time. The book covers the disaster from six aspects: geological barrier lakes collapsed buildings damaged roads destroyed farmland and forests and demolished infrastructure. It also demonstrates that the Dujiangyan Irrigation Project which has been standing for 2000 years remains fully functioning and keeps the Chengdu Plain operating optimally even after the earthquake. Translated into English for the first time the Atlas presents a pictorial summation of this unique project. It chronicles the event with over 280 before and after color images from a range of perspectives. This volume dramatically demonstrates the value of remote sensing for understanding how an earthquake unfolds and the potential of remote sensing in helping coordinate emergency relief. A pictorial record of events as they unfolded this book provides a systematic documentation of earthquake damage that can be used to prepare for future seismic events. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138112179

Atlas of Sedimentary Rocks Under the Microscope Provides a very clear guide to sedimentary rock types as seen under the microscope supported by practical aspects of slide preparation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138132474

Atlas of Slavery Slavery transformed Africa Europe and the Americas and hugely-enhanced the well-being of the West but the subject of slavery can be hard to understand because of its huge geographic and chronological span. This book uses a unique atlas format to present the story of slavery explaining its historical importance and making this complex story and its geographical setting easy to understand. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138131910

Atlas of Sleep Medicine Written by experienced contributors from the renowned Mayo Clinic the Atlas of Sleep and Sleep Medicine covers the history humanities and comparative biological aspects of sleep. This highly illustrated resource includes photographs reproductions graphics segments of sleep studies and clinical algorithms to aid the clinician in the correct diagnosis and management of sleep disorders. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367383404

Atlas of Surgical Anatomy The author of a number of acclaimed best-selling surgical atlases has collaborated again with an award-winning artist to produce another invaluable surgical resource. This highly regarded team provide a master-class in the demonstration of surgically relevant anatomy. Masquelet has attained world-renown in particular for his innovative flaps for reconstructive plastic surgery of the limbs in this book he displays his unrivalled knowledge of surgery of the trunk head and neck. Every point of entry in required surgical procedures is described and every procedure is illustrated with a sequence of drawings displayed as the surgeon would see them together with anatomical cross-sections. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367392390

Atlas of Terrestrial Mammal Limbs Atlas of Terrestrial Mammal Limbs is the first comprehensive and detailed anatomy book on a broad phylogenetic and ecological range of mammals. This extraordinary new work features more than 400 photographs and illustrations visualizing the limb musculature of 28 different species. Standardized views of the dissected bodies and concise text descriptions make it easy to compare the anatomy across different taxa. It provides tables of nomenclature and comparative muscle maps (schematic drawings on the origins and insertions of the muscles onto bones) in a diversity of animals. Atlas of Terrestrial Mammal Limbs is a reliable reference and an indispensable volume for all students and professional researchers in biology paleontology and veterinary medicine. Key Features: Provides an overview of the anatomy of the mammalian limb Includes osteological correlates of the limb muscles Illustrates anatomy in 2D Guides dissection Documents anatomical diversity in mammalian limbs Related Titles: D. L. France. Human and Nonhuman Bone Identification: A Color Atlas. (ISBN 978-1-4200-6286-1) S. N. Byers. Forensic Anthropology Laboratory Manual 4th Edition (ISBN 978-1-1386-9073-8) S. N. Byers. Introduction to Forensic Anthropology 5th Edition (ISBN 978-1-1381-8884-6) R. Diogo et al. Muscles of Chordates: Development Homologies and Evolution (ISBN 978-1-1385-7116-7) Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138705906

Atlas of the Ancient Near EastFrom Prehistoric Times to the Roman Imperial Period This atlas provides students and scholars with a broad range of information on the development of the Ancient Near East from prehistoric times through the beginning of written records in the Near East (c. 3000 BC) to the late Roman Empire and the rise of Islam. The geographical coverage of the Atlas extends from the Aegean coast of Anatolia in the west through Iran and Afghanistan to the east and from the Black and Caspian Seas in the north to Arabia and the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean in the south. The Atlas of the Ancient Near East includes a wide-ranging overview of the civilizations and kingdoms discussed written in a lively and engaging style which considers not only political and military issues but also introduces the reader to social and cultural topics such as trade religion how people were educated and entertained and much more. With a comprehensive series of detailed maps supported by the authors’ commentary and illustrations of major sites and key artifacts this title is an invaluable resource for students who wish to understand the fascinating cultures of the Ancient Near East. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415508018

Atlas of the English Civil War Originally published in 1985 the English Civil War is a subject which continues to excite enormous interest throughout the world. This atlas consists of over fifty maps illustrating all the major - and many of the minor - bloody campaigns and battles of the War including the campaigns of Montrose the battle of Edgehill and Langport.Providing a complete introductory history to the turbulent period it also includes maps giving essential background information; detailed accompanying explanations; a useful context to events. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367616700

Atlas of the Neonatal Rat Brain Atlas of the Neonatal Rat Brain provides photographic histological illustrations of the anatomical features of the neonatal rat brain at postnatal (P) days P-1 P-7 and P-14. The sections are Nissl stained with Cresyl violet creating photomicrographs with high resolution and clarity. The structures are directly labeled on the images making it e Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429064098

Atlas of the Rock-Forming Minerals in Thin Section 'Hurray for Mackenzie and Guilford for at last we have a pictorial guide to the rock-forming minerals! . . . such feasts of colour in mineralogy books are rare . . . an admirable guide'New Scientist Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138126435

Atlas of the World Economy Originally published in 1991. The post-war period witnessed massive changes in the nature and operation of the world economy. This "Atlas" examines those changes under the headings of population agriculture energy industry national income transport trade labour and multinationals. Not an atlas in the conventional sense of the term this work is a heavily illustrated combination of diagram and description. Its approach is broad and consists of a sequence of self-contained modules which can be read independently or as part of a wider whole. One of the most prominent themes to emerge is the enormous force and influence of the capitalist economic system based in the West; a host of economic indicators demonstrates vividly the remarkable producing and consuming power of the capitalist world. Many parts of the developing world are tied in to the web of capitalist relations but many fail to benefit adequately as the statistics on food supply and national income demonstrate. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138637382

Atlas of the World's Languages Before the first appearance of the Atlas of the World's Languages in 1993 all the world's languages had never been accurately and completely mapped. The Atlas depicts the location of every known living language including languages on the point of extinction. This fully revised edition of the Atlas offers: up-to-date research some from fieldwork in early 2006 a general linguistic history of each section an overview of the genetic relations of the languages in each section statistical and sociolinguistic information a large number of new or completely updated maps further reading and a bibliography for each section a cross-referenced language index of over 6 000 languages. Presenting contributions from international scholars covering over 6 000 languages and containing over 150 full-colour maps the Atlas of the World's Languages is the definitive reference resource for every linguistic and reference library. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315829845

Atlas of Time Lapse Embryology Unlike conventional single daily observations time lapse technology provides hundreds of images which allows pinpointing of key events in the embryo’s in vitro development as well as the detection of brief but significant critical changes. This information is beneficial in selecting the most viable embryos from a cohort and increases the chances of a positive outcome. The Atlas of Time Lapse Embryology describes in detail the technology and techniques surrounding time lapse embryology. The book also covers the clinical aspects of time lapse imaging morphokinetic timings implantation data fertilization compaction blastulation irregular cleavages multinucleation vacuolation zona defects and other topics. The book is easy to read practical and illustrated with dozens of images and video clips to help explain a variety of concepts. It will help practitioners to better understand how time lapse monitoring may dramatically increase flexibility in the IVF clinic and most importantly enhance clinical outcomes. Print Versions of this book also include access to the ebook version. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482214468

Atlas of Transvaginal Endoscopy Transvaginal endoscopy of the female genital tract is a powerful new technique for the evaluation and management of pelvic disease. This highly illustrated book details the possibilities and advantages of these techniques including transvaginal laparoscopy salpingoscopy patency testing and vaginocervicohysteroscopy for the exploration of the uterine cavity. The techniques are particularly useful in the investigation and management of infertility - e.g. oocyte pick-up implantation and the exploration of the uterine cavity and tubo-ovarian structures. As the use of water-based distension media is new in laparoscopy and provides detailed images of pelvic structures the high-quality illustrations are a particularly important part of the book. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367389543

Atlas of Travel and Tourism Development From travel in the ancient and classical world to the growth of underwater tourism in the Great Barrier Reef and the influence of the Gulf War on regional tourism the Atlas of Travel and Tourism Development is a new departure from conventional texts providing a unique overview of the growth of the tourism industry.Divided into three sections the text looks first at the past examining the influence of global geography on travel patterns and provides an overview of the history of travel and tourism. It then moves onto the present using a regional framework to demonstrate how the physical and historical geography of each area is related to tourism development. The final section provides a forecast of future trends for the next two decades. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138149373

Atlas of Virus Diagrams Authored by electron microscopists and leading members of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) the Atlas of Virus Diagrams includes chapters on virus classification. The diagrams selected for content and historic and aesthetic value illustrate vertebrate invertebrate and plant bacterial viruses taken from English French and German language virological literature. The book presents this information in three sections: Overviews including vertebrate and plant virusesViruses with cubic and helical symmetryViruses with binary symmetry (tailed bacteriophages). Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367401702

ATM Technology for Broadband Telecommunications Networks This textbook presents all the latest information on all aspects of each important component of ATM - the hottest telecommunications technology of this decade. It demonstrates how ATM internetworks several incompatible telecommunications technologies and provide the high-speed high bandwidth backbone network that the entire telecom industry is converging toward. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315137889

Atmosphere and Climate Authored by world-class scientists and scholars The Handbook of Natural Resources Second Edition is an excellent reference for understanding the consequences of changing natural resources to the degradation of ecological integrity and the sustainability of life. Based on the content of the bestselling and CHOICE-awarded Encyclopedia of Natural Resources this new edition demonstrates the major challenges that the society is facing for the sustainability of all well-being on the planet Earth. The experience evidence methods and models used in studying natural resources are presented in six stand-alone volumes arranged along the main systems of land water and air. It reviews state-of-the-art knowledge highlights advances made in different areas and provides guidance for the appropriate use of remote sensing and geospatial data with field-based measurements in the study of natural resources. Volume 6 Atmosphere and Climate covers atmospheric pollution and the complexity of atmospheric systems and their interactions with human activity. As an excellent reference for fundamental information on air systems the handbook includes coverage of acid rain and nitrogen deposition air pollutants elevated carbon dioxide atmospheric circulation patterns and climate change effects on polar regions and climatology. New in this edition are discussions on aerosols monitoring and mapping greenhouse gases the Greenland ice sheet and mountainous regions. This book presents the key processes methods and models used in studying the impact of air pollution on ecosystems worldwide. Written in an easy-to-reference manner The Handbook of Natural Resources Second Edition as individual volumes or as a complete set is an essential reading for anyone looking for a deeper understanding of the science and management of natural resources. Public and private libraries educational and research institutions scientists scholars and resource managers will benefit enormously from this set. Individual volumes and chapters can also be used in a wide variety of both graduate and undergraduate courses in environmental science and natural science at different levels and disciplines such as biology geography earth system science and ecology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138339675

Atmospheres and the Experiential WorldTheory and Methods We live in atmospheres we talk about them and we move through them. They offer us an important route into comprehending several aspects of human life and experience what is important to people the environments life is played out in and the processes of change and possible futures. Atmospheres are an ephemeral yet inescapable element of our everyday experiential and conceptual environments. They are continually beyond our grasp as they undergo constant transformation.By interrogating atmospheres this book arrives at new ways of thinking about the relationships between people space time and events. Atmospheres and the Experiential World explores the ways we engage with these affective modes and the possibilities they offer for researchers designers and policy-makers to make and intervene in the world.Chapters propose an approach to atmospheres that is not fixed to certain forms or boundaries. Instead this book argues that atmospheres should be conceptualised as dynamic and changing configurations that allow analytical insight into a range of topics when we think in about and through them. This book offers scholars designers and creative practitioners professionals and students a research-based way of understanding and intervening in atmospheres. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367587338

Atmospheres: Aesthetics of Emotional Spaces Originally published in Italian in 2010 this book is the first to address the theory of atmospheres in a thorough and systematic way. It examines the role of atmospheres in daily life and defines their main characteristics. Outlining the typical phenomenological situations in which we experience atmospheres it assesses their impact on contemporary aesthetics. It puts forward a philosophical approach which systematises a constellation of affects and climates finds patterns in the emotional tones of different spaces (affordances) and assesses their impact on the felt body. It also critically discusses the spatial turn invoked by several of the social sciences and argues that there is a need for a non-psychologistic rethinking of the philosophy of emotions. It provides a history of the term 'atmosphere' and of the concepts anticipating its meaning (genius loci aura Stimmung numinous emotional design and ambiance) and examines the main ontological characteristics of atmospheres and their principal phenomenological characteristics. It concludes by showing how atmospheres affect our emotions our bodies' reactions our state of mind and as a result our behaviour and judgments. Griffero assesses how atmospheres are more effective than we have been rationally willing to admit and to what extent traditional aesthetics unilaterally oriented towards art has underestimated this truth. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138247710

Atmospheric Acoustic Remote SensingPrinciples and Applications Sonic Detection and Ranging (SODAR) systems and Radio Acoustic Sounding Systems (RASS) use sound waves to determine wind speed wind direction and turbulent character of the atmosphere. They are increasingly used for environmental and scientific applications such as analyzing ground-level pollution dispersion and monitoring conditions affecting wind energy generation. However until now there have been no reliable references on SODAR and RASS for practitioners in the field as well as non-experts who wish to understand and implement this technology to their own applications. Authored by an internationally known expert in the design and use of SODAR/RASS technology Atmospheric Acoustic Remote Sensing: Principles and Applications systematically explains the underlying science principles and operational aspects of acoustic radars. Abundant diagrams and figures including eight pages of full-color images enhance clear guidelines and tools for handling calibration error equipment hardware sampling and data analysis. The final chapter explores applications in environmental research boundary layer research wind power and loading complex terrain and sound speed profiles. Atmospheric Acoustic Remote Sensing offers SODAR and RASS users as well as general remote sensing practitioners environmental scientists and engineers a straightforward guide for using SODARs to perform wind measurements and data analysis for scientific environmental or alternative monitoring applications. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367577551

Atmospheric AerosolsCharacteristics and Radiative Effects This book includes basic knowledge and understanding on the characteristics of aerosols over the continent and oceanic regions their composition residence times sinks and size distributions and their effects in the radiative transfer and climate of Earth. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498750738

Atmospheric Dispersion ModellingAn Introduction to Practical Applications To comply with legal and other standards businesses and regulators are increasingly required to make decisions based on risk assessments of the potential effects of their activities on the environment. Atmospheric dispersion modelling is a cost-effective method allowing various scenarios to be explored before expensive investment takes place. This guide offers advice on this environmental management tool. Unlike much of the previous literature it doesn't focus excessively on the mathematical theory behind the modelling or on modelling for specific regulatory purposes. Instead it offers an understanding of the background to the methodologies providing exercises to develop the skills to carry these out and including examples of the use of commercially available models to enable the reader to assess the results of modelling for risk assessment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138157248

Atmospheric Pollution and Environmental Change Atmospheric Pollution and Environmental Change is an introduction to the major pollutants causing concern today a description of their sources and how their emissions and concentrations have changed through time.Approaching atmospheric change in the context of its effects on the natural environment people and the global climate system Atmospheric Pollution and Environmental Change examines: ·Atmospheric pollution at global continental and local scales ·The development of policy at national and international levels·The uses of computer models to help us understand and forecast the behaviour of pollutants and their impacts·The success (or otherwise) of policies designed to reduce air pollution and the prospects for the future.With extensive references to useful web sites and further reading Atmospheric Pollution and Environmental Change will be of great benefit to senior undergraduate and postgraduate students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138163201

Atmospheric Processes Originally published in 1980 this book is an original approach to the study of the atmosphere at A Level and introductory undergraduate courses. A true understanding of the way the atmosphere works is only attainable on a firm basis of science and the book concentrates on this aspect in a clear and straightforward manner without introducing advanced mathematics. The book discusses the atmosphere in terms of a machine fuelled by the Sun and it deals with the energy involved in global circulations before looking at local processes and finally global patterns. With a clear recognition of the vulnerability of climate to our wellbeing on a global scale this book remains as relevant now as when it was first published. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367362157

Atmospheric Research in AntarcticaPresent Status and Thrust Areas in Climate Change Atmospheric Research in Antarctica: Present Status and Thrust Areas in Climate Change represents a panoramic view of the developments in the field of Antarctic atmospheric sciences and meteorology broadly covering geomagnetism and aeronomy middle atmospheric studies and global and climate change studies. It includes greenhouse gases ozone monitoring as well as very low frequency (VLF) phenomena and space weather Antarctic meteorology and mathematical modeling of atmosphere and ocean processes around Antarctica. Atmospheric electricity and aerosols investigations over Antarctica along with the total solar eclipse-related studies calibration of AWIFS Sensor and measurements of positive ions are also discussed. This book is aimed at researchers and graduate students in atmospheric studies meteorology Antarctic studies climate change. FEATURES: Covers scientific aspects of Antarctic meteorology and atmospheric sciences under climate change scenario                                                                                                Contains diverse set of information with strong bearing on recent and past polar processes            Presents integrated research on polar science coupled with meteorological climatological and atmosphericsciences                           Thoroughly reviews geomagnetism and aeronomy middle atmospheric studies including global and climate change studies                                                                                     Helps readers understand how Antarctica’s climate has changed in the past and is being affected by ‘global warming’ and how might we expect its climate to change in the future? Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367408800

Atmospheric Turbulence Originally published in 1955 Atmospheric Turbulence examines dynamic meteorology and the fundamental part it plays in the overall science of meteorology. The book examines the theory of atmospheric turbulence as a more mathematically developed area than largescale motions of the atmosphere and examines its significance in economic military and industrial spheres. The book focuses on the effect and importance of atmospheric turbulence not only to meteorologists but the designers of large aircraft. The book addresses the effects of turbulence and the properties of the atmosphere that can be found closer to the ground. This book will be of interest to atmospheric physicists and meteorologists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367340179

Atom Optics with Laser Light This book deals specifically with the manipulation of atoms by laser light describing the focusing channeling and reflection of atoms by laser fields. It also describes the potential fields required to cause the phase change of the wave function necessary for the atomic interactions to occur. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138455818

Atomic Age America Atomic Age America looks at the broad influence of atomic energy¿focusing particularly on nuclear weapons and nuclear power¿on the lives of Americans within a world context. The text examines the social political diplomatic environmental and technical impacts of atomic energy on the 20th and 21st centuries with a look back to the origins of atomic theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780205742547

Atomic and Molecular BeamsProduction and Collimation Atomic and molecular beams are employed in physics and chemistry experiments and to a lesser extent in the biological sciences. These beams enable atoms to be studied under collision-free conditions and allow the study of their interaction with other atoms charged particles radiation and surfaces. Atomic and Molecular Beams: Production and Collimation explores the latest techniques for producing a beam from any substance as well as from the dissociation of hydrogen oxygen nitrogen and the halogens. The book not only provides the basic expressions essential to beam design but also offers in-depth coverage of: Design of ovens and furnaces for atomic beam production Creation of atomic beams that require higher evaporation temperatures Theory of beam formation including the Clausing equation and the transmission probability Construction of collimating arrays in metals plastics glass and other materials Optimization of the design of atomic beam collimators While many review articles and books discuss the application of atomic beams few give technical details of their production. Focusing on practical application in the laboratory the author critically reviews over 800 references to compare the atomic and molecular beam formation theories with actual experiments. Atomic and Molecular Beams: Production and Collimation is a comprehensive source of material for experimentalists facing the design of any atomic or molecular beam and theoreticians wishing to extend the theory. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138198876

Atomic Bomb CinemaThe Apocalyptic Imagination on Film Unfathomably merciless and powerful the atomic bomb has left its indelible mark on film. In Atomic Bomb Cinema Jerome F. Shapiro unearths the unspoken legacy of the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima and its complex aftermath in American and Japanese cinema. According to Shapiro a "Bomb film" is never simply an exercise in ideology or paranoia. He examines hundreds of films like Godzilla Dr. Strangelove and The Terminator as a body of work held together by ancient narrative and symbolic traditions that extol survival under devastating conditions. Drawing extensively on both English-language and Japanese-language sources Shapiro argues that such films not only grapple with our nuclear anxieties but also offer signs of hope that humanity is capable of repairing a damaged and divided world. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203952917

Atomic DwellingAnxiety Domesticity and Postwar Architecture In the years of reconstruction and economic boom that followed the Second World War the domestic sphere encountered new expectations regarding social behaviour modes of living and forms of dwelling. This book brings together an international group of scholars from architecture design urban planning and interior design to reappraise mid-twentieth century modern life offering a timely reassessment of culture and the economic and political effects on civilian life. This collection contains essays that examine the material of art objects and spaces in the context of practices of dwelling over the long span of the postwar period. It asks what role material objects interior spaces and architecture played in quelling or fanning the anxieties of modernism’s ordinary denizens and how this role informs their legacy today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415676090

Atomic Force Microscopy in Nanobiology Recent developments in atomic force microscopy (AFM) have been accomplished through various technical and instrumental innovations including high-resolution and recognition imaging technology under physiological conditions fast-scanning AFM and general methods for cantilever modification and force measurement. All these techniques are now highly powerful not only in material sciences but also in basic biological sciences. There are many nanotechnology books that focus on materials instruments and applications in engineering and medicine but only a few of them are directed toward basic biological sciences. This book tries to bridge this gap. Edited by a prominent researcher this volume provides an overview of modern AFM technologies: the basic AFM protocols in Part I newly developed technologies in Part II and the most recent applications of AFM technologies in biological sciences in Parts III and IV. The chapters are contributed by some of the leading scientists in the field of nanobiology. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814411585

Atomic Force MicroscopyFundamental Concepts and Laboratory Investigations This book focuses primarily on the atomic force microscope and serves as a reference for students postdocs and researchers using atomic force microscopes for the first time. In addition this book can serve as the primary text for a semester-long introductory course in atomic force microscopy. There are a few algebra-based mathematical relationships included in the book that describe the mechanical properties behaviors and intermolecular forces associated with probes used in atomic force microscopy. Relevant figures tables and illustrations also appear in each chapter in an effort to provide additional information and points of interest. This book includes suggested laboratory investigations that provide opportunities to explore the versatility of the atomic force microscope. These laboratory exercises include opportunities for experimenters to explore force curves surface roughness friction loops conductivity imaging and phase imaging. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367218645

Atomic MumbaiLiving with the Radiance of a Thousand Suns Atomic Mumbai offers an insightful historical and ethnographic account of how nuclear issues are represented in popular culture print media films documentaries advertising and superhero comics driven by perceptions of those based in the city of Mumbai a prime site of nuclear establishments in India since the mid-1940s. Based on long-term fieldwork and including rare photographs narratives and extensive interviews the volume documents urban nuclear imaginaries along with their terrifying association with genetic mutation and death. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138659827

Atomic Nanoscale Technology in the Nuclear Industry Developments at the nanoscale are leading to new possibilities and challenges for nuclear applications in areas ranging from medicine to international commerce to atomic power production/waste treatment. Progress in nanotech is helping the nuclear industry slash the cost of energy production. It also continues to improve application reliability and safety measures which remain a critical concern especially since the reactor disasters in Japan. Exploring the new wide-ranging landscape of nuclear function Atomic Nanoscale Technology in the Nuclear Industry details the breakthroughs in nanoscale applications and methodologies that are revolutionizing power production biotechnology and material science. Developments in atomic nanoscale technology have given us the ability to: Use ion beams to Investigate and optimize radiation energy losses at the nanoscopic level Assess nanoscopic safety circumstances involved in a reactor failure Analyze characteristics of nuclear spacecraft operating in the nanogravity of deep space Evaluate light collection enhancement for digital X-ray detection Apply brachytherapy using radioisotopes for cancer therapy Treat nuclear waste at the nanoscopic level Use systems-thinking decision making to analyze financial progress of nanotech in the energy industry Assess safety (and safety management methods) for nuclear nanomaterials used in plant operations Representing a first step in multi-combinatorial research this text incorporates advanced studies that use Monte Carlo and solid-state measurement (including radiation detection) methods. Researchers used these to demonstrate the potential to upgrade methods of radiation protection and nuclear reactor operation (safety waste disposal etc.). The author also addresses how we can use nanotechnology to address industrial concerns and enhance nuclear medicine techniques. He highlights several nanomaterial systems and devices to illustrate developments in this area.   About the Author: Taeho Woo launched the specialized field of atomic multinology (interdisciplinary research of nuclear technology) which combines the application of information technology biotechnology and nanotechnology in the nuclear industry. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073142

Atomic Physics Using the quantum approach to the subject of atomic physics this text keeps the mathematics to the minimum needed for a clear and comprehensive understanding of the material. Beginning with an introduction and treatment of atomic structure the book goes on to deal with quantum mechanics atomic spectra and the theory of interaction between atoms and radiation. Continuing to more complex atoms and atomic structure in general the book concludes with a treatment of quantum optics. Appendices deal with Rutherford scattering calculation of spin-orbit energy derivation of the Einstein B coefficient the Pauli Exclusion Principle and the derivation of eigenstates in helium. The book should be of interest to undergraduate physics students at intermediate and advanced level and also to those on materials science and chemistry courses. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138406414

Atomic Theories Summarising the most novel facts and theories which were coming into prominence at the time particularly those which had not yet been incorporated into standard textbooks this important work was first published in 1921. The subjects treated cover a wide range of research that was being conducted into the atom and include Quantum Theory the Bohr Theory the Sommerfield extension of Bohr’s work the Octet Theory and Isotopes as well as Ionisation Potentials and Solar Phenomena. Because much of the material of Atomic Theories lies on the boundary between experimentally verified fact and speculative theory it indicates in a unique way how the future of physics was perceived at the time of writing. It thus throws into stark relief not only the immense advances made since the 1920s but also perhaps highlights the importance of not rigidly adhering to a particular program of future discoveries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964068

Atomization and Sprays The second edition of this long-time bestseller provides a framework for designing and understanding sprays for a wide array of engineering applications. The text contains correlations and design tools that can be easily understood and used in relating the design of atomizers to the resulting spray behavior. Written to be accessible to readers with a modest technical background the emphasis is on application rather than in-depth theory. Numerous examples are provided to serve as starting points for using the information in the book. Overall this is a thoroughly updated edition that still retains the practical focus and readability of the original work by Arthur Lefebvre. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498736251

Atoms Bytes and GenesPublic Resistance and Techno-Scientific Responses "Atom " "byte" and "gene" are metonymies for techno-scientific developments of the 20th century: nuclear power computing and genetic engineering. Resistance continues to challenge these developments in public opinion. This book traces historical debates over atoms bytes and genes which raised controversy with consequences and argues that public opinion is a factor of the development of modern techno-science. The level and scope of public controversy is an index of resistance examined here with a "pain analogy" which shows that just as pain impacts movement resistance impacts techno-scientific mobilization: it signals that something is wrong and this requires attention elaboration and a response to the challenge. This analysis shows how different fields of enquiry deal with the resistance of social-psychological mentalities in the face of industrial scientific and political activities inspired by projected futures. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415793537

Atoms and ElementsA Study of Theories of Matter in England in the Nineteenth Century First published in 1967. The impression is sometimes given that the Atomic Theory was revived in the early years of the nineteenth century by John Dalton and that continuously from then on it has played a vital role in chemistry. The aim of this study is to revise this over-simplified picture. Atomic explanations seemed to chemists to go beyond the facts to fail to lend themselves to mathematical expression and to deny the ultimate simplicity and unity of all matter. Most therefore rejected them. Meanwhile physicists were developing a whole range of atomic theories to explain the physical properties of bodies in terms of very simple atoms or particles. During the last thirty years of the century the position changed as physicists and chemists came to agree on a common atomic theory. But the last prominent opponents of atomism were not converted until the early years of the twentieth century by which time studies of radioactivity had made it clear that the billiard-ball Daltonian atom must in any case be abandoned. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138393899

Atoms For PeaceAn Analysis After Thirty Years This book analyzes the future role of the U.S. in international affairs the nature of controls over nuclear cooperation and trade and the scope and limitations of international cooperation in nuclear energy and nonproliferation matters. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367158330

Atonement Christology and the TrinityMaking Sense of Christian Doctrine For many believers today the doctrines of Atonement Christology and the Trinity seem like puzzling constructions produced by academic theologians. They are cast in unintelligible forms of thought derived from Platonism or from feudal society and for many their existential relevance for life today remains unclear. This book introduces these doctrines and proposes a reinterpretation in the light of the claim of many Christian mystics that ultimate happiness is to be found in enjoying the loving fellowship of God. This claim is amatrix of faith in terms of which these doctrines are shown to be relevant for the life of faith of believers today. Furthermore since this matrix can be defended within all three Abrahamic traditions Judaism Christianity and Islam the proposed understanding of these doctrines can also contribute usefully to the necessary dialogue between these traditions in a globalised world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138410534

Atopic Dermatitis and Eczematous Disorders It is estimated that around 15% of the population suffer from atopic dermatitis or eczematous disorders at some point in their lifetime causing a significant percentage of visits to dermatologists primary care physicians and allergists. Despite much current research interest the pathophysiology of these disorders and their optimum treatment remain uncertain.In Atopic Dermatitis & Eczematous Disorders the authors discuss all clinical aspects and treatment of atopic dermatitis and other eczema variants including: Seborrheic dermatitis Nummular eczema Stasis dermatitis Exfoliative erythroderma HIV-related dermatoses Ichthyosis vulgaris Hand dermatitis Immunodeficiency disorders The book also discusses complications such as secondary infection and ophthalmic disease as well as legal aspects. It contains almost 300 high-quality color clinical images making it an invaluable visual reference for dermatologists in practice and training candidates for post-registration qualifications primary care practitioners medical students and allergists. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367452162

Atrial Fibrillation in Practice This book provides a clear concise management-orientated approach to atrial fibrillation. It also provides a useful and practical guide to the issues relating to this common cardiac problem to improve the care and treatment of these patients. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003072034

At-Risk Children & YouthResiliency Explored What assistance can be provided to disadvantaged youngsters to help them conquer the many challenges they face while growing up? At-Risk Children & Youth: Resiliency Explored analyzes the results from accumulated research on the risk and resiliency of children and youth in Ireland. Author Niall McElwee explains many of the challenges faced by children including poor literacy and numeracy skills poverty distrust and other difficult issues. Practical strategies are presented to help disadvantaged children and youth to overcome societal and self-imposed barriers for improvement. A detailed review and assessment is provided on the efficacy of Ireland’s Youth Encounter Projects. This important resource focuses on what works and what does not in youth services. At-Risk Children & Youth: Resiliency Explored closely examines risk factors and what it specifically means to be ‘at-risk’. Going further beyond the standard risk factors usually considered such as drug use or dropping-out of school this probing text explores the full range of factors and coping and healing mechanisms. The author challenges several of the views and beliefs about risk and resiliency generally held by many in child and youth services and in society. This book is extensively referenced and includes helpful figures tables to clearly present information. Topics in At-Risk Children & Youth: Resiliency Explored include: A breakdown of terms for risk behaviors and predictors of risk Issues of social class and social exclusion The impact of school difficulties on students including truancy and poor academic standing Strategies to build on student strengths The quality of the entirety of the school experience as a determination of success Strategies for intervention A review of literature on risk and resiliency A relational research model including methodology and ethical issues Description and functions of Youth Encounter Projects—and an assessment of their value Results of risk studies over the past decade Recommended changes in policies At-Risk Children & Youth: Resiliency Explored is a valuable addition to the libraries of educators students and child and youth service providers everywhere. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964075

At-Risk Children and YouthResiliency Explored Discover strategies to reinforce the strengths of the youngest members of society What assistance can be provided to a disadvantaged youngster to help them bounce back to conquer challenges while growing up? At-Risk Children and Youth analyzes the results from accumulated research on the risk and resiliency of children and youth in Ireland. Niall McElwee shines a crucial spotlight on the challenges facing children including poor literacy and numeracy skills poverty distrust and other difficult issues. Practical strategies are presented to help disadvantaged children and youth to overcome societal and self-imposed barriers for improvement. A detailed review and assessment is provided of the efficacy of Ireland’s Youth Encounter Projects. This important resource focuses on what works and what does not in youth services. At-Risk Children and Youth closely examines at-risk factors and what it specifically means to be ’at-risk’. Going further beyond the standard risk factors usually considered such as drug use or dropping-out of school this probing text explores the full range of factors and coping and healing mechanisms. The author challenges several of the views and beliefs about risk and resiliency generally held by many in child and youth services and in society. This book is extensively referenced and includes helpful figures tables to clearly present information. Topics in At-Risk Children and Youth include: detailed breakdown of terms for risk behaviors and predictors of risk the issues of social class and social exclusion the impact of school difficulties on students including truancy and poor academic standing building on student strengths the quality of the entirety of the school experience as a determination of success strategies for intervention a review of various literature on risk and resiliency a relational research model including methodology and ethical issues description and functions of Youth Encounter Projects—and an assessment of their value at-risk youth perceptions of risk in their own words results of risk studies over the past decade recommended changes in policies At-Risk Children and Youth is a valuable addition to the libraries of educators students and child and youth service providers everywhere. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138161979

At-Risk YouthTheory Practice Reform First Published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987647

Atrocity and American Military Justice in Southeast AsiaTrial by Army This book is an examination of American army legal proceedings that resulted from a series of moments when soldiers in a war zone crossed a line between performing their legitimate functions and committing crimes against civilians or atrocities. Using individual judicial proceedings held within war-time Southeast Asia Louise Barnett analyses how the American military legal system handled crimes against civilians and determines what these cases reveal about the way that war produces atrocity against civilians. Presenting these atrocities and subsequent trials in a way that considers both the personal and the institutional the author considers how and why atrocity happens the terrain of justification and the degree to which the army and American society have been willing to take military crimes against civilians seriously. Atrocity and American Military Justice in Southeast Asia will be of interest to students scholars and professionals interested in Military Justice Military history and Southeast Asian History more generally. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415677554

Attachment Place and Otherness in Nineteenth-Century American LiteratureNew Materialist Representations This interdisciplinary study examines the role interpersonal and place attachment bonds play in crafting a national identity in American literature. Although there have been numerous ecocritical studies of and psychoanalytic approaches to American literature this study seeks to integrate the language of empirical science and the physical realities of place while also investigating non-human agency and that which exists beyond the material realm. Murphy considers how writers in the early American Republic constructed modernity by restructuring representations of interpersonal and place attachments which are subsequently reimagined reconfigured and sometimes even rejected by writers in the long nineteenth century. Within each narrative American perceptions of otherness are pathologized as a result of insecure human-to-human and human-to-place attachments resulting in a restructuring of antiquated notions of difference. Throughout Murphy argues that in order to understand fully the contextually varied framework of human bonding it is important to emphasize America’s "attachment" to various constructions of otherness. Historically people of color women ethnic groups and lower class citizens have been relegated—socially politically and culturally—to a place of subordination. Refugees escaping the French and Haitian Revolutions to American cities encouraged writers to transform social cultural and political attachments in ways that the American Revolution did not. The United States has always been part of an extended global network that provides fertile ground from which to imagine a future American identity; this book thus gestures toward future readers educators and scholars who seek to explore new fields and new approaches to understand the underlying human motivations that continually inspire the American imagination. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367667184

Attachment Across Clinical and Cultural PerspectivesA Relational Psychoanalytic Approach Attachment Across Clinical and Cultural Perspectives brings together leading thinkers in attachment theory to explore its importance across cultural clinical and social contexts and the application of attachment relationship principles to intervention with diverse groups of children and families. These contributions collectively illustrate the robustness of attachment research in the contexts of culture early extreme deprivation trauma and the developing brain providing great inspiration for anyone embracing the idea of evidence-based practice. Two chapters convey fundamentals of attachment theory covering links between attachment and normal and pathological development and the interface between attachment and other features of evolutionary theory. Two others specifically tackle the cultural context of attachment; fundamental research findings with North American and European samples are shown to hold as well among indigenous people in a rural Mexican village whilst the link between maternal sensitivity and secure attachment is demonstrated in a variety of cultures. Further chapters explore the role of fear and trauma in the formation of attachment; one establishes intergenerational links between parental history of trauma dissociative states of mind and infant disorganized attachment another looks at the consequences of early extreme deprivation (institutional rearing) for attachment. A third describes the impact of attachment experiences on brain development. Finally the book explores intervention guided by attachment theory research on fear and trauma and an understanding of how attachment experiences leave their mark on parental psyche and behaviour. Attachment Across Clinical and Cultural Perspectives gathers authoritative information from leading experts in the field in an easily readable practical way. It will appeal to psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists to professionals who serve the developmental and mental health needs of adults children and families and anyone seeking to base their intervention work and therapy upon attachment principles. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138999688

Attachment Across the Life Cycle To explain and understand the patterns that attachment play in psychiatric and social problems a body of knowledge has sprung up which owes much to the pioneering work of the late John Bowlby. This book draws together recent theoretical contributions research findings and clinical data from psychiatrists psychologists sociologists and ethologists from Britain America and Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138171428

Attachment and Adult Clinical PracticeAn Integrated Perspective on Developmental Theory Neurobiology and Emotional Regulation This comprehensive volume addresses attachment theory’s history as well as its integration with neurobiology psychophysiology theories of emotion regulation theory and mentalization theory. It explores how clinicians can connect with their clients so that they feel completely seen and heard. Attachment theory speaks to one’s biological drive to connect to relate and to feel heard. The author aims to achieve this by condensing the enormous and diverse literature of the ï¬eld into a singular manageable work that clinicians can use to foster these connections. The book traces the history of attachment theory and describes how neurobiological research has influenced the expansion of attachment theory and how emotions and psychophysiology have become critical to our understanding of human attachment connections. It concludes with a detailed examination of how to apply these theories in clinical practice. This practical book addresses attachment theory’s take on integrating the mind body and emotion when striving toward well-being. It will be of great importance for psychotherapy students beginning therapists and experienced clinicians with an interest in attachment theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367548537

Attachment and Development First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203783832

Attachment and Family SystemsConceptual Empirical and Therapeutic Relatedness IAttachment and Family Systems is a cogent and compelling text addressing the undeniable overlap between two systems of thought that deal with the nature of interpersonal relationships and how these impact functioning. In this enlightening work leading thinkers in the field apply attachment theory within a systemic framework to a variety of life cycle transitional tasks and clinical issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138869585

Attachment and Human Survival What is it about childhood experiences that influence the kind of adult we become? For John Bowlby and others who developed Attachment theory much of the answer lies in the quality of early attachments to our primary caregivers. When those attachments are secure we can develop a safe sense of self. When insecure we may go on seeking safety throu Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323042

Attachment and New BeginningsReflections on Psychoanalytic Therapy This collection of written pieces plots the work of an NHS psychotherapist Jonathan Pedder turning the science of psychiatry into human encounters. He had a career teaching and inspiring colleagues and students with psychoanalytic ways of thinking encouraging and supporting them in the challenges of contemporary psychiatry. In his work he made the world of psychoanalysis accessible to non-analysts and this book augments the textbook on psychotherapy which Pedder wrote with Dennis Brown. Pedder was a quiet visionary influential in offering a pathway for mental health workers from many disciplines to find their way to the psychoanalytic ideas that illuminate their patients/clients.'- Professor R. D. Hinshelwood Author of Clinical Klein and Dictionary of Kleinian Thought Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367106171

Attachment and PsychoanalysisTheory Research and Clinical Implications Although attachment theory was originally rooted in psychoanalysis the two areas have since developed quite independently. This incisive book explores ways in which attachment theory and psychoanalysis have each contributed to understanding key aspects of psychological functioning--including infantile and adult sexuality aggression psychopathology and psychotherapeutic change--and what the two fields can learn from each other. Morris Eagle critically evaluates how psychoanalytic thinking can aid in expanding core attachment concepts such as the internal working model and how knowledge about attachment can inform clinical practice and enrich psychoanalytic theory building. Three chapters on attachment theory and research are written in collaboration with Everett Waters. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462508402

Attachment and Sexuality The papers featured in Attachment and Sexuality create a dense tapestry each forming a separate narrative strand that elucidates different configurations of the relationship between attachment and sexuality. As a whole the volume explores the areas of convergence and divergence opposition and integration between these two systems. It suggests that there is a bi-directional web of influences that weaves the attachment and sexual systems together in increasingly complex ways from infancy to adulthood. The volume’s unifying thread is the idea that the attachment system and particularly the degree of felt security or lack thereof in relation to early attachment figures provides a paradigm of relatedness that forms a scaffold for the developmental unfolding of sexuality in all its manifestations. Such manifestations include infantile and adult masturbatory and mutual and normative and perverse. Also central to the papers is the idea that the development of secure attachment is predicated in part on the development of the capacity for mentalization or the ability to envision and interpret the behavior of oneself and others in terms of intentional mental states including desires feelings beliefs and motivations. Topics discussed in the book will help to shape the direction and tenor of further dialogues in the arena of attachment and sexuality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138009943

Attachment and the Defence Against IntimacyUnderstanding and Working with Avoidant Attachment Self-Hatred and Shame This book combines attachment theory and research with clinical experience to provide practitioners with tools for engaging with individuals who are indifferent avoidant highly defensive and who struggle to make and maintain intimate connections with others. Composed of four papers presented at a Wimbledon Guild conference in 2017 this text examines the origins of avoidant attachment patterns in early life describes research tools that offer a more refined understanding of this insecure attachment pattern explores the internal object worlds of "dismissing" adults and considers the impact on couple relationships when one or both partners avoid intimacy or dependency. Each chapter contains case studies with children and families adolescents adults and couples that acknowledge the challenges of engaging with these "shut down" individuals with authors sharing what they have learned from their patients about what is needed for effective psychotherapy. It is an accessible book full of clinical richness and insight and will be invaluable to practitioners who are interested in deepening their understanding and clinical skills from an attachment perspective. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138330450

Attachment Centered Play Therapy Attachment Centered Play Therapy offers clinicians a holistic play-based approach to child and family therapy that is presented through the lens of attachment theory. Along the way chapters explore the theoretical underpinnings of attachment theory to provide a foundational understanding of the theory while also supplying evidence-based interventions practical strategies and illuminative case studies. This informative new resource strives to combine theory and practice in a single intuitive model designed to maximize the child-parent relationship repair attachment wounds and address underlying symptoms of trauma. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138293557

Attachment in AdulthoodStructure Dynamics and Change Synthesizing a vast body of empirical research and organizing it around a comprehensive conceptual model this book is recognized as the definitive reference on adult attachment. The authors explain how what began as a theory of child development is now used to conceptualize and study nearly all aspects of social functioning across the lifespan including mental representations of self and others emotion regulation personal goals and strivings couple relationships caregiving sexuality psychopathology psychotherapy and organizational behavior. The origins and measurement of individual differences in adult attachment are examined as is the question of whether and how attachment patterns can change. New to This Edition: *Reflects major advances including hundreds of new studies. *Clarifies and extends the authors' influential model of attachment-system functioning. *Cutting-edge content on genetics and on the neural and hormonal substrates of attachment. *Increased attention to the interplay among attachment and other behavioral systems such as caregiving and sexuality. *Expanded discussion of attachment processes in counseling and psychotherapy. *Additional coverage of leadership group dynamics and religion. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462533817

Attachment in Group Psychotherapy Attachment theory is influencing how we understand interpersonal relationships and how psychotherapy can help facilitate change for those struggling in relationships. More recently researchers and clinicians have applied attachment theory to group treatment one of the most effective forms of psychotherapy to address interpersonal difficulties. This book highlights some of the bridges between attachment theory and contemporary approaches to group treatment. In addition to applying attachment theory to innovative treatments each chapter addresses a specific way in which attachment impacts the members’ capacity for empathy and perspective taking; the development of cohesion in the group; the automatic fight-flight response during group interactions; members’ ability to tolerate diversity; and the leaders’ capacity to foster safety within the group. This book will help group leaders gain a richer understanding of attachment theory and attachment based techniques that will ultimately benefit their groups. This book was originally published as a special issue of the International Journal of Group Psychotherapy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367535841

Attachment in Psychotherapy This eloquent book translates attachment theory and research into an innovative framework that grounds adult psychotherapy in the facts of childhood development. Advancing a model of treatment as transformation through relationship the author integrates attachment theory with neuroscience trauma studies relational psychotherapy and the psychology of mindfulness. Vivid case material illustrates how therapists can tailor interventions to fit the attachment needs of their patients thus helping them to generate the internalized secure base for which their early relationships provided no foundation. Demonstrating the clinical uses of a focus on nonverbal interaction the book describes powerful techniques for working with the emotional responses and bodily experiences of patient and therapist alike. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462522712

Attachment in Religion and SpiritualityA Wider View Synthesizing diverse strands of theory and research this compelling book explores the psychology of religion and spirituality through an innovative attachment lens. Pehr Granqvist examines the connections between early caregiving experiences attachment patterns and individual differences in religious cognition experience and behavior. The function of a deity as an attachment figure is analyzed as are ways in which attachment facilitates the intergenerational transmission of religion. The book also shows how the attachment perspective can aid in understanding mystical experiences connections between religion and mental health and cultural differences between more and less religious societies. Granqvist's conversational writing style concrete examples and references to popular culture render complex concepts accessible. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462542680

Attachment in Sport Exercise and Wellness Attachment theory is a concept well known to ‘mainstream’ psychologists informing the literature in areas as diverse as psychodynamics developmental psychology social psychology and counselling. This important new book is the first to demonstrate the relevance of attachment theory to the psychology of sport exercise and wellness opening up important new avenues for research and professional practice. In this book author Sam Carr explains that attachment theory can help us to better understand well established themes and processes in sport and exercise including motivation social relationships cognitive models of coping and group processes. By introducing the core elements of attachment theory and mapping out those areas in which it can inform the knowledge and practice of psychologists working in sport exercise and wellness this book represents an innovative and important contribution to the psychological literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415858175

Attachment Issues in Psychopathology and Intervention To be a human being (or indeed to be a primate) is to be attached to other fellow beings in relationships from infancy on. This book examines what happens when the mechanisms of early attachment go awry when caregiver and child do not form a relationship in which the child finds security in times of uncertainty and stress. Although John Bowlby a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst originally formulated attachment theory for the express purpose of understanding psychopathology across the life span the concept of attachment was first adopted by psychologists studying typical development. In recent years clinicians have rediscovered the potential of attachment theory to help them understand psychological/psychiatric disturbance a potential that has now been amplified by decades of research on typical development. Attachment Issues in Psychopathology and Intervention is the first book to offer a comprehensive overview of the implications of current attachment research and theory for conceptualizing psychopathology and planning effective intervention efforts. It usefully integrates attachment considerations into other frameworks within which psychopathology has been described and points new directions for investigation. The contributors who include some of the major architects of attachment theory link what we have learned about attachment to difficulties across the life span such as failure to thrive social withdrawal aggression anxiety depression bipolar disorder dissociation trauma schizo-affective disorder narcissistic personality disorder eating disorders and comorbid disorders. While all chapters are illuminated by rich case examples and discuss intervention at length half focus solely on interventions informed by attachment theory such as toddler-parent psychotherapy and emotionally focused couples therapy. Mental health professionals and researchers alike will find much in this book to stimulate and facilitate effective new approaches to their work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138003545

Attachment Of Organisms To The Gut MucosaVolume I The present volumes are based on the presentations made during the October 1981 research work shopThe attachment of micro-organisms to the intestinal mucosa which was held in Reston Virginia. The workshop was supported by the American Gastroenterological Association along with the National Institutes of Health. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890869

Attachment Of Organisms To The Gut MucosaVolume II The present volumes are based on the presentations made during the October 1981 research work shopThe attachment of micro-organisms to the intestinal mucosa which was held in Reston Virginia. The workshop was supported by the American Gastroenterological Association along with the National Institutes of Health. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890876

Attachment Research and PsychoanalysisPsychoanalytic Inquiry 19.4 First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138462106

Attachment Theory and Psychoanalysis This book demonstrates that the relationship between attachment theory and psychoanalysis is more complex than adherents of either community generally recognize. It provides a brief overview of attachment theory and some key findings of attachment research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323387

Attachment Theory and PsychosisCurrent Perspectives and Future Directions Attachment Theory and Psychosis: Current Perspectives and Future Directions is the first book to provide a practical guide to using attachment theory in the assessment formulation and treatment of a range of psychological problems that can arise as a result of experiencing psychosis. Katherine Berry Sandra Bucci and Adam N. Danquah along with an international selection of contributors expertly explore how attachment theory can inform theoretical understanding of the development of psychosis psychological therapy and mental health practice with service users with psychosis. In the first section of the book contributors describe the application of attachment theory to the understanding of paranoia voice-hearing negative symptoms and relationship difficulties in psychosis. In the second section of the book the contributors consider different approaches to working therapeutically with psychosis and demonstrate how these approaches draw on the key principles of attachment theory. In the final section contributors address individual and wider organisation perspectives including a voice-hearer perspective on formulating the relationship between voices and life history how attachment principles can be used to organise the provision of mental health services and the influence of mental health workers’ own attachment experiences on therapeutic work. The book ends by summarising current perspectives and highlighting future directions. Written by leading mental health practitioners and researchers covering a diverse range of professional backgrounds topics and theroetical schools this book is significant in guiding clinicians managers and commissioners in how attachment theory can inform everyday practice. Attachment Theory and Psychosis: Current Perspectives and Future Directions will be an invaluable resource for mental health professionals especially psychologists and other clinicians focusing on humanistic treatments as well as postgraduate students training in these areas. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138956759

Attachment Theory and ResearchNew Directions and Emerging Themes This volume showcases the latest theoretical and empirical work from some of the top scholars in attachment. Extending classic themes and describing important new applications the book examines several ways in which attachment processes help explain how people think feel and behave in different situations and at different stages in the life cycle. Topics include the effects of early experiences on adult relationships; new developments in neuroscience and genetics; attachment orientations and parenting; connections between attachment and psychopathology as well as health outcomes; and the relationship of attachment theory and processes to clinical interventions. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462512171

Attachment Theory in Adult Mental HealthA guide to clinical practice In the fifty years since its inception John Bowlby’s attachment theory has been powerfully influential on developmental psychology and more recently mental health. Bringing together the experience of a diverse range of mental health practitioners and researchers who routinely use attachment theory in their own work Attachment Theory in Adult Mental Health provides a guide to using attachment theory in everyday practice. Adam N. Danquah and Katherine Berry present a wide-ranging and practical approach to the topic which includes studies on clinical practice the provision of mental health services and accommodating intercultural perspectives. Section One covers the basics of attachment theory and practice. Section Two presents clinical problems and presentations including among others the treatment of depression anxiety disorders psychosis personality disorder and eating disorders. Section Three addresses the needs of specific populations discussing the influence of sociocultural factors like gender ethnicity and age. Finally Section Four examines the organisation and the practitioner including using the theory to organise services and how individual therapists can integrate their own attachment histories into their approach. Including the most up-to-date theories and practice in the field Attachment Theory in Adult Mental Health is ideal for psychologists and psychological therapists counsellors psychiatrists occupational therapists social workers and mental health service managers and commissioners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415687416

Attachment Theory in Clinical Work with ChildrenBridging the Gap between Research and Practice Attachment research has tremendous potential for helping clinicians understand what happens when parent–child bonds are disrupted and what can be done to help. Yet there remains a large gap between theory and practice in this area. This book reviews what is known about attachment and translates it into practical guidelines for therapeutic work. Leading scientist-practitioners present innovative strategies for assessing and intervening in parent–child relationship problems; helping young children recover from maltreatment or trauma; and promoting healthy development in adoptive and foster families. Detailed case material in every chapter illustrates the applications of research-based concepts and tools in real-world clinical practice. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781609184827

Attachment Theory in PracticeEmotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) with Individuals Couples and Families Drawing on cutting-edge research on adult attachment--and providing an innovative roadmap for clinical practice--Susan M. Johnson argues that psychotherapy is most effective when it focuses on the healing power of emotional connection. The primary developer of emotionally focused therapy (EFT) for couples Johnson now extends her attachment-based approach to individuals and families. The volume shows how EFT aligns perfectly with attachment theory as it provides proven techniques for treating anxiety depression and relationship problems. Each modality (individual couple and family therapy) is covered in paired chapters that respectively introduce key concepts and present an in-depth case example. Special features include instructive end-of-chapter exercises and reflection questions. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462538249

Attachment TheorySocial Developmental and Clinical Perspectives At a historic conference in Toronto in October 1993 developmental researchers and clinicians came together for the first time to explore the implications of current knowledge of attachment. This volume is the outcome of their labors. It offers innovative approaches to the understanding of such diverse clinical topics as child abuse borderline personality disorder dissociation adolescent suicide treatment responsiveness false memory narrative competence and the intergenerational transmission of trauma. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138147263

Attachment TheoryWorking Towards Learned Security This book covers the groundbreaking concepts in attachment theory as promulgated by Bowlby himself and during the years post Bowlby. It sets out to develop the seminal concept of 'learned security': the provision of a reparative experience of a secure base by the therapist so that the client can imbibe what he missed out on during his formative years. Rhona M. Fear points out that the idea of learned security has developed from the concept of earned security but is distinctly different. In Part I Fear outlines the origins and progress of attachment theory and the concepts of earned and learned security. In Part II she uses a process of dialectical thinking to put forward an integration of Kohut's self psychology Bowlby's attachment theory and Stolorow Atwood and Brandchaft's intersubjective perspective. The unifying concept that binds these three theories together is that of empathy but she puts forward a particular intersubjective collaborative view of empathic attunement. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782204299

Attachment Therapy with Adolescents and AdultsTheory and Practice Post Bowlby This is a revised edition of an important title originally published in 2009. It is written primarily for psychotherapists and other practitioners and describes a new and effective form of dynamic therapy designed for working with adults and with adolescents. The theory on which the new form of therapy is based is centred in a paradigm that extends and crucially alters the paradigm for developmental psychology opened by the Bowlby/Ainsworth attachment theory. It describes a pre-programmed process the dynamics sustaining attachment and interest sharing which is activated as soon as people perceive that they are in danger. This process is made up of seven pre-programmed systems which interact with one another as an integrated whole. They include Bowlby's two complementary goal-corrected behavioural systems: attachment (also referred to as careseeking) and caregiving. Whenever the process is able to function effectively it enables people to adapt more constructively and co-operatively to changing circumstances. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781780490427

AttachmentExpanding the Cultural Connections Attachment: Expanding the Cultural Connections is an exciting exploration of the latest trends in the theory and application of attachment within cross-cultural settings. The book's insightful analysis remarkable case studies and groundbreaking research make it essential reading for any clinician or scholar interested in perceptions of love and attachment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138872622

Attachment-Focused Family Play TherapyAn Intervention for Children and Adolescents after Trauma Attachment-Focused Family Play Therapy presents an essential roadmap for therapists working with traumatized youth. Exploring trauma and attachment through a neurobiological focus the book lays out a flexible framework for practitioners treating young clients within the context of their family relationships. Chapters demonstrate how techniques of play and expressive therapy can be integrated into work with different developmental stages while providing the tools needed to fully incorporate the family into the healing process. The book also provides clinical examples and guidance on the ethical decision-making needed to effectively implement attachment work and facilitate positive change. Written in an accessible style Attachment-Focused Family Play Therapy is an important resource for mental health professionals who work with traumatized children adolescents and adults. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138935853

Attachment-Focused Trauma Treatment for Children and AdolescentsPhase-Oriented Strategies for Addressing Complex Trauma Disorders Attachment-Focused Trauma Treatment for Children and Adolescents brings together two powerful treatment directions that exponentially expand the knowledge and skills available to child and adolescent trauma therapists. The book provides theoretical knowledge clinical approaches and specific detailed techniques that clinicians will find indispensable in the treatment of the most challenging and high-risk young trauma victims. Also included are case studies developed from over three decades of experience that show the reader how to use the techniques in real-life settings. The treatment approach described here is flexible enough to adapt to real clients in the real world regardless of trauma and attachment histories family and living situations or difficulties engaging in supportive therapeutic relationships. Clear and cohesive the model presented here allows room for the individuality and approach of each therapist so that the therapeutic relationship can evolve in a genuine and unique way. An appendix of photocopiable worksheets gives interactive tools for therapists to immediately use with clients. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138800083

Attachment-Informed Grief TherapyThe Clinician’s Guide to Foundations and Applications Attachment-Informed Grief Therapy bridges the fields of attachment studies and thanatology uniting theory research and practice to enrich our understanding of how and why people grieve and how we can help the bereaved. In its pages clinicians and students will gain a new understanding of the etiology of complicated grief and its treatment and will become better equipped to formulate accurate and specific case conceptualization and treatment plans. The authors also illustrate the ways in which the therapeutic relationship is a crucially important—though largely unrecognized—element in grief therapy and offer guidelines for an attachment informed view of the therapeutic relationship that can serve as the foundation of all grief therapy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415857215

Attachments: Psychiatry Psychotherapy PsychoanalysisThe selected works of Jeremy Holmes For three decades Jeremy Holmes has been a leading figure in psychodynamic psychiatry in the UK and across the world. He has played a central role in promoting the ideas of John Bowlby and in developing the clinical applications – psychiatric and psychotherapeutic – of Attachment Theory in working with adults. Drawing on both psychoanalytic and attachment ideas Holmes has been able to encompass a truly biopsychosocial perspective. As a psychotherapist Holmes brings together psychodynamic systemic and cognitive models alert to vital differences but also keenly sensitive to overlaps and parallels. This volume of selected papers brings together the astonishing range of Holmes' interests and contributions. The various sections in the book cover: An extended interview – covering Holmes’ career and philosophy as a psychodynamic psychiatrist 'Juvenilia' – sibling relationships the psychology of nuclear weapons and the psychodynamics of surgical intervention. Psychodynamic psychiatry: Integrative and Attachment-Informed A psychotherapy section in which he develops his model of psychotherapeutic change 'Heroes' – biographical pieces about the major influences including John Bowlby Michael Balint David Malan Jonathan Pedder and Charles Rycroft. 'Ephemera' – brief pieces covering such topics as frequency of psychodynamic sessions and fees. Attachments: Psychiatry Psychotherapy Psychoanalysis - The Selected Works of Jeremy Holmes will be essential and illuminating reading for practitioners and students of psychiatry and psychotherapy in all its guises. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138782860

Attacks on Linking RevisitedA New Look at Bion's Classic Work This book aims at providing further contributions inspired by Bion's paper Attacks on Linking (1959) by a distinguinshed group of scholars who have focused on different aspects of his propositions.Contributors: Christine Anzieu-Premmereur Rachel B. Blass Ronald Britton Catalina Bronstein Elias Mallet da Rocha Barros Elizabeth Lima da Rocha Barros Antonino Ferro Jay Greenberg Monica Horovitz Clara Nemas Edna O'Shaughnessy Rudi Vermote Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782203032

Attaining High Performance CommunicationsA Vertical Approach No single solution applied at one particular layer can help applications solve all performance-related issues with communication services. Instead this book shows that a coordinated effort is needed among the layers. It covers many different types of technologies and layers across the stack from the architectural features of the hardware through the protocols and their implementation in operating system kernels to the manner in which application services and middleware are using underlying platforms. The book also describes key developments in high-end platforms high performance interconnection fabrics and communication libraries and multi- and many-core systems. Media > Books > E-books Chapman & Hall 9780429144264

Attainment and Executive Functioning in the Early YearsResearch for Inclusive Practice and Lifelong Learning Attainment and Executive Functioning in the Early Years combines knowledge and understanding from research with operational skills from practice in the early years. It presents the development of a sense of self which occurs between birth and five years the effect of adverse childhood experiences and the link to executive functioning in adulthood.The book supports the development of expertise which can be applied to enhance inclusive pedagogy to nurture attainment and to contribute to life-long learning. It explores practice approaches which support children to gain a sense of self to recognise the needs of others and to achieve fulfilment by operating with purpose. Research is accessed to gain knowledge and understanding of the complex processes which result in a demonstration of executive functioning in childhood.Attainment and Executive Functioning in the Early Years will be of great interest to academics researchers and post-graduate students in the fields of early years’ care and education. It will also appeal to those working within children’s services. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367606565

Attempts at General Union This volume traces the attempts made after the Napoleonic Wars to link up all the numerous local and sectional Trade Societies into a single comprehensive ‘General Trades Union’ – attempts which culminated in the short-lived Grand National Consolidated Trades Union formed under Robert Owen’s influence in 1833. Based on materials not previously used by historians this book throws new light on the development of Trade Unionism particularly in the North of England during these critical years. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138564442

Attending Krishna's ImageChaitanya Vaishnava Murti-seva as Devotional Truth There is a steady and growing scholarly as well as popular interest in Hindu religion – especially devotional (bhakti) traditions as forms of spiritual practice and expressions of divine embodiment. Associated with this is the attention to sacred images and their worship. Attending Krishna's Image extends the discussion on Indian images and their worship bringing historical and comparative dimensions and considering Krishna worship in the context of modernity both in India and the West. It focuses on one specific worship tradition the Chaitanya Vaishnava tradition of the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries as it develops and sustains itself in two specific locales. By applying the comparative category of ‘religious truth’ the book provides a comprehensive understanding of a living religious tradition. It successfully demonstrates the understanding of devotion as a process of participation with divine embodiment in which worship of Krishna’s image is integral. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415864589

Attention This collection of essays intended as a text for students examines the different facets of research into attention. The book is divided into two sections: one deals with psychological research into such areas as visual search dual-task interference and attentional bottleneck; the other deals with approaches to neural-network modelling and the effects of brain damage on attention. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315784762

Attention Attention is a fundamental feature of the mind yet has languished in the backwaters of philosophy. Recent years however have witnessed a resurgence of philosophical interest in attention driven by recognition that it is closely connected to consciousness perception agency thought justification and introspection. As is becoming clear attention has a rich philosophical significance. This is the first book to provide a systematic overview and assessment of different empirical and philosophical aspects of attention. Wayne Wu discusses the following central topics and problems: major experiments and theories of attention in psychology since the 1950s the neuroscience of attention including basic mechanisms and models attention’s intimate relation to agency the phenomenology of attention attention as a gatekeeper for consciousness attention as the basis for perception-based thought about objects the role of attention in the justification of belief attention in introspection of consciousness. A key feature of the book is its skilful analysis of the empirical work on attention and how this relates to philosophy. Additional features include chapter summaries annotated further reading and a glossary making this an ideal starting point for anyone studying attention for the first time as well as being suitable for more advanced students and researchers in psychology cognitive science and philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415532242

Attention Attitude and Affect in Response To Advertising Linked from the days of their origins psychology and advertising developed as independent disciplines at almost the same time in the late nineteenth century. Providing an important arena in which psychologists have tested methods and theories advertising has been a stimulus for research and development in such diverse specialties as learning and behavioral decision theory psychometrics perception and social and mathematical psychology. Psychology in turn has contributed a wide assortment of tools theories and techniques to the practice of advertising. These contributions have found their place in virtually all areas of advertising practice -- stimulating creativity evaluating the creative product and informing the scheduling of media. Purposely eclectic this volume presents new issues in consumer psychology and advertising such as the relationship between gender differences cortical organization and advertising; new approaches to old issues such as attention as an epiphenomenon and meta-analysis of comparative advertising research; and new applications of consumer psychology to other fields such as examining health behavior as consumer behavior affect and political advertising and the relationship between advertising and eating disorders. This volume is the result of the Sixth Annual Advertising and Consumer Behavior Conference which was designed to bring together researchers and practitioners from both psychology and advertising. Chapter contributions are made by professionals in advertising and marketing professors in psychology and marketing departments and psychologists who consult for advertising and marketing organizations. Thus the chapters represent a microcosm of the type of interaction that has characterized the interface of psychology and advertising for more than a hundred years. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138876156

Attention Cooperation PurposeAn Approach to Working in Groups Using Insights from Wilfred Bion This book describes an approach based on attention that can help individuals and groups to cooperate more effectively. It presents the first book-length reassessment of Wilfred Bion's ideas on groups. Every group has a purpose or purposes - or as Bion put it "every group however casual meets to 'do' something." The approach described here shows how individual group members' use of attention - both broad or "evenly suspended" and focused - can promote a better understanding of purpose making it possible for them to do what they have met to do. This work of attention enables group members to maintain a clear sense of their purpose and also to recognise how easily they can become distracted losing focus and dispersing their energies into activities that are off task. The approach builds on the authors' experience of using Bion's insights into group dynamics over twenty-five years in different contexts formal and informal as group members managers leaders teachers consultants researchers family members and friends. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782201311

Attention Perception and ActionSelected Works of Glyn Humphreys In the World Library of Psychologists series international experts themselves present career-long collections of what they judge to be their finest pieces - extracts from books key articles salient research findings and their major practical theoretical contributions. Glyn Humphreys is an internationally renowned cognitive neuropsychologist with research interests covering object recognition and its disorders visual word recognition object and spatial attention the effects of action on cognition and social cognition. Within the field of Psychology he has won a number of prestigious awards including the Spearman Medal the President’s Award of the British Psychological Society and the Donald Broadbent Prize from the European Society for Cognitive Psychology. This collection reflects the different directions in his work and approaches which have been adopted. It will enable the reader to trace key developments in cognitive neuropsychology in a period of rapid change over the last thirty years. A newly written introduction contextualises the selection in relation to changes in the field during this time. Attention Perception and Action will be invaluable reading for students and researchers in visual cognition cognitive neuropsychology and vision neuroscience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138191228

Attention Representation and Human PerformanceIntegration of Cognition Emotion and Motivation This volume presents a rare occasion where scholars from Europe North Africa and North America share their research programs and findings revolving around an important theme: integration. Despite different research foci and methodologies there is a strong consensus that we need to understand a psychological phenomenon in all its complexity involving its neural psychological and social dimensions involving perception and conception and decision processes involving motivation emotion and cognition – all in complex interaction. This volume is intended to reach out to basic and applied psychological researchers cognitive and affective scientists learning scientists biologists sociologists neuropsychological researchers and philosophers who have an interest in an integrated understanding of the mind at work particularly pertaining to explanations of real-life phenomena that have social and practical significance. A distinct feature of this volume is that most research involved is heavily built on neuropsychological evidence while loyal to the experimental tradition with its focus on functional behavior in various situations and conditions that mimic or resemble real life. The viability of this approach to doing cutting-edge research that is relevant and applicable to many real-life phenomena should also make this body of research useful for a wide range of human endeavor from religion education to industrial and organizational psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138384323

Attention and Brain Function Originally published in 1992 this book presents original psychophysiological research based on computerized techniques of recording and evaluating event-related brain potentials. The application of multichannel magnetoencephalography greatly contributes to exact localization of corresponding neuronal generators responsible for attention. The book contains a bulk of information concerning data obtained by cognitive psychology in the area of study of attention. These results are closely linked with neurophysiological investigation of attention. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138596924

Attention and CreationGrowth in the Vertices of W.R. Bion The implicit background of this book consists of an optimistic approach to creating mind forms that improve the condition of humanity deriving from the legends of Christ and the Buddha and the experiences of mystics in both Eastern and Western cultures as well as from psychoanalytic thought. This book is divided into four parts. The first is a br Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323394

Attention and Emotion (Classic Edition)A clinical perspective This is a Classic Edition of Adrian Wells and Gerald Matthews’ award-winning textbook on attention and emotion which now includes new section introductions. The book won the British Psychological Society book award in 1998 and is now widely seen as a classic in the field of emotional disorders. Attention and Emotion: A Clinical Perspective critically reviews the literature on attention and emotion and offers an integrative cognitive attentional model of the development and maintenance of emotional disorders. The authors also discuss the implications for clinical practice of attentional theories of emotional dysfunction. In the new section introductions the authors reflect on the influence of their ground-breaking model and the subsequent developments in the field 20 years since the book was first published. The book will continue to be essential reading for students researchers and professionals with an interest in disorders of attention and emotion. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138814844

Attention and information Processing in infants and AdultsPerspectives From Human and Animal Research First published in 1991. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138964082

Attention and Interpretation Bion's central thesis in this volume is that for the study of people whether individually or in groups a cardinal requisite is accurate observation accompanied by accurate appreciation and formulation of the observations so made. The study represents a further development of a theme introduced in the author's earlier works particularly in Eleme Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323400

Attention and InterpretationA scientific approach to insight in psycho-analysis and groups Tavistock Press was established as a co-operative venture between the Tavistock Institute and Routledge & Kegan Paul (RKP) in the 1950s to produce a series of major contributions across the social sciences. This volume is part of a 2001 reissue of a selection of those important works which have since gone out of print or are difficult to locate. Published by Routledge 112 volumes in total are being brought together under the name The International Behavioural and Social Sciences Library: Classics from the Tavistock Press. Reproduced here in facsimile this volume was originally published in 1970 and is available individually. The collection is also available in a number of themed mini-sets of between 5 and 13 volumes or as a complete collection. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846158

Attention and OrientingSensory and Motivational Processes Orienting is the gateway to attention the first step in processing stimulus information. This volume examines these initial stages of information intake focusing on the sensory and motivational mechanisms that determine such phenomena as stimulus selection and inhibition habituation pre-attentive processing and expectancy. Psychophysiological methods are emphasized throughout. The contributors consider analyses based on cardiovascular and electrodermal changes reflex reactions and neural events in the cortex and subcortex. Stimulated by a conference lauding Frances Graham -- held before and during a recent meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research the book presents current theory and research by an international cadre of outstanding investigators. A major researcher and theorist in the field of attention for more than three decades Dr. Graham contributes an Afterword to the present volume which is both a consideration of the work which has gone before and a new original theory paper on preattentive processing and attention. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138964099

Attention and Pattern Recognition Whilst attention is a term commonly used in everyday life for many years psychologists have struggled in their attempts to explain what it actually means. Attention and Pattern Recognition introduces the main psychological research on attention and the methods that have been used to study it. It also examines the subdivisions of focused and divided attention and explores how people recognise patterns and faces. The Routledge Modular Psychology series is a completely new approach to introductory level psychology tailor made to the new modular style of teaching. Each short book covers a topic in more detail than any large textbook can allowing teacher and student to select material exactly to suit any particular course or project. The books have been written especially for those students new to higher level study whether at school home college or university. They include specially designed features to help with technique such as model essay at an average level with an examiners comments to show how extra marks can be gained. The authors are all examiners and teachers at introductory level. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003060185

Attention and Performance Viii First published in 1980. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315802961

Attention and Performance XI Originally published in 1985 this volume presents the proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Attention and Performance. With few exceptions the central emphasis in previous meetings of the Attention and Performance Association was on the information-processing approach to normal human cognition. This emphasis had been supplemented on occasion by studies employing EEG methods but there had not been systematic attempts to relate the information-processing approach to work in the neurosciences. This volume seeks to emphasize the search for mechanism with such methods of approach as the following: anatomical physiological neuropsychological behavioral and computational. The editors believed that this was in accord with recent developing trends in cognition and particularly with developments in the study of attention at the time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138641976

Attention and Performance XiiiMotor Representation and Control Compiled as a result of the Thirteenth Symposium of the Association for Attention and Performance this collection focuses on the Symposium's theme: Organization of Action. The book is arranged in sections which provide a comprehensive view of the main issues raised during the meeting. Several aspects of the theme were considered including: the anatomical and physiological constraints on motor preparation and execution . the influence of control (proprioceptive cutaneous visual oculomotor) signals the contribution of kinematics to the understanding of the underlying mechanisms and the role of cognitive constraints such as attention or learning in goal selection This new volume is of particular interest to professionals and researchers in cognitive psychology physiology and neuropsychology as well as those studying motor skills. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138987654

Attention and Performance XIIThe Psychology of Reading Originally published in 1987 this volume presented a comprehensive state-of-the-art account of what was known about the psychology of reading at the time. All the fundamental aspects of reading are considered: visual attention visual feature analysis visual masking letter and word recognition priming effects eye movements in reading phonological processing working memory and reading parsing sentence comprehension and text integration. The subject of reading is approached from a variety of different theoretical perspectives including cognitive psychology connectionism neuropsychology and linguistics. This broad and comprehensive review will still be of value for undergraduate and graduate teaching as well as research workers engaged in experimental or theoretical investigations of any aspect of the psychology of reading. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138641556

Attention and ValueKeys to Understanding Museum Visitors How can museums capture visitors’ attention? And how can their attention be sustained? In this important volume leading visitor researcher and educational psychologist Stephen Bitgood proposes a model—the attention-value model—that will help museum practitioners create more effective museum environments. A major advance beyond earlier efforts the attention-value model shows how both personal and exhibit design variables influence the capture focus and engagement of attention. Bitgood also offers extensive background in the visitor attention literature details of his extensive testing of the attention-value tool and guidelines for its application. Balancing theory research and practical application Attention and Value is a must-read for exhibition developers at all levels—from students to seasoned practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781611322637

Attention Deficit Disorder First published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964105

Attention Deficit DisorderDiagnosis And Treatment From Infancy To Adulthood Published in 1996 Attention Deficit Disorder is a valuable contribution to the field of Psychiatry/Clinical Psychology. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203766033

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderA Practical Guide for Teachers This is a clear and concise guide to classroom practice for teachers dealing with pupils with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder a condition that is estimated to affect on average one in every twenty-five children. In this new and revised edition the authors present in an accessible style and with regard for the everyday realities of the classroom life: key issues commonly raised by teachers about AD/HD; sources of information on the nature and assessment of AD/HD; advice to teachers on how to communicate with both parents and professionals; and practical classroom strategies and interventions for effectively tackling the condition. All teachers of pupils in the 5-16 age range will benefit from the explanation and advice on AD/HD offered in this resource book. It will be of particular interest to SENCOs teachers concerned with Home School Liaison and those concerned with emotional and behavioral difficulties in the classroom. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138175594

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderIntegration of Cognitive Neuropsychological and Psychodynamic Perspectives in Psychotherapy For many researchers clinicians teachers patients and family members the discourse on ADHD has been occurring in silos. Traditional ADHD camps are organized primarily in terms of neurological and cognitive perspectives and to a lesser extent psychoanalytic/psychodynamic perspectives. Those with an interest in ADHD have not been able to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the disorder and consequently have been restricted in psychotherapy treatment options. This book argues for the integration of the three perspectives on ADHD. Drawing on the expertise of an international range of contributors the volume addresses questions from a psychoanalytic vantage point which have considerable meaning in clinical work with children who have ADHD. They examine the role of trauma and attachment problems as both a possible antecedent to ADHD and as an outgrowth of ADHD which predisposes the child to limitations in emotion regulation social adversity an even maltreatment. Several questions pertinent to psychodynamic treatment and relevant case studies are discussed including: a) the viability of psychoanalysis/psychodynamic treatment for ADHD children b) the impact of early traumatic experience on the child’s specific weaknesses in attention over-reactivity and dysregulation c) contributions of problems in object relations and regressive defences to ADHD symptoms d) and the importance of other intrapsychic issues. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Infant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138780484

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderRecognition Reality and Resolution ADHD is a common complex and yet often misunderstood condition affecting children adolescents and adults. It causes a wide range of difficulties with concentration impulse control hyperactivity motivation and time awareness. This can often lead to school failure expulsion and emotional behavioral and social problems. An estimated two per cent of the population suffers from ADHD. To ensure their effective treatment three critical areas need to be addressed. Parents teachers and professionals must become aware of the possibility of ADHD (symptoms can mimic other medical and environmentally related conditions which can make accurate recognition difficult). Second the reality of coping with ADHD in its many forms both for individuals with the condition and those around them must be acknowledged and understood. Finally there is a need for a holistic approach to the assessment and management of ADHD to ensure the most effective resolution for individuals. The author gives an overview of the condition based on the broad internationally recognized approach to ADHD which takes account of its biological as well as environmental elements. He discusses appropriate management guidelines which include consideration of medication as well as psychosocial and educational strategies. The book aims to be a comprehensive and authoritative text on ADHD its causes and management currently available in the UK. It provides a practical guide to the process of dealing more effectively with ADHD from initial recognition to effective management strategies via assessment and diagnosis. It is intended for parents teachers and other professionals to facilitate appropriate understanding and support for this distressing condition. Media > Books > Print Books David Fulton Publishers 9781138167490

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderWhat Can Teachers Do? Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder a ‘made-up’ term? Is it simply an excuse for bad behaviour? How do children with ADHD really experience school?  This practical teacher’s guide dispels all the myths and gets down to the facts about ADHD. It explores the nitty-gritty of what you need to know in order to help the children in your class to cope with this complex condition. This fully revised second edition gives an overview of the disorder based on the broad internationally recognised approach to ADHD which takes account of its biological as well as environmental elements. It includes: real-life classroom scenarios and case studies of specific children; practical management strategies for both teachers and parents; an exploration of prevailing attitudes to ADHD; advice on initial diagnosis and ongoing assessment. Packed full of no-nonsense advice and tips this book will help you adopt the educational strategies and behaviour management approaches that are best suited to each individual child. It also explores the use of alternative treatments such as psychological and psychiatric strategies medication counselling coaching and changes to diet. Children who have ADHD can often experience school failure expulsion and emotional behavioural and social problems. By demystifying the disorder and its coexisting conditions this book will help you to understand and manage ADHD enabling you to offer the children you teach a more positive future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138380561

Attention DeficitA Practitioner's Handbook Most clinicians rely on only an interview to diagnose ADHD in adults. With the recent media "overkill" about ADHD more and more patients have already read numerous articles and books about the topic making it even harder for practitioners to differentiate between symptoms due to ADHD and symptoms of a hypersensitive patient. As a result the clinician should no longer rely on just an interview but a more sphoisticated and reliable method.Attention Deficit: A Practitioner's Handbook offers practical guidance to diagnose ADHD with special consideration to comorbid and differential diagnoses. This volume also challenges practitioners to move beyond current diagnostic criteria and presents arguments for standardized testing in addition to the traditional interview. Insightful commentaries on major points of current controversy in this area of study are also highlighted. Dr. Triolo author of the Attention Deficit Scales for Adults (ADSA) also discusses theoretical perspectives of ADHD and bridges the gap between the research and clinical practice. A most practical volume that clinicians will appreciate in their library. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138883796

Attention in ActionAdvances from Cognitive Neuroscience Over the past forty years much work has assessed how attention modulates perception but relatively little work has evaluated the role of attention in action. This is despite the fact that recent research indicates that the relation between attention and action is a crucial factor in human performance. Attention in Action provides state-of-the-art discussion of the role of attention in action and of action in constraining attention. The research takes an interdisciplinary approach covering experimental studies of attention and action neuropsychological studies of patients with impaired action and attention single cell studies of cross-modal links in attention and action and brain imaging studies on the underlying neural circuitry. Contributions from prominent international researchers both review the field and present new evidence making this book an invaluable resource for researchers and therapists alike. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9780415653619

Attention in VisionPerception Communication and Action Attention in Vision is an important work which aims to identify address and solve some major problems and issues in the psychology of visual perception attention and intentional control. The central aim is to investigate how people use their visual perception in the performance of tasks and to explore how the intentional control of action is achieved.Through an extensive review of the philosophy of psychology the history of ideas and theories of intentional control and an analysis of various tasks a new theory is developed which argues that there is an important difference between report tasks and act tasks.The first section of the book introduces the issues of visual perception in a historical context and outlines van der Heijden's theory. The theory is developed in the second and third sections by analysing the findings from some of the main experimental paradigms of cognitive psychology and applying the theory to act tasks. Finally the epilogue skilfully draws together the theory into an explanation of different historical and theoretical perspectives in psychology. This book will be invaluable to researchers and high-level undergraduates in the field of visual perception and attention. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9780415646000

Attentional CaptureA Special Issue of Visual Cognition The notion that certain mental or physical events can capture attention has been one of the most enduring topics in the study of attention owing to the importance of understanding how goal-directed and stimulus-driven processes interact in perception and cognition. Despite the clear theoretical and applied importance of attentional capture a broad survey of this field suggests that the term "capture" means different things to different people. In some cases it refers to covert shifts of spatial attention in others involuntary saccades and in still others general disruption of processing by irrelevant stimuli. The properties that elicit "capture" can also range from abruptly onset or moving lights to discontinuities in textures to unexpected tones to emotionally valenced words or pictures to directional signs and symbols. Attentional capture has been explored in both the spatial and temporal domains as well as the visual and auditory modalities. There are also a number of different theoretical perspectives on the mechanisms underlying "capture" (both functional and neurophysiological) and the level of cognitive control over capture. This special issue provides a sampling of the diversity of approaches domains and theoretical perspectives that currently exist in the study of attentional capture. Together these contributions should help evaluate the degree to which attentional capture represents a unitary construct that reflects fundamental theoretical principles and mechanisms of the mind. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138877788

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderA Handbook for Diagnosis and Treatment Widely regarded as the standard clinical reference this volume provides the best current knowledge about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children adolescents and adults. The field's leading authorities address all aspects of assessment diagnosis and treatment including psychological therapies and pharmacotherapy. Core components of ADHD are elucidated. The volume explores the impact of the disorder across a wide range of functional domains--behavior learning psychological adjustment school and vocational outcomes and health. All chapters conclude with user-friendly Key Clinical Points.New to This Edition*Reflects significant advances in research and clinical practice.*Expanded with many new authors and new topics.*Chapters on cutting-edge interventions: social skills training dietary management executive function training driving risk interventions complementary/alternative medicine and therapies for adults.*Chapters on the nature of the disorder: neuropsychological aspects emotional dysregulation peer relationships child- and adult-specific domains of impairment sluggish cognitive tempo and more. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462538874

AttentionSelective Processes in Vision and Hearing The early years of modern experimental psychology were marked by a considerable amount of research on attention and much work was carried out in the laboratories of Wundt Titchener and Helmholtz. For various reasons research on attention declined from 1920 until the 1950s. Under the early philosophy of behaviourism attention became suspect as a ‘mentalistic’ concept. At the time of original publication in 1969 however much work had been done to quantify and make objective research in this area. This was of increasing importance in a world dominated by communication networks and ‘man-machine’ systems in which the human element is the weakest link due to the limits on the rate at which man can handle information. Following the publication of Broadbent’s Perception and Communication in 1958 work on attention had begun to pour from an ever increasing number of laboratories. This book is dedicated to summarising what we knew and attempts to survey the behavioural research in vision and hearing which throw light on how we share and direct attention what are the limits of attention to make some general methodological recommendations to review current theories of the time and to provide a guide to the relevant physiological work. As far as possible work on memory has been omitted. A bibliography of the major work to the spring of 1969 is included. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138200388

Attic Oratory and Performance In a society where public speech was integral to the decision-making process and where all affairs pertaining to the community were the subject of democratic debate the communication between the speaker and his audience in the public forum whether the law-court or the Assembly cannot be separated from the notion of performance. Attic Oratory and Performance seeks to make modern Performance Studies productive for and so make a significant contribution to the understanding of Greek oratory. Although quite a lot of ink has been spilt over the performance dimension of oratory the focus of nearly all of the scholarship in this area has been relatively narrow understanding performance as only encompassing 'delivery' – the use of gestures and vocal ploys – and the convergences and divergences between oratory and theatre. Serafim seeks to move beyond this relatively narrow focus to offer a holistic perspective on performance and oratory. Using examples from selected forensic speeches in particular four interconnected speeches by Aeschines (2 3) and Demosthenes (18 19) he argues that oratorical performance encompassed subtle communication between the speaker and the audience beyond mere delivery and that the surviving texts offer numerous glimpses of the performative dimension of these speeches and their links to contemporary theatre. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367871277

Attitude ChangeThe Competing Views What are attitudes and how are they modified? The many opposing theories to answer this question reflects not only the complexity but also the importance of the field. A central concern of social psychology attitude change is also relevant to the study of human behavior in general and a matter of major significance to the world outside the laboratory. Valid and useful theories of attitude change are thus of far-reaching consequence. At the same time the richness and flexibility of attitude structures and the numerous methodological problems involved in studying them make the development of a definitive theory difficult if not impossible. For these reasons many explanations have been offered but none have been greatly accepted.The essays included here give voice to a broad sampling of these competing viewpoints. For years attention has been directed mostly to the individual's need to maintain harmony within him and several of the authors focus on this concept. Cognitive dissonance theory is evaluated in particular detail. Ideas derived from other areas of psychology and attitude change theories based on learning perception and cognitive motivation are also well represented in this volume.In his introduction Suedfeld evaluates these major approaches as well as several less well-known alternatives. In weighing the strengths and weaknesses of each system he considers the limits of the applications of the various theories and the problems the theorists face. This book will be welcomed in a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses and by scholars and educated laymen seeking information on the current state of knowledge in this field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519015

Attitude or Latitude?Australian Aviation Safety Australia has an enviable record for airline safety - No one has ever died in an accident involving a commercial jet aircraft in Australia. The reasons behind this have been the source of much speculation and theories tend to focus on issues related to the natural environment and even luck. However with human error being present in arguably 100% of aircraft accidents it seems reasonable that a good safety record is at least partly the consequence of human intervention. This text uses Australian aviation as a case study of a safe system to explore the interactions between the natural operational and human environments. Based on doctoral research including a major survey of pilot and air traffic controller perceptions the book is unusual in that it looks at positive examples in safety rather than taking the traditional reactive approach to safety deficiencies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138263895

Attitude Poster The poster is available with a thin Plastic Film Coating to protect against dust and grime fading due to light exposure and oil from finger marks. We encourage our customers to protect their posters with this product. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781926537894

Attitude StrengthAntecedents and Consequences Social psychologists have long recognized the possibility that attitudes might differ from one another in terms of their strength but only recently had the profound implications of this view been explored. Yet because investigators in the area were pursuing interesting but independent programs of research exploring different aspects of strength there was little articulation of assumptions underlying the work and little effort to establish a common research agenda. The goals of this book are to highlight these assumptions to review the discoveries this work has produced and to suggest directions for future work in the area. The chapter authors include individuals who have made significant contributions to the published literature and represent a diversity of perspectives on the topic. In addition to providing an overview of the broad area of attitude strength particular chapters deal in depth with specific features of attitudes related to strength and integrate the diverse bodies of relevant theory and empirical evidence. The book will be of interest to graduate students initiating work on attitudes as well as to longstanding scholars in the field. Because of the many potential directions for application of work on attitude strength to amelioration of social problems the book will be valuable to scholars in various applied disciplines such as political science marketing sociology public opinion and others studying attitudinal phenomena. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315807041

Attitude Structure and Function Utilizing "new wave" research including new psychological theories new statistical techniques and a stronger methodology this collection unites a diversity of recent research perspectives on attitudes and the psychological functions of an attitude. The objective of the editors was to bring together the bits and pieces of validated data into one systematic and adequate set of general principles leading to the view of attitudes as predictions. As the volume reformulates old concepts explores new angles and seeks a relationship among various sub-areas it also shows improvements in the sophistication of research designs and methodologies the specifications of variables and the precision in defining concepts. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315801780

Attitudes Poverty and Agency in Russia and Ukraine One of the main ideas behind this book was to trace continuities from the Soviet time to post-Soviet Russia. There are many similarities between Russia and Ukraine indicating such a continuation. Russia and Ukraine had a lot in common in terms of culture language and history partly also because of their common origin. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union however the two independent countries chose different routes of development. This makes it possible to distinguish between the effects of politics/reforms on the one hand and the impacts from the Soviet system on the other. After some more or less chaotic development paths in the 1990s showing clear differences between the two countries and before the contemporary conflict broke out in Eastern Ukraine (2013) they had once again more similarities in terms of political leadership and policies in general. The chapters in this book focus on Ukraine and on two regions in Russia: Nizhny Novgorod and Archangelsk. Contributors look at attitudes towards poverty and poor people; strategies of the poor; and policies against poverty. This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138300149

Attitudes and Attitude Change Attitudes have been a central topic in social psychology from its early beginnings. But what exactly are attitudes where do they come from and how can they be modified? The overall aim of Attitudes and Attitude Change is to provide students with a comprehensive and accessible introduction to these basic issues in the psychological study of attitudes. In four parts readers learn about how attitudes can be measured how attitudes are shaped in the course of life how they are changed by other people and finally how attitudes in turn affect our thoughts and behavior. This completely revised and updated second edition covers many recent developments and reports cutting-edge research while also addressing the classic findings and theories that advanced the field. In addition to integrating the newly emerged topics of implicit attitudes and recent models regarding the coexistence of explicit and implicit attitudes this edition also adds chapters on social influence and resistance to persuasion. This comprehensive and user-friendly book carefully balances theoretical underpinnings and empirical findings with applied examples to enable readers to use the insights of attitude research for practical applications. Critical discussions also instigate readers to develop their own thinking on key topics. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781841696744

Attitudes and Attitude Change This volume assembles a distinguished group of international scholars whose chapters on classic and emerging issues in research on attitudes provide an excellent introduction for advanced undergraduates and graduate students. The book’s chapters cover all of the most critical features of attitude measurement attitude development and attitude change. Implicit and explicit approaches to measurement and conceptualization are featured throughout making this one of the most up-to-date treatments of attitude theory and research currently available. The comprehensive coverage of the central topics in this important field provides a useful text in advanced courses on persuasion or attitude change. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138010017

Attitudes and Decisions The concept of attitude has long been a central part of social psychological theories. It is important in other disciplines too such as economics business studies politics and sociology. Originally published in 1988 the authors of this text show how attitudes and motives are crucial in human decision-making and explore the relationship between them. They look closely at the real context of people’s attitudes and behaviour pointing out that attitudes are both a social product and an intrinsic part of social action. The authors show that theories of judgment attitudes attribution and decision-making can make important contributions to social issues such as the employment of nuclear energy the storage of nuclear waste health behaviour and medical decision-making. They emphasize that social psychology is relevant to a wide variety of social issues deriving from the theoretical and distinctive methods that social psychology has developed. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138951457

Attitudes and Opinions Notable advances resulting from new research findings measurement approaches widespread uses of the Internet and increasingly sophisticated approaches to sampling and polling have stimulated a new generation of attitude scholars. This extensively revised edition captures this excitement while remaining grounded in scholarly research.Attitudes and Opinions 3/e maintains one of the main goals of the original edition--breadth of coverage. The book thoroughly reviews both implicit and explicit measures of attitudes the structure and function of attitudes the nature of public opinion and polling attitude formation communication of attitudes and opinions and the relationship between attitudes and behaviors as well as theories and research on attitude change. Over 2 000 references support the book's scientific integrity. The authors' second goal is to demonstrate the relevance of the topic to people's lives. Subsequently the second part of the book examines many of the topics and research findings that are salient in the world today--political and international attitudes (including terrorism) voting behavior racism and prejudice sexism and gender roles and environmental attitudes.This thoroughly revised new edition features: *an entirely new chapter on implicit measures attitudes;*a new chapter on environmental attitudes;*updated opinion poll data throughout the book;*additional material on time trends in attitudes about many issues; and*expanded updated sections on international attitudes reflecting the events of 9/11 and the subsequent invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.Attitudes and Opinions' broad and interdisciplinary perspective makes this an ideal text in courses on attitudes public opinion survey research or persuasion taught in a variety of departments including psychology communication marketing sociology and political science. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138003910

Attitudes and Persuasion Attitudes and Persuasion provides an up-to-date overview of the crucial role that attitudes play in our everyday lives and how our thoughts and behaviour are influenced. The nature function and origins of attitudes are examined and a review of how they can be measured is given. The book addresses complex questions such as whether we always behave in accordance with our attitudes and what factors may influence us to change them. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315787855

Attitudes And PersuasionClassic And Contemporary Approaches This book provides a needed survey of a truly remarkable number of different theoretical approaches to the related phenomena of attitude and belief change. It focuses on variable perspective theory which is far more deserving of attention than the present level of research activity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314620

Attitudes to English Study among Japanese Chinese and Korean WomenMotivations Expectations and Identity This edited book comprises chapters integrated around a central theme on college-educated Japanese Korean and Chinese women’s orientation to English study. The collection is composed of two parts: (1) East Asian women’s motivation to study in the West and (2) East Asian women’s dream to use English as a career. The first part discusses their international migration as facilitated by factors characteristic of East Asian nations (e.g. middle-class women’s access to advanced education and yet unequal access to professional career) and other factors inherent in each nation (e.g. different social evaluations of women equipped with competitive overseas degrees and English proficiency). The second part sheds light on the dreams and realities of East Asian female adults who having been avid English learners aim for "dream jobs" (e.g. interpreters) or have few other career choices but to be re-trained as English specialists or even as Japanese language teachers working abroad. This collection is suitable for any scholar interested in the lives and voices of young educated women who strive to empower themselves with language skills in the seemingly promising neoliberal world that is however riddled with ideological contradictions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367336981

Attitudes to World EnglishesImplications for teaching English in South Korea This book critically examines South Korean English teachers’ awareness of and attitude towards eight varieties of English and how they respond to the proposal of a World Englishes approach in their teaching practice. It showcases the deeply rooted favouritism towards American English and illustrates how relevant challenges arising from this attitude can be addressed to meet the changing needs of future participants in international contexts. This book argues that disclosing and questioning the hidden discursive practices embedded in the English education policy in South Korea may be the first step in raising awareness of and in changing negative attitudes towards embracing diversified Englishes. The findings are systemically discussed in relation to the implications that researching awareness and attitude has for pedagogical considerations and for teacher training. This book aims to contribute to the field of WE where studies relating to the South Korean context are largely limited. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367410698

Attitudes Toward Handicapped StudentsProfessional Peer and Parent Reactions Many handicapped children are now being treated and educated in the mainstream of society. Therefore it is important for professionals to be knowledgeable about the attitudes of societal members toward these students. This text is a thorough and invaluable sourcebook on how attitudes are formed measured and changed. An extensive discussion about professional peer parental and sibling attitudes toward a class or family member and reviewing methodologies for change are provided. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203728239

Attitudes Towards EuropeLanguage in the Unification Process An innovative collaborative research project conducted jointly at Durham University and the Istitut für deutsche Sprache in Mannheim Germany. It focuses on the study of public debates on economic and political integration of Europe in both Britain and Germany and how these debates have developed in the post war period up to the 1990s. The following topics are investigated: Euro-discourse and the new media British national identity in the European context representations of Germany in the context of European integration in Margaret Thatcher’s autobiographies European debates in post-World War II Germany the European debate in and between Germany and Great Britain the career of the neologism Euro in German Press Texts and the metaphorization of European politics. The study links to Internet implications providing the basis for further contrastive and comparative research on public discourse in the field of European politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138258037

AttitudesInsights from the New Implicit Measures This book tackles a subject that has captured the imagination of many researchers in the field: attitudes. Although the field has always recognized that people’s attitudes could be assessed in different ways from direct self-reports to disguised observations of behavior the past decade has shown several new approaches to attitude measurement. Despite the fact that there is no monolithic point of view with respect to implicit attitudes or measures this book proves informative in capturing the exciting developments that have taken place over the past decade in the study of attitudes and point the way for future exploration. Although researchers in the field have long used physiological measures more sophisticated approaches have now been developed that rely on brain imaging techniques to examine evaluative processes. This book addresses all of these new techniques as well as the new wave of implicit measures and the contribution they have made to understanding attitudes and attitude change. This volume will be an essential resource for students and researchers in social psychology with an interest in the core topic of attitudes. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138882904

Attlee Attlee is undoubtedly one of the key figures in modern British history. An important figure in Churchill's War Cabinet and premier of the first majority Labour Government he created the Welfare State nationalised a substantial part of industry and secured the independence of India. Yet his political stature remains unresolved. Was he Churchill's "modest man with much to be modest about" who squandered the fruits of victory or as many now claim one of the truly great prime ministers? Robert Pearce's lucid and drily amusing study goes behind the stern exterior to find ambition and indecision and a uniquely moral vision. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138180628

Attlee's Labour Governments 1945-51 The Labour governments of 1945-51 are among the most important and controversial in modern British history and have been the focus of extensive research over the last fifteen years. In this study Robert Pearce makes the results of this research available in a concise and accessible form whilst encouraging students to formulate their own interpretations. He looks at the main political personalities of the period sets their work in the context of Labour history since 1900 and examines their domestic foreign and imperial achievements. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138174924

Attraction and AttachmentUnderstanding Styles of Relationships Here is a fascinating exploration of the powerful forces of attachment and attraction that determine the formation and styles of couples’relationships. What factors attract one person to another? What determines whether or not a healthy relationship is formed? As therapists know there is much in this world that passes for love but is really the result of leftover dependency needs and unresolved attachment issues. Attraction and Attachment: Understanding Styles of Relationships examines issues of attachment in relationships discusses the validity of the concept of codependency as one aspect of attachment and explores various aspects of attraction.The contributing authors consider some of the many styles of relationships that are called love and examine some of the basic sources of attraction. Attraction and Attachment includes an in-depth evaluation of the concept of codependency a review of the literature on attraction methods for achieving equilibrium in sexual intimacy and some of Virginia Satir’s insights on fear and making changes. Just a few of the specific topics explored in these important chapters include: the relationship of childhood attachment experiences and successful long-term marriages the influence of therapists’implicit philosophies on treatment options and their effectiveness in therapy a review of biological psychological and social psychological literature on mate selection a definition of codependency a study of the link between codependency and depression couples’acceptance of alternative treatment formatsPsychiatrists psychologists and clinical social workers as well as substance abuse counselors and pastoral counselors can discover new insights on attraction and attachment in this provocative book. All mental health professionals can find new ways of looking at the foundational elements of relationships that are invaluable to them in their work with couples. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964112

Attraction and HostilityAn Experimental Analysis of Interpersonal and Self Evaluation Attraction and hostility find expression in almost every variety of human relationship and have consequently provided a central theme for social psychology since its beginnings. Yet attempts to conceptualize the diverse phenomena embraced in these terms have produced theories of such wide generality that they have little explanatory or predictive force. The object of the present study is to bring precision to a vast and sprawling area by setting limits and dimensions to the phenomena and investigating them experimentally on the basis of a series of hypotheses derived from a critical analysis of current conceptual approaches including frustration need-satisfaction and dissonance models.The programme of experimental studies focuses on cognitive validation-a motivation to form and maintain subjectively valid evaluations of the self and the social environment-which is shown to be a common denominator of a number of attraction and hostility measures. The results throw light on reactions to boastfulness and to self-debasement; impressions of persons who are described by biased informants; effects of self-evaluation on competitiveness and the projection of unfavourable characteristics.The interest of the study for social psychologists derives both from its theoretical integration of a wide range of behaviour and from its contribution to experimental design. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519022

Attraction ExplainedThe science of how we form relationships When it comes to relationships there’s no shortage of advice from self-help ‘experts’ pick-up artists and glossy magazines. But modern-day myths of attraction often have no basis in fact or – worse – are rooted in little more than misogyny. Based on science rather than self-help clichés psychologist Viren Swami debunks these myths and draws on cutting-edge research to provide a ground-breaking and evidence-based account of relationship formation. At the core of this book is a very simple idea: there are no ‘laws of attraction’ no fool-proof methods or strategies for getting someone to date you. But this isn’t to say that there’s nothing to be gained from studying attraction. Based on science rather than self-help clichés Attraction Explained looks at how factors such as geography physical appearance reciprocity and similarity affect who we fall for and why. With updated statistics this second edition also includes new content on online dating queer relationships racism in dating shyness and individual differences. It remains an engaging and accessible introduction to attraction relationship formation for professionals students and general readers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367645793

Attraction ExplainedThe science of how we form relationships How much does appearance matter in the formation of romantic relationships? Do nice guys always finish last? Does playing hard-to-get ever work? What really makes for a good chat-up line? When it comes to relationships there’s no shortage of advice from self-help ‘experts’ pick-up artists and glossy magazines. But modern-day myths of attraction often have no basis in fact or – worse – are rooted in little more than misogyny. In Attraction Explained psychologist Viren Swami debunks these myths and draws on cutting-edge research to provide a ground-breaking and evidence-based account of relationship formation. At the core of this book is a very simple idea: there are no ‘laws of attraction’ no foolproof methods or strategies for getting someone to date you. But this isn’t to say that there’s nothing to be gained from studying attraction. Based on science rather than self-help clichés Attraction Explained looks at how factors such as geography appearance personality and similarity affect who we fall for and why. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138937031

Attribute-Based Encryption and Access Control This book covers a broader scope of Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) from the background knowledge to specific constructions theoretic proofs and applications. The goal is to provide in-depth knowledge usable for college students and researchers who want to have a comprehensive understanding of ABE schemes and novel ABE-enabled research and applications. The specific focus is to present the development of using new ABE features such as group-based access ID-based revocation and attributes management functions such as delegation federation and interoperability. These new capabilities can build a new ABE-based Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) solution that can incorporate data access policies and control into ciphertext. This book is also ideal for IT companies to provide them with the most recent technologies and research on how to implement data access control models for mobile and data-centric applications where data access control does not need to rely on a fixed access control infrastructure. It’s also of interested to those working in security to enable them to have the most recent developments in data access control such as ICN and Blockchain technologies. Features Covers cryptographic background knowledge for ABE and ABAC Features various ABE constructions to achieve integrated access control capabilities Offers a comprehensive coverage of ABE-based ABAC Provides ABE applications with real-world examples Advances the ABE research to support new mobile and data-centric applications Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780815381358

Attributes of Memory First published in 1974 Attributes of Memory rejected the prevalent stress on the structure of memory. It suggests that the view of memory as a sequence of stores through which information passes is mistaken. Instead the author emphasizes the coding process of memory by which the nominal stimulus the stimulus as presented is transformed into the functional stimulus the stimulus as coded. Dr Herriot proposes that there are many different forms of coding and that efficiency of recall or recognition performance is a function of the nature of coding employed. He suggests that the subject’s linguistic system is the most frequently employed linguistic device; that is that the underlying attributes and rules of language are used automatically when material is verbal. Since the basic function of language is to communicate meaning those forms of coding which are meaningful in nature are most effective in memory. The book cites a great deal of experimental evidence including many studies of the time. As well as stating a point of view it should be useful to undergraduate and postgraduate students as a review of the early literature read in its historical context. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781848721715

Attribution TheoryAn Organizational Perspective With Special Contributions from Bernard Weiner Ph.D. (UCLA) and Robert Lord Ph.D. (Univ. of Akron)Attribution theory is concerned with peoples causal explanation for outcomes: successes and failures. The basic premise is that beliefs about outcomes are a primary determinant of expectations and consequently future behavior. Attribution theory articulates how this process occurs and provides a basis for understanding that translates into practical action.Attribution Theory: An Organizational Perspective serves as a primary sourcebook of attribution theory as it relates to management and organizational behavior. The text provides an integrated explanation of the role and function of attribution theory in the organization. This important new book contains original empirical research relating attributions to leader evaluations reactions to information technologies management of diverse work groups achievement and executive succession and power. The contributors are from a variety of disciplines including management psychology education educational psychology and sociology. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315137926

Attribution TheoryApplications to Achievement Mental Health and Interpersonal Conflict This unusual volume begins with a historical overview of the growth of attribution theory setting the stage for the three broad domains of application that are addressed in the remainder of the book. These include applications to: achievement strivings in the classroom and the sports domain; issues of mental health such as analyses of stress and coping and interpretations of psychotherapy; and personal and business conflict such as buyer- seller disagreement marital discord dissension in the workplace and international strife. Because the chapters in Attribution Theory are more research-based than practice- oriented this book will be of great interest and value to an audience of applied psychologists. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138987661

AttributionAn Introduction to Theories Research and Applications Attribution concerns the scientific study of naive theories and common-sense explanations. This text provides a thorough and up-to-date introduction to the field combining comprehensive coverage of the fundamental theoretical ideas and most significant research with an overview of more recent developments. The author begins with a broad overview of the central questions and basic assumptions of attribution research. This is followed by discussion of the ways in which causal explanations determine reactions to success or failure and how our causal explanations of other people's actions shape our behaviour toward them. The manner in which attributions may shape communication and how people often quite indirectly communicate their beliefs about causality is also explained. Finally the issue of changing causal connections in training and therapy is addressed. With end of chapter summaries further reading and exercises to illustrate key attribution phenomena Attribution will be essential reading for students of social psychology and associated areas such as personality educational organisational and clinical psychology. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315804514

Atypical Cognitive Deficits in Developmental DisordersImplications for Brain Function This volume is based on a conference held to examine what is known about cognitive behaviors and brain structure and function in three syndromes and to evaluate the usefulness of such models. The goal of this endeavor is to add to the knowledge base of cognitive neuroscience within a developmental framework. Most of what is known about the neurological basis of cognitive function in humans has been learned from studies of central nervous system trauma or disease in adults. Certain neurodevelopmental disorders affect the central nervous system in unique ways by producing specific as opposed to generalized cognitive deficit. Studies of these disorders using neurobiological and behavioral techniques can yield new insights into the localization of cognitive function and the developmental course of atypical cognitive profiles. The focus of this book is a discussion of the multidisciplinary research findings from studies of autism and Williams and Turner syndromes. The approaches methods techniques and findings reported are at the cutting edge of neuroscience research on complex behavior patterns and their neural substrates. Each disorder is accompanied by some degree of general cognitive impairment or mental retardation. Of greater interest are the atypical deficits in which a cognitive function is spared such as language in Williams syndrome or is disproportionately depressed as are spatial discrimination skills and visual-motor coordination in Turner syndrome. Drastically reduced or seemingly absent language capabilities and little interaction with other people characterize the core autism syndrome. A comprehensive and critical discussion of appropriate statistical techniques is made vivid by examples given from studies of small groups or single subjects in neurolinguistics and related fields. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138964129

Aubrey on EducationA Hitherto Unpublished Manuscript by the Author of Brief Lives In 1699 John Aubrey began to compile notes for a scheme for the education of young gentlemen. The manuscript he left has never been published. The editor of the volume organized and re-arranged the text and has provided an historical Introduction and detailed notes. Aubrey gives a graphic account of education at the time. He displays a remarkable breadth of knowledge of the broad issues of history law mechanics science and pedagogy and he was intensely curious about the practicalities of teaching language and number the effects of puberty diet travel games and music. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138006478

Audience Agency and Identity in Black Popular Culture Audience Agency and Identity in Black Popular Culture analyses black cultural representations that appropriate anti-black stereotypes. Using examples from literature media and art Worsley examines how these cultural products do not rework anti-black stereotypes into seemingly positive images. Rather they present anti-black stereotypes in their original forms and encourage audiences not to ignore but to explore them. Shifting critical commentary from a need to censor these questionable images Worsley offers a complex consideration of the value of and problems with these alternative anti-racist strategies in light of stereotypes’ persistence. This book furthers our understanding of the historical circumstances that are influencing contemporary representations of black subjects that are purposefully derogatory and documents the consequences of these images. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846165

Audience as PerformerThe changing role of theatre audiences in the twenty-first century 'Actors always talk about what the audience does. I don’t understand we are just sitting here.' Audience as Performer proposes that in the theatre there are two troupes of performers: the actors and the audience. Although academics have scrutinised how audiences respond make meaning and co-create while watching a performance little research has considered the behaviour of the theatre audience as a performance in and of itself. This insightful book describes how an audience performs through its myriad gestural vocal and paralingual actions and considers the following questions: If the audience are performers who are their audiences? How have audiences’ roles changed throughout history? How do talkbacks and technology influence the audience’s role as critics? What influence does the audience have on the creation of community in theatre? How can the audience function as both consumer and co-creator? Drawing from over 140 interviews with audience members actors and ushers in the UK USA and Austrialia Heim reveals the lived experience of audience members at the theatrical event. It is a fresh reading of mainstream audiences’ activities bringing their voices to the fore and exploring their emerging new roles in the theatre of the Twenty-First Century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138796928

Audience Feedback in the News Media As long as there has been news media there has been audience feedback. This book provides the first definitive history of the evolution of audience feedback from the early newsbooks of the 16th century to the rough-and-tumble online forums of the modern age. In addition to tracing the historical development of audience feedback the book considers how news media has changed its approach to accommodating audience participation and explores how audience feedback can serve the needs of both individuals and collectives in democratic society. Reader writes from a position of authority having worked as a "letters to the editor" editor and has written numerous research articles and professional essays on the topic over the past 15 years. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138548657

Audience Research MethodologiesBetween Innovation and Consolidation The transformations of people’s relations to media content technologies and institutions raise new methodological challenges and opportunities for audience research. This edited volume aims at contributing to the development of the repertoire of methods and methodologies for audience research by reviewing and exemplifying approaches that have been stimulated by the changing conditions and practices of audiences. The contributions address a range of issues and approaches related to the diversification integration and triangulation of methods for audience research to the gap between the researched and the researchers to the study of online social networks and to the opportunities brought about by Web 2.0 technologies as research tools. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138641617

Audience Responses To Media DiversificationCoping With Plenty First published in 1989. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415516228

Audience StudiesA Japanese Perspective This book theorizes the role of media and ICT in today’s media-rich global environment and introduces a new argument of audience complexity in an accessible and lively fashion. Based on an ethnography of Japanese engagement with media and ICT in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area Takahashi offers a non-Western case study of some of the world’s most advanced ICT users. Integrating non-Western and Western traditions in the social sciences the book presents a productive new framework for understanding the complex diverse and dynamic nature of media audiences in the context of globalization and social change brought on by new media and information technologies. A significant contribution to the ‘internationalisation’ of media studies movement now underway the book will demonstrate (1) the multiple dimensions of audience engagement; (2) the transformation of the notion of uchi (Japanese social groups) in a media-rich environment; and (3) the role of media and ICT in the process of self-creation. The study considers the future of a Japanese society caught in the currents of globalization and contemporary debates of universalism and cultural specificity while at the same time offering a view of globalization from a Japanese perspective. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415896580

Audience TransformationsShifting Audience Positions in Late Modernity The concept of the audience is changing. In the twenty-first century there are novel configurations of user practices and technological capabilities that are altering the way we understand and trust media organizations and representations how we participate in society and how we construct our social relations. This book embeds these transformations in a societal cultural technological ideological economic and historical context avoiding a naive privileging of technology as the main societal driving force but also avoiding the media-centric reduction of society to the audiences that are situated within. Audience Transformations provides a platform for a nuanced and careful analysis of the main changes in European communicational practices and their social cultural and technological affordances. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138100961

Audio and Speech Processing with MATLAB Speech and audio processing has undergone a revolution in preceding decades that has accelerated in the last few years generating game-changing technologies such as truly successful speech recognition systems; a goal that had remained out of reach until very recently. This book gives the reader a comprehensive overview of such contemporary speech and audio processing techniques with an emphasis on practical implementations and illustrations using MATLAB code. Core concepts are firstly covered giving an introduction to the physics of audio and vibration together with their representations using complex numbers Z transforms and frequency analysis transforms such as the FFT.   Later chapters give a description of the human auditory system and the fundamentals of psychoacoustics.  Insights results and analyses given in these chapters are subsequently used as the basis of understanding of the middle section of the book covering: wideband audio compression (MP3 audio etc.) speech recognition and speech coding. The final chapter covers musical synthesis and applications describing methods such as (and giving MATLAB examples of) AM FM and ring modulation techniques. This chapter gives a final example of the use of time-frequency modification to implement a so-called phase vocoder for time stretching (in MATLAB).FeaturesA comprehensive overview of contemporary speech and audio processing techniques from perceptual and physical acoustic models to a thorough background in relevant digital signal processing techniques together with an exploration of speech and audio applications. A carefully paced progression of complexity of the described methods; building in many cases from first principles.Speech and wideband audio coding together with a description of associated standardised codecs (e.g. MP3 AAC and GSM).Speech recognition: Feature extraction (e.g. MFCC features) Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) and deep learning techniques such as Long Short-Time Memory (LSTM) methods.Book and computer-based problems at the end of each chapter.Contains numerous real-world examples backed up by many MATLAB functions and code. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367656317

Audio Anecdotes IIITools Tips and Techniques for Digital Audio This collection of articles provides practical and relevant tools tips and techniques for those working in the digital audio field. Volume III with contributions from experts in their fields includes articles on a variety of topics including: - Recording Music - Sound Synthesis - Voice Synthesis - Speech Processing - Applied Signal Processing - HRTF Spatialization - Synchronization - Music Composition - Human Experience Applications of digital audio techniques are indispensable in the recording industry the film industry interactive gaming human computer interaction and more. Media > Books > Print Books A K Peters/CRC Press 9780367452858

Audio Anecdotes IITools Tips and Techniques for Digital Audio This collection of articles provides practical and relevant tools tips and techniques for those working in the digital audio field. Volume II with contributions from experts in their fields includes articles on: - Field recording - Synthesis - Signal processing - Spatialization - Computer techniques and tools - Music theory - Sound design - Sound in nature An enclosed CD-ROM provides demos source code and examples. Audio Anecdotes is an invaluable tool for anyone who uses digital sound in the creation of computer-generated works: - Musicians - Game developers - Sound producers and others Media > Books > Print Books A K Peters/CRC Press 9780367446543

Audio EducationTheory Culture and Practice Audio Education: Theory Culture and Practice is a groundbreaking volume of 16 chapters exploring the historical perspectives methodologies and theoretical underpinnings that shape audio in educational settings. Bringing together insights from a roster of international contributors this book presents perspectives from researchers practitioners educators and historians. Audio Education highlights a range of timely topics including environmental sustainability inclusivity interaction with audio industries critical listening and student engagement making it recommended reading for teachers researchers and practitioners engaging with the field of audio education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367074449

Audio EffectsTheory Implementation and Application Audio Effects: Theory Implementation and Application explores digital audio effects relevant to audio signal processing and music informatics. It supplies fundamental background information on digital signal processing focusing on audio-specific aspects that constitute the building block on which audio effects are developed. The text integrates theory and practice relating technical implementation to musical implications. It can be used to gain an understanding of the operation of existing audio effects or to create new ones. In addition to delivering detailed coverage of common (and unusual) audio effects the book discusses current digital audio standards most notably VST and AudioUnit. Source code is provided in C/C++ and implemented as audio effect plug-ins with accompanying sound samples. Each section of the book includes study questions anecdotes from the history of music technology and examples that offer valuable real-world insight making this an ideal resource for researchers and for students moving directly into industry. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466560284

Audio Engineering 101A Beginner's Guide to Music Production Practical concise and approachable Audio Engineering 101 Second Edition covers everything aspiring audio engineers need to know to make it in the recording industry from the characteristics of sound to microphones analog versus digital recording EQ/compression mixing mastering and career skills. Filled with hand-ons step-by-step technique breakdowns and all-new interviews with active professionals this updated edition includes instruction in using digital consoles iPads for mixing audio apps plug-ins home studios and audio for podcasts. An extensive companion website features fifteen new video tutorials audio clips equipment lists quizzes and student exercises. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138658776

Audio Engineering Explained All the design and development inspiration and direction an audio engineer needs in one blockbuster book! Douglas Self has selected the very best sound engineering design material from the Focal and Newnes portfolio and complied it into this volume. The result is a book covering the gamut of sound engineering.The material has been selected for its timelessness as well as for its relevance to contemporary sound engineering issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138406599

Audio Engineer's Reference Book An authoritative reference on all aspects of audio engineering and technology including basic mathematics and formulae acoustics and psychoacoustics microphones loudspeakers and studio installations. Compiled by an international team of experts the second edition was updated to keep abreast of fast-moving areas such as digital audio and transmission technology. Much of the material has been revised updated and expanded to cover the very latest techniques. This is a new paperback version. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780080499581

Audio for Single Camera Operation In the last decade a greater demand has been placed on cameramen to record sound as well as pictures on location. For anyone wanting to learn about the basics of recording sound specific to single camera location work this book provides an ideal grounding. It covers the equipment a single operator would use methods and examples of how to learn sound techniques and ways of successfully working alone. While it offers an account of audio theory including post-production it also explains the essential audio technology basics. Covering typical techniques including live broadcasting it teaches practical everyday instruction on what microphones to rig how to sound balance everyday news magazine and current affairs etc.Techniques are explained and laid out in an accessible format supported by diagrams and are organised in easy to browse topics for quick reference. The author's approach is clear yet comprehensive offering real hands-on experience of the skills involved in broadcast audio. This manual is seen as a basic practical introduction to tackling the problems of recording sound on location as a cameraman thus providing the necessary experience and knowledge required of everyday operation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138159259

Audio for Television Audio for Television outlinines all the relevant principles and practices. Newcomers to the field will find it an invaluable up to date resource and experienced sound people will gain from the explanations of new technology.The rate of change in the technology of television sound has recently accelerated to such a degree that it is now a sufficiently expansive subject to warrant a book of its own. These rapid changes from the introduction first of stereo then multi-channel or surround sound have made it difficult for those working in this field to keep up with the technology and even harder for those just setting out on a career in television sound.The book considers analog and digital audio as alternatives and stresses the advantages of both. Microphone and loudspeaker technology is also discussed in some detail and audio recording and routing and transmission are also covered. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138412620

Audio Mastering: The ArtistsDiscussions from Pre-Production to Mastering Audio Mastering: The Artists collects more than twenty interviews drawn from more than 60 hours of discussions with many of the world’s leading mastering engineers.  In these exclusive and often intimate interviews engineers consider the audio mastering process as they themselves experience and shape it as the leading artists in their field.  Each interview covers how engineers got started in the recording industry what prompted them to pursue mastering how they learned about the process which tools and techniques they routinely use when they work and a host of other particulars of their crafts.  We also spoke with mix engineers and craftsmen responsible for some of the more iconic mastering tools now on the market to gain a broader perspective on their work.   This book is the first to provide such a comprehensive overview of the audio mastering process told from the point-of-view of the artists who engage in it.  In so doing it pulls the curtain back on a crucial but seldom heard from agency in record production at large. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138900059

Audio MeteringMeasurements Standards and Practice In this comprehensive guide Brixen takes the reader through the complex and confusing aspects of audio metering imparting the knowledge and skills needed to utilize optional signal levels and produce high-quality audio. Covering all aspects of this fundamental subject Audio Metering: Measurements Standards and Practice begins with the basics such as audio definitions and digital techniques and works up to more complex topics like hearing and psychoacoustics. This revised and expanded third edition includes: Updated information on loudness metering covering both existing and new standards. Definitions of terms such as LKFS LUFS gating LRA. Explanations of signal types and musical sounds and structures. Further details on immersive audio. Skills needed for both small-room acoustics and large auditorium sound design without loss of sound quality. Descriptions of measurement signals and systems for audio and acoustic sound. A chapter on listening tests from small set-ups to large-scale comparisons of PA/SR-systems. Packed full of valuable information with a wide range of practical applications this is the essential reference guide to audio metering for technicians engineers and tonmeisters as well as sound designers working with acoustics electroacoustics broadcast studio recording sound art archiving audio forensics and theatrical and live-audio setups. Media > Books > Print Books Focal Press 9781138909113

Audio Over IPBuilding Pro AoIP Systems with Livewire Position yourself at the forefront of audio and broadcast studio technology by learning audio over IP. You will gain knowledge of IP network engineering as it applies to audio applications and then progress to a full understanding of how equipment built on Ethernet and Internet Protocol are used in today's audio production and broadcast facilities for the transporting mixing and processing of pro-quality audio. A chapter on integrating Voice-over IP telephony (VoIP) to pro-audio and broadcast facilities is also included. Using the popular Livewire technology you will learn how to design construct configure and troubleshoot an AoIP system including how to interface with PCs VoIP telephone PBXs IP codecs and the Internet. See how AoIP systems work in practice and discover their distinct advantages over older audio infrastructures. With its complete introduction to AoIP technology in a fun highly readable style this book is essential for audio professionals who want to broaden their knowledge of IP-based studio systems--or for IT experts who need to understand AoIP applications. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138129221

Audio Post Production for Television and FilmAn introduction to technology and techniques Previously titled Audio Post-production in Video and Film this third edition has been completely revised and restructured to provide a step-by-step guide to the professional techniques used to shape a soundtrack through the production process. Covering sound for both film and television this edition includes many of the practical techniques and shortcuts used by experienced editors and mixers. Part one explains the basics of audio post production - how audio is recorded how sound and picture stay in sync how audio can be exported from system to system and how film and video technology works. Part two follows the path of production sound from its original recording right through to the final mix and includes sections on editing sound with picture dialogue sound effects and music editing how to run ADR and Foley record sessions and mixing using many practical examples.Audio Post Production for Television and Film is aimed at professionals already working in the industry newcomers students and those considering sound for film and television as a career - in fact anyone who wants an insight into current professional practices and a comprehensive overview of the sound post production process. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138459779

Audio Postproduction for Film and VideoAfter-the-Shoot solutions Professional Techniques and Cookbook Recipes to Make Your Project Sound Better New to this edition: Learn how many Hollywood techniques--previously impractical on video--can help solve problems on smaller productions Expanded cookbook recipes section Technically updated throughoutMake your soundtracks as good as your pictures with this compendium of professional audio techniques that can be adapted to desktop post. Specializing in sound after the shoot this book features many practical examples cookbook recipes and tutorials. Audio theory when necessary is presented in plain English with plenty of visual analogies.FAQs full explanations and from-the-trenches tips address the complete range of processes from wiring and hardware to testing the final mix. The one-hour audio CD features platform-independent diagnostics demonstrations and tutorial tracks. Novices will learn how to improve their soundtrack--even after the actors have gone home. Experienced producers will learn how to solve technical and creative problems quickly.You'll get recipes and step-by-step instructions on how to: build an efficient and reliable audio post setup plan and budget a good soundtrack get sound into your NLE without losing quality or sync edit voices and music record Foley and ADR find music and use it effectively find and create your own sound effects shape sounds with equalization reverb noise reduction and more produce the final mix test the final product for various mediaPlease visit the author's website for additional resources: Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138468849

Audio Power Amplifier Design This is the essential book reference for amplifier designers. Douglas Self covers all the design issues of noise distortion power supply rejection protection reliability and layout. He describes advanced forms of compensation that give dramatically lower distortion. This edition is much expanded and packed with new information. It is a must-have for audio power amplifier professionals and audiophiles amateur constructors and anyone with intellectual curiosity about the struggle towards technical excellence. New to the sixth edition: The characteristics of the audio signal The principles of distortion Feedback intermodulation distortion Non-switching output stages VAS distortion explained Push-pull VAS configurations Output-inclusive compensation In addition five amplifier design examples that illustrate important design principles are examined and measured in detail. These can be straightforwardly adapted to specific requirements. This new edition also includes a wealth of material on the XD crossover-displacement principle (invented by the author and in use by Cambridge Audio) four-stage amplifier architectures error correction current-mirrors power transistors with internal sensing diodes amplifier bridging input-stage-common-mode distortion amplifier stability output stages with gain inrush current suppression DC servo design thermal protection cooling fan control advanced line input stages testing and safety infrared remote control signal activation 12V trigger control the history of solid-state amplifiers and much more. Simple procedures for heatsinking and power supply design are given. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780240526133

Audio ProcessesMusical Analysis Modification Synthesis and Control Designed for music technology students enthusiasts and professionals Audio Processes: Musical Analysis Modification Synthesis and Control describes the practical design of audio processes with a step-by-step approach from basic concepts all the way to sophisticated effects and synthesizers. The themes of analysis modification synthesis and control are covered in an accessible manner and without requiring extensive mathematical skills. The order of material aids the progressive accumulation of understanding but topics are sufficiently contained that those with prior experience can read individual chapters directly. Extensively supported with block diagrams algorithms and audio plots the ideas and designs are applicable to a wide variety of contexts. The presentation style enables readers to create their own implementations whatever their preferred programming language or environment. The designs described are practical and extensible providing a platform for the creation of professional quality results for many different audio applications. There is an accompanying website ( which provides further material and examples to support the book and aid in process development. This book includes: A comprehensive range of audio processes both popular and less well known extensively supported with block diagrams and other easily understood visual forms. Detailed descriptions suitable for readers who are new to the subject and ideas to inspire those with more experience. Designs for a wide range of audio contexts that are easily implemented in visual dataflow environments as well as conventional programming languages. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138100114

Audio Production and Critical ListeningTechnical Ear Training Audio Production and Critical Listening: Technical Ear Training Second Edition develops your critical and expert listening skills enabling you to listen to audio like an award-winning engineer. Featuring an accessible writing style this new edition includes information on objective measurements of sound technical descriptions of signal processing and their relationships to subjective impressions of sound. It also includes information on hearing conservation ear plugs and listening levels as well as bias in the listening process. The interactive web browser-based "ear training" software practice modules provide experience identifying various types of signal processes and manipulations. Working alongside the clear and detailed explanations in the book this software completes the learning package that will help you train you ears to listen and really "hear" your recordings. This all-new edition has been updated to include: Audio and psychoacoustic theories to inform and expand your critical listening practice. Access to integrated software that promotes listening skills development through audio examples found in actual recording and production work listening exercises and tests. Cutting-edge interactive practice modules created to increase your experience. More examples of sound recordings analysis. New outline for progressing through the EQ ear training software module with listening exercises and tips. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138845947

Audio Production TipsGetting the Sound Right at the Source Audio Production Tips: Getting the Sound Right at the Source provides practical and accessible information detailing the production processes for recording today’s bands. By demonstrating how to "get the sound right at the source " author Peter Dowsett lays the appropriate framework to discuss the technical requirements of optimizing the sound of a source. Through its coverage of critical listening pre-production arrangement drum tuning gain staging and many other areas of music production Audio Production Tips allows you to build the wide array of skills that apply to the creative process of music production. Broken into two parts the book first presents foundational concepts followed by more specific production advice on a range of instruments. Key features: Important in-depth coverage of music theory arrangement and its applications. Real life examples with key references to the author’s music production background. Presents concepts alongside the production of a track captured specifically for the book. A detailed companion website including audio video Pro Tools session files of the track recording process and videos including accompanying audio that can be examined in the reader’s DAW. Please visit the accompanying companion website available at for resources that further support the book’s practical approach. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138807372

Audio Production WorktextConcepts Techniques and Equipment Audio Production Worktext 9th Edition provides readers the best introduction to audio and radio production. It shows how to navigate modern radio production studios and utilize the latest equipment and software. The 9th edition is updated to cover new mobile technologies digital consoles and audio editing apps and software  as well sound for the visual media and Internet radio. The new edition continues to include the worktext/website format tailored for both students and teachers and features like Production Tips that provide notes relevant to various audio production topics self-study questions and projects an updated Glossary and an up-to-date companion website with invaluable student and instructor materials. Included in this edition are offers and features from Pro Sound Effects and RadioFX as well as updated color graphics and images throughout the text. The book includes a companion website at Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138557048

Audio Recording for ProfitThe Sound of Money This book is the first real inside look at the business of professional audio recording which fuels a multibillion dollar global music industry. Industry pioneer Chris Stone founder of the legendary Record Plant provides hard-earned business strategies guidelines and advice on every aspect of launching and managing a professional audio recording business. This book is for every audio profit center - from the project studio in the garage to the multi-room diversified recording facility. With 30 years of practical business experience Mr. Stone reveals the secrets of profitable survival in the pro audio world of today and tomorrow.Why be a player in the professional audio recording industry? What is the attraction and potential payoff? How big an operation are you contemplating? To succeed one must categorize the various types and sizes of pro audio facilities and their customer bases. It is also essential to understand creative management marketing promotion and the modern economics of pro audio. The professional of tomorrow anticipates recording for new media and is prepared for diversification. All of these issues and more are addressed in this book. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138468931

Audio SamplingA Practical Guide Bringing sampling to a new generation of audio engineers and composers Audio Sampling explains how to record and create sampled instruments in a software setting. There are many things that go into creating a sampled instrument and many things that can go wrong this book is a step by step guide through the process from introducing sampling where it begins to recording editing and using samples providing much sought after detailed information on the actual process of sampling creating sampled instruments as well as the different ways they can be used. The software used is the NN-XT a sampler that is a part of the Reason studio software and ProTools LE however the material discussed is applicable and can be used with any sampler. The companion website has exclusive material including a comprehensive comparison of the different hardware software available as well as audio examples and video clips from each stage of the process Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138380851

Audio Wiring GuideHow to wire the most popular audio and video connectors Whether you're a pro or an amateur a musician or into multimedia you can't afford to guess about audio wiring. The Audio Wiring Guide is a comprehensive easy-to-use guide that explains exactly what you need to know. No matter the size of your wiring project or installation this handy tool provides you with the essential information you need and the techniques to use it. Using The Audio Wiring Guide is like having an expert at your side. By following the clear step-by-step directions you can do professional-level work at a fraction of the cost. Every step is clearly explained and photo-illustrated. All the common audio connectors are covered as well as most special-use multimedia connectors. It is the perfect guide to keep by your side in the studio or on the road. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138406612

Audiobooks Literature and Sound Studies This is the first scholarly work to examine the cultural significance of the "talking book" since the invention of the phonograph in 1877 the earliest machine to enable the reproduction of the human voice. Recent advances in sound technology make this an opportune moment to reflect on the evolution of our reading practices since this remarkable invention. Some questions addressed by the collection include: How does auditory literature adapt printed texts? What skills in close listening are necessary for its reception? What are the social consequences of new listening technologies? In sum the essays gathered together by this collection explore the extent to which the audiobook enables us not just to hear literature but to hear it in new ways. Bringing together a set of reflections on the enrichments and impoverishments of the reading experience brought about by developments in sound technology this collection spans the earliest adaptations of printed texts into sound by Charles Dickens Thomas Hardy and other novelists from the late nineteenth century to recordings by contemporary figures such as Toni Morrison and Barack Obama at the turn of the twenty-first century. As the voices gathered here suggest it is time to give a hearing to one of the most talked about new media of the past century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138833371

AudiologyAn Introduction for Teachers & Other Professionals This book is an introduction to audiology for those who have little or no knowledge of the subject. It introduces basic aspects of audiology in a clear and accessible way. This initial knowledge is then developed to a depth which allows the reader to access more specialised journals and textbooks. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138137516

Audio-Visual Industries and DiversityEconomics and Policies in the Digital Era This book reflects critically on issues of diversity access and the expansion of digital technologies in audio-visual industries particularly in terms of economics and policies. It brings together specialists in cultural diversity and media industries presenting an international and interdisciplinary collection of essays that draw from different fields of studies – notably Communication Economics Political Science and Law. Among the topics discussed are: the principle of diversity as a goal of cultural and communication policies the assessment of the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity free trade agreements and the conception of cultural goods and services they advance the challenges faced by the production circulation and consumption of cultural content through the Internet the role algorithms play in the organization and functioning of online platforms Netflix and the hegemony of global media. The approach is a critical understanding of audio-visual diversity that aims to transcend specific issues like media ownership ideas portrayed or modes of consumption as such to focus on a more balanced distribution of communicative power.This volume is an essential read for scholars and researchers in Communication Studies Economy of Culture International Relations and International Law as well as policy makers journalists specialized in media and culture and managers of public and private institutions involved in the development of cultural and communication policies. Postgraduate students will find it a key reference point. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367671143

Audiovisual Regulation under PressureComparative Cases from North America and Europe In the face of globalization and new media technologies can policy makers and regulators withstand deregulatory pressures on the ‘cultural policy toolkit’ for television? This comparative study provides an interdisciplinary investigation of trends in audiovisual regulation with the focus on television and new media. It considers pressures for deregulation and for policy in this field to prioritise market development and economic goals rather than traditional cultural and democratic objectives notably public service content the promotion of national and local culture media pluralism and diversity. The book explores regulatory policy in the United States Canada the United Kingdom and Europe. The book focuses on a range of instruments designed for promoting pluralism and cultural diversity particularly the role of public service broadcasting and the range of measures available for promoting cultural policy goals such as subsidies scheduling and investment quotas as well as (particularly national) media ownership rules. The book draws on findings of two research projects funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council and is written in an accessible style by leading scholars of media law and policy who bring to bear insights from their respective disciplines of law and political science. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415724555

Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling "Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling" is an introductory textbook which provides a solid overview of the world of subtitling. Based on sound research and first-hand experience in the field the book focuses on generally accepted practice but identifies current points of contention takes regional and medium-bound variants into consideration and traces new developments that may have an influence on the evolution of the profession. The individual chapters cover the rules of good subtitling practice the linguistic and semiotic dimensions of subtitling the professional environment technical considerations and key concepts and conventions providing access to the core skills and knowledge needed to subtitle for television cinema and DVD. Also included are graded exercises covering core skills. "Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling" can be used by teachers and students as a coursebook for the classroom or for self-learning.It is also aimed at translators and other language professionals wishing to expand their sphere of activity.While the working language of the book is English an accompanying DVD contains sample film material in Dutch English French Italian and Spanish as well as a range of dialogue lists and a key to some of the exercises. The DVD also includes WinCAPS SysMedia's professional subtitling preparation software package used for broadcast television around the world and for many of the latest multinational DVD releases of major Hollywood projects. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315759678

Audiovisual TranslationDubbing Audiovisual Translation: Dubbing is an introductory textbook that provides a solid overview of the world of dubbing and is fundamentally interactive in approach. A companion to Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling it follows a similar structure and is accompanied by a DVD. Based on first-hand experience in the field the book combines translation practice with other related tasks – usually commissioned to dialogue writers and dubbing assistants – thus offering a complete introduction to the field of dubbing. It develops diversified skills presents a broad picture of the industry engages with the various controversies in the field and challenges prevailing stereotypes. The individual chapters cover the map of dubbing in the world the dubbing market and professional environment text segmentation into takes or loops lip-syncing the challenge of emulating oral discourse the semiotic nature of audiovisual texts and specific audiovisual translation issues. The book further raises a number of research questions and looks at some of the unresolved challenges of this very specific form of translation. It includes graded exercises covering core skills that can be practised in class or at home individually or collectively. The accompanying DVD contains sample film material in Dutch English French Italian and Spanish as well as a range of useful material related to professional practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781905763917

Audiovisual TranslationTheories Methods and Issues Audiovisual translation is the fastest growing strand within translation studies. This book addresses the need for more robust theoretical frameworks to investigate emerging text- types address new methodological challenges (including the compilation analysis and reproduction of audiovisual data) and understand new discourse communities bound together by the production and consumption of audiovisual texts. In this clear user- friendly book Luis Pérez-González introduces and explores the field presenting and critiquing key concepts research models and methodological approaches.Features include: • introductory overviews at the beginning of each chapter outlining aims and relevant connections with other chapters• breakout boxes showcasing key concepts research case studies or other relevant links to the wider field of translation studies• examples of audiovisual texts in a range of languages with back translation support when required• summaries reinforcing key issues dealt with in each chapter• follow- up questions for further study• core references and suggestions for further reading.• additional online resources on an extensive companion website This will be an essential text for all students studying audiovisual or screen translation at postgraduate or advanced undergraduate level and key reading for all researchers working in the area. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415530279

Audit Education Audit professionals are valued members of society and are expected to be both skilled and ethical in their decision-making. The role of the auditor extends far beyond that of counting beans by demanding a social and political awareness a technical knowledge ethical principles and relationship skills. In addition due to the team-oriented nature of the audit approach auditors require strong team-building and interpersonal skills. This book offers expert descriptions of and insights into how such skills and responsibilities can be inculcated in tertiary education and professional training environments. Unlike other books which focus on auditing as a technical process this volume examines auditing from a teaching and learning perspective. Expert contributors provide authoritative insights into an audit education which is embedded in accounting practice. The book’s descriptions of these insights into improving education for future audit professionals may allow the introduction of new and challenging fields of enquiry. Audit Education will be of great interest to educators in tertiary institutions trainers in professional firms and key individuals in accounting professional bodies seeking to ensure their members possess acceptable levels of attainment for admission and continued membership. This book was originally published as a special issue of Accounting Education: an international journal. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138192850

Audit EffectivenessMeeting the IT Challenge In Audit Effectiveness Dr Kamil Omoteso examines how information technology is changing the landscape for the audit profession as IT tools and techniques continue to be developed for auditors in the pursuit of quality efficiency and effectiveness. In addition to shedding light on practical subjects such as audit automation continuous online auditing and computer auditing this book introduces some theory that helps explain the motivation for the use of new tools and techniques and assists understanding of their impact on the quality of audit judgment. The book proposes a three-layered model - an integration of contingency socio-technical systems and structuration theories - for a comprehensive understanding of IT’s impact on audit. The model advocates that the use of IT in audits is a function of certain contingent factors that determine an optimal mix of human skills and technological capabilities which would lead to changes in the nature of auditors’ roles and outputs and audit organisations’ structures. Dr Omoteso puts forward an audit automation maturity model that can help audit firms/departments to understand their current level of IT integration and how to systematically enhance their capabilities with a view to meeting modern IT challenges - taking them from the position of mere ’followers of technology’ to that of effective ’leaders of technology’. Audit Effectiveness is for anyone practising in auditing or accounting automation as well as for those with an academic or research interest in the challenges posed by technological advances for auditors in particular and for managers in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409434689

Audit in a DemocracyThe Australian Model of Public Sector Audit and its Application to Emerging Markets Exploring the role of public sector audit in emerging democracies and developing countries this book provides an account of the relationship between the public sector auditor the legislature and executive government. In particular it introduces public sector audit's capacity to assess government agencies' compliance with the law and their management of taxpayer or internationally funded programs and services. The volume: ¢ Explores the Australian model of public sector audit. ¢ Provides a definition of a supreme Audit Institution (SAI) and the role and responsibilities of the public sector auditor. ¢ Examines the authority necessary for the SAI to function effectively. ¢ Discusses likely future reform of the SAI's legal framework. ¢ Illustrates how audit can be used to strengthen democratic institutions in emerging market economies. It will be of use to researchers academics and students interested in the critical issues surrounding audit in general and public sector audit in particular. It will also be a valuable guide to practitioners in this area. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367604240

Audit In The Mental Health Service At last a book to take practitioners in the mental health field through the various steps involved in successful clinical audit. This book including its team and individual exercises is designed to help select topics for audit to understand the methods most appropriate to set standards understand the significance of outcomes and to bring about changes as a result. It is a practical guide to the analysis of health care both for those working within a professional group and for those in multidisciplinary teams. The book will be invaluable for all mental health professionals - psychiatrists psychologists nurses occupational therapists psychiatric social workers - and purchaser or provider managers interested in clinical audit and the measurement of quality more generally. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9780203765340

Auditing and SocietyResearch on Audit Practice and Regulations Auditing has become an essential component in market societies and the need for auditing skills has risen in line with globalization. This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the role of financial statement auditing in contemporary society including the auditor’s role in evaluating the financial reporting of an auditee—a topic of central concern in the recent comprehensive review of the auditing profession in the Brydon Report (2019). The experienced authors provide insight into auditing research to help readers understand its function regulation and role in theory and practice. With focus on private sector financial statement auditing and its regulation the book includes perspectives on social theory history and the importance of professional standards. The thought-provoking final chapter challenges students to consider the effectiveness of auditing in evaluating increasingly risky and complex accounting estimates involving assumptions about future events. A fundamental approach to auditing theory this textbook will be useful reading for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students across business and accounting fields. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138314122

Auditing TeamsDynamics and Efficiency The recent audit failures which have rocked financial markets worldwide have accentuated the need for a better understanding of the link between risk control and audit quality; as well as emphasising the need to open the "black box" of the ways auditing firms actually function. Reflecting these imperatives Auditing Teams unravels the organizational and management issues in audit firms that are key to achieving effectiveness in service provision. Specifically this key research reflects upon the relevance and dynamics of auditing teams and their impact on auditing quality and specifically responding to the recent claim from regulators which highlights auditing team characteristics as the source of wide variations in quality. By leveraging different perspectives – auditing management accounting organization and psychology – to investigate auditing teams and basing on evidence collected from the professional world this book will provide a unique insight into the role of auditing teams on audit quality. It will be of great interest to scholars and advanced students in auditing as well as to practitioners and regulators in the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138682702

Auditing Theory Auditing is generally considered to be a particularly practical discipline. This hampers theoretical research as does its complex nature. The unquestioning acceptance and implementation of rules governing auditing practice could lead to poor outcomes. This book provides a theory of auditing that underpins auditing practice. Identifying the objectives of auditing in the context of financial reporting this book examines underlying beliefs to provide a deeper understanding of the concepts of auditing. In analyzing the field from a theoretical perspective the author encounters important concepts such as materiality verification evidence risk and professional judgement. Philosophical ideas about the social construction of reality are employed to explain the role of theory in a building block of the business world. This book is vital reading for auditing scholars globally whilst its conclusions offer an interesting case study in the philosophy of professional judgement Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138599703

AuditingAssurance and Risk Focusing on auditing as a judgment process this unique textbook helps readers strike the balance between understanding auditing theory and how an audit plays out in reality. The only textbook to provide complete coverage of both the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Auditing reflects the contemporary evolution of the audit process. New additions to the book include expert updates on key topics such as the audit of accounting estimates group audit and the Integrated Audit. Supplemented by extra on-line resources students using this established text will be well-equipped to be effective auditors and to understand the role of auditing in the business world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138692794

Audition Speeches for Women Audition Speeches for Women is an invaluable resource for acting classes competitions auditions and rehearsals and an affordable and necessary tool for serious actors everywhere. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315059853

Audition Speeches for Young Actors 16+ Audition Speeches for 6-16 Year Olds offers a generous helping of carefully selected speeches that children can prepare for auditions. Each speech is introduced with commentary to set the scene and help the young actor. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138147201

Audition Speeches for Younger Actors 16+ Audition speeches for actors aged 16-18 selected by Jean Marlow. Includes advice from actors casting directors and teachers Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315059884

Audition Success Audition Success presents a groundbreaking method that has already made Don Greene one of the country's leading audition trainers. Combining specially designed self-tests and real-life examples from the careers of two performers Audition Success will help performers understand what prevents them from nailing an audition and give them the tools to reach their goals. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315059778

Auditioning for Musical Theatre Auditioning for Musical Theatre demystifies the process of giving the best possible professional audition for a role in a musical. It is the result of Denny Berry’s own experience sitting "behind the audition desk" for 30 years of professional Broadway auditions as well as teaching newcomers and coaching established actors. The book coaches performers on how to be their best selves—and avoid the pitfalls of nerves and poor preparation. To do so it offers: An in-depth practical approach to a professional audition that gives readers detailed suggestions about how to identify their vocal strengths choose the material most suited to it and present the entirety of their "product" with confidence. Rules to guide the actor through the audition process along with sample homework assignments. A comprehensive list of musical material genres and commonly-referred-to categories of songs designed to help auditioners select the right material for any given audition. The book is intended for the talented newcomer as well as the experienced actor who wants to deliver a more effective audition. Ultimately Auditioning for Musical Theatre takes the reader through the parts of auditioning that they can control and helps them tailor every situation to show their individual best. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138350311

Auditioning On CameraAn Actor's Guide To win a screen role an actor must learn to contend with an on-camera audition. Understanding how to make the crucial adjustments to one’s craft that this kind of audition requires is vital to the career of any screen actor. Auditioning On Camera sets out the key elements of a successful on-camera audition and explains how to put them into practice. Joseph Hacker draws on 35 years of acting experience to guide the reader through the screen auditioning process with an engaging and undaunting approach. Key elements examined include: textual analysis knowing where to look dealing with nerves on-camera interviews using the environment retaining the camera’s focus The book also features point-by-point chapter summaries as well as a glossary of acting and technical terms and is a comprehensive and enlightening resource for screen actors of all levels. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415619028

AuditionsThe Complete Guide Auditions are an integral part of every performer's life. From getting into drama school through to a successful career in an overcrowded industry Auditions: The Complete Guide offers crucial advice resources and tried and tested techniques to maximise success before during and after each audition. Written by an established casting director and former actor with over 35 years of experience on a wide range of productions this book offers a wealth of personal and professional insights covering: • drama and theatre schools • showcases • amateur and professional auditions • contemporary classical physical and musical theatre • television and commercial castings movie screen tests and self taping • voice-overs and radio drama • networking • recalls and workshops • handling job offers and rejection From training to triumph nerves to networking and camera to casting couch Auditions: The Complete Guide is an entertaining accessible and indispensable read for every performer. Richard Evans CDG has cast a wide variety of productions in all media since 1989 and prior to this worked as an actor for 10 years. He has devised and presented audition and career development workshops at many top drama and theatre schools worldwide and at the Actors Centre London and has written Auditions: A Practical Guide (Routledge 2009) and 'A Casting Director’s Perspective' for The Actors’ Yearbook 2005. He is a member of The Casting Directors’ Guild of Great Britain and Ireland. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138015166

Auditor Essentials100 Concepts Tips Tools and Techniques for Success Internal auditors must know many concepts techniques control frameworks and remain knowledgeable despite the many changes occurring in the marketplace and their profession. This easy to use reference makes this process easier and ensures auditors can obtain needed information quickly and accurately. This book consists of 100 topics concepts tips tools and techniques that relate to how internal auditors interact with internal constitutencies and addresses a variety of technical and non-technical subjects. Non-auditors have an easy-to-use guide that increases their understanding of what internal auditors do and how making it easier for them to partner with them more effectively. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781138036918

Auditor IndependenceAuditing Corporate Governance and Market Confidence In Auditor Independence Ismail Adelopo argues that the importance of auditors' independence cannot be over-emphasised. Not only do auditors provide certification of the truth and fairness of the information prepared by managers they also have a duty to express opinions on the degree of compliance with laws and regulations guiding a firm's operations. Theirs is a socially important responsibility. In all that has been proposed to mitigate the governance crisis and restore confidence in the market system relatively little attention has been paid to auditor independence. Examining the historical role of auditing in corporate governance and the regulatory context this book sets the function within a theoretical framework and then provides empirical analysis of the problem issues such as the relationship between audit committees and external auditors and the probity of providing non-auditing services to audit clients. The focus on matters that are damaging to market confidence and threatening to the reputation of the auditing profession means the conclusions and recommendations in this book are important for key stakeholders including policy makers regulators those running companies and their investors and customers. This is also a book for those responsible for training in the auditing profession and for others with a research or academic interest in the matters addressed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409434702

Auditor's TalkAn Oral History of the Profession from the 1920s to the Present Day This book is an oral history of the auditing profession in Britain from 1920s to the present day based on extended extracts from interviews with 77 past and present practitioners. Those interviewed ranged from a nonagenarian who qualified in the 1920s to active contemporaries from sole practitioners to the present day heads of the Big Five accounting firms. The often candid interviews uncover a surprising variety of experience and opinions and allow a group of often fascinating individuals to tell their own stories. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138863897

Auditory and Visual Pattern Recognition The systematic scientific investigation of human perception began over 130 years ago yet relatively little is known about how we identify complex patterns. A major reason for this is that historically most perceptual research focused on the more basic processes involved in the detection and discrimination of simple stimuli. This work progressed in a connectionist fashion attempting to clarify fundamental mechanisms in depth before addressing the more complex problems of pattern recognition and classification. This extensive and impressive research effort built a firm basis from which to speculate about these issues. What seemed lacking however was an overall characterization of the recognition problem – a broad theoretical structure to direct future research in this area. Consequently our primary objective in this volume originally published in 1981 was not only to review existing contributions to our understanding of classification and recognition but to project fruitful areas and directions for future research as well. The book covers four areas: complex visual patterns; complex auditory patterns; multi-dimensional perceptual spaces; theoretical pattern recognition. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138692428

Auditory ArchaeologyUnderstanding Sound and Hearing in the Past Auditory archaeology considers the potential contribution of everyday mundane and unintentional sounds in the past and how these may have been significant to people. Steve Mills explores ways of examining evidence to identify intentionality with respect to the use of sound drawing on perception psychology as well as soundscape and landscape studies of various kinds. His methodology provides a flexible and widely applicable set of elements that can be adapted for use in a broad range of archaeological and heritage contexts. The outputs of this research form the case studies of the Teleorman River Valley in Romania Çatalhöyük in Turkey and West Penwith a historical site in the UK.This fascinating volume will help archaeologists and others studying human sensory experiences in the past and present. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781611320794

Auditory Cognition and Human PerformanceResearch and Applications Hearing and understanding sound — auditory processing — greatly enriches everyday life and enhances our ability to perform many tasks essential to survival. The complex soundscape in which we live influences where we direct our attention how we communicate with each other and how we interact with technological systems. Auditory Cognition and Human Performance: Research and Applications explores how we accomplish this no less than remarkable task. It provides an overview of key auditory sensation and perception topics and mental workload theory providing those who may be unfamiliar with these topics a foundation on which to understand applied auditory cognition. The book examines the relationship between auditory cognition and human performance highlighting the nature of situations in which the mental resource requirements of auditory processing may be compromised. It focuses on the importance of increasing our understanding of auditory cognition and its relationship to human performance. Written in an accessible and engaging style this book balances coverage of basic and applied research supplies copious examples to explain key concepts and includes extensive references for further reading and exploration. Bringing together coverage of sensory and cognitive processes the author discusses how their interaction can be used to improve display design. Despite the relative neglect that auditory processing has received in earlier years the auditory modality remains a potent source of information with several advantageous and unique characteristics. Over the past two decades there has been a growing base of empirical research on auditory cognition and its role in human performance at work and in everyday life. This book points out many of the questions that have yet to be resolved and provides the understanding needed to design more effective auditory displays make better alerts and warnings and improve communications and a wide variety of other things. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367376475

Auditory Imagery The study of mental imagery has been a central concern of modern psychology but most of what we know concerns visual imagery. A number of researchers however have recently begun to explore auditory imagery; this foundation-level volume presents their work. The topics covered are diverse a reflection of the fact that auditory imagery seems relevant to numerous research domains -- from the ordinary memory rehearsal of undergraduates to the delusional voices of schizophrenics from music imagery to imagery for speech. The chapters also address the parallels (and contrasts) between visual and auditory imagery the relations between "inner speech" and overt speech and between the "inner ear" and actual hearing. This book provides a valuable resource for students in many areas: imagery working memory music speech auditory perception schizophrenia or deafness. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138964136

Auditory Processing of Complex Sounds Originally published in 1987 this book is the result of a workshop on the processing of complex sounds held in 1986. All of the important contributions that are being made to understanding auditory processing of complex sounds could not be included in a single volume. However the chapters do touch base with many of the lines of research and theory on complex sound and its perception at the time and was felt that they should provide both food for thought and a broad introduction to the literature on a topic that the editors were sure would be studied intensely in the following couple of decades. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138655768

Auditory Representations in Phonology This book provides evidence for the importance of auditory properties of speech sounds in phonology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964143

Auditory Sound TransmissionAn Autobiographical Perspective Auditory Sound Transmission provides an integrated state-of-the-art description and quantitative analysis of sound transmission from the outer ear to the sensory cells in the cochlea of the inner ear. It describes in detail the structures and mechanisms involved and gives their input and transmission characteristics. It shows how sound transmission in one part of the ear depends on the input characteristics of the next part and how sound is analyzed in the inner ear before it reaches the nervous system. The book is divided into seven chapters. The first gives the general overview of the path of sound in the ear. The second concerns the acoustics of the outer ear which is important not only for sound transmission in the ear but also for the design and calibration of earphones as well as for clinical and research measurements of sound pressure in the ear canal. The third chapter analyzes the middle ear function which is crucial for adapting the conditions of sound propagation in the air to those in the inner ear fluids. The middle ear is prone to various malfunctions and it is shown how they change the acoustic conditions measured in the ear canal and can be diagnosed on this basis. The next three chapters are dedicated to the most intricate mechanical part of the auditory system the cochlea. Because of its complexity its function is explained in three steps: first with the help of simplifications produced by death; second on the basis of the measured characteristics of the live organ; third with the help of quantitative analysis. The last chapter describes cochlear mechanisms underlying pitch and loudness perception. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9780415646017

AugenblickThe Concept of the 'Decisive Moment' in 19th- and 20th-Century Western Philosophy Augenblick meaning literally 'In the blink of an eye' describes a 'decisive moment' in time that is both fleeting yet momentously eventful even epoch-makingly significant. In this book Koral Ward investigates the development of the concept into one of the core ideas in Western existential philosophy alongside such concepts as anxiety and individual freedom. Ward examines the whole extent of the idea of the 'decisive moment' in which an individual's entire life-project is open to a radical reorientation. From its inception in Kierkegaard's works to the writings of Jaspers and Heidegger she draws on a vast array of sources beyond just the standard figures of 19th and 20th century Continental philosophy finding ideas and examples in photography cinema music art and the modern novel. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315568317

Augmentative and Assistive Communication with ChildrenA Protocol and Intervention Plan to Support Children with Complex Communication Profiles This practical resource is designed to help the families and professionals who support children who use augmentative and assistive communication (AAC) to interact with the world around them. The research-based Hear Me into Voice protocol presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention in 2018 the California Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention in 2017 and the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication Conference in 2016 provides communication partners with a functional knowledge of the child’s communication skills and provides a practical intervention plan to carry forward. Through this protocol and intervention plan communication partners can engage with the child’s personal voice through their varying multimodal forms of communication; the child is given the space to grow into a competent and confident communicator. Key features include: Photocopiable and downloadable resources including the Hear Me into Voice protocol an AAC report shell template an AAC report teaching template and tools including how to make a communication wallet and a Let’s Chat communication partner tip card template. Guidance for offering AAC intervention sessions including an intervention plan supported by case studies Practical activities that can be used to engage children with complex communication profiles Engaging and easy to follow this resource is not only essential for professionals and students looking to support children with complex language needs but also families looking to understand their child’s unique communication style. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367330552

Augmentative CommunicationClinical Issues Written by therapists experienced in working with nonspeaking clients and their families this helpful book includes many issues pertinent to the assessment and training of augmented communicators. The field of augmentative communication which is rapidly gaining recognition in all areas of rehabilitation is thoroughly addressed here. A summary of the prerequisites for implementing a communication system will be particularly useful to anyone working with nonspeaking clients who do not yet have a method of communication. Included among the topics are assessing cognitive function in clients unable to take intelligence tests in standardized fashion finding a match between the motor capabilities of the client and the motor demands of various aided and unaided communication systems and promoting the involvement of the family in the development of a communication system. This indispensable resource also offers information about publication equipment vendors and the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) the primary leader in augmentative communication. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315879680

Augmented Intelligence Toward Smart Vehicular Applications This up-to-date reference discusses important concepts of vehicular communication in intelligent transportation systems. Augmented Intelligence Toward Smart Vehicular Applications begins by discussing key objectives of intelligent transport systems and vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs). It then goes on to discuss challenges applications and future trends in VANETs. The text focuses on the organization of artificial intelligence (AI) and aspects of deep learning algorithms particularly multimodal transport. This book will serve as an ideal reference for graduate students and academic researchers in the field of electrical engineering electronics and communication engineering and transportation engineering. Features In-depth coverage of Internet of Things (IoT) in vehicular applications Discussion on nn-vehicle sensor networks Implementation of mobile IP and migration of IPv6 Focus on the need of AI in smart vehicular applications Discussions on advanced concepts in the field of intelligent transport systems Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367435462

Augmented IntelligenceThe Business Power of Human–Machine Collaboration The AI revolution is moving at a breakneck speed. Organizations are beginning to invest in innovative ways to monetize their data through the use of artificial intelligence. Businesses need to understand the reality of AI. To be successful it is imperative that organizations understand that augmented intelligence is the secret to success. Augmented Intelligence: The Business Power of Human–Machine Collaboration is about the process of combining human and machine intelligence. This book provides business leaders and AI data experts with an understanding of the value of augmented intelligence and its ability to help win competitive markets. This book focuses on the requirement to clearly manage the foundational data used for augmented intelligence. It focuses on the risks of improper data use and delves into the ethics and governance of data in the era of augmented intelligence. In this book we explore the difference between weak augmentation that is based on automating well understood processes and strong augmentation that is designed to rethink business processes through the inclusion of data AI and machine learning. What experts are saying about Augmented Intelligence "The book you are about to read is of great importance because we increasingly rely on machine learning and AI. Therefore it is critical that we understand the ability to create an environment in which businesses can have the tools to understand data from a holistic perspective. What is imperative is to be able to make better decisions based on an understanding of the behavior and thinking of our customers so that we can take the best next action. This book provides a clear understanding of the impact of augmented intelligence on both society and business."—Tsvi Gal Managing Director Enterprise Technology and Services Morgan Stanley "Our mission has always been to help clients apply AI to better predict and shape future outcomes empower higher value work and automate how work gets done. I have always said ’AI will not replace managers but managers who use AI will replace managers who don't.’ This book delves into the real value that AI promises to augment existing human intelligence and in the process dispels some of the myths around AI and its intended purpose."—Rob Thomas General Manager Data and AI IBM Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367687878

Augmented Urban SpacesArticulating the Physical and Electronic City There have been numerous possible scenarios depicted on the impact of the internet on urban spaces. Considering ubiquitous/pervasive computing mobile wireless connectivity and the acceptance of the Internet as a non-extraordinary part of our everyday lives mean that physical urban space is augmented and digital in itself. This poses new problems as well as opportunities to those who have to deal with it. This book explores the intersection and articulation of physical and digital environments and the ways they can extend and reshape a spirit of place. It considers this from three main perspectives: the implications for the public sphere and urban public or semi-public spaces; the implications for community regeneration and empowerment; and the dilemmas and challenges which the augmentation of space implies for urbanists. Grounded with international real -life case studies this is an up-to-date interdisciplinary and holistic overview of the relationships between cities communities and high technologies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315568324

Augmenting Cognition The Human brain is only 100 000 years old. Yet this newly evolved organ endows us with unique creative capabilities beyond all other living creatures including the gift to understand itself. As our very survival and success in life depends on utilizing our brain's power intense efforts have begun worldwide to understand the brain reverse-engine Media > Books > E-books EFPL Press 9780429063459

Augmenting DemocracyPolitical Movements and Constitutional Reform During the Rise of Labour 1900-1924 First published in 1999 Andrew Chadwick provides an important new interpretation of British radical suffrage-feminist and socialist movements during the first quarter of the twentieth century based on analysis of their visions of democratic constitutional reform. He argues that a shared discourse of 'radical constitutionalism' allowed these groups to forge alliances based upon a common preoccupation with extending and improving constitutional democracy. This book is a significant contribution to current methodological debates around the importance of language and discourse in social and political history. It is the first detailed study to integrate material on three important constitutional campaigns of this era: the reform of the House of Lords women’s suffrage and proportional representation. It will be of interest to students of British politics social and political history historical methodology and political theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138607118

August Jaeger: Portrait of NimrodPortrait of Nimrod: A Life in Letters and Other Writings This title was first published in 2000: August Jaeger was one of Elgar's most devoted supporters and was the subject of one of Elgar's most inspired movements the Nimrod variation. This study explores the correspondence between Jaeger and the famous English composer. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138732087

August Strindberg Dramatist theatre practitioner novelist and painter August Strindberg’s diverse dramatic output embodied the modernist sensibility. He was above all one of the most radical innovators of Western theatre. This book provides an insightful assessment of Strindberg’s vital contribution to the dramatic arts while placing his creative process and experimental approach within a wider cultural context. Eszter Szalczer explores Strindberg’s re-definition of drama as a fluid constantly evolving form that profoundly influenced playwriting and theatrical production from the German Expressionists to the Theatre of the Absurd. Key productions of Strindberg’s plays are analysed examining his theatre as a living voice that continues to challenge audiences critics and even the most innovative directors. August Strindberg provides an essential and accessible guide to the playwright’s work and illustrates the influence of his drama on our understanding of contemporary theatre. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203852880

August WilsonA Casebook First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315054025

August Wilson's Joe Turner's Come and Gone "Herald Loomis you shining! You shining like new money!" - Bynum Walker August Wilson considered Joe Turner’s Come and Gone (1984) to be his favourite play of the ten in his award-winning Pittsburgh Cycle. It is a drama that truly examines the roots crossroads and intersections of African American and African American culture. Its characters and choral griots interweave the intricate tropes of migration from the south to the north the effects of slavery black feminism and masculinity and Wilson's theme of finding one's "song" or identity. This book gives readers an overview of the work from its inception on through its revisions and stagings in regional theatres and on Broadway exploring its use of African American vernacular genres—blues music folk songs folk tales and dance—and nineteenth-century southern post-Reconstruction history. Ladrica Menson-Furr presents Joe Turner's Come and Gone as a historical drama a blues drama an American drama a Great Migration drama and the finest example of Wilson's gift for relocating the African American experience in urban southern cities at the beginning and not the end of the African American experience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138210097

Augustan EgyptThe Creation of a Roman Province With updated documents including papyri inscriptions and ostraka this book casts fresh and original light on the administration and economy issues faced with the transition of Egypt from an allied kingdom of Rome to a province of the Roman Empire Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415512954

Auguste Comte and PositivismThe Essential Writings Although Auguste Comte is conventionally acknowledged as one of the founders of sociology and as a key representative of positivism few new editions of his writings have been published in the English language in this century. He has become virtually dissociated from the history of modern positivism and the most recent debates about it. Gertrud Lenzer maintains that the work of Comte is for better or for worse essential to an understanding of the modern period of positivism. This collection provides new access to the work of Comte and gives practitioners of various disciplines the possibility of reassessing concepts that were first introduced in Comte's writings.Today much of the ordinary business of academic disciplines is conducted under the assumption that the realm of science is essentially separate from the realms of politics and science. A close reading of Comte will reveal how deeply such current ideas and theories were originally embedded in a particular political context. One of his central methodological principles was that the theory of society had to be removed from the arena of political practice precisely in order to control that practice by means of these same sciences. It is in Comte's work that the reader will be able to observe how the forces of social and political reaction began to be powerfully organized to combat the critical forces in its own and later eras. Auguste Comte and Positivism will be of importance to the work of philosophers sociologists political theorists and historians. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519039

Augustine (Big Hysteria) First Published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964150

Augustine and Liberal Education This title was first published in 2000: Augustine of Hippo (354-430 CE) - Bishop theologian philosopher and rhetorician - has left a rich legacy for reflection upon relationships between Christianity and culture between Christian catechesis and liberal education and between faith and reason. Contemporary educational institutions have begun to explore their roots digging into their intellectual traditions for the resources for renewal of liberal education. Augustine and Liberal Education sheds light on liberal education past and present from an Augustinian point of view. Ranging from historical investigations of particular themes and issues in the thought of Saint Augustine to reflections on the role of tradition and community and the challenges and opportunities facing universities in the next century the contributors return to the sources of traditional reflection whilst exploring contemporary issues of education and 'the good life'. Essays on Augustinian inquiry in medieval and modern eras address critical questions on the role of rhetoric reading and authority in education on the social context of learning and on the relationship between liberal education and properly Christian catechesis. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138721227

Augustine and Modern Law St. Augustine and Roman law are the two bridges from Athens and Jerusalem to the world of modern law. Augustine's almost eerily modern political realism was based upon his deep appreciation of human evil arising from his insights into the human personality the product of his reflections on his own life and the history of his times. These insights have traveled well through the ages and are mirrored in the pages of Aquinas Luther and Calvin Reinhold Niebuhr and Hannah Arendt. The articles in this volume describe the life and world of Augustine and the ways in which he conceived both justice and law. They also discuss the little recognized Augustinian contributions to the field of modern hermeneutics - the discipline which informs the art of legal interpretation. Finally they include Augustine's valuable discussion of church/state relations the law of just wars and proper role and limits of coercion and the procreative dimensions of marriage. The volume also includes an extremely useful definitive bibliography of Augustine and the law and will leave readers with an increased appreciation of the contributions which Augustine has made to the history of jurisprudence. No one can read Augustine and these articles on his view of the law without taking away a new view of the law itself. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138378568

Augustine and the Art of Ruling in the Carolingian Imperial PeriodPolitical Discourse in Alcuin of York and Hincmar of Rheims The Open Access version of this book available at has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 licence. DOI Published with the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation. This volume is an investigation of how Augustine was received in the Carolingian period and the elements of his thought which had an impact on Carolingian ideas of ‘state’ rulership and ethics. It focuses on Alcuin of York and Hincmar of Rheims authors and political advisers to Charlemagne and to Charles the Bald respectively. It examines how they used Augustinian political thought and ethics as manifested in the De civitate Dei to give more weight to their advice. A comparative approach sheds light on the differences between Charlemagne’s reign and that of his grandson. It scrutinizes Alcuin’s and Hincmar’s discussions of empire rulership and the moral conduct of political agents during which both drew on the De civitate Dei although each came away with a different understanding. By means of a philological–historical approach the book offers a deeper reading and treats the Latin texts as political discourses defined by content and language. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815361602

Augusto Boal This newly-updated volume looks at the scope of Augusto Boal's career from his early work as a playwright and director in Sao Paulo in the 1950s to the development of his ground-breaking manifesto in the 1970s for a 'Theatre of the Oppressed'. Offering fascinating reading for anyone interested in the role that theatre can play in stimulating social and personal change this useful study includes: a biographical and historical overview of Boal's career as theatre practitioner and director an in-depth analysis of Boal's classic text on radical theatre an exploration of training and production techniques practical guidance to Boal's workshop methods This is an essential introduction to the work of a practitioner who has had a tremendous impact on contemporary theatre. As a first step towards critical understanding and as an initial exploration before going on to further primary research Routledge Performance Practitioners are unbeatable value for today’s student. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138592018

Augustus The first Emperor of Rome holds a perennial fascination for anyone with an interest in the Romans and their Empire. Augustus was a truly remarkable man who brought peace after many years of civil wars and laid the foundations of an Empire that lasted for nearly five centuries. Even today the Roman world still underpins modern society. This revised edition of Augustus incorporates new thinking on many aspects of his rule and how he achieved such power. The image that he projected of himself and his achievements was benign hopeful and heroic but behind this carefully orchestrated self-promotion he was subtle clever scheming and ruthless. He has been labelled as a saviour and as a mafia boss. This account of his life shows how he successfully combined the two extremes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138085817

Augustus to Nero (Routledge Revivals)A Sourcebook on Roman History 31 BC-AD 68 The years from the battle of Actium to the death of Nero stand at the very heart of Roman history. Yet the sources of this key period particularly the inscriptions papyri and coins are not readily accessible. Crucial new discoveries remain buried in learned periodicals and now that the study of the ancient world is widespread among those without Latin and Greek the lack of translations is proving a serious handicap. Augustus to Nero first published in 1985 contains numerous texts not only for students of traditional political history but also of those interested in social and economic history. An introductory essay establishes a broad methodological framework within which each text may be understood. The focus throughout is on less well-known literary evidence: for example the significant poetry of Crinagoras and Calpurnius Siculus. Inaccessible sources are here collected and translated: brief notes are supplied to help the reader. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138781900

AugustusImage and Substance Throughout a long and spectacularly successful political life the Emperor Augustus (63BC-AD14) was a master of spin. Barbara Levick exposes the techniques which he used to disguise the ruthlessness of his rise to power and to enhance his successes once power was achieved. There was she argues less difference than might appear between the ambitious youth who overthrew Anthony and Cleopatra and the admired Emperor of later years. However seemingly benevolent his autocracy and substantial his achievements Augustus’ overriding purpose was always to keep himself and his dynasty in power. Similar techniques were practised against surviving and fresh opponents but with increasing skill and duplicity and in the end the exhausted members of the political classes were content to accept their new ruler. This book charts the stages of Augustus’ rise the evolution of his power and his methods of sustaining it and finally the ways in which he used artists and literary men to glorify his image for his own time and times to come. This fascinating story of the realities of power in ancient Rome has inescapable contemporary resonance and will appeal equally to students of the Ancient World and to the general reader. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315835297

Aural Architecture in Byzantium: Music Acoustics and Ritual Emerging from the challenge to reconstruct sonic and spatial experiences of the deep past this multidisciplinary collection of ten essays explores the intersection of liturgy acoustics and art in the churches of Constantinople Jerusalem Rome and Armenia and reflects on the role digital technology can play in re-creating aspects of the sensually rich performance of the divine word. Engaging the material fabric of the buildings in relationship to the liturgical ritual the book studies the structure of the rite revealing the important role chant plays in it and confronts both the acoustics of the physical spaces and the hermeneutic system of reception of the religious services. By then drawing on audio software modelling tools in order to reproduce some of the visual and aural aspects of these multi-sensory public rituals it inaugurates a synthetic approach to the study of the premodern sacred space which bridges humanities with exact sciences. The result is a rich contribution to the growing discipline of sound studies and an innovative convergence of the medieval and the digital. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367231842

Aural EducationReconceptualising Ear Training in Higher Music Learning Aural Education: Reconceptualising Ear Training in Higher Music Learning explores the practice of musical ‘aural training’ from historical pedagogical psychological musicological and cultural perspectives and uses these to draw implications for its pedagogy particularly within the context of higher music education. The multi-perspective approach adopted by the author affords a broader and deeper understanding of this branch of music education and of how humans relate to music more generally. The book extracts and examines one by one different parameters that appear central to ‘aural training’ proceeding in a gradual and well-organised way while at the same time constantly highlighting the multiple interconnections and organic unity of the many different operations that take place when we interact with music through any music-related activity. The resulting complex profile of the nature of our relationship with music combined with an exploration of non-Western cultural perspectives offer fresh insights on issues relating to musical ‘aural training’. Emerging implications are proposed in the form of broad pedagogical principles applicable in a variety of different music educational settings. Andrianopoulou propounds a holistic alternative to ‘aural training’ which acknowledges the richness of our relationship to music and is rooted in absorbed aural experience. The book is a key contribution to the existing literature on aural education designed with researchers and educators in mind. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367257729

Aurel Kolnai's The War AGAINST the West Reconsidered Aurel Kolnai’s The War against the West remains one of the most insightful analyses of Nazi thought ever written. First published in 1938 it was a revelation for many readers. Quite different in tone and approach from most other analyses of Nazism available in English it was remarkable for the thoroughness with which it discussed the writings of Nazi thinkers and for the seriousness with which it took their views. In this edited collection published eighty years after the original book a team of distinguished scholars reassess this classic text and also consider its continued relevance to contemporary politics. They address issues such as the comparison of Nazism and communism anti-Semitism British and American perceptions of the Reich before the war and the Nazi legal theory of Carl Schmitt. This book is a vital source for historians of Nazism and Fascism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367661274

AUS Business and Peace ConferenceA Special Theme Issue of Business Peace and Sustainable Development (Issue 7) This Special Issue of Business Peace and Sustainable Development is based on the American University of Sharjah's Business and Peace Conference held in the United Arab Emirates on the 15th of November 2015. It offers an attempt to show what a combination of research and practice might look like and how the gap between research-practitioners and more traditional researchers might be bridged. The papers presented here engage with and describe what practitioners are doing in the field: how businesses in conflict and buffer states are acting to enhance peace. The five articles in this special issue address this central theme with four field-based research papers and one peace dialogue. The four research papers are based on field research and interviews conducted with practitioners from multinationals civil society international organizations and those working on the ground in Samoa Malawi and Papua New Guinea. Brought together by guest editor John Katsos this issue truly emphasises BPSD's key aim of furthering an interdisciplinary understanding of the mutual development of business and peace. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781783535521

Auschwitz and AfterRace Culture and "the Jewish Question" in France Beginning with Marcel Ophus's documentary The Sorrow and the Pity (1970) there has been an attempt to question the idea of a totally unified courageous and resistant wartime France. Even more startling have been the increasingly shocking revelations that the politics of collaboration were a mere extension of a deep-seated French anti-semitic tradition. In the shadow of these developments French writers and philosophers today are reflecting on the meaning of Jewish identity in the contemporary world. Auschwitz and After analyses for the first time how the memory of Auschwitz and the collaboration continue to haunt the French. These critical evaluations are accompianed by provocative essays on the "jewish Question" and the politics of race as they have been studied by writers historians philosophers and film makers in postwar France. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203871430

Ausonius of BordeauxGenesis of a Gallic Aristocracy In the burgeoning field of late classical antiquity the authors of late Roman Gaul have served as a mine of information regarding the historical cultural political social and religious developments of the western empire and of Gaul in particular. Ausonius is outstanding among these authors for the extraordinary range of material which his writings illuminate. His family exemplifies the rise of provincial upper-classes in Aquitania through talent ambition and opportunism. Fusing historical method with archaeological artistic and literary evidence Hagith Sivan interprets the political message of Ausonius' work and conveys the material reality of his lifestyle. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415756044

AusoniusMoselle Epigrams and Other Poems Ausonius provides translations of the key works of Ausonius an important later Latin poet whose poems detail the social and cultural life of Gaul and its environment. His often difficult and playful Latin is presented in English by the award winning poet Deborah Warren enabling a new generation of students to use and understand the poems. With notes and commentary throughout this volume will be important not only as an example of later Latin poetry but also as a window onto the Later Roman Empire and the beginnings of early Christian writing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367595203

Austen Chamberlain and the Commitment to EuropeBritish Foreign Policy 1924-1929 This is a study of Austen Chamberlain's term of office as Stanley Baldwin's Foreign Secretary from 1924-29. It is argued that Chamberlain's priority was a two-stage policy in Western Europe which aimed at pacifying both France and Germany as well as encouraging the League of Nations. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315865553

Austen ChamberlainGentleman in Politics First published in 1987. A biographical look into the character and career of Austen Chamberlain. ‘Chamberlain’ thought Lord Beaverbrook ‘will be a fascinating subject for a biography.’ These pages attempt to justify Beaverbrook’s words. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507470

Austere Histories in European SocietiesSocial Exclusion and the Contest of Colonial Memories In recent years European states have turned toward more austere political regimes entailing budget cuts deregulation of labour markets restrictions of welfare systems securitization of borders and new regimes of migration and citizenship. In the wake of such changes new forms of social inclusion and exclusion appear that are justified through a reactivation of differences of race class and gender. Against this backdrop this collection investigates contemporary understandings of history and cultural memory. In doing so the reader will join the leading European contributors of this title in examining how crisis and decline in contemporary Europe trigger a selective forgetting and remodelling of the past. Indeed Austere Histories in European Societies breaks new paths in scholarship by synthesising and connecting current European debates on migration racism and multiculturalism. In addition to this the authors present debates on cultural memory and the place of the colonial legacy within an extensive comparative framework and across the boundaries of the humanities and social sciences. This book will appeal to scholars and students across the social sciences and humanities particularly in European studies memory studies sociology postcolonial studies migration studies European history cultural policy cultural heritage economics and political theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367490164

Austerity Across EuropeLived Experiences of Economic Crises Drawing together multidisciplinary research exploring everyday life in Europe during times of economic crisis this book explores the ways in which austerity policies are lived and experienced - often alongside other significant social political and personal change. With attention to the inequalities produced by these processes and the measures used by individuals families and communities to help them ‘get by’ it also envisages hopeful affirmative socio-political futures. Arranged around the themes of intergenerational relations and exchanges ways of coping through crises and community civic and state infrastructures Austerity Across Europe will appeal to social scientists with interests in everyday life family practices neoliberal state policy poverty and socio-economic inequalities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367192518

Austerity and ProtestPopular Contention in Times of Economic Crisis What is the relationship between economic crises and protest behaviour? Does the experience of austerity or economic hardship more broadly defined create a greater potential for protest? With protest movements and events such as the Indignados and the Occupy Movement receiving a great deal of attention in the media and in the popular imaginary in recent times this path-breaking book offers a rigorously-researched evidence-based set of chapters on the relationship between austerity and protest. In so doing it provides a thorough overview of different theories mechanisms patterns and trends which will contextualize more recent developments and provide a pivotal point of reference on the relationship between these two variables. More specifically this book will speak to three crucial long-standing debates in scholarship in political sociology social movement studies and related fields: The effects of economic hardship on protest and social movements. The role of grievances and opportunities in social movement theory. The distinction between 'old' and 'new' movements. The chapters in this book engage with these three key debates and challenge commonly held views of political sociologists and social movement scholars on all three counts thus allowing us to advance study in the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367597573

Austerity and the Third Sector in GreeceCivil Society at the European Frontline Organised civil society in Greece is generally regarded as weak with rankings for associational density volunteerism and levels of social capital traditionally among the lowest in Europe. Austerity and the Third Sector in Greece explores the context behind the statistics and general perceptions of a society of takers not givers. Stereotypes of a country living beyond its means have been exacerbated by the Eurozone crisis but since 2008 there has in fact been a great proliferation of organised civil society initiatives in the country. Has the financial crisis seen a belated awakening of Greek civil society? Offering a broad overview of contemporary civil society in Greece this book explores how various characteristics of the country's socio-political context have affected the development of the third sector and examines the effect of the economic crisis on it. Expert contributors combine macro-level analyses with local case studies to form a fascinating new study on the influences of national and regional context on civil society development. Their findings provide not only for a better understanding of similar movements but also contribute to wider academic debates on societal responses to economic crises. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138573055

Austral JazzThe Localization of a Global Music Form in Sydney Austral Jazz: The Localization of a Global Music Form in Sydney proposes a new theoretical framework for understanding local jazz communities as they develop outside the United States demonstrating such processes in action by applying the framework to a significant period of the history of jazz in Sydney Australia after 1973. This volume introduces the notion of ‘Austral Jazz ’ coined in order to reset the focus on supranational conceptions of jazz expressions in the southwestern Pacific. It makes the case for Austral Jazz chronologically across six chapters that discuss interpret and critique major events and seminal recordings tracing the development of the Austral shift from a pre-Austral period prior to 1973. Austral Jazz presents a fresh approach to understanding the development of jazz communities and while its focus is on the Sydney scene after 1973 the ‘Austral’ theory can be applied to creative communities globally. A creative shift took place in Sydney in the early 1970s which led to the flourishing of a new kind of jazz-based expression one that reflected Australia’s increasingly globalized and multicultural outlook. This study is timely and it builds on the work of local jazz researchers. Historiographical understandings of global developments in jazz can be understood within a framework of four overarching narratives: The ‘birth and belonging’ narrative; the ‘spread and adaptation’ narrative; the ‘pluralization by localization’ narrative; and the ‘self-fashioning of the already local’ narrative. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138316027

Australia and AsiaCultural Transactions Focuses on a series of interactions and exchanges - whether philosophical political aesthetic or commercial - between Australia and the cultures of the Asia-Pacific region. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964167

Australia and BritainStudies in a Changing Relationship This title available in eBook format. Click here for more information.Visit our eBookstore at: Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138432499

Australia and Nuclear War ‘I pray that words spoken at this conference may carry beyond walls and reach thousands of ears hitherto deaf to warnings of the final catastrophe.’ So said Patrick White in June 1983 at an important symposium organised by the Australian National University to examine the whole issue of nuclear war and its implications for Australia. Many prominent Australians – including H. C. Coombs Senator Susan Ryan leading academics and medics – attended the conference along with distinguished experts from overseas and mingled and talked with many representatives of Australian peace movements. In two intense and emotional days they discussed many different aspects of the crisis that threatens the world from the latest scientific thinking on possible effects on the atmosphere to the increasingly important role of the women’s peace movement and the efforts of ordinary people around the world to stop the nuclear arms race. Originally published in 1983 this book presents the upshot of these deliberations including unforgettable illustrations of some of the consequences of nuclear war. The book does not pretend to provide the answers nor does it take any political viewpoint. It does present the authoritative opinions of some of the world’s leading minds on the extent of the threat that faces Australia alongside powerful statements from committed men and women from around the world – opinions that will inform and disturb all thinking Australians. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367529383

Australia as an Asia-Pacific Regional PowerFriendships in Flux? During recent years in its traditional role as an important Asia-Pacific regional power Australia has had to cope with a rapidly changing external security environment and a series of new challenges including a rising China an increasingly assertive United States and most notably the Global War against Terror. This book considers the changing nature of Australia’s identity and role in the Asia-Pacific and the forces behind these developments with particular attention towards security alignments and alliance relationships. It outlines the contours of Australia’s traditional role as a key regional middle power and the patterns of its heavy reliance on security alignments and alliances. Brendan Taylor goes on to consider Australia’s relationships with other regional powers including Japan China Indonesia and India uncovering the underlying purposes and expectations associated with these relationships their evolving character – particularly in the post Cold War era – and likely future directions. He discusses the implications for the region of Australia’s new ‘Pacific doctrine’ of intervention whether Australia’s traditional alliance preferences are compatible with the emergence of a new East Asian security mechanism and the impact of new transnational and non-traditional security challenges such as terrorism and failed states. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415540926

Australia Circumnavigated. The Voyage of Matthew Flinders in HMS Investigator 1801-1803 / Volume II This two-volume work provides the first edited publication of Matthew Flinders’s fair journals from the circumnavigation of Australia in 1801-1803 in HMS Investigator and of the ’Memoir’ he wrote to accompany his journals and charts. These are among the most important primary texts in Australian maritime history and European voyaging in the Pacific. Flinders was the first explorer to circumnavigate Australia. He was also largely responsible for giving Australia its name. His voyage was supported by the Admiralty the Navy Board the East India Company and the patronage of Sir Joseph Banks President of the Royal Society. Banks ensured that the Investigator expedition included scientific gentlemen to document Australia’s flora fauna geology and landscape features. The botanist Robert Brown botanical painter Ferdinand Bauer landscape artist William Westall and the gardener Peter Good were all members of the voyage. After landfall at Cape Leeuwin Flinders sailed anti-clockwise round the whole continent returning to Port Jackson when the ship became unseaworthy. After a series of misfortunes including a shipwreck and a long detention at the Ile de France (now Mauritius) Flinders returned to England in 1810. He devoted the last four years of his life to preparing A Voyage to Terra Australis published in two volumes and an atlas. Flinders died on 19 July 1814 at the age of forty. The fair journals edited here comprise a daily log with full nautical information and ’remarks’ on the coastal landscape the achievements of previous navigators in Australian waters encounters with Aborigines and Macassan trepangers naval routines scientific findings and Flinders’s surveying and charting. The journals also include instructions for the voyage and some additional correspondence. The ’Memoir’ explains Flinders’ methodology in compiling his journals and charts and the purpose and content of his surveys. This edition has a substantial introduction Media > Books > Print Books Hakluyt Society 9781908145109

Australia Circumnavigated. The Voyage of Matthew Flinders in HMS Investigator 1801-1803 / Volume IThe Voyage of Matthew Flinders in HMS Inv This two-volume work provides the first edited publication of Matthew Flinders’s fair journals from the circumnavigation of Australia in 1801-1803 in HMS Investigator and of the ’Memoir’ he wrote to accompany his journals and charts. These are among the most important primary texts in Australian maritime history and European voyaging in the Pacific. Flinders was the first explorer to circumnavigate Australia. He was also largely responsible for giving Australia its name. His voyage was supported by the Admiralty the Navy Board the East India Company and the patronage of Sir Joseph Banks President of the Royal Society. Banks ensured that the Investigator expedition included scientific gentlemen to document Australia’s flora fauna geology and landscape features. The botanist Robert Brown botanical painter Ferdinand Bauer landscape artist William Westall and the gardener Peter Good were all members of the voyage. After landfall at Cape Leeuwin Flinders sailed anti-clockwise round the whole continent returning to Port Jackson when the ship became unseaworthy. After a series of misfortunes including a shipwreck and a long detention at the Ile de France (now Mauritius) Flinders returned to England in 1810. He devoted the last four years of his life to preparing A Voyage to Terra Australis published in two volumes and an atlas. Flinders died on 19 July 1814 at the age of forty. The fair journals edited here comprise a daily log with full nautical information and ’remarks’ on the coastal landscape the achievements of previous navigators in Australian waters encounters with Aborigines and Macassan trepangers naval routines scientific findings and Flinders’s surveying and charting. The journals also include instructions for the voyage and some additional correspondence. The ’Memoir’ explains Flinders’ methodology in compiling his journals and charts and the purpose and content of his surveys. This edition has a substantial introduction Media > Books > Print Books Hakluyt Society 9781908145093

Australia CircumnavigatedThe Voyage of Matthew Flinders in HMS Investigator 1801-1803. Volume I This two-volume work provides the first edited publication of Matthew Flinders’s fair journals from the circumnavigation of Australia in 1801-1803 in HMS Investigator and of the ’Memoir’ he wrote to accompany his journals and charts. These are among the most important primary texts in Australian maritime history and European voyaging in the Pacific. Flinders was the first explorer to circumnavigate Australia. He was also largely responsible for giving Australia its name. His voyage was supported by the Admiralty the Navy Board the East India Company and the patronage of Sir Joseph Banks President of the Royal Society. Banks ensured that the Investigator expedition included scientific gentlemen to document Australia’s flora fauna geology and landscape features. The botanist Robert Brown botanical painter Ferdinand Bauer landscape artist William Westall and the gardener Peter Good were all members of the voyage. After landfall at Cape Leeuwin Flinders sailed anti-clockwise round the whole continent returning to Port Jackson when the ship became unseaworthy. After a series of misfortunes including a shipwreck and a long detention at the Ile de France (now Mauritius) Flinders returned to England in 1810. He devoted the last four years of his life to preparing A Voyage to Terra Australis published in two volumes and an atlas. Flinders died on 19 July 1814 at the age of forty. The fair journals edited here comprise a daily log with full nautical information and ’remarks’ on the coastal landscape the achievements of previous navigators in Australian waters encounters with Aborigines and Macassan trepangers naval routines scientific findings and Flinders’s surveying and charting. The journals also include instructions for the voyage and some additional correspondence. The ’Memoir’ explains Flinders’ methodology in compiling his journals and charts and the purpose and content of his surveys. This edition has a substantial introduction Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781908145116

Australia in International PoliticsAn introduction to Australian foreign policy The world changed for Australia after the terrorist attacks on the US on September 11 2001 and the Bali bombings of 2002. Security became the dominant theme of Australian foreign policy. Australian military forces remained in Afghanistan years later opposing the terrorist threat of the Taliban while hundreds of Australian troops and police worked with public servants to build the state in Asia-Pacific countries such as East Timor and Solomon Islands. The world changed for Australia too when the global financial crisis of September 2008 threatened another Great Depression. Meantime the international community made slow progress on measures to stem climate change potentially Australia's largest security threat.In a newly revised and updated edition Australia in International Politics shows how the nation is responding to these challenges. The book describes how Australian foreign policy has evolved since Federation and how it is made. It examines Australia's part in the United Nations humanitarian intervention and peacekeeping. It analyses defence policy and nuclear arms control. It explains why Australia survived the global financial crisis and why the G20 has become the leading institution of global economic governance. It charts the course of Australia's climate change diplomacy the growth of Australia's foreign aid human rights in foreign relations and the rise of China as a great power.Written by one of Australia's most experienced teachers of international relations Australia in International Politics explains Australian foreign policy for readers new to the field.'. one of the best books on Australian foreign policy that I have read in recent years' - Samuel M. Makinda Australian Journal of Political Science Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003114918

Australia’s Jindyworobak Composers Australia’s Jindyworobak Composers examines the music of a historically and artistically significant group of Australian composers active during the later post-colonial period (1930s–c. 1960). These composers sought to establish a uniquely Australian identity through the evocation of the country’s landscape and environment including notably the use of Aboriginal elements or imagery in their music texts dramatic scenarios or ‘programmes’. Nevertheless it must be observed that this word was originally adopted as a manifesto for an Australian literary movement and was for the most part only retrospectively applied by commentators (rather than the composers themselves) to art music that was seen to share similar aesthetic aims. Chapter One demonstrates to what extent a meaningful relationship may or may not be discernible between the artistic tenets of Jindyworobak writers and apparently likeminded composers. In doing so it establishes the context for a full exploration of the music of Australian composers to whom ‘Jindyworobak’ has come to be popularly applied. The following chapters explore the music of composers writing within the Jindyworobak period itself and finally the later twentieth-century afterlife of Jindyworobakism. This will be of particular interest to scholars and researchers of Ethnomusicology Australian Music and Music History. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367151409

Australia-China Relations post 1949Sixty Years of Trade and Politics This book challenges the common perceptions of Australian dependence upon great-power allies in the conduct of its foreign relations through a critical examination of Australia's relations with the People's Republic of China. The author focuses on the economic and political dimensions of the policy-making process from the founding of the PRC in 1949 to the present era against an analytical framework that takes into account both internal and external factors in the formulation and implementation of Australian foreign policy. Informed by political science and international relations the book differs from the conventional literature on Sino-Australian relations which has either focused on pure economic analysis or concentrated on chronicling historical events. The author weaves theoretical insights from political science and international relations into the historical analysis while seeking to examine the interplay between political and economic factors over time in shaping policy outcomes. The book draws not only on primary and secondary sources but also on information and insights obtained from interviews with a vast array of direct participants in the policy process including almost all the former ambassadors from both China and Australia covering the entire period of the diplomatic relationship. As a result the book breaks new ground especially from the Hawke era onwards revealing hitherto overlooked details of interest in the policy process. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138109162

Australian Aboriginal Grammar This study covers a number of topics that are prominent in the grammars of Australian Aboriginal languages especially ergativity and manifestations of the hierarchy that runs from the speech-act participants down to inanimates. This hierarchy shows up in case marking number marking and agreement advancement and cross-referencing. Chapter 1 provides an overall picture of Australian languages. Chapters 2 3 and 4 deal with case systems including voice alternations and other advancements. Chapter 5 deals with the distribution of case marking within the noun phrase. Chapter 6 deals with systems that allow the cross-referencing of bound pronouns. Chapter 7 deals with clauses which appear to have more than one verb. Chapter 8 deals with compound and complex sentences. Chapter 9 deals with word order and emphasises a theme introduced in Chapter 5 namely the widespread use of discontinuous phrases. Chapter 10 draws together ergativity and various manifestations of the hierarchy and attempts to interpret their distribution. The final section provides an interesting hypothesis about the evolution of core grammar in Australia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964174

Australian and US Military CooperationFighting Common Enemies Australia and the United States have found themselves fighting common enemies on the battlefields of the world for over half a century. Australian ground forces have repeatedly stood shoulder-to-shoulder with American troops in conflicts from Korea and Vietnam to Afghanistan - and now in the 2003 Iraq war. This study looks closely at the key factors which for over fifty years have shaped interpreted and applied the aims and aspirations of this mutual defence agreement to the real world of shifting threats changing strategic balances and the democratic uncertainties of domestic politics. A departure from the current literature the ANZUS alliance now updated to take account of the new post 11 September 2001 realities is presented as an accessible and concise survey of this often neglected but increasingly important trans-Pacific link between the American giant and its durable Australian ally. Suitable as supplementary reading at the 3rd year undergraduate and postgraduate levels of courses studying international relations generally but also useful for those engaged with elements of global and regional security and strategic defence analysis. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815387688

Australian Art and Artists in London 1950-1965An Antipodean Summer Subtle and wide-ranging in its account this study explores the impact of Australian art in Britain in the two decades following the end of World War II and preceding the 'Swinging Sixties'. In a transitional period of decolonization in Britain Australian painting was briefly seized upon as a dynamic and reinvigorating force in contemporary art and a group of Australian artists settled in London where they held centre stage with group and solo exhibitions in the capital's most prestigious galleries. The book traces the key influences of Sir Kenneth Clark Bernard Smith and Bryan Robertson in their various (and varying) roles as patrons ideologues and entrepreneurs for Australian art as well as the self-definition and interaction of the artists themselves. Simon Pierse interweaves multiple issues of the period into a cohesive historical narrative including the mechanics of the British art world the limited and frustrating cultural scene of 1950s Australia and the conservative influence of Australian government bodies. Publishing for the first time archival material letters and photographs previously unavailable to scholars either in Britain or Australia this book demonstrates how the work of expatriate Australian artists living in London constructed a distinct vision of Australian identity for a foreign market. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138246393

Australian Artists in the Contemporary Museum This unique book proposes a re-reading of the relationship between artists and the contemporary museum. In Australia in particular the museum has played a significant role in the colonial project and this has generally been considered as the predominant mode of artists' engagement with such institutions and collections. Australian Artists in the Contemporary Museum expands the post-colonial frame of reference used to interpret this work to demonstrate the broader implications of the relationship between artists and the museum and thus to offer an alternative way of understanding recent contemporary practices. The authors' central argument is that artists' engagement with the museum has shifted from politically motivated critique taking place in museums of fine art towards interventions taking place in non-art museums that focus on the creation of knowledge more broadly. Such interventions assume a number of forms including the artist acting as curator art works that highlight the use of taxonomic modes of display and categorization and the re-consideration of the aesthetics of collections to suggest different ways of interpreting objects and their history. Central to these interventions is the challenge to better connect the museum and its public. The book will be essential reading for scholars professionals and students in the fields of contemporary art and museum studies art history and in the museum sector. These include artists curators museum and gallery professionals postgraduate researchers art historians designers and design scholars art and museum educators and students of visual art art history and museum studies. This project has been assisted by the Australian government through the Australia Council for the Arts its arts funding and advisory body. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815399247

Australian Beach CulturesThe History of Sun Sand and Surf Australians are surrounded by beaches. But this enclosure is more than a geographical fact for the inhabitants of an island continent; the beach is an integral part of the cultural envelope. This work analyzes the history of the beach as an integral aspect of Australian culture. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203045596

Australian Between Empires: The Life of Percy Spender Part biography part transnational history this study details the life and career of Percy Spender one of Australia's most prominent twentieth-century political figures. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138661158

Australian Cinema in the 1990s This study is a collection of critical and scholarly analyses of the organisation of the Australian Film Industry since 1990. Particular emphasis is put on globalisation authorship national narrative and film aesthetics. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203045022

Australian Climate Policy and DiplomacyGovernment-Industry Discourses Australian Climate Policy and Diplomacy provides a well overdue critique of existing and high-profile publications that convey the ‘greenhouse mafia’ hypothesis which posits that Australia’s weak policy response to climate change is the result of a menacing domestic fossil fuel lobby. Ben L. Parr argues that the shared government–industry discourse about protecting Australia’s industrial competitiveness has had a more decisive influence in shaping and legitimising Australian climate policy than the direct lobbying tactics of the fossil fuel industry. Parr also reveals how the divergent foreign policy discourses and traditions of Australia’s two major political parties – as internationalist versus alliance-focused – have enabled and constrained their climate diplomacy and domestic policies over time. To demonstrate his argument he presents a discourse analysis woven into a chronological policy narrative comprising more than 1000 primary texts (media releases interviews and speeches) generated by prime ministers and key fossil fuel lobbyists. Overall this volume illustrates how domestic forces have and are influencing Australia’s climate policy. In doing so it also provides a framework that can be adapted to examine climate mitigation policies in other countries notably Canada and the US. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of climate change environmental policy and governance and Australian climate change policy and politics more specifically as well as policymakers and practitioners working in these fields. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138323827

Australian Critical DecisionsRemembering Koowarta and Tasmanian Dams The 1980s was a time of significant social political and cultural change. In Australia the law was pivotal to these changes. The two High Court cases that this book explores – Koowarta v Bjelke-Petersen (1982) and the Tasmanian Dams case (1983) – are famous legally as they marked a decisive reckoning by the Court with both international law and federal constitutionalism. Yet these cases also offer a significant marker of Australia in the 1980s: a shift to a different form of political engagement nationally and internationally on complex questions about race and the environment. This book brings these cases together for the first time. It does so to explore not only the legal legacy and relationship between Koowarta and Tasmanian Dams but also to reflect on how Australians experience their law in time and place and why those experiences might require more than the usual legal records. The authors include significant figures in Australian public life some of whom were key participants in the cases as well as established and respected scholars of law history environment and Indigenous studies. This collection offers a combination of personal recollections of the cases as well as a consideration of their ongoing significance in Australian life. This book was originally published as two special issues of the Griffith Law Review. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367077068

Australian English ReimaginedStructure Features and Developments Australian English is perhaps best known for its colourful slang but the variety is much richer than slang alone. This collection provides a detailed account of Australian English by bringing together leading scholars of this English variety. These scholars provide a comprehensive overview of Australian English’s distinctive features and outline cutting-edge research into the variation and change of English in Australia. Organised thematically this volume explores the ways in which Australian English differs from other varieties of English as well as examining regional social and stylistic variation within the variety. The volume first explores particular structural features where Australian English differentiates itself from other English varieties. There are chapters on phonetics and phonology socio-phonetics lexicon and discourse-pragmatics as these elements are core to understanding any variety of English especially within the World Englishes paradigm. It then considers what are arguably the most salient aspects of variation within Australian English and finally focuses on historical attitudinal and planning aspects of Australian English. This volume provides a thorough account of Australian English and its users as complex diverse and worthy of study. Perhaps more importantly this volume’s scholars provide a reimagining of Australian English and the paradigm through which future scholars may proceed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367029395

Australian Environmental PlanningChallenges and Future Prospects Winner of the Planning Institute of Australia's 2015 Cutting Edge Research and Teaching Award! Australians from all walks of life have begun to realise the nation’s cities cannot sustain profligate growth indefinitely. Dwindling water supplies failing food bowls increased energy costs more severe bushfires severe storms flooding coastal erosion rising transport expenses housing shortages and environmental pollution are now daily news headlines. Australia’s cities may have reached their ecological limits: a new model for planning the places we live is needed. Understanding the natural cycles of the city is just as important to planning our cities as knowledge of local ordinances indeed much more so. A profound knowledge of environmental processes is critical for successful planning in today’s world. Environmental planners take as their guiding principle the concept of designing with nature approaching cities as living organisms that consume water energy and raw materials and produce waste. This metabolic view of cities means we can find new solutions to old problems and steer our cities towards a more sustainable form of planning. Written specifically for students and professionals working in city planning in Australia this ground-breaking new book enables Australian planners architects and developers to get a better understanding of the fundamental principles of environmental planning for cities showing how land water air energy wildlife and people shape our built environments and how in turn environmental processes must be better understood if we are to make informed decisions about developing cities that are more sustainable. The book’s coverage is comprehensive: from an overview of the concepts and theories of environmental planning through analysis of governance systems and urban environmental processes to agendas and policies for the future all the key topics are covered in depth with recommendations for supporting reading and an unrivalled selection of additional materials. Ideal for students essential for professionals Australian Environmental Planning is vital reading for more sustainable cities in a more sustainable world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138000711

Australian Guidebook for Structural Engineers This guidebook is a practical and essential tool providing everything necessary for structural design engineers to create detailed and accurate calculations.Basic information is provided for steel concrete and geotechnical design in accordance with Australian and international standards. Detailed design items are also provided especially relevant to the mining and oil and gas industries. Examples include pipe supports lifting analysis and dynamic machine foundation design.Steel theory is presented with information on fabrication transportation and costing along with member connection and anchor design. Concrete design includes information on construction costs as well as detailed calculations ranging from a simple beam design to the manual production of circular column interaction diagrams. For geotechnics simple guidance is given on the manual production and code compliance of calculations for items such as pad footings piles retaining walls and slabs. Each chapter also includes recommended drafting details to aid in the creation of design drawings.More generally highly useful aids for design engineers include section calculations and force diagrams. Capacity tables cover real-world items such as various slab thicknesses with a range of reinforcing options commonly used steel sections and lifting lug capacities. Calculations are given for wind seismic vehicular piping and other loads. User guides are included for Space Gass and Strand7 including a non-linear analysis example for lifting lug design. Users are also directed to popular vendor catalogues to acquire commonly used items such as steel sections handrails grating grouts and lifting devices.This guidebook supports practicing engineers in the development of detailed designs and refinement of their engineering skill and knowledge. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367885007

Australian Handbook of Public Sector Management 'This is an excellent 'do-it-yourself' introductory study to public sector management covering a wide range of issues including recent public service reforms. I recommend it to anyone interested in the practice and study of public sector management.' - Tony Ayers National President Institute of Public Administration AustraliaThe traditional view of public sector management is under challenge. The shifting boundaries of the public-private sector are transforming the nature of the public sector in the 21st century and placing increasing demands on managers. This user-friendly handbook examines the changes that have taken place over the last twenty years and addresses the practical issues faced by public servants today. It makes abundant use of exhibits case studies and real world examples to illustrate key concepts in public sector management. By including many 'points for reference' the authors challenge readers to apply both theory and practice to those public services situations with which they are familiar.Australian Handbook of Public Sector Management is a unique blend of academic and practical approaches to current management practices in the public sector. It has been designed to assist students and those new to the public sector to develop the knowledge and skills they require to provide high quality public services. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003114925

Australian Indigenous Hip HopThe Politics of Culture Identity and Spirituality This book investigates the discursive and performative strategies employed by Australian Indigenous rappers to make sense of the world and establish a position of authority over their identity and place in society. Focusing on the aesthetics the language and the performativity of Hip Hop this book pays attention to the life stance the philosophy and the spiritual beliefs of Australian Indigenous Hip Hop artists as ‘glocal’ producers and consumers. With Hip Hop as its main point of analysis the author investigates interrogates and challenges categories and preconceived ideas about the critical notions of authenticity ‘Indigenous’ and dominant values spiritual practices and political activism. Maintaining the emphasis on the importance of adopting decolonizing research strategies the author utilises qualitative and ethnographic methods of data collection such as semi-structured interviews informal conversations participant observation and fieldwork notes. Collaborators and participants shed light on some of the dynamics underlying their musical decisions and their view within discussions on representations of ‘Indigenous identity and politics’. Looking at the Indigenous rappers’ local and global aspirations this study shows that by counteracting hegemonic narratives through their unique stories Indigenous rappers have utilised Hip Hop as an expressive means to empower themselves and their audiences entertain and revive their Elders’ culture in ways that are contextual to the society they live in. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138615007

Australian Medical Law Exploring the patterns in the rich tapestry of medical law this text is the most up-to-date work of its kind. After an introduction to bio-ethical principles Australian Medical Law discusses the interplay of different areas of law as they impact on medical practice. The text considers the impact of contract crime and tort law. Particular attention is given to competency and the thorny issue of consent to treatment. Other areas canvassed include confidentiality access to medical records complaints and transplants. The latest case law is included as well as commentary on the Civil Liability Act. Clearly expressed and accessible this text is relevant to all students and practitioners involved in the burgeoning field of medical law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge-Cavendish 9781138129641

Australian MetropolisA Planning History The Australian Metropolis splendidly fills a huge gap in the literature on Australian cities. It is the definitive account of the history of Australian cities and the crucial role which planning has played in their genesis and growth. Spanning two centuries from the very beginning until the present day it will instantly become a standard work ' Professor Sir Peter Hall author of Cities in Civilisation..The Australian Metropolis provides a single-volume introduction to the development of urban planning. It fills the need for a convenient initial resource for anyone interested in the broad evolutionary sweep of modern planning. By setting the evolution of Australian planning within its broader societal context The Australian Metropolis presents a balanced appraisal of the positive negative and ambivalent legacies resulting from attempts to plan Australia's major cities. This book is the winner of two Royal Australian Planning Institute Awards for Planning Excellence in 2000/2001 including the New South Wales' Division Prize for Planning Scholarship in February 2001. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203362518

Australian Native PlantsCultivation and Uses in the Health and Food Industries Australian Native Plants: Cultivation and Uses in the Health and Food Industries provides a comprehensive overview of native food crops commercially grown in Australia that possess nutritional and health properties largely unknown on a global basis. These native foods have been consumed traditionally have a unique flavor diversity offer significant health promoting effects and contain useful functional properties. Australian native plant foods have also been identified for their promising antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that have considerable commercial potential. This book is divided into three parts: The first part reviews the cultivation and production of many Australian native plants (ANP) including Anise Myrtle Bush Tomato Desert Raisin Davidson’s Plum Desert Limes Australian Finger Lime Kakadu Plum Lemon Aspen Lemon Myrtle Muntries Native Pepper Quandong Riberry and Wattle Seed. It then examines the food and health applications of ANP and discusses alternative medicines based on aboriginal traditional knowledge and culture nutritional characteristics and bioactive compounds in ANP. In addition it reviews the anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory properties of ANP and discusses food preservation antimicrobial activity of ANP and unique flavors from Australian native plants. The third section covers the commercial applications of ANP. It focuses on native Australian plant extracts and cosmetic applications processing of native plant foods and ingredients quality changes during packaging and storage of Australian native herbs. The final few chapters look into the importance of value chains that connect producers and consumers of native plant foods new market opportunities for Australian indigenous food plants and the safety of using native foods as ingredients in the health and food sectors. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482257144

Australian Overseas Aid Originally published in 1986 this book evaluated the review of the Australian Overseas Aid Program (the 1984 Jackson Report) and discusses the significance of Australia’s contribution to overseas aid for the future. The book focusses on the overall context of the Jackson report; discusses the geographical distribution of aid proposed by the report and examines aid administration in its more specific bureaucratic context and with broader questions of community participation in developmental processes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367341572

Australian PolicingCritical Issues in 21st Century Police Practice This edited collection brings together leading academics researchers and police personnel to provide a comprehensive body of literature that informs Australian police education training research policy and practice. There is a strong history and growth in police education both in Australia and globally. Recognising and reflecting on the Australian and New Zealand Policing Advisory Agency (ANZPAA) education and training framework the range of chapters within the book address a range of 21st-century issues modern police forces face. This book discusses four key themes: Education training and professional practice: topics include police education ethics wellbeing and leadership Organisational approaches and techniques: topics include police discretion use of force investigative interviewing and forensic science Operational practices and procedures: topics include police and the media emergency management cybercrime terrorism and community management Working with individuals and groups: topics include mental health Indigenous communities young people hate crime domestic violence and working with victims Australian Policing: Critical Issues in 21st Century Police Practice draws together theoretical and practice debates to ensure this book will be of interest to those who want to join the police those who are currently training to become a police officer and those who are currently serving. This book is essential reading for all students scholars and researchers engaged with policing and the criminal justice sector. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367464677

Australian Restitution Law This book is the first casebook on restitution law to be published in Australia. It contains comprehensive extracts from the most significant Australian and English cases together with some Canadian cases which indicate the possible direction which Australian law will take. The author has included substantial commentaries following the extracts in order to further explain the decisions from overseas jurisdictions to place those decisions in an Australian context. In the last decade there has been a significant number of Australian decisions which deal with important concepts in restitution and which supplement qualify or refine the English law of restitution. The focus in this book on the Australian position makes it an invaluable resource for anyone who is studying or researching restitution law in Australia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge-Cavendish 9781138150720

Australian Security After 9/11New and Old Agendas Debates on security became more intense following the unanticipated end of the Cold War conflict and took on added force after the terrorist attacks on the US on September 11 2001. Generally viewed as a part of the wider 'West' despite its separation by enormous geographical distances from both Europe and the United States Australia is a regional power in its own right. It has been an active and loyal member of the US-led coalitions of the willing first in Afghanistan and then in Iraq. The terrorist attacks in Bali one year after the attacks in the United States brought home to Australia the direct nature of the new global terrorist threats to its own security. This volume brings together leading experts on international security and Australia's foreign and security policies in a critical examination of Australia's adaptations to the new security challenges. It is the first in-depth and comprehensive analysis of Australia's defence and security policies as well as the country's role in countering regional and global challenges to international security since the war on terrorism began. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003063223

Australian SportAntipodean Waves of Change Australia is only a small player in the world’s political and economic landscapes yet for many decades it has been considered to be a global powerhouse in terms of its sporting successes. In conjunction with this notion the nation has long been portrayed as having a preoccupation with sport. This labelling has been seen as both a blessing and a curse. Those who value a Bourdieuian view of culture bemoan sport’s centrality to the national imagination and the consequent lack of media coverage funding and prestige accorded to the arts. Other scholars question whether the popular stereotype of the Australian sportsperson is in fact a myth and that instead Australians are predominantly passive sport consumers rather than active sport participants. Australian sport through its successes on the field of play and in advancing sport coaching and management has undergone a revolution as both an enabler of global processes and as subject to its influences (economic political migratory etc.). This book will examine the shifting place of Australian sports in current global and local environs from the perspective of spectators players and administrators. This book was previously published as a special issue of Sport in Society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138880559

Australian Sports JournalismPower Control and Threats This insightful volume explores the major challenges facing sports journalism in Australia today discussing how in an environment dominated by sports organisations and increasing commercial factors the role of the sports journalist is being severely compromised. By combining quantitative and qualitative responses from 120 sports journalists with previous research and placing these in the theoretical lenses of field and gatekeeping theories this book provides a comprehensive overview of the field of Australian sports journalism. Topics discussed include ethical questions in reporting on sports the role of women in sports journalism and the increased commercialisation of the field as well as journalists’ perceptions on sports organisations and the changing access for media. The book also offers suggestions for the future of the industry and two contemporary conceptual models are developed. Offering important insight into the workings of contemporary sports journalism in Australia this book is a useful resource for academics and students around the world in the fields of journalism media sports and communication. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367857813

Australian Television Culture Australian television has been transformed over the past decade. Cross-media ownership and audience-reach regulations redrew the map and business culture of television; leading business entrepreneurs acquired television stations and then sold them in the bust of the late 1980s; and new television services were developed for non-English speaking and Aboriginal viewers.Australian Television Culture is the first book to offer a comprehensive analysis of the fundamental changes of this period. It is also the first to offer a substantial treatment of the significance of multiculturalism and Aboriginal initiatives in television.Tracing the links between local regional national and international television services Tom O'Regan builds a picture of Australian television. He argues that we are not just an outpost of the US networks and that we have a distinct television culture of our own.'.a truly innovative book. The author ambitiously strives for a large-scale synthesis of policy program analysis history politics international influences and the Australian television system's place in the world.' - Associate Professor Stuart Cunningham Queensland University of Technology Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003114956

Australian TelevisionPrograms pleasures and politics Media communications and cultural studies form a rapidly growing part of secondary and tertiary education in Australia yet there have been few books dealing specifically with Australian television. This is the first wide ranging study of television in Australia and includes a coverage of the cultural and institutional history of Australian television as well as examining a wide range of television programming.Prisoner Perfect Match Hey Hey It's Saturday A Country Practice Vietnam and Beyond 2000 are some of the programs described and analysed. Issues are raised such as the relationship between children and television the role of the television documentary and the function television serves in constructing communities.The contributors to Australian Television: Programs Pleasures and Politics include some of the leading researchers in Australian television and cultural studies and their articles employ a wide range of methods - from semiotic analyses to cultural histories. Despite their dealing with often quite sophisticated problems the chapters are written in an accessible and lively manner. This is an important collection which opens out space for more informed and challenging discussions of Australia's television culture - its programs its meanings its pleasures and its politics. It will be an invaluable text for all tertiary television media studies communications studies Australian studies and cultural studies programs. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003114949

Australian WaysAnthropological studies in an industrialised society This collection the first of its kind in Australia illustrates the richness of data and analysis born of the anthropological study of contemporary white Australian society.The studies presented here deal with diverse settings and events ranging from a community's responses to a bushfire in rural NSW to the messages encoded in a male strip show in Adelaide. Work and leisure family life and institutional relationships natural disaster and culturally manipulated violence the particular experiences of the homeless the elderly immigrants - all form a part of this collection.Specifically and recurrently the power of gender and class within Australian life is underlined.This book was inspired by the need to demonstrate the especial skills and insights of anthropology when brought to bear on familiar 'everyday' data. It will be of interest to anyone curious about the colour and diversity of Australian life. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003114987

Australians in ShanghaiRace Rights and Nation in Treaty Port China In the first half of the twentieth century a diverse community of Australians settled in Shanghai. There they forged a ‘China trade’ circulating goods people and ideas across the South China Sea from Shanghai and Hong Kong to Sydney and Melbourne. This trade has been largely forgotten in contemporary Australia where future economic ties trump historical memory when it comes to popular perceptions of China. After the First World War Australians turned to Chinese treaty ports fleeing poverty and unemployment while others sought to ‘save’ China through missionary work and socialist ideas. Chinese Australians disillusioned by Australian racism under the White Australia Policy arrived to participate in Chinese nation building and ended up forging business empires which survive to this day. This book follows the life trajectories of these Australians providing a means by which we can address one of the pervading tensions of race empire and nation in the twentieth century: the relationship between working-class aspirations for social mobility and the exclusionary and discriminatory practices of white settler societies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367350406

Australia's Asian Sporting Context 1920s – 30s This book examines Australia’s sporting relationships with the Asian region during the interwar period. Until now Australia’s sporting relationships with the Asian region have been neglected by scholars of Australian and Asian sports history and the broader field of Australia’s Asian context. Concentrating on the period of the 1920s and 1930s – when sporting relationships between Australia and a number of Asian nations emerged in a variety of sports – this book demonstrates the depth of these previously under-examined connections. The book challenges and complicates the broader historiography of Australia’s Asian context – a historiography that has been strongly influenced by the White Australia Policy and the Pacific War. Why for example did white Australia so warmly welcome visiting Japanese sportsmen at a time when the Pacific region appeared to be inexorably sliding into a war that was informed by racial antagonisms? This book examines sporting relations between Australia and seven Asian countries (China Japan India Netherlands East Indies Philippines Malaya and Singapore) and a range of sports including rugby football swimming hockey boxing cricket and tennis. This book was published as a special issue of Sport in Society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138946804

Australia's Cash Economy: A Troubling Issue for PolicymakersA Troubling Issue for Policymakers This title was first published in 2002: Very little is known on the Australian underground economy. Only speculation has offered estimates of its size - around ten per cent of GDP. This book provides comprehensive research on the topic for Australia including the suggestion that the underground economy exhibits strong fluctuations. The text has three central objectives: to understand why a suspiciously large amount of currency remains outstanding and cannot be explained by legitimate transactions alone. Secondly to examine factors that motivate individuals to participate in the underground economy and the consequences they may have on the business cycle on the quality of the National Accounts and on taxation revenue. And finally to examine whether households or businesses are contributing most to the underground economy and whether the new tax system introduced in July 2000 will have any impact on underground activities in Australia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138734180

Australia's Foreign Aid DilemmaHumanitarian aspirations confront democratic legitimacy The Australian aid program faces a fundamental dilemma: how in the absence of deep popular support should it generate the political legitimacy required to safeguard its budget and administering institution? Australia’s Foreign Aid Dilemma tells the story of the actors who have grappled with this question over 40 years. It draws on extensive interviews and archival material to uncover how 'court politics' shapes both aid policy and administration. The lesson for scholars and practitioners is that any holistic understanding of the development enterprise must account for the complex relationship between the aid program of individual governments and the domestic political and bureaucratic contexts in which it is embedded. If the way funding is administered shapes development outcomes then understanding the 'court politics' of aid matters. This comprehensive text will be of considerable interest to scholars and students of politics and foreign policy as well as development professionals in Australia and across the world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367172640

Australia's New MigrantsInternational Students’ History of Affective Encounters with the Border This book offers a comprehensive and critical analysis of the tropes employed in the categorization of international students living and studying in Australia. Establishing the position of migrant students as ’subjects of the border’ the author employs various models of emotion in an analysis of the ways in which public debates on migration and education in Australia have problematised international students as an object of national compassion or resentment in relation to other national concerns at the time such as the country’s place in the Asia-Pacific region the integrity of its borders and the relative competitiveness of its economy. Applying an innovative methodology which combines the breadth of a diachronic study with the depth afforded by the close analysis of a diverse range of case studies – including the protests staged by Indian international students against a spate of violent attacks which led to their labelling as ‘soft targets’ in national discourses – Australia’s New Migrants constitutes an important contribution to our understanding of the ways in which emotions shape national collectives’ orientation towards others. As such it will appeal to scholars of sociology cultural studies and education with interests in migration race and emotion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367208271

Australia's Nuclear PolicyReconciling Strategic Economic and Normative Interests Australia’s Nuclear Policy: Reconciling Strategic Economic and Normative Interests critically re-evaluates Australia’s engagement with nuclear weapons nuclear power and the nuclear fuel cycle since the dawn of the nuclear age. The authors develop a holistic conception of ’nuclear policy’ that extends across the three distinct but related spheres - strategic economic and normative - that have arisen from the basic ’dual-use’ dilemma of nuclear technology. Existing scholarship on Australia’s nuclear policy has generally grappled with each of these spheres in isolation. In a fresh evaluation of the field the authors investigate the broader aims of Australian nuclear policy and detail how successive Australian governments have engaged with nuclear issues since 1945. Through its holistic approach the book demonstrates the logic of seemingly conflicting policy positions at the heart of Australian nuclear policy including simultaneous reliance on US extended deterrence and the pursuit of nuclear disarmament. Such apparent contradictions highlight the complex relationships between different ends and means of nuclear policy. How successive Australian governments of different political shades have attempted to reconcile these in their nuclear policy over time is a central part of the history and future of Australia’s engagement with the nuclear fuel cycle. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138384033

Australia's Uranium TradeThe Domestic and Foreign Policy Challenges of a Contentious Export Australia's Uranium Trade explores why the export of uranium remains a highly controversial issue in Australia and how this affects Australia's engagement with the strategic regime and market realms of international nuclear affairs. The book focuses on the key challenges facing Australian policy makers in a twenty-first century context where civilian nuclear energy consumption is expanding significantly while at the same time the international nuclear nonproliferation regime is subject to increasing and unprecedented pressures. By focusing on Australia as a prominent case study the book is concerned with how a traditionally strong supporter of the international nuclear nonproliferation regime is attempting to recalibrate its interest in maximizing the economic and diplomatic benefits of increased uranium exports during a period of flux in the strategic regime and market realms of nuclear affairs. Australia's Uranium Trade provides broader lessons for how - indeed whether - nuclear suppliers worldwide are adapting to the changing nuclear environment internationally. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409429913

Australia's War 1914-18 Australia's War 1914-18 explores Australia's involvement in the First World War and the effect this had on the nation' s society. In this very accessible book Joan Beaumont Pam Maclean Marnie Haig-Muir and David Lowe focus on: where Australians fought and why; the tensions and realignments within Australian politics in the period of 1914-18; the stresses of the war on Australian society especially on women and those whom wartime hysteria cast in the role of the 'enemy' at home; the impact of the war on the country's economy; the role played by Australia in international diplomacy; and finally the creation and influence of the Anzac legend.Once dominated by the battlefield and official accounts of the war correspondent and official historian C.E.W. Bean Australian writing on the war has acquired a new depth and sophistication. Studies of the home front reveal a society riven by divisions without precedent in the nation's history.This single volume will be invaluable to tertiary students and of enormous interest to the reader concerned with the social political and military history of Australia. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003114994

Australia's War 1939-45 The Second World War was a dominant experience in Australian history. For the first time the country faced the threat of invasion. The economy and society were mobilised to an unprecedented degree with 550 000 men and women or one in twelve of a population of over 7 million serving in the armed forces overseas. Social patterns and family life were disrupted. Politically the war gave a new legitimacy to the Australian Labor Party which had been confined to the wilderness of the Opposition at the Federal level for most of the inter-war years. The powers of the Federal government increased and a new momentum for social reform was generated at the popular and governmental level. In the international sphere the war fundamentally shook Australian confidence in the power on which it had relied for generations Great Britain. It generated a sense of independence in Australian foreign policy and initiated a new if halting and problematic realignment towards the United States. In this accessible book Joan Beaumont Kate Darian-Smith David Lee David Lowe Marnie Haig-Muir Roy Hay and David Walker consider the range of Australia's experience of this conflict. In a single volume they draw together the many aspects of the war and distil the current state of historical scholarship. Australia's War 1939-45 will be invaluable to tertiary students and of enormous interest to the reader concerned with the social political and military history of Australia. A companion volume on the First World War is also available. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003115007

Australia's 'war on terror' Discourse Too often existing literature has conflated the discourses that enabled the 'War on Terror' ignoring the contextual specificities of the states that make up the ’Coalition of the Willing’. Australia's 'war on terror' Discourse fills this gap by providing a full and sustained critical analysis of Australian foreign policy discourse along with the theoretical synthesis for a specific model of critical discourse analysis of the subject. The language of then Prime Minister Howard is the primary focus of the book but attention is also paid to the language of key ministers political opponents and other prominent actors. The voices of those who challenged the dominant discourse are also considered to shed light on the ways in which discourses can be destabilised. Kathleen Gleeson shows how Howard successfully invoked narratives of identity and sovereignty that resonated with his audience and promoted his reworked narrative of Australia whilst facing dissent from many actors who voiced their opposition most successfully when they capitalised on inconsistencies within the discourse. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138272026

Austria 1945-1995Fifty Years of the Second Republic First published in 1998. This is the only up to date English language work which seeks to assess the whole of the post war Austrian experience in the light of the latest research using a multi-disciplinary approach by historians political scientists economists international relations specialists and literary historians. It is addressed not only to specialists in Austrian affairs but also to studies and scholars concerned with the evaluation of small democracies their place in an integrated continent and the shape of post-Communist Central Europe. The formative first few decades of the Second Republic are reassessed in four contributions: analysis of the key actors and events involved in the genesis of post war state; of the activities of Karl Renner’s first coalition government; of how tensions regarding Austrian identity were played out in post-war literature and of the competing domestic and superpower perceptions of Austria’s fledging neutrality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138610651

Austria Prussia and The Making of Germany1806-1871 It is often argued that the unification of Germany in 1871 was the inevitable result of the convergence of Prussian power and German nationalism. John Breuilly here shows that the true story was much more complex. For most of the nineteenth century Austria was the dominant power in the region. Prussian-led unification was highly unlikely up until the 1860s and even then was only possible because of the many other changes happening in Germany Europe and the wider world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781408272763

Austria in the European Union Austria joined the European Union in 1995 with the overwhelming support of its citizenry. In June 1994 a record 66.6 percent of the Austrian population voted in favor of joining the Union and Austria acceded on January 1 1995. Only three years later in the second half of 1998 Austria assumed its first presidency of the European Union. Its competent conduct of the Union's business enhanced its reputation. The sense that Austria was a role model collapsed overnight after a new conservative People's Party (iVP/FPi) coalition government was formed in Austria in early February 2000. Austria became Europe's nightmare.This volume has two purposes. The first is to assess Austria's first five years in the European Union. The second is Austria's ongoing struggle with its past. Heinrich Neisser evaluates and assesses Austria's commitment to the European Union. Thomas Angerer offers a long-term perspective of regionalization and globalization trends in Austrian foreign affairs. Waldemar Hummer analyzes contradictions between Austrian neutrality and Europe's emerging common security policy. Johannes Pollak and Sonja Puntscher Rieckmann look at current debates over weighing future voting rights in the European Commission. Michael Huelshoff evaluates Austria's EU presidency in 1998 and compares it to the subsequent 1999 German presidency. Gerda Falkner examines the withering away of the previously much admired Austrian welfare state. Walter Manoschek scrutinizes the Nazi roots of Jorg Haider's Freedom Party. Michael Gehler critiques the EU sanctions and bemoans the absence of mediation through transnational Christian conservative parties.In reviewing how Austria deals with World War II Richard Mitten investigates discourses on victimhood in postwar Austria and the place of Jews in this process. A "Roundtable" presents overwhelming evidence of Austrians' deep involvement in Nazi war crimes and includes articles by Sabine Loitfellner and Winfried Garscha. This addition to the Contemporary Austrian Studies series will be welcomed by political scientists historians and legal scholars particularly those with a strong interest in European affairs. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519046

Austria in the Nineteen Fifties In American history the 1950s are remembered as an affluent and harmonious decade. Not so in Austria. That nation emerged out of World War II with tremendous war-related destruction and with a four-power occupation that would last for ten years until 1955. Massive American economic aid enabled the Austrian economy to start recovering in the 1950s and reorient it from East to West. Unlike the United States however general affluence did not set in until the 1960s and 1970s even though Austria's dramatic baby boom enabled it to recover from the demographic catastrophe resulting from manpower losses of World War II. This volume deals with these larger trends. Stephen E. Ambrose discusses American-European relations and sets the larger international context for the Austrian scene. Oilver Rathkolb retraces the changing importance of the Austrian question for the Eisenhower administration. Michael Gehler presents an in-depth analysis of the intriguing question of whether Austria's unification at the price of permanent neutrality might have been a model for Germany. Franz Mathis and Kurt Tweraser look at economic reconstruction and the roles played by both the Austrian public industrial sector and the American Marshall Plan. Karin Schmidlechner looks at the youth culture of the era. Franz Adlgasser shows how Herbert Hoover's food aid was instrumental in the containment of communism in Hungary. Beth Noveck analyzes Austrian political culture of the First Republic from the perspective of Hugo Bettauer. Rolf Steininger presents an insightful historical overview of how the Austro-Italian South Tyrol conflict was resolved after seventy-five years of tension. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519060

Austria in the Twentieth Century These fourteen essays by leading Austrian historians and political scientists serve as a basic introduction to a small but sometimes trend-setting European country. They provide a basic up-to-date outline of Austria's political history shedding light on economic and social trends as well. No European country has experienced more dramatic turning points in its twentieth-century history than Austria. This volume divides the century into three periods. The five essays of Section I deal with the years 1900-1938. Under the relative tranquility of the late Habsburg monarchy seethed a witch's brew of social and political trends signaling the advent of modernity and leading to the outbreak of World War I and eventually to the collapse of the Habsburg Empire. The First Austrian Republic was one of the succession states that tried to build a nation against the backdrop of political and economic crisis and simmering civil war between the various political camps. Democracy collapsed in 1933 and an authoritarian regime attempted to prevail against pressures from Nazi Germany and Nazis at home. The two essays in Section II cover World War II (1938-1945). In 1938 Hitler's "Third Reich" annexed Austria and the population was pulled into the cauldron of World War II fighting and collaborating with the Nazis and also resisting and fleeing them. The seven essays of Section III concentrate on the Second Republic (1945 to the present). After ten years of four-power Allied occupation Austria regained her sovereignty with the Austrian State Treaty of 1955. The price paid was neutrality. Unlike the turmoil of the prewar years Austria became a "normal" nation with a functioning democracy one building toward economic prosperity. After the collapse of the "iron curtain" in 1989 Austria turned westward joining the European Union in 1995. Most recently with the advent of populist politics Austria's political system has experienced a sea of change departing from its political economy of a huge state-owned sector and social partnership as well as Proporz.This informed and insightful volume will serve as a textbook in courses on Austrian German and European history as well as in comparative European politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519077

Austrian and German Economic ThoughtFrom Subjectivism to Social Evolution This book intends to renovate the view of social sciences in the German-speaking world. It explores the intellectual tension in the social science in Austria and Germany in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. It deals with how the emergence of the new school (Austrian School) changed the focus of social science in the German speaking world and how it prepared the introduction of an evolutionary perspective in economics politics and sociology. Based on (mostly hitherto unknown) primary evidence this development is lively described in a series of encounters and decisions by each social scientists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138686557

Austrian Economics Money and Finance The financial crisis has exposed severe shortcomings in mainstream monetary economics and modern finance. It is surprising that these shortcomings have not led to a wider debate about the need to overhaul these theories. Instead mainstream economists have closed ranks to defend existing theories and public authorities have expanded their interference in markets.This book investigates the problems associated with mainstream monetary economics and finance and proposes alternatives based on the Austrian school of economics. This school emanated from the work of the nineteenth-century Austrian economist Carl Menger and was developed further by Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich August von Hayek. In monetary economics the Austrian school regards the creation of money by banks through credit extension as a key source of economic instability. From this follows the need for a comprehensive reform of our present monetary system. In a new monetary order money could be issued by both public and private institutions and there would be no need for fractional reserve banking. Instead of creating money banks would intermediate it.In finance the Austrian school rejects the notion of rational expectations and measurable risk. Individuals use their subjective knowledge to gather and evaluate information and they act in a world of radical uncertainty. Hence markets are not "efficient" nor can portfolios be built on the basis of known probability distributions of asset prices as described in the modern finance literature.This book explores the need for a new theoretical foundation for asset pricing and investment management that will give practitioners more useful orientation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367888848

Austrian Economics (Routledge Revivals)Historical and Philosophical Background First published in 1986 this book presents a reissue of the first detailed confrontation between the Austrian school of economics and Austrian philosophy especially the philosophy of the Brentano school. It contains a study of the roots of Austrian economics in the liberal political theory of the nineteenth-century Hapsburg empire and a study of the relations between the general theory of value underlying Austrian economics and the new economic approach to human behaviour propounded by Gary Becker and others in Chicago. In addition it considers the connections between Austrian methodology and contemporary debates in the philosophy of the social sciences. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415615006

Austrian Economics in Debate This book presents essays by an outstanding team of international specialists and covers a wide range of topics including (inter alia) the relationships between the Austrian and Swedish theories of the business cycle the on-going debates between Austrians and (Post) Keynesians Schumpeter's 'Walrasian' stand in the socialist calculation debate and the Austrian roots of Neo-Institutional economics. The studies stress the unique Austrian contributions to economic methodology and to the theory of entrepreneurship while revealing unexpected methodological and philosophical similarities between among others Hayek and Marx. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415756891

Austrian Economics Re-examinedThe Economics of Time and Ignorance Austrian Economics Re-examined: The Economics of Time and Ignorance is an expanded version of the 1996 edition of The Economics of Time and Ignorance. This work is a classic statement of the role of subjectivism radical uncertainty and change through real time in Austrian economics specifically and in modern economics more generally. The new book contains the full text and Introductions of the earlier edition as well as the comprehensive previously-unpublished essay "What is Austrian Economics?" and a new Introduction. The essay is a comprehensive overview of the central themes of the book from a somewhat different perspective than in the book itself. It supplements the analysis in the book. The new Introduction explains that the 2007-8 financial crisis and recent developments in behavioural economics have made the book more relevant than ever before. Austrian Economic Re-examined develops and systematizes the fundamental principles of the Austrian tradition to the analysis of rational expectations business cycles monetary theory competition and monopoly and capital theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138282162

Austrian Foreign Policy in Historical Context In 2005 Austria celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of its liberation from the Nazi regime and the fiftieth anniversary of the State Treaty that ended the occupation and returned full sovereignty to the country. This volume of Contemporary Austrian Studies covers foreign policy in the twentieth century. It offers an up-to-date status report of Austria's foreign policy trajectories and diplomatic options.Eva Nowotny the current Austrian ambassador to the United States introduces the volume with an analysis of the art and practice of Austrian diplomacy in historical perspective. Ambassador Wolfgang Petritsch analyzes recent Balkans diplomacy as an EU emissary in the Bosnian and Kosovo crises. Historians Günther Kronenbitter Alexander Lassner Günter Bischof Joanna Granville and Martin Kofler provide historical case studies of pre-and post-World War I and World War II Austrian diplomacy Austria's dealings with the Hungarian crisis of 1956 and its mediation between Kennedy and Khrushchev in the early 1960s. Political scientists Romain Kirt Stefan Mayer and Gunther Hauser analyze small states' foreign policymaking in a globalizing world Austrian federal states' separate regional policy initiatives abroad and Austria's role vis-à-vis current European security initiatives. Michael Gehler periodizes post-World War II Austrian foreign policy regimes and provides a valuable summary of both the available archival and printed diplomatic source collections. A "Historiography Roundtable" is dedicated to the Austrian Occupation decade. Günter Bischof reports on the state of occupation historiography; Oliver Rathkolb on the historical memory of the occupation; Michael Gehler on the context of the German question; and Wolfgang Mueller and Norman Naimark on Stalin's Cold War and Soviet policies towards Austria during those years. Review essays and book reviews on art theft anti-Semitism the Hungarian crisis of 1956 among other topics complete the volume. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519084

Austrian Historical Memory and National Identity When the Hapsburg monarchy disintegrated after World War I Austria was not considered to be a viable entity. In a vacuum of national identity the hapless country drifted toward a larger Germany. After World War II Austrian elites constructed a new identity based on being a "victim" of Nazi Germany. Cold war Austria however envisioned herself as a neutral "island of the blessed" between and separate from both superpower blocs. Now with her membership in the European Union secured Austria is reconstructing her painful historical memory and national identity. In 1996 she celebrates her 1000-year anniversary.In this volume of Contemporary Austrian Studies Franz Mathis and Brigitte Mazohl-Wallnig argue that regional identities in Austria have deeper historical roots than the many artificial and ineffective attempts to construct a national identity. Heidemarie Uhl Anton Pelinka and Brigitte Bailer discuss the post-World War II construction of the victim mythology. Robert Herzstein analyses the crucial impact of the 1986 Waldheim election imploding Austria's comforting historical memory as a "nation of victims." Wolfram Kaiser shows Austria's difficult adjustments to the European Union and the larger challenges of constructing a new "European identity." Chad Berry's analysis of American World War II memory establishes a useful counterpoint to construction of historical memory in a different national context.A special forum on Austrian intelligence studies presents a fascinating reconstruction by Timothy Naftali of the investigation by Anglo-American counterintelligence into the retreat of Hitler's troops into the Alps during World War II. Rudiger Overmans' "research note" presents statistics on lower death rates of Austrian soldiers in the German army. Review essays by Gunther Kronenbitter and Gunter Bischof book reviews and a 1995 survey of Austrian politics round out the volume. Austrian Historical Memory and National Identity will be of intense interest to foreign policy analysts historians and scholars concerned with the unique elements of identity and nationality in Central European politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519091

Austrian Legal System and Laws This book provides an introduction to the Austrian state legal system and laws. It provides a guide to a number of areas of Austrian substantive law concentrating on the most important areas of public and private law. The book considers in depth the historical political social and economic aspects of the Austrian State to give more background for those coming afresh to Austrian studies. This book will appeal to academic comparative lawyers across a range of disciplines and academics who require fundamental information on the Austrian state and legal systems. It will make attractive supplementary reading on comparative law courses especially for those students spending a third year in Austria. It will also prove useful for politics and economics or multidisciplinary studies students who study Austria either directly or for comparison with other countries. Media > Books > E-books Routledge-Cavendish 9781843145356

AustriaOut Of The Shadow Of The Past This book compares contemporary Austria with other political systems and with the Austrias that existed in the past. The dynamism of the changes taking place in Austria can be described and analyzed with this double focus of comparison. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367160227

Austria's Wars of Emergence 1683-1797 The Habsburg Monarchy has received much historiographical attention since 1945. Yet the military aspects of Austria’s emergence as a European great power in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries have remained obscure. This book shows that force of arms and the instruments of the early modern state were just as important as its marriage policy in creating and holding together the Habsburg Monarchy.Drawing on an impressive up-to-date bibliography as well as on original archival research this survey is the first to put Vienna’s military back at the centre stage of early modern Austrian history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138173613

Austro-corporatismPast Present Future Corporatism was unpopular in the Europe of the past decade. During a time of neo-conservative resurgence in both the United States and the United Kingdom macroeconomic steering and statist centralism and regulation were in disfavor. However Austria's unique Sozialpartnerschaft its famed system of tripartite informal and formal labor business and state cooperation continued to prosper in spite of such powerful Anglo-American trends. Austro-Corporatism is the fourth volume in the interdisciplinary Contemporary Austrian Studies series. This effort in particular reflects the uniqueness of Austrian corporatism and looks at its deep historical roots from a comparative continental European perspective.The contributors include specialists on Austria from all parts of the world making this a truly international effort. Andrei Markovits provides the larger European context for this analysis of Austrian corporatism. Emmerich Talos and Bernhard Kittel review the historical development of Austrian corporatism going back to its nineteenth-century roots. Randall Kindley studies the institutional framework of Austrian corporatism particularly its post-World War II reincarnation. Hans Seidel looks at the subject from a neo-Keynesian economic perspective and Ferdinand Karlhofer at the chances of its survival in a changing international environment.Jonathan Petropoulos presents a fascinating biographical study of Nazi art plunderer Kajetan Muhlmann and David McIntosh compares Eisenhower's policy vis-a-vis the small friendly countries of Lebanon Costa Rica and Austria. A special forum looks at the model character and appeal of tripartite Austrian cooperation among its new eastern democratic neighbors: the Czech Republic Slovakia Hungary and Slovenia. A number of reviews of Austrian politics in 1994 complete the volume. Austro-Corporatism will be of intense interest to foreign policy analysts historians and scholars concerned with the unique elements in Central European politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519107

Austro-Hungarian Naval Policy 1904-1914 This unique and comprehensive account describes the interplay of internal and external factors in the emergence of the Austro-Hungarian Navy from a coastal defence force in 1904 to a respectable battle force capable of the joint operations with other Triple Alliance fleets in the Mediterranean by the eve of World War I. By 1914 the Austro-Hungarian Navy was the sixth largest navy in the world and the quality of its officers and men was widely recognised by most European naval observers at the time. The book describes the relationships between naval leaders the heir to the throne Archduke Francis Ferdinand and the Parliament in shaping the dual Monarchy's naval policy. It also shows how the changes in foreign policy in Italy and underlying animosities between Rome and Vienna led to a naval race in the Adriatic that eventually bolstered Germany's naval position in respect to Great Britain in the North Sea. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203815199

AutecologyOrganisms Interactions and Environmental Dynamics This book spells out the theoretical structure methodology and philosophy of the science of autecology. The autecological approach focuses on the interactions of individual organisms (and their species-specific adaptations) with the spatio-temporal dynamics of their environment as a basis for interpreting patterns of diversity and abundance in natural systems. This organism-based approach to ecological interpretation provides a strong alternative to more traditional approaches and relates mechanistically to the underlying disciplines of anatomy physiology and behavior. The book includes illustrations specific examples graphs maps and other diagrams. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482214147

Authentic and Inauthentic Places in TourismFrom Heritage Sites to Theme Parks With the rise of post-truth and fake news a thorough examination of authenticity has never been so relevant. This book explores the geography of authenticity investigating a wide variety of places used by tourists. Not only does it assess what might be described as the more traditional objects for examination – places such as the city the countryside and the coast – it also includes chapters on art and place hipster places gentrification heritage sites film locations photographed places and eventful places.   Using a wide-angled lens on places reveals linkages and possibilities enabling the book to skate across the surface of the geography of authenticity locating the magically real heritage site the poignant replica the authenticated theme park the unmasked carnival. In focusing on authentic and inauthentic places this text provides a useful contribution to the understanding of how places are changing how they are perceived and how authenticity is embodied and performed within them. Authentic and Inauthentic Places in Tourism is an insightful study and an essential read for those involved in the study of geography tourism urban studies culture and heritage. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367369187

Authentic Assessment in Social StudiesA Guide to Keeping it Real This engaging book will show you how to move beyond tests and essay writing to implement authentic assessments in your middle or high school social studies classroom. Award-winning teacher David Sherrin explains the value of authentic assessments and offers practical ways to get started and dive deeper in your own practice. You’ll be encouraged and inspired by the real-life stories of classroom successes and failures that illustrate the points throughout the book. The chapters cover a range of categories including different types of written creative and civic action assessments. The book includes: planning charts and rubrics showing how to use grade and give feedback on assessments so they truly aid student learning and progress specific examples useful tips and ready-to-go instructions that you can use immediately with your class open-ended assessments encourage scaffolding or adaptation for individual or group work to fit your classroom needs You will learn how to personalize instruction and provide students with avenues for creativity and the types of learning experiences they need to be prepared for a complex world. Media > Books > Print Books Eye on Education 9780367203665

Authentic DiversityHow to Change the Workplace for Good The nation has transformed. The calls for racial equity are loud and insistent and they are now being listened to. And yet companies across the country are still far behind when it comes to equity in the workplace. For decades we've heard variations on the same theme on how to increase diversity and inclusion and we have still not moved. If we want equity to matter inside and outside the workplace if we want to be real allies for change then we need a new approach. We need to stop following trends. We need to lead change.In Authentic Diversity culture change expert and diversity speaker Michelle Silverthorn explains how to transform diversity and inclusion from mere lip service into the very heart of leadership. Following the journey of a Black woman in the workplace leaders learn the old rules of diversity that keep failing her and millions like her again and again and the new rules they must put in place to make success a reality for everyone. A millennial immigrant and Black woman in America Michelle will show you how to lead a space centered on equity allyship and inclusion and how together we can build a new organization and nation centered on justice. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9780367085674

Authentic ExcellenceFlourishing & Resilience in a Relentless World Never before have the pressures of a comparative and competitive world impacted on our sense of wellbeing particularly among young adults. Building on the principles of Giving Voice to Values which honors the complexity and difficulty of leading with our values this book addresses the unique challenges faced by young adults. It provides a clear process that details how to harness natural wisdom to flourish through the relentless pace and pressure of today’s world. Moving beyond mere values clarification Authentic Excellence helps the reader to develop a deeper relationship with their values and confidently express them and builds effective coping skills to manage the relentless noise of our comparative and competitive world. Authentic Excellence answers five primary questions: How are young adults affected by this world of relentless change and pressure? Why are young adults vulnerable to a plateau that can negatively affect their resilience? What is the difference between fear-based excellence and authentic excellence and what role do values play in this distinction? What is necessary to move beyond fear-based excellence and why is it so hard? How do you train a deeper level of effectiveness that includes more consistent productivity fulfillment and resilience? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367151379

Authentic Learning ExperiencesA Real-World Approach to Project-Based Learning Learn how to implement a real-world approach to project-based learning. Authentic learning experiences are created around genuine outside audiences and meaningful purposes. They meet the Common Core engage students in critical thinking and 21st Century learning teach important skills such as research and collaboration and improve student learning. This practical guide provides step-by-step instructions to make it easy for teachers to create their own authentic learning experiences. The book is loaded with a variety of examples from different grade levels and content areas. Bonus! Each example incorporates technology and addresses the Common Core State Standards. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781596672451

Authentic Learning for the Digital GenerationRealising the potential of technology in the classroom Why should we use technology to support learning? Where does the responsibility lie to prepare young people to be active and successful cybercitizens? Can we go on confiscating pupils’ smartphones indefinitely? Authentic Learning for the Digital Generation is a vital examination of young people’s use of personal devices online creative communities and digital gaming. It calls into question the idea of the ‘digital native’ and shows clearly that the majority of young users need help and support in order to benefit from the rich learning potential of personal mobile and online technology use.  Written by a leading authority on the role of digital technologies in education it looks in detail at the practice and implications of learning using personal devices collaborative online spaces learning platforms user generated content and digital games. In particular approaches to solving problems building knowledge manipulating data and creating texts are examined. It offers clear strategies a vision for what effects on learning we might reasonably expect when children are given access to different types of technology and explores the challenges of managing these practices in the classroom.  Authentic Learning for the Digital Generation offers careful analysis at a time when there is much discussion about young people emerging from school unprepared for the world of work and often struggling to manage their personal relationships as they are exposed to strong content and harsh criticism online. It considers what we know of childhood experience in a digital world and offers ways in which schools and teachers can embrace the opportunity presented by ubiquitous ownership of connected digital devices to enrich and deepen learning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138014114

Authentic Project-Based Learning in Grades 4–8Standards-Based Strategies and Scaffolding for Success Authentic Project-Based Learning in Grades 4–8 provides a clear guide to design develop and implement real-world challenges for any middle school subject. The author lays out five clear standards-based stages of assessment to help you and your learners process the what how and why of authentic project-based experiences. You’ll learn how to create projects that: Align with your content standards Integrate technology effectively Support reading and writing development Utilize formative assessment Allow for multiple complex pathways to emerge Facilitate the development of essential skills beyond school Each chapter includes a variety of practical examples to assist with scaffolding and implementation. The templates and tools in the appendix are also provided on our website as free eResources for ease of use. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367225094

Authentic Project-Based Learning in Grades 9–12Standards-Based Strategies and Scaffolding for Success Authentic Project-Based Learning in Grades 9–12 provides a clear guide to design develop and implement real-world challenges for any high school subject. The author lays out five clear standards-based stages of assessment to help you and your learners process the what how and why of authentic project-based experiences. You’ll learn how to create projects that: Align with your content standards Integrate technology effectively Support reading and writing development Utilize formative assessment Allow for multiple complex pathways to emerge Facilitate the development of essential skills beyond school Each chapter includes a variety of practical examples to assist with scaffolding and implementation. The templates and tools in the appendix are also provided on our website as free eResources for ease of use. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367225117

Authentic Teaching and Learning for PreK–Fifth GradeAdvice from Practitioners and Coaches Authentic Teaching and Learning for PreK–Fifth Grade provides examples of pedagogical approaches to enhance rich curriculums based around frameworks such as Teaching for Understanding Making Thinking and Learning Visible Artful Thinking and Out of Eden Learn. You will learn about real classrooms that have successfully transformed cutting-edge ideas from these different frameworks into powerful learning experiences. A highly practical resource based on Harvard’s Project Zero ideas this book shares how research findings have been complemented and implemented in the field and will teach you how to apply best practices that lead to meaningful and authentic learning experiences in the classroom that promote Habits of Mind. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815380962

Authentication Codes and Combinatorial Designs Researchers and practitioners of cryptography and information security are constantly challenged to respond to new attacks and threats to information systems. Authentication Codes and Combinatorial Designs presents new findings and original work on perfect authentication codes characterized in terms of combinatorial designs namely strong partially balanced designs (SPBD).Beginning with examples illustrating the concepts of authentication schemes and combinatorial designs the book considers the probability of successful deceptions followed by schemes involving three and four participants respectively. From this point the author constructs the perfect authentication schemes and explores encoding rules for such schemes in some special cases.Using rational normal curves in projective spaces over finite fields the author constructs a new family of SPBD. He then presents some established combinatorial designs that can be used to construct perfect schemes such as t-designs orthogonal arrays of index unity and designs constructed by finite geometry. The book concludes by studying definitions of perfect secrecy properties of perfectly secure schemes and constructions of perfect secrecy schemes with and without authentication.Supplying an appendix of construction schemes for authentication and secrecy schemes Authentication Codes and Combinatorial Designs points to new applications of combinatorial designs in cryptography. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367391249

Authenticity Autonomy and Multiculturalism The concept of "authenticity" enters multicultural politics in three distinct but interrelated senses: as an ideal of individual and group identity that commands recognition by others; as a condition of individuals’ autonomy that bestows legitimacy on their values beliefs and preferences as being their own; and as a form of cultural pedigree that bestows legitimacy on particular beliefs and practices (commonly called "cultural authenticity"). In each case the authenticity idea is called on to anchor or legitimate claims to some kind of public recognition. The considerable work asked of this concept raises a number of vital questions: Should "authenticity" be accorded the importance it holds in multicultural politics? Do its pitfalls outweigh its utility? Is the notion of "authenticity" avoidable in making sense of and evaluating cultural claims? Or does it perhaps need to be rethought or recalibrated? Geoffrey Brahm Levey and his distinguished group of philosophers political theorists and anthropologists challenge conventional assumptions about "authenticity" that inform liberal responses to minority cultural claims in Western democracies today. Discussing a wide range of cases drawn from Britain and continental Europe North America Australia and the Middle East they press beyond theories to consider also the practical and policy implications at stake. A helpful resource to scholars worldwide in Political and Social Theory Political Philosophy Legal Anthropology Multiculturalism and more generally of cultural identity and diversity in liberal democracies today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138066663

Authenticity Death and the History of BeingHeidegger Reexamined First Published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315023991

Authenticity and LearningNietzsche's Educational Philosophy David E. Cooper elucidates Nietzsche's educational views in detail in a form that will be of value to educationalists as well as philosophers. In this title first published in 1983 he shows how these views relate to the rest of Nietzsche's work and to modern European and Anglo-Saxon philosophical concerns. For Nietzsche the purpose of true education was to produce creative individuals who take responsibility for their lives beliefs and values. His ideal was human authenticity. David E. Cooper sets Nietzsche's critique against the background of nineteenth-century German culture yet is concerned at the same time to emphasize its bearing upon recent educational thought and policy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415521567

Authenticity and Teacher-Student Motivational SynergyA Narrative of Language Teaching Despite the common association between authenticity and motivation in language learning there does not currently exist a single volume exploring these connections. This book looks at the relationship between authenticity and motivation by specifically viewing the process of mutually validating the act of learning as social authentication which in turn can often lead to positive motivational synergy between students and teacher(s). The study at the centre of this book uses autoethnography and practitioner research to examine the complex relationship between authenticity and motivation in the foreign language learning classroom. In particular it traces the links between student and teacher motivation and proposes that authenticity can act as a bridge to connect learners to the classroom environment and engage with the activity of learning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815395188

Authenticity as an Ethical Ideal Authenticity has become a widespread ethical ideal that represents a way of dealing with normative gaps in contemporary life. This ideal suggests that one should be true to oneself and lead a life expressive of what one takes oneself to be. However many contemporary thinkers have pointed out that the ideal of authenticity has increasingly turned into a kind of aestheticism and egoistic self-indulgence. In his book Varga systematically constructs a critical concept of authenticity that takes into account the reciprocal shaping of capitalism and the ideal of authenticity. Drawing on different traditions in critical social theory moral philosophy and phenomenology Varga builds a concept of authenticity that can make intelligible various problematic and potentially exhausting practices of the self. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138809789

Authenticity in and through Teaching in Higher EducationThe transformative potential of the scholarship of teaching What does it mean to be authentic? Why should it matter whether or not we become more authentic? How might authenticity inform and enhance the social practice of the scholarship of university teaching and by implication the learning and development of students? Authenticity in and through Teaching introduces three distinct perspectives on authenticity the existential the critical and the communitarian and shows what moving towards greater authenticity involves for teachers and students when viewed from each of these angles. In developing the notion of ‘the scholarship of teaching as an authentic practice' this book draws on several complementary ideas from social philosophy to explore the nature of this practice and the conditions under which it might qualify as 'authentic'. Other concepts guiding the analysis include ‘virtue’ 'being' ‘communicative action’ 'power' ‘critical reflection’ and ‘transformation’. Authenticity in and through Teaching also introduces a vision of the scholarship of teaching whose ultimate aim it is to serve the important interests of students. These important interests it is argued are the students’ own striving and development towards greater authenticity. Both teachers and students are thus implicated in a process of transformative learning including objective and subjective reframing redefinition and reconstruction through critical reflection and critical self-reflection on assumptions. It is argued that in important ways this transformative process is intimately bound up with becoming more authentic. Rather than being concerned principally with rendering research evidence of ‘what works’ the scholarship of teaching emerges as a social practice that is equally concerned with the questions surrounding the value desirability and emancipatory potential of what we do in teaching. The scholarship of teaching therefore also engages with the bigger questions of social justice and equality in and through higher education. The book combines Carolin Kreber's previous research on authenticity with earlier work on the scholarship of teaching offering a provocative fresh and timely perspective on the scholarship of university teaching and professional learning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415520089

Authenticity in Culture Self and Society Across sociology and cultural studies in particular the concept of authenticity has begun to occupy a central role yet in spite of its popularity as an ideal and philosophical value authenticity notably suffers from a certain vagueness with work in this area tending to borrow ideas from outside of sociology whilst failing to present empirical studies which centre on the concept itself. Authenticity in Culture Self and Society addresses the problems surrounding this concept offering a sociological analysis of it for the first time in order to provide readers in the social and cultural sciences with a clear conceptualization of authenticity and with a survey of original empirical studies focused on its experience negotiation and social relevance at the levels of self culture and specific social settings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367603182

Authenticity in NatureMaking Choices about the Naturalness of Ecosystems This book examines the concept of naturalness in ecosystems discusses its values and considers choices about the level of naturalness in conservation efforts. The author argues that all ecosystems have been modified and the idea of places 'untouched by humans' is a myth. But there are large differences in the degree of modification and levels of naturalness which can be identified. Changes are not always irreversible; some apparent wilderness areas are sites of former civilizations. There is no longer any simple distinction possible between 'natural' and 'cultural' systems. In the future society will to some extent choose the degree of naturalness in land and seascapes. The growth of protected areas is an early sign of this as are changes in forest management dam removal and control of invasive species. To make informed choices about these areas the author shows that we must understand the characteristics and values of naturally regulating ecosystems – their practical benefits social values and management needs. Authenticity in Nature uses a rigorous definition of authenticity to help in the understanding and measurement of naturalness. It discusses the choices facing us and some of the information we need to make decisions relating to land and water management. Practical issues of management and numerous terrestrial and aquatic examples from around the world are discussed. It is an optimistic and highly original book aiming to make genuine advances in our understanding and management of natural systems. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781844078363

Authenticity in North AmericaPlace Tourism Heritage Culture and the Popular Imagination This interdisciplinary book addresses the highly relevant debates about authenticity in North America providing a contemporary re-examination of American culture tourism and commodification of place. Blending social sciences and humanities research skills it formulates an examination of the geography of authenticity in North America and brings together studies of both rurality and urbanity across the country exposing the many commonalities of these different landscapes. Relph stated that nostalgic places are inauthentic yet within this work several chapters explore how festivals and visitor attractions which cultivate place heritage appeal are authenticated by tourists and communities creating a shared sense of belonging. In a world of hyperreal simulacra post-truth and fake news this book bucks the trend by demonstrating that authenticity can be found everywhere: in a mouthful of food in a few bars of a Beach Boys song in a statue of a troll in a diffuse magical atmosphere in the weirdness of the ungentrified streets. Written by a range of leading experts this book offers a contemporary view of American authenticity tourism identity and culture. It will be of great interest to upper-level students researchers and academics in Tourism Geography History Cultural Studies American Studies and Film Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138341319

Authenticity in the Preservation of Historical Wooden Architecture - Problems and ChallengesCase Studies from the American South Historical wooden architecture is one of the most unique types of heritage built. Built from organic material wooden buildings remain in harmony with the natural environment and fascinate future generations with its special charm. Because of its uniqueness wooden buildings reflect the richness of traditional building solutions developed in different parts of the world. At the same time this type of building contains the spiritual values ​​that were important to those who built these architectural structures. The main topics of 'Authenticity in Preserving Historical Wooden Architecture - Problems and Challenges' are: (i) The method of protection and preservation of wooden buildings as a form of specific historical interpretation; (ii) The question of reconstruction and translocation of a wooden historical building with regard to the level of authenticity; (iii) The analysis of the essence of historical changes and the methods for maintaining and displaying wooden structures in relation to the requirements that determine their historical and architectural authenticity. Showing a variety of aspects of authenticity of wooden buildings all demonstrated by specific examples (case studies) 'Authenticity in Preserving Historical Wooden Architecture - Problems and Challenges' presents practical implementations of theoretical findings. Hence the book contributes to the understanding of wooden architectural heritage from a new perspective. The book will be of particular interest to academics and professionals interested in or involved in the preservation of built wooden heritage. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367461638

Authenticity in the Psychoanalytic EncounterThe Work of Irma Brenman Pick Authenticity in the Psychoanalytic Encounter brings together Irma Brenman Pick’s original contributions to psychoanalytic technique. Working within the Kleinian tradition she produces vivid clinical narratives that succeed in shedding a humane light on the struggles that patients – and indeed all of us – face in recognising in an authentic way our need for and the contribution of others in our lives.  Brenman Pick is interested in the infantile antecedents of conflict in her patients and the book demonstrates the attention needed to sense how these may be present in the patient’s clinical material. This involves an ability to understand the complex and sophisticated unconscious phantasies that are alive in the patient’s mind. She combines this with a creative clinical imagination that allows her to address these expertly in the here-and-now of the analytic encounter. A particular feature of this is the way Brenman Pick uses the analyst’s countertransference to bring in ways in which the struggle over authenticity also extends to the analyst. The focus on authenticity runs through the book and brings an interesting and original perspective to the topics discussed which include adolescence sexual identity stealing and its relationship to the acknowledgement of dependency the experience of uncertainty concern for the object destructiveness creativity and the striving towards integration.  These contributions will prove invaluable to psychoanalysts psychotherapists and other mental health professionals interested in deepening their understanding of the complex relationships that can arise in the consulting room. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815385462

Authenticity of Foods of Animal Origin Over the last 20-30 years the number of food poisoning incidents has increased considerably and this has had disastrous effects both on consumers and the food industry. Several food industries went bankrupt due to huge amounts of money paid to compensate consumers’ family/relatives. These unfortunate incidents triggered consumer and governmental awareness of food crises. In EU for instance an organization called EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) was established and its role is to deal with foods’ and feeds’ crises within the frame of RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Feeds and Foods). This system’s intent is to inform in a timely manner all the directly involved partners (food companies laboratories governmental officers) and also to monitor the measures/actions undertaken to minimize both the extent and the intensity of the caused defect.The best policy to solve a crisis is to recall affected products. However an effective and rapid recall presupposes the proper functioning of traceability. The latter is a prerequisite of current legislation (Regulation 178/2002). Traceability can be based either on EAN (European Article Number) -8 -9 -12 -13 and -128 or RF-ID (Radio Frequency Identification). Although the usage of RF-ID is more expensive than that of EAN it is preferred in the case of animals and fish. Once the animal has been cut to pieces all the previous information stored in the RF-ID can be passed to EAN-128.This book aims at addressing five major issues: food traceability; food authenticity techniques and methods to detect potential adulteration; application of authenticity techniques and methods to foods of animal origin; legislation regarding traceability and authenticity in EU USA Canada Japan and Australia-NZ; and trends and suggestions for further research in food traceability and authenticity. A second book entitled Authenticity of foods of plant origin and genetically modified organisms will follow this book. This book is expected to be useful to academicians industrialists students of food science and technology veterinarians and technicians specialized in food technology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367737412

AuthenticityReading Remembering Performing The pursuit of authenticity is a contemporary obsession. From hipster fixations on artisan coffee and vintage clothing through to the electoral success of supposedly unspun populist politicians like Donald Trump a yearning for the real pervades our culture. Yet while highly prized and desired authenticity is also profoundly elusive and contested. This volume stages a wide-ranging interdisciplinary interrogation of the concept with case studies ranging from collective memory of the Second World War through the historical fiction of Sarah Waters to the confessional art of Tracey Emin. With contributors drawn from memory studies cultural history English literature theatre studies and art criticism it explores how authenticity is in play in diverse practices of reading remembering and performing. The chapters demonstrate that authenticity has no single stable definition but is rather invoked in very diverse ways – both descriptively and prescriptively – in many diverse contexts. They also make clear that it is not an inherent quality but the product of orchestration performance and inter-subjective negotiation.This book was originally published as a special issue of Rethinking History. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367585952

Authorial EchoesTextuality and Self-plagiarism in the Narrative of Luigi Pirandello "Luigi Pirandello is best known for his experimental plays but his narrative production has not enjoyed the same degree of critical attention. O'Rawe's study represents the first major reassessment of this output including the 'realist' novels the historical novel I vecchi e i giovani (1909) and the autobiographical Suo marito (1911). The book identifies in Pirandello a practice of 'self-plagiarism' - constant rewriting and revision and obsessive re-use of material - and explores the relation of these overlooked modes of composition to the author's own theories of authorship and textuality. Drawing on a wide range of critical theory O'Rawe repositions Pirandello as a major figure in the development of European narrative modernism." Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351195713

Authoring A DisciplineScholarly Journals and the Post-world War Ii Emergence of Rhetoric and Composition Authoring a Discipline traces the post-World War II emergence of rhetoric and composition as a discipline within departments of English in institutions of higher education in the United States. Goggin brings to light both the evolution of this discipline and many of the key individuals involved in its development. Drawing on archival and oral evidence this history offers a comprehensive and systematic investigation of scholarly journals the editors who directed them and the authors who contributed to them demonstrating the influence that publications and participants have had in the emergence of rhetoric and composition as an independent field of study. Goggin considers the complex struggles in which scholars and teachers engaged to stake ground and to construct a professional and disciplinary identity. She identifies major debates and controversies that ignited as the discipline emerged and analyzes how the editors and contributors to the major scholarly journals helped to shape and in turn were shaped by the field of rhetoric and composition. She also coins a new term--discipliniographer--to describe those who write the field through authoring and authorizing work thus creating the social and political contexts in which the discipline emerged. The research presented here demonstrates clearly how disciplines are social products born of political struggles for both intellectual and material spaces. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964181

Authoring the PastWriting and Rethinking History Please explain why you think about and write history as you do? Collecting together the responses to this question from 15 of the world’s foremost historians and theorists Authoring the Past represents a powerful reflection on and intervention in the historiographical field. Edited by Alun Munslow and presented in concise digestible essays the collection covers a broad range of contemporary interests and ideas and offers a rich set of reasoned alternative thoughts on our cultural engagement with times gone by. Emerging from an intensely fertile period of historical thought and practice Authoring the Past examines the variety of approaches to the discipline that have taken shape during this time and suggests possible future ways of thinking about and interacting with the past. It provides a unique insight into recent debates on the nature and purpose of history and demonstrates that when diverse metaphysical and aesthetic choices are made the nature of the representation of the past becomes a matter of legitimate dispute. Students scholars and practitioners of history will find it a stimulating and invaluable resource. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415520393

Authoring the SelfSelf-Representation Authorship and the Print Market in British Poetry from Pope through Wordsworth Drawing upon historicist and cultural studies approaches to literature this book argues that the Romantic construction of the self emerged out of the growth of commercial print culture and the expansion and fragmentation of the reading public beginning in eighteenth-century Britain. Arguing for continuity between eighteenth-century literature and the rise of Romanticism this groundbreaking book traces the influence of new print market conditions on the development of the Romantic poetic self. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415762717

Authoritarian and Populist Influences in the New Media The media is often viewed as a primary gauge which reflects the changing political landscape as societies transition from authoritarian regimes to democracies. Chronicling the process through media analysis provides deeper insights into the relationship between technology the state and social forces that are reflected in the public’s communications. This volume explores the challenges and political conditions that have shaped the media in several representative studies of the media in the Middle East Asia Eastern Europe and Africa. The contributors analyse the legacy of the past on the development of the media in post-authoritarian regimes and explore the relationships between media communication industries (public relations) and politics. The use of new communications technologies to manipulate the media and the public introduce a novel use of social media by populists as well as authoritarian regimes and their proxies. This book presents a comparative and global investigation of the role of the media in the realignment from established policies to an emerging milieu of new channels of communication that challenge traditional media practices. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367884406

Authoritarian BacklashRussian Resistance to Democratization in the Former Soviet Union Authoritarian Russia has adopted five strategies to preserve the Kremlin's political power: insulate bolster subvert redefine and coordinate. Thomas Ambrosio examines each of these in turn all of which seek to counter or undermine regional democratic trends both at home and throughout the former Soviet Union. Policies such as these are of great concern to the growing literature on how autocratic regimes are becoming more active in their resistance to democracy. Through detailed case studies of each strategy this book makes significant contributions to our understandings of Russian domestic and foreign policies democratization theory and the policy challenges associated with democracy promotion. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315568416

Authoritarian CapitalismBrazil's Contemporary Economic And Political Development Emphasizing key aspects of Brazil's economy politics and society this book presents an overall analysis of the present system and provides a base from which to assess Brazil's future development under a particular form of authoritarian regime. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367168711

Authoritarian Diffusion and CooperationInterests vs. Ideology To shed light on the global reassertion of authoritarianism in recent years this volume analyses transnational diffusion and international cooperation among non-democratic regimes. How and with what effect do authoritarian regimes learn from each other? For what purpose and how successfully do they cooperate? The volume highlights that present-day autocrats pursue mainly pragmatic interests rather than ideological missions. Consequently the connections among authoritarian regimes have primarily defensive purposes especially insulation against democracy promotion by the West. As a result the authors do not foresee a major recession of democracy as occurred with the rise of fascism during the interwar years. The chapters in this book were originally published in a special issue of Democratization. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367587161

Authoritarian Gravity CentersA Cross-Regional Study of Authoritarian Promotion and Diffusion Autocracies not only resist the global spread of democracy but are sources of autocratic influence and pressure. This book presents a conceptual model to understand assess and explain the promotion and diffusion of authoritarian elements. Employing a cross-regional approach leading experts empirically test the concept of authoritarian gravity centers (AGCs) defined as "regimes that constitute a force of attraction and contagion for countries in geopolitical proximity." With an analysis extending across Latin America the Middle East Eastern Europe Central Asia and Asia these AGCs are shown to be effective as active promoters (push) or as neutral sources of attraction (pull). The authors contend that the influence of exogenous factors along with international and regional contexts for the transformation of regime types is vital to understanding and analyzing the transmission of autocratic institutional settings ideas norms procedures and practices thus explaining the regional clustering of autocracies. It is the regional context in which external actors can influence authoritarian processes most effectively. Authoritarian Gravity Centers is a vibrant and comprehensive contribution to the growing field of autocratization which will be of great interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students of comparative area studies illiberalism international politics and studies of democracy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367442842

Authoritarian Modernization in RussiaIdeas Institutions and Policies Post-Communist Russia is an instance of the phenomenon of authoritarian modernization project which is perceived as a set of policies intended to achieve a high level of economic development while political freedoms remain beyond the current modernization agenda or are postponed to a distant future. Why did Russia (unlike many countries of post-Communist Europe) pursue authoritarian modernization after the Soviet collapse? What is the ideational agenda behind this project and why does it dominate Russia’s post-Communist political landscape? What are the mechanisms of political governance which maintain this project and how have they adopted and absorbed various democratic institutions and practices? Why has this project brought such diverse results in various policy arenas and why have the consequences of certain policies become so controversial? Why despite so many controversies shortcomings and flaws has this project remained attractive in the eyes of a large proportion of the Russian elite and ordinary citizens? This volume intended to place some of these questions on the research agenda and propose several answers encouraging further discussions about the logic and mechanisms of the authoritarian modernization project in post-Communist Russia and its effects on Russia’s politics economy and society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138361232

Authoritarian NeoliberalismPhilosophies Practices Contestations Authoritarian Neoliberalism explores how neoliberal forms of managing capitalism are challenging democratic governance at local national and international levels. Identifying a spectrum of policies and practices that seek to reproduce neoliberalism and shield it from popular and democratic contestation contributors provide original case studies that investigate the legal-administrative social coercive and corporate dimensions of authoritarian neoliberalism across the global North and South. They detail the crisis-ridden intertwinement of authoritarian statecraft and neoliberal reforms and trace the transformation of key societal sites in capitalism (e.g. states households workplaces urban spaces) through uneven yet cumulative processes of neoliberalization. Informed by innovative conceptual and methodological approaches Authoritarian Neoliberalism uncovers how inequalities of power are produced and reproduced in capitalist societies and highlights how alternatives to neoliberalism can be formulated and pursued. The book was originally published as a special issue of Globalizations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367375447

Authoritarian PowersRussia and China Compared The statistics detailing the socioeconomic growth of Russia and China are impressive. On some projections China will be the world’s largest economy by 2050 and Russia will be the sixth largest. Yet despite this impressive record of economic growth a striking feature of both countries is the inegalitarian nature of their development – notwithstanding the (post)communist legacy. On most conventional measures the two countries are now among the most unequal in the world and the level of inequality has increased significantly since the 1990s. What effect does this endemic economic inequality have on political stability? From Aristotle onwards observers have concluded that the greater the inequality within a society the greater the likelihood of instability. This book addresses the relationship between economic inequality and political stability in Russia and China. Several chapters examine how economic performance has driven institutional reform while others evaluate long term trends in public opinion to see how economic change has affected the public’s views of politics. The conclusion is that both regimes have proved adept at adapting to rising inequality by managing the policy agenda guiding public opinion and co-opting or repressing political opposition. The chapters in this book originally published as a special issue in Europe-Asia Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367892449

Authoritarian Stability in the South CaucasusVoting preferences autocratic responses and regime stability in Armenia and Georgia In recent years competitive authoritarianism has become an increasingly common form of non-democratic politics. What is the relationship between the demand for particular public policies and a regime’s durability in office in such cases? How does policy-making interact with organizational power the willingness to resort to coercion and patronage politics in countries home to democratic-looking institutions that none the less fall short of democratic standards? In this book we show that such regimes do more than just survive and collapse. Moreover we argue that far from being passive pawns in the hands of their leaders voters in competitive authoritarian regimes do matter are taken seriously. We investigate how regimes and voters interact in the cases of Georgia and Armenia two post-Soviet countries in the South Caucasus to identify how voters preferences feed into policy-making and gauge the extent to which the regimes’ adjustment of their policies crucially affects regime stability. To these ends we draw on a variety of quantitative and qualitative methods including a survey experiment carried out in the two countries. The volume was originally published as a special issue of the journal Caucasus Survey. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367518202

Authoritarianism Fascism and National Populism This definitive contribution to social science literature describes German's general theory of authoritarianism in modem society and applies it to authoritarian movements and regimes likely to merge out of the social mobilization of the middle and lower classes. Germani analyzes the nature conditions and determinants of authoritarianism in the context of Latin American political and social developments and compares it to European fascist movements. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429336072

Authoritarianism and Corporatism in Europe and Latin AmericaCrossing Borders What drove the horizontal spread of authoritarianism and corporatism between Europe and Latin America in the 20th century? What processes of transnational diffusion were in motion and from where to where? In what type of ‘critical junctures’ were they adopted and why did corporatism largely transcend the cultural background of its origins? What was the role of intellectual-politicians in the process? This book will tackle these issues by adopting a transnational and comparative research design encompassing a wide range of countries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367584320

Authority Ascendancy and SupremacyChina Russia and the United States' Pursuit of Relevancy and Power Authority Ascendancy and Supremacy examines the American Chinese and Russian (Big 3) competition for power and influence in the Post-Cold War Era. With the ascension of regional powers such as India Iran Brazil and Turkey the Big 3 dynamic is an evolving one which cannot be ignored because of its effect to not only reshape regional security but also control influence and power in world affairs. How does one define a "global" or "regional" power in the Post-Cold War Era? How does the relationships among the Big 3 influence regional actors? Gregory O. Hall utilizes country data from primary and secondary sources to reveal that since the early 1990s competition for influence and power among the Big 3 has intensified and could result in armed confrontation among the major powers. He assesses the state of affairs in each country’s economic resource military social/demographic and political spheres. In addition events data which focuses on international interactions facilitates identifying trends in Big 3 interactions as well as their concerns and affairs with regional players. Opinion data drawn from policy makers scholarly interviews and survey research data identifies foreign policy interests among the Big 3 as well non-Big 3 foreign policy behaviors. With its singular focus on American Chinese and Russian interactions policy interests and behaviors Authority Ascendancy and Supremacy represents a significant contribution for understanding and managing Post-Cold War conflicts and promises to be an important book. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138903135

Authority Experience and the Life of Power Taking up the challenge of understanding power in its complexity this volume returns to and revitalises the concept of ‘authority’. It provides a powerful analysis of the ways that relationships of trust attachment governance and inequality become possible when subjectivities and bodies are invested in the life of power. The collection offers a vibrant new analysis of the biopolitical arguing that ‘experience of life’ has become equated with ‘objectivity’ in contemporary culture and has thus become a primary basis of authority. ‘Biopolitical’ or ‘experiential’ authority can be generated through reference to a variety of experiences performances or intensities of life including creativity radicalism risk-taking experimentation inter-relation suffering and proximity to death. The authority-producing capacities of community and aesthetics are key issues pointing to vexed relationships between politics and policing inventiveness and violence. The contributors develop their theoretical analyses through discussion of a range of specific sites including mental-health service user and survivor politics biological knowledge refugee activism stories of suffering urban art anarchism neo-liberal community politics and marketization. Authority Experience & the Life of Power challenges thinking on what ‘the political’ is and isn’t pushing against the all too easy equivocation of revolutionary break and empowerment. This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of Political Power. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138379466

Authority Gender and Midwifery in Early Modern ItalyContested Deliveries Authority Gender and Midwifery in Early Modern Italy: Contested Deliveries explores attempts by church state and medical authorities to regulate and professionalize the practice of midwifery in Italy from the late sixteenth to the late eighteenth century. Medical writers in this period devoted countless pages to investigating the secrets of women’s sexuality and the processes of generation. By the eighteenth century male practitioners in Britain and France were even successfully advancing careers as male midwives. Yet female midwives continued to manage the vast majority of all early modern births. An examination of developments in Italy where male practitioners never made successful inroads into childbirth brings into focus the complex social religious and political contexts that shaped the management of reproduction in early modern Europe. Authority Gender and Midwifery in Early Modern Italy argues that new institutional spaces to care for pregnant women and educate midwives in Italy during the eighteenth century were not strictly medical developments but rather socio-political responses both to long standing concerns about honor shame and illegitimacy and contemporary unease about population growth and productivity. In so doing this book complicates our understanding of such sites situating them within a longer genealogy of institutional spaces in Italy aimed at regulating sexual morality and protecting female honor. It will be of interest to scholars of the history of medicine religious history social history and Early Modern Italy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367520229

Authority Innovation and Early Modern EpistemologyEssays in Honour of Hilary Gatti This book a collection of essays to honour Hilary Gatti reflects her interest in the principles of cultural freedom and independent thinking. The essays focus on literature and epistemology and provide analyses of authority innovation and epistemology in the early modern period in Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367599461

Authority Responsibility and Education First published in 1959 Authority Responsibility and Education focuses on the philosophy of education and is concerned with the question of moral education. It was originally based on talks delivered mainly on the Home Service and Third Programme of the BBC between April 1956 and January 1959 but due to its wide appeal and popularity it was revised to include work from a further 10 years of the author’s teaching and experience in the subject. The book is written in three parts on authority responsibility and education and uses several theories including those by Marx and Freud to achieve his aims. Although originally published some time ago the book considers many questions that are still relevant to us today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138887398

Authority State and National CharacterThe Civilizing Process in Austria and England 1700–1900 This book presents a cross-disciplinary and methodologically innovative study combining historical macro-sociology and a sociology of emotions with historical anthropology and cultural studies. Drawing on the concepts and theories of Norbert Elias on the Civilizing Process it sets out to pin down and compare qualities that are simultaneously instantly recognisable and highly elusive that is a kind of typical 'Englishness' and of 'Austrianness' that developed contemporaneously in the period up to the First World War. The authors chart the development of political authority structures in their varied historical manifestations as well as their affective sedimentation as collective habitus ( national character ) comparing England and Austria from 1700 to 1900 as a case study. Their argument is based on an analysis of literary sources mainly novels and plays applying a sociology of literature approach. Axtmann and Kuzmics argue that the very different national characters formed in England and Austria during this time are related to differences in the affective experience of power and powerlessness in short of authority. They show that the formation of national character is determined partly by the different mixture of authoritative external constraints and milder self-restraint and partly by the affective experience of human beings in uneven power balances. Specifically they show how the formation of the bureaucratic state with strong patrimonial features in Austria and of a self-organizing civil society with strong bourgeois-liberal features in England resulted both in different institutional structures of authority and in different modes of the affective experience of this authority. Employing empirical detail of individual cases and texts to analyse and illuminate broad processes the authors reach a clearer and deeper understanding of seemingly intangible and irrational aspects of national identity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138273481

Authority and Consent in Tudor EnglandEssays Presented to C.S.L. Davies Brought together as a tribute to the distinguished Tudor historian C.S.L. Davies the essays in this collection address key themes in the current historiography of the Tudor period. These include the nature causes and consequences of change in English government society and religion the relationship of centre localities and peripheral areas in the Tudor state the regulation of belief and conduct and the dynamics of England's relations with her neighbours. The contributors colleagues and students of Cliff Davies are all leading scholars who have provided fresh and interesting essays reflecting the wide ranging inquisitiveness characteristic of his own work. They seek to cross as he has done the traditional boundaries between the medieval and early modern periods and between social political and religious history. A coherent collection in their own right these essays by showing the many new directions open to those studying the Tudor period provide a fitting tribute to such an influential scholar. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261966

Authority and Control in International Communism1917-1967 Contrary to the American public image of international communism as monolithic the history of communism has been one of increasingly frequent deviation and dissension - punctuated by a process of defection and expulsion of individuals and entire national parties. In examining the fragmentation of communism as a movement Bernard S. Morris focuses on the breakdown of its structure of authority as exercised through the organs of control. He analyzes factors contributing to the initial cohesion and later disintegration of the communist movement.The author demonstrates how the artificial attempt to maintain the Marxian vision of world revolution through the agency of the Soviet system faltered and ultimately failed. He shows how tensions between communist doctrine and foreign policy coupled with the unexpected viability of the capitalist system in the West accelerated pluralism within the communist movement. This led to Yugoslavia's assertion of independence the rise of polycentrism in the post-Stalinist era and the Russo-Chinese split. As we have seen it ultimately led to the demise of the Soviet Union itself.Morris contends that the collapse of international communist unity underscores the inexorable hold of nationalism on human loyalties. He points out that American policy's obsession with international communism frustrated the development of a realistic policy toward radical nationalist movements which because they were identified with communism became equally suspect. Written by an experienced scholar and political analyst this highly informative work skillfully balances a chronological account with a searching examination of the evolution and gradual disintegration of the dream of world revolution. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412845939

Authority and Control in Modern IndustryTheoretical and Empirical Perspectives This book takes a variety of theoretical and empirical approaches to the issue of organization and authority in the modern corporation. Including contributions from scholars in the US Germany and Japan it considers such relations and the possible advantages of family ownership. The book combines historical and contemporary case studies from a range of different industries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138865822

Authority and Democracy (Routledge Library Editions: Political Science Volume 5) This book debates the nature and functions of authority: it examines how far our inherited images of authority derive from an aristocratic and traditional order and considers which models of authority are still relevant in a democratic and rationalist society. It discusses the characteristics of the authority relationship whether political authority differs from other kinds of authority how authority relates to power and whether authority should be distinguished from the concept of legitimate rule. The latter part of the book explores the relevance or irrelevance of authority in contemporary society. In particular it examines recent libertarian arguments for the rejection of all forms of authority and the special problems of creating and maintaining authority after revolution. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415653626

Authority and Diplomacy from Dante to Shakespeare A detailed examination of the relationship between the discourses and practices of authority and diplomacy in the late medieval and early modern periods Authority and Diplomacy from Dante to Shakespeare interrogates the persistent duality of the roles of author and ambassador. The volume approaches its subject from a literary-historical perspective drawing upon late medieval and early modern ideas and discourses of diplomacy and authority and examining how they are manifested within different forms of writing: drama poetry diplomatic correspondence peace treaties and household accounts. Contributors focus on major literary figures from different cultures including Dante Petrarch and Tasso from Italy; and from England Chaucer Wyatt Sidney Spenser and Shakespeare. In addition the book moves between and across literary-historical periods tracing the development of concepts and discourses of authority and diplomacy from the late medieval to the early modern period. Taken together these essays forge a broader argument for the centrality of diplomacy and diplomatic concepts in the literature and culture of late medieval and early modern England and for the importance of diplomacy in current studies of English literature before 1603. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138256910

Authority and Its Enemies Ideological warfare against authority especially in the world of higher education broke out in the 1960s and continues into the 1990s. No source or symbol of authority escaped untouched neither parents nor teachers nor the cop on the beat. While the hippies have gone underground or disappeared entirely the assault on legitimate authority continues unabated. As familiar institutions crumble before our eyes befuddled liberals and conservatives alike throw up their hands in despair. In Authority and Its Enemies Thomas Molnar asserts that the Western world is reeling from an overdose of freedom without order or authority. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519138

Authority and Meaning in Indian ReligionsHinduism and the Case of Valmiki This title was first published in 2003. Can a text be used either to validate or to invalidate contemporary understandings? Texts may be deemed 'sacred' but sacred to whom? Do conflicting understandings matter? Is it appropriate to try to offer a resolution? For Hindus and non-Hindus in India and beyond Valmiki is the poet-saint who composed the epic Rà mà yaõa. Yet for a vocal community of dalits (once called 'untouchables') within and outside India Valmiki is God. How then does one explain the popular story that he started out as an ignorant and violent bandit attacking and killing travellers for material gain? And what happens when these two accounts Valmiki as God and Valmiki as villain are held simultaneously by two different religious groups both contemporary and both vocal? This situation came to a head with controversial demonstrations by the Valmiki community in Britain in 2000 giving rise to some searching questions which Julia Leslie now seeks to address. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138708723

Authority and OrderJohn Wesley and his Preachers The important questions in ecumenical dialogue centre upon issues of authority and order. This book uses the development of ministry in the early Methodist Church to explore the origins of the Methodist Order and identify the nature of authority exercised by John Wesley the founder of the Methodist Church. Showing Methodism as having been founded upon Episcopalian principles but in a manner reinterpreted by its founder Adrian Burdon charts the journey made by John Wesley and his people towards the ordination of preachers which became such a major issue amongst the first Methodist Societies. Implications for understanding the nature and practice of authority and order in modern Methodism are explored with particular reference to the covenant for unity between English Methodists and the Church of England. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261959

Authority and Power in Social InteractionMethods and Analysis Authority and Power in Social Interaction explores methods of analyzing authority and power in the minutiae of interaction. Drawing on the expertise of a diverse international team of organizational communication and language and social interaction scholars this book suggests reverting the perspective that notions of authority and power constrain human activity to determine how people (re)create them through conversation and other joint action. Confronting several perspectives within each chapter the book offers a broad range of approaches to each theme: how and when to bring "context" into the analysis formal authority institutions bodies and materiality immateriality and third parties. A core belief of this volume is that authority and power are not looming over human activity; rather we weave together the constraints that we mutually impose on each other. Observing the details of how this joint process takes place may at once better account for how authority and power emerge and impact our actions and provide guidelines on how to resist them. This book will be an important reference for students and scholars in language and social interaction organizational communication as well as those interested in an alternative take on issues of authority and power. It will also find resonance among those interested in managements studies public administration and other disciplines interested in situations where authority is a crucial issue. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138484597

Authority and Spectacle in Medieval and Early Modern EuropeEssays in Honor of Teofilo F. Ruiz Bringing together distinguished scholars in honor of Professor Teofilo F. Ruiz this volume presents original and innovative research on the critical and uneasy relationship between authority and spectacle in the period from the twelfth to the sixteenth centuries focusing on Spain the Mediterranean and Latin America. Cultural scholars such as Professor Ruiz and his colleagues have challenged the notion that authority is elided with high politics an approach that tends to be monolithic and disregards the uneven application and experience of power by elite and non-elite groups in society by highlighting the significance of spectacle. Taking such forms as ceremonies rituals festivals and customs spectacle is a medium to project and render visible power yet it is also an ambiguous and contested setting where participants exercise the roles of both actor and audience. Chapters in this collection consider topics such as monarchy wealth and poverty medieval cuisine and diet and textual and visual sources. The individual contributions in this volume collectively represent a timely re-examination of authority that brings in the insights of cultural theory ultimately highlighting the importance of representation and projection negotiation and ambivalence. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367880491

Authority and the Individual First published in 1985. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138159808

Authority and the Individual From Ancient Greek philosophy to the French Revolution to the modern welfare state in Authority and the Individual Bertrand Russell tackles the perennial questions about the balance between authority and human freedom. With characteristic clarity and deep understanding he explores the formation and purpose of society education moral evolution and social economical and intellectual progress. First of the famous BBC Reith lectures this wonderful collection delivers Russell at his intellectual best. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138130470

Authority and the Liberal TraditionFrom Hobbes to Rorty Authority and the Liberal Tradition critically describes the historical foundations of modern liberalism implicitly analyzing the status and effectiveness of American democracy. Heineman examines contemporary liberal ideology which he argues undermines the normative basis of social stability that was an important element in the classical liberal tradition. He shows how American government has become hostage to ideology to the advocacy of interest-group politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519145

Authority and the Metaphysics of Political Communities This book explores the metaphysics of political communities. It discusses how and why a plurality of individuals becomes a political unity what principles or forces keep that unity together and what threats that unity can be faced with. In Part I the author justifies the need for the notion of substance in metaphysics in general and in the metaphysics of politics in particular. He spells out a moderately realist theory of substances and of their principles of unity which supports substantial gradualism. Part II concerns action theory and the nature of practical reason. The author claims that the acknowledgement of reasons by agents is constitutive of action and that normativity depends on the role of the good in the formation of reasons. Finally in Part III the author addresses the notion of political community. He claims that the principle of unity of a political community is its authority to give members of the community moral reasons for action. This suggests a middle way between liberal individualism and organicism and the author demonstrates the significance of this view by discussing current political issues such as the role of religion in the public sphere and the political significance of cultural identity. Authority and the Metaphysics of Political Communities will be of interest to researchers and advanced students working in social metaphysics political philosophy philosophy of action and philosophy of the social sciences. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367438296

Authority Control in Organizing and Accessing InformationDefinition and International Experience International authority control will soon be a reality. Examine the projects that are moving the information science professions in that direction today!In Authority Control in Organizing and Accessing Information: Definition and International Experience international experts examine the state of the art and explore new theoretical perspectives. This essential resource which has its origins in the International Conference on Authority Control (Italy 2003) addresses standards exchange formats and metadatawith sections on authority control for names works and subjects. Twenty fascinating case examples show how authority control is practiced at institutions in various nations around the world.Authority Control in Organizing and Accessing Information provides an essential definition of authority control and then begins its sharply focused examinations of essential aspects of authority control with a section entitled State of the Art and New Theoretical Perspectives. Here you’ll find chapters focusing on: the current state of the artwith suggestions for future developments the importance (and current lack) of teaching authority control as part of a library/information science curriculum the guidelines and methodology used in the creation of Italy’s SBN Authority FileNext Standards Exchange Formats and Metadata covers: Italy’s Bibliografia Nazionale Italiana UNIMARC database which was created using authority control principles the past and present activities of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and an examination of IFLA’s Working Group on Functional Requirements and Numbering of Authority Records (FRANAR) metadata standards as a means for accomplishing authority control in digital libraries traditional international library standards for bibliographic and authority control the evolution and current status of authority control tools for art and material culture information the UNIMARC authorities formatwhat it is and how to work with itAuthority Control for Names and Works brings you useful current information on: changes and new features in the new edition of the International Standard Archival Authority Record (Corporate Bodies Persons Families) Encoded Archival Context (EAC)and its role in enhancing access to and understanding of records and how it enables repositories to share creator description the LEAF model for collection harvesting linking and providing access to existing local/national name authority data national bibliographic control in China Japan and Korea plus suggestions for future cooperation between bibliographic agencies in East Asia authority control of printers publishers and booksellers how to create up-to-date corporate name authority records authority control (and the lack of it) for worksAuthority Control for Subjects updates you on: subject gatewayswith a look at the differences between the Program for Cooperative Cataloging’s SACO program and browsable online subject gateways MACSa virtual authority file that crosses language barriers to provide multilingual access OCLC’s FAST project which strives to retain the rich vocabulary of LCSH while making the schema easier to understand control apply and use the efforts of Italy’s National Central Library toward semantic authority control the interrelationship of subject indexing languages and authority controlwith a look at the semantics vs. syntax issue how subject indexing is done in Italy’s Servizio Bibliotecario NazionaleAuthority Control Experiences and Proje Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203051092

Authority in Byzantium Authority is an important concept in Byzantine culture whose myriad modes of implementation helped maintain the existence of the Byzantine state across so many centuries binding together people from different ethnic groups in different spheres of life and activities. Even though its significance to understanding the Byzantine world is so central it is nonetheless imperfectly understood. The present volume brings together an international cast of scholars to explore this concept. The contributions are divided into nine sections focusing on different aspects of authority: the imperial authority of the state how it was transmitted from the top down from Constantinople to provincial towns how it dealt with marginal legal issues or good medical practice; authority in the market place whether directly concerning over-the-counter issues such as coinage weights and measures or the wider concerns of the activities of foreign traders; authority in the church such as the extent to which ecclesiastical authority was inherent or how constructs of religious authority ordered family life; the authority of knowledge revealed through imperial patronage or divine wisdom; the authority of text though its conformity with ancient traditions through the Holy scriptures and through the authenticity of history; exhibiting authority through images of the emperor or the Divine. The final section draws on personal experience of three great ’authorities’ within Byzantine Studies: Ostrogorsky Beck and Browning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409436089

Authority in Crisis in French Literature 1850–1880 By the 1850s the expansion of printing and distribution technologies provided writers with more readers and literary outlets than ever before while the ever-changing political contexts occasioned by the revolutions of 1830 and 1848 brought about differing degrees of political social and literary censure and pressure. Seth Whidden examines crises of literary authority in nineteenth-century French literature both in response to the attempts of the Second Empire (1852-1870) to restore the unquestioned imperial authority that had been established by Napoleon I and in the aftermath of the bloody Paris Commune of 1871. In each of his chapters Whidden offers a representative case study highlighting one of several phenomena-literary collaboration parody destabilized poetic form the substitution of one poetic or narrative voice with that of the man-that enabled challenges to the traditional status of the writer and by extension the political authority that it reflected. Whidden focuses on the play Le Supplice d’une femme (1865); the Cercle Zutiste a group of writers musicians and artists who met regularly in the fall of 1871 only months after the fall of the Second Empire; Arthur Rimbaud’s Commune-era poems; and Jules Verne’s 1851 ’Un voyage en ballon ’ later reprinted as ’Un drame dans les airs’ in 1874. Whidden concludes with a futuristic look at authority and auctority as it pertains to midcentury writers taking stock of the weakened authority still possible in a post-Second Empire France and envisioning what kind of auctority is still to come. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472444264

Authority in European Book Culture 1400-1600 Through its many and varied manifestations authority has frequently played a role in the communication process in both manuscript and print. This volume explores how authority whether religious intellectual political or social has enforced the circulation of certain texts and text versions or acted to prevent the distribution of books pamphlets and other print matter. It also analyzes how readers writers and printers have sometimes rebelled against the constraints and restrictions of authority publishing controversial works anonymously or counterfeiting authoritative texts; and how the written or printed word itself has sometimes been perceived to have a kind of authority which might have had ramifications in social political or religious spheres. Contributors look at the experience of various European cultures-English French German and Italian-to allow for comparative study of a number of questions pertinent to the period. Among the issues explored are local and regional factors influencing book production; the interplay between manuscript and print culture; the slippage between authorship and authority; and the role of civic and religious authority in cultural production. Deliberately conceived to foster interdisciplinary dialogue between the history of the book and literary and cultural history this volume takes a pan-European perspective to explore the ways in which authority infiltrates and is in turn propagated or undermined by book culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138257054

Authority in Islam: From Mohammed to KhomeiniFrom Mohammed to Khomeini This text looks at the future orientation of the People's Liberation Army. It covers military leadership readiness and expenditure defense doctrine high-tech warfare acquisitions the scientific and technological base for defense procurement and China's security concerns in Northeast Asia. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315494494

Authority in IslamFrom the Rise of Mohammad to the Establishment of the Umayyads From the origins of Muhammad's prophetic movement through the development of Islam's principal branches to the establishment of the Umayyad dynasty the concept of authority has been central to Islamic civilization. By examining the nature organization and transformation of authority over time Dabashi conveys both continuities and disruptions inherent in the development of a new political culture. It is this process he argues that accounts for the fundamental patterns of authority in Islam that ultimately shaped in dialectical interaction with external historical factors the course of Islamic civilization.The book begins by examining the principal characteristics of authority in pre-Islamic Arab society. Dabashi describes the imposition of the Muhammadan charismatic movement on pre-Islamic Arab culture tracing the changes it introduced in the fabric of pre-Islamic Arabia. He examines the continuities and changes that followed focusing on the concept of authority and the formation of the Sunnite Shiite and Karajite branches of Islam as political expressions of deep cultural cleavages. For Dabashi the formation of these branches was the inevitable outcome of the clash between pre-Islamic patterns of authority and those of the Muhammadan charismatic movement. In turn they molded both the unity and the diversity of the emerging Islamic culture. Authority in Islam explains how this came to be.Dabashi employs Weber's concept of charismatic authority in describing Muhammad and his mode of authority as both a model and a point of departure. His purpose is not to offer critical verification or opposition to interpretation of historical events but to suggest a new approach to the existing literature. The book is an important contribution to political sociology as well as the study of Islamic culture and civilization. Sociologists political scientists and Middle Eastern specialists will find this analysis of particular value. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351317122

Authority in LanguageInvestigating Standard English Authority in Language explores the perennially topical and controversial notion of correct and incorrect language. James and Lesley Milroy cover the long-running debate over the teaching of Standard English in Britain and compare the language ideologies in Britain and the USA involving a discussion of the English-Only movement and the Ebonics controversy. They consider the historical process of standardisation and its social consequences in particular discrimination against low-status and ethnic minority groups on the basis of their language traits. This Routledge Linguistics Classic is here reissued with a new foreword and a new afterword in which the authors broaden their earlier concept of language ideology. Authority in Language is indispensable reading for educationalists teachers and linguists and a long-standing text for courses in sociolinguistics modern English grammar history of English and language ideology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415696838

Authority in the Modern State (Works of Harold J. Laski) As a sequel to Studies in the Problem of Sovereignty this volume originally published in 1919 expands Laski’s pluralist doctrine of the state (using France as its reference) but covers rather broader ground since its main object is to insist that the probem of sovereignty is only a special case of the problem of authority. The result is a positive constructive analysis of politics and the theory of the state which examines the division and organisation of power the limitations of power and the significance of freedom the political theory of Bonald the revival of traditionalism and the role of the Church and the Civil Service. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138822818

Authority in the Roman Catholic ChurchTheory and Practice How did the present authority structures within the Church come into existence? How if at all can we justify their existence? What form of authority should exist in the Church? These and other related questions exercise the minds of many Christians in these days when the very notion of authority is questioned but debate about them is perhaps nowhere more lively than within the ranks of Roman Catholicism. This book offers an important contribution to such debate within that church. Leading Catholic theologians from both sides of the Atlantic take up the key issues: analysing the concept of authority and governance; examining the history of authority within the Roman Catholic church; discussing who should have a say in future developments; exploring ecumenical dimensions with particular reference to Anglicanism and the Orthodox churches; and suggesting the kind of reforms that might be prudent as well as ways in which such reforms might be brought about. The book will prove of interest to many Roman Catholics but given the ecumenical impact of many of the issues explored it is likely to exert a wide appeal far beyond the confines of that church. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261935

Authorizing Translation Authorizing Translation applies ground-breaking research on literary translation to examine the intersection between Translation Studies and literary criticism rethinking ways in which analyzing translation and the authority of the translator can provide nuanced micro and macro readings of literary work and the worlds through which it moves. A substantial introduction surveys the field and suggests possible avenues for future research while six case-study-based chapters by a new generation of Literature and Translation Studies scholars focus on the question of authority by asking:Who authors translations?Who authorizes translations?What authority do translations have in different cultural contexts?What authority does Literary Translation Studies have as a field?The hermeneutic role of the translator is explored through the literary periods of Romanticism Modernism and Postmodernism and through different cultures and languages. The case studies focus on data-centered analysis of reviews of translated literature ultimately illustrating how the translator’s authority creates and hybridizes literary cultures.Authorizing Translation will be of interest to students and researchers of Literary Translation and Translation Studies. Additional resources for Translation and Interpreting Studies are available on the Routledge Translation Studies Portal: Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367736774

Author's Guide to Journals in Library & Information Science This book first published in 1982 focuses on providing information about the policies and practices surrounding the preparation and submitting of articles to the major journals in library and information science. This guide includes all the major American Canadian British and international professional journals that solicit accept and publish articles in the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367434113

Authors of the Middle Ages Volume II Nos 5–6Historical and Religious Writers of the Latin West Volume II of the AUTHORS OF THE MIDDLE AGES series contains nos. 5-6 in the series: 'Peter Abelard' by Constant J. Mews and 'Honorius Augustodunensis' by V.I.J. Flint. PETER ABELARD (1079-1142) was one of the most creative and controversial thinkers of the 12th century. This study traces his life as a logician and theologian paying particular attention to the many scholarly debates provoked by the Historia calamitatum and the celebrated exchange of letters with Heloise. It contains a full survey of his writings listing the manuscripts in which they occur. HONORIUS AUGUSTODUNENSIS c. 1098-c. 1140 one of the most prolific and widely read authors of the early 12th century was a passionate proselytiser on behalf of the Benedictines. This study sets out the extraordinary features of his career and the nature of the battle he fought through his writings. Few of his works have appeared in modern editions this study gives short accounts of each and their manuscripts. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261911

Authors of the Middle Ages Volume III Nos 7–11English Writers of the Late Middle Ages Authors of the Middle Ages is a series designed for research and reference. The aim is to combine in one compact work a biography of a medieval author with all the information needed for further research. The series is divided into two sub-series. The first edited by M.C. Seymour focuses on EnglishWriters of the Late Middle Ages and the second edited by Patrick Geary deals with Historical and Religious Writers of the Latin West. William Caxton was the first English printer and publisher of printed books. He translated many books into English and by the prologues and epilogues added to many of his printed works he helped to establish literary tastes and fashions at the end of the medieval period. The life of Reginald Peacock bishop heretic and author reflects the many controversies of 15th-century England. Drawing on many contemporary sources and based on fresh research. Wendy Scase offers a new interpretation of an enigmatic writer. Douglas Gray traces the lives of the two poets Robert Henryson and William Dunbar. Among the several distinguished poets of late-medieval Scotland. Henryson stands out for his humanity learned wit and imaginitive power; while Dunbar was one of the most spectacular flamboyant and versatile Scottish poets of the Middle Ages. This study gives an account of the little that is known of their lives and extensively details both their works and later scholarship. John Capgrave (1393-1464) was an Augustinian friar Cambridge theologian hagiographer and chronicler who became Prior Provincial of his order. His life presented here in the light of fresh research and with full documentation illuminates the importance of the order in the troubled times of mid 15th-century England. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261904

Authors of the Middle Ages Volume IV Nos 12–13Historical and Religious Writers of the Latin West The anonymous author who has come to be known as Fredegar put together a collection of historical sources together with items of his own composing in the second half of the 7th century. His work forms the most important source for the history of France in the period 594 to 642. It was added to in the mid 8th century in two continuations that provide vital evidence for their own time. Gregory I (590-604) is often considered the first medieval pope; and as fourth doctor of the church he is the first exponent of a truly medieval spirituality. This book has three parts: a biography concentrates on analyzing Gregory's actions as pope in the light of spiritual concerns expressed in his literary works; a second section examines individual works and controversies and questions about them it also provides information about manuscripts and editions; the final section is a select bibliography encompassing the many aspects of Gregorian scholarship. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261898

Authors of the Middle Ages. Volume I Nos 1–4English Writers of the Late Middle Ages Authors of the Middle Ages is a new series designed for research and reference. Each part by an expert on the subject gives an account of the facts known about a particular Author’s life and immediate historical context together with a review of subsequent scholarship. This is supported by citation of all known contemporary references; a dated and classified list of manuscripts and editions; a bibliography of secondary sources; and appendices listing or printing the key literary and documentary sources. The aim is to combine in one compact work a bibliography of a medieval author with all the information needed for further research. Each will be available individually or in a collection with three other contemporary Authors. Authors of the Middle Ages is divided into two sub-series English Writers of the Late Middle Ages and historical and Religious Writers of the Latin West. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261881

Authorship and Film First published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203698976

Authorship as Promotional Discourse in the Screen IndustriesSelling Genius This book discusses the use of authorship discourses and author figures in the promotion and marketing of media content dealing with the U.S. mainstream media including franchise film network television and triple-A video games. The research takes a unique approach studying ideas of authorship in promotion diverging from extant approaches looking at the text production or reception. Conceptualizing authorship within the logic of media branding the book studies the construction of ideas around creativity and the creative person in marketing and publicity content where media industries communicate with audiences. A cross-media approach allows the book to take a broad look and make comparisons across the increasingly integrated media industries. The book will be of great relevance to academics in the fields of film television and media studies including postgraduate students conducting teaching and research around authorship media industries and media promotion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367356514

Authorship ContestedCultural Challenges to the Authentic Autonomous Author This volume explores a dimension of authorship not given its due in the critical discourse to this point—authorship contested. Much of the existing critical literature begins with a text and the proposition that the text has an author. The debates move from here to questions about who the author is whether or not the author’s identity is even relevant and what relationship she or he does and does not have to the text. The authors contributing to this collection however ask about circumstances surrounding efforts to prevent authors from even being allowed to have these questions asked of them from even being identified as authors. They ask about the political cultural economic and social circumstances that motivate a prospective audience to resist an author’s efforts to have a text published read and discussed. Particularly noteworthy is the range of everyday rhetorical situations in which contesting authorship occurs—from the production of a corporate document to the publication of fan fiction. Each chapter also focuses on particular instances in which authorship has been contested demonstrating how theories about various forms of contested authorship play out in a range of events from the complex issues surrounding peer review to authorship in the age of intelligent machines. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815396390

Authorship Roles in Popular MusicIssues and Debates Authorship Roles in Popular Music applies the critical concept of auteur theory to popular music via different aspects of production and creativity. Through critical analysis of the music itself this book contextualizes key concepts of authorship relating to gender race technology originality uniqueness and genius and raises important questions about the cultural constructions of authenticity value class nationality and genre. Using a range of case studies as examples it visits areas as diverse as studio production composition DJing collaboration performance and audience. This book is an essential introduction to the critical issues and debates surrounding authorship in popular music. It is an ideal resource for students researchers and scholars in popular musicology and cultural studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138780682

Autism Autism is the first book on the condition that seeks to combine medical historical and cultural approaches to an understanding of the condition. Its purpose is to present a rounded portrayal of the ways in which autism is currently represented in the world It focuses on three broad areas: the facts of scientific research including new ideas surrounding research into genetics and neuroscience as well as the details of diagnosis and therapy; the history of the condition as it developed through psychiatric approaches to the rise of parent associations neurodiversity and autism advocacy; and the fictional and media narratives through which it is increasingly expressed in the contemporary moment. Accessible and written in clear English Autism is designed for student audiences in English Disability Studies Cultural Studies History Sociology and Medicine and Health as well as medical practitioners and the general reader. Autism is a condition surrounded by misunderstanding and often defined by contestation and argument. The purpose of this book is to bring clarity to the subject of autism across the full range of its manifestations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415884990

Autism The Way ForwardA Self-Help Guide to Teaching Children on the Autistic Spectrum Specifically written for all those families who are unable to receive funding for their child's programme and is an invaluable tool for new tutors coming into the field. The book is a step-by-step guide to setting up and running a home programme which applies full communication in order to meet the needs of the child more fully. It guides the reader through the various stages showing them what to include in their programme when why and how. Included in the book is a section on what to do when things go wrong on your programme. It also shows how the methodologies of behaviourism and psychotherapy are combined to give a synergetic effect with all other methods supporting these by applying calming and performance-enhancing strategies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367106072

Autism and Applied Behavior AnalysisA Special Issue of exceptionality First published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138181212

Autism and Childhood Psychosis This is Frances Tustin's first book and the original statement of her views on autistic states of mind and the genesis of varieties of childhood psychosis. In it she tackles problems of diagnosis as these relate to therapeutic intervention. Autism and Childhood Psychosis was first published in 1972 by Hogarth London and a year later by Jason Aronson New York. Subsequently it was translated and published in France Italy Brazil and Argentina where it is now in its third edition. In France it is a livre de poche. Twenty years ago the book was greeted by a group of Italian therapists working at a unit for psychotic children at the Institute of Childhood Neuropsychiatry Rome University as "a ship coming into harbor bearing precious cargo". Here was a theoretical model that provided an anchor for therapists bewildered by the array of bizarre behaviors that seemed to defy scientific explanation and human intervention. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367104795

Autism and CreativityIs There a Link between Autism in Men and Exceptional Ability? Autism and Creativity is a stimulating study of male creativity and autism arguing that a major genetic endowment is a prerequisite of genius and that cultural and environmental factors are less significant than has often been claimed. Chapters on the diagnosis and psychology of autism set the scene for a detailed examination of a number of important historical figures. For example:* in the Indian mathematician Ramanujan the classic traits of Asperger's syndrome are shown to have coexisted with an extraordinary level of creativity* more unexpectedly from the fields of philosophy politics and literature scrutiny of Ludwig Wittgenstein Sir Keith Joseph Eamon de Valera Lewis Carroll and William Butler Yeats reveals classical autistic features. Autism and Creativity will prove fascinating reading not only for professionals and students in the field of autism and Asperger's syndrome but for anyone wanting to know how individuals presenting autistic features have on many occasions changed the way we understand society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415763424

Autism and ICTA Guide for Teachers and Parents This book offers a practical approach for staff and carers who want to develop the use of ICT for children on the autistic spectrum and for those with language and communication difficulties. It combines descriptions of current research and literature on the subject of autism and ICT with practical guidance on software and hardware. A practical approach encourages experimentation values the skills and attributes that participants bring and minimizes the technical barrier to ICT use. It includes concise information on what autism is and examples of a range of pupils and their typical learning behaviors. It offers advice on how ICT can relate to various aspects of autism information on concept keyboards and touch-sensitive screens and switches and help with buying a computer and using the internet. Teachers carers and parents of children with autism or language and communication problems will find lots of useful suggestions and advice on how to use ICT to help access the curriculum. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138154179

Autism and Joint AttentionDevelopment Neuroscience and Clinical Fundamentals From a preeminent researcher this book looks at the key role of joint attention in both typical and atypical development. Peter C. Mundy shows that no other symptom dimension is more strongly linked to early identification and treatment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). He synthesizes a wealth of knowledge on how joint attention develops its neurocognitive underpinnings and how it helps to explain the learning language and social-cognitive features of ASD across the lifespan. Clinical implications are explored including reviews of cutting-edge diagnostic methods and targeted treatment approaches. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462525096

Autism and Learning (Classic Edition)A guide to good practice Autism is a complex and often puzzling disorder in which pinning down a set of rules surrounding the teaching of children with it is almost impossible to do. Many theories and approaches claim to have the solution to teaching yet few provide the answers when an autistic child goes against the status quo. Autism and Learning addresses this problem with a principled approach that is based on the understanding of the pedagogy and psychology of autism. It shows how theory can influence practice and sets out a cognitive view of the relationship between learning and autism whilst explaining how the curriculum must be constructed as to accommodate that relationship. The book also sets out principles of pedagogy and illustrates their application. Written by practitioners experienced in teaching children with autism the book covers examples of good practice in the most salient areas of the curriculum including: Developing play Group work Science Dance and drama ICT Assessment Communication Outdoor learning. Now with an updated preface from internationally renowned editors this classic text should be on the bookshelves of all practitioners working with autistic children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415687492

Autism and Managing AnxietyPractical Strategies for Working with Children and Young People This easy-to-use resource is a compilation of theoretical background and concrete approaches designed to increase understanding and outline strategies to support autistic children and young people who experience anxiety in the school environment. This resource also has practical application for parents carers and professionals across a range of educational and community-based settings. Using real life examples and case studies the book explains and explores the different forms of anxiety and their impact across the school environment. Each chapter offers practical information and strategies that may help reduce the negative symptoms of anxiety and help support emotional resilience across home and school environments. Key features of this book include: Chapters aimed at enhancing the understanding of anxiety in autism considering potential triggers of anxiety discussion on cognitive theories social communication and means of assessing anxiety. A wealth of downloadable anxiety management strategies and resources that can be adapted and used by a teacher parent or other professional. This resource has been developed by the multidisciplinary team at Middletown Centre for Autism and is a useful resource for the busy parent teacher and other professionals who wish to provide individualised support strategies for anxiety across a range of settings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367250331

Autism and PersonalityFindings from the Tavistock Autism Workshop Taking a psychoanalytic and developmental approach Autism and Personality outlines in considerable detail the new developments in therapeutic techniques used by the Tavistock Autism Team and Workshop to treat autistic children. It also underlines the importance of support for parents and siblings who are all too often ignored under considerable stress. The book presents fresh ideas about the importance of personality for the developmental course of the condition and the implications for psychotherapeutic technique. Using case vignettes to illustrate the theoretical ideas emerging from the Workshop coupled with case studies which highlight the patient's changing contact with the therapist it gives a fascinating picture of the individuality of each child and of the sensitivity and skill required for each treatment. Accessible to professionals and also to parents Autism and Personality is a valuable insight into the nature and course of this condition and its treatment. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203754399

Autism and the Development of Mind The purpose of this essay is to illustrate how the phenomenon of early childhood autism may cast light on issues that are central to our Understanding Of Normal Child Development - Issues Such As The Emotional origins of social experience and social understanding the contribution of interpersonal relations to the genesis of symbolism and creative thought and the role of intersubjectivity in the development of self. Drawing upon philosophical writings as well as empirical research on autism the author challenges the individualistic and cognitive bias of much developmental psychology and argues that early human development is founded upon a normal infant's capacity for distinct forms of "I - Thou" and "I - It" relatedness. To a large degree autism may represent the psycho-pathological sequelae to biologically-based incapacities for social perception and interpersonal engagement. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138417410

Autism and the Social World of ChildhoodA sociocultural perspective on theory and practice A key issue for researchers and practitioners is how to support the social engagement of children with autism in ordinary everyday social processes that are transactional in nature and involve mixed groups of children with and without autism in rich and varied relationships. Autism and the Social World of Childhood brings together current understandings about the social engagement of children with autism gained from psychology-based research into autism with well-established ideas about children’s everyday social worlds gained from sociocultural theories of childhood. It describes the experiences of interaction friendship and play from children’s own point of view as a way of giving insight into children’s lives as they are lived and understood by them. Such an understanding serves to inform educational practice and aids the provision of more effective learning environments. Autism and the Social World of Childhood includes sections on: the nature of play social interaction and friendship in autism the nature of children’s ordinary social worlds including children’s cultures of communication and variation in children’s play research approaches to investigating the social engagement of children with and without autism in natural contexts educational approaches to supporting the integration of children with autism within a school setting the importance of assessment in autism education. Autism and the Social World of Childhood includes real life descriptions of children’s social experiences taken from ethnographic research into the play and interaction of children with and without autism. Practical guidance is provided on educational approaches to supporting the inclusion of children with autism within the ordinary social worlds of childhood. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415838344

Autism Imaging and Devices This book covers state-of-the-art medical image analysis approaches currently pursued in autism research. Chapters cover recent advances in diagnosis using structural neuroimaging. All aspects of imaging are included such as electrophysiology (EEG ERP QEEG and MEG) postmortem techniques and advantages and difficulties of depositing/acquiring images in larger databases. The book incorporates 2D 3D and 4D imaging and advances scientific research within the broad field of autism imaging. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367872106

Autism in a Decentered World Autistic people are empirically and scientifically generalized as living in a fragmented alternate reality without a coherent continuous self. In Part I this book presents recent neuropsychological research and its implications for existing theories of autism selfhood and identity challenging common assumptions about the formation and structure of the autistic self and autism’s relationship to neurotypicality. Through several case studies in Part II the book explores the ways in which artists diagnosed with autism have constructed their identities through participation within art communities and cultures and how the concept of self as ‘story’ can be utilized to better understand the neurological differences between autism and typical cognition. This book will be of particular interest to researchers and scholars within the fields of Disability Studies Art Education and Art Therapy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815381884

Autism in Childhood and Autistic Features in AdultsA Psychoanalytic Perspective This book discusses psychoanalytic understanding of childhood autism and of autistic aspects of adult patients. It describes a wide range of adult patients who are highly articulate successful people having nonetheless an encapsulated autistic area which blocks communication with others. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323417

Autism in the Early YearsA Practical Guide Anyone meeting a young child with autism for the first time will find this fully revised edition of a classic text invaluable. The authors provide parents and professionals with an insight into the nature and educational implications of autism particularly in very young children. In a clear and sensitive style the authors: outline the characteristics of autism as they present themselves in the early years; consider the nature of autism and the issues surrounding assessment and diagnosis; offer practical strategies for effective and realistic intervention both at home and in a variety of early years settings; suggest ways to promote learning social development communication and appropriate behaviour; explore possibilities for enhancing access to the early years curriculum. This updated second edition includes new material relating to new statutory requirements such as Every Child Matters and Disability Equality Duty as well as updates to different approaches to autism assessment and behavioural issues. The authors outline the principal themes and objectives of the Early Years Foundation Stage and the Inclusion Development Programme. Autism in the Early Years: A Practical Guide (Second Edition) provides accessible material support and advice for parents teachers and professionals who are working together in an unfamiliar area following early diagnoses of autism in young children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138371330

Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment in Schools Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment in Schools serves as a guide on how to assess children for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) specifically in school settings. Dilly and Hall offer a general overview of ASD describe ASD assessment best practices and explain the process of identifying ASD in schools. Current research and up-to-date science is incorporated in a practitioner-friendly manner and short case vignettes will increase the accessibility of the book content and illustrate principles. As the rates of ASD reach 1/59 children and school psychologists are increasingly expected to possess expertise in the assessment of ASD this book serves as a must have for school psychologists school social workers and other practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815374374

Autism Spectrum Disorder in the First Years of LifeResearch Assessment and Treatment Acclaimed for helping novice behavioral scientists hit the ground running as producers of meaningful research this text now has been extensively revised with more than 50% new material including current guidance on open science; transparency; replication; and quantitative qualitative and mixed methods reporting standards. The book provides the conceptual knowledge and practical skills needed to bridge the gap between introductory research design and analysis courses and execution of an independent study. In a candid conversational style Rex B. Kline guides the reader to choose appropriate research designs and analysis options; avoid common fallacies in interpreting the outcomes of statistical tests; make informed measurement choices; screen data for problems that could yield inaccurate results; and craft effective theses journal articles and presentations. Revised pedagogical features include engaging examples from published studies and student theses as well as end-of-chapter exercises with answers. New to This Edition*Addresses critical "research crises" that have come to the fore in the last decade--and ways to remedy them.*New chapters on the replication crisis reporting standards the open-science movement and statistics reform.*Extensively revised chapters on effect size estimation and psychometrics.*Updated discussions of how to write publishable journal articles and create effective presentations. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462543236

Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adolescents and AdultsEvidence-Based and Promising Interventions Bringing together leading experts this book presents effective practices for helping people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) to thrive in adulthood. As individuals with ASD mature their needs change as well. The book reviews the growing research base and describes ways to support adolescents and adults in succeeding in higher education and work living independently enjoying leisure activities navigating meaningful personal relationships and more. Specific behavioral and instructional interventions--such as functional communication training positive behavior support and applied behavior analysis--are discussed. Case examples illustrate practical aspects of applying the strategies in real-world school and community settings. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462526154

Autism Spectrum DisordersA Special Issue of Child Neuropsychology Children with autism spectrum disorders share a pervasive impairment in the development of reciprocal social interaction skills but vary in their verbal and nonverbal communication skills and various restricted and repetitive behaviors. This variability presents challenges for developmental and neurobiological models. Our understanding of the autism spectrum disorders is improved by studying children at various points in development including infants and by using a careful neuropsychological approach. This approach is emphasized here in studies that examine characteristics of infants later diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders neuropsychological test performance of children and developmental information obtained from detailed standardized parent interviews. Due to the pervasive nature of the autism spectrum disorders attention difficulties are commonly observed. Studies that address specific aspects of attention are included with an emphasis on how attention difficulties may help to explain the early symptoms and the characteristic social deficits in these disorders. Using a range of approaches has helped us to learn more about how these disorders affect a wide range of skills throughout the course of development. It is hoped that the findings from the studies in this special issue will assist efforts aimed at improving diagnostic characterization as well as delineating targets for behavioral and educational interventions in children with autism spectrum disorders. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138883185

Autism Spectrum DisordersIdentification Education and Treatment The fourth edition of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Identification Education and Treatment continues the mission of its predecessors: to present a comprehensive readable and up-to-date overview of the field of autism; one that links research theory and practice in ways that are accessible to students practitioners and parents. During the last decade autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have emerged as the fastest growing developmental disability and in response to the dramatic increase in diagnoses diagnostic criteria in the newly published DSM-5 are significantly different than they were in the DSM IV-R. The structure content and format of Autism Spectrum Disorders 4th Edition have been revised to accommodate changes in the field and to illuminate the current state of the art in the study of autism. New information on early identification transition education from adolescence through to adulthood neurobiological research and technology-based solutions is included. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138015708

Autism Through A Sensory LensSensory Assessment and Strategies The fully revised second edition of this easy-to-use resource introduces the sensory differences autistic children may face and explores how these differences can affect their ability to make sense of the world. It is invaluable in helping those adults working with autistic children to identify the possible triggers for the child’s behaviour and consider it through a sensory lens. Children have varying sensory needs so the book offers both a wealth of enjoyable activities for sensory exploration and play whilst also providing suggestions for strategies and ideas that can be used at home or in school to create an autism-friendly environment. This book: Highlights the possible link between behaviours that challenge and sensory difficulties for autistic children. Provides practical and accessible resources helping parents carers and practitioners to gain a greater understanding of sensory differences. Includes an online assessment with accompanying aids to create a visual representation of the child’s sensory needs. With both downloadable and photocopiable resources this practical guide will be an essential tool for parents carers and practitioners working with autistic children enabling them to to create a visual profile of areas of difficulty which can form the basis of personalised strategies and fun sensory activities to support the child. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367369620

Autism WorksA Guide to Successful Employment across the Entire Spectrum People with autism are being left behind today with only 16 per cent in full-time employment. This inspiring book addresses the lack of understanding of the wonderful contributions people across the autism spectrum can make to the workplace drawing attention to this vast untapped human resource. Employers who create supportive workplaces can enhance their companies by making use of the talents of people with autism while also helping to produce a more inclusive and tolerant society and people with autism can themselves benefit materially and emotionally from improved employment opportunities. Packed with real-life case studies examining the day-to-day working lives of people across the autism spectrum in a wide variety of careers this book provides constructive solutions for both employers seeking to improve their workplaces and for individuals with autism considering their employment options. It dispels popular myths about autism such as that everyone is good at IT and crucially tackles the potential job opportunities available across the spectrum including for those who have no language at all. It also highlights the neglected area of gender differences in the workplace and the costs of autistic females’ ability to 'camouflage' their condition. This book is a must-read for parents employers and adults with autism and for anyone interested in the present and future of people with autism in the workplace who will benefit from the positive message that employing autistic people is not an act of charity but one that makes sound economic sense. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815369486

Autism: Exploring the Benefits of a Gluten- and Casein-Free DietA practical guide for families and professionals Autism was once considered a rare condition but increasing numbers of children are being diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum making it one of the most common and often challenging childhood developmental diagnoses. While experts around the globe strive to unravel and truly understand how autism develops and presents itself comparatively little is still known about the condition despite decades of research and investigation.    What is becoming clear is that autism is an extremely diverse condition with a presentation often complicated by a heightened risk of various accompanying behaviours and conditions outside of autism variably affecting quality of life and future outcomes. Based on years of experimental study and thousands of personal observations a growing body of research suggests that some challenging characteristics present in autism may be positively affected by the introduction of a gluten- and casein-free (GFCF) diet. Autism: Exploring the Benefits of a Gluten- and Casein-Free Diet offers parents teachers and other education or health professionals an easy-to-read alternative to sifting through the combined science. Written by leading experts in autism research food nutrition and dietetics the book cuts through the jargon to offer readers a no-nonsense accessible and authoritative overview of how diet might affect some characteristics of autism and provides a range of useful recipes and handy hints for making mealtimes fun for children with autism and related conditions who are embarking on such a dietary change. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415727631

AutismA New Introduction to Psychological Theory and Current Debate Based on Francesca Happé’s best-selling textbook Autism: An Introduction to Psychological Theory this completely new edition provides a concise overview of contemporary psychological theories about autism. Fletcher-Watson and Happé explore the relationship between theories of autism at psychological (cognitive) biological and behavioural levels and consider their clinical and educational impact. The authors summarise what is known about the biology and behavioural features of autism and provide concise but comprehensive accounts of all influential psychological models including ‘Theory of Mind’ (ToM) models early social development models and alternative information processing models such as ‘weak central coherence’ theory. The book also discusses more recent attempts to understand autism including the ‘Double Empathy Problem’ and Bayesian theories. In each case the authors describe the theory review the evidence and provide critical analysis of its value and impact. Recognising the multiplicity of theoretical views and rapidly changing nature of autism research each chapter considers current debates and major questions that remain for the future. Importantly the book includes the voices of autistic people including parents and practitioners who were asked to provide commentaries on each chapter helping to contextualise theory and research evidence with accounts of real-life experience. The book embraces neurodiversity whilst recognising the real needs of autistic people and their families. Thus Autism: A New Introduction to Psychological Theory and Current Debate provides the reader with a critical overview of psychological theory but also embeds this within community perspectives making it a relevant and progressive contribution to understanding autism and essential reading for students and practitioners across educational clinical and social settings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138106123

AutismThe Movement Sensing Perspective Autism: The Movement Sensing Perspective is the result of a collaborative effort by parents therapists clinicians and researchers from all disciplines in science including physics engineering and applied mathematics. This book poses questions regarding the current conceptualization and approach to the study of autism providing an alternative unifying data-driven framework grounded in physiological factors. This book reaches beyond subjective descriptions of autistic phenomena and embraces a new era of objective measurements analyses and statistical inferences. The authors harness activities from the nervous systems across the brain and body (often in tandem) and introduce a platform for the comprehensive personalized phenotyping of individuals with autism. The impact of this approach is discussed to advance the development of tailored treatments options enhance the ability to longitudinally track symptomatology and to fundamentally empower affected individuals and their families. This book encompasses a new era for autism research and treatments and our continuous effort to collectively empower and embrace the autistic community. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482251630

AutismThe Science of Mental Health First published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203827369

Autistic Adults at Bittersweet Farms Autistic Adults at Bittersweet Farms is a touching view of an inspirational residential care program for autistic adolescents and adults. This compelling book focuses on adult autism treated through the concepts used at Bittersweet Farms an 80-acre farm in northwest Ohio. Through historical rationale for a therapeutic community a comparison between the Bittersweet Farms model and treatment settings in the United Kingdom specific treatments and training programs at Bittersweet Farms and staff parent and resident viewpoints the innovative program--based on the premise that adults with autism continue to need special care and training throughout their lives--is brought to life. Divided into three sections Autistic Adults at Bittersweet Farms returns repeatedly to the concept behind the program--molding autistic adults into contributing members of society in their own ways. Section One includes a potpourri of information giving a glimpse of the range of models available for treatment and what makes each program a success. Taking a closer look at program considerations within various community settings the second section examines behavior modification techniques in training autistic children and educating their parents. As politics play an important role in developing an innovative care program like Bittersweet Farms the final section delves into regulations and funding for different types of residential care programs. Ending on a very human and optimistic note section three closes with three personal accounts of life and work at Bittersweet Farms from a staff member a resident and a parent with each praising a different aspect of the total person care environment of Bittersweet Farms. Occupational and physical therapists policymakers educators and parents of autistic children will be encouraged from reading this outstanding book. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003075240

Autistic Barriers in Neurotic Patients "Tustin deals very sensitively and sensibly with the knotty problem of parents' contribution to autistic development providing a balanced interactive view which does not allocate blame. Her discussion of autistic objects and autistic shapes is illuminating and has widespread clinical applicability. This book is highly recommended reading" - Mary Boston British Journal of Medical Psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367099527

Autistic ChildrenA Guide For Parents & Professionals First published in 1985. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138410336

Autistic ChildrenTeaching Community and Research Approaches Originally published in 1977. This book is a comprehensive account of the state of knowledge about autism in the 1970s. Its main emphases are the special needs of autistic children and everyday aspects of dealing with them – how to manage teach and ‘treat’ them. As such it will be of particular value for teachers and parents but equally important for GPs paediatricians child psychiatrists and psychologists and anyone else playing a role in the diagnosis and care of these children. In the opening chapters the two editors discuss the diagnosis of autism and the specific techniques used when dealing with problems of learning and behaviour in autistic children from early childhood to adolescence. The various contributors also specialists in the field then draw on their own particular knowledge and expertise to cover research the ancillary services which are available and useful techniques for working with older autistic persons. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138586499

Autistic Spectrum DisordersAn Introductory Handbook for Practitioners Written for practitioners working in the field of autism and related disorders including Asperger's syndrome this handbook offers an overview of understandings of these disorders from a behavioral biological and psychological perspective. A coherent analysis of the different theoretical viewpoints is provided especially at the psychological level which has the greatest bearing on practice. This makes the book relevant to those interested in developmental psychology as well as to those who seek a greater understanding of autism. Media > Books > Print Books David Fulton Publishers 9781138173170

Autistic Spectrum DisordersPractical Strategies for Teachers and Other Professionals This book offers helpful categorization of problem areas solutions that allow teachers to help children promptly and effectively advice on setting IEP targets and photocopiable resources. Media > Books > Print Books David Fulton Publishers 9781138141865

Autistic States in Children Frances Tustin's classic text Autistic States in Children (1981) put forward convincing clinical evidence that some forms of childhood autism are psychogenic and respond to methods of treatment very different from the behavioural techniques often adopted without success. Her pioneering work with such children has gained ground since the book was first published and she herself has revised her understanding of the aetiology of psychogenic autism. This revised edition of the book incorporates her new thinking based on recent infant observational studies and her own clinical experience. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315824734

Autistic TransformationsBion's Theory and Autistic Phenomena This book is a collection of articles written between 1992 and 2005 which attempts to bring two universes together - Bion's referential and autistic phenomena. The field of clinical work which the author uses is that of "learning from the emotional experience" (Bion 1962) and the theory of Transformations (Bion 1965) a method of observing mental phenomena within this field which also encompasses the areas of neurosis and psychosis. The author makes use of Tustin's concept (1965) which proposes that the personality has apart from the neurotic and psychotic parts an autistic part in which prevails sensations in place of emotions. The author suggests adding an autistic area to the theory of Transformations proposing a new type of transformation beyond those suggested by Bion: the autistic transformations. The merit of this proposal is to expand Bion's referential to the autistic area an area dominated by sensations without representation in the mind. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781780491752

Auto/Biography across the AmericasTransnational Themes in Life Writing Auto/biographical narratives of the Americas are marked by the underlying themes of movement and belonging. This collection proposes that the impact of the historic or contemporary movement of peoples to in and from the Americas—whether chosen or forced—motivates the ways in which identities are constructed in this contested space. Such movement results in a cyclical quest to belong and to understand belonging that reverberates through narratives of the Americas. The volume brings together essays written from diverse national cultural linguistic and disciplinary perspectives to trace these transnational motifs in life writing across the Americas. Drawing on international scholars from the seemingly disparate regions of the Americas—North America the Caribbean and Latin America—this book extends critical theories of life writing beyond limiting national boundaries. The scholarship included approaches narrative inquiry from the fields of literature linguistics history art history sociology anthropology political science pedagogy gender studies critical race studies and indigenous studies. As a whole this volume advances discourse in auto/biography studies life writing and identity studies by locating transnational themes in narratives of the Americas and placing them in international and interdisciplinary conversations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367875343

Auto/Biography in the AmericasRelational Lives Auto/Biography in the Americas: Relational Lives brings together scholars from disparate geographic regions cultural perspectives linguistic frameworks and disciplinary backgrounds to explore what connects narrated lives in the Americas. By interweaving scholarship on Afro-diasporic subjectivities gendered narratives lives in translation celebrity auto/biographies and pedagogical approaches to teaching auto/biographical narratives this volume argues that connections between the contrasting locations of the Americas may be found in a shared history of diasporic movement that causes a heightened awareness of the need to belong and to thereby define the self in relation to others. Read together the essays in this collection suggest that identities across the Americas are constructed with an emphasis on intersubjectivity and relationality. This transnational approach to reading life writing beyond the borders of the Americas—pertinent to comparative American studies and hemispheric studies as well as life writing and auto/biography studies—also demonstrates an interdisciplinary international and multilingual model for collaborative research in the humanities and social sciences. The scholars included in this volume work in the fields of anthropology sociology history literature and education and furthermore this book marks the first time that many of these scholars have had their work translated into and published in English. This book was originally published as a special issue of a|b: Auto|Biography Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138309470

Auto/ethnographyRewriting the Self and the Social In departing from the traditional stance taken by anthropologists who study 'others' ethnographically this timely book explores forms of self-inscription on the part of both the ethnographer and those 'others' who are studied. Informed by developments in postmodernism postcolonialism and feminism this is an original contribution to the growing dialogue across disciplinary boundaries. The chapters build upon recent reconsiderations of the uses and meaning of personal narrative to examine the ways in which selves and social forms are culturally constituted through biographical genres. Ethnic autobiography self-reflexivity in ethnography and native ethnography raise provocative questions about a range of issues for the contemporary scholar: authenticity of voice; ethnographic authority; and the degree to which autoethnography constitutes resistance to hegemonic bodies of discourse. Examined here in a variety of cultural and political contexts writing about the self offers challenging insights into the construction and transformation of identities and cultural meanings. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003136118

Autobiographical Memory and Emotional DisorderA Special Issue of Memory For those suffering from emotional disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or depression aspects of the personal past can dominate conscious experience in tenacious and toxic ways. For example memories of distressing autobiographical experiences can intrude into awareness as thoughts or images as flashbacks or nightmares each laden with unwanted and painful affect. This special issue of Memory focuses on two broad themes. The first is the nature of autobiographical remembering of the personal past —what are the characteristics of such memories? And to what extent are they phenomenologically distinct from other types of autobiographical remembering? The second theme concerns varieties of difficulties in remembering emotional experiences from complete amnesia to lack of specificity of autobiographical recall. This volume draws together the world’s leading theorists and researchers on these varied issues to provide a broad overview of the cutting-edge work in this field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138877740

Autobiographical Memory and the Construction of A Narrative SelfDevelopmental and Cultural Perspectives It is a truism in psychology that self and autobiographical memory are linked yet we still know surprisingly little about the nature of this relation. Scholars from multiple disciplines including cognitive psychology developmental psychology anthropology and philosophy have begun theorizing and writing about the ways in which autobiographical memory is organized the role that narratives play in the development of autobiographical memory and the relations between autobiographical memory narrative and self concept. If narratives are a critical link between memory and self then it becomes apparent that the roles of language and social interaction are paramount. These are the issues addressed in this volume. Although individual authors offer their own unique perspectives in illuminating the nature of the link between self and memory the contributors share a perspective that both memory and self are constructed through specific forms of social interactions and/or cultural frameworks that lead to the formation of an autobiographical narrative. Taken together the chapters weave a coherent story about how each of us creates a life narrative embedded in social-cultural frameworks that define what is appropriate to remember how to remember it and what it means to be a self with an autobiographical past. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9780415646024

Autobiographical Memory and the SelfRelationship and Implications for Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy Autobiographical memory shapes our understanding of ourselves guides our behaviour and helps us to develop and maintain relationships with others. The ways in which we interpret and narrate our memories have important implications for our psychological well-being and can sometimes contribute to the onset and maintenance of a variety of psychological disorders. Autobiographical Memory and the Self: Relationship and Implications for Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy synthesises the growing cognitive social personality and clinical psychological literature on the memory-self relationship. It creates an interdisciplinary dialogue which explores autobiographical memory and its relevance for clinical practice especially cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). The authors propose a model for understanding the mechanisms of change involved in therapeutic interventions targeting negative or traumatic memories whilst providing insights into recent debates and avenues for future research. Autobiographical Memory and the Self will be useful to clinicians and clinical trainees researchers and psychology postgraduate students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138093010

Autobiographical Memory DevelopmentTheoretical and Methodological Approaches Autobiographical memory is constituted from the integration of several memory skills as well as the ability to narrate. This all helps in understanding our relation to self family contexts culture brain development and traumatic experiences. The present volume discusses contemporary approaches to childhood memories and examines cutting-edge research on the development of autobiographical memory. The chapters in this book written by a group of leading authors each make a unique contribution by describing a specific developmental domain. In providing a multinational and multicultural perspective on autobiographical memory development—and by covering a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches this state-of-the-book is essential reading on the autobiographical memory system for memory researchers and graduate students. It is also of interest to scholars and students working more broadly in the fields of cognitive developmental and social psychology and to academics who are conducting interdisciplinary research on neuroscience family relationships narrative methods culture and oral history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367077884

Autobiographical Memory Specificity and PsychopathologyA Special Issue of Cognition and Emotion It has been repeatedly demonstrated that depression and reported history of trauma are associated with a difficulty in retrieving specific autobiographical memories a phenomenon called overgeneral memory (Williams & Broadbent 1986). Over the past twenty years there has been a stimulating progression in knowledge in this field and it is clear that the topic has a considerable level of importance both from a theoretical and clinical perspective. This Special Issue is intended to further advance this field which lies at the heart of the cognition-emotion interface. Papers published in this Issue address key issues relating to the underlying mechanisms and aetiology of overgeneral autobiographical memory providing a state-of-the-art and pushing the field forward. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138873230

Autobiographical MemoryRemembering What and Remembering When Providing an unusual perspective on self and social memory different from the norm in social cognitive research this volume describes the results of the authors' diary research now in progress for more than 15 years. It investigates the topic of autobiographical memory through longitudinal studies of graduate students' diaries. Recalled and examined in this volume a recent collection of several long-term diaries -- spanning up to two-and-one-half years in length -- replicated and significantly extended the authors' earlier knowledge of autobiographical memory. These studies are analyzed for commonalities and differences within the entire body of their data. Organized by the major themes suggested by the authors' theoretical views this volume will be significant to students and researchers of both memory in general and personal or episodic memory in particular. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9780203773741

Autobiographical MemoryTheoretical and Applied Perspectives The organization of the first Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC) conference centered around two specifically identifiable research topics -- autobiographical memory and eyewitness memory. These two areas -- long-time staples on the menu of investigators of memory in more natural settings -- differ on a variety of dimensions perhaps most notably in their specific goals for scientific inquiry and application. For many questions about memory and cognition that are of interest to scientific psychology there have been historical as well as rather arbitrary reasons for their assignment to the autobiographical or eyewitness memory fields. Perhaps as a result of differing historical orientations the first volume's seven autobiographical memory chapters focus upon the qualities or types of recall from research participants whereas the seven chapters in the eyewitness memory volume generally focus upon the quantity (a concern for completeness) and accuracy of recall. This interest in the ultimate end-product and its application within the legal process in general encourages eyewitness memory investigators to modify their testing procedures continually in an attempt to gain even more information from participants about an event. Indeed several of the eyewitness memory chapters reflect such attempts. Beyond the specific contributions of each chapter to the literature on autobiographical and eyewitness memory the editors hope that the reader will come away with some general observations: * the autobiographical and eyewitness memory fields are thriving; * these two fields are likely to remain center stage in the further investigation of memory in natural contexts; * although the autobiographical and eyewitness memory chapters have been segregated in these two volumes the separation is often more arbitrary than real and connections between the two areas abound; * the two research traditions are entirely mindful of fundamental laboratory methods research and theory -- sometimes drawing their research inspirations from that quarter; and * the two fields -- though driven largely by everyday memory concerns -- can contribute to a more basic understanding of memory at both an empirical and a theoretical level. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138002555

Autobiographical Writing and Identity in EFL Education The book explores the pedagogical potential of autobiographical writing in English-as-a-foreign language approaching the topic from an educational longitudinal dialogical and social perspective. Through a number of case studies the author delineates four phases that EFL writers may experience in their identity construction processes illustrating the complexity of EFL writers’ social identities. This book will provide a valuable resource for language teachers and researchers interested in the pedagogical applications of autobiographical writing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415814874

Autobiographical Writing by Early Modern Hispanic Women Women’s life writing in general has too often been ignored dismissed or relegated to a separate category in those few studies of the genre that include it. The present work addresses these issues and offers a countervailing argument that focuses on the contributions of women writers to the study of autobiography in Spanish during the early modern period. There are indeed examples of autobiographical writing by women in Spain and its New World empire evident as early as the fourteenth-century Memorias penned by Doña Leonor López de Cordóba and continuing through the seventeenth-century Cartas of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. What sets these accounts apart the author shows are the variety of forms adopted by each woman to tell her life and the circumstances in which she adapts her narrative to satisfy the presence of male critics-whether ecclesiastic or political actual or imagined-who would dismiss or even alter her life story. Analyzing how each of these women viewed her life and conversely how their contemporaries-both male and female-received and sometimes edited her account Howe reveals the tension in the texts between telling a ’life’ and telling a ’lie’. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138379992

Autobiographics in Freud and Derrida Originally published in 1990. This uniquely fascinating study approaches the problem of autobiography from two directions: first assessing theories of the self consciousness and language developed by both Freud and Derrida; second through the reading of the autobiographical aspects of their writings. The book begins with looking at the issue of making sense of a life by means of representation through autobiography within the field of psychological phenomena – screen memories mourning obsession hysteria transference. Part 1 focuses on Freud’s case histories and psychoanalysis being used to make a narrative of behaviour in language. Part two considers Freud’s own Interpretation of Dreams and its autobiographical nature. Part 3 examines intellectual movements such as phenomenology speed act theory and structuralism while Parts 4 and 5 turn to Derrida’s use of autobiography as self-criticism and his debt to Freud. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138941977

Autobiographies of OthersHistorical Subjects and Literary Fiction In this volume Boldrini examines "heterobiography"—the first-person fictional account of a historic life. Boldrini shows that this mode is widely employed to reflect critically on the historical and philosophical understanding of the human; on individual identity; and on the power relationships that define the subject. In such texts the grammatical first person becomes the site of an encounter a stage where the relationships between historical fictional and authorial subjectivities are played out and explored in the ‘double I’ of author and narrating historical character of fictional narrator and historical person. Boldrini considers the ethical implications of assuming another’s first-person voice and the fraught issue of authorial responsibility. Constructions of the body are examined in relation to the material evidence of the subject’s existence. Texts studied include Malouf’s An Imaginary Life Carey’s True History of the Kelly Gang Ondaatje’s The Collected Works of Billy the Kid Adair’s The Death of the Author Banti’s Artemisia Vázquez Montalbán’s AutobiografÃa del general Franco. Also discussed among others: Yourcenar’s Memoirs of Hadrian Tabucchi’s The Last Three Days of Fernando Pessoa Giménez-Bartlett’s Una habitación ajena (A Room of Someone Else’s). Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138116962

Autobiographies of TransformationLives in Central and Eastern Europe Autobiographies of Transformation is a completely unique history of sociology in Central and Eastern Europe in the post-Communist era. Through the autobiographies of ten key sociological witnesses from the region the sociological imagination is turned upon itself resulting in a compelling and revealing account of the struggles triumphs and continuing challenges faced. The sociologists examined fall into three cohorts: early mid and late career. As participants each of the sociologists included has witnessed the intersection of history and biography in Central and Eastern Europe. As sociologists they have tried and continue to try to connect the two so that they and their fellow citizens may better understand their circumstances and the futures that may follow. This revealing book ideal for students and researchers of sociology and Central and Eastern Europe studies provides powerful and compelling autobiographical accounts relating them to the current interest in this area's transformation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415759229

Autobiography and ImaginationStudies in Self-scrutiny Originally published in 1981. This book looks at the autobiographical work of nine twentieth-century writers – Henry Adams Henry James W. B. Yeats Boris Pasternak Leiris Jean-Paul Sartre Vladimir Nabokov Henry Green and Adrian Stokes. The author argues that often the writer has shaped his life through his craft coming to understand the pattern of his own existence through the formalism of language. In each case the writer stamps his personality on the work by mean of a distinctive verbal surface whose discipline enables him to evade narrow egotism and forces both reader and writer into an act of collaboration and corroboration. Written at a time when criticism was turning to focus on the relation between the reader and the text this study added a provocative dimension to the debate and is still an important read today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138941984

Autobiography and Natural Science in the Age of RomanticismRousseau Goethe Thoreau Set against the backdrop of a rapidly fissuring disciplinary landscape where poetry and science are increasingly viewed as irreconcilable and unrelated Bernhard Kuhn's study uncovers a previously ignored fundamental connection between autobiography and the natural sciences. Examining the autobiographies and scientific writings of Rousseau Goethe and Thoreau as representative of their ages Kuhn challenges the now entrenched thesis of the "two cultures." Rather these three writers are exemplary in that their autobiographical and scientific writings may be read not as separate or even antithetical but as mutually constitutive projects that challenge the newly emerging boundaries between scientific and humanistic thought during the Romantic period. Reading each writer's life stories and nature works side by side-as they were written-Kuhn reveals the scientific character of autobiographical writing while demonstrating the autobiographical nature of natural science. He considers all three writers in the context of scientific developments in their own times as well as ours showing how each one marks a distinctive stage in the growing estrangement of the arts and sciences from the self-assured epistemic unity of Rousseau's time to the splintering of disciplines into competing ways of knowing under the pressures of specialization and professionalization during the late Romantic age of Thoreau. His book thus traces an unfolding drama in which these writers and their contemporaries each situated in an intellectual landscape more fragmented than the last seek to keep together what modern culture is determined to break apart. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138278363

Autobiography and Questions of Gender Originally published in 1991. Addressing the ways in which the ideology of gender and its social construction determine autobiographical self-representations the essays here consider several women’s works in the light of the social and historical conditions which enabled their production. Some examine diaries as a feminine form and ask about the ways in which thematic content such as childbirth can or cannot be represented in diaries and public discourse at different historical junctures. Others show the pressures of gender roles and how they have led to new genres in which self-representation is often a refraction of the representation of others. With the tools of gender theory the representation of hermaphroditism masculinity and male bodies is analysed and the ways in which gender intersects with racial sexual and class ideologies is also looked at in seeing autobiography as a form of agency in self-construction. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138941991

Autobiography Of A Chinese Girl First published in 2010. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964198

Autobiography of a Disease Autobiography of a Disease documents in experimental form the experience of extended life-threatening illness in contemporary US hospitals and clinics. The narrative is based primarily on the author’s sudden and catastrophic collapse into a coma and long hospitalization thirteen years ago; but it has also been crafted from twelve years of research on the history of microbiology literary representations of illness and medical treatment cultural analysis of MRSA in the popular press and extended autoethnographic work on medicalization. An experiment in form the book blends the genres of storytelling historiography ethnography and memoir. Unlike most medical memoirs told from the perspective of the human patient Autobiography of a Disease is told from the perspective of a bacterial cluster. This orientation is intended to represent the distribution of perspectives on illness disability and pain across subjective centers—from patient to monitoring machine from body to cell from caregiver to cared-for—and thus makes sense of illness only in a social context. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138744509

Autobiography Of Mikl+S Bethlen First published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964204

AutoCAD 2000i: An Introductory Course The step-by-step instructions and clear explanations make the book ideal for courses with limited contact time and for independent study. Numerous exercises throughout enable students to develop their own CAD skills as well as reinforcing their understanding of AutoCAD commands.Ian Mawdsley has drawn on his own extensive teaching experience to produce material for use in a CAD suite where the lecturer will be supporting a number of students who are progressing at different rates. His book is the only AutoCAD resource available written with a real understanding of teaching requirements - a breath of fresh air for lecturers who have been working with hefty application manuals or superficial software guides. This book has been carefully designed to meet the needs of AutoCAD courses run by universities colleges and an increasing number of schools. Anyone who completes Ian Mawdsley's course will have gained a thorough grounding in 2D techniques and explored the basics of 3D work. The content of the course covers the requirements of the new City & Guilds 4351 scheme and the new Edexcel Advanced Award in AutoCAD (level 3). Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138138674

AutoCAD 2015 Tutorial - First Level: 2D Fundamentals2D Fundamentals The primary goal of AutoCAD 2015 Tutorial - First Level: 2D Fundamentals is to introduce the aspects of Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD). This text is intended to be used as a training guide for students and professionals. This text covers AutoCAD 2015 and the lessons proceed in a pedagogical fashion to guide you from constructing basic shapes to making multiview drawings. The lessons are further reinforced by the video presentations found on the enclosed multimedia disc. This textbook contains a series of eleven tutorial style lessons designed to introduce beginning CAD users to AutoCAD 2015. It takes a hands-on exercise-intensive approach to all the important 2D CAD techniques and concepts. This text is also helpful to AutoCAD users upgrading from a previous release of the software. The new improvements and key enhancements of the software are incorporated into the lessons. The 2D-CAD techniques and concepts discussed in this text are also designed to serve as the foundation to the more advanced parametric feature-based CAD packages such as Autodesk Inventor. The basic premise of this book is that the more designs you create using AutoCAD 2015 the better you learn the software. With this in mind each lesson introduces a new set of commands and concepts building on previous lessons. This book is intended to help readers establish a good basis for exploring and growing in the exciting field of Computer Aided Engineering. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781585038640

AutoCAD 2016 Tutorial First Level 2D Fundamentals The primary goal of AutoCAD 2016 Tutorial First Level 2D Fundamentals is to introduce the aspects of Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD). This text is intended to be used as a training guide for students and professionals. This text covers AutoCAD 2016 and the lessons proceed in a pedagogical fashion to guide you from constructing basic shapes to making multiview drawings. This textbook contains a series of eleven tutorial style lessons designed to introduce beginning CAD users to AutoCAD 2016. It takes a hands-on exercise-intensive approach to all the important 2D CAD techniques and concepts. This text is also helpful to AutoCAD users upgrading from a previous release of the software. The new improvements and key enhancements of the software are incorporated into the lessons. The 2D-CAD techniques and concepts discussed in this text are also designed to serve as the foundation to the more advanced parametric feature-based CAD packages such as Autodesk Inventor. The basic premise of this book is that the more designs you create using AutoCAD 2016 the better you learn the software. With this in mind each lesson introduces a new set of commands and concepts building on previous lessons. This book is intended to help readers establish a good basis for exploring and growing in the exciting field of Computer Aided Engineering. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781585039593

AutoCAD 2017 for the Interior Designer Focused around a hotel suite project AutoCAD 2017 for the Interior Designer provides the Interior Design student with a non-intimidating tutorial based approach to learning the AutoCAD program. It accomplishes this by taking students that have no computer design experience from simple commands to complete projects in this single-semester sized text. This well organized and progressive approach to learning AutoCAD sets this text apart from others. To support all users this book now covers AutoCAD for both Macs and PCs. The emphasis of this book is on easy to understand descriptions and instructions allowing the non-technical artistic visual learning Interior Design student to quickly get past the fear of using the computer to produce drawings. The focus is entirely on the use of AutoCAD for the Interior Design field and not simply architectural drawings. Chapters alternate between command descriptions which are organized by a command set category and tutorials. This allows students to easily refer back to command descriptions without hunting through a tutorial that introduces commands as it progresses. The emphasis is on the practical use of commands using the AutoCAD ribbon workspace rather than the multiple (and seldom used) command options. Multiple tutorials of the hotel suite which includes floor plan elevation views dimensioning and plotting provide a practical application of the commands learned in the preceding chapters. Completely dimensioned drawings are provided at the beginning of each tutorial so that the advanced student or an instructor led class can complete them without going through the step-by-step process. This textbook is classroom proven and relevant interior design homework problems are provided. After completing this book the student will be able to create all their 2-D Interior Design work using AutoCAD. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570361

AutoCAD 2017 Tutorial First Level 2D Fundamentals The primary goal of AutoCAD 2017 Tutorial First Level 2D Fundamentals is to introduce the aspects of Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD). This text is intended to be used as a training guide for students and professionals. This text covers AutoCAD 2017 and the lessons proceed in a pedagogical fashion to guide you from constructing basic shapes to making multiview drawings. This textbook contains a series of eleven tutorial style lessons designed to introduce beginning CAD users to AutoCAD 2017. It takes a hands-on exercise-intensive approach to all the important 2D CAD techniques and concepts. This text is also helpful to AutoCAD users upgrading from a previous release of the software. The new improvements and key enhancements of the software are incorporated into the lessons. The 2D-CAD techniques and concepts discussed in this text are also designed to serve as the foundation to the more advanced parametric feature-based CAD packages such as Autodesk Inventor. The basic premise of this book is that the more designs you create using AutoCAD 2017 the better you learn the software. With this in mind each lesson introduces a new set of commands and concepts building on previous lessons. This book is intended to help readers establish a good basis for exploring and growing in the exciting field of Computer Aided Engineering. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570378

AutoCAD 2017 Tutorial Second Level 3D Modeling The primary goal of AutoCAD 2017 Tutorial Second Level 3D Modeling is to introduce the aspects of computer based three dimensional modeling. This text is intended to be used as a training guide for both students and professionals. The chapters in this book cover AutoCAD 2017 and proceed in a pedagogical fashion to guide you from constructing 3D wire frame models 3D surface models and 3D solid models to making multiview drawings and rendering images. The text takes a hands-on exercise-intensive approach to all the important 3D modeling techniques and concepts. This book contains a series of twelve tutorial style chapters designed to introduce CAD users to 3D modeling with AutoCAD 2017. Users upgrading from a previous release of the AutoCAD software will also find this text helpful. The basic premise of this book is that the more 3D designs you create using AutoCAD 2017 the better you learn the software. With this in mind each tutorial introduces a new set of commands and concepts building on previous chapters. By going through this book readers will establish a good basis for exploring and growing in the exciting field of Computer Aided Engineering. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570385

AutoCAD 2018 for the Interior Designer Focused around a hotel suite project AutoCAD 2018 for the Interior Designer provides the Interior Design student with a non-intimidating tutorial based approach to learning the AutoCAD program. It accomplishes this by taking students that have no computer design experience from simple commands to complete projects in this single-semester sized text. This well organized and progressive approach to learning AutoCAD sets this text apart from others. To support all users this book now covers AutoCAD for both Macs and PCs. The emphasis of this book is on easy to understand descriptions and instructions allowing the non-technical artistic visual learning Interior Design student to quickly get past the fear of using the computer to produce drawings. The focus is entirely on the use of AutoCAD for the Interior Design field and not simply architectural drawings. Chapters alternate between command descriptions which are organized by a command set category and tutorials. This allows students to easily refer back to command descriptions without hunting through a tutorial that introduces commands as it progresses. The emphasis is on the practical use of commands using the AutoCAD ribbon workspace rather than the multiple (and seldom used) command options. Multiple tutorials of the hotel suite which includes floor plan elevation views dimensioning and plotting provide a practical application of the commands learned in the preceding chapters. Completely dimensioned drawings are provided at the beginning of each tutorial so that the advanced student or an instructor led class can complete them without going through the step-by-step process. This textbook is classroom proven and relevant interior design homework problems are provided. After completing this book the student will be able to create all their 2-D Interior Design work using AutoCAD. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630571191

AutoCAD 2018 Instructor This book is your AutoCAD 2018 Instructor. The objective of this book is to provide you with extensive knowledge of AutoCAD whether you are taking an instructor-led course or learning on your own. AutoCAD 2018 Instructor maintains the pedagogy and in-depth coverage that have always been the hallmark of the Leach texts. As the top-selling university textbook for almost a decade the AutoCAD Instructor series continues to deliver broad coverage of AutoCAD in a structured easy-to-comprehend manner. AutoCAD 2018 Instructor is command-oriented just like AutoCAD. Chapters are structured around related commands similar to the organization of AutoCAD’s menu system. The sequence of chapters starts with fundamental drawing commands and skills and then progresses to more elaborate procedures and specialized applications. The writing style introduces small pieces of information explained in simple form and then builds on that knowledge to deliver more complex drawing strategies requiring a synthesis of earlier concepts. Over 2000 figures illustrate the commands features and ideas. AutoCAD 2018 Instructor is an ideal reference guide unlike tutorial-oriented books where specific information is hard to relocate. Because these chapters focus on related commands and complete coverage for each command is given in one place the commands procedures and applications are easy to reference. Tabbed pages help locate tables lists appendices and the comprehensive index. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630571153

AutoCAD 2018 Tutorial First Level 2D Fundamentals The primary goal of AutoCAD 2018 Tutorial First Level 2D Fundamentals is to introduce the aspects of Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD). This text is intended to be used as a training guide for students and professionals. This text covers AutoCAD 2018 and the lessons proceed in a pedagogical fashion to guide you from constructing basic shapes to making multiview drawings. This textbook contains a series of eleven tutorial style lessons designed to introduce beginning CAD users to AutoCAD 2018. It takes a hands-on exercise-intensive approach to all the important 2D CAD techniques and concepts. This text is also helpful to AutoCAD users upgrading from a previous release of the software. The new improvements and key enhancements of the software are incorporated into the lessons. The 2D-CAD techniques and concepts discussed in this text are also designed to serve as the foundation to the more advanced parametric feature-based CAD packages such as Autodesk Inventor. The basic premise of this book is that the more designs you create using AutoCAD 2018 the better you learn the software. With this in mind each lesson introduces a new set of commands and concepts building on previous lessons. This book is intended to help readers establish a good basis for exploring and growing in the exciting field of Computer Aided Engineering. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630571221

AutoCAD 2018 Tutorial Second Level 3D Modeling The primary goal of AutoCAD 2018 Tutorial Second Level 3D Modeling is to introduce the aspects of computer based three dimensional modeling. This text is intended to be used as a training guide for both students and professionals. The chapters in this book cover AutoCAD 2018 and proceed in a pedagogical fashion to guide you from constructing 3D wire frame models 3D surface models and 3D solid models to making multiview drawings and rendering images. The text takes a hands-on exercise-intensive approach to all the important 3D modeling techniques and concepts. This book contains a series of twelve tutorial style chapters designed to introduce CAD users to 3D modeling with AutoCAD 2018. Users upgrading from a previous release of the AutoCAD software will also find this text helpful. The basic premise of this book is that the more 3D designs you create using AutoCAD 2018 the better you learn the software. With this in mind each tutorial introduces a new set of commands and concepts building on previous chapters. By going through this book readers will establish a good basis for exploring and growing in the exciting field of Computer Aided Engineering. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630571306

AutoCAD 2020 for the Interior Designer Focused around a hotel suite project AutoCAD 2020 for the Interior Designer provides the Interior Design student with a non-intimidating tutorial-based approach to learning the AutoCAD program. It accomplishes this by taking students that have no computer design experience from simple commands to complete projects in this single-semester sized text. This well organized and progressive approach to learning AutoCAD sets this text apart from others. To support all users this book now covers AutoCAD for both Macs and PCs. The emphasis of this book is on easy to understand descriptions and instructions allowing the non-technical artistic visual learning Interior Design student to quickly get past the fear of using the computer to produce drawings. The focus is entirely on the use of AutoCAD for the Interior Design field and not simply architectural drawings. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572662

AutoCAD 2020 Instructor This book is your AutoCAD 2020 Instructor. The objective of this book is to provide you with extensive knowledge of AutoCAD whether you are taking an instructor-led course or learning on your own. AutoCAD 2020 Instructor maintains the pedagogy and in-depth coverage that have always been the hallmark of the Leach texts. As the top-selling university textbook for almost a decade the AutoCAD Instructor series continues to deliver broad coverage of AutoCAD in a structured easy-to-comprehend manner. AutoCAD 2020 Instructor is command-oriented just like AutoCAD. Chapters are structured around related commands similar to the organization of AutoCAD’s menu system. The sequence of chapters starts with fundamental drawing commands and skills and then progresses to more elaborate procedures and specialized applications. The writing style introduces small pieces of information explained in simple form and then builds on that knowledge to deliver more complex drawing strategies requiring a synthesis of earlier concepts. Over 2000 figures illustrate the commands features and ideas. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572570

AutoCAD 2020 Tutorial First Level 2D Fundamentals AutoCAD 2020 Tutorial First Level 2D Fundamentals introduces the aspects of Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD). This text is intended to be used as a training guide for students and professionals. This text covers AutoCAD 2020 and the lessons proceed in a pedagogical fashion to guide you from constructing basic shapes to making multiview drawings. This textbook contains a series of eleven tutorial style lessons designed to introduce beginning CAD users to AutoCAD 2020. It takes a hands-on exercise-intensive approach to all the important 2D CAD techniques and concepts. This text is also helpful to AutoCAD users upgrading from a previous release of the software. The new improvements and key enhancements of the software are incorporated into the lessons. The 2D-CAD techniques and concepts discussed in this text are also designed to serve as the foundation to the more advanced parametric feature-based CAD packages such as Autodesk Inventor. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572686

AutoCAD 2020 Tutorial Second Level 3D Modeling AutoCAD 2020 Tutorial Second Level 3D Modeling introduces the aspects of computer based three dimensional modeling. This text is intended to be used as a training guide for both students and professionals. The chapters in this book cover AutoCAD 2020 and proceed in a pedagogical fashion to guide you from constructing 3D wire frame models 3D surface models and 3D solid models to making multiview drawings and rendering images. The text takes a hands-on exercise-intensive approach to all the important 3D modeling techniques and concepts. This book contains a series of twelve tutorial style chapters designed to introduce CAD users to 3D modeling with AutoCAD 2020. Users upgrading from a previous release of the AutoCAD software will also find this text helpful. The basic premise of this book is that the more 3D designs you create using AutoCAD 2020 the better you learn the software. With this in mind each tutorial introduces a new set of commands and concepts building on previous chapters. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572709

AutoCAD 2021 for the Interior Designer This book provides the Interior Design student with a non-intimidating tutorial based approach to learning the AutoCAD program. It accomplishes this by taking students that have no computer design experience from simple commands to complete projects in this single-semester sized text. This well organized and progressive approach to learning AutoCAD sets this text apart from others. To support all users this book covers AutoCAD for both Macs and PCs. The emphasis of this book is on easy to understand descriptions and instructions allowing the non-technical artistic visual learning Interior Design student to quickly get past the fear of using the computer to produce drawings. The focus is entirely on the use of AutoCAD for the Interior Design field and not simply architectural drawings. Chapters alternate between command descriptions which are organized by a command set category and tutorials. This allows students to easily refer back to command descriptions without hunting through a tutorial that introduces commands as it progresses. The emphasis is on the practical use of commands using the AutoCAD ribbon workspace rather than the multiple (and seldom used) command options. Multiple tutorials of the hotel suite which includes floor plan elevation views dimensioning and plotting provide a practical application of the commands learned in the preceding chapters. Completely dimensioned drawings are provided at the beginning of each tutorial so that the advanced student or an instructor led class can complete them without going through the step-by-step process. This textbook is classroom proven and relevant interior design homework problems are provided. After completing this book the student will be able to create all their 2-D Interior Design work using AutoCAD. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630573492

AutoCAD 2021 Instructor This book is your AutoCAD 2021 Instructor. The objective of this book is to provide you with extensive knowledge of AutoCAD whether you are taking an instructor-led course or learning on your own. AutoCAD 2021 Instructor maintains the pedagogy and in-depth coverage that have always been the hallmark of the Leach texts. As the top-selling university textbook for almost a decade the AutoCAD Instructor series continues to deliver broad coverage of AutoCAD in a structured easy-to-comprehend manner. AutoCAD 2021 Instructor is command-oriented just like AutoCAD. Chapters are structured around related commands similar to the organization of AutoCAD’s menu system. The sequence of chapters starts with fundamental drawing commands and skills and then progresses to more elaborate procedures and specialized applications. The writing style introduces small pieces of information explained in simple form and then builds on that knowledge to deliver more complex drawing strategies requiring a synthesis of earlier concepts. Over 2000 figures illustrate the commands features and ideas. AutoCAD 2021 Instructor is an ideal reference guide unlike tutorial-oriented books where specific information is hard to relocate. Because these chapters focus on related commands and complete coverage for each command is given in one place the commands procedures and applications are easy to reference. Tabbed pages help locate tables lists appendices and the comprehensive index. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630573362

AutoCAD 2021 Tutorial First Level 2D Fundamentals This textbook introduces Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) as a training guide for students and professionals. This text covers AutoCAD 2021 and the lessons proceed in a pedagogical fashion to guide you from constructing basic shapes to making multiview drawings. The book contains a series of eleven tutorial style lessons designed to introduce beginning CAD users to AutoCAD 2021. It takes a hands-on exercise-intensive approach to all the important 2D CAD techniques and concepts. This text is also helpful to AutoCAD users upgrading from a previous release of the software. The new improvements and key enhancements of the software are incorporated into the lessons. The 2D-CAD techniques and concepts discussed in this text are also designed to serve as the foundation to the more advanced parametric feature-based CAD packages such as Autodesk Inventor. The basic premise of this book is that the more designs you create using AutoCAD 2021 the better you learn the software. With this in mind each lesson introduces a new set of commands and concepts building on previous lessons. This book is intended to help readers establish a good basis for exploring and growing in the exciting field of Computer Aided Engineering. Video Training Included with every new copy of AutoCAD 2021 Tutorial First Level 2D Fundamentals is access to extensive video training. The video training parallels the exercises found in the text and is designed to be watched first before following the instructions in the book. However the videos do more than just provide you with click by click instructions. Author Luke Jumper also includes a brief discussion of each tool as well as rich insight into why and how the tools are used. Luke isn’t just telling you what to do he’s showing and explaining to you how to go through the exercises while providing clear descriptions of the entire process. It’s like having him there guiding you through the book. These videos will provide you with a wealth of information and bring the text to life. They are also an invaluable resource for people who learn best through a visual experience. These videos deliver a comprehensive overview of the 2D tools found in AutoCAD and perfectly complement and reinforce the exercises in the book. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630573393

AutoCAD 2021 Tutorial Second Level 3D Modeling The primary goal of AutoCAD 2021 Tutorial Second Level 3D Modeling is to introduce the aspects of computer based three dimensional modeling. This text is intended to be used as a training guide for both students and professionals. The chapters in this book cover AutoCAD 2021 and proceed in a pedagogical fashion to guide you from constructing 3D wire frame models 3D surface models and 3D solid models to making multiview drawings and rendering images. The text takes a hands-on exercise-intensive approach to all the important 3D modeling techniques and concepts. This book contains a series of twelve tutorial style chapters designed to introduce CAD users to 3D modeling with AutoCAD 2021. Users upgrading from a previous release of the AutoCAD software will also find this text helpful. The basic premise of this book is that the more 3D designs you create using AutoCAD 2021 the better you learn the software. With this in mind each tutorial introduces a new set of commands and concepts building on previous chapters. By going through this book you will establish a good basis for exploring and growing in the exciting field of Computer Aided Engineering. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630573577

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017 Fundamentals (ASCENT) AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017 Fundamentals is designed for students Civil Engineers and Surveyors who want to take advantage of AutoCAD Civil 3D's interactive dynamic design functionality. AutoCAD Civil 3D permits the rapid development of alternatives through its model-based design tools. You will learn techniques enabling you to organize project data work with points create and analyze surfaces model road corridors create parcel layouts perform grading and volume calculations tasks and lay out pipe networks. This textbook focuses on teaching students the core tasks and workflows that are needed to successfully operate AutoCAD Civil 3D. This text is intended for all users of AutoCAD Civil 3D. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570224

Autocratic and Democratic External Influences in Post-Soviet Eurasia As the Ukrainian Crisis shows both political regimes and national borders in Eurasia are still in a state of flux. Bringing together literatures on the external influences of democratization the post-Soviet space and support for autocracy Autocratic and Democratic External influences in Post-Soviet Eurasia provides a comprehensive overview of the interaction of domestic and international politics during times of regime transition. Demonstrating the interplay of these forces the book explores the rich variation in motives and channels of autocratic and democratic influences. International scholars consider two channels of external influence on regime transition; the role of supranational organizations established by non-democracies and the role of non-governmental organizations and through a set of carefully chosen case studies offer a new theoretical discussion on the phenomenon of multi-level regime transition. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472441249

Autodesk 3ds Max 2016 Fundamentals (ASCENT) Autodesk 3ds Max is Autodesk's premier design visualization platform. It offers world-class state-of-the-art technology for creating photo-realistic "still" renderings and desktop animations. While it includes its own tools for 2D and 3D Modeling Autodesk 3ds Max can also work with geometry imported from many other applications. Autodesk 3ds Max is a robust and powerful program that can be challenging to learn. This textbook provides a thorough introduction to Autodesk 3ds Max that will help new users make the most of this sophisticated application as well as broaden the horizons of existing self-taught users. The practices in this book are geared towards real world tasks encountered by the primary users of Autodesk 3ds Max: professionals in Architecture Interior Design Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering and Product Design industries. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781585039647

Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2017 Fundamentals Autodesk 3ds Max is Autodesk's premier design visualization platform. It offers world-class state-of-the-art technology for creating photo-realistic "still" renderings and desktop animations. While it includes its own tools for 2D and 3D Modeling Autodesk 3ds Max can also work with geometry imported from many other applications. Autodesk 3ds Max is a robust and powerful program that can be challenging to learn. This textbook provides a thorough introduction to Autodesk 3ds Max that will help new users make the most of this sophisticated application as well as broaden the horizons of existing self-taught users. The practices in this book are geared towards real world tasks encountered by the primary users of Autodesk 3ds Max: professionals in Architecture Interior Design Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering and Product Design industries. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570316

Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 Fundamentals Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 Fundamentals is designed to be used during instructor led training in an eight week course. It is an introductory level textbook intended for new AutoCAD 2017 users. This book covers all the fundamental skills necessary for effectively using AutoCAD and will provide a strong foundation for advancement. This textbook applies the use of AutoCAD as it pertains to mechanical drafting. Knowing how to draw a line in AutoCAD is not the same as understanding which line type is required when creating technical drawings. This text not only provides the necessary information to operate AutoCAD 2017 but also provides the skills to use AutoCAD as a tool to work proficiently as a drafter or designer. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570170

Autodesk AutoCAD 2018 Fundamentals Autodesk AutoCAD 2018 Fundamentals is designed to be used during instructor led training in an eight week course. It is an introductory level textbook intended for new AutoCAD 2018 users. This book covers all the fundamental skills necessary for effectively using AutoCAD and will provide a strong foundation for advancement. This textbook applies the use of AutoCAD as it pertains to mechanical drafting. Knowing how to draw a line in AutoCAD is not the same as understanding which line type is required when creating technical drawings. This text not only provides the necessary information to operate AutoCAD 2018 but also provides the skills to use AutoCAD as a tool to work proficiently as a drafter or designer. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630571269

Autodesk AutoCAD 2020 Fundamentals Autodesk AutoCAD 2020 Fundamentals is designed to be used during instructor led training in an eight week course. It is an introductory level textbook intended for new AutoCAD 2020 users. This book covers all the fundamental skills necessary for effectively using AutoCAD and will provide a strong foundation for advancement. This textbook applies the use of AutoCAD as it pertains to mechanical drafting. Knowing how to draw a line in AutoCAD is not the same as understanding which line type is required when creating technical drawings. This text not only provides the necessary information to operate AutoCAD 2020 but also provides the skills to use AutoCAD as a tool to work proficiently as a drafter or designer. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572594

Autodesk AutoCAD 2021 Fundamentals Autodesk AutoCAD 2021 Fundamentals is designed to be used during instructor led training in an eight-week course. It is an introductory level textbook intended for new AutoCAD 2021 users. This book covers all the fundamental skills necessary for effectively using AutoCAD and will provide a strong foundation for advancement. This textbook applies the use of AutoCAD as it pertains to mechanical drafting. Knowing how to draw a line in AutoCAD is not the same as understanding which line type is required when creating technical drawings. This text not only provides the necessary information to operate AutoCAD 2021 but also provides the skills to use AutoCAD as a tool to work proficiently as a drafter or designer. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630573461

Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 2016 Fundamentals This fundamentals text introduces you to Autodesk’s AutoCAD Architecture 2016 software. The book covers the Layer Manager Design Center Structural Members Doors Windows and Walls. Step-by-step lessons take the reader from creation of a site plan floor plan and space planning all the way through to the finished building - a standard three bedroom two bathroom residence. By the end of the text you should feel comfortable enough to create a standard model and even know how to customize the interface for your own use. This text provides you with in-depth coverage of toolbars dialog boxes and commands. Educators will appreciate the quizzes and practice exam included in the text. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781585039654

Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 2017 Fundamentals This fundamentals text introduces you to Autodesk’s AutoCAD Architecture 2017 software. The book covers the Layer Manager Design Center Structural Members Doors Windows and Walls. Step-by-step lessons take the reader from creation of a site plan floor plan and space planning all the way through to the finished building - a standard three bedroom two bathroom residence. By the end of the text you should feel comfortable enough to create a standard model and even know how to customize the interface for your own use. This text provides you with in-depth coverage of toolbars dialog boxes and commands. Educators will appreciate the quizzes and practice exam included in the text. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570323

Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 2018 Fundamentals This fundamentals text introduces you to Autodesk’s AutoCAD Architecture 2018 software. The book covers the Layer Manager Design Center Structural Members Doors Windows and Walls. Step-by-step lessons take the reader from creation of a site plan floor plan and space planning all the way through to the finished building - a standard three bedroom two bathroom residence. By the end of the text you should feel comfortable enough to create a standard model and even know how to customize the interface for your own use. This text provides you with in-depth coverage of toolbars dialog boxes and commands. Educators will appreciate the quizzes and practice exam included in the text. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630571160

Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 2020 Fundamentals This fundamentals text introduces you to Autodesk’s AutoCAD Architecture 2020 software. The book covers the Layer Manager Design Center Structural Members Doors Windows and Walls. Step-by-step lessons take the reader from creation of a site plan floor plan and space planning all the way through to the finished building - a standard three bedroom two bathroom residence. By the end of the text you should feel comfortable enough to create a standard model and even know how to customize the interface for your own use. This text provides you with in-depth coverage of toolbars dialog boxes and commands. Educators will appreciate the quizzes and practice exam included in the text. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572648

Autodesk AutoCAD Certified User Study Guide (AutoCAD 2019 Edition) The Autodesk AutoCAD Certified User Study Guide is designed for the AutoCAD user who is already familiar with AutoCAD. It provides a series of hands on exercises and tutorials in the use of AutoCAD to help you prepare for the Autodesk AutoCAD Certified User Exam. The text covers all the exam objectives for the AutoCAD Certified User Exam. Each topic is covered in detail and then is followed up with tutorials and quizzes to reinforce the material covered. The emphasis of the tutorials is to focus on the use of the ribbon and contextual menus rather than keyboard entry in the command line. The tutorials will strengthen your ability to use the software without reliance upon tool tips. Passing the AutoCAD Certified User Exam establishes that you have a basic aptitude in AutoCAD. This credential can be added to job applications and your resume to help you stand out from the crowd. Once you pass the Certified User Exam you can continue your journey and begin working toward the next level of certification. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572600

Autodesk AutoCAD Certified User Study Guide (AutoCAD 2020 Edition) The Autodesk AutoCAD Certified User Study Guide is designed for the AutoCAD user who is already familiar with AutoCAD. It provides a series of hands on exercises and tutorials in the use of AutoCAD to help you prepare for the Autodesk AutoCAD Certified User Exam. The text covers all the exam objectives for the AutoCAD Certified User Exam. Each topic is covered in detail and then is followed up with tutorials and quizzes to reinforce the material covered. The emphasis of the tutorials is to focus on the use of the ribbon and contextual menus rather than keyboard entry in the command line. The tutorials will strengthen your ability to use the software without reliance upon tool tips. Passing the AutoCAD Certified User Exam establishes that you have a basic aptitude in AutoCAD. This credential can be added to job applications and your resume to help you stand out from the crowd. Once you pass the Certified User Exam you can continue your journey and begin working toward the next level of certification. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572747

Autodesk AutoCAD Certified User Study GuideAutoCAD 2021 Edition This Study Guide is designed for the AutoCAD user who is already familiar with AutoCAD. It provides a series of hands on exercises and tutorials in the use of AutoCAD to help you prepare for the Autodesk AutoCAD Certified User Exam. The text covers all the exam objectives for the AutoCAD Certified User Exam. Each topic is covered in detail and then is followed up with tutorials and quizzes to reinforce the material covered. The emphasis of the tutorials is to focus on the use of the ribbon and contextual menus rather than keyboard entry in the command line. The tutorials will strengthen your ability to use the software without reliance upon tool tips. Passing the AutoCAD Certified User Exam establishes that you have a basic aptitude in AutoCAD. This credential can be added to job applications and your resume to help you stand out from the crowd. Once you pass the Certified User Exam you can continue your journey and begin working toward the next level of certification. Practice Exam Software Included with your purchase of this book is practice exam software. The practice exam software is meant to simulate the actual Autodesk AutoCAD Certified User exam. It can be downloaded and run from any computer and it will get you familiar with the official exam and check your skills prior to taking the official exam. The practice exam software requires you to use Autodesk AutoCAD to perform actions in order to formulate the answer to questions just like the actual exam. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630573614

Autodesk Combustion 4 Fundamentals Courseware Whether this is your first experience with Combustion software or you're upgrading to take advantage of the many new features and tools this guide will serve as your ultimate resource to this all-in-one professional compositing application. Much more than a point-and-click manual this guide explains the principles behind the software serving as an overview of the package and associated techniques. Written by certified Autodesk training specialists for motion graphic designers animators and visual effects artists Combustion 4 Fundamentals Courseware provides expert advice for all skill levels. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138456327

Autodesk Inventor 2017 and Engineering Graphics Autodesk Inventor 2017 and Engineering Graphics: An Integrated Approach will teach you the principles of engineering graphics while instructing you on how to use the powerful 3D modeling capabilities of Autodesk Inventor 2017. Using step by step tutorials this text will teach you how to create and read engineering drawings while becoming proficient at using the most common features of Autodesk Inventor. By the end you will be fully prepared to take and pass the Autodesk Inventor Certified User Exam. This text is intended to be used as a training guide for students and professionals. The chapters in this text proceed in a pedagogical fashion to guide you from constructing basic shapes to making complete sets of engineering drawings. This text takes a hands-on exercise-intensive approach to all the important concepts of Engineering Graphics as well as in-depth discussions of parametric feature-based CAD techniques. This textbook contains a series of fifteen chapters with detailed step-by-step tutorial style lessons designed to introduce beginning CAD users to the graphic language used in all branches of technical industry. This book does not attempt to cover all of Autodesk Inventor 2017’s features only to provide an introduction to the software. It is intended to help you establish a good basis for exploring and growing in the exciting field of Computer Aided Engineering. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570446

Autodesk Inventor 2017 Essentials Plus Autodesk Inventor 2017 Essentials Plus provides the foundation for a hands-on course that covers basic and advanced Autodesk Inventor features used to create edit document and print parts and assemblies. You learn about part and assembly modeling through real-world exercises. Autodesk Inventor 2017 Essentials Plus demonstrates critical CAD concepts from basic sketching and modeling through advanced modeling techniques as it equips you with the skills to master this powerful professional tool. The book walks you through every component of the software including the user interface toolbars dialogue boxes sketch tools drawing views assembly modeling and more. Its unique modular organization puts key information at your fingertips while step-by-step tutorials make it an ideal resource for self-learning. Packed with vivid illustrations and practical exercises that emphasize modern-day applications Autodesk Inventor 2017 Essentials Plus will prepare you for work in the real world. Each chapter is organized into four sections. Objectives which describe the content and learning objectives; topic coverage which presents a concise review of the topic; exercises which present the workflow for a specific command or process through illustrated step-by-step instructions; and finally a checking your skills section which tests your understanding of the material. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570286

Autodesk Inventor 2017: A Tutorial Introduction (Including unique access code)A Tutorial Introduction (Including unique access code) This unique text and video set presents a thorough introduction to Autodesk Inventor for anyone with little or no prior experience with CAD software. It can be used in virtually any setting from four year engineering schools to on-the-job use or self-study. Unlike other books of its kind it begins at a very basic level and ends at a very advanced level. It’s perfect for anyone interested in learning Autodesk Inventor quickly and effectively using a “learning by doing†approach. Additionally the extensive videos that are included with this book make it easier than ever to learn Inventor by clearly demonstrating how to use its tools. The philosophy behind this book is that learning computer aided design programs is best accomplished by emphasizing the application of the tools. Students also seem to learn more quickly and retain information and skills better if they are actually creating something with the software program. The driving force behind this book is “learning by doing.†The instructional format of this book centers on making sure that students learn by doing and that students can learn from this book on their own. In fact this is one thing that differentiates this book from others: the emphasis on being able to use the book for self-study. The presentation of Autodesk Inventor is structured so that no previous knowledge of any CAD program is required. This book uses the philosophy that Inventor is mastered best by concentrating on applying the program to create different types of solid models starting simply and then using the power of the program to progressively create more complex solid models. The Drawing Activities at the end of each chapter are more complex iterations of the part developed by each chapter’s objectives. CAD programs are highly visual there are graphical illustrations showing how to use the program. This reinforces the “learn by doing†philosophy since a student can see exactly what the program shows and then step through progressive commands to implement the required operations. Rather than using a verbal description of the command a screen capture of each command is replicated. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570200

Autodesk Inventor 2018 A Tutorial Introduction This unique text and video set presents a thorough introduction to Autodesk Inventor for anyone with little or no prior experience with CAD software. It can be used in virtually any setting from four year engineering schools to on-the-job use or self-study. Unlike other books of its kind it begins at a very basic level and ends at a very advanced level. It’s perfect for anyone interested in learning Autodesk Inventor quickly and effectively using a “learning by doing†approach. Additionally the extensive videos that are included with this book make it easier than ever to learn Inventor by clearly demonstrating how to use its tools. The philosophy behind this book is that learning computer aided design programs is best accomplished by emphasizing the application of the tools. Students also seem to learn more quickly and retain information and skills better if they are actually creating something with the software program. The driving force behind this book is “learning by doing.†The instructional format of this book centers on making sure that students learn by doing and that students can learn from this book on their own. In fact this is one thing that differentiates this book from others: the emphasis on being able to use the book for self-study. The presentation of Autodesk Inventor is structured so that no previous knowledge of any CAD program is required. This book uses the philosophy that Inventor is mastered best by concentrating on applying the program to create different types of solid models starting simply and then using the power of the program to progressively create more complex solid models. The Drawing Activities at the end of each chapter are more complex iterations of the part developed by each chapter’s objectives. CAD programs are highly visual there are graphical illustrations showing how to use the program. This reinforces the “learn by doing†philosophy since a student can see exactly what the program shows and then step through progressive commands to implement the required operations. Rather than using a verbal description of the command a screen capture of each command is replicated. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570903

Autodesk Inventor 2018 and Engineering Graphics Autodesk Inventor 2018 and Engineering Graphics: An Integrated Approach will teach you the principles of engineering graphics while instructing you on how to use the powerful 3D modeling capabilities of Autodesk Inventor 2018. Using step by step tutorials this text will teach you how to create and read engineering drawings while becoming proficient at using the most common features of Autodesk Inventor. By the end of the book you will be fully prepared to take and pass the Autodesk Inventor Certified User Exam. This text is intended to be used as a training guide for students and professionals. The chapters in this text proceed in a pedagogical fashion to guide you from constructing basic shapes to making complete sets of engineering drawings. This text takes a hands-on exercise-intensive approach to all the important concepts of Engineering Graphics as well as in-depth discussions of parametric feature-based CAD techniques. This textbook contains a series of fifteen chapters with detailed step-by-step tutorial style lessons designed to introduce beginning CAD users to the graphic language used in all branches of technical industry. This book does not attempt to cover all of Autodesk Inventor 2018’s features only to provide an introduction to the software. It is intended to help you establish a good basis for exploring and growing in the exciting field of Computer Aided Engineering. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630571139

Autodesk Inventor 2018 Essentials Plus Autodesk Inventor 2018 Essentials Plus provides the foundation for a hands-on course that covers basic and advanced Autodesk Inventor features used to create edit document and print parts and assemblies. You learn about part and assembly modeling through real-world exercises. Autodesk Inventor 2018 Essentials Plus demonstrates critical CAD concepts from basic sketching and modeling through advanced modeling techniques as it equips you with the skills to master this powerful professional tool. The book walks you through every component of the software including the user interface toolbars dialogue boxes sketch tools drawing views assembly modeling and more. Its unique modular organization puts key information at your fingertips while step-by-step tutorials make it an ideal resource for self-learning. Packed with vivid illustrations and practical exercises that emphasize modern-day applications Autodesk Inventor 2018 Essentials Plus will prepare you for work in the real world. Each chapter is organized into four sections. Objectives which describe the content and learning objectives; topic coverage which presents a concise review of the topic; exercises which present the workflow for a specific command or process through illustrated step-by-step instructions; and finally a checking your skills section which tests your understanding of the material. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570897

Autodesk Inventor 2019 and Engineering Graphics Autodesk Inventor 2019 and Engineering Graphics: An Integrated Approach will teach you the principles of engineering graphics while instructing you on how to use the powerful 3D modeling capabilities of Autodesk Inventor 2019. Using step by step tutorials this text will teach you how to create and read engineering drawings while becoming proficient at using the most common features of Autodesk Inventor. By the end of the book you will be fully prepared to take and pass the Autodesk Inventor Certified User Exam. This text is intended to be used as a training guide for students and professionals. The chapters in this text proceed in a pedagogical fashion to guide you from constructing basic shapes to making complete sets of engineering drawings. This text takes a hands-on exercise-intensive approach to all the important concepts of Engineering Graphics as well as in-depth discussions of parametric feature-based CAD techniques. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572020

Autodesk Inventor 2020 A Tutorial Introduction This unique text and video set presents a thorough introduction to Autodesk Inventor for anyone with little or no prior experience with CAD software. It can be used in virtually any setting from four-year engineering schools to on-the-job use or self-study. Unlike other books of its kind it begins at a very basic level and ends at a very advanced level. It’s perfect for anyone interested in learning Autodesk Inventor quickly and effectively using a “learning by doing†approach. Additionally the extensive videos that are included with this book make it easier than ever to learn Inventor by clearly demonstrating how to use its tools. The philosophy behind this book is that learning computer aided design programs is best accomplished by emphasizing the application of the tools. Students also seem to learn more quickly and retain information and skills better if they are actually creating something with the software program. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572525

Autodesk Inventor 2020 and Engineering Graphics Autodesk Inventor 2020 and Engineering Graphics: An Integrated Approach will teach you the principles of engineering graphics while instructing you on how to use the powerful 3D modeling capabilities of Autodesk Inventor 2020. Using step-by-step tutorials this text will teach you how to create and read engineering drawings while becoming proficient at using the most common features of Autodesk Inventor. By the end of the book you will be fully prepared to take and pass the Autodesk Inventor Certified User Exam. This text is intended to be used as a training guide for students and professionals. The chapters in this text proceed in a pedagogical fashion to guide you from constructing basic shapes to making complete sets of engineering drawings. This text takes a hands-on exercise-intensive approach to all the important concepts of Engineering Graphics as well as in-depth discussions of parametric feature-based CAD techniques. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572839

Autodesk Inventor 2020 Essentials Plus Autodesk Inventor 2020 Essentials Plus provides the foundation for a hands-on course that covers basic and advanced Autodesk Inventor features used to create edit document and print parts and assemblies. You learn about part and assembly modeling through real-world exercises. Autodesk Inventor 2020 Essentials Plus demonstrates critical CAD concepts from basic sketching and modeling through advanced modeling techniques as it equips you with the skills to master this powerful professional tool. The book walks you through every component of the software including the user interface toolbars dialogue boxes sketch tools drawing views assembly modeling and more. Its unique modular organization puts key information at your fingertips while step-by-step tutorials make it an ideal resource for self-learning. Packed with vivid illustrations and practical exercises that emphasize modern-day applications Autodesk Inventor 2020 Essentials Plus will prepare you for work in the real world. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572495

Autodesk Inventor 2021 and Engineering Graphics This book will teach you the principles of engineering graphics while instructing you on how to use the powerful 3D modeling capabilities of Autodesk Inventor 2021. Using step-by-step tutorials this text will teach you how to create and read engineering drawings while becoming proficient at using the most common features of Autodesk Inventor. By the end of the book you will be fully prepared to take and pass the Autodesk Inventor Certified User Exam. This text is intended to be used as a training guide for students and professionals. The chapters in this text proceed in a pedagogical fashion to guide you from constructing basic shapes to making complete sets of engineering drawings. This text takes a hands-on exercise-intensive approach to all the important concepts of Engineering Graphics as well as in-depth discussions of parametric feature-based CAD techniques. This textbook contains a series of fifteen chapters with detailed step-by-step tutorial style lessons designed to introduce beginning CAD users to the graphic language used in all branches of technical industry. This book does not attempt to cover all of Autodesk Inventor 2021’s features only to provide an introduction to the software. It is intended to help you establish a good basis for exploring and growing in the exciting field of Computer Aided Engineering. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630573409

Autodesk Inventor 2021 Essentials Plus Autodesk Inventor 2021 Essentials Plus provides the foundation for a hands-on course that covers basic and advanced Autodesk Inventor features used to create edit document and print parts and assemblies. You learn about part and assembly modeling through real-world exercises. Autodesk Inventor 2021 Essentials Plus demonstrates critical CAD concepts from basic sketching and modeling through advanced modeling techniques as it equips you with the skills to master this powerful professional tool. The book walks you through every component of the software including the user interface toolbars dialogue boxes sketch tools drawing views assembly modeling and more. Its unique modular organization puts key information at your fingertips while step-by-step tutorials make it an ideal resource for self-learning. Packed with vivid illustrations and practical exercises that emphasize modern-day applications Autodesk Inventor 2021 Essentials Plus will prepare you for work in the real world. Each chapter is organized into four sections. Objectives which describe the content and learning objectives; topic coverage which presents a concise review of the topic; exercises which present the workflow for a specific command or process through illustrated step-by-step instructions; and finally a checking your skills section which tests your understanding of the material. Who Should Use this Manual? This manual is designed to be used in instructor-led courses although you may also find it helpful as a self-paced learning tool. It is recommended that you have a working knowledge of Microsoft® Windows® as well as a working knowledge of mechanical design principles. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630573591

Autodesk Inventor 2021A Tutorial Introduction This unique text and video set presents a thorough introduction to Autodesk Inventor for anyone with little or no prior experience with CAD software. It can be used in virtually any setting from four year engineering schools to on-the-job use or self-study. Unlike other books of its kind it begins at a very basic level and ends at a very advanced level. It’s perfect for anyone interested in learning Autodesk Inventor quickly and effectively using a “learning by doing†approach. Additionally the extensive videos that are included with this book make it easier than ever to learn Inventor by clearly demonstrating how to use its tools. The philosophy behind this book is that learning computer aided design programs is best accomplished by emphasizing the application of the tools. Students also seem to learn more quickly and retain information and skills better if they are actually creating something with the software program. The driving force behind this book is “learning by doing.†The instructional format of this book centers on making sure that students learn by doing and that students can learn from this book on their own. In fact this is one thing that differentiates this book from others: the emphasis on being able to use the book for self-study. The presentation of Autodesk Inventor is structured so that no previous knowledge of any CAD program is required. This book uses the philosophy that Inventor is mastered best by concentrating on applying the program to create different types of solid models starting simply and then using the power of the program to progressively create more complex solid models. The Drawing Activities at the end of each chapter are more complex iterations of the part developed by each chapter’s objectives. Since CAD programs are highly visual there are graphical illustrations showing how to use the program. This reinforces the “learn by doing†philosophy since a student can see exactly what the program shows and then step through progressive commands to implement the required operations. Rather than using a verbal description of the command a screen capture of each command is replicated. Included Videos Each book includes access to extensive video training created by author Scott Hansen. The videos follow along with the table of contents of the book. Each chapter has one or more videos in which the author demonstrates how to use the tools that are covered in that chapter. Most videos follow an exercise from start to finish. The exercises created in the video are very similar to the exercise found in the corresponding chapter. Throughout the videos Scott Hansen describes how to perform each step the reason behind these steps and some of the other options available with the various tools. The author's clear and simple description of each exercise is a perfect companion to the text and makes learning Autodesk Inventor easier than ever. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630573645

Autodesk Inventor Certified User Exam Study GuideInventor 2021 Edition Designed for the user who is already familiar with Inventor this book provides a series of hands on exercises and tutorials to help prepare for the Autodesk Inventor Certified User Exam. The text covers all the exam objectives for the Inventor Certified User Exam. Each topic is covered in detail and then is followed up with tutorials and quizzes to reinforce the material covered. The guide is intended for the Inventor user who has about 150 hours of instruction and real-world experience with Autodesk Inventor software. This book will help guide you in your preparation for the Autodesk Inventor Certified User exam. By passing this exam you are validating your Inventor skills and are well on your way to the next level of certification. Throughout the book you will find an overview of the exam process the user interface and the main topics. The specific topics you need to be familiar with to pass the test are explained in greater detail throughout the book. The book also provides you with access to sample exam software which simulates the actual exam and a discount on taking the actual exam. Overall this guide will help you pass the Autodesk Inventor Certified User exam on the first try so you can avoid repeatedly taking the exam and obtain your certification sooner. Practice Exam Software Included with your purchase of this book is practice exam software. The practice exam software is meant to simulate the actual Autodesk Inventor Certified User exam. It can be downloaded and run from any computer and it will get you familiar with the official exam and check your skills prior to taking the official exam. The practice exam software requires you to use Autodesk Inventor to perform actions in order to formulate the answer to questions just like the actual exam. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630573683

Autodesk Inventor Certified User Study Guide (Inventor 2020 Edition) The Autodesk Inventor Certified User Study Guide is designed for the Inventor user who is already familiar with Inventor. It provides a series of hands on exercises and tutorials in the use of Inventor to help you prepare for the Autodesk Inventor Certified User Exam. The text covers all the exam objectives for the Inventor Certified User Exam. Each topic is covered in detail and then is followed up with tutorials and quizzes to reinforce the material covered. Autodesk Inventor Certified User Study Guide is intended for the Inventor user who has about 150 hours of instruction and real-world experience with Autodesk Inventor software. This book will help guide you in your preparation for the Autodesk Inventor Certified User exam. By passing this exam you are validating your Inventor skills and are well on your way to the next level of certification. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572822

Autodesk Inventor Exercisesfor Autodesk® Inventor® and Other Feature-Based Modelling Software This practical resource provides a series of Inventor® exercises covering several topics including: sketches part models assemblies drawing layouts presentations sheet metal design welding for users with some familiarity with Autodesk® Inventor or other similar feature-based modelling software such as Solid Works ® CATIA ® Pro/ENGINEER and Creo Parametric and who want to become proficient. Exercises are set out in a structured way and are suitable for releases of Inventor from versions 7 to 13. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138849181

Autodesk Maya 2016 Basics Guide (Including unique access code) Written by renowned author and 3D artist Kelly L. Murdock Autodesk Maya 2016 Basics Guide is designed to give new users a solid understanding of the fundamental skills needed to create beautiful 3D models and stunning animations with Autodesk Maya. Using clear and easy to follow instructions this book will guide you through learning all the major features of Maya. The text is complemented by video instruction. Each chapter has a corresponding video tutorial that introduces you to the topics and allows you to watch and learn how functions are performed in a way that a text alone cannot do. Autodesk Maya 2016 Basics Guide makes no assumptions about your previous experience with Autodesk Maya. It begins by helping you get comfortable with the user interface and navigating scenes before moving into modeling texturing lighting animating rendering and more. Additionally more advanced features such as character rigging skinning animating with dynamics and MEL scripting are also introduced. Each chapter begins by examining the concept behind each task the goal and the necessary features that are involved. Then you go in-depth with the objective of your task as you study examples and learn the steps necessary to complete it. Working your way through the comprehensive step-by-step lessons you'll develop the confidence you need to create incredible renderings and animations using Autodesk Maya. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781585039548

Autodesk Maya 2018 Basics Guide Written by renowned author and 3D artist Kelly L. Murdock Autodesk Maya 2018 Basics Guide is designed to give new users a solid understanding of the fundamental skills needed to create beautiful 3D models and stunning animations with Autodesk Maya. Each chapter begins by examining the concept behind each task the goal and the necessary features that are involved. Then you go in-depth with the objective of your task as you study examples and learn the steps necessary to complete it. Working your way through the comprehensive step-by-step lessons you'll develop the confidence you need to create incredible renderings and animations using Autodesk Maya. Autodesk Maya 2018 Basics Guide makes no assumptions about your previous experience with Autodesk Maya. It begins by helping you get comfortable with the user interface and navigating scenes before moving into modelling texturing lighting animating rendering and more. Additionally more advanced features such as character rigging skinning animating with dynamics and MEL scripting are also introduced. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630571122

Autodesk Maya 2019 Basics Guide Autodesk Maya 2019 Basics Guide is designed to give new users a solid understanding of the fundamental skills needed to create beautiful 3D models and stunning animations with Autodesk Maya. Using clear and easy to follow instructions this book will guide you through learning all the major features of Maya. The text is complemented by video instruction. Each chapter has a corresponding video tutorial that introduces you to the topics and allows you to watch and learn how functions are performed in a way that a text alone cannot do. Autodesk Maya 2019 Basics Guide makes no assumptions about your previous experience with Autodesk Maya. It begins by helping you get comfortable with the user interface and navigating scenes before moving into modeling texturing lighting animating rendering and more. Additionally more advanced features such as character rigging skinning animating with dynamics and MEL scripting are also introduced. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630571788

Autodesk Maya 2020 Basics Guide Written by a renowned author and 3D artist Autodesk Maya 2020 Basics Guide is designed to give new users a solid understanding of the fundamental skills needed to create beautiful 3D models and stunning animations with Autodesk Maya. Using clear and easy to follow instructions this book will guide you through learning all the major features of Maya. The text is complemented by video instruction. Each chapter has a corresponding video tutorial that introduces you to the topics and allows you to watch and learn how functions are performed in a way that a text alone cannot do. Autodesk Maya 2020 Basics Guide makes no assumptions about your previous experience with Autodesk Maya. It begins by helping you get comfortable with the user interface and navigating scenes before moving into modeling texturing lighting animating rendering and more. Additionally more advanced features such as character rigging skinning animating with dynamics and MEL scripting are also introduced.aya. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572556

Autodesk Revit 2016 Architecture Fundamentals (ASCENT) The Autodesk Revit software is a powerful Building Information Modeling (BIM) program that works the way architects think. The program streamlines the design process through the use of a central 3D model where changes made in one view update across all views and on the printable sheets. This training guide is designed to teach you the Autodesk Revit functionality as you would work with it throughout the design process. You begin by learning about the user interface and basic drawing editing and viewing tools. Then you learn design development tools including how to model walls doors windows floors ceilings stairs and more. Finally you learn the processes that takes the model into the construction documentation phase. Since building projects themselves tend to be extremely complex the Autodesk Revit software is also complex. The objective of the Autodesk Revit 2016 Architecture Fundamentals training guide is to enable students to create full 3D architectural project models and set them up in working drawings. This training guide focuses on basic tools that the majority of students need to work with the Autodesk Revit software. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781585039791

Autodesk Revit 2016 BIM Management (ASCENT) Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an approach to the entire building life cycle. Autodesk Revit Architecture Autodesk Revit MEP and Autodesk Revit Structure are powerful BIM programs that support the ability to coordinate update and share design data with team members throughout the design construction and management phases of a building’s life. A key component in managing the BIM process is to establish a company foundation for different types of projects by creating standard templates and custom elements. Having this in place makes the process of any new project flow smoothly and efficiently. The objective of Autodesk Revit 2016 BIM Management is to enable students who have worked with the software to expand their knowledge in setting up office standards with templates that include annotation styles preset views sheets and schedules as well as creating custom element types and families. The class can be taught in any one or a mix of all of the software programs using practices specific to each discipline. This textbook also contains additional discipline-specific practices for families including doors windows railings pipe fittings light fixtures gusset plates and built-up columns. Information about creating object styles fill patterns and materials as well as some basic User Interface customization is included in Appendix A. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781585039760

Autodesk Revit 2016 MEP Fundamentals (ASCENT) To take full advantage of Building Information Modeling the Autodesk Revit 2016 MEP Fundamentals has been designed to teach the concepts and principles of creating 3D parametric models of MEP system from engineering design through construction documentation. This training guide is intended to introduce students to the software’s user interface and the basic HVAC electrical and piping/plumbing components that make the Autodesk Revit software a powerful and flexible engineering modeling tool. The training guide will also familiarize students with the tools necessary to create document and print the parametric model. The examples and practices are designed to take the students through the basics of a full MEP project from linking in an architectural model to construction documents. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781585039708

Autodesk Revit 2017 Architectural Command Reference (Including unique access code) This book provides you with an easy to use reference for all of Autodesk Revit’s Architectural Commands. This command reference can be used as you are working in the software to help you understand what each command does and how it may be used in your overall workflow. Also included with this book are nearly 100 videos tutorials which will further help you master Autodesk Revit. The book is organized in the same way the Revit user interface is presented. Each tab of the Ribbon is represented as a chapter in the book. Within the chapter each button is represented in the book as it appears on the Ribbon from left to right. Organizing the book in this way makes it easy to locate each command in the book and understand its use. For each command entry you will see a brief description of what the tool will do how it is used and the options you will be given as you use the tool. In some cases the author’s suggestions or tips about the use of the tool will also be presented. As you learn the tools in Revit you may not need to read the full entry on the tool. To help facilitate this many of the tools include a “Quick Steps†section to explain the tools and options in outline form. This book will help facilitate your learning of the Revit interface and all of the commands. For more experienced users the command reference may introduce you to commands you have not used before or help you with commands you use less frequently. Whatever level of user you are this command reference becomes a valuable resource to you as you work with Revit. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570484

Autodesk Revit 2017 Architecture Certification Exam Study Guide (Including unique access code) Autodesk Revit 2017 Architecture Certification Exam Study Guide is geared toward users who have been using Autodesk Revit for at least six months and are ready to pursue their Autodesk Revit certification. This fast-paced book prepares users for the certification exams quickly with easy to follow instructions covering everything from masses to views to documentation. Autodesk offers two levels of certification exam: the Autodesk Certified User exam and the Autodesk Certified Professional exam and this book covers both exams using step-by-step instructions. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570859

Autodesk Revit 2017 Architecture Fundamentals (ASCENT) The Autodesk Revit software is a powerful Building Information Modeling (BIM) program that works the way architects think. The program streamlines the design process through the use of a central 3D model where changes made in one view update across all views and on the printable sheets. This training guide is designed to teach you the Autodesk Revit functionality as you would work with it throughout the design process. You begin by learning about the user interface and basic drawing editing and viewing tools. Then you learn design development tools including how to model walls doors windows floors ceilings stairs and more. Finally you learn the processes that takes the model into the construction documentation phase. Since building projects themselves tend to be extremely complex the Autodesk Revit software is also complex. The objective of the Autodesk Revit 2017 Architecture Fundamentals training guide is to enable students to create full 3D architectural project models and set them up in working drawings. This training guide focuses on basic tools that the majority of students need to work with the Autodesk Revit software. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570491

Autodesk Revit 2017 MEP Fundamentals (ASCENT) To take full advantage of Building Information Modeling the Autodesk Revit 2017 MEP Fundamentals has been designed to teach the concepts and principles of creating 3D parametric models of MEP system from engineering design through construction documentation. This training guide is intended to introduce students to the software’s user interface and the basic HVAC electrical and piping/plumbing components that make the Autodesk Revit software a powerful and flexible engineering modeling tool. The training guide will also familiarize students with the tools necessary to create document and print the parametric model. The examples and practices are designed to take the students through the basics of a full MEP project from linking in an architectural model to construction documents. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570507

Autodesk Revit 2017 Structure Fundamentals (ASCENT) To take full advantage of Building Information Modeling the Autodesk Revit 2017 Structure Fundamentals has been designed to teach you the concepts and principles from building design through construction documentation using the Autodesk Revit 2017 Structure software. This textbook is intended to introduce you to the user interface and the basic building components of the software that makes it a powerful and flexible structural modeling tool. The goal is to familiarize you with the tools necessary to create modify and document the parametric model. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570514

Autodesk Revit 2018 Architectural Command Reference This book provides you with an easy to use reference for all of Autodesk Revit’s Architectural Commands. This command reference can be used as you are working in the software to help you understand what each command does and how it may be used in your overall workflow. Also included with this book are nearly 100 video tutorials which will further help you master Autodesk Revit. The book is organized in the same way the Revit user interface is presented. Each tab of the Ribbon is represented as a chapter in the book. Within the chapter each button is represented in the book as it appears on the Ribbon from left to right. Organizing the book in this way makes it easy to locate each command in the book and understand its use. For each command entry you will see a brief description of what the tool will do how it is used and the options you will be given as you use the tool. In some cases the author’s suggestions or tips about the use of the tool will also be presented. As you learn the tools in Revit you may not need to read the full entry on the tool. To help facilitate this many of the tools include a “Quick Steps†section to explain the tools and options in outline form. This book will help facilitate your learning of the Revit interface and all of the commands. For more experienced users the command reference may introduce you to commands you have not used before or help you with commands you use less frequently. Whatever level of user you are this command reference becomes a valuable resource to you as you work with Revit. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570965

Autodesk Revit 2018 Architecture Basics Autodesk Revit 2018 Basics for Architectural Design is geared towards beginning architectural students or professional architects who want to get a jump-start into 3D parametric modeling for commercial structures. This book is filled with tutorials tips and tricks and will help you get the most out of your software in very little time. The text walks you through from concepts to site plans to floor plans and on through reflected ceiling plans then ends with an easy chapter on how to customize Autodesk Revit to boost your productivity. The advantages of working in 3D are not initially apparent to most architectural users. The benefits come when you start creating your documentation and you realize that your views are automatically defined for you with your 3D model. Your schedules and views automatically update when you change features. You can explore your conceptual designs faster and in more depth. Learning to use Autodesk Revit will not make you a better architect. However it will allow you to communicate your ideas and designs faster more easily and more beautifully. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630571115

Autodesk Revit 2018 Architecture Certification Exam Study Guide Autodesk Revit 2018 Architecture Certification Exam Study Guide is geared toward users who have been using Autodesk Revit for at least six months and are ready to pursue their official Autodesk Revit certification. This fast paced book will get you ready for the certification exams quickly with fun and easy to follow instructions covering everything from masses to views to documentation. Autodesk offers two levels of certification exam: the Autodesk Certified User exam and the Autodesk Certified Professional exam. This book covers both of the Autodesk Revit certification exams using step-by-step instructions and is packed with valuable information you’ll want to know before taking either of these exams. This book will get you up to speed quickly on the nature of these exams' questions so you will know exactly what to expect on exam day. This book is the most comprehensive and thorough preparation for these exams available. Included are exercises practice questions and exam simulations which are intended to simulate knowledge users should have in order to pass the certification exams. Also included with this book are two complete practice exams one for the certified user exam and the other for the certified professional exam. These practice exams are programs that can be run on your windows computer. Each exam is timed and designed to simulate the type of questions you might encounter during the exams. Each chapter is organized into a few sections. The first part of every chapter gives you an overview of the topics covered in that chapter. Next is a series of exercises designed to prepare you for the Certified User exam. After that is a series of exercises designed to prepare you for the Certified Professional exam. Finally every chapter concludes with two quizzes modeled around the two exams to test your knowledge of the information covered in that chapter. The competition for jobs is steep and employers can afford to be picky. Being a certified Autodesk Revit User or Professional is an excellent way to distinguish yourself amongst other professionals and prove to employers that you possess a high level of knowledge and skills. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630571238

Autodesk Revit 2019 Architecture Basics Autodesk Revit 2019 Architecture Basics is geared towards beginning architectural students or professional architects who want to get a jump-start into 3D parametric modeling for commercial structures. This book is filled with tutorials tips and tricks and will help you get the most out of your software in very little time. The text walks you through from concepts to site plans to floor plans and on through reflected ceiling plans then ends with an easy chapter on how to customize Autodesk Revit to boost your productivity. The advantages of working in 3D are not initially apparent to most architectural users. The benefits come when you start creating your documentation and you realize that your views are automatically defined for you with your 3D model. Your schedules and views automatically update when you change features. You can explore your conceptual designs faster and in more depth. Learning to use Revit will allow you to communicate your ideas and designs faster more easily and more beautifully. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630571740

Autodesk Revit 2019 Architecture Certification Exam Study Guide Autodesk Revit 2019 Architecture Certification Exam Study Guide is geared toward users who have been using Autodesk Revit for at least six months and are ready to pursue their official Autodesk Revit certification. This fast paced book will get you ready for the certification exams quickly with fun and easy to follow instructions covering everything from masses to views to documentation. Autodesk offers two levels of certification exam: the Autodesk Certified User exam and the Autodesk Certified Professional exam. This book covers both of the Autodesk Revit certification exams using step-by-step instructions and is packed with valuable information you’ll want to know before taking either of these exams. This book will get you up to speed quickly on the nature of these exams' questions so you will know exactly what to expect on exam day. This book is the most comprehensive and thorough preparation for these exams available. Included are exercises practice questions and exam simulations which are intended to simulate knowledge users should have in order to pass the certification exams. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630571924

Autodesk Revit 2020 Architectural Command Reference This book provides you with an easy to use reference for all of Autodesk Revit’s Architectural Commands. This command reference can be used as you are working in the software to help you understand what each command does and how it may be used in your overall workflow. Also included with this book are nearly 100 video tutorials which will further help you master Autodesk Revit. The book is organized in the same way the Revit user interface is presented. Each tab of the Ribbon is represented as a chapter in the book. Within the chapter each button is represented in the book as it appears on the Ribbon from left to right. Organizing the book in this way makes it easy to locate each command in the book and understand its use. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572464

Autodesk Revit 2020 Architecture Basics Autodesk Revit 2020 Architecture Basics is geared towards beginning architectural students or professional architects who want to get a jump-start into 3D parametric modeling for commercial structures. This book is filled with tutorials tips and tricks and will help you get the most out of your software in very little time. The text walks you through from concepts to site plans to floor plans and on through reflected ceiling plans then ends with an easy chapter on how to customize Autodesk Revit to boost your productivity. The advantages of working in 3D are not initially apparent to most architectural users. The benefits come when you start creating your documentation and you realize that your views are automatically defined for you with your 3D model. Your schedules and views automatically update when you change features. You can explore your conceptual designs faster and in more depth. Learning to use Revit will allow you to communicate your ideas and designs faster more easily and more beautifully. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572631

Autodesk Revit 2021 Architectural Command Reference This book provides you with an easy to use reference for all of Autodesk Revit’s Architectural Commands. This command reference can be used as you are working in the software to help you understand what each command does and how it may be used in your overall workflow. Also included with this book are nearly 100 video tutorials which will further help you master Autodesk Revit. The book is organized in the same way the Revit user interface is presented. Each tab of the Ribbon is represented as a chapter in the book. Within the chapter each button is represented in the book as it appears on the Ribbon from left to right. Organizing the book in this way makes it easy to locate each command in the book and understand its use. For each command entry you will see a brief description of what the tool will do how it is used and the options you will be given as you use the tool. In some cases the author’s suggestions or tips about the use of the tool will also be presented. As you learn the tools in Revit you may not need to read the full entry on the tool. To help facilitate this many of the tools include a “Quick Steps†section to explain the tools and options in outline form. This book will help facilitate your learning of the Revit interface and all of the commands. For more experienced users the command reference may introduce you to commands you have not used before or help you with commands you use less frequently. Whatever level of user you are this command reference becomes a valuable resource to you as you work with Revit. Videos Access to nearly 100 videos almost five hours of content are also included with your purchase of this book. These videos break down each topic into several short videos so that you can easily navigate to a specific aspect of a tool or feature in Autodesk Revit. This makes the videos both a powerful learning tool and convenient video reference. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630573553

Autodesk Revit 2021 Architecture Basics Autodesk Revit 2021 Architecture Basics is geared towards beginning architectural students or professional architects who want to get a jump-start into 3D parametric modeling for commercial structures. This book is filled with tutorials tips and tricks and will help you get the most out of your software in very little time. The text walks you through from concepts to site plans to floor plans and on through reflected ceiling plans then ends with an easy chapter on how to customize Autodesk Revit to boost your productivity. The advantages of working in 3D are not initially apparent to most architectural users. The benefits come when you start creating your documentation and you realize that your views are automatically defined for you with your 3D model. Your schedules and views automatically update when you change features. You can explore your conceptual designs faster and in more depth. Learning to use Revit will allow you to communicate your ideas and designs faster more easily and more beautifully. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630573560

Autodesk Revit 2021 Architecture Certification Exam Study Guide This book is geared toward users who have been using Autodesk Revit for at least six months and are ready to pursue their official Autodesk Revit certification. This fast paced book will get you ready for the certification exams quickly with fun and easy to follow instructions covering everything from masses to views to documentation. Autodesk offers two levels of certification exam: the Autodesk Certified User exam and the Autodesk Certified Professional exam. It covers both of the Autodesk Revit certification exams using step-by-step instructions and is packed with valuable information you’ll want to know before taking either of these exams. This content will get you up to speed quickly on the nature of these exams' questions so you will know exactly what to expect on exam day. This book is the most comprehensive and thorough preparation for these exams available. Included are exercises practice questions and exam simulations which are intended to simulate knowledge users should have in order to pass the certification exams. Also included with this book are two complete practice exams: one for the certified user exam and the other for the certified professional exam. These practice exams are programs that can be run on your Windows computer. Each exam is timed and designed to simulate the type of questions you might encounter during the exams. Each chapter is organized into a few sections. The first part of every chapter gives you an overview of the topics covered in that chapter. Next is a series of exercises designed to prepare you for the Certified User exam. After that is a series of exercises designed to prepare you for the Certified Professional exam. Finally every chapter concludes with two quizzes modeled around the two exams to test your knowledge of the information covered in that chapter. The competition for jobs is steep and employers can afford to be picky. Being a certified Autodesk Revit User or Professional is an excellent way to distinguish yourself amongst other professionals and prove to employers that you possess a high level of knowledge and skills. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630573676

Autodesk Revit for Architecture Certified User Exam Preparation (Revit 2019 Edition) In the competitive world in which we live it is important to stand out to potential employers and prove your capabilities. One way to do this is by passing one of the Autodesk Certification Exams. A candidate who passes an exam has credentials from the makers of the software which indicate you know how to use their software. This can help give you an edge over other potential interviewees when applying for a job. Autodesk Revit for Architecture Certified User Exam Preparation is intended for the Revit user who has about 40 hours of real-world experience with Autodesk Revit software. This book will help guide you in your preparation for the Autodesk Certified User Revit for architecture exam. By passing this exam you are validating your Revit skills and are well on your way to the next level of certification. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572440

Autodesk Revit for Architecture Certified User Exam Preparation (Revit 2020 Edition) In the competitive world in which we live it is important to stand out to potential employers and prove your capabilities. One way to do this is by passing one of the Autodesk Certification Exams. A candidate who passes an exam has credentials from the makers of the software which indicate you know how to use their software. This can help give you an edge over other potential interviewees when applying for a job. Autodesk Revit for Architecture Certified User Exam Preparation is intended for the Revit user who has about 150 hours of instruction and real-world experience with Autodesk Revit software. This book will help guide you in your preparation for the Autodesk Certified User Revit for Architecture exam. By passing this exam you are validating your Revit skills and are well on your way to the next level of certification. Throughout the book you will find an overview of the exam process the user interface and the four main topics: Creating and Modifying Components Modeling and Modifying Elements Managing Views and Managing Documentation. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572617

Autodesk Revit for Architecture Certified User Exam PreparationRevit 2021 Edition In the competitive world in which we live it is important to stand out to potential employers and prove your capabilities. One way to do this is by passing one of the Autodesk Certification Exams. A candidate who passes an exam has credentials from the makers of the software which indicate you know how to use their software. This can help give you an edge over other potential interviewees when applying for a job. This book is intended for the Revit user who has about 150 hours of instruction and real-world experience with Autodesk Revit software. This book will help guide you in your preparation for the Autodesk Certified User Revit for Architecture exam. By passing this exam you are validating your Revit skills and are well on your way to the next level of certification. Throughout the book you will find an overview of the exam process the user interface and the four main topics: Creating and Modifying Components Modeling and Modifying Elements Managing Views and Managing Documentation. The specific topics you need to be familiar with to pass the test are explained in greater detail throughout the book. At the end of the book there is a sample multiple-choice practice test to self-assess your readiness for the exam. You also get access to sample exam software which simulates the actual exam and a discount on taking the actual exam. The contents of this book will help you pass the Autodesk Certified User exam on the first try so you can avoid repeatedly taking the exam and obtain your certification sooner. Practice Exam Software In addition to the sample test questions included in the book practice exam software is also provided. The practice exam software is meant to simulate the actual Revit Architecture Certified User exam. It can be downloaded and run from any computer. The practice exam software will get you familiar with the official exam and check your skills prior to taking the official exam. The practice exam software requires you to use Autodesk Revit to perform actions in order to formulate the answer to questions just like the actual exam. The questions in the practice exam software are categorized into four groups which align with the four official main topics: Creating and Modifying Components Modeling and Modifying Elements Managing Views and Managing Documentation. Upon completing the quiz an overall score is provided as well as a score for each topic. If you get a question wrong a page number in the book is provided to help you further review the topic. The practice exam software will help you with the following: Understanding the test software How to mark and return to questions Exam question format Live in-application steps How the results are presented at the exam conclusion Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630573485

Autoerotic DeathsPractical Forensic and Investigative Perspectives Autoerotic Deaths: Practical Forensic and Investigative Perspectives is a collaboration between two internationally known experts who combine their extensive experience to present a scientific modern view of autoerotic death—complete with a wide variety of exquisite case histories photographs and investigator tips. Chief Medical Examiner Anny Sauvageau of Alberta Canada and retired NYPD Lieutenant Commander Vernon J. Geberth bring considerable insight to this volume providing practical and conventional information based on scientific research and case experience from the field. Enhanced with more than 100 color photos the book explores: The evolution of the concept of sexual asphyxia and autoerotic death The definition and epidemiology of autoerotic death pitfalls involved in the application of the term autoerotic and best practices for approaching these death scenes Death scene characteristics and the importance of recognizing clues to the autoerotic nature of a death Methods of autoerotic death including hanging plastic bags chemical substances and other less-common scenarios Atypical victims of autoerotic deaths Using a case history format the book presents a complete analysis of all aspects of this unusual and unfortunate type of death. The combination of theory and practice along with up-to-date science makes this book an unparalleled resource for all those involved in the investigation of these peculiar incidents. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439837122

Auto-Eroticism When this work was first published in the first hald of the last century sexology and the unprejudiced study of sexual activity was in its infancy. In his study of human sexual behaviour Kinsey was able to state that the majority of human beings had masturbated at one time or another but to us today this seems quite an astonishing statement to have made. The study of human sexuality was surrounded by ignorance and superstition and the medical profession was regrettably the worst offender and the most ignored. In such a climate Dr Stekel’s book was a revelation much ahead of its time. This edition first published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138879881

Autoethnographies from the Neoliberal AcademyRewilding Writing and Resistance in Higher Education The shift to a neoliberal agenda has for many academics intensified the pressure and undermined the pleasure that their work can and does bring. This book contains stories from a range of autoethnographers seeking to challenge traditional academic discourse by providing personal and evocative writings that detail moments of profound transformation and change. The book focuses on the experiences of one academic and the stories that her dialogues with other autoethnographers generated in response to the neoliberal shift in higher education. Chapters use a variety of genres to provide an innovative text that identifies strategies to challenge neoliberal governance. Autoethnography is as a methodology that can be used as form of resistance to this cultural shift by exploring effects on individual academic and personal lives. The stories are necessarily emotional personal important. It is hoped that they will promote other ways of navigating higher education that do not align with neoliberalism and instead offer more holistic and human ways of being an academic. This book highlights the impact of neoliberalism on academics’ freedom to teach and think freely. With 40% of academics in the UK considering other forms of employment this book will be of interest to existing and future academics who want to survive the new environment and maintain their motivation and passion for academic life. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815371120

Autoethnographies in ELTTransnational Identities Pedagogies and Practices This innovative volume showcases the possibilities of autoethnography as a means of exploring the complexities of transnational identity construction for learners teachers and practitioners in English language teaching (ELT). // The book unpacks the dynamics of today’s landscape of language education which sees practitioners and students with nuanced personal and professional histories inhabit liminal spaces as they traverse national cultural linguistic ideological and political borders thereby impacting their identity construction and engagement with pedagogies and practices across different educational domains. The volume draws on solo and collaborative autoethnographies of transnational language practitioners to question such well-established ELT binaries such as ‘center’/’periphery’ and ‘native’/non-native’ and issues of identity-related concepts such as ideologies discourses agency and self-reflexibility. In so doing the book also underscores the unique affordances of autoethnography as a methodological tool for better understanding transnational identity construction in ELT and bringing to the fore key perspectives in emerging areas of study within applied linguistics. // This dynamic collection will appeal to students scholars and practitioners in English language teaching applied linguistics TESOL education educational linguistics and sociolinguistics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367428587

Autoethnography and the OtherUnsettling Power through Utopian Performatives Challenging the critique of autoethnography as overly focused on the self Tami Spry calls for a performative autoethnography that both unsettles the "I" and represents the Other with equal commitment. Expanding on her popular book Body Paper Stage Spry uses a variety of examples literary forms and theoretical traditions to reframe this research method as transgressive liberatory and decolonizing for both self and Other. Her book draws on her own autoethnographic work with jazz musicians shamans and other groups; outlines a utopian performative methodology to spur hope and transformation; provides concrete guidance on how to implement this innovative methodological approach. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781611328608

Autoethnography as Feminist MethodSensitising the feminist 'I' Autoethnography is an ideal method to study the ‘feminist I’. Through personal stories the author reflects on how feminists negotiate agency and the effect this has on one's political sensibilities. Speaking about oneself transforms into stories of political responsibility - a key issue for feminists who function as cultural mediators. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367877323

Autoethnography as Method This methods book will guide the reader through the process of conducting and producing an autoethnographic study through the understanding of self other and culture. Readers will be encouraged to follow hands-on though not prescriptive steps in data collection analysis and interpretation with self-reflective prewriting exercises and self-narrative writing exercises to produce their own autoethnographic work. Chang offers a variety of techniques for gathering data on the self—from diaries to culture grams to interviews with others—and shows how to transform this information into a study that looks for the connection with others present in a diverse world. She shows how the autoethnographic process promotes self-reflection understanding of multicultural others qualitative inquiry and narrative writing. Samples of published autoethnographies provide exemplars for the novice researcher to follow. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315433370

Autoethnography in Early Childhood Education and CareNarrating the Heart of Practice Autoethnography in Early Childhood Education and Care both embraces and explores autoethnography as a methodology in early childhood settings subsequently broadening discourses within education research through a series of troubling narratives. It breaks new ground for researchers seeking to use non-conventional practices in early years research. Drawing together research and literature from several disciplines this unique book challenges the perception of what it means to be an early years practitioner: powerful and compelling narratives from the author’s first-hand experiences offer both a creative and scholarly insight into the issues faced by those working in early childhood settings. This text: offers insight into working with autoethnography; its purpose and methodological tensions; provides professionals engaged in caring relational approaches with a series of vignettes for training and further reflection; encourages a wider debate and discussion of core values at a critical time in early years practice and other caring professions skilfully and sensitively illustrates how to adopt a creative research imagination. This book is a valuable read for researchers postgraduate students and other professionals working in early childhood education and care seeking to give expression to their voices through creative methodologies such as autoethnography in qualitative research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138735231

Autofrettage ProcessesTechnology and Modelling Autofrettage Processes: Technology and Modeling deals with the technology and modeling of autofrettage processes explaining the subject in a lucid manner. It highlights how the theory of plasticity and finite element modeling are applied in the modeling of autofrettage processes. Aimed at senior students of mechanical production automobile and chemical engineering it has the potential to directly benefit practicing engineers and industrials owing to the inclusion of topics like thermal autofrettage. Key Features: Provides a general introduction to autofrettage Covers the application of theory of plasticity and finite element modeling of autofrettage processes Offers exposure to newer autofrettage processes that to date have not been implemented in industries along with useful practical data Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138388543

Autogenic Structures This book offers an alternative vision for the future of architecture a timely and invaluable contribution to the debate concerning emergent surfaces and the next generation of building membranes in this era of extreme computational control. Areas covered include: the future relationship between structure and ornament the value of mass customization for the next generation of modular building components the role of smart materials in creating a sustainable universe. Critical essays are combined with cutting-edge work to form an inspiring manual of varied digital and analog techniques. Highly illustrated with over 300 photographs illustrations and drawings Autogenic Structures is for anyone curious to learn about a visionary approach to the development of architecture. Media > Books > E-books Taylor & Francis 9781315881164

Autogenous Shrinkage of Concrete This book forms the proceedings of a workshop held in Hiroshima in June 1998 and derive from the work of a Technical Committee of the Japan Concrete Institute. Topics include test and prediction methods the science of autogenous shrinkage strain and stress and consequent design concerns. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367863906

Autoimmunities Autoimmunity refers to the phenomenon whereby an organism or body mounts an immune response against its own tissues. As a medical term autoimmunity is today used to account for any instance in which the body fails to recognise its own constituents as ‘self’ an error that results in the paradoxical situation in which self-defense (immunity protection) manifests as self-harm (pathology). As a result the very possibility of autoimmunity poses a problem for the notion of immunity and the concept of identity that underpins it: if self-protection can just as readily take the form of self-destruction then it seems that the very identity of the self and thus the boundary between self and other is in question. Conceptually autoimmunity thus challenges us to think critically about the nature of any sovereign entity or identity be they human or nonhuman cells nations or other forms of community. This volume reflects and engages with different disciplinary approaches to autoimmunity in the theoretical medical or posthumanities social and political theory and critical science studies. It aims to provide a topical intervention within the current discussion on biopolitical thought and critical posthumanist futures. This book was originally published as a special issue of Parallax. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367536022

Autoimmunity In Psoriasis First published in 1982: The book affords a fresh outlook on the nature of psoriasis. Dermatologists and dermatopathologists have long recognized that acanthosis together with hyperkeratosis and papillomatosis are characteristic features not only of psoriasis but all of many other skin diseases. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367235413

Autologous Stem Cell TransplantationBiological and Clinical Results in Malignancies This textbook integrates basic research and clinical aspects underlying the most recent results in those malignant diseases where progress is most effective.Recent evidence shows that higher doses are better in inducing higher cure rates in hematological neoplasias although myeloblation related to dose intensity can be a limiting factor. The toxicity can now be controlled with autologous marrow and peripheral blood progenitor cell transplantation used with or without growth factors. The combination of high dose chemoradiotherapy followed by re-infusion of autologous stem cells constitute a dramatic advance in the treatment of refactory and relapse hematological neoplasias. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003077343

Automata and ComputabilityA Programmer's Perspective Automata and Computability is a class-tested textbook which provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the theory of automata and computation. The author uses illustrations engaging examples and historical remarks to make the material interesting and relevant for students. It incorporates modern/handy ideas such as derivative-based parsing and a Lambda reducer showing the universality of Lambda calculus. The book also shows how to sculpt automata by making the regular language conversion pipeline available through a simple command interface. A Jupyter notebook will accompany the book to feature code YouTube videos and other supplements to assist instructors and studentsFeatures Uses illustrations engaging examples and historical remarks to make the material accessible Incorporates modern/handy ideas such as derivative-based parsing and a Lambda reducer showing the universality of Lambda calculus Shows how to "sculpt" automata by making the regular language conversion pipeline available through simple command interface Uses a mini functional programming (FP) notation consisting of lambdas maps filters and set comprehension (supported in Python) to convey math through PL constructs that are succinct and resemble math Provides all concepts are encoded in a compact Functional Programming code that will tesselate with Latex markup and Jupyter widgets in a document that will accompany the books. Students can run code effortlessly. All the code can be accessed here. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367656546

Automated AcquisitionsIssues for the Present and Future In this book first published in 1989 practicing librarians share their hands-on experience with implementing various types of acquisitions systems and address planning considerations the blurring of roles between acquisitions and cataloguing staffing implications electronic record transmission and specialized functions of automated acquisitions systems. These librarians reveal what they wish they knew when they began to implement their systems as well as what went right - and wrong - along the way. Acquisitions librarians systems librarians and any professionals planning for an automated acquisitions system in their libraries will not want the miss the underlying excitement expressed by contributors as they re-evaluate acquisitions work and redefine the role of the acquisitions librarian as a result of automated acquisitions systems. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367375478

Automated Data Analysis Using Excel This new edition covers some of the key topics relating to the latest version of MS Office through Excel 2019 including the creation of custom ribbons by injecting XML code into Excel Workbooks and how to link Excel VBA macros to customize ribbon objects.  It now also provides examples in using ADO DAO and SQL queries to retrieve data from databases for analysis.  Operations such as fully automated linear and non-linear curve fitting linear and non-linear mapping charting plotting sorting and filtering of data have been updated to leverage the newest Excel VBA object models.  The text provides examples on automated data analysis and the preparation of custom reports suitable for legal archiving and dissemination. Functionality Demonstrated in This Edition Includes: Find and extract information raw data files Format data in color (conditional formatting) Perform non-linear and linear regressions on data Create custom functions for specific applications Generate datasets for regressions and functions Create custom reports for regulatory agencies Leverage email to send generated reports Return data to Excel using ADO DAO and SQL queries Create database files for processed data Create tables records and fields in databases Add data to databases in fields or records Leverage external computational engines Call functions in MATLAB® and Origin® from Excel Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781482250138

Automated Data Analysis Using Excel Because the analysis of copious amounts of data and the preparation of custom reports often take away time from true research the automation of these processes is paramount to ensure productivity. Exploring the core areas of automation report generation data acquisition and data analysis Automated Data Analysis Using Excel illustrates how to minimize user intervention automate parameter setup obtain consistency in both analysis and reporting and save time through automation. Focusing on the built-in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) scripting language of Excel the book shows step-by-step how to construct useful automated data analysis applications for both industrial and academic settings. It begins by discussing fundamental elements the methods for importing and accessing data and the creation of reports. The author then describes how to use Excel to obtain data from non-native sources such as databases and third-party calculation tools. After providing the means to access any required information the book explains how to automate manipulations and calculations on the acquired data sources. Collecting all of the concepts previously discussed in the book the final chapter demonstrates from beginning to end how to create a cohesive robust application.With an understanding of this book readers should be able to construct applications that can import data from a variety of sources apply algorithms to data that has been imported and create meaningful reports based on the results. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138416536

Automated Diagnostics and Analytics for Buildings With the widespread availability of high-speed high-capacity microprocessors and microcomputers with high-speed communication ability and sophisticated energy analytics software the technology to support deployment of automated diagnostics is now available and the opportunity to apply automated fault detection and diagnostics to every system and piece of equipment in a facility as well as for whole buildings is imminent. The purpose of this book is to share information with a broad audience on the state of automated fault detection and diagnostics for buildings applications the benefits of those applications emerging diagnostic technology examples of field deployments the relationship to codes and standards automated diagnostic tools presently available guidance on how to use automated diagnostics and related issues. Media > Books > Print Books Fairmont Press 9781498706117

Automated Driving and Driver Assistance Systems Automated vehicles are set to transform the world. Automated driving vehicles are here already and undergoing serious testing in several countries around the world. This book explains the technologies in language that is easy to understand and accessible to all readers. It covers the subject from several angles but in particular shows the links to existing ADAS technologies already in use in all modern vehicles. There is a lot of hype in the media at the moment about autonomous or driverless cars and while some manufacturers expect to have vehicles available from 2020 they will not soon take over and it will be some time before they are commonplace. However it is very important to be ready for the huge change of direction that automated driving will take. This is the first book of its type available and complements Tom Denton's other books. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367265595

Automated EEG-Based Diagnosis of Neurological DisordersInventing the Future of Neurology Based on the authors’ groundbreaking research Automated EEG-Based Diagnosis of Neurological Disorders: Inventing the Future of Neurology presents a research ideology a novel multi-paradigm methodology and advanced computational models for the automated EEG-based diagnosis of neurological disorders. It is based on the ingenious integration of three different computing technologies and problem-solving paradigms: neural networks wavelets and chaos theory. The book also includes three introductory chapters that familiarize readers with these three distinct paradigms. After extensive research and the discovery of relevant mathematical markers the authors present a methodology for epilepsy diagnosis and seizure detection that offers an exceptional accuracy rate of 96 percent. They examine technology that has the potential to impact and transform neurology practice in a significant way. They also include some preliminary results towards EEG-based diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. The methodology presented in the book is especially versatile and can be adapted and applied for the diagnosis of other brain disorders. The senior author is currently extending the new technology to diagnosis of ADHD and autism. A second contribution made by the book is its presentation and advancement of Spiking Neural Networks as the seminal foundation of a more realistic and plausible third generation neural network. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138118201

Automated Essay ScoringA Cross-disciplinary Perspective This new volume is the first to focus entirely on automated essay scoring and evaluation. It is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the evolution and state-of-the-art of automated essay scoring and evaluation technology across several disciplines including education testing and measurement cognitive science computer science and computational linguistics. The development of this technology has led to many questions and concerns. Automated Essay Scoring attempts to address some of these questions including: *How can automated scoring and evaluation supplement classroom instruction? *How does the technology actually work? *Can it improve students' writing? *How reliable is the technology? *How can these computing methods be used to develop evaluation tools? *What are the state-of the-art essay evaluation technologies and automated scoring systems? Divided into four parts the first part reviews the teaching of writing and how computers can contribute to it. Part II analyzes actual automated essay scorers including e-raterTM Intellimetric and the Intelligent Essay Assessor. The third part analyzes related psychometric issues and the final part reviews innovations in the field. This book is ideal for researchers and advanced students interested in automated essay scoring from the fields of testing and measurement education cognitive science language and computational linguistics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964211

Automated Image Detection of Retinal Pathology Discusses the Effect of Automated Assessment Programs on Health Care Provision Diabetes is approaching pandemic numbers and as an associated complication diabetic retinopathy is also on the rise. Much about the computer-based diagnosis of this intricate illness has been discovered and proven effective in research labs. But unfortunately many of these advances have subsequently failed during transition from the lab to the clinic. So what is the best way to diagnose and treat retinopathy? Automated Image Detection of Retinal Pathology discusses the epidemiology of the disease proper screening protocols algorithm development image processing and feature analysis applied to the retina. Conveys the Need for Widely Implemented Risk-Reduction Programs Offering an array of informative examples this book analyzes the use of automated computer techniques such as pattern recognition in analyzing retinal images and detecting diabetic retinopathy and its progression as well as other retinal-based diseases. It also addresses the benefits and challenges of automated health care in the field of ophthalmology. The book then details the increasing practice of telemedicine screening and other advanced applications including arteriolar-venous ratio which has been shown to be an early indicator of cardiovascular diabetes and cerebrovascular risk. Although tremendous advances have been made in this complex field there are still many questions that remain unanswered. This book is a valuable resource for researchers looking to take retinal pathology to that next level of discovery as well as for clinicians and primary health care professionals that aim to utilize automated diagnostics as part of their health care program. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138114494

Automated Inspection and Quality Assurance New concepts for gaging inspection checking machine vision and robotic testing. Includes guidelines for installing complex electronic and computerized systems and a directory of commercially availalbe computer software as well as distributors' names and addresses. Annotation copyright Book News Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367403331

Automated Instrumentation For Radioimmunoassay The various instruments described in this text all provide an integrated and automated approach for separating free and bound ligands along with other steps in radioimmunoassay. Although the various systems differ significantly in design they all perform these basic manoeuvres for the most part without any operator intervention. It is hoped that the following descriptions of the various system capabilities will not only provide useful information for present and potential users of the systems but also stimulate additional development by manufacturers which will bring the full potential of radioimmunoassay even closer to a reality. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890883

Automated LightingThe Art and Science of Moving and Color-Changing Lights Automated Lighting: The Art and Science of Moving and Color-Changing Lights Third Edition (formerly Automated Lighting: The Art and Science of Moving Light) continues to be the most trusted text for working and aspiring lighting professionals. Now in its third edition it has been fully updated to reflect the vast changes in stage and studio luminairies—including LEDs switch-mode power supplies optics networking Ethernet-based protocols like Art-Net and sACN wireless DMX and much more. Its written in clear easy-to-understand language and includes enough detailed information to benefit for the most experienced technicians programmers and designers. Additional content and resources are provided at the author's website Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138850903

Automated Media In this era of pervasive automation Mark Andrejevic provides an original framework for tracing the logical trajectory of automated media and their social political and cultural consequences.  This book explores the cascading logic of automation which develops from the information collection process  through to data processing and finally automated decision making. It argues that pervasive digital monitoring combines with algorithmic decision making and machine learning to create new forms of power and control that pose challenges to democratic forms of accountability and individual autonomy alike. Andrejevic provides an overview of the implications of these developments for the fate of human experience describing the "bias of automation" through the logics of pre-emption operationalism and "framelessness."  Automated Media is a fascinating and groundbreaking new volume: a must-read for students and researchers of critical media studies interested in the intersections of media technology and the digital economy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367196837

Automated Performer FlyingThe State of the Art Automated Performer Flying: The State of the Art shares the secrets of performer flying in entertainment history and provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a performer flying effect from scratch. This book sheds light on all aspects of performer flying covering its history explaining concepts like mechanical compensation versus electrical compensation providing guidance on how to calculate stopping distances and forces and sharing tips on how to build successful relationships with performers. Case studies of prominent productions featuring performer flying including Cirque du Soleil and Beyoncé are included throughout. Written for technical directors theatrical riggers and students of rigging technical direction and stagecraft courses Automated Performer Flying takes readers through the process of creating a performer flying effect from the first spark of the idea to opening night. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815352143

Automated Physical Database Design and Tuning Due to the increasing complexity in application workloads and query engines database administrators are turning to automated tuning tools that systematically explore the space of physical design alternatives. A critical element of such tuning is physical database design since the choice of physical structures has a significant impact on the performance of the database system. Automated Physical Database Design and Tuning presents a detailed overview of the fundamental ideas and algorithms for automatically recommending changes to the physical design of a database system. The first part of the book introduces the necessary technical background. The author explains SQL the space of execution plans for answering SQL queries query optimization how the choice of access paths (e.g. indexes) is crucial to performance and the complexity of the physical design problem. The second part extensively discusses automated physical design techniques covering fundamental research ideas in the last 15 years that have resulted in a new generation of tuning tools. The text focuses on the search space of alternatives the necessity of a cost model to compare such alternatives different mechanisms to traverse and enumerate the search space and practical aspects in real-world tuning tools. In the third part the author explores new advances in automated physical design. He applies previous approaches to other physical structures such as materialized views partitioning and multidimensional clustering. He also analyzes workload models for new types of applications generalizes the optimizing function of current physical design tools to cope with other application scenarios and examines open-ended challenges in physical database design. This book offers valuable insights on well-established principles and cutting-edge research results in automated physical design. It helps readers gain a deeper understanding of how automated tuning tools work in database installations as well as the challenges and opportunities involved in designing next-generation tuning tools. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138114067

Automated Speaking AssessmentUsing Language Technologies to Score Spontaneous Speech Automated Speaking Assessment: Using Language Technologies to Score Spontaneous Speech provides a thorough overview of state-of-the-art automated speech scoring technology as it is currently used at Educational Testing Service (ETS). Its main focus is related to the automated scoring of spontaneous speech elicited by TOEFL iBT Speaking section items but other applications of speech scoring such as for more predictable spoken responses or responses provided in a dialogic setting are also discussed. The book begins with an in-depth overview of the nascent field of automated speech scoring—its history applications and challenges—followed by a discussion of psychometric considerations for automated speech scoring. The second and third parts discuss the integral main components of an automated speech scoring system as well as the different types of automatically generated measures extracted by the system features related to evaluate the speaking construct of communicative competence as measured defined by the TOEFL iBT Speaking assessment. Finally the last part of the book touches on more recent developments such as providing more detailed feedback on test takers’ spoken responses using speech features and scoring of dialogic speech. It concludes with a discussion summary and outlook on future developments in this area. Written with minimal technical details for the benefit of non-experts this book is an ideal resource for graduate students in courses on Language Testing and Assessment as well as teachers and researchers in applied linguistics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138056879

Automated Taxon Identification in SystematicsTheory Approaches and Applications The automated identification of biological objects or groups has been a dream among taxonomists and systematists for centuries. However progress in designing and implementing practical systems for fully automated taxon identification has been frustratingly slow. Regardless the dream has never died. Recent developments in computer architectures and innovations in software design have placed the tools needed to realize this vision in the hands of the systematics community not several years hence but now. And not just for DNA barcodes or other molecular data but for digital images of organisms digital sounds digitized chemical data - essentially any type of digital data. Based on evidence accumulated over the last decade and written by applied researchers Automated Taxon Identification in Systematics explores contemporary applications of quantitative approaches to the problem of taxon recognition. The book begins by reviewing the current state of systematics and placing automated taxon identification in the context of contemporary trends needs and opportunities. The chapters present and evaluate different aspects of current automated system designs. They then provide descriptions of case studies in which different theoretical and practical aspects of the overall group-identification problem are identified analyzed and discussed. A recurring theme through the chapters is the relationship between taxonomic identification automated group identification and morphometrics. This collection provides a bridge between these communities and between them and the wider world of applied taxonomy. The only book-length treatment that explores automated group identification in systematic context this text also includes introductions to basic aspects of the fields of contemporary artificial intelligence and mathematical group recognition for the entire biological community. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367388836

Automatic Control Mechatronics and Industrial EngineeringProceedings of the International Conference on Automatic Control Mechatronics and Engineering technology development and implementation play an important role in making the industry more sustainable in an increasingly competitive world. This book covers significant recent developments in both fundamental and applied research in the engineering field. Domains of application include but are not limited to Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization Signal Processing Sensors Systems Modeling and Control Robotics and Automation Industrial and Electric Engineering Production and Management. This book is an excellent reference work to get up to date with the latest research and developments in the fields of Automation Mechatronics and Industrial Engineering. It aims to provide a platform for researchers and professionals in all relevant fields to gain new ideas and establish great achievements in scientific development. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367731472

Automatic Defense Against Zero-day Polymorphic Worms in Communication Networks Able to propagate quickly and change their payload with each infection polymorphic worms have been able to evade even the most advanced intrusion detection systems (IDS). And because zero-day worms require only seconds to launch flooding attacks on your servers using traditional methods such as manually creating and storing signatures to defend against these threats is just too slow.Bringing together critical knowledge and research on the subject Automatic Defense Against Zero-day Polymorphic Worms in Communication Networks details a new approach for generating automated signatures for unknown polymorphic worms. It presents experimental results on a new method for polymorphic worm detection and examines experimental implementation of signature-generation algorithms and double-honeynet systems.If you need some background the book includes an overview of the fundamental terms and concepts in network security including the various security models. Clearing up the misconceptions about the value of honeypots it explains how they can be useful in securing your networks and identifies open-source tools you can use to create your own honeypot. There’s also a chapter with references to helpful reading resources on automated signature generation systems.The authors describe cutting-edge attack detection approaches and detail new algorithms to help you generate your own automated signatures for polymorphic worms. Explaining how to test the quality of your generated signatures the text will help you develop the understanding required to effectively protect your communication networks. Coverage includes intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) zero-day polymorphic worm collection methods double-honeynet system configurations and the implementation of double-honeynet architectures. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367380038

Automatic Detection Algorithms of Oil Spill in Radar Images Synthetic Aperture Radar Automatic Detection Algorithms (SARADA) for Oil Spills conveys the pivotal tool required to fully comprehend the advanced algorithms in radar monitoring and detection of oil spills particularly quantum computing and algorithms as a keystone to comprehending theories and algorithms behind radar imaging and detection of marine pollution. Bridging the gap between modern quantum mechanics and computing detection algorithms of oil spills this book contains precise theories and techniques for automatic identification of oil spills from SAR measurements. Based on modern quantum physics the book also includes the novel theory on radar imaging mechanism of oil spills. With the use of precise quantum simulation of trajectory movements of oil spills using a sequence of radar images this book demonstrates the use of SARADA for contamination by oil spills as a promising novel technique. Key Features: Introduces basic concepts of a radar remote sensing. Fills a gap in the knowledge base of quantum theory and microwave remote sensing. Discusses the important aspects of oil spill imaging in radar data in relation to the quantum theory. Provides recent developments and progresses of automatic detection algorithms of oil spill from radar data. Presents 2-D oil spill radar data in 4-D images. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367146603

Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm SystemsAn Introductory Guide to Components and Systems First published in 2010. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books IHS BRE Press 9781848061460

Automatic Fiscal Policies to Combat Recessions Drawing on the most prominent research in the field this timely book offers bold new fiscal policies that can complement current automatic stabilizers and counter-cyclical monetary policy to help combat recessions. Dr. Seidman argues for an independent fiscal policy board or the Federal Reserve to decide changes in the magnitude of Congress's fiscal policy package of stimulus or restraint with recommendations going into effect immediately subject only to Congressional override. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706245

Automatic for the CityDesigning for People In the Age of The Driverless Car How will automated vehicles change our lives? Where are the opportunities and challenges? Future streets require planning today. This timely book envisions ways in which changes to urban mobility and technology will transform city streetscapes and importantly how cities can prepare. It is a reflection on the relationship between new technologies and urbanism as well as an agile urban design manual with pictures illustrating potential spatial arrangements enabled by the new technologies. Two case studies in the central urban cores of London and Los Angeles will be presented to show how neighborhoods can be redesigned for the better and how to apply good urban design principles across towns and cities worldwide. Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859468616

Automatic Item GenerationTheory and Practice Automatic item generation (AIG) represents a relatively new and unique research area where specific cognitive and psychometric theories are applied to test construction practices for the purpose of producing test items using technology. The purpose of this book is to bring researchers and practitioners up-to-date on the growing body of research on AIG by organizing in one volume what is currently known about this research area. Part I begins with an overview of the concepts and topics necessary for understanding AIG by focusing on both its history and current applications. Part II presents two theoretical frameworks and practical applications of these frameworks in the production of item generation. Part III summarizes the psychological and substantive characteristics of generated items . Part IV concludes with a discussion of the statistical models that can be used to estimate the item characteristics of generated items features one future application of AIG describes the current technologies used for AIG and also highlights the unresolved issues that must be addressed as AIG continues to mature as a research area. Comprehensive – The book provides a comprehensive analysis of both the theoretical concepts that define automatic item generation and the practical considerations required to implement these concepts. Varied Applications – Readers are provided with novel applications in diverse content areas (e.g. science and reading comprehension) that range across all educational levels – elementary through university. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415897518

Automatic Poverty Originally published in 1981 Automatic Poverty provides a much-needed alternative to the Radical Right’s analysis. The book argues that Britain’s economic decline is symptomatic of an advanced stage of industrialisation in which productive processes are increasingly mechanised but output remains static. Under these circumstances workers become redundant the income of the working class diminishes and dependence on the state increases. The ‘Ricardo phenomenon’ has become long-term feature of the British economy and the author shows that neither Keynesian nor monetarist policies can remedy its consequences. It reflects a critical stage in the development of capitalism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138600706

Automaticity and Control in Language Processing The use of language is a fundamental component of much of our day-to-day life. Language often co-occurs with other activities with which it must be coordinated. This raises the question of whether the cognitive processes involved in planning spoken utterances and in understanding them are autonomous or whether they are affected by and perhaps affect non-linguistic cognitive processes with which they might share processing resources. This question is the central concern of Automaticity and Control in Language Processing. The chapters address key issues concerning the relationship between linguistic and non-linguistic processes including: How can the degree of automaticity of a component be defined? Which linguistic processes are truly automatic and which require processing capacity? Through which mechanisms can control processes affect linguistic performance? How might these mechanisms be represented in the brain? How do limitations in working memory and executive control capacity affect linguistic performance and language re-learning in persons with brain damage? This important collection from leading international researchers will be of great interest to researchers and students in the area. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9780415653633

Automating SOLIDWORKS 2017 Using Macros Automating SOLIDWORKS 2017 Using Macros is designed as a tutorial to help beginner to intermediate programmers develop macros for SOLIDWORKS and SOLIDWORKS Workgroup or Enterprise PDM. The focus of this book is primarily on the Visual Studio Tools for Applications (VSTA) macro interface. It covers many of the major API functions through practical use cases. It teaches many Visual Basic.NET fundamentals as well as SOLIDWORKS SOLIDWORKS Workgroup or Enterprise PDM and Excel API functions. The Author has also added a chapter dedicated to some of his favorite source code for you to use as the basis for typical automation procedures. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570842

Automating SOLIDWORKS 2019 Using Macros Automating SOLIDWORKS 2019 Using Macros is designed as a tutorial to help beginner to intermediate programmers develop macros for SOLIDWORKS and SOLIDWORKS Workgroup or Enterprise PDM. The focus of this book is primarily on the Visual Studio Tools for Applications (VSTA) macro interface. It covers many of the major API functions through practical use cases. It teaches many Visual Basic.NET fundamentals as well as SOLIDWORKS SOLIDWORKS Workgroup or Enterprise PDM and Excel API functions. The Author has also added a chapter dedicated to some of his favorite source code for you to use as the basis for typical automation procedures. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572136

Automating VisionThe Social Impact of the New Camera Consciousness Automating Vision explores the rise of seeing machines through four case studies: facial recognition drone vision mobile and locative media and driverless cars. Proposing a conceptual lens of camera consciousness which is drawn from the early visual anthropology of Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead Automating Vision accounts for the growing power and value of camera technologies and digital image processing. Behind the smart camera devices examined throughout the book lies a set of increasingly integrated and automated technologies underpinned by artificial intelligence machine learning and image processing. Seeing machines are now implicated in growing visual data markets and are supported by emerging layers of infrastructure that they coproduce. In this book Anthony McCosker and Rowan Wilken address the social impacts the disruptions and reconfigurations to existing digital media ecosystems to urban environments and to mobility and social relations that result from the increasing automation of vision and explore how it might be possible to ensure a safe and equitable future as we learn to see with and negotiate the interventions of seeing machines. This book will appeal to students and scholars in media communication cultural studies sociology of media and science and technology studies. More resources for the book can be found at Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367356774

Automation Capitalism and the End of the Middle Class In this book the author argues that a new form of capitalism is emerging at the threshold of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. He asserts that we are in the midst of a transition from democratic capitalism to feudal capitalism and highlights how robotization and innovation is leading to a social crisis for the middle classes as economic inequality is on the rise. Johannessen outlines the three elements – Balkanization the Great Illusion and the plutocracy – which are referred to here as feudal structures. He describes analyzes and discusses these elements both individually and in interaction with each other and asks: "What structures and processes are promoting and boosting feudal capitalism?" Additionally the book serves to generate knowledge about how the middle class will develop in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It shows the various effects of robotization on the middle class where middle class jobs are transformed deconstructed and re-constructed and new part-time jobs are created for the middle class. Given the interest in the Fourth Industrial Revolution the book will appeal to students of economic sociology and political economy as well as those in innovation and knowledge management courses focusing upon the emerging innovation economy. The topic will attract policymakers and the accessible and engaging tone will also make the book of interest to the general public. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367257248

Automation Innovation and Economic CrisisSurviving the Fourth Industrial Revolution The fourth industrial revolution is developing globally with no geographical centre. It is also taking place at enormous speed. This development will shape the workplaces of the future which will be entirely different from the workplaces created by the first second and third industrial revolutions. Industry created the industrial worker. The knowledge society will create a new type of "industrial worker" the knowledge worker. While the third industrial revolution was concerned with the digitalization of work in the fourth industrial revolution robots will bring about the informatization of work. Many of these robots will be systematically connected such that they can obtain updated information and learn from their own and others’ mistakes. The way we work where we work what we work on and our relationships with our colleagues and employers are all in a state of change. The workplace of the future will not necessarily be a fixed geographical location but may be geographically distributed and functionally divided. In his book Jon-Arild Johannessen argues that a "perfect" social storm occurs when inequality grows at a catastrophic rate unemployment increases job security is threatened for a growing number and robotization takes over even the most underpaid jobs. Thus the ingredients for a perfect social storm will be brought forward by cascades of innovations that will most likely lead to economic and social crises and he argues that it is reasonable to assume that it will only take a small spark for this social storm to develop into a social revolution. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367590499

Automation Innovation and WorkThe Impact of Technological Economic and Social Singularity Artificial intelligence will not necessarily create a super-intelligent “human robotâ€; however it is very probable that intelligent robots and intelligent informats will bring about a form of super-globalization in which money and goods are prioritized over people and democracy and where the widespread use of casual labour – that is short-term contracts – will become the most common form of employment relationship. It is also very likely that artificial intelligence will bring about what is known as singularity. This term is used to describe a situation where intelligent robots from a rational and logical perspective are smarter than humans i.e. the development of AI. This book explores the impact that these intelligent robots and intelligent informats will have on social and societal development. The author tackles the question of singularity from three distinct standpoints: technological singularity – the intelligence of machines compared to that of humans – which he argues will bring about a qualitatively new labour market; economic singularity – the consequences for work relationships value creation and employment – which he asserts will promote full automation result in precarious contracts with low salaries and in some countries possibly lead to the introduction of a universal basic income; and social singularity – the consequences of technological and economic singularity for democratic processes bureaucratic procedures for exercising authority and control and the direction in which society will develop in addition to the emergence of new social institutions – which Johannessen says will promote a transition from representative democracy to genuine democracy. The book will appeal to academics researchers and students of economic sociology and political economy as well as those focusing upon the emerging innovation economy. It will also find an audience among professionals and policymakers keen to understand the impact the Fourth Industrial Revolution will have on organizations individuals and society at large. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367470166

Automation and Human PerformanceTheory and Applications There is perhaps no facet of modern society where the influence of computer automation has not been felt. Flight management systems for pilots diagnostic and surgical aids for physicians navigational displays for drivers and decision-aiding systems for air-traffic controllers represent only a few of the numerous domains in which powerful new automation technologies have been introduced. The benefits that have been reaped from this technological revolution have been many. At the same time automation has not always worked as planned by designers and many problems have arisen--from minor inefficiencies of operation to large-scale catastrophic accidents. Understanding how humans interact with automation is vital for the successful design of new automated systems that are both safe and efficient. The influence of automation technology on human performance has often been investigated in a fragmentary isolated manner with investigators conducting disconnected studies in different domains. There has been little contact between these endeavors although principles gleaned from one domain may have implications for another. Also with a few exceptions the research has tended to be empirical and only theory-driven. In recent years however various groups of investigators have begun to examine human performance in automated systems in general and to develop theories of human interaction with automation technology. This book presents the current theories and assesses the impact of automation on different aspects of human performance. Both basic and applied research is presented to highlight the general principles of human-computer interaction in several domains where automation technologies are widely implemented. The major premise is that a broad-based theory-driven approach will have significant implications for the effective design of both current and future automation technologies. This volume will be of considerable value to researchers in human Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367448554

Automation In Clinical Microbiology The chapters of this book describe numerous successful examples of automation in microbiology e.g. radiometric detection of bacteremia instruments for detection of bacteriuria machines for organism identification and susceptibility testing and automated antigen and antibody measurement systems. In addition there are discussions of exciting but not yet proven methodologies such as chromatography flow cytometry and other applications of radiometry. There are also important discussions regarding improved means of data communication and ways to improve the clinician‘s use of test results. Lastly there are candid assessments of the best and worst aspects of the current spectrum of automated instruments for microbiology. It is hoped that the reader of this volume will be left with a feeling of excitement at the possibilities that lie ahead for application of instrument techniques in the diagnosis of infectious diseases. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890890

Automation in Textile MachineryInstrumentation and Control System Design Principles Automation is the use of various control systems for operating equipment such as machinery and processes. In line this book deals with comprehensive analysis of the trends and technologies in automation and control systems used in textile engineering. The control systems descript in all chapters is to dissect the important components of an integrated control system in spinning weaving knitting chemical processing and garment industries and then to determine if and how the components are converging to provide manageable and reliable systems throughout the chain from fiber to the ultimate customer.Key Features:• Describes the design features of machinery for operating various textile machineries in product manufacturing• Covers the fundamentals of the instrumentation and control engineering used in textile machineries• Illustrates sensors and basic elements for textile automation• Highlights the need of robotics in textile engineering• Reviews the overall idea and scope of research in designing textile machineries Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367571870

Automation in the Virtual Testing of Mechanical SystemsTheories and Implementation Techniques Automation in the Virtual Testing of Mechanical Systems: Theories and Implementation Techniques provides a practical understanding of Knowledge-Based Engineering (KBE) an approach that is driving automation in engineering. Companies are using the technology to automate engineering tasks achieving gains in output and saving time. This book will be the main source of information available for implementing KBE systems integrating KBE with the finite element methods and showing how KBE is used to automate engineering and analysis of mechanical systems. The process of combining KBE with optimization techniques is explored and the use of software tools is presented in some detail. Features Introduces automation with Knowledge-Based Engineering (KBE) in generic mechanical design Develops a framework for generic mechanism modeling including a library format Explores a KBE environment for generic design automation Includes design cases in KBE Gives a presentation of the interwoven technologies used in modern design environments Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138610767

Automatism as a Defence Automatism is a notoriously difficult subject for law students lawyers and judges. This book explores the science and medicine of sleep disorders and examines how the criminal process deals with such disorders when presented as a defence. It systematically examines the legal doctrines involved and their implications for the use of the evidence key to establishing automatism while also exploring the medical conditions that can cause automatism (particularly epilepsy sleepwalking and diabetes). This book is a valuable resource for law students lawyers judges and expert witnesses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367585648

Automobile AutomationDistributed Cognition on the Road Increasing levels of driving automation has changed the role of the driver from active operator to passive monitor. However Systems Design has been plagued by criticism for failing to acknowledge the new role of the driver within the system network. To understand the driver's new role within an automated driving system the theory of Distributed Cognition is adopted. This approach provides a useful framework for the investigation of allocation of function between multiple agents in the driving system. A Systems Design Framework has been developed that outlines how the Distributed Cognition paradigm can be applied to driving using both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138196834

Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems This textbook will help you learn all the skills you need to pass all Vehicle Electrical and Electronic Systems courses and qualifications. As electrical and electronic systems become increasingly more complex and fundamental to the workings of modern vehicles understanding these systems is essential for automotive technicians. For students new to the subject this book will help to develop this knowledge but will also assist experienced technicians in keeping up with recent technological advances. This new edition includes information on developments in pass-through technology multiplexing and engine control systems. In full colour and covering the latest course specifications this is the guide that no student enrolled on an automotive maintenance and repair course should be without. Designed to make learning easier this book contains: Photographs flow charts quick reference tables overview descriptions and step-by-step instructions. Case studies to help you put the principles covered into a real-life context. Useful margin features throughout including definitions key facts and ‘safety first’ considerations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415725774

Automobile Heritage and Tourism Automobile heritage encompasses a complex range of artefacts and activities. Beyond just historic vehicles which are the primary artefacts of this niche it also includes communities of collectors and enthusiasts private owners and public institutions as well as historic motoring environments literally thousands of museums exhibitions and car shows throughout the world and a range of paraphernalia that includes both original and replicated promotional materials equipment and parts and guide books. Although automobile heritage has been the subject of some limited research Automobile Heritage and Tourism is unique in examining its scope and role within tourism. The book looks at a vast array of topics from the experience of using and collecting old cars related destination development automobile heritage and museums to events such as vintage automobile racing promotion and social change. It thereby provides a thorough review of the impacts of automobile heritage on tourism. A number of theories provide a framework and are analysed throughout including those related to the collection display exhibition and use of historic automobiles. The title takes a global and interdisciplinary view of the subject with international contributions from both established and emerging scholars in the field.This book adds to the industrial heritage tourism literature and will appeal to a diverse audience in particular those in the fields of cultural heritage and industrial heritage tourism but also practitioners involved with the planning restoration exhibition and management of automobile heritage attractions and events. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138219106

Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems The second edition of Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems concentrates on core technologies to provide the essential information required to understand how different vehicle systems work. It gives a complete overview of the components and workings of a vehicle from the engine through to the chassis and electronics. It also explains the necessary tools and equipment needed in effective car maintenance and repair and relevant safety procedures are included throughout. Designed to make learning easier this book contains: Photographs flow charts and quick reference tables Detailed diagrams and clear descriptions that simplify the more complicated topics and aid revision Useful features throughout including definitions key facts and ‘safety first’ considerations. In full colour and with support materials from the author’s website ( this is the guide no student enrolled on an automotive maintenance and repair course should be without. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415725781

Automobility in Transition?A Socio-Technical Analysis of Sustainable Transport Is the automobility regime experiencing a transition towards sustainability? To answer that question this book investigates stability and change in contemporary transport systems. It makes a socio-technical analysis of transport systems exploring the strategies and beliefs of crucial actors such as car manufacturers local and national governments citizens car drivers transport planners and civil society. Two guiding questions are: Will we see a greening of cars based on technological innovations that sustain the existing car-based system? Or is something more radical desirable and likely such as the development of travel regimes in which car use is less dominant? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415885058

Automotive Mechanical and Electrical EngineeringProceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Automotive Engineering Mechanical and The 2016 International Conference on Automotive Engineering Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (AEMEE 2016) was held December 9-11 2016 in Hong Kong China. AEMEE 2016 was a platform for presenting excellent results and new challenges facing the fields of automotive mechanical and electrical engineering. Automotive Mechanical and Electrical Engineering brings together a wide range of contributions from industry and governmental experts and academics experienced in engineering design and research. Papers have been categorized under the following headings: Automotive Engineering and Rail Transit Engineering. Mechanical Manufacturing Process Engineering. Network Communications and Applied Information Technologies. Technologies in Energy and Power Cell Engines Generators Electric Vehicles. System Test and Diagnosis Monitoring and Identification Video and Image Processing. Applied and Computational Mathematics Methods Algorithms and Optimization. Technologies in Electrical and Electronic Control and Automation. Industrial Production Manufacturing Management and Logistics. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138629516

Automotive Accident ReconstructionPractices and Principles Automotive Accident Reconstruction: Practices and Principles introduces techniques for gathering information and interpreting evidence and presents computer-based tools for analyzing crashes. This book provides theory information and data sources techniques of investigation an interpretation of physical evidence and practical tips for beginners. It also works as an ongoing reference for experienced reconstructionists. The book emphasizes three things: the theoretical foundation the presentation of data sources and the computer programs and spread sheets used to apply both theory and collected data in the reconstruction of actual crashes. It discusses the specific requirements of reconstructing rollover crashes offers background in structural mechanics and describes how structural mechanics and impact mechanics are applied to automobiles that crash. The text explores the treatment of crush energy when vehicles collide with each other and with fixed objects. It delves into various classes of crashes and simulation models. The framework of the book starts backward in time beginning with the analysis of post-crash vehicle motions that occurred without driver control. Applies time-reverse methods in a detailed and rigorous way to vehicle run-out trajectories utilizing the available physical evidence Walks the reader through a collection of digital crash test data from public sources with detailed instructions on how to process and filter the information Shows the reader how to build spread sheets detailing calculations involving crush energy and vehicle post-crash trajectory characteristics Contains a comprehensive treatment of crush energy This text can also serve as a resource for industry professionals particularly with regard to the underlying physics. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138076723

Automotive Accident ReconstructionPractices and Principles Second Edition This fully updated edition presents practices and principles applicable for the reconstruction of automobile and commercial truck crashes. Like the First Edition it starts at the very beginning with fundamental principles information sources and data gathering and inspection techniques for accident scenes and vehicles. It goes on to show how to analyze photographs and crash test data. The book presents tire fundamentals and shows how to use them in spreadsheet-based reverse trajectory analysis. Such methods are also applied to reconstructing rollover crashes. Impacts with narrow fixed objects are discussed. Impact mechanics structural dynamics and conservation-based reconstruction methods are presented. The book contains a comprehensive treatment of crush energy and how to develop structural stiffness properties from crash test data. Computer simulations are reviewed and discussed. Extensively revised this edition contains new material on side pole impacts. It has entirely new chapters devoted to low-speed impacts downloading electronic data from vehicles deriving structural stiffness in side impacts and incorporating electronic data into accident reconstructions Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367415839

Automotive Antenna Design and Applications The steady evolution of wireless communication technologies continues to pave the way for the implementation of innovative services and devices in modern vehicles. These include analog and digital audio broadcasting radio satellite radio GPS cell phones and short range communication devices. Such applications require the use multiple antennas operating in different frequency ranges. Automotive Antenna Design and Applications thoroughly examines traditional and new advanced automotive antennas including the principles designs and techniques used to reduce antenna dimensions without significant degradation of communication quality. The contents of this book are based on cutting-edge data collected from numerous technical papers patents and patent applications. It presents an overview of many commercially available automotive antennas and covers features that have become standard in automotive applications such as printed-on car glass antennas reduced-size helical antennas multiband compact printed-on dielectric and patch designs in a single package. Includes simulation examples of antenna parameters that significantly speed up the design process using software packages such as FEKO NEC IE3D and Genesys Highlighting the practical aspects of antenna design the authors present passive and active designs and describe the entire design process including antenna simulation prototype sample fabrication and laboratory test measurements. The book also covers the production adjustments that can result from the demands of the real car environment. The presentation of numerous examples of passive and active automotive antennas greatly enhances this reference’s value to professionals students and anyone else working in the ever-evolving field of antenna design and application. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315218366

Automotive Computer Controlled Systems 'Automotive Computer Controlled Systems' explains the fundamental principles of engineering that lie behind the operation of vehicle electronic systems. Having obtained this knowledge the reader will be able to make full use of the diagnostic equipment which is currently available. The book builds on the concepts contained in Vehicle Electronic Systems and Fault Diagnosis and gives clear steps to fault diagnosis and subsequent repair of the vehicle's electronic systems. The author discusses electronics only within the context of the vehicle systems under consideration and thus keeps theory to a minimum.Allan Bonnick has written articles for several transport/vehicle journals and carries out consultancy work for the Institute of Road Transport Engineers. In addition he has had many years teaching experience and is ideally placed to write this informative guide. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138177178

Automotive Embedded Systems Handbook A Clear Outline of Current Methods for Designing and Implementing Automotive Systems Highlighting requirements technologies and business models the Automotive Embedded Systems Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of existing and future automotive electronic systems. It presents state-of-the-art methodological and technical solutions in the areas of in-vehicle architectures multipartner development processes software engineering methods embedded communications and safety and dependability assessment. Divided into four parts the book begins with an introduction to the design constraints of automotive-embedded systems. It also examines AUTOSAR as the emerging de facto standard and looks at how key technologies such as sensors and wireless networks will facilitate the conception of partially and fully autonomous vehicles. The next section focuses on networks and protocols including CAN LIN FlexRay and TTCAN. The third part explores the design processes of electronic embedded systems along with new design methodologies such as the virtual platform. The final section presents validation and verification techniques relating to safety issues. Providing domain-specific solutions to various technical challenges this handbook serves as a reliable complete and well-documented source of information on automotive embedded systems. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315222301

Automotive Engine Metrology In recent decades metrology—an accurate and precise technology of high quality for automotive engines—has garnered a great deal of scientific interest due to its unique advanced soft engineering techniques in design and diagnostics. Used in a variety of scientific applications these techniques are now widely regarded as safer more efficient and more effective than traditional ones. This book compiles and details the cutting-edge research in science and engineering from the Egyptian Metrology Institute (National Institute for Standards) that is revolutionizing advanced dimensional techniques through the development of coordinate and surface metrology. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814669528

Automotive ErgonomicsDriver-Vehicle Interaction In the last 20 years technological developments have set new standards in driver-vehicle interaction. These developments effect the entire lifecycle from the moment a customer enters a dealership to examine a prospective vehicle to the driving experience during the vehicle lifecycle and the interaction with other road users and facilities in place. It is such developments socioeconomic on the one hand technological on the other that make Automotive Ergonomics: Driver-Vehicle Interaction an important addition to the literature in this field. The book explores the challenges in research and development of new vehicles brought about by recent advances in theory and practice. Highlighting topics such as Human-Machine Interaction Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and the hugely evolving subject of digital human modeling and simulation in automotive applications the book covers: Best practices and emerging developments Advances in power train technology Ergonomics of electric vehicles Effects of driver distraction workload and physical environments Active safety systems Navigation support Vibration and noise perception Health and safety aspects of driving While this area is not new most of the books available are either too general or out of date. This book presents the latest developments in the field of ergonomics and human factors and discusses their implications to the design of modern and future vehicles giving you the tools you need for innovation. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073159

Automotive Global Value ChainThe Rise of Mega Suppliers Today some suppliers have grown increasingly powerful and in certain cases earn revenues that rival or even exceed that of their automaker clients. In the pre-globalisation period automakers wielded absolute power over their significantly smaller suppliers. This book reveals the upending of this relationship with the gradual shift in the balance of power from automakers to their suppliers in this era of globalisation. The book examines how suppliers in the global tyres seats constant velocity joints (hereafter 'CVJs') braking systems and automotive semiconductor industries have evolved into powerful oligopolies through a mix of acquisition and organic growth strategies. It also highlights how joint ventures could be strategically deployed as springboards to acquisition as they enable firms to familiarise themselves with their partners’ markets and operations. Moreover the book analyses the disruption stirred by the entry of well-resourced technology titans into this industry and their inevitable clash with the traditional incumbents. This book is an invaluable reference for anyone interested in learning more about the automakers’ and now their suppliers’ relentless quest to create market-dominating intelligent driving systems. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367374723

Automotive IndustrialisationIndustrial Policy and Development in Southeast Asia This book looks at the industrial policies of Southeast Asian economies in their motor vehicle industries from early import substitution to policy-making under the more liberalised WTO policy regime. The book examines how inward automotive investment especially from Japan has been affected by policies and how such investment has promoted industrial development in the late-industrialising economies within ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). It provides insights into the automotive industry of Southeast Asia in terms of production volumes sales volumes market structure and trade. Through country case studies the book is a useful reference and illustrates how industrial policies in Southeast Asia have affected the spread of automotive development in the region. It will appeal to policy-makers and researchers interested in the automobile industry industrial policies in the industry and the spread of development from foreign investors to local firms. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138334410

Automotive InnovationThe Science and Engineering behind Cutting-Edge Automotive Technology Automotive Innovation: The Science and Engineering behind Cutting-Edge Automotive Technology provides a survey of innovative automotive technologies in the auto industry. Automobiles are rapidly changing and this text explores these trends. IC engines transmissions and chassis are being improved and there are advances in digital control manufacturing and materials. New vehicles demonstrate improved performance safety and efficiency factors; electric vehicles represent a green energy alternative while sensor technologies and computer processors redefine the nature of driving. The text explores these changes the engineering and science behind them and directions for the future. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138611764

Automotive Power Systems Vehicles are intrinsically linked to our lives. This book covers all technical details of the vehicle electrification process with focus on power electronics. The main challenge in vehicle electrification consists of replacing the engine-based mechanical pneumatic or hydraulic ancillary energy sources with electrical energy processed through an electromagnetic device. The book illustrates this evolutionary process with numerous series-production examples for either of body or chassis systems from old milestones to futuristic luxury vehicles. Electrification of ancillaries and electric propulsion eventually meet into an all-electric vehicle and both processes rely heavily on power electronics. Power electronics deals with electronic processing of electrical energy. This makes it a support technology for the automotive industry. All the automotive visions for the next decade (2020-2030) are built on top of power electronics and the automotive power electronics industry is expected at 15% compound annual growth rate the highest among all automotive technologies. Hence automotive power electronics industry is very appealing for recent and future graduates. The book structure follows the architecture of the electrical power system for a conventional engine-based vehicle with a last chapter dedicated to an introduction onto electric propulsion. The first part of the book describes automotive technologies for generation and distribution of electrical power as well as its usage within body systems chassis systems or lighting. The second part explores deeper into the specifics of each component of the vehicle electric power system. Since cars have been on the streets for over 100 years each chapter starts with a list of historical achievements. Recognizing the engineering effort span over more than a century ennobles the R&D efforts of the new millennium. Focus on history of electricity in vehicle applications is another attractive treat of the book. The book fills a gap between books targeting practical education and works sharing advanced academic vision offering students and academics a quick tour of the basic tools and long-standing infrastructure and offering practicing engineers an introduction on newly introduced power electronics-based technologies. It is therefore recommended as a must-have book for students and early graduates in automotive power electronics activities. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367512965

Automotive Powertrain Science and Technology A motor vehicle’s powertrain consists of the components which generate power and enable it to move – its engine exhaust system transmission drive shaft suspension and wheels. Any automotive engineering student going beyond basic mechanics will need a sound knowledge of the mathematics and scientific principles particularly calculus and algebra which underpin powertrain technology. This textbook supports a series of courses for instance BTEC unit 28 “Further Mathematics for Engineering Technicians†which is a requisite for a foundation degree in automotive engineering and BTEC higher unit 25 “Engine and Vehicle Design and Performance†without giving full coverage of automotive technology. It is a more focused companion to the author’s Automotive Science and Mathematics 978-0-7506-8522-1 also published by Routledge. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367331139

Automotive Product DevelopmentA Systems Engineering Implementation This book is about how to develop future automotive products by applying the latest methodologies based on a systems engineering approach and by taking into account many issues facing the auto industry such as meeting government safety emissions and fuel economy regulations incorporating advances in new technology applications in structural materials power trains vehicle lighting systems displays and telematics and satisfying the very demanding customer.It is financially disastrous for any automotive company to create a vehicle that very few people want. To design an automotive product that will be successful in the marketplace requires carefully orchestrated teamwork of experts from many disciplines substantial amount of resources and application of proven techniques at the right time during the product development process.Automotive Product Development: A Systems Engineering Implementation is intended for company management personnel and graduate students in engineering business management and other disciplines associated with the development of automotive and other complex products. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367871857

Automotive Science and Mathematics Automotive technicians and students need a firm grasp of science and technology in order to fully appreciate and understand how mechanisms and systems of modern vehicles work. Automotive Science and Mathematics presents the necessary principles and applications with all the examples and exercises relating directly to motor vehicle technology and repair making it easy for automotive students and apprentices to relate the theory back to their working practice.The coverage of this book is based on the syllabus requirements of the BTEC First in Vehicle Technology BTEC National in Vehicle Repair and Technology and the IMI Certificate and Diploma in Vehicle Maintenance and Repair but will help all automotive students and apprentices at levels 2 and 3 and up to and including HNC/HND foundation and first degree with their studies and in achieving the Key Skill 'Application of Number' at levels 2 and 3. The book is designed to cater for both light and heavy vehicle courses. Full worked solutions of most exercises are available as a free download from Bonnick is a motor vehicle education and training consultant and was formerly Head of Motor Vehicle Engineering Eastbourne College. He is the author of several established automotive engineering textbooks. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138129146

Automotive Scrap RecyclingProcesses Prices and Prospects Automotive Scrap Recycling provides a qualitative description of the steel scrap industry by focussing on its largest segment: conversion of obsolete cars into steel scrap. Originally published in1974 this report covers issues such as the structure of the industry and quality problems with scrap steel as well as related policy issues. This title will be of interest to students of Environmental Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138962613

Automotive SystemsPrinciples and Practice This book introduces the principles and practices in automotive systems including modern automotive systems that incorporate the latest trends in the automobile industry. The fifteen chapters present new and innovative methods to master the complexities of the vehicle of the future. Topics like vehicle classification structure and layouts engines transmissions braking suspension and steering are illustrated with modern concepts such as battery-electric hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles and vehicle maintenance practices. Each chapter is supported with examples illustrative figures multiple-choice questions and review questions. Aimed at senior undergraduate and graduate students in automotive/automobile engineering mechanical engineering electronics engineering this book covers the following: Construction and working details of all modern as well as fundamental automotive systems Complexities of operation and assembly of various parts of automotive systems in a simplified manner Handling of automotive systems and integration of various components for smooth functioning of the vehicle Modern topics such as battery-electric hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles Illustrative examples figures multiple-choice questions and review questions at the end of each chapter Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367498429

Automotive Technician Training: Entry Level 3Introduction to Light Vehicle Technology A blended learning approach to automotive engineering at foundation level Used alongside the ATT Training online learning resources this textbook covers everything that students need to learn in order to pass Introduction to Motor Vehicle Engineering (EL3) automotive courses. This book takes a blended learning approach using interactive features that make learning more enjoyable as well as more effective. When linked with the ATT Training online resources it provides a comprehensive package that includes activities animations assessments and further reading. Information and activities are set out in sequence so as to meet teacher and learner needs as well as qualification requirements. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415720403

Automotive Technician Training: Practical Worksheets Level 1 Automotive practical worksheets and assessments for students at Level 1 This Level 1 Student Worksheets book contains tasks that help you develop practical skills and prepare you for assessment. The tasks also reinforce the automotive theory that you will learn online and in the classroom. Each worksheet covers individual topics in a step-by-step manner detailing how to carry out all of the most important tasks contained within the syllabus. Alongside each of these worksheets is a job card that can be filled in and used as evidence towards your qualification. Endorsed by the Institute of the Motor Industry for all of their Level 1 automotive courses. Step-by-step guides to the practical tasks required at all Level 1 qualifications. Job sheets for students to complete and feedback sheets for assessors to complete. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138852365

Automotive Technician Training: Practical Worksheets Level 2 Automotive practical worksheets and assessments for students at Level 2 This Level 2 Student Worksheets book contains tasks that help you develop practical skills and prepare you for assessment. The tasks also reinforce the automotive theory that you will learn online and in the classroom. Each worksheet covers individual topics in a step-by-step manner detailing how to carry out all of the most important tasks contained within the syllabus. Alongside each of these worksheets is a job card that can be filled in and used as evidence towards your qualification. Endorsed by the Institute of the Motor Industry for all of their Level 2 automotive courses. Step-by-step guides to the practical tasks required at all Level 2 qualifications. Job sheets for students to complete and feedback sheets for assessors to complete. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138852372

Automotive Technician Training: Practical Worksheets Level 3 Automotive practical worksheets and assessments for students at Level 3 This Level 3 Student Worksheets book contains tasks that help you develop practical skills and prepare you for assessment. The tasks also reinforce the automotive theory that you will learn online and in the classroom. Each worksheet covers individual topics in a step-by-step manner detailing how to carry out all of the most important tasks contained within the syllabus. Alongside each of these worksheets is a job card that can be filled in and used as evidence towards your qualification. Endorsed by the Institute of the Motor Industry for all of their Level 3 automotive courses. Step-by-step guides to the practical tasks required at all Level 3 qualifications. Job sheets for students to complete and feedback sheets for assessors to complete. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138852419

Automotive Technician Training: Theory A blended learning approach to automotive engineering at levels one to three. Produced alongside the ATT online learning resources this textbook covers all the theory and technology sections that students need to learn in order to pass levels 1 2 and 3 automotive courses. It is recommended by the Institute of the Motor Industry and is also ideal for exams run by other awarding bodies. Unlike the current textbooks on the market though this title takes a blended learning approach using interactive features that make learning more enjoyable as well as more effective. When linked with the ATT online resources it provides a comprehensive package that includes activities video footage assessments and further reading. Information and activities are set out in sequence so as to meet teacher and learner needs as well as qualification requirements. Tom Denton is the leading UK automotive author with a teaching career spanning lecturer to head of automotive engineering in a large college. His nine automotive textbooks published since 1995 are bestsellers and led to his authoring of the Automotive Technician Training multimedia system that is in common use in the UK USA and several other countries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415720380

Automotive Vehicle Safety Automotive Vehicle Safety is a unique academic text practical design guide and valuable reference book. It provides information that is essential for specialists to make better-informed decisions. The book identifies and discusses key generic safety principles and their applications and includes decision-making criteria examples and remedies. It provides the reader with in-depth information on human simulation human error control driver distractions future vehicle safety and universal design and details accident reconstruction techniques and methods of crash testing. Automotive Vehicle Safety shows the reader how to evaluate products processes services and systems. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367395872

Autonomic ComputingConcepts Infrastructure and Applications The complexity of modern computer networks and systems combined with the extremely dynamic environments in which they operate is beginning to outpace our ability to manage them. Taking yet another page from the biomimetics playbook the autonomic computing paradigm mimics the human autonomic nervous system to free system developers and administrators from performing and overseeing low-level tasks. Surveying the current path toward this paradigm Autonomic Computing: Concepts Infrastructure and Applications offers a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art research and implementations in this emerging area.This book begins by introducing the concepts and requirements of autonomic computing and exploring the architectures required to implement such a system. The focus then shifts to the approaches and infrastructures including control-based and recipe-based concepts followed by enabling systems technologies and services proposed for achieving a set of "self-*" properties including self-configuration self-healing self-optimization and self-protection. In the final section examples of real-world implementations reflect the potential of emerging autonomic systems such as dynamic server allocation and runtime reconfiguration and repair.Collecting cutting-edge work and perspectives from leading experts Autonomic Computing: Concepts Infrastructure and Applications reveals the progress made and outlines the future challenges still facing this exciting and dynamic field. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315221564

Autonomic Networking-on-ChipBio-Inspired Specification Development and Verification Despite the growing mainstream importance and unique advantages of autonomic networking-on-chip (ANoC) technology Autonomic Networking-On-Chip: Bio-Inspired Specification Development and Verification is among the first books to evaluate research results on formalizing this emerging NoC paradigm which was inspired by the human nervous system. The FIRST Book to Assess Research Results Opportunities & Trends in "BioChipNets" The third book in the Embedded Multi-Core Systems series from CRC Press this is an advanced technical guide and reference composed of contributions from prominent researchers in industry and academia around the world. A response to the critical need for a global information exchange and dialogue it is written for engineers scientists practitioners and other researchers who have a basic understanding of NoC and are now ready to learn how to specify develop and verify ANoC using rigorous approaches. Offers Expert Insights Into Technical Topics Including: Bio-inspired NoC How to map applications onto ANoC ANoC for FPGAs and structured ASICs Methods to apply formal methods in ANoC development Ways to formalize languages that enable ANoC Methods to validate and verify techniques for ANoC Use of "self-" processes in ANoC (self-organization configuration healing optimization protection etc.) Use of calculi for reasoning about context awareness and programming models in ANoC With illustrative figures to simplify contents and enhance understanding this resource contains original peer-reviewed chapters reporting on new developments and opportunities emerging trends and open research problems of interest to both the autonomic computing and network-on-chip communities. Coverage includes state-of-the-art ANoC architectures protocols technologies and applications. This volume thoroughly explores the theory behind ANoC to illustrate strategies that enable readers to use formal ANoC methods yet still make sound judgments and allow for reasonable justifications in practice. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138076730

Autonomic Pharmacology This overview of autonomic pharmacology describes the anatomy physiology and pharmacology of the autonomic involuntary nervous system. Covering the diverse group of drugs acting on the autonomous nervous system their actions are reviewed together with their clinical uses side effects interactions and subcellular mechanisms of action. Information is organized in a logical flow bringing together the latest advances in an integrated form on topics usually found only in a fragmented form.; This work is intended for all those researching in industry and academic institutions in pharmaceutical pharmacological sciences pharmacy medical sciences physiology neurosciences biochemistry and molecular biology. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780203980002

Autonomous and Integrated Parking and Transportation Services In this book the author outlines a Robust Web Parking Truck and Transportation Portal (RWPTTP) for integrating parking and transportation services – a revolutionary approach in contrast to incremental change for managing traffic congestion. Autonomous vehicle technology artificial intelligence internet of things (IOT) and other interconnected hardware and software tools will assist autonomous parking and transportation services and provide next-century infrastructure for consolidated transportation customer services. The book highlights currently available autonomous parking and transportation technologies and the development of an integrated and intelligent transportation service/system (IITS) platform with specific use of technologies to reconfigure the transportation industry. The author also suggests many regulatory and policy changes to simplify data collection traffic operation introduction of a duplicate transportation system using light rail (LRs) and high speed rail (SPRs) and redistribution of parking spaces along such routes using renewable energy. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367180812

Autonomous Learning in the Workplace Traditionally organizations and researchers have focused on learning that occurs through formal training and development programs. However the realities of today’s workplace suggest that it is difficult if not impossible for organizations to rely mainly on formal programs for developing human capital. This volume offers a broad-based treatment of autonomous learning to advance our understanding of learner-driven approaches and how organizations can support them. Contributors in industrial/organizational psychology management education and entrepreneurship bring theoretical perspectives to help us understand autonomous learning and its consequences for individuals and organizations. Chapters consider informal learning self-directed learning learning from job challenges mentoring Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) organizational communities of practice self-regulation the role of feedback and errors and how to capture value from autonomous learning. This book will appeal to scholars researchers and practitioners in psychology management training and development and educational psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138940741

Autonomous Maintenance for Operators TPM leads to soaring productivity when your operators are positively and energetically involved in the maintenance of their own equipment. Autonomous Maintenance for Operatorsteaches specific autonomous maintenance activities. For operators supervisors team leaders and TPM coordinators this book provides useful guidance and case study examples on autonomous maintenance. Activity boards one-point lessons photos cartoons and actual examples of implementation demonstrate the huge benefits of developing informed motivated operators who take ownership of and improve their equipment. Shopfloor operators will learn: 4 skills they can develop to keep equipment running smoothly. how to inspect for problems as they clean equipment. ideas for containing debris that shortens equipment life. tips for effective lubrication management. how to use activity boards meetings and one-point lessons to promote TPM goals. This book assumes some familiarity with the steps of autonomous maintenance and focuses on specific autonomous maintenance activities. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781138438736

Autonomous Maintenance Form The Autonomous Maintenance Form is the heart of all TPM forms. Every form including the 30 Day Action List sources itself to this document. The Autonomous Maintenance Form is the last form to create before implementing a new TPM system. It is loaded with all the essential information needed to successfully materialize your TPM program. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781138079267

Autonomous Maintenance in Seven StepsImplementing TPM on the Shop Floor Autonomous maintenance is an especially important pillar of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) because it enlists the intelligence and skills of the people who are most familiar with factory machines-- equipment operators. Operators learn the maintenance skills they need to know through a seven-step autonomous maintenance program. Most companies in the West stop after implementing the first few steps and never realize the full benefits of autonomous maintenance. This book contains comprehensive coverage of all seven steps--not just the first three or four.It includes:An overview of autonomous maintenance features and checklists for step audits to certify team achievement at each AM step.TPM basics such as the six big losses overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) causes of losses and six major TPM activities.An implementation plan for TPM and five countermeasures for achieving zero breakdowns.Useful guidelines and case studies in applying AM to manual work such as assembly inspection and material handling.Integrates examples from Toyota Asai Glass Bridgestone Hitachi and other top companies.By treating machines as partners and taking responsibility for them you get machines that you can rely on and help maintain an energized and responsive workplace. For companies that are serious about taking autonomous maintenance beyond mere cleaning programs this is an essential sourcebook and implementation support. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315137971

Autonomous Maintenance Video Participants Guide This is the Participant Guide to support team leaders in implementing an autonomous maintenance team. This is usually sold with Autonomous Maintenance: Shopfloor TPM Implementation. This is for extra copies. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781138438439

Autonomous Mobile Robots in Unknown Outdoor Environments Mobile robots have been increasingly applied in many different scenarios such as space exploration and search and rescue where the robots are required to travel over uneven terrain while outdoors. This book provides a new framework and the related algorithms for designing autonomous mobile robotic systems in such unknown outdoor environments. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367572488

Autonomous Mobile RobotsSensing Control Decision Making and Applications It has long been the goal of engineers to develop tools that enhance our ability to do work increase our quality of life or perform tasks that are either beyond our ability too hazardous or too tedious to be left to human efforts. Autonomous mobile robots are the culmination of decades of research and development and their potential is seemingly unlimited.Roadmap to the FutureServing as the first comprehensive reference on this interdisciplinary technology Autonomous Mobile Robots: Sensing Control Decision Making and Applications authoritatively addresses the theoretical technical and practical aspects of the field. The book examines in detail the key components that form an autonomous mobile robot from sensors and sensor fusion to modeling and control map building and path planning and decision making and autonomy and to the final integration of these components for diversified applications.Trusted GuidanceA duo of accomplished experts leads a team of renowned international researchers and professionals who provide detailed technical reviews and the latest solutions to a variety of important problems. They share hard-won insight into the practical implementation and integration issues involved in developing autonomous and open robotic systems along with in-depth examples current and future applications and extensive illustrations.For anyone involved in researching designing or deploying autonomous robotic systems Autonomous Mobile Robots is the perfect resource. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367390891

Autonomous NatureProblems of Prediction and Control From Ancient Times to the Scientific Revolution Autonomous Nature investigates the history of nature as an active often unruly force in tension with nature as a rational logical order from ancient times to the Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth century. Along with subsequent advances in mechanics hydrodynamics thermodynamics and electromagnetism nature came to be perceived as an orderly rational physical world that could be engineered controlled and managed. Autonomous Nature focuses on the history of unpredictability why it was a problem for the ancient world through the Scientific Revolution and why it is a problem for today. The work is set in the context of vignettes about unpredictable events such as the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius the Bubonic Plague the Lisbon Earthquake and efforts to understand and predict the weather and natural disasters. This book is an ideal text for courses on the environment environmental history history of science or the philosophy of science. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138931008

Autonomous Safety Control of Flight Vehicles Aerospace vehicles are by their very nature a crucial environment for safety-critical systems. By virtue of an effective safety control system the aerospace vehicle can maintain high performance despite the risk of component malfunction and multiple disturbances thereby enhancing aircraft safety and the probability of success for a mission. Autonomous Safety Control of Flight Vehicles presents a systematic methodology for improving the safety of aerospace vehicles in the face of the following occurrences: a loss of control effectiveness of actuators and control surface impairments; the disturbance of observer-based control against multiple disturbances; actuator faults and model uncertainties in hypersonic gliding vehicles; and faults arising from actuator faults and sensor faults. Several fundamental issues related to safety are explicitly analyzed according to aerospace engineering system characteristics; while focusing on these safety issues the safety control design problems of aircraft are studied and elaborated on in detail using systematic design methods. The research results illustrate the superiority of the safety control approaches put forward. The expected reader group for this book includes undergraduate and graduate students but also industry practitioners and researchers. About the Authors: Xiang Yu is a Professor with the School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering Beihang University Beijing China. His research interests include safety control of aerospace engineering systems guidance navigation and control of unmanned aerial vehicles. Lei Guo appointed as "Chang Jiang Scholar Chair Professor" is a Professor with the School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering Beihang University Beijing China. His research interests include anti-disturbance control and filtering stochastic control and fault detection with their applications to aerospace systems. Youmin Zhang is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Industrial and Aerospace Engineering Concordia University Montreal Québec Canada. His research interests include fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control and cooperative guidance navigation and control (GNC) of unmanned aerial/space/ground/surface vehicles. Jin Jiang is a Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Western University London Ontario Canada. His research interests include fault-tolerant control of safety-critical systems advanced control of power plants containing non-traditional energy resources and instrumentation and control for nuclear power plants. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367701154

Autonomous Ships and the Law Interest in autonomous ships has grown exponentially over the past few years. Whereas a few years ago the prospect of unmanned and autonomous vessels sailing on the seas was considered unrealistic the debate now centers on when and in what format and pace the development will take place.    Law has a key role to play in this development and legal obstacles are often singled out as principal barriers to the rapid introduction of new technologies in shipping. Within a few years autonomous ships have turned from a non-issue to one of the main regulatory topics being addressed by the International Maritime Organization. However the regulatory discussion is still in its infancy and while many new questions have been raised few answers have been provided to them to date.    Increased automation of tasks that have traditionally been undertaken by ships' crews raises interesting legal questions across the whole spectrum of maritime law. The first of its kind this book explores the issue of autonomous ships from a wide range of legal perspectives including both private law and public law at international and national level  making available cutting-edge research which will be of significant interest to researchers in maritime law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367467104

Autonomous Underwater VehiclesModeling Control Design and Simulation Underwater vehicles present some difficult and very particular control system design problems. These are often the result of nonlinear dynamics and uncertain models as well as the presence of sometimes unforeseeable environmental disturbances that are difficult to measure or estimate. Autonomous Underwater Vehicles: Modeling Control Design and Simulation outlines a novel approach to help readers develop models to simulate feedback controllers for motion planning and design. The book combines useful information on both kinematic and dynamic nonlinear feedback control models providing simulation results and other essential information giving readers a truly unique and all-encompassing new perspective on design. Includes MATLAB® Simulations to Illustrate Concepts and Enhance Understanding Starting with an introductory overview the book offers examples of underwater vehicle construction exploring kinematic fundamentals problem formulation and controllability among other key topics. Particularly valuable to researchers is the book’s detailed coverage of mathematical analysis as it applies to controllability motion planning feedback modeling and other concepts involved in nonlinear control design. Throughout the authors reinforce the implicit goal in underwater vehicle design—to stabilize and make the vehicle follow a trajectory precisely. Fundamentally nonlinear in nature the dynamics of AUVs present a difficult control system design problem which cannot be easily accommodated by traditional linear design methodologies. The results presented here can be extended to obtain advanced control strategies and design schemes not only for autonomous underwater vehicles but also for other similar problems in the area of nonlinear control. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315218038

Autonomous Vehicle NavigationFrom Behavioral to Hybrid Multi-Controller Architectures Improve the Safety Flexibility and Reliability of Autonomous Navigation in Complex EnvironmentsAutonomous Vehicle Navigation: From Behavioral to Hybrid Multi-Controller Architectures explores the use of multi-controller architectures in fully autonomous robot navigation—even in highly dynamic and cluttered environments. Accessible to researchers and graduate students involved in mobile robotics and fully autonomous vehicle navigation the book presents novel techniques and concepts that address different complex mobile robot tasks.The author examines the development of reliable elementary controllers and proposes mechanisms to manage the interaction of these multi-controller architectures while addressing different constraints and enhancing metrics/criteria linked to the safety flexibility and reliability of the proposed control architectures. He covers the modeling of subtasks reliable obstacle avoidance appropriate stable control laws for target reaching/tracking short- and long-term trajectory/waypoint planning navigation through sequential waypoints and the cooperative control and interaction of a group of mobile robots. The author’s website provides MATLAB® and Simulink® source code of the main procedures related to the task modeling planning and control of mobile robots. It also includes videos showing the main simulations and experiments given in the text. In addition to flexible and bottom-up construction multi-controller architectures can be formally analyzed to achieve reliable navigation in complex environments. This book reveals innovative control architectures that can lead to fully autonomous vehicle navigation in these challenging situations. Media > Books > Print Books A K Peters/CRC Press 9780367574901

Autonomy Accountability and Social JusticeStories of English Schooling Autonomy Accountability and Social Justice provides an account of recent developments in English state education with a particular focus on the ‘academisation’ of schooling. It examines how head teachers teachers and others working in diverse education settings navigate the current policy environment. The authors provide readers with insight into the complex decision-making processes that shape school responses to current educational agendas and examine the social justice implications of these responses. The book draws on Nancy Fraser’s social justice framework and her theorising of neoliberalism to explore current tensions associated with moves towards both greater autonomy for and accountability of state schooling. These tensions are presented through four case studies that centre upon 1) a group of local authority primary schools 2) an academy ‘chain’ 3) a co-operative secondary school and 4) an alternative education setting. The book identifies the ‘emancipatory’ possibilities of these approaches amid the complex demands of autonomy and accountability seizing English schools. Informed by a consideration of market parameters and social protectionist ideals this examination provides rich insights into how English schools have emancipatory capacity. Autonomy Accountability and Social Justice makes a major theoretical contribution to understandings of how the market is working alongside the regulation of schooling and the implications of this for social justice. By drawing on the experiences of those working in schools it demonstrates that the tensions associated with autonomy and accountability within the current education policy environment can be both productive and unproductive for social justice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138104655

Autonomy & Disintegration Indonesia Fragmentation in Indonesia is by far the most critical issue now facing the state. This book analyses social unrest autonomy and separatism in the wake of the Indonesian economic crisis placing them in the context of state evolution and looking at the competing aims of economic and political globalization with local agendas. Topics covered include Indonesian nationalism in historical perspective identity and the nation-state NGO activism and case-studies from Aceh Papua East Timor and Sumatra. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203060292

Autonomy and Control at the WorkplaceContexts for Job Redesign This book first published in 1982 aims to re-examine the phenomenon of job redesign in a series of different but related contexts by including accounts often using case study material from people trained in a range of social science disciplines utilising different frames of reference. Thus job redesign is considered in relation to social policy payment systems collecting bargaining arrangements and trade unions new technology the process of change organisational structures and functions information and control systems and the whole issue of emancipation at work. This title will be of interest to students of business studies and human resource management. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138289109

Autonomy and Disintegration in Indonesia Fragmentation in Indonesia is by far the most critical issue now facing the state. This book analyses social unrest autonomy and separatism in the wake of the Indonesian economic crisis placing them in the context of state evolution and looking at the competing aims of economic and political globalization with local agendas. Topics covered include Indonesian nationalism in historical perspective identity and the nation-state NGO activism and case-studies from Aceh Papua East Timor and Sumatra. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315016139

Autonomy and Ethnic Conflict in South and South-East Asia This book uses empirical evidence from various case studies to examine the relationship between territorial and regional autonomy the nation-state and ethnic conflict resolution in South and South-East Asia. The concept of territorial or regional autonomy holds centre stage in the literature on ethnic conflict settlement because it is supposed to be able to reconcile two paradoxical objectives: the preservation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state and the satisfaction of ethnic minorities’ right to national self-determination. Critics argue however that autonomy may not be the panacea for ethnic conflict in all cases. The contributing authors begin with the concept of territorial or regional autonomy and subject it to a rigorous empirical analysis which provides reliable evidence regarding the suitability of the autonomy solution to intractable ethnic conflicts. Drawing upon case studies from Kashmir Assam Sri Lanka Aceh Mindanao and Southern Thailand this edited volume argues that autonomy arrangements may at best work to resolve only a handful of separatist ethnic conflicts in South and South-East Asia. This book will be of much interest to students of South and South-East Asia Asian security ethnic conflict peace studies and IR in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415741101

Autonomy and IdentityThe Politics of Who We Are. Autonomy and Identity are key concepts in both political and feminist thought and have played central roles in both fields. Although there has been much academic work on both concepts there has arguably been little that has addressed the connections between autonomy and identity. Autonomy and Identity seeks to draw innovative links between these concepts in order to develop a new understanding which sees autonomy as a process by which we change and develop our identity. It draws on thinkers from the canon of political thought such as G.W.F. Hegel Mary Wollstonecraft J.S. Mill and Simone de Beauvoir and features illustrative examples drawn from a wide range of contemporary issues including pornography domestic violence and women’s citizenship. Hague argues that identity is best understood as changing multiple and something we need to take control of ourselves. In order to support this version of identity there needs to be a concept of autonomy which emphasises self-direction to control our identity. Providing valuable insight into the complexities of thinking about linking autonomy to identity this book will be of interest to students and scholars of political science gender studies contemporary political thought and the history of political thought. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415584685

Autonomy and Independence in Language Learning The topics of autonomy and independence play an increasingly important role in language education. They raise issues such as learners' responsibility for their own learning and their right to determine the direction of their own learning the skills which can be learned and applied in self-directed learning and capacity for independent learning and the extents to which this can be suppressed by institutional education.This volume offers new insights into the principles of autonomy and independence and the practices associated with them focusing on the area of EFL teaching. The editors' introduction provides the context and outlines the main issues involved in autonomy and independence. Later chapters discuss the social and political implications of autonomy and independence and their effects on educational structures. The consequences for the design of learner-centred materials and methods is discussed together with an exploration of the practical ways of implementing autonomy and independence in language teaching and learning . Each section of the book opens with an introduction to give structure to the development of ideas and themes with synopses to highlight salient features in the text and help build upon the material of previous chapters. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138152410

Autonomy and Liberalism This book concerns the foundations and implications of a particular form of liberal political theory. Colburn argues that one should see liberalism as a political theory committed to the value of autonomy understood as consisting in an agent deciding for oneself what is valuable and living life in accordance with that decision. Understanding liberalism this way offers solutions to various problems that beset liberal political theory on various levels. On the theoretical level Colburn claims that this position is the only defensible theory of liberalism in current circulation arguing that other more dominant theories are either self-contradictory or unattractive on closer inspection. And on the practical level Colburn draws out the substantive commitments of this position in educational economic and social policy. Hence the study provides a blueprint for a radical liberal political agenda which will be of interest to philosophers and to politicians alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415717939

Autonomy and NormativityInvestigations of Truth Right and Beauty This title was first published in 2001. Autonomy and Normativity explores central topics in current philosophical debate challenging the prevailing post-modern dogma that theory practice and art are captive to contingent historical foundations by showing how foundational dilemmas are overcome once validity is recognized to reside in self-determination. Through constructive arguments covering the principal topics and controversies in epistemology ethics and aesthetics Autonomy and Normativity demonstrates how truth right and beauty can retain universal validity without succumbing to the mistaken Enlightenment strategy of seeking foundations for rational autonomy. Presenting a compact yet comprehensive statement of a powerful and provocative alternative to the reigning orthodoxies of current philosophical debate Richard Winfield employs Hegelian techniques and focus to object to opponents and presents a radical and systematic critique of the work of mainstream thinkers including Kant Rawls Husserl Habermas and others. The ramifications for the legitimation of modernity are thoroughly explored in conjunction with an analysis of the fate of theory practice and art in the modern world. This book offers an invaluable resource for students of both analytic and continental philosophical traditions and related areas of law social theory and aesthetics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138706811

Autonomy and PregnancyA Comparative Analysis of Compelled Obstetric Intervention Technology has come to dominate the modern experience of pregnancy and childbirth but instead of empowering pregnant women technology has been used to identify the foetus as a second patient characterised as a distinct entity with its own needs and interests.  Often foetal and the woman’s interests will be aligned though in legal and medical discourses the two ‘patients’ are frequently framed as antagonists with conflicting interests.    This book focuses upon the permissibility of encroachment on the pregnant woman’s autonomy in the interests of the foetus. Drawing on the law in England & Wales the United States of America and Germany Samantha Halliday focuses on the tension between a pregnant woman’s autonomy and medical actions taken to protect the foetus addressing circumstances in which courts have declared medical treatment lawful in the face of the pregnant woman’s refusal of consent. As a work which calls into question the understanding of autonomy in prenatal medical care this book will be of great use and interest to students researchers and practitioners in medical law comparative law bioethics and human rights. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415423038

Autonomy in Adolescent DevelopmentTowards Conceptual Clarity Autonomy is a central feature of adolescent development playing a key role in adolescents’ psychosocial adjustment. However opinions differ about the nature and definition of autonomy and so important questions regarding the role of autonomy in adolescents’ development have remained unanswered. This book helps to address these questions while bringing clarity to the literature on adolescent autonomy. Autonomy in Adolescent Development: Towards Conceptual Clarity highlights a distinction between two notions of autonomy: autonomy-as-independence and autonomy-as-volition. The chapters in this volume illustrate how this distinction sheds new light on controversial questions regarding autonomy such as: Is more autonomy always beneficial for adolescents’ psychosocial adjustment? Or are there limits to the amount of autonomy ideal for well-being and social adjustment? Is autonomy a universally critical ingredient of optimal development? Or do effects of autonomy differ by cultural context and socioeconomic status? How can parents siblings and peers promote the development of autonomy? Bringing together scholars from varied theoretical backgrounds studying autonomy in different contexts this book provides an overview of recent conceptual and empirical work from diverse perspectives yielding refreshing and thought-provoking insights into the nature of adolescent autonomy. Autonomy in Adolescent Development is invaluable for advanced students and researchers in adolescent development acting both as a guide and as a source of inspiration for new research in the area. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138640634

Autonomy in Language EducationTheory Research and Practice Autonomy in Language Education offers a holistic overview of and novel contribution to a complex and multifaceted yet under-studied field of inquiry that is transforming language pedagogy: It offers nineteen original chapters that critically analyze the impact of Henri Holec’s seminal 1979 book Autonomy in Foreign Language Learning; unpack theoretical empirical conceptual methodological ethical and political developments over the last forty years from many perspectives; explore practical implications for teaching learning and teacher education; and suggest future avenues and challenges for research and practice in this broad diverse essential field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367204136

Autonomy of Migration?Appropriating Mobility within Biometric Border Regimes Examining how migrants appropriate mobility in the context of biometric border controls this volume mobilises new analytics and empirics in the debates about the politics of migration and provides an analytically effective and politically significant tool for the study of contemporary migration. Drawing from the tension between the EU’s attempt to achieve watertight border controls by means of biometric technologies and migrants’ persistence to move to and live in the EU the volume pursues two interrelated objectives: first it studies the encounters between migrants and the Visa Information System (VIS) one of the largest biometric databases in the world from the perspective of mobility in order to investigate how migrants appropriate mobility via Schengen visa within and against this biometric border regime. Second it addresses criticisms of autonomy of migration in order to develop it as a viable approach for border migration and critical security studies. Hence the book is driven by two interrelated research questions: what does the assertion of moments of autonomy of migration refer to in the context of border regimes that use biometrics to turn migrants’ bodies into a means of mobility control? And how do migrants appropriate mobility via Schengen visa within and against biometric border regimes? This book will be of great interest to scholars in border migration and critical security studies as well as researchers engaged in citizenship studies surveillance studies political theory critical IR theory and international political sociology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138285361

Autonomy Unbound First published in 1999 this volume examines how the question of autonomy has come to be of recent interest in political theory. The author argues that autonomy goes deep into the Western consciousness and is a part of our very mode of being. He suggests that while autonomy is not universal once tasted it becomes ineradicable. Autonomy runs deeper than is often thought and this book shows that while autonomy is unique to Western consciousness and to democracy it raises and examines the question as to whether autonomy is either universally necessary or necessary to democracy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138607682

AutonomyCapitalism Class and Politics Autonomy: Capital Class and Politics explores and critiques one of the most dynamic terrains of political theory sometimes referred to as 'Autonomist Marxism' or post-Operaismo. This theory shot to prominence with the publication of Empire by Hardt and Negri and has been associated with cutting edge developments in political and cultural practice; yet there exists no work that critically examines it in its contemporary breadth. Taking three divergent manifestations of Autonomist Marxism found in the works of Antonio Negri and Paulo Virno the Midnight Notes Collective and John Holloway David Eden examines how each approach questions the nature of class and contemporary capitalism and how they extrapolate politics. Not only is such juxtaposition both fruitful and unprecedented but Eden then constructs critiques of each approach and draws out deeper common concerns. Suggesting a novel rethinking of emancipatory praxis this book provides a much needed insight into the current tensions and clashes within society and politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138108936

Auto-OpiumA Social History of American Automobile Design This much needed book is the first to provide a comprehensive history of the profession and aesthetics of American automobile design. The author reveals how the appearance of the automobile was shaped by the social conflicts arising from America's mass production system. He connects the social struggles of American society with the organizational struggles of designers to create symbol-laden substitutes for the American dream. Theoretically sophisticated lucid and compelling Auto-Opium will appeal to all interested in the American obsession with the car. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203411841

Autophagy and Signaling Autophagy and Signaling is an up-to-date overview of the many signaling pathways regulating autophagy in response to different cellular needs. Discussion includes the status and future directions of autophagy signaling research with respect to different aspects of health and disease. These include the roles of autophagy in regulating cell fate immune response and host defense nutrient sensing and metabolism neural functions and homeostasis. The mechanisms and significance of cross-talk between autophagy and other cellular processes is also explored. Lastly alterations in autophagy observed in aging and age-related pathologies are described. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498731898

AutopornographyA Memoir of Life in the Lust Lane In this provocative book retired porn star Scott O’Hara (known as “Spunk” by many of his fans from an early punk photospread) gives a backstage look at the world of pornography revealing why he loved it what he got out of it and why he left it. In an autobiographical style he considers and poses answers to some fascinating questions: What is sex? What makes a porn star? And why does pornography really upset people? You’ll really get to know this noted gay porn star as you get a firsthand look at his life experiences and sexual journeys from his boyhood days of locker room fantasies and sexual experimentation to his years as a porn star and then to his experiences as an individual facing the realities of being HIV-positive. As O’Hara puts it in his Introduction: “This book was written as a last-ditch effort: a way to open up all my closets let you in on all the dark corners of my life and give you a better picture of what goes into the making of a porn star. Because if there’s one profession that arouses people’s curiosity it’s that one.” As you read through the pages of Autopornography you’ll see how O’Hara’s personality reflects his sexuality that is how they have melded into one. His vivid descriptions of personal relationships (with family friends lovers and casual acquaintances) and his many sexual encounters as he traveled the world reveal his love of sex and his desire to live without inhibitions secrets or sexual constraints. Reading Autopornography may cause you to reexamine your own sexual boundaries realize new sexual potential and discover sexual desires not previously aroused.Listed #14 on Books Bought Mainly by Men 1997 Top 100 Bestsellers as rated by A Different Light Bookstore! Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203708125

Autosegmental Representation in a Declarative Constraint-Based Framework First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964235

Autotelic ArchitectChanging world changing practice Autotelic Architect explores how movements towards more self-initiated projects greater collaboration and design activism have changed how architects and designers are practicing as well as the kinds of projects they are working on. Similar to the autotelic self that transforms potential problems into enjoyable challenges the ‘Autotelic Architect’ does not avoid societal changes but instead learns to harness their creative potential. Using new research and case studies from past and present the author analyses the educational and professional implications of operating as a ‘non-conventional’ progressive participatory design practice. Drawing on a range of global case studies of pioneering architects in the field she reflects upon current and future trends at local national and international level and additionally examines marketing and practical issues for architects. Illustrated with more than 30 black and white images this is a compelling read for any practicing architect. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138820432

Autotrophic Nitrogen Removal from Low Concentrated EffluentsStudy of System Configurations and Operational Features for Post-treatment of An On a global scale sewage represents the main point-source of water pollution and is also the predominant source of nitrogen contamination in urban regions. The present research is focused on the study of the main challenges that need to be addressed in order to achieve a successful inorganic nitrogen post-treatment of anaerobic effluents in the mainstream. The post-treatment is based on autotrophic nitrogen removal. The challenges are classified in terms of operational features and system configuration namely: (i) the short-term effects of organic carbon source the COD/N ratio and the temperature on the autotrophic nitrogen removal; the results from this study confirms that the Anammox activity is strongly influenced by temperature in spite of the COD source and COD/N ratios applied. (ii) The long-term performance of the Anammox process under low nitrogen sludge loading rate (NSLR) and moderate to low temperatures; it demonstrates that NSLR affects nitrogen removal efficiency granular size and biomass concentration of the bioreactor. (iii) The Anammox cultivation in a closed sponge-bed trickling filter (CSTF) and (iv) the autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite in a sponge-bed trickling filter (STF). Both types of Anammox sponge-bed trickling filters offer a plane technology with good nitrogen removal efficiency. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138035911

Autowave PlasticityLocalization and Collective Modes Autowave Plasticity: Localization and Collective Modes discusses the nature of plastic flow in solids associated with the development of a localized plastic flow. Written by an authority in the field the author demonstrates how patterns of localized plastic flow are associated with autowave modes that are generated in a deformable sample and delivers a complete work on the subject.   Key Features An original work on the nature of plastic flows in solids particularly metals and crystals Focuses on plastic flow as an autowave process Contains elements of theories experimental considerations and numerical modeling   This reference will help readers with creating experimental methods to observe or localize plastic flow and with the modeling of plastic flows. It is a valuable reference for graduate students and research specialists working in material science. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367856816

AutPlay Therapy for Children and Adolescents on the Autism SpectrumA Behavioral Play-Based Approach Third Edition AutPlay Therapy is a behavioral play-based treatment approach to working with children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities. This innovative new model contains a parent-training component (wherein the therapist trains parents to do directive play therapy interventions in the home) and can be utilized in any setting where children and adolescents with an autism disorder ADHD dysregulation issues or other neurodevelopmental disorders are treated. This comprehensive resource outlines the AutPlay Therapy process and offers a breakdown of treatment phases along with numerous assessment materials and over 30 directive play therapy techniques. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138100404

AutPlay® Therapy Play and Social Skills GroupsA 10-Session Model AutPlay® Therapy Play and Social Skills Groups provides practitioners with a step-by-step guide for implementing a social skills group to help children and adolescents with autism improve on their play and social skills deficits in a fun and engaging way.   This unique 10-session group model incorporates the AutPlay Therapy approach focused on relational and behavioral methods. Group setup protocol and structured play therapy interventions are presented and explained for easy implementation by professionals. Also included are parent implemented interventions that allow parents and/or caregivers to become co-change agents in the group process and learn how to successfully implement AutPlay groups.   Any practitioner or professional who works with children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder will find this resource to be a unique and valuable guide to effectively implementing social skills groups. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367410018

Avant-Garde Art and Non-Dominant Thought in Postwar JapanImage Matter Separation This book offers a reassessment of how "matter" – in the context of art history criticism and architecture – pursued a radical definition of "multiplicity" against the dominant and hierarchical tendencies underwriting post-fascist Japan. Through theoretical analysis of works by artists and critics such as Okamoto Taro Hanada Kiyoteru Kawara On Isozaki Arata Kawaguchi Tatsuo and Nakahira Takuma this highly illustrated text identifies formal oppositions frequently evoked in the Japanese avant-garde between cognition and image self and other human and thing and one and many in mediums ranging from painting and photography to sculpture and architecture. In addition to an "aesthetics of separation" which refuses the integrationist implications of the human the author proposes the "anthropofugal" – meaning fleeing the human – as an original concept through which to understand matter in the epistemic universe of the postwar Japanese avant-garde. Chapters in this publication offer critical insights into how artists and critics grounded their work in active disengagement to advance an ethics of nondominance. Avant-Garde Art and Nondominant Thought in Postwar Japan will appeal to students and scholars of Japanese studies art history and visual cultures more widely. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367427870

Avantgarde Art and Radical Material TheologyA Manifesto Theological thought has long been focused on the meaning to be found in our existence but it has tended to neglect what it might offer to those seeking how to prolong and improve our physical existence in this world. In conversation with twentieth-century materialist art and thought this book presents a radical theology that engages directly with the political and ecological issues of our time. The book introduces a new thinker to the theological sphere Russian avantgarde artist Liubov Popova (1889–1924). She was a woman acknowledged for her artistic and intellectual talent and yet is never discussed in relation to the twentieth-century thinkers with whom her ideas have obvious connections. Popova’s art and thought are discussed together with thinkers like Walter Benjamin Donna Haraway Gilles Deleuze and Paul Tillich along with ecotheological and theopolitical perspectives. Inspired by the activist creativity of avantgarde art the book’s final chapter playfully yet with deadly seriousness presents a manifesto for radical theology today. This is a work of theological activism that demonstrates the benefit of allowing new voices into the conversations around art spirituality and our planet. As such it will be of keen interest to academics in Theology Religion and the Arts and the Philosophy of Religion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367188719

Avant-Garde PietiesAesthetics Race and the Renewal of Innovative Poetics Avant-Garde Pieties tells a new story about innovative poetry; it argues that the avant-garde—now more than a century old—persists in its ability to nurture interesting provocative meaningful and moving poems despite its profound cultural failings and its self-devouring theoretical compulsions. It can do so because a humanistic strain of its radical poetics compels adherents to argue over the meaning of their shared political and aesthetic beliefs. In ways that can be productively thought of as religious in structure this process fosters a perpetual state of crisis and renewal always returning innovative poetry to its founding modernist commitments as a way to debate what the avant-garde is—what it should and does look like and what it should and does value. Consequently Avant-Garde Pieties makes way for a radical poetics defined not by formal gestures but by its debate with itself about itself. It is a debate that honors the tradition’s intellectual founding as well as its cultural present which includes aesthetic multiformity racialized and gendered modes of authorship experiences of the sacred political activism and generosity in critical disagreement. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367359058

Avarice & The Avaricious This book is a translation accurate and readable of one of the wittiest pieces of medieval Arabic prose — Abu ‘Uthman al-Jahiz’s Avarice and the Avaricious. In the opinion of most Arab literary critics Abu ‘Uthman al-Jahiz is one of the finest writers of Arabic of all time described as the "sultan of style" and the very symbol of literary ability. He was a native of the city of Basra in southern Iraq then the commercial and intellectual centre of the recently established Abbasid caliphate and the crucible where Islamic culture crystallised and assumed its form. Jahiz is characterised by wit satire irony and a wide-ranging erudition pinned to sharp observation of character. His language is agile and vigorous lucid and precise. It is formally literary but inspired by the rhythms of ordinary speech. Digression and anecdote are commonplace as he passes seamlessly from the serious to the entertaining (and back again) for the improvement and pleasure of his readers. Hypocrisy and pretension are his targets. Reason good sense and a wholly uncynical good humour — the very salt of mirth — are his weapons. These qualities can all be found in the present work; one of his best-known books and as the title suggests an expose of the vice of miserliness among his contemporaries. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315828749

Averroes and Hegel on Philosophy and Religion Comparing Averroes’ and Hegel’s positions on the relation between philosophy and religion this book explores the theme of the authorities of faith and reason and the origin of truth in a medieval Islamic and a modern Christian context respectively. Through an in-depth analysis of Averroes’ and Hegel’s parallel views on the nature of philosophical and religious discourse Belo presents new insights into their perspectives on the relation between philosophical knowledge and religious knowledge and the differences between philosophy and religion. In addition Belo explores particular works which have not yet been studied by modern scholarship. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138248915

Averroes and His Philosophy Despite his important stature in the history of philosophy Averroes is a thinker whose work has been left largely unexplored in this century. It is the aim of this book to rectify this omission and to argue that his philosophical output is of considerable philosophical as well as historical significance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138150164

Aversion Avoidance and AnxietyPerspectives on Aversively Motivated Behavior Based on a conference held at the University of Umea Sweden these papers discuss the scientific status of the field of aversive learning from historical affective clinical neurobiological cognitive neuroethological and conceptual perspectives. Aversion Avoidance Anxiety carries readers through the history of the field's development looks at the current state of progress and discusses future research and therapeutic possibilities. The editors provide introductions to each chapter containing both timely information and background data to help readers systhesize and assimilate the information. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138964259

Avian Cellular Immunology Knowledge regarding avian cellular immunity has expanded rapidly within the last few years and new information continues to accumulate. It is now a well-established fact that cell-mediated immunity plays a major role in the defense against neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases in chickens. The principle objective of Avian Cellular Immunology is to compile the latest information available on various aspects of avian cellular immunity. The book contains chapters written by leading experts in the field and covers topics including cell surface markers T-cell immunity natural immune functions the role of macrophages in cellular immune functions cellular immune suppression and tolerance cellular immune systems in avian species other than chickens the role of cellular immunity in neoplastic and non-neoplastic viral diseases cell-mediated immune mechanisms in bacterial and parasitic infections and autoimmune disorders. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315137988

Avian CognitionExploring the Intelligence Behavior and Individuality of Birds Unlike any other book Avian Cognition thoroughly examines avian intelligence behavior and individuality. Preferences choices motivation and habits of species flocks and individual birds are discussed and compared. This book investigates who birds are and why they do what they do. Daily seasonal and play activities creativity reasoning abilities problem-solving skills social interaction life stages and communication patterns are described and a distinction is made between vocalizations that are learned and those that are inherited. The behavior and intelligence of both wild and pet birds is compared and unlike other books entire chapters are devoted to a single species. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498748421

Avian Medicine and Surgery in PracticeCompanion and Aviary Birds Second Edition Avian Medicine and Surgery in Practice is an invaluable quick reference resource for clinicians and a useful study guide for veterinary students. In this practical and beautifully illustrated book early chapters cover physical examination advice on interpreting diagnostic tests and avian anatomy and physiology. Disorders affecting the different body regions and systems make up the majority of the book from the external—skin feathers eyes legs and feet—to the internal including the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system. Further aspects of avian medicine discussed in the book include behavioural problems incubation of eggs paediatrics and surgery. Written by an expert with more than 30 years of clinical experience in avian medicine the new edition is thoroughly revised with updated diseases new and expanded clinical techniques and over 100 new color illustrations. It also adds four important new chapters: Husbandry Grooming and Nutrition Diagnostic Imaging Endoscopy and Oncology as well as new sections on cardiovascular anatomy and neuroanatomy. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482260205

Avian Medicine and SurgerySelf-Assessment Color Review Second Edition This completely revamped second edition of Avian Medicine and Surgery includes over 260 all-new colour illustrated cases with questions and answers fully exploring a breadth of diseases and disorders. Avian patients are a routine part of the veterinary case load and are being seen by many clinicians across the world. This book provides a unique quick reference for clinicians and a useful self-test for students by offering comprehensive clinically-oriented information that can be quickly accessed easily understood and applied. With contributions from leading international authorities with diverse fields of expertise the book covers a wide range of disciplines organ systems and species. The cases are presented in a random order just as they would appear in daily practice challenging the reader to address real clinical situation and offering where possible a comprehensive solution. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498703512

Avian NutritionPoultry Ratite and Tamed Birds The scope of book has relevant and important informations on some of the popular tamed birds reared as pet in cages. Among these Parrots and Mayana are companion species capable of learning and limited conversation with members of the house. Bulbul partridges and pigeon are used for sports. Owners of these birds expect guidance for care and management from the experts of poultry science because so far there appears to be no school on the management of such avian species.Incorporation of these avian species in the book is expected to enrich the knowledge of students and teachers of the Avian and Poultry Science.Note: T& F does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India Pakistan Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367694470

Aviation and Climate ChangeEconomic Perspectives on Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policies This book analyses the political economic and managerial challenges for policy makers and the air transport industry as they face climate change. Based on an overview of the scientific background and technological options for emissions reduction Aviation and Climate Change provides an in-depth assessment of environmental regulation and management. It provides an up-to-the-minute analysis of the effects of aviation on climate change and an economic analysis of policies to reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions. The main emphasis of the book is on the economic mechanisms used to lessen emissions – carbon taxes emissions trading schemes and offset schemes. It pays particular attention to the ways these policies work and to the interaction between them – for instance the interaction between taxes and emissions trading schemes. One feature of the book is that it analyses the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) which has been developed by ICAO for international aviation and which is due to commence operation shortly. The advantages and disadvantages of this controversial scheme are discussed. This book will be of interest to researchers in diverse areas (economics political science engineering natural sciences) to air transport policy makers and to managers in the aviation industry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472479174

Aviation and Climate ChangeLessons for European Policy It is generally accepted – the US administration excepted - that the emissions reduction targets agreed in the Kyoto Protocol are only the beginning of what needs to be achieved in international climate negotiations. While studies suggest that major emission reductions by industrialized countries can be achieved at low economic cost both these and early reductions by developing countries are inevitably a major political challenge. This book focuses on European policy toward climate change specifically its ramifications for the aviation industry. With air travel predicted to grow enormously in the coming years the issue of climate change is hugely topical for this important industry. Accessible to students academics and practioners this book is useful reading for all those with an interest in climate change the aviation industry or both. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415759465

Aviation and Human FactorsHow to Incorporate Human Factors into the Field Air safety is right now at a point where the chances of being killed in an aviation accident are far lower than the chances to winning a jackpot in any of the major lotteries. However keeping or improving that performance level requires a critical analysis of some events that despite scarce point to structural failures in the learning process. The effect of these failures could increase soon if there is not a clear and right development path. This book tries to identify what is wrong why there are things to fix and some human factors principles to keep in aircraft design and operations. Features Shows through different events how the system learns through technology practices and regulations and the pitfalls of that learning process Discusses the use of information technology in safety-critical environments and why procedural knowledge is not enough Presents air safety management as a successful process but at the same time failures coming from technological and organizational features are shown Offers ways to improve from the human factors side by getting the right lessons from recent events Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367245733

Aviation and TourismImplications for Leisure Travel Transport is an essential element of tourism providing the vital link between the tourist generating areas and destinations. Good accessibility which is determined by the transport services provided is a fundamental condition for the development of any tourist destination. Moreover the transport industry can be a major beneficiary of tourism because of the additional passenger demand that may be generated. Aviation is an increasingly important mode of transport for tourism markets. Whilst geography has meant that in modern times air travel has always been the dominant mode for long distance travel and much international tourism moves towards deregulation and in particular the emergence of the low cost carrier sector have also increased aviation's significance for short and medium haul tourism trips. Thus developments in aviation can have very major implications for many leisure and business tourism markets. However the characteristics and needs of leisure travellers are generally so very different from business travellers that this necessitates a separate consideration of these markets if a detailed understanding of the relationship with aviation is to be gained. In spite of the obvious closeness between the aviation and tourism industries there are very few specialist texts on this subject. Most tourism focused books consider aviation as just one component of the tourism industry which needs to be discussed whereas aviation specialist texts rarely concentrate on just leisure travel. In addition there is very little literature that gives a detailed appreciation of the complexities and potential conflicts associated with the development of coherent and effective aviation and tourism policies. Therefore it is the aim of this book to fill this important gap which exists with a comprehensive in-depth study of the relationship between aviation and leisure travel. The book deals exclusively with issues related to the relationship between aviation and leisure travel. It does this with an analysis of the theoretical concepts relevant to the subject area combined with a detailed investigation of current practice within the aviation and tourism industries. Each chapter is illustrated with case study material that will reinforce the understanding of the issues that are being examined. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315568522

Aviation AutomationThe Search for A Human-centered Approach The advent of very compact very powerful digital computers has made it possible to automate a great many processes that formerly required large complex machinery. Digital computers have made possible revolutionary changes in industry commerce and transportation. This book an expansion and revision of the author's earlier technical papers on this subject describes the development of automation in aircraft and in the aviation system its likely evolution in the future and the effects that these technologies have had -- and will have -- on the human operators and managers of the system. It suggests concepts that may be able to enhance human-machine relationships in future systems. The author focuses on the ability of human operators to work cooperatively with the constellation of machines they command and control because it is the interactions among these system elements that result in the system's success or failure whether in aviation or elsewhere. Aviation automation has provided great social and technological benefits but these benefits have not come without cost. In recent years new problems in aircraft have emerged due to failures in the human-machine relationship. These incidents and accidents have motivated this inquiry into aviation automation. Similar problems in the air traffic management system are predicted as it becomes more fully automated. In particular incidents and accidents have occurred which suggest that the principle problems with today's aviation automation are associated with its complexity coupling autonomy and opacity. These problems are not unique to aviation; they exist in other highly dynamic domains as well. The author suggests that a different approach to automation -- called "human-centered automation" -- offers potential benefits for system performance by enabling a more cooperative human-machine relationship in the control and management of aircraft and air traffic. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315137995

Aviation Business Strategy The world’s commercial aviation industry comprises a complex and highly diverse range of businesses with different forms of governance ownership management structure and organisational philosophies. The essays in this Volume address issues of market structure focusing particularly on changes in the aviation industry that have resulted from policies of deregulation as well as revenue cost and pricing airline mergers and acquisitions and the reasons for and characteristics of global airline alliances. One of the most significant developments in aviation business strategy over the last four decades has been the emergence and expansion of low cost carriers and the implications that this business model has had for the sector in terms of competition route offering service innovation and profitability. Central to these discussions are issues of cost and the need to manage yields. This raises the issue of pricing elasticity and price discrimination all of which are of relevance to passenger airlines air cargo operators and airports. Policies of air service deregulation and liberalisation have fundamentally changed the market structure of airlines and airports. As a result of new airlines entering the market place many incumbent carriers sought to protect and grow their market share by reconfiguring their network into a hub and spoke operation and merging with or acquiring their competitors. Another strategy airlines can use to increase their network presence market power and obtain enhanced economies of scale and scope is to enter into a strategic alliance with another carrier. Membership of an alliance enables a firm to access new markets that would previously have been difficult and/or expensive to operate into and help to overcome (at least in part) ownership restrictions a lack of traffic rights to a particular country and markets with limited demand. Deregulation and liberalisation have also changed the competitive nature of the airline market and led to a change in the ownership and control of airports and airlines with many moving from the public to the private sector. The increasingly competitive and contestable market combined with commercial imperatives to generate a return on investment means that airlines and airports are incentivised to grow their business through marketing and enhanced customer loyalty. Airlines helped to pioneer the development of customer loyalty schemes and the resulting frequent flyer programmes have become a standard aspect of many full service airline operators’ product offerings. However increased competition and business model innovation have prompted a reconfiguration of these schemes with some low cost operators now incorporating elements of frequent flyer schemes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472451613

Aviation CommunicationStrategy and Messages for Ensuring Success and Preventing Failures Do you ever wonder why an airline’s communication strategy can crash and burn in a crisis? A lack of understanding an acceptable aviation communication strategy can in this fast world of social media ruin a company’s credibility in the aviation industry. Aviation Communication: Strategy and Messages for Ensuring Success and Preventing Failures is the first go-to book to reveal to everyone in the aviation industry how to stop an organization’s communication strategy from becoming the tragedy-after-the-tragedy that we’ve seen so often. In such instances after the media go home the economic political regulatory and legal effects can linger for years. The strategies and messages in this book show how to prevent this along with the ultimate safety net used by those who have been successful. Readers will learn to prevent catastrophic communication mistakes with strategic templates for a wide array of scenarios as well as 25 specific techniques that give the actual words to use to deliver the book’s messages. This book is a must-have for the international aviation business community as a tri-functional induction training and reference tool. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138624825

Aviation Design and Innovation In order to facilitate the safe efficient and cost effective exchange of passengers and cargo between ground and sky airports require the provision of adequate runways aircraft manoeuvring areas cargo sheds and passenger processing facilities. Airports are capital intensive facilities and planning errors which result in the over or under-provision of capacity are both costly and problematic to rectify and so understanding the optimal configuration of passenger terminals is paramount. Of course the design of passenger terminal buildings is influenced not only by levels of demand the commercial requirements of airlines and tenant companies the availability of investment funds and political influence but also by the aircraft that will be using the facility both now and in the future. Indeed the introduction of the first generation of passenger jets in the 1950s and higher-capacity wide-bodied aircraft in the late 1960s required not only the expansion of gate areas and passenger processing facilities but also the introduction of new technologies such as the travelator the baggage reclaim carousel and the airbridge. The introduction of the A380 ‘Super Jumbo’ into revenue passenger service in 2007 similarly demanded a reconfiguration of the airports it serves and practitioners need to be cognisant of the options for accommodating a new generation of large aircraft. While large aircraft generally require a lengthy turn around period between flights and the extensive provision of expensive fixed ground support infrastructure low cost carriers pursue a business model based on very short turnarounds and minimal use of airport infrastructure assets such as airbridges. One of the main challenges facing airport operators is how to accommodate the diverse and dynamic requirements of different operators and these issues are addressed in this Volume. Traditionally aircraft were made and manufactured by small companies within one country but as costs have increased and technology has become more sophisticated a relatively small number of manufacturers which are supported by international supply chains have come to dominate the commercial aircraft market. Originally all aviation jet fuels were derived from crude oil. However concerns about future oil supply and energy security combined with the need to improve aviation’s environmental performance and sustainability has driven the development of alternative fuel sources. However the development and adoption of alternative aviation fuels is not straightforward and the Volume examines the opportunities and challenges of widespread biofuel adoption in terms of production capacity emissions reductions cost and commercial viability. The final essays in this Volume address business model innovation in the airline and airport sector and include considerations of the future evolution of low cost carriers the potential for airline-airport alliances and the development of multi-airport multinational operating companies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472451606

Aviation Economics 4-vol. set The application of the principles of economics to the dizzyingly complicated aviation and airline industry is a well-established and flourishing area of research and study and this new four-volume collection in the Routledge Major Works series Critical Concepts in Economics meets the need for an authoritative reference work to enable users to make better sense of its voluminous literature. Indeed the sheer scale of the research output—and the breadth of the field—makes this anthology especially welcome. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138014947

Aviation Education and TrainingAdult Learning Principles and Teaching Strategies The aviation teaching environment is fairly unique and combines both traditional and non-traditional teaching environments. There are presently few books that address adult learning principles and teaching strategies relevant to the aviation context. Furthermore aviation education has not generally benefited from many of the developments made in the field of education. This timely book: - facilitates the development of knowledge and skills necessary to conduct effective instruction and training within the aviation context; - develops an awareness of critical issues that should be of concern to aviation educators and trainers; - provides aviation education and trainers with a variety of teaching strategies that can be effective in the development of essential skills in aviation professionals. The readership for this book includes university students who want to become instructors as well as industry personnel who are involved in any of the various domains of aviation education from junior flight instructors to the trainer of instructors or from training captains or traffic controllers to crew resource management and human factors facilitators. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261874

Aviation EnglishA lingua franca for pilots and air traffic controllers Aviation English investigates the key issues related to the use of English for the purpose of communication in aviation and analyses the current research on language training testing and assessment in the area of Aviation English. Based on a series of recent empirical studies in aviation communication and taking an interdisciplinary approach this book: provides a description of Aviation English from a linguistic perspective lays the foundation for increased focus in the area of Aviation English and its assessment in the form of English Language Proficiency (ELP) tests critically assesses recent empirical research in the domain. This book makes an important contribution to the development of the field of Aviation English and will be of interest to researchers in the areas of applied linguistics TESOL and English for Specific Purposes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138351271

Aviation in Crisis This title was first published in 2003. The events of 11 September 2001 defy modern economic theory when addressed in aviation terms. Economic theory would suggest that once the impact of such events are a thing of the past and economies are restored to their status quo ante a rise in the gross domestic product of States to earlier levels would almost inevitably result in increased consumption. This in turn would mean that the demand for air travel would rise to earlier proportions and consumption in terms of air transport services would be restored to normalcy. However the September attacks on United States' property introduced a unique characteristic through the fear factor that directly impacts the future development of air transport. As a result the grim task of restoration of passenger confidence stands in the way of economic revival of the air transport industry. Aviation was always in crisis. The air transport industry even prior to 11 September 2001 although seemingly a glamorous exciting and prosperous business never enjoyed sustained periods of profitability. Even among the large carriers a short bout of profitability would inevitably be followed by a period of downturn in real income. It is simply that this fluctuation in fortune is an ineluctable characteristic of air transport whose fortunes are dictated by rigid regulation competition and technological change. If a sustained analysis were to be made of air transport plain economic theory would no longer be the exclusive discipline for consideration. Rather all relevant factors have to be taken in context and emerging issues should be analyzed as possible threats to the economic well being of the air transport industry. This book addresses issues in a post-September 2001 context but also analyses issues past and present with the intent of looking at the future. Four major areas are taken into consideration which were in crisis but are truly impacted by the events of September 2001. These areas relate to crises in the commercial security insurance and environmental protection fields. Of these the first and fourth areas are inextricably intertwined as aircraft noise regulations in various States have a direct impact on aircraft financing which in turn is linked to demand for air services. A drop in demand for air services would essentially mean that the demand for lease or purchase of new aircraft would drop. When this occurs air transport enterprises would be more inclined to cut costs and therefore concentrate on using the aircraft already at hand upgrading them to conform to the The purpose of this book is to view the overall picture of an aviation industry - comprising air transport and other aviation related industries - in crisis through issues that continue to impact the economic viability of air transport particularly as a result of the events of 11 September 2001. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138709744

Aviation Information ManagementFrom Documents to Data Operational information management is at a crossroads as it sheds the remaining vestiges of its paper-based processes and moves through the uncharted domain of electronic data processes. The final outcome is not yet in full focus but real progress has been made in the transition to electronic documents providing the aviation industry with a clear direction. This book looks at a combination of industry initiatives and airline successes that point to the next steps that operators can take as they transition to fully integrated information management systems. Although the route has not been fully identified it is evident that a key to successful long-term efficient information management is industry-wide cooperation. The chapters are authored by a range of experts in operational information management and collectively they outline ways that operators can improve efficiency across flight ground and maintenance operations. Considerations and recommendations are identified and presented addressing the following priorities: Safety-critical information and procedures Human factors Information security Operational information standardization. The readership includes: Airline flight operations managers and standards personnel Airline operating documents and publication specialists Airline information managers Commercial pilots Airline maintenance managers and personnel Manufacturers and vendors of aviation products Aviation regulators and policy makers Aviation researchers and developers of information technologies and Military technical publications specialists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138258280

Aviation Instruction and Training First published in 1993. In both general aviation and airline transport there is evidence of an emergent awareness of the importance of instruction in training. The demands of technological change growing need for pilots at a time when the pool of experienced applicants is diminishing and growing recognition of the importance of Human Factors to aviation safety are straining the ability to cope. There is a growing recognition by management of the contribution of ground and airborne instruction to the efficient operation of aviation in a variety of contexts. This book shows how professionals in the aviation industry and academic researchers complement each other in their pursuit of more effective and efficient flight training and instruction. Theory and practice each have a contribution to make. The contributions are thus drawn from regulatory authorities airlines universities colleges flying schools the armed services and private practice. Such a mix brings differences in approach style and argument showing both the variety and common aims in the emerging profession of flight instruction. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138610774

Aviation InvestmentEconomic Appraisal for Airports Air Traffic Management Airlines and Aeronautics Aviation Investment uniquely addresses investment appraisal methods across the key industries that make up the aviation sector including the airports air traffic management airline and aircraft manufacturing – or aeronautic – industries. This practice-oriented book presents methods through realistic case studies. It covers both economic appraisal or cost-benefit analysis measuring the value of projects to society and financial appraisal valuing projects as cash generators. This substantially expanded second edition covers in greater detail the treatment of environmental emissions paying particular attention to climate change. It addresses the treatment of Market-Based Mechanisms (MBMs) including cap and trade systems like ETS and offset systems like CORSIA and compares them to environmental taxes. It also addresses the adjustments needed to measure the foreign exchange generating value of projects relevant in the presence of trade barriers. The new edition includes two new project types. One is airport relocations perhaps the most complex type of airport projects where the economic case is often more nuanced than may be apparent. The second is the re-introduction of supersonic travel. Aviation Investment offers all aviation sub-sectors a single-source reference bringing together the theoretical background of the economic appraisal literature and aviation investment in practice. It is written in a style that is accessible to non-academic professionals using formulae only where strictly necessary to enable practical applications and benefits from the substantial practical experience of the author. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138036635

Aviation InvestmentEconomic Appraisal for Airports Air Traffic Management Airlines and Aeronautics Aviation Investment uniquely addresses investment appraisal methods across the key industries that make up the aviation sector including the airports air traffic management airline and aircraft manufacturing - or aeronautic - industries. It is a practice-oriented book where methods are presented through realistic case studies. The emphasis is on economic appraisal or cost-benefit analysis in order to determine the viability of projects not only for private investors but for society as a whole. Financial (cash flow) appraisal is illustrated alongside economic appraisal as the latter builds on the former but also to show how economic appraisal enhances standard financial appraisal to determine the long-term sustainability of any investment. Aviation is a capital-intensive sector that is growing rapidly with world traffic expected to double over the next 15 years or so. A great deal of economic appraisal of investment projects takes place already as aviation is subject to government intervention through economic regulation and financial support and as both investors and policy makers seek to understand issues such as how environmental legislation may impact the viability of investments. Both economic growth and welfare go hand in hand with sound investment decisions particularly regarding sectors such as aviation where investments are large and almost invariably debt-financed. Aviation Investment offers all aviation sub-sectors a single-source reference bringing together the theoretical background of the economic appraisal literature and aviation investment in practice. It is written in a style that is accessible to non-academic professionals using formulae only where strictly necessary to enable practical applications and benefits from the substantial practical experience of the author. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138270206

Aviation Law and DronesUnmanned Aircraft and the Future of Aviation The aviation industry is being transformed by the use of unmanned aerial vehicles or drones – commercially militarily scientifically and recreationally. National regulations have generally failed to keep pace with the expansion of the fast-growing drone industry.Aviation Law and Drones: Unmanned Aircraft and the Future of Aviation traces the development of aviation laws and regulations explains how aviation is regulated at an international and national level considers the interrelationship between rapidly advancing technology and legislative attempts to keep pace and reviews existing domestic and international drone laws and issues (including safety security privacy and airspace issues). Against this background the book uniquely proposes a rationale for and key provisions of guiding principles for the regulation of drones internationally – provisions of which could also be implemented domestically. Finally the book examines the changing shape of our increasingly busy skies – technology beyond drones and the regulation of that technology. The world is on the edge of major disruption in aviation – drones are just the beginning.Given the almost universal interest in drones this book will be of interest to readers worldwide from the academic sector and beyond. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367669843

Aviation Law and Regulation The development of civil aviation in the early 20th century presented a range of new legal and regulatory challenges concerning the rights of an aircraft from one state to enter the aerial territory of another. International flights threatened the territorial integrity of nation states and prompted politicians to draw up new aerial legislation and regulations to govern this new form of aerial movement. Whereas some states advocated free and open access to airspace and unrestricted aerial movement other nations pursued a more protectionist stance based on regulation and reciprocal access arrangements. Technological developments in aircraft design and performance combined with changing global political relations and the introduction of new forms of economic regulation have all fundamentally affected the development of air transport. This Volume explores carefully selected aspects of aviation law and regulation and examines the implications of changing regulatory intervention on the form and function of civil aviation worldwide. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472451576

Aviation MarketsStudies in Competition and Regulatory Reform Aviation Markets: Studies in Competition and Regulatory Reform is a collection of 17 papers selected from David Starkie's extensive writings over the last 25 years. Previously published material has been extensively edited and adapted and combined with new material published here for the first time. The book is divided into five sections each featuring an original overview chapter to better establish the background and also explain the papers' wider significance including wherever appropriate their relevance to current policy issues. These papers have been selected to illustrate a significant theme that has been relatively neglected thus far in both aviation and industrial economics: the role of the market and its interplay with the development of economic policy in the context of a dynamic but partly price regulated industry. The result provides a strong flavour of how market mechanisms and particularly competition can operate to successfully resolve policy issues. The book will be of interest to academics and those engaged in the formulation of aviation policy such as public administrators and consultants as well as those working in the aviation industry. It is also relevant to economic studies in a more general context particularly to students and practitioners in industrial organisation economics including those studying and researching the public utility industries. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261850

Aviation Mental HealthPsychological Implications for Air Transportation This book provides an authoritative and practical guide to the assessment management treatment and care of pilots and other professional groups within aviation; covering a range of relevant topics for health and human resources practitioners working in the airline industry. Pilot mental health has hitherto been regarded as a specialist topic in aviation medicine. Consequently practitioners and researchers alike have been forced to consult specialist journals or seek out a relevant chapter on this topic in a general textbook to develop or update their understanding of the relevant issues. This book seeks to remedy this situation by gathering together all of the relevant insights into a single authoritative source gathered from the leading specialists in the field. It aims to cover all of the main relevant issues including the assessment care management and treatment of mental health problems as well as the prevention of mental health problems among this occupational group. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315568560

Aviation Performance and Productivity Modern airports are dynamic and increasingly commercialised facilities that are designed and managed to serve the needs of a diverse group of users including airlines passengers and increasingly private shareholders. Essays in this Volume investigate the implications of privatisation and changes in global airport regulation on airport pricing the experience of airport privatisation in selected global markets and the impacts of airport privatisation on costs and efficiency. One of the most important considerations for aviation operators is the level of service they provide to their customers and issues of airline and airport service quality are addressed in this Volume. Of course both objective measures and individual customer perceptions of service quality depend not only on material assets and infrastructure but also on airline and airport employees delivering the standardised service expectations of their employers. As numerous industrial disputes have shown employee dissatisfaction with terms and conditions of employment can escalate into strikes or work to rule which have the potential to seriously damage both a company’s reputation and its bottom line. Managing people in aviation is thus critical to aviation performance and productivity and the essays in this Volume examine not only the effect of low cost carriers on industrial relations but also the role of gender in the delivery of particularly airline services. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472451583

Aviation Planning and Operations The delivery of reliable and efficient aviation services is predicated on effective decisions being made concerning the planning and provision of airport and aircraft infrastructure. Decisions that are made about investment and capacity provision have long term implications for airports airlines and consumers. This Volume addresses issues of forecasting infrastructure planning and provision capacity scheduling safety and security disruption management and resilience. Accurately forecasting consumer demand for air travel is a vitally important but notoriously challenging aspect of aviation policy formation and management. Forecasts of airline and airport activity may differ considerably from original predictions and there have been many examples of operational difficulties resulting from the over or underestimation of demand. Such issues are apparent not only in terminal buildings but also on the airfield and are of critical interest to planners and operational decision makers. Another activity which is of paramount importance is scheduling. Scheduling forms a vital part of airline operations as it is concerned with making the optimum use of scare resources and meeting consumer demand profitably. In terms of aviation planning and operations the importance of safety and security cannot be overstated and a number of essays in this Volume address this area. Together with safety and security concerns a number of other factors have the potential to disrupt planned schedules and any disruption has the potential to cause delays inconvenience and lost productivity and so ensuring a quick and orderly return to normal routine operations is vital. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472451569

Aviation Project Management Combining the considerable respective expertise of Triant Flouris and Dennis Lock this unique book highlights the ways that successful businesses are managed in the aviation industry through the identification and application of proven project management methods. Theoretical concepts are defined clarified and shown how they can be valuable to business managers and students of the aviation business sector. Aviation Project Management builds on the successful and popular work of Dennis Lock but is considerably enhanced by applications examples illustrations and case examples pertaining to projects exclusively from the aviation industry. Theory in the project management field is already well evolved so the purpose of this book is not to review that theory but rather to demonstrate how the lessons of theory can be of practical use to aviation students and business managers. It provides a practical guide to those interested in how projects are managed and the common mistakes that aviation project managers should avoid. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315568577

Aviation Psychology and Human Factors This book covers the application of psychological principles and techniques to situations and problems of aviation. It offers an overview of the role psychology plays in aviation system design selection and training of pilots characteristics of pilots safety and passenger behavior. It covers concepts of psychological research and data analysis and shows how these tools are used in the development of new psychological knowledge. The new edition offers material on physiological effects on pilot performance a new chapter on aviation physiology more material on fatigue safety culture mental health and safety as well as practical examples and exercises after each chapter. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498757522

Aviation Psychology in Practice This book seeks to extend the boundaries of aviation psychology in two interrelated ways: by broadening the focus of aviation psychology beyond the flight deck to the whole aviation system; and by discussing new theoretical developments which are shaping this applied discipline. A key feature of these theoretical advances is that they are grounded in a more developed ecologically valid understanding of practice. Among the issues addressed in this new integration of theory and practice are the following: what goes on in the flight deck is dependent on the wider organisational context; human factors issues in aircraft maintenance and grounding are critical to aviation safety; our capacity to learn from aviation accidents and incidents needs to be supported by more systematic human factors investigation and research; we must also develop our understanding of the human factors of accident survival as well as accident prevention; theories of crew coordination and decision making must be supported by an analysis of how decisions are actually made in the real world with all its stresses and constraints; training should be grounded in a thoroughgoing analysis of the complexity of the job and a full understanding of the training process itself. The text will be of interest to human factors researchers and practitioners in aviation and related areas. It will be of particular relevance to those who have a role in training management or regulation throughout the aviation system. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351218825

Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research In the well-established aviation system the importance of sound human factors practice based on good aviation psychology research is obvious from those incidents and accidents resulting from its neglect. This carefully structured book presents an up-to-date review of the main areas in the field of Aviation Psychology. It contains current thinking mainly from Europe but with input from Australia and North America from specialists involved in research training and operational practice. Spanning six parts the book covers: Human Engineering Occupational Demands Selection of Aviation Personnel Human Factors Training Clinical Psychology Accident Investigation and Prevention. Looking at the six parts - in human engineering the reader learns about human-centered automation as well as human factors issues in aircraft certification. Results derived by job analysis methods are presented in the next part and serve as basic information in the design of selection and training programs. In selection computerized testing or behaviour-oriented assessments are challenging approaches for personnel recruitment. Cost-benefit analyses in selection reveal convincing results enabling organizations to save huge amounts of inappropriate training investment by the application of proper selection tests. The NOTECHS method is described which helps to assess CRM capabilities in training and can also be used to measure training effects in systematic validation studies. Although operational personnel in aviation are usually able to cope with stress more efficiently than other occupational groups individual problems might develop as reactions to traumatic influences. Either a psychological evaluation or a proper treatment or both is then required as described in the 'Clinical Psychology' part of the book. The readership includes: aviation psychologists and flight surgeons training selection and recruitment specialists instructor pilots CRM facilitators personnel managers accident investigators safety pilots air traffic controllers aircraft engineers and those dealing with human-machine interfaces. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261843

Aviation Resource ManagementProceedings of the Fourth Australian Aviation Psychology Symposium Volume 1 This title was first published in 2000. This is volume one of a two-volume set which presents the reader with strategies for the contributions of psychology and human factors to the safe and effective functioning of aviation organizations and systems.Together the volumes comprise the edited contributions to the Fourth Australian Aviation Psychology Symposium. The chapters within are orientated towards presenting and developing practical solutions for the present and future challenges facing the aviation industry. Each volume covers areas of vital and enduring importance in the complex aviation system. Volume one includes aviation safety crew resource management the aircraft cabin cockpit automation safety investigation fatigue and stress and applied human factors in training. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138743182

Aviation Resource ManagementVolume 2 - Proceedings of the Fourth Australian Aviation Psychology Symposium This two volume set presents the reader with new strategies for the contributions of psychology and Human Factors to the safe and effective functioning of aviation organizations and systems. The volumes comprise the edited contributions to the Fourth Australian Aviation Psychology Symposium. The chapters within are orientated towards presenting and developing practical solutions for the current and future challenges facing the aviation industry. Each volume covers areas of vital and enduring importance within today’s complex aviation system. Volume 2 covers Selection Training Human-Machine Interface Air Traffic Control Maintenance and Situational Awareness. Invited chapters include contributions from Capt. Dañiel Maurino (ICAO) Professor Bob Helmreich (University of Texas) Jean Pariés and Dr. Ashleigh Merritt (Dédale) Professor Ron Westrum (Eastern Michigan University) Capt. Azmi Radzi (Malaysian Airlines) Nicole Svátek (Virgin Atlantic) Professor Patrick Hudson (Leiden University) Dr. Sherry Chappell (Delta Technology) Dr. Nick McDonald (Trinity College Dublin) Professor Jan Davies (University of Calgary) Capt. John Bent (Cathay Pacific Airways) Dr. Carol Manning (FAA) Dr. Manfred Barberino and Dr. Anne Isaac (EUROCONTROL) Dr. Drew Dawson (University of South Australia) Rebecca Chute and Professor Earl Wiener (NASA Ames) Dr. Gavan Lintern (AMRL) Bert Ruitenberg (IFATCA) and Dr. Mica Endsley (SA Technologies) Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138255159

Aviation Safety Human Factors - System Engineering - Flight Operations - Economics - Strategies - Management Questions concerning safety in aviation attract a great deal of attention due to the growth in this industry and the number of fatal accidents in recent years. The aerospace industry has always been deeply concerned with the permanent prevention of accidents and the conscientious safeguarding of all imaginable critical factors surrounding the organization of processes in aeronautical technology. However the developments in aircraft technology and control systems require further improvements to meet future safety demands. This book embodies the proceedings of the 1997 International Aviation Safety Conference and contains 60 talks by internationally recognized experts on various aspects of aviation safety. Subjects covered include: Human interfaces and man-machine interactions; Flight safety engineering and operational control systems; Aircraft development and integrated safety designs; Safety strategies relating to risk insurance and economics; Corporate aspects and safety management factors --- including airlines services and airport security environment. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429070372

Aviation SecurityLegal and Regulatory Aspects Published in 1998. The various conventions which apply to the subject of unlawful interface with civil aviation have proved effective only to the extent of nurturing existing values of international law as they are restrictively perceived through the parameters of air law. This book examines the offence of unlawful interference with international civil aviation and analyses critically the legal and regulatory regime that applies thereto with a view to recommending measures that are calculated to infuse a new approach to the problem. Emphasis is laid throughout the work on action which may be taken to alleviate the problem of unlawful interference. Its conclusion incorporates various steps that can be taken towards achieving this objective. The author focuses on the core of the problem which has effectively precluded significant progress into inroads that would curb the threat terrorism in aviation: the attitude of the international community. The book therefore examines in limine the fundamental role of international law in the light of the United Nationals Congress of International Public Law of March 1995 and its effect on international criminal law. It then determines the applicable principles of State sovereignty and examines the principles of State responsibility. Its main purpose is to recommend the establishment of a new philosophy of international criminal law which transcends municipal boundaries. Academic scholarly and judicial precedent for this book is the adduced in support of this argument. The book also examines the role of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as the regulatory body responsible for civil aviation in the context of new approaches made by the international community towards the status of ICAO in aviation security. The practical value of this work essentially lies in the legal recommendations it makes at its conclusion which are based on existing principles of international law. It will thus be invaluable not only to international and aviation lawyers criminal lawyers (both international and national) security professionals and teachers and students of international law but also to aviation industry executives and regulatory agency specialists whose responsibilities impinge on or are determined by existing and evolving legal and security measures. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138319134

Aviation Social and Economic Impacts As both an enabler and accelerator of globalisation aviation has had profound and sometime unintended and unanticipated social and economic impacts. Commercial airports are not only transport nodes that facilitate aerial movement they are also major centres of employment but often sites of political contestation surrounding their planning and development as economic growth imperatives conflict with environmental concerns. Noise is often cited as being one of the most socially contested aspects of airport operations for local communities particularly when flights are operating during the night. This is a particular challenge for cargo operators whose business model is based on rapid overnight delivery and distribution. Specific factors including night noise curfews and the provision and co-location of freight forwarders are significant determinants of airport choice and this in turn leads to freight forwarding firms clustering at major freight facilities. As well as meeting the mobility needs of business travellers and cargo consignors air travel also facilitates the mass movement of leisure passengers. The benefits challenges and limits to growth of this market segment are explored together with the social economic and environmental challenges tourism creates for receiving countries. The role of airlines in planning developing and marketing tourist destinations is also examined in this Volume. Aviation-led tourist development is particularly pronounced in cities such as Singapore and Dubai where air service deregulation and airport-airline-destination marketing strategies have created not only major international transit hubs but also significant centres of international urban tourism. In addition to serving routes with high levels of passenger and cargo demand aviation also performs a vital role for geographically remote and/or inaccessible regions that cannot be rapidly accessed by road sea or rail. Owing to lower levels of demand the need for small (and sometimes specially equipped aircraft) and the vagaries of the local weather and climate these services are expensive to operate and may not be economically viable without subsidy. Experiences from the US and European Union examine some of the issues surrounding the operation of these services. The Volume concludes with consideration of aviation’s environmental impacts and potential mitigation strategies such as the EU’s Emissions Trading System. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472451590

Aviation Social Science: Research Methods in Practice This book is a guide that addressees social science research issues within the aviation industry. Studies involving human factors personality training systems evaluation decision-making crew resource management and situation awareness are used to illustrate not only the process but also the outcomes that can emerge from social science research. The book describes the principles involved in conceptualising a research problem obtaining management support developing an appropriate timeframe obtaining ethics approval and collecting and managing data. It also provides useful guidelines concerning the publication of research in magazines academic journals and conference presentations. The topics are illustrated with aviation examples and the principles are deliberately broad. This book will be a useful guide for both novice and experienced researchers especially pilots air traffic controllers maintenance personnel aviation management aviation researchers safety personnel and undergraduate and postgraduate university students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138250482

Aviation Terrorism and Security First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315037127

Aviation TrainingLearners Instruction and Organization The book is in three parts which consider training from the perspective of the learner the instructor and the organization. Its intended readership includes civil and military training and senior pilots flying instructors check pilots CRM facilitators Human Factors and safety departments and aviation and educational psychologists as well as those in operations and air traffic management and regulatory authorities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138254800

Aviation Trends in the New Millennium This timely and authoritative book addresses the commercial and liability issues following commercial aviation into and beyond the year 2000. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261805

Aviation Visual PerceptionResearch Misperception and Mishaps Vision is the dominant sense used by pilots and visual misperception has been identified as the primary contributing factor in numerous aviation mishaps resulting in hundreds of fatalities and major resource loss. Despite physiological limitations for sensing and perceiving their aviation environment pilots can often make the required visual judgments with a high degree of accuracy and precision. At the same time however visual illusions and misjudgments have been cited as the probable cause of numerous aviation accidents and in spite of technological and instructional efforts to remedy some of the problems associated with visual perception in aviation mishaps of this type continue to occur. Clearly understanding the role of visual perception in aviation is key to improving pilot performance and reducing aviation mishaps. This book is the first dedicated to the role of visual perception in aviation and it provides a comprehensive single-source document encompassing all aspects of aviation visual perception. Thus this book includes the foundations of visual and vestibular sensation and perception; how visual perceptual abilities are assessed in pilots; the pilot's perspective of visual flying; a summary of human factors research on the visual guidance of flying; examples of specific visual and vestibular illusions and misperceptions; mishap analyses from military commercial and general aviation; and finally how this knowledge is being used to better understand visual perception in aviation's next generation. Aviation Visual Perception: Research Misperception and Mishaps is intended to be used for instruction in academia as a resource for human factors researchers design engineers and for instruction and training in the pilot community. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315568584

Avicenna the philosophers in the West none perhaps is better known by name and less familiar in actual content of his ideas than the medieval Muslim philosopher physician minister and naturalist Abu Ali Ibn Sina known since the days of the scholastics as Avicenna. In this book the author himself a philosopher and long known for his studies of Arabic thought presents a factual account of Avicenna's philosophy. Setting the thinker in the context of his often turbulent times and tracing the roots and influences of Avicenna's ideas this book offers a factual philosophical portrait. It details Avicenna's account of being as a synthesis between the seemingly irreconcilable extremes of Aristotelian eternalism and the creationism of monotheistic scripture. It examines Avicenna's distinctive theory of knowledge his ideas about immortality and individuality including the famous "floating man argument" his contributions to logic and his probing thoughts on rhetoric and poetics. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203026625

AvicennaHis Life and Works This book first published in 1958 examines the life and works of Avicenna one of the most provocative figures in the history of thought in the East. It shows him in the right historical perspective as the product of the impact of Greek thought on Islamic teachings against the background of the Persian Renaissance in the tenth century. His attitude can be of guidance to those in the East who are meeting the challenge of Western civilization; and to those in the West who have yet to find a basis on which to harmonize scientific with spiritual values. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138940581

Avicenna's Al-ShifÄ'Oriental Philosophy This book deals with the philosophy of Ibn Sina - Avicenna as he was known in the Latin West- a Persian Muslim who lived in the eleventh century considered one of the most important figures in the history of philosophy. Although much has been written about Avicenna and especially about his major philosophical work Al-Shifa this book presents the rationalist Avicenna in an entirely new light showing him to have presented a theory where our claims of knowledge about the world are in effect just that claims and must therefore be underwritten by our faith in God. His project enlists arguments in psychology as well as in language and logic. In a sense the ceiling he puts on the reach of reason can be compared with later rationalists in the Western tradition from Descartes to Kant –though unlike Descartes he does not deem it necessary to reconstruct his theory of knowledge via a proof of the existence of God. Indeed Avicenna’s theory presents the concept of God as being necessarily presupposed by our theory of knowledge and God as the Necessary Being who is presupposed by an existing world where nothing of itself is what it is by an intrinsic nature and must therefore be as it is due to an external cause. The detailed and original analysis of Avicenna’s work here is presented as what he considered to be his own or ‘oriental’ philosophy.Presenting an innovative interpretation of Avicenna’s thought this book will appeal to scholars working on classical Islamic philosophy kalÄm and the History of Logic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367591960

Avid EarsMedieval Gossips Sound and the Art of Listening Arguing that women’s "silencing" is in part the result of women’s voices being treated as the white noise of history Avid Ears: Medieval Gossips Sound and the Art of Listening explores the historical representation of female voices as actual acoustic phenomena. The volume focuses on English antifeminist satire during the linguistically dynamic late Middle Ages to argue that the resonant gossips’ circle offers a cultural poetics of listening for those attentive to medieval auditory regimes. Understanding what it means to listen from both medieval and modern perspectives can challenge so this book argues the specular logic informing a long satirical tradition that casts the noisy speaking woman as the nemesis who confirms the social authority of the erudite man. Discerning the acoustic preoccupations of the gossips’ circle inevitably hovering behind the shrew Avid Ears explains why the threat posed by a woman talking back to a man is only exceeded by that of a woman speaking to other women. The first book-length study to use sound studies to explore how gender registers in the medieval literary soundscape Avid Ears attunes critics to how and what we hear when women speak in literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138370449

Avid EditingA Guide for Beginning and Intermediate Users Completely updated for current HD UHD 2K and 4K workflows Avid Editing blends the art and aesthetics of motion picture editing with technical hands-on instruction. Appropriate for beginners and intermediate users who need to refresh their knowledge of essential post-production techniques this fully revamped and full-color sixth edition is also an excellent tool for editors coming to Avid from other non-linear editing platforms. Topics covered include trimming audio effects titles color correction customization inputting and outputting. A robust accompanying online eResource features professionally shot footage and Avid project files allowing readers to work alongside the lessons taught in the book. The new edition covers: Avid Media Composer licensing choices Changes to the Avid user interface Basic and advanced visual effects Mastering Avid’s audio tools Exploring Avid’s Title Tool and NewBlue Titler Pro Understanding double-system sound techniques Syncing picture and sound files Understanding and applying LUTs The latest HD UHD 2K and 4K Workflows Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138930537

Avid UncutWorkflows Tips and Techniques from Hollywood Pros Leverage the full power of Avid Media Composer with this essential guide from an Avid guru. Master timesaving tricks and techniques that utilize the latest Media Composer features and state-of-the-art workflows. Learn the secrets of the postproduction professionals from box office blockbusters like Harry Potter I am Legend Dark Shadows Men in Black II Charlie’s Angels 42 and The Last of the Mohicans as well as primetime hits like SMASH Big Bang Theory Weeds The Mindy Project and MythBusters. In Avid Uncut Steve Hullfish taps into the expertise of the world’s top editors to share in-depth behind-the-scenes secrets and best practices that will boost your editing and color correction skills to the next level. Five distinct sections cover: Pre-post including discussion of metadata prepping ScriptSync decomposing and more Settings with tips on keyboard optimization bin settings and import/export settings Off-line workflows on trimming multicam editing using Phrasefind audio and stereoscopic 3D Effects such as 3rd party plugins 3D warp effects and Animatte On-line workflows for efficiently and beautifully finishing your work including step-by-step tutorials for RED and ARRI Alexa workflows Also featured are extensive tips dedicated to helping FCP editors switch over to Avid as well as a companion website ( loaded with video tutorials of the techniques discussed in the book and project files including RED and ARRI Alexa footage that turn Avid Uncut into an invaluable hands-on workshop! Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415827645

Avid Xpress Pro and DV On the SpotTime Saving Tips & Shortcuts from the Pros The On the Spot series delivers immediate solutions to the reader with a concise presentation of over 350 expert techniques for working proficiently with the respective application. Avid Xpress Pro and DV On the Spot provides experienced editors with complete coverage of both applications' capabilities and less experienced users get tips and tricks to enhance their productivity and creativity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138419513

Avid Xpress Pro Editing Workshop This book moves beyond the basics of "pushing the buttons"; explaining the most efficient and effective ways of using Xpress Pro to tell the story. Readers develop a working knowledge of the application with lessons and tutorials that cover every essential method and technique. An excellent resource for students and professional editors new to Xpress Pro this book and DVD combo provides valuable hands-on practice with an extended example that demonstrates the edit of an entire sequence. Project media and plug-ins are provided on the companion DVD. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138419506

AvionicsDevelopment and Implementation Renamed to reflect the increased role of digital electronics in modern flight control systems Cary Spitzer's industry-standard Digital Avionics Handbook Second Edition is available in two comprehensive volumes designed to provide focused coverage for specialists working in different areas of avionics development. The second installment Avionics: Development and Implementation explores the practical side of avionics. The book examines such topics as modeling and simulation electronic hardware reliability certification fault tolerance and several examples of real-world applications. New chapters discuss RTCA DO-297/EUROCAE ED-124 integrated modular avionics development and the Genesis platform. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315222233

AvionicsElements Software and Functions Renamed to reflect the increased role of digital electronics in modern flight control systems Cary Spitzer's industry-standard Digital Avionics Handbook Second Edition is available in two comprehensive volumes designed to provide focused coverage for specialists working in different areas of avionics development. The first installment Avionics: Elements Software and Functions covers the building blocks and enabling technologies behind modern avionics systems. It discusses data buses displays human factors standards and flight systems in detail and includes new chapters on the Time-Triggered Protocol (TTP) ARINC specification 653 communications and vehicle health management systems. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315222240

Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder in Childhood and AdolescenceA Clinical Guide Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder more commonly known as ARFID is a relatively newly introduced diagnostic category. Research in the field although growing remains limited with clinical knowledge and expertise varying across clinicians. There may be uncertainty how to correctly identify and diagnose the disorder as well as how best to direct treatment. This clinical guide sets out to be a trailblazer in the field providing up-to-date information and comprehensive clinical guidance on ARFID in childhood and adolescence. Chapters in the book are divided into five sections the first focussing on the importance of attending to the perspectives of those directly affected by ARFID. Three subsequent sections cover diagnosis and presentation including chapters on aetiology epidemiology assessment and outcome measures; clinical assessment including psychological family nutritional medical and sensory components; and management discussing nutritional medical psychological and wider system approaches. The final section discusses prognosis and outcomes and considers future research directions. This clinically focussed book with contributions from a multi-disciplinary authorship is intended to function as an accessible practical guide and reference resource. It includes summaries of available evidence with related recommendations for clinical practice. The advice and suggestions included will assist clinicians in targeting their attention appropriately to ensure that children adolescents and their families receive the best possible care. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367224417

Avoiding and Resolving DisputesA Short Guide for Architects Quick concise and direct this pocketbook outlines the essentials that every architect needs to know about construction disputes – from tips on avoiding them in the first place and informally negotiating issues as they arise to how to go about settling full-blown disputes more formally. Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859466919

Avoiding Archaeological DisastersRisk Management for Heritage Professionals You think it can’t happen to you but it can. One day months into your construction project your front end load operator runs into bones and wooden slats. Your county coroner says it is not a crime scene and refers you to the local archaeology department. The archaeologist tells you that it is a very important discovery. Work stops. Archaeological discoveries happen all the time in the course of projects. Most are manageable some are less so and some are mismanaged wasting time and money. If you are not prepared the consequences can be disastrous. This book is for project engineers project managers construction managers the staff of affected government agencies and archaeological consultants. In its pages you receive enough information enough archaeological perspective to intelligently work with the various parties involved in your project and avoid an archaeological disaster. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315433332

Avoiding Emotions Living Emotions Avoiding Emotions Living Emotions explores the psychoanalytic encounter and examines how emotions are formed and experienced by both the patient and analyst. The author narrates key theoretical concepts through the presentation of clinical material from adult and child analysis and emphasises the importance of being able to foster these narrations. Offering new insights into how the mind works topics of discussion include: Bion’s thinking and its fertilization: clinical implications variations on transference and countertransference image and narration. Providing the reader with clinical exercises and case reports this book will be of great interest to psychoanalysts psychotherapists and psychiatrists as well as being a helpful tool in psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic work on a day-to-day basis. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415555036

Avoiding Inelastic Strains in Solder Joint Interconnections of IC Devices Avoiding Inelastic Strains in Solder Joint Interconnections of IC Devices addresses analytical (mathematical) modeling approaches aimed at understanding the underlying physics and mechanics of the behavior and performance of solder materials and solder joint interconnections of IC devices. The emphasis is on design for reliability including probabilistic predictions of the solder lifetime.   Describes how to use the developed methods of analytical predictive modeling to minimize thermal stresses and strains in solder joint of IC devices Shows how to build the preprocessing models in finite-element analyses (FEA) by comparing the FEA and analytical data Covers how to design the most effective test vehicles for testing solder joints Details how to design and organize in addition to or sometimes even instead of highly accelerated life tests (HALT) highly focused and highly cost-effective failure oriented accelerated testing (FOAT) to understand the physic of failure of solder joint interconnections Outlines how to convert the low cycle fatigue conditions into elastic fatigue conditions and to assess the fatigue lifetime in such cases Illustrates ways to replace time- and labor-consuming expensive and possibly misleading temperature cycling tests with simpler and physically meaningful accelerated tests This book is aimed towards professionals in electronic and photonic packaging electronic and optical materials materials engineering and mechanical design. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138624733

Avoiding the ‘Thucydides Trap’U.S.-China Relations in Strategic Domains As the relationship between China and the United States becomes increasingly complex and interdependent leaders in Beijing and Washington are struggling to establish a solid common foundation on which to expand and deepen bilateral relations. In order to examine the challenges facing U.S.-China relations the National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR) and the Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding (iGCU) at Peking University brought together a group of leading experts from China and the United States in Beijing and Honolulu to develop a conceptual foundation for U.S.-China relations into the future tackling the issues in innovative ways under the banner of U.S.-China Relations in Strategic Domains. The resulting chapters assess U.S.-China relations in the maritime and nuclear sectors as well as in cyberspace and space and through the lens of P2P and mil-to-mil exchanges. Scholars and students in political science and international relations are thus presented with a diagnosis and prognosis of the relations between the two superpowers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815383093

Avoiding the DarkEssays on Race and the Forging of National Culture in Modern Brazil First published in 1999. This work examines the processes by which Brazilian nationalists forged and propagated an all-inclusive national identity which attempted to promote racial harmony in the first four decades of the twentieth century. Specific emphasis is given to the rising patriotic feelings under the administration of President Getulio Vargas which culminated in the creation of Estado Novo in 1937. Vargas’ generation succeeded in encouraging Brazilians to identify with ‘the nation’ above other possible communities such as radical ethnic or regional ones. In the process nationalists created enduring national myths and symbols which successfully marginalised racial consciousness for the rest of the twentieth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138609693

Avoiding War In The Nuclear AgeConfidence-building Measures For Crisis Stability This book assembles leading confidence-building measure (CBM) experts from government and academia to assess the utility of CBMs for crisis stability. It is intended to contribute to the ongoing national debate over the role of arms control in strengthening national security. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367158552

Awakening Brilliance in the Writer's WorkshopUsing Notebooks Mentor Texts and the Writing Process Master teacher Lisa Morris invites you to share her secrets of success with writer's workshops. After years of experimenting with the workshop model she has developed the most effective ways to apply it in the classroom yielding higher test scores and increased student engagement. Through practical step-by-step instruction Morris demonstrates how to use writer's notebooks mentor texts the writing process and the 6 traits. Specific topics include: setting up the classroom for workshops creating a writing curriculum creating guidelines expectations and lessons for using notebooks helping students select ideas brainstorm and plan assigning writing partners and organizing sharing getting students to self-reflect creating process and product portfolios finding resources for publishing holding effective writing conferences The book also offers an array of invaluable tools such as student writing samples mini-lessons for each stage of the writing process lesson plans pacing guides for dividing your time during the workshop sample charts to help you stay organized suggested classroom guidelines and handouts a list of mentor texts organized by what you can use them to teach (e.g. adjectives alliteration onomatopoeia beginnings endings strong verbs sensory details) quotations on each stage of the writing process to motivate students Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781596671959

Awakening our Faith in the FutureThe Advent of Psychological Liberalism What transformation would happen if we could combine the best of liberal politics with psychology? Awakening our Faith in the Future investigates the avenues for creating a new branch of psychology a transformative political psychology. In the past political psychology has focused directly on analysis and knowledge acquisition rather than on interventions that transform self and culture. A transformative political psychology combines the best of traditional social science with the transformative intent of clinical psychology in order to create a new political culture. Peter T. Dunlap suggests that while liberals focus intently outside of themselves on changing the world those with psychological interests focus much more internally on changing themselves. In this book he argues that by combining political liberalism and psychology and encouraging psychologists to develop cultural learning practices based on ideas of self-knowledge there is opportunity to transform our political culture. Divided into five parts this book explores: stories of political destiny questions of development opportunities for political development a speculative theory of cultural evolution practices of a political psychologist. This scholarly text uses personal experiences and the stories of progressive political leaders as pathways for addressing political problems making it ideal reading for professionals and students in the fields of both politics and psychology as well as for activists interested in the future of liberalism. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315787510

Awakening the DreamerClinical Journeys In Awakening the Dreamer: Clinical Journeys Philip Bromberg continues the illuminating explorations into dissociation and clinical process begun in Standing in the Spaces (1998). Bromberg is among our most gifted clinical writers especially in his unique ability to record peripheral variations in relatedness - those subtle split-second changes that capture the powerful workings of dissociation and chart the changing self-states that analyst and patient bring to the moment. For Bromberg a model of mind premised on the centrality of self-states and dissociation not only offers the optimal lens for comprehending and interpreting clinical data; it also provides maximum leverage for achieving true intersubjective relatedness. And this manner of looking at clinical data offers the best vantage point for integrating psychoanalytic experience with the burgeoning findings of contemporary neuroscience cognitive and developmental psychology and attachment research. Dreams are approached not as texts in need of deciphering but as means of contacting genuine but not yet fully conscious self-states. From here he explores how the patient's "dreamer" and the analyst's "dreamer" can come together to turn the "real" into the "really real" of mutative therapeutic dialogue. The "difficult " frequently traumatized patient is newly appraised in terms of tensions within the therapeutic dyad. And then there is the "haunted" patient who carries a sense of preordained doom through years of otherwise productive work - until the analyst can finally feel the patient's doom as his or her own. Laced with Bromberg's characteristic honesty humor and thoughtfulness these essays elegantly attest to the mind's reliance on dissociation in both normal and pathological variants in the ongoing effort to maintain self-organization. Awakening the Dreamer no less than Standing in the Spaces is destined to become a permanent part of the literature on therapeutic process and change. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203759981

Awakening Through DreamsThe Journey Through the Inner Landscape Most Western approaches to dreams are limited to a psychological paradigm. Building on Jung's work which was heavily influenced by the transformative model of alchemy a new multidimensional approach to the process of human transformation through dreams has been developed which recognises the interrelationship of the psychological and the spiritual and works with the mirroring body in service of both. In the approach presented here dreams are seen as a mixture of worldly impressions and expressions of our individual spirit which is trying to speak to us through the metaphors and narrative of our dreams. In this way the spiritual comes through the psychological dimension. Though it may seem to be a contradiction our dreams hold the key to our 'awakening' and by actively engaging with them we can unlock their potential for initiating and facilitating our own unfoldment. This book is about recognising this process when it occurs in dreams and how to work with them in the service of our growth and self-realisation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782200505

AwakeningAn Introduction to the History of Eastern Thought Awakening: An Introduction to the History of Eastern Thought engages students with anecdotes primary and secondary sources an accessible writing style and a clear historical approach. The text focuses on India China and Japan while showing the relationships that exist between Eastern and Western traditions. Patrick Bresnan consistently links the past to the present so students may see that Eastern traditions however ancient their origins are living traditions and relevant to modern times. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780205242986

AwakeningAn Introduction to the History of Eastern Thought Awakening: An Introduction to the History of Eastern Thought engages students with lively anecdotes essential primary and secondary sources an accessible writing style and a clear historical approach. The text focuses primarily on India China and Japan while showing the relationships that exist between Eastern and Western traditions. Patrick Bresnan consistently links the past to the present so students may see that Eastern traditions however ancient their origins are living traditions and relevant to modern times. Updates to the Sixth Edition include a new introduction as well as new approaches to problem areas throughout the text but with special emphasis in Chapter 5 (Ashtanga Yoga) Chapter 10 (Basic Teaching of Shakyamuni Buddha) Chapter 12(Mahayana Buddhism: Madhyamaka section) and Chapter 18 (Chan Buddhism: regarding the relationship of Chan Buddhism to Zen Buddhism). In addition all references and source material have been brought up to date. The companion website includes two new videos and many new photos produced by the author. New to this Sixth Edition: • A new introduction that provides a helpful overview of each of the nineteen chapters and important connections between them; • An improved explanation of the nature of Vedanta philosophy and a more logical organization of the Key Elements of the Upanishads in Chapter 3; • An extensive rewrite of Chapter 5 which deals with the subject of Ashtanga Yoga as expressed in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali; • A greatly improved presentation of Buddha’s “Four Noble Truths†in Chapter 10; • A total recasting of the teaching of Nagarjuna in the Madhyamaka section of Chapter 12; • A clearer and easier to understand presentation of the teaching of the Dao De Jing in Chapter 14; • A major revision of Chapter 18 so as to clearly distinguish Chinese Chan from Japanese Zen; • Greater emphasis throughout where pertinent on the role of meditation practice in all Eastern traditions; • Revised and updated Questions for Discussion at the end of each chapter; • New photos and two newly produced videos prepared by the author for the book’s companion website: Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138063952

Award Monologues for Men Award Monologues for Men is a collection of fifty monologues taken from plays written since 1980 that have been nominated for the Pullitzer Prize the Tony and the Drama Desk Awards in New York and The Evening Standard and Laurence Olivier Awards in London. The book provides an excellent range of up-to-date audition pieces usefully arranged in age groups and is supplemented with audition tips to improve your acting and to ensure you give your best possible performance. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203608555

Award Monologues for Women Award Monologues for Women is a collection of fifty-four monologues taken from plays written since 1980 that have been nominated for the Pullitzer Prize the Tony and the Drama Desk Awards in New York and The Evening Standard and Laurence Olivier Awards in London. The book provides an excellent range of up-to-date audition pieces usefully arranged in age groups and is supplemented with audition tips to improve your acting and to ensure that the best possible performance. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203608593

Award-winning Case Studies 2015A Special Issue of Building Sustainable Legacies Award-winning Case Studies 2015 Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781783533695

Awareness MattersLanguage Culture Literacy This collection argues that being aware of and reflecting on language form and language use is a powerful tool not only in language learning but also in wider society. It adopts an interdisciplinary stance: one chapter argues the need for Language Awareness in business contexts while another examines the role of critical cultural awareness and Language Awareness in education as ‘bildung’. Others report on research studies in language classrooms and in teacher education. Language Awareness is interrogated from a range of perspectives such as peer interaction teaching young learners learner strategies and strategies for writing online reading and oral fluency training. The scope is global including contributions from Canada Germany Iran Japan Spain and the UK and covers bilingual as well as multilingual contexts. The book will be of interest to language teachers language teacher educators other language professionals and generally to the language aware. This book was originally published as a special issue of Language Awareness. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138021426

Awareness of Dying Should patients be told they are dying? How do families react when one of their members is facing death? Who should reveal that death is imminent? How does hospital staff-doctors nurses and attendants-act toward the dying patient and his family? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519169

AwarenessBiorhythms Sleep and Dreaming An accessible description of sleep and dreaming and the daily and seasonal rhythms that our bodies are subject to. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003060123

Awash In The MainstreamLatino Politics In The 1996 Election This book examines the pattern of opportunities and limits faced by Latinos in their pursuit of a voice in American politics as a means to examine why the 1996 elections seemed to offer unique opportunities for Latino communities. It also analyzes the results of the election. . Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367157296

AwayThe Indian Writer as an Expatriate For more than a generation Indian writers in English have won praise in the West. The roll call of Indian-born writers is startling: Rushdie Mukerjee Mehta Ghosh Naipaul Kureishi Narayan Mistry among many others.Amitava Kumar himself an Indian writer now 'away' in America is editing a broad anthology of work by Indian writers whose lives and literary identities have been formed by their experiences in some form of exile. Spanning writing from the 1920s to the present Away contains work by the writers mentioned above alongside earlier pieces by Gandhi Nehru and Tagore and a wide range of writers over the last half-century. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203724569

Awe and TremblingPsychotherapy of Unusual States Gain new insight into panic and anxiety-related disorders!Awe and Trembling: Psychotherapy of Unusual States provides psychologists psychotherapists and clinical social workers with an overview of the symptoms and causes of panic. The book gives insight into how patients cope with anxiety to help you provide more sympathetic services to your clients. You will discover how to deal with panic in an integrative way rather than relying on medication or cognitively coping by rationalization. You will also discover current methods that will improve the lives of suicidal patients such as talking the patient through the suicidal act and inspiring thought about what would happen and discussing what the patient intends for those that are left behind. Awe and Trembling offers effective techniques that will help you give better care to clients suffering from these difficult disorders.Compelling and informative Awe and Trembling will help you recognize when panic in your patients is a breakthrough rather than an impending breakdown or collapse. You'll be able to help your patients find new possibilities for a better life instead of living with the chaos that comes with anxiety.In Awe and Trembling you'll find ideas that will help you assist your patients in overcoming anxiety and panic such as: discovering ways to treat each patient as a living breathing individual with his or her own personality and treatment needs examining the therapy session as a vehicle for meditative awakening and deeper self-understanding for your patients realizing that if you replace the isolation of panic with structure and connection using such techniques as breathing exercises or yoga panic attacks can be controlled acknowledging that suffering has potentially liberating as well as debilitating dimensions discovering an integrated clinical model of understanding that addresses panic and anxiety from an existential perspective understanding that anxiety and panic often serve as opportunities for clients to examine the conflicts in their lives and within themselves to create a deeper more authentic existenceAwe and Trembling will show you new ways to help your clients on their journey toward wholeness and a more comfortable rewarding life. This valuable book will provide you with a unique perspective on panic and awe to help your clients overcome their anxieties and heal themselves and their lives so they can regain their emotional and physical independence. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315786360

Awe for the Tiger Love for the LambA Chronicle of Sensibility to Animals First Published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138165588

Awhad al-Din Kirmani and the Controversy of the Sufi Gaze Awḥad al-DÄ«n KirmÄnÄ« (d. 1238) was one of the greatest and most colourful Persian Sufis of the medieval period; he was celebrated in his own lifetime by a large number of like-minded followers and other Sufi masters. And yet his form of Sufism was the subject of much discussion within the Islamic world as it elicited responses ranging from praise and commendation to reproach and contempt for his Sufi practices within a generation of his death.This book assesses the few comments written about KirmÄnÄ« by his contemporaries and also provides a translation from his Persian hagiography which was written in the generation after his death. The controversy centres on KirmÄnī’s penchant for gazing at and dancing with beautiful young boys. This anonymous hagiography presents a series of anecdotes that portray KirmÄnī’s “virtuesâ€. The book provides an investigation into KirmÄnÄ« the individual but the story has significance that extends much further. The controversy of his form of Sufism occurred at a crucial time in the evolution of Sufi piety and theology. The research herein situates KirmÄnÄ« within this critical period and assesses the various perspectives taken by his contemporaries and near contemporaries. Such views reveal much about the dynamics and developments of Sufism during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries when the Sufi orders (á¹urÅ«q s. á¹arÄ«qa) began to emerge and which gave individual Sufis a much more structured and ordered method of engaging in piety and of presenting the Sufi tradition to society at large.As the first attempt in a Western language to appreciate the significant contribution that KirmÄnÄ« made to the medieval Persian Sufi tradition this book will appeal to students and scholars of Sufi Studies as well as those interested in Middle Eastern History. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367889401

Awqaf-led Islamic Social FinanceInnovative Solutions to Modern Applications This book provides an authoritative and comprehensive overview of Waqf (endowment) addressing specific issues models solutions structures and practices. As Islamic finance has gained in significance so too has the institution of Waqf working towards creating an enterprising and an entrepreneurial community across the globe in order to meet the underlying objectives of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) by targeting the low-income group in particular. The book analyses the historical context of Waqf as well as its revival in the digital era. It addresses the laws and policies affecting the management of Waqf such as Maqasid al-Shari’ah law and policies law and fiscal reform regulations applied within Muslim countries judicial procedures and dispute resolutions and covers the core issues concerning the formalities of Waqf its management and corporate governance questions. The book includes a series of specialised chapters focusing on the products and services of Waqf covering product innovation product development and then assesses the risk factors in Waqf and Waqf Takaful. Finally it focuses on the challenges of Waqf and offers recommendations for the way forward. A timely and practical guide comprising a literature review and future research directions as well as a number of international case studies this will be a key reference for academics students researchers practitioners and policy makers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367405373

Axonal Conduction Time and Human Cerebral LateralityA Psycological Theory This book takes a new and up-to-date look at the prominent theory that the left hemisphere is specialised for representing patterns extended in time whereas the right hemisphere represents simultaneous or 'spatial' patterns. What makes it unique in the field is that it looks at this theory from a neurobiological basis. It suggests that the difference resides in the range of conduction times in the axons connecting different regions of the cortex in each hemisphere. This hypothesis is discussed with respect to theoretical models of brain dynamics and both gross and microscopic structure of the hemispheres. It deals with the psychological implications of the hypothesis for higher functions of the human cerebrum and outlines testable implications wherever possible. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780367810511

Axoplasmic Transport Axoplasmic transport is the intracellular movement of cellular components required for the maintenance and normal physiological functioning of neuronal cells. This book provides an up to date reference for both established investigators as well as for those entering in the field.This volume describes the history and methods of the study of transport and the involvement of energy ions calmodulin microtubules and other cellular components in transport. It also discusses the transport of polypeptides lipids nucleic acids neutrotransmitter containing components and various other particles in nerve fibres. A significant portion of this book is devoted to axoplasmic transport regeneration and the relevance of transport in neurotropic functions are described in the alst four chapters followed by a discussion on the mechanism of axoplasmic transport. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890906

Ayahs Lascars and PrincesThe Story of Indians in Britain 1700-1947 People from the Indian sub-continent have been in Britain since the end of the seventeenth century. The presence of princes and maharajahs is well documented but this book first published in 1986 was the first account of the ordinary people in Britain. This book will be of interest to students of history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138921214

Ayahuasca Ritual and Religion in Brazil Ayahuasca is a psychoactive drink used for healing and divination among religious groups in the Brazilian Amazon. 'Ayahuasca Ritual and Religion in Brazil' is the first scholarly volume in English to examine the religious rituals and practices surrounding ayahuasca. The use of ayahuasca among religious groups is analysed alongside Brazilian public policies regarding ayahuasca and the handling of substance dependence. 'Ayahuasca Ritual and Religion in Brazil' will be of interest to scholars of anthropology and religion and all those interested in the role of stimulants in religious practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138158085

Ayn Rand's Atlas ShruggedA Philosophical and Literary Companion Since its publication in 1957 Atlas Shrugged the philosophical and artistic climax of Ayn Rand's novels has never been out of print and has received enormous critical attention becoming one of the most influential books ever published impacting on a variety of disciplines including philosophy literature economics business and political science among others. More than a great novel Atlas Shrugged is an abstract conceptual and symbolic work that expounds a radical philosophy presenting a view of man and man's relationship to existence and manifesting the essentials of an entire philosophical system - metaphysics epistemology politics and ethics. Celebrating the fiftieth year of Atlas Shrugged's publication this companion is an exploration of this monumental work of literature. Contributions have been specially commissioned from a diversity of eminent scholars who admire and have been influenced by the book the included essays analyzing the novel's integrating elements of theme plot and characterization from many perspectives and from various levels of meaning. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315568591

Ay's Neuroanatomy of C. Elegans for Computation First published in 1992 AY's Neuroanatomy of C. elegans for Computation provides the neural circuitry database of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans both in printed form and in ASCII files on 5.25-inch diskettes (for use on IBM® and compatible personal computers Macintosh® computers and higher level machines). Tables of connections among neuron classes synapses among individual neurons gap junctions among neurons worm cells and their embryonic origin and synthetically derived neuromuscular connections are presented together with the references from which the data were compiled and edited. Sample data files and source codes of FORTRAN and BASIC programs are provided to illustrate the use of mathematical tools for any researcher or student interested in examining a natural neural network and discovering what makes it tick. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367250256

Ayurveda in The New MillenniumEmerging Roles and Future Challenges Ayurveda or "the sacred knowledge of longevity" has been practiced in India and many Asian countries since time immemorial. Interest in Ayurveda started growing all over the world in the late 1970s following the Alma Ata Declaration adopted by the W.H.O. in 1978. Ayurveda in the New Millennium: Emerging Roles and Future Challenges attempts to survey the progress made in this field and to formulate a course of action to take Ayurveda through the new millennium. It also identifies the many stumbling blocks that need to be removed if Ayurveda is to cater to the needs of a wider audience. Features: Newer insights into the history of Ayurveda Regulatory aspects of the manufacture of ayurvedic medicines Industrial production of traditional ayurvedic medicines Quality control The scientific rationale of single herb therapy Biological effects of ayurvedic formulations Optimization of ancient wisdom and newer knowledge Conservation of threatened herbs Nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals from Ayurveda Critical view of Ayurveda in the West Direction for the Ayurveda renaissance Ayurveda in the New Millennium: Emerging Roles and Future Challenges describes the strength of Ayurveda and how to usher in the Ayurveda renaissance. This book will be of interest to proponents of Ayurveda and all branches of traditional and alternative medicine. Experts from the fields of medicine pharmacology new drug discovery and food technology will also find it useful. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367279547

Ayurvedic HerbsA Clinical Guide to the Healing Plants of Traditional Indian Medicine A single-source reference on the most important and best-investigated Ayurvedic herbs This book examines the clinical information available on more than 60 Ayurvedic herbs to determine how their use in traditional Indian medicine is supported by modern scientific study. Plants are grouped according to body systems and each entry includes a description information on the source plant distribution and traditional use active chemical constituents relevant pharmacology and details of clinical studies and safety findings. This unique book also includes a brief history of Ayurveda examines the history of drug development and evaluation in ancient India and identifies current trends resulting from scientific investigation. Worldwide interest in Ayurveda is growing quickly especially in the United States Europe and Japan. But until now information on Western-style clinical trials on Ayurveda herbs has been scattered and no single source for descriptions comments and references has existed. Ayurvedic Herbs presents the first critical validation of Ayurvedic medicine extensively referenced for physicians and clinicians interested in alternative and adjunctive therapies. This unique book is essential for making informed choices on herb use offering clinical trial data results of pharmacological studies and safety information.Ayurvedic Herbs examines: gastrointestinal agents hepatoprotective agents respiratory tract agents cardiovascular drugs urinary tract drugs antirheumatic agents skin and trauma care agents gynecological agents antidiabetic agents CNS agents rasayana drugs dental and ophthamological agents and much moreAyurvedic Herbs includes cross-references to chapters when a particular plant has more than one indication and watercolor illustrations of twelve major herbs. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203049204

Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeial Plant DrugsExpanded Therapeutics "This kind of systematic work is exactly what is needed for people to help bridge traditional Ayurvedic practice with modern science."—Venkatraman Ramakrishnan Nobel laureate current president of the Royal Society and group leader at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology Cambridge Biomedical Campus UK Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeial Plant Drugs: Expanded Therapeutics is the first review of all the therapeutic sections of 456 plant drugs in the first six volumes of the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India. It covers pharmacognosy of classical Ayurvedic herbs their chemical constituents therapeutic uses and doses on the basis of contemporary scientific literature. The book reviews the classical attributes compounds and textual references of Ayurvedic plant drugs and updates the pharmacopoeial attributes of Ayurvedic herbs and formulations to make them more industry-oriented and facilitate their implementation. Sanskrit terminology has been converted into English equivalents and botanical names assigned to Ayurvedic herbs in the text have been reviewed in historical as well as contemporary contexts. This will assist those who are not conversant with Sanskrit or have found multiple names of the same herb in Ayurvedic reference works and in different regions of India. With these salient features this book provides an added scientific edge to the new generation of Ayurvedic students faculty members researchers and enterprising phytopharmaceutical scientists. In addition the scientific temper of this resource will help unravel many of the intricacies of classical Ayurveda. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781466589995

A-Z Common Reference Questions for Academic Librarians A-Z Common Reference Questions for Academic Librarians is a survival guide for frontline library staff to help them find appropriate information quickly whether they are answering questions at a physical help desk or remotely by telephone email or instant messaging service. The book will help academic librarians tackle the questions most commonly asked by students academics and researchers. A broad cross-disciplinary A-Z of themes including topics such as literature searching plagiarism and using online resources are covered helping you to address an query confidently and quickly. Each topic is split into three sections to guide your response: – typical questions: listing the common enquiries encountered – points to consider: exploring the issues and challenges that might arise – where to look: listing annotated UK and international resources in print and online including key organisations scholarly bodies digital libraries statistical data and journal article indexes. Media > Books > Print Books Facet Publishing 9781783304110

A-Z Guide to Modern Social and Political Theorists The A-Z Guide to Modern Social and Political Theories is a companion volume to the already published A-Z Guide to Modern Literary and Cultural Theorists. It ranges widely through the social sciences and related areas to identify thinkers who have had a major impact on the development of modern social and political theory and given clear accessible summaries of their work. While the accent is on the later twentieth century several up-and-coming theorists are included to ensure a contemporary edge to the volume classic names in the field from the earlier twentieth century are not neglected and the collection also delves back into the nineteenth century for such founding figures of the social sciences as Marx and Comte. The volume is therefore both up-to-date and mindful of the sources of modern debates. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138164529

A-Z of Corporate Environmental Management Is aluminium bad for you? What is an Environment Management System? Is there an effective substitute for Chlorine Bleach? The A - Z of Corporate Environmental Management provides answers to these and many other questions and is an invaluable guide to managing a company's environmental impact. This practical directory assesses hundreds of products in common use from aerosols to zinc via formaldehyde and phosphates. Using an easy-to-understand format it: explains each product's use its benefits and its environmental risks; recommends safer alternative choices where available; explains issues such as animal testing eco-labels and recycling; and examines the main impacts of major industries from aerospace to zoos. Its compact jargon-free definitions will enable you to produce safer products and communicate your needs more effectively to suppliers. Making extensive use of figures and cross-referencing this book is ideal for managers who are introducing corporate environmental programmes and risk assessments and for anyone who needs an objective view of environmental issues in business. With over 800 entries the A-Z of Corporate Environmental Management provides a clear and authoritative summary of the subject. Its encyclopedic coverage includes: * Management strategies such as ISO 14001 * UK EU and international legislation * General issues eg timber * Toxic substances eg organochlorines * Waste management eg landfill * Disasters eg contamination at the Union Carbide plant Bhopal * Water pollutants eg chlorine * Air pollutants eg carbon monoxide The A-Z will help you to: * Reduce your organisation's impacts * Understand major issues * Decide which chemicals to use * Assess whether you are complying with legislation * Communicate with staff and customers * Implement an environmental management system With hundreds of best practice points the A-Z shows how to reduce pollution cut costs improve staff motivation increase sales and avoid litigation. Its checklists charts and tables make it a highly practical tool for anyone needing to understand and implement environmental management. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964266

A-Z of Digital Research Methods This accessible alphabetical guide provides concise insights into a variety of digital research methods incorporating introductory knowledge with practical application and further research implications. A-Z of Digital Research Methods provides a pathway through the often-confusing digital research landscape while also addressing theoretical ethical and legal issues that may accompany each methodology. Dawson outlines 60 chapters on a wide range of qualitative and quantitative digital research methods including textual numerical geographical and audio-visual methods. This book includes reflection questions useful resources and key texts to encourage readers to fully engage with the methods and build a competent understanding of the benefits disadvantages and appropriate usages of each method. A-Z of Digital Research Methods is the perfect introduction for any student or researcher interested in digital research methods for social and computer sciences. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138486805

Azerbaijan and the European Union This book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of EU-Azerbaijan relations. It examines the current state of Azerbaijan and its regime charts the development of EU-Azerbaijan relations over time and discusses the dynamics at work in the relationship. It details the nature of the Azerbaijani regime including its authoritarian character and allegations of corruption explores the differences between European values and the values of the Azerbaijani government and explains the difficulties that have arisen in the relationship including the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict resolution process media suppression and human rights violations. The book includes a comparison with EU relations with other states in the region. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138595026

Azerbaijan DiaryA Rogue Reporter's Adventures in an Oil-rich War-torn Post-Soviet Republic In its first years as an independent state Azerbaijan was a prime example of post-Soviet chaos - beset by coups and civil strife and astride an ethnic political and religious divide. Author Goltz was detoured in Baku in mid-1991 and decided to stay this diary is the record of his experiences. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706238

Azerbaijan Since Independence Azerbaijan a small post-Soviet republic located on the western shore of the Caspian Sea has outsized importance becaus of its strategic location at the corssroads of Europe and Asia its oil resources and Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706221

Azerbaijani Dictionary and Phrasebook This dictionary and phrasebook includes a dictionary of over 4 000 entries plus an introduction to basic grammar and helpful phrasebook chapters covering subjects such as etiquette the office government and food and drink. It is written entirely in the Roman alphabet.This unique language guides for getting around and communicating easily in everyday situations will be equally useful for tourists business people and aid workers. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003059059

Azeri Women in TransitionWomen in Soviet and Post-Soviet Azerbaijan This study of women and gender in a Muslim society draws on archival and literary sources as well as the life stories of women of different generations to offer a unique ethnographic and historical account of the lives of urban women in contemporary Azerbaijan. Focussing on a group of professional women in Baku it provides insight into the impact of the Soviet system on the position of Azeri women their conceptions of femininity and the significant changes brought about by the post-Soviet transition to a market economy and growing western influence. Also explored are the ways in which local cultural expectations and Islamic beliefs were accommodated to different modernisation projects. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138862685

Aziz Nasafi Shows Nasafi and his legacy in a new light. Nasafi's works are of particular interest because they contain valuable descriptions of the different Islamic world views of the age. Includes substantial extracts to help illuminate this perceptive study of a neglected figure in the pantheon of Sufi thinkers. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003062387

Aztec Goddesses and Christian MadonnasImages of the Divine Feminine in Mexico The face of the divine feminine can be found everywhere in Mexico. One of the most striking features of Mexican religious life is the prevalence of images of the Virgin Mother of God. This is partly because the divine feminine played such a prominent role in pre-Hispanic Mexican religion. Goddess images were central to the devotional life of the Aztecs especially peasants and those living in villages outside the central city of Tenochtitlan (present day Mexico City). In these rural communities fertility and fecundity more than war rituals and sacrificial tribute were the main focus of cultic activity. Both Aztec goddesses and the Christian Madonnas who replaced them were associated and sometimes identified with nature and the environment: the earth water trees and other sources of creativity and vitality. This book uncovers the myths and images of 22 Aztec Goddesses and 28 Christian Madonnas of Mexico. Their rich and symbolic meaning is revealed by placing them in the context of the religious worldviews in which they appear and by situating them within the devotional life of the faithful for whom they function as powerful mediators of divine grace and terror. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409435983

B F Skinner B.F. Skinner died in August 1990. He had been praised as one of the most influential psychologists of the 20th century but was also attacked by a variety of opponents within and outside the field of psychology. This introduction to his work is first of all a guide to a correct reading of his writings a reading devoid of the distortions and misinterpretations often conveyed by many commentators including psychologists. It frames Skinner's contributions with reference to major European traditions in psychological sciences namely Pavlov Freud Lorenz and Piaget. Crucial aspects of Skinner's theory and methodological stands are discussed in the context of contemporary debates: special attention is devoted to the relationship of psychology with biology and the neurosciences to the cognitivist movement to the status of language and to the explanation of novelty and creativity in human behaviour.; Finally Skinner's social and political philosophy is presented with an emphasis on the provocative aspects of an analysis of current social practices which fail to solve most of the urgent problems humankind is confronted with today. Both in science proper and in human affairs at large Skinner's thought is shown to be not behind as is often claimed but ahead of the times be it in his interactive view of linguistic communication in his very modern use of the evolutionary analogy to explain the dynamics of behaviour or in his vision of ecological constraints. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315784977

B.A.R.D. in the PracticeA Guide for Family Doctors to Consult Efficiently Effectively and Happily Forewords by Mayur Lakhani Mike Pringle and Philip R Evans Respectively Chairman of Communications and Publishing Royal College of General Practitioners London; Head of School and Professor of General Practice University of Nottingham; Former President of WONCA Region Europe. This groundbreaking book describes a completely new approach to the medical consultation focusing on four key points: Behaviour Aims Room and Dialogue (B.A.R.D.). This practical approach has gained support from the Royal College of General Practitioners and reflects the way real family doctors consult in the real world to the benefit of both the practitioner and the patient. Practical suggestions are made throughout the guide with training exercises to aid in application. B.A.R.D in the Practice provides important reading for all general practitioners and general practitioner registrars. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315376608

B.F. Skinner - A Reappraisal B.F. Skinner died in August 1990. He was praised as one of the most influential psychologists of this century but was also attacked by a variety of opponents within and outside the field of psychology. Originally published in 1993 this introduction to his work is first of all a guide to a correct reading of his writings a reading void of the distortions and misinterpretations often conveyed by many commentators including psychologists. It frames Skinner’s contributions with reference to major European traditions in psychological sciences namely Pavlov Freud Lorenz and Piaget. Crucial aspects of Skinner’s theory and methodological stands are discussed in the context of contemporary debates: special attention is devoted to the relation of psychology with biology and the neurosciences to the cognitivist movement to the status of language and to the explanation of novelty and creativity in human behaviour. Finally Skinner’s social and political philosophy is presented with an emphasis on the provocative aspects of an analysis of current social practices which fail to solve most of the urgent problems humankind is confronted with today. Both in science proper and in human affairs at large Skinner’s thought is shown to be not behind as is often claimed but on the contrary ahead of the times be it in his interactive view of linguistic communication in his very modern use of the evolutionary analogy to explain the dynamics of behaviour or in his vision of ecological constraints. Written by a European psychologist the book departs from traditional presentations of Skinner’s work in the frame of American psychology. It will provide the reader who is unfamiliar with the great behaviourist’s writings a concise yet in-depth introduction to his work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138645028

B.F. Skinner: Consensus And Controversy Published in the year 1987 B.F.Skinner: Consensus and Contribution is a valuable contribution to the field of Education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964280

B.S.Patil’s Building and Engineering Contracts 7th Edition From the standpoint of practising engineers architects and contractors the law of contract is the most important one and from preparation of technical documents to its execution and in the determination of disputes the engineer or architect must have relevant knowledge. This book acts as a practical guide to building and engineering contracts. All points are explained with illustrations gathered from decided court cases. This book covers the substantive law of contract applicable to building and engineering contracts with updated noteworthy judgments. FIDIC conditions are mentioned at appropriate places with a global focus. Key Features: Guide for a full and thorough understanding of the contractual undertakings of the civil engineering industry primarily in India Discusses specific conditions which are fertile sources of disputes referring to and commenting upon the FIDIC conditions Covers internationally adopted standard form conditions of contract with analysis discussions and interpretations with decided court cases from India and abroad Focuses on technical civil engineering aspects Addresses cases from countries including UK US Canada Australia New Zealand and India Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367133313

B/ordering Space In the wake of globalization numerous social scientists are turning to concepts of mobility fluidity and hybridity to characterize a presumed de-territorialization and de-bordering of contemporary social and economic relations. This book brings together a select group of internationally renowned human geographers to explore the use of these concepts in relation to space place and territory. In doing so they (re)situate the subject of borders as active socio-spatial processes from a variety of theoretical perspectives. The contributors link debates on borders to discussions within the wider sphere of cultural studies notably those addressing themes of migration post-colonialism the formation of national/regional identities and radical democratic practice. The chapters focus on those discursive practices that constitute 'bordered' geographical entities in the first instance through differentiated regimes of discourse. The book thus transcends the narrower field of borderlands research by building bridges to other domains of enquiry within political and human geography. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138258792

Béla BartókA Research and Information Guide This research guide is an annotated bibliography of primary and secondary sources and catalogue of Bartók’s compositions. Since the publication of the second edition a wealth of information has been proliferating in the field of Bartók research. The third edition of this research guide provides an update in this field and represents the multidisciplinary research areas in the growing Bartók literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415995238

BaakisimbaGender in the Music and Dance of the Baganda People of Uganda Originally a royal court dance baakisimba asserted the authority of the king as the head of Baganda society. After the abolition of kingship in 1967 baakisimba dance began to be performed in other contexts with women sometimes playing the accompanying drums-traditionally a man's role-and with men occasionally performing the dance.Sylivia Nannyonga-Tamusuza argues that the music and dance of the Baganda people are not simply reflective of culture; baakisimba participates in the construction of social relations and helps determine how these relations shape the performing arts. Integrating a study of foregrounds the conceptualization of gender as a time-specific cultural phenomenon. Illuminating the complex relationship between baakisimba and Baganda culture this path breaking volume bridges the gaps in previous scholarship that integrates music and dance in ethnomusicological scholarship. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138805002

Baal and the Politics of Poetry Baal and the Politics of Poetry provides a thoroughly new interpretation of the Ugaritic Baal Cycle that simultaneously inaugurates an innovative approach to studying ancient Near Eastern literature within the political context of its production. The book argues that the poem written in the last decades of the Bronze Age takes aim at the reigning political-theological norms of its day and uses the depiction of a divine world to educate its audience about the nature of human politics. By attuning ourselves to the specific historical context of this one poem we can develop more nuanced appreciation of how poetry politics and religion have interacted—in antiquity and beyond. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367617820

Baal's PriestsThe Loyalist Clergy and the English Revolution The English Civil War was a time of disruption suffering and persecution for many people not least the clergy of the established church who found themselves ejected from their livings in increasing numbers as Parliamentarian forces extended their control across the country. Yet historians have tended to downplay their suffering preferring in most cases to concentrate instead upon the persecution suffered by dissenters after the Restoration. Drawing upon an impressive array of sources - most notably the remarkable set of family and parish memories collected by John Walker in the early years of the eighteenth century - this book refocuses attention on the experiences of the sequestered loyalist clergy during the turbulent years of the 1640s and 1650s. The study highlights how the experiences of the clergy can help illuminate events in wider society whilst at the same time acknowledging the unique situation in which Church of England ministers found themselves. For although the plundering imprisonment and personal loss of the clergy was probably indicative of the experiences of many ordinary people on middle incomes the ever present religious dimension to the conflict ensured particular attention was paid to those holding religious office. During the war and interregnum zealous religious reformers attacked every aspect of established religion targeting both existing institutions and those who supported them. Clergy were ejected on an unprecedented scale suffering much violence and persecution and branded as 'malignants' and 'baal's priests'. By re-examining their history the book offers a balanced assessment of the persecution challenging many preconceptions about the ejected loyalists and providing new insights into the experiences and legacies of this influential group. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367601676

Baba PadmanjiVernacular Christianity in Colonial India This book is a critical biography of Baba Padmanji (1831-1906) a firebrand native Christian missionary ideologue and litterateur from 19th-century Bombay Presidency. Though Padmanji was well-known and a very influential figure among Christian converts his contributions have received inadequate attention from the perspective of ‘social reform’ — an intellectual domain dominated by offshoots of the Brahmo Samaj movement like the Prarthana Samaj in Bombay. This book constitutes an in-depth analysis of Padmanji’s relationships with questions of reform education modernity feminism and religion that had wide-ranging repercussions on the intellectual horizon of 19th-century India.  It presents Padmanji’s integrated writing persona and identity as a revolutionary pathfinder of his times who amalgamated and blended vernacular ideas of Christianity together with early feminism modernity and incipient nationalism. Drawing on a variety of primary and secondary sources this unique book will be of great interest for area studies scholars (especially Maharashtra) and to researchers of modern India engaged with the history of colonialism and missions religion global Christianity South Asian intellectual history and literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367503901

Babbitts and Bohemians from the Great War to the Great Depression Babbitts and Bohemians is a fresh and informed account of the 1920s a decade that seems almost mythical to some. Elizabeth Stevenson finds that the true twenties was a society of contrast. On the one hand it was an era of sameness and political conformity but on the other hand it was also a time of cultural revolt. In places labeled Main Street and Middletown the citizenry followed a conventional pattern. At the same time while most of America enjoyed the good life of this period bohemians in Greenwich Village and expatriates in Paris were fervently scornful of it.The author explores the new sense of self and the world during this period especially evident in the writings of Sinclair Lewis Sherwood Anderson Robert Frost H. L. Mencken Glenway Wescott William Faulkner and others. Stevenson writes about numerous facets of the 1920s: the brilliant entertainers Harlem's brief period of glory the worsening conditions in the South the hero worship of Babe Ruth and Charles Lindbergh and the stockmarket crash in 1929 that brought an abrupt end to the golden years. In the new introduction the author reflects on her personal experience and discusses how the 1920s affected her family. She goes on to talk about how living in the tumultuous 1960s prompted her to write Babbitts and Bohemians. While she concedes that there were some not so glorious times during the 1920s she still considers it a period where the vitality of life exhibited itself in all sorts of interesting and entertaining new ways.Elizabeth Stevenson succeeds admirably in conveying the spirit and the history of the era: the people and the mood that shaped the times; the political international and economic apathy; the conformity and rebellion of a decade unlike any other before or since. Babbitts and Bohemians will be enjoyed by all especially historians sociologists and political scientists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519176

Babesiosis of Domestic Animals and Man This book presents the state of the art information on basic and applied knowledge pertaining to various aspects of babesiosis particularly bovine babesiosis. The book should serve as a valuable source of information for research workers graduate and undergraduate students of veterinary and agricultural sciences field veterinarians and allied professionals involved in animal production and disease control. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890920

Baby You are My ReligionWomen Gay Bars and Theology Before Stonewall Baby You Are My Religion argues that American butch-femme bar culture of the mid-20th Century should be interpreted as a sacred space for its community. Before Stonewall—when homosexuals were still deemed mentally ill—these bars were the only place where many could have any community at all. Baby You are My Religion explores this community as a site of a lived corporeal theology and political space. It reveals that religious institutions such as the Metropolitan Community Church were founded in such bars that traditional and non-traditional religious activities took place there and that religious ceremonies such as marriage were often conducted within the bars by staff. Baby You are My Religion examines how these bars became not only ecclesiastical sites but also provided the fertile ground for the birth of the struggle for gay and lesbian civil rights before Stonewall. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781844658947

Baby and Toddler Development Made RealFeaturing the Progress of Jasmine Maya 0-2 Years Following the progress of Jasmine Maya the book examines every part of baby care and development including: bathing changing clothing; health and safety immunisation; the role of the midwife and health visitor; feeding and weaning; play stimulation toys and books; and theories and theorists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138179660

Baby GorillaPhotographic and Descriptive Atlas of Skeleton Muscles and Internal Organs The first photographic and descriptive musculoskeletal atlas of a baby gorilla this book details the comparative and phylogenetic context of the gross anatomy and evolutionary history of the soft tissue morphology of modern humans and one of their closest relatives. With detailed high-quality photographs of musculoskeletal structures it provides an updated review of the anatomical variations within gorillas as well as an extensive list of the synonyms used in the literature to designate the structures discussed. It will be of interest to students teachers and researchers studying primatology comparative anatomy functional morphology zoology and physical anthropology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482232974

Bach For nearly two centuries Johann Sebastian Bach has been regarded as a cornerstone of Western musical culture. His music inspired subsequent generations of composers and philosophers alike and continues to capture our imaginations in many ways. Bach studies is part of this picture often seen as providing excellent examples of musicological scholarship. The volume editor has chosen thirty-one published articles which in his view not only represent a broad spectrum of the scholarly discussions on Bach's life and works but will also facilitate the on-going study of Bach's creative genius. The articles have been selected to ensure that this volume will be considered useful for not only those students who are currently engaging in Bach studies at universities but also for more seasoned Bach scholars as they consider the future direction of Bach studies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315096704

Bach Performance Practice 1945–1975A Comprehensive Review of Sound Recordings and Literature Analysing over 100 recordings from 1945-1975 this book examines twentieth-century baroque performance practice as evinced in all the commercially available recordings of J.S. Bach's Passions Brandenburg Concertos and Goldberg Variations. Dorottya Fabian presents a qualitative style-orientated history of the early music movement in its formative years through a comparison of the performance style heard in these recordings with the scholarly literature on Bach performance practice. Issues explored in the book include the availability of resources balance tempo dynamics ornamentation rhythm and articulation. During the decades following the Second World War the early music movement was more concerned with the revival of repertoire than with the revival of performance style which meant that its characteristics and achievements differed essentially from those of the later 1970s and 1980s. Period practice techniques were not practised even by ensembles using eighteenth-century instruments. Yet as this survey reveals several recordings of the period provide unexpectedly stylish interpretations using metre and pulse to punctuate the music. Such metric performance and appropriate articulation helped to clarify structure and texture and assisted in the creation of a musical discourse - the pre-eminent goal of baroque compositions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138504905

Back Analysis in Rock Engineering This book provides practicing engineers working in the field of design construction and monitoring of rock structures such as tunnels and slopes with technical information on how to design how to excavate and how to monitor the structures during their construction. Based on the long-term engineering experiences of the author field measurements together with back analyses are presented as the most powerful tools in rock engineering practice. One of the purposes of field measurements is to assess the stability of the rock structures during their construction. However field measurement results are only numbers unless they are quantitatively interpreted a process in which back analyses play an important role. The author has developed both the concepts of “critical strain†and of the “anisotropic parameter†of rocks which can make it possible not only to assess the stability of the structures during their construction but also to verify the validity of design parameters by the back analysis of field measurement results during the constructions. Based on the back analysis results the design parameters used at a design stage could be modified if necessary. This procedure is called an “Observational method†a concept that is entirely different from that of other structures such as bridges and buildings. It is noted that in general technical books written for practicing engineers mainly focus on empirical approaches which are based on engineers’ experiences. In this book however no empirical approaches will be described instead all the approaches are based on simple rock mechanics theory. This book is the first to describe an observational method in rock engineering practice which implies that the potential readers of this book must be practicing engineers working on rock engineering projects. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138028623

Back Injury Prevention Handbook Back injuries can be controlled and prevented! They are not and should not be accepted as a cost of doing business!Written in plain language for the industrial professional this book presents back injury prevention methods that have proven effective for cost containment. Such techniques include the 5-year back attack the Olympic weight lifting model applied to the industrial setting. Training styles and concepts for a proper educational format are also emphasized.The author draws on literature from around the world and his own experience of over 20 years of treating and preventing back pain and neck pain in presenting information in this book. Several case studies prove that back injuries can be prevented which can save hundreds of thousands of dollars and countless hours of lost work. This book will prove essential for helping trainers safety specialists ergonomists industrial hygienists and other industry personnel to implement the best cure for back pain-prevention! Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890937

Back to Shared Prosperity: The Growing Inequality of Wealth and Income in AmericaThe Growing Inequality of Wealth and Income in America To what extent are major social and political problems caused by basic income and unemployment trends? Is it possible to restore the kind of broadly shared prosperity the U.S. once experienced before the early 1970s? Some of the top economists of our time address these critical questions. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706214

Back to the Basics of Teaching and LearningThinking the World Together This book is about an ecological-interpretive image of "the basics." Essays detailing everyday lived events in classroom life are presented to help readers see beneath the surface ordinariness of these events to uncover and examine the underlying complex and contested meanings they contain. Readers are invited to imagine what would happen to our understanding of teaching and learning if we stepped away from the image of basics-as-breakdown under which education labors today – an image of fragmentation isolation and the consequent dispensing manipulation and control of the smallest simplest most meaningless bits and pieces of the living inheritances that are entrusted to teachers and learners in schools. By involving readers in re-thinking the idea of the "basics" in educational theory and practice this book offers a more generous rigorous difficult and pleasurable image of what this term might mean in the living work of teachers and learners. This is a valuable text for practicing teachers and student-teachers interested in re-imagining what is basic to their work and the work of their students. It also provides examples of interpretive inquiry that will be helpful for graduate students and scholars in the areas of curriculum teaching and learning who are interested in pursuing this form of research and writing. The Second Edition: is guided by the view that thinking the world together is a form of ecological thinking adds chapters that take up the ecological aspects of this vision the hermeneutic aspects and curricular aspects in the areas of mathematics reading and writing and social studies; included also are chapters on child development information and communications technologies and more proposes a version of "the basics" that asks teachers to be public intellectuals who think about the world who think about the knowledge we have inherited and to which we are offering our students living breathing access Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138137462

Back To the BeanstalkEnchantment and Reality for Couples First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Gestalt Press 9780203766866

Back to the Future (RLE Social Theory)Modernity Postmodernity and Locality Is modernity being replaced by an opposite culture of postmodernity or is postmodernism simply an internal critique of modernist culture? This key question is central to this stimulating book which explores the transformations taking place in social life cultural preferences economic organization and political attitudes particularly in the context of the contemporary city as a lived or written experience. This book contains accounts of the development of modern ways of life and their erosion in the 20th century. The author argues that a whole set of modern institutions from the corporation to the novel are being exposed to internal critique and external competition. As a result new ways of seeing and thinking are moving us into what some observers see as postmodern culture. However these tendencies may in fact be the continuation of modernity by other means. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964297

Back to 'Things in Themselves'A Phenomenological Foundation for Classical Realism In an enlightening dialogue with Descartes Kant Husserl and Gadamer Professor Seifert argues that the original inspiration of phenomenology was nothing other than the primordial insight of philosophy itself the foundation of philosophia perennis. His radical rethinking of the phenomenological method results in a universal objectivist philosophy in direct continuity with Plato Aristotle and Augustine. In order to validate the classical claim to know autonomous being the author defends Husserl's methodological principle "Back to things themselves" from empiricist and idealist critics including the later Husserl and replies to the arguments of Kant which attempt to discredit the knowability of things in themselves. Originally published in 1982 this book culminates in a phenomenological and critical unfolding of the Augustinian cogito as giving access to immutable truth about necessary essences and the real existence of personal being. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964303

Background and Recent Developments of Metric Fixed Point Theory This book focusing on Metric fixed point theory is designed to provide an extensive understanding of the topic with the latest updates. It provides a good source of references open questions and new approaches. While the book is principally addressed to graduate students it is also intended to be useful to mathematicians both pure and applied. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780815369455

Background Modeling and Foreground Detection for Video Surveillance Background modeling and foreground detection are important steps in video processing used to detect robustly moving objects in challenging environments. This requires effective methods for dealing with dynamic backgrounds and illumination changes as well as algorithms that must meet real-time and low memory requirements.Incorporating both established and new ideas Background Modeling and Foreground Detection for Video Surveillance provides a complete overview of the concepts algorithms and applications related to background modeling and foreground detection. Leaders in the field address a wide range of challenges including camera jitter and background subtraction.The book presents the top methods and algorithms for detecting moving objects in video surveillance. It covers statistical models clustering models neural networks and fuzzy models. It also addresses sensors hardware and implementation issues and discusses the resources and datasets required for evaluating and comparing background subtraction algorithms. The datasets and codes used in the text along with links to software demonstrations are available on the book’s website.A one-stop resource on up-to-date models algorithms implementations and benchmarking techniques this book helps researchers and industry developers understand how to apply background models and foreground detection methods to video surveillance and related areas such as optical motion capture multimedia applications teleconferencing video editing and human–computer interfaces. It can also be used in graduate courses on computer vision image processing real-time architecture machine learning or data mining. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367659110

Background To CrisisPolicy And Politics In Gierek's Poland This book examines many of the policy-related developments in Poland during Edward Gierek's regime between 1970 and 1980. It describes political participation and integration the role of various groups in the Polish political process and major policy issues facing the Polish government. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367170653

Backgrounds for Joyce's Dubliners First published in 1986. Dubliners was James Joyce’s first major publication. Setting it at the turn of the century Joyce claims to hold up a ‘nicely polished looking-glass’ to the native Irishman. In Backgrounds for Joyce’s Dubliners the author examines the national mythic religious and legendary details which Joyce builds up to capture a many-sided performance and timelessness in Irish life. Acknowledging the serious work done on Dubliners as a whole in this study Professor Torchiana draws upon a wide range of published and unpublished sources to provide a scholarly and satisfying framework for Joyce’s world of the ‘inept and the lower middle class’. He combines an understanding of Joyce’s subtleties with a long-standing personal knowledge of Dublin. This title will make fascinating reading for scholars and students of Joyce’s writing as well as for those interested in early twentieth century Irish social history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138186644

Backpacker Tourism and Economic DevelopmentPerspectives from the Less Developed World There has been a phenomenal growth of backpacker tourism from the overland routes to India in the 1960s to present-day backpacker tourism across the less developed world. As a result there has been significant economic development impacts of backpacker tourism upon local communities especially in areas with the largest concentrations of backpackers (South and South-East Asia particularly Thailand Indonesia Malaysia and India) as well as increasingly in Latin America. This volume provides a focused review of the economic development impacts of backpacker tourism in developing regions furthering knowledge on how backpacker tourism can play a crucial role in development strategies in these areas. First it reviews the origins of the backpackers with a detailed examination of their "hippy" predecessors on the overland trail before discussing the emergence of modern backpackers including social and cultural aspects and how new technologies are changing their experience. It then analyses the powerful economic development impacts of backpackers on local host communities in cities and rural areas with a special focus on coastal destinations. Extensive case study material is used from backpacker destinations across Asia Latin America and Africa. In doing so the book provides original insights into how backpacker tourism is highly significant for poverty alleviation and effective local development since it has strong linkages to the local economy and less economic leakage than conventional tourism. Written by a leading academic in this area this volume will be of interest to students of Tourism and Development Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138081871

BackpropagationTheory Architectures and Applications Composed of three sections this book presents the most popular training algorithm for neural networks: backpropagation. The first section presents the theory and principles behind backpropagation as seen from different perspectives such as statistics machine learning and dynamical systems. The second presents a number of network architectures that may be designed to match the general concepts of Parallel Distributed Processing with backpropagation learning. Finally the third section shows how these principles can be applied to a number of different fields related to the cognitive sciences including control speech recognition robotics image processing and cognitive psychology. The volume is designed to provide both a solid theoretical foundation and a set of examples that show the versatility of the concepts. Useful to experts in the field it should also be most helpful to students seeking to understand the basic principles of connectionist learning and to engineers wanting to add neural networks in general -- and backpropagation in particular -- to their set of problem-solving methods. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9780203763247

Backs Against the WallBattered Women's Resistance Strategies Backs Against the Wall: Battered Women’s Resistance Strategies tackles several controversial aspects involved with intimate partner violence (IPV)—namely the approaches many victims use when resisting their oppressors. This sensitive and sensible feminist perspective concerning battered women's use of different resistance strategies and the reasons why they use them also focuses on ways to support victims through intervention and prevention strategies. Leading experts provide current research revealing viewpoints and convincing assertions about the victims of IPV. This book powerfully refutes the sweeping assertions made by today’s antifeminist-based mindset that women are as violent as men in cases of IPV perpetration. This insightful source provides strong evidence of the different resistance strategies that battered women use in response to multiple oppressions including IPV in the case against the gender parity argument—that may very well be politically motivated. The text provides extensive references and several figures and tables to clearly present data. This book is a valuable resource for activists educators students health providers justice system workers advocates and researchers. This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of Aggression Maltreatment and Trauma. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315877570

Backstage Practices of Transnational Law This book explores the ‘backstage’ of transnational legal practice by illuminating the routines and habits that are crucial to the field yet rarely studied. Through innovative discussion of practices often considered trivial the book encourages readers to conceptualise the ‘backstage’ as emblematic of transnational legal practice. Expanding the focus of transnational legal scholarship the book explores the seemingly mundane procedures which are often taken for granted despite being widely recognized as part of what it means to ‘do transnational law’. Adopting various methodologies and approaches each chapter focuses on one specific practice: for example mooting exercises for law students international travel transnational time the social media activities of lawyers and legal scholars and the networking at the ICC’s annual Assembly of States Parties. In and of themselves these chapters each provide unique insights into what happens before the curtain rises and after it falls on the familiar ‘outputs’ of transnational law. It does more however than provide a range of different practices: it takes the next step in theorizing on the importance of the marginal and the everyday for what we ‘know’ to be ‘the law’ and what the international legal field looks like. Furthermore by interrogating undiscussed academic practices it provides students with a candid view on the perils and promises of transnational legal scholarship inviting them to join the discussion and to practice their discipline in a more reflexive way. Written in an accessible format containing a readable collection of personal and recognizable accounts of transnational legal practice the book provides an everyday insight into transnational law. It will therefore appeal to international legal scholars alongside any reader with an interest in transnational law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367086572

Backwardness and Modernization: Poland and Eastern Europe in the 16th�20th Centuries The subject of this book is the economic backwardness of Poland and Eastern Europe in the modern era. The studies in the first part analyse various aspects of the region's economic and social history in the period from the 16th to the 20th centuries such as the nature of peasant economics the character of economic evolution and the ambiguity of social and economic relations between Poland and "the West". The second part deals with the change following the fall of state socialism. Papers in this part argue that for understanding the present it is necessary to take into consideration historical legacies. It is also important to look at the process of this recent change comparatively both within Eastern Europe and comparing this region with other parts of the world. Professor Kochanowicz's contention in these essays is that the so-called transformation has had to cope not only with the effects of state socialism but also with a much longer legacy of backwardness. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815387701

Bacteria in Britain 1880–1939 Focusing on the years between the identification of bacteria and the production of antibiotic medicine Wall presents a study into how bacteriology has affected both clinical practice and public knowledge. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138662308

Bacterial Diseases of Crop Plants Food and agriculture is an important component in the development and survival of civilizations. Around half of the world’s population and their economies are influenced by agricultural farm production. Plant diseases take as much as a 30 percent toll of the crop harvest if not managed properly and efficiently. Bacterial diseases of crop plants are important in plant disease scenarios worldwide and are observed on all kinds of cultivated and commercial value plants including cereals pulses oilseeds fruits vegetables cash crops plantation crops spices ornamentals and flowering plant forage crop forest trees and lawn grasses. Bacterial diseases are widespread and are difficult to identify and to control. Few pesticides are available for use in control and many plant pathologists are not well trained in the management of bacterial diseases. Bacterial Diseases of Crop Plants offers concise information on bacterial diseases of crops proving a valuable asset to students scientists in industry and academia farmers extension workers and those who deal with crops that are vulnerable to bacterial diseases. The book contains 13 chapters featuring bacterial diseases of individual crops and is illustrated with full color photographs throughout providing amazing characterization of the diseases. It also includes information on bacterial diseases that appear on different crops across the continents thereby making the content of interest to plant pathologists around the world. Bacterial diseases are of great economic concern and their importance in overall losses caused by various other pathogens such as fungi and viruses is often undermined in developing countries. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498755986

Bacterial Enzymes and Virulence All aspects of the relationship between the elaboration of exoenzymes and the virulence of bacteria are addressed in the following pages. The authors have provided the most current information available in their areas of expertise. In circumstances where definitive information is lacking the speculations of the authors should prove interesting to the reader. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890944

Bacterial Genetics and Genomics Our understanding of bacterial genetics has progressed as the genomics field has advanced. Genetics and genomics complement and influence each other; they are inseparable. Under the novel insights from genetics and genomics once-believed borders in biology start to fade: biological knowledge of the bacterial world is being viewed under a new light and concepts are being redefined. Species are difficult to delimit and relationships within and between groups of bacteria – the whole concept of a tree of life – is hotly debated when dealing with bacteria. The DNA within bacterial cells contains a variety of features and signals that influence the diversity of the microbial world. This text assumes readers have some knowledge of genetics and microbiology but acknowledges that it can be varied. Therefore the book includes all of the information that readers need to know in order to understand the more advanced material in the book. Media > Books > Print Books Garland Science 9780815345695

Bacterial Integrative Mobile Genetic Elements As our understanding of mobile genetic elements continues to grow we are gaining a deeper appreciation of their importance in shaping the bacterial genome and in the properties they confer to their bacterial hosts. These include but are by no means limited to resistance to antibiotics and heavy metals toxin production and increased virulence production of antibiotics and the ability to utilize a diverse range of metabolic substrates. We are also gaining an understanding of diversity of these elements and their interactions with each other; a property which continually complicates any attempt to classify them. We are learning more about the molecular mechanisms by which they translocate to new genomic sites both within genomes and between different bacteria. This book provides a timely state of the art update on the properties of an important selection of different bacterial integrative mobile genetic elements and the myriad of different ways in which they move and influence the biology of the host bacterium. The chapters are all written by authors who have undertaken pioneering work in their respective fields making this book vital reading for all who are interested in the biology of bacteria and the mobile elements they carry. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781587066603

Bacterial Interference This text will provide a useful reference and guild to those who are interested in this important approach to microbial ecology. This book aims to provide the basis for future investigations which will in turn result in a practical biologic approach to the control and prevention of some serious infectious diseases. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890951

Bacterial NanoCelluloseA Sophisticated Multifunctional Material Bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) is an emerging nanomaterial with unique properties produced by several species of ubiquitous fermentation bacteria most importantly Gluconacetobacter xylinus previously known as Acetobacter xylinum. BNC has been used for a variety of commercial applications including textiles cosmetics and food products and it has a high potential for medical applications. Bacterial NanoCellulose: A Sophisticated Multifunctional Material provides the state of the art of scientific knowledge about the mechanism of cellulose production by bacteria along with pointing out challenges in expansion of BNC production in large scale. It provides the latest update on BNC structure and its modification as well as comprehensive information about current and future applications of BNC. This seminal work covers the basic science technology and economic impact of this bulk chemical as well as the companies and patents that are driving the field. It reviews the biosynthesis and properties of BNC. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073166

Bacterial Resistance to Antimicrobials The enormous genetic flexibility of bacteria jeopardizes the usefulness of currently available antibiotics and requires new approaches to antibiotic discovery and development. Antimicrobial resistance can be acquired in a short time frame both by genetic mutation and by direct transfer of resistance genes across genus and species boundaries. Understanding mechanisms of resistance is crucial to the future of antimicrobial therapy.Extensively revised with contributions from international leaders in their fields Bacterial Resistance to Antimicrobials Second Edition blends scientific and practical approaches to the social economic and medical issues related to this growing problem. The book begins with a history of antimicrobial agents and bacterial resistance and outlines the forces that contributed to the abuse of antibiotics and precipitated the current crisis. It goes on to describe what is known about the ecology of antibiotic resistant bacteria and reveals the inadequacies in our understanding. Emphasizing public health aspects the editors stress that significant progress will be made only by addressing the problem only as a public worldwide problem.Chapters on resistance mechanisms describe the latest findings on what makes different groups of bacteria susceptible or resistant to antibiotics. They reveal the staggering diversity of bacteria and the need for a foundational understanding that will stimulate development of antibiotics capable of avoiding resistance mechanisms. Examining the success and limitations of complementary approaches such as combining ß-lactam antibiotics with ß-lactamase inhibitors the book brings together information on resistance mechanisms in different groups of bacteria to help future efforts to more effectively develop and deploy antimicrobial therapies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367388072

Bacterial Starter Cultures for Food This book brings together information concerning starter culture bacteria in the manufacture of many milk meat vegetable and bakery products. The characteristics and functions of these bacteria in the production of cultured foods as well as factors which affect their performance are discussed in detail. Topics include the role of plasmids in starter culture bacteria the function of these bacteria as food preservatives nutritional and health benefits and future applications. Authors provide historical background as an introduction to each chapter. This will be a valuable reference book for food industry technologists and academicians. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890968

Bad Boys and Tough TattoosA Social History of the Tattoo With Gangs Sailors and Street-Corner Punks 1950-1965 Explore the dark subculture of 1950s tattoos!In the early 1950s when tattoos were the indelible mark of a lowlife an erudite professor of English--a friend of Gertrude Stein Thomas Mann Andre Gide and Thornton Wilder--abandoned his job to become a tattoo artist (and incidentally a researcher for Alfred Kinsey). Bad Boys and Tough Tattoos tells the story of his years working in a squalid arcade on Chicago’s tough State Street. During that time he left his mark on a hundred thousand people from youthful sailors who flaunted their tattoos as a rite of manhood to executives who had to hide their passion for well-ornamented flesh. Bad Boys and Tough Tattoos is anything but politically correct. The gritty film-noir details of Skid Row life are rendered with unflinching honesty and furtive tenderness. His lascivious relish for the young sailors swaggering or staggering in for a new tattoo does not blind him to the sordidness of the world they inhabited. From studly nineteen-year-olds who traded blow jobs for tattoos to hard-bitten dykes who scared the sailors out of the shop the clientele was seedy at best: sailors con men drunks hustlers and Hells Angels. These days when tattoo art is sported by millionaires and the middle class as well as by gang members and punk rockers the sheer squalor of Bad Boys and Tough Tattoos is a revelation. However much tattoo culture has changed the advice and information is still sound: how to select a good tattoo artist what to expect during a tattooing session how to ensure the artist uses sterile needles and other safety precautions how to care for a new tattoo why people get tattoos--25 sexual motivations for body artMore than a history of the art or a roster of famous--and infamous--tattoo customers and artists Bad Boys and Tough Tattoos is a raunchy provocative look at a forgotten subculture. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203708163

Bad Christians New SpainsMuslims Catholics and Native Americans in a Mediterratlantic World This book centers on two inquisitorial investigations both of which began in the 1540s. One involved relations of Europeans and Native Americans in the Oaxacan town of Yanhuitlán (in New Spain today’s Mexico). The other involved relations of Moriscos (recent Muslim converts to Catholicism) and Old Christians (people with deep Catholic ancestries) in the Mediterranean kingdom of Valencia (in the "old" Spain). Although separated by an ocean the social worlds preserved in these inquisitorial files share many things. By bringing the two inquisitions together Hamann reveals how very local practices and debates had long-distance parallels parallels that reveal larger entanglements of the early modern world. Through a dialogue of two microhistories he presents a macrohistory of large-scale social transformation. We see how attempts in both places to turn old worlds into new ones were centered on struggles over materiality and temporality. By paying close attention to theories (and practices) of reduction and conversion Hamann suggests we can move beyond anachronistic models of social change as colonization and place early modern concepts of time and history at the center of our understandings of the sixteenth-century past. Overall this project intervenes in major debates from both history and anthropology: about the writing of global histories our conceptualizations of the colonial the nature of religious and cultural change and the roles of material things in social life and the imagination of time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367221126

Bad FeelingsSelected Psychoanalytic Essays Everyone experiences "bad" feelings - guilt shame humiliation envy and more. Yet despite the fact that such emotions are a common occurrence these painful feelings are often labelled as wrong a moralistic determination that can complicate existing problems in the individual's emotional life. Through careful research and assessment of psychoanalytical methods this book offers a new understanding of how painful emotional states can find relief through the talking cure. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367107307

Bad FoodsChanging Attitudes About What We Eat Bad Foods demonstrates how a variety of historical or political events and personalities have shaped our current views of good nutrition. On several occasions in American history concerns have arisen over the safety of our food supply (e.g. harmful ingredients in processed foods) and the potential that processing might deplete foods of their nutrients. These concerns help explain how food characteristics such as freshness natural organic and unprocessed have become important to Americans.Bad Foods traces how the food nutrients fat salt and sugar have acquired negative reputations for health as well as any controversies and outright misconceptions of the dangers of these nutrients. Bad Foods also explores confusion that can in part be attributed to biased media coverage about foods. Modern Americans are routinely bombarded with information about the health value of certain foods and the dangers of others. Frequently health information about certain nutrients receives exaggerated coverage (e.g. dietary fat) while the importance of other nutrients gets ignored (e.g. vitamins and minerals). Moreover health information about foods is often perceived as contradictory.While some readers may be startled by what they perceive to be a challenge to sacred beliefs about foods others will see the honesty in both the research and the writing and recognize the social benefits of examining our beliefs about foods. Bad Foods will be of interest to sociologists food science specialists and social historians. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507494

Bad HarvestThe Timber Trade and the Degradation of Global Forests The world's forests are disappearing at an alarming rate and with disastrous consequences. Demand for wood and paper products ranks high amongst the causes of deforestation and forest degradation and is now the major cause of loss in those forests richest in wildlife. There is a great deal to be done to improve the timber industry before our forests are safely and sustainably managed. Bad Harvest presents an incisive account of the role that the timber trade has played in the loss and degradation of forests around the world. It examines the environmental consequences of the trade on boreal temporal and tropical regions and its impacts for local people working and living in the forests. It also looks at the changing nature of the trade and assesses current national and international initiatives to address the impacts of deforestation. Finally the authors show how things could be improved in the future by presenting a new strategy for sustainable forest management. Based on 15 years of extensive research - particularly work carried out by the World Wide Fund for Nature - Bad Harvest is essential reading on the subject; not only for environmentalists but also for those in the timber trade seeking to improve the management and reputation of their product. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138427082

Bad MouthingThe Language Of Special Needs The power of language is overwhelming and this is shown in the way in which words are used to define portray and explain people and situations. With this in mind then it is interesting to note how the language of "special needs" has always been composed of words and images which foster fear mistrust loathing and hostility - "idiot" "imbecile" and "moron" are frequently used as terms of abuse.; Whilst there has been considerable theorizing on the psychological and sociological aspects of special education as well as a recognition of the influence of policies and politics there has not yet been a concerted attempt to analyze the way in which language is used to create codes and images. This general lack of interest may be because semantics seem peripheral to special education: the focus has rather been on individual case studies teaching programmes legislation and practice.; Jenny Corbett however has a particular interest in the language of special needs. Over the past few years she has explored: the ways in which new discourses have emerged to challenge those of enlightened modernity; the political correctness of special needs language in the mid-1990s; and the ways in which imagery is changing as proud labels displace the legacy of negativity. In this book the author brings together the findings of these explorations as she looks at where the language of special needs has emerged from where it seems to be going at present and what is likely to become of it in the near future. In order to more fully understand why some learners are marginalised and given an inferior status says Jenny Corbett it is important to explore the way in which language has been used. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315043166

Bad MusicThe Music We Love to Hate Why are some popular musical forms and performers universally reviled by critics and ignored by scholars-despite enjoying large-scale popularity? How has the notion of what makes "good" or "bad" music changed over the years-and what does this tell us about the writers who have assigned these tags to different musical genres? Many composers that are today part of the classical "canon" were greeted initially by bad reviews. Similarly jazz country and pop musics were all once rejected as "bad" by the academy that now has courses on these and many other types of music. This book addresses why this is so through a series of essays on different musical forms and performers. It looks at alternate ways of judging musical performance beyond the critical/academic nexus and suggests new paths to follow in understanding what makes some music "popular" even if it is judged to be "bad." For anyone who has ever secretly enjoyed ABBA Kenny G or disco Bad Music will be a guilty pleasure! Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203309049

Bad News from VenezuelaTwenty years of fake news and misreporting Since the election of President Hugo Chavez in 1998 Venezuela has become an important news item. Western coverage is shaped by the cultural milieu of its journalists with news written from New York or London by non-specialists or by those staying inside wealthy guarded enclaves in an intensely segregated Caracas. Journalists mainly work with English-speaking elites and have little contact with the poor majority. Therefore they reproduce ideas largely attuned to a Western neoliberal understanding of Venezuela. Through extensive analysis of media coverage from Chavez’s election to the present day as well as detailed interviews with journalists and academics covering the country Bad News from Venezuela highlights the factors contributing to reportage in Venezuela and why those factors exist in the first place. From this examination of a single Latin American country the book furthers the discussion of contemporary media in the West and how with the rise of ‘fake news’ their operations have a significant impact on the wider representation of global affairs. Bad News from Venezuela is comprehensive and enlightening for undergraduate students and research academics in media and Latin American studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138489233

Bad Old DaysThe Myth of the 1950s For many especially those on the political left the 1950s are the "bad old days." The widely accepted list of what was allegedly wrong with that decade includes the Cold War McCarthyism racial segregation self-satisfied prosperity and empty materialism. The failings are coupled with ignoring poverty and other social problems complacency conformity the suppression of women and puritanical attitudes toward sex. In all the conventional wisdom sees the decade as bland and boring with commonly accepted people paralyzed with fear of war Communism or McCarthyism or all three.Alan J. Levine shows that the commonly accepted picture of the 1950s is flawed. It distorts a critical period of American history. That distortion seems to be dictated by an ideological agenda including an emotional obsession with a sentimentalized version of the 1960s that in turn requires maintaining a particular misleading view of the post-World War II era that preceded it. Levine argues that a critical view of the 1950s is embedded in an unwillingness to realistically evaluate the evolution of American society since the 1960s. Many--and not only liberals and those further to the left--desperately desire to avoid seeing or admitting just how badly many things have gone in the United States since the 1960s.Bad Old Days shows that the conventional view of the 1950s stands in opposition to the reality of the decade. Far from being the dismal prelude to a glorious period of progress the postwar period of the late 1940s and 1950s was an era of unprecedented progress and prosperity. This era was then derailed by catastrophic political and economic misjudgments and a drastic shift in the national ethos that contributed nothing or less than nothing to a better world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507500

Bad Students Not Bad Schools Americans are increasingly alarmed over our nation's educational deficiencies. Though anxieties about schooling are unending especially with public institutions these problems are more complex than institutional failure. Expenditures for education have exploded and far exceed inflation and the rising costs of health care but academic achievement remains flat. Many students are unable to graduate from high school let alone obtain a college degree. And if they do make it to college they are often forced into remedial courses. Why despite this fiscal extravagance are educational disappointments so widespread?In Bad Students Not Bad Schools Robert Weissberg argues that the answer is something everybody knows to be true but is afraid to say in public America's educational woes too often reflect the demographic mix of students. Schools today are filled with millions of youngsters too many of whom struggle with the English language or simply have mediocre intellectual ability. Their lackluster performances are probably impervious to the current reform prescriptions regardless of the remedy's ideological derivation. Making matters worse retention of students in school is embraced as a philosophy even if it impedes the learning of other students. Weissberg argues that most of America's educational woes would vanish if indifferent troublesome students were permitted to leave when they had absorbed as much as they could learn; they would quickly be replaced by learning-hungry students including many new immigrants from other countries.American education survives since we import highly intelligent technically skillful foreigners just as we import oil but this may not last forever. When educational establishments get serious about world-class mathematics and science and permit serious students to learn problems will dissolve. Rewarding the smartest not spending fortunes in a futile quest to uplift the bottom should become official policy. This book is a bracing reminder of the risks of political manipulation of education and argues that the measure of policy should be academic achievment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507517

Bad TherapyMaster Therapists Share Their Worst Failures Bad Therapy offers a rare glimpse into the hearts and mind's of the profession's most famous authors thinkers and leaders when things aren't going so well. Jeffrey Kottler and Jon Carlson who include their own therapy mishaps interview twenty of the world's most famous practitioners who discuss their mistakes misjudgements and miscalculations on working with clients. Told through narratives the failures are related with candor to expose the human side of leading therapists. Each therapist shares with regrets what they learned from the experience what others can learn from their mistakes and the benefits of speaking openly about bad therapy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203890219

Bad TidingsCommunication and Catastrophe First Published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315044767

Bad VibrationsThe History of the Idea of Music as a Cause of Disease Music has been used as a cure for disease since as far back as King David's lyre but the notion that it might be a serious cause of mental and physical illness was rare until the late eighteenth century. At that time physicians started to argue that excessive music or the wrong kind of music could over-stimulate a vulnerable nervous system leading to illness immorality and even death. Since then there have been successive waves of moral panics about supposed epidemics of musical nervousness caused by everything from Wagner to jazz and rock 'n' roll. It was this medical and critical debate that provided the psychiatric rhetoric of "degenerate music" that was the rationale for the persecution of musicians in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. By the 1950s the focus of medical anxiety about music shifted to the idea that "musical brainwashing" and "subliminal messages" could strain the nerves and lead to mind control mental illness and suicide. More recently the prevalence of sonic weapons and the use of music in torture in the so-called War on Terror have both made the subject of music that is bad for the health worryingly topical. This book outlines and explains the development of this idea of pathological music from the Enlightenment until the present day providing an original contribution to the history of medicine music and the body. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138249141

BadfellasCrime Tradition and New Masculinities Fights fraud and drugs racketeering regularly hit the headlines but they are just news stories for most of us. For others they constitute a way of life. This book uncovers a world where male identity is expressed each day through physical strength and power. Focusing on professional criminals and violent men the author shows how workshop camaraderie hard physical work and criminal reputations allow for changing masculinities. It is all too easy to stereotype criminals when in fact their world is complex and creative. Criminal men adapt and modify their forms of gender expression to fit in with their changing economic social and cultural circumstance as do men in all walks of life. Why is violence attractive to these men? What motivates their crimes both planned and impulsive? How do criminals themselves view their activities and their reputations and how do these reputations affect their perception of masculinity? This book is the first sustained analysis of organized crime and violence to use covert research methods. Far from the sensationalized memoirs of retired gangsters or the abstract discussions of scholars this book builds on first-hand experiences and relationships made while working amongst bouncers and criminals. The social world of professional criminals and the working environments of criminal bouncers are demystified and laid bare. The author sets individual criminal careers and experiences in the wider context of de-industrialization and globalization and provides a thoughtful and stimulating addition to the fields of anthropology sociology and criminology. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003084747

Badiou's Deleuze Badiou's Deleuze presents the first thorough analysis of one of the most significant encounters in contemporary thought: Alain Badiou's summary interpretation and rejection of the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. Badiou's reading of Deleuze is largely laid out in his provocative book Deleuze: The Clamor of Being a highly influential work of considerable power. Badiou's Deleuze presents a detailed examination of Badiou's reading and argues that whilst it fails to do justice to the Deleuzean project it invites us to reconsider what Deleuze's philosophy amounts to and to reassess Deleuze's power to address the ultimate concerns of philosophy. Badiou's Deleuze analyses the differing metaphysics of two of the most influential of recent continental philosophers whose divergent views have helped to shape much contemporary thought. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781844655090

Baghdad During the Abbasid CaliphateFrom Contemporary Arabic and Persian Sources The history of Baghdad as a metropolis coincides with the history of the rise and fall of the Abbasid Caliphs. In this volume first published in 1900 and written by a recognized authority in the field the history of the city and of the Abbasid dynasty are closely interwoven so that from a scholarly blending of contemporary records and discursive narrative an accurate picture emerges of the state and society within the capital of the Muslim world during the period from the eighth to the thirteenth centuries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138080324

Baghdad: An Urban History through the Lens of Literature In recent years Baghdad has been viewed as a battleground for political conflicts; this interpretation has heavily influenced writings on the city. This book moves away from these perspectives to present an interdisciplinary exploration into the urban history of Baghdad through the lens of literature. It argues that urban literature is an effective complementary source to conventional historiography using in-depth analysis of texts poems and historical narratives of non-monumental urban spaces to reveal an underexamined facet of the city’s development. The book focuses on three key themes spatial nostalgic and reflective to offer a new approach to the study of Baghdad’s history with a view to establishing and informing further strategies for future urban developments. Beginning with the first planned city in the eighth century it looks at the urban transformations that influenced building trends and architectural styles until the nineteenth century. It will appeal to academics and researchers in interdisciplinary fields such as architecture urban history Islamic studies and Arabic literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367670443

Baha’i Faith: The Basics Bahá’à Faith: The Basics provides a thorough and accessible introduction to a fascinating independent world religion. Examining its historical development current “community-building†efforts and the social contributions of the Bahá’à Faith in the world today this introduction covers: • Beliefs: Bahá’à spiritual teachings. • Principles: Bahá’à social teachings. • History: Bahá’u’lláh and his covenant. • Scripture: Bahá’à sacred texts and inspired guidance. • Institutions: The Bahá’à Administrative Order. • Building community: What Bahá’Ãs do. • Social action: Bahá’à social and economic development projects. • Public discourse: The Bahá’à International Community. • Vision: Foundations for a future golden age. With features including a glossary of terms and references to the Bahá’à writings throughout this is the ideal text for students and interested readers wanting to familiarize themselves with the Bahá’à Faith. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138346161

Bahrain Oman Qatar And The UaeChallenges Of Security This volume examines the changing economic and internal security challenges faced by the Gulf countries and the problems they face with Iran Iraq and other Gulf states. The special military and security needs of Bahrain Oman Qatar and the United Arab Emirates are analyzed here in detail as are their growing demographic problems and export pla Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314637

Bahrain and the GulfPast Perspectives and Alternative Futures After the oil discoveries of the early 1930s Bahrain rapidly became an oil exporting country with a relatively high income per capita. More recently Bahrain has succeeded in diversifying its oil dominated economy by developing regional banking and other services and a variety of light and heavy industries. Various circumstances have combined to make Bahrain a leader among the Arab Gulf States in the transformation of traditional Arabic tribal societies into modern social and economic structures. This book first published in 1985 in exploring the past present and possible futures of Bahrain and the Gulf attempts to describe the nature of this transformation. It estimates to what extent Bahrain has merely an outward appearance of modernity and explores the conflicts between the compelling power of modern values and the pervasive traditional religions. Bahrain is not typical of the Arab countries of the Gulf; it may however serve as a gauge of their current position and likely future. It will therefore be valuable to those interested in gaining more insight into the history and politics of the Middle East during this period of rapid change. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138183810

Bahrain Original Photographs 188 First Published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315029818

Bahrain Through The Ages First Published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964310

Bahrain Through The Ages - Archa First published in 1986. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138869943

BahrainThe Modernization of Autocracy First published in 1989. Bahrain is at the same time unique among the Arab oil-producing Gulf states and indicative of future developments in these emirates. Its uniqueness lies in the social political and economic structures of the country: The indigenous population is characterized by a peculiar set of overlapping cleavages; the country's industrial work force has a history of militant action and a degree of political consciousness unmatched in neighbouring states; and the islands' economy has achieved a level of diversification into non-petroleum-related activities that is the envy of planners in the surrounding area. This study provides an overview of current trends on the islands and of the social and historical context from which they have emerged. It is intended as an introduction to Bahraini affairs for the general reader and thus makes use of the existing literature wherever possible. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367005900

Bailey & Love's Essential Clinical Anatomy This essential companion to Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery covers the clinical conditions most commonly encountered by medical students junior clinicians and surgeons in training. This is clinical anatomy at its best ! Structured by body region each chapter includes plentiful clinical photographs and images supplementing the high-quality anatomical diagrams using the best modality to demonstrate anatomical relevance. Highlighted descriptions of clinical relevance emphasise the integrated approach so central to current teaching practice and facilitated by the wealth of both clinical and anatomical experience of the distinguished author team. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138295186

Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery 27th Edition Bailey & Love is the world famous textbook of surgery. Its comprehensive coverage includes the scientific basis of surgical practice investigation diagnosis and pre-operative care. Trauma and Orthopaedics are included as are the subspecialties of plastic and reconstructive head and neck cardiothoracic and vascular abdominal and genitourinary surgery. The user-friendly format includes photographs line diagrams learning objectives summary boxes biographical footnotes memorable anecdotes and full-colour page design. This book's reputation for unambiguous advice make it the first point of reference for student and practising surgeons worldwide. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498796507

Bainite in SteelsTheory and Practice Third Edition This is the third edition of the book much expanded to include and incorporate important developments in the subject over the last fifteen years. The book represents a comprehensive treatise on all aspects of the bainite transformation from the choreography of atoms during the phase change to length scales that are typical of engineering applications. The alloy design that emerges from this explains the role of solute additions and the pernicious effects of impurities such as hydrogen. The picture presented is self-consistent and therefore is able to guide the reader on the exploitation of theory to the design of some of the most exciting steels including the world’s first bulk nanostructured metal. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781909662742

Bakhmetev to LyapunovMusic of the Russian Court Chapel Choir II First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315079790

Bakhtin and TheatreDialogues with Stanislavski Meyerhold and Grotowski What did Bakhtin think about the theatre? That it was outdated? That is ‘stopped being a serious genre’ after Shakespeare? Could a thinker to whose work ideas of theatricality visuality and embodied activity were so central really have nothing to say about theatrical practice? Bakhtin and Theatre is the first book to explore the relation between Bakhtin’s ideas and the theatre practice of his time.  In that time Stanislavsky co-founded the Moscow Art Theatre in 1898 and continued to develop his ideas about theatre until his death in 1938. Stanislavsky’s pupil Meyerhold embraced the Russian Revolution and created some stunningly revolutionary productions in the 1920s breaking with the realism of his former teacher. Less than twenty years after Stanislavsky’s death and Meyerhold’s assassination a young student called Grotowski was studying in Moscow soon to break the mould with his Poor Theatre. All three directors challenged the prevailing notion of theatre drawing on disagreeing with and challenging each other’s ideas. Bakhtin’s early writings about action character and authorship provide a revealing framework for understanding this dialogue between these three masters of Twentieth Century theatre. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138891456

Bakhtin Between East and WestCross-cultural Transmission "Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975) has had an enormous influence on literary studies and cultural theory. Bakhtin between East and West: Cross-Cultural Transmission looks beyond the concepts of carnival and dialogue and traces for the first time the transformation of the Bakhtin Circle's thought from its introduction to the West in Julia Kristeva's seminal late-1960s theory of intertextuality through Tzvetan Todorov's landmark study and on to contemporary interpretations. The notion of sociality in all its problematic complexity provides the red thread guiding us through this historical and thematic examination of Western and Russian Bakhtin studies. As a critical evaluation of Bakhtin scholarship across various cultures and a celebration of the vigour of the Circle's legacy this is an invaluable resource for scholars and students with an interest in Bakhtin and critical theory." Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351196352

Bakhtin in the Fullness of TimeBakhtinian Theory and the Process of Social Education This book takes the works of Mikhail Bakhtin as its inspiration in the contemplation of the potential of dialogic scholarship for philosophy of education. While Bakhtin’s work has been widely received in educational studies in recent years the academic literature does not sufficiently convey the sophistication of his cultural-historical works. Selected works on the limits and perspectives of Mikhail Bakhtin are presented in the book. In doing so the contributors seek to interpret the work of the Bakhtin Circle in a complex contemporary world. Layering and drawing from the many ideas explored by the Circle during their collective lifetimes and those that influenced their work each chapter offers a different dimension of thought concerning issues facing societies remote (or perhaps not so remote) from the world of post-revolutionary Russia. In the post-2008 era during which financial crises have morphed into global recession and which characterise growing social inequities widespread political instabilities and further environmental decline and resource depletion what is needed more than ever is a twenty-first century Bakhtin one that is occupied with the distinct challenges our times present to all of us. The individual contributors to Bakhtin in the Fullness of Time aim to contribute to a revisioning and reassessment of Bakhtin through a diverse series of engagements with both his legacy and future promise. In contemplating Bakhtin in the fullness of time historical perspectives and contributions must be encountered in a contemporary understanding that will contribute to philosophy of education today. The chapters in this book were originally published in the journal Educational Philosophy and Theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367460655

Bakunin on Anarchy (RLE Anarchy) When originally published this was the first comprehensive collection in English from the works of the founder of anarchism. It includes translations of published and unpublished (in 1973) material left unfinished or unrevised at the time of Bakunin’s death. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415839969

Balance and RefinementBeyond Coherence Methods of Moral Inquiry We all have moral beliefs. But what if one beleif conflicts with another? DePaul argues that we have to make our beliefs cohere but that the current coherence methods are seriously flawed. It is not just the arguments that need to be considered in moral enquiry. DePaul asserts that the ability to make sensitive moral judgements is vital to any philosophical inquiry into morality. The inquirer must consider how her life experiences and experiences with literature film and theatre have influenced her capacity for making moral judgments and attempt to ensure that this capacity is neither naive nor corrupted. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415522069

Balance of PaymentsTheory and Economic Policy An original and systematic synthesis of the major postwar developments in theory and policy of balance-of-payments adjustment this book focuses on the present-day system of pegged-but-adjustable exchange rates and the problems that policy authorities must face if they are to attain full employment price stability balance-of-payments equilibrium and a satisfactory rate of economic growth. The dominate theme of this book is that any system of exchange rates carries with it assumptions about the way it works and how effective the automatic and policy-motivated forces operate to bring about equilibrium in a country's balance of payments. By analyzing balance-of-payments adjustment and policies under alternative exchange-rate systems and with different assumptions concerning the level of employment and prices it is possible to embrace a wide variety of contemporary and historical circumstances experienced by individual countries and the world as a whole. In this way the author assesses the economic consequences of the different exchange-rate systems and of the policies that countries may follow to attain their national objectives. In particular it appears to Professor Stern that the international monetary turmoil of the past ten years can be traced to the exchange-rate inflexibilities of the adjustable-peg system and to the creation of excessive reserves under the dollar standard. He demonstrates that the international monetary system must be redesigned to permit greater exchange-rate inflexibility and control over the creation of new international reserve assets. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519183

BalanchineA special issue of the journal Choreography and Dance This detailed portrait of George Balanchine presents new approaches to his choreography. The book examines Balanchine from diverse perspectives and discusses unexplored aspects of his work such as the notion of Balanchine as an architect and his experiments with the African-American dance tradition. The articles complement and reinforce each other taking interdisciplinary perspectives and encouraging a reexamination of and expansion of existing opinions. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315077208

Balancing Acts in Personal Social and Health EducationA Practical Guide for Teachers This book originally published in 1988 is designed for two types of reader: teachers trying out active learning methods and those with responsibilities for curriculum coordination and staff development. Its view of PSHE and of the balance between personal and social values is argued in relation to theoretical and practical questions which teachers can explore through a variety of exercises as they read. The authors offer four models of PSHE and a technique to help teachers identify these different approaches in practice. A framework is suggested for distinguishing PSHE form other areas including the Pastoral Curriculum Health Education Moral Education and Careers Education and a procedure using grids is described to help identify which elements of PSHE are being taught and by whom. Given their commitment to a holistic view of health in which both individuality and collaboration have a place the authors argue for active teaching methods and include examples of a wide range of PSHE exercises and evaluation techniques for use in schools. The book also discusses the importance of ‘healthy’ whole school organisation and suggests strategies for staff development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367441272

Balancing ActUS Foreign Policy and the Arab-Israeli Conflict Vaughn P. Shannon argues that US foreign policy toward the Arab-Israeli conflict has been determined at three levels of analysis: that of systemic strategic context that of domestic politics and that of individual decision-makers. In this book he explores the role of each level of influence as well as the implications for the posture which the US has chosen. Reflecting changing circumstances the volume examines the Cold War the Gulf War and the new 'War on Terror' and how they have each placed differing pressures on US policymakers as they strive to maintain the ultimate strategic goal of preserving regional oil from becoming dominated by hostile forces. It is suitable for courses on American foreign policy world politics and politics of the Middle East. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003063179

Balancing between Trade and RiskIntegrating Legal and Social Science Perspectives The trade aspects of risk and the risk aspects of trade deserve more systematic and genuine interdisciplinary attention if we are to really understand the global international and supranational dimensions of risk regulation. This book brings together legal and social science research on risk regulation from across the world to explore risk regulation in a trade context. The interdisciplinary collaboration provided in this book is needed to address the trade versus risk balancing act both in empirical and theoretical terms. Although it is obvious that legal social cultural and political matters interfere with risk regulation analyses in which these interferences are adequately considered are lacking. In one way or another all chapters in this book address the issue of scientific uncertainty the governance arrangements around expertise or both. Issues such as transparency trust legitimacy and precaution also become particularly important given the political multi-actor and multi-level governance characteristics of the balancing act between trade and risk regulation. This book highlights and examines these concerns going on to provide a critical assessment of the EU regulation of trade and risk both from external and internal perspectives. This book’s exploration of the balancing act between trade and risk regulation will be increasingly important to students of law and social sciences as they move to a shared interdisciplinary understanding. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138900998

Balancing Dilemmas in Assessment and Learning in Contemporary Education This book focuses on dilemmas inherent in the practice of assessment in the contemporary context. New forms of assessment are being introduced in all sectors of education and training and the culture of assessment is shifting. The authors in this volume discuss the practice of assessment reporting empirical research on modes of assessment within a variety of educational contexts while also addressing conceptual and theoretical aspects of assessment. Though most publications on assessment do not go beyond one sector or phase of education and only consider assessment in one national context this volume is cross-sectoral and international in scope. This groundbreaking book illustrates the conceptual and practical dilemmas of assessment and raises issues that are relevant and applicable across a variety of modes of assessment and across various contexts where assessment takes place. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415540933

Balancing Juvenile Justice The juvenile justice system in the United States has become a detrimental rather than a remedial experience one that often reinforces youths' defiance of authority. Trying juveniles as adults overcrowding juvenile detention facilities and other factors have led to the deterioration of a system whose original intent was to protect immature youngsters who might get arrested for truancy or joyriding. The present system is ill equipped to cope with today's children who may be arrested for violent crimes such as rape and murder. This has led to an intense pessimism. Balancing Juvenile Justice now in an expanded revised edition is a comprehensive discussion of the primary considerations policymakers should use in striking a balance between holding youths responsible for past behavior and providing services and opportunities so that their future behavior will be guided by constructive rather than destructive forces.The topics covered include: trends in philosophy and politics; a review of state and local reforms in juvenile justice; the changing role of the juvenile court; development of a balanced continuum of correctional programs; and strategies for reform. The authors emphasize that while juvenile offenders should pay for their crimes it is equally urgent to realize that adult neglect abuse rescinding needed resources and stigmatizing of youth will only ensure that crime and criminal justice become permanent distinguishing features of the United States.This new edition of Balancing Juvenile Justice will be compelling reading for sociologists criminologists juvenile justice practitioners and policymakers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519190

Balancing Local Control and State Responsibility for K-12 Education This book examines the impact of state activism on local school autonomy in terms of both financial resources and policy initiatives. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315855493

Balancing Principles for Teaching Elementary Reading This book appears at a time when the crisis rhetoric about schools teaching and learning to read is extremely high. There is a rising call within the profession for a balanced perspective on reading. Balancing Principles for Teaching Elementary Reading aspires to help set the agenda for improving the quality of literacy instruction in the United States--by recentering the debate from "What's better 'whole language' or 'phonics'?" to "What can we do in reading instruction to prepare all children for the literacy demands of the next century?" The authors all members of the professional community of reading educators work on a daily basis with teachers in classrooms prospective teachers clinicians and tutors. Their goal for this book is to represent what they have learned about effective teaching and learning as members of this community. It is written with four purposes in mind: * to offer a principled conception of reading and learning to read that is considerate of both the personal dimensions of literacy acquisition as well as the changes that are taking place in society * to summarize key findings from the research that relate specifically to effective teaching practices * to describe current practices in reading instruction with specific comparisons to the principles of effective practice that are identified and * to suggest an action agenda that is school-based and designed to promote positive changes in the quality of instruction. This text offers a perspective for teaching that provokes members of the reading education community to think about their underlying beliefs about teaching and their shared commitment to making schools more effective for the students they serve. It is envisioned as a resource to be used in building a community of learners--to be read with professional colleagues in a course of study in a teacher-researcher book club or in some type of in-service setting. Readers are encouraged to debate the ideas presented to challenge the authors' conceptions with their own reality to make sense within a community about what action is desirable. Some specific suggestions and strategies are provided as springboards for further exploration and action. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781410605788

Balancing Privacy and Free SpeechUnwanted Attention in the Age of Social Media In an age of smartphones Facebook and YouTube privacy may seem to be a norm of the past. This book addresses ethical and legal questions that arise when media technologies are used to give individuals unwanted attention. Drawing from a broad range of cases within the US UK Australia Europe and elsewhere Mark Tunick asks whether privacy interests can ever be weightier than society’s interest in free speech and access to information. Taking a comparative and interdisciplinary approach and drawing on the work of political theorist Jeremy Waldron concerning toleration the book argues that we can still have a legitimate interest in controlling the extent to which information about us is disseminated. The book begins by exploring why privacy and free speech are valuable before developing a framework for weighing these conflicting values. By taking up key cases in the US and Europe and the debate about a ‘right to be forgotten’ Tunick discusses the potential costs of limiting free speech and points to legal remedies and other ways to develop new social attitudes to privacy in an age of instant information sharing. This book will be of great interest to students of privacy law legal ethics internet governance and media law in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138689756

Balancing Reasonable JusticeJohn Rawls and Crucial Steps Beyond John Rawls's pioneering work of political philosophy A Theory of Justice has had far reaching influence on modern liberal political philosophy. Rawls' sprinciples of justice as fairness: the principle of liberty the principle of fair equality of opportunity and the famous 'difference principle' have been both heavily criticized and incorporated into other political theories. In this book Päivänsalo both presents a deep analysis of the whole Rawlsian canon and builds upon and goes beyond Rawls's conception by introducing a fresh theoretical framework to clarify and modify different balances of the elements of Rawlsian justice. Justice as fairness is analyzed into its parts and elements critically examined to find the strongest most favourable interpretations of each principle and in this light the principles are reconstructed and rebalanced in such a way as to resist the most significant criticisms of the Rawlsian project. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138265219

Balancing the BooksFaulkner Morrison and the Economies of Slavery Balancing the Books represents a sophisticated examination of the ongoing engagement of American literature with the economies of slavery through the works of William Faulkner and Toni Morrison. Both Faulkner and Morrison write about the relationship between race identity and history and about how the legacies of slavery linger in the lives and actions of their characters although the narrative strategies through which they render these themes ultimately diverge. Dussere brings considerations of debt and repayment exchange and accounting and capital and the market-concepts inseparable from any consideration of race in the construction of the American nation-into dialogue with the work of Faulkner and Morrison to produce an outstanding work of literary and cultural criticism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415861052

Balancing the Secrets of Private Disclosures This book joins together disclosure privacy and secrecy to pursue a greater understanding of how people are both public and private in their interactions. To be social yet autonomous known yet unknown independent yet dependent on others is essential to the communicative world. How do people manage these seemingly incongruous goals? This book argues that they actively work at balancing simultaneous needs of being both public and private. It highlights many different ways that people balance their public needs with their privacy needs underscoring the multidimensional nature of balance. The chapters also show that the opposing needs occur within a variety of contexts from health issues such as HIV/AIDS to television talk shows. Readers will discover that avoiding disclosure is a dominant theme. In this way the authors demonstrate how people balance privacy and secrecy by deemphasizing openness. Taken as a whole this volume offers a refreshing new look at age-old concerns. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964327

Balancing Water for Humans and NatureThe New Approach in Ecohydrology Balancing Water for Humans and Nature authored by two of the world's leading experts on water management examines water flows - the 'blood stream' of both nature and society - in terms of the crucial links balances conflicts and trade-offs between human and environmental needs. The authors argue that a sustainable future depends fundamentally on our ability to manage these trade-offs and encourage long-term resilience. They advocate an ecohydrological approach to land/water/environmental problems and advance a strong reasoned argument for viewing precipitation as the gross fresh water resource ultimately responsible for sustaining all terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem services. This book makes the most coherent and holistic argument to date for a new ecological approach to understanding and managing water resources for the benefit of all. Basing their analysis on per capita needs for an acceptable nutritional diet the authors analyse predictions of the amounts of water needed for global food production by 2050 and identify potential sources. Drawing on small-scale experiences in Africa and Asia they also cover the vulnerability of the semi-arid tropics through a simplified model of green and blue water scarcity components. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781849770521

Balancing Written History with Oral TraditionThe Legacy of the Songhoy People By balancing written history with the African oral tradition this book conceptualizes the integrations among diverse peoples of Africa and specifically among the Songhoy people. Drawing from a number of academic disciplines and original research that documents the oral and literate traditions of the Songhoy people Hassimi Oumarou Maiga offers a unique interpretation of indigenous Songhoy-African perspectives on African history culture and education from antiquity to the present day and from continental Africa to the worldwide African Diaspora. In explaining the cosmology philosophy values and process of indigenous non-Muslim education this book also corrects and balances the perception of the Songhoy as a wholly Muslim society. The legacy of the Songhoy Empire Maiga argues is as a model of African integration through its administrative and political organization which remains relevant even today. This book is an essential addition for scholars and students of African history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646031

Baldrige Award Winning QualityHow to Interpret the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is the highest level of national recognition for performance excellence that a U.S. organization can receive. Now in its 18th edition Baldrige Award Winning Quality is still the most widely used and recognized book on the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. It provides readers with a simple yet comprehensive resource for understanding the most current criteria for this prestigious business performance award.The definitive resource for helping companies achieve world-class results Baldrige Award Winning Quality – 18th Edition: How to Interpret the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence is the only book on the Baldrige criteria to detail in simple and straightforward language every category examination item and area to address. From understanding the scoring system to preparing for a site visit it guides you through all stages in the process. Reflecting the new criteria (2013-2014) that address education and healthcare this edition outlines a comprehensive plan that is suitable for any company in any industry.Offering detailed explanations of each of the 17 "Examination Items" and the 36 "Areas to Address" that compose the seven major categories the book reveals exactly what examiners look for in each area and suggests what you need to include. It also discusses: Criteria of leadership and the role of senior management in the award process Importance of a long- and short-term strategic plan Where and how to satisfy the requirements for demonstrating effective "process" and "results" Lists of state award programs based on the Baldrige criteria Core values and themes that underlie the award How to weigh the importance of the 36 "Areas to Address" The significance of the Baldrige scoring scale and its role in achieving performance excellence The book devotes a chapter to supplying a clear and concise explanation on how to prepare for a site visit from the board of examiners. It details each facet of the site visit including its purpose what a Baldrige examiner looks for and the questions typically asked during the visit. Complete with rules for preparing graphics and charts the book includes helpful tips to help you avoid common mistakes when completing the application. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781439893821

Baldwin I of Jerusalem 1100-1118 Baldwin of Boulogne was born the youngest of three sons and marked out for a clerical career yet in turn he became a First Crusader first Latin count of Edessa and the founder of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem. Nevertheless remarkably he has never been the subject of a full-length biography. This study examines in detail the stages of Baldwin’s career returning to the contemporary evidence to discover the qualities that enabled him not only to succeed his brother as ruler in 1100 but to maintain and expand the new kingdom of Jerusalem through the next eighteen years in the face of aggression from Muslim enemies and rivalry from fellow crusaders. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367662370

Bali Tourism The island of Bali has long been characterized in the West as the last “paradise†on earth but there is far more to this small Indonesian province. Bali Tourism presents an enlightening ethnographic study of some of the most important icons—for tourists and locals alike—in Balinese culture and society and explores the growth of this island as an “exotic†vacation destination. In addition it offers a firsthand look at many aspects of daily life a semiotic analysis of its dominant cultural symbols and insights into tourists’ perceptions of Bali. A thirty page photo section offers a unique glimpse at this remarkable island. Through a distinctive use of cultural analysis and psychoanalytic modes of interpretation Bali Tourism offers an in-depth study of Balinese tourism society and character. This handy easy-to-read text is an essential overview of what the island has to offer tourists and looks at the exciting possibilities—and the potential pitfalls—of visiting this extraordinary land. The book paints a vivid portrait of this country’s hidden gems and popular tourist destinations exploring the ways visitors see Bali—and how the Balinese see visitors—as well as the promise and problems Bali faces in developing its tourism industry. Bali Tourism is an ideal book to read before visiting Bali yourself—or recommending/planning a trip for others. The fresh insights it presents will help make any trip to the region more rewarding for the traveler. It is also a unique scholarly resource complete with informative tables references and a bibliography for academics and students at all levels of tourism studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780789035202

Balinese Discourses on Music and ModernizationVillage Voices and Urban Views While many Western scholars have discussed the technical aspects of Balinese music or the traditional contexts for performance little has been written in Western languages about Balinese discourses on their music. This dissertation seeks to understand the experience of music in Bali according to Balinese voices through an analysis of oral and written dialogues on music mainly by musicians and dalangs (shadow play puppeteers) from the village of Sukawati scholars teachers administrators and students from the Indonesian College of the Arts (STSI) in the City of Denpasar. The study examines the influence of modernization on the traditional arts and their role in society. A concentration on Balinese discourses enables individual performers and scholars to represent themselves to a greater extent than previously seen in ethnomusicological scholarship making this study more of a critical discussion among equals than a Western interpretation of 'others'. This approach permits a rare view into contemporary Balinese conceptions and practices of music. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138810563

Balint MattersPsychosomatics and the Art of Assessment This book explores the life and theories of Michael Balint who kept alive Ferenczi's analytic traditions in Budapest and brought them to London where they became a vital part of the Independent Group's theory and practice. Balint's theoretical understanding of regression 'new beginnings' 'basic fault' as well as his profound impact on medicine are all described. The work in the Balint groups by general practitioners psychiatrists and physicians are explored. Whole person and psychosomatic medicine championed by Balint is contrasted with today's more compartmentalised approach to medicine including the increasing separation of the GP from the family.In the second part of the book Dr Sklar reflects on the complex tasks involved in psychodynamic assessment. Vignettes illustrate the importance of understanding the forces in family dynamics the value of an early memory and a dream and the sexual life of the patient. The author argues that Balint's ideas are of particular significance to us today in our world of quick fixes and the overspecialisation of medicine. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782204862

Balkan BabelThe Disintegration Of Yugoslavia From The Death Of Tito To The Fall Of Milosevic The fourth edition of this critically acclaimed work includes a new chapter a new epilogue and revisions throughout the book. Sabrina Ramet a veteran observer of the Yugoslav scene traces the steady deterioration of Yugoslavia's political and social fabric in the years since 1980 arguing that while the federal system and multiethnic fabric la Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367319267

Balkan DialoguesNegotiating Identity between Prehistory and the Present Spatial variation and patterning in the distribution of artefacts are topics of fundamental significance in Balkan archaeology. For decades archaeologists have classified spatial clusters of artefacts into discrete “cultures†which have been conventionally treated as bound entities and equated with past social or ethnic groups. This timely volume fulfils the need for an up-to-date and theoretically informed dialogue on group identity in Balkan prehistory. Thirteen case studies covering the beginning of the Neolithic to the Middle Bronze Age and written by archaeologists conducting fieldwork in the region as well as by ethnologists with a research focus on material culture and identity provide a robust foundation for exploring these issues. Bringing together the latest research with a particular intentional focus on the central and western Balkans this collection offers original perspectives on Balkan prehistory with relevance to the neighbouring regions of Eastern and Central Europe the Mediterranean and Anatolia. Balkan Dialogues challenges long-established interpretations in the field and provides a new contextualised reading of the archaeological record of this region. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367874315

Balkan HeritagesNegotiating History and Culture This volume deals with the relation between heritage history and politics in the Balkans. Contributions examine diverse ways in which material and immaterial heritage has been articulated negotiated and manipulated since the nineteenth century. The major question addressed here is how modern Balkan nations have voiced claims about their past by establishing ’proof’ of a long historical presence on their territories in order to legitimise national political narratives. Focusing on claims constructed in relation to tangible evidence of past presence especially architecture and townscape the contributors reveal the rich relations between material and immaterial conceptions of heritage. This comparative take on Balkan public uses of the past also reveals many common trends in social and political practices ideas and fixations embedded in public and collective memories. Balkan Heritages revisits some general truths about the Balkans as a region and a category in scholarship and in politics. Contributions to the volume adopt a transnational and trans-disciplinary perspective of Balkan identities and heritage(s) viewed here as symbolic resources deployed by diverse local actors with special emphasis on scholars and political leaders. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367880606

Balkan Reconstruction Focusing scholarly attention on a little known area of Europe the book brings together analysts with an insider's view to examine the short and long-term challenges facing the region the intricate relationship between politics and economics and the irrelevance of quick fixes in the postwar reform of Southeast Europe. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315038766

Balkan Transnationalism at the Time of Neoliberal Catastrophe Offering a fresh look at the ways in which neoliberalism has claimed to cure the Balkan region of its ethnic particularities under the pretext of Europeanization this book shows how the reconfiguration of the economic political and cultural landscape of the region has resulted in its functioning as Europe’s neocolony.The contributors to this volume engage in postcolonial analysis of the Balkans’ past and present coloniality by way of interrogating race racism trauma film and global capitalism. They challenge the idea of a United Europe that rests on the assumption that the European Union’s ‘newness’ represents both a clean slate and the right to shift ownership of its colonial histories to former colonial subjects and their national histories. Taken as a whole the volume seeks to transform Europe’s colonial amnesia into postcolonial awareness and to speak from within the Balkans as a site of Europe’s neocolony.As it critically interrogates a neocolonial reconfiguration of the Balkans as a massive social overhaul which includes at once global integration and local social disintegration this book will be of interest to those studying the region as well as postcolonialism in general.This book was originally published as a special issue of Interventions: Journal of Postcolonial Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367661656

Balkan Worlds: The First and Last EuropeThe First and Last Europe Encompassing the period from the Neolithic era to the troubled present this book studies the peoples societies and cultures of the area situated between the Adriatic Sea in the west and the Black Sea in the east between the Alpine region and Danube basin in the north and the Aegean Sea in the south. This is not a conventional history of the Balkans. Drawing upon archaeology anthropology economics psychology and linguistics as well as history the author has attempted a "total history" that integrates as many as possible of the avenues and categories of the Balkan experience. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706207

Balkanization and Global PoliticsRemaking Cities and Architecture Balkanization (territorial fragmentation) is becoming a significant urban and geopolitical pursuit in contemporary times. Countries cities and regions are ever increasingly voicing the desire for independence and balkanization from the nation or union they are a part of. This monograph generally maps the historical and theoretical emergence of balkanization as well its more recent spread into fields as far ranging as law medicine data and security studies sociology architecture and the urban. The spatialization of balkanization is particularly addressed in terms of destruction and renewal through a detailed sociopolitical interrogation of architecture and the urban including their changing symbolic ideological and functional forms. The spatial connections between balkanization violent remaking (destruction and renewal) and global politics have predominantly been analyzed via the former Yugoslav context and the Balkans however spotlight has also been directed to the current political climate of the UK Australia and the Anglo-Saxon geopolitics. The analysis helps in understanding broader emergent patterns of sociospatial polarization across various scales and in respect to global geoeconomic and geopolitical restructuring. This is particularly important because drawing connections between balkanization economics law media and technology is to gain an awareness of - and engagement with - the emerging implications of spatial remaking and global politics. This monograph is a valuable resource and will be relevant to academics and students interested in spatial politics; including architecture urbanism geography sociology politics international development conflict and cultural studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367730819

Ballade by Anna Sokolow First Published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315075600

Ballads Songs and SnatchesThe Appropriation of Folk Song and Popular Culture in British 19th-Century Realist Prose As a book on allusion this has interest for both the traditional literary or cultural historian and for the modern student of textuality and readership positions. It focuses on allusion to folksong and more tangentially to popular culture areas which have so far been slighted by literary critics. In the nineteenth century many authors attempted to mediate the culture(s) of the working classes for the enjoyment of their predominantly middle-class audiences. In so doing they took songs out of their original social and musical contexts and employed a variety of strategies which - consciously or unconsciously - romanticised falsified or denigrated what the novels or stories claimed to represent. In addition some writers who were well-informed about the cultures they described used allusion to song as a covert system of reference to topics such as sexuality and the criticism of class and gender relations which it was difficult to discuss directly. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138272064

Ballads and Broadsides in Britain 1500-1800 Bringing together diverse scholars to represent the full historical breadth of the early modern period and a wide range of disciplines (literature women's studies folklore ethnomusicology art history media studies the history of science and history) Ballads and Broadsides in Britain 1500-1800 offers an unprecedented perspective on the development and cultural practice of popular print in early modern Britain. Fifteen essays explore major issues raised by the broadside genre in the early modern period: the different methods by which contemporaries of the sixteenth through nineteenth centuries collected and "appreciated" such early modern popular forms; the preoccupation in the early modern period with news and especially monsters; the concomitant fascination with and representation of crime and the criminal subject; the technology and formal features of early modern broadside print together with its bearing on gender class and authority/authorship; and finally the nationalizing and internationalizing of popular culture through crossings against (and sometimes with) cultural Others in ballads and broadsides of the time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138247765

Ballads and Stories from Tun-huang First published in 1960.Over a century ago the Chinese discovered in a sealed-up cave in the west of China a collection of manuscripts dating from the fifth century to the end of the tenth. These included many specimens of popular literature of a kind that was not previously known to exist. Although the find was made long ago only two or three of these pieces had been translated before. Arthur Waley here translates whole or as extracts twenty-six pieces making an invaluable addition to world literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415612647

Ballast Railroad Design: SMART-UOW Approach The rail network plays an essential role in transport infrastructure worldwide. A ballasted track is commonly used for several reasons including economic considerations load bearing capacity rapid drainage and ease of maintenance. Given the ever-increasing demand for trains to carry heavier axle loads at greater speeds traditional design and construction must undergo inevitable changes for sustainable performance. Ballast is an unbounded granular assembly that displaces when subjected to repeated train loading affecting track stability. During heavy haul operations ballast progressively deteriorates and the infiltration of fluidized fines (mud pumping) from the underlying substructure and subgrade decreases its shear strength and also impedes drainage while increasing track deformation and associated maintenance.Features:serves as a useful guide to assist the practitioner in new track design as well as remediating existing tracks.research discussed in this book has made considerable impact on the railway industry.resulting from collaborative research between academia and industry incorporating sophisticated laboratory tests computational modelling and field studies.This book presents a comprehensive procedure for the design of ballasted tracks based on a rational approach that combines extensive laboratory testing computational modelling and field measurements conducted over the past two decades. Ballast Railroad Design: SMART-UOW Approach will not only become an imperative design aid for rail practitioners but will also be a valuable resource for postgraduate students and researchers alike in railway engineering. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367571429

Ballet across BordersCareer and Culture in the World of Dancers This absorbing book is ballet's 'biography' -- a revealing examination of a closed world its competition and camaraderie sexual politics intimacies pressures and not least of all its magic. Ballet companies have endeavoured to hide what is going on backstage lest the reality of highly strung nerves constant fatigue and pain from injuries tarnish the illusion of ethereal figures and seemingly weightless steps in polished performances. But the audience's perceptions of fairy-tale worlds onstage are far removed from the experiences of the dancers themselves. The author who trained to be a dancer has been given an entrée to this private world that few outsiders ever see. Books on ballet tend to focus on performance. In contrast this book which draws on extensive fieldwork with major companies such as London's Royal Ballet the American Ballet Theatre in New York the Royal Swedish Ballet and the Ballett Frankfurt is about dancers - how their careers are made and unmade and what happens in dance companies offstage. Anyone interested in the culture of ballet or the theatre as well as students of anthropology dance performance and cultural studies will want to read what really goes on when the curtain comes down. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003084754

BalletFrom the First Plie to Mastery An Eight-Year Course First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138141988

Ballistic Missile Defence and US National Security PolicyNormalisation and Acceptance after the Cold War This book examines the transformation in US thinking about the role of Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) in national security policy since the end of the Cold War. The evolution of the BMD debate after the Cold War has been complex complicated and punctuated. As this book shows the debate and subsequent policy choices would often appear to reflect neither the particular requirements of the international system for US security at any given time nor indeed the current capabilities of BMD technology. Ballistic Missile Defence and US National Security Policy traces the evolution of policy from the zero-sum debates that surrounded the Strategic Defense Initiative as Ronald Reagan left office up to the relative political consensus that exists around a limited BMD deployment in 2012. The book shows how and why policy evolved in such a complex manner during this period and explains the strategic reasoning and political pressures shaping BMD policy under each of the presidents who have held office since 1989. Ultimately this volume demonstrates how relative advancements in technology combined with growth in the perceived missile threat gradually shifted the contours and rhythm of the domestic missile defence debate in the US towards acceptance and normalisation. This book will be of much interest to students of missile defence and arms control US national security policy strategic studies and international relations in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138940277

Ballistic-Missile Defence and Strategic Stability Should the US deploy ballistic-missile defences? The arguments for and against are becoming increasingly polarised. This paper offers what is currently lacking in the debate: a quantitative analysis of how well defences would have to work to meet specific security objectives and what level of defence might upset strategic stability. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138436121

BallisticsTheory and Design of Guns and Ammunition Third Edition With new chapters homework problems case studies figures and examples Ballistics: Theory and Design of Guns and Ammunition Third Edition encourages superior design and innovative applications in the field of ballistics. It examines the analytical and computational tools for predicting a weapon’s behavior in terms of pressure stress and velocity demonstrating their applications in ammunition and weapons design. New coverage in the Third Edition includes gas-powered guns and naval ordinance. With its thorough coverage of interior exterior and terminal ballistics this new edition continues to be the standard resource for those studying the technology of guns and ammunition. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138055315

Baltic Biographies at Historical Crossroads This book brings together life stories from five generations of Balts living through the diverse and recurring transformations of the twentieth century: occupations war independence totalitarianism and democratic rule and market economy. The twentieth century history of the Baltic countries has often been deeply tragic. Lying on the coastline of the Baltic Sea these rather small but strategically well located territories have historically found themselves in the middle of many power struggles between larger states empires and other power-holders: the Teutonic Knights Swedish kings Tsarist Russia Nazi Germany the Soviet Union. Today they are once again forced to stand up to the Russian Federation. Biographical interviewing is a field focused on individuals and on how those individuals choose to re-create and present their lived lives make meaning of it through the narratives they tell. To interpret the biographical narrations of Lithuanians Latvians and Estonians shaped by complex and controversial historical background the authors use Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of social and cultural capitals the principles of Erving Goffman’s framing analysis and Alessandro Portelli’s distinction of private and public spheres Anton Steen’s investigations of post-Socialist elites and Piotr Sztompka’s theory of cultural trauma etc. Given analyses of particular biographical narrations are supplemented by brief historical and sociological overviews which allow the reader to better understand the contexts of lived lives and the mental atmosphere in which the interviews were conducted. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138019973

Baltic Musics/Baltic MusicologiesThe Landscape Since 1991 This volume is the first to bring together music scholars working on Baltic topics from throughout Europe North America and the Middle East for the purpose of exploring the impact of Nazi and Soviet occupation (1940-91) and the restoration of republican independence upon the production of musicological knowledge in and about the Baltic States of Lithuania Latvia and Estonia. Its collected essays sketch for the first time post-Soviet histories of the sociological dimensions of music study in the region and examine methodological and ethical problems raised by music scholarship. They shed new light on such topics as the advent of Lithuanian musical modernism the ecumenicity of Christian musics in Estonia and the effects of Soviet nationalities policy upon the Latvian musicological discourse. Together they confront those aspects of Baltic music study that still bear the marks of the Nazi and Soviet experience and they suggest ways in which the turbulent cultural and political histories of the region might be negotiated by scholars presently active in the field. This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of Baltic Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846172

Baltic Piling 'Baltic Piling' contains the proceedings of the ‘Baltic Piling Days 2012’ (Tallinn Estonia 3-5 September 2012). The book includes contributions on current issues in pile foundation engineering: - Interaction of pile and grillage; - Formation of pile bearing capacity - Settlements of piles - Pile foundation under historical buildings - Thermopiles and - Interaction of georgid and pile. 'Baltic Piling' will be of interest to engineers academics and students interested in pile foundation engineering and related disciplines. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780415643344

Baltic Socialism RememberedMemory and Life Story since 1989 What does it mean to tell a life story?How is one’s memory of communism shaped by family profession generation and religion?Do post-communist Baltic states embrace similar memories?The Baltic states represent not only a geographical but also a mnemonic region. The mental maps of people who live on this territory are shaped by memories of Soviet socialism. Baltic Socialism Remembered captures the workings of the memory of diverse groups of people who inhabit the region: teachers officials young people women believers. It comes as no surprise that their memories do not overlap but often contradict to other groups and to official narratives. Baltic Socialism Remembered is a rare attempt to engage with the mnemonic worlds of social groups and individuals rather than with memory politics and monumental history. The contributors try to chart unpredictable ways in which public and national memory affect individual memory and vice versa. Understanding complexity and diversity of memory workings in such compact region as the Baltic states will enable a more nuanced policy-making.This book was originally published as a special issue of Journal of Baltic Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367892173

Balti-English English-Balti Dictionary This book is based on the Khapalu and Skardu dialects of Balti a member of the Tibeto-Burman family spoken in Baltistan. The work is distinguished by its phonetic acuity particularly important in the case of Balti whose importance to the Tibeto-Burman and Sino-Tibetan comparatists is its close phonetic relationship to the Tibetan script. This book will undoubtedly become a standard work for the linguistics of the Tibetan language family in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964334

Baltimore: Reinventing an Industrial Legacy City Baltimore: Reinventing an Industrial Legacy City is an exploration into the reinvention self-reflection and boosterism of US legacy cities taking Baltimore as the case study model to reveal the larger narrative. Author Klaus Philipsen investigates the modern urban condition and the systemic problems involved with adapting metropolitan regions into equitable and sustainable communities covering topics such as growth urban sprawl the depletion of cities social justice smart city and open data transportation community development sustainability and diversity. Baltimore’s proximity to the US capital combined with its industrial past presents the optimum viewpoint to investigate these challenges and draw parallels with cities across the world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138392731

Balzac This canon of French literature Honore de Balzac (1799-1850) is also a major European figure in the development of realism. His work is dominated by an inter-related sequence of novels and short stories La Comedie Humanine which charts the idiosyncrasies of French society from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the 1840's. Among the most famous of these are Le Pierre Goriot and La Cousine Bette. Iin this study Dr Tilby concentrates on the main approaches in practice and discusses some of the earliest responses to Balzac's work. His introduction and headnotes set Balzac's work in context. This book will be of interest to students of French language and literature and also to those studying French in combined studies or humanities courses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138465879

Balzac Dickens DostoevskyMaster Builders of the Spirit Written over a period of twenty-five years this first volume in a trilogy is intended to depict in the life and work of writers of different nationalities--Balzac Dickens and Dostoevsky--the world-portraying novelist. Though these essays were composed at fairly long intervals their essential uniformity has prompted Zweig to bring these three great novelists of the nineteenth century together; to show them as writers who for the very reason that they contrast with each other also complete one another in ways which makes them round our concept of the epic portrayers of the world.Zweig considers Balzac Dickens and Dostoevsky the supremely great novelists of the nineteenth century. He draws between the writer of one outstanding novel and what he terms a true novelist--an epic master the creator of an almost unending series of pre-eminent romances. The novelist in this higher sense is endowed with encyclopedic genius is a universal artist who constructs a cosmos peopling it with types of his own making giving it laws of gravity that are unique to these fi gures.Each of the novelists featured in Zweig's book has created his own sphere: Balzac the world of society; Dickens the world of the family; Dostoevsky the world of the One and of the All. A comparison of these spheres serves to prove their diff erences. Zweig does not put a valuation on the differences or emphasize the national element in the artist whether in a spirit of sympathy or antipathy. Every great creator is a unity in himself with its own boundaries and specifi c gravity. There is only one specifi c gravity possible within a single work and no absolute criterion in the sales of justice. This is the measure of Zweig and the message of this book. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519206

Balzac Grandville and the Rise of Book Illustration Examining how the rise of book illustration affected the historic hegemony of the word Keri Yousif explores the complex literary and artistic relationship between the novelist Honoré de Balzac and the illustrator J. J. Grandville during the French July Monarchy (1830-1848). Both collaborators and rivals these towering figures struggled for dominance in the Parisian book trade at the height of the Romantic revolution and its immediate aftermath. Both men were social portraitists who collaborated on the influential encyclopedic portrayal of nineteenth-century society Les Français peints par eux-mêmes. However their collaboration soon turned competitive with Grandville's publication of Scènes de la vie privée et publique des animaux a visual parody of Balzac's Scènes de la vie privée. Yousif investigates Balzac's and Grandville's individual and joint artistic productions in terms of the larger economic and aesthetic struggles within the nineteenth-century arena of cultural production showing how writers were forced to position themselves both in terms of the established literary hierarchy and in relation to the rapidly advancing image. As Yousif shows the industrialization of the illustrated book spawned a triadic relationship between publisher writer and illustrator that transformed the book from a product of individual genius to a cooperative and commercial affair. Her study represents a significant contribution to our understanding of literature art and their interactions in a new marketplace for publication during the fraught transition from Romanticism to Realism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138261044

Balzac and MusicIts Place and Meaning in His Life and Work First published in 1990 this book was the first comprehensive study of Balzac’s relationship to music blending past scholarship with new perspectives to formulate an inclusive account. It begins by examining the contacts and experiences that shaped the musical side of Balzac’s life. These left valuable and lasting impressions which often found their way into his writings where he recorded a myriad of critical and musicological opinions — assessed primarily in relation to Gambara and Massimilla Doni. These discussions prepare the way for an analysis of Balzac two major musical persuasions: religious music and Beethoven. This book will be of interest to students of literature and music. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138670426

Balzac and the French Revolution First published in 1983. Balzac’s novels are one of the largest and most important sources for the history of post-revolutionary France but they have scarcely been tapped as they should be. Approaching the subject from the perspective of a literary the author shows in detail how specific historical circumstances and movement are reflected in t Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138674271

Balzac and the Model of PaintingArtist Stories in La Comedie Humaine This book explores Barthes's 'model of painting' in the context of Balzac's fictional representations of the relation between artists their models and their works of art. Diana Knight criticises the sexual politics of prostitution and marriage in nineteenth-century France. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367602239

BAM! Boys Advocacy and MentoringA Leader’s Guide to Facilitating Strengths-Based Groups for Boys - Helping Boys Make Better Contact by Makin Over the past decade our understanding of the fundamental differences in child development behavior and emotional maturity between boys and girls has increased dramatically and as a result many gender-specific interventions and support programs have been developed to meet the needs of parents teachers and mental health professionals. However these all take the form of responses designed to minimize an already disruptive behavior pattern. What has been needed is a pro-active program whose goal is to instill positive skills and patterns in 'at-risk' boys rather than waiting to address problems after they are already visible. The BAM! Boys Advocacy and Mentoring program fills this need by providing the first guidebook for group facilitators who want to lead preventative boys groups designed to foster communication skills and emotional connections. Based on years of research and refined over the course of countless sessions run by the authors the program has been field-tested and tailored for use either in the school setting or outside. Over a series of group sessions participants are encouraged to understand their emotions and interpersonal interactions without losing a sense of 'maleness' as a result of emotional growth and communication with peers about personal issues. The activities are designed to be engaging across age groups and the individual exercises and program structure can be modified to fit into any existing school- or community-based mentoring system. The guidebook contains all of the information and tools a facilitator needs in order to implement and maintain these boys groups. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138130111

Bamboo Gridshells This highly illustrated text brings together two areas which have both grown in popularity in recent years: gridshells and bamboo. Bamboo is a fast-growing naturally available renewable resource which is quite strong and lends itself to structural applications. In this unique text David Rockwood demonstrates the viability of bamboo as a building material and considers the advantages – as well as the challenges – of working with bamboo. Its properties workability connections assembly erection processes structural behavior and final use are explored in detail through a series of design-build experiments and case studies from Hawai’i and Vietnam. The only book available on the subject Bamboo Gridshells provides a comprehensive introduction to this emerging technology which will be of interest to anyone working in the areas of sustainable or environmental design ecological construction low technology strategies or alternative materials. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138795563

Bamboo ShootSuperfood for Nutrition Health and Medicine Bamboo is an ordinary plant with extraordinary properties. With its high growth rate and self-renewing ability bamboo’s sustainability is unparalleled. Bamboo is an important resource for a healthy planet and its shoots hold manifold nutritional benefits. Based on 18 years of research Bamboo Shoot: Superfood for Nutrition Health and Medicine details health-promoting bioactive compounds found in bamboo and offers practical guidance on how this vegetable bamboo shoot is used for food fortification. Already a delicacy in many Asian countries bamboo shoots aid in the prevention of cardiovascular disease cancer diabetes hypertension and obesity. Exploring the tradition and culture of bamboo in Asian countries this book also provides information on the science behind the nutritional value of bamboo shoots. Written by individuals with expertise in bamboo shoot nutrition and fully illustrated in colour this book reveals the antioxidant activity of bamboo shoots and discusses the potential for bamboo to be used as an ingredient in functional foods and nutraceuticals. This highly practical book discusses processing and packaging of shoots for long term storage and using bamboo in the development of novel food products. Features: Elucidates the nutrients and phytochemicals in over 30 bamboo species and includes a glossary of scientific names Highlights the nutraceutical and antioxidant properties of bamboo Describes novel healthy food products fortified with bamboo shoots and provides food recipes using bamboo Explains how bamboo can help countries achieve their sustainable development goals from poverty reduction food security improved nutrition and prevention of diseases to climate change mitigation and inclusive green economic development Aimed at professionals in the nutrition and food processing industry this book appeals to those with an interest in incorporating bamboo into a healthier lifestyle. Endorsements This is a unique book interestingly crafted to highlight the important nutritional health and medicinal aspects of Bamboo an area that is greatly underexplored. It will bring awareness that bamboo shoots are a low calorie high fibre nutritious vegetable packed with vitamins and minerals. - Prof. Cherla Sastry Founding Director General INBAR and Adjunct Professor University of Toronto Canada This book brings a series of answers to all questions related to bamboo as a superfood [and will] enlighten readers how to transform bamboo shoots using either traditional or modern techniques how to package them and how to use them as a functional and nutraceutical food. It also provides a series of cooking recipes for healthy eating while we enjoy our food. - Ximena Londoño Founder A Bamboo and Guadua Paradise Colombia Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367467418

BambooClimate Change Adaptation and Mitigation This new book presents an abundance of important information and case studies that deal with bamboo farming and its effects from and on climate change adaptation and mitigation. There is a lack of research on the role of bamboo in climate change adaptation and mitigation; this volume helps to fill that gap by providing information that will enable policymakers to consider bamboo farming and its implications in carbon trading. Bamboo represents one of the world’s highest yielding renewable natural resources and is an important source of non-timber forest products for subsistence use as well as for materials with many commercial and industrial uses. There are over 1500 documented applications of bamboo products including materials for bridges construction furniture agricultural tools handicrafts papers textiles boards edible and bioenergy applications. With their fast growth rate and rapid propagation bamboo forests have a high C storage potential especially when the harvested culms are transformed into durable products and thereby prolonging the C storage. Environmentalists love bamboo for its quick growth and for the fact that it can be harvested without harming the environment. This volume is a rich resource on the role of bamboo in ecological farming and climate change mitigation. Key features of the book include: • Explores the role of bamboo on climate change and environment and ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change • Considers overlooked bamboo biomass resources • Explains carbon capture and storage potential in bamboo • Assesses opportunities for carbon farming and carbon trading in bamboo • Looks at the role on bamboo cultivation on the livelihood of rural populations • Details the soil properties needed for bamboo-based agroforestry systems Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771888301

Bamboozled!How America Loses the Intellectual Game with Japan and Its Implications for Our Future in Asia As the influence of the United States in Asia declines with the end of the Cold War America must look more to brains than military might in achieving our objectives in the region. But after repeatedly allowing Japan - our closest ally in Asia - to mislead us intellectually and psychologically how well are we prepared to deal with less friendly emerging powers like China and India? Based on three decades of on-the-spot observation and participation in Japan Ivan Hall's provocative work draws the reader into a world of intellectual manipulation and gullibility false images emotional blackmail financial beguilement and fatuous expectations. It illuminates the many ways that American ideological hubris and Japanese pleading for special treatment combine to deprive our trans-Pacific dialogue of the honesty openness and plain common sense of our trans-Atlantic intellectual ties with Europe. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315290577

Ban of the BoriDemons and Demon-Dancing in West and North Africa First Published in 1968. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415760751

Banaras: Urban Forms and Cultural Histories The book presents a rich and surprising account of the recent history of the north Indian city of Banaras. Supplementing traditional accounts which have focused upon the city’s religious imaginary this volume brings together essays written by acknowledged experts in north Indian culture and history to examine the construction of diverse urban identities in and after the British colonial period. Drawing on fields such as archaeology literature history and architecture these accounts of Banaras understand the narratives which inscribe the city as having been forged substantially in the experiences of British rule. But while British rule transformed the city in many respects the essays also emphasize the importance of Indian agency in these processes. The book also examines the essential ambiguity of modernization schemes in the city as well as the contingency of elements of religious narrative. The introduction moreover attempts to resituate Banaras into a wider tradition of urban studies in South Asia. The book will be of interest to not only scholars and students of north Indian culture and urban history but also anyone looking to gain a deeper appreciation of this remarkable and complex city. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138660069

Bande de FillesGirlhood Identities in Contemporary France Few films in the twenty-first century have represented coming-of-age with the beauty and brutality of Bande de Filles (or Girlhood). This book provides an in-depth examination of Céline Sciamma’s film focusing on its portrayal of female adolescence in contemporary Paris. Motivated by the absence of black female characters in French cinema Sciamma represents the lives of figures that have passed largely unnoticed on the big screen. While observing the girls’ tough circumstances Sciamma’s film emphasises the joy and camaraderie found in female friendships. This book places Girlhood in its cinematic as well as its sociocultural context. Pop music urban violence and female friendships are all considered here in a book that draws out the complexity of Sciamma’s deceptively simple portrayal of coming-of-age. Thoughtful concise and deeply contemporary this book is perfect for students scholars and general readers interested in youth cultures European cinema gender and sexuality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138491960

Bandits Gangsters and the MafiaRussia the Baltic States and the CIS since 1991 During the 1990s the "roving bandits" big business or the oligarchs stole Russia. They gained influence over President Yeltsin and his government and gradually shaped policy in their own interests. In this first comprehensive account to explain why Russia took the course it did Martin McCauley examines the period through the prism of government including Yeltsin's shadow government and looks at the military police security and intelligence services. Relations between Moscow and the regions industry agriculture social policy and foreign policy are also explored. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138153684

Bangladesh and International Law This book is the first-ever comprehensive analysis of international law from Global South perspectives with specific reference to Bangladesh. The book not only sheds new light on classical international law concepts such as statehood citizenship and self-determination but also covers more current issues including Rohingya refugees climate change sustainable development readymade garment workers and crimes against humanity. Written by area specialists the book explores how international law shaped Bangladesh state practice over the last five decades; how Bangladesh in turn contributed to the development of international law; and the manner in which international law is also used as a hegemonic tool for marginalising less powerful countries like Bangladesh. By analysing stories of an ambivalent relationship between international law and post-colonial states the book exposes the duality of international law as both a problem-solving tool and as a language of hegemony. Despite its focus on Bangladesh the book deals with the more general problem of post-colonial states’ problematic relationship with international law and so will be of interest to students and scholars of international law in general as well as those interested in the Global South and South Asia in particular. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367618582

Bangladesh Cinema and National IdentityIn Search of the Modern? Throughout the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries cinema has been adopted as a popular cultural institution in Bangladesh. At the same time this has been the period for the articulation of modern nationhood and cultural identity of Bengali Muslims in Bangladesh. This book analyses the relationship between cinema and modernity in Bangladesh providing a narrative of the uneven process that produced the idea of "Bangladesh cinema." This book investigates the roles of a non-Western "national" film industry in Asia in constructing nationhood and identity within colonial and postcolonial predicaments. Drawing on the idea of cinema as public sphere and the postcolonial notion of formation of the "Bangladesh" nation interactions between cinema and middle-class Bengali Muslims in different social and political matrices are analyzed. The author explores how the conflict among different social groups turned Bangladesh cinema into a site of contesting identities. In particular he illustrates the connections between film production and reception in Bangladesh and a variety of nationalist constructions of Bengali Muslim identity. Questioning and debunking the usual notions of "Bangladesh" and "cinema " this book positions the cinema of Bangladesh within a transnational frame. Starting with how to locate the "beginning" of the second Bengali language cinema in colonial Bengal the author completes the investigation by identifying a global Bangladeshi cinema in the early twenty-first century. The first major academic study on this large and vibrant national cinema this book demonstrates that Bangladesh cinema worked as different "public spheres" for different "publics" throughout the twentieth century and beyond. Filling a niche in Global Film and Media Studies and South Asian Studies it will be of interest to scholars and students of these disciplines. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815392200

Bangladesh’s Maritime PolicyEntwining Challenges Following successive international legal verdicts Bangladesh is now an accredited maritime state. Possessing a spacious territorial sea and an extended continental shelf with a maritime zone almost equalling its land borders a ‘window of opportunity’ has opened for the country to realise its developmental aspirations. Yet it faces numerous challenges many of which are entwined.This book is a detailed analysis of Bangladesh’s maritime strategy. It charts the country’s maritime legacies including disputes with both Myanmar and India and analyses the contributions of the leadership in the maritime territorial gains. The author examines Bangladesh’s need to consolidate these newly reclaimed gains whilst exploring the unremitting interest of major global power players in maintaining maritime resource exploitation navigation and security. Finally the author demonstrates how the country needs to embrace the notional principles of sustainable development of its ocean economy to utilize its resources and how it has since been coming to grips with the emerging concept of "blue economy" to enhance its enduring national development.The first systematic study on Bangladesh’s maritime policy and the country’s importance in the emerging geopolitical rivalry in the Indian Ocean this book will be of interest to academics in the field of South Asian and Indian Ocean politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367586317

BangladeshFrom A Nation To A State In 1996 Bangladesh celebrates its 25th anniversary. When the country became independent from Pakistan in 1971 it proclaimed itself a parliamentary democracy with four goals?democracy secularism socialism and nationalism. This comprehensive introduction to Bangladesh's history polity economy and society reassesses its successes and failures Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314644

Bangladesh's Graduation from the Least Developed Countries GroupPitfalls and Promises Since the group of least developed countries (LDCs) was identified in 1971 only five countries have graduated from the group all of which are characterised by small size or population. The projections are that the next decade will see a rapid increase in the pace of graduation with Bangladesh in particular poised to be one of the largest countries in terms of its economy and population yet to leave the group. While previously many LDCs viewed the prospect of graduation with some apprehension fearing significant erosion of international support increasingly the move is being seen as a more positive landmark. This book aims to articulate appropriate strategies and initiatives to help Bangladesh to maintain its developmental momentum and to prepare for a sustainable graduation in 2024. In doing so the book explores themes such as key analytical issues of the LDC graduation paradigm smooth transition and structural transformation and post-graduation challenges and opportunities. Further against the backdrop of Gross National Income per capita the Human Assets Index and Economic Vulnerability Index goals required for graduation the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the 2030 Agenda will also be in the process of implementation. Whilst some feel that the two agendas might be in conflict the book teases out some of the important synergies which can be drawn when LDCs are undertaking the journey of graduation in the era of the SDGs. The book also takes into cognisance the uncertain external environment and the emerging global scenario within which Bangladesh's graduation is to take place. Conceptual discourse around LDC graduation and the particular narrative around Bangladesh's journey towards LDC graduation will be of interest not only to scholars of Bangladesh but also to researchers and policymakers with an interest in LDC graduation for other countries facing similar challenges. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367665326

Banishment in the Later Roman Empire 284-476 CE This book offers a reconstruction and interpretation of banishment in the final era of a unified Roman Empire 284-476 CE. Author Daniel Washburn argues that exile was both a penalty and a symbol. It applied to those who committed a misstep or crossed the wrong person; it also stood as a marker of affliction or failure. Like other punishments it articulated and cemented the power asymmetry between the punisher and the punished. Distinctively it maneuvered the body of the banished in order to tell that tale. The process of banishment also operated as a form of negotiation between the party that exiled and the one banished. In so doing the punishment offered the possibility for pardon an event that glorified the pardoner and signaled submissiveness on the part of the restored. In its sources this work employs evidence from legal as well as literary materials to forge a complete picture of exile. To harvest all possible information from the period it considers elements from the arenas of the early church and the Roman Empire. Methodologically it situates ancient Christianity within the Roman world while remaining sensitive to the distinct views and roles held by late antique bishops. While banishment played a major role in the history of the Later Empire no work of scholarship has treated it as a topic in its own right. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138115507

Bank Behavior Regulation and Economic Development: California 1860-1910 This study of bank behaviour and banking regulation first published in 1993 continues to provide through its close analysis valuable insights into the issues of modern banking. The effects of regulatory restriction and liberalisation are examined in detail and California’s banking history while a fascinating topic in its own right offers several messages for policy makers today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138056374

Bank Deregulation & Monetary Order Can the 'invisible hand' handle money? George Selgin challenges the view that government regulation creates monetary order and stability and instead shows it to be the main source of monetary crisis. The volume is divided into three sections: * Part I refutes conventional wisdom holding that any monetary system lacking government regulation is 'inherently unstable' and looks at the workings of market forces in an otherwise unregulated banking system. * Part II draws on both theory and historical experience to show how various kinds of government interference undermine the inherent efficiency safety and stability of a free monetary system. * Part III completes the argument by addressing the popular misconception that a monetary system is unsound unless it delivers a stable output price-level. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987678

Bank Regulation Risk Management and ComplianceTheory Practice and Key Problem Areas Bank Regulation Risk Management and Compliance is a concise yet comprehensive treatment of the primary areas of US banking regulation – micro-prudential macroprudential financial consumer protection and AML/CFT regulation – and their associated risk management and compliance systems. The book’s focus is the US but its prolific use of standards published by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and frequent comparisons with UK and EU versions of US regulation offer a broad perspective on global bank regulation and expectations for internal governance. The book establishes a conceptual framework that helps readers to understand bank regulators’ expectations for the risk management and compliance functions. Informed by the author’s experience at a major credit rating agency in helping to design and implement a ratings compliance system it explains how the banking business model through credit extension and credit intermediation creates the principal risks that regulation is designed to mitigate: credit interest rate market and operational risk and more broadly systemic risk. The book covers in a single volume the four areas of bank regulation and supervision and the associated regulatory expectations and firms’ governance systems. Readers desiring to study the subject in a unified manner have needed to separately consult specialized treatments of their areas of interest resulting in a fragmented grasp of the subject matter. Banking regulation has a cohesive unity due in large part to national authorities’ agreement to follow global standards and to the homogenizing effects of the integrated global financial markets. The book is designed for legal risk and compliance banking professionals; students in law business and other finance-related graduate programs; and finance professionals generally who want a reference book on bank regulation risk management and compliance. It can serve both as a primer for entry-level finance professionals and as a reference guide for seasoned risk and compliance officials senior management and regulators and other policymakers. Although the book’s focus is bank regulation its coverage of corporate governance risk management compliance and management of conflicts of interest in financial institutions has broad application in other financial services sectors. Chapter 6 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license. Media > Books > Print Books Informa Law from Routledge 9780367367497

Bank RegulationEffects on Strategy Financial Accounting and Management Control Bank Regulation: Effects on Strategy Financial Accounting and Management Control discusses and problematizes how regulation is affecting bank strategies as well as their financial accounting and management control systems. Following a period of bank de-regulation the new millennium brought a drastic change with many new regulations. Some of these are the result of the financial crisis of 2008-2009. Other regulations such as the introduction in 2005 of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for quoted companies in the EU can be related to the introduction of a new global accounting regime. It is evident from annual reports of banks that the number of new regulations in recent years is high and that they cover many different functional areas. The objectives of these regulations are also ambitious; to improve governance and control contributing to a high level of financial stability for banks. These objectives are obviously of great concern for an industry that directly and indirectly affects the financial situation not only of individuals and organizations but also nation states. Considering the importance of banks in society it is of little surprise that the attention of both scholars and practitioners has been directed towards how banks comply with new regulations and if the intended objectives of the regulations are met. This book will be of great value to all those interested in financial stability matters (practitioners policy-makers students academics) as well as to accounting and finance scholars. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367026547

Bankers and Diplomats in China 1917-1925The Anglo-American Experience First Published in 1981. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964341

Banker's WorldThe Revival of the City 1957-1970 First Published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138865211

Banking It is almost universally agreed that banks are of central importance for economic growth the efficient allocation of capital financial stability and the competitiveness and development of manufacturing and service sectors. And at least in recent decades it has also widely been believed that high-performing banks supported by state-of-the-art risk-management capabilities and light-touch market-based regulation would allow plentiful finance for investment leading to economic growth. However since 2007 as the global financial system has endured extreme turbulence—with banks suffering stomach-churning losses necessitating unbelievable bailouts by national governments—this orthodoxy has been roundly challenged. Academics and policymakers alike have been forced fundamentally to re-examine the scale scope governance performance as well as the safety and soundness of financial institutions. The necessity for such urgent reassessments underscores the timeliness of this new Major Work collection from Routledge. It meets the need for an authoritative reference work to map the existing scholarly corpus and to make sense of the continuing explosion in research output. Edited by John O. S. Wilson a leading scholar Banking is a five-volume collection which brings together the very best foundational and cutting-edge contributions to the field. The collection is divided into four principal parts. Part 1 is dedicated to ‘The Theory and Business of Banking’. The second part deals with ‘The Industrial Organization of Banking’ while Part 3 explores ‘Deregulation Regulation Supervision and Crises’. The final part of the collection brings together the best scholarship and other useful materials on ‘Banks and the Macro economy’. The collection is fully indexed. It also includes comprehensive introductions and overviews to each principal part newly written by the editor which place the material in its intellectual and historical context. It is an essential work of reference and is destined to be valued by users as a vital one-stop research resource. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415615464

Banking Lending and Real Estate This book deals directly with the risk/return multiple trade-offs coming out of the closely intertwined relationship between banking and real estate. The authors explore how banks could embrace a more proactive approach to make the most of their mostly ‘long only’ exposure to real estate and create positive spillover effects on their real estate counterparts and the sector as a whole. It provides a "state of the art" representation and analysis of the strategies that best practices in banking are adopting to manage these issues and plan for a new set of interrelations driving a "virtuous circle" as opposed to the current one. Banking Lending and Real Estate is built on the academic knowhow and professional expertise of the authors who have been researching writing and working on this joint topic for over a decade. With its pragmatic approach it allows the reader to capture which leading hedge active and holistic approaches are available today and proven to treat for example the banks’ overexposure to this asset class; to manage "unlikely to pay" and sub-performing positions; and to optimize the recovery value coming from the work out of real estate related NPL (and underlying assets). Case studies and relevant examples are provided leveraging on the authors’ experience in consulting projects in the EMEA region and from working with global regional and domestic banks and the real estate players acting across its value chain. This book will appeal to both academics and business practitioners within the banking financial services and real estate sectors as well as professionals from financial and strategic/industrial advisory working in those fields. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367235475

Banking and Debt Recovery in Emerging MarketsThe Law Reform Context This title was first published in 2001. A developing country that is pursuing free market economic policies requires a modern commercial law infrastructure which enables the emerging economy to have in place properly functioning credit and other financial systems which stimulate domestic and foreign investment. This book provides a comparative analysis of the law and practice of debt recovery in India Sri Lanka and Malaysia demonstrating that a suitable debt-recovery system for a developing economy requires not only good laws and judicial remedies but also appropriate financial industry practices such as credit and loan supervision policies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138635425

Banking and Economic Rent in AsiaRent Effects Financial Fragility and Economic Development A stable and sound financial system plays a critical role in mediating funds from surplus units to investors making it a prerequisite for economic development. Financial intermediaries have been vulnerable to adverse changes in the local and global economy and experienced frequent bubble-and-bust episodes historically. Analyses of financial crises reveal that the incentive created by neo-liberal financial principles is inconsistent with stable financial systems and viable solutions require structuring institutions in a way that incentives are well aligned with the fundamental principles of financial systems. By drawing on the theoretical framework of the financial restraint model this book analyses financial sectors’ rents or bank rents and their effects on banks’ performance and stability and presents evidence on the relationship between rent and incentive through case studies of both developed and developing countries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367350567

Banking and Effective Capital Regulation in PracticeA Leadership Perspective Due to a historical lack of attention to the importance of modelling measuring and managing risk senior bank leaders are struggling to implement unified practices within their financial institutions that could address the gaps posed by risky management behaviour rogue trading liquidity crises prohibited investments in mortgage-backed securities and default risks aligned with loans. This book discusses the theories at play between bank agents (bank managers) and their principals (shareholders) a topic which has gained importance as a result of the banking crisis and similarly governed the need for more efficient risk management and ethical managerial practices. The author worked with a senior bank leadership team to identify and describe effective capital regulation practices that can lead to a reduction in loss and risky management behavioural practices. The book offers consensus on a number of activities that bank managers can implement to address bank risk. It analyses the relevant factors that determine the necessity for banking regulation and the important role of regulation in managing banking crises. The author’s analysis of the important regulatory aspects in developed countries such as the US offers a useful conceptual framework for creating an adequate banking regulatory environment in developing countries. This book offers an original contribution to the field of banking that undergraduate masters PhD students academics and researchers can use to gain a deeper understanding of the constructs at play in the banking industry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367523619

Banking and Finance in Islands and Small States First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964358

Banking and Finance in Japan (RLE Banking & Finance)An Introduction to the Tokyo Market The Tokyo market has often been a difficult financial environment for the non-Japanese to understand. This volume written for an international readership provides a study of the financial centre behind one of the world’s largest economies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415751612

Banking and Finance in West Germany (RLE Banking & Finance) This is a clear guide to the German financial system. It begins by outlining its historical development emphasising the growth of close ties between the banking system and industry and goes on to describe in details the nature of the credit institutions in general and the money and capital markets. The book emphasizes the crucial role played by the autonomy of the Bundesbank and it explains with clear illustrations the instruments available to it to conduct monetary policy. It analyses the type of monetary target adopted by the Bundesbank in the early 1970s and deals with the ‘transferability’ of the West German financial system to other countries. Wherever relevant parallels and differences between that system and the ones operating in the US and UK are pointed out. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138007734

Banking and FinanceCase studies in the development of the UK financial sector This shortform book presents key peer-reviewed research selected by expert series editors and contextualised by new analysis from each author on how the specific field addressed has evolved. The book features contributions on the development of banking regulation in Scotland the role of commercial banking on the functioning of the British corporate economy the impact of British monetary policy on small firm growth and the politics of corporate governance. Of interest to business and economic historians this shortform book also provides analysis that will be valuable reading across the social sciences Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367180065

Banking and Monetary Policies in a Changing Financial EnvironmentA regulatory approach The 21st century witnessed major changes in the financial environment surrounding bank regulators and banks. Banking and Monetary Policies in a Changing Financial Environment delves into three of these developments and challenges. The first change in the financial environment relates to the rise in the number and sophistication of financial and economic crimes which shaped the international regulatory architecture. New rules and regulations led to the creation of new strategies to combat these crimes especially those concerning the spread of more advanced money laundering methods and techniques terrorist financing after the 9/11 attacks and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The second development concerns the global financial crisis of 2008 which drastically affected the regulatory environment of various international and domestic financial authorities causing major changes in bank lending and corporate governance policies and in the development of the Basel III accord on capital adequacy for bank supervision. The third development manifests itself in the creation of a major European monetary union without a fiscal union and a giant European central bank impacting the conduct of monetary policy. This book combines theory policy regulation and institutional approaches with empirical testing analyzing applications and case studies of various international regulatory authorities and administrations countries and jurisdictions central banks and commercial banks. This volume is suitable for those who study international finance Banking and white collar crime. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138325098

Banking Bailout LawA Comparative Study of the United States United Kingdom and the European Union Setting forth the building blocks of banking bailout law this book reconstructs a regulatory framework that might better serve countries during future crisis situations. It builds upon recent carefully selected case studies from the US the EU the UK Spain and Hungary to answer the questions of what went wrong with the bank bailouts in the EU why the US performed better in terms of crisis management and how bailouts could be regulated and conducted more successfully in the future. Employing a comparative methodology it examines the different bailout and bank resolution techniques and tools and identifies the pros and cons of the different legal and regulatory options and their underlying principles. In the post-2008 legal-regulatory architecture financial institution specific insolvency proceedings were further developed or implemented on both sides of the Atlantic. Ten years after the most recent financial crisis there is sufficient empirical evidence to evaluate the outcomes of the bank bailouts in the US and the EU and to examine a number of cases under the EU’s new bank resolution regime. This book will be of interest of anyone in the field of finance banking central banking monetary policy and insolvency law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367410339

Banking Crises Liquidity and Credit LinesA Macroeconomic Perspective The banking crisis in 2007-10 was one amongst many such crises in the past. This book provides a fresh approach to liquidity. It starts from basics and gradually builds up analysis of credit lines with few technicalities. Though the analysis is theoretical the book provides a historical background a macroeconomic perspective and policy implications. An integrated view of the pre-1983 and the post-1983 literature is provided. A solution to the related problem of sudden outflow of funds from emerging economies is also suggested. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138798700

Banking in an Unregulated Environment (RLE Banking & Finance)California 1878-1905 The study of financial history has never been more important. This volume focuses on theories about the relationship of financial markets to the rest of the economy. Searching out information on financial institutions and markets from the past this work tests theories from the 1980s and 90s with this data mainly in two fields of economics: financial structure and performance and economic development. Understanding and testing the relationship between money and credit and the level of output in the economy the author emphasizes may help predict or prevent business cycles and even make it possible to increase the rate of development and growth of an economy. Although this volume focuses on one geographical and historical area of the US economy the lessons and implications are relevant for the global economy of the 21st century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415751629

Banking in Central and Eastern Europe 1980-2006From Communism to Capitalism Comparative in structure and covering an extensive number of transition countries in its survey this comprehensive book overviews the development of the banking systems in Central and Eastern European since the communist era until the present time. Taking in a range of countries including Hungary Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Bulgaria Romania Croatia Russia Ukraine Belarus Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Barisitz - an economist with the Central Bank of Austra - analyzes the evolution of legal foundations banking supervision banks’ major sources of assets liabilities earnings and related changes banking crises restructuring rehabilitation programs the role of foreign-owned banks and FDI. A significant publication it is fascinating reading for all those studying and working in the areas of transition economy macro and monetary economy and economic history Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415512671

Banking in China (1890s–1940s)Business in the French Concessions From the 1890s to the 1940s French State and entrepreneurial companies were enticed to promote French interests beyond mere colonial targets for the sake of economic patriotism. Chinese concessions not including Hong Kong were thus inserted into geo-economic moves and French stakeholders asserted their philosophy of competition and displayed their means of influence and investment. In this book the author assesses the challenges which confronted French actors in the face of powerful British imperial action overseas all the more so because German Belgian Japanese and then also North-American competitors joined the fray. The book targets three concessions: Canton/Guangzhou Tientsin/Tianjin and Hankeou/Wuhan because of their significance in the emergence of a modern economy in the country. The three main sections of the book explore the position of French stakeholders mainly businessmen merchant houses bankers and a few industrialists in these three port-cities and China overall. The chapters gauge their capital of influence and networking commercial tools and banking skills in the face of competition the hardships of crossing the changes in economic productive systems or clusters in the various port-cities and their areas rich with commercial offshoots. Also several chapters underscore the uncertainties caused by geopolitical and military events in China. For each of the three concessions commercial and banking systems assessments of the successes and limits of the French bankers and merchants are investigated with the aim of evaluating the reality of French entrepreneurialism and power in the regions prospected by the offshoots of French capitalism. The book will be an invaluable resource for academics interested in the history of banking and finance business entrepreneurship colonialism and "economic patriotism" in Chinese history in geo-economics and in connected history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367466572

Banking in Europe (RLE Banking & Finance)The Single Market This book describes the different banking systems of the twelve European Community countries and examines how they were affected by the Single European market of 1992. Exploring the implications of relevant EC legislation the book highlights the problems that face financial institutions trying to expand their European operations and draws lessons from the efforts of major European banks to safeguard their own markets and independence in a more competitive European environment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138007741

Banking Modern AmericaStudies in regulatory history The passage of the National Currency Act of 1863 gave the United States its first uniform paper money its first nationally chartered and supervised commercial banks and its first modern regulatory agency: the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. The law marked a milestone in the development of the U.S. financial system and the modern administrative state. Yet its importance has been largely overlooked. Banking Modern America aims to address that gap. With its unique multidisciplinary approach that brings together scholars from disciplines including history economics the law and finance this book lends a new dimension to studying the origins and development of a system that touched key aspects of modern America. Chapters examine key episodes in the history of Federal banking looking at the Civil War origins of the national banking system and the practical challenges of setting up a new system of money and banking. The essays in this volume explore the tensions that arose between bankers and Federal regulators between governmental jurisdictions and even between regulators themselves. This book will be essential reading for academics of banking and finance regulation numismatics and history as well as professional economists historians and policy makers interested in the history of the US financial system. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367890056

Banking on EqualityWomen work and employment in the banking sector in India It may well be surprising to say that the world should look to India as a model of gender equality. India’s banking sector proves the exception with several women reaching the highest positions in India’s top banks including the country’s largest bank. Based on interviews and surveys of bank employees in India’s National Capital Region this book looks at what lies behind the media rhetoric and provides a systematic analysis of patterns of and responses to gender inequality in the banking sector in India. The book uncovers how gender discrimination still persists in the banking sector albeit in covert forms. Through a comparison of nationalized Indian private and foreign banks the book demonstrates how the impact of laws local cultural norms and gendered workplace practices are mediated through different organizational forms in these different types of banks to create varied experiences of gender inequality. The book is one of the first books to provide a thorough in-depth analysis of women’s employment in the Indian banking sector currently an under-researched area. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815350750

Banking on FraudDrexel Junk Bonds and Buyouts In analyzing the fraud-facilitated leveraged buyouts engineered by Michael Milken and the firm of Drexel Burnham Lambert the author suggests that such buyouts have multiple and extensive consequences for the organization of business and the economy. Zey also demonstrates how ordinary bond trading networks were linked to the extraordinary networks of the Boesky Organizations and Employee Private Partnerships in order to defraud bond issuers and buyers.This book debunks the myth of rational economic organization in the 1980s and establishes broad implications for theories of organizational deviance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519213

Banking on MilkAn Ethnography of Donor Human Milk Relations Banking on Milk takes the reader on a journey through the everyday life of donor human milk banking across the United Kingdom (UK) and beyond asking questions such as the following: Why do people decide to donate? How do parents of recipients hear about human milk? How does milk donation impact on lifestyle choices? Chapters record the practical everyday reality of work in a milk bank by drawing on extensive ethnographic observations and sensitive interview data from donors mothers of recipients and the staff of four different milk banks from across the UK and visits to milk banks across Europe and North America. It discusses the ongoing pressures to do with supply demand and distribution. An empirically informed "ethnography of the contemporary" where both biosociality and biopower abound this book includes an exploration of how milk banks evolved from registering wet nurses with hospitals showing how a regulatory culture of medical authority began to quantify and organize human milk as a commodity. This book is a valuable read for all those with an interest in breastfeeding or organ and tissue donation from a range of fields including midwifery sociology anthropology geography cultural studies and public health. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138559073

Banking on the World (Routledge Revivals)The Politics of American International Finance This book first published in 1987 examines American international finance and banking and the affect that the United States had in the world economy. This book will be of interest to students of finance and economics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138912014

Banking Policy and Structure (RLE Banking & Finance)A Comparative Analysis This book provides a comparative analysis of the several types of banking structure and the ways in which banks undertake their business. It surveys central banking arrangements in a number of countries. Against an historical background it describes banking systems ranging from the so-called ‘unit banking’ of the USA to the branch banking arrangements that derive from British experience as well as many systems in between. The business of banking is analysed comparatively within the framework of a simplified bank balance sheet special attention being given to industrial banking and to assets and liabilities management. It explores how money markets function and within this framework how central banks operate and attempt to implement monetary and credit policy. The book includes the results of extensive new research part of which involved interviewing many key figures throughout the banking industry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415751636

Banking Policy in JapanAmerican Efforts at Reform During the Occupation The unique Japanese banking system has contributed greatly to Japan’s post-war economic advance by investing aggressively in industry and by supporting close government-business relations. The banking sector might not have come to assume such a significant role however had American efforts to reform Japanese finance during the Occupation (1945-52) been successful. How Japan’s banking system maintained continuity of development and avoided the occupiers’ attempts at "democratisation" and "Americanisation" is the subject of this book. It explores why the Americans were committed to reform the reasons they failed and how important the maintenance of the financial status quo was to the subsequent development of Japan’s "miracle" economy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415852692

Banking Reform in Southeast AsiaThe Region's Decisive Decade This book empirically examines banking reform in the economies of Southeast Asia as they sought to adapt to major developments in the global economic system over the past three decades including the globalisation of finance the debt crisis of the 1980s and the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis. Focusing in particular on the turbulent decade of financial boom and bust from 1994 to 2004 it explores the ways in which states respond to powerful external shocks and the implications for policy choices demonstrating how different political systems shape economic performance and policy choices. It sets out a detailed comparative analysis of the experiences of the five major regional economies Malaysia Singapore Thailand Indonesia and the Philippines considering how banking reform responded to the challenges posed by global economic integration. The countries least affected by the crisis Singapore and the Philippines used the crisis effectively to further liberalise long-protected domestic banking sectors. The countries the most affected by the crisis Indonesia Thailand and Malaysia all resisted external pressure to liberalise their protected banking sectors even when they experienced changes in leadership. In all five cases the nature of the political system and their previous commitment to nationalist banking policies more than the depth of the crisis or extent of foreign pressure was the key determining factor in their crisis response and in the post-crisis changes to banking policy that are still playing out today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415673884

Banking Regulation and the Financial Crisis This book is a review on the economic theories of systemic risks in the financial market and the topics in constructing the macroprudential framework for banking regulation in the future. It explains the reasons why the traditional microprudential regulatory framework missed its target in stabilizing the market and preventing the crisis and discusses the principles and instruments for designing macroprudential rules. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138798670

Banking Regulation of UK and US Financial Markets Dalvinder Singh provides an interdisciplinary analysis of the legal aspects of prudential supervision. This gives the reader a broader understanding of the core processes of banking supervision. By using the UK as a case study a comparison is made with the US to illustrate the different ways of approaching the issues. The author examines the legal as well as the theoretical economic political and policy issues that underpin the purpose of prudential supervision such as corporate governance enforcement sanctions the role of external auditors and accountability of financial regulators. These are considered in the context of broad-policy considerations which render prudential supervision necessary namely financial stability and depositor protection. The book will be of interest to academics policymakers regulators and practitioners and equally will serve specialist undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in law management and economics which focus on financial regulation. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315568676

Banking Secrecy and Offshore Financial CentersMoney laundering and offshore banking This book brings together the issues surrounding banking secrecy and confiscation of criminal proceeds. The book examines the existing legal agreements at the international regional and national levels and their interaction in the substantive areas of confiscation anti-money laundering and banking confidentiality laws. It looks at how these agreements have been applied in offshore financial centers and demonstrates that despite a number of legally binding UN Conventions as well as global anti-money laundering recommendations the implementation of them is often lukewarm by those Parties who have ratified the Convention and adopted obligations because of this the confiscation legislation is incompatible with strict banking confidentiality laws. The work draws on the experience of criminologists to offer critical insight into the legislative frameworks designed to deal with banking secrecy and confiscation in offshore financial centers. It goes on to offer suggestions for measures that may be taken by major economies to circumvent the lack of cooperation by offshore financial centers as intolerance towards money laundering grows in light of recent political and economic events. This book will be of particular interest to students and scholars of Law Finance and Criminology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138195165

Banking Services and the Consumer (RLE: Banking & Finance) This report prepared for the government by the National Consumer Council examines money transmission access to banking services new technology banking and the law disputes between bank and customer saving and borrowing. There are special sections on Northern Ireland and Scotland and on bank executor and trustee work – all from a consumer perspective. It is based on the findings of two surveys of consumer attitudes to banking services and evidence from the banks and building societies themselves. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415751643

Banking Strategies Beyond 2000 First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315063195

Banking Systems in the CrisisThe Faces of Liberal Capitalism The 2008 financial crisis has severely shaken confidence in liberal economic theory and policy. However the sharply divergent experiences of the six Anglo-Saxon ‘liberal market economies’ (LMEs) suggest that the reality is not so simple. This book traces the evolution of liberal capitalism from its rebirth amidst the challenges of the 1970s to its role in the genesis of the 2008 crisis – and debates the assumptions underpinning the liberal capitalist paradigm. Close examination reveals variety within liberal capitalism. Not only was there the familiar "hands off" libertarian approach adopted by the US UK and Ireland but more bounded better regulated and apparently more stable varieties of economic liberalism also emerged through the more pragmatic approach taken by Canada Australia and New Zealand. The evidence is compelling. Whereas the American British and Irish financial systems were severely damaged by the crisis those of Canada Australia and New Zealand proved more robust. This volume explores the degree to which these divergent experiences were a result of better and more intensive supervision differences in business or political culture broader commitment to social norms and the pace of liberalisation. Detailed comparative case studies reveal fundamental differences in the economic and political environments in which economic liberalisation took place in approaches to finance and in the degree to which it was seen to be an engine for growth. The book concludes that this had a major influence on the evolving economic and financial systems and consequently their relative resilience when confronted with the challenges of the 2008 crisis. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138798854

Bankruptcy and Insolvency in London During the Industrial Revolution This title first published in 1985 examines the evolution of the laws relating to debt and credit during the industrial revolution. Since economic activity was so precarious during the industrial revolution it is important to explore the legal procedures designed to deal with its victims. This work examines two aspects of financial collapse during the industrial revolution: the legal and institutional framework which defined and regulated it and bankruptcy itself. This title will be of interest to students of history law and economics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138745865

Bankrupting NatureDenying Our Planetary Boundaries This powerful book shows us that we are in deep denial about the magnitude of the global environmental challenges and resource constraints facing the world. Despite growing scientific consensus on major environmental threats as well as resource depletion societies are largely continuing with business as usual at best attempting to tinker at the margins of the problems. The authors argue that regardless of whether governments respond to the economic crisis through additional stimulus packages or reduced government spending environmental and resource constraints will remain. The crisis will be exacerbated by the combination of climate change ecosystem decline and resource scarcity in particular crude oil. The concept of Planetary Boundaries is introduced as a powerful explanation of the limits of the biosphere to sustain continued conventional growth. The book breaks the long silence on population criticizing donor countries for not doing enough to support the education of girls and reproductive health services. It is shown that an economy built on the continuous expansion of material consumption is not sustainable. De-growth however is no solution either. The growth dilemma can only be addressed through a transformation of the economic system. A strong plea is made for abandoning GDP growth as the key objective for development. The focus should instead be on a limited number of welfare indicators. The trickle-down concept is seriously questioned to be replaced by one of sufficiency. Rich countries are called upon to hold back their material growth to leave room for a rising living standard among the poor. Alternative business models are presented such as moving from products to services or towards a circular economy based on re-use reconditioning and recylcing – all with the aim of facilitating sustainable development. A Report to the Club of Rome Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415539692

Banks Liability and Risk Banks Liability and Risk 3rd Edition is a probing look at the risks faced by banks and other lending institutions showing problems typically faced by these institutions and highlighting the legal remedies available with copious references to case law and precedents. The nature of the risks and liabilities which banks are exposed to are continually changing. This new edition has been completely revised to incorporate these changes so that you can provide your clients and colleagues with the most up-to-date advice. Media > Books > E-books Informa Law from Routledge 9781003123071

Banks and Politics During the Progressive Era (RLE Banking & Finance) Despite the political potency of money and banking issues historians have largely dismissed the Progressive Era political debate over banking as irrelevant and have been preoccupied with explaining the shortcomings limitations and inadequacies of the Federal Reserve Act. The picture that has emerged is one of bankers controlling the course of financial reform with the assistance of political leaders who were either subservient hopelessly naive or insincere in their public opposition to bankers. This book places their exertions in a larger unfolding political context and traces in an analytical narrative the interplay of sectional and economic interests political ideologies and partisan clashes that shaped the course of banking reform. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415751650

Banks and Remedies This text looks at the options that the law provides both domestically and internationally. It also explains the various opportunities available to reduce risk and organize and administer rescue packages for ailing institutions. This edition addresses the new civil procedures rules in England; arbitration in banking and finance; rescues; EC remedies and English law remedies. Media > Books > E-books Informa Law from Routledge 9781003123194

Banks as Multinationals (RLE Banking & Finance) This comparative international study looks at origins and business strategies of multinational banks. A distinguished team of bankers and academics from the United States Japan Europe and Australia survey the evolution of multinational banks over time and suggest a conceptual framework in which this development can be understood. In-depth analyses of the multinational banking strategies of selected countries and institutions lead from early nineteenth century on to late twentieth century developments and future trends in investment banking. The approach is interdisciplinary with economists and business historians joining together to confront theory with facts. The findings presented in this major study will be of interest to scholars and professionals in international business banking and finance economists and business and economic historians. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415751667

Banks in CrisisThe Legal Response This title was first published in 2002: A detailed and critical analysis of the various legal problems that arise when banks are in serious financial difficulty Banks in Crisis offers an invaluable international perspective on the concept and causes of bank failure. It takes an authoritative and much-needed look at a number of key issues including: - Effective bank regulation as an instrument in the possible prevention of banking crises with particular reference to the role of the Financial Services Authority in the UK and the impact of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 - The role of the Bank of England in the new regulatory landscape with particular reference to its function as lender of last resort - The legal controls on those involved in the management of banks - Insolvency procedures and bank liquidation - The use of depositor protection schemes. By drawing conclusions and weighing up the methods available to promote stability prevent failure and promote rescues where appropriate Banks in Crisis is an essential read and a welcome addition to this crucial area of research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138742598

Banks: Fraud and Crime Banks: Fraud and Crime explores the main issues which arise in bank fraud world-wide and looks at the possible options available for corrective action. A series of leading commentators examine the basic nature of bank fraud and financial crime comparing the legal and regulatory framework in England to those in place in the USA and elsewhere. Banks: Fraud and Crime also takes a detailed look at the core issue of money laundering at a national regional and international level as well as considering the many other complex issues arising from bank fraud and financial crime. Media > Books > E-books Informa Law from Routledge 9781315796864

Bantu Beliefs and Magicwith particular reference to the Kikuyu and Kamba tribes of Kenya colony; together with some reflections on east Afri First published in 1922 the author of this book was for many years a Provincial Commissioner of what was then the Kenya Colony whose main objects were to place on record the results of investigations made among the native tribes in British East Africa particularly among the Kikuyu and Kamba people and to endeavour from a study of their ceremonial with regard to sacrifice and taboo to obtain a better insight into the principles which underlie the outward forms and ceremonies of their ritual. Together with natural religion and magic the author discusses a variety of social activities influenced by religious beliefs such as the organisation of councils ceremonial oaths war and peace dances legends and the position of women in tribal society. The functions of some of the practices are self-evident or can be explained within the limits of psychological or anthropological terms whilst others remain unexplained and seem inexplicable even futile. The author’s careful analysis of this last class provides interesting ethnological comment for in seeking a better understanding of the psychology of one particular race he draws attention also to analogous conditions of religious customs existing amongst other widely differing races. In the last chapter ‘Quo Vadis’ added to the second edition of 1938 the author furthers his discussion of East Africa after the war. Together with the factual analysis of the first three parts these additional observations invaluable once to administrators and all concerned in colonial government today prove their value not only for students of East Africa but for all those endeavouring to arrive at an adjustment between the old native social structure and the extraneous forces now operating with ever increasing intensity. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429422492

Bantu Prophets in South Africa Originally published in 1948 and then updated in 1961 outlines the religious and social background of the Zulus and discusses the rise of the Independent Church Movement. It examines the organization and inner workings of the different Churches their forms of worship and the personalities of their leaders. It also analyses the blend of old and new which appears in Zulu interpretations of some aspects of Christian doctrine. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138598591

BantuModern Grammatical Phonetical and Lexicographical Studies Since 1860 Originally published in 1945 this volume represented the first to classify Bantu languages. This volume does not record all the dialects but makes reference to those in which some grammatical study has been done and classifies them according to mainly geographical zones. Owing to tribal migrations individual members of a particular zone may be living among members of a different zone (as has been the case with the Ngoni South-Eastern Zone who are found among the Eastern Bantu) but the zone label is taken from the habitat of the majority. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138095816

Baptism and Spiritual Kinship in Early Modern England Despite the importance of the subject to contemporaries this is the first monograph to look at the institution of godparenthood in early modern English society. Utilising a wealth of hitherto largely neglected primary source data this work explores godparenthood using it as a framework to illuminate wider issues of spiritual kinship and theological change. It has become increasingly common for general studies of family and religious life in pre-industrial England to make reference to the spiritual kinship evident in the institution of godparenthood. However although there have been a number of important studies of the impact of the institution in other periods this is the first detailed monograph devoted to the subject in early modern England. This study is possible due to the survival contrary to many expectations of relatively large numbers of parish registers that recorded the identities of godparents in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. By utilising this hitherto largely neglected data in conjunction with evidence gleaned from over 20 000 Wills and numerous other biographical legal and theological sources Coster has been able to explore fully the institution of godparenthood and the role it played in society. This book takes the opportunity to study an institution which interacted with a range of social and cultural factors and to assess the nature of these elements within early modern English society. It also allows the findings of such an investigation to be compared with the assumptions that have been made about the fortunes of the institution in the context of a changing European society. The recent historiography of religion in this period has focused attention on popular elements of religious practice and stressed the conservatism of a society faced with dramatic theological and ritual change. In this context a study of godparenthood can make a contribution to understanding how religious change occurred and the ways in which popular religious practice was affected. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261751

Baptist Women’s Writings in Revolutionary Culture 1640-1680 Although literary-historical studies have often focused on the range of dissenting religious groups and writers that flourished during the English Revolution they have rarely had much to say about seventeenth-century Baptists or indeed Baptist women. Baptist Women’s Writings in Revolutionary Culture 1640-1680 fills that gap exploring how female Baptists played a crucial role in the group’s formation and growth during the 1640s and 50s by their active participation in religious and political debate and their desire to evangelise their followers. The study significantly challenges the idea that women as members of these congregations were unable to write with any kind of textual authority because they were often prevented from speaking aloud in church meetings. On the contrary Adcock shows that Baptist women found their way into print to debate points of church organisation and doctrine to defend themselves and their congregations to evangelise others by example and by teaching and to prophesy and discusses the rhetorical tactics they utilised in order to demonstrate the value of women’s contributions. In the course of the study Adcock considers and analyses the writings of little-studied Baptist women Deborah Huish Katherine Sutton and Jane Turner as well as separatist writers Sara Jones Susanna Parr and Anne Venn. She also makes due connection to the more familiar work of Agnes Beaumont Anna Trapnel and Anne Wentworth enabling a reassessment of the significance of those writings by placing them in this wider context. Writings by these female Baptists attracted serious attention and as Adcock discusses some even found a trans-national audience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472457066

Baptized ImaginationThe Theology of George MacDonald The imagination has been called 'the principal organ for knowing and responding to disclosures of transcendent truth'. This book probes the theological sources of the imagination which make it a vital tool for knowing and responding to such disclosures. Kerry Dearborn approaches areas of theology and imagination through a focus on the nineteenth century theologian and writer George MacDonald. MacDonald can be seen as an icon whose life and work open a window to the intersection of word flesh and image. He communicated the gospel through narrative and image-rich forms which honour truth and address the intellectual imaginative spiritual and emotional needs of his readers. MacDonald was also able to speak prophetically in a number of areas of contemporary concern such as the nature of suffering aging and death environmental degradation moral imagination and gender issues. Dearborn explores influences which shaped him along with the wisdom he has offeredin the formation of significant Christian writers in both the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Authors such as C.S. Lewis G.K. Chesterton Dorothy Sayers J.R.R. Tolkien W.H. Auden Frederick Buechner and others attribute to MacDonald key paradigm shifts and insights in their own lives. A study of MacDonald does not offer a formulaic approach to theology and the imagination but the possibility of gleaning from his rich harvest relevant nourishment for our own day. It also provides a context in which to assess potential weaknesses in imaginative approaches to theology. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315568690

Barack Obama and the Future of American Politics Many Americans believe Barak Obama represents a hopeful future for America. But does he also reflect the American politics of the past? This book offers the broadest and best-informed understanding on the meaning of the "Obama phenomenon" to date. Paul Street was on the ground throughout the Iowa campaign and his stories of the rising Obama phenomenon are poignant. Yet the author's background in American political history allows him to explore the deeper meanings of Obama's remarkable political career. He looks at Obama in relation to contemporary issues of class race war and empire. He considers Obama in the context of our nation's political history with comparisons to FDR JFK Bill Clinton and other leaders. Street finds that the Obama persona crafted by campaign consultants and filtered through dominant media trends masks the "change" candidate's adherence to long-prevailing power structures and party doctrines. He shows how American political culture has produced misperceptions by the electorate of Obama's positions and values. Obama is no magical exception to the narrow-spectrum electoral system and ideological culture that have done so much to define and limit the American political tradition. Yet the author suggests key ways in which Obama potentially advances democratic transformation. Street makes recommendations on how citizens can productively respond to and act upon Obama's influence and the broader historical and social forces that have produced his celebrity and relevance. He also lays out a real agenda for change for the new presidential administration one that addresses the recent failures of democratic politics. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315635897

Barack Obama and the Myth of a Post-Racial America The 2008 presidential election was celebrated around the world as a seminal moment in U.S. political and racial history. White liberals and other progressives framed the election through the prism of change while previously acknowledged demographic changes were hastily heralded as the dawn of a "post-racial" America. However by 2011 much of the post-election idealism had dissipated in the wake of an on-going economic and financial crisis escalating wars in Afghanistan and Libya and the rise of the right-wing Tea Party movement. By placing Obama in the historical context of U.S. race relations this volume interrogates the idealized and progressive view of American society advanced by much of the mainstream literature on Obama. Barack Obama and the Myth of a Post-Racial America takes a careful look at the historical cultural and political dimensions of race in the United States using an interdisciplinary analysis that incorporates approaches from history political science and sociology. Each chapter addresses controversial issues such as whether Obama can be considered an African-American president whether his presidency actually delivered the kind of deep-rooted changes that were initially prophesised and whether Obama has abandoned his core African-American constituency in favour of projecting a race-neutral approach designed to maintain centrist support. Through cutting edge critically informed and cross-disciplinary analyses this collection directly addresses the dimensions of race in American society through the lens of Obama’s election and presidency. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415813945

Barack Obama and the Politics of Redemption Every new president raises many questions in the public mind. Because Barack Obama was a relative newcomer to the national political scene he raised more questions than most. Would he prove to be a pragmatic centrist or would his politics of hope ultimately flounder on the rocky shoals of America’s deep political divisions? What of his leadership style? How would the uncommonly calm character he demonstrated on the campaign trail shape Obama’s political style as commander-in-chief? Based on extensive biographical psychological and political research and analysis noted political psychologist Stanley Renshon follows Obama’s presidency through the first two years. He digs into the question of who is the real Obama and assesses the advantages and limitations that he brings to the presidency. These questions cannot be answered without recourse to psychological analysis. And they cannot be answered without psychological knowledge of presidential leadership and the presidency itself. Renshon explains that Obama’s ambition has been fueled by a desire for redemption—his own that of his parents and ultimately for the country he now leads which has enormous consequences for his choices as president of a politically divided America. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415873956

Barack ObamaThis Improbable Quest Barack Obama is quickly becoming America's most popular politician and his run for the presidency has brought huge crowds at home and an unprecedented wave of international attention as well. Much more than a biography this book is a political tour of Obama's legislative experience as well as his ideas about race religion and politics. Political writer John K. Wilson author of four previous books including a study of Newt Gingrich explores the reaction Obama has received from the left the right and the media. As the first presidential candidate from Generation X Obama has generated an exciting movement of young people to support his campaign as he defines a new kind of broadly popular progressive politics. As improbable as such a quest may be this fresh new candidate may be just the right one to bridge not only generations but ideologies that often divide. Amid all the hype surrounding Obama this book provides the first in-depth look at what he believes what he represents and how he might transform American politics. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315635903

Baralam And Yewasef First published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987685

Barasi's Human NutritionA Health Perspective Third Edition Barasi's Human Nutrition: A Health Perspective Third Edition provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practice of nutrition. Thoroughly revised restructured and updated this new edition presents up-to-date scientific information in an accessible and reader-friendly format emphasising how important nutrition is for evidence across the full translational health spectrum from epidemiology and basic sciences through clinical and public heath applications and ultimately into sustainable public policy. This third edition places more emphasis on applied nutrition than previous editions. Specifically sections relating to clinical nutrition public health nutrition and improving foods for better health are now separate chapters with new chapters on sport nutrition obesity and weight management and each section has a dedicated table of contents to better highlight the subject covered. The book also focuses on nutritional issues related to globally important potentially preventable major diseases such as coronary heart disease cancer and diabetes and discusses methods for studying nutrition and relevant essential dietary principles for intervention. This textbook is written from the perspective of experienced teachers at the undergraduate and graduate levels and is an invaluable resource for students in health and nutrition and for those pursuing further qualifications in food science. While containing substantial detail on some interesting topics this book is written in an ‘easy-read’ style which makes potentially complicated subjects accessible to general readers as well as to the more specialised user. It provides both an entry-level introduction to human nutrition for introductory or intermediate undergraduate students and also sufficient comprehensive detail to serve as a reference book for Masters or PhD students. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781444137200

Barbara Ann Teer and the National Black TheatreTransformational Forces in Harlem First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964365

Barbara Egger LennonTeacher Mother Activist Facets of Barbara Egger Lennon's life depict an ordinary white Midwestern woman of her time: teacher wife mother. Her work as a union organizer and political activist however complicate that picture. The way in which Egger Lennon balanced these roles illustrates how many women of her time shaped their lives in the face of three significant forces: work family and politics. Enriched by years of her detailed diary entries Barbara Egger Lennon: Teacher Mother Activist deepens our understanding of the ways in which work and political activism existed alongside the traditional role of women in the early 20th century. About the Lives of American Women series: Selected and edited by renowned women's historian Carol Berkin these brief biographies are designed for use in undergraduate courses. Rather than a comprehensive approach each biography focuses instead on a particular aspect of a woman's life that is emblematic of her time or which made her a pivotal figure in the era. The emphasis is on a 'good read' featuring accessible writing and compelling narratives without sacrificing sound scholarship and academic integrity. Primary sources at the end of each biography reveal the subject's perspective in her own words. Study questions and an annotated bibliography support the student reader. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780813347974

Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon and the Langham Place Group First published in 1987. Reprints material from the 1850's and 1860's a period which marked a turning point in the history of British Feminism. At the centre of this was Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon whose pioneering schemes to improve the status of women made these years some of the richest in debate and reform Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315012957

Barbara Wootton and the Legacy of a Pioneering Public Criminologist This book offers an assessment of Barbara Wootton’s legacy as a pioneering public criminologist. Barbara Wootton (1897-1988) was a leading British social scientist magistrate academic and public servant. She was also a life peer (Baroness Wootton of Abinger) and the first woman to sit on the Woolsack in the House of Lords as Deputy Speaker. One of the Royal Commissions on which she served was on the Penal System (1964) and two of the Departmental Committees were on the Business of the Criminal Courts (1958) and Criminal Statistics (1963). Of her written work perhaps the most famous is `Social Science and Social Pathology` (published in 1959) which was an attempt to discover what the social sciences had to say about criminality its causes and its social effects. This book examines her career in historical context and her contribution to thinking and scholarship on a range of topics. These topics range from the courts and the penal system and her report on the Community Service Order to crime and criminal law and her analysis of the notions of mens rea to her work on psychiatry and criminal justice. It explores her contribution as a utilitarian critic in Criminology within the British empiricist tradition. Written in a clear and direct style this book will appeal to students and scholars of criminology sociology criminal justice law and all those interested in learning more about Barbara’s life and times. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367253967

Barbarian LensWestern Photographers of the Qianlong Emperor's European Palaces Part of the prestigious academic book series Documenting the Image this is a fascinating survey illustrated by extremely rare photographs of the burned architectural and landscape complex known as the Rape of the Summer Palace.In 1860 Western armies brought ruin to the treasured seat of the Qing emperors near Beijing. One hundred and fifty images have been collected to date as a support for an extensive study of the building of the palaces and their subsequent destruction.This book is a rigourous analysis of the work and experiences of the European photographers both amateur and professional working in Beijing during this period and as such becomes an account of the development of photography itself. Offering a fascinating glimpse into 19th-Century China the book gives an historical overview of the political situation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138002234

Barbarians Gentlemen and PlayersA Sociological Study of the Development of Rugby Football First published in 1979 this classic study of the development of rugby from folk game to its modern Union and League forms has become a seminal text in sport history. In a new epilogue the authors provide sociological analysis of the major developments in international ruby that have taken place since 1979 with particular attention to the professionalism that was predicted in the first edition of this text. Sports lovers rugby fans and students of the history and sociology of sport will find it invaluable.Rugby football is descended from winter 'folk games' which were a deeply rooted tradition in pre-industrial Britain. This was the first book to study the development of Rugby from this folk tradition to the game in its modern forms. The folk forms of football were extremely violent and serious injuries - even death - were a common feature. The game was refined in the public schools who played a crucial role in formulating the rules which required footballers to exercise greater self-control. With the spread of rugby into the wider society the Rugby Football Union was founded but class tensions led to the split between Rugby Union and Rugby League. The authors examine the changes that led to the professionalisation of Rugby Union as well as the alleged resurgence of violence in the modern game. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203491713

Barbarians Maps and HistoriographyStudies on the Early Medieval West To complement his first collection of articles (Rome's Fall and After 1989) Walter Goffart presents here a further set of essays all but two published between 1988 and 2007. They mainly focus on two types of historiography: early medieval narratives with special attention to Bede's Historia ecclesiastica; and printed maps designed to portray and teach history with special attention to the ubiquitous 'map of the barbarian invasions'. The wide-ranging concerns represented extend from the underside of the Life of St Severinus of Noricum and further evidence for dating Beowulf to the questions whether the barbarian invasions period was a 'heroic age' and how Charlemagne shaped his own succession. Attention is also paid to the earliest map illustrating the Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy and to the historical vignettes of the Vatican Galleria delle carte geografiche. The collection opens with the appraisal of certain writings dealing with what is now called 'ethnogenesis theory'. To conclude Professor Goffart adds brief second thoughts about each of these essays and supplies an annotated list of his articles that have not been reprinted. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138375307

Barbarians in the SaddleIntellectual Biography of Richard M. Weaver Richard M. Weaver was one of the founders of modern conservatism and an enduring intellectual figure of twentieth-century America. He was dedicated to examining the dual nature of human beings and the quest for civilized communities in a corrupted age that believed in the religion of science and in the "natural goodness" of man. Weaver's Ideas Have Consequences sowed the seeds for the traditionalist wing of modern American conservatism. On the brink of the twenty-first century the triumph of science and technology looms larger than ever. Weaver's prophetic writings on post-World War II Western decline and his visionary talents however bleak can easily extend into many facets of modern life: high divorce rates a declining standard of living the dehumanizing aspects of a corporate economy and the destruction of civil communities.Barbarians in the Saddle is Joseph Scotchie's intellectual biography of Richard M. Weaver. It is an in-depth study of each of Weaver's published works and an examination of the significant influence he had on the formation of conservative America. Ideas Have Consequences and Visions of Order examine the problem of life in "megalopolis" where the best of everything is promised to the restless masses by their leaders and a cradle-to-grave social security state results in dangerous levels of decadence resentment and the loss of civility and culture. In The Southern Tradition at Bay and other essays on the American South Weaver expresses his preference for the nonmaterialistic virtuous ethos of the Old South. Finally The Ethics of Rhetoric highlights Weaver's devotion to a discipline increasingly out of favor with academia.Thirty years after his untimely death Richard Weaver remains a heroic figure to many concerned about the state of American culture and its alienated rootless conditions. Now a new generation of leaders can understand the importance of this pioneer of thought. Barbarians in the Saddle will be of significant value to political theorists philosophers and students of American civilization. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507524

Barbaric HeartFaith Money and the Crisis of Nature Smart funny and fresh The Barbaric Heart argues that the present environmental crisis will not be resolved by the same forms of crony capitalism and managerial technocracy that created the crisis in the first place. With his trademark wit White argues that the solution might very well come from an unexpected quarter: the arts religion and the realm of the moral imagination. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138467903

Barbed WireBorders and Partitions in South Asia The book is an anthology of creative and critical responses to the many partitions of India within and across borders. By widening and reframing the question of partition in the subcontinent from one event in 1947 to a larger series of partitions the book presents a deeper perspective both on the concept of partition in understanding South Asia and understanding the implications from survivors victims and others. The imagery of the barbed wire in the title is used precisely to confront the jaggedness of experiencing and surviving partition that still haunts the national literary religious and political matrices of India. The volume is a compilation of short stories poems articles news reports and memoirs with each contributor bringing forth their perception of partition and its effects on their life and identity. The many narratives amplify the human cost of partitions examining the complexities of a bruised nation at the social psychological and religious levels of consciousness. The book will appeal to anyone interested in literary studies history politics sociology cultural studies and comparative literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138662414

Barbed WireCapitalism and the Enclosure of the Commons A call to transform the way we think about property this book examines how capitalism has from its origins sought to enclose or privatize the commons or land and other forms of property that had been viewed as communally owned and argues that neoliberal economic policies and the corporate takeovers of urban spaces prisons schools the mass media farms and natural resources have failed to serve the public interest. A study of corporate globalization and the continuation of empire after the era of political decolonization it begins with the fencing of the West starting in the 1870s and moves to examine recent phenomena such as urbanization mass incarceration financialization and the treatment of people as commodities in the context of the longue durée of land enclosures empire and capitalism. Highlighting the threatened elimination of the public domain as a result of corporate efforts to privatize public utilities prisons schools forests seeds and just about everything else that can yield a profit Barbed Wire: Capitalism and the Enclosure of the Commons asks what it would mean if instead of either private or public property our most fundamental conception of property were communal. Would a redefinition of property from a community perspective lead us beyond the military-industrial complex? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138564398

Barbershops Bullets and BalladsAn Annotated Anthology of Underappreciated American Musical Jewels 1865-1918 Through Barbershops Bullets and Ballads: An Annotated Anthology of Underappreciated American Musical Jewels 1865--1918 you will discover older musical gems written during a half-century period of geographical economic political and cultural expansion in the United States. Due to the fact that our collective American consciousness is rapidly developing cultural amnesia about or indifference to many of these older songs the authors felt that a scholarly anthology needed to be produced before another century and millennium overwhelmed us. With Barbershops Bullets and Ballads you will discover academic composers such as Arthur Foote George Chadwick and Amy Beach and find annotations outlining the history of the songs as well as the actual words and music.Barbershops Bullets and Ballads reveals to you such underappreciated songs as: “Above in Her Chamber ” with music by Julius Eichberg and lyrics by poet Celia Thaxter “In the Evening by the Moonlight ” with music and lyrics by James A. Bland “My Wild Irish Rose ” with music and lyrics by Chauncey Olcott “Cheyenne ” by lyricist Harry H. Williams and composer Egbert Van Alstyne “Come Josephine in My Flying Machine ” with music by Fred Fisher and lyrics by Alfred BryanIn Barbershops Bullets and Ballads you will find sections containing historical notes of featured songs in chronological order. Through this remarkable collection you will discover an anthology of popular music of the bygone “golden age” of song and take a pleasurable voyage back to a time that is long gone. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964372

Barcelona the Left and the Independence Movement in Catalonia Created by social movement activists and left-wing parties during years of austerity Barcelona en Comú or the Comuns (as they are known in Catalan) won control of the city council of Barcelona in May 2015. The ensuing municipal government gave the city its first ever female mayor in the form of former housing rights campaigner Ada Colau. The Comuns' administration proceeded to undertake ambitious initiatives attempting to regenerate democracy by changing the relationship between municipal authority and citizen addressing social inequality issues and seeking to curb the hitherto unbridled tourist expansion in the name of improving the environment for those who live in the Catalan capital. This book examines the extent to which the political project of the Comuns has brought radical change in Barcelona where it has faced opposition from revolutionary anti-capitalists traditional Catalan nationalists and independentistas as well as conservative political and economic forces. It also considers the Comuns' relationship to Podemos and their prospects of growing beyond the city in the metropolitan area of Barcelona and across Catalonia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781857439625

Barcelona: An Urban History of Science and Modernity 1888–1929 The four decades between the two Universal Exhibitions of 1888 and 1929 were formative in the creation of modern Barcelona. Architecture and art blossomed in the work of Antoni Gaudi and many others. At the same time social unrest tore the city apart. Topics such as art nouveau and anarchism have attracted the attention of numerous historians. Yet the crucial role of science technology and medicine in the cultural makeup of the city has been largely ignored. The ten articles of this book recover the richness and complexity of the scientific culture of end of the century Barcelona. The authors explore a broad range of topics: zoological gardens natural history museums amusement parks new medical specialities the scientific practices of anarchists and spiritists the medical geography of the urban underworld early mass media domestic electricity and astronomical observatories. They pay attention to the agenda of the bourgeois elites but also to hitherto neglected actors: users of electric technologies and radio amateurs patients in clinics and dispensaries collectors and visitors of museums working class audiences of public talks and female mediums. Science technology and medicine served to exert social control but also to voice social critique. Barcelona: An urban history of science and modernity (1888-1929) shows that the city around 1900 was both a creator and facilitator of knowledge but also a space substantially transformed by the appropriation of this knowledge by its unruly citizens. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815366744

Barcoding NatureShifting Cultures of Taxonomy in an Age of Biodiversity Loss DNA Barcoding has been promoted since 2003 as a new fast digital genomics-based means of identifying natural species based on the idea that a small standard fragment of any organism’s genome (a so-called ‘micro-genome’) can faithfully identify and help to classify every species on the planet. The fear that species are becoming extinct before they have ever been known fuels barcoders and the speed scope economy and ‘user-friendliness’ claimed for DNA barcoding as part of the larger ferment around the ‘genomics revolution’ has also encouraged promises that it could inspire humanity to reverse its biodiversity-destructive habits. This book is based on six years of ethnographic research on changing practices in the identification and classification of natural species. Informed both by Science and Technology Studies (STS) and the anthropology of science the authors analyse DNA barcoding in the context of a sense of crisis – concerning global biodiversity loss but also the felt inadequacy of taxonomic science to address such loss. The authors chart the specific changes that this innovation is propelling in the collecting organizing analyzing and archiving of biological specimens and biodiversity data. As they do so they highlight the many questions ambiguities and contradictions that accompany the quest to create a genomics-based environmental technoscience dedicated to biodiversity protection. They ask what it might mean to recognise ambiguity contradiction and excess more publicly as a constitutive part of this and other genomic technosciences. Barcoding Nature will be of interest to students and scholars of sociology of science science and technology studies politics of the environment genomics and post-genomics philosophy and history of biology and the anthropology of science. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415554794

Barcoding NatureShifting Cultures of Taxonomy in an Age of Biodiversity Loss DNA Barcoding has been promoted since 2003 as a new fast digital genomics-based means of identifying natural species based on the idea that a small standard fragment of any organism’s genome (a so-called ‘micro-genome’) can faithfully identify and help to classify every species on the planet. The fear that species are becoming extinct before they have ever been known fuels barcoders and the speed scope economy and ‘user-friendliness’ claimed for DNA barcoding as part of the larger ferment around the ‘genomics revolution’ has also encouraged promises that it could inspire humanity to reverse its biodiversity-destructive habits. This book is based on six years of ethnographic research on changing practices in the identification and classification of natural species. Informed both by Science and Technology Studies (STS) and the anthropology of science the authors analyse DNA barcoding in the context of a sense of crisis – concerning global biodiversity loss but also the felt inadequacy of taxonomic science to address such loss. The authors chart the specific changes that this innovation is propelling in the collecting organizing analyzing and archiving of biological specimens and biodiversity data. As they do so they highlight the many questions ambiguities and contradictions that accompany the quest to create a genomics-based environmental technoscience dedicated to biodiversity protection. They ask what it might mean to recognise ambiguity contradiction and excess more publicly as a constitutive part of this and other genomic technosciences. Barcoding Nature will be of interest to students and scholars of sociology of science science and technology studies politics of the environment genomics and post-genomics philosophy and history of biology and the anthropology of science. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138807853

Bare Facts and Naked TruthsA New Correspondence Theory of Truth The very idea of truth as a substantial and meaningful concept has been under attack recently from advocates of New Age and postmodern theories. In this book Englebretsen defends the notions of truth and objectivity as key to the scientific view of the natural world and presents an original defence of the 'commonsense' correspondence theory of truth. Englebretsen's approach overcomes the traditional difficulties of correspondence theories of truth with providing adequate and convincing accounts of truth-bearers truth-makers and the correspondence relation between them by taking truth-bearers to be propositions and facts as constitutive properties of the world. This accessibly written book surveys all of the major competing theories of truth (coherence pragmatic redundancy semantic deflationary disquotational minimalist) before formulating the new defence of the correspondence theory and then exploring the consequences of the theory for issues in epistemology and ontology. The book concludes by showing how the idea of 'propositional depth' can be used to dissolve the Liar paradoxes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138264960

Bareback Porn Porous Masculinities Queer FuturesThe Ethics of Becoming-Pig This book analyses contemporary gay "pig" masculinities which have emerged alongside antiretroviral therapies online porn and new sexualised patterns of recreational drug use examining how they trouble modern European understandings of the male body their ethics and their political underpinnings. This is the first book to reflect on an increasingly visible new form of sexualised gay masculinity and the first monograph to move debates on condomless sex amongst gay men beyond discourses of HIV and/or AIDS. It contributes to existing critical histories of sexuality pornography and other sex media at a crucial juncture in the history of gay male sex cultures and the HIV epidemic. The book draws from fieldwork interviews archival research visual analysis philosophy queer theory and cultural studies using empirical critical and speculative methodologies to better think gay "pig" masculinities across their material affective ethical and political dimensions in a future-oriented politically-inflected reflection on what queer bodies may become. Spanning historical context to empirical and theoretical study Bareback Porn Porous Masculinities Queer Futures will be of key interest to academics and students in sexuality studies film media visual culture cultural studies and porn studies concerned with masculinities sex and sexualities and their circulation across an array of media. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815357902

Bareboat Charters This book examines for the first time the Barecon 2001 form which was adopted by the Documentary Committee of BIMCO in November 2001. The title explains the nature and formation of a bareboat charter and examines and comments upon each of the clauses contained in the new form drawing comparisons with the Barecon 89 form. It gives separate consideration to the form and the issues that arise in the context of finance charters and leases. It also provides valuable guidance upon the admiralty and arrest jurisdiction of the English court in relation to bareboat charters. The second edition has been thoroughly revised and updated with extended commentary on the issues arising in the context of bareboat charters regarding insolvency insurance and the provisions for new buildings. Media > Books > E-books Informa Law from Routledge 9781003098003

Barefoot across the NationM F Husain and the Idea of India This book is the first inter-disciplinary engagement with the work of Maqbool Fida Husain arguably India’s most iconic contemporary artist today whose life and work are intimately entangled with the career of independent India as a democratic secular and multi-ethnic nation. For more than half a century and across thousands of canvases Husain has painted individuals and objects events and incidents that offer an astonishing visual chronicle of India through the ages. The 13 articles in this volume – written by distinguished artists curators anthropologists historians art historians and critics sociologists and scholars of post-colonial literature and religion – critically examine the artistic statement that Husain has presented on the self community and nation through his oeuvre. It engages with the controversies that have erupted around and about Husain’s work and situates them in debates around the freedom of the artist versus the sentiments of the community between ‘virtue’ and ‘obscenity’ between an ‘elite’ of intellectuals and the ‘common man’ and between a ‘work of art’ and a ‘religious icon’. Correspondingly it considers how India has responded to Husain: with affection admiration and adulation on the one hand and hostility and rejection on the other. This book is more relevant than ever before in light of the debates that have arisen over Husain’s self-imposed exile for the last few years following a spate of violent attacks on his home and exhibitions in India and his recent decision to forfeit his Indian citizenship. It will be of interest to those studying art history sociology anthropology cultural studies and politics as well as to a wide spectrum of readers interested in contemporary issues of identity and nationhood. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138948136

Barely There Powerfully PresentYears of US Policy on International Higher Education First published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987692

Bargains with FatePsychological Crises and Conflicts in Shakespeare and His Plays The enduring appeal of Shakespeare's works derives largely from the fact that they contain brilliantly drawn characters. Interpretations of these characters are products of changing modes of thought and thus past explanations of their behavior including Shakespeare's no longer satisfy us. In this work Bernard J. Paris an eminent Shakespearean scholar shows how Shakespeare endowed his tragic heroes with enduring human qualities that have made them relevant to people of later eras.Bargains with Fate employs a psychoanalytic approach inspired by the theories of Karen Horney to analyze Shakespeare's four major tragedies and the personality that can be inferred from all of his works. This compelling study first examines the tragedies as dramas about individuals with conflicts like our own who are in a state of crisis due to the breakdown of their bargains with fate a belief that they can magically control their destinies by living up to the dictates of their defensive strategies.Filled with bold hypotheses supported by carefully detailed accounts this innovative study is a resource for students and scholars of Shakespeare and for those interested in literature as a source of psychological insight. The author's combination of literary and psychoanalytic perspectives guides us to a humane understanding of Shakespeare and his protagonists and in turn to a more profound knowledge of ourselves and human behavior. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519220

Bariatric Surgery PatientsA Nutritional Guide "Approximately 65% of our population is overweight and 12% are morbidly obese. This is despite more than 25 years of attempted medical management. Clearly all current efforts have failed to control this enormous problem. Could it be that we have failed to recognize the cause of the disease and therefore have misdirected our efforts?" — Alfredo Fernandez MD FASMBS Surgeon Tampa Florida Reducing obesity through bariatric surgery provides a sustainable weight loss regimen because it restricts the size of the stomach and limits food intake. However the surgery limits the amount of nutrients absorbed by the stomach and small intestine. This book provides a comprehensive practical guide on pre- and post-nutrition considerations in bariatric patients. It describes surgeries including gastric bypass lap band and sleeve; nutrition protocols for surgery patients; pregnancy considerations- pre- and post-surgery; food consumption post-surgery; advancing healthy food intake after surgery; minimizing negative side effects; and recommendations to maintain healthy diet. This nutritional guide provides health care practitioners descriptions and answers to the many questions bariatric surgery patients need to know and ask in support group meetings and individual counseling sessions. The first chapter focuses on Selling Obesity and Food as a Cheap and Legal Drug outlining how food advertising portion size increases and food frauds have contributed to the obesity crisis. New research into gut hormones microbiome influence on obesity firmicutes and histamine are included as well as pregnancy after bariatric surgery and lifestyle changes—eating sleep hydration stress management—needed for success after surgery. Many health care practitioners will use the Post Op Discharge Diet stages of progression to explain how the patient needs to prepare for their liquid diet and overcome numerous issues like dumping syndrome hypoglycemia and alcohol and caffeine consumption. Diet plans for Ketogenic Mediterranean DASH Glycemic and Low FODMAP are included within this book. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498765619

Bariatric SurgeryA Guide for Mental Health Professionals This book provides mental health professionals with a basic overview of the types of procedures involved in bariatric surgery and the specific psychological impacts such operations can have on their patients. It also serves as a valuable resource to surgeons nurses doctors and support staff who are involved in the medical treatment of obesity but who may have little background in the psychosocial implications of their work. An accompanying questionnaire is available at Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964389

Barile’s Clinical ToxicologyPrinciples and Mechanisms As with the two previous editions Barile’s Clinical Toxicology: Principles and Mechanisms Third edition examines the complex interactions associated with clinical toxicological events as a result of therapeutic drug administration or chemical exposure. With special emphasis placed on signs and symptoms of diseases and pathology caused by toxins and clinical drugs the new edition examines the complex interactions associated with clinical toxicological events as a result of therapeutic drug administration or chemical exposure. The new edition presents the latest up-to-date protocols for managing various toxic ingestions and the antidotes and treatments associated with their pathology. In addition the effect of toxins on a limited number of body systems and drug-induced adverse drug reactions are also covered. KEY FEATURES • Discusses source of the drug or chemical pharmacological and toxicological mechanisms of action detection identification and treatment • Examines the complex interactions associated with clinical toxicological events • Emphasizes the signs and symptoms of diseases and pathology caused by toxins and clinical drugs • Covers effect of toxins on body systems and drug-induced adverse reactions • Offers a unique perspective for toxicology pharmacology pharmacy and health professions students The target audience for this book is undergraduate and graduate toxicology students clinical pharmacy (Pharm.D.) students emergency medical personnel regulatory agencies and other related health science professionals. It satisfies an essential need for a concise yet detailed authoritative fundamental text addressing the current principles of clinical toxicology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498765305

Baring Brothers and the Birth of Modern Finance In 1995 the Baring Brothers collapsed over a weekend brought down by the 'rogue trader' Nick Leeson. Utilizing British and American archives this work charts Baring Brothers development from wool merchants to one of the most powerful global financial institutions. It also analyses the errors which led to its downfall. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138663565

Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale--Children and Adolescents (BDEFS-CA) The Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale--Children and Adolescents (BDEFS-CA) is an empirically based tool for evaluating clinically significant dimensions of child and adolescent executive functioning. Evidence indicates that the BDEFS-CA is far more predictive of impairments in daily life activities than more time-consuming and costly traditional EF tests. The BDEFS-CA offers an ecologically valid snapshot of the capacities involved in time management organization and problem solving self-restraint self-motivation and self-regulation of emotions. Two parent-report forms are included: a long form (10-15 minutes) and a short form (3-5 minutes). There is also a short clinical interview form based on the short-form rating scale for use in unusual circumstances where a parent is unable to complete a rating scale. Special features include an ADHD risk index in the long form. Complete instructions for scoring and interpreting the scale are provided.QUICK VIEWWhat does it do?: Provides an ecologically valid assessment of executive functioning deficits in daily life activities.Age Range: 6-17Administration Time: Long Form: 10-15 minutes. Short Form: 3-5 minutes.Format: Parent-report rating scale.Cost of Additional Forms: No cost--purchasers get permission to reproduce the forms and score sheets for repeated use. See also the Barkley Functional Impairment Scale--Children and Adolescents (BFIS-CA) and the Barkley Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Scale--Children and Adolescents (BSCTS-CA). Also available: Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale (BDEFS for Adults) and Barkley's authoritative book on EF development and deficits Executive Functions.Includes Permission to Photocopy Enhancing the convenience and value of the BDEFS-CA the limited photocopy license allows purchasers to reproduce the forms and score sheets and yields considerable cost savings over other available scales. The large format and sturdy wire binding facilitate photocopying.Age range: 6-17. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462503940

Barkley Functional Impairment Scale (BFIS for Adults) To diagnose a mental disorder or evaluate a disability claim clinicians must assess functional impairment--not just the presence of symptoms. Meeting a key need the Barkley Functional Impairment Scale (BFIS for Adults) is the first empirically based norm-referenced tool designed to evaluate possible impairment in 15 major domains of psychosocial functioning in adults. Featuring both self-report and other-report forms (for example spouse parent or sibling) the BFIS is reliable valid and user friendly. The long version takes the average adult 5-7 minutes to complete and the Quick Screen takes only 3-5 minutes. Complete instructions for scoring and interpreting the scale are provided.QUICK VIEWWhat does it do?: Assesses psychosocial impairments in 15 domains of major life activities.Age Range: 18-89Administration Time: Long Form: 5-7 minutes. Quick Screen: 3-5 minutes.Format: Self-report plus other-report (for example spouse parent or sibling) rating scales.Cost of Additional Forms: No cost--purchasers get permission to reproduce the forms and score sheets for repeated use.See also the Barkley Adult ADHD Rating Scale--IV (BAARS-IV) which measures current and recollected ADHD symptoms and the Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale (BDEFS for Adults) which assesses clinically significant executive functioning difficulties. Includes Permission to PhotocopyEnhancing the convenience and value of the BFIS the limited photocopy license allows purchasers to reproduce the forms and score sheets without the expense of reordering materials from the publisher. The large format and sturdy wire binding facilitate photocopying.Age Range: 18-89Forms and Score Sheets:BFIS-LF: Self-ReportBFIS Quick Screen: Self-ReportBFIS-LF: Other-ReportBFIS Quick Screen: Other-ReportBFIS Impairment InterviewBFIS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 18-39)BFIS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 40-59)BFIS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 60-89)BFIS Quick Screen: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (All Ages) Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781609182199

Barkley Functional Impairment Scale--Children and Adolescents (BFIS-CA) To diagnose a mental disorder or make a disability determination clinicians must assess functional impairment--not just the presence of symptoms. Meeting a key need the Barkley Functional Impairment Scale--Children and Adolescents (BFIS-CA) is an empirically based norm-referenced tool that exceeds other available scales in its comprehensive coverage of domains of psychosocial impairment. The BFIS-CA is designed to obtain parent reports on possible impairment in 15 different domains of everyday activities for children and teens. The scale typically takes a parent 5-7 minutes to complete. Also included is a follow-up parent interview form for obtaining more information about specific problem areas. Complete instructions for scoring and interpreting the scale are provided.QUICK VIEWWhat does it do?: Assesses psychosocial impairments in 15 domains of major life activities.Age Range: 6-17Administration Time: 5-7 minutes.Format: Parent-report rating scale.Cost of Additional Forms: No cost--purchasers get permission to reproduce the forms and score sheets for repeated use. See also the Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale--Children and Adolescents (BDEFS-CA) and the Barkley Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Scale--Children and Adolescents (BSCTS-CA).?Includes Permission to Photocopy Enhancing the convenience and value of the BFIS-CA the limited photocopy license allows purchasers to reproduce the forms and score sheets and yields considerable cost savings over other available scales. The large format and sturdy wire binding facilitate photocopying.Age Range: 6-17 Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462503957

Barkley Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Scale--Children and Adolescents (BSCTS-CA) Sluggish cognitive tempo (SCT) is increasingly recognized as a valid attention disorder distinct from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The culmination of more than 10 years of research and development the Barkley Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Scale–Children and Adolescents (BSCTS-CA) is the first empirically based norm-referenced tool designed to assess SCT symptoms (for example chronic daydreaming inability to focus and lethargy) in the daily life activities of 6- to 17-year-olds. The scale typically takes a parent less than 5 minutes to complete. Detailed instructions for scoring and interpretation are provided. Also included is a clinical interview form based on the rating scale for use in unusual circumstances where a parent is unable to fill out a rating scale.QUICK VIEW:What does it do?: Assesses concentration deficits in the daily life activities of children and adolescents.Age Range: 6–17.Administration Time: Less than 5 minutes.Format: Parent-report rating scale.Cost of Additional Forms: No cost--purchasers get permission to reproduce the forms and score sheets for repeated use. See also the Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale--Children and Adolescents (BDEFS-CA) and the Barkley Functional Impairment Scale--Children and Adolescents (BFIS-CA).Includes Permission to Photocopy Enhancing the convenience and value of the BSCTS-CA the limited photocopy license allows purchasers to reproduce the forms and score sheets and yields considerable cost savings over other available scales. The large format and sturdy wire binding facilitate photocopying.Age Range: 6–17Forms and Profiles BSCTS-CA Parent Rating Scale BSCTS-CA Parent Interview BSCTS-CA SCT Profile (Ages 6–11 Males Only) BSCTS-CA SCT Profile (Ages 6–11 Females Only) BSCTS-CA SCT Profile (Ages 12–17 Males Only) BSCTS-CA SCT Profile (Ages 12–17 Females Only) Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462535187

BarleyProperties Functionality and Applications Barley: Properties Functionality and Applications provides a systematic introduction and a comprehensive examination of barley science. Recent research has raised the importance of barley finding that barley is a rich source of phenolic compounds dietary fiber vitamins and minerals. Studying the properties of barley provides a basis for better utilizing it in addition to further development of barley as a sustainable crop. This book will explore knowledge about barley production grain structure chemistry and nutritional aspects primary processing technologies product formulations and the future prospects of barley. The book also discusses how the limitations of using barley in food products may be overcome by processing of barley grains. Thermal and food preparation methods applied to cereals improves their texture palatability and nutritive value by gelatinization of starch denaturation of proteins increased nutrient availability inactivation of heat labile toxic compounds and other enzyme inhibitors Key Features:  Contains information on the physical functional and antioxidant properties in barley flour Deals with the latest development in physical chemical and enzymatic modification of native barley starch Explores the utilization of malt and malt products in brewing and additionally in distilling vinegar production and commercially as a food ingredients Provides information in enhancing shelf life and its utilization in phytochemical rich product development.  With comprehensive knowledge on nutritional and non-nutritional aspects of barley  this book provides the latest information for grain science professionals and food technologists alike. It will be a useful supplementary text for classes teaching cereal technology cereal science cereal chemistry food science food chemistry and nutritional properties of cereals. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367819934

Barnacle Biology This text gives an overview of almost all aspects of barnacle biology covering advances made since Charles Darwin to the present day. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138053

Baroness Orczy's The Scarlet PimpernelA Publishing History Since its publication in 1905 The Scarlet Pimpernel has experienced global success not only as a novel but in theatrical and film adaptations. Sally Dugan charts the history of Baroness Orczy's elusive hero from the novel's origins through its continuing afterlife including postmodern appropriations of the myth. Drawing on archival research in Britain the United States and Australia her study shows for the first time how Orczy's nationalistic superhero was originally conceived as an anarchist Pole plotting against Tsarist Russia rather than a counter-revolutionary Englishman. Dugan explores the unique blend of anarchy myth and magic that emerged from the story's astonishing and complex beginnings and analyses the enduring elements of the legend. To his creator the Pimpernel was not simply a swashbuckling hero but an English gentleman spreading English values among benighted savages. Dugan investigates the mystery of why this imperialist crusader has not only survived the decline of the meta-narratives surrounding his birth but also continues to enthrall a multinational audience. Offering readers insights into the Pimpernel's appearances in print in film and on the stage Dugan provides a nuanced picture of the trope of the Scarlet Pimpernel and an explanation of the phenomenon's durability. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409427179

Baronial Opposition to Edward IIIts Character and Policy First Published in 1967. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415760461

Baronial Patronage of Music in Early Modern Rome This is the first dedicated study of the musical patronage of Roman baronial families in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Patronage – the support of a person or institution and their work by a patron – in Renaissance society was the basis of a complex network of familial and political relationships between clients and patrons whose ideas values and norms of behavior were shared with the collective. Bringing to light new archival documentation this book examines the intricate network of patronage interrelationships in Rome. Unlike other Italian cities where political control was monocentric and exercised by single rulers sources of patronage in Rome comprised a multiplicity of courts and potential patrons which included the pope high prelates nobles and foreign diplomats. Morucci uses archival records and the correspondence of the Orsini and Colonna families in particular to investigate the local activity and circulation of musicians and the cultivation of music within the broader civic network of Roman aristocratic families over the period. The author also shows that the familial union of the Medici and Orsini families established a bidirectional network for artistic exchange outside of the Eternal City and that the Orsini-Colonna circle represented a musical bridge between Naples Rome and Florence. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367591243

Baroque This is a nonchronological introduction to Baroque one of the great periods of European art. John Martin's descriptions of the essential characteristics of the Baroque help one to gain an understanding of the style. His illustrations are informative and he has clearly looked with a fresh eye at the works of art themselves. In addition to the more than 200 illustrations the volume contains an appendix of translated documents. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367094775

Baroque LorcaAn Archaist Playwright for the New Stage Baroque Lorca: An Archaist Playwright for the New Stage defines Federico GarcÃa Lorca’s trajectory in the theater as a lifelong search for an audience. It studies a wide range of dramatic writings that Lorca created for the theater in direct response to the conditions of his contemporary industry and situates the theory and praxis of his theatrical reform in dialogue with other modernist renovators of the stage. This book makes special emphasis on how Lorca engaged with the tradition of Spanish Baroque in particular with Cervantes and Calderón to break away from the conventions of the illusionist stage. The five chapters of the book analyze Lorca’s different attempts to change the dynamics of the Spanish stage from 1920 to his assassination in 1936: His initial incursions in the arenas of symbolist and historical drama (The Butterfly’s Evil Spell Mariana Pineda); his interest in puppetry (The Billy-Club Puppets and In the Frame of Don Cristóbal) and the two ‘human’ farces The Shoemaker’s Prodigious Wife and The Love of Don PerlimplÃn and Belisa in the Garden; the central piece in his project of ‘impossible’ theater (The Public); his most explicitly political play one that takes the violence to the spectators’ seats (The Dream of Life); and his three plays adopting an altering the contemporary formula of ‘rural drama’ (Blood Wedding Yerma and The House of Bernarda Alba). Chapter 5 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367820091

Baroque Music Research in the 20th and 21st centuries into historical performance practice has changed not just the way performers approach music of the 17th and 18th centuries but eventually the way audiences listen to it. This volume beginning with a 1915 Saint-Saëns lecture on the performance of old music sets out to capture musicological discussion that has actually changed the way Baroque music can sound. The articles deal with historical instruments pitch tuning temperament the nexus between technique and style vibrato the performance implications of musical scores and some of the vexed questions relating to rhythmic alteration. It closes with a section on the musicological challenges to the ideology of the early music movement mounted (principally) in the 1990s. Leading writers on historical performance practice are represented. Recognizing that significant developments in historically-inspired performance have been led by instrument makers and performers the volume also contains representative essays by key practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780754628828

Baroque Piety: Religion Society and Music in Leipzig 1650–1750 Drawing upon a rich array of sources from archives in Leipzig Dresden and Halle Tanya Kevorkian illuminates culture in Leipzig before and during J.S. Bach's time in the city. Working with these sources she has been able to reconstruct the contexts of Baroque and Pietist cultures at key periods in their development much more specifically than has been done previously. Kevorkian shows that high Baroque culture emerged through a combination of traditional frameworks and practices and an infusion of change that set in after 1680. Among other forms of change new secular arenas appeared influencing church music and provoking reactions from Pietists who developed alternative meeting networking and liturgical styles. The book focuses on the everyday practices and active roles of audiences in public religious life. It examines music performance and reception from the perspectives of both 'ordinary' people and elites. Church services are studied in detail providing a broad sense of how people behaved and listened to the music. Kevorkian also reconstructs the world of patronage and power of city councillors and clerics as they interacted with other Leipzig inhabitants thereby illuminating the working environment of J.S. Bach Telemann and other musicians. In addition Kevorkian reconstructs the social history of Pietists in Leipzig from 1688 to the 1730s. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138269606

Baroque Self-Invention and Historical TruthHercules at the Crossroads In his monumental study Christopher Braider explores the dialectical contest between history and truth that defines the period of cultural transition called the 'baroque'. For example Annibale Carracci's portrayal of the Stoic legend of Hercules at the Crossroads departs from earlier more static representations that depict an emblematic demigod who has already rejected the fallen path of worldly Pleasure for the upward road of heroic Virtue. Braider argues that in breaking with tradition in order to portray a tragic soliloquist whose dominant trait is agonized indecision Carracci joins other baroque artists poets and philosophers in rehearsing the historical dilemma of choice itself. Carracci's picture thus becomes a framing device that illuminates phenomena as diverse as the construction of gender in baroque painting and science the Pauline ontology of art in Caravaggio and Rembrandt the metaphysics of baroque soliloquy and the dismantling of Cartesian dualism in Cyrano de Bergerac and Pascal. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138378841

Baroque Woodwind InstrumentsA Guide to Their History Repertoire and Basic Technique The late 17th century through to the end of the 18th century saw rapid progress in the development of woodwind instruments and the composition of a vast body of music for those instruments. During this period a large amount of music for domestic consumption was written for a growing amateur market a market which has regrown in the latter part of the 20th century. The last 30 years has also seen the standard of performance by professionals on these instruments rise enormously. This book provides a guide to the history of the four main woodwind instruments of the Baroque the flute oboe recorder and bassoon and this is complemented by a repertoire list for each instrument. It also guides those interested towards a basic technique for playing these instruments - a certain level of musical literacy is assumed - and it can be used by students professionals and amateurs. Advice is also given on buying a suitable reproduction instrument from a market where now virtually any Baroque instrument can be obtained as a faithful copy. This is the first book of its kind and has its origins in the wind tutors of the 18th century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138267497

Barrack Buddies and Soldier LoversDialogues With Gay Young Men in the U.S. Military Among all the literature published on gays in the military Steven Zeeland’s first book remains one of a kind. Barrack Buddies and Soldier Lovers is a raw unsanitized personal record of conversations the author had with young soldiers and airmen stationed in Frankfurt Germany. Zeeland’s intimate involvement with these men enabled him to document in honest visceral terms the day-to-day reality of gay military men’s lives and how they work play and in many instances how the military actually helped them come out. Ironically despite the military’s antigay policies these men found that military service placed them in environments where they had to come to terms with their erotic feelings for other men and sent them overseas to places where they found greater freedom to explore their sexuality than they could have back home. While a few of Zeeland’s buddies were targeted for discharge most portray an atmosphere of sexually tense tolerance and reveal a surprising degree of openness with straight co-workers and roommates.The 16 fascinating interviews in Barrack Buddies and Soldier Lovers challenge popular assumptions and stereotypes about gay men in the military and provide significant information on: gay military sexual networks male sexual fluidity in barracks life strategies for survival as a gay or bisexual male in the U.S. military German-American relations attitudes toward the gay banThe casual conversational structure of Barrack Buddies and Soldier Lovers makes it a richly entertaining read. No other book provides such a warm and intimate portrait of the lives of young gay soldiers and airmen.Visit Steven Zeeland at his home page: Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315801261

Barracks Bad BoysAuthentic Accounts of Sex in the Armed Forces Unmistakably original utterly heartfelt stranger than fiction hotter than any off-the-rack gay fantasy! Building on the success of his extraordinary debutthe critically acclaimed #1 men’s interest bestseller A Night in the Barracksformer U.S. Marine Alex Buchman presents a spellbinding startlingly unique collection of erotic memoirs by or about bad boys in the Armed Forces. Buchman’s radical approach to an otherwise rigidly formulaic sub-genre: he does the legion of purportedly true confessions books with a military theme one better: the first-person narratives he has assembled actually are true. Boldly defying the conventions of gay male one-handed reading the unembellished chronicles Buchman brings us from the intensely homoerotic secret world of men in uniform are more erotically charged than any porn-by-numbers fantasy. The theme of Barracks Bad Boys is trouble. All-too-true stories of criminally sexy soldiers and sailors in trouble who cause trouble or who just plain are trouble. The unvarnished accounts of romance with baby-faced deserters bound for the brig make for riveting reading. Equally gripping is the disarmingly candid pillow talk of young military men whose trouble runs deeper than mere unauthorized absence or indecent acts. Some of the surprises you’ll encounter in Barracks Bad Boys include: a straight married soldier’s detailed description of his one and only sexual experience with another man a seasoned military chaser’s review of his all-time favorite sailor-hustlers a dazed gay studies author’s I should have known better journal documenting how young sailors half his age seduced him gave him street drugs and pressured him to videotape them performing lewd acts Editor Buchman’s own offbeat and powerful story of being taken by surprise by the sexual advance of a Marine sergeant who began rubbing Buchman’s chest and asking him if he felt an urge to be evil . . . By turns hair-raising and wrenching poignant and laugh-out-loud funny these authentic accounts of sex in the Armed Forces are sure to elicit one universal reaction: no one could make this up! Barracks Bad Boys is compulsory reading for anyone interested in men in uniform; human sexuality in the military; and cutting-edge nonfiction literary erotica. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315781624

Barren StatesThe Population Implosion in Europe The fertility rate has dramatically declined across Europe in recent years. Globally over sixty-four countries have fallen below generation replacement levels and countries in eastern and southern Europe are registering the lowest birth rates in the history of humanity. Demographers emphasize that these developments could have serious repercussions for society and public policy - from a projected drastic loss of national population numbers to labor shortages and a swelling population of over-65s. Typically analysts have approached the issue of low fertility quantitatively and from state levels. As a result most research tends to elide any nuanced understanding of this significant trend. Filling a major gap this timely book goes well beyond existing studies to investigate how people experience understand and speak about what is called "low fertility." On the individual level is there such a thing? How do people understand their choices and the perceived limitations on their lives? What is the meaning of motherhood for women today? How has the definition of "family" changed? What are the particularities of fertility decline in each country? And perhaps most importantly what does this tendency toward fewer births mean to the women and men who ultimately become demographic statistics? Offering new readings and a much deeper understanding of Europe's decline in fertility this exciting book adds the voices of everyday people to previous state-centered studies. Overturning a number of assumptions case studies show that having fewer children is often understood positively in Europe as a means to freedom and self-empowerment. Anyone wishing to understand what low fertility means to the people who live it will find this book essential reading. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003084761

Barrier Systems for Waste Disposal Facilities The protection of groundwater and surface water from contamination by the escape of contaminant from waste disposal is now an important consideration in many countries of the world.This book deals with the design of 'barrier systems' which separate waste from the surrounding environment and which are intended to prevent contamination of both groundwater and surface waters. The authors discuss all key aspects of the design of barrier systems including leachate collection natural barriers such as clayey aquitards clay liners geomembrane and composite liners providing a state-of-the-art work of reference of great value to engineers and environmentalists alike. This retitled second edition of Clayey Barrier Systems for Waste Disposal has been fully revised and updated with new chapters on geomembranes and geosynthetic clay liners as well as a number of new chapters.Engineers involved with waste management geotechnics and landfill design will use this book in order to understand the concepts find out about the latest developments and subsequently apply them to practical applications relevant to the design of barrier systems. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367863722

Barrier-Free Design This book for architects interior designers building managers students conference organisers looks at first principles to provide the user with the 'tools' to make their own decisions rather than a 'cookbook' approach. It is intended that designs and product information can be taken straight from the manual and inserted into ongoing projects. For the first time the book considers the needs of people with visual hearing and mental disabilities who make up the majority of disabled people in the population alongside those of people with physical mobility disabilities. Practical low cost solutions to retro-fitting existing buildings are discussed as well as the methods used to assess the suitability of an existing building and assembling a project to improve access for disabled people. Specific products and designs are illustrated and discussed - with full working technical drawings and full specification details. These will reduce considerably the research time needed to produce a cost-effective solution that will improve access for disabled people. A perspective of the standards and legislation dealing with access issues in the UK is compared with those in other countries and the standards mentioned are compared with the realities of practical implementation carried out in 4 years of design in this area. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138155398

Barriers and Accident Prevention Accidents are preventable but only if they are correctly described and understood. Since the mid-1980s accidents have come to be seen as the consequence of complex interactions rather than simple threads of causes and effects. Yet progress in accident models has not been matched by advances in methods. The author's work in several fields (aviation power production traffic safety healthcare) made it clear that there is a practical need for constructive methods and this book presents the experiences and the state-of-the-art. The focus of the book is on accident prevention rather than accident analysis and unlike other books has a proactive rather than reactive approach. The emphasis on design rather than analysis is a trend also found in other fields. Features of the book include: -A classification of barrier functions and barrier systems that will enable the reader to appreciate the diversity of barriers and to make informed decisions for system changes. -A perspective on how the understanding of accidents (the accident model) largely determines how the analysis is done and what can be achieved. The book critically assesses three types of accident models (sequential epidemiological systemic) and compares their strengths and weaknesses. -A specific accident model that captures the full complexity of systemic accidents. One consequence is that accidents can be prevented through a combination of performance monitoring and barrier functions rather than through the elimination or encapsulation of causes. -A clearly described methodology for barrier analysis and accident prevention. Written in an accessible style Barriers and Accident Prevention is designed to provide a stimulating and practical guide for industry professionals familiar with the general ideas of accidents and human error. The book is directed at those involved with accident analysis and system safety such as managers of safety departments risk and safety consultants human factors professionals and accident investigators. It is applicable to all major application areas such as aviation ground transportation maritime process industries healthcare and hospitals communication systems and service providers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138247352

Barriers to CompetitionThe Evolution of the Debate Focuses on the different methods that economic science has employed in order to detect and measure barriers to entry. This book presents a chronological analysis of competing Harvard and Chicago Schools' interpretations of this phenomenon. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138663305

Barriers to Effective Civil Society OrganisationsPolitical Social and Financial Shifts This book provides an insight into the historical changes and present-day circumstances that have influenced and continue to influence the development and future of civil society. Civil society organisations (CSOs) play a crucial role in international development however their impact on policy and practice is limited by a range of shifts across their political social and financial landscapes. Barriers to Effective Civil Society Organisations is divided into three parts addressing each of these shifts in turn and places particular emphasis on civil society actors linked not only by political constraints but also by ethnic and cultural diversities that are crucial markers of political and social identity. This book draws on case studies from across Latin America Africa MENA and Ireland to highlight how CSOs in these countries are shaped by and react to shifting challenges. Reflecting on solutions for the sector the authors provide an understanding of the various ‘self-accommodation’ policies and techniques employed by CSOs in order to continue their services and increase their credibility across global contexts. Aimed at researchers policy makers and CSO/NGO workers looking to better understand the current state and future of the sector from the perspective of emerging scholars working in these regions and in the Global South in particular this innovative book is a celebration of the important work of CSOs and a reaffirmation of their right to sit at the policy table. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367512583

Barriers to Entry and Strategic Competition First published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9780415846189

Barriers to Growth in Small Firms This book originally published in 1989 studies both the growth and the barriers to growth of small firms. It examines market and industrial structures also the role of investment institutions and their handling of small business accounts. There are chapters on management attitudes and ability considered as a potential barrier to development and other problems such as lack of finance and of a suitably qualified workforce. The book stresses the importance of communicating the latest advances in technology to small firms and urges the need to re-think government tax and procurement policies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138679900

Barriers to InclusionSpecial Education in the United States and Germany Barriers to Inclusion offers a comparative and historical account of the rise of special education over the twentieth century in the United States and Germany. This institutional analysis demonstrates how categorical boundaries professional groups social movements and education and social policies shaped the schooling of children and youth with disabilities. It traces the evolution of special education classification explores growing special education organizations and examines students' learning opportunities and educational attainments. Highlighting cross-national differences over time the author also investigates demographic and geographic variability within the federal democracies especially in segregation and inclusion rates of disabled and disadvantaged children. Germany's elaborate system of segregated special school types contrasts with diverse American special education classrooms mainly within regular schools. Joining historical case studies with empirical indicators this book reveals persistent barriers to school integration as well as factors that facilitate inclusive education reform in both societies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781594512094

Barriers To IntegrityModern Modes Of Knowledge Utilization This book discusses how bureaucracy professionalism and the research system could be altered so that they might structure actions in more defensible and desirable ways. It focuses on one discipline such as philosophy sociology mathematics or physics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367162153

Barriers to LovingA Clinician's Perspective Barriers to Loving is an intriguing exploration of the role of sexual love over the course of life. Beginning with the mental health professions’ avoidance of the topic Levine proposes a compendium of love’s pathologies by reorganizing what is familiar to clinicians into the barriers that limit the formation of adult-adult love impediments that diminish a partner’s lovability and the impediments to feeling and expressing love for a partner. Before reviewing scientific contributions to the understanding of love he explores the topics of sexual excess and infidelity and how they relate to the aspiration to love and be loved. The final two chapters synthesize with clarity what to teach about love to young professionals in order to prepare them for the complexities they will soon encounter and provide a sophisticated answer to the question What is love? Barriers to Loving integrates humanism science and clinical experience in Levine’s long-appreciated unique and mature voice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415708869

Barriers to Sustainable TransportInstitutions Regulation and Sustainability The complexity of transportation systems and their negative social and environmental effects are today at the centre of attention. This book focuses on the impact of institutions and regulatory systems on transport systems and travel behaviour. While institutions appear to play an important role in the economic success of many countries this book considers the extent to which they also support sustainable development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646048

Barrington Moore Jr This title was first published in 1983. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138037793

Barrio BallotsLatino Politics In The 1990 Elections This book examines political activities in the key Latino barrio of five of the nation's principal cities during the 1990 elections: El Barrio of New York; Magnolia of Houston; Chicago's Pilsen; Boyle Heights in Los Angeles; and Calle Ocho in Miami. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367157616

Barrio ProfessorsTales of Naturalistic Research Prize-winning sociologist Lloyd H. Rogler a founder of cultural psychiatry gives us an intimately revealing brilliantly narrated account of fieldwork from San Juan Puerto Rico to inner-city New Haven. Using his decades of field experience and creative fiction he explores the daily reality of his "informants"—the Barrio Professors—and uncovers the clash between scientific models and local experience over schizophrenia the political workings of community and the power of serendipity. Rogler's multi-layered exploration of the relationship between researcher and community as well as his candid assessment of field strategies make the book useful also for methods courses. Barrio Professors is engrossing enough for the general public and an excellent text for courses in ethnic studies sociology qualitative methods psychiatry public health anthropology and social work. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315433295

Barrios and BorderlandsCultures of Latinos and Latinas in the United States This unique anthology highlights the diversity of Latino cultural expressions and points out the distinctive features of the three major Latino populations: Mexican Puerto Rican and Cuban. It is organized around six central cultural issues: family religion community the arts (im)migration and exile and cultural identity. Each chapter focuses on a particular theme by presenting readings from a variety of genres including short stories poems essays excerpts from novels a play photographs even a few songs and recipes. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315811635

Barry Commoner's Contribution to the Environmental MovementScience and Social Action Few people have made greater contributions to protecting and improving the environment than the scientist teacher activist Dr. Barry Commoner. For half a century Dr. Commoner has been an international leader in the environmental movement. On the occasion of his eightieth birthday a symposium was held at which invited speakers discussed his contributions to a wide range of environmental issues. This book collecting many of the invited papers provides fascinating insights into the life and work of one of the twentieth century's most influential scientists and social activists. Chapters contributed by other activists scientists and scholars including Ralph Nader Tony Mazzocchi and Peter Montague cover many of Dr. Commoner's major contributions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415785655

Bartók and the GrotesqueStudies in Modernity the Body and Contradiction in Music The grotesque is one of art's most puzzling figures - transgressive comprising an unresolveable hybrid generally focussing on the human body full of hyperbole and ultimately semantically deeply puzzling. In Bluebeard's Castle (1911) The Wooden Prince (1916/17) The Miraculous Mandarin (1919/24 rev. 1931) and Cantata Profana (1930) Bart ngaged scenarios featuring either overtly grotesque bodies or closely related transformations and violations of the body. In a number of instrumental works he also overtly engaged grotesque satirical strategies sometimes - as in Two Portraits: 'Ideal' and 'Grotesque' - indicating this in the title. In this book Julie Brown argues that Bart concerns with stylistic hybridity (high-low East-West tonal-atonal-modal) the body and the grotesque are inter-connected. While Bart eveloped each interest in highly individual ways and did so separately to a considerable extent the three concerns remained conceptually interlinked. All three were thoroughly implicated in cultural constructions of the Modern during the period in which Bart as composing. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315096599

Barth Israel and JesusKarl Barth's Theology of Israel The attitude of Karl Barth to Israel and the Jews has long been the subject of heated controversy amongst historians and theologians. The question that has so far predominated in the debate has been Barth's attitude both theologically and practically towards the Jews during the period of the Third Reich and the Holocaust itself. How if at all did Barth's attitudes change in the post-war years? Did Barth's own theologising in the aftermath of the Holocaust take that horrendous event into account in his later writings on Israel and the Jews? Mark Lindsay explores such questions through a deep consideration of volume four of Barth's Church Dogmatics the 'Doctrine of Reconciliation'. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138251403

Barth on the Descent into HellGod Atonement and the Christian Life The Christian confession that Jesus Christ descended into hell has been variously misunderstood or simply neglected by the Church and dogmatic theology. This work is a significant retort to dogmatic forgetfulness and ecclesial misunderstanding. It succeeds in doing so by offering a close reading and critical analysis of Karl Barth's treatment of the descent into hell and its relation to his extraordinary theology of the atonement. The reach of David Lauber's work is extended by placing Barth in conversation with Hans Urs von Balthasar's innovative theology of Holy Saturday. In revealing and unexpected ways this book casts light upon the ecumenical breadth of Barth's theology. It is a valuable interpretation of significant facets of Barth's doctrine of God reflection upon the passion of Jesus Christ and ethics. In addition Lauber offers a constructive theological proposal for how the descent into hell affects the theological interpretation of Scripture the trinitarian being and activity of God and the non-violent and authentic shape of Christian life and witness before our enemies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138251694

Barthes’ Mythologies TodayReadings of Contemporary Culture This is Barthes’ seminal text reimagined in a contemporary context by contemporary academics. Through a revisiting of Mythologies a key text in cultural and media studies this volume explores the value these disciplines can add to an understanding of contemporary society and culture. Leading academics in media English education and cultural studies here are tasked with identifying the "new mythologies" some fifty or so years on from Barthes’ original interventions. The contributions in this volume then are readings of contemporary culture each engaging with a cultural event practice or text as mythological. These readings are then contextualized by an introduction which reflects on the ‘how’ of these engaging responses and an "essay at the back of the book" which replaces Myth Today with a reflection on the contemporary provenance of both Barthes and his most famous book. Thus the book is at least two things at once whichever way you look: a ‘new’ Mythologies and a book about Barthes’ legacy an exploration of the place of theory in critical writing and a book about contemporary culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138925366

Barth's Interpretation of the Virgin BirthA Sign of Mystery The doctrine of the virgin birth is intricately woven within the texture of the liturgy theology and piety of all branches of the Christian Church. In spite of its enduring influence the doctrine has been dogged by criticism particularly in the modern era. By the 20th century the teaching of the virgin birth was rejected by the majority of Protestant theologians in Europe. Rejecting the conclusion of many of his contemporaries-including that of his own father-the Swiss theologian Karl Barth (1886-1968) argued vehemently that understood aright the doctrine of the virgin birth plays a crucial role in Christian thought. Barth's legacy in this regard is widely regarded as providing the most influential rehabilitation of the doctrine among Protestants. This book offers a comprehensive account and analysis of Barth's interpretation of the doctrine of the virgin birth. Setting the doctrine in the context of the western Christian tradition Resch examines it in relation to Barth's discussions in the Church Dogmatics of Christology pneumatology and the interpretation of Scripture. The importance of this study lies in the way that it reveals Barth's continuity and discontinuity with both the classical Augustinian tradition of interpreting the virgin birth and the criticisms of the modern era but especially in the way in which attention to Barth's doctrine of the virgin birth reveals his assumptions about the nature of history humanity and the identity of Jesus Christ. As a 'fitting' sign of the mystery of the incarnation Barth argued that the virgin birth expressed the dialectic of God's 'No' to sin and 'Yes' to humanity in his free act of revelation and reconciliation. As such the doctrine of the virgin birth functioned for Barth as a paradigm through which to understand the fashion of God's work upon human beings and the suitable posture of the human being before God. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138271692

Barth's Ontology of Sin and GraceVariations on a Theme of Augustine In recent Barth studies it has been argued that a key to understanding the theologian’s opposition to natural theology is his rejection of substantialist ontology. While this is true to an extent this book argues that it is a mistake to see Barth’s ‘actualistic ontology’ as diametrically opposed to traditional substantialism. Probing into Barth’s soteriological hamartiology in Church Dogmatics III-IV a largely neglected aspect of these volumes in recent debates on his understanding of being and act it shows how his descriptions of sin nature and grace shed light on the precise manners in which his actualistic ontology operates on both a substance grammar of being and a process grammar of becoming while rejecting the metaphysics underlying both grammars. Looking at issues such as original sin universal salvation and human will Barth is shown to be radically redefining the relationship between humans their actions and the divine. This book argues that human ‘nature’ is the total determination of the human being ‘from above’ by God’s grace in Christ while the existential dimension of the human being is also totally determined ‘from below’ by the Adamic history of sin. This serves to demonstrate Barth’s endeavours in eliminating the vestiges of natural theology within the Western tradition handed down from Augustine. By exploring these issues this book offers a fresh insight into Barth’s relationship with his theological forbears. As such it will be vital reading for any scholar of Barth studies the problem of evil and theological ontology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367664121

Barth's Theology of Interpretation Through his single-minded insistence on the priority of the Bible in the life of the church Karl Barth (1886-1968) decisively shaped the course of twentieth-century Christian theology. Drawing on both familiar texts and recently published archival material Barth's Theology of Interpretation sheds new light on Barth's account of just what it is that scripture gives and requires. In tracing the movement of Barth’s earlier thinking about scriptural reading the book also raises important questions about the ways in which Barth can continue to influence contemporary discussions about the theological interpretation of scripture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138263055

Base of the Pyramid 3.0Sustainable Development through Innovation and Entrepreneurship For well over 4 billion people – approximately 60% of all humanity – annual income is less than $1 500. The term "Base of the Pyramid" was first coined by Stuart L. Hart and C.K. Prahalad in 2002 and has become synonymous with both the method by which we can more effectively address poverty and the opportunity that exists in a multi-trillion-dollar market. A whole new lexicon has emerged to describe this phenomenon including new buzzwords and catch phrases like "inclusive business" "opportunities for the majority" "sustainable livelihoods" "pro-poor business" and “social business†and thousands of new businesses institutions and investment funds have been set up.In this ground-breaking new book Stuart L. Hart and Fernando Casado Cañeque have worked with members of the BoP Global Network to shake the tree look objectively at what has happened since 2002 highlight why earlier applications of BoP haven’t worked and propose new objectives and ways of working to formulate more sustainable solutions. The book challenges the reader and organizations to think about the mindset and purpose across whole organizations open innovation rather than simply co-creation and a complete review of the innovation ecosystem. Through this book practitioners will gain a clearer insight into which business models can work within different communities to ensure a sustainable transition to improved local economies. Equally the book is a must-read for researchers and students in the fields of entrepreneurship innovation sustainable development and environmental management. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781783532032

Base of the Pyramid Markets in AfricaInnovation and Challenges to Sustainability This book focuses on the Base of the Pyramid (BOP) in Africa and examines the role of the private sector in the fight against poverty. The BOP concept which is a market-based approach to poverty eradication presents a great avenue for businesses to develop opportunities and new business models that enable and empower those in the BOP population in Africa to raise their socio-economic welfare and well-being. The BOP market and the business interest in the BOP in Africa is rising. This book furthers our understanding of the characteristics of BOP markets in Africa and the challenges and opportunities to address poverty and development in a sustainable manner. The book covers various themes of BOP markets and their embeddedness in social-cultural settings in Africa. The different chapters employ a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches to advance research and practice of BOP in Africa. The book chapters reflect multiple diversities that characterise sub-Saharan Africa based on studies in 13 country contexts and from five industry sectors. This book is recommended reading for managers and policy makers as well as students and academics interested in Base of the Pyramid markets. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138389113

Base of the Pyramid Markets in AsiaInnovation and Challenges to Sustainability The Innovation and Sustainability in Base of the Pyramid Markets series comprises four volumes covering theoretical perspectives themes and various aspects of interest across four key geographical regions where Base of the Pyramid (BOP) markets are located – Latin America Asia Africa and affluent countries. This book focuses on the BOP markets in Asia and in particular the challenge of how to address the needs of deprived population groups in a sustainable manner. Base of the Pyramid Markets in Asia deals with amongst other topics the innovation and innovativeness that is necessary to better the life of resource-poor population groups. The book covers various themes and aspects of BOP markets in Asia and their embeddedness in socio-cultural settings and adopts a variety of theoretical angles for analysing the phenomena. Thus this book aims at furthering our understanding of BOP markets in Asia and at deriving valuable recommendations for managers and policy makers. BOP markets face unique challenges and private sector actors alone cannot ensure sustainable value creation activities. Multidimensional elements and factors are needed to alleviate poverty and create economic development aligned with principles of sustainable development. Therefore the book comprises critical and empirical studies as well as conceptual papers on the challenges linked to BOP markets in Asian countries. This book is recommended reading for managers and policy makers as well as students and academics interested in Base of the Pyramid markets. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138389137

Baseball and American CultureAcross the Diamond Discover baseball's role in American society! Baseball and American Culture: Across the Diamond is a thoughtful look at baseball's impact on American society through the eyes of the game's foremost scholars historians and commentators. Edited by Dr. Edward J. Rielly author of Baseball: An Encyclopedia of Popular Culture the book examines how baseball and society intersect and interact and how the quintessential American game reflects and affects American culture. Enlightening and entertaining Baseball and American Culture presents a multidisciplinary perspective on baseball's involvement in virtually every important social development in the United Statespast and present. Baseball and American Culture examines baseball’s unique role as a sociological touchstone presenting scholarly essays that explore the game as a microcosm for American societygood and bad. Topics include the struggle for racial equality women’s role in society immigration management-labor conflicts advertising patriotism religion the limitations of baseball as a metaphor and suicide. Contributing authors include Larry Moffi author of This Side of Cooperstown: An Oral History of Major League Baseball in the 1950s and Crossing the Line: Black Major Leaguers 1947-1959 and a host of presenters to the 2001 Cooperstown Symposium on Baseball and American Culture including Thomas Altherr George Grella Dave Ogden Roberta Newman Brian Carroll Richard Puerzer and the editor himself. Baseball and American Culture features 23 essays on this fascinating subject including: On Fenway Faith and Fandom: A Red Sox Fan Reflects Baseball and Blacks: A Loss of Affinity A Loss of Community The Hall of Fame and the American Mythology Writing Their Way Home: American Writers and Baseball God and the Diamond: The Born-Again Baseball Autobiography Baseball and American Culture: Across the Diamond is an essential read for baseball fans and historians academics involved in sports literature and popular culture and students of American society. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315809113

Baseball and the American DreamRace Class Gender and the National Pastime A fascinating look at how America's favorite sport has both reflected and shaped social economic and Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315656472

Baseline Assessment and Monitoring in Primary Schools First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books David Fulton Publishers 9781138175334

Baseline Assessment Curriculum and Target Setting for Pupils with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties This book sets out to help teachers assess pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties multisensory impairments and other complex needs in a relevant and meaningful way. It offers teachers structure guidance and a holistic approach to assessment target setting planning recording attainment and pupil progress throughout his or her life at school. Media > Books > E-books David Fulton Publishers 9781315068930

Baseline AssessmentPractice Problems and Possibilities First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books David Fulton Publishers 9781138163898

Bases and Foundations of Building Under Reconstruction Translated from the Russian this English edition of the text has been revised and updated. It covers such topics as: reasons for strengthening bases and foundations of buildings; behavioural features and foundations of in-service buildings; and stabilization of soils. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003077985

Bashing BackWayne Besen on GLBT People Politics and Culture The Best of Besen!Bashing Back: Wayne Besen on GLBT People Politics & Culture is a compilation of 72 columns from the outspoken GLBT activist and author of Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth. Funny provocative and informative this unique book puts a progressive spin on hot-button topics in the political cultural and social arenas covering everything from AIDS and African-Americans to Zach Stark.Bashing Back presents an A-to-Z look at Besen's worldview on a wide range of topics including Bill O'Reilly Brokeback Mountain Ellen DeGeneres gay pride parades marriage rights Mary Cheney overhauling the gay movement religion and politics sports and homophobia The Passion of the Christ the pitiful state of TV news the Vatican's war on gays the World Trade Center and New Orleans. Smart and funny Besen delivers a knockout punch to the notion that liberalism stands for nothing and progressive means passive.From the author:The columns I have chosen for this book touch on politics and people comedy and culture. But most of all they are a strong defense of the liberal values that have made this nation strong. It is time we proudly stand up for what we believe in. If we don't defend our values our opponents will define them. . . . Bashing Back is the first punch in a fight to take back our culture and restore progressive values for the good of the nation.An excerpt from Bill O'Reilly:Once upon a time I actually enjoyed The O'Reilly Factor. While I almost always disagreed with him he was at least entertaining. Lately however he has morphed into just another Bush mouthpiece. The master of the No Spin Zone is suddenly spinning so hard he is in the Twilight Zone dizzy in his own deception. He even had the audacity on CNBC to suggest that Fox isn't a conservative news outlet. That's beyond spin. If it were closer to Hanukah I'd think O'Reilly was a dreidel. My other problem with his show is that it's unnaturally obsessed with gay issues. More gay people appear on The O'Reilly Factor than on Showtime's Queer as Folk. I know that sounds strange coming from a gay columnist who has twice appeared on his show. But it seems like he's had on every gay person in America to use as his personal political piñata. When even gay activists are tired of watching gay segments it's time to find a new culture war issue.Bashing Back is an invaluable compilation of Besen's best columns from Planet Out and the Washington Blade. It's an essential resource for longtime Besen readers and an entertaining introduction for newcomers. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203729137

Basic Algebraic Topology Building on rudimentary knowledge of real analysis point-set topology and basic algebra Basic Algebraic Topology provides plenty of material for a two-semester course in algebraic topology. The book first introduces the necessary fundamental concepts such as relative homotopy fibrations and cofibrations category theory cell complexes and simplicial complexes. It then focuses on the fundamental group covering spaces and elementary aspects of homology theory. It presents the central objects of study in topology visualization: manifolds. After developing the homology theory with coefficients homology of the products and cohomology algebra the book returns to the study of manifolds discussing Poincaré duality and the De Rham theorem. A brief introduction to cohomology of sheaves and Čech cohomology follows. The core of the text covers higher homotopy groups Hurewicz’s isomorphism theorem obstruction theory Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces and Moore-Postnikov decomposition. The author then relates the homology of the total space of a fibration to that of the base and the fiber with applications to characteristic classes and vector bundles. The book concludes with the basic theory of spectral sequences and several applications including Serre’s seminal work on higher homotopy groups. Thoroughly classroom-tested this self-contained text takes students all the way to becoming algebraic topologists. Historical remarks throughout the text make the subject more meaningful to students. Also suitable for researchers the book provides references for further reading presents full proofs of all results and includes numerous exercises of varying levels. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781466562431

Basic Analysis IFunctions of a Real Variable Basic Analysis I: Functions of a Real Variable is designed for students who have completed the usual calculus and ordinary differential equation sequence and a basic course in linear algebra. This is a critical course in the use of abstraction but is just first volume in a sequence of courses which prepare students to become practicing scientists. This book is written with the aim of balancing the theory and abstraction with clear explanations and arguments so that students who are from a variety of different areas can follow this text and use it profitably for self-study. It can also be used as a supplementary text for anyone whose work requires that they begin to assimilate more abstract mathematical concepts as part of their professional growth. Features Can be used as a traditional textbook as well as for self-study Suitable for undergraduate mathematics students or for those in other disciplines requiring a solid grounding in abstraction Emphasises learning how to understand the consequences of assumptions using a variety of tools to provide the proofs of propositions Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138055025

Basic Analysis IIA Modern Calculus in Many Variables Basic Analysis II: A Modern Calculus in Many Variables focuses on differentiation in Rn and important concepts about mappings from Rn to Rm such as the inverse and implicit function theorem and change of variable formulae for multidimensional integration. These topics converge nicely with many other important applied and theoretical areas which are no longer covered in mathematical science curricula. Although it follows on from the preceding volume this is a self-contained book accessible to undergraduates with a minimal grounding in analysis. Features Can be used as a traditional textbook as well as for self-study Suitable for undergraduates in mathematics and associated disciplines Emphasises learning how to understand the consequences of assumptions using a variety of tools to provide the proofs of propositions Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138055056

Basic Analysis IIIMappings on Infinite Dimensional Spaces Basic Analysis III: Mappings on Infinite Dimensional Spaces is intended as a first course in abstract linear analysis. This textbook cover metric spaces normed linear spaces and inner product spaces along with many other deeper abstract ideas such a completeness operators and dual spaces. These topics act as an important tool in the development of a mathematically trained scientist. Feature: Can be used as a traditional textbook as well as for self-study Suitable for undergraduates in mathematics and associated disciplines Emphasizes learning how to understand the consequences of assumptions using a variety of tools to provide the proofs of propositions Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138055087

Basic Analysis IVMeasure Theory and Integration Basic Analysis IV: Measure Theory and Integration introduces students to concepts from measure theory and continues their training in the abstract way of looking at the world. This is a most important skill to have when your life's work will involve quantitative modeling to gain insight into the real world. This text generalizes the notion of integration to a very abstract setting in a variety of ways. We generalize the notion of the length of an interval to the measure of a set and learn how to construct the usual ideas from integration using measures. We discuss carefully the many notions of convergence that measure theory provides. Features • Can be used as a traditional textbook as well as for self-study • Suitable for advanced students in mathematics and associated disciplines• Emphasises learning how to understand the consequences of assumptions using a variety of tools to provide the proofs of propositions Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138055117

Basic and Applied Memory ResearchVolume 1: Theory in Context; Volume 2: Practical Applications Basic researchers unlock the secrets of nature; applied researchers unlock the means by which those secrets of nature can change people's lives. Neither basic nor applied research has an independent impact. These volumes examine the convergence of basic and applied research in the field of memory. Volume 1: Theory and Context focuses on the methods for understanding and applying basic memory theory while Volume 2: Practical Applications expands the understanding of practical memory research by providing in-depth research examples and findings. If the science of memory is to make a significant contribution to society coordinating our basic and applied efforts and determining how they complement each other become of paramount importance. These volumes will help in this regard--both as textbooks demonstrating how to investigate memory and apply basic memory theory and as reference sources leading to a better understanding of certain problems in basic and applied memory research. Readers of these volumes will gain a thorough grasp of the way major themes relate to basic and applied research collaboration how programmatic basic and applied research can be conducted on particular memory problems and the manner in which basic and applied work in major problem areas has been incorporated into the field of memory. Both volumes present important information that will be indispensable to researchers and students alike. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315799483

Basic and Applied Perspectives on Learning Cognition and DevelopmentThe Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology Volume 28 Although current views of cognitive development owe a great deal to Jean Piaget this field has undergone profound change in the years since Piaget's death. This can be witnessed both in the influence connectionist and dynamical system models have exerted on theories of cognition and language and in how basic work in cognitive development has begun to influence those who work in applied (e.g. educational) settings. This volume brings together an eclectic group of distinguished experts who collectively represent the full spectrum of basic to applied aspects of cognitive development. This book begins with chapters on cognition and language that represent the current Zeitgeist in cognitive science approaches to cognitive development broadly defined. Following a brief commentary on this work the next section turns to more applied issues. Although the focus here is on arithmetic learning the research programs described have profound implications for virtually all aspects of education and learning. The last chapter views cognitive development from the perspective of ethology and evolutionary biology and in so doing provides a theoretical perspective that is novel and in some ways prescient: specifically how can our views of cognition incorporate recent work in biology? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138981164

Basic and Applied Salt MechanicsProceedings of the 5th Conference on Mechanical Behaviour of Salt Bucharest 9-11 August 1999 Papers cover: laboratory and in-situ testing; coupled effects and permeability; creep damage and dilatancy; constitutive modelling; crushed salt behaviour; numerical modelling; storage and disposal projects; mining applications; case studies; and salt pillars and cavities. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003078791

Basic ArabicA Grammar and Workbook Basic Arabic: A Grammar and Workbook comprises an accessible reference grammar with related exercises in a single volume. This book presents 51 units covering the key grammar points which students would expect to encounter in their first year of learning Arabic. Examples and exercises are provided throughout allowing students to reinforce and consolidate their learning. Key features include: Clear accessible format Many useful language examples Jargon-free explanations of grammar Abundant exercises with full answer key Subject index Clearly presented and user-friendly Basic Arabic is an ideal grammar reference and practice resource for both beginners and students with some knowledge of the language. It is suitable for both class use and independent study. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415587730

Basic Aspects of Psychoanalytic Group Therapy First published in English in 1982 and based on more than five years of experience with therapy groups in the author’s own practice this book aims to introduce the reader to psychoanalytic group therapy. Assuming little previous knowledge it presents the subject in a progressive and illustrative way and gives a central place to case material that was otherwise rarely published. Theory remains in the background and serves only to direct light on to problems which arise in practice such as working through the early mother child relationship and the Oedipus complex in the group situation the theory of the group process and the various forms of transference including the group conductor’s counter-transference. The book’s special value consists in its practical non-dogmatic orientation in its integration of a variety of conceptions about groups in its vividly illustrative case presentations and in the open discussion of the problem of counter-transference. Written in non-technical language it gives a lively picture of how ‘the business of psychoanalytic group therapy’ is managed and will be of value to group analysts in practice and in training as well as those interested in a more general way in psychoanalytic group therapy and what it is all about. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138801912

Basic Benefits And Clinical Guidelines This book explains how clinical guidelines might be used to define health care needs and basic benefits. It discusses certain technical issues of the model proposal including the importance of considering both health outcome evidence and patient and public preferences. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367157739

Basic Betacam Camerawork Basic Betacam Camerawork offers a complete introduction to both the analogue and digital beta camera formats: Betacam Digital Beta Betacam SX and DV & DVCAM. Step-by-step instructions are given covering everything from pre-recording checklists to technical camera specifications instruction on exposure and lighting composition editing and sound and techniques for different programme styles. Aimed at TV camera operators just starting out and film cameramen and women converting to video this book will also appeal to students on film and television production courses.Peter Ward is a freelance cameraman and trainer working with the International Television Training Consultancy and ex-Chairman of the Guild of Television Cameramen. He spent many years working on a variety of programmes at the BBC before becoming Head of Cameras at Television South West. Peter is author of the following books for Focal Press: Digital Video Camerawork Picture Composition for Film and Video Studio & Outside Broadcast Camerawork TV Technical Operations and co-author of Multiskilling for TV Production.Basic Betacam Camerawork offers a complete introduction to both the analogue and digital beta camera formats. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138165649

Basic Biogeography First published in 1985. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138407183

Basic Biophysics for Biology Basic Biophysics for Biology presents the fundamental physical and chemical principles required to understand much of modern biology. The author has made extensive use of illustrations rather than a mathematical approach to establish connections between macroscopic-world models and submicroscopic phenomena. Topics covered include the nucleus atomic and molecular structure the principles of thermodynamics free energy catalysis diffusion and heat flow. Students and professionals in general biology physiology genetics and radiation biology will appreciate this carefully prepared non-mathematical volume. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890975

Basic CantoneseA Grammar and Workbook Basic Cantonese introduces the essentials of Cantonese grammar in a straightforward and systematic way. Each of the 28 units deals with a grammatical topic and provides associated exercises designed to put grammar into a communicative context. Special attention is paid to topics which differ from English and European language structures. This new edition features: • clear accessible format • lively examples to illustrate each grammar point • informative keys to all exercises • glossary of grammatical terms Basic Cantonese is ideal for students new to the language. Together with its sister volume Intermediate Cantonese it forms a structured course of the essentials of Cantonese grammar. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415815598

Basic Chemical Concepts and Tables Written as a quick reference to the many different concepts and ideas encountered in chemistry Basic Chemical Concepts and Tables presents important subjects in a concise format that makes it a practical resource for any reader. The author covers multiple subjects including general chemistry inorganic chemistry organic chemistry and spectral analysis. Separate chapters offer physical constants and unit measurements commonly encountered and mathematical concepts needed when reviewing or working with basic chemistry concepts. Other features include: Tables that are useful as for the interpretation of ultra-violet (UV) infra-red (IR) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectroscopy (MS) spectra. Physical constants and unit measurements that are commonly encountered throughout the application of chemistry. Sections devoted to the concept of isomers and polymer structures. Graduate and undergraduate chemistry students professionals or instructors looking to refresh their understanding of a chemistry topic will find this ready reference indispensable in their daily work. Written as a quick reference to the many different concepts and ideas encountered in chemistry Basic Chemical Concepts and Tables presents important subjects in a concise format that makes it a practical resource for any reader. The author covers multiple subjects including general chemistry inorganic chemistry organic chemistry and spectral analysis. Separate chapters offer physical constants and unit measurements commonly encountered and mathematical concepts needed when reviewing or working with basic chemistry concepts. Other features include: Tables that are useful as for the interpretation of ultra-violet (UV) infra-red (IR) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectroscopy (MS) spectra. Physical constants and unit measurements that are commonly encountered throughout the application of chemistry. Sections devoted to the concept of isomers and polymer structures. Graduate and undergraduate chemistry students professionals or instructors looking to refresh their understanding of a chemistry topic will find this ready reference indispensable in their daily work. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367230135

Basic Chemistry Concepts and Exercises Chemistry can be a daunting subject for the uninitiated and all too often introductory textbooks do little to make students feel at ease with the complex subject matter. Basic Chemistry Concepts and Exercises brings the wisdom of John Kenkel‘s more than 35 years of teaching experience to communicate the fundamentals of chemistry in a practical down-to-earth manner. Using conversational language and logically assembled graphics the book concisely introduces each topic without overwhelming students with unnecessary detail. Example problems and end-of-chapter questions emphasize repetition of concepts preparing students to become adept at the basics before they progress to an advanced general chemistry course. Enhanced with visualization techniques such as the first chapter‘s mythical microscope the book clarifies challenging abstract ideas and stimulates curiosity into what can otherwise be an overwhelming topic. Topics discussed in this reader-friendly text include: Properties and structure of matter Atoms molecules and compounds The Periodic Table Atomic weight formula weights and moles Gases and solutions Chemical equilibrium Acids bases and pH Organic chemicals The appendix contains answers to the homework exercises so students can check their work and receive instant feedback as to whether they have adequately grasped the concepts before moving on to the next section. Designed to help students embrace chemistry not with trepidation but with confidence this solid preparatory text forms a firm foundation for more advanced chemistry training. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138402539

Basic CinematographyA Creative Guide to Visual Storytelling The cinematographer must translate the ideas and emotions contained in a script into something that can be physically seen and felt onscreen helping the director to fulfil the vision of the film. The shots may look good but they will not serve the story until the composition lenses and lighting express enhance and reveal the underlying emotions and subtext of the story. By making physical the ideas and emotions of the story the cinematographer supports blocking as a visual form of the story through these tools. Rather than delve into technical training Basic Cinematography helps to train the eye and heart of cinematographers as visual storytellers providing them with a strong foundation for their work so that they’re ready with creative ideas and choices on set in order to make compelling images that support the story. The book includes tools tables and worksheets on how to enhance students and experienced filmmakers with strong visual storytelling possibilities including such features as: Dramatic script analysis that will help unlock blocking composition and lighting ideas that reveal the visual story Ten tools of composition Psychological impact of lenses shot sizes and camera movement Six elements of lighting for visual storytelling What to look for beneath the "hood" of cameras including using camera log RAW and LUTs Dramatic analysis chart and scene composition chart to help plan your shoots Case studies from such visually cinematic shows and documentaries as Netflix’s Godless Jessica Jones The Crown and Chef’s Table as well as examples from classroom exercises Features insights from the DP of Jessica Jones Manuel Billeter and the DP of Chef’s Table Adam Bricker. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815396451

Basic Clinical Radiobiology Basic Clinical Radiobiology is a concise but comprehensive textbook setting out the essentials of the science and clinical application of radiobiology for those seeking accreditation in radiation oncology clinical radiation physics and radiation technology.Fully revised and updated to keep abreast of current developments in radiation biology and radiation oncology this fifth edition continues to present in an interesting way the biological basis of radiation therapy discussing the basic principles and significant developments that underlie the latest attempts to improve the radiotherapeutic management of cancer.This new edition is highly illustrated with attractive 2-colour presentation and now includes new chapters on stem cells tissue response and the convergence of radiotherapy radiobiology and physics. It will be invaluable for FRCR (clinical oncology) and equivalent candidates SpRs (and equivalent) in radiation oncology practicing radiation oncologists and radiotherapists as well as radiobiologists and radiotherapy physicists. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781444179637

Basic Concepts in Environmental Management Environmental professionals are (and will continue to be) under increased pressure to become more knowledgeable of environmental management issues.Basic Concepts in Environmental Management fulfills the long-standing need for fundamental knowledge-especially concerning government regulations on environmental and natural resource protection.As a leading environmental professional and consultant since the 1940s Kenneth M. Mackenthun offers a unique perspective on the breadth scope and ever-constant change in environmental legislation at the federal state and local levels... and what those guidelines signify for industry and citizens alike.By maintaining an awareness of existing and forthcoming laws environmentalists can substantially enhance their career potential-and be in a better position to protect the land air and sea. The starting point for that knowledge: Basic Concepts in Environmental Management. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367399986

Basic Concepts In Fa First published in 1987. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315804279

Basic Concepts in Family TherapyAn Introductory Text Second Edition Gain confidence and creativity in your family therapy interventions with new up-to-date research!Basic Concepts in Family Therapy: An Introductory Text Second Edition presents twenty-two basic psychological concepts that therapists may use to understand clients and provide successful services to them. Each chapter focuses on a single concept using material from family therapy literature basic psychological and clinical research studies and cross-cultural research studies. Basic Concepts in Family Therapy is particularly useful to therapists working in a family context with child- or adolescent-referred problems and for students and clinicians treating the problems they see every day in their community. The book builds on the strengths of the first edition incorporating ideas and articles that have become worthy of investigating since 1990 into the original text. This new edition also introduces five new chapters on resiliency and poverty adoption chronic illness spirituality and religion and parenting strategies. The new chapters make the book far more relevant for students and clinicians try ing to use family theory and technique in response to the problems they see in their communities. Basic Concepts in Family Therapy will assist you in offering clients better services by providing a deeper understanding of the contemporary family in its various forms the psychological bonds that shape all families and the developmental stages of the family life cycle. This exploration of how family demography stages and life cycles affect family functions is a solid foundation from which all of the therapeutic concepts in this book can be explored. Some of the facets of family therapy you will explore in Basic Concepts in Family Therapy are: the importance of spirituality and religion in family therapy generational boundaries closeness and role behaviors managing a family's emotions defining problems and generating and evaluating possible solutions teaching children specific attitudes values social skills and norms transracial adoptions and normative processes and developmental issues of adoptive parents strategies for reducing conflict . . . and much more!Basic Concepts in Family Therapy will help to broaden your understanding of the ways families function in general. You can use the effective concepts explored in this text to make a thorough assessment of the impact of a disorder on a child and on the rest of his or her family as well as how family dynamics might have shaped or exacerbated the problems. The concepts described in this text can be customized to clients’cultural values to avoid unnecessary resistance. As a new therapist you will gain confidence in your assessments and if you are already a seasoned professional you will gain creativity in your interventions. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315809533

Basic Concepts in Statistics and Epidemiology This book contains a Foreword by Allyson Pollock Professor and Head Centre for International Public Health Policy University of Edinburgh. Healthcare students practitioners and researchers need a sound basis for making valid statistical inferences from health data. To make the best use of statistical software it is necessary to understand how probabilistic inference works. This book explains that along with the various ways statistical data can be described and presented. It is designed to develop insight rather than simply the mechanical skills found in other textbooks. This book is specifically designed to underpin the concepts of statistics and epidemiology. It is practical and easy to use and is ideal for people who can feel uncomfortable with mathematics. 'Excellent. A great primer for all students and research workers engaged in learning how to use statistical ideas in public health. It sets out the core concepts and explains them clearly using worked examples as illustration. If followed carefully the engaged reader should be able to use the standard statistical software packages intelligently and sensitively. It will stimulate the public health student in whatever context and new researchers to approach the enterprise with enhanced confidence in interpreting and coherently explaining their findings.' - Allyson Pollock in the Foreword. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315378794

Basic Concepts Of Hemostasis First published in 1980 Murano and Bick provide well rounded accounts into the effects of Hemostasis and Thrombosis as well as a guide to the general physiology associated disorders and therapeutic techniques used to address them. This book is ideal for students and practicioners of Hematology as well as those with a general interest in medicine. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367201319

Basic Concepts of Industrial Hygiene Basic Concepts of Industrial Hygiene covers the latest and most important topics in industrial hygiene today. The textbook begins with a look at the history and basis for industrial hygiene which provides students with a foundation for understanding later developments. The book contains an in-depth discussion of new OSHA regulations such as HAZWOPER and Process Safety which deal with high hazard situations. It also features a chapter on biological hazards of current concern in health care including tuberculosis AIDS and hepatitis B. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138077

Basic Conducting Techniques Basic Conducting Techniques Seventh Edition provides a clear and intelligible introduction to the art of conducting an ensemble. Over the course of fourteen chapters the authors explicate the elements of conducting supplementing their teachings with an extensive selection of musical examples from the classical repertoire. Practical and innovative clear and approachable this text illuminates the essential skills a beginning conductor should develop to lead and rehearse a performing group. This new edition features: chapters rewritten to highlight important information and show connections between different sections a new chapter on expressive conducting consisting of expanded and updated content select full scores in the "Musical Excerpts" section excerpts with transpositions for each chapter allowing easy access for class performance a new companion website which includes the scores and transpositions for all musical excerpts audio recordings of the excerpts and demonstration videos modeling specific techniques for each chapter. With the beginning conductor in mind this hands-on competency-centered approach is appropriate for mixed classes of choral and instrumental music majors providing indispensable versatility for students and practicing conductors alike. Rooted in decades of teaching and conducting experience Basic Conducting Techniques is the essential guide to the principles of conducting. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138656987

Basic Cost Engineering This work focuses on the application of fundamental cost engineering principles to the capital and operating costs estimation of major projects. It provides detailed coverage of profitability risk and sensitivity analysis. This third edition: discusses novel strategies for calculating preliminary estimates using MasterFormat; presents new information on estimating the retrofitting and extension of existing plants; contains current international cost data; and more.;A solutions manual is available to instructors only. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367401603

Basic Counselling Skills for Teachers Basic Counselling Skills for Teachers provides teachers and school staff with an accessible guide and easy-to-apply skills to providing counselling to students in a school setting. It looks at what counselling is and what it is not how to recognise that a student may need counselling creating the right environment and maintaining confidentiality. Throughout the book Tim Dansie provides case studies and strategies for teachers that will help them to encourage students to open up and talk whilst having a model to follow outlining a Solution-Focused Counselling approach. It includes easy-to-understand chapters on counselling for: grief bullying anger anxiety depression friendships career guidance technology addiction. Concise and practical this book is essential reading for teachers who want to develop their counselling skills and be able to confidently support students in many of the challenges they face on their journey through school. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138305601

Basic Critical Theory for Photographers If you want to understand the key debates in photography and learn how to apply the fascinating issues raised by critical theory to your own practical work this is the book for you! This accessible book cuts through often difficult and intimidating academic language to deliver understandable stimulating discussion and summaries of the original texts. Key works by great writers such as Sontag and Barthes are explored along with those from other prominent critics. You are guided through a broad range of issues including the differences between Eastern and Western art post-modernism sexism the relationship between photography and language and many other crucial debates. The book is illustrated by many classic images by eminent international photographers.Each chapter is followed by stimulating assignments and activities to get you thinking critically and apply theoretical knowledge to your own practical work. A helpful glossary provides quick access to all key terms and a substantial index references key words within the original essays which are not normally indexed. A must-have aid to anyone studying critical theory this book provides intelligently written illuminating insights on the 21st century's dominant art form. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138129573

Basic Desert Reactive Attitudes and Free Will Basic Desert Reactive Attitudes and Free Will addresses the issue of whether we can make sense of the widespread conviction that we are morally responsible beings. It focuses on the claim that we deserve to be blamed and punished for our immoral actions and how this claim can be justified given the philosophical and scientific reasons to believe that we lack the sort of free will required for this sort of desert. Contributions to the book distinguish between and explore two clusters of questions. The first asks what it is to deserve to be harmed or benefitted. What are the bases for desert – actions good character bad character the omission of good character traits? The second cluster explores the disagreement between compatabilists and incompatibilists surrounding the nature of desert. Do we deserve to be harmed benefitted or judged even if we lack the ability to act differently and if we do not what effect does this have on our everyday actions? Taken in full this book sheds light on the notion of desert implicated in our practice of holding each other morally responsible. This book was originally published as a special issue of Philosophical Explorations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138294912

Basic Electrical Installation Work Everything needed to pass the first part of the City & Guilds 2365 Diploma in Electrical Installations. Basic Electrical Installation Work will be of value to students taking the first year course of an electrical installation apprenticeship as well as lecturers teaching it. The book provides answers to all of the 2365 syllabus learning outcomes and one chapter is dedicated to each of the five units in the City & Guilds course. This edition is brought up to date and in line with the 18th Edition of the IET Regulations: It can be used to support independent learning or a college based course of study Full-colour diagrams and photographs explain difficult concepts and clear definitions of technical terms make the book a quick and easy reference Extensive online material on the companion website helps both students and lecturers Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138603219

Basic Elements of Crystallography This textbook is a complete and clear introduction to the field of crystallography. It includes an extensive discussion on the 14 Bravais lattices and their reciprocals the basic concepts of point- and space-group symmetry the crystal structure of elements and binary compounds and much more. The purpose of this textbook is to illustrate rather than describe "using many words" the structure of materials. Even readers who are completely unfamiliar with the topic but still interested in learning how the atoms are arranged in crystal structures will find this book immensely useful. Each chapter is accompanied by exercises designed to encourage students to explore the different crystal structures they are learning about. The solutions to the exercises are also provided at the end of the book. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814613576

Basic Endocrinology: For Students of Pharmacy and Allied HealthFor Students of Pharmacy and Allied Health This textbook has been written primarily for undergraduate students of pharmacy toxicology and medicine who require a concise reference book on basic endocrine function and dysfunction. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429271205

Basic Engineering Mathematics Now in its seventh edition Basic Engineering Mathematics is an established textbook that has helped thousands of students to succeed in their exams. Mathematical theories are explained in a straightforward manner being supported by practical engineering examples and applications in order to ensure that readers can relate theory to practice. The extensive and thorough topic coverage makes this an ideal text for introductory level engineering courses. This title is supported by a companion website with resources for both students and lecturers including lists of essential formulae multiple choice tests and full solutions for all 1 600 further questions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138673700

Basic Environmental Data Analysis for Scientists and Engineers Classroom tested and the result of over 30 years of teaching and research this textbook is an invaluable tool for undergraduate and graduate data analysis courses in environmental sciences and engineering. It is also a useful reference on modern digital data analysis for the extensive and growing community of Earth scientists and engineers. Basic Environmental Data Analysis for Scientists and Engineers introduces practical concepts of modern digital data analysis and graphics including numerical/graphical calculus measurement units and dimensional analysis error propagation and statistics and least squares data modeling. It emphasizes array-based or matrix inversion and spectral analysis using the fast Fourier transform (FFT) that dominates modern data analysis. Divided into two parts this comprehensive hands-on textbook is excellent for exploring data analysis principles and practice using MATLAB® Mathematica Mathcad and other modern equation solving software. Part I for beginning undergraduate students introduces the basic approaches for quantifying data variations in terms of environmental parameters. These approaches emphasize uses of the data array or matrix which is the fundamental data and mathematical processing format of modern electronic computing. Part II for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students extends the inverse problem to least squares solutions involving more than two unknowns. Features: Offers a uniquely practical guide for making students proficient in modern electronic data analysis and graphics Includes topics that are not explained in any existing textbook on environmental data analysis Data analysis topics are very well organized into a two-semester course that meets general education curriculum requirements in science and engineering Facilitates learning by beginning each chapter with an ‘Overview’ section highlighting the topics covered and ending it with a ‘Key Concepts’ section summarizing the main technical details that the reader should have acquired Indexes many numerical examples for ready access in the classroom or other venues serviced by electronic equation solvers like MATLAB® Mathematica Mathcad etc. Offers supplemental exercises and materials to enhance understanding the principles and practice of modern data analysis Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138627789

Basic Environmental Toxicology Basic Environmental Toxicology provides a thorough systematic introduction to environmental toxicology and addresses many of the effects of pollutants on humans animals and the environment. Readers are introduced to the fundamentals of toxicology and ecotoxicology the effects of different types of toxicants and how toxicants affect different compartments of the environment. Fundamental aspects of environmental health occupational health detection of pollutants and risk assessment are discussed. The book is excellent for anyone involved in risk assessment or risk management toxicologists state and local public health officials environmental engineers industrial managers consultants and students taking environmental toxicology courses. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367449704

Basic Equality and DiscriminationReconciling Theory and Law The focus of this book is the idea of equality as a moral political and jurisprudential concept. The author is motivated primarily by a concern to better understand conundrums in the justification interpretation and application of discrimination law. Nicholas Smith aims to provide a clearer understanding of the nature of the value that the law is trying to uphold - equality. He rejects the notion that the concept of equality is vacuous and defends the idea as the proper range of moral concern. After discussing the general characteristics of the denial of equality and some types of discrimination Smith considers prominent views on the point of equality law. He argues that human rights lawyers should step back from the business of trying to steer courts towards vague equality goals informed by conceptions of equality that are either empty or even more abstract than the notion of equality itself. If they do Smith thinks that the meaning of 'equality' will be apparent though abstract and our difficulties will be shown to be in the first instance moral ones. These moral issues will require more rigorous attention before we can draft discrimination law which gives clear effect to a widely legitimate understanding of what it means to uphold and promote equality. This book will be a valuable resource for students and researchers working in the areas of legal philosophy political theory public law and human rights law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138277243

Basic Ethics Basic Ethics presents for a wide range of students and other interested readers the questions raised in thinking about ethical problems the answers offered by moral philosophy and the means to better integrate into both the reader’s world and personal life. It takes up what the author calls a "worldview theory " which shows readers how to begin with the values and understanding of the world that they already possess in order to transition from there to new levels of increasing ethical awareness. Updates to the third edition include the more thorough integration of feminist ethics into the principal theoretical traditions a new chapter on the ethical responsibility to be well informed of current events expanded coverage of human rights and additional opportunities on how to use ethical reasoning in thinking about one’s own life and about public policy. Key Features: Links personal values to a philosophical treatment of the major ethical theories Presents ethics in the context of social/political issues that face our nation and the world Challenges the student to react to the presented material through critical exercises that may be used as weekly assignments and can form the basis of class discussion and evaluation. Engages the student to think about underlying issues first (in the basic questions) before presenting the most popular solutions (in the basic answers) Invites the reader to make up her own mind on how to formulate an ethical theory that will help her in her own life Offers a 16-chapter format to fit into most college-semester calendars Presents an overall structure that establishes foundational problems in ethical theory in the first section of the book that are variously addressed by the different ethical theories in the second section of the book Highlights key terms to help the reader grapple with issues raised (which are reviewed and defined in a final Glossary) Includes a final chapter designed to help students comprehend the book in its entirety. Updates to the Third Edition: Highlights new research on human rights and their relevance to ethical thinking and contemporary moral issues Integrates feminist ethics into the principal theoretical traditions: virtue ethics ethical intuitionism and some versions of deontology Provides new coverage of "fake news" and the moral responsibility to be well and accurately informed of current events Expands opportunities to use ethical reasoning in thinking about one’s own life and about public policy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367638740

Basic Experimental Strategies and Data Analysis for Science and Engineering Every technical investigation involving trial-and-error experimentation embodies a strategy for deciding what experiments to perform when to quit and how to interpret the data. This handbook presents several statistically derived strategies which are more efficient than any intuitive approach and will get the investigator to their goal with the fewest experiments give the greatest degree of reliability to their conclusions and keep the risk of overlooking something of practical importance to a minimum. Features:Provides a comprehensive desk reference on experimental design that will be useful to practitioners without extensive statistical knowledgeFeatures a review of the necessary statistical prerequisitesPresents a set of tables that allow readers to quickly access various experimental designsIncludes a roadmap for where and when to use various experimental design strategiesShows compelling examples of each method discussedIllustrates how to reproduce results using several popular software packages on a supplementary websiteFollowing the outlines and examples in this book should quickly allow a working professional or student to select the appropriate experimental design for a research problem at hand follow the design to conduct the experiments and analyze and interpret the resulting data. John Lawson and John Erjavec have a combined 25 years of industrial experience and over 40 years of academic experience.  They have taught this material to numerous practicing engineers and scientists as well as undergraduate and graduate students.  Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367574086

Basic Gambling MathematicsThe Numbers Behind The Neon Understand the Math Underlying Some of Your Favorite Gambling Games Basic Gambling Mathematics: The Numbers Behind the Neon explains the mathematics involved in analyzing games of chance including casino games horse racing and lotteries. The book helps readers understand the mathematical reasons why some gambling games are better for the player than others. It is also suitable as a textbook for an introductory course on probability. Along with discussing the mathematics of well-known casino games the author examines game variations that have been proposed or used in actual casinos. Numerous examples illustrate the mathematical ideas in a range of casino games while end-of-chapter exercises go beyond routine calculations to give readers hands-on experience with casino-related computations. The book begins with a brief historical introduction and mathematical preliminaries before developing the essential results and applications of elementary probability including the important idea of mathematical expectation. The author then addresses probability questions arising from a variety of games including roulette craps baccarat blackjack Caribbean stud poker Royal Roulette and sic bo. The final chapter explores the mathematics behind "get rich quick" schemes such as the martingale and the Iron Cross and shows how simple mathematics uncovers the flaws in these systems. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781482208931

Basic GermanA Grammar and Workbook Basic German: A Grammar and Workbook comprises an accessible reference grammar and related exercises in a single volume. The book introduces German people and culture through the medium of the language used today covering the core material which students would expect to encounter in their first years of learning German. Each of the 29 units presents one or more related grammar topics illustrated by examples which serve as models for the exercises that follow. These wide-ranging and varied exercises enable the student to master each grammar point thoroughly. Features include: • Clear grammatical explanations with examples in both English and German • Authentic language samples from a range of media • Checklists at the end of each unit to reinforce key points • Cross-referencing to other grammar chapters • Full exercise answer key • ‘Did you know?’ sections with extra learning tips on specific grammar points and insights into current usage of German • Glossary of grammatical terms The new edition has been thoroughly revised including more varied exercises for practice and grammar points have been reformulated to use a more learner-centred approach. Suitable for independent study and for class use Basic German: A Grammar and Workbook is the ideal reference and practice book for beginners as well as for students with some knowledge of the language. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138788268

Basic GIS Coordinates Coordinates are integral building tools for GIS cartography surveying and are vital to the many applications we use today such as smart phones car navigation systems and driverless cars. Basic GIS Coordinates Third Edition grants readers with a solid understanding of coordinates and coordinate systems and how they operate as well as valuable insight into what causes them to malfunction. This practical and comprehensive guide lays out the foundation of a coordinate system and the implications behind building it as it elaborates on heights two coordinate systems and the rectangular system.The previous editions described horizontal and vertical datums such as the North American Datum 1983 (NAD 83) and the North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD 88). Both will be replaced in 2022 or thereabouts. The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) plans to replace NAD83 with a new semi-dynamic terrestrial reference frame for North America and a new vertical datum will replace NAVD88. The foundation of the new vertical datum will be a temporally tracked gravimetric geoid. The interim period is intended to smooth the transition to the new paradigm and this new edition explores the changes and provides assistance in understanding them. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367573515

Basic Guide To Pesticides: Their Characteristics And HazardsTheir Characteristics & Hazards Basic Guide to Pesticides covers the physical properties of about 700 pesticides and their contaminants and related health hazards. It is important in dealing with environmental problems in general and individual cases. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367450236

Basic Hazardous Waste Management This third edition updates and expands the material presented in the best-selling first and second editions of Basic Hazardous Waste Management. It covers health and safety issues affecting hazardous waste workers management and regulation of radioactive and biomedical/infectious wastes as well as current trends in technologies. While the topics Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429144134

Basic Ideas and Concepts in Nuclear PhysicsAn Introductory Approach Third Edition The third edition of a classic book Basic Ideas and Concepts in Nuclear Physics sets out in a clear and consistent manner the various elements of nuclear physics. Divided into four main parts: the constituents and characteristics of the nucleus; nuclear interactions including the strong weak and electromagnetic forces; an introduction to nuclear structure; and recent developments in nuclear structure research the book delivers a balanced account of both theoretical and experimental nuclear physics. In addition to the numerous revisions and updates to the previous edition to capture the developments in the subject over the last five years the book contains a new chapter on the structure and stability of very light nuclei. As with the previous edition the author retains a comprehensive set of problems and the book contains an extensive and well-chosen set of diagrams. He keeps the book up to date with recent experimental and theoretical research provides mathematical details as and when necessary and illustrates topics with box features containing examples of recent experimental and theoretical research results. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138406384

Basic InterviewingA Practical Guide for Counselors and Clinicians This book offers clear and direct answers to the questions most frequently asked by students and trainees learning how to talk to clients and extract critical data from them. Its development reflects the old adage that "necessity is the mother of invention." For many years the editors taught beginning level mental health clinicians. They found however no text to be satisfactory--including a number that they themselves were involved in producing. Some were too difficult; some were too simplistic; some were too doctrinaire; still others had missing elements. Written in a reader-friendly "how-to" style the chapters in Basic Interviewing are not weighed down by references. Rather each contributor suggests readings for students and instructors who wish to pursue questions further. After the initial overview chapter there are 12 chapters addressing the nuts-and-bolts concerns of all clinicians that can be particularly vexing for neophytes. They cover a variety of issues from the most specific--like how to begin and end interviews--to the more general--like how to build rapport and identify targets for treatment. Throughout rich clinical illustrations facilitate the pragmatic application of fundamental principles. Beginning graduate students in counseling and clinical psychology social work and other allied mental health fields as well as psychiatric trainees will find this text to be an indispensable companion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138462854

Basic Introduction to Bioelectromagnetics Although classical electromagnetic (EM) field theory is typically embedded in vector calculus and differential equations many of the basic concepts and characteristics can be understood with precursory mathematical knowledge. Completely revised and updated Basic Introduction to Bioelectromagnetics Second Edition facilitates the process of interdisciplinary research by introducing life scientists to the basic concepts of EM fields. This new edition outlines elements of EM that are helpful to life scientists working with physicists and electrical engineers. Each concept is presented with an associated application and discussion. Example applications include hyperthermia neural stimulation MRI NMR ultrasound and cardiac pacing/defibrillation. With the liberal use of diagrams and graphs this qualitative and illustrative point of access:Covers the entire frequency spectrum from direct current (DC) up through optical frequenciesIncludes more than 200 illustrations with 40 medical applicationsIncorporates examples from real applications to explain concepts Concentrates on the qualitative explanation of the key concepts fundamental principles and characteristic behaviors of EM fields without mathematical rigorOffers practical rules of thumb to understand real situationsRequires only an algebra background in contrast to typical EM books that require vector calculus and partial differential equationsOffering a simplified view of a very complex subject this second edition provides an accessible introduction for life scientists and medical technologists on how EM fields work what controls them and the factors important to experimental setups. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367385927

Basic Introduction to Bioelectromagnetics Third Edition Basic Introduction to Bioelectromagnetics Third Edition is a primary source for medical technologists and life scientists seeking to understand how electromagnetic fields interact with the body and how they are used in medical applications. Instead of the complex math commonly used when analyzing electromagnetics this book uses graphical methods and simple equations. The third edition is updated with color graphics that show the fields in bright clear colors. Each concept is presented with an associated discussion and application including MRI NMR hyperthermia neural stimulation ultrasound and cardiac pacing/defibrillation. Offering a simplified explanation of a very complex subject this third edition provides an accessible introduction for life scientists and medical technologist on how EM fields work what controls them and the factors important to experimental setups and medical applications. This qualitative and illustrative book: Covers the entire frequency spectrum from direct current (DC) up through optical frequencies. Includes more than 200 illustrations 65 in color and 40 medical applications. Incorporates examples from real-world applications to explain concepts. Concentrates on the qualitative explanation of the key concepts fundamental principles and characteristic behaviors of EM fields without complicated mathematics. Offers practical rules of thumb to understand real situations. Requires only a background in algebra in contrast to typical EM books that require vector calculus and differential equations. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498780018

Basic Irish: A Grammar and Workbook Basic Irish: A Grammar and Workbook provides a jargon-free introduction to the most commonly used grammatical structures within the Irish language. Focusing on the repeated use of grammatical patterns this Workbook develops an understanding of the structures presented making the forms familiar and automatic for learners. This user-friendly workbook includes: terminology introduced and explained with multiple examples exercises in the grammatical forms introduced in the text translation exercises an exercise key. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138128002

Basic JapaneseA Grammar and Workbook Basic Japanese: A Grammar and Workbook comprises an accessible reference grammar and related exercises in a single volume.This book presents 25 individual grammar points covering the core material which students would expect to encounter in their first year of learning Japanese. Divided into two parts the first part outlines fundamental components of Japanese including the writing system pronunciation word order particles and conjugation patterns while the second part builds on this foundation by introducing basic grammatical patterns organised by the task they achieve. Grammar points are followed by contextualised examples and exercises which allow students to reinforce and consolidate their learning. Key features include: clear accessible format many useful language examples transliteration of all examples jargon-free explanations of grammar abundant exercises with full answer key subject index. Basic Japanese is suitable both for class use and independent study making it an ideal grammar reference and practice resource for both beginners and students with some knowledge of the language. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203849569

Basic KoreanA Grammar and Workbook The revised second edition of Basic Korean: A Grammar and Workbook is an accessible reference grammar and workbook in one volume. The text can be used in conjunction with any primary textbook both as a practice book to reinforce learning and as a reference guide to the basics of Korean grammar. This book is comprised of 26 units covering key aspects of Korean grammar students would expect to encounter in their first year learning the language. Grammatical descriptions are followed by examples and exercises which allow students to reinforce and consolidate their learning. This new edition has been updated and enhanced to include more varied exercises and contemporary vocabulary and dialogues. Clearly presented and user-friendly Basic Korean provides readers with the essential tools to express themselves in a wide variety of situations making it an ideal reference grammar and practice resource for both beginners and students with some knowledge of the language. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367561383

Basic KoreanA Grammar and Workbook Basic Korean: A Grammar and Workbook comprises an accessible reference grammar and related exercises in a single volume.This book presents twenty-five individual grammar points covering the core material which students would expect to encounter in their first year of learning Korean. Grammar points are followed by examples and exercises which allow students to reinforce and consolidate their learning.Basic Korean is suitable for both class use as well as independent study. Key features include: a clear accessible format many useful language examples all Korean entries presented in Hangul with English translations jargon-free explanations of grammar abundant exercises with a full answer key a subject index. Clearly presented and user-friendly Basic Korean provides readers with the essential tools to express themselves in a wide variety of situations making it an ideal grammar reference and practice resource for both beginners and students with some knowledge of the language. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138127852

Basic Laboratory and Industrial ChemicalsA CRC Quick Reference Handbook Basic Laboratory and Industrial Chemicals presents data on 1 000 high-profile chemical substances commonly used in the laboratory and workplace. A wide range of properties is provided for each compound including the basic physical properties such as melting point boiling point and critical temperature; density; transition properties such as vapor pressure and heats of vaporization and fusion; and thermodynamic properties viscosity and thermal conductivity at 25 degrees centigrade. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429333026

Basic Lighting Worktext for Film and Video Basic Lighting Worktext for Film and Video guides the film and video student through a series of readings exercises and projects designed to provide the fundamentals of light science. In addition to up-to-date descriptions of equipment and tips on how to use it properly the book provides numerous set-ups that illustrate the techniques and thoughts behind proper studio and location lighting. From this book you will learn:* The fundamentals of light and electricity in film* The fine distinction of lighting for video versus lighting for film* How to identify and filter sources such as daylight tungsten fluorescent arc HNI and industrial discharge lamps* The use of lensed and open-faced lighting fixtures* How to modify with barndoors scrims snoots nets cookies and other accessories* Variations on the basic three-point lighting setup* The duties of each member of a lighting unit* How to light night exteriors day interiors and campfires* High-key low-key and modulated value lighting* How to scout locations plan lighting plots and pre-rig sets Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138135857

Basic Live Sound ReinforcementA Practical Guide for Starting Live Audio Access and interpret manufacturer spec information find shortcuts for plotting measure and test equations and learn how to begin your journey towards becoming a live sound professional.   Land and perform your first live sound gigs with this guide that gives you just the right amount of information. Don’t get bogged down in details intended for complex and expensive equipment and Madison Square Garden-sized venues. Basic Live Sound Reinforcement is a handbook for audio engineers and live sound enthusiasts performing in small venues from one-mike coffee shops to clubs.   With their combined years of teaching and writing experience the authors provide you with a thorough foundation of the theoretical and the practical offering more advanced beginners a complete overview of the industry the gear and the art of mixing while making sure to remain accessible to those just starting out. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780240821016

Basic Management Accounting for the Hospitality Industry Basic Management Accounting for the Hospitality Industry uses a step by step approach to enable students to independently master the field. This second edition contains many new themes and developments including: the essence of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) integration of the changes caused by the evolution of the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry (USALI) the extension of price elasticity of demand and addition of income and cross elasticities the addition of break-even time (BET) as an additional method of analysing capital investments Up-to-date and comprehensive coverage this textbook is essential reading for hospitality management students. Additional study and teaching materials can be found on Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9789001867331

Basic Manufacturing 3rd ed Basic Manufacturing has already established itself as a core text for manufacturing courses in Further Education. The new edition has been revised to be fully in line with the new Vocational GCSE in Manufacturing from Edexcel covering the three compulsory units of this scheme and will continue to act as a core text for Intermediate GNVQ. Coverage of the two schemes is combined throughout the text yet each chapter clearly illustrates which sections map to which units within the two scheme specifications.The author's approach is student-centred with self-check questions and activities provided throughout. As a result the book is well suited to independent study. It is also clearly written to appeal to students of all abilities. Review questions are provided at the end of each chapter to consolidate learning and give practice for external assessments.The third edition contains a brand new chapter to cater for the examinable part of the GCSE syllabus (Unit 3) which includes case studies in the six sectors covered in the scheme: food and drink/biological and chemical; printing and publishing/paper and board; textiles and clothing; engineering fabrication; mechanical/automotive engineering; electrical and electronic engineering/computer/process control/telecommunications.The book is an excellent readable introduction to the technical and business aspects of the manufacturing industry that will be invaluable for students on a wide range of courses including City and Guilds certificates. It also provides a good grounding for students embarking on higher-level programmes within Manufacturing.Roger Timings is one of the UK's leading authors of textbooks on manufacturing and engineering. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138177512

Basic Math ConceptsFor Water and Wastewater Plant Operators FROM THE PREFACEIn the years since the first edition I have continued to consider ways in which the texts could be improved. In this regard I researched several topics including how people learn (learning styles etc.) how the brain functions in storing and retrieving information and the fundamentals of memory systems. Many of the changes incorporated in this second edition are a result of this research. The changes were field-tested during a three-year period in which I taught a water and wastewater mathematics course for Palomar Community College San Marcos California.All the fundamental math concepts and skills needed for daily water/wastewater treatment plant operations. This first volume ""Basic Math Concepts for Water and Wastewater Plant Operators "" provides a thorough review of the necessary mathematical concepts and skills encountered in the daily operations of a water and wastewater treatment plant. Each chapter begins with a skills check to allow the student to determine whether or not a review of the topic is needed. Practice problems illustrate the concepts presented in each section. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138121

Basic Math ReviewFor Statistics Students • Provides remediation for students who are rusty in their basic computational skills. • Helps break the cycle of failure leading to loss of self-confidence which leads to more failure. • Students study six clusters of computational skills necessary for success in statistics. • With computational skills mastered students can concentrate on more important course objectives. • Humorous cartoons interspersed throughout the book help alleviate statistics anxiety. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781936523290

Basic Mathematics for Economics Business and Finance This book can help overcome the widely observed math-phobia and math-aversion among undergraduate students in these subjects. The book can also help them understand why they have to learn different mathematical techniques how they can be applied and how they will equip the students in their further studies.  The book provides a thorough but lucid exposition of most of the mathematical techniques applied in the fields of economics business and finance. The book deals with topics right from high school mathematics to relatively advanced areas of integral calculus covering in the middle the topics of linear algebra; differential calculus; classical optimization; linear and nonlinear programming; and game theory.   Though the book directly caters to the needs of undergraduate students in economics business and finance graduate students in these subjects will also definitely find the book an invaluable tool as a supplementary reading. The website of the book – – provides supplementary materials and further readings on chapters on difference equation differential equations elements of Mathematica® and graphics in Mathematica® . It also provides materials on the applications of Mathematica® as well as teacher and student manuals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415664202

Basic Mathematics for Economists Basic Mathematics for Economists now in its 3rd edition is a classic of its genre and this new edition builds on the success of previous editions. Suitable for students who may only have a basic mathematics background as well as students who may have followed more advanced mathematics courses but who still want a clear explanation of fundamental concepts this book covers all the basic tenets required for an understanding of mathematics and how it is applied in economics finance and business. Starting with revisions of the essentials of arithmetic and algebra students are then taken through to more advanced topics in calculus comparative statics dynamic analysis and matrix algebra with all topics explained in the context of relevant applications New features in this third edition reflect the increased emphasis on finance in many economics and related degree courses with fuller analysis of topics such as: savings and pension schemes including draw down pensions asset valuation techniques for bond and share prices the application of integration to concepts in economics and finance input-output analysis using spreadsheets to do matrix algebra calculations In developing new topics the book never loses sight of their applied context and examples are always used to help explain analysis. This book is the most logical user-friendly book on the market and is usable for mathematics of economics finance and business courses in all countries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415485920

Basic Matrix Algebra with Algorithms and Applications Clear prose tight organization and a wealth of examples and computational techniques make Basic Matrix Algebra with Algorithms and Applications an outstanding introduction to linear algebra. The author designed this treatment specifically for freshman majors in mathematical subjects and upper-level students in natural resources the social sciences business or any discipline that eventually requires an understanding of linear models. With extreme pedagogical clarity that avoids abstraction wherever possible the author emphasizes minimal polynomials and their computation using a Krylov algorithm. The presentation is highly visual and relies heavily on work with a graphing calculator to allow readers to focus on concepts and techniques rather than on tedious arithmetic. Supporting materials including test preparation Maple worksheets are available for download from the Internet.This unassuming but insightful and remarkably original treatment is organized into bite-sized clearly stated objectives. It goes well beyond the LACSG recommendations for a first course while still implementing their philosophy and core material. Classroom tested with great success it prepares readers well for the more advanced studies their fields ultimately will require. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138442443

Basic Mechanics with Engineering Applications This book gives a sufficient grounding in mechanics for engineers to tackle a significant range of problems encountered in the design and specification of simple structures and machines. It also provides an excellent background for students wishing to progress to more advanced studies in three-dimensional mechanics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138181540

Basic Methods in Antibody Production and Characterization First published in 2001: Written for researchers and professionals in the fields of biomedical research immunology biochemistry molecular biology pathology and biotechnology Basic Methods in Antibody Production and Characterization uses a cookbook approach to presenting the methods for the production characterization and use of antibodies. Antibodies described include polyclonal and monoclonal and those made by the phage display. Basic Methods in Antibody Production and Characterization focuses on specific aspects of antibodies and takes readers on a step-by-step process from antigen preparation to immunizations adjuvants screening purification storage and applications.Introductory material accompanies each chapter giving readers a better understanding of the methods and applications. Ample references arm researchers with many applications pertaining to the particular technology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367200619

Basic Methods of Policy Analysis and Planning Updated in its 3rd edition Basic Methods of Policy Analysis and Planning presents quickly applied methods for analyzing and resolving planning and policy issues at state regional and urban levels. Divided into two parts Methods which presents quick methods in nine chapters and is organized around the steps in the policy analysis process and Cases which presents seven policy cases ranging in degree of complexity the text provides readers with the resources they need for effective policy planning and analysis. Quantitative and qualitative methods are systematically combined to address policy dilemmas and urban planning problems. Readers and analysts utilizing this text gain comprehensive skills and background needed to impact public policy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780137495092

Basic Metrology for ISO 9000 Certification Traceable calibration of test and measurement equipment is a requirement of the ISO 9000 series of standards. Basic Metrology for ISO 9000 Certification provides essential information for the growing number of firms registered for ISO 9000. Dr. G.M.S. de Silva who has a lifetime of experience in metrology and quality management fields condenses that knowledge in this valuable and practical workbook. The book provides a basic understanding of the principles of measurement and calibration of measuring instruments falling into the following fields; Length Angle Mass Pressure Force Temperature and AC/DC Electrical quantities. Basic concepts and definitions ISO 9001 requirements and uncertainty determinations are also included. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138172227

Basic Modern Philosophy of Religion This book provides a reasoned comprehensive understanding of what religion is as well as a clear and critical assessment of whether in the light of modern developments in philosophy contemporary thinking people can responsibly maintain religious belief in God. The book is divided into three major sections: the first deals with what all religions may be said to have in common; the second discusses theistic religion and the issue of intellectually responsible belief in God; the third examines current developments within a particular theistic religion Christianity. Originally published in 1968 the book is basic both in the nature of the issues it discusses and in the clarity and comprehensiveness of its presentation; it is varied in the arguments and perspectives dealt with; it provides an introduction to philosophical thinking through the problems of philosophy of religion; and it deals seriously with controversial movements in theology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964396

Basic Motorsport Engineering Motorsport is not just about the spectacle of some of the world's most popular and famous sporting events - it also plays a crucial role in developing new techniques and technologies. Each unit in the IMI and EAL level 2 courses are covered in full and the chapters can be easily matched to the BTEC First course structure. The book covers introductory topics in motorsport from vehicle science and maths through the basics of vehicle maintenance to pre and post race inspections.Written by an experienced teacher and author with decades of involvement with the industry packed with detailed colour illustrations and learning tips Basic Motorsport Engineering is the perfect textbook for you to make the first move into this most dynamic of industries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138172326

Basic NEC with Broadcast Applications Basic NEC with Broadcast Applications addresses computer modeling of MF directional broadcast antennas and illustrates the assets and liabilities of the Numerical Electromagnetic Code (NEC). The book's "how to" approach reveals the fundamentals of NEC operation teaches broadcast applications and shows the reader how to use NEC-2 to: model non-radiating networks verify calculations detune unused towers design top-loaded and skirted antennas minimize coding by moving and duplicating structures and much more! Complete with CD the book is an invaluable toolkit with software necessary for the design and analysis of broadcast antenna arrays. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780080570082

Basic Needs and the Urban PoorThe Provision of Communal Services Originally published in 1984. The diverse problems suffered by the urban poor in Asia and the means by which their welfare levels can be raised are investigated comprehensively in this study. All chapters written by specialists deal with a particular subject but the general theme remains that the factors causing urban poverty and low income levels are interconnected and transmitted from one generation to another. It is intended that this study will lead to discussion of the problems involved in providing services for the urban poor and result in the increased responsiveness of urban management. This title will be of interest to students of urban and development studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138057609

Basic Notes in Psychiatry Junior hospital psychiatrists general practitioners and medical students will find this book a valuable study aid as will psychiatric nurses psychiatric social workers psychiatric occupational therapists and clinical psychologists. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315383941

Basic Notions Of Condensed Matter Physics Basic Notions of Condensed Matter Physics is a clear introduction to some of the most significant concepts in the physics of condensed matter. The general principles of many-body physics and perturbation theory are emphasised providing supportive mathematical structure. This is an expansion and restatement of the second half of Nobel Laureate Philip Anderson's classic Concepts in Solids. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367091187

Basic Offshore SafetySafety induction and emergency training for new entrants to the offshore oil and gas industry Comprehensive insight into the offshore oil and gas industry for those intending to choose it as a career Full syllabus coverage for OPITO BOSIET FOET MIST and IMIST courses Produced in full colour with over 180 images Basic Offshore Safety covers everything that newcomers to the offshore oil and gas industry need to know  prior to travelling offshore or when attending OPITO's Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET) Minimum Industry Safety Training (MIST) Further Offshore Emergency Training (FOET) and International MIST courses. Primarily focused on the oil industry this book introduces readers to the key safety topics in the offshore support vessel industry and common to the renewable industry. Written in easy to follow steps and including references to both the legislation and guidance where relevant Abdul Khalique walks the reader through the hazards they are likely to encounter when travelling to from or working offshore showing how to minimise risks and deal with any issues that may arise at any stage of the work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138845916

Basic Orthopaedic Sciences Following on from the highly successful first edition published in 2006 the second edition of Basic Orthopaedic Sciences has been fully updated and revised with every chapter rewritten to reflect the latest research and practice. The book encompasses all aspects of musculoskeletal basic sciences that are relevant to the practice of orthopaedics and that are featured and assessed in higher specialty exams. While its emphasis is on revision the book contains enough information to serve as a concise textbook making it an invaluable guide for all trainees in orthopaedics and trauma preparing for the FRCS (Tr & Orth) as well as for surgeons at MRCS level and other clinicians seeking an authoritative guide.The book helps the reader understand the science that underpins the clinical practice of orthopaedics an often neglected area in orthopaedic training achieving a balance between readability and comprehensive detail. Topics covered include biomechanics biomaterials cell & microbiology histology structure & function immunology pharmacology statistics physics of imaging techniques and kinesiology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138091726

Basic Partial Differential Equations Methods of solution for partial differential equations (PDEs) used in mathematics science and engineering are clarified in this self-contained source. The reader will learn how to use PDEs to predict system behaviour from an initial state of the system and from external influences and enhance the success of endeavours involving reasonably smooth predictable changes of measurable quantities. This text enables the reader to not only find solutions of many PDEs but also to interpret and use these solutions. It offers 6000 exercises ranging from routine to challenging. The palatable motivated proofs enhance understanding and retention of the material. Topics not usually found in books at this level include but examined in this text:the application of linear and nonlinear first-order PDEs to the evolution of population densities and to traffic shocksconvergence of numerical solutions of PDEs and implementation on a computerconvergence of Laplace series on spheresquantum mechanics of the hydrogen atomsolving PDEs on manifoldsThe text requires some knowledge of calculus but none on differential equations or linear algebra. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781315890982

Basic PathologyAn introduction to the mechanisms of disease An accessible and enjoyable introduction to pathology and the mechanisms of disease this book puts pathology into its historical scientific and clinical context. Organized in four main themes - What is a Disease Defense Against Disease Circulatory Disorders and Disorders of Cell Growth - the text highlights key mechanisms and their interplay in producing symptoms signs and disease. Supplemented throughout with colorful cartoons and much-praised clinical scenarios this entertaining look at pathology offers historical anecdotes and helpful key-points boxes. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482264197

Basic PersianA Grammar and Workbook This fully revised second edition of Basic Persian: A Grammar and Workbook comprises an accessible reference grammar and related exercises in a single volume. This book presents twenty grammar units covering the core material which students would expect to encounter in their first year of learning Persian. Grammar points are followed by multiple examples and exercises which allow students to reinforce and consolidate their learning. Key features include: • a clear accessible format • many useful language examples • jargon-free explanations of grammar • abundant exercises with full answer key • a glossary of Persian-English terms • a subject index Rigorous yet engaging Basic Persian is suitable for both class use and independent study making it an ideal grammar reference and practice resource for both beginners and students with some knowledge of the language. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367209780

Basic Pharmacokinetics Knowledge of pharmacokinetics is critical to understanding the absorption distribution metabolism and excretion of drugs. It is therefore vital to those engaged in the discovery development and preclinical and clinical evaluation of drugs as well as practitioners involved in the clinical use of drugs. Using different approaches accessible to a wide variety of readers Basic Pharmacokinetics: Second Edition demonstrates the quantitative pharmacokinetic relations and the interplay between pharmacokinetic parameters. After a basic introduction to pharmacokinetics and its related fields the book examines: Mathematical operations commonly used in pharmacokinetics Drug distribution and clearance and how they affect the rate of drug elimination after a single dose Factors affecting drug absorption following extravascular drug administration the rate and extent of drug absorption and drug bioequivalence The steady-state concept during constant rate intravenous infusion and during multiple drug administration Renal drug elimination drug metabolism multicompartment models nonlinear pharmacokinetics and drug administration by intermittent intravenous infusion Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling noncompartmental pharmacokinetic data analysis clearance concept from the physiological point of view and physiological modeling Clinical applications of pharmacokinetics including therapeutic drug monitoring drug pharmacokinetics in special populations pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions pharmacogenomics and applications of computers in pharmacokinetics Accompanying the book is a CD-ROM with self-instructional tutorials and pharmacokinetic and pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic simulations allowing visualization of concepts for enhanced comprehension. This learning tool received an award from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy for innovation in teaching making it a valuable supplement to this essential text. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781439850732

Basic PharmacologyUnderstanding Drug Actions and Reactions Intended for use in an introductory pharmacology course Basic Pharmacology: Understanding Drug Actions and Reactions provides an in-depth discussion of how to apply the chemical and molecular pharmacology concepts a discussion students need for more advanced study. The textbook introduces the principles of chemistry and biology necessary to understand drug interactions at the cellular level. The authors highlight chemical and physical properties of drugs drug absorption and distribution drug interactions with cellular receptors and drug metabolism and elimination. The book begins with a review of chemical principles as they apply to drug molecules focusing mainly on those for commonly prescribed drugs. The authors use drug structures to illustrate the chemical concepts learned in general and organic chemistry courses. They cover the dynamics of receptors in mediating the pharmacological effects of drugs. They clarify theories drawn from the scientific literature which explain drug-receptor interactions and the quantitative relationship between drug binding and its effects at the cellular level. The authors’ extensive use of drug structures for teaching chemical and molecular pharmacology principles and their emphasis on the relevance of these principles in future professional life makes this book unique. It provides the framework for better understanding of advanced pharmacology and therapeutics topics. Blending medicinal chemistry and pharmacodynamics aspects this textbook clearly elucidates the essential concepts that form the cornerstone for further work in pharmacology. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315272672

Basic Photographic Materials and Processes Basic Photographic Materials and Processes describes the three crucial stages of creating the perfect photograph—capture processing and output—by providing a thorough technical investigation of modern applied photographic technologies. This new edition has been fully revised and updated to explore digital image capture processing and output. It covers a wide range of topics including: the scientific principles of measuring and recording light the inner workings of digital cameras image processing concepts color management and photographic output to screen and print media. With these topics come in-depth discussions of extending dynamic range image histograms camera characterization display capabilities printer and paper technologies. It also includes applied exercises that provide the reader with a deeper understanding of the material through hands-on experiments and demonstrations connecting theoretical concepts to real-world use. This comprehensive text provides photography students educators and working professionals with the technical knowledge required to successfully create images and manage digital photographic assets. It is an essential resource for mastering the technical craft of photography. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138744370

Basic Plant Pathology Methods The Second Edition of this bestseller brings together basic plant pathology methods published in diverse and often abstract publications. The Second Edition is updated and expanded with numerous new figures new culture media and additional methods for working with a greater number of organisms. Methods are easy to use and eliminate the need to seek out original articles. This reference allows for easy identification of methods appropriate for specific problems and facilities. Scientific names of pathogens and some of their hosts are updated in this edition. The book also acts as a research source providing more than 1 800 literature citations.The Second Edition includes chapters on the following:Sterilization of culture apparatus and culture mediaCulture of pathogens with detailed techniques for 61 fungi and selected bacteriaLong-term storage of plant pathogensDetection and estimation of inoculum for 28 soilborne fungal pathogens and 5 bacterial genera-15 methods for airborne inoculum and 13 methods for seedborne pathogensEstablishment of disease and testing for disease resistanceWork with soil microorganismsFungicide evaluationBiological controlBright-field microscopy Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367449155

Basic PolishA Grammar and Workbook Basic Polish presents concise explanations of grammar with related exercises to build confidence in using the modern language. Assuming no previous knowledge of Polish the book’s step-by-step approach guarantees a thorough grounding in the basics of grammar. Each of the forty units introduces particular grammar points. Clear and concise explanations are supported by a wide range of examples and exercises to allow students to practise and consolidate their learning. Later units also reinforce material taught in earlier ones. Key features include: clear accessible format many useful language examples jargon-free explanations of grammar abundant exercises with a full answer key notes on the Polish alphabet pronunciation and stress Polish-English vocabulary subject index. This second edition has been revised to include updated examples and explanations. It also offers five new appendices containing a comprehensive summary of grammar functions guidance on studying an inflected language and helpful information on question words the important verbs być and mieć and perfective and imperfective verb aspects. Written by an experienced language teacher and author Basic Polish is the ideal introduction to the structures and expressions most widely used in spoken and written Polish. It is suitable for both independent use and classroom study. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415726016

Basic PortugueseA Grammar and Workbook Basic Portuguese: A Grammar and Workbook comprises an accessible reference grammar and related exercises in a single volume. Twenty units cover the core material which students can expect to encounter in their first year of learning Portuguese. Grammar points are followed by examples and exercises which allow students to reinforce and consolidate their learning. Clearly presented and user-friendly Basic Portuguese provides readers with a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of Portuguese grammar. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415633208

Basic Principles of Analytical Ultracentrifugation Analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) can supply rich information on the mass shape size distribution solvation and composition of macromolecules and nanoscopic particles. It also provides a detailed view of their reversible single- or multi-component interactions over a wide range of affinities. Yet this powerful technique has been hard to master in mainstream molecular sciences due to a lack of comprehensive books on the subject.Filling this gap in the literature of biophysical methodology Basic Principles of Analytical Ultracentrifugation explains the fundamentals in the theory and practice of AUC. The book provides you with up-to-date experimental information to confidently practice AUC. You will understand the basic concepts full potential and possible pitfalls of AUC as well as appreciate the current relevance of past work in the field.The book first introduces the basic principles and technical setup of an AUC experiment and briefly describes the optical systems used for detection. It then explores the ultracentrifugation experiment from a macromolecular standpoint offering a detailed physical picture of the sedimentation process and relevant macromolecular parameters. The authors present important practical aspects for conducting an experiment including sample preparation data acquisition and data structure and the execution of the centrifugal experiment. They also cover instrument calibration and quality control experiments. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367575144

Basic Principles of Civil Law in China This is an abridged translation of the principal Chinese textbook on civil law which was published as part of the restructuring of China's legal system following the Third Plenum of the Chinese Communist Party in late 1978. Because the closest thing China has to a civil code - the General Provisions of Civil Law enacted in 1986 - is very incomplete this treatise is an authoritative source on the subject. "Basic Principles of Civil Law in China" translates those portions of the Chinese text that are likely to be most useful for foreigners dealing with China such as material on contracts torts joint-ventures negotiable instruments and technology transfer. It also contains general material on such matters as agency and partnership the general principles of juristic persons and statutes of limitations. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315491493

Basic Principles of Nanotechnology The book allows the reader to have a basic understanding of the structure and properties of nanoscale materials routinely used in nanotechnology-based research and industries. To add the book describes the operation of nanoscale transistors and the processes used to fabricate the devices. Additionally it presents research involving the use of carbon nanotubes graphene and molecules to create non-silicon based electronic devices. It aims to provide an understanding of the operation of the most frequently used fabrication and characterization procedures such as scanning electron microscopy atomic force microscopy etch e-beam lithography and photolithography. Provides explanations of the common techniques used in nanofabrication. Focuses on nanomaterials that are almost exclusively used in academic research and incorporated in consumer materials such as carbon nanotubes graphene metal nanoparticles quantum dots and conductive polymers. Each chapter begins with a list of key objectives describing major content covered. Includes end-of-chapter questions to reinforce chapter content. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138483613

Basic Principles Of Plasma PhysicsA Statistical Approach The book describes a statistical approach to the basics of plasma physics. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367091897

Basic Processes in Early Second Language ReadingA Special Issue of scientific Studies of Reading The four articles in this issue represent recent developments in the study of basic processes in L2 reading at the primary level. The research reported reflects the array of theoretical and instructional issues targeted currently by researchers who wish to understand L2 reading development in young children. Ultimately this research should be used to help policymakers and educators make better informed decisions about how L2 literacy instruction can be enhanced across various sociocultural and linguistic boundaries. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315782225

Basic Processes in ReadingPerception and Comprehension Originally published in 1977 this volume contains the most recent theoretical views and experimental findings by prominent psychologists at the time working in areas they considered to be most basic to the reading processes. The material will still be of value to people interested in applied and basic aspects of reading as well as those concerned with language processing and information processing in general. The volume divides conveniently into two areas perception and comprehension. The initial chapters deal with the perceptual processes involved in reading. The second half of the volume delves into the area of comprehension. The interested reader will find a wide variety of topics covered in the volume that reflect the amazingly wide range of cognitive functions that are part of the reading process. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138205208

Basic Processes in ReadingVisual Word Recognition The chapters in this new book span the range of reading processes from early visual analysis to semantic influences on word identification thus providing a state-of-the-art summary of current work and offering important contributions to prospective reading research. Basic Processes in Reading examines both future plans and past accomplishments in the world of word identification research. Three chapters provide a futuristic view taking a parallel distributed processing approach to semantic priming phonology and the identification of old words and the learning of new words. Reviews on eye movements in reading and semantic priming on word identification provide a retrospective summary of work on these issues as well as solid pointers for future investigations. Other chapters provide new demonstrations of the importance of phonological contributions to word identification of interactive processes in the identification of handwritten words and a re-evaluation of the processes involved in the neuropsychological syndrome described as "letter-by-letter" reading. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203052242

Basic Processes of Learning Cognition and Motivation First published in 1986. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138411739

Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts This 4-volume set originally published between 1969 and 1970 traces the basic psychoanalytic concepts evolved by Freud. Each volume takes a single theme in Freud’s thought and gives a concise but exhaustive account of the historical development of the concepts relating to it. Whenever there is any change in formulation or amplification the change and Freud’s reasons for it are clearly noted. Out of print for some time it is now available again both as a set and individual volumes. In order to present his thought most clearly and graphically Freud’s own words have been used and references are always given to the appropriate volumes of the standard edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud and to Freud’s letters and other writings. This enables the reader to pursue any subject of special interest in a minimum of time – a possibility that will prove of enormous help to students teachers lecturers research workers and seminar leaders alike. The preparation of these volumes involved the active collaboration of fifteen psychoanalysts and child psychotherapists from the Hampstead Child Therapy Clinic (now the Anna Freud Centre). Organized in the form of a study group under the chairmanship of Dr Humberto Nagera they worked intensively on the project for six years before completing these four volumes. Usually it will take a student several years of intense reading to become conversant with these basic concepts let alone to master and integrate them fully. Dr Nagera and his colleagues aimed at making this task lighter. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138024113

Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on Metapsychology Conflicts Anxiety and Other Subjects Originally published in 1970 and in contrast to the previous three volumes which each dealt with a single subject this volume is a miscellaneous one. Seventeen subjects were selected on the basis of their relevance for the understanding both of psychoanalytic theory and of human behaviour in general. In this volume the reader can follow the development of Freud’s theories regarding important subjects such as Fixation Regression Cathexis Conflicts Anxiety Ambivalence Reality Testing Transference and Counter- Transference. Some of these subjects were chosen because of the many misconceptions and misunderstandings that surrounded them. As in previous volumes the development of each concept is described from its conception to Freud’s final formulation and detailed references are given for the guidance of the student the psychoanalyst the psychiatrist the social worker the psychologist and the general reader. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987708

Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on the Libido Theory The libido theory is one of the major areas of interest in psychoanalysis. Freud’s insights in this field have been widely applied and used by psychoanalysts adult and child psychiatrists psychologists educationalists experts on child development and social workers. They have thrown light on the normal and abnormal aspects of sexual development from childhood to adulthood and on the role played by sexual development in neurotic disturbances. Further they have made possible an understanding of the complex field of sexual perversions. Originally published in 1969 in this volume the reader will find twenty-four basic psychoanalytic concepts concerning the libido theory including oral erotism anal erotism phallic erotism genital erotism the Oedipus complex of the girl the Oedipus complex of the boy autoerotism narcissism masochism sadism and bisexuality. As in the other volumes in this series the historical development of each concept and references to Freud’s works are clearly given so that students and scholars can pursue any aspect of special interest. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964402

Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on the Theory of Dreams It is generally accepted that among Freud’s many contributions to the understanding of the normal and abnormal aspects of mental functioning The Interpretation of Dreams stands alone and above all others. In this work published in 1900 Freud laid down the foundations of psychoanalytic theory as it was to develop throughout this century. This work not only unravelled the significance of the process of dreaming and allowed for the scientific understanding of the true meaning and nature of the mysterious world of dreams but created the basis for a general theory of personality capable of encompassing within a single model both the normal and abnormal aspect of mental functioning. Originally published in 1969 Dr Nagera and his collaborators (all analytically trained) from the Hampstead Child Therapy Clinic and Course (now the Anna Freud Centre) isolated from Freud’s work twenty-five basic concepts that they considered not only the cornerstones of Freud’s theory of dreams but fundamental pillars for the understanding of psychoanalytic theory generally. They include subjects such as dream sources dream work dream censorship manifest content latent content condensation displacement symbolism secondary revision and dream interpretation. They are presented in a condensed and concentrated manner containing all significant statements made by Freud at any point in his life on the subject of dreams as well as tracing the historical development of his ideas wherever significant. References to the sources are given in all instances for the guidance of the student of psychoanalysis the psychiatrist the social worker the psychologist or the scholarly minded reader. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987715

Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on the Theory of Instincts Originally published in 1970 this volume describes in condensed but detailed form Freud’s development of the theory of instincts. As is well known Freud reformulated and amplified his theory of instincts at several points during his lifetime. Such periodical amplifications and reformulations were made necessary by a number of factors for as Freud gained experience he not only developed fresh insights but also was faced with the problem of explaining an increasing amount of clinical phenomena that offered itself for examination under the psychoanalytic microscope. There can be no doubt that Freud considered his theory of instincts as one of the corner stones of psychoanalysis and yet at the same time he recognised that it was an area where many of his formulations were necessarily of a tentative character and open to discussion and modification. In this volume the reader will be able to follow the development of Freud’s thought from his initial discovery of the duality of ‘sexual’ and ‘ego’ instincts and his recognition of the fundamental importance of the aggressive forces in human nature and behaviour to the formulation of his theories regarding life and death. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964419

Basic Quantitative Research Methods for Urban Planners In most planning practice and research planners work with quantitative data. By summarizing analyzing and presenting data planners create stories and narratives that explain various planning issues. Particularly in the era of big data and data mining there is a stronger demand in planning practice and research to increase capacity for data-driven storytelling. Basic Quantitative Research Methods for Urban Planners provides readers with comprehensive knowledge and hands-on techniques for a variety of quantitative research studies from descriptive statistics to commonly used inferential statistics. It covers statistical methods from chi-square through logistic regression and also quasi-experimental studies. At the same time the book provides fundamental knowledge about research in general such as planning data sources and uses conceptual frameworks and technical writing. The book presents relatively complex material in the simplest and clearest way possible and through the use of real world planning examples makes the theoretical and abstract content of each chapter as tangible as possible. It will be invaluable to students and novice researchers from planning programs intermediate researchers who want to branch out methodologically practicing planners who need to conduct basic analyses with planning data and anyone who consumes the research of others and needs to judge its validity and reliability. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367343248

Basic Radio Journalism Basic Radio Journalism is a working manual and practical guide to the tools and techniques necessary to succeed in radio journalism. It will be useful both to students starting a broadcasting career as well as experienced journalists wishing to develop and expand their skills. Based on the popular Local Radio Journalism this book covers the core skills of news gathering writing interviewing reporting and reading with extensive hints and tips. It outlines working practices in both BBC and commercial radio. There are revamped legal and technical sections as well as a new chapter on the journalist as programme producer. For the student there is extensive advice about getting a job marketing yourself and dealing with job interviews. The Foreword is by Lord Ryder of Wensum vice chairman of the BBC. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138146853

Basic RussianA Grammar and Workbook Designed for students with a basic knowledge of Russian this book provides an accessible reference grammar and related exercises in a single volume.Across more than forty grammar topics it introduces the student to Russian people and culture through the medium of the language used today covering the core material which the student would expect to encounter in their first year of learning Russian.Complete with a full key to exercises and glossary Basic Russian is a user-friendly reference grammar suitable for both independent study and class use. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415698269

Basic Sciences and DevelopmentRethinking Donor Policy First published in 1998. In the Third World development-orientated research in the basic sciences have received a negligible share of available resources from domestic and foreign sources. This book addresses the growing concerns regarding the policies guiding support to development research in recipient countries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138611009

Basic Services for All in an Urbanizing World UCLG’s Third Global Report on Local Democracy and Decentralization (GOLD III) examines basic service provision and the current state-of-play of the local governance of basic services around the world. Basic Services for All in an Urbanizing World examines the enormous challenge of ensuring the universal provision of basic services in a world that is being shaped by rapid global urbanization climate change and economic social and technological transformation. The world’s urban population is predicted to reach 5 billion people within the next 20-30 years. The report analyses the conditions necessary for local governments to provide these new urban residents with quality basic services. Water sanitation waste management transport and energy are essential not only for the preservation of human life and dignity but also in driving economic growth and ensuring social equality. Each chapter examines a world region drawing on existing research and consultation with local authorities on the ground. The chapters review access levels legal and institutional frameworks and the different ways in which basic services are managed and financed as well as showcasing diverse examples of innovation in the local and multi-level governance of services. It concludes with a set of recommendations for all stakeholders with a view to making the goal of basic services for all a reality. This report contributes to discussions on the Millennium Development Goals and the UN Post-2015 Development Agenda. The findings of GOLD III will also be essential to promoting the vision of local governments at the 2016 UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat III). Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138780606

Basic Skills Education in Community CollegesInside and Outside of Classrooms Nearly two-thirds of students require some form of remediation before taking college-level classes and community colleges have become increasingly important in providing this education. Unfortunately relatively few students complete the developmental courses required to make a transition to college-level work. Based on a three-year study of over twenty community colleges Basic Skills Education in Community Colleges analyzes developmental education practices exploring what goes wrong and what goes right and provides a series of recommendations for improved practice. Including both classroom observations and interviews with administrators faculty and students this valuable book balances critique with examples of innovation. Part One explores the instructional settings of basic skills—the use of drill and practice and remedial pedagogy in math reading writing and ESL as well as innovations in colleges that show developmental education need not follow remedial pedagogy. Part Two examines institutional factors shaping basic skills and provides recommendations for improving the quality of basic skills instruction. The research-grounded observations and recommendations in Basic Skills Education in Community Colleges make this an invaluable resource for scholars administrators and faculty aiming to help students progress through developmental education to college-level work and beyond. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415634755

Basic Skills for Childcare - LiteracyTutor Pack First Published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books David Fulton Publishers 9781315064826

Basic Skills for Childcare - NumeracyTutor Pack First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books David Fulton Publishers 9781315064840

Basic Social Policy and PlanningStrategies and Practice Methods In Basic Social Policy and Planning Burch presents a generic process for professional intervention and social work leadership that is required of those who desire to achieve improvements in the lives of those they serve. Burch developed this text and guide so that even persons with no prior formal training in social planning can apply these principles in their practices. Because few social workers are content with simply repairing the damages caused by inequities inadequacies and injustices in society Basic Social Policy and Planning offers a usable set of guidelines on how to change lives for the better in small and occasionally large ways from within any setting--agency community and public policy.Social workers nurses teachers and other human service professionals spend their lives relating to the social and emotional needs and problems of people. Burch converts sophisticated policy and planning concepts and techniques into a form which experts and non-experts can understand relate to and apply in their practices. He supplies these workers with approaches methods models ways of thinking and techniques for planning. He covers: VIBES (Values Interests Beliefs Ethics and Slants): Understanding where you and others are coming from and toward what destination you and they are heading Systems theories and worldviews: Understanding how these affect planning Logical analysis of all ways of thinking--scientific and experiential bounded and nonbounded Different approaches to planning--comprehensive rational analysis; disjointed incrementalism and satisficing; mixed scanning; strategic decentralized contingency transactional and advocacy planning Global strategic tactical and project management levels of planning Needs assessment and participation of those who will be affected Quantitative and economic planning approaches: Understanding basic ideology and assumptions Quantitative and economic approaches--measurement pricing cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis decision analysisWhen used as a text the first priority of this book is to give BSW and MSW students the training which they will need and want later in their careers. This training is consistent with Council on Social Work Education’s required BSW/MSW foundation courses as well as advance practice courses in most programs. When used as a guidebook for the many practitioners who have learned since graduation that they need more skill in setting and achieving policy agency and community goals than they learned in school Basic Social Policy and Planning can enhance the “left brain” in social workers who as a group tend to be stronger in the “right brain” direction with chapters that walk the reader step-by-step through a generic rational planning model and tell why whom when and how to involve others in planning. Because the substance of the book is rooted in advance interdisciplinary planning theory and practice this book is just what the doctor ordered for a doctoral first course in policy and planning--it provides the “hard” background in planning for professors of policy and macro practice. It is also highly appropriate for new PhDs who are assigned to teach such courses with limited background with its chapters on foundations of policy and planning various approaches to planning and quantitative techniques related to costs benefits and uncertainties in planning. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203052143

Basic SpanishA Grammar and Workbook Presenting twenty individual grammar points in lively and realistic contexts Basic Spanish is an accessible reference grammar with related exercises in one easy to follow volume. Beginning with the simpler aspects of Spanish and progressing on to more complex areas each chapter contains grammar points that are followed by examples and exercises selected to reinforce the topic. A first-class introduction to the language features of this practical book include: * authentic reading texts to encourage an understanding of Spain and Spanish-speaking countries * reference to Latin American usage where appropriate * abundant exercises with full answer key * glossary of grammatical terms. Clearly presented and user-friendly Basic Spanish provides readers with the basic tools to express themselves in a wide variety of situations making it an ideal reference and practice resource for both beginners and students with some knowledge of the language. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138139213

Basic Statistical Methods and Models for the Sciences The use of statistics in biology medicine engineering and the sciences has grown dramatically in recent years and having a basic background in the subject has become a near necessity for students and researchers in these fields. Although many introductory statistics books already exist too often their focus leans towards theory and few help readers gain effective experience in using a standard statistical software package.Designed to be used in a first course for graduate or upper-level undergraduate students Basic Statistical Methods and Models builds a practical foundation in the use of statistical tools and imparts a clear understanding of their underlying assumptions and limitations. Without getting bogged down in proofs and derivations thorough discussions help readers understand why the stated methods and results are reasonable. The use of the statistical software Minitab is integrated throughout the book giving readers valuable experience with computer simulation and problem-solving techniques. The author focuses on applications and the models appropriate to each problem while emphasizing Monte Carlo methods the Central Limit Theorem confidence intervals and power functions.The text assumes that readers have some degree of maturity in mathematics but it does not require the use of calculus. This along with its very clear explanations generous number of exercises and demonstrations of the extensive uses of statistics in diverse areas applications make Basic Statistical Methods and Models highly accessible to students in a wide range of disciplines. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367396459

Basic Statistics and EpidemiologyA Practical Guide Fourth Edition Basic Statistics and Epidemiology is a straightforward primer in basic statistics that emphasizes its practical use in epidemiology and public health providing an understanding of essential topics such as study design data analysis and statistical methods used in the execution of medical research. Assuming no prior knowledge the clarity of the text and care of presentation ensure those new to or challenged by these topics are given a thorough introduction without being overwhelmed by unnecessary detail. An understanding and appreciation of statistics is central to ensuring that professional practice is based on the best available evidence in order to treat and help most appropriately the wider community. By reading this book students researchers doctors nurses and health managers will have the knowledge necessary to understand and apply the tools of statistics and epidemiology to their own practice. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781785231162

Basic Statistics and Pharmaceutical Statistical Applications Building on its best-selling predecessors Basic Statistics and Pharmaceutical Statistical Applications Third Edition covers statistical topics most relevant to those in the pharmaceutical industry and pharmacy practice. It focuses on the fundamentals required to understand descriptive and inferential statistics for problem solving. Incorporating new material in virtually every chapter this third edition now provides information on software applications to assist with evaluating data.New to the Third EditionUse of Excel® and Minitab® for performing statistical analysisDiscussions of nonprobability sampling procedures determining if data is normally distributed evaluation of covariances and testing for precision equivalenceExpanded sections on regression analysis chi square tests tests for trends with ordinal data and tests related to survival statistics Additional nonparametric procedures including the one-sided sign test Wilcoxon signed-ranks test and Mood’s median testWith the help of flow charts and tables the author dispels some of the anxiety associated with using basic statistical tests in the pharmacy profession and helps readers correctly interpret their results using statistical software. Through the text’s worked-out examples readers better understand how the mathematics works the logic behind many of the equations and the tests’ outcomes. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367576165

Basic Studio Directing All studio directors need to know the basics of studio directing whether they go on to direct news drama children's programmes or light entertainment. Learning the ropes on air can be costly: this book gives you all the practical and technical guidance you need to deliver a trouble free programme. All studio directors need to know the basics of studio directing whether they go on to direct news drama children's programmes or light entertainment. Learning the ropes on air can be costly: this book gives you all the practical and technical guidance you need to deliver a trouble free programme.Starting with an emphasis on the skills that make a good director the essential day to day know-how is outlined - from different presentation formats to the roles of the production team camera technology composition lighting digital video chroma key make-up and wardrobe. Whether you are a student or practitioner wishing to sharpen up your technique this manual is an excellent guide to the technology and skills required.This book:· Provides essential day to day information in one handy source · Offers a combination of theory and practice technical data and intuitive skill· Is an excellent introductory text for anyone embarking on a career in directingContents:Networks * Cameras and Pictures * Pre-Production * Cutting and Combining Pictures * The Studio Team * Interviews * Magazines * Script Layouts * Electronic Newsrooms * Practical Directing * Communications * Directors Technology * Dealing with Problems.Rod Fairweather is a freelance director and has worked for companies such as SKY TV GMTV ITN and MTV Europe. He conducts training courses on directing all over the world including Singapore India and Australia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138151406

Basic Surveying The primary aim of this book is to provide a guide to current practice and equipment for non-specialist surveyors in the various professions involved in the construction industry and the environment. It is suitable for students preparing for degrees and diplomas in architecture building building surveying quantity surveying estate management and town planning and environmental studies. It is also of value to engineers who are not specialising in engineering surveying.This book has been thoroughly revised to include new topics such as OS digital mapping standard deviation and standard error global positioning systems transition and vertical curves.Walter Whyte was born in New Zealand of Scottish parents and educated in Scotland. He worked on site and building surveys in Scotland. He worked on site and building surveys in Scotland then on road survey and setting out in the North Nyanza and Uasin Gishu Provinces of Kenya and as a road engineer in British Southern Cameroons and Northern Nigeria De Montford University in the UK and latterly at City University Hong Kong.Raymond E Paul has been professionally involved in surveying for over 40 years as a land and cartographical surveyor senior lecturer and author. He has a wealth of practical experience and an awareness of the needs of the intended users of this book from all corners of the globe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138168749

Basic SwedishA Grammar and Workbook Basic Swedish: A Grammar and Workbook combines an accessible basic reference grammar and related exercises in one volume and covers most of the topics that students might expect to deal with in their first year of learning Swedish. Each of the 25 units discusses one or more grammar topics with examples that are subsequently practised in the exercises that follow. The book introduces the contemporary language against a backdrop of Swedish culture society geography customs and history. Each unit ends with a cultural text that outlines an aspect of Swedish culture and exemplifies and consolidates the grammar topic examined in the unit. Features include: clear grammatical explanations with examples in Swedish and English vocabulary based on a major corpus of written Swedish in order to guarantee authenticity and relevance cross-references to other units over 100 exercises with a key to all the correct answers full vocabulary list at the end of the book. The book is suitable both for independent study and for class use. It can be used by absolute beginners and those who have advanced a little further. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138779570

Basic Transesophageal and Critical Care Ultrasound Basic Transesophageal and Critical Care Ultrasound provides an overview of transesophageal ultrasound of the heart lung and upper abdomen as well as basic ultrasound of the brain lung heart abdomen and vascular system. Ultrasound-guided procedures commonly used in critically ill patients are also covered. With more than 400 clinical images this well-illustrated text and its accompanying videos demonstrate new developments and challenges for those interested in mastering basic transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and bedside surface ultrasound. Each chapter is presented in an easy-to-read format that includes color diagrams and ultrasound images which optimize interactive learning for both novice and experienced clinicians. The book is divided into two parts. The first is dedicated to basic TEE while the second provides focused coverage of bedside ultrasound. The book also includes chapters on extra-cardiac TEE and ultrasound of the brain—unconventional areas that will become more important in the future as clinicians evaluate not only the etiology of hemodynamic instability but also the impact on multiple organs and systems such as the kidney liver splanchnic perfusion and brain. This text is an invaluable resource to those preparing for the National Board of Echocardiography’s Examination of Special Competence in Basic Perioperative Transesophageal Echocardiography (PTEeXAM) and its equivalents outside the USA and Canada. In addition it prepares physicians for the American College of Chest Physician’s critical care ultrasound certification. The contents follow the syllabus of the TEE basic echo exam to ensure complete coverage of a trainee's requirements. It also includes sample questions and two helpful mock exams. Written by a multidisciplinary team of experts in TEE the book is a must-have for those in training and in practice. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482237122

Basic Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Engineering Basic Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Engineering Fourth Edition brings together fundamental engineering and life science principles with specific attention paid to the momentum and mass transport concepts applicable to the design of medical devices. Such an analysis highlights the chemical and physical transport processes used in the development of artificial organs bioartificial organs controlled drug delivery systems and tissue engineering. Basic Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Engineering Fourth Edition furthermore provides a basic review of units and dimensions with some tips for solving engineering problems; an investigation of thermodynamic concepts with an emphasis on the properties of solutions; and an in-depth exploration of body fluids osmosis and membrane filtration the physical and flow properties of blood solute transport oxygen transport and pharmacokinetic analysis. This text is written with curious and inquisitive students in mind who wish to develop their skill and expertise in biomedical engineering. Basic Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Engineering Fourth Edition is likewise advantageous to students in chemical engineering mechanical engineering biotechnology bioengineering medicine life sciences as well as those involved with all facets of the biomedical engineering community. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138749535

Basic TV Reporting Basic TV Reporting is a practical easy to read guide to the skills needed to become a successful television reporter - arguably the most demanding and glamorous job in journalism. The book describes the role in detail how reporters fit into the editorial team and where their duties begin and end. Basic TV Reporting is a practical easy to read guide to the skills needed to become a successful television reporter - arguably the most demanding and glamorous job in journalism. The book describes the role in detail how reporters fit into the editorial team and where their duties begin and end.The late Ivor Yorke has enjoyed a wealth of experience to pass on to aspiring broadcast journalists having spent more than 20 years as a writer reporter producer and editor before becoming Head of Journalist Training BBC News and Current Affairs. He was also a freelance training consultant. He is the author of Television News (now in its third edition) and co-author with the late Bernard Hesketh of An Introduction to ENG also published by Focal Press.Reviews: `This is a short well-constructed book which is of as much value to the interviewed as to the interviewer. It is practical and down-to-earth (`keep off the gin and stick to the tonic') and delightfully easy to read.' British Journal of Educational Technology.' Easy to read guide to the skills needed to become a successful TV reporter.'Voice of the Listener Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138145597

Basic TV TechnologyDigital and Analog Basic TV Technology is the essential basic guide to the fundamentals underlying all television and video systems written for students and nontechnical professionals. You don't need to have a math or science background in order to understand this explanation of how the principal pieces of equipment work what their functions are and how they are integrated to form a complex video system. An understanding of this material will be necessary for you to succeed in the real world where one person often has to perform many different roles and functions within a production. Armed with some basic technical background information you'll be more effective at figuring out new applications and at problem-solving. The fourth edition of Basic TV Technology has been updated to reflect the industry shift to digital video and includes new information on compression television standards LCD displays HD and equipment. This book features the accessible Media Manual format in which every topic is covered in two pages: one of explanatory text and one of figures. Need more information on TV technologies go to: Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138426061

Basic Verbs: Colorcards2nd Edition Basic Verbs 2nd Edition has been fully updated for 2016 featuring 48 professionally-photographed cards that illustrate frequently used verbs in simple settings. Each card can be selected to be used independently or grouped with others for use to encourage discussion and consideration about the topic depicted. The cards in this best-selling resource are valuable for individual and group work and may be used in a variety of settings by speech and language therapists among other professionals. The accompanying booklet details the contents of the set and includes suggested ways to use the cards. Example of the cards include: the baby is crying; the girl is dancing; the children are laughing; the man is sleeping in the armchair; and the woman is dressing the boy. Now translated into 8 languages: German; French; Swedish; Dutch; Spanish; Italian; Portuguese; and Japanese. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781909301948

Basic WelshA Grammar and Workbook Basic Welsh: A Grammar and Workbook comprises an accessible grammar handbook and related exercises in a single volume. The book presents forty grammar units covering the core materials which beginning students would expect to encounter in the course of learning Welsh. User-friendly grammar points are followed by multiple examples and exercises which allow students to reinforce and consolidate their learning. Key features include: Clear accessible format Many relevant and useful examples A wide range of challenging exercises to reinforce learning Concise and jargon-free explanations of grammar Full answer key glossary of technical terms and Welsh-English English-Welsh glossary at the back of the book Revised throughout this updated second edition of Basic Welsh provides the ideal practice book for all beginning students in the language. It is suitable for both class use and independent study. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415857499

Basic Word Order (RLE Linguistics B: Grammar)Functional Principles This book examines the frequencies of the six possible basic word (or constituent) orders (SOV SVO VSO VOS OSV OVS) provides a typologically grounded explanation for those frequencies in terms of three independent functional principles of linguistic organization. From a database of nearly 1 000 languages and their basic constituent orders a sample of 400 languages was produced that is statistically representative of both the genetic and areal distributions of the world’s languages. This sample reveals the following relative frequencies (in order from high to low) of basic constituent order types: (1) SOV and SVO (2) VSO (3) VOS and OVS (4) OSV. It is argued that these relative frequencies can be explained to be the result of the possible interactions of three fundamental functional principles of linguistic organization. Principle 1 the thematic information principle specifies that initial position is the cross-linguistically favoured position for clause-level thematic information. Principle 2 the verb-object bonding principle describes the cross-linguistic tendency for a transitive verb and its object to form a more tightly integrated unit syntactically and semantically than does a transitive verb and its subject. Principle 3 the animated principle describes the cross-linguistic tendency for semantic arguments which are either more animate or more agentive to occur earlier in the clause. Each principle is motivated independently of the others drawing on cross-linguistic data from more than 80 genetically and typologically diverse languages. Given these three independently motivated functional principles it is argued that the relative frequency of basic constituent order types is due to the tendency for the three principles to be maximally realized in the world’s languages. SOV and SVO languages are typologically most frequent because such basic orders reflect all three principles. The remaining orders occur less frequently because they reflect fewer of the principles. The 1 000-language database and the genetic and areal classification frames are published as appendices to the volume. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964426

Basic YiddishA Grammar and Workbook Basic Yiddish: A Grammar and Workbook comprises an accessible reference grammar with related exercises in a single volume. The workbook is structured around 25 short units each presenting relevant grammar points which are explained using multiple examples in jargon-free language. Basic Yiddish is suitable for both class use as well as independent study. Key features include: a clear accessible format many useful language examples jargon-free explanations of grammar abundant exercises with a full answer key Clearly presented and user-friendly Basic Yiddish provides readers with the essential tools to express themselves in a wide variety of situations making it an ideal grammar reference and practice resource for both beginners and students with some knowledge of the language. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415555227

Basics of Bookkeeping A knowledge of bookkeeping and a basic understanding of the balance sheet income statement and cash flow statement are indispensable to education in business and economics. Basics of Bookkeeping meets the needs of accounting students and practitioners in understanding the complexities of the subject. After a brief study in elementary accounting the authors introduce the basics of cost accounting financial accounting and financial management. The book provides a practical approach and each new topic is followed by simple examples. With its concise approach this textbook will be valued by students with no background in accounting and finance. A companion website featuring extra exercises and multiple choice questions can be found at Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9789001832841

Basics of Ecotoxicology This textbook presents a comprehensive examination of environmental science and ecotoxicology for undergraduate students. The material provides sufficient related background information leading to a competency to clearly understand ecotoxicology concepts and topics. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138031715

Basics of Electromagnetics and Transmission Lines This book provides a complete awareness on the subject EMTL with regards to both theoretical and practical aspects of the subject. Various concepts from fundamentals to advanced topics are presented and discussed adequately. The book’s bottom-up approach ensures that students understand all the basic building blocks before the development of a real-life system. Numerical problems and day-to-day examples practical situations that occur in industries & daily life are also presented. Please note: Taylor & Francis does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India Pakistan Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367363307

Basics of Game Design Basics of Game Design is for anyone wanting to become a professional game designer. Focusing on creating the game mechanics for data-driven games it covers role-playing real-time strategy first-person shooter simulation and other games. Written by a 25-year veteran of the game industry the guide offers detailed explanations of how to design the data sets used to resolve game play for moving combat solving puzzles interacting with NPCs managing inventory and much more. Advice on developing stories for games building maps and levels and designing the graphical user interface is also included. Media > Books > Print Books A K Peters/CRC Press 9781568814339

Basics of Hydraulic Systems Second Edition This textbook surveys hydraulics and fluid power systems technology with new chapters on system modeling and hydraulic systems controls now included.The text presents topics in a systematic way following the course of energy transmission in hydraulic power generation distribution deployment modeling and control in fluid power systems. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138484665

Basics of International Business The field of international business is dynamic complex and challenging vulnerable to fast-breaking events such as economic shifts political turmoil and natural disasters. This concise and affordable textbook will help future international business executives acquire the skills to function effectively under these challenging conditions. "Basics of International Business" incorporates coverage of the ongoing turmoil in the world financial markets. It's designed to familiarize students with the external environments that affect international businesses to show them how to recognize the processes in identifying potential foreign markets and to help them understand the functional strategies that can be developed to succeed in this highly competitive environment. The text focuses on 'must-know' core concepts in international business. The concepts theories and techniques are organized around seven major topical areas: introduction and overview of international business; environmental variables of culture politics and economics; entry strategies for new markets and countries; international trade and foreign direct investments; integration of functional areas; specific functioning areas (marketing finance accounting etc.); global outsourcing and its role in international operations. The text is filled with helpful charts chapter summaries exercises and applied cases. A detailed instructor's manual including course outlines classroom exercises and a complete test bank is available to adopters on the MES website. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138154353

Basics of Law Librarianship Here is an essential introductory guide on all aspects of law librarianship written especially for non-law librarians library school students and beginning law librarians. Although there are several excellent practical handbooks and numerous articles on specific topics of law librarianship for practicing law librarians Basics of Law Librarianship is the only resource that addresses the information needs of the student or new law librarian. Author Deborah Panella managing librarian of a large prominent New York law firm explores the major areas of law librarianship. She covers vital topics such as the legal clientele collection development research tools technical services impact of technology and management issues and describes what makes law libraries different from other special libraries. She has written a clear readable volume without excessive detail or the use of special terminology. The bibliography of law library literature and the index add enormously to the book’s value as a major reference. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203056554

Basics of MATLAB and Beyond MATLAB The tremendously popular computation numerical analysis signal processing data analysis and graphical software package-allows virtually every scientist and engineer to make better and faster progress. As MATLAB's world-wide sales approach a half-million with an estimated four million users it becomes a near necessity that professionals and students have a level of competence in its use. Until now however there has been no book that quickly and effectively introduces MATLAB's capabilities to new users and assists those with more experience down the path toward increasingly sophisticated work.Basics of MATLAB and Beyond is just such a book. Its hands-on tutorial approach gently takes new users by the hand and leads them to competence in all the fundamentals of MATLAB. Then with equal effectiveness it covers the advanced topics that lead to full creative exploitation of MATLAB's awesome power. With this book readers will:Solve more problems with MATLAB-and solve them fasterCreate clearer more beautiful graphics with control over every detailCreate their own MATLAB codeShare their work by exporting data and graphics to other applicationsDevelop graphical user interfaces Based on the latest 5.x release Basics of MATLAB and Beyond supplies both novice and experienced users the tools they need to gain proficiency increase productivity and ultimately have more fun with MATLAB. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138442450

Basics of Matrix Algebra for Statistics with R A Thorough Guide to Elementary Matrix Algebra and Implementation in R Basics of Matrix Algebra for Statistics with R provides a guide to elementary matrix algebra sufficient for undertaking specialized courses such as multivariate data analysis and linear models. It also covers advanced topics such as generalized inverses of singular and rectangular matrices and manipulation of partitioned matrices for those who want to delve deeper into the subject. The book introduces the definition of a matrix and the basic rules of addition subtraction multiplication and inversion. Later topics include determinants calculation of eigenvectors and eigenvalues and differentiation of linear and quadratic forms with respect to vectors. The text explores how these concepts arise in statistical techniques including principal component analysis canonical correlation analysis and linear modeling. In addition to the algebraic manipulation of matrices the book presents numerical examples that illustrate how to perform calculations by hand and using R. Many theoretical and numerical exercises of varying levels of difficulty aid readers in assessing their knowledge of the material. Outline solutions at the back of the book enable readers to verify the techniques required and obtain numerical answers. Avoiding vector spaces and other advanced mathematics this book shows how to manipulate matrices and perform numerical calculations in R. It prepares readers for higher-level and specialized studies in statistics. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781498712361

Basics of Molecular Recognition Basics of Molecular Recognition explores fundamental recognition principles between monomers or macromolecules that lead to diverse biological functions. Based on the author’s longtime courses the book helps readers understand the structural aspects of macromolecular recognition and stimulates further research on whether molecules similar to DNA or protein can be synthesized chemically. The book begins with the types of bonds that participate in the recognition and the functional groups that are capable of forming these bonds. It then explains how smaller molecules select their partners in the overall recognition scheme offering examples of specific recognition patterns involving molecules other than nucleic acids. The core of the book focuses on macromolecular recognition—the central dogma of molecular biology. The author discusses various methods for studying molecular recognition. He also describes how molecules without biological functions can be arrayed or folded following certain rules and examines the nature of interactions among them. Molecular recognition is a vast area encompassing every aspect of biology. This book highlights all aspects of non-covalent macromolecular recognition processes including DNA–protein recognition and sugar–protein recognition. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482219685

Basics of Precision Engineering Advances in engineering precision have tracked with technological progress for hundreds of years. Over the last few decades precision engineering has been the specific focus of research on an international scale. The outcome of this effort has been the establishment of a broad range of engineering principles and techniques that form the foundation of precision design. Today’s precision manufacturing machines and measuring instruments represent highly specialised processes that combine deterministic engineering with metrology. Spanning a broad range of technology applications precision engineering principles frequently bring together scientific ideas drawn from mechanics materials optics electronics control thermo-mechanics dynamics and software engineering. This book provides a collection of these principles in a single source. Each topic is presented at a level suitable for both undergraduate students and precision engineers in the field. Also included is a wealth of references and example problems to consolidate ideas and help guide the interested reader to more advanced literature on specific implementations. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498760850

Basics of Quantum Electrodynamics Quantum electrodynamics (QED) is the branch of relativistic quantum field theory that deals specifically with the interactions between charged particles. It is widely used to solve problems in many areas of physics such as elementary particles atomic and molecular systems and solid state physics. This accessible text Basics of Quantum Electrodynamics supplies a solid foundation in this dynamic area of physics making a direct connection to the concepts of quantum mechanics familiar to the advanced undergraduate student.Chapters cover the general theory of free fields and the quantization of the scalar electromagnetic and spinorial fields which prepares readers for understanding field interactions. The authors describe the general theory of field interactions introducing the scattering matrix and the Feynman–Dyson graphs. They then discuss divergence-free second-order processes such as Compton and Møller scattering followed by divergent second-order processes which cover vacuum polarization and mass and charge renormalization.Providing a modern informative textbook this volume illustrates the intimate connection between quantum mechanics and QED in two basic steps: the quantization of free fields followed by the theory of their interactions. The text contains solved problems to facilitate the application of the theory as well as a useful appendix on the theory of distributions. The step-by-step description of the quantization of various fields and the clear presentation of the most important interaction processes in QED make this textbook a useful guide for those studying physics at both the graduate and undergraduate level as well as a reference for teachers and researchers in the field. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367380557

Basics of Supply Chain Management The practice of supply chain management has become widespread in most industries. It is now included in the curriculum of many business schools in the United States and in many countries around the world. A number of professional associations such as the American Production and Inventory Control Society and the Supply Chain Management Society offer certification programs in supply chain management for practicing professionals. This book covers the contents of the basic supply chain management course and helps you prepare for the certification examination in supply chain management. Basics of Supply Chain Management covers all modules of a core supply chain management course including: Transformation process Forecasting and managing demand Planning and production scheduling Inventory management Purchasing management Distribution management Global supply chain issues Authored by a practitioner with the highest level of industrial experience and recognition this book presents each concept fully and in an accessible manner. To aid understanding it includes many practice problems self-study test questions and case studies. The case studies of 20 different companies can be used to teach graduate courses in supply chain management using the case method. National as well as global demand for supply chain management experts has been growing exponentially. Therefore learning supply chain management can lead to a very rewarding professional career path. This book gives you the information you need to get started on that path. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466588929

Basics of the Video Production Diary Video production requires a high degree of organization to be a success. Good organization will require a proper diary to be kept of your production. It is the understanding of the paperwork and its organization that will make your production either a success or a failure.Explained in accessible terms and assuming little prior knowledge of the subject this book will help you to: plan successful procedures for all stages of a video production; produce paperwork logically to get professional results; understand the basic principles of setting up and running your own business; avoid common (and costly) pitfalls. If you are a student who wishes to learn about all aspects of planning and documenting a video production from conceptualization right through to final screening this book is for you. It is particularly suitable for the City and Guilds Media Techniques Certificate: Television and Video Production Competences. This book complements the other three titles in the series which allow you to understand the overall process of video production and then look in more detail at sound and lighting. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138164611

Basics of Video Lighting Now fully updated by Des Lyver to reflect the latest advances the second edition of Basics of Video Lighting is a primer for anyone wishing to learn about lighting a video production. It describes the principles and processes involved in obtaining professional results in educational training and corporate environments. Assuming little prior knowledge this book covers everything from the different types of lights and their control to basic studio and location settings. It features:· the latest technology including the use of location and grip gear and changes in lamp and reflector technology · coverage of studio and location work· descriptions of the role of each crew member · full explanations of technical terms· health and safety precautions· practical advice on the equipment available and how to use itBasics of Video Lighting aims to provide the reader with a rapid understanding of what is actually a complex process without getting too bogged down in technical terms. It is equipment non-specific and references to technical matters are only included where necessary to understanding for example a short explanation of the simple electricity that is needed to understand the relationship between the camera and the lights. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138146273

Basics of Video Production Now fully updated by Des Lyver to reflect the latest advances the second edition of Basics of Video Production is a primer for anyone wishing to learn about video production. It describes the principles and processes involved in obtaining professional results in educational training and corporate environments. Assuming little prior knowledge this book takes the reader on a guided tour around a studio or location production examining the production process from conceptualisation to the final screening. It features:· the latest advances in low cost non-linear editing and digital video· coverage of studio and location work· descriptions of the role of each crew member · full explanations of technical terms· health and safety precautions· practical advice on the equipment available and how to use itBasics of Video Production aims to provide the reader with a rapid understanding of what is actually a complex process without getting too bogged down in technical terms. It is equipment non-specific and references to technical matters are only included where necessary to understanding. Much of what is contained in this book will be directly transferable to film and sound courses as the basics and principles are the same. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138137233

Basics of Video Sound Now fully updated to reflect the latest advances the second edition of Basics of Video Sound is a primer for anyone wishing to learn about recording sound. It describes the principles and processes involved in obtaining professional results in educational training and corporate environments.Assuming little prior knowledge this book covers everything from how to choose a microphone and obtain the best quality recordings to editing the results for the final screening. It features:� the latest advances in the use of disc and minidisc systems computer based editing in audio post production� coverage of studio and location work� descriptions of the role of each crew member � full explanations of technical terms� health and safety precautions� practical advice on the equipment available and how to use itBasics of Video Sound aims to provide the reader with a rapid understanding of what is actually a complex process without getting too bogged down in technical terms. It is equipment non-specific and references to technical matters are only included where necessary to understanding for example a short explanation of the electricity and physics that is needed in order to become a good sound recordist. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138468818

BASICS: Be Always Sure Inputs Create Success12 Lean Six Sigma Tools and Techniques to Reduce the Cost of Quality from the Coal Face Out The BASICS Handbook is designed to show personnel at all levels within a manufacturing operations environment that with easy to understand continuous improvement tools they can make a difference to operational performance where safety quality cost delivery and people are paramount to business success. The tools and techniques throughout based upon examples from the author’s experience demonstrate that no matter what industry they can bring the desired added value. This book will help any manufacturing shop floor add value in terms of quality/cost and delivery performance. It will also show how using tools and techniques from the “coal face†out will improve process performance by using simple data collection and measurement – not only on outputs but just as importantly on “critical to quality inputs†such as process parameters and their processing windows – to deliver the desired output KPIs. The power and confidence that this gives to local experts and processing teams enable them to make informed decisions preventing drifts and non-conforming product: prevention being better than cure. The result of these changes is a tangible cultural impact on the shop floor raising the level at which operating teams work and improving morale. BASICS will enable staff at all levels to understand their performance measures and produce sustainable results. The book contains practical tools methods and techniques that have been tried and tested by the author over a successful 30-year career as a contractor transforming variable processing and inconsistent KPI results. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367444594

Basil Bernstein Code Theory and EducationWomen's Contributions Over a career spanning forty years Basil Bernstein produced theoretical models about the workings of educational systems and how these systems produce social relations of inequality. He was considered by many to be a radical scholar whose work generated enormous controversies. One such controversy was around code theory specifically restricted and elaborated codes which came to signify—for some scholars—the deficit views of those living in poverty. Bernstein weathered the intensity of the debates around these ideas spending much of his career vehemently challenging deficit portrayals of code theory reworking and extending his theoretical corpus with the development of ideas around pedagogic discourse and identity. The past decade has witnessed a revival of interest in Bernstein’s theoretical ideas across fields as diverse as policy studies sociology of education curriculum and pedagogy studies anthropology linguistics and social and cultural psychology. This book contributes to the revival of Bernstein’s work by examining specifically some women’s contribution to this theoretical corpus. The contributions traverse a number of disciplines building a rich tapestry of concepts to think about education systems and the formation of social minds. Significantly the book tackles the complex matter of how to empirically work with Bernstein’s ideas and so contribute to debates about the nexus between theory and methods. The chapters in this book were originally published as articles in Taylor & Francis journals or previously published in Taylor & Francis books. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138491250

Basil BernsteinThe thinker and the field Basil Bernstein: The Thinker and the Field provides a comprehensive introduction to the work of Basil Bernstein demonstrating his distinctive contribution to social theory by locating it within the historical context of the development of the sociology of education and Sociology in Britain. Although Bernstein had a particular interest in education he did not see himself as a sociologist of education alone. By exploring Bernstein’s intellectually collaborative character and the evolving system of ideas drawing upon anthropology and linguistics the originality of Bernstein’s contribution to the social sciences can be truly identified. Rob Moore’s text offers a provocative and challenging account both of Bernstein and of British sociology and education approaching Bernstein’s work as a complex model of intertwining ideas rather than a single theory. Continued interest in Bernstein’s work has opened up a world-wide network of scholarship and Moore considers contemporary research alongside classical sources in Durkheim and Marx to provide a historical analysis of the fields of British Sociology and the sociology of education pinpointing Bernstein’s position within them. The book is organised into two main parts: The Field Background and Beginnings Durkheim Cosmology and Education The Problematic The Structure of Pedagogic Discourse Bernstein and Theory Bernstein and research The Pedagogic Device Written by a leading authority in the field this text will be valuable reading for post-graduate students of sociology and education along with active researchers and their research students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138118607

Basil Hall ChamberlainPortrait of a Japanologist This first full length critical biography of one of the most significant figures in Japanese Studies in the last hundred years is based on an earlier work published in Japanese (Iwanami Shoten 1990). Ota sees Chamberlain as a giant of his period both academically and intellectually. His achievements include the first publication of a translation of the Kojiki his pioneering work as the 'father' of Japanese linguistics and the acclaimed Things Japanese which served generations as an everyman encyclopaedia. However Ota also acknowledges Chamberlain's vision in recognising the distinctive merits and strengths of Japanese society and culture at a time of xenophobic Europeanism made possible by the fact that Chamberlain was ahead of his times as a multi-lingual and multi-cultural personality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987722

Basil of Caesarea This unique volume examines the life and thought of Basil of Caesarea. Stephen M. Hildebrand brings together a lengthy introduction to his life and thought with a selection of extracts from his diverse works in new translations with each extract accompanied by an introduction and notes. This format allows students to better understand this significant figure in the Early Church by providing an accessible representative selection of his works in one concise volume making this an invaluable resource for students of Early Christianity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138853782

Basil Spence: Buildings and Projects As one of Britain’s most celebrated architects Basil Spence’s beautiful and varied oeuvre has until now defied proper analysis in the wider twentieth century cultural context. Basil Spence: Buildings and Projects combines critical essays with a chronological framework to paint a vivid picture of the architect and his time. Lavishly illustrated with photos and drawings from the archive many published for the first time the book reveals the virtuoso draftsmanship that lies behind Spence’s groundbreaking architectural vision. The book falls into two parts – a critical historical section and a gazetteer. Part I comprises four chronological sections. Each begins with a chapter containing an overview of practice history and of Spence’s public and personal life followed by chapters setting Spence’s key buildings in their historical and critical context. Part II contains a comprehensive gazetteer documenting and illustrating all Spence’s projects giving a sense of the range and diversity of Spence’s life and work. Elegantly designed and packed with superb period photography and drawings Sir Basil Spence: Buildings and Projects is a landmark event in the literature of architectural history.|In the 1950s and 1960s Basil Spence – architect of Coventry Cathedral and of Sussex University – was Britain’s best-known architect. However Spence’s varied and superbly crafted oeuvre has until now defied proper analysis in the wider twentieth-century cultural context. Basil Spence: Buildings and Projects combines critical essays with a chronological framework to paint a vivid picture of the architect and his times. Lavishly illustrated with photos and drawings from the archive many published for the first time the book reveals the virtuoso draftsmanship that lies behind Spence’s groundbreaking architectural vision. The book falls into two parts – a critical historical section and a List of Works. The first part comprises four chronological sections. Each begins with a chapter containing an overview of practice history and of Spence’s public and personal life followed by chapters setting Spence’s key buildings in their historical and critical context. The second part contains a comprehensive List of Works documenting all Spence’s projects and illustrating many of them in order to give a sense of the range and diversity of his life and work. Elegantly designed and packed with superb period photography and drawings Basil Spence: Buildings and Projects is a landmark event in the literature of architectural history. Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859463093

Basil the Great: Faith Mission and Diplomacy in the Shaping of Christian Doctrine Regarded as one of the three hierarchs or pillars of orthodoxy along with Gregory of Nazianzus and John Chrysostom Basil is a key figure in the formative process of Christianity in the fourth century. While his role in establishing Trinitarian terminology as well as his function in shaping monasticism his social thought and even his contribution to the evolution of liturgical forms have been the focus of research for many years there are few studies which centre on his political thought. Basil played a major role in the political and religious life between Cappadocia and Armenia and was a key figure in the tumultuous relationship between Church and State in Late Antiquity. He was a great religious leader and a gifted diplomat and developed a ’special relationship’ with Emperor Valens and other high imperial officials. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367591601

Basketball Data ScienceWith Applications in R Using data from one season of NBA games Basketball Data Science: With Applications in R is the perfect book for anyone interested in learning and applying data analytics in basketball. Whether assessing the spatial performance of an NBA player’s shots or doing an analysis of the impact of high pressure game situations on the probability of scoring this book discusses a variety of case studies and hands-on examples using a custom R package. The codes are supplied so readers can reproduce the analyses themselves or create their own. Assuming a basic statistical knowledge Basketball Data Science with R is suitable for students technicians coaches data analysts and applied researchers. Features: · One of the first books to provide statistical and data mining methods for the growing field of analytics in basketball. · Presents tools for modelling graphs and figures to visualize the data. · Includes real world case studies and examples such as estimations of scoring probability using the Golden State Warriors as a test case. · Provides the source code and data so readers can do their own analyses on NBA teams and players. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138600799

Basketball in AmericaFrom the Playgrounds to Jordan's Game and Beyond Examine the social and cultural impact of basketball on America at the amateur and professional levels!Basketball in America: From the Playgrounds to Jordan’s Game and Beyond is a pioneering analysis of the history of basketball and its effect on popular culture from the 1970s to today. The popularity of basketball is undeniable and the subject allows for such a broad range of interpretations in popular culture. It cuts across economic racial and social boundaries and its major stars cross over into other forms of popular entertainment more than any other professional sport. This book examines the entire scope of modern basketball history from the playgrounds where people first learn the fundamentals to the college and professional levels. Basketball in America is a collection of essays that explores the intersection of basketball and popular culture in America. The contributors are an eclectic mix of writers scholars journalists former players coaches and sports enthusiasts who all share an undying love for the game of basketball. The authors analyze the sport from a cross-cultural and historical perspectivedigging deep into the profound popular cultural influences of basketball and exploring the scope and depth of its influence. This is the first book that examines the social and cultural impact of basketball on American society to reveal how tightly it is woven into America’s cultural fabric. Also included are photographs and tables to enhance your understanding of the material.Topics covered in Basketball in America include: Elgin Baylorthe first modern basketball player Chocolate Thunder and Short Shorts: The NBA in the 1970s Dr. J Bird Magic Jordan and the Bad Boys: The NBA in the 1980s The Jordan Era: The NBA in the 1990s LeBron James and the future of the NBA the Nike brand and popular culture lessons learned from legendary UNC coach Dean Smith professional women’s basketball and much more! Basketball in America is a comprehensive analysis that will appeal to anyone interested in understanding how the sport has become an integral part of our national culture. It is an insightful read for sports fans as well as for sports historians. In addition this book can be used as a textbook in sports history or sociology of sports classes. It will entertain and inform those who treasure basketball and the role it plays in the American consciousness. Make it part of your collection today! Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315043869

Basketry TechnologyA Guide to Identification and Analysis Updated Edition Basketry Technology first published in 1977 is the only comprehensive guide for archaeologists anthropologists art historians and collectors for identifying and analyzing ancient baskets and basket fragments. Long out of print this volume is again available with an extensive new introduction by the original author that summarizes the extensive work done in this area over the past 35 years. The volume describes proper field and lab techniques for recovery of specimens and offers a systematic methodology for identifying and interpreting twined coiled and plaited basket samples. It then uses Canyon de Chelly as an example of how to process a large basketry assemblage properly. In addition to 200 illustrations the book includes a variety of sample forms to use in describing and analyzing ancient baskets. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781598745573

Basque Phonology This book is the first comprehensive treatment of the phonological system of Basque available in English. Basque is a morphologically rich and fairly regular language with a number of active phonological rules that are limited to certain morphological environments. In addition it has a high degree of dialectical fragmentation. These characteristics of Basque make this language a good test ground to investigate the interaction of phonological rules both with each other and with morphological processes which the author does within the Lexical Phonology framework. The effects of rule interaction on feature geometry are a major concern - how phonological operations modify underlying structures and how the structures created by one phonological rule can serve as input to other rules. These effects are examined in a study of the rather peculiar behaviour of Basque affricates. Another area which requires particular attention and in which Basque dialects differ widely is prosody. Along with stress-accent systems of different types Basque also possesses pitch-accent or restricted tonal systems in some of its western dialects. This book should be of interest to advanced students and teachers of linguistics especially Romance linguistics and lexical phonology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964433

Bassari MigrationsThe Quiet Revolution This book is about how a Bassari village is being incorporated into larger national structures in Senegal through seasonal and long-term migration. It explains how the effects of migration have been controlled and shaped and discusses how migration have strengthened the village power structure. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367161569

Bassett's Environmental Health Procedures Environmental health law is a wide-ranging detailed and complex body of law within the UK. Bassett’s Environmental Health Procedures is an established and essential reference source which provides an accessible entry into enforcement and administrative procedures for environmental health. The main legal procedures used in the environmental health field are presented as flow charts supported by explanatory text. This ninth edition refines the structure introduced in the eighth edition with each chapter addressing a single topic. It has introduced the titles of the corresponding legislation in Scotland and Northern Ireland where there is such legislation. The book has been updated throughout to reflect new practices legislation and statutory guidance. Specifically the ninth edition contains new content on antisocial behaviour and significant updates to sections on: Enforcement and administration Environmental protection Food safety Housing Public health. Environmental health officers/practitioners and students will find this book invaluable. It will also be an essential reference for all those whose responsibilities demand they keep abreast of current environmental health practices. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367183288

Bastard Feudalism This major work is the most radical reinterpretation of the subject for fifty years. Hicks argues that Bastard Feudalism was far more complex - and positive in its effects - than previous accounts have suggested. A major contribution to historical debate which revolutionises our view of late medieval society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138836396

Bastard Feudalism and the Law (Routledge Revivals) This title first published in 1989 was one of the first to directly address the legal dimension of bastard feudalism. John Bellamy explores the role and vulnerability of local officials and juries the nature of the endemic land wars and the interference in the justice system by those at the top of the social chain. What emerges is a focus on the role of land in disputes the importance of royal favour and political advantage and the attempt to suppress disruption. This is an interesting title which will be of particular value to students researching the nature of late medieval and early Tudor feudalism royal patronage and legal procedure. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415712903

Bastide on ReligionThe Invention of Candomble Roger Bastide developed the theory of acculturation which provides a framework for understanding contact between different cultures and beliefs. 'Bastide on Religion' offers a clear introduction to the life and work of this influential scholar. The volume focuses on Bastide's study of Afro-Brazilian religions in particular his study of Candomble a religion born from the contact between African and Brazilian cultures. The book outlines Bastide's work on acculturation his concept of the relationship between religion and culture and his challenge to many dominant approaches to economic development. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315710990

Batch DistillationSimulation Optimal Design and Control Second Edition Most available books in chemical engineering mainly pertain to continuous processes with batch distillation relegated to a small section. Filling this void in the chemical engineering literature Batch Distillation: Simulation Optimal Design and Control Second Edition helps readers gain a solid hands-on background in batch processing. The second edition of this bestseller explores numerous new developments in batch distillation that have emerged since the publication of the first edition. New to the Second Edition Special sections on complex column configurations and azeotropic extractive and reactive distillation A chapter on various kinds of uncertainties in batch distillation A chapter covering software packages for batch distillation simulation design optimization and control Separate chapters on complex columns and complex systems Up-to-date references and coverage of recent research articles This edition continues to explain how to effectively design synthesize and make operations decisions related to batch processes. Through careful treatments of uncertainty analysis optimization and optimal control methods the author gives readers the necessary tools for making the best decisions in practice. While primarily designed for a graduate course in batch distillation the text can also be used in undergraduate chemical engineering courses. In addition researchers and academics faced with batch distillation research problems and practicing chemical engineers tackling problems in actual day-to-day operations will find the book to be a useful reference source. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073173

Batch Processes Reduced time to market lower production costs and improved flexibility are critical success factors for batch processes. Their ability to handle variations in feedstock and product specifications has made them key to the operation of multipurpose facilities and therefore quite popular in the specialty chemical pharmaceutical agricultural and biotechnology-enabled products industries. The editors of Batch Processes analyze the design development operations and control of batch processes — providing answers to the most challenging and pressing problems associated with their use. They present a reference unique in its coverage of both process design and operations management issues. Leading experts from industry and academia contribute chapters that discuss batch process scheduling design software tools and the latest technologies their implementation and their respective advantages. The book is presented in four parts for easy reference. Part I Batch Processing General Overview introduces the topic and discusses batch processing industries. Part II Batch Processing Design Issues includes information on conceptual design and synthesis reactors in bioindustries distillation crystallization and pollution prevention. Part III Batch Processing Management informs the reader on modeling and optimization planning and scheduling monitoring and control and supply chain management. Part IV Future of Batch Processing offers concluding remarks and contemplates the future of batch processing. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367392079

Batch ProcessingModeling and Design Although batch processing has existed for a long time designing these processes and unit operations has been considered an onerous task that required computational efforts. Design of these processes is made more complex because of the time dependent nature of the process and the allowable flexibility. More often than not every unit encounters optimal control problems. Therefore traditional design books have not covered batch processing in detail. Filling this void Batch Processing: Modeling and Design describes various unit operations in batch and bio-processing as well as design methods for these units. Topics include: Batch distillation operating modes and configurations Batch absorption operations based on the solubility difference Batch adsorption based on differential affinity of various soluble molecules to solid absorbents Batch chromatography for measuring a wide variety of thermodynamic kinetic and physico-chemical properties Batch crystallization where a phase is used to find the supersaturation at which point material crystallizes Batch drying that stresses the phase diagram of water to describe this operation Batch filtration using a porous medium or screen to separate solids from liquids Batch centrifugation where centrifugal force is used for separation Batch processes are widely used in pharmaceutical food and specialty chemicals where high value low volume products are manufactured. Recent developments in bio-based manufacturing also favor batch processes because feed variations can be easily handled in batch processes. Further the emerging area of nanomaterials manufacturing currently uses batch processes as they are low volume high energy intensive processes. With examples case studies and more than 100 homework problems this book describes the unit operations in batch and bioprocessing and gives students a thorough grounding in the numerical methods necessary to solve these design problems. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138076747

Bath 1680–1850A Social History or A Valley of Pleasure yet a Sink of Iniquity First published in 1981 Bath 1680–1850 reveals the changing structure of society and its social values as shown in the expansion of the city. The book examines the lives of men and women who lived in Bath and who as consumers and producers transformed it from a small Cotswold town built in the vernacular style into a uniquely spacious Palladian city devoted to the well-being and leisure activities of the wealthy. In doing so it explores how the changes in Bath emerged in response to the needs of commerce industry and its growing working class and presents the city as a microcosm of the social transformation brought about by the development of capitalism in England. Bath 1680–1850 will appeal to those with an interest in social and cultural history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367650599

Batman and the JokerContested Sexuality in Popular Culture This cultural analysis of visual and narrative elements within Batman comics provides an important exploration of the ways readers and creators negotiate gender identity and sexuality in popular culture. Thematic chapters investigate how artists writers and fans engage with challenge and interpret gendered and sexual representations by focusing on one of the most popular and heated fictional rivalries ever inked: that of Batman and the Joker. The monograph provides critical insights into ways queer reading practices can open new forms of understanding that have generally remained implicit and unexplored in mainstream comics studies. This accessible and interdisciplinary approach to the Caped Crusader and the Clown Prince of Crime engages diverse fields of scholarship such as Comics Studies Critical Theory Cultural Studies Gender Studies Literature Psychoanalysis Media Studies and Queer Theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367409210

Batman and the Multiplicity of IdentityThe Contemporary Comic Book Superhero as Cultural Nexus Concentrating primarily on contemporary depictions of Batman in the comic books this book analyzes why Batman is so immensely popular right now in America and globally and how the fictional Dark Knight reveals both new cultural concerns and longstanding beliefs about American values. The organizing premise is that while Batman is perceived as a very clearly defined character he is open to a wide range of interpretations and depictions in the comics (what Henry Jenkins refers to as "multiplicities") each of which allows access to different cultural issues. The idea of Batman functions as an anchoring point out of which multiple Batmen or Batman-like characters can occupy different positions: Grim Batman Gay Batman Female Batman Black Batman Cute Batman and so on. Each iteration opens up a discussion of different cultural issues pertinent to modern society such as sexuality ethnicity feminism and familial relationships. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367663629

Battered Women as Survivors First published in 1990 this book is based on a field study of domestic abuse victims and their social network members. In a life history perspective using values and network analysis it uncovers the social context of a ‘secret’ crime against women and reveals the relationship between personal crisis and traditional attitudes toward women marriage the family and violence. This book breaks new ground by redirecting attention beyond victim-blaming and the medicalization of violence to understanding domestic abuse victims as survivors who manage multiple crises despite public inattention to their plight. From analysis of the women’s struggles with violence and its aftermath this book proposes a new crisis paradigm which underscores the sociocultural aspects of crisis originating from violence. This book will be of interest to those studying social sciences women’s studies social work health and mental health professions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138673632

Battery Energy Storage Systems with Grid-connected Solar PhotovoltaicsA Technical Guide (BR 514) This guide covers battery energy storage systems for domestic or small commercial grid-connected solar photovoltaics (PV). It is intended for two audiences:-Customers. Information is provided to enable the benefits of energy storage systems to be assessed. The pros and cons of different system types are discussed as well as the implications of different system sizes and operating regimes.-System designers and installers. Information is provided to enable the safe and effective design specification and installation of energy storage systems. This guide focuses on grid-connected solar PV systems although some principles also apply to other forms of energy generation. Systems that make use of any ‘spare’ storage capability available from an electric vehicle are not covered. The guide looks at the design sizing and specification of energy storage systems that use established battery technologies to store solar surplus for use later in the day. Typical operating patterns and characteristics of these systems are also examined. Examples are given of how such systems can be configured and connected within a building and the process for sizing batteries and other system components is examined. Media > Books > Print Books IHS BRE Press 9781848064713

Battery Park CityPolitics and Planning on the New York Waterfront Battery Park City in Manhattan has been hailed as a triumph of urban design and is considered to be one of the success stories of American urban redevelopment planning. The flood of praise for its design however can obscure the many lessons from the long struggle to develop the project. Nothing was built on the site for more than a decade after the first master plan was approved and the redevelopment agency flirted with bankruptcy in 1979.Taking a practice-oriented approach the book examines the role of planning and development agencies in implementing urban waterfront redevelopment. It focuses upon the experience of the central actor - the Battery Park City Authority (BPCA) - and includes personal interviews with executives of the BPCA former New York mayors John Lindsay and Ed Koch key public officials planners and developers. Describing the political financial planning and implementation issues faced by public agencies and private developers from 1962 to 1993 it is both a case study and history of one of the most ambitious examples of urban waterfront redevelopment. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203059524

Battery Technology for Electric VehiclesPublic science and private innovation Electric drive vehicles (EDVs) are seen on American roads in increasing numbers. Related to this market trend and critical for it to increase are improvements in battery technology. Battery Technology for Electric Vehicles examines in detail at the research support from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for the development of nickel-metal-hydride (NiMH) and lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries used in EDVs. With public support comes accountability of the social outcomes associated with public investments. The book overviews DOE investments in advanced battery technology documents the adoption of these batteries in EDVs on the road and calculates the economic benefits associated with these improved technologies. It provides a detailed global evaluation of the net social benefits associated with DOEs investments the results of the benefit-to-cost ratio of over 3.6-to-1 and the life-cycle approach that allows adopted EDVs to remain on the road over their expected future life thus generating economic and environmental health benefits into the future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138811102

Battle for CongressIraq Scandal and Campaign Finance in the 2006 Election Just in time for the coming election year this book looks at the changing of the guard in 2006 and speculates on where the system may be heading in 2008. It provides an in-depth examination of the ways in which candidates interest groups and parties perceived their opportunities and allocated their campaign resources during the midterm elections. The role of money which was influenced by campaign finance reform is a special focus in this book. The theme of political scandal has frequently raised concerns that Republican leadership had become a "culture of corruption" that had flourished under their watch which is also addressed in this book. The war in Iraq however may be the most important factor-not only in the 2006 battle for Congress but for the 2008 battle for the White House as well. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315635873

Battle for the Wilderness This book focuses on the principles of wilderness exploring the actual and potential values of wilderness its ecology economics the effect of human impact and mechanisms to protect small relatively untouched tracts in or near urban areas in the United States. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367017187

Battle LinesThe American Media And The Intifada This book is about the intifada the popular Palestinian uprising in the Israeli-occupied territories broadcasted by television to an audience of millions. It explores what happens in a democracy when a government faces a major political crisis with potentially damaging international implications. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367158897

Battle Of Single European Market First published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964440

Battlefield EventsLandscape commemoration and heritage Battlefield Events: Landscape Commemoration and Heritage is an investigative and analytical study into the way in which significant landscapes of war have been constructed and imagined through events over time to articulate specific narratives and denote consequence and identity. The book charts the ways in which a number of landscapes of war have been created and managed from an events perspective and how the processes of remembering (along with silencing and forgetting) at these places has influenced the management of these warscapes in the present day. With chapters from authors based in seven different countries on three continents and comparative case studies this book has a truly international perspective. This timely longitudinal analysis of war commemoration events the associated landscapes travel to these destinations and management strategies will be valuable reading for all those interested in war landscapes and events. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138592230

Battlefield Forensics for Persian Gulf StatesRegional and U.S. Military Weapons Ammunition and Headstamp Markings Battlefield Forensics for Persian Gulf States provides an illustrative reference of various weapons toolmarks headstamps and other traits in order to identify the origins of a variety of guns casings and ammunition that can be found in the Middle East. Various conflicts in the region have led to innumerable weapons being used throughout the years. The lead author Don Mikko has investigated and examined firearms related items of evidence in countless crime scenes throughout the world. As the Chief of the Firearms Branch at the United States Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory (USACIL) Fort Gillem Georgia he recruited trained and competency tested military contractors deploying to various combat related areas of the world those providing forensic firearm and toolmark identification support to local commanders. What was learned was that various foreign weapons and ammunition were being utilized in conflicts and by opposing forces. This book educates readers on the technical data for different types of firearms ammunition countries of origin proof marks penetrator information and the typical firearm markings imparted on fired cartridge cases such as breech-face firing pin ejector and extractor markings. Forensics and biometrics within the Persian Gulf have been leveraged since the early 1990s and many of the firearms and types of ammunition covered in this handbook are addressed in an effort to assist those on the ground who are required to be able to identify such items in various scenarios. The information contained within the book has proven to be effective on the battlefield and has helped shape combat operations. This handbook will serve as a useful reference not only to assist military and contractor personnel within the various combat locations but will also prove to be beneficial for law-enforcement crime laboratory personnel forensic firearm and toolmark examiners crime scene investigators students practitioners and civilian personnel throughout the world. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138370609

Battlefield ForensicsUsing Criminalistics to Support Combat Operations Collecting and processing forensic material on the battlefield is a task normally performed by military investigators during garrison law enforcement operations and by specialized crime scene teams in civilian law enforcement. It is also done by deployed soldiers in situations involving friendly fire attacks on civilians and civilian terrorism. This book trains military personnel to collect forensic material on the battlefield showing how to prioritize evidence on an objective and how to protect document preserve collect and transport forensic material expeditiously and safely. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466558403

Battles for the StandardBimetallism and the Spread of the Gold Standard in the Nineteenth Century This title was first published in 2000. This is a history of the monetary developments in the international economy of the 19th century. It reviews the monetary developments in the core economies of the period: Britain the United States France Germany and also India. Particular attention is given to the expansion of the gold standard in the context of the intense national and international debates about the role of precious metals and the author also examines the conflict between supporters of gold silver and bimetallism both in terms of competing financial and economic theories and in terms of the varying social and cultural backgrounds that informed them. The main thrust of the work is that the sheer plurality of ideas and contexts helped to ensure the eventual victory of the gold standard despite the inherent superiority of bimetallic systems. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138741959

Battles Over Free Trade Volume 1Anglo-American Experiences with International Trade 1776-2007 After the collapse of the Doha Development Round of the World Trade Organization talks agricultural subsidies and market liberalization went high on the political agenda. This work features historical documents that address the thorny relationship between trade and politics the appropriate role of international regulation and domestic concerns. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138660496

Battles Over Free Trade Volume 2Anglo-American Experiences with International Trade 1776-2008 After the collapse of the Doha Development Round of the World Trade Organization talks agricultural subsidies and market liberalization went high on the political agenda. This work features historical documents that address the thorny relationship between trade and politics the appropriate role of international regulation and domestic concerns. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138660502

Battles Over Free Trade Volume 3Anglo-American Experiences with International Trade 1776-2009 After the collapse of the Doha Development Round of the World Trade Organization talks agricultural subsidies and market liberalization went high on the political agenda. This work features historical documents that address the thorny relationship between trade and politics the appropriate role of international regulation and domestic concerns. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138660519

Battles Over Free Trade Volume 4Anglo-American Experiences with International Trade 1776-2010 After the collapse of the Doha Development Round of the World Trade Organization talks agricultural subsidies and market liberalization went high on the political agenda. This work features historical documents that address the thorny relationship between trade and politics the appropriate role of international regulation and domestic concerns. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138660526

Battles Over Free TradeAnglo-American Experiences with International Trade 1776-2006 After the collapse of the Doha Development Round of the World Trade Organization talks agricultural subsidies and market liberalization went high on the political agenda. This work features historical documents that address the thorny relationship between trade and politics the appropriate role of international regulation and domestic concerns. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138663602

Battlestar Galactica and International Relations Looking at a television franchise like Battlestar Galactica (BSG) is no longer news within the discipline of International Relations. A growing number of scholars in and out of IR are studying the importance of cultural artifacts – popular or otherwise – for the phenomena that make up the core of our discipline. The genre of science fiction offers the analyst an opportunity that cannot be matched by more mimetic genres namely the chance to look at how sets of widely-circulating expectations of the social serve to constrain authors as they work to introduce as yet unexplored problematiques the fantasy aspect in much of science fiction storytelling is premised simply on a material difference. As such while the physical setting of a science fiction tale might appear novel its imaginative life world will likely retain many elements of the world we already live in and which we can readily recognize as similar to our own. For Critical IR scholarship then BSG presents an opportunity to examine how these purported homologies or elements of redundancy between the fantastic and the real have been drawn and perhaps to consider too whether the show can teach us things about world politics its various logics and structures which we might not otherwise be sensitive to. Tackling some of the key contemporary issues in IR the writers of BSG have taken on a range of important political themes and issues including the legitimacy of military government the tactical utility of genocide and even the philosophical implications of artificial intelligence technologies for the very category of what it means to be 'human'. The contributors in this book explore in depth the argument that one of the most important aspects of popular culture is to naturalize or normalise a certain social order by further entrenching the expectations of social behaviour upon which our mentalities of rule are founded. This work will be of interest to student and scholars of international relations popular culture and security studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138796393

Battling Boredom Part 199 Strategies to Spark Student Engagement Drive boredom out of your classroom – and keep it out – with the student-engagement strategies in this book. You’ll learn how to gain and sustain the attention of your students from the moment the bell rings. Perfect for teachers of all subjects and grade levels these ready-to-use activities go head-to-head with student boredom and disengagement resulting in class time that’s more efficient more educational and loads more fun! Contents include: Strategies to Begin a Lesson Strategies to End a Lesson Strategies for Solo/Independent Work Strategies for the Whole Group Strategies for Engaging Reluctant Learners Bonus: The book also features a Quick Guide to Parent Engagement with loads of suggestions for increasing student engagement by partnering with families. Companion Book Available! For more strategies don’t miss the companion book Battling Boredom Part 2. Bryan Harris teams up with technology integration expert and former teacher Lisa Bradshaw to provide additional activities on academic talk feedback to boost student performance meaningful writing and reflection prompts movement-based activities effective classroom technology integration and more! Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367151973

Battling Boredom Part 2Even More Strategies to Spark Student Engagement Drive boredom out of your classroom—and keep it out—with the student engagement strategies in this book. In the first Battling Boredom bestselling author Bryan Harris offered strategies on beginning a lesson ending a lesson small group work and large group work. Now in Battling Boredom Part 2 Harris teams up with technology integration expert and former teacher Lisa Bradshaw to provide additional strategies on new topics such as academic talk feedback writing classroom technology and more. You’ll learn how to: Increase the quality and effectiveness of feedback to boost student performance. Engage students in meaningful reflection with writing prompts and exercises. Reenergize a lethargic class using movement-based activities. Integrate technology to create a more enriching classroom experience for students. Encourage students to speak up share their ideas and talk about their learning. With this toolbox of instructional strategies you’ll have even more ways to end student boredom before it begins resulting in class time that’s more efficient more educational and loads more fun! Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415403160

Battling GirlhoodSympathy Social Justice and the Tomboy Figure in American Literature From Jo March of Little Women (1868) to Katniss Everdeen of The Hunger Games (2008) the American tomboy figure has evolved into an icon of modern girlhood and symbol of female empowerment. Battling Girlhood: Sympathy Social Justice and the Tomboy Figure in American Literature traces the development of the tomboy figure from its origins in nineteenth-century sentimental novels to twentieth- and twenty-first-century literature and film. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367666200

Battling TerrorismLegal Perspectives on the use of Force and the War on Terror The attacks of September 11 2001 the US response and the international community's approval of the subsequent military action represent a new paradigm in the international law relating to the use of force. Previously acts of terrorism were seen as criminal acts carried out by private non-governmental entities. In contrast the September 11 attacks were regarded as an act of war which marked a turning point in international relations and law. This exceptional and timely volume examines the use of force in the war against terror. The work is based on the central theme that the use of force is visibly enrolled in a process of change and it evaluates this within the framework of the uncertainty and indeterminacy of the UN Charter regime. The status of pre-emptive self-defence in international law and how it applies to US policy towards rogue states is examined along with the use of military force including regime change as an acceptable trend in the fight against state-sponsored terrorism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138276550

Battling the Life and Death Forces of SadomasochismClinical Perspectives This book examines the forces of sadomasochism in the clinical domain where transference and countertransference reside. Psychoanalysts write in depth about cases where sadomasochism is present for both analysand and analyst. Four cases present the unfolding analytic exchange where life and death forces collide. Each case is accompanied by three discussions illuminating the complex phenomena that often include lifelong perversions and painful narcissistic difficulties. Through the case presentations and discussions psychoanalytic therapists will find maps for guiding their own work with sadomasochistic processes. Treatments where sadomasochism is prominent abound with dramas containing control and denigration domination and submission. Often there is a history of over stimulation and under stimulation from infancy and childhood influencing the formation of object relations and unconscious fantasy. Since Freud first introduced the concepts of component instincts and psychosexual development psychoanalysts have been exploring sadomasochism in its various forms. The belief that togetherness involves tormenting pain creates a sense of life and death struggle that is imbued with powerful instinctual gratification. Unconscious sexualized scenes of both dyadic and triadic forms carry humiliation and conquest. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781855758209

Baudelaire and PhotographyFinding the Painter of Modern Life Baudelaire and Photography Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367599478

BaudelaireIndividualism Dandyism and the Philosophy of History "These essays take Baudelaire seriously as a thinker. Bernard Howells explores the problematics surrounding individualism and history in a number of prose texts and situates Baudelaire within the broader contexts of nineteenth-century historical cultural and artistic speculation represented by Emerson Carlyle Joseph de Maistre Giuseppe Ferrari and Eugene Chevreul." Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351199353

Baudelaire's Le Spleen de ParisShifting Perspectives Maria Scott's study of the operation of irony in Baudelaire's Le Spleen de Paris contends that the principal target of the collection's spleen is its own readership. Baudelaire as one of the most perceptive cultural commentators of the nineteenth century was naturally very keenly aware of the growing dominance of the bourgeoisie in France not least as a market for art and literature. Despite being dependent on this market for his own writing the poet was highly critical of bourgeois values and attitudes. Scott builds on existing criticism of the collection to argue that these are indirectly mocked in Le Spleen de Paris often in the person of the poet's supposed textual alter ego. The contention is that the prose poems betray the trust of readers by way of an apparent transparency of meaning that functions to blind us to their embedded irony. Though focused on Le Spleen de Paris Scott's study engages with the full range of Baudelaire's writings including his art and literary criticism. Her book will be of interest not only to Baudelaire scholars but also to those engaged more generally with nineteenth-century French culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138379046

Baudin Napoleon and the Exploration of Australia This is the first in-depth study of the sojourn in Sydney made by Nicolas Baudin’s scientific expedition to Australia in 1802. Starbuck focuses on the reconstruction of the voyage during the expedition’s stay in colonial Sydney and how this sheds new light on our understanding of French society politics and science in the era of Bonaparte. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138661660

Baudrillard (RLE Social Theory)Critical and Fatal Theory Baudrillard is widely recognised as a powerful new force in cultural and social criticism and is often referred to as the ‘High Priest of Postmodernism’. This study presents a detached assessment of his social thought and his reputation challenging the way his work has been received in postmodernism and proposing a new reading of his contribution to social theory. Using many sources currently available only in French Mike Gane provides the keys to understanding Baudrillard’s project and reveals the extent and scope of Baudrillard’s challenge to modern social theory and cultural criticism. He looks at the sources of Baudrillard’s ideas analysing how Baudrillard has turned these sources against themselves. He describes Baudrillard’s dramatic encounter with critical Marxist theory and psychoanalysis showing how Baudrillard’s post-Marxist writings define through the exploration of fatal theory a new episode in cultural history: a period of cultural implosion. This balanced account of Baudrillard’s social theory emphasises the originality of his work and argues that his significance can only be understood by grasping the paradoxes of his project – Baudrillard’s work is poetic yet at the same time critical and fatal. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987739

Baudrillard for Architects Marginalized due to the deployment of both a highly specialized jargon and a novel stylistic approach meant to upset established norms and conventions Baudrillard's thought has suffered from the lack of an accessible consistent and comprehensive exposition able to make it relevant to diverse contemporary disciplines. As a result its impact on architecture has always been confined to academia. By presenting an introductory but in-depth formalization of Baudrillard's interest in architecture and related fields this book makes intelligible his philosophical premises thus showing through the prism of architecture their relevance and persuasiveness today. Key concepts such as the object system the code simulation hyperreality and precession to name a few are addressed in the light of the specially reconceptualized key construct of ambience thus emphasizing how the mutual concerns of architecture urban studies and cultural studies provide a fertile ground for debate.Such an approach which focuses on the contradictions inherent in contemporary society from the vantage point of Baudrillard's original involvement in architectural analysis philosophy and criticism is one which students practitioners and scholars alike from as diverse disciplines as architecture interior design and urban studies – but also fine art anthropology sociology economics human geography social psychology and cultural studies to start with – will benefit from immensely. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415508865

Bauhaus ConstructFashioning Identity Discourse and Modernism Reconsidering the status and meaning of Bauhaus objects in relation to the multiple re-tellings of the school’s history this volume positions art objects of the Bauhaus within the theoretical artistic historical and cultural concerns in which they were produced and received. Contributions from leading scholars writing in the field today – including Frederic J. Schwartz Magdalena Droste and Alina Payne – offer an entirely new treatment of the Bauhaus. Issues such as art and design pedagogy the practice of photography copyright law and critical theory are discussed. Through a strong thematic structure new archival research and innovative methodologies the questions and subsequent conclusions presented here re-examine the history of the Bauhaus and its continuing legacy. Essential reading for anyone studying the Bauhaus modern art and design. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203868676

Bawdy Songbooks of the Romantic Period The songbooks of the 1830-40s were printed in tiny numbers and small format so they could be hidden in a pocket passed round or thrown away. Collectors have sought ‘these priceless chapbooks’ but only recently a collection of 49 songbooks has come to light. This collection represents almost all of the known songbooks from the period. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848930292

Bawdy Songbooks of the Romantic Period Volume 1 The songbooks of the 1830-40s were printed in tiny numbers and small format so they could be hidden in a pocket passed round or thrown away. Collectors have sought ‘these priceless chapbooks’ but only recently a collection of 49 songbooks has come to light. This collection represents almost all of the known songbooks from the period. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138750364

Bawdy Songbooks of the Romantic Period Volume 2 The songbooks of the 1830-40s were printed in tiny numbers and small format so they could be hidden in a pocket passed round or thrown away. Collectors have sought ‘these priceless chapbooks’ but only recently a collection of 49 songbooks has come to light. This collection represents almost all of the known songbooks from the period. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138750371

Bawdy Songbooks of the Romantic Period Volume 3 The songbooks of the 1830-40s were printed in tiny numbers and small format so they could be hidden in a pocket passed round or thrown away. Collectors have sought ‘these priceless chapbooks’ but only recently a collection of 49 songbooks has come to light. This collection represents almost all of the known songbooks from the period. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138750388

Bawdy Songbooks of the Romantic Period Volume 4 The songbooks of the 1830-40s were printed in tiny numbers and small format so they could be hidden in a pocket passed round or thrown away. Collectors have sought ‘these priceless chapbooks’ but only recently a collection of 49 songbooks has come to light. This collection represents almost all of the known songbooks from the period. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138750395

Baybars’ SuccessorsIbn al-FurÄt on QalÄwÅ«n and al-Ashraf Ibn al-Furat (d. 1405) is an understudied Mamluk historian whose materials for the period of the later Crusades is unique. While sections of his history for the period prior to 1277 have been translated later sections have not. His text provides both an overview and a critique of earlier historians and supplies us with a large number of unique documents treaties and intimate discussions that are not to be found elsewhere. This translation provides a continuous narrative from 1277 until the assassination of al-Malik al-Ashraf in 1293 with selections from Ibn al-Furat's later entries concerning the Crusades until 1365. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367223977

Bayesian Analysis Made SimpleAn Excel GUI for WinBUGS Although the popularity of the Bayesian approach to statistics has been growing for years many still think of it as somewhat esoteric not focused on practical issues or generally too difficult to understand.Bayesian Analysis Made Simple is aimed at those who wish to apply Bayesian methods but either are not experts or do not have the time to create WinBUGS code and ancillary files for every analysis they undertake. Accessible to even those who would not routinely use Excel this book provides a custom-made Excel GUI immediately useful to those users who want to be able to quickly apply Bayesian methods without being distracted by computing or mathematical issues.From simple NLMs to complex GLMMs and beyond Bayesian Analysis Made Simple describes how to use Excel for a vast range of Bayesian models in an intuitive manner accessible to the statistically savvy user. Packed with relevant case studies this book is for any data analyst wishing to apply Bayesian methods to analyze their data from professional statisticians to statistically aware scientists. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367576882

Bayesian Analysis of Infectious DiseasesCOVID-19 and Beyond Bayesian Analysis of Infectious Diseases -COVID-19 and Beyond shows how the Bayesian approach can be used to analyze the evolutionary behavior of infectious diseases including the coronavirus pandemic. The book describes the foundation of Bayesian statistics while explicating the biology and evolutionary behavior of infectious diseases including viral and bacterial manifestations of the contagion. The book discusses the application of Markov Chains to contagious diseases previews data analysis models the epidemic threshold theorem and basic properties of the infection process. Also described are the chain binomial model for the evolution of epidemics. Features: Represents the first book on infectious disease from a Bayesian perspective. Employs WinBUGS and R to generate observations that follow the course of contagious maladies. Includes discussion of the coronavirus pandemic as well as many examples from the past including the flu epidemic of 1918-1919. Compares standard non-Bayesian and Bayesian inferences. Offers a companion website with the R and WinBUGS code. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367633868

Bayesian Analysis of Linear Models With Bayesian statistics rapidly becoming accepted as a way to solve applied statisticalproblems the need for a comprehensive up-to-date source on the latest advances in thisfield has arisen.Presenting the basic theory of a large variety of linear models from a Bayesian viewpoint Bayesian Analysis of Linear Models fills this need. Plus this definitive volume containssomething traditional-a review of Bayesian techniques and methods of estimation hypothesis testing and forecasting as applied to the standard populations ... somethinginnovative-a new approach to mixed models and models not generally studied by statisticianssuch as linear dynamic systems and changing parameter models ... and somethingpractical-clear graphs eary-to-understand examples end-of-chapter problems numerousreferences and a distribution appendix.Comprehensible unique and in-depth Bayesian Analysis of Linear Models is the definitivemonograph for statisticians econometricians and engineers. In addition this text isideal for students in graduate-level courses such as linear models econometrics andBayesian inference. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367451745

Bayesian Analysis of Time Series In many branches of science relevant observations are taken sequentially over time. Bayesian Analysis of Time Series discusses how to use models that explain the probabilistic characteristics of these time series and then utilizes the Bayesian approach to make inferences about their parameters. This is done by taking the prior information and via Bayes theorem implementing Bayesian inferences of estimation testing hypotheses and prediction. The methods are demonstrated using both R and WinBUGS. The R package is primarily used to generate observations from a given time series model while the WinBUGS packages allows one to perform a posterior analysis that provides a way to determine the characteristic of the posterior distribution of the unknown parameters. Features Presents a comprehensive introduction to the Bayesian analysis of time series. Gives many examples over a wide variety of fields including biology agriculture business economics sociology and astronomy. Contains numerous exercises at the end of each chapter many of which use R and WinBUGS. Can be used in graduate courses in statistics and biostatistics but is also appropriate for researchers practitioners and consulting statisticians. About the author Lyle D. Broemeling Ph.D. is Director of Broemeling and Associates Inc. and is a consulting biostatistician. He has been involved with academic health science centers for about 20 years and has taught and been a consultant at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and the University of Texas School of Public Health. His main interest is in developing Bayesian methods for use in medical and biological problems and in authoring textbooks in statistics. His previous books for Chapman & Hall/CRC include Bayesian Biostatistics and Diagnostic Medicine and Bayesian Methods for Agreement. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138591523

Bayesian Analysis with R for Drug DevelopmentConcepts Algorithms and Case Studies Drug development is an iterative process. The recent publications of regulatory guidelines further entail a lifecycle approach. Blending data from disparate sources the Bayesian approach provides a flexible framework for drug development. Despite its advantages the uptake of Bayesian methodologies is lagging behind in the field of pharmaceutical development. Written specifically for pharmaceutical practitioners Bayesian Analysis with R for Drug Development: Concepts Algorithms and Case Studies describes a wide range of Bayesian applications to problems throughout pre-clinical clinical and Chemistry Manufacturing and Control (CMC) development. Authored by two seasoned statisticians in the pharmaceutical industry the book provides detailed Bayesian solutions to a broad array of pharmaceutical problems. Features Provides a single source of information on Bayesian statistics for drug development Covers a wide spectrum of pre-clinical clinical and CMC topics Demonstrates proper Bayesian applications using real-life examples Includes easy-to-follow R code with Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo performed in both JAGS and Stan Bayesian software platforms Offers sufficient background for each problem and detailed description of solutions suitable for practitioners with limited Bayesian knowledge Harry Yang Ph.D. is Senior Director and Head of Statistical Sciences at AstraZeneca. He has 24 years of experience across all aspects of drug research and development and extensive global regulatory experiences. He has published 6 statistical books 15 book chapters and over 90 peer-reviewed papers on diverse scientific and statistical subjects including 15 joint statistical works with Dr. Novick. He is a frequent invited speaker at national and international conferences. He also developed statistical courses and conducted training at the FDA and USP as well as Peking University. Steven Novick Ph.D. is Director of Statistical Sciences at AstraZeneca. He has extensively contributed statistical methods to the biopharmaceutical literature. Novick is a skilled Bayesian computer programmer and is frequently invited to speak at conferences having developed and taught courses in several areas including drug-combination analysis and Bayesian methods in clinical areas. Novick served on IPAC-RS and has chaired several national statistical conferences. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138295872

Bayesian Analysis with Stata Bayesian Analysis with Stata is written for anyone interested in applying Bayesian methods to real data easily. The book shows how modern analyses based on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are implemented in Stata both directly and by passing Stata datasets to OpenBUGS or WinBUGS for computation allowing Stata’s data management and graphing capability to be used with OpenBUGS/WinBUGS speed and reliability. The book emphasizes practical data analysis from the Bayesian perspective and hence covers the selection of realistic priors computational efficiency and speed the assessment of convergence the evaluation of models and the presentation of the results. Every topic is illustrated in detail using real-life examples mostly drawn from medical research. The book takes great care in introducing concepts and coding tools incrementally so that there are no steep patches or discontinuities in the learning curve. The book's content helps the user see exactly what computations are done for simple standard models and shows the user how those computations are implemented. Understanding these concepts is important for users because Bayesian analysis lends itself to custom or very complex models and users must be able to code these themselves. Media > Books > Print Books Stata Press 9781597181419

Bayesian Applications in Pharmaceutical Development The cost for bringing new medicine from discovery to market has nearly doubled in the last decade and has now reached $2.6 billion. There is an urgent need to make drug development less time-consuming and less costly. Innovative trial designs/ analyses such as the Bayesian approach are essential to meet this need. This book will be the first to provide comprehensive coverage of Bayesian applications across the span of drug development from discovery to clinical trial to manufacturing with practical examples. This book will have a wide appeal to statisticians scientists and physicians working in drug development who are motivated to accelerate and streamline the drug development process as well as students who aspire to work in this field. The advantages of this book are: Provides motivating worked practical case examples with easy to grasp models technical details and computational codes to run the analyses Balances practical examples with best practices on trial simulation and reporting as well as regulatory perspectives Chapters written by authors who are individual contributors in their respective topics Dr. Mani Lakshminarayanan is a researcher and statistical consultant with more than 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. He has published over 50 articles technical reports and book chapters besides serving as a referee for several journals. He has a PhD in Statistics from Southern Methodist University Dallas Texas and is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association. Dr. Fanni Natanegara has over 15 years of pharmaceutical experience and is currently Principal Research Scientist and Group Leader for the Early Phase Neuroscience Statistics team at Eli Lilly and Company. She played a key role in the Advanced Analytics team to provide Bayesian education and statistical consultation at Eli Lilly. Dr. Natanegara is the chair of the cross industry-regulatory-academic DIA BSWG to ensure that Bayesian methods are appropriately utilized for design and analysis throughout the drug-development process. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138296763

Bayesian Approaches in Oncology Using R and OpenBUGS Bayesian Approaches in Oncology Using R and OpenBUGS serves two audiences: those who are familiar with the theory and applications of bayesian approach and wish to learn or enhance their skills in R and OpenBUGS and those who are enrolled in R and OpenBUGS-based course for bayesian approach implementation. For those who have never used R/OpenBUGS the book begins with a self-contained introduction to R that lays the foundation for later chapters. Many books on the bayesian approach and the statistical analysis are advanced and many are theoretical. While most of them do cover the objective the fact remains that data analysis can not be performed without actually doing it and this means using dedicated statistical software. There are several software packages all with their specific objective. Finally all packages are free to use are versatile with problem-solving and are interactive with R and OpenBUGS. This book continues to cover a range of techniques related to oncology that grow in statistical analysis. It intended to make a single source of information on Bayesian statistical methodology for oncology research to cover several dimensions of statistical analysis. The book explains data analysis using real examples and includes all the R and OpenBUGS codes necessary to reproduce the analyses. The idea is to overall extending the Bayesian approach in oncology practice. It presents four sections to the statistical application framework: Bayesian in Clinical Research and Sample Size Calcuation Bayesian in Time-to-Event Data Analysis Bayesian in Longitudinal Data Analysis Bayesian in Diagnostics Test Statistics   This book is intended as a first course in bayesian biostatistics for oncology students. An oncologist can find useful guidance for implementing bayesian in research work. It serves as a practical guide and an excellent resource for learning the theory and practice of bayesian methods for the applied statistician biostatistician and data scientist. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367350505

Bayesian Biostatistics This work provides descriptions explanations and examples of the Bayesian approach to statistics demonstrating the utility of Bayesian methods for analyzing real-world problems in the health sciences. The work considers the individual components of Bayesian analysis.;College or university bookstores may order five or more copies at a special student price available on request from Marcel Dekker Inc. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367401399

Bayesian Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Medical Treatments Cost-effectiveness analysis is becoming an increasingly important tool for decision making in the health systems. Cost-Effectiveness of Medical Treatments formulates the cost-effectiveness analysis as a statistical decision problem identifies the sources of uncertainty of the problem and gives an overview of the frequentist and Bayesian statistical approaches for decision making. Basic notions on decision theory such as space of decisions space of nature utility function of a decision and optimal decisions are explained in detail using easy to read mathematics.FeaturesFocuses on cost-effectiveness analysis as a statistical decision problem and applies the well-established optimal statistical decision methodology.Discusses utility functions for cost-effectiveness analysis.Enlarges the class of models typically used in cost-effectiveness analysis with the incorporation of linear models to account for covariates of the patients. This permits the formulation of the group (or subgroup) theory.Provides Bayesian procedures to account for model uncertainty in variable selection for linear models and in clustering for models for heterogeneous data. Model uncertainty in cost-effectiveness analysis has not been considered in the literature. Illustrates examples with real data.In order to facilitate the practical implementation of real datasets provides the codes in Mathematica for the proposed methodology. The motivation for the book is to make the achievements in cost-effectiveness analysis accessible to health providers who need to make optimal decisions to the practitioners and to the students of health sciences. ElÃas Moreno is Professor of Statistics and Operational Research at the University of Granada Spain Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Spain and elect member of ISI. Francisco José Vázquez-Polo is Professor of Mathematics and Bayesian Methods at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Head of the Department of Quantitative Methods. Miguel Ãngel NegrÃn is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Quantitative Methods at the ULPGC. His main research topics are Bayesian methods applied to Health Economics economic evaluation and cost-effectiveness analysis meta-analysis and equity in the provision of healthcare services. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367731878

Bayesian Data Analysis Winner of the 2016 De Groot Prize from the International Society for Bayesian Analysis Now in its third edition this classic book is widely considered the leading text on Bayesian methods lauded for its accessible practical approach to analyzing data and solving research problems. Bayesian Data Analysis Third Edition continues to take an applied approach to analysis using up-to-date Bayesian methods. The authors—all leaders in the statistics community—introduce basic concepts from a data-analytic perspective before presenting advanced methods. Throughout the text numerous worked examples drawn from real applications and research emphasize the use of Bayesian inference in practice. New to the Third Edition Four new chapters on nonparametric modeling Coverage of weakly informative priors and boundary-avoiding priors Updated discussion of cross-validation and predictive information criteria Improved convergence monitoring and effective sample size calculations for iterative simulation Presentations of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo variational Bayes and expectation propagation New and revised software code The book can be used in three different ways. For undergraduate students it introduces Bayesian inference starting from first principles. For graduate students the text presents effective current approaches to Bayesian modeling and computation in statistics and related fields. For researchers it provides an assortment of Bayesian methods in applied statistics. Additional materials including data sets used in the examples solutions to selected exercises and software instructions are available on the book’s web page. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781439840955

Bayesian Demographic Estimation and Forecasting Bayesian Demographic Estimation and Forecasting presents three statistical frameworks for modern demographic estimation and forecasting. The frameworks draw on recent advances in statistical methodology to provide new tools for tackling challenges such as disaggregation measurement error missing data and combining multiple data sources. The methods apply to single demographic series or to entire demographic systems. The methods unify estimation and forecasting and yield detailed measures of uncertainty.The book assumes minimal knowledge of statistics and no previous knowledge of demography. The authors have developed a set of R packages implementing the methods. Data and code for all applications in the book are available on"This book will be welcome for the scientific community of forecasters…as it presents a new approach which has already given important results and which in my opinion will increase its importance in the future." ~Daniel Courgeau Institut national d'études démographiques Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367571368

Bayesian Designs for Phase I-II Clinical Trials Reliably optimizing a new treatment in humans is a critical first step in clinical evaluation since choosing a suboptimal dose or schedule may lead to failure in later trials. At the same time if promising preclinical results do not translate into a real treatment advance it is important to determine this quickly and terminate the clinical evaluation process to avoid wasting resources. Bayesian Designs for Phase I–II Clinical Trials describes how phase I–II designs can serve as a bridge or protective barrier between preclinical studies and large confirmatory clinical trials. It illustrates many of the severe drawbacks with conventional methods used for early-phase clinical trials and presents numerous Bayesian designs for human clinical trials of new experimental treatment regimes. Written by research leaders from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center this book shows how Bayesian designs for early-phase clinical trials can explore refine and optimize new experimental treatments. It emphasizes the importance of basing decisions on both efficacy and toxicity. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781498709552

Bayesian Disease MappingHierarchical Modeling in Spatial Epidemiology Third Edition Since the publication of the second edition many new Bayesian tools and methods have been developed for space-time data analysis the predictive modeling of health outcomes and other spatial biostatistical areas. Exploring these new developments Bayesian Disease Mapping: Hierarchical Modeling in Spatial Epidemiology Third Edition provides an up-to-date cohesive account of the full range of Bayesian disease mapping methods and applications. In addition to the new material the book also covers more conventional areas such as relative risk estimation clustering spatial survival analysis and longitudinal analysis. After an introduction to Bayesian inference computation and model assessment the text focuses on important themes including disease map reconstruction cluster detection regression and ecological analysis putative hazard modeling analysis of multiple scales and multiple diseases spatial survival and longitudinal studies spatiotemporal methods and map surveillance. It shows how Bayesian disease mapping can yield significant insights into georeferenced health data. The target audience for this text is public health specialists epidemiologists and biostatisticians who need to work with geo-referenced health data. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138575424

Bayesian Hierarchical ModelsWith Applications Using R Second Edition An intermediate-level treatment of Bayesian hierarchical models and their applications this book demonstrates the advantages of a Bayesian approach to data sets involving inferences for collections of related units or variables and in methods where parameters can be treated as random collections. Through illustrative data analysis and attention to statistical computing this book facilitates practical implementation of Bayesian hierarchical methods. The new edition is a revision of the book Applied Bayesian Hierarchical Methods. It maintains a focus on applied modelling and data analysis but now using entirely R-based Bayesian computing options. It has been updated with a new chapter on regression for causal effects and one on computing options and strategies. This latter chapter is particularly important due to recent advances in Bayesian computing and estimation including the development of rjags and rstan. It also features updates throughout with new examples. The examples exploit and illustrate the broader advantages of the R computing environment while allowing readers to explore alternative likelihood assumptions regression structures and assumptions on prior densities. Features: Provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of applied Bayesian hierarchical modelling Includes many real data examples to illustrate different modelling topics R code (based on rjags jagsUI R2OpenBUGS and rstan) is integrated into the book emphasizing implementation Software options and coding principles are introduced in new chapter on computing Programs and data sets available on the book’s website Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781498785754

Bayesian Implementation The implementation problem lies at the heart of a theory of institutions. Simply stated the aim of implementation theory is to investigate in a rigorous way the relationships between outcomes in a society and how those outcomes arise. The first part of "Bayesian Implementation" presents a basic model of the Bayesian implementation problem and summarizes and explains recent developments in this branch of implementation theory. Substantive problems of interest such as public goods provision auctions and bargaining are special cases of the model and these are addressed in subsequent chapters. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003073093

Bayesian Implementation First published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9780415846196

Bayesian Inference for Partially Identified ModelsExploring the Limits of Limited Data Bayesian Inference for Partially Identified Models: Exploring the Limits of Limited Data shows how the Bayesian approach to inference is applicable to partially identified models (PIMs) and examines the performance of Bayesian procedures in partially identified contexts. Drawing on his many years of research in this area the author presents a thorough overview of the statistical theory properties and applications of PIMs.The book first describes how reparameterization can assist in computing posterior quantities and providing insight into the properties of Bayesian estimators. It next compares partial identification and model misspecification discussing which is the lesser of the two evils. The author then works through PIM examples in depth examining the ramifications of partial identification in terms of how inferences change and the extent to which they sharpen as more data accumulate. He also explains how to characterize the value of information obtained from data in a partially identified context and explores some recent applications of PIMs. In the final chapter the author shares his thoughts on the past and present state of research on partial identification.This book helps readers understand how to use Bayesian methods for analyzing PIMs. Readers will recognize under what circumstances a posterior distribution on a target parameter will be usefully narrow versus uselessly wide. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367570538

Bayesian Inference for Stochastic Processes This is the first book designed to introduce Bayesian inference procedures for stochastic processes. There are clear advantages to the Bayesian approach (including the optimal use of prior information). Initially the book begins with a brief review of Bayesian inference and uses many examples relevant to the analysis of stochastic processes including the four major types namely those with discrete time and discrete state space and continuous time and continuous state space. The elements necessary to understanding stochastic processes are then introduced followed by chapters devoted to the Bayesian analysis of such processes. It is important that a chapter devoted to the fundamental concepts in stochastic processes is included. Bayesian inference (estimation testing hypotheses and prediction) for discrete time Markov chains for Markov jump processes for normal processes (e.g. Brownian motion and the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process) for traditional time series and lastly for point and spatial processes are described in detail. Heavy emphasis is placed on many examples taken from biology and other scientific disciplines. In order analyses of stochastic processes it will use R and WinBUGS.Features:Uses the Bayesian approach to make statistical Inferences about stochastic processesThe R package is used to simulate realizations from different types of processesBased on realizations from stochastic processes the WinBUGS package will provide the Bayesian analysis (estimation testing hypotheses and prediction) for the unknown parameters of stochastic processesTo illustrate the Bayesian inference many examples taken from biology economics and astronomy will reinforce the basic concepts of the subjectA practical approach is implemented by considering realistic examples of interest to the scientific communityWinBUGS and R code are provided in the text allowing the reader to easily verify the results of the inferential procedures found in the many examples of the book Readers with a good background in two areas probability theory and statistical inference should be able to master the essential ideas of this book. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367572433

Bayesian inference with INLA The integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) is a recent computational method that can fit Bayesian models in a fraction of the time required by typical Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. INLA focuses on marginal inference on the model parameters of latent Gaussian Markov random fields models and exploits conditional independence properties in the model for computational speed. Bayesian Inference with INLA provides a description of INLA and its associated R package for model fitting. This book describes the underlying methodology as well as how to fit a wide range of models with R. Topics covered include generalized linear mixed-effects models multilevel models spatial and spatio-temporal models smoothing methods survival analysis imputation of missing values and mixture models. Advanced features of the INLA package and how to extend the number of priors and latent models available in the package are discussed. All examples in the book are fully reproducible and datasets and R code are available from the book website. This book will be helpful to researchers from different areas with some background in Bayesian inference that want to apply the INLA method in their work. The examples cover topics on biostatistics econometrics education environmental science epidemiology public health and the social sciences. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138039872

Bayesian Methods for Measures of Agreement Using WinBUGS to implement Bayesian inferences of estimation and testing hypotheses Bayesian Methods for Measures of Agreement presents useful methods for the design and analysis of agreement studies. It focuses on agreement among the various players in the diagnostic process.The author employs a Bayesian approach to provide statistical inferences based on various models of intra- and interrater agreement. He presents many examples that illustrate the Bayesian mode of reasoning and explains elements of a Bayesian application including prior information experimental information the likelihood function posterior distribution and predictive distribution. The appendices provide the necessary theoretical foundation to understand Bayesian methods as well as introduce the fundamentals of programming and executing the WinBUGS software.Taking a Bayesian approach to inference this hands-on book explores numerous measures of agreement including the Kappa coefficient the G coefficient and intraclass correlation. With examples throughout and end-of-chapter exercises it discusses how to successfully design and analyze an agreement study. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367577384

Bayesian Methods for Repeated Measures Analyze Repeated Measures Studies Using Bayesian Techniques Going beyond standard non-Bayesian books Bayesian Methods for Repeated Measures presents the main ideas for the analysis of repeated measures and associated designs from a Bayesian viewpoint. It describes many inferential methods for analyzing repeated measures in various scientific areas especially biostatistics. The author takes a practical approach to the analysis of repeated measures. He bases all the computing and analysis on the WinBUGS package which provides readers with a platform that efficiently uses prior information. The book includes the WinBUGS code needed to implement posterior analysis and offers the code for download online. Accessible to both graduate students in statistics and consulting statisticians the book introduces Bayesian regression techniques preliminary concepts and techniques fundamental to the analysis of repeated measures and the most important topic for repeated measures studies: linear models. It presents an in-depth explanation of estimating the mean profile for repeated measures studies discusses choosing and estimating the covariance structure of the response and expands the representation of a repeated measure to general mixed linear models. The author also explains the Bayesian analysis of categorical response data in a repeated measures study Bayesian analysis for repeated measures when the mean profile is nonlinear and a Bayesian approach to missing values in the response variable. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138894044

Bayesian Methods in Epidemiology Written by a biostatistics expert with over 20 years of experience in the field Bayesian Methods in Epidemiology presents statistical methods used in epidemiology from a Bayesian viewpoint. It employs the software package WinBUGS to carry out the analyses and offers the code in the text and for download online.The book examines study designs that investigate the association between exposure to risk factors and the occurrence of disease. It covers introductory adjustment techniques to compare mortality between states and regression methods to study the association between various risk factors and disease including logistic regression simple and multiple linear regression categorical/ordinal regression and nonlinear models. The text also introduces a Bayesian approach for the estimation of survival by life tables and illustrates other approaches to estimate survival including a parametric model based on the Weibull distribution and the Cox proportional hazards (nonparametric) model. Using Bayesian methods to estimate the lead time of the modality the author explains how to screen for a disease among individuals that do not exhibit any symptoms of the disease. With many examples and end-of-chapter exercises this book is the first to introduce epidemiology from a Bayesian perspective. It shows epidemiologists how these Bayesian models and techniques are useful in studying the association between disease and exposure to risk factors. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367576349

Bayesian Methods in Health Economics Health economics is concerned with the study of the cost-effectiveness of health care interventions. This book provides an overview of Bayesian methods for the analysis of health economic data. After an introduction to the basic economic concepts and methods of evaluation it presents Bayesian statistics using accessible mathematics. The next chapters describe the theory and practice of cost-effectiveness analysis from a statistical viewpoint and Bayesian computation notably MCMC. The final chapter presents three detailed case studies covering cost-effectiveness analyses using individual data from clinical trials evidence synthesis and hierarchical models and Markov models. The text uses WinBUGS and JAGS with datasets and code available online. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781439895559

Bayesian Methods in Pharmaceutical Research Since the early 2000s there has been increasing interest within the pharmaceutical industry in the application of Bayesian methods at various stages of the research development manufacturing and health economic evaluation of new health care interventions. In 2010 the first Applied Bayesian Biostatistics conference was held with the primary objective to stimulate the practical implementation of Bayesian statistics and to promote the added-value for accelerating the discovery and the delivery of new cures to patients. This book is a synthesis of the conferences and debates providing an overview of Bayesian methods applied to nearly all stages of research and development from early discovery to portfolio management. It highlights the value associated with sharing a vision with the regulatory authorities academia and pharmaceutical industry with a view to setting up a common strategy for the appropriate use of Bayesian statistics for the benefit of patients. The book covers: Theory methods applications and computing Bayesian biostatistics for clinical innovative designs Adding value with Real World Evidence Opportunities for rare orphan diseases and pediatric development Applied Bayesian biostatistics in manufacturing Decision making and Portfolio management Regulatory perspective and public health policies Statisticians and data scientists involved in the research development and approval of new cures will be inspired by the possible applications of Bayesian methods covered in the book. The methods applications and computational guidance will enable the reader to apply Bayesian methods in their own pharmaceutical research. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138748484

Bayesian MethodsA Social and Behavioral Sciences Approach Third Edition An Update of the Most Popular Graduate-Level Introductions to Bayesian Statistics for Social Scientists Now that Bayesian modeling has become standard MCMC is well understood and trusted and computing power continues to increase Bayesian Methods: A Social and Behavioral Sciences Approach Third Edition focuses more on implementation details of the procedures and less on justifying procedures. The expanded examples reflect this updated approach. New to the Third Edition A chapter on Bayesian decision theory covering Bayesian and frequentist decision theory as well as the connection of empirical Bayes with James–Stein estimation A chapter on the practical implementation of MCMC methods using the BUGS software Greatly expanded chapter on hierarchical models that shows how this area is well suited to the Bayesian paradigm Many new applications from a variety of social science disciplines Double the number of exercises with 20 now in each chapter Updated BaM package in R including new datasets code and procedures for calling BUGS packages from R This bestselling highly praised text continues to be suitable for a range of courses including an introductory course or a computing-centered course. It shows students in the social and behavioral sciences how to use Bayesian methods in practice preparing them for sophisticated real-world work in the field. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781439862483

Bayesian Missing Data ProblemsEM Data Augmentation and Noniterative Computation Bayesian Missing Data Problems: EM Data Augmentation and Noniterative Computation presents solutions to missing data problems through explicit or noniterative sampling calculation of Bayesian posteriors. The methods are based on the inverse Bayes formulae discovered by one of the author in 1995. Applying the Bayesian approach to important real-world problems the authors focus on exact numerical solutions a conditional sampling approach via data augmentation and a noniterative sampling approach via EM-type algorithms. After introducing the missing data problems Bayesian approach and posterior computation the book succinctly describes EM-type algorithms Monte Carlo simulation numerical techniques and optimization methods. It then gives exact posterior solutions for problems such as nonresponses in surveys and cross-over trials with missing values. It also provides noniterative posterior sampling solutions for problems such as contingency tables with supplemental margins aggregated responses in surveys zero-inflated Poisson capture-recapture models mixed effects models right-censored regression model and constrained parameter models. The text concludes with a discussion on compatibility a fundamental issue in Bayesian inference.This book offers a unified treatment of an array of statistical problems that involve missing data and constrained parameters. It shows how Bayesian procedures can be useful in solving these problems. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367385309

Bayesian Model Selection and Statistical Modeling Along with many practical applications Bayesian Model Selection and Statistical Modeling presents an array of Bayesian inference and model selection procedures. It thoroughly explains the concepts illustrates the derivations of various Bayesian model selection criteria through examples and provides R code for implementation. The author shows how to implement a variety of Bayesian inference using R and sampling methods such as Markov chain Monte Carlo. He covers the different types of simulation-based Bayesian model selection criteria including the numerical calculation of Bayes factors the Bayesian predictive information criterion and the deviance information criterion. He also provides a theoretical basis for the analysis of these criteria. In addition the author discusses how Bayesian model averaging can simultaneously treat both model and parameter uncertainties.Selecting and constructing the appropriate statistical model significantly affect the quality of results in decision making forecasting stochastic structure explorations and other problems. Helping you choose the right Bayesian model this book focuses on the framework for Bayesian model selection and includes practical examples of model selection criteria. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367383978

Bayesian Modeling in Bioinformatics Bayesian Modeling in Bioinformatics discusses the development and application of Bayesian statistical methods for the analysis of high-throughput bioinformatics data arising from problems in molecular and structural biology and disease-related medical research such as cancer. It presents a broad overview of statistical inference clustering and classification problems in two main high-throughput platforms: microarray gene expression and phylogenic analysis. The book explores Bayesian techniques and models for detecting differentially expressed genes classifying differential gene expression and identifying biomarkers. It develops novel Bayesian nonparametric approaches for bioinformatics problems measurement error and survival models for cDNA microarrays a Bayesian hidden Markov modeling approach for CGH array data Bayesian approaches for phylogenic analysis sparsity priors for protein-protein interaction predictions and Bayesian networks for gene expression data. The text also describes applications of mode-oriented stochastic search algorithms in vitro to in vivo factor profiling proportional hazards regression using Bayesian kernel machines and QTL mapping. Focusing on design statistical inference and data analysis from a Bayesian perspective this volume explores statistical challenges in bioinformatics data analysis and modeling and offers solutions to these problems. It encourages readers to draw on the evolving technologies and promote statistical development in this area of bioinformatics. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367383657

Bayesian NetworksWith Examples in R Understand the Foundations of Bayesian Networks—Core Properties and Definitions Explained Bayesian Networks: With Examples in R introduces Bayesian networks using a hands-on approach. Simple yet meaningful examples in R illustrate each step of the modeling process. The examples start from the simplest notions and gradually increase in complexity. The authors also distinguish the probabilistic models from their estimation with data sets. The first three chapters explain the whole process of Bayesian network modeling from structure learning to parameter learning to inference. These chapters cover discrete Bayesian Gaussian Bayesian and hybrid networks including arbitrary random variables. The book then gives a concise but rigorous treatment of the fundamentals of Bayesian networks and offers an introduction to causal Bayesian networks. It also presents an overview of R and other software packages appropriate for Bayesian networks. The final chapter evaluates two real-world examples: a landmark causal protein signaling network paper and graphical modeling approaches for predicting the composition of different body parts. Suitable for graduate students and non-statisticians this text provides an introductory overview of Bayesian networks. It gives readers a clear practical understanding of the general approach and steps involved. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781482225587

Bayesian PhylogeneticsMethods Algorithms and Applications Offering a rich diversity of models Bayesian phylogenetics allows evolutionary biologists systematists ecologists and epidemiologists to obtain answers to very detailed phylogenetic questions. Suitable for graduate-level researchers in statistics and biology Bayesian Phylogenetics: Methods Algorithms and Applications presents a snapshot of current trends in Bayesian phylogenetic research. Encouraging interdisciplinary research this book introduces state-of-the-art phylogenetics to the Bayesian statistical community and likewise presents state-of-the-art Bayesian statistics to the phylogenetics community. The book emphasizes model selection reflecting recent interest in accurately estimating marginal likelihoods. It also discusses new approaches to improve mixing in Bayesian phylogenetic analyses in which the tree topology varies. In addition the book covers divergence time estimation biologically realistic models and the burgeoning interface between phylogenetics and population genetics. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781466500792

Bayesian Process Monitoring Control and Optimization Although there are many Bayesian statistical books that focus on biostatistics and economics there are few that address the problems faced by engineers. Bayesian Process Monitoring Control and Optimization resolves this need showing you how to oversee adjust and optimize industrial processes.Bridging the gap between application and development this reference adopts Bayesian approaches for actual industrial practices. Divided into four parts it begins with an introduction that discusses inferential problems and presents modern methods in Bayesian computation. The next part explains statistical process control (SPC) and examines both univariate and multivariate process monitoring techniques. Subsequent chapters present Bayesian approaches that can be used for time series data analysis and process control. The contributors include material on the Kalman filter radar detection and discrete part manufacturing. The last part focuses on process optimization and illustrates the application of Bayesian regression to sequential optimization the use of Bayesian techniques for the analysis of saturated designs and the function of predictive distributions for optimization.Written by international contributors from academia and industry Bayesian Process Monitoring Control and Optimization provides up-to-date applications of Bayesian processes for industrial mechanical electrical and quality engineers as well as applied statisticians. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367389949

Bayesian Programming Probability as an Alternative to Boolean LogicWhile logic is the mathematical foundation of rational reasoning and the fundamental principle of computing it is restricted to problems where information is both complete and certain. However many real-world problems from financial investments to email filtering are incomplete or uncertain in nature. Probability theory and Bayesian computing together provide an alternative framework to deal with incomplete and uncertain data. Decision-Making Tools and Methods for Incomplete and Uncertain DataEmphasizing probability as an alternative to Boolean logic Bayesian Programming covers new methods to build probabilistic programs for real-world applications. Written by the team who designed and implemented an efficient probabilistic inference engine to interpret Bayesian programs the book offers many Python examples that are also available on a supplementary website together with an interpreter that allows readers to experiment with this new approach to programming. Principles and Modeling Only requiring a basic foundation in mathematics the first two parts of the book present a new methodology for building subjective probabilistic models. The authors introduce the principles of Bayesian programming and discuss good practices for probabilistic modeling. Numerous simple examples highlight the application of Bayesian modeling in different fields. Formalism and AlgorithmsThe third part synthesizes existing work on Bayesian inference algorithms since an efficient Bayesian inference engine is needed to automate the probabilistic calculus in Bayesian programs. Many bibliographic references are included for readers who would like more details on the formalism of Bayesian programming the main probabilistic models general purpose algorithms for Bayesian inference and learning problems. FAQsAlong with a glossary the fourth part contains answers to frequently asked questions. The authors compare Bayesian programming and possibility theories discuss the computational complexity of Bayesian inference cover the irreducibility of incompleteness and address the subjectivist versus objectivist epistemology of probability. The First Steps toward a Bayesian ComputerA new modeling methodology new inference algorithms new programming languages and new hardware are all needed to create a complete Bayesian computing framework. Focusing on the methodology and algorithms this book describes the first steps toward reaching that goal. It encourages readers to explore emerging areas such as bio-inspired computing and develop new programming languages and hardware architectures. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781439880326

Bayesian Psychometric Modeling A Single Cohesive Framework of Tools and Procedures for Psychometrics and AssessmentBayesian Psychometric Modeling presents a unified Bayesian approach across traditionally separate families of psychometric models. It shows that Bayesian techniques as alternatives to conventional approaches offer distinct and profound advantages in achieving many goals of psychometrics.Adopting a Bayesian approach can aid in unifying seemingly disparate—and sometimes conflicting—ideas and activities in psychometrics. This book explains both how to perform psychometrics using Bayesian methods and why many of the activities in psychometrics align with Bayesian thinking.The first part of the book introduces foundational principles and statistical models including conceptual issues normal distribution models Markov chain Monte Carlo estimation and regression. Focusing more directly on psychometrics the second part covers popular psychometric models including classical test theory factor analysis item response theory latent class analysis and Bayesian networks. Throughout the book procedures are illustrated using examples primarily from educational assessments. A supplementary website provides the datasets WinBUGS code R code and Netica files used in the examples. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367737092

Bayesian Regression Modeling with INLA INLA stands for Integrated Nested Laplace Approximations which is a new method for fitting a broad class of Bayesian regression models. No samples of the posterior marginal distributions need to be drawn using INLA so it is a computationally convenient alternative to Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) the standard tool for Bayesian inference.Bayesian Regression Modeling with INLA covers a wide range of modern regression models and focuses on the INLA technique for building Bayesian models using real-world data and assessing their validity. A key theme throughout the book is that it makes sense to demonstrate the interplay of theory and practice with reproducible studies. Complete R commands are provided for each example and a supporting website holds all of the data described in the book. An R package including the data and additional functions in the book is available to download.The book is aimed at readers who have a basic knowledge of statistical theory and Bayesian methodology. It gets readers up to date on the latest in Bayesian inference using INLA and prepares them for sophisticated real-world work.Xiaofeng Wang is Professor of Medicine and Biostatistics at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University and a Full Staff in the Department of Quantitative Health Sciences at Cleveland Clinic.Yu Ryan Yue is Associate Professor of Statistics in the Paul H. Chook Department of Information Systems and Statistics at Baruch College The City University of New York.Julian J. Faraway is Professor of Statistics in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Bath. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367572266

Bayesian Statistical Methods Bayesian Statistical Methods provides data scientists with the foundational and computational tools needed to carry out a Bayesian analysis. This book focuses on Bayesian methods applied routinely in practice including multiple linear regression mixed effects models and generalized linear models (GLM). The authors include many examples with complete R code and comparisons with analogous frequentist procedures. In addition to the basic concepts of Bayesian inferential methods the book covers many general topics: Advice on selecting prior distributions Computational methods including Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Model-comparison and goodness-of-fit measures including sensitivity to priors Frequentist properties of Bayesian methods Case studies covering advanced topics illustrate the flexibility of the Bayesian approach: Semiparametric regression Handling of missing data using predictive distributions Priors for high-dimensional regression models Computational techniques for large datasets Spatial data analysis The advanced topics are presented with sufficient conceptual depth that the reader will be able to carry out such analysis and argue the relative merits of Bayesian and classical methods. A repository of R code motivating data sets and complete data analyses are available on the book’s website. Brian J. Reich Associate Professor of Statistics at North Carolina State University is currently the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics and was awarded the LeRoy & Elva Martin Teaching Award. Sujit K. Ghosh Professor of Statistics at North Carolina State University has over 22 years of research and teaching experience in conducting Bayesian analyses received the Cavell Brownie mentoring award and served as the Deputy Director at the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute.   Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780815378648

Bayesian Statistics for the Social Sciences Bridging the gap between traditional classical statistics and a Bayesian approach David Kaplan provides readers with the concepts and practical skills they need to apply Bayesian methodologies to their data analysis problems. Part I addresses the elements of Bayesian inference including exchangeability likelihood prior/posterior distributions and the Bayesian central limit theorem. Part II covers Bayesian hypothesis testing model building and linear regression analysis carefully explaining the differences between the Bayesian and frequentist approaches. Part III extends Bayesian statistics to multilevel modeling and modeling for continuous and categorical latent variables. Kaplan closes with a discussion of philosophical issues and argues for an "evidence-based" framework for the practice of Bayesian statistics.User-Friendly Features*Includes worked-through substantive examples using large-scale educational and social science databases such as PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) and the LSAY (Longitudinal Study of American Youth).*Utilizes open-source R software programs available on CRAN (such as MCMCpack and rjags); readers do not have to master the R language and can easily adapt the example programs to fit individual needs.*Shows readers how to carefully warrant priors on the basis of empirical data.*Companion website features data and code for the book's examples plus other resources. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462516513

Bazaars Conversations and FreedomFor a Market Culture Beyond Greed and Fear Long before the financial meltdown and the red alert on climate change some far-sighted innovators diagnosed the fatal flaws in an economic system driven by greed and fear. Across the global North and South diverse people - financial wizards economists business people and social activists - have been challenging the "free market" orthodoxy. They seek to recover the virtues of bazaars from the tyranny of a market model that emerged about two centuries ago. This widely praised book is a chronicle of their achievements.From Wall Street icon George Soros and VISA card designer Dee Hock we get an insider critique of the malaise. Creators of community currencies and others like the father of microfinance Bangladesh's Muhammad Yunus explore how money can work differently. The doctrine of self-interest is re-examined by looking more closely at Adam Smith through the eyes of Amartya Sen. Mahatma Gandhi's concept of 'Trusteeship' gathers strength as the socially responsible investing phenomenon challenges the power of capital. Pioneers of the open source and free software movement thrive on cooperation to drive innovation. The Dalai Lama and Ela Bhatt demonstrate that it is possible to compete compassionately and to nurture a more mindful market culture.This sweeping narrative takes you from the ancient Greek agora Indian choupal and Native American gift culture on to present-day Wall Street to illuminate ideas subversive and prudent about how the market can serve society rather than being its master. In a world exhausted by dogma Bazaars Conversations and Freedom is an open quest for possible futures.This fully updated and revised UK version of the 2009 Vodafone Crossword Book Award winner for non-fiction is a rare and epic narrative about those who have been quietly forging solutions and demonstrating that a more compassionate market culture is both possible and desirable. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781906093631

BCIM Economic CooperationInterplay of Geo-economics and Geo-politics This book examines the strategic and economic logic behind the Bangladesh–China–India–Myanmar (BCIM) Regional Cooperation. According to estimates BCIM covers approximately 9 percent of the world’s mass and 40 percent of the world’s population spanning across four countries constituting the confluence of East Southeast and South Asia. It contributes about 13 percent to world trade but ironically only 5 percent to inter-regional trade. This volume compares the various approaches to cooperation – trade-led vs project-led geo-political vs geo-strategic Sino-centric vs India-led. The chapters explore the complex interplay of geo-economics and geo-politics associated with BCIM sub-regional cooperation in general and the BCIM Economic Corridor (BCIM-EC) in particular. It points to the current challenges that impede globalisation and economic growth and critically reviews implications for the stakeholders institutional frameworks and the spatial impact of the Corridor especially on the underdeveloped regions. The book discusses the geo-political geo-economic and geo-strategic advantages that will accrue to the member countries once the sub-regional cooperation becomes fully functional. It advocates the adoption of best practices from similar sub-regional groupings across the globe.This book will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of politics and international relations geo-politics strategic studies sub-regional cooperation South Asian studies India–China relations foreign trade and economics besides those dealing with foreign policy and development cooperation. It will especially benefit policymakers development agencies and strategic think tanks. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367733476

BCoS Cognitive Screen Following different kinds of brain damage including stroke head injury carbon monoxide poisoning and degenerative change people can experience a range of cognitive problems in addition to any difficulties in motor function. These problems strongly influence a patient’s ability to recover but often patients are not routinely screened to detect them. BCoS Cognitive Screen is a new test instrument. The test pack consists of a manual a ringbound Test Book the Auditory Attention Test stimuli on CD a pack of 15 Examiner Booklets a pack of 15 Examinee booklets and a set of test objects all contained in a durable messenger bag. Developed to screen patients for cognitive problems it provides a novel 'cognitive profile' across a range of cognitive processes within a one-hour testing session that will indicate whether a patient has a clinical impairment (related to norms) in five primary domains of cognition: Attention and executive function Language Memory Number skills Praxis and action BCoS has been validated against ‘standard’ neuropsychological tests used to measure similar cognitive functions. It has also been used for prognostic modelling and assessed against measures of cognition and activities of everyday living for patients in the chronic stage. The first test of its kind BCoS is an invaluable tool for neuropsychologists neuropsychiatrists occupational and speech therapists and a wide range of other clinical practitioners. Training on administration of the assessment is available from The following items are available as free downloads from or buy them from Psychology Press: BCoS Examiner's Booklet (Pack of 15): BCoS Examinee's Booklet (Pack of 15): BCoS Examiner's Booklet B (Pack of 15): BCoS is supported by the Stroke Association Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781848720992

BCoS Cognitive ScreenExaminee's Booklet (Pack of 15) First published in 2012. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781848721081

BCoS Cognitive ScreenExaminer's Booklet (Pack of 15) First published in 2012. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781848721074

BCoS Cognitive ScreenExaminer's Booklet B (Pack of 15) First published in 2012. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781848721104

Be Bad FirstGet Good at Things Fast to Stay Ready for the Future We are operating in a world defined by constant connection rapid change and abundant choices. News that once took months even years to spread now reaches across the globe in seconds. Advances in medicine and science are pushing boundaries with gene therapy and stem cell transplants. And decisions about where and how to work and live are nearly endless. As new knowledge--and the possibilities that arise from that knowledge--propels us forward leadership readiness expert and renowned author Erika Andersen suggests that success in today's world requires the ability to acquire new knowledge and skills quickly and continuously--in spite of our mixed feelings about being a novice. In her newest book Be Bad First Erika explores how we can become masters of mastery; proficient in the kind of high-payoff learning that's needed today. With assessments and exercises at the close of every chapter she encourages readers to embrace being bad on the way to being great--to be novices over and over again as we seek to learn and acquire the new skills that will allow us to thrive in this fast-changing world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781629561080

'Be Realistic Demand the Impossible'A Memoir of Work in Childcare and Education An astute exploration of the complexities of working and learning in the field of Early Childhood Education and Care Professor Helen Penn tells of her experiences of working as a teacher social worker campaigner researcher and writer and so reflects on the perennial and complex issues which shape this expanding field. Mapping the author’s career from the mid-sixties onward ‘Be Realistic Demand the Impossible’ is a tribute to the progress that has been made in Early Childhood Education and Care over the past 70 years and is a celebration of those who have acted on their principles to articulate and remedy hidden suffering. A first-hand commentary on adult-child relations poverty working with families and engaging with democracy and inequality Penn’s narrative reconstructs her past and in doing so produces a social history that records the various shifts in policy and public attitudes which she has witnessed. The author recognizes the collective effort and teamwork involved in working within organizations as well as the constraints and tensions such organizations can create. She comments on the wider political system and assesses the particular pattern of educational inequality and oppression which afflicts the UK. One of the best known and most respected figures in her field Penn provides a unique perspective on change as well as offering a framework for understanding assessing and working within the field of Early Childhood Education and Care. Insightful and frank witty and funny this book will be a valuable read for students academics researchers and practitioners involved in this field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138064911

Be the Bridge Poster The poster is available with a thin Plastic Film Coating to protect against dust and grime fading due to light exposure and oil from finger marks. We encourage our customers to protect their posters with this product. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781138069947

Be the BusinessCIOs in the New Era of IT Remember the '70s? Way back then IT was a mainframe that sat in some room and only a few people had a key. Flash forward a decade and IT was a limited set of systems irrelevant to the vast majority of employees and customers. But today all of the sudden technology belongs to everyone. Because of the suddenness of this revolution in technology adoption most IT organizations have not had enough time to evolve into a "comfortable integration" with the rest of the company. This lack of comfortable integration has led to confusion over who is truly accountable for the return on technology investments how much influence IT leaders should have over a company's business strategy and whether CEOs need to hire Chief Digital Officers onto their senior leadership teams. Through interviews with dozens of CIOs Heller has created a snapshot of what CIOs are doing to lead IT in a climate where technology belongs to everyone. She addresses how CIOs are changing their operating models their approaches to talent development and their assessment of the new IT provider marketplace. Most importantly Heller defines the top ten skills and behaviors that CIOs will need to develop if they are going to be successful in an ever changing landscape. As a master storyteller Heller incorporates philosophy humor and pragmatic advice into a book that both informs and entertains. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781629561325

Beach-Spawning FishesReproduction in an Endangered Ecosystem Beach-spawning fishes from exotic locations on most continents of the world provide spectacular examples of extreme adaptations during the most vulnerable life cycle stages. The beauty intriguing biology and importance of these charismatic fishes at the interface of marine and terrestrial ecosystems have inspired numerous scientific studies. Adaptations of behavior physiology development and ecology are gathered together for the first time in this book.Beach-Spawning Fishes: Reproduction in an Endangered Ecosystem is a comprehensive guide to beach spawning a charismatic animal behavior that is seen in a surprising number of teleost species. This unexpected form of reproduction provides a window into the ecology of coastal areas the behaviors and physiology necessary for fishes and their eggs to adapt to terrestrial conditions and the threats and challenges for conservation and management. Beach-spawning species include important forage fishes such as the capelin exotic fishes such as the fugu puffer and the spectacular midnight runs of the California grunion. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482207972

Beads Bodies and TrashPublic Sex Global Labor and the Disposability of Mardi Gras Beads Bodies and Trash merges cultural sociology with a commodity chain analysis by following Mardi Gras beads to their origins. Beginning with Bourbon Street of New Orleans this book moves to the grim factories in the tax-free economic zone of rural Fuzhou China. Beads Bodies and Trash will increase students’ capacity to think critically about and question everyday objects that circulate around the globe: where do objects come from how do they emerge where do they end up what are their properties what assemblages do they form and what are the consequences (both beneficial and harmful) of those properties on the environment and human bodies? This book also asks students to confront how the beads can contradictorily be implicated in fun sexist unequal and toxic relationships of production consumption and disposal. With a companion documentary Mardi Gras Made in China this book introduces students to recording technologies as possible research tools. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415525404

Beam Dynamics This volume lays down the foundations of a theory of rings based on finite maps. The purpose of the ring is entirely discussed in terms of the global properties of the one-turn map. Proposing a theory of rings based on such maps this work offers another perspective on storage ring theory. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315138176

Beam-based Correction and Optimization for Accelerators This book provides systematic coverage of the beam-based techniques that accelerator physicists use to improve the performance of large particle accelerators including synchrotrons and linacs. It begins by discussing the basic principles of accelerators before exploring the various error sources in accelerators and their impact on the machine's performances. The book then demonstrates the latest developments of beam-based correction techniques that can be used to address such errors and covers the new and expanding area of beam-based optimization. This book is an ideal accessible reference book for physicists working on accelerator design and operation and for postgraduate studying accelerator physics. Features: Entirely self-contained exploring the theoretic background including algorithm descriptions and providing application guidance Accompanied by source codes of the main algorithms and sample codes online Uses real-life accelerator problems to illustrate principles enabling readers to apply techniques to their own problems Xiaobiao Huang is an accelerator physicist at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory at Stanford University USA. He graduated from Tsinghua University with a Bachelor of Science in Physics and a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science in 1999. He earned a PhD in Accelerator Physics from Indiana University Bloomington Indiana USA in 2005. He spent three years on thesis research work at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory from 2003-2005. He has worked at SLAC as a staff scientist since 2006. He became Accelerator Physics Group Leader of the SPEAR3 Division Accelerator Directorate in 2015. His research work in accelerator physics ranges from beam dynamics accelerator design and accelerator modelling and simulation to beam based measurements accelerator control and accelerator optimization. He has taught several courses at US Particle Accelerator School (USPAS) including Beam Based Diagnostics Accelerator Physics Advanced Accelerator Physics and Special Topics in Accelerator Physics. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138353169

Beam's Eye View Imaging in Radiation Oncology This first dedicated overview for beam’s eye view (BEV) covers instrumentation methods and clinical use of this exciting technology which enables real-time anatomical imaging. It highlights how the information collected (e.g. the shape and size of the beam aperture and intensity of the beam) is used in the clinic for treatment verification adaptive radiotherapy and in-treatment interventions. The chapters cover detector construction and components common imaging procedures and state of the art applications. The reader will also be presented with emerging innovations including target modifications real-time tracking reconstructing delivered dose and in vivo portal dosimetry. Ross I. Berbeco PhD is a board-certified medical physicist and Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498736343

Bear Cookin'The Original Guide to Bear Comfort Foods Please DO feed the bears! Bear Cookin': The Original Guide to Bear Comfort Foods takes a good-natured approach to good eating presenting home-style recipes with a light-hearted touch. Aimed at husky hairy gay menand their admirersthe book presents convenient and satisfying recipes for anyone who loves to cookand eat! Bear Cookin' includes helpful hints tributes to favorite foods and meal suggestions for breakfast lunch dinnerand everything in betweenthat are guaranteed to please burly bears with big appetites. From lip-smacking snacks to belt-loosening main courses Bear Cookin’ is stuffed with easy-to-follow recipes for the hearty and delicious comfort foods bears crave: burgers meatloaf biscuits with sausage gravy pasta potatoes beans muffins and bread cheesecake puddings and pies and homemade ice cream. Collected from family and friends and perfect for summer picnic baskets or winter hibernation dinners these filling and flavorful recipes are presented with the love for good food that makes life worth living. Bear Cookin' includes recipes for: (Touch My) Monkey Bread What-A-Crock Pot Stew What’s It All About
Alfredo Polar Bear Chili Fur-ocious Pot Roast and odes to the wonders of Cool Whip® Bisquick® and Velveeta®! Bear Cookin': The Original Guide to Bear Comfort Foods also includes serving ideas and suggestions for making the best use of your cooking utensils. This book is a wonderful addition to any kitchenbear or otherwise! Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964457

Bear Traps on Russia's Road to Modernization Bear Traps examines Russia’s longer term economic growth prospects. It argues that Russia’s growth challenges are conventionally misdiagnosed and examines the reasons why: a spatial misallocation that imposes excess costs on production and investment; distortions to human capital; an excessively high relative price of investment that serves as a tax on physical capital accumulation; and an economic mechanism that inhibits adjustments that would correct the misallocation. Bear Traps explains why Soviet legacies still constrain economic growth and outlines a feasible policy path that could remove these obstacles. The most popular proposals for Russian economic reform today — diversification innovation modernization — are misguided. They are based on a faulty diagnosis of the country’s ills because they ignore a simple reality: Russia’s capital both physical and human is systematically overvalued owing to a failure to account for the handicap imposed by geography and location. Part of the handicap is an unavoidable consequence of Russia’s size and cold climate. But another part is self-inflicted. Soviet policies placed far too much economic activity in cold remote locations. Specific institutions in today’s Russia notably its federalist structure help preserve the Soviet spatial legacy. As a result capital remains handicapped. Investments made to compensate for the handicaps of cold and distance should properly be treated as costs. Instead they are considered net additions to capital. When returns to what appear to be large quantities of physical and human capital fail to satisfy expectations the blame naturally goes to poor institutions corruption backward technology and so on. Policy proceeds along the wrong path with costly programs that can end up doing more damage than good. The authors insist that the goal should be to seek to remove the handicaps rather than to spend to compensate for them. They discuss how Russia could develop a modernization program that would let the nation finally focus on its economic advantages not its handicaps. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415662765

Beard Fetish in Early Modern EnglandSex Gender and Registers of Value Focusing on representations of beards in English Renaissance culture this study elucidates how fetish objects validate ideological systems of power by materializing complex value in multiple registers. Providing detailed discussions of not only bearded men but also beardless boys bearded women and half-bearded hermaphrodites author Mark Albert Johnston argues that attending closely to early modern English culture's treatment of the beard as a fetish object ultimately exposes the contingency of categories like sex gender age race and sexuality. Johnston mines a diverse cross-section of contemporary discourses -- adult and children’s drama narrative verse and prose popular ballads epigrams and proverbs historical accounts pamphlet literature diaries letters wills court records and legal documents medical and surgical manuals lectures sermons almanacs and calendars -- in order to provide proof for his cultural claims. Johnston’s evidence invokes some of the period’s most famous voices -- William Shakespeare Ben Jonson John Lyly Phillip Stubbes John Marston George Chapman Thomas Dekker Thomas Middleton and Samuel Pepys for example -- but Johnston also introduces us to an array of lesser-known Renaissance authors and playwrights whose works support the notion that the beard was a palimpsestic site of contested meaning at which complex and contradictory values clash and converge. Johnston’s reading of Marxist Freudian and anthropological theories of the fetish phenomenon acknowledges their divergent emphases -- erotic economic racial and religious -- while suggesting that the imbrication of diverse registers that fetish accomplishes facilitates its cultural and psychic naturalizing function. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138254473

Beards and Masculinity in American Literature Beards and Masculinity in American Literature is a pioneering study of the symbolic power of the beard in the history of American writing. This book covers the entire breadth of American writing – from 18th century American newspapers and periodicals through the 19th and 20th centuries to recent contemporary engagements with the beard and masculinity. With chapters focused on the barber and the barbershop in American writing the "need for a shave" in Ernest Hemingway’s fiction Whitman’s beard as a sanctuary for poets reaching out to the bearded bard and the contemporary re-engagement with the beard as a symbol of Otherness in post-9/11 fiction Beards and Masculinity in American Literature underlines the symbolic power of facial hair in key works of American writing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138093768

Bearing Capacity of Roads Railways and AirfieldsProceedings of the 10th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads Railways Bearing Capacity of Roads Railways and Airfields includes the contributions to the 10th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads Railways and Airfields (BCRRA 2017 28-30 June 2017 Athens Greece). The papers cover aspects related to materials laboratory testing design construction maintenance and management systems of transport infrastructure and focus on roads railways and airfields. Additional aspects that concern new materials and characterization alternative rehabilitation techniques technological advances as well as pavement and railway track substructure sustainability are included. The contributions discuss new concepts and innovative solutions and are concentrated but not limited on the following topics: · Unbound aggregate materials and soil properties· Bound materials characteritics mechanical properties and testing· Effect of traffic loading· In-situ measurements techniques and monitoring· Structural evaluation· Pavement serviceability condition· Rehabilitation and maintenance issues· Geophysical assessment· Stabilization and reinforcement· Performance modeling· Environmental challenges· Life cycle assessment and sustainability Bearing Capacity of Roads Railways and Airfields is essential reading for academics and professionals involved or interested in transport infrastructure systems in particular roads railways and airfields. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138295957

Bearing Capacity Of Roads Volume 1 This book is an outcome of the sixth conference on bearing capacity of roads and airfield held in Lisbon Portugal. It focuses on railway tracks and covers following topics: bearing capacity policies concepts costs and condition surveys; analysis and modelling; design and environmental effects. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003078814

Bearing Capacity Of Roads Volume 2 This book is an outcome of the sixth conference on bearing capacity of roads and airfield held in Lisbon Portugal. It covers the following topics: bearing capacity policies concepts costs and condition surveys; analysis and modelling; design and environmental effects; and asphalt mixtures. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003078821

Bearing Light: Flame Relays and the Struggle for the Olympic Movement In recent decades five to ten times as many persons have turned out for the Olympic flame relay as have watched Olympic sports contests live. Flame Relays and the Struggle for the Olympic Movement: Bearing Light the first anthropological analysis of the contemporary torch relay exposes and interprets the transformation of the ritual across a 25-year period from Los Angeles 1984 through the IOC’s 2009 announcement that in the aftermath of the politically contentious Beijing performance there will be no more global relays. This volume offers a rare case study of continuity and change in a leading transnational and trans-cultural ritual form. Through data publicly revealed for the first time the reader is carried fully backstage and into the conflicts and negotiations among Olympic organizing committees the Greek Olympic movement national governments and transnational actors like the IOC commercial sponsors and operations management firms. Readers will come to know the leading flame relay authorities and practitioners gaining a deeper understanding of the Olympic managerial revolution with its characteristic ‘world’s best practice’ language. Analysis of the transnational flow of Olympic operations management offers important corrections to much existing globalization theory by demonstrating both how powerful and how culturally and politically parochial world’s best practices can turn out to be. The dialectic between the cultural performance genres of ritual and spectacle provides a further intellectual architecture for these studies posing the question of whether the Olympic Movement will be able to survive the successes of the Olympic Sports Industry. This book was previously published as a special issue of Sport in Society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415448321

Bearing Light: Flame Relays and the Struggle for the Olympic Movement The Flame Relay and the Olympic Movement is the first book-length scholarly study in English of the contemporary Olympic flame relay. Reporting for the first time on years of intensive ethnographic research and organizational intervention MacAloon literally follows the Olympic flame through twenty years of intercultural encounter conflict and negotiation. Focusing on the frequently harmonious sometimes perilous encounters among Greek flame relay officials cultural agents and discourses foreign Olympic Games organizing committees and such transnational actors as the IOC and its corporate sponsors since 1984 a context is created for understanding the significance for the Olympic movement and for globalization studies of the 2004 Athens flame relay the first to travel the entire world. Through intensive interviews and co-participations with leading Greek and American actors and the contributions of young Greek researchers who worked backstage on the relay Bearing Light demonstrates how culturally parochial the managerial regime of "world’s best practices" often turns out to be and yet how inescapable it has become for those who wish to communicate across cultural and political boundaries. This dilemma the contributors argue constitutes the practical form in which the struggle to preserve a sense of "Olympism" and "the Olympic Movement" against the demands and prerogatives of today’s Olympic sports industry is being chiefly fought out. This book was previously published as a special issue of Sport in Society Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415484169

Bearing with StrangersArendt Education and the Politics of Inclusion Bearing with Strangers looks at inclusion in education in a new way regarding education as a discipline with practical and theoretical concepts and criteria which emanate from education and schooling itself. By introducing the notion of the instrumental fallacy it shows how this is not only an inherent feature of inclusive education policies but also omnipresent in modern educational policy. It engages schooling through an Arendtian framework constituted by and in a specific practice with the aim of mediating between generations. It outlines a didactic and pedagogical theory that presents inclusion not as an aim for education but as a constitutive feature of the activity of schooling.Drawing on the work of Hannah Arendt the book offers a novel and critical perspective on inclusive education as well as a contribution to a growing literature re-engaging didactic and pedagogical conceptions of teaching and the role of the teacher. Schooling is understood as a process of opening the world to the young and of opening the world to the renewal that the new generations offer. The activity of schooling offers the possibility of becoming attentive toward what is common while learning to bear with that which is strange and those who are strangers. The book points to valuable metaphors and ideas – referred to in the book as ‘pearls’ – that speak to the heart of what schooling and teaching concerns.Bearing with Strangers will be of great interest to academics researchers and post-graduate students in the fields of philosophy of education inclusive education and educational policy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367583415

Bearing Witness to ChangeForensic Psychiatry and Psychology Practice This book explores the response of forensic psychiatry and psychology to changes over the last several decades. It presents the disciplines themselves as change agents that have shaped forensic work public policy and law. Topics include selected developments in forensic practice the management and treatment of individuals who have had involvement with law enforcement systems and the application of administrative principles to the management of forensic entities. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498754231

Bearing Witness to the WitnessA Psychoanalytic Perspective on Four Modes of Traumatic Testimony Bearing Witness to the Witness examines the different methods of testimony given by trauma victims and the ways in which these can enrich or undermine the ability of the reader to witness them. Years of listening to both direct and indirect testimonies on trauma has lead Dana Amir to identify four modes of witnessing trauma: the "metaphoric mode" the "metonymic mode " the "excessive mode" and the "Muselmann mode." In doing so the author demonstrates the importance of testimony in understanding the nature of trauma and therefore how to respond to trauma more adequately in a clinical psychoanalytic setting. To follow these four modes of interaction with the traumatic memory the various chapters of the book present a close reading of three genres of traumatic witnessing: literary accounts by Holocaust survivors memoirs (located between autobiographic recollection and fiction) and "raw" testimonies taken from Holocaust survivors. Since every traumatic testimonial narrative contains a combination of all four modes with various shifts between them it is of crucial importance to identify the singular combination of modes that characterizes each traumatic narrative focusing on the specific areas within which a shift occurs from one mode to another. Such a focus is extremely important as illustrated and analyzed throughout this book to the rehabilitation of the psychic metabolic system which conditions the digestion of traumatic materials allowing a metaphoric working through of traumatic zones that were so far only accessible to repetition and evacuation. Bearing Witness to the Witness will appeal to trauma researchers of all research areas including psychologists psychoanalysts literary scholars as well as philosophers of language and philosophers of the mind. The book will also be of interest and relevance to clinical psychologists psychoanalytic candidates and graduate students in literary theory and criticism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138505308

Bearing WitnessA Personal Perspective on Sixty Years of Polish History Bearing Witness offers personal insight into the collective experience of Poles over the last sixty years. One of Poland's leading social scientists combines objective academic rigor with autobiographical eyewitness accounts of historic events. Maria Jarosz reflects on the post-World War II world and how Poland and its people have been affected by changes in politics power and society.More than a memoir the book offers keen insights into how history intersects with personal life. That is because Jarosz has spent her entire life studying people. As a reviewer of the original Polish edition noted it is not possible to understand Polish society its views and attitudes and the mechanisms for managing them without reading this work. This book spans the period from World War II through the communist era in Poland to the present day. It contains a wealth of dramatic detail including a vivid account of how the author who has Jewish roots survived the Holocaust as a child.This English language edition is updated to include descriptions of recent events. The author focuses intensely on her experiences as one of a few surviving witnesses to the horrors of wartime Poland. Her sober reflections are interspersed with light-hearted anecdotes testifying to Jarosz's resilient sense of humour—a cocktail that makes the book a captivating read. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412855952

Bearing WitnessGay Men's Health Crisis And The Politics Of Aids This study tells how one community-based initiative - Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC) in New York - overcame the obstacles of homophobia and fear of AIDS by organizing groups of volunteers who "bear witness" to the suffering of people with AIDS. The book explores the gay community's response to AIDS examining the relationship between personal motiv Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314651

Bearing WitnessPsychoanalytic Work with People Traumatised by Torture and State Violence This book discusses the kind of mental processing that can free victims from their unspeakable trauma a trauma that has no framework in time or words with which to express it. It discusses the traumatic scenes that are extreme expressions of historic and political conditions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323424

Bearing WitnessViolence and Collective Responsibility Bearing Witness: Violence and Collective Responsibility offers a unique layperson’s introduction to the scope and causes of violence and trauma theory and suggests ways we can all work to attack these causes. Upon completing this work you will have a better understanding of the social causes of the violence epidemic and concrete suggestions for its long-term control.Bearing Witness addresses the cycle of violence by discussing some of the biological psychological social and moral issues that go into determining whether a person will end up as a victim perpetrator or bystander to violent events and what happens to us when we are in one or all three of these roles. The authors look at a number of intersecting factors that play interdependent roles in creating a culture that promotes supports and even encourages violence. Specifically you’ll gain invaluable insight into: trauma theory and traumatogenic forces--backdrops against which the chances of exposure to violence and the use of violence as a problemsolver are increased normal human development in the context of attachment theory and what occurs as a result of disrupted attachment bonds how rapid changes in modern society and the breakdown of the traditional family structure contribute to a level of social stress that promotes violence violence in the family in the workplace and in the schools--all places to which people turn for security social responses to violence--the ways in which certain responses decrease or increase the likelihood of violence the unhealthy balance of power between the genders and how violence or the threat of violence maintains this imbalance how our cultural standard of disavowing our normal emotional experience sets the stage for repeated and regular empathic failure which leads to violenceA framework for understanding the various aspects of the problem of violence Bearing Witness delves into the various aspects of trauma--what trauma does to the body the mind the emotions and relationships--before beginning to formulate proposals for initiating processes that lead to problemsolving. Once this knowledge base has been established the authors give you the beginnings of an outline for reorganizing society with the aim of establishing a community that is responsive to the basic human need for safety and peace. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315809687

BearingsBasic Concepts and Design Applications Bearings: from Technoloogical Foundations to Practical Design Applications provides a modern study of bearing types design factors and industrial examples. The major classes of bearings are described and design concepts are covered for rolling elements surfaces pivots flexures and compliance surfaces. Fluid film lubrication is presented and the basics of tribology for bearings is explained. The book also looks at specific applications of bearing technology including bearings in vehicles rotating machinery machine tools and home appliances. Case studies are also included. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138049086

Bears Bears takes a look at these ever popular toys through a range of hands-on activities and creativity. Children will: develop self expression and creativity through familiar bear stories and rhymes build on mathematical concepts such as counting and size extend their knowledge and understanding of a range of scientific principles. This book is part of the Exploring Play series which are exciting topic-based books that present a range of unusual themes together with new ideas for timeless favourites. Media > Books > E-books David Fulton Publishers 9780203064313

Beast or Angel?Choosing to be Human The world of things is different now from what it was half a century ago but Rene Dubos doubts that there have been basic changes in life itself in those attitudes and activities needs and yearning that are the most important for happiness and suffering for hope and despair the differences between humanity and animality. Sophisticated and civilized as we may be we have retained from our distant ancestors the ability to derive profound satisfaction from the small happenings of daily life.Beast or Angel? attempts to trace the origins of needs and yearnings that have always been those of humankind everywhere and always. In this search Dubos expresses the same concerns and uses the same words when speaking of the past the present or the future the reason being that the biological and psychological characteristics of humankind have remained essentially the same for at least fifty millennia.We are human to the extent that we live according to certain principles which have a human quality. This quality has emerged and continues to emerge from the choices that we make throughout our individual lives and that humankind has made from the beginning of its existence. To be human is to be able and willing to choose among the options that are offered to the human species by the natural order of things. This book examines human species not only on the basis of the biological and psychological attributes it shares with animal species but more by identifying its choices throughout pre-history and history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519244

Beating Bureaucracy in Special Educational NeedsHelping SENCOs maintain a work/life balance Are you overwhelmed by the amount of paperwork that SEN generates in your school? Would you like to spend more time actually improving the quality of teaching and learning for pupils with SEN or disabilities? If so this is an essential book for you. Fully revised and updated for the 2014 SEN Code of Practice this new edition contains strategies for reducing the number of individual education plans and review meetings. Beating Bureaucracy in Special Educational Needs will help you to use existing systems for target setting recording and planning – personalised systems that are used for all children as part of everyday teaching practices. It lists the intervention programmes that really work and showcases the work of four schools that have successfully developed ways of planning provision working with parents and supporting staff development. Ready-to-use proforma in the book are also available online and include a model policy for Ofsted; strategy sheets for all main types of SEN; provision maps and proformas to help you plan monitor and evaluate your provision Beating Bureaucracy in Special Educational Needs will provide support for school leaders SENCOs and anyone undertaking the national SENCO award. A practical and engaging guide this new and updated edition shows how to put responsibility for supporting children with most types of additional need firmly back where it belongs – with class and subject teachers. It will help you – in the words of one SENCO – ‘get your life back’. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138891715

Beating the Devil Out of ThemCorporal Punishment in American Children Based on his studies of over 9 000 families Murray A. Straus the foremost researcher on family violence in the world discusses the extent to which parents in the United States use corporal punishment (such as spanking and slapping) and its effects on their chil-dren. The question of whether corporal punishment is an effective method of discipline is hotly debated. Straus contends that this believed-to-be-"minor" form of physical violence is precursor to much violence that plagues our world.Children who are spanked quickly learn that love and violence can go hand in hand. Since spanking is generally done by loving caring parents for the child's own good a child can learn that hitting is "morally right." Straus describes what he has learned through two decades of research: children who are spanked are from two to six times more likely to be physically aggressive to become juvenile delinquents and later as adults to use physical violence against their spouses to have sadomasochistic tendencies and to suffer from depression. Straus alerts parents to these risks and argues that spanking adversely affects not only the children who are subjected to it but society as a whole.This groundbreaking book now available in paperback with a substantive new introduction and new concluding chapter is essential reading for parents as well as teachers lawyers and judges. Professionals in fields such as social work child protection delin-quency and criminology psychology and politics will find it of critical importance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519251

Beating the DragonThe Recovery from Dependent Drug Use Suitable for 2nd and 3rd year students taking courses on drug use/misuse principally in departments such as Sociology Law Cultural and Media Studies and Psychology. Also particularly relevant for students taking courses leading to a profession such as nurses and social workers. The use of illegal drugs is widespread in many societies. Within many western societies particular concern has been focused on the nature and extent of illegal drug use amongst young people. In much of the media coverage an impression is often conveyed that the use of illegal drugs other than cannabis is a one way street leading inevitably to addiction destitution family breakdown and death. This impression fails to grasp the fact that most drug users do not become addicts and most addicts do not die. The perception of addiction as a fixed end point characterised by personal and social dissolution fails to recognise that many dependent drug users even after a period of prolonged dependent drug use nevertheless still manage to overcome their dependence upon illegal drugs. This process of recovery either with or without the assistance of helping agencies has been variously described by researchers drug counsellors clinicians and others. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138416147

Beating Your Competition Through Quality This book describes how superior quality is attained and gives some of the basic techniques involved. It gives clear insight into the impact of variation on the future of the World and addresses the statistical problems. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003066187

Beatrix PotterWriting in Code Beatrix Potter was one of the inventors of the contemporary picture book and her small novels published at the turn of the twentieth century are still available and popular today. Writing in Code is the first book-length study of Potter's work and it covers the entire oeuvre examining all facets of her work in relation to her private life. Daphne Kutzer reveals the depth of the symbolism in Potter’s work and relates this to the issues of the author's own development as an independent woman and writer and her struggles with domesticity Unitarianism and the socio-political issues in late-19th and early-20th century England. Weaving the subtle themes inscribed in Potter's own stories with the concerns and temperament of the author who wrote them Kutzer exemplifies literary criticism as it can illuminate the breadth of allusion in children's literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415653640

Beaumarchais and the Theatre William D Howarth sets Le Mariage de Figaro and Beaumarchais's other dramatic works in the broad historical context of pre-revolutionary France providing a unique and authoritative study of the dramatist and his plays. He presents detailed analyses of the plays themselves discussing their critical receptions their influence on drama of the period and their legacy. Included is a discussion of the operatic adaptations: Mozart's Mariage de Figaro and Rossini's Le Barbier de Seville. The author also provides analyses of sketches and fragments only recently re-discovered. Beaumarchais and the Theatre is a comprehensive and much needed study of one of the most significant playwrights of the turbulent eighteenth century. It is invaluable reading for students of theatre history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415755009

Beauties of Shakespeare CbEighteenth Century Shakespeare Volume 9 - 2 Volumes First published in 1971. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315889344

Beauties of Shakespeare CbEighteenth Century Shakespeare Volume 9 - 2 Volumes First published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203607794

Beautiful AngiolaThe Lost Sicilian Folk and Fairy Tales of Laura Gonzenbach In one of the most startling literary discoveries of recent years Jack Zipes has uncovered this neglected treasure trove of Sicilian folk and fairy tales. Like the Grimm brothers before her Laura Gonzenbach a talented Swiss-German born in Sicily set out to gather up the tales told and retold among the peasants. Gonzenbach collected wonderful stories - some on subjects that readers will know from the Grimms or Perrault some entirely new - and published them in German. Her early death and the destruction of her papers in the Messina earthquake of 1908 only add to the mystery behind her achievement. Beautiful Angiola is an instant classic: a nineteenth-century collection of stories in the great tradition of fairy and folk tales now translated into English for the first time. Gonzenbach delights us with heroines and princes sorcery and surprise the deeds of the brave and the treacherous and the magic of the true storyteller. The Green Bird The Humiliated Princess sorfarina The Magic Cane the Golden Donkey and the Little Stick that Hits are titles destine to become new favourites for readers everywhere. Yet while the stories enchant us the wry taglines with which they often end ('And so they remained rich and consoled while we keep sitting here and are getting old') gently bring us back to earth. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203960042

Beautiful Risk of Education This is a book about what many teachers know but are increasingly being prevented from talking about: that real education always involves a risk. The risk is there because as W. B. Yeats has put it education is not about filling a bucket but about lighting a fire. It is there because students are not to be seen as objects to be moulded and disciplined but as subjects of action and responsibility. The Beautiful Risk of Education is organised around a critical discussion of seven key educational concepts: creativity communication teaching learning emancipation democracy and virtuosity. By opposing the risk aversion that characterises many contemporary educational policies and practices Gert J.J. Biesta makes a strong argument for giving risk a central place in our educational endeavours and brings risk taking to the forefront of a critical pedagogical practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781612050270

Beauty Violence Representation This volume explores the relationship among beauty violence and representation in a broad range of artistic and cultural texts including literature visual art theatre film and music. Charting diversifying interests in the subject of violence and beauty dealing with the multiple inflections of these questions and representing a spectrum of voices the volume takes its place in a growing body of recent critical work that takes violence and representation as its object. This collection offers a unique opportunity however to address a significant gap in the critical field for it seeks to interrogate specifically the nexus or interface between beauty and violence. While other texts on violence make use of regimes of representation as their subject matter and consider the effects of aestheticization beauty as a critical category is conspicuously absent. Furthermore the book aims to "rehabilitate" beauty implicitly conceptualized as politically or ethically regressive by postmodern anti-aesthetics cultural positions and further facilitate its come-back into critical discourse. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138098435

Beauty and BusinessCommerce Gender and Culture in Modern America Leading historians explore how our ideas of what is attractive are influenced by a broad range of social and economic factors. They force us to reckon with the ways that beauty has been made bought and sold in modern America. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315023090

Beauty and Education Beauty is something we value instinctively. We find it in art and in nature in words images and ideas seeking it through our senses and through our intellect in others and in ourselves. This book seeks to re-awaken educators to the power of beauty as an educational concept to its relevance for schools and the current needs of students and teachers. Drawing upon a range of practical examples Winston considers the nature and meaning of the experience of beauty analysing its cognitive affective and moral energies in order to demonstrate how beauty can provide young minds with some of their most powerful educational experiences. Incorporating examples across the curriculum at all levels of schooling Winston argues that a due consideration of beauty in education can address some of the more fundamental problems that continue to bedevil policy and practice. With its clarity of style and wealth of practical examples it will be of great interest to academics teachers and education students at the graduate and postgraduate levels. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415896641

Beauty and MisogynyHarmful cultural practices in the West The new edition of Beauty and Misogyny revisits and updates Sheila Jeffreys' uncompromising critique of Western beauty practice and the industries and ideologies behind it. Jeffreys argues that beauty practices are not related to individual female choice or creative expression but represent instead an important aspect of women's oppression. As these practices have become increasingly brutal and pervasive the need to scrutinize and dismantle them is if anything more urgent now as it was in 2005 when the first edition of the book was published.   The United Nations concept of "harmful traditional/cultural practices" provides a useful lens for the author to advance her critique. She makes the case for including Western beauty practices within this definition examining their role in damaging women's health creating sexual difference and enforcing female deference.   First-wave feminists of the 1970s criticized pervasive beauty regimes such as dieting and depilation but a later argument took hold that beauty practices were no longer oppressive now that women could "choose" them. In recent years the reality of Western beauty practices has become much more bloody and severe requiring the breaking of skin and the rearrangement or amputation of body parts. Beauty and Misogyny seeks to make sense of why beauty practices have not only persisted but become more extreme. It examines the pervasive use of makeup the misogyny of fashion and high-heeled shoes and looks at the role of pornography in the creation of increasingly popular beauty practices such as breast implants genital waxing surgical alteration of the labia and other forms of self-mutilation. The book concludes by considering how a culture of resistance to these practices can be created.   A new and thoroughly updated edition of this essential work will appeal to all levels of students and teachers of gender studies cultural studies and feminist psychology and to anyone with an interest in feminism women and beauty and women's health. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848724488

Beauty and PowerTransgendering and Cultural Transformation in the Southern Philippines This compelling study of gender and sexual diversity in the Southern Philippines addresses general questions about the relationship between the making of gender and sexualities the politics of national and ethnic identities and processes of cultural transformation in a world of contract labourers and transnational consumers. The book focuses in particular on the meaning and experience of local 'gays' -- transvestite/transgender-homosexual men -- who are at once celebrated as purveyors of beauty (defined in terms of a global American otherness) and valorized as impotent men and defiled women. In short America functions both as a sign of their abjected status and as a space for imagining and reformulating various gendered identities. This innovative work -- one of the first ethnographic studies to be published in the aftermath of the region's civil unrest -- will be of interest to anyone working on gender the body and sexuality. Not only does it extend the boundaries of cross-cultural studies of non-mainstream genders and sexualities by directly engaging the entanglement of local sensibilities with global images and discourse but it also demonstrates that there is nothing ambiguous about ambiguity -- gendered sexual or otherwise. Rather this ambiguity is the specific product of different historical relations of power through which various cultural subjects are created and re-create themselves. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003084778

Beauty In Japan First published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964464

Beauty is NowhereEthical Issues in Art and Design First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203871423

Beauty of CrowdfundingBlooming Creativity and Innovation in the Digital Era Crowdfunding is emerging as a new source of financing for creativity and innovation. It promotes the launching and scaling of new projects for different types of creators by providing networked platforms and handy digital tools. This book provides insight into crowdfunding and how crowdfunding contributes to our communities and society. The book includes an overview of existing discussions across different disciplines i.e. entrepreneurship information systems marketing and correlates the literature to the best crowdfunding practices. The book begins with origins basic notions and antecedents of crowdfunding. In the main parts it demonstrates the five distinguished facets of crowdfunding: Creativity diversity balance connection and change. It also addresses the drawbacks of crowdfunding and subsequent outcomes of crowdfunding success. Finally it provides a perspective on the future of crowdfunding. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367198534

Beck on MithraismCollected Works with New Essays Roger Beck a world authority on Mithraism brings together his major writings on the Mysteries of Mithras in the context of the culture and religions of imperial Rome. In these studies he opens new vistas on myth making ritual symbolism the role of astrology in the cult recently discovered Mithraic monuments and artefacts and the emergence of Mithraism and Christianity concurrently in the first century. Beck offers new introductions to his thematically framed groups of writings and adds six entirely new essays published here for the first time. These essays link his research to contemporary studies in cognitive science of religion and anthropology of religion. This collection will appeal particularly to scholars exploring contemporary aspects in anthropology of religion astronomy and astrology cults and myths images and symbols as well as traditional scholars of Greco-Roman antiquity and Christian origins. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315096513

Beckett and BionThe (Im)Patient Voice in Psychotherapy and Literature This book focuses on Samuel Beckett's psychoanalytic psychotherapy with W. R. Bion as a central aspect both of Beckett's and Bion's radical transformations of literature and psychoanalysis. The recent publication of Beckett's correspondence during the period of his psychotherapy with Bion provides a starting place for an imaginative reconstruction of this psychotherapy culminating with Bion's famous invitation to his patient to dinner and a lecture by C.G. Jung. Following from the course of this psychotherapy Miller and Souter trace the development of Beckett's radical use of clinical psychoanalytic method in his writing suggesting the development within his characters of a literary-analytic working through of transference to an idealized auditor known by various names apparently based on Bion. Miller and Souter link this pursuit to Beckett's breakthrough from prose to drama as the psychology of projective identification is transformed to physical enactment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781780491479

Beckett and Musicality Discussion concerning the ’musicality’ of Samuel Beckett’s writing now constitutes a familiar critical trope in Beckett Studies one that continues to be informed by the still-emerging evidence of Beckett’s engagement with music throughout his personal and literary life and by the ongoing interest of musicians in Beckett’s work. In Beckett’s drama and prose writings the relationship with music plays out in implicit and explicit ways. Several of his works incorporate canonical music by composers such as Schubert and Beethoven. Other works integrate music as a compositional element in dialogue or tension with text and image while others adopt rhythm repetition and pause to the extent that the texts themselves appear to be ’scored’. But what precisely does it mean to say that a piece of prose or writing for theatre radio or screen is ’musical’? The essays included in this book explore a number of ways in which Beckett’s writings engage with and are engaged by musicality discussing familiar and less familiar works by Beckett in detail. Ranging from the scholarly to the personal in their respective modes of response and informed by approaches from performance and musicology literary studies philosophy musical composition and creative practice these essays provide a critical examination of the ways we might comprehend musicality as a definitive and often overlooked attribute throughout Beckett’s work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367669133

Beck's Cognitive TherapyDistinctive Features Beck's Cognitive Therapy: Distinctive Features explores the key contributions made by Aaron T. Beck to the development of cognitive behaviour therapy. This book provides a concise account of Beck's work against a background of his personal and professional history. The author Frank Wills considers the theory and practice of Beck's cognitive therapy by firstly examining his contribution to the understanding of psychopathology and going on to explore Beck's suggestions about the best methods of treatment. Throughout the book a commentary of how Beck's thinking differs from other approaches to CBT is provided as well as a summary of the similarities and differences between Beck’s methods and other forms of treatment including psychoanalysis and humanistic therapy. Beck's Cognitive Therapy will be ideal reading for both newcomers to the field and experienced practitioners wanting a succinct guide. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315824253

Become a Problem-Solving Crime Analyst Crime analysis has become an increasingly important part of policing and crime prevention and thousands of specialist crime analysts are now employed by police forces worldwide. This is the first book to set out the principles and practice of crime analysis and is designed to be used both by crime analysts themselves by those responsible for the training of crime analysts and teaching its principles and those teaching this subject as part of broader policing and criminal justice courses. The particular focus of this book is on the adoption of a problem solving approach showing how crime analysis can be used and developed to support a problem oriented policing approach – based on the idea that the police should concentrate on identifying patterns of crime and anticipating crimes rather than just reacting to crimes once they have been committed. In his foreword to this book Nick Ross presenter of BBC Crime Watch argues passionately that crime analysts are 'the new face of policing' and have a crucial part to play in the increasingly sophisticated police response to crime and its approach to crime prevention – 'You are the brains the expert the specialist the boffin.' Media > Books > Print Books Willan 9781138145139

Become the Primary Teacher Everyone Wants to HaveA guide to career success No matter how much you want to teach and no matter how well prepared you are beginning teaching is tough. A teacher’s work is never done; even when you work hard there is always something more you could do. Become the Primary Teacher Everyone Wants to Have tells you what teaching is really like. As you set out on your teaching career this book offers thoughtful and sensible support from an experienced and sympathetic teacher. Whether you read the book through from cover to cover or dip into sections you need at particular times each page has suggestions and ideas to help you lay a solid foundation for a fruitful and fulfilling career in teaching. Chapters cover: Getting Ready for Teaching; Teaching to Reach All Children; Assessing Learning and Teaching; Communicating with Parents and Guardians about Teaching; Relating with Colleagues when Teaching; Integrating Life Teaching and Learning. This book will be an invaluable guide for newly qualified and experienced teachers alike who are wanting to develop their practice and thrive in teaching. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138675636

Becoming a Behavioral Science ResearcherA Guide to Producing Research That Matters Acclaimed for helping novice behavioral scientists hit the ground running as producers of meaningful research this text now has been extensively revised with more than 50% new material including current guidance on open science; transparency; replication; and quantitative qualitative and mixed methods reporting standards. The book provides the conceptual knowledge and practical skills needed to bridge the gap between introductory research design and analysis courses and execution of an independent study. In a candid conversational style Rex B. Kline guides the reader to choose appropriate research designs and analysis options; avoid common fallacies in interpreting the outcomes of statistical tests; make informed measurement choices; screen data for problems that could yield inaccurate results; and craft effective theses journal articles and presentations. Revised pedagogical features include engaging examples from published studies and student theses as well as end-of-chapter exercises with answers. New to This Edition*Addresses critical "research crises" that have come to the fore in the last decade--and ways to remedy them.*New chapters on the replication crisis reporting standards the open-science movement and statistics reform.*Extensively revised chapters on effect size estimation and psychometrics.*Updated discussions of how to write publishable journal articles and create effective presentations. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462538799

Becoming a BorderlandThe Politics of Space and Identity in Colonial Northeastern India This book discusses the politics of space and identity in the borderlands of northeastern India between the early 1800s and the 1930s. Critiquing contemporary post-colonial histories where this region emerges as fragments this book sees these perspectives as continuing to be entrapped in a civilizational approach to history writing. Beginning in the pre-colonial period where it focuses on the negotiated character of state-formation during the Mughal imperium the book then enters the space of the colonial where it looks at some of the early interventions of the East India Company. The analysis of markets as transmitters of authority highlights an important argument that the book makes. Peasantization and the introduction of the notion of the sedentary agriculturist as the productive subject also come up for a detailed discussion along with economic change and property settlements which are seen as important ways through which the institution of colonial legality got entrenched in the region. Underlining the interface between the political economy and practices of cultural studies the book also explores the connections between speech production of counter narratives of historical memory political culture and economy with a focus on the cultural production of a borderland identity that was marked by hyphenated existence between proto- 'Bengal' and proto- 'Assam'. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138847453

Becoming a Brilliant TrainerA Teacher’s Guide to Running Sessions and Engaging Learners This essential guide provides both new and established trainers with accessible innovative and engaging strategies to create an inspirational learning environment. This professional book is suitable for early years primary and secondary teachers school leaders and heads of department who are supporting their teaching colleagues in schools. It offers practical advice on planning and delivering great training sessions including suggestions on how best to share existing knowledge in a group and how to combine dialogue and written text to effectively develop ideas in the classroom. The thinking behind each idea is not only clearly explained but is accompanied with a wealth of practical strategies that can be applied to a variety of training and teaching situations. This accessible resource is designed to help busy teaching professionals motivate their colleagues and deliver effective training. Generously illustrated throughout the book is separated into four learning phases: preparing for successful training; offering direct input through new ideas; embedding participant learning; and monitoring evaluating and planning for the future. Becoming a Brilliant Trainer: A Teacher’s Guide to Running Sessions and Engaging Learners will be an invaluable text for both trainee and qualified teachers school leaders and all those with an interest in delivering great training sessions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138645769

Becoming a Choral Music TeacherA Field Experience Workbook Becoming a Choral Music Teacher: A Field Experience Workbook Second Edition is a choral methods textbook that prepares students in Music Education to become middle school and high school choral music teachers. It emphasizes important musical skills vocal pedagogy and repertoire suitable for secondary school choirs in order to provide future teachers with the critical experiences to be effective. Focusing equally on rehearsal strategies auditions and classroom management the book is also a "workbook" that requires the students’ active learning through participation in fieldwork. Students learn in a sequential and practical manner beginning with the study of the middle school voice and progressing to the high school voice through practice of theory with adolescents followed by class reflection on common problems and solutions and then continued practice. NEW to this Edition Updated references to NAfME and new national and state standards and licensing rules More on the needs of Special Learners in the choral classroom Latest resources on classroom management theories and practice Expanded vocal warm-ups that incorporate body movement and aural skills training More on gender issues (including LGBT awareness) sociological impact and meanings of choral singing and emerging knowledge of multicultural choral music Becoming a Choral Music Teacher: A Field Experience Workbook Second Edition fully integrates the choral field experience for hands-on learning and reflection and allows the student to observe and teach the book’s principles. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138053007

Becoming a Clinical PsychologistEverything You Need to Know Becoming a Clinical Psychologist: Everything You Need to Know brings together all the information you need to pursue a career in this competitive field. This essential guide includes up-to-date information and guidance about a career in clinical psychology and gaining a place on clinical psychology training in the UK. It answers the questions all aspiring psychologists need to know such as: What is clinical psychology? What is it like to train and work as a clinical psychologist? How to make the most of your work and research experience. How to prepare for clinical psychology applications and interviews. Is clinical psychology the right career for me? By cutting through all the jargon and providing detailed interviews with trained and trainee clinical psychologists  Becoming a Clinical Psychologist will provide psychology graduates or undergrads considering a career in this area with all the tools they need. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138223417

Becoming a Consumer Psychologist Written by two scholars at the forefront of conducting research on the psychology of consumers and mentoring those new to the field Becoming a Consumer Psychologist provides a guide to what it takes to become a consumer psychologist and achieve success in this area. Monga and Bagchi lay out the varied experiences that lead one to be a consumer psychologist in academia marketing or public policy. The book discusses the academic route in detail guiding you on how to apply to schools including for a Ph.D. what courses to take and what to expect during your educational experience and after. It also discusses other routes that lead to diverse non-academic career paths in which practitioners apply their knowledge about consumer psychology.  The authors' guidance is backed by their own experiences as consumer psychology researchers mentors and journal Associate Editors; and the insights that the authors have gathered exclusively for this book from 23 other leading academics and practitioners. This book is essential reading for anyone looking to start their career in consumer psychology and for mentors and advisors who are guiding students about career choices. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138480858

Becoming a Digital ParentA Practical Guide to Help Families Navigate Technology Becoming a Digital Parent is a practical readable guide that will help all parents have confidence to successfully navigate technology with their children. It accessibly presents evidence-based guidance to offer an overview of the digital landscape empowering parents to embrace opportunities whilst keeping children responsible and safe online. Covering a range of topics including developmental stages screen time bed time gaming digital identities and helpful parenting apps and resources Carrie Rogers-Whitehead explores the challenges and opportunities involved in parenting in the digital age. With advice for parents of babies through to teenagers each chapter includes an explanation of the latest research interviews with parents and experts and helpful case studies gathered by the author during her extensive experience of working directly with parents and children. This book will show parents how to communicate better with their children create a family technology plan put in place intervention strategies when things happen and take advantage of the benefits technology can afford us. Becoming a Digital Parent is ideal for all parents looking to effectively navigate the technological world and the range of professionals who work with them. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367424626

Becoming A FamilyParents' Stories and Their Implications for Practice Policy and Research The movement from young adulthood through coupling and the transition to parenthood may be among the most universal adult developmental transitions. These passages hold interest for all of us but especially for those who study the psychological familial and sociocultural components of development all of which interact and influence each other. This book enhances understanding of family-life development by shedding light on the meanings that family members ascribe to the developmental process of becoming a family. This is achieved through qualitative analysis of narratives through which individuals and families explain themselves their thinking and their behavior. These family narratives are windows into individual and family identity as well as descriptions of connections to others. The book addresses issues including identity child characteristics social support and work. Each chapter includes a review of seminal literature parents' comments and ideas about the topic and a discussion of practice policy and research implications. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781410605085

Becoming a Forensic Psychologist The paths to becoming a forensic psychologist are numerous and varied. Becoming a Forensic Psychologist provides insight into the process of pursuing a career in forensic psychology from an introduction to the field itself to graduate school and beyond. This comprehensive guide extends beyond mere definitions and overviews to discuss tips strategies and questions to ask at every step of the way to becoming a forensic psychologist. Told from the perspectives of individuals at different stages in their career this book provides up-to-date information about existing forensic psychology programs and resources to assist aspiring forensic psychologists in career decision-making. Additional sidebars define key terms highlight important court decisions that shaped the field of forensic psychology and provide interesting facts about the field. This book will help any individual pursuing a career as a forensic psychologist including those about to start college who are narrowing their career interests graduate students and those already in the field of psychology who are considering a career shift. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138595408

Becoming a Forgiving PersonA Pastoral Perspective Don’t let hurt feelings cause undue harmlearn to make use of the healing power of forgiveness! Charting different paths through feelings of betrayal oppression and humiliation this compassionate book will help you understand forgiveness find it within yourself and pass this important knowledge to others. The poignant stories in Becoming a Forgiving Person show how anyone can manage feelings of victimization and quench the lust for vengeance. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of being hurt the inner struggles needed to truly forgive and methods and skills for practicing forgiveness. Combining religious and psychological insight Becoming a Forgiving Person examines how forgiveness can enhance feelings of self-esteem freedom and intimacy. The personal stories in these pages illuminate the futility of revenge and show why apologies don’t always help. You’ll be inspired by these lessons on how to forgive yourself and other people by tapping into levels of spirituality that are deeper than the grievances you need to forgive. With its fascinating new perspectives on betrayal revenge apology and reconciliation Becoming a Forgiving Person will show you: how to forgive without waiting for apologies ways to find personal power and increase self-esteem strategies for cultivating networks of supportive people to help youor anyonethrough difficult times tactics for getting on with your life and finding inner peace how and where to find opportunities to practice forgiveness This book also contains an appendix that lists various types of offenses and another that explores how to respond to one of the most hurtful situations imaginablethe accusation of incestin a way that bypasses denial and power struggles and works toward reconciliation. Becoming a Forgiving Person is a book that can help anyone who needs to learn to forgiveor who endeavors to help others accomplish that daunting task. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203725436

Becoming a Garamut Player in Baluan Papua New GuineaMusical Analysis as a Pathway to Learning The garamut is a log idiophone that is found in many of the coastal and island areas of Papua New Guinea. The instrument’s primary use is as a speech surrogate and in some regions the garamut is also used in large ensembles to play complex music for dancing. In Baluan Island within the Manus Province this style of garamut playing is comparatively highly developed. This book follows the author’s processes and methods in learning to play the music of the garamut to the level at which he became accepted as a garamut player by the people of Baluan. Lewis argues that analysis is essential in learning to play the rapid tempi and complex rhythms of Baluan garamut music in a cultural context where there is no formal teaching process for the music. The transcription and analysis of the Baluan garamut repertoire is the centrepiece of this study reflecting the cognitive structures of the learning process and revealing the inner workings of the music’s complexity as well as a striking beauty of form and structure. The book concludes with reflections on the process of a ‘cultural outsider’ becoming a garamut player in Baluan and on the role of musical analysis in that process on the ethnomusicologist’s role in transmission of the music and on the nature of continuity and change in a musical society such as Baluan. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367591236

Becoming a Genuine MuslimKierkegaard and Muhammad Iqbal Despite the apparent lack of any cultural and religious connection between Kierkegaard and Iqbal their philosophical and religious concerns and their methods of dealing with these concerns show certain parallels. This book provides a Kierkegaardian reading of Muhammad Iqbal’s idea of becoming a genuine Muslim. It reflects on the parallels between the philosophical approaches of Kierkegaard and Iqbal and argues that though there are certain parallels between their approaches there is a significant difference between their philosophical stances. Kierkegaard was concerned with developing an existential dialectics; Iqbal however focused mostly on the identification of the problems of the modern Muslim world. As a result Iqbal’s idea of becoming a genuine Muslim – the practical aspect of his thought and one of the most central issues of his philosophy – seems to be unclear and even contradictory at points. This book therefore uses the parallels between the two philosophers' endeavours and the notions developed by Kierkegaard to provide a strong hermeneutical tool for clarifying where the significance of Iqbal’s idea of becoming a Muslim lies.By bringing together two philosophers from different cultural traditional and religious backgrounds this book will appeal to students and scholars of Comparative Politics Contemporary Islamic Philosophy and the Philosophy of Religion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367590031

Becoming a Growth Mindset SchoolThe Power of Mindset to Transform Teaching Leadership and Learning Becoming a Growth Mindset School explores the theories which underpin a growth mindset ethos and lays out how to embed them into the culture of a school. It offers step-by-step guidance for school leaders to help build an approach to teaching and learning that will encourage children to embrace challenge persist in the face of setback and see effort as the path to mastery. The book isn’t about quick fixes or miracle cures but an evidence-based transformation of the way we think and talk about teaching leading and learning. Drawing upon his own extensive experience and underpinned by the groundbreaking scholarship of Carol Dweck Angela Duckworth and others Chris Hildrew navigates the difficulties practicalities and opportunities presented by implementing a growth mindset such as: forming a growth mindset curriculum launching a growth mindset with staff marking assessing and giving feedback with a growth mindset growth mindset misconceptions and potential mistakes family involvement with a growth mindset. Innovatively and accessibly written this thoroughly researched guide shows how a growth mindset ethos benefits the whole school community from its students and teachers to parents and governors. Becoming A Growth Mindset School will be of invaluable use to all educational leaders and practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138895508

Becoming a Health Psychologist Becoming a Health Psychologist provides an overview of the different training paths students can take to prepare themselves for graduate school and careers in the field of health psychology. You’ll find tips on how to choose and apply for graduate programs as well as numerous practical examples such as emails to potential advisors and questions to ask during interviews. Throughout the authors provide examples of different health psychology careers along with references resources and first-hand experiences. It details what is involved in becoming a health psychologist what a health psychology career entails and how to reach that goal. The inclusion of tips from a diverse group of successful students early career and senior health psychologists makes this book an invaluable resource for anyone looking to start their career or for advisors who are counselling students about career choices. For many readers this book may serve as "the mentor they never had". Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815385547

Becoming a High Expectation TeacherRaising the bar We constantly hear cries from politicians for teachers to have high expectations. But what this means in practical terms is never spelled out. Simply deciding that as a teacher you will expect all your students to achieve more than other classes you have taught in the same school is not going to translate automatically into enhanced achievement for students. Becoming a High Expectation Teacher is a book that every education student training or practising teacher should read. It details the beliefs and practices of high expectation teachers – teachers who have high expectations for all their students – and provides practical examples for teachers of how to change classrooms into ones in which all students are expected to learn at much higher levels than teachers may previously have thought possible. It shows how student achievement can be raised by providing both research evidence and practical examples. This book is based on the first ever intervention study in the teacher expectation area designed to change teachers’ expectations through introducing them to the beliefs and practices of high expectation teachers. A holistic view of the classroom is emphasised whereby both the instructional and socio-emotional aspects of the classroom are considered if teachers are to increase student achievement. There is a focus on high expectation teachers those who have high expectations for all students and a close examination of what it is that these teachers do in their classrooms that mean that their students make very large learning gains each year. Becoming a High Expectation Teacher explores three key areas in which what high expectation teachers do differs substantially from what other teachers do: the way they group students for learning the way they create a caring classroom community and the way in which they use goalsetting to motivate students to promote student autonomy and to promote mastery learning. Areas covered include:- Formation of teacher expectations Teacher personality and expectation Ability grouping and goal setting Enhancing class climate Sustaining high expectations for students Becoming a High Expectation Teacher is an essential read for any researcher student trainee or practicing teacher who cares passionately about the teacher-student relationship and about raising expectations and student achievement. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415713375

Becoming a Kink Aware Therapist As a result of recent media interest the practice of BDSM has become more mainstream yet remains marginalized. Now more than ever greater numbers of heterosexual and LGBTQ couples are starting to explore some form of BDSM. However profound misunderstandings continue leading to unintentional physical and psychological harm. Drawing on current research and ethnographic narratives from the kink community this book seeks to provide psychotherapists with an introductory understanding of the culture and practice of BDSM and presents specific therapeutic concerns related to common misconceptions. This book strives to de-pathologize BDSM practices while also providing concrete ways to distinguish abuse from consent harmful codependency and more. Packed with practical suggestions and rich case studies this book belongs on the shelf of every therapist seeing BDSM and kink clients. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138239654

Becoming a LeaderNine Elements of Leadership Mastery By blending the real-world insights of business executive Al Bolea with tested research findings provided by leadership scholar Leanne Atwater Becoming a Leader: Nine Elements of Leadership Mastery effectively bridges theory and practice to outline powerful leadership behaviors and teach readers how to become a leader. Based on Bolea’s original "J-Curve" model of leadership this approachable guide identifies and describes nine essential elements for leadership mastery including skills such as setting direction creating key processes and nurturing behaviors. Each chapter pairs concrete narratives with succinct research synopses to show how to expand the potential of people and organizations. This unique experiential text engages readers with self-reflection and self-assessment exercises to encourage their development as future leaders. Becoming a Leader: Nine Elements of Leadership Mastery is a must-have resource for practicing managers consultants and practitioners as well as being applicable to graduate and undergraduate courses on leadership. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367478346

Becoming a Midwife What is the reality of being a midwife in the twenty-first century? What is it like to help and support women throughout pregnancy and childbirth and into motherhood? What roles can midwives play in society? This new edition of the popular text Becoming a Midwife explores what it is to be a midwife looking at the factors that make midwifery such a special profession as well as some of the challenges. The fully updated chapters cover a variety of settings and several different stages in a woman’s pregnancy including stories from midwives working in hospitals and in the community as managers supervisors and educators and as men women mothers and birth activists. All chapters are narrated by contributors who introduce their own theme recount a vignette that throws light on their understandings of midwifery and reasons for becoming (or not becoming) a midwife and any subsequent career moves. Backed up by commentaries and drawing together these insights the editors show what it means to be a midwife today. Suitable for those contemplating a career in midwifery and providing an opportunity for reflection for more experienced midwives this thought-provoking book is an invaluable contribution to midwifery. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415660105

Becoming a New InstructorA Guide for College Adjuncts and Graduate Students Becoming a New Instructor guides new instructors through the planning preparation and execution of their first class whether it is in person or online. Like any good mentor this book provides clear simple instructions and makes best-practice recommendations. Becoming a New Instructor provides a step-by-step guide to writing a syllabus a simple explanation for how to calculate grades and many additional suggestions from an experienced teacher about how to run a class. Chronologically arranged from conceptualizing the class through putting together the syllabus planning in-class time running the class and assigning grades this book will answer any new instructors’ questions. Adjuncts and graduate students charged with teaching a college course will find this succinct guide invaluable. Special Features Include: An entire chapter on teaching online plus "Concerns Specific to Online Instructors" throughout that connect chapter content to online teaching and CMS platforms Examples of best practice checklists sample assignments syllabi and rubrics that guide readers in creating materials for their own courses Guidance specific to the needs of adjuncts and graduate students teaching a course for the first time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415807463

Becoming a NurseA Hermeneutic Study of the Experiences of Student Nurses on a Project 2000 Course This title was first published in 2002: Presenting revealing insights into the structure and functioning of the Project 2000 courses this book examines the original creative and evolutionary research processes which led to the identification of student nurses’ unique and common experiences and portrays the learning milieu in which students developed a self-concept of being a nurse. Employing Heidegger’s hermeneutic phenomenological approach the book explores the concepts of intentionality  thrownness  being-in-the-world-with-others  temporality and active subjectÂ. It represents a substantial contribution to existing knowledge concerning student reflection and development forms of teaching leadership and supervision and student exposure to a variety of experiences in clinical practice. It also contributes important new perspectives both to ongoing discussions related to socialization theory and to the qualitative methodology literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138726406

Becoming a NurseFundamentals of Professional Practice for Nursing The guidelines and skills required to become a nurse are always changing and it can be difficult to stay up-to-date with the current standards. This book has been specifically designed to address the main skills you need to meet NMC requirements. Becoming a Nurse will demystify what you need to know while preparing you to meet NMC standards and become a confident practising professional. The book introduces the many subjects outside the biological which are none the less essential for both pre-registration and practising nurses. This new edition has been thoroughly updated throughout and includes four new chapters on psychosocial concepts for nursing; sociological concepts for nursing; spiritual care; and preceptorship and transition. Like the previous edition the book also covers: Law ethics and policy Management and leadership Communication interpersonal skills and interprofessional working Evidence based practice Medicines management Public health and professional development Each chapter is packed full of case studies discussion question and further readings to encourage critical thinking and reflection. It is an excellent resource to prepare you for your programme or to refresh your knowledge of NMC standards. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780273786214

Becoming A Person First published in 1991. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138419896

Becoming a Person Through Psychoanalysis What Neville Symington is attempting to do in this book is to trace the pathway along which he has travelled to become a person. This has run side by side with trying to become an analyst. The author has made landmark discoveries when reading philosophy sociology history and literature. Learning to paint learning to fly a plane and also the study of art and of aviation theory have opened up new vistas. This account is only a sketch. The completed picture will never materialize. It is therefore autobiographical but only in a partial sense. It is always emphasized that one's own personal experience of being psychoanalysed is by far the most significant part of a psychoanalyst's education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367105877

Becoming a Physical Education Teacher Teaching physical education is a challenging but rewarding occupation. Finding a way into the profession can be a daunting task while regular changes in government policy can make it hard to stay up to date. This engaging new book explains the process of becoming and being a teacher of secondary school physical education from the various routes of entry into the profession to the realities of being a qualified PE teacher to the ways in which experienced teachers can become teacher educators and nurture the next generation. It combines rich personal accounts of teaching in and being taught physical education with practical advice for trainees newly qualified teachers and established professionals with an emphasis throughout on the importance of critical self-reflection. The book begins by exploring the nature and purpose of physical education and examining the historical development of initial teacher training. It examines recent changes in training policy and curriculum and offers an overview of the various ways of becoming a PE teacher including the Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) and school and employment based routes. The book offers advice on what to expect at interview meeting the standards for qualifying to teach and on how to survive the difficult first year as a newly-qualified teacher. It also outlines the challenges and rewards of being a qualified teacher mentor or curriculum leader as well as a teacher educator within higher education. Concise helpful and filled with sensible insights based on real experiences of teaching physical education Becoming a Physical Education Teacher is an essential read for anybody considering entering the profession or for students trainees newly qualified or experienced teachers wanting to understand better the process of becoming and being a successful PE teacher. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138778283

Becoming a Primary Mathematics Specialist Teacher What is the role of the mathematics specialist? What is deep subject knowledge in mathematics? What sort of pedagogical knowledge does a mathematics specialist need? How can you best support your colleagues to improve mathematics teaching and learning? Becoming a Primary Mathematics Specialist Teacher helps you explore the role of the specialist in promoting positive attitudes towards mathematics and developing the teaching and learning of mathematics in your primary school. Illustrated throughout with classroom-based examples and referenced to relevant research it is designed to support your development as a reflective practitioner who can confidently review and develop practice in your own classroom as well as challenge and move the whole school forward through collaborative professional development. Essential topics explored include: The nature of the role of the primary mathematics specialist Understanding how attitudes to mathematics evolve and why it is crucial to challenge and change negativity What we mean by deep subject knowledge in primary mathematics Pedagogical knowledge of how mathematics is taught and learned The skills of coaching and mentoring to support teachers and teaching assistants Unpicking the principles of progression for high quality teaching in all years groups The key features of deep subject knowledge and pedagogy in three areas of the curriculum: multiplication time and data handling. Becoming a Primary Mathematics Specialist Teacher is an essential source of guidance and ideas for all primary school teachers aiming to achieve Mathematics Specialist status or already taking this role those studying primary mathematics as a specialism and at masters level and for all primary mathematics co-ordinators. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415604345

Becoming a Primary School Teacher This book is essential reading for students just beginning a career in primary school teaching. Written with the needs and questions of the new student teacher in mind it covers the fundamental aspects of the job of the primary school teacher in an inspiring yet down-to-earth way. Each chapter covers a key issue in primary education.Becoming a Primary School Teacher is the perfect introductory text for the student teacher helping them to prepare for their first school experience. It will also be of interest to more experienced teachers and teacher trainers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138176928

Becoming a ProfessionThe History of Art Therapy in Britain 1940-82 Britain was the first country to recognise art therapy as a profession in the state health service. How did this come about? Can the British experience serve as a model for other countries? Originally published in 1991 Becoming a Profession is the first comprehensive history of art therapists in Britain and of their struggle for professional recognition. Diane Waller discusses the work of the founding art therapists of the 1940s and 1950s and assesses their contribution in detail. She also puts art therapy in a political context showing how the British Association for Art Therapists worked closely with the trade union movement in its campaigns to get professional recognition. Fascinating reading for all practising art therapists art therapy teachers and students Becoming a Profession will also be relevant to anyone interested in the formation and development of professions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415844789

Becoming a Public Relations WriterStrategic Writing for Emerging and Established Media The sixth edition of Becoming a Public Relations Writer continues its place as an essential guide to the writing process for public relations practice. Smith provides comprehensive examples guidelines and exercises that allow students to both learn the fundamentals of public relations writing and practice their writing skills. Ethical and legal issues are woven throughout the text which covers public relations writing formats for both journalistic and organizational media. This new edition updates and expands its coverage of writing for digital and social media—including blogs websites and wikis as well as social networking (Facebook) microblogging (Twitter) photo sharing (Instagram and Snapchat) and video sharing (YouTube). This range reflects the current landscape of public relations writing preparing undergraduate students for a public relations career. Becoming a Public Relations Writer is a trusted resource for courses in public relations media writing and strategic communication. Previous editions of this text have been adopted by more than 190 colleges and universities in the U.S. and among other English-speaking nations. Complementary online materials are provided for both instructors and students; instructors have access to support materials such as test banks chapter overviews and a sample syllabus while students will benefit from career prep resources such as ethics codes an overview of professional organizations and sample news packages. Visit the Companion Website at Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367281571

Becoming a Reflective Mathematics TeacherA Guide for Observations and Self-Assessment Ideal for preservice mathematics teachers who are taking methods courses or are student teaching this research-based activity-oriented guide offers a highly effective framework for teacher reflection and self-assessment. Highlighting inquiry-based learner-centered teaching and grounded in a cognitive perspective Becoming a Reflective Teacher of Mathematics Third Edition features: Detailed observation instruments for observing other teachers Reflective activities that provide a structure for beginning teachers to think about their teaching Guidelines and instruments for supervisors to use when observing conferencing with and assessing beginning or student teachers The Third Edition of Becoming a Reflective Teacher of Mathematics is aligned with the latest standards for teaching mathematics including the Common Core State Standards-Mathematics and the latest assessments for mathematics teacher certification which place a high priority on reflective practice. Thoroughly revised and updated throughout the Third Edition continues to provide preservice and in-service mathematics teachers with practical ideas for developing and honing reflective and self-analytical skills needed to advance and improve instruction. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138022669

Becoming a Research-Informed SchoolWhy? What? How? Becoming a Research-Informed School examines the reasons why teachers and leaders use research to improve their schools and explores how teachers select understand and use research to enhance learning experiences in fast-moving classroom environments. It analyses what teachers and school leaders actually do to use research in their schools and how they build a research-informed culture. Based firmly in data from real schools and considering the experiences of over 150 education professionals it shows how research and evidence can be used to: Improve decision-making processes Develop schools as intellectual communities Address priorities for improvement Implement research-informed teaching Respond to policy imperative for informed practice Guide future research It considers key topics including Teacher Research Lesson Study the use of data to effect improvements navigating social media and blogs and how to overcome common obstacles to research use in schools. Becoming a Research-Informed School is full of rich detailed examples of research and research utilisation. It is an indispensable resource for teachers and leaders who wish to take an informed approach to creating a professional learning community. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138308640

Becoming a Romanov. Grand Duchess Elena of Russia and her World (1807–1873) The Russian Great Reforms of the 1860s were the last major modernizing effort by the Romanov dynasty. From 1855 to 1861 Grand Duchess Elena born Princess Charlotte of Württemberg (1807-1873) acted as the spokeswoman for the reform-minded circles of Russian society bringing before her nephew Emperor Alexander II a group of civic-minded experts who formed the core of the committee that prepared the greatest and most complex of the reforms the abolition of serfdom in Russia. The Grand Duchess’s involvement in these crucial events in Russian history highlights the considerable influence aristocratic women had in Russian society quite unlike women of the same class and status in Western Europe. A study of the Grand Duchess Elena of Russia offers a new understanding of Russian and international events of the time the Romanovs’ role in them the degree of autonomy enjoyed by high-born women in Russia and the ways in which new ideas gained ground in the nineteenth-century Russian empire. Based on abundant and largely unused archival sources published documents and literature of the period in French Russian German Italian and English this is the first book about Grand Duchess Elena and it expertly interweaves the story of a woman’s life with that of Imperial Russian high politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472457011

Becoming a School ConsultantLessons Learned Most consultation courses in school psychology focus heavily on theoretical models of consultation and associated intervention procedures. Little time is devoted to developing communication and process skills. Yet these process skills are key to properly identifying student problems and selecting appropriate interventions. Without skillfully conducted consultations implementation and evaluation of an intervention can be minimal. This book is designed to help students develop the process skills needed to become effective school consultants in consultee-centered consultation with special emphasis on the instructional consultation model. The authors address specific skills and issues faced by novice consultants and documents how they worked through particular issues that are likely to occur in school consultation practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415883443

Becoming a Secondary School TeacherHow to Make a Success of your Initial Teacher Training and Induction Aimed at supporting those undertaking initial teacher training and the statutory Induction period that follows Becoming a Secondary School Teacher explores the skills roles and knowledge needed to become a successful teacher in today’s secondary schools. Providing detailed guidance on key areas of professional practice the book helps the reader to link key theories and principles to the reality they will find in the classroom. This edition has been fully updated to reflect the latest legislation and Teachers’ Standards as well as changes in practice and expectations regarding learning assessment and inclusion. Highly accessible and full of practical advice it includes: • guidance on key skills for classroom success including lesson planning classroom management and assessment; • practical tips on handling areas of real concern such as discipline workload job interviews and relationships with colleagues; • advice on teaching beyond your specialist subject and teaching in challenging circumstances; • reference throughout to the Core Standards that have to be met during training what these mean in practice and how they might be evidenced. With a strong reflective focus through case studies action points and reflection points this book is core reading for all students wanting to get the most out of their initial teacher training programme. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415529358

Becoming a Social EntrepreneurStarting Out Scaling Up and Staying True What’s it like to be a social entrepreneur – not a textbook social entrepreneur but one on the ground? This book offers an explanation. Michael Gordon leading Social Entrepreneurship expert from the University of Michigan spoke with more than one hundred social entrepreneurs – from six continents young and old just starting out to several decades in addressing seemingly every societal problem of the day. This book uses their words and experiences to provide a kaleidoscopic description of what it means to become a social entrepreneur. It ranges from the personal and emotional challenges they often face to the grand impact many hope to produce. It touches on the sublime but focuses on the everyday highlighting the mistakes that have been made the lessons learned and especially what advice they would give to those wanting to start a social venture. This book presents the truth not the varnish and is ideal for use in the classroom with students studying social entrepreneurship and for all new and experienced social entrepreneurs seeking real-life examples of how to overcome challenges. For anyone else it offers a penetrating portrait of the lives of those committed to changing the world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367197735

Becoming a Social Justice LeaderUsing Head Heart and Hands to Dismantle Oppression This important book helps school leaders let go of a "comfortable" mindset and enter a world of courageous conversations that examine and challenge the impact of racism and other forms of oppression on disciplinary patterns instructional practices and school policies. Authors Hunsberger Mayo and Neal prepare you to address these difficult issues though authentic critical discourse. The book includes classroom activities and facilitation tips to help prompt systematic changes in schools through improving instruction supporting inclusiveness and strengthening student engagement. After reading Becoming a Social Justice Leader you’ll be able to: Design conversations that support participant engagement and create a safe environment for discussion. Explore personal dispositions attitudes and stances that contribute to systemic oppression. Understand how oppression is established and sustained in order to enact change. Create alliances within school settings to foster dialogue and combat oppression. Additional worksheets that help educators examine and expand their work as social justice leaders are also available for download ( Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138957749

Becoming a Social WorkerGlobal Narratives This is a book about social workers and social work. It tells the story of the journey into and through social work of people from around the world living and working in social work today. We hear what has brought them into social work and what has kept them in it since. Their lively accounts demonstrate that commitment and passion remain at the heart of social work today. This new edition of Becoming a Social Worker is made up of entirely new stories. It describes what it is like to be a social worker in a range of different practice settings in different countries. While many of the narratives are from practitioners and educators who either grew up in or came as adults to the UK half of the narratives explores the experiences of social workers and educators working in different parts of the world in countries as diverse as Australia and New Zealand India and Bangladesh Ireland Sweden and Eastern Europe Nigeria the USA and Canada. The book ends with a commentary which argues that social work is truly a global profession. Some of the contributors will be recognised as those who have played a key part in shaping social work over the years and they provide valuable insights into how the profession has developed over time. Other contributors less well known but no less interesting give a vivid account of the challenges that social work education and practice face and the shared values that underpin social work wherever it is located. Social work is a demanding and difficult job that goes largely unseen within society. We only ever hear about social work and social workers when something goes wrong and a vulnerable adult or child is hurt. Becoming a Social Worker sets out to change that – to make social work visible so that those considering a career in the caring professions across the world can make an informed choice about whether social work is the career for them. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415666947

Becoming a Solution DetectiveA Strengths-Based Guide to Brief Therapy If you are interested in making your practice solution-focused quickly and effectively look no further than this text. The authors co-founders of the Brief Therapy Group demystify the process of psychotherapy making the concept of solution-based therapy accessible and relevant for newcomers to the field and for professionals seeking to apply SFBT principles in their own practices. The book’s hands-on approach allows practitioners to adopt the authors' simple self-teaching style and apply it to their work with clients. Practical information is included on: the differences between the solution-based approach and traditional therapy establishing a successful therapeutic alliance with clients determining detailed meaningful goals for the client mapping the client’s journey to a solution possible “dead ends†in applying this type of therapy and much more! As an academic textbook it is ideal for individual study in a variety of courses including social work counseling nursing psychology education and any other helping professions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415896221

Becoming a Sport Exercise and Performance Psychology ProfessionalA Global Perspective This edited book by two prominent professionals of Sport and Exercise and Performance Sciences addresses relevant issues and experiences as one becomes a sport exercise and performance psychology practitioner. Chapters discuss the supervision and training involved along with models of practice theory techniques and ethical issues. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781848726178

Becoming a Sport Psychologist Sport psychology is a competitive profession with rigorous and demanding entry routes in terms of education training and accreditation. Once qualified the sport psychology practitioner will face complex day-to-day professional challenges of the kind not always covered in conventional sport psychology textbooks. Becoming a Sport Psychologist is the first book to reveal the reality of working in sport psychology through the personal perspectives and narratives of some of the world’s leading sport psychologists top professionals with many years experience of working at every level of sport from amateur to elite in consulting and support roles and in sport psychology research. With each chapter focusing on a key issue or issues in professional practice each contributing psychologist discusses their own education training and professional experience their personal motivation and their approach to consulting and delivery helping the reader to develop a rounded understanding of how to succeed in sport psychology. The book also explores key professional issues such as intervention style work-life balance and the commercial aspects of sport psychology practice not covered in other books plus it offers a summary of typical education and training routes and additional information on professional organisations and accreditation schemes. Becoming a Sport Psychologist is invaluable reading for anybody considering a career in sport psychology or any practising sport psychologist looking to extend and develop their professional skills. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415525220

Becoming a Sports Coach A ‘coach’ is more than just somebody who leads in the organisation and delivery of structured sport. The role of a coach goes beyond leadership requiring an understanding of theories of teaching and learning. To become a coach you must know how people learn. Becoming a Sports Coach aims to introduce the multi-dimensional and inter-locking knowledge bases that any aspiring coach will need to develop and that any established coach needs to master in order to improve their professional practice. While traditional coach education pathways have focused on what to coach this book argues that understanding how knowledge can be communicated to learners is just as important. Asking why we coach through critical reflection and self-knowledge is also an essential part of the process of becoming a sports coach. The book explores three types of knowledge – content knowledge pedagogic knowledge and self-knowledge – challenging the reader to reflect on their own coaching experiences and to develop a personal philosophy of coaching. It explores key pedagogic themes in contemporary coaching studies such as humanistic coaching inclusive practice coaching for understanding and the athlete-coach relationship. Real case studies are used to illuminate the ways – transferrable across sports - in which coaches can apply theory to practice and ultimately enhance their work. With contributions from leading coaching researchers and practitioners combining practical guidance with important theoretical insights this book will help any coaching student or developing professional to better understand the journey to becoming an effective sports coach. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138793460

Becoming A StepfamilyPatterns of Development in Remarried Families What determines whether stepfamilies remain together? What helps stepfamilies overcomes the difficulties of remarriage and become mutually supportive family units? How can mental health professionals better support this development? This book brings both clarity and depth to the unique and complex dynamics of remarried families. Patricia Papernow draws on interviews with over 100 stepfamily members up-to-date research a solid theoretical framework and an empathic clinical sensibility to present an insightful model of stepfamily development the Stepfamily Cycle. This details account of the sages of forming a lasting cohesive group is richly illustrated by stepfamily members' own stories. Becoming a Stepfamily describes the developmental challenges involved in building nourishing reliable relationships between stepparents and stepchildren in the newly married couple and between different family groups who must learn to live together in a remarried family. Papernow discusses the factors that influence the pace and ease of development and she provides four full length case studies illustrating the varied paths through the stepfamily cycle to the successful remarried life. The author offers therapists clergy school personnel and others involved with stepfamilies a range of effective interventions including preventive educational and clinical approaches. She provides practical guidance for helping family members deal constructively with the differing attachments of children to their biological parents and stepparents assisting stepparents as they cope with feeling excluded from the powerful biological parent-child bond and guiding biological parents torn between their spouse's need for intimacy and privacy and their children's needs for support and attention. Media > Books > Print Books Gestalt Press 9781138146723

Becoming a Student of TeachingLinking Knowledge Production and Practice This new edition of a very successful book offers an innovative teaching methodology that place the teacher's own biography and life experiences at the center of teacher education. By asking students to explore their own systems of meaning and the associated contexts especially school contexts the author encourages them to contemplate issues of power that are vital to thinking about the teacher's role as well as educational practices and purposes. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315023243

Becoming a Successful Early Career Researcher Not that long ago there were fairly clear divisions between researchers at different stages throughout their career starting with doctoral students then progressing to postdoctoral workers and finishing with academic staff. However more recently the term Early Career Researcher (ECR) has been introduced partly as a response to their growing importance which has been reflected by their increased respect and status shown by national international and funding bodies. There are several common features of an ECR’s job including the need to establish a professional identity and develop into an independent researcher competing for grants and increasing one’s output of research publications; this book offers proven practical advice to help ECRs kick-start a successful academic career. With advice on: Choosing research topics Making best use of a Research Supervisor/Mentor Developing your research writing Getting published: journals and books Writing a research grant/fellowship Becoming a supervisor Becoming a teacher and Developing your career This guide will help academics at the start of their career no matter what discipline they are engaged in… Arts Humanities Sciences or Social Sciences. For example in sciences and engineering ECRs are commonly part of a large research team and often have to work in collaborative groups; requiring strong interpersonal skills but can lead to tension in the interaction with one’s supervisor or mentor. In contrast in the arts and humanities and perhaps the social sciences an ECR is more likely to be an independent scholar with a requirement to work alone leading to a different type of relationship (but not necessarily any less stressful) with one’s supervisor or mentor. Using case studies from across the subject areas to illustrate key points and give suitable examples this vital guide will help all early career academics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415672474

Becoming a Successful School LeaderDeveloping New Insights Becoming a Successful School Leader critically considers what leaders need to help them support their schools and communities with the challenges and demands of learning. It presents readers with opportunities to develop their thinking and to generate personal strategies to manage situations through a series of structured exercises and tasks. Drawing on a range of accounts from professionals case studies and reflective questions this accessible text allows leaders to confidently guide their staff and students through the contested landscape of education. Focusing on key topics chapters cover: education policy and leadership governance and management of educational settings; changes to the employment market; inclusion in education emerging moral dilemmas and legislative changes; the structure of education: new frameworks and models; quality assurance: responsibilities liabilities and consequences; global dimensions and emerging ethical issues. This book will be essential reading for both practising and aspiring school leaders who have an interest in the challenges policies and practices deployed in leading and managing change in a variety of educational settings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138100558

Becoming a Sustainable OrganizationA Project and Portfolio Management Approach Organizations find that a performance gap exists between sustainability vision and benefits realization. Effecting transformational change requires incorporating sustainability into organization’s culture including policies processes and people. Although they are often overlooked project management professionals and HR professionals are valuable organizational resources for driving sustainable transformation. This book lays out a framework to improve sustainability integrations including case studies lessons learned best practices and tools and templates to facilitate transforming into a sustainable organization.Becoming a Sustainable Organization: A Project and Portfolio Management Approach lays out a framework to create organizational value while preserving natural and social capital. The book provides a roadmap for organizations during their sustainability journey by sharing case studies best practices and lessons learned as well as tools and techniques to drive change.This book is an ideal resource for project and portfolio managers as well as executive managers in organizations that are embarking on a sustainability journey. It explains how to engage both internal and external stakeholders in order to reframe strategy to drive this transformation. It examines the role human capital management professionals and policies can play in ensuring that employees become fully engaged in sustainability. It also recommends baseline measurements and metrics to help managers ensure sustainability initiatives remain on track.The case studies and interviews in this book include sustainability stories and projects from a variety of organizations in both function and size including family-owned businesses higher-education institutions NGOs municipal and federal government agencies and large global organizations. These cases are based on interviews with experienced sustainability and project management professionals who have not just "talked the talk" but also "walked the walk."The voices of these professionals provide invaluable inspiration and guidance to sustainability champions and to program and project managers seeking to move their sustainability portfolio components forward within their organizations. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781498700818

Becoming a Teacher of Writing in Elementary Classrooms Becoming a Teacher of Writing in Elementary Classrooms nurtures teachers’ identities as writers connects to the realities of writing instruction in real and diverse classrooms and encourages critical and creative thinking. This text is about writing instruction as a journey teachers and students embark on together. The focus is on learning how to teach writing through specific teaching and learning structures found in the Writing Studio: mini-lessons; teacher and peer conferencing; guided writing; and sharing celebrating and broadcasting writing. Pedagogical features include teaching structures and strategies "Problematizing Practice" classroom scenarios assessment resources and a Companion Website. Because a teacher who views him or herself as a writer is best positioned to implement the Writing Studio a parallel text Becoming-writer give readers space to consider who they are as a writer their personal process as a writer and who they might become as a writer. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415743204

Becoming a Teacher through Action ResearchProcess Context and Self-Study Becoming a Teacher through Action Research Third Edition skillfully interweaves the stories of pre-service teaching with the process of action research. This engaging text focuses specifically on the needs of pre-service teachers by providing assistance for all stages of the research experience including guidance on how to select an area of focus design a culturally-proficient study collect and interpret data and communicate findings. With an updated introduction and two new chapters this revised edition fully develops a convincing response to the framing question of the book "Why pre-service teacher action research?" The new edition continues to focus on elements of trustworthy pre-service teacher action research and provides a more robust overview of research methodology. Using additional activities charts and examples this book offers support during the steps of writing a critical question data collection data analysis and the use of analytic memos. New Features in the Third Edition include: New chapters on ongoing data analysis and final data interpretation which include practice scenarios and examples to give readers a deeper understanding of doing the work of action research processes; An expanded chapter on action research methodology which includes scaffolds for making methodological decisions additional practice scenarios and a revised action research design template; New end-of-chapter Content and Process Questions to encourage deeper understanding; New examples throughout expanded additional glossary terms enhanced literature review guidance and updated templates to support action research projects; An updated companion website with downloadable templates and additional instructor resources; A revised interior text design to increase the accessibility of the text. This one-of-a-kind guide continues to offer invaluable support for teacher-education students during a critical phase of their professional—and personal—lives. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415660495

Becoming a TherapistA Manual for Personal and Professional Development Personal development is fundamental to professional development and therapeutic practice. Until now the unstructured personal or reflective journal has by default become the sole vehicle for recording reflection through training. Becoming a Therapist is a unique practical manual facilitating the movement and growth of the reader whilst raising awareness of resistance to change. With challenging questions and exercises it forces the reader to consider his or her own personal value systems strengths and limitations as they relate to the practice of therapy tackling vital issues such as: family; culture; gender; and ethics.Indispensable to counsellors counselling psychologists and psychotherapists in training Becoming a Therapist is a thought-provoking companion to personal and professional development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138133945

Becoming a Top Woman Manager An increasing number of women are claiming the careers and the success which are rightfully theirs. This book first published in 1988 demonstrates that the way to the top consists of a series of steps and strategies. It outlines these steps and provides practical advice based on Australian research on the challenges to be faced in achieving career goals. Succinct profiles of successful women demonstrate that these challenges can be met understood and overcome. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138244566

Becoming a Transformative LeaderA Guide to Creating Equitable Schools This exciting book explores the concept of transformative leadership and how leaders can create learning environments that are academically excellent equitable inclusive and socially just. Grounded in research and real examples Dr. Carolyn Shields presents an approach to leadership that is engaged authentic courageous and effective in addressing the needs of today’s diverse student bodies. Featuring examples from schools and leaders questions for reflection downloadable eResources and links to useful websites Becoming a Transformative Leader is an invaluable and practical guide for school administrators teacher leaders and district leaders concerned about the uneven educational playing field for students in our schools. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367203610

Becoming a TranslatorAn Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Translation Fusing theory with advice and information about the practicalities of translating Becoming a Translator is the essential resource for novice and practicing translators. The book explains how the market works helps translators learn how to translate faster and more accurately as well as providing invaluable advice and tips about how to deal with potential problems such as stress. The fourth edition has been revised and updated throughout offering: a whole new chapter on multimedia translation with a discussion of the move from "intersemiotic translation" to "audiovisual translation " "media access" and "accessibility studies" new sections on cognitive translation studies translation technology online translator communities crowd-sourced translation and online ethnography "tweetstorms" capturing the best advice from top industry professionals on Twitter student voices especially from Greater China Including suggestions for discussion activities and hints for the teaching of translation and drawing on detailed advice from top translation professionals the fourth edition of Becoming a Translator remains invaluable for students and teachers of Translation Studies as well as those working in the field of translation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367227326

Becoming a Trustworthy LeaderPsychology and Practice It's time to discover a new way for individuals to lead organizations and societies. Trust in a variety of institutions including governmental and business is at an all-time low. In order to strengthen society from its foundations we need to rebuild trust. Research shows that leaders are critical to building trust in organizations and that trust in leadership is significantly related to a number of attitudes behaviors and performance outcomes. This new book with its emphasis on the critical role of leadership in trust-building as well as the novel perspective on the trust circle of leadership will be of interest to all students and researchers studying leadership management and organizational behavior. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415882828

Becoming a Video Game ArtistFrom Portfolio Design to Landing the Job The game industry continues to grow and evolve as the years pass. Despite this growth the competition in obtaining a career in video games remains as arduous as ever. Becoming a Video Game Artist helps guide readers from their first steps of making a portfolio to acing the job interview and beyond. John Pearl explores the different art related jobs and their responsibilities. Questions are posed to industry professionals throughout each chapter to help with the reader’s growth and understanding. Becoming a Video Game Artist is the ultimate roadmap in navigating a career in video games by teaching how to make your portfolio shine what expect once hired and how to make the best decisions to help flourish your talents and cultivate an exciting career. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138824935

Becoming a Woman and Mother in Greco-Roman EgyptWomen’s Bodies Society and Domestic Space How did Greco-Roman Egyptian society perceive women’s bodies and how did it acknowledge women’s reproductive functions? Detailing women’s lives in Greco-Roman Egypt this monograph examines understudied aspects of women's lives such as their coming of age social and religious taboos of menstruation and birth rituals. It investigates medical legal and religious aspects of women's reproduction using both historical and archaeological sources and shows how the social status of women and new-born children changed from the Dynastic to the Greco-Roman period.Through a comparative and interdisciplinary study of the historical sources papyri artefacts and archaeological evidence Becoming a Woman and Mother in Greco-Roman Egypt shows how Greek Roman Jewish and Near Eastern cultures impacted on the social perception of female puberty childbirth and menstruation in Greco-Roman Egypt from the 3rd century B.C. to the 3rd century A.D. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367731823

Becoming a Woman Through Romance A woman is incomplete without a man motherhood is a woman’s destiny and a woman’s place is in the home. These conservative political themes are woven throughout teen romance fiction’s sagas of hearts and flowers. Using the theory and interpretive methods of feminism and cultural studies Christian-Smith explores the contradictory role that popular culture plays in constructing gender class race age and sexual meanings. Originally published in 1990 Becoming a Woman through Romance combines close textual analyses of thirty-four teen romance novels (written in the United States from 1942-1982) with a school study in three midwestern American schools. Christian-Smith situates teen romance fiction within the rapidly changing publishing industry and the important political and economic changes in the United States surrounding the rise of the New Right. By analysing the structure of the novels in terms of the themes of romance sexuality and beautification and the Good/Bad and Strong/Weak dichotomies she demonstrates how each has shaped the novels’ versions of femininity over forty years. She also shows that although romance fiction is presented as a universal model it is actually an expression of white middle class gender ideology and tension within this class. This high readable comprehensive and coherent work was the first to combine in one volume three vital areas of cultural studies research: the political economy of publishing textual analysis and a study of readers. The first full-scale study of teen romance fiction Becoming a Woman through Romance establishes the importance of the study of popular culture forms found in school for understanding the process of school materials in identity formation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367338985

Becoming a WomanA Biography of Christine Jorgensen Discover the remarkable woman behind the legend.Discover Christine Jorgensen’s remarkable inspirational journey to become the woman she always knew she should have been. Becoming a Woman: A Biography of Christine Jorgensen provides fascinating insights about the woman who opened doors—and minds—on behalf of sexual minorities. This book chronicles Christine’s drive ability to solve problems immense determination and just plain luck as she transformed herself into her true gender—and reveals facets of her personality previously undisclosed by other biographies of her life.Christine Jorgensen was a major contributor to the unfolding of the so-called sexual revolution in America. Becoming a Woman: A Biography of Christine Jorgensen is the story of one courageous individual overcoming personal and social barriers enduring the difficult compromises that needed to be made and the ultimate realization of goals. This revealing warts-and-all biography tells Christine’s real story while examining the history of transsexuality in western societies the medical intervention provided to her and insightful profiles of Alfred C. Kinsey Georges Burou Harry Benjamin and Christian Hamburger. The appearance and characteristics of cross dressers are also discussed as well as their lifestyles are contrasted with transsexual persons. This biography serves to illustrate the challenge to lessen discrimination against all LGBT persons—and the struggle that still lies ahead. Becoming a Woman: A Biography of Christine Jorgensen explores: the supportive and high functioning family in which Christine grew up Jorgensen’s struggle with homosexual feelings deemed unacceptable by society Jorgensen’s young adult years while presenting as a man the steps in his/her transsexual self-identification Jorgensen’s determination to redefine himself/herself through medical intervention why Dr. Christian Hamburger in Copenhagen took an interest in Jorgensen’s case the previously unrevealed story of Jorgensen’s revelations to a news reporter that led to international headlines how Jorgensen developed a profitable nightclub act the conflicts that accompanied the writing and publication of her autobiography Jorgensen’s love/hate personality characteristic and its effect on personal relationships much more!Becoming a Woman: A Biography of Christine Jorgensen is eye-opening thought-provoking reading perfect for transsexuals and prospective transsexuals; those who identify as gay lesbian bisexual or as cross dressers; mental health professionals; sociologists; educators; students; social workers; civil rights attorneys; and cultural anthropologists. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203057599

Becoming a Writing Researcher Becoming a Writing Researcher effectively guides students through the stages of conducting qualitative writing research from the initial step of seeing themselves as researchers to identifying research questions selecting appropriate methodological tools conducting the research and interpreting and reporting findings. Exercises and activities as well as anecdotes and examples from both novice and seasoned researchers serve to acquaint readers thoroughly with the practice of carrying out research for scholarly or professional purposes. This second edition introduces students to research methods in a gradual and contextualized manner. Each chapter offers a discussion of a particular portion of the research process followed by consideration of physical conceptual and strategic tools that allow a master’s level researcher to conduct that part of the research. Sections within each chapter also cover issues of stance and positionality that impact the researcher and the resulting research. Becoming a Writing Researcher second edition is an essential text for all novice researchers and is particularly well suited for use in graduate-level research methods courses in writing studies and technical communications. It is also ideal for use in other disciplines with strong qualitative methodology research programs including education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815359272

Becoming an Actor’s DirectorDirecting Actors for Film and Television The collaboration of director and actor is the cornerstone of narrative filmmaking. This book provides the director with a concrete step-by-step guide to preparation that connects the fundamentals of film-script analysis with the actor’s process of preparation. This book starts with how to identify the overall scope of a project from the creative perspective of the director as it relates to guiding an actor before providing a blueprint for preparation that includes script analysis previsualization and procedures for rehearsal and capture. This methodology allows the director to uncover the similarities and differences between actor and director in their preparation to facilitate the development of a collaborative dialogue. Featuring chapter-by-chapter exercises and assignments throughout this book provides a method that enables the director to be present during every stage of production and seamlessly move from prep to filming while guiding the actor to their best performances. Written in a clear and concise manner it is ideal for students of directing early career and self-taught directors as well as cinematographers producers or screenwriters looking to turn their hand to directing for the first time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367191900

Becoming an Educational EthnographerThe Challenges and Opportunities of Undertaking Research This book provides practical advice on the learning and teaching perspectives of ethnography including what undertaking research looks like and the experiences it will bring. It considers what it means to be and become an educational ethnographer and builds on an inextricable entanglement between the researchers’ field of study and their research trajectories. With a range of carefully chosen international contributions this book uses a variety of practical case studies to provide further information about the pros and cons of this research perspective. Chapter authors share the knowledge and experience gained from the research and how it has affected their approach to social phenomena. This book is an ideal introduction for anyone considering research approach or becoming an educational ethnographer and will be of interest to researchers already working in this field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367466497

Becoming an Effective CounselorA Guide for Advanced Clinical Courses Becoming an Effective Counselor is a textbook for advanced clinical courses that guides counselors in training through the most challenging phases of their academic preparation. Chapters blend skills-based content real-world student examples and opportunities for personal reflection to help students navigate some of the most difficult aspects of clinical counseling. Written by authors with over 50 years of combined counseling experience this volume prepares aspiring counselors to assess their progress remediate deficiencies and deepen their existing skills in a way that is attentive to both core counseling skills and counselors’ internal processes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815395126

Becoming an Effective SupervisorA Workbook for Counselors and Psychotherapists A practical hands-on workbook Becoming an Effective Supervisor neatly fills the gap in supervision resources available to mental health practitioners. The workbook is designed to help clinical counselors and therapists create effective supervision programs of their own and to address the individual needs of their students. The leading contemporary models of supervision are discussed as well as the necessary components of a successful supervision curriculum.A framework is then provided for counselors and therapists to develop a personalized and highly effective supervisory style to implement with their own students. The unique exploration exercises in each chapter allow readers to actively integrate the information provided and to apply these lessons and skills to their own supervisory experiences. Students too will benefit from her concise examination of the theories applications and goals of the supervision process. Along with a discussion of the ethical legal and multicultural issues faced by clinical supervisors practical analyses and applications ensure that this book will be a valued addition to any clinical counseling or therapy library. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138128262

Becoming an Emotionally Focused Couple TherapistThe Workbook An invaluable tool for clinicians and students Becoming an Emotionally Focused Therapist: The Workbook takes the reader on an adventure � the quest to become a competent confident and passionate couple and family therapist. In an accessible resource for training and supervision seven expert therapists lead the reader through the nine essential steps of EFT with explicit intervention strategies. Suitable as a companion volume to The Practice of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy 2nd Ed. or as a stand-alone learning tool the workbook provides an easy road-map to mastering the art of EFT with exercises review sheets and practice models. Unprecedented in its novel and interactive approach this is a must-have for all therapists searching for lasting and efficient results in couple therapy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138451780

Becoming an Industrial-Organizational Psychologist So you want to be an Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychologist? You may have heard that it is one of the fields of the future fast-growing and a highly sought-after profession. But what is Industrial-Organizational Psychology? What does an Industrial-Organizational Psychologist do? Answering these questions and many more Becoming an Industrial-Organizational Psychologist is the perfect introduction providing an expert overview of careers in Industrial-Organizational Psychology the study of human behavior in the workplace.   Part 1 of the book discusses what I-O Psychology is and what I-O Psychologists do including the history of the field research areas and job types and titles. Part 2 discusses the undergraduate years including how to make oneself competitive for graduate school and going through the process of identifying graduate programs applying and deciding on the right program. Part 3 focuses on the graduate years including advice on success in a graduate program and in internships as well as additional issues like licensure and transitioning from other careers. Finally Part 4 discusses how to find a job and begin a career in the various sectors of I-O Psychology: academic consulting industry and government. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138480698

Becoming an Irish Traditional MusicianLearning and Embodying Musical Culture Coupling the narratives of twenty-two Irish traditional musicians alongside intensive field research Becoming an Irish Traditional Musician explores the rich and diverse ways traditional musicians hone their craft. It details the educational benefits and challenges associated with each learning practice outlining the motivations and obstacles learners experience during musical development. By exploring learning from the point of view of the learners themselves the author provides new insights into modern Irish traditional music culture and how people begin to embody a musical tradition. This book charts the journey of becoming an Irish traditional musician and explores how musicality is learned developed and embodied. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367429997

Becoming an Outstanding English Teacher Becoming an Outstanding English Teacher supports all English teachers in offering a wide range of approaches to teaching and learning that will stimulate and engage students in studying English. It offers practical strategies that can be used instantly in English lessons. The topics offer examples for questioning differentiation and assessing progress. Some of the ideas have also been incorporated into lesson plans using texts from the revised English National Curriculum. With a strong focus on creativity and engagement this book covers: promoting thinking and independent learning skills in students methods to check learning rather than doing in the classroom techniques for personalising learning for students creating an environment for behaviour for learning. Fully up to date with the National Curriculum guidelines and packed with practical strategies and activities that are easily accessible this book will be an essential resource for all English teachers who are aiming to deliver outstanding teaching and learning continuously in their classrooms. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138916975

Becoming an Outstanding Geography Teacher Becoming an Outstanding Geography Teacher supports all geography teachers in offering a wide range of approaches to teaching and learning that will stimulate and engage students. Providing a variety of techniques for planning inspiring geography lessons the book shows teachers how they can use current resources in a more innovative way to produce outstanding results. Chapters include sample lesson plans which demonstrate each technique with a step-by-step discussion of the development of the lessons and have a strong focus on activating learning and supporting pupils on their individual learning journeys. The book covers all aspects of geography teaching including: designing programmes of study differentiation  questioning literacy and numeracy teaching A Level enquiry geography feedback and assessment. Packed full of strategies and activities that are easy to implement Becoming an Outstanding Geography Teacher is essential reading for newly qualified and experienced geography teachers who want to ensure outstanding teaching and learning in their classrooms. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138697218

Becoming an Outstanding History Teacher Becoming an Outstanding History Teacher will take the practitioner through the process of improving their practice from start to finish. It offers a wide range of approaches and techniques for teaching and learning that will help to keep students stimulated and engaged when studying history. With history regularly topping public polls of important school subjects and among the most popular subjects to be studied at GCSE this book considers the components which make an outstanding history teacher and how best to ensure students are motivated and maximise their potential. Focusing on all aspects of teaching history it provides a step-by-step discussion of the development of lessons and covers a wealth of topics including: long- medium- and short-term planning the classroom environment managing all student abilities dealing with interpretations and sources arranging history fieldwork formative and summative assessment setting meaningful and effective homework. Packed full of tried-and-tested strategies and activities that are easy to implement this is essential reading for both newly qualified and experienced history teachers who want to ensure outstanding teaching and learning in their classrooms. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815365266

Becoming an Outstanding Languages Teacher Becoming an Outstanding Languages Teacher explores the skills that it takes to deliver exceptional language teaching and produce outstanding results. Offering support to all language teachers this book offers a wide range of approaches to teaching and learning that will help to keep students stimulated and engaged when studying languages. Focusing on the nuts and bolts of lessons and teaching sequences this guide looks at the methods used by teachers to interact with their students and offers practical strategies and ideas on how to incorporate skilled questioning and other interactions into the classroom. Drawing on a range of activities case studies and tech tips to maximise engagement and learning this book covers: running a room; dissecting a lesson: written texts visuals and task-based approaches; enjoying sounds; dissecting a lesson: speaking and writing; purposeful games; getting grammatical; words and chunks; teaching all abilities; pace questioning and other interactions; moving them forwards. Packed full of strategies that are easy to implement this timely new book is essential reading for both trainee and practising language teachers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138056633

Becoming an Outstanding Mathematics Teacher Raising standards in mathematics is high on government education agendas and remains a key priority for schools. Schools strive to provide an outstanding education for their pupils preparing them to compete not only in a national but an international market. At the heart of this is the classroom and the classroom teacher. So how do you plan lessons that engage and motivate students and what makes a mathematics lesson outstanding? Becoming an Outstanding Mathematics Teacher aims to help teachers develop approaches to teaching and learning that take into account individual students needs and abilities to best facilitate learning. Taking a fresh approach it offers a wide range of techniques for planning lessons that that allow them to use current resources (including themselves) in a more innovative way to produce outstanding results. With a strong focus on activating learning and supporting pupils as they connect mathematical concepts and processes and develop their individual learning journeys the book covers: A step-by-step approach to planning for learning Assessment for learning and planning for progress Developing effective questioning strategies to promote thinking skills in pupils Techniques for differentiation to ensure all pupils make progress Using the classroom environment to develop a culture of learning Packed full of practical strategies and activities that are easy to implement and including sample lesson plans this timely new book is essential reading for newly qualified and experienced mathematics teachers that want to ensure outstanding teaching and learning in their classrooms. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415831147

Becoming an Outstanding Primary School Teacher What is meant by outstanding teaching?What makes the best teachers stand out from the rest?How can I develop my own practice to become an outstanding teacher myself? Whether you are training to become a primary school teacher or you are newly qualified and striving to improve your practice this fully updated second edition of Becoming an Outstanding Primary School Teacher will support inform and inspire you on your quest for excellence. Throughout Russell Grigg draws on theory research and case studies of real classroom practice to discuss what it takes to become an outstanding primary teacher today. This bestselling guide has been comprehensively revised to reflect the latest changes to the curriculum including the National Curriculum in England for 2014 and Scotland’s Building Curriculum for Excellence. It has also widened its scope to appeal to trainee and serving teachers reflecting the new Teachers’ Standards. Key topics include: defining and measuring outstanding teaching; understanding the theory nature and scope of the curriculum; developing thinking skills in the classroom; understanding and meeting individual learning needs; using ICT to improve pedagogy; behaviour management; monitoring assessment recording and reporting. Becoming an Outstanding Primary Teacher will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students including those on school-based programmes such as Teach First as well as more experienced teachers seeking inspiration. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138779242

Becoming an Outstanding Primary School TeacherArabic Edition What is meant by outstanding teaching? What makes the best teachers stand out from the rest? How can I develop my own practice to become an outstanding teacher myself? Whether you are training to become a primary school teacher or you are newly qualified and striving to improve your practice this fully updated second edition of Becoming an Outstanding Primary School Teacher will support inform and inspire you on your quest for excellence. Throughout Russell Grigg draws on theory research and case studies of real classroom practice to discuss what it takes to become an outstanding primary teacher today. This bestselling guide has been comprehensively revised to reflect the latest changes to the curriculum including the National Curriculum in England for 2014 and Scotland's Building Curriculum for Excellence. It has also widened its scope to appeal to trainee and serving teachers reflecting the new Teachers' Standards. Key topics include: defining and measuring outstanding teaching; understanding the theory nature and scope of the curriculum; developing thinking skills in the classroom; understanding and meeting individual learning needs; using ICT to improve pedagogy; behaviour management; monitoring assessment recording and reporting. Becoming an Outstanding Primary Teacher will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students including those on school-based programmes such as Teach First as well as more experienced teachers seeking inspiration. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003024507

Becoming an Unwed MotherA Sociological Account Most unmarried women who engage in sexual intercourse do not become unwed mothers; they use contraceptives secure an abortion or get married before the baby is born. What happens to the minority of women who bear illegitimate children? This book is the first study to describe in detail the actual situation of unwed motherhood as opposed to the causes and pathology of deviance. Based largely on observation of middle-class white girls in a psychiatricallyoriented mater nity home and lower-class black teenagers in a day school for unwed mothers the study focuses on the unwed mother's moral career as it is shaped by social agencies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519268

Becoming and Being a Play TherapistPlay Therapy in Practice Becoming and Being a Play Therapist: Play Therapy in Practice presents a rich and illuminating account of current play therapy practice with an emphasis on becoming and being a play therapist and on some of the varied clinical contexts in which play therapists work. Written by members of British Association of Play Therapists this book highlights the current complexity of play therapy practice in the UK and reflects the expertise of the collected authors in working with emotional behavioural and mental health challenges in children and young people. Divided into three parts the book is designed to build on and consolidate the principles and professional/personal competences of play therapy practice. Key topics include: Training and establishing oneself as a play therapist in the UK a comprehensive guide. The improvisational practitioner; therapist responses to resistance and aggressive play. Systemic considerations in play therapy with birth families and adopters; advantages and challenges. Case-study based explorations of play therapy across a range of service user groups including childhood trauma bereavement and sexual abuse and agency contexts including school and CAMHS settings. Becoming and Being a Play Therapist will be relevant both for play therapy trainees and for qualified play therapists as well as for related professionals.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138560970

Becoming AnorexicA sociological study Anorexia tends to be studied within health disciplines such as medicine psychoanalysis or psychology. When the condition is discussed in relation to society more broadly focus is commonly restricted to considerations about the demise of the traditional family meal or the all-pervading obsession with thinness and media representations of ‘size zero’ models. But what can sociology tell us about anorexia and how a person becomes anorexic? This book draws on empirical research – both interviews and observation – conducted in and outside medical settings with anorexic girls medical staff teachers and other teenagers of the same age. As such it offers the first fully sociological treatment of the condition taking the reader closer to the actual experiences of people living with anorexia. It retraces the behaviours practices and processes that create what is patterned as an anorexic ‘career’ and reveals the cultural and social characteristics of the people who engage on this path taking them from a simple diet to hospitalization or recovery. Richly illustrated with qualitative research Becoming Anorexic: A Sociological Approach demonstrates that anorexia can be viewed as a very particular work of self-transformation which requires specific – and social – ‘dispositions’. As such it will appeal to scholars of sociology and anthropology with an interest in health and illness the body social class and gender. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138353336

Becoming ArtExploring Cross-Cultural Categories Thirty years ago Australian Aboriginal art was little more than a footnote to world art. Today it is considered to be an important contemporary art movement often promoted as being connected to a deep cultural past. Becoming Art provides a new analysis of the shifting cultural and social contexts that surround the production of Aboriginal art. Transcending the boundaries between anthropology and art history the book draws on arguments from both disciplines to provide a unique interdisciplinary perspective that places the artists themselves at the centre of the argument.Western art history has traditionally regarded Aboriginal art as distanced from time and place. Becoming Art uses the recent history of Aboriginal art to challenge some of the presuppositions of western art discourse and western art worlds. It argues for a more cross-cultural perspective on world art history. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003135579

Becoming AssameseColonialism and New Subjectivities in Northeast India This book explores the making of colonial Northeast India and offers a new perspective to the study of the Assamese identity in the nineteenth century as a distinctly nineteenth-century cultural phenomenon not confined to linguistic parameters alone. It studies crucial markers of the self � history customs food dress new religious beliefs � an Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367177195

Becoming BiliterateA Study of Two-Way Bilingual Immersion Education This book describes the development process and dynamics of change in the course of implementing a two-way bilingual immersion education program in two school communities. The focus is on the language and literacy learning of elementary-school students and on how it is influenced by parents teachers and policymakers. Pérez provides rich highly detailed descriptions both quantitative and qualitative of the change process at the two schools involved including student language and achievement data for five years of program implementation that were used to test the basic two-way bilingual theory the specific school interventions and the particular classroom instructional practices. The contribution of Becoming Biliterate: A Study of Two-Way Bilingual Immersion Education is to provide a comprehensive description of contextual and instructional factors that might help or hinder the attainment of successful literacy and student outcomes in both languages. The study has broad theoretical policy and practical instructional relevance for the many other U.S. school districts with large student populations of non-native speakers of English. This volume is highly relevant for researchers teacher educators and graduate students in bilingual and ESL education language policy linguistics and language education and as a text for master's- and doctoral-level classes in these areas. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987746

Becoming Buoyant: Helping Teachers and Students Cope with the Day to Day Becoming Buoyant shows teachers how they can help students to bounce back from daily setbacks and challenges. Drawing on the five main principles of academic buoyancy – confidence coordination control composure and commitment – it investigates the evidence base from which the techniques are drawn and offers practical guidance on applying them in the classroom. Emphasising the role played by internal and external factors as well as wider school and community influences the book offers practical guidance on: Choosing and pursuing personal goals Overcoming procrastination Recognising and dealing with anxiety How to use motivation anxiety and stress management as ways to encourage and nurture self-efficacy. Written by an experienced teacher and chartered psychologist Becoming Buoyant is essential reading for all teachers that want their students to be resilient and flourish in the classroom. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367441623

Becoming CitizensDeepening the Craft of Youth Civic Engagement The decreasing rate of involvement in organized groups and with voting by young people is a disturbing trend that perhaps can be turned around. Becoming Citizens: Deepening the Craft of Youth Civic Engagement brings together civic education experiential education and political theory to provide a revealing multiple-perspective examination of the new alternative way of practice in the youth work field called civic youth work. This helpful resource bridges the theory of civic engagement with education ground both in extensive data and then discuss various youth civic engagement initiatives that battle apathy and effectively invite expanded involvement by young people. This title examines three different youth civic engagement initiatives Public Achievement (PA) Youth in Government (YIG) and Youth Science Center (YSC). The book then discusses the initiatives from various perspectives including the academic perspectives of educational theory political theory theories of youth and vocation. This unique source offers multiple points-of-view and is designed to enrich both the theoretical and practical for practitioners and scholars—and provides a revealing and useful look at the available sources. This book is a valuable resource for secondary social studies teachers; school district curriculum coordinators; youth workers; university faculty in political theory democratic theory youth studies child and youth care recreational studies public health education and social work; youth and community organizers; and program directors and managers in community-based youth services. This book was published as a special issue of Child and Youth Services. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315877389

Becoming Critical Teacher EducatorsNarratives of Disruption Possibility and Praxis The personal and professional are woven together in this collection of scholarly narratives by teacher educators who share their early critical experiences and model teaching practices to support continued resistance and possibilities in teacher education. Representing myriad contexts where teacher education takes place the range of scholars included represent diverse racial gendered linguistic economic and ethnic intersectional perspectives. Each chapter suggests practical tools and encourages readers to reflect on their own journeys of becoming transformational teacher educators. This book adds an important dimension to the field with a new and generative approach to the introduction of critical literacies and pedagogies and offers a potentially powerful way to explore theory methodology and social issues. Readers will enjoy the compelling storytelling of these powerful and vulnerable memoirs. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138225145

Becoming Delinquent: British and European Youth 1650–1950 This title was first published in 2002: Becoming Delinquent: British and European Youth 1650-1950 provides a critical synthesis of the growing body of work on the history of British and European juvenile delinquency. It is unique in that it analyzes definitions of and responses to disorderly youth across time (from the mid-seventeenth to the mid-twentieth centuries) and across space (covering developments across Western Europe). This comparative approach allows it to show how certain themes dominated European discourses of delinquency across this period not least panics about urban culture poor parenting dangerous pleasures family breakdown national fitness and future social stability. It also shows how these various threats were countered by recurring strategies most notably by repeated attempts to deter delinquency to divide responsibility between the state civil society and the family and to find a "proper" balance between moral reform and physical punishment between care and control. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138740457

Becoming DelinquentYoung Offenders and the Correctional Process This book addresses the social experiences of juvenile offenders in the correctional machinery and the career effects these experiences have on offenders. It follows offenders from apprehension through detention court appearance probation and institutionalization showing how the organizations operate the role definitions of the people who man them and the views of the correctional organizations held by members of the public. It is a valuable supplement to courses in deviance criminology social problems and organizational analysis. The book begins with the delinquent population and endeavours to identify the major characteristics of juvenile lawbreaking. It separates youths who most often remain as "hidden" delinquents from those who are observed and apprehended. The text then moves through the major parts of the correctional machinery in much the same way as offenders are processed through it. Information on each topic is marshalled in accordance with five dimensions; the nature of the organization; the perspectives of the consumer (the public); the perspective of the employees; the perspectives of the offenders; and the impact of the agency upon offenders. Thus a major focus of the book is an organizational analysis a basic feature of the current sociological perspective. This work on first publication in 1970 was one of the first to tackle the growing skepticism as to the beneficial aspects correctional institutions may have on the young offenders and the analysis of those benefits. The readings attempt to show something of the impact of correctional experiences on juvenile delinquents and suggest that the overall effect is to drive deviants further into deviant activities rather than attaining the desired goal of rehabilitation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519275

Becoming Deviant Becoming Deviant describes a process by which people move from an affinity for certain prohibited behaviors to full-blown deviance. This process includes affiliation with circles and settings that include or sponsor offenses followed by understanding and identification of the offenses as prohibited behavior by the transgressor. The process can be summarized as affinity affiliation and signification. The sequential process Matza describes allows for non-recurrent offending behavior recidivism and offending again. His perspective is motivated by the view that criminological theories do not explain a number of the fundamental empirical features and nuances known to be associated with delinquency. This includes the frequent termination of delinquent behavior at the onset of adulthood the often conformist nature of delinquent behavior and the large numbers of non-delinquents that are often found in otherwise "high-delinquency areas." In Becoming Deviant Matza reasons that most though not all delinquent behavior constitutes relatively uniform phenomena that is developmental in character. Individuals proceed from trivial to more serious infractions. He argues that delinquent behavior represents youths searching for adventure and is accompanied by withdrawal from conventional values and associated behavior. Matza further claims that many delinquents are not fully committed to a delinquent lifestyle and this explains why delinquent behavior often ends with adulthood. Matza's compelling and integrated theoretical explanation makes this a classic in the increasingly sophisticated criminological literature. Thomas Blomberg's new introduction shows why Becoming Deviant remains of central importance to the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519282

Becoming Half HiddenShamanism and Initiation Among the Inuit First Published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964471

Becoming Male in the Middle Ages First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203765227

Becoming Miracle WorkersLanguage and Learning in Brief Therapy Brief therapy is a postmodern treatment mode that treats problems as social constructions encouraging those seeking treatment to replace personal troubles (negative stories) with new problem-solving skills (positive stories). The significant differences discussed in this book do not involve sociologists and brief therapists. The differences are between brief therapists on the one hand and practitioners of psychotherapy and family therapy on the other. One indicator of these is brief therapists' describing the people who seek their services as clients. The terminology may be contrasted with the language of patients used by many other therapists. At the very least this difference suggests how brief therapy departs from therapy approaches that are based on the medical model.Becoming Miracle Workers takes the reader inside "Northland Clinic " one of the most innovative and important centers of brief therapy in the world. Based on twelve years of research Miller's book discusses how brief therapy has evolved into its present postmodern form. He describes the details of brief therapist-client interactions and the behind-the-scenes discussions among brief therapists about their clients' problems. This readable account of the workings of brief therapy invites readers to sit in on brief therapy sessions provides them with new understandings of personal troubles as social constructions and shows how brief therapists help their clients develop new untroubled life stories. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351328326

Becoming MulticulturalPersonal and Social Construction Through Critical Teaching First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138881167

Becoming Parents and Overcoming ObstaclesUnderstanding the Experience of Miscarriage Premature Births Infertility and Postnatal Depression There are many books that deal with pregnancy and maternity and a large number of magazines and articles on paediatric nursing that examine these subjects from different points of view. This volume is not a manual and is not intended to explain to future parents what to do and what to avoid. The objective is rather to look at the most significant and problematic aspects of this delicate phase of a woman's life and that of a couple. It seeks to offer a key to understand the deep significance and complexity of the path to follow to become parents and to face fears linked to the difficulty of procreation using the tools of observation and psychoanalytic listening. Reviewing several experiences of clinical work the authors offer reflections on the personal experiences of women and couples and the difficulties which can be met when the desire for a child is disappointed. A maternity and parenting project can be frustrated by miscarriages and encounter the fear of infertility. How are the problems of sterility or spontaneous abortion experienced? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782200185

Becoming RivalsThe Process of Interstate Rivalry Development Rivalries are a fundamental aspect of all international interactions. The concept of rivalry suggests that historic animosity may be the most fundamental variable in explaining and understanding why states commit international violence against each other. By understanding the historic factors behind the emergence of rivalry the strategies employed by states to deal with potential threats and the issues endemic to enemies this book seeks to understand and predict why states become rivals. The recent increase in the quantitative study of rivalry has largely identified who the rivals are but not how they form and escalate. Questions about the escalation of rivalry are important if we are to understand the nature of conflictual interactions. This book addresses an important research gap in the field by directly tackling the question of rivalry formation. In addition to making new contributions to the literature this book will summarize a cohesive model of how all interstate rivalries form by using both quantitative and qualitative methods and sources. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138910621

Becoming Roman?Diverging Identities and Experiences in Ancient Northwest Italy Few empires had such an impact on the conquered peoples as did the Roman empire creating social economic and cultural changes that erased long-standing differences in material culture languages cults rituals and identities. But even Rome could not create a single unified culture. Individual decisions introduced changes in material culture identity and behavior creating local cultures within the global world of the Roman empire that were neither Roman nor native. The author uses Northwest Italy as an exemplary case as it went from a marginal zone to one of the most flourishing and strongly urbanized regions of Italy while developing a unique regional culture. This volume will appeal to researchers interested in the Roman Empire as well as those interested in individual and cultural identity in the past. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781611321869

Becoming Solution-Focused In Brief Therapy A practical guide to becoming solution-focused and construction solutions in brief therapy. At the core of the book is a sequence of skill-building chapters that cover all aspects of construction solutions. Each chapter explains and demonstrates a particular skill with discussion and exercises. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138009585

Becoming Somebody in Teacher EducationPerson Profession and Organization in a Global Southern Context Becoming Somebody in Teacher Education explores the realities of contemporary teacher education in Kenya. Based on a long-term ethnographic fieldwork it views the teacher training institution as a space to grow become and be shaped as teachers in complex moral worlds. Drawing on a rich conceptual and theoretical vocabulary the book shows how students in these teacher education institutions constantly negotiate and confront the complex constructions of ethnicity gender and class as well as moral religious and academic issues and a lack of resources encountered in the different institutional cultures. It outlines a complex array of concerns affecting student teachers that shape what professional becoming means in a stratified and diverse culture. This story of the process of growing up and becoming a professional teacher in an African setting will appeal to researchers academics and students in the fields of teacher education organizational studies international education and development social anthropology and ethnography. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367437305

Becoming Subjects: Sexualities and Secondary Schooling This book focuses on key contemporary discourses related to sexualities and schooling. Such discourses include: educational strategies used to support lesbian gay bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students; considerations of how educators might influence students' sexual identity; narratives of risk and violence often asociated with LGBT youth; stories of salvation and protection; as well as debates relating to the 'closet' and calls to 'come out' in the classroom. People often are left out of discussions of sexualities and schooling are also incorporated in this text. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203379684

Becoming the SupervisorAchieving Your Company's Mission and Building Your Team Becoming a Supervisor tells the story of Trevor who works as one of the production team in a small company that makes toy boats. He is thrust into the role of supervisor unexpectedly when his general manager reacts to his constant suggestions of how things could be better. When the GM becomes ill Trevor struggles to take up the slack for several months until a new GM arrives. The core of the book follows Trevor’s growth under the coaching of Julie his new GM. As Trevor deals with one challenge after another Julie guides him on a journey to learn the core skills needed by all front-line leaders. The reader takes away four key ideas: (1) Front-line leadership skills are not too complicated to learn. (2) These skills are something that they can develop in themselves regardless of what their organization does. (3) Tools and skills are there to help solve real business problems; implementing the tools is not a strategy. (4) In your role as supervisor (directing or responsible for others) you have to look after the mission of the company AND look after your people – doing only one is not an option. Essentially this book is intended to give hope to a new supervisor or team lead. They will finish the book knowing that the skills they need can be learned and aren’t that difficult to acquire. It is designed to introduce the central skills that any supervisor has to be able to master at least with a basic working competency: instructing leading and making improvements in their own area. It introduces some of the more widely used tools that a new supervisor may need. More importantly it ties these tools and skills to solving particular problems. Readers will understand that the tools are not important for their own sake but only to the extent that the tools serve the larger objective of the organization. This book is designed to give the reader an entertaining and hopeful story about the very difficult transition from worker to supervisor from being one of the crew to directing the crew. It is an emotionally tough transition and the idea that someone could see a model of how it can work out will be helpful to folks new in a leadership role. Finally the book provides a reference to other sources of information that will let the reader extend their learning about each of the tools or skills referenced in the contents. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9780367862190

Becoming Who We AreTemperament and Personality in Development What are the basic dimensions of temperament? How does temperament influence children's relationships to their physical and social worlds--and their behavior and adjustment across the lifespan? What are its biological underpinnings? From preeminent researcher Mary Rothbart this work comprehensively examines the role of temperament in the development of personality and psychopathology. In a direct and readable style Rothbart combines theory and research with everyday observations and clinical examples. She offers new insights on "difficult" children and reviews intervention programs that address temperamental factors in childhood problems. Winner--Eleanor Maccoby Book Award American Psychological Association Division 7 (Developmental Psychology) Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462508310

Becoming Your Own Emotional Support SystemCreating a Community of One Develop resources to overcome the obstacles preventing recovery Not everyone facing difficult life situations has the resources to recover. Many times we must deal with these problems alone or without a wide base of support. Becoming Your Own Emotional Support System provides practical ideas and encouragement to help people alienated from the consolation of others to become a community of one. This unique book guides individuals through the step-by-step process of developing the self-support system vital to the early stages of successful recovery. Both comprehensive and easy to read Becoming Your Own Emotional Support System is designed as a how-to manual for those who are coping with life’s challenging circumstances but lack the necessary emotional support. It is an important tool that empowers while it educates. Through three easy-to-understand sections this book presents a useable method for coping with tumultuous situations and making meaningful progress toward healing. The first section presents nine in-depth realistic case studies that dismantle familiar difficulties and explore successful responses to each. Section two tackles the various barriers that can arise in the process and considers how they affect a positive life perspective. The final section incorporates this useable knowledge into the specific steps that will help you to create a community of one. These realistic and easy-to-follow instructions form the sturdy foundation for a build toward real recovery. Becoming Your Own Emotional Support System looks at topics such as: divorce and what happens when new identities are forced upon us chronic illness and ways of discovering our lost selves in the changes it brings spiritual crisis and accessing the hidden treasure of our spiritual resources sexual abuse and understanding some of the challenges stigmas pose ADHD and the importance of identifying the unnecessary and letting it go mental illness and expectations of real world goals obesity and recapturing a worthiness of self alcoholism and taking necessary risks to affect change domestic violence and daring to make a leap of faith barriers to recovery and what to expect when they arise facing fear and moving on correcting thought distortions and many more! With this process Becoming Your Own Emotional Support System positions the reader in a community of one so that joining a community of many is again possible. It helps those working through life’s difficulties engage in their own healing and apply the necessary skills so they can once more enjoy satisfying and mutually supportive relationships. Both accessible and enlightening Becoming Your Own Emotional Support System is an essential resource for anyone facing difficult situations alone as well as to mental health professionals counselors and anyone looking to find or offer understanding comfort and hope in times of suffering. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203837023

Becoming YourselfOvercoming Mind Control and Ritual Abuse In contrast to the author's previous book Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control which was for therapists this book is designed for survivors of these abuses. It takes the survivor systematically through understanding the abuses and how his or her symptoms may be consequences of these abuses and gives practical advice regarding how a survivor can achieve stability and manage the life issues with which he or she may have difficulty. The book also teaches the survivor how to work with his or her complex personality system and with the traumatic memories to heal the wounds created by the abuse.A unique feature of this book is that it addresses the reader as if he or she is dissociative and directs some information and exercises towards the internal leaders of the personality system teaching them how to build a cooperative and healing inner community within which information is shared each part's needs are met and traumatic memories can be worked through successfully. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782200765

Becoming-Social in a Networked Age This book examines the semiotic effects of protocols and algorithms at work in popular social media systems bridging philosophical conversations in human-computer interaction (HCI) and information systems (IS) design with contemporary work in critical media technology and software studies. Where most research into social media is sociological in scope Neal Thomas shows how the underlying material-semiotic operations of social media now crucially define what it means to be social in a networked age. He proposes that we consider social media platforms as computational processes of collective individuation that produce rather than presume forms of subjectivity and sociality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367888435

Bede and the CosmosTheology and Nature in the Eighth Century Bede and the Cosmos examines Bede’s cosmology—his understanding of the universe and its laws. It explores his ideas regarding both the structure and mechanics of the created world and the relationship of that world to its Creator. Beginning with On the Nature of Things and moving on to survey his writings in other genres it demonstrates the key role that natural philosophy played in shaping Bede’s worldview and explores the ramifications that this had on his cultural theological and historical thought. From questions about angelic bodies and the destruction of the world at judgement day to subtle arguments about free will and the meaning of history Bede’s fascinating and unique engagement with the natural world is explored in this comprehensive study. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138365438

Bede and the End of Time Bede (c. 673-735) was the leading intellectual figure of the Anglo-Saxon Church and his writings had a profound influence on the development of English Christian thought. Among the many issues he wrote about eschatology - the study of the day of judgment and the end of time - was a recurring theme. Whilst recent research has furthered our knowledge of this subject in the later Middle Ages Dr Darby's book provides the first comprehensive analysis of Bede's eschatological thought and its impact upon the Anglo-Saxon period. Taking account of Bede's beliefs about the end of time this book offers sophisticated insights into his life his works and the role that eschatological thought played in Anglo-Saxon society. Close attention is given to the historical setting of each source text consulted and original insights are advanced regarding the chronological sequence of Bede's writings. The book reveals that Bede's ideas about time changed over the course of his career and it shows how Bede established himself as the foremost expert in eschatology of his age. The eight chapters of this book are organised into three main thematic groups: the world ages framework Bede's eschatological vision and Bede's eschatological perspective. It will be of interest to those studying early medieval history theology or literature as well as anyone with a particular interest in Bede and Anglo-Saxon England. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138272767

Bede and the Future Bede (c. 673-735) was Anglo-Saxon England’s most prominent scholar and his body of work is among the most important intellectual achievements of the entire Middle Ages. Bede and the Future brings together an international group of Bede scholars to examine a number of questions about Bede’s attitude towards and ideas about the time to come. This encompasses the short-term future (Bede’s own lifetime and the time soon after his death) and the end of time. Whilst recognising that these temporal perspectives may not be completely distinct the volume shows how Bede’s understanding of their relationship undoubtedly changed over the course of his life. Each chapter examines a distinct aspect of the subject whilst at the same time complementing the other essays resulting in a comprehensive and coherent volume. In so doing the volume asks (and answers) new questions about Bede and his ideas about the future and will undoubtedly stimulate further research in this field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367600259

Bede and TimeComputus Theology and History in the Early Medieval World The Venerable Bede (c. 673–735) was the leading intellectual figure of the early Anglo-Saxon Church and his extensive corpus of writings encompassed themes of exegesis computus (dating of Easter and construction of calendars) history and hagiography. Rather than look at these works in isolation MáirÃn MacCarron argues that Bede’s work in different genres needs to be read together to be properly understood. This book provides the first integrated analysis of Bede’s thought on time and demonstrates that such a comprehensive examination allows a greater understanding of Bede’s writings on time and illuminates the place of time and chronology in his other works. Bede was an outstanding intellect whose creativity and ingenuity were apparent in various genres of writing. This book argues that in innovatively combining computus theology and history Bede transformed his contemporaries’ understanding of time and chronology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472476630

Bedouin and ‘AbbÄsid Cultural IdentitiesThe Arabic MajnÅ«n LaylÄ Story This literary-historical book draws out and sheds light upon the mechanisms of "the ideological work" that the Arabic MajnÅ«n LaylÄ story performed for ‘AbbÄsid urbanite imperial audiences in the wake of the disappearance of the "Bedouin cosmos." The study focuses upon the processes of primitivizing MajnÅ«n in the romance of MajnÅ«n LaylÄ as part of the paradigm shift that occurred in the ‘AbbÄsid empire after the Greco-Arabian intellectual revolution. Moreover this book demonstrates how gender and sexuality are employed in the processes of primitivizing MajnÅ«n. As markers of "strangeness" and "foreignness" in the ‘AbbÄsid interrogations of the multiple categories of ethnicity culture identity religion and language present in their cosmopolitan milieus. Such "cultural work" is performed through the ideological uses of alterity given its mechanisms of distancing (e.g. temporal and spatial) and nearness (e.g. affective). Lastly the MajnÅ«n LaylÄ love story demonstrates in its text and reception that a Greco-Arabian and Greco-Persian subculture thrived in the centers of ‘AbbÄsid Baghdad that molded and shaped the ways in which this love story was compiled received and performed. Offering a corrective to the prevailing views expressed in Western scholarly writings on the Greco-Arabian encounter this book is a major contribution to scholars and students interested in Islamic studies Arabic and comparative literature Middle East and gender studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367333942

Bedouin Justice Published in 1925 this is an absolute gem of a book. From the author's preface: "In the following chapters I have tried by quoting lawsuits of all kinds and explaining the means employed to dispose of them to show first the conditions under which the Bedouin live and secondly their mentality and point of view. Although the reader may possibly gather from the pages that follow that I have a real affection for the Bedou himself and admiration for most of his laws and customs I have tried to represent his character in full with all his faults and failings. Descriptions of particular cases have been purposely introduced showing unmistakably that Bedouin Law is no more infallible than any other law and that in some cases justice is not done. But in the aggregate it will be found that the Bedou with all his faults is a very loveable person and his code of laws and customs is remarkable for its practical common sense." Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203039441

Bedouin JusticeLaw and Custom Among the Egyptian Bedouin This volume was originally published in 1925 and is a digest of the law and practice of the Bedouin Courts together with an account of desert life and customs. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846202

Bedouin Of Northern Arabia First Published in 1986. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138883895

Bedouin of Northern ArabiaTraditions of the Āl-Ḍhafīr This is an absorbing and authentic account first published in 1986 of the history and traditional way of life of the Al-Dhafir bedouins of north-eastern Arabia based on a study of their traditions Arabic historical annals and the reports of western travellers over the past two hundred years. During the early part of the twentieth century the Al-Dhafir were a major power in the desert south west of the Euphrates between Samawa and Zubair. Beginning in the Hijaz in the early 1600s as a confederation of small tribes under the leadership of the Suwait clan they have had an eventful history in which their tribal tradition records battles with the Sharifs in the Hijaz the al’Urai’ir in al Hasa the Muntafiq in Iraq and finally the Ikhwan raiders in the 1920s. They are well known for an almost quixotic adherence to the taditions of hospitality and protection of fugitives for which their sheikhs became known as the Ahl al-Buwait ‘people of the little tent’. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138190467

Bedouin Tribes of the Euphrates First Published in 1968. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315033815

Bedouins of the Empty Quarter This volume describes Bedouins a tribal pastoral people in eastern Saudia Arabia. This volume documents changes in their way of life beginning in the 1930s and continuing to the 1960s when this book originally appeared. The Empty Quarter described here is a place inhabited by a people so thoroughly devoted to their pastoral pursuits that they are referred to as nomads of the nomads. To the Al Murrah and other camel-keeping pastoralists theirs is a rich and rewarding life. For either to survive men and camels must live in close symbiosis. The camels provide food fiber and transport; man provides knowledge of available resources of which the most precious are water and the grasses that grow where rains have fallen. In this work Donald Powell Cole shows us that this existence more complex and intricate. There is the complex knowledge of the desert itself its varieties moods and resources. Next there is the knowledge of the camels their needs capacities and the peculiarities of each animal. These different kinds of knowledge must be brought together to fully use yet carefully conserve scarce resources. As important is the structuring of social life. The tribesmen must have a flexible social system that enables the individual household to operate alone when the environmental situation requires. This necessitates a pattern of independence and equality. The Al Murrah live according to ancient traditions but life is not unchanging. In 1932 Saudi Arabia became a nation and intertribal raiding and warfare was brought to an end. Cole highlights the adaptability of the Al Murrah as the desert became increasingly invaded by motor transport and oil rigs. He sees their experience as prototypical: man everywhere must attune his life to the requirements of his economy. In a place like the Arabian Desert these adjustments are most insistent. This work shows that even when these demands of the external world pervade behavior life can remain rich and rewarding. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519299

Bedside MattersA Journey Through Doctor ̶Patient Communication This unique book draws upon a collection of essays and personal reflections by Dr Peter Tate covering at least half a century of his experience of trying to understand define and improve communication between doctors and patients. Adopting a light conversational and often humorous tone the book covers a broad range of situations encountered during the lead author’s career as a general practitioner his seminal research into understanding doctor-patient communication and his subsequent role in both teaching and developing the internationally-recognised Royal College of General Practice’s membership video examination. This book demonstrates that clinical experiences both professional and personal are fundamental to our perception of what is important and what matters most in medicine. Key features: Unique and personal account of the development of this vital but often overlooked aspect of medicine Engaging and light-hearted yet academically rigorous Draws on experiences gathered during clinical practice research and teaching From the authors of the popular The Doctor’s Communication Handbook now in its eighth edition In reading Bedside Matters doctors and particularly general practitioners will not only learn from the author’s experiences but will be encouraged to reflect on their own clinical and personal experiences and to use these to better understand and improve their own communication techniques. The author: Peter Tate is a retired General Practitioner UK With editorial contributions from: Francesca Frame a General Practitioner based in Cambridgeshire UK Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367467845

Beef Cattle Science Handbook Vol. 19 The 1983 International Stockinen's School Handbooks include more than 200 technical papers presented at this year's Stockmen's School-sponsored by Wlnrock International-by outstanding animal scientists agribusiness leaders and livestock producers expert in animal technology animal management and general fields relevant to animal agriculture. The Handbooks represent advanced technology in a problem-oriented form readily accessible to livestock producers operators of family farms managers of agri-buslnesses scholars and students of animal agriculture. The Beef Cattle Science Handbook the Dairy Science Handbook the Sheep and Goat Handbook and the Stud Managers' Handbook each include papers on such general topics as genetics and selection; general anatomy and physiology; reproduction; behavior and animal welfare; feeds and nutrition; pastures ranges and forests; health diseases and parasites; buildings equipment and environment; animal management; marketing and economics (including product processing when relevant}; farm and ranch business management and economics; computer use in animal enterprises; and production systems. The four Handbooks also contain papers specifically related to the type of animal considered. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367019624

Beef Cattle Science Handbook Vol. 20 This handbook is based on presentations made at the International Stockmen's School January 8-13 1984. It includes papers on beef cattle genetics and selection; general anatomy and physiology; reproduction; behavior and animal welfare; feeds and nutrition; and health diseases and parasites. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367165192

Beep to BoomThe Development of Advanced Runtime Sound Systems for Games and Extended Reality Drawing on decades of experience Beep to Boom: The Development of Advanced Runtime Sound Systems for Games and Extended Reality is a rigorous comprehensive guide to interactive audio runtime systems. Packed with practical examples and insights the book explains each component of these complex geometries of sound. Using practical lowest-common-denominator techniques Goodwin covers soundfield creation across a range of platforms from phones to VR gaming consoles. Whether creating an audio system from scratch or building on existing frameworks the book also explains costs benefits and priorities. In the dynamic simulated world of games and extended reality interactive audio can now consider every intricacy of real-world sound. This book explains how and why to tame it enjoyably. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138543904

Bees in Early Modern Transatlantic LiteratureSovereign Colony This book examines apian imagery—bees drones honey and the hive—in the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century literary and oral traditions. In England and the New World colonies during a critical period of expansion the metaphor of this communal society faced unprecedented challenges even as it came to emblematize the process of colonization itself. The beehive connected the labor of those marginalized by race class gender or species to larger considerations of sovereignty. This study examines the works of William Shakespeare; Francis Daniel Pastorius; Hopi Wyandotte and Pocasset cultures; John Milton; Hester Pulter; and Bernard Mandeville. Its contribution lies in its exploration of the simultaneously recuperative and destructive narratives that place the bee at the nexus of the human the animal and the environment. The book argues that bees play a central representational and physical role in shaping conflicts over hierarchies of the early transatlantic world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367416140

Beethoven Our image of Beethoven has been transformed by the research generated by a succession of scholars and theorists who blazed new trails from the 1960s onwards. This collection of articles written by leading Beethoven scholars brings together strands of this mainly Anglo-American research over the last fifty years and addresses a range of key issues. The volume places Beethoven scholarship within a historical and contemporary context and considers the future of Beethoven studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472440303

Beethoven and the Lyric ImpulseEssays on Beethoven Song Amanda Glauert revisits Beethoven’s songs and studies his profound engagement with the aesthetics of the poets he was setting particularly those of Herder and Goethe. The book offers readers a rich exploration of the poetical and philosophical context in which Beethoven found himself when composing songs. It also offers detailed commentaries on possible responses to specific songs responses designed to open up new ways for performing hearing and appreciating this provocative song repertoire. This study will be of great interest to researchers of Beethoven; German song; aesthetics of words and music. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367463564

Beethoven’s DedicationsStories Behind the Tributes The dedication of a piece of music is a feature generally overlooked but it can reveal a great deal about the work the composer the society and the music world in which the composer lived.This book explores the musical biographical and sociological aspects of the practice of dedicating new compositions in the late 18th and early 19th centuries and makes a significant contribution towards a better understanding of the impact these tributes had on Beethoven’s life and work and their function within the context of the musical cultural and economic environments in which they appeared. As the first of its kind this study demonstrates that as a result of their different functions published dedications and handwritten inscriptions are distinct from one another and for that reason they have been classified in different categories. This book therefore challenges the idea of what exactly can be termed as a ‘dedication’ a concept which extends far beyond the dedication of musical works. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138586178

Befit the Occasion Poster The poster is available with a thin Plastic Film Coating to protect against dust and grime fading due to light exposure and oil from finger marks. We encourage our customers to protect their posters with this product. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781138069923

Before and After Corroboree: The Music of John Antill John Antill (1904-1986) was one of the foremost composers of Australia's post-colonial period. Although a relatively prolific and much esteemed composer in Australia Antill's wider reputation is sustained chiefly by his famous ballet Corroboree - a work which was perceived to bring an authentic Australian musical style before both a national and international audience for the first time. Through Sir Eugene Goossens' championship the work was heard by enthusiastic audiences in Australia Britain Europe and the USA and was for many years the best-known work of any Australian-born and resident composer. Indeed it has remained for both Australian and overseas audiences an Australian musical icon. David Symons traces Antill's development as a composer from his early pre-Corroboree works which display a late Romantic to post-impressionist style through an analysis of the virile dissonant primitivist idiom of his magnum opus to an examination of his later output of theatrical orchestral and vocal/choral works. The book provides comprehensive and valuable insight into Antill's musical output at the same time focussing on more detailed analyses of his major works which have reached public performances and/or recordings. In this way the book not only presents a developmental picture of Antill's works but also demonstrates why they have made him one of Australia's most prominent musical creators of the post-colonial period. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367597368

Before and After DarwinOrigins Species Cosmogonies and Ontologies This is the first of a pair of volumes by Jonathan Hodge collecting all his most innovative revisionist and influential papers on Charles Darwin and on the longer run of theories about origins and species from ancient times to the present. The focus in this volume is on the diversity of theories among such pre-Darwinian authors as Lamarck and Whewell and on developments in the theory of natural selection since Darwin. Plato's Timaeus the Biblical Genesis and any current textbook of evolutionary biology are all it may well seem on this same enduring topic: origins and species. However even among classical authors there were fundamental disagreements: the ontology and cosmogony of the Greek atomists were deeply opposed to Plato's; and in the millennia since the ontological and cosmogonical contexts for theories about origins and species have never settled into any unifying consensus. While the structure of Darwinian theory may be today broadly what it was in Darwin's own argumentation controversy continues over the old issues about order chance necessity and purpose in the living world and the wider universe as a whole. The historical and philosophical papers collected in this volume and in the companion volume devoted to Darwin's theorising seek to clarify the major continuities and discontinuities in the long run of thinking about origins and species. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138375192

Before and After School Physical Activity ProgramsFrameworks Critical Issues and Underserved Populations This is the first book to offer a critical examination of the delivery of before and after-school physical activity programs from global perspectives. It introduces key theory and best practice in before and after-school physical activity research and programming and is an essential resource for educators involved in the design and implementation of after-school programs. With contributions from leading international researchers and practitioners in the field of health and physical education the book provides an overview of research methods in before and after-school physical activity. It offers insight on theoretical frameworks and the implementation of programs as they relate to policy in schools as well as an overview of social and emotional learning in after-school programs. The book also explores inclusive before and after-school physical activity programming for underserved communities covering key topics from Positive Youth Development and urban programming to developing adult leaders and working with LGBTQI populations and children with disabilities. This book is important reading for researchers in health and physical education and policy-makers teachers youth workers and coaches working with children in physical education health education physical activity or sport. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367509361

Before and After the Cold WarUsing Past Forecasts to Predict the Future The end of the Cold War came as good news for most of the world. No one had predicted the collapse of Communist rule for several decades. This book looks at how political scientists failed to predict such a quick resolution and ways in which the world might develop post Cold War. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315039060

Before BirthUnderstanding Prenatal Screening This title was first published in 2001. Featuring contributions from the UK Finland The Netherlands and Greece this unique book explores the ongoing tensions and important ethical legal and social issues related to the development of prenatal screening and the growth of new genetic technologies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138726260

Before Blackwood'sScottish Journalism in the Age of Enlightenment This collection of essays is the result of a major conference focusing specifically on the role of Scotland’s print culture in shaping the literature and politics of the long eighteenth century. In contrast to previous studies this work treats Blackwood’s Magazine as the culmination of a long tradition rather than a starting point. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848935501

Before CrusoeDefoe Voice and the Ministry Penny Pritchard is a Senior Lecturer in Eighteenth-Century Literature and has taught at the University of Hertfordshire since completing her PhD in 2006. Both her doctoral thesis (entitled ‘Defoe Rhetoric and Nonconformity’) and MA in Eighteenth-Century Studies were undertaken at the University of East Anglia. Her first book (The Long Eighteenth-Century: Literature from 1660 to 1790) was published by York Press in 2010 and she has written extensively on Defoe and early modern religious writing in academic journals and chapter collections. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367664381

Before Emotion: The Language of Feeling 400-1800 Before Emotion: The Language of Feeling 400-1800 advances current interdisciplinary research in the history of emotions through in-depth studies of the European language of emotion from late antiquity to the modern period. Focusing specifically on the premodern cognates of ‘affect’ or ‘affection’ (such as affectus affectio affeccioun etc.) an international team of scholars explores the cultural and intellectual contexts in which emotion was discussed before the term ‘emotion’ itself came into widespread use. By tracing the history of key terms and concepts associated with what we identify as ‘emotions’ today the volume offers a first-time critical foundation for understanding pre- and early modern emotions discourse charts continuities and changes across cultures time periods genres and languages and helps contextualize modern shifts in the understanding of emotions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367086022

Before Jane AustenThe Shaping of the English Novel in the Eighteenth Century Few centuries have seen greater changes in social perspective and guiding ideas than the eighteenth century; literature in every Western country was a powerful instrument not only in recording these changes but in bringing them about. In England the rise and development of a new literary form – the novel – graphically mirrors that great transition in social ideology often with rare entertainment. Originally published in 1965 in the words of Professor Steeves: ‘This volume is to deal with the years in which the novel was still an experiment. At the beginning of the eighteenth century there was no novel. By the end novels of every description were being published not in dozens but in hundreds. The badness of the product was universally recognized but perhaps fifty had emerged out of the ruck of mediocrity some tolerable some good and some great.’ The author tells us that it is the province of the novel ‘to deal with what seems to be real people in situations which have the tang of the life of the time and which pose significant problems related to that life.’ He examines the changing view of the social scene in the works of the great novelists of the period – Defoe Richardson Fielding Smollett and Sterne – and in the less familiar but still significant novels of others from the time. The discussion ends with Austen because she comes ‘exactly at the end of a century highly important in intellectual and cultural history and at the beginning of another century equally epoch-making…. Miss Austen can properly be called the first modern English novelist the earliest to be read with the feeling that she depicts our life and not a life placed back somewhere in history or off somewhere in imagined space’. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367819125

Before LiteratureThe Nature of Narrative Without the Written Word Before Literature examines storytelling that whether due to historical technological or socio-economic circumstance is neither shaped nor influenced by alphabetic literacy. How does a story unfold when carried solely in memory when it cannot be written down or externally stored? What structural and stylistic pressures are imposed when it must travel through space and time exclusively by word of mouth? In Before Literature Sheila J. Nayar addresses these very questions guiding the reader in a lively and accessible manner through the key features of storytelling that's been unaffected by writing. Even more Nayar shows how the very norms that drove oral epics such as the Mahabharata and Homer’s Odyssey can continue to shape contemporary forms like Bollywood masala films Hollywood spectaculars and comic books. This clear and accessible guide is an ideal starting point for undergraduates approaching the study of orality. It offers a fundamentally different way of thinking about oral narrative while also disclosing some of the "hows" and "whys" of written literature leading to a much broader understanding and appreciation of our storytelling tradition. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367242800

Before Middle Passage: Translated Portuguese Manuscripts of Atlantic Slave Trading from West Africa to Iberian Territories 1513-26 On the 20th of January 1526 the Santiago left Lisbon bound for Africa with a cargo of brass and tin bracelets round bells barber basins and cloth; by early October the ship was back in Portugal with a very different cargo 108 enslaved Africans. With chilling detachment the ship’s trading log records the commodification of human beings the prices paid for them the sums received for their sale and the number who did not survive the crossing. Whilst this log may be extremely rare it is clear from another surviving document the receipt book of the customs office of the Portuguese Cape Verde Islands that such voyages were commonplace in the early years of the sixteenth century. The bulk of this volume consists of a translation into English of the receipt book from the customs office of the Cape Verde Islands. In it Portuguese customs agents recorded import duties on over 3 000 slaves transported from nearby West Africa in 36 ships. The customs officers named the slave traders ships officers crew and outfitters of the ships as well as the price of each slave and the import duty collected by the Portuguese government and the Catholic Church. A second section of the customs book provides details of export taxes paid on c.600 African slaves by merchants from Portugal Spain and the Spanish Canary Islands when they exchanged European merchandise for slaves. The final chapter of the volume translates the Santiago’s log providing an example of an actual slave trading expedition. Taken together these documents open a rare window into the workings and scope of the early Atlantic slave trade. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367879747

Before Modern HumansNew Perspectives on the African Stone Age This fascinating volume assessing Lower and Middle Pleistocene African prehistory argues that the onset of the Middle Stone Age marks the origins of landscape use patterns resembling those of modern human foragers. Inaugurating a paradigm shift in our understanding of modern human behavior Grant McCall argues that this transition—related to the origins of “home base†residential site use—occurred in mosaic fashion over the course of hundreds of thousands of years. He concludes by proposing a model of brain evolution driven by increasing subsistence diversity and intensity against the backdrop of larger populations and Pleistocene environmental unpredictability. McCall argues that human brain size did not arise to support the complex patterns of social behavior that pervade our lives today but instead large human brains were co-opted for these purposes relatively late in prehistory accounting for the striking archaeological record of the Upper Pleistocene. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781611322231

Before Modern HumansNew Perspectives on the African Stone Age This fascinating volume assessing Lower and Middle Pleistocene African prehistory argues that the onset of the Middle Stone Age marks the origins of landscape use patterns resembling those of modern human foragers. Inaugurating a paradigm shift in our understanding of modern human behavior Grant McCall argues that this transition—related to the origins of “home base†residential site use—occurred in mosaic fashion over the course of hundreds of thousands of years. He concludes by proposing a model of brain evolution driven by increasing subsistence diversity and intensity against the backdrop of larger populations and Pleistocene environmental unpredictability. McCall argues that human brain size did not arise to support the complex patterns of social behavior that pervade our lives today but instead large human brains were co-opted for these purposes relatively late in prehistory accounting for the striking archaeological record of the Upper Pleistocene. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367605377

Before My Helpless SightSuffering Dying and Military Medicine on the Western Front 1914–1918 Despite the numerous vicious conflicts that scarred the twentieth century the horrors of the Western Front continue to exercise a particularly strong hold on the modern imagination. The unprecedented scale and mechanization of the war changed forever the way suffering and dying were perceived and challenged notions of what the nations could reasonably expect of their military. Examining experiences of the Western Front this book looks at the life of a soldier from the moment he marched into battle until he was buried. In five chapters - Battle Body Mind Aid Death - it describes and analyzes the physical and mental hardship of the men who fought on a front that stretched from the Belgian coast to the Swiss border. Beginning with a broad description of the war it then analyzes the medical aid the Tommies Bonhommes and Frontschweine received - or all too often did not receive - revealing how this aid was often given for military and political rather than humanitarian reasons (getting the men back to the front or munitions factory and trying to spare the state as many war-pensions as possible). It concludes with a chapter on the many ways death presented itself on or around the battlefield and sets out in detail the problems that arise when more people are killed than can possibly be buried properly. In contrast to most books in the field this study does not focus on one single issue - such as venereal disease plastic surgery shell-shock or the military medical service - but takes a broad view on wounds and illnesses across both sides of the conflict. Drawing on British French German Belgian and Dutch sources it shows the consequences of modern warfare on the human individuals caught up in it and the way it influences our thinking on 'humanitarian' activities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138270053

Before ScienceThe Invention of the Friars' Natural Philosophy The opposition of science and religion is a recent phenomenon; in the middle ages and indeed until the middle of the nineteenth century there was almost no conflict. In the Middle Ages the objective study of nature - the activity we now call science - was largely the province of religious men. This book looks at the origins of western science and the central role played by the Dominican and Franciscan friars. It explains why these two groups devoted so much intellectual effort to the study of physical and biological phenomena and distinguishes 'Natural Philosophy' from 'science' as presently understood. Though the friars were recognisably 'scientific' in their approach their motives were religious - they wished to understand the mind of God and the beauty of God's nature. Even so as this study makes clear the roots of western science lie in the monasteries and refuges of the medieval friars - the direct forebears of the anti-scientific Popes of the age of Copernicus and Galileo. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261720

Before Social AnthropologyEssays on the History of British Anthropology First Published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964488

Before StonewallActivists for Gay and Lesbian Rights in Historical Context Explore the early history of the gay rights movement!In the words of editor Vern L. Bullough: “Although there was no single leader in the gay and lesbian community who achieved the fame and reputation of Martin Luther King there were a large number of activists who put their careers and reputations on the line. It was a motley crew of radicals and reformers drawn together by the cause in spite of personality and philosophical differences. Their stories are told in the following pages.”Before Stonewall: Activists for Gay and Lesbian Rights in Historical Context illuminates the lives of the courageous individuals involved in the early struggle for gay and lesbian civil rights in the United States. Authored by those who knew them (often activists themselves) the concise biographies in this volume examine the lives of pre-1969 barrier breakers like Harry Hay Henry Gerber Alfred Kinsey Del Martin Phyllis Lyon Jim Kepner Jack Nichols Christine Jorgensen Jose Sarria Barbara Grier Frank Kameny and 40 more. To anyone with an interest in the history of the gay/lesbian rights movements in the United States these names will be familiar but did you know that in addition to their groundbreaking activism: Prescott Townsend was a Boston Brahman Dorr Legg was a Log Cabin Republican Harry Hay was at one time a member of the Communist party Jim Kepner was a boy preacher Troy Perry was removed from the ministry of his church for homosexuality--and then founded the gay-friendly Metropolitan Community Church Reed Erickson--a transsexual millionaire who gave millions to the cause--kept a pet leopard called Henry Barbara Gittings set up a kissing booth at the American Library Association convention and urged attendees to kiss a gay or lesbian!Before Stonewall is a perfect ancillary text for any gay/lesbian studies course but more to the point no one interested in these heroic figures and the movements they ignited should be without this book which received an honorable mention in the 2004 Stonewall Book Awards. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315801681

Before the FallAn Inside View of the Pre-Watergate White House William Safire was a speechwriter for Richard Nixon from 1968 to 1973. During that time as a Washington insider Safire was able to observe the thirty-seventh president in his entirety: as noble and mean-spirited; as good and bad; as a man desirous of greatness. Rarely has there been a White House memoir more intimate or revealing in its exploration of the great events that took place "before the fall" of Watergate. In this anecdotal history Nixon and his associates come alive not as caricatures but as men with high and low purpose: Henry Kissinger William Rogers H. R. (Bob) Haldeman John Ehrlichman Charles Colson and Arthur Burns struggle not just for power but for ideals. As William Safire says in his Prologue: "In this memoir which is neither a biography of [Nixon] nor an autobiography of me nor a narrative history of our times there is an attempt to figure out what was good and bad about him what he was trying to do and how well he succeeded how he used and affected some of the people around him and an effort not to lose sight of all that went right in examining what went wrong." The book is divided into ten sections in which run three main themes: the President the Partisan and the Person. As a president Safire discusses Nixon and the Vietnam War foreign policy economics and race relations. As a partisan he discusses Nixon's attempt to form an alignment across party lines successful in many respects before the president tolerated the excesses that eventually corrupted his administration. And as a person Safire finds that Nixon was a mixture of Woodrow Wilson Machiavelli Theodore Roosevelt and Shakespeare's Cassius--an idealistic conniver evoking the strenuous life while he thinks too much. This paperback edition of a classic primary source for historians includes a new introduction by its author. Studded with direct quotations that put the reader in the room where history was being made Before the Fall is a realistic shades-of-gray study of the Nixon years. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519305

Before the Industrial RevolutionEuropean Society and Economy 1000-1700 First published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138156784

Before the Revisionist ControversyKautsky Bernstein and the Meaning of Marxism 1895-1898 In this book first published in 1992 the author examines the polemic fought by German Social-Democratic Party leaders and intellectuals Karl Kautsky and Eduard Bernstein against what they perceived to be misunderstandings of Marxism propagated by members of the Social-Democratic Federation (SDF) in England and by the socialist leader Wilhelm Liebknecht in Germany. The debate raised basic questions of socialist theory including whether the program of Marx and Engels called for scholarly study parliamentary democracy and gradual social evolution or for Utopian speculation economic collapse and violent rebellion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138898837

Before the Vote was Won First published in 1987. This volume traces the arguments of early suffragists through the last three decades of the nineteenth century. Includes the texts of the House of Commons Debate on the 1871 Disabilities Bill 1982 Women's Franchise Bill and key documents by those who were opposed to women's suffrage Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315012964

Before You See Your First Client55 Things Counselors Therapists and Human Service Workers Need to Know Before You See Your First Client begins where courses workshops training seminars and textbooks leave off providing a candid behind-the-scenes look at the fields of therapy counseling and human services. In a reader-friendly and accessible style Dr. Howard Rosenthal offers his readers 55 useful and practical ideas for the implementation improvement and expansion of one's mental health practice. Based on the author's own personal experiences the book is written in an intimate and personal style to which inexperienced and beginning therapists can easily relate. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138147669

Before You Write Your NovelEssential Skills for the First-time Novelist Previously available as "Before You Write a Word" Before You Write Your Novel sets out the essential techniques and approaches that lay the perfect foundation for writing your first novel. This concise and readable guide addresses the major stumbling blocks of fiction writing: the importance of planning and structure. This book covers the essential components of novel writing including narrative story plot pace chronology character arc and engagement techniques as well as research story building plotting and editing. Using an open and honest approach feeding from his own experience as a published novelist and creative writing teacher James McCreet offers a guide to the structural mechanisms of the novel helping you plan a first draft through to a finished novel. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138186736

Before-and-After PhotographyHistories and Contexts The before-and-after trope in photography has long paired images to represent change: whether affirmatively as in the results of makeovers social reforms or medical interventions or negatively in the destruction of the environment by the impacts of war or natural disasters. This interdisciplinary multi-authored volume examines the central but almost unspoken position of before-and-after photography found in a wide range of contexts from the 19th century through to the present. Packed with case studies that explore the conceptual implications of these images the book’s rich language of evidence documentation and persuasion present both historical material and the work of practicing photographers who have deployed – and challenged – the conventions of the before-and-after pairing. Touching on issues including sexuality race environmental change and criminality Before-and-After Photography examines major topics of current debate in the critique of photography in an accessible way to allow students and scholars to explore the rich conceptual issues around photography’s relationship with time andimagination. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781350143074

Befriending the Queer Nineteenth CenturyCurious Attachments Befriending the Queer Nineteenth Century: Curious Attachments addresses a longstanding question in literary and cultural studies: how can a case be made for the ongoing value of the humanities without an articulation of that field's social effects? In response this book examines how readers "befriend" works of literature overtures that are based in a curiosity about the world that help those readers to appreciate the world anew. As an instance of this dynamic it examines how the contemporary social interest in queerness can be contextualized through encounters with texts produced during an earlier era of queer flux: the U.S. nineteenth century. The book offers first-hand accounts of such meetings weaving within its analysis reports on readers' engagements with literature and the consequences of those connections. It frames such dynamics as central to a new politics or to finding a vocabulary for a familiar politics that has not received its due. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367542313

Beggars Banquet and the Rolling Stones' Rock and Roll Revolution‘They Call My Name Disturbance' The Rolling Stones’ Beggars Banquet is one of the seminal albums in rock history. Arguably it not only marks the advent of the ‘mature’ sound of the Rolling Stones but lays out a new blueprint for an approach to blues-based rock music that would endure for several decades. From its title to the dark themes that pervade some of its songs Beggars Banquet reflected and helped define a moment marked by violence decay and upheaval. It marked a move away from the artistic sonic flourishes of psychedelic rock towards an embrace of foundational streams of American music – blues country – that had always underpinned the music of the Stones but assumed new primacy in their music after 1968. This move coincided with and anticipated the ‘roots’ moves that many leading popular music artists made as the 1960s turned toward a new decade; but unlike many of their peers whose music grew more ‘soft’ and subdued as they embraced traditional styles the music and attitude of the Stones only grew harder and more menacing and their status as representatives of the dark underside of the 60s rock counterculture assumed new solidity. For the Rolling Stones the 1960s ended and the 1970s began with the release of this album in 1968. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138304758

Beggary and Theatre in Early Modern England This title was first published in 2003. In this new socio-cultural study of the history of the theatre in early modern England author Paola Pugliatti investigates the question of why in the Tudor and early Stuart period unregulated and unlicensed theatrical activities were equated by the English law to unregulated and unlicensed begging. Starting with English vagrancy statutes and in particular from the fact that from 1545 on players were listed as vagrants the book discusses from an entirely new perspective the reasons for the equation in the early modern mind of beggary with performing. Pugliatti identifies in players' aptitude for disguise and in the fear raised by their proteiform skills the issues which encouraged the assimilation of beggars and players; she argues that at the core of provisions against vagrancy was an attempt to marginalize people who because of their instability in location and role (that is in their theatrical quintessence) were seen as embodying potential for subversion. Placing the topic in a European context and relying on the reading of primary documents in several languages Pugliatti discusses efforts to control beggary from Justinian's Codex to seventeenth-century statutes locates the origin of anti-vagrancy and antitheatrical writings in anxieties about idleness and disguise and analyzes the ways in which various kinds of representation demonized both beggars and players. Finally by carefully distinguishing between the traditions of rogue pamphlets conny-catching pamphlets and the picaresque she offers fresh readings of a number of texts which appear to have been entirely disregarded by recent scholarship such as pamphlets by Walker Harman Greene and Dekker. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315194264

Beginner's Guide to SolidWorks 2014 - Level I This book is intended to help new users learn the basic concepts of SolidWorks and good solid modeling techniques in an easy to follow guide that includes video instruction. It is a great starting point for those new to SolidWorks or as a teaching aid in classroom training to become familiar with the software’s interface basic commands and strategies as the user completes a series of models while learning different ways to accomplish a particular task. At the end of this book you will have a fairly good understanding of the SolidWorks interface and the most commonly used commands for part modeling assembly and detailing after completing a series of components and their 2D drawings complete with Bill of Materials. The book focuses on the processes to complete the modeling of a part instead of focusing on individual software commands or operations which are generally simple enough to learn. The author strived hard to include the commands required in the Certified SolidWorks Associate test as listed on the SolidWorks website as well as several more. SolidWorks is an easy to use CAD software that includes many time saving tools that will enable new and experienced users to complete design tasks faster than before. Most commands covered in this book have advanced options which may not be covered in this book. This is meant to be a starting point to help new users to learn the basic and most frequently used commands. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781585038411

Beginner's Guide to SolidWorks 2015 - Level I This book is intended to help new users learn the basic concepts of SolidWorks and good solid modeling techniques in an easy to follow guide that includes video instruction. It is a great starting point for those new to SolidWorks or as a teaching aid in classroom training to become familiar with the software’s interface basic commands and strategies as users complete a series of models while learning different ways to accomplish a particular task. At the end of this book you will have a fairly good understanding of the SolidWorks interface and the most commonly used commands for part modeling assembly and detailing after completing a series of components and their 2D drawings complete with Bill of Materials. The book focuses on the processes to complete the modeling of a part instead of focusing on individual software commands or operations which are generally simple enough to learn. The author strived hard to include the commands required in the Certified SolidWorks Associate test as listed on the SolidWorks website as well as several more. SolidWorks is an easy to use CAD software that includes many time saving tools that will enable new and experienced users to complete design tasks faster than before. Most commands covered in this book have advanced options which may not be covered in this book. This is meant to be a starting point to help new users to learn the basic and most frequently used commands. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781585039180

Beginner's Guide to SolidWorks 2015 - Level II Beginner’s Guide to SolidWorks 2015 – Level II starts where Beginner’s Guide – Level I ends following the same easy to read style and companion video instruction but this time covering advanced topics and techniques. The purpose of this book is to teach advanced techniques including sheet metal surfacing how to create components in the context of an assembly and reference other components (Top-down design) propagate design changes with SolidWorks’ parametric capabilities mold design welded structures and more while explaining the basic concepts of each trade to allow you to understand the how and why of each operation. The author uses simple examples to allow you to better understand each command and environment as well as to make it easier to explain the purpose of each step maximizing the learning time by focusing on one task at a time. This book is focused on the processes to complete the modeling of a part instead of focusing on individual software commands or operations which are generally simple enough to learn. At the end of this book you will have acquired enough skills to be highly competitive when it comes to designing with SolidWorks and while there are many less frequently used commands and options available that will not be covered in this book rest assured that those covered are most of the commands used every day by SolidWorks designers. The author strived hard to include the commands required in the Certified SolidWorks Associate test as listed on the SolidWorks website and some as well as several more. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781585039197

Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2016 - Level I (Including unique access code) This book is intended to help new users learn the basic concepts of SOLIDWORKS and good solid modeling techniques in an easy to follow guide that includes video instruction. It is a great starting point for those new to SOLIDWORKS or as a teaching aid in classroom training to become familiar with the software’s interface basic commands and strategies as users complete a series of models while learning different ways to accomplish a particular task. At the end of this book you will have a fairly good understanding of the SOLIDWORKS interface and the most commonly used commands for part modeling assembly and detailing after completing a series of components and their 2D drawings complete with Bill of Materials. The book focuses on the processes to complete the modeling of a part instead of focusing on individual software commands or operations which are generally simple enough to learn. The author strived hard to include the commands required in the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate and Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Exams as listed on the SOLIDWORKS website. SOLIDWORKS is an easy to use CAD software that includes many time saving tools that will enable new and experienced users to complete design tasks faster than before. Most commands covered in this book have advanced options which may not be covered in this book. This is meant to be a starting point to help new users to learn the basic and most frequently used commands. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781585039920

Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2016 - Level II (Including unique access code) Beginner’s Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2016 – Level II starts where Beginner’s Guide – Level I ends following the same easy to read style and companion video instruction but this time covering advanced topics and techniques. The purpose of this book is to teach advanced techniques including sheet metal surfacing how to create components in the context of an assembly and reference other components (Top-down design) propagate design changes with SOLIDWORKS’ parametric capabilities mold design welded structures and more while explaining the basic concepts of each trade to allow you to understand the how and why of each operation. The author uses simple examples to allow you to better understand each command and environment as well as to make it easier to explain the purpose of each step maximizing the learning time by focusing on one task at a time. This book is focused on the processes to complete the modeling of a part instead of focusing on individual software commands or operations which are generally simple enough to learn. At the end of this book you will have acquired enough skills to be highly competitive when it comes to designing with SOLIDWORKS and while there are many less frequently used commands and options available that will not be covered in this book rest assured that those covered are most of the commands used every day by SOLIDWORKS designers. The author strived hard to include the commands required in the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate test as listed on the SOLIDWORKS website and some as well as several more. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781585039937

Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2017 - Level I (Including unique access code) This book is intended to help new users learn the basic concepts of SOLIDWORKS and good solid modeling techniques in an easy to follow guide that includes video instruction. It is a great starting point for those new to SOLIDWORKS or as a teaching aid in classroom training to become familiar with the software’s interface basic commands and strategies as users complete a series of models while learning different ways to accomplish a particular task. At the end of this book you will have a fairly good understanding of the SOLIDWORKS interface and the most commonly used commands for part modeling assembly and detailing after completing a series of components and their 2D drawings complete with Bill of Materials. The book focuses on the processes to complete the modeling of a part instead of focusing on individual software commands or operations which are generally simple enough to learn. The author strived hard to include the commands required in the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate and Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Exams as listed on the SOLIDWORKS website. SOLIDWORKS is an easy to use CAD software that includes many time saving tools that will enable new and experienced users to complete design tasks faster than before. Most commands covered in this book have advanced options which may not be covered in this book. This is meant to be a starting point to help new users to learn the basic and most frequently used commands. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570637

Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2017 - Level II (Including unique access code) Beginner’s Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2017 – Level II starts where Beginner’s Guide – Level I ends following the same easy to read style and companion video instruction but this time covering advanced topics and techniques. The purpose of this book is to teach advanced techniques including sheet metal surfacing how to create components in the context of an assembly and reference other components (Top-down design) propagate design changes with SOLIDWORKS’ parametric capabilities mold design welded structures and more while explaining the basic concepts of each trade to allow you to understand the how and why of each operation. The author uses simple examples to allow you to better understand each command and environment as well as to make it easier to explain the purpose of each step maximizing the learning time by focusing on one task at a time. This book is focused on the processes to complete the modeling of a part instead of focusing on individual software commands or operations which are generally simple enough to learn. At the end of this book you will have acquired enough skills to be highly competitive when it comes to designing with SOLIDWORKS and while there are many less frequently used commands and options available that will not be covered in this book rest assured that those covered are most of the commands used every day by SOLIDWORKS designers. The author strived hard to include many of the commands required in the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced and Expert exams as listed on the SOLIDWORKS website. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630570644

Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2018 - Level I This book is intended to help new users learn the basic concepts of SOLIDWORKS and good solid modelling techniques in an easy to follow guide that includes video instruction. It is a great starting point for those new to SOLIDWORKS or as a teaching aid in classroom training to become familiar with the software’s interface basic commands and strategies as users complete a series of models while learning different ways to accomplish a particular task. At the end of this book you will have a fairly good understanding of the SOLIDWORKS interface and the most commonly used commands for part modelling assembly and detailing after completing a series of components and their 2D drawings complete with Bill of Materials. The book focuses on the processes to complete the modelling of a part instead of focusing on individual software commands or operations which are generally simple enough to learn. The author strived hard to include the commands required in the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate and Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Exams as listed on the SOLIDWORKS website. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630571481

Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2018 - Level II Beginner’s Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2018 – Level II starts where Beginner’s Guide – Level I ends following the same easy to read style and companion video instruction but this time covering advanced topics and techniques. The purpose of this book is to teach advanced techniques including sheet metal surfacing how to create components in the context of an assembly and reference other components (Top-down design) propagate design changes with SOLIDWORKS’ parametric capabilities mold design welded structures and more while explaining the basic concepts of each trade to allow you to understand the how and why of each operation. The author uses simple examples to allow you to better understand each command and environment as well as to make it easier to explain the purpose of each step maximizing the learning time by focusing on one task at a time. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630571665

Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2019 - Level I This book is intended to help new users learn the basic concepts of SOLIDWORKS and good solid modeling techniques in an easy to follow guide that includes video instruction. It is a great starting point for those new to SOLIDWORKS or as a teaching aid in classroom training to become familiar with the software’s interface basic commands and strategies as users complete a series of models while learning different ways to accomplish a particular task. At the end of this book you will have a fairly good understanding of the SOLIDWORKS interface and the most commonly used commands for part modeling assembly and detailing after completing a series of components and their 2D drawings complete with Bill of Materials. The book focuses on the processes to complete the modeling of a part instead of focusing on individual software commands or operations which are generally simple enough to learn. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572204

Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2019 - Level II Beginner’s Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2019 – Level II starts where Beginner’s Guide – Level I ends following the same easy to read style and companion video instruction but this time covering advanced topics and techniques. The purpose of this book is to teach advanced techniques including sheet metal surfacing how to create components in the context of an assembly and reference other components (Top-down design) propagate design changes with SOLIDWORKS’ parametric capabilities mold design welded structures and more while explaining the basic concepts of each trade to allow you to understand the how and why of each operation. The author uses simple examples to allow you to better understand each command and environment as well as to make it easier to explain the purpose of each step maximizing the learning time by focusing on one task at a time. This book is focused on the processes to complete the modeling of a part instead of focusing on individual software commands or operations which are generally simple enough to learn. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630572181

Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2020 - Level I This book is intended to help new users learn the basic concepts of SOLIDWORKS and good solid modeling techniques in an easy to follow guide that includes video instruction. It is a great starting point for those new to SOLIDWORKS or as a teaching aid in classroom training to become familiar with the software’s interface basic commands and strategies as users complete a series of models while learning different ways to accomplish a particular task. At the end of this book you will have a fairly good understanding of the SOLIDWORKS interface and the most commonly used commands for part modeling assembly and detailing after completing a series of components and their 2D drawings complete with Bill of Materials. The book focuses on the processes to complete the modeling of a part instead of focusing on individual software commands or operations which are generally simple enough to learn. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630573058

Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2020 - Level II Beginner’s Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2020 – Level II starts where Beginner’s Guide – Level I ends following the same easy to read style and companion video instruction but this time covering advanced topics and techniques. The purpose of this book is to teach advanced techniques including sheet metal surfacing how to create components in the context of an assembly and reference other components (Top-down design) propagate design changes with SOLIDWORKS’ parametric capabilities mold design welded structures and more while explaining the basic concepts of each trade to allow you to understand the how and why of each operation. The author uses simple examples to allow you to better understand each command and environment as well as to make it easier to explain the purpose of each step maximizing the learning time by focusing on one task at a time. This book is focused on the processes to complete the modeling of a part instead of focusing on individual software commands or operations which are generally simple enough to learn. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630573072

Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2021 - Level IISheet Metal Top Down Design Weldments Surfacing and Molds Beginner’s Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2021 – Level II starts where Beginner’s Guide – Level I ends following the same easy to read style and companion video instruction but this time covering advanced topics and techniques. The purpose of this book is to teach advanced techniques including sheet metal surfacing how to create components in the context of an assembly and reference other components (Top-down design) propagate design changes with SOLIDWORKS’ parametric capabilities mold design welded structures and more while explaining the basic concepts of each trade to allow you to understand the how and why of each operation. The author uses simple examples to allow you to better understand each command and environment as well as to make it easier to explain the purpose of each step maximizing the learning time by focusing on one task at a time. This book is focused on the processes to complete the modeling of a part instead of focusing on individual software commands or operations which are generally simple enough to learn. At the end of this book you will have acquired enough skills to be highly competitive when it comes to designing with SOLIDWORKS and while there are many less frequently used commands and options available that will not be covered in this book rest assured that those covered are most of the commands used every day by SOLIDWORKS designers. The author strived hard to include many of the commands required in the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced and Expert exams as listed on the SOLIDWORKS website. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630573898

Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2021 - Level IParts Assemblies Drawings PhotoView 360 and SimulationXpress This book is intended to help new users learn the basic concepts of SOLIDWORKS and good solid modeling techniques in an easy to follow guide that includes video instruction. It is a great starting point for those new to SOLIDWORKS or as a teaching aid in classroom training to become familiar with the software’s interface basic commands and strategies as users complete a series of models while learning different ways to accomplish a particular task. At the end of this book you will have a fairly good understanding of the SOLIDWORKS interface and the most commonly used commands for part modeling assembly and detailing after completing a series of components and their 2D drawings complete with Bill of Materials. The book focuses on the processes to complete the modeling of a part instead of focusing on individual software commands or operations which are generally simple enough to learn. Throughout this book the author introduces you to new commands that are required to pass the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate exam as listed on the SOLIDWORKS website. A dedicated chapter provides you with details about the exam as well as a practice test to help you prepare for the actual exam. SOLIDWORKS is an easy to use CAD software that includes many time saving tools that will enable new and experienced users to complete design tasks faster than before. Most commands covered in this book have advanced options which may not be covered in this book. This is meant to be a starting point to help new users to learn the basic and most frequently used commands. Includes Video Instruction Each copy of this book includes access to video instruction. In these videos the author provides a clear presentation of tutorials found in the book. The videos reinforce the steps described in the book by allowing you to watch the exact steps the author uses to complete the exercises while he provides additional details along the way. Captioned versions of these videos are also available for customers who want or need video captions. Media > Books > Print Books SDC Publications 9781630573867

Beginning a Career in AcademiaA Guide for Graduate Students of Color This practical guide prepares graduate students of color for their first job in academia and offers strategies for succeeding in the early years of a tenure-track position. Through the voices of faculty who have experienced the rigors of the job search and a career in academia Beginning a Career in Academia offers advice for graduate students of color on how to transition from graduate school to an academic position. This inclusive volume shares perspectives that vary based on gender racial ethnic generational and disciplinary backgrounds giving readers an opportunity to reflect on successful strategies for career readiness and for dealing with marginalization. The authors provide recommendations and tips to enhance the job search identify campus fit prepare for the interview and negotiation process address dynamics of of racial and gender politics find work-life balance and demystify the promotion and tenure process. This must-read provides candid advice and mentorship for any graduate students of color embarking on a carreer in academe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138783652

Beginning AnalysisOn the Processes of Initiating Psychoanalysis How does a psychoanalysis begin? What goes on when analyst and prospective analysand meet for the first time and what processes are activated to make the project for an analysis possible? This unique contribution to the surprisingly sparse literature on this most essential aspect of the psychoanalytical practitioner’s work is the clinical companion to Initiating Psychoanalysis: Perspectives also part of the ‘Teaching’ Series of the New Library of Psychoanalysis. Replete with clinical illustrations this book is based on the findings of an ambitious research project on first interviews carried out from 2004 to 2016 by an international group of psychoanalysts the Working Party on Initiating Psychoanalysis (WPIP) of the European Psychoanalytic Federation. The authors all members of the Investigative Team are senior psychoanalysts from member societies of the European Psychoanalytic Federation all with extensive experience in the practice and teaching of psychoanalytic consultation. Psychoanalysts and analytic therapists in particular those in training or setting up their practice will find Beginning Analysis to be essential reading in deepening their understanding of how analysand and analyst arrive at the decision to begin analysis. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138579286

Beginning AutoCAD 2002 New features in AutoCAD 2002 are covered in this book making it a useful refresher course for anyone using AutoCAD at this level and upgrading to the new software release. The material in the book is also relevant to anyone using other recent releases including AutoCAD 2000. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138429192

Beginning AutoCAD 2005 Beginning AutoCAD 2005 is a course based on learning and practising the essentials of 2D drawing using AutoCAD. Bob McFarlane�s hands-on approach is uniquely suited to independent learning and use on courses. The focus on 2D drawing in one book ensures the reader gets a thorough grounding in the subject with a greater depth of coverage than tends to be available from general introductions to AutoCAD. As a result this book provides a true step-by-step detailed exploration of the AutoCAD functions required at each stage of producing a 2D drawing � an approach often not found in the many software reference guides available.The emphasis on learning through doing makes this book ideal for anyone involved in engineering construction or architecture � where the focus is on productivity and practical skills. The author has also matched the coverage to the requirements of City and Guilds Edexcel (BTEC) and SQA syllabuses.New features in AutoCAD 2005 are covered in this book including: Drafting Tools; Drawing Management; Drawing Output; Plot and Publish Tools; Productivity Tools; Sheet Set Manager and Tool Palette Enhancements. The result is a useful refresher course for anyone using AutoCAD at this level and those upgrading to the new software release. The course is also designed to be fully relevant to anyone using other recent releases including AutoCAD 2004.Bob McFarlane is Curriculum Manager for CAD and New Media at Motherwell College Scotland and an Autodesk Educational Developer. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138429222

Beginning AutoCAD 2006 Beginning AutoCAD 2006 is a course based on learning and practising the essentials of 2D drawing using AutoCAD. Bob McFarlane�s hands-on approach is uniquely suited to independent learning and use on courses. The focus on 2D drawing in one book ensures the reader gets a thorough grounding in the subject with a greater depth of coverage than tends to be available from general introductions to AutoCAD. As a result this book provides a true step-by-step detailed exploration of the AutoCAD functions required at each stage of producing a 2D drawing � an approach often not found in the many software reference guides available.The emphasis on learning through doing makes this book ideal for anyone involved in engineering construction or architecture � where the focus is on productivity and practical skills. The author has also matched the coverage to the requirements of City and Guilds Edexcel (BTEC) and SQA syllabuses.New features in AutoCAD 2006 are covered in this book including: DYN (dynamic input showing coordinate position and lengths � an important new feature of the latest AutoCAD software) as well as new commands in the Modify and Dimension tool set. The result is a useful refresher course for anyone using AutoCAD at this level and those upgrading to the new software release. The course is also designed to be fully relevant to anyone using other recent releases including AutoCAD 2005. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138429215

Beginning AutoCAD 2007 Beginning AutoCAD 2007 is a course based on learning and practising the essentials of 2D drawing using AutoCAD. Bob McFarlane's hands-on approach is uniquely suited to independent learning and use on courses. The focus on 2D drawing in one book ensures the reader gets a thorough grounding in the subject with a greater depth of coverage than tends to be available from general introductions to AutoCAD. As a result this book provides a true step-by-step detailed exploration of the AutoCAD functions required at each stage of producing a 2D drawing - an approach often not found in the many software reference guides available.The emphasis on learning through doing makes this book ideal for anyone involved in engineering construction or architecture - where the focus is on productivity and practical skills. The author has also matched the coverage to the requirements of City and Guilds Edexcel (BTEC) and SQA syllabuses.The following new features in AutoCAD 2007 are covered in this book:* Create: Using enhanced commands and draughting tools to create all types of content* Manage: Using the Sheet Set Manager and Attribute Extraction to manage data and information* Produce: Using dynamic blocks dynamic input and selection preview to increase productivity* Share: Using e-transmit publish to the web and PDF files to share informationPlus a new companion website features AutoCAD files for selected activities for students to work with.The result is a useful refresher course for anyone using AutoCAD at this level and those upgrading to the new software release. The course is also designed to be fully relevant to anyone using other recent releases including AutoCAD 2006.ABOUT THE AUTHOR Bob McFarlane has been writing books on AutoCAD for over 10 years. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138135703

Beginning Business Law Whether you’re new to higher education coming to legal study for the first time or just wondering what Business Law is all about Beginning Business Law is the ideal introduction to help you hit the ground running. Starting with the basics and an overview of each topic it will help you come to terms with the structure themes and issues of the subject so that you can begin your Business Law module with confidence. Adopting a clear and simple approach with legal vocabulary explained in a detailed glossary Chris Monaghan breaks the subject of Business Law down using practical everyday examples to make it understandable for anyone whatever their background. Diagrams and flowcharts simplify complex issues important cases are identified and explained and on-the- spot questions help you recognise potential issues or debates within the law so that you can contribute in classes with confidence. Beginning Business Law is an ideal first introduction to the subject for LLB GDL or ILEX and especially international students those enrolled on distance learning courses or on other degree programmes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138779877

Beginning Constitutional Law Whether you’re new to higher education coming to legal study for the first time or just wondering what Constitutional Law is all about Beginning Constitutional Law is the ideal introduction to help you hit the ground running. Adopting a clear and simple approach with legal vocabulary explained in a detailed glossary avaliable on the companion website Nick Howard breaks the subject of constitutional law down using practical everyday examples to make it understandable for anyone whatever their background. Diagrams and flowcharts simplify complex issues important cases are identified and explained and on-the- spot questions help you recognise potential issues or debates within the law so that you can contribute in classes with confidence. This second edition has been updated to keep up to date with developments both before and after the 2015 General Election as well as ongoing proposals for reform including: • The referendum on independence for Scotland increased devolved powers and the continued threat of the break-up of the Union. • Proposals to repeal the Human Rights Act 1998 and replace it with a British Bill of Rights. • The in/out referendum on EU membership. • Reform of the role and composition of the House of Lords. Beginning Constitutional Law is an ideal first introduction to the subject for LLB GDL or ILEX and especially international students those enrolled on distance learning courses or on other degree programmes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138189317

Beginning Contract Law Whether you’re new to higher education coming to legal study for the first time or just wondering what Contract Law is all about Beginning Contract Law is the ideal introduction to help you hit the ground running. Starting with the basics and an overview of each topic it will help you come to terms with the structure themes and issues of the subject so that you can begin your Contract Law module with confidence. Adopting a clear and simple approach with legal vocabulary explained in a detailed glossary Chris and Nicola Monaghan break the subject of Contract law down using practical everyday examples to make it understandable for anyone whatever their background. Diagrams and flowcharts simplify complex issues important cases are identified and explained and on-the- spot questions help you recognise potential issues or debates within the law so that you can contribute in classes with confidence. Beginning Contract Law is an ideal first introduction to the subject for LLB GDL or ILEX and especially international students those enrolled on distance learning courses or on other degree programmes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415523769

Beginning Criminal Law Whether you’re new to higher education coming to legal study for the first time or just wondering what Criminal Law is all about Beginning Criminal Law is the ideal introduction to help you hit the ground running. Starting with the basics and an overview of each topic it will help you come to terms with the structure themes and issues of the subject so that you can begin your Criminal Law module with confidence. Adopting a clear and simple approach with legal vocabulary explained in a detailed glossary Claudia Carr and Maureen Johnson break the subject of criminal law down using practical everyday examples to make it understandable for anyone whatever their background. Diagrams and flowcharts simplify complex issues important cases are identified and explained and on-the- spot questions help you recognise potential issues or debates within the law so that you can contribute in classes with confidence. Beginning Criminal Law is an ideal first introduction to the subject for LLB GDL or ILEX and especially international students those enrolled on distance learning courses or on other degree programmes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415690676

Beginning Design Technology Beginning Design Technology introduces how design technologies work together including tools materials and software such as Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Autodesk AutoCAD and others. It teaches you how to think about each design tool whether a software program or physical modelmaking so that you will select one for its strengths for a specific task and know when and how to combine it with other tools. Topics include working with building information texturing digital and physical artifacts translating information from one form or file format to another constructing at full-scale and making digital and physical models. Chapter Summaries exercises discussion questions a glossary an appendix of common software commands and an annotated bibliography will help you find what you need quickly and put the information into practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415747950

Beginning Drama 11-14 This guide explores the roles skills and knowledge needed to become an effective drama teacher. It combines practical advice on planning teaching and assessing with the best teaching practices. It also offers lesson plans for years 7-9 students to use intheir teaching. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315065090

Beginning Drama 4-11 This third edition of Beginning Drama 4-11 is fully updated and revised in light of the renewed Framework for Teaching Literacy and provides an introduction for early years and primary school teachers who are new to drama and for student teachers who wish to specialise in the teaching of drama. It offers step-by-step guidance to help teachers and children grow in confidence in their use of drama and shows clearly how drama can contribute to work in English and learning across the curriculum as well as to the broader cultural life of the school. The authors have an international profile and this third edition builds on the work's reputation of as one of the most accessible texts on primary drama available. Media > Books > Print Books David Fulton Publishers 9781138135406

Beginning Employment Law Whether you’re new to higher education coming to legal study for the first time or just wondering what Employment Law is all about Beginning Employment Law is the ideal introduction to help you hit the ground running. Starting with the basics and an overview of each topic it will help you come to terms with the structure themes and issues of the subject so that you can begin your Employment Law module with confidence. Adopting a clear and simple approach with legal vocabulary explained in a detailed glossary James Marson breaks the subject of Employment Law down using practical everyday examples to make it understandable for anyone whatever their background. Diagrams and flowcharts simplify complex issues important cases are identified and explained and on-the- spot questions help you recognise potential issues or debates within the law so that you can contribute in classes with confidence. Beginning Employment Law is an ideal first introduction to the subject for LLB GDL or ILEX and especially international students those enrolled on distance learning courses or on other degree programmes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415658966

Beginning Equity and Trusts Whether you’re new to higher education coming to legal study for the first time or just wondering what Equity and Trusts is all about Beginning Equity and Trusts is the ideal introduction to help you hit the ground running. Starting with the basics and an overview of each topic it will help you come to terms with the structure themes and issues of the subject so that you can begin your Equity and Trusts module with confidence. Adopting a clear and simple approach with legal vocabulary explained in a detailed glossary Mohamed Ramjohn breaks the subject of Equity and Trusts down using practical everyday examples to make it understandable for anyone whatever their background. Diagrams and flowcharts simplify complex issues important cases are identified and explained and on-the- spot questions help you recognise potential issues or debates within the law so that you can contribute in classes with confidence. Beginning Equity and Trusts is an ideal first introduction to the subject for LLB GDL or ILEX and especially international students those enrolled on distance learning courses or on other degree programmes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415528603

Beginning Evidence Whether you’re new to higher education coming to legal study for the first time or just wondering what Evidence Law is all about Beginning Evidence is the ideal introduction to help you hit the ground running. Starting with the basics and an overview of each topic it will help you come to terms with the structure themes and issues of the subject so that you can begin your evidence module with confidence. Adopting a clear and simple approach with legal vocabulary explained in a detailed glossary Charanjit Singh Landa breaks the subject of Evidence Law down using practical everyday examples to make it understandable for anyone whatever their background. Diagrams and flowcharts simplify complex issues important cases are identified and explained and on-the- spot questions help you recognise potential issues or debates within the law so that you can contribute in classes with confidence. Beginning Evidence is an ideal first introduction to the subject for LLB GDL or ILEX and especially international students those enrolled on distance learning courses or on other degree programmes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415812221

Beginning Family Law Whether you’re new to higher education coming to legal study for the first time or just wondering what Family Law is all about Beginning Family Law is the ideal introduction to help you hit the ground running. Starting with the basics and an overview of each topic it will help you come to terms with the structure themes and issues of the subject so that you can begin your Family Law module with confidence. Adopting a clear and simple approach with legal vocabulary carefully clarified Jonathan Herring breaks the subject of family law down using practical everyday examples to make it understandable for anyone whatever their background. Diagrams and flowcharts simplify complex issues important cases are identified and explained and on-the- spot questions help you recognise potential issues or debates within the law so that you can contribute in classes with confidence. Beginning Family Law is an ideal first introduction to the subject for LLB GDL or ILEX and especially international students those enrolled on distance learning courses or on other degree programmes. Visit the companion website: Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138778610

Beginning Human Rights Law Whether you’re new to higher education coming to legal study for the first time or just wondering what Human Rights Law is all about Beginning Human Rights Law is the ideal introduction to help you hit the ground running. Starting with the basics and an overview of each topic it will help you come to terms with the structure themes and issues of the subject so that you can begin your Human Rights module with confidence. Adopting a clear and simple approach with legal vocabulary explained in a detailed glossary Howard Davis breaks the subject of Human Rights Law down using practical everyday examples to make it understandable for anyone whatever their background. Diagrams and flowcharts simplify complex issues important cases are identified and explained and on-the- spot questions help you recognise potential issues or debates within the law so that you can contribute in classes with confidence. Beginning Human Rights Law is an ideal first introduction to the subject for LLB GDL or ILEX and especially international students those enrolled on distance learning courses or on other degree programmes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415524636

Beginning Interpretative InquiryA Step-by-Step Approach to Research and Evaluation Beginning Interpretive Inquiry importantly makes the distinction between the use of ‘inquiry’ rather than interpretive research or interpretive evaluation. Richard Morehouse explores how inquiry is a far more inclusive concept that allows for a detailed understanding of both research and evaluation. The author draws on his personal experiences and observations that many academics and practitioners in education psychology and many other academic disciplines are successfully engaged in both research and evaluation and that in practice these enterprises share much in common. This book provides detailed examples of different projects; some that are primarily research oriented others that are primarily evaluation; and projects that effectively and seamlessly combine both research and evaluation. Having provided a solid philosophical foundation for an understanding of interpretive inquiry the author gives a detailed and accessible step-by-step approach that explores all stages of the process including: How the processes of interpretive inquiry fit together Understanding where inquiry ideas come from How to develop an appropriate inquiry sample Data collection mechanisms Effective data analysis Writing successfully for publication Complete with case studies of a wide variety of interpretive inquiry projects this vital new book is an essential tool for researchers from a wide range of disciples. It will help them plan conduct and evaluate research that successfully blends both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415601894

Beginning Land Law Whether you’re new to higher education coming to legal study for the first time or just wondering what Land Law is all about Beginning Land Law is the ideal introduction to help you hit the ground running. Starting with the basics and an overview of each topic it will help you come to terms with the structure themes and issues of the subject so that you can begin your Land Law module with confidence. Adopting a clear and simple approach with legal vocabulary explained in a detailed glossary Sarah King breaks the subject of Land Law down using practical everyday examples to make it understandable for anyone whatever their background. Diagrams and flowcharts simplify complex issues important cases are identified and explained and on-the- spot questions help you recognise potential issues or debates within the law so that you can contribute in classes with confidence. Beginning Land Law is an ideal first introduction to the subject for LLB GDL or ILEX and especially international students those enrolled on distance learning courses or on other degree programmes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138021754

Beginning Medical Law Whether you’re new to higher education coming to legal study for the first time or just wondering what Medical Law is all about Beginning Medical Law is the ideal introduction to help you hit the ground running. Starting with the basics and an overview of each topic it will help you come to terms with the structure themes and issues of the subject so that you can begin your Medical Law module with confidence. Adopting a clear and simple approach with legal vocabulary carefully clarified Claudia Carr breaks the subject of Medical Law down using practical everyday examples to make it understandable for anyone whatever their background. Diagrams and flowcharts simplify complex issues important cases are identified and explained and on-the- spot questions help you recognise potential issues or debates within the law so that you can contribute in classes with confidence. Beginning Medical Law is an ideal first introduction to the subject for LLB GDL or ILEX and especially international students those enrolled on distance learning courses or on other degree programmes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138013025

Beginning Medical SpanishOral Proficiency and Cultural Humility Beginning Medical Spanish. Oral Proficiency and Cultural Humility is designed for medical professionals and supporting staff with no prior knowledge of Spanish who need to develop oral language skills and cross-cultural sensitivity to establish relationship-building communication with their Spanish-speaking patients. This hospital-tested program teaches how to connect with patients of limited English-speaking ability and offer them the quality care they seek. Role-play activities allow students to develop their oral proficiency in meaningful contexts and contribute to a creative and dynamic classroom environment. Written exercises provide opportunity for practice outside the classroom and audio recordings are available online for use in class and at home. The cultural readings and extensive bibliographical references in each chapter provide students with information about Hispanic values beliefs and health practices while teaching them to consider how these may vary with the identity of each individual and the degree of acculturation to US "mainstream" culture. Whether you are a student preparing to work in a medical environment or a professional already working with Spanish-speaking patients the innovative method of hands-on learning though role-playing practice provided in this program will give you the specific skills you need to communicate confidently and respectfully in Spanish. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367322434

Beginning ReadingA balanced approach to literacy instruction in the first three years of school Most children learn to read irrespective of the method of instruction. Yet up to a fifth of children struggle with reading in their first few years at school. Unfortunately those who struggle in the early years will continue to struggle throughout their school career.Yola Center offers a systematic research-based guide to teaching reading in the first three years of school. Her aim is to ensure that teachers can work with at-risk or reluctant readers in the regular classroom as effectively as with children for whom reading seems to come naturally.Taking an analytic approach to reading Beginning Reading shows how children can be moved through the key stages of early reading acquisition. Each chapter includes an overview of relevant research practical classroom strategies and guidelines for lesson planning. Center adopts a balanced view of reading instruction stressing the importance of phonological processes at the beginning of literacy instruction as well as semantic and syntactic ones. This supports at risk children in regular classrooms who are provided with the maximum opportunity to develop the accurate and fluent word recognition skills that are needed in order to extract meaning from print.'At last! A book that combines an overview of recent research findings and their implications for the teaching of reading with sensible and practical suggestions for classroom teachers.'Morag Stuart Professor in the Psychology of Reading University of London'This is an excellent book. It comprehensively reviews the research literature and shows how to apply it to the nuts and bolts of teaching reading in the first few years of school. It is a must-read for teachers.'Professor Tom Nicholson University of Auckland New Zealand'This is the book that we have all been waiting for. It is the only book that I have seen that focuses on a theoretically sound approach to the teaching of reading with a focus on children who experience difficulties in the regular classroom.'Ruth Fielding-Barnsley Queensland University of Technology'It is indeed rare when a reading scientist can explain the intricacies of reading development reading difficulties and reading instruction with such clarity and comprehensiveness. Most importantly Dr Center provides a masterful synthesis of the most current converging scientific evidence available that defines what research-based reading instruction is all about.'G. Reid Lyon PhD National Institutes of Health USA Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003115014

Beginning Shakespeare 4-11 'This book is clear approachable and true. The elegant simplicity of its good guidance is the product of years of practical experience in the classroom. I wholeheartedly commend it to primary school teachers everywhere.' Michael Boyd Artistic Director of the Royal Shakespeare Company Shakespeare’s plays are widely regarded as the greatest inheritance in English literature and recent years have seen a growing interest in introducing them to children in their primary schools. In this book the authors bring a blend of clear thinking playful and inventive practice and straightforward practical advice to bear on teaching Shakespeare in the primary school. Children who encounter Shakespeare early have the opportunity to become comfortable with the plays their stories characters and settings long before they might become intimidated by their associations with exclusivity and ‘high’ culture. They are also given the chance to become familiar with and absorb his powerful and complex language at a stage when they are constantly encountering new vocabulary. To do this most effectively demands a dynamic pedagogy one which recognises that the plays are best explored and understood through active physical engagement. Beginning Shakespeare 4-11 offers a sound rationale for teaching Shakespeare in primary schools and shows how to engage children with Shakespeare through story through the very best of early years practice and through his rich and sensual language. It also illustrates how engagement with the plays and their language can have a dramatic impact on children’s writing. And because plays are for performing there is helpful and practical advice on how to develop the work and share it with the whole school parents and the wider community. This accessible and comprehensive guide is ideal for teacher trainees and practising primary teachers everywhere. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415618489

Beginning UniversityThinking researching and writing for success Get good marks for your essays and assignments!Learn to think and write clearly!Find the information you need easily!Do you want to make the most of your time at university? Beginning University shows you how to develop the skills you need in order to succeed at university and later on.Step by step the authors explain how to think critically create an argument and present your ideas well both in writing and in oral presentations. They show you how to read effectively and take good notes and how to plan your work. They also look at how to get the most out of your lectures and tutorials and give you handy research tips. Questions and activities at the end of each chapter help you practise what you have learnt.Beginning University provides a head start to studying at university and can be used by students in any subject. Don't wait till it's too late! Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003115021

Beginning with DisabilityA Primer While there are many introductions to disability and disability studies most presume an advanced academic knowledge of a range of subjects. Beginning with Disability is the first introductory primer for disaibility studies aimed at first year students in two- and four-year colleges. This volume of essays across disciplines—including education sociology communications psychology social sciences and humanities—features accessible readable and relatively short chapters that do not require specialized knowledge. Lennard Davis along with a team of consulting editors has compiled a number of blogs vlogs and other videos to make the materials more relatable and vivid to students. "Subject to Debate" boxes spotlight short pro and con pieces on controversial subjects that can be debated in class or act as prompts for assignments. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138211377

Beginning Writers in the Zone of Proximal Development How do young children bridge the gap between "writing" a story with pictures and writing with words? How children learn to use written words to tell a story is a topic important to both cognitive development and early literacy instruction. Using the theoretical framework developed by Vygotsky the behavior of a group of prekindergarten children as they author two consecutive pieces of writing is analyzed. The children tell their stories at first with spoken words and pictures. As they discuss their work-in-progress in public conferences they discover how to build on and combine existing skills to produce a new skill -- telling stories with written words. Current descriptive and theoretical perspectives on beginning writing are presented in this volume with a particular focus on Vygotsky's concept of the zone of proximal development a period of sensitivity in which learning advances. The proposed mechanism of change is verbal mediation -- talk among peers and teachers as they discuss work-in-progress -- which moves the children through the zone of proximal development. An open whole-language approach to literacy instruction makes the classroom in this book an ideal arena in which to observe verbal mediation in operation. Children are free to question criticize and argue; and in the process they collectively advance their developing ability to use written language. The work is unique in that the rich and comprehensive data record is reproduced in its entirety. More than 400 illustrations of the children's products -- two "books" apiece pictured before and after the children's revisions -- are included along with transcripts of the conferences about each of the pages permitting direct observation of the effects of verbal mediation. This dynamic study documents change during a period of time when specific learning is occurring and provides strong support for the value and power of Vygotsky's theoretical framework. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203052716

Beginning Your Counseling CareerGraduate Preparation and Beyond Beginning Your Counseling Career provides a comprehensive overview of the counseling profession and equips students with the clinical and administrative skills they need to progress in the field. Helpfully organized into five sections the text addresses basic career considerations and preparatory aspects of the profession as well as a range of topics to help students broaden their focus on professional development. Chapters cover areas including online masters and doctoral programs developing a counseling identity mentoring students for private practice supporting minority students in counseling programs considerations for international students special education legislation and more. Suitable for students taking preliminary courses in counseling as well as practicum and internship classes Beginning Your Counseling Career offers a detailed and up-to-date framework for aspiring professional counselors at both masters and doctoral levels. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138609167

Beginnings Second EditionThe Art and Science of Planning Psychotherapy Utilizing a decade's worth of clinical experience gained since its original publication Mary Jo Peebles builds and expands upon exquisitely demonstrated therapeutic approaches and strategies in this second edition of Beginnings. The essential question remains the same however: How does a therapist begin psychotherapy? To address this delicate issue she takes a thoughtful step-by-step approach to the substance of those crucial first sessions delineating both processes and potential pitfalls in such topics as establishing a therapeutic alliance issues of trust and history taking. Each chapter is revised and expanded to include the latest treatment research and modalities liberally illustrated with rich case material and espouse a commitment to the value of multiple theoretical perspectives. Frank and sophisticated yet eminently accessible this second edition will be an invaluable resource for educators students and seasoned practitioners of any therapeutic persuasion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415883092

Beginnings in PsychotherapyA Guidebook for New Therapists Every new therapist faces a first session often with trepidation. How do they prepare for that first session? How do they know what tools to apply on that first day and over those first few weeks? Beginnings in Psychotherapy will help readers to begin to answer those questions and start psychotherapy with increased confidence. In addition it will provide readers with an understanding of the foundational tools and background as well as providing a comfort level with the new territory of becoming a therapist. In a conversational accessible tone the author shares his years of experience without being dogmatic or dense. Instead he engages readers warmly immediately helps them expand their understanding and often helps them look at the pros and cons of certain decisions without insisting that the readers follow a particular rule or policy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429472268

BeginningsThe Art and Science of Planning Psychotherapy How does the therapist begin psychotherapy? How that is does she conceptualize the needs of the patient while simultaneously enlisting him or her as an active partner in formulating an individualized working plan? And how should supervisors teach the skills needed to make the intake procedure truly the beginning of treatment? In Beginnings: The Art and Science of Planning Psychotherapy Mary Jo Peebles-Kleiger tackles these and other questions in an authoritative manner that draws on the cumulative experience of the outpatient department of the Menninger Psychiatric Clinic. Peebles-Kleiger's elegant synoptic discussions of the major categories of psychological dysfunction and the different treatment strategies appropriate to them are carefully calibrated with actual examples to the limits and opportunities of the first sessions. Of particular value is her unusual capacity to articulate patients' various difficulties in forming and maintaining an alliance and then to show how such difficulties feed back into the clinician's interventions in the first few sessions. In this manner she illustrates how potential treatment obstacles-- difficulties in affect regulation in reality testing in conscience formation among others--can be assessed and subjected to trial interventions from the very start. Skilled in various psychodynamic and behavioral approaches from psychoanalysis to hypnotherapy Peebles-Kleiger consistently advances an integrative approach that cuts across specific modalities and combines sophisticated psychodynamic understanding with the fruits of empirical research. Both primer and sourcebook Beginnings: The Art and Science of Planning Psychotherapy fills a niche in the literature so admirably that clinicians will find it indispensible in planning humanely responsive treatment in an increasingly complex therapeutic world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138005532

BeginningsThe Art and Science of Planning Psychotherapy How does the therapist begin psychotherapy? How that is does she conceptualize the needs of the patient while simultaneously enlisting him or her as an active partner in formulating an individualized working plan? And how should supervisors teach the skills needed to make the intake procedure truly the beginning of treatment? In Beginnings: The Art and Science of Planning Psychotherapy Mary Jo Peebles-Kleiger tackles these and other questions in an authoritative manner that draws on the cumulative experience of the outpatient department of the Menninger Psychiatric Clinic. Peebles-Kleiger outlines an approach that gives equal weight to the need for a diagnostic case formulation with specific treatment recommendations and the need to make the patient an active partner in the process right from the start. Clinicians of every persuasion will appreciate her sensitive discerning grasp of the dyadic interaction of the inital sessions when the therapist must refine preliminary hypotheses and simultaneously engage the patient in a process of discovery and self-reflection that lays the groundwork for the therapeutic alliance. Peebles-Kleiger's elegant synoptic discussions of the major categories of psychological dysfunction and the different treatment strategies appropriate to them are carefully calibrated with actual examples to the limits and opportunities of the first sessions. Of particular value is her unusual capacity to articulate patients' various difficulties in forming and maintaining an alliance and then to show how such difficulties feed back into the clinician's interventions in the first few sessions. In this manner she illustrates how potential treatment obstacles-- difficulties in affect regulation in reality testing in conscience formation among others--can be assessed and subjected to trial interventions from the very start. Skilled in various psychodynamic and behavioral approaches from psychoanalysis to hypnotherapy Peebles-Kleiger consistently advances an integrative approach that cuts across specific modalities and combines sophisticated psychodynamic understanding with the fruits of empirical research. Both primer and sourcebook Beginnings: The Art and Science of Planning Psychotherapy fills a niche in the literature so admirably that clinicians will find it indispensible in planning humanely responsive treatment in an increasingly complex therapeutic world. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9780203761663

Behar Proverbs First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415868921

Behaving BadlySocial Panic and Moral Outrage - Victorian and Modern Parallels Both the Victorian age and the late twentieth century are often characterised by contemporaries as times of apparent economic affluence and stability. They are often depicted as periods that shared a conviction that the stability of society including its affluence was threatened by the activities of social deviants. These essays aim to examine crime of a socially visible nature in the context of social panic and moral outrage in both the Victorian period and the late twentieth century. Through a series of interconnected case studies exploring the social and legal responses to such offences and their public presentation through popular reporting and the court system a series of apparent continuities as well as discontinuities are highlighted in the making of legislation. The innovative approach taken by the editors and contributors to concepts of crime and bad behaviour make this essential reading for academics and practitioners. The interdisciplinary focus of the book allows it to locate the legal processes and system firmly within the socio-cultural context instead of examining it as a discrete area of individual study making this text central to work in law criminology and social policy and history. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261713

Behavior Health and Aging A dramatic shift in the average age of the U.S. population and the increasing number of elderly Americans has introduced new and challenging healthcare dilemmas. This book addresses these issues with contributed chapters by the leading authorities in the field of behavioral medicine. It deals with health and healthcare needs of the elderly by considering basic changes that result from aging and some of the more specific problems that accompany it. Content highlights include a review of the basic tenets of genetics and molecular biology including some of the methods of looking at heritable differences in health and well-being. Quality of life concerns are addressed including the differences between men and women as well as other gender issues. Several chapters deal with the effects of aging on immunity. The latter part of the book emphasizes the psychosocial implications of aging on cardiovascular disease. Chronic illness among the elderly is also addressed. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138003385

Behavior Technology and Organizational DevelopmentEric Trist and the Tavistock Institute Eric Trist was a psychologist social scientist and a leading figure in the field of organizational development. He was a founding member of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London and spent many years in United States academia. This book delves into Trist's life to examine the evolution of his work and how he applied social science theory knowledge and methods to the organization of working life and its management. Richard Trahair outlines Trist's socio-technical theory of organization and how it applies to the turbulent environment that modern managers face.Trahair begins with Trist's educational career in England and his attitude toward American and English education. He also describes Trist's work to improve the United Kingdom's Army's method of selecting men for officer training in wartime and his role in the establishment of the Civil Resettlement Units in England.In place of the traditional technology-driven bureaucracy of industry Trist recommended that social science researchers help reorganize industries on socio-technical lines. Trist provided convincing evidence that organizations dominated by traditional attitudes were inefficient and unsatisfactory. He made it clear that seeing workers as little more than costly extensions of machines and the industrial environment as nothing but a set of competitive market forces seriously limited potential for growth. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412855679

Behavior Analysis and LearningA Biobehavioral Approach Sixth Edition Using a consistent Skinnerian perspective Behavior Analysis and Learning: A Biobehavioral Approach Sixth Edition provides an advanced introduction to the principles of behavior analysis and learned behaviors covering a full range of principles from basic respondent and operant conditioning through applied behavior analysis into cultural design. The textbook uses Darwinian neurophysiological and biological theories and research to inform B. F. Skinner’s philosophy of radical behaviorism. The sixth edition expands focus on neurophysiological mechanisms and their relation to the experimental analysis of behavior providing updated studies and references to reflect current expansions and changes in the field of behavior analysis. By bringing together ideas from behavior analysis neuroscience and epigenetics under a selectionist framework this textbook facilitates understanding of behavior at environmental genetic and neurophysiological levels. This "grand synthesis" of behavior neuroscience and neurobiology roots behavior firmly in biology. The book includes special sections "New Directions " "Focus On " "Note On " "On the Applied Side " and "Advanced Section " which enhance student learning and provide greater insight on specific topics. This book is a valuable resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in psychology or other behavior-based disciplines especially behavioral neuroscience. For additional resources to use alongside the textbook consult the Companion Website at Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138898585

Behavior Analysis Around the WorldA Special Issue of the International Journal of Psychology Behaviour analysis has tradionally been one of the main areas and main approaches to psychology. It is based on laboratory research and in conceptualizations from distinguished figures of the discipline such as Skinner Pavlov Mach and even Watson and Thorndike. It has generated a science (the experimental analysis of behaviour) a philosophy (behaviourism) and numerous practical applications (applied behaviour analysis). For several decades it was even considered to be the dominant paradigm in psychology. This special issue contains scientific articles in the main areas of behaviour analysis both as a laboratory science and as an applied discipline. It covers representative research and applications of behaviour analysis at the beginning of the 21st century. The authors come from countries including the United States China Mexico Spain Belgium France Switzerland Belgium Colombia Poland Greece. This special issue is an indication of the international relevance of this area of psychology and its current state. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781003059738

Behavior Analysis for Effective Teaching Behavior Analysis for Effective Teaching is a clear comprehensive book on the integration of non-aversive behavior analysis principles into classrooms and other school settings. Carefully revised and updated throughout this third edition includes new content on precision teaching and a new chapter on how teachers can provide appropriate education for students with special disabilities who are included in their classrooms. Focused on merging behavior management with effective student instruction and illustrated with examples from real teachers’ experiences the book is an ideal primary resource for undergraduate and graduate courses in teacher education special education school psychology and school counseling as well as for preparation toward the BACB Credentialing Exam. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138337190

Behavior Analysis for School Psychologists Perfect for students preparing for a career in school psychology and for current practitioners teachers and consultants this book translates behavior analysis theory into practice. In concise chapters illustrated with school-based examples Behavior Analysis for School Psychologists guides readers through the basics of behavior analysis including observation and measurement experimental analysis and intervention design and implementation while providing academic behavioral and mental health interventions from research-based principles of learning and behavior.   Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138121485

Behavior AnalysisFoundations and Applications to Psychology This psychology textbook offers a comprehensive examination of the basic principles of behavior analysis and their application to issues of social significance.Behavioral scientists are interested in elucidating the fundamental principles that govern the behavior of human and non-human animals. Behavior Analysis is designed to meet the needs of senior undergraduate courses and postgraduate training in behavior analysis and its applications.The eleven comprehensive chapters:·consider how fundamental principles of behavior can be used in an applied setting to identify behavior to be changed to select treatments which increase of decrease behavior and to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions; and·give examples from various disciplines including dietetics education occupational therapy and speech therapy as well as clinical social health and community psychology.In addition to covering core material essential for courses in psychology this volume will also provide a useful account of behavioural psychology and its applied uses for students and professionals from a wide range of fields. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315800370

Behavior and Culture in One DimensionSequences Affordances and the Evolution of Complexity Behavior and Culture in One Dimension adopts a broad interdisciplinary approach presenting a unified theory of sequences and their functions and an overview of how they underpin the evolution of complexity. Sequences of DNA guide the functioning of the living world sequences of speech and writing choreograph the intricacies of human culture and sequences of code oversee the operation of our literate technological civilization. These linear patterns function under their own rules which have never been fully explored. It is time for them to get their due. This book explores the one-dimensional sequences that orchestrate the structure and behavior of our three-dimensional habitat. Using Gibsonian concepts of perception action and affordances as well as the works of Howard Pattee the book examines the role of sequences in the human behavioral and cultural world of speech writing and mathematics.  The book offers a Darwinian framework for understanding human cultural evolution and locates the two major informational transitions in the origins of life and civilization. It will be of interest to students and researchers in ecological psychology linguistics cognitive science and the social and biological sciences. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367703295

Behavior and Group Management in Outdoor Adventure EducationTheory research and practice Outdoor adventure activities are becoming an increasingly popular part of physical education programs. The physical risks of these activities are often foremost in the minds of both instructors and participants yet it is managing group behavior which can prove to be the most difficult. This is the first book for students and practitioners to address this essential aspect of outdoor adventure education (OAE). Outlining key evidence-based training practices this book explains how to interact with groups ranging from adolescents to military veterans within a variety of outdoor adventure education contexts. It provides practical advice on how to promote positive behavior while also offering guidance on how to mitigate negative behavior and manage a variety of challenging behavioral issues. With ten chapters full of real world examples from rock climbing to wilderness trekking it provides a comprehensive guide to understanding the complexities of behavioral group management (BGM) in theory and practice. This book is vital reading for students training to be outdoor physical education instructors and for practitioners looking to enhance their group management skills. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138935259

Behavior and Immunity First publishe din 1992: Find out by reading Behavior and Immunity a new volume that consists of papers presented at the Scientific Meeting of the Australian Behavioral Immunology Group (ABIG) held in November 1990 at the University of Newcastle Australia. The ABIG was established in response to the need to provide a forum for the presentation of data and exchange of ideas regarding the concept of brain behavior and immunity. The papers presented in this volume represent the state of the art in a number of areas where these interactions have been studied. Information is presented regarding the biochemistry neurophysiology and endocrinology of nervous system/immune system interactions; the role of behavioral conditioning in immunity; the effects of sleep and biological rhythms on immune function; the role of lifestyle life events and exercise in immunity; and the impact of psychoimmunology in clinical medicine. Researchers in immunology psychology neurology; physicians; and lay people with an interest in the interaction between lifestyle and health will find a wealth of information in this stimulating volume. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367200657

Behavior Management in Physical EducationA Practical Guide Behavior Management in Physical Education provides evidence-based practical guidance on behavior management in the physical education classroom. Readers will learn how to identify and define problem behavior discover the reasons behind misbehavior create thriving classrooms via the incorporation of positive and proactive classroom management strategies implement procedures to address problem behavior and collect appropriate data to ensure interventions are having a meaningful impact. The book includes discussion on the use of technology in the physical education classroom to aid the behavior management process and features case studies in every chapter to highlight key concepts and practical tools to help teachers create a safe and enriching learning environment. This reader-friendly text will inspire aspiring and seasoned physical educators to try new techniques to strengthen their behavior management repertoire. It is an important read for preservice and in-service physical education teachers as well as other physical activity practitioners and a useful resource for students of physical education teaching methods and behavior management courses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367208394

BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION (SP TR SPANISH TRANSLATION) This book is a comprehensive practical presentation of the principles of behavior modification and guidelines for their application. It teaches forms of behavior modification ranging from helping children learn necessary life skills to training pets to solving personal behavior problems. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9788490350393

Behavior Modification in Child TreatmentAn Experimental and Clinical Approach This book is the first attempt to validate behavior modification techniques in a carefully controlled experimental treatment environment for emotionally disturbed children. Such special settings permit carefully conducted research experiments can be carried out. This is the first book to synthesize scientific and clinical approaches to human behavior indicating that behavior modification may one day be as much an applied science as engineering or medicine.This experimental approach introduces scientific rigor to the clinical setting as evidenced by precise measurement of behavior variables detailed specification of treatment procedures and the use of sophisticated experimental designs to provide objective evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment programs. In this approach series of idiographic (single-subject) case studies are conducted in a precise manner with each patient-subject admitted to the treatment program. The general research methodology is similar to that used in the broad area of operant conditioning and most work reported in the book was conducted within a learning theory or behavior-modification framework.Browning and Stover discuss the general problems of developing and controlling a total therapeutic milieu presenting practical discussions of problems of data collection decisions about treatment programs to be used staffing problems and documental opinion on the relative values of various treatment techniques. Throughout attention is devoted to developing a method for answering common questions of parent child-care worker and professional. The authors conducted symposia on the material contained in this book at various national and regional meetings and have lectured extensively on college campuses. It is a ground-breaking study. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519312

Behavior Modification in Mental RetardationThe Education and Rehabilitation of the Mentally Retarded Adolescent and Adult In this important book one of the most exciting and promising developments in clinical psychology-behavior modification is applied to the treatment of the mentally retarded particularly those whose behavior poses difficult problems for institutions. Professor Gardner presents an easily intelligible yet detailed account of the concepts and practices of behavior modification and the underlying learning systems with numerous clinical illustrations of applying specific techniques to various educational and rehabilitation problems. A thorough discussion of the inadequacies of the psychological evaluation systems normally used in education and rehabilitation is offered along with an alternative behavior analysis approach that provides a method of translating evaluation data into treatment practices. In explaining behavior analysis the author takes into account the limited behavioral repertoire of the retarded and environmental deficits. Individual chapters on respondent operant and observational learning and a detailed discussion of a functional analysis approach to evaluation are included. Proven behavior modification strategies are presented along with a review of related research and clinical studies. The book closes with a detailed description of a research program for the design and testing of sheltered workshop systems for the retarded and emotionally disturbed. The positive approach inherent in the belief that behavior is modifiable-even in the severely limited retarded-is in marked contrast to the pessimism of other systems of therapy education and training. Also the author has concentrated throughout on making the book understandable to clinicians and students with no previous knowledge of behavior modification. Besides serving as a valuable handbook for all treatment personnel the book can also be used as a basic text for various courses dealing with mental retardation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519329

Behavior Modification ProcedureA Sourcebook Behavior modification has lacked operational procedures to sharpen techniques and equipment. These aspects have lagged behind the development of general principles and specialized modification techniques. This sophisticated sourcebook is devoted exclusively to the technical details of "how-to-do-it" in behavioral assessment and practice--an aspect of behavior modification that is relatively undeveloped despite its significance and that has only recently received the attention it deserves.The selections contained in this volume have been drawn from a variety of technical areas and are organized into six main parts. The first part emphasizes the importance of technology and procedure in the history of the field and in the second part attention is given to guidelines for practice with individuals and families that may be employed with a wide variety of problems and patrons in many service settings. The next part on interviewing guidelines and style includes an interview guide for behavioral counseling and a general discussion of types of bias and therapist influence in behavioral assessment. Part four is concerned with observation recording and monitoring; and part five on schedules and checklists includes a variety of schedules and rating forms including a therapist schedule for rating family verbal behavior. The last part on instrumentation in behavior therapy contains a chapter that is a major comprehensive description and review of electromechanical devices applicable to behavior modification.Because the book covers procedural details it serves not only as a sourcebook but as a volume every practicing behavior modifier as well as researchers in behavior therapy and modification will find useful. Social workers teachers clinical psychologists psychiatrists pastoral counselors and their students will appreciate this manual covering technical information required for effective practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519336

Behavior ModificationWhat It Is and How To Do It Behavior Modification 10/e assumes no specific prior knowledge about psychology or behavior modification on the part of the reader. The authors begin with basic principles and procedures of behavior modification and then provide readers with how-to-skills such as observing and recording. Next the authors provide advanced discussion and references to acquaint readers with some of the empirical and theoretical underpinnings of the field. Readers will emerge with a thorough understanding of behavior modification in a wide variety of populations and settings. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138374058

Behavior ModificationWhat It Is and How To Do It Behavior Modification: What It Is and How to Do It is a comprehensive practical presentation of the principles of behavior modification and guidelines for their application. Appropriate for university students and for the general reader it teaches forms of behavior modification ranging from helping children learn necessary life skills to training pets to solving personal behavior problems. It teaches practical "how-to" skills including: discerning long-term effects; designing implementing and evaluating behavioral programs; interpreting behavioral episodes; observing and recording behaviors; and recognizing instances of reinforcement extinction and punishment. Behavior Modification is ideal for courses in Behavior Modification Applied Behavior Analysis Behavior Therapy the Psychology of Learning and related areas; and for students and practitioners of various helping professions (such as clinical psychology counselling education medicine nursing occupational therapy physiotherapy psychiatric nursing psychiatry social work speech therapy and sport psychology) who are concerned directly with enhancing various forms of behavior development. The material is presented in an interesting readable format that assumes no prior knowledge of behavior modification or psychology. Specific cases and examples clarify issues and make the principles real. Guidelines throughout provide a ready source to use as a reference in applying the principles.Online resources including an instructor’s manual are available at Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815366546

Behavior of LizardsEvolutionary and Mechanistic Perspectives Key features:Presents a contemporary snapshot of the mechanisms underlying the evolution and adaptation of behaviorExplores how genetics epigenetics development and environment shape behavior  Discusses a broad range of behavioral repertoires and responses including those related to thermoregulatory foraging predatory displaying social and escape strategies. Examines physiological and sensory mechanismsCovers the effects of various aspects of global change on behavior with chapters that focus on the impacts of climate change on hydroregulatory behavior and behavioral responses to the effects of habitat alteration resulting from human-mediated change and colonization by invasive species. Lizards serve as focal organisms for many of biological questions related to evolution ecology physiology and morphology. They are studied at multiple spatial and temporal scales from the individual to the community level. This book authored by expert contributors from around the world explores behaviors underlying the evolution and adaptation of these organisms. It covers conceptual empirical and methodological approaches to the understanding of the role that natural and sexual selection play in molding the behavioral traits of lizards. This thorough illustrated reference should stimulate discussion of the conceptual and methodological approaches for studying the behavioral traits of these fascinating and highly diverse vertebrates. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367655853

Behavior Psychology in the SchoolsInnovations in Evaluation Support and Consultation Decrease destructive behaviors and improve students’social outlook and academic performance with the ideas you’ll find in this book! Here is a state-of-the-art review of behavior psychology services in public schools! It will help you address issues of evaluation technical assistance consultation training student discipline academic remediation and health-facilitating intervention. Then it explores systems-wide applications that put this knowledge to work. Authored by respected clinicians educators and researchers who blend their extensive practical knowledge with scientific findings to deliver sound practical advice Behavior Psychology in the Schools: Innovations in Evaluation Support and Consultation: presents an overview of the focus scope and practice of behavioral consultation to public schools examining contemporary approaches such as positive behavior support functional behavioral assessment and efficacy evaluation shows why problem behavior in elementary and middle school students requires a preventive whole-school approach and describes steps to implement school-wide positive behavior support examines ways to enhance academic behavior decrease disruptive behaviors and improve academic performance looks at risk prevention programs designed to promote healthy behavior and prevent chronic health problems substance abuse high-risk sexual behaviors and physical/sexual abuse of children reviews constructive and preventive methods of reducing school violence and vandalism examines the laws and policies that support the use of school-wide discipline programs shows you how to use curriculum-based measurement to evaluate treatment efficacy describes consultation to a public school district in the form of a systems-wide evaluation of instructional and behavior support practices for developmentally disabled students teaches you to select effective interventions for responding to behavior problems shows you how to provide teachers with the resources and support needed to ensure successful plan intervention makes recommendations for improving outcomes in school-based consultation Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138002425

Behavior SciencePhilosophical Methodological and Empirical Advances First published in 1986. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315802022

Behavior SpacePlay Pleasure and Discovery as a Model for Business Value Behavior Space proposes that corporations do not design products or services anymore: they design behavior spaces. Facebook is not a product not a technology but a behavior space. Innovation is the creation of a new behaviour space. The product or service is simply the catalyst that enables a new behavior space to emerge. The size of the behaviour space footprint represents the potential value a product or service offers; the greater the value potential the greater the monetization potential. Alexander Manu illustrates how these new concepts are transforming design and product development so that the process changes from a static and product-centred approach to one that is entirely centred on the user and their behaviours that emerge as they interact with what they have bought. He provides a new language to describe the way in which the physical intellectual and emotional features of products and services achieve a relationship between the user and the brand. And he explains the concept of Play Value which underpins the attraction for customers and depends on compelling experiences that are challenging rewarding and absorbing; that never frustrate and that encourage repeated use. Designers and brand managers seeking to understand and exploit commercially the fundamental changes in consumers that are driven by technology experience and social interaction will find Behavior Space a wonderful place to start. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409446842

Behavior Therapy with ChildrenVolume 1 This consummately well-organized survey brings together the latest and most meaningful writings in behavior therapy with children. Dealing with a variety of childhood behavior problems it includes theory evaluation and application of behavior therapy in terms relevant to the interests of students and professionals in psychology social work psychiatry and education.Individual sections that focus on psychotic children anti-social or delinquent behavior mild behavior problems and the training of parents and other nontraditional therapists follow a historical perspective on the concept of behavior therapy. Specific behavioral approaches are provided with evaluation of the techniques involved.Ranging from the applied clinical level to critical reviews of the field of behavior therapy this book provides an authoritative and totally up-to-date discussion of the major behavior modification approaches as applied to children. Intended as a textbook in advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in psychology psychiatry social work and education it will be equally valuable to all professional and paraprofessionals working with the young and seeking definitive information on the use of behavior modification techniques in their work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519343

Behavior Therapy with ChildrenVolume 2 The term behavior modification refers to the systematic analysis and change of human behavior and the principal focus is on overt behavior and its relationships to environmental variables. Behavior modification can be applied in many settings the nature of which helps to define its subsets. Thus applied in clinical settings toward clinical goals it encompasses the subset behavior therapy. In Behavior Therapy with Children Volume 2 Anthony M. Graziano focuses on behavior therapy--specifically the behavioral treatment of children's clinical problems.The field of behavior modification encompasses an astonishingly wide and varied spectrum of concepts about and approaches to education clinical problems social programming and rehabilitation efforts. A conceptually and technologically rich medium it has been nourished by the psychology laboratory the school and the psychiatric clinic. It is an area with diffuse boundaries surrounding a highly active center within which apparently solid landmarks have already been worn away by the dissolving action of corrective self-criticism--immeasurably aided by the catalysts stirred in by the field's many critics. The activity continues the dynamic field boils and the medium enriches itself.There appears to be a tendency particularly among new behavior therapists to limit their focus too narrowly to the client's systems of overt behavior. In this project psychological therapy begins with a personal interactive social situation in which the generally expected human response of interest sympathy and support is the minimum condition. Graziano maintains that these clinical sensitivity skills must be preserved in behavior therapy and enhance its important contribution to advancing the therapeutic endeavor. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519350

Behavior Trees in Robotics and AIAn Introduction Behavior Trees (BTs) provide a way to structure the behavior of an artificial agent such as a robot or a non-player character in a computer game. Traditional design methods such as finite state machines are known to produce brittle behaviors when complexity increases making it very hard to add features without breaking existing functionality.  BTs were created to address this very problem and enables the creation of systems that are both modular and reactive. Behavior Trees in Robotics and AI: An Introduction provides a broad introduction as well as an in-depth exploration of the topic and is the first comprehensive book on the use of BTs.This book introduces the subject of BTs from simple topics such as semantics and design principles to complex topics such as learning and task planning. For each topic the authors provide a set of examples ranging from simple illustrations to realistic complex behaviors to enable the reader to successfully combine theory with practice.Starting with an introduction to BTs the book then describes how BTs relate to and in many cases generalize earlier switching structures or control architectures. These ideas are then used as a foundation for a set of efficient and easy to use design principles. The book then presents a set of important extensions and provides a set of tools for formally analyzing these extensions using a state space formulation of BTs. With the new analysis tools the book then formalizes the descriptions of how BTs generalize earlier approaches and shows how BTs can be automatically generated using planning and learning. The final part of the book provides an extended set of tools to capture the behavior of Stochastic BTs where the outcomes of actions are described by probabilities. These tools enable the computation of both success probabilities and time to completion.This book targets a broad audience including both students and professionals interested in modeling complex behaviors for robots game characters or other AI agents. Readers can choose at which depth and pace they want to learn the subject depending on their needs and background. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367571337

Behavioral Humanistic-Existential and Psychodynamic Approaches to Couples Counseling Couples counseling is distinct from individual and family therapy and while ideas from these other formats may be overlapping applying theoretical concepts to couples has distinctive challenges. Behavioral Humanistic-Existential and Psychodynamic Approaches to Couples Counseling is unique in that it addresses how to conceptualize various theories around a single case. By discussing only one case the reader is more readily able to compare and contrast the theoretical ideas of each theory as well as the pragmatics of techniques. Five theories are discussed around four consistent parts: history theory of problem formation theory of problem resolution and case transcript. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138936430

Behavioral Social and Emotional Assessment of Children and Adolescents Generally recognized as the standard work in its field Behavioral Social and Emotional Assessment of Children and Adolescents is a comprehensive guide for conducting conceptually sound culturally responsive and ecologically oriented assessments of students’ social and emotional behavior. Written for graduate students practitioners and researchers in the fields of school psychology child clinical psychology and special education it will also be of interest to those in related disciplines. Building on the previous editions this fifth edition includes updated references to DSM-5 and federal standards as well as an integrated approach to culturally competent assessment throughout the text. In Part I Foundations and Methods of Assessment the author provides a general foundation for assessment practice and outlines basic professional and ethical issues cultural considerations and classification and diagnostic problems. Part II Assessment of Specific Problems Competencies and Populations includes material on assessing specific social–emotional behavior domains including externalizing problems internalizing problems social skills and social–emotional strengths and the unique needs of young children. A chapter on school-wide screening methods was also added with this edition. By weaving together the most recent research evidence and common application issues in a scholarly yet practical matter Behavioral Social and Emotional Assessment of Children and Adolescents continues to be the pre-eminent foundation for assessment courses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138814394

Behavioral Activation for DepressionA Clinician's Guide From leading experts in behavioral activation research and clinical practice this volume presents an empirically tested approach for helping clients overcome depression by becoming active and engaged in their own lives. Behavioral activation is a stand-alone treatment whose principles can be integrated easily with other approaches that therapists already use. Guidelines are presented for identifying individualized treatment targets monitoring and scheduling "antidepressant" activities--experiences that are likely to be rewarding and pleasurable--and decreasing avoidance and ruminative thinking. Rich clinical illustrations include an extended case example that runs throughout the book. Twenty-two reproducible forms worksheets and tables can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462510177

Behavioral Activation with AdolescentsA Clinician's Guide This book presents the first behavioral activation (BA) program to help 12- to 18-year-olds overcome depression. The authors provide a systematic framework for increasing adolescents' engagement in rewarding activities and decreasing avoidant behavior. User-friendly features include session-by-session guidelines and agendas sample scripts and instructional materials. Strategies are described for actively involving parents and tailoring BA to each teen's needs and developmental level. In a large-size format for easy photocopying the book contains 35 reproducible handouts. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462523986

Behavioral and Biochemical Issues in Substance Abuse This excellent book is a concise yet thorough examination of the important and emerging field of the study of biological risk factors in drug abuse. Historically drug abuse research has concentrated on the contributions of environmental and behavioral factors as the major influences on addiction. The revelatory studies in this volume examine the genetic contributions to drug taking behavior through the use of animal models cellular experiments and human clinical studies. Behavioral and Biochemical Issues in Substance Abuse provides for the first time in one volume up-to-date easily digested reviews of topics concerning biological and genetic factors in drug abuse. Medical researchers in all areas of alcoholism and drug abuse researchers in pharmacology psychology psychiatry and neuroscience and clinicians interested in biological approaches to alcoholism and drug abuse problems will benefit greatly from this valuable resource. Authoritative contributors clearly demonstrate the capability of genetic factors to modulate the reinforcing or rewarding effects of drugs thereby altering their addictive potential. In addition to gaining comprehension of the biological factors affecting addiction a greater understanding of genetics related to drug abuse will enable future research to control biological factors leading to more accurate studies of behavioral and environmental influences on drug and alcohol abuse. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987753

Behavioral and Mental Health Care Policy and PracticeA Biopsychosocial Perspective Cynthia Moniz and Stephen Gorin’s Behavioral and Mental Health Care Policy and Practice: A Biopyschosocial Perspective is a new mental health policy textbook that offers students a model for understanding policy in a framework that addresses policy practice. Edited to read like a textbook each chapter is written by experts on an aspect of mental health policy. The book contains two parts: Part I chronicles and analyzes the evolution of mental health policy; Part II analyzes current policy and teaches students to engage in policy practice issues in different settings and with diverse populations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138189898

Behavioral and Social Sciences in 21st Century Health CareContributions and Opportunities The most current information--in the words of the top men in their fields!In this unique book the leaders of the major United States Institutions--the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse--present intriguing statements on the future of behavior science on health care practices. Alan Leshner Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse discusses the present and future state of the art in drug abuse and addiction research. Enoch Gordis Director of the National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse talks about the history of alcohol research the MATCH program the genetics of alcoholism and exciting new directions for future research such as anti-craving medicines. In addition other valuable chapters contribute insightful observations on the state of contemporary practice in health care such as: a social work perspective on end-of-life care legislation the myths and realities of prevention principles the factors that determine college students’immunization status ways to integrate social work social sciences and health interventions a tribute to social/health services pioneer Doris Siegel Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315864969

Behavioral Approaches to Pattern Recognition and Concept FormationQuantitative Analyses of Behavior Volume VIII Volume eight in this highly acclaimed series discusses the behavioral approaches to pattern recognition and concept formation in two sections: categories and concepts in birds and shape and form. An ideal reference for students and professionals in experimental psychology and behavioral analysis. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315788999

Behavioral ArchaeologyPrinciples and Practice Behavioral archaeology offers a way of examining the past by highlighting human engagement with the material culture of the time. 'Behavioral Archaeology: Principles and Practice' offers a broad overview of the methods and theories used in this approach to archaeology. Opening with an overview of the history and key concepts the book goes on to systematically cover both principles and practice: the philosophy of science and the scientific method; artifacts and human behavior; archaeological inference; formation processes of the archaeological record; technological change; behavioral change; and ritual and religion. Detailed case studies show the relevance of behavioral method and theory to the wider field of archaeological studies. The book will be invaluable to students of archaeology and anthropology. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315541242

Behavioral Aspects of Cardiovascular Disease Smoking diet stress coping and exercise among other behaviors and psychological states are now clearly implicated in the development of cardiovascular diseases. Prevention based largely on altering behaviors that contribute to this chronic disease is now as important a goal as is treatment of those already afflicted. This volume based on a recent meeting of the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research addresses several important areas of research in the general area of cardiovascular disease. The topics covered reflect on important aspects of this phenomenon such as the long-term development of coronary artery disease; central nervous system (CNS) regulation of blood pressure heart rate and sympathetic tone playing a pivotal role in sympathetic activity and hypertension; learned blood pressure modulation and baroreceptor activation as a means of reducing the aversiveness of stress or noxious stimulation; and the notion that symptoms of heart disease or infarction may occur in the absence of organic heart disease. Having been impressed by the recent advances in the field the editors of this book capture the wealth of newly acquired knowledge about behavioral factors in cardiovascular disease and how the body's nervous endocrine and cardiovascular systems work together. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138964495

Behavioral Assessment in School Psychology This important volume presents strategies and procedures for assessing both emotional/behavioral problems and academic difficulties. Arranged by assessment content areas the volume discusses such methodologies as behavioral interviewing observation self-monitoring use of self- and informant-report and both analogue and curriculum-based assessment. All chapters are supported by numerous examples and illustrations. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315801957

Behavioral BiologyNeuroendocrine Axis This book is the result of an international symposium in biological psychology held in honor of Knut Larsson. This renowned researcher -- in his search for the true meaning of "mind vs. matter" -- became involved in many divergent areas of the field such as the neurobiology of sexual behavior and sexual differentiation aspects of functional neuroanatomy behavioral endocrinology and psychopharmacology. Through experimentation and much consultation with other area specialists Larsson observed such phenomena as the adaptation of behavior-determining neuroendocrine events to the physical environment and the hormonal regulation of sexual behavior and differentiation. This tribute to his research presents important features of necessary paradigms for the analysis and study of experimental psychology within the biological perspective. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138876163

Behavioral Business EthicsShaping an Emerging Field This book takes a look at how and why individuals display unethical behavior. It emphasizes the actual behavior of individuals rather than the specific business practices. It draws from work on psychology which is the scientific study of human behavior and thought processes. As Max Bazerman said "efforts to improve ethical decision making are better aimed at understanding our psychological tendencies." Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815390909

Behavioral CybersecurityApplications of Personality Psychology and Computer Science Since the introduction and proliferation of the Internet problems involved with maintaining cybersecurity has grown exponentially and have evolved into many forms of exploitation. Yet Cybersecurity has had far too little study and research. Virtually all of the Research that has taken place in cybersecurity over many years has been done by those with computer science electrical engineering and mathematics backgrounds. However many cybersecurity researchers have come to realize that to gain a full understanding of how to protect a cyber environment requires not only the knowledge of those researchers in computer science engineering and mathematics but those who have a deeper understanding of human behavior: researchers with expertise in the various branches of behavioral science such as psychology behavioral economics and other aspects of brain science. The authors one a computer scientist and the other a psychologist have attempted over the past several years to understand the contributions that each approach to cybersecurity problems can benefit from this integrated approach that we have tended to call "behavioral cybersecurity." The authors believe that the research and curriculum approaches developed from this integrated approach provide a first book with this approach to cybersecurity. This book incorporates traditional technical computational and analytic approaches to cybersecurity and also psychological and human factors approaches as well. Features Discusses profiling approaches and risk management Includes case studies of major cybersecurity events and "Fake News" Presents analyses of password attacks and defenses Addresses game theory behavioral economics and their application to cybersecurity Supplies research into attacker/defender personality and motivation traits Techniques for measuring cyber attacks/defenses using crypto and stego Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138617780

Behavioral CybersecurityFundamental Principles and Applications of Personality Psychology This book discusses the role of human personality in the study of behavioral cybersecurity for non-specialists. Since the introduction and proliferation of the Internet cybersecurity maintenance issues have grown exponentially. The importance of behavioral cybersecurity has recently been amplified by current events such as misinformation and cyber-attacks related to election interference in the United States and internationally. More recently similar issues have occurred in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The book presents profiling approaches offers case studies of major cybersecurity events and provides analysis of password attacks and defenses. Discussing psychological methods used to assess behavioral cybersecurity alongside risk management the book also describes game theory and its applications explores the role of cryptology and steganography in attack and defense scenarios and brings the reader up to date with current research into motivation and attacker/defender personality traits. Written for practitioners in the field alongside nonspecialists with little prior knowledge of cybersecurity computer science or psychology the book will be of interest to all who need to protect their computing environment from cyber-attacks. The book also provides source materials for courses in this growing area of behavioral cybersecurity. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367509798

Behavioral DevelopmentConcepts of Approach/Withdrawal and Integrative Levels First Published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964501

Behavioral Economics Over the last few decades behavioral economics has revolutionized the discipline. It has done so by putting the human back into economics by recognizing that people sometimes make mistakes care about others and are generally not as cold and calculating as economists have traditionally assumed. The results have been exciting and fascinating and have fundamentally changed the way we look at economic behavior. This textbook introduces all the key results and insights of behavioral economics to a student audience. Ideas such as mental accounting prospect theory present bias inequality aversion and learning are explained in detail. These ideas are also applied in diverse settings such as auctions stock market crashes charitable donations and health care to show why behavioral economics is crucial to understanding the world around us. Consideration is also given to what makes people happy and how we can potentially nudge people to be happier. This new edition contains expanded and updated coverage of contract theory bargaining in the family time and risk and stochastic reference points among other topics to ensure that readers are kept up to speed with this fast-paced field. The companion website is also updated with a range of new questions and worked examples. This book remains the ideal introduction to behavioral economics for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138097124

Behavioral Economics and Healthy BehaviorsKey Concepts and Current Research The field of behavioural economics can tell us a great deal about cognitive bias and unconscious decision-making challenging the orthodox economic model whereby consumers make rational and informed choices. But it is in the arena of health that it perhaps offers individuals and governments the most value. In this important new book the most pernicious health issues we face today are examined through a behavioral economic lens. It provides an essential and timely overview of how this growing field of study can reframe and offer solutions to some of the biggest health issues of our age. The book opens with an overview of the core theoretical concepts after which each chapter assesses how behavioral economic research and practice can inform public policy across a range of health issues. Including chapters on tobacco alcohol and drug use physical activity dietary intake cancer screening and sexual health the book integrates the key insights from the field to both developed and developing nations. Also asking important ethical questions around paternalism and informed choice this book will be essential reading for students and researchers across psychology economics and business and management as well as public health professionals wishing for a concise overview of the role behavioral economics can potentially play in allowing people to live healthier lives. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138638211

Behavioral EconomicsThe Basics Behavioral economics is everywhere – whether used by governments to shape our judgement and decision making advertisers and marketers to sell products or even politicians to sell policies its insights are important and far-reaching. Behavioral Economics: The Basics is the first book to provide a rigorous yet accessible overview of the growing field that attempts to uncover the psychological processes which mediate all the economic judgements and decisions we make. In seven accessible chapters the book answers questions like: What is behavioral economics? How does it help us to understand economic behavior? What does it tell us about how people form judgements and make decisions in their private and public lives? What does it tell us about the psychological nature of financial catastrophes that afflict our economic system? With recommended further readings throughout Behavioral Economics: The Basics is essential for all students taking courses in behavioral economics economic psychology consumer psychology microeconomics and game theory and also for professionals looking for an accessible introduction to the topic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138228917

Behavioral Ethics in PracticeWhy We Sometimes Make the Wrong Decisions This book is an accessible research-based introduction to behavioral ethics. Often ethics education is incomplete because it ignores how and why people make moral decisions. But using exciting new research from fields such as behavioural psychology cognitive science and evolutionary biology the study of behavioural ethics uncovers the common reasons why good people often screw up. Scientists have long studied the ways human beings make decisions but only recently have researchers begun to focus specifically on ethical decision making. Unlike philosophy and religion which aim to tell people how to think and act about various moral issues behavioral ethics research reveals the factors that influence how people really make moral decisions. Most people get into ethical trouble for doing obviously wrong things. Aristotle cannot help but learning about behavioral ethics can. By supplementing traditional approaches to teaching ethics with a clear detailed research-based introduction to behavioral ethics beginners can quickly become familiar with the important elements of this new field. This book includes the bonus of being coordinated with Ethics Unwrapped – a free online educational resource featuring award-winning videos and teaching materials on a variety of behavioral ethics (and general ethics) topics. This book is a useful supplement for virtually every ethics course and important in any course where incorporating practical ethics in an engaging manner is paramount. The content applies to every discipline –business ethics journalism medicine legal ethics and others – because its chief subject is the nature of moral decision making. The book is also highly relevant to practitioners across all sectors. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367341657

Behavioral Evolution and Integrative LevelsThe T.c. Schneirla Conferences Series Volume 1 First published in 1984. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315802558

Behavioral Health Response to Disasters Disasters can cause long-term disruptions to the routines of individuals and communities placing survivors at risk of developing serious mental health and substance abuse problems. Disaster behavioral health services provide emotional support help normalize stress reactions assess recovery options and encourage healthy coping behaviors. They also connect survivors to community resources that can assist the recovery process. Today’s increasing frequency and intensity of disasters merit greater focus on the development of modalities for intervention and mitigation against the psychological impacts of disaster. In Behavioral Health Response to Disasters professionals with years of practice research and national advisory board service review and discuss key topics in the field. Highlighting the themes of cultural competence and evidence-based practice this volume: Presents an interdisciplinary approach to examining specific disaster behavioral health topics Considers how an individual’s culture may impact willingness to seek out and accept services Incorporates research on vulnerable or at-risk populations who are likely to suffer disproportionately more adverse psychological consequences of disaster Discusses clinical studies of cognitive behavioral treatments for disaster-related distress and post-traumatic stress disorder In the past two decades disaster behavioral health research policy and practice have grown exponentially. This volume covers the wide variety of issues in this emerging field highlighting concerns that we must address in order to create more disaster-resilient communities. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439821237

Behavioral HealthIntegrating Individual and Family Interventions in the Treatment of Medical Conditions In this age of accountability and irrespective of whether they work in health-care settings or conventional mental health settings all therapists will be increasingly expected to provide effective psychosocial treatment to individuals and families who face co-morbid medical conditions. Statistics these conditions are daunting: 75 percent of adults over age 65 and 50 percent of Americans constantly experience chronic medical symptoms and prevalence rates of chronic medical conditions that are more than three times higher than mental illness. While it can be helpful to conceptualize treatment in terms of individual dynamics and utilize cognitive behavioral strategies it can be much more effective to conceptualize family as well as individual dynamics and to utilize systemic interventions when indicated. Effective Treatment of Individuals and Families Facing Medical Conditions addresses the need for these types of interventions. It provides background information on 12 common medical conditions and includes discussions of family dynamics as well as medical and psychosocial treatments. While recognizing the role of personality culture and illness dynamics it emphasizes the centrality of family dynamics in conceptualizing and implementing interventions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415637367

Behavioral Insights for Public PolicyConcepts and Cases The first decades of the twenty-first century have offered a remarkable shift in how policies are made as well as who designs them. Until this period local regional and national policy advisors largely comprised economists lawyers and financial experts. But in an era when behavioral scientists are increasingly being asked to demonstrate the impact of their research many are playing a much greater role in policy making across a range of sectors as a result. Written by a team of authors working across both academia and government Behavioral Insights for Public Policy is the first textbook to fully examine how psychology can be applied to a range of public policy areas. It addresses a wide variety of topics from the origins of policy as well as major findings from behavioral economics and nudge theory to large-scale applications of behavioral insights. The compilation is the first of its kind to broadly cover the underlying theory history major empirical examples and practical applications to policy of nudges (or behavioral insights) for teaching and study in higher education. Featuring over 100 empirical examples of how behavioral insights are being used to address some of the most critical challenges faced globally the book also includes a unique chapter from an organization actively implementing behavioral insights in policies along with various government institutions. Also featuring case studies looking at key policy issues learning outcomes a glossary of key terms and an accompanying website this important book will be essential reading for any student of applied psychology. It has also been produced for others interested in the topic from social political and economic sciences as well as those in government looking for an overview of the key issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138484238

Behavioral Integrative CareTreatments That Work in the Primary Care Setting Integrated care is arguably one of the most important developments in the delivery of health care over the last few years. This new approach to health care roughly defined as the provision of behavioral or mental health care in a way that is more coordinated with the primary medical healthcare setting has the focused goal of providing a more complete care for the patient. This book focuses on three main content areas. Firstly the treatment of psychological problems in the context of primary medical care will be addressed in several chapters. Secondly several chapters address co-morbid psychological factors that play a key role in the effective medical management of physical diseases either acute or chronic. Finally several chapters address issues relevant to the overall practice of integrated care. This book is intended to extend and bridge the existing literatures of integrated care behavioral medicine consultation-liaison psychiatry medical cost offset and healthcare economics by providing a comprehensive and current handbook of the clinical protocols that might be applied to the practice of integrated care. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987760

Behavioral Intervention in Health Care It has been demonstrated that many medical problems including insomnia alcoholism hypertension headache pain obesity and asthma respond readily and reliably to behavior modification techniques. Yet behavioral intervention has traditionally been a difficult area to assimilate into the medical and nursing curricula. In this text Dr. Laura B. Cordon presents a behavioral-psychological perspective on intervention in health care beginning with a definition of behavioral medicine and introducing the related issues of stress and patient compliance. With an emphasis on how behavioral intervention relates to clinical practice Dr. Gordon examines such topics as the role of the patient's behavior in the symptom or disease how the health care professional can identify those who will respond well to individual or family counseling and the treatment of disease versus the maintenance of health. She concludes with an explanation of the need for less conventional facilities for treating psychophysiological and stress/tension disorders pointing to the program currently in use at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center as one possible alternative approach. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367018313

Behavioral Medicine Approaches to Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one killer of men and women in industrialized countries. In older age groups CVD is also the most important cause for hospitalization and in many countries it is the basis of early retirement from work. Thus CVD is associated with enormous costs for care and loss of productivity as well as for disabilities pensions etc. All this has motivated clinicians and scientists to develop and implement new methodologies and technologies to better care for patients who are hospitalized for heart disease. Efforts to improve care in the acute phases of coronary heart disease (CHD) have been successful. During the last decade the immediate mortality risk of a patient admitted to coronary care for a suspected myocardial infarction or other acute coronary syndrome has decreased to less than 10%. Despite these achievements CVD continues to represent a major threat to the health of middle-aged and elderly men and women. This volume addresses myriad aspects of CHD prevention including biobehavioral and psychosocial factors behavioral epidemiology behavioral intervention models and policy. The first section of the text provides an introduction to CVD prevention and behavioral medicine. The second section introduces two theoretically different approaches to preventive action high-risk and population-based strategies. The third section describes and discusses the important questions of how behavioral sciences can be conceptually integrated into traditional medically based preventive efforts. The fourth section presents both population and high-risk behavioral intervention approaches. In summary this volume examines the social environment and its potentials for preventive actions reviews the psychosocial and biobehavioral mechanisms involved in these effects and describes concrete and practical implementations of behavioral medicine knowledge as they have been applied to CHD prevention. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138964518

Behavioral Methods in Social Welfare "Behavioral Methods in Social Welfare" offers positive proof that behaviorism has come of age in social work. Steven Paul Schinke and the contributors to this volume are social work practitioners who document their attempts to extend the basic tenets of behavioral psychology from the laboratory clinic and classroom to the full range of client groups and social problems that make up the practice of social work. In social work education traditionally to the extent it appeared in the curriculum at all behavioral content appeared in electives or in courses not focused on practice. It is a true measure of progress that behavioral methods are now visible integral component of social work education and practice.The authors of each piece in this collection indicate progress in developing an empirically based approach to social work practice. Despite the impressive documentation contained in the present volume no conclusive evidence as to the effectiveness of behavioral methods exists. What behavioral methods do offer however is a systematic format for both problem intervention and evaluation that over time should produce a more empirically based practice. A promising sign well documented in the present effort is the facility with which this book has subjected practice procedures to the rigor of research and evaluation.This blending of clinical practice and research develops the sense of competence that student-practitioners acquire in understanding and controlling both the art and science of their clinical practice. Steven Schinke and his colleagues offer a series of "snapshots" of important work in process. Their collective portrait provides a fresh perspective and new stimulus for all social work practice as well as an affirmation that disciplined responsive and sensitive social work intervention can make a difference in the lives of people. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519367

Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Inspired by Carlos Beyer’s 50 years of pioneering research and influence on his students and colleagues Behavioral Neuroendocrinology builds upon Beyer’s fundamental discoveries and concepts as well as their widespread implications. It presents original research and reviews on mechanisms — genomic and non-genomic — of steroid and protein hormone action; the role of steroid metabolism especially aromatization protein phosphorylation and neurotransmitter action in mediating reproductive behavior and sexual differentiation; and brain and spinal cord mechanisms in sexual behavior and analgesia. This book presents a rich diversity of topics — lactation maternal behavior pheromone action chronobiology allodynia angiogenesis prostate physiology sexual motivation and specific brain systems including vomeronasal system cerebellum preoptic area hypothalamus and spinal cord. This book brings together in one source an international "family" of researchers whose work has evolved in diverse but related ways from a seminal set of discoveries and concepts in behavioral neuroendocrinology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367736378

Behavioral Neurology in the Elderly It is important to understand the relationship between the brain cognition and behavior when providing care to the elderly. Behavioral Neurology in the Elderly provides a comprehensive overview of this significant relationship one of the most important topics concerning medical and behavioral gerontology today. It provides insight into how the aging brain affects memory and language as well as motor emotional and executive functioning. Beginning with a historical view of aging and healthy living this practical and informative book describes the most important neurobehavioral issues such as information processing motor function language and communication. It also provides essential information on neurobehavioral disorders such as depression sleep disorders epilepsy apraxia dementia and stroke. Furthermore it offers an ultimate guide to medical and neuropsychological geriatric assessment and evaluation. A resource for all professionals working with elderly people Behavioral Neurology in the Elderly points out new directions in research methods for assessment diagnosis and treatment. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367455194

Behavioral Pharmacology of 5-ht This volume reviews the current state of research within the behavioral pharmacology of 5-HT. The book opens exciting new approaches to the interdisciplinary study of behavior and pharmacology with special reference to ethology endocrinology neuroanatomy and comparative aspects of drug action and notes new developments in therapeutic drugs of the future. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138964525

Behavioral PrimatologyAdvances in Research and Theory Volume 1 First published in 1977. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138406742

Behavioral Problems in Geography Revisited This collection of papers originally published in 1981 reviews and evaluates past and possible future advances in a field of central importance to human geography: behavioral geography. The book includes critical studies which show how the approach has contributed substantially to work within four areas of amjor application in behavioral geography: urban travel behavior environmental cognition residential mobility and spatial diffusion. The final section of the book focuses on the shortcomings of the behavioral approach and considers the alternative modes of analysis available. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138951273

Behavioral Research and AnalysisAn Introduction to Statistics within the Context of Experimental Design Fourth Edition Now in its fourth edition Behavioral Research and Analysis: An Introduction to Statistics within the Context of Experimental Design presents an overview of statistical methods within the context of experimental design. It covers fundamental topics such as data collection data analysis interpretation of results and communication of findings. New in the Fourth Edition: Extensive improvements based on suggestions from those using this book in the classroom Statistical procedures that have been developed and validated since the previous edition Each chapter in the body now contains relevant key words chapter summaries key word definitions and end of chapter exercises (with answers) Revisions to include recent changes in the APA Style Manual When looking for a book for their own use the authors found none that were totally suitable. They found books that either reviewed the basics of behavioral research and experimental design but provided only cursory coverage of statistical methods or they provided coverage of statistical methods with very little coverage of the research context within which these methods are used. No single resource provided coverage of methodology statistics and communication skills. In a classic example of necessity being the mother of invention the authors created their own. This text is ideal for a single course that reviews research methods essential statistics through multi-factor analysis of variance and thesis (or major project) preparation without discussion of derivation of equations probability theory or mathematic proofs. It focuses on essential information for getting a research project completed without prerequisite math or statistics training. It has been revised many times to help students at a variety of academic levels (exceptional high school students undergraduate honors students masters students doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows) across varied academic disciplines (e.g. human factors and ergonomics behavioral and social sciences natural sciences engineering exercise and sport sciences business and management industrial hygiene and safety science health and medical sciences and more). Illustrating how to plan prepare conduct and analyze an experimental or research report the book emphasizes explaining statistical procedures and interpreting obtained results without discussing the derivation of equations or history of the method. Destined to spend more time on your desk than on the shelf the book will become the single resource you reach for again and again when conducting scientific research and reporting it to the scientific community. Illustrates how to plan conduct analyze and prepare an experimental or research report Includes new statistical procedures that have been developed and validated since the previous edition Incorporates SAS in the exercises at the end of each chapter Takes into account the changes in the APA guidebook Provides new examples in exercise and sport science public health gerontology and biomedical areas Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073180

Behavioral Social Work in Health Care Settings An essential resource for social work professionals!As the focus of the health care industry shifts from predominantly hospital-based care to out-patient managed care social workers must adapt to a new environment. Owing to changes driven by major advances in medical care knowledge technology and skill new issues in ethics practice and policy have arisen. Behavioral Social Work in Health Care Settings addresses the impact that changing patterns in health care delivery have had (and will continue to have) on social work professionals presenting a thoughtful collection of articles that combine research with practical experience.Behavioral Social Work in Health Care Settings looks at a range of critical issues facing health care social work professionals including: building a social support system for the patient adopting a biopyschosocial approach to medical education evaluating social work interventions in health care addressing economic quality-of-life and ethical concerns of organ recipients maintaining a client-based focus on health care and also includes a study of the psychosocial needs of patients in a large urban medical centerRequired reading for social work administrators practitioners teachers and students Behavioral Social Work in Health Care Settings represents presentations from the Seventh Doris Siegel Memorial Colloquium which called for the critical examination of changes in health care delivery brought about by financial pressures from government levels and private insurers. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315821481

Behavioral Strategic Management This unique text examines strategic management and its implementation in the context of what we know about how individuals and organizations actually make decisions. Through this behavioral approach students gain a richer more realistic understanding of how to create coherent strategies that take advantage their strengths and build their capabilities. Integrating analytical tools found in a typical strategy textbook with cognitive and psychological insights into decision making the book focuses on core issues that will help students understand the complexities inherent in making profitable decisions. Readers will learn about the purpose of organizations; consider how political technological and industry environments play into firm capabilities; how these capabilities are used in competition; and how to adapt strategies over time. The authors also cover important topics like managerial cognition learning and corporate strategy which receive scant attention in other texts. Chapter summaries experiential exercises and "Food for Thought" boxes featuring plenty of discussion questions provide practical insight into how to utilize a successful strategy and maintain a consistent long-term direction within a firm. Succinct and well-written Behavioral Strategic Management offers graduate students of strategy a deeper and broader understanding of the topic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138292369

Behavioral Treatment for Substance Abuse in People with Serious and Persistent Mental IllnessA Handbook for Mental Health Professionals The correlation between schizophrenia and substance abuse in psychology is recognized as a growing issue yet it is one that many practitioners are often ill-prepared to address. Behavioral Treatment for Substance Abuse in People with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness addresses the specific challenges faced by the clinician treating individuals with co-occurring schizophrenia and substance abuse disorders. Designed as a treatment manual for mental health professionals the book incorporates various treatment components from motivational interviewing and social skills training to education problem solving and relapse prevention. The book presents clearly established guidelines for these treatment modes and utilizes both case examples and fictional situations to present a practical hands-on approach. Readers will profit directly from the lessons in the book which offers the clinician an invaluable model from which to base a treatment plan. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138411449

Behavioralism in Political Science Changes in the thinking of science are usually accompanied by lively intellectual conflicts between opposing or divergent points of view. The clash of ideas is a major ingredient in the stimulation of the life of the mind in human culture. Such arguments and counter-arguments of proofs and disproofs permit changes in the arts and sciences to take place. Political science is not exempt from these conflicts.Since the middle of the twentieth century the study of politics has been rocked by disagreements over its scope theories and methods. These disagreements were somewhat less frequent than in most sciences natural or behavioral but they have been at times bitter and persuasive. The subject matter of political science—politics and all that is involved in politics—has a halo effect. The stakes of politics make people fight and sometimes die for what they claim as their due. Political scientists seem to confuse academic with political stakes behaving as if the victories and defeats on the battleground of the intellect resemble those on the battleground of political life.Three issues seem critical to political science at the time this volume first appeared in the 1960s: First disagreement over the nature of the knowledge of political things—is a science of politics possible or is the study of politics a matter of philosophy? Second controversy over the place of values in the study of politics—a controversy that makes for a great deal of confusion. Third disagreements over the basic units of analysis in the study of politics—should the political scientist study individual and collective behavior or limit the work to the study of institutions and large-scale processes? This collection brings together the most persuasive writings on these topics in the mid-1960s. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412818520

Behaviorism Watson was the father of behaviorism. His now-revered lectures on the subject defined behaviorism as a natural science that takes the whole field of human adjustment as its own. It is the business of behaviorist psychology to predict and control human activity. The field has as its aim to be able given the stimulus to predict the response or seeing the reaction to know the stimulus that produced it. Watson argued that psychology is as good as its observations: what the organism does or says in the general environment.Watson identified "laws" of learning including frequency and recency. Kimble makes it perfectly clear that Watson's behaviorism while deeply indebted to Ivan Pavlov went beyond the Russian master in his treatment of cognition language and emotion. It becomes clear that Behaviorism is anything but the reductionist caricature it is often made out to be in the critical literature. For that reason alone the work merits a wide reading.Behaviorism as was typical of the psychology of the time offered a wide array of applications all of which can be said to fall on the enlightened side of the ledger. At a time of mixed messages Watson argued against child beating and abuse for patterns of enlightened techniques of factory management and for curing the sick and isolating the small cadre of criminals not subject to correction. And anticipating Thomas Szasz he argued against a doctrine of strictly mental diseases and for a close scrutiny of behavioral illness and disturbances. Kimble's brilliant introduction to Watson ends with a challenge to subjectivism to provide evidence that Watson's behaviorism cannot explain human actions without introspective notions of the mind. This genuine classic of social science hi our century remains relevant not just for the conduct of psychological research but for studies in the philosophy of science and the sociology of knowledge. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519381

Behaviour Originally published in 1961 this was a time when for most laymen the science of behaviour hardly existed. Few people had any clear idea of its methods its history or above all its significance. The work of the behaviourists was almost unknown yet this was a science which offered the hope of profound insights into the human mind. Broadbent shows how behaviourism had grown towards such sophisticated developments from the beginnings of such men as Watson and Pavlov. The reissue of this title is an opportunity for people to see how Broadbent’s early work influenced the future of psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781848723368

Behaviour Bias and HandicapsLabelling the Emotionally Disturbed Child This book presents the case studies of children who are identified as emotionally disturbed as well as those labeled as learning disabled or educable mentally retarded from both a deviancy and ecological perspective for a more complete understanding of the children and the labeling process. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507562

Behaviour Safety and Well Being100+ Lesson Plans for the Primary Classroom The new Ofsted framework evaluates the behaviour and safety of pupils at the school. This resource provides over 100 lesson plans promoting: recognition of different emotions and behaviours; practice in responding to those different emotions and behaviours; good behaviour towards and respect for other young people and adults. Each lesson plan is linked to a children's book and references SEAL. Lessons can support Literacy PSHE and citizenship. Lesson plans are bracketed into year groups and five or six-week modules that give schools the opportunity to deliver specific projects on anti-bullying / safeguarding pupil voice and transition. There are also modules covering emotions such as anger loneliness excitement jealousy kindness pride and confidence. This is a comprehensive accessible and invaluable tool for every classroom. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780863889455

Behaviour & Discipline in Schools TwoPractical Positive & Creative Strategies for the Class First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books David Fulton Publishers 9781315068404

Behaviour 4 My Future "Behaviour 4 My Future" has been developed specifically for students at risk of exclusion. This highly practical emotional literacy resource engages young people and motivates them to improve their behaviour at school. It consists of 13 well structured sessions that have been designed to appeal to different learning styles and to encourage the development of the key skills and attitudes associated with emotional literacy. The sessions include: an audit of sutdents' work and behaviour; linking feelings thinkings and behaviour; managing stress and anger in the classroom; understanding and profiling students' multiple intelligences; and linking behaviour to future opportunities. Suitable for one-to-one and group work this book includes set-up guidelines photocopiable worksheets and a CD Rom. Each session is linked to the secondary SEAL outcomes. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315172804

Behaviour Analysis in Educational Psychology In the early 1980s there had been a marked increase in the application of behavioural methods in schools. However much of this work was weak conceptually and limited in its remit. Behaviour analysis has more to offer education than ‘smarties’ and time-out. Originally published in 1986 this collection of twenty papers many of them experimental serves to demonstrate the power of behaviour analysis in a wide variety of applications. The editors stress the importance of antecedent control as well as consequence management strategies and illustrate their relevance in solving problems in everyday situations at school and in the home. The Editors whose own work is well represented in this collection are acknowledged as leading researchers in this field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138724068

Behaviour Analysis in Theory and PracticeContributions and Controversies This edited book addresses four themes of contemporary importance in the experimental and applied analysis of behaviour: chronobiology (relationships between time and behaviour) the emergence of rational thinking language and behavioural medicine. The current empirical and theoretical status of each theme is considered in individual chapters the authors of which are distinguished research scientists drawn from a wide range of scholarship and with a distinctive European dimension. This cultural and theoretical diversity emerges from the fact that each chapter is developed from a paper originally presented by invitation at the Second European Meeting on the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour which was held in Liège Belgium in 1988. Within the four themes individual topics address issues such as circadian rhythms in behaviour temporal regulation in children and in animals the emergence of equivalence relations in children and animals the development of thinking in mentally retarded children reasoning and associative learning in animals rule?governed behaviour theoretical issues relating language to the theory of mind the relationship between behavioural and visceral functions the relevance of behavioural approaches to the prevention of AIDS and the development of self?detection skills for breast cancer. The book makes an important contribution to the literature of contemporary behaviour analysis by reviewing issues of current interest and importance from a broad theoretical base. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138876941

Behaviour and Design of Steel Structures to AS4100Australian Third Edition The behaviour of steel structures and the criteria used in their design are set out in detail in this book. The book bridges the gap between the methods of analysis and the sizing of structural components. The basis of the limit state design criteria of the latest Australian code for structural steel are explained and the reader is pointed to the relevant provisions of the code. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138470323

Behaviour and Discipline in SchoolsDevising and Revising a Whole-School Policy First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138161917

Behaviour and Evolution This book was first published in 1979. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203715628

Behaviour Blob Cards Behaviour is always in the news. Sometimes we praise people for their endeavour their heroism and their love. Generally we complain about people for their laziness arrogance pettiness and bad behaviour. The media are full of it and our daily conversation is filled with what our acquaintances or characters from the soaps are up to! Blob Behaviour is a set of cards which looks at how we all relate and provides the user with an opportunity to look at the whole range of human behaviour ...and understand one another through it! Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780863888793

Behaviour Change for Sustainability Behaviour Change for Sustainability is a compilation of 3 bestselling sustainability guides that gathers together in one place a variety of effective tools and techniques for encouraging a lasting shift to sustainable behaviours in business and society. Promoting Sustainable Behaviour offers the definitive guide to building a sustainable behaviour campaign that works. By summarising "what really works" and pulling out the most important messages from the evidence base this book contains all the tools you need to maximize the success of your sustainable behaviour initiative – in households when commuting in the workplace and beyond. Green Jujitsu outlines the smart way to embed sustainability within the culture of any organization by working with employees' strengths and interests. Gareth Kane points out the hallmarks of unsuccessful approaches to cultural change which are often confused unimaginative or confrontational. He puts forward an alternative framework designed to play to people's strengths and interests and genuinely engage them in problem-solving. Gamification is fast emerging as a user engagement and behaviour change tool that succeeds where other tactics and strategies have failed. How Gamification Can Help Your Business Engage in Sustainability contains all the information businesses and other organizations need to make an informed decision about whether to adopt gamification as part of their own business and sustainability strategies – and the tools to get started. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781909293946

Behaviour Diaries: An Assessment Tool for Supporting Children with Behavioural DifficultiesAn Assessment Tool for Supporting Children with B The invaluable resource provides a sophisticated technique for teachers to observe assess plan and evaluate to improve pupil behaviour. The book recognises the diverse demands of the modern classroom and explores ways in which asking the right question can help in the development of effective solutions. This is far more than ticking check lists as it will: develop a more rigorous approach to the tracking and assessment of behaviour related issues; deepen understanding about biological psychological and social factors influencing behaviour; give examples of reflective and diagnostic practice informing planning for successful interventions; and explore ways of collecting appropriate information to support requests for interventions from other agencies. The pack includes a CD ROM with reflective tasks diagnostic tools illustrative poems and a staff Powerpoint for professional development sessions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781906517526

Behaviour for LearningPromoting Positive Relationships in the Classroom Behaviour for Learning offers teachers a clear conceptual framework for making sense of the many behaviour management strategies on offer allowing them to make a critical assessment of their appropriateness and effectiveness in the classroom and assisting them to promote closer links between ‘behaviour’ and ‘learning’. Now in a fully updated second edition the book focuses on how teachers can provide a safe and secure setting where positive relationships are fostered placing increased emphasis on learning behaviours that contribute to pupils’ cognitive social and emotional development. The book is full of practical approaches that can help teachers support pupils to achieve relate to others and develop behaviours that characterise self-esteem confidence and resilience. It includes chapters covering: • relationship with the curriculum relationship with self and relationship with others; • whole-school approaches and the school behaviour policy; • reframing special educational needs; • dealing with more challenging behaviour; • transitions. This second edition also includes an updated emphasis on the links between mental health behaviour and relationships in schools and reflects Department for Education advice for school staff changes to the National Curriculum and the new SEND Code of Practice. Through the application of the Behaviour for Learning framework the book encourages teachers to address the needs of pupils who exhibit behavioural difficulties whilst still pursuing excellence in teaching and learning for all pupils. It is a compelling and essential read for all trainees and practising teachers CPD coordinators and other professionals working with children in schools. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138293076

Behaviour in the Early Years This accessible and practical book provides hands-on tried and tested strategies to help the reader respond instantly and effectively to behaviour problems in early years settings. It encourages the practitioner to think about how they handle difficult situations and to understand why children behave as they do. Including topics on the development of the child from birth to toddler managing the environment and safeguarding children this third edition has also been fully updated to include: guidance on complex learning difficulties including autism and speech and language disorders; exploration of the use and impact of social media technology and digital devices on social interaction; managing and facilitating the transition from an early years setting to school; an outline of the Education and Health Care Plan including request and implementation. Other features include a vast number of case studies social and developmental checklists a glossary and useful addresses. With ideas and strategies that can easily be absorbed into the daily routine this book is essential reading for practitioners in all early years settings looking for effective ways to deal with challenging behaviour. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138562325

Behaviour Management and the Role of the Teaching AssistantA Guide for Schools Behaviour Management and the Role of the Teaching Assistant draws on the latest research as well as teaching assistants' own views to enable readers to reconsider TA deployment and to maximise the benefits TAs have to offer in supporting children’s behaviour. It considers the difficulties facing TAs summarises the key stages in the evolution of their role in the classroom and highlights the significant challenges of TAs’ role definition. Using current research findings this book provides guidance and practical activities to support schools in empowering TAs to work with children whose behaviour challenges. Each chapter considers a range of strategies for working with TAs as well as the strengths and limitations of these approaches. There are also a range of self-/school-auditing and self-evaluation tasks with key points to consider and practical in-school suggestions at the end of each chapter. This is essential reading for professionals at all levels working in schools wanting to understand how teaching assistants can best be supported to successfully manage behaviour in schools. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367175610

Behaviour Management in the ClassroomA Transactional Analysis Approach Ask any trainee teacher or indeed experienced teacher which aspect of teaching concerns them most and they will probably say "getting pupils to behave." This book looks at the relationships between teachers and pupils in the classroom. It explores ways of using the ideas in Transactional Analysis to create win-win situations in the classroom making a more pleasant and productive atmosphere for all concerned. It offers teachers practical examples of how to model behavior structure time use contracts and praise pupils in order to avoid or resolve conflict quickly and fairly so that everyone feels OK and learning is put at the forefront. The authors both have extensive experience of teaching and managing behavior and have much to offer in terms of guidance for managing your classes successfully. The book provides a simple introduction to and explanations of aspects of the theory; lots of practical examples strategies and suggestions; reflections and activities; and bullet-pointed summaries at the end of each chapter. Media > Books > Print Books David Fulton Publishers 9781138152083

Behaviour Management: An Essential Guide for Student and Newly Qualified Teachers Behaviour Management: An Essential Guide for Student and Newly Qualified Teachers explores the current issues and theories in behaviour management. It encourages readers to think and reflect on their own experiences and offers practical advice for developing confidence in the classroom and quickly adapting to the changing needs of different students and settings. Each chapter of the book focuses on a different aspect of behaviour management addressing issues such as building routines health and safety mental health and using technology to support behaviour management. It includes: Tasks designed to encourage analytical reflective and original thinking. Resources and guidance to develop practice and collate evidence to add to portfolios or other files required by tutors mentors and assessors. Case studies from personal experience that provide tips and tools for effectively managing behaviour. This book is an essential resource for student teachers newly or recently qualified teachers and anyone with an interest in developing an understanding of behaviour within schools. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138392649

Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic AreasSTESSA 2012 Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas is a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of seismic resistant steel structures. It comprises a collection of papers presented at the seventh International Specialty Conference STESSA 2012 (Santiago Chile 9-11 January 2012) and includes the state-of-the-art in both theoretical and experimental research on the behaviour of steel structures in seismic areas. The book is organized in the following sections: - Performance-Based Design of Structures; - Seismic Wind and Exceptional Load; - Material Behaviour; - Member Behaviour; - Connection Behaviour; - Global Behaviour; - Analytical and Experimental Methods; - Mixed and Composite Structures; - Passive and Active Control; - Strengthening and Repairing; - Codification; - Design Fabrication and Practice. Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas aims to close the gap between the results of academic research codification and application on the one hand and common practice on the other. This book provides a complete framework of the most recent trends in the field of steel structures in seismic areas with particular reference to the utilisation of multi-level performance based design concepts the analysis of factors influencing the steel structure behaviour during strong ground motions minimizing earthquake damage seismic retrofit the collapse behaviour of steel structures recent developments in advanced large-scale experimental techniques and the utilization of large-scale seismic testing facilities. The book is a valuable resource for engineers academia and Ph.D. students in Civil Engineering Earthquake Engineering Structural Engineering Steel Construction Steel Development and Building Disaster Prevention. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780415621052

Behaviour Problems in SchoolsAn Evaluation of Support Centres Published in 1983. One response to the recent concern about pupil discipline in schools has been the creation of support centres: off-site special units to which disruptive pupils are sent for varying periods of time for education and supervision. The Inner London Education Authority had a substantial network of such centres. Yet the concept of these units has aroused some criticism: they have been labelled as ’sin-bins’ and as dumping grounds for adolescents.  This book is based on major research conducted by the ILEA over a number of years and provides the only substantial evaluation of support centres. Data are presented on pupil characteristics and attainment on how the centres operate and on the views of the staff in centres and in referring schools.  It concludes with an evaluation of support centres highlighting a range of innovative approaches to the management of disruptive behaviour. The authors warn of the dangers of developing a separate system for disruptive pupils but conclude that some form of alternative provision is needed for the foreseeable future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138493261

Behavioural Adaptation and Road SafetyTheory Evidence and Action Despite being an accepted construct in traffic and transport psychology the precise nature of behavioural adaptation including its causes and consequences has not yet been established within the road safety community. A comprehensive collection of recent literature Behavioural Adaptation and Road Safety: Theory Evidence and Action explores behavioural adaptation in road users. It examines behavioural adaptation within the context of historical and theoretical perspectives and puts forth tangible—and practical—solutions that can effectively address adverse behavioural adaptation to road safety interventions before it occurs. Edited by Christina Rudin-Brown and Samantha Jamson with chapters authored by leading road safety experts in driver psychology and behaviour the book introduces the concept of behavioural adaptation and details its more relevant issues. It reviews the definition of behavioural adaptation that was put forward by the OECD in 1990 and then puts this definition through its paces identifying where it may be lacking and how it might be improved. This sets the context for the remaining chapters which take the OECD definition as their starting points. The book discusses the various theories and models of behavioural adaptation and more general theories of driver behaviour developed during the last half century. It provides examples of the "evidence" for behavioural adaptation—instances in which behavioural adaptation arose as a consequence of the introduction of safety countermeasures. The book then focuses on the internal "human" element and considers countermeasures that might be used to limit the development of behavioural adaptation in various road user groups. The book concludes with practical tools and methodologies to address behavioural adaptation in research and design and to limit the potential negative effects before they happen. Supplying easy-to-understand accessible solutions that can be implemented early on in a road safety intervention’s design or conception phase the chapters represent the most extensive compilation of literature relating to behavioural adaptation and its consequences since the 1990 OECD report. The book brings together earlier theories of behavioural adaptation with more recent theories in the area and combines them with practical advice methods and tangible solutions that can minimise the potential negative impact of behavioural adaptation on road user safety and address it before it occurs. It is an essential component of any road safety library and should be of particular relevance to researchers practitioners designers and policymakers who are interested in maximizing safety while at the same time encouraging innovation and excellence in road transport-related design. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439856673

Behavioural Analysis of CrimeStudies in David Canter's Investigative Psychology The intense interest in 'offender profiling' generated by FBI special agents gave rise to an explosion of studies in a new area called ’investigative psychology’ by its originator David Canter. This develops understanding of offenders' behaviour that can be harnessed to improve investigations. In this rapidly developing area much has been learnt about what offenders reveal about themselves through their styles of offending. Beyond criminals’ actions the location of their crimes can also reveal where the offender lives or which offences can be linked as part of the same series. Investigative psychologists also explore how to interview witnesses and suspects and assess the veracity of accounts given. The variation in criminal style across crimes as diverse as arson burglary hostage negotiation serial killing and sexual assault is reviewed using narrative theory and criminals’ emotional experience when offending as the basis for explaining these variations. This provides a framework for drawing inferences about offenders' characteristics. Studies in investigative psychology require a special methodology developed by David Canter to allow scientific explorations in such a challenging field previously assumed not to be open empirical study. The practical potential and applications of the research are given as well as a selection of commentaries on the cutting edge debates that are driving the future of the investigative psychology. This new discipline is of relevance to forensic psychologists in many different settings criminologists and law enforcement agencies bringing together work that lays out current achievements and sets the agenda for future research in the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780754626282

Behavioural and Mental Health ResearchA Handbook of Skills and Methods Behavioural and Mental Health Research 2nd Edition is a thoroughly revised updated and expanded version of the invaluable guide to research skills for psychologists psychiatrists nurses social workers and graduates training in those disciplines. It provides a series of practical guidelines for starting and carrying through any research project: from selecting the most appropriate approach using computers and analysing data to applying for funding writing reports and even how to enjoy your research! This second edition also includes chapters on methods of assessment studying people in their social settings and service evaluation and audit methods. By considering a wide spectrum of different research methods the book gives the reader an insight into the assumptions underlying research. Quantitative methods using group design are described without assuming an advanced level of statistical knowledge. Qualitative language-based methods and single case studies are explored as possible alternatives. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9780203765371

Behavioural and Network Impacts of Driver Information Systems Originally published in 1999 this volume contains a systematic collection of both theoretical and applied studies on user information systems for road users. It is generally expected that reliable information offered to road users will improve the use of scarce capacity on transport networks but from a research perspective the question arises whether the provision of such hard and software will influence the behaviour of road users to such an extent that a more desirable traffic situation will emerge. The book contains European American and Asian contributions and presents advances and findings in the field of theoretical simulation and empricial models on driver information systems and behaviour whilst also paying attention to the design of such systems. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815359777

Behavioural Approaches in Neuropsychological RehabilitationOptimising Rehabilitation Procedures The potential of behavioural approaches for improving the lives of people with acquired brain injury is immense. Here that potential is laid out and explored with a thoroughgoing regard for clinical practice and the theoretical frameworks that underpin that practice. This book will prove an invaluable resource for clinical psychologists and the whole range of therapists working with patients suffering from acquired brain damage. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138883130

Behavioural Approaches to Corporate Governance Corporate governance failures are all too frequent and their patterns and outcomes seem avoidably familiar. This book examines the findings of behavioural finance and economics that are most relevant to governance problems and suggests potential solutions that are best suited to real-world practice and circumstance. There is a great deal of existing theory that claims to predict the causes and effects of poor governance and provide solutions. However the implementation of such measures seems to do little more than merely delay inevitable crises. This book develops a synthesis framework to examine the relative strengths and weaknesses of a behavioural versus deductive approach to understanding the failures of governance. It concludes with a discussion of how corporate governance theory may need to shift going forward perhaps to include a ‘heterodox’ ecosystem of theoretical paradigms. This book will be of interest to students researchers and practitioners concerned with corporate governance economic theory and behavioural economics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138611399

Behavioural Aspects of Auditors' Evidence EvaluationA Belief Revision Perspective This title was first published in 2003. Based on psychological research auditing studies have focused on 'belief revision' as a way of understanding how auditors evaluate evidence. Moreover a belief revision process is consistent with US auditing standards. UK standards on the other hand do not appear to give guidance on the process to follow when evaluating evidence. Research in the US indicates that auditors do in fact follow a belief revision process in accordance with US standards. Employing survey research (based on personal interviews with a number of experienced UK auditors) this book demonstrates how auditors prefer to be described as following the open mind approach. Building on the findings of the interviews the book then describes an experimental study to investigate the differences between the belief revision and open mind approaches in terms of their effect on the efficiency and effectiveness of the audit process. The book concludes that the belief revision approach would improve the efficiency of the audit process without affecting its effectiveness or outcomes. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315194509

Behavioural Dynamics at the WorkplaceA Guide to Introspect Practice and Transform This book offers strategies and effective ways for professional improvement in the workplace. It focuses on behavioural dynamics in a work environment and offers perspectives on self-assessment critical thinking experiential learning stress management and information processing. The book discusses concepts like self-image and self-concept which have been aligned with professional excellence and provides a psychoanalytic and theoretical understanding of organizational dynamics individual and group behaviour and the expectations of the contemporary corporate world. Through case studies stories helpful questionnaires and guides the volume offers tools and practical solutions for young professionals to develop essential skills to thrive in their careers. It also highlights the importance of effective listening communication and identifying cognitive behavioural and transpersonal patterns for professional and personal development. Insightful and detailed the book is an essential read for students and professionals in the field of management business communication human resource and behavioural psychology. It will also be of great use to young professionals working in various sectors who are interested in learning about organizational dynamics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367497767

Behavioural Ecology of Fishes This volume is based on the proceedings of a conference held in Sicily in October 1991. It illustrates the developments in the field of behavioural ecology using fishes with new or more sophisticated ideas and techniques that offer the potential of powerful analyses of selection on behaviour. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367449605

Behavioural Economics and Business EthicsInterrelations and Applications Economics and moral philosophy have in recent years been considered to be distinct and separate fields. However behavioural economics has started to reconcile various aspects of morality and economics which has offered new conceptual opportunities to advance economics ethics and business ethics. This book aims to advance economic ethics and business ethics by combining normative principles and empirical evidence grounded on the key motivational forces in economic decision making. It has three core objectives: to assess order ethics as a theory of both economic ethics and business ethics using behavioural economics methods and evidence; to identify cardinal virtues for modern business ethics; to to set up valuable guidelines for the implementation of economic ethics and business ethics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415745932

Behavioural Economics and Finance Behavioural economics and behavioural finance are rapidly expanding fields that are continually growing in prominence. While orthodox economic models are built upon restrictive and simplifying assumptions about rational choice and efficient markets behavioural economics offers a robust alternative using insights and evidence that rest more easily with our understanding of how real people think choose and decide. This insightful textbook introduces the key concepts from this rich interdisciplinary approach to real-world decision-making. This new edition of Behavioural Economics and Finance is a thorough extension of the first edition including updates to the key chapters on prospect theory; heuristics and bias; time and planning; sociality and identity; bad habits; personality moods and emotions; behavioural macroeconomics; and well-being and happiness. It also includes a number of new chapters dedicated to the themes of incentives and motivations behavioural public policy and emotional trading. Using pedagogical features such as chapter summaries and revision questions to enhance reader engagement this text successfully blends economic theories with cutting-edge multidisciplinary insights. This second edition will be indispensable to anyone interested in how behavioural economics and finance can inform our understanding of consumers’ and businesses’ decisions and choices. It will appeal especially to undergraduate and graduate students but also to academic researchers public policy-makers and anyone interested in deepening their understanding of how economics psychology and sociology interact in driving our everyday decision-making. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415792196

Behavioural Medicine in Primary CareA Global Perspective This textbook provides strategies for primary health professionals to apply behavioral medicine principles and concepts. Many behavioral medicine textbooks assume a Western care model where providers receive behavioral health training and have access to behavioral medicine specialists. However in many international practice care environments providers receive minimal behavioral medicine training specialists are unavailable and patients originate from many cultures and ethnic backgrounds. Behavioral Medicine in Primary Care recognizes this enabling physicians social workers and others unfamiliar with behavioral medicine to meet the mental and behavioral health needs of their patients. Its focus on patients from multiple settings and cultures and its comprehensive practical format illustrate skills that can be applied immediately wherever care is being provided. It is aimed at everyone seeing patients for primary healthcare purposes including physicians assistant physicians nurses midwives social workers or healthcare workers in community health sites private clinics or in patients' homes. 'A practical very readable manualA". Wherever you practice or teach primary medical care around the globe this book will help you provide better care to your patients.' Stephen J. Spann in his Foreword 'Application of the principles advocated by Behavioral Medicine in Primary Care will make a difference to patient outcomes whatever country or continent that they live in.' Gabriel Ivbijaro in his Foreword An invaluable resource for those who dare to take on the challenge of initiating behavioral change in their patients using principles and strategies proven effective in multiple countries and cultures Alfred Loh in his Foreword Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315383668

Behavioural Public FinanceIndividuals Society and the State This book tackles political social and behavioural aspects of public finance and fiscal exchange. The book combines conventional approaches toward public finance with new developments in economics such as political governance social and individual aspects of economic behaviour. It colligates public finance and behavioural economics and gathers original contributions within the emerging field of behavioural public finance. The book addresses public finance topics by incorporating political social and behavioural aspects of economic decision-making assuming the tax relationship is shaped by three dimensions of decision-making. Thus it aims not only to reflect the interdisciplinary nature of public finance by bringing together scholars from various disciplines but also to examine public finance through the lens of political social and behavioural aspects. The book scrutinizes the relationship between political institutions governance types and public finance; it investigates the impact of social context social capital and societal cooperation on public finance; it explores behavioural biases of individual fiscal preferences. This book is of interest to scholars policymakers tax professionals business professionals financers university students and researchers in the fields of public policy and economics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815364306

Behavioural Risks in Corporate GovernanceRegulatory Intervention as a Risk Management Mechanism Recent cases of corporate failures including the fixing of LIBOR rates and money laundering issues in the banking industry highlight how behavioural issues on the part of company directors are significant contributory factors in corporate governance and the success or failure of companies. This book examines how personality and behavioural issues have contributed to major corporate failures and how this risk may be managed. The book examines behavioural risks in corporate governance and evaluates the extent to which risk management mechanisms have acknowledged various aspects of behaviour. Drawing from cases in the UK the US and Australia and research in psychology and the behavioural sciences Ngozi Vivian Okoye argues that current corporate governance mechanisms lack provision for identifying and managing personality risks and suggests how constituent elements of behaviour should be engaged with when developing preventive mechanisms for corporate failures. Okoye presents a conceptual framework for identifying and managing personality risks and explores how personality risk may be built into corporate governance regulation. The book will be of great use and interest to researchers and practitioners in business and company law corporate governance and critical management studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138094345

Behavioural Science and Housing Decision MakingA Case Study Approach This book takes a behavioural approach to examine six important housing questions: tenure decision gentrification place attachment housing bubbles housing wealth and residential satisfaction. Using experimental and field data the book demonstrates the effects of six behavioural biases and heuristics (i.e. anchoring and reference dependence loss aversion mental accounting endowment effect herd behaviours and social comparison) on these housing decisions. The first part of the book introduces the questions and provides a behavioural science toolbox before the second part adopts a real-world case study approach. Real data sets and suggested answers are provided and the cases come from the UK USA and China. Background information is given in each case to facilitate the understanding of the case data and question as well as the discussions on the results. This book is ideal supplementary reading on a variety of courses such as housing studies economics real estate research methods and for students and academics who are interested in the application of behavioural science in housing decisions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367135768

BehemothMain Currents in the History and Theory of Political Sociology The title Behemoth derives from the Hebrew word Behemah-a beast an enormous creature monstrously huge and vast. It is an apt description of the State on the eve of the twenty-first century. Loved by few vilified by many from all perspectives it nonetheless continues to grow; by turns rivaling and co-opting that more pleasant-sounding word: Society. Political sociology aims to define and understand the interrelationship between these two huge terms: State and Society.Continuing in a path begun by Horowitz in the 1950s in The Idea of War and Peace in Contemporary Social and Philosophical Thought expanded upon in the 1970s with Foundations of Political Sociology this summing up in the late 1990s is an effort to extract and evolve the canon of political sociology. Starting with Montesquieu Horowitz proceeds through the European experience of Rousseau Tocqueville Hegel Marx Durkheim Sorel and Weber. He then takes the field on its tangled migration to America with the Frankfurt School in exile followed by searching chapters on Schumpeter Mills Arendt and Huntington among others.The result is a stunning revaluation of the intellectual sources of the present day divisions between statists and socialists welfarists and individualists advocates of dictatorship and of democracy mandated rules and voluntary association hard realists and soft utopians a world without states and a world with a single state. Horowitz does not offer the usual evolutionary notion of doctrines but a canon embedded in and embattled with the societies they aim to serve or overthrow in the present as in the past. The result is a major recasting of the theory and practice of social science and normative frameworks.The final chapter offers Horowitz's own prognosis of what we can expect in the recasting of the Welfare State to include the Welfare Society and its growing nemesis the global economy which threatens to engulf State and Society alike in a return to civilizational concerns. This is an essential text for policy-makers and social scientists interested in macroscopic changes in the political order. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351289764

Behind Closed DoorsViolence in the American Family The marriage license as a hitting license child abuse sibling war is the powerful message of "Behind Closed Doors". The book is grounded in the unprecedented national survey of the extent patterns and causes of violence in the American family. Based on a seven-year study of over 2 000 families the authors provide landmark insights into this phenomenon of violence and what causes Americans to inflict it on their family members. The authors explore the relationship between spousal abuse and child abuse as well as abuse between siblings violence by children against their parents and the causes and effects of verbal abuse. Taken together their analysis provides a vivid picture of how violence is woven into the fabric of family life and why the hallmark of family life is both love and violence. This is a comprehensive highly readable account of interest to both the professional and the lay-person on an important topic which concerns the social well-being of us all. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519398

Behind Ghetto WallsBlack Families in a Federal Slum This book is about the family lives of some 10 000 children and adults who live in an all-Negro public housing project in St Louis. The Pruitt-Igoe project is only one of the many environments in which urban Negro Americans lived in the 1960s but the character of the family life there shares much with the family life of lower-class Negroes as it has been described by other investigators in other cities and at other times in Harlem Chicago New Orleans or Washington D.C. This book is primarily concerned with private life as it is lived from day to day in a federally built and supported slum. The questions which are treated here have to do with the kinds of interpersonal relationships that develop in nuclear families the socialization processes that operate in families as children grow up in a slum environment the informal relationships of children and adolescents and adults with each other and finally the world views (the existential framework) arising from the life experiences of the Pruitt-Igoeans and the ways they make use of this framework to order their experiences and make sense out of them. The lives of these persons are examined in terms of life cycles. Each child there is born into a constricted world the world of lower class Negro existence and as he grows he is shaped and directed by that existence through the day-to-day experiences and relationships available to him. The crucial transition from child of a family; to progenitor of a new family begins in adolescence and for this reason the book pays particular attention to how each new generation of parents expresses the cultural and social structural forces that formed it and continue to constrain its behavior. This book in short is about intimate personal life in a particular ghetto setting. It does not analyze the larger institutional social structural and ideological forces that provide the social economic and political context in which lower-class Negro life is lived. These larger macro sociological forces are treated in another volume based on research in the Pruitt-Igoe community. However this book does draw on the large body of literature on the structural position of Negroes in American society as background for its analysis of Pruitt-Igoe private life. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519404

Behind Human Error Human error is cited over and over as a cause of incidents and accidents. The result is a widespread perception of a 'human error problem' and solutions are thought to lie in changing the people or their role in the system. For example we should reduce the human role with more automation or regiment human behavior by stricter monitoring rules or procedures. But in practice things have proved not to be this simple. The label 'human error' is prejudicial and hides much more than it reveals about how a system functions or malfunctions. This book takes you behind the human error label. Divided into five parts it begins by summarising the most significant research results. Part 2 explores how systems thinking has radically changed our understanding of how accidents occur. Part 3 explains the role of cognitive system factors - bringing knowledge to bear changing mindset as situations and priorities change and managing goal conflicts - in operating safely at the sharp end of systems. Part 4 studies how the clumsy use of computer technology can increase the potential for erroneous actions and assessments in many different fields of practice. And Part 5 tells how the hindsight bias always enters into attributions of error so that what we label human error actually is the result of a social and psychological judgment process by stakeholders in the system in question to focus on only a facet of a set of interacting contributors. If you think you have a human error problem recognize that the label itself is no explanation and no guide to countermeasures. The potential for constructive change for progress on safety lies behind the human error label. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315568935

Behind the BadgeA Psychological Treatment Handbook for Law Enforcement Officers This volume is the logical follow-up to the military treatment handbook: Living and Surviving in Harm’s Way. Sharon Freeman Clevenger Laurence Miller Bret Moore and Arthur Freeman return with this dynamic handbook ideal for law enforcement agencies interested in the psychological health of their officers. Contributors include law enforcement officers with diverse experiences making this handbook accessible to readers from law enforcement backgrounds. This authoritative comprehensive and critical volume on the psychological aspects of police work is a must for anyone affiliated with law enforcement. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138818903

Behind the Castle GateFrom the Middle Ages to the Renaissance In this engaging book Matthew Johnson looks 'behind the castle gate' to discover the truth about castles in England at the end of the Middle Ages. Traditional studies have seen castles as compromises between the needs of comfort and of defence and as statements of wealth or power or both. By encouraging the reader to view castles in relation to their inhabitants Matthew Johnson uncovers a whole new vantage point. He shows how castles functioned as stage-settings against which people played out roles of lord and servant husband and wife father and son. Building rebuilding and living in a castle was as complex an experience as a piece of medieval art. Behind the Castle Gate brings castles and their inhabitants alive. Combining ground-breaking scholarship with fascinating narratives it will be read avidly by all with an interest in castles. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203378731

Behind the ConsultationReflective Stories from Clinical Practice This work includes Forewords by Benyamin Maoz and John Salinsky Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry Faculty for Health Sciences Ben Gurion University of the Negev Israel; General Practitioner Course Organiser and Author London. 'Two very close friends - a clinical psychologist and a family physician decide to correspond quite spontaneously with one another via email each from his vantage point in the therapeutic realm. The work of clinicians in most areas of the health field is stressful and overwhelming and often very lonely. These factors encouraged us to negotiate some very intimate professional moments with one another each of us reflecting from his unique perspective on the dilemmas doubts struggles and rewards of treating our patients...' This book offers insights into the emotional professional and personal lives of two clinicians. The enlightening stories bring consultations to life and explore ideas of knowledge communication healing and the true meaning of care. Each case offers a glimpse of everyday patients pressures and lessons. "Behind the Consultation" is ideal for all health and social care professionals. Academics and educators with an interest in medical humanities will also find it invaluable. 'This is not a systematic teaching book of therapeutic skills or methods but it is a treasury of stories that lead the reader to look into the world of emotions dilemmas and open questions. Those who would like to learn more of what happens once the door is closed and therapist and patient meet will benefit from these fascinating stories and later use them in their own personal or professional life. Reading this book of human interactions is in itself a process of learning through experience an enrichment of ones own personality.' - Benyamin Maoz in the Foreword. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315383033

Behind the Eight BallSex for Crack Cocaine Exchange and Poor Black Women Inner-city black women open their hearts to share the pain of crack addiction and its consequences Behind the Eight Ball: Sex for Crack Cocaine Exchange and Poor Black Women documents an American tragedy that highlights the widening gap between social and economic classes. In their own words poor black womennameless faceless and marginalized by povertyshare the details of their lives before and after crack cocaine invaded their communities each recalling the circumstances of her introduction to the drug and her first experience using sex to support her addiction. These candid interviews expose the socioeconomic changes in inner-city neighborhoods that created the perfect conditions for a crack stronghold; the crack cocaine economy's impact on the lives of inner-city residents; and the social and familial consequences of crack addiction among poor black women. Behind the Eight Ball: Sex for Crack Cocaine Exchange and Poor Black Women places crack addiction crack-related prostitution and its consequences STDs HIV and pregnancy into the context of the larger social issues of inner-city poverty race gender and class. This unique book reveals the sex-for-crack barter system as evidence of a long-term social exclusion and systemic racism that has worked to destroy the self-image of poor black American women. The women interviewed reflect this negative image exchanging sex for crack on a regular basis to support their addictions at the risk-and reality-of unplanned pregnancies. The baby I am carrying now I don’t know who the father is. There are a few (men) that I had sex with around the time I got pregnantthat day. But which one it is I don’t know who.Behind the Eight Ball: Sex for Crack Cocaine Exchange and Poor Black Women examines: why poor black women addicted to crack are disproportionately at risk for sexually transmitted diseases including HIV and unplanned pregnancies how the social and economic characteristics of poor black communities support crack distribution and consumption how crack use and the exchange of sex for crack damages struggling black families why the care of many children is entrusted to child welfare agencies how and why women are marginalized in the crack cultureBehind the Eight Ball: Sex for Crack Cocaine Exchange and Poor Black Women is an insightful and enlightening look at the motivations behind the decision to risk illness injury disease death and pregnancy to support addiction. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203050545

Behind the EyeReflexive Methods in Culture Studies Ethnographic Film and Visual Media How is film used in research and what are the implications of using audio-visual material in the development of scientific knowledge? This book confronts the strategies and challenges of using film in research contexts with a focus on the concept of reflexivity and the relationship between the researcher and informant. Jenssen examines reflexivity with respect to specific social science methodologies and to the cultural forms of expression of modernity. She also covers the historical role of visual media in knowledge production and in the communication and dissemination of research and shows how visual media underpin important aesthetic and ethical issues related to the construction of social life. This book is an accessible and provocative read for those in media studies and visual anthropology as well as for all scholars and students who use film in research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138403512

Behind the FogHow the U.S. Cold War Radiological Weapons Program Exposed Innocent Americans Behind the Fog is the first in-depth comprehensive examination of the United States’ Cold War radiological weapons program. The book examines controversial military-sponsored studies and field trials using radioactive "simulants" that exposed American civilians to radiation and other hazardous substances without their knowledge or consent during the Cold War. Although Western biological and chemical weapons programs have been analyzed by a number of scholars Behind the Fog is a strong departure from the rest in that the United States radiological weapons program has been generally unknown to the public. Martino-Taylor documents the coordinated efforts of a small group of military scientists who advanced a four-pronged secret program of human-subject radiation studies that targeted unsuspecting Americans for Cold War military purposes. Officials enabled such projects to advance through the layering of secrecy by embedding classified studies in other studies and through outright deception. Agency and academic partnerships advanced supported and concealed the studies from the public at large who ultimately served as unwitting test subjects. Martino-Taylor’s comprehensive research illuminates a dark chapter of government secrecy the military-industrial-academic complex and large-scale organizational deviance in American history. In its critical approach Behind the Fog effectively examines the mechanisms that allow large-scale elite deviance to take place in modern society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138239678

Behind The Japanese Mask First published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138863637

Behind the LensDispatches from the Cinematographic Trenches Filmmaker Jay Holben has been battling in the production trenches for most of his life. For the past 17 years he’s chronicled his adventures in the pages of American Cinematographer Digital Video Videography and TV Technology. Now in Behind the Lens: Dispatches from the Cinematic Trenches he’s compiled nearly 100 of his best articles on everything from camera technology and lenses to tips and techniques for better lighting. Whether you’re making independent films commercials music videos documentaries television shows event videos or industrials this full color collection provides the tools you need to take your work to the next level and succeed in the world of digital motion imaging. Featured topics include: *Tech including the fundamentals of how digital images are formed and how they evolved to match the look of a film as well as image compression and control *Optics providing a thorough examination of lenses and lens interchangeability depth of field filters flare quality MTF and more *Cameras instructing you in using exposure tools ISO white balance infrared and stabilizers *Lighting featuring advice on using lighting sources and fixtures and how to tackle common lighting problems Additional tips and tricks cover improving audio celestial photography deciding if film school is right for you and much more. For over a decade Jay Holben has worked as a director of photography in Los Angeles on features commercials television shows and music videos. He is a former technical editor and frequent contributing writer for American Cinematographer the current technical editor and columnist for Digital Video and the lighting columnist for TV Technology. The author of A Shot in the Dark: A Creative DIY Guide to Digital Video Lighting on (Almost) No Budget Holben is also on faculty for the Global Cinematography Institute. He is now an independent producer and director. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138813489

Behind the Mask of the MattachineThe Hal Call Chronicles and the Early Movement for Homosexual Emancipation Take a revealing look at gay sex and gay historyand the man who helped kick-start gay activism in today’s societyThe Mattachine is the origin of the contemporary American gay movement. One of the major players in this movement was Hal Call America’s first openly gay journalist and the man most responsible for the end of government censorship of frontal male nude photography through the mail. Behind the Mask of the Mattachine: The Early Movement for Homosexual Emancipation the Hal Call Chronicles travels back to the times before Stonewall and its aftermath to the beginnings of the modern homosexual movement and the lesser-known individuals who started it. This stunning chronicle boldly goes beyond the standard whitewashed/desexualized history usually provided by other gay historians to give the unexpurgatedand sexually chargedhistory of the activists who organized homosexuals using the biography of the controversial Hal Call as its springboard.Behind the Mask of the Mattachine provides a revealing illustration of gay life and gay sex in the past through an intergenerational history of the early gay men’s movement. Noted author James T. Sears generously weaves oral history seldom seen historical documents and rare photographs to provide a rich behind-the-scenes look at the first wave of Mattachine activists and the emerging gay pornography industry. This historical chronicle of a previously neglected era is packed with details of Call’s personal struggles his celebration of the phallus and his assertion linking homophobia and heteronormativity to our culture’s sex-negative tradition. The reader is transported to the sexual underworld of youthful hustlers porno kingpins spurned lovers sex clubs cruising grounds secretive societies and personal in-fighting over the direction of gay activism. This enthralling narrative is impeccably referenced.Behind the Mask of the Mattachine examines: the origins of the Mattachine Society the Mattachine Foundation of Harry Hay and others of the Fifth Order the Weimar Republic in Germanythe roots of the modern homosexual movement networking of homosexuals through correspondence clubs and speakeasies in Depression-era America the intense rivalries between San Francisco and New York City Mattachine groups censorship of books magazines and films much more!The book explores the lives of three generations of pre-Stonewall gay activists: Magnus Hirschfeld and Benedikt Friedländer Henry Gerber and Manual boyFrank Harry Hay and Hal CallBehind the Mask of the Mattachine is not only candid about gay sex and its impact on society but also puts a needed spotlight on a time in lesser-known gay history. This is important illuminating reading for historians and gay persons interested in the undeniably sexually charged history of the early gay men’s movement.Take a look at these other James T. Sears books on LGBT issues: Growing Up Gay in the South online at Gay Lesbian and Transgender Issues in Education online at Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203057063

Behind the MaskRegulating Health and Safety in Britain's Offshore Oil and Gas Industry This title was first published n 2000: The most recent developments in occupational health and safety regulation in the UK’s offshore oil industry represent a departure from traditional legal forms. But how should they best be understood and what advantages do they offer over the previous regulatory approaches? Informed by autopoiesis theory this study takes seriously the notion of an empirical field constituted by diverse communicative systems and thus traces the development of the industry along a series of dimensions including those of management and engineering as well as of politics and regulation. Adapting cognitive mapping the book offers graphic demonstrations of the resultant constructive misunderstandings of regulatory and scientific signals and accordingly an alternative perspective on the nature of risk. The latest regulatory developments are shown to possess the potential to address these issues but only insofar as they are understood as distinct from previous legal forms and in particular as an example of reflexive law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138736214

Behind the MythBusiness Money and Power in Southeast Asia For most people the ‘economic miracle’ in Asia means Japanese Korean or Taiwanese dynamism. Less is known about Southeast Asia where economies grouping over 300 million people have clocked astounding growth rates since 1970. But fast growth is only part of the story. In this book first published in 1989 James Clad offers an inside look at Malaysia’s ‘kampong commerce’ at oil-rich Brunei’s ‘Shell-fare state’ and at Thailand’s business blend of bureaucrats generals and local Chinese. The author opens the window on business politics in Indonesia and the Philippines as well as explaining how Singapore although a notable exception to economic passivity and business corruption still remains hostage to geography and overseas Chinese insecurity. Apart from these country surveys this book also analyses the constants of South East Asia and Hong Kong including commodity earnings and the financial power of the Chinese. It describes claims of ‘intellectual dishonesty’ at Asia’s largest development bank and counters fashionable optimism that weak regional institutions will evolve into an Asian common market. Yet Clad also describes South East Asia’s impressive achievements including an account of how their new multinational companies are feeling their way into the world economy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138901230

Behind the PoemA Teacher's View of Children Writing Published in 1988 this book is a teacher’s eye view of how children come to write and rewrite poems and of how they make aesthetic choices in their writing. Drawing on over twenty years’ experience of teaching poetry in primary and secondary schools Robert Hull presents a detailed account of the process of writing poetry in the classroom. The reader is invited almost in confidence to be witness to a skilled teacher’s planning recognition and definition of children’s emergent understanding and expertise. The author adopts a non-behaviourist model which stresses difficulty and uncertainty rejecting a simplistic assumption of linear progression predictability of outcome and short-term results. The many examples of poems written by the children demonstrate in a very vivid and impressive way the value of this approach. All teachers not just of poetry will find this a fascinating and informed study and an inspiration for their own work in the classroom. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138541214

Behind the PostcolonialArchitecture Urban Space and Political Cultures in Indonesia In Behind the Postcolonial Abidin Kusno shows how colonial representations have been revived and rearticulated in postcolonial Indonesia. The book shows how architecture and urban space can be seen both historically and theoretically as representations of political and cultural tendencies that characterize an emerging as well as a declining social order. It addresses the complex interactions between public memories of the present and past between images of global urban cultures and the concrete historical meanings of the local. It shows how one might write a political history of postcolonial architecture and urban space that recognizes the political cultures of the present without neglecting the importance of the colonial past. In the process it poses serious questions for the analysis and understanding of postcolonial states. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315011370

Behind the Scenes at the Science Museum What goes on behind closed doors at museums? How are decisions about exhibitions made and who or what really makes them? Why are certain objects and styles of display chosen whilst others are rejected and what factors influence how museum exhibitions are produced and experienced? This book answers these searching questions by giving a privileged look behind the scenes at the Science Museum in London. By tracking the history of a particular exhibition Macdonald takes the reader into the world of the museum curator and shows in vivid detail how exhibitions are created and how public culture is produced. She reveals why exhibitions do not always reflect their makers original intentions and why visitors take home particular interpretations. Beyond this local context however the book also provides broad and far-reaching insights into how national and global political shifts influence the creation of public knowledge through exhibitions. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003084785

Behind The Teak Curtain First published in 2006. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964532

Behind The Tiananmen MassacreSocial Political And Economic Ferment In China This book provides a study of the causes of the 1989 spring unrest in China from various angles such as social economic political intellectual and military. It is concerned with why Tiananmen Square massacre occurred and what factors are likely to shape the People's Republic of China future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367153632

Behind TimeIncoherence of Time and McTaggart's Atemporal Replacement First published in 1998 this volume responded to and evaluated criticisms of McTaggart’s atemporal philosophy of time. Established philosophical positions on time had positioned themselves in relation to either the A Series (past present and future) or the B Series (earlier and later). McTaggart considered both series untenable and proposed his own atemporal C Series. Beginning with an overview of McTaggart’s position Gerald Rochelle attempts to reinforce the seriousness of and think beyond McTaggart’s attempt to describe a world without time through an assessment of McTaggart’s criticisms and his suggested alternative. Rochelle argues that McTaggart’s atemporal world constitutes a strong foundation for a new theory on time which breaks away from the existing philosophical models of temporality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138610217

Behold the ManThe Hype and Selling of Male Beauty in Media and Culture The first comprehensive study of how images of male beauty are projected onto society Behold the Man: The Hype and Selling of Male Beauty in Media and Culture examines the role media and society play in creating the image of the idealized male. This book explores how these images are interpreted by all genders and sexual orientations in order to investigate the phenomenon’s effect on the self-esteem of adolescent and adult males. Behold the Man provides you with research and examples that identify this problem from many angles to help you realize that being a man is more than merely possessing muscles and good looks.Discussing examples in which both attractive men and women are idealized as “the norm ” Behold the Man argues that men are experiencing the same injustices as women--splashed on the covers of magazines and in advertisements based on their sex appeal sometimes to promote nothing more than their looks. Within Behold the Man you‘ll find topics that relate to the reasons for and effects of male beauty standards such as: aspects of male beauty from Ancient Greek ideals to how it is visualized throughout history in art the vision of “the ideal male ” along with sexual connotations in advertisements for clothing cologne sunglasses automobiles and shaving products the emphasis of strong well-built males and their bodies in movies music videos and literature how men alter their bodies by dieting and cosmetic surgery to achieve the look found in advertisements today’s growing numbers of male eating disorders caused by the notion that only good-looking muscular men are acceptable reasons behind the exploitation of the male body and the double standards for male beauty found within gay male communities how advertisers and authors faithfully follow the “bigger is better” theory--from pectoral and bicep muscles to penis sizeRecognizing how society has created and changed the appearance of the ideal male this text explains to you the danger men of all ages face who feel they need to be physically handsome to be desirable. From Behold the Man you’ll learn about the real messages of advertising and media the problems they cause and that true self-worth cannot be measured by physical attributes. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315865362

Beholding Violence in Medieval and Early Modern Europe Interested in the ways in which medieval and early modern communities have acted as participants observers and interpreters of events and how they ascribed meaning to them the essays in this interdisciplinary collection explore the concept of beholding and the experiences of individual and collective beholders of violence during the period. Addressing a range of medieval and early modern art forms including visual images material objects literary texts and performances the contributors examine the complexities of viewing and the production of knowledge within cultural political and theological contexts. In considering new methods to examine the process of beholding violence and the beholder's perspective this volume addresses such questions as: How does the process of beholding function in different aesthetic conditions? Can we speak of such a thing as the 'period eye' or an acculturated gaze of the viewer? If so does this particularize the gaze or does it risk universalizing perception? How do violence and pleasure intersect within the visual and literary arts? How can an understanding of violence in cultural representation serve as means of knowing the past and as means of understanding and potentially altering the present? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138251618

Beijing 2008: Preparing for GloryChinese Challenge in the 'Chinese Century' Beijing 2008: Preparing for Glory - Chinese Challenge in the 'Chinese Century' brings together international scholars with an interest in sport and politics and sinologists with an interest in China - past present and future - to explore global reaction to the Beijing Olympics - China's anticipated moment of glory on the world stage. The Beijing Olympics was first and foremost a political act of assertion. It was also a statement of national intent the culmination of ideological effort going back to 1949 and the outcome of political social cultural and economic change. From the moment of the birth of the 'New China' sport has been viewed as a means of internal and external projection illustrating the capacity of the system and people to more than hold their own with those of other nations. In short sport has been the chosen 'stage' on which the Chinese perform in pursuit of world recognition respect and esteem. This assertion is not hard to understand. China's 'century of humiliation' at the hands of first the West and then Japan remains a traumatic experience. Beijing 2008 wass to assist the restoration of China's national self-esteem. He Zhenliang Chairman of the IOC Commission for the Culture of Olympic Education has remarked pointedly that the most significant outcome of the Beijing Games will be the elevation of the self-confidence and sense of pride of the Chinese people. Beijing 2008 was an act of political self-renewal on the world stage. This Collection demonstrates that sport is inseparable from politics. This book was previously published as a special issue of the International Journal of the History of Sport. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315879000

Beijing JeepA Case Study Of Western Business In China When China opened its doors to the West in the late 1970s Western businesses jumped at the chance to sell their products to the most populous nation in the world. Boardrooms everywhere buzzed with excitement?a Coke for every citizen a television for every family a personal computer for every office. At no other time have the institutions of Western capitalism tried to do business with a communist state to the extent that they did in China under Deng Xiaoping. Yet over the decade leading up to the bloody events in and around Tiananmen Square that experiment produced growing disappointment on both sides and a vision of capturing the world's largest market faded.Picked as one of Fortune Magazine's "75 Smartest Books We Know " this updated version of Beijing Jeep traces the history of the stormy romance between American business and Chinese communism through the experiences of American Motors and its operation in China Beijing Jeep a closely watched joint venture often visited by American politicians and Chinese leaders. Jim Mann explains how some of the world's savviest executives completely misjudged the business climate and recounts how the Chinese who acquired valuable new technology at virtually no expense to themselves ultimately outcapitalized the capitalists. And in a new epilogue Mann revisits and updates the events which constituted the main issues of the first edition.Elegantly written brilliantly reported Beijing Jeep is a cautionary tale about the West's age-old quest to do business in the Middle Kingdom. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367096120

Beijing Opera CostumesThe Visual Communication of Character and Culture Beijing Opera Costumes: The Visual Communication of Character and Culture illuminates the links between theatrical attire and social customs and aesthetics of China covering both the theory and practice of stage dress. Distinguishing attributes include an introduction to the performance style the delineation of the costume conventions an analysis of the costumes through their historical precedents and theatrical modifications and the use of garment shape color and embroidery for symbolic effect. Practical information covers dressing the performers and a costume plot the design and creation of the make-up and hairstyles and pattern drafts of the major garments. Photographs from live performances as well as details of embroidery and close-up photographs of the headdresses thoroughly portray the stunning beauty of this incomparable performance style. Presenting the brilliant colors of the elaborately embroidered silk costumes together with the intricate makeup and glittering headdresses this volume embodies the elegance of the Beijing opera. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138504776

Beijing Spring 1989Confrontation and Conflict - The Basic Documents A collection of documents with commentary which trace the day-to-day pronouncements utterances and reflections from all sides of the conflict in China in the spring of 1989. The 65 documents are arranged chronologically starting in early March and ending in late June. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315289090

Beijing's Power and China's BordersTwenty Neighbors in Asia China shares borders with 20 other countries. Each of these neighbors has its own national interests and in some cases these include territorial and maritime jurisdictional claims in places that China also claims. Most of these 20 countries have had a history of border conflicts with China; some of them never amicably settled. This book brings together some of the foremost historians geographers political scientists and legal scholars on modern Asia to examine each of China's twenty land or sea borders. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780765627643

Being a Cancer Patient's CarerA Guide This volume provides both the scientific and medical background to manipulation as well as sound practical advice on how to carry out manipulative techniques. Manipulation is a now well-founded technique for the treatment of musculo-skeletal problems and especially back pain. The Royal College of General Practitioners has recommended manipulation as a therapy as has the Clinical standards Advisory Group. Manipulation is now also part of the core training of rheumatologists. The text is accompanied with illustrations showing how to manipulate safely and key references are provided throughout. The book should be of i nterest to all those interested in manipulatio including rheumatologists general practitioners physiotherapists osteopaths and chiropractors. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315376899

Being a CharacterPsychoanalysis and Self Experience Each person invests many of the objects in his life with his or her own unconscious meaning each person subsequently voyages through an environment that constantly evokes the self's psychic history. Taking Freud's model of dreamwork as a model for all unconscious thinking Christopher Bollas argues that we dreamwork ourselves into becoming who we are and illustrates how the analyst and the patient use such unconscious processes to develop new psychic structures that the patient can use to alter his or her self experience. Building on this foundation he goes on to describe some very special forms of self experience including the tragic madness of women cutting themselves the experience of a cruising homosexual in bars and bathes and the demented ferocity of the facist state of mind. An original interpreter of classical theory and clinical issues in Being a Character Christopher Bollas takes the reader into the very texture of the psychoanalytic process. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138171251

Being a College Counselor on Today's CampusRoles Contributions and Special Challenges There has been increasing attention in recent years both positive and negative on college student mental health and the provision of counseling services on campus. At the same time there continue to be misperceptions of college counselors both within and outside college campuses. Drawing on over 20 years of experience as a college counselor Dr. Sharkin addresses these misunderstandings providing a detailed description and discussion of the many roles and contributions these professionals have. He explores topics such as the history of college counseling and its evolution who college counselors are how someone can become a college counselor and what skills are needed to be a college counselor today. Roles and responsibilities including counseling crisis intervention consultation outreach and administrative duties are discussed in detail and supplemented with both research and case studies. Diversity competencies and special challenges faced by today’s college counselors are also considered. This engaging and accessible book will be a valuable resource for those already working in college mental health settings and those wishing to enter the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415882149

Being a DirectorA Life in Theatre Di Trevis is a world-renowned director whose work with Britain’s National Theatre Royal Shakespeare Company and directing productions worldwide has deeply informed her knowledge of the director’s craft. In Being a Director she draws on a wealth of first-hand experience to present an immersive engaging and vital insight into the role of a director. The book elegantly blends the personal and the pedagogical illustrating how the parameters of Time Space and Motion are essential when creating a successful production. Throughout the author explores and recycles her own formative life experiences in order to demonstrate that who you are is as integral to being a director as what you do. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415609241

Being a Man in a Transnational WorldThe Masculinity and Sexuality of Migration This book explores the masculinity and sexuality of migration analyzing the complex processes of becoming a man and the strategies used by men to reconcile paradoxes and contradictions that co-exist between multiple masculinities and contradictory models of being a man. Vasquez del Aguila offers a number of conceptual contributions including the notion of “masculine capital†that provides men with the necessary “masculine†skills and cultural competence to achieve legitimacy and social recognition as men; an analysis of male friendship where notions of solidarity and intimacy co-exist with those of distrust competition and power relations; and three social representations of being a man: the winner the failed and the good enough man. By analyzing heterosexual as well as gay masculinities and incorporating race and class relations this study shows the multiplicity and hierarchies of masculinities presented within a particular cultural context. Through ethnographic research undertaken over more than four years in New York and Lima Peru this book also examines the role of the Internet and transnational romances and the ways in which migration can create new opportunities for male sexual intimacy while for others it creates loneliness and isolation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138952942

Being a ManNegotiating Ancient Constructs of Masculinity Being a Man is a formative work which reveals the myriad and complex negotiations for constructions of masculine identities in the greater ancient Near East and beyond. Through a juxtaposition of studies into Neo-Assyrian artistic representations and omens biblical hymns and narrative Hittite Akkadian and Indian epic as well as detailed linguistic studies on gender and sex in the Sumerian and Hebrew languages the book challenges traditional understandings and assumed homogeneity for what it meant "to be a man" in antiquity. Being a Man is an indispensable resource for students of the ancient Near East and a fascinating study for anyone with an interest in gender and sexuality throughout history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367357788

Being a PhilosopherThe History of a Practice First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415755160

Being a Primary TeacherMoving from Trainee to NQT Being a Primary Teacher provides key advice on preparing for and undertaking final placements securing the first teaching post and getting ready for the first class through to the first year of teaching. Throughout the book Bronwen Cullum draws on her years of experience teaching in primary schools and in a university working with trainee teachers to provide guidance and support for teachers. Divided into three parts the book explores the various challenges that those learning to be teachers face in the early stages of their career. It includes numerous practical examples useful resources and templates as well as check lists at the end of each chapter. The chapters explore essential topics including: applying for a job and preparing for interviews; building and managing relationships in the classroom and with staff; the transition from training to the first job as a primary school teacher; preparation for the progress of children; looking after yourself. This book is an essential read for trainees and newly qualified teachers wanting to enhance their professional development and maximise their potential so that they can fully enjoy the profession of teaching. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367278892

Being a Successful InterpreterAdding Value and Delivering Excellence Being a Successful Interpreter: Adding Value and Delivering Excellence is a practice-oriented guide on the future of interpreting and the ways in which interpreters can adjust their business and professional practices for the changing market. The book considers how globalisation and human migration have brought interpreting to the forefront and the subsequent need for interpreters to serve a more diverse client base in more varied contexts. At its core is the view that interpreters must move from the traditional impartial and distant approach to become committed to adding value for their clients. Features include: Interviews with leading interpreting experts such as Valeria Aliperta Judy and Dagmar Jenner and Esther Navarro-Hall Examples from authentic interpreting practice Practice-driven research-backed discussion of the challenges facing the future of interpreting Guides for personal development Ideas for group activities and development activities within professional associations. Being a Successful Interpreter is a practical and thorough guide to the business and personal aspects of interpreting. Written in an engaging and user-friendly manner it is ideal for professional interpreters practising in conference medical court business and public service settings as well as for students and recent graduates of interpreting studies. Winner of the Best Book Prize 2016. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138119697

Being a Teacher EducatorResearch-Informed Methods for Improving Practice This collection offers a timely and wide-ranging contribution to the research-informed improvement of the work of teacher educators. Drawing on original research studies conducted across a range of European countries Canada and Israel contributors offer insight into not only questions of curriculum and programme development research and professional development but also their day-to-day experience as teacher educators student teachers and mentors in schools. Themes explored include teaching and working with students teacher educators as researchers the partnership work of teacher educators the professional development needs of teacher educators professional development approaches for improving teacher education and teacher educator empowerment. Arising from the international community of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) and drawing together theory and practice this book offers a unique survey of the contributions of teacher educators and charts a path for future directions of the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367518592

Being a TeacherTeaching and Learning in a Global Context Sharing the stories of educators working in a diverse range of international contexts Being a Teacher uses personal narratives to explore effective teaching and learning in global settings. Demonstrating how personal values influence pedagogical practice and asking how practice can be improved authors reflect on their experiences not just as teachers but also as learners to offer essential guidance for all prospective educational professionals. The book focuses on teacher narratives as a vehicle for consideration of teacher professionalism and as a way of understanding issues which are important to teachers in different contexts. By sharing and analysing these narratives the book discusses the increasing complexity of teaching as a profession and considers the commonality within the narratives. Each chapter includes graphic representations of analysis and encourages its reader to reflect critically on central questions thereby constructing their own narrative. Being a Teacher provides an in-depth and engaging insight into the education system at a global level making it an essential read for anyone embarking on a teaching career within the international education market. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138207080

Being a TherapistA Practitioner's Handbook This handbook discriminates clearly between the responsibilities cognitive understanding and the feelings of the practitioner. It is intended to be useful to all "humanistic" therapists and counsellors irrespective of their particular theoretical orientation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781780490199

Being AliveBuilding on the Work of Anne Alvarez This book is a celebration of the work of Anne Alvarez an enormously influential psychoanalytic psychotherapist whose work on autism and severe personality disorders in children has been important internationally. This book:* brings together assessment of the influence of Alvarez's work across a range of child psychotherapy and related areas* evaluates how her ideas affect the most current developments in these areas* includes contributions from renowned psychoanalysts and psychotherapists from around the world. It will be of great interest to child and adolescent psychotherapists in training and practice and also to clinical psychologists psychoanalysts and psychiatrists working with autistic/severely disturbed children. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315783291

Being AliveEssays on Movement Knowledge and Description Anthropology is a disciplined inquiry into the conditions and potentials of human life. Generations of theorists however have expunged life from their accounts treating it as the mere output of patterns codes structures or systems variously defined as genetic or cultural natural or social. Building on his classic work The Perception of the Environment Tim Ingold sets out to restore life to where it should belong at the heart of anthropological concern. Being Alive ranges over such themes as the vitality of materials what it means to make things the perception and formation of the ground the mingling of earth and sky in the weather-world the experiences of light sound and feeling the role of storytelling in the integration of knowledge and the potential of drawing to unite observation and description. Our humanity Ingold argues does not come ready-made but is continually fashioned in our movements along ways of life. Starting from the idea of life as a process of wayfaring Ingold presents a radically new understanding of movement knowledge and description as dimensions not just of being in the world but of being alive to what is going on there. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415576840

Being All EqualIdentity Difference and Australian Cultural Practice Is there such a thing as an Australian national identity? Or is Australia just a melting pot of different peoples and cultures without a common culture? - What is distinctive and what is universal about everyday life in Australia? In a post-colonial age of globalizing economies the political quest for national 'identity' is increasingly urgent. This topical book traces the ways in which the Australian state and its people struggle to represent the social and cultural practices of everyday life in an attempt to draw meaning from diverse understandings of pasts presents and futures. Class gender and ethnicity are shown to underpin this popular debate fuelled by shifting interpretations of egalitarianism and individualism. The author -- a prominent Australian sociologist -- investigates how a nation's identity is created through its folk heroes and folk festivals civic and domestic architecture education politics and art. Ned Kelly Parliament House the Melbourne Cup and the Adelaide Grand Prix are all interrogated for the light they shed on Australian ideologies and institutions.This book will be fascinating reading for those who seek a deeper understanding of how a national identity can be moulded and redefined. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003135692

Being an Academic The role of academics in universities worldwide has undergone unprecedented change over the past decade. In this book Fanghanel discusses the effect on academics of modes of governance that have fostered the application of market principles to higher education and promoted flexibility and choice as levers for competition across the sector. She explores what it means to be an academic in the 21st century with reference to six ‘moments of practice’ through which she analyses the main facets of academic work and the responses of academics to this neoliberal drive. Being an Academic effectively examines the frameworks that govern academic work and academic lives and the personal beliefs and ideals that academics bring with them as educators and researchers in higher education. It argues that there is a rich critical empowering potential within the academy that can be harnessed to counter the neoliberal stance and shape a meaningful contribution to modes of enquiry that deal with complexity and uncertainty in a global world. Drawing on empirical research collected from a global range of academics this book examines how academics respond to structural challenges. It offers a re-appraisal of the main dynamics underpinning the professional and intellectual engagement of academics in today’s universities to feed a reflection on possible responses to the complex contemporary world with which the academic endeavour is engaged. The themes explored include academics’ positioning towards: Performativity and managerialism Regulation and professionalisation of practice The relation to learning and students The discipline Research Globalisation Each chapter includes vignettes illustrating the theme addressed a discussion with reference to the context of policy and practice published literature and illustrative reference to empirical data collected through interviews amongst academics in the UK Europe North America South Africa and Australia. Providing a fresh look at the role of academics in a changing world this book is essential reading for all those engaging in higher education research lecturers new to higher education and practising academics navigating through their complex role. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415573719

Being an Early Childhood EducatorBringing theory and practice together Making the transition from pre-service teacher to professional can be challenging. From field experience placements or 'pracs' to the early years in the classroom this text provides a comprehensive and practical guide to help every early childhood student develop their professional expertise and confidence.The authors prompt students to bring together theories learned at university with ways of working with real children in real settings framed by the principles of recognising equity and diversity. There is clear guidance on how to be successful 'on prac' including understanding the many roles pre-service teachers will be expected to take on and the important relationships they need to build. Lesson planning understanding curriculum documents and fail-safe strategies for teaching in a wide range of situations and with children from wide-ranging backgrounds are all covered in depth. Suggestions for tutorial activities and further reading accompany each chapter prompting students to engage in critical reflection and self-evaluation while the 'On track on prac' feature will help pre-service teachers monitor and review their progress. Readers are also provided with insights from 'real world' pre-service students and professional teachers who have mentored many different students on prac.This is an essential text for all students undertaking practicums and preparing for the first years of their professional careers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781760111182

Being an Effective Construction ClientWorking on Commercial and Public Projects Being a client on a construction project can be incredibly complex and demanding but ultimately rewarding once your ambitions are fulfilled. This comprehensive ‘one stop shop’ will help you to achieve that magic combination of quality and efficiency guiding you through the entire project lifecycle from briefing to taking delivery and beyond. It will help you to better understand the project process the client’s role within it and critically how to be successful and effective by advising you on; the key milestones in the project process and your legal responsibilities at each stage achieving cost-effectiveness efficiency and meeting project timelines key client issues such as funding and investment straightforward best practice advice and how to avoid common problems insightful tips from clients reflecting on their experiences handy tools including a project route map project decision checklist and diary of a development Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859465769

Being an EvaluatorYour Practical Guide to Evaluation Demystifying the evaluation journey this is the first evaluation mentoring book that addresses the choices roles and challenges that evaluators must navigate in the real world. Experienced evaluator and trainer Donna R. Podems covers both conceptual and technical aspects of practice in a friendly conversational style. She focuses not just on how to do evaluations but how to think like an evaluator fostering reflective ethical and culturally sensitive practice. Extensive case examples illustrate the process of conceptualizing and implementing an evaluation--clarifying interventions identifying beneficiaries gathering data discussing results valuing and developing recommendations. The differences (and connections) between research evaluation and monitoring are explored. Handy icons identify instructive features including self-study exercises group activities clarifying questions facilitation and negotiation techniques insider tips advice and resources. Purchasers can access a companion website to download and print reproducible materials for some of the activities and games described in the book. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462537808

Being An Older WomanA Study in the Social Production of Identity The study presented in this volume examines how older women's identities are socially constructed and in particular how they can be influenced by institutional intervention. The interest in identity production is not only theoretical but also practical. Different perceptions of oneself as an older woman involve considerable differences in the definition of that person's possible sphere of action and therefore in her life perspectives. The data -- collected during a four-year project studying older women -- consist of video recordings of the committee meetings of the Older Women's Group of Perugia Italy. Other video recordings of theater workshops and of the management committee meetings of the Senior Citizen Centers in Perugia are used as a source of comparison. Transcripts of the video material are analyzed through a detailed discourse analysis within an ethnomethodological framework. The data are used to explore how gender and age identities are interactionally constructed in specific institutional contexts. The first part of the book focuses on the interactional construction of aging. It shows how "being old" is constructed conversationally in particular through the use of membership categories. Distancing from the category "old" and denial of aging are frequently encountered conversational moves. However the category is perceived as acceptable even desired and invoked when it becomes an institutionally relevant category giving access to interesting activities or special benefits. The second part of the book explores gender identification. Conflict among different institutional subjects is shown to fade into gender conflict. The study analyzes how institutional interventions exert a powerful influence on older women's identities giving them new opportunities for action. It also looks at how the conversational styles attitudes and activities of specific women influence the features of those very institutions. In short this book describes the discourse and social practices that constitute older women's identities -- helping to identify and deconstruct stereotypes that tend to produce marginalization of older people. The book's existence is itself a contribution to the construction of older women as busy lively appealing human beings; it is the first research publication to emerge from The European Older Women's Project. Of interest to those in any discipline studying the topics of ethnomethodology gender aging and identity. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003064145

Being and Becoming an Ex-Prisoner Despite broad scholarship documenting the compounding effects and self-reproducing character of incarceration ways of conceptualising imprisonment and the post-prison experience have scarcely changed in over a century. Contemporary correctional thinking has congealed around notions of risk and management. This book aims to cast new light on men’s experience of release from prison. Drawing on research conducted in Australia it speaks to the challenges facing people leaving prison and seeking acceptance amongst the non-imprisoned around the world. Johns reveals the complexity of the post-prison experience which is frequently masked by constructions of risk that individualise responsibility for reoffending and reimprisonment. This book highlights the important role of community in ex-prisoner integration in providing opportunities for participation and acceptance. Johns shows that the process of becoming an ‘ex’-prisoner is not simply one of individual choice or larger structural forces but occurs in the spaces in between. Being and Becoming an Ex-Prisoner reveals the complex interplay between internal and external meanings and practices that causes men to feel neither locked up nor wholly free. It will appeal to scholars and students interested in desistance criminology criminological or penological theory sociology and qualitative research methods. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367227227

Being and Becoming Indigenous Archaeologists What does being an archaeologist mean to Indigenous persons? How and why do some become archaeologists? What has led them down a path to what some in their communities have labeled a colonialist venture? What were are the challenges they have faced and the motivations that have allowed them to succeed? How have they managed to balance traditional values and worldview with Western modes of inquiry? And how are their contributions broadening the scope of archaeology? Indigenous archaeologists have the often awkward role of trying to serves as spokespeople both for their home community and for the scientific community of archaeologists. This volume tells the stories—in their own words-- of 37 indigenous archaeologists from six continents how they became archaeologists and how their dual role affects their relationships with their community and their professional colleagues. Sponsored by the World Archaeological Congress Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315433134

Being and Becoming Old How does aging affect the interaction between people and their social environment? This intriguing book examines that question from various perspectives exploring in detail the social and psychological dimensions of the aging process. Drawing on the insights of many disciplines articles investigate such issues as subjectively evaluated age facts influencing adjustment and attitudes projections and perceptions of competence. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415785242

Being and Dwelling through TourismAn anthropological perspective Much of the existing literature seeks to make sense of tourism based on singular approaches such as visuality identity mobility performance and globalised consumption. What is missing however is an overarching framework within which these valuable approaches can be located. This book offers one such framework using the concept of dwelling taken from Heidegger and Ingold as the starting point from which to consider the interrelatedness of being dwelling and tourism. The anthropological focus at the core of the book is infused with multidisciplinary perspectives that draw on a variety of subjects including philosophy material cultural studies and cultural geography. The main themes include sensuous material architectural and earthly dwelling and each chapter features a discussion of the unifying theoretical framework for each theme followed by an illustrative focus on specific aspects of tourism. This theoretically substantive book will be of interest to anyone involved with tourism research from a wide range of disciplines including anthropology sociology geography cultural studies leisure studies and tourist studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409422488

Being and KnowingReflections of a Thomist Frederick D. Wilhelmsen's Being and Knowing rooted in the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas rests on two basic assertions: first metaphysics is the science of being in its first and ultimate act existence (the act by which all things manifest themselves); second that existence is known not through observing objects but in affirming through judgments that these objects are subjects of existence.The chapters of this book explore these Thomistic doctrines. Some explain St. Thomas Aquinas's philosophy of being. Others probe his epistemology. The complexity and density of Aquinas's theory of judgment (that truth is realized in the judgment of man) emphasized throughout most of the book point not only to a deeper understanding of the nature of metaphysics but they open doors to the clarification of philosophical issues germane to contemporary thought.This work addresses a number of metaphysical philosophical paradoxes. Wilhelmsen's exploration of them demonstrates why he was the preeminent American scholar of the Thomistic tradition. This volume is part of Transaction's series the Library of Conservative Thought. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412862592

Being and NothingnessAn Essay in Phenomenological Ontology First published in French in 1943 Jean-Paul Sartre’s L’Être et le Néant is one of the greatest philosophical works of the twentieth century. In it Sartre offers nothing less than a brilliant and radical account of the human condition. The English philosopher and novelist Iris Murdoch wrote to a friend of "the excitement – I remember nothing like it since the days of discovering Keats and Shelley and Coleridge". This new translation the first for over sixty years makes this classic work of philosophy available to a new generation of readers. What gives our lives significance Sartre argues in Being and Nothingness is not pre-established for us by God or nature but is something for which we ourselves are responsible. At the heart of this view are Sartre’s radical conceptions of consciousness and freedom. Far from being an internal passive container for our thoughts and experiences human consciousness is constantly projecting itself into the outside world and imbuing it with meaning. Combining this with the unsettling view that human existence is characterized by radical freedom and the inescapability of choice Sartre introduces us to a cast of ideas and characters that are part of philosophical legend: anguish; the "bad faith" of the memorable waiter in the café; sexual desire; and the "look" of the Other brought to life by Sartre’s famous description of someone looking through a keyhole. Above all by arguing that we alone create our values and that human relationships are characterized by hopeless conflict Sartre paints a stark and controversial picture of our moral universe and one that resonates strongly today. This new translation includes a helpful Translator’s Introduction a comprehensive Index and a Foreword by Richard Moran Brian D. Young Professor of Philosophy Harvard University USA. Translated by Sarah Richmond University College London UK. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367461409

Being as CommunionA Metaphysics of Information For a thing to be real it must be able to communicate with other things. If this is so then the problem of being receives a straightforward resolution: to be is to be in communion. So the fundamental science indeed the science that needs to underwrite all other sciences is a theory of communication. Within such a theory of communication the proper object of study becomes not isolated particles but the information that passes between entities. In Being as Communion philosopher and mathematician William Dembski provides a non-technical overview of his work on information. Dembski attempts to make good on the promise of John Wheeler Paul Davies and others that information is poised to replace matter as the primary stuff of reality. With profound implications for theology and metaphysics Being as Communion develops a relational ontology that is at once congenial to science and open to teleology in nature. All those interested in the intersections of theology philosophy and science should read this book. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780754638582

Being AustralianNarratives of national identity After a century of speculation by writers filmmakers travelers and scholars being Australian' has become a recognisable shorthand for a group of national characteristics. Now in an era of international terrorism being seen as un-Australian' has become a potent rhetorical weapon for some and a badge of honour for others.Catriona Elder explores the origins meaning and effects of the many stories we tell about ourselves and how they have changed over time. She outlines some of the traditional stories and their role in Australian nationalism and she shows how concepts of egalitarianism peaceful settlement and sporting prowess have been used to create a national identity. Elder also investigates the cultural and social perspectives that have been used to critique dominant accounts of Australian identity including ideas of class gender sexuality ethnicity and race. She shows how these critiques have been in turn queried in recent years. Being Australian is an ideal introduction to studying Australia for anyone interested in understanding Australian society culture and history. A clever work: incisive and original. At a time when Australian identities have never been more debated Elder finds an open way through the closed doors which often restrict cultural representations of Australian-ness.'Professor Adam Shoemaker Dean of Arts ANU This is a timely and significant new analysis essential reading on issues of identity and our own anxieties about national belonging and what it means to be Australian' in a globalising world.'Kate Darian-Smith Professor of Australian Studies and History University of Melbourne Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003115045

Being BengaliAt Home and in the World Bengal has long been one of the key centres of civilisation and culture in the Indian subcontinent. However Bengali identity – "Bengaliness" – is complicated by its long history of evolution the fact that Bengal is now divided between India and Bangladesh and by virtue of a very large international diaspora from both parts of Bengal. This book explores a wide range of issues connected with Bengali identity. Amongst other subjects it considers the special problems arising as a result of the division of Bengal and concludes by demonstrating that there are many factors which make for the idea of a Bengali identity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415788052

Being Brahmin Being ModernExploring the Lives of Caste Today There is clearly an academic and political obsession with the ‘idea’ of the Brahmin. There is also simultaneously a near-complete absence of engagement with the Brahmin as an embodied person or community. This book addresses this intriguing paradox by making available a sociological description of the Brahmins in today’s Karnataka. It pursues three distinct yet enmeshed registers of inquiry – the persona of the ‘Brahmin’ embodied in the agency of the individual Brahmin; the organised complexes of action such as the caste association and the public culture of print; and finally taking off from a longer (yet modern and contemporary) history of non-Brahminical othering of the Brahmin. It argues that we tend to understand the contemporaneity of caste almost exclusively within the twin registers of legitimation–contestation and dominance–resistance. While these facets continue to be salient there is also a need to push out into hitherto neglected dimensions of caste. The book focuses attention on the many lives of modern caste — its secularisation the subject positions that it offers the equivocations by which persons and communities become ‘subjects’ of caste their differential investments in the caste-self. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138662681

Being Catholic in the Contemporary PhilippinesYoung People Reinterpreting Religion This book based on extensive original research examines the nature of Catholicism in the contemporary Philippines. It shows how Catholicism is apparently flourishing with good attendance at Sunday Masses impressive religious processions and flourishing charismatic groups and with interventions by the Catholic hierarchy in national and local politics. However focusing in particular on the beliefs and practices of young people the book shows that young people are often adopting a different more individualised approach to Catholicism which is frequently out of step with the official position. It considers the features of this: a more personal and experiential relationship with God; a new approach to morality in which right living is seen as more important than right believing; and a critical view of what is seen as the Catholic hierarchy's misguidedness. The book argues that this reinterpreting of religion by young people has the potential to alter fundamentally the nature of Catholicism in the Philippines but that nevertheless young people's new approach involves a solid enduring commitment and a strong view of their own Catholic religious identity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138572386

Being Disabled Becoming a Champion Being Disabled Becoming a Champion is an accessible presentation of current European research on the most recent evolutions in sports for people with disabilities demonstrating knowledge developed from the field of sports practices of people with disabilities.It covers three interrelated themes. First it covers the different facets of the history of sports organizations set up during the 1950s for athletes with motor or intellectual impairments. The second part focuses on the athletes themselves. Voices are given to the top-level athletes in adapted sports: people with intellectual impairment; the pioneers of wheelchair racing who invented a new discipline off-road wheelchair racing; and a former Paralympic athlete who has become a researcher and a defender of specific sports practices. Finally the third part interrogates the way support for disabled people can modify the existing definitions and conceptions of the body of disability of what is human and of sports performance.This is an ideal text for students and researchers studying and working in the areas of Disability Studies Sport Sciences and Paralympic Studies. This book was originally published as a special issue of Sport in Society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367660987

Being EmpathicA Companion for Counsellors and Therapists ‘This is the most stimulating thorough in-depth work on empathy as originated and developed by Carl Rogers within client-centred therapy and the person-centred approach that a reader will find. It provides a rigorous look at empathic understanding with practical case illustrations throughout. 'What a ‘cornucopia’ of offerings are provided in this book. The quotes and extracts from Rogers are always to the point and explorations of the concepts rich and original each amplifying yet not changing Carl’s meanings. This book has a unique format and style merging tradition with innovation and whimsy. It is both intellectually stimulating and very personal. I was delighted with the wit humour and plays on words. When compared with the reductionistic stereotypic depiction of Rogers’ work in so many previous texts outside the Person Centred Approach community this book is a breath of fresh air. I believe Steve has guided us with elegance and insight wisdom and compassion towards deeper understandings of the genius and profundity of Carl Rogers’ work and his principles. While the audience for this book might best be considered to be those in training as therapists or students using the book as a university text it will also be most helpful for practitioners who want to review and renew a deeper understanding of Rogers’ approach. Potential clients in seeking a safe haven for their deep explorations may also profit greatly from this book as a guide in their search.' Gay Leah Barfield in her Foreword Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315378671

Being Evidence Based in Library and Information Practice This book builds a research-grounded theoretical foundation for evidence based library and information practice and illustrates how librarians can incorporate the principles to make more informed decisions in the workplace. The book takes an open and encompassing approach to exploring evidence based library and information practice (EBLIP) and the ways it can improve the practice of librarianship. Bringing together recent theory research and case studies the book provides librarians with a new reference point for how they can use and create evidence within their practice in order to better meet the needs of their communities. Being Evidence Based in Library and Information Practice is divided into two parts; in the first part the editors explore the background to EBLIP and put forward a new model for its application in the workplace which encompasses 5 elements: Articulate Assemble Assess Agree Adapt. In the second part contributors from academic public health school and special libraries from around the world provide an overview of EBLIP developments in their sector and offer examples of successful implementation. Readership: The book will be essential reading for library and information professionals from all sectors who want to make more informed decisions and better meet the needs of their users. The book will also be of interest to students of library and information studies and researchers. Media > Books > Print Books Facet Publishing 9781783300716

Being Good and Being LogicalPhilosophical Groundwork for a New Deontic Logic This work represents an attempt to show that standard systems of deontic logic (taken as attempts to codify normal deontic reasoning) run into a number of difficulties. It also presents a new system of deontic logic and argues that it is free from the shortcomings of standard systems. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706184

Being Human in a Consumer Society This book offers a new perspective on sociological studies of the consumer society introducing neglected normative questions relating to the good life and human flourishing - subjects more commonly discussed in fields of moral political and social philosophy. With attention to a wide range of subjects including postemotional law and responsibility dehumanised consumption and prosumerism fashion embodiment conspicuous consumption and sustainability this book analyzes the structural and cultural transformations that can be identified in consumer society. It also offers a critical - but not pessimistic - view of the important question of whether consumption is leading to an increasing isolation individualization or commodification of human beings suggesting an analytical framework for understanding consumer culture and human praxis. Bringing together work from across disciplines by scholars in the US Europe and the UK to engage with questions concerning our globalized and globalizing world where consumerism is a keystone for understanding our contemporary culture and its social structures Being Human in a Consumer Society will appeal to scholars and students of sociology social theory and contemporary philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367599737

Being Human in IslamThe Impact of the Evolutionary Worldview Islamic anthropology is relatively seldom treated as a particular concern even though much of the contemporary debate on the modernisation of Islam its acceptance of human rights and democracy makes implicit assumptions about the way Muslims conceive of the human being. This book explores how the spread of evolutionary theory has affected the beliefs of contemporary Muslims regarding human identity capacity and destiny. In his systematic treatment of the impact of evolutionary ideas on modern Islam Damian Howard surveys several branches of Muslim thought. Muslim responses to the crisis of the religious imagination presented by the evolutionary worldview fall into four different forms incorporating traditional and modern notions. The book evaluates the content influence and success of these four forms asking how Muslims might now proceed to address the profound challenges which evolutionary theory poses to the effective reconstruction of their religious thought. Drawing fascinating parallels with developments in the world of Christian theology which will help understanding between people of the two religions the author reflects on the question of how Muslims can come to terms with the modern world. A valuable addition to the literature on contemporary Islamic thought this book will also interest students and scholars of religion and modernity the history and philosophy of science and evolutionary theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138789173

Being HumanBetween Animals and Technology Technology and animals often serve as the boundaries by which we define the human. In this issue contributors explore these categories as necessary supplements or as porous membranes which disturb the scaffolding of how the human is constructed. A lingering question throughout is whether we have ever been human or if such a category is a non-localizable ideal or perhaps a misnomer. In this collection of essays internationally known theorists muddle the categorical boundaries such that animals and technologies become necessary components rather than limits for what it means to be human. They examine a range of subjects including apophatic animality critical media objects-to-think-with biosemiotic insect resonances the monstrous and horrific which dislodges our cultural animals and the problem of thinking of animality as stupidity. Novels films digital objects scientific laboratories philosophical texts animals on the road and in the fields serve as sites for inquiry. The result of these investigations is the spectral possibility that we are not the humans we make ourselves out to be. This book was originally published as a special issue of Angelaki. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138059061

Being HumanPsychological Perspectives on Human Nature While there may be no one single characteristic that differentiates humans as a species it is the combination of differences from other species that makes us unique. The new edition of Being Human examines the psychology of being human through exploring different psychological traditions alongside philosophy and evolutionary theory covering themes such as culture cognition language morality and society. Our nature – or ‘essence’ – is something that has preoccupied human beings throughout our history beginning with philosophy and religion and continuing through the biological social and psychological sciences. Being Human begins by describing some of the major philosophical accounts of human nature from Ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle to major British and Continental philosophers such as Locke and Nietzsche. The book considers religious accounts of human nature with their focus on the nature of good and evil and scientific accounts of genetics and the brain which underpin the distinctively human cognitive ability of language. Attention then turns to the ideas of the behaviourists such as Skinner Freud and other psychodynamic psychologists and humanistic-phenomenological psychologists such as Maslow. Finally human culture is discussed as the ultimate defining characteristic of human beings: culture represents our ‘natural habitat’ and what defines us as a species. This updated second edition includes increased coverage of social psychology and has a broader scope in order to identify the defining characteristics of human beings. With reference to current psychological research and philosophical material this is fascinating reading for students of psychology philosophy and the social sciences. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367150983

Being in Child CareA Journey Into Self Primarily intended for the professional child and youth care worker this new book challenges the most basic methods and beliefs of contemporary practice. Written in the form of a novel the central issues of child care are brought to life through the subjective experiences of a young practitioner. Each issue and experience is analyzed through the dialogues between the practitioner and his supervisor. As the story unfolds the reader is invited to reconsider many of the most fundamental and time-tested assumptions that lie at the heart of child and youth care. One by one the layers of professionalism are peeled back to reveal the essence of it all--the practitioner’s own sense of self. This results in the inevitable conclusion that personal and professional development are inextricably interrelated. From this perspective it becomes clear how current trends in training and practice often provide a tragic formula for methods that focus upon the control of the youngster and result in the breakdown of relationships and the burnout of the practitioner.Being in Child Care: A Journey Into Self uses the experiences of everyday life to establish themes and draw conclusions. As the story moves from the drama and minutiae of life in a small residential treatment program to the broadest existential questions the reader will explore his or her own personal experience. Since it can be understood at many different levels this book will appeal to the student as much as to the seasoned practitioner. (Fewster says parents can read it too.) Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138873155

Being in LoveTherapeutic Pathways Through Psychological Obstacles to Love Finding true love is a journey of transformation obstructed by numerous psychological obstacles. Being in Love expands the traditional field of psychoanalytic couple therapy and explores therapeutic methods of working through the obstacles leading to true love. Becoming who we are is an inherently relational journey: we uncover our truest nature and become most authentically real through the difficult and fearful yet transformative intersubjective crucibles of our intimate relationships. In this book Judith Pickering draws comparisons between Bion's concept of becoming in O and being in love. She searches for pathways that lead away from relational confusion towards the discovery of genuine transformational relationships and works towards finding better ways of relating to one another. This is achieved by encouraging couples to enjoy the actual presence humanity otherness and particularity of each other rather than expecting a partner to conform to our own expectations projections desires and presuppositions. Pickering draws on clinical material contemporary psychoanalysis cultural themes from the worlds of mythology and literature and a wealth of therapeutic techniques in this fresh approach to couple therapy. Being in Love will therefore interest students and practitioners of psychoanalysis psychology and couple therapy as well as all of those seeking to be more authentic in their relationships. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315787732

Being IndigenousPerspectives on Activism Culture Language and Identity This volume gives voice to an impressive range of Indigenous authors who share their knowledge and perspectives on issues that pertain to activism culture language and identity – the fabric of being Indigenous. The contributions highlight the experiences of Indigenous peoples from a variety of countries including the United States Canada Australia New Zealand Japan Greenland Norway and Russia. The book provides valuable historical and political insight into the lingering impact of colonization considering the issues faced by Indigenous peoples today and reflecting on the ability of their cultures languages and identities to survive in the twenty-first century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138314900

Being JananaLanguage and Sexuality in Contemporary India Being Janana focuses on same-sex desiring male-bodied subjects in Lucknow India and explores how they make meaning in the marginalization of their desire through language performativity. Along with their desire for other men jananas maintain ostensibly heteronormatively and culturally defined masculine positions. This book argues for an intersectional approach to understanding janana life worlds and situates janana subjectivity in dialogue with social cultural linguistic and legal happenings. In engaging with the full complexity of janana identities and experience Ila Nagar calls for a reassessment of gender categories and a new understanding of power and sexuality amidst emerging Indian modernities. Derived from ethnographic research conducted over a period of twelve years this book also reflects on the interaction between social actors and researchers and critically examines the use of ethnography as a method in sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology. It will be of interest to scholars from Anthropology Asian Studies Gender & Sexuality Studies and Linguistics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367356231

Being Married Doing GenderA Critical Analysis of Gender Relationships in Marriage In one of the first psychological studies of women in heterosexual relationships Caroline Dryden examines the social context of their experiences and emotional struggles. Unlike the developmental literature in which women are studied only as mothers or the clinical literature which has little theoretical basis Being Married Doing Gender places case study material in the context of the power balance between women and men. Caroline Dryden finds that there are contradictions between stereotypical gender roles and the maintenance of an equal partnership that can cause problems for both women and men. Being Married Doing Gender will be valuable to students studying psychology or gender and women's studies and to marriage guidance counsellors and psychotherapists. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315787978

Being Mentally IllA Sociological Study In incorporating social process into a model of the dynamics of mental disorders this text questions the individualistic model favoured in current psychiatric and psychoanalytic theory. While the conventional psychiatric viewpoint seeks the causes of mental illness Scheff views "the symptoms of mental illness" as the violation of residual rules - social norms so taken for granted that they are not explicitly verbalized. The sociological theory developed by Scheff to account for such behaviour provides a framework for studies reported in subsequent chapters. Two key assumptions emerge: first that most chronic mental illness is in part a social role; and second that societal reaction may in part determine entry into that role. Throughout the sociological model of mental illness is compared and contrasted with more conventional medical and psychological models in an attempt to delineate significant problems for further analysis and research. This third edition has been revised and expanded to encompass the controversy prompted by the first edition and also to re-evaluate developments in the field. New to this edition are discussions of the use of psychoactive drugs in the treatment of mental illness changing mental health laws new social science and psychiatric studies and the controversy surrounding the labelling theory of mental illness itself. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351328241

Being Middle Class in ChinaIdentity Attitudes and Behaviour Many studies of the Chinese middle class focus on defining it and viewing its significance for economic development and its potential for sociopolitical modernisation. This book goes beyond such objective approaches and considers middle class people’s subjective understanding and diverse experiences of class. Based on extensive original research including social surveys and detailed interviews the book explores who the middle class think they are what they think about a wide range of socioeconomic and sociopolitical issues and why they think as they do. It examines attitudes towards the welfare state social inequality nationalism relations with foreign countries and opinions on many social controversies thereby portraying middle class people as more than simply luxury consumers and potential agents of democracy. The book concludes that a clear class identity and political consciousness have yet to emerge but that middle class attitudes are best characterised as searching for a balance between old and new the traditional and the foreign the principled and the pragmatic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138595736

Being Middle-class in IndiaA Way of Life Hailed as the beneficiary driving force and result of globalisation India’s middle-class is puzzling in its diversity as a multitude of traditions social formations and political constellations manifest contribute to this project. This book looks at Indian middle-class lifestyles through a number of case studies ranging from a historical account detailing the making of a savvy middle-class consumer in the late colonial period to saving clubs among women in Delhi’s upmarket colonies and the dilemmas of entrepreneurial families in Tamil Nadu’s industrial towns. The book pays tribute to the diversity of regional caste rural and urban origins that shape middle- class lifestyles in contemporary India and highlights common themes such as the quest for upward mobility common consumption practices the importance of family values gender relations and educational trajectories. It unpacks the notion that the Indian middle-class can be understood in terms of public performances surveys and economic markers and emphasises how the study of middle-class culture needs to be based on detailed studies as everyday practices and private lives create the distinctive sub-cultures and cultural politics that characterise the Indian middle class today. With its focus on private domains middleclassness appears as a carefully orchestrated and complex way of life and presents a fascinating way to understand South Asian cultures and communities through the prism of social class. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415748711

Being Musically AttunedThe Act of Listening to Music Listening according to mood is likely to be what most people do when they listen to music. We want to take part in or even be part of the emerging world of the musical work. Using the sources of musical history and philosophy Erik Wallrup explores this extremely vague and elusive phenomenon which is held to be fundamental to musical hearing. Wallrup unfolds the untold musical history of the German word for ’mood’ Stimmung which in the 19th century was abundant in the musical aesthetics of the German-Austrian sphere. Martin Heidegger’s much-discussed philosophy of Stimmung is introduced into the field of music allowing Wallrup to realise fully the potential of the concept. Mood in music or to be more precise musical attunement should not be seen as a peculiar kind of emotionality but that which constitutes fundamentally the relationship between listener and music. Exploring mood or attunement is indispensable for a thorough understanding of the act of listening to music. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367879518

Being of Two MindsThe Vertical Split in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy From the unfaithful husband to the binge eater from the secret cross-dresser to the pilferer of worthless items there are those who seem to live two lives to be divided selves to be literally of two minds. This division or "vertical split" appears in a person at odds with himself a person who puzzles over and even heartily dislikes that parallel person who behaves in so repugnant a manner. In Being of Two Minds Arnold Goldberg provides trenchant insight into such divided minds - their origins their appearances and their treatment. Goldberg's inquiry into divided minds leads to a return to the psychoanalytic concept of disavowal which forms the basis of the vertical split. Goldberg explores the developmental circumstances that tend to a reliance on disavowal provides numerous examples of the emergence of disavowal in the treatment situation and considers the therapeutic approaches through which disavowal may be addressed. He is especially perceptive in discussing the manner in which the therapist's own tendency to disavow may collusively interact with that of the patient. Goldberg considers the full range of splits to which disavowal gives rise from circumscribed instances of dissociation to the much-debated multiple personality disorders. He gives special attention to the role of the vertical split in patients with behavior disorders; here his thoughtful insights point to a treatment approach that significantly differs both from the simple ascription of a 'self disorder' and from the usual pedagogical emphasis on issues of self-control and/or punishment. As Goldberg shows the repugnance felt by many therapists for offensive behaviors emanating from the patient's parallel self are frequently shared by the patient who commonly despises misbehavior that he is unable to understand. Being of Two Minds begins to formulate just such understanding to the great benefit of patient and therapist alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138005501

Being Present for Your Nursery Age ChildObserving Understanding and Helping Children This book represents an innovative project in which parents teachers and other professionals work collaboratively to observe children understand them at a deep emotional level through their play and interaction with others and facilitate their relationships with themselves as individuals and with others. The work described has been particularly important in nurturing children's creativity and fostering effective relationships between teachers parents and children. The innovative nursery described has been an important preventative facility in promoting the wellbeing of young children. The Italian government has supported this highly esteemed project. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782201410

Being Reasonable About Religion When we start to discuss religion we run into controversial questions about history and anthropology about the scope of scientific explanation and about free will good and evil. This book explains how to find our way through these disputes and shows how we can be freed from assumptions and prejudices which make progress impossible by deeper philosophical insight into the concepts involved. Books about religion usually concentrate on a few central Judaeo-Christian doctrines and either attack them or defend them with tenacious conservatism yielding nothing. This book has a broader scope and instead of trying to prove that religion or any particular religion is reasonable or unreasonable it seeks to persuade people to be reasonable about religion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815387718

Being Red: A MemoirA Memoir This edition brings the story of 20th-century Southern politics up to the present day and the virtual triumph of Southern Republicanism. It considers the changes in party politics leadership civil rights and black participation in Southern politics. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706177

Being SkilledThe Socializations of Learning to Read Originally published in 1987 Being Skilled presents a new model of how children learn to read and in particular those who learn quickly and precociously. Bringing together ideas from such diverse sources as cognitive and developmental psychology and behaviour analysis perspectives on learning Stuart McNaughton has produced a more complete theory based on a study of homes and classrooms and the characteristics of reading behaviour in these settings. Within this theory reading is seen as a symbolic skill with structural properties that partly determine development; but it is also a social practice in which learning is achieved through problem-solving and the performing of tasks set by particular environments. Drawing on extensive research carried out in Britain North America and Australasia McNaughton examines how interactions between teacher and child direct the task of learning to read and how the relationship between home and school can be a well-matched or a poorly-matched setting in which learning may occur. Being Skilled will appeal to advanced students researchers and theorists in education and development psychology and to anyone interested in the learning of complex skills. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138090750

Being Spiritual but Not ReligiousPast Present Future(s) In its most general sense the term "Spiritual but Not Religious" denotes those who on the one hand are disillusioned with traditional institutional religion and on the other hand feel that those same traditions contain deep wisdom about the human condition. This edited collection speaks to what national surveys agree is a growing social phenomenon referred to as the "Spiritual but Not Religious Movement" (SBNRM). Each essay of the volume engages the past present and future(s) of the SBNRM. Their collective contribution is analytic descriptive and prescriptive taking stock of not only the various analyses of the SBNRM to date but also the establishment of a new ground upon which the continued academic discussion can take place.This volume is a watershed in the growing academic and public interest in the SBNRM. As such it will vital reading for any academic involved in Religious Studies Spirituality and Sociology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367590314

Being SupervisedA Guide for Supervisees We know from experience and research that supervisory relationships can be immensely rewarding and developmental. Yet the same relationships can also be and often are at the same time highly anxiety-provoking and conflictual. Supervision as a developmental process is often mixed with quality assurance performance reports or marking and evaluation. Such processes only amplify the substantial power relationships that are part and parcel of supervision and they make engaging well with a supervisor really tough and challenging. This book helps supervisers to get the most out of supervision and reap the unique and substantial benefits that can indeed be found on this profound journey. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782204237

Being Taken InThe Framing Relationship Why is love not enough for children whose early lives have been disturbing? What makes it so hard for such children to make the most of new relationships? How can we help children whose minds are adapted to adversity take in new experience? In the new era of brain research neuroscience shows the way ahead. Being Taken In looks at the neuroscience showing how the mother/infant framing relationship wires in our way of understanding the world and sets a navigation system complete with built-in danger alerts. For disturbed children these danger alerts are everywhere and can even be triggered by the caregiver themselves. This makes the world a disturbing place not just in the past but right now. This book applies neuroscience and child development research to clinical practice and points to emotional regulation through attunement and reflexivity as key factors in effecting change. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782200710

Being the Body of ChristTowards a Twenty-First Century Homosexual Theology for the Anglican Church The book explores the preoccupation of key twentieth-century English writers with theology and sexuality and how the Anglican Church has responded and continues to respond to the issue of homosexuality. Analysing the work of Oscar Wilde E. F. Benson Edward Carpenter Jeanette Winterson and Alan Hollingshurst the book explores the literary tradition of exasperation at the church's obduracy against homosexuality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138110625

Being the ChosenExploring a Christian Fundamentalist Worldview Being the Chosen explores Christian fundamentalism in the USA focusing particularly on the belief system of Protestant fundamentalists. It establishes the key characteristics of the Protestant worldview investigating the degrees to which these are adhered to amongst different groups and how such belief systems are constructed and reinforced through everyday life. By presenting rich empirical material Being the Chosen sheds light on the manner in which the Protestant fundamentalist worldview shapes and constructs the beliefs and actions of its adherents providing them with agency and reinforcement in the face of oppositional forces. As such it will interest not only sociologists but also scholars of religion and the culture and society of the USA. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138278547

Being UrbanCommunity Conflict and Belonging in the Middle East In Being Urban Simon Goldhill and his team of outstanding urbanists explore the meaning of the urban condition with particular reference to the Middle East. As Goldhill explains in his introduction ‘What is a good city?’ five questions motivate the book: How can a city be systematically planned and yet maintain a possibility of flexibility change and the wellbeing of citizens? How does the city represent itself to itself and image its past its present and its future? What is it to dwell in and experience a city? How does violence erupt in and to a city and what strategies of reconciliation and reconstruction can be employed? And finally what is the relationship between the infrastructure of the city and the political process? Following the introduction the twelve chapters are grouped into four sections: Engagement and Space; Infrastructure and Space; Conflict and Structures; and Curating the City. Through each chapter the contributors reflect on aspects of urban infrastructure and culture citizenship belonging and exclusion politics and conflict with examples from across the Middle East from Cairo to Tehran Tel Aviv to Istanbul. Not only will Being Urban further understanding of the topography of citizenship in the Middle East and beyond it will also contribute to answering one of today’s key questions: What Is A Good City? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367898465

Being Well in AcademiaWays to Feel Stronger Safer and More Connected The 'Insider Guides to Success in Academia' offers support and practical advice to doctoral students and early-career researchers. Covering the topics that really matter but which often get overlooked this indispensable series provides practical and realistic guidance to address many of the needs and challenges of trying to operate and remain in academia. These neat pocket guides fill specific and significant gaps in current literature. Each book offers insider perspectives on the often implicit rules of the game -- the things you need to know but usually aren't told by institutional postgraduate support researcher development units or supervisors -- and will address a practical topic that is key to career progression. They are essential reading for doctoral students early-career researchers supervisors mentors or anyone looking to launch or maintain their career in academia. Are you studying or working in academia and in need of support? Perhaps you’re finding your work study or personal life challenging or overwhelming; are experiencing bullying harassment or abuse; or find your progress is being blocked by unfair exploitative or precarious systems? Or perhaps you want to support a friend or colleague who’s struggling? Whether your problems are big or small Being Well in Academia provides a wealth of practical and workable solutions to help you feel stronger safer and more connected in what has become an increasingly competitive and stressful environment. This volume uses a realistic pragmatic and – above all – understanding approach to offer support to a diverse audience. Covering a range of issues it includes advice on: Ways to increase your support network so you’re not alone. Reflections and actions that encourage you to evaluate your position. Guidance if you are in a stressful precarious dangerous or exploitative situation. Checklists and agreements to help you identify your specific needs and accommodations. Signposting to books websites networks and organisations that provide additional support. Ways to build your confidence and connections particularly for Black Indigenous or People of Colour; LGBTQ+; disabled or chronically sick; or other marginalised groups. Reflections on your rights and the responsibilities academia should be meeting. Tips for being an active bystander and helping others in need of assistance. Ideas for resisting challenging and coping with unfair or exploitative environments. Suggestions for bringing you happiness inspiration motivation courage and hope. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to address the need to stay well in academia and will be particularly useful to those in diverse or disadvantaged positions who currently lack institutional support or feel at risk from academia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367186708

Being WhiteStories of Race and Racism Karyn McKinney uses written autobiographies solicited from young white people to empirically analyze the contours of the white experience in U.S. society. This text offers a unique view of whiteness based on the rich data provided by whites themselves writing about what it means to be white. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203616802

Being With and Saying GoodbyeCultivating Therapeutic Attitude in Professional Practice At a time of increasing financial pressure on families - as well as the services that support them - children are doubly disadvantaged. The economical mass-provision of proven approaches appears to be an unquestionable strategy. In this frank and revealing book written by an experienced child and adolescent psychiatrist of eclectic and questioning persuasion the argument is made that we are travelling in the wrong direction. A blinkered pursuit of empirical evidence and uniform delivery is leading us away from any sensitive and reciprocal relationship between caring professionals and the young individuals whose interests they are there to serve. Drawing on attachment and psychodynamic approaches as well as systemic values-based and mindful practice Being With and Saying Goodbye describes an attitude that should be the prerequisite and medium of all child and adolescent work that has therapeutic intention. Unacknowledged even reviled this ghost in the machine is threatened with extinction. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782203360

Being with Older PeopleA Systemic Approach The authors of this volume take as their starting point "striking moments" in their practice with older people their families and other practitioners. They integrate these with current systemic thinking to offer new perspectives on working with older people in a range of physical health mental health and social care contexts. This book is practice led and contains a wealth of examples that will be familiar both to practitioners working with older people and to older people themselves and their families. The authors all experienced clinicians place an emphasis on how systemic and narrative approaches might relate to these real world dilemmas and point to ways forward in working with older people in a world where social isolation ageism and discrimination are commonplace. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367106010

Being Young in Super-Aging JapanFormative Events and Cultural Reactions Japan is not only the oldest society in the world today but also the oldest society to have ever existed. This aging trend however presents many challenges to contemporary Japan as it permeates all areas of life from the economy and welfare to social cohesion and population decline. Nobody is more affected by these changes than the young generation. This book studies Japanese youth in the aging society in detail. It analyses formative events and cultural reactions. Themes include employment parenthood sexuality but also art literature and language thus demonstrating how the younger generation can provide insights into the future of Japanese society more generally. This book argues that the prolonged crisis resulted in a commonly shared destabilization of thoughts and attitudes and that this has shaped a new generation that is unlike any other in post-war Japan. Presenting an inter-disciplinary approach to the study of the aging trend and what it implies for young Japanese this book will be useful to students and scholars of Japanese culture and society as well cultural anthropology and demography. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138494978

Belarus - Alternative VisionsNation Memory and Cosmopolitanism Belarus is often regarded as "Europe’s last dictatorship" a sort-of fossilized leftover from the Soviet Union. However a key factor in determining Belarus’s development including its likely future development is its own sense of identity. This book explores the complex debates and competing narratives surrounding Belarus’s identity revealing a far more diverse picture than the widely accepted monolithic post-Soviet nation. It examines in a range of media including historiography films and literature how visions of Belarus as a nation have been constructed from the nineteenth century to the present day. It outlines a complex picture of contested myths – the "peasant nation" of the nineteenth century the devoted Soviet republic of the late twentieth century and the revisionist Belarusian nationalism of the present. The author shows that Belarus is characterized by immense cultural linguistic and ethnic polyphony both in its lived history and in its cultural imaginary. The book analyses important examples of writing in and about Belarus in Belarusian Polish and Russian revealing how different modes of rooted cosmopolitanism have been articulated. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367583354

Belarus under LukashenkaAdaptive Authoritarianism This book explores the nature of the regime of Aliaksandr Lukashenka who has ruled Belarus since 1994 and who is often characterized as "the last dictator in Europe". It discusses how Lukashenka came to power providing a survey of politics in Belarus in early post-Soviet times examines how power became personalized under his regime and considers how he coerced opponents whilst maintaining good popular support. The book discusses all aspects of politics including presidential power the ruling elites elections the opposition and civil society. The author characterizes Lukashenka’s rule as "adaptive authoritarianism" and demonstrates how the regime’s avoidance of any ideology even nationalism permits great freedom of manoeuvre enabling pragmatic adaptation to changing circumstances. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367586294

BelarusA Denationalized Nation In any assessment and understanding of Belarus the key questions to address include; why has Belarus apparently rejected independence under its first president Alyaksandr Lukashenka and sought a union with Russia? Why has the government rejected democracy infringed on the human rights of its citizens and fundamentally altered its constitution in favour of presidential authority? Has the country made any progress toward market reforms? How have Russia and the West responded to the actions of Belarus? And what is the future likely to hold for its ten million citizens? The author's conclusions are optimistic. Belarus he believes will survive into the twenty-first century but as a Eurasian rather than a European state. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315079271

Belgian Museums of the Great WarPolitics Memory and Commerce Belgian Museums of the Great War: Politics Memory and Commerce examines the handling of the centennial of World War I by several museums along the Western Front in Flanders Belgium. In the twenty-first century the museum has become a strategic space for negotiating ownership of and access to knowledge produced in local settings. The specific focus on museums and commemorative events in Flanders allows for an in-depth evaluation of how each museum works with the remembrance and tourist industry in the region while carving a unique niche. Belgian Museums of the Great War writes the history of these institutions analyzes the changes made in advance of the anniversary years and considers the site-specificity of each institution and its architectural frame. Since museums not only transmit information but also shape knowledge as Eileen Hooper-Greenhill has noted the diverse narratives and community programs sponsored by each museum have served to challenge prior historiographies of the war. Through newly revamped interactive environments self-guided learning and an emphasis on the landscape the museums in Flanders have a significant role to play in the ever-changing dialogue on the meaning of the history and remembrance of the Great War. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367874438

Belgian Refugees in First World War Britain Around 250 000 Belgian refugees who fled the German invasion spent the First World War in Britain – the largest refugee presence Britain has ever witnessed. Welcomed in a wave of humanitarian sympathy for ‘Poor Little Belgium’ within a few months Belgian exiles were pushed off the front pages of newspapers by the news of direct British involvement in the war. Following rapid repatriation at British government expense in late 1918 and 1919 Belgian refugees were soon lost from public memory with few memorials or markers of their mass presence.Reactions to Belgian refugees discussed in this book include the mixed responses of local populations to the refugee presence which ranged from extensive charitable efforts to public and trade union protests aimed at protecting local jobs and housing. This book also explores the roles of central and local government agencies which supported and employed Belgian refugees en masse yet also used them as a propaganda tool to publicise German outrages against civilians to encourage support for the Allied war effort. This book covers responses to Belgian refugees in England Scotland Ireland and Wales in a Home Front wartime episode which generated intense public interest and charitable and government action. This book was originally published as a special issue of Immigrants and Minorities: Historical Studies in Ethnicity Migration and Diaspora. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367891275

Belgian Screw Pile TechnologyProceedings of the Symposium May 7 2003 Brussels Belgium This volume provides an overview of the results of an extended test campaign performed on soil displacement screw piles at Limelett in Belgium in the period 2000-2002 where test piles have been installed to a very dense sand layer. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003078869

Belief First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138870796

Belief Action and Rationality over Time Action theorists and formal epistemologists often pursue parallel inquiries regarding rationality with the former focused on practical rationality and the latter focused on theoretical rationality. In both fields there is currently a strong interest in exploring rationality in relation to time. The exploration raises questions about the rationality of certain patterns over time. For example it raises questions about the rational permissibility of certain patterns of intention; similarly it raises questions about the rational permissibility of certain patterns of belief. While the action-theoretic and epistemic questions raised are closely related advances in one field are not always processed by the other. This volume brings together contributions by scholars in action theory and formal epistemology working on questions regarding rationality and time so that researchers in these overlapping fields can profit from each other’s insights. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Canadian Journal of Philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367074685

Belief Law and PoliticsWhat Future for a Secular Europe? This edited collection gathers together the principal findings of the three-year RELIGARE project which dealt with the question of religious and philosophical diversity in European law. Specifically it covers four spheres of public policy and legislation where the pressure to accommodate religious diversity has been most strongly felt in Europe: employment family life use of public space and state support mechanisms. Embracing a forward-looking approach the final RELIGARE report provides recommendations to governance units at the local national and European levels regarding issues of religious pluralism and secularism. This volume adds context and critique to those recommendations and more generally opens an intellectual discussion on the topic of religion in the European Union. The book consists of two main parts: the first includes the principal findings of the RELIGARE research project while the second is a compilation of 28 short contributions from influential scholars legal practitioners policy makers and activists who respond to the report and offer their views on the sensitive issue of religious diversity and the law in Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367600020

Belief after FreudReligious Faith through the Crucible of Psychoanalysis Belief after Freud confronts the psychoanalytic experience and the experience of faith. A purified vision of faith so many times disfigured by infantile or neurotic dynamics can emerge through the crucible of psychoanalysis. The work contributes to the dialogue between psychoanalysis and faith based on the respective lived experiences rather than from theoretical positions only. The book is divided into three parts: Part I centres on Freud’s position on religion. After an introductory chapter assessing Freud’s present validity the following chapters critically examine Freud’s position and interpretation of religion. Part II examines how people of faith experience psychoanalysis including the role played by unconscious feelings of guilt and the ideas of sin and salvation. Part III explores ideas of sexuality power and obedience including the unconscious and pathological roots of the relation with money and the sense of evangelical poverty. Now in its fifth edition in Spain Belief after Freud has also been published in Argentina and Brazil. Many readers say the book has opened a new form of belief for them. The book has also been of great interest to non-believing psychologists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782206439

Belief and UnbeliefA Philosophy of Self-knowledge This is perhaps the most widely read of Michael Novak's books. Belief and Unbelief attempts to push intelligence and articulation as far as possible into the stuff of what so many philosophers set aside as subjectivity. It is an impassioned critique of the idea of an unbridgeable gap between the emotive and the cognitive � and in its own way represents a major thrust at positivist analysis.Written in a context of personal tragedy as well as intellectual search the book is grounded in the belief that human experience is enclosed within a person to person relationship with the source of all things � sometimes in darkness other tunes in aridity but always in deep encounter with community and courage. It is written with a deep fidelity to classical Catholic thought as well as a sense of the writings of sociology anthropology and political theory�from Harold Lasswell to Friedrich von Hayek.This third edition includes Novak's brilliant 1961 article "God in the Colleges" from Harper's � a critique of the technification of university life that rules issues of love death and personal destiny out of bounds and hence leaves aside the mysteries of contingency and risk in favor of the certainties of research production and consumption. For such a "lost generation" Belief and Unbelief will remain of tremendous interest and impact.When the book first appeared thirty years ago it was praised by naturalists and religious thinkers alike. Sidney Hook called it "a remarkable book written with verve and distinction." James Collins termed it "a lively and valuable essay from which a reflective religiously concerned reader can draw immense profit." And The Washington Post reviewer claimed that "Novak has written a rich relentlessly honest introduction to the problem of belief. It is a deeply personal book rigorous in argument and open ended in conclusions." Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519428

Belief in MediaCultural Perspectives on Media and Christianity Most works on media developments and Christianity approach the subject from the perspective of the implications of new media technologies for traditional Christian practices or how churches can use new media to further their goals. The common framework of analysis is a 'given reality' of traditional institutional Christianity and how it interacts with affects and is affected by media. Media are treated as a separate cultural reality. This book presents in an accessible form the new directions that approach the interaction of media and religion from a cultural perspective and illustrates these new directions by a number of international and intercultural case studies and explorations. Looking at how global media are constructing cultural forms structures and processes the authors show how these have become the life out of which individual and social meaning is created and practised. Examining how individuals create religious meaning by interacting with media of various kinds crossing boundaries of traditional religious cultures and contemporary media cultures this book reveals how Christian institutions are also defined in the process of living culturally within their broader media context. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138258846

Belief in the PastTheoretical Approaches to the Archaeology of Religion Human actions are often deeply intertwined with religion and can be understood in a strictly religious context. Yet many volumes and articles pertaining to discussions of religion in the archaeological past have focused primarily on the sociopolitical implications of such remains. The authors in this volume argue that while these interpretations certainly have a meaningful place in understanding the human past they provide only part of the picture. Because strictly religious contexts have often been ignored this has resulted in an incomplete assessment of religious behavior in the past. This volume considers exciting new directions for considering an archaeology of religion offering examples from theory tangible archaeological remains and ethnography. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315433097

Belief Systems and the Perception of Reality This book focuses on the social psychology of belief systems and how they influence perceptions of reality. These belief systems from politics to religion to science not only shape one’s thoughts and views but also can be the cause of conflict and disagreement over values particularly when they are enacted in political policies. In Belief Systems and the Perceptions of Reality editors Bastiaan T. Rutjens and Mark J. Brandt examine the social psychological effects at the heart of the conflict by bringing together contributions under five themes: motivated reasoning inequality threat scientists interpreting science and people interpreting science. This book aims to create a more integrated understanding of reality perception and its connection with belief systems viewed through the lens of social psychology. The synthesis of expert contributors as well as the literature around social psychology and belief systems makes this a unique resource for students researchers and academics in behavioural and social sciences as well as activists and journalists working in this political field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138070813

Beliefs Reasoning and Decision MakingPsycho-Logic in Honor of Bob Abelson It is not unusual for a festschrift to include offerings from several areas of study but it is highly unusual for those areas to cross disciplinary lines. This book in doing just that is a testimony to Bob Abelson's impact on the disciplines of social psychology artificial intelligence and cognitive science and the applied areas of political psychology and decision-making. The contributors demonstrate that their association with Abelson whether as students or colleagues has resulted in an impressive intellectual cross-fertilization. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138987777

Beliefs about InequalityAmericans' Views of What is and What Ought to be Motivated by the desire to explain how Americans perceive and evaluate inequality and related programs and policies the authors conducted a national survey of beliefs about social and economic inequality in America. Here they present the results of their research on the structure determinants and certain political and personal consequences of these beliefs. The presentations serve two major goals; to describe and explain the central features of Americans' images of inequality. Beliefs About Inequality begins with a focus on people's perceptions of the most basic elements of inequality: the availability of opportunity in society the causes of economic achievements and the benefits and costs of equality and inequality. The book's analysis of the public's beliefs on these key issues is based on fundamental theories of social psychology and lays the groundwork for understanding how Americans evaluate inequality-related policies. The authors discuss the ultimate determinants of beliefs and the implications of their findings for social policies related to inequality. They propose that attitudes toward economic inequality and related policy are influenced by three major aspects of the current American social economic and political environment: a stable "dominant ideology" about economic inequality; individuals' social and economic status; and specific beliefs and attitudes often reflecting "social liberalism" shaped by recent political debates and events. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519435

Beliefs About Text and Instruction With Text Every day in classrooms teachers and students think about and with text. Their beliefs about what text is who created it and how to evaluate it are an influence often a profoundly important one on how they use text. This book brings together research on epistemology belief systems teacher beliefs and text -- research that is usually presented separately and in different disciplines. The editors illustrate what a cross-disciplinary body of work looks like what varied insights are possible and when the central concerns are beliefs and text. Written by respected researchers in the fields of psychology and education the chapters are clustered thematically into three sections: * childrens' and adults' beliefs about text. * beliefs about what should be taught and how particular content should be taught and assessed in classrooms. * commentary on knowing versus believing on the literatures that inform this body of work and on belief systems. The first to address this important topic in a single volume this book provides an essential synthesis of current research in an active area of inquiry. The chapters are pieces framed in a time and place with particular intentions -- one of those intentions is that they separately and as a whole stimulate discussion about beliefs and text. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203812068

Beliefs and Expectancies in Legal Decision Making Beliefs and expectancies influence our everyday thoughts feelings and actions. These attributes make a closer examination of beliefs and expectancies worthwhile in any context but particularly so within the high-stakes arena of the legal system. Whether the decision maker is a police officer assessing the truthfulness of an alibi a juror evaluating the accuracy of an eyewitness identification an attorney arguing a case involving a juvenile offender or a judge deciding whether to terminate parental rights—these decisions matter and without doubt are influenced by beliefs and expectancies. This volume is comprised of research on beliefs and expectancies regarding alibis children’s behaviour while testifying eyewitness testimony confessions sexual assault victims judges’ decisions in child protection cases and attorneys’ beliefs about jurors’ perceptions of juvenile offender culpability. Areas for future research are identified and readers are encouraged to discover new ways that beliefs and expectancies operate in the legal system.This book was originally published as a special issue of Psychology Crime & Law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367739904

Believe to Succeed Poster The poster is available with a thin Plastic Film Coating to protect against dust and grime fading due to light exposure and oil from finger marks. We encourage our customers to protect their posters with this product. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781138069930

Believing Against the EvidenceAgency and the Ethics of Belief The question of whether it is ever permissible to believe on insufficient evidence has once again become a live question. Greater attention is now being paid to practical dimensions of belief namely issues related to epistemic virtue doxastic responsibility and voluntarism. In this book McCormick argues that the standards used to evaluate beliefs are not isolated from other evaluative domains. The ultimate criteria for assessing beliefs are the same as those for assessing action because beliefs and actions are both products of agency. Two important implications of this thesis both of which deviate from the dominant view in contemporary philosophy are 1) it can be permissible (and possible) to believe for non-evidential reasons and 2) we have a robust control over many of our beliefs a control sufficient to ground attributions of responsibility for belief. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138208940

Believing CassandraHow to be an Optimist in a Pessimist's World A bestseller on within months of its first release Alan AtKisson's debut book quickly became a modern classic of sustainability literature. Global companies grassroots groups university courses government agencies and even the US Army ordered it by the box. Now fully revised and updated Believing Cassandra: How to be an Optimist in a Pessimist's World is even more relevant fresh and motivating than when it first appeared in 1999. In a style that's refreshingly candid and vivid with unforgettable personal anecdotes AtKisson provides us with a bridge over the sea of despair and shows us how to catch the wave to an enticing sustainable future. He empowers the reader to join the pioneers who created the ideas techniques and practices of sustainable living - the people who prove Cassandra's warnings wrong by believing in them and taking strategic action. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781849775229

Believing IdentityPentecostalism and the Mediation of Jamaican Ethnicity and Gender in England The complex and sometimes contradictory articulation of ethnicity religion and gender informs this book on the cultural construction of identity for Jamaican migrants in Britain. The author argues that religion -- in this case Pentecostalism -- cannot be understood simply as a means of spiritual compensation for the economically disadvantaged. Rather in the New Testament Church of God one of Britain's largest African Caribbean churches the cosmology of the church resolves the questions surrounding identity as well as suffering. Religious participation is one way in which African Caribbean people negotiate the terms of representation and interaction in British society. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003135708

Believing in Ghosts and SpiritsThe Concept of Gui in Ancient China The present book by Hu Baozhu explores the subject of ghosts and spirits and attempts to map the religious landscape of ancient China. The main focus of attention is the character gui 鬼 an essential key to the understanding of spiritual beings. The author analyses the character gui in various materials – lexicons and dictionaries excavated manuscripts and inscriptions and received classical texts. Gui is examined from the perspective of its linguistic root literary interpretation ritual practices sociopolitical implication and cosmological thinking. In the gradual process of coming to know the otherworld in terms of ghosts and spirits Chinese people in ancient times attempted to identify and classify these spiritual entities. In their philosophical thinking they connected the subject of gui with the movement of the universe. Thus the belief in ghosts and spirits in ancient China appeared to be a moral standard for all not only providing a room for individual religiosity but also implementing the purpose of family-oriented social order the legitimization of political operations and the understanding of the way of Heaven and Earth. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367626341

Believing in Russia - Religious Policy after Communism This book presents a comprehensive overview of religious policy in Russia since the end of the communist regime exposing many of the ambiguities and uncertainties about the position of religion in Russian life. It reveals how religious freedom in Russia has contrary to the widely held view a long tradition and how the leading religious institutions in Russia today including especially the Russian Orthodox Church but also Muslim Jewish and Buddhist establishments owe a great deal of their special positions to the relationship they had with the former Soviet regime. It examines the resurgence of religious freedom in the years immediately after the end of the Soviet Union showing how this was subsequently curtailed but only partially by the important law of 1997. It discusses the pursuit of privilege for the Russian Orthodox Church and other ‘traditional’ beliefs under presidents Putin and Medvedev and assesses how far Russian Orthodox Christianity is related to Russian national culture demonstrating the unresolved nature of the key question ‘Is Russia to be an Orthodox country with religious minorities or a multi-confessional state?’ It concludes that Russian society’s continuing failure to reach a consensus on the role of religion in public life is destabilising the nation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138803268

BelizeA New Nation In Central America This profile of Belize provides an introduction to the historical background and the contemporary culture economy and society of this microstate in light of the country's internal politics and regional relations with other Commonwealth Caribbean nations and the Central American republics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367155094

Belle La FolletteProgressive Era Reformer In 1931 the New York Times hailed Belle Case La Follette as "probably the least known yet most influential of all the American women who have had to do with public affairs." A dedicated advocate for women's suffrage peace and other causes she served as a key advisor to her husband leading Progressive politician Robert La Follette. She also wielded considerable influence through her own speeches and journalism as when she opposed racism by speaking out against the segregation of the federal government under President Woodrow Wilson. In a concise lively and engaging narrative Nancy C. Unger shows how Belle La Follette uniquely contributed to progressive reform as well as the ways her work was typical of women--and progressives--of her time. Supported by primary documents and a robust companion website this book introduces students of American history to an extraordinary woman and the era of Progressive reform. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138779778

Belle MoskowitzFeminine Politics and the Exercise of Power in the Age of Alfred E. Smith It is commonly believed that women’s entry into the political realm is a recent phenomenon. Originally published in 1992 Belle Moskowitz shatters that myth restoring to history the career of a remarkable woman who achieved unprecedented influence and power in American politics many decades before the contemporary era. As political advisor to Alfred E. Smith four-term governor of New York and presidential candidate. Moskowitz played a crucial role in both state and national politics throughout the 1920s. Elisabeth Israels Perry who is Moskowitz’s granddaughter has thoroughly searched through private and public records to document Moskowitz’s career drawing as well on the reminiscences of Moskowitz’s daughter Miriam Israels Gabo. This outstanding biography was co-winner of the New York State Historical Association Manuscript Prize in 1987. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138386655

Belligerent BroadcastingSynthetic argument in broadcast talk Why is rudeness such a prominent feature of contemporary broadcasting? If broadcasting is about the enactment of sociability then how can we account for the fact that broadcasting has become a sphere of anger humiliation anger dispute and upset? And to what extent does belligerence in broadcasting reflect broader social and cultural developments? This book reflects upon and analyses the development of 'belligerent broadcasting' beginning with an examination of belligerence in its historical context and as an aspect of wider cultural concerns surrounding the retreat of civility. With attention to the various relations of power expressed in the various forms of belligerent conduct across a range of media genres the authors explore its manifestation in political interviews in the form of 'confrontation' in talk shows in makeover television as an 'authentic' means of proffering opinion and as a form of sociability or banter. Richly illustrated with studies and examples of well-known shows from both sides of the Atlantic including The Apprentice The Fixer American Idol Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares DIY SOS The Jeremy Kyle Show and Dragon's Den this book reflects on the consequences and potentialities of belligerence in the media and public sphere. It will appeal to scholars and students of cultural and media studies communication and popular culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367229566

Belonging Therapeutic Landscapes and NetworksImplications for Mental Health Practice Why are certain places perceived to be therapeutic to make people feel better about life about themselves and about their bodies? Could there be environmental individual societal and attachment factors that come together in the healing process in both traditional and non-traditional landscapes? This observation is particularly important and has implications for the understanding of both healing and disruption in the lives of individuals. In Belonging Therapeutic Landscapes and Networks Dr. Griffith examines factors that influence the intersection of health and place one’s sense of belonging and the constructing of therapeutic spaces that minimize psychosocial disruption in our daily lives. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138636453

Belonging and Estrangement in the Poetry of Philip Larkin R.S. Thomas and Charles Causley Focusing on the significance of place connection and relationship in three poets who are seldom considered in conjunction Rory Waterman argues that Philip Larkin R.S. Thomas and Charles Causley epitomize many of the emotional and societal shifts and mores of their age. Waterman looks at the foundations underpinning their poetry; the attempts of all three to forge a sense of belonging with or separateness from their readers; the poets’ varying responses to their geographical and cultural origins; the belonging and estrangement that inheres in relationships including marriage; the forced estrangements of war; the antagonism between social belonging and a need for isolation; and finally the charged issues of faith and mortality in an increasingly secularized country. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409470878

Belonging and Transnational Refugee SettlementUnsettling the Everyday and the Extraordinary The image we have of refugees is one of displacement – from their homes families and countries – and yet refugee settlement is increasingly becoming an experience of living simultaneously in places both proximate and distant as people navigate and transcend international borders in numerous and novel ways. At the same time border regimes remain central in defining the possibilities and constraints of meaningful settlement. This book examines the implications of ‘belonging’ in numerous places as increased mobilities and digital access create new global connectedness in uneven and unexpected ways. Belonging and Transnational Refugee Settlement positions refugee settlement as an ongoing transnational experience and identifies the importance of multiple belongings through several case studies based on original research in Australia and New Zealand as well as at sites in the US Canada and the UK. Demonstrating the interplay between everyday and extraordinary experiences and broadening the dominant refugee discourses this book critiques the notion that meaningful settlement necessarily occurs in ‘local’ places. The author focuses on the extraordinary events of trauma and disasters alongside the everyday lives of refugees undertaking settlement to provide a conceptual framework that embraces and honours the complexities of working with the ‘trauma story’ and identifies approaches to see beyond it. This book will appeal to those with an interest in migration and diaspora studies human geography and sociology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367208257

Belonging for People with Profound Intellectual and Multiple DisabilitiesPushing the Boundaries of Inclusion This book pushes the boundaries in the way we approach people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities and in how we work with them in education and research. While it is grounded in diverse theoretical frameworks and disciplines the book coheres around a commitment to seeing people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities as equal citizens who belong in our classrooms research projects and community lives. Each section covers policy contexts key ideas and recent research. Featuring contributions from around the world the book incorporates established and new voices different disciplines and experiences. Additionally it includes pieces from family members of people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. Divided into three parts the book explores three main topics: Belonging in education Belonging in research Belonging in communities Belonging for People with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities is an invaluable resource for scholars professionals and postgraduate research students with an interest in children or adults with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367202958

Belonging in Europe - The African Diaspora and Work This publication does not just mark the presence of black people in Europe but brings research to a new stage by making connections across Europe through the experience of work and labour. The working experience for black peoples in Europe was not just confined to ports and large urban areas – often the place black people are located in the imagination of the European map both today and historically. Work took place in small towns villages and on country estates. Until the 1800s enslaved Africans would have worked alongside free blacks and their white peers. How were these labour relations realised be it on a country estate or a town house? How did this experience translate into the labour movements of the twentieth century? These are some of the questions the essays in this collection address contributing to new understandings of European life both historically and today. This book was originally published as a special issue of Immigrants and Minorities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846219

Belonging Through a Psychoanalytic Lens Watching people protest one hypothesis is that underlying these actions for specific justifiable causes is a sense of wishing to belong of wishing not to be alone. Recent knowledge from patients and empirical research shows the importance of belonging to groups to both psychological and physical well-being. The problems of many students minority group members immigrants terrorists and lonely people are linked to an insufficient sense of belonging. Whereas psychoanalytic theory has focused on the need for a secure attachment to a primary caretaker it has failed to note the importance of a sense of belonging to the family group a friendship group a community a religious group a nation-state etc. This book demonstrates the difficulties faced by those who immigrate those who never feel a sense of their true selves as belonging in a family or a cohesive professional group and the difficulties of psychoanalysts themselves in knowing where they belong in patients’ lives. The problems of breaking up marital and professional relationships as well as our relationship with the Earth are also discussed. Freudian theory rejected the idea of a sense of "oneness" with humanity as being infantile. Recent developments regarding the similarities between meditational practices and psychoanalysis have questioned Freud’s idea. This book shows the importance of an interpersonal/relational psychoanalysis focusing on real relationships and not simply one that examines inner conflicts. It will be useful to psychologists other mental health practitioners social scientists and anyone with normal struggles in life. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367671969

Belonging to the NationGenerational Change Identity and the Chinese Diaspora This study reviews developments in the ethnic and national identity of the descendants of migrants taking ethnic Chinese as a case study. Our core question is why in spite of debates worldwide about identity exclusion and rights do minority communities continue to suffer discrimination and attacks? This question is asked in view of the growing incidence in recent years of ‘racial’ conflicts between majority and minority communities and among minorities in both developed and developing countries. The study examines national identity from the perspective of migrants’ descendants whose national identity may be more rooted than is often thought. Concepts such as ‘new ethnicities’ ‘cultural fluidity’ and ‘new’ and ‘multiple’ identities feature in this examination. These concepts highlight identity changes across generations and the need to challenge and reinterpret the meaning of ‘nation’ and to review problems with policy initiatives designed to promote nation-building in multi-ethnic societies. This book was originally published as a special issue of Ethnic and Racial Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367739188

Belsen in History and Memory Drawing on documentary and oral sources in Yiddish Hebrew German Dutch and French this book challenges many sterotypes about Belsen and reinstates the groups hitherto marginalized or ignored in accounts of the camp and its liberation. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315037844

Beltaine (Routledge Revivals)The Organ of the Irish Literary Theatre First published in 1970 this book is a faithful representation of the original edition of Beltaine a literary magazine edited by W. B. Yeats from May 1899 to April 1900. Beltaine was the first of several magazines of the Irish Literary Theatre (later to become The Abbey Theatre) in which Yeats’s editorial role was of utmost importance. It was an occasional publication and focused on promoting current works of Irish playwrights whilst challenging those of their English opponents. The magazine mainly consists of a series of essays on the theatre in Dublin and supplementing these are explanations and discussions of new plays excerpts from which are often included. This book will be of interest to those with an interest in Yeats early nineteenth-century literature and Irish theatre. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415629737

Bemba and Related Peoples of Northern Rhodesia bound with Peoples of the Lower Luapul ValleyEast Central Africa Part II Routledge is proud to be re-issuing this landmark series in association with the International African Institute. The series published between 1950 and 1977 brings together a wealth of previously un-co-ordinated material on the ethnic groupings and social conditions of African peoples. Concise critical and (for its time) accurate the Ethnographic Survey contains sections as follows: Physical Environment Linguistic Data Demography History & Traditions of Origin Nomenclature Grouping Cultural Features: Religion Witchcraft Birth Initiation Burial Social & Political Organization: Kinship Marriage Inheritance Slavery Land Tenure Warfare & Justice Economy & Trade Domestic Architecture Each of the 50 volumes will be available to buy individually and these are organized into regional sub-groups: East Central Africa North-Eastern Africa Southern Africa West Central Africa Western Africa and Central Africa Belgian Congo. The volumes are supplemented with maps available to view on or available as a pdf from the publishers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138231443

Bemisia Tabaci (gennadius)Crop Pest And The Principal Whitefly Vector Of Plant Viruses This monograph provides information on the basic and applied research on the morphology taxonomy biology ecology and behaviour of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). It is devoted to the epidemiology of the diseases transmitted by the whitefly and the approaches to control. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367166809

Ben Jonson Originally published in 1934 Palmer’s biography of famous playwright Ben Jonson delves into his life and works and what he achieved in both. As first poet laureate of England Jonson’s life presents a fascinating look into the state of literature and theatre in renaissance Britain which Palmer presents in great detail. This title will be of interest to students of literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138645431

Ben Jonson While most critical writing on Jonson concentrates on the plays poems or masques seen in isolation this title first published in 1981 ranges across the genres to explore Jonson’s vision as a whole. The author points to the inner connections that make of the rich variety of Jonson’s writing a single coherent body of work. We see Jonson exploring the relations between culture and society the difficulties of ideal virtue in a far from ideal world and above all the problems of art itself. Combining a wide-ranging discussion of Jonson’s interests with a detailed examination of his major works this book provides a balanced critical introduction to one of the most complex and fascinating figures in English Literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138236462

Ben Jonson Interest in Ben Jonson is higher today than at any time since his death. This new collection offers detailed readings of all the major plays - Volpone Epicene The Alchemist and Bartholomew Fair - and the poems. It also provides significant insights into the court masques and the later plays which have only recently been rediscovered as genuinely engaging stage pieces. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315844060

Ben JonsonFour Comedies This edition of Ben Jonson's four middle comedies places the works in the popular history and culture of the times 1605-1614 and surveys the influences both classical and contemporary on Jonson as a playwright. On-the-page annotations recreate the audiences perception of the plays as performances by commenting on the stage-directions the self-conscious theatricality of characters and scenes and the vivid colloquialisms of early modern London that give the dialogue a heightened dimension of realism. Brief introductions to each play discuss the local settings sources theatre history and further readings. The general introduction includes a biography of Jonson a chronology of the plays and masques and separate essays on each play dealing particularly with Jonson's satirical treatments of trends and shams of the day whether political social commercial or spiritual. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315845456

Ben JonsonHis Craft and Art Though he is one of the undisputed giants of English literature Ben Jonson is known to most people only as the author of one or two masterly plays which regularly appear in the drama repertory. He is much less well-known for his whole oeuvre which encompasses poetry criticism masque-making and a lifetime of linguistic and lexicographical study. In this book first published in 1990 the author presents a comprehensive critical study of the whole of Jonson’s output from his earliest beginnings through to the final achievement. Looking at every word he ever wrote in drama masque poetry philosophy and literary criticism the author reveals an interesting and varied picture of Jonson. This title will be of interest to students of English literature and Renaissance drama. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138244276

Ben JonsonHis Life and Work The extraordinary character of Ben Jonson has only recently been brought into the light. Critics traditionally exalted Shakespeare at Jonson’s expense. In this biography first published in 1986 the author presents a full and accurate account of Jonson’s life in modern times. Rosalind Miles follows Jonson from his obscure beginnings to his burial in Westminster Abbey as the first Poet Laureate in 1637. Her Jonson is vivid and vigorous equally alive in his life and in his work. This title will be of interest to students of history English literature and Renaissance drama. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138244382

Ben JonsonHis Vision and His Art While most critical writing on Jonson concentrates on the plays poems or masques seen in isolation this title first published in 1981 ranges across the genres to explore Jonson’s vision as a whole. The author points to the inner connections that make of the rich variety of Jonson’s writing a single coherent body of work. We see Jonson exploring the relations between culture and society the difficulties of ideal virtue in a far from ideal world and above all the problems of art itself. Combining a wide-ranging discussion of Jonson’s interests with a detailed examination of his major works this book provides a balanced critical introduction to one of the most complex and fascinating figures in English Literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138235359

Ben Jonson's AntimasquesA History of Growth and Decline First published in 1999 this volume examines how under the patronage of James I and then Charles I Ben Jonson wrote no less than 28 court masques. Paying particular attention to the antimasque Lesley Mickel discusses in detail those court entertainments which contributed significantly to the genre’s evolution and development. Her approach is innovative in that she examines these court entertainments in relation to Jonson’s poetry and dramatic works. This reveals some idea of the way in which Jonson perceived the relationship between satire and panegyric as well as highlighting the related if oppositional views of state power which he expresses in the Roman plays and in the masques. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138610156

Ben JonsonThe Critical Heritage The Critical Heritage gathers together a large body of critical sources on major figures in literature. Each volume presents contemporary responses to a writer's work enabling students and researchers to read the material themselves. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203194515

Ben the Bubble BearTargeting the b Sound Ben the bear loves to blow bubbles but what happens when he tries to blow the biggest bubble in the world? This picture book targets the /b/ sound and is part of Speech Bubbles 1 a series of picture books that target specific speech sounds within the story. The series can be used for children receiving speech therapy for children who have a speech sound delay/disorder or simply as an activity for children’s speech sound development and/or phonological awareness. They are ideal for use by parents teachers or caregivers. Bright pictures and a fun story create an engaging activity perfect for sound awareness. Please see other titles in the series for stories targeting other speech sounds. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367185237

Ben TillettPortrait of a Labour Leader First published in 1982. To study Tillett’s career is to study the modern British labour movement in its formative stages. His rhetoric and activities cast light upon some of the most important periods in labour history. In this book not only the career of this remarkable and mercurial man is analysed but our knowledge of the wider scene in which he played so major a role is increased. This title will be of interest to scholars and students of political history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138331716

Ben-Ami Shillony - Collected Writings This volume of the Collected Writings of Modern Western Scholars on Japan brings together the work of Ben-Ami Shillony on modern history crisis and culture Japan and the Jews. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138971066

Bench to BedsideDiagnostic Microbiology for the Clinicians This reference text is a must have for any current or future clinicians or students of microbiology. It is concisely organized to provide vital information on many of the microbes one will regularly encounter and the most efficacious ways of addressing associated infections. Discussion of antimicrobial resistance mechanisms and measures to combat them are also one of the key features of this text. Whether you desire to utilize this book at the bedside for prompt treatment decisions or as a reference manual to be used at your leisure you will find it to be a valuable addition to your library. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498799690

Benchmark Tasks for Job AnalysisA Guide for Functional Job Analysis (fja) Scales Human resource practitioners are repeatedly faced with the challenge of effectively using language to clearly describe the work performed on a job. Functional Job Analysis--an internationally recognized and respected job analysis method --has been meeting this challenge for more than forty years. In this book the authors show how human resource practitioners can use structured task statements and comprehensive rating scales to gain the perspective needed to map the domain of any job. In response to the demands of human resource practitioners the book focuses on the seven scales used in Functional Job Analysis. More than 450 structured tasks were used to illustrate the breadth and scope of all the levels of these scales. These tasks can be used effectively as benchmarks to chart the work requirements of virtually any job. Personnel practitioners will find insights into the challenges of job analysis as well as the tools needed to make job analysis more comprehensive useful and effective for human resources. Representing the most comprehensive information to date on the use of Functional Job Analysis scales for rating job tasks this book: *addresses the problems of using language to clearly describe how work is performed on the job; *describes the relation between the need to carefully control the language of job analysis and the structure inherent in the Functional Job Analysis Worker Function scales--a conceptual link showing the reader that the key to understanding work is in the vocabulary used to describe work; *contains the most comprehensive treatment of the way to write clear and comprehensive task statements available in the job analysis literature; and *contains a sample task bank for the job of Functional Job Analysts--aiding the reader in understanding how a complete Functional Job Analysis should look. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315806204

Benchmarking and Threshold Standards in Higher Education The specification of standards in higher education has long been the subject of international debate. This text covers the rationales operational issues and perspectives on benchmarking and standards from international viewpoints. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138160057

Benchmarking for Best Practice Benchmarking for Best Practice uses up-to-the-minute case-studies of individual companies and industry-wide quality schemes to show how and why implementation has succeeded. For any practitioner wanting to establish best practice in a wide variety of business areas this book makes essential reading. It is also an ideal textbook on the applications of TQM since it describes concepts covers definitions and illustrates the applications with first-hand examples.Professor Mohamed Zairi is an international expert and leading figure in the field of benchmarking. His pioneering work in this area led to the implementation of sixty comprehensive benchmarking projects in companies worldwide. He has written several books on this subject including 'Practical Benchmarking' in 1992. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138155169

Benchmarking for School ImprovementA Practical Guide for Comparing and Achieving Effectiveness Benchmarking is a term used by the DfEE and OFSTED to describe a school's performance against a national or local average. This useful guide helps senior management teams of schools or colleges to undertake their own benchmarking with the aim of increasing effectiveness and improvement.Tony Kelly looks at the different types of benchmarking and what should be benchmarked and why. He discusses the possibility of forming a benchmarking partnership with another organisation which is acknowledged to be better performing. He also addresses the process of forming a benchmarking team within a school or college. Practical guidance is provided on techniques such as making an effectiveness comparison targeting for improvement and producing target-setting tables and benchmarking comparison charts.The content of the book has been based on extensive research from the UK and overseas. It provides step-by-step advice photocopiable templates and suggestions for further reading. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138149212

Benchmarking in Food and FarmingCreating Sustainable Change At a time when food producers have to make significant changes to their businesses in order to survive a review of benchmarking in agriculture and discussion of its future potential is critical. This book meets that need by providing an overview of existing benchmarking practices in agriculture and the food supply chain and evaluating the potential of these practices to drive sustainable innovation in food and farming. Increasing pressures from commodity markets corporate buyers government and rising input prices (particularly fuel prices) are creating an environment in which farmers and their advisors are keen to make greater use of performance information for survival and growth. Where farmers are diversifying into alternative production methods non-agricultural enterprises and on-farm production and sales the greater the interest in a wider range of accounting tools for decision making. Lisa Jack and her contributors draw on a wide range of data and sources from Australia New Zealand the USA the UK and Europe to provide critical evaluations of what might be considered 'state of the art' benchmarking practices at this time including recent strategic developments such as the use of non-financial measures in balanced scorecards. The food and farming industry is unusual in that benchmarking takes place among large numbers of small family-owned businesses working in a global industry. Not only therefore is this book important for those working in food supply chain businesses but also for those involved in the general practice of benchmarking. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315569048

Bending BodiesVolume 2 This title was first published in 2003. The contributing authors have sought to integrate a gender perspective into their respective fields without isolating it from other theoretical accounts. The chapters attempt to employ insights from feminist work and gender studies in general yet insist on criticizing monolithic accounts of masculinity and elaborating on more differentiated historically and socially embedded accounts of men's lives and their construction of masculinities. The volume is the result of interdisciplinary workshops focusing on questions of male sexuality the male body and masculine representations - primarily investigating the relationship between change and continuity within western patriarchal society and the theoretical (rather than political) implications of the new reserach in men and masculinities. This volume differs from the first in that it deals with the construction of masculine identities on an individual level - the individual man's relationship with his own body and sexuality. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315193960

Bending the Rules of Music TheoryLessons from Great Composers For students learning the principles of music theory it can often seem as though the tradition of tonal harmony is governed by immutable rules that define which chords tones and intervals can be used where. Yet even within the classical canon there are innumerable examples of composers diverging from these foundational "rules." Drawing on examples from composers including J.S. Bach Mozart Beethoven Schubert Mendelssohn Chopin Brahms and more Bending the Rules of Music Theory seeks to take readers beyond the basics of music theory and help them to understand the inherent flexibility in the system of tonal music. Chapters explore the use of different rule-breaking elements in practice and why they work introducing students to a more nuanced understanding of music theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138478244

Beneath the EquatorCultures of Desire Male Homosexuality and Emerging Gay Communities in Brazil First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315022284

Beneath the Image of the Civil Rights Movement and Race RelationsAtlanta GA 1946-1981 This study is the story of the local Civil Rights Movement and race relations in Atlanta Georgia from 1946 to 1981. Most examinations of the Civil Rights Movement have been written from a national perspective. These studies have presented local African American protest movements as part of a national campaign for civil rights that lasted approximately from 1955 the Montgomery Bus Boycott to 1968 the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In this context demonstrations in Montgomery Greensboro Albany Birmingham Selma and Memphis have been viewed as prototypical African American protest movements and milestones in this national campaign for civil rights. First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315790022

Beneath the White CoatDoctors Their Minds and Mental Health This timely book offers a balanced and thoughtful review of the current mental health emergency and its impact upon and among medical professionals supported by the best available evidence and illustrated through real-life cases. Recognising the increasing stressors in the role including the impact of the environment in which doctors work the book examines some of the key emotional drivers for this unhappiness among doctors at work – shame stigma suffering and sacrifice – and offers practical steps to emotional and physical recovery. Despite the obvious challenges and stresses of the role with the right support in place the vast majority of doctors can thrive in their jobs. In reading this book policy makers politicians educators hospital managers will be reminded of the ethical duty to ensure that doctors are cared for and have access to the time people and spaces to remain psychological healthy while doctors will learn to recognize and seek actively the help that they need and to support and guide one another. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138499737

Benedetto CroceCollected Works Originally published between 1921 and 1950 the volumes in this collection showcase many of the most important philosophical political and literary works of Benedetto Croce. The volumes Discuss key political philosophical and aesthetic issues such as freedom and historical judgment Reveal notes made by Croce from private meetings with Allied forces during 1943 and 1944 Examine and explain the literature of Dante Goethe Shakespeare Ariosto and Corneille Discuss the conception of liberty liberalism and the relation of individual morality to the State. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367109943

Beneficial Insects Highly Recommended in CHOICE Jan 2020 Vol 57 5 Insects are key components of life on our planet and their presence is essential for maintaining balanced terrestrial ecosystems. Without insects humans would struggle to survive and on a world scale food production would be severely compromised. Many plants and animals depend directly or indirectly on insects for their very survival and this is particularly so in the case of insectivorous birds and other such creatures. The beneficial role of insects is often overlooked or misunderstood and in farming circles their very presence on crops is often seen to be unwelcome. In reality however many insects are genuinely beneficial as in the case of parasitic and predacious species. The use of chemical pesticides to control crop pests is becoming more tightly regulated and environmentally undesirable and low-input farming in which natural enemies of pests are encouraged to survive or increase is becoming far more prevalent. Accordingly Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategies are increasingly being developed advocated and adopted. Features: Highlights information on many groups of insects and mites that act as natural enemies or biological control agents of phytophagous insects and mites including plant pests. Profusely illustrated with high-quality colour photographs. Focuses mainly on insects and mites as natural enemies of plant pests including parasitic and predacious species that have been accidentally or deliberately introduced in classical biological control programmes. Reviews the role of phytophagous European insects and mites in controlling or managing European plants that have become invasive weeds in other parts of the world notably North America Australia and New Zealand. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482262605

Beneficial Microbes for Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Management Microbes are the most abundant organisms in the biosphere and regulate many critical elemental and biogeochemical phenomena. Because microbes are the key players in the carbon cycle and in related biological reactions microbial ecology is a vital research area for understanding the contribution of the biosphere in global warming and the response of the natural environment to climate variations. The beneficial uses of microbes have enabled constructive and cost-effective responses that have not been possible through physical or chemical methods. This new volume reviews the multifaceted interactions among microbes ecosystems and their pivotal role in maintaining a more balanced environment in order to help facilitate living organisms coexisting with the natural environment. With extensive references tables and illustrations this book provides valuable information on microbial utilization for environmental sustainability and provides fascinating insights into microbial diversity. Key features include: Looks at enhancing plant production through growth-promoting arbuscular mycorrhizae endophytic bacteria and microbiome networks Considers microbial degradation and environmental management of e-wastes and azo dyes Explores soil-plant microbe interactions in metal-contaminated soils Examines radiation-resistant thermophiles for engineered bioremediation Describes potential indigenous/effective microbes for wastewater treatment processes Presents research on earthworms and microbes for organic farming Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771888189

Beneficial Microbes in Fermented and Functional Foods In recent years the potential health benefits of fermented and functional foods have made them increasingly popular among consumers. A complete overview of the physiology and functional aspects of microbes present in fermented foods and used as functional foods Beneficial Microbes in Fermented and Functional Foods explores recent advances and progress made in developing fermented and functional foods using molecular biology techniques. With contributions from international experts the book explores advances in food technology with the prospective applications of microorganisms and their metabolites that can increase opportunities to develop natural substances as food and food ingredients in fermented and functional foods. Divided into four sections and containing 30 chapters the book takes an in-depth look at the role of microbes and their diversity in traditional and modern fermented and functional foods. It also examines the interaction between the different microflora present in fermented food products development of starter cultures to improve the nutritional and sensory quality of fermented foods and factors and processes affecting the safety of various fermented foods. The text then covers application of microbes present in fermented foods and used as functional foods—probiotics prebiotics and synbiotics. It explains the different bacteria and strains used as probiotics their interaction with the other intestinal flora in the host the health benefits conferred by them and risks associated with their consumption. The focus on progress and challenges in the technology development of probiotics prebiotics and synbiotic preparation makes this book especially useful. The complete and comprehensive overview of the physiology and functional aspects of the microbes present in fermented foods and used as fermented foods gives you a firm foundation for future research and development of new products and uses. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482206623

Beneficial Plant-microbial InteractionsEcology and Applications Beneficial Plant-microbial Interactions: Ecology and Applications provides insight into the mechanisms underlying the interactions of plants and microbes the ecological relevance and roles of these symbioses the adaptive mechanisms of plant-associated microorganisms to abiotic stress and their contribution to plant stress tolerance and the potential of these interactions as tools in agrobiotechnology. A team of authors with wide experience in the area contribute up-to-date reviews in nineteen chapters devoted to different ecological and applied aspects of the rhizobia-legume symbiosis ecto- and endomycorrhizas and plant associations with diazotrophic or adiazotrophic plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria. The book is intended for students researchers and academic faculty members in the field of agrobiotechnology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466587175

Benefit Realisation ManagementA Practical Guide to Achieving Benefits Through Change The first edition of Gerald Bradley's Benefit Realisation Management quickly established itself as the definitive practical guide to using measures to track performance throughout the life of a project or programme; enabling organisations to eliminate wasted investment realise more benefits and realise them earlier. The second edition takes you step-by-step through the benefits realisation process explaining along the way how to: * define your projects and programmes by mapping the benefits * produce a convincing and accurate business case * communicate the benefits and get all your stakeholders on board * agree the measures you will use to encourage the desired behaviours to monitor progress and to assess the ultimate success of the project or programme * use the benefits realisation approach to understand and address the human aspects of the project including resistance to change training needs and new ways of working * integrate this approach into your organisation's culture and systems The second edition includes expanded guidance on benefits realisation for portfolio management and includes revisions to the original text along with additional case study examples. The text of the latest edition is now printed in four-colour which make the detailed and varied benefit maps throughout the text immediately more striking and comprehensible. The benefits realisation management methodology fits closely with existing programme and project management approaches such as MSP and Prince 2 making it appropriate for both public and private sector environments. If you are investing heavily in change management IT infrastructure or project working then this book is a must-read that will justify its price many times over. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315569055

Benefit-cost AnalysisA Political Economy Approach This book is an exposition of benefit-cost analysis an analytic framework for organizing thoughts and listing the pros and cons of alternatives. It adopts an interactive political economy approach that accepts specific objectives reflecting the welfare desired for various groups. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367153038

Benefit-Risk Assessment in Pharmaceutical Research and Development Many practitioners in the pharmaceutical industry are still largely unfamiliar with benefit-risk assessment despite its growing prominence in drug development and commercialization. Helping to alleviate this knowledge gap Benefit-Risk Assessment in Pharmaceutical Research and Development provides a succinct overview of the key considerations relevant to benefit-risk assessment across the pharmaceutical R&D spectrum from early clinical development to late-stage development to regulatory review to post-launch assessment.The book first presents interpretations of benefit and risk in the context of a molecule moving from preclinical evaluation into its early testing in humans. It next considers benefit and risk characterization and assessment during a molecule’s journey from its clinical evaluation in humans through its submission to regulators for marketing approval. Throughout these sections the book offers insight into the role of benefit-risk assessment in heightening understanding among key stakeholders by shaping questions and guiding discussions among scientists physicians developers and regulatory agencies. The book also focuses on a molecule’s entry into the marketplace as a drug available for consumption by people. It explores the role of benefit-risk assessment as the relevance of carefully collected clinical efficacy and safety metrics fades in the wake of real-world use and evidence of effectiveness and safety.Bringing together the expertise of 15 contributors from academia and the industry this book offers an easy-to-read guide to the various facets of benefit-risk assessment in the major stages of pharmaceutical R&D. Suitable for those in both technical and managerial roles it enables readers to communicate more effectively across their development chain as well as rationally and thoughtfully embed benefit-risk assessment into their R&D processes. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367576240

Benefit-Risk Assessment Methods in Medical Product DevelopmentBridging Qualitative and Quantitative Assessments Guides You on the Development and Implementation of B–R EvaluationsBenefit–Risk Assessment Methods in Medical Product Development: Bridging Qualitative and Quantitative Assessments provides general guidance and case studies to aid practitioners in selecting specific benefit–risk (B–R) frameworks and quantitative methods. Leading experts from industry regulatory agencies and academia present practical examples lessons learned and best practices that illustrate how to conduct structured B–R assessment in clinical development and regulatory submission.The first section of the book discusses the role of B–R assessments in medicine development and regulation the need for both a common B–R framework and patient input into B–R decisions and future directions. The second section focuses on legislative and regulatory policy initiatives as well as decisions made at the U.S. FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health. The third section examines key elements of B–R evaluations in a product’s life cycle such as uncertainty evaluation and quantification quantifying patient B–R trade-off preferences ways to identify subgroups with the best B–R profiles and data sources used to assist B–R assessment. The fourth section equips practitioners with tools to conduct B–R evaluations including assessment methodologies a quantitative joint modeling and joint evaluation framework and several visualization tools. The final section presents a rich collection of case studies.With top specialists sharing their in-depth knowledge thought-provoking considerations and practical advice this book offers comprehensive coverage of B–R evaluation methods tools and case studies. It gives practitioners a much-needed toolkit to develop and conduct their own B–R evaluations. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367737085

Benefits Bestowed?Education and British Imperialism This volume concentrates on the processes and practices of formal education which shaped and were shaped by imperial values attitudes and behaviour. It is concerned with: The myths and visions of imperialism; The nature and extent of ethnocentric attitudes declared and undeclared; The use of education as a means of disseminating and reinforcing imperial images; The changing concept of imperialism as reflected in the emphases of educational literature The different perceptions of imperialism in the various social and ethnic strata of metropolitan and overseas communities and education systems The assimiliation adaptation and rejection of metropolitan educational models The issue of imperial education as enlightenment hegemony and control. The book features chapters by educationalists historians and sociologists on education as a cornerstone in the construction of imperial control. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415750622

Benefits of Environmental PolicyConference Volume of the 6th Chemnitz Symposium 'Europe and Environment' Environmental policy may produce effects which go beyond the scope of the specific policy’s initial aim. Reforestation for example generates positive benefits not only in the shape of climate protection but also in the shape of the combat of biodiversity loss and it may also raise the attractiveness of a region for tourists. There are several examples of environmental policies generating initially unintended co-effects. These co-effects are not always positive of course. This book addresses the wide range of (co-)effects associated with environmental policies which may increase or decrease the attractiveness of these policies. Therefore the book’s scope goes beyond the standard economic analyses which regularly postulate a specific cause-and-effect chain. The complexity and wide range of benefits is investigated from different perspectives and by means of different methodologies. Among the environmental policies discussed are climate mitigation policies as well as adaptation policies. The inclusion of all relevant effects of environmental policy (and therefore not only of the primarily intended effects) tends to have a strong impact on the efficient policy design. The areas which are covered by the book will be of great interest mainly for economists (environmental economics ecological economics) ecologists and political scientists as well as practitioners scientists and policy makers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415516822

Benefits Realization ManagementStrategic Value from Portfolios Programs and Projects Benefits realization management (BRM) is a key part of governance because it supports the strategic creation of value and provides the correct level of prioritization and executive support to the correct initiatives. Because of its relevance to the governance process BRM has a strong influence over project success and is a link between strategic planning and strategy execution. This book guides portfolio program and project managers through the process of benefits realization management so they can maximize business value. It discusses why and how programs and projects are expected to enable value creation and it explains the role of BRM in value creation. The book provides a flexible framework for: Translating business strategy drivers into expected benefits and explains the subsequent composition of a program and project portfolio that can realize expected benefits Planning the benefits realization expected from programs and projects and then making it happen Keeping programs and projects on track Reviewing and evaluating the benefits achieved or expected against the original baselines and the current expectations. To help project program and portfolio managers on their BRM journey as well as to support business managers in executing business strategies the book identifies key organizational responsibilities and roles involved in BRM practices and it provides a simple reference that can be mapped against any organizational structure. A detailed and comprehensive case study illustrates each phase of the BRM framework as it links business strategy to project work benefits and business value. Each chapter ends with a series questions that provide a BRM self-assessment. The book concludes with a set of templates and detailed instructions to ensure successful deployment of BRM. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781498739252

Benefit-sharing in Environmental GovernanceLocal Experiences of a Global Concept Taking a bottom-up perspective this book explores local framings of a wide range of issues related to benefit-sharing a growing concept in global environmental governance. Benefit-sharing in Environmental Governance draws on original case studies from South Africa Namibia Greece Argentina and Malaysia to shed light on what benefit-sharing looks like from the local viewpoint. These local-level case studies move away from the idea of benefit-sharing as defined by a single international organization or treaty. Rather they reflect different situations where benefit-sharing has been considered including agriculture access to land and plants wildlife management and extractives industries. Common themes in the experiences of local communities form the basis for an exploration of spaces for local voices at the international level in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) often argued to be the most open arena to non-state actors and therefore vital to how local voices may be included at the global level. The book analyzes the decisions of the CBD parties to produce an in-depth reflection on how this arena builds and delimits spaces for the expression of local community themes and paths for local community participation including community protocols. The book then situates the bottom-up findings in the wider debate about global civil society and deliberative democracy in environmental governance. This interdisciplinary book will be of great interest to students and scholars of environmental politics environmental law political ecology and global governance as well as practitioners and policymakers involved in multilateral environmental agreements. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367181871

Benelux Security CooperationA New European Defense Community? This book is an exploration of the security and defense policies of Belgium the Netherlands and Luxembourg with the specific goal of discovering opportunities for greater Benelux security cooperation which could serve as the foundation of a European Defense Community. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367164416

Bengal Industries and the British Industrial Revolution (1757-1857) This book seeks to enlighten two grey areas of industrial historiography. Although Bengal industries were globally dominant on the eve of the industrial revolution no detailed literature is available about their later course of development. A series of questions are involved in it. Did those industries decline during the spells of British industrial revolution? If yes what were their reasons? If not the general curiosity is: On which merits could those industries survive against the odds of the technological revolution? A thorough discussion on these issues also clears up another area of dispute relating to the occurrence of deindustrialization in Bengal and the validity of two competing hypotheses on it viz. i) the mainstream hypothesis of market failures and ii) the neo-marxian hypothesis of imperialistic state interventions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138807723

Bengali Cinema'An Other Nation' Covering the years spanning cinema’s emergence as a popular form in Bengal in the first half of the twentieth century this book examines the main genres and trends produced by this cinema and leads up to Bengali cinema’s last phase of transition in the 1980s. Arguing that Bengali cinema has been a key economic and social institution the author highlights that the Bengali filmic imaginary existed over and above the imaginary of the Indian nation. This book argues that a definitive history of Bengali cinema presents an alternative understanding to the currently influential notion of the Hindi film as the ‘Indian’ or ‘national’ cinema. It suggests that the Bengali cinema presents a history which brings to the fore the deeply contested terrain of ‘national’ cinema and shows the creation of the ‘alternative imaginary’ of the Bengali film. The author indicates that the case of the Bengali cinema demonstrates the emergence of a public domain that set up a definitive discourse of difference with respect to the ‘all-India’ Hindi film popularly classified as Bollywood cinema and which pre-empted its subsumption within the more pervasive culture of the Bombay Hindi cinema. As the first comprehensive historical work on Bengali cinema this book makes a significant contribution to both Film and Cultural Studies and South Asian Studies in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415674492

Bengali: A Comprehensive Grammar Bengali: A Comprehensive Grammar is a complete reference guide to Bengali grammar. It presents a fresh accessible and thorough description of the language concentrating on the real patterns of use in modern Bengali. The book moves from the sounds and script through morphology and word classes to a detailed analysis of sentence structures and semantic features such as aspect tense negation and reduplication. The Grammar is an essential reference source for the learner and user of Bengali irrespective of level. It is ideal for use in schools colleges universities and adult classes of all types. With clear and simple explanations this book will remain the standard reference work for years to come for both learners and linguists alike. The volume is organized to promote a thorough understanding of Bengali grammar. It offers a stimulating analysis of the complexities of the language and provides full and clear explanations. Throughout the emphasis is on Bengali as used by present-day native speakers. An extensive index and numbered paragraphs provide readers with easy access to the information they require. Features include: detailed treatment of the common grammatical structures and parts of speech extensive exemplification particular attention to areas of confusion and difficulty Bengali-English parallels highlighted throughout the book. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003125235

Ben-Gurion Against the Knesset The power struggle between Ben-Gurion and the Knesset was not primarily concerned with who should hold the reins of power but with the ideals that should lie behind government. Ben-Gurion did not think that the Knesset had the moral backbone required at a historic turning-point in Israeli history when the character of the nation was being developed; although he conceded that it was capable of dealing with the more mundane administrative tasks. He therefore denied the Knesset the right to take part in the policy-making process caused a decline in the support of the elite and the general public encouraged partisanship and endeavored to reduce competitiveness. Ben-Gurion was so dismissive of the Knesset and its members that he would not even attend parties at which Knesset members were being given awards. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138870123

Ben-Gurion's Political Struggles 1963-1967A Lion in Winter An essential insight into this central figure in the modern history of Israel and Zionism. This important new study explores the years that built up to the Six Day War and details the crucial issues and events the world is still grappling with today. This book traces Daniel Ben-Gurion’s waning years in Israeli politics. After his resignation from the office of prime minister in 1963 the ‘Old Man’ soon lost faith in his self-chose successor Levi Eshkol and ceaselessly tried to undermine the latter’s premiership eventually forming a breakaway party. The events leading up to the Six-Day War in June 1967 caught Ben-Gurion by surprise. During the weeks-long ‘waiting period’ prior to the outbreak of hostilities he paid little attention to daily security issues. But when war did erupt he displayed one of his key leadership skills – the ability to formulate an accurate independent situation assessment. It will be of interest to scholars working in Israeli politics and history this is a lucid thoroughly researched account of the sunset years of the driving force behind the Israeli nation-state. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138883987

Benin Studies This collection of R. E. Bradbury's papers originally published in 1973 includes edited sections of his (then hitherto) unpublished thesis on the Benin village in Western Nigeria. The book is arranged in 3 parts: historical and political studies of the kingdom of Benin; Benin village organization and religion and art. An introduction by Peter Morton-Williams traces bradbury's development as an interpreter of the culture society and art of Benin beginning with his first studies in the filed and culminating in the important anthropological and historical essays. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138492110

BeninThe Surrounding Country Inhabitants Customs and Trade (1897) First Published in 1968. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an Informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138010970

Benjamin Adorno and the Experience of Literature This collection features original essays that examine Walter Benjamin’s and Theodor Adorno’s essays and correspondence on literature. Taken together the essays present the view that these two monumental figures of 20th-century philosophy were not simply philosophers who wrote about literature but that they developed their philosophies in and through their encounters with literature. Benjamin Adorno and the Experience of Literature is divided into three thematic sections. The first section contains essays that directly demonstrate the ways in which literature enriched the thinking of Benjamin and Adorno. It explores themes that are recognized to be central to their thinking—mimesis the critique of historical progress and the loss and recovery of experience—through their readings of literary authors such as Baudelaire Beckett and Proust. The second section continues the trajectory of the first by bringing together four essays on Benjamin’s and Adorno’s reading of Kafka whose work helped them develop a distinctive critique of and response to capitalism. The third and final section focuses more intently on the question of what it means to gain authentically critical insight into a literary work. The essays examine Benjamin’s response to specific figures including Georg Büchner Robert Walser and Julien Green whose work he sees as neglected undigested or misunderstood. This book offers a unique examination of two pivotal 20th-century philosophers through the lens of their shared experiences with literature. It will appeal to a wide range of scholars across philosophy literature and German studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367666286

Benjamin Britten and Montagu Slater's Peter Grimes ‘Who can turn skies back and begin again?’ -Peter   This book contends that Peter Grimes widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential operas of the 20th century is also one of the British theatre’s finest ‘lost’ plays. Seeking to liberate Britten and Slater’s work from the blinkered traditions of theatre and opera criticism Sam Kinchin-Smith poses two questions: If an opera was created like a play and can be staged as a play is it a play? If a portion of its success and influence is the product of this newly identified theatrical engine is it then a great play? The answers involve Wagner and W.G. Sebald George Crabbe and Complicité Akenfield and Twin Peaks. Challenging long-established narratives of post-war theatre history this book makes a compelling case for why practitioners and scholars of performance ought to pay more attention to Britten and Slater’s achievement – a milestone of unconventional English modernism – and perhaps to other operatic masterpieces too. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138678668

Benjamin BrittenA Guide to Research This work constitutes the largest and most comprehensive research guide ever published about Benjamin Britten. Entries survey the most significant published materials relating to the composer including bibliographies catalogs letters and documents conference reports biographies and studies of Britten's music. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415763707

Benjamin ConstantA Biography `For forty years I have defended the same principle: freedom in everything in religion in philosophy in literature in industry in politics - and by freedom I mean the triumph of the individual.' Constant thus summarized his beliefs at the end of his life. A political theorist and a passionate defender of individual liberty he was also the author of one of the greatest French novels of psychological insight Adolphe. In a major new biography Dennis Wood traces the development of Constant as a writer centrally preoccupied with the problematics of freedom not only in the fields of politics and religious belief but also in his own troubled relationship with several women. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415513159

Benjamin Franklin and the Invention of Microfinance In life Benjamin Franklin sought to manage debt organize credit build capital and promote virtue. After death he continued this work by leaving a codicil to his last will and testament bequeathing £2 000 to Boston and Philadelphia. This study examines Franklin’s codicil and the financial history of America over the 200 years since his death. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138661288

Benjamin FranklinAmerican Founder Atlantic Citizen Known for his influential role in the debates that established the founding documents of the United States Benjamin Franklin was not only an astute politician but also an Atlantic citizen whose commitment to the American cause was informed by years spent in England and France. The life of this iconic founder provides an ideal opportunity for students to take a closer look at eighteenth century colonial society and the contested formation of the early American nation. In this carefully contextualized account Nathan R. Kozuskanich considers the many facets of Franklin’s private and public lives and shows how Franklin grappled with issues that still concern us today: the right to bear arms the legacy of slavery and the nature of American democracy. In a concise narrative bolstered by supporting primary documents Benjamin Franklin: American Founder Atlantic Citizen introduces students to the world of the burgeoning United States and enables them to understand the journey from imperial colonies to an independent nation dedicated to the premise that all men are created equal. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415532006

Benjamin Lax - Interviews on a Life in Physics at MITUnderstanding and Exploiting the Effects of Magnetic Fields on Matter This book covers the life and 60-year career of Prof. Benjamin Lax (1915-2015) a preeminent physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) who played major roles in the development and applications of solid state and plasma physics. In an extensive series of autobiographical interviews Lax describes the challenges he overcame the opportunities he embraced and the many outstanding research physicists he recruited mentored and interacted with. He includes both personal and professional reminiscences. Lax begins with his earliest memories of his childhood in Hungary. He recalls the immigration of his family to America and his education in New York City. He describes his Army service as a Radar Officer at the MIT Radiation Laboratory during World War II. He covers his graduate education in physics at MIT and his building up the semiconductor and ferrite research groups at MIT Lincoln Laboratory in the 1950s. He describes the origins and accomplishments of the MIT Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory of which he was the founding Director and recalls his tenure as professor in the MIT physics department. Features: Provides a valuable insight into a 60-year career in physics at one of the world’s major research universities the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Explores the organization funding and conduct of solid state physics research in the second half of the twentieth century Includes a complete bibliography of Lax’s publications in an online supplement Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367313500

Benoy Kumar SarkarRestoring the nation to the world This book explores the life and times of the pioneering Indian sociologist Benoy Kumar Sarkar. It locates him simultaneously in the intellectual history of India and the political history of the world in the twentieth century. It focuses on the development and implications of Sarkar’s thinking on race gender governance and nationhood in a changing context. A penetrating portrait of Sarkar and his age this book will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of modern Indian history sociology and politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138822504

Bentham First published in 1977 this volume challenges the accepted interpretations of Bentham's political thought and in particular the landmark criticism by John Stuart Mill and Elie Halévy the author consulted the extensive manuscript collections left by Bentham to the University of London and the British museum in the preparation of this volume. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415611510

Bentham's Political Thought In this book first published in 1973 the editor has drawn heavily on Bentham’s manuscripts and has tried to provide a coherent statement of Bentham’s legal and political thought. Unlike Plato Aristotle Hobbes or Mill Bentham did not write one single work containing the basic principles of his legal and political philosophy. This titles presents Bentham’s work in a systematic manner and will be of interest to students of philosophy politics and history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138680302

Bentham's Theory of Fictions First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315888057

Bentonite ClayEnvironmental Properties and Applications Studies the Environmental Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Applications of Bentonite Clay Bentonite clay of which members of the smectite family of clay minerals are particularly important has proven to be effective in sealing off wastes from groundwater. Bentonite Clay: Environmental Properties and Applications explores the mineralogy of clays in general and of smectites in particular that represent challenging conditions for geotechnical professionals responsible for earth dam construction the foundations of roads and buildings and the long-term isolation of chemical and radioactive wastes. The author a world-renowned expert on the subject places special emphasis on the environmental behavior of bentonite clay when focused on the isolation of hazardous wastes and also considers its use in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Based on classical literature and current research and development this text provides an in-depth introduction to bentonite soil explains the origin of smectite-rich clays and pinpoints where they can be found. The book describes the interaction of expandable clay minerals gas and fluids followed by a description of the physical and chemical properties of smectite clay saturated with water or chemical solutions. It also provides relevant findings and conclusions concerning the function of bentonite-based sealing repositories for dangerous waste. This text: Describes the constitution of smectite minerals as a basis for understanding the behavior of smectite clays and their performance in the isolation of hazardous waste Factors in the longevity of smectite clays in bentonite beds and in the form of canister-embedding buffers in repositories for deep geological disposal of highly radioactive waste (HLW) Covers the design principles for clay seals and considers their function in the isolation of waste and redirecting groundwater flow Bentonite Clay: Environmental Properties and Applications documents the origin properties and characteristics of bentonite and its uses. A resource for researchers practitioners regulators and policy makers the text examines the use of clay in hazardous waste and nuclear waste management and provides readers with detailed descriptions of related technical solutions. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482243437

Bent-Shaped Liquid CrystalsStructures and Physical Properties Bent-Shaped Liquid Crystals: Structures and Physical Properties provides insight into the latest developments in the research on liquid crystals formed by bent-shaped mesogens. After a historical introduction the expert authors discuss different kinds of mesophase structures formed by bent-shaped molecules. This book devotes the majority of its pages to physical properties such as polar switching optics and non-linear optics and behavior in restricted geometries. However as chemistry is often highly relevant to the emergence of new phases particularly with reflection symmetry breaking it also involves a broad spectrum of interesting chemistry viewpoints. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367246914

Beowulf and Other StoriesA New Introduction to Old English Old Icelandic and Anglo-Norman Literatures Beowulf & Other Stories was first conceived in the belief that the study of Old English – and its close cousins Old Icelandic and Anglo-Norman – can be a genuine delight covering a period as replete with wonder creativity and magic as any other in literature. Now in a fully revised second edition the collection of essays written by leading academics in the field is set to build upon its established reputation as the standard introduction to the literatures of the time. Beowulf & Other Stories captures the fire and bloodlust of the great epic Beowulf and the sophistication and eroticism of the Exeter Riddles. Fresh interpretations give new life to the spiritual ecstasy of The Seafarer and to the imaginative dexterity of The Dream of the Rood andprovide the student and general reader with all they might need to explore and enjoy this complex but rewarding field. The book sheds light too on the shadowy contexts of the period with suggestive and highly readable essays on matters ranging from the dynamism of the Viking Age to Anglo-Saxon input into The Lord of the Rings from the great religious prose works to the transition from Old to Middle English. It also branches out into related traditions with expert introductions to the Icelandic Sagas Viking Religion and Norse Mythology. Peter S. Baker provides an outstanding guide to taking your first steps in the Old English language while David Crystal provides a crisp linguistic overview of the entire period. With a new chapter by Mike Bintley on Anglo-Saxon archaeology and a revised chapter by Stewart Brookes on the prose writers of the English Benedictine Reform this updated second edition will be essential reading for students of the period. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781408286036

Beowulf's Popular Afterlife in Literature Comic Books and Film Beowulf's presence on the popular cultural radar has increased in the past two decades coincident with cultural crisis and change. Why? By way of a fusion of cultural studies adaptation theory and monster theory Beowulf's Popular Afterlife examines a wide range of Anglo-American retellings and appropriations found in literary texts comic books and film. The most remarkable feature of popular adaptations of the poem is that its monsters frequently victims of organized militarism male aggression or social injustice are provided with strong motives for their retaliatory brutality. Popular adaptations invert the heroic ideology of the poem and monsters are not only created by powerful men but are projections of their own pathological behavior. At the same time there is no question that the monsters created by human malfeasance must be eradicated. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367666491

BeowulfThe Critical Heritage Beowulf is the oldest and most complete epic poem in any non-Classical European language. Our only manuscript written in Old English dates from close to the year 1000. However the poem remained effectively unknown even to scholars until the year 1815 when it was first published in Copenhagen. This impressive volume selects over one hundred works of critical commentary from the vast body of scholarship on Beowulf - including English translations from German Danish Latin and Spanish - from the poem's first mention in 1705 to the Anglophone scholarship of the early twentieth century. Tom Shippey provides both a contextual introduction and a guide to the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century scholarship which generated these Beowulf commentaries. The book is a vital document for the study of one of the major texts of 'the Northern renaissance' in which completely unknown poems and even languages were brought to the attention first of the learned world and then of popular culture. It also acts as a valuable guide to the development of nationalist and racist sentiment beginning romantically and ending with World War and attempted genocide. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138009103

Beppe Grillo's Five Star MovementOrganisation Communication and Ideology In 2009 Beppe Grillo a well-known Italian comedian established the Five Star Movement with the aim of sending a handful of citizens to municipal councils to act as the watchdog of a professional political class often perceived as corrupt and self-interested. However in the Italian general elections of February 2013 despite still largely being considered a small protest movement the party gained the undisputed role of leading political actor gaining just under 9 million votes and sending 163 Deputies and Senators to the Italian parliament. The birth and rapid rise of the Five Star Movement represents an electoral earthquake with no parallels in Italy and the whole of post-1945 Western Europe and a phenomenon likely to shape the Italian political scene for many years to come. Drawing on an extensive array of data and face-to-face interviews this volume offers an empirically grounded explanation of the surprising electoral success of the Five Star Movement and presents a realistic picture of this party in its manifold aspects: organisational structure communication style linkages with civil society ideological nature and positioning in the Italian political system. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472436634

Bereavement and AdaptationA Comparative Study of the Aftermath of Death This book offers a critical review of the main psychological theories on adaptation after loss followed by an overview of the results of the empirical research on bereavement. It also reflects on the results of the Leiden Bereavement Study which compares the consequences of death. Media > Books > E-books Taylor & Francis 9781315793092

Bereavement and SupportHealing in a Group Environment In the early 1970s bereavement support groups were almost unknown. However the obvious benefits of the group process for recovery - the mutual support and understanding that helps mourners to a better outlook - has created a demand for people who can organise and facilitate these groups. Addressing the basis and need for support groups for the bereaved this book presents a theoretical overview examines benefits and variety of support groups structured and unstructural special populations and specifics for initiating organising and running them such as publicity. It differs from other treatments in that theory and practice are moulded into a how-to approach with all procedures presented equally for the widest range of choices. Also included is a comprehensive book bibliography for adults children children's helpers and parents. This text is intended to be of use as a resource for professionals in the field of thanatology including psychologists psychiatrists gerontologists therapists group counsellors hospice workers educators funeral home directors home health employees hospital staff and volunteer organisations that work with survivors. Media > Books > E-books Taylor & Francis 9781315800776

Bereavement Camps for Children and AdolescentsPlanning Curriculum and Evaluation Bereavement Camps for Children and Adolescents is the first book to describe in detail how to create bereavement camps for children and adolescents. It is a comprehensive how-to guide offering practical advice on planning curriculum building and evaluation. Readers will find a step-by-step plan for building a non-profit organization including board development and fundraising such as grant writing soliciting businesses and holding special events as well as valuable information on nonprofit management and volunteer recruitment. The appendices include a variety of sample forms letters and more. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138284395

Bereavement Care for Childbearing Women and their FamiliesAn Interactive Workbook For many bereaved parents the care provided by health professionals at birth – from midwives to antenatal teachers – has a crucial effect on their response to a loss or death. This interactive workbook is clearly applied to practice and has been designed to help practitioners deliver effective bereavement care. Providing care to grieving parents can be demanding difficult and stressful with many feeling ill equipped to provide appropriate help. Equipping the reader with fundamental skills to support childbearing women partners and families who have experienced childbirth-related bereavement this book outlines: What bereavement is and the ways in which it can be experienced in relation to pregnancy and birth Sensitive and supportive ways of delivering bad news to childbearing women partners and families Models of grieving How to identify when a bereaved parent may require additional support from mental health experts Ongoing support available for bereaved women their partners and families The impact on practitioners and the support they may require How to assess and tailor care to accommodate a range of spiritual and religious beliefs about death. Written by two highly educated experienced midwifery lecturers this practical and evidence-based workbook is a valuable resource for all midwives neonatal nurses and support workers who work with women in the perinatal period. This book is suitable as a text for BSc and MSc courses in Midwifery; BScs courses in Paediatric Nursing; and for neonatal and bereavement counselling courses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415827249

Bereavement Care for Families Grief is a family affair. When a loved one dies the distress reverberates throughout the immediate and extended family. Family therapy has long attended to issues of loss and grief yet not as the dominant therapeutic paradigm. Bereavement Care for Families changes that: it is a practical resource for the clinician one that draws upon the evidence supporting family approaches to bereavement care and also provides clinically oriented strategic guidance on how to incorporate family approaches into other models. Subsequent chapters set forth a detailed research-based therapeutic model that clinicians can use to facilitate therapy engage the ambivalent deal with uncertainty manage family conflict develop realistic goals and more. Any clinician sensitive to the roles family members play in bereavement care need look no further than this groundbreaking text. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415637381

Bereavement CareA New Look at Hospice and Community Based Services Here is a comprehensive interdisciplinary look at current bereavement care practices and key concerns of care providers. Covering a broad spectrum of topics interests and perspectives from divergent disciplines and clinical experiences the contributing authors explore theories and constructs that can clarify and be useful in the provision of bereavement services.Bereavement Care: A New Look at Hospice and Community Based Services addresses important issues related to the delivery of bereavement care and services. Chapters focusing on clinical concerns examine ways to distinguish grief from depression and the use of Jung’s theory to expand an understanding of the grief process. Others explore options for community-based group interventions and the role of the volunteer in the provision of hospice bereavement services. Chapters with a research focus highlight effective assessment tools the applicability of Bugen’s model and the practice and problems involved in hospice bereavement services.This rich and compassionate volume will be helpful to mental health professionals social workers chaplains nursing personnel and volunteers who work with or provide services to bereaved persons and families. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203727294

Bereavement CounselingPastoral Care for Complicated Grieving Get a unique insight into health bereavement and healing! Bereavement Counseling: Pastoral Care for Complicated Grieving is a practical guide to the assessment and treatment of complicated grief responses using a pastoral approach that combines clinical and spiritual care. The book addresses current theory observations and experience and examines changing approaches and developing standards of practice. The author an ordained minister with an extensive background in pastoral counseling integrates spirituality into the grieving process by focusing on the partnership between spirituality and healing the resources of spiritual practices and the functions of counseling and spiritual/pastoral psychotherapy. By providing usable treatment strategies sharing standard interventions and promoting technical skill for caregivers Bereavement Counseling: Pastoral Care for Complicated Grieving places sustained emphasis on giving voice to grief and recovery. The author draws from more than 20 years’ experience in ministry teaching supervision consultation and therapy to present stories vignettes and poetry that give depth and life to the grieving process. These vignettes provide a unique insight into health bereavement and healing and create a living context for maintaining a person-centered focus that promotes meaning and leads to positive outcomes. The book provides templates as assessment and treatment planning aids and includes an extensive bibliography of up-to-date journal articles that reflect the latest research in the field. Topics addressed in Bereavement Counseling: Pastoral Care for Complicated Grieving include: universal grief processes and responses dysfunctional grieving therapies and treatment priorities reorganization and recovery how perceptions thoughts and belief influence care and much more! Bereavement Counseling: Pastoral Care for Complicated Grieving is a practical resource for clergy pastoral care specialists and anyone needing to help others bear with the pain of grief process loss gain new insight and meaning and experience a renewed sense of healing and connection. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203049242

Bereavement Groups and the Role of Social SupportIntegrating Theory Research and Practice All too frequently clinical practice consists of repeating year after year the methods learned in graduate training occasionally seasoned by a technique learned in a continuing-education workshop. Bereavement Groups and the Role of Social Support gives clinicians what they’ve been missing in other volumes: practical techniques that have a solid contemporary empirical basis. Deftly weaving together theory research and practice this volume is a compendium of the latest practical thinking about bereavement support groups. Readers will learn when well-loved practices make sense and are supported by sound evidence as well as which practices should possibly be discontinued. The book also contains the results of a qualitative study bringing together the best practices of experienced bereavement group leaders from around the world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138916890

Bereavement Support Group Program for ChildrenLeader Manual and Participant Workbook First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9781138157484

Bereavement Support Group Program for ChildrenParticipant Workbook The workbook fosters participant interaction with worksheets for each activity that require written comments and drawings. Also contains updated bibliography for each session. It encourages sharing among group members and communication with parents or guardians. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9781138141186

BereavementClient Adaptation and Hospice Services Helping a mother transcend the death of her only child helping a young child understand and cope with the death of a loved one and helping survivors of the AIDS epidemic cope with the loss of numerous loved ones and the loss of community are among the greatest challenges facing today’s bereavement counselors. Bereavement explores these sensitive issues and ways bereavement counselors can help these individuals construct new identities and new worldviews that are self-affirming. Using this book as a guide you can improve your understanding of the various resources and options that can be employed to achieve the healthy resolution of grief with individuals families and communities. Recognizing that the experience of grieving is unique for all individuals Bereavement addresses a wide range of issues facing bereavement professionals. Its authors offer a multitude of effective therapeutic interventions and techniques. You will learn to encourage grievers to incorporate important aspects of their lost relationship(s) into their present lives to gain greater personal integration and wholeness; see how to use music dance art and play therapy with clients to help them explore their grief and move through the various stages of grieving; acquire helpful hints and practical advice for offering extended bereavement care to both hospice and non-hospice families; and see how a highly successful interdisciplinary bereavement team approach has been employed in one of the largest bereavement programs in the U.S. You will also learn about other crucial topics and issues faced by bereavement counselors including: uniting survivors of different types of death in a support group teaching your community about death/dying developing rural hospice bereavement services emotional behavioral physical social and cognitive symptoms of grief healthy coping mechanisms pre-death bereavement interventions Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder multiple trauma survivor guilt bereavement counseling as a supplement to normal support networksBereavement will help you enhance your knowledge and skills in the delivery of effective bereavement services. Whether you are a beginner or a counselor with several years of experience you will find this book an invaluable guide as it walks you through the different stages of mourning through different human reactions to death and dying and through different therapeutic approaches. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315786636

BereavementPersonal Experiences and Clinical Reflections This book is about death loss grief and mourning but with an unusual twist. It explores specific kinds of deaths encountered within families and households rather than general concepts of mourning and addresses the death of a different loved one. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782204916

BereavementStudies of Grief in Adult Life Fourth Edition The loss of a loved one is one of the most painful experiences that most of us will ever have to face in our lives. This book recognises that there is no single solution to the problems of bereavement but that an understanding of grief can help the bereaved to realise that they are not alone in their experience. Long recognised as the most authoritative work of its kind this new edition has been revised and extended to take into account recent research findings on both sides of the Atlantic. Parkes and Prigerson include additional information about the different circumstances of bereavement including traumatic losses disasters and complicated grief as well as providing details on how social religious and cultural influences determine how we grieve. Bereavement provides guidance on preparing for the loss of a loved one and coping after they have gone. It also discusses how to identify the minority in whom bereavement may lead to impairment of physical and/or mental health and how to ensure they get the help they need. This classic text will continue to be of value to the bereaved themselves as well as the professionals and friends who seek to help and understand them. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315829753

Bergson Henri Bergson (1859-1941) was one of the most celebrated and influential philosophers of the twentieth century. He was awarded in 1928 the Nobel prize for literature for his philosophical work and his controversial ideas about time memory and life shaped generations of thinkers writers and artists. In this clear and engaging introduction Mark Sinclair examines the full range of Bergson's work. The book sheds new light on familiar aspects of Bergson’s thought but also examines often ignored aspects of his work such as his philosophy of art his philosophy of technology and the relation of his philosophical doctrines to his political commitments. After an illuminating overview of his life and work chapters are devoted to the following topics: the experience of time as duration the experience of freedom memory mind and body laughter and humour knowledge art and creativity the élan vital as a theory of biological life ethics religion war and modern technology With a final chapter on his legacy Bergson is an outstanding guide to one of the great philosophers. Including chapter summaries annotated further reading and a glossary it is essential reading for those interested in metaphysics time free will aesthetics the philosophy of biology continental philosophy and the role of European intellectuals in World War I. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138219496

Bergson And Modern Thought First Published in 1987. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315076317

Berio's SequenzasEssays on Performance Composition and Analysis Between 1958 and 2002 Luciano Berio wrote fourteen pieces entitled Sequenza along with several versions of the same work for different instruments revisions of the original pieces and also the parallel Chemins series where one of the Sequenzas is used as the basis for a new composition on a larger scale. The Sequenza series is one of the most remarkable achievements of the late twentieth century - a collection of virtuoso pieces that explores the capabilities of a solo instrument and its player making extreme technical demands of the performer whilst developing the musical vocabulary of the instrument in compositions so assured and so distinctive that each piece both initiates and potentially exhausts the repertoire of a new genre. The Sequenzas have significantly influenced the development of composition for solo instruments and voice and there is no comparable series of works in the output of any other composer. Series of pieces tend to be linked by the instruments for which the composer writes but this is a series in which the pieces are linked instead by the variety of instruments for which Berio composed. The varied approaches taken by the contributors in discussing the pieces demonstrate the richness of this repertoire and the many levels on which Berio and these landmark compositions can be considered. Contributions are arranged under three main headings: Performance Issues; Berio's Compositional Process and Aesthetics; and Analytical Approaches. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138247994

Berkeley NO_DESCRIPTION_AVAILABLE_FOR_THIS_PRODUCT Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415773218

Berkeley on Abstraction and Abstract Ideas Berkeley’s critique of abstract ideas in the Introduction to Principles of Human Knowledge has provoked a great deal of commentary of various sorts. This anthology first published in 1989 presents a selection of historically important and philosophically interesting discussions on Berkeley’s theories. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367143367

Berkeley: The Philosophy of Immaterialism This book first published in 1974 presents a critical examination of Berkeley’s immaterialism. It is based on a detailed study of his writings (in particular of his notebooks) and while it places his ideas against their eighteenth-century background it also takes into account the various interpretations of Berkeley found in the literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367135508

Berkeley's Doctrine of NotionsA Reconstruction Based on his Theory of Meaning This book first published in 1987 offers a reconstruction of Berkeley’s doctrine on notions by examining the implications of his repeated suggestion that there is a close relationship between his doctrine and his semantic theory. The study ties in with some of the most important topics in modern analytic philosophy and casts important light on modern philosophical concerns as well as on Berkeley’s thought. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367136192

Berkeley's PrinciplesExpanded and Explained Berkeley's Principles: Expanded and Explained includes the entire classical text of the Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge in bold font a running commentary blended seamlessly into the text in regular font and analytic summaries of each section. The commentary is like a professor on hand to guide the reader through every line of the daunting prose and every move in the intricate argumentation. The unique design helps today's students learn how to read and engage with one of modern philosophy's most important and exciting classics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138934795

Berlin Between Two Worlds This book discusses Berlin's future from the perspective of all the major national actors involved. It shows how the perceptions stakes and even risks of the Berlin issue vary by nation and explores the reasons why Berlin is likely to continue to be an obstacle to East-West cooperation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367158606

Berlin in the Cold War 1948-1990Documents on British Policy Overseas Series III Vol. VI This volume consists of a book and fully searchable DVD containing a facsimile collection of diplomatic documents covering British reactions to critical developments regarding Berlin its quadripartite administration and role in the Cold War during the crises of 1948-49 1959-61 and 1988-90. These events were each set within very different international contexts but four interrelated themes are nevertheless common to each of the three chapters of the volume: the British Government’s insistence in conjunction with the Americans and the French on upholding and safeguarding the rights of the four occupying powers in Berlin; British concerns with broader matters of military security in Western Europe as a whole and Germany in particular; the interaction of the four occupying powers with one another; and the questions raised by demographic change especially population movements from east to west. All of the documents dealing with the events of 1989-90 fall within the UK’s 30-year rule and are therefore not yet in the public domain. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138881884

Berlingieri on Arrest of Ships Volume IA Commentary on the 1952 Arrest Convention Now presented in two convenient volumes the sixth edition of Berlingieri on Arrest of Ships is an invaluable source of information detailing the claims in respect of which a ship may be arrested the conditions for obtaining an order of arrest the need for a security the manner by which the ship that has been arrested may be released the possibility of a multiple arrest and the jurisdiction on the merits. Focused on the 1952 Arrest Convention volume I provides a unique thorough and updated commentary analysing each provision with reference to its interpretation in a significant number of States Parties. Moreover the original comments have been reviewed on the basis of the Travaux Préparatoires of the Convention which the Author has collected and arranged under each article. In addition to this the Travaux Préparatoires are now included as a new and important appendix to the volume. Written by a renowned expert in the field and analysing the various conventions relating to the arrest of ships in an article-by-article and paragraph manner this book is a useful reference tool for practitioners as well as academics and post-graduate students of maritime law. Media > Books > Print Books Informa Law from Routledge 9781138643277

Berlingieri on Arrest of Ships Volume IIA Commentary on the 1999 Arrest Convention Now presented in two convenient volumes the sixth edition of Berlingieri on Arrest of Ships is an invaluable source of information detailing the claims in respect of which a ship may be arrested the conditions for obtaining an order of arrest the need for a security the manner by which the ship that has been arrested may be released the possibility of a multiple arrest and the jurisdiction on the merits. Focused on the 1999 Arrest Convention volume II provides a unique thorough and updated commentary analysing each provision with reference to its interpretation in a significant number of States Parties. Moreover the original comments have been reviewed on the basis of the Travaux Préparatoires of the Convention which the Author has collected and arranged under each article. In addition to this the Travaux Préparatoires are now included as a new and important appendix to the volume. Written by a renowned expert in the field and analysing the various conventions relating to the arrest of ships in an article-by-article and paragraph manner this book is a useful reference tool for practitioners as well as academics and post-graduate students of maritime law. Media > Books > Print Books Informa Law from Routledge 9781138220447

Berlingieri on Arrest of Ships: Volumes I and IIVolume Set Now presented in two convenient volumes the sixth edition of Berlingieri on Arrest of Ships is an invaluable source of information detailing the claims in respect of which a ship may be arrested the conditions for obtaining an order of arrest the need for a security the manner by which the ship that has been arrested may be released the possibility of a multiple arrest and the jurisdiction on the merits. Written by a renowned expert in the field and analysing the various conventions relating to the arrest of ships in an article-by-article and paragraph manner these books are a useful reference tool for practitioners as well as academics and post-graduate students of maritime law. Media > Books > Print Books Informa Law from Routledge 9781138285019

BerlinThe Spatial Structure of a Divided City This anniversary study presents a readable informative account of the development and current structure of Berlin. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138867239

Berlioz and Debussy: Sources Contexts and LegaciesEssays in Honour of François Lesure This collection of essays by scholars of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century French music has been assembled in homage to the influential and inspirational French musicologist François Lesure who died in 2001. Lesure's immense erudition was legendary and spanned music from the sixteenth to the twentieth century. Two French composers who were particular foci in his scholarship were Berlioz and Debussy and this collection is based on scholarship around these two composers and the sources contexts and legacies relating to their work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138262980

BermudaCelebrating 400 Years of History A special double issue of Publications of the English Goethe Society to celebrate the 70th birthday of Professor Martin Swales (UCL UK) This volume collects papers from a conference held at the Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies in October 2010. The conference aimed to analyse how literary texts articulate (and give voice to) ideas and ideologies. In contrast to most philosophy literature rarely makes claims to systematic conceptual rigour. Literary statements are always conjectural; they are also conditioned by the conventions of the genre in which they are made. Because literature is such a hypothetical medium of expression it is uniquely suited to philosophical experimentation. Indeed because literature invokes imagined or remembered experience it functions as a laboratory in which ideas may be tested against experience. Literature's formal qualities which allow for statement and counter-statement move and counter-move make it a highly sophisticated mode of discourse in which to test out ideas. Concepts can be played against each other and genre conventions may be adhered to or subverted in order to create multiple layers of signification. The papers presented are published here in this special issue of Publications of the English Goethe Society and take account of German (or European) poetry drama or prose literature from 1750 to the present day. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781907975196

BernanosHis Political Thought and Prophecy Thomas Molnar's Bernanos is an illuminating study of the personal evolution of the French Catholic novelist Georges Bernanos from a reactionary royalist to a religiously principled anti-fascist. It also provides a detailed account of the intellectual divisions within the French Catholic Right and suggests a number of parallels with intellectual and literary figures on the secular and religious left including Zola Peguy and Simone Weil. But as Molnar points out the significance of Bernanos is not exhausted by his writings. Bernanos the man is as deserving of attention as is Bernanos the novelist essayist and social critic.Molnar shows Bernanos against the troubled political-religious background of modern France: the Dreyfus case the disillusionment following World War I the Franco regime Vichy and the beginnings of the cold war. Whatever touched France touched Bernanos and he flung himself into each crisis not armed with a political system nor an academically sanctioned philosophy but with a peasant's respect for what is and a Christian's sense of what might be. The portrait that Molnar draws is that of a passionately concerned Christian who knows that truth is hard to come by but who is ready to follow it wherever it leads regardless of the consequences.A crucial theme covered by Molnar is Bernanos' long and conflicted relations with Charles Maurras and the Action Francaise. He makes clear the extent to which Bernanos' fervent Catholicism set him apart from Maurras whose positivistic inspiration and passion for order helped lay the groundwork for the political collapse that led to the Vichy regime. Thomas Molnar's book is a fascinating account of Georges Bernanos' stature as both a political thinker and an important novelist. Bernanos will be enjoyed by historians political scientists philosophers theologians and scholars of literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519442

Bernard Bosanquet and his FriendsLetters Illustrating the Sources and the Development of his Philosophical Opinions First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138870741

Bernard Stiegler and the Philosophy of Education This book is the first of its kind to critically examine the philosophy of Bernard Stiegler from the perspective of the philosophy of education. The editors of this book firmly believe that in the coming years Stiegler’s philosophy will assume increasing importance and influence in both digital studies and the philosophy of education as his thought is a prism through which to understand how we live and work and a means to anticipate what the future may hold for us all in the time of the Anthropocene. They are of the view that Stiegler’s work will have a permanent impact on the intellectual terrain of the twenty-first century as his majestic conceptual architectonic will shape political social and pedagogical debates in the coming decades. With this in mind the contributors of this book take up his gauntlet to understand the risks and opportunities of the digital pharmakon and its impact on the educational milieu. The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367635329

Bernard Tschumi: Parc de la VilletteSuperCrit #4 The Supercrit series revisits some of the most influential architectural projects of the recent past and examines their impact on the way we think and design today. Based on live studio debates between protagonists and critics the books describe explore and criticise these major projects. Bernard Tschumi: Parc de la Villette Supercrit #4 examines the groundbreaking public space with art installations. You can hear the architect’s project definition see the drawings and join in the crit. This innovative and compelling book is an invaluable resource for any architecture student. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415457880

Bernard Williams From his earliest work on personal identity to his last on the value of truthfulness the ideas and arguments of Bernard Williams - in the metaphysics of personhood in the history of philosophy but especially in ethics and moral psychology - have proved sometimes controversial often influential and always worth studying. This book provides a comprehensive account of Williams's many significant contributions to contemporary philosophy. Topics include personal identity various critiques of moral theory practical reasoning and moral motivation truth and objectivity and the relevance of ancient Greece to modern life. It not only positions Williams among these important philosophical topics but also with regard to the views of other philosophers including prominent forerunners such as Hume and Nietzsche and contemporary thinkers such as Nagel McDowell MacIntyre and Taylor. The fragmentary nature of Williams's work is addressed and recurring themes and connections within his work are brought to light. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315710488

Bernardin De St Pierre 1737-1814A Life of Culture This book explores the importance of Bernardin de Saint-Pierre's principal works notably the novel Paul et Virginie. It provides an account of the writer's significance and status in a period of French history which saw the transition from monarchy to republic and empire. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367605032

Bernstein's Construction of MovementsThe Original Text and Commentaries Nikolai Aleksandrovich Bernstein was one of the great neuroscientists of the twentieth century and highly respected by Western scientists even though most have never read his most important book entitled On the Construction of Movements. Bernstein's Construction of Movements: The Original Text and Commentaries is the first English translation. It supplements the translated text with a series of commentaries by scientists who knew Bernstein personally as well as leaders in related fields including physics motor control and biomechanics. While written in 1947 Bernstein’s book is anything but obsolete making this English translation and accompanying commentaries an invaluable text. The translated original text presents in detail Bernstein’s views on the evolutionary history of biological movement and his multi-level hierarchical scheme of the construction of movements in higher animals including humans. The following commentaries address Bernstein’s personality the history of the book and current views on different aspects of neuroscience covered in Bernstein’s text. Ultimately they present "a book within the book" to showcase how Bernstein’s heritage has developed over the past years. This classic available for the first time to an English-speaking audience will prove beneficial to students instructors and experts of neuroscience physics neurophysiology motor control motor rehabilitation biomechanics dynamical systems and related fields. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367418922

Berthold Lubetkin’s Highpoint II and the Jewish Contribution to Modern English Architecture In 1935 the Russian-born Jewish architect Berthold Lubetkin and his firm Tecton designed Highpoint a block of flats in London which Le Corbusier called ‘revolutionary’. Three years later Lubetkin completed a companion design. Yet Highpoint II felt very different and the sense that the ideals of modernism had been abandoned seemed hard to dispute. Had modern architecture failed to take root in England? This book challenges the belief that English architecture was on hiatus during the 1930s. Using Highpoint II as a springboard Deborah Lewittes takes us on a journey through the defining moments of modern English architecture – the ‘high points’ of the period surrounding Highpoint II. Drawing on Lubetkin’s work and his writings the book argues that he advanced influential lasting theories which were rooted in his design for Highpoint II. Lubetkin’s work is explored within the context of wider Jewish emigration to London during the interwar years as well as the anti-Semitism that pervaded Britain during the 1930s. As Lewittes demonstrates this decade was anything but quiet. Providing a new perspective on twentieth-century English architecture this book is of interest to students and scholars in architectural history urban studies Jewish studies and related fields. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367607029

Bertolt Brecht Bertolt Brecht’s methods of collective experimentation and his unique framing of the theatrical event as a forum for change placed him among the most important contributors to the theory and practice of theatre. His work continues to have a signiï¬cant impact on performance practitioners critics and teachers alike. Now revised and reissued this book combines: an overview of the key periods in Brecht’s life and work a clear explanation of his key theories including the renowned ideas of Gestus and Verfremdung an account of his groundbreaking 1954 production of The Caucasian Chalk Circle an in-depth analysis of his practical exercises and rehearsal methods. As a ï¬rst step towards critical understanding and as an initial exploration before going on to further primary research Routledge Performance Practitioners are an invaluable resource for students and scholars. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815396895

Bertolt BrechtJournals 1934 - 1955 This book contains selected poems plays and prose by Bertolt Brecht taken from various points throughout his career. It includes translations of two prose works and provides some background information on Brecht's life and career. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003061496

Bertrand Russell and the Nature of PropositionsA History and Defence of the Multiple Relation Theory of Judgement Bertrand Russell and the Nature of Propositions offers the first book-length defence of the Multiple Relation Theory of Judgement (MRTJ). Although the theory was much maligned by Wittgenstein and ultimately rejected by Russell himself Lebens shows that it provides a rich and insightful way to understand the nature of propositional content. In Part I Lebens charts the trajectory of Russell’s thought before he adopted the MRTJ. Part II reviews the historical story of the theory: What led Russell to deny the existence of propositions altogether? Why did the theory keep evolving throughout its short life? What role did G. F. Stout play in the evolution of the theory? What was Wittgenstein’s concern with the theory and if we can’t know what his concern was exactly then what are the best contending hypotheses? And why did Russell give the theory up? In Part III Lebens makes the case that Russell’s concerns with the theory weren’t worth its rejection. Moreover he argues that the MRTJ does most of what we could want from an account of propositions at little philosophical cost. This book bridges the history of early analytic philosophy with work in contemporary philosophy of language. It advances a bold reading of the theory of descriptions and offers a new understanding of the role of Stout and the representation concern in the evolution of the MRTJ. It also makes a decisive contribution to philosophy of language by demonstrating the viability of a no-proposition theory of propositions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367888756

Bertrand Russell Bundle RC First published in 2011. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415681445

Bertrand Russell Memorial Volume First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415511063

Bertrand Russell On Education Although scholars from many disciplines have turned their attention to Russell’s work and appraised its significance for a number of fields and an extensive literature on him emerged until this book first published in 1963 no thorough study on Russell’s contribution to education – an area to which he devoted no small part of his energies – had yet appeared. The book is based on interviews with Russell as well as diligent research in his writings and the sources of his thought and will enlighten all who think seriously about education. It addresses specifically the usefulness of Russell’s thought for American educators which was challenging as Russell dared to question traditional ends and means of education at the time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415752756

Bertrand Russell on Modality and Logical Relevance First published in 1999 this volume re-examines Bertrand Russell’s views on modal logic and logical relevance arguing that Russell does in fact accommodate modality and modal logic. The author Jan Dejnožka draws together Russell’s comments and perspectives from throughout his canon in order to demonstrate a coherent view on logical modality and logical relevance. To achieve this Dejnožka explores questions including whether Russell has a possible worlds logic Rescher’s case against Russell Russell’s three levels of modality and the motives and origins of Russell’s theory of modality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138625624

Bertrand Russell: A Life Bertrand Russell’s eminence of intellect and person has long been unassailable. Besides his distinction as mathematician and philosopher and a vast output of books articles lectures and talks on most aspects of the human condition there is his continuing concern for day-to-day political issues his championing of individual freedom and his readiness to stand for a cause to the point of imprisonment. To have distilled the essence of his ninety-odd years into this little book is itself quite an achievement. Originally published in 1962 it has been called a ‘pocket guide to greatness’ and forms a useful complement to the longer and slightly earlier study by Alan Wood’s The Passionate Sceptic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138008182

Bertrand Russell: The Passionate Sceptic ‘Fascinating’ ‘brilliant’ ‘oddly moving’ ‘a warm human picture’ – this biography was enthusiastically received when it came out in 1957. And no wonder. It is not only the lively story of a distinguished man but a lucid account of his work and its significance. The author who was himself a philosopher and journalist has followed the bright thread of Russell’s personality with affectionate insight from the three-day-old baby who looked about him ‘in a very energetic way’ and the boy who jibbed at taking Euclid on trust through the many turns of his life to the undimmed octogenarian still questioning and still deeply concerned. The subject is a great one and the biographer has matched it. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138008199

Bertrand Russell's AmericaHis Transatlantic Travels and Writings. Volume One 1896-1945 Originally published in 1973 this volume documents Bertrand Russell’s travels in America covering the period 1896-1945. It is presented in two halves with the first a biographical account of Russell’s involvement with the United States with special reference to the seven visits he made there during this time period. Throughout this section the most representative of Russell’s journalistic writings are highlighted and these are presented as full texts in the second half of the book. This collection is assembled to provide an understanding of Russell’s deep and many-sided involvement with the United States during his life. A documented account it is supplemented with important letters photographs and newspaper articles. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415752725

Bertrand Russell's AmericaHis Transatlantic Travels and Writings. Volume Two 1945-1970 Originally published in 1984 this volume documents Bertrand Russell’s travels in America covering the period 1945-1970. It is presented in two halves with the first a biographical account of Russell’s involvement with the United States with special reference to the seven visits he made there during this time period. Throughout this section the most representative of Russell’s journalistic writings are highlighted and these are presented as full texts in the second half of the book. This collection is assembled to provide an understanding of Russell’s deep and many-sided involvement with the United States during his life. A documented account it is supplemented with important letters photographs and newspaper articles. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415752732

Bertrand Russell's Best Bertrand Russell was regarded as one of the twentieth century’s greatest minds. Well known for his profound knowledge and controversial approach to a myriad of different issues and subjects his prolific works also exhibited great intellectual wit and humour. Bertrand Russell’s Best is a collection of Russell’s wittiest and most pungent writings. First published in 1958 this delightfully funny and entertaining book is a striking testament to the remarkable life work and wit of Bertrand Russell. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138131316

Bertrand Russell's Construction of the External World First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315823140

Bertrand Russell's Dialogue with His Contemporaries (Routledge Revivals) First published in 1989 this book considers Bertrand Russell’s philosophy through his correspondence with others. Indeed his exchanges with his elders in philosophy with his contemporaries and with one of his most outstanding pupils are brought to life in this judicious exposition: meticulously documented before being judged with insight and sympathy as well as impartiality. Elizabeth Ramsden Eames here explores the issues that emerged from Russell’s exchanges with certain other philosophers and interprets the resulting reciprocal influences and reactions. The conversations presented cover subjects such as: the nature of relations; pluralism versus monism; the relation of the subject and object in knowledge; the analysis of experience; the definition of truth; the analysis of belief; and the theory of meaning. These have been in the forefront of philosophical discussion in our time and Russell’s dialogue with his contemporaries promises to illumine them. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415827072

Bertrand Russell's Theory of Knowledge When future generations come to analyze and survey twentieth-century philosophy as a whole Bertrand Russell’s logic and theory of knowledge is assured a place of prime importance. Yet until this book was first published in 1969 no comprehensive treatment of his epistemology had appeared. Commentators on twentieth-century philosophy at the time assumed that Russell’s important contributions to the theory of knowledge were made before 1921. This book challenges that assumption and draws attention to features of Russell’s later work which were overlooked. The analysis starts with Russell’s earliest views and moves from book to book and article to article through his enormous span of writing on the problems and theory of knowledge. The changes in ideas as he developed the theory are traced and the study culminates in a statement of his latest views. His work is seen in a continuity in which the changes were part of the development of his mature thought and the total evaluation and interpretation clarify many of the common misunderstandings of his philosophy. This is naturally of interest to all philosophers and for students this is the answer to inevitable questions on the nature of Russell’s ideas and their evolution. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138008175

BesiegedSeven Cities Under Siege J. Bowyer Bell's Beseiged is built on the premise that as long as men have constructed walls other men have tried to scale them. From ancient Jericho and Joshua's trumpet to London and the onslaught of the Luftwaffe people have always devised cunning weapons with all the skills at their command to breach such barriers and invade the camps and fortified places of their enemies.Beseiged is the story of seven great modern sieges: Madrid in the Spanish Civil War; London Warsaw Singapore and Stalingrad in World War II; Berlin during the Post World War II Airlift; and Jerusalem under Arab attack from four sides in 1947. Bell a veteran historian describes in detail the actual battles involved clearly demonstrating the universality of sieges and siegecraft and showing that all these beleaguered places have things in common and obey certain basic laws or principles.Bell points out commonalities showing for example though no bullets were fired during the Berlin Airlift the city itself was as much under siege as was Warsaw where the Polish Underground fought a fierce but hopeless battle against Hitler's Wehrmacht. By the same token Bell shows though no German infantry ever came close to London it was nonetheless besieged by aerial squadrons just as surely as Stalingrad was by both German and Russian ground forces. The histories of these sieges are ones of heroism and cowardice meticulous planning and incredible blunders all of which can be studied and used even currently in similar situations in either defending or piercing the defenses of a location in times of unrest or war.Beseiged is a must-read for those interested in modern conflict pondering the enigma of human endeavor in wall building and breaking involved in siegecraft. A must-read for everyone from military strategist aficionados and historians to science and technology buffs. If it is to be believed the danger of not knowing history is the possibility of unknowingly repeating it then Beseiged should appear on all required reading lists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519459

Bess of Hardwick’s LettersLanguage Materiality and Early Modern Epistolary Culture Bess of Hardwick's Letters is the first book-length study of the c. 250 letters to and from the remarkable Elizabethan dynast matriarch and builder of houses Bess of Hardwick (c. 1527–1608). By surveying the complete correspondence author Alison Wiggins uncovers the wide range of uses to which Bess put letters: they were vital to her engagement in the overlapping realms of politics patronage business legal negotiation news-gathering and domestic life. Much more than a case study of Bess's letters the discussions of language handwriting and materiality found here have fundamental implications for the way we approach and read Renaissance letters. Wiggins offers readings which show how Renaissance letters communicated meaning through the interweaving linguistic palaeographic and material forms according to socio-historical context and function. The study goes beyond the letters themselves and incorporates a range of historical sources to situate circumstances of production and reception which include Account Books inventories needlework and textile art and architecture. The study is therefore essential reading for scholars in historical linguistics historical pragmatics palaeography and manuscript studies material culture English literature and social history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367140335

Bessel Functions and Their Applications Bessel functions are associated with a wide range of problems in important areas of mathematical physics. Bessel function theory is applied to problems of acoustics radio physics hydrodynamics and atomic and nuclear physics. Bessel Functions and Their Applications consists of two parts. In Part One the author presents a clear and rigorous introduction to the theory of Bessel functions. Part Two is devoted to the application of Bessel functions to physical problems particularly in the mechanics of solids and heat transfer. This volume was designed for engineers and researchers interested in the applications of the theory and as such it provides an indispensable source of reference. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367454852

Best BeforeVideogames Supersession and Obsolescence Despite record sales and an ever-growing global industry the simple fact is that videogames are disappearing. Most obviously the physical deterioration of discs cartridges consoles and controllers means that the data and devices will crumble to dust and eventually will be lost forever. However there is more to the disappearance of videogames than plastic corrosion and bit rot. Best Before examines how the videogames industry's retail publishing technology design advertising and marketing practices actively produce obsolescence wearing out and retiring old games to make way for the always new just out of reach 'coming soon' title and 'next generation' platform. Set against the context of material deterioration and the discursive production of obsolescence Best Before examines the conceptual and practical challenges faced within the nascent field of game preservation. Understanding videogames as rich complex and mutable texts and experiences that are supported and sustained by cultures of gameplay and fandom Best Before considers how - and even whether - we might preserve and present games for future generations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415577922

Best Development PracticesDoing the Right Thing and Making Money at the Same Time The author draws upon case examples of some of today's most acclaimed developments in this book and recommends best practice guidelines to help developers create vibrant livable communities-and still make money. For years Florida's planners and developers have had to deal with some of the most difficult growth management problems. Now Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367330231

Best Fit Lines & CurvesAnd Some Mathe-Magical Transformations Best Fit Lines and Curves and Some Mathe-Magical Transformations (Volume III of the Working Guides to Estimating & Forecasting series) concentrates on techniques for finding the Best Fit Line or Curve to some historical data allowing us to interpolate or extrapolate the implied relationship that will underpin our prediction. A range of simple ‘Moving Measures’ are suggested to smooth the underlying trend and quantify the degree of noise or scatter around that trend. The advantages and disadvantages are discussed and a simple way to offset the latent disadvantage of most Moving Measure Techniques is provided. Simple Linear Regression Analysis a more formal numerical technique that calculates the line of best fit subject to defined ‘goodness of fit’ criteria. Microsoft Excel is used to demonstrate how to decide whether the line of best fit is a good fit or just a solution in search of some data. These principles are then extended to cover multiple cost drivers and how we can use them to quantify 3-Point Estimates. With a deft sleight of hand certain commonly occurring families of non-linear relationships can be transformed mathe-magically into linear formats allowing us to exploit the powers of Regression Analysis to find the Best Fit Curves. The concludes with an exploration of the ups and downs of seasonal data (Time Series Analysis). Supported by a wealth of figures and tables this is a valuable resource for estimators engineers accountants project risk specialists as well as students of cost engineering. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138065000

Best Ideas for Teaching with TechnologyA Practical Guide for Teachers by Teachers This practical how-to guide makes it easy for teachers to incorporate the latest technology in their classes. Employing an informal workshop approach the book avoids technical jargon and pays special attention to the needs of teachers who are expanding the use of computers in their classrooms. The authors focus on what teachers do and how they can do it better and provide a wide variety of proven tools tips and methods for enhancing these activities with technology."Best Ideas for Teaching with Technology" provides extensively illustrated tutorials for a wide variety of software online tools and teaching techniques. It covers everything from lesson plans to time management how to show animation blogging podcasts laptop strategies and much much more. In addition periodic updates to the text will be available on the authors' website. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706160

Best Interests of the StudentApplying Ethical Constructs to Legal Cases in Education Best Interests of the Student presents both a theoretical model for guiding educators as they confront legal and ethical dilemmas in their schools as well as highly accessible and annotated court cases for exploration. Stefkovich introduces an ethical decision-making model that focuses on strategies for determining what actions are in the "best interests of the student " and demonstrates the application of this theoretical model for examining legal and ethical dimensions of court cases. Discussion questions at the end of each case encourage readers to examine issues from differing viewpoints helping them to become more self-reflective school leaders who can effectively address legal dilemmas in their own contexts. This important text is a valuable resource for both aspiring and practicing school administrators and leaders. This thoroughly revised edition features: An entirely new chapter focusing on issues surrounding technology specifically bullying harassment and "sexting" 13 new legal cases to reflect recent developments in school law including issues of free speech teacher accountability and school policies A continued focus on preparing leaders to meet the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) ethics standard Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415823791

Best Management Practices for Drip Irrigated Crops This book focuses on best management practices for drip irrigated crops. It cover irrigation methods scheduling of micro irrigation and mulching and crop performance. Micro irrigation techniques with diverse crops are discussed including sweet pepper chili tomatoes cauliflower wheat sweet peas sugarcane and potatoes. The performance of the various techniques has been tested and evaluated in the field. Written by experts on micro irrigation this valuable book is a must-have for micro irrigation professionals as well as advanced students. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771880954

Best Management Practices for Saline and Sodic Turfgrass SoilsAssessment and Reclamation The complex issues involved in the management of saline and sodic turfgrass soils are enough to perplex even the most experienced site manager — there is no "silver bullet" amendment treatment or grass for salinity management. Best Management Practices for Saline and Sodic Turfgrass Soils: Assessment and Reclamation presents comprehensive scientific principles and detailed practical management and assessment recommendations for turfgrass and landscape sites. The authors use the Best Management Practices (BMPs) concept considered the gold-standard management approach for any individual environmental issue since it is a whole ecosystem (holistic) science-based salinity management approach that allows all possible management options to be considered and implemented on a site-specific basis. They identify BMP strategies including irrigation system design; irrigation scheduling and salinity leaching; chemical physical and biological amendments; cultivation; topdressing; soil modification; sand-capping; surface and subsurface drainage options; nutritional practices; additional cultural practices; and ongoing monitoring. The book presents emerging challenges technology and concepts that address integration of salinity management into comprehensive site environmental or sustainable management systems use of halophytic turfgrasses for non-traditional purposes integration of geospatial and geostatistical concepts and technology and integration of new sensor technology into daily management paradigms. Outlining a holistic BMP approach the book incorporates scientific principles and practical management recommendations and details specific salinity challenges and the logic behind each BMP strategy for salinity management with an emphasis on actual field problems. The book is formatted for flexible use with stand-alone chapters that include outlines for quick review of a topic for those requiring only a basic understanding as well as in-depth discussions of the science and practical aspects for those seeking a more rigorous treatment. It supplies a single source for all the information required to identify and manage diverse types of salinity stresses. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439814741

Best Practice in Corporate GovernanceBuilding Reputation and Sustainable Success An earlier book A Strategic Approach to Corporate Governance (Gower 1999) examined corporate governance from a philosophical and 'big picture' standpoint. This book digs deeper and explores the operational issues around corporate governance giving examples of good practice. It is a 'how to' book which focuses on processes and practical issues making the case for corporate governance in terms of measurable business benefits and competitive advantage. The author explores a number of key themes: ¢ How corporate governance has expanded in scope and importance worldwide. ¢ How to engage with the wider range of stakeholders whose support is essential for success in a competitive world. ¢ How to distribute power to those who need to use it to perform effectively at all levels in the organisation. ¢ How to encourage the behaviours needed to effect good governance. ¢ How to embed best practice in the daily routine of the organisation. ¢ How to adapt best practice to meet the needs of different organisations. ¢ How effective corporate governance can build sustainable business success. ¢ How corporate governance may evolve to meet the needs of the future. Corporate governance should address the needs of people seeking to cooperate effectively in a shared endeavour. It should be adopted not imposed and Adrian Davies provides an eloquent and authoritative guide to this process. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315569086

Best Practice in Inventory Management Best Practice in Inventory Management 3E offers a simple entirely jargon-free and yet comprehensive introduction to key aspects of inventory management. Good management of inventory enables companies to improve their customer service cash flow and profitability. This text outlines the basic techniques how and where to apply them and provides advice to ensure they work to provide the desired effect in practice. With an unrivalled balance between qualitative and quantitative aspects of inventory control experienced consultant Tony Wild portrays the many ways in which stock management is more nuanced than simple "number crunching" and mathematical modelling. This long-awaited new edition has been substantially and thoroughly updated. The product of decades of experience and expertise in the field Best Practice in Inventory Management 3E provides students and professionals even those with no prior experience in the area an unbiased and honest picture of what it takes to effectively manage stocks in a firm. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138308077

Best Practices for Administering Online Programs Best Practices for Administering Online Programs is a practical volume for university teams seeking to manage effective online programs. Defining designing implementing and updating online courses is a highly collaborative effort particularly with limited resources and expanding student enrollment. This book unites the efforts of program directors supervisors department chairs participating faculty instructional designers IT specialists and support staff toward a common goal: affordable accessible and scalable online learning. Readers will find guidelines for fostering quality faculty skills academic integrity learning objectives course improvement and more. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367349745

Best Practices for Education Professionals Best practices currently advocate that education professionals consult and collaborate with colleagues across disciplines as a means of providing students and their families a comprehensive developmental approach to students’ academic career and social/personal growth. Best Practices for Education Professionals has been developed to inform in-service and pre-service professional educators including teachers school counselors school psychologists speech language pathologists administrators and other school professionals about useful techniques ideas competencies and skills when addressing the comprehensive development of children in schools and school settings. The book is comprised of both research (qualitative quantitative and mixed-design) and conceptual pieces about the most effective current professional practices for professionals who work with P-12 children in schools. It will be highly useful for individuals studying to be practicing teachers school counselors school psychologists speech language pathologists administrators as well as other school professionals. The book informs in-service and pre-service individuals about useful techniques ideas competencies and skills when working with children in schools and school settings. The volume is also important to individuals undertaking academic (master and doctoral) level research on best practices for school professionals. The book includes recent research-based ideas in the field of education. Topics include cultural competencies for school professionals learning communities educational technology literacy and special education. This book is particularly important in the field of education since becoming informed on the latest techniques and ideologies is an essential component of both professional preparation and continuing professional development of school professionals. Currently education practitioners struggle with finding time for professional development and ways to inform themselves of the latest research. This book—with many timely findings—is important to offer to the education community as well as the academic community in higher education. As students continually change so must the practices of the professionals who work with them. This volume attempts to highlight some of the most recent practices in the field of education and for educators. This book is unique and valuable in that while other books focus on a particular profession within the education field this book covers best practices of a variety of professionals who work in the schools. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781926895093

Best Practices for Education Professionals Volume Two This informative new volume provides a hand-picked selection of useful techniques ideas competencies and skills for working with children in school settings. The book comprises both research (qualitative quantitative and mixed-design) and conceptual pieces about the most effective current professional practices for professionals who work with P-12 children in schools. The practices described here will be useful for a wide assortment of professionals within education including practicing teachers school counselors school psychologists speech language pathologists administrators and education students. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771884129

Best Practices for Environmental HealthEnvironmental Pollution Protection Quality and Sustainability In a present where there are countless opportunities for the spread of exotic diseases the expansion and creation of far more illness in our global population through globalization and rapid transportation and the contamination of water air and land we find ourselves accountable. In this day and age we are confronted by global warming Ebola the Zika virus lead in our water supply enormous problems of infrastructure including aging sewer lines water lines electrical grids roads and bridges and the list goes on and on. Best Practices for Environmental Health: Environmental Pollution Protection Quality and Sustainability is a one source major response to all of the environmental issues that affect global health and the worldwide protection and preservation of the natural environment. It compiles broad-based and comprehensive coverage of environmental topics broken down by specialized fields. Topics range from children’s environmental health to food protection and technology water and waste systems infection control bioterrorism and pandemic health emergencies and HAZMAT. Plus it includes an overview of the current state of the profession and sections on programmatic techniques. This book helps solve the problems of disease and injury by presenting expert evidence-based best practices. This first of the kind handbook is essential reading for all environmental and public health undergraduate students as well as a fantastic overview for professionals in all environmental health pollution and protection areas. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138196407

Best Practices for Flipping the College Classroom Best Practices for Flipping the College Classroom provides a comprehensive overview and systematic assessment of the flipped classroom methodology in higher education. The book: Reviews various pedagogical theories that inform flipped classroom practice and provides a brief history from its inception in K–12 to its implementation in higher education. Offers well-developed and instructive case studies chronicling the implementation of flipped strategies across a broad spectrum of academic disciplines physical environments and student populations. Provides insights and suggestions to instructors in higher education for the implementation of flipped strategies in their own courses by offering reflections on learning outcomes and student success in flipped classrooms compared with those employing more traditional models and by describing relevant technologies. Discusses observations and analyses of student perceptions of flipping the classroom as well as student practices and behaviors particular to flipped classroom models. Illuminates several research models and approaches for use and modification by teacher-scholars interested in building on this research on their own campuses. The evidence presented on the flipped classroom methodology by its supporters and detractors at all levels has thus far been almost entirely anecdotal or otherwise unreliable. Best Practices for Flipping the College Classroom is the first book to provide faculty members nuanced qualitative and quantitative evidence that both supports and challenges the value of flipping the college classroom. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138021730

Best Practices for Teaching with Emerging Technologies As social media and Web 2.0 technologies continue to transform the learning trends and preferences of students educators need to understand the applicability of these new tools in all types of learning environments. The second edition of Best Practices for Teaching with Emerging Technologies provides new and experienced instructors with practical examples of how low-cost and free technologies can be used to support student learning as well as best practices for integrating web-based tools into a course management system and managing student privacy in a Web 2.0 environment. "Showcase" spotlights throughout exemplify how the tools described in the book are already being used effectively in educational settings. This thoroughly revised second edition includes: a new chapter that explores how and why faculty are using the public web and open educational resources in place of a learning management system (LMS) and an expensive textbook additional tips and showcases in every chapter that illustrate faculty use of particular technologies the inclusion of new tools to replace technologies that no longer exist a revamped website featuring expanded online resources. This practical easy-to-use guide will serve the needs of educators seeking to refresh or transform their instruction. Readers will be rewarded with an ample yet manageable collection of proven emerging technologies that can be leveraged for generating content enhancing communications with and between students and cultivating participatory student-centered learning activities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138643659

Best Practices for Transportation Agency Use of Social Media Timely updates increased citizen engagement and more effective marketing are just a few of the reasons transportation agencies have already started to adopt social media networking tools. Best Practices for Transportation Agency Use of Social Media offers real-world advice for planning and implementing social media from leading government practitioners academic researchers and industry experts.The book provides an overview of the various social media platforms and tools with examples of how transportation organizations use each platform. It contains a series of interviews that illustrate what creative agencies are doing to improve service provide real-time updates garner valuable information from their customers and better serve their communities. It reveals powerful lessons learned from various transportation agencies including a regional airport city and state departments of transportation and municipal transit agencies. Filled with examples from transportation organizations the text provides ideas that can apply to all modes of transportation including mass transit highways aviation ferries bicycling and walking. It describes how to measure the impact of your social media presence and also examines advanced uses of social media for obtaining information by involving customers and analyzing their social media use. The book outlines all the resources you will need to maintain a social media presence and describes how to use social media analytical tools to assess service strengths and weaknesses and customer sentiment. Explaining how to overcome the digital divide language barriers and accessibility challenges for patrons with disabilities it provides you with the understanding of the various social media technologies along with the knowhow to determine which one is best for a specific situation and purpose. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466568600

Best Practices From America's Middle Schools This book shows you how to harness the energy and knowledge distributed among your school's stakeholders. It helps you identify opportunities for delegation and provides real life situations to illustrate the principles. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138472778

Best Practices in Access Services Access Services departments in libraries have become highly complex organizations responsible for a broad range of functions often including circulation reserves interlibrary lending and borrowing document delivery stacks maintenance building security photocopying and providing general patron assistance. This book offers effective solutions to familiar problems fresh ideas for responding to patron needs and informed speculation on new trends and issues facing access services departments. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Access Services. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964549

Best Practices in Adolescent Literacy Instruction An authoritative teacher resource and widely adopted text this book provides a comprehensive overview of adolescent literacy instruction in the era of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Leading educators describe effective practices for motivating diverse learners in grades 5-12 building comprehension of multiple types of texts integrating literacy and content-area instruction and teaching English language learners and struggling readers. Case examples lesson-planning ideas and end-of-chapter discussion questions and activities enhance the utility of the volume. New to This Edition *Extensive CCSS content incorporated throughout the book. *Chapters on disciplinary literacy text complexity and differentiated instruction. *Chapters on academic language writing instruction history and English/language arts classrooms and coaching. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462515349

Best Practices in Designing Courses with Open Educational Resources Best Practices in Designing Courses with Open Educational Resources is a practical guide that assists faculty and institutions looking to adopt and implement open educational resources (OER) and to foster meaningful effective learning experiences through the course design process. Chapters loaded with tips case examples and guidance from practitioners advise readers through each step necessary for sustainable OER initiatives from preliminary planning and course redesign through teaching learning and faculty development. Written by two authors with direct experience in training higher education professionals to use OER this is a comprehensive resource for faculty instructional designers course developers librarians information technologists and administrators hoping to rethink and refresh their curricula by moving beyond traditional textbooks. An authors’ website expands the book with resources templates and examples of implementation models including faculty development workshop OER materials that can be adopted by readers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367140700

Best Practices in Early Literacy Instruction Bringing together prominent scholars this book shows how 21st-century research and theory can inform everyday instructional practices in early childhood classrooms (PreK-3). Coverage includes foundational topics such as alphabet learning phonological awareness oral language development and learning to write as well as cutting-edge topics such as digital literacy informational texts and response to intervention. Every chapter features guiding questions; an overview of ideas and findings on the topic at hand; specific suggestions for improving instruction assessment and/or the classroom environment; and an engrossing example of the practices in action. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462511563

Best Practices in Educational Therapy Best Practices in Educational Therapy provides actionable strategies and solutions for novice and veteran educational therapists. Given the diverse backgrounds of educational therapists and the varieties of specialization and client types there is no single approach for all therapists and all clients. This book is built on a foundation of individualized intensive intervention offering generalized principles of application across many contexts. Featuring practices informed by documented experiences of educational therapists as well as research in memory and cognition attention speech/language specific syndromes and the role of emotion in learning this well-rounded guide will serve educational therapists at all stages in their career. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138319929

Best Practices in Engaging Online Learners Through Active and Experiential Learning Strategies Best Practices in Engaging Online Learners Through Active and Experiential Learning Strategies is a practical guide for all instructors and instructional designers working in online or blended learning environments who want to provide a supportive engaging and interactive learner experience. This book explores the integration of active and experiential learning approaches and activities including gamification social media integration and project- and scenario-based learning as they relate to the development of authentic skill-building communication problem-solving and critical-thinking skills in learners. Readers will find guidelines for the development of participatory peer-learning cooperative education and service learning opportunities in the online classroom. In addition the authors provide effective learning strategies resources and tools that align learner engagement with course outcomes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138670686

Best Practices in Literacy Instruction Many tens of thousands of preservice and inservice teachers have relied on this highly regarded text from leading experts now in a revised and updated sixth edition. The latest knowledge about literacy teaching and learning is distilled into flexible strategies for helping all PreK–12 learners succeed. The book addresses major components of literacy the needs of specific populations motivation assessment approaches to organizing instruction and more. Each chapter features bulleted previews of key points; reviews of the research evidence; recommendations for best practices in action including examples from exemplary classrooms; and engagement activities that help teachers apply the knowledge and strategies they have learned. New to This Edition *Incorporates the latest research findings and instructional practices. *Chapters on new topics: developmental word study and the physiological emotional and behavioral foundations of literacy learning. *Chapters offering fresh expanded perspectives on writing and vocabulary. *Increased attention to timely issues: classroom learning communities teaching English learners and the use of digital tools and multimodal texts. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462536771

Best Practices in Metropolitan Transportation Planning Planning at a metropolitan scale is important for effective management of urban growth transportation systems air quality and watershed and green-spaces. It is fundamental to efforts to promote social justice and equity. Best Practices in Metropolitan Transportation Planning shows how the most innovative metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) in the United States are addressing these issues using their mandates to improve transportation networks while pursuing emerging sustainability goals at the same time. As both a policy analysis and a practical how-to guide this book presents cutting-edge original research on the role accessibility plays - and should play - in transportation planning tracks how existing plans have sought to balance competing priorities using scenario planning and other strategies assesses the results of various efforts to reduce automobile dependence in cities and explains how to make planning documents more powerful and effective. In highlighting the most innovative practices implemented by MPOs regional planning councils city and county planning departments and state departments of transportation this book aims to influence other planning organizations as well as influence federal and state policy discussions and legislation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815381037

Best Practices in Occupational Therapy Education Take your OT educational skills to the next level! Best Practices in Occupational Therapy Education is a must-have resource that showcases successful methods and practices in occupational therapy education. This unique book provides the information that can help you improve your skills to become an even more effective contemporary occupational therapy educator. Edited by Patricia Crist and Marjorie E. Scaffa who previously collaborated on Education for Occupational Therapy in Health Care: Strategies for the New Millennium Best Practices In Occupational Therapy Education highlights OT training methods proven effective by top OT educators. The book examines the effects of level II fieldwork on clinical reasoning in occupational therapy and on the professional development of fieldwork studentsin terms of occupational adaptation clinical reasoning and client-centeredness. It also shows how to promote professional reflection through problem-based learning evaluations and activities; how OT students’ personality types affect the teaching and learning strategies that work best with them; and how to integrate evidence-based practice into students’ academic and fieldwork experiences. This results-oriented text examines important concepts and approaches in teaching occupational therapy such as: Web-based supports for occupational therapy students during level II fieldwork ways to facilitate creative thinking and memory motivate students and promote positive learning outcomes using evaluation activities in problem-based learning to help students develop professional reflection skills customizing your instructional delivery methods to the specific needs of your students balancing tradition with innovation education specifically aimed at community-based practice the benefits of online learning methods for developing cultural awareness cultural sensitivity and active listening skills The teaching approaches in Best Practices in Occupational Therapy Education are clear and concrete and include outcomes that support each thesis or learning objective. This analysis of best practices in occupation therapy education is an essential tool for educators that you’ll refer to again and again. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203049938

Best Practices in Online Program DevelopmentTeaching and Learning in Higher Education Best Practices in Online Program Development is a practical hands-on guide that provides the concrete strategies that academic and administrative departments within institutions of higher learning need to develop in order to create and maintain coherent and effective online educational programs. Unlike individual courses an online education program requires a comprehensive inter-departmental effort to be integrated into the ongoing educational project of a college or university. This book focuses on the: Integration of online education into the institutional mission Complex faculty-related issues including recruiting training and teaching Multifaceted support required for student retention and success Need for multilayered assessment at the course program technical and institutional levels Challenges posed to governance and by the need to garner resources across the institution Model to insure ongoing comprehensive development of online educational programs Best Practices in Online Program Development covers the above topics and more giving all the stakeholders in online educational programs the building blocks to foster successful programs while encouraging them to determine what role online education should play in their academic offerings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415724449

Best Practices in Planning Strategically for Online Educational Programs Best Practices in Planning Strategically for Online Educational Programs is a step-by-step guide to developing strategic plans for creating and implementing online educational programs within higher education institutions. From conception to execution and assessment the successful management of purposeful online educational programs in colleges and universities carries increasing importance and a unique set of requirements. This book enables administrators and faculty to: identify the opportunities and challenges presented by online education for institutions based on their histories missions and market positions develop a roadmap for creating and implementing a strategic plan provide guidance for assessing the plan and insight into the iterative nature of planning. With computer networked-based technologies gaining ground in traditional private and public institutions this critical volume is the first to apply the principles and practices associated with strategic planning specifically to online educational programs. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138936195

Best Practices in Residential Treatment Best Practices in Residential Treatment is a detailed examination of the latest information on empirically tested evidence-based interventions and procedures across the many dimensions of residential treatment practice. Respected authorities from a broad range of professions provide a truly interdisciplinary look into the various diverse aspects of the treatment of children and youths in a residential setting. The book brings the most current information available on best practices cultural competence substance abuse facility management medication management and planning for community reentry. This book provides the latest in research and practical techniques for the unique treatment program. This helpful resource extensively discusses effective counseling interventions medication management approaches facility management issues and aftercare approaches to ensure successful outcomes for children and adolescents leaving a facility. The book’s comprehensive nature offers practitioners the most current information on best practices in the residential treatment arena and can serve as a useful resource for future decision-making. This volume is extensively referenced and includes tables to clearly present data. This book is a valuable resource for social workers psychologists psychiatrists counselors residential program administrators state departments of children’s services educators and students at all levels. This book was published as a special issue of Residential Treatment For Children & Youth. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315877341

Best Practices in Writing Instruction Well established as a definitive text--and now revised and updated with eight new chapters--this book translates cutting-edge research into effective guidelines for teaching writing in grades K–12. Illustrated with vivid classroom examples the book identifies the components of a complete high-quality writing program. Leading experts provide strategies for teaching narrative and argumentative writing; using digital tools; helping students improve specific skills from handwriting and spelling to sentence construction; teaching evaluation and revision; connecting reading and writing instruction; teaching vulnerable populations; using assessment to inform instruction; and more. New to This Edition*Chapters on new topics: setting up the writing classroom and writing from informational source material.*New chapters on core topics: narrative writing handwriting and spelling planning assessment special-needs learners and English learners.*Increased attention to reading–writing connections and using digital tools. *Incorporates the latest research and instructional procedures. See also Handbook of Writing Research Second Edition edited by Charles A. MacArthur Steve Graham and Jill Fitzgerald which provides a comprehensive overview of writing research that informs good practice. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462537969

Best Practices of Literacy LeadersKeys to School Improvement This authoritative text and practitioner resource has now been extensively revised and expanded with 70% new material covering new topics and standards in literacy leadership. Prominent experts present research-based methods for improving instruction assessment and professional learning experiences in PreK–12. The distinct roles of teachers reading/literacy specialists literacy coaches special educators and principals are explored with an emphasis on fostering a culture of collaboration. Chapters highlight the standards that apply to each component of a schoolwide literacy program give examples of what they look like in schools and share implications for classroom practice and professional learning. Pedagogical features include guiding questions case examples vignettes engagement activities and annotated resources for further learning. New to This Edition*Now copublished with the International Literacy Association (ILA) and grounded in ILA's updated Standards 2017; expanded grade range includes PreK. *Chapters on new topics: writing instruction sustaining schoolwide improvements and collaborative leadership.*New chapters on core topics: the principal’s role assessment middle and high school literacy programs special education and culturally responsive instruction.*Vignettes from leaders in diverse roles “Think About This†questions for discussion/reflection and end-of-chapter annotated resources. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462542284

Best Tall Buildings 2012CTBUH International Award Winning Projects Best Tall Buildings 2012 contains overviews of the nominees and winning projects from the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat’s annual awards. The book provides vital statistics images plans and in depth accounts of the architectural design and sustainability features of the year’s best tall buildings. Additionally included is the official list of the World’s Tallest Buildings with the judging criteria from the foremost authority on tall buildings. Full colour illustrations and photographs throughout. Selected contents:Introduction. Best Tall Building Awards Criteria. Best Tall Building Americas. Best Tall Building Asia & Australasia. Best Tall Building Europe. Best Tall Building Middle East & Africa. Awards & CTBUH Information. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415640022

Best Tall Buildings 2013CTBUH International Award Winning Projects The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) is the world’s foremost authority on tall buildings. This book chronicles the annual awards process in which the CTBUH recognizes outstanding tall buildings and design innovations that advance the potential of integrated sustainability in cities across the world.One winner is chosen from each of four geographical regions (Americas Asia & Australasia Europe and Middle East & Africa). The title of overall Best Tall Building Worldwide is then presented to one of the four regional winners. The CTBUH Innovation Award recognizes a specific area of recent innovation in the tall building industry that has been incorporated into the design of or significantly tested in the construction operation or refurbishment of a tall building project. The 10 Year Award recognizes proven value and performance (across one or more of a wide range of criteria) after a building has been complete and in operation for at least a decade. Additionally the CTBUH awards two annual Lifetime Achievement awards to individuals who have made a significant contribution to the design or technical advancement of tall buildings.More than an awards book this volume serves as a global overview of tall building construction and activity in a given year providing in-depth description of the buildings’ design and significance and accompanied by stunning images detailed drawings and plans. The book also features the official current list of the "100 Tallest Buildings in the World" as the CTBUH is the internationally recognized official arbiter of tall building height. This book provides fascinating and inspiring reading for all those interested in the planning design and construction of tall buildings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367378998

Best Tall BuildingsA Global Overview of 2014 Skyscrapers The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) is the world’s foremost authority on tall buildings. This book chronicles the annual awards process in which the CTBUH recognizes outstanding tall buildings and design innovations that advance the potential of integrated sustainability in cities across the world. One winner is chosen from each of four geographical regions (Americas Asia & Australasia Europe and Middle East & Africa). The title of overall Best Tall Building Worldwide is then presented to one of the four regional winners. Additionally the Urban Habitat Award recognizes significant contributions to the urban realm in connection with tall buildings. The 10 Year Award recognizes proven value and performance (across one or more of a wide range of criteria) after a building has been complete and in operation for at least a decade. The CTBUH Innovation Award recognizes a specific area of recent innovation in the tall building industry that has been incorporated into the design of or significantly tested in the construction operation or refurbishment of a tall building project. The Performance Award recognizes a building with proven value and performance over a minimum of three years. The CTBUH also gives two annual Lifetime Achievement awards to individuals who have made a significant contribution to the design or technical advancement of tall buildings. More than an awards book this volume serves as a global overview of tall building construction and activity in a given year providing in-depth description of the buildings’ design and significance and accompanied by stunning images detailed drawings and plans. The book also features the official current list of the "100 Tallest Buildings in the World " as the CTBUH is the internationally recognized official arbiter of tall building height. This book provides fascinating and inspiring reading for all those interested in the planning design and construction of Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367378196

Best Team SkillsFifty Key Skills for Unlimited Team Achievement Best Team Skills gives you the tools you need to achieve the highest performance through the most productive encouragement and motivational methods available.Dr. Losoncy identifies the 50 skills that will most encourage your team members. Using 100 encouragement opportunity exercises he works as your personal trainer to reinforce your progress.Just as there are vital technical skills that team members need in their own areas of expertise there are also consequential team skills that are necessary to build responsible involved and committed team players. If you want to become a more encouraging team member or help your entire team to become mutual encouragers Best Team Skills is for you. Written not only for your work team you can also can also apply Losoncy's techniques to your home or sports team. Presented in an easy-to-read format each skill is put to use quickly for immediate feedback and success. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138463561

Bestial OblivionWar Humanism and Ecology in Early Modern England Although war is a heterogeneous assemblage of the human and nonhuman it nevertheless builds the illusion of human autonomy and singularity. Focusing on war and ecology a neglected topic in early modern ecocriticism Bestial Oblivion: War Humanism and Ecology in Early Modern England shows how warfare unsettles ideas of the human yet ultimately contributes to and is then perpetuated by anthropocentrism. Bertram’s study of early modern warfare’s impact on human-animal and human-technology relationships draws upon posthumanist theory animal studies and the new materialisms focusing on responses to the Anglo-Spanish War the Italian Wars the Wars of Religion the colonization of Ireland and Jacobean “peace.†The monograph examines a wide range of texts—essays drama military treatises paintings poetry engravings war reports travel narratives—and authors—Erasmus Machiavelli Digges Shakespeare Marlowe Coryate Bacon—to show how an intricate web of perpetual war altered the perception of the physical environment as well as the ideologies and practices establishing what it meant to be human. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367666514

Bestsellers (Routledge Revivals)Popular Fiction of the 1970s First published in 1981 this book offers a study of British and American popular fiction in the 1970s a decade in which the quest for the superseller came to dominate the lives of publishers on both sides of the Atlantic. Illustrated by examples of the lurid incidents that catapult so many books into the bestseller charts this comprehensive study covers the work of Robbins Hailey and Maclean the 'bodice rippers' the disaster craze horror war stories and media tie-ins such as The Godfather Jaws and Star Wars. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415611299

Beth HenleyA Casebook First Published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138870543

Betrayal and BetrayersThe Sociology of Treachery Betrayal has a deep fascination. It captures our imagination in part because we have all betrayed or been betrayed in small or large ways. Despite this there has been little serious work on the subject. It was this absence that inspired this book.As Akerstrom notes betrayal is something that most people have encountered at some point in their lives. She defines betrayal as a breach of trust when information is shared beyond an agreed upon boundary of relations whether that boundary is a pair of friends or a nation. Taking as a point of departure Simmers work on secrets and secrecy Akerstrom discusses categories of.betrayal and conditions that influence its intensity. Sometimes the betrayer is seen as a hero and at other times a traitor; and sometimes there are competing loyalties. In certain situations she reminds us it is difficult to avoid betrayal or the perception of betrayal. Akerstrom discusses strategies people employ to avoid betraying ranging from not telling to making sure one does not know about something in the first place. With deft precision she clarifies distinctions and in the process broadens our understanding.Initially inspired by insights arising from her research on the criminal informer for which she had done in-depth interviews Akerstrom supplements these with interviews with policemen. She has also drawn from her experiences in the field of social work particularly with women's and crime shelters. Using biographies autobiographies and a broad range of literature related to spies World War II the McCarthy era and recent literature on whistle-blowing Akerstrom has defined a fascinating theme. While her illustrations are sometimes dramatic she hopes that readers will perceive obvious parallels with their own experiences. Social psychologists sociologists criminologists and others interested in secrecy secrets and those who betray them to others will find this an unusual and absorbing volume. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507586

Betrayal by the BrainThe Neurologic Basis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Related Neural Network In his trademark revolutionary style Dr. Goldstein uses his model of neural dysregulation to incorporate basic neuroscience research into pathophysiology and treatment. Betrayal by the Brain presents a comprehensive thesis that clearly defines the biological basis for many of the varied symptoms experienced by chronic fatigue syndrome patients. Dr. Goldstein provides a rationale for the use of symptomatic therapies that have worked in many CFS patients. Betrayal by the Brain is a valuable handbook to assist the medical professional in the diagnosis and treatment of the many patients afflicted with this illness. It is of great value to medical professionals as well as academic researchers in psychiatry biobehavioral sciences psychoneuroimmunology and pain management.Dr. Goldstein has added layers of regulation to the limbic system that help further explain limbic dysfunction in neurosomatic disorders and he suggests novel methods of remediation. Betrayal by the Brain represents integrative thinking and the latest research and discoveries by Dr. Goldstein on neurosomatic disorders--the most common group of illnesses for which patients consult physicians. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315061368

Betrayal in Psychotherapy and Its AntidotesChallenges for Patient and Therapist Betrayal in all its forms has been and is an ever present reality in every area of life--politics business and human relationships to name a few. Recent publications have chronicled the unethical actions of mental health and other human service professionals yet the psychology of betrayal has received little public interest and attention. This book explores the many issues relating to psychotherapy and betrayal. The contributing authors of Betrayal in Psychotherapy and its Antidotes present the various faces of betrayal as may be encountered by therapists in the office or in the profession. They challenge therapists to understand the violations of trust that can occur within the therapeutic relationship. Readers are reminded that the trauma of betrayal manifests itself within all patients regardless of of the nature and expression of psychopathology. More importantly the authors define betrayal as experienced with specific cases and they attempt to bring out underlying principles that are useful to therapists and the larger professional community.Readers will find their understanding of the concept of betrayal much expanded from the chapters in Betrayal in Psychotherapy and its Antidotes. For example betrayal is discussed as a failure in the interpersonal or inter-subjective relationship between therapist and client in one chapter as opposed to the concept of betrayal as an act calculated to lead another person astray an act of deception or treachery and a breach of confidence and trust as considered in another chapter. Other approaches to betrayal and psychotherapy include: how to determine what is betrayal in psychotherapy the use of case examples to establish the importance of the therapist striving to remain true to the genuine potentiality of a patient how to avoid colluding with the patient’s rejection of life the work of Alice Miller a psychoanalyst by training and the betrayal of children by abuse the paradoxical nature of psychiatric practice and its necessary reliance upon moral reasoning an investigation on the link between therapists’personal maturity and the success of therapy how traditional humanistic and analytic therapies can entrap both therapist and patient into a betrayal of self and the relationship implications of the “betrayal of the feminine” in males and their work with clients in a psychotherapy setting a case portrayal of “Teddy”--the betrayal of the betrayed Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987784

Betrayal Of PalestineThe Story Of George Antonius This definitive biography of George Antonius tells the life story of a man who lived during a dramatic period of history amid challenge that remains unresolved: the Palestine-Zionist conflict. Betrayal of Palestine is an important and innovative work about the continuing controversy of empire and nationalism. This book traces Antonius's contribution and ideas on nation building and good governance and resonates for contemporary seekers of peace in the Middle East. As an archaeology of ideas and meaning the book will be of great significance for the millennium. It speaks to the paradigm of a conqueror's code and to the ever present danger of special interests capturing public policy and corrupting good governance.By rediscovering Antonius's message about institutions and nation building and the true meaning of morality conscience and public service Betrayal of Palestine speaks to contemporary people in a voice that reconnects the past with the present. The book offers hope to a region where many solutions have failed and a reminder that the solutions have been there all along in the people and traditions of the Middle East but they have been obscured by a conqueror's code of empire and nationalism. It is a reminder of the genius of democracy and the power of first principles: that ordinary people are important that power must be shared and that society as nation transcends tribalism and its more virulent contemporary form: nationalism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367096519

BetrayalDevelopmental Literary and Clinical Realms Betrayal underlies all psychic trauma whether sexual abuse or profound neglect violence or treachery extramarital affair or embezzlement. When we betray others we violate their confidence in us. When others betray us they pierce the veil of our innocent reliance. Betraying and feeling betrayed are ubiquitous to the scenarios of trauma and yet surprisingly neglected as a topic of specific attention by psychoanalysis.This book fills this gap. The first part deals with developmental aspects and notes that while the experience of betrayal might be ubiquitous in childhood its lack of recognition by the parents is what leads to fixation upon it. Attention is also given to Oedipally-indulged and seduced children who feel betrayed later in the course of their development. Feelings of betrayal during early adolescence are also discussed. This section of the book closes with an account of situations where our bodies betray us. The realms of body image betrayal body self betrayal and the body's ultimate betrayal via physical death are addressed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782200154

Betrayals And TreasonViolations Of Trust And Loyalty Betrayal and Treason examines betrayals as violations of both trust and loyalty. It offers a typology based on membership in or out of collectives within the contexts of secrecy/non-secrecy. The book shows that betrayals include such categories as espionage whistle-blowing infidelity political turncoating conversions collaboration with occupying forces informers mutinies defections strike-breakers professional intellectual and international betrayals human rights violations surveillance assassinations and state sponsored terror. Each one of the categories is presented with enticing stimulating and appropriate real-life illustrations and narratives.The book focuses on treason examines diverse cultures (European countries Israel Canada the United States) and such periods as World War II the conquest of Mexico and looks at such figures as Benedict Arnold Ezra Pound Edward VIII Malinche Vindkun Quisling Lord Haw Haw Tokyo Rose and a host of others. Since World War II is an excellent period through which one can examine issues of treason and since there has been such an increased interest in World War II this book places a particular emphasis on that period and war. Betrayal and Treason is original in its conceptual framework and in its breadth and depth of coverage. Yet judging by the amount of books published on similar topics in the past there can hardly be a doubt that there has always been a genuine demand and "hunger" for an inclusive and integrative book such as this one. By offering a new and interpretive framework for betrayals this book can serve both scholars and lay people alike in gaining a much better understanding of such a complex and fascinating behavior as betrayal. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367098810

BetrayedA History Of Presidential Failure To Protect Black Lives This book traces the root cause of the White House's failure to protect the rights of African Americans. It gives a rich historical account of the racial philosophy policies and practices of successive presidents from Warren G. Harding to Bill Clinton. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367159863

Betsy Mix CowlesChampion of Equality Betsy Mix Cowles (a champion of equality whose circle of acquaintances included Frederick Douglass Abby Kelley and William Lloyd Garrison) is a brilliant example of what an educated and independent woman can accomplish. A staunch defender of abolitionism Cowles also took up the cause of women's rights and dedicated her life to the advocacy of women's access to education equal rights and independence in the pre-Civil War era. The life of this devoted social reformer illuminates the struggles and historical developments relating to abolitionism and the fledgling women's movement during one of the most contentious periods in American history. About the Lives of American Women series: Selected and edited by renowned women's historian Carol Berkin these brief biographies are designed for use in undergraduate courses. Rather than a comprehensive approach each biography focuses instead on a particular aspect of a woman's life that is emblematic of her time or which made her a pivotal figure in the era. The emphasis is on a 'good read' featuring accessible writing and compelling narratives without sacrificing sound scholarship and academic integrity. Primary sources at the end of each biography reveal the subject's perspective in her own words. Study questions and an annotated bibliography support the student reader. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780813347714

Better Deeper And More Enduring Brief TherapyThe Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Approach First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138869424

Better Available Light Digital PhotographyHow to Make the Most of Your Night and Low-Light Shots This classic book on available light photography is back thoroughly updated for digital photography and for the first time is packed with stunning full color images throughout. Creating great images under less-than-ideal lighting conditions is one of the most difficult yet rewarding experiences in photography. Challenge yourself and with this book by your side you won't be disappointed. Photography expert Joe Farace and Pulitzer Prize winner Barry Staver use real-world examples of their own images to give you invaluable advice on how to get the shot right the first time. From practical tips such as how to deal with inclement weather while shooting outdoors to detailed information about getting great shots at your cousin's or your client's wedding to brand new chapters on noise and white balance you'll find everything that you need to turn your ordinary night and low-light shots into masterful works of art. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138162563

Better Behaviour in ClassroomsA framework for inclusive behaviour management This complete INSET course for schools shows teachers how to improve behaviour in the classroom. It provides support guidance and information to facilitate the application of positive behaviour management approaches. The authors have produced photocopiable resources and training materials for use with staff groups or individuals and the materials have been developed for use with both established and newly qualified staff appropriate to primary and secondary settings. Drawing on their experience of dealing with children's emotional and behavioural difficulties and their work in mainstream schools the authors explore the behavioural issues that challenge teachers daily and discuss how teachers can meet these challenges. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138149311

Better Behaviour through Home-School RelationsUsing values-based education to promote positive learning How can we create effective partnerships between home school and the community? How can the relationships and communication between families and school be strengthened? How can families help schools to improve behaviour in their children both at home and at school? Using a tried and tested framework that has been successfully implemented throughout a wide variety of very different schools and settings ‘Family Values’ is a Scheme which engages and empowers families to work in close collaboration with schools and organisations and which results in long-term improvements in behaviour communication pupil achievement and relationships. The ‘Family Values’ Scheme has been proven to: Help pupils to be more academically diligent Help schools to assume a calmer more peaceful ambience Forge better pupil-teacher relationships Improve Pupil and teacher wellbeing Help parents to be more engaged with the school Improve children’s literacy behaviour and attendance Provide head teachers and their staff with an effective whole-school strategy. The authors’ award-winning ‘Family Values’ Scheme is underpinned by sound theoretical principles and they show here how it has been successfully put into practice through case studies in real school settings. The book explores how the Scheme promotes social emotional and family system theories and in linking effectively to SEAL (social and emotional aspects of learning) the Scheme compliments existing personal and social education programmes in all schools. Showing schools and organisations how to create effective partnerships with families and the community in a fun exciting and sustainable way Better Behaviour through Home-School Relations will be of huge benefit to all school staff as well as local authorities support groups parents charities and services. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415504171

Better Broadcast Writing Better Broadcast News Better Broadcast Writing Better Broadcast News teaches students how to write with the conversational simplicity required for radio and TV. This text draws on the Emmy Award-winning author's decades of professional experience in broadcast journalism. In addition to writing the text also discusses the other elements that make up a good story--producing reporting shooting editing and ethics. The author's real-world perspective conveys the excitement of a career in journalism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138472471

Better Buildings for Better ServicesInnovative Developments in Primary Care Rewritten with the new primary care environment in mind this greatly expanded and updated edition of Child Mental Health in Primary Care extends the structured approach of the first edition to adoelscent mental health. As in the first edition Primary Child and Adolescent Mental Health covers each problem in a uniform way offering definitions assessment outlines detailed management options and indications for referral. Numerous case examples further illuminate aspects of many conditions. Comprehensive and practical the forty-eight chapters of Primary Child and Adolescent Mental Health cover the full range of difficulties and disabilities affecting the mental health of children and young people. The book is divided into three volumes and can either be read from cover to cover or used as a resource to be consulted for guidance on specific problems. This book is vital for all healthcare professionals including general practitioners health visitors and other staff working in primary care to assess manage and refer children and adolescents with mental health problems. School medical officers social workers and educational psychologists many of whom are in the front line of mental health provision for children and young people will also find it extremely useful. Reviews of the first edition: 'This very comprehensive and detailed book provides the tools for primary care health professionals not only to assess a child's needs but in many cases also to implement an initial package of care.' JUST FOR NURSES 'I have no reservation in recommending the book to all people working with children and families in any capacity. An important training text for a variety of professions. A very effective text to be used in daily practice for quick reference.' CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH 'This book is well produced and clearly written. A useful book for anyone interested or involved with children.' FAMILY PRACTICE 'I looked through the book again and again but could not find anything missing.' NURSING TIMES Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315384757

Better BuildingsLearning from Buildings in Use This book started life as a successor to Sustainable Architecture published in 2007 which set out to prove that sustainable architecture can indeed both ‘lift the spirit’ as well as save the planet. This fully revised edition seeks to take a step further exploring how sustainable buildings are occupied and work and sheds light on the methods used to observe this. Through short essays from thought-leaders and case studies of visually stunning environmentally ground-breaking projects Better Buildings provides architects with the inspiration and tools they need to deliver sustainable design. Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859465868

Better Corporate Reporting Better Corporate Reporting outlines the latest frameworks for enhancing non-financial and sustainability reporting. It shows you how to integrate non-financial data into your reporting and overall strategy creating long-term value trust and transparency. It includes guides to: the International Integrated Reporting Council's new framework; the Global Reporting Initiative's G4 framework; and a detailed look at the concept at the heart of both of these new frameworks materiality. It is the compilation of 3 bestselling sustainability guides on sustainability reporting.Understanding Integrated Reporting provides a practical and expert distillation of the new IR framework released by the International Integrated Reporting Council in December 2013. It explains what IR is and how to do it; how it links with other reporting frameworks and what it means in terms of thinking and processes. You'll also get a clear business case for IR and insights and best practice examples from leading integrated reporters. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Sustainability Reporting Framework was launched in May 2013. In Understanding G4 corporate reporting veteran Elaine Cohen presents an easy-to-follow review of everything any organization needs to know to decide whether to use the G4 Framework and if so how. Materiality is the lynch-pin that can align your sustainability initiatives with your overall strategy. Making Sustainability Matter shows you how to identify your organization's most material sustainability issues allocate resources to sustainability initiatives for optimal returns; connect your communications and reporting to materiality and; clarify which issues are important to your stakeholders. Materiality is a core concept in both the GRI's new G4 framework the IIRC's new Integrated Reporting framework. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781909293977

Better Game Characters by DesignA Psychological Approach Games are poised for a major evolution driven by growth in technical sophistication and audience reach. Characters that create powerful social and emotional connections with players throughout the game-play itself (not just in cut scenes) will be essential to next-generation games. However the principles of sophisticated character design and interaction are not widely understood within the game development community. Further complicating the situation are powerful gender and cultural issues that can influence perception of characters. Katherine Isbister has spent the last 10 years examining what makes interactions with computer characters useful and engaging to different audiences. This work has revealed that the key to good design is leveraging player psychology: understanding what's memorable exciting and useful to a person about real-life social interactions and applying those insights to character design. Game designers who create great characters often make use of these psychological principles without realizing it. Better Game Characters by Design gives game design professionals and other interactive media designers a framework for understanding how social roles and perceptions affect players' reactions to characters helping produce stronger designs and better results. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138427778

Better Humans?Understanding the Enhancement Project Developments in medical science have afforded us the opportunity to improve and enhance the human species in ways unthinkable to previous generations. Whether it's making changes to mitochondrial DNA in a human egg being prescribed Prozac or having a facelift our desire to live longer feel better and look good has presented philosophers medical practitioners and policy-makers with considerable ethical challenges. But what exactly constitutes human improvement? What do we mean when we talk of making "better" humans? In this book Michael Hauskeller explores these questions and the ideas of human good that underpin them. Posing some challenging questions about the nature of human enhancement he interrogates the logic behind its processes and examines the justifications behind its criteria. Questioning common assumptions about what constitutes human improvement Hauskeller asks whether the criteria proposed by its advocates are convincing. The book draws on recent research as well as popular representations of human enhancement from advertising to the internet and provides a non-technical and accessible survey of the issues for readers and students interested in the ethics and politics of human enhancement. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781844655571

Better Land HusbandryFrom Soil Conservation to Holistic Land Management This book is a timely contribution towards the debate on the most effective way to bring about sustainable farming in marginal areas. It offers a detailed analysis of the social economic and agro-ecological characteristic of both Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) and Better Land Husbandry (BLH) and an analysis of case studies of BLH from Central and South America Africa and Asia. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138401563

Better Late than NeverThe Reparative Therapeutic Relationship in Regression to Dependence This book is concerned with an enigmatic set of experiences which theorists in the Object Relations tradition have characterised as regression to dependence a return to a primitive pre-verbal relational process presenting in some clients in psychotherapy. It highlights the effects of early infantile trauma resulting in the experience of failed dependency. Clients who present with chronic anxiety relational failures and an inner emptiness are considered and the opportunity for a therapeutic repair is explored with recommendations for the therapeutic stance being made. Written from an Integrative Psychotherapy perspective it addresses the current absence of writing in the field from a relational / developmental viewpoint on concepts more usually addressed in psychoanalytic writing. The insights of Winnicott are particularly highlighted in relation to failed dependency and maternal failure. This work aims to offer a way forward to successfully work with this client group. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782203193

Better Lesson Plans Better LessonsPractical Strategies for Planning from Standards In today’s high-stakes world ready-made lessons and teacher’s guides are no longer enough to guarantee achievement. The best way to help students succeed is through deliberate and careful lesson planning focused on the end result of increasing student achievement. Whether you are a new teacher or an experienced educator this book will help you get started by providing a practical step-by-step guide to designing lessons that will lead to student mastery of any objective. You’ll learn the essential components of lessons that are Common Core-aligned and grounded in best practices. Topics include: Tailoring your lessons to meet your state standards while ensuring high student achievement. Writing a strong objective to stay focused on the goal of a lesson. Creating an end-of-lesson assessment to gauge the lesson’s success. Constructing a lesson plan that combines direct instruction guided practice and independent practice. Along the way you’ll find plenty of helpful examples from math and English Language Arts. You’ll also find end-of-chapter FAQs and activities to try to help you make these concepts a reality for your own classroom. Many of the tools from the book are also available as free downloads from our website ( Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138838871

Better Library and Learning SpaceProjects Trends Ideas What are the most important things a 21st-century library should do with its space? Each chapter in this cutting-edge text addresses this critical question capturing the insights and practical ideas of leading international librarians educators and designers to offer you a ‘creative resource bank’ that will help to transform your library and learning spaces. This is an innovative and practical toolkit introducing concepts drawing together opinions and encouraging new ways of thinking about library learning spaces for the future. The book is structured in three parts. Part 1 – Projects and trends describes features of library space around the world through a selection of focused case studies painting a global picture identifying common directions and ideas as well as highlighting country and regional diversity. Part 2 – Trends and ideas looks at the why and how of library space covering topics such as contextual factors current ideas in library space development and the creative design of new spaces. It examines how library spaces are adapting to new forms of learning digital literacies and technological fluency. Media > Books > Print Books Facet Publishing 9781783303113

Better Library and Learning SpaceProjects trends ideas What are the most important things a 21st-century library should do with its space? Each chapter in this cutting-edge text addresses this critical question capturing the insights and practical ideas of leading international librarians educators and designers to offer you a 'creative resource bank' that will help to transform your library and learning spaces. This is an innovative and practical toolkit introducing concepts drawing together opinions and encouraging new ways of thinking about library learning spaces for the future. The book is structured in three parts. Part 1 - Projects and trends describes features of library space around the world through a selection of focused case studies painting a global picture identifying common directions and ideas as well as highlighting country and regional diversity. Part 2 - Trends and ideas looks at the why and how of library space covering topics such as contextual factors current ideas in library space development and the creative design of new spaces. It examines how library spaces are adapting to new forms of learning digital literacies and technological fluency. Finally Part 3 - Ideas and futures looks to the future of libraries and their learning spaces inviting future-scanning contributions from a diverse range of authors including librarians learning specialists academics architects an interior designer a furniture designer and a management specialist. Readership: This is a must-have text for those involved in designing and developing library and learning spaces from library and university management to designers and architects. It's also a useful guide for students taking courses in library and information science to get to grips with the importance of library design. Media > Books > Print Books Facet Publishing 9781856047630

Better Location ShootingTechniques for Video Production Location filming is growing in popularity with the abundance of affordable cameras. You don't need a studio a broadcast truck or even extensive knowledge of how to use a 16mm film camera--all you need is a digital camera and you can take your job on the road and shoot wherever action is happening! This book will give you the knowledge and confidence you need to take your on-location shooting skills to the next level. Better Location Filming is packed with the things you will need to know to have great results while shooting your documentary interview sporting event fashion or glamour event or current affairs/news show. Beyond introductory techniques the author will tell you how to plan troubleshoot handle legal requirements and issues and of course - he'll teach you all about location filming equipment. Practical and filled with hands-on pointers this book is perfect for working and aspiring film & video professionals seeking a leg up in their careers. As a bonus advanced tips are included for novices who are ready to take shooting techniques to the next level. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138151970

Better Physician Writing and Speaking SkillsImproving Communication Grant Writing and Chances for Publication This book covers the theory and practice of writing and speaking in professional settings for practitioners educators and researchers in healthcare. A thought-provoking work written by John J. Gartland MD Medical Editor at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia and past president of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons it will stimulate readers and change their perspectives on all forms of communication with their patients and colleagues. Uniquely it also shows how to prepare an interesting well-organized and well-written grant proposal to maximize the chances of obtaining funding. An essential resource for physicians and residents in all specialties medical students and educators and researchers particularly those applying for research grants or wanting to publish articles. "Developing acceptable writing and speaking skills should be major goals for all physicians to attain because the very nature of the medical profession is such that few physicians can escape the need to speak and write in their professional careers. I share with you concepts and strategies about medical writing medical speaking and patient communication skills that have worked well for me over a long medical career. My hope is that these suggested communication and writing strategies will work as well for you as they have for me." - John Gartland in the foreword. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315378336

Better Public Transit SystemsAnalyzing Investments and Performance Better Public Transit Systems is a complete primer for performance and investment analysis of public transportation. Whether you’re planning a major new public transit project an extension or expansion of an existing system or evaluating the needs of your current system this book provides the tools you need to define your goals and objectives and conceive and analyse design alternatives. This completely revised Second Edition includes new material for students and online discussion questions whilst remaining an essential reference book. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415706001

Better Spending for Localizing Global Sustainable Development GoalsExamples from the Field This book centers around an intense debate among donors policymakers development practitioners and academics on the efficacy of aid in eradicating poverty while promoting human development. It seeks to fill the gap in present literature by presenting stories of better spending through implementing Sustainable Development Goals and addressing Agenda 2030 via indigenization of global development goals with initiatives at local and national levels. The book adopts an innovative approach to dealing with aid effectiveness by highlighting the relevance of better spending rather than excessive spending. It does so with real-life examples of interventions made in the Global South to realize the vision of "thinking globally and acting locally". These case studies speak to the significance of communities’ role in shouldering responsibility for planning financing operating and maintaining local developmental initiatives. The examples also demonstrate how aid serves its purpose when used as an investment in communities and enterprising individuals in order to realize the strategic impact of giving and build a local "receiving mechanism" for indigenizing and achieving global development goals. The book references cases of better spending by governments philanthropists and civil society organizations (CSOs) from across Asia Africa and Latin America on a range of issues and will thus be of interest to development practitioners policymakers donors philanthropists civil society organizations and academics and students of international development studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367338459

Better than Best PracticeDeveloping teaching and learning through dialogue Better than Best Practice offers a new way of thinking about classroom practice professional development and improving teaching and learning. This companion book and website together offer a selection of rich and realistic video-based case studies context and narrative step-by-step guidance through key issues and commentary and debate from a range of expert contributors.  Carefully chosen video clips from primary school literacy lessons show real teachers in a variety of often knotty situations: classroom conversations that take unexpected turns; grappling with assessment; managing disagreements to name a few. The book explores the educational potential of classroom talk and in particular the promise and problems of dialogic pedagogy.  With an emphasis on the complexity and ‘messiness’ of teaching Better than Best Practice considers how to learn from observing and discussing practice in order to develop professional judgment. It offers practical advice on how to organise and facilitate video-based professional development in which teachers share their practice with colleagues in order to learn from one another’s challenges problems dilemmas and breakthroughs.  This exciting new resource argues that critical discussions of practice which highlight dilemmas instead of prescribing solutions help to develop and support thoughtful flexible and insightful practitioners: an approach that is better than best practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415618441

Better Than OneHow We Each Have Two Minds Starting with research by Nobel laureate Roger Sperry into split-brain patients this book sets out the evidence that there is a conscious mind in each hemisphere of the human brain. Two forms of consciousness are distinguished and the difference in the consciousness of each mind revealed. The two different pathways within the human visual system and their effect on human behaviour are described as well as differences in the memories formed by each mind. Evidence for two minds in the intact human brain is analysed including psychological experiments and every-day experiences such as sleep-walking and driving on "automatic pilot". Reasons are suggested to explain why the evidence from split-brain patients has been largely ignored and the views of six authors who have addressed the issue are considered. The presence of two minds - each with its own memories thoughts desires and decisions that are inaccessible to the other - has important implications for all those whose work involves the mind including psychologists psycho-therapists and lawyers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782201731

Better Value Health ChecksA Practical Guide This book explores the practical aspects of setting up and assessing the quality of health checks. It is the first book to support clinicians and managers in enhancing the value of health checks in improving health outcomes an increasingly essential goal for health services. The book will help maximise outcomes for individuals families and employers by addressing each element within a health check from primary prevention risk factor reduction and screening to early diagnosis and tertiary prevention. These are considered in relation to their ability to lead to subsequent improvements in individual health outcomes. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138088009

Betting for and Against EMUWho Wins and Loses in Italy and in the UK from the Process of European Monetary Integration This title was first published in 2000: An analysis of the extent to which the outcomes of the process of European monetary integration and particularly of the development of the debate over the establishment of EMU have been influenced by domestic politics and by domestic economic interest groups in Italy and in the United Kingdom. From an empirical point of view the work provides an account of the development of Italian and British socio-economic interest groups towards the issue of European monetary union from the making of the EMS until the establishment of EMU. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138700840

Between Anthropology and Literature This collection suggests that the disciplines of literature and anthropology are not static entities but instead fluid sites of shifting cultural currents and academic interests. The essays conclude that the origins sources and intersections of the two disciplines are constantly being revised and reconceived leading to new possibilities of understanding texts.The authors address the ways in which the language of social science fuses with that of the literary imagination. The essays fit excellently with the current interest in interdisciplinary studies and challenge students to see texts as parts of a larger global and cultural matrix. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415753906

Between Art Practice and Psychoanalysis Mid-Twentieth CenturyAnton Ehrenzweig in Context The work of mid-twentieth century art theorist Anton Ehrenzweig is explored in this original and timely study. An analysis of the dynamic and invigorating intellectual influences institutional framework and legacy of his work Between Art Practice and Psychoanalysis reveals the context within which Ehrenzweig worked how that influenced him and those artists with whom he worked closely. Beth Williamson looks to the writing of Melanie Klein Marion Milner Adrian Stokes and others to elaborate Ehrenzweig’s theory of art a theory that extends beyond the visual arts to music. In this first full-length study on his work including an inventory of his library previously unexamined archival material and unseen artworks sit at the heart of a book that examines Ehrenzweig’s working relationships with important British artists such as Bridget Riley Eduardo Paolozzi and other members of the Independent Group in London in the 1950s and 1960s. In Ehrenzweig’s second book The Hidden Order of Art (1967) his thinking on Jackson Pollock is important too. It was this book that inspired American artists Robert Smithson and Robert Morris when they deployed his concept of ’dedifferentiation’. Here Williamson offers new readings of process art c. 1970 showing how Ehrenzweig’s aesthetic retains relevance beyond the immediate post-war era. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367738402

Between Baudelaire and MallarméVoice Conversation and Music As the status of poetry became less and less certain over the course of the nineteenth century poets such as Baudelaire and Mallarmé began to explore ways to ensure that poetry would not be overtaken by music in the hierarchy of the arts. Helen Abbott examines the verse and prose poetry of these two important poets together with their critical writings to address how their attitudes towards the performance practice of poetry influenced the future of both poetry and music. Central to her analysis is the issue of 'voice' a term that remains elusive in spite of its broad application. Acknowledging that voice can be physical textual and symbolic Abbott explores the meaning of voice in terms of four categories: (1) rhetoric specifically the rules governing the deployment of voice in poetry; (2) the human body and its effect on how voice is used in poetry; (3) exchange that is the way voices either interact or fail to interact; and (4) music specifically the question of whether poetry should be sung. Abbott shows how Baudelaire and Mallarmé exploit the complexity and instability of the notion of voice to propose a new aesthetic that situates poetry between conversation and music. Voice thus becomes an important process of interaction and exchange rather than something stable or static; the implications of this for Baudelaire and Mallarmé are profoundly significant since it maps out the possible future of poetry. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315569093

Between Bohemia and SuburbiaBoburbia in the USA This book identifies a distinctive kind of urban neighborhood that is on the rise throughout the USA the dense walkable mixed-use bourgeois-bohemian suburb or the "boburb."It looks at case studies of areas to live in Louisville Kentucky. Based on scores of interviews with college graduates backed by survey data and Census figures it provides a clear historical account of how these spaces arose. Chapters depict analyze and compare the Highlands neighborhood with other Louisville boburbs contrasting them with the ephemeral bohemian quarters and the many suburban subdivisions. The Highlands are also compared with five other boburbs around the USA. Attention is given to the influence of transportation systems in shaping residential community and commercial spaces. Deeper cultural reasons for choosing the boburbs or the suburbs are also explored including the political "big sort" between liberal and conservative places and Bourdieu’s account of how the distinction between economic and cultural capital shapes how people choose to live where they live. This book will appeal to those interested in the evolution and distinctions among urban neighborhoods. It is ideal for academics and students within urban geography urban gentrification cities and population. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367730468

Between BordersPedagogy and the Politics of Cultural Studies Informed by the belief that critical pedagogy must move beyond the classroom if it is to be truly effective this essay collection makes clear how cultural practices--as portrayed in film sports and in the classroom itself--enable cultural studies to deepen its own political possibilities and to construct diverse geographies of identity representation and place. Contributors: Henry A. Giroux Ava Collins Nancy Fraser Carol Becker bell hooks Michael Eric Dyson Roger I. Simon Chandra Talpede Mohanty Simon Watney Michele Wallace Peter McLaren David Trend Abdul R. JanMohamed and Kenneth Mostern. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315021539

Between CampsNations Cultures and the Allure of Race In this provocative book now reissued with a new introduction Paul Gilroy contends that race-thinking has distorted the finest promises of modern democracy. He compels us to see that fascism was the principal political innovation of the twentieth century - and that its power to seduce did not die in a bunker in Berlin. Between Camps addresses questions such as: * Why do we still divide humanity into different identity groups based on skin colour? * Did all the good done by the Civil Rights Movement and the decolonization of the Third World have such little lasting effect? Gilroy examines the ways in which media and commodity culture have become pre-eminent in our lives in the years since the 1960s and especially in the 1980s with the rise of hip-hop and other militancies. With this trend he contends much that was valuable about black culture has been sacrificed in the service of corporate interests and new forms of cultural expression tied to visual technologies. He argues that the triumph of the image spells death to politics and reduces people to mere symbols. At its heart Between Camps is a Utopian project calling for the renunciation of race. Gilroy champions a new humanism global and cosmopolitan and he offers a new political language and a new moral vision for what was once called 'anti-racism'. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138147096

Between Capital and LandThe Jewish National Fund's Finances and Land-Purchase Priorities in Palestine 1939-1945 Tuten shows how the Jewish National Fund (JNF) proved to be flexible in its fundraising to obtain its land-purchase objectives during the Second World War. He provides a detailed examination of the Jewish National Fund's internal development and analyses the relationship between JNF's finances and land purchase priorities. A valuable addition to recent re-evaluations of Israeli history and institutions this book will be of interest to those researching Palestinian history Jewish and Israeli history and the history of the modern Middle East. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964563

Between China and EuropePerson Culture and Emotion in Macao From the mid-1500s to December 1999 Macao was the longest-standing site of economic religious and political contact between the Chinese and European worlds. Yet this surprising capacity for survival has resulted ironically form the very weakness of the Portuguese presence. In particular since the foundation of Hong Kong (in 1840) Macao had depended on a creative use of its marginality - as a centre for gambling for the coolie trade the opium trade the semi-clandestine gold trade and so on. As a rear window on China Macao provides us with fascinating examples of marginality that allow us to study the limits of the systems that characterize the Chinese world. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003134886

Between Citizen and StateAn Introduction to the Corporation Between Citizen and State is an intrepid and readable introduction to and insightful commentary on the role of the corporation in the modern world. Corporate actors have typical motivations opportunities temptations - they are characters and their interactions follow familiar plotlines. Part I Background introduces the characters and their context. Part II Internal Struggles explains common conflicts in terms of well-known court cases. Part III External Relations examines relationships between the corporation individuals and the state. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315635859

Between Class and Discourse: Left Intellectuals in Defence of Capitalism This provocative book addresses the ideological and political crisis of the Western left comparing it with the problems facing leftist politics in Russia and other countries. The author presents a radical critique of the current state of the Western left which puts discourse above class interest and politics of diversity above politics of social change. The trajectory away from class politics towards feminism minority rights and the coalition of coalitions led to the destruction of the basic strategic pillars of the movement. Some elements of this broad progressive agenda became mainstream but in fact this made the crisis of the left even deeper and contributed to the disintegration of the left's identity. The author demonstrates that a simple return to ‘the good old times’ of classical socialist politics of the industrial age is not possible suggesting that class politics must be redefined and reinvented through the experience of new radical populism. This book speaks directly to the way the identity politics/class politics divide has been framed within the English-speaking world. It will be of great interest to scholars and students of political science and political sociology international relations security studies and global studies as well as socialist activists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367478087

Between Communication and Information The current popularity of such phrases as "information age" and 'information society" suggests thatlinks between information communication and: behavior have become closer and more complex in a technology-dominated culture. Social scientists have adopted an integrated approach to these concepts opening up new theoretical perspectives on the media social psychology personal relationships group process international diplomacy and consumer behavior. Between Communication and Information maps out a richly interdisciplinary approach to this development offering innovative research and advancing our understanding of integrative frameworks.This fourth volume in the series reflects recently established lines of research as well as the continuing interest in basic areas of communications theory and practice. In Part I contributors explore the junction between communication and information from various theoretical perspectives delving into the multilayered relationship between the two phenomena. Cross-disciplinary approaches in the fields of etymology and library science are presented in the second section. Part III. brings together case studies that examine the interaction of information and communication at individual and group levels; information exchanges between doctors and patients children and computers journalists and electronic news sources are analyzed in depth. The concluding segment focuses on large social contexts in which the interaction of communication and information affects the evolution of institutions and culture.Between Information and Communication both extends and challenges current thinking on the mutually supporting interplay of information and human behavior. It will be of interest to sociologists media analysts and communication specialists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507593

Between Compliance and ConflictEast Asia Latin America and the "New" Pax Americana This book examines the responses to U.S. power in the two areas of the world where U.S. primacy was first successfully consolidated: East Asia and Latin America. The U.S. has faced no comparably powerful challengers to the exercise of its power in Latin America for much of the past century. It established its primacy over much of East Asia in the aftermath of WW II and extended its influence in the late 1970's and after the end of the Vietnam War through its entente with China to balance the Soviet Union. By contrast the U.S. has always encountered rivals and challengers in Europe has attempted unsuccessfully thus far to impose its primacy in the Middle East and has paid only intermittent attention to South Asia and Africa. The essays in this volume will explore three important themes 1.) How do region-wide economic trends and arrangements sustain or modify U.S. influence in the region? 2.) How do rising powers in these regions (Japan China Brazil) reshape their policies to cope with the U.S. and 3.) How do new (South Korea) and old (Cuba) challengers to U.S. power shape their policies to account for the unrivaled exercise of U.S. power. This collection will place the United States at the hub of relations with countries in East Asia and Latin America and examine the new policies and new styles of engagement that are employed to address the prolonged U.S. interest in these areas-approaches from which the rest of the world might learn. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203956403

Between Constantinople and RomeAn Illuminated Byzantine Gospel Book (Paris gr. 54) and the Union of Churches This is a study of the artistic and political context that led to the production of a truly exceptional Byzantine illustrated manuscript. Paris Bibliothèque Nationale de France codex grec 54 is one of the most ambitious and complex manuscripts produced during the Byzantine era. This thirteenth-century Greek and Latin Gospel book features full-page evangelist portraits an extensive narrative cycle and unique polychromatic texts. However it has never been the subject of a comprehensive study and the circumstances of its commission are unknown. In this book Kathleen Maxwell addresses the following questions: what circumstances led to the creation of Paris 54? Who commissioned it and for what purpose? How was a deluxe manuscript such as this produced? Why was it left unfinished? How does it relate to other Byzantine illustrated Gospel books? Paris 54's innovations are a testament to the extraordinary circumstances of its commission. Maxwell's multi-disciplinary approach includes codicological and paleographical evidence together with New Testament textual criticism artistic and historical analysis. She concludes that Paris 54 was never intended to copy any other manuscript. Rather it was designed to eclipse its contemporaries and to physically embody a new relationship between Constantinople and the Latin West as envisioned by its patron. Analysis of Paris 54's texts and miniature cycle indicates that it was created at the behest of a Byzantine emperor as a gift to a pope in conjunction with imperial efforts to unify the Latin and Orthodox churches. As such Paris 54 is a unique witness to early Palaeologan attempts to achieve church union with Rome. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367600884

Between Couch and PianoPsychoanalysis Music Art and Neuroscience Why and how do music and abstract art pack such universal appeal? Why do they often have 'therapeutic' efficacy?Between Couch and Piano links well-established psychoanalytic ideas with historical and neurological theory to help us begin to understand some of the reasons behind music's ubiquity and power. Drawing on new psychoanalytic understanding as well as advances in neuroscience this book sheds light on the role of the arts as stimulus and as a key to creative awareness. Subjects covered include:* music in relation to the trauma of loss* music in connection with wholeness and the sense of identity* the ability of music to jump-start normal feelings motion and identity where these have been seemingly destroyed by neurological disease* the theory of therapeutic efficacy of music and art. Between Couch and Piano is a comprehensive overview that will be of interest to all those intrigued by the interrelation of psychoanalysis and the creative Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203462904

Between Courtly Literature and Al-AndaluzOriental Symbolism and Influences in the Romances of Chretien de Troyes First published in 2006. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415867252

Between Cultural Diversity and Common HeritageLegal and Religious Perspectives on the Sacred Places of the Mediterranean Going beyond the more usual focus on Jerusalem as a sacred place this book presents legal perspectives on the most important sacred places of the Mediterranean. The first part of the book discusses the notion of sacred places in anthropological sociological and legal studies and provides an overview of existing legal approaches to the protection of sacred places in order to develop and define a new legal framework. The second part introduces the meaning of sacred places in Jewish Christian and Islamic thought and focuses on the significance and role that sacred places have in the three major monotheistic religions and how best to preserve their religious nature whilst designing a new international statute. The final part of the book is a detailed analysis of the legal status of key sacred places and holy cities in the Mediterranean area and identifies a set of legal principles to support a general framework within which specific legal measures can be implemented. The book concludes with a useful appendix for the protection of sacred places in the Mediterranean region. Including contributions from leading law and religion scholars this interesting book will be valuable to those in the fields of international law as well as religion and heritage studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367600556

Between Deflationism and Correspondence Theory McGrath argues for an original truth theory that combines elements of two well-known philosophical theories--deflationism and correspondence. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138865556

Between Democracy and LawThe Amorality of Secession This volume purports to explore the legal and political issues triggered by the new wave of secessionism. More specifically those issues concern the interplay between notions of democracy (and democratic ends and means) and law (and the rule of law and constitutionalism). Against this background the editors use amorality in order to escape the terrain of the justification of secession by making a distinction between the democratic theory of secession and the theory of democratic secession. In the first section the theoretical nexus democracy-secession has been approached both from a legal and political theory perspective. The second section of the book examines the instruments that the theory of democratic secession invokes in order to justify secession and presents both legal and political science contributions. The third section focuses on social movements and political actors. The fourth section focuses on two case studies due to the awareness of the importance of the difference between secession in a democratic occidental context (which call into play the discussion of the democratic theories) and separations in a non-democratic context (where the nexus between secession and democracy is not really central). Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367145804

Between Deontology and JusticeChinese and Western Perspectives In China political philosophy is still a comparatively new academic discipline. While there is no such phrase as “political philosophy†in ancient Chinese texts there are elements within them that could be considered part of that field. Central questions of Chinese ancient political philosophy include the legitimacy of the source of political power the foundation of moral rationality for the use of political power and the purpose of political activities. This book explores the ideas of rights the foundations of law transference of power democracy and other topics as debated in ancient times. Focusing on important political thinkers in Chinese history such as Kongzi Laozi Xu Fuguan Liang Qichao and Li Dazhao the book explains characteristics that are particular to China such as the system of abdication the general will of the people and the society of Great Harmony. While making comparisons between Chinese and Western political philosophy the book also discusses how to establish a Chinese modern state and how to promote Chinese culture today so that it can influence more and more people around the world. The book will be a valuable reference for scholars of Chinese philosophy political philosophy and Chinese culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815383116

Between Empire and RevolutionA Life of Sidney Bunting 1873-1936 Sidney Bunting's life offers a unique perspective on the British Empire illustrating the complex social networks and values that were carried across the world in the name of empire. Drawing on archival material including the Bunting family papers and records of Bunting's Oxford years this work presents his biography. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138663497

Between Ethics and PoliticsNew Essays on Gandhi Is it possible to build an authentically democratic system in politics without concrete ethical foundations? Addressing this question in the wake of the contemporary crisis in democracy worldwide the volume re-evaluates Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s key thoughts. It foregrounds their relevance to the ongoing struggles that attempt to reconcile the apparently dissimilar orientations of politics and ethics. Collecting fresh interdisciplinary researches the book provides insights into Gandhi’s complex — and occasionally turbulent — intellectual and political relationships with influential figures of Indian society and politics whether critics such as B. R. Ambedkar and friends like Rabindranath Tagore and Jawaharlal Nehru. It also presents an informed political biography of Gandhi encapsulating the salient details of his long trajectory as a unique mass mobilizer socio-political activist and ideologue — from his days in South Africa to his death in independent India. This book will immensely interest scholars and students of political theory philosophy ethics history and Gandhian studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138660137

Between Fathers and SonsCritical Incident Narratives in the Development of Men's Lives Explore the tensions and tenderness between fathers and sons in this masterpiece of narrative psychology!“We live in a story-shaped world ” as the editors say and Between Fathers and Sons: Critical Incident Narratives in the Development of Men's Lives shows how the stories we construct come to shape our perceptions of the world and of ourselves. The incidents recounted here are more than just moving funny or painful stories of fathers and sons. Each is a myth that helped form the authors’social and moral identity. This blend of feeling and intellect story and analysis makes Between Fathers and Sons a work of art as well as a work of psychology. The contributors--many of them pioneers of narrative therapy--bring unique insight to bear on their own stories. Using a broad array of narrative forms from the soliliquy to the multiple narrator they explore and analyze themes of silence mystery respect sports self-reliance and longing for continuity.In the stories you will find in Between Fathers and Sons: a father's disappointed silence is transformed as it resonates through four generations a Korean immigrant faces the differences between his ideals of fatherhood and his son's American view a father-son fishing trip ends with the biggest fish ever--or no fish at all betrayed by his stepfather a boy seeks guidance from stories of his dead father a Baptist preacher helps his son make an agonizing choice a grown man's memory of a childhood event gives him new insight into his father's identity and their relationshipBetween Fathers and Sons is a landmark volume in father-son relationships and in narrative therapy. It is destined to become a classic in the field. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315809106

Between Freedom and BondageRace Party and Voting Rights in the Antebellum North Between Freedom and Bondage looks at the fluctuations of black suffrage in the ante-bellum North using the four states of New York Pennsylvania Massachusetts and Rhode Island as examples. In each of these states a different outcome was obtained for blacks in their quest to share the vote. By analyzing the various outcomes of state struggles Malone offers a framework for understanding and explaining how the issue of voting rights for blacks unfolded between the drafting of the Constitution and the end of the Civil War. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203940006

Between GenerationsFamily Models Myths and Memories Between Generations concerns powerful memories that continue to shape the present but in this case in almost all families throughout the world. What is it that parents pass down to their children? How can we understand the mixture of conscious and unconscious models myths and material inheritance that are intertwined in both family and individual life stories? These questions turn out to be unexpectedly complicated and answering them has suggested how a life-story approach can provide a new key to research on the dynamics of the family and on social change.Because culture is the essence of what makes individual humans into a group the core of human social identity its continuity is vital. Cultures are always changing but the stability of languages religions and cultural habits can be astonishing. In contrast to the claims of culture to represent tradition over centuries stands the sheer brevity of individual human life. Hence the universal necessity for transmission between generations exists.This paperback edition in the Memory and Narrative series brings together contributions from the Americas and Asia as well as from Western and Eastern Europe. They combine the techniques of life story research with the insights of family therapy. Interdisciplinary and intellectually stimulating the volume will appeal to students in many areas including history sociology literature psychology and anthropology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519473

Between Give And TakeA Clinical Guide To Contextual Therapy In this volume Boszormenyi-Nagy and Krasner provide a comprehensive sharply focused guide to the clinical use of Contextual Therapy (CT) as a therapy rooted in the reality of human relationships. The authors describe a far-reaching trust-based approach to individual freedom and interpersonal fairness that makes possible a remarkably effective system of psychotherapy. Between Give and Take clearly delineates four basic dimensions of relational reality: factual predeterminants human psychology communications and transactions and due consideration or merited trust. It is this last dimension that is the cornerstone of CT. It builds on the realm of the "between" that reshapes human relationships and liberates each relating person for mature living. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138009448

Between Global and LocalMarginality and Marginal Regions in the Context of Globalization and Deregulation The definitions for 'marginality' and 'marginal regions' are vague and differ between academic disciplines. Marginal regions could however be characterized as regions lying off mainstream processes (in a sort of vacuum) both in society and economy but also in relation to the natural environment and geographical remoteness. Illustrated by a wide range of international case studies this book provides a complete overview of current research into marginality and examines a wide range of possible development options which could offer hope to marginal regions. It explores the background to various kinds of marginality describes various types of marginal regions and discusses possible solutions for political economic and socio-cultural actors to fight the ongoing processes of marginalization. Marginality and marginal regions are looked at from a wide perspective and are seen as being in part the outcome of globalization and deregulation. The book not only discusses practical policy options but also considers marginality in its relation to ethics and spirituality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138618930

Between Humanitarianism and Evangelism in Faith-based OrganisationsA Case from the African Migration Route Religion has always played an important if often contested role in the public domain. This book focuses on how faith-based organisations (FBOs) interact with the public sphere showing how faith-based actors are themselves shaped by wider processes and global forces such as globalisation migration foreign policy and neoliberal markets.Focusing on a case study of an FBO in Morocco which gives aid to sub-Saharan African irregular migrants the book reveals some of the challenges the organisation faces as it tries to negotiate at once local national and international contexts through their particular Christian values. This book contends that the contradictions tensions and ambiguities that arise are primarily a result of the organisation having to negotiate a normative global secular liberalism which requires a strict demarcation between religion and politics and religion and the secular. Faith-based actors particularly within humanitarianism have to constantly navigate this divide and in examining the question of how religious values translate into humanitarian and development practices categories such as religion the secular and politics and the boundaries between them will need to be interrogated. This book explores the diversity and complexity of the work of FBOs and will be of great interest to students and researchers working at the intersections of humanitarianism and development studies politics and religion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367666873

Between Indigenous and Settler Governance Between Indigenous and Settler Governance addresses the history current development and future of Indigenous self-governance in four settler-colonial nations: Australia Canada New Zealand and the United States. Bringing together emerging scholars and leaders in the field of indigenous law and legal history this collection offers a long-term view of the legal political and administrative relationships between Indigenous collectivities and nation-states. Placing historical contingency and complexity at the center of analysis the papers collected here examine in detail the process by which settler states both dissolved indigenous jurisdictions and left spaces – often unwittingly – for indigenous survival and corporate recovery. They emphasise the promise and the limits of modern opportunities for indigenous self-governance; whilst showing how all the players in modern settler colonialism build on a shared and multifaceted past. Indigenous tradition is not the only source of the principles and practices of indigenous self-determination; the essays in this book explore some ways that the legal philosophical and economic structures of settler colonial liberalism have shaped opportunities for indigenous autonomy. Between Indigenous and Settler Governance will interest all those concerned with Indigenous peoples in settler-colonial nations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138793972

Between Islam and ByzantiumAght`amar and the Visual Construction of Medieval Armenian Rulership Between Islam and Byzantium provides the first complete analysis of the development of the visual expression of medieval Armenian rulership during the years 884-1045 CE. During this period the Armenian rulers had loosened the ties that subjected them to the Arab caliphate but by its end the Byzantine empire had instead become dominant in the region. The influences exerted by these external opposing powers are a major theme in this book. Lynn Jones re-contextualizes the existing royal art and architecture by integrating analyses of contemporary accounts of ceremonial and royal deeds with fresh examinations of the surviving monuments of which the church at Aght`amar with its famous carvings is the prime example. Setting the art and architecture of the period more clearly in its original context the author reveals the messages these buildings sculptures and manuscripts were intended to convey by those who created and viewed them. This study provides a new perspective on the complex interactions between a broad range of nationalities ethnicities and religions shedding fresh light on the nature of medieval identity. It adds to a growing literature on the eastern neighbours of Byzantium and opens up new issues on the relationship between the Byzantine empire and the Islamic caliphate in the medieval period. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261690

Between Islam and the American DreamAn Immigrant Muslim Community in Post-9/11 America Based on a three-year ethnographic study of a steadily growing suburban Muslim immigrant congregation in Midwest America this book examines the micro-processes through which a group of Muslim immigrants from diverse backgrounds negotiate multiple identities while seeking to become part of American society in the years following 9/11. The author looks into frictions conflicts and schisms within the community to debunk myths and provide a close-up look at the experiences of ordinary immigrant Muslims in the United States. Instead of treating Muslim immigrants as fundamentally different from others this book views Muslims as multidimensional individuals whose identities are defined by a number of basic social attributes including gender race social class and religiosity. Each person portrayed in this ethnography is a complex individual whose hierarchy of identities is shaped by particular events and the larger social environment. By focusing on a single congregation this study controls variables related to the particularity of place and presents a “thick†description of interactions within small groups. This book argues that the frictions conflicts and schisms are necessary as much as inevitable in cultivating a “composite culture†within the American Muslim community marked by diversity leading it onto the path of Americanization. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138377424

Between Jews and HereticsRefiguring Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho is the oldest preserved literary dialogue between a Jew and a Christian and a key text for understanding the development of early Judaism and Christianity. In Between Jews and Heretics Matthijs den Dulk argues that whereas scholarship has routinely cast this important text in terms of "Christianity vs. Judaism " its rhetorical aims and discursive strategies are considerably more complex because Justin is advocating his particular form of Christianity in constant negotiation with rival forms of Christianity. The striking new interpretation proposed in this study explains many of the Dialogue’s puzzling features and sheds new light on key passages. Because the Dialogue is a critical document for the early history of Jews and Christians this book contributes to a range of important questions including the emergence of the notion of heresy and the "parting of the ways" between Jews and Christians. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367590727

Between Justice and StabilityThe Politics of War Crimes Prosecutions in Post-Miloševic Serbia Exploring the impact of the International Criminal Tribunal (ICTY) on regime change in Serbia this book examines the relationship between international criminal justice and democratisation. It analyses in detail the repercussions of the ICTY on domestic political dynamics and provides an explanatory account of Serbia's transition to democracy. Lack of cooperation and compliance with the ICTY was one of the biggest obstacles to Serbia's integration into Euro-Atlantic political structures following the overthrow of Milosevic. By scrutinising the attitudes of the Serbian authorities towards the ICTY and the prosecution of war crimes Ostojic explores the complex processes set in motion by the international community's policies of conditionality and by the prosecution of the former Serbian leadership in The Hague. Drawing on a rich collection of empirical data he demonstrates that the success of international judicial intervention is premised upon democratic consolidation and that transitional justice policies are only ever likely to take root when they do not undermine the stability and legitimacy of political institutions on the ground. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409467427

Between Lausanne And GenevaInternational Conferences And The Arab-israeli Conflict In an effort to resolve a facet of the Arab-Israel predicament this book analyzes the concept of an international conference as referred to by the major parties involved in the dispute. It focuses on Lausanne Peace Conference and Geneva Peace Conference on the Middle East. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367153540

Between Love and FreedomThe Revolutionary in the Hindi Novel Between Love and Freedom interprets the figure of the revolutionary in the Hindi novel by establishing its lineage in representative Bengali novels as well as in the contending moralities of Mahatma Gandhi and Bhagat Singh on the idea of violence. It reveals how conventional social realism and emergent modernist modes were brought together in the novelistic tradition by extending the political ideal of anti-colonial revolution into domains of sexual desire and subjective expression especially in the works of Agyeya Jainendra and Yashpal. This work will deeply interest scholars and students of literature modern Indian history Hindi and political science. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138664050

Between Matter and MethodEncounters In Anthropology and Art Building on the lively exchange between anthropology and art that has emerged in recent years Between Matter and Method makes a bold and creative contribution to this rapidly growing field. Taking an expansive approach to the arts it finds commonalities in approaches that engage with visual artifacts sound performance improvisation literature dance theater and design. The book questions current disciplinary boundaries and offers a new model grounded in a shared methodology for interdisciplinary encounter between art and anthropology. Gretchen Bakke and Marina Peterson have gathered together anthropologists whose work is notable for engaging the arts and creative practice in conceptually rigorous and methodologically innovative ways including Kathleen Stewart Keith Murphy Natasha Myers Stuart McLean Craig Campbell and Roger Sansi. Essays span the globe from Indonesia West Virginia and Los Angeles in the United States to the Orkney Islands in the UK and Russia and Spain. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781474289238

Between McAlpine and Polaris This book first published in 1984 examines the impact of the US Polaris base at Holy Loch Scotland upon the people of Cowal in Argyll and its imposition upon them by powers outside the locality. It evaluates the ecological economic political and cultural effects of the Base from its establishment in 1961. In addition this book studies the impact of the influx of workers to build the McAlpine North Sea oil platforms in the region. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367629878

Between Memory and History The recent wave of interest in oral history and return to the active subject as a topic in historical practice raises a number of questions about the status and function of scholarly history in our societies. This articles in this volume originally pubished in 1990 and which originally appeared in History and Anthropology Volume 2 Part 2 discuss what contributions meanings and consequences emerge from scholarly history turning to living memory and what the relationships are between history and memory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138183261

Between Men and Feminism (RLE Feminist Theory)Colloquium: Papers Between Men and Feminism had its origins in a lively colloquium at St John’s College Cambridge in 1990. It discusses how two decades of feminism have affected the ways men define their own masculinities and how they have responded in their own social sexual and political lives to the challenges posed by the evolving feminist critiques of patriarchy and maleness itself. The collection contains a great diversity of approaches from Britain and North America. It includes viewpoints from academics a poet an educational researcher and the members of an active men’s group. Gay issues feature prominently as do psychoanalytical views and a number of the pieces provide a refreshingly personal and practical outlook. Between Men and Feminism shows men finding their own way within the spaces feminism has opened to them rediscovering their own gendered voices and participating in the transformation of controllong ideologies in their daily lives. These very readable accounts will appeal not only to students in the social sciences and gender studies but to all men who find themselves responding to the feminist challenge. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415752206

Between Mind and BrainModels of the Mind and Models in the Mind This book begins with an exploration of the relationship between mind and brain. It then examines various psychoanalytic models of the mind and moves to the task of the analyst to discover the unconscious models that shape his or her patients' picture of him/herself and others.The familiar models are mainly drawn from psychoanalytic practice but are supplemented from myths religion and literature. Developments in adjacent scientific fields such as quantum biology and new ideas about evolution are discussed that suggest cellular genetic modification can take place as a consequence of interaction with the outside world. This gives hope perhaps to the idea that not only the mind can learn from experience but also the brain. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782202608

Between Morality and the LawCorruption Anthropology and Comparative Society This book explores illegal forms of corruption and more widely moral and legal forms of corruption. The authors draw on detailed ethnographic accounts of corrupt practice at local national and international levels. Coverage includes both Western and non-Western societies from Italy to Latin America to Albania Africa and post-Soviet bureaucracy in Russia Mongolia and Kazakhstan. There is also a chapter on corruption in the context of globalization. Key issues discussed include the problems caused by the inflated rhetoric of corruption and by the inadequacy of official definitions. The authors look at measures designed to bring corruption under some degree of control discussing the level of legal intervention compatible with public expectations and with the dynamics of trust and responsibility. This fascinating book makes a significant contribution to our understanding of conflicting public and private moralities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815346494

Between Opera and Cinema Leading scholars of opera and film explore the many ways these two seemingly unrelated genres have come together from the silent-film era to today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138870352

Between Past and Future: Elites Democracy and the State in Post-Communist CountriesA Comparison of Estonia Latvia and Lithuania Published in 1997 this text presents a specific interest in analyzing the role of the elites as a key factor for democratic rule and policy changes. In order to put the elites in perspective the author has also conducted opinion surveys asking some of the same questions among representative samples of the populations in the three countries. Comparing these three rather similar states gives possibilities for singling out conditions for specific national developments in elite structure and policies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367196318

Between Philosophy and PsychoanalysisLacan's Reconstruction of Freud First published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138160002

Between Philosophy and TheologyContemporary Interpretations of Christianity Long past the time when philosophers from different perspectives had joined the funeral procession that declared the death of God a renewed interest has arisen in regard to the questions of God and religion in philosophy. The turn to secularization has produced its own opposing force. Although they declared themselves from the start as not being religious thinkers such as Derrida Vattimo Zizek and Badiou have nonetheless maintained an interest in religion. This book brings some of these philosophical views together to present an overview of the philosophical scene in its dealings with religion but also to move beyond the outsider's perspective. Reflecting on these philosophical interpretations from a fundamental theological perspective the authors discover in what way these interpretations can challenge an understanding of today's faith. Bringing together thinkers with an established reputation - Kearney Caputo Ward Desmond Hart Armour - along with young scholars this book challenges a range of perspectives by putting them in a new context. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138277021

Between Poverty and the PyreMoments in the History of Widowhood Between Poverty and the Pyre examines the history of the experience of widowhood across different cultures. It brings together a collection of essays by historians anthropologists and philologists. The book shows how difficult it is to define the 'typical' widow as the experiences of these women have differed so widely not simply because of their different time periods and locations but also becuase of their varying legal and religious status and economic conditions. The study is diverse with subjects ranging from: *Hindu wives who followed their husbands to the pyre *widows who were burned as witches *and widows who had to become prostitutes to stay alive. The book also explores Jesus's interest in widows and the experience of some well-known widows such as Mohammed's first wife. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415513388

Between Profits and PrimitivismShaping White Middle-Class Masculinity in the U.S. 1880-1917 Between 1800 and the First World War white middle-class men were depicted various forms of literature as weak and nervous. This book explores cultural writings dedicated to the physical and mental health of the male subject showing that men have mobilized gender constructions repeatedly and self-consciously to position themselves within the culture. Aiming to join those who offer nuanced accounts of masculinity Devlin investigates the various and changing interests white manhood was positioned to cultivate and the ways elite white men used "their own " so to speak to promote larger agendas for their class and race. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415514750

Between Psychology and PsychotherapyA Poetics of Experience In this highly original and thought-provoking work the late Miller Mair puts forward his ideas for a new psychology. First published in 1989 he deals with issues of fundamental importance to the future of a psychology guided by genuine enquiry and concern rather than mere professional self-interest. Crossing and re-crossing boundaries between psychology psychotherapy and philosophy and between ‘science’ and ‘art’ he demonstrates the linkages between the personal and the impersonal subject and object inside and outside with a daring not previously risked by anyone working in the area. Dr Mair stresses the importance of a poetic approach in psychology and psychotherapy and the need to explore and understand the nature of psychology through an imaginative freedom of language. He emphasizes that a poetic awareness and attentiveness is fundamental to any pursuit of understanding of ourselves or others. This is a very personal book concerned with personal knowledge but it is meant for anyone who seeks to understand themselves and others and what is involved in coming to such understanding. Focusing on ordinary human experience and moving towards literary and artistic modes of expression the author invites you to enter in follow what you think and feel as he proposes a radical revision of much that is accepted in psychology and in psychotherapy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415859523

Between Qur'an And CrownThe Challenge Of Political Legitimacy In The Arab World This book focuses on the radical changes in the Arab world. It describes how a process similar to the organic development of the secular state in Europe was interrupted in the Middle East by Western colonialism which led to the reassertion of Islam as the sole source of political legitimacy. . Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367162054

Between Rationality and IrrationalityThe Jewish Psychotherapeutic System Jewish Scriptural interpretation entails a potential therapeutic bridge between the rational-material and the irrational-mystic in the world of psychotherapy. PaRDeS as this system is known is derived from the following concepts. "P" denotes peshat the plain interpretation of the text which translates into a rational interpretation of life. "R" symbolizes remez hinting at a related religious concept which becomes a symbolic view of life. "D" stands for derash the homiletic way of interpreting a text or a narrative reading of life. And "S" represents sod or the mystery behind an idea which in psychological terms becomes a mystic understanding of life. Mordechai Rotenberg believes that it is by engaging readings in a "dialogue" with each other as in the Jewish hermeneutic tradition the psychology underlying one's existence may be more readily understood. While Rotenberg acknowledges that it is legitimate to focus on one cognitive-rational or one narrative-storytelling therapeutic method in the course of therapy he argues that a comprehensive theory of psychotherapy should include treatment possibilities for both rational and irrational manifestations of behavior thereby engulfing all aspects of human behavior. For Rotenberg a person's life becomes the "text " subject to being read and interpreted. If that person wishes to change his or her behavior via psychotherapy then a hermeneutic system must be employed to understand that person's life. However many systems interpret a person's life according to the particular theory espoused by the therapist. Rotenberg in contrast introduces a balanced theory bridging the rational and the irrational.Between Rationality and Irrationality emphasizes that it is more important for a therapist to learn his client's own "language" than to impose his own doctrinaire interpretation. This edition includes a new introduction by the author as well as an appendix explicating an original psychological interpretation of PaRDeS Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519480

Between Redemption & PerditionModern Antisemitism and Jewish Identity Originally published in 1990 this book focuses on the challenge to Jewish identity posed by the conflicting forces of enlightenment emancipation modern political antisemitism and secular ideologies like Zionism nationalism and socialism. At the heart of his discussion stands the intense tortured and ultimately tragic encounter of Jews with Germans and Austrians. He also deals at length with the new problems of Jewish cultural and political identity posed by the existence of the state of Israel and its embattled position among the nations. In the course of the analysis the book looks at the tragedy of assimilation in central Europe with the optimistic dream of Enlightenment and Bildung coming to a climax in the nightmare of racial antisemitism and the Holocaust. He explores the ambivalent relationship of the Jews with the European Left showing how many Jewish intellectuals found a new political home in radical and socialist movements though these movements often retained negative stereotypes of Jews and Judaism and exhibited a fierce opposition to the maintenance of any separate Jewish identity. The role of Zionism is discussed and the more recent challenges to its legitimacy examined. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367461096

Between Redemption And RevivalThe Jewish Yishuv Of Jerusalem In The Nineteenth Century This book presents an ethnographic history of the Old Yishuv. It describes and analyzes a significant community that reflected more than any other the various strands of Jewish life and the constraints and processes acting upon the Jewish world of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. . Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367163372

Between Sacrifice and DesireNational Identity and the Governing of Femininity in Vietnam This title explores the role of women in the politics of national identity in Vietnam. Drawing on diverse primary resources--including state news media government contests tabloid journalism and extensive interviews--the author examines the intimate connection between notions of Vietnamese femininity and the cultural quandaries of modernity in post-colonial Vietnam. The book covers the socialist and market reform periods (from the 1950s through the 1990s) and examines women's central place--as both symbols and disciplined subjects--in Vietnam's socialist modernization and ongoing capitalist transition. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415865005

Between Sequence and SirventesAspects of the Parody in the Troubadour Lyric "Parody marks the troubadour lyric from the outset informing composition performance and reception. This ground breaking study moves away from courtliness the focus of most previous studies and places troubadour parodic preactice int he context of the social and spiritual debates of 12th and 13th century Occitania. Leglu analyses the complex relationship between troubadour verse and the Aquitanian para-liturgical Latin corpus. She charts the development of a chain of texts linked by a common formal mode derived from this Latin sequence and traces patterns of rewriting ranging from scurrilous attacks through playful competition to recuperation of the sacred content in serious parody." Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351198318

Between Sickness and HealthThe Landscape of Illness and Wellness Between Sickness and Health is about illness rather than disease and recovery rather than cure. The book argues that illness is an experience represented by the feeling that ‘I am not myself’. From the book’s phenomenological point of view feelings of illness cannot be ‘unreal’ or ‘fake’ whatever their biological basis nor need they be categorised as ‘physical’ ‘psychosomatic’ or ‘psychiatric’. The book challenges the disease-centred ethos of medicine and medical education. It demonstrates that a clearer conception of illness as distinct from disease is therapeutic. The feeling that ‘I am once again myself’ can return in some degree whatever state the body is in. Resilience becomes more available when it is seen as a set of personal skills that can be developed rather than as an inborn trait. Possibilities of wellness are enhanced by recognising that medical and other therapies can either support or impede recovery as can human relationships and the socio-political environment. The book’s many clinical examples are drawn from the author’s broad experience as a neurologist rehabilitation physician and systemic family therapist. Between Sickness and Health will be useful for students practitioners and academics and also for anyone who has been or might one day be ill. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138592872

Between Struggle And HopeThe Nicaraguan Literacy Crusade This book examines the planning and implementation of one of the first programs of national transformation the Nicaraguan National Literacy Crusade an educational effort directly involving almost one-fourth of the country's population. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367155254

Between Syntax and Semantics This indispensable volume contains articles that represent the best of Huang's work on the syntax-semantics interface over the last two decades. It includes three general topics: (a) questions indefinites and quantification (b) anaphora (c) lexical structure and the syntax of events. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415852722

Between System and PoeticsWilliam Desmond and Philosophy after Dialectic This is the first book-length examination of the work of an important contemporary thinker in the continental tradition William Desmond. His thought is a new post-modern way of articulating what he calls the ’between’. Rooted in Plato and Augustine and advancing through a confrontation with Hegel and Nietzsche Desmond rejects facile scepticism and wins through to a strikingly original and powerfully searching articulation of the human. The present volume contains essays on Desmond’s work both by emerging scholars and by well-established thinkers. It also contains a specially written essay on the practices of philosophy by Desmond himself. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138264809

Between Terrorism and Civil WarThe al-Aqsa Intifada This volume seeks to explore whether the current violence its origins and dynamics can best be understood as a manifestation of civil war. In so doing it considers how the use of violence by all parties has been conditioned and/or constrained by the domestic factors pertaining to their societies how external actors have dealt with the violence internally and how this has impacted on their relations with Israel and the Palestinians and what does the conduct and scope of the al-Aqsa Intifada suggest about the broader issue of state boundaries and state legitimacy in the contemporary Middle East?This volume was previously published as a special issue of the journal Civil Wars. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203309476

Between the Home and the DiasporaThe Politics of Theorizing Filipino and Filipino American Identities Arguing for the contingent nature of theories and the need for nuanced perspectives in their invocation across politically-uneven contexts this study models a way of productively engaging the current debates between deconstructive cultural criticism and the project of indigenization as these are played out in the struggles of Filipino and Filipino American academics seeking empowerment for their respective communities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987791

Between the Image and the WordTheological Engagements with Imagination Language and Literature The central contention of Christian faith is that in the incarnation the eternal Word or Logos of God himself has taken flesh so becoming for us the image of the invisible God. Our humanity itself is lived out in a constant to-ing and fro-ing between materiality and immateriality. Imagination language and literature each have a vital part to play in brokering this hypostatic union of matter and meaning within the human creature. Approaching different aspects of two distinct movements between the image and the word in the incarnation and in the dynamics of human existence itself Trevor Hart presents a clearer understanding of each and explores the juxtapositions with the other. Hart concludes that within the Trinitarian economy of creation and redemption these two occasions of ’flesh-taking’ are inseparable and indivisible. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472413703

Between the LinesAfrica in Western Spirituality Philosophy and Literary Theory Africa’s history has been misrepresented by the outside world especially by the Judeo-Christian West. An awareness of such a bias in historiographical discourse explains much of the difficulty Africans and peoples of African descent have in formulating a viable identity in intellectual discourse. Egypt not Greece is the cradle of spirituality poetics and metaphysics/philosophy. This book shows how recovering originary Nilotic philosophy is one of the few truly viable ways of rethinking philosophy and literary theory in the wake of the nihilist perspective with which postmodernism and deconstruction have left us. Besides making Africa the epicentre of the future of theory the book’s uniqueness is that it is arguably the first attempt to argue the literary implications/applications of the historiographical discourse that is ‘Black’ Egyptology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415974561

Between the Psyche and the PolisRefiguring History in Literature and Theory This title was first published in 2000. Incorporating studies of Freudian and Marxist approaches to questions of history and memory this timely collection illuminates how history is being refigured in contemporary literary cultural and theoretical studies. The contributors to this volume invite the reader to attend to the forms - linguistic visual monumental - by which a connection with or separation from the past takes place. It is current thinking about memory's relationship to history and the ongoing critical reassessment of historicism that preoccupies this collection. The volume explores the ways in which current thinking about the past operates within a dialogic space and can be located in relation to multiple perspectives. Thus cultural memory can be seen not just as a recent development within the field of cultural studies but as constructing a between-space which also draws in aspects of psychoanalysis. Similarly trauma theory may usefully be conceptualized as operating in a rich and complex dynamic between deconstruction and the work of Freud. Temporality memory and the past are attended to here in terms of the dislocations of narrative of resistances to linear genealogies to aid the reader in making unanticipated connections between theories and cultures and between the demands of the psyche and the polis. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138727809

Between the Public and Private in Mobile Communication Mobile devices’ impact on daily life has raised relevant questions regarding public and private space and communication. Both the technological environment (operating systems platforms apps) and media ecosystems (interface design participatory culture social media) influence how users deal with the public and private intimate and personal spheres. Leading researchers in communication art computer engineering education law sociology philosophy and psychology here explore current methodologies for studying the dichotomy of the public and private in mobile communication providing a foundation for further research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367884956

Between The Revolution And The WestA Political Biography Of Maxim M. Litvinov Between the Revolution and the West is the first complete biography of Maxim M. Litvinov a Bolshevik revolutionary who began his professional life running guns into Tsarist Russia and eventually became the leading Soviet diplomat in the turbulent 1930s. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367154141

Between the Social and the SpatialExploring the Multiple Dimensions of Poverty and Social Exclusion Since the beginning of the 1990s the gradual widening of scientific and policy debates on poverty from a narrow focus on income poverty to a more inclusive concept of social exclusion has made poverty research both more interesting and more complicated. This transition to a more multidimensional conceptualization of poverty forms the background and starting point of this book. Researchers studying the 'social' and 'spatial' dimensions of poverty have only started to challenge and explore the boundaries of each other's research perspectives and instruments. This book brings together these different bodies of literature on the intersection of spatial and social exclusion for the first time by providing a state-of-the art review written by internationally-recognized experts who critically reflect on the theoretical status of their research on social exclusion and on the implications this has for future research and policy-making agendas. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367602987

Between the Wars 1919-1939The Cartoonists' Vision First published in 1992. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415867573

Between Truth and FreedomRousseau and our contemporary political and educational culture This book engages in a broad reading of Rousseau’s writings on educational and political thought in order to explore and address the competing demands of the enculturation and individuation of the young in Western societies. Although Rousseau’s Emile has been frequently utilised in educational debate much of his other work has been largely neglected as too has the relationship between his educational and political thinking which this work seeks to redress. Drawing on the thinking of philosophers Foucault and Richard Rorty the book considers the public and private conflicts of education and politics in modern societies treating them as the tension between the demands of truth and freedom. This tension exists across a range of educational and political systems such as teaching in and by the family school the government and separately for women. Wain suggests that the conflict between truth and freedom began with Rousseau and remains a central challenge in our contemporary world of political and educational thought. This book’s examination of the public and private roles in education and politics can enhance our understanding of modern educational systems and current political nihilism. Between Truth and Freedom provides an analysis of Rousseau’s position on the politics of education arguing that his thoughts were much wider and more sophisticated than the ideas presented in Emile imply. This new consideration of the work of a classic figure will appeal to researchers and academics in the fields of the philosophy of education and political education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815354796

Between Two AbsolutesPublic Opinion and the Politics of Abortion In the years since the historic Roe v. Wade decision that made abortion legal in the United States pro-life and pro-choice forces have organized demonstrated and participated in electoral politics—both sides claiming that the general public supports their position. Now it appears likely that Roe will be overturned or limited by the Supreme Court. If abortion politics is returned to national and state legislators a clear reading of public opinion on abortion will become even more important. Using extensive analysis of survey data Cook Jelen and Wilcox show that the American public values both individual freedom and fetal life and that a majority of Americans favors keeping abortion legal in some but not all circumstances. Although most Americans are wary of allowing the government to ban abortion they are also supportive of restrictions that would make abortions more difficult to obtain. The authors show important differences in the attitudes of Americans based on age education religion and race and explain who supports and opposes legal abortion and why. The authors also illustrate the increasingly important role abortion plays in national and state elections arguing that voters will become even more focused on abortion as an issue if Roe is overturned. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367012458

Between Two WorldsBlack Students in an Urban Community College First published in 1985 this book explores the ‘lived culture’ of urban black students in a community college located in a large northeastern city in the United States. The author immersed herself in the institution she was studying for a full academic year exploring both the direct experiences of education and the way these experiences were worked over and through the praxis of cultural discourse. She examines in detail the messages of the school including the ‘hidden curriculum’ and faculty perspectives as well as the way these messages are transformed at a cultural level. The resulting work provides a major contribution to a number of debates on education and cultural and economic reproduction as well as a leap forward in our understanding of the role schooling plays in the re-creation of race and class antagonisms. This work will be of great interest to anyone working with minorities particularly in the context of education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138578517

Between Two WorldsPolitics Anti-Politics and the Unpolitical Throughout his life Richard Hoggart has been involved with four main areas: broadcasting arts policy education and social work all of which he finds have characteristics in common. This collection of essays represents less than a quarter of his essays published over the last two decades. The subjects to which he turned again and again and which recur in public debate are still current and contemporary. His views on culture and society on literature and censorship and on higher education are both unique and timely.The volume is divided into six parts. Part 1 "Society and Culture: Home and Away " discusses the question "Are museums political?"; the use of the battered word culture in relation to UNESCO; and the end of the public service idea. Part 2 "A Very English Voice " looks at the rural English culture and country of D. H. Lawrence and examines the controversy and censorship involved with three of Lawrence's works: The Rainbow Women in Love and Lady Chatterley's Lover. Part 3 "Politics and Literature " reveals the author's penchant for timely debates on such subjects as "The State versus Literature" and "Freedom to Publish: Even Hateful Stuff"; and his thoughts on reviewers and reviewing. Part 4 "Levels of Education " touches upon the subjects of politics in universities; the use of public funds for various purposes presumed to be socially valuable; academics in the marketplace; and the need for government to foster critical and cultivated literacy. Part 5 "Figures from a Distant Past " contains reminiscences on and portraits of Hoggart's close relationships and family. Part 6 "Summing Up and Signing Off " is an interview with Nicolas Tredell in which Hoggart discusses his life's work and concerns.Written in Hoggart's characteristically graceful but direct style these essays touch on issues of contemporary importance in his unique manner. This volume will be of interest to scholars and general readers interested in culture studies communications and education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507609

Between Understanding and TrustThe Public Science and Technology 'This is a welcome book. The issues of public understanding of science open many questions. What does "understanding" mean? How does understanding translate into attitudes towards science and trust in scientists? What is the role of the mass media? The essays in this book shed light on such questions bringing insights from several disciplines. They help to define a meaningful research agenda for the future. - Professor Dorothy Nelkin New York University Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415516211

Between Union and LiberationWomen Artists in South Africa 1910-1994 The essays collected here investigate art made by women in South Africa between 1910 the year of Union and 1994 the year of the first democratic election. During this period complex political circumstances and the impact of modernism in South Africa affected the production of images and objects. The essays explore the ways in which the socio-political circumstances associated with twentieth-century modernity had a paradoxical impact on women. If some were empowered others were disadvantaged: while some were able to further their social and cultural development and expression the advancement of others was impeded. The contributors study the lives and achievements of women - named and un-named black and white and from different cultural groups and social contexts - and consider objects and images that are historically associated with both 'art' and 'craft'. In all the essays gender theory is related to South African circumstances. The volume explores gender theory in relation to twentieth-century visual culture and discusses economic conditions and regional geographies as well as notions of identity. It investigates the influence of educational and cultural institutions the role of theory on art practice debates about material culture the power of nationalist ideologies and the role of feminist theories in a changing country. A wide range of visual images and objects provide the touchstone for debate and analysis - paintings sculptures photography baskets tapestries embroideries and ceramics - so that the book is richly visual and celebrates the diversity of South African art made by women. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138273917

Between Winnicott and LacanA Clinical Engagement D. W. Winnicott and Jacques Lacan two of the most innovative and important psychoanalytic theorists since Freud are also seemingly the most incompatible. And yet in different ways both men emphasized the psychic process of becoming a subject or of developing a separate self and both believed in the possibility of a creative reworking or new beginning for the person seeking psychoanalytic help. The possibility of working between their contrasting perspectives on a central issue for psychoanalysis - the nature of the human subject and how it can be approached in analytic work - is explored in this book. Their differences are critically evaluated with an eye toward constructing a more effective psychoanalytic practice that takes both relational and structural-linguistic aspects of subjectivity into account. The contributors address the Winnicott-Lacan relationship itself and the evolution of their ideas and provide detailed examples of how they have been utilized in psychoanalytic work with patients. Contributors: Jeanne Wolff Bernstein James Gorney Andre Green Mardi Ireland Lewis Kirshner Deborah Luepnitz Mari Ruti Alain Vanier Francois Villa . Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203843369

Between Work and LeisureThe Common Ground of Two Separate Worlds Between Work and Leisure aims to debunk the prevailing myth that work and leisure are separate and mutually antagonistic spheres of life. Stebbins shows that a close relationship between leisure and work is positive offering people the possibility of finding joy in work just as they do in leisure.Occupational devotion as Stebbins defines it is a strong and positive attachment to a form of self-enhancing work where the sense of achievement is high and the core activity or set of tasks is endowed with such intense appeal that the line between work and leisure is virtually erased. This volume examines conditions that attract people to their work in this profound way and the many exceptional values and intrinsic rewards they realize there.Stebbins frames occupational devotion in four broad social contexts—history religion work and leisure—and then considers the further subdivisions of gender social class and social character. The heart of the book uses research findings on leisure to develop a powerful critique of those who describe deeply felt commitment to work as "workaholic" behavior. He also examines what happens when money becomes a dominant factor in work and the social implications of the compatibility of work and serious leisure using exploratory research to identify their shared motivational factors. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412853743

Between WorldsDeaf Women Work and Intersections of Gender and Ability The purpose of this book is to illustrate the struggles of Deaf women as they negotiate their family educational and work lives. This study demonstrates how these women resist and overcome the various obstacles that are put before them as well as how they work to negotiate their identities as Deaf women in the Deaf community hearing world and the places 'in between.' The scope of the book traces these women's lives in these three major sectors of their lives and provides a discussion of the implications for other linguistic minorities. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203944172

Betweener AutoethnographiesA Path Towards Social Justice How do we persuade people that we all have common experiences and hopes? That we are ever more dependent on each other in times of globalization via technology commerce climate change and overpopulation? How do we move from an "Us and Them" mentality to simply "Us"? In this book a follow-up to their first book Betweener Talk the authors share autoethnographies about being and doing scholarship as betweeners searching for inclusivity. The authors have witnessed an escalation of division in their native Brazil and in the USA as well as in South America more broadly and Europe – places that had been making steady albeit slow progress toward greater inclusion. The book explores identity interactions existence and possibilities in the spaces between "Us" and "Them" to help current and future generations imagine a more inclusive way of living – as Us. It is about how two Third World scholars think the Postcolonial/Decolonizing discourse – with a performance studies lens – can further notions of inclusive social justice through scholarship borne out of lived oppression and the struggle for humanization. It is a union of two authors who in their own words "have been close friends since our youth both captivated by Paulo Freire’s notion of education and social transformation through a praxis of conscientização (conscientization) but who experienced life growing up at opposite ends of the social class spectrum. Early through love and later through theory we have come to viscerally inhabit and embrace our betweener identities in scholarship and daily lives breaking the distance between us and the paradigms that attempt to separate political personal and professional life." The authors’ hope is that their own and other betweener autoethnographies can contribute to the larger qualitative inquiry global movement and its central goal: marching together toward ever greater social justice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138560154

Betweener TalkDecolonizing Knowledge Production Pedagogy and Praxis In this literary co-constructed narrative two Brazilian scholars explore the spaces “in-betweenâ€â€”between their own biographies one raised privileged the other poor; between the experience of being raised in Brazil and finding acceptance in United States universities; between their lives in the academic establishment and their studies of poverty in Latin America; between the constraints of apolitical scholarship and the need to promote social justice; between contrasting styles of researching theorizing and writing. Their dialogue seeks to decolonize the world of American scholarship and promote the use of research toward inclusive social justice. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315433059

BetweenityA Discussion of the Concept of Borderline From its inception psychoanalysis has sought to effect a cure through the therapeutic relationship between analyst and analysand. Betweenity looks at what happens when the established framework of the psychoanalytic process is challenged by those with borderline personalities. In this book Judy Gammelgaard looks at how we might understand the analysand who is unable to engage with therapy and how we might bring them to a point where they are able to do so. Areas of discussion include: the border between psychiatry and psychoanalysis early mother-child relationships the splitting of the ego. This book will be essential reading for all psychoanalysts psychotherapists and practitioners wishing to learn more about working with borderline personality structures and disorders. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203847626

Bewitched Bothered and BewilderedHow Couples Really Work This book written in plain language by an experienced psychoanalytically-orientated therapist is aimed at lay readers who wish to understand how couples consciously and unconsciously operate in successful and unsuccessful partnerships. It covers the central concepts involved illustrated by (disguised) case material. The book will also be invalu Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323448

Beyond 2000 in Computational Geotechnics This volume contains papers presented during the first international PLAXIS symposium. Topics covered include: general geo-technical aspects; tunnels and deep excavations and education and research. This pack is meant for the user of the PLAXIS program as well as engineers and researchers. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138206

Beyond a Shadow of a DietThe Comprehensive Guide to Treating Binge Eating Disorder Compulsive Eating and Emotional Overeating Beyond a Shadow of a Diet is the most comprehensive book available for professionals working with clients who struggle with Binge Eating Disorder Compulsive Eating or Emotional Overeating. The authors present research revealing that food restrictions in the pursuit of weight loss actually trigger and sustain overeating. Next they offer step-by-step guidelines to help clients end the diet mentality and learn an internally-based approach known as attuned eating. Divided into three sections–The Problem The Treatment and The Solution–this engaging book contains chapters filled with compelling case examples visualizations and other exercises so that therapists can deepen their knowledge and skills as they help clients gain freedom from preoccupation with food and weight. In addition to addressing the symptoms dynamics and treatment of eating problems Beyond a Shadow of a Diet presents a holistic framework that goes well beyond the clinical setting. This invaluable resource includes topics such as the clinician’s own attitudes toward dieting and weight; cultural ethical and social justice issues; the neuroscience of mindfulness; weight stigma; and promoting wellness for children of all sizes. Drawing from the Health At Every Size paradigm–and the wealth of research examining the relationship between dieting weight and health–Beyond a Shadow of a Diet offers both therapists and their clients a positive evidence-based model to making peace with food their bodies and themselves. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415639743

Beyond AestheticsArt and the Technologies of Enchantment The anthropology of art is currently at a crossroads. Although well versed in the meaning of art in small-scale tribal societies anthropologists are still wrestling with the question of how to interpret art in a complex post-colonial environment. Alfred Gell recently confronted this problem in his posthumous book Art and Agency. The central thesis of his study was that art objects could be seen not as bearers of meaning or aesthetic value but as forms mediating social action. At a stroke Gell provocatively dismissed many longstanding but tired questions of definition and issues of aesthetic value. His book proposed a novel perspective on the roles of art in political practice and made fresh links between analyses of style tradition and society. Offering a new overview of the anthropology of art this book begins where Gell left off. Presenting wide-ranging critiques of the limits of aesthetic interpretation the workings of objects in practice the relations between meaning and efficacy and the politics of postcolonial art its distinguished contributors both elaborate on and dissent from the controversies of Gells important text. Subjects covered include music and the internet as well as ethnographic traditions and contemporary indigenous art. Geographically its case studies range from India to Oceania to North America and Europe. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003084808

Beyond AidFrom Patronage to Partnership First published in 1999 Browne creates a comprehensive assessment of post war development assistance in developing countries. Browne suggests that a better managed global environment developing counties could further advance themselves and thus minimising then diminishing their need for aid resources. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138320468

Beyond Air–Sea BattleThe Debate Over US Military Strategy in Asia This book presents the first comprehensive analysis of the debate over how the United States and its allies can counter China’s rapidly growing military power. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138808324

Beyond Airline DisruptionsThinking and Managing Anew Flight disruptions continue to thrive unnoticed invisibly eroding airline profitability and causing growing passenger dissatisfaction. This is especially critical at airports where traffic expansion outstrips airport capacities. Hampered by legacy information systems management practices and organisational detachments decision makers across the industry have little or no understanding of the multiple causes of disruptions and their implications. Consequently their actions are focused on resolving local problems without being synchronised at system level. As problematic as they are disruptions create opportunities for learning about system interactions a solid and appropriate foundation for resolving complex industry issues. Beyond Airline Disruptions explains how airlines can become more competitive by utilising unexplored potential for gradual consistent and measurable improvements centred around cost and quality of operational performance. It describes practical methods and techniques essential for turning these ideas into daily practices. This second revised edition features updated content that introduces a fresh approach to airline management and decision making more in line with future industry needs. It bridges the gaps between strategy and operations and inspires collaboration between airlines airports ATC service providers and regulators to bring longer-lasting benefits not only for industry participants and passengers but also for the economy society and the environment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138103955

Beyond Anitkabir: The Funerary Architecture of AtatürkThe Construction and Maintenance of National Memory There have been five different settings that at one time or another have contained the dead body of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk organizer of the Turkish War of Independence (1919-1923) and first president of the Republic of Turkey. Narrating the story of these different architectural constructions - the bedroom in Dolmabahçe Palace Istanbul where he died; a temporary catafalque in this same palace; his funeral stage in Turkey’s new capital Ankara; a temporary tomb in the Ankara Ethnographic Museum; and his permanent and monumental mausoleum in Ankara known in Turkish as ’Anitkabir’ (Memorial Tomb) - this book also describes and interprets the movement of Atatürk’s body through the cities of Istanbul and Ankara and also the nation of Turkey to reach these destinations. It examines how each one of these locations - accidental designed temporary permanent - has contributed in its own way to the construction of a Turkish national memory about Atatürk. Lastly the two permanent constructions - the Dolmabahçe Palace bedroom and Anitkabir - have changed in many ways since their first appearance in order to maintain this national memory. These changes are exposed to reveal a dynamic rather than dull impression of funerary architecture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138274877

Beyond AphasiaTherapies For Living With Communication Disability This book focuses explicitly on therapeutic techniques developed from a social model approach to disability and learning to live with difference. It describes theories activities and methods of implementation developed from the work of Connect with people with long term aphasia. "Theoretical discussion runs alongside practical ideas for therapy and evaluation case studies and commentaries from the authors regarding the method and means of implementation." Synthesises theory and practice in this new area of service delivery. Its non-impairment led focus of the therapies means that it has wide appeal to therapists health service professionals and volunteers who work with people with chronic disabilities affecting lifestyle and communication. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315169057

Beyond ApoptosisCellular Outcomes of Cancer Therapy Addressing a major field of interest for oncologists cell biologists and other biomedical researchers Beyond Apoptosis provides an overview of how different biological mechanisms of cell death senescence and mitotic catastrophe stop the growth of tumor cells treated with anticancer agents.Written by internationally renowned contributors this text includes:morphological illustrations as well as a DVD containing documents and video clips from various time-lapse microscopic studies of cell death and mitotic catastrophethe role and limitations of apoptosis as a determinant of the toxicity of anticancer agentsalternative mechanisms of the antiproliferative actions of anticancer drugs and radiation such as non-apoptotic cell death cell senescence and mitotic catastrophenon-apoptotic forms of cell death such as necrosis paraptosis autophagic cell death and othersmorphological and kinetic differences of the various forms of cell death Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367386849

Beyond ArchigramThe Structure of Circulation Beyond Archigram is the first study of the prehistory of digital representation to focus on the magazine Archigram the magazine published in London irregularly between 1961 and 1970 and the name of the group that created it. Archigram is among the most significant phenomena to emerge in post-war architectural culture. The wired environments first advertised on its pages formulated an architectural vocabulary of metamorphosis and obsolescence that cross-pollinated industrial and digital technology at the same time as complex systems were becoming commercially available. Through archival theoretical and visual analysis Hadas Steiner explores the process through which this model was envisaged and disseminated within an international network of practitioners and shows how the assimilation of Archigram imagery set the course for the visual output of what are now commonplace tools in architectural practice. This book will provide a foundation for further inquiry into the integration of digital technology at every level of design. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315881454

Beyond Autonomy in Eighteenth-Century British and German Aesthetics This volume re-examines traditional interpretations of the rise of modern aesthetics in eighteenth-century Britain and Germany. It provides a new account that connects aesthetic experience with morality science and political society. In doing so it challenges long-standing teleological narratives that emphasize disinterestedness and the separation of aesthetics from moral cognitive and political interests. The chapters are divided into three thematic parts. The chapters in Part I demonstrate the heteronomy of eighteenth-century British aesthetics. They chart the evolution of aesthetic concepts and discuss the ethical and political significance of the aesthetic theories of several key figures: namely the third Earl of Shaftesbury David Hume and Adam Smith. Part II explores the ways in which eighteenth-century German and German-oriented thinkers examine aesthetic experience and moral concerns and relate to the work of their British counterparts. The chapters here cover the work of Kant Moses Mendelssohn Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten and Madame de Staël. Finally Part III explores the interrelation of science aesthetics and a new model of society in the work of Goethe Johann Wilhelm Ritter Friedrich Hölderlin and William Hazlitt among others. This volume develops unique discussions of the rise of aesthetic autonomy in the eighteenth century. In bringing together well-known scholars working on British and German eighteenth-century aesthetics philosophy and literature it will appeal to scholars and advanced students in a range of disciplines who are interested in this topic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367347963

Beyond Aviation Human FactorsSafety in High Technology Systems The authors believe that a systematic organizational approach to aviation safety must replace the piecemeal approaches largely favoured in the past but this change needs to be preceded by information to explain why a new approach is necessary. Accident records show a flattening of the safety curve since the early Seventies: instead of new kinds of accident similar safety deficiencies have become recurrent features in accident reports. This suggests the need to review traditional accident prevention strategies focused almost exclusively on the action or inaction‘s of front-line operational personnel. The organizational model proposed by the authors is one alternative means to pursue safety and prevention strategies in contemporary aviation; it is also applicable to other production systems. The model argues for a broadened approach which considers the influence of all organizations (the blunt end ) involved in aviation operations in addition to individual human performance (the sharp end ). If the concepts of systems safety and organizational accidents are to be advanced aviation management at all levels must be aware of them. This book is intended to provide a bridge from the academic knowledge gained from research to the needs of practitioners in aviation. It comprises six chapters: the fundamentals background and justification for an organizational accident causation model to the flight deck maintenance and air traffic control environments. The last chapter suggest different ways to apply the model as a prevention tool which furthermore enhances organizational effectiveness. The value of the organizational framework pioneered by Professor Reason in analyzing safety in high-technology production systems is felt by his co-authors to have an enduring role to play both now and in coming decades. Applied now in this book it has been adopted by ICAO IFATCA IMO the US National Transportation Safety Board the Transportation Safety B Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138424784

Beyond Bad GirlsGender Violence and Hype In this important new work two respected criminologists challenge the characterization of the new 'bad girl' arguing that it is only a new attempt to punish girls who are not the stereotypical depiction of good. Through interviews with young women educators and people in the criminal justice system Beyond Bad Girls exposes the formal and informal systems of socio-cultural control imposed on girls. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203940860

Beyond BalkanismThe Scholarly Politics of Region Making In recent years western discourse about the Balkans or “balkanism †has risen in prominence. Characteristically this strand of research sidelines the academic input in the production of western representations and Balkan self-understanding. Looking at the Balkans from the vantage point of “balkanism†has therefore contributed to its further marginalization as an object of research and the evisceration of its agency. This book reverses the perspective and looks at the Balkans primarily inside-out from within the Balkans towards its “self†and the outside world where the west is important but not the sole referent.The book unravels attempts at regional identity-building and construction of regional discourses across various generations and academic subcultures with the aim of reconstructing the conceptualizations of the Balkans that have emerged from academically embedded discursive practices and political usages. It thus seeks to reinstate the subjectivity of “the Balkans†and the responsibility of the Balkan intellectual elites for the concept and the images it conveys. The book then looks beyond the Balkans inviting us to rethink the relationship between national and transnational (self-)representation and the communication between local and exogenous – Western Central and Eastern European – concepts and definitions more generally. It thus contributes to the ongoing debates related to the creation of space and historical regions which feed into rethinking the premises of the “new area studies.†Beyond Balkanism: The Scholarly Politics of Region Making will interest researchers and students of transnationalism politics historical geography border and area studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367666088

Beyond BaumanCritical engagements and creative excursions Bringing together leading interpreters of Zygmunt Bauman’s sociology this volume thinks with and beyond Bauman’s work in order to show its continued relevance as a theory in its own right as an object of criticism and as a stepping stone towards a fuller understanding of contemporary society. The volume deals with some proposed omissions and absences in Bauman’s sociology with chapters comparing Bauman’s ideas to those of other prominent social thinkers as well as chapters devoted to teasing out some problems and pitfalls in his work. Paying attention to central concepts and themes of Bauman’s thought authors engage with various aspects of his work considering potential deficiencies in his ethical perspective his neglect of the religious dimensions of modernity his lack of consideration for ethnicity and gender his overlooking the importance of socialisation in liquid modernity and his problematic argument for individual choice and freedom in a world that is increasingly closed down by consumer capitalism. Beyond Bauman aspires to show that despite Bauman's status as a key sociological thinker there are also certain deficiencies in his work demand critical discussion. It will be of use to scholars of sociology contemporary society social theory and modernity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367595807

Beyond Behaviorism Originally published in 1988 this title explores and contrasts means and ends psychology with conventional psychology – that of stimuli and response. The author develops this comparison by exploring the general nature of psychological phenomena and clarifying many persistent doubts about psychology. She contrasts conventional psychology (stimuli and responses) involving reductionistic organocentric and mechanistic metatheory with alternative psychology (means and ends) that is autonomous contextual and evolutionary. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138641341

Beyond BeijingLiberalization and the Regions in China This book offers a balanced assessment of the dynamics and consequences of the decentralization of power and resources in post- Mao China. The author argues that decentralization has increased tensions amongst ethnic groups and unleashed much competition and emulation among local governments. This book is an authoritative study of an issue that will remain highly visible on China's political agenda for the forseeable future. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203041390

Beyond BeliefPsychotherapy and Religion This book discusses that a science that deals with the immaterial might be more apt for finding out about the immaterial world of God. It asks whether psychotherapy can go beyond belief and gives various answers from a wide variety of people and their differing perspectives. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323455

Beyond BeliefRandomness Prediction and Explanation in Science How can we predict and explain the phenomena of nature? What are the limits to this knowledge process? The central issues of prediction explanation and mathematical modeling which underlie all scientific activity were the focus of a conference organized by the Swedish Council for the Planning and Coordination of Research held at the Abisko Research Station in May of 1989. At this forum a select group of internationally known scientists in physics chemistry biology economics sociology and mathematics discussed and debated the ways in which prediction and explanation interact with mathematical modeling in their respective areas of expertise. Beyond Belief is the result of this forum consisting of 11 chapters written specifically for this volume. The multiple themes of randomness uncertainty prediction and explanation are presented using (as vehicles) several topical areas from modern science such as morphogenetic fields Boscovich covariance and atmospheric variability. This multidisciplinary examination of the foundational issues of modern scientific thought and methodology will offer stimulating reading for a very broad scientific audience. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315890999

Beyond Benefit Cost AnalysisAccounting for Non-Market Values in Planning Evaluation Illustrated by case studies from Europe North America and the Middle East this book examines how non-market values can be identified measured and incorporated into planning evaluation methodologies. The traditional means of assessing planning options benefit-cost analysis requires that all effects be expressed in monetary terms and this volume offers alternative approaches. It presents strategies for accomplishing the major purposes of planning evaluation - including the provision of an explicit replicable basis for public assessment - in alternative ways. Growing demand for public involvement and for accountability in decision making requires better means for accommodating a broad range of concerns in planning evaluation. Methodologies examined include effectiveness-cost and multicriteria analysis and the book explores how these have been applied in practice in developing special-issue plans complex regional development strategies and efforts to analyze the environmental justice implications of major infrastructure projects. Use of scenarios and problem structuring methods by stakeholder groups are also explored. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815387732

Beyond Best PracticeHow Mental Health Services Can Be Better Written by practitioners for practitioners this empirically-grounded book offers clinicians of all backgrounds a guide to incorporating feedback and self-development strategies that will dramatically enhance their therapeutic abilities. Building on the foundation of Feedback-Informed Treatment (FIT) Beyond Best Practice explores the benefits of practicing therapy using in-the-moment client feedback with an emphasis on ongoing typically solitary deliberate practice.   Chapters describe the real-world journey of an established master therapist and her agency examining each element of FIT in detail through her eyes. Her journey is illustrated through discussions with prominent researchers authors former clients as well as informative experiences outside of psychotherapy. Rich case examples of success failure and "failing successfully" are also woven throughout with a focus on the practical applications and skills needed to become an excellent and effective therapist and agency.   What becomes clear through the many narratives is that we can improve our services by studying the obvious and subtle forms of feedback that are available to us at all times. Beyond Best Practice emphasizes what each practitioner can do to become more effective one client at a time. It will be essential reading for all mental health practitioners and agencies working at the front lines of medical care. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367175139

Beyond BIMArchitecture Information Modeling Beyond BIM explores the vast and under-explored design potential undertaken by information modeling. Through a series of investigations grounded in the analysis of built work interviews with leading practitioners and speculative projects the author catalogs the practical advantages and theoretical implications of exploiting BIM as a primary tool for design innovation. Organized by information type such as geographic data local code or materials each chapter suggests a realm of knowledge that can be harvested and imported into BIM to give meaningful specificity to architectural form and space. While highly sustainable the work documented and envisioned in this book moves well beyond ‘normalization ’ to reveal inventive takes on contemporary practice. Beyond BIM serves as a primary resource for professional architects from practice researchers and designers engaged in information related spatial design processes as well as students and faculties of architecture schools in search of BIM design inspiration. Likewise those highly attuned to computation and unconventional ways of creating form and space particularly built outcomes that utilize BIM will find this book meaningful and essential. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138782495

Beyond Binaries in Education Research Beyond Binaries in Education Research explores the ethical methodological and social justice issues relating to conceptualizations of binary opposites in education research particularly where one side of the dualism is perceived to be positive and the other negative. In education research these may include ability-disability academic-vocational adult-child formal-informal learning male-female research-practice researcher-participant sedentary-mobile and West-East. Chapters in this book explore the resilience of binary constructions and present conceptual models for moving beyond them and/or reconceptualizing them to facilitate more productive approaches to education provision. With contributors from authors working in a multitude of educational fields and countries this book provides a significant contribution to the ongoing challenge to seek new ways to move beyond binaries in education research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846233

Beyond BiopoliticsTheory Violence and Horror in World Politics Beyond Biopolitics exposes the conceptual limits of critical biopolitical approaches to violence war and terror in the post-9/11-War on Terror era. This volume shows that such popular international political theories rely upon frames of representation that leave out of focus a series of extreme forms of gruesome violence that have no concern for the preservation of life a crucial biopolitical theme. Debrix and Barder mobilize different concepts—horror agonal sovereignty the pulverization of the flesh or the notion of an inhumanity-to-come—to shed light on past and present ghastly scenes and events of violence that seek to undo the very idea of humanity. To highlight the capacity of horror to be in excess of both violence and the meaning of humanity Beyond Biopolitics provides a series of engagements with issues much debated in contemporary critical theoretical circles in particular war and terror the production of fear states and spaces of exception and alterity as enmity. This work will be of great interest to scholars of critical international relations theory critical security studies and international relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415643665

Beyond BlameChild Abuse Tragedies Revisited What can we learn from inquiries into cases of fatal child abuse? Beyond Blame offers a new way of looking at such cases and shows that it is possible to draw important lessons from them. The authors all three experienced in child protection work summarise thirty-five major inquiries since 1973 setting them in their social context and discussing the implications both for practical work in the field and for future inquiries.They stress the need for those who work day to day in child protection to develop and apply a more sophisticated level of analysis to assessment and intervention. They identify common themes within abusing families in the relationships between members of the professional networks and in the interactions between the families and the professionals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138171091

Beyond BordersEnvironmental Movements and Transnational Politics Globalisation is about transnational politics. While nation-state governments increasingly struggle with this new politics which moves beneath between and beyond national borders others entities like transnational corporations have flourished. But it is not just business which increasingly bypasses these traditional boundaries. Environmental groups are also moving though this transnational space and their politics are defined by such qualities as fluidity ambiguity and rapid changes in identity mission and structure. In this book the politics of environmental movements are presented as particularly salient examples of these new phenomena. Drawing on fieldwork from Europe Asia America Africa and the Middle East the contributors address a range of trans-national processes: efforts to construct common agendas transnationally; the diffusion of new repertoires of environmental protest; the role of environmental groups in the construction of new modes of environmental governance; how neo-liberalism affects local environmental activism; evidence of transnational influences and pressures on environmental politics in repressive regimes; and the dilemmas of defining questions of environmental justice and post-colonial environmental politics without suppressing the differences between environmentalism in different countries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964587

Beyond BoundariesThe Manning Marable Reader Manning Marable historian and political scientist at Columbia University has been a consistent voice challenging inequality and injustice in the social sciences for decades. Beyond Boundaries brings together Marable's best writing from the last two decades and will prove invaluable to anyone seeking to challenge race class and gender inequalities today. A pioneering intellectual in the field of black studies and the founder of Columbia's Institute for Research in African-American Studies Marable blends the disciplines of history political science and sociology to address contemporary concerns and social issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781594518621

Beyond BoundariesUnderstanding Translation and Anthropological Discourse Anthropology it is often argued is an art of translation. Recently however social theorists have raised serious doubts about the translator's enterprise. Over the last few years the human social and ecological habitat has seen spectacular developments. Modern humans inhabit a 'global village' in a very genuine sense. What lessons may be learned from these developments for anthropology? In Beyond Boundaries ten anthropologists from different countries address the problem of social understanding and cultural translation from different theoretical as well as ethnographic perspectives. Quite appropriately given the general theme of the volume the contributors represent several different academic traditions and communities - Britain Finland France Iceland Israel Japan Norway the former Soviet Union and Sweden. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003135159

Beyond BullyingResearching student perspectives Beyond Bullying offers guidance and advice on conducting practitioner research into bullying and provides resources to assist practitioners and researchers in doing so. It draws on a case study of almost 1 000 secondary school students over a period of 5 academic years to explore student perception of traditional bullying and cyber bullying and how recommended approaches to bullying research can be applied to practice. The book provides an overview of bullying and cyber bullying literature considering recent research in the field how this was conducted and what the findings were. In addition the case study illustrates how a positive anti-bullying school ethos can be established through practitioner research. Each chapter will impart both practical and academic knowledge enabling the reader to: - conduct bullying research with secondary school students - complete research activities with bullies and victims - help students to raise awareness of bullying in school - inform school staff of problems occurring at class level. Beyond Bullying discusses how bullying research can be used to construct a model of bullying behaviour in the school environment and establishes suitable approaches to bullying intervention. The book will appeal to practitioner researchers in the area of school bullying as well as practitioners researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of education sociology and related disciplines. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138637443

Beyond Bureaucracy?The Professions in the Contemporary Public Sector First published in 1998 this volume has been a significant contribution to current debates over the future of the public services. Professionalism has been and is a major feature of the British welfare state. Yet the political social and economic context in which the profession emerged and flourished is changing rapidly. The professional ideal of disinterested expertise serving the public interest has lost much of its original gloss. Professional status and careers are threatened by major shifts in the structure of the welfare state which can be summed up as the decline of the big government bureaucratic model. Professions themselves face challenges to their special claims to expertise and public service from: politicians senior managers new social movements and pressure groups technological change and not least from those citizens whom they aspire to serve. This volume asks how these new challenges are changing professions and how professionals themselves are adapting. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138610064

Beyond BurnoutHelping Teachers Nurses Therapists and Lawyers Recover From Stress and Disillusionment Why are so many in the helping professions perceived as lacking idealism or commitment? Beyond Burnout based on a unique in-depth longitudinal study explores the source of this problem. Professionals describe in their own words what happened to them when their idealism collided with the realities of their work. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315021904

Beyond Business as Usual Wherever we are in the quality movement there is more to discover--to explore. Today quality serves business as a way of increasing profits. That is one end of a spectrum. Tomorrow quality takes business into the rest of the spectrum. In this new dimension business learns to serve and be served from a foundation of unconditional love. At the other end of the spectrum is quality's far-reaching goal--the attainment of harmony between people and the entire cosmos. This goal reveals the gap and steps between it and what we do today. This book is intended for explorers and pioneers. It is not for those who are comfortable in today's paradigms. It is for those who search and yearn for new ways bring heart into the world of business and society. It is not for those who are comfortable living an unexamined and changeless life. It is for those who sense a thrill in the heart with the changes of each new day.Experience not dry learning is the heart of this book. For this reason "Practical Exercises" are included in most of the chapters. They are experiences of things that can be known but not told or taught. Without the exercises your knowing will be superficial. With them you can enter into dimensions unknown to you today.Michael W. Munn Ph.D. heads the Gaia Center for Quality in Palo Alto California. He provides keynotes experiential change seminars and business quality workshops. Strategic planning executive development proposal and reengineering efforts are among the topics of his workshops. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138469990

Beyond Capital and LaborThe Contributions of Technology and Regional Milieu to Production and Productivity Growth Originally published in 1995 Beyond Capital Labor is a comprehensive empirical study about how and how much technology and regional contextual factors may influence company production and productivity growth. The book constitutes a conceptually consistent and empirically efficient study and provides a consolidated model and an analytical framework to examine the contributions of technology and regional factors to company production and productivity growth. This work goes beyond the current state and brings many scattered theoretical components together to establish an integrated model. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138385047

Beyond CapitalValues Commons Computing and the Search for a Viable Future The financial/social cataclysm beginning in 2007 ended notions of a “great moderation†and the view that capitalism had overcome its systemic tendencies to crisis. The subsequent failure of contemporary social formations to address the causes of the crisis gives renewed impetus to better analysis in aid of the search for a better future. This book contributes to this search by reviving a broad discussion of what we humans might want a post-capitalist future to be like. It argues for a comparative anthropological critique of capital notions of value thereby initiating the search for a new set of values as well as identifying a number of selected computing practices that might evoke new values. It articulates a suggestive set of institutions that could support these new values and formulates a group of measurement practices usable for evaluating the proposed institutions. The book is grounded in contemporary social science political theory and critical theory. It aims to leverage the possibility of alternative futures implied by some computing practices while avoiding hype and technological determinism and uses these computing practices to explicate one possible way to think about the future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367597726

Beyond Certification This book is free to download in PDF and EPub formats. Is certification the solution? Can it deliver urgently needed improvements to complex problems like deforestation and the exploitation of people? In this controversial new book Scott Poynton founder of The Forest Trust makes a compelling case for a new approach to social and environmental problems that goes "beyond certification".Certification emerged from the 1992 Rio Earth Summit amidst great hope. Since then despite a proliferation of certification schemes in twenty-five industry sectors the destructive and irresponsible exploitation of natural and human resources has grown still worse. Beyond Certification reviews the positive aspects of certification of which there are many but argues that we can no longer afford to gloss over its failures. The book offers an alternative model VT-TV based on Values Transparency Transformation and Verification which the author has been exploring and implementing with over 70 companies and industries around the world. These companies are transforming the story of the raw materials they use – wood palm oil pulp and paper stone charcoal soy beef sugar dairy rubber coffee cocoa and coconut. Mining companies are also exploring this approach making decisions aligned with fundamental values and what they know to be right.The results? Trust is emerging as former combatants awake to the importance of working together. Guns have been removed from forests land set aside for protection worker rights and conditions improved and long-standing conflicts have been resolved as people confront their legacies. Beyond Certification does not claim that this VT-TV model is the only solution. Rather it shows how new and seemingly radical thinking can catalyze positive change. Included: the limits of roundtable certification illustrated with real practical examples; the intricacies of the change process – how companies move from destructive to more responsible practices; how to implement more holistic economically effective durable systems to better protect people and the environment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781910174531

Beyond Charismatic LeadershipNew York Catholic Women's Movement Dorothy Day died recently in New York City. With her death the Catholic Worker Movement lost the last of its founders and leaders. In this insightful and well-documented study Aronica answers the question whether and how the Movement has survived beyond the founders. Starting from the notion of charismatic leadership the author converts the Catholic Worker Movement into a test case for the classical analysis of social organization. Through participant observation Aronica uncovers and explains the system of power and authority the process of incorporation and the services provided to the poor by the Catholic Worker Movement. The Movement's paper the Catholic Worker was used to help provide a typology of membership categories. The book is more than a study in the transformation of charismatic leadership; it is also a study of the place of radical social thought within American Catholicism. Aronica shows the problems that the church structure has with grass-roots activities. She also illustrates the difficulty that a grass-roots organization has in transforming itself into a functioning bureaucracy. The book adds a new organizational dimension to the growing number of books on social movements. It is well suited for an audience interested in the sociology of religion and for those concerned with a fruitful application of modern ethnographic research to classical frameworks. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507616

Beyond Child's PlaySustainable Product Design in the Global Doll-making Industry Sustainable product design is more than eco design: it goes beyond 'green' to consider the work environment community impacts consumer health and economic viability as well as environmental attributes. "Beyond Child's Play" explores the concept of sustainable product design in the context of the global doll-making industry. To initiate this research the author reviewed eco design parameters and developed criteria for sustainable product design in the doll-making industry. Using this framework she conducted three case studies of do I making: the American Girl doll produced in China the Kathe Kruse doll produced in Germany and the Q'ewar Project doll produced in Peru. Themes emerged from this research that have relevance beyond the doll-making industry: the value of making a product with care; designing work for human dignity; intention and vision for sustainability; the implications of materials choices; and transparency and sustainability. Sustainable product design calls for fundamentally new thinking. By connecting the term 'sustainable' to 'product' we raise expectations for a radically different approach to design production and consumption. This framework integrates the eco design principles of detoxification and dematerialization with the principle of 'humanization' to ensure that the work environment where the product is made is safe and healthy and that local communities benefit from production. This approach places increased responsibility on the industrial designer and decision-makers throughout the supply chain including governments corporations and citizens. Sustainable product design can be implemented effectively only when systems are in place that support sustainable production and consumption. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415784306

Beyond Christian Hip HopA Move Towards Christians and Hip Hop Christians and Christianity have been central to Hip Hop since its inception. This book explores the intersection of Christians and Hip Hop and the multiple outcomes of this intersection. It lays out the ways in which Christians and Hip Hop overlap and diverge. The intersection of Christians and Hip Hop brings together African diasporic cultures lives memories and worldviews. Moving beyond the focus on rappers and so-called "Christian Hip Hop " each chapter explores three major themes of the book: identifying Hip Hop irreconcilable Christianity and boundaries.There is a self-identified Christian Hip Hop (CHH) community that has received some scholarly attention. At the same time scholars have analyzed Christianity and Hip Hop without focusing on the self-identified community. This book brings these various conversations together and show through these three themes the complexities of the intersection of Christians and Hip Hop. Hip Hop is more than rap music it is an African diasporic phenomenon. These three themes elucidate the many characteristics of the intersection between Christians and Hip Hop and our reasoning for going beyond "Christian Hip Hop." This collection is a multi-faceted view of how religious belief plays a role in Hip Hoppas' lives and community. It will therefore be of great interest to scholars of Religion and Hip Hop Hip Hop African Diasporas Religion and the Arts Religion and Race and Black Theology as well as Religious Studies more generally. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367185114

Beyond CivilizationSociety Culture and the Individual in the Age of Globalization For Harry Redner the phrase "beyond civilization" refers to the new and unprecedented condition the world is now entering—specifically the condition commonly known as globalization. Redner approaches globalization from the perspective of history and seeks to interpret it in relation to previous key stages of human development. His account begins with the Axial Age (700–300 BC) and proceeds through Modernity (after AD 1500) to the present global condition.What is globalization doing to civilization? In answering this question Redner studies the role played by capitalism the state science and technology. He aims to show that they have had a catalytic impact on civilization through their reductive effect on society culture and individualism.However Redner is not content to diagnose the ills of civilization; he also suggests how they might be ameliorated by cultural conservation. Above all it is to the problem of decline in the higher forms of literacy that he addresses himself for it is on the culture of the book that previous civilizations were founded. This study will be of interest to sociologists historians and social and political theorists. Its style makes it accessible also to general readers interested in civilization past present and future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412854856

Beyond Classical PedagogyTeaching Elementary School Mathematics The emergence of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards in 1989 sparked a sea change in thinking about the nature and quality of mathematics instruction in U.S. schools. Much is known about transmission forms of mathematics teaching and the influence of this teaching on students' learning but there is still little knowledge about the alternative forms of instruction that have evolved from the recent widespread efforts to reform mathematics education. Beyond Classical Pedagogy: Teaching Elementary School Mathematics reports on the current state of knowledge about these new instructional practices which differ in significant ways from the traditional pedagogy that has permeated mathematics education in the past. This book provides a research-based view of the nature of facilitative teaching in its relatively mature form along with opposing views and critique of this form of pedagogy. The focus is on elementary school mathematics classrooms where the majority of the reform-based efforts have occurred and on the micro level of teaching (classroom interaction) as a source for revealing the complexity involved in teaching teachers' learning and the impact of both on children's learning. The work in elementary mathematics teaching is situated in the larger context of research on teaching. Research and insights from three disciplinary perspectives are presented: the psychological perspective centers on facilitative teaching as a process of teachers' learning; the mathematical perspective focuses on the nature of the mathematical knowledge teachers need in order to engage in this form of teaching; the sociological perspective attends to the interactive process of meaning construction as teachers and students create intellectual communities in their classrooms. The multidisciplinary perspectives presented provide the editors with the necessary triangulation to provide confirming evidence and rich detail about the nature of facilitative teaching. Audiences for this book include scholars in mathematics education and teacher education teacher educators staff developers and classroom teachers. It is also appropriate as a text for graduate courses in mathematics education teacher education elementary mathematics teaching methods and methods of research in mathematics education. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781410612335

Beyond CoercionDurability of the Arab State This book explores the origins foundations impact and stability of Arab states. It analyses the process of stabilisation amongst the Arab states a process that has contradicted all predictions of impending disintegration and political collapse. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138923805

Beyond Cognitive Metaphor TheoryPerspectives on Literary Metaphor In this innovative collection an international group of scholars come together to discuss literary metaphors and cognitive metaphor theory. The volume's goals are three-fold. The first aim of the book is to present some recent approaches to metaphor which have no immediate connection with cognitive metaphor theory and have developed independently of it. While the cognitive approach has become the leading paradigm in the English speaking world elsewhere (in Europe) rhetorical semantic and logical models have remained in use and continue to be elaborated. These models have so far had little international exposure. Their inclusion in this study is meant to provide a balance to the cognitive paradigm and to open up a possible discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of cognitive metaphor theory for the analysis of literary texts. The second aim of the collection is to illustrate a range of successful applications of the new cognitive models to literary texts. And the third aim of the study is to provide an assessment of cognitive metaphor theory from a literary point of view. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415854122

Beyond Collective MemoryStructural Complicity and Future Freedoms in Senegalese and South African Narratives Beyond Collective Memory analyzes how two African places became icons of collective memory for certain publics yet remain marginal to national and continental memory discourses. Thiaroye a Senegalese location of colonial-era massacre and District Six a South African neighborhood destroyed under apartheid have epitomized a shared "memory" of racist violence and resistant community. Analyzing diverse cultural texts surrounding both places this book argues that the metaphor of collective memory has obscured the structural character of colonial and apartheid violence and made it difficult to explore the complicit positions that structures of violence produce. In investigating the elisions of memory discourses Beyond Collective Memory challenges the dominance of collective memory and calls attention to the African pasts metaphors and imaginaries that exist beyond it. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367443023

Beyond Command and ControlLeadership Culture and Risk This book will advance the understanding of leadership beyond the inherited myths and modalities of command and control. Leadership is separated from ideas and institutional seniority and explained as the collaborative power of one with others. Enabling the intelligent co-participation of all people the constructive effect of this approach to leadership is in the engagement of people. This is significant when task accomplishment depends not on managerial direction but on the interaction of people with each other with technical systems and with complex regulations which are often across jurisdictional boundaries. Examples and case studies are included. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138708839

Beyond Common Sense: Sexuality And Gender In Contemporary Japan First published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987807

Beyond Common SenseChild Welfare Child Well-Being and the Evidence for Policy Reform Helping vulnerable children develop their full potential is an attractive idea with broad common-sense appeal. However child well-being is a broad concept and the legislative mandate for addressing well-being in the context of the current child welfare system is not particularly clear. This volume asserts that finding a place for well-being on the list of outcomes established to manage the child welfare system is not as easy as it first appears. The overall thrust of this argument is that policy should be evidence-based and the available evidence is a primary focus of the book. Because policymakers have to make decisions that allocate resources a basic understanding of incidence in the public health tradition is important as is evidence that speaks to the question of what works clinically. The rest of the book addresses the evidence. Chapter 2 integrates bio-ecological and public health perspectives to give the evidence base coherence. Chapters 3 and 4 combine evidence from the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System the Multistate Foster Care Data Archive and the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being to offer an unprecedented profile of children as they enter the child welfare system. Chapters 5 and 6 address the broad question of what works. A concluding chapter focuses on policy and future directions suggesting that children starting out children starting school and children starting adolescence are high-risk populations for which explicit strategies have to be formed. This timely volume offers useful insights into the child welfare system and will be of particular interest to policymakers academics with an interest in Child Welfare Policy Social Work educators and Child Advocates. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781351328005

Beyond Communal and Individual OwnershipIndigenous Land Reform in Australia Over the last decade Australian governments have introduced a series of land reforms in communities on Indigenous land. This book is the first in-depth study of these significant and far reaching reforms. It explains how the reforms came about what they do and their consequences for Indigenous landowners and community residents. It also revisits the rationale for their introduction and discusses the significant gap between public debate about the reforms and their actual impact. Drawing on international research the book describes how it is necessary to move beyond the concepts of communal and individual ownership in order to understand the true significance of the reforms. The book's fresh perspective on land reform and careful assessment of key land reform theories will be of interest to scholars of indigenous land rights land law indigenous studies and aboriginal culture not only in Australia but also in any other country with an interest in indigenous land rights. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138626010

Beyond Community PolicingFrom Early American Beginnings to the 21st Century Beyond Community Policing uses history and general sociological theory to examine the trajectory of municipal policing from Britain in the 1830s to its adoption and evolution in the America. By analysing the uncertain and uneven historical development of policing this book illustrates in great detail the functional connections between cities (or communities) and police departments. Chriss also considers the development of municipal policing in the American West between 1850 and 1890 which helps to situate the current discussion of policing in the post 9/11 United States. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781594518478

Beyond CompetitionEconomics of Mergers and Monopoly Power First Published in 1994. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an Informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315485812

Beyond Computopia First published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138863521

Beyond Confucian ChinaThe Rival Discourses of Kang Youwei and Zhang Binglin Young-tsu Wong throws new light on Kang Youwei and Zhang Binglin both through research on the sources nature and import of their ideas and through juxtaposing them. The result is a provocative and stimulating analysis of late Qing-early Republican thought. Never before these two rival thinkers have been studied in any western language and Wong sees these two men though distinctly different in personality and thought as the genuine pioneers of modern Chinese thought. The author highlights the mix of traditional Chinese thought especially Confucianism and western ideas as well as the personal experiences of the two key thinkers in Modern Chinese History enabling him to reassess the transition of China’s cultural tradition and its modern fate in a world-wide perspective. This work provides a stimulating and provocative reassessment of two major thinkers in modern Chinese history. As such it will be welcomed by scholars in the field of modern Chinese history and intellectual thought. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138879065

Beyond ConservationA Wildland Strategy After decades of operating off-the-backfoot and protecting and conserving nature perceived as under threat conservationists are becoming proactive and creative in the face of habitat loss agricultural intensification and climate change. Beyond Conservation offers a revolutionary agenda for both managing existing wildlands in Britain and for expanding and connecting such lands. Central to this strategy is the imperative to 'rewild' or restore and repair damaged habitat and ecosystems promote existing biodiversity and reintroduce vanished plant and animal species while working to reconcile human needs and livelihoods and the needs of nature. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781849770538

Beyond ContinuityScript Supervision for the Modern Filmmaker A guide to the craft of script supervising Beyond Continuity features practical instruction through real-world examples demonstrating and explaining the skills needed by a professional script supervisor. Mary Cybulski one of Hollywood’s premier script supervisors imparts her sage wisdom as she  walks you through the process of training and working as a professional script supervisor covering the basic skills of breaking down a script taking notes on set matching cheating determining screen direction and knowing what the director actors and editor expect from a script supervisor. She also details many of the more subtle but just as important skills— how to get a job how to think like an editor how to tell what is important in a script and on set how to get along with the cast and crew and how not to get overwhelmed when there is too much information to process. Also included is access to a companion website which features downloadable versions of the various forms templates logs and checklists used by professional script supervisors. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780240814896

Beyond CrisisRe-evaluating Pakistan Through the essays in this volume we see how the failure of the state becomes a moment to ruminate on the artificiality of this most modern construct the failure of nationalism an opportunity to dream of alternative modes of association and the failure of sovereignty to consider the threats and possibilities of the realm of foreignness within t Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367176549

Beyond CritiqueExploring Critical Social Theories and Education This book introduces educational practitioners students and scholars to the people concepts questions and concerns that make up the field of critical social theory. It guides readers into a lively conversation about how education can and does contribute to reinforcing or challenging relations of domination in the modern era. Written by a group of experienced educators and scholars in an engaging style Critical Social Theories and Education introduces and explains the preeminent thinkers and traditions in critical social theory and discusses the primary strands of educational research and thought that have been informed and influenced by them. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781594518584

Beyond CyberpunkNew Critical Perspectives In this collection of essays contributors consider the continuing cultural relevance of the cyberpunk genre into the new millennium. Cyberpunk is no longer an emergent phenomenon but in our digital age of CGI-driven entertainment the information economy and globalized capital we have never more been in need of a fiction capable of engaging with a world shaped by information technology. Contributors seek to move beyond the narrow strictures of cyberpunk as defined in the Eighties and contribute to an ongoing discussion of how to negotiate exchanges among information technologies global capitalism and human social existence. Essays offer a variety of perspectives on cyberpunk’s diversity and how this sub-genre remains relevant amidst its transformation from a print fiction genre into a more generalized set of cultural practices tackling the question of what it is that cyberpunk narratives continue to offer us in those intersections of literary cultural theoretical academic and technocultural environments. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415634199

Beyond Defeat and AusterityDisrupting (the Critical Political Economy of) Neoliberal Europe Much of the critical discussion of the European political economy and the Eurozone crisis has focused upon a sense that solidaristic achievements built up during the post-war period are being continuously unravelled. Whilst there are many reasons to lament the trajectory of change within Europe’s political economy there are also important developments trends and processes which have acted to obstruct hinder and present alternatives to this perceived trajectory of declining social solidarity. These alternatives have tended to be obscured from view in part as a result of the conceptual approaches adopted within the literature. Drawing from examples across the EU this book presents an alternative narrative and explanation for the development of Europe’s political economy and crisis emphasising the agency of what are typically considered subordinate (and passive) actors. By highlighting patterns of resistance disobedience and disruption it makes a significant contribution to a literature that has otherwise been more concerned to understand patterns of heightened domination exploitation inequality and neoliberal consolidation. It will be of interest to students and scholars alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367872380

Beyond DeterrenceThe Political Economy Of Nuclear Weapons This book is designed for people who wish to increase their understanding of the political economy of nuclear weapon production and proliferation. It explains the role of military political and economic incentives in perpetuating the continued growth of worldwide nuclear arsenals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367157111

Beyond DevelopmentalityConstructing Inclusive Freedom and Sustainability History tells us that industrial development with all of its pollution inequity and exploitation is the inevitable destiny of human societies. Yet is this really the case or are we trapped in a prevailing 'develop-mentality' that demands an endless cycle of inputs outputs consumption and waste on a finite planet? And is there another better way for humans and the biosphere? This incisive epic work turns the dominant industrial development model and its economics upside down and argues for a new way of thinking about the meaning of development and the complexion of our economy. The book traces the origin and development of the concept of development in the economic context and suggests a way to achieving post-industrial development with zero industrial growth. The book argues that sustainable development is possible only when concerns for biodiversity and human development are put at the centre of the economy and social policy. It both provides a theoretical foundation to sustainability and presents practical instances of sustainable production systems. Coverage is magisterial and includes history ecology economics anthropology policy analysis population theory sociology the Marxian critique of capitalism Orientalism semiotics and sociology of science. These are interwoven in an accessible but challenging way that enables readers to look at development theory economics consumerism and environmentalism from a new vantage point. Distinguishing features includes a critique of development from a natural science perspective a fresh and thorough account of the concept of sustainability both from a theoretical and empirical perspective and the application of an evolutionary biology metaphor to building a socially responsible alternative to the prevailing developmentality. This is the most sweeping coverage of critical issues in economics environment development and sustainability available. It is both an empowering and necessary read for students academics professionals and activists from across sustainability development economics and environmental studies and beyond and an invaluable repository of information about the critical issues facing humanity as we continue to develop our over-crowded planet. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781849770545

Beyond DietingPsychoeducational Interventions For Chronically Obese Women This book opens with an overview of dieting and its relationship to self-esteem and body image. Here the author explores the negative and destructive side effects frequently experienced by obese women as a result of dieting. Alternative interventions to dieting are then explored and the weekly Beyond Dieting programme the core of this volume is introduced. Subsequent chapters present an evaluation of the Beyond Dieting program (purpose analyses comparisons and variables of outcome) and a discussion of the characteristics of the sample study. The overall effects of the intervention and implications of the findings provide an illuminating perspective on the treatment of obesity – one that suggests striving for positive self-image rather than thinness as the key to well-being for obese women. For the many health practitioners caring for obese women this perspective with its practical application will prove to be an invaluable resource. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138004733

Beyond Difference This book explores the painful experience of being different and offers solutions for society and for individuals to heal and to grow beyond difference. It examines the societal impact of difference a pecking order that emerges and the extent to which people can be distantiated. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003073000

Beyond DisciplinarityHistorical Evolutions of Research Epistemology This book provides a means of comprehensively grounding and considering the epistemological and philosophical underpinnings of practice-based research epistemologies. By introducing readers to the diverse array of methodological tools and concepts that are necessary to underpin postgraduate research this book develops an understanding of the distinctions between practice-led research practice-based research and question-led research and the contextual significance of each as well as enabling students to comprehend the historical relationships between academic disciplines and the value of reconnecting them at an epistemological and philosophical level. Through illustrated examples from applied practice across disciplines such as art social sciences and medical and allied healthcare sciences readers are encouraged to develop the capacity to not only think conceptually about their own research but to systematically evaluate that of others. With this focus on descriptive studies from practice the book fosters higher-order critical thinking in relation to implications for methodological implementation encouraging deep learning processes and the confidence to transcend the limits of one’s own discipline in order to work collaboratively with researchers in different fields. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138090934

Beyond Dissent: Essays in Institutional EconomicsEssays in Institutional Economics This text provides an ethnography of a Chinese middle school based on fieldwork conducted in 1988 to 1989. It provides a way of looking at classroom and societal interactions in terms of the interplay among criticism face and shame. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315484211

Beyond Doer and Done toRecognition Theory Intersubjectivity and the Third In Beyond Doer and Done To Jessica Benjamin author of the path-breaking Bonds of Love expands her theory of mutual recognition and its breakdown into the complementarity of "doer and done to." Her innovative theory charts the growth of the Third in early development through the movement between recognition and breakdown and shows how it parallels the enactments in the psychoanalytic relationship. Benjamin’s recognition theory illuminates the radical potential of acknowledgment in healing both individual and social trauma in creating relational repair in the transformational space of thirdness. Benjamin’s unique formulations of intersubjectivity make essential reading for both psychoanalytic therapists and theorists in the humanities and social sciences. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138218420

Beyond Domination (International Library of the Philosophy of Education Volume 23)An Essay in the Political Philosophy of Education This volume introduces a new conception of political education and new roles for headteachers and parents in the creation of a more democratic educational system. The book proposes curbing the power of teachers including headteachers stripping parents of their rights and making political education the keystone of education. It considers what kind of educational strategies would be appropriate to help move a society like our own towards greater democracy in the light of a co-ordinated set of proposals about the democratic organization of political decision-making and the development of democratic attitudes notably fraternity. All this is underpinned by a radical analysis of basic democratic principles and assumptions and a fundamental critique of the power-sharing machinery of such contemporary democratic societies as the UK and USA. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646055

Beyond East and WestA Story of Civilization through the Great Epics This volume is a cross-cultural study of the evolution of civilisation. Drawing its material and inspiration from literature and culture it looks at the achievements of humankind as a single imaginative experience. The book examines how traditions of poetry and literature have shaped cultures societies and civilisations and their inter-relatedness. Analysing stereotypes in Asia and Europe the author raises questions fundamental to our perceptions of culture democracy and language. He throws light on dominant languages and languages cast aside by the tides of history and attributes the status of English as a 'world language' to ideas propagated in the great epics of the West — particularly Roman — and the poetic heritage shaped by them.Discussing the fallout of that dream on other cultures and ‘non-technical’ languages of the world this book investigates questions of legitimacy and desirability of a single language or culture becoming universal.A sensitive and nuanced work it promises a good read for general readers as well as researchers interested in world literature comparative literature sociology and cultural studies in the interaction between science and art and in the forces that shape the world order. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367730475

Beyond E-BusinessTowards networked structures In Beyond E-Business: Towards Networked Structures Paul Grefen returns with his tried and tested BOAT framework for e-business now fully expanded and updated with the very latest overview of digitally connected business; from business models organization structures and architecture to information technology. What used to be termed "e-business" is now simply business as usual. Today’s successful organizations are complex; they are part of dynamic business networks built on digital channels going far beyond traditional e-business. This text provides invaluable insights of modern e-business integrated with networked business going much further than the usual analysis of traditional e-business texts. Included is coverage of the Big Five—social media mobile computing big data cloud computing and the internet of things --as well as service-oriented business and technology. This essential text provides a compact roadmap to networked e-business for engineering information systems or business students as well as professionals in the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138801776

Beyond Edge Cities In his influential 1991 book Edge City Joel Garreau argued that every American city "is growing in the fashion of Los Angeles with multiple urban cores". He named these cores "edge cities" because they perform all of the city functions but rise in places that were farmlands or villages only decades ago far from the old downtowns. This new book expands and clarifies Garreau's pioneering concept as it develops a comprehensive theory of edge city growth and functions. The contributors draw on their expertise as geographers political scientists economics planners and sociologists to offer a wide range of insights and analyses. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203775431

Beyond EHRUsing Technology to Meet Growing Demands and Deliver Better Patient Care Today it is not uncommon for practices and hospitals to be on their second or third EHR and/or contemplating a transition from the traditional on-premise model to a cloud-based system. As a follow-up to Complete Guide and Toolkit to Successful EHR Adoption (©2011 HIMSS) this book builds on the best practices of the first edition fast-forwarding to the latest innovations that are currently leveraged and adopted by providers and hospitals. We examine the role that artificial intelligence (AI) is now playing in and around EHR technology. We also address the advances in analytics and deep learning (also known as deep structured or hierarchical learning) and explain this topic in practical ways for even the most novice reader to comprehend and apply. The challenges of EHR to EHR migrations and data conversions will also be covered including the use of the unethical practice of data blocking used as a tactic by some vendors to hold data hostage. Further we explore innovations related to interoperability cloud computing cyber security and electronic patient/consumer engagement. Finally this book will deal with what to do with aging technology and databases which is an issue rarely considered in any of the early publications on healthcare technology. What is the proper way to retire a legacy system and what are the legal obligations of data archiving? Though a lot has changed since the 2011 edition many of the fundamentals remain the same and will serve as a foundation for the next generation of EHR adopters and/or those moving on to their second third fourth and beyond EHRs. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9780367374365

Beyond EmpathyA Therapy of Contact-in Relationships In this book the authors focus on the importance of relationship in psychotherapy. Relationships between people form the basis of our daily lives. We require this contact with others the sense of respect and value it produces the relational needs it fulfills. As we face the inevitable traumas of life large and small our ability to make full contact with others is often disrupted. As this reduction in contact increases relational needs go unfulfilled producing psychological dysfunction. Beyond Empathy offers therapists a methodology for assisting people in rediscovering their ability to maintain genuine contactful relationships and thus better psychological health.The authors describe an integrative psychotherapy approach that they have developed and now teach at the Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy in New York City. It draws from Rogers' client-centered therapy Berne's transactional analysis Perls' Gestalt therapy Kohut's self psychology and the work of British object-relations theorists. Written in a conversational style the book introduces the theory behind the approach while using real life interchanges between therapists and clients to illustrate the concepts it presents. The second part of the book details the application of this method in therapy work and provides almost complete transcripts from seven therapy sessions. These include examples of psychotherapeutic regression working with a parental introject couples psychotherapy and more.The open writing style of this book makes it accessible to both beginners and seasoned practitioners within the field of mental health. This versatile approach to therapy promises to be effective across a wide range of therapeutic situations making this a valuable book for both students and practicing clinicians throughout the spectrum of mental healthcare providers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138005143

Beyond EmpiricismInstitutions and Intentions in the Study of Crime Beyond Empiricism expands the discourse on theories of criminal behavior. It considers institutional social and individual issues related to criminal behavior while individually each raises questions about the adequacy of current theoretical claims. The topics have significant implications both for policy and research in criminology.Per-Olof Wikstrom introduces a cross-level action theory of crime. He suggests that better understanding of causal mechanisms can lead to a situational theory of action based on perception of alternatives and the process of choice. David Wolcott and Steven Schlossman provide new perspectives on the issues of racial disparity and the incarceration of adolescents in adult prisons. These authors highlight gaps in our understanding of early twentieth-century juvenile justice and negate some popular claims about recent changes in the criminal law. Peter Grabosky spotlights privatization policies in the criminal justice system suggesting a framework for analyzing the balance of advantage resulting from three basic forms of institutional relationships in policing. Steven Messner and Richard Rosenfeld discuss why institutional analysis has been seriously underdeveloped in etiological analyses of crime. Jordan Pederson and Matthew Shane scrutinize the concept of aggression. Their descriptions of aggressive behavior among non-human animals provide a fascinating backdrop for understanding human actions. Joan McCord emphasizes the intentionality of crimes as she argues that to understand what causes crime one must have a theory about what it means to act intentionally. After critically appraising prior theories McCord introduces and defends a new theory of motivation based on a post-empiricist theory of language.This latest volume in the distinguished Advances in Criminological Theory series continues to add to the theoretical underpinnings of the field and will be important to all collections of social science research on criminology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507623

Beyond EmpiricismPhilosophy of Science in Sociology Originally published in 1982. This volume explores some features of modern philosophy of science from the point of view of their utility for sociology’s self-understanding. Recently philosophers of science have broken with the empiricism once fundamental to their discipline and have sought alternative methods of science. Founded on the belief that these developments are significant for sociologists the book explores the failings of the old "received view" and some of the more recent alternatives. It proposes a schematic outline of the structure of inquiry paying detailed attention to questions about the nature of theory explanation and demonstration. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846240

Beyond Environmental Comfort Beyond Environmental Comfort highlights some of the key ideas that form the foundation of the field of environmental comfort and at the same time gives voice to some of the concerns and considerations on the limitations of the field as it stands today. Bringing together a range of foremost thinkers in their respective fields - Michel Cabanac Derek Clements-Croome Nick Baker Harold Marshall Juhani Pallasmaa Dean Hawkes and Constance Classen - this book argues for a deeper appreciation of how environmental comfort may be understood in terms of our relationship with the environment rather than as independent qualities. For the first time these diverse views are brought together by Editor Boon Lay Ong to present insights into a world beyond what is normally covered in academic research. In the process an attempt is made to define the field for the future. This book shows that it is by understanding just how environmental design needs to go beyond mere comfort and deal with well-being that we can meaningfully design our future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415453691

Beyond Equality and DifferenceCitizenship Feminist Politics and Female Subjectivity Historically as well as more recently women's emancipation has been seen in two ways: sometimes as the `right to be equal' and sometimes as the `right to be different'. These views have often overlapped and interacted: in a variety of guises they have played an important role in both the development of ideas about women and feminism and the works of political thinkers by no means primarily concerned with women's liberation. The chapters of this book deal primarily with the meaning and use of these two concepts in the context of gender relations (past and present) but also draw attention to their place in the understanding and analysis of other human relationships. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138160736

Beyond EvangelicalismThe Theological Methodology of Stanley J. Grenz A prolific author and thinker Stanley J. Grenz was a respected and influential figure not only within evangelicalism but in the wider theological world. Amongst the many issues tackled by him it is perhaps his revisioning of evangelical theology in the light of the postmodern challenge that has caused the biggest stir in the theological world. Advocating a nonfoundationalist methodology Grenz attempts to re-position evangelical theology in line with postmodern concerns. This work examines the main traits of postmodern thought that would seem to directly challenge how evangelical theology is traditionally done. An examination of the seminal influences on Grenz will be traced in order to understand more fully the position he takes. A rigorous critique and assessment of his theological methodology will follow with the conclusion that his work goes beyond evangelicalism. This will be the first book length treatment on Grenz's work on theological methodology and therefore will break new ground in this important area of study. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138262010

Beyond Every Child MattersNeoliberal Education and Social Policy in the new era The United Kingdom's Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition government 2010–15 was responsible for some of the most radical changes to education policy for decades. Beyond Every Child Matters provides a critical overview of developments in education and social welfare policy in the years following the 2010 general election. It explores the conceptual background of a ‘Big Society’ used to frame Coalition policy and shows how the underlying spectre of neoliberalism both creates issues for policy attention and undermines ensuing policy solutions. This book charts those changes which have impacted upon education and schooling in England and Wales and is divided into two parts. Part I analyses Conservative philosophical thought and policy discussions that underpin the social welfare and education policies introduced under the Conservative-led coalition government of 2010–15 and the subsequent Conservative administration since 2015. Part II looks at these policies in detail and concludes with a discussion of possible alternative policy approaches. Set against a backdrop of unprecedented economic crisis and austerity Beyond Every Child Matters will be of interest to students of education and welfare policy academics and researchers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138918979

Beyond Existentialism This book first published in 1961 is a careful analysis of this modern movement of thought and especially of its leading German representative Martin Heidegger. This study presents a sound reading and criticism of the existentialist thinkers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367138622

Beyond FailureNew Essays on the Cultural History of Failure in Theatre and Performance In setting foot on stage every performer risks the possiblity of failure. Indeed the very performance of any human action is inextricable from its potential not to succeed. This inherent potential has become a key critical trope in contemporary theatre performance studies and scholarship around visual cultures. Beyond Failure explores what it means for our understanding not just of theatrical practice but of human social and cultural activity more broadly. The essays in this volume tackle contemporary debates around the theory and poetics of failure suggesting that in the absence of success can be found a defiance and hopefulness that points to new ways of knowing and being in the world. Beyond Failure offers a unique and engaging approach for students and practitioners interested not only in the impact of failure on the stage but what it means for wider social and cultural debates. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815370994

Beyond Fake NewsFinding the Truth in a World of Misinformation The world is swimming in misinformation. Conflicting messages bombard us every day with news on everything from politics and world events to investments and alternative health. The daily paper nightly news websites and social media each compete for our attention and each often insist on a different version of the facts. Inevitably we have questions: Who is telling the truth? How would we know? How did we get here? What can we do?  Beyond Fake News answers these and other queries. It offers a technological and market-based explanation for how our informational environment became so polluted. It shows how purveyors of news often have incentives to mislead us and how consumers of information often have incentives to be misled. And it chronicles how as technology improves and the regulatory burdens drop our information-scape becomes ever more littered with misinformation. Beyond Fake News argues that even when we really want the truth our minds are built in such a way so as to be incapable of grasping many facts and blind spots mar our view of the world. But we can do better both as individuals and as a society. As individuals we can improve the accuracy of our understanding of the world by knowing who to trust and recognizing our limitations. And as a society we can take important steps to reduce the quantity and effects of misinformation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367483081

Beyond FideismNegotiable Religious Identities After the postmodern turn every tradition seeks the right to have their own rules of rational discourse. The crucial question is: are there ways to communicate between the traditions so that the traditions do not need to give up their identities in order to take part in conversation? Vainio examines the basic assumptions behind well known types of Christian theology and seeks ways in which they might interact with one other and with other non-Christian traditions without capitulation of their identities. Vainio claims that there are religious identities that can be negotiated and communicated and that there are ecclesiastical doctrines which can be meaningfully discussed among churches. This book explores three key areas: analysis of the uses of 'fideism' within classical Christian theology; clarification of different types of theological method that seek to express the task of theology in contemporary setting; an explanation of the contours of religious identity and rationality which takes seriously both classical Christian identity and pluralistic contexts where most of the Christian communities dwell nowadays. The proposal for "negotiability" of Christian identity draws together ideas from among others virtue epistemology reformed epistemology communitarianism and feminist sensibilities. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315569185

Beyond First Order Model Theory Volume I Model theory is one of the central branches of mathematical logic. The field has evolved rapidly in the last few decades. This book is an introduction to current trends in model theory and contains a collection of articles authored by top researchers in the field. It is intended as a reference for students as well as senior researchers. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367657802

Beyond FoucaultNew Perspectives on Bentham's Panopticon In his hugely influential book Discipline and Punish Foucault used the example of Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon prison as a means of representing the transition from the early modern monarchy to the late modern capitalist state. In the former power is visibly exerted for instance by the destruction of the body of the criminal while in the latter power becomes invisible and focuses on the mind of the subject in order to identify marginalize and 'treat' those who are regarded as incapable of participating in or unwilling to submit to the disciplines of production. The Panopticon links the worlds of Bentham and Foucault scholars yet they are often at cross-purposes; with Bentham scholars lamenting the ways in which Foucault is perceived to have misunderstood panopticon and Foucauldians apparently unaware of the complexities of Bentham's thought. This book combines an appreciation of Bentham's broader project with an engagement of Foucault's insights on economic government to go beyond the received reading of panopticism as a dark disciplinary technology of power. Scholars here offer new ways of understanding the Panopticon projects through a wide variety of topics including Bentham's plural Panopticons and their elaboration of schemes of 'panoptic Utopia' the 'inverted Panopticon' 'panoptic governance' 'political panopticism' and 'legal panopticism'. French studies on the Panopticon are groundbreaking and this book brings this research to an English-speaking audience for the first time. It is essential reading not only for those studying Bentham and Foucault but also those with an interest in intellectual history of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and those studying contemporary surveillance and society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780754668435

Beyond FragmentsAdults Motivation And Higher Education Adults now constitute the majority of students in higher education; what they bring to it want and need are important questions in the development of a more responsive higher education. The author discusses The Relationship Between Motives Education And Life History To Explore how culture and history shape people and their motives for learning taking into account variations in gender social background and ethnicity challenging the orthodox view that non-traditional students enter higher educational for vocational/material reasons. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203045961

Beyond Gated Communities Research on gated communities is moving away from the hard concept of a 'gated community' to the more fluid one of urban gating. The latter allows communities to be viewed through a new lens of soft boundaries modern communication and networks of influence. The book written by an international team of experts builds on the research of Bagaeen and Uduku’s previous edited publication Gated Communities (Routledge 2010) and relates recent events to trends in urban research showing how the discussion has moved from privatised to newly collectivised spaces which have been the focal point for events such as the Occupy London movement and the Arab Spring. Communities are now more mobilised and connected than ever and Beyond Gated Communities shows how neighbourhoods can become part of a global network beyond their own gates. With chapters on Australia Canada Europe South America Asia Africa and the Middle East this is a truly international resource for scholars and students of urban studies interested in this dynamic growing area of research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415748254

Beyond Gender DifferencesAdaptation to Aging in Life Course Perspective Putting gender in a lifespan context Hatch (sociology U. of Kentucky) atypically accents the gains as well as losses of aging and sex differences in adaptation overall to the death of a spouse and to retirement. From the multifactored theoretical perspectives of symbolic interactionism and polit Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415783958

Beyond GenderAn Advanced Introduction to Futures of Feminist and Sexuality Studies Scholars and activists often narrate the history of gender and feminism as a progression of "waves " said to mark high points of innovation in theory and moments of political breakthrough. Arguing for the notion of multiple futurities over that of progressive waves Beyond Gender combines theoretical work with practical applications to provide an advanced introduction to contemporary feminist and sexuality research and advocacy. This comprehensive monograph documents the diversification of gender-related disciplines and struggles arguing for a multidisciplinary approach to issues formerly subsumed under the unified field of gender studies. Split into two parts the volume demonstrates how the notion of gender has been criticized by various theories pertaining to masculinity feminism and sexuality and also illustrates how the binary and hierarchical ordering system of gender has been troubled or overcome in practice: in queer performance legal critique the classroom and textual analysis. Taking a fresh approach to contemporary debates in feminist and sexuality studies Beyond Gender will appeal to undergraduate students interested in fields such as Feminism and Sexuality Studies Gender Studies Feminist Theory and Masculinity Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367878337

Beyond Global CrisisRemedies and Road Maps by Daisaku Ikeda and His Contemporaries In this volume Terrence Paupp critically describes the various dimensions of today's global crisis. Among other things this volume analyzes nuclear weapons proliferation climate change and international lawlessness in the form of wars of aggression. Paupp argues that much human conflict and environmental degradation is the direct consequence of poverty and inequality. Until these issues are addressed many of the world's problems will remain.Paupp asserts that around the world peoples and nations are becoming more open to a strategy and culture of peace that evolves through discovering a commonality of interests the value of mutual cooperation and the desirability of forging consensus. By using various road maps and remedies supplied by noted Japanese peace activist Daisaku Ikeda and his contemporaries viable solutions will emerge.In this new endeavor equipped with some of the proposed solutions and strategies that this book provides humanity will collectively become engaged in remaking the character of global governance in order to build a global culture of peace. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412846165

Beyond GoalsEffective Strategies for Coaching and Mentoring What is there in developmental relationships beyond setting and striving to achieve goals? The presence of goals in coaching and mentoring programs has gone largely unquestioned yet evidence is growing that the standard prescription of SMART challenging goals is not always appropriate - and even potentially dangerous - in the context of a complex and rapidly changing world. Beyond Goals advances standard goal-setting theory by bringing together cutting-edge perspectives from leaders in coaching and mentoring. From psychology to neuroscience from chaos theory to social network theory the contributors offer diverse and compelling insights into both the advantages and limitations of goal pursuit. The result is a more nuanced understanding of goals with the possibility for practitioners to bring greater impact and sophistication to their client engagements. The implications of this reassessment are substantial for all those practicing as coaches and mentors or managing coaching or mentoring initiatives in organizations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138247291

Beyond GovernmentExtending The Public Policy Debate In Emerging Democracies Beyond Government examines how vigorous and truly pluralistic policy debate has evolved in both mature and emerging democracies and then suggests how it may be encouraged from within and sustained by outside assistance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367166762

Beyond GovernmentsMaking Collective Governance Work - Lessons from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative In a world characterized by globalization governments increasingly find themselves unable to govern. Corruption is everywhere natural resources are being exploited the environment damaged markets distorted and the fight against poverty is often ineffective. Certain challenges cannot be addressed by governments alone. Increasingly collective governance “beyond governments†is seen as part of the solution with state and non-state actors working together. This book sets out a framework for those wishing to implement collective governance involving civil society companies and governments as key actors. Based on over eight years of running the most advanced example of collective governance at international level the Head and Deputy Head of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) outline the practicalities and pitfalls and draw out the experience of the EITI as a case example. Beyond Governments tells a positive story of how this type of innovative governance can make real achievements but also cautions against those who see collective governance as a silver bullet to solve development challenges. It provides practical guidance from a practitioner’s perspective and is essential reading for those in government business and academia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781783531851

Beyond GrammarLanguage Power and the Classroom: Resources for Teachers Beyond Grammar: Language Power and the Classroom asks readers to think about the power of words the power of language attitudes and the power of language policies as they play out in communities in educational institutions and in their own lives as individuals teachers and participants in the larger community. Each chapter provides extended discussion of a set of critical language issues that directly affect students in classrooms: the political nature of language the power of words hate language and bullying gender and language dialects and language policies. Written for pre-service and practicing teachers this text addresses how teachers can alert students to the realities of language and power--removing language study from a “neutral” corner to situate it within the context of political social and cultural issues. Developing a critical pedagogy about language instruction can help educators understand that classrooms can either maintain existing inequity or address and diminish inequity through critical language study. A common framework structures the chapters of the text: * Each chapter begins with an overview of the language issue in question and includes references for further research and for classroom use and provides applications for classroom teachers.* Numerous references to the popular press and the breadth of language issues found therein foreground current thought on socio-cultural language issues attitudes standards and policies found in the culture(s) at large.* References to current and recent events illustrate the language issue’s importance cartoons address the issue and brief “For Thought” activities illustrate the point being discussed and extend the reader’s knowledge and awareness.* “Personal Explorations” ask readers to go beyond the text to develop further understanding; “Teaching Explorations” ask teachers to apply chapter content to teaching situations. Beyond Grammar: Language Power and the Classroom is intended for undergraduate and master’s level courses that address literacy education linguistics and issues of language and culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138130371

Beyond HappinessDeepening the Dialogue between Buddhism Psychotherapy and the Mind Sciences Contemporary mind sciences are revealing facts about the brain and its development that have much to teach us about health and happiness. For a greater part of the twentieth century psychology and psychotherapy had little to say to one another. Despite Freud's early wish to consider psychoanalysis a science academic psychology had scant time for what it considered at best an "art" form while psychotherapy found little interest in psychology's lack of concern with subjective experience. Since the rise of the interdisciplinary fields of cognitive science neuroscience and consciousness studies and the growth of new technologies all this has changed. This new knowledge challenges many of our common sense and long-held beliefs. It has important implications for education and health and illuminates both natural optimal development and the way later therapy may heal early insufficiency. What is perhaps more surprising is that these findings engage with the "first" psychology that of Buddhism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367105570

Beyond HateWhite Power and Popular Culture Beyond Hate offers a critical ethnography of the virtual communities established and discursive networks activated through the online engagements of white separatists white nationalists and white supremacists with various popular cultural texts including movies music television sport video games and kitsch. Outlining the ways in which advocates of white power interpret popular cultural forms and probing the emergent spaces of white power popular culture it examines the paradoxical relationship that advocates of white supremacy have with popular culture as they finding it to be an irresistible and repugnant reflection of social decay rooted in multiculturalism. Drawing on a range of new media sources including websites chat rooms blogs and forums this book explores the concerns expressed by advocates of white power with regard to racial hierarchy and social order the crisis of traditional American values the perpetuation of liberal feminist elitist ideas the degradation of the family and the fetishization of black men. What emerges is an understanding of the instruments of power in white supremacist discourses in which a series of connections are drawn between popular culture multiculturalism sexual politics and state functions all of which are seen to be working against white men. A richly illustrated study of the intersections of white power and popular culture in the contemporary U.S. and the use of use cyberspace by white supremacists as an imagined site of resistance Beyond Hate will appeal to scholars of sociology and cultural studies with interests in race and ethnicity popular culture and the discourses of the extreme right. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472427496

Beyond Heredity And EnvironmentMyrtle Mcgraw And The Maturation Controversy This book contains Myrtle McGraw's pioneering contributions to the field of child development. It demonstrates that McGraw conceived development as a continuous interaction between neural and behavioral growth processes that could not be reduced to heredity or environment. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367158965

Beyond HierarchyGender And Sexuality In The Social Economy Since the early 1980s there has been a surge of interest in both issues of gender and sexuality in work and organizational life and in the founding and running of co-operatives and collectives. Since hierarchy rests on divisions which are in part gendered and sexualized and co-operatives for the most part operate with "flat" or non-hierarchical structures they could be seen as places where gender and sexuality make little difference to the experiences of workers.; This text takes issue with the assumption that where there is an absence of formal hierarchy in work and organizational life there is likely to be an absence of gender inequalities. It argues that the matter is more complex than the simple equating of less hierarchy with greater gender equality. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315041216

Beyond Home OwnershipHousing Welfare and Society In context of ongoing transformations in housing markets and socioeconomic conditions this book focuses on past current and future roles of home ownership in social policies and welfare practices. It considers owner-occupied housing in terms of diverse meanings and manifestations but in particular the part played by housing tenure in the political socioeconomic and demographic changes that have characterized the pre- and post-crisis era. The intensified promotion of home ownership in recent decades helped stimulate an increasing orientation towards the private consumption of housing not only as a home but also an asset – or possibly speculative vehicle – that enhances household economic capacity and can be transferred to children or other family or even exchanged for other goods. The latest global financial crisis however made it clear that owner-occupied housing markets and mortgage sectors have become deeply embedded in networks of socioeconomic interdependency and risk. This collection engages with numerous debates on housing and society in a range of developed societies from North America to Asia-Pacific to North South East and West Europe. Interdisciplinary contributors draw upon diverse empirical data to explore how housing and home ownership has become so embedded in polity economy and household welfare conditions in various social and cultural contexts. Another concern is what lies beyond home ownership considering the integration of housing systems with economic growth and social stability appears to be unravelling. This volume speaks to public debates concerning the future of housing markets policy and tenure providing deep and provocative insights for academics students and professionals alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415585569

Beyond Human ErrorTaxonomies and Safety Science A ground-breaking new book Beyond Human Error: Taxonomies and Safety Science deconstructs the conventional concept of “human error†and provides a whole new way of looking at accidents and how they might be prevented. Based on research carried out in the rail nuclear and defense industries the authors show how by concentrating solely on â€human error †systems and sociological factors are frequently ignored in contemporary safety science. They also argue that the “information processing†view of human cognition the foundation of the majority of safety science and ergonomics is hopelessly simplistic and leads to ineffective or even misguided intervention strategies. Wallace and Ross explore how what they call the “technically rational†view of science can hamper the process of creating a taxonomy of error events and the implications this has for the current orthodoxy. In laying out the limitations of the “technically rational†viewpoint they clearly define their own alternative approach. They begin by demonstrating that the creation of reliable taxonomies is crucial and provide examples of how they created such taxonomies in the nuclear and rail industries. They go on to offer a critique of conventional “frequentist†statistics and provide coherent easy to use alternatives. They conclude by re-analyzing infamous disasters such as theSpace Shuttle Challenger accident to demonstrate how the “standard†view of these events ignores social and distributed factors. The book concludes with a stimulating and provocative description of the implications of this new approach for safety science and the social sciences as a whole. While providing a clear and intelligible introduction to the theory of human error and contemporary thinking in safety science Wallace and Ross mount a challenge to the old orthodoxy and provide a practical alternative paradigm. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367391034

Beyond Human Rights and the War on Terror This edited collection provides a comprehensive insightful and detailed study of a vital area of public policy debate as it is currently occurring in countries across the world from India to South Africa and the United Kingdom to Australia. Bringing together academics and experts from a variety of jurisdictions it reflects upon the impact on human rights of the application of more than a decade of the "War on Terror" as enunciated soon after 9/11. The volume identifies and critically examines the principal and enduring resonances of the concept of the "War on Terror". The examination covers not only the obvious impacts but also the more insidious and enduring changes within domestic laws. The rationale for this collection is therefore not just to plot how the "War on Terror" has operated within the folds of the cloak of liberal democracy but how they render that cloak ragged especially in the sight of those sections of society who pay the heaviest price in terms of their human rights. This book engages with the public policy strand of the last decade that has arguably most shaped perceptions of human rights and engendered debates about their worth and meaning. It will be of interest to researchers academics practitioners and students in the fields of human rights law criminal justice criminology politics and international studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367519766

Beyond InclusionThe Practice of Equal Access in Indian Higher Education In India two critical aspects of public policy — social justice and higher education — have witnessed unprecedented expansion in recent years. While several programmes have been designed by the State to equalise access to higher education and implement formal inclusion discrimination based on caste tribe gender and rural location continues to exist. Focusing on the concrete experiences of these programmes this book explores the difficulties and dilemmas that follow formal inclusion and seeks to redress the disproportionate emphasis on principles rather than practice in the quest for equal access to higher education in India. Offering new perspectives on the debates on social mobility and merit this volume examines a broad spectrum of educational courses ranging from engineering medicine and sciences to social work humanities and the social sciences that cover all levels of higher education from undergraduate degrees to post-doctoral research. It points to various sources of social exclusion by studying a cross-section of national elite subaltern and sub-regional institutions across the states of Rajasthan Gujarat Jharkhand Uttar Pradesh Punjab Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Closely involved with the implementation and evaluation of affirmative action programmes the contributors to the volume highlight the paradoxical ‘sectionalisation’ of reserved candidates the daunting challenge of combating discrimination. Understanding the need to look beyond formal inclusion to enable substantive change this important volume will be essential reading for scholars and teachers of sociology education social work economics public administration and political science besides being of great interest to policymakers and organisations concerned with education and discrimination. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138660342

Beyond Individual and Collective TraumaIntergenerational Transmission Psychoanalytic Treatment and the Dynamics of Forgiveness This book represents a major effort to integrate contemporary theories and findings regarding the psychological effects of severe trauma. It explores the psychodynamic implications of aggression sexuality and dependency and the consequences of primitive defensive operations dealing with them. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781780491493

Beyond IndividualismToward a New Understanding of Self Relationship and Experience In this pathbreaking and provocative new treatment of some of the oldest dilemmas of psychology and relationship Gordon Wheeler challenges the most basic tenet of the West cultural tradition: the individualist self. Characteristics of this self-model are our embedded yet pervasive ideas that the individual self precedes and transcends relationship and social field conditions and that interpersonal experience is somehow secondary and even opposed to the needs of the inner self. Assumptions like these Wheeler argues which are taken to be inherent to human nature and development amount to a controlling cultural paradigm that does considerable violence to both our evolutionary self-nature and our intuitive self-experience. He asserts that we are actually far more relational and intersubjective than our cultural generally allows and that these relational capacities are deeply built into our inherent evolutionary nature.His argument progresses from the origins and lineage of the Western individualist self-model into the basis for a new model of the self relationship and experience out of the insights and implications of Gestalt psychology and its philosophical derivatives deconstructivism and social constructionism. From there in a linked series of experiential chapters each of them a groundbreaking essay in its own right he takes up the essential dynamic themes of self-experience and relational life: interpersonal orientation meaning-making and adaptation support shame intimacy and finally narrative and gender culminating in considerations of health ethics politics and spirit. The result is a picture and an experience of self that is grounded in the active dynamics of attention problem solving imagination interpretation evaluation emotion meaning-making narration and above all relationship. By the final section the reader comes away with a new sense of what it means to be human and a new and more usable definition of health. Media > Books > Print Books Gestalt Press 9781138150348

Beyond Industrial DualismMarket and Job Segmentation in the New Economy This book attempts to identify some principal dimensions of the process of market and job restructuring by means of case studies of service companies. It places special emphasis on the job restructuring issue and in particular on the decline of internal labor markets in the U.S. economy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367011673

Beyond Initial Reading (RLE Edu I) This book sets out a clear and logical framework for the teaching of reading throughout different age groups whereby systematic progression can be developed within a structured framework. A detailed set of recommendations are offered and are both illustrated and justified for the teacher to examine and use. Much has been written about the importance of skilled and efficient reading and language usage in the early years of education but all too few teachers are aware of the need for the development of reading skills in an ordered sequence with older children as well. Problems such as the motivation of the learner the place of reading in a mass media age the extent and classification of reading failure and the diagnosis of reading problems are examined and the complexities of the linguistic background and of linguistic deprivation are covered thoroughly. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138006560

Beyond 'Innocence': Amis Aboriginal Song in Taiwan as an Ecosystem Taiwan aboriginal song has received extensive media coverage since the launch and settlement of a copyright lawsuit following pop group Enigma's allegedly unauthorized use of Amis voices in the 1996 Olympics hit Return To Innocence. Taking as her starting point the ripple effects of this case Shzr Ee Tan explores the relationship of this song culture to contemporary Amis society. She presents Amis song in its multiple manifestations as an ecosystem symbiotic components of which interact and feed back upon one another in cross-cutting platforms of village life festival celebration cultural performance popular song art music and Christian hymnody. Tan's investigation hinges upon drawing a conceptual line between ladhiw the Amis term for 'song' - a word vested with connotations of life-force tradition ritual and taboo - and the foreign term of yinyue ('music' - borrowed from Mandarin). This difference forms the basis of how Amis song is (re)constructed through processes of modernization Christianization and politico-economic change. A single Amis melody for example can exist in several guises that are contextually exclusive but functionally mutually-supportive. Thus a weeding song (ladhiw) which may have lost its traditional context of existence following advancements in farming technology becomes sustained within a larger ecosystem finding new life on the interacting platforms of Amis Catholic hymnody karaoke and tourist shows. The latter genres (collectively yinyue) may not rely on traditional livelihoods for survival but thrive on a traditional melody's deeper associations to local memory and idealized Amis identities. While these new and old genres are stylistically separate they feed into each other and back into themselves - through transforming contexts and cross-referenced memes - in organic and developing cycles of song activity. Drawing from fieldwork conducted from 2000-2010 as well as a background in ethnomusicology and journalism Tan paints a vivid picture of song culture as an ecosystem in the lives of Amis people. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138115835

Beyond Invisible WallsThe Psychological Legacy of Soviet Trauma East European Therapists and Their Patients When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 Westerners watched those who had survived the era of Soviet trauma emerge into what we hoped would be the exhilarating light of freedom. What we have witnessed however is a slow and painful process of progression and regression of hope and disillusionment of unexpected psychological barriers: invisible walls that block the progress we had hoped for. In Beyond Invisible Walls East European therapists themselves draw a compelling picture of the waves of trauma that their people endured the institutions of trauma that remained well after Stalin's era and their impact on survivors and their families. They describe the psychological remnants of those years: walls that confine people by unconsciously preserving old adaptations to political terror walls that divide one part of the mind from another and walls that rise between one generation and the next. These therapists' stories allow us a striking glimpse into how patients' trauma evokes the therapists' own wounds; how both speaker and empathic listener find their way to a healing process how the two begin to dismantle these invisible walls. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138011953

Beyond Japanese ManagementThe End of Modern Times? This book brings together original studies of the development of Japanese and - crucially - non-Japanese management in the automotive industry from around the world including a total of nine country studies in the key production and consumption theatres North and South America Europe and Japan. It offers new perspectives for all those concerned with the impact of new management arrangements on both employees and management alike. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315037820

Beyond Jerusalem: Music in the Women's Institute 1919–1969 Music in the Women's Institute has become stereotyped by the ritualistic singing of Jerusalem at monthly meetings. Indeed Jerusalem has had an important role within the organization and provides a valuable means within which to assess the organization's relationship with women's suffrage and the importance of rurality in the Women's Institute's identity. However this book looks beyond Jerusalem by examining the full range of music making within the organization and locates its significance within a wider historical-cultural context. The Institute's promotion of conducting - a regular part of its musical activity since the 1930s - is discussed within the context of embodying overtly feminist sentiments. Lorna Gibson concludes that a redefinition of the term 'feminism' is needed and the concept of 'gendered spheres' of conducting provides a useful means of understanding the Institute's policy. The organization's promotion of folk song is also examined and reveals the Institute's contribution to the Folk Revival as well as providing a valuable context within which to understand the National Federation's first music commission Ralph Vaughan Williams's Folk Songs of the Four Seasons (1950). This work and the Institute's second commission Malcolm Williamson's The Brilliant and the Dark (1969) are examined with the context of the organization's music policy. In addition to discussing the background to the works issues of critical reception are addressed. The book concludes with an Epilogue about the National Society Choir (later known as the Avalon Singers) which tested the organization's commitment to amateur music making. The book is the result of meticulous work undertaken in the archives of the National Federation the BBC Written Archives Centre the V&A archives the Britten-Pears Library the Ralph Vaughan Williams Library the Women's Library and the Newspaper Library. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138259904

Beyond Journalistic NormsRole Performance and News in Comparative Perspective Beyond Journalistic Norms contests and challenges pre-established assumptions about a dominant type of journalism prevailing in different political economic and geographical contexts to posit the fluid and dynamic nature of journalistic roles. The book brings together scholars from Western and Eastern Europe North America Latin America and Asia reporting findings based on data collected from democratic transitional and non-democratic contexts to produce thematic chapters that address how journalistic cultures vary around the globe specifically in relation to challenges that journalists face in performing their journalistic roles. The study measures compares and analyzes the materialization of the interventionist the watchdog the loyal-facilitator the service the infotainment and the civic roles in more than 30 000 print news stories from 18 countries. It also draws from hundreds of surveys with journalists to explain the link between ideals and practices and the conditions that shape this divide. This book will be of great relevance to scholars and researchers working in the fields of journalism journalism practices philosophy of journalism sociology of media and comparative journalism research. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138388499

Beyond Ke'eaumokuKoreans Nationalism and Local Culture in Hawai'i This book reclaims Korean history in Hawaii through the examination of works by three local writers of Korean descent: Margaret Pai Ty Pak and Gary Pak. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964594

Beyond Knowledge ManagementWhat Every Leader Should Know Although knowledge management (KM) has already helped numerous organizations achieve competitive advantages many organizations have yet to embark on their knowledge management journey. Geared for executives and senior managers Beyond Knowledge Management: What Every Leader Should Know is concise and easy-to-read. It looks at 10 areas where organizations can gain competitive advantage. It shows you how to make better decisions avoid knowledge loss and maximize the intellectual assets of your organization. Edited by Jay Liebowitz—who is among the top 10 KM researchers/practitioners worldwide—the book examines key areas that can add value to your organization. Each chapter opens with an introduction to one of these promising areas followed by case studies from industry government and not-for-profits. The case studies demonstrate how leaders at organizations such as The Coca-Cola Company e-Bay PricewaterhouseCoopers University of Maryland University College Northrop Grumman and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services have used the concepts discussed in the book to improve decision making. The distinguished contributors from these organizations explain how to use information and decision technologies strategic intelligence e-learning human capital innovation globalization and relationships to improve operations and achieve an advantage over your competitors. The powerful approaches described in this book will not only help you preserve your most valued intellectual assets but also infuse the vitality and creativity your organization will need to stay one step ahead of the competition. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781138382114

Beyond KolkataRajarhat and the Dystopia of Urban Imagination This book examines the politics behind and the socio-economic and ecological repercussions of the making of a new township variously called New Town Megacity or Jyoti Basu Nagar in Rajarhat near Kolkata. Conceived by the West Bengal state government in the mid-1990s in pandering to the vision of urban planners of creating a hi-tech town beyond an unruly crowded Kolkata and feeding the hunger of realtors and developers the city is built on the foundations of coercive even violent land acquisition state largesse and corruption — and at the cost of erasing a self-sufficient subsistence economy and despoiling a fragile environment. Yet after its completion and departure of construction labour the new town appears as a necropolis a ghost city that belies its promised image of an urban utopia even as the displaced locals lead a precarious mobile existence as ‘transit labour’ engaged in odd and informal jobs.   Written on the basis of intensive fieldwork government documents court records and chronicles of public protests this book broadly analyses the politics and economics of urbanisation in the age of post-colonial capitalism particularly the paradoxical combination of neoliberal and primitive modes of capital accumulation upon which the global emergence of ‘new towns’ is based. Departing from the dominant styles of urban studies that focus on cultural or spatial analysis of cities the authors show the links between changes in space technology political economy class composition and forms of urban politics which give concrete shape to a city. It will immensely interest those in sociology political science economics development studies urban studies policy and governance studies and history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138660373

Beyond KuhnScientific Explanation Theory Structure Incommensurability and Physical Necessity Thomas Kuhn's celebrated work 'The Structure of Scientific Revolutions' revolutionized thinking in the philosophy of science and to a large extent his 'paradigm shift' view has replaced logical positivism and the philosophy of Karl Popper. This book goes beyond Kuhn by explicating the non-deductive notion of 'paradigm shift' in terms of the new concept of representational space. In doing so Edwin H.-C. Hung is able to produce the first-ever unitary theory that solves the five central problems in the philosophy of science: scientific explanation the structure of scientific theories incommensurability scientific change and physical necessity. The book identifies the main task of science as representing reality. This involves the construction of a representational space and the subsequent modeling of reality with configurations of 'objects' in that space. Newton's mechanics Einstein's relativity and quantum mechanics then all serve as representational spaces. 'Beyond Kuhn' is a significant progression in scientific methodology. Other than serving as a sequel to Kuhn's 'Scientific Revolutions' it will be of great use in the fields of artificial intelligence cognitive psychology and education. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261638

Beyond Law in ContextDeveloping a Sociological Understanding of Law This intriguing collection of essays by David Nelken examines the relationship between law society and social theory and the various ideas social theorists have had about the actual and ideal 'fit' between law and its social context. It also asks how far it is possible to get beyond this mainstream paradigm. The value of social theorising for studying law is illustrated by specific developments in substantive areas such as housing law tort law the law of evidence and criminal law. Throughout the chapters the focus is on the following questions. What is gained (and what may be lost) by putting law in context? What attempts have been made to go beyond this approach? What are their (necessary) limits? Can law be seen as anything other than in some way both separate from and relating to 'the social'? The distinctiveness of this approach lies in its effort to keep in tension two claims. Firstly that social theorising about legal practices is vitally important for understanding the connections between legal and social structures and revealing what law means and does for (and to) various social actors. The second point is that it does not follow that what we learn in this way can be assumed to be necessarily relevant to (re)shaping legal practices without further argument that pays heed to law's specificity. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261621

Beyond Lean ProductionEmphasizing Speed and Innovation to Beat the Competition It is estimated that U.S. manufacturers are currently operating at only 65 percent effectiveness in implementing Lean production. Covering the fundamentals needed to be competitive in today’s marketplace Beyond Lean Production: Emphasizing Speed and Innovation to Beat the Competition provides readers with the tools to help their organizations achieve 100 percent effectiveness in Lean production.Explaining that overseas factories can't compete with U.S. factories in speed of delivery to domestic customers the book provides the understanding required to add speed and urgency in all that you do in the office and the factory. It explains how to eliminate waste so you can meet and even exceed your customers’ expectations regarding service quality and cost.The book is organized into two phases. The first phase Holding Actions covers the fundamentals needed to hold your position against the competition until you can implement the methods described in phase II of the book. It presents 12 little-known tools and strategic weapons that you can immediately put to use to improve on your current competitive position. Phase II The Business Command Center presents unique and powerful concepts that can be used with the fundamentals covered in phase I.Explaining how to use speed as a competitive weapon the book will help you to remove the obstacles that interfere with continuous flow manufacturing. It presents the concept of circulatory management that can put a stop to the ever-increasing layers of management with decreasing ownership.By implementing the holding action and the business command center described in this book you can significantly improve your odds of beating the competition at home and overseas. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781482215823

Beyond Learning by DoingTheoretical Currents in Experiential Education What is experiential education? What are its theoretical roots? Where does this approach come from? Offering a fresh and distinctive take this book is about going beyond "learning by doing" through an exploration of its underlying theoretical currents. As an increasingly popular pedagogical approach experiential education encompasses a variety of curriculum projects from outdoor and environmental education to service learning and place-based education. While each of these sub-fields has its own history and particular approach they draw from the same progressive intellectual taproot. Each in its own way evokes the power of "learning by doing" and "direct experience" in the educational process. By unpacking the assumed homogeneity in these terms to reveal the underlying diversity of perspectives inherent in their usage this book allows readers to see how the approaches connect to larger conversations and histories in education and social theory placing experiential education in social and historical context. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415882088

Beyond LearningDemocratic Education for a Human Future Many educational practices are based upon ideas about what it means to be human. Thus education is conceived as the production of particular subjectivities and identities such as the rational person the autonomous individual or the democratic citizen. Beyond Learning asks what might happen to the ways in which we educate if we treat the question as to what it means to be human as a radically open question; a question that can only be answered by engaging in education rather than as a question that needs to be answered before we can educate. The book provides a different way to understand and approach education one that focuses on the ways in which human beings come into the world as unique individuals through responsible responses to what and who is other and different. Beyond Learning raises important questions about pedagogy community and educational responsibility and helps educators of children and adults alike to understand what a commitment to a truly democratic education entails. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315635811

Beyond Legal Reasoning: a Critique of Pure Lawyering The concept of learning to ‘think like a lawyer’ is one of the cornerstones of legal education in the United States and beyond. In this book Jeffrey Lipshaw provides a critique of the traditional views of ‘thinking like a lawyer’ or ‘pure lawyering’ aimed at lawyers law professors and students who want to understand lawyering beyond the traditional warrior metaphor. Drawing on his extensive experience at the intersection of real world law and business issues Professor Lipshaw presents a sophisticated philosophical argument that the "pure lawyering" of traditional legal education is agnostic to either truth or moral value of outcomes. He demonstrates pure lawyering’s potential both for illusions of certainty and cynical instrumentalism and the consequences of both when lawyers are called on as dealmakers policymakers and counsellors. This book offers an avenue for getting beyond (or unlearning) merely how to think like a lawyer. It combines legal theory philosophy of knowledge and doctrine with an appreciation of real-life judgment calls that multi-disciplinary lawyers are called upon to make. The book will be of great interest to scholars of legal education legal language and reasoning as well as professors who teach both doctrine and thinking and writing skills in the first year law school curriculum; and for anyone who is interested in seeking a perspective on ‘thinking like a lawyer’ beyond the litigation arena. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138344020

Beyond Liberal EducationEssays in Honour of Paul H Hirst This collection of essays by philosophers and educationalists of international reputation all published here for the first time celebrates Paul Hirst's professional career. The introductory essay by Robin Barrow and Patricia White outlines Paul Hirst's career and maps the shifts in his thought about education showing how his views on teacher education the curriculum and educational aims are interrelated. Contributions from leading names in British and American philosophy of education cover themes ranging from the nature of good teaching to Wittgensteinian aesthetics. The collection concludes with a paper in which Paul Hirst sets out his latest views on the nature of education and its aims. The book also includes a complete bibliography of works by Hirst and a substantial set of references to his writing. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203031780

Beyond Liberal PeacebuildingA Critical Exploration of the Local Turn This book examines the logic behind the shifts and paradigm changes within the scholarship on peacebuilding. In particular the book is concerned with examining if and how these shifts have significantly altered how we think about peacebuilding beyond the ‘liberal peacebuilding’ paradigm. To do so the book engages with the logic of critique that has led to the emergence of different theoretical approaches to peacebuilding from hands-on institutionalisation to the ‘local turn’. It uses the case of Kosovo to understand how a lessons-learnt approach facilitated the shift towards more invasive and intrusive forms of peacebuilding first. However it is also crucial to understanding the recent local turn as the rise of local ownership discourses in Kosovo is fundamentally tied to the critiques of extensive international missions and the associated resistance and marginalisation of local agency. The book examines the implications of the framing of ‘everyday’ agency in order to assess the extent to which these bottom-up approaches have been able to by-pass the problems attributed to the liberal peace approach. It argues that despite its critical and radical intentions the local turn retains certain foundational modernist and positivist qualities that have so far characterised the very mainstream approaches these critiques claim to transcend.This book will be of much interest to students of peacebuilding statebuilding peace and conflict studies security studies and International Relations in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367878252

Beyond Liberalism In Beyond Nihilism Michael Polanyi argued that a merely "negative" liberty of doing as one pleases so long as one does not impinge upon the equal liberty of others - must and has led to destructive nihilism and a fierce reaction to collectivism. R.T. Allen takes up this argument in Beyond Liberalism and shows how Polanyi's political philosophy evolved into a more "positive" and distinctly conservative concept of liberty converging upon the archetypal conservatism of Edmund Burke. Allen examines Polanyi's and F.A. Hayek's thinking with respect to the nature value and foundations of liberty.Negative and positive liberties are two sides of one liberty and Allen believes negative conceptions of liberty are as dangerous as positive ones. He distinguishes among general and abstract definitions of liberty and shows how all including that of Hayek ultimately dissolve. According to Allen only tacit conceptions of liberty such as those of Burke and Polanyi prove viable. This is because they rest on concrete tradition. Allen examines how the skeptical rationalist and utilitarian philosophies of Ludwig von Mises and Sir Karl Popper fail to support the value of liberty and even proved to be destructive of it. Allen argues that society cannot rely upon the classically liberal notion of contract but rather upon prescriptive and inherited obligations. In turn this means that citizens have positive as well as negative duties to each other and the body politic of which they are part and upon whose support liberty depends.A free society is held together by emotional bonds and the traditions and rituals that sustain them. A free society also presupposes that the individual has inherent value in and for himself. For R.T. Allen only Christianity and certainly no modern philosophy has a conception of the unique individual and his irreplaceable value and of a political order that transcends itself into the moral order. Even Polanyi's liberty is ultimately insufficient for it gives no inherent value to the person himself but instead to the ideals which he serves. Beyond Liberalism challenges deeply ingrained notions of liberty and its meaning in modern society. It is a call for traditions of self-restraint and justice for their own sakes. This noteworthy volume is an essential addition to the libraries of political scientists philosophers and theologians alike. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507630

Beyond LiquidityThe Metaphor of Money in Financial Crisis ‘Liquidity’ or rather lack of it lies at the heart of the ongoing global financial crisis. In this collection of essays the metaphor of money as liquidity and the model of crisis it entails is deliberated by a range of scholars from economics history anthropology literature and sociology. This volume offers a rhetorical explanation of the social cultural and historical contexts in which metaphors of money are produced circulate and fail. These essays first presented at "After the Crash Beyond Liquidity " a conference on money and metaphors held at the University of Virginia USA in October of 2009 were drafted in the wake of global uncertainty TARP bailouts the Great Recession programs of stimulus and austerity and recurrent threats of sovereign default in the EU. They question the language of liquidity and flows that is characteristic of everyday business exposing what metaphors of money hide and explaining why the idea of liquidity has proved so durable. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Cultural Economy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415658829

Beyond Live/WorkThe Architecture of Home-based Work Beyond Live/Work: the architecture of home-based work explores the old but neglected building type that combines dwelling and workplace the ‘workhome’. It traces a previously untold architectural history illustrated by images of largely forgotten buildings. Despite having existed for hundreds if not thousands of years in every country across the globe this dual-use building type has long gone unnoticed. This book analyses the lives and premises of 90 contemporary UK and US home-based workers from across the social spectrum and in diverse occupations. It generates a series of typologies and design considerations for the workhome that will be useful for design professionals students policy-makers and home-based workers themselves. In the context of a globalising economy more women in work than ever before and enabling new technologies the home-based workforce is growing rapidly. Demonstrating how this can be a socially economically and environmentally sustainable working practice this book presents the workhome as the house of the future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415585491

Beyond MacaulayEducation in India 1780–1860 Beyond Macaulay provides a radical and comprehensive history of Indian education in the early colonial era — from the establishment of the Calcutta Madrasa in 1780 until the end of the East India Company’s rule and the beginning of the administration by the crown in 1860. The book challenges the conventional theory that the British administration imposed English language and modern education on Indians. Based on rich archival evidence it critically explores data on 16 000 indigenous schools and shows that indigenous education was not oral informal and Brahmin-centric but written formal and egalitarian. The author highlights the educational policies of the colonial state and the way it actively opposed the introduction of modern education and privileged Brahmins. By including hitherto unused 41 Educational Minutes of Macaulay the volume examines his educational ideas and analyses why the colonial state closed down every school established by him. It also contrasts the educational ideas of the British elites and the Orientalists with dissenting Scottish voices. The book discusses post-Macaulayan educational policies and the Wood’s Despatch of 1854 as well as educational institutions during the revolt of 1857. It covers indigenous education in Sanskrit Persian Arabic and modern Indian vernaculars the impact of the colonial policies on these schools and traces the history of education in Bengal North India and Madras and Bombay Presidencies as also the role of caste and religion in society. This book will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of education history of education Indian history South Asian history colonial history sociology political history and political science. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367335526

Beyond Mainstream Explanations of the Financial CrisisParasitic Finance Capital This book provides a critique of the neoclassical explanations of the 2008 financial collapse of the ensuing long recession and of the neoliberal austerity responses to it. The study argues that while the prevailing views of deregulation and financialization as instrumental culprits in the explosion and implosion of the financial bubble are not false they fail to point out that financialization is essentially an indication of an advanced stage of capitalist development. These standard explanations tend to ignore the systemic dynamics of the accumulation of finance capital the inherent limits to that accumulation production and division of economic surplus class relations and the balance of social forces that mold economic policy. Instead of simply blaming the ‘irrational behavior’ of market players as neoliberals do or lax public supervision as Keynesians do this book focuses on the core dynamics of capitalist development that not only created the financial bubble but also fostered the ‘irrational behavior’ of market players and subverted public policy. Due to its interdisciplinary perspective this book will be of interest to students and researchers in economics finance politics and sociology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138926653

Beyond MaliceThe Media's Years of Reckoning The national news media as now practiced were born in the 1950s revealed their strength in the 1960s (Vietnam) asserted it in the 1970s (Watergate) and were hammered for it in the 1980s. By the mid- and late 1980s after historic libel suits with the press knocking off presidential candidates and Supreme Court nominees unraveling the Reagan presidency and in a position to overwhelm any individual or institution a new era in press-public tension had arisen from the depths of America's civic religion: fair play.In this account of the media mandarins' rise to uneasy domination Richard M. Clurman gives an intimate critical report of the media in the 1980s the stormiest years in press history until the present time and a harbinger of the present day. Beginning with the invasion of Grenada he takes his readers - event by event - through the biggest uproars in history raising questions from both the media's and the public's perspective on the key troubling press issues of our time. Why is the press accused of being so negative so biased so left-wing so anti-establishment? Whenever people read or see something they know about why is it so often wrong naive unfair or all of the above? Why do the media arrogantly try to tell people what to think? Is there no line between privacy and the people's "right to know"? How can the public and government answer back after the media have spoken?Using the Westmoreland v. CBS and the Sharon v. Time trials as emblematic of how things go wrong the author draws graphic lessons for improved press conduct and wiser public perception. This is an insider's look at what is right and what is wrong with the media's attitudes toward their work played against public and government expectations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412842372

Beyond MalthusThe Nineteen Dimensions of the Population Challenge On the bicentennial of Malthus' legendary essay on the tendency of population to grow more rapidly than the food supply this book examines the impacts of population growth on 19 global resources and services including food fresh water fisheries jobs education income and health. Despite current hype of a 'birth dearth' in parts of Europe and Japan the fact remains that human numbers are projected to increase by over 3 billion by 2050. Populations in rapidly growing nations are in danger of outstripping the carrying capacity of their natural support systems and governments in such situations will find it increasingly hard to respond to crises such as AIDS food and water shortages and mass unemployment. Beyond Malthus examines methods such as the expansion of international family planning investment in educating young people in the developing world and promotion of a shift towards smaller families which will represent the most humane response to the possible ravages of the population explosion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138164437

Beyond Marginality?Social Movements of Social Security Claimants in the European Union First published in 1998 this volume describes and analyses organizations of social security claimants and their position in the field of force of the national welfare state in six European countries: representing a diversity of welfare state regimes. The authors analyse these organizations and their strengths and weaknesses from a variety of theoretical perspectives: such as the opportunity structures of welfare states and national political relations the fragmentation of the social movements of social security claimants along ideological and categorical lines the (im)possibilities of organizing socially highly marginalized groups etc. The volume also contains an introduction and an epilogue as well as a chapter dealing with the relations between collective and individual forms of social resistance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138610378

Beyond Market Access for Economic DevelopmentEU-Africa relations in transition The Economic Partnership Agreements between the European Union and the Africa Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries have drastically restructured Europe’s trade architecture towards the third world. This volume examines the consequences of EPAs for development in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Starting from the observation that the establishment of free trade as such will substantially impact upon economic development the different contributions focus on the potential contribution of non-traditional aspects of EPAs. More specifically the authors analyze the role of Aid for Trade schemes regulatory integration issues and broader foreign policy considerations. How can these non-market access aspects stimulate development in Africa and how have they been addressed in the EPAs? In short this brings us to the question whether the ‘light version EPAs’ as they currently stand are a missed chance or a blessing in disguise? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138802957

Beyond Market LiberalizationWelfare Income Generation and Environmental Sustainability in Rural Madagascar This title was first published in 2000: Most African countries experienced dramatic agricultural market reforms over the 1990s. This has resulted in significant changes in the operation of the agricultural markets and consequently in income generation and welfare of rural households. In the case of Madagascar the results suggest that market reforms and corresponding adjustments in rural markets have had an average positive effect on food security for the rural households. However richer households seemed to have benefited more than the poorer households. This text provides a study of the market reforms focusing particularly in the changes brought to welfare income and environmental sustainability in rural areas. The study aims to be of particular interest to economists and those involved in development and environmental issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138715615

Beyond Market-Driven DevelopmentDrawing on the Experience of Asia and Latin America Because their economies were regulated their financial systems ‘repressed’ and their states interventionist for many years the countries of East Asia challenged the Washington consensus offering an alternative development paradigm. However in the 1990’s Asian capitalism was disrupted following Japan’s stagnation and the financial crisis of 1997-98. Treading the unexplored theoretical terrain created by the simultaneous decline of the Washington Consensus and Asian developmentalism this revealing book analyzes the comparative political economy of East Asia and Latin America. Divided into four key sections it covers: Theoretical Framework Results of Globalization Converging and Diverging of Paths of Economic Development Finance and Regionalism. Through the juxtaposition of countries in East Asia and Latin America leading academics analyze the impact of government intervention institutional malfunction social transformation and financial change as well as conflict and power on economic development. This book will prove to be invaluable to students and academics of development economics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646062

Beyond McDonaldizationVisions of Higher Education Beyond McDonaldization provides new concepts of higher education for the twenty-first century in a unique manner challenging much that is written in mainstream texts. This book undertakes a reassessment of the growth of McDonaldization in higher education by exploring how the application of Ritzer’s four features efficiency predictability calculability and control has become commonplace. This wide-ranging text discusses arguments surrounding the industrialisation of higher education with case studies and contributions from a wide range of international authors. Written in an accessible style Beyond McDonaldization examines questions such as: Can we regain academic freedom whilst challenging the McDonaldization of thought and ideas? Is a McDonaldization of every aspect of academic life inevitable? Will the new focus on student experience damage young people? Why is a McDonaldized education living on borrowed time? Is it possible to recreate the university of the past or must we start anew? Does this industrialisation meet the educational needs of developing economies? This book brings international discussions on the changing world of higher education and the theory of McDonaldization together seeking to provide a positive future vision of higher education. Analysing and situating the discussion of higher education within a wider social political and cultural context this ground-breaking text will have a popular appeal with students academics and educationalists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138282599

Beyond MeasureNeglected Elements of Accountability This book shows that the current focus on high stakes tests has narrowed the definition of a successful school. It demonstrates that in addition to focusing on standardized measures educators also need to look at other matters such as - what actually goes on in their classrooms- teachers' professional development- parental involvement- school climate These chapters were written by school leaders who are champions of accountability but who also ask us to take a look at the bigger picture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138435667

Beyond MedicationTherapeutic Engagement and the Recovery from Psychosis Beyond Medication focuses on the creation and evolution of the therapeutic relationship as the agent of change in the recovery from psychosis. Organized from the clinician’s point of view this practical guidebook moves directly into the heart of the therapeutic process with a sequence of chapters that outline the progressive steps of engagement necessary to recovery. Both the editors and contributors challenge the established medical model by placing the therapeutic relationship at the centre of the treatment process thus supplanting medication as the single most important element in recovery. Divided into three parts topics of focus include: Strengthening the patient The mechanism of therapeutic change Sustaining the therapeutic approach. This book will be essential reading for all mental health professionals working with psychosis including psychoanalysts psychiatrists psychologists and social workers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415463867

Beyond MemorySilence and the Aesthetics of Remembrance Beyond Memory: Silence and the Aesthetics of Remembrance analyses the intricate connections between silence acts of remembrance and acts of forgetting and relates the topic of silence to the international research field of Cultural Memory Studies. It engages with the most recent work in the field by viewing silence as a remedy to the traditionally binary approach to our understanding of remembering and forgetting. The international team of contributors examine case studies from colonialism war politics and slavery from across the globe as well as drawing examples from literature philosophy and sites of memory to draw three main conclusions. Firstly that the relationship between remembering and forgetting is relational rather than ‘hermetic’ and the space between the two is often occupied by silence. Secondly silence is a force in itself capable of stimulating more or less remembrance. Finally that silence is a necessary and key element in the interaction between the human mind and the ‘outer world’ and enables people to challenge their understanding of art music literature history and memory. With an introduction by the editors discussing Memory Studies and concluding remarks by Astrid Erll this collection demonstrates that acceptance and consideration of silence as having both a performative and aesthetic dimension is an essential component of history and memory studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367870744

Beyond Methodological NationalismResearch Methodologies for Cross-Border Studies Cross-border studies have become attractive for a number of fields including international migration studies of material and cultural globalization and history. While cross-border studies have expanded the critique on nation-centered research lens has also grown. This book revisits drawbacks of methodological nationalism in theory and methodological strategies. It summarizes research methodologies of the current studies on transnationalization and globalization such as multi-scalar and transnational approaches global and multi-sited ethnography as well as the entangled history approach and the incorporating comparison approach. This collected volume goes beyond rhetorical criticism on methodological nationalism which is mainly associated with the ignorance and naturalization of national categories. It proffers insights for the systematic implementation of novel research strategies within empirical studies deployed by young and senior scholars. The novelty lies in an interdisciplinary lens ranging from sociology social anthropology and history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415754576

Beyond MulticulturalismViews from Anthropology While the anthropological field initially shied away from the debate on multiculturalism it has been widely discussed within the fields of political theory social policy cultural studies and law. Beyond Multiculturalism is the first volume of its kind to offer a comparative worldwide view of multiculturalism considering both traditional multicultural/multiethnic societies and those where cultural pluralism is relatively new. Its varied case studies focus on the intersections and relationships between cultural groups in everyday life using employment identity consumption language legislation and policy making to show the unique contribution anthropologists can bring to multiculturalism studies. Their work will be of great interest to scholars of race ethnicity migration urban studies and social and cultural geography. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138262379

Beyond Multiple ChoiceEvaluating Alternatives To Traditional Testing for Selection This volume provides in-depth coverage of a key piece of today's human resource selection technology--the viability of alternatives to paper and pencil multiple-choice selection tests. Each chapter of this edited volume presents an intensive examination of a key "alternative to multiple-choice testing." The content of the book's chapters ranges from reviews of issues associated with and evidence available for the use of particular selection text alternatives (computerized testing performance assessments) to empirical investigation of other alternatives (biodata creative skills); from examination of standards for choosing among selection tests to practitioners' and test takers' perspectives. This book is important for researchers and practitioners in the human resource selection field who have wanted a resource that provides a comprehensive examination of multiple-choice selection testing and its alternatives. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138002531

Beyond Multiple Linear RegressionApplied Generalized Linear Models And Multilevel Models in R Beyond Multiple Linear Regression: Applied Generalized Linear Models and Multilevel Models in R is designed for undergraduate students who have successfully completed a multiple linear regression course helping them develop an expanded modeling toolkit that includes non-normal responses and correlated structure. Even though there is no mathematical prerequisite the authors still introduce fairly sophisticated topics such as likelihood theory zero-inflated Poisson and parametric bootstrapping in an intuitive and applied manner. The case studies and exercises feature real data and real research questions; thus most of the data in the textbook comes from collaborative research conducted by the authors and their students or from student projects. Every chapter features a variety of conceptual exercises guided exercises and open-ended exercises using real data. After working through this material students will develop an expanded toolkit and a greater appreciation for the wider world of data and statistical modeling. A solutions manual for all exercises is available to qualified instructors at the book’s website at and data sets and Rmd files for all case studies and exercises are available at the authors’ GitHub repo ( Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781439885383

Beyond Names for ThingsYoung Children's Acquisition of Verbs Most research on children's lexical development has focused on their acquisition of names for concrete objects. This is the first edited volume to focus specifically on how children acquire their early verbs. Verbs are an especially important part of the early lexicon because of the role they play in children's emerging grammatical competence. The contributors to this book investigate: * children's earliest words for actions and events and the cognitive structures that might underlie them * the possibility that the basic principles of word learning which apply in the case of nouns might also apply in the case of verbs and the role of linguistic context especially argument structure in the acquisition of verbs. A central theme in many of the chapters is the comparison of the processes of noun and verb learning. Several contributors make provocative suggestions for constructing theories of lexical development that encompass the full range of lexical items that children learn and use. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138876378

Beyond Native-SpeakerismCurrent Explorations and Future Visions Despite unsubstantiated claims of best practice the division of language-teaching professionals on the basis of their categorization as ‘native-speakers’ or ‘non-native speakers’ continues to cascade throughout the academic literature. It has become normative under the rhetorical guise of acting to correct prejudice and/or discrimination to see native-speakerism as having a single beneficiary – the ‘native-speaker’ – and a single victim – the ‘non-native’ speaker. However this unidirectional perspective fails to deal with the more veiled systems through which those labeled as native-speakers and non-native speakers are both cast as casualties of this questionable bifurcation. This volume documents such complexities and aims to fill the void currently observable within mainstream academic literature in the teaching of both English and Japanese foreign language education. By identifying how the construct of Japanese native-speaker mirrors that of the ‘native-speaker’ of English the volume presents a revealing insight into language teaching in Japan. Further taking a problem-solving approach this volume explores possible grounds on which language teachers could be employed if native-speakerism is rejected according to experts in the fields of intercultural communicative competence English as a Lingua Franca and World Englishes all of which aim to replace the ‘native-speaker’ model with something new. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367589356

Beyond Nature-NurtureEssays in Honor of Elizabeth Bates Beyond Nature-Nurture: Essays in Honor of Elizabeth Bates is a very special tribute to the University of California at San Diego psycholinguist developmental psychologist and cognitive scientist Elizabeth Ann Bates who died on December 14 2003 from pancreatic cancer. Liz was a force of nature; she was also a nurturing force as is evidenced by this collaborative collection of chapters written by many of her closest colleagues and former students. The book covers a brilliant career of wide-ranging interdisciplinary interests such as the brain bases of language in children and adults; language and cognitive development in normal and neurologically impaired populations of children; real-time language processing in monolinguals and bilinguals; and crosslinguistic comparisons of language development language use and language loss. In this volume the contributors provide up-to-date reviews of these and other areas of research in an attempt to continue in the directions in which she has pointed us. The genius of Bates is founded on a deep dedication to science supported by an enduring sense of humor. The volume is introduced by the editors' collection of "Bates's aphorisms " the wisdom of which guide much of the field today: "[T]he human capacity for language could be both innate and species-specific and yet involve no mechanisms that evolved specifically and uniquely for language itself. Language could be viewed as a new machine constructed entirely out of old parts." (Bates & MacWhinney 1989) The volume also contains a list of her many important publications as well as some personal reflections of some of the contributors noting ways in which she made a difference in their lives. Beyond Nature-Nurture: Essays in Honor of Elizabeth Bates appeals to international scholars in the fields of developmental psycholinguistics cognitive science crosslinguistic research and both child and adult language disorders. It is a state-of-the-art overview of many areas of cognitive science and can be used in a graduate-level classroom in courses designed as seminars in any of these topics. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138003996

Beyond NeoliberalismA World to Win The world is at the crossroads of social change in the vortex of forces that are bringing about a different world a post-neoliberal state. This groundbreaking book lays out an analysis of the dynamics and contradictions of capitalism in the twenty-first century. These dynamics of forces are traced out in developments across the world - in the Arab Spring of North Africa and the Middle East in Cuba and elsewhere in Latin America in the United States and in Asia. The forces released by a system in crisis can be mobilized in different ways and directions. The focus of the book is on the strategic responses to the systemic crisis. As the authors tell it these dynamics concern three worldviews and strategic responses. The Davos Consensus focuses on the virtues of the free market and deregulated capitalism as it represents the interests of the global ruling class. The post-Washington Consensus concerns the need to give capital a human face and establish a more inclusive form of development and global governance. In addition to these two visions of the future and projects the authors identify an emerging radical consensus on the need to move beyond capitalism as well as neoliberalism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781409428473

Beyond Neural Correlates of Consciousness Drawing on neuroscientific research and metacognitive theory this groundbreaking volume examines the theoretical implications that are elicited when neural correlates of consciousness (NCC) are identified. The relationship between consciousness and the brain has concerned philosophers for centuries yet a tacit assumption in much empirically minded consciousness research seems to be that if we can only develop a map of correlations no further questions remain to be asked. Beyond Neural Correlates of Consciousness starts where others stop by asking what these correlations may tell us about the nature of consciousness. The book contains chapters considering the upshots of finding the neural correlates of consciousness in light of the most prominent contemporary theories in the field. This illuminates the theoretical consequences of succeeding in the quest for the neural correlates of consciousness from the perspective of global workspace theory higher-order thought theory local recurrency theory and REFCON models in addition to considering how this quest is shaped by different conscious phenomena such as dreaming altered states of consciousness and different levels of consciousness. This insightful text features sophisticated theories that goes beyond correlational inferences and neural mapping and will be of interest to students and researchers of consciousness particularly those interested in interpreting neural correlates. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138637986

Beyond NGO-izationThe Development of Social Movements in Central and Eastern Europe The celebrations marking the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall provoked a debate on the outcomes of the transition process in the post-communist countries including a debate on the functioning of civil society. This provided a good opportunity for researchers to collect new data and revise the discourse on collective action and the dynamics of civil society in these countries. Jacobsson and Saxonberg's collection of essays looks at social movements and their forms of mobilization and organization as well as action repertoires in relation to the social context and their success or failure. The book meets an important need in the discourse on post-communist social movements by going beyond the usual discourse about the weak and non-participatory civil society in the post-communist context. This book gives a nuanced and updated view of social movements in post-communist Europe by looking at the cases of relatively successful mobilization by examining groups that have often been neglected in the discourse on social movements and civil society (including animal-rights groups racist movements and non-feminist family organizations) and by giving a deeper analysis of the different strategies that civil society organizations and groups can use. Rather than expecting social movements in post-communist Europe to follow the same patterns and operate in the same fashion as in Western Europe this volume shows that a wider view of contentious action is needed in order to understand the variety of strategies employed by collective actors operating in this context. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138279650

Beyond OralityBiblical Poetry on its Own Terms Central to understanding the prophecy and prayer of the Hebrew Bible are the unspoken assumptions that shaped them—their genres. Modern scholars describe these works as “poetry †but there was no corresponding ancient Hebrew term or concept. Scholars also typically assume it began as “oral literature †a concept based more in evolutionist assumptions than evidence. Is biblical poetry a purely modern fiction or is there a more fundamental reason why its definition escapes us?Beyond Orality: Biblical Poetry on its Own Terms changes the debate by showing how biblical poetry has worked as a mirror reflecting each era’s own self-image of verbal art. Yet Vayntrub also shows that this problem is rooted in a crucial pattern within the Bible itself: the texts we recognize as “poetry†are framed as powerful and ancient verbal performances dramatic speeches from the past. The Bible’s creators presented what we call poetry in terms of their own image of the ancient and the oral and understanding their native theories of Hebrew verbal art gives us a new basis to rethink our own. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367731571

Beyond Personal IdentityDogen Nishida and a Phenomenology of No-Self Applies Dogen Kigen's religious philosophy and the philosophy of Nishida Kitaro to the philosophical problem of personal identity probing the applicability of the concept of non-self to the philosophical problems of selfhood otherness and temporality which culminate in the conundrum of personal identity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964600

Beyond PhotoshopAdvanced techniques integrating Photoshop with Illustrator Poser Painter Cinema 4D and ZBrush In his best-selling book Creative Photoshop award-winning artist Derek Lea previously revealed to the digital art world his secrets for creating stunning sophisticated works of art using Photoshop. Now he goes one step further in this all-new book to demonstrate his unique methods for using Photoshop in conjunction with other software packages. Derek's compelling images will inspire you to think creatively about the ways in which you can use Photoshop alongside other popular programs such as Illustrator Poser Painter Cinema4D and ZBrush to take your own art to the next level. Whether you are a digital artist illustrator cartoonist graphic artist designer 3D enthusiast or serious hobbyist working for print or the web this fantastic new book will open your eyes to a whole new world of digital art that's never before been uncovered. Challenge yourself and discover the more artistic aspects of these programs with one of the world's best teachers by your side. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138401044

Beyond PhysicsOr the Idealisation of Mechanism Originally published in 1930 Sir Oliver Lodge proposes a connection between physics and philosophy or as he describes it a key to unlock the intricate connection between mind and matter. A response to early twentieth century mathematically-led philosophy Lodge looks at physics from a physical direction rather than from a theoretical model. This title will be of interest to students of philosophy as well physics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138191655

Beyond Pippi LongstockingIntermedial and International Approaches to Astrid Lindgren's Work Astrid Lindgren author of the famed Pippi Longstocking novels is perhaps one of the most significant children's authors of the last half of the twentieth century. In this collection contributors consider films music and picturebooks relating to Lindgren in addition to the author's reception internationally. Touching on everything from the Astrid Lindgren theme park at Vimmerby Sweden to the hidden folk songs in Lindgren's works to the use of nostalgia in film adaptations of Lindgren's novels this collection offers an important international and intermedial portrait of Lindgren research today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138847262

Beyond Positivism Since its publication in 1982 Beyond Positivism has become established as one of the definitive statements on economic methodology. The book’s rejection of positivism and its advocacy of pluralism were to have a profound influence in the flowering of work methodology that has taken place in economics in the decade since its publication. This edition contains a new preface outlining the major developments in the area since the book’s first appearance. The book provides the first comprehensive treatment of twentieth century philosophy of science which emphasizes the issues relevant to economics. It proceeds to demonstrate this relevance by reviewing some of the key debates in the area. Having concluded that positivism has to be rejected the author examines possible alternative bases for economic methodology. Arguing that there is no best method he advocates methodological pluralism. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138834231

Beyond Post-communist StudiesPolitical Science and the New Democracies of Europe This book makes the case that several East Central European countries have emerged as fully consolidated democracies. As such they may be integrated into the mainstream of political science research and not consigned forever to a transitional category encompassing countries that are now fully democracies as well as some that are not democratic at all. The author outlines the steps of another transition - from post-communist studies to political science research. He demonstrates how institutionalist or rational choice theories can be applied to the analysis of political processes in the successfully democratized countries and proposes a new research agenda for political scientists studying the region. The results of this work can enrich political science as well as our understanding of both democracy and the polities of contemporary Eastern Europe. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315498737

Beyond PostmodernismNew Dimensions in Clinical Theory and Practice Beyond Postmodernism identifies ways in which psychoanalysis has moved beyond the postmodern debate and discusses how this can be applied to contemporary practice. Roger Frie and Donna Orange bring together many of the leading authorities on psychoanalytic theory and practice to provide a broad scope of psychoanalytic viewpoints and perspectives on the growing interdisciplinary discourse between psychoanalysis continental philosophy social theory and philosophy of mind. Divided into two parts Psychoanalytic Encounters with Postmodernism and Psychoanalysis Beyond Postmodernism this book: elaborates and clarifies aspects of the postmodern turn in psychoanalysis furthers an interdisciplinary perspective on clinical theory and practice contributes to new understandings of theory and practice beyond postmodernism. Beyond Postmodernism: New Dimensions in Clinical Theory and Practice provides a fresh perspective on the relationship between psychoanalysis and postmodernism and raises new issues for the future. It will be of interest to practicing psychoanalysts and psychologists as well as students interested in psychoanalysis postmodernism and philosophy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315787435

Beyond Post-Traumatic StressHomefront Struggles with the Wars on Terror When soldiers at Fort Carson were charged with a series of 14 murders PTSD and other "invisible wounds of war" were thrown into the national spotlight. With these events as their starting point Jean Scandlyn and Sarah Hautzinger argue for a new approach to combat stress and trauma seeing them not just as individual medical pathologies but as fundamentally collective cultural phenomena. Their deep ethnographic research including unusual access to affected soldiers at Fort Carson also engaged an extended labyrinth of friends family communities military culture social services bureaucracies the media and many other layers of society. Through this profound and moving book they insist that invisible combat injuries are a social challenge demanding collective reconciliation with the post-9/11 wars. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781611323665

Beyond Powerful RadioA Communicator's Guide to the Internet Age—News Talk Information & Personality for Broadcasting Podcasting Internet Radio Beyond Powerful Radio is a complete guide to becoming a powerful broadcast communicator on radio or internet! This how-to cookbook is for broadcasters who want to learn the craft and improve. This practical and easy-to-read book filled with bullet lists offers techniques to learn everything from how to produce and host a show to news gathering coverage of investigative and breaking stories writing and delivering the commercial copy and selling the air time. With contributions from over 100 top experts across all broadcast fields Beyond Powerful Radio offers techniques advice and lessons to build original programming for news programming talk shows producers citizen journalism copy writing sales commercials promotions production research fundraising and more. Plus: Tips to assemble a winning team; to develop build and market your brand; get your next job in broadcasting effectively promote your product; increase sales; write and produce commercials; raise money with your station; deal with creative burnout and manage high ego talent; and to research and grow your audience. Never be boring! Get keep and grow audiences through powerful personality storytelling and focus across any format. Tried-and-true broadcast techniques apply to the myriad forms of audio broadcast available today including Web radio and podcasting. While the technology and delivery systems change the one constant is content! Listeners viewers and surfers want to be entertained informed inspired persuaded and connected with powerful personalities and storytellers. A full Instructor Manual is available with complete lesson plans for broadcast instructors - course includes Audio Production/Radio Programming/Management/Broadcast Journalism. The Instructor Manual is available for download here: Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780240522241

Beyond Prime Time ActivismCommunication Activism and Social Change In this accessible introduction to communication activism organizer Karen Jeffreys and sociologist Charlotte Ryan draw on more than two decades of ongoing collaboration using the Rhode Island Coalition for the Homeless (RICH) as a case study. The book examines a community with shared values decision-making and conflict resolution procedures tracking its organizing strategy and matched communication plan. The authors first describe a communication campaign during the welfare reform battles (1990–1995) in which they began to practice communication activism. In ongoing work with two organizations over the next two decades they distil a model of communication activism that draws directly from vibrant traditions of empowerment communication in U.S. social movements and movements from the Global South. Beyond Prime Time Activism provides students and researchers with an invaluable look at contemporary activism practices and with practical tools tried and tested in two decades of social movement engagement. This book is ideal for anyone participating in social change movements or studying how they navigate communication and media inequalities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138744240

Beyond Psychoanalytic Literary CriticismBetween Literature and Mind Through a series of radical and innovative chapters Beyond Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism: Between Literature and Mind challenges the tradition of applied psychoanalysis that has long dominated psychoanalytic literary criticism. Benjamin H. Ogden a literary scholar proposes that a new form of analytic literary criticism take its place one that begins from a place of respect for the mystery of literature and the complexity of its inner workings. In this book through readings of authors such as J.M. Coetzee Flannery O’Connor and Vladimir Nabokov the mysteries upon which literary works rely for their enduring power are enumerated and studied. Such mysteries are thereafter interwoven into a series of pioneering studies of how the conceptions of thinking dreaming and losing become meaningful within the unique aesthetic conditions of individual novels and poems. Each chapter is a provisional solution to the difficult "bridging problems" that arise when literary figures work in the psychoanalytic space and when psychoanalysts attempt to make use of literature for analytic purposes. At every turn Beyond Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism: Between Literature and Mind acts as a living example of the territory it explores: the space between two disciplines wherein the writer brings into being a form of psychoanalytic literary criticism of his own making. Forgoing traditional applied psychoanalysis and technical jargon this highly accessible interdisciplinary work will appeal to psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists as well as literary critics and scholars. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815377283

Beyond PsychotherapyOn Becoming a (Radical) Psychoanalyst 2020 American Board & Academy of Psychoanalysis (ABAPsa) book award winner! In Beyond Psychotherapy: On Becoming a (Radical) Psychoanalyst Barnaby B. Barratt illuminates a new perspective on what it means to open our awareness to the depths of psychic life and restores the radicality of genuinely psychoanalytic discourse as the unique science of healing. Starting with an incisive critique of the ideological conformism of psychotherapy Barratt defines the method of psychoanalysis against the conventional definition which emphasizes the practice of arriving at useful interpretations about our personal existence. Instead he shows how a negatively dialectical and deconstructive praxis successfully ‘attacks’ the self-enclosures of interpretation allowing the speaking-listening subject to become existentially and spiritually open to hidden dimensions of our lived-experience. He also demonstrates how the erotic deathfulness of our being-in-the-world is the ultimate source of all the many resistances to genuinely psychoanalytic praxis and the reason Freud’s discipline has so frequently been reduced to various models of psychotherapeutic treatment. Focusing on the free-associative dimension of psychoanalysis Barratt both explores what psychoanalytic processes can achieve that psychotherapeutic ones cannot and considers the sociopolitical implications of the radical psychoanalytic ‘take’ on the human condition. The book also offers a detailed and compassionate pointer for those wanting to train as psychoanalysts guiding them away from what Barratt calls the ‘trade-school mentality’ pervading most training institutes today. Groundbreaking and inspiring Beyond Psychotherapy will be essential reading for psychoanalysts psychoanalytic psychotherapists and all other therapists seeking a radically innovative approach. It will also be a valuable text for scholars and students of psychoanalytic studies social sciences philosophy and the history of ideas. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138362222

Beyond Public AdministrationContemplating and Nudging Government-in-Context How can public administration (P.A.) nudge government to govern fundamentally better in terms of policy? How critical is P.A. contemplation and nudges – prods shoves or hammer blows - to government-in-context? In this book David John Farmer argues that government-in-context refers to government-in-totality to what governs even if not called government and to what constrains government action. Constricting contextual features are infiltration exfiltration and post-truth raising questions relating to democracy. Infiltration into government is the action of gaining access that benefits big corporations their owners and billionaires; findings are that it also mal-nudges government action through such elements as big money lobbying tax breaks and embrace of the free market. Reacting to factors like growing income inequality what is explained as exfiltration occurs for middle- and lower-income people. Post-truth is noted as the Oxford Dictionary’s word of the year for 2016 describing people concerned less with truths than with opinions. The book analyzes three practical "hammer blow" and 18 "shove" nudges to contradict the mal-nudges. Beyond Public Administration will be of interest to P.A. scholars and graduate students more specifically those interested in critical normative or interpretive scholarship focused on various aspects of P.A. theory governance and practical management. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367191481

Beyond Quality in Early Childhood Education and CareLanguages of evaluation Taking a broad approach Beyond Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care relates issues of early childhood to the sociology of childhood philosophy ethics political science and other fields and to an analysis of the world we live in today. It places these issues in a global context and draws on work from Canada Sweden and Italy including the world famous nurseries in Reggio Emilia.Working with postmodern ideas this book questions the search to define and measure quality in the early childhood field and its tendency to reduce philosophical issues of value to purely technical and managerial issues of expert knowledge and measurement.With a brand new Preface to this classic text the authors argue that there are other ways than the 'discourse of quality' for understanding and evaluating early childhood pedagogical work and relate these to alternative ways of understanding early childhood itself and the purposes of early childhood institutions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415820226

Beyond Quantum The present wave of interest in quantum foundations is caused by the tremendous development of quantum information science and its applications to quantum computing and quantum communication. It has become clear that some of the difficulties encountered in realizations of quantum information processing have roots at the very fundamental level. To solve such problems quantum theory has to be reconsidered. This book is devoted to the analysis of the probabilistic structure of quantum theory probing the limits of classical probabilistic representation of quantum phenomena. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814411738

Beyond Racial DividesEthnicities in Social Work Practice Written by leading authorities in the field this challenging book addresses complex issues of ethnicity and racial discrimination in ways that encourage further debate and analysis. Its main theme is that social work has been and remains deeply implicated in racist policies and practices that have been locality specific but that racism is also recognizable across borders as a phenomenon that appears everywhere. At the same time the book focuses on innovative theories and practice which seek to promote an emancipatory social work which sets itself the goal of eradicating social injustice - particularly that applying to race. The contributors come from a wide range of countries and describe their experiences in tackling racism in social work at the levels of both theory and practice. This provides an impressive range of perspectives which cover models of social work created by people who have had to live with racism and find ways of overcoming it as well as those who have struggled to become able to express their own ethnicity without oppressing others. The concluding message of the book is a positive one - people can create a world that goes beyond racial divides by accepting validating and celebrating diversity while at the same time recognizing that people share many commonalities with others which can be used to establish egalitarian relationships realize social justice and communicate effectively with each other. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138258044

Beyond Rationality in Organization and Management Spanning the 20th and 21st centuries the writers considered in this first book of the Routledge Focus on Women Writers in Organization Studies series make an important contribution to how we think about rationality in managing leading and working. It provides a space in which to think differently about rationality challenging dominant masculine logics while positioning relations between people centre stage. A critical and intellectually provocative text the book provides a nuanced and practical account of rationality in organizational contexts making it clear that women have and continue to write groundbreaking work on the subject: women like Lillian Moller Gilbreth who was at the forefront of developments in scientific management and Frances Perkins who was the first female US cabinet secretary. Both are important not only for what they achieved but also as illustrations of the ways in which women have been written out of the accounts of managing and management thought. This matters not only because credit is denied to those who deserve it but also because it impoverishes our understanding of complex organisational phenomenon. Where so much extant writing on managing and organizing is preoccupied with abstract notions of structure strategy metaphor and machines the writers considered here explain why effective working and managing is primarily about seeing and working with people. Writers such as Arlie Hochschild Mary Parker Follett and Heather Höpfl remind us that rationality cannot be decoupled from emotion or where a system is to be rationalised then it should start with and enhance the lives of people – be designed with people at the centre. In this sense the book is not arguing for a wholesale rejection of rationality. Rather authors call on readers to move beyond a preoccupation with rationality for its own sake seeing it instead as a useful and highly contestable aspect of organizational life. Each woman writer is introduced and analysed by an expert in their field. Further reading and accessible resources are also identified for those interested in knowing more. This book will be relevant to students researchers and practitioners with an interest in business and management organizational studies critical management studies gender studies and sociology. Like all the books in this series it will also be of interest to anyone who wants to see think and act differently. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367233938

Beyond ReasoningThe Life Times and Work of Peter Wason Pioneering Psychologist This book tells the story of Peter Cathcart Wason offering unique insights into the life of the pioneering research psychologist credited for establishing a whole new field of science: the psychological study of reasoning. And this was just one of the major contributions he made to psychology. Covering much more than Wason’s academic work the author Ken Manktelow paints a vivid and personal portrait of the man. The book traces Wason’s eclectic family history steeped in Liberal politics and aristocratic antecedents before moving through his service in the Second World War and the life-changing injuries he sustained at the end of it and on to his abortive first attempt at a career and subsequent extraordinary success as a psychologist. Following a chronological structure with each chapter dedicated to a significant transition period in Wason’s life Manktelow expertly weaves together personal narratives with Wason’s evolving intellectual interests and major scientific discoveries and in doing so simultaneously traces the worlds that vanished during the twentieth century. A brilliant biography of one of the most renowned figures in cognitive psychology this book will be of interest not only to students and scholars in thinking and reasoning but to anyone interested in the life and lasting contribution of this celebrated scholar. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367645748

Beyond ReductionismA Passion for Interdisciplinarity This is a book about the work of scientists in the era of the Anthropocene: where human beings appear to have become a driving force in the evolution of the planet. It is a diverse collection of empirical methodological and theoretical chapters concerned with the practice of interdisciplinary social-ecological systems research. The aim of the contributors is to give the reader an appreciation for the range and complexity of the challenges faced by researchers research institutions and wider communities trying to make sense of the causes and consequences of the this new era of global environmental change. The tragedy of the Anthropocene of the large scale anthropogenic habitat destruction and planet-wide impacts of anthropogenic climate change is not that science has failed humanity but rather that it has served humanity all too well making possible in just a few hundred years volumes and scales of human activity far exceeding anything ever seen before. Coming to terms with that success was the aim of the 1969 Alpbach Symposium from which this book draws its name where contributors including Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von Bertalanffy asked themselves: what theory practices and standards are required to move beyond reductionism? Like those from 1969 the answers presented in this collection are hugely diverse ranging from PhD students concerned with research methods and institutional obstacles to mid-career scholars presenting their innovative ‘beyond-reductionism’ research methods to emeritus professors looking back over what has been achieved in the past 30 years and suggesting where things might go from here. All the contributors begin from the premise that the challenges of the Anthropocene can only be successfully met if interdisciplinary research effectively brings together social and natural sciences the humanities stakeholders and decision makers. They conclude in unison that both the institutional and the methodological foundations needed to do this work are still sorely lacking. While this may seem a dismal position the book is full of success stories such as: the integrative approach of MuSIASEM (Multi-Scale Integrative Assessment of Social-Ecological Metabolism) developed by Mario Giampietro’s group in Barcelona Spain; the alternative perspectives of what Ariel Salleh calls the ‘meta-industrial’ discourse in Ecofeminism; or the innovative trans-departmental status of the Stockholm Resilience Centre in Sweden. Putting both the theoretical and methodological challenges of moving beyond reductionism on the table for discussion this text aims to help a growing community of passionate thinkers and actors better understand themselves and their work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138686571

Beyond Reflective PracticeNew Approaches to Professional Lifelong Learning Reflective practice has moved from the margins to the mainstream of professional education. However in this process its radical potential has been subsumed by individualistic rather than situated understandings of practice. Presenting critical perspectives that challenge the current paradigm this book aims to move beyond reflective practice. It proposes new conceptualisations and offers fresh approaches relevant across professions. Contributors include both academics and practitioners concerned with the training and development of professionals. Definitions of reflection (which are often implicit) often focus on the individual's internal thought processes and responsibility for their actions. The individual - what they did/thought/felt – is emphasised with little recognition of context power dynamics or ideological challenge. This book presents the work of practitioners educators academics and researchers who see this as problematic and are moving towards a more critical approach to reflective practice. With an overview from the editors and fourteen chapters considering new conceptualisations professional perspectives and new practices Beyond Reflective Practice examines what new forms of professional reflective practice are emerging. It examines in particular the relationships between reflective practitioners and those upon whom they practise. It looks at the ways in which the world of professional work has changed and the ways in which professional practice needs to change to meet the needs of this new world. It will be relevant for those concerned with initial and ongoing professional learning both in work and in educational contexts. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203873175

Beyond Regionalism?Regional Cooperation Regionalism and Regionalization in the Middle East Regional cooperation regionalism and regionalization in the Middle East are usually considered to be weak and rather ceremonial. However since September 11 2001 a new regional order is emerging and the impact of geostrategic changes in the international environment has yet to be satisfactorily studied. With older regional organizations suffering from weaknesses new forms appear to be developing and flourishing due either to European support or growing sub-regional identities. This volume offers refined theoretical models and approaches which are attuned to the new dynamics and contradictions of a wide range of regionalist projects in the contemporary Middle East. Case studies of the most important regional organizations in different policy fields offer comprehensive overviews of the main actors institutions historical development and current issues. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315569253

Beyond RelativismRaymond Boudon Cognitive Rationality and Critical Realism This book argues that critical realism offers the theory of cognitive rationality a real way of overcoming the limitations of methodological individualism by recognising both the agents' - and the social structure's - causal powers and liabilities. Cynthia Lins Hamlin persuasively argues that critical realism represents a better safeguard against the relativism which springs from the conflation of social reality and our ideas about it. This is an important book for sociologists and anyone working in the social sciences and for all those concerned with the methodology and philosophy of social science. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415523998

Beyond Resistance! Youth Activism and Community ChangeNew Democratic Possibilities for Practice and Policy for America's Youth The failure of current policy to address important quality of life issues for urban youth remains a substantial barrier to civic participation educational equity and healthy adulthood. This volume brings together the work of leading urban youth scholars to highlight the detrimental impact of zero tolerance policies on young people’s educational experience and well being. Inspired by the conviction that urban youth have the right to more equitable educational and social resources and political representation Beyond Resistance! offers new insights into how to increase the effectiveness of youth development and education programs and how to create responsive youth policies at the local state and federal level. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203961001

Beyond Return on InvestmentExpanding the Value of Healthcare Information Technology Beyond Return on Investment: Expanding the Value of Healthcare Information Technology 2nd Edition this updated and revised edition provides lessons learned from healthcare IT adoption and the opportunity to drive value realization. From providing a basic primer on 'how-to' complete a Return on Investment analysis for a single project to developing a comprehensive program of value management to support the transition to high value healthcare this book addresses emerging trends practical approaches and measurement methods to help drive value. Beyond Return on Investment 2nd Edition views IT as a strategic asset in the transformation of healthcare. Based on previous editions this book updates and identifies the components of an integrated value management strategy including value driven decision-making culture an integrated approach to strategy development a value based governance model a process that defines business case development through ROI analysis value measurement and value scorecard development. New chapters in this addition include a Framework for Value Management validating vendor defined value and ROI and new methods for realizing value. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781138367326

Beyond RitualSacramental Theology after Habermas In Beyond Ritual Siobhan Garrigan uses Habermas's theory of communicative action to suggest two things: first a method by which theology can access the ritual symbols by which faith is formed; and secondly a metaphor of intersubjectivity with which theology can propose an interpretative rather than an instrumental understanding of sacramentality - and thus of God. Through fieldwork studies of both 'marginal' and 'mainstream' Christian Eucharists Garrigan develops the conversation between Habermas's philosophy and Christian theology showing how ritual interactions form and challenge our very idea of God. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138258662

Beyond RomanticismNew Approaches to Texts and Contexts 1780-1832 First published in 1992. Beyond Romanticism represents a substantial challenge to traditional views of the Romantic period and provides a sustained critique of ‘Romantic ideology’. The debates with which it engages had previously been under-represented in the study of Romanticism where the claims of history had never had quite the same status as they have had in other periods and where confidence in poetic literary value remains high. Individual essays examine the philosophical underpinnings of Romantic discourse; they survey analogous and competing discourses of the period such as mesmerism Hellenism orientalism and nationalism; and analyse both the manifestations of Romanticism in particular historical and textual moments and the texts and modes of writing which have been historically marginalized or silenced by ‘the Romantic’. This title will be of interest to students of literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138194212

Beyond Scenography Focused on the contemporary Anglophone adoption from the 1960s onwards Beyond Scenography explores the porous state of contemporary theatre-making to argue a critical distinction between scenography (as a crafting of place orientation) and scenographics (that which orientate acts of worlding of staging). With sections on installation art and gardening as well as marketing and placemaking this book is an argument for what scenography does: how assemblages of scenographic traits orientate situate and shape staged events. Established stage orthodoxies are revisited - including the symbiosis of stage and scene and the aesthetic ideology of 'the scenic' - to propose how scenographics are formative to all staged events. Consequently one of the conclusions of this book is that there is no theatre practice without scenography no stages without scenographics. Beyond Scenography offers a manifesto for a renewed theory of scenographic practice for the student and professional theatrical designer. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138785069

Beyond SchoolingAn Anarchist Challenge Provocative and engagingly written Beyond Schooling offers a challenging perspective on State schooling in England and the unrelenting increase in centralisation from the late 1960s until the present day. Exploring how the education of our children and young people should be recaptured from the State as the country moves into a precarious future this book: argues that any fundamental reconsideration of schooling has much to learn from an anarchist analysis; introduces readers unfamiliar with anarchism to the main themes of this political philosophy and practice and their relationship to the political left and right; shows how an anarchist perspective on education raises deep issues about the community and the use of power; questions the notions of full-time schooling and age-grading alongside conventional conceptions of the teaching profession and the potential educational role of parents as work declines or disappears. In its original reflections on the state of contemporary schooling and the paths to future reform Beyond Schooling is a must-read for anyone seeking a new vision for the future of education and schooling. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367187835

Beyond Self-Care for Helping ProfessionalsThe Expressive Therapies Continuum and the Life Enrichment Model Beyond Self-Care for Helping Professionals is an innovative guide to professional self-care focused not just on avoiding the consequences of failing to take care of oneself but on optimal health and positive psychology. This new volume builds upon the Expressive Therapies Continuum to introduce the Life Enrichment Model a strengths-based model that encourages mindful participation in a broad array of enriching experiences. By enabling therapists and other Helping Professionals to develop a rich emotional intellectual and creative foundation to their lives and clinical practices this guide sets a new standard for self-care in the helping professions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138231016

Beyond SeparatenessThe Social Nature Of Human Beings--their Autonomy Knowledge And Power Two very different views of persons permeate our thinking. On the one hand we are impressed by the many social influences that affect us all. On the other hand we also demand autonomy and individual rights. We have at present no suitable vocabulary for giving their due both to our social nature and to the ways in which we are distinct from one Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367314668

Beyond Shareholder Wealth MaximisationTowards a More Suitable Corporate Objective for Chinese Companies The corporate objective namely in whose interests a company should be run is the most important theoretical and practical issue confronting us today as this core objective animates or should animate every decision a company makes. Despite decades of debate however there is no consensus regarding what the corporate objective is or ought to be but clarity on this issue is necessary in order to explain and guide corporate behaviour as different objectives could lead to different analyses and solutions to the same corporate governance problem. In addition to the study on the corporate objective in Anglo-American jurisdictions the discussion of this topic in the context of China is also very important on the grounds that China has become the second largest economy in the world and is playing an increasingly significant role in global affairs. Though a socialist state China has also been relying heavily on the corporate vehicle as the most important business organisational form to ensure its rapid economic development since its market reforms in 1978. Adolf Berle and Gardiner Means’s observation made over eight decades ago that large public companies dominate the world remains true today not only in the West but also in China. The regulation and governance of such companies will have a material impact on the further development of the Chinese economy which could in turn directly affect the world economy. Company law and corporate governance therefore receive much attention and have become a vital issue in China. Although the current focus is primarily on corporate performance the fundamental question at the heart of corporate governance namely the corporate objective is still unresolved.Contrary to the widely held belief that the corporate objective should be maximising shareholder wealth this book seeks to demonstrate that the shareholder wealth maximisation approach is both descriptively inaccurate and normatively unsuitable. As an antithesis Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367885830

Beyond Shelter after Disaster: Practice Process and Possibilities Providing shelter after a disaster is recognised as one of the most complex areas of humanitarian relief and recovery. Some aid agencies have stopped providing shelter altogether after bad experiences while those that do quickly become engaged in challenges that go far beyond the provision of structures alone. Yet with the number and severity of disasters set to increase due to climate change and rapid urban growth the need for approaches that work has never been greater. This book explores the issues in three parts. The first Practice looks at lessons from past efforts. Part two Process proposes practical and effective people-centred approaches. Part three considers currently neglected issues such as disability human rights and urban-oriented approaches. Through practical case studies and academic research Beyond Shelter after Disaster critiques past methods and explores future options for improving practice in one of the most complex areas of post disaster relief and recovery. This book was originally published as a special issue in Environmental Hazards: Human and Policy Dimensions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415814232

Beyond Smart CitiesHow Cities Network Learn and Innovate The promise of competitiveness and economic growth in so-called smart cities is widely advertised in Europe and the US. The promise is focussed on global talent and knowledge economies and not on learning and innovation. But to really achieve smart cities – that is to create the conditions of continuous learning and innovation – this book argues that there is a need to understand what is below the surface and to examine the mechanisms which affect the way cities learn and then connect together. This book draws on quantitative and qualitative data with concrete case studies to show how networks already operating in cities are used to foster and strengthen connections in order to achieve breakthroughs in learning and innovation. Going beyond smart cities means understanding how cities construct convert and manipulate relationships that grow in urban environments. Cities discussed in this book – Amman Barcelona Bilbao Charlotte Curitiba Juarez Portland Seattle and Turin – illuminate a blind spot in the literature. Each of these cities has achieved important transformations and learning has played a key role one that has been largely ignored in academic circles and practice concerning competitiveness and innovation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781849714266

Beyond Social CapitalA critical approach China is poised to gain global importance as a growth engine for the world economy on a par with Europe and the USA. Japanese multinational enterprises are increasingly active in relocating to China their R&D and capital- and knowledge-intensive production for both export-platform and target market reasons. It is at the juncture of the growing impact of China-related activities of Japanese corporations on the transformation of Japanese management philosophies on the one hand and the transformation of the Japanese economy more generally on the other that this book is situated. As Japanese corporations re-align activities to increasingly accommodate the growing importance of China as a business location inter-regional expansion will integrate more deeply the Chinese economy within their global strategies business structures and decision-taking. By presenting current research and thinking on the significance of corporate Japan’s growing engagement with China the book explores the following immanent questions: What is China’s future position in the global corporate activities of Japanese firms? How has China’s investment profile changed and how and with what purpose do Japanese firms enforce their Chinese presence? The book sheds light on the implications for European businesses and policy-makers of the consequences of deepening integration of these two economic powerhouses. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138880344

Beyond SovietologyEssays in Politics and History This volume - a product of the Soviet Domestic Politics workshop sponsored by the Social Science Research Council - marks an end and a new beginning. The end of course is that of Sovietology now permanently "overtaken by events". The beginning encompasses not only a radical multiplication of subjects for analysis - the post-Soviet states - but also the arrival of a new generation of scholars entering the field at its turning point. As the essays in this collection demonstrate they bring fresh contemporary social scientific questions and methods to an unprecedentedly accessible universe of diverse social groups and societies once subsumed under the Soviet rubric. Their work enriches not only post-Soviet studies but the entire range of comparativist work in the social sciences. Among the authors included here are Jane Dawson Ellen Hamilton Joel Hellman Mark Saroyan Joseph Schull and Michael Smith. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315484815

Beyond Spain's BordersWomen Players in Early Modern National Theaters The prolific theatrical activity that abounded on the stages of early modern Europe demonstrates that drama was a genre that transcended national borders. The transnational character of early modern theater reflects the rich admixture of various dramatic traditions such as Spain’s comedia and Italy’s commedia dell’arte but also the transformations across cultures of Spanish novellas to French plays and English interludes. Of particular import to this study is the role that women and gender played in this cross-pollination of theatrical sources and practices. Contributors to the volume not only investigate the gendered effect of Spanish texts and literary types on English and French drama they address the actual journeys of Spanish actresses to French theaters and of Italian actresses to the Spanish stage while several emphasize the movement of royal women to various courts and their impact on theatrical activity in Spain and abroad. In their innovative focus on women’s participation and influence the chapters in this volume illustrate the frequent yet little studied transnational and transcultural points of contact between Spanish theater and the national theaters of England France Austria and Italy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367140366

Beyond Spatial MontageWindowing or the Cinematic Displacement of Time Motion and Space Beyond Spatial Montage: Windowing or the Cinematic Displacement of Time Motion and Space offers an extended discussion of the morphology and structure of compositing graphic juxtapositions and montage employed in motion pictures. Drawing from the history of avant-garde and commercial cinema as well as studio-based research here media artist and theorist Michael Betancourt critiques cinematic realism and spatial montage in motion pictures. This new taxonomic framework for conceptualizing linkages between media art and narrative cinema opens new areas of experimentation for today’s film editors motion designers and other media artists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138938663

Beyond Sport for Development and PeaceTransnational Perspectives on Theory Policy and Practice Debates around the ‘sport for development and peace’ (SDP) movement have entered a new phase moving on from simple questions surrounding the utility of sport as a tool of international development. Beyond Sport for Development and Peace argues that critical research and new perspectives and methodologies are necessary to balance the local aspects and global influences of sport and to better understand the power relations embedded in SDP on a transnational scale. As the era of the Millennium Development Goals gives way to a new agenda for sustainable development this book considers the position of SDP. The book brings together contributors from 15 different countries across the developed and developing worlds including academic researchers and ‘on the ground’ experts practitioners and policy-makers to provide one of the most diverse set of perspectives assembled in SDP scholarship. Looking to the renewed development agenda its authors explore theoretical policy and practical dimensions that address the broadening geographical and cultural spread of SDP the emergence of issues such as child protection within it its increased capacity for critical reflection on practice and its potential for new collaborative approaches to knowledge production. Through its combination of academically-led chapters paired with practice-oriented ‘responses’ it offers an important reconceptualization of SDP as a contributor to development policy and opens up important new avenues for studying and ‘practising’ SDP. Beyond Sport for Development and Peace is therefore essential reading for all researchers advanced students policy-makers and practitioners working in sport development or international development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138067837

Beyond StalinismCommunist Political Evolution First Published in 1992. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987814

Beyond States and MarketsThe Challenges of Social Reproduction Seeking to extend our understanding of the contemporary global political economy this book provides an important and original introduction to the current theoretical debates about social reproduction and argues for the necessity of linking social reproduction to specific contexts of power and production. It illustrates the analytic value of the concept of social reproduction through a series of case studies that examine the implications of how labor power is reproduced and how lives outside of work are lived. The issues examined in countries including the Ukraine Chile Spain Nepal India and Indonesia consist of: Human trafficking and sex work Women and work Migration labor and gender inequality Micro-credit programs and investing in women Health biological reproduction and assisted reproductive technologies The book lends a unique perspective to the understandings of transformation in the global political economy precisely because of its simultaneous focus on the caring and provisioning of the everyday and its relationships to policies and decisions made at the national and international levels of both formal and informal institutions. With its multi-disciplinary approach this book will be indispensable to students and scholars of International Political Economy Development Studies Gender or Women’s Studies International Studies Globalization and International Relations. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203928493

Beyond StoriesYoung Children's Nonfiction Composition This book pulls together the experiences of teachers and children in pre-school through Grade 3. It demonstrates that nonfiction composing is a highly creative process for young children. It provides suggestions for writing assignments focused reading and assessment. The theme that underlines this book is that joy and creativity are inherently part of nonfiction and non-narrative composing with young children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138439788

Beyond Strategic Vision Hoshin is a system which was developed in Japan in the 1960's and is a derivative of Management By Objectives (MBO). It is a Management System for determining the appropriate course of action for an organization and effectively accomplishing the relevant actions and results. Having recognized the power of this system Beyond Strategic Vision tailors the Hoshin system to fit the culture of North American and European organizations. It is a "how-to" guide to the Hoshin method for executives managers and any other professionals who must plan as part of their normal job.The management of an organization whether it be large or small has as one of its principal responsibilities setting the direction of the organization for the future. The most effective way to set the future direction is to develop a shared vision of what the organization will be in the future contrast it to the way the organization is now and then to create a plan for bridging the gap: the Strategic Plan. Beyond Strategic Vision shows you how to do this effectively and efficiently. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138133440

Beyond StrategyThe Impact of Next Generation Companies Why is it that some companies turn out to be more successful when doing the opposite of what is prescribed in many of the current books on management and strategy? Interestingly many of the companies depicted as very successful companies in the standard literature end up not faring well over time - probably because they somehow end up in a dangerous autopilot mode. What this suggests is that the conventional literature cookbook isn’t telling us the whole story. Even if companies have temporarily developed from an ugly duckling to a white swan the popular recipes for success may be clipping such companies’ wings. Conversely companies adhering to disruptive business models are seen to be more agile and to possess a higher degree of actionability. Such next generation companies are labeled black swans. They thrive because they are bold and embrace the great unknowns of tomorrow with open minds and eyes. At the same time they are able to take advantage of incumbents’ fears risk-aversion and blindness to what’s coming. Beyond Strategy delves into the inner workings of such black swans as Apple Aravind Emirates Huawei Natura Ryanair and Tata and addresses the rise and fall of Nokia. The authors provide explosive evidence of black swan companies working against the norms to enter unchartered waters determined not to adhere to the best practice of others but rather to create a genuine next generation practice. Next generation companies and their underlying philosophies are here to stay – are you? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415537131

Beyond SuperfailureAmerica's Toxics Policy For The 1990s Despite numerous small success stories the big picture of America’s toxics programs is one of overall failure. Superfund has failed to Clean up America’s worst dump sites; policies to regulate generation of new hazardous waste have foundered; standards have been set for only eight of several hundred air toxics; transportation spills and industrial Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367154486

Beyond SurvivalWage Labour and Capital in the Late Twentieth Century This text uses an innovative approach to the dynamics of labour's decline and proposes policy initiatives necessary for its revitalization. The book emphasises the need for restructuring of capitalism on a global scale and challenges traditional economic and industrial relations wisdom. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315482415

Beyond SustainableArchitecture's Evolving Environments of Habitation Beyond Sustainable discusses the relationship between human-beings and the constructed environments of habitation we create living in the Anthropocene an increasingly volatile and unpredictable landscape of certain change. This volume accepts that human-beings have reached a moment beyond climatological and ecological crisis. It asks not how we resolve the crisis but rather how we can cope with or adapt to the irreversible changes in the earth-system by rethinking how we choose to inhabit the world-ecology. Through an examination of numerous historical and contemporary projects of architecture and art as well as observations in philosophy ecology evolutionary biology genetics neurobiology and psychology this book reimagines architecture capable of influencing and impacting who we are how we live what we feel and even how we evolve. Beyond Sustainable provides students and academics with a single comprehensive overview of this architectural reconceptualization which is grounded in an ecologically inclusive and co-productive understanding of architecture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367232696

Beyond Taboos This collection of essays covers the related areas of aesthetics and politics both in the field of theatre and in everyday life. Each contributor seeks to illustrate how drama subverts the foundations of the accepted models of perception and how it mediates on its own conventions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138418134

Beyond Technique in Solution-Focused TherapyWorking with Emotions and the Therapeutic Relationship Solution-focused therapy is often misunderstood to be no more than the techniques it is famous for—pragmatic future-oriented questions that encourage clients to reconceptualize their problems and build on their strengths. Yet when applied in a "one-size-fits-all" manner these techniques may produce disappointing results and leave clinicians wondering where they have gone wrong. This volume adds a vital dimension to the SFT literature providing a rich theoretical framework to facilitate nonformulaic clinical decision making. The focus is on how attention to emotional issues traditionally not emphasized in brief strengths-based interventions can help "unstick" difficult situations and pave the way to successful solutions. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781609189914

Beyond TerritoryDynamic Geographies of Knowledge Creation Diffusion and Innovation The main purpose of the book is to discuss new trends in the dynamic geography of innovation and argue that in an era of increasing globalization two trends seem quite dominant: rigid territorial models of innovation and localized configurations of innovative activities. The book brings together scholars who are working on these topics. Rather than focusing on established concepts and theories the book aims to question narrow explanations rigid territorializations and simplistic policy frameworks; it provides evidence that innovation while not exclusively dependent on regional contexts can be influenced by place-specific attributes. The book will bring together new empirical and conceptual work by an interdisciplinary group of leading scholars from areas such as economic geography innovation studies and political science. Based on recent discussions surrounding innovation systems of different types it aims to synthesize state-of-the-art know-how and provide new perspectives on the role of innovation and knowledge creation in the global political economy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415710077

Beyond Testing (Classic Edition)Towards a theory of educational assessment ‘It is an exceptionally thoughtful assessment of assessment and I am (along with anyone else who broods about education) much in your debt.’ Jerome Bruner personal communication with the author When this award-winning book was originally published in 1994 a review in the TES said: ‘Beyond Testing is a refreshingly honest look at the dilemmas facing those who are trying to make educational assessment more supportive of high-quality learning for all pupils and students … It contains powerful and practical messages for assessment developers policy-makers teachers and pupils. It exposes the very different agendas of those who wish to achieve greater system-wide accountability through educational assessment and those who wish to use it to promote improvements in the quality of pupil learning.’ Originally written to re-conceptualize assessment in education in the 1990s Beyond Testing has stood the test of time and become a classic text in the field. With its examination of the range of uses of assessment – from teacher assessment and standardized testing to formative assessment and norm-referenced testing – to the purposes of assessment – from accountability to support for teaching and learning – the issues it deals with are as enduring and relevant to education now as they were when it was first published. It offers an unsurpassed framework for educational assessment. Now re-released as a Routledge Education Classic and with a new preface from D. Royce Sadler a new generation of educationalists can be introduced to the developments in educational assessment – arguably one of the most hotly contested areas of education – in order to further their own understanding and practice. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415689564

Beyond the 'African Tragedy'Discourses on Development and the Global Economy Well researched and insightful this volume examines the historical and contemporary discourse on African development and the continent's place in the global economy. The chapters critically explore the roles played by various global and local social forces in the construction of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) offering critical insights on financing for development the WTO and agriculture ICTs and FDIs and the war on terrorism. NEPAD has been endorsed by the African Union the Group of Eight and the United Nations System in order to address Africa's deficit through the forging of a global development partnership. This timely resource is suitable for students and policy makers concerned with development in the African post-colonies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261591

Beyond the Analytic-Continental DividePluralist Philosophy in the Twenty-First Century This forward-thinking collection presents new work that looks beyond the division between the analytic and continental philosophical traditions—one that has long caused dissension mutual distrust and institutional barriers to the development of common concerns and problems. Rather than rehearsing the causes of the divide contributors draw upon the problems methods and results of both traditions to show what post-divide philosophical work looks like in practice. Ranging from metaphysics and philosophy of mind to political philosophy and ethics the papers gathered here bring into mutual dialogue a wide range of recent and contemporary thinkers and confront leading problems common to both traditions including methodology ontology meaning truth values and personhood. Collectively these essays show that it is already possible to foresee a future for philosophical thought and practice no longer determined neither as "analytic" nor as "continental " but instead as a pluralistic synthesis of what is best in both traditions. The new work assembled here shows how the problems projects and ambitions of twentieth-century philosophy are already being taken up and productively transformed to produce new insights questions and methods for philosophy today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138302181

Beyond the Anti-GroupSurvival and transformation "Beyond the Anti-group: survival and transformation" builds on the success of Morris Nitsun's influential concept of the Anti-group taking it into new domains of thought and practice in the current century. The concept focuses on anxiety and hostility within towards and between groups as well as the destructive potential of groups. In Beyond the Anti-group". Morris Nitsun continues his inquiry into the clinical implications of the anti-group but also explores the concept beyond the consulting room in settings as wide-ranging as cultural and environmental stress in the 21st century the fate of public health services and the themes of contemporary art. Groups are potentially destructive but also have the capacity for survival creativity and transformation. Focusing on the interplay between the two Morris Nitsun explores the struggle to overcome group impasse and dysfunction and to emerge stronger. By tracking this process in a range of cultural settings the author weaves a rich tapestry in which group psychotherapy organizational process and the arts come together in unexpected and novel ways. The author draws on group analysis and the Foulkesian tradition as his overall discipline but within a critical frame that questions the relevance of the approach in a changing world highlighting new directions and opportunities. Readers of Beyond the Anti-group: Survival and Transformation will be stimulated by the depth breadth and creativity of the author’s analysis and by the excursion into new fields of inquiry. The book offers new impetus for psychotherapists group analysts and group practitioners in general students of group and organizational processes and those working on the boundary between psychotherapy and the arts.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415687386

Beyond the ApsaraCelebrating Dance in Cambodia This book celebrates and documents the resurgence of dance in Cambodia after the fall of the Khmer Rouge and the infamous Pol Pot regime. It honours the remarkable commitment of the few remaining masters of the art of dance who are reviving and preserving the famous classical dances as well as the courage and resolution of young artists who are imaginatively pursuing their passion to forge new paths in contemporary dance. n 2003 Cambodian classical dance was awarded world heritage status by UNESCO – this confirmed the importance and perhaps the burden of the task of preservation. This volume includes contributions from the royal family eminent writers and commentators and the dancers themselves. Monuments and reminders of the Killing Fields abound in the city of Phnom Penh. Nearly 2 million Cambodians including many artists perished during the killings or died of starvation and disease during the Khmer Rouge years. Today the dancers both young and old move towards the future while respecting and honouring the past. This volume documents their journey. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9781138662629

Beyond the Arab DiseaseNew Perspectives in Politics and Culture Presenting bold and original insights this book examines the policies and diplomacies pursued by Arab and Western governments while discussing both the political and cultural roles played by the modern Arab World. It explores the various facets of the malaise affecting the Arab world stressing the urgent call for reform and recovery as well as the need to address major issues including inter-Arab affairs relations with a hegemonic USA and peace with Israel. In addition the book provides new perspectives on a range of topics including Arab and Muslim diplomacy literature and culture; often as these interact with Western models and paradigms in an increasingly interconnected but challenging world. Employing a combination of disciplines and discourses the book aids learners and policy-makers in better understanding the Arab world’s successes and failures in its problematic relations with the West and modernity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415613217

Beyond the BarricadesThe Americas Trade and Sustainable Development Agenda Beyond the barricades surrounding recent economic meetings a constructive agenda is being developed on trade and sustainability issues in the Americas. This book brings together a diversity of perspectives and expertise on environment and development issues from governments civil society and businesses in the Western Hemisphere. The book reviews specific areas where trade environment and social policies intersect in the Americas proposing that more integrated laws and policies could strengthen hemispheric progress toward sustainable development. It identifies new means of implementing this agenda including changes to proposed trade agreements such as the FTAA and ways to strengthen environmental and social cooperation mechanisms in the region laying out future directions for law and policy in the region. The volume incorporates a variety of perspectives with policy options and research results from across the Americas. Critical yet constructive it will appeal to students and scholars interested in the Americas integration process as well as to development professionals and NGOs on the ground. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815387749

Beyond the Blast Furnace This unique book presents an in-depth analysis of all the emerging ironmaking processes supplementing the conventional blast furnace method. Various processes for producing solid and liquid iron are discussed including important features such as process outline techno-economics and process fundamentals. The present global status of each process is examined projections for the future are made and processes are compared.Beyond the Blast Furnace is valuable reading for process developers because it gives them a complete picture of various process options. Conventional iron- and steelmakers as well as researchers and practitioners working in the area of alternative processes of ironmaking will also benefit from this ready reference. The book is an ideal text for undergraduate and postgraduate students in metallurgy. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315138220

Beyond the Bottom LineIntegrating Sustainability into Business and Management Practice Beyond the Bottom Line: Integrating the UN Global Compact into Management Practice is the first book to look at how the Ten UN Global Compact Principles and the sustainability agenda can be incorporated into business practice. The UN Global Compact is the largest corporate sustainability initiative and with over 12 000 participating organizations provides a major influence on global business sustainability practices. Its mission is to guide organizations in how to (1) do business responsibly by aligning their strategies and operations with Ten Principles on human rights labour environment and anti-corruption; and (2) take strategic actions to advance broader societal goals such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals with an emphasis on collaboration and innovation. This new book addresses head-on some of the most persistent managerial challenges faced by businesses and organizations today. To what extent are businesses able to practice responsible management with regard to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact? How can managers of organizations comprehensively and pragmatically address the risks and responsibilities concerning these complex and changing issues in their policies and practice? It also offers a platform for academics to confront some of the most intriguing intellectual challenges on this topic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781783533275

Beyond the BoundariesA New Structure of Ambition in African American Politics In the past African American aspirations for political offi ce were assumed to be limited to areas with sizeable black population bases. By and large black candidates have rarely been successful in statewide or national elections. This has been attributed to several factors: limited resources available to African American candidates or identifi cation with a black liberationist ideological thrust. Other factors have been a relatively small and spatially concentrated primary support base of black voters and the persistent resistance of many white voters to support black candidates.For these reasons the possibility of black candidates winning elections to national offi ce was presumably just a dream. Conventional wisdom conceded a virtual cap on both the possible number of black elected officials and the level of elective offi ce to which they could ascend. But objective political analysis has not always made sufficient allowances for the more universal phenomenon of individual political ambitions. Th e contributors to this volume explore the ways ambitious individuals identifi ed and seized upon strategies that are expanding the boundaries of African American electoral politics.This volume is anchored by a symposium that focuses on new possibiities in African American politics. Both the electoral contests of 2006 and the Barack Obama presidential campaign represent an emergent dynamic in American electoral politics. Analysts are beginning to agree that the contours of social change now make the electoral successes of black candidates who are perceived as ideologically and culturally mainstream increasingly likely. The debate captured in this volume will likely inspire further scholarly inquiry into the changing nature and dimensions of the larger dynamic of race in American politics and the subsequent changing political fortunes of African American candidates. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519527

Beyond the Classroom WallsEthnographic Inquiry as Pedagogy This book integrates ethnographic research with teacher education strategies with the aim of preparing teachers to work with urban and low-income youth in schools and other social service agencies. Through various case studies Gordon provides insight into how educators in diverse settings can engage students-be they preservice or veteran teachers-in the process of discovering the complexity of their students' lives as well as their own. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315023571

Beyond the ClassroomCollaborating with Colleagues and Parents to Build Core Literacy Go beyond the walls of your classroom to build literacy and achievement. In this insightful book you’ll discover how you can better meet the rigorous goals of the Common Core by opening new lines of communication with colleagues parents and students. Each chapter centers around an action project that was designed to help teachers improve literacy by moving beyond the typical class lessons and worksheets. The projects include... A book club for families of kindergarten and first grade students to help students build foundational literacy skills A book club designed to engage middle school students with young adult literature using digital forums "Write with your child" evenings to help parents connect with their middle school children An instructional team’s challenge to use a range of mentor texts in their classrooms And much more! As you read each project you’ll come away with ideas and inspiration that you can apply to your own teaching. By challenging yourself to connect with parents and colleagues on a deeper level you will be better able to align your work adjust for your students and achieve your teaching goals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138016101

Beyond the ClosetThe Transformation of Gay and Lesbian Life Gay life has become increasingly open in the last decade. In Beyond the Closet Steven Seidman a well-known author and leading scholar in sexuality is the first to chronicle this lifestyle change and to look at the lives of contemporary gays and lesbians to see how their "out" status has changed. This compelling well-written and smart account is an important step forward for the gay and lesbian community. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203951811

Beyond The Cold War This book contributes to the public discussion of policy issues by making available to readers some of the information and insights which have resulted from the work of many scholars in Soviet affairs. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367155605

Beyond the Conservatory ModelReimagining Classical Music Performance Training in Higher Education Amid enormous changes in higher education audience and music listener preferences and the relevant career marketplace music faculty are increasingly aware of the need to reimagine classical music performance training for current and future students. But how can faculty and administrators under urgent pressure to act be certain that their changes are effective strategic and beneficial for students and institutions? In this provocative yet measured book Michael Stepniak and Peter Sirotin address these questions with perspectives rooted in extensive experience as musicians educators and arts leaders. Building on a multidimensional analysis of core issues and drawing upon interviews with leaders from across the performing arts and higher education music fields Stepniak and Sirotin scrutinize arguments for and against radical change illuminating areas of unavoidable challenge as well as areas of possibility and hope. An essential read for education leaders contemplating how classical music can continue to thrive within American higher education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367226930

Beyond the Consumption Bubble Research on consumption can shed light on many fundamental questions such as the character of society including social and cultural dimensions; the relations between the generations; dependency on technology and the risks involved; the rise of Asia and its potential consumption preferences; the question of whether we must continuously increase our consumption to avoid a recession and whether this is ecologically sustainable. In the field of consumption research there is need for analytical rigor based on theory and empirical evidence as well as discussions that will inspire readers to ask important questions regarding future development. The contributors to this innovative volume are scholars and experts in the field of consumption representing a variety of disciplines such as anthropology economics history marketing political science and sociology. This book not only provides readers with a nuanced picture of consumption but intends to enrich and sharpen the general debate about society today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415653657

Beyond the Culture ToursStudies in Teaching and Learning With Culturally Diverse Texts In calling this book Beyond the Culture Tours the authors bring the reader's attention to a set of issues in the teaching of literature and culture. The Culture Tour is an old concept in the West dating back to the seventeenth century. The educated young man -- it was an exclusively male project at first -- was expected to round off his education with the Grand Tour. This meant a visit to the major sites on the European continent particularly Greece and Rome and occasionally to the Holy Land. The object was to have a first-hand view of these monuments and looking at them alone brought people the name of being cultured or well-traveled. As the idea spread in the early part of the twentieth century it allowed for the vicarious tour rather than the actual one. Students were asked to look at collections of art or reproductions of art work listen to concerts or later recordings and to read certain classical works drawn from what has come to be known as "the canon." The point of this form of education was that exposure to these works in itself formed a version of the Grand Tour. The basic idea behind the tour approach is that exposure to a culture in books is like travel to an ethnic theme park. This volume looks beyond the tour approach and reports on the results of a four-year project undertaken by a research team from the National Center for Research in the Learning and Teaching of Literature. Their intent was to study the teaching and impact of multicultural literature. The team examined how students approached texts that either came from their culture or from another and how teachers perceived the students the literature and their role. This volume details various aspects of their findings. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315045245

Beyond the Days of the GiantsSolving the Crisis of Growth and Succession in Today's CPA Firms During the next 10 years an estimated 40-50 percent of the partners in public accounting firms will retire. This exodus will place an enormous intellectual and financial strain on firms as they scramble to train and promote new partners retire the existing ones in an orderly manner and find the profitability to do so in extraordinarily lean economic times. Beyond the Days of the Giants: Solving the Crisis of Growth and Succession in Today’s CPA Firms is a practical readable implementation guide for your firm to use during this next critical decade. It gives step-by-step guidance on how to: Create a growth culture founded in practitioner-led value creation Build a no-new-cost practice system to operate within it and Renew practitioner accountability not to disappearing Giant-centered value creation systems but to evidence-based value management practice—led by our New Giants. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781482203561

Beyond The Dead-end Alley Of Mass Education This book deals with the realm of education—getting beyond the dead end of mass education—in the context of Israeli education system. It analyzes the aims and target populations of educational fostering and illustrates the dead-end situation of the educational system. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367157579

Beyond the Drug War in MexicoHuman rights the public sphere and justice This volume aims to go beyond the study of developments within Mexico’s criminal world and their relationship with the state and law enforcement. It focuses instead on the nature and consequences of what we call the ‘totalization of the drug war’ and its projection on other domains which are key to understanding the nature of Mexican democracy. The volume brings together chapters written by distinguished scholars from Mexico and elsewhere who deal with three major questions: what are the main features of and forces behind the persistent militarization of the drug war in Mexico and what are the main consequences for human rights and the rule of law; what are the consequences of these developments on the public sphere and more specifically on the functioning of the press and freedom of expression; and how do ordinary people engage with the effects of violence and insecurity within their communities and which initiatives and practices of ‘justice from below’ do they develop to counter an increased sense of vulnerability suffering and impunity? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367374310

Beyond The Echoesoweto First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315079080

Beyond the EmergencyDevelopment Within UN Peace Missions This volume focuses on the issue of development within the UN peace mission. It examines a number of critical issues relating to the interface between development relief and peacekeeping including institutional coordination the implementation of development in the field and the contending philosophies that sometimes underpin military and developmental approaches to human security. Not least it poses the question of how sustainable development fits within the post-conflict space of UN peace missions. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315036700

Beyond the Energy–Water–Food NexusNew Strategies for 21st-Century Growth Providing food clean water and energy for a growing population is one of the greatest challenges facing public and private sector professionals. While there is widespread recognition of the complex feedback loops between energy water and food there has been less focus on viable solutions. This guide by Will Sarni – an internationally recognized thought leader on corporate water stewardship and water tech innovation – frames the key issues and challenges for business professionals and then outlines emerging solutions which include both "soft path" and technology innovation approaches. The book includes case examples of multinational companies who are abandoning business as usual and moving beyond traditional thinking. It also highlights crucial new partnerships or "collective action initiatives" where NGOs multinationals and the public sector come together to forge practical solutions to meet the needs of their stakeholders. Solutions to the energy–water–food nexus will need to be disruptive not incremental and will require technology innovation new public–private partnerships and changes in public policy. Beyond the Energy–Food–Water Nexus shows organizations how they can play their part in improving the quality of life for an urbanized global population while preserving the ecosystems that sustain us all. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781910174470

Beyond the FrameFeminism and Visual Culture Britain 1850 -1900 Beyond the Frame rewrites the history of Victorian art to explore the relationships between feminism and visual culture in a period of heady excitement and political struggle. Artists were caught up in campaigns for women's enfranchisement education and paid work and many were drawn into controversies about sexuality. This richly documented and compelling study considers painting sculpture prints photography embroidery and comic drawings as well as major styles such as Pre-Raphaelitism Neo-Classicism and Orientalism. Drawing on critical theory and post-colonial studies to analyse the links between visual media modernity and imperialism Deborah Cherry argues that visual culture and feminism were intimately connected to the relations of power. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203351314

Beyond the Frustrated SelfOvercoming Avoidant Patterns and Opening to Life This book foregrounds the life struggles of an individual Brenda in such a way that argument and theoretical exploration arise organically out of experience. The "frustration" of the title is traced to avoidant attachment - pretending not to need others. In Brenda this is associated with a body-energy pattern that is both over-charged and over-contained generating a self-frustrating process. Such a repressive defence works against her so that she experiences her life as dry soulless and uncreative. A variety of existential difficulties are traced to how such core developmental issues interact with our socio-cultural environment. A way forward is outlined: play and finding meaning are identified as transformational hubs that bring wellbeing into Brenda's life and restore her capacity for experiencing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782200529

Beyond the Gatekeeper State Beyond the Gatekeeper State explores the dynamic changes occurring within and between African states and the international system since the turn of the century. Frederick Cooper’s model of ‘gatekeeper states’ – shaped as much by their international links as by their domestic practices – provides the basis for the contributors’ thinking about international relations in Africa and the wider international system. The chapters explore the political implications of Africa’s new relations with the old super-powers former colonial powers and the emerging powers from the South. These new relationships reflect and affect changing technology infrastructure and resource flows within and between African states. Drawing on both rich empirical cases and theoretical approaches the book interrogates the implications of these changes on how we think about states and state systems. Exploring the impact of changing technology finance and resources on African politics Beyond the Gatekeeper State will be of great interest to scholars of African Politics and International Relations (IR) as well as African Studies IR and the politics of the Global South more broadly. This book was originally published as a special issue of Third World Thematics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367373603

Beyond the Glass CaseThe Past the Heritage and the Public Second Edition The book is the result of a nationwide survey in the UK that measured public use of and attitudes to the past archaeology and collecting. The author reviews this research in the light of contemporary theory on ideology and representation and goes on to develop a convincing explanation for the failure of museums and similar institutions to connect with the majority of the public. Merriman marshals the empirical and theoretical work to make a powerful case for a new approach to attract the under served populations; one which encourages a view of the museum as a service helping its public to see understand and engage with its own personal local and multi-faceted past. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138404588

Beyond the Global Capitalist CrisisThe World Economy in Transition The deep economic recession that has occurred in all major sectors of the U.S. and global economy is a manifestation of the underlying contradictions of the capitalist system that has resulted in the accumulation of vast fortunes on one side and impoverishment debt and destitution on the other. In short the crisis of global capitalism is the result of the immense disparities in wealth and income and a consequent widening gap between capital and labor. This ground-breaking book brings together a team of experts on the contemporary global capitalist political economy who are able to shed light on the inner workings of global capitalism and the capitalist globalization process that has led to the growth and development of capitalism from the national to the global level with all its fundamental internal dynamics and contradictions operating on a world scale. It will make an important contribution to understanding the underlying causes of the current global economic crisis and show the way out of this crisis by way of a powerful critique of the global capitalist system that will ultimately go through a major economic political and social transformation. Analysis of the global capitalist crisis raises questions regarding the process of capitalist globalization especially now that neoliberal economic policies have failed. Does this signal the end of capitalist globalization and the collapse of the global capitalist system? This book will take up these questions and entertain the possibility of a new beginning in the global political economy through an analysis of the next period of post-capitalist developments worldwide that may set the stage for the rise of socialism across the globe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138117341

Beyond the Global CrisisStructural Adjustments and Regional Integration in Europe and Latin America The book aims at offering a comparative multi-perspective analysis of the different at times parallel at times with varying degrees of interdependence macroeconomic and structural adjustments in the two continents against the backdrop of important processes of regional integration. Its reading offers a multifaceted appreciation of the reality emerging from the mixing up of longer run tendencies deepened by the brute force of the financial and then industrial crisis. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138686588

Beyond the Global Culture War "Beyond the Global Culture War" presents a cross-cultural critique of global liberalism and argues for a broad-based challenge that can meet it on its own scale. Adam Webb is one of our most exciting and original young scholars and this book is certain to generate many new debates. This timely volume probes many of the key challenges we face in the new millennium. This is essential reading for all students of politics and globalization. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203957080

Beyond The Golden Lotus First published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964624

Beyond the Good Friday AgreementIn the Midst of Brexit 2018 marks the 20th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement. When it was signed few would have imagined Brexit. This book examines the impact of the Good Friday Agreement on internal and cross-border political and economic cooperation between Northern Ireland Ireland and Britain in the context of Brexit. It also examines the impact of Brexit to date and concludes with some scenarios about the longer-term impact of Brexit on the Good Friday Agreement itself and on Northern Ireland’s constitutional status. The volume comprises chapters from leading academics in the fields of Northern Irish and comparative politics who deal with economic and political aspects of the Good Friday Agreement making an original contribution to the current debates on conflict resolution. It provides a theoretical framework by renowned expert on consociationalism Brendan O’Leary as well as a chapter on the British-Irish Relationship in the 21st Century by renowned Northern Ireland specialist John Coakley. This book was originally published as a special issue of Ethnopolitics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367585372

Beyond the Grand TourNorthern Metropolises and Early Modern Travel Behaviour Travel in early modern Europe is frequently represented as synonymous with the institution of the Grand Tour a journey undertaken by elite young males from northern Europe to the centres of the arts and antiquity in Italy. Taking a somewhat different perspective this volume builds upon recent research that pushes beyond this narrow orthodoxy and which decentres Italy as the ultimate destination of European travellers. Instead it explores a much broader pattern of travel undertaken by people of varied backgrounds and with divergent motives for travelling. By tapping into current reactions against the reification of the Grand Tour as a unique and distinctive practice this volume represents an important contribution to the ongoing process of resituating the Grand Tour as part of a wider context of travel and topographicalmwriting. Focusing upon practices of travel in northern and western Europe rather than in Italy particularly in Britain the Low Countries and Germany the essays in this collection highlight how itineraries continually evolved in response to changing political economic and intellectual contexts. In so doing the reasons for travel in northern Europe are subjected to a similar level of detailed analysis as has previously only been directed on Italy. By doing this the volume demonstrates the variety of travel experiences including the many shorter journeys made for pleasure health education and business undertaken by travellers of varying age and background across the period. In this way the volume brings to the fore the experiences of varied categories of traveller – from children to businessmen – which have traditionally been largely invisible in the historiography of travel. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367344566

Beyond the Green Economy The world needs a new economy. In spite of tremendous and growing material prosperity inequality is on the rise and the current organization of the Earth’s natural resources has failed to address the basic human needs of billions of people. This book exposes the bottlenecks of the present path of economic growth and discusses the main path to alternatives. In spite of undeniable advances all evidence points towards the growing depletion of the very ecosystems that societies depend on. By placing ethics squarely in the middle of economic life this book demonstrates the need for a new economy one that fosters unity between society nature economics and ethics. It questions the most important scientific and political pillar that forms the basis for evaluating social resource use: economic growth.  Written in a non-specialist language this book is an introduction to the main issues involving sustainable development. It will be essential reading for both students and professionals working in the field of socio-environmental responsibility. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138938861

Beyond the Innocence of ChildhoodFactors Influencing Children and Adolescents' Perceptions and Attitudes Volume 1 Death is not a mere possibility but a certainty for all of us. Yet today's society unrealistically portrays childhood as a time of unremittant joy and freedom. Unfortunately the reality of life may suddenly bring children face to face with tragic circumstances such as the death of their pet the terminal illness of their parent their own struggle with life-threatening disease the accidental death of their sibling or the suicide of a friend. The gravity of any of these situations takes children beyond the innocence of childhood and plunges them into a world that is frightening and full of uncertainty. Unfortunately our perceptions and attitudes toward death do not equip children with the tools to help them cope adequately with such overwhelming experiences. Beyond the Innocence of Childhood is a collection of forty chapters which are divided into three separate volumes. The overall purpose of this series is to answer the question: How do we as educators clinicians other professionals and parents help children and adolescents deal with threat to their lives dying death and bereavement? In this three volume set the editors have brought together a number of well-known educators researchers and practitioners who share their knowledge and expertise concerning the care and well-being of children and adolescents. SPECIFIC TO VOLUME 1 Children explore the world around them through spontaneous and later structured learning acquire knowledge learn to understand themselves establish their role in the family develop peer and adult relationships and find their place in the world. However today's society does not include death as part of this developmental process. Unfortunately such avoidance may negatively influence children's ability to acquire an understanding of the concepts of death and to develop positive attitudes toward death.Highlights of this section include:Answering children's questionsChildren and death--past present and futureGender differencesTeachable momentsPerceptions of death cognitive development and children's artworkThe second part of volume 1 examines influences in today's society that potentially impact on children and adolescents' perceptions and attitudes toward life-threatening illness and death. This volume offers readers valuable insights into the various factors which ultimately affect children's ability to achieve a mature understanding of death. Features include the following:Violent death in a popular culture and the mediaPolitical conflict and warThe epidemic of AIDSCultural differences in the management of life-threatening illnessDeath rituals and funeral ceremonies Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315225029

Beyond the InternetUnplugging the Protest Movement Wave The western economic and financial crisis began with the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008 and led the European Union countries into recession. After this governments started to implement austerity measures such as cuts in public spending including public subsidies and jobs and rising prices. In this context Europe started to experience a wave of protest movements. Individuals started to use the manifold interactive digital media environment to both fight against the austerity measures and find alternative ways of claiming their democratic rights. Inspired by the 2011 Arab Spring and the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York (USA) the Occupy LSX encampment in Central London (UK) The Outraged (Los Indignados)/ 15M encampment in Central Madrid (Spain) the Syntagma Square’s Outraged movement in Athens (Greece) and the March 12th Movement in Lisbon (Portugal) although short-lived epitomize an emerging alternative politics and participation via the media. This wave has promoted a debate on how the realm of politics is changing as citizens broaden their ideas of what political issues and participation mean. Beyond the Internet examines the technological dimension of the recent wave of protest movements in the United Kingdom Spain Portugal Greece and Ireland. Offering an opportunity to achieve a better understanding of the dynamics between society politics and technology this volume questions the essentialist attributes of the Internet that fuel the techno-centric discourse. The contributors illustrate how all these protest movements were active in the social media and garnered high levels of media attention and public visibility in spite of their failure to achieve their political goals. As intra-elite dissent was pivotal in understanding the Arab uprisings the coalition of national ruling elites with European institutions in terms of austerity strategy is essential in understanding the limits of media/technology power and therefore the dissociation between communication and representative power. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815370581

Beyond the Iron HouseLu Xun and the Modern Chinese Literary Field Beyond the Iron House is a critical study of a crucial period of life and work of the modern Chinese writer Lu Xun. Through thorough research into historical materials and archives the author demonstrates that Lu Xun was recognized in the literary field much later than has hitherto been argued. Neither the appearance of "Kuangren riji" (Diary of a madman) in 1918 nor the publication of Nahan (Outcry) in 1923 had catapulted the author into nationwide prominence; in comparison with his contemporaries neither was his literary work as original and unique as many have claimed nor were his thoughts and ideas as popular and influential as many have believed; like many other agents in the literary field Lu Xun was actively involved in power struggles over what was at stake in the field; Lu Xun was later built into an iconic figure and the blind worship of him hindered a better and more authentic understanding of many other modern writers and intellectuals such as Gao Changhong and Zhou Zuoren whose complex relationships with Lu Xun are fully explored and analysed in the book. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367516611

Beyond The Large FarmEthics And Research Goals For Agriculture This book examines the rationale for emphasizing productivity as the dominant goal of agricultural research and challenges in the form of alternative goals that scientists might seek in performing agricultural research. It presents bibliographic essays that review the criticisms of research. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367166113

Beyond the Lean OfficeA Novel on Progressing from Lean Tools to Operational Excellence While more and more companies are aggressively pursuing Operational Excellence by employing Six Sigma Lean and other continuous improvement methods the concept has yet to be defined in a way that can be easily taught and applied especially in industries other than manufacturing. This book fills that need.Beyond the Lean Office uses a compelling novel format to illustrate what it takes to create and sustain flow and Operational Excellence in the office. Readers learn as they follow the main character through initial attempts to correct late responses to a primary customer and the evolution to an approach based on Operational Excellence. The story illustrates the day-to-day issues that most organizations face in their pursuit of Operational Excellence.To achieve Operational Excellence it takes more than just a strong leader with passion and drive. The key ingredient is practical knowledge that can be applied quickly and easily by following a process. This book supplies step-by-step guidance on how to move your office services from point A to point B. The practical insights and guidance presented here create a road map that can be shared with each employee to rapidly move your organization forward. All chapters also include a From the Author section that shares authoritative insights on the topic at hand.After reading this book you will understand how to design and create self-healing flow that provides reliable predictable output in the office and operates without the need for management intervention to deliver the services provided by the office. Instead management focuses on the activities that grow your enterprise. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781498712484

Beyond the Learning OrganisationPaths of Organisational Learning in the East German Context This title was first published in 2000. In contemporary management literature the idea that managers and organizations should learn and provide widespread capabilities for learning to learn is gaining popularity. Some see reflexive thinking and learning as being the proper response to the transformation of industrial society. However this study is not concerned too much with the reasons for learning but is more about how actors and groups of actors actually learn and the resources at their disposal for learning. The study aims to show that differences in social context do matter and analyzes the organizational learning process in the political and social transformation of East Germany. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138739796

Beyond the Letter (Routledge Revivals)A Philosophical Inquiry into Ambiguity Vagueness and Methaphor in Language Ambiguity vagueness and metaphor are pervasive features of language deserving of systematic study in their own right. Yet they have frequently been considered mere deviations from ideal language or obstacles to be avoided in the construction of scientific systems. First published in 1979 Beyond the Letter offers a consecutive study of these features from a philosphical point of view providing analyses of each and treating their relations to one another. Addressed to the fundamental task of logical and semantic explanation the book employs an inscriptional methodology in the attempt to avoid prevalent forms of question-begging and further in the conviction that sparseness of assumption often reveals points of theoretical interest irrespective of methodolgical preference. The author distinguishes and analyses several varieties of ambiguity developing new semantic notions in the process; recasts the philosophical treatment of vagueness in the light of recent criticisms of analyticity; discusses the bearing of vagueness on logic; and provides a systematic critique of major recent interpretations of metaphor developing a revised version of contextualism. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203850336

Beyond the Marketplace For at least a half-century there has been active debate on the nature of the economy between classical and neoclassical economists and advocates of a more -substantivist- approach (most recently cultural anthropologists)... The essays are uniformly well written and excellently documented. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519534

Beyond the NanoworldQuarks Leptons and Gauge Bosons Beyond the world of atoms at scales smaller than the smallest nuclei a new world comes into view populated by an array of colorful elementary particles: strange and charmed quarks muons and neutrinos gluons and photons and many others all interacting in beautifully intricate patterns. Beyond the Nanoworld tells the story of how this new realm was discovered. From the first discoveries of subatomic structure to the present-day hunt for the Higgs particle the reader is invited to follow the twin branches of experimental and theoretical research as they wind through the twentieth century culminating in the most successful physical theory of all time: the standard model of particle physics. Media > Books > Print Books A K Peters/CRC Press 9780367446154

Beyond the Networked CityInfrastructure reconfigurations and urban change in the North and South Cities around the world are undergoing profound changes. In this global era we live in a world of rising knowledge economies digital technologies and awareness of environmental issues. The so-called "modern infrastructural ideal" of spatially and socially ubiquitous centrally-governed infrastructures providing exclusive homogeneous services over extensive areas has been the standard of reference for the provision of basic essential services such as water and energy supply. This book argues that after decades of undisputed domination this ideal is being increasingly questioned and that the network ideology that supports it may be waning. In order to begin exploring the highly diverse fluid and unstable landscapes emerging beyond the networked city this book identifies dynamics through which a ‘break’ with previous configurations has been operated and new brittle zones of socio-technical controversy through which urban infrastructure (and its wider meaning) are being negotiated and fought over. It uncovers across a diverse set of urban contexts new ways in which processes of urbanization and infrastructure production are being combined with crucial sociopolitical implications: through shifting political economies of infrastructure which rework resource distribution and value creation; through new infrastructural spaces and territorialities which rebundle socio-technical systems for particular interests and claims; and through changing offsets between individual and collective appropriation experience and mobilization of infrastructure. With contributions from leading authorities in the field and drawing on theoretical advances and original empirical material this book is a major contribution to an ongoing infrastructural turn in urban studies and will be of interest to all those concerned by the diverse forms and contested outcomes of contemporary urban change across North and South. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138308374

Beyond the New RightMarkets Government and the Common Environment John Gray is now established as one of the UK's leading political thinkers. For over a decade he has been asssociated with the ideas and think-tanks of the New Right. In this book he presents both a criticism of the ideological excesses of New Right ideology and a radical critique of the New Right itself developed from the standpoint of traditional conservatism.All the major thinkers and themes of the New Right are examined together with many major issues of current public policy - such as the growth of the underclass the future of the welfare state and the role of government in education and culture. The author also argues that there are deep affinities between conservative ideology and Green thought. He advances radical proposals for the preservation and renewal of common life for an age in which the ideals of modernism including continuous economic growth are decreasingly viable. He expresses his conviction that conservative philosophy will find its future in dissociating itelf from the neo-liberalism that has lately dominated policy and returning to the task of redefining traditional values. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138157613

Beyond the Philosopher's FearA Cavellian Reading of Gender Origin and Religion in Modern Skepticism Based on a detailed analysis of gender in Stanley Cavell's treatment of the skeptical problem this book addresses the relationship between gender and religion in modern skepticism. Engaging in dialogue with Julia Kristeva's philosophy Viefhues claims that a religious problem underlies Cavell's understanding of the feminine. The feminine which the skeptic fears is construed as a placeholder for the beyond marking the transcendence of our origins which are elusive yet at the same time part of ourselves. It is argued that a religious question of origins thus lies at the heart of the modern skeptical problem. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261584

Beyond the Philosophy of the SubjectAn Educational Philosophy and Theory Post-Structuralist Reader Volume I This first volume focuses on a collection of texts from the latter twenty years of Educational Philosophy and Theory selected for their critical status as turning points or important awakenings in post-structural theory. In the last twenty years the applications of the postmodern and poststructuralist perspectives have become less mono-focused less narrowly concerned with technical questions and also less interested in epistemology and more interested in ethics. This book covers questions of genealogy ontology the body and the institution giving examples of theoretical applications of post-structural theory that testify to the generative and endlessly applicable potential of this work to different fields and avenues of thought. While informed by Foucault’s thinking of the political subjugation of docile bodies to individuals as self-determining beings the chapters in this book culminate in amalgamations of different schools of educational philosophy which explore poststructuralist approaches to education. Beyond the Philosophy of the Subject will be key reading for academics researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of philosophy of education philosophy education educational theory post-structural theory the policy and politics of education and the pedagogy of education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815358992

Beyond the PlanSocial Change in a Hungarian Village The aims of postwar Eastern Europe governments included first and foremost the restructuring and controlling of economic and social domains. Since 1945 planning in rural Hungary has been focused on the collectivization of agriculture. However activities at the village level not only deflected the intended outcomes of government policies but also generated new innovative results. Families managed to redirect their efforts into a variety of job sectors and to forge essential ties with the industrial non-agricultural job sectors. Labor withheld from the collectives was invested in plot farming a development that proved of paramount importance to both the national and household economies. Today most rural families continue to participate in more than one sector of production making it difficult for the central government to design selective policies aimed at the "peasant." The broadening of Hungary's interpretation and application of socialist principles was largely a result of the ways in which government plans were reinterpreted and reapplied at the local level. By examining agricultural changes in one Hungarian village Dr. Vasary explores some of the possibilities and limitations inherent in collectivization. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367014063

Beyond the Policy CycleThe policy process in Australia It is common (and comforting) to see public policy as the result of careful craft work by expert officials who recognise a problem identify and evaluate possible responses and choose the most appropriate strategy the policy cycle'. The reality is more complex and challenging. Many hands are involved in policy-making not all of them official they are not all addressing the same problem they have different ideas about what would be a good answer and the process is rarely brought to a neat close by a clear decision. The development of policy can resemble firefighting with players rushing to react to demands for action in areas that are already in crisis or it can be a less frenetic process of weaving as they search for an outcome which reflects the concerns of all the stakeholders. Effective participation in the policy process calls for a clear understanding of this complexity and ambiguity.Beyond the Policy Cycle sets policy in this wider context. It recognises that participants in the process are drawn from both government and diverse areas outside government and looks not at a model' process but rather at how the game is played: how issues rise to prominence who is actually doing the work and exactly what it is that they are doing. With detailed Australian case studies and examining the implications of recent trends in policy such as the outsourcing of service provision Beyond the Policy Cycle offers students and practitioners a critical and engaged look at the activity of policy that reflects the reality of the policy experience. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003115052

Beyond the Present and the Particular (International Library of the Philosophy of Education Volume 2)A Theory of Liberal Education Charles Bailey advances a modern characterization and justification of liberal education and defends such a view of liberal education against contemporary challenges. The book will be of special value to those guiding educational policy designing curricula and reflecting on their own teaching practice. An introductory part of the book describes the need for justification and the special nature of liberal education as compared with other characterizations of education in utilitarian terms. The author offers a positive account of the content of liberal education after a consideration and critique of the work of Paul Hirst Philip Phenix and John White and follows this with an account of teacher strategy attitude and methodology appropriate to liberal education. The final part of the book describes contemporary trends and challenges to the idea of liberal education and shows how they fail to provide a coherent alternative to liberal education as a basis for universal compulsory education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138871342

Beyond the Primal AddictionFood Sex Gambling Internet Shopping and Work Written by experienced practitioners in the fields of addiction and psychoanalysis and illustrated by a range of moving vignettes this groundbreaking book examines the psychological foundations of addiction in the areas of food sex gambling internet usage shopping and work. This book not only explores the roots of addictive behavior explaining why popular treatment options such as the 12-Step Program often fail it also provides insights for emotional resolution and strategies for behavioral change. Beyond the Primal Addiction seeks to understand rather than pathologize addictive behaviours now so pervasive in contemporary societies. It will be essential reading for psychoanalysts psychotherapists and other mental health professionals as well as their clients. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367150723

Beyond the Prison Industrial ComplexCrime and Incarceration in the 21st Century This short text ideal for Social Problems and Criminal Justice courses examines the American prison system its conditions and its impact on society. Wehr and Aseltine define the prison industrial complex and explain how the current prison system is a contemporary social problem. They conclude by using California as a case study and propose alternatives and alterations to the prison system. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415635530

Beyond the Psychoanalytic DyadDevelopmental Semiotics in Freud Peirce and Lacan In this original work of psychoanalytic theory John Muller explores the formative power of signs and their impact on the mind the body and subjectivity giving special attention to work of the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan and the American philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce. Muller explores how Lacan's way of understanding experience through three dimensions--the real the imaginary and the symbolic--can be useful both for thinking about cultural phenomena and for understanding the complexities involved in treating psychotic patients and develops Lacan's perspective gradually presenting it as distinctive approaches to data from a variety of sources. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315811574

Beyond the Resources of PovertyGecekondu Living in the Turkish Capital This groundbreaking volume researches the lives of gecekondu settlers in the capital city of Turkey in order to understand how households cope with poverty and why some households are more successful than others in reducing their deprivation. It takes a critical stance towards existing conceptions such as household survival livelihood and coping strategy and develops an alternative model based on four types of household response to poverty: income generation income allocation consumption and investment. In explaining household responses and their outcomes for poverty the book demonstrates the role of different resources beyond income including social economic and cultural capital. It emphasises broader structural factors such as labour market processes and state policies which influence the availability and/or benefit delivery capacity of household resources and thereby moves beyond the dominant view which overemphasises the resilience of the poor. Gender divisions within the household are also examined. The book adopts an innovative method for measuring poverty. The new method combines 'objective' and subjective dimensions of deprivation to develop a unique way of addressing two central questions: what are those standards of living whose absence indicates deprivation and how can the value of each standard of living be determined? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138260849

Beyond the Responsibility to Protect in International LawAn Ethics of Irresponsibility This book offers a critical appraisal of the international legal idea of the ‘Responsibility to Protect’. The idea that the international community has a responsibility to protect populations at risk has become the prominent mode and structure of address in response to mass human atrocities gross human rights violations and large-scale loss of life. Although the "international community" of liberal international law and of legal cosmopolitanism for the most part projects a self-assured collective project this book maintains that it transforms global ethical responsibility into a project of governance management and control. Pursuing this argument and drawing on critical legal literature critical international relations and on ideas of responsibility and ethical relationality in the work of Jacques Derrida and Judith Butler the book develops a concept of "irresponsibility". This concept is then juxtaposed to the dominant Responsibility to Protect discourse. By exposing and acknowledging "the sites of irresponsibility" of the Responsibility to Protect the book argues that irresponsibility itself can become the condition of ethical responsibility and the possibility of justice. This original approach to an increasingly important topic will prove invaluable to those working in international law international relations politics and legal theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367429706

Beyond the Rhetoric of Pain Beyond the Rhetoric of Pain presents a fresh interdisciplinary approach to the current research on pain from a variety of scholarly angles within Literature Film and Media Game Studies Art History Hispanic Studies Memory Studies Anthropology Sociology Philosophy and Law. Through the combination of these perspectives this volume goes beyond the existing structures within and across these disciplines framing new concepts of pain in attitude practice language and ethics of response to pain. Comprised of fourteen unique essays Beyond the Rhetoric of Pain maintains a common thread of analysis using a historical and cultural lens to explore the rhetoric of pain. Considering various methodologies this volume questions the ethical social and political demands pain makes upon those who feel watch or speak it. Arranged to move from historical cases and relevance of pain in history towards the contemporary movement topics include pain as a social figure rhetorical tool artistic metaphor and political representation in jurisprudence. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138366541

Beyond the Rule of ThumbMethods for Evaluating Public Investment Projects This book discusses the rationale for correcting market prices in the evaluation of public investments. It also aims at covering techniques of project appraisals such as the effects method cost efficiency techniques multicriteria analysis and related logical frameworks. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367012984

Beyond the Ruling ClassStrategic Elites in Modern Society Influential minorities have existed in some form in all human societies. Throughout history such elites have evoked varied responses--respeet. hos-tility fear. envy imitation but never indifference. While certain elite groups have been of only passing historical importance strategic elites whose mem-bers are national and international leaders today are ultimately responsible for the realization of social goals and for the continuity of the social order in a swiftly changing world. This volume which first appeared in 1963 markeda major advance in our theoretical understanding of these elites why they are needed how they operate and what effect they have on society. Drawing upon the work of such classical writers as Saint-Simon. Marx. Durkheim. Mosca. Pareto. and Michels and such modern scholars as Mann-heim. Lasswell Aron. Mills and Parsons the author presents a challenging theory of elites that provides the framework for her examination of their co-existence their social origins and their rise and decline. The elites discussed here include political diplomatic economic and military as well as scientific cultural and religious ones. Systematically the author surveys available em-pirical data concerning American society and selected materials on Great Brit-ain. Germany the Soviet Union and the developing nations of Asia and Africa. Written with clarity and distinction. Beyond the Ruling Class remains a thorough and provocative treatment rich in empirical insights of a subject that will compel the attention of political scientists sociologists and historians concerned with themes of power influence and leadership in national and international life. Her new introduction to Beyond the Ruling Class is at once an appraisal of the current status of elite studies and a careful self-evaluation of her efforts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519541

Beyond the School GatesCan Full Service and Extended Schools Overcome Disadvantage? This book for the first time ever critically examines the role of full service and extended schools. The authors draw on their extensive international evaluations of this radical new phenomenon to ask: What do extended or full service schools hope to achieve and why should services based on schools be any more effective than services operating from other community bases? What pattern of services and activities is most effective? What does extended schooling mean for children and families who are not highly disadvantaged or for schools outside the most disadvantaged areas? How can schools lead extended services at the same time as doing their ‘day job’ of teaching children? Why should schools be concerned with family and community issues? Beyond the advocacy of ‘extended provision’ what real evidence is there that schools of this kind make a difference and how can school leaders evaluate the impact of their work? This book will be of interest to anyone involved in extended and full service school provision as a practitioner policy-maker or researcher. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415548755

Beyond the Security DilemmaEnding America's Cold War This title was first published in 2001. The security dilemma has long been at the heart of the security studies discipline. Moving beyond this this book attacks the assumptions of the traditional concept and redefines the security dilemma in a way more useful for examining security policy. By exposing the historical and social contingency of the traditional concept the book argues that the security dilemma is an important though not a permanently operating feature of international politics. An examination of US policy towards the Soviet Union demonstrates the limits of perceiving the Cold War and challenges the role that American security policy has played in the process of constructing a transatlantic security community. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138635067

Beyond the SelfPerspectives on Identity and Transcendence Among Youth:a Special Issue of applied Developmental Science Beyond the Self grew out of a conference of developmental scientists who examined the ways that young people were developing understandings of self that anchored youth to something larger than their own personal competencies and success. Each of the papers drew on the question of how one locates the formation of identity within the scope of different transcending demands or influences. This special issue is organized into three parts--moral civic and cultural and religous identity--but are not exclusive in their focus on these themes as many of the sections provide a more integrated view of human development. In sum these articles recognize that the search for identity and purpose within adolescence is informed by a multiplicity of voices. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203764688

Beyond the Smile: The Therapeutic Use of the Photograph Linda Berman explores the importance of photographs in our lives highlighting the hidden messages behind the images. She describes different ways of using photographs in therapy and shows how by triggering memory and emotion and revealing family patterns they can be used to help the patient. Detailed case studies with appropriate illustrations show how photographs can be used with individuals couples and groups and demonstrate how useful photographs can be in many different therapeutic settings. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138144033

Beyond the Sociology of DevelopmentEconomy and Society in Latin America and Africa Conceived as a response to the economic naïvety and implicit metropolitan bias of many 1950s and 60s studies of ‘the sociology of development’ this volume first published in 1975 provides actual field studies and theoretical reviews to indicate the directions which a conceptually more adequate study of developing societies should take. Much of the book reflects strongly the influence of Andre Gunder Frank but the contributors adopt a critical attitude to his ideas applying them in empirical situations within such African and American countries as Kenya Guyana Tanzania and Peru. Others pursue the lines of enquiry opened up by Latin American theories of economic ‘dependency’ and by the new school of French economic anthropology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415852739

Beyond the Sound BarrierThe Jazz Controversy in Twentieth-Century American Fiction Beyond the Sound Barrier examines twentieth-century fictional representations of popular music-particularly jazz-in the fiction of James Weldon Johnson F. Scott Fitzgerald Langston Hughes and Toni Morrison. Kristin K. Henson argues that an analysis of musical tropes in the work of these four authors suggests that cultural "mixing" constitutes one of the central preoccupations of modernist literature. Valuable for any reader interested in the intersections between American literature and the history of American popular music Henson situates the literary use of popular music as a culturally amalgamated boundary-crossing form of expression that reflects and defines modern American identities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964631

Beyond the Soviet UnionThe Fragmentation of Power First published in 1997 this book explores the upheavals within the Soviet Union that ended the Cold War balance of terror and forced an attempt to create market economies and democratic policies in the Western ideological mould. . The 10 chapters of this book reprints of Conflict Studies between 1989 and 1994 deal with particular internal issues within the former Soviet Union and its successor states with their relations with each other and with their neighbours in Europe. They include changes between civil and military authorities especially in Russia and the Ukraine and to implications for nuclear and conventional disarmament as well for foreign policy in general. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138608566

Beyond the Spectacle of TerrorismGlobal Uncertainty and the Challenge of the New Media "Henry Giroux's essay awakens us to the ways new media proliferate and circulate images and ideas of terror that order our lives pervert our pedagogy delimit our democracy. Recommended reading for anyone who wants to comprehend our times our politics our possibilities." --David Theo Goldberg University of California Irvine "Henry Giroux is one of the sharpest cultural critics today. His new book is an important intervention on media and spectacles. It shows us the depth of the dark side only to conclude that the same media may be deployed in recovery against the social fragmentation caused by fear and consumerism which is essential to bringing the country back to the path of decency and justice." --Arif Dirlik University of Oregon Prominent social critic Henry Giroux explores how new forms of media are challenging the very nature of politics in his most poignant and striking book to date. The emergence of the spectacle of terror as a new form of politics raises important questions about how fear and anxiety can be marketed how terrorism can be used to recruit people in support of authoritarian causes and how the spectacle of terrorism works in an age of injustices deep insecurities disembodied social relations fragmented communities and a growing militarization of everyday life. At the same time the new media such as the Internet digital camcorders and cell phones can be used to energize sites of resistance provide alternative public spheres pluralize political struggles and expand rather than close down democratic relations. Giroux considers what conditions and changes are necessary to reinvigorate democracy in light of these new challenges. Radical Imagination Series Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315635804

Beyond the StormsStrengthening Homeland Security and Disaster Management to Achieve Resilience This book deals with both actual and potential terrorist attacks on the United States as well as natural disaster preparedness and management in the current era of global climate change. The topics of preparedness critical infrastructure investments and risk assessment are covered in detail. The author takes the reader beyond counterterrorism statistics better first responder equipment and a fixation on FEMA grant proposals to a holistic analysis and implementation of mitigation response and recovery efforts. The recent Oklahoma tornadoes and West Texas storage tank explosion show the unpredictability of disaster patterns and the Boston Marathon bombings expose the difficulty in predicting and preventing attacks. Egli makes a compelling case for a culture of resilience by asserting a new focus on interagency collaboration public-private partnerships and collective action. Building upon the lessons of the 9/11 attacks hurricane Katrina and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill the basic findings are supported by a creative mix of case studies which include superstorm Sandy cascading power outages GPS and other system vulnerabilities and Japan's Fukushima disaster with its sobering aftermath. This book will help a new generation of leaders understand the need for smart resilience. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780765641960

Beyond the Symbiotic OrbitAdvances in Separation-Individuation Theory: Essays in Honor of Selma Kramer MD In this tribute to Selma Kramer eminent child analyst and colleague and close friend of the late Margaret Mahler senior analysts explore the continuing relevance of Mahler's separation-individuation theory to developmental and clinical issues. Editors Salman Akhtar and Henri Parens have grouped the original contributions to Beyond the Symbiotic Orbit into sections that reevaluate Mahler's theory.Section I is a timely reassessment of Mahler's working model from the standpoint of contemporary clinical and research findings. It includes comparisons of Mahler with Winnicott and Kohut and commentaries on the status of separation-individuation theory in relation to psychosexual theory early ego development and observational infancy research. Section II addresses the contribution of separation-individuation theory to our understanding of pathogenesis. Neurosis severe character pathology psychosomatic phenomena eating disorders and sexual perversions are among the topics of specific chapters. The final section explores the role of separation-individuation theory in the treatment of analysands of different ages and with different kinds of psychopathology; it also considers separation-individuation theory with respect to specific aspects of the treatment process including reconstruction transference and termination. A fresh reappraisal of a major perspective on early development Beyond the Symbiotic Orbit is a fitting testimonial to Selma Kramer who has played so important a role in elaborating Mahler's theory. Following from Kramer's own example the contributors show how separation-individuation theory in its ability to accomodate ongoing clinical and research findings is subject to continuing growth and refinement. They not only advance our understanding of Mahler's working model but pursue the implications of this model in new directions underscoring the many areas of exploration that separation-individuation theory opens to us. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367606466

Beyond the Tariff This book is a study of the workings of the Discretionary Lifer Panels of the Parole Board the body charged with the responsibility for making decisions on the release of discretionary life sentence prisoners. It traces the origins and development of the Discretionary Lifer Panels following the landmark Weeks and Thynne decisions of the European Court of Human Rights which led to the establishment of DLPs and examines the way in which the DLPs developed subsequently - often rather differently to what was originally envisaged as necessary to comply with the decision of the ECHR. This book provides a fascinating case study of a little-known part of the criminal justice system and explores at the same time the wider issues that have arisen - in particular the impact of the ECHR and the Human Rights Act on the criminal justice system; the relationship between the Parole Board and the Prison and Probation Services; the differences between release procedures for different categories of life sentence prisoner and those detained compulsorily under the Mental Health Act;the broader social legal and political context in which DLPs operate and the nature of discretionary decision-making in the criminal justice system field. the first detailed study - from a leading authority in the field - of the way decisions are reached on discretionary life sentence prisoners explores the impact of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and the Human Rights Act on the working of the criminal justice system of interest to practitioners and academics concerned with the criminal justice system. Media > Books > Print Books Willan 9781138964648

Beyond the Team An internationally renowned author offers an overview of how people and jobs can best be connected in a new era. 'Beyond the Team' draws on Meredith Belbin's extensive work with organizations worldwide to give further insights into the workings of teams and groups. The modern job needs to be actively interpreted and constantly revised in terms of the balance between a team role a work role and a professional role. The increasingly complex demands of modern jobs can be aided by a colour system as tested in international trials. A colour based top down bottom up form of communication creates sensitive feedback with a special value where members of a workforce do not share common language. The socially complex nature of communication about work in a new era offers parallels with the intricacies of the social insect world. Information technology is extending human networking with the potential of creating a form of organization closer to what can be achieved in superorganisms.'Beyond the Team' shows how eventually the mature team can learn to distribute work between its own members by giving a comprehensive understanding of how to manage both team roles and work roles. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780080500065

Beyond The ThawA New National Strategy This book is the first comprehensive examination of the U.S. national security situation in all of its dimensions since the dramatic events that began in 1989. It explores the shape of the armed forces and the balance of resources among the broad components of national security. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367153892

Beyond the Theory of ConstraintsHow to Eliminate Variation & Maximize Capacity The basic principle of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) is the impossibility of running a balanced factory at 100 percent capacity. Variation in processing and material transfer times is the root cause of longer cycle times and higher inventories which can hinder the ability to run a factory at full capacity. In Beyond the Theory of Constraints William Levinson challenges this basic principle by stating that variation in processing and material transfer times comes from special or assignable causes that can be eliminated through traditional quality management techniques. Even random or common-cause variation can be suppressed through lean manufacturing methods. This compelling book: Gives a complete overview of the Theory of Constraints and its impact on engineering and managerial economics Illustrates the effect of variation in processing and material transfer times and shows why this variation prevents achievement of 100 percent utilization Describes methods for reducing variation in processing and material transfer times Discusses methods for increasing productivity and reducing cycle times - these are useful for elevating the constraint (increasing its capacity) and reduce variation This book will teach business executives managers and technical professionals including quality and manufacturing engineers how to identify and remove variations and maximize capacity to achieve bottom-line results. Media > Books > E-books Productivity Press 9780429272387

Beyond the Therapeutic RelationshipBehavioral Biological and Cognitive Foundations of Psychotherapy Seeking to transfer knowledge across ideological boundaries within a theoretically valid scientific framework Beyond the Therapeutic Relationship draws upon and relates existing research from psychotherapy and the allied fields of human behavior. Author Frederic J. Leger has successfully cut across multifarious therapies to create an integrated high-order theory that unites psychotherapy’s disparate forces. In the process he addresses the theoretical underpinnings of the field of psychotherapy the paradigm of the therapeutic relationship and its centrality to therapeutic change the difficulties of creating a “scientific discipline” from the study of the psyche and the factionalization of psychology into different competing schools.By exploring universal variables and how they fit into a causal nexus Beyond the Therapeutic Relationship identifies transtheoretical processes of change that cut across diverse therapies. It also offers heuristic research direction and guidance in eclectic and integrative practice as it broadens the perspective on the psychotherapeutic encounter. Combining physiological social and psychological research into a transtheoretical psychodynamic theory this important text discusses: why the need for paradigmatic direction is urgent bringing nonverbal variables to the therapist’s working awareness or focus how a small range of conceptual possibilities limits knowledge of human behavior the lack of efficacy in psychotherapy the psychobiological significance of intensive experiential exploration formation of the “self” through language and discourse integrative eclecticism within transtheoretical and common factors integrationPsychologists psychiatrists mental health therapists and academics and students in psychology psychiatry and educational psychology now have a text that cuts across the multitude of therapeutic approaches to provide a theory that is empirically supported and grounded in the author’s 25 years of clinical practice. As you will see Beyond the Therapeutic Relationship discusses the current position of the field of psychotherapy where it needs to go specific strategies for getting there as well as alternative interventions beyond empathy and the therapeutic relationship. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315809854

Beyond the Therapeutic State The therapeutic state is a pervasive set of practices and ideologies which have been ever present in the twentieth century. This book of international contributors is about bringing into question many of these reified dogmatic ideologies. Classifications diagnosis and the treatments have been shown to be ineffectual for many populations across the globe but still we persist with redundant defunct methods and techniques. Why? Because as some would suggest we have nothing better. The danger that the state is taking away one of the last confidential spaces for people to allow thoughts to come to them has never been greater. This book invites readers to think beyond the state and its therapeutics. It will be relevant to many professions professionals service users families survivors and organisations; and those who are looking for something different. This book was originally published as a special issue of the European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367436629

Beyond The Tractatus WarsThe New Wittgenstein Debate Over fifteen years have passed since Cora Diamond and James Conant turned Wittgenstein scholarship upside down with the program of “resolute†reading and ten years since this reading was crystallized in the major collection The New Wittgenstein. This approach remains at the center of the debate about Wittgenstein and his philosophy and this book draws together the latest thinking of the world’s leading Tractatarian scholars and promising newcomers. Showcasing one piece alternately from each “camp†Beyond the Tractatus Wars pairs newly commissioned pieces addressing differing views on how to understand early Wittgenstein providing for the first time an arena in which the debate between “strong†resolutists “mild†resolutists and “elucidatory†readers of the book can really take place. The collection includes famous “samizdat†essays by Warren Goldfarb and Roger White that are finally seeing the light of day. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415874403

Beyond the Twin Deficits: A Trade Strategy for the 1990'sA Trade Strategy for the 1990's This study documents evidence of a decline trend in the international competitiveness of US industry. The analysis identifies three groups of countries that account for most of the US trade deficit in the 1980s: the surplus countries Germany and Japan; the East Asian NICs; and the Latin American debtors. In each case the author points to underlying structural problems contributing to the deficit. They call for quite different US policy responses including microeconomic and industrial policies incentives to revive productivity growth and technological innovation import surcharges wage increases in the NICs currency realignments US capital exports and debt relief. A pragmatic policy approach with efforts to open foreign markets aims to achieve the greatest possible reduction in the trade deficit with the lowest possible cost from macroeconomic adjustments. The author urges the reversal of two adverse trends in his policy strategy: the decline in public sector investment and the decreasing progressivity of the tax code. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315288338

Beyond the Victorian/ Modernist DivideRemapping the Turn-of-the-Century Break in Literature Culture and the Visual Arts Beyond the Victorian/ Modernist Divide contributes to a new phase in the Victorian-modern debate of traditional periodization through the perspective lens of literature and the visual arts. Breaking away from conventionally fixed discourses and dichotomies this book utilizes an interdisciplinary approach to examine the existence of overlaps and unexplored continuities between the Victorians the post-Victorians and the modernists including the fields of music architecture design science and social life. Furthermore the book remaps the cultural history of two critical meta-narratives and their interdependence – the myth of "high modernism" and the myth of "Victorianism" – by building on recent scholarly work and addressing the question of the "turn of the century break theory" with a new set of arguments and contributions. The essays presented within acknowledge the existence of a break-theory in modernism but question this theory by re-contextualising it while uncovering long-masked continuities between artists genres and forms across the divide. The collection offers a new approach to modernism Edwardianism and Victorianism; utilizing the cross-fertilisation of interdisciplinary approaches and by combining contributions that look forward from the Victorians with other contributions that look backward from the modernists. While literary modernism and its vexed relationships with the nineteenth century is a central subject of the book further analysis includes artistic discourses and theories stemming from history the visual arts science music and design. Each chapter offers a fresh interpretation of individual artists navigating away from characteristic classifications of works authors and cultural phenomena. Ultimately the volume argues that though periodization and genre categories play substantial roles in this divide it is also essential to be critically aware of the way cultural history has been and continues to be constructed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367592387

Beyond the VillageLocal Politics in Madang Papua New Guinea A study of how a district of Papua New Guinea dealt with the new political institutions established in the last years of colonial rule. The Monographs on Social Anthropology were established in 1940 and aim to publish results of modern anthropological research of primary interest to specialists. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003135609

Beyond the Woodfuel CrisisPeople land and trees in Africa People scratching a living from parched land women walking miles for scraps of firewood are both familiar images of Africa. But in many places people with the help of governments and aid agencies are putting the land into good shape growing more food and creating a healthy cover of trees. This book joins the �literature of hope� by looking at these advances from the viewpoint of the energy crisis of the poor. This crisis can only be solved by going beyond the narrow confines of energy to consider all the needs of local people and the potential for change. Drawing on a wide range of case histories the authors describe the gains in farming and forestry � and woodfuel supply � that have come about through this broader people-centered approach. They also write about woodfuel prices markets and other key elements of survival strategies for the cities. Huge efforts will be needed to recover from the failures of the past but Leach and Mearns show that important lessons are at last being learned and that new roads to success can be mapped. Originally published in 1988 Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987838

Beyond the Zone System This fourth edition of Beyond the Zone System makes the science of photographic sensitometry both accessible and useful to interested photographers. It will appeal to any serious photographer interested in knowing how the materials and processes of black-and-white photography work. Instead of describing rote procedures to be followed blindly this book provides the basis for understanding what needs to be done and why. This book relates theory to practice in a way that promotes a true partnership of science and art. Beyond the Zone System bridges the gap between the more theoretical aspects of the photographic process and the popular empirical procedures used by many photographers in the attempt to predict and control the quality of their photographs in practice.This book is intended primarily for photographers who use large-format cameras and black-and-white sheet film but the basic information about how the B&W photographic materials and processes work will be useful to users of any B&W film format.Beyond the Zone System 4th ed. will appeal to any serious photographer interested in knowing how the materials and processes of black-and-white photography work. Instead of describing rote procedures to be followed blindly this book provides the basis for understanding what needs to be done and why. This book relates theory to practice in a way that promotes a true partnership of science and art. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138135741

Beyond TherapyIgniting Life Focus Community Movements In Beyond Therapy Erving Polster examines the role of "life focus" in three of society's most familiar activities: ordinary conversation the arts and religion. He shows the life focus movement to be an indivisible complement to just simply living. In proposing a paradigm shift from psychotherapy's priority for changing people's troubled lives into the complementary purpose of illuminating their lives the author invites the participation of many people who do not seek remedial treatment for emotional or psychological problems. Polster incorporates a broader scenario for enhancing attention through community groups showing that the convergence of people's minds on commonly important life themes creates enlightenment. This interlocked focus amplifies the ensuing conversational content and creates a meditation-like absorption. This kind of pointed focus argues Polster has the power to colour the lives of the participants. This work offers rationale and design for life focus community groups and also creates a heightened identity for the life focus movement providing other foundational ideas that help to unify diverse approaches. Mental health professionals will benefit from its wealth of specific exercises and instructions for program design. Polster provides leaders and group members with a well-rounded perspective on the basics of personal enlightenment and communal belonging. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412862622

Beyond Think-Pair-ShareA Quick Guide to Effective Collaboration This book shows you how to teach K-12 students to work in pairs and groups more effectively so that true collaboration can happen in the classroom. Coming from their experience in social work and classroom teaching Christina M. Krantz and Laura Gullette Smith explain the problems that can occur with traditional Think-Pair-Share models and offer refreshing solutions. They provide practical strategies to help students build collegial peer relationships learn to share tasks and hold deeper discussions. Each chapter offers useful strategies that you can implement immediately. This book includes an invaluable appendix of resources that the authors share when leading workshops as well as rubrics agendas and classroom tools designed with the strategies covered in each chapter in mind. Media > Books > Print Books Eye on Education 9780367374549

Beyond Transformative Learning in African-American Adult EducationReligion Health and Permeated Learning as a New Model of Adult Learning By exploring how the religious beliefs scientific knowledge and social surroundings of African-American sufferers of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) impacts their understanding of the condition this book develops a new model of effective adult learning. Presenting the findings of rigorous qualitative research undertaken with five individuals with T2DM this volume considers how individuals’ educational background their personal experiences and their relationship with African-American theism have impacted on their efforts to understand and manage the disease. Identification of the social and spiritual dynamics which govern adults’ acceptance of a chronic condition such as diabetes and their ability to manage the illness according to modern medical principles informs the development of a new theory of adult learning known as permeated learning. This model which extends beyond transformative learning to recognize the influence of social constructs specific to African-American communities will have broad application to adult education and the management of chronic diseases. This scholarly text will be of great interest to graduate and postgraduate students researchers academics and policymakers in the field of adult education African-American education transformative learning lifelong learning and multicultural education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367345389

Beyond TransitionAn Intervention Programme to Support Vunerable Students at KS3 "Beyond Transition" aims to support vulnerable pupils who despite supportive transition programmes struggle to adjust to secondary school. They can find the size structure procedures and work overwhelming and threatening and this can culminate in failure and disaffection. This resource provides an easy to use intervention programme which can be used throughout Key Stage 3. It includes: identification and monitoring of vulnerable pupils; a flexible programme with comprehensive facilitator notes and resources; evaluation of pupil progress; and PowerPoint for staff development. The Survival Skills Programme can be used with individuals or small groups and provides a variety of activities including discussions tasks role-play and games that build and develop organisational and social skills. The programme covers the key areas of: friendship; organisational skills; dealing with feelings; problem-solving; and moving forward. This practical resource offers staff a series of lessons that will help pupils to better understand their secondary environment and how to function more successfully in school. It also offers evidence of supporting and working with vulnerable and at risk groups of children. The publication includes a CD-ROM with all copiable resources and the staff training PowerPoint. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781906517465

Beyond TransitionDevelopment Perspectives and Dilemmas The post-communist Central European and Baltic economies are now approaching the end of their transitions to well-functioning market systems. In some respects the approaching EU accession and conclusion of the transition marks the end of a fascinating period in economic history. Beyond Transition focuses on the economic problems and issues facing Central Europe and the Baltics the Balkans and countries belonging to the Commonwealth for Independent States (CIS) in the post-transition context. This focus reflects the need to better understand two processes that are increasingly apparent in the post-communist economic space. First many of the problems now facing policy makers in post-communist economies - choice of exchange rate regime tax reform labour market regulation improving corporate governance - also face policy makers in developed and developing countries in other parts of the world. Second the EU's eastern enlargement and the policy agendas facing the first wave accession candidates have major implications for the CIS and Balkan countries that have not been (and may never be) invited to join this process. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815387756

Beyond Unions and Collective Bargaining The first book to provide a comprehensive examination of nonunion industrial relations -- its definition and parameters and the causes and factors that led to the nonunion reality. Beyond Unions and Collective Bargaining focuses on labor relations in the private -- sector labor market which accounted for about 90% of the sector at the end of 1999. Troy discusses with clarity and authority the transformation in the United States from the organized to the private labor market. Within a two-part format Troy first deals with the manifold historical conditions that set the stage for the competitive nonunion alternative and then addresses the all-important question "What makes the nonunion system work?" Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315501376

Beyond Urban Bias First Published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315037264

Beyond UtopiaJapanese Metabolism Architecture and the Birth of Mythopia Megastructure proposals by the Japanese Metabolism group are commonly identified with the concept of utopia. Beyond this partial understanding Agnes Nyilas suggests that rather than being merely utopian the Megastructure of Metabolism represents a uniquely amalgam genre: the myth camouflaged as utopia. Although its Megastructure seemingly describes a desirable future condition as utopia does it also comprises certain cultural images rooted in the collective (un)conscious of Japanese people in accordance with the general interpretation of myth. The primary narrative of Beyond Utopia thus follows the gradual unfolding of the myth-like characteristics of its Megastructure. Myth is dealt here as an interdisciplinary subject in line with contemporary myth theories. After expounding the mechanism underlying the growing demand for a new myth in architecture (the origin of the myth) Part I discovers the formal characteristics of the Megastructure of Metabolism to give a hint of the real intention behind it. Based on this Part II is a reexamination of their design methods which aims to clarify the function of the myth and to suggest the meaning behind it. Finally Part III deals with the subject matter of the myth by disclosing the meaning unfolding in the story and suggests a new reading of Metabolism urban theory: as an attempt to reconsider the traditional Japanese space concept. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138056039

Beyond Vocational EducationCareer Majors Tech Prep This book provides the practical information you need to make the transition from traditional "vocational" education programs to the new approaches to career and technical education. It shows you how to organize your schools around relevant career majors using a variety of evolving school formats such as Career Major programs Tech Prep programs Academies and Magnet Schools. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138418097

Beyond Walls: Re-inventing the Canada-United States Borderlands September 11 2001 marked the beginning of a new era of security imperatives for many countries. The border between Canada and the United States suddenly emerged from relative obscurity to become a focus of constant attention by media federal and state/provincial governments on both sides of the boundary and the public at large. This book provides a comprehensive examination of the Canada-USA border in its 21st century form placing it within the context of border and borderlands theory globalization and the changing geopolitical dialogue. It argues that this border has been reinvented as a 'state of the art' technology-steeped crossing system while the image of the border has been engineered to appear consistent with the 'friendly' border of the past. It shows how a border can evolve to a heightened level of security and yet continue to function well sustaining the massive flow of trade. It argues whether in doing so the US-Canada border offers a model for future borderlands. Although this model is still evolving and still aspires toward better management practices the template may prove useful not only for North America but also in conflict border zones as well as the meshed border regions of the EU Africa's artificial line boundaries and other global situations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138251922

Beyond Welfare A selection of 50 Slovak folk tales assembled from the collections of folklorist Pavol Dobsinsky. The translator seeks to preserve the poetic qualities of the originals and the book includes an introduction to the genres of the folktale and the specifics of Slovak tales. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315493336

Beyond Westminster & Whitehall Beyond Westminster and Whitehall provides the first comprehensive account of the range of sub-central government institutions that are responsible for the delivery of services to citizens. These bodies are the warp and weft of the British system of government and yet are all too frequently ignored.For a full understanding of British government the study of sub-central government is of equivalent importance to that of the Prime Minister the Cabinet and Parliament.Westminster and Whitehall do not always get what they want. There are a great many restraints upon the actions of the centre and central policies all too often have unintended consequences. This book demonstrating that Britain is not a unitary state but a differentiated polity in which sub-central governments play a key role will be essential reading for teachers and students of British politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138161474

Beyond Women's WordsFeminisms and the Practices of Oral History in the Twenty-First Century Beyond Women’s Words unites feminist scholars artists and community activists working with the stories of women and other historically marginalized subjects to address the contributions and challenges of doing feminist oral history. Feminists who work with oral history methods want to tell stories that matter. They know too that the telling of those stories—the processes by which they are generated and recorded and the different contexts in which they are shared and interpreted—also matters—a lot. Using Sherna Berger Gluck and Daphne Patai’s classic text Women’s Words as a platform to reflect on how feminisms broadly defined have influenced and continue to influence the wider field of oral history this remarkable collection brings together an international multi-generational and multidisciplinary line-up of authors whose work highlights the great variety in understandings of and approaches to feminist oral histories. Through five thematic sections the volume considers Indigenous modes of storytelling feminism in diverse locales around the globe different theoretical approaches oral history as performance digital oral history and oral history as community-engagement. Beyond Women’s Words is ideal for students of oral history anthropology public history women’s and gender history and Women’s and Gender Studies as well as activists artists and community-engaged practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815357711

Beyond Words: Instructor's Manual First published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138473058

Beyond WordsMovement Observation and Analysis Beyond Words presents a range of illuminating approaches to examining every day social interactions to help the reader understand human movement in new ways. Carol-Lynne Moore and Kaoru Yamamoto build on the principles that they expertly explored in the first edition of the book maintaining a focus on the processes of movement as opposed to discussions of static body language. The authors combine textual discussion with a new set of website-hosted video instructions to ensure that readers develop an in-depth understanding of nonverbal communication as well as the work of its most influential analyst Rudolf Laban. This fully-revised extensively illustrated second edition includes a new introduction by the authors. It presents a fascinating insight into this vital field of study and will be an invaluable resource for scholars and practitioners in many activities from performing and martial arts athletics to therapeutic and spiritual practices conflict resolution business interactions and intercultural relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415610025

Beyond Yugoslavia"Politics Economics and Culture in a Shattered Community" The fruit of a landmark international collaboration this book focuses on the final years of socialist Yugoslavia and on the beginning of the country’s breakup. With chapters devoted to each of erstwhile Yugoslavia’s six republics the book also offers a unique blend of thematic essays on political cultural economic environmental religious and foreign policy issues. Bringing together renowned scholars from the United States Great Britain Serbia and Croatia the book shows how disintegrative tendencies penetrated and affected all spheres of life in Yugoslavia. The resultant war has therefore been fought not only on military and diplomatic fronts but also at the level of economics through literature and film and in the spheres of religion and gender relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367014810

Beyound The Echoes Of Soweto This book provides the reader with a comprehensive view of Matsemela Manaka's plays namely Egoli Pula Children of Asazi Toro and Goree and discusses three of his essays: 'Theatre of the dispossessed' 'The Babalaz people' and 'Theatre as a physical word'. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003059271

Bhakti and EmbodimentFashioning Divine Bodies and Devotional Bodies in Krsna Bhakti The historical shift from Vedic traditions to post-Vedic bhakti (devotional) traditions is accompanied by a shift from abstract translocal notions of divinity to particularized localized notions of divinity and a corresponding shift from aniconic to iconic traditions and from temporary sacrificial arenas to established temple sites. In Bhakti and Embodiment Barbara Holdrege argues that the various transformations that characterize this historical shift are a direct consequence of newly emerging discourses of the body in bhakti traditions in which constructions of divine embodiment proliferate celebrating the notion that a deity while remaining translocal can appear in manifold corporeal forms in different times and different localities on different planes of existence. Holdrege suggests that an exploration of the connections between bhakti and embodiment is critical not only to illuminating the distinctive transformations that characterize the emergence of bhakti traditions but also to understanding the myriad forms that bhakti has historically assumed up to the present time. This study is concerned more specifically with the multileveled models of embodiment and systems of bodily practices through which divine bodies and devotional bodies are fashioned in Krsna bhakti traditions and focuses in particular on two case studies: the Bhagavata Purana the consummate textual monument to Vaisnava bhakti which expresses a distinctive form of passionate and ecstatic bhakti that is distinguished by its embodied nature; and the Gaudiya Vaisnava tradition an important bhakti tradition inspired by the Bengali leader Caitanya in the sixteenth century which articulates a robust discourse of embodiment pertaining to the divine bodies of Krsna and the devotional bodies of Krsna bhaktas that is grounded in the canonical authority of the Bhagavata Purana. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138492455

Bhangra MovesFrom Ludhiana to London and Beyond Bhangra is commonly understood as the hybrid music produced in Britain by British Asian music producers through mixing Panjabi folk melodies with western pop and black dance rhythms. This is derived from a Punjabi harvest dance of the same name. This book looks at Bhangra's global flows from one of its originary sites the Indian subcontinent to contribute to the understanding of emerging South Asian cultural practices such as Bhangra or Bollywood in multi-ethnic societies. It seeks to trace Bhangra's moves from Punjab and its 'return back' to look at the forces that initiate and regulate global flows of local texts and to ask how their producers and consumers redirect them to produce new definitions of culture identity and nation. The critical importance of this book lies in understanding the difference between the present globalizing wave and previous trans-local movements. Gera Roy contrasts the frames of cultural imperialism with those of cultural invasion to show how Indian cultures have constantly reinvented themselves by cross-pollinating with 'invading' cultures such as Hellenic Persian Arabic and many others in the past. By looking at Bhangra's flows to and from India the book revises the relation between culture space and identity and challenges boundaries. It weighs both the uses and costs of visibility provided by global networks to marginalized groups in diverse localities and explores whether collaborations between Bhangra practitioners largely of working class origin give ordinary people any control over the circulation of culture in the global village. Finally the book considers whether cultural practices can alter hierarchies and power structures in the real world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138255579

Bharati MukherjeeCritical Perspectives The twelve essays that form this book first published in 1993 interpret Bharati Mukherjee’s oeuvre from a variety of critical perspectives. The authors’ approaches range from the biographical to the poststructuralist from cultural analysis to comparative commentary to deconstructive reading. Such diversity in the contributors’ theoretical stances and interpretive strategies enables this collection of essays to serve a key purpose: to offer not only multiple but conflicting perspectives on Mukherjee’s art and achievement. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138283824

Bi AmericaMyths Truths and Struggles of an Invisible Community Gain an in-depth understanding of the unique struggles of the bisexual community! To me the gay and straight worlds are exactly the same; equally limited judgmental and bourgeois . . . just mirror images of each other. I truly like and overlap with some of the gay world but my roots refuse to take hold there and grow. Unfortunately my well-established roots in the straight world are simultaneously shriveling and dying too leaving me feeling extremely unstable. Cool a bisexual woman involved in a support groupThere are at least five million bisexual people in America generally invisible to straight society the gay community and even to each other. While the vast majority of these five million live within the straight or gay world there are a few who have formed a community of their own. Bi America: Myths Truths and Struggles of an Invisible Community offers an inside look at the American bisexual community and gives an understanding of the special circumstances unique to being bisexual. The book takes the reader to bi community events from picnics to conferences to support groups to performances in order to expose the everyday trials of the bisexual community.Bi America includes very personal stories that let the voice of everyday bisexuals be heard through interviews the Bisexual History Project in which ten bisexual people tell their life stories and the Online Support Group a group of about 75 people who meet in cyberspace to talk about their lives and challenges. The book also includes the findings of a 2002 survey of about 300 bisexual people conducted via the Internet an appendix that offers a concise list of resources for further study and personal enrichment and an unabridged transcript of the Bisexual History Project.Get the answers to these questions in Bi America: What is bisexuality? Is there a bisexual community? What is the culture of the bisexual community? What are commonalities and differences between the experiences of bi men and bi women? What is the special relationship between the bisexual and the transgender community? How have bisexuals and the bi community been affected by HIV/AIDS? What is the future of bisexual activism if any? and many more! Bi America is a fascinating resource that exposes the challenges struggles and triumphs of bisexuals in America. Bisexuals especially those newly coming out can use this book to help understand their identity and family members and friends seeking some insight into the unique circumstances faced by their loved ones will also find it helpful. This book will interest those concerned with the sociology of deviance or with subcultures in general. It is also appropriate for undergraduate sociology and cultural anthropology as well as feminist studies and LGBT studies classes. This book offers one of the few accessible nonacademic looks at this unique and interesting community. Visit the book's Web site at Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315783802

Bi MenComing Out Every Which Way A moving and pioneering celebration of the male bisexual self that addresses biphobia in our societyIn today’s sexual world both straight and gay and lesbian communities still often refuse to accept the reality of bisexuality. Bi Men: Coming Out Every Which Way confronts head-on the limiting views that bisexuality is a transitional phase of sexual evolution or a simple refusal to accept being either homosexual or straight. This pioneering collection of moving personal essays by bisexual men and those who love them explores what it means to be bisexual in today’s monosexually oriented society.The millennial shift in sexual perspectives draws more and more men to come out as being attracted to both women and men. Bisexual and bi-curious men will find comfort and camaraderie in these stories about coming out its impact on family and marriage evolving perspectives on bisexuals within the LGBT community and the building of acceptance and affirmation for bisexuality and polyamory. The nearly three dozen essays in Bi Men: Coming Out Every Which Way are told in the honest words of bisexuals confirming the validity of their place in the world while illustrating that there are more bi men than anyone ever realized. These diverse and pioneering men’s stories reveal a long-disguised and unconventional truththat bisexuality is a valid lifestyle that does not threaten either sexual camp. Each contributor to this collection affirms the innate fluidity of self sexuality family and community and proclaims that sexuality is truly diverse in its predispositions and creativity.Bi Men: Coming Out Every Which Way separates its essays into four parts: coming out and personal realization of bisexual nature bisexuality’s effects on family and marriage an examination of the shifting viewpoints of bisexuality within gay communities ways in which bisexuals can affirm and respect their own desires and celebrate their sexual selvesThese intimate stories address: biphobia monosexual prejudice the impact on marriage family issues coming out to self spouse and family political and community issues religious and spiritual concernsBi Men: Coming Out Every Which Way is a vibrant reassuring call to bisexuals the bi-curious or anybody who knows and loves a bisexual/bi-curious man to read and more completely understand the unique issues of being bisexual while providing the ultimate affirmation of bisexuality’s existence. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203708149

BIALL Handbook of Legal Information Management For this new handbook BIALL (British and Irish Association of Law Librarians) has brought together an unparalleled team of respected experts to provide authoritative and up-to-date best practice guidance on the key legal information issues for every type of service focusing particularly on the balance between electronic and printed resources free and charged services and electronic and on-site access. Beginning with a survey of the growth of law librarianship and an analysis of different types of services and users the Handbook goes on to discuss research techniques for hard copy and electronic information giving tips on how to 'know it all and find it fast'. Subsequent chapters describe how to source and organise different types of legal information; how to choose and purchase library management systems; and how to manage budgets and financial demands. A chapter on staff management training and professional development looks both at practical day-to-day staff concerns and future skills issues. Other chapters cover copyright data protection and ethical issues; knowledge management; and virtual learning environments. The Handbook concludes with examples of a variety of legal information services which describe the particular professional demands and conditions that they present. The BIALL Handbook of Legal Information Management offers a professional reference for managers and staff of all types of legal information services on the challenges they face in their work every day. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367593636

BIALL Handbook of Legal Information Management The second edition of this popular handbook has been thoroughly updated by the original team of experts and some new contributors to provide current best practice guidance on the key legal information issues for every type of service. Each of the chapters is updated to reflect general changes in law libraries and their users in the past seven years. In particular the handbook covers new information technologies including social networking and communication. New chapters also focus on the key topics of outsourcing and the impact of the 2007 Legal Services Act. The second edition of this valuable handbook continues to be an important professional reference tool for managers and staff of all types of legal information services and will help them with the challenges they face in their work every day. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315569291

BIALL Handbook of Legal Information Management The second edition of this popular handbook has been thoroughly updated by the original team of experts and some new contributors to provide current best practice guidance on the key legal information issues for every type of service. Each of the chapters is updated to reflect general changes in law libraries and their users in the past seven years. In particular the handbook covers new information technologies including social networking and communication. New chapters also focus on the key topics of outsourcing and the impact of the 2007 Legal Services Act. The second edition of this valuable handbook continues to be an important professional reference tool for managers and staff of all types of legal information services and will help them with the challenges they face in their work every day. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815346906

Bible and Cinema: Fifty Key Films Movies which have drawn inspiration from the Bible either directly or indirectly have been extremely popular since the earliest days of cinema. Bible and Cinema: Fifty Key Films introduces a wide range of those movies which are among the most important critically-acclaimed and highest-grossing films of all time including: The King of Kings Ben-Hur The Passion of the Christ Frankenstein Close Encounters of the Third Kind 2001: A Space Odyssey Apocalypse Now Monty Python’s Life of Brian. Written by a team of international scholars the fifty entries discuss the Biblical stories characters or motifs depicted in each film making this book the ideal guide for anyone interested in the long-standing relationship between the Bible and film. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415677196

Bible and CinemaAn Introduction This is a comprehensive introduction to the ways in which the Bible has been used and represented in mainstream cinema. Adele Reinhartz considers the pervasive use of the Bible in feature films and the medium of film as part of the Bible’s reception history. The book examines how films draw on the Old and New Testament and the figure of Jesus Christ in various direct and indirect ways to develop their plots characters and themes. As well as movies that set out explicitly to retell biblical stories in their ancient context it explores the ways in which contemporary fictional feature films make use of biblical narrative. Topics covered include: how filmmakers make use of scripture to address and reflect their own time and place. the Bible as a vehicle through which films can address social and political issues reflect human experiences and emotions explore existential issues such as evil and death and express themes such as destruction and redemption. the role of the Bible as a source of ethics and morality and how this connection is both perpetuated and undermined in a range of contemporary Hollywood films. films that create an experience of transcendence and the ways in which the Bible figures in that experience. Reinhartz offers insightful analysis of numerous films including The Ten Commandments and The Shawshank Redemption paying attention to visual and aural elements as well as plot character and dialogue. Students will find this an invaluable guide to a growing field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415779487

Bible and JusticeAncient Texts Modern Challenges The Bible contains a variety of passages that defend the poor and champion the cause of the oppressed but are these ancient texts able to find a voice in confronting injustice in the modern world? 'Bible and Justice' examines the ways in which the Bible can speak to contemporary poverty environmental issues and state-sponsored violence whilst exploring the difficulties that arise when ancient concepts of justice are applied to modern ideals. The book covers a range of topics from human rights to deaf biblical interpretation and from hospitality to corporate globalization. Broad and accessible 'Bible and Justice' will be an invaluable resource for students of religious and biblical studies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315539546

Bible in ChinaThe History of the Union Version or the Culmination of Protestant Missionary Bible Translation in China The Union Version China's preeminent and most widely used translation of the Bible had achieved the status of a sacred Chinese classic within the Chinese Church not long after its publication in 1919. Jost Zetzsche's monograph on this remarkable translation traces the historical and linguistic background that led to the decision to translate the Union Version with detailed analyses of the translation efforts that preceeded it. Special attention is given to the cooperation and confrontation among Protestant denominations as well as the rising prominence of the Chinese translators as these groups attempted to form a cohesive translation of the Bible. This is set against the background of the development of the Chinese language during the 30-year translation process both in the perception of the translators and in the country at large. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315096391

Bible Readers and Lay Writers in Early Modern EnglandGender and Self-Definition in an Emergent Writing Culture Bible Readers and Lay Writers in Early Modern England studies how immersion in the Bible among layfolk gave rise to a non-professional writing culture one of the first instances of ordinary people taking up the pen as part of their daily lives. Kate Narveson examines the development of the culture looking at the close connection between reading and writing practices the influence of gender and the habit of applying Scripture to personal experience. She explores too the tensions that arose between lay and clergy as layfolk embraced not just the chance to read Scripture but the opportunity to create a written record of their ideas and experiences acquiring a new control over their spiritual self-definition and a new mode of gaining status in domestic and communal circles. Based on a study of print and manuscript sources from 1580 to 1660 this book begins by analyzing how lay people were taught to read Scripture both through explicit clerical instruction in techniques such as note-taking and collation and through indirect means such as exposure to sermons and then how they adapted those techniques to create their own devotional writing. The first part of the book concludes with case studies of three ordinary lay people Anne Venn Nehemiah Wallington and Richard Willis. The second half of the study turns to the question of how gender registers in this lay scripturalist writing offering extended attention to the little-studied meditations of Grace Lady Mildmay. Narveson concludes by arguing that by mid-century despite clerical anxiety writing was central to lay engagement with Scripture and had moved the center of religious experience beyond the church walls. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138246638

Bible TranslationFrames of Reference This book offers a broad-based contemporary perspective on Bible translation in terms of academic areas foundational to the endeavor: translation studies communication theory linguistics cultural studies biblical studies and literary and rhetorical studies. The discussion of each area is geared towards non-specialists to introduce them to notions trends and tools that can contribute to their understanding of translation. The Bible translator is encouraged to appreciate various approaches to translation in view of the wide variety of communicative organizational and sociocultural situations in which translation occurs. However literary representation of the Scriptures receives special attention since it has been neglected in earlier influential works on Bible translation. In addition to useful introductory and concluding sections the book consists of six chapters: Scripture Translation in the Era of Translation Studies; Translation and Communication; The Role of Culture in Communication; Advances in Linguistic Theory and their Relavance to Translation; Biblical Studies and Bible Translation; and A Lterary Approach to Biblical Text Analysis and Translation. The authors are translation consultants for the United Bible Societies. They have worked with translation projects in various media and in languages ranging from ones of a few hundred speakers to international ones in Africa the Americas and Asia. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138172555

Bibles and BaedekersTourism Travel Exile and God Contemporary tourism and travel have become a form of religion a new opiate of the masses. However could Church and theology be religious forms of tourism and travel? 'Bibles and Baedekers' offers a theology of tourism and exile for a modern and postmodern world. It examines the ways in which location identity and movement have made use of religious texts and metaphor and questions the relative absence of secular texts and ideas in theology. The theology of the tourist and traveller is one of new experiences the acquisition of identity through movement. 'Bibles and Baedekers' uniquely applies this to the postmodern Christian embodying the fulfilment of Bonhoeffer's 'religionless Christianity' dislocated from both a secular and 'religious' world. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315711287

Biblical and Theological Visions of ResiliencePastoral and Clinical Insights In recent years resilience has become a near ubiquitous cultural phenomenon whose influence extends into many fields of academic enquiry. Though research suggests that religion and spirituality are significant factors in engendering resilient adaptation comparatively little biblical and theological reflection has gone into understanding this construct. This book seeks to remedy this deficiency through a breadth of reflection upon human resilience from canonical biblical and Christian theological sources. Divided into three parts biblical scholars and theologians provide critical accounts of these perspectives integrating biblical and theological insight with current social scientific understandings of resilience. Part 1 presents a range of biblical visions of resilience. Part 2 considers a variety of theological perspectives on resilience drawing from figures including Thomas Aquinas Martin Luther and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Part 3 explores the clinical and pastoral applications of such expressions of resilience. This diverse yet cohesive book sets out a new and challenging perspective of how human resilience might be re-envisioned from a Christian perspective. As a result it will be of interest to scholars of practical and pastoral theology biblical studies and religion spirituality and health. It will also be a valuable resource for chaplains pastors and clinicians with an interest in religion and spirituality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367029111

Biblical Interpretation Beyond HistoricityChanging Perspectives 7 Biblical Interpretation beyond Historicity evaluates the new perspectives that have emerged since the crisis over historicity in the 1970s and 80s in the field of biblical scholarship. Several new studies in the field as well as the ‘deconstructive’ side of literary criticism that emerged from writers such as Derrida and Wittgenstein among others lead biblical scholars today to view the texts of the Bible more as literary narratives than as sources for a history of Israel. Increased interest in archaeological and anthropological studies in writing the history of Palestine and the ancient Near East leads to the need for an evidence-based history of Palestine. This volume analyses the consequences of the question: "If the Bible is not history what is it then?" The editors Hjelm and Thompson are members of the Copenhagen School which was formed in the light of this question and the commitment to a new approach to both the history of Palestine and the Bible’s place in ancient history. This volume features essays from a range of highly regarded scholars and is divided into three sections: "Beyond Historicity" which explores alternative historical roles for the Bible "Greek Connections" which discusses the Bible’s context in the Hellenistic world and "Reception" which explores extra-biblical functions of biblical studies. Offering a unique gathering of scholars and challenging new theories Biblical Interpretation beyond Historicity is invaluable to students in the field of Biblical and East Mediterranean Studies and is a crucial resource for anyone working on both the archaeology and history of Palestine and the ancient Near East and the religious development of Europe and the Near East. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367873127

Biblical Narrative and Palestine's HistoryChanging Perspectives 2 Modern biblical scholarship's commitment to the historical-critical method in its efforts to write a history of Israel has created the central and unavoidable problem of writing an objective and critical history of Palestine through the biblical literature with the methods of Biblical Archaeology. 'Biblical Narrative and Palestine's History' brings together key essays on historical method and the archaeology and history of Palestine. The essays employ comparative and formalistic techniques to illuminate the allegorical and mythical in Old Testament narrative traditions from Genesis to Nehemiah. In so doing the volume presents a detailed review of central and radical changes in both our understanding of biblical traditions and the archaeology and history of Palestine. The study offers an analysis of Biblical narrative as rooted in ancient Near Eastern literature since the Bronze Age. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367872175

Biblical Narratives of Israelites and their NeighborsStrangers at the Gate Throughout the Hebrew Bible strangers are indispensable to the formation of a collective Israelite identity. Encounters between the Israelites and their neighbors are among the most urgent matters explored in biblical narratives yet relatively little scholarly attention has been paid to them. This book corrects that imbalance by carrying out close readings of the accounts of Israel’s myriad interactions with the surrounding nations. The book follows the people of Israel after they leave Egypt as they wander in the wilderness cross over into the land become a unified people Israel and face explusion from that land. The introduction lays the groundwork for a literary reading. Each chapter that follows highlights a distinct people and the issues that they create. For example Jethro father-in-law of Moses and a Midian priest provides a model of collaboration while Samson’s behavior triggers a cycle of violent retribution. These engaging stories illustrate the perceived dangers of idolatry and military oppression but also convey lessons in governance cultural innovation and the building of alliances. This book is vital reading for Biblical scholars and interested readers who want to deepen their understanding of the Israelites’ relationship with neighboring peoples. It will also be of keen interest to academics who work in ancient history and culture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367175092

Biblical Paradigms in Medieval English LiteratureFrom Cædmon to Malory This book examines the intricate and unusual relationship between the sacred and secular spheres of English medieval culture positing that the assimilation of sacred and secular motifs could be in either direction or even in both directions. That is medieval English writers could appropriate biblical paradigms to express secular themes and vice versa. Codicological psychoanalytic feminist and new historicist insights inform readings of Beowulf Middle English lyric poetry the Gawain-poet Chaucer and Malory among others. Besserman elucidates the structural and thematic complexity of the integration of biblical and biblically derived sacred diction imagery character types and themes in the works under consideration identifying within them new biblical sources and analogues and providing fresh insights into the contextual meaning and significance of the biblical paradigms they deploy. This book highlights the shaping influence of biblical and biblically derived sacred paradigms on exemplary literature produced in the middle Ages. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415744225

Biblical Perspectives on AgingGod and the Elderly Second Edition As the population of older Americans grows meaningful perspectives on aging are needed by both the young and the old. Biblical Perspectives on Aging: God and the Elderly takes a detailed look at the views of aging presented in the Old and New Testaments. This wide ranging and insightful survey encompasses not only the entire Bible but also interpretations of sacred Middle Eastern and Judaic documents. This new expanded edition of the original classic text adds thorough discussions of the wisdom of the Bible and Jewish literature with ways to interpret these readings and what they teach about spirituality and growing older.Approaches to aging issues have changed in recent years. With the average American lifespan increasing the view of old age as a solitary time of waiting has been pushed aside. So too has the assumption that the elderly simply want to remember “the good old days.†This updated edition of Biblical Perspectives on Aging: God and the Elderly has expanded its scope to incorporate and address the effects of these changing views. This sweeping study of the Bible’s positive treatment of aging and elderly figures sheds new light on contemporary society’s negative view of the elderly and what can be done about it. Clear examples from both Scripture and literature provide a wealth of understanding comfort and wisdom to everyone interested in aging and the Bible. In addition this new edition explores the changing relationships that exist among aging hermeneutics mentoring and spirituality. The new insights revealed here reinvigorate the challenge against ageism and traditional pictures of old age as a time of withdrawal and living in the past.Among the issues explored in Biblical Perspectives on Aging: God and the Elderly are aging experiences and the Bible biblical theology and its role in social support for the elderly hermeneutics and old age spirituality and its relationship to aging cross-generational relationships and mentoring and a detailed index of Old and New Testament Scripture references.Accessible and concise with compelling arguments and numerous examples Biblical Perspectives on Aging: God and the Elderly is an ideal resource for pastors seminary students professionals and leaders of programs for the elderly. It shows both young and old that while aging may not be easy Biblical theology can ease some of its mystery. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203051979

Biblical Portraits of ExileA philosophical reading Exile constitutes one of the most central experiences in the Bible notably in the book of Genesis. The question has rarely been asked however as to why exile plays such an important role in the lives of Biblical characters. Biblical Portraits of Exile proposes a philosophical reading largely inspired by the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas of the experience of exile in the book of Genesis. Focusing on the 8 central figures of exile Adam Eve Cain the sons of Shem Abraham Rebekah Jacob and the sons of Levy the book draws out the ethical and redemptive implications of exile and thereby paves the way for a renewed description of the human subject one that situates ethics at its very core. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367881542

Biblical Prophets in the Qur'an and Muslim Literature Part 1 is a comprehensive study of the Qur'anic data about each prophet with a full portrait of every figure and dealing also with all the major scholarly literature on the subject and with the Qur'anic concept of prophetology. Part 2 is a history and study of the general Muslim literature dealing with the prophets. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203037256

Biblical Resistance Hermeneutics within a Caribbean Context The Bible is of central importance within Caribbean life but is rarely used as an agent for social change. Caribbean biblical hermeneutics focus more on the meaning of biblical texts for today and less on the context in which the texts themselves were written. 'Biblical Resistance Hermeneutics within a Caribbean Context' offers a biblical hermeneutic that acknowledges the importance of the socio-ideological interests theological agendas and social practices that produced the biblical texts as well as the socio-cultural context of the contemporary reader. The book examines the social context of post-independence Caribbean and outlines the difficulties of biblical interpretation within Christian communities that descend from a history of slavery. Current hermeneutical practices in the Caribbean are critiqued and a biblical resistant reading offered that enables the Bible to be used as a cultural weapon of resistance. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315539522

Biblical Scholarship Science and Politics in Early Modern EnglandThomas Browne and the Thorny Place of Knowledge Kevin Killeen addresses one of the most enigmatic of seventeenth century writers Thomas Browne (1605-1682) whose voracious intellectual pursuits provide an unparalleled insight into how early modern scholarly culture understood the relations between its disciplines. Browne's work encompasses biblical commentary historiography natural history classical philology artistic propriety and an encyclopaedic coverage of natural philosophy. This book traces the intellectual climate in which such disparate interests could cohere locating Browne within the cultural and political matrices of his time. While Browne is most frequently remembered for the magnificence of his prose and his temperamental poise qualities that knit well with the picture of a detached apolitical figure this work argues that Browne's significance emerges most fully in the context of contemporary battles over interpretative authority within the intricately linked fields of biblical exegesis scientific thought and politics. Killeen's work centres on a reassessment of the scope and importance of Browne's most elaborate text Pseudodoxia Epidemica his vast encyclopaedia of error with its mazy series of investigations and through this explores the multivalent nature of early-modern enquiry. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138259508

Biblical Scholarship and the ChurchA Sixteenth-Century Crisis of Authority Conflicting claims to authority in relation to the translation and interpretation of the Bible have been a recurrent source of tension within the Christian church and were a key issue in the Reformation debate. This book traces how the authority of the Septuagint and later that of the Vulgate was called into question by the return to the original languages of scripture and how linguistic scholarship was seen to pose a challenge to the authority of the teaching and tradition of the church. It shows how issues that remained unresolved in the early church re-emerged in first half of the sixteenth century with the publication of Erasmus’ Greek-Latin New Testament of 1516. After examining the differences between Erasmus and his critics the authors contrast the situation in England where Reformation issues were dominant and Italy where the authority of Rome was never in question. Focusing particularly on the dispute between Thomas More and William Tyndale in England and between Ambrosius Catharinus and Cardinal Cajetan in Italy this book brings together perspectives from biblical studies and church history and provides access to texts not previously translated into English. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138266384

Biblical Stories for Psychotherapy and CounselingA Sourcebook Integrate Biblical spirituality into psychotherapy and examine centuries-old answers to modern psychological questions! The Joint Commision on the Accreditation of Hospitals now mandates taking spiritual assessments of all patients. This book is devoted to helping therapists employ Biblical spirituality in the actual treatment program. Biblical Stories for Psychotherapy and Counseling: A Sourcebook organizes the wisdom of the Old Testament into episodes that can shed light on specific psychological issues. From the familiar to the obscure these stories can help us better understand self-esteem loyalty and obligations decision making temptation anger morality various disorders family dynamics support systems developmental issues recovery issues aging suicidal behavior and more. From the authors: As brilliant and as penetrating as Freud's insights are they are limited in the sense that Freud relied heavily on Greek myth and literature for his models and ideas. His view of man was in many ways that of the Greeksa view that concentrated on the pathological underside of man and on the bedrock of his developmental problems. The Greeks could never really shake the sense of doom the foreboding and the fatalism that led so many great figures in Greek literature and in real life Greek history to depression and in a surprising number of cases to suicide. In contrast the focus of the Bible is far more optimistic; depression can be successfully dealt with and suicide is a sad error that should beand usually can beavoided. It encourages people to hope and teaches that day-to-day human effort has a purpose and meaning and that heroism is not a fair or useful aim for man to set for himself. The Bible offers the hope of filling every moment of human life with greater meaning and feeling. New solutions to mental health problems are always welcome. Ours is a new approach yet a very old one. We present stories that offer a vast treasure of knowledge and wisdom about the way people think and act and why they do so. The stories are drawn from the Hebrew Bible a compendium whose latest books are already twenty-four hundred or so years old. Yet through all those centuries the basic story of man's searching and yearning has changed little. We shall concentrate on the psychological meaning of these narratives and what they tell us about how their characters dealt with challenges of family handicap depression and more. You'll also find information drawn from modern clinical research that parallels the Biblical narratives. The wisdom gained from these ancient stories is applied to help people gain self-understanding and deal with their own situations today. For psychotherapists these Biblical foundation stories can be used as a basis for integrating spirituality into psychotherapy. The story of Moses who overcame a speech problem can be applied to the problems of a Midwestern college student and the account of David and Goliath can help a businessman overcome his fears of lack of macho. A small sample of the Bible storiesand their clinical implicationsthat you'll find in this volume: the foundation of self-esteem: Saul the courage to emigrate: Abraham assuming responsibility for one's self: Lot's wife focusing on one's main aim: Sarah and Hagar dealing with commandments: Abraham and Isaac dealing with temptations: Adam and Eve drunkenness and disrespect: Noah reciprocity between generations: Naomi and Ruth amoral intellectualism: Balaam aging: Ecclesiastes dealing with disability: Moses and Aaron abandonment: David protected regression: Jonah Biblical Stories for Psychotherapy and Counseling: A Sourcebook will become a well-used reference in your professional/teaching collection. These Biblical stories will be helpful to therapists cle Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315808680

Biblical Studies and the Failure of HistoryChanging Perspectives 3 Until the 1970s biblical studies belonged to the historical-critical school and had reached a point where all problems were believed to have been solved. Then all assumptions began to be turned on their head. Previously historical studies constituted the backbone of biblical studies; now every aspect of biblical history began to be questioned. The idea of the Old Testament as a source of historical information was replaced by an understanding of the texts as a means for early Jewish society to interpret its past. 'Biblical Studies and the Failure of History' brings together key essays which reflect the trajectory of this scholarly shift in order to illuminate the state of biblical studies today. The early essays present historical-critical studies tracing historical information. Further essays employ a more critical and interpretive perspective to examine seminal issues ranging from the Hellenistic contexts of biblical tradition to the functioning of Old Testament society. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367872182

Biblical Women's Voices in Early Modern England Biblical Women's Voices in Early Modern England documents the extent to which portrayals of women writers rulers and leaders in the Hebrew Bible scripted the lives of women in early modern England. Attending to a broad range of writing by Protestant men and women including John Donne Mary Sidney John Milton Rachel Speght and Aemilia Lanyer the author investigates how the cultural requirement for feminine silence informs early modern readings of biblical women's stories and furthermore how these biblical characters were used to counteract cultural constraints on women's speech. Bringing to bear a commanding knowledge of Hebrew Scripture Michele Osherow presents a series of case studies on biblical heroines juxtaposing Old Testament stories with early modern writers and texts. The case studies include an investigation of references to Miriam in Lady Mary Sidney's psalm translations; an unpacking of comparisons between Deborah and Elizabeth I; and importantly a consideration of the feminization of King David through analysis of his appropriation as a model for early modern women in writings by both male and female authors. In deciphering the abundance of biblical characters citations and allusions in early modern texts Osherow simultaneously demonstrates how biblical stories of powerful women challenged the Renaissance notion that women should be silent and explores the complexities and contradictions surrounding early modern women their speech and their power. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138265905

Biblio/poetry TherapyThe Interactive Process This handbook is designed to teach professionals and laypersons how to use the whole spectrum of literature to promote greater self-knowledge to renew the spirit and to aid in the healing process. It offer insights for using bibliotherapy to promote the healthy growth and development of children. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367172022

Bibliographies and Overviews This volume forms part of a five volume set charting the progress of the nineteenth century movement which was instrumental in establishing international guidelines for the teaching of modern languages. It was during this period that for the first time co-operation between phoneticians and teachers culminated in the publication of works that were instrumental in establishing the 'applied linguistic' approach to language teaching in the twentieth century. For the first time too the new science of psychology influenced a scientific theory of second language acquisition. The Reform Movement attracted support across Europe spurring the development of new professional associations and journals. In turn the publication in these journals of reports of innovative practice contributed to a greater sense of autonomy and professionalism among modern language teachers who had hitherto tended to live under the shadow of classical language teaching. The practical innovations and theoretical suggestions for the foreign language teaching although rooted in the nineteenth century still have relevance today. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315012780

Bibliography of Israeli Politics This bibliography is a response to the problems facing students and scholars of Israeli politics who need to find the most current resources for their research. A readily accessible and comprehensive listing of published works dealing with Israeli politics the bibliography includes studies on the Israeli constitutional system; Israel’s elections political history and economics; its diplomatic relations and foreign policy; and Zionism. Also included are studies of related topics such as Palestine and the Palestinian people the resolution of the West Bank and Gaza Strip question and the Arab-Israeli peace process. The book contains a detailed keyword index to nearly 1 500 entries citing books and journal articles published in the United States Europe and Israel. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367008338

Bibliography of Japanese New Religious Movements Containing some 1500 entries this new bibliography will be widely welcomed for its comprehensive brief and for the sub-section profiling principal NRMs convering history beliefs and practices main publications braches worldwide and membership. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964655

Bibliography of NigeriaA Survey of Anthropological and Linguistic Writings form the Earliest Times to 1966 First published in 1971 this major bibliography devoted to Africa’s most populous country – Nigeria – is therefore a timely contribution which must be welcomed by all. The Bibliography of Nigeria contains over 5 400 entries in archaeology all branches of anthropology linguistic and relevant historical and sociological studies. Many of the entries carry indicative or informative annotations which have greatly enhanced the usefulness of the work. The history and culture of Africa constitutes a rich area of study and research which is attracting an ever-increasing number of scholars the world over. The new impetus which African studies is receiving in the major centre of learning today has added urgency to the long-neglected problem of bibliographical control of the vast literature. The dearth of bibliographies in the field of African studies has been a main source of frustration to all those working in this area. The book is divided into two parts: part one deals with Nigeria as a whole and lists general works or those concerned with several regions or several ethnic groups. Part two is devoted to the various ethnic groups. An analytical table of contents a comprehensive ethnic index an author index and an index of Islamic studies together with generous cross-referencing ensure ready and easy location of individual entries. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138391789

Bibliography Of The Amarna Perio Published in 1990 Bibliography Of The Amarna Perio is a valuable contribution to the field of Asian Studies. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203038284

Bibliography of the Rhinoceros A listing and analysis of 3106 references to the rhinoceros in books and articles. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003079057

Bibliography of Translation Studies: 2000 A volume of selected annotated references arranged under specific headings to provide a non-partisan guide to teachers involved in designing courses in translation and/or interpreting. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138166530

Bibliography of Translation Studies: 2001 A volume of selected annotated references arranged under specific headings to provide a non-partisan guide to teachers involved in designing courses in translation and/or interpreting. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138166615

Bibliography On Economic Cooperation Among Developing Countries 1981-1982With Annotations This international bibliography on economic cooperation and regional integration among developing countries includes annotations for many entries an alphabetical list of periodicals an author index and a number of selected entries of earlier publications. . Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367166410

Bibliography on Land-locked States Economic Development and International Law Now fully revised and expanded this is the only available bibliography on the subject of "land-lockedness" and its effects on economic development. Reflecting its expanded title this new edition includes not only updated information on the plight of land-locked countries but also their current levels of economic development and their role in international law such as the International Law of the Sea Kyoto Protocol on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and international pipeline agreements. The volume lists thousands of primary and secondary source materials for research including books monographs journals governmental reports NGO publications and unpublished materials. The book is truly international in scope with listings in 29 languages. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315499857

Bibliography On Soviet Intelligence And Security Services This annotated bibliography provides an analytic aid for research and teaching about Soviet intelligence and security services and its role in both Soviet domestic politics and contemporary world affairs. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367007904

Bibliography On World Conflict And Peace This book presents more than 1 000 entries organized in twenty-six major categories in the fields of conflict and peace studies. It focuses on global systems and covers the structures and processes of conflict and peacemaking as they apply at every level from interpersonal to international. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367167967

Bibliometrics in Social Work Bibliometrics in Social Work examiness the cross-disciplinary field of bibliometrics including the multiple techniques and applications that have been described in the scholarly literature. Moving beyond this general overview the authors examine applications of bibliometrics in social work. Subsequent chapters detail how the technique can be used to demonstrate the eventual impact on the field of publications in selected journals. These analyses are conducted using the bibliometric technique referred to as citation analysis. The authors then move on to present what will be a controversial proposal to some in the field: using bibliometrics techniques in making academic personnel decisions. The authors propose that hiring retention tenure and promotion decisions could be made more uniform and fair by using citation analysis. A series of experts in bibliometric analyses then critically respond to these initial chapters. The authors conclude by weaving their responses to these commentators with new scholarship on bibliometrics that has recently appeared. This unique book is a valuable aid for social work scholars. Drawing on broad interdisciplinary streams of scholarship from around the world the collection illuminates a field that is not well known to social workers. While cautiously advocating for a number of applications of the technique the authors balance this position by presenting a comprehensive summary of the criticisms of the technique and by the inclusion of a series of critical commentaries by the leading experts on these issues in the field of social work. Bibliometrics in Social Work both summarizes what we know and pushes the field to think about how social work professionals can use this approach to improve our scholarship and the evaluation of scholars. Bibliometrics in Social Work addreses: theoretical and methodological issuess pros and cons from the view of numerous bibliometric scholars bibliometrics outside of social work applications within social work previously reported in the literature estimates that have been reported in the literature of how much social workers publish and how much impact those publications have had how citation analysis can be used to analyzed a selection of publications in a single journal and their subsequent impact how citation analysis might be used to improve academic employment decisions concerns regarding self-citation and multiple authorship measurement issues in bibliometrics (e.g. age adjustments; concentration citedness and uncitedness; the Price Index; lag times; persistence; synchronous and diachronous self-citations; the Multiple Author Qualifier) Bibliometrics in Social Work critically examines these methods and their applications in social work. The book will be an enlightening read for social work scholars and those academic administrators involved in the evaluation of social work scholars as well as academic librarians that support social work programs. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203051467

Bibliopegia A part of the history of bookbinding collection-A series of reprint volumes original monographs and translations relating to the history of bookbinding. This volume includes a Bibliopegia of bookbinding in two parts- The ‘Books of the Ancients and History of the Art of Bookbinding’. and in part two ‘The practical art of bookbinding’. This edition includes Brassington’s memoir of Hammett. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315055992

BibliopegiaOr The Art of Bookbinding in all its Branches Originally published in 1938 Arnett's Bibliopegia was one of the first manuals of bookbinding to be published in Britain and is both more significant than the Cowie manual before it and illustrated. Bibliopegia appeared at a time of immense changes in the structure of the trade which were brought about by the introduction of new techniques and equipment and this in turn was precipitated by the rapid evolution of industry and society in general. This book provides an interesting insight into early nineteenth-century English binding practices. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367141325

Bibliotherapy Bibliotherapy schemes can now be found in libraries all over the world from public libraries through to health/hospital libraries and academic libraries. This book draws on the latest international practical and theoretical developments in bibliotherapy to explore how libraries can best support the health and wellbeing of their communities. Bibliotherapy encompasses all aspects of bibliotherapy' in its widest sense starting with a critical historical overview of bibliotherapy followed by an explanation of theories or approaches to bibliotherapy. The book explains how various bibliotherapy models work by drawing on practical examples to demonstrate how the theories behind bibliotherapy can be applied in practice. Case studies include a range of settings (public library academic library outpatient inpatient); populations (including young people ESOL speakers psychiatric patients homeless people people with dementia/carers); and countries (UK North America South America Australia). Media > Books > Print Books Facet Publishing 9781783303410

Bicentennial Essays on Jane Austen’s Afterlives This collection is concerned with the changing approaches to Jane Austen her writings and her afterlives over the past two hundred years. It reflects on and broadens understanding of the cultural reach and reimaginings of Austen in view of the bicentennial celebrations of her published novels from 2011 to 2018. The ten contributors to this collection re-engage with key debates over Austen her continuing appeal and significance as an author and a lucrative brand and her cultural ubiquity. These essays are concerned with Austen’s national and international reputation; her critical reception; creative appropriations of her writings; and Austen’s afterlives in popular culture in visual media in ephemeral publications in stage in film and in musical versions. Together these essays by experts from across the UK North America Australia and Scandinavia advance innovative readings of Austen’s novels and her transmedia legacies and shed new light on some of the complex reception processes that emerge from the study of this enduringly popular author. They also set out possible paths for scholarship on Austen in coming years. This book was originally published as a special issue of Women’s Writing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367356781

Bicontinuous Liquid Crystals With the development of diverse analytical chemistry techniques the discovery of rich and numerous properties pertaining to bicontinuous liquid crystal structures has yielded beneficial applications in medicine consumer products materials science and biotechnology. Presenting contributions from 24 experts worldwide Bicontinuous Liquid Crystals presents a comprehensive overview of these structures with a practical approach to applying them in manufacturing and laboratory processes. This book considers the cubic mesh ribbon and sponge equilibrium phases of bicontinuous structures. It begins with a historical perspective and a theoretical platform for study followed by a detailed discussion of physical chemistry properties and structural characteristics of the different phases. The text interrelates the most useful analytical methods for the characterization of the behavior and stability of liquid crystalline phases based on structure geometry composition-dependent changes temperature dispersion and other factors. These techniques include differential geometry thermodynamics local and global packing and the study of conformational entropy. The book also highlights tools for mathematically visualizing bicontinuous systems. This provides an excellent foundation for the authors' examination of the latest studies and applications such as controlled release materials development fabrication processing polymerization protein crystallization membrane fusion and treatment of human skin. Bicontinuous Liquid Crystals represents current trends and innovative ideas in the study of bicontinuous liquid crystals. Divided into three sections it provides a complete overview of theoretical and modeling aspects physical chemistry and characterization and applications in this active field of research. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367392871

Bicultural Literature and Film in French and English This book focuses on literature and cinema in English or French by authors and directors not working in their native language. Artists with hybrid identities have become a defining phenomenon of contemporary reality following the increased mobility between civilisations during the postcolonial period and the waves of emigration to the West. Cinema and prose fiction remain the most popular sources of cultural consumption not least owing to the adaptability of both to the new electronic media. This volume considers cultural products in English and French in which the explicitly multi-focal representation of authors' experiences of their native languages/cultures makes itself conspicuous. The essays explore work by the peripheral and those without a country while problematising what might be meant by the widely used but not always well-defined term ‘bicultural’. The first section looks at films by such well-known filmmakers working in France as Bouchareb Kechiche Legzouli and Dridi as well as the animated feature Persepolis. Here the focus is on the representation of human experience in spatial terms exploring the appropriation of territory cohabited by ‘local’ people newcomers and their children haunted by the cultural memories of distant places. The second part is devoted to multicultural authors whose ‘native’ language was English Russian Polish Hungarian or Spanish (Beckett Herzen Voyeikova Triolet Conrad Hoffmann Kristof Dorfman) and their creative engagement with difference. A study of the emergence of multilingual writing in Montaigne and an autobiographical essay by Elleke Boehmer on growing up surrounded by English Dutch Afrikaans and Zulu frame the volume's chapters. The collection relishes the freedom provided by liberation from the confines of one language and culture and the delight in creative multilingualism. This book will be of significant interest to those studying the subject of biculturalism as well as the fields of Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367871512

Biculturalism and Spanish in ContactSociolinguistic Case Studies Biculturalism and Spanish in Contact: Sociolinguistic Case Studies provides an original and modern analysis of the development of Spanish and its contact with other languages using a sociolinguistic framework from both synchronic and diachronic angles.Split into three sections​ ​(i) Border speech communities​​  (ii) Outcomes and perceptions in situations of language and dialect contact and (iii) Contact and alternation: social boundaries of language switching this collection offers new perspectives in the field of language contact and change. Each chapter presents an original study detailing the social factors that have shaped contact varieties of Spanish providing principal arguments and theories about language use contact and change as well as guided topics for discussion. With its wide scope this book is a landmark in language interaction processes and studies and will be a valuable reference for educators scholars language professionals and students with an interest in the vitality of the Spanish language in contact with other languages. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367585631

Biculturalism at New Zealand’s National MuseumAn Ethnography of Te Papa The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa has been celebrated as an international leader for its bicultural concept and partnership with MÄori in all aspects of the museum but how does this relationship with the indigenous partner work in practice? Biculturalism at New Zealand’s National Museum reveals the challenges benefits and politics of implementing a bicultural framework in everyday museum practice. Providing an analysis of the voices of museum employees the book reflects their multifaceted understandings of biculturalism and collaboration. Based on a year of intensive fieldwork behind the scenes at New Zealand’s national museum and drawing on 68 interviews and participant observations with 18 different teams across the organisation this book examines the interactions and cultural clashes between MÄori and non-MÄori museum professionals in their day-to-day work. Documenting and analysing contemporary museum practices this account explores how biculturalism is enacted negotiated practised and envisioned on different stages within the complex social institution that is the museum. Lessons learnt from Te Papa will be valuable for other museums NGOs the public service and organisations facing similar issues around the world.Biculturalism at New Zealand’s National Museum addresses a gap in the literature on biculturalism and reaffirms the importance of ethnography to the anthropological enterprise and museum studies research. As such it will be essential reading for academics researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of cultural anthropology museum anthropology museum studies and MÄori studies or indigenous studies. It should also be of great interest to museum professionals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367731243

Bicycle Engineering and Technology Bicycle Engineering and Technology is a primer and technical introduction for anyone interested in bicycles bicycling and the bicycle industry. With insight into how bicycles are made and operated the book covers the engineering materials used for their manufacture and the technicalities of riding. It also discusses ways in which the enthusiast may wish to get involved in the business of working with these fantastic machines which are now being aided with electrical power. The bicycle is a significant factor in transportation around the world and is playing an increasingly crucial role in transport policy as we collectively become more environmentally conscious. To celebrate the importance of the bicycle on the world stage a brief history is included along with a detailed timeline showing the development of the bicycle with major world events. Previous knowledge of engineering or technology is not required to enjoy this text as all technical terms are explained and a full glossary and lists of abbreviations are included. Whether you are a bicycling enthusiast racer student or bicycle professional you will surely want to read it and keep it on your shelf as a handy reference. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367419165

Bicycle Justice and Urban TransformationBiking for all? As bicycle commuting grows in the United States the profile of the white middle-class cyclist has emerged. This stereotype evolves just as investments in cycling play an increasingly important role in neighborhood transformations. However despite stereotypes the cycling public is actually quite diverse with the greatest share falling into the lowest income categories. Bicycle Justice and Urban Transformation demonstrates that for those with privilege bicycling can be liberatory a lifestyle choice whereas for those surviving at the margins cycling is not a choice but an often oppressive necessity. Ignoring these "invisible" cyclists skews bicycle improvements towards those with choices. This book argues that it is vital to contextualize bicycling within a broader social justice framework if investments are to serve all street users equitably. "Bicycle justice" is an inclusionary social movement based on furthering material equity and the recognition that qualitative differences matter. This book illustrates equitable bicycle advocacy policy and planning. In synthesizing the projects of critical cultural studies transportation justice and planning the book reveals the relevance of social justice to public and community-driven investments in cycling. This book will interest professionals advocates academics and students in the fields of transportation planning urban planning community development urban geography sociology and policy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815359203

Bicycle UrbanismReimagining Bicycle Friendly Cities Over recent decades bicycling has received renewed interest as a means of improving transportation through crowded cities improving personal health and reducing environmental impacts associated with travel. Much of the discussion surrounding cycling has focused on bicycle facility design—how to best repurpose road infrastructure to accommodate bicycling. While part of the discussion has touched on culture such as how to make bicycling a larger part of daily life city design and planning have been sorely missing from consideration. Whilst interdisciplinary in its scope this book takes a primarily planning approach to examining active transportation and especially bicycling in urban areas. The volume examines the land use aspects of the city—not just the streetscape. Illustrated using a range of case studies from the USA Canada and Australia the volume provides a comprehensive overview of key topics of concern around cycling in the city including: imagining the future of bicycle-friendly cities; integrating bicycling into urban planning and design; the effects of bike use on health and environment; policies for developing bicycle infrastructure and programs; best practices in bicycle facility design and implementation; advances in technology and economic contributions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367502133

Bicycle UtopiasImagining Fast and Slow Cycling Futures Bicycle Utopias investigates the future of urban mobilities and post-car societies arguing that the bicycle can become the nexus around which most human movement will revolve. Drawing on literature on post-car futures (Urry 2007; Dennis and Urry 2009) transition theory (Geels et al. 2012) and utopian studies (Levitas 2010 2013) this book imagines a slow bicycle system as a necessary means to achieving more sustainable mobility futures. The imagination of a slow bicycle system is done in three ways:Scenario building to anticipate how cycling mobilities will look in the year 2050.A critique of the system of automobility and of fast cycling futures.An investigation of the cycling senses and sociabilities to describe the type of societies that such a slow bicycle system will enable. Bicycle Utopias will appeal to students and scholars in fields such as sociology mobilities studies human geography and urban and transport studies. This work may also be of interest to advocates activists and professionals in the domains of cycling and sustainable mobilities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367582241

Bid Writing for Project Managers At what stage in the process do commercial projects go wrong? Some of the worst problems (unrealistic objectives faulty assumptions and poorly understood constraints) are 'programmed in' at conception when the bid is written long before the project manager is brought on board. If the bid is misconceived no amount of clever project management is going to recover the situation. Involving the designated project manager at the bidding stage is becoming the norm in many commercial organizations. Some make the project manager the bid manager so they can direct all aspects of the project's conception. Getting the bid right is the essence of planning for project success and is the main theme of this book. However many project managers are unfamiliar with the pitfalls of competitive bidding and don't know how to balance a compelling sales message against a realistic delivery plan. Bid Writing for Project Managers will guide prospective project managers through the bid-writing lifecycle providing comprehensive guidelines and numerous tips on how to craft a winning bid and how to set the project up with the best possible chance of success. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780566092145

Biedermann und die Brandstifter First published in 1986. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138129702

Biennial Review of Counseling PsychologyVolume 1 2008 Created to keep pace with changes in the psychological fields the Biennial Review of Counseling Psychology addresses key developments in theory research and practice. New areas that have evolved in counseling psychology are discussed and each chapter is written by current front-runners in the field. The content presented is relevant for science education and training public interest and diversity and professional practice. Unlike academic journals the contributions to the Biennial Review do not represent spontaneous submissions but carefully planned and written chapters pursued and researched by the editorial committee. Topics covered include adult psychotherapy multicultural counseling college counseling and mental-health services and psychosocial issues and treatment techniques with recent immigrants. A perfect source for those interested in continuing education this first volume of the Biennial Review is a significant contribution to the literature and an indicator of the potential of future volumes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987845

Big Bang BeingDeveloping the Sustainability Mindset When asked for the definition of mental health and fulfilment Sigmund Freud had two words: lieben und arbeiten love and work. In this book we will find how 16 business leaders brought together their compassion their caring for others and the world with their work.True only on rare occasions are we able to meet the person behind initiatives that made a positive impact on the world even less have an in-depth view into their feelings concerns hesitations doubts and most intimate thoughts. What is seen publicly is the initiative the impact on the bottom line and the community or sometimes on the environment. Yet it is their _personal_ stories that can be most inspirational since they draw our attention to the fact that amazing achievements start in simple ways with just the thinking of one individual. And when we find out that the "exemplary individuals" have many very "human" aspects that we identify with and find in ourselves it brings us closer; and particularly it may even trigger in us the question: If she could do it... I wonder what could _I_ do?The interviews however were only the beginning of the journey. The lessons of the interviews made it possible to identify how we can all develop a sustainability mindset: in other words the thinking and the being that can take us from breakdown to breakthrough on this planet. Each one of us can play a part in leading the change; in fact we are already playing a part – we are just not necessarily aware if that is the part we would like to play or aware that we choose the change we are contributing to unfold.Part I presents the 16 leaders including a summary of their story and their initiatives. Part II goes a little deeper as you will find two dimensions that were not obvious but which underlie the way these business leaders championed the initiatives: the Thinking and the Being. Part III explores why sustainability change is so slow and addresses the "elephant in the room": the values and beliefs that anchor our Western Weltanschauung or worldview. Part IV addresses the alternatives that we have to convert the unsustainable values into opportunities that will permit humanity to thrive and to break through the obstructions that prevent us from stasis. Finally Part V takes us beyond the tipping point and presents us with an opportunity to evolve as humans developing a new way of thinking and being on this planet. This transformation is so radical and significant that the author calls it the Big Bang Being. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781906093877

Big Book of Blob Feelings The Big Book of Blob Feelings uses questions linked to specially selected photocopiable pictures to help you explore feelings with those who struggle to communicate about their emotions. Tried tested and loved internationally this inspirational resource includes a wealth of material around: Blob Theory - the feelosophy our open-question approach and the importance of allowing people to express their choices freely; Emotions - every day we all experience a wide range of feelings a broad selection of which have been illustrated to kick-start discussions; Developmental issues - the objective of each of the sheets is to see people of all ages grow in their awareness of who they are their uniqueness and how they can develop those gifts further as they share with others. Each picture is accompanied by ideas and questions to kick-start class group or one-to-one discussion so that everything in the book is relevant to your needs in your setting. The complete book is also included electronically on the accompanying CD Rom so that you can print and re-use resources as often as you need to. The perfect companion to this book is The Big Book of Blob Feelings 2 which provides a huge range of new material while following the same structure and approach. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815353690

Big Book of Emergency Department PsychiatryA Guide to Patient Centered Operational Improvement This book focuses on the operational and clinical strategies needed to improve care of Emergency Psychiatric patients. Boarding of psychiatric patients in ED’s is recognized as a national crisis. The American College of Emergency Physicians identified strategies to decrease boarding of psychiatric patients as one of their top strategic goals. Currently there are books on clinical care of psychiatric patients but this is the first book that looks at both the clinical and operational aspects of caring for these patients in ED setting. This book discusses Lean methodology the impact of long stay patients using queuing methodology clinical guidelines and active treatment of psychiatric patients in the ED. Media > Books > Print Books Productivity Press 9781138198074

Big Business and Brazil’s Economic Reforms In the 1990s Brazil launched a comprehensive economic liberalization program. It lifted its trade barriers adopted new market-oriented regulations opened up its capital market and abandoned earlier efforts to internalize production and to build vertically integrated systems across several sectors of the economy. In spite of the visible gap that separated the top global giants from the large local enterprises Brazilian companies seemed to be willing to join in an economic liberalization process that was bound to expose them to unprecedented levels of competition bring about a high degree of uncertainty and in many cases ultimately put their own businesses at risk. Big Business and Brazil’s Economic Reforms examines the most emblematic aspect of the Brazilian economic reforms the support from parts of the local entrepreneurial class for the opening up of the economy. It investigates the reasons why Brazil carried out these economic reforms in the 1990s the transition process and the impact of the opening up of the economy on some of its most important sectors such as the aerospace auto and auto parts food processing oil and petrochemicals ethanol steel telecoms and telecom equipment industries. This book offers an in-depth analysis of Brazil’s distinctive development paths from the Latin American economic thinking of the early stages of its industrialization to the neo-liberal stance of the present day. It sheds new light on one of the main challenges facing all the large developing economies in their move to become more integrated into the world economy the fostering of large enterprises and is a great resource for students and researchers interested in global business development economics and Latin American economic history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138616868

Big Data The internet has launched the world into an era into which enormous amounts of data are generated every day through technologies with both positive and negative consequences. This often refers to big data . This book explores big data in organisations operating in the criminology and criminal justice fields. Big data entails a major disruption in the ways we think about and do things which certainly applies to most organisations including those operating in the criminology and criminal justice fields. Big data is currently disrupting processes in most organisations – how different organisations collaborate with one another how organisations develop products or services how organisations can identify recruit and evaluate talent how organisations can make better decisions based on empirical evidence rather than intuition and how organisations can quickly implement any transformation plan to name a few. All these processes are important to tap into but two underlying processes are critical to establish a foundation that will permit organisations to flourish and thrive in the era of big data – creating a culture more receptive to big data and implementing a systematic data analytics-driven process within the organisation. Written in a clear and direct style this book will appeal to students and scholars in criminology criminal justice sociology and cultural studies but also to government agencies corporate and non-corporate organisations or virtually any other institution impacted by big data. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138492783

Big Data Code and the Discrete CityShaping Public Realms Big Data Code and the Discrete City explores how digital technologies are gradually changing the way in which the public space is designed by architects managed by policymakers and experienced by individuals. Smart city technologies are superseding the traditional human experience that has characterised the making of the public space until today. This book examines how computers see the public space and the effect of algorithms artificial intelligences and automated processes on the human experience in public spaces. Divided into three parts the first part of this book examines the notion of discreteness in its origins and applications to computer sciences. The second section presents a dual perspective: it explores the ways in which public spaces are constructed by the computer-driven logic and then translated into control mechanisms design strategies and software-aided design. This perspective also describes the way in which individuals perceive this new public space through its digital logic and discrete mechanisms (from Wi-Fi coverage to self-tracking). Finally in the third part this book scrutinises the discrete logic with which computers operate and how this is permeating into aspects of city life. This book is valuable for anyone interested in urban studies and digital technologies and more specifically in big data urban informatics and public space. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138543096

Big Data Crime and Social Control From predictive policing to self-surveillance to private security the potential uses to of big data in crime control pose serious legal and ethical challenges relating to privacy discrimination and the presumption of innocence. The book is about the impacts of the use of big data analytics on social and crime control and on fundamental liberties. Drawing on research from Europe and the US this book identifies the various ways in which law and ethics intersect with the application of big data in social and crime control considers potential challenges to human rights and democracy and recommends regulatory solutions and best practice. This book focuses on changes in knowledge production and the manifold sites of contemporary surveillance ranging from self-surveillance to corporate and state surveillance. It tackles the implications of big data and predictive algorithmic analytics for social justice social equality and social power: concepts at the very core of crime and social control. This book will be of interest to scholars and students of criminology sociology politics and socio-legal studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367227562

Big Data IoT and Machine LearningTools and Applications The idea behind this book is to simplify the journey of aspiring readers and researchers to understand Big Data IoT and Machine Learning. It also includes various real-time/offline applications and case studies in the fields of engineering computer science information security and cloud computing using modern tools. This book consists of two sections: Section I contains the topics related to Applications of Machine Learning and Section II addresses issues about Big Data the Cloud and the Internet of Things. This brings all the related technologies into a single source so that undergraduate and postgraduate students researchers academicians and people in industry can easily understand them. Features Addresses the complete data science technologies workflow Explores basic and high-level concepts and services as a manual for those in the industry and at the same time can help beginners to understand both basic and advanced aspects of machine learning Covers data processing and security solutions in IoT and Big Data applications Offers adaptive robust scalable and reliable applications to develop solutions for day-to-day problems Presents security issues and data migration techniques of NoSQL databases Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367336745

Big Data Mining and AnalyticsComponents of Strategic Decision Making There is an ongoing data explosion transpiring that will make previous creations collections and storage of data look trivial. Big Data Mining and Analytics: Components of Strategic Decision Making ties together big data data mining and analytics to explain how readers can leverage them to extract valuable insights from their data. Facilitating a clear understanding of big data it supplies authoritative insights from expert contributors into leveraging data resources including big data to improve decision making. Illustrating basic approaches of business intelligence to the more complex methods of data and text mining the book guides readers through the process of extracting valuable knowledge from the varieties of data currently being generated in the brick and mortar and internet environments. It considers the broad spectrum of analytics approaches for decision making including dashboards OLAP cubes data mining and text mining. Includes a foreword by Thomas H. Davenport Distinguished Professor Babson College; Fellow MIT Center for Digital Business; and Co-Founder International Institute for Analytics Introduces text mining and the transforming of unstructured data into useful information Examines real time wireless medical data acquisition for today’s healthcare and data mining challenges Presents the contributions of big data experts from academia and industry including SAS Highlights the most exciting emerging technologies for big data Filled with examples that illustrate the value of analytics throughout the book outlines a conceptual framework for data modeling that can help you immediately improve your own analytics and decision-making processes. It also provides in-depth coverage of analyzing unstructured data with text mining methods. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367378813

Big Data Political Campaigning and the LawDemocracy and Privacy in the Age of Micro-Targeting In this multidisciplinary book experts from around the globe examine how data-driven political campaigning works what challenges it poses for personal privacy and democracy and how emerging practices should be regulated. The rise of big data analytics in the political process has triggered official investigations in many countries around the world and become the subject of broad and intense debate. Political parties increasingly rely on data analytics to profile the electorate and to target specific voter groups with individualised messages based on their demographic attributes. Political micro-targeting has become a major factor in modern campaigning because of its potential to influence opinions to mobilise supporters and to get out votes. The book explores the legal philosophical and political dimensions of big data analytics in the electoral process. It demonstrates that the unregulated use of big personal data for political purposes not only infringes voters’ privacy rights but also has the potential to jeopardise the future of the democratic process and proposes reforms to address the key regulatory and ethical questions arising from the mining use and storage of massive amounts of voter data. Providing an interdisciplinary assessment of the use and regulation of big data in the political process this book will appeal to scholars from law political science political philosophy and media studies policy makers and anyone who cares about democracy in the age of data-driven political campaigning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367230548

Big Data Surveillance and Crisis Management Big data surveillance crisis management. Three largely different and richly researched fields however the interplay amongst these three domains is rarely addressed. In this enlightening title the link between these three fields is explored in a consequential order through a variety of contributions and series of unique and international case studies. Indeed whilst considering crisis management as an "umbrella term" that covers a number of crises and ways of managing them the reader will also explore the collection of "big data" by governmental crisis organisations. However this volume also addresses the unintended consequences of using such data. In particular through the lens of surveillance one will also investigate how the use and abuse of big data can easily lead to monitoring and controlling the behaviour of people affected by crises. Thus the reader will ultimately join the authors in their debate of how big data in crisis management needs to be examined as a political process involving questions of power and transparency.An enlightening and highly topical volume Big Data Surveillance and Crisis Management will appeal to postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers interested in fields including Sociology and Surveillance Studies Disaster and Crisis Management Media Studies Governmentality Organisation Theory and Information Society Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367876203

Big Data Analysis for Bioinformatics and Biomedical Discoveries Demystifies Biomedical and Biological Big Data Analyses Big Data Analysis for Bioinformatics and Biomedical Discoveries provides a practical guide to the nuts and bolts of Big Data enabling you to quickly and effectively harness the power of Big Data to make groundbreaking biological discoveries carry out translational medical research and implement personalized genomic medicine. Contributing to the NIH Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) initiative the book enhances your computational and quantitative skills so that you can exploit the Big Data being generated in the current omics era. The book explores many significant topics of Big Data analyses in an easily understandable format. It describes popular tools and software for Big Data analyses and explains next-generation DNA sequencing data analyses. It also discusses comprehensive Big Data analyses of several major areas including the integration of omics data pharmacogenomics electronic health record data and drug discovery. Accessible to biologists biomedical scientists bioinformaticians and computer data analysts the book keeps complex mathematical deductions and jargon to a minimum. Each chapter includes a theoretical introduction example applications data analysis principles step-by-step tutorials and authoritative references. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781498724524

Big Data Analytics and Computing for Digital Forensic Investigations Digital forensics has recently gained a notable development and become the most demanding area in today’s information security requirement. This book investigates the areas of digital forensics digital investigation and data analysis procedures as they apply to computer fraud and cybercrime with the main objective of describing a variety of digital crimes and retrieving potential digital evidence. Big Data Analytics and Computing for Digital Forensic Investigations gives a contemporary view on the problems of information security. It presents the idea that protective mechanisms and software must be integrated along with forensic capabilities into existing forensic software using big data computing tools and techniques. Features Describes trends of digital forensics served for big data and the challenges of evidence acquisition Enables digital forensic investigators and law enforcement agencies to enhance their digital investigation capabilities with the application of data science analytics algorithms and fusion technique This book is focused on helping professionals as well as researchers to get ready with next-generation security systems to mount the rising challenges of computer fraud and cybercrimes as well as with digital forensic investigations. Dr Suneeta Satpathy has more than ten years of teaching experience in different subjects of the Computer Science and Engineering discipline. She is currently working as an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering College of Bhubaneswar affiliated with Biju Patnaik University and Technology Odisha. Her research interests include computer forensics cybersecurity data fusion data mining big data analysis and decision mining. Dr Sachi Nandan Mohanty is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at ICFAI Tech ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education Hyderabad India. His research interests include data mining big data analysis cognitive science fuzzy decision-making brain–computer interface cognition and computational intelligence. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367456788

Big Data Analytics in Cybersecurity Big data is presenting challenges to cybersecurity. For an example the Internet of Things (IoT) will reportedly soon generate a staggering 400 zettabytes (ZB) of data a year. Self-driving cars are predicted to churn out 4000 GB of data per hour of driving. Big data analytics as an emerging analytical technology offers the capability to collect store process and visualize these vast amounts of data. Big Data Analytics in Cybersecurity examines security challenges surrounding big data and provides actionable insights that can be used to improve the current practices of network operators and administrators. Applying big data analytics in cybersecurity is critical. By exploiting data from the networks and computers analysts can discover useful network information from data. Decision makers can make more informative decisions by using this analysis including what actions need to be performed and improvement recommendations to policies guidelines procedures tools and other aspects of the network processes. Bringing together experts from academia government laboratories and industry the book provides insight to both new and more experienced security professionals as well as data analytics professionals who have varying levels of cybersecurity expertise. It covers a wide range of topics in cybersecurity which include: Network forensics Threat analysis Vulnerability assessment Visualization Cyber training. In addition emerging security domains such as the IoT cloud computing fog computing mobile computing and cyber-social networks are examined. The book ï¬rst focuses on how big data analytics can be used in different aspects of cybersecurity including network forensics root-cause analysis and security training. Next it discusses big data challenges and solutions in such emerging cybersecurity domains as fog computing IoT and mobile app security. The book concludes by presenting the tools and datasets for future cybersecurity research. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781498772129

Big Data Analytics in Future Power Systems Power systems are increasingly collecting large amounts of data due to the expansion of the Internet of Things into power grids. In a smart grids scenario a huge number of intelligent devices will be connected with almost no human intervention characterizing a machine-to-machine scenario which is one of the pillars of the Internet of Things. The book characterizes and evaluates how the emerging growth of data in communications networks applied to smart grids will impact the grid efficiency and reliability. Additionally this book discusses the various security concerns that become manifest with Big Data and expanded communications in power grids.Provide a general description and definition of big data which has been gaining significant attention in the research community.Introduces a comprehensive overview of big data optimization methods in power system.Reviews the communication devices used in critical infrastructure especially power systems; security methods available to vet the identity of devices; and general security threats in CI networks.Presents applications in power systems such as power flow and protection.Reviews electricity theft concerns and the wide variety of data-driven techniques and applications developed for electricity theft detection. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367733384

Big Data Analytics in Supply Chain ManagementTheory and Applications In a world of soaring digitization social media financial transactions and production and logistics processes constantly produce massive data. Employing analytical tools to extract insights and foresights from data improves the quality speed and reliability of solutions to highly intertwined issues faced in supply chain operations. From procurement in Industry 4.0 to sustainable consumption behavior to curriculum development for data scientists this book offers a wide array of techniques and theories of Big Data Analytics applied to Supply Chain Management. It offers a comprehensive overview and forms a new synthesis by bringing together seemingly divergent fields of research. Intended for Engineering and Business students scholars and professionals this book is a collection of state-of-the-art research and best practices to spur discussion about and extend the cumulant knowledge of emerging supply chain problems. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367407179

Big Data Analytics Strategies for the Smart Grid By implementing a comprehensive data analytics program utility companies can meet the continually evolving challenges of modern grids that are operationally efficient while reconciling the demands of greenhouse gas legislation and establishing a meaningful return on investment from smart grid deployments.Readable and accessible Big Data Analytics Strategies for the Smart Grid addresses the needs of applying big data technologies and approaches including Big Data cybersecurity to the critical infrastructure that makes up the electrical utility grid. It supplies industry stakeholders with an in-depth understanding of the engineering business and customer domains within the power delivery market.The book explores the unique needs of electrical utility grids including operational technology IT storage processing and how to transform grid assets for the benefit of both the utility business and energy consumers. It not only provides specific examples that illustrate how analytics work and how they are best applied but also describes how to avoid potential problems and pitfalls.Discussing security and data privacy it explores the role of the utility in protecting their customers’ right to privacy while still engaging in forward-looking business practices. The book includes discussions of: SAS for asset management tools The AutoGrid approach to commercial analytics Space-Time Insight’s work at the California ISO (CAISO) This book is an ideal resource for mid- to upper-level utility executives who need to understand the business value of smart grid data analytics. It explains critical concepts in a manner that will better position executives to make the right decisions about building their analytics programs.At the same time the book provides sufficient technical depth that it is useful for data analytics professionals who need to better understand the nuances of the engineering and business challenges unique to the utilities industry. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781482218282

Big Data Analytics Using Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Models Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) is a subfield of Operations Research dealing with decision making problems. A decision-making problem is characterized by the need to choose one or a few among a number of alternatives. The field of MCDM assumes special importance in this era of Big Data and Business Analytics. In this volume the focus will be on modelling-based tools for Business Analytics (BA) with exclusive focus on the sub-field of MCDM within the domain of operations research. The book will include an Introduction to Big Data and Business Analytics and challenges and opportunities for developing MCDM models in the era of Big Data. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138747654

Big Data Analytics with Applications in Insider Threat Detection Today's malware mutates randomly to avoid detection but reactively adaptive malware is more intelligent learning and adapting to new computer defenses on the fly. Using the same algorithms that antivirus software uses to detect viruses reactively adaptive malware deploys those algorithms to outwit antivirus defenses and to go undetected. This book provides details of the tools the types of malware the tools will detect implementation of the tools in a cloud computing framework and the applications for insider threat detection. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367657420

Big Data AnalyticsA Practical Guide for Managers With this book managers and decision makers are given the tools to make more informed decisions about big data purchasing initiatives. Big Data Analytics: A Practical Guide for Managers not only supplies descriptions of common tools but also surveys the various products and vendors that supply the big data market.Comparing and contrasting the different types of analysis commonly conducted with big data this accessible reference presents clear-cut explanations of the general workings of big data tools. Instead of spending time on HOW to install specific packages it focuses on the reasons WHY readers would install a given package.The book provides authoritative guidance on a range of tools including open source and proprietary systems. It details the strengths and weaknesses of incorporating big data analysis into decision-making and explains how to leverage the strengths while mitigating the weaknesses. Describes the benefits of distributed computing in simple terms Includes substantial vendor/tool material especially for open source decisions Covers prominent software packages including Hadoop and Oracle Endeca Examines GIS and machine learning applications Considers privacy and surveillance issues The book further explores basic statistical concepts that when misapplied can be the source of errors. Time and again big data is treated as an oracle that discovers results nobody would have imagined. While big data can serve this valuable function all too often these results are incorrect yet are still reported unquestioningly. The probability of having erroneous results increases as a larger number of variables are compared unless preventative measures are taken.The approach taken by the authors is to explain these concepts so managers can ask better questions of their analysts and vendors as to the appropriateness of the methods used to arrive at a conclusion. Because the world of science and medicine has been grappling with similar issues in the publication of studies the authors draw on their efforts and apply them to big data. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781482234510

Big Data AnalyticsA Social Network Approach Social networking has increased drastically in recent years resulting in an increased amount of data being created daily. Furthermore diversity of issues and complexity of the social networks pose a challenge in social network mining. Traditional algorithm software cannot deal with such complex and vast amounts of data necessitating the development of novel analytic approaches and tools. This reference work deals with social network aspects of big data analytics. It covers theory practices and challenges in social networking. The book spans numerous disciplines like neural networking deep learning artificial intelligence visualization e-learning in higher education e-healthcare security and intrusion detection. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138082168

Big Data AnalyticsTools and Technology for Effective Planning The proposed book will discuss various aspects of big data Analytics. It will deliberate upon the tools technology applications use cases and research directions in the field. Chapters would be contributed by researchers scientist and practitioners from various reputed universities and organizations for the benefit of readers. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138032392

Big Data and Analytics Applications in GovernmentCurrent Practices and Future Opportunities Within this context big data analytics (BDA) can be an important tool given that many analytic techniques within the big data world have been created specifically to deal with complexity and rapidly changing conditions. The important task for public sector organizations is to liberate analytics from narrow scientific silos and expand it across internally to reap maximum benefit across their portfolios of programs. This book highlights contextual factors important to better situating the use of BDA within government organizations and demonstrates the wide range of applications of different BDA techniques. It emphasizes the importance of leadership and organizational practices that can improve performance. It explains that BDA initiatives should not be bolted on but should be integrated into the organization’s performance management processes. Equally important the book includes chapters that demonstrate the diversity of factors that need to be managed to launch and sustain BDA initiatives in public sector organizations. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781498764346

Big Data and Business Analytics "The chapters in this volume offer useful case studies technical roadmaps lessons learned and a few prescriptions to ‘do this avoid that.’" —From the Foreword by Joe LaCugna Ph.D. Enterprise Analytics and Business Intelligence Starbucks Coffee Company With the growing barrage of "big data " it becomes vitally important for organizations to make sense of this data and information in a timely and effective way. That’s where analytics come into play. Research shows that organizations that use business analytics to guide their decision making are more productive and experience higher returns on equity. Big Data and Business Analytics helps you quickly grasp the trends and techniques of big data and business analytics to make your organization more competitive. Packed with case studies this book assembles insights from some of the leading experts and organizations worldwide. Spanning industry government not-for-profit organizations and academia they share valuable perspectives on big data domains such as cybersecurity marketing emergency management healthcare finance and transportation. Understand the trends potential and challenges associated with big data and business analytics Get an overview of machine learning advanced statistical techniques and other predictive analytics that can help you solve big data issues Learn from VPs of Big Data/Insights & Analytics via case studies of Fortune 100 companies government agencies universities and not-for-profits Big data problems are complex. This book shows you how to go from being data-rich to insight-rich improving your decision making and creating competitive advantage. Author Jay Liebowitz recently had an article published in The World Financial Review. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781466565784

Big Data and Cloud Computing for DevelopmentLessons from Key Industries and Economies in the Global South This book provides a framework for evaluating big data and cloud computing based on how they evolve to fit users’ needs in developing countries in key areas such as agriculture and education. The authors discuss how this framework can be utilized by businesses governments and consumers to accelerate economic growth and overcome information and communication barriers. By examining the ways in which cloud computing can drive social economic and environmental transformation readers gain a nuanced understanding of the opportunities and challenges these technologies offer. The authors also provide an authoritative and up-to-date account of big data’s diffusion into a wide range of developing economies such as Brazil and China illustrating key concepts through in-depth case studies. Special attention is paid to economic development in the context of the new Sustainable Development Goals formulated by the United Nations introducing readers to the most modern standard of economic evaluation. Students of information management entrepreneurship and development as well as policy makers researchers and practitioners will find Big Data and Cloud Computing for Development an interesting read and a useful reference source. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138689053

Big Data and Computational Intelligence in Networking This book presents state-of-the-art solutions to the theoretical and practical challenges stemming from the leverage of big data and its computational intelligence in supporting smart network operation management and optimization. In particular the technical focus covers the comprehensive understanding of network big data efficient collection and management of network big data distributed and scalable online analytics for network big data and emerging applications of network big data for computational intelligence. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367572440

Big Data and Health Analytics Data availability is surpassing existing paradigms for governing managing analyzing and interpreting health data. Big Data and Health Analytics provides frameworks use cases and examples that illustrate the role of big data and analytics in modern health care including how public health information can inform health delivery.Written for health care professionals and executives this is not a technical book on the use of statistics and machine-learning algorithms for extracting knowledge out of data nor a book on the intricacies of database design. Instead this book presents the current thinking of academic and industry researchers and leaders from around the world.Using non-technical language this book is accessible to health care professionals who might not have an IT and analytics background. It includes case studies that illustrate the business processes underlying the use of big data and health analytics to improve health care delivery.Highlighting lessons learned from the case studies the book supplies readers with the foundation required for further specialized study in health analytics and data management. Coverage includes community health information information visualization which offers interactive environments and analytic processes that support exploration of EHR data the governance structure required to enable data analytics and use federal regulations and the constraints they place on analytics and information security.Links to websites videos articles and other online content that expand and support the primary learning objectives for each major section of the book are also included to help you develop the skills you will need to achieve quality improvements in health care delivery through the effective use of data and analytics. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781482229233

Big Data and Social ScienceData Science Methods and Tools for Research and Practice Big Data and Social Science: Data Science Methods and Tools for Research and Practice Second Edition shows how to apply data science to real-world problems covering all stages of a data-intensive social science or policy project. Prominent leaders in the social sciences statistics and computer science as well as the field of data science provide a unique perspective on how to apply modern social science research principles and current analytical and computational tools. The text teaches you how to identify and collect appropriate data apply data science methods and tools to the data and recognize and respond to data errors biases and limitations. Features: Takes an accessible hands-on approach to handling new types of data in the social sciences Presents the key data science tools in a non-intimidating way to both social and data scientists while keeping the focus on research questions and purposes Illustrates social science and data science principles through real-world problems Links computer science concepts to practical social science research Promotes good scientific practice Provides freely available workbooks with data code and practical programming exercises through Binder and GitHub New to the Second Edition: Increased use of examples from different areas of social sciences New chapter on dealing with Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning models Expanded chapters focusing on Machine Learning and Text Analysis Revamped hands-on Jupyter notebooks to reinforce concepts covered in each chapter This classroom-tested book fills a major gap in graduate- and professional-level data science and social science education. It can be used to train a new generation of social data scientists to tackle real-world problems and improve the skills and competencies of applied social scientists and public policy practitioners. It empowers you to use the massive and rapidly growing amounts of available data to interpret economic and social activities in a scientific and rigorous manner. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367568597

Big Data at WorkThe Data Science Revolution and Organizational Psychology The amount of data in our world has been exploding and analyzing large data sets—so called big data—will become a key basis of competition in business. Statisticians and researchers will be updating their analytic approaches methods and research to meet the demands created by the availability of big data. The goal of this book is to show how advances in data science have the ability to fundamentally influence and improve organizational science and practice. This book is primarily designed for researchers and advanced undergraduate and graduate students in psychology management and statistics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781848725829

Big Data Computing Due to market forces and technological evolution Big Data computing is developing at an increasing rate. A wide variety of novel approaches and tools have emerged to tackle the challenges of Big Data creating both more opportunities and more challenges for students and professionals in the field of data computation and analysis. Presenting a mix of industry cases and theory Big Data Computing discusses the technical and practical issues related to Big Data in intelligent information management. Emphasizing the adoption and diffusion of Big Data tools and technologies in industry the book introduces a broad range of Big Data concepts tools and techniques. It covers a wide range of research and provides comparisons between state-of-the-art approaches.  Comprised of five sections the book focuses on:What Big Data is and why it is importantSemantic technologiesTools and methodsBusiness and economic perspectivesBig Data applications across industries Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367379117

Big Data ComputingA Guide for Business and Technology Managers This book unravels the mystery of Big Data computing and its power to transform business operations. The approach it uses will be helpful to any professional who must present a case for realizing Big Data computing solutions or to those who could be involved in a Big Data computing project. It provides a framework that enables business and technical managers to make optimal decisions necessary for the successful migration to Big Data computing environments and applications within their organizations. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781498715331

Big Data for ManagersCreating Value In today’s fast growing digital world the web mobile social networks and other digital platforms are producing enormous amounts of data that hold intelligence and valuable information. Correctly used it has the power to create sustainable value in different forms for businesses. The commonly used term for this data is Big Data which includes structured unstructured and hybrid structured data. However Big Data is of limited value unless insightful information can be extracted from the sources of data. The solution is Big Data analytics and how managers and executives can capture value from this vast resource of information and insights. This book develops a simple framework and a non-technical approach to help the reader understand digest and analyze data and produce meaningful analytics to make informed decisions. It will support value creation within businesses from customer care to product innovation from sales and marketing to operational performance. The authors provide multiple case studies on global industries and business units chapter summaries and discussion questions for the reader to consider and explore. Big Data for Managers also presents small cases and challenges for the reader to work on – making this a thorough and practical guide for students and managers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138593084

Big Data for Qualitative Research Big Data for Qualitative Research covers everything small data researchers need to know about big data from the potentials of big data analytics to its methodological and ethical challenges. The data that we generate in everyday life is now digitally mediated stored and analyzed by web sites companies institutions and governments. Big data is large volume rapidly generated digitally encoded information that is often related to other networked data and can provide valuable evidence for study of phenomena. This book explores the potentials of qualitative methods and analysis for big data including text mining sentiment analysis information and data visualization netnography follow-the-thing methods mobile research methods multimodal analysis and rhythmanalysis. It debates new concerns about ethics privacy and dataveillance for big data qualitative researchers. This book is essential reading for those who do qualitative and mixed methods research and are curious excited or even skeptical about big data and what it means for future research. Now is the time for researchers to understand debate and envisage the new possibilities and challenges of the rapidly developing and dynamic field of big data from the vantage point of the qualitative researcher. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367173814

Big Data for Regional Science Recent technological advancements and other related factors and trends are contributing to the production of an astoundingly large and rapidly accelerating collection of data or ‘Big Data’. This data now allows us to examine urban and regional phenomena in ways that were previously not possible. Despite the tremendous potential of big data for regional science its use and application in this context is fraught with issues and challenges. This book brings together leading contributors to present an interdisciplinary agenda-setting and action-oriented platform for research and practice in the urban and regional community. This book provides a comprehensive multidisciplinary and cutting-edge perspective on big data for regional science. Chapters contain a collection of research notes contributed by experts from all over the world with a wide array of disciplinary backgrounds. The content is organized along four themes: sources of big data; integration processing and management of big data; analytics for big data; and higher level policy and programmatic considerations. As well as concisely and comprehensively synthesising work done to date the book also considers future challenges and prospects for the use of big data in regional science.Big Data for Regional Science provides a seminal contribution to the field of regional science and will appeal to a broad audience including those at all levels of academia industry and government. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367885694

Big Data in Cognitive Science While laboratory research is the backbone of collecting experimental data in cognitive science a rapidly increasing amount of research is now capitalizing on large-scale and real-world digital data. Each piece of data is a trace of human behavior and offers us a potential clue to understanding basic cognitive principles. However we have to be able to put the pieces together in a reasonable way which necessitates both advances in our theoretical models and development of new methodological techniques. The primary goal of this volume is to present cutting-edge examples of mining large-scale and naturalistic data to discover important principles of cognition and evaluate theories that would not be possible without such a scale. This book also has a mission to stimulate cognitive scientists to consider new ways to harness big data in order to enhance our understanding of fundamental cognitive processes. Finally this book aims to warn of the potential pitfalls of using or being over-reliant on big data and to show how big data can work alongside traditional rigorously gathered experimental data rather than simply supersede it. In sum this groundbreaking volume presents cognitive scientists and those in related fields with an exciting detailed stimulating and realistic introduction to big data – and to show how it may greatly advance our understanding of the principles of human memory perception categorization decision-making language problem-solving and representation. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138791930

Big Data in Complex and Social Networks This book presents recent developments on the theoretical algorithmic and application aspects of Big Data in Complex and Social Networks. The book consists of four parts covering a wide range of topics. The first part of the book focuses on data storage and data processing. It explores how the efficient storage of data can fundamentally support intensive data access and queries which enables sophisticated analysis. It also looks at how data processing and visualization help to communicate information clearly and efficiently. The second part of the book is devoted to the extraction of essential information and the prediction of web content. The book shows how Big Data analysis can be used to understand the interests location and search history of users and provide more accurate predictions of User Behavior. The latter two parts of the book cover the protection of privacy and security and emergent applications of big data and social networks. It analyzes how to model rumor diffusion identify misinformation from massive data and design intervention strategies. Applications of big data and social networks in multilayer networks and multiparty systems are also covered in-depth. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367574208

Big Data in ehealthcareChallenges and Perspectives This book focuses on the different aspects of handling big data in healthcare. It showcases the current state-of-the-art technology used for storing health records and health data models. It also focuses on the research challenges in big data acquisition storage management and analysis. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780815394402

Big Data in Medical Image Processing The field of medical imaging seen rapid development over the last two decades and has consequently revolutionized the way in which modern medicine is practiced. Diseases and their symptoms are constantly changing therefore continuous updating is necessary for the data to be relevant. Diseases fall into different categories even a small difference in symptoms may result in categorising it in a different group altogether. Thus analysing data accurately is of critical importance. This book concentrates on diagnosing diseases like cancer or tumor from different modalities of images. This book is divided into the following domains: Importance of big data in medical imaging pre-processing image registration feature extraction classification and retrieval. It is further supplemented by the medical analyst for a continuous treatment process. The book provides an automated system that could retrieve images based on user’s interest to a point of providing decision support. It will help medical analysts to take informed decisions before planning treatment and surgery. It will also be useful to researchers who are working in problems involved in medical imaging. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138557246

Big Data in Multimodal Medical Imaging There is an urgent need to develop and integrate new statistical mathematical visualization and computational models with the ability to analyze Big Data in order to retrieve useful information to aid clinicians in accurately diagnosing and treating patients. The main focus of this book is to review and summarize state-of-the-art big data and deep learning approaches to analyze and integrate multiple data types for the creation of a decision matrix to aid clinicians in the early diagnosis and identification of high risk patients for human diseases and disorders. Leading researchers will contribute original research book chapters analyzing efforts to solve these important problems. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138504530

Big Data in Omics and ImagingAssociation Analysis Big Data in Omics and Imaging: Association Analysis addresses the recent development of association analysis and machine learning for both population and family genomic data in sequencing era. It is unique in that it presents both hypothesis testing and a data mining approach to holistically dissecting the genetic structure of complex traits and to designing efficient strategies for precision medicine. The general frameworks for association analysis and machine learning developed in the text can be applied to genomic epigenomic and imaging data. FEATURES Bridges the gap between the traditional statistical methods and computational tools for small genetic and epigenetic data analysis and the modern advanced statistical methods for big data Provides tools for high dimensional data reduction Discusses searching algorithms for model and variable selection including randomization algorithms Proximal methods and matrix subset selection Provides real-world examples and case studies Will have an accompanying website with R code The book is designed for graduate students and researchers in genomics bioinformatics and data science. It represents the paradigm shift of genetic studies of complex diseases– from shallow to deep genomic analysis from low-dimensional to high dimensional multivariate to functional data analysis with next-generation sequencing (NGS) data and from homogeneous populations to heterogeneous population and pedigree data analysis. Topics covered are: advanced matrix theory convex optimization algorithms generalized low rank models functional data analysis techniques deep learning principle and machine learning methods for modern association interaction pathway and network analysis of rare and common variants biomarker identification disease risk and drug response prediction.   Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781498725781

Big Data in Omics and ImagingIntegrated Analysis and Causal Inference Big Data in Omics and Imaging: Integrated Analysis and Causal Inference addresses the recent development of integrated genomic epigenomic and imaging data analysis and causal inference in big data era. Despite significant progress in dissecting the genetic architecture of complex diseases by genome-wide association studies (GWAS) genome-wide expression studies (GWES) and epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) the overall contribution of the new identified genetic variants is small and a large fraction of genetic variants is still hidden. Understanding the etiology and causal chain of mechanism underlying complex diseases remains elusive. It is time to bring big data machine learning and causal revolution to developing a new generation of genetic analysis for shifting the current paradigm of genetic analysis from shallow association analysis to deep causal inference and from genetic analysis alone to integrated omics and imaging data analysis for unraveling the mechanism of complex diseases.   FEATURES Provides a natural extension and companion volume to Big Data in Omic and Imaging: Association Analysis but can be read independently. Introduce causal inference theory to genomic epigenomic and imaging data analysis Develop novel statistics for genome-wide causation studies and epigenome-wide causation studies. Bridge the gap between the traditional association analysis and modern causation analysis Use combinatorial optimization methods and various causal models as a general framework for inferring multilevel omic and image causal networks Present statistical methods and computational algorithms for searching causal paths from genetic variant to disease Develop causal machine learning methods integrating causal inference and machine learning Develop statistics for testing significant difference in directed edge path and graphs and for assessing causal relationships between two networks   The book is designed for graduate students and researchers in genomics epigenomics medical image bioinformatics and data science. Topics covered are: mathematical formulation of causal inference information geometry for causal inference topology group and Haar measure additive noise models distance correlation multivariate causal inference and causal networks dynamic causal networks multivariate and functional structural equation models mixed structural equation models causal inference with confounders integer programming deep learning and differential equations for wearable computing genetic analysis of function-valued traits RNA-seq data analysis causal networks for genetic methylation analysis gene expression and methylation deconvolution cell –specific causal networks deep learning for image segmentation and image analysis imaging and genomic data analysis integrated multilevel causal genomic epigenomic and imaging data analysis. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780815387107

Big Data in Radiation Oncology Big Data in Radiation Oncology gives readers an in-depth look into how big data is having an impact on the clinical care of cancer patients. While basic principles and key analytical and processing techniques are introduced in the early chapters the rest of the book turns to clinical applications in particular for cancer registries informatics radiomics radiogenomics patient safety and quality of care patient-reported outcomes comparative effectiveness treatment planning and clinical decision-making. More features of the book are: Offers the first focused treatment of the role of big data in the clinic and its impact on radiation therapy. Covers applications in cancer registry radiomics patient safety quality of care treatment planning decision making and other key areas. Discusses the fundamental principles and techniques for processing and analysis of big data. Address the use of big data in cancer prevention detection prognosis and management. Provides practical guidance on implementation for clinicians and other stakeholders. Dr. Jun Deng is a professor at the Department of Therapeutic Radiology of Yale University School of Medicine and an ABR board certified medical physicist at Yale-New Haven Hospital. He has received numerous honors and awards such as Fellow of Institute of Physics in 2004 AAPM Medical Physics Travel Grant in 2008 ASTRO IGRT Symposium Travel Grant in 2009 AAPM-IPEM Medical Physics Travel Grant in 2011 and Fellow of AAPM in 2013. Lei Xing Ph.D. is the Jacob Haimson Professor of Medical Physics and Director of Medical Physics Division of Radiation Oncology Department at Stanford University. His research has been focused on inverse treatment planning tomographic image reconstruction CT optical and PET imaging instrumentations image guided interventions nanomedicine and applications of molecular imaging in radiation oncology. Dr. Xing is on the editorial boards of a number of journals in radiation physics and medical imaging and is recipient of numerous awards including the American Cancer Society Research Scholar Award The Whitaker Foundation Grant Award and a Max Planck Institute Fellowship. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138633438

Big Data in Small Slices: Data Visualization for Communicators This book offers an engaging and accessible introduction to data visualization for communicators covering everything from data collection and analysis to the creation of effective data visuals.   Straying from the typical "how to visualize data" genre often written for technical audiences Big Data in Small Slices offers those new to data gathering and visualization the opportunity to better understand data itself. Using the concept of the "data backstory " each chapter features discussions with experts from marine scientists to pediatricians and city government officials who produce datasets in their daily work. The reader is guided through the process of designing effective visualizations based on their data delving into how datasets are produced and vetted and how to assess their weaknesses and strengths ultimately offering readers the knowledge needed to produce their own effective data visuals.   This book is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in data visualization and storytelling from journalism and communications students to public relations professionals. A detailed accompanying website features additional material for readers including links to all the original datasets used in the text at Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138910904

Big Data in the Arts and HumanitiesTheory and Practice As digital technologies occupy a more central role in working and everyday human life individual and social realities are increasingly constructed and communicated through digital objects which are progressively replacing and representing physical objects. They are even shaping new forms of virtual reality. This growing digital transformation coupled with technological evolution and the development of computer computation is shaping a cyber society whose working mechanisms are grounded upon the production deployment and exploitation of big data. In the arts and humanities however the notion of big data is still in its embryonic stage and only in the last few years have arts and cultural organizations and institutions artists and humanists started to investigate explore and experiment with the deployment and exploitation of big data as well as understand the possible forms of collaborations based on it. Big Data in the Arts and Humanities: Theory and Practice explores the meaning properties and applications of big data. This book examines therelevance of big data to the arts and humanities digital humanities and management of big data with and for the arts and humanities. It explores the reasons and opportunities for the arts and humanities to embrace the big data revolution. The book also delineates managerial implications to successfully shape a mutually beneï¬cial partnership between the arts and humanities and the big data- and computational digital-based sciences. Big data and arts and humanities can be likened to the rational and emotional aspects of the human mind. This book attempts to integrate these two aspects of human thought to advance decision-making and to enhance the expression of the best of human life. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781498765855

Big Data Management and Processing From the Foreword: "Big Data Management and Processing is [a] state-of-the-art book that deals with a wide range of topical themes in the field of Big Data. The book which probes many issues related to this exciting and rapidly growing field covers processing management analytics and applications... [It] is a very valuable addition to the literature. It will serve as a source of up-to-date research in this continuously developing area. The book also provides an opportunity for researchers to explore the use of advanced computing technologies and their impact on enhancing our capabilities to conduct more sophisticated studies." ---Sartaj Sahni University of Florida USA "Big Data Management and Processing covers the latest Big Data research results in processing analytics management and applications. Both fundamental insights and representative applications are provided. This book is a timely and valuable resource for students researchers and seasoned practitioners in Big Data fields. --Hai Jin Huazhong University of Science and Technology China Big Data Management and Processing explores a range of big data related issues and their impact on the design of new computing systems. The twenty-one chapters were carefully selected and feature contributions from several outstanding researchers. The book endeavors to strike a balance between theoretical and practical coverage of innovative problem solving techniques for a range of platforms. It serves as a repository of paradigms technologies and applications that target different facets of big data computing systems. The first part of the book explores energy and resource management issues as well as legal compliance and quality management for Big Data. It covers In-Memory computing and In-Memory data grids as well as co-scheduling for high performance computing applications. The second part of the book includes comprehensive coverage of Hadoop and Spark along with security privacy and trust challenges and solutions. The latter part of the book covers mining and clustering in Big Data and includes applications in genomics hospital big data processing and vehicular cloud computing. The book also analyzes funding for Big Data projects. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781498768078

Big Data of Complex Networks Big Data of Complex Networks presents and explains the methods from the study of big data that can be used in analysing massive structural data sets including both very large networks and sets of graphs. As well as applying statistical analysis techniques like sampling and bootstrapping in an interdisciplinary manner to produce novel techniques for analyzing massive amounts of data this book also explores the possibilities offered by the special aspects such as computer memory in investigating large sets of complex networks.Intended for computer scientists statisticians and mathematicians interested in the big data and networks Big Data of Complex Networks is also a valuable tool for researchers in the fields of visualization data analysis computer vision and bioinformatics.Key features:Provides a complete discussion of both the hardware and software used to organize big dataDescribes a wide range of useful applications for managing big data and resultant data setsMaintains a firm focus on massive data and large networksUnveils innovative techniques to help readers handle big dataMatthias Dehmer received his PhD in computer science from the Darmstadt University of Technology Germany. Currently he is Professor at UMIT – The Health and Life Sciences University Austria and the Universität der Bundeswehr München. His research interests are in graph theory data science complex networks complexity statistics and information theory.Frank Emmert-Streib received his PhD in theoretical physics from the University of Bremen and is currently Associate professor at Tampere University of Technology Finland. His research interests are in the field of computational biology machine learning and network medicine.Stefan Pickl holds a PhD in mathematics from the Darmstadt University of Technology and is currently a Professor at Bundeswehr Universität München. His research interests are in operations research systems biology graph theory and discrete optimization.Andreas Holzinger received his PhD in cognitive science from Graz University and his habilitation (second PhD) in computer science from Graz University of Technology. He is head of the Holzinger Group HCI-KDD at the Medical University Graz and Visiting Professor for Machine Learning in Health Informatics Vienna University of Technology. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367658434

Big Data Strategies for Agile Business Agile is a set of values principles techniques and frameworks for the adaptable incremental and efficient delivery of work. Big Data is a rapidly growing field that encompasses crucial aspects of data such as its volume velocity variety and veracity. This book outlines a strategic approach to Big Data that will render a business Agile. It discusses the important competencies required to streamline and focus on the analytics and presents a roadmap for implementing such analytics in business. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781498724388

Big Data with Hadoop MapReduceA Classroom Approach The authors provide an understanding of big data and MapReduce by clearly presenting the basic terminologies and concepts. They have employed over 100 illustrations and many worked-out examples to convey the concepts and methods used in big data the inner workings of MapReduce and single node/multi-node installation on physical/virtual machines. This book covers almost all the necessary information on Hadoop MapReduce for most online certification exams. Upon completing this book readers will find it easy to understand other big data processing tools such as Spark Storm etc. Ultimately readers will be able to: • understand what big data is and the factors that are involved • understand the inner workings of MapReduce which is essential for certification exams • learn the features and weaknesses of MapReduce • set up Hadoop clusters with 100s of physical/virtual machines • create a virtual machine in AWS • write MapReduce with Eclipse in a simple way • understand other big data processing tools and their applications Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771888349

Big DataA Beginner's Introduction Big Data is everywhere. It shapes our lives in more ways than we know and understand. This comprehensive introduction unravels the complex terabytes that will continue to shape our lives in ways imagined and unimagined. Drawing on case studies like Amazon Facebook the FIFA World Cup and the Aadhaar scheme this book looks at how Big Data is changing the way we behave consume and respond to situations in the digital age. It looks at how Big Data has the potential to transform disaster management and healthcare as well as prove to be authoritarian and exploitative in the wrong hands. The latest offering from the authors of Artificial Intelligence: Evolution Ethics and Public Policy this accessibly written volume is essential for the researcher in science and technology studies media and culture studies public policy and digital humanities as well as being a beacon for the general reader to make sense of the digital age. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367148904

Big DataA Business and Legal Guide Big Data: A Business and Legal Guide supplies a clear understanding of the interrelationships between Big Data the new business insights it reveals and the laws regulations and contracting practices that impact the use of the insights and the data. Providing business executives and lawyers (in-house and in private practice) with an accessible primer on Big Data and its business implications this book will enable readers to quickly grasp the key issues and effectively implement the right solutions to collecting licensing handling and using Big Data.The book brings together subject matter experts who examine a different area of law in each chapter and explain how these laws can affect the way your business or organization can use Big Data. These experts also supply recommendations as to the steps your organization can take to maximize Big Data opportunities without increasing risk and liability to your organization. Provides a new way of thinking about Big Data that will help readers address emerging issues Supplies real-world advice and practical ways to handle the issues Uses examples pulled from the news and cases to illustrate points Includes a non-technical Big Data primer that discusses the characteristics of Big Data and distinguishes it from traditional database models Taking a cross-disciplinary approach the book will help executives managers and counsel better understand the interrelationships between Big Data decisions based on Big Data and the laws regulations and contracting practices that impact its use. After reading this book you will be able to think more broadly about the best way to harness Big Data in your business and establish procedures to ensure that legal considerations are part of the decision. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781466592377

Big DataA Tutorial-Based Approach Big Data: A Tutorial-Based Approach explores the tools and techniques used to bring about the marriage of structured and unstructured data. It focuses on Hadoop Distributed Storage and MapReduce Processing by implementing (i) Tools and Techniques of Hadoop Eco System (ii) Hadoop Distributed File System Infrastructure and (iii) efficient MapReduce processing. The book includes Use Cases and Tutorials to provide an integrated approach that answers the ‘What’ ‘How’ and ‘Why’ of Big Data.FeaturesIdentifies the primary drivers of Big DataWalks readers through the theory methods and technology of Big DataExplains how to handle the 4 V’s of Big Data in order to extract value for better business decision makingShows how and why data connectors are critical and necessary for Agile text analyticsIncludes in-depth tutorials to perform necessary set-ups installation configuration and execution of important tasksExplains the command line as well as GUI interface to a powerful data exchange tool between Hadoop and legacy r-dbms databases Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367670245

Big Data—A New Medium? Drawing on a range of methods from across science and technology studies digital humanities and digital arts this book presents a comprehensive view of the big data phenomenon. Big data architectures are increasingly transforming political questions into technical management by determining classificatory systems in the social educational and healthcare realms. Data and their multiple arborisations have become new epistemic landscapes. They have also become new existential terrains. The fundamental question is: can big data be seen as a new medium in the way photography or film were when they first appeared? No new medium is ever truly new. It’s always remediation of older media. What is new is the medium’s re-articulation of the difference between here and there before and after yours and mine knowable and unknowable possible and impossible. This transdisciplinary volume incorporating cultural and media theory art philosophy history and political philosophy is a key resource for readers interested in digital humanities cultural and media studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367333843

Big DataAlgorithms Analytics and Applications As today’s organizations are capturing exponentially larger amounts of data than ever now is the time for organizations to rethink how they digest that data. Through advanced algorithms and analytics techniques organizations can harness this data discover hidden patterns and use the newly acquired knowledge to achieve competitive advantages.Presenting the contributions of leading experts in their respective fields Big Data: Algorithms Analytics and Applications bridges the gap between the vastness of Big Data and the appropriate computational methods for scientific and social discovery. It covers fundamental issues about Big Data including efficient algorithmic methods to process data better analytical strategies to digest data and representative applications in diverse fields such as medicine science and engineering. The book is organized into five main sections:Big Data Management—considers the research issues related to the management of Big Data including indexing and scalability aspectsBig Data Processing—addresses the problem of processing Big Data across a wide range of resource-intensive computational settingsBig Data Stream Techniques and Algorithms—explores research issues regarding the management and mining of Big Data in streaming environmentsBig Data Privacy—focuses on models techniques and algorithms for preserving Big Data privacyBig Data Applications—illustrates practical applications of Big Data across several domains including finance multimedia tools biometrics and satellite Big Data processingOverall the book reports on state-of-the-art studies and achievements in algorithms analytics and applications of Big Data. It provides readers with the basis for further efforts in this challenging scientific field that will play a leading role in next-generation database data warehousing data mining and cloud computing research. It also explores related applications in diverse sectors covering technologies for media/data communication elastic media/data storage cross-network media/data fusion and SaaS. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367575953

Big DataStorage Sharing and Security Although there are already some books published on Big Data most of them only cover basic concepts and society impacts and ignore the internal implementation details—making them unsuitable to R&D people. To fill such a need Big Data: Storage Sharing and Security examines Big Data management from an R&D perspective. It covers the 3S designs—storage sharing and security—through detailed descriptions of Big Data concepts and implementations.Written by well-recognized Big Data experts around the world the book contains more than 450 pages of technical details on the most important implementation aspects regarding Big Data. After reading this book you will understand how to:Aggregate heterogeneous types of data from numerous sources and then use efficient database management technology to store the Big DataUse cloud computing to share the Big Data among large groups of peopleProtect the privacy of Big Data during network sharingWith the goal of facilitating the scientific research and engineering design of Big Data systems the book consists of two parts. Part I Big Data Management addresses the important topics of spatial management data transfer and data processing. Part II Security and Privacy Issues provides technical details on security privacy and accountability.Examining the state of the art of Big Data over clouds the book presents a novel architecture for achieving reliability availability and security for services running on the clouds. It supplies technical descriptions of Big Data models algorithms and implementations and considers the emerging developments in Big Data applications. Each chapter includes references for further study. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9780367658502

Big DataTechniques and Technologies in Geoinformatics Big data has always been a major challenge in geoinformatics as geospatial data come in various types and formats new geospatial data are acquired very fast and geospatial databases are inherently very large. And while there have been advances in hardware and software for handling big data they often fall short of handling geospatial big data efficiently and effectively. Big Data: Techniques and Technologies in Geoinformatics tackles these challenges head on integrating coverage of techniques and technologies for storing managing and computing geospatial big data. Providing a perspective based on analysis of time applications and resources this book familiarizes readers with geospatial applications that fall under the category of big data. It explores new trends in geospatial data collection such as geo-crowdsourcing and advanced data collection technologies such as LiDAR point clouds. The book features a range of topics on big data techniques and technologies in geoinformatics including distributed computing geospatial data analytics social media and volunteered geographic information. With chapters contributed by experts in geoinformatics and in domains such as computing and engineering the book provides an understanding of the challenges and issues of big data in geoinformatics applications. The book is a single collection of current and emerging techniques technologies and tools that are needed to collect analyze manage process and visualize geospatial big data. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073197

Big FoodCritical perspectives on the global growth of the food and beverage industry Obesity is a global public health problem of crucial importance. Obesity rates remain high in high-income countries and are rapidly increasing in low- and middle- income countries. Concurrently the global consumption of unhealthy products such as soft drinks and processed foods continues to rise. The ongoing expansion of multinational food and beverage companies or ‘Big Food’ is a key factor behind these trends. This collection provides critical insight into the global expansion of ‘Big Food’ including its incursion into low-and-middle income countries. It examines the changing dynamics of the global food supply and discusses how low-income countries can alter the ‘Big Food’-diet from the bottom-up. It examines a number of issues related to ‘Big Food’ marketing strategies including the way in which they advertise to youths and the rural poor. These issues are discussed in terms of their public health implications and their relation to public health activities for example ‘soda taxes’ and the promotion of nutritionally-healthier products. This book was originally published as a special issue of Critical Public Health. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138309685

Big Gay Adventures in EducationSupporting LGBT+ Visibility and Inclusion in Schools Big Gay Adventures in Education is a collection of true stories by 'out' teachers and students of 'out' teachers all about their experiences in schools. The book aims to empower LGBT+ teachers to be the role models they needed when they were in school and help all teachers and school leaders to promote LGBT+ visibility and inclusion. The contributors range from trainee teachers to experienced school leaders and leading figures from the community across the LGBT+ spectrum as well as LGBT+ students whose lives were improved by having an openly LGBT+ teacher. Each story is accompanied by an editor’s note reflecting on the contributor’s experience and the practical implications for schools and teachers in supporting LGBT+ young people and ensuring they feel safe and included in their school communities. Compiled by the co-founder and director of LGBTed the inspiring stories in this book are essential reading for LGBT+ teachers and allies. Let’s be the role models we needed when we were at school and show our students that they can be successful and happy as an LGBT+ person. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367894221

Big Ideas in Collaborative Public Management The world of public management is changing dramatically fueled by technological innovations such as the Internet globalism that permits us to outsource functions anywhere in the world new ideas from network theory and more. Public managers no longer are unitary leaders of unitary organizations - instead they often find themselves convening negotiating mediating and collaborating across borders."Big Ideas in Collaborative Public Management" brings together a rich variety of big picture perspectives on collaborative public management. The chapters are all original and written by distinguished experts. Designed for practical application they range from examinations of under what conditions collaborative public management occurs to what it means to be a collaborative leader.The contributors address tough issues such as legitimacy building in networks and discuss ways to engage citizens in collaboration. They examine the design of collaborative networks and the outcomes of collaboration. Detailed introductory and concluding chapters by the editors summarize and critique the chapters and frame them as a reflection of the state of collaborative public management today. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706146

Big Ideas in Outdoor Primary ScienceUnderstanding and Enjoying the Natural World Big Ideas in Outdoor Primary Science takes a fresh approach to learning science in outdoor contexts. It combines new thinking in science teaching using big ideas with our growing need to look after our planet and encourages children to learn from what scientists have to say about issues which will impact their lives today and in the future. The book offers primary teachers the subject and pedagogical knowledge as well as the confidence they need to integrate the seeds of big ideas into their curriculum. To this end it provides models of good practice which exemplify how primary-aged children can work towards understanding some of science’s big ideas and engage with important issues related to wildlife conservation. The easy-to-use book covers topics such as: Interdependence Adaptation Inheritance Following in Darwin’s footsteps Protecting ecosystems Full of ideas for outside learning this book is a comprehensive valuable and essential resource for all teachers of primary science. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367178345

BIG little houseSmall Houses Designed by Architects What are the challenges architects face when designing dwelling spaces of a limited size? And what can these projects tell us about architecture – and architectural principles – in general? In BIG little house award-winning architect Donna Kacmar introduces twenty real-life examples of small houses. Each project is under 1 000 square feet (100 square meters) in size and brought together the designs reveal an attitude towards materiality light enclosure and accommodation which is unique to minimal dwellings. While part of a trend to address growing concerns about minimising consumption and lack of affordable housing the book demonstrates that small dwellings are not always simply the result of budget constraints but constitute a deliberate design strategy in their own right. Highly illustrated and in full-colour throughout each example is based on interviews with the original architect and accompanied by detailed floor plans. This ground-breaking beautifully designed text offers practical guidance to any professional architect or homeowner interested in small scale projects. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138024205

Big Places Big Plans With origins in the late 1960s a 'quiet revolution' in land use planning and control has taken hold across North America. First seen as a manifestation of the environmental movement the revolution prompted governments at several levels to attempt to protect critical areas and vulnerable natural resources. Many of the most dramatic and far-reaching shifts in planning regimes have occurred in large-scale environmentally unique or sensitive regions. It is these big places looming large in the American and Canadian psyches that are the focus of this edited volume. Each of the chapters reflects on the contemporary challenge of environmental and land use planning. Ten leading distinguished scholars here provide thoughtful analyses and critical insights into the processes and contexts shaping the innovative planning and policy schemes in seven regional landscapes. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815387787

Big Screen Small ScreenA practical guide to writing for flim and television in Australia Thinking in pictures is a gift; transferring them to words on paper is a craft. Put them together and that's the screenwriter's art.Big Screen Small Screen is a complete guide to writing for film and television for beginners as well as more experienced writers. It covers all aspects of screenwriting from changing a film genre to picking a television timeslot.Big Screen Small Screen takes you through the basics of screenwriting with step by step guides to structure character and the first draft script and valuable tips and exercises. It also shows you how to find and agent deal with producers market your script and apply for funding. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003115069

Big Skills for the Common CoreLiteracy Strategies for the 6-12 Classroom Zoom in on the academic skills students are required to learn in reading writing speaking/listening and language! This book cuts through all of the Common Core jargon and gets right to the heart of what students need to learn now. Big Skills for the Common Core is packed with engaging strategies you can use immediately to improve your students' literacy skills and help them retain those skills. Special features include... Charts that break down the skills for each anchor standard and put them into teacher- friendly language. BONUS! The charts highlight the big shifts for teachers for discussion and sharing. Practical strategies to help students tackle and understand complex texts. Helpful ideas for teaching argument writing plus writing rubrics and assessment strategies. Clear information on Tier II and Tier III words and how to teach them. In addition each section of the book ends with "Classroom Close-Ups " which take you inside real classrooms that are implementing the Common Core. You'll see the standards in action across the curriculum and get takeaway tips you can use tomorrow in your own classroom! Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781596672314

Bigger Economies Smaller GovernmentsThe Role Of Privatization In Latin America This book concentrates on privatization reforms in Latin America. It assesses the impact of privatization on fiscal stability enterprise and economic efficiency national savings the development of capital markets and advances in technology from both the micro- and macro-economic perspectives. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367159900

Bihar and MithilaThe Historical Roots of Backwardness The world has become obsessed with the Western notions of progress development and globalization the latter a form of human and economic homogenization. These processes through the aegis of the United Nations are comparatively monitored. Those nations deemed to be ‘lagging behind’ are then provided with foreign aid and developmental assistance. For nearly seventy years India has sought its place in this global endeavour; yet even today abject poverty and backwardness can be observed in districts in almost every state; with the highest concentration of such districts found in the state of Bihar and a cultural enclave known as Mithila. Development in India has been elusive because it is difficult to define; and because the Western concepts of development and progress have no absolute equivalents within many non-Western settings. As a consequence development programmes often fail because they are unable to ask the right questions but equally important is the political economy derived from foreign aid. For politicians there is no long-term benefit to be derived from successful development. In general foreign aid only serves to corrupt governments and politicians and in the end does very little for those who need help. The struggling states of Bihar and Mithila serve as extreme examples of India‘s problems. Development here has been thwarted by a hereditary landed aristocracy supported by religion casteism custom social stratification tradition and patterns of behaviour that can be traced back millennia. In turn all these have been masterfully manipulated by co-opted politicians who have turned politics into a veritable art form as this volume comprehensively demonstrates. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138234772

Biharmonic Problem in the Theory of Elasticity This reference work offers a method of deriving exact solutions to the biharmonic equation in the context of elasticity problems and proposes a number of new solutions. Beginning with an in-depth presentation of a general mathematical model this text proceeds to outline specific applications extending the developed method to special harmonic problems of mechanics for conjugated domains. All applications are illustrated with numerical examples. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138442177

BIID Concise Agreement for Interior Design Services: CID/14Revised edition Short clear and easy to use the BIID Concise Agreement for Interior Design Services (CID/14) is a simplified version of the industry standard form of interior design appointment. Now even more user friendly this contract is suitable for all but the largest and most complex projects ensuring a fair and balanced relationship between designer and client. Some new features include: three clear and distinct Schedules of Services – Design Services FF&E Services and Building Services; additional clauses based on designers real professional experiences; and fully updated references to the new RIBA Plan of Work 2013. Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859467510

Bike Share There are now over 2 000 cities with a bike share program. Bike Share examines all the major developments in the 50-year history of bike share. The book provides a detailed focus on contemporary bike share programs including many of the most prominent systems such as those in Paris London and New York as well as the rapidly emerging dockless bike share sector. This book also addresses how rapid technological innovation particularly in terms of mobile internet devices and electric assist bicycles may change the face of not just cycling but urban mobility more generally. By the end of 2018 it was estimated that there are more than 20 million bicycles in the global bike share fleet with most of these dockless coming online only in the last three years. Consequently research examining bike share has not kept pace with the rapid deployment of this new form of urban mobility. Bike Share addresses a number of key themes such as: The urban age contextualising bike share within a wider urbanism movement and how it sits within the growing sharing economy. The impact of bike share looking at systems in China Europe North America and Australia to see how these programs have changed travel patterns and consequent impact on car use emissions congestion public health and safety. The bike share business model including how ride sourcing services like Uber and Lyft are beginning to integrate their business with bike share service providers. Public reaction to bike share. Bike share gone wrong looking at systems that have failed to achieve their ridership estimates. And the future of bike share including public transport smart card integration mobile payments and electric assist bicycles. The book provides scholars city planners transportation practitioners and students with a resource that captures the most pertinent scientific findings and practical lessons that have been from bike share programs around the world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138682498

Biker Gangs and Transnational Organized Crime Biker Gangs and Transnational Organized Crime Second Edition describes and analyzes a rapidly expanding global problem: criminal acts committed by motorcycle gangs. Thomas Barker one of the world’s top experts on outlaw biker gangs offers fascinating details about the Bandidos the Vagos the Mongols and other "one percenters" (criminal biker gangs as opposed to the vast majority of motorcycle enthusiasts). He combines this data with a strengthened conceptual framework that makes sense of this complicated picture. U.S.-based motorcycle gangs like the Hells Angels have proliferated especially in Canada and Europe to the point where these gangs have more members in other countries than in the United States. Increasingly more often in recent years their crimes are not limited to rumbles or drug use—these gangs challenge the dominance of organized crime leading to violent conflicts between the rivals. Germany Scandinavia the UK the Netherlands and Canada are particularly hard-hit by this rising violence. One of Barker’s unique contributions is his Criminal Organization Continuum building on the groundbreaking network approach to organized crime proposed by Klaus von Lampe. Introduced in the first edition Barker elaborates his continuum tool and makes it more multi-dimensional to help refine the definition of adult criminal gangs. The product of years of research this book lays the groundwork for further study by offering students police and researchers the most thorough account available of outlaw motorcycle gangs. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780323298704

Bilateral EcopoliticsContinuity and Change in Canadian-American Environmental Relations The context in which environmental policy decision-making occurs has changed resulting from widening environmental problems increased demands from groups and citizens continuing pressure on the continent's resources and normative shifts. The complexity of current issues is related to an even broader contextual shift: the globalization of environmental issues exacerbated by trade liberalization especially on a regional level and the potential contradictions between trade and the environmental international agenda that this implies. This volume studies the new dimensions of resource conflict between Canada and the United States accounting for the emergence of new bilateral environmental issues and detailing how trade liberalization has fostered both disputes and policy convergence. It also examines the recent shifts in America towards a unilateral foreign policy and how this affects active Canadian diplomacy Ideal as a resource tool for students and academics this book will be a key resource in the areas of global governance US-Canadian foreign policy and environmental policy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261546

Bilateral Trade Agreements in the Asia-PacificOrigins Evolution and Implications The Asia-Pacific region has witnessed a rapid rise in bilateral preferential trade agreements at the beginning of the twenty-first century. This trend could have potentially dramatic effects on the trading patterns of countries in the transpacific region and beyond. Some argue that these accords will spur multilateral negotiations while others believe that they will irreparably damage the trading system. Bilateral Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific examines the underlying political and economic factors driving these accords based on a novel theoretical framework. Experts then provide overviews of political and economic trends in the region as well as detailed analysis of the trade strategies of Japan China Singapore South Korea Malaysia Taiwan Thailand the United States and Mexico. By systematically evaluating and assessing the driving forces underlying the turn to bilateral trade agreements in the Asia-Pacific this book provides the first comprehensive analysis of this crucial phenomenon. Growing numbers of countries both in the region and elsewhere in the world are now considering further negotiation of bilateral trade accords. Understanding how these arrangements will fit or conflict with existing institutions in the Asia-Pacific and the WTO makes this book imperative reading for policy-makers and scholars. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315020976

Bilateralism Multilateralism and Asia-Pacific SecurityContending Cooperation Many scholars of international relations in Asia regard bilateralism and multilateralism as alternative and mutually exclusive approaches to security co-operation. They argue that multilateral associations such as ASEAN will eventually replace the system of bilateral alliances which were the predominant form of U.S. security co-operation with Asia-Pacific allies during the Cold War. Yet these bilateral alliances continue to be the primary means of the United States’ strategic engagement with the region. This book contends that bilateralism and multilateralism are not mutually exclusive and that bilateralism is likely to continue strong even as multilateralism strengthens. It explores a wide range of issues connected with this question. It discusses how US bilateral alliances have been reinvigorated in recent years examines how bilateral and multilateral approaches to specific problems can work alongside each other and concludes by considering how patterns of international security are likely to develop in the region in future. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138950597

Bilderberg PeopleElite Power and Consensus in World Affairs Bilderberg People explores the hidden mechanisms of influence at work in the private world and personal interactions of the transnational power elite. It is not concerned with conspiracy theories; instead it is about certain fundamental forces that shape the world in which we live. These forces with their power to bring about transitions in emotion and preference within and beyond the elite community have potentially profound implications for all of us. Through exclusive interviews with attendees of the most prestigious of all informal transnational networks – Bilderberg – this book provides a unique insight into the networking habits and motivations of the world’s most powerful people. Moreover it demonstrates that elite consensus is not simply a product of collective common sense among the elite group; rather it is a consequence of subtle power relationships within the elite circle. These relationships which are embedded in the very fabric of elite institutions and interactions result in a particular brand of enlightened thinking within the elite community. This exciting new volume sheds light for the first time on the critical question of who runs the world and why they run it the way they do. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415576352

Bildung and PaideiaPhilosophical Models of Education Bildung and Paideia examines traditional humanistic ideals in light of philosophical reflection on the need for education of the whole human being. The study of what it is to be human is traditionally the task of the humanities. In recent years however the humanities have been increasingly subordinated to technological economic and utilitarian aims. Do the humanities still have a fundamentally distinct task to fulfil in education? Today’s reduction of educational outcomes to measurable competencies and economically exploitable skills is opposed to traditional ideals like that of Greek paideia and the German Romantic concept of Bildung which emphasized formation of the whole human being. The present volume takes as its point of departure the conviction that the study of ‘the human experience'—whether through philosophy literature religion art music history or languages—has something specific to offer in the realm of education today. The individual contributions examine the specific role of philosophy and the humanities in education from ancient times to the present and explore possibilities for conceiving philosophical models of education. The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of the journal Educational Philosophy and Theory. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367467166

Bildung PsychologyTheory and Practice of Use Inspired Basic Research The concept of Bildung-Psychology as developed by Christiane Spiel and her colleagues combines ideas from developmental and educational psychology to describe educational processes with a strong focus on lifelong learning. Bildung-Psychology is concerned with all educational processes contributing to the development of individuals as well as all conditions and measures potentially influencing these processes and it aims to stimulate integrative use inspired basic research in the field of education. The structural model of Bildung-Psychology contains three dimensions: (1) the Bildung-career (2) several functional areas and (3) different levels of activities. The theoretical framework systematically classifies psychological actions in the field of education. This book combines theoretical pieces discussing important conceptual topics within Bildung-Psychology with empirical contributions focused on different phases of the Bildung-career. The studies were conducted in countries across Europe and across the various age-specific educational phases in the Bildung-career. This book was originally published as a special issue of the European Journal of Developmental Psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367519186

Bilinear AlgebraAn Introduction to the Algebraic Theory of Quadratic Forms Giving an easily accessible elementary introduction to the algebraic theory of quadratic forms this book covers both Witt's theory and Pfister's theory of quadratic forms. Leading topics include the geometry of bilinear spaces classification of bilinear spaces up to isometry depending on the ground field formally real fields Pfister forms the Witt ring of an arbitrary field (characteristic two included) prime ideals of the Witt ring Brauer group of a field Hasse and Witt invariants of quadratic forms and equivalence of fields with respect to quadratic forms. Problem sections are included at the end of each chapter. There are two appendices: the first gives a treatment of Hasse and Witt invariants in the language of Steinberg symbols and the second contains some more advanced problems in 10 groups including the u-invariant reduced and stable Witt rings and Witt equivalence of fields. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138237

Bilingual Education and Language Policy in the Global South This volume considers a range of ways in which bilingual programs can make a contribution to aspects of human and economic development in the global South. The authors examine the consequences of different policies programs and pedagogies for learners and local communities through recent ethnographic research on these topics. The revitalization of minority languages and local cultural practices management of linguistic and cultural diversity and promotion of equal opportunities (both social and economic) are all explored in this light. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138940499

Bilingual EducationTeachers' Narratives This book grew out of the joys and challenges the author experienced as a Spanish/English bilingual teacher of culturally and linguistically diverse students. It tells what it is like to be a bilingual teacher. As a result it helps other teachers and prospective teachers understand the complex nature of bilingual teaching shares some successful teaching strategies that other teachers have used and encourages teachers to find their own solutions despite limited support. The book is structured in three parts. The introduction explains how the book evolved defines its relation to other qualitative research and offers suggestions for how to use the book. The second part consists of eight bilingual teachers' stories that provide a glimpse of them as people their schools and programs their successes and struggles and their solutions and coping mechanisms within their contexts. It concludes with a discussion chapter that looks at the teachers' collective strengths and struggles comparatively connecting these to broader issues. The final section presents bilingual education resources -- useful information for practitioners. This includes foundation texts on the theories and practices of bilingual education demographic information a glossary of bilingual education terms listings of curricula tests and literature mentioned by the teachers and professional network sources. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315045054

Bilingual Health CommunicationWorking with Interpreters in Cross-Cultural Care This book examines interpreter-mediated medical encounters and focuses primarily on the phenomenon of bilingual health care. It highlights the interactive and coordinated nature of interpreter-mediated interactions. Elaine Hsieh has put together over 15 hours of interpreter-mediated medical encounters interview data with 26 interpreters from 17 different cultures/languages 39 health care providers from 5 clinical specialties and surveys of 293 providers from 5 clinical specialties. The depth and richness of the data allows for the presentation of a theoretical framework that is not restricted by language combination or clinical contexts. This will be the first book of its kind that includes not only interpreters’ perspectives but also the needs and perspectives of providers from various clinical specialties. Bilingual Health Communication presents an opportunity to lay out a new theoretical framework related to bilingual health care and connects the latest findings from multiple disciplines. This volume presents future research directions that promise development for both theory and practice in the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138999459

Bilingual Parent Participation in a Divided School Community This volume theorizes parent participation in a bilingual school community in California unpacking broader issues around language ideologies language and power and parent collaboration in diverse educational contexts. Highlighting data from a two-year ethnographic study of the school community the book grounds this discussion in theories of discourse and bilingualism with a focus on translanguaging and translingual practice. The volume points to a range of challenges and questions posed by the parents’ efforts to unite as a single school community including linguistic inequality cultural divides and differing implicit beliefs on language. The book documents these efforts as a means to demonstrate the ways in which monolingual practices are reinforced in these settings despite best efforts but also as a point of departure to discuss implications and a way forward for parent collaboration in bilingual school communities more generally. Offering a nuanced portrait of the impact of parent collaboration in bilingual school communities this volume will be of particular interest to graduate students and scholars in language education applied linguistics bilingualism and sociolinguistics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138584662

Bilingual Pre-TeensCompeting Ideologies and Multiple Identities in the U.S. and Germany This volume examines the connection between socio-economic class and bilingual practices a previously under-researched area through looking at differences in bilingual settings that are classified as "immigrant" or "elite" and are thus linked to socio-economic class categories. Fuller chooses for this examination bilingual pre-teen children in Germany and the U.S. in order to demonstrate how local identities are embedded in a wider social world and how ideologies and identities both produce and reproduce each other. In so doing she argues that while pre-teen children are clearly influenced by macro-level ideologies they also have agency in how they choose to construct their identities with relation to hegemonic societal discourses and have many other motivations and identities aside from social class membership which shape their linguistic practices. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138107212

Bilingual WomenAnthropological Approaches to Second Language Use This book studies women's language use in bilingual or multi-lingual cultural situations. The authors - social anthropologists language teachers and interpreters cover a wide variety of geographical and linguistic situations from the death of Gaelic in the Outer Hebrides to the use of Spanish by Quechua and Aymara women in the Andes. Certain common themes emerge: dominant and sub-dominant languages women's use of them; ambivalent attitudes towards women as translators interpreters and writers in English as a second language; and the critical role of women in the survival (or death) of minority languages such as Gaelic and Breton. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003135111

Bilingualism Bilingualism provides a concise and lively introduction to bilingualism as a social and linguistic phenomenon and explains its impact on individuals and on society. Addressing questions such as what it means to be bilingual how one becomes bilingual and how exposure to more than one language affects a child’s cognitive development this book features: an introduction to the linguistic sociolinguistic and cognitive outcomes of bilingualism including bilingual language acquisition the grammar of language-mixing the link between language choice and identity and the value of maintaining and promoting bilingualism; up-to-date overviews of the prominent concerns and facts about bilingualism; activities and discussion questions which invite readers to consider their own perspectives on bilingualism and how it manifests in their own lives and communities; links to relevant videos and suggested further reading including topical novels short stories and essays. Aimed at students with no background in linguistics this book is essential reading for anyone studying bilingualism for the first time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815370116

Bilingualism Multiculturalism and Second Language LearningThe Mcgill Conference in Honour of Wallace E. Lambert This collection pays tribute to Professor Wallace E. Lambert and his contributions to the fields of language and linguistics. Each chapter written by an internationally renowned theorist or researcher traces the currents of theory and research within the topic area to the present day provides a state-of-the-art review of the topic and offers an outline for future research directions. The book concludes with an overview from Professor Lambert that critically examines the impact of the ideas in each individual chapter. This volume is organized around the three areas where Professor Lambert's unique contributions are most substantial and most evident: bilingualism multiculturalism and second language learning. Specifically the papers presented discuss the topics of social psychological cognitive and neuropsychological aspects of bilingualism and second language learning the psychology of inter-group relations and multiculturalism bilingual/immersion education and language planning. Note: Royalties earned from sales of this book will go to the Wallace E. Lambert Student Research Fund at McGill University for use by students interested in second language acquisition bilingualism and/or multiculturalism. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138964686

Bilingualism and Language Disability (PLE: Psycholinguistics)Assessment and Remediation Society is becoming increasingly multi-lingual and this presents monolingual professionals particularly those in special education and speech pathology with severe problems. Is the language delay in a child from a bilingual environment a result of this background or is there a specific speech problem? Is a child’s poor performance in school due to his problems of coping with two languages or does he need remedial teaching? Originally published in 1984 this book is not concerned with second language learning but with speech and learning difficulties in bilingual children as they are presented to remedial teachers psychologists and speech therapists. To this end the first group of specially written articles deals with the patterns of language usage in bilingual communities and the social and psychological factors which shape these patterns; with processes in normal bilingual language acquisition; and with the relationship between cognitive development and growing up with two languages. Management issues and methods involved in helping children with language problems are also tackled: they include taking case histories family liaison counselling bilingual programmes mother tongue teaching curriculum development and the training of personnel to work in the bilingual-bicultural field. This book provided a great deal of practical help in a field that was relatively new at the time of writing and helped to enlighten readers on the issues involved and assist in crystalising thought and directing future research. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138964679

Bilingualism in EducationAspects of theory research and practice This is a remarkably interesting and useful makes a significant contribution to our knowledge and understanding of both bilingualism and education.'Journal of Education Policy Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138151802

Bilingualism in Schools and SocietyLanguage Identity and Policy Second Edition This revised edition of Bilingualism in Schools and Society is an accessible introduction to the sociolinguistic and educational aspects of and the political issues surrounding bilingualism including code-switching in popular music advertising and online social spaces. It also addresses the personal aspect of the topic in a well-informed discussion of what it means to study and live with multiple languages in a globalized world and practical advice on raising bilingual children. Extensive new material has been added that deals with more holistic understandings of bilingual performance including translanguaging flexible bilingualism and code-meshing; blending standard and vernacular languages/dialects in hybrid texts; and recent developments in policies surrounding the education of English Learners and EL assessment including Common Core State Standards (CCSS) PARCC and SBAC testing WIDA and ELPA21 language assessments and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).  Updated and new discussions on community-based heritage language programs and 'super-diversity' further enhance this new edition along with updated statistics on bilingual populations and the world's top languages. Each chapter includes lists of further readings helpful digital resources and study questions as well as student activities and boxed vignettes. Firmly grounded in the analysis of empirical work with bilingual children and adults in various multilingual settings throughout the world Bilingualism in Schools and Society is the ideal text for courses on bilingualism in language education programs. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138691292

Bilingualism in the Primary SchoolA Handbook for Teachers Over the past few years bilingualism has come to be seen not as a hinderance to assimiliation but as an asset which properly nurtured will benefit children's linguistic awareness cultural sensitivity and cognitive functioning. Bilingualism in the Primary Classroom gives primary teachers a window on the experience of the bilingual children in their care and by doing so helps them to make the most of what the children and their parents have to offer as well as giving them a good start in the National Curriculum. Many of the contributors to the book are themselves bilingual and are thus able to understand the children's experience from within but they are also particularly careful to show monolingual teachers how they too can make use of children's mother tongue experience. The book is based throughout on rich case study material of individual children at various stages on the bilingual spectrum. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138177789

BilingualismThe Sociopragmatic-Psycholinguistic Interface In the past 30 years the study of bilingualism processing has been conducted independently by two fields psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics. This volume merges these two fields addressing one of the tough problems dividing researchers in bilingualism conceptually as well as methodologically. Joel Walters proposes a new approach to bilingualism processing--the Sociopragmatic-Psycholinguistic (SPPL) Model--which presents language as a social phenomenon. The author accomplishes this by identifying and organizing evidence from a wide range of linguistic disciplines merging sociopragmatics discourse analysis and ethnography with social cognition psycholinguistics and neuroscience. By extension the author offers convincing explanations of how related fields can profit from a comprehensive bilingual processing model. As a result Joel Walters delivers a well-organized comprehensive model that is thought through at every level. This book appeals to graduate students scholars in the fields of linguistics bilingualism second language acquisition psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics. It is useful to researchers for its comprehensiveness and methodological acumen and may be appropriate as a supplementary textbook for graduate-level courses in bilingualism or for seminars on similar topics. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781410612038

BilirubinVolume I: Chemistry The book appears in two volumes the first dealing primarily with chemical and structural aspects and the second with metabolic aspects. The purpose is not only to review recent work on chemical and physiological aspects of bilirubin scructure and metabolism but also to emphasize the importance of methodological advances and their potential in future studies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891002

BilirubinVolume II: Metabolism The book appears in two volumes the first dealing primarily with chemical and structural aspects and the second with metabolic aspects. The purpose is not only to review recent work on chemical and physiological aspects of bilirubin scructure and metabolism but also to emphasize the importance of methodological advances and their potential in future studies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891019

Bill ClintonBuilding a Bridge to the New Millennium In 1993 William J. Clinton began his eight year stint as forty-second president of the United States. A key figure of change in the Democratic Party Clinton's political and personal actions ensured his lasting status as an important if controversial leader at a critical moment in recent American history. In Bill Clinton: Building a Bridge to the New Millennium David H. Bennett traces Clinton's life and career from childhood through his two terms in the White House. From childhood to college state government to the executive branch Bennett provides a concise and readable biography that places Clinton's achievements problems and legacy in historical context. Situating the former president in the trajectory of 20th century liberalism Bennett draws on Clinton's life to illuminate the political landscape of America in the 1990s and the role of the U.S. in the global context of the post-Cold War world. Combining keen scholarship with accessible prose this will be an essential resource for students and all those interested in understanding the recent history of the U.S. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415894685

Bills of Exchange and Bankers' Documentary Credits Bills of exchange and bankers' documentary credits are the fundamental financial instruments and mechanism of settlement for international trading transactions. Bills of Exchange and Bankers' Documentary Credits 4th Edition provides a highly readable yet in-depth account of the law and practice relating to bills of exchange cheques and bankers documentary credits. The authors explain how the Bills of Exchange and other instruments work in practice drawing particular attention to the problems which are likely to arise and how best to resolve them. Furthermore because the parties to financial transactions are often based in different countries it deals with jurisdiction and choice of law to enable you to make the most informed and profitable choices. Media > Books > E-books Informa Law from Routledge 9781003123118

Bills of Health Why is it that NHS workers are continually complaining that the service is underfunded while the Government claims that it is increasing NHS funding year on year in real terms? Is someone being economical with the truth or is there a deeper explanation? Richard Lawson shows that at least one fifth of the NHS clinical budget is spent on trying to cure illness caused by unemployment poverty bad housing and environmental pollution. The NHS has been falling behind in the race to keep up with deteriorating health caused by worsening social and environmental conditions. Bills of Health offers treatment as well as diagnosis. It identifies what needs to be done to rectify the causes of our ill-health and how this could be achieved through the creation of between one and two million jobs in the UK. Jobs that include worthwhile work in housing public transport and environmental protection as well as caring for people. Bills of Health draws up balance sheets that show not only can we afford to finance this work - but that we cannot afford not to. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315379845

Bills of Lading Bills of lading form an essential part of the carriage of goods by sea and international trade. Their multi-functional nature together with the large volume of case law and regulation make the law in this field as complex as it is commercially vital. This bestselling book now in its third edition provides a detailed analysis of the law and practice applicable to bills of lading before during and after shipment helping today’s busy practitioner to quickly and easily find the information they need. This book has been fully revised and updated with all the major developments including: reference to increasingly important Singapore and Far-Eastern decisions; an analysis of modern developments in seaworthiness from vetting and approval clauses to the topical issues of vulnerability and piracy attacks; detailed examination of misdelivery fraudulent or forged bills of lading and delivery without production of a bill of lading; revised coverage of conflicts and procedural matters including anti-suit injunctions jurisdiction battles and the scope of arbitration; reference to relevant European law relating to issues of jurisdiction and procedure; comprehensive treatment of switch bills transhipment house bills deck carriage and container cargo; and new material on the practical implications of electronic bills of lading and the implications of automated vessels. This text continues to provide an indispensable reference for maritime practitioners and institutions worldwide. Media > Books > Print Books Informa Law from Routledge 9780367134372

Bills of Lading Bills of Lading form an essential part of the carriage of goods by sea and international trade. Their multi-functional nature together with the large volume of case law and regulation make the law in this field as complex is it is commercially vital. This bestselling book provides a detailed analysis of the law and practice applicable to bills of lading before during and after shipment helping today’s busy practitioner to quickly and easily find the information they need. This book has been fully revised and updated with all of the major developments since its first edition including: Reference to increasingly important Singapore and Far-Eastern decisions An analysis of modern developments in seaworthiness from vetting and approval clauses to the topical issues of vulnerability and piracy attacks Detailed examination of misdelivery fraudulent or forged bills of lading and delivery without production of a bill of lading Revised coverage of conflicts and procedural matters including anti-suit injunctions jurisdiction battles and the scope of arbitration Reference to relevant European law relating to issues of jurisdiction and procedure Comprehensive treatment of Switched bills transhipment house bills deck carriage and container cargo New material on the practical implications of electronic bills of lading This text continues to provide an indispensable reference for maritime practitioners and institutions worldwide. Media > Books > Print Books Informa Law from Routledge 9780415745819

Bills of Lading and Bankers' Documentary Credits Bills of Lading and Bankers’ Documentary Credits provides a straightforward guide to the nuances and complexities of deals conducted under the documentary credit system. The book describes in detail the law applicable to and the practical workings of bankers' documentary credits as they are used in international sales and carriage of goods contracts in a way that is accessible to both lawyers and to businessmen who have to use these contracts on a day-to-day basis. In its fourth edition Bills of Lading and Bankers’ Documentary Credits has been completely updated to take account of recent case law and developments including the UCP 600 as well as progress in electronic and other documentation since the last edition. Media > Books > E-books Informa Law from Routledge 9780203796535

Bills of LadingLaw and Contracts Bills of Lading: Law and Contracts provides a detailed legal analysis of common standard form clauses in bills of lading (and waybills) which are in use in the maritime world as well as a comprehensive examination of the legal principles which are applicable to them. Bills of Lading: Law and Contracts provides a detailed legal analysis of standard form clauses in bills of lading (and waybills) which are in use in the maritime world as well as a comprehensive examination of the legal principles which are applicable to them. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315096346

Bills of Rights This collection examines the justifications for using bills of rights to protect fundamental human rights and the mechanisms for enforcing provisions in those documents. Articles deal with different forms of judicial enforcement and with legislative enforcement of rights protected by such documents. The collection includes a road-map for evaluating the effectiveness of these alternative enforcement mechanisms. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315096339

BIM and Big Data for Construction Cost Management This book is designed to help practitioners and students in a wide range of construction project management professions to understand what building information modelling (BIM) and big data could mean for them and how they should prepare to work successfully on BIM-compliant projects and maintain their competencies in this essential and expanding area. In this book the state-of-the-art information technologies that support high-profile BIM implementation are introduced and case studies show how BIM has integrated core quantity surveying and cost management responsibilities and how big data can enable informed decision-making for cost control and cost planning. The authors' combined professional and academic experience demonstrates with practical examples the importance of using BIM and particularly the fusion of BIM and big data to sharpen competitiveness in global and domestic markets. This book is a highly valuable guide for people in a wide range of construction project management and quantity surveying roles. In addition implications for project management facilities management contract administration and dispute resolution are also explored through the case studies making this book essential reading for built environment and engineering professionals. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815390947

BIM and Quantity Surveying The sudden arrival of Building Information Modelling (BIM) as a key part of the building industry is redefining the roles and working practices of its stakeholders. Many clients designers contractors quantity surveyors and building managers are still finding their feet in an industry where BIM compliance can bring great rewards. This guide is designed to help quantity surveying practitioners and students understand what BIM means for them and how they should prepare to work successfully on BIM compliant projects. The case studies show how firms at the forefront of this technology have integrated core quantity surveying responsibilities like cost estimating tendering and development appraisal into high profile BIM projects. In addition to this the implications for project management facilities management contract administration and dispute resolution are also explored through case studies making this a highly valuable guide for those in a range of construction project management roles. Featuring a chapter describing how the role of the quantity surveyor is likely to permanently shift as a result of this development as well as descriptions of tools used this covers both the organisational and practical aspects of a crucial topic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415870436

BIM and Urban Land Administration Rapid urbanization has created an unprecedented pressure on the use of land in cities around the world resulting in physical and legal complexities. This book explains the theoretical basis and practicality of connecting urban land administration practices with the 3D digital data environment of Building Information Modelling (BIM). The main focus is to adopt a BIM-based paradigm for enhancing communication and management of complex ownership rights in multi-story buildings which are prevalent in urban built environments. This book first elaborates on a range of data elements required for managing legal information in current land administration practices pertaining to subdivision of legal interests within multi-story building developments. It then explains how an open data model in the BIM domain – Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) – can be extended with legal data elements to lay the foundation for adopting BIM in urban land administration. The book also highlights benefits and barriers of implementing BIM-enabled urban land administration. Features Explains the theoretical basis and practicality of connecting urban land administration practices with the 3D digital data environment of BIM. Highlights the existing challenges associated with current practice of urban land administration for multi-story buildings. Introduces the potential of 3D digital environment of BIM for the purpose of mapping and registering legal interests. Describes how BIM-based data models can be extended for recording managing and representing legal ownership of properties over a building's lifecycle. Includes models of multi-story buildings as case studies to demonstrate the feasibility of extended BIM-based data models. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138491687

BIM Demystified BIM Demystified is a short practical introduction to Building Information Modelling (BIM). Addressing BIM from the point of view of mainstream practice as opposed to a cutting-edge technological perspective it offers a user-friendly yet thorough explanation of a subject which is often swamped by jargon and deluged with spin. Taking a wide view of BIM – encompassing business opportunity Code of Conduct cultural issues and the necessity for better legal arrangements too – the book’s chapters range from the BIM ingredients (including objects parametrics and standards) to the business case for BIM and how to implement it. BIM requires a shift in attitudes if its benefits are to be obtained – and this book will allow individuals at all levels in any practice to build a firmer understanding of the merits and wider application of the subject. It brings together both managers and technologists within businesses throughout the AECC chain to form better and more valuable propositions for built environment interventions. Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859465202

BIM for Construction Clients With the government-mandated 2016 deadline for BIM level 2 upon us there is a need for everyone in the built environment to embrace the advantages of BIM-enabled working. Clients are not often confident to play their allotted role and must understand what is required of them and how best to utilise BIM for their own benefit. This publication provides an authoritative introduction to what BIM means in real terms for clients and will enable: Understanding of the strategic value of BIM for clients and how it changes their role; Seeing through case studies how typical clients are experiencing using BIM; Setting up a project on a BIM-using basis; Controlling of the design and construction stages with the benefit of data; Receiving and operating both real and virtual assets; Learning where BIM is going next. Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859466070

BIM for Construction Health and Safety What is BIM and how does it affect the health and safety professional? How are BIM technologies used on a practical level? What opportunities are there for the use of BIM in the health and safety arena? This concise and practical guide aims to answer all these questions and more. The health and safety role is evolving towards collaboration structured data and sharing of information as BIM – the incarnation of these sensibilities - increasingly underpins construction practice. As the industry begins to see how these two topics can and should intersect this guide provides context and practical advice by explaining the basic principles of BIM how it will shape the health and safety professional’s role and what tools and processes will need to be embedded in the future. It also highlights the wealth of opportunities that BIM provides to improve health and safety standards and effective coordination – the means to exploit the potential of BIM. Media > Books > Print Books NBS 9781859465288

BIM for Landscape BIM (Building Information Modelling) is transforming working practices across the built environment sector as clients professionals contractors and manufacturers throughout the supply chain grasp the opportunities that BIM presents. The first book ever to focus on the implementation of BIM processes in landscape and external works BIM for Landscape will help landscape professionals understand what BIM means for them. This book is intended to equip landscape practitioners and practices to meet the challenges and reap the rewards of working in a BIM environment - and to help professionals in related fields to understand how BIM processes can be brought into landscape projects. BIM offers significant benefits to the landscape profession and heralds a new chapter in inter-disciplinary relationships. BIM for Landscape shows how BIM can enhance collaboration with other professionals and clients streamline information processes improve decision-making and deliver well-designed landscape projects that are right first time on schedule and on budget. This book looks at the organisational technological and professional practice implications of BIM adoption. It discusses in detail the standards structures and information processes that form BIM Level 2-compliant workflows highlighting the role of the landscape professional within the new ways of working that BIM entails. It also looks in depth at the digital tools used in BIM projects emphasising the ‘information’ in Building Information Modelling and the possibilities that data-rich models offer in landscape design maintenance and management. BIM for Landscape will be an essential companion to the landscape professional at any stage of their BIM journey. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138796683

BIM in Small PracticesIllustrated Case Studies BIM (Building Information Modelling) is revolutionising architecture and construction as more and more practices are realising the benefits it brings to design sustainability and construction. There is a perception that BIM is a process best left to large practices – requiring significant resources and the ability to invest heavily in IT. This book overturns that misconception: introducing a selection of inspirational BIM-enabled projects by small architectural practices. Full of practical tips and hard-won experience BIM in Small Practices: Illustrated Case Studies includes pithy contributions from industry experts who identify and explore the important issues for small practices including how to get your practice started with BIM and how it aligns to the new Plan of Work. This landmark publication will motivate small practices who are considering taking those first steps towards implementing BIM. Media > Books > Print Books NBS 9781859464991

Bimodal OxidationCoupling of Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Reactions This book is devoted to the problems of oxidation chemical reactions and addresses bimodal reaction sequences. Chemical reactions of oxidation occurring under certain conditions and in multicomponent systems are complex processes. The process of the oxidation essentially changes in the presence and contact of the solid substances with reactants. The role of solid substances and the appearance of this phenomenon in oxidation reaction are discussed. The reader will understand the "driving forces" of this phenomenon and apply it in practice. Written for chemists physicists biologists and engineers working in the domain of oxidation reactions. Key Selling Features: Covers the historical background modern state of the art and perspectives in investigations of the coupling between heterogeneous and homogeneous reactions Discusses the feasible pathways of the coupling of heterogeneous and homogeneous reactions in oxidation in man-made and natural chemical systems Addresses the abundance peculiarities and mechanisms of the bimodal reaction sequences in oxidation with dioxygen in recent decades Discusses the existence of the bimodal reaction sequences in chemical systems investigations in atmospheric chemistry and heterogeneous photocatalysis Presented in a simple concise style accessible for both specialists and non-specialists Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367272593

Binaural and Spatial Hearing in Real and Virtual Environments The current popular and scientific interest in virtual environments has provided a new impetus for investigating binaural and spatial hearing. However the many intriguing phenomena of spatial hearing have long made it an exciting area of scientific inquiry. Psychophysical and physiological investigations of spatial hearing seem to be converging on common explanations of underlying mechanisms. These understandings have in turn been incorporated into sophisticated yet mathematically tractable models of binaural interaction. Thus binaural and spatial hearing is one of the few areas in which professionals are soon likely to find adequate physiological explanations of complex psychological phenomena that can be reasonably and usefully approximated by mathematical and physical models. This volume grew out of the Conference on Binaural and Spatial Hearing a four-day event held at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in response to rapid developments in binaural and spatial hearing research and technology. Meant to be more than just a proceedings it presents chapters that are longer than typical proceedings papers and contain considerably more review material including extensive bibliographies in many cases. Arranged into topical sections the chapters represent major thrusts in the recent literature. The authors of the first chapter in each section have been encouraged to take a broad perspective and review the current state of literature. Subsequent chapters in each section tend to be somewhat more narrowly focused and often emphasize the authors' own work. Thus each section provides overview background and current research on a particular topic. This book is significant in that it reviews the important work during the past 10 to 15 years and provides greater breadth and depth than most of the previous works. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138987852

Binders for Durable and Sustainable Concrete Linking theory to practice this book provides a better fundamental understanding of Portland cement and hydraulic binders which is necessary to make better concrete. It has been clearly demonstrated that concrete durability is closely linked to its water/binder ratio and proper curing during the first week after casting. In this rigorously presented work Pierre-Claude Aïtcin explains the complexity of the hydration reaction and how to make use and cure durable and sustainable concrete. This book also details the problems with Portland cement composition at present and outlines the concept of an ideal hydraulic binder which is technically and ecologically efficient as well as being long-lasting and robust.Binders for Durable and Sustainable Concrete is a practical and innovative reference text which will be particularly relevant to engineers and chemists working in the Portland cement concrete and admixture industries. This book will also be of interest to academics and graduate-level students in Civil Engineering departments who specialize in Portland cement and concrete technology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367864125

Binding MenStories About Violence and Law in Late Victorian England Binding Men tells stories about men violence and law in late Victorian England. It does so by focusing upon five important legal cases all of which were binding not only upon the males involved but also upon future courts and the men who appeared before them. The subject matter of Prince (1875) Coney (1882) Dudley and Stephens (1884) Clarence (1888) and Jackson (1891) ranged from child abduction prize-fighting murder and cannibalism to transmitting gonorrhoea and the capture and imprisonment of a wife by her husband. Each case has its own chapter depicting the events which led the protagonists into the courtroom the legal outcome and the judicial pronouncements made to justify this as well as exploring the broader setting in which the proceedings took place. In so doing Binding Men describes how a particular case can be seen as being a part of attempts to legally limit male behaviour. The book is essential reading for scholars and students of crime criminal law violence and gender. It will be of interest to those working on the use of narrative in academic writing as well as legal methods. Binding Men’s subject matter and accessible style also make it a must for those with a general interest in crime history and in particular male criminality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138950795

Binding Space: The Book as Spatial Practice Books orient intrigue provoke and direct the reader while editing interpreting encapsulating constructing and revealing architectural representation. Binding Space: The Book as Spatial Practice explores the role of the book form within the realm of architectural representation. It proposes the book itself as another three-dimensional complementary architectural representation with a generational and propositional role within the design process. Artists’ books in particular – that is a book made as an original work of art with an artist designer or architect as author – have certain qualities and characteristics quite different from the conventional presentation and documentation of architecture. Paginal sequentiality the structure and objecthood of the book and the act of reading create possibilities for the book as a site for architectural imagining and discourse. In this way the form of the book affects how the architectural work is conceived constructed and read. In five main sections Binding Space examines the relationships between the drawing the building and the book. It proposes thinking through the book as a form of spatial practice one in which the book is cast as object outcome process and tool. Through the book we read spatial practice anew. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472483232

Binding the Absent Body in Medieval and Modern ArtAbject virtual and alternate bodies This collection of essays considers artistic works that deal with the body without a visual representation. It explores a range of ways to represent this absence of the figure: from abject elements such as bodily fluids and waste to surrogate forms including reliquaries manuscripts and cloth. The collection focuses on two eras medieval and modern when images referencing the absent body have been far more prolific in the history of art. In medieval times works of art became direct references to the absent corporal essence of a divine being like Christ or were used as devotional aids. By contrast in the modern era artists often reject depictions of the physical body in order to distance themselves from the history of the idealized human form. Through these essays it becomes apparent even when the body is not visible in a work of art it is often still present tangentially. Though the essays in this volume bridge two historical periods they have coherent thematic links dealing with abjection embodiment and phenomenology. Whether figurative or abstract sacred or secular medieval or modern the body maintains a presence in these works even when it is not at first apparent. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367200169

Binding Their WoundsAmerica's Assault on Its Veterans The victims of US military campaigns are usually nameless civilians in far away places but there are also victims closer to home - the soldiers so often used and then discarded by the establishment. Binding Their Wounds is a book about US veterans written by a US veteran - Bob 'Doc' Topmiller. Topmiller fought in Vietnam founded a school for orphans there and become a professor of history before he tragically committed suicide. Close friend and scholar Kerby Neill stepped in to complete the book. The result is a history of US veterans and their treatment by the US establishment from the early republic to the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Binding Their Wounds offers policy recommendations to improve post-conflict treatment and care for veterans which are long overdue. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781594515729

Binge Eating DisorderThe Journey to Recovery and Beyond Binge Eating Disorder written by a clinician and an advocate who have personally struggled with Binge Eating Disorder (BED) illuminates the experience of BED from the patient perspective while also exploring the disorder’s etiological roots and addressing the components of treatment that are necessary for long-term recovery. Accessible for both treatment providers and patients alike this unique volume aims to explore BED treatment and recovery from both sides of the process while also providing a resource for structuring treatment and building effective interventions. This practical roadmap to understanding resilience and lasting change will be useful for anyone working clinically with or close to individuals suffering from BED as well as those on the recovery journey. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138236936

Bioaccumulation of Xenobiotic Compounds One of the very few - if not only - books written exclusively related to this topic. This book comprehensively outlines the principles governing the accumulation of chemicals from the environment by organisms. Packed with tables and diagrams this work reviews the experimental data available on both terrestrial and aquatic systems. It describes methods which are used to predict bioaccumulation of chemicals from their physicochemical properties. It also reviews environmental and other factors influencing bioaccumulation. This text also includes previously unpublished theoretical explanations of several bioaccumulation processes including food chain biomagnification. Information in this exceptional volume is useful to government officials involved with environmental management chemists biologists consultants working with chemical waste control researchers and graduate students. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891026

Bioactive Compounds from Natural SourcesNatural Products as Lead Compounds in Drug Discovery The first edition of Bioactive Compounds from Natural Sources was published in a period of renewed attention to biologically active compounds of natural origin. This trend has continued and intensified—natural products are again under the spotlight in particular for their possible pharmacological applications. Largely focusing on natural products as lead compounds in drug discovery Bioactive Compounds from Natural Sources Second Edition: Natural Products as Lead Compounds in Drug Discovery is actually a completely new volume containing surveys of selected recent advances in an interdisciplinary area covering chemistry of natural products medicinal chemistry biochemistry and other related topics. Written by some of the most reputed scientists in the field this second edition includes new chapters from authors who contributed to the first edition as well as many chapters compiled by new authors. Introducing the reader to strategies and methods in the search for bioactive natural products this book covers topics including: Natural sources of bioactive compounds such as aquatic cyanobacteria filamentous fungi and tropical plants The tremendous potentiality of metabolic engineering of natural products biosynthesis The contribution of emerging or developing technologies to the study of bioactive natural compounds namely computational methods and circular dichroism The potential of natural or natural-derived compounds for specific therapeutic applications: treatment of viral diseases regulation of hypoxia-inducible factor antimalarials modulation of angiogenesis and antitumor and wound-healing activity Selected examples of natural product families and related synthetic analogues namely polyphenols and campthotecins Compiled for researchers and Ph.D. students working in interdisciplinary fields this book will also be appreciated by readers without a background in chemistry interested in bioactive natural products their biological and pharmacological properties and their possible use as chemopreventive or chemotherapeutic agents. Conversely the biological and pharmacological data and methods are accessible by chemists. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439822296

Bioactive Compounds from Plant OriginExtraction Applications and Potential Health Benefits This new volume explores the importance of phytochemicals from plants in therapeutics focusing on the extraction of bioactive compounds and their applications in human health. Natural products and their bioactive compounds are increasingly utilized in preventive and therapeutic medication as well as for the production of pharmaceutical supplements and more recently as food additives to increase the functionality of foods.The first section of the volume describes recent advances in the extraction of bioactive compounds from various sources. It looks at advanced extraction techniques such as enzyme-assisted microwave-assisted ultrasound-assisted pressurized liquid extraction and supercritical extraction techniques. Part 2 on bioactive compounds and health claims covers the roles of different bioactive compounds and their health-promoting potential for lifestyle diseases. This section explains the botany physical characteristics uniqueness uses distribution importance phytochemistry bioactivities and future trends of different functional foods. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771887861

Bioactive Compounds of Medicinal PlantsProperties and Potential for Human Health This volume sheds new light on the immense potential of medicinal plants for human health from different technological aspects. It presents new research on bioactive compounds in medicinal plants that provide health benefits including those that have proven especially effective in treating and managing diabetes mellitus and hypertension. It looks at the medicinal properties antioxidant capacity and antimicrobial activity of plants and provides scientific evidence on the use of medicinal plants in the treatment of certain diseases. Many of the plants described in the chapters are easily accessible and are believed to be effective with fewer side effects in comparison to modern drugs in the treatment of different diseases. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771886482

Bioactive Food Proteins and PeptidesApplications in Human Health Many naturally occurring compounds from foods such as rice vegetables fruits and animal products possess properties that help to slow disease progression inhibit pathophysiological mechanisms or suppress activities of pathogenic molecules. Proteins and peptides play significant roles in such activities and are gaining importance as nutraceuticals that benefit numerous aspects of health and nutrition. Bioactive Food Proteins and Peptides: Applications in Human Health provides a human health perspective on food-derived proteins and peptides. It describes the potential for large-scale production with advances in technology and proposes challenges and opportunities for the future of health nutrition medicine and the biosciences. The book begins by addressing properties related to chemistry and bioactivity. It examines proteins and peptides as allergens antihypertensive agents antimicrobials antioxidants and anticancer agents. It also discusses findings on the bioavailability and toxicity of food-derived peptides and intestinal functions. Next the contributors present information on therapeutic peptides. They discuss recent developments in proteomics bioavailability and opportunities for designing future peptide-based foods. Providing a comprehensive review of bioactive proteins and peptides obtained from food sources the book brings together the most up-to-date and essential information from eminent researchers from all over the world. Academics food scientists and technologists nutritionists biochemists persons in industry and government researchers and regulators will find this book to be an essential resource for new data and developments. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138198999

Bioactive Peptides Focuses on Biology Pharmacology and Therapeutic ApplicationsThe study and diverse applications of bioactive peptides traverse many sub-disciplines within chemistry biology physics and medicine. Answering a long-standing need Bioactive Peptides focuses on the biology pharmacology and therapeutic applications of endogenous peptide mediators and their analogues. Moving peptide science beyond chemical synthesis strategies and into the realms of peptide biology and therapeutics it presents the overall contribution that peptide science has made to molecular cellular and whole organism biology while also discussing future targets and therapeutic applications.Beneficial for Experts and Novices AlikePart I provides details of bioactive peptides that interact with common drug targets and analyzes some of the most competitive areas of current research worldwide. While it is widely known that mammalian physiological systems utilize bioactive peptides that have yet to be discovered other animals provide a rich and valuable source of bioactive peptides. This fascinating area of science is the theme of Part II. Parts III and IV investigate the unique bioactivities of various peptides that are ripe for further exploration. This definitive reference also includes:A detailed description and analysis of a broad range of peptides that interact with G protein-coupled receptors the quantitatively dominant drug targetA discussion of non-ribosomal peptides which hold promise as sources of endogenous mediatorsImportant examples of common methodologies employed to identify characterize and further develop bioactive peptides from a range of natural sourcesWith mounting worldwide interest in their therapeutic potential bioactive peptides—includ Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367385736

Bioadhesion and BiomimeticsFrom Nature to Applications Bioadhesion is often defined as the state in which two materials at least one of which is biological in nature are held together for extended periods of time by interfacial forces. It is an area of active multidisciplinary research where engineers scientists—including chemists physicists biologists and medical experts—materials’ producers and manufacturers combine their knowledge. From the practical point of view bioadhesive systems have been used for several years for medical applications such as dentistry and orthopedics and are now entering new fields for example tissue sealing and directed drug delivery systems. Understanding bioadhesion mechanisms is of prime importance while exploring desired adhesion for bioadhesion applications such as sealants as well as successful prevention of undesired adhesion of biomolecules cells or organisms. Controlling the occurrence of bioadhesion events is also an important problem in the design and use of medical devices biosensors membranes ships and oil rigs. This book provides a comprehensive view of bioadhesion and highlights different aspects of this phenomenon. The first section of the book presents fundamentals aspects of bioadhesion. It also summarizes various direct and indirect methods used to investigate and characterize bioadhesion. The second section describes studies of natural adhesives. These include "wet" adhesives that are produced and secreted by sessile marine organisms such as mussels and sand tubes and "dry" adhesives such as the one characterizing the gecko foot. The third section focuses on biomimetic adhesives. These man-made materials are fabricated on the basis of the lessons learned from nature emphasizing the correlation between nature understanding and biomimetics. Finally the last section reviews medical applications of adhesive materials which include surgical sealants mucoadhesive drug delivery vehicles and prevention of adhesion on medical devices. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814463980

Bioadhesive Drug Delivery SystemsFundamentals Novel Approaches and Development This invaluable reference presents a comprehensive review of the basic methods for characterizing bioadhesive materials and improving vehicle targeting and uptake-offering possibilities for reformulating existing compounds to create new pharmaceuticals at lower development costs.Evaluates the unique carrier characteristics of bioadhesive polymers and their power to enhance localization of delivered agents local bioavailability and drug absorption and transport!Written by over 50 international experts and reflecting broad knowledge of both traditional bioadhesive strategies and novel clinical applications Bioadhesive Drug Delivery Systemsdiscusses mechanical and chemical bonding polymer-mucus interactions the effect of surface energy in bioadhesion polymer hydration and mucus rheology analyzes biochemical properties of mucus and glycoproteins cell adhesion molecules and cellular interaction with two- and three-dimensional surfaces covers microbalances and magnetic force transducers atomic force microscopy direct measurements of molecular level adhesions and methods to measure cell-cell interactions examines bioadhesive carriers diffusion or penetration enhancers and lectin-targeted vehicles describes vaginal nasal buccal ocular and transdermal drug delivery reviews bioadhesive interactions with the mucosal tissues of the eye and mouth and those in the respiratory urinary and gastrointestinal tracts explores issues of product development clinical testing and production and more!Amply referenced with over 1400 bibliographic citations and illustrated with more than 300 drawings photographs tables and display equations Bioadhesive Drug Delivery Systems serves as a sound basis for innovation in bioadhesive systems and an excellent introduction to the subject. This unique reference is ideal for pharmaceutical scientists and technologist Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367399603

Bioaerosols Written by an illustrious group of experts in microbiology and aerobiology Bioaerosols brings together current information on the nature and health effects of bioaerosol-related problems. The book presents up-to-date coverage of methods for sampling and analysis as well as various approaches to the investigation of health problems caused by exposure to biological contaminants in indoor air. Its comprehensive treatment of the various aspects of this subject makes it a valuable reference for industrial hygienists public health officials and researchers and physicians interested in environmentally caused disease. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003070078

Bioaerosols Handbook This comprehensive handbook provides up-to-date knowledge and practical advice from established authorities in aerosol science. It covers the principles and practices of bioaerosol sampling descriptions and comparisons of bioaerosol samplers calibration methods and assay techniques with an emphasis on practicalities such as which sampler to use and where it should be placed. The text also offers critiques concerning handling the samples to provide representative and meaningful assays for their viability infectivity and allergenicity. A wide range of microbes-viz. viruses bacteria fungi and pollens and their fragments-are considered from such perspectives.Bioaerosols Handbook is divided into four parts providing a wide-ranging reference work as well as a practical guide on how best to sample and assay bioaerosols using current technology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367579739

BioarchaeologyAn Introduction to the Archaeology and Anthropology of the Dead Bioarchaeology covers the history and general theory of the field plus the recovery and laboratory treatment of human remains. Bioarchaeology is the study of human remains in context from an archaeological and anthropological perspective. The book explores through numerous case studies how the ways a society deals with their dead can reveal a great deal about that society including its religious political economic and social organizations. It details recovery methods and how once recovered human remains can be analyzed to reveal details about the funerary system of the subject society and inform on a variety of other issues such as health demography disease workloads mobility sex and gender and migration. Finally the book highlights how bioarchaeological techniques can be used in contemporary forensic settings and in investigations of genocide and war crimes. In Bioarchaeology theories principles and scientific techniques are laid out in a clear understandable way and students of archaeology at undergraduate and graduate levels will find this an excellent guide to the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138481060

BioarchaeologyThe Contextual Analysis of Human Remains The core subject matter of bioarchaeology is the lives of past peoples interpreted anthropologically. Human remains contextualized archaeologically and historically form the unit of study. Integrative and frequently inter-disciplinary bioarchaeology draws methods and theoretical perspectives from across the sciences and the humanities. Bioarchaeology: The Contextual Study of Human Remains focuses upon the contemporary practice of bioarchaeology in North American contexts its accomplishments and challenges. Appendixes a glossary and 150 page bibliography make the volume extremely useful for research and teaching. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367605599

Bio-Architecture Bio-Architecture studies the natural principles of animal and human constructions from several different perspectives and presents a great part of the knowledge that gives origin and shape to built form. Organic architecture offers a design approach arising from natural principles bringing us back to local history tradition and cultural roots to give us built forms which are in harmony with nature. It also shows how architects can take advantage of the resources that contemporary technology has placed within our grasp.Bio-Architecture is a unique book that studies the natural principles of animal and human constructions from several different perspectives and looks at what gives origin and shape to built form. The text gives an informative inspiring overview of the drive toward organically informed design both intrinsically and aesthetically using a wide variety of international examples.Javier Senosiain is an architect and an historian. He has pursued his interest in Organic Architecture across the globe drawing parallels between Buckminster Fuller's Geodesic dome and the spider's web; between Santiago Calatrava's Cathedral of St John in NY and the roots of a tree. Where nature has inspired form Senosiain has made a career of analyzing and applying the principles he sees in some very creative writing and architecture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138140905

Bioassays with Arthropods Imagine a statistics book for bioassays written by a statistician. Next imagine a statistics book for bioassays written for a layman. Bioassays with Arthropods Third Edition offers the best of both worlds by translating the terse precise language of the statistician into language used by the laboratory scientist. The book explains the statistical basis and analysis for each kind of quantal response bioassay in just the right amount of detail. The first two editions were a great reference for designing conducting and interpreting bioassays: this completely revised and updated third edition will also train the laboratory scientist to be an expert in estimation of dose response curves. New in the Third Edition:Introduces four new Windows and Apple-based computer programs (PoloJR OptiDose PoloMixture and PoloMulti) for the analyses of binary and multiple response analyses respectively Replaces out-of-date GLIM examples with R program samplesIncludes a new chapter Population Toxicology and takes a systems approach to bioassaysExpands the coverage of invasive species and quarantine statisticsBuilding on the foundation set by the much-cited first two editions the authors clearly delineate applications and ideas that are exceptionally challenging for those not already familiar with their use. They lead you through the methods with such ease and organization that you suddenly find yourself readily able to apply concepts that you never thought you would understand. To order the PoloSuite computer software described in Bioassays with Arthropods Third Edition use the order form found at or contact the LeOra Software Company at Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367573485

Bioavailability Leachability Chemical Speciation and Bioremediation of Heavy Metals in the Process of Composting Currently it is a serious concern to manage waste in the environment. Therefore detailed knowledge of heavy metals their eco-toxicological and health effects and ecofriendly approaches for their immobilization and detoxification is urgently required to control and minimize the environmental pollution. Composting is one of the popular methods in waste management and there are a lot of issues pertaining to composting. One of it is the leaching of heavy metals. This book discusses thoroughly the availability leachability and the speciation of heavy metals in the entire process of composting. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138598331

Bio-Based Composites for High-Performance MaterialsFrom Strategy to Industrial Application Since synthetic plastics derived from fossil resources are mostly non-biodegradable many academic and industrial researchers have shifted their attention toward bio-based materials which are more eco-friendly. Bio-Based Composites for High-Performance Materials: From Strategy to Industrial Application provides an overview of the state-of-art in bio-based composites. The book integrates knowledge from various disciplines including plant science materials science polymer chemistry chemical engineering and nanotechnology. It discusses the raw materials used in bio-based composites basic design principles properties applications and life cycle assessments. The book also presents a strategic and policy-oriented view of these composites and considers the costs of retrofitting existing chemical production plants for bio-based composite manufacture. It is a definitive resource on bio-composites for academics regulatory agencies research and development communities and industries worldwide. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482214482

Bio-based Wood AdhesivesPreparation Characterization and Testing Adhesive bonding plays an increasing role in the forest product industry and is a key factor for efficiently utilizing timber and other lignocellulosic resources. As synthetic wood adhesives are mostly derived from depleting petrochemical resources and have caused increasing environmental concern natural product and byproduct-derived adhesives have attracted much attention in the last decades. Although adhesives made from plant and animal sources have been in existence since ancient times increased knowledge of their chemistry and improved technical formulation of their preparation are still needed to promote their broader industrial applications. The primary goals of this book are to (1) synthesize the fundamental knowledge and latest research on bio-based adhesives from a remarkable range of natural products and byproducts (2) identify need areas and provide directions of future bio-based adhesive research and (3) help integrating research findings in practical adhesive application for maximal benefits. This book covers information on a variety of natural products and byproducts and the latest research on formulation testing and improvement of the relevant adhesives in fifteen chapters written by an international group of accomplished contributors. This book will serve as a valuable reference source for university faculty graduate students research scientists agricultural and wood engineers international organization advocators and government agency regulators who work and deal with enhanced utilization of agricultural and forest products and byproducts. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498740746

Biobehavioral Resilience to Stress Military service involves exposure to multiple sources of chronic acute and potentially traumatic stress especially during deployment and combat. Notoriously variable the effects of stress can be subtle to severe immediate or delayed impairing individual and group readiness operational performance and—ultimately—survival. A comprehensive compilation on the state of the science Biobehavioral Resilience to Stress identifies key factors and characteristics that are essential to a scientifically useful and behaviorally predictive understanding of resilience to stress. Contributions from Uniquely Qualified Military and Civilian Experts Initiated by the Military Operational Medicine Research Directorate of the US Army Medical Research and Material Command (USAMRMC) this seminal volume integrates recent research and experience from military and civilian experts in behavioral and social sciences human performance and physiology. Each chapter is grounded in vigorous research with emphasis on relevance to a variety of real-world operations and settings including extreme environments encountered in modern war. Logical Progression Cross-Disciplinary Appeal Organized into four sections the text begins with a discussion of the relevant aspects of stress in the context of military life to offer civilian readers a window into contemporary military priorities. Later chapters consider biological physiological and genetic factors psychosocial aspects of resilience and “community capacity†variables that influence psychological responses to stressful events. This multidisciplinary effort concludes with an overview of emergent themes and related issues to advance the science of resilience toward predictive research theory and application for all those—military and civilian—who serve in the national defense. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367864866

BiocalorimetryFoundations and Contemporary Approaches Connecting past present and future instrument development and use Biocalorimetry: Foundations and Contemporary Approaches explores biocalorimetry’s history fundamentals methodologies and applications. Some of the most prominent calorimeter developers and users share invaluable personal accounts of discovery discussing innovative techniques as well as special and original applications. Wide in scope the book also covers calorimetry use on membranes nucleic acids and proteins and addresses both thermodynamics and kinetics. The book begins with a look at the historical development of calorimeters needed for biological research. It then describes advanced approaches that use high-quality commercial calorimeters to study biochemical and other biological processes. It also shows how novel experimental designs and data analysis procedures are applied to proteins DNA membranes and living matter. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367870287

Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology Worldwide energy and food crises are spotlighting the importance of bio-based products – an area many are calling on for solutions to these shortages. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology encapsulates the cutting-edge advances in the field with contributions from more than 50 international experts comprising sectors of academia industry and government research institutes a virtual Who’s Who among biocatalysis scientists.Created Under the Editorial Guidance of Leading Biotechnology ExpertsWith the aid of numerous graphs and illustrations this authoritative reference documents such important advances as:Cloning and characterization of Kennedy pathway acyltransferasesEngineering of plants for industrial usesNew approaches from acquired tolerance to the biotic and abiotic stress of economically important cropsThis comprehensive text also explores a variety of bio-based industrial products including:The modification of enzyme character through gene manipulationThe biocatalytic synthesis of chiral intermediates for drug developmentThe use of Omega-3 phospholipid nano capsules as effective forms for transporting immune response modifiersProviding in-depth reviews of this ancient field and its modern-day advances Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology is an invaluable lab reference for teachers graduate students and industrial scientists conducting research in the biosciences. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367385699

Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology: Fundamentals Advances and Practices for a Greener Future This new volume Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology: Fundamentals Advances and Practices for a Greener Future looks at the application of a variety of technologies both fundamental and advanced that are being used for crop improvement metabolic engineering and the development of transgenic plants. The science of agriculture is among the oldest and most intensely studied by mankind. Human intervention has led to manipulation of plant gene structure for the use of plants for the production of bioenergy food textiles among other industrial uses. A sound knowledge of enzymology as well as the various biosynthetic pathways is required to further utilize microbes as sources to provide the desired products for industrial utility. This volume provides an overview of all these aspects along with an updated review of the major plant biotechnology procedures and techniques their impact on novel agricultural development and crop plant improvement. Also discussed are the use of "white biotechnology" and "metabolic engineering" as prerequisites for a sustainable development. The importance of patenting of plant products world food safety and the role of several imminent organizations is also discussed. The volume provides an holistic view that makes it a valuable source of information for researchers of agriculture and biotechnology as well as agricultural engineers environmental biologists environmental engineers and environmentalists. Short exercises at the end of the chapters help to make the book suitable for course work in agriculture biotechnology genetics biology biotechnology and plant science. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771886895

Biocatalysis and Nanotechnology Nanobiocatalysis has rapidly developed into a subarea of enzyme biotechnology. It combines the advances in nanotechnology that have generated nanoscale materials of different sizes shapes and physicochemical properties and the excellent characteristics of biocatalysts into an innovative technology. This book provides an overview of the various relations between nanotechnology and biocatalysis. It discusses the fabrication and application of nanomaterials for the immobilization of enzymes used in the sustainable production of goods and chemicals. Nanosupports have several advantages compared with bulk solid materials because of their high surface area which results in a significantly reduced mass transfer limitation and comparatively high enzyme loading. These characteristics are also of great use for applications in the fields of enzymatic biosensors biofuel cells bioelectronics and photoelectrochemical analyte detection where conductive nanomaterials improve the rate of electron transfer. The book also presents an overview of nanotoxicology and covers nanostructured enzyme catalysis in organic solvents and its potential application for biodiesel production probing of enzymatic activity and identification of enzyme functions of inorganic nanoparticles as enzyme mimics. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814613699

Biocatalysis in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries Because enzyme-catalyzed reactions exhibit higher enantioselectivity regioselectivity substrate specificity and stability they require mild conditions to react while prompting higher reaction efficiency and product yields. Biocatalysis in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries examines the use of catalysts to produce fine chemicals and chiral intermediates in a variety of pharmaceutical agrochemical and other biotechnological applications. Written by internationally recognized scientists in biocatalysis the authors analyze the synthesis of chiral intermediates for over 60 brand-name pharmaceuticals for a wide range of drug therapies and treatments. From starting material to product the chapters offer detailed mechanisms that show chiral intermediates and other by-products for each reaction—including hydrolytic acylation halogenation esterification dehalogenation oxidation-reduction oxygenation hydroxylation deamination transamination and C–C C–N C–O bonds formation. Cutting-edge topics include advanced methodologies for gene shuffling and directed evolution of biocatalysts; the custom engineering of enzymes; the use of microbial cells and isolated biocatalysts; the use of renewable starting materials; and generating novel molecules by combinatorial biocatalysis and high-throughput screening. Focusing on industrial applications the book also considers factors such as bulk processes instrumentation solvent selection and techniques for catalyst immobilization reusability and yield optimization throughout. Biocatalysis in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries showcases the practical advantages and methodologies for using biocatalysts to develop and produce chiral pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367446284

Biocatalytic Membrane ReactorsApplications In Biotechnology And The Pharmaceutical Industry This research level reference book has been co-written by Enrico Drioli perhaps one of the world's best known researchers into membrane technology. The application of membrane technology to chemical transformation and molecular separation are beginning to be exploited in the pharmaceutical science and biotechnology industries but there is a need for researchers and students to have up-to-date literature - and this book provides it. The book will be of interest to students of chemistry chemical engineering pharmacy and biotechnology. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003062721

Biocentrism and Modernism Examining the complex intersections between art and scientific approaches to the natural world Biocentrism and Modernism reveals another side to the development of Modernism. While many historians have framed this movement as being mechanistic and "against" nature the essays in this collection illuminate the role that nature-centric ideologies played in late-nineteenth to mid-twentieth-century Modernism. The essays in Biocentrism and Modernism contend that it is no accident that Modernism arose at the same time as the field of modern biology. From nineteenth-century discoveries to the emergence of the current environmentalist movement during the 1960s artists architects and urban planners have responded to currents in the scientific world. Sections of the volume treat both philosophic worldviews and their applications in theory historiography and urban design. This collection also features specific case studies of individual artists including Raymond Duchamp-Villon Paul Klee Wassily Kandinsky and Jackson Pollock. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138268098

Bioceramics Calcium Phosphate The first chapters are fundamental in that the physical chemistry of calcium phosphate salts is discussed along with mineralization (with emphasis on teeth) and remodelling of mineralized tissues. Thereafter follows a treatment of the influence of implants o surrounding hard tissues. This topic is followed by a chapter on preparation methods and biomechanical and biological aspects of calcium phosphate implants. In conclusion two chapters are devoted to (possible) dental and medical applications. It is hoped that basic researchers can use the book in their efforts to improve this promising class of materials further and that clinicians are inspired to define further possibilities and � at least as important � limitations. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891033

Biochar and Soil Biota Biochar a biomass that is burned at very high temperature in the absence of oxygen has recently become an interesting subject of study. Biochar is highly stable and does not degrade; it possesses physical properties that assist in retention of nutrients in the soil. The use of biochar will undoubtedly have a significant impact not only on soil nutrients but also on soil organism communities and their functions.This book focuses on how the ecology and biology of soil organisms is affected by the addition of biochar to soils. It takes into account direct and indirect effects of biochar addition to soils on the soil carbon cycle impact on plant resistance to foliar and soilborne disease interactions with pathogenic mycorhizal and saprophytic fungi. The stability of biochar in soil environment is also discussed. Special focus has been put on application of biochar to remediate polluted soils taking into account possible toxic effects of biochar on soil fauna. This book will be useful to students and researchers in agronomy biology ecology and environmental managers from both academic as well as industrial organizations. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466576483

Biochar for Environmental ManagementScience Technology and Implementation Biochar is the carbon-rich product which occurs when biomass (such as wood manure or crop residues) is heated in a closed container with little or no available air. It can be used to improve agriculture and the environment in several ways and its persistence in soil and nutrient-retention properties make it an ideal soil amendment to increase crop yields. In addition to this biochar sequestration in combination with sustainable biomass production can be carbon-negative and therefore used to actively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere with potentially major implications for mitigation of climate change. Biochar production can also be combined with bioenergy production through the use of the gases that are given off in the pyrolysis process. The first edition of this book published in 2009 was the definitive work reviewing the expanding research literature on this topic. Since then the rate of research activity has increased at least ten-fold and biochar products are now commercially available as soil amendments. This second edition includes not only substantially updated chapters but also additional chapters: on environmental risk assessment; on new uses of biochar in composting and potting mixes; a new and controversial field of studying the effects of biochar on soil carbon cycles; on traditional use with very recent discoveries that biochar was used not only in the Amazon but also in Africa and Asia; on changes in water availability and soil water dynamics; and on sustainability and certification. The book therefore continues to represent the most comprehensive compilation of current knowledge on all aspects of biochar. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415704151

Biochar in European Soils and AgricultureScience and Practice This user-friendly book introduces biochar to potential users in the professional sphere. It de-mystifies the scientific engineering and managerial issues surrounding biochar for the benefit of audiences including policy makers landowners and farmers land use agricultural and environmental managers and consultants industry and lobby groups and NGOs. The book reviews state-of-the-art knowledge in an approachable way for the non-scientist covering all aspects of biochar production soil science agriculture environmental impacts economics law and regulation and climate change policy. Chapters provide ‘hands-on’ practical information including how to evaluate biochar and understand what it is doing when added to the soil how to combine biochar with other soil amendments (such as manure and composts) to achieve desired outcomes and how to ensure safe and effective use. The authors also present research findings from the first coordinated European biochar field trial and summarize European field trial data. Explanatory boxes infographics and concise summaries of key concepts are included throughout to make the subject more understandable and approachable. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367606046

BiocharA Guide to Analytical Methods Interest in biochar among soil and environment researchers has increased dramatically over the past decade. Biochar initially attracted attention for its potential to improve soil fertility and to uncouple the carbon cycle by storing carbon from the atmosphere in a form that can remain stable for hundreds to thousands of years. Later it was found that biochar had applications in environmental and water science mining microbial ecology and other fields. Beneficial effects of biochar and its environmental applications cannot be fully realised unless the chemical physical structural and surface properties of biochar are known. Currently many of the analytical procedures used for biochar analysis are not well defined which makes it difficult to choose the right biochar for an intended use and to compare the existing data for biochars. Also in some instances the use of inappropriate procedures has led to erroneous or inaccurate values for biochars in the scientific literature. Biochar: A Guide to Analytical Methods fills this gap and provides procedures and guidelines for routine and advanced characterisation of biochars. Written by experts each chapter provides background to a technique or procedure a stepwise guide to analyses and includes data for biochars made from a range of feedstocks common to all presented methods. Discussion about the unique features disadvantages and advantages of a particular technique is an explicit focus of this handbook for biochar analyses. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498765534

BiocharProduction Characterization and Applications Encompassing high priority research areas such as bioenergy production global warming mitigation and sustainable agriculture biochar has received increased worldwide interest in the past decade.Biochar: Production Characterization and Applications covers the fundamentals of biochar including its concept production technology and characterization. The book builds on this foundation by providing examples of state-of-the-art biochar application technology in agronomy and environmental sciences along with detailed case studies. Edited by a group of well-known biochar experts and including chapters written by a group of international experts in their field this valuable resource can be used both as a textbook for graduate courses or as a handbook for policy makers and practitioners in the field. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367658762

Biochemical and Environmental BioprocessingChallenges and Developments The rapid growth of industries has resulted in the generation of high volume of solid and liquid waste. Today there is a need of Clean and Green technology for the sustainable waste management. Biochemical and Environmental Bioprocessing: Challenges and Developments explore the State-of-art green technologies to manage the waste and to recover value added products. Microbes play an important role in the bioremediation. Bioprocess engineering an interdisciplinary connects the Science and Technology. The bioconversion and bioremediation is essentially required for the management of various hazardous substances in the environment. This book will give an intensive knowledge on the application of Biochemical and Bioprocess technologies for the eco-friendly management of pollution. This book serves as a fundamental to the students researchers academicians and Engineers working in the area of Environmental Bioremediation and in the exploration of various bioproducts from waste. Features Reviews various biological methods for the treatment of effluents from Industries by using biomass and biopolymers. Highlights the applications of various bioreactors like Anaerobic Sequential Batch Reactor Continuously stirred anaerobic digester Up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor Fluidized and expanded bed reactors. Presents the cultivation of algae in Open Pond Closed loop System and Photo-bioreactors for bioenergy production. Discusses the intensified and integrated biorefinery approach by Microwave Irradiation Pyrolysis Acoustic cavitation Hydrodynamic cavitation Electron beam irradiation High pressure Autoclave reactor Steam explosion and photochemical oxidation. Outlines the usage of microbial fuel cell (MFC) for the production bioelectricity generation in different modules Tubular MFC Stacked MFC Separate electrode modules Cutting edge research of synthesis of biogenic nanoparticles and Pigments by green route for the health care and environment management. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367187392

Biochemical Applications of Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy For a host of reasons nonlinear optical spectroscopy is a valuable tool for biochemical applications where minimally invasive diagnostics is desired. Biochemical Applications of Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy presents the latest technological advances and offers a perspective on future directions in this important field. Written by an international panel of experts this volume begins with a comparison of nonlinear optical spectroscopy and x-ray crystallography. The text examines the use of multiphoton fluorescence to study chemical phenomena in the skin the use of nonlinear optics to enhance traditional optical spectroscopy and the multimodal approach which incorporates several spectroscopic techniques in one instrument. Later chapters explore Raman microscopy third-harmonic generation microscopy and non-linear Raman microspectroscopy. The text explores the promise of beam shaping and the use of broadband laser pulse generated through continuum generation and an optical pulse shaper. Lastly the book discusses the effects of spatial beam shaping on the generated nonlinear Raman signals in a tightly focused geometry and provides insight into the extension of nonlinear optical spectroscopy to the nanoscale through the use of plasmonic tip-enhanced arrangement. With novel experimental approaches to this technology expanding day-by-day the book’s balanced coverage from a wide range of international contributors not only elucidates important achievements but also outlines future directions in this dynamic and promising field. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138112872

Biochemical Basis of Plant BreedingVolume 1 Carbon Metabolism First published in 1985: This book presents a comprehensive survey of progress and current knowledge of those biochemical processes with greater potential for the development of superior cultivars: Photosynthesis photorespiration nitrate assimilation biological nitrogen fixation and starch and protein synthesis. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367260941

Biochemical EngineeringA Laboratory Manual Biochemical engineering mostly deals with the most complicated life systems as compared with chemical engineering. A fermenter is the heart of biochemical processes. It is essential to operate a system properly. A description of enzymatic reaction kinetics is followed by cell growth kinetics to determine several kinetic parameters. Operations and analyses of several biochemical processes are included to determine their special. The book also covers the determination of several operational parameters such as volumetric mass transfer coefficient mixing time death rate constant chemical oxygen demand and heat of combustion. This book provides a novel description of the experimental protocol to find out several operational parameters of biochemical processes. A comprehensive collection of numerous experiments based on fundamentals it focuses on the determination of not only the characteristics of raw materials but also other essential parameters required for the operation of biochemical processes. It also emphasizes the applicability of the analysis to various processes. Equipped with illustrative diagrams neat flowcharts and exhaustive tables the book is ideal for young researchers teachers and scientists working towards developing a solid understanding of the experimental aspects of biochemical engineering. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814877367

Biochemical EngineeringAn Introductory Textbook All engineering disciplines have been developed from the basic sciences. Science gives us the information on the reasoning behind new product development whereas engineering is the application of science to manufacture the product at the commercial level. Biological processes involve various biomolecules which come from living sources. It is now possible to manipulate DNA to get the desired changes in biochemical processes. This book provides students the knowledge that will enable them to contribute in various professional fields including bioprocess development modeling and simulation and environmental engineering. It includes the analysis of different upstream and downstream processes. The chapters are organized in broad engineering subdisciplines such as mass and energy balances reaction theory using both chemical and enzymatic reactions microbial cell growth kinetics transport phenomena different control systems used in the fermentation industry and case studies of some industrial fermentation processes. Each chapter begins with a fundamental explanation for general readers and ends with in-depth scientific details suitable for expert readers. The book also includes the solutions to about 100 problems. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814800433

Biochemical EvolutionThe Pursuit of Perfection Biochemical Evolution: The Pursuit of Perfection Second Edition by Athel Cornish-Bowden describes the relationship between biochemistry and evolutionary biology arguing that each depends on the other to be properly understood. There are many aspects of evolution that make sense only in the light of biochemical knowledge just as there are many aspects of biochemistry that make sense only in the light of evolution. Media > Books > Print Books Garland Science 9780815345527

Biochemical Parameters and the Nutritional Status of ChildrenNovel Tools for Assessment Biochemical parameters represent better precise and objective tools toward the assessment of the nutritional status of children in comparison to anthropometric clinical and dietary methods. They constitute laboratory tests to estimate the concentration of circulating nutrients in body fluids. Biochemical parameters are suggestive of acute or subclinical conditions when other methods of nutritional assessment fail to interpret the condition. These parameters exhibit substantial variability in their reproducibility. Moreover these parameters are novel tools in the hands of clinicians for screening of the nutritional status of children. Key Features Covers the latest biochemical parameters for nutritional assessment Updated content is useful for clinicians nutritionists and general practitioners A unique and concise treatise covering descriptive and research-based work on a crucial health issue of worldwide prevalence About the Author Anil Gupta PhD is the Dean of Research at Desh Bhagat University and Professor and Head Department of Physiology and Biochemistry at Desh Bhagat Dental College and Hospital Mandi Gobindgarh Punjab India. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367419813

Biochemical SensorsMimicking Gustatory and Olfactory Senses This book is the first to comprehensively treat sensors for gustatory and olfactory senses. It will be highly useful to students and researchers in a wide variety of scientific fields and also to those in the fields of foods perfumes medicines and robotics as the sensor applications. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814267076

Biochemistry Biophysics and Molecular ChemistryApplied Research and Interactions Biochemistry Biophysics and Molecular Chemistry: Applied Research and Interactions provides the background needed in biophysics and molecular chemistry and offers a great deal of advanced biophysical knowledge. It emphasizes the growing interrelatedness of molecular chemistry and biochemistry and acquaints one with experimental methods of both disciplines. This book addresses some of the enormous advances in biochemistry particularly in the areas of structural biology and bioinformatics by providing a solid biochemical foundation that is rooted in chemistry. Topics include scientific integrity and ethics in the field; clinical translational research in cancer diabetes and cardiovascular disease; emerging drugs to treat neurodegenerative diseases; swine avian and human flu; the use of big data in artificial knowledge in the field; bioinformatic insights on molecular chemistry; and much more. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771888165

Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Artemia The unusual life history of the brine shrimp Artemia and the relative ease with which it can be experimentally manipulated have long made his crustacean a favorite system for biological studies. Over the years descriptive morphological work has given way to a rigorous analysis of biochemical and cellular aspects of the organism. The underlying theme of the work is often been developmental in nature.This book brings together a wide spectrum of topics under study in the shrimp. Analyses of gene structure and protein synthesis are combined with descriptions of protein interactions characteristic of functional cells. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891057

Biochemistry and Function of Sterols Leading international scientists bring current and developing topics in sterol research together in Biochemistry and Function of Sterols. The authors are experts in each major area of sterol research-medicine biochemistry chemistry and agriculture. Each chapter features the current state of research as well as new and developing research topics. Throughout the volume the focus is on the major and expanding areas of sterol biochemistry and function of sterols in all classes or organisms. The broad scope of this work embraces many disciplines and will be of interest to a variety of researchers students and lay people. Professors will find Biochemistry and Function of Sterols an excellent choice as a textbook for courses on steroid lipid or plant biochemistry. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003068754

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Compendium While biomedical investigation has greatly advanced investigators have lost touch with and inadvertently corrupted significant nomenclature at the foundation of their science. Nowadays one has to be an insider to even understand the titles of journals as modern biochemists have a tendency to invent new terms to describe old phenomena and apply acronyms in a haphazard way. In addition while the use of kits now saves time by taking shortcuts many have lost touch with the principles that lie behind the processes they employ. Assembled by Roger Lundblad the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Compendium provides both academic and industrial researchers with an exceptionally accessible resource that offers a plethora of practical information not found in more database-oriented resources. A renowned scientist and author who bridges the old school of protein research and current proteomics Dr. Lundblad is uniquely qualified to bring forth this handy resource. With great respect for the roots of the science Dr. Lundblad provides a list of commonly used acronyms with definitions as well as a glossary of terms and subjects used in biochemistry molecular biology biotechnology proteomics genomics and systems biology. He also provides a chapter on those chemicals commonly employed in biochemistry and molecular biology complete with properties and structure drawings as well as a detailed accounting of protease inhibitors and protease inhibitor cocktails. A list of organic name reactions used in biochemistry is also included as is a list of buffers with references to specific uses and unwanted side reactions.  Until now this information could only be garnered from older books and Internet searches convoluted by uncertain nomenclature. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Compendium may not provide all the answers but researchers will find it to be a valuable tool that will save them time as well as provide essential li Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367389000

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Compendium This book is an accessible resource offering practical information not found in more database-oriented resources. The first chapter lists acronyms with definitions and a glossary of terms and subjects used in biochemistry molecular biology biotechnology proteomics genomics and systems biology. There follows chapters on chemicals employed in biochemistry and molecular biology complete with properties and structure drawings. Researchers will find this book to be a valuable tool that will save them time as well as provide essential links to the roots of their science. Key selling features: Contains an extensive list of commonly used acronyms with definitions Offers a highly readable glossary for systems and techniques Provides comprehensive information for the validation of biotechnology assays and manufacturing processes Includes a list of Log P values water solubility and molecular weight for selected chemicals Gives a detailed listing of protease inhibitors and cocktails as well as a list of buffers Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138054585

Biochemistry and Physiology of Bifidobacteria This book provides a comprehensive reference work on this ubiquitous group of microorganisms for the biomedical community and intends to stimulate further research into the biochemistry and physiology of bifidobacteria and their role in health and disease of newborns and even adult human beings. Discussions of bifidobacteria include chapters on nomenclature and taxonomy ecology morphology metabolism membrane and cell wall structure clinical applications metal transport and future research trends. Each chapter ends with a summary. The book is amply illustrated and extensively referenced. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780367811723

Biochemistry CollectionsA Cross-Disciplinary Survey of the Literature This book first published in 1982 offers an examination of the special nature of biochemistry collections. It focuses on the production control and use of the literature – diverse in nature and analysed here by specialist contributors. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367434083

Biochemistry ExplainedA Practical Guide to Learning Biochemistry Biochemistry Explained employs an innovative approach which has proven highly successful in the author's own classes. The author establishes a thorough understanding of the foundations of and common linkages between molecular structures and reactions so that eventual interpretation of complex biochemical pathways and reactions is easy. All of the major molecular structures and biochemical pathways are explained and for the most part these center on mammalian biochemistry. The text is supported by biochemical nomenclature and questions to bear in mind while reading. Higher learning sections are also provided for advanced students. Written in an informal conversational style this textbook will serve as an invaluable resource for any student who is struggling with the standard texts and for postgraduate students who need to refresh their knowledge. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315275055

Biochemistry in the LabA Manual for Undergraduates Most lab manuals assume a high level of knowledge among biochemistry students as well as a large amount of experience combining knowledge from separate scientific disciplines. Biochemistry in the Lab: A Manual for Undergraduates expects little more than basic chemistry. It explains procedures clearly as well as giving a clear explanation of the theoretical reason for those steps. Key Features: Presents a comprehensive approach to modern biochemistry laboratory teaching together with a complete experimental experience Includes chemical biology as its foundation teaching readers experimental methods specific to the field Provides instructor experiments that are easy to prepare and execute at comparatively low cost Supersedes existing older texts with information that is adjusted to modern experimental biochemistry Is written by an expert in the field This textbook presents a foundational approach to modern biochemistry laboratory teaching together with a complete experimental experience from protein purification and characterization to advanced analytical techniques. It has modules to help instructors present the techniques used in a time critical manner as well as several modules to study protein chemistry including gel techniques enzymology crystal growth unfolding studies and fluorescence. It proceeds from the simplest and most important techniques to the most difficult and specialized ones. It offers instructors experiments that are easy to prepare and execute at comparatively low cost. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138589964

Biochemistry of Women MethodsFor Clinical Investigation This book is written by experts who using the latest techniques describe laboratory investigations into women from conception to the grave. We asked the authors tp pay particular attention to the interpretation of laboratory results so we hope the book will be of interest to clinicians as well as to medical scientists. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891088

Biochemistry of WomenClinical Concepts This book concerns the clinical chemistry of women � from conception to the grave. It concerns their medical problems and the laboratories� role in elucidating these and in monitoring treatment. The book represents the current �state of the art� and although in many areas there are sometimes widely divergent opinions it is good that these should be aired so that problem areas can be revealed and opinions revised when further experimental work is done as a consequence. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891071

BiochemistryAn Organic Chemistry Approach “There is a continuing demand for up to date organic & bio-organic chemistry undergraduate textbooks. This well planned text builds upon a successful existing work and adds content relevant to biomolecules and biological activity”. -Professor Philip Page Emeritus Professor School of Chemistry University of East Anglia UK “Introduces the key concepts of organic chemistry in a succinct and clear way”. -Andre Cobb KCL UK Reactions in biochemistry can be explained by an understanding of fundamental organic chemistry principles and reactions. This paradigm is extended to biochemical principles and to myriad biomolecules. Biochemistry: An Organic Chemistry Approach provides a framework for understanding various topics of biochemistry including the chemical behavior of biomolecules enzyme activity and more. It goes beyond mere memorization. Using several techniques to develop a relational understanding including homework this text helps students fully grasp and better correlate the essential organic chemistry concepts with those concepts at the root of biochemistry. The goal is to better understand the fundamental principles of biochemistry. Features: Presents a review chapter of fundamental organic chemistry principles and reactions. Presents and explains the fundamental principles of biochemistry using principles and common reactions of organic chemistry. Discusses enzymes proteins fatty acids lipids vitamins hormones nucleic acids and other biomolecules by comparing and contrasting them with the organic chemistry reactions that constitute the foundation of these classes of biomolecules. Discusses the organic synthesis and reactions of amino acids carbohydrates nucleic acids and other biomolecules. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780815366454

Biochemists' Song Book This songbook presents information on biochemical pathways set to well-known songs providing students with an easy way to remember often complicated information. The songs should also serve as end-of-term review material. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138406957

BiochromatographyTheory and Practice The field of bioseparation and biochromatography in particular is advancing very rapidly as our knowledge of the properties of molecules and atomic forces increases. This volume covers the basic principles of biochromatography in detail. It assesses different techniques and includes a large number of applications providing the reader with a multidisciplinary perspective that gives the insight to master the many chromatographic methods. Biochromatography: Theory and Practice is a valuable tool for graduate and research scientists technicians engineers and teachers in a range of fields including biochemistry biotechnology biorecognition and chromatography. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367455033

Bioclimatic Double-Skin Façades Visually enriched with over 250 photographs and drawings Bioclimatic Double-Skin Façades is an essential reference guide for understanding the types and functions of double-skin façades. Author Mary Ben Bonham examines the history and continuing potential of double-skin architecture informing on the variety of approaches possible and advising a rigorous integrated design process leading to application. Featuring a wide selection of architectural examples the book will be of interest to professionals and students within the fields of architecture engineering and construction. Characterized by a buffer-like air space between two glazed building skins double-skin windows and façades aim to improve building comfort and energy performance. Double skins introduce complexity and initial costs yet significant buildings in locations around the globe continue to select this approach. In addition to exploring motivations benefits and cautions for designing with double skins the book provides a primer on fundamental façade design concepts and strategies for control of thermal luminous and acoustic environments. Chapters also address alternative types of high-performance façades and implications for each phase of façade design and construction. Bioclimatic Double-Skin Façades promotes bioclimatic design that is inspired by nature measured in performance and uniquely adapted to climate and place. In-depth case studies illustrate how double-skin façades have been adapted to a range of climates and cultural settings: Marseille Library and Grenoble Courthouse in France Cambridge Public Library in Massachusetts Manitoba Hydro Place in Canada and the Pearl River Tower in China. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415842150

Bioclimatic HousingInnovative Designs for Warm Climates In the search for sustainable architecture there is growing interest in the relationship between nature and design. In this vital new book the termbioclimatic relating to the dynamic between climate and living organisms is applied by the authors in focusing on countries where housing requires cooling for a significant part of the year. In this context Bioclimatic Housing covers creative vernacular architecture to present both the theory and practice of innovative low-energy architecture. The book interweaves the themes of social progress technological fixes and industry transformation within a discussion of global and country trends climate types solutions and technologies. Prepared under the auspices of a 5-year International Energy Agency (IEA) project and with case studies from Iran Malaysia Australia Japan Sri Lanka and Italy this is a truly international and authoritative work providing an essential primer for building designers builders developers and advanced students in architecture and engineering. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138173682

Bio-Climatology for Built Environment Indoor climate is determined by rational lighting heating cooling and ventilating systems. For occupants' well-being it should be consistent with how regional outdoor climate works in the flow of radiation via four paths of heat transfer: radiation; convection; conduction; and evaporation. This book starts with the relationship between the human body and its immediate environmental space followed by a brief introduction of passive and active systems for indoor climate conditioning. The nature of light and heat is discussed with a focus on building envelope systems such as walls and windows and then examined from the viewpoint of thermodynamics and human-biology. Some examples are given to enable a better understanding of luminous and thermal characteristics of our most immediate environment particularly for those professionally involved in environmental planning designing and engineering to know about bio-climatic design principle. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498727297

Biocomposites and Hybrid Biomaterials of Calcium Orthophosphates with Polymers This title gives an overview of composites and biocomposites. It discusses the history of CaPO4/ /polymer biocomposites and hybrid biomaterials as well as analyzing the latest developments in the field. It also covers bioactivity and biodegradation of CaPO4-based biomaterials. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138343108

BiocompositesBiomedical and Environmental Applications Biocomposites formed by a matrix and a reinforcement of natural fibers often mimic the structure of living materials and offer the strength of the matrix as well as biocompatibility. Being renewable cheap recyclable and biodegradable they have witnessed rapidly growing interest in terms of industrial and fundamental applications. This book focuses on fiber-based composites applied to biomedical and environmental applications. It presents a comprehensive survey of biocomposites from the existing literature paying particular attention to various biomedical and environmental applications. The text describes mechanical designs and manufacturing aspects of various fibrous polymer matrix composites and presents examples of the synthesis and development of bionanocomposites and their applications. The book is the first of its kind to present all these topics together unlike most other books on nano-/biocomposites that are generally limited to their fundamentals different methods of synthesis and applications. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814774383

Biocontrol Of Plant Diseases First Published in 1988 this set offers a comprehensive insight into controlling diseases in plants. Carefully compiled and filled with a vast repertoire of notes diagrams and references this book serves as a useful reference for biologists horticulturalists other practitioners in their respective fields. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367262730

Biocontrol Of Plant Diseases First Published in 1988 this set offers a comprehensive insight into controlling diseases in plants. Carefully compiled and filled with a vast repertoire of notes diagrams and references this book serves as a useful reference for biologists horticulturalists other practitioners in their respective fields. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367262815

Biocontrol of Plant Diseases by Bacillus subtilisBasic and Practical Applications Plant diseases are a serious threat to food production. This unique volume provides the fundamental knowledge and practical use of B.subtilis as a promising biocontrol agent. In order to replace chemical pesticides one possibility is microbial pesticides using safe microbes. Bacillus subtilis is one of several candidates. Screening of the bacterium the application of plant tests clarification of its suppressive mechanism to plant pathogens and engineering aspects of suppressive peptides production are presented here. The author illustrates how B. subtilis is far more advantageous than for example Pseudomonas in biocontrol and can be considered as an useful candidate. Features: Bacterium B. subtilis suppresses many plant pathogens and is a biocontrol agent to replace chemical pesticides The book presents the bacterium's suppressive mechanism to plant pathogens and engineering aspects of suppressive peptides production Biological control of plant disease plays an important role in sustainable agricultural production practices and is expected to replace agricultural chemicals Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367136109

BiocracyPublic Policy And The Life Sciences This book shows how biology is affecting popular beliefs and behaviors and is therefore becoming a force in public policy. It helps the reader see the presence of this force in today's world and realize why the influence cannot be suppressed and must rather be understood. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367163716

Biocultural Diversity ConservationA Global Sourcebook The field of biocultural diversity is emerging as a dynamic integrative approach to understanding the links between nature and culture and the interrelationships between humans and the environment at scales from the global to the local. Its multifaceted contributions have ranged from theoretical elaborations to mappings of the overlapping distributions of biological and cultural diversity to the development of indicators as tools to measure assess and monitor the state and trends of biocultural diversity to on-the-ground implementation in field projects. This book is a unique compendium and analysis of projects from all around the world that take an integrated biocultural approach to sustaining cultures and biodiversity. The 45 projects reviewed exemplify a new focus in conservation: this is based on the emerging realization that protecting and restoring biodiversity and maintaining and revitalizing cultural diversity and cultural vitality are intimately indeed inextricably interrelated. Published with Terralingua and IUCN Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781849774697

Biodata (Routledge Revivals)Biographical Indicators of Business Performance First published in 1993. This book is intended for managers and occupational psychologists involved in the selection and assessment of the workforce. It details the history and development of the use of biographical data for both recruitment and promotion of employees. Grounded in relevant research literature it offers a comprehensive analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of biodata in different contexts. It also includes examples of applications and recommendations for use as well as examples of questionnaires. Written by experts it represents a wide-ranging review of the contemporary research in the field. This work will be of interest to students of business and psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138644977

Biodefense Research Methodology and Animal Models Significant advances have been made in animal model development for biological research since the publication of the first edition of this volume and the ramifications of the FDA’s Animal Efficacy Rule have become better understood in the scientific community. With each chapter completely updated with the latest research findings Biodefense Research Methodology and Animal Models Second Edition spans the spectrum of coverage from basic research to advanced development of medical countermeasures.Topics discussed in this volume include:A history of biological agents as weapons from the use of corpses to contaminate water supplies to modern day anthrax attacksConcepts and strategies involved in biowarfare and bioterrorismThe development validation and importance of animal models in biodefense researchInfectious disease aerobiologyStudies involving anthrax glanders plague tularemia Q fever alphaviruses orthopoxviruses and a new chapter on brucellosisAnimal models for viral hemorrhagic feversBotulinum and Ricin toxinsStaphylococcal and streptococcal superantigensAs the scientific community works diligently to protect the world’s population from the misuse of infectious organisms and toxins it is imperative that researchers stay abreast of the latest techniques for biodefense research. Exploring in vivo and in vitro assays this volume brings researchers up to date on the latest information on bacterial and viral infectious agents and biological toxins considered to pose the greatest threats to public safety. In addition the contributors take a step toward minimizing the use of animals in further experiments by presenting documented findings that can be built upon. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367381677

Biodegradable Polymeric NanocompositesAdvances in Biomedical Applications How Can Polymers Constructed From Living Organisms Help Eliminate the Disposal Issue? A unique category of materials called biodegradable polymers could help remedy a growing environmental concern. Biodegradable Polymeric Nanocomposites: Advances in Biomedical Applications considers the potential of biodegradable polymers for use in biomedical applications that include drug delivery biosensors and tissue engineering. Since biomaterials perform on a time-limited function and are designed to disappear from the body after use the development of biopolymers could greatly reduce and eliminate the need for plastic products most specifically those used in biomedical applications. Highlights Biomaterials and the Design and Application of Biomaterials Utilizing expert research contributors from around the world this book considers the benefits and limitations of a variety of biomaterials such as biopolymers ceramics biodegradable nanocomposites and natural products–based biomaterials. It explores the bio-nano-interface; the interaction between nanoparticles and biomaterials explains the basic concepts and methods of biodegradable nanocomposites (BNCs) and highlights recent developments in polymer-based bionanocomposites. The book provides an overview of degradation properties and the mechanical properties of biodegradable polymers. It also breaks down the mechanical properties and biocompatibility of starch-based polymers and outlines distinct advantages (biodegradability and nontoxicity) that make them suitable as medical polymer materials. In addition it highlights the FDA-approved biodegradable polyester family and focuses on the state-of-the-art recent advancements in drug-delivery devices. Biodegradable Polymeric Nanocomposites: Advances in Biomedical Applications provides current knowledge on biopolymers examines recent developments and trends and considers future applications of polymers. Featuring the work of highly-qualified international researchers this book addresses applications relevant to polymer and material science as well as material biomedical and chemical engineering and is of specific interest to polymer science engineers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482260519

Biodegradation and Detoxification of Environmental Pollutants The basic objective of the book is to define and review the recent advances in our understand on the biological mechanisms in the biodegradation and detoxification of various environmental pollutants. The book encompasses recent studies on the mode of detoxication of such mercurial compounds by various microorganisms Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891101

Biodegradation and Durability of Materials under the Effect of Microorganisms This volume in the book series New Concepts in Polymer Science deals with the damaging effects which microorganisms such as bacteria fungi etc. can have on a range of materials in machinery. The book aims to provide theoretical notions about the mechanisms of material damaging by microorganisms under operation conditions as well as to give recommendations for protection of technical articles and machinery.This monograph consists of the following topics: finding of kinetic regularities analytical models and quantitative indices for stages material biodamaging; study of influence of properties of materials features of microorganisms temperature humidity and other factors on interaction between a material and a biodestructor; and compilation of guidelines to determine and forecast biological resistance (bioresistance) of materials development of means and methods for their protection as well as estimates of their efficiency.This monograph will be of value and interest to researchers and engineers working in fields in which materials are subject to active microbiological aging and destruction. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367446659

Biodegradation of Nitroaromatic Compounds and Explosives Filled with practical applications and research Biodegradation of Nitroaromatic Compounds and Explosives presents an international perspective on environmental contamination from explosives. It covers biodegradation strategies for DNT and a wide variety of other nitroaromatic compounds of environmental significance and makes the information accessible to practicing environmental and chemical engineers. Biodegradation of Nitroaromatic Compounds and Explosives gives you a synthesis of ongoing research and an appreciation of the remarkable range of biochemical strategies available for the transformation of nitroaromatic compounds. It provides a realistic assessment of the current and potential field applications of the various strategies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367398491

Biodental Engineering II Dentistry is a branch of medicine with its own peculiarities and very diverse areas of action which means that it can be considered as an interdisciplinary field. BIODENTAL ENGINEERING II contains the full papers presented at the 2nd International Conference on Biodental Engineering (BioDENTAL 2012 Porto Portugal 7-8 December 2012). The contributions from 8 countries provide a comprehensive multi-disciplinary coverage of the state-of-the-art in biodental engineering and include the following subjects: • Aesthetics • Bioengineering • Biomaterials • Biomechanical disorders • Biomedical devices • Computational bio-imaging and visualization • Computational methods • Dental medicine • Experimental mechanics • Signal processing and analysis • Implantology • Minimally invasive devices and techniques • Orthodontics • Prosthesis and orthosis • Simulation • Software development • Telemedicine • Tissue engineering • Virtual reality BIODENTAL ENGINEERING II intends to cover recent advances in new techniques and technologies and will be of interest to academics and others interested in biodental engineering. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138001312

Biodental Engineering III Dentistry is a branch of medicine with its own peculiarities and very diverse areas of action which means that it can be considered as an interdisciplinary field. Currently the use of new techniques and technologies receives much attention. Biodental Engineering III contains contributions from 13 countries which were presented at BIODENTAL 2014 the 3rd International Conference on Biodental Engineering (Póvoa do Varzim Portugal 22-23 June 2014). They provide a comprehensive coverage of the state-of-the art in this area and address issues on a wide range of topics: – Aesthetics – Bioengineering – Biomaterials – Biomechanical disorders – Biomedical devices – Computational bio- imaging and visualization – Computational methods – Dental medicine – Experimental mechanics – Signal processing and analysis – Implantology – Minimally invasive devices and techniques – Orthodontics – Prosthesis and orthosis – Simulation – Software development – Telemedicine – Tissue engineering – Virtual reality Biodental Engineering III will be of interest to academics and others interested and/or involved in biodental engineering. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138026711

Biodental Engineering IVProceedings of the IV International Conference on Biodental Engineering June 21-23 2016 Porto Portugal Since dentistry is a branch of medicine with its own peculiarities and very diverse areas of action it can be considered as an interdisciplinary field. BIODENTAL ENGINEERING IV contains the full papers presented at the 4th International Conference on Biodental Engineering (BIODENTAL 2016 Vila Nova de Famalicão Portugal 21—23 June 2016) and covers the use of new techniques and technologies in dentistry. The contributions provide a comprehensive coverage of the state-of-the art in this area and addresses the following topics: • Aesthetics• Bioengineering• Biomaterials• Biomechanical disorders• Biomedical devices• Computational bio- imaging and visualization• Computational methods• Dental medicine• Experimental mechanics• Signal processing and analysis• Implantology• Minimally invasive devices and techniques• Orthodontics• Prosthesis and orthosis• Simulation• Software development• Telemedicine• Tissue engineering• Virtual reality BIODENTAL ENGINEERING IV will be of interest to academics and professionals involved or interested in dentistry biomechanical disorders numerical simulation orthodontics implantology aesthetics dental medicine medical devices and medical imaging. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138057371

Biodental Engineering VProceedings of the 5th International Conference on Biodental Engineering (BIODENTAL 2018) June 22-23 2018 Porto Portugal Dentistry is a branch of medicine with its own particularities and very different fields of action and is generally regarded as an interdisciplinary field. The use of new technologies is currently the main driving force for the series of international conferences on Biodental Engineering (BIODENTAL). BIODENTAL ENGINEERING V contains the full papers presented at the 5th International Conference on Biodental Engineering (BIODENTAL 2018 Porto Portugal 22-23 June 2018). The conference had two workshops one of them dealing with computational imaging combined with finite element method the other dealing with bone tissue remodelling models. Additionally the conference had three special sessions and sixty contributed presentations. The topics discussed in BIODENTAL ENGINEERING V include: AestheticsBioengineeringBiomaterialsBiomechanical disordersBiomedical devicesComputational bio- imaging and visualizationComputational methodsDental medicineExperimental mechanicsSignal processing and analysisImplantologyMinimally invasive devices and techniquesOrthodonticsProsthesis and orthosisSimulationSoftware developmentTelemedicineTissue engineeringVirtual reality The purpose of the series of BIODENTAL Conferences on Biodental Engineering initiated in 2009 is to perpetuate knowledge on bioengineering applied to dentistry by promoting a comprehensive forum for discussion on recent advances in related fields in order to identify potential collaboration between researchers and end-users from different sciences. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367210878

Biodeterioration of Concrete Awareness of the importance of ensuring durability of concrete has been a growing concern of engineers and there is now considerable understanding of the mechanisms which cause its deterioration and means of limiting such damage through the use of appropriate materials and approaches to design. Many of the deterioration mechanisms which affect concrete are the result of interaction with the non-living environment – chlorides in seawater carbon dioxide in the atmosphere cyclic freezing and thawing. However living organisms can also cause damage – through both chemical and physical processes - which under the right conditions can be severe. This book looks at all forms of concrete biodeterioration together for the first time. It examines from a fundamental starting point biodeterioration mechanisms as well as the conditions which allow living organisms (bacteria fungi plants and a range of marine organisms) to colonise concrete. A detailed evaluation of chemical compounds produced by living organisms with respect to their interaction with the mineral constituents of concrete and the implications it has for the integrity of structures is also included. Approaches to avoiding biodeterioration of concrete are also covered including selection of materials mix proportioning design and use of protective systems. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498709224

Biodiversity Access and Benefit-SharingGlobal Case Studies The Nagoya Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is rapidly receiving signatures and ratifications. Many countries are preparing to implement the protocol through national research permit systems and/or biodiversity laws. Yet there is still considerable confusion about how to implement the Protocol regarding access and benefit-sharing (ABS) procedures and minimal experience in many countries. This book seeks to remedy this gap in understanding by analysing a number of ABS case studies in light of the Nagoya Protocol. The case studies are wide-ranging with examples of plants for medicinal cosmetic biotech and food products from or for development in Australia North Africa Madagascar Switzerland Thailand USA and Oceania. These will encourage countries to develop national systems which maximise their benefits (both monetary and non-monetary) towards conservation and support for local communities that hold traditional knowledge. In addition the author analyses new expectations raised by the Nagoya Protocol such as the encouragement of the development of community protocols by indigenous and local communities. As a result stakeholders and policy-makers will be able to learn the steps involved in establishing ABS agreements issues that arise between stakeholders and the types of benefits that might be realistic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138304529

Biodiversity Conservation and Environmental Management in the Great Lakes Basin The Great Lakes Basin in North America holds more than 20 percent of the world's fresh water. Threats to habitats and biodiversity have economic political national security and cultural implications and ramifications that cross the US-Canadian border. This multidisciplinary book presents the latest research to demonstrate the interconnected nature of the challenges facing the Basin. Chapters by U.S. and Canadian scholars and practitioners represent a wide range of natural science and social science fields including environmental sciences geography political science natural resources mass communications environmental history and communication public health and economics. The book covers threats from invasive species industrial development climate change agricultural and chemical runoff species extinction habitat restoration environmental disease indigenous conservation efforts citizen engagement environmental regulation and pollution.Overall the book provides political cultural economic scientific and social contexts for recognizing and addressing the environmental challenges faced by the Great Lakes Basin. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367376994

Biodiversity Food and NutritionA New Agenda for Sustainable Food Systems This book examines the challenges and impacts of poor diets and nutrition from current food systems and the potential contribution of biodiversity and ecosystem services in addressing these problems. There is a strong need for a multi-level cross-sectoral approach that connects food biodiversity conservation and sustainable use to address critical problems in our current food systems including malnutrition. Building on research from the Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition Project (BFN) which aims to better link biodiversity diets and nutrition the book presents a multi-country cross-sectoral analysis of initiatives that have promoted local food biodiversity in four countries: Brazil Kenya Turkey and Sri Lanka. This book offers a comprehensive summary of the BFN Project results in each of the four countries along with lessons learned and how this work could be upscaled or applied in other regions. It argues that the strategic promotion and use of food biodiversity is critical in uniting attempts to address conservation nutrition and livelihood concerns. The book is structured around chapters and case studies encompassing the BFN Project with specific experiences related by partners who played key roles in the work being done in each country. By offering a comparative view capable of furthering dialogue between the respective countries it is also meant to connect the individual cases for a “greater than the sum of its parts†effect. This means consideration of how localized activities can be adapted to more countries and regions. Therefore the book addresses global issues with a foot planted firmly in the grounded case study locations. This book will be of great interest to policymakers practitioners and NGOs working on food and nutrition as well as students and scholars of agriculture food systems and sustainable development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367141516

Biodiversity Genetic Resources and Intellectual PropertyDevelopments in Access and Benefit Sharing Debates about Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) have moved on in recent years. An initial focus on the legal obligations established by international agreements like the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity and the form of obligations for collecting physical biological materials have now moved to a far more complex series of disputes and challenges about the ways ABS should be implemented and enforced: repatriation of resources technology transfer traditional knowledge and cultural expressions; open access to information and knowledge naming conventions farmers’ rights new schemes for accessing pandemic viruses and sharing DNA sequences and so on. Unfortunately most of this debate is now crystallised into apparently intractable discussions such as implementing the certificates of origin recognising traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expression as a form of intellectual property and sovereignty for Indigenous peoples. Not everything in this new marketplace of ABS has been created de novo. Like most new entrants ABS has disrupted existing legal and governance arrangements. This collection of chapters examines what is new what has been changed and what might be changed in response to the growing acceptance and prevalence of ABS of genetic resources. Biodiversity Genetic Resources and Intellectual Property: Developments in Access and Benefit Sharing of Genetic Resources addresses current issues arising from recent developments in the enduring and topical debates about managing genetic resources through the ABS regime. The book explores key historical doctrinal and theoretical issues in the field at the same time developing new ideas and perspectives around ABS. It shows the latest state of knowledge and will be of interest to researchers academics policymakers and students in the fields of intellectual property governance biodiversity and conservation sustainable development and agriculture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367592172

Biodiversity and ConservationCharacterization and Utilization of Plants Microbes and Natural Resources for Sustainable Development and Ecos This volume provides an enlightening and pragmatic approach to preserving biological diversity by gathering a wide range of peer-reviewed scientific content from biodiversity researchers and conservators from around the world. It brings comprehensive knowledge and information on the present status of conservation of biological diversity including floral faunal and microbial diversity. A detailed account of recent trends in conservation and applications under changing climate conditions focusing mainly on agriculturally and industrially important microbes and their sustainable utilization is presented as well. Over the past five decades extensive research work has been done on many aspects of biodiversity conservation and sustainable utilization of biological resources. This book examines this crucial issue. Chapters discuss biodiversity concepts benefits and values for economic and sustainable development; explores applications and strategies for biodiversity preservation; and considers the role of biodiversity conservation in public awareness services and cultural significance. The volume also examines the process of evolution and the future of biodiversity in conjunction with climate change factors with special reference to infectious diseases. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771887489

Biodiversity and Ecological EconomicsParticipatory Approaches to Resource Management It is vital that we adopt interdisciplinary approaches such as ecological economics to gain an understanding of the values that determine human interaction with and use and abuse of the environment. This book is a model of applied ecological economics. It presents an accessible introduction to the subject while at the same time broadening its theoretical basis by introducing a post-positivist participatory method. The theoretical framework is applied to case studies in biodiversity conservation drawn from around the world and a range of different ecosystems. The book is a suitable textbook for students of ecological economics and an ideal introduction for scientists and environmentalists needing to understand the role of economics in ecology and conservation. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315096308

Biodiversity and Ecosystem InsecurityA Planet in Peril Biodiversity and Ecosystem Insecurity provides an authoritative and comprehensive assessment of the threats presented to human security and well-being by the loss of ecosystems and biodiversity recently confirmed as one of the critical 'planetary boundaries' that has already been exceeded. Contributors examine the current trends and state of biodiversity globally the drivers of biodiversity loss including climate change and economic and population pressures and the mechanisms and policies needed for conserving and restoring biodiversity in the future. Strong emphasis is placed throughout on the fundamental importance of placing a realistic economic value on nature and the services that ecosystems provide if we are to manage our natural resources successfully; and also on the crucial role of international institutions and government policies achieving this goal. As the recent high-profile meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Nagoya Japan underlined the scale and pace of the destruction of natural habitats and species imperil us all. This volume is an invaluable resource for conservationists students and those in the private and public sectors concerned to redress the damage being done to the natural world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781849712200

Biodiversity and Pest Management in Agroecosystems Explore the latest research on biological control! Completely updated for 2004 this new edition examines methods for making agricultural systems less susceptible to insect pests. Containing new findings and reports of strategies Biodiversity and Pest Management in Agroecosystems Second Edition will show you how pests can be managed by enhancing beneficial biodiversity using agroecological diversification methods. Biodiversity and Pest Management in Agroecosystems Second Edition provides you with an essential overview of the role of biodiversity in agriculture and then gets specific with new and updated information on: the agroecology of pest management plant diversity and pest outbreaks within agroecosystems diversification strategies for pest management how sustainable farming systems are designed You'll also explore: the role of plant diversity on the biology of beneficial insects insect regulation in diverse agroecosystems manipulation of plant diversity in agroecosystems ecological and socioeconomic implications The fact is many modern agroecosystems are unstable as a consequence of constant human intervention in crop systems which ignore ecological principles. With case studies on a variety of crops and pests Biodiversity and Pest Management in Agroecosystems Second Edition explores entomological aspects of agriculture and analyzes the ecological basis for the maintenance of biodiversity. It will familiarize you with the theory and practice of enhancing biological pest control in agricultural systems by managing vegetational diversity via multiple cropping cover cropping rotations and other spatial and temporal designs. With studies on intercropping cover cropping weed management and crop-field border vegetation manipulation this book covers the effects of these diverse systems on pest population density and the mechanisms underlying pest reduction in polycultures. Make it a part of your reference/teaching collection today! Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315274034

Biodiversity and the LawIntellectual Property Biotechnology and Traditional Knowledge How do we promote global economic development while simultaneously preserving local biological and cultural diversity? This authoritative volume written by leading legal experts and biological and social scientists from around the world aims to address this question in all of its complexity. The first part of the book focuses on biodiversity and examines what we are losing why and what is to be done. The second part addresses biotechnology and looks at whether it is part of the solution or part of the problem or perhaps both. The third section examines traditional knowledge explains what it is and how if at all it should be protected. The fourth and final part looks at ethnobotany and bioprospecting and offers practical lessons from the vast and diverse experiences of the contributors. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781849770576

Biodiversity and the Precautionary PrincipleRisk Uncertainty and Practice in Conservation and Sustainable Use Great uncertainty typically surrounds decisions and management actions in the conservation of biodiversity and natural resource management and yet there are risks of serious and irreversible harm for both biodiversity and the humans that rely on it. The precautionary principle arguably underlies all international conservation efforts and promotes acting to avoid serious or irreversible environmental harm despite lack of scientific certainty as to the likelihood magnitude or cause of harm. This book is the first to examine the application of the precautionary principle to biodiversity conservation and natural resource management incorporating perspectives from scientists economists lawyers and practitioners from both developing and developed countries. It analyses the application and impacts of the principle in many areas including forestry invasive alien species wildlife trade protected areas and fisheries in a range of national and international contexts. Particular attention is drawn to issues of equity livelihoods science and politics and the book provides guidelines for applying the precautionary principle to biodiversity conservation and natural resource management. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781849770583

Biodiversity Conservation in Latin America and the CaribbeanPrioritizing Policies Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region is exceptionally biodiverse. It contains about half of the world’s remaining tropical forests nearly one-fifth of its coastal habitats and some of its most productive agricultural and marine areas. But agriculture fishing and other human activities linked to rapid population and economic growth increasingly threaten that biodiversity. Moreover poverty weak regulatory capacity and limited political will hamper conservation. Given this dilemma it is critically important to design conservation strategies on the basis of the best available information about both biodiversity and the track records of the various policies that have been used to protect it. This rigorously researched book has three key aims. It describes the status of biodiversity in LAC the main threats to this biodiversity and the drivers of these threats. It identifies the main policies being used to conserve biodiversity and assesses their effectiveness and potential for further implementation. It proposes five specific lines of practical action for conserving LAC biodiversity based on: green agriculture; strengthening terrestrial protected areas and co-management; improving environmental governance; strengthening coastal and marine resource management; and improving biodiversity data and policy evaluation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138095731

Biodiversity Conservation in Southeast AsiaChallenges in a Changing Environment Southeast Asia is highly diversified in terms of socio-ecosystems and biodiversity but is undergoing dramatic environmental and social changes. These changes characterize the recent period and can be illustrated by the effects of the Green Revolution in the late 1960s and 1970s to the globalization of trade and increasing agronomic intensification over the past decade. Biodiversity Conservation in Southeast Asia provides theoretical overviews and challenges for applied research in living resource management conservation ecology health ecology and conservation planning in Southeast Asia. Five key themes are addressed: origin and evolution of Southeast Asian biodiversity; challenges in conservation biology; ecosystem services and biodiversity; managing biodiversity and living resources; policy economics and governance of biodiversity. Detailed case studies are included from Thailand and the Lower Mekong Basin while other chapters address cross-cutting themes applicable to the whole Southeast Asia region. This is a valuable resource for academics and students in the areas of ecology conservation environmental policy and management Southeast Asian studies and sustainable development. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367335267

Biodiversity DatabasesTechniques Politics and Applications Computing and database management has shifted from cottage industry-style methods — the small independent researcher keeping records for a particular project — to state-of-the-art file storage systems presentation and distribution over the Internet. New and emerging techniques for recognition compilation and data management have made managing data a discipline in its own right. Covering all aspects of this data management Biodiversity Databases: Techniques Politics and Applications brings together input from social scientists programmers database designers and information specialists to delineate the political setting and give institutions platforms for the dissemination of taxonomic information. A practical and logical guide to complex issues the book explores the changes and challenges of the information age. It discusses projects developed to provide better access to all available biodiversity information. The chapters make the case for the need for representation of concepts in taxonomic databases. They explore issues involved in connecting databases with different user interfaces the technical demands of linking databases that are not entirely uniform in structure and the problems of user access and the control of data quality. The book highlights different approaches to addressing concerns associated with the taxonomic impediment and the low reproducibility of taxonomic data. It provides an in-depth examination of the challenge of making taxonomic information more widely available to users in the wider scientific community in government and the general population. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367389161

Biodiversity in the Green Economy In the past decade the growing realization that biodiversity and human wellbeing are inextricably linked has led to the adoption of numerous environmental policies. The concept of the Green Economy has gained particular attention as an economic system where growth is possible within environmental limits. The preservation of ecosystem services and the halt of biodiversity loss are identified as key pillars of the Green Economy. Despite the concept’s momentum there is still no clear understanding of how biodiversity fits within a Green Economy. In the current debate biodiversity is rarely acknowledged in economic sectors other than agriculture forestry fisheries and tourism and when it is acknowledged biodiversity and its conservation feature more as buzzwords than as concrete and tangible components of the Green Economy. This book aims to identify understand and offer pragmatic recommendations of how biodiversity conservation can become an agent of green economic development. This book establishes ways to assess biodiversity’s contributions to the economy and to meaningfully integrate biodiversity concerns in green-economy policies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138065932

BiodiversityLaw Policy and Governance Conservation of biodiversity is a fundamental concern towards securing a sustainable future. This volume argues that despite various domestic and international policies and legal frameworks on biodiversity conservation — be it forest wildlife marine coastal etc. — their implementation suffers from many deficiencies. It explores the factors that hinder effective implementation of these policies and frameworks. It also analyses existing laws both international and domestic to identify inherent problems in the existing legal system. The book maintains that careful adherence to established procedures and protocols public awareness filling the lacuna in legal framework and a strong political will are sine qua non for effective conservation of biodiversity and sustainable development. The volume defends the protection of traditional knowledge and participation of indigenous communities along with reinforcements of intellectual property in this regard. It also commends the role played by the Indian judiciary especially the Supreme Court of India and India’s National Green Tribunal for the preservation and enhancement of natural resources by applying established as also evolving principles of environmental law.This book will be useful to scholars and researchers of environmental studies development studies policy studies and law related to biodiversity and conservation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367886776

Biodivinity and BiodiversityThe Limits to Religious Environmentalism This book is concerned with the argument that religious traditions are inherently environmentally friendly. Yet in a developing country such as India the majority of people cannot afford to put the 'Earth first' regardless of the extent to which this idea can be supported by their religious traditions. Does this mean that the linking of religion and environmental concerns is a strategy more suited to contexts where people have a level of material security that enables them to think and act like environmentalists? This question is approached through a series of case studies from Britain and India. The book concludes that there is a tension between the 'romantic' ecological discourse common among many western activists and scholars and a more pragmatic approach which is often found in India. The adoption of environmental causes by the Hindu Right in India makes it difficult to distinguish genuine concern for the environment from the broader politics surrounding the idea of a Hindu rashtra (nation). This raises a further level of analysis which has not been provided in other studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138265158

Biodrug Delivery SystemsFundamentals Applications and Clinical Development Biodrug Delivery Systems: Fundamentals Applications and Clinical Development presents the work of an international group of leading experts in drug development and biopharmaceutical science who discuss the latest advances in biodrug delivery systems and associated techniques. The book discusses components of successful formulation delivery and production of biodrugs which include sophisticated plants and complex processes a well-trained and knowledgeable staff and proper quality control. In addition the authors examine: ADME (Absorption Metabolism Distribution and Elimination of biodrugs) Directing and influencing the successful development of currently marketed best-selling biodrugs Routes of administration Mechanisms of biodrug absorption Alternative possibilities for drug delivery routes Formulationson the market from the perspective of industry personnel involved in biodrug development Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138116795

Bioeffects and Therapeutic Applications of Electromagnetic Energy From cell phones to treating cancer EM energy plays a part in many of the innovations that we take for granted everyday. A basic force of nature like nuclear energy or gravity this energy can be harnessed and used but still holds the potential to be harmful. The question remains how safe are EM products? Bioeffects and Therapeutic Applications of Electromagnetic Energy provides a review of cutting-edge research in EM health effects and EM therapy along with emerging areas of bioengineering and biomedical engineering. The book allows you to · Understand the necessary EM theory in the context of its interaction with the human body · Review cutting-edge research on EM health effects and EM therapy · Explore techniques developed to ensure adequate EM and thermal dosimetry required for health effects and thermal therapy · Strengthen your understanding of the rapidly emerging areas of bioengineering and biomedical engineering Taking a transdisciplinary approach drawn from several intellectual streams that include physics epidemiology medicine environment risk assessment and various disciplines of engineering this book ventures into the conflicting studies to access research on bioeffects and therapeutic applications of EM energy. It is the only resource currently available that covers bioeffects and risk assessment of both extremely low frequency (ELF) fields and radiofrequency radiation (RFR) along with the recent developments in thermal therapy and imaging techniques. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367388249

Bioelectromagnetic and Subtle Energy Medicine Bioelectromagnetic and Subtle Energy Medicine focuses on a wide variety of evidence-based bioelectromagnetic and subtle energy therapies for disorders ranging from cancer cardiomyopathy and Parkinson's disease to depression anxiety and pain. Since publication of the first edition more than a decade ago there have been so many advances in these and other diseases that a thorough revision is required for this resource to remain the gold standard in a burgeoning field. This second edition updates previous topics and features many new chapters describing novel approaches that promise to replace drugs or surgery because they are more effective and much safer such as rTMS for depression MRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound for bone and uterine tumors and TheraBionic LEET for liver cancer. Others discuss biological water (H3O2) that acts like a battery health benefits of Earthing malignant and other brain tumors from cell and cordless phones visualizing and measuring energy fields in humans and nature making sense of homeopathy and "memory of water " basic science support for acupuncture electrosensitivity ion cyclotron resonance the role of the pineal gland the health effects of solar storms and terrestrial influences and why Bioelectric Resonance Therapy bridges Chinese and Western medicine. This is only a sampling of the 50 chapters contributed by authorities from the United States Europe Scandinavia Russia China Japan and Iran. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781482233193

BioElectroMagneticsHuman Safety and Biomedical Applications This book is an educational resource of evolving scientific knowledge in the area of bioelectromagnetics that may serve the interests of students and decision-makers as well as society as a whole. It is distinguished by extensive descriptions of fundamental biophysical concepts and their relevance to human health. Reflecting the transdisciplinary approach from several different intellectual streams including physics biology epidemiology medicine environment risk science and engineering the book is quite a venture into the battling studies to assess the latest research on health effects and biomedical applications of EM energy. This new edition of the book particularly looks at the potential threats from the emerging 5G wireless networks which will deploy large numbers of low-powered smartphones notebooks tablets radio access networks and other transmitters.   Features Introduces necessary biophysical principles of EM fields in the context of their interaction with living systems. Strengthens understanding of cutting-edge research on several major areas in the broad area of bioelectromagnetics. Presents safety standards and guidelines for human exposure to EM fields. Discusses techniques that have been developed to ensure adequate EM-thermal dosimetry required for both health effects and biomedical applications. Provides insight into the determinants of EM health risk assessment and public concerns. Includes extensive reference list at the end of each chapter to enhance further study. Riadh Habash is a special appointment professor and McLaughlin Research Chair in Electromagnetic Fields and Health at the University of Ottawa Canada. He has been the recipient of many awards including the National Wighton Fellowship Award and has authored or co-authored over 90 research articles six books and five book chapters. His most recent books are Green Engineering in 2017 and Professional Practice in 2019 (CRC Press) with the remaining previous books targeting the area of bioelectromagnetics. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498779036

Bioenergetics Of Wild Herbivores Bioenergetics is an emerging discipline which offers a more profound understanding of the ecology behaviour and evolution of wild herbivores. Increasingly bioenergetic principles have been applied in management since they provide insight into population dynamics and are relevant to manipulation of habitats and assessment of the impacts of resource development. Growing interest in the agricultural potential of wild herbivores has provided further impetus. In spite of this promise there are few comprehensive syntheses of the concept and its application to wild herbivores. This volume attempts to fill this need. This book provides a great amount of detail but its expressive aim is to lead us to the whole animal to a herd to population as integral parts of an ecological entity which in turn is the result of evolutionary forces.The concept of this book promises the realization of an overdue change in the approach to bioenergetics to nutrition and husbandry and thus to the management of wild herbivores: the final emancipation from rules and views based primarily on domesticated herbivores or on experimental animals held under unnatural conditions necessarily impending them behaviourally physically and psychically. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891118

Bioenergy and Biofuels This book aims to inform readers about the recent developments in bioenergy and biofuels covering current issues from an interdisciplinary approach. It will also feature coverage of anticipated future trends related to each particular biofuel. Chapters will consist of original research presented by world class experts in their respective fields. A number of interdisciplinary areas will be incorporated such as Energy & Fuels Biotechology Genomics Economics Optimization Chemical Engineering Mechanical Engineering and Algae Science. Examples will relate to a matrix of biofuel and energy types such as bioethanol biobutanol and biomethane. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138032811

Bioenergy And Economic DevelopmentPlanning For Biomass Energy Programs In The Third World This book is a guide designed to help Third World planners to orient planning procedures for bioenergy projects in the context of a rational economic development strategy. It describes the characteristics of a wide variety of bioenergy crops and the relationship of bioenergy to national planning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367158071

Bioenergy And The Environment This book shows in detail that environmental consequences of very large increases in biomass utilization could be serious if they were carried out without proper management. It provides knowledge of adverse and beneficial effects that bioenergy systems have on the environment to energy planners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367165642

Bioenergy Crops for Ecosystem Health and Sustainability The growing of crops for bioenergy has been subject to much recent criticism as taking away land which could be used for food production or biodiversity conservation. This book challenges some commonly-held ideas about biofuels bioenergy and energy cropping particularly that energy crops pose an inherent threat to ecosystems which must be mitigated. The book recognises that certain energy crops (e.g. oil palm for biodiesel) have generated sustainability concerns but also asks the question "is there a better way?" of using energy crops to strategically enhance ecosystem functions. It draws on numerous case studies including where energy crops have had negative outcomes as well as well as cases where energy crops have produced benefits for ecosystem health such as soil and water protection from the cropping of willow and poplar in Europe and the use of mallee eucalypts to fight salinity in Western Australia. While exploring this central argument the volume also provides a systematic overview of the socio-economic sustainability issues surrounding bioenergy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367173227

Bioenergy for Sustainable Development and International CompetitivenessThe Role of Sugar Cane in Africa Growing concerns about the impacts of climate change and dependence on fossil fuels have intensified interest in bioenergy from sugar cane and other crops highlighting important links between energy environment and development goals. Sub-Saharan Africa is characterized by severe poverty; the possibility to exploit a renewable energy resource offers valuable avenues for sustainable development and could support a more dynamic and competitive economy. This book describes how the bioenergy expansion will improve rural livelihoods reduce costly energy imports reduce GHG emissions and offer new development paths. Drawing on international experience it is shown that harnessing this potential will require significant increases in investment technology transfer and international cooperation. Because of its high efficiency the authors argue that sugar cane should be viewed as a global resource for sustainable development and should command much greater focus and concerted policy action. Through an analysis of the agronomy land suitability and industrial processing of sugar cane and its co-products along with an assessment of the energy economic and environmental implications this volume demonstrates that sugar cane offers a competitive and environmentally beneficial resource for Africa's economic development and energy security. With forty-four authors representing thirty organisations in sixteen countries the book offers a truly international and interdisciplinary perspective by combining technical and economic principles with social political and environmental assessment and policy analysis. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138542297

Bioenergy Production by Anaerobic DigestionUsing Agricultural Biomass and Organic Wastes Interest in anaerobic digestion (AD) the process of energy production through the production of biogas has increased rapidly in recent years. Agricultural and other organic waste are important substrates that can be treated by AD. This book is one of the first to provide a broad introduction to anaerobic digestion and its potential to turn agricultural crops or crop residues animal and other organic waste into biomethane. The substrates used can include any non-woody materials including grass and maize silage seaweeds municipal and industrial wastes. These are all systematically reviewed in terms of their suitability from a biological technical and economic perspective. In the past the technical competence and high capital investment required for industrial-scale anaerobic digesters has limited their uptake but the authors show that recent advances have made smaller-scale systems more viable through a greater understanding of optimising bacterial metabolism and productivity. Broader issues such as life cycle assessment and energy policies to promote AD are also discussed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138364103

BioenergyOpportunities and Challenges Energy is one of the prime needs of the modern world and energy demands have been rapidly increasing in the recent years owing to rapid advancements in industrialization and population explosion. Conventional fossil fuels are being depleted at rapid rates and the use of conventional sources such as coal or nuclear sources cause several hazards to the environment. New sources of fuel such as bioenergy are an ideal option for fulfilling ever-increasing energy demands. This important book offers an exploration of these alternate fuel sources including biohydrogen microbial fuel cells bioethanol and biodiesel production focusing on the challenges and factors hindering the real-time application of these bioenergy sources. Researchers all over the world are working in this energy sector and this has led to drastic improvements in bioenergy research. However the technology gap between research and industrial application still exists. This important book offers engineers and technologists from different disciplines valuable information on this multifaceted field. The field of bioenergy is interdisciplinary requiring the knowledge of biologists chemists physicists and engineers. Exploring the current trends and future prospects for biofuels the information presented in this book will be valuable to the international industrial community for identifying new options to circumvent problems that exist in bioenergy applications. Topics include: • Thermophilic biohydrogen production • Bio-hydrogen production • Microbial fuel cells as a promising alternative energy source • Microbial fuel cell applications • Potential of Pscillatoria annae in producing bioethanol • Potential of lignocellulosic biofuels • Biodiesel production • Reactor designs for biodesel production • Long-term storage stability of Pongamia pinnata and Jatropha curcus biodiesel Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771881098

Bioengineered Nanomaterials Many varieties of new complex diseases are constantly being discovered which leaves scientists with little choice but to embrace innovative methods for controlling the invasion of life-threatening problems. The use of nanotechnology has given scientists an opportunity to create nanomaterials that could help medical professionals in diagnosing and treating problems quickly and effectively. Bioengineered Nanomaterials presents in-depth information on bioengineered nanomaterials currently being developed in leading research laboratories around the world. In particular the book focuses on nanomaterials for biomedical applications. This collection brings together novel methodologies and strategies adopted in the research and development of bioengineered nanomaterials and technology. Renowned international researchers discuss topics including: Nanoemulsions as a vaccine adjuvant Bioceramic nanomaterials in medical applications Natural and synthetic nanoporous membranes for cell encapsulation therapy Inorganic nanoparticle materials for the controlled release of drugs Nanomedicine in brain tumor treatment Nanoparticles for the treatment of solid tumors and metastasis Near-infrared-resonant gold nanoshells and carbon nanotubes in tumor imaging Toxicity testing and bioapplications of silver nanoparticles Innovative approaches to improve bioactive properties and molecular signaling in cells to stimulate bone repair The book is written for readers from diverse backgrounds across chemistry physics materials science and engineering medical science pharmacy biotechnology and biomedical engineering. It offers a comprehensive view of cutting-edge research on nanomaterials of biotechnological importance. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138076754

Bioengineering and Biophysical Aspects of Electromagnetic Fields Fourth Edition The two volumes of this new edition of the Handbook cover the basic biological medical physical and electrical engineering principles. They also include experimental results concerning how electric and magnetic fields affect biological systems—both as potential hazards to health and potential tools for medical treatment and scientific research. They also include material on the relationship between the science and the regulatory processes concerning human exposure to the fields. Like its predecessors this edition is intended to be useful as a reference book but also for introducing the reader to bioelectromagnetics or some of its aspects. FEATURES • New topics include coverage of electromagnetic effects in the terahertz region effects on plants and explicitly applying feedback concepts to the analysis of biological electromagnetic effects • Expanded coverage of electromagnetic brain stimulation characterization and modeling of epithelial wounds and recent lab experiments on at all frequencies • Section on background for setting standards and precautionary principle • Discussion of recent epidemiological laboratory and theoretical results; including: WHO IARC syntheses of epidemiological results on both high and low frequency fields IITRI lab study of cancer in mice exposed to cell phone-like radiation and other RF studies • All chapters updated by internationally acknowledged experts in the field Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138735309

Bioengineering in Reproductive Medicine First published in 1990: The book discusse the use of Biomedical engineering in Reproductive Medicine. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367244330

Bioengineering of the SkinMethods and Instrumentation Volume III Skin bioengineering is an expanding field of investigative and clinical dermatology. This guide describes all commercially available techniques and instruments. It provides a thorough overview of methods for noninvasive investigation of skin function. Commercially available instruments are reviewed and compared with updated references given for each instrument. This book offers a technical analysis of each instrument allowing investigators to understand its biophysical principles and to make better purchases of lab instruments. Addresses of manufacturers and worldwide distributors are included making this an essential reference source.Chapters are written by international experts. Topics include transepidermal water loss hydration the measurement of skin blood flow in Laser-Doppler flowetry sebum pH and ions and transcutaneous pO2 and pO2 measurements. Skin color roughness and elasticity are examined in detail. Skin imaging techniques capillaroscopy and fluorescence videomicroscopy are described. Instruments for surface microscopy of the skin are also discussed.Bioengineering of the Skin explains state-of-the-art techniques and is valuable reading for anyone who needs to stay abreast of the latest activities in this ever-changing field. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003068969

Bioengineering of the SkinSkin Biomechanics Volume V Since skin forms the interface between the human body and the environment its mechanical properties are important in health and disease. Bioengineering of the Skin: Skin Biomechanics gives a thorough introduction in the biological basis of skin biomechanics. It explains the non-invasive methods that allow measurement of the mechanical properties of the skin focusing on commercially available instruments. Written by internationally leading experts in the field of non-invasive measurement technology of the skin this volume describes the anatomy biochemistry physiology and pathology of skin biomechanics. It explains in detail how to measure skin mechanic properties and how to use these measurements in the development of drugs and cosmetics. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367396817

Bioequity – Property and the Human Body Recent scandals involving the use of human body parts have highlighted the need for legal clarification surrounding property law and the use of human tissue. This book advances the notion that the legal basis for dealing with this is already available in the law but has thus far neither been used nor discussed. Proposing an alternative approach to constructing entitlements in human tissue and resolving resulting property conflicts a new methodology is also advanced for abstracting different concepts within the debate which enables comparison and distinction between different cases of entitlement and retention. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138259942

Bioequivalence and Statistics in Clinical Pharmacology Maintaining a practical perspective Bioequivalence and Statistics in Clinical Pharmacology Second Edition explores statistics used in day-to-day clinical pharmacology work. The book is a starting point for those involved in such research and covers the methods needed to design analyze and interpret bioequivalence trials; explores when how and why these studies are performed as part of drug development; and demonstrates the methods using real world examples. Drawing on knowledge gained directly from working in the pharmaceutical industry the authors set the stage by describing the general role of statistics. Once the foundation of clinical pharmacology drug development regulatory applications and the design and analysis of bioequivalence trials are established  including recent regulatory changes in design and analysis and in particular sample-size adaptation they move on to related topics in clinical pharmacology involving the use of cross-over designs. These include but are not limited to safety studies in Phase I dose-response trials drug interaction trials food-effect and combination trials QTc and other pharmacodynamic equivalence trials proof-of-concept trials dose-proportionality trials and vaccines trials.  This second edition addresses several recent developments in the field including new chapters on adaptive bioequivalence studies scaled average bioequivalence testing and vaccine trials. Purposefully designed to be instantly applicable Bioequivalence and Statistics in Clinical Pharmacology Second Edition provides examples of SAS and R code so that the analyses described can be immediately implemented. The authors have made extensive use of the proc mixed procedures available in SAS. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781466585201

Bioethanol and Natural ResourcesSubstrates Chemistry and Engineered Systems Bioethanol and Natural Resources: Substrates Chemistry and Engineered Systems provides a comprehensive review of feedstocks physiochemical and biological pretreatments molecular substrates cellulolytic and ligninolytic enzymes and advanced technologies for producing bioethanol.Although this book provides a review of first-generation bioethanol feedstocks chemistry and processes there is an emphasis on second-generation "cellulosic" ethanol production. With rapid advances in biofuels technologies and the continued global dependency on unsustainable extraction of fossil fuels this text is timely. Although it is intended to be used as a supplemental text for advanced undergraduate or graduate level courses the book is accessible to a non-academic audience. This book provides a unique opportunity to understand bioethanol production from the basic concepts and processes to the most cutting-edge technologies under development. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367572655

Bioethics Genetics and Sport Advances in genetics and related biotechnologies are having a profound effect on sport raising important ethical questions about the limits and possibilities of the human body. Drawing on real case studies and grounded in rigorous scientific evidence this book offers an ethical critique of current practices and explores the intersection of genetics ethics and sport. Written by two of the world's leading authorities on the ethics of biotechnology in sport the book addresses the philosophical implications of the latest scientific developments and technological data. Distinguishing fact from popular myth and science fiction it covers key topics such as the genetic basis of sport performance and the role of genetic testing in talent identification and development. Its ten chapters discuss current debates surrounding issues such as the shifting relationship between genetics sports medicine and sports science gene enhancement gene transfer technology doping and disability sport. The first book to be published on this important subject in more than a decade this is fascinating reading for anyone with an interest in the ethics of sport bioethics or sport performance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138892248

Bioethics Public Moral Argument and Social Responsibility Bioethics Public Moral Argument and Social Responsibility explores the role of democratically oriented argument in promoting public understanding and discussion of the benefits and burdens of biotechnological progress. The contributors examine moral and policy controversies surrounding biomedical technologies and their place in American society beginning with an examination of discourse and moral authority in democracy and addressing a set of issues that include: dignity in health care; the social responsibilities of scientists journalists and scholars; and the language of genetics and moral responsibility. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138788664

Bioethics from a Faith PerspectiveEthics in Health Care for the Twenty-First Century Discover the spiritual community's position on bioethics issues!Bioethics from a Faith Perspective: Ethics in Health Care for the Twenty-First Century offers a meaningful rational faith-oriented framework for deciding how to deal with important biomedical health care issues. Organ donation managed care the Human Genome Project and medical technology that keeps people alive beyond their “natural” life span are some of the topics it illuminates through case analysis and resolution. Since almost all textbooks in bioethics omit the religious dimension of life (even though the field was inspired and stimulated by religious scholars at Princeton and Yale) this is an indispensable volume.While most people state their moral positions from the background of their religious traditions many have not had the opportunity to study the relation between their faith perspectives and the difficult issues that arise in the pursuit of health care. This book shows the relevance significance and guidance that a faith perspective can offer for dealing with bioethical issues.This unique and thoughtful book: shows you how to distinguish and describe the relation between technical and ethical aspects of health-related issues provides you with a framework of moral principles theories values and faith viewpoints teaches you the defining characteristics of a moral professional-client relationship related to faith helps you to discern when medical ethics and faith commitments are therapeutic and when they are not gives examples describing a moral problem a faith perspective and a justified position on that problemSince bioethics has been an amazing story of growth from the 1950s to the present day and is still expanding there will be changes. Bioethics from a Faith Perspective stimulates that expansion by including the religious dimension. It is the perfect supplement to the existing literature on the subject. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203725368

Bioethics: The Basics Bioethics: The Basics is an introduction to the foundational principles theories and issues in the study of medical and biological ethics. Readers are introduced to bioethics from the ground up before being invited to consider some of the most controversial but important questions facing us today. Topics addressed include: the range of moral theories underpinning bioethics arguments for the rights and wrongs of abortion euthanasia and animal research health care ethics including the nature of the practitioner-patient relationship public policy ethics and the implications of global and public health ‘3 parents’ enhancement incidental findings and nudge approaches in health care. This thoroughly revised second edition provides a concise readable and authoritative introduction for anyone interested in the study of bioethics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415790314

BioethicsA Contemporary Introduction NO_DESCRIPTION_AVAILABLE_FOR_THIS_PRODUCT Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138795945

BioethicsMethods Theories Domains This book is a philosophically-oriented introduction to bioethics. It offers the reader an overview of key debates in bioethics relevant to various areas including; organ retrieval stem cell research justice in healthcare and issues in environmental ethics including issues surrounding food and agriculture. The book also seeks to go beyond simply describing the issues in order to provide the reader with the methodological and theoretical tools for a more comprehensive understanding of current bioethical debates. The aim of the book is to present bioethics as an interdisciplinary field to explore its close relation to other disciplines (such as law life sciences theology and philosophy) and to discuss the conditions under which bioethics can serve as an academically legitimate discipline that is at the same time relevant to society. As a systematic and methodologically rigorous overview Bioethics: Methods Theories and Principles will be of particular interest to academics and students in the disciplines of Law Medicine Ethics and Philosophy. 'This is a book that embraces neither a single ethical theory nor a pragmatic melange of just-so-principles. It is a thoughtful and engaging analysis of diverse theoretical foundations in Bioethics. It is also an enormous step towards conceptual and philosophical clarity in this fascinating area.' - Professor Christian Illies Chair for Practical Philosophy at the Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg Germany Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138789937

BiofeedbackA Practitioner's Guide This comprehensive volume is widely regarded as the definitive practitioner resource and text in the field of biofeedback and applied psychophysiology. Leading experts cover basic concepts assessment instrumentation clinical procedures and professional issues. Chapters describe how traditional and cutting-edge methods are applied in treatment of a wide range of disorders including headaches temporomandibular disorders essential hypertension pelvic floor disorders attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder tinnitus and others. Applications for optimizing physical performance among artists and athletes are also reviewed. A wealth of information and empirical research is presented in an accessible style including helpful glossaries. New to This Edition *Incorporates significant technological developments and new research areas. *Expanded focus on specialized applications such as electroencephalographic (EEG) biofeedback/neurofeedback and heart rate variability biofeedback. *Chapters on surface electromyography quantitative EEG and consumer products. *Chapters on cognitive-behavioral therapy and relaxation training. *Chapters on additional clinical problems: anxiety disorders asthma work-related pain traumatic brain injury autism spectrum disorders and substance use disorders. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462531943

Biofertilizers and Biopesticides in Sustainable Agriculture This new volume Biofertilizers and Biopesticides in Sustainable Agriculture presents strategies for the management of soil and crop diseases. Microbes have attracted worldwide attention due to their role in disease management and remediation of polluted soils. Taking a sustainable approach this book explores the means of integrating various microbial management approaches to achieve the desired levels of crop yield under both conventional soils and neglected soils through the use of biopesticides and other botanicals as well as biomolecules. This book also presents a broad and updated view of molecular nitrogen fixation and phosphate-solubilizing and sulfur-transforming microbes for nutrition of crops in relation to the role of metal tolerant microbes in providing protection to plants grown in metal-contaminated soils. The preparation and application of biofertilizers utilization of household waste materials and use of genetically modified microorganisms (GMOs) in plant growth and development are also well discussed in the volume. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771887939

Biofictional Histories Mutations and Forms Biofiction defined as literature that names its protagonist after an actual historical figure first became popular in the 1930s but over the last forty years it has become a dominant literary form. Prominent writers such as J.M. Coetzee Joyce Carol Oates Russell Banks Julia Alvarez Peter Carey Hilary Mantel Colm TóibÃn Anne Enright Colum McCann and Michael Cunningham have authored spectacular biographical novels which have won some of the world’s most prestigious awards for fiction. However in spite of the prominence of these authors works and awards there has been considerable confusion about the nature of biofiction. This collection of process pieces and academic essays from authors and scholars of biofiction defines the nature of the aesthetic form clarifies why it has come into being specifies what it is uniquely capable of signifying illustrates how it pictures the historical and critiques the political and suggests potential directions for future studies. This book was originally published as a special issue of a/b: Auto/Biography Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367029890

Biofiller-Reinforced Biodegradable Polymer Composites Presenting a comprehensive overview of the field Biofiller-Reinforced Biodegradable Polymer Composites examines biodegradable composites derived from biofiller and biodegradable polymers while providing critical information for efficient use of biocomposites developed from natural resources. Discusses advanced techniques for the use of both biofiller and biodegradable polymers as the matrix for composites. Highlights application of both natural fiber and natural matrix for composites in the development of environmentally friendly and sustainable materials. Introduces the basics of biocomposites the processing and characteristics of new composite materials and new combinations of composites such as soy protein and nanocellulose. Elaborates on the introduction of new materials to develop biodegradable polymers. This book has been written for researchers advanced students and professional engineers and materials scientists working in the area of bio-based polymers natural fiber composites and biocomposites. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367272647

Biofilm Control and Antimicrobial Agents This title includes a number of Open Access chapters. This new book highlights some of the exciting research that has recently been done in the important and far-ranging field of biofilms and microbial agents. It discusses antimicrobial agents in relation to biofilm control and resistance. The book also introduces biofilm formation and mitigation strategies. It helps explores long-term solutions to the challenges imposed by biofilms. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771880022

Biofilms Infection and Antimicrobial Therapy Rather than existing in a planktonic or free-living form evidence indicates that microbes show a preference for living in a sessile form within complex communities called biofilms. Biofilms appear to afford microbes a survival advantage by optimizing nutrition offering protection against hostile elements and providing a network for cell-to-cell signaling and genetic exchange. Biofilms Infection and Antimicrobial Therapy provides an in-depth exploration of biofilms offering broad background information as well a detailed look at the serious concerns to which biofilm-associated infections give rise. Prosthetic device infections such as those involving artificial heart valves intravascular catheters or prosthetic joints are prime examples of biofilm-associated infections. With the increasing use of such devices in the modern practice of medicine the prevalence of these infections is expected to increase. Unfortunately one of the most troubling characteristics of microbes found in biofilms is a profound resistance to antimicrobial agents. As biofilm-associated infections are particularly difficult to treat they result in significant mortality morbidity and increased economic burden. Clearly a better understanding of the pathogenesis of these infections and improved means for prevention and treatment are urgently needed! InBiofilms Infection and Antimicrobial Therapy Drs Pace Rupp and Finch assemble the contributions of more than 50 of the world’s leading authorities on microbial biofilms who present recent findings on antibacterial tolerance and bacterial persistence associated with biofilms and discuses the implications of those findings with regard to human health. They explore the molecular mechanisms of bacterial adherence biofilm formation regulation of biofilm maintenance and cell-to-cell communication and present the latest information on various treatment protocols that should aid physicians in the treatment o Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367392192

BiofilmsInvestigative Methods and Applications Until now techniques for studying biofilms- the cellular colonies that live in drinking water systems wastewater operations even ground and surface water- have been limited. Yet during the last decade biofilms have become a critical element in water quality preservation systems a key component of wastewater treatment biological reactions and the subject of extensive microbiological inquiry. An understanding of biofilm development structure and dynamics is one condition for improving water supplies and for addressing technical problems such as biofouling corrosion and bioweathering. Biofilms: Investigative Methods and Applications provides the first in-depth assessment of current and experimental ways to study biofilms both in sample form and in situ. It shows how sensors microscopy lasers and calorimetry among other tools can be used to obtain data on the morphology and metabolism of biofilms. This text is the first to organize and examine the best methods for investigating biofilms. It covers culture-based methods and emerging nondestructive techniques. It also shows how they can be used to characterize biofilms in a variety of manmade settings such as sewers wastewater plants and drinking water distribution systems as well as in karsts and groundwater sources. In clarifying the way biofilms are studied the book offers new insights into these living films. It also applies inquiry techniques to the many problems confronting the environmental specialist-corrosion control biofouling and the improvement of fixed reactors in wastewater treatment. At the same time it explains technologies for the controlled growth of biofilms and shows how biofilms can be effectively monitored and subjected to quantitative analysis. The technical information in Biofilms: Investigative Methods and Applications is designed to be of use to engineers and researchers and to be helpful in the generation of electronic data. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367398422

Biofiltration for Air Pollution Control The number-one environmental threat to public health air pollution remains a pressing problem-made even more complicated by the massive quantity and diversity of air pollution sources.Biofiltration technology (using micro-organisms growing on porous media) is being recognized as one of the most advantageous means to convert pollutants to harmless products. Done properly biofiltration works at a reasonable cost-utilizing inexpensive components without requiring fuel or generating hazardous by-products.Firmly established in Europe biofiltration techniques are being increasingly applied in North America: Biofiltration for Air Pollution Control offers the necessary knowledge to "do it right." Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367579258

Biofluid DynamicsPrinciples and Selected Applications Requiring only an introductory background in continuum mechanics including thermodynamics fluid mechanics and solid mechanics Biofluid Dynamics: Principles and Selected Applications contains review methodology and application chapters to build a solid understanding of medical implants and devices. For additional assistance it includes a glossary of biological terms many figures illustrating theoretical concepts numerous solved sample problems and mathematical appendices. The text is geared toward seniors and first-year graduate students in engineering and physics as well as professionals in medicine and medical implant/device industries. It can be used as a primary selection for a comprehensive course or for a two-course sequence.The book has two main parts: theory comprising the first two chapters; and applications constituting the remainder of the book. Specifically the author reviews the fundamentals of physical and related biological transport phenomena such as mass momentum and heat transfer in biomedical systems and highlights complementary topics such as two-phase flow biomechanics and fluid-structure interaction. Two appendices summarize needed elements of engineering mathematics and CFD software applications and these are also found in the fifth chapter. The application part in form of project analyses focuses on the cardiovascular system with common arterial diseases organ systems targeted drug delivery and stent-graft implants.Armed with Biofluid Dynamics students will be ready to solve basic biofluids-related problems gain new physical insight and analyze biofluid dynamics aspects of biomedical systems. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367390914

Biofluid MechanicsThe Human Circulation Second Edition Designed for senior undergraduate or first-year graduate students in biomedical engineering Biofluid Mechanics: The Human Circulation Second Edition teaches students how fluid mechanics is applied to the study of the human circulatory system. Reflecting changes in the field since the publication of its predecessor this second edition has been extensively revised and updated. New to the Second Edition Improved figures and additional examples More problems at the end of each chapter A chapter on the computational fluid dynamic analysis of the human circulation which reflects the rapidly increasing use of computational simulations in research and clinical arenas Drawing on each author’s experience teaching courses on cardiovascular fluid mechanics the book begins with introductory material on fluid and solid mechanics as well as a review of cardiovascular physiology pertinent to the topics covered in subsequent chapters. The authors then discuss fluid mechanics in the human circulation primarily applied to blood flow at the arterial level. They also cover vascular implants and measurements in the cardiovascular system. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439845165

BiofoamsScience and Applications of Bio-Based Cellular and Porous Materials Addresses a Growing Need for the Development of Cellular and Porous Materials in Industry Building blocks used by nature are motivating researchers to create bio-inspired cellular structures that can be used in the development of products for the plastic food and biomedical industry. Representing a unified effort by international experts Biofoams: Science and Applications of Bio-Based Cellular and Porous Materials highlights the latest research and development of biofoams and porous systems and specifically examines the aspects related to the formation of gas bubbles in drink and food. The book offers a detailed analysis of bio-polymers and foaming technologies biodegradable and sustainable foams biomedical foams food foams and bio-inspired foams. Explores the Generation of New Materials with Wide-Ranging Technological Applicability This book introduces the science technologies and applications related to the use of biopolymers and biomaterials in the development of porous structures. It presents topics that include bio-based polymers for the development of biodegradable and sustainable polymeric foams foams in food foams in biomedical applications biohybrids and bio-inspired cellular and porous systems. It also includes recent studies on the design of polymer-based composites and hybrid scaffolds weighs in on the challenges related to the production of porous polymers and presents relevant examples of cellular architecture present in nature. In addition this book: Focuses on materials compatible with natural tissues Discusses the engineering of bio-inspired scaffolds with the ability to mimic living tissue Reveals how to use renewable resources to develop more sustainable lightweight materials Illustrates the state of the art of porous scaffold and process techniques A book dedicated to material science Biofoams: Science and Applications of Bio-Based Cellular and Porous Materials focuses on food technology polymers and composites biomedical and chemical engineering and examines how the principles used in the creation of cellular structures can be applied in modern industry. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466561793

Biofuel Cropping SystemsCarbon Land and Food Choosing appropriate practices and policies for biofuel production requires an understanding of how soils climate farm types infrastructure markets and social organisation affect the establishment and performance of these crops. The book highlights land use dynamics cultivation practices related to conversion and wider impacts. It explores how biofuel production chain development is steered by emerging technologies and management practices and how both can be influenced by effective policies designed to encourage sustainable biofuel production. The book highlights major biofuel production chains including: cane cultivation in Brazil corn ethanol in the USA wheat and rapeseed in Europe oil palm in the Far East cane in Asia and Africa SRC and other lignocellulosic crops. In each case the development cropping systems and impacts are discussed system dynamics are shown and lessons drawn for the way things could or should change. Biofuel Cropping Systems is a vital resource for all those who want to understand the way biofuels are produced and how they impact other elements of society and especially how improvements can be made. It is a handbook for students biofuel producers researchers and policymakers in energy and agriculture. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138364172

Biofueled Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines Biofuels such as ethanol butanol and biodiesel have more desirable physico-chemical properties than base petroleum fuels (diesel and gasoline) making them more suitable for use in internal combustion engines. The book begins with a comprehensive review of biofuels and their utilization processes and culminates in an analysis of biofuel quality and impact on engine performance and emissions characteristics while discussing relevant engine types combustion aspects and effect on greenhouse gases. It will facilitate scattered information on biofuels and its utilization has to be integrated as a single information source. The information provided in this book would help readers to update their basic knowledge in the area of "biofuels and its utilization in internal combustion engines and its impact Environment and Ecology". It will serve as a reference source for UG/PG/Ph.D. Doctoral Scholars for their projects / research works and can provide valuable information to Researchers from Academic Universities and Industries. Key Features: • Compiles exhaustive information of biofuels and their utilization in internal combustion engines. • Explains engine performance of biofuels • Studies impact of biofuels on greenhouse gases and ecology highlighting integrated bio-energy system. • Discusses fuel quality of different biofuels and their suitability for internal combustion engines. • Details effects of biofuels on combustion and emissions characteristics. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138746541

Biofuels Food Security and Developing Economies The last decade has witnessed major crises in both food and energy security across the world. One response to the challenges of climate change and energy supply has been the development of crops to be used for biofuels. But as this book shows this can divert agricultural land from food production to energy crops thus affecting food security particularly in less developed countries. The author analyses the extent to which biofuels feedstocks fit within the national food security strategy agro-export orientation and rural development plans and policies of developing economies. Two case studies from Tanzania in East Africa and Borneo in Malaysia are considered in detail using the non-edible crop of jatropha as an example of how compromises can be reached to balance food and energy goals as well as export markets. The author develops a novel integrated approach the Institutional Feasibility Study as the basis of her analysis. She addresses key issues such as: how do global initiatives for green growth energy security and sustainable development incorporate biofuels industry development? Does global biofuels trade present meaningful foreign and local investment opportunities for developing countries? To what extent does biofuels feedstock production help with poverty reduction and agricultural sector modernization? What role do the EU and the US commitments to biofuels blending targets play in the rapid industry development in developing countries? How does the biofuels industry fit within existing formal and informal institutional frameworks? Who are the winners and losers in the biofuels global value chain? Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138588912

Biofuels and BioenergyProcesses and Technologies The newest addition to the Green Chemistry and Chemical Engineering series from CRC Press Biofuels and Bioenergy: Processes and Technologies provides a succinct but in-depth introduction to methods of development and use of biofuels and bioenergy. The book illustrates their great appeal as tools for solving the economic and environmental challenges associated with achieving energy sustainability and independence through the use of clean renewable alternative energy. Taking a process engineering approach rooted in the fuel and petrochemical fields this book masterfully integrates coverage of current conventional processes and emerging techniques. Topics covered include: Characterization and analysis of biofuels Process economics Chemistry of process conversion Process engineering and design and associated environmental technologies Energy balances and efficiencies Reactor designs and process configurations Energy materials and process equipment Integration with other conventional fossil fuel processes Byproduct utilization Governmental regulations and policies and global trends After an overview of the subject the book discusses crop oils biodiesel and algae fuels. It examines ethanol from corn and from lignocelluloses and then explores fast pyrolysis and gasification of biomass. Discussing the future of biofuel production it also describes the conversion of waste to biofuels bioproducts and bioenergy and concludes with a discussion of mixed feedstock. Written for readers with college-level backgrounds in chemistry biology physics and engineering this reference explores the science and technology involved in developing biofuels and bioenergy. It addresses the application of these and other disciplines covering key issues of special interest to fuel process engineers fuel scientists and energy technologists among others. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781420089554

Biofuels and Rural Poverty Biofuels and Rural Poverty makes an original contribution to the current controversial global debate on biofuels in particular the consequences that large-scale production of transport fuel substitutes can have on rural areas principally in developing countries but also in some poor rural areas of developed countries.   Three key concerns are examined from a North-South perspective: ecological issues (related to land use and biodiversity) pro-poor policies (related to food and land security gender and income generation) and equity of benefits within the global value chain. Can biofuels be pro-poor? Can smallholder farmers be equitably integrated in the biofuels global supply chain? Is the biofuels production chain detrimental to biodiversity? Most other books available on biofuels take a technical approach and are aimed at addressing energy security or climate change issues. This title focuses on the socio-economic impacts on rural people's livelihoods offering a unique perspective on the potential role of biofuels in reducing rural poverty. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138107946

Biofuels for TransportGlobal Potential and Implications for Sustainable Energy and Agriculture The world is on the verge of an unprecedented increase in the production and use of biofuels for transport. The combination of rising oil prices issues of security climate instability and pollution deepening poverty in rural and agricultural areas and a host of improved technologies is propelling governments to enact powerful incentives for the use of these fuels which is in turn sparking investment. Biofuels for Transport is a unique and comprehensive assessment of the opportunities and risks of the large-scale production of biofuels. The book demystifies complex questions and concerns such as thefood v. fuel debate. Global in scope it is further informed by five country studies from Brazil China Germany India and Tanzania. The authors conclude that biofuels will play a significant role in our energy future but warn that the large-scale use of biofuels carries risks that require focused and immediate policy initiatives. Published in association with BMELV FNR and GTZ. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964693

Biofuels from Food WasteApplications of Saccharification using Fungal Solid State Fermentation According to the UN's Food & Agricultural Organization (FAO) one third of food produced globally for human consumption (nearly 1.3 billion tons) is lost annually. Food waste has often been incinerated with other combustible municipal wastes for possible recovery of heat or other forms of energy however incineration is not cost-effective and can cause air pollution. Due to its organics- and nutrient-rich nature food waste could be viewed as a useful resource for production of high-value platform chemicals through fermentation. This book examines the bioconversion of food wastes to energy and the recent developments in ethanol hydrogen methane and biodiesel production from food wastes. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138093720

Biofuels Production and Processing Technology The importance of biofuels in greening the transport sector in the future is unquestionable given the limited available fossil energy resources the environmental issues associated to the utilization of fossil fuels and the increasing attention to security of supply. This comprehensive reference presents the latest technology in all aspects of biofuels production processing properties raw materials and related economic and environmental aspects. Presenting the application of methods and technology with minimum math and theory it compiles a wide range of topics not usually covered in one single book. It discusses development of new catalysts reactors controllers simulators online analyzers and waste minimization as well as design and operational aspects of processing units and financial and economic aspects. The book rounds out by describing properties specifications and quality of various biofuel products and new advances and trends towards future technology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498778930

BiofuelsProduction and Future Perspectives This will be a comprehensive multi-contributed reference work with the Editors being highly regarded alternative fuels experts from India and Switzerland. There will be a strong orientation toward production of biofuels covering such topics as biodiesel from renewable sources biofuels from biomass vegetable based feedstocks from biofuel production global demand for biofuels and economic aspects of biofuel production.Book covers the latest advances in all product areas relative to biofuels.Discusses coverage of public opinion related to biofuels.Chapters will be authored by world class researchers and practitioners in various aspects of biofuels.Provides good comprehensive coverage of biofuels for algae.Presents extensive discussion of future prospects in biofuels. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367873110

Biofunctional Surface Engineering Successful biofunctional surface engineering will determine the future of medical devices such as orthopedic implants stents catheters vaccine scaffolds wound dressings and extracorporeal circulation devices. Moreover the biosensor and diagnostic chip technology will evolve rapidly due to the growing medical need for personalized medicine. A major drawback in these technologies is the need for terminally sterilized products. However novel and safe technologies including coupling stabilization and protection of effector molecules enable terminal sterilization without functional loss. This book provides a comprehensive overview on the state of the art and the future of biofunctional surface engineering and is of major interest for those working in the fields of medicine and medical devices. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814411608

Biogas Technology Biogas is a renewable energy resource that can be an alternative solution for the world’s insatiable energy demands while helping in managing waste and reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It is also regarded as carbon neutral as the carbon in biogas comes from organic matter (feedstock) that captured this carbon from atmospheric CO2 over a relatively short timescale. This book has been written and compiled to collate latest information on biogas technology to help readers to understand the fruitful exploitation of the process. Note: T&F does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India Pakistan Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. This title is co-published with New India Publishing Agency. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367702014

Biogenic Nanoparticles of Elemental SeleniumSynthesis Characterization and Relevance in Wastewater Treatment Selenium is an intriguing element as on one hand it is toxic and on the other hand it is a necessary micro-nutrient for humans. It is also a desirable element due to its unique properties and hence it is used in xerogrpahy rectifiers solar cells etc. The presence of selenium in agriculture acid-mine drainage wastewaters is known and their remediation is necessary. Since selenium is not mined anywhere it is important to recover the selenium from waste streams. Bio-remediation of selenium containing wastewater is not only efficient but it also gives insight into the fate of selenium in the bioreactors and environment thus improving the recovery efficiencies. However there are still many unknowns in the fate of the selenium present in the wastestreams when treated using microbial processes. One of the biggest unknown is the characteristics of biogenic colloidal elemental selenium nanoparticles (BioSeNPs). These BioSeNPs are present in the bioreactors and are colloidal in nature hence present in the effluent of the reactor. BioSeNPs are also known to have the coating of organic polymer on its surface however the origin of these coating are not known. Moreover these BioSeNPs are always spherical in shape which is desirable in some cases and not so desirable in many. Furthermore these BioSeNPs are produced extracellularly and also intracellularly however the effect of the BioSeNPs' trapping in the biomass is not well understood. This book throws light on the above questions and improves our fundamental understanding on the characteristics and fate of BioSeNPs in the bioreactors and environment. This book also uses the fundamental knowledge to improve the bioremediation process and recoverability of selenium. This study demonstrates that extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) are capping the BioSeNPs and thus providing them colloidal stability and hence mobility which is in contrast to our conventional understanding on the role of EPS in metal(loid) nanoparticles mobility. All the produced BioSeNPs are known to be spherical but nanowire shape is important to understand their fundamental properties and application. Thus this study produced biogenic selenium nanowires by reduction of selenite by simply using thermophilic temperatures (55 and 65 oC) and characterized them for their magnetization properties. The practical applications of BioSeNPs were explored by preferentially adsorbing heavy metals in the following order: Cu>Zn>Cd. The development of one-step process for selenium oxyanions removal and BioSeNPs recovery using thermophilic UASB reactor and activated sludge process was attempted. Thermophilic reduction of selenate in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor showed better retention of BioSeNPs and thus higher total selenium removal as compared to mesophilic reactor. The aerobic reduction of selenite using activated sludge also showed better retention of BioSeNPs however continuous operation of the reactor was not achieved. The selenite fed activated sludge trapping BioSeNPs showed improved settling properties and hydrophilicity as compared to control sludge. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138028319

Biogeochemical Health and Ecotoxicological Perspectives on Gold and Gold Mining Despite the esteemed nature of gold in society evidence of adverse ecotoxicological effects and risk to human health in various mining and extraction techniques has generated increasing interest in the biological and environmental implications of gold. Biogeochemical Health and Ecotoxicological Perspectives on Gold and Gold Mining is the first comprehensive book to evaluate the effect of gold production and use on human health as well as the environmental impact of gold mining and extraction. Dr. Ronald Eisler a well-known senior research biologist and expert in the chemical and biological effects of various compounds on wildlife provides a thorough risk assessment of gold including its geology and sources and physical chemical and metabolic properties. The author documents gold concentrations and field collections of abiotic materials and biota and presents research on the lethal and sublethal effects of gold on plants and animals. Supported by case histories the book examines health risks in gold miners human sensitivity to jewelry and dental implants and medicinal uses. It uses examples in several countries to thoroughly explore the environmental effects of gold extraction including tailings disposal acid mine drainage cyanide arsenic and mercury contamination water management issues and abandoned mines. Unlike traditional risk assessments the author also takes into account social political economic medicinal and psychological variables for a more complete perspective on gold's impact on health and the environment. Biogeochemical Health and Ecotoxicological Perspectives on Gold and Gold Mining concludes with a discussion on mining legislation safety and procedures. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367393694

Biogeochemistry of Marine Systems Marine systems vary in their sensitivities to perturbation. Perturbation may be insidious - such as increasing eutrophication of coastal areas - or it may be dramatic - such as a response to an oil spill or some other accident. Climate change may occur incrementally or it may be abrupt and ecosystem resilience is likely to be a complex function of the interactions of the factors and species mediating key biogeochemical processes.Biogeochemistry of Marine Systems considers issues of marine system resilience focusing on a range of marine systems that exemplify major global province types. Each system is interesting in its own right on account of its sensitivity to natural or anthropogenic change or its importance as an ecological service provider. Each contributing author concentrates on advances of the last decade.This prime reference source for marine biogeochemists marine ecologists and global systems scientists provides a strong foundation for the study of the multiple marine systems undergoing change because of natural biochemical or anthropogenic factors. Media > Books > E-books Blackwell 9780367812423

Biogeographical Processes Originally published in 1982 Biogeographical Processes is a concise introduction to biogeography aimed at undergraduate students. It provides a detailed overview of man and his environment and includes data from such research projects as that of the International Biological Programme. The book argues that natural processes can be viewed as a datum line to which the human impact through time is added. It suggests that through this datum line the man and the biological environment are inextricably linked. The book firstly examines the fundamental processes determining the distribution of plants and animals and the interactions between such processes leading to the concept of the ecosystem. The book also examines major world ecosystems or biomes such as forests grasslands and oceans as if they were in a natural condition and discusses the affect of human impact upon such systems. The book also discusses the alternative future relationships of man and other living organisms. Although over 30 years old the book still contains a useful and detailed overview of biogeography. It will be of interest to students or lecturers in ecology biology and the environmental sciences. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367362652

Biogeography and Biodiversity of Western Atlantic Mollusks Shallow water marine molluscan faunas are distributed in a pattern of distinct geographically definable areas. This makes mollusks ideal for studying the distribution of organisms in the marine environment and the processes and patterns that control their evolution. Biogeography and Biodiversity of Western Atlantic Mollusks is the first book to use quantitative methodologies to define marine molluscan biogeographical patterns. It traces the historical development of these patterns for the subtropical and tropical western Atlantic. The book discusses the multistage process of evolving new taxa caused by eustatic fluctuations ecological stress and evolutionary selection. Drawing on his decades of intensive field work the author defines three western Atlantic molluscan provinces and 15 subprovinces based on his Provincial Combined Index a modern refinement of Valentine’s 50% rule. The faunal provinces—Carolinian Caribbean and Brazilian—are discussed in detail. The text defines the physical aspects of the provinces using quantitative data with water temperature as the primary parameter. It discusses the details of the 15 subprovinces—geographically definable faunal subdivisions—as well as provinciatones transition zones of provincial overlap. The author’s algorithms demonstrate that the bulk of the molluscan biodiversity is concentrated in 40 separate centers of speciation ranging from Cape Hatteras North Carolina south to Argentina. Many of these evolutionary hotspots reside on remote archipelagos and offshore banks as well as within areas of provincial overlap. The text describes some of the more exotic and poorly known areas and presents maps and color photographs of characteristic habitats index species and live animals including over 400 species of rare and seldom seen shells. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138033757

Biogeography and Evolution in New Zealand Biogeography and Evolution in New Zealand provides the first in-depth treatment of the biogeography of New Zealand a region that has been a place of long-enduring interest to ecologists evolutionary scientists geographers geologists and scientists in related disciplines. It serves as a key addition to the contemporary discussion on regionalization—how is New Zealand different from the rest of the world? With what other areas does it share its geology history and biota? Do new molecular phylogenies show that New Zealand may be seen as a biological ‘parallel universe’ within global evolution? Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498751872

Biogeography in a Changing World Hampered by a confusing plethora of approaches and methods biogeography is often treated as an adjunct to other areas of study. The first book to fully define this rapidly emerging subdiscipline Biogeography in a Changing World elucidates the principles of biogeography and paves the way for its evolution into a stand-alone field. Drawing on contributions from leading proponents of differing methods within biogeography the book clearly defines the differing sometimes conflicting perspectives in the field and their correspondingly different methodological approaches. This gives readers the opportunity to refocus on a range of issues including the role of biological processes such as vicariance dispersal and extinction in biogeographical explanation the possibility of biogeographical pattern and the role of geological reconstructions in biogeographic explanation. The book also explores the discipline’s current relationship with other disciplines and discusses potential developments. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367389987

Biogeography of the West IndiesPatterns and Perspectives Second Edition As a review of the status of biogeography in the West Indies in the 1980s the first edition of Biogeography of the West Indies: Past Present and Future provided a synthesis of our current knowledge of the systematics and distribution of major plant and animal groups in the Caribbean basin. The totally new and revised Second Edition Biogeography of the West Indies: Patterns and Perspectives emphasizes recent ideas and hypotheses in the field and includes many new chapters and contributions. The authors use the broadest possible interpretations of the concepts of biogeography consider anthropological and geological factors and discuss the conservation of endemic species.Drawing together contributions from the leading experts in biogeography and biodiversity this book introduces new patterns and developments that add to our understanding of how plants and animals are dispersed throughout the region. Many contributions use new techniques such as molecular systematics to test older studies based strictly on morphological data. Unique in its inclusion of a wide variety of organisms and in its coordination of scientific data and conservation strategies Biogeography of the West Indies: Patterns and Perspectives Second Edition provides the only encyclopedic discussion available on the biogeography of the Antilles. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367455187

BiogeographyA Study of Plants in the Ecosphere The third edition of this classic text presents a broad-based study of the variations in the form and functioning of the biosphere at regional and global scale. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138407190

BiogeologyEvolution in a Changing Landscape This detailed exposition gives background and context to how modern biogeography has got to where it is now. For biogeographers and other researchers interested in biodiversity and the evolution of life on islands Biogeology: Evolution in a Changing Landscape provides an overview of a large swathe of the globe encompassing Wallacea and the western Pacific. The book contains the full text of the original article explored in each chapter presented as it appeared on publication. Key features: Holistic treatment collecting together a series of important biogeographical papers into a single volume Authored by an expert who has spent nearly three decades actively involved in biogeography Describes and interprets a region of exceptional biodiversity and extreme endemism The only book to provide an integrated treatment of Wallacea Melanesia New Zealand the New Zealand Subantarctic Islands and Antarctica Offers a critique of fashionable neo-dispersalist arguments showing how these still suffer from the same weaknesses of the original Darwinian formulation. The chapters also include analysis of many major theoretical and philosophical issues of modern biogeographic theory so that those interested in a more philosophical approach will find the book stimulating and thought-provoking. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367147235

Biographical Dictionary of Central and Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century Drawing on newly accessible archives as well as memoirs and other sources this biographical dictionary documents the lives of some two thousand notable figures in twentieth-century Central and Eastern Europe. A unique compendium of information that is not currently available in any other single resource the dictionary provides concise profiles of the region's most important historical and cultural actors from Ivo Andric to King Zog. Coverage includes Albania Belarus the Czech and Slovak Republics Hungary Estonia Latvia Lithuania Poland Romania and Moldova Ukraine and the countries that made up Yugoslavia. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706139

Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women Volume IITang Through Ming 618 - 1644 This volume of the Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women completes the four-volume project and contains more than 400 biographies of women active in the Tang through Ming dynasties (618-1644). Many of the entries are the result of original research and provide the only substantial information on women available in English. Of note is the inclusion of a large number of women who reached positions of authority during this period as well as women artists and writers especially poets during this period of increased female literacy and more liberal social attitudes to women's cultural roles. Wherever possible entries incorporate translations of poems and sometimes prose works so as to let the women speak for themselves. The book also includes a multitude of entertainers and actresses. The volume includes a Guide to Chinese Words Used a Chronology of Dynasties and Major Rulers a Finding List by Background or Fields of Endeavor and a Glossary of Chinese Names. It will prove to be a useful tool for research and teaching. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780765643148

Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: Antiquity Through Sui 1600 B.C.E. - 618 C.E This new volume of the "Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women" spans more than 2 000 years from antiquity to the early seventh century. It recovers the stories of more than 200 women nearly all of them unknown in the West. The contributors have sifted carefully through the available sources from the oracle bones to the earliest legends from Liu Xiang's didactic Biographies to official and unofficial histories for glimpses and insights into the lives of women. Empresses and consorts nuns and shamans women of notoriety or exemplary virtue women of daring and women of artistic or scholarly accomplishment - all are to be found here. The editors have assembled the stories of women high born and low representing the full range of female endeavor. The biographies are organized alphabetically within three historical groupings to give some context to lives lived in changing circumstances over two millennia. A glossary a chronology and a finding list that identifies women of each period by background or field of endeavor are also provided. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706122

Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: v. 1: The Qing Period 1644-1911 The first biographical dictionary in any Western language devoted solely to Chinese women this reference is the product of years of research translation and writing by a team of over 60 China scholars from around the world. Compiled from a wide array of original sources these detailed biographies present the lives work and significance of more than 200 Chinese women from many different backgrounds and areas of interest. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706115

Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: v. 2: Twentieth Century The first biographical dictionary in any Western language devoted solely to Chinese women Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women is the product of years of research translation and writing by scores of China scholars from around the world. Volume II: Twentieth Century includes a far greater range of women than would have been previously possible because of the enormous amount of historical material and scholarly research that has become available recently. They include scientists businesswomen sportswomen military officers writers scholars revolutionary heroines politicians musicians opera stars film stars artists educators nuns and more. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315499253

Biographical Dictionary of Psychology First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203827086

Biographical Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Philosophers This Biographical Dictionary provides detailed accounts of the lives works influence and reception of thinkers from all the major philosophical schools and traditions of the twentieth-century. This unique volume covers the lives and careers of thinkers from all areas of philosophy - from analytic philosophy to Zen and from formal logic to aesthetics. All the major figures of philosophy such as Nietzsche Wittgenstein and Russell are examined and analysed. The scope of the work is not merely restricted to the major figures in western philosophy but also covers in depth a significant number of thinkers from the near and far east and from the non-European Hispanic-language communities.The Biographical Dictionary also includes a number of general entries dealing with important schools of philosophy such as the Vienna Circle or currents of thought such as vitalism. These allow the reader to set the individual biographies in the context of the philosophical history of the period. With entries written by over 100 leading philosophy scholars the Biographical Dictionary is the most comprehensive survey of twentieth-century thinkers to date.StructureThe book is structured alphabetically by philosopher. Each entry is identically structured for ease of access and covers:* nationality* dates and places of birth and death* philosophical style or school* areas of interest* higher education* significant influences* main appointments* main publications* secondary literature* account of intellectual development and main ideas* critical reception and impactAt the end of the book a glossary gives accounts of the schools movements and traditions to which these philosophers belonged and thorough indexes enable the reader to access the information in several ways:* by nationality* by major areas of contribution to philosophy e.g. aesthetics* by major influences on the thinker concerned e.g. Plato Kant Wittgenstein Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203014479

Biographical Encyclopedia of American Radio The Biographical Encyclopedia of American Radio presents the very best biographies of the internationally acclaimed three-volume Encyclopedia of Radio in a single volume. It includes more than 200 biographical entries on the most important and influential American radio personalities writers producers directors newscasters and network executives. With 23 new biographies and updated entries throughout this volume covers key figures from radio’s past and present including Glenn Beck Jessie Blayton Fred Friendly Arthur Godfrey Bob Hope Don Imus Rush Limbaugh Ryan Seacrest Laura Schlesinger Red Skelton Nina Totenberg Walter Winchell and many more. Scholarly but accessible this encyclopedia provides an unrivaled guide to the voices behind radio for students and general readers alike. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203854891

Biographical ObjectsHow Things Tell the Stories of Peoples' Lives First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315022598

Biographical Research in Eastern EuropeAltered Lives and Broken Biographies This title was first published in 2003. The transition from socialism experienced by the countries of Eastern and Central Europe during the last decade has been recognised as a profound historical watershed. It is only now however that the meanings and dimensions of 'post-socialism' are becoming apparent. The use of the 'biographical perspective' in research provides a unique avenue for studying these changes. Biographical Research in Eastern Europe is the only edited volume that brings the work of many of the most advanced and active biographical researchers working on Eastern Europe together in one volume. The book is organized into four parts. 'The Potential of Biographical Research ' explores the methodological issues. Arguments for the appropriateness of the biographical approach as a humanistic perspective are put forward and emphasis is laid on its fruitfulness for research into everyday lives and for the study of identity construction with particular reference to transition. 'Communists Informers and Dissidents ' deals with the structural features of Soviet regimes with a particular focus on the problematic divisions between public and private spheres of life. 'The Impact of Social Change ' demonstrates the value of the biographical approach as an instrument for the study of social and cultural change. 'Exile Migration and Ethnicity ' centres on the problem of constructing and maintaining ethnic identities under repression; a context that can be seen as disturbing life-trajectories and framing the life story. Covering a wide range of 'post-socialist' countries the chapters are unified by a common research perspective and an informative introduction that identifies common themes across the selections. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138722187

Biographies & SpacePlacing the Subject in Art and Architecture Bringing together a collection of high-profile authors Biographies and Space presents essays exploring the relationship between biography and space and how specific subjects are used as a means of explaining sets of social cultural and spatial relationships. Biographical methods of historical investigation can bring out the authentic voice of subjects revealing personal meanings and strategies in space as well as providing a means to analyze relations between the personal and the social. Writing about both actual (architectural) and imagined (pictorial) space the authors consider issues of gender childhood sexuality and race highlighting an increasing fluidity and interaction between theory methods and history. Biographies and Space is an original and exciting new book with direct relevance to both architectural and art history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415511551

Biographies and Autobiographies in Modern Italy: a Festschrift for John Woodhouse This book presents a collection of twelve essays on the interplay between individual lives and life-writing and the wider social and political history of Italy. It focuses on well-known writers and their varying anxieties about autobiographical writing. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367603779

Biographies Between Spheres of EmpireLife History Approaches to Colonial Africa Biographical research can illuminate imperial and colonial history. This is particularly true of Africa where empires competed with one another and colonial society was characterised by rigid divisions. In this book five biographical studies explore how in the course of their lives interpreters landowners students and traders navigated the boundaries between the various spaces of the colonial world. With a focus on African life worlds the authors show the disruptions and constraints as well as the new options and forms of mobility that resulted from colonial rule. This book was originally published as a special issue of The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367892579

Biographies of Scientists for Sci-Tech LibrariesAdding Faces to the Facts This book first published in 1991 is an invaluable guide to biographies of scientists from a wide variety of scientific fields. The books selected for this highly descriptive bibliography help librarians shatter readers’ stereotypes of scientists as monomaniacal and uninteresting people by providing interesting and provocative titles to capture the interest of students and other readers. The biographies included in this very special bibliography were carefully selected for their humour and human insights to give future scientists encouragement inspiration and an understanding of the origins of particular scientific fields. These biographies are unique in that they explore the whole personality of the scientist giving students a glimpse at the variety and drama of the lives beyond well-known contributions or Nobel prize accomplishments. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367433512

Biography First published in 1977 this book explores biography in the post-Renaissance period and investigates some of the problems implicit in this literary form. The introduction considers various aspects of biographical theory as expressed by practitioners and critics. The rest of the book is a detailed examination of specific works placed in chronological context — reflecting the author’s assertion that a work of biography is inseparable from the intellectual and cultural precepts of its age. Amongst the works examined are: Plutarch’s Lives Aubrey’s Brief Lives Boswell’s Life of Johnson and Johnson’s Life of Savage. This book will be of interest to students of literature and cultural history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138283947

Biography Identity and the Modern Interior Through a series of case studies from the mid-eighteenth century to the start of the twenty-first this collection of essays considers the historical insights that ethno/auto/biographical investigations into the lives of individuals groups and interiors can offer design and architectural historians. Established scholars and emerging researchers shed light on the methodological issues that arise from the use of these sources to explore the history of the interior as a site in which everyday life is experienced and performed and the ways in which contemporary architects and interior designers draw on personal and collective histories in their practice. Historians and theorists working within a range of disciplinary contexts and historiographical traditions are turning to biography as means of exploring and accounting for social cultural and material change - and this volume reflects that turn representing the fields of architectural and design history social history literary history creative writing and design practice. Topics include masters and servants in eighteenth-century English kitchens; the lost interiors of Oscar Wilde's 'House Beautiful'; Elsa Schiaparelli's Surrealist spaces; Jean Genet outlaws and the interiors of marginality; and architect Lina Bo Bardi's 'Glass House' São Paulo Brazil. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138548275

Biography in Early Modern France 1540-1630Forms and Functions This book offers valuable insights into biography's role as a form of social and cultural negotiation geared to advance the biographer's career. It presents case studies of four exemplary biographies and one autobiography of major intellectual figures of France spanning the period 1540–1630. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367603786

Biography of an IdeaJohn Maynard Keynes and the General Theory of Employment Interest and Money The culmination of John Maynard Keynes's thought and lifework was The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money. Here placing it in the context of his era David Felix examines the evolution of Keynes's theorizing. He boldly claims that The General Theory lacks logical and factual support as pure theory but is an achievement of great statesmanship in political economy.Felix argues that Keynes's ideas have misled successive generations of students and practitioners. He suggests that a more discriminating view of his thought can reconcile Keynesian views with neoclassical theory and replace the false synthesis that dominates contemporary text-books with a truer one. Biography of an Idea devotes four chapters to an analysis of The General Theory and an examination of the economic logic of Keynes. The author disentangles the work's fundamentally simple theses from its difficult technical pre-sentation. He shows how Keynes shaped his economic model as he did as an effort to win public support for sensible policies that clashed with generally accepted beliefs of the time.Biography of an Idea is bound to be controversial due to the many cohorts of economists who have been trained in macroeconomics according to Keynes. It will be of interest and ac-cessible to intellectually curious laymen and students and important to economists historians and political scientists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507661

BiographyWriting Lives Catherine Parke explores biography through detailed examinations of Samuel Johnson Virginia Woolf Langston Hughes Gertrude Stein and other masters of the genre. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003061694

Biohydrogen ProductionFundamentals and Technology Advances Biohydrogen Production: Fundamentals and Technology Advances covers the fundamentals of biohydrogen production technology including microbiology biochemistry feedstock requirements and molecular biology of the biological hydrogen production processes. It also gives insight into scale-up problems and limitations. In addition the book discusses mathematical modeling of the various processes involved in biohydrogen production and the software required to model the processes. The book summarizes research advances that have been made in this field and discusses bottlenecks of the various processes which presently limit the commercialization of this technology. The authors also focus on the process economy policy and environmental impact of this technology since the future of biohydrogen production depends not only on research advances but also on economic considerations (the cost of fossil fuels) social espousal and the development of H2 energy systems. The book describes the fundamentals of this technology interwoven with more advanced research findings. Further reading is suggested at the end of each chapter. Since the beauty of any innovation is its applicability socioeconomic impact and cost energy analysis the book examines each of these points to give you a holistic picture of this technology. Illustrative diagrams flow charts and comprehensive tables detailing the scientific advancements provide an opportunity to understand the process comprehensively and meticulously. Written in a lucid style the book supplies a complete knowledge bank about biohydrogen production processes. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073203

Biohydrometallurgical Recycling of Metals from Industrial Wastes Although many available metal recycling methods are simple and fast they are also expensive and cause environmental pollution. Biohydrometallurgical processing of metals offers an alternative to overcome these issues as the use of biological means not only helps to conserve dwindling ore resources but also fulfills the need for the unambiguous need to extract metals in nonpolluting low-energy and low-cost way. This book covers biohydrometallurgy and its application in the recovery of metals from secondary sources like wastes. It aims to provide readers with a comprehensive overview of different wastes for metal recovery and biological treatment methods that are both environmentally friendly and economically viable. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367888589

BiohythaneFuel for the Future This book is a novel attempt at describing the fundamental aspects of and advancements in the field of biohythane production. The comprehensive collection of chapters is based on the fundamentals of heterotrophic hydrogen production and consequent methane production technologies. Emphasis is on the integration of two stages of a hybrid system for maximum gaseous energy generation from organic wastes thus making the overall process economically viable. Readers get insight into the technological advancements made in the field of biohydrogen and biomethane production and the challenges involved in integrating these two technologies. The book also includes details of the microbiological biochemical and bioprocess aspects related to biohythane production in addition to the applicability of this process its socioeconomic concerns and cost energy analysis supplemented with illustrative diagrams flowcharts and comprehensive tables. It will be an ideal vade mecum for advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level students of biotechnology microbiology biochemical engineering chemical engineering and energy engineering; teachers and researchers in bioenergy the environment and biofuel production; and policy makers. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814745291

BioimagingImaging by Light and Electromagnetics in Medicine and Biology Bioimaging: Imaging by Light and Electromagnetics in Medicine and Biology explores new horizons in biomedical imaging and sensing technologies from the molecular level to the human brain. It explores the most up-to-date information on new medical imaging techniques such as the detection and imaging of cancer and brain diseases. This book also provides new tools for brain research and cognitive neurosciences based on new imaging techniques. Edited by Professor Shoogo Ueno who has been leading the field of biomedical imaging for 40 years it is an ideal reference book for graduate and undergraduate students and researchers in medicine and medical physics who are looking for an authoritative treatise on this expanding discipline of imaging and sensing in medicine and biology. Features: Provides step-by-step explanations of biochemical and physical principles in biomedical imaging Covers state-of-the art equipment and cutting-edge methodologies used in biomedical imaging Serves a broad spectrum of readers due to the interdisciplinary topic and approach Shoogo Ueno Ph.D is a professor emeritus of the University of Tokyo Tokyo Japan. His research interests include biomedical imaging and bioelectromagnetics particularly in brain mapping and neuroimaging transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). He was the President of the Bioelectromagnetics Society BEMS (2003-2004) and the Chairman of the Commission K on Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine of the International Union of Radio Science URSI (2000-2003). He was named the IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer during 2010 and received the d’Arsonval Medal from the Bioelectromagnetics Society in 2010. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367203047

Bio-ImagingPrinciples Techniques and Applications Highlights the Emergence of Image Processing in Food and Agriculture In addition to uses specifically related to health and other industries biological imaging is now being used for a variety of applications in food and agriculture. Bio-Imaging: Principles Techniques and Applications fully details and outlines the processes of bio-imaging applicable to food and agriculture and connects other bio-industries as well as relevant topics. Due to the noncontact and nondestructive nature of the technology biological imaging uses unaltered samples and allows for internal quality evaluation and the detection of defects. Compared to conventional methods biological imaging produces results that are more consistent and reliable and can ensure quality monitoring for a variety of practices used in food and agriculture industries as well as many other biological industries. The book highlights every imaging technique available along with their components image acquisition procedures advantages and comparisons to other approaches. Describes essential components of imaging technique in great detail Incorporates case studies in appropriate chapters Contains a wide range of applications from a number of biological fields Bio-Imaging: Principles Techniques and Applications focuses on the imaging techniques for biological materials and the application of biological imaging. This technology which is quickly becoming a standard practice in agriculture and food-related industries can aid in enhanced process efficiency quality assurance and food safety management overall. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138749634

Bio-Implant InterfaceImproving Biomaterials and Tissue Reactions Achieving good clinical outcomes with implanted biomaterials depends upon achieving optimal function both mechanical and biological which in turn depends upon integrating advances realized in biological science material science and tissue engineering. As these advances push back the frontiers of biomaterial medicine the control and patterning of bio-implant interface reactions will have a tremendous impact on future design and prospects of implant treatments.Bio-Implant Interface: Improving Biomaterials and Tissue Reactions brings together a remarkable panel of scientists to present the state-of-the-art in our understanding of interactions at the interface between biomaterials and living tissue. Much of the focus is on the importance of the implant surface's topography and chemistry to its interaction with the biological environment. Biomineralization along with the biological content of the interface and its role in directing cellular response along desired pathways also receive particular attention.The pursuit of new and better designs for improved biocompatibility and patient response to implants continues to challenge clinicians and scientists alike. This book offers a unique opportunity to bring yourself up-to-date on recent advances in the field and new strategies for controlling the bio-implant interface. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367395230

Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering: New AdvancesProceedings of the 9th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engi The 9th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2015) was held on September 18-20 2015 Shanghai China. This proceedings volume assembles papers from various professionals engaged in the fields of Biomedical Engineering Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. The conference had special sessions on biomedical imaging biostatistics and biometry information technology in bioinformatics and environmental pollution & public health. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367737672

Bioinformatics BasicsApplications in Biological Science and Medicine Every researcher in genomics and proteomics now has access to public domain databases containing literally billions of data entries. However without the right analytical tools and an understanding of the biological significance of the data cataloging and interpreting the molecular evolutionary processes buried in those databases is difficult if not impossible. The first editon of Bioinformatics Basics: Applications in Biological Science and Medicine answered the scientific community’s need to learn about the bioinformatic tools available to them. That the book continues to be a best seller clearly demonstrates the authors’ ability to provide scientists with the understanding to apply those tools to their research. Currently it is being used as a reference text at MIT and other prestigious institutions. Recognizing the important advances in bioinformatices since their last edition Buehler and Rashidi have produced a completely revised and updated version of their pioneering work. To allow scientists to utilize significant databases from around the world the authors consider some fresh approaches to data analysis while identifying computing techniques that will help them manage the massive flow of information their science requires. New to the second edition: Provides a more detailed view of the field while continuing to focus on the global concept approach that popularized the first edition. Offers the latest approaches to data analysis Introduces recent developments in genomics microarrays proteomics genome mapping and more. Adds two new sections offering insights from other experts in bioinformatics. Bioinformatics Basics is not intended to serve as a training manual for bioinformaticians. Instead it’s designed to help the general scientific community gain a thorough understanding of what bioinformatics tools are ava Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367392598

Bioinformatics Database Systems Modern biological databases comprise not only data but also sophisticated query facilities and bioinformatics data analysis tools. This book provides an exploration through the world of Bioinformatics Database Systems.The book summarizes the popular and innovative bioinformatics repositories currently available including popular primary genetic and protein sequence databases phylogenetic databases structure and pathway databases microarray databases and boutique databases. It also explores the data quality and information integration issues currently involved with managing bioinformatics databases including data quality issues that have been observed and efforts in the data cleaning field.Biological data integration issues are also covered in-depth and the book demonstrates how data integration can create new repositories to address the needs of the biological communities. It also presents typical data integration architectures employed in current bioinformatics databases.The latter part of the book covers biological data mining and biological data processing approaches using cloud-based technologies. General data mining approaches are discussed as well as specific data mining methodologies that have been successfully deployed in biological data mining applications. Two biological data mining case studies are also included to illustrate how data query and analysis methods are integrated into user-friendly systems.Aimed at researchers and developers of bioinformatics database systems the book is also useful as a supplementary textbook for a one-semester upper-level undergraduate course or an introductory graduate bioinformatics course. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367574062

BioinformaticsA Practical Approach An emerging ever-evolving branch of science bioinformatics has paved the way for the explosive growth in the distribution of biological information to a variety of biological databases including the National Center for Biotechnology Information. For growth to continue in this field biologists must obtain basic computer skills while computer specialists must possess a fundamental understanding of biological problems. Bridging the gap between biology and computer science Bioinformatics: A Practical Approach assimilates current bioinformatics knowledge and tools relevant to the omics age into one cohesive concise and self-contained volume. Written by expert contributors from around the world this practical book presents the most state-of-the-art bioinformatics applications. The first part focuses on genome analysis common DNA analysis tools phylogenetics analysis and SNP and haplotype analysis. After chapters on microarray SAGE regulation of gene expression miRNA and siRNA the book presents widely applied programs and tools in proteome analysis protein sequences protein functions and functional annotation of proteins in murine models. The last part introduces the programming languages used in biology website and database design and the interchange of data between Microsoft Excel and Access. Keeping complex mathematical deductions and jargon to a minimum this accessible book offers both the theoretical underpinnings and practical applications of bioinformatics. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367388751

BioinformaticsThe Impact of Accurate Quantification on Proteomic and Genetic Analysis and Research This title includes a number of Open Access chapters. The book introduces bioinformatic and statistical methodology and shows approaches to bias correction and error estimation. It also presents quantitative methods for genome and proteome analysis. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771880190

Bio-Inspired Algorithms in PID Controller Optimization This book discusses in-depth role of optimization to optimize the controller parameters with reference to bio-inspired algorithms. Comparative studies to evaluate the performance of different optimization techniques in terms of the settling time overshoot and undershoot responses of the frequency deviations tie-line power flow deviations and the area control error are included supported by examples. The book also includes different scenarios of the load frequency controller for single area as well as multi-area thermal power generating unit considering different algorithms.Key Features:Highlights the importance of tuning the power system controller parameters with emphasis on bio-inspiration algorithmsProvides some applied applications/examples of the thermal power systemFocusses on power system applications based on the optimization algorithms with different single area and multi-area thermal power systemsReports different cases on the interconnected power systems with providing optimal performance by optimizing the controller’s parameters Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367606961

Bio-Inspired Computing and Networking Seeking new methods to satisfy increasing communication demands researchers continue to find inspiration from the complex systems found in nature. From ant-inspired allocation to a swarm algorithm derived from honeybees Bio-Inspired Computing and Networking explains how the study of biological systems can significantly improve computing networking and robotics. Containing contributions from leading researchers from around the world the book investigates the fundamental aspects and applications of bio-inspired computing and networking. Presenting the latest advances in bio-inspired communication computing networking clustering optimization and robotics the book considers state-of-the-art approaches novel technologies and experimental studies including bio-inspired: Optimization of dynamic NP-hard problems Top-down controller design for distributing a robot swarm among multiple tasks Self-organizing data and signals cellular systems Dynamic spectrum access in cognitive radio networks QoS-aware architecture for scalable adaptive and survivable network systems Locomotion control of the Hexapod Robot Gregor III The book explores bio-inspired topology control and reconfiguration methods as well as bio-inspired localization synchronization and mobility approaches. Providing wide-ranging coverage that includes past approaches current challenges and emerging concepts such as the evolution and self-healing of network architectures and protocols this comprehensive reference provides you with the well-rounded understanding you need to continue the advancement of the development design and implementation of bio-inspired computing and networking. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138115255

Bio-Inspired Computing for Image and Video Processing In recent years bio-inspired computational theories and tools have developed to assist people in extracting knowledge from high dimensional data. These differ in how they take a more evolutionary approach to learning as opposed to traditional artificial intelligence (AI) and what could be described as 'creationist' methods. Instead bio-inspired computing takes a bottom-up de-centralized approach that often involves the method of specifying a set of simple rules a set of simple organisms which adhere to those rules and of iteratively applying those rules. Bio-Inspired Computing for Image and Video Processing covers interesting and challenging new theories in image and video processing. It addresses the growing demand for image and video processing in diverse application areas such as secured biomedical imaging biometrics remote sensing texture understanding pattern recognition content-based image retrieval and more. This book is perfect for students following this topic at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. It will also prove indispensable to researchers who have an interest in image processing using bio-inspired computing. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781498765923

Bio-Inspired Fault-Tolerant Algorithms for Network-on-Chip Network on Chip (NoC) addresses the communication requirement of different nodes on System on Chip. The bio-inspired algorithms improve the bandwidth utilization maximize the throughput and reduce the end-to-end latency and inter-flit arrival time. This book exclusively presents in-depth information regarding bio-inspired algorithms solving real world problems focussing on fault-tolerant algorithms inspired by the biological brain and implemented on NoC. It further documents the bio-inspired algorithms in general and more specifically in the design of NoC. It gives an exhaustive review and analysis of the NoC architectures developed during the last decade according to various parameters. Key Features: Covers bio-inspired solutions pertaining to Network-on-Chip (NoC) design solving real world examples Includes bio-inspired NoC fault-tolerant algorithms with detail coding examples Lists fault-tolerant algorithms with detailed examples Reviews basic concepts of NoC Discusses NoC architectures developed-to-date Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367425906

Bioinspired PhotonicsOptical Structures and Systems Inspired by Nature Harness the Wonders of the Natural World As our in-depth knowledge of biological systems increases the number of devices and applications built from these principles is rapidly growing. Bioinspired Photonics: Optical Structures and Systems Inspired by Nature provides an interdisciplinary introduction to the captivating and diverse photonic systems seen in nature and explores how we take inspiration from them to create new photonic materials and devices. See How Photonic Systems in Nature Work The book presents important examples of how combining biological inspiration with state-of-the-art nanoscience is resulting in the emergence of a field focused on developing real improvements in materials and devices. The author walks readers through examples taken from nature delves into their characterization and performance and describes the unique features of their performance. She interweaves this material with discussions on fabricating synthetic versions of the systems as well as specific aspects of the biological examples that researchers are leveraging in their own work. Replicate and Take Inspiration from These Systems for Fabrication and Application Suitable for a multidisciplinary audience of scientists technologists students and lay people this book covers a wide range of topics encompassed by bioinspired photonics in an easy-to-follow way. Newcomers to the field will acquire the minimum background necessary to begin exploring this fascinating subject while experts will discover state-of-the-art approaches to biomimetic and bioinspired photonic systems. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466504028

Bio-Inspired Regenerative MedicineMaterials Processes and Clinical Applications This book presents a wide and interdisciplinary overview of the current state of the art in the development of biomimetic materials for tissue regeneration on the basis of relevant and high-impact clinical needs. It specifically emphasizes the regeneration of bone cartilage and osteochondral tissues as well as soft tissues such as nerves heart and endocrine organs. It brings together contributions from materials scientists biologists and surgeons with globally recognized experience in the field of regenerative medicine. The aim of the book is to highlight the relevance of biomimetics as an elective approach for the development of new scaffolds that can direct regenerative cascade by means of chemico-physical and topological nano-cues presented to cells and biologic tissues. Particularly the book refers to emerging concepts in synthesis processes and scaffolds inspired by nature as well as to novel approaches for smart functionalization such as the use of magnetic signaling. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814669146

Bioinspired Superhydrophobic SurfacesAdvances and Applications with Metallic and Inorganic Materials Materials with superhydrophobic or related properties are one of the most studied subjects from a theoretical point of view and also for the large range of possible applications for example anticorrosion antibacteria optical devices and sensors. The study of natural species with special wettability has shown us the importance of surface structures and the surface energy of the resulting surface properties. Various strategies can be used to reproduce superhydrophobic phenomena in the laboratory. General reviews on superhydrophobic properties already exist but to our knowledge do not focus on metallic and inorganic materials. Here we focus especially on the strategies implemented for reaching superhydrophobic or related properties using metallic and inorganic materials. Indeed these materials present unique properties for example thermal and mechanical resistance chemical and ageing resistance and optical (transparency antireflection photoluminescence) and electrical properties (conducting semiconducting insulating). This book will be useful for graduate students of materials chemistry and physics and for researchers in surface science nanostructures and bioinspired or biomimetic materials. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814774055

Bio-Inspired Wettability SurfacesDevelopments in Micro- and Nanostructures Through natural evolvement in thousands of years biosurfaces have become highly adaptable to display their biological functions perfectly. Interestingly they have developed micro-/nanostructures with gradient features to achieve smart wetting controls such as ultra-hydrophobic water repellency in lotus leaf directional water collection in wetted spider silk directional adhesion in superhydrophobic butterfly wing and fog-collecting hydrophobic/hydrophilic pattern on beetle back. These surfaces provide endless inspiration for the design and fabrication of functional interface materials with unique wettability generating promising applications such as micro-fluidic devices functional textiles corrosion resistance liquid transportation antifogging and water-collecting devices. In recent years there has been an exciting confluence of research areas of physics chemistry biology and materials science to develop functional micro- and nanosurfaces. A kernel consists of organic materials with high/low surface energy and regular/irregular order/disorder which can be rough/smooth and endlessly arranged and combined with various styles of micro- and nanostructures. This book introduces recent research on wettability of biological and bio-inspired surfaces. It discusses the mechanism of smart wetting controls such as water collection/repellency on biological micro-/nanostructure gradient interfaces. It suggests ways to mimic these biological features to realize bio-inspired functional surfaces with unique wettability. The book will help researchers innovate designs with novel materials for future scientific works. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814463607

Biointeractions of Nanomaterials An examination of the widespread application of nano materials in biology medicine and pharmaceuticals and the accompanying safety concerns Bio-interactions of Nano Materials addresses the issues related to toxicity and safety of nano materials and nano systems. It covers the interactions in biological systems and presents various tools and methods used to evaluate the nano toxicity and nano safety issues. Written by leading scientists the book focuses on the bio-interaction of nano materials covering various techniques and tests which have been developed to evaluate the toxicity of materials at the nano level. The book highlights the challenges of bio-interactions of nano materials and possible solutions to those challenges. It addresses the assessment and characterization of nano systems in bio-environments toxicity and bio-sensing devices for toxicity assessment carbon nano tubes and pulmonary toxicity and nano toxicity of solid lipid nanoparticles. It also discusses nano safety concerns and solutions including the effects of nano particles on different organs and regulatory implications of nano materials. These particles may be used to encapsulate drugs recognize biological markers or visualize body tissues among many other possibilities all enabling their widespread application in biology medicine and pharmaceutics. Indeed these nano materials may have beneficial effects that have not even been imagined. This book gives you an understanding of the safety issues how to assess for them and how to mitigate them to move forward in research and development of new applications for nano materials. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466582385

Biolinguistic Investigations and the Formal Language Hierarchy This volume collects some of Juan Uriagereka’s previously published pieces and presentations on biolinguistics in recent years in one comprehensive volume. The book’s introduction lays the foundation for the field of biolinguistics which looks to integrate concepts from the natural sciences in the analysis of natural language situating the discussion within the minimalist framework. The volume then highlights eight of the author’s key papers from the literature some co-authored representative of both the architectural and evolutionary considerations to be taken into account within biolinguistic research. The book culminates in a final chapter showcasing the body of work being done on biolinguistics within the research program at the University of Maryland and their implications for interdisciplinary research and future directions for the field. This volume is essential reading for students and scholars interested in the interface between language and the natural sciences including linguistics syntax biology archaeology and anthropology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367589721

Biolinguistics Biolinguistics the study of the relation between humans’ biology and the properties of the Language Faculty is an emergent and lively field and is central to linguistics. It gives rise to lively debates on the origin of language and the specificity of human language in the animal kingdom as well as the biological basis of the human language capacities. This new four volume collection assembles the most important contributions to the field exploring the foundations of the subject and language development variation in languages and biology and complexities in language and biology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138859159

Biolinguistics vol II Biolinguistics the study of the relation between humans’ biology and the properties of the Language Faculty is an emergent and lively field and is central to linguistics. It gives rise to lively debates on the origin of language and the specificity of human language in the animal kingdom as well as the biological basis of the human language capacities. This new four volume collection assembles the most important contributions to the field exploring the foundations of the subject and language development variation in languages and biology and complexities in language and biology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138859173

Biolinguistics vol III Biolinguistics the study of the relation between humans’ biology and the properties of the Language Faculty is an emergent and lively field and is central to linguistics. It gives rise to lively debates on the origin of language and the specificity of human language in the animal kingdom as well as the biological basis of the human language capacities. This new four volume collection assembles the most important contributions to the field exploring the foundations of the subject and language development variation in languages and biology and complexities in language and biology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138859180

Biolinguistics vol IV Biolinguistics the study of the relation between humans’ biology and the properties of the Language Faculty is an emergent and lively field and is central to linguistics. It gives rise to lively debates on the origin of language and the specificity of human language in the animal kingdom as well as the biological basis of the human language capacities. This new four volume collection assembles the most important contributions to the field exploring the foundations of the subject and language development variation in languages and biology and complexities in language and biology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138859197

Biologic Applications of Radiotracers First published in 1982: This present volume presents an excellent amount of animal Models in radiotracer investigations describes the animal radiopharmacology laboratory and discusses radiotracer distribution differences between species. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367246167

Biological Affinity in Forensic Identification of Human Skeletal RemainsBeyond Black and White Ancestry determination in the identification of unknown remains can be a challenge for forensic scientists and anthropologists especially when the remains available for testing are limited. There are various techniques for the assessment of ancestry ranging from traditional to new microbiological and computer-assisted methods. Biological Affinity in Forensic Identification of Human Skeletal Remains: Beyond Black and White presents a range of tools that can be used to identify the probable socio-cultural "race" category of unknown human remains. Gathering insight from those who have made recent improvements and scientific advances in the field the book begins with the historical foundations of the concept of biological affinity and the need for increased research into methods for determining ancestry of skeletal remains. The contributors cover a range of topics including: Ancestry estimation from the skull using morphoscopic and morphometric traits and variables Innovative methods from metric analyses of the postcrania and new approaches to dental non-metric variation The biological diversity of Hispanic populations and use of discriminant function analysis and 3D-ID software to determine ancestry Methods of age progression and facial reconstructions to create two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) facial composites for missing people The preparation of skeletal remains for DNA extraction and sampling and mtDNA methods that are available for identification of haplogroups (e.g. ancestral populations) No single method or technique is adequate in the assessment of ancestry. For accurate determinations the use of traditional and new techniques combined yields better results. This book demonstrates the large repertoire of tools available to those tasked with these challenging determinations. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439815755

Biological and Behavioral Determinants of Language Development This book presents a current interdisciplinary perspective on language requisites from both a biological/comparative perspective and from a developmental/learning perspective. Perspectives regarding language and language acquisition are advanced by scientists of various backgrounds -- speech hearing developmental psychology comparative psychology and language intervention. This unique volume searches for a rational interface between findings and perspectives generated by language studies with humans and with chimpanzees. Intended to render a reconsideration as to the essence of language and the requisites to its acquisition it also provides readers with perspectives defined by various revisionists who hold that language might be other than the consequence of a mutation unique to humans and might fundamentally not be limited to speech. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138987869

Biological and Behavioral Determinants of Language Development This book presents a current interdisciplinary perspective on language requisites from both a biological/comparative perspective and from a developmental/learning perspective. Perspectives regarding language and language acquisition are advanced by scientists of various backgrounds -- speech hearing developmental psychology comparative psychology and language intervention. This unique volume searches for a rational interface between findings and perspectives generated by language studies with humans and with chimpanzees. Intended to render a reconsideration as to the essence of language and the requisites to its acquisition it also provides readers with perspectives defined by various revisionists who hold that language might be other than the consequence of a mutation unique to humans and might fundamentally not be limited to speech. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315799599

Biological and Biomedical Coatings Handbook Two-Volume Set Written in a versatile contemporary style that will benefit both novice and expert alike Biological and Biomedical Coatings Handbook Two-Volume Set explores the state of the art in the development and implementation of advanced thin films and coatings in the biological field. The set covers advances in the latest understanding design and performance of biological and biomedical coatings for a vast array of material types including sol-gel bio-ceramics polymers glass chitosan and nanomaterials. Contributors delve into a wide range of novel techniques used in the manufacture and testing of clinical applications for coatings in the medical field particularly in the field of regenerative medicine. Topics include: Implants and implanted devices Organically modified coatings Orthopedic and dental implants Control of drug release Biosensing and bioactive coatings Thermal and plasma spraying Hydrothermal physical and chemical vapor deposition Impedance spectroscopy Hydroxyapatite nanocoatings With chapters authored by world experts at the forefront of research in their respective areas this timely set consists of two volumes—Processing and Characterization and Applications—to cover a subject that is truly fundamental to the success of biotechnological pursuits. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138114524

Biological and Biomedical Coatings HandbookApplications Written in a versatile contemporary style that will benefit both novice and expert alike Biological and Biomedical Coatings Handbook Two-Volume Set covers the state of the art in the development and implementation of advanced thin films and coatings in the biological field. Consisting of two volumes—Processing and Characterization and Applications—this handbook details the latest understanding of advances in the design and performance of biological and biomedical coatings covering a vast array of material types including bio-ceramics polymers glass chitosan and nanomaterials. Contributors delve into a wide range of novel techniques used in the manufacture and testing of clinical applications for coatings in the medical field particularly in the emerging area of regenerative medicine. Building on the theoretical and methodological fundamentals of coatings as presented in the first volume Applications covers: Biological/biomedical implants and other applications of carbon-based materials Control of drug release from coatings MIcrofluidic and biosensing/bioactive coatings and applications Surfaces and coatings of orthopedic dental and other implants Sol–gel-derived hydroxyapatite coatings on metallic implants Impedance spectroscopy With chapters authored by world experts at the forefront of research in their respective areas this timely set provides searing insights and practical information to explore a subject that is fundamental to the success of biotechnological pursuits. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138114395

Biological and Biomedical Coatings HandbookProcessing and Characterization Written in a versatile contemporary style that will benefit both novice and expert alike Biological and Biomedical Coatings Handbook Two-Volume Set covers the state of the art in the development and implementation of advanced thin films and coatings in the biological field. Consisting of two volumes—Processing and Characterization and Applications—this handbook details the latest understanding of advances in the design and performance of biological and biomedical coatings covering a vast array of material types including bio-ceramics polymers glass chitosan and nanomaterials. Contributors delve into a wide range of novel techniques used in the manufacture and testing of clinical applications for coatings in the medical field particularly in the emerging area of regenerative medicine. An exploration of the fundamentals elements of biological and biomedical coatings the first volume Processing and Characterization addresses: Synthesis fabrication and characterization of nanocoatings The sol-gel method and electrophoretic depositionThermal and plasma sprayingHydroxyapatite and organically modified coatingsBioceramics and bioactive glass-based coatingsHydrothermal crystallization and self-healing effectsPhysical and chemical vapor depositionLayered assembled polyelectrolyte filmsWith chapters authored by world experts at the forefront of research in their respective areas this timely set provides searing insights and practical information to explore a subject that is fundamental to the success of biotechnological pursuits. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367382704

Biological and Biotechnological Control of Insect Pests Pest and disease management continues to challenge the agricultural community. The rise in new pest and crop problems juxtaposed with public concern over pesticide use and more stringent environmental regulations creates the need for today's agricultural producers to stay current with new technologies for producing quality crops profitably. Biological and Biotechnological Control of Insect Pests presents an overview of alternative measures to traditional pest management practices utilizing biological control and biotechnology.The removal of some highly effective broad-spectrum chemicals caused by concerns over environmental health and public safety has resulted in the development of alternative reduced risk crop protection products. These products less toxic to the environment and easily integrated into biological control systems target specific life stages or pest species. Predation - recognized as a suitable long term strategy - effectively suppresses pests in biotechnological control systems.Biological and Biotechnological Control of Insect Pests covers these topics and more. It explores the current approaches in alternative solutions such as: biological control agents parasites and predators pathogenic microorganisms pheromones botanical insecticides genetic control genetic engineering of plants and biocontrol agents and government regulations for biocontrol agents and recombinant DNA technology. This book will be a useful resource to entomologists agronomists horticulturists and environmental scientists. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367399443

Biological and Cultural Bases of Human Inference Biological and Cultural Bases of Human Inference addresses the interface between social science and cognitive science. In this volume Viale and colleagues explore which human social cognitive powers evolve naturally and which are influenced by culture. Updating the debate between innatism and culturalism regarding human cognitive abilities this book represents a much-needed articulation of these diverse bases of cognition. Chapters throughout the book provide social science and philosophical reflections in addition to the perspective of evolutionary theory and the central assumptions of cognitive science. The overall approach of the text is based on three complementary levels: adult performance cognitive development and cultural history and prehistory. Scholars from several disciplines contribute to this volume including researchers in cognitive developmental social and evolutionary psychology neuropsychology cognitive anthropology epistemology and philosophy of mind. This contemporary important collection appeals to researchers in the fields of cognitive social developmental and evolutionary psychology and will prove valuable to researchers in the decision sciences. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138004177

Biological and Medical Aspects of Electromagnetic Fields Fourth Edition The two volumes of this new edition of the Handbook cover the basic biological medical physical and electrical engineering principles. They also include experimental results concerning how electric and magnetic fields affect biological systems—both as potential hazards to health and potential tools for medical treatment and scientific research. They also include material on the relationship between the science and the regulatory processes concerning human exposure to the fields. Like its predecessors this edition is intended to be useful as a reference book but also for introducing the reader to bioelectromagnetics or some of its aspects. FEATURES • New topics include coverage of electromagnetic effects in the terahertz region effects on plants and explicitly applying feedback concepts to the analysis of biological electromagnetic effects • Expanded coverage of electromagnetic brain stimulation characterization and modeling of epithelial wounds and recent lab experiments on at all frequencies • Section on background for setting standards and precautionary principle • Discussion of recent epidemiological laboratory and theoretical results; including: WHO IARC syntheses of epidemiological results on both high and low frequency fields IITRI lab study of cancer in mice exposed to cell phone-like radiation and other RF studies • All chapters updated by internationally acknowledged experts in the field Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138735262

Biological and Medical Sensor Technologies Biological and Medical Sensor Technologies presents contributions from top experts who explore the development and implementation of sensors for various applications used in medicine and biology. Edited by a pioneer in the area of advanced semiconductor materials the book is divided into two sections. The first part covers sensors for biological applications. Topics include: Advanced sensing and communication in the biological world DNA-derivative architectures for long-wavelength bio-sensing Label-free silicon photonics Quartz crystal microbalance-based biosensors Lab-on-chip technologies for cell-sensing applications Enzyme biosensors Future directions for breath sensors Solid-state gas sensors for clinical diagnosis The second part of the book deals with sensors for medical applications. This section addresses: Bio-sensing and human behavior measurements Sweat rate wearable sensors Various aspects of medical imaging The future of medical imaging Spatial and spectral resolution aspects of semiconductor detectors in medical imaging CMOS SSPM detectors CdTe detectors and their applications to gamma-ray imaging Positron emission tomography (PET) Composed of contributions from some of the world’s foremost experts in their respective fields this book covers a wide range of subjects. It explores everything from sensors and communication systems found in nature to the latest advances in manmade sensors. The end result is a useful collection of stimulating insights into the many exciting applications of sensor technologies in everyday life. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073210

Biological and Pharmaceutical Applications of Nanomaterials Biological and Pharmaceutical Applications of Nanomaterials presents the findings of cutting-edge research activities in the field of nanomaterials with a particular emphasis on biological and pharmaceutical applications. Divided into four sections—nanomaterials for drug delivery antimicrobial nanomaterials nanomaterials in biosensors and safety of nanomaterials—this book:Covers topics such as stimuli-responsive nanostructured silica matrixes gold nanoparticles and liposomes for targeting drug delivery and dental applicationsDescribes the use of nanocarriers and nanoparticles as cancer and peptide therapeutics the influence of surface characteristics on microbial adhesion and the latest developments in antimicrobial nanostructured polymers for medical applicationsDiscusses recent advances in nanodiagnostic techniques for infectious agents chromogenic biosensors for pathogen detection electrochemical biosensors for detecting DNA damage and genotoxicity and molecular imaging with quantum dots including surface modifications by polymers for biosensing applicationsFeaturing contributions from field experts and researchers in industry and academia Biological and Pharmaceutical Applications of Nanomaterials provides state-of-the-art information on nanomaterials and their use in drug delivery infection control and biomedicine. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367575649

Biological and Social Issues in Biotechnology Sharing First published in 1998 this was the first book to present a comprehensive summary of both the global as well as institutional issues which are involved in biotechnology sharing. It covers the controversial subject of intellectual property rights (IPR) and the patenting of new discoveries in genetic knowledge in both agriculture and the human genome. One controversial issue is the creation of public and private DNA sequencing data bases. Of special interest is the sharing of biotechnology between the developed (rich) and developing (poor) nations. A related topic which requires immediate attention is the exploitation of biodiversity in the developing countries and the resulting extinction of rare species. Sharing or transferring biotechnology and its applications between institutions or different countries raises numerous ethical and moral dilemmas. A comprehensive summary of these issues is presented in this book. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138611955

Biological Anthropology and PrehistoryExploring Our Human Ancestry Written specifically for courses that cover biological anthropology and archaeology this superbly illustrated new text offers the most balanced and up-to-date introduction to our human past. Devoting equal time to biological anthropology and prehistory this text exposes students to the many sides of major controversial issues involving students in the scientific thought process by allowing them to draw their own conclusions. Amidst discussions of bones and artifacts the text maintains a focus on people demonstrating to students how biological anthropology and archaeology apply to their lives today. Featuring the latest research and findings pulled from the original sources this new text is far and away the most up-to-date text available. In addition the superior art program features hundreds of photographs and figures and the multimedia presentation options include documentary film clips and lecture launcher videos. Pat Rice a recipient of AAA‘s Outstanding Teacher Award and past-president of the General Anthropology Division of AAA and Norah Moloney an experienced professor and active archaeologist present the material in a clear refreshing and straightforward writing style. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138467019

Biological Application of Anti-IdiotypesVolume I The goal of this book is to present findings which are supportive of the concept that the words of the idiotype dictionary and likewise self-recognition are essential for communication between lymphocyte clones while some unfaithful ( infidel ) copies of the words contained in the idiotype dictionary perhaps play a role in the functional regulation of nonlymphoid cells. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891132

Biological Application of Anti-IdiotypesVolume II The goal of this book is to present findings which are supportive of the concept that the words of the idiotype dictionary and likewise self-recognition are essential for communication between lymphocyte clones while some unfaithful ( infidel ) copies of the words contained in the idiotype dictionary perhaps play a role in the functional regulation of nonlymphoid cells. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891125

Biological Approaches to Rational Drug Design This book exploits an understanding of disease pathogenesis by applying a variety of biological agents to therapy. It provides a broad overview of the current methodologies being applied to biological approaches to rational drug design and in depth analyses of progress in this specific field. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003069294

Biological Basis and Therapy of Neuroses Paradoxically it is the termneurosis more than perhaps any other which has the implication of organic basis. Possibly the popular but erroneous belief that it implies impeded systematic biological research in this area. On scrutiny it becomes obvious that there is considerable evidence for a biological basis to these hitherto ignored conditions. This book endeavours to present this information in a systematic manner. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891149

Biological Centrifugation An important introduction to the use of the centrifuge in the biology laboratory Biological Centrifugation is also useful for more experienced workers. The book describes the background and the principles behind centrifugation including sedimentation theory. The book also considers the different types of centrifuge and other centrifuge hardware available density gradient media and gradient technology. Although aimed primarily at the novice this title also provides information to allow more experienced workers to modify and update existing techniques. Media > Books > E-books Garland Science 9781003076797

Biological Clock in Fish Each organism has its own internal biological clock which is reset by environmental cues (Zeitgebers) thus keeping it synchronized with the external environment. It is a chemically based oscillating system within cells relying on molecular feedback loops. Circadian biological clocks exist in most organisms.What is so special about the clock in fish? Where is it located—in the retina inside the brain or in the pineal? What is the molecular basis of its function? How is the clock able to keep time in the absence of environmental cues?Although biological clocks have been intensively studied over the past four decades only recently have the tools needed to examine the molecular basis of circadian rhythms become available. This book reviews the state of knowledge in sufficient detail and presents the latest contributions to the field showing fish provide a unique model of the circadian biological clock. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367383954

Biological Clocks Biological Clocks introduces the subject of human chronobiology. It describes biological clocks; why we have clocks; how biological clocks relate to sleep disorders depression and jet lag; and how the reader can measure his/her own rhythms. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003078470

Biological Computation The area of biologically inspired computing or biological computation involves the development of new biologically based techniques for solving difficult computational problems. A unified overview of computer science ideas inspired by biology Biological Computation presents the most fundamental and significant concepts in this area. In the book students discover that bacteria communicate that DNA can be used for performing computations how evolution solves optimization problems that the way ants organize their nests can be applied to solve clustering problems and what the human immune system can teach us about protecting computer networks. The authors discuss more biological examples such as these along with the computational techniques developed from these scenarios. The text focuses on cellular automata evolutionary computation neural networks and molecular computation. Each chapter explores the biological background describes the computational techniques gives examples of applications discusses possible variants of the techniques and includes exercises and solutions. The authors use the examples and exercises to illustrate key ideas and techniques. Clearly conveying the essence of the major computational approaches in the field this book brings students to the point where they can either produce a working implementation of the techniques or effectively use one of the many available implementations. Moreover the techniques discussed reflect fundamental principles that can be applied beyond bio-inspired computing. Supplementary material is available on Dr. Unger's website. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781420087956

Biological Control in Plant ProtectionA Colour Handbook Second Edition There has been a large increase in the commercial use of integrated crop/pest management methods for pest and disease control on a wide range of crops throughout the world since the first edition of this book. The completely revised second edition of the bestselling Biological Control in Plant Protection: A Color Handbook continues the objective of providing a handbook with profiles and full-color photographs of as many examples of biological control organisms from as wide a global area as possible. It is designed to help readers anticipate and recognize specific problems of pest management and then resolve them using the natural enemies of pests—parasites predators and pathogens.The authors first describe the impact of predator-prey relationships on host plant species in arable orchard and protected environments. The main sections of the book include profiles of pests beneficial arthropods (insects and mites) and beneficial pathogens (bacteria fungi viruses and nematodes) featuring a tabular pest identification guide. Descriptions of biocontrol organisms are divided into four sections: species characteristics lifecycle crop/pest associations and influences of growing practices. The text is illustrated throughout with color photographs of the highest quality.This revised edition helps readers more fully understand the concepts and practice of biological control and integrated pest management. All chapters have been updated and expanded and more than 300 new photographs have been added. The second edition covers new beneficial organisms and pest profiles and it includes a new chapter on the practical aspects and application of biological control. It also contains a new final chapter that puts biological control in perspective discussing interactions that occur when using biocontrol for population management as well as some of the possible mechanisms of biocontrol. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781840761177

Biological Control of Crop Diseases With contributions from more than 30 internationally renowned experts this book combines coverage of theory with coverage of global practices. Highlighting the day-to-day challenges of organic crop management for cost-effective real-world application the book explores the biological control of diseases in 12 major crops. It focuses on the use of host plant resistance through transgenics and induced systemic resistance as a part of biological control. Topics covered include the role of biocontrol agents for signalling resistance effective ecofriendly alternative to combat bacterial fungal and viral infestation and transgenic crops in disease management. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367454975

Biological Data Mining Like a data-guzzling turbo engine advanced data mining has been powering post-genome biological studies for two decades. Reflecting this growth Biological Data Mining presents comprehensive data mining concepts theories and applications in current biological and medical research. Each chapter is written by a distinguished team of interdisciplinary data mining researchers who cover state-of-the-art biological topics. The first section of the book discusses challenges and opportunities in analyzing and mining biological sequences and structures to gain insight into molecular functions. The second section addresses emerging computational challenges in interpreting high-throughput Omics data. The book then describes the relationships between data mining and related areas of computing including knowledge representation information retrieval and data integration for structured and unstructured biological data. The last part explores emerging data mining opportunities for biomedical applications. This volume examines the concepts problems progress and trends in developing and applying new data mining techniques to the rapidly growing field of genome biology. By studying the concepts and case studies presented readers will gain significant insight and develop practical solutions for similar biological data mining projects in the future. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138116580

Biological Determinants of ReinforcementBiological Determinates of Reinforcement This seventh volume divided into four parts addresses the biological determinates of reinforcement and memory. Covers topics in electrical brain stimulation drugs and reinforcement and cellular mechanisms. Media > Books > E-books Psychology Press 9781315802329

Biological DiversityBalancing Interests Through Adaptive Collaborative Management We live in a world of wide pendulum swings regarding management policies for protected areas particularly as they affect the involvement of local people in management. Such swings can be polarizing and halt on-the-ground progress. There is a need to find ways to protect biodiversity while creating common ground and building management capacity through shared experiences. Diverse groups need to cooperate to manage forests in ways that are flexible and can incorporate feedback.Biological Diversity: Balancing Interests Through Adaptive Collaborative Management addresses the problem of how to balance local national and global interests in preserving the earth's biological diversity with competing interests in the use and exploitation of these natural resources. This innovative book examines the potential of adaptive collaborative management (ACM) in reconciling a protected area's competing demands for biodiversity conservation local livelihood support and broader-based regional development. It clarifies ACM's emerging characteristics and assesses its suitability for a variety of protected area situations. FeaturesPresents a better understanding of an emerging new management paradigm for balancing interests in biodiversity conservation and livelihood sustainability Provides interdisciplinary analysis and strategies for success involving social and biological scientists natural resource practitioners policy makers and citizensIncludes cases from around the world that illustrate how effective conservation programs can be developed though the use of adaptive management and social learning Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367455224

Biological EconomiesExperimentation and the politics of agri-food frontiers Recent agri-food studies including commodity systems the political economy of agriculture regional development and wider examinations of the rural dimension in economic geography and rural sociology have been confronted by three challenges. These can be summarized as: ‘more than human’ approaches to economic life; a ‘post-structural political economy’ of food and agriculture; and calls for more ‘enactive’ performative research approaches. This volume describes the genealogy of such approaches drawing on the reflective insights of more than five years of international engagement and research. It demonstrates the kinds of new work being generated under these approaches and provides a means for exploring how they should be all understood as part of the same broader need to review theory and methods in the study of food agriculture rural development and economic geography. This radical collective approach is elaborated as the Biological Economies approach. The authors break out from traditional categories of analysis reconceptualising materialities and reframing economic assemblages as biological economies based on the notion of all research being enactive or performative. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138588936

Biological Effects of Organolead Compounds First published in 1984: This book is a compilation of research on Organolead Compounds. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367245160

Biological Environmental Science Biological Environmental Science is an introductory textbook for undergraduate students who desire a one semester course or alternatively a ‘springboard course for advanced environmental offerings. This book features timely issues such as global warming air ground and water pollutions population growth species extinction and environmental policy. Unique features of this book include the use of research data and literature copious illustrations and appendices for the scientific method. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138453548

Biological Foundations of Language ProductionA Special Issue of Language and Cognitive Processes First published in 2011. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781848727496

Biological IdentityPerspectives from Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Biology Analytic metaphysics has recently discovered biology as a means of grounding metaphysical theories. This has resulted in long-standing metaphysical puzzles such as the problems of personal identity and material constitution being increasingly addressed by appeal to a biological understanding of identity. This development within metaphysics is in significant tension with the growing tendency amongst philosophers of biology to regard biological identity as a deep puzzle in its own right especially following recent advances in our understanding of symbiosis the evolution of multi-cellular organisms and the inherently dynamical character of living systems. Moreover and building on these biological insights the broadly substance ontological framework of metaphysical theories of biological identity appears problematic to a growing number of philosophers of biology who invoke process ontology instead. This volume addresses this tension exploring to what extent it can be dissolved. For this purpose the volume presents the first selection of essays exclusively focused on biological identity and written by experts in metaphysics the philosophy of biology and biology. The resulting cross-disciplinary dialogue paves the way for a convincing account of biological identity that is both metaphysically constructive and scientifically informed and will be of interest to metaphysicians philosophers of biology and theoretical biologists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138479180

Biological Influences on Criminal Behavior Biological Influences on Criminal Behavior Second Edition is fully updated to include recent research studies and publications examining the integration of the biological view with mainstream social psychological and environmental views in influences in criminality and criminal behavior. The first edition of the book was written with the belief grounded in research that something vital can be discovered when we assess all the factors related to the causes of crime including biology. Since the first edition published it has become broadly accepted that biology is certainly a factor in criminal behavior albeit a singular piece to the puzzle. Increased collaborations between scientists and criminologists has led to a much stronger understanding of the intricacies of biology’s role in behavior. As well more criminologists have biological backgrounds. As the science involved became more complex so too did this text. This second edition considers the more recent and integrated research that is being conducted today to show the interaction between the environment and a person’s biology that lead to our behavior. It has even been shown that the environment acts on and actually changes the functions of some genes. The book begins with basic scientific principles and advances to introduce the reader to the more in-depth discussions of various biological influencers. Biological Influences on Criminal Behavior Second Edition is written primarily for social science and law students who wish to understand this exciting area. The book offers a greater understanding of this rapidly growing field so that its lessons can help to inform policy treatments rehabilitation and the law. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367360016

Biological Inhibitors This book a part of the series Studies in Medicinal Chemistry details the biological inhibitors that reflect drug discovery in treating human diseases including cardiovascular nervous inflammatory hormonal and metabolic processes. Compounds for fungal diseases and HIV/AIDS are also covered. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003077336

Biological InvasionsEconomic and Environmental Costs of Alien Plant Animal and Microbe Species Second Edition The impact of invasive species is second only to that of human population growth and associated activities as a cause of the loss of biodiversity throughout the world. In the United States invasions of nonnative plants animals or microbes cause major environmental damage. The second edition of Biological Invasions: Economic and Environmental Costs of Alien Plant Animal and Microbe Species represents the most current single-source reference containing scientific and economic information on this timely subject. This volume reconfirms the diverse and unpredictable roles that non-native species assume as they invade new ecosystems: destruction of vital crops and forests major damages to ecosystems leading to loss of biodiversity soil erosion and water loss. The text provides information on how the non-native species invade new ecosystems their subsequent environmental effects and estimates on economic impacts. Biological Invasions supplies scientists policymakers and the public with a better understanding of the invading species and how to prevent their spread and improve control procedures. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439829905

Biological Memory First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138875043

Biological Microtechnique A completely new practical guide to both new and classical methods of slide-making which is easy-to-read and easy-to-understand. Biological Microtechnique contains a wealth of practical detail which will provide a firm grounding in preparative methods for light microscopy. Media > Books > E-books Garland Science 9781003077008

Biological PrinciplesA Critical Study First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315823133

Biological Processes in Living Systems Biological Processes in Living Systems is the fourth and final volume of the Toward a Theoretical Biology series. It contains essays that deal in detail with particular biological processes: morphogenesis of pattern the development of neuronal networks evolutionary processes and others. The main thrust of this volume brings relevance to the general underlying nature of living systems. Faced with trying to understand how the complexity of molecular microstates leads to the relative simplicity of phenome structures Waddington-on behalf of his colleagues-stresses on the structure of language as a paradigm for a theory of general biology. This is language in an imperative mood: a set of symbols organized by some form of generative grammar making possible the conveyance of commands for action to produce effects on the surroundings of the emitting and the receiving entities. "Biology " he writes "is concerned with algorithm and program." Among the contributions in this volume are: "The Riemann-Hugoniot Catastrophe and van der Waals Equation " David H. Fowler; "Differential Equations for the Heartbeat and Nerve Impulse " E. Christopher Zeeman; "Structuralism and Biology " Rene Thom; "The Concept of Positional Information and Pattern Formation " Lewis Wolpert; "Pattern Formation in Fibroblast Cultures " Tom Elsdale; "Form and Information " C. H. Waddington; "Organizational Principles for Theoretical Neurophysiology " Michael A. Arbib; "Stochastic Models of Neuroelectric Activity " Jack D. Cowan. Biological Processes in Living Systems is a pioneering volume by recognized leaders in an ever-growing field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412842761

Biological Processing of Solid Waste Offering a comprehensive approach this title covers fundamentals technologies and management of biological processing of solid waste. It discusses kinetic modeling and synergistic impact evolution during bioprocessing of solid waste environmental impacts such as greenhouse gas emission from biological processing of solid waste energy recovery from solid waste and biodrying of solid waste. It also presents cases and challenges from different countries successful business models and economic analyses of various processing options. Aimed at researchers and industry professionals in solid and hazardous waste management this title offers a wealth of knowledge to help readers understand this increasingly important area. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138106420

Biological Psychology The fascinating and rapidly growing field of biological psychology—also widely known as biopsychology behavioural neuroscience or psychobiology—is concerned with the relationship between brain and behaviour. Broadly speaking biological psychologists seek to understand dizzyingly difficult questions about how biological processes underlie normal (and abnormal) behaviour and other psychological states and processes. As research in and around biological psychology burgeons as never before this new four-volume collection from Routledge’s acclaimed Critical Concepts in Psychology series meets the need for an authoritative reference work to make sense of a rapidly growing and ever more complex corpus of literature. Edited by two leading scholars the collection gathers foundational and canonical work together with innovative and cutting-edge applications and interventions. With a full index together with a comprehensive introduction newly written by the editors which places the collected material in its historical and intellectual context Biological Psychology is an essential work of reference. The collection will be particularly useful as an essential database allowing scattered and often fugitive material to be easily located. It will also be welcomed as a crucial tool permitting rapid access to less familiar—and sometimes overlooked—texts. For researchers and advanced students it is a vital one-stop research and pedagogic resource. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415686969

Biological Risk Engineering HandbookInfection Control and Decontamination This handbook discusses biological risk engineering an extension of industrial hygiene that involves the assessment control and decontamination of indoor biological risks. The book synergizes the knowledge of experts in various fields from law to toxicology to provide a compendium of information for applying science to limit biological risk. Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429143205

Biological Sequence Analysis Using the SeqAn C++ Library An Easy-to-Use Research Tool for Algorithm Testing and Development Before the SeqAn project there was clearly a lack of available implementations in sequence analysis even for standard tasks. Implementations of needed algorithmic components were either unavailable or hard to access in third-party monolithic software products. Addressing these concerns the developers of SeqAn created a comprehensive easy-to-use open source C++ library of efficient algorithms and data structures for the analysis of biological sequences. Written by the founders of this project Biological Sequence Analysis Using the SeqAn C++ Library covers the SeqAn library its documentation and the supporting infrastructure. The first part of the book describes the general library design. It introduces biological sequence analysis problems discusses the benefit of using software libraries summarizes the design principles and goals of SeqAn details the main programming techniques used in SeqAn and demonstrates the application of these techniques in various examples. Focusing on the components provided by SeqAn the second part explores basic functionality sequence data structures alignments pattern and motif searching string indices and graphs. The last part illustrates applications of SeqAn to genome alignment consensus sequence in assembly projects suffix array construction and more. This handy book describes a user-friendly library of efficient data types and algorithms for sequence analysis in computational biology. SeqAn enables not only the implementation of new algorithms but also the sound analysis and comparison of existing algorithms. Visit SeqAn for more information. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138112827

Biological Synthesis of Nanoparticles and Their Applications Biological Synthesis of Nanoparticles and Their Applications gives insight into the synthesis of nanoparticles utilizing the natural routes. It demonstrates various strategies for the synthesis of nanoparticles utilizing plants microscopic organisms like bacteria fungi algae and so forth. It orchestrates interdisciplinary hypothesis ideas definitions models and discoveries associated with complex cell of the prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Highlights: Discusses biological approach towards the nanoparticle synthesis Describes the role of nanotechnology in the field of medicine and its medical devices Covers application and usage of the chemicals at the molecular level to act as catalysts and binding products for both organic and inorganic Chemical Reactions Reviews application in physics such as solar cells photovoltaics and other usage Microorganisms can aggregate and detoxify substantial metals because of different reductase enzymes which can diminish metal salts to metal nanoparticles. The readers after going through this book will have detailed account of mechanism of bio-synthesis of nanoparticles. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367210694

Biological Systems Biodiversity and Stability of Plant Communities This book discusses theoretical approaches to the taxonomy of biological systems and theory and mathematical approaches to the problem of plant diversity cultivation and the environment. Particular attention is given to theoretical and practical problems of soil and the environmental sustainability of phytocoenosis with the goal to enhance the productivity of agricultural crops: cereals legumes vegetables and fruit. Providing valuable information on the distribution of chemical elements in the soil–plant system and on the migration of chemical elements in the food chain this book looks at the composition of the soil and the distribution of elements in the soil–plant system that are manifested as adaptations of plant organism to environmental conditions. With chapters written by acknowledged scientists in the field of genetics plant selection ecology and agro-economy the book attempts in many cases to find consensus between the need to address ways to decrease the excess load on the environment and the need to provide adequately for the human population in agro-developed countries. This book also presents precision farming techniques including the introduction of differentiated agrochemicals and considering variability of soil fertility and crop conditions. An important element for the conservation and adaptation of plant organism to environmental conditions is the use of physiologically active compounds. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771880640

Biological Systems in Vertebrates Vol. 1Functional Morphology of the Vertebrate Respiratory Systems Gives an account of the morphologies of vertebrate respiratory organs and attempts to explicate the basis of the common and different structural and functional designs and stratagems that have evolved for acquisition of molecular oxygen. The book has been written with a broad readership in mind: students of biology as well as experts in the disciplines of zoology physiology morphology biological microscopy biomedical engineering and ecology and those that work or may contemplate working on materials and aspects concerning respiration in whole organisms will find it useful. Scientists in earth sciences with particular interest on the outcomes of past interactions between environmental factors (the physical domain) and evolution and adaptation (the biological domain) mechanisms that have set the composition patterning and anatomies of extant animal life will find the book of interest. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138417229

Biological Transport of Radiotracers First published in 1982: The book attempts to explain transport processes for radiolabelled tracers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367245429

Biological Treatment of Solid WasteEnhancing Sustainability This title includes a number of Open Access chapters. Intended for a wide audience ranging from engineers and academics to decision-makers in both the public and private sectors Biological Treatment of Solid Waste: Enhancing Sustainability reviews several technologies that help communities manage solid waste sustainably while at the same time generating energy revenue and other resources. The book is divided into three topics: Microbial technologies for solid waste treatment Composting Biodrying Included within these larger topics are case studies and investigations into particular aspects of each with attention paid to food waste animal waste municipal waste and certain forms of industrial waste. The editor is an environmental engineer with an international reputation and she has included her own research studies as well as that of her colleagues many of which have been presented at international waste management conferences. She concludes that our world can no longer afford to consider waste as something that can be discarded with no regard for future use. Instead if addressed correctly through policy and practice solid waste can become a valuable resource. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771882798

Biological Wastewater Treatment Following in the footsteps of previous highly successful and useful editions Biological Wastewater Treatment Third Edition presents the theoretical principles and design procedures for biochemical operations used in wastewater treatment processes. It reflects important changes and advancements in the field such as a revised treatment of the microbiology and kinetics of nutrient removal and an update of the simulation of biological phosphorous removal with a more contemporary model. See what’s new in the Third Edition: A chapter devoted to the description and simulation of anaerobic bioreactors Coverage of applications of submerged attached growth bioreactors Expanded discussion of modeling attached growth systems Increased information on the fate and effects of trace contaminants as they relate to xenobiotic organic chemicals A chapter on applying biochemical unit operations to design systems for greater sustainability The book describes named biochemical operations in terms of treatment objectives biochemical environment and reactor configuration; introduces the format and notation used throughout the text; and presents the basic stoichiometry and kinetics of microbial reactions that are key to quantitative descriptions of biochemical operations. It then examines the stoichiometry and kinetics used to investigate the theoretical performance of biological reactors containing microorganisms suspended in the wastewater. The authors apply this theory to the operations introduced taking care to highlight the practical constraints that ensure system functionality in the real world. The authors focus on further biochemical operations in which microorganisms grow attached to solid surfaces adding complexity to the analysis even though the operations are often simpler in application. They conclude with a look to the future introducing the fate and effects of xenobiotic and trace contaminants in wastewater treatment systems and examining how the application of biochemical operations can lead to a more sustainable world. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780849396793

Biological Wastewater Treatment ProcessesMass and Heat Balances The focus of the book is on how to use mass and heat balances to simulate and design biological wastewater treatment processes. All the main processes for biological wastewater treatment are covered viz. activated sludge processes for carbon and nitrogen removal anaerobic digestion sequencing batch reactors and attached growth processes. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367573935

Biologically Active Natural ProductsMicrobial Technologies and Phyto-Pharmaceuticals in Drug Development Biologically active natural products and their substructures have long been valuable starting points for medicinal chemistry and drug discovery. This new volume explores biologically active natural products and their use in microbial technologies and as phyto-pharmaceuticals in drug development. It presents detailed scientific principles and recent research on applications of nanotechnology in diagnostics and drug delivery. Topics include pharmacotherapeutically active proteins and peptides; the biotechnological potential of hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria; synthesis and production; synthetic colorants pigments dyes and lakes; and more. The use of various plants is discussed in several chapters including Artemisia Asteraceae Abutilon indicum Prosopis juliflora Acacia arabica Aloe barbadensis Tabermontana divaricate Linn. among others. With the information presented in Biologically Active Natural Products: Microbial Technologies and Phyto-Pharmaceuticals in Drug Development scientists faculty and graduate students will gain a unique insight into nanotechnology and natural pharmaceuticals today with practical implementation in various industrial sectors. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771889049

Biologically Active Natural ProductsPharmaceuticals Biologically Active Natural Products: Pharmaceuticals demonstrates the connections between agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals and explores the use of plants and plant products in the formulation and development of pharmaceuticals. Experts from around the world examine a multitude of topics including evaluation of extracts from tropical plants for potential anticancer activity and cancer chemopreventive activity; use of Chinese lacquer tree sap products as pharmaceutical intermediates; and new approaches to drug discovery from the rainforest. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367399566

Biologically Active PeptidesDesign Synthesis and Utilization Investigation into basic and advanced peptide design synthesis evaluation and utilization. New therapeutic approaches from experimental systems. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138407435

Biologically Inspired Robotics Robotic engineering inspired by biology—biomimetics—has many potential applications: robot snakes can be used for rescue operations in disasters snake-like endoscopes can be used in medical diagnosis and artificial muscles can replace damaged muscles to recover the motor functions of human limbs. Conversely the application of robotics technology to our understanding of biological systems and behaviors—biorobotic modeling and analysis—provides unique research opportunities: robotic manipulation technology with optical tweezers can be used to study the cell mechanics of human red blood cells a surface electromyography sensing system can help us identify the relation between muscle forces and hand movements and mathematical models of brain circuitry may help us understand how the cerebellum achieves movement control. Biologically Inspired Robotics contains cutting-edge material—considerably expanded and with additional analysis—from the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO). These 16 chapters cover both biomimetics and biorobotic modeling/analysis taking readers through an exploration of biologically inspired robot design and control micro/nano bio-robotic systems biological measurement and actuation and applications of robotics technology to biological problems. Contributors examine a wide range of topics including: A method for controlling the motion of a robotic snake The design of a bionic fitness cycle inspired by the jaguar The use of autonomous robotic fish to detect pollution A noninvasive brain-activity scanning method using a hybrid sensor A rehabilitation system for recovering motor function in human hands after injury Human-like robotic eye and head movements in human–machine interactions A state-of-the-art resource for graduate students and researchers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367381783

Biologics A History of Agents Made From Living Organisms in the Twentieth Century The use of biologics – drugs made from living organisms – has raised specific scientific industrial medical and legal issues. The essays contained in this collection each deal with a case study of a biologic substance or group of biologics and its use during the twentieth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138662971

Biologising the Social SciencesChallenging Darwinian and Neuroscience Explanations You can hardly open a paper or read an academic journal without some attempt to explain an aspect of human behaviour or experience by reference to neuroscience biological or evolutionary processes. This ‘biologising’ has had rather a free ride until now being generally accepted by the public at large. However there is a growing number of scholars who are challenging the assumption that we are little more than our bodies and animal origins. This volume brings together a review of these emerging critiques expressed by an international range of senior academics from across the social sciences. Their arguments are firmly based in the empirical scientific tradition. They show the lack of logic or evidence for many ‘biologising’ claims as well as the damaging effects these biological assumptions can have on issues such as dealing with dyslexia or treating alcoholism. This important book originally published as a special issue of Contemporary Social Science contributes to a crucial debate on what it means to be human. "This collection of articles by David Canter and his colleagues rigorously argued and richly informative […] are of immense importance. It is astonishing that as Canter puts it in his brilliant overview of biologising trends […] there are those in the humanities who need to be reminded "that human beings can talk and interact with each other generating cultures and societies that have an existence that cannot be reduced to their mere mechanical parts".   Professor Raymond Tallis FRCP FMedSci DLitt LittD in the Preface. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138922921

Biology Chemistry and Applications of Apocarotenoids Carotenoids are a large class of isoprenoid pigments produced by plants and certain microbes. More than 700 naturally occurring carotenoids have been identified. Apocarotenoids are tailored from carotenoids by oxidative enzymes. Apocarotenoids act as visual or volatile signals to attract pollinating and seed dispersal agents. They are also the key players in allelopathic interactions and plant defense. Biology Chemistry and Applications of Apocarotenoids provides detailed account of the fundamental chemistry of apocarotenoids and the basic methods used in carotenoid research and critical discussions of the biochemistry functions and applications of these important compounds. Topics covered in the proposed book include various aspects of the roles of apocarotenoids in colour and colouration photosynthesis and other photofunctions and protection. The formation and roles of carotenoid metabolites and breakdown products as perfume/aroma compounds are also be outlined. Features: Provides an organized overview of apocarotenoids and their chemistry and biological functions Focuses on recent discoveries on apocarotenoids their nature and functions. Details potential uses of apocarotenoids in agriculture pharmacy food industry and apocarotenoid production at industrial level This book has been written by leading experts in apocarotenoid research and gives a comprehensive overview on the diversity of apocarotenoid compounds and would serve as a reference book for researches in Plant Physiology Molecular Biology Biochemistry Biophysics and Medicine. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367361600

Biology Ecology and Culture of Grey Mullets (Mugilidae) Mullets (grey mullets) are a family (Mugilidae) and order of ray-finned fish found in temperate and tropical waters worldwide. There are approximately 80 species of mullet; these fish have been considered an important food source in Mediterranean Europe since Roman times. This book provides a long overdue update on the biology and ecology of mullets and features comprehensive coverage of the key features of the Mugilidae family such as recent DNA evidence and morphological data that challenge the traditional taxonomy. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482252125

Biology Physiology and Molecular Biology of Weeds The book provides comprehensive information on a wide range of topics from biology physiology genetics to the use of genomic tools in weed science. The book covers information at a more advanced level than the previously published books in weed science. It covers not only weed genetics and genomics research but also weed management from an ecological perspective. Furthermore the book also gives a broad coverage of novel mechanisms of weed resistance to herbicides. More importantly it includes next generation sequencing techniques and bioinformatics of herbicide resistant genes in weeds. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498737111

Biology and Breeding of Crucifers Considerable interest has developed in recent years in crucifers and particularly in their wild relatives as they contain genetic material that may be utilized for further evolution of superior crop varieties through introgression and distant hybridization. Until now there has been no single volume that focuses exclusively on the biology and breeding aspects of the wild brassica species. Bringing together contributions of leading international experts Biology and Breeding of Crucifers provides a unique perspective on this species which is so important to research in crop genetics. This treatise begins by exploring the systematics and phylogenies of wild crucifers. Supported by sharp close-up photos and descriptions to assist in identification of wild crucifers the book further examines breeding methods self-incompatibility male sterility germination viability of seeds and plant-insect interactions. Detailed accounts of comparative cytogenetics distant hybridization and the role of phytoalexins are also presented. The book contains comprehensive discussions on floral variations biotechnology and haploidy breeding. Reflecting the concern of botanists and plant genetic engineers in enhancing rapeseed-mustard production the contributors also examine genetic improvement of vegetable crucifers industrial products from wild crucifers and the preservation and maintenance of plant genetic resources. The information contained in this text will assist researchers in developing ways to increase genetic variability among brassicas improve crop productivity and quality and adopt synergistic approaches to ensure food and nutritional security worldwide. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138113459

Biology and CriminologyThe Biosocial Synthesis Numerous criminologists have noted their dissatisfaction with the state of criminology. The need for a new paradigm for the 21st century is clear. However many distrust biology as a factor in studies of criminal behavior whether because of limited exposure or because the orientation of criminology in general has a propensity to see it as racist classist or at least illiberal. This innovative new book by noted criminologist Anthony Walsh dispels such fears examining how information from the biological sciences strengthens criminology work and both complements and improves upon traditional theories of criminal behavior. With its reasoned case for biological science as a fundamental tool of the criminologist Walsh's groundbreaking work will be required reading for all students and faculty within the field of criminology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415653664

Biology and Culture of Asian Seabass Lates Calcarifer This book covers the biology ecology genetics and aquaculture of the Asian Seabass or barramundi (Lates calcarifer) a commercially and recreationally valuable species. It brings together in the one place reviews written by world experts in Asian seabass taxonomy genetics nutrition ecology aquaculture reproductive and developmental biology climate change impacts harvest quality and health management. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482208078

Biology and Culture of Portunid Crabs of World Seas This volume provides an abundance of valuable first-hand information about the diversity biology ecology culture of the portunid crabs of the word seas. Marine crabs play an important role directly or indirectly in the livelihood of millions of people around the world. They have been reported to make up about 20% of all marine crustaceans caught farmed and consumed worldwide. Among these marine crabs portunid crabs (or swimming crabs of the family Portunidae) assume greater significance in the marine industry owing to their delicate meat with nutritional qualities. Although several species of portunid crabs are edible and commercially important only a few species have been widely cultivated. This is largely due to the lack of information on the biology of portunid crabs. Keeping this in view this volume presents the biology and aquaculture of marine portunid crabs. This volume will be of great use for researchers and students of disciplines such as fisheries science marine biology aquatic biology and fisheries and zoology and will also serve as a standard reference for college university and research libraries around the world. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771885904

Biology and Ecology of Anguillid Eels Anguillid eels have fascinated biologists for centuries due to their spectacular long-distance migrations between freshwater habitats and their spawning areas far out in the ocean. This book provides a long overdue update on the biology and ecology of anguillid eels and features comprehensive coverage of the key features of the genus Anguilla. It covers a broad spectrum of topics on the biology (taxonomy phylogeny evolution reproduction feeding salinity adaptation) and ecology (life history recruitment migration) of anguillid eels. It also brings together important information on the state of eel fisheries conservation exploitation and management. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482255157

Biology and Ecology of Aphids Most people know of aphids as garden pests infesting the soft green tissues of plants in vast numbers and killing them by sucking out the sap. Indeed among the 4000 or so known species of aphids about 250 are pests and in temperate regions several are economically important agricultural pests that damage crops directly during feeding or act as vectors for plant pathogens. But aphids are also important model organisms in evolutionary biology and ecology because they combine a number of unique features such as complex life cycles involving the development of morphological distinct phenotypes (polyphenism) sexual and asexual reproduction strategies and changes of host plants. Aphids can also be regarded as holobionts because they are colonized by obligate and facultative microbes which enable them to feed exclusively on phloem sap and influence their resistance against pathogens parasitoids or environmental stress. This book combines fundamental information about aphids with chapters addressing state-of-the-art research in topics such as aphid-related phylogeny genome biology epigenetics and chemical ecology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482236767

Biology and Ecology of Bluefin Tuna This book focuses on latest information on the biology and ecology of the three bluefin tuna species: the Pacific (Thunnus orientalis) Atlantic (T. thynnus) and southern bluefin tuna (T. maccoyii). In the book the phylogeny and basic ecological information such as early life history age and growth and food habits are covered. Information related to migratory ecology and important biological aspects such as metabolism and energetics swimming performance schooling visual physiology and reproductive physiology are also included. Furthermore new research insights about various kinds of mathematical models for bluefin tuna ecology are introduced. All the chapters are contributed by active scientists engaged in bluefin tuna research. The intent of this book is to contribute to a better understanding of the biology and ecology of bluefin tuna and encourage undergraduate and graduate students who read this book to become bluefin tuna scientists who can contribute to further understanding of the biology and ecology of bluefin tuna. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367737993

Biology and Ecology of Carp Carp are the backbone of a growing aquaculture industry. They facilitate scientific progress as a model species in laboratories cause concern for ecosystem managers as an invasive species and mesmerize anglers as big game. In addition ornamental koi carp fascinate hobby breeders. Biology and Ecology of Carp covers all these facets of this freshwater fish. Informative and engaging contributions from renowned experts review the current state of research on carp and present their original findings. Thirteen cross-linked chapters provide an exhaustive yet easily accessible treatise explorinig:Carp aquacultureNatural and artificial reproductionFeeding and growthEcosystem effects of carp Effects of disease agents and toxic substances on carpColor illustrations and infoboxes help readers navigate technical terms and complex concepts explaining how carp interact with their natural and artificial environments. This book is suitable for everyone interested in carp—from scholars to anglers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367377564

Biology and Ecology of Crayfish Written by world experts in astacology this book covers a range of aspects of the biology and ecology of freshwater crayfish. With a strong focus on wild crayfish the book studies the taxonomy and genetics of this interesting group of animals. Under examination also are crayfish growth and reproduction with detailed illustrations; behavior and chemical ecology of crayfish; diseases of crayfish; holistic understanding of drivers for crayfish population success; and methods for the control of non-native crayfish. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498767323

Biology and Ecology of Edible Marine Bivalve Molluscs This comprehensive volume provides a plethora of first-hand information on the diversity biology and ecology of edible marine bivalve molluscs. It covers the biology of edible marine bivalves; profiles about 180 species providing information on their habitat distribution morphology food and feeding reproduction conservation status etc.; discusses their nutritional values; examines their pharmaceutical value; and looks at their diseases and parasites. This abundance of knowledge is presented in an easy-to-read style with informative illustrations. Marine bivalve molluscs play important roles in the marine ecosystems by filtering water and serving as habitat and prey for a variety of sea life. This diverse group of species estimated at around 9 200 inhabits virtually the entire world’s oceans from the balmy tropics to the sub-zero Arctic and from deep oceans to sandy and rocky shorelines. Among the marine bivalves a total of 180 species (including mussels oysters scallops cockles and clams) have long been a part of the diet of coastal human populations. Many species of marine bivalves are also commercially important for other purposes such as pearls and shells for jewelry and decoration. The volume part of the Biology and Ecology of Marine Life book series will be of great use to students and researchers in fisheries science marine biology aquatic biology and zoology. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771886260

Biology and Ecology of Edible Marine Gastropod Molluscs This comprehensive volume focuses exclusively on sea snails (or gastropods) which are popular food items and occupy an important role in the commercial shell craft industry. Familiar examples include conchs (highly sought after due to their mild flavor) and escargot abalone and periwinkle snails. This book covers the profile (habitat distribution morphology food and feeding reproduction conservation status etc.) of about 180 species of commercial edible marine gastropod molluscs as well as their nutritional values commercial importance and pharmaceutical value. Also included is information on their prevalent diseases and parasites. The informative descriptions are presented in an easy-to-read style with neat illustrations. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771886383

Biology and Ecology of Groupers The three sections of this book provide an up-to-date review of the most important studies regarding groupers throughout the world. Section I Biology includes classification and phylogenic relationships geographical distribution and life history. Section II Ecology describes how life history characteristics determine patterns of occurrence and abundance in space and time and how this affects population structure and connectivity. Section III Conservation covers the major threats faced by groupers providing case studies and what the future holds for groupers. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315118871

Biology and Ecology of Pike This book sets out to bridge the order scales among pike researchers populations communities management and fisheries. It emphasizes the progress of pike research during the last two decades during which the order-bridging approach emerged. This framework underpins the text and the message to convey its importance to pike research and to fish research in general. In addition a considerable part of the book is devoted to management implications and highlights aspects of human dimensions in recreational fisheries. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482262902

Biology and Ecology of Sardines and Anchovies Apart from being commercially and socially significant anchovies and sardines populations occupy crucial positions in the oceans’ ecosystems. Low in the food chain clupeoids tend towards abundance as if their purpose in life was to be eaten and fuel the upper levels of marine trophic chains. The present book covers a broad spectrum of topics on the biology (sytematics phylogeography reproduction feeding) and ecology (habitat characterization recruitment variability) of anchovies and sardines. It also puts together important information on the state of their fisheries exploitation and management. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482228540

Biology and Ecology of Toxic Pufferfish This is the first comprehensive book on the biology and ecology of pufferfish also known as blowfish swellfish and globefish. Covering 197 species of pufferfish recorded so far from the marine brackish and freshwater ecosystems of the world this important volume expounds on the toxins and associated poisonings of pufferfish. Importantly the volume also explores the many uses of pufferfish such as in aquariums for their nutritional and culinary value and for their emerging uses in the treatment of pain. Topics covered include: biology and ecology of pufferfish profiles of the world’s marine brackish and freshwater pufferfish species characteristics of TTX (tetrodotoxin) and STX (saxitoxin) of pufferfish pufferfish poisoning and symptoms: treatment and management aquarium uses of pufferfish nutritional and pharmaceutical values of pufferfish diseases and parasites of pufferfish and their management Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771884396

Biology and Ecology of Venomous Marine Snails The first comprehensive volume exclusively on marine cone snails this book provides descriptions of over 100 species of hazardous marine snails along with their biological and ecological characteristics; the characteristics of conotoxins; information on cone snail injuries and their treatment along with prevention measures; and the therapeutic and medicinal value of conotoxins including as a powerful nonaddictive painkiller an epilepsy drug and more. Over 275 color illustrations accompany the text for easy identification. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771883306

Biology and Ecology of Venomous Stingrays This comprehensive book provides first-hand information on the diversity biology and ecology of venomous stingrays of freshwater brackish and marine ecosystems. Each year thousands of injuries to swimmers and surfers are reported with 750 to 1 500 stingray injuries reported each year in the US alone. As more vacationers spend their leisure time exploring coasts and tropical reefs often in isolated areas without immediate access to advanced health care there will be greater potential for stingray injuries. A thorough understanding about the diversity of stingrays of marine and freshwater ecosystems and their injuries and envenomations would largely improve the public health community’s ability to better manage and to prevent stingray injuries. This volume fills that gap. With over 200 photos and illustrations this book shows the characteristics of venomous stingray families along with other profile information such as common name geographical distribution diagnostic features reproduction predators parasites the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s conservation status. Importantly it includes valuable information on stingray injuries envenomation and medical management. This volume will be very informative for students of fisheries science marine biology aquatic biology and environmental sciences and will become a standard reference for marine professionals health practitioners and college and university libraries and as a helpful on-board Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771885386

Biology and Evolution of the Mollusca The phylum Mollusca is the second largest group of animals and occur in virtually all habitats. Many non-marine molluscs are threatened with more recorded extinctions than all tetrapod vertebrates combined. This two-volume set will provide the first general account of molluscs in decades and will include hundreds of colour figures. General chapters bring together a diverse and extensive literature while taxon chapters provide overviews of their evolution phylogeny and classification as well as more specific and detailed coverage of their biology (reproduction feeding and digestion excretion respiration etc.) their long fossil record and their natural history. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367862107

Biology and Evolution of the Mollusca Volume 1 Molluscs comprise the second largest phylum of animals (after arthropods) occurring in virtually all habitats. Some are commercially important a few are pests and some carry diseases while many non-marine molluscs are threatened by human impacts which have resulted in more extinctions than all tetrapod vertebrates combined. This book and its companion volume provide the first comprehensive account of the Mollusca in decades. Illustrated with hundreds of colour figures it reviews molluscan biology genomics anatomy physiology fossil history phylogeny and classification. This volume includes general chapters drawn from extensive and diverse literature on the anatomy and physiology of their structure movement reproduction feeding digestion excretion respiration nervous system and sense organs. Other chapters review the natural history (including ecology) of molluscs their interactions with humans and assess research on the group. Key features of both volumes: up to date treatment with an extensive bibliography; thoroughly examines the current understanding of molluscan anatomy physiology and development; reviews fossil history and phylogenetics; overviews ecology and economic values; and summarises research activity and suggests future directions for investigation. Winston F Ponder was a Principal Research Scientist at The Australian Museum in Sydney where he is currently a Research Fellow. He has published extensively over the last 55 years on the systematics evolution biology and conservation of marine and freshwater molluscs as well as supervised post graduate students and run university courses. David R. Lindberg is former Chair of the Department of Integrative Biology Director of the Museum of Paleontology and Chair of the Berkeley Natural History Museums all at the University of California. He has conducted research on the evolutionary history of marine organisms and their habitats on the rocky shores of the Pacific Rim for more than 40 years. The numerous elegant and interpretive illustrations were produced by Juliet Ponder. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780815361695

Biology and Evolution of the Mollusca Volume 2 This volume provides individual treatments of the major molluscan taxa. Each chapter provides an overview of the evolution phylogeny and classification of a group of molluscs as well as more specific and detailed coverage of their biology (reproduction feeding and digestion excretion respiration etc.) their long fossil record and aspects of their natural history. The book is illustrated with hundreds of colour figures. In both volumes concepts are summarised in colour-coded illustrations. Key selling features: Comprehensively reviews molluscan biology and evolutionary history Includes a description the anatomy and physiology of anatomical systems Up to date treatment with a comprehensive bibliography Reviews the phylogenetic history of the major molluscan lineages Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780815361848

Biology and Knowledge RevisitedFrom Neurogenesis to Psychogenesis Based on the Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society Biology and Knowledge Revisited focuses on the classic issue of the relationship between nature and nurture in cognitive and linguistic development and their neurological substrates. Contributors trace the history of ideas concerning the relationship between evolution and development and bring powerful new conceptual systems and research data to bear on understanding the problem of experience-contingent brain development and evolution. They focus on processes of phenotype construction - which fill the gap between genes and behavior - and demonstrate that evolutionary psychological models of innate mental modules are incompatible with what is known about these processes. This book presents exciting new approaches to the development and evolution of cognitive and linguistic abilities. Returning to the broad evolutionary theme of a previous meeting the symposium focused on specifically constructivist approaches to neurogenesis and language acquisition and their evolution. It was organized around ideas about the relationship between development and evolution raised in Piaget's books. Research in this arena has yielded cutting-edge insight into behavioral influences on brain plasticity. Two of its subthemes run throughout - a critique of modularity models popular among evolutionary psychologies and the prescient yet flawed nature of Piaget's critique of the modern synthesis of evolution. As a result Biology and Knowledge Revisited is intended for developmental psychologists psycholinguists biological anthropologists evolutionary psychologists and philosophers of science. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138012790

Biology and Management of Invasive Quagga and Zebra Mussels in the Western United States Biology and Management of Invasive Quagga and Zebra Mussels in the Western United States is a synthesis of the biology and management of invasive mussels from scientists and managers working on invasive quagga and zebra mussels in the western United States. Invasive dreissenid mussels have spread throughout southwestern United States at unprecedented speeds and present a unique threat to native ecosystems. This book documents the efforts both successful and unsuccessful of individuals and agencies after dreissenid mussels invaded the West. Although the book is designed specifically for scientists and managers fighting invasive mussels in western waterbodies it offers an opportunity for scientists and lake managers worldwide to compare successful strategies relevant to their unique situation. It includes guidance documents and protocols related to early detection prevention regulation monitoring and control of these invasive pests in the West. It compares quagga and zebra mussels in the western United States with those mussels colonizing the Great Lakes and European waters. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367575755

Biology and Management of the World Tarpon and Bonefish Fisheries The core of a multibillion dollar sport fishing industry tarpon and bonefish two of the earth’s oldest creatures are experiencing obvious and precipitous population decline. Experienced anglers in the Florida Keys suggest a drop of approximately 90-95 percent for the bonefish population over the last 65 years. Despite the economic value of the industry and scientific value of these ancient fish very little information is available about their movements and migrations population dynamics life histories and reproductive habits. With contributions from some of the world’s leading experts Biology and Management of the World Tarpon and Bonefish Fisheries synthesizes existing scientific literature presents new perspectives and introduces original scientific research to guide fishery management and conservation efforts for building sustainable fisheries. Divided into five sections the book begins with an overview of the state of the world’s fisheries for tarpon and bonefish. The second section reviews the biology and life history dynamics of these fish with contributions on conservation genetics reproductive biology and early life development as well as resolving gaps in evolutionary lineage and taxonomy. Covering population dynamics and resource ecology the third section discusses migratory patterns and the use of tagging. Highlighting the lore and appeal of these fascinating sport fish the book concludes by introducing a myriad of proposals designed to improve fishery sustainability by conducting census enforcing catch-and-release programs and supporting science-based management decision making. Promoting a better understanding of the biological and fishery management issues that are paramount to the sustainable future of these valuable fishery resources Biology and Management of the World Tarpon and Bonefish Fisheries provides a foundation for discussion and broad communication about the past present and future of these magnificent fish. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367388553

Biology and Management of White-tailed Deer Winner of the Wildlife Society Outstanding Edited Book Award for 2013! Winner of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society Outstanding Book Award for 2011! Winner of a CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title Award for 2011! Biology and Management of White-tailed Deer organizes and presents information on the most studied large mammal species in the world. The book covers the evolutionary history of the species its anatomy physiology and nutrition population dynamics and ecology across its vast range (from central Canada through northern South America). The book then discusses the history of management of white-tailed deer beginning with early Native Americans and progressing through management by Europeans and examining population lows in the early 1900s restocking efforts through the mid 1900s and recent overabundant populations that are becoming difficult to manage in many areas. Features: Co-published with the Quality Deer Management Association Compiles valuable information for white-tailed deer enthusiasts managers and biologists Written by an authoritative author team from diverse backgrounds Integrates white-tailed deer biology and management into a single volume Provides a thorough treatment of white-tailed deer antler biology Includes a CD-ROM with color images The backbone of many state wildlife management agencies' policies and a featured hunting species through much of their range white-tailed deer are an important species ecologically socially and scientifically in most areas of North America. Highly adaptable and now living in close proximity to humans in many areas white-tailed deer are both the face of nature and the source of conflict with motorists home-owners and agricultural producers. Capturing the diverse aspects of white-tailed deer research Biology and Management of White-tailed Deer is a reflection of the resources invested in the study of the species’ effects on ecosystems predator-prey dynamics population regulation foraging behavior and browser physiology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439806517

Biology and Political Science This book demonstrates the increasing interest of some social scientists in the theories research and findings of life sciences in building a more interdisciplinary approach to the study of politics. It discusses the development of biopolitics as an academic perspective within political science reviews the growing literature in the field and presents a coherent view of biopolitics as a framework for structuring inquiry across the current subfields of political science. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415757737

Biology And The Social SciencesAn Emerging Revolution This book examines how exciting new developments in behavioral biology are likely to transform and shape anthropology sociology economics and political science in the coming decade providing an overview of the rapidly changing relationship between biological and social studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367168544

Biology at a Glance The fourth edition of a bestseller this book presents in a clear concise and visual way the main biological content required by all the examining boards for both the GCSE Double Award Science and separate Biology Award including IGCSE. It is also useful as an introductory guide for AS Biology. The fourth edition has been revised to include new material on industrial fermenters and their applications plus additional material on flowering plants. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781840761993

Biology for Engineers Second Edition Biology is a critical application area for engineering analysis and design and students in engineering programs as well as ecologists and environmentalists must be well-versed in the fundamentals of biology as they relate to their field. Biology for Engineers Second Edition is an introductory text that minimizes unnecessary memorization of connections and classifications and instead emphasizes concepts technology and the utilization of living things. Whether students are headed toward a bio-related engineering degree or one of the more traditional majors biology is so important that all engineering students should know how living things work and act. Emphasizing the ever-present interactions between a biological unit and its physical chemical and biological environments the book provides ample instruction on the basics of physics chemistry mathematics and engineering through a systems approach. It brings together all the concepts one needs to understand the role of biology in modern technology. Classroom-tested at the University of Maryland this comprehensive text introduces concepts and terminology needed to understand more advanced biology literature. Filled with practical detailed examples the book presents: Presents scientific principles relevant to biology that all engineers ecologists and environmentalists must know A discussion of biological responses from the perspective of a broad range of fields such as psychology human factors genetics plant and animal physiology imaging control systems actuary and medicine Includes end of chapter questions to test comprehension Provides updated material to reflect the latest research developments such as CRISPR. Introduces over 150 interesting application examples incorporating a number of different engineering disciplines. Ties biological systems properties and behaviors to foundational sciences such as engineering sciences chemistry etc. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138067899

Biology of Aging Biology of Aging Second Edition presents the biological principles that have led to a new understanding of the causes of aging and describes how these basic principles help one to understand the human experience of biological aging longevity and age-related disease.  Intended for undergraduate biology students it describes how the rate of biological aging is measured; explores the mechanisms underlying cellular aging; discusses the genetic pathways that affect longevity in various organisms; outlines the normal age-related changes and the functional decline that occurs in physiological systems over the lifespan; and considers the implications of modulating the rate of aging and longevity. The book also includes end-of-chapter discussion questions to help students assess their knowledge of the material. Roger McDonald received his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California and is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Nutrition at the University of California Davis. Dr. McDonald’s research focused on mechanisms of cellular aging and the interaction between nutrition and aging. His research addressed two key topics in the field: the relationship between dietary restriction and lifespan and the effect of aging on circadian rhythms and hypothalamic regulation. You can contact Dr. McDonald at Related Titles Ahmad S. I. ed. Aging: Exploring a Complex Phenomenon (ISBN 978-1-1381-9697-1) Moody H. R. & J. Sasser. Gerontology: The Basics (ISBN 978-1-1387-7582-4) Timiras P. S. Physiological Basis of Aging and Geriatrics (ISBN 978-0-8493-7305-3) Media > Books > Print Books Garland Science 9780815345671

Biology of Butterflyfishes Butterflyfishes (family Chaetodontidae) are a highly conspicuous component of fish fauna on coral reefs throughout the world. In light of their strong dependence on coral they are often regarded as the epitome of coral reef fishes. This volume examines the ecology and conservation of coral reef butterflyfishes. It provides important insights on their evolution and key events and adaptations that have led to their proliferation within coral reef ecosystems. Key to the longevity of butterflyfishes is the evolution of coral-feeding—a central focus of the ecological chapters in this volume. The book also highlights key threats and challenges related to the conservation of butterflyfishes and ends with an overview of current and future research directions. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466582897

Biology of Damselfishes Damselfishes (Pomacentridae) are highly conspicuous diurnal inhabitants of mainly reef areas capturing the attention of many scientists. Their high diversity and the many interesting characteristics dealing with their way of life (sound production breeding biology sex change farming and gregarious behavior settlement diet habitat) easily explain how this group is continually kept in the limelight and is the subject of numerous studies. This book gathers the data dealing with damselfish morphology physiology behavior ecology and phylogeny.It contains 14 chapters written by renowned scientists. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482212099

Biology of Domestic Animals There is increasing interest in the biology of domestic animals ranging from genomics transcriptomics metabolomics nutritional physiology and systems biology. This book touches on all of these with a particular focus on topics such as domestic animals as comparative models to humans molecular regulation of growth metabolic efficiency reproduction and the impact of stress on growth and development. The book concludes with a discussion on the current and future directions for researchers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498747851

Biology of Echinodermata The proceedings of the Seventh International Echinoderm Conference held at Atami Japan September 1990. In addition to sections covering ecology evolution reproduction morphology molecular biology developmental biology physiology behavior and paleontology there are four plenary lectures a Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003077565

Biology of European Sea Bass Biology of European Seabass presents up-to-date reviews on key topics of seabass biology written by leading scientific experts with extensive knowledge of seabass as well as their respective field of expertise. The book covers the biology and ecology of the different sea basses and the latest findings in molecular biology physiology and behavior of this species. Ranging from larval development to nutrition to pathology and immune system the chapters cover a broad spectrum. The final chapter deals with novel tools such as transcriptomics proteomics and metabolomics. The social and commercial impact (fisheries and aquaculture) of seabass is also assessed. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367378585

Biology of Fishes The Third Edition of Biology of Fishes is chiefly about fish as remarkably efficient machines for coping with the many problems that life in water entails and looks at many such special cases. Fishes form the largest group of vertebrates with around 20 000 known species and they display a remarkable diversity of size shape internal structure and ecology to cope with environments ranging from transient puddles to the abyssal depths of the sea. Biology of Fishes does not try to cover all aspects of fish biology but focuses on the ingenious ways in which fish have resolved the particular problems that come from living in water especially body fluid regulation locomotion feeding mechanisms and sensory systems. Enough detail is provided for the reader to be able to go on and use primary research papers. Each chapter has been thoroughly updated and a new chapter on the immune system has been added. This is an ideal textbook for students of fish biology and any of the branches of aquatic biology. Given its skilful combination of breadth and detail the book also provides a manageable review of fish biology for experienced biologists. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9781138357716

Biology of Floral Scent As with nearly all living creatures humans have always been attracted and intrigued by floral scents. Yet while we have been manufacturing perfumes for at least 5000 years to serve a myriad of religious sexual and medicinal purposes until very recently the limitation of our olfactory faculty has greatly hindered our capacity to clearly and objectively measure scent. Today thanks to advances in practical methodologies and affordable instrumentation we are now able to collect separate and identify volatile compounds with aromatic impact. These advances are leading to much intensive investigation that has already resulted in many highly insightful and useful discoveries. Biology of Floral Scent provides the first comprehensive treatment of the biology of floral scents. It reviews the impressive research being done across several disciplines incorporating molecular biology enzymology chemistry entomology genetic engineering and functional genomics. Organized into a single volume for the first time this landmark work covers every major aspect of floral scent research including-Function and significance in the interactions between plants and pollinators Composition and enzymologyEvolutionary aspectsCommercial applications including the use of recently identified scent genes to genetically engineer flowers to produce new scentsMeeting the needs of plant scientists cell and molecular biologists natural product chemists pharmacognosists and entomologists as well as students in these fields this work provides the background findings and insight that will stimulate new research to further advance an understanding of floral scent biology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367453763

Biology of Foodborne Parasites While a number of introductory books on basic and molecular biology are available none highlight the foodborne parasitic pathogens. Until now. A state-of-the-art review Biology of Foodborne Parasites charts significant progress and outlines key biological techniques applied to foodborne parasitic pathogens research. The book covers basic biology genetics and genomics epidemiology pathogenesis diagnosis control and prevention. It showcases recent research that can then be used to spark further breakthroughs. The book addresses challenging issues in food pathogen detection. It details individual foodborne protists and helminthes with each chapter following a similar format for a consistent presentation of information. It discusses topics ranging from basic biology genetics and genomics molecular detection and typing and pathogenesis to epidemiology molecular epidemiology treatment and prevention among other current concerns. It also details the methods used to diagnose the infection characterize the pathogen and detect parasites in three food commodities: meats water and fresh produce. With chapters written by experts in their respective fields the book presents a reliable roadmap for future development of improved innovative biological and molecular methods for analysis of foodborne parasitic pathogens. A handy comprehensive reference on all aspects of biology of foodborne parasites it highlights research needs and directions helping you develop advanced diagnostic tools and new intervention measures. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466568839

Biology Of Invertebral Disc First Published in 1988 this book documents the role biology and structure of the Intervertebral Disc. Carefully compiled and filled with a vast repertoire of notes diagrams and references this book serves as a useful reference for Students of Medicine Chiropractors and other practitioners in their respective fields. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367235499

Biology of Oral CancerKey Apoptotic Regulators Despite a decline in developed countries cancer has consistently maintained its status as one of the top killers since time immemorial. Exploring cancer management and treatment at the molecular level Biology of Oral Cancer: Key Apoptotic Regulators presents a key molecular event—apoptosis—in relation to genesis and progression of oral cancer. The book uses oral cancers as the specific means to demonstrate the use of apoptotic regulators for controlling cancers.  The book comprehensively deals with the different aspects of oral cancer. The authors discuss strategies to leverage apoptotic regulatory mechanisms for better management along with state-of-the-art medical options available for management and treatment. Using an informal writing style that makes the information accessible to a wider audience each chapter begins with a prologue followed by detailed discussion and concludes with a glimpse into future approaches and challenges. The book examines detection techniques that leverage molecular events associated with oral carcinogenesis to effectively detect oral cancer. A thorough examination of the internal (genetics) and external (carcinogens radiation and smoking) factors that cause cancer the book provides an enhanced understanding of why oral cancer has consistently ranked among the top ten causes of cancer-related mortalities worldwide. It furthers the effective identification of the causal factors and their modulation that can restore cells’ normal state and be used to develop increasingly effective modalities. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138076761

Biology of Parrotfishes Parrotfish are found on almost every coral reef in the world. This ubiquity and uniqueness of their feeding action make them one of the most important groups of fishes within coral reef ecosystems. But why exactly are parrotfish so important to reefs? Can the evolution of a particular jaw morphology and feeding action really have had such a large impact on the health and functioning of the world's coral reefs? This book introduces the reader to this fascinating group of fishes (Labridae Scarinae) from the morphological innovation of a jaw that has the power to bite through solid calcium carbonate to the threats currently faced by parrotfish populations around the world. It contains new insights into their diet and food processing ability and lifehistories and concludes with an overview of emerging and future research directions. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482224016

Biology of Perch The genus Perca includes only three species of fish but they are ubiquitous and abundant in freshwater and brackish environments of the northern hemisphere from North America to Europe and Asia. These species are important both ecologically and economically. In Biology of Perch world-renowned specialists review and update the biology of these fish. The book opens with a review of the genetic makeup of this complex assemblage from early post-glacial dispersion to the colonization of new habitats. The influences of geomorphological and biological factors on the dispersal of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) are explored. Two case studies exploit unique historical databases to follow population dynamics of yellow perch and European perch (P. fluviatilis) and to demonstrate how fisheries and habitat management can drastically influence the fate of fish populations. Three other chapters are dedicated to the general reproductive physiology parasitology and behavior of Perca species. The third species the Balkhash perch (P. schrenkii) is a rare and threatened species of the Balkans and a chapter is dedicated to its biology. The book ends with a review of the use of Perca species around the world as sentinels of ecological integrity and biomonitors in ecotoxicological studies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367737955

Biology of Plant Volatiles Plant volatiles—compounds emitted from plant organs to interact with the surrounding environment—play essential roles in attracting pollinators and defending against herbivores and pathogenes plant-plant signaling and abiotic stress responses. Biology of Plant Volatiles with contributions from leading international groups of distinguished scientists in the field explores the major aspects of plant scent biology. Responding to new developments in the detection of the complex compound structures of volatiles this book details the composition and biosynthesis of plant volatiles and their mode of emission. It explains the function and significance of volatiles for plants as well as insects and microbes whose interactions with plants are affected by these compounds. The content also explores the biotechnological and commercial potential for the manipulation of plant volatiles. Features: Combines widely scattered literature in a single volume for the first time covering all important aspects of plant volatiles from their chemical structures to their biosynthesis to their roles in the interactions of plants with their biotic and abiotic environment Takes an interdisciplinary approach providing multilevel analysis from chemistry and genes to enzymology cell biology organismal biology and ecology Includes up-to-date methodologies in plant scent biology research from molecular biology and enzymology to functional genomics This book will be a touchstone for future research on the many applications of plant volatiles and is aimed at plant biologists entomologists evolutionary biologists and researchers in the horticulture and perfume industries. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138316492

Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives Virtually every area of research associated with sharks and their relatives has been strongly impacted by the revolutionary growth in technology. The questions we can now ask are very different than those reported even two decades ago. Modern immunological and genetic techniques satellite telemetry and archival tagging modern phylogenetic analysis GIS and bomb dating are just a few of the techniques and procedures that have become a part of our investigative lexicon. A modern synthesis of the biology of Chondrichthyans Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives Second Edition discusses significant advances in the development and application of new molecular techniques to the understanding of the phylogenetic relationships among and between these groups. The book considers the effect of global changes on the status of sharks and their relatives and how advances in technology and analytical techniques have changed not only how we approach problem solving and scientific investigations but how we formulate questions. The book also introduces applications of new and novel laboratory devices techniques and field instruments. This second edition of the award winning and groundbreaking original exploration of the fundamental elements of the taxonomy systematics physiology and ecology of sharks skates rays and chimera presents cohesive and integrated coverage of key topics and discusses technological advances used in modern shark research. Offering a well-rounded picture for students and researchers and far above competitors in scope and research this new volume holds a wealth of data on the current status of Chondrichthyan research and provides the basis and springboard for original research. Cover photo by Justin Gilligan Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439839249

Biology of Sleep Substances All aspects of sleep sciences are included in this excellent resource text with special reference to sleep substances and sleep modulators. The historical development of the theories of sleep are reviewed in conjunction with the technical problems. All candidate substances are overviewed as to their sites of presence chemical nature bioassay techniques physiological and pharmacological effects. On the basis of a standardized methodology developed by the author sleep-modulatory characteristics of some substances are compared and evaluated in quantitative terms. The sleep regulatory mechanisms which are composed of complex neurohumoral subsystems are analyzed from the results of recent neurophysiological and neuroendocrinological experiments. Furthermore an evolutionary aspect of sleep substances is taken into consideration.Chapters Highlight:Techniques for isolation and evaluationProstaglandinsParadoxical sleep factorsSleep-promoting substances and nucleosides Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003068228

Biology of Subterranean Fishes In most habitats adaptations are the single most obvious aspects of an organism’s phenotype. However the most obvious feature of many subterranean animals are losses not adaptations. Even Darwin saw subterranean animals as degenerates: examples of eyelessness and loss of structure in general. For him the explanation was a straightforward Lamarckian one and one that did not involve adaptation and the struggle of existence. This volume is a comprehensive account of all known species of subterranean fishes. It includes an extensive introduction history of investigations consideration of non-stygobitic fishes in caves and detailed analysis of the conservation status of these very rare animals. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138115477

Biology of the NMDA Receptor The NMDA receptor plays a critical role in the development of the central nervous system and in adult neuroplasticity learning and memory. Therefore it is not surprising that this receptor has been widely studied. However despite the importance of rhythms for the sustenance of life this aspect of NMDAR function remains poorly studied. Written by one of the world’s leading authorities on NMDA receptors Biology of the NMDA Receptor brings together virtually all the players in this important field. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367386528

Bioluminescent Microbial BiosensorsDesign Construction and Implementation This book describes the design and the use of bioluminescent biosensors. It introduces beginners and experienced researchers starting in the microbiological biosensor domain to the practical aspects of building a luminescent microbial biosensor. It is also a source of information about other applications that use microbial cells. Each chapter focuses as far as possible on the technological conception of the presented biosensor with a clear demonstration of the issues in the design and how to reach the proof of concept. The book is divided into three practical sections facilitating the reader to easily access the information. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814613651

BiomagneticsPrinciples and Applications of Biomagnetic Stimulation and Imaging Discover the Most Advanced Technologies in Biomagnetics Co-edited by Professor Ueno a leader in the biomagnetics field for over 40 years Biomagnetics: Principles and Applications of Biomagnetic Stimulation and Imaging explains the physical principles of biomagnetic stimulation and imaging and explores applications of the latest techniques in neuroscience clinical medicine and healthcare. The book shows you how the techniques are used in hospitals and why they are so promising. A brief overview of recent research trends in biomagnetics provides you with an up-to-date informative guide to explore further in this field. The book focuses on three important areas: Magnetic nerve stimulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation Biomagnetic measurements and imaging of the human brain by advanced technologies of magnetoencephalography and MRI Biomagnetic approaches to potential treatments of cancers pains and other neurological and psychiatric diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and depression These core areas of the book were developed from the editors’ prestigious graduate-level courses in biomedical engineering. The text also discusses biomagnetic approaches to advanced medicine including regenerative and rehabilitation medicine. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138894488

Bio-management of Postharvest Diseases and Mycotoxigenic Fungi There is an ever-increasing demand for more food but one of the stumbling blocks to achieving this goal is quality and quantity losses due to various pests and pathogens and the mycotoxins synthesized by these harmful biotic entities. Thus far strategies employed to manage these post-harvest diseases and mycotoxins decontamination include established physical cultural and chemical methods. Recently the application of chemicals to reduce decay and deterioration caused by various pathogens has been impeded as these hazardous chemicals contaminate the environment enter the food chain and destroy beneficial microorganisms and pests by aiming at non-target microorganisms. In light of this the usage of eco-friendly and non-polluting alternatives to chemical pesticides is the call of the hour. Bio-management of Postharvest Diseases and Mycotoxigenic Fungi deals with the current state and future prospects of using various bio-management techniques that are natural eco-friendly and environmentally safe. It aims to increase awareness of their potential as well as sensitizing readers to the various aspects of biologicals in pest control. Key Features: Highlights classical versus new techniques adopted to manage postharvest diseases Discusses novel approaches in managing fungal spoilage and mycotoxin decontamination Provides readers with a 360-degree perspective of the pre- and post-harvest quality mycotoxin decontamination research being conducted Details proposals of new ideas to ensure a food secure and pesticide-free world This book disseminates notable and diversified scientific work carried out by leading experts in their own field. Written by qualified scientists in each of their respective disciplines it can serve as a current and comprehensive treatise on the emerging field of bio-management of postharvest diseases and mycotoxin decontamination by products that are "generally regarded as safe." Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498797313

Biomarker Analysis in Clinical Trials with R The world is awash in data. This volume of data will continue to increase. In the pharmaceutical industry much of this data explosion has happened around biomarker data. Great statisticians are needed to derive understanding from these data. This book will guide you as you begin the journey into communicating understanding and synthesizing biomarker data. -From the Foreword Jared Christensen Vice President Biostatistics Early Clinical Development Pfizer Inc. Biomarker Analysis in Clinical Trials with R offers practical guidance to statisticians in the pharmaceutical industry on how to incorporate biomarker data analysis in clinical trial studies. The book discusses the appropriate statistical methods for evaluating pharmacodynamic predictive and surrogate biomarkers for delivering increased value in the drug development process. The topic of combining multiple biomarkers to predict drug response using machine learning is covered. Featuring copious reproducible code and examples in R the book helps students researchers and biostatisticians get started in tackling the hard problems of designing and analyzing trials with biomarkers. Features: Analysis of pharmacodynamic biomarkers for lending evidence target modulation. Design and analysis of trials with a predictive biomarker. Framework for analyzing surrogate biomarkers. Methods for combining multiple biomarkers to predict treatment response. Offers a biomarker statistical analysis plan. R code data and models are given for each part: including regression models for survival and longitudinal data as well as statistical learning models such as graphical models and penalized regression models. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781138368835

Biomarkers for Stress in Fish Embryos and Larvae The present work evaluates the toxic effects of some environmental stressors on fish eggs and larvae and describes the biomarker responses of fish from locations with varying levels of pollution. Development of the main groups of biomarkers is discussed. The book demonstrates general trends and specific peculiarities of biomarker induction in early fish life and their association with the animal’s developmental stages. It addresses responses of fish eggs and larvae to pollution under experimental conditions and presents information obtained from in situ studies.Chapters describe xenobiotics accumulation anoxia and hypoxia increasing temperature eutrophication and other unfavorable environmental factors including biotic and abiotic factors and their impact on fish embryos. They also examine fluctuations in biomarker levels in fish eggs and larvae that have been impacted by climate changes and discuss possible scenarios especially for fish population size reproduction growth development and biodiversity. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367452186

Biomarkers in Cardiovascular Diseases The establishment of precise and reliable biomarker tests for the early stages of cardiovascular disease is of great importance and can be the cornerstone in the prevention of future cardiovascular disease (CVD). Furthermore some biomarkers may provide important information concerning the pathogenesis of CVD or appear to be useful in risk stratification in CVD diagnosis or in monitoring therapy; many others may be risk factors themselves representing therefore potential targets of therapy. The ideal biomarker should have the following characteristics: highly sensitive specific reliable accessible standardized dependable cost effective and easily interpretable by clinicians. The present book focuses on the presentation and evaluation of the most promising classical and novel biochemical markers used in CVD (coronary artery disease hypertension heart failure hyperlipidemia peripheral arterial disease). The underlying pathophysiological characteristics of each biomarker as well as potential clinical implications in daily practice are reviewed in this book. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367379704

Biomarkers of Brain Injury and Neurological Disorders This book explores the recent advances in the techniques and platforms used in biomarker research that have revolutionized the way we study diagnose and treat brain injury conditions. The contributors describe different biomarker studies pertaining to brain injury and other neurological disorders and analyze the different models and technologies used to identify these biological markers. The book includes findings from "Omics research" that have been utilized to decipher and identify such biomarkers. It discusses protein microRNA and altered gene profiles and reviews neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and prion and Alzheimer’s disease. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367739416

Biomarkers of Environmental Contamination How can biological markers help assess and predict human health risks? Find out the answers to this question and others in this timely new book examining the use of biological markers in animals and plants for evaluating the ecological and health effects of environmental contamination. The book explains the concept of environmental sentinels presents example of field studies and discusses the utility of biomarkers within a risk analysis paradigm. Anyone who needs to know how to assess and predict environmental contamination should consider this book essential reading. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891163

BiomarkersBiochemical Physiological and Histological Markers of Anthropogenic Stress This book provides a survey of biochemical physiological and histological biomarkers of environmental stress along with evaluations of the strengths and weaknesses of various techniques for different applications. It features in-depth coverage of such topics as DNA adducts acetylcholinesterase ATP endocrine mechanisms blood chemistry histopathological biomarkers stress proteins foreign and endogenous metabolites metallothioneins to name only a few.The book will be especially useful to toxicologists biochemists histologists immunologists risk analysis specialists environmental managers regulators environmental scientists and engineers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891170

Biomass and BiofuelsAdvanced Biorefineries for Sustainable Production and Distribution The long-held tenets of the energy sector are being rewritten in the twenty-first century. The rise of unconventional oil and gas and of renewables is transforming our economies and improving our understanding of the distribution of the world’s energy resources and their impacts. A complete knowledge of the dynamics underpinning energy markets is necessary for decision-makers reconciling economic energy and environmental objectives. Those that anticipate global energy developments successfully can derive an advantage while those that fail to do so risk making poor policy and investment decisions. Focused on solving the key challenges impeding the realization of advanced cellulosic biofuels and bioproducts in rural areas Biomass and Biofuels: Advanced Biorefineries for Sustainable Production and Distribution provides comprehensive information on sustainable production of biomass feedstock supply chain management of feedstocks to the biorefinery site advanced conversion processes and catalysts/biocatalysts for production of fuels and chemicals using conventional and integrated technologies. The book also presents detailed coverage of downstream processing and ecological considerations for refineries processing lignocellulosic and algal biomass resources. Discussions of feedstock raw materials methods for biomass conversion and its effective integration to make biorefinery more sustainable – economically environmentally and socially – give you the tools to make informed decisions. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138894150

Biomass and Carbon Fuels in Metallurgy Biomass and Carbon Fuels in Metallurgy presents contemporary and new insights into the use of carbonaceous (Biomass) fuels in the metallurgical sector. The authors describe application of these fuels in different technological processes to produce pig iron steel and ferroalloys. Emphasis is placed on biomass and its metallurgical utilization. Coverage includes the specification of fuels their classification and the characteristics of their basic properties. The use of carbonaceous fuels in the production of various kinds of agglomerates (ferriferous manganese and metalized) is also covered. Key Features: Provides a comprehensive view of carbonaceous fuels in various metallurgy processes Details experiments conducted on the use of traditional and alternative (biomass) carbonaceous fuels for the production of agglomerates. Demonstrates that the energy potential of biomass can also be successfully used in pyrometallurgical processes Describes applications of biomass-based fuels in different technological processes for the production of pig iron steel and ferroalloys. Coverage includes the specification of fuels their classification and the characteristics of their basic properties. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367222420

Biomass as Energy SourceResources Systems and Applications Global energy use is approximately 140 000 TWh per year. Interestingly biomass production amounts to approximately 270 000 TWh per year or roughly twice as much whereas the official figure of biomass use for energy applications is 10-13% of the global energy use. This shows that biomass is not a marginal energy resource but more than capable of meeting all our energy and food needs provided it is used efficiently. The use of food in generating energy has been extensively debated but there is actually no need for it given the comprehensive resources available from agriculture and forestry waste. This book discusses the biomass resources available and aspects like efficient energy use. One way of using energy efficiently is to use waste biomass or cellulosic materials in biorefineries where production of fibers and products from fibers is combined with production of most chemicals we need in our daily life. Such products include clothes soap perfume medicines etc. Conventional pulp and paper applications bio-fuel for vehicles and even fuel for aviation as well as heat and power production are covered. The problem with biomass is not availability but the difficulty to use the resources efficiently without harming the long-term productivity. This book covers all types of resources on a global scale making it unique. Many researchers from all over the world have contributed to give a good coverage of all the different international perspectives. This book will provide facts and inspiration to professionals engineers researchers and students as well as to those working for various authorities and organizations. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073227

Biomass Assessment Energy is an issue for everyone and nowhere more so than in the SADCC countries. But for sensible policy and planning clear information about the extent of resources is needed. This innovative study combines the results of field assessment of biomass with advanced techniques in remote sensing by satellite to give the first comprehensive and detailed picture of biomass distribution throughout the SADCC region. The authors describe their techniques classify the kinds of biomass and give its distribution by that classification in all nine SADCC countries. Woody biomass resources and supplies are clearly analysed. This book is essential reading for project officers planners and all others involved in the collection and analysis of data on biomass resources throughout the world. Originally published in 1988 Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138964723

Biomass EnergyWood-based Fuels for Space and Water Heating Biomass is a growing source of energy in the UK. This report considers the use of wood-based fuels for space heating and water heating in the built environment. The opportunities for biomass to supply the energy needs of commercial public and domestic buildings in the UK are reviewed followed by an introduction to the technologies fuels and boiler options. The supply chain strengths and weaknesses are considered and the planning and regulations in this arena are outlined. Case studies illustrate twenty-four applications of biomass energy in a range of housing commercial educational and leisure buildings. The report concludes with a review of the case for renewable energy the economics and costs involved strengths and weaknesses and future opportunities. Signposts to further sources of information are also given. Media > Books > Print Books IHS BRE Press 9781848061989

Biomass for Biofuels Biomass is a widely available resource that can be characterized by its high production potential. Enabling the production of different types of biofuels biomass can be used in both spark-ignition and compression-ignition engines. There is extensive knowledge of the biofuel production process and technologies enabling the production of biofuels with high caloric value and better physicochemical properties are developed. The biggest barrier in the development of a biofuels market is not the lack of know-how but economic and political aspects. Biomass for Biofuels presents technological aspects of biomass conversion into advanced biofuels. Also discussed are the influence of growing biofuels markets on the natural environment and social relations as well as economic aspects of acquisition of biomass and its processing into biofuels. In addition biomass characteristics are presented. A definition is provided and its chemical composition and properties detailed. The focus is on lignocellulosic biomass whose complex structure is a limiting factor for biofuels production via biological processes. For that reason echanical chemical and physicochemical methods that enable an increased availability for the microorganisms used for biomass conversion to biofuels are discussed. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138026315

Biomass in Small-Scale Energy ApplicationsTheory and Practice Biomass in Small-Scale Energy Applications: Theory and Practice presents the current trends in the development of selected biomass-based technologies for distributed energy generation. It describes the methodology experimental results and computer simulations with a focus on pilot systems and devices crucial in multiple applications with related environmental/economic issues. It describes which stages of design development and application of advanced biomass-based energy devices are critical in order for a given technology to be successful. It includes both technical/practical information and theoretical background related to combustion kinetics thermodynamics in energy systems and properties of selected types of biomass as well as case studies. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367251055

Biomass Power for the World Energy from solar radiation fixated by self-assembling plant structures creates biomass that is converted to energy carriers fit for application in today’s and tomorrow’s energy-generating equipment. The central theme of this book is the development of the current largest renewable energy source for efficient applications in modern and developing society—biomass. The book is presented in an easy-to-understand manner for non-experts nevertheless revealing the true challenges of this extremely broad area. Through this book passionate pioneers and (ex-)EU officials tell the interesting history of the use of biomass by mankind in general and how the future of its modern use was shaped by active support of the European Union. The book mainly emphasizes specific technologies both biological and thermo-chemical from simple to extremely complex. Recognized experts explain these technologies in a clear way along with their future prospects. Climb on the shoulders of all 35 authors of the book and look into the close and distant future where interaction with other renewable sources will occur and discover a renewable energy future in which an important role will be played by the oldest one—bioenergy. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814613880

Biomass Preprocessing and Pretreatments for Production of BiofuelsMechanical Chemical and Thermal Methods Engineering the physical chemical and energy properties of lignocellulosic biomass is important to produce high-quality consistent feedstocks with reduced variability for biofuels production. The emphasis of this book will be the beneficial impacts that mechanical chemical and thermal preprocessing methods can have on lignocellulosic biomass quality attributes or specifications for solid and liquid biofuels and biopower production technologies. "Preprocessing" refers to treatments that can occur at a distance from conversion and result in an intermediate with added value with improved conversion performance and efficiency. This book explores the effects of mechanical chemical and thermal preprocessing methods on lignocellulosic biomass physical properties and chemical composition and their suitability for biofuels production. For example biomass mechanical preprocessing methods like size reduction (which impacts the particle size and distribution) and densification (density and size and shape) are important for feedstocks to meet the quality requirements for both biochemical and thermochemical conversion methods like enzymatic conversion gasification and pyrolysis process. Thermal preprocessing methods like drying deep drying torrefaction steam explosion hydrothermal carbonization and hydrothermal liquefaction effect feedstock's proximate ultimate and energy property making biomass suitable for both solid and liquid fuel production. Chemical preprocessing which includes washing leaching acid alkali and ammonia fiber explosion that can enable biochemical composition such as modification of lignin and hemicellulose and impacts the enzymatic conversion application for liquid fuels production. This book also explores the integration of these preprocessing technologies to achieve desired lignocellulosic biomass quality attributes for biofuels production. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498765473

Biomass Processing Technologies This book is a thoroughly up-to-date treatment of all the available technologies for biomass conversion. Each chapter looks at the viability and implementation of each technology with examples of existing equipment and plants. In addition the text addresses the economics of biomass processing. The book could also be used as a supplementary text for senior undergraduate courses on biomass processing. Features: Provides a concise overview of all currently available biomass processing technologies Includes relatively recent technologies such as Biochar Contains numerous industry examples and case studies Covers the science and technology behind biomass processing as well as the economics including the effect of carbon taxation Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367519544

Biomass to Renewable Energy Processes Biomass to Renewable Energy Processes Second Edition explains the theories of biological processes biomass materials and logistics and conversion technologies for bioenergy products such as biogas ethanol butanol biodiesel and synthetic gases. The book discusses anaerobic digestion of waste materials for biogas and hydrogen production bioethanol and biobutanol production from starch and cellulose and biodiesel production from plant oils. It addresses thermal processes including gasification and pyrolysis of agricultural residues and woody biomass. The text also covers pretreatment technologies enzymatic reactions fermentation and microbiological metabolisms and pathways. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498778794

Biomass Yields And Geography Of Large Marine Ecosystems Volume 111 of AAAS selected symposium American Association of the Advancement of Science. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429043406

Biomaterial ApplicationsMicro to Nanoscales This book covers a variety of recent research on natural polymers biomaterials composites and their applications. It provides valuable insights into the developments that arose with the merger between biological and polymeric materials that have led to many technological and commercial developments. The extensive research being conducted in the field of bio-based polymers will eventually lead to better health care cleaner energy sources and a safer environment for future generations. This book covers topics such as synthesis of novel biomaterials for application in varied fields such as medicine wastewater treatment and polymer composites. It includes the most up-to-date research articles in the field of natural polymers and biomaterials reviewed by the competent researchers in the field. This book is intended for researchers in the fields of materials science polymer chemistry and applied biology. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771880275

Biomaterial Mechanics This book describes the fundamental knowledge of mechanics and its application to biomaterials. An overivew of computer modeling in biomaterials is offered and multiple fields where biomaterials are used are reviewed with particular emphasis to the importance of the mechanical properties of biomaterials. The reader will obtain a better understanding of the current techniqus to synthesize characterize and integrate biomaterials into the human body. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367875855

Biomaterials For medical devices that must be placed inside the body the right choice of material is the most important aspect of design. To ensure such devices are safe reliable economical and biologically and physiologically compatible the modern biomedical engineer must have a broad knowledge of currently available materials and the properties that affect their in-service performance. In chapters drawn from the third edition of the best-selling Biomedical Engineering Handbook Biomaterials surveys the wide variety of biomaterials in present use as well as materials resulting from novel micro- and nanoscale technologies. The book includes a general overview of bioinert bioactive or surface reactive ceramics and biodegradable or re-absorbable bioceramics. It reviews basic chemical and physical properties of the synthetic polymers covers the sterilization of the polymeric biomaterials discusses the importance of the surface treatment for improving biocompatibility and examines the application of the chemogradient surface for the study on cell polymer interactions. The book also provides an overview of the chemistry design fabrication and application of biodegradable hydrogels for drug delivery and tissue engineering. It explores current issues involved in probing cell-biomaterials interactions on the molecular level and their implications for tissue engineering research and examines advances in biodegradable polymeric materials soft and hard tissue replacements and applications in tissue engineering.Taking a focuses look at the latest advances in biomaterials the book discusses metallic ceramic polymeric and composite biomaterials. With more than 100 figures and tables as well as contributions from a panel of international experts the book gives you familiarity with the uses of biomaterials in medicine and dentistry Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367453046

Biomaterials Medical Devices and Combination ProductsBiocompatibility Testing and Safety Assessment Biomaterials Medical Devices and Combination Products is a single-volume guide for those responsible for—or concerned with—developing and ensuring patient safety in the use and manufacture of medical devices. The book provides a clear presentation of the global regulatory requirements and challenges in evaluating the biocompatibility and clinical safety of the materials used in producing medical devices as well as the devices themselves. Starting with material characterization and selection considerations of concerns arising from packaging and contact with production machinery and extensive coverage of combination products the book also provides the latest approaches to isolating quantitating identifying and assessing the risk arising from chemical entities released from market-ready devices. Also incorporated are new case examples and citations with the means of access to Internet-based regulatory and scientific sites reflecting the universal adoption of this technology into our world. The book takes into consideration the fact that device markets are global the continual advancement of technology and the increasing global harmonization of safety regulations. Each aspect of device safety evaluation is reviewed in terms of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) European Union (EU) and Japanese Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare (MHLW) perspectives. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482248371

Biomaterials and Immune ResponseComplications Mechanisms and Immunomodulation The interactions of the biomaterials with the host immune system is crucial for their functionality. This book aims to provide the reader with a better understanding of the role of the immune system in biomaterial applications. For this end the book has dedicated chapters for i) explaining immune cells taking part in immune response to biomaterials/immune systems interface; ii) the effect of biomaterial shape form and physicochemical properties on the response of immune system; iii) biofilm formation on implanted materials as a failure of immune system/biomaterial interactions; iv) tissue-specific effects of immune response and its consequences for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine; v) immune reaction in a clinical context (periodontology). In the field of biomaterials there are significant advances in using immunomodulation techniques to improve the success rates of implantable materials. For better understanding of such techniques it is required to have a full grasp of the biomaterial–immune system interactions. This would greatly enhance the understanding of why the human body reacts to implants in a certain way and how to improve the clinical outcomes by developing immune-instructive biomaterials. Provides keen insight into biomaterial–immune cell interactions Presents an explanation of state-of-the-art methodologies in immunomodulation Offers a concise and simple-to-understand treatment of biomaterial–immune cell interactions for materials scientists in a biology heavy topic Explores a comprehensive overview of biomaterial related complications Provides extensive references at the end of each chapter to enhance study for this very hot research area Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138506374

Biomaterials and Nanotechnology for Tissue Engineering Nanotechnology and high-end characterization techniques have highlighted the importance of the material choice for the success of tissue engineering. A paradigm shift has been seen from conventional passive materials as scaffolds to smart multi-functional materials that can mimic the complex intracellular milieu more effectively. This book presents a detailed overview of the rationale involved in the choice of materials for regeneration of different tissues and the future directions in this fascinating area of materials science with specific chapters on regulatory challenges & ethics; tissue engineered medical products. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367736729

Biomaterials and Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine Work in the area of biomaterials and stem cell therapy has revealed great potential for many applications from the treatment of localized defects and diseases to the repair and replacement of whole organs. Researchers have also begun to develop a better understanding of the cellular environment needed for optimal tissue repair and regeneration. Biomaterials and Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine explores a range of applications for biomaterials and stem cell therapy and describes recent research on suitable cell scaffolds and substrates for tissue repair and reconstruction. Featuring contributions by experts in the field the book explores important scientific and clinical aspects. It covers the basic science involved in structure and properties techniques and technological innovations in processing and characterization and applications of biomaterials and stem cells. Topics include: Polymeric systems for stem cell delivery The potential of membranes and porous scaffolds in tissue repair including myocardial periodontal ophthalmic and bone tissues The optimization of the interaction between stem cells and biomaterial substrates The source and nature of stem cells for tissue engineering applications The clinical translation of stem cell–based tissue engineering for regenerative medicine From fundamental principles to recent advances at the macro micro nano and molecular scales the book brings together current knowledge on biomaterials and stem cells in the context of regenerative medicine. It also stimulates discussion about future research directions. This unique book offers a valuable benchmark for the current status of clinically relevant research and development in stem cells and regenerative medicine. It bridges the gaps in experimental approaches and understanding among the materials science and engineering biological sciences and biomedical science and engineering communities making it a valuable reference for graduate students researchers and practitioners working in the multidisciplinary field of biomedical research. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138076778

Biomaterials for Cell DeliveryVehicles in Regenerative Medicine The purpose of this book is to summarize key strategies and recent accomplishments in the area of developing cell/biomaterial constructs for regenerative medicine. The first section is a review of the state-of-the-art of biomaterial carriers and is divided into synthetic and natural materials. A subset of the latter are decellularized organs which retain the structure and some of the biological activities of the target organ. The bulk of the book is devoted to unique problems associated with key tissue and organ targets.Key selling features:Describes developing cell/biomaterial constructs for regenerative medicineReviews state-of-the-art of biomaterial carriersSummarizes the unique problems associated with key tissue and organ targetsDiscusses issues associated with clinical translation including quality control manufacturing practices nondestructive imaging and animal models Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367732332

Biomaterials for MEMS This book serves as a guide for practicing engineers researchers and students interested in MEMS devices that use biomaterials and biomedical applications. It is also suitable for engineers and researchers interested in MEMS and its applications but who do not have the necessary background in biomaterials. Biomaterials for MEMS highlights important features and issues of biomaterials that have been used in MEMS and biomedical areas. Hence this book is an essential guide for MEMS engineers or researchers who are trained in engineering institutes that do not provide the background or knowledge in biomaterials. The topics include fabrication of devices using biomaterials; biocompatible coatings and issues; thin-film biomaterials and MEMS for tissue engineering; and applications involving MEMS and biomaterials. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814241465

Biomaterials for Stem Cell TherapyState of Art and Vision for the Future Focused on stem cell applications this book bridges the fields of biomaterials offering new insights into constructing and regenerating tissues and organs. Its unique feature is linking diseases of the human body to current thinking on how to deal with them in the context of current concepts and technologies by means of an in-depth focus on biomaterials. The book assembles recent advances and covers a range of topics related to stem cell biology biomaterials and technological approaches such as bioreactors written by top researchers in the field. Stem cells of both embryonic and adult origin are discussed with applications ranging but not limited to nerve regeneration liver pancreas skin trachea cartilage and bone repair and cardiovascular therapy. Developments in the field reflecting the design and construction of the human body and its principal anatomy are discussed from a materials point of view. The book will be a valuable tool for biomaterial scientists tissue engineers clinicians as well as stem cell biologists involved in basic research and applications of adult and embryonic stem cells. It will also be a source of reference for students in biotechnology biomedical engineering biology biochemistry materials sciences pharmaceuticals and veterinary and human medicine. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466576391

Biomaterials Science and TechnologyFundamentals and Developments Biomaterials Science and Technology: Fundamentals and Developments presents a broad scope of the field of biomaterials science and technology focusing on theory advances and applications. It reviews the fabrication and properties of different classes of biomaterials such as bioinert bioactive and bioresorbable in addition to biocompatibility. It further details traditional and recent techniques and methods that are utilized to characterize major properties of biomaterials. The book also discusses modifications of biomaterials in order to tailor properties and thus accommodate different applications in the biomedical engineering fields and summarizes nanotechnology approaches to biomaterials.  This book targets students in advanced undergraduate and graduate levels in majors related to fields of Chemical Engineering Materials Engineering and Science Biomedical Engineering Bioengineering and Life Sciences. It assists in understanding major concepts of fabrication modification and possible applications of different classes of biomaterials. It is also intended for professionals who are interested in recent advances in the emerging field of biomaterials. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138611474

Biomaterials ScienceAn Integrated Clinical and Engineering Approach "This book is essential when designing developing and studying biomedical materials.… provides an excellent review—from a patient disease and even genetic point of view—of materials engineering for the biomedical field. … This well presented book strongly insists on how the materials can influence patients’ needs the ultimate drive for biomedical engineering. …[presents an] Interesting and innovative review from a patient focus perspective—the book emphasizes the importance of the patients which is not often covered in other biomedical material’s books."—Fanny Raisin-Dadre BioInteractions Ltd. Berkshire EnglandGoing far beyond the coverage in most standard books on the subject Biomaterials Science: An Integrated Clinical and Engineering Approach offers a solid overview of the use of biomaterials in medical devices drug delivery and tissue engineering. Combining discussion of materials science and engineering perspectives with clinical aspects this book emphasizes integration of clinical and engineering approaches. In particular it explores various applications of biomaterials in fields including tissue engineering neurosurgery hemocompatibility BioMEMS nanoparticle-based drug delivery dental implants and obstetrics/gynecology.The book engages those engineers and physicians who are applying biomaterials at various levels to:Increase the rate of successful deployment of biomaterials in humansLower the side-effects of such a deployment in humansAccumulate knowledge and experience for improving current methodologiesIncorporate information and understanding relevant to future challenges such as permanent artificial organ transplantsUsing a variety of contributors Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367381257

BiomaterialsA Basic Introduction Explores Biomedical Science from a Unique Perspective Biomaterials: A Basic Introduction is a definitive resource for students entering biomedical or bioengineering disciplines. This text offers a detailed exploration of engineering and materials science and examines the boundary and relationship between the two. Based on the author’s course lecture notes and many years of research it presents students with the knowledge needed to select and design biomaterials used in medical devices. Placing special emphasis on metallic ceramic polymeric and composite biomaterials it explains the difference between materials science and materials engineering introduces basic concepts and principles and analyzes the critically important properties of biomaterials. Explains Complex Theories Using Aspects of Daily Life This text provides an appropriate balance between depth and broadness of coverage and offers an understanding of the most important concepts and principles to students from a wide academic spectrum. It delivers the science of biomaterials in laymen terms from a material standpoint as well as a clinical applications point of view. It equips students majoring in materials science/engineering with knowledge on the fundamentals of how biomaterials behave at a biological level and provides students majoring in medicine with information that is generally unavailable in traditional medical courses. The authors incorporate learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter as well as chapter highlights problems and exercises at the end of each chapter. In addition they present objectives suggested activities and reference material for further reading. Contains an overview of medical science vis-à -vis materials science describes anatomy histology and cell biology Highlights health issues and diseases where biomaterials can easily find medical applications Presents knowledge of the relationship between the biomaterials and the living body Evaluates medical devices and looks into their respective regulations Biomaterials: A Basic Introduction contains an overview of basic biomaterials and concepts and is written for upper-division students in the US/Canada and second-level students in universities worldwide. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138749665

BiomaterialsA Nano Approach There are several well-known books on the market that cover biomaterials in a general way but none provide adequate focus on the future of and potential for actual uses of emerging nanontechnology in this burgeoning field.Biomaterials: A Nano Approach is written from a multi-disciplinary point of view that integrates aspects of materials science a Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429141522

BiomaterialsPrinciples and Practices Most current applications of biomaterials involve structural functions even in those organs and systems that are not primarily structural in their nature or very simple chemical or electrical functions. Complex chemical functions such as those of the liver and complex electrical or electrochemical functions such as those of the brain and sense organs cannot be carried out by biomaterials at this time. With these basic concepts in mind Biomaterials: Principles and Practices focuses on biomaterials consisting of different materials such as metallic ceramic polymeric and composite. It highlights the impact of recent advances in the area of nano- and microtechnology on biomaterial design. Discusses the biocompatibility of metallic implants and corrosion in an in vivo environment Provides a general overview of the relatively bioinert bioactive or surface-reactive ceramics and biodegradable or resorbable bioceramics Reviews the basic chemical and physical properties of synthetic polymers the sterilization of the polymeric biomaterials the importance of the surface treatment for improving biocompatibility and the application of the chemogradient surface for the study on cell-to-polymer interactions Covers the fundamentals of composite materials and their applications in biomaterials Highlights commercially significant and successful biomedical biodegradable polymers Examines failure modes of different types of implants based on material location and function in the body The book discusses the role of biomaterials as governed by the interaction between the material and the body specifically the effect of the body environment on the material and the effect of the material on the body. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439872512

Biomathematical Problems in Optimization of Cancer Radiotherapy Biomathematical Problems in Optimization of Cancer Radiotherapy provides insight into the role of cell population heterogeneity in the optimal control of fractionated irradiation of tumors. The book emphasizes the mathematical modeling aspect of the problem and presents the state of the art in the stochastic description of irradiated cell survival. Some of the results are of general theoretical interest and can be applied to other areas of optimal control methodology. Detailed explanations of all mathematical statements are provided throughout the text. The book is excellent for biomathematicians radiotherapists oncologists health physicists and other researchers and students interested in the topic. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367402266

Biomechanical Aspects of Soft Tissues Biomechanics applies the laws and techniques of mechanics in the study of biological systems and related phenomena. Biomechanics uses mathematical and computational tools such as model construction of musclo-skeletal system body fluid circulation to aid medical diagnosis therapeutics and surgery planning designing of prostheses and implants or in tissue engineering. Present book targets specific topics pertaining to the biomechanics of soft tissues. Subjects addressed includes solids and multi-species mixtures as open systems: a continuum mechanics perspective; electro-chemo-mechanical couplings: tissues with a fixed electric charge and growth of biological tissues. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367574345

Biomechanical Evaluation of Movement in Sport and ExerciseThe British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Guide Now in a fully updated and revised new edition this is still the only up-to-date practical guide to the use of technology in sport and exercise biomechanics. It includes detailed explanations of the key theory underlying biomechanics testing and measurement along with advice on choosing equipment and using it effectively. The second edition includes two completely new chapters on qualitative movement analysis and the assessment of movement coordination and covers every key functional area in the biomechanics curriculum including: motion analysis using video and on-line systems measurement of force and pressure measurement of torque and power using isokinetic dynamometry electromyography computational simulation and modelling of human movement research methodologies data processing. Published in association with the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) it includes contributions from world leading researchers and pioneers in the field of sport and exercise biomechanics. Biomechanical Evaluation of Movement in Sport and Exercise is a must-have text for all biomechanics laboratories and for any student undertaking a research project or course in methods measurement or analysis in biomechanics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415632669

Biomechanical Principles on Force Generation and Control of Skeletal Muscle and their Applications in Robotic Exoskeleton This book systematically introduces the bionic nature of force sensing and control the biomechanical principle on mechanism of force generation and control of skeletal muscle and related applications in robotic exoskeleton. The book focuses on three main aspects: muscle force generation principle and biomechanical model exoskeleton robot technology based on skeletal muscle biomechanical model and SMA-based bionic skeletal muscle technology. This comprehensive and in-depth book presents the author's research experience and achievements of many years to readers in an effort to promote academic exchanges in this field. About the Author Yuehong Yin received his B.E. M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing in 1990 1995 and 1997 respectively all in mechanical engineering. From December 1997 to December 1999 he was a Postdoctoral Fellow with Zhejiang University Hangzhou China where he became an Associate Professor in July 1999. Since December 1999 he has been with the Robotics Institute Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai China where he became a Professor and a Tenure Professor in December 2005 and January 2016 respectively. His research interests include robotics force control exoskeleton robot molecular motor artificial limb robotic assembly reconfigurable assembly system and augmented reality. Dr. Yin is a fellow of the International Academy of Production Engineering (CIRP). Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367343989

Biomechanical SystemsTechniques and Applications Volume III: Musculoskeletal Models and Techniques Because of developments in powerful computer technology computational techniques advances in a wide spectrum of diverse technologies and other advances coupled with cross disciplinary pursuits between technology and its greatly significant applied implications in human body processes the field of biomechanics is evolving as a broadly significant area. This Third Volume presents the advances in widely diverse areas with significant implications for human betterment that occur continuously at a high rate. These include dynamics of musculo-skeletal systems; mechanics of hard and soft tissues; mechanics of muscle; mechanics of bone remodeling; mechanics of implant-tissue interfaces; cardiovascular and respiratory biomechanics; mechanics of blood flow air flow flow-prosthesis interfaces; mechanics of impact; dynamics of man machine interaction; and numerous other areas. The great breadth and depth of the field of biomechanics on the international scene requires at least four volumes for adequate treatment. These four volumes constitute a well integrated set that can be utilized as individual volumes. They provide a substantively significant and rather comprehensive in-depth treatment of biomechanic systems and techniques that is most surely unique on the international scene. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429124471

Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming V1 The International Symposium on Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming held every four years under the aegis of the International Society of Biomechanics and the World Commission of Sports Biomechanics provides a forum in which research related to swimming is reported and problems that confront swimming practitioners are debated. This volume contains the papers presented at the sixth symposium. The keynote addresses covered lactate metabolism performance determining factors and the analysis of sprint swimming. The contributed papers range widely across sports science coaching and training and sports medicine. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9781138880474

Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming VII Following on from the successful Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming VI proceedings which covered the conference held in Liverpool this book contains all twelve of the keynote addresses and selected edited and revised papers presented at the Swimming Science VII conference in Atlanta. Leading international experts have contributed state-of-the-art research on the subject. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415514392

Biomechanics and Physical Training of the Horse Effective horse trainers strive to improve the performance of their horses while preserving the integrity of the musculoskeletal apparatus. Biomechanics and Physical Training of the Horse supplies an anatomical and functional overview of the topic enabling trainers to optimize the different exercises their horses undergo during training and competition. Following a brief description of the biomechanics of the muscles underlying equine movement the book discusses the muscles of the forelimb hindlimb and neck and trunk. These fundamentals have direct bearing on the later chapters which focus on training and the core exercises for a horse. This text is illustrated throughout by the author’s top-quality photographs diagrams and his own beautiful anatomical drawings. The book is of lasting value to all professionals and well-informed amateurs who work with horses: veterinarians trainers and riders researchers physical therapists and educators in equine courses. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781840761924

Biomechanics and Robotics The science and technology of biomechanics and robotics promise to be some of the most influential research directions of the twenty-first century. Biomechanics and Robotics goes beyond the individual areas of biomechanics robotics biomedical engineering biomechatronics and biologically inspired robotics to provide the first unified textbook on the subject. It offers a "big picture" look at the state-of-the-art science and technology. With numerous figures references and exercises the book presents a pedagogical introduction to a variety of topics reviews historical developments and gives up-to-date insights on modern-day biomechanics and robotics. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814411370

Biomechanics of Human MotionApplications in the Martial Arts Second Edition Biomechanics of Human Motion: Applications in the Martial Arts Second Edition explores the biomechanical principles of nine different forms of martial arts with specific attention paid to their anatomical features. Within this examination Professor Arus highlights the use of energy and force especially in Kyusho-Jutsu. Whereas the first edition provided an in-depth explanation of the Aikido techniques of Kokyu-ryoku the second edition focusses specifically on the grabbing and liberation techniques used in Kyusho-Jutsu. Such an examination stresses the importance of vital points "finger manipulation" and their co rresponding emphasis on energy usage. As Professor Arus details throughout Biomechanics of Human Motion Second Edition knowledge of this form of pressure point maneuvering is useful in both attack and counterattack situations especially since the martial artist’s anatomo-physiological adaptation to effort represents the most significant development in fighting regimens. The second edition also includes a discussion of the katana. Professor Arus notes that defense against the katana is nearly impossible describing the three major steps used in Japanese (Ma). It is customary in Aikido to defend against a wooden sword. By using a wooden sword an Aikido Master’s demonstration is pre-determined. Techniques to defend against these demonstrations are discussed throughout the book. Finally various attack and defense techniques using pressure points are also explained in Biomechanics of Human Motion Second Edition. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138555532

Biomechanics of Soft TissuesPrinciples and Applications The emerging paradigm of incorporating images and biomechanical properties of soft tissues has proven to be an integral part of the advancement of several medical applications including image guided radiotherapy and surgery brachytherapy and diagnostics. This expansion has resulted in a growing community of medical science and engineering professionals applying mechanical principles to address medical concerns. This book is tailored to cover a range of mechanical principles properties and applications of soft tissues that have previously been addressed in various journals and "anatomical site-specific" books. Biomechanics of Soft Tissues follows a different approach by offering a simplified overview of widely used mechanical models and measuring techniques of soft tissue parameters. This is followed by an investigation of different medical applications including: biomechanical aspects of cancerous tumor progressions radiotherapy treatment and image guided ultrasound guided interventions. Written by leading scholars and professionals in the field Biomechanics of Soft Tissues combines engineering and medical expertise thereby producing an excellent source of information for professionals interested in the theoretical and technological advancements related to soft tissues. The book provides medical professionals with an insight on various modeling approaches testing techniques and mechanical characteristics that are frequently used by engineers. Conversely the presented medical applications provide engineers with a glimpse of amazing medical practices and encourage them to expand their roles in the medical field. Provides a simplified overview of mechanics of soft tissues. Highlights different techniques to measure tissues properties for engineering and medical applications. Contains novel ideas to address roles of mechanics in disease progression and treatment. Presents innovative applications of biomechanics in medical procedures. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498766227

Biomechanics of Sport This informative text features current and thorough reviews of the biomechanics of sport for improved performance etiology and pre-vention of injuries. Winter sports and aquatics are covered with an emphasis on developing training programs for ski-jumping alpine and cross country skiing. Other sports featured include modeling perspectives in speed skating swimming and the mechanics of rowing and sculling. Track-and-field athletics ball games weight lifting and training are examined in terms of per-formance safety and re-search methodology. Sports scientists and sports medicine specialists will find this book invaluable. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003068549

Biomechanics of the Upper LimbsMechanics Modeling and Musculoskeletal Injuries Second Edition There is already a wealth of literature covering cumulative trauma disorders and medical management as well as the biomechanics of manual material handling and lower back problems. However despite a spike in the number of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) in the upper limbs—due to a sharp increase in the amount of computer-related jobs—few if any books have focused exclusively on WRMSDs until now. Biomechanics of the Upper Limbs: Mechanics Modeling and Musculoskeletal Injuries Second Edition offers vital information and tools to improve analysis of external forces and their effects on the human body. This can help ergonomists better understand job stressors and the role they play in the development of disorders enabling them to modify the work environment and educate practitioners to better control harmful situations. Using the author’s medical and engineering expertise to distill essential subject matter and useful technical data this comprehensive text explores: Biomechanics of the upper limbs and the motor control system The structure and physiology of the human musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems Recent research findings and solutions to various ergonomic problems Models of various components of the neuromuscular systems as well as larger systems in the upper limbs Risk factors for disorders and tools used to identify their causes Designed as a textbook for a typical semester-long graduate-level engineering or kinesiology course this book includes a link to an ancillary website that offers materials such as PowerPoint® slides sample exams and an instructor's manual with complete solutions. It also serves as a practical up-to-date engineering-oriented resource for researchers industrial ergonomists industrial hygienists and medical professionals who require supplementary material. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073234

BiomechanicsCore Concepts in Motion Introductory Biomechanics offers a clear concise and thorough introduction to the basic principles of functional anatomy and human movement to students with no background in the subject. Using familiar and useful questions to help engage students with new material the book offers the most accessible introduction to this core tenet of kinesiology currently available. Split into two broad sections—functional anatomy and biomechanical principles—the book includes chapters on: understanding force; bone joint muscle and nerve function; kinematic concepts; kinetic concepts; measurement and analysis of motion; and projectiles. Featuring pedagogical features such as learning objectives review questions further reading suggestions and worked examples and a companion website which includes animations of the movements described in the book Introductory Biomechanics is a complete and relatable resource for gaining a grounding in the fundamental principles of the discipline. This is an essential text for students taking introductory biomechanics classes as part of an undergraduate degree programme in Kinesiology Sport & Exercise Science Sports Coaching Athletic Training and Sports Therapy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138039308

BiomechanicsPrinciples and Practices Presents Current Principles and Applications Biomedical engineering is considered to be the most expansive of all the engineering sciences. Its function involves the direct combination of core engineering sciences as well as knowledge of nonengineering disciplines such as biology and medicine. Drawing on material from the biomechanics section of The Biomedical Engineering Handbook Fourth Edition and utilizing the expert knowledge of respected published scientists in the application and research of biomechanics Biomechanics: Principles and Practices discusses the latest principles and applications of biomechanics and outlines major research topics in the field. This book contains a total of 20 chapters. The first group of chapters explores musculoskeletal mechanics and includes hard and soft-tissue mechanics joint mechanics and applications related to human function. The next group of chapters covers biofluid mechanics and includes a wide range of circulatory dynamics such as blood vessel and blood cell mechanics and transport. The following group of chapters introduces the mechanical functions and significance of the human ear including information on inner ear hair cell mechanics. The remaining chapters introduce performance characteristics of the human body system during exercise and exertion. Introduces modern viewpoints and developments Highlights cellular mechanics Presents material in a systematic manner Contains over 100 figures tables and equations Biomechanics: Principles and Practices functions as a reference for the practicing professional as well as an introduction for the bioengineering graduate student with a focus in biomechanics biodynamics human performance engineering and human factors. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138748040

Biomechatronics in Medicine and Healthcare This book presents experts’ insights into the emerging technologies and developments that are being or will be utilized in the medical profession to meet a variety of clinical challenges. It demonstrates the application of biomechatronics to provide better care and service. It also incorporates new and exciting multidisciplinary areas of research across the medical and engineering fields such as robotic therapeutic training system for stroke rehabilitation exoskeletons for daily activities on persons with disability functional electrical stimulation and wireless active capsule endoscopy. Each chapter provides substantial background material relevant to the particular subject. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814241618

Biomedical Application of Nanoparticles Biomedical Application of Nanoparticles explores nanoparticles their chemical and physicals properties and how they interact in biological systems with proteins immune system and targeted cells. Risk assessment of nanoparticles for human is described including: cellular paradigms transcriptomics and toxicogenomics. Finally the applications of nanoparticles in medicine and antioxidant regenerative therapeutics are presented in several chapters with emphasis on how nanoparticles enhance transport of drugs across biological membrane barriers and therefore may enhance drug bioavailability. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367735814

Biomedical Applications of Laminar Airflow Published in 1973: A cardinal objective of this book is to present the current state-of-the-art technology of laminar airflow as related to its biological use in order to make the principles the applications and the testing methods readily understandable to medically and microbiologically oriented people. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367200787

Biomedical Applications of Magnetic Particles Biomedical Applications of Magnetic Particles discusses fundamental magnetic nanoparticle physics and chemistry and explores important biomedical applications and future challenges. The first section presents the fundamentals of the field by explaining the theory of magnetism describing techniques to synthesize magnetic particles detailing methods to characterize magnetic particles and quantitatively describing the applied magnetic forces torques and the resultant particle motions. The second section describes the wide range of biomedical applications including chemical sensors cellular actuators drug delivery magnetic hyperthermia magnetic resonance imaging contrast enhancement and toxicity. Additional key features include: Covers both introduction to physics and characterization of magnetic nanoparticles and the state of the art in biomedical applications Authoritative reference for scientists and engineers for all new or old to the field Describes how the size of magnetic nanoparticles affects their magnetic properties colloidal properties and biological properties. Written by a team of internationally respected experts this book provides an up-to-date authoritative reference for scientists and engineers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439839683

Biomedical Applications of Mesoporous CeramicsDrug Delivery Smart Materials and Bone Tissue Engineering Developments in mesoporous ceramics in drug delivery nanomedicine and bone tissue regeneration have opened promising developments in biomedical research many applicable in the clinic in the near future. Due to the ability to fine-tune the physicochemical properties of these materials the field has experienced an impressive burst in the number of publications. As controlled drug delivery systems are one of the most promising applications for human health care it is now necessary to set the milestones of this technology from the very basic to the most advanced.Biomedical Applications of Mesoporous Ceramics: Drug Delivery Smart Materials and Bone Tissue Engineering is a comprehensive overview of silica-based mesoporous materials with special attention given to their use in drug delivery systems sophisticated stimuli-responsive materials and bone tissue engineering. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the basic aspects of the properties of mesoporous materials with a focus on textural properties such as surface and porosity. Starting from this consolidated knowledge it then addresses various aspects of more sophisticated stimuli-responsive materials and bone tissue engineering detailing the research and development of these biomedical applications. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367380601

Biomedical Applications of Microencapsulation Published in 1984: For this volume the publishers at CRC Press have chosen to present information on just one important area namely the biomedical field where much progress in the application of microencapsulation has been made in recent years. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429260469

Biomedical Engineering and Environmental EngineeringProceedings of the 2014 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Envir This conference series is a forum for enhancing mutual understanding between Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Engineering field. This proceeding provides contributions from many experts representing industry and academic establishments worldwide. The researchers are from different countries and professional. The conference brought together researchers from all over the world to share their new findings thus to promote academic exchanges. The volume represents papers related to the themes of the conference: Bioinformatics and computational biology Biomedical engineering Environmental science and technology Environmental sustainability Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138028050

Biomedical Engineering Fundamentals Known as the bible of biomedical engineering The Biomedical Engineering Handbook Fourth Edition sets the standard against which all other references of this nature are measured. As such it has served as a major resource for both skilled professionals and novices to biomedical engineering. Biomedical Engineering Fundamentals the first volume of the handbook presents material from respected scientists with diverse backgrounds in physiological systems biomechanics biomaterials bioelectric phenomena and neuroengineering. More than three dozen specific topics are examined including cardiac biomechanics the mechanics of blood vessels cochlear mechanics biodegradable biomaterials soft tissue replacements cellular biomechanics neural engineering electrical stimulation for paraplegia and visual prostheses. The material is presented in a systematic manner and has been updated to reflect the latest applications and research findings. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138748071

Biomedical Engineering Principles Current demand in biomedical sciences emphasizes the understanding of basic mechanisms and problem solving rather than rigid empiricism and factual recall. Knowledge of the basic laws of mass and momentum transport as well as model development and validation biomedical signal processing biomechanics and capstone design have indispensable roles in the engineering analysis of physiological processes. To this end an introductory multidisciplinary text is a must to provide the necessary foundation for beginning biomedical students. Assuming no more than a passing acquaintance with molecular biology physiology biochemistry and signal processing Biomedical Engineering Principles Second Edition provides just such a solid accessible grounding to this rapidly advancing field. Acknowledging the vast range of backgrounds and prior education from which the biomedical field draws the organization of this book lends itself to a tailored course specific to the experience and interests of the student. Divided into four sections the book begins with systems physiology transport processes cell physiology and the cardiovascular system. Part I covers systems analysis biological data and modeling and simulation in experimental design applying concepts of diffusion and facilitated and active transport. Part II presents biomedical signal processing reviewing frequency periodic functions and Fourier series as well as signal acquisition and processing techniques. Part III presents the practical applications of biomechanics focusing on the mechanical and structural properties of bone musculoskeletal and connective tissue with respect to joint range load bearing capacity and electrical stimulation. The final part highlights capstone design discussing design perspectives for living and nonliving systems the role of the FDA and the project timeline from inception to proof of concept. Cutting across many disciplines Biomedical Engineering Principles Second Edition offers illustrative examples as well as problems and discussion questions designed specifically for this book to provide a readily accessible widely applicable introductory text. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073241

Biomedical GlobalizationThe International Migration of Scientists Despite much debate in recent years about the economic and professional impact of foreign engineers and computer professionals in the United States comparatively little has been said about the growing number of foreign biomedical scientists employed by American firms and health institutions. The implications are widespread and merit serious analysis. In Biomedical Globalization Sergio Diaz-Briquets and Charles C. Cheney shed light on this development through examination of the experience of foreign biomedical scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda Maryland.Diaz-Briquets and Cheney's analysis is based on results of ethnographic field observations and more than 200 interviews among diverse biomedical research constituencies in the United States and abroad. These views provide a penetrating glimpse into the complex web of interrelationships governing the international mobility of highly skilled personnel within a given scientific field. While the work of the NIH is unexceptionable in advancing biomedical knowledge and forging international research linkages a far more complex and elusive picture emerges when the issue is placed within a broader labor market perspective. Under some circumstances the United States economy may suffer from the presence of foreign biomedical scientists in American laboratories. There is some fear that when these scientists return home they may take with them know-how developed here that could be used to strengthen the scientific prowess of overseas competitors.In conducting their research the authors have identified several hitherto unrecognized functions that the NIH plays in channeling foreign biomedical scientists intothe American workforce. These functions are of great significance to immigration and labor policy and can be seen as instrumental to the satisfaction of numerous key public policy objectives. Biomedical Globalization will be of interest to policymakers labor studies scholars and scientific researchers. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507678

Biomedical Image SegmentationAdvances and Trends As one of the most important tasks in biomedical imaging image segmentation provides the foundation for quantitative reasoning and diagnostic techniques. A large variety of different imaging techniques each with its own physical principle and characteristics (e.g. noise modeling) often requires modality-specific algorithmic treatment. In recent years substantial progress has been made to biomedical image segmentation. Biomedical image segmentation is characterized by several specific factors. This book presents an overview of the advanced segmentation algorithms and their applications. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367870867

Biomedical InformaticsAn Introduction to Information Systems and Software in Medicine and Health Medical informatics lies at the intersection of computer science and medicine and understanding critical aspects of both fields provides for more proficient practitioners. Biomedical Informatics: An Introduction to Information Systems and Software in Medicine and Health supplies a cohesive narrative of the multidisciplinary concepts linking the field.This complete medical informatics textbook begins by reviewing the IT aspects of informatics including systems architecture electronic health records interoperability privacy and security cloud computing mobile healthcare imaging data capture and design issues. Next the text provides case studies that demonstrate the roll out of electronic health records (EHRs) in hospitals.The third section incorporates four anatomy and physiology lectures that focus on the physiological basis behind data captured in EHRs. Examples include detailed descriptions of the heart and electrical systems lungs and alveoli and oxygen exchange.The book includes a primer on the theoretical concepts that underpin the science behind medical informatics including an Anatomy & Physiology Essentials guide. It also contains a tutorial on application development to help students understand the tools for improving user interfaces for EHRs on mobile platforms.The author uses a student-friendly organizational structure that supplies students with a clear demarcation between essential and optional material. The text supplies clear delineation between Level I the basic concepts every biomedical informatics professional needs to master; Level II applied concepts and examples; and Level III advanced topics. This format allows undergraduate and graduate instructors and professionals in the field to focus quickly on the essential topics and if interested delve into Level III advanced topics.The book includes links to documents and standards sources so students can explore each idea described in more detail. Instructor’s manual solutions manual videos figure slides and lecture slides are available upon qualified course adoption. Media > Books > Print Books Auerbach Publications 9781466596207

Biomedical Nanosensors This book draws together recent data on both cytoplasmic and flagellar dyneins and the proteins they interact with to give the reader a clear picture of what is currently known about the structure and mechanics of these remarkable macro-molecular machines. Each chapter is written by active researchers with a focus on currently used biophysical biochemical and cell biological methods. In addition to comprehensive coverage of structural information gained by electron microscopy electron cryo-tomography X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance this book provides detailed descriptions of mechanistic experiments by single-molecule nanometry. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814303033

Biomedical Nanotechnology Biomedical nanotechnology is one of the fastest-growing fields of research across the globe. However even the most promising technologies may never realize their full potential if public and political opinions are galvanized against them a situation clearly evident in such controversial fields as cloning and stem cell research. Biomedical Nanotechnology presents state-of-the-art research in the field and also considers the socio-political risks and perceptions of this important science.Contributed by prominent experts in this expansive and interdisciplinary field Biomedical Nanotechnology examines developments in three sub-fields: nanodrugs and drug delivery; prostheses and implants; and diagnostics and screening technologies. The authors compare new capabilities introduced by nanotechnology to traditional methods of release target and controlled drug delivery in the body. They also consider the challenge of understanding and controlling the biological processes involved upon implantation and discuss nanoscale sensors for biological chemical detection and biodefense. The book concludes with individual chapters devoted to the social and economic context of nanotechnologies and to their potential risks and possible solutions.By outlining cutting-edge research in the context of pressing global medical needs and potential risks this authoritative reference supplies a holistic treatment of biomedical nanotechnology that enables us to understand its implications and decide the best way to move forward. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367392994

Biomedical OrganizationsA Worldwide Guide to Position Documents Determine what organizations have issued position statements on a specific subject!A position document establishes the view of an organization based on its knowledge on the subject at that specific time. Biomedical Organizations: A Worldwide Guide to Position Documents puts the results of a survey of hundreds of global medical organizations and their position statements at your fingertips. This comprehensive reference not only analyzes and discusses the history and characteristics of the creation and development of the organizational position statement but also lists medical organizations and their Web site addresses and presents an alphabetical index of their position statements. Indexed according to subject as well as by organization this one-of-a-kind source allows readers to determine what organizations have issued position documents on a specific subject such as alcoholism or HIV as well as providing an appendix listing biomedical organizations without position documents. Over several years the author compiled this extensive index which is designed to help physicians fellows residents interns medical students and paramedical personnel to drastically cut their research time. Information can be found with ease quickly as the index lists organizations by country medical practice areas and the core areas of interest of each organization. Ideally suited as a hands-on reference text in clinics hospitals and medical libraries this reference cuts through the overwhelming mountain of information to give medical professionals exactly the information they are searching for while providing a historical account of position documents their growth their continued use and their efficacy. Biomedical Organizations: A Worldwide Guide to Position Documents reveals the organizations with position statements on a wide variety of subjects such as: abortion AIDS cancer diabetes homosexuality immunization long-term care mental retardation midwives malpractice nutrition ozone the Persian Gulf war pharmaceuticals pollution radon tissue transplants violence and hundreds of others!Biomedical Organizations: A Worldwide Guide to Position Documents is a timesaving reference helpful to medical professionals students educators and professional medical organizations. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203050255

Biomedical Photoacoustics As a fast-growing imaging technology photoacoustic (PA) imaging synergistically combines electromagnetic and ultrasonic waves providing higher contrast and resolution than conventional ultrasound imaging. This book presents the latest developments in this field especially the advances in the detection of diseases using newly developed PA techniques. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814774581

Biomedical Photonics Handbook 3 Volume Set Shaped by Quantum Theory Technology and the Genomics Revolution The integration of photonics electronics biomaterials and nanotechnology holds great promise for the future of medicine. This topic has recently experienced an explosive growth due to the noninvasive or minimally invasive nature and the cost-effectiveness of photonic modalities in medical diagnostics and therapy. The second edition of the Biomedical Photonics Handbook presents fundamental developments as well as important applications of biomedical photonics of interest to scientists engineers manufacturers teachers students and clinical providers. Represents the Collective Work of over 150 Scientists Engineers and Clinicians Designed to display the most recent advances in instrumentation and methods as well as clinical applications in important areas of biomedical photonics to a broad audience this three-volume handbook provides an inclusive forum that serves as an authoritative reference source for a broad audience involved in the research teaching learning and practice of medical technologies. What’s New in This Edition: A wide variety of photonic biochemical sensing technologies have already been developed for clinical monitoring of physiological parameters such as blood pressure blood chemistry pH temperature and the presence of pathological organisms or biochemical species of clinical importance. Advanced photonic detection technologies integrating the latest knowledge of genomics proteomics and metabolomics allow sensing of early disease state biomarkers thus revolutionizing the medicine of the future. Nanobiotechnology has opened new possibilities for detection of biomarkers of disease imaging single molecules and in situ diagnostics at the single cell level. In addition to these state-of-the art advancements the second edition contains new topics and chapters including: Fiber Optic Probe Design Laser and Optical Radiation Safety Photothermal Detection Multidimensional Fluorescence Imaging Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging Molecular Contrast Optical Coherence Tomography Multiscale Photoacoustics Polarized Light for Medical Diagnostics Quantitative Diffuse Reflectance Imaging Interferometric Light Scattering Nonlinear Interferometric Vibrational Imaging Multimodality Theranostics Nanoplatforms Nanoscintillator-Based Therapy SERS Molecular Sentinel Nanoprobes Plasmonic Coupling Interference Nanoprobes Comprised of three books: Volume I: Fundamentals Devices and Techniques; Volume II: Biomedical Diagnostics; and Volume III: Therapeutics and Advanced Biophotonics this second edition contains eight sections and provides introductory material in each chapter. It also includes an overview of the topic an extensive collection of spectroscopic data and lists of references for further reading. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439804445

Biomedical Photonics HandbookBiomedical Diagnostics Shaped by Quantum Theory Technology and the Genomics Revolution The integration of photonics electronics biomaterials and nanotechnology holds great promise for the future of medicine. This topic has recently experienced an explosive growth due to the noninvasive or minimally invasive nature and the cost-effectiveness of photonic modalities in medical diagnostics and therapy. The second edition of the Biomedical Photonics Handbook presents fundamental developments as well as important applications of biomedical photonics of interest to scientists engineers manufacturers teachers students and clinical providers. The second volume Biomedical Diagnostics focuses on biomedical diagnostic technologies and their applications from the bench to the bedside. Represents the Collective Work of over 150 Scientists Engineers and Clinicians Designed to display the most recent advances in instrumentation and methods as well as clinical applications in important areas of biomedical photonics to a broad audience this three-volume handbook provides an inclusive forum that serves as an authoritative reference source for a broad audience involved in the research teaching learning and practice of medical technologies. What’s New in This Edition: A wide variety of photonic biochemical sensing technologies have already been developed for clinical monitoring of physiological parameters such as blood pressure blood chemistry pH temperature and the presence of pathological organisms or biochemical species of clinical importance. Advanced photonic detection technologies integrating the latest knowledge of genomics proteomics and metabolomics allow sensing of early disease state biomarkers thus revolutionizing the medicine of the future. Nanobiotechnology has opened new possibilities for detection of biomarkers of disease imaging single molecules and in situ diagnostics at the single cell level. In addition to these state-of-the art advancements the second edition contains new topics and chapters including: • Fiber Optic Probe Design • Laser and Optical Radiation Safety • Photothermal Detection • Multidimensional Fluorescence Imaging • Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging • Molecular Contrast Optical Coherence Tomography • Multiscale Photoacoustics • Polarized Light for Medical Diagnostics • Quantitative Diffuse Reflectance Imaging • Interferometric Light Scattering • Nonlinear Interferometric Vibrational Imaging • Multimodality Theranostics Nanoplatforms • Nanoscintillator-Based Therapy • SERS Molecular Sentinel Nanoprobes • Plasmonic Coupling Interference Nanoprobes Comprised of three books: Volume I: Fundamentals Devices and Techniques; Volume II: Biomedical Diagnostics; and Volume III: Therapeutics and Advanced Biophotonics this second edition contains eight sections and provides introductory material in each chapter. It also includes an overview of the topic an extensive collection of spectroscopic data and lists of references for further reading. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367378462

Biomedical Photonics HandbookFundamentals Devices and Techniques Shaped by Quantum Theory Technology and the Genomics RevolutionThe integration of photonics electronics biomaterials and nanotechnology holds great promise for the future of medicine. This topic has recently experienced an explosive growth due to the noninvasive or minimally invasive nature and the cost-effectiveness of photonic modalities in medical diagnostics and therapy. The second edition of the Biomedical Photonics Handbook presents recent fundamental developments as well as important applications of biomedical photonics of interest to scientists engineers manufacturers teachers students and clinical providers. The first volume Fundamentals Devices and Techniques focuses on the fundamentals of biophotonics optical techniques and devices. Represents the Collective Work of over 150 Scientists Engineers and CliniciansDesigned to display the most recent advances in instrumentation and methods as well as clinical applications in important areas of biomedical photonics to a broad audience this three-volume handbook provides an inclusive forum that serves as an authoritative reference source for a broad audience involved in the research teaching learning and practice of medical technologies. What’s New in This Edition:A wide variety of photonic biochemical sensing technologies has already been developed for clinical monitoring of physiological parameters such as blood pressure blood chemistry pH temperature and the presence of pathological organisms or biochemical species of clinical importance. Advanced photonic detection technologies integrating the latest knowledge of genomics proteomics and metabolomics allow sensing of early disease states thus revolutionizing the medicine of the future. Nanobiotechnology has opened new possibilities for detection of biomarkers of Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367378486

Biomedical Photonics HandbookTherapeutics and Advanced Biophotonics Shaped by Quantum Theory Technology and the Genomics RevolutionThe integration of photonics electronics biomaterials and nanotechnology holds great promise for the future of medicine. This topic has recently experienced an explosive growth due to the noninvasive or minimally invasive nature and the cost-effectiveness of photonic modalities in medical diagnostics and therapy. The second edition of the Biomedical Photonics Handbook presents recent fundamental developments as well as important applications of biomedical photonics of interest to scientists engineers manufacturers teachers students and clinical providers. The third volume Therapeutics and Advanced Biophotonics focuses on therapeutic modalities advanced biophotonic technologies and future trends. Represents the Collective Work of over 150 Scientists Engineers and CliniciansDesigned to display the most recent advances in instrumentation and methods as well as clinical applications in important areas of biomedical photonics to a broad audience this three-volume handbook provides an inclusive forum that serves as an authoritative reference source for a broad audience involved in the research teaching learning and practice of medical technologies. What’s New in This Edition:A wide variety of photonic biochemical sensing technologies has already been developed for clinical monitoring of early disease states and physiological parameters such as blood pressure blood chemistry pH temperature and the presence of pathological organisms or biochemical species of clinical importance. Advanced photonic detection technologies integrating the latest knowledge of genomics proteomics and metabolomics allow sensing of early disease states thus revolutionizing the medicine of the future. Nanobiotec Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367378479

Biomedical Sensors and Instruments The living body is a difficult object to measure: accurate measurements of physiological signals require sensors and instruments capable of high specificity and selectivity that do not interfere with the systems under study. As a result detailed knowledge of sensor and instrument properties is required to be able to select the "best" sensor from one of the many designed to meet these challenges. From the underlying principles to practical applications this updated edition of Biomedical Sensors and Instruments provides an easy-to-understand introduction to the various kinds of biomedical sensors. The book presents state-of-the-art discussions of sensors for the measurements of pressure flow motion temperature heat flow evaporation biopotential biomagnetism and chemical quantities. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781420090789

Biomedical Signal and Image Examination with Entropy-Based Techniques The aim of this book is to outline the concept of entropy various types of entropies and their implementation to evaluate a variety of biomedical signals/images. The book emphasizes various entropy-based image pre-processing methods which are essential for the development of suitable computerized examination systems. The recent research works on biomedical signal evaluation confirms that signal analysis provides vital information regarding the physiological condition of the patient and the efficient evaluation of these signals can help to diagnose the nature and the severity of the disease. This book emphasizes various entropy-based image pre-processing methods which are essential for the development of suitable computerized examination systems for the analysis of biomedical images recorded with a variety of modalities. The work discusses the image pro-processing methods with the Entropies such as Kapur Tsallis Shannon and Fuzzy on a class of RGB-scaled and gray-scaled medical pictures. The performance of the proposed technique is justified with the help of suitable case studies which involves x-ray image analysis MRI analysis and CT analysis. This book is intended for medical signal/image analysts undergraduate and postgraduate students researchers and medical scientists interested in biomedical data evaluation. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367473945

Biomedical Signal and Image Processing First published in 2005 Biomedical Signal and Image Processing received wide and welcome reception from universities and industry research institutions alike offering detailed yet accessible information at the reference upper undergraduate and first year graduate level. Retaining all of the quality and precision of the first edition Biomedical Signal and Image Processing Second Edition offers a number of revisions and improvements to provide the most up-to-date reference available on the fundamental signal and image processing techniques that are used to process biomedical information. Addressing the application of standard and novel processing techniques to some of today’s principle biomedical signals and images over three sections the book begins with an introduction to digital signal and image processing including Fourier transform image filtering edge detection and wavelet transform. The second section investigates specifically biomedical signals such as ECG EEG and EMG while the third focuses on imaging using CT X-Ray MRI ultrasound positron and other biomedical imaging techniques. Updated and expanded Biomedical Signal and Image Processing Second Edition offers numerous additional predominantly MATLAB examples to all chapters to illustrate the concepts described in the text and ensure a complete understanding of the material. The author takes great care to clarify ambiguities in some mathematical equations and to further explain and justify the more complex signal and image processing concepts to offer a complete and understandable approach to complicated concepts. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439870334

Biomedical Signal ProcessingVolume 2: Compression and Automatic Recognition First published in 1986: The presentation of the material in the book follows the flow of events of the general signal processing system. After the signal has been acquired some manipulations are applied in order to enhance the relevant information present in the signal. Simple Optimal and adaptive filtering are examples of such manipulations. The detection of wavelets is of importance in biomedical signals; they can be detected from the enhanced signal by several methods. The signal very often contains redundancies. When effective storing transmission or automatic classification are required these redundancies have to be extracted. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367259655

Biomedical Signals Imaging and Informatics Known as the bible of biomedical engineering The Biomedical Engineering Handbook Fourth Edition sets the standard against which all other references of this nature are measured. As such it has served as a major resource for both skilled professionals and novices to biomedical engineering. Biomedical Signals Imaging and Informatics the third volume of the handbook presents material from respected scientists with diverse backgrounds in biosignal processing medical imaging infrared imaging and medical informatics. More than three dozen specific topics are examined including biomedical signal acquisition thermographs infrared cameras mammography computed tomography positron-emission tomography magnetic resonance imaging hospital information systems and computer-based patient records. The material is presented in a systematic manner and has been updated to reflect the latest applications and research findings. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138748118

Biomedical Technology and Devices Biomedical Technology and Devices Second Edition focuses on the equipment devices and techniques used in modern medicine to diagnose treat and monitor human illnesses. Gathering together and compiling the latest information available on medical technology this revised work adds ten new chapters. It starts with the basics introducing the history of the thermometer and measuring body temperature before moving on to a medley of devices that are far more complex. This book explores diverse technological functions and procedures including signal processing auditory systems magnetic resonance imaging ultrasonic and emission imaging image-guided thermal therapy medical robotics shape memory alloys biophotonics and tissue engineering. Each chapter offers a description of the technique its technical considerations and its use according to its applications and relevant body systems. It can be used as a professional resource as well as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439859599

Biomedicalization of Alcohol StudiesIdeological Shifts and Institutional Challenges Biomedicalization is seen as the natural outgrowth of continued scientific progress--a movement towards improving the quality and quantity of life through scientific inquiries using biomedical perspectives and methods. This approach carries with it the assumption that with "proper" risk assessment detection and treatment our lives can be lengthened improved and indeed more fulfilling. Yet critics question biomedicalization's ability to deliver. There is concern about how biomedicalization can change our traditional concepts of health as we discover more conditions for which we are at risk and health maintenance is seen as the responsibility of the individual.The purpose of the book is to describe assess and critique biomedicalization and its influence as a larger social trend on the health field and specifically in the area of alcohol research policy and programs. Chapter 1 gives a broad overview of biomedicalization. Chapter 2 lays the groundwork for a historical understanding of how medicalization and biomeidcalization have developed and are expressed in diverse fields such as aging psychiatry/mental health and women's health. Chapter 3 focuses in-depth on alcoholism and assesses the development and assumptions underlying the two movements that have greatly influenced the substance abuse field: the medicalization of deviance and the growth of the disease model of alcoholism. Chapter 4 discusses the origins and development of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) from its inception in 1970. Chapter 5 illustrates the growing biomedicalization that has occurred in the alcohol field prior to NIAAA's movement to the National Institute of Health (NIH). Chapter 6 assesses how Sweden has handled alcohol problems and currently funds alcohol research. Chapter 7 concludes with a rationale for an expanded discourse between social scientists and biomedical researchers working on social problems particularly alcohol issues.This volume will stimulate discussion of the processes by which social problems and specifically alcohol issues are framed managed and studied. It will hold particular interest for researchers and students in the areas of alcohol studies social science and social welfare. Lorraine Midanik is a professor in the School of Social Welfare University of California Berkeley. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507685

BioMedWomenProceedings of the International Conference on Clinical and BioEngineering for Women's Health (Porto Portugal 20-23 June 2015) BioMedWomen 2015 - Clinical and BioEngineering for Women´s Health contains all author contributions presented at BioMedWomen 2015 (Porto Portugal 20–23 June 2015). International contributions from countries worldwide provided comprehensive coverage of the current state-of-the-art on different topics: • Aging • Physical Activity and Sports • Physiotherapy • Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery • Urogynecology • Imaging • Biomechanics • Nutrition • Health Psychology • Assisted diagnosis and Treatment • Tissue Engineering • Medical Devices • Prosthesis • Dental care and Orthodontics BioMedWomen 2015 - Clinical and BioEngineering for Women´s Health will be of interest to academics and to others interested and involved in clinical and engineering subjects related to women´s health. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138029101

Biomembrane SimulationsComputational Studies of Biological Membranes Due to recent advancements in the development of numerical algorithms and computational hardware computer simulations of biological membranes often requiring use of substantial computational resources are now reaching a mature stage. Since molecular processes in membranes occur on a multitude of spatial and time scales molecular simulations of membranes can also serve as a testing ground for use of multi-scale simulation techniques. This book addresses some of the important issues related to understanding properties and behavior of model biological membranes and it Shows how simulations improve our understanding of biological membranes and makes connections with experimental results. Presents a careful discussion of the force fields used in the membrane simulations including detailed all-atom fields and coarse-grained fields. Presents a continuum description of membranes. Discusses a variety of issues such as influence of membrane surfaces on properties of water interaction between membranes across water nanoparticle permeation across the membrane action of anesthetics and creation of inhomogeneous regions in membranes. Discusses important methodological issues when using simulations to examine phenomena such as pore creation and permeation across membranes. Discusses progress recently achieved in modeling bacterial membranes. It will be a valuable resource for graduate students researchers and instructors in biochemistry biophysics pharmacology physiology and computational biology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498799799

BioMEMSScience and Engineering Perspectives As technological advancements widen the scope of applications for biomicroelectromechanical systems (BioMEMS or biomicrosystems) the field continues to have an impact on many aspects of life science operations and functionalities. Because BioMEMS research and development require the input of experts who use different technical languages and come from varying disciplines and backgrounds scientists and students can avoid potential difficulties in communication and understanding only if they possess a skill set and understanding that enables them to work at the interface of engineering and biosciences.Keeping this duality in mind throughout BioMEMS: Science and Engineering Perspectives supports and expedites the multidisciplinary learning involved in the development of biomicrosystems. Divided into nine chapters it starts with a balanced introduction of biological engineering application and commercialization aspects of the field. With a focus on molecules of biological interest the book explores the building blocks of cells and viruses as well as molecules that form the self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) linkers and hydrogels used for making different surfaces biocompatible through functionalization. The book also discusses:Different materials and platforms used to develop biomicrosystemsVarious biological entities and pathogens (in ascending order of complexity)The multidisciplinary aspects of engineering bioactive surfacesEngineering perspectives including methods of manufacturing bioactive surfaces and devicesMicrofluidics modeling and experimentationDevice level implementation of BioMEMS concepts for different applications. Because BioMEMS is an application-driven field the book also highlights the concepts of lab-on-a-chi Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367452261

Biometric Inverse Problems Traditional methods of biometric analysis are unable to overcome the limitations of existing approaches mainly due to the lack of standards for input data privacy concerns involving use and storage of actual biometric data and unacceptable accuracy. Exploring solutions to inverse problems in biometrics transcends such limits and allows rich analysis of biometric information and systems for improved performance and testing. Although some particular inverse problems appear in the literature until now there has been no comprehensive reference for these problems.Biometric Inverse Problems provides the first comprehensive treatment of biometric data synthesis and modeling. This groundbreaking reference comprises eight self-contained chapters that cover the principles of biometric inverse problems; basics of data structure design; new automatic synthetic signature fingerprint and iris design; synthetic faces and DNA; and new tools for biometrics based on Voronoi diagrams. Based on the authors' vast experience in the field the book authoritatively examines new approaches and methodologies in both direct and inverse biometrics providing invaluable analytical and benchmarking tools. The authors include case studies examples and implementation codes for practical illustration of the methods.Loaded with approximately 200 figures 60 problems 50 MATLAB® code fragments and 200 examples Biometric Inverse Problems sets the standard for innovation and authority in biometric data synthesis modeling and analysis. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315220444

Biometric TechnologyAuthentication Biocryptography and Cloud-Based Architecture Most biometric books are either extraordinarily technical for technophiles or extremely elementary for the lay person. Striking a balance between the two Biometric Technology: Authentication Biocryptography and Cloud-Based Architecture is ideal for business IT or security managers that are faced with the task of making purchasing migration or adoption decisions. It brings biometrics down to an understandable level so that you can immediately begin to implement the concepts discussed.Exploring the technological and social implications of widespread biometric use the book considers the science and technology behind biometrics as well as how it can be made more affordable for small and medium-sized business. It also presents the results of recent research on how the principles of cryptography can make biometrics more secure. Covering biometric technologies in the cloud including security and privacy concerns the book includes a chapter that serves as a "how-to manual" on procuring and deploying any type of biometric system. It also includes specific examples and case studies of actual biometric deployments of localized and national implementations in the U.S. and other countries.The book provides readers with a technical background on the various biometric technologies and how they work. Examining optimal application in various settings and their respective strengths and weaknesses it considers ease of use false positives and negatives and privacy and security issues. It also covers emerging applications such as biocryptography.Although the text can be understood by just about anybody it is an ideal resource for corporate-level executives who are considering implementing biometric technologies in their organizations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367670078

Biometrics Crime and Security This book addresses the use of biometrics – including fingerprint identification DNA identification and facial recognition – in the criminal justice system: balancing the need to ensure society is protected from harms such as crime and terrorism while also preserving individual rights. It offers a comprehensive discussion of biometric identification that includes a consideration of: basic scientific principles their historical development the perspectives of political philosophy critical security and surveillance studies; but especially the relevant law policy and regulatory issues. Developments in key jurisdictions where the technology has been implemented including the United Kingdom United States Europe and Australia are examined. This includes case studies relating to the implementation of new technology policy legislation court judgements and where available empirical evaluations of the use of biometrics in criminal justice systems. Examples from non-western areas of the world are also considered. Accessibly written this book will be of interest to undergraduate postgraduate and research students academic researchers as well as professionals in government security legal and private sectors. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815378068

Biometrics Surveillance and the LawSocieties of Restricted Access Discipline and Control The use of biometric identification systems is rapidly increasing across the world owing to their potential to combat terrorism fraud corruption and other illegal activities. However critics of the technology complain that the creation of an extensive central register of personal information controlled by the government will increase opportunities for the state to abuse citizens. There is also concern about the extent to which data about an individual is recorded and kept. This book reviews some of the most current and complex legal and ethical issues relating to the use of biometrics. Beginning with an overview of biometric systems the book goes on to examine some of the theoretical underpinnings of the surveillance state questioning whether these conceptual approaches are still relevant particularly the integration of ubiquitous surveillance systems and devices. The book also analyses the implementation of the world’s largest biometric database Aadhaar in detail. Additionally the identification of individuals at border checkpoints in the United States Australia and the EU is explored as well as the legal and ethical debates surrounding the use of biometrics regarding: the war on terror and the current refugee crisis; violations of international human rights law principles; and mobility and privacy rights. The book concludes by addressing the collection use and disclosure of personal information by private-sector entities such as Axciom and Facebook and government use of these tools to profile individuals. By examining the major legal and ethical issues surrounding the debate on this rapidly emerging technology this book will appeal to students and scholars of law criminology and surveillance studies as well as law enforcement and criminal law practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367077198

Biometrics in a Data Driven WorldTrends Technologies and Challenges Biometrics in a Data Driven World: Trends Technologies and Challenges aims to inform readers about the modern applications of biometrics in the context of a data-driven society to familiarize them with the rich history of biometrics and to provide them with a glimpse into the future of biometrics.The first section of the book discusses the fundamentals of biometrics and provides an overview of common biometric modalities namely face fingerprints iris and voice. It also discusses the history of the field and provides an overview of emerging trends and opportunities. The second section of the book introduces readers to a wide range of biometric applications. The next part of the book is dedicated to the discussion of case studies of biometric modalities currently used on mobile applications. As smartphones and tablet computers are rapidly becoming the dominant consumer computer platforms biometrics-based authentication is emerging as an integral part of protecting mobile devices against unauthorized access while enabling new and highly popular applications such as secure online payment authorization. The book concludes with a discussion of future trends and opportunities in the field of biometrics which will pave the way for advancing research in the area of biometrics and for the deployment of biometric technologies in real-world applications.The book is designed for individuals interested in exploring the contemporary applications of biometrics from students to researchers and practitioners working in this field. Both undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in college-level security courses will also find this book to be an especially useful companion. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367574079

Biometrics in Support of Military OperationsLessons from the Battlefield Biometrics in Support of Military Operations: Lessons from the Battlefield examines and evaluates recent U.S. military experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan in the context of the use of biometrics and related technologies. The book takes a comprehensive look at how biometrics has been used to support various military operations and suggests ways that its uses can be further developed. It fills a void in understanding how to incorporate biometrics by providing a guide to develop and establish formal operational roles and procedures when applying the technology. Written in an informal style that makes it accessible to people who are not necessarily operators or technicians of biometrics technologies this book bridges an existing gap to better educate leaders inside and outside of the U.S. military on the far-reaching potential of biometrics in support of tactical operations. It argues that the gap between those inside and outside the military is the result of failure to document lessons learned from battle experience as well as a lack of a combined vision among the Joint Forces to fully recognize and exploit the capabilities of biometrics for enhanced future success. This book fills that gap. Biometrics has great potential as an effective tool if properly developed and utilized. The book concludes with a look at the future of emerging applications for the military but also considers a wider range of deployment of biometrics outside the military such as in governmental organizations including foreign diplomacy. Biometrics can be applied to any operational area that requires accurate and rapid identification of unknown individuals in order to support its operations and protect personnel and resources. Biometrics in Support of Military Operations is an important beginning point in an emerging field for gaining understanding and better mastery of biometrics. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482260212

BiometricsBodies Technologies Biopolitics Biometric technologies such as finger- or facial-scan are being deployed across a variety of social contexts in order to facilitate and guarantee identity verification and authentication. In the post-9/11 world biometric technologies have experienced an extraordinary period of growth as concerns about security and screening have increased. This book analyses biometric systems in terms of the application of biopolitical power – corporate military and governmental – on the human body. It deploys cultural theory in examining the manner in which biometric technologies constitute the body as a target of surveillance and as a data-information object. The book thereby provides a comprehensive overview and critical analysis of both the local and global ramifications of biometric technologies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415811040

BiometricsFrom Fiction to Practice This book introduces readers to the basic concepts classical approaches and the newest design development and applications of biometrics. It also provides a glimpse of future designs and research directions in biometrics. In addition it discusses some latest concerns and issues in this area. Suitable for a wide range of readers the book explains professional terms in plain English and is ahead of time. Some concepts and designs discussed are so new that commercial systems based on them may not arrive in the market in the next 10 to 20 years. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814310888

Biometry for Forestry and Environmental DataWith Examples in R Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data with Examples in R focuses on statistical methods that are widely applicable in forestry and environmental sciences but it also includes material that is of wider interest. Features: · Describes the theory and applications of selected statistical methods and illustrates their use and basic concepts through examples with forestry and environmental data in R. · Rigorous but easily accessible presentation of the linear nonlinear generalized linear and multivariate models and their mixed-effects counterparts. Chapters on tree size tree taper measurement errors and forest experiments are also included. · Necessary statistical theory about random variables estimation and prediction is included. The wide applicability of the linear prediction theory is emphasized. · The hands-on examples with implementations using R make it easier for non-statisticians to understand the concepts and apply the methods with their own data. Lot of additional material is available at The book is aimed at students and researchers in forestry and environmental studies but it will also be of interest to statisticians and researchers in other fields as well. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781498711487

Biomimetic Architectures by Plasma ProcessingFabrication and Applications Plasma-processed biomimetic structures are an extremely focused and small subset of biomimetics. Although other methods can also be adopted experimental synthesis of biomimetic structures mainly focuses on plasma processing. This book deals with the theoretical description of photonic structures available in nature and the physics and applications of biomimetic structures prepared in the laboratory. It discusses anti-reflection properties of moth eye- or cicada wing-type nanostructured materials on semiconductor surfaces with emphasis on plasma fabrication procedures. It also explains with the help of related theories the superhydrophobic or hydrophilic wetting properties demonstrated by most of these natural structures. It discusses biomedical applications especially in implants as one of the key applications of such materials. The book focuses mainly on plasma processing of biomimetic nanostructures and is therefore different from similar books that are more general in nature. It presents essential schematics sufficient details and advanced instrumentation techniques that would help readers understand why these structures are considered so important in materials science and physics. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814463942

Biomimetic Microengineering This book will examine the relevant biological subjects involved in biomimetic microengineering as well as the design and implementation methods of such engineered microdevices. Physiological topics covered include regeneration of complex responses of our body on a cellular tissue organ and inter-organ level. Technological concepts in cell and tissue engineering stem cell biology microbiology biomechanics materials science micro- and nanotechnology and synthetic biology are highlighted to increase understanding of the transdisciplinary methods used to create the more complex robust biomimetic engineered models. The effectiveness of the new bioinspired microphysiological systems as replacements for existing in vitro or in vivo models is explained through sections that include the protocols to reconstitute three-dimensional (3D) structures recapitulate physiological functions and emulate the pathophysiology of human diseases. This book will also discuss how researchers can discover bridge technologies for disease modeling and personalized precision medicine. Features Focuses on cutting edge technologies that enable manipulation of living systems in a spatiotemporal manner. Incorporates research on reverse engineering of comples microenvironmental factors in human diseases. Highlights technologies related to patient-specific personalized medicine and their potential uses. Written by chapter authors who are highly respected researchers in science and engineering. Includes extensive references at the end of each chapter to enhance further study. Hyun Jung Kim is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. After receiving hois Ph.D. degree at Yonsei University in the Republic of Korea he did extensive postdctoral research at both the University of Chicago and the Wyss Institute at Harvard University. These efforts resulted in cutting-edge breakthroughs in synthetic microbial community research and organomimetic human Gut-on-a-Chip microsystem. His research on Gut-on-a-Chip technology leads to the creation of a microfluidic device that mimics the physiology and pathology of the living human intestine. Since 2015 he has explored novel human host-microbiome ecosystems to discover the disease mechanism and new therapeutics in inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancers at UT Austin. In collaboration with clinicians his lab is currently developing disease-oriented patient-specific models for the advancement in pharmaceutical and clinical fields. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138039131

Biomimetics in Photonics Biomimetic photonics is a burgeoning field. Biologists are finding and describing a whole menagerie of unique and astonishingly complex nano- and microstructures in fauna and flora. Material scientists are developing novel multifunctional and hierarchical structures with a wide variety of post-nano era photonics applications. Mathematicians and computer scientists are using computer models and simulations to understand the underlying principles of biomimetic structures. However concepts structures and phenomena that are well known in one community are quite unknown in others. Exploring a biomimetic approach to developing photonic devices and structures Biomimetics in Photonics discusses not only the role of and results of biomimicry in engineering but also the true understanding of natural processes and the application of these techniques to established technologies. Featured TopicsPhotonic structures in flowers leaves and fruits and inorganic structures produced in aquatic environment by diatoms sponges and shellsMechanisms for biomineralization and how natural structures can be synthetically modified or even used as templates for artificial photonic materialsBiological photonic structures in beetles and butterflies and their bio-inspired applications including anti-reflecting surfaces iridescent viruses light reflection metallic effects and infrared sensorsSuitable for researchers and graduate students the book does more than describe how to extract good design from nature—Biomimetics in Photonics highlights natural design techniques in context allowing for a more complete modeling picture. It demonstrates the possibilities and challenges in the move from a laboratory environment to industrial scale production of biomimetic photonic structures. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367576653

BiomimeticsNature-Based Innovation Mimicking nature – from science fiction to engineering reality Humans have always looked to nature’s inventions as a source of inspiration. The observation of flying birds and insects leads to innovations in aeronautics. Collision avoidance sensors mimic the whiskers of rodents. Optimization algorithms are based on survival of the fittest the seed-picking process of pigeons or the behavior of ant colonies. In recent years these efforts have become more intensive with researchers seeking rules concepts and principles of biology to inspire new possibilities in materials mechanisms algorithms and fabrication processes. A review of the current state of the art Biomimetics: Nature Based Innovation documents key biological solutions that provide a model for innovations in engineering and science. Leading experts address a wide range of topics including: Artificial senses and organs Mimicry at the cell–materials interface Multiscale modeling of plant cell wall architecture and tissue mechanics The making of biomimetic composites Electroactive polymer (EAP) actuators as artificial muscles EAP-based refreshable braille displays Biomimetic optics from the angles of biology and plants Biomimicry of flying birds insects and marine biology Applications of biomimetics in manufacturing products and medicine Robotics including the development of human-like robots Biologically inspired design as a tool for interdisciplinary education The biomimetic process in artistic creation The final chapter outlines the challenges to biomimetic-related innovation and offers a vision for the future. A follow-up to Biomimetics: Biologically Inspired Technologies (2005) this comprehensive reference methodically surveys the latest advances in this rapidly emerging field. It features an abundance of illustrations including a 32-page full-color insert and provides extensive references for engineers and scientists interested in delving deeper into the study of biomimetics. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439834763

Biomimicry and BusinessHow Companies Are Using Nature's Strategies to Succeed Biomimicry the practice of observing then mimicking nature’s strategies to solve business challenges offers a path to healthy profit while working in partnership and even reciprocity with the natural world. Other books have described biomimicry its uses and its benefits. This book is the first to show readers how they can successfully bring biomimicry and bioinspired design into their companies based on what other businesses have already achieved. Fashioned through storytelling this book blends snapshots of five successful companies – Nike Interface Inc. PAX Scientific Sharklet Technologies and Encycle – which decided to partner with nature by deploying biomimicry. The book details how they discovered the practices introduced them to staff engaged in the process and measured outcomes. The book concludes with challenges for readers to determine their own next steps in business and offers practical and useful resources to get there. By revealing the stories of each professional’s journey with lessons they learned then providing resources and issuing a challenge and pathway to do business better this book serves as a tool for entrepreneurs seasoned professionals and students to emulate nature’s brilliance apply it at work and contribute to a healthier more prosperous world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367552596

Biomimicry in Architecture When searching for genuinely sustainable building design and technology - designs that go beyond conventional sustainability to be truly restorative - we often find that nature got there first. Over 3.5 billion years of natural history have evolved innumerable examples of forms systems and processes that can be applied to modern green design. For architects urban designers and product designers this new edition of Biomimicry in Architecture looks to the natural world to achieve radical increases in resource efficiency. Packed with case studies predicting future trends this edition also contains updated and expanded chapters on structures materials waste water thermal control and energy as well as an all-new chapter on light. An amazing sourcebook of extraordinary design solutions Biomimicry in Architecture is a must-read for anyone preparing for the challenges of building a sustainable and restorative future. Media > Books > Print Books RIBA Publishing 9781859466285

Biomineralization SourcebookCharacterization of Biominerals and Biomimetic Materials What does it mean to be at the forefront of a characterization technique? Novel implementation and research finding new ways to visualize composites and new techniques all play a role. Yet with the myriad of advances in the field keeping up with new and advanced techniques often from many different areas has become a challenge. Biomineralization Sourcebook: Characterization of Biominerals and Biomimetic Materials emphasizes the interplay between multiple techniques at their current frontiers and explores how such studies may be carried out. The book addresses atomic and molecular structure: how it is described detected and assessed for importance. It then highlights additional measurements especially well-suited to looking at two- and three-dimensional systems with heterogeneous if not hierarchical structure. These systems enable particular aspects of biominerals and biomimetic models to be scrutinized. The text presents state-of-the-art methods to assess properties of the composite and represents current approaches and aspirations to measuring entire biological working structures while retaining as much fine-grained biophysical information as possible. In all these chapters authors showcase discoveries from their own programs. Along the way the book takes you on a tour from microscopy's eighteenth century roots to the recent literature and diverse research programs of the contributing investigators to the multi-million dollar National Laboratory facilities that all play their roles to illuminate the ever-fascinating biominerals. A snapshot of the state of the art in a spectrum of experimental techniques applied to a common interdisciplinary goal where the ability to use the more advanced techniques often requires funding for collaboration and travel the book will deepen the appreciation for the massive interdisciplinary effort underway educate researchers across the field and motivate new collaborations. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138198838

Biomolecular Action of Ionizing Radiation Embracing the transformation of radiation sciences by the recent surge of developments in molecular biology this progressive text offers an up-to-date analysis of in vitro and in vivo molecular responses in the body induced by ionizing radiation. With a unique emphasis on medical physics applications Biomolecular Action of Ionizing Radiation also presents a much needed in-depth perspective on clinical applications for the treatment of cancer and radiation injuries. Based on a popular course given by the author at McGill University the bookplaces the traditional tenets of radiation biology in the context of contemporary cell and molecular biology. Using terms that non-experts in molecular biology can understand it clarifies the underlying mechanisms of radiation effects on molecular interactions including signal transduction pathways modes of cell killing and non-targeted effects. The author subsequently associates key principles and advances with potential applications including the use of ionizing radiation as a cytotoxic and cytostatic agent and radiosensitization by targeting molecular intermediates or signaling molecules involved in radiation-induced processes. Raising the standard for radiation biology texts that are currently available Biomolecular Action of Ionizing Radiation is an outstanding resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in medical physics radiation oncology radiation biology and those who have an interest in the radiation sciences and in cancer treatment. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138407398

Biomolecular EPR Spectroscopy Comprehensive Up-to-Date Coverage of Spectroscopy Theory and its Applications to Biological SystemsAlthough a multitude of books have been published about spectroscopy most of them only occasionally refer to biological systems and the specific problems of biomolecular EPR (bioEPR). Biomolecular EPR Spectroscopy provides a practical introduction to bioEPR and demonstrates how this remarkable tool allows researchers to delve into the structural functional and analytical analysis of paramagnetic molecules found in the biochemistry of all species on the planet. A Must-Have Reference in an Intrinsically Multidisciplinary FieldThis authoritative reference seamlessly covers all important bioEPR applications including low-spin and high-spin metalloproteins spin traps and spin lables interaction between active sites and redox systems. It is loaded with practical tricks as well as do’s and don’ts that are based on the author’s 30 years of experience in the field. The book also comes with an unprecedented set of supporting software designed with simple graphical user interfaces that allow readers to tackle problems they will likely encounter when engaged in spectral analysis. Breaking with convention the book broaches quantum mechanics from the perspective of biological relevance emphasizing low-symmetry systems. This is a necessary approach since paramagnets in biomolecules typically have no symmetry. Where key topics related to quantum mechanics are addressed the book offers a rigorous treatment in a style that is quick-to-grasp for the non expert. Biomolecular EPR Spectroscopy is a practical all-inclusive reference sure to become the industry standard. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367577407

Biomolecular KineticsA Step-by-Step Guide "a gem of a textbook which manages to produce a genuinely fresh concise yet comprehensive guide"–Mark Leake University of York "destined to become a standard reference…. Not just a ‘how to’ handbook but also an accessible primer in the essentials of kinetic theory and practice."–Michael Geeves University of Kent "covers the entire spectrum of approaches from the traditional steady state methods to a thorough account of transient kinetics and rapid reaction techniques and then on to the new single molecule techniques" –Stephen Halford University of Bristol This illustrated treatment explains the methods used for measuring how much a reaction gets speeded up as well as the framework for solving problems such as ligand binding and macromolecular folding using the step-by-step approach of numerical integration. It is a thoroughly modern text reflecting the recent ability to observe reactions at the single-molecule level as well as advances in microfluidics which have given rise to femtoscale studies. Kinetics is more important now than ever and this book is a vibrant and approachable entry for anyone who wants to understand mechanism using transient or single molecule kinetics without getting bogged down in advanced mathematics. Clive R. Bagshaw is Emeritus Professor at the University of Leicester U.K. and Research Associate at the University of California at Santa Cruz U.S.A. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498727235

Biomolecular ThermodynamicsFrom Theory to Application "an impressive text that addresses a glaring gap in the teaching of physical chemistry being specifically focused on biologically-relevant systems along with a practical focus…. the ample problems and tutorials throughout are much appreciated." –Tobin R. Sosnick Professor and Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of Chicago "Presents both the concepts and equations associated with statistical thermodynamics in a unique way that is at visual intuitive and rigorous. This approach will greatly benefit students at all levels." –Vijay S. Pande Henry Dreyfus Professor of Chemistry Stanford University "a masterful tour de force…. Barrick's rigor and scholarship come through in every chapter."–Rohit V. Pappu Edwin H. Murty Professor of Engineering Washington University in St. Louis This book provides a comprehensive contemporary introduction to developing a quantitative understanding of how biological macromolecules behave using classical and statistical thermodynamics. The author focuses on practical skills needed to apply the underlying equations in real life examples. The text develops mechanistic models showing how they connect to thermodynamic observables presenting simulations of thermodynamic behavior and analyzing experimental data. The reader is presented with plenty of exercises and problems to facilitate hands-on learning through mathematical simulation. Douglas E. Barrick is a professor in the Department of Biophysics at Johns Hopkins University. He earned his Ph.D. in biochemistry from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in biophysics and structural biology from the University of Oregon. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439800195

BiomotorsLinear Rotation and Revolution Motion Mechanisms This book provides a comprehensive overview of biomotors (molecular motors) within the body with a specific concentration on revolving molecular motors. The bioengineering of these new revolving molecular motors will go a long way in creating machines that will be able to carry RNA and DNA drugs directly to diseased cells to destroy them. The book goes into specific details regarding the bioengineering fabrication synthesis and future utilization of these devices for nanomedicine. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367872113

Bion and BeingPassion and the Creative Mind With his concept of "O " Wilfred Bion provided a new psychoanalytic space in which to explore the mind. Dr Annie Reiner's new book Bion and Being: Passion and the Creative Mind examines the similarities between this psychoanalytic space and the artist's creative sensibility as well as mystical and religious states. This most mysterious and revolutionary of Bion's analytic ideas reflects what is essentially a state of being an experience of mental integrity and union between emotional and rational functions of the mind which is the basis of thinking and creativity. In an effort to provide emotional understanding to Bion's theoretical ideas Dr Reiner uses examples of artists poets writers theologians and philosophers including Rilke Cummings Shakespeare Beckett and Nietzsche to illustrate these psychoanalytic concepts. She also presents detailed clinical examples of patient's dreams to explore the obstacles to these states of being as well as how to work clinically to develop access to these creative states. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781855758544

Bion and Contemporary PsychoanalysisReading A Memoir of the Future This book examines the importance and continued relevance of A Memoir of the Future in understanding and applying Bion’s work to contemporary psychoanalysis. Bion continued to innovate throughout his life but the Memoir has been largely overlooked. Focusing on A Memoir of the Future is not only of deep interest in terms of the author’s biography or even only in function of a better understanding of his theoretical concepts but can also be considered for all intents and purposes the final chapter of an ingenious creative enterprise While by some it was thought as the evidence of Bion’s presumed senility this book challenges that perspective arguing that it represents the last challenge he issued to the psychoanalytic Establishment. In each chapter the authors explore this notion that A Memoir forms an essential part of Bion’s theory and that in it he establishes a new ‘aesthetic’ psychoanalytic paradigm. With an international list of distinguished authors this is a key book for any analysts interested in a comprehensive understanding of Bion’s work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138038851

Bion and Meltzer's Expeditions into Unmapped Mental LifeBeyond the Spectrum in Psychoanalysis Drawing on the influential contributions of Wilfred Bion and Donald Meltzer to psychoanalysis Bion and Meltzer's Expeditions into Unmapped Mental Life explores and addresses the clinical implications of their work both through revisiting several of their conceptions and illustrating them with detailed clinical material from the analyses of children adolescents and adults. Psychoanalysis strives towards truth; this is its essence. However emotional truth is often unknowable and not amenable to verbal communication. This ineffable mental realm is at the heart of both Bion and Meltzer's psychoanalytic endeavours. Bion's writings reflect a developmental stage in the evolution of psychoanalysis extending clinical work to mental realms that were seemingly unreachable. Donald Meltzer further infuses Bion's thinking with his own original notions of beauty and aesthetics imbuing Bion's profound thinking with a poetic and lyrical tenor. Writing in a clear and lucid manner Avner Bergstein integrates Bion's sometimes highly theoretical thinking with everyday clinical practice facilitating his dense and condensed formulations and making them clinically accessible and useful. Bion and Meltzer's Expeditions into Unmapped Mental Life is written for psychoanalysts and psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapists who are attracted to Bion and Meltzer's radical thinking. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815385783

Bion and Thoughts Too Deep for WordsPsychoanalysis Suggestion and the Language of the Unconscious Distinguishing psychoanalysis as a search for truth from suggestion as a cure for symptoms this book addresses the scientific status of psychoanalysis. Citing research into the relationship of infants to their caretakers the author discusses evidence that unconscious communication is present from birth and that this form of communication plays a central role in psychoanalysis at a level below that of verbal communication.Informed by Bion's ideas of containment group functioning and the fundamental psychological need for truth this book asserts that psychoanalysis based solely on the search for truth has among all psychological interventions both a unique claim to scientific status and a unique ability to foster psychological development. Exploring the relationship between unconscious communication group dynamics containment and psychological development in a highly original way Bion and Thoughts Too Deep for Words: Psychoanalysis Suggestion and the Language of the Unconscious will be of great interest to psychotherapists psychologists and psychoanalysts who are interested in the relationship between psychoanalysis and suggestion. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367418458

Bion in BrazilSupervisions and Commentaries The discovery translation into English and publication of these previously unpublished recordings of Bion's clinical supervisions in Sao Paulo Brazil with commentaries by leading Brazilian psychoanalysts gives readers the opportunity to experience for themselves his clinical and theoretical thought as it emerges and evolves through a series of fascinating case discussions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782203209

Bion in Buenos AiresSeminars Case Presentation and Supervision These newly discovered clinical seminars of Wilfred Bion which include supervisions personal case presentations and lectures on psychoanalytic theory represent his initial foray into many years of work that have inspired South American analysts for nearly a half a century.The clinical and theoretical work of Bion arguably ranks rather high in the current psychoanalytic firmament-as national and international conferences convene regularly to continue discussing the contemporary relevance of his work. His work has served as a source of inspiration to contemporary psychoanalysts in all three regions of the International Psychoanalytical Assocation-Ronald Britton Antonino Ferro Giuseppe Civitarese Thomas Ogden James Grotstein and Paolo Sandler just to name a few. These newly discovered clinical seminars from work Bion conducted in Buenos Aires in 1968 help us to further fill out the picture of his versatile gifts. In these seminars we find lectures on Bion's elaborations on his epistemological research-still on-going in the 1960s when he went to Buenos Aires; a lecture on the Grid and its clinical relevance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782205203

Bion in Film Theory and AnalysisThe Retreat in Film In Bion in Film Theory and Analysis: The Retreat in Film Carla Ambrósio Garcia introduces the rich potential of the thinking of British psychoanalyst Wilfred Bion for film theory. By so doing she rethinks the space of the cinema as a space of retreat and brings new insights into the representation of retreat in film. Presented in two parts the book seeks to deepen our understanding of the film experience and psychical growth. Part I places Bion’s view on the importance of the epistemophilic instinct at the heart of a critique of the pleasure-centred theories of the cinematic apparatus of Jean-Louis Baudry Christian Metz and Gaylyn Studlar proposing an idea of cinema as ‘thoughts in search of a thinker’. Garcia then moves from Bion’s epistemological period to his later work which draws on mysticism in order to posit an emotional experience in the cinema through which the subject can be or become real (or at one with ‘O’). Part II examines representations of retreat in four European films directed by Ingmar Bergman Pier Paolo Pasolini Georges Perec and Bernard Queysanne and Manoel de Oliveira showing them to articulate a gesture of retreat as an emotionally turbulent transitional stage in the development of the psyche – what Bion conceptualizes as caesura. Through its investigation of the retreat in cinema the book challenges common understandings of retreat as a regressive movement by presenting it as a gesture and space that can also be future-oriented. Bion in Film Theory and Analysis will be of significant interest to academics and students of psychoanalysis psychotherapy and film and media studies as well as psychoanalysts and psychotherapists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138193048

Bion Today Bion Today explores how Bion’s work is used in contemporary settings; how his ideas have been applied at the level of the individual the group and the organisation; and which phenomena have been made more comprehensible through the lenses of his concepts. The book introduces distinctive psychoanalytic contributions to show the ways in which distinguished analysts have explored and developed the ideas of Wilfred Bion. Drawing on the contributors’ experience of using Bion’s ideas in clinical work topics include: an introduction to Bion clarification of the inter-related concepts of countertransference and enactment concepts integrating group and individual phenomena clinical implications of Bion’s thought Bion’s approach to psychoanalysis. Bion Today will be a valuable resource for psychoanalysts psychotherapists and all those who are interested in learning more about Bion’s thinking and his work. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315787299

Bion365 Quotes This is a book of 365 quotes from the work of the psychoanalyst Wilfred Bion. Something of an enigma Bion often doesn't write in the way one would expect of a psychoanalyst but is being read ever-increasingly around the world in and outside the psychoanalytic community. Certain of his comments are often quoted whilst swathes of his work lie almost untouched. How to make some of the detail of this work available? What he writes is often dense in the way the structure of a poem can be and the book has the format of a 'poem a day' collection – providing a way into his complete work one quote at a time. Alongside commentaries by Abel-Hirsch are thoughts on Bion's work drawn from papers by other analysts from the UK the Americas and Europe. The book is structured in a way that will inform and interest the general reader as well as giving something new to psychoanalysts and others who already know his work well. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781782205869

Bionanomaterials for Dental Applications This book introduces readers to the structure and characteristics of nanomaterials and their applications in dentistry. With currently available implant materials the clinical failure rate varies from a few percent to over 10 percent and new materials are clearly needed. Nanomaterials offer the promise of higher strength better bonding less toxicity and enhanced cytocompatibility leading to increased tissue regeneration. Mieczyslaw Jurczyk director of the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering at the Poznan University of Technology in Poland has drawn from work in his laboratory and elsewhere in Poland to show that nanomaterials have important biological applications including in the stomatognathic system consisting of mouth jaws and associated structures. The book is written from a materials science and medical point of view and has 13 chapters and about 400 pages. The book can be divided approximately into three sections: the first five chapters introduce nanobiomaterials the next five chapters describe their dental applications and the last chapters describe their biocompatibility. Chapter 3 is a compendium on metallic biomaterials such as stainless steel cobalt alloys and titanium alloys; bioactive bioresorbable polymers; and composites and ceramic biomaterials. The "top-down" approach to producing nanomaterials such as high-energy ballmilling and severe plastic deformation as well as Feynman’s "bottom-up technique" of building atom by atom are discussed in the next chapter. Subsequent chapters discuss each material in depth and point out how new architectures and properties emerge at the nanoscale. Chapter 8 is devoted to shape-memory materials which now include not only NiTi but also polymers and magnetic materials. In order to improve bonding nanomaterials can be used to synthesize implants with surface roughness similar to that of natural tissues. Chapter 9 is devoted to different surface treatments for Ti-based nanomaterials such as anodic oxidation to improve the bioactivity of titanium and improve the corrosion resistance of porous titanium and its alloys. The use of carbon in various forms—nanoparticles nanofibers nanotubes and thin films—is discussed next with emphasis on the microstructure and properties of these materials their implant applications and their interaction with subcutaneous tissues. Nanomaterials can be used in preventive dentistry and therefore can reduce the amount of dental treatment that is necessary to maintain a healthy mouth as argued in chapter 11. In a subsequent chapter the author explains osseointegration (direct bone-to-metal interface) from a biological point of view and early tissue response. The mechanism of the interaction between the implanted materials with the cellular protein in the tissues is described. The last chapter discusses the application of new nanostructured materials in permanent and bioresorbable implants nanosurface dental implants and nanostructured dental composite restorative materials. This book not only focuses on nanomaterials but also on nanoengineering to achieve the best results in dentistry. It is recommended to anyone interested in nanomaterials and their applications in dental science. People with a background in materials chemistry physics and biology will benefit from it. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814303835

BionanophotonicsAn Introductory Textbook Structural colors in living beings are one of the most marvelous arts that nature has ever created during the long history of the evolution. These colors originate from surprisingly sophisticated microstructures which gave rise to a new field of research—bionanophotonics. This book occupies a special position among similar books in the field of photonics because it places a special emphasis on the detailed physical basis for the optical processes that are deeply connected with the structural colors and also on the biological and physiological bases concerning what a variety of animals are living and how they are seen by human vision. In addition it contains ample examples for the recent technological advances in photonics that are rooted in the nature. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814364713

Bionanotechnology Highlighting the human applications of the science this volume discusses the fundamental concepts and underlying science of bionanotechnology and the bionanomachines that result from research into this exciting new field. Distilling the authors' research and groundbreaking original experimentation chapters cover bionanomachines and their use with and manipulation of DNA RNA proteins carbohydrates and lipids. Well-documented and authoritative this book offers students and scientists alike the foundational information required to advance this powerful and potentially life-altering field. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439852149

Bionanotechnology IIGlobal Prospects The impact and importance of nanotechnology continues to grow and nanomedicine and biotechnology have become areas of increased development. Biomedical engineers who work with biological processes and structures must have a deeply rooted understanding of the role of bionanotechnology a rapidly evolving sector of the nanotechnology field. Bionanotechnology II: Global Prospects a follow-up to the editor’s highly successful first volume contains 26 entirely new contributions that provide a broad survey of research shaping this critical field. With coverage of technical and nontechnical areas the book offers representative reporting on a wide variety of activity from around the world. It discusses the role of nanotechnology in novel medical devices bioanalytical technologies and nanobiomaterials. Topics discussed include: Emerging microscale technologies Bionanotech-based water treatment Tissue engineering and drug delivery Antimicrobial nanomaterials in the textile industry Bionanotechnology applications in plants and agriculture With contributions from researchers in Israel Egypt Iran Jordan Singapore South Africa Turkey Thailand Argentina the United Kingdom and the United States this volume presents a worldwide perspective on some of the critical areas shaping bionanotechnology today. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138076785

BionanotechnologyGlobal Prospects As the impact and importance of nanotechnology continues to grow nanomedicine and biotechnology have become areas of increased development. Drug delivery by nanoparticulates and nanocoatings for medicial devices are among the many new techniques on the horizon. Years from now we will laugh at the approaches to treating disease we currently consider state of the art. To prepare for the future of medicine biomedical engineers must have a deeply rooted understanding of the role of bionanotechnology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367387051

BionanotechnologyPrinciples and Applications This book deals with a subject of high interest and importance in all sectors including biomedical food agriculture energy and environment. Biological systems are essential in nanotechnology and many new applications are being developed by mimicking the natural systems. Approaching these topics from an engineering perspective the book offers insight on the details of nanoscale fabrication processes as well as cell biology. The basics of biology and chemistry with a focus on how to engineer the behavior of molecules at the nanoscale are also explored and analyzed. The aim of the text is to provide the reader with broader knowledge of biological methods for signal transduction and molecular recognitions systems and how they can be replicated in bio-sensing applications. The reader will learn the basic structures and interactions of biomacromolecules for developing biocompatible and eco-friendly devices. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367656409

Bion's DreamA Reading of the Autobiographies This book offers a definitive reading of Bion's remarkable autobiographical writings from a perspective embedded in the poetry of the ages that of the Romantics in particular. It is at once learned and utterly freshly able to explore the inside story of Bion's life and mind. The volume is a distillation and elaboration of the work of many years. Whilst ostensibly an extended commentary on the autobiographical works themselves it is also in its own right a tour de force engaging as it does with the heart of the matter: with the development of a psychoanalyst of a life a self a mind thoroughly inward with the "dark and sombre world of thought".'- Margot Waddell psychoanalyst and consultant child psychotherapist Tavistock Clinic Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367107215

Bion's Legacy to Groups It is characteristic of some forms of scientific genius to alter not just what we see in the world but how we see it - not just the view but the lens. One thinks of Freud's discovery of the transference or of Melanie Klein's attention to the play of children. Wilfred Bion's study of groups and group processes also has this quality. More than the content of what he saw and captured in the concepts of two modes of mental functioning in groups and in the differentiation of the basic assumptions it was the way he saw or more broadly the way he sensed the emotional life of the individual in the group and in the first instance his own that opened up a quite new territory for exploration. Those of us whose practice takes place primarily in the institutional or social domain can find in his more psychoanalytic work seeds of new thought extending beyond the consulting room.Going "beyond the confines" might perhaps more generally stand as a metaphor for Bion's enterprise. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367104993

Bion's LegacyBibliography of Primary and Secondary Sources of the Life Work and Ideas of Wilfred Ruprecht Bion This book forms a comprehensive bibliography of the works of W. R. Bion and the other works that made some bearing of his life and thought. It discusses Bion's contribution to various disciplines beyond the psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367323486

Bion's SourcesThe shaping of his paradigms There are an increasing number of publications concerned with the work of Wilfred Bion (1897-1979). Many have sought new ideas from his writing however little attention has been paid to the intellectual context in which Bion wrote. Bion’s Sources traces where Bion’s new ideas came from what job he required of them how successfully he used his context and how that has fertilised psychoanalysis. Expert contributors provide chapters on areas of the intellectual context separate from or adjacent to clinical psychoanalysis in Britain which have clearly influenced the texts Bion left (those published in his life time or subsequently). Chapters explore the influences deriving from Wilfred Trotter Henri Bergson and process philosophy Kurt Lewin and group dynamics Immanuel Kant R. B. Braithwaite and the philosophy of science the mathematics of notation and transformation as well as the work of psychoanalysts who have applied their theories to social science psychosomatics and literature and the humanities. By contextualising Bion in the wider culture of ideas and removing him from the exclusive world of Psychoanalysis Bion’s Sources aims to moderate his ‘genius’ by showing how it was shaped by very wide influences. This book will be of interest to psychoanalysts clinicians and those interested in the history of psychoanalytic ideas. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415532099

Bio-ObjectsLife in the 21st Century Increasing knowledge of the biological is fundamentally transforming what life itself means and where its boundaries lie. New developments in the biosciences - especially through the molecularisation of life - are (re)shaping healthcare and other aspects of our society. This cutting edge volume studies contemporary bio-objects or the categories materialities and processes that are central to the configuring of 'life' today as they emerge stabilize and circulate through society. Examining a variety of bio-objects in contexts beyond the laboratory Bio-Objects: Life in the 21st Century explores new ways of thinking about how novel bio-objects enter contemporary life analysing the manner in which among others the boundaries between human and animal organic and non-organic and being 'alive' and the suspension of living are questioned destabilised and in some cases re-established. Thematically organised around questions of changing boundaries; the governance and regulation of bio-objects; and changing social economic and political relations this book presents rich new case studies from Europe that will be of interest to scholars of science and technology studies social theory sociology and law. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138306509

Biopackaging This book examines the whole range of modern packaging options. It covers edible packaging based on carbohydrates proteins antioxidative and antimicrobial packaging and the chemistry of food and food packaging such as plasticization and polymer morphology. Issues related to shelf life and biodegradability are also discussed in addition to newly discovered processing and preservation techniques most notably modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and active packaging (AP). Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498749688

Biopesticides and BioagentsNovel Tools for Pest Management Insects diseases and weeds cause an almost 30% yield loss per annum in agricultural production resulting in an increased consumption of pesticides by 20% per annum throughout the world. This comprehensive volume looks at the status of biopesticides and biocontrol agents in agriculture. It will be a critically important reference work providing basic facts and studies on new and current discoveries of the role of biopesticides and bioagents in integrated pest management (IPM). The book contains four main sections covering the status of biopesticides and biocontrol agents in agriculture plant health-promoting biocontrol agents parasitoids and predators genetically modified crops and Bacillus thuringiensis and phytochemicals in biocontrol The volume provides information regarding new advances in microbial biochemical and genetically modified and organic nanoparticles in integrated pest management. Biopesticides and Bioagents: Novel Tools for Pest Management should find a prominent place on the shelves of agriculture and plant scientists microbiologists biotechnologists plant pathologists and entomologists working in academic and commercial agrichemical situations and in the libraries of all research establishments and companies where this exciting subject is researched studied or taught. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771885195

Biopesticides for sustainable agriculture With increasing concern about the environmental impact of synthetic pesticide use including their impact on beneficial insects the problem of insect resistance and the lack of new products there has been in increasing interest in developing alternative biopesticides to control insect and other pests. This collection reviews the wealth of research on identifying developing assessing and improving the growing range of biopesticides. Part 1 of this collection reviews research on developing new biopesticides in such areas as screening new compounds ways of assessing effectiveness in the field and improving regulatory approval processes. Part 2 summarises advances in different types of entomopathogenic biopesticide including entomopathogenic fungi and nematodes and the use Bt genes in insect-resistant crops. Part 3 assesses the use of semiochemicals such as pheromones and allelochemicals peptide-based and other natural substance-based biopesticides. Media > Books > E-books Life Science (Burleigh Dodds) 9781003048008

Biopesticides Handbook The need to feed an ever-growing global population combined with increasing demand for sustainable agricultural practices has generated a significant rise in demand for biopesticides. By responding concurrently to the interests of farming forestry and industrial sectors biopesticides offer a considerable potential for utilization in sustainable agriculture. The Biopesticides Handbook details the benefits of biopesticides all along the food chain offering a full spectrum and review of the range of organisms and organic products that may be used in the biological control of insects.Exploring not only the benefits but all aspects of biopesticides the book discusses the uses and abuses of biopesticides that have been in circulation for more than 50 years as well as more recent advances in this area. It describes the metabolism of these biopesticides and offers the best mode of action to prove environmental safety detailing the present status of biopesticide residue in foodstuffs soil and water. The chapters review the regulatory schemes worked out by different countries and/or supranational authorities for biopesticides the possible uses of pheromones oil plant extracts wastes and fungi as biopesticides.When all the features are added the advantages of biopesticides in crop protection suggest that utilization of this class of pesticides can be a highly attractive proposition. In view of the potential environmental problems associated with the use of chemicals in crop protection EPA and other agencies may consider establishing centers for large-scale production of biopesticides and for the training of the users (farmers) and suppliers. This book helps you select the appropriate biopesticides for your uses and explore future biopesticides and their uses. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367868499

Biopesticides in Organic FarmingRecent Advances The book entitled "Biopesticides in Organic Farming : Recent Advances" describes critically reviewed key aspects of organic farming and provides a unique and timely science-based resource for researchers teachers extension workers students primary producers and others around the world. This book is intended to be a unique and indispensable resource that offers a diverse range of valuable information and perspectives on biopesticides in organic agriculture. It has chapters on each and every aspect related with biopesticides in organic farming which are compiled by researchers and eminent professors at various universities across the globe. The wide spectrum information in various chapters with the addition of the terms related to organic farming and concept statements is presented in very concise manner. Features: This book is designed as per course curriculum of different universities offering courses on Organic Farming for undergraduate and post graduate students researchers university professors and extension workers. The first section provides Overview of organic farming with special reference to biopesticides followed by the Principles of the applications of biopesticides in organic farming Impact of Environmental factors on biopesticides in organic farming Pesticides Exposure Impacts on Health and Need of Biopesticides in Organic Farming and Role of nutrients in the management of crop diseases through biopesticides. The next section deals with the management of various crop diseases through biopesticides of bacterial fungal viral and Insect sex hormone Natural enemies and Integrated Pest Management Biotechnological Trends in Insect Pests Control Strategy Challenges in the popularization of Biopesticides in organic farming Certification process and standards of organic farming and Marketing and export potential of organic Products. Information presented in an accessible way for students professors researchers business innovators and entrepreneurs management professionals and practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367460174

Biopharmaceutical Sequential Statistical Applications Focusing on group sequential procedures summarizes the sequential statistical methods used in anticancer antiviral cardiovascular and gastrointestinal drug research and screening. The clinical and preclinical applications are mainly presented as case studies many of which form part of New Drug Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367579982

Biopharmaceutical Supply ChainsDistribution Regulatory Systems and Structural Changes Ahead A comprehensive exploration of the massive changes in the biopharmaceutical supply chain that have occurred during the past 10 years and predicted future trends Biopharmaceutical Supply Chains: Distribution Regulatory Systems and Structural Changes Ahead documents the specific impacts of these changes for key players in the supply chain. Based on interviews with industry professionals the book presents an overview of the key challenges and discusses how leading biopharmaceutical companies handle these challenges. It exposes the underlying structures that support the biopharmaceutical supply chain focusing specifically on distribution—the point at which manufacturers release a finished product to the time that it is administered and the complicated set of channels that exist between these two points. This overarching view of the supply chain provides an important piece of intelligence that can inform business strategy for life sciences manufacturers and distributors and help them achieve success in this industry. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439899700

Biopharmaceuticals in PlantsToward the Next Century of Medicine Transgenic plants present enormous potential to become one of the most cost-effective and safe systems for large-scale production of proteins for industrial pharmaceutical veterinary and agricultural uses. Over the past decade much progress has been made with respect to the development of vaccines antibodies and other therapeutic proteins. Biopharmaceuticals in Plants: Toward the Next Century of Medicine provides a comprehensive survey of all major aspects of the development and production of plant-made biopharmaceuticals. Accompanied by an exhaustive list of references to facilitate further study this critical volume: Describes the theory and practice of modern plant transformation techniques with respect to nuclear and plastic genomes Outlines the steps involved in the generation of transgenic plants Discusses the engineering of plant virus expression vectors for transient expression of vaccine proteins and other therapeutics in plant tissue Addresses the significant role of glycosylation in the production of plant-made mammalian proteins Investigates the basis of mucosal immunity using plant-based oral vaccines Examines the scale-up of plant-derived vaccine and therapeutic proteins in entire crops or in large batch cell suspension cultures Explores the development of clinical trials utilizing plant-derived biopharmaceutical proteins Evaluates risks and biosafety concerns regarding plant-derived pharmaceuticals The book concludes with a discussion of the future of plant-based vaccines and other therapeutic proteins with respect to commercial viability and as a tool to improve global public health. Far-reaching in its scope this text is a baseline reference that students and researchers in a broad range of fields such as medicine plant science biotechnology crop science natural products chemistry and engineering will consult regularly. It will also serve as a useful tool for individuals and companies seeking to invest in this dynamic area. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138114951

BiopharmaceuticalsChallenges and Opportunities Biopharmaceuticals: Challenges and Opportunities This book highlights how the traditional microbial process technology has been upgraded for the production of biologic drugs how manufacturing processes have evolved to meet the global market demand with quality products under the guidelines of internally recognized regulatory bodies. It also carries information on how armed with a deeper understanding of life-threatening diseases biopharmaceutical companies and the life sciences industry have developed formal and informal partnerships with researchers in institutes universities and other R&D organizations to fulfil timely quality production with perfect safety and security. One of the most interesting aspects of this book is the conceptual development of personalized medicine (or precision medicine) to provide the right treatment to the right patient at the right dose at an earlier stage of development for genetic diseases. Besides this it also highlights the most challenging aspects of modern biopharmaceutical science focusing on the hot topics such as design and development of biologic drugs; the use of diversified groups of host cells belonging to animals plants microbes insects and mammals; stem cell therapy and gene therapy; supply chain management of biopharmaceuticals; and the future scope of biopharmaceutical industry development. This book is the latest resource for a wide circle of scientists students and researchers involved in understanding and implementing the knowledge of biopharmaceuticals to develop life-saving biologic drugs and to bring awareness to the development of personalized treatment that can potentially offer patients a faster diagnosis fewer side effects and better outcomes. Features: Explains how the traditional cell culture methodology has been changed to a fully continuous or partially continuous process Explains how to design and fabricate living organs of body by 3D bioprinting technology Focuses on how a biopharmaceutical company deals with various problems of regulatory bodies and develops innovative biologic drugs Narrates in detail the updated information on stem cell therapy and gene therapy Explains the development strategies and clinical significance of biosimilars and biobetters Highlights the supply chain management of biopharmaceuticals Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780815347774

Biopharmaceutics and Clinical PharmacokineticsAn Introduction Fourth Edition For a decade and a half Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics has been used in theclassrooms around the world as an introductory textbook on biophannaceutics and phannacokinetics. Now the new Fourth Edition Revised and Expanded further enhances the preceding editions'proven features introducing significant advances in clinical pharmacokinetics pharmacokineticdesign of drugs and dosage forms and model-independent analyses. Still usable without prior knowledge of calculus or kinetics this successfully implemented workbookmaintains a carefully graduated "building block" presentation incorporating sample problemsand exercises throughout for a thorough understanding of the material.Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics features a growth-oriented format that systematicallydevelops and interrelates all subject matter .. . introduces basic theory and fields of application... emphasizes model-independent pharmacokinetic analyses ... presents biopharmaceutical aspectsof product design and evaluation .. . offers a unique approach to teaching dosage regimen design andindividualization . .. and considers structural modification of drug molecules for problems associatedwith pharmacokinetics. As a comprehensive coverage of the basic principles and the recent achievements in the field noother textbook does as much for students of pharmacy pharmacology medicinal chemistry andmedicine or for scientists who desire a simple but thorough introduction to theory and application. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138350

Biopharmaceutics of Ocular Drug Delivery A significant new book on drug delivery to the eyeBiopharmaceutics of Ocular Drug Delivery examines the current physiological anatomical pharmaceutical/technological and biopharmaceutical knowledge on ocular drug delivery. Leading ophthalmic researchers cover topics such as the formulation and usage of ophthalmic solutions and suspensions the influence of surfactants and preservatives on ocular drug absorption and new techniques that include bioadhesion and the use of hyaluronic acid as an ophthalmic vehicle. Promising research on new delivery systems for improved drug therapy is highlighted including new pharmaceutical vehicles inserts liposomes nanoparticles and prodrugs. Biopharmaceutics of Ocular Drug Delivery is one of the few books available on drug delivery to the eye and will be an important reference for ophthalmologists pharmacologists pharmaceutical researchers and other scientists interested in the topic. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429284755

Biophilic UrbanismDesigning Resilient Communities for the Future Biophilic Urbanism provides readers with the tools to create more nature-based urban environments that are climate positive sustainable and healthy. The principles of biophilia are intended to support appreciation and direct engagement with nature to responsibly utilize on-site natural resources and to plan according to climatic conditions and local ecological processes. It seeks to create resilient and equitable human places capable of providing critical life-support functions and a strong sense of community and to foster experiences that raise the human spirit creating a sense of awe. Twenty-five pattern attributes are defined and explored each of which contributes to these goals. Because of the dire necessity to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic Biophilic Urbanism includes discussion of our need for connections both to nature and one another and the physical characteristics of cities and buildings relative to the contagious qualities of the air-borne virus. Case studies found throughout the world are presented illustrating detailed biophilic planning and design strategies. The book will be of use to practitioners and students in the fields of natural and social sciences behavioral science and psychology environmental engineering health and wellness professionals architecture landscape architecture interior architecture and planning. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367473266

Biophysical and Biochemical Characterization and Plant Species Studies Written by leading global experts including pioneers in the field the four-volume set on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation Second Edition reviews existing stateof- the-art knowledge highlights advances made in different areas and provides guidance for the appropriate use of hyperspectral data in the study and management of agricultural crops and natural vegetation. Hyperspectral remote sensing or imaging spectroscopy data has been increasingly used in studying and assessing the biophysical and biochemical properties of agricultural crops and natural vegetation. Volume III Biophysical and Biochemical Characterization and Plant Species Studies demonstrates the methods that are developed and used to study terrestrial vegetation using hyperspectral data. This volume includes extensive discussions on hyperspectral data processing and how to implement data processing mechanisms for specific biophysical and biochemical applications such as crop yield modeling crop biophysical and biochemical property characterization and crop moisture assessments. The concluding chapter provides readers with useful guidance on the highlights and essence of Volume III through the editors’ perspective. Key Features of Volume III: Covers recent abilities to better quantify model and map plant biophysical biochemical water and structural properties. Demonstrates characteristic hyperspectral properties through plant diagnostics or throughput phenotyping of plant biophysical biochemical water and structural properties. Establishes plant traits through hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy data as well as its integration with other data such as LiDAR using data from various platforms (ground-based UAVs and earth-observing satellites). Studies photosynthetic efficiency and plant health and stress through hyperspectral narrowband vegetation indices. Uses hyperspectral data to discriminate plant species and\or their types as well as their characteristics such as growth stages. Compares studies of plant species of agriculture forests and other land use\land cover as established by hyperspectral narrowband data versus multispectral broadband data. Discusses complete solutions from methods to applications inventory and modeling considering various platform (e.g. earth-observing satellites UAVs handheld spectroradiometers) from where the data is gathered. Dwells on specific applications to detect and map invasive species by using hyperspectral data. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138364714

Biophysical Chemistry Biophysical Chemistry explores the concepts of physical chemistry and molecular structure that underlie biochemical processes. Ideally suited for undergradate students and scientists with backgrounds in physics chemistry or biology it is also equally accessible to students and scientists in related fields as the book concisely describes the fundamental aspects of biophysical chemistry and puts them into a biochemical context. The book is organized in four parts covering thermodynamics kinetics molecular structure and stability and biophysical methods. Cross-references within and between these parts emphasize common themes and highlight recurrent principles. End of chapter problems illustrate the main points explored and their relevance for biochemistry enabling students to apply their knowledge and to transfer it to laboratory projects. Features: Connects principles of physical chemistry to biochemistry Emphasizes the role of organic reactions as tools for modification and manipulation of biomolecules Includes a comprehensive section on the theory of modern biophysical methods and their applications Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367572389

Biophysics for BeginnersA Journey through the Cell Nucleus Biophysics is a new way of looking at living matter. It uses quantitative experimental and theoretical methods to open a new window for studying and understanding life processes. This textbook gives compact introductions to the basics of the field including molecular cell biology and statistical physics. It then presents in-depth discussions of more advanced biophysics subjects progressing to state-of-the-art experiments and their theoretical interpretations. The book is unique by offering a general introduction to biophysics yet at the same time restricting itself to processes that occur inside the cell nucleus and that involve biopolymers (DNA RNA and proteins). This allows for an accessible read for beginners and a springboard for specialists who wish to continue their study in more detail. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814241656

Biophysics of Gap Junction Channels This book provides a state of the art account of present knowledge of the biophysics of cell-to-cell channels. It is divided into two sections one dealing with two-cell systems and the other with reconstitution systems. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891194

BiophysicsTools and Techniques An Up-to-Date Toolbox for Probing Biology Biophysics: Tools and Techniques covers the experimental and theoretical tools and techniques of biophysics. It addresses the purpose science and application of all physical science instrumentation and analysis methods used in current research labs. The book first presents the historical background concepts and motivation for using a physical science toolbox to understand biology. It then familiarizes undergraduate students from the physical sciences with essential biological knowledge. The text subsequently focuses on experimental biophysical techniques that primarily detect biological components or measure/control biological forces. The author describes the science and application of key tools used in imaging detection general quantitation and biomolecular interaction studies which span multiple length and time scales of biological processes both in the test tube and in the living organism. Moving on to theoretical biophysics tools the book presents computational and analytical mathematical methods for tackling challenging biological questions including exam-style questions at the end of each chapter as well as step-by-step solved exercises. It concludes with a discussion of the future of this exciting field. Future innovators will need to be trained in multidisciplinary science to be successful in industry academia and government support agencies. Addressing this challenge this textbook educates future leaders on the development and application of novel physical science approaches to solve complex problems linked to biological questions. Features: Provides the full modern physical science toolbox of experimental and analytical techniques such as bulk ensemble methods single-molecule tools and live-cell and test tube methods Incorporates worked examples for the most popular physical science tools including full diagrams and a summary of the science involved in the application of the tool Reinforces the understanding of key concepts and biological questions A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498702430

Biopics of Women This book is an accessible overview of biographical fiction films of women and is structured around four of the most popular subjects of female biopics: queens and political figures; entertainers; writers; and subjects of current affairs. While the biopic is commonly accepted as a deeply conservative cinematic form that represents glorification of the past and of the self-made individual a number of biopics of women challenge all of these characterizations. They show the genre to be much more complicated and challenging to regressive ideas than has been proposed and open to different formats and thematic possibilities. Providing an overview of key subgenres complemented by analyses of key texts that illustrate major aspects of each category Biopics of Women examines the development of biographical films in each area and the images of successful women they project in order to investigate the issues involved in women’s representation in the genre as a whole. This is a lively and readable text for students and scholars in Gender and Film Gender and Media and Women’s Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367857264

Biopolitical Disaster Biopolitical Disaster employs a grounded analysis of the production and lived-experience of biopolitical life in order to illustrate how disaster production and response are intimately interconnected. The book is organized into four parts each revealing how socio-environmental consequences of instrumentalist environmentalities produce disastrous settings and political experiences that are evident in our contemporary world. Beginning with "Commodifying crisis " the volume focuses on the inherent production of disaster that is bound to the crisis tendency of capitalism. The second part "Governmentalities of disaster " addresses material and discursive questions of governance the role of the state as well as questions of democracy. This part explores the linkage between problematic environmental rationalities and policies. Third the volume considers how and where the (de)valuation of life itself takes shape within the theme of "Affected bodies " and investigates the corporeal impacts of disastrous biopolitics. The final part "Environmental aesthetics and resistance " fuses concepts from affect theory feminist studies post-positivism and contemporary political theory to identify sites and practices of political resistance to biopower. Biopolitical Disaster will be of great interest to postgraduates researchers and academic scholars working in Political ecology; Geopolitics; Feminist critique; Intersectionality; Environmental politics; Science and technology studies; Disaster studies; Political theory; Indigenous studies; Aesthetics; and Resistance. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138659452

Biopolitical MediaCatastrophe Immunity and Bare Life This book presents an historical account of media and catastrophe that engages with theories of biopolitics in the work of Michel Foucault Giorgio Agamben Michael Hardt Antonio Negri and others. It explains how responses to catastrophe in media and cultural criticism over the past 150 years are embedded in biological conceptions of life and death contamination and immunity race and species. Mediated catastrophe is often understood today in terms of collective memory and according to therapeutic or redemptive accounts of trauma. In contrast to these approaches this book emphasizes the use of media to record archive and analyze physical appearance and movement; to capture viewer attention through shock; to monitor and control bodies in economies of production and consumption; to enmesh social relations in information networks; and situate subjects in discourses of victimhood immunity survival and resilience. Chapters are focused on historical case studies of early photography Nazi propaganda colonial stereotypes Hiroshima the Holocaust the Cold War and the war on terror. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138597938

Biopolitics The concept of biopolitics has been one of the most important and widely used in recent years in disciplines across the humanities and social sciences. In Biopolitics Mills provides a wide-ranging and insightful introduction to the field of biopolitical studies. The first part of the book provides a much-needed philosophical introduction to key theoretical approaches to the concept in contemporary usage. This includes discussions of the work of Michel Foucault Giorgio Agamben Hannah Arendt Roberto Esposito and Antonio Negri. In the second part of the book Mills discusses various topics across the categories of politics life and subjectivity. These include questions of sovereignty and governmentality violence rights technology reproduction race and sexual difference. This book will be an indispensable guide for those wishing to gain an understanding of the central theories and issues in biopolitical studies. For those already working with the concept of biopolitics it provides challenging and provocative insights and argues for a ground-breaking reorientation of the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781844656059

Biopolitics Governmentality and Humanitarianism'Caring' for the Population in Afghanistan and Belarus This book critically analyses the changing role and nature of post-Cold War humanitarianism using Foucault's theories of biopolitics and governmentality. It offers a compelling and insightful interpretation of the policies and practices associated with ‘new humanitarianism in general as well as of the dynamics of two specific international assistance efforts: the post-2001 conflict-related assistance effort in Afghanistan and the post-2000 Chernobyl-related assistance effort in Belarus. The central argument of the book is that ‘new’ humanitarianism represents a dominant regime of humanitarian governing informed by globalising neoliberalism and is reliant on a complex set of biopolitical disciplinary and sovereign technologies. It demonstrates that while the purposes of humanitarian governing are specific to particular contexts its promise of care is more often than not accompanied by sovereign and/or biopolitical violences. Making an important contribution to existing scholarship on humanitarian emergencies and humanitarian action on biopolitics and governmentality this book will be of much interest to students and scholars of humanitarianism critical security studies governmentality and  International Relations generally. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415855457

Biopolitics and Gender Here is an important book for social scientists interested in the influence of gender on certain types of behavior. Several perspectives are presented on the general topic of biopolitics and gender including the points of view of brain science endocrinology ethology psychophysiology and such conventional interests as political attitudes socialization participation social structure and political hierarchy. The varied and provocative ideas explored in this volume will broaden discussions of gender beyond an exclusive focus on sex links to oppression and discrimination. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203056301

Biopolitics and Memory in Postcolonial Literature and Culture From the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa to the United Nations Permanent Memorial to the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade many worthwhile processes of public memory have been enacted on the national and international levels. But how do these extant practices of memory function to precipitate justice and recompense? Are there moments when such techniques performances and displays of memory serve to obscure and elide aspects of the history of colonial governmentality? This collection addresses these and other questions in essays that take up the varied legacies continuities modes of memorialization and poetics of remaking that attend colonial governmentality in spaces as varied as the Maghreb and the Solomon Islands. Highlighting the continued injustices arising from a process whose aftermath is far from settled the contributors examine works by twentieth-century authors representing Asia Africa North America Latin America Australia and Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367140380

Biopolitics and the 'Obesity Epidemic'Governing Bodies Biopolitics and the ‘Obesity Epidemic’ is the first edited collection of critical perspectives on the 'obesity epidemic.' The volume provides a comprehensive discussion of current issues in the critical analysis of health obesity and society and the impact of obesity discourses on different individuals social groups and institutions. Contributors from the UK Canada New Zealand and Australia provide original accessible and engaging chapters on issues such as the effects on individuals families youths and schools. The timely contributions offered by Biopolitics and the ‘Obesity Epidemic’ to this highly topical area will be of interest to a wide range of readers including teachers education professionals community health and allied professionals and academics in areas such as education health youth studies social work and psychology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415540940

Biopolitics of SecurityA Political Analytic of Finitude Taking its inspiration from Michel Foucault this volume of essays integrates the analysis of security into the study of modern political and cultural theory. Explaining how both politics and security are differently problematised by changing accounts of time the work shows how during the course of the 17th century the problematisation of government and rule became newly enframed by a novel account of time and human finitude which it calls ‘factical finitude’. The correlate of factical finitude is the infinite and the book explains how the problematisation of politics and security became that of securing the infinite government of finite things. It then explains how concrete political form was given to factical finitude by a combination of geopolitics and biopolitics. Modern sovereignty required the services of biopolitics from the very beginning. The essays explain how these politics of security arose at the same time changed together and have remained closely allied ever since. In particular the book explains how biopolitics of security changed in response to the molecularisation and digitalisation of Life and demonstrates how this has given rise to the dangers and contradictions of 21st century security politics. This book will be of much interest to students of political and cultural theory critical security studies and International Relations. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415484336

Biopolymer Engineering in Food Processing Due to their unique properties and ability to interact with other food components biopolymers have traditionally played a major role in food processing. Biopolymer Engineering in Food Processing explores processing technology associated with biopolymer applications and discusses both operational and economic aspects. Following an overview of biopolymer applications and their functionality in different processes the text examines: Production routes availability costs and physicochemical properties of commercial biopolymers Rheology of biopolymer suspensions how concentration and shear may affect their flow behavior and their response to pressure losses and heat transfer during flow Effects of food processing and storage conditions on the viscoelastic and textural properties of food gels Mechanical and mass transfer properties of films and coating produced from biopolymers composites and nanocomposites The use of biopolymer coatings to reduce oil uptake during deep-fat frying of foods and in modified atmosphere storage of foods The book also explores the application of biopolymers in separation processes for recovery of biocompounds. It discusses biopolymer behavior during thermoplastic extrusion and the response of certain cereals and snacks to extrusion operating parameters. Finally it reviews engineering aspects of biopolymers used as drying aids in spray-drying and freeze-drying of fruit juices and pulps and discusses biopolymers used as cryoprotectants in food freezing. A comprehensive source of scientific and technical information for those involved with process design and research and development the book is also an ideal reference for academic researchers and undergraduate and postgraduate students. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439844946

Biopolymers and Biomaterials Biopolymers are attracting immense attention of late because of their diverse applications that can address growing environmental concerns and energy demands. The development of various biomaterials creates significant advancements in the medical field as well and many biopolymers are used for the fabrication of biomaterials. Together biopolymers and biomaterials create great potential for new materials applications and uses. This new volume Biopolymers and Biomaterials covers the science and application of biopolymers and biomaterials. It presents an array of different studies on biopolymers and biomaterials along with their results interpretation and the conclusions arrived at through investigations. It includes biopolymer synthesis their characterizations and their potential applications. The book begins with an explanation of the different biopolymers used in the textile industry their advantages and disadvantages and their applications. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771886154

Biopolymers at Interfaces This new edition features research from nearly 60 of the profession's most distinguished international authorities. Recognizing emerging developments in biopolymer systems research with fully updated and expanded chapters the second edition discusses the biopolymer-based multilayer structures and their application in biosensors the progress made in the understanding of protein behaviour at the air-water interface experimental findings in ellipsometry and reflectometry and recent developments concerning protein interfacial behaviour in microfabricated total analysis systems and microarrays. With over 3000 references this is an essential reference for professionals and students in surface pharmaceutical colloid polymer and medicinal chemistry; chemical formulation and application engineering; and pharmacy. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367446840

Biopolymers for Medical Applications This book presents an experimental and computational account of the applications of biopolymers in the field of medicine. Biopolymers are macromolecules produced by living systems such as proteins polypeptides nucleic acids and polysaccharides. Their advantages over polymers produced using synthetic chemistry include: diversity abundance relatively low cost and sustainability. This book explains techniques for the production of different biodevices such as scaffolds hydrogels functional nanoparticles microcapsules and nanocapsules. Furthermore developments in nanodrug delivery gene therapy and tissue engineering are described. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498744966

Bio-PrivacyPrivacy Regulations and the Challenge of Biometrics Bio-Privacy: Privacy Regulations and the Challenge of Biometrics provides an in-depth consideration of the legal issues posed by the use of biometric technology. Focusing particularly on the relationship between the use of this technology and the protection of privacy this book draws on material across a range of jurisdictions in order to explore several key questions. What are the privacy issues in the biometric context? How are these issues currently dealt with under the law? What principles are applied? Is the current regulation satisfactory? Is it applied consistently? And more generally what is the most appropriate way to deal with the legal implications of biometrics? Offering an analysis and recommendations with a view to securing adequate human rights and personal data protection Bio-Privacy: Privacy Regulations and the Challenge of Biometrics will be an important reference point for those with interests in the tension between freedom and security. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415823395

Bioprocess Engineering for a Green Environment Bioprocess Engineering for a Green Environment examines numerous bioprocesses that are crucial to our day-to-day life specifically the major issues surrounding the production of energy relating to biofuels and waste management. The nuance of this discussion is reflected by the text’s chapter breakdown providing the reader with a fulsome investigation of the energy sector; the importance of third-generation fuels; and the application of micro- and macroalgae for the production of biofuels. The book also provides a detailed exploration of biocatalysts and their application to the food industry; bioplastics production; conversion of agrowaste into polysaccharides; as well as the importance of biotechnology in bio-processing. Numerous industries discharge massive amounts of effluents into our rivers seas and air systems. As such two chapters are dedicated to the treatment of various pollutants through biological operation with hopes of achieving a cleaner greener environment. This book represents the most comprehensive study of bioprocessing—and its various applications to the environment—available on the market today. It was furthermore written with various researchers in mind ranging from undergraduate and graduate students looking to enhance their knowledge of the topics presented to scholars and engineers interested in the bioprocessing field as well as members of industry and policy-makers. Provides a comprehensive overview of bioprocesses that apply to day-to-day living. Is learner-centered providing detailed diagrams for easy understanding. Explores the importance of biocatalysts and their applications to the food industry as well as bioplastics production. Examines the unique capabilities of bioprocess engineering and its ability to treat various pollutants. . Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138035973

Bioprocess EngineeringDownstream Processing Bioprocess Engineering: Downstream Processing is the first book to present the principles of bioprocess engineering focusing on downstream bioprocessing. It aims to provide the latest bioprocess technology and explain process analysis from an engineering point of view using worked examples related to biological systems. This book introduces the commonly used technologies for downstream processing of biobased products. The covered topics include centrifugation filtration membrane separation reverse osmosis chromatography biosorption liquid-liquid separation and drying. The basic principles and mechanism of separation are covered in each of the topics wherein the engineering concept and design are emphasized. This book is aimed at bioprocess engineers and professionals who wish to perform downstream processing for their feedstock as well as students. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138605756

Bioprocessing and Biotreatment of Coal Within technical overview sections on such emerging areas as bioprocessing bioconversion biosolubilization biosystems and biocleaning this handsomely illustrated reference specifically surveys pioneering work in the genetic production of sulfatase enzymes for removing organic sulfur from coal; r Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138367

Bioprocessing of Biofuels The major issues relating to environmental sustainability such as a heavy dependency on fossil fuels increased greenhouse gas emissions pollution global warming and climate change have prompted many efforts around the globe to seek alternative energy sources that have negligible environmental impacts and societal benefits. There is an immense interest in biofuels research throughout the world owing to its massive potential to address environmental concerns. Biofuels have the capacity to supplement current and future energy demands through being blended with fossil fuels or even replacing them completely as drop-in fuels in automobiles as well as for heating and the power industries. Waste biomass primarily lignocellulosic biomass (e.g. agricultural crop residues forestry biomass and energy crops) and microalgae can act as some inexpensive renewable bioresources for the production of biofuels and biochemicals. The prime focus of Bioprocessing of Biofuels is to shed light on this significant process especially through microbial conversion technologies to recover and transform the inedible polysaccharides into hydrocarbon biofuels and bioenergy. The book offers introductory coverage of the most crucial topics as follows: A systematic overview of the state-of-the-art in the production and utilization of biofuels Categorical bioprospecting of bioresources for biofuel production Biomass pretreatment and enzymatic saccharification Bioconversion of waste biomass and algae to liquid and gaseous biofuels New developments in microbial fuel-cell technologies Bioprocessing of Biofuels unites topics related to the cutting-edge applications of bioresources and green technologies to reinvigorate biorefineries positioning them within a competitive energy market. Written to be instantly applicable this volume offers a reference book for undergraduate and graduate students scientific investigators and research scholars around the globe working in the areas relating to energy and fuels. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367340841

Bioprocessing Technology in Food and Health: Potential Applications and Emerging Scope The functional foods market represents one of the fastest growing and most fascinating areas of investigation and innovation in the food sector. This new volume focuses on recent findings new research trends and emerging technologies in bioprocessing: making use of microorganisms in the production of food with health and nutritional benefits. The volume is divided into three main parts. Part I discusses functional food production and human health looking at some newly emerged bioprocessing technological advances in the functional foods (chocolates whey beverages) in conjunction their prospective health benefits. Part II on emerging applications of microorganism in safe food production covers recent breakthroughs in food safety in microbial bioprocessing. Chapters discuss spoilage issues harmful/pathogenic microorganisms genetically modified microorganisms stability and functionality and potential of food-grade microbes for biodegradation of toxic compounds such as mycotoxins pesticides and polycyclic hydrocarbons. Chapters in Part III on emerging scope and potential application in the dairy and food industry explore and investigate the current shortcomings and challenges of the microbially mediated processes at the industrial level. The editors have brought together a group of outstanding international contributors at the forefront of bioprocessing technology to produce a valuable resource for researchers faculty students food nutrition and health practitioners and all those working in the dairy food and nutraceutical industries especially in the development of functional foods. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771886888

Bioproperty Biomedicine and Deliberative GovernancePatents as Discourse on Life Biomedical patents have been the subject of heated debate. Regulatory agencies such as the European Patent Office make small decisions with big implications which escape scrutiny and revision when they decide who has access to expensive diagnostic tests whether human embryonic stem cells can be traded in markets and under what circumstances human health is more important than animal welfare. Moreover the administration of the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights by the World Trade Organization has raised considerable disquiet as it has arguably created grave health inequities. Those doubting the merits of the one size fits all approach ask whether priority should be given to serving the present needs of populations in dire need of medication or to promoting global innovation. The book looks in detail into the legal issues and ethical debates to ask the following three main questions: First what are the ideas goals and broader ethical visions that underpin questions of governance and the legal reasoning employed by administrative agencies? Second how can we democratize the decision making process of technocratic institutions such as the European Patent Office? Finally how can we make the global intellectual property system more equitable? In answering these questions the book seeks to contribute to our understanding of the role and function of regulatory agencies in the regulation of the bioeconomy explains the process of interpretation of legal norms and proposes ways to rethink the reform of the patent system through the lens of legitimacy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138642805

Biopsychosocial Assessment in Clinical Health Psychology Filling a key need this practical volume provides state-of-the-art approaches and tools for evaluating both health-related behaviors and psychosocial aspects of medical illness. The book begins by presenting a comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment framework. Evidence-based strategies are described for assessing such key lifestyle factors as tobacco use alcohol and other drugs physical activity and social support. Behavioral cognitive and emotional issues associated with a range of specific medical conditions--including cancer cardiovascular disease diabetes chronic pain and others--are addressed. Chapters on assessment of specific populations cover pediatric patients older adults ethnic/racial minority groups organ transplant and bariatric surgery patients and primary care. Media > Books > Print Books Guilford Press 9781462517732

Bioreactors for Stem Cell Expansion and Differentiation An international team of investigators presents thought-provoking reviews of bioreactors for stem cell expansion and differentiation and provides cutting-edge information on different bioreactor systems. The authors offer novel insights into bioreactor-based culture systems specific for tissue engineering including sophisticated and cost-effective manufacturing strategies geared to overcome technological shortcomings that currently preclude advances towards product commercialization. This book in the fields of stem cell expansion bioreactors bioprocessing and bio and tissue engineering gives the reader a full understanding of the state-of-art and the future of these fields. Key selling features:Describes various bioreactors or stem cell culturing systemsReviews methods for stem cell expansion and differentiation for neural cardiac hemopoietic mesenchymal hepatic and other tissues cell typesDistinguishes different types of bioreactors intended for different operational scales of tissue engineering and cellular therapiesIncludes contributions from an international team of leaders in stem cell research Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367732936

BioreactorsAnimal Cell Culture Control for Bioprocess Engineering Bioreactors: Animal Cell Culture Control for Bioprocess Engineering presents the design fabrication and control of a new type of bioreactor meant especially for animal cell line culture. The new bioreactor called the "see-saw bioreactor " is ideal for the growth of cells with a sensitive membrane. The see-saw bioreactor derives its name from its principle of operation in which liquid columns in either limb of the reactor alternately go up and down. The working volume of the reactor is small to within 15 L. However it can easily be scaled up for large production in volume of cell mass in the drug and pharmaceutical industries.The authors describe the principle of operation of the see-saw bioreactor and how to automatically control the bioprocess. They discuss different control strategies as well as the thorough experimental research they conducted on this prototype bioreactor in which they applied a time delay control for yield maximization.To give you a complete understanding of the design and development of the see-saw bioreactor the authors cover the mathematical model they use to describe the kinetics of fermentation the genetic algorithms used for deriving the optimal time trajectories of the bioprocess variables and the corresponding control inputs for maximizing the product yield. One chapter is devoted to the application of time delay control. Following a description of the bioreactor’s working setup in the laboratory the authors sum up their investigation and define the future scope of work in terms of design control and software sensors. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138749689

Bioreduction of Selenite and Tellurite by Phanerochaete Chrysosporium Selenium (Se) and tellurium (Te) are metalloids of commercial interest due to their physicochemical properties. The water soluble oxyanions of these elements (selenite selenate tellurite and tellurate) exhibit high toxicities; hence their release in the environment is of great concern. This study demonstrates the potential use of fungi as Se- and Te-reducing organisms. The response of Phanerochaete chrysosporium to the presence of selenite and tellurite was evaluated as well as its potential application in wastewater treatment and production of nanoparticles. Growth stress and morphological changes were induced in P. chrysosoporium when exposed to selenite and tellurite. Synthesis of Se0 and Te0 nanoparticles entrapped in the fungal biomass was observed as well as the formation of unique Se0-Te0 nanocomposites when the fungus was cultivated concurrently with Se and Te. The response of P. chrysosporium to selenite exposure was investigated in different modes of fungal growth (pellets and biofilm). A bioprocess for selenite removal and Se0 nanoparticles recovery using an up-flow fungal pelleted reactor was developed. 70% selenite removal (10 mg Se L-1 d-1) was achieved under continuous mode. The use of Se0 nanoparticles immobilized in P. chrysosporium pellets as a new sorbent material for the removal of heavy metals from wastewater was demonstrated. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138030046

BiorefineriesDesign and Analysis Aimed at presenting a systematic design of biorefineries the book initiates with an overview about relevance and applications explained through origin of raw materials transformation routes and products. Then concepts as hierarchy sequencing and integration are considered which helps in generating a sustainable and strategic design of biorefineries. Further framework for biorefineries based on techno-economic environmental and social aspects is analyzed with examples to show the applications. Finally some mass energy and economic indices are considered to assess the biorefinery sustainability and key challenges for future development of biorefineries.Key FeaturesPresents current state-of the-art of the biorefineries design and analyses for in depth understanding of biofuels and biomaterialsExplores conceptual design of processesConcepts discussed with strong engineering approach including design strategies and techno-economic analysesIncludes bio-based materials natural products and food products in the biorefinery conceptPresentation of structured method to calculate indices of performance of biorefineries Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367571078

Bioregional PlanningResource Management Beyond the New Millennium Presenting a pragmatic mixture of science landscape ecology ecosystem management sociology policy development and methods for transforming social and institutional cultures. Bioregional Planning: Resource Management Beyond the New Millennium is a timely and practical guide for the analysis planning and development of bioregional projects for a sustainable future. Significantly this book presents the strategic actions necessary to plan for manage and adapt to Ecologically Sustainable Development with a view beyond the new millennium and towards the next. Postgraduates researchers and policy makers in natural resources management land planning sustainable agriculture rural sciences ecosystem management and conservation biology will find this book captures the essence of bioregional planning succinctly and makes a compelling argument for why it is a key mechanism in the development of effective governance institutions. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315080024

Bioregionalism and Global EthicsA Transactional Approach to Achieving Ecological Sustainability Social Justice and Human Well-being Bioregionalism and Global Ethics suggests that current trends towards globalization are creating entirely new social and environmental problems which require cross-cultural dialogue towards the creation of a new "global ethic." Current models of development are based on an implicit global ethic which advocates bringing everyone in the world up to the same standards of living as those prevalent in the so-called "developed" countries through unlimited economic growth. Evanoff argues that this goal is not only unattainable but also undesirable because it ultimately undermines the ability of the environment to sustain both human and non-human flourishing exacerbates rather than overcomes social inequalities both within and between cultures and fails to achieve genuine human well-being for all but a wealthy minority. An alternative bioregional global ethic is proposed which seeks to maximize ecological sustainability social justice and human well-being through the creation of economically self-sufficient and politically decentralized communities delinked from the global market but confederated at appropriate levels to address problems that transcend cultural borders. Such an ethic is based on a transactional view of the relationship between self society and nature which attempts to create more symbiotic and less conflictual modes of interaction between human cultures and natural environments while promoting the flourishing of both. Instead of a single monolithic global ethic bioregionalism suggests that there should be sufficient convergence between cultures to allow for the successful resolution of mutual problems but also sufficient divergence to enable the continued evolution of both biological and cultural diversity on a global scale. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138008786

Bioremediation of Agricultural Soils The quality of agricultural soils are always under threat from chemical contaminants which ultimately affect the productivity and safety of crops. Besides agrochemicals a new generation of substances invades the soil through irrigation with reclaimed wastewater and pollutants of organic origin such as sewage sludge or cattle manure. Emerging pollutants such as pharmaceuticals nanomaterials and microplastics are now present in agricultural soils but the understanding of their impact on soil quality is still limited. With focus on in situ bioremediation this book provides an exhaustive analysis of the current biological methodologies for recovering polluted agricultural soils as well as monitoring the effectiveness of bioremediation. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138651913

Bioremediation of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems Bioremediation the use of microorganisms to degrade sequester or remove environmental contaminants is an urgent need of our planet for protection and restoration from toxic contaminants. This book not only provides cutting edge information about bioremediation of aquatic and terrestrial habitats but also highlights the gaps in our knowledge of the subject. Among the topics covered in this volume are those that deal with petroleum spill bioremediation bioremediation of heavy metals and the use of genetically engineered microorganisms in bioremediation. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367454227

Bioremediation of Recalcitrant Compounds This authoritative text addresses the latest in bioremediation technologies for three difficult-to-treat contaminant groups: chlorinated solvents PCBs and PAHs - one of the most complex and expensive areas of applied remediation engineering.Bioremediation of Recalcitrant Compounds assesses innovative R&D projects developed for each contam Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429138911

Bioremediation of WastewaterFactors and Treatment This title includes a number of Open Access chapters. The quantity and quality of waste generated and discharged into natural water bodies is a topic of serious concern. Consequently there is a need for different strategies to address wastewater treatment and subsequent reuse especially in arid and semi-arid areas where water shortages are the rule. Biological treatment processes constitute crucial tools in the biodegradation of organic matter transformation of toxic compounds into harmless products and nutrient removal in wastewater microbiology. Edited by a professor of genetics and microbiology with extensive research this compendium provides an overview of the most current research into many facets of wastewater bioremediation. The book is broken into three sections: microbial communities for wastewater treatment environmental factors and treatments. It provides discussions on biological treatment processes for different types of wastewater such as municipal wastewater and wastewater from tanneries; how environmental factors such as season dynamics affect the diversity of bacteria; and applications and treatment. The range of topics presented will be valuable for biological engineers and others involved with wastewater management. Researchers will find a wealth of studies that will prove fruitful for future investigation. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771881623

Bioremediation TechnologyHazardous Waste Management The book describes hazardous waste industries sources of waste generation characterization and treatment processes/ methods and technique and technology to deal with the treated waste as per the prescribed standard. Advanced treatment based on the microbial remediation plant-based decontamination rhizoremediation and nano-based remediation is also explained. Advances in treatment technology using biotechnological tools/bionanotechnology for removal of contaminants are described. This volume will help readers to develop biotechnological and nanotechnological approaches for the remediation of hazardous waste and the developed technology that can be transferred from laboratory to land and piloting to commercial scenarios. Prof. M. H. Fulekar a Professor and Joint Director (R&D) Centre of Research for Development Parul University. Dr. Bhawana Pathak is working as an Associate Professor and Dean in School of Environment and Sustainable Development Central University of Gujarat. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367273101

BioremediationA Sustainable Approach to Preserving Earth’s Water Bioremediation: A Sustainable Approach to Preserving Earth’s Water discusses the latest research in green chemistry practices and principles that are involved in water remediation and the quality improvement of water. The presence of heavy metals dyes fluoride dissolved solids and many other pollutants are responsible for water pollution and poor water quality. The removal of these pollutants in water resources is necessary yet challenging. Water preservation is of great importance globally and researchers are making significant progress in ensuring this precious commodity is safe and potable. This volume illustrates how bioremediation in particular is a promising green technique globally. Features: Addresses bioremediation of all the major water pollutants Approaches the chemistry of water and the concept of water as a renewable resource from a green chemistry aspect Discusses environmental chemistry and the practice of industrial ecology Explains the global concern of adequate high quality water supplies and how bioremediation can resolve this Explores sustainable development through green engineering Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138593077

Bioresorbable ScaffoldsFrom Basic Concept to Clinical Applications This book focuses on the coronary bioresorbable scaffold a new interventional treatment for coronary artery disease differentiated from a permanent metallic stent. The book provides an overview of the technology including non-clinical studies and clinical evidences in order to help clinicians understand the appropriate application of the technology and the optimal techniques of implantation. It covers the basics of bioresorbable scaffolds; bench test results; preclinical studies; clinical evidences; and tips and tricks of implantation. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367572839

Bioresources Technology in Sustainable AgricultureBiological and Biochemical Research This book focuses on cutting-edge advances and applications in tropical agriculture and bioresources. It outlines some of the newest advances basic tools and the applications of novel approaches to improve agricultural practices and utilization of bioresources for the enhancement of human life. Highlights include a thorough discussion on various aspects of agricultural modernization through technological advances in information technology efficient utilization of under-exploited natural bioresources new chemical approaches for the generation of novel biochemicals and the applications of forensic and genetics approaches for bioresource conservation. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771884495

Bioresponsive PolymersDesign and Application in Drug Delivery This volume Bioresponsive Polymers: Design and Application in Drug Delivery focuses on recent advancements in bioresponsive polymers and their design characterization and applications in varied fields such as drug delivery and gene delivery. It looks at several carriers for drug delivery and biological molecules using different bioresponsive polymers. To address the many difficulties in existing dosage forms this book provides information on recent developments to overcome drawbacks of conventional forms of the drug delivery. The chapters cover most areas of bioresponsive polymers starting with a basic introduction to bioresponsive polymers followed by chapters on design characterization and mechanism of bioresponsive polymers; and applications of drug and gene delivery using bioresponsive polymers via oral topical nasal ocular and parenteral methods. The book also reviews recent advancements in bioresponsive polymers and advanced applications such as engineering particulate moieties biomedical applications hydrogels as emerging therapy and electrochemical responses bioresponsive nanoparticles and bioresponsive hydrogels. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771888554

Biorthogonality and its Applications to Numerical Analysis This book explores the use of the concept of biorthogonality and discusses the various recurrence relations for the generalizations of the method of moments the method of Lanczos and the biconjugate gradient method. It is helpful for researchers in numerical analysis and approximation theory. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003066811

BIOS Instant Notes in Biochemistry BIOS Instant Notes in Biochemistry Fourth Edition is the perfect text for undergraduates looking for a concise introduction to the subject or a study guide to use before examinations. Each topic begins with a summary of essential facts-an ideal revision checklist-followed by a description of the subject that focuses on core information with clear simple diagrams that are easy for students to understand and recall in essays and exams.   BIOS Instant Notes in Biochemistry Fourth Edition is fully up-to-date and covers: Cells Amino acids and proteins Studying proteins Enzymes Membranes and cell signalling DNA structure and replication RNA synthesis and processing Protein synthesis Recombinant DNA technology Carbohydrate metabolism Lipid metabolism Respiration and energy Nitrogen metabolism Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9780415608459

BIOS Instant Notes in Chemistry for Biologists BIOS Instant Notes Chemistry for Biologists Third Edition is the perfect text for undergraduates looking for a concise introduction to the subject or a study guide to use before examinations. Each topic begins with a summary of essential facts-an ideal revision checklist-followed by a description of the subject that focuses on core information with clear simple diagrams that are easy for students to understand and recall in essays and exams.   BIOS Instant Notes Chemistry for Biologists Third Edition is fully up-to-date and covers: The elements Chemical bonds and molecular shape Water- the biological solvent Carbon the basis for life on Earth 3D-molecular structure of organic compounds Small inorganic molecules of biological importance Some metals in biology Molecular interactions Common reaction types of carbon based compounds Organic compounds by chemical class Aromatic compunds Chemical synthesis of biological molecules Important biological macromolecules by class Aqueous behaviour Elementary thermodynamics Kinetics Spectroscopy Units and calculations Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9780415680035

BIOS Instant Notes in Ecology This book is designed to give students rapid and easy access to key ecological material to assist learning and revision. Key topics such as populations and interactions ecosystems population genetics community patterns and many more are structured into manageable sections each cross-referenced to allow easy navigation through the information. Media > Books > E-books Taylor & Francis 9780429167317

BIOS Instant Notes in Genetics BIOS Instant Notes in Genetics Fourth Edition is the perfect text for undergraduates looking for a concise introduction to the subject or a study guide to use before examinations. Each topic begins with a summary of essential facts−an ideal revision checklist−followed by a description of the subject that focuses on core information with clear simple diagrams that are easy for students to understand and recall in essays and exams. Media > Books > Print Books Garland Science 9780415693141

BIOS Instant Notes in Human Physiology Instant Notes in Human Physiology will be valuable to students in whatever context they are studying physiology. It explains fundamental concepts and the major physiological systems showing how they are integrated without overloading the reader with information. key selling features: Explains physiology in the light of advances in molecular biology and cellular biology. Shows how the major physiological systems are integrated. Approaches physiology from the view that the purpose of life is to reproduce. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9781138373105

BIOS Instant Notes in Immunology BIOS Instant Notes in Immunology Third Edition is the perfect text for undergraduates looking for a concise introduction to the subject or a study guide to use before examinations. Each topic begins with a summary of essential facts-an ideal revision checklist-followed by a description of the subject that focuses on core information with clear simple diagrams that are easy for students to understand and recall in essays and exams.   BIOS Instant Notes in Immunology Third Edition is fully up-to-date and covers: Overview of the Immune System Cells and Molecules of the Innate Immune System The Adaptive Immune System Antibodies The Antibody Response The T Cell Response – Cell-Mediated Immunity Regulation of the Immune Response Immunity to Infection Vaccination Immunodeficiency – when the Immune System Fails Hypersensitivity – when the Immune System Misbehaves Autoimmunity and Autoimmune Diseases Transplantation Tumor Immunology Gender and the Immune System Aging and the Immune System (Immunosenescence) Immunotherapy Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9780415607537

BIOS Instant Notes in Mathematics and Statistics for Life Scientists Instant Notes in Mathematics and Statistics for Life Scientists is aimed at undergraduate life science students who need to improve or brush-up their mathematical and statistical skills to a level which will make the quantitative components of most undergraduate biological courses accessible. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9781138381865

BIOS Instant Notes in Medicinal Chemistry Instant Notes in Medicinal Chemistry provides concise coverage for undergraduates studying medicinal chemistry as part of a science pharmacy or medical course. It is a truly multidisciplinary subject involving such subject specialities as organic chemistry pharmacology biochemistry physiology microbiology toxicology genetics and computer mod Media > Books > E-books Taylor & Francis 9780429188572

BIOS Instant Notes in Microbiology BIOS Instant Notes in Microbiology Fourth Edition is the perfect text for undergraduates looking for a concise introduction to the subject or a study guide to use before examinations. Each topic begins with a summary of essential facts-an ideal revision checklist-followed by a description of the subject that focuses on core information with clear simple diagrams that are easy for students to understand and recall in essays and exams.   BIOS Instant Notes in Microbiology Fourth Edition is fully up-to-date and covers: The Microbial World Systematics Microbiology Microbial Growth Microbial Metabolism Prokaryotic DNA and RNA Metabolism Industrial Microbiology Eukaryotic Microbes: An Overview The Fungi and Related Phyla Archaeplastida Excavata Chromalveolata and Amoebozoa The Viruses Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9780415607704

BIOS Instant Notes in Molecular Biology Instant Notes in Molecular Biology Fourth Edition is the perfect text for undergraduates looking for a concise introduction to the subject or a study guide to use before examinations. Each topic begins with a summary of essential facts−an ideal revision checklist−followed by a description of the subject that focuses on core information with clear simple diagrams that are easy for students to understand and recall in essays and exams. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9780415684163

BIOS Instant Notes in Neuroscience BIOS Instant Notes in Neuroscience Third Edition is the perfect text for undergraduates looking for a concise introduction to the subject or a study guide to use before examinations. Each topic begins with a summary of essential facts-an ideal revision checklist-followed by a description of the subject that focuses on core information with clear simple diagrams that are easy for students to understand and recall in essays and exams.   BIOS Instant Notes in Neuroscience Third Edition is fully up-to-date and covers: Organization of the Nervous System Neuron Excitation Synapses Neurotransmitters Elements of Neural Computing Somatosensory Systems Vision Hearing Smell and Taste Motor Function: Spinal Cord and Brainstem Movement: Cortex Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia Neuroendocrinology and Autonomic Functions Brain and Behaviour Learning and Memory Neuroscience Methods Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9780415607698

BIOS Instant Notes in Psychology Instant Notes in Psychology contains the fundamental topics that are essential to the student. Each topic begins with a Key Notes panel containing concise summaries of the key points covered which are expanded in the main text of the topic. Although each topic stands alone it is the nature of the psychology that topics are interrelated. To help the student see these interrelationships the text provides numerous cross-references between topics. Media > Books > E-books Taylor & Francis 9781003059332

Bioscience Methodologies in Physical ChemistryAn Engineering and Molecular Approach The field of bioscience methodologies in physical chemistry stands at the intersection of the power and generality of classical and quantum physics with the minute molecular complexity of chemistry and biology. This book provides an application of physical principles in explaining and rationalizing chemical and biological phenomena. It does not stick to the classical topics that are conventionally considered as part of physical chemistry; instead it presents principles deciphered from a modern point of view which is the strength of this book. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781926895543

BiosecurityThe Socio-Politics of Invasive Species and Infectious Diseases Biosecurity is the assessment and management of potentially dangerous infectious diseases quarantined pests invasive (alien) species living modified organisms and biological weapons. It is a holistic concept of direct relevance to the sustainability of agriculture food safety and the protection of human populations (including bio-terrorism) the environment and biodiversity. Biosecurity is a relatively new concept that has become increasingly prevalent in academic policy and media circles and needs a more comprehensive and inter-disciplinary approach to take into account mobility globalisation and climate change. In this introductory volume biosecurity is presented as a governance approach to a set of concerns that span the protection of indigenous biological organisms agricultural systems and human health from invasive pests and diseases. It describes the ways in which biosecurity is understood and theorized in different subject disciplines including anthropology political theory ecology geography and environmental management. It examines the different scientific and knowledge practices connected to biosecurity governance including legal regimes ecology risk management and alternative knowledges. The geopolitics of biosecurity is considered in terms of health biopolitics and trade governance at the global scale. Finally biosecurity as an approach to actively secure the future is assessed in the context of future risk and uncertainties such as globalization and climate change. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415534772

Biosensor Principles and Applications Considers a new generation of sensors for use in industrial processes which measure the chemical environment directly by means of a biological agent mainly enzymes so far. Various specialists from Europe the US and Japan identify the device's place in their disciplines; review the principles of m Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780367810849

Biosensor TechnologyFundamentals and Applications This authoritative reference covers recent advances in the field stressing an interdisciplinaryapproach to the development and use of biosensor technology in physics engineering analytical chemistry and biochemistry (including immunochemistry).about the editors ...RICHARD P. BucK is a Professor in the Chemistry Department University of Northcarolina Chapel Hill. Professor Buck serves on the editorial boards of severaljournals including Analytical Instrumentation: Applications and Designs for Chemica~Biomedica~ and Environmental Science (Marcel Dekker Inc.). He is a member of theAmerican Chemical Society Electrochemical Society and International Society ofElectrochemistry. He received the B.S. (1950) and M.S. (1951) degrees from thecalifornia Institute of Tochnology Pasadena and Ph.D. degree (1954) from theMassachusetts Institute of Tochnology cambridge.W1WAM E. HATFIELD is Mary Ann Smith Professor and Vice Chairman of Chemistry and Acting Chairman of the Curriculum in Applied Sciences University of Northcarolina Chapel Hill. He is the author or coauthor of over 300 publications andcoeditor with John H. Miller Jr. of High-Temperature Superconducting Materials:Preparations Properties and Processing (Marcel Dekker Inc.). He is a member of theAmerican Chemical Society American Association for the Advancement of Science and Materials Research Society. He received the B.S. (1958) and M.S. (1959) degreesfrom Marshall University Huntington West Virginia Ph.D. degree (1962) from theUniversity of Arizona Tucson and completed postdoctoral research at the Universityof Illinois Urbana.M1KTHA UMANA is an independent consultant to Glaxo Inc. and Research 'IriangleInstitute Research 'Iriangle Park and Duke University Engineering Research Center Durham North carolina. The coauthor of numerous scientific journal articles herresearch interests include surface chemistry electrochemistry and biosensors. Shereceived the B.Sc. degree (1969) from the University of Chile Santiago and (1972) from the University of London England.EDMOND E BowoEN is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry andin the Biotechnology Program North carolina State University Raleigh. Thecoauthor of numerous journal articles his research interests include bioelectrochemistry biological electron transfer biosensors and surface chemistry. He receivedthe B.S. degree (1970) from Syracuse University Syracuse New York and (1982) from Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138404

Biosensors and Cancer Understanding the importance and application of biosensors is complicated by the diverse range of methods and application and some existing text is somewhat technical in nature with little consideration to the novice. This book disseminates information on biosensors in a readable way by having unique sections for the novice and expert alike. Each chapter has an abstract key facts applications to other areas of health and disease a "mini-dictionary" of key terms and summary points. In addition the book covers optical imaging surface plasmon resonance microcantilevers electrochemistry aptamers fluorescence electrochemistry nanobiosensors and nanowires. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781578087341

Biosensors and Environmental Health Discussing the role biosensors play in detecting and monitoring environmental substances Biosensors and Environmental Health provides key facts that can be applied to other areas of health and disease and a "mini-dictionary" of key terms and summary points. It covers personal toxicity testing soil and risk assessment pesticide insecticides parasites nitrate endocrine disruptors heavy metals food contamination whole cell bioreporters bacterial biosensors antibody-based biosensors enzymatic amperometric and electrochemical aspects quorum sensing DNA-biosensors cantilever biosensors bioluminescence and other methods and applications. The contributors are leading authorities and the book is essential reading for environmental scientists toxicologists medical doctors health care professionals pathologists biologists biochemists chemists and physicists general practitioners as well as those interested in disease and sciences in general. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367380984

Biosensors and Molecular Technologies for Cancer Diagnostics Bridging the gap between research and clinical application Biosensors and Molecular Technologies for Cancer Diagnostics explores the use of biosensors as effective alternatives to the current standard methods in cancer diagnosis and detection. It describes the major aspects involved in detecting and diagnosing cancer as well as the basic elements of biosensors and their applications in detection and diagnostics. The book addresses cancer molecular diagnostics including genomic and proteomic approaches from the perspective of biosensors and biodetection. It explains how to measure and understand molecular markers using biosensors and discusses the medical advantages of rapid and accurate cancer diagnostics. It also describes optical electrochemical and optomechanical biosensor technologies with a focus on cancer analysis and the clinical utility of these technologies for cancer detection diagnostics prognostics and treatment. Making biosensor technology more accessible to molecular biologists oncologists pathologists and engineers this volume advances the integration of this technology into mainstream clinical practice. Through its in-depth coverage of a range of biosensors the book shows how they can play instrumental roles in the early molecular diagnosis of cancer. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138198531

Biosensors Based on Nanomaterials and Nanodevices Biosensors Based on Nanomaterials and Nanodevices links interdisciplinary research from leading experts to provide graduate students academics researchers and industry professionals alike with a comprehensive source for key advancements and future trends in nanostructured biosensor development. It describes the concepts principles materials device fabrications functions system integrations and applications of various types of biosensors based on signal transduction mechanisms including fluorescence photonic crystal surface-enhanced Raman scattering electrochemistry electro-luminescence field-effect transistor and magnetic effect. The book: Explains how to utilize the unique properties of nanomaterials to construct nanostructured biosensors to achieve enhanced performance Features examples of biosensors based on both typical and emerging nanomaterials such as gold nanoparticles quantum dots graphene graphene oxides magnetic nanoparticles carbon nanotubes inorganic nanowires/nanorods plasmonic nanostructures and photonic crystals Demonstrates the broad applications of nanostructured biosensors in environmental monitoring food safety industrial quality assurance and in vitro and in vivo health diagnosis Inspires new ideas for tackling multiscale and multidisciplinary issues in developing high-performance biosensors for complex practical biomedical problems Focusing on the connection between nanomaterials research and biosensor development Biosensors Based on Nanomaterials and Nanodevices illustrates the exciting possibilities and critical challenges of biosensors based on nanomaterials and nanodevices for future health monitoring disease diagnosis therapeutic treatments and beyond. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073258

Biosensors in Food Processing Safety and Quality Control This book details the latest developments in sensing technology and its application in food industry. It explores the opportunities created by the chemical and biosensing technology and improvements performed in recent years for better food quality better food safety better food processing and control and better input for food industry. The chapters in this book have been divided into three sections: basic principles of chemical and biosensing technology biosensors for food processing and control and biosensors for food safety. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138116009

BiosensorsAn Introductory Textbook Nanotechnology is a budding field and has a pivotal role in sensing. Nanomaterials exist in various forms such as nanoparticles nanoclusters nanobelts and nanospheres. These nanomaterials act as sensing interfaces and immobilization surfaces for various biomolecules such as enzymes DNA and antigens. Therefore the preparation and characterization of these nanoparticles play an important role in sensing devices. This handbook has evolved from the authors’ teaching and research experience in the field of nanoparticle biosensing. It encompasses protocols for the synthesis of various forms of metal oxide nanoparticles; study of the various characterizing techniques that help deduce the shape size and morphology of these nanoparticles; and applications of these nanoparticles in the field of biosensors. It presents voltammetry techniques such as cyclic linear wave wave pulse and differential pulse voltammetry throws light on the interactions of nanomaterials and biomolecules and discusses microfluidic devices which due to their unique capability of miniaturization fascinate many researchers. It is a practical and user-friendly textbook that introduces the various basic principles and practical information that will help undergraduate and advanced-level students and researchers understand the science behind nanoscale sensing. Media > Books > Print Books Pan Stanford Publishing 9789814745949

BiosensorsMicroelectrochemical Devices Biosensors are analytical devices that combine a biologically sensitive element with a physical or chemical transducer to selectively and quantitatively detect the presence of specific compounds. Balancing basics principles and case studies Biosensors: Microelectrochemical Devices covers the theory and applications of one class of biosensor-microelectrochemical devices. The book clearly explains microelectronic techniques used to produce these cheap fast reacting and disposable sensors with the aid of helpful diagrams and tables. Researchers and postgraduates active in the field of chemical sensors analytical chemistry or microelectronics will find this an invaluable reference. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367402884

BiosensorsTheory and Applications This introductory text covers in detail the technology and applications of biosensors in their many forms. It provides an extensive survey of the basic principles functions and applications of different categories of biosensors. The presentation is concise systematic and well illustrated. Numerous schematics illustrate design and function.This bo Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9780429157264

Biosequestration and Ecological DiversityMitigating and Adapting to Climate Change and Environmental Degradation Increased throughput of carbon-based fossil energy the destruction of Earth’s forests and other land use changes have resulted in ever higher levels of waste in the form of greenhouse gases—as well as a diminished capacity of the planet to absorb and store those wastes. This means that to avoid catastrophic global warming and maintain the habitability of Earth by protecting essential soil and water resources we will need to not only reduce emissions but also increase carbon storage in the land system. Biosequestration and Ecological Diversity: Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change and Environmental Degradation discusses ways to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and build soil by changing the way people use and manage land.Principles and Practices for Better Land ManagementExamining biosequestration in social economic and political context the book reviews recent scientific evidence on climate change and global ecological degradation and explains how the carbon cycle has been transformed by destructive land use practices such as deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels. It describes the principles of biosequestration and restorative land management practices and discusses the potential of carbon storage. The author offers specific examples of inexpensive proven practices that build soil protect scarce water resources and enhance ecological diversity. He also identifies conservation policies that provide technical assistance and financial resources for ecological protection and restoration.How You Can Help Mitigate Climate Change with a Little Piece of LandRestorative land use and land management practices are critical components of any comprehensive strategy for mitigating and adapting to climate change and global environmental degradation. This book explains how anyone who owns or manages land—from an apartment to a city lot to a Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367866044

Biosignal and Medical Image Processing Written specifically for biomedical engineers Biosignal and Medical Image Processing Third Edition provides a complete set of signal and image processing tools including diagnostic decision-making tools and classification methods. Thoroughly revised and updated it supplies important new material on nonlinear methods for describing and classifying signals including entropy-based methods and scaling methods. A full set of PowerPoint slides covering the material in each chapter and problem solutions is available to instructors for download.   See What’s New in the Third Edition: Two new chapters on nonlinear methods for describing and classifying signals. Additional examples with biological data such as EEG ECG respiration and heart rate variability Nearly double the number of end-of-chapter problems MATLAB® incorporated throughout the text Data "cleaning" methods commonly used in such areas as heart rate variability studies   The text provides a general understanding of image processing sufficient to allow intelligent application of the concepts including a description of the underlying mathematical principals when needed. Throughout this textbook signal and image processing concepts are implemented using the MATLAB® software package and several of its toolboxes. The challenge of covering a broad range of topics at a useful working depth is motivated by current trends in biomedical engineering education particularly at the graduate level where a comprehensive education must be attained with a minimum number of courses. This has led to the development of "core" courses to be taken by all students. This text was written for just such a core course. It is also suitable for an upper-level undergraduate course and would also be of value for students in other disciplines that would benefit from a working knowledge of signal and image processing. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466567368

Biosignal ProcessingPrinciples and Practices With the rise of advanced computerized data collection systems monitoring devices and instrumentation technologies large and complex datasets accrue as an inevitable part of biomedical enterprise. The availability of these massive amounts of data offers unprecedented opportunities to advance our understanding of underlying biological and physiological functions structures and dynamics. Biosignal Processing: Principles and Practices provides state-of-the-art coverage of contemporary methods in biosignal processing with an emphasis on brain signal analysis. After introducing the fundamentals it presents emerging methods for brain signal processing focusing on specific non-invasive imaging techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG) magnetoencephalography (MEG) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIR). In addition the book presents recent advances reflecting the evolution of biosignal processing. As biomedical datasets grow larger and more complicated the development and use of signal processing methods to analyze and interpret these data has become a matter of course. This book is one step in the development of biosignal analysis and is designed to stimulate new ideas and opportunities in the development of cutting-edge computational methods for biosignal processing. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439871430

Biosimilar and Interchangeable BiologicsFrom Cell Line to Commercial Launch Two Volume Set What’s the Deal with Biosimilars? Biosimilars are gaining momentum as new protein therapeutic candidates that can help fill a vital need in the healthcare industry. The biological drugs are produced by recombinant DNA technology that allows for large-scale production and an overall reduction time in costs and development. Biosimilars and Interchangeable Biologics: From Cell Line to Commercial Launch covers the strategic and tactical elements of biosimilars in two volumes. The first volume Biosimilars and Interchangeable Biologics: Strategic Elements explores the strategic planning side of biosimilar drugs and targets issues surrounding biosimilars that are linked to legal matters. This includes principal patents and intellectual property regulatory pathways and concerns about affordability on a global scale. It addresses the complexity of biosimilar products and it discusses the utilization of biosimilars and related biological drugs in expanding world markets. This volume also examines the science technology finance legality ethics and politics of biosimilar drugs. It considers strategic planning elements that include an overall understanding of the history and the current status of the art and science of biosimilars and it provides detailed descriptions of the legal regulatory and commercial characteristics. The book presents a global strategy on how to build take to market and manage the next generation of biosimilars throughout their life cycle. The second volume Biosimilars and Interchangeable Biologics: Tactical Elements explores the development and manufacturing of biosimilars and targets challenges surrounding the creation of these products. This includes manufacturing production costs and intellectual property barriers particularly in regulated markets (regulatory agencies are still in the process of developing guidelines). It addresses the complexity of biological drugs and it discusses specific structural elements vital to the functionality immunogenicity and safety of biosimilar products. This volume also provides an overall understanding of the hurdles difficulties and practicalities of developing a strong plan. It introduces a step-by-step approach for creating a strategy that helps develop and manufacture a biosimilar product while reducing overall production costs and meeting the requirements of biosimilarity based on analytical and functional pharmacokinetic pharmacodynamic (where applicable) and nonclinical toxicology or toxicokinetic similarity (where appropriate) while remaining competitive in the market. Thus Biosimilars and Interchangeable Biologics: From Cell Line to Commercial Launch Two-Volume Set supplies practitioners researchers and scientists in the biopharmaceutical industry with a valuable resource for practical information at all stages of the biosimilar product process. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781482298918

Biosimilar Clinical Development: Scientific Considerations and New Methodologies Biosimilars have the potential to change the way we think about identify and manage health problems. They are already impacting both clinical research and patient care and this impact will only grow as our understanding and technologies improve. Written by a team of experienced specialists in clinical development this book discusses various potential drug development strategies the design and analysis of pharmacokinetics (PK) studies and the design and analysis of efficacy studies. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367736521

Biosimilar Drug Product Development When a biological drug patent expires alternative biosimilar products are developed. The development of biosimilar products is complicated and involves numerous considerations and steps. The assessment of biosimilarity and interchangeability is also complicated and difficult. Biosimilar Drug Product Development presents current issues for the development of biosimilars and gives detailed reviews of its various stages and contributing factors as well as relevant regulatory pathways and pre- and post-approval issues. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367552497

BiosimilarityThe FDA Perspective Summary: The focus of this book is on how the U.S. FDA will approve biosimilar drugs as learned from recent approvals by the FDA. Understanding the limitations of the statutory limits and non-inferiority testing are presented as tools to obviate patient trials and minimize testing of immunogenicity.  An in-depth scientific mathematical and statistical view of the tools required to establish biosimilarity of biological drugs of different complexity -- a must for every developer of biosimilars. Features: First comprehensive analysis based on new guidelines and approval packages of several biosimilars Presents the first approach to challenge FDA in reducing or eliminating any testing in patients. Provides a comprehensive understanding of the U.S. statutory requirements vis-a-vis the regulatory guidelines Provides model CQA and Analytical Similarity testing protocols for cytokines and monoclonal antibodies Allow creation of a fast-to-market pathway to develop biosimilars Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498750394

Biosimilars and Interchangeable BiologicsStrategic Elements What’s the Deal with Biosimilars? Biosimilars are gaining momentum as new protein therapeutic candidates that can help fill a vital need in the healthcare industry. The biological drugs are produced by recombinant DNA technology that allows for large-scale production and an overall reduction time in costs and development. Part of a two-volume set that covers varying aspects of biosimilars Biosimilars and Interchangeable Biologics: Strategic Elements explores the strategic planning side of biosimilar drugs and targets issues surrounding biosimilars that are linked to legal matters. This includes principal patents and intellectual property regulatory pathways and concerns about affordability on a global scale. It addresses the complexity of biosimilar products and it discusses the utilization of biosimilars and related biological drugs in expanding world markets. Of specific interest to practitioners researchers and scientists in the biopharmaceutical industry this volume examines the science technology finance legality ethics and politics of biosimilar drugs. It considers strategic planning elements that include an overall understanding of the history and the current status of the art and science of biosimilars and it provides detailed descriptions of the legal regulatory and commercial characteristics. The book also presents a global strategy on how to build take to market and manage the next generation of biosimilars throughout their life cycle. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138775503

Biosimilars and Interchangeable BiologicsTactical Elements What’s the Deal with Biosimilars? Biosimilars are gaining momentum as new protein therapeutic candidates that can help fill a vital need in the healthcare industry. The biological drugs are produced by recombinant DNA technology that allows for large-scale production and an overall reduction time in costs and development. Part of a two-volume set that covers varying aspects of biosimilars Biosimilars and Interchangeable Biologics: Tactical Elements explores the development and manufacturing of biosimilars and targets challenges surrounding the creation of these products. This includes manufacturing production costs and intellectual property barriers particularly in regulated markets (regulatory agencies are still in the process of developing guidelines). It addresses the complexity of biological drugs and it discusses specific structural elements vital to the functionality immunogenicity and safety of biosimilar products. Of specific interest to practitioners researchers and scientists in the biopharmaceutical industry this volume provides an overall understanding of the hurdles difficulties and practicalities of developing a strong plan. It introduces a step-by-step approach for creating a strategy that helps develop and manufacture a biosimilar product while reducing overall production costs and meeting the requirements of biosimilarity based on analytical and functional pharmacokinetic pharmacodynamic (where applicable) and nonclinical toxicology or toxicokinetic similarity (where appropriate) while remaining competitive in the market. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498743495

BiosimilarsDesign and Analysis of Follow-on Biologics As many biological products face losing their patents in the next decade the pharmaceutical industry needs an abbreviated regulatory pathway for approval of biosimilar drug products which are cost-effective follow-on/subsequent versions of the innovator’s biologic products. But scientific challenges remain due to the complexity of both the manufacturing process and the structures of biosimilar products.Written by a top biostatistics researcher Biosimilars: Design and Analysis of Follow-on Biologics is the first book entirely devoted to the statistical design and analysis of biosimilarity and interchangeability of biosimilar products. It includes comparability tests of important quality attributes at critical stages of the manufacturing processes of biologic products. Connecting the pharmaceutical/biotechnology industry government regulatory agencies and academia this state-of-the-art book focuses on the scientific factors and practical issues related to the design and analysis of biosimilar studies. It covers most of the statistical questions encountered in various study designs at different stages of research and development of biological products. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367379728

Biosocial Criminology Biosocial criminologists seek to explain crime (and related anti-social behaviour) by exploring both biological and environmental factors. Combining perspectives from mainstream Criminology and Sociology with contributions from those working in disciplines such as Genetics Neuropsychology and Evolutionary Psychology Biosocial Criminology is now a well-established—if heterogeneous and contentious—field of study. As Biosocial Criminology continues to develop this new title from Routledge edited by two distinguished scholars meets the need for an authoritative one-stop reference work to make sense of the wide range of approaches theories and concepts that have contributed to its growth. In four volumes the collection assembles the best and most influential empirical theoretical and political contributions made by biosocial criminologists from around the world. The gathered works cover not only the history of Biosocial Criminology and cutting-edge theories but also explore a variety of research methods used by leading scholars and the rich data generated by their rigorous empirical work. With a full index together with a comprehensive introduction newly written by the editors which places the collected material in its historical and intellectual context Biosocial Criminology is an essential work of reference. The collection will be particularly useful as a database allowing scattered and often fugitive material to be easily located. It will also be welcomed as a crucial tool permitting rapid access to less familiar—and sometimes overlooked—texts. For researchers students and policy-makers it is an essential one-stop research and pedagogic resource. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138014831

Biosocial EducationThe Social and Biological Entanglements of Learning In this groundbreaking text Youdell and Lindley bring together cutting-edge research from the fields of biology and social science to explore the complex interactions between the diverse processes which impact on education and learning. Transforming the way we think about our students our classrooms teaching and learning Biosocial Education draws on advances in genetics and metabolomics epigenetics biochemistry and neuroscience to illustrate how new understandings of how bodies function can and must inform educational theory policy and everyday pedagogical practices. Offering detailed insight into new findings in these areas and providing a compelling account of both the implications and limits of this new-found knowledge the text confronts the mechanisms of interaction between multiple biological and social factors and explores how educators might mobilize these ‘biosocial’ influences to enhance learning and enable each child to attain educational success. By seeking out transdisciplinary and multi-factor answers to the question of how education works and how children learn this book lays the foundations for a step-change in the way we approach learning. It is an essential read for researchers teachers and practitioners involved in educational policy and practice at any level. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415787109

Biosocial Theories of Crime Biosocial criminology is an emerging perspective that highlights the interdependence between genetic and environmental factors in the etiology of antisocial behaviors. However given that biosocial criminology has only recently gained traction among criminologists there has not been any attempt to compile some of the "classic" articles on this topic. Beaver and Walsh's edited volume addresses this gap in the literature by identifying some of the most influential biosocial criminological articles and including them in a single resource. The articles covered in this volume examine the connection between genetics and crime evolutionary psychology and crime and neuroscience and crime. This volume will be a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding the causes of crime from a biosocial criminological perspective. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315096278

BiosociologyBridging the Biology-Sociology Divide Anthony Walsh bridges the divide separating sociology from biology a divide created in the late nineteenth century when sociology emerged from the fields of social theory and philosophy. Walsh focuses on the viewpoint held by former American Sociological Association president Douglas Massey: sociologists have allowed the fact that we are social beings to obscure the biological foundations upon which our behaviour ultimately rests.Walsh argues that sociology has nothing to fear and a wealth of riches to gain if it pays attention to the theories concepts and methodologies of the biological sciences. Both study the same phenomena. Beginning with an examination of the reasons why we need a biosocial approach Walsh explores sociology's traditional "taboo" concepts (reductionism essentialism etc.) and how those concepts are viewed in the natural sciences.Throughout the work the author introduces relevant concepts from genetics and the neurosciences using examples that will appeal to all sociologists. Later chapters apply his introductory arguments to traditional substantive sociological issues such as culture crime gender socialization social class and the family. This book will be essential to all sociologists evolutionary biologists and scholars interested in the history of this important divide between the fields and where it currently stands. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507692

Biostatistics for Clinical and Public Health Research Biostatistics for Clinical and Public Health Research provides a concise overview of statistical analysis methods. Use of SAS and Stata statistical software is illustrated in full including how to interpret results. Focusing on statistical models without all the theory the book is complete with exercises case studies take-away points and data sets. Readers will be able to maximize their statistical abilities in hypothesis testing data interpretation and application while also learning when and how to consult a biostatistician. This book will be an invaluable tool for students and clinical and public health practitioners. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138196353

Biostatistics for Epidemiologists Biostatistics for Epidemiologists is a unique book that provides a collection of methods that can be used to analyze data in most epidemiological studies. It examines the theoretical background of the methods described and discusses general principles that apply to the analysis of epidemiological data. Specific topics addressed include statistical interference in epidemiological research important methods used for analyzing epidemiological data multivariate models dose-response analysis analysis of the interaction between causes of disease meta-analysis and computer programs. Biostatistics for Epidemiologists will be a useful guide for all epidemiologists and public health professionals who rely on biostatistical data in their work. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781315138411

Biostatistics in Public Health Using STATA Striking a balance between theory application and programming Biostatistics in Public Health Using STATA is a user-friendly guide to applied statistical analysis in public health using STATA version 14. The book supplies public health practitioners and students with the opportunity to gain expertise in the application of statistics in epidemiologic studies.The book shares the authors’ insights gathered through decades of collective experience teaching in the academic programs of biostatistics and epidemiology. Maintaining a focus on the application of statistics in public health it facilitates a clear understanding of the basic commands of STATA for reading and saving databases.The book includes coverage of data description graph construction significance tests linear regression models analysis of variance categorical data analysis logistic regression model poisson regression model survival analysis analysis of correlated data and advanced programming in STATA.Each chapter is based on one or more research problems linked to public health. Additionally every chapter includes exercise sets for practicing concepts and exercise solutions for self or group study. Several examples are presented that illustrate the applications of the statistical method in the health sciences using epidemiologic study designs.Presenting high-level statistics in an accessible manner across research fields in public health this book is suitable for use as a textbook for biostatistics and epidemiology courses or for consulting the statistical applications in public health.For readers new to STATA the first three chapters should be read sequentially as they form the basis of an introductory course to this software. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367341480

Biostatistics: A Computing Approach The emergence of high-speed computing has facilitated the development of many exciting statistical and mathematical methods in the last 25 years broadening the landscape of available tools in statistical investigations of complex data. Biostatistics: A Computing Approach focuses on visualization and computational approaches associated with both modern and classical techniques. Furthermore it promotes computing as a tool for performing both analyses and simulations that can facilitate such understanding. As a practical matter programs in R and SAS are presented throughout the text. In addition to these programs appendices describing the basic use of SAS and R are provided. Teaching by example this book emphasizes the importance of simulation and numerical exploration in a modern-day statistical investigation. A few statistical methods that can be implemented with simple calculations are also worked into the text to build insight about how the methods really work. Suitable for students who have an interest in the application of statistical methods but do not necessarily intend to become statisticians this book has been developed from Introduction to Biostatistics II which the author taught for more than a decade at the University of Pittsburgh. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9781584888345

Biostimulants for sustainable crop production With increasing concerns about the environmental impact of fertilizers there is a growing need for the sector to develop more sustainable ‘climate-smart’ methods of crop production. Biostimulants have attracted growing attention since they offer the potential to enhance yields through stimulating natural processes in crops. Biostimulants for sustainable crop production provides a comprehensive review of the key advances in understanding and using biostimulants. This collection covers the major groups of biostimulants from humic substances and seaweed extracts to protein hydrolysates and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) as well as the practical application of biostimulants in areas such as enhancing nutrient use efficiency (NUE). Media > Books > E-books Life Science (Burleigh Dodds) 9781003047865

Biosurfactants and Biotechnology Here is the first comprehensive reference to examine microbial surface active agents (biosurfactants)and biological emulsifiers as applied in biotechnology and other industries.Biosurfactants and Biotechnology highlights state-of-the-art uses of these agents and incorporatesa wealth of ideas for future research and development related to feedstocks production and processing. The book delineates the chemistry biochemistry mechanisms and propertiesof biosurfactants and biological emulsifiers .. . critically assesses their role in enhanced oil recoveryand other industrial applications . .. and includes numerous references to the literature.Biosurfactants and Biotechnology is an invaluable guide for physical surface and colloidchemists working on or with surfactants interfacial phenomena and cell-surface physiology ;petrochemical chemical biochemical petroleum and pollution control engineers; pharmacologists cosmetic scientists food scientists and microbiologists. It is also an important resourcefor graduate students in these fields. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138428

BiosurfactantsProduction and Utilization—Processes Technologies and Economics Stresses the Potential Applications of Biosurfactants in Various Industries Environmental concerns and a demand for sustainable chemical production have become important issues in recent years. As a result microbial biosurfactant-producing systems are gaining momentum as potential replacements for chemical surfactants. Biosurfactants: Production and Utilization—Processes Technologies and Economics explores the production utilization and industrial/economic use of biosurfactants in modern biotechnology. This book represents comprehensive material developed by contemporary experts in the field. Focusing on research and developments within the last 20 years it highlights relevant changes in the industry. It provides a detailed account of the current applications of biosurfactants considers the potential for further environmental biological and industrial applications and concentrates on surfactants and organisms with possibilities for future use. Emphasizes Process Scale-Up and Commercialization Factoring in the industrial application of biosurfactant production based on renewable resources the book determines how biosurfactants can enhance or replace the properties of chemically synthesized surface-active agents. It discusses moving beyond the laboratory scale of research and development and on to the industrial scale of commercial interest. The book consists of 17 chapters and features expert authors discussing topics that include: Understanding the regulatory processes controlling the production of biosurfactants Strategies for feasible commercial biosurfactant production Examples of cost analysis based on published information The viability of industrial applications in food cosmetics and pharmaceuticals Patents for future trends Biosurfactants: Production and Utilization—Processes Technologies and Economics contains special sections devoted to the overview and evaluation of specific patents relating to biosurfactants and methods for production of biosurfactants on a laboratory and industrial/commercial scale. It also presents novel and proven applications for biosurfactants from a number of biotechnology laboratories and research facilities around the world. In addition it introduces the reader to a variety of real-world industry techniques readily applicable for practical use. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781466596696

BiosurfactantsProduction: Properties: Applications Providing comprehensive discussions of the physical and chemical properties manufacture and industrial uses of biosurfactants this reference offers first-hand accounts of biosurfactant research of leading biotechnology laboratories. It introduces promising possible uses of biosurfactants in medicine in environmental control and for marine organisms. In contributions of more than 30 leading international experts the text reviews the biosynthetic mechanisms for surfactants and their precursor molecules; explicates the biophysics of microbial surfactants and examines the production of immobilized biocatalysts lipopeptides and rhamnolipids. It also presents information on the economics of biosurfactants. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367402457

BiosurfactantsResearch Trends and Applications Microbially derived surfactants called biosurfactants provide a promising alternative to synthetic surfactants displaying better availability and being generally nontoxic and biodegradable. Biosurfactants also have the advantage of diverse chemical properties and the potential to be less expensive. They demonstrate properties such as reducing surface tension stabilizing emulsions and promoting foaming. With many promising research results a consolidated resource of biosurfactant knowledge is needed to build a framework for further development of applications. Biosurfactants: Research Trends and Applications fills this need covering the latest research and development on relevant aspects of biological biochemical and physical processes and applications of biosurfactants.This book reviews current knowledge and the latest advances strategies for improving production processes and the status of biosynthetic and genetic regulation mechanisms for microbial surfactants. Chapters present research findings on specific biosurfactants such as high surface activity rhamnolipids yeast-derived sophorolipids lipopeptides and trehalose lipids that have potential for environmental industrial and medical uses. The book also describes sources and characteristics of marine microbial biosurfactants biosurfactants made from food processing by-products and biosurfactants used in the food industry and biosurfactants for green synthesis of nanoparticles.The text presents applications of biosurfactants in environmental industries and examines interactions between metals and various classes of biosurfactants and related metal remediation technologies. The final chapter reviews the state of the art of biosurfactants and their applications and proposes approaches to overcome any challenges. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367378899

BiosurveillanceMethods and Case Studies As evidenced by the anthrax attacks in 2001 the SARS outbreak in 2003 and the H1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009 a pathogen does not recognize geographic or national boundaries often leading to devastating consequences. Automated biosurveillance systems have emerged as key solutions for mitigating current and future health-related events. Focusing on this promising public health innovation Biosurveillance: Methods and Case Studies discusses how these systems churn through vast amounts of health-related data to support epidemiologists and public health officials in the early identification situation awareness and response management of natural and man-made health-related events.The book follows a natural sequence from theory to application. The initial chapters build a foundation while subsequent chapters present more applied case studies from around the world including China the United States Denmark and the Asia-Pacific region. The contributors share candid first-hand insights on lessons learned and unresolved issues that will help chart the future of biosurveillance.As this book illustrates biosurveillance operates in a complex multidimensional problem space that incorporates varied data. Capturing the progress of modern-day pioneers who are walking in John Snow’s footsteps this volume shows how contemporary information technology can be applied to the age-old challenge of combating the spread of disease and illness. Media > Books > Print Books Chapman & Hall 9780367383411

Bio-Targets and Drug Delivery Approaches The advances in drug delivery systems over recent years have resulted in a large number of novel delivery systems with the potential to revolutionize the treatment and prevention of diseases. Bio-Targets and Drug Delivery Approaches is an easy-to-read book for students researchers and pharmaceutical scientists providing a comprehensive introduction to the principles of advanced drug delivery and targeting their current applications and potential future developments. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498729994

Biotech Biomaterials and BiomedicalTechConnect Briefs 2015 The Nano Science and Technology Institute (NSTI) have built a tradition of being the most prestigious forum in the world for leading Nano Scientists. NSTI provides Nano Scientists with up-to-date global perspective on the latest developments in nanotechnology. This volume outlines the latest developments in: Materials for Drug & Gene Delivery Cancer Nanotechnology Sensors Diagnostics & Imaging Micro Nano & Bio Fluidics Biomaterials Materials for Personal/Home Care & Cosmetics Soft Matter & Colloids Food Materials. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498747295

Biotech JuggernautHope Hype and Hidden Agendas of Entrepreneurial BioScience Biotech Juggernaut: Hope Hype and Hidden Agendas of Entrepreneurial BioScience relates the intensifying effort of bioentrepreneurs to apply genetic engineering technologies to the human species and to extend the commercial reach of synthetic biology or "extreme genetic engineering." In 1980 legal developments concerning patenting laws transformed scientific researchers into bioentrepreneurs. Often motivated to create profit-driven biotech start-up companies or to serve on their advisory boards university researchers now commonly operate under serious conflicts of interest. These conflicts stand in the way of giving full consideration to the social and ethical consequences of the technologies they seek to develop. Too often bioentrepreneurs have worked to obscure how these technologies could alter human evolution and to hide the social costs of keeping on this path. Tracing the rise and cultural politics of biotechnology from a critical perspective Biotech Juggernaut aims to correct the informational imbalance between producers of biotechnologies on the one hand and the intended consumers of these technologies and general society on the other. It explains how the converging vectors of economic political social and cultural elements driving biotechnology’s swift advance constitutes a juggernaut. It concludes with a reflection on whether it is possible for an informed public to halt what appears to be a runaway force. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138043237

Biotechnical Processing in the Food IndustryNew Methods Techniques and Applications This new book Biotechnical Processing in the Food Industry: New Methods Techniques and Applications explores several newly emerged techniques and technologies that have significantly changed the scenario of the dairy and food sector by making the processes more stable and more economically viable. Worldwide adoption of these novel technologies will also the editors believe provide benefit to consumers in terms of enhanced food safety labeling nutritional security and value-added products at reasonable cost. Divided into three main parts the book looks at technological trends and advances in dairy research and industry emerging technological developments and potential advanced research in the food health and processing industry. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771889124

Biotechnological Applications of MicroalgaeBiodiesel and Value-Added Products Microalgae are an invaluable biomass source with potential uses that could lead to environmental and economic benefits for society. Biotechnological Applications of Microalgae: Biodiesel and Value Added Products presents the latest developments and recent research trends with a focus on potential biotechnologically related uses of microalgae. It gives an analysis of microalgal biology ecology biotechnology and biofuel production capacity as well as a thorough discussion on the value added products that can be generated from diverse microalgae.The book provides a detailed discussion of microalgal strain selection for biodiesel production a key factor in successful microalgal cultivation and generation of desired biofuel products. It also describes microalagal enumeration methods harvesting and dewatering techniques and the design and the pros and cons of the two most common methods for cultivation—open raceway ponds and photobioreactors. Chapters cover lipid extraction and identification chemical and biological methods for transesterification of microalgal lipids and procedures involved in life cycle analysis of microalgae. They also examine the importance of microalgal cultivation for climate change abatement through CO2 sequestration and microalgae involvement in phycoremediation of domestic and industrial wastewaters.The book concludes with a general discussion of microalgal biotechnology and its potential as a modern "green gold rush." The final chapter provides an overview of advanced techniques such as genetic engineering of microalgae to increase lipid yield. This book provides a one-stop benchmark reference on microalgal biotechnology considering all aspects from microalgal screening to production of biofuels and other value added products. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367380021

Biotechnological Approaches for Pest Management and Ecological Sustainability Due to increasing problems occurring from massive applications of pesticides such as insect resistance to pesticides the use of biotechnological tools to minimize losses from insect pests has become inevitable. Presenting alternative strategies for alleviating biotic stresses Biotechnological Approaches for Pest Management and Ecological Sustainability explores how the modern tools of biotechnology can be used in pest management for sustainable crop production the biosafety of transgenic crops and environmental conservation.This comprehensive work covers a gamut of issues ranging from host plant resistance to insect pests to the application of molecular approaches for pest management. It discusses phenotyping transgenic plants mapping populations for insect resistance physico-chemical and molecular markers associated with insect resistance the potential of insect-resistant transgenic crops for pest management and the use of biotechnological tools for diagnosing insects and monitoring insect resistance to insecticides. The author examines how genetic engineering can be used to produce robust natural enemies and more virulent strains of entomopathogenic microbes. He also studies issues related to gene flow resistance to transgenes and selection markers the biosafety of food derived from genetically engineered plants and the potential application of molecular tools for solving some of the intricate pest problems in the future.Focusing on how to make the development and deployment of biotechnology-derived products for pest management safe and cost-effective this book will enable readers to make informed decisions on genetically engineered organisms for pest management and sustainable crop production. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367386191

Biotechnological Approaches in Food Adulterants The book highlights the biotechnological advancement in the area of food adulterants and outlines the current state of art technologies in the detection of food adulterants using omics and nanobiotechnology. The book provides insights to the most recent innovations trends concerns and challenges in food adulterants. It identifies key research topics and practical applications of modern cutting-edge technologies employed for detection of food adulterants including: expansion of food adulterants market potential toxicity of food adulterants and the prevention of food adulteration act cutting-edge technology for food adulterants detection and biosensing and nanobiosensing based detection of food adulterants. There is need for new resources in omics technologies for the application of new nanobiotechnology. Biotechnological Approaches in Food Adulterants provides an overview of the contributions of food safety and the most up-to-date advances in omics and nanobiotechnology approaches to a diverse audience from postgraduate students to researchers in biochemical engineering biotechnology food technologist environmental technologists and pharmaceutical professionals. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367369866

Biotechnological InventionsMoral Restraints and Patent Law Advances in modern biotechnology have produced profound and far-reaching implications for the relationship between humans animals and the environment. As a result a debate has arisen surrounding the legal moral and social problems connected with this technology a central part of the debate focusing on the role of moral considerations in the patent system as a form of regulation. This fully revised and updated book examines this role and asks why in the context of biotechnological inventions morality has become an important issue. It takes account of recent developments including reference to the situation in Australia. By examining such specific recent cases the author elucidates the moral concerns associated with modern biotechnology thus providing an important contribution to the debate and a valuable resource for all those working in this exciting field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138250055

Biotechnologies Applied to Animal ReproductionCurrent Trends and Practical Applications for Reproductive Management This comprehensive volume focuses on recent trends and new technologies used in the management of reproduction in major farm animals focusing on both males and females of bovine equine and porcine species. With chapters written by scientists who specialize in their respective topics the volume presents a selection of different technologies that have been developed to assure reproductive success by improving reproductive efficiency generating germplasm banks and maintaining genetic diversity in cattle horses and pigs. In the last decade reproductive technologies in veterinary medicine have progressed considerably providing high profitability to livestock farms. This book provides basic and applied information on the most used reproductive technologies in bovine equine and porcine species for academics scientists and veterinarians. The volume discusses reproductive and postpartum management reproductive ultrasound sperm management egg retrieval artificial insemination embryo transfer nutrition genetics and certain clinical aspects such as endocrinology and robustness of reproductive systems. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771888714

Biotechnology Agriculture Environment and EnergyProceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Biotechnology Agriculture Environmen The 2014 International Conference on Biotechnology Agriculture Environment and Energy (ICBAEE 2014) was held May 22-23 2014 in Beijing China. The objective of ICBAEE 2014 was to provide a platform for researchers engineers academics as well as industry professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Biotechnology Agriculture Environment and Energy. This conference provided opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. The program consisted of invited sessions and technical workshops and discussions with eminent speakers and contributions to this proceedings volume cover a wide range of topics in Biotechnology Agriculture Environment and Energy. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138026544

Biotechnology Education and Life PoliticsDebating genetic futures from school to society What should individuals and society do when genetic screening becomes widely available and with its impact on current and future generations still uncertain? How can our education systems around the world respond to these developments? Reproductive and genetic technologies (RGTs) are increasingly controversial and political. We are entering an era where we can design future humans firstly by genetic screening of "undesirable" traits or indeed embryos but perhaps later by more radical genetic engineering. This has a profound effect on what we see as normal acceptable and responsible. This book argues that these urgent and biopolitical issues should be central to how biology is taught as a subject. Debate about life itself has always been at the forefront of connected molecular genetic and social/personal identity levels and each of these levels requires processes of communication and debate what Anthony Giddens called in passing life politics. In this book Pádraig Murphy opens the term up with examples from field research in schools student responses to educational films exploring the future of RGTs and science studies of strategic biotechnology and the lab practices of genetic screening. Life political debate is thoroughly examined and is identified as a way of connecting mainstream education of biology with future generations. Biotechnology Education and Life Politics will appeal to post-graduates and academics involved with science education science communication communication studies and the sociology of education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138637405

Biotechnology Patents and Morality This title was first published in 2000. This work documents an international and interdisciplinary workshop on the ethical aspects of the patenting of biotechnological inventions including genes plants and animals. The public perception is discussed along with how these perceptions relate to ethical social and cultural factors. The legal framework in Europe is laid out by several experts in the field of patent law and the situation in the US is also briefly described. This edition also includes a general discussion of three important theories called upon to justify the patent system: the natural rights argument; the distributive justice argument; and the utilitarian argument. The chapter about the European Directive on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions has been updated. A selection of provisions from the August 1997 draft as well as the final text of the Directive as adopted on 12 May 1998 are discussed and commented upon. The patent provisions of the TRIP's Agreement (the Agreement on Trade Related aspects of Intellectual Property rights concluded in 1994 as an Annex to the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization) are also discussed and criticized paying particular attention to the implications for biotechnology patents. Finally the question is asked whether the developing countries stand to gain anything from TRIPs. A look at the results of empirical research conducted by commentators on the economics of patenting reveals that the new patent regime may prove to entail significant costs for the developing countries. This second edition also contains material on the EU Directive on biotechnology patents adopted in May 1998 justificatory theories of the patent system and the TRIP's agreement on Trade Related aspects of Intellectual Property rights concluded in the GATT (WTO) framework. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138732100

Biotechnology Patents and MoralityA Deliberative and Participatory Paradigm for Reform This book critiques the decision-making process in Article 53(a) of the European Patent Convention. To date such decisions have been taken at high levels of expertise without much public involvement. The book eschews traditional solutions such as those found within legislative judicial and patent office realms and instead develops a radical blueprint for how these decisions can be put to the public. By examining wide-scale models of participatory democracy and deliberation this book fills a significant gap in the literature. It will be invaluable for patent lawyers academics practitioners and intellectual property and patent officials. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367181246

Biotechnology - The Science and the Business Biotechnology has not stood still since 1991 when the first edition of Biotechnology - The Science and the Business was published. It was the first book to treat the science and business of technology as an integrated subject and was well received by both students and business professionals. All chapters in this second edition have been updated and revised and some new chapters have been introduced including one on the use of molecular genetic techniques in forensic science. Experts in the field discuss a range of biotechnologies including pesticides the flavor and fragrance industry oil production fermentation and protein engineering. On the business side subjects include managing financing and regulation of biotechnology. Some knowledge of the science behind the technologies is assumed as well as a layperson's view of buying and selling. As with the first edition it is expected that this book will be of interest to biotechnology undergraduates postgraduates and those working in the industry along with students of business economics intellectual property law and communications. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003078432

Biotechnology and BioinformaticsAdvances and Applications for Bioenergy Bioremediation and Biopharmaceutical Research Reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of biotechnology this book covers the role of targeted delivery of polymeric nanodrugs to cancer cells microbial detoxifying enzymes in bioremediation and bacterial plasmids in antimicrobial resistance. It addresses modern trends such as pharmacogenomics evaluation of gene expression recombinant proteins from methylotrophic yeast identification of novel fermentation inhibitors of bioethanol production and polyhydroxyalkanoate based biomaterials. The book highlights the practical utility of biotechnology and bioinformatics for bioenergy production of high value biochemicals modeling molecular interactions drug discovery and personalized medicine. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771880015

Biotechnology And Biological Frontiers This book highlights that the availability of recombinant DNA techniques and the discovery of the Ti plasmid system have opened the plant kingdom to gene transfer experiments. It outlines biotechnology and biological techniques to elucidate interesting biological pathways unique to plants. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367170332

Biotechnology and Biological SciencesProceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Biotechnology and Biological Sciences (BIOSPECTRUM 2 The application of Biotechnology dates back to the early era of civilization when people first started to cultivate food crops. While the early applications are certainly still relevant modern biotechnology is primarily associated with molecular biology cloning and genetic engineering not only to increase the yield and to improve the quality of the crop but also its potential impact has touched upon virtually all domains of human interactions. Within the last 50 years several key scientific discoveries revolutionized the biological sciences that facilitated the rapid growth of the biotechnology industry. 'Biotechnology and Biological Sciences III' contains the contributions presented at the 3rd International Conference on Biotechnology and Biological Sciences (BIOSPECTRUM 2019 Kolkata India 8-10 August 2019). The papers discuss various aspects of Biotechnology such as: microbial biotechnology bioinformatics and drug designing innovations in pharmaceutical industries and food processing industries bioremediation nano-biotechnology and molecular-genetics and will be of interest to academics and professionals involved or interested in these subject areas. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367431617

Biotechnology and Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Processing and Preservation In this unique book experts describe practices applicable to the large-scale processing of biotechnological products. Beginning with processing and bulk storage preservation techniques the book provides strategies for improving efficiency of process campaigns of multiple products and manufacturing facilities for such processing techniques. Large-scale chromatography for the purification of biomolecules in manufacturing and lyophilization of protein pharmaceuticals are discussed. Includes a case study on blow-fill-seal processing technology and a chapter on economic and cost factors for bioprocess engineering. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003076063

Biotechnology and CommunicationThe Meta-Technologies of Information This volume examines the convergence of biotechnology and communication systems and explores how this convergence directly influences our understanding of the nature of communication. Editor Sandra Braman brings together scholars to examine this convergence in three areas: genetic information and "facticity"; social issues and implications; and the economic and legal issues raised by the production and ownership of information. The work highlights the sophisticated processes taking place as biotechnology and information technology systems continue to evolve. The chapters in this book approach the complex history of this topic and the issues it raises from a number of directions. It begins by examining the shared features and spaces of biotechnology and digital information technologies as meta-technologies--qualitatively distinct from both the tools first used in the premodern era and the industrial technologies that characterized modernity. Next the book explores what is and is not useful in treating the types of information processed by the two meta-technologies through a shared conceptual lens and looks at issues raised by the ownership of genetic and digital information. The final chapters are concerned with relationships between information and power. Defining a future research agenda for communication scholarship this work is beneficial to scholars and students in science communication cultural studies information technologies and sociology. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415646086

Biotechnology And Safety Assessment This updated text explains how advances in mammalian and plant genetics contribute to better therapeutics agents and more wholesome foods. It addresses such topics as new pharmaceutical agents agribiotechnology safety evaluation of biotechnology-derived drugs food safety nutritional science and regulatory and environmental aspects of genetically-modified organisms. New to this edition are chapters on biotherapeutics and herbicide-resistant crops. It should be of interest to biotechnology toxicologists pharmaceutical scientists environmental scientists and agriculturists. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367455743

Biotechnology and the Challenge of PropertyProperty Rights in Dead Bodies Body Parts and Genetic Information Biotechnology and the Challenge of Property addresses the question of how the advancement of property law is capable of controlling the interests generated by the engineering of human tissues. Through a comparative consideration of non-Western societies and industrialized cultures this book addresses the impact of modern biotechnology and its legal accommodation on the customary conduct and traditional beliefs which shape the lives of different communities. Nwabueze provides an introduction to the legal regulation of the evolving uses of human tissues and its implications for traditional knowledge beliefs and cultures. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138271449

Biotechnology and the Integrity of LifeTaking Public Fears Seriously There are things that can be done and are done to life on earth (whether it be human animal or plant life) which even if they do not involve or produce any suffering are still considered morally wrong by a large proportion of the public. Such things include changing the nature of living beings by means of genetic engineering in order to enhance their health or more likely with animals and plants their utility or impairing their ability to live autonomously or unduly instrumentalizing them. Yet many scientists are puzzled about the unwillingness of the public to feel much enthusiasm about a technology that in their view promises great benefits to humans and does not seem to cause more harm to animals than other practices which most of us do not question at all. In this book Michael Hauskeller takes public fears seriously and offers the idea of 'biological integrity' as a clarifying principle which can then be analyzed to show that seemingly irrational public concerns about genetic engineering are not so irrational after all and that a philosophically sound justification of those concerns can indeed be given. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138265448

Biotechnology And The New Agricultural Revolution Biotechnology and the New Agricultural Revolution examines the impact of the Green Revolution and biotechnological developments on agricultural institutions agribusiness and farmers. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367162795

Biotechnology for Biological Control of Pests and Vectors This book describes new strategies being used to combat disease agents and invertebrate pests. Outstanding experts from the United States Belgium China Guatemala Japan Philippines Singapore and Thailand have contributed chapters that cover the latest achievements in genetic engineering emphasizing the microbial and viral biological control agents that can provide environmentally safe economical control systems. Topics discussed include genetic engineering of Bacillus thuringiensis and B. sphaericus the development of insect resistance to microbial biocontrol agents engineering of baculoviruses and nematodes bioengineering of plants plant transformation by particle bombardment fusion of cultured insect cells new immunodiagnostic assays and control measures against parasitic human diseases and genetically engineered microbial agents for malaria control. The book also presents improved mass production procedures of microbial and viral biocontrol agents as well as regulatory and environmental aspects of genetically engineered biocontrol agents. Biotechnology for Biological Control of Pests and Vectors will provide a valuable reference for researchers and students of biological control microbiology virology and molecular biology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891200

Biotechnology for the Treatment of Hazardous Waste The development of biologically based processes for the treatment of hazardous inorganic and organic wastes is a multi-disciplinary effort requiring the consideration of a number of biological chemical and physical parameters as well as the effective teaming of biologists chemists engineers and regulatory agencies. This new text/reference bridges the disciplines in a unique way allowing an exchange of fundamental information to take place. The book begins with a description of the biological transformations of inorganic and organic compounds and a review of strategies that may be used for the treatment of hazardous wastes. It continues with a discussion of the physiological and engineering factors that must be considered for successful process development and concludes with a discussion of the regulations that have influenced biological waste treatment and environmental remediation. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367449643

Biotechnology Fundamentals A single source reference covering every aspect of biotechnology Biotechnology Fundamentals Second Edition breaks down the basic fundamentals of this discipline and highlights both conventional and modern approaches unique to the industry. In addition to recent advances and updates relevant to the first edition the revised work also covers ethics in biotechnology and discusses career possibilities in this growing field. The book begins with a basic introduction of biotechnology moves on to more complex topics and provides relevant examples along the way. Each chapter begins with a brief summary is illustrated by simple line diagrams pictures and tables and ends with a question session an assignment and field trip information. The author also discusses the connection between plant breeding cheese making in vitro fertilization alcohol fermentation and biotechnology. Comprised of 15 chapters this seminal work offers in-depth coverage of topics that include: Genes and Genomics Proteins and Proteomics Recombinant DNA Technology Microbial Biotechnology Agricultural Biotechnology Animal Biotechnology Environmental Biotechnology Medical Biotechnology Nanobiotechnology Product Development in Biotechnology Industrial Biotechnology Ethics in Biotechnology Careers in Biotechnology Laboratory Tutorials Biotechnology Fundamentals Second Edition provides a complete introduction of biotechnology to students taking biotechnology or life science courses and offers a detailed overview of the fundamentals to anyone in need of comprehensive information on the subject. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780815370048

Biotechnology Fundamentals Third Edition Written by an acclaimed expert Biotechnology Fundamentals Third Edition breaks down the fundamentals of this discipline and highlights both conventional and modern approaches unique to the industry. The revised work presents new information on forensic science bioinformatics synthetic biology biosimilars and regenerative medicine. In addition to recent advances and updates relevant to the previous edition the revised work also covers ethics in biotechnology and discusses career possibilities in this growing field. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138612082

Biotechnology in Agriculture and Food ProcessingOpportunities and Challenges An instructive and comprehensive overview of the use of biotechnology in agriculture and food production Biotechnology in Agriculture and Food Processing: Opportunities and Challenges discusses how biotechnology can improve the quality and productivity of agriculture and food products. It includes current topics such as GM foods enzymes and production of various types of food ingredients as well as basic ones such as the concept of biotechnology plant cell and tissue culture. Combining coverage of agriculture and food processing the book highlights the range of biotechnology applications from "farm to fork." The book begins with the fundamental concepts of the role of biotechnology and genomics in agriculture and food processing. Building on this it then focuses on specific applications of biotechnology in agriculture and includes chapters on plant cell and tissue culture techniques genetic transformation in crop improvement and the production of biofertilizers and biopesticides. The authors cover different aspects of biotechnology in food processing such as production of fermented foods functional foods enzymes in food processing production of polysaccharides production of sweeteners biocolors and bioflavors and genetically modified foods. They then examine the management of crop residues and by-products of agro-industries comprising mushroom production and value addition to agro-industrial wastes and residues. Biotechnology has been recognized as one of the key technologies for increasing economic growth. With chapters written by leading experts in this field the book provides a better understanding of how biotechnology applications can reduce production costs improve productivity and enhance product quality in the agro food processing sector. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138073265

Biotechnology in Industrial Waste Treatment and Bioremediation Biotechnology in Industrial Waste Treatment and Bioremediation addresses the increasingly important topic of waste treatment. Focusing on microbiological degradation of contaminants it offers a representative picture of the current status of environmental biotechnology and lays a solid foundation of the methods and applications of bioremediation. The expert presentations of case studies in this new book demonstrate successful treatment schemes and technologies meeting regulatory standards. These case studies represent an international cross-section of strategies for developing and implementing the evolving technologies of bioremediation. Biotechnology in Industrial Waste Treatment and Bioremediation examines the primary waste streams including air water soils and sediments and explores specific treatment methodologies for industrial and environmental contaminants. This broad and unique coverage allows treatment firms and regulatory authorities to determine and develop appropriate treatment strategies for site-specific problems of waste remediation. The observations and successful field applications compiled in Biotechnology in Industrial Waste Treatment and Bioremediation make it an excellent reference for understanding evaluating developing and operating efficient and cost-effective full-scale treatment systems. Media > Books > E-books CRC Press 9781003070153

Biotechnology in Medical Sciences As the field of medical biotechnology grows with new products and discoveries so does the need for a holistic view of biotechnology in medicine. Biotechnology in Medical Sciences fulfills that need by delivering a detailed overview of medical biotechnology as it relates to human diseases and epidemiology bacteriology and antibiotics virology and vaccines immunology and monoclonal antibodies recombinant DNA technology and therapeutic proteins stem cell technology tissue engineering molecular diagnostics and forensic science gene therapy synthetic biology and nanomedicine pharmacogenomics bioethics biobusiness and intellectual property rights and career opportunities. Organized to follow the chronology of major medical biotechnology research breakthroughs and events this first-of-its-kind text: Covers all aspects of medical biotechnology from labs to clinics and basic to advanced applications Describes historical perspectives and modern discoveries in medical biotechnology Explains how various biotechnology products are used to treat and prevent disease Discusses the tools and techniques currently employed in medical biotechnology Includes a bibliography at the end of each chapter to encourage further study Complete with colorful illustrations and examples Biotechnology in Medical Sciences provides a comprehensive yet accessible treatment of this growing field. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138076792

Biotechnology in Personal Care Divided into three expansive sections on biotechnological advances applications and research prospects this reference provides expert summaries of the state-of-the-science in personal care product development-clearly depicting the latest breakthroughs and practices in biotechnology for the formulation and increased safety of new personal care ingredients. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367391072

Biotechnology in Tall Fescue Improvement This one-of-a-kind publication focuses on the improvement of the feed value of tall fescue and further extension of its adaptability under various environmental stresses. This fascinating work comprehensively explains cell and tissue culture methods which are used to establish somatic cell cultures select among cells and regenerate plants with the genetic characteristics of the selected cells. This up-to-date volume includes information on cultural haploid plants from immature pollen grains. It also evaluates the plants under various environmental stresses to identify genotypes with superior characteristics. This book also features research data on somatic tissue culture methods and doubled haploids. Biotechnology in Tall Fescue Improvement is an indispensable resource and useful text for all those involved with agronomy plant physiology horticultural science crop science and botany. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891217

Biotechnology of Endophytic Fungi of Grasses This book considered the biological ecological toxicology and chemical aspects of research topics as they relate to endophytes of grasses. Several chapters reflect the very pragmatic applications of endophytes and endophyte-infected grasses. Other chapters offer future applications for endophytes and are therefore discussed from theoretical viewpoints. This book contains the collective writings of an international group of experts on fungal endophytes of grasses all of whom are directed toward understanding creating and exploiting the positive aspects of endophytes. With this book we are attempting to stimulate and facilitate future explorations of the grass endophytes. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781315891224

Biotechnology of Fungal Genes This volume focuses on filamentous fungi and highlights the advances of the past decade both in methodology and in the understanding of genomic organization and regulation of gene and pathway expression. The approaches and techniques of molecular biology enable us to ask and answer fundamental questions about many aspects of fungal biology and open the way to the directed manipulation of fungal genetics. Moreover this book describes the development and advancement of fungal genes and the ways in which these are being exploited in species of economic importance either in biotechnology or in biochemistry. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781578087877

Biotechnology of MicroorganismsDiversity Improvement and Application of Microbes for Food Processing Healthcare Environmental Safety an Microbial biotechnology is an important contributor to global business especially in agriculture the environment healthcare and the medical food and chemical industries. This volume provides an exciting interdisciplinary journey through the rapidly changing backdrop of invention in microbial biotechnology covering a range of topics including microbial properties and characterization cultivation and production strategies and applications in healthcare bioremediation nanotechnology and more. Key features: Explains the diverse aspects of and strategies for cultivation of microbial species Describes biodiversity and biotechnology of microbes Provides an understanding of microorganisms in bioremediation of pollutants Explores various applications of microbes in agriculture food health industry and the environment Considers production issues and applications of microbial secondary metabolites Underscores the importance of integrating genomics of microorganisms in ecological restoration of contaminated environments Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771887472

Biotechnology of Penaeid ShrimpsPerspectives on Physiology of Growth Reproduction and Disease Therapeutics The main objective of this book is to collect comprehensive information on various aspects of physiology and biotechnology focusing mainly on reproduction growth disease control and therapeutics of penaeid shrimps. The book covers fundamental aspects and few applied aspects of biotechnology concerning basic genomics and proteomics reproduction growth and disease control and therapeutics of shrimp. This information will be quite useful not only to the aqua-farmers/mariculture experts of the shrimp industry to augment quality shrimp production in captive condition but also to the faculties and students working in different organizations involved in teaching and research activities in shrimp biotechnology.Note: T&F does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India Pakistan Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367740733

Biotechnology of Plasma Proteins The fractionation of human blood plasma can be considered to be a mature industry with the basic technology alcohol fractionation dating back at least to the 1940s. Many of the products described in the current work have been approved biologics since the 1950s. The information gathered from the development of plasma proteins has proved vital to the development of recombinant therapeutic proteins. Discussing the role of plasma proteins in current biotechnology Biotechnology of Plasma Proteins describes the protein composition of human plasma the fractionation of plasma to obtain therapeutic proteins and the analysis of these products. It delineates the path from plasma products to recombinant products and highlights products from albumin intravenous immunoglobins and coagulation. It offers a comprehensive review of current techniques for the analysis of proteins including electrophoresis chromatography spectrophotometry mass spectrometry and updates not published since 1975. Key Topics Protein Composition of Plasma Proteomic methods for plasma protein analysis Plasma protein biomarkers Validation of biomarkers Assays for plasma biomarkers Methods for the Analysis of Protein Products Assay development and validation Electrophoresis Chromatography Immunoassay Mass spectrometry Raman spectroscopy Plasma Fractionation: Historical and Modern Methods Development of Cohn alcohol fractionation Industrial methods Development of chromatographic methods Plasma Protein Products of Therapeutic Value Albumin Intravenous immunoglobulin Coagulation products Growth factors Wound management Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439850268

Biotechnology OperationsPrinciples and Practices Second Edition This book describes seven areas in the field of biotechnology operations as practiced by biopharmaceutical firms and nonprofit institutions. Revisions focus upon changes that have occurred in several areas over the past six years with emphasis on regulatory biomanufacturing clinical and technical information along with processes and guidlines that have added to the discipline. Examples are increased for new technical fields such as cell and tissue engineering. Further illustrations or figures are added to each chapter to emphasize particular points. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498758796

Biotechnology to Enhance Sugarcane Productivity and Stress Tolerance Sugarcane is the most important plant source for sugar and alcohol production and is cultivated in more than 80 countries in tropical and subtropical areas. However environmental factors negatively influence its yield and jeopardize the prospect to meet the increasing demand for sugar other sugarcane derived by products and bioethanol. The development of stress tolerant plants is fundamental for the maintenance and increase of crop yields. Biotechnology to Enhance Sugarcane Productivity and Stress Tolerance provides a comprehensive account of both theoretical and practical aspects of sugarcane production. It contains extensive coverage of genome mapping and molecular breeding in sugarcane and presents the status of the elucidation and improvement of plant genomes of economic interest. Through 14 chapters written by eminent scientists with global influence this book examines various methods for sugarcane improvement through biotechnology. The book focuses on genetic and physical mapping positioning cloning and monitoring of desirable genes using biotechnological approaches for high sugarcane productivity and the development of stress tolerance. Additional information includes the bioengineering of sugarcane procedures to boost productivity genetics and assessments for resistance to drought and salinity genetics for high yields and various topics of research on sugarcane genetics. It serves as a detailed reference source for cane growers sugar and sugarcane technologists students and professors. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781498754651

Biotechnology: Recent Trends and Emerging Dimensions Biotechnology is a multidisciplinary field encompassing microbiology bichemistry genetics molecular biology chemistry immunology cell and tissue culture physiology. This book describes the recent developments in these areas. Current research topics such as Quorum sensing Integrons Phytomining are discussed which would serve as an excellent reference work for both academicians and researchers in the field. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367572631

BiotechnologyBetween Commerce and Civil Society "While other books have addressed isolated aspects of recent developments in the biomedical sciences Biotechnology: Between Commerce and Civil Society is the first book tgo engage with the full range of biotechnology's implications for social science and for society at large." -Professor Volker MejaNew scientific knowledge is no longer merely the key to unlocking the secrets of nature and society. It now represents the "becoming" of a new world. Scientific developments affect the ways in which we conduct our affairs as well as how we comprehend the changes underway as the result of novel technical artefacts and scientific knowledge. The practical fruits of biotechnology are a case in point; they have grasped our imaginations and generated worldwide debate and concern. Debates on biotechnology shift between images of utopia and dystopia. The social sciences deserve a voice in the debate and can do so through sober examination of the economic social and cultural implications of biotechnology. Some economists even predict that the importance of biotechnology as the technology of the future will far exceed that of the information technologies in particular the Internet. The contributors to this volume are drawn from a broad spectrum of the social sciences and include Nico Stehr Gene Rosa Steve Fuller Steve Best and Douglas Kellner Nikolas Rose Fred Buttel Javier Lezaun Anne Kerr Susanna Hornig Priest and Toby Ten Eyck Martin Schulte Alexander Somek Steven P. Vallas Daniel Lee Kleinman Abby Kinchy and Raul Necochea Herbert Gottweis J. Rogers Hollingsworth Gysli Pblsson Elizabeth Ettore Richard Hindmarch and Reiner Grundmann. The impact of science on society is destined to be a fundamental concern in the new century. This volume illustrates the contributions anthropology law political science and sociology can make to the ongoing discussions about the role of biotechnology in modern societies. Nico Stehr is senior research associate Institut for Technikfolgenabschotzung Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe and Institut for Kostenforschung GKSS Germany. He also is a fellow in the Center for Advanced Cultural Studies in Essen Germany editor of the Canadian Journal of Sociology and a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Among his recent books are Werner Sombart: Economic Life in the Modern Age (with Reiner Grundmann published by Transaction); The Fragility of Modern Societies: Knowledge and Risk in the Information Age; Knowledge and Economic Conduct: The Social Foundations of the Modern Economy; and Wissenspolitik: Die ?berwachung des Wissens. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138507708

BiotechnologyQuality Assurance and Validation Biotechnology: Quality Assurance and Validation provides a practical detailed discussion of what issues Quality Assurance and Quality Control need to identify for effective control in the preparation of biotechnology products. The book presents a series of topics that define some of the unique challenges facing biotechnology companies in producing biopharmaceutical products. The topics selected address quality and validation issues starting with the cryopreservation of cell lines through the filling and finishing of the product. It includes a validation guide a clear presentation of how to use filtration effectively a synoptic view of cleaning procedures and much more. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367400255

BiotechnologySecondary Metabolites This book provides new information relating recent advances made in the field of plant secondary products. Besides the updation of chapters this edition also includes chapters on secondary metabolites of microorganisms (fungi and lichen). Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367453237

Biotechnologythe Science the Products the Government the Business The over-riding premise for biotechnology in this book is bringing novel products to market to substantially advance patient care and disease mitigation. Biotechnology over its relatively brief existence of 40 years has experienced a mercurial growth. The vast educational need for biotechnology information in this rapidly burgeoning field is a basic rationale here. However a more prominent underpinning is that bringing biotech products to market for patient care involves success in the following four areas of engagement simultaneously - scientific advances for healthcare technologies novel and varied products for untreated diseases regulatory authorities and biotech companies. Features Comprehensive coverage of biotechnology science topics used in development and manufacturing Addresses all the scientific technologies within biotechnology responsible for products on the market and the pipeline Presents business issues such as marketing and sales of the products as well as companies engaged and how biotech business has evolved Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367024673

Bioterrorism and Food Safety Written by specialists in the fields of food bioterrorism and industry preparedness Bioterrorism and Food Safety focuses on developing rational and implementable food security strategies and plans. It integrates food safety issues technological developments in traceability and legal analysis of current and pending regulations with good business practices and then relates these elements to the development of effective and workable food security programs for food businesses. The text covers the biological and chemical risks associated with the intentional contamination of food and discusses underlying legal issues regulatory compliance and cost/benefit analysis. It also provides implementation strategies to reduce food security risks discusses advances in traceability and suggests ways to reduce the risk of intentional contamination and improve consumer confidence in the safety of the food supply. With its clear presentation of current hazards safety guidelines and security measures this comprehensive work introduces practicing professionals throughout the food industry and those charged with the responsibility of terrorism prevention to workable strategies that address address safety risks associated with all facets of food production storage and delivery. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367393366

Bioterrorism: The History of a Crisis in American Society2 Volume Set Although at the start of the 21st century bioterrorism was newly feared by the public at large it is one threat that institutions have attempted to anticipate for years. Originally published in 2003 and now with a new introduction this unique 2-volume collection provides a multi-disciplinary resource on the challenges bioterrorism poses for American society and institutions from both legal and political institutions on one hand to public health and medical institutions on the other. Volume one documents and analyses the challenge bioterrorism poses to these political economic and legal institutions putting bioterrorism into its historical context as a problem discussed and anticipated by government for decades. Volume two documents the challenges bioterrorism poses to public health and public policy as a weapon of disease and fear. The materials in these volumes provide case histories and discourse by specialists relating to the ways that the bioterrorism threat has been perceived and approached by US health and law institutions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367642594

Bioterrorism: The History of a Crisis in American SocietyEpidemics Bioweapons and Policy History Originally published in 2003 and now reissued with a new introduction this collection provides an invaluable academic resource on the challenges bioterrorism posed for American society and institutions. Critically selected essays from a wide range of disciplines document and analyze the problems and implications for political economic and legal institutions as well as the challenges a weapon of disease and fear can impose on public health and public policy. By placing bioterrorism into its historical context this collection also traces the academic research and historical decisions that have contributed to the formation of American policies attempting to cope with a potentially catastrophic attack on the population in general and urban population in particular. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367642310

Bioterrorism: The History of a Crisis in American SocietyPublic Health Law Enforcement and Minority Issues Originally published in 2003 and now reissued with a new introduction this collection provides an invaluable academic resource on the challenges bioterrorism posed for American society and institutions. Critically selected essays from a wide range of disciplines document and analyze the problems and implications for political economic and legal institutions as well as the challenges a weapon of disease and fear can impose on public health and public policy. By placing bioterrorism into its historical context this collection also traces the academic research and historical decisions that have contributed to the formation of American policies attempting to cope with a potentially catastrophic attack on the population in general and urban population in particular. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367642495

BioterrorismA Guide for Facility Managers In the current climate of terrorism the facility manager is in a more critical position than ever before. Protecting the organization's building and its occupants from chemical biological and radiological (CBR) attacks that are designed to disrupt and/or destroy business operation is becoming an increasingly important priority for facility managers using practice management. Bioterrorism: A Guide for Facility Managers provides a rationale for systematically identifying and evaluating the key areas of practice management. The book is unique in scope focusing upon the awareness of terrorist threat. It addresses CBR attacks as well as other forms of terrorism concerns such as mailroom security bomb threats etc. along with the necessary steps for prevention how to assess vulnerability how to improve emergency preparedness and how to assure optimum response and recovery in the event of an attack. It also presents examples of "lessons learned" and mistakes to avoid. By focusing on practice management the text turns the challenges of facility management into opportunities for the facility manager. These opportunities are manifested in an enhanced productivity that aligns itself with ensuring the safety of building employees occupants and tenants as well as with business operations. Media > Books > E-books Fairmont Press 9781003151050

BiotheoryLife and Death under Capitalism Forged at the intersection of intense interest in the pertinence and uses of biopolitics and biopower this volume analyzes theoretical and practical paradigms for understanding and challenging the socioeconomic determinations of life and death in contemporary capitalism. Its contributors offer a series of trenchant interdisciplinary critiques each one taking on both the specific dimensions of biopolitics and the deeper genealogies of cultural logic and structure that crucially inform its impress. New ways to think about biopolitics as an explanatory model are offered and the subject of bios (life ways of life) itself is taken into innovative theoretical possibilities. On the one hand biopolitics is addressed in terms of its contributions to forms and divisions of knowledge; on the other its capacity for reformulation is assessed before the most pressing concerns of contemporary living. It is a must read for anyone concerned with the study of bios in its theoretical profusions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367416119

BiothermodynamicsPrinciples and Applications Over the past several decades there has been increasing research interest in thermodynamics as applied to biological systems. This concerns topics such as muscle work and internal energy such as fat and starch. Applications of the first and second laws of thermodynamics to the human body are important to dieticians and health science experts and applications of these concepts to the animal body are a major concern of animal scientists. This book covers these key topics which are typically not covered in classic or traditional thermodynamics texts used in mechanical and chemical engineering. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367868123

BiothermodynamicsThe Role of Thermodynamics in Biochemical Engineering This book covers the fundamentals of the rapidly growing field of biothermodynamics showing how thermodynamics can best be applied to applications and processes in biochemical engineering. It describes the rigorous application of thermodynamics in biochemical engineering to rationalize bioprocess development and obviate a substantial fraction of t Media > Books > E-books EFPL Press 9780429166594

Biotic Stress Management in RiceMolecular Approaches This book Biotic Stress Management in Rice: Molecular Approaches addresses biotic stress of rice and its management through molecular approaches. It focuses on the biotechnological aspects of rice with the aim of reducing the fungicide and insecticides and ultimately ensuring safety of rice as a food as well as the environment. Rice is an important crop in much of the Asia-Pacific region and there are a number of threats to rice production including fungal viral and bacterial diseases and insect pests both in temperate and tropical countries which can cause the significant economic loss. Remarkable efforts are being made by scientists and breeders to raise rice productivity and safety by modifying and manipulating rice plants to survive under different types of stresses. The book provides an understanding of the genetic basis of resistance and susceptibility and goes on to present studies directed to understand the host-plant interaction in rice that have given rise to specialized breeding programs for resistance to diseases and insect-pests. In addition to these advancements in molecular breeding marker-assisted selection and transgenic approaches open new ways to increase resistance in rice for better production under several biotic stresses. This book covers the most recent advancements and research strategies of molecular breeding transgenic approaches and other tools for effective biotic stress management in rice. This book should find a prominent place on the shelves of new plant breeders biotechnologists plant pathologists and entomologists working in academic and commercial rice research programs and in the libraries of research establishments. Media > Books > Print Books Apple Academic Press 9781771885256

Biotic Type Antioxidants: the prospective search area for novel chemical drugs The discovery of molecular and cellular mechanisms of pathology together with the present data on drug treatment result in enhanced drug design and testing. The known mechanisms of biological activity as displayed by ascorbic acid and other natural reductones are the reason that they are considered to be physiologically compatible antioxidants many of which are trace elements in food. The pharmacological potential of natural antioxidants may be enhanced by chemical modification. Biotic antioxidants possess an important potential to be a reliable basis of the development of new multipurpose drugs within the framework of existing technological structures. This book shows approaches for possible use of these natural antioxidants. In particular such an approach is described for the case of the design of superoxide dismutase models with anti-tumour activity. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315138466

Biotransformations and Bioprocesses From the laboratory to full-scale commercial production this reference provides a clear and in-depth analysis of bioreactor design and operation and encompasses critical aspects of the biocatalytic manufacturing process. It clarifies principles in reaction and biochemical engineering synthetic and biotransformation chemistry and biocell and enzyme kinetics for successful applications of biocatalysis and bioprocess technologies in the food chiral drug vitamin pharmaceutical and animal feed industries. Studying reactions from small to supramolecules this reference provides an abundant supply of end-of-chapter problems to sharpen understanding of key concepts presented in the text. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367394431

Biotreatment of Agricultural Wastewater Biotreatment of Agricultural Wastewater is based on a symposium held in Lake Arrowhead California in 1986 supported by a coalition of federal state and local agencies and sponsored by the engineering firm of Swanson/Oswald Associates (Lafayette California) and the research and development firms of Aquasearch Inc. and EcoTechnology Corp. (La Jolla California).This book is a synopsis of topics covered by world renowned experts on the biology and aquaculture of algae and bacteria and on the engineering of industrial scale systems for biological wastewater treatment and economists that were gathered to evaluate historically proven systems and develop new and innovative approaches to the biological treatment of agriculture wastewater. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367572600

Biovalorisation of Liquid and Gaseous Effluents of Oil Refinery and Petrochemical Industry A bidirectional approach of detoxifying the liquid and gaseous effluents of oil refineries is elucidated in this thesis. Liquid effluents of oil refineries contain selenium oxyanions and phenol while gaseous effluents contain CO/syngas. To remove the phenol and simultaneously reduce the selenite oxyanions a fungal-bacterial co-culture of Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Delftia lacustris was developed. Two modes of co-cultures of the fungus and the bacterium were developed. Both cultures were investigated for phenol degradation and selenite reduction. In order to valorize the CO/syngas by bioconversion techniques. an anaerobic methanogenic sludge was acclimatized to use CO as the sole carbon substrate to produce acetic acid butyric acid and hexanoic acid. Later the acids were metabolized at lower pH producing alcohols ethanol butanol and hexanol confirming the successful enrichment strategy. The next experiment focused on the absence of the trace element tungsten and consecutively selenium on the previously CO acclimatized sludge under the same operating conditions. An in-situ synthesized co-polymeric gel of N-ter-butyl-acrylamide and acrylic acid was used to recover ethanol propanol and butanol from a synthetic fermentation broth. The scope of repeated use of the gel for alcohol recovery was investigated and 98% alcohol was recovered. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367618308

Biowaste and Biological Waste Treatment With growing public pressure and increasingly stringent environmental legislation the waste industry is now being called upon to develop more sustainable methods of dealing with refuse. Coupled with moves to reduce reliance on landfill as a disposal route biological treatment will increasingly become adopted as a standard requirement for the vast majority of putrescible wastes. Biowaste and Biological Waste Treatment examines the present and likely future state of biological waste treatment. The book falls naturally into three parts. The first covers the nature of biowaste waste treatment in general and the regulatory framework which governs it. The second looks at the technologies and approaches available while the final part examines the various policy questions and local social and economic factors which affect the implementation of biowaste initiatives. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315074368

Bipartisanship And The Making Of Foreign PolicyA Historical Survey This book examines the various meanings and reviews the history of bipartisan foreign policymaking since World War II presenting documents relating to bipartisan foreign policy and discussing legislative-executive consultation on foreign policy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367166007

Bipolar DisorderA Clinician's Guide to Treatment Management First published in 2009. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138881709

Bipolar DisorderThe Science of Mental Health There has been a revolution in our understanding of mental illness and its effect on society. The science of mental illness has made enormous strides based on the just-completed "decade of the brain" and is poised to make quantum progress again based on the completion of the Human Genome Project. These and other developments are covered in this new multi-volume set which brings together in one in-depth collection the most significant recent scholarship on mental and addictive disorders. The volumes are organized to provide cutting-edge views of the epidemiology genetics evolutionary perspectives and brain and behavioral science of mental illness as well as selected papers on treatment. The papers are selected from leading journals in the US and worldwide based on their significance and on the need to provide a balanced perspective. The collection offers a comprehensive and up-to-date overview and includes introductions that make the technical aspects of the papers accessible.First Published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315054308

Bipolar Puzzle SolutionA Mental Health Client's Perspective First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9781138179899

Biracial Women in TherapyBetween the Rock of Gender and the Hard Place of Race Get a unique perspective on the female biracial experience! Biracial Women in Therapy: Between the Rock of Gender and the Hard Place of Race examines how physical appearance cultural knowledge and cultural stereotypes affect the experience of mixed-race women in belonging to and being accepted within their cultures. This unique book combines empirical research theoretical papers and first-person narrative to address issues relevant to providing therapy to biracial women and girls helping therapists and counselors develop a treatment framework based on sociocultural factors. Researchers practitioners and academics provide insight into the biracial reality taking multiple aspects of clients' lives into account rather than looking for simple hierarchies of well-being based on race. Biracial Women in Therapy is a building block for mental health practitioners in the construction of theory and practice in working with biracial females. The book examines how a biracial women's racial/ethnic identity intersects with her gender and sexual identity to affect her sense of belonging and acceptance addressing issues of appearance social class disability power and guilt and dating and marriage. Topics addressed in the book include: the complexities of multiple minority status how ethnic differences affect biracial adolescents issues encountered by biracial women from a sociohistorical context biracial women's attitudes toward counseling stereotypes of marginalization and identity confusion a multicultural feminist approach to counseling and a first-person narrative of one author's racial and sexual identity development Biracial Women in Therapy: Between the Rock of Gender and the Hard Place of Race is a one-of-a-kind resource for counselors therapists researchers and academics seeking insight into unique issues of mixed-race women. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315785752

Birds and Other Creatures in Renaissance LiteratureShakespeare Descartes and Animal Studies This book explores how humans in the Renaissance lived with attended to and considered the minds feelings and sociality of other creatures. It examines how Renaissance literature and natural history display an unequal creaturely world: all creatures were categorized hierarchically. However post-Cartesian readings of Shakespeare and other Renaissance literature have misunderstood Renaissance hierarchical creaturely relations including human relations. Using critical animal studies work and new materialist theory Bach argues that attending closely to creatures and objects in texts by Shakespeare and other writers exposes this unequal world and the use and abuse of creatures including people. The book also adds significantly to animal studies by showing how central bird sociality and voices were to Renaissance human culture with many believing that birds were superior to some humans in song caregiving and companionship. Bach shows how Descartes a central figure in the transition to modern ideas about creatures lived isolated from humans and other creatures and denied ancient knowledge about other creatures’ minds especially bird minds. As significantly Bach shows how and why Descartes’ ideas appealed to human grandiosity. Asking how Renaissance categorizations of creatures differ so much from modern classifications and why those modern classifications have shaped so much animal studies work this book offers significant new readings of Shakespeare’s and other Renaissance texts. It will contribute to a range of fields including Renaissance literature history animal studies new materialism and the environmental humanities. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367667641

Bird's Basic Engineering Mathematics Now in its eighth edition Bird’s Basic Engineering Mathematics has helped thousands of students to succeed in their exams. Mathematical theories are explained in a straightforward manner supported by practical engineering examples and applications to ensure that readers can relate theory to practice. Some 1 000 engineering situations/problems have been ‘flagged-up’ to help demonstrate that engineering cannot be fully understood without a good knowledge of mathematics. The extensive and thorough coverage makes this a great text for introductory level engineering courses – such as for aeronautical construction electrical electronic mechanical manufacturing engineering and vehicle technology – including for BTEC First National and Diploma syllabuses City & Guilds Technician Certificate and Diploma syllabuses and even for GCSE revision. Its companion website provides extra materials for students and lecturers including full solutions for all 1 700 further questions lists of essential formulae multiple choice tests and illustrations as well as full solutions to revision tests for course instructors. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367643676

Bird's Comprehensive Engineering Mathematics Studying engineering whether it is mechanical electrical or civil relies heavily on an understanding of mathematics. This textbook clearly demonstrates the relevance of mathematical principles and shows how to apply them in real-life engineering problems. It deliberately starts at an elementary level so that students who are starting from a low knowledge base will be able to quickly get up to the level required. Students who have not studied mathematics for some time will find this an excellent refresher. Each chapter starts with the basics before gently increasing in complexity. A full outline of essential definitions formulae laws and procedures is presented before real world practical situations and problem solving demonstrate how the theory is applied. Focusing on learning through practice it contains simple explanations supported by 1600 worked problems and over 3600 further problems contained within 384 exercises throughout the text. In addition 35 Revision tests together with 9 Multiple-choice tests are included at regular intervals for further strengthening of knowledge. An interactive companion website provides material for students and lecturers including detailed solutions to all 3600 further problems. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815378143

Birds in the Ancient World from A to Z Birds in the Ancient World from A to Z gathers together the ancient information available listing all the names that ancient Greeks gave their birds and all their descriptions and analyses. W. Geoffrey Arnott identifies as many of them as possible in the light of modern ornithological studies. The ancient Greek bird names are transliterated into English script and all that the ancients said about birds is presented in English. This book is accordingly the first complete discussion of ancient bird names that will be accessible to readers without ancient Greek. The only large-scale examination of ancient birds for seventy years the book has an exhaustive bibliography (partly classical scholarship and partly ornithological) to encourage further study and provides students and ornithologists with the definitive study of ancient birds. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415540889

Birmingham and Midland Hardware District First Published in 1967. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138987876

Birth and DeathExperience Ethics Politics Usually conceived in opposition to each other – birth as a hopeful beginning death as an ending – this book brings them into dialogue with each other to argue that both are central to our experiences of being in the world and part of living. Written by two authors this book takes an intergenerational approach to highlight the connections and disconnections between birth and death; adopting a relational approach allows the book to explore birth and death through the key relationships that constitute them: personal and social private and public the affective and social norms the actual and the virtual and the ordinary and profound. Of interest to academics and students in the fields of feminism phenomenology and the life course the book will also be of relevance to policy makers in the areas of birth activism and end of life care. Drawing from personal stories everyday life and publicly contested examples the book will also be of interest to a more general readership as it engages with questions we all at some point will grapple with. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815380689

Birth Control in China 1949-2000Population Policy and Demographic Development This comprehensive volume analyzes Chinese birth policies and population developments from the founding of the People's Republic to the 2000 census. The main emphasis is on China's 'Hardship Number One Under Heaven': the highly controversial one-child campaign and the violent clash between family strategies and government policies it entails.Birth Control in China 1949-2000 documents an agonizing search for a way out of predicament and a protracted inner Party struggle a massive effort for social engineering and grinding problems of implementation. It reveals how birth control in China is shaped by political economic and social interests bureaucratic structures and financial concerns. Based on own interviews and a wealth of new statistics surveys and documents Thomas Scharping also analyzes how the demographics of China have changed due to birth control policies and what the future is likely to hold. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of modern China Asian studies and the social sciences. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138176829

Birth Control in China 1949-2000Population Policy and Demographic Development This comprehensive volume analyses Chinese birth policies and population developments from the founding of the People's Republic to the 2000 census. The main emphasis is on China's 'Hardship Number One Under Heaven': the highly controversial one-child campaign and the violent clash between family strategies and government policies it entails.Birth Control in China 1949-2000 documents an agonizing search for a way out of predicament and a protracted inner Party struggle a massive effort for social engineering and grinding problems of implementation. It reveals how birth control in China is shaped by political economic and social interests bureaucratic structures and financial concerns. Based on own interviews and a wealth of new statistics surveys and documents Thomas Scharping also analyses how the demographics of China have changed due to birth control policies and what the future is likely to hold. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of Modern China Asian studies and the social sciences. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315027777

Birth in BuddhismThe Suffering Fetus and Female Freedom Recent decades have seen a groundswell in the Buddhist world a transnational agitation for better opportunities for Buddhist women. Many of the main players in the transnational nuns movement self-identify as feminists but other participants in this movement may not know or use the language of feminism. In fact many ordained Buddhist women say they seek higher ordination so that they might be better Buddhist practitioners not for the sake of gender equality.Eschewing the backward projection of secular liberal feminist categories this book describes the basic features of the Buddhist discourse of the female body held more or less in common across sectarian lines and still pertinent to ordained Buddhist women today. The textual focus of the study is an early-first-millennium Sanskrit Buddhist work "Descent into the Womb scripture" or GarbhÄvakrÄnti-sÅ«tra. Drawing out the implications of this text the author offers innovative arguments about the significance of childbirth and fertility in Buddhism namely that birth is a master metaphor in Indian Buddhism; that Buddhist gender constructions are centrally shaped by Buddhist birth discourse; and that by undermining the religious importance of female fertility the Buddhist construction of an inauspicious chronically impure and disgusting femininity constituted a portal to a new liberated feminine life for Buddhist monastic women. Thus this study of the Buddhist discourse of birth is also a genealogy of gender in middle period Indian Buddhism. Offering a new critical perspective on the issues of gender bodies and suffering this book will be of interest to an interdisciplinary audience including researchers in the field of Buddhism South Asian history and religion gender and religion theory and method in the study of religion and Buddhist medicine. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367890018

Birth of a Colonial CityCalcutta Long before Calcutta was ‘discovered’ by Job Charnock it thrived by the Hugli since times immemorial. This book and its companion Colonial Calcutta is a biographical account of the when the how and the what of a global city and its emergence under colonial rule in the 1800s.Ranjit Sen traces the story of how three clustered villages became the hub of the British Empire and a centre of colonial imagination. He examines the historical and geopolitical factors that were significant in securing its prominence and its subsequent urbanization which was a colonial experience without an antecedent. Further it sheds light on Calcutta’s early search for identity — how it superseded interior towns and flourished as the seat of power for its hinterland; developed its early institutions while its municipal administration slowly burgeoned. A sharp analysis of the colonial enterprise this volume lays bare the underbelly of the British Raj. It will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of modern history South Asian history urban studies British Studies and area studies.  Media > Books > Print Books Routledge India 9780367731557

Birth Of A WorldviewEarly Christianity In Its Jewish And Pagan Context This book explores how early Christian intellectuals expressed their understanding of the cosmos. It reviews the role of women documentation of the vitality and influence of Jewish intellectual thought and the continuing impact of Greek intellectual thought during Christianity's formative years. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367161668

Birth of the European IndividualLaw Security Economy This book examines the birth of the European individual as a juridical problem focusing on legal case dossiers from the European Court of Justice as an electrifying laboratory for the study of law and society. Foucault’s story of the modern subject constitutes the book’s main theoretical inspiration as it considers the encounter between legal and other practices within a more general field of juridical power: a network of active relations between different social spheres. Through the analysis of delinquent individuals – each expelled from one of the Member States – the raw material for constructing the idea of the European individual is uncovered. The European individual it is argued emerged out of the intersection of regimes of law security and economy and its practices of knowledge-power. Birth of the European Individual: Law Security Economy will be of interest to those studying the individual in law as well as anyone considering the relationships between power and the individual. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138377530

Birth Without DoctorsConversations with traditional midwives Most women giving birth in rural communities throughout the Third World cannot enjoy the ''benefits'' of modern medical assistance. They are usually too expensive and too far away. This book is the result of journeys and conversations between the author traditional midwives and mothers which took place over several years in Malaysia and Indonesia. It describes traditional birthing practices and the communities in which they have arisen. For normal births the safety record is impressive but so too is the reassurance of ritual and the incorporation of birthing into family and society. It is interesting to discover that many practices are based not only on religious understandings but also on sound herbal medical precautions. The book's point is not merely to demonstrate the skill of the traditional midwives nor even to challenge what seems to be the medical view that pregnancy is an illness but to give an insight into worlds where ''barefoot'' midwifery is the norm. Originally published in 1991 Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846264

Birthing AutonomyWomen's Experiences of Planning Home Births Birthing Autonomy brings some balance to the difficult arguments that arise from debates about home births and focuses on women’s views and their experiences of planning home births. It provides an in-depth exploration of how women make decisions about home births and what aspects matter most to them. Comparing how differently the pros and cons of home births are constructed and contemplated by mothers and by the medical profession the book looks at how current obstetric thinking and practices can disempower and harm women emotionally and spiritually as well as physically. Written in an accessible style this book is enlightening for student and practicing midwives and obstetricians as well as researchers and students of nursing medical sociology health studies gender studies feminist practitioners and theorists. It will also be invaluable to expectant mothers who want to be more informed about the choices they are facing and the wider context within which their birth options are considered. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203000830

Birthing Bodies in Early Modern FranceStories of Gender and Reproduction The pregnant birthing and nurturing body is a recurring topos in early modern French literature. Such bodies often metaphors for issues and anxieties obtaining to the gendered control of social and political institutions acquired much of their descriptive power from contemporaneous medical and scientific discourse. In this study Kirk Read brings together literary and medical texts that represent a range of views from lyric poets satirists and polemicists to midwives and surgeons all of whom explore the popular sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century narratives of birth in France. Although the rhetoric of birthing was widely used strategies and negotiations depended upon sex and gender; this study considers the male female and hermaphroditic experience offering both an analysis of women's experiences to be sure but also opening onto the perspectives of non-female birthers and their place in the social and political climate of early modern France. The writers explored include Rabelais Madeleine and Catherine Des Roches Louise Boursier Pierre de Ronsard Pierre Boaistuau and Jacques Duval. Read also explores the implications of the metaphorical use of reproduction such as the presentation of literary work as offspring and the poet/mentor relationship as that of a suckling child. Foregrounded in the study are the questions of what it means for women to embrace biological and literary reproduction and how male appropriation of the birthing body influences the mission of creating new literary traditions. Furthermore by exploring the cases of indeterminate birthing entities and the social anxiety that informs them Read complicates the binarisms at work in the vexed terrain of sexuality sex and gender in this period. Ultimately Read considers how the narrative of birth produces historical conceptions of identity authority and gender. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138262027

Birthing JusticeBlack Women Pregnancy and Childbirth There is a global crisis in maternal health care for black women. In the United States black women are over three times more likely to perish from pregnancy-related complications than white women; their babies are half as likely to survive the first year. Many black women experience policing coercion and disempowerment during pregnancy and childbirth and are disconnected from alternative birthing traditions. This book places black women's voices at the center of the debate on what should be done to fix the broken maternity system and foregrounds black women's agency in the emerging birth justice movement. Mixing scholarly activist and personal perspectives the book shows readers how they too can change lives one birth at a time. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138191457

Birthing Models on the Human Rights FrontierSpeaking Truth to Power This book addresses the politics of global health and social justice issues around birth focusing on dynamic communities that have chosen to speak truth to power by reforming dysfunctional health care systems or creating new ones outside the box. The chapters present models of childbirth at extreme ends of a spectrum—from the conflict zones and disaster areas of Afghanistan Israel Palestine and Indonesia to high-risk tertiary care settings in China Canada Australia and Turkey. Debunking notions about best care the volume illustrates how human rights in health care are on a collision course with global capitalism and offers a number of specific solutions to this ever-increasing problem. This volume will be a valuable resource for scholars and students in anthropology sociology health and midwifery as well as for practitioners policy makers and organizations focused on birth or on social activism in any arena. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367357924

Birthing Outside the SystemThe Canary in the Coal Mine This book investigates why women choose ‘birth outside the system’ and makes connections between women’s right to choose where they birth and violations of human rights within maternity care systems. Choosing to birth at home can force women out of mainstream maternity care despite research supporting the safety of this option for low-risk women attended by midwives. When homebirth is not supported as a birthplace option women will defy mainstream medical advice and if a midwife is not available choose either an unregulated careprovider or birth without assistance. This book examines the circumstances and drivers behind why women nevertheless choose homebirth by bringing legal and ethical perspectives together with the latest research on high-risk homebirth (breech and twin births) freebirth birth with unregulated careproviders and the oppression of midwives who support unorthodox choices. Stories from women who have pursued alternatives in Australia Europe Russia the UK the US Canada the Middle East and India are woven through the research. Insight and practical strategies are shared by doctors midwives lawyers anthropologists sociologists and psychologists on how to manage the tension between professional obligations and women’s right to bodily autonomy. This book the first of its kind is an important contribution to considerations of place of birth and human rights in childbirth. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138592704

Birthmarks of EuropeThe Origins of the European Community Reconsidered By studying the negotiations which led to the conclusion of the original Treaty of Rome and the creation of the European Economic Community this informative book based on recently released archival sources analyses the Franco-German bargain which shaped the Community's initial framework and policies. This is not just another book about Franco-German relations and the founding of the European Union. It presents a new theoretical framework which relates the founding of the European Community to its later development. An attempt to apply the ideational framework of the original Community to later developments such as the single market and the Treaty on European Union finds that the Union is still shaped by many of the ideas of the founding fathers. Birthmarks of Europe will be useful to teachers and students of the history and politics of the European Union as well as to those studying the dynamics of the development of other regional integration networks. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815387824

BirthrightsLaw and Ethics at the Beginnings of Life First published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138445635

Births and PowerSocial Change and the Politics of Reproduction This book challenges orthodox public perspectives on reproduction. It relies on participant observation field censuses interviews and use of official demographic epidemiological and health statistics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367013257

Birth-Throes of the Israeli HomelandThe Concept of Moledet The book brings forth various perspectives on the Israeli "homeland" (moledet) from various known Israeli intellectuals such as Boaz Evron Menachem Brinker Jacqueline Kahanoff and more. Binding together various academic fields to deal with the question of the essence of the Israeli homeland: from the examination of the status of the Israeli homeland by such known sociologist as Michael Feige to the historical analysis of Robert Wistrich of the place Israel occupies in history in relation to historical antisemitism. The study also examines various movements that bear significant importance on the development of the notion of the Israeli homeland in Israeli society: Such movement as "The New Hebrews" and Hebrewism are examined both historically in relation to their place in Zionist history and ideologically in comparison with other prominent movements. Drawing on the work of Jacqueline Kahanoff to provide a unique Mediterranean model for the Israeli homeland the volume examines prominent models among the Religious Zionist sector of Israeli society regarding the relation of the biblical homeland to the actual homeland of our times. Discussing the various interpretations of the concept of the nation and its land in the discourse of Hebrew and Israeli identity the book is a key resource for scholars interested in nationalism philosophy modern Jewish history and Israeli Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367898694

Bisexual and Gay HusbandsTheir Stories Their Words What happens when married men face their gay/bisexual needs?This astonishing volume offers an intimate look into the lives and thoughts of bisexual men. Already married to women these men are undeniably attracted to other men. Their struggle with conflicting needs desires and loyalties is not filtered through theories or evoked in brief interviews. It comes straight from their own keyboards. The stories told in Bisexual and Gay Husbands are taken from an Internet mailing list which allows people to speak freely and in anonymity yet also encourages the development of a tightly knit community. Men at all stages of the coming-out process share their experiences their secrets their pain shame anger and hope.One man writes “I have found the answer to my bisexual needs and am afraid to embrace it. I need help and advice to know what to do. What you people have done in your lives may hold the key to helping me decide on a course of action. I am either going to create a dream come true or hell on earth as I destroy my marriage. I can’t tell which and of course you can’t either. But you CAN tell me how you are handling the problems I am facing.”Bisexual and Gay Husbands includes advice and information on the issues that touch these men most deeply including: how do I tell my wife and kids? what does it mean to self-identify as bisexual or gay? what kinds of relationships do I want with men? can triads work? how do I deal with my children’s reaction? do I have to leave my wife?The insight intelligence and honesty revealed in Bisexual and Gay Husbands make it a riveting read but it also has great clinical and historic value for therapists sex theorists and bisexual men and their families. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315801711

Bisexual and Pansexual IdentitiesExploring and Challenging Invisibility and Invalidation This book explores the invisibility and invalidation of bisexuality from the past to the present and is unique in extending the discussion to focus on contemporary and emerging identities. Nikki Hayfield draws on research from psychology and the social sciences to offer a detailed and in-depth exploration of the invisibility and invalidation of bisexuality pansexuality and asexuality. The book discusses how early sexologists’ understood gender and sexuality within a binary model and how this provided the underpinnings of bisexual invisibility.  The existing research on biphobia and bisexual marginalisation is synthesised to explore how bisexuality has often been invisible or invalidated. Hayfield then evidences clear examples of the invisibility and invalidation of bisexuality pansexuality and asexuality within education employment mainstream mass media and the wider culture. Throughout the book there is consideration of the impact that this invisibility and invalidation has on people’s sense of identity and on their health and wellbeing. It concludes with a discussion of how bisexuality pansexuality and asexuality have become somewhat more visible than in the past and the potential that visibility holds for recognition and representation. This is fascinating reading for students and academics interested in in bisexuality pansexuality and asexual spectrum identities and for those who have a personal interest in bisexuality pansexuality and asexuality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138613775

Bisexual Characters in FilmFrom Ana's to Zee How far have we progressed from the days when showing a film such as Jack Smith’s Flaming Creatures landed the cinema’s programmer projectionist and ticket taker in jail? What are some of the hidden clues modern audiences are overlooking in older films that suggest a character’s bisexuality? Which famous actors actresses directors and screenwriters were attracted to people of both sexes? In Bisexual Characters in Film the first book to focus on the role of bisexual characters in film you’ll find answers to these questions and many more as you explore analyze and celebrate 80 years of bisexual movie characters (and the people who have created them) from around the world. A lively entertaining and informative commentary this book examines the treatment of bisexual film characters and shows you how that treatment has been affected by societal forces such as censorship politics religious prejudices homophobia and sexual stereotypes. Bisexual Characters in Film looks at the contribution of bisexual people (and others who have had lovers of varying sexes) to the body of work available on film today. These include the directors writers actors composers and designers whose sexual orientation has informed their work. An analysis of the Motion Picture Production Code and its devastating effect on bisexual and homosexual screen images forms an important part of the book. You learn how specifically it eradicated gay lesbian and bisexual characters from Hollywood films as well as the role of bisexual lesbian and gay filmmakers in finally defeating it. Other questions you’ll find answers to include: Who or what is a bisexual? How were bisexual characters represented in silent film before the forces of censorship banned them from the screen? What bisexual myths and stereotypes are portrayed on film? What is the role of “camp” in bisexual film?Bisexual Characters in Film is a unique resource for researchers; librarians; film festival planners; the queer media; professors and students of lesbian gay and bisexual studies; bisexual activists; and general bisexual gay lesbian and transgendered readers. It provides a much-needed view of bisexual representations in a major segment of our popular culture. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315869971

Bisexual Men in Culture and Society Gain a fresh perspective on this misunderstood sexual orientation!From invisible to pathological the literary cultural and theoretical representations of male bisexuality have been almost uniformly negative. Bisexual Men in Culture and Society provides a clear rational analysis of the negative stereotypes and the underlying reasons for them.”The bisexual is the brutal father the abusive husband the violent rapist (all familiar figures of male heterosexual power) but he is also the simpering oral-sadistic mama's boy found in psychoanalytic accounts of homosexuality. . . . Bisexuals are queers with straight privilege . . . straights with gay chic.” Jonathan David White's caustic summary of bisexual men as seen in David Lynch's film Blue Velvet also applies to many of the representations of male bisexuality in popular and high culture. The original essays in Bisexual Men in Culture and Society deconstruct that dangerous image with blistering force and accuracy. Bisexual Men in Culture and Society offers thoughtful insightful examinations of the cultural meanings of bisexuality including: the recurring figure of the predatory immoral bisexual man in the novels of E. Lynn Harris the overlooked bisexual themes in James Baldwin's classic novels Another Country and Giovanni's Room the murderous bisexual men in such films as Blue Velvet and American Commandos the portrayal in women's magazines of the bisexual husband as a promiscuous deceitful AIDS carrier the conflicts within sexual-identity politics between gay men and bisexual men the focus on bisexual orientation rather than sexual behavior as a risk factor for AIDS Continuing the tradition of Bisexuality in the Lives of Men: Facts and Fictions Bisexual Men in Culture and Society offers a brilliant analysis of the lives of bisexual men and their precarious position within a racist sexist and homophobic society. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315877129

Bisexual Perspectives on the Life and Work of Alfred C. Kinsey The books commonly known as the Kinsey Report were Dr Alfred C. Kinsey’s monumental scientific publishing achievement in 1948 often compared to the atomic bomb for its impact on the American public. On the sexagennial anniversary of the publication of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male this book focuses on Alfred C. Kinsey’s work and life. Sixteen chapters consider the Kinsey legacy tracing the development of modern American bisexuality and posing an intriguing and illuminating look at many aspects of bisexuality in Kinsey’s life as depicted and lived in popular biographical culture and media. Contributors to this stellar collection of outstanding writing include the final surviving member of Kinsey's original research team Dr Paul H. Gebhard PhD as well as leading names in the fields of sex research GLBTIQA activism and bisexual writing. This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of Bisexuality and was a Finalist for the Lambda Literary Award for Excellence in Bisexual Literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415852746

Bisexual PoliticsTheories Queries and Visions This anthology presents a vivid collection of essays that explore the history strategies philosophy and diversity of bisexual politics and theory in the United States.The 33 contributors develop a multifaceted approach to defining bisexual politics. Through these voices the book seeks to understand the contexts in which the bisexual movement has evolved. The authors analyze different organizing strategies formulate new bisexual political theory provide a vision of future directions for redefining sexuality and gender and educate activists and allies about current issues pertinent to the bisexual community.This book is the first of its kind. To date it is the only book that documents and analyzes bisexual politics and theory. While existing literature on bisexuality has focused on identity coming out and forming communities Bisexual Politics takes the vital next step into bisexual political theory and activism. The many subjects and subthemes addressed in Bisexual Politics appeal to a multitude of readers from activists to academics from friends and family of bisexuals to those who have struggled with bisexuality. It is a sourcebook for those seeking to locate bisexuality in the schema of other social justice movements. It is a tool to build alliances with other progressive groups and build coalitions with both lesbian/gay and heterosexual communities. It is a primer for anyone interested in bisexual activism and theory. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315783758

Bisexual SpacesA Geography of Sexuality and Gender First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315811307

Bisexual Women in the Twenty-First Century Bisexual Women in the Twenty-First Century reflects the brave new world of bisexual women's lives through an eclectic collection of articles that typifies an ongoing feminist process of theory grounded in life experience. The book's broad scope addresses a world created in response to lesbian-feminism homophobia within the mainstream women’s movement and sexism within the gay rights movement. The book includes Carol Queen's memoirs of the swinging lesbian scene in the 1970s a critical examination of Alice Walker's novel The Temple of My Familiar and a look back at the controversy surrounding bisexual inclusion in the Northampton Lesbian and Gay Pride March in Massachusetts in the early 90s. Previous groundbreaking work on bisexuality had to focus on breaking the silence around bisexual invisibility. This collection works from that foundation to explore the complexities and histories of bisexual women's lives. Bisexual Women in the Twenty-First Century examines: tensions between lesbians and bisexual women the shifting place of bisexual women in society the use of skin color as a charged metaphor the inclusion of bisexuality into queer theory groundbreaking new work on bisexual youth the creative use of the sacred whore archetype Bisexual Women in the Twenty-First Century is an essential source of social and political critique and a vital resource for anyone interested in the complex dynamics of human sexuality regardless of sexual orientation. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315876993

Bisexual WomenFriendship and Social Organization Understand the unique emotional dynamics of bisexual women’s friendship relationships Prevailing attitudes toward bisexuality affect every aspect of a bisexual woman’s emotional and sexual life. Bisexual Women: Friendship and Social Organization comprehensively explores the friendship relationships of bisexual women and the ways that bisexuality shapes the friendship experience. This book fills a gap in the literature and research on bisexuality and friendship presenting leading experts discussing the latest qualitative and quantitative studies on this rarely visited topic. This examination explains how the friendships of bisexual and bi-curious women can be affected by sexism heterosexism biphobia and racism as well as providing an insightful review of how bisexual women are portrayed in film and literature. Bisexual and bi-curious women often have a more diverse range of friendship experiences than heterosexual women. Bisexual Women: Friendship and Social Organization presents studies and personal essays to provide a comprehensive understanding of the patterns of various friendship relationships that exist because ofand in spite ofprevalent social attitudes about bisexuality. This extensive look details various aspects of bisexual women’s relationships as well as society’s biases and preconceived notions. Analysis of research explores the various effects that being bisexual has on the way women approach friendship as well as how society views both bisexuality and relationships.Topics in Bisexual Women: Friendship and Social Organization include: research into young women’s emerging sexual orientation identity types of friendships formed by bisexual women how friendship experiences are shaped by sociopolitical attitudes bisexual images in popular media critique of the bisexual women’s friendship literature how heterosexism shapes platonic and erotic relationships how bisexuality constricts social relationships analysis of how sexual experiences influenced friendships much more Bisexual Women: Friendship and Social Organization is insightful important reading for psychologists counselors LGBT studies professionals educators and students. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203057667

Bisexualities and AIDSInternational Perspectives Since early-on in the epidemic there has been much interest in the role that bisexual behaviour among men may play in HIV transmission. This text reviews from an international perspective what has been learned about male bisexuality in countries as diverse as Peru and Britain. Its authors examine the forms that bisexuality takes in different cultures what it means to the men concerned and whether or not such behaviour poses special risks. The implications of such enquiry for HIV prevention efforts are also examined. Media > Books > Print Books Taylor & Francis 9781138167568

Bisexuality Religion and SpiritualityCritical Perspectives This book brings together the work of an international team of experts investigating the intersection of bisexuality religion and spirituality. Drawing from disciplines such as sociology psychology theology religious studies and literary studies it critically examines both theoretically and empirically the lived experiences of bisexual people of diverse religious faiths and spiritualities in the context of the UK Canada Lebanon Turkey Australia and the USA. As an important and insightful exploration of an under-researched and often misunderstood minority this book will appeal to scholars across the social sciences with interests in sexuality religion spirituality and identity. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367030209

Bisexuality and Queer TheoryIntersections Connections and Challenges According to David Halperin sexuality in our time is typified by a "crisis in contemporary sexual definition". What is sexuality? What does it mean to have a sexual identity or orientation? What is the relationship between sexuality as a knowledge construct on one hand and the often messy flows of desire and practices of love on the other? How and why are some sexual erotic and intimate practices normalized and others marginalized? Queer Theory has emerged in the West as one of the most provocative analytical tools in the humanities and social sciences. It scrutinizes identity and social structures that take heteronormativity for granted – that do not question the social construction of heterosexuality as normative in relation to its oppositional binary homosexuality. At the same time bisexuality is a practice identity and orientation that challenges the binary logic around which cultural notions of sexuality are organized. It is a portal to the imagination of a world of amorous expression beyond that divide. This provocative collection presents bisexuality and queer theory as two parallel thought collectives that have made significant contributions to cultural discourses about sexual and amorous practices since the onset of the AIDS era and explores the ideas that circulate in these thought collectives today. We learn much about the construction and experience of sexuality and the power it still holds throughout the contemporary Western world to shape identities and practices. This volume challenges our understanding of what it means to be sexual to have a sexual identity and to practise the arts of loving. This book was orginally published as a special issue of the Journal of Bisexuality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138817425

Bisexuality and Same-Sex Marriage In our society the argument for or against same-sex marriage becomes even more heated when the debate turns to bisexual women and men. Bisexuality and Same-Sex Marriage thoughtfully explores this debate from a wide range of interdisciplinary perspectives presenting respected scholars from fields as diverse as American Studies Communication Criminology Human and Organizational Systems Law and Social Policy LGBT Studies Organizational Behavior Psychology Sociology Women’s Studies and Queer Studies. This clear-viewed volume is organized into three perspectives—theoretical research and personal—that frame the debate from a macro to micro level of analysis. This book goes beyond the intense acrimony and divisiveness to rationally examine the issue from various viewpoints and through the latest research. This informative text presents and analyzes in depth the current findings and the diverse LGBT and straight perspectives on the issue. This insightful resource discusses in detail personal views the latest theories and is extensively referenced. Bisexuality and Same-Sex Marriage is an essential volume for LGBT studies professionals psychologists counselors educators students and interested general public. This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of Bisexuality. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315879291

Bisexuality and the Eroticism of Everyday Life "Bisexuality is about three centuries overdue . . . nevertheless here it is: a learned witty study of how our curious culture has managed to get everything wrong about sex."-Gore Vidal Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138171572

Bisexuality and TransgenderismInterSEXions of the Others Explore the common groundand the important differencesbetween bisexuality and transgenderism! This book guaranteed to provoke debate and discussion of sexuality and gender is the first devoted exclusively to the relationship between transgenderism and bisexuality. Combining the work of scholars and activists professional writers and lay people Bisexuality and Transgenderism: InterSEXions of the Others proesents ideas thoughts feelings and insights from a variety of contributors who are committed to understandingand deepening our understanding ofgender and sexuality. You’ll find scholarly essays narratives poetry and a revealing interview with four male-to-female transsexuals two of whom are married to women who also participate in the discussion. In addition the book includes insightful chapters by well-known advocates of transgenderism including Jamison James Green Coralee Drechsler and Matthew Kailey. The editors of Bisexuality and Transgenderism: InterSEXions of the Others make the provocative but crucial claim that the larger queer community looks at B and T lives as mere add-ons to L and G. In this book they focus attention on bisexuality and transgenderismmoving the margins to center stage and exploring how sexuality gender desire and intimacy are constructed and circulate in our society. The book’s inclusion of voices and scholarship from Eastern cultures challenges our understanding of sexuality and gender constructions all the more giving this collection a global scope. Here is a sample of what Bisexuality and Transgenderism: InterSEXions of the Others examines: biphobia and transphobia within the United States’ gay and lesbian community the bi/trans and subversive aspects of the works and images of cultural icons Angelina Jolie and Sandra Bernhardt how bisexual and transgendered identities are socially constructed through relationships the false promise of pomosexual playwhy the concepts of postmodern sexuality fail to rewrite the construction of gender why swingers who practice bisexual and transgender behavior are often disdained and marginalized by other GLBT people suicidal thoughts and other mental health concerns of bisexual males and females as well as transgender people Eastern perspectives on sexual/gender identitieswith revealing chapters on gender identity in Japan and Indonesia Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203728444

Bisexuality in EducationErasure Exclusion and the Absence of Intersectionality Although many schools and educational systems from elementary to tertiary level state that they endorse anti-homophobic policies pedagogies and programs there appears to be an absence of education about and affirmation of bisexuality and minimal specific attention paid to bi-phobia. Bisexuality appears to be falling into the gap between the binary of heterosexuality and homosexuality that informs anti-homophobic policies programs and practices in schools initiatives such as health education sexuality education and student welfare. These erasures and exclusions leave bisexual students family members and educators feeling silenced and invisibilized within school communities. Also absent is attention to intersectionality or how indigeneity gender class ethnicity rurality and age interweave with bisexuality. Indeed as much research has shown erasure exclusion and the absence of intersectionality have been considered major factors in bisexual young people family members and educators in school communities experiencing worse mental emotional sexual and social health than their homosexual or heterosexual counterparts. This book is the first of its kind providing an international collection of empirical research theory and critical analysis of existing educational resources relating to bisexuality in education. Each chapter addresses three significant issues in relation to bisexuality and schooling: erasure exclusion and the absence of intersectionality. From indigenous to rural schools from tertiary campuses to elementary schools from films to picture books as curriculum resources from educational theory to the health and wellbeing of bisexual students this book’s contributors share their experiences expertise and ongoing questions. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Bisexuality. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138085596

Bisexuality in EuropeSexual Citizenship Romantic Relationships and Bi+ Identities Bisexuality in Europe offers an accessible and diverse overview of research on bisexuality and bi+ people in Europe providing a foundation for theorising and empirical work on plurisexual orientations and identities and the experiences and realities of people who desire more than one sex or gender Counteracting the predominance of work on bisexuality based in Ango-American contexts this collection of fifteen contributions from both early-career and more senior academics reflects the current state of research in Europe on bisexuality and people who desire more than one sex or gender. The book is structured around three interlinked themes that resonate well with the international research frontiers of bisexual theorising: bisexual citizenship intimate relationships and bisexual+ identities. This book is the first of its kind in bringing together research from various European countries including Austria Finland Italy the Netherlands and Scandinavian countries as well as from Europe as a wider geographical region.. Topics include pansexual identity non-monogomies asylum seekers and youth cultures. This is an essential collection for students early career researchers and more senior academics in Gender Studies LGBTQI Studies and Sexuality Studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367409227

Bisexuality in the Lives of MenFacts and Fictions Explore the theoretical political psychological and cultural issues surrounding male bisexuality!Bisexuality in the Lives of Men is the first anthology to focus on men who love both men and women. The theoretical scientific and literary essays in this landmark volume dispel the fictions that bisexual men are greedy promiscuous confused deceptive unfaithful HIV-positive--the dominant images of bisexual men in our culture. Whether portrayed as a coward who can't quite come out into full gayness or a smooth-talking serial killer the bisexual man has been vilified in books and movies. In scholarly studies they are often ignored or else lumped together with gay men. It is now widely acknowledged that human sexuality is more complex and diverse than the narrow categories “gay” and “straight.” But while the use of the term “bisexual” has become much more common in the last decade an understanding of bisexuality itself lags far behind. A lack of research on how bisexuality is experienced interpreted and encoded in literature film and other aspects of popular culture means that stereotypes stigma and confusion are still prevalent. Bisexuality in the Lives of Men is a multidisciplinary examination of this neglected topic bringing together expertise reflecting divergent approaches and fields to show the whole bisexual man. Topics include:a thoughtful review and analysis of the public health research on the role of bisexual men in HIV transmission a study of the marital consequences of a husband's bisexuality including couples who have stayed together an analysis of the heartfelt discussions taking place in an online bi-male community an empirical study of the ways that bi-negativity differs from homophobia an essay bringing together queer theory and social constructionist ideas to explain why bisexual men are much less visible than bisexual womenThe rigorously analytical yet accessible essays in this volume offer new information and perspectives about male bisexuality. Bisexuality in the Lives of Men is an essential resource for anyone interested in the theoretical political and cultural issues of male bisexuality. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315877136

Bishop Robert Grosseteste and Lincoln CathedralTracing Relationships between Medieval Concepts of Order and Built Form Bishop Robert Grosseteste and Lincoln Cathedral is an in-depth investigation of Grosseteste’s relationship to the medieval cathedral at Lincoln and the surrounding city. This book will contribute to the understanding of Gothic architecture in early thirteenth century England - most specifically how forms and spaces were conceived in relation to the cultural religious and political life of the period. The architecture and topography of Lincoln Cathedral are examined in their cultural contexts in relation to scholastic philosophy science and cosmology and medieval ideas about light and geometry as highlighted in the writings of Robert Grosseteste - Bishop of Lincoln Cathedral (1235-53). At the same time the architecture of the cathedral is considered in relation to the roles of the clergy and masons; the policies of the bishop; matters of governance worship and education; ecclesiastical hierarchy church liturgy politics and processionals. The book explores Grosseteste’s ideas in the broader context of medieval and Renaissance cosmologies optics/perspective natural philosophy and experimental science and considers historical precedents in regard to religious political and symbolic influences on church building. The contributors to this volume make an important contribution to our current understanding of the relation between architecture theology politics and society during the Middle Ages and how religious spaces were conceived and experienced. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138548336

Bishops Saints and HistoriansStudies in the Ecclesiastical History of Medieval Britain and Italy Throughout his career Robert Brentano attempted to understand the nature and 'style' of ecclesiastical institutions in Italy and the British Isles the specific qualities of saints and the communities that formed around them and the ways in which seemingly cryptic archival remains of medieval administrative activity as well as chronicles and lives could reveal vital details about change and continuity in local and regional religious life and even 'the color of men's souls'. These issues are explored in the essays assembled in Parts I (Bishops) and II (Saints). Part III (Historians) brings together articles that examine the writing of history by both medieval authors and modern historians and includes Brentano's reflections on his own practice as an historian. The introduction by W. L. North offers a brief biography and introduction to reading Brentano's works followed by a complete bibliography of his publications. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138375215

Bishops Texts and the Use of Canon Law around 1100Essays in Honour of Martin Brett The essays in this volume in honour of Martin Brett address issues relating to the compilation and transmission of canon law collections the role of bishops in their dissemination as well as the interpretation and use of law in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. The studies are grouped thematically under the headings 'Bishops and Their Texts' and 'Texts and the Use of Canon Law'. These reflect important areas of contention in the historiographical literature and hence will further the debates regarding not simply the compilation and dissemination of canonical collections in the earlier middle ages but also the development of the practical application of canon law within Europe especially after c.1080. Individually the contributors offer new viewpoints on key issues and questions relating to the creation of canonical texts their transmission and use on both sides of the English Channel in the decades either side of the year 1100. Collectively the essays explore the methods and motives of compilers assess the use of law find readers both in the compilation of texts and within their margins and - perhaps most importantly - speculate where possible about the living communities in which these texts were compiled copied and used. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315261515

Bishops Wives and ChildrenSpiritual Capital Across the Generations Christianity as a cultural force whether rising or falling has seldom been analysed through the actual processes by which tradition is transmitted modified embraced or rejected. This book achieves that end through a study of bishops of the Church of England their wives and their children to show how values fostered in the vicarage and palace shape family work and civic life in a supposedly secular age. Davies and Guest integrate for the first time sociological concepts of spiritual capital with anthropological ideas of gift-theory and alongside theological themes use these to illuminate how the religious professional functions in mediating tradition and fostering change. Motifs of distant prelates managerially-minded fathers in God and rebellious clergy children are reconsidered in a critical light as new empirical evidence offers unique insights into how the clergy family functions as an axis of social power in an age incredulous to ecclesiastical hierarchy. Bishops Wives and Children marks an important advance in the analysis of the spirituality of Catholic Evangelical and Liberal leaders and their social significance within a distinctive Christian tradition and all it represents in wider British society. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315569437

Bishops and Reform First published in 1934 this volume explores the varied roles of bishops alongside monks administrators magnates and scholars in the reforms surrounding the Lateran Council of 1215 and the Council of Trent with a particular focus on approaches to their implementation in England. The book was originally written in the form of two theses published in 1931 under the titles of ‘The Episcopate during the Reign of Henry III’ by Marion Gibbs and ‘The Enforcement of the Decrees of the Lateran Council of 1215 in England during the Reign of Henry III’ by Jane Lang. They have been made into one volume here with the first two parts by Marion Gibbs and the third by Jane Lang. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780429401213

Bismarck How did Bismarck Germany’s greatest nineteenth century leader extend and maintain his power? This new Profile examines his strengths as statesman and all the facets of his political career. His many direct achievements included the unification of Germany and the expansion of Prussia. In short he was the architect of Germany’s change from cultural region to political nation. In the end he combined egotism and brilliance exceptionally yet it was still not enough to save him from dismissal by William II. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138835375

Bismarck and Germany1862-1890 Bismarck’s role in the unification and consolidation of Germany is central to any understanding of Germany's development as a nation and its consequent role as aggressor in two world wars. This study provides students with a concise up-to-date and analytical account of Bismarck's role in modern German history. Williamson guides readers through the complex events leading to the defeats of Austria and France in 1866 and 1870 and the subsequent creation of a united Germany in January 1871. He then explores the domestic and foreign problems Bismarck faced up to 1890 in consolidating unification. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138835245

Bismarck and the Creation of the Second Reich Chancellor Otto Bismarck's "greatness" lay in what he created the German Reich of 1871. This Reich was the product of his genius and in it his genius took complete shape. In less than a decade German chaos was brought to an end and in its place a homogeneous state began to arise. The structure of this state left no room for opposing political forces but rather made ready a roof under which these forces might rally support each other and gain strength. Bismarck and the Creation of the Second Reich begins as a biography but continues as a description of his political life and the ideas that led to the birth of an authoritarian political culture.The community from which Bismarck formed his conception of the state was first the family and clan then the landlord caste and finally the people. These communities found their unifying force in the Kaiser who as their patriarchal head enjoyed divine honors as ruler by the grace of God. The existence of the state was justified as the framework within which these communities existed and it had thus a biological as well as a religious content. This idea of the state as the supreme moral command of religion was too powerful a driving force to be dropped in favor of the rational view of the state as a potential war machine. Bismarck reconciled the two concepts by use of the concept of a "people in arms " an idea which had originated in German history as a means of defense but which was changed into one of aggression. In order to become a means of aggression it was changed into a moral precept commanded by religion and indeed into the supreme precept.Through the unfolding of the political life of Bismarck we find the roots of the Nazi Third Reich--the inability of the people to educate themselves about politics enough to effect any change or satisfy their own political needs. In this loss of control the authoritarian regime grew stronger. Though Bismarck's work led to the creation and implementation of the Second Reich "it is in the Third Reich that we find the devilish distortion that was its fruit." This volume is an essential tool for understanding twentieth-century German history. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519589

Bismarck: The White RevolutionaryVolume 1 1815-1871 Originally published in English in 1986 these volumes are far more than the story of the life of a powerful statesman. The name Bismarck sums up the entire political social economic and intellectual development of central Europe in the second half of the 19th Century and the internal and external shape that Germany then assumed. These books analyse how much of this was Bismarck’s personal achievement or whether he was the man who put the nation on the disastrously wrong course that reached its fateful culmination in 1933? They examine whether Bismarck’s success was precisely because he implemented policies for which the time was ripe and did so in ways that were in harmony with the historical evolution of central Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367242688

Bismarck: The White RevolutionaryVolume 2 1871 - 1898 Originally published in English in 1986 these volumes are far more than the story of the life of a powerful statesman. The name Bismarck sums up the entire political social economic and intellectual development of central Europe in the second half of the 19th Century and the internal and external shape that Germany then assumed. This book analyses how much of this was Bismarck’s personal achievement or whether he was the man who put the nation on the disastrously wrong course that reached its fateful culmination in 1933? It examines whether Bismarck’s success was precisely because he implemented policies for which the time was ripe and did so in ways that were in harmony with the historical evolution of central Europe. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367243289

BismarckA Political History Bismarck was arguably the most important figure in nineteenth-century European history after 1815. In this biography Edgar Feuchtwanger reassesses Bismarck's significance as a historical figure. He traces his development from a typical Junker a reactionary and conservative into the so-called white revolutionary who recast European affairs more drastically than anyone since Napoleon. This second edition includes a new introduction taking into account the most recent scholarship on Bismarck which reflects on Bismarck's legacy in modern Germany which is once again the European economic powerhouse for which Bismarck laid the foundations. Feuchtwanger's lucid account demythologizes the German leader without demonising him. This book leaves the reader with a strongly-etched portrait of one of the decisive makers of the modern world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415724784

Bit by BitBuilding a Transatlantic Partnership for the Information Age This text suggests solutions to the obstacles facing the USA and European Union as they race to secure their positions in the global information age. Despite the size and prowess of both the USA and European Union neither will be able to take advantage of this age without a collaborative effort. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315479699

Bitcoin and BeyondCryptocurrencies Blockchains and Global Governance Since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009 several hundred different ‘cryptocurrencies’ have been developed and become accepted for a wide variety of transactions in leading online commercial marketplaces and the ‘sharing economy’ as well as by more traditional retailers manufacturers and even by charities and political parties. Bitcoin and its competitors have also garnered attention for their wildly fluctuating values as well as implication in international money laundering Ponzi schemes and online trade in illicit goods and services across borders. These and other controversies surrounding cryptocurrencies have induced varying governance responses by central banks government ministries international organizations and industry regulators worldwide. Besides formal attempts to ban Bitcoin there have been multifaceted efforts to incorporate elements of blockchains the peer-to-peer technology underlying cryptocurrencies in the wider exchange recording and broadcasting of digital transactions. Blockchains are being mobilized to support and extend an array of governance activities. The novelty and breadth of growing blockchain-based activities have fuelled both utopian promises and dystopian fears regarding applications of the emergent technology to Bitcoin and beyond. This volume brings scholars of anthropology economics Science and Technology Studies and sociology together with GPE scholars in assessing the actual implications posed by Bitcoin and blockchains for contemporary global governance. Its interdisciplinary contributions provide academics policymakers industry practitioners and the general public with more nuanced understandings of technological change in the changing character of governance within and across the borders of nation-states. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367264925

Bitcoin and BlockchainHistory and Current Applications In recent years blockchain development has grown quickly from the original Bitcoin protocol to the second-generation Ethereum platform and to today’s process of building third-generation blockchains. During this evolution we can see how blockchain technology has evolved from its original form as a distributed database to becoming a fully fledged globally distributed cloud computing platform. This book traces the past present and future of blockchain technology. Presents the knowledge and history of Bitcoin Offers blockchain applications Discusses developing working code for real-world blockchain applications Includes many real-life examples Covers the original Bitcoin protocol to the second-generation Ethereum platform Bitcoin and Blockchain: History and Current Applications is a useful reference for students business schools research scholars practitioners and business analytics professionals. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367901004

Bitemark EvidenceA Color Atlas and Text 2nd Edition Experts in the field of bitemark evidence confront complexities ranging from the identification and collection of evidence to microscopic analysis to legal implications and courtroom admissibility. Now in its second edition Bitemark Evidence reflects the knowledge training experience opinions and research of 27 authors from around the world to present an atlas with coverage from a range of disciplines. This comprehensive text details the protocols for photography collection preservation and analysis of bitemarks and examines everything from the history of bitemark evidence to diagnostic considerations to expert witnesses and testimony. New in the Second Edition: A historical perspective beginning with the earliest known bitemark references from the Bible and the Kama Sutra up to the modern development of forensic organizations around the world Updated chapter on digital photography Practical tips on forensic bitemark photography Processing and analysis of digital images for evidentiary purposes The rationale use materials and methods employed for confocal laser microscopy (CLM) and the scanning electron microscope (SEM) Current issues in bitemark analysis and research emerging technologies and recent developments Completely revamped section on research with hundreds of accompanying color photographs Experimental bitemarks and histology with data on the microscopic examination of bitemarks on fresh and frozen piglet skin and the microscopic examination of human bitemarks Updated information on genotypic comparison of oral bacteria isolated from bitemarks and teeth Proper steps in forming a contract with an expert witness Erroneous bitemark opinions and wrongful convictions overturned by DNA evidence Capturing the contemporary scientific understanding in the field and enhanced with more than 1 300 color photos this atlas is the definitive guide to one of the most fascinating evidentiary domains in the forensic world. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439818626

Bitita's Diary: The Autobiography of Carolina Maria de JesusThe Autobiography of Carolina Maria de Jesus Carolina Maria de Jesus (1914-1977) nicknamed Bitita was a destitute black Brazilian woman born in the rural interior who migrated to the industrial city of Sao Paulo. This is her autobiography which includes details about her experiences of race relations and sexual intimidation. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706108

Bitter HarvestA Chef's Perspective on the Hidden Danger in the Foods We Eat and What You Can Do About It First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415762267

Bitter NemesisThe Intimate History of Strychnine Encouraged by the medicinal success of quinine early 19th century scientists hoped strychnine another plant alkaloid with remarkable properties might also become a new weapon against disease. Physicians tried for over a century despite growing evidence to the contrary to treat everything from paralysis to constipation with it. But strychnine proved only to be disappointingly deadly-relegating its fate almost entirely to animal control the dangerous adulteration of foods and criminal exploits. The NOTORIOUS and TRUE story of how a POISONOUS alkaloid...Bitter Nemesis: The Intimate History of Strychnine presents a scholarly and compelling history of this fascinating chemical substance from its discovery to present times. A renowned editor for the Dictionary of Natural Products Dr. John Buckingham fuses his eclectic interests into an extraordinary mix of original research spanning the realms of history medicine literature chemistry and forensics....Changed the course of HISTORY!Uncovering details and logistics from the earliest experiments performed in an era when proper scientific trials for testing new drugs were still in their infancy the author explores strychnine's trial-and-error contributions to scientific medical and forensic developments. He also investigates historical milestones and the perception of strychnine in popular culture-including criminal notoriety accidental misuse and new claims of strychnine's benefits that extend through to the present day. Juxtaposing the real trials mistrials and persistent curiosity associated with one of history's most notorious pharmaceutical failures Bitter Nemesis offers rare insight into the anarchic yet inspired landscape practices and legacy of 19th century science. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138445796

Bitter WatersLife And Work In Stalin's Russia One dusty summer day in 1935 a young writer named Gennady Andreev-Khomiakov was released from the Siberian labor camp where he had spent the last eight years of his life. His total assets amounted to 25 rubles a loaf of bread five dried herrings and the papers identifying him as a convicted ?enemy of the people.? From this hard-pressed beginning Andreev-Khomiakov would eventually work his way into a series of jobs that would allow him to travel and see more of ordinary life and work in the Soviet Union of the 1930s than most of his fellow Soviet citizens would ever have dreamed possible. Capitalizing on this rare opportunity Bitter Waters is Andreev-Khomiakov's eyewitness account of those tumultuous years a time when titanic forces were shaping the course of Russian history.Later to become a successful writer and editor in the Russiangr ommunity in the 1950s and 1960s Andreev-Khomiakov brilliantly uses this memoir to explore many aspects of Stalinist society. Forced collectivization Five Year Plans purges and the questionable achievements of ?shock worker brigades? are only part of this story. Andreev-Khomiakov exposes the Soviet economy as little more than a web of corruption a system that largely functioned through bribery barter and brute force?and that fell into temporary chaos when the German army suddenly invaded in 1941.Bitter Waters may be most valuable for what it reveals about Russian society during the tumultuous 1930s. From remote provincial centers and rural areas to the best and worst of Moscow and Leningrad Andreev-Khomiakov's series of deftly drawn sketches of people places and events provide a unique window on the hard daily lives of the people who built Stalin's Soviet Union. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367095987

Bittersweet DestinyThe Stormy Evolution of Human Behavior Bittersweet Destiny combines discourse on the evolution of human behavior with a philosophical perspective. It explores evolutionary theory aimed at determining human behavior. Del Thiessen presents this material against the broad background of everyday life allowing the reader to see the theory of evolution as it has shaped his or her own behavior. However he points out that when evolutionary theory is aimed at human behavior the critics object and controversy results.Thiessen argues that nothing in our lives makes sense unless we look at it through a biological lens. We can thereby understand our origin our affiliation with all animals and plants and our cultural destination. However we can also discover a dark side to our destiny - our favoritism to those who share our own genes our ability to deceive and our capacity for abuse rape and murder. Good bad and indifferent we serve the replication of our DNA. Critics extrapolate evolutionary theory to a wide range of animal species and even human morphology and physiology but when the same perspective is applied to human behavior there is strong dissent. What these critics fear according to Thiessen is that accepting evolutionary notions about human behavior strikes at the heart of free will self-determination and social equality.Bittersweet Destiny describes the heroic efforts of naturalists Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace to unlock the secrets of evolution. It continues with a vivid description of our fossil history and our chance beginnings. From there the story implicates disease processes in evolution highlights our rational and irrational nature focuses on those characteristics of brain evolution and language that make us distinctive and illustrates our most basic survival and reproductive mechanisms. Thiessen warns the reader that things are as they are no matter what we might wish; we ignore facts and controversy at our own risk. This book will be significant to anthropologists psychologists biologists and sociologists. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781412842570

Bituminous Binders and Mixes The aim of the studies presented in this report is the implementation of rational concepts and testing procedures for the design and manufacture of bituminous materials for applications in pavement construction. Practical test procedures are recommended for binder evaluation mix design and performance assessment of bituminous materials. The three main topics addressed are binder testing mix design and mechanical testing of mixtures. Each is examined through interlaboratory tests and there is a literary review of existing practices and methods for the production of polymer modified binders mixture design and the mechanical properties of mixtures. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367863739

Bituminous Mixtures and Pavements VI Bituminous Mixtures and Pavements contains 113 accepted papers from the 6th International Conference ‘Bituminous Mixtures and Pavements’ (6th ICONFBMP Thessaloniki Greece 10-12 June 2015). The 6th ICONFBMP is organized every four years by the Highway Engineering Laboratory of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece in conjunction with the Built Environment Research Institute (BERI) of the University of Ulster UK and the Center for Advanced Infrastructure Technology (CAIT) of the University of Mississippi USA. The contributions reflect the most recent advances in highway materials technology and pavement engineering and showcase research and practical experiences of scientists and engineers from 32 different countries. The book is divided into seven parts(matching the conference sessions): I. Bituminous binders Unbound materials; II. Pavement design Construction and Maintenance; III. Bituminous mixtures (Hot warm and cold) Specifications IV. Highway and Pavement Management Systems Network operation systems; V. Pavement recycling Geosynthetics; VI. Pavement assessment Surface characteristics; and VII. Road safety Road marking and street furniture. Bituminous Mixtures and Pavements will be of interest to engineers and academics in Pavement Engineering Infrastructure Technology Highway Engineering Materials Technology. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138028661

Bituminous Mixtures and Pavements VIIProceedings of the 7th International Conference 'Bituminous Mixtures and Pavements' (7ICONFBMP) June 1 Highway engineers are facing the challenge not only to design and construct sustainable and safe pavements properly and economically. This implies a thorough understanding of materials behaviour their appropriate use in the continuously changing environment and implementation of constantly improved technologies and methodologies. Bituminous Mixtures and Pavements VII contains more than 100 contributions that were presented at the 7th International Conference ‘Bituminous Mixtures and Pavements’ (7ICONFBMP Thessaloniki Greece 12-14 June 2019). The papers cover a wide range of topics: - Bituminous binders- Aggregates unbound layers and subgrade- Bituminous mixtures (Hot Warm and Cold)- Pavements (Design Construction Maintenance Sustainability Energy and environment consideration)- Pavement management- Pavement recycling- Geosynthetics- Pavement assessment surface characteristics and safety- Posters Bituminous Mixtures and Pavements VII reflects recent advances in highway materials technology and pavement engineering and will be of interest to academics and professionals interested or involved in these areas. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781138480285

Bivariate Discrete Distributions This useful reference/text provides a comprehensive study of the various bivariate discretedistributions that have appeared in the literature- written in an accessible manner thatassumes no more than a first course in mathematical statistics.Supplying individualized treatment of topics while simultaneously exploiting the interrelationshipsof the material Bivariate Discrete Distributions details the latest techniques ofcomputer simulation for the distributions considered ... contains a general introduction tothe structural properties of discrete distributions including generating functions momentrelationships and the basic ideas of generalizing . . . develops distributions using samplingschemes . .. explores the role of compounding ... covers Waring and "short" distributionsfor use in accident theory ... discusses problems of statistical inference emphasizing techniquespertinent to the discrete case ... and much more!Containing over 1000 helpful equations Bivariate Discrete Distributions is Books > Print Books CRC Press 9780367450328

Bizarre BehavioursBoundaries of Psychiatric Disorder The most deviant forms of human behaviour can be disturbing incomprehensible and sometimes very frightening. Herschel Prins believes that even the most deviant-seeming behaviours have their counterparts in ‘normality’ and can often be seen as an extension of this. In Bizarre Behaviours he sets some extreme forms of behaviour such as vampirism and amok in their socio-cultural and psychological contexts. Originally published in 1990 this very accessible and readable book will interest not only all those who have to deal with bizarre behaviour in the course of their work but also the general reader who is interested in the origins and the infinite variety of human behaviours. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415829328

Biz-War and the Out-of-Power EliteThe Progressive-Left Attack on the Corporation This book tells the fascinating story of the reemergence of the American political left over the last quarter century in the form of the new Progressive Movement. Born out of Liberalism's crushing defeats at the hands of conservative strategists of the Reagan/Bush era this new movement has cleverly reverse engineered the conservative's institutional networking strategy to plan and finance its resurgence. Progressive strategists have constructed an elaborate network of foundations advocacy groups and other institutions to advance their agenda. But where the conservatives relied on affirmative corporate support to help power their movement the Progressive Left has used an anti-corporate strategy whose purpose is three-fold: 1. To reclaim the moral high ground of politics by challenging corporate power and influence. 2. To gain effective control over "other people's money" (e.g. pension funds mutual funds) and use it to press for changes in corporate social policies. 3. To leverage this influence over corporate decision-making to change the direction of American politics and public policy. Biz War extends the argument of Manheim's 2001 book The Death of A Thousand Cuts by showing how anti-corporate campaigns have evolved from economically-oriented labor actions to ideological and programmatic political struggles. It details how the strategies and tactics crafted by organized labor are being employed with increasing effect by the political left. The book will be of interest to students of contemporary American politics strategic communication political movements and business management. Likewise it will help corporate executives and financial analysts understand more fully the proxy wars and other attacks against their companies. Media > Books > Print Books Psychology Press 9781138004023

BKSTS Illustrated Dictionary of Moving Image Technology The fourth edition of the BKSTS dictionary provides clear and concise explanations of the terminology and acronyms encountered in the broadcasting and moving image industries.Convergence of these industries means that those practising within them are increasingly faced with unfamiliar terminology. Martin Uren has reflected this change in his extended choice of industry terms acronyms and colloquialisms. He provides:- Over 3300 definitions covering film television sound and multimedia technologies together with technical terms from the computing networks and telecommunications industries.- Nearly 700 acronyms in a quick look-up section.- 26 Appendices of useful technical information across a range of topics. Whether you are an experienced professional or a new industry entrant you will find this dictionary an essential reference for every-day and specialist jargon.Martin Uren is a broadcast training consultant and member of the Education and Training Committee and the Television Committee of the BKSTS. He is also a member of the SMPTE and the RTS.BKSTS The Moving Image Society represents the interests of those who are creatively and technologically involved in the business of providing moving images in all areas of the media. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138408371

Black Abolitionists in Ireland The story of the anti-slavery movement in Ireland is little known yet when Frederick Douglass visited the country in 1845 he described Irish abolitionists as the most ‘ardent’ that he had ever encountered. Moreover their involvement proved to be an important factor in ending the slave trade and later slavery in both the British Empire and in America. While Frederick Douglass remains the most renowned black abolitionist to visit Ireland he was not the only one. This publication traces the stories of ten black abolitionists including Douglass who travelled to Ireland in the decades before the American Civil War to win support for their cause. It opens with former slave Olaudah Equiano kidnapped as a boy from his home in Africa and who was hosted by the United Irishmen in the 1790s; it closes with the redoubtable Sarah Parker Remond who visited Ireland in 1859 and chose never to return to America. The stories of these ten men and women and their interactions with Ireland are diverse and remarkable. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367225339

Black Acting MethodsCritical Approaches Black Acting Methods seeks to offer alternatives to the Euro-American performance styles that many actors find themselves working with.  A wealth of contributions from directors scholars and actor trainers address afrocentric processes and aesthetics and interviews with key figures in Black American theatre illuminate their methods. This ground-breaking collection is an essential resource for teachers students actors and directors seeking to reclaim reaffirm or even redefine the role and contributions of Black culture in theatre arts. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138907621

Black Africa 1945-1980Economic Decolonization and Arrested Development In what ways did economic considerations affect the decision by Britain and France to make their Black African colonies independent? Why were early expectations that independence would lead to rapid and sustained economic development in Africa for the most part disappointed? This title originally published in 1986 seeks to tackle these two important and strongly debated issues. The main aim and value of the book is to take a broad view of this huge subject pulling together material on most parts of Black Africa south of the Sahara and north of the Limpopo so that the problem can be seen as a whole. It takes account of a wide range of possible and actual factors which have influenced African economic development weaving them into a single analysis including the colonial inheritance the impact of the fluctuating international economy policies adopted by African governments and indigenous factors such as climate drought and human resources. The book is written to be understood without difficulty by non-specialists and is intended to act as an introduction to its subject for university students. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415846271

Black American Cinema This is the first major collection of criticism on Black American cinema. From the pioneering work of Oscar Micheaux and Wallace Thurman to the Hollywood success of Spike Lee Black American filmmakers have played a remarkable role in the development of the American film both independent and mainstream.In this volume the work of early Black filmmakers is given serious attention for the first time. Individual essays consider what a Black film tradition might be the relation between Black American filmmakers and filmmakers from the diaspora the nature of Black film aesthetics the artist's place within the community and the representation of a Black imaginary. Black American Cinema also uncovers the construction of Black sexuality on screen the role of Black women in independent cinema and the specific question of Black female spectatorship. A lively and provocative group of essays debate the place and significance of Spike LeeOf crucial importance are the ways in which the essays analyze those Black directors who worked for Hollywood and whose films are simplistically dismissed as sell-outs to the Hollywood "master narrative " as well as those "crossover" filmmakers whose achievements entail a surreptitious infiltration of the studios. Black American Cinema demonstrates the wealth of the Black contribution to American film and the complex course that contribution has taken.Contributors: Houston Baker Jr. Toni Cade Bambara Amiri Baraka Jacquie Bobo Richard Dyer Jane Gaines Henry Louis Gates Jr. Ron Green Ed Guerrero bell hooks Phyllis Klotman Ntongele Masilela Clyde Taylor and Michele Wallace. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203873304

Black American Women's Writings This work discusses a range of novels short stories and essays by black American women writers from the Harlem Renaissance to the present time. It begins with a survey of 19th-century black women's slave narratives early sentimental novels and autobiographies and then focuses on six writers: Zora Neale Hurston Paule Marshall Audre Lorde Toni Morrison Alice Walker and Maya Angelou. The text shows how these writers have developed the preoccupations themes and narrative strategies of their literary ancestors. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138180185

Black Americans in Higher EducationAfricana Studies: A Review of Social Science Research Volume 8 Narrating the realities of teacher burnout the reception of a Black intelligentsia and HIV awareness in local communities Black Americans in Higher Education the eighth volume of Africana Studies explores higher education across the United States as inextricably related to contemporary issues facing African Americans. Featuring the work of Terrell M. Thomas Gwendolyn D. Alfred Kevin B. Thompson Jasmine Williams TaNeisha R. Page Drew D. Brown Grace A. Loudd Derek Wilson DaVonte Lyons Jacqueline Gerard Tanisha Stanford Lanetta Dickens Brittany C. Slatton and James L. Conyers Jr. this collection presents a deeper cross-cultural understanding of higher education that conveys the many ways its intersections can promote the agency of Black Americans. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367218652

Black and Asian Theatre In BritainA History Black and Asian Theatre in Britain is an unprecedented study tracing the history of ‘the Other’ through the ages in British theatre. The diverse and often contradictory aspects of this history are expertly drawn together to provide a detailed background to the work of African Asian and Caribbean diasporic companies and practitioners. Colin Chambers examines early forms of blackface and other representations in the sixteenth century through to the emergence of black and Asian actors companies and theatre groups in their own right. Thorough analysis uncovers how they led to a flourishing of black and Asian voices in theatre at the turn of the twenty-first century. Figures and companies studied include: Ira Aldridge Henry Francis Downing Paul Robeson Errol John Mustapha Matura Dark and Light Theatre The Keskidee Centre Indian Art and Dramatic Society Temba Edric and Pearl Connor Tara Arts Yvonne Brewster Tamasha Talawa. Black and Asian Theatre in Britain is an enlightening and immensely readable resource and represents a major new study of theatre history and British history as a whole. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415375986

Black and Postcolonial Feminisms in New TimesResearching Educational Inequalities This book is a compelling collection of essays on the intersection of race gender and class in education written by leading black and postcolonial feminists of colour from Asia Africa and the Caribbean living in Britain America Canada and Australia. It addresses controversial issues such as racism in the media exclusion in higher education and critical multiculturalism in schools. Introducing new debates on transglobal female identity and cultures of resistance the book asks: How does black and postcolonial feminisms illuminate race and gender identity in new global times? How are race gender and class inequalities reproduced and resisted in educational sites? How do women of colour experience race and gender differences in schools and universities? This book is a must for political and social commentators academic researchers and student audiences interested in new feminist visions for new global times. This book was published as a special issue of Race Ethnicity and Education. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415633956

Black and White in Photoshop CS4 and Photoshop LightroomA complete integrated workflow solution for creating stunning monochromatic images i Black and white photography has come a long way in the digital world. This comprehensive reference will help you maximize your workflow with coverage of all of the relevant new features of Photoshop CS4 and Lightroom 2 including every stage of the black and white process from capture to printing. Along the way you'll find in-depth explanations of key topics such as color management optimizing your workspace softproofing and calibration (both onscreen and for output) evaluating histograms non-destructive editing and much more. New features in this edition include:In-depth coverage of workflow using the Bridge and Adobe Camera RAW components of CS4New recipes and tips for advanced black and white conversion Coverage of Lightroom and Photoshop integration featuresAn overview of scanners and scanning your black and white filmAdvice on exposure essentials and how to apply the Zone System to your digital shooting A brand new chapter on black and white and creative image editing in LightroomBreathtaking color and black and white photographs including Leslie Alsheimer's image which won the coveted Vincent Versace award at Photoshop World in 2008 will inspire you to expand your own creativity to limitless possibilities. This is the essential resource for any photographer shooting black and white in the digital age. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138401051

Black and White Photography Field GuideThe essential guide to the art of creating black & white images In this pocket-sized portable guide renowned photographer Michael Freeman addresses one of photography's most popular--and challenging--areas: black and white. With advice on lighting shooting conversion and post-production this is know-how that no photographer can afford to be without. Perfect for the digital photographer who wants to shoot and process RAW files as black and whie images. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415833516

Black and WhiteCinema politics and the arts in Zimbabwe In Black and White Agnieszka Piotrowska presents a unique insight into the contemporary arts scene in Zimbabwe – an area that has received very limited coverage in research and the media. The book combines theory with literature film politics and culture and takes a psychosocial and psychoanalytic perspective to achieve a truly interdisciplinary analysis. Piotrowska focuses in particular on the Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA) as well as the cinema featuring the work of Rumbi Katedza and Joe Njagu. Her personal experience of time spent in Harare working in collaborative relationships with Zimbabwean artists and filmmakers informs the book throughout. It features examples of their creative work on the ground and examines the impact it has had on the community and the local media. Piotrowska uses her experiences to analyse concepts of trauma and post-colonialism in Zimbabwe and interrogates her position as a stranger there questioning patriarchal notions of belonging and authority. Black and White also presents a different perspective on convergences in the work of Doris Lessing and iconic Zimbabwean writer Dambudzo Marechera and how it might be relevant to contemporary race relations. Black and White will be intriguing reading for psychoanalysts psychotherapists and psychotherapeutically engaged scholars film makers academics and students of post-colonial studies film studies cultural studies psychosocial studies and applied philosophy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138817869

Black Appetite. White Food.Issues of Race Voice and Justice Within and Beyond the Classroom Black Appetite. White Food. invites educators to explore the nuanced manifestations of white privilege as it exists within and beyond the classroom. Renowned speaker and author Jamila Lyiscott provides ideas and tools that teachers school leaders and professors can use for awareness inspiration and action around racial injustice and inequity. Part I of the book helps you ask the hard questions such as whether your pedagogy is more aligned with colonialism than you realize and whether you are really giving students of color a voice. Part II offers a variety of helpful strategies for analysis and reflection. Each chapter includes personal stories frank discussions of the barriers you may face and practical ideas that will guide you as you work to confront privilege in your classroom campus and beyond. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138480667

Black Atlantic Speculative FictionsOctavia E. Butler Jewelle Gomez and Nalo Hopkinson Since the 1980s an increasing number of black writers have begun publishing speculative-fantastic fictions such as fantasy gothic utopian and science fiction. Writing into two literary traditions that are conventionally considered separate -- white speculative genres and black literary-cultural traditions -- the texts integrate an African American sensibility of the past within the present with speculative fiction’s sensibility of the present within the future. Thaler takes stock of this trend by proposing that the growing number of texts has brought forth a genre of its own. She analyzes recent fictions by Octavia E. Butler Jewelle Gomez and Nalo Hopkinson as in-between color-coded literary and cultural traditions by paying particular attention to concepts of literary history and time as well as postcolonial notions of hybridity and mimicry race and identity. The study treads on new ground since it not only offers a broader scope of the various speculative genres in which established and emerging black authors currently publish but also shows that these fictions contest conventionally accepted notions of white genres and black traditions and in consequence of (post-)postmodern literature and popular fiction. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138816183

Black Authors and Illustrators of Books for Children and Young Adults Black Authors and Illustrators of Books for Children and Young Adults is a biographical dictionary that provides comprehensive coverage of all major authors and illustrators – past and present. As the only reference volume of its kind available this book is a valuable research tool that provides quick access for anyone studying black children’s literature – whether one is a student a librarian charged with maintaining a children’s literature collection or a scholar of children’s literature. The Fourth Edition of this renowned reference work illuminates African American contributions to children’s literature and books for young adults. The new edition contains updated and new information for existing author/illustrator entries the addition of approximately 50 new profiles and a new section listing online resources of interest to the authors and readers of black children’s literature. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415762731

Black Bag MoonDoctors' Tales from Dusk to Dawn Black Bag Moon: Doctors' Tales from Dusk to Dawn is filled with inspiring educational entertaining and often quirky tales. Based on a series of interviews conducted with general practitioners across the globe the book creatively presents myriad aspects of clinical practice. Each fictionalised story illustrates various themes in the human condition whilst simultaneously highlighting the struggles and achievements of both patients and doctors. This insightful collection offers stimulating reading for all healthcare professionals and general readers alike who will appreciate the honest often moving scenes which effortlessly unfold in each chapter. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781846199707

Black Beauty: Aesthetics Stylization Politics Previous work discussing Black beauty has tended to concentrate on Black women's search for white beauty as a consequence of racialization. Without denying either the continuation of such aesthetics or their enduring power this book uncovers the cracks in this hegemonic Black beauty. Drawing on detailed ethnographic research amongst British women of Caribbean heritage this volume pursues a broad discussion of beauty within the Black diaspora contexts of the Caribbean the UK the United States and Latin America through different historical periods to the present day. With a unique exploration of beauty race and identity politics the author reveals how Black women themselves speak about negotiate inhabit work on and perform Black beauty. As such it will appeal not only to sociologists but anyone working in the fields of race ethnicity and post-colonial thought feminism and the sociology of the body. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138266193

Black BostonAfrican American Life and Culture in Urban America 1750-1860 Between the Revolution and the Civil War non-slave black Americans existed in the no-man’s land between slavery and freedom. The two generations defined by these two titanic struggles for national survival saw black Bostonians struggle to make real the quintessential values of individual freedom and equality promised by the Revolution. Levesque’s richly detailed study fills a significant void in our understanding of the formative years of black life in urban America. Black culture Levesque argues was both more and less than separation and integration. Poised between an occasionally benevolent sometimes hostile frequently indifferent white world and their own community black Americans were in effect suspended between two cultures. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780815385578

Black Bottom StompEight Masters of Ragtime and Early Jazz Black Bottom Stomp tells the compelling stories of the lives and times of nine seminal figures in American music history including Scott Joplin Louis Armstrong and Jelly Roll Morton. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203952887

Black British DramaA Transnational Story Black British Drama: A Transnational Story looks afresh at the ways black theatre in Britain is connected to and informed by the spaces of Africa the Caribbean and the USA. Michael Pearce offers an exciting new approach to reading modern and contemporary black British drama examining plays by a range of writers including Michael Abbensetts Mustapha Matura Caryl Phillips Winsome Pinnock Kwame Kwei-Armah debbie tucker green Roy Williams and Bola Agbaje. Chapters combine historical documentation and discussion with close analysis to provide an in-depth absorbing account of post-war black British drama situated within global and transnational circuits. A significant contribution to black British and black diaspora theatre studies Black British Drama is a must-read for scholars and students in this evolving field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138917866

Black British Intellectuals and EducationMulticulturalism’s hidden history Ask any moderately interested Briton to name a black intellectual and chances are the response will be an American name: Malcolm X or Barack Obama Toni Morrison or Cornel West. Yet Britain has its own robust black intellectual traditions and its own master teachers among them C.L.R. James Claudia Jones Ambalavaner Sivanandan Stuart Hall and Paul Gilroy. However while in the USA black public intellectuals are an embedded if often embattled feature of national life black British thinkers remain routinely marginalized. Black British Intellectuals and Education counters this neglect by exploring histories of race education and social justice through the work of black British public intellectuals: academics educators and campaigners. The book provides a critical history of diverse currents in black British intellectual production from the eighteenth century through post-war migration and into the ‘post-multicultural’ present focusing on the sometimes hidden impacts of black thinkers on education and social justice. Firstly it argues that black British thinkers have helped fundamentally to shape educational policy practice and philosophy particularly in the post-war period. Secondly it suggests that education has been one of the key spaces in which the mass consciousness of being black and British has emerged and a key site in which black British intellectual positions have been defined and differentiated. Chapters explore: • the early development of black British intellectual life from the slave narratives to the anti-colonial movements of the early twentieth century • how African-Caribbean and Asian communities began to organize against racial inequalities in schooling in the post-Windrush era of the 1950s and 60s • how from out of these grassroots struggles black intellectuals and activists of the 1970s 80s and 90s developed radical critiques of education youth and structural racism • the influence of multiculturalism black cultural studies and black feminism on education • current developments in black British educational work including ‘post-racial’ approaches Critical Race Theory and black social conservatism. Black British Intellectuals and Education will be of key relevance to undergraduates postgraduates and academics engaged in research on race ethnicity education social justice and cultural studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415809375

Black British JazzRoutes Ownership and Performance Black British musicians have been making jazz since around 1920 when the genre first arrived in Britain. This groundbreaking book reveals their hidden history and major contribution to the development of jazz in the UK. More than this though the chapters show the importance of black British jazz in terms of musical hybridity and the cultural significance of race. Decades before Steel Pulse Soul II Soul or Dizzee Rascal pushed their way into the mainstream black British musicians were playing jazz in venues up and down the country from dance halls to tiny clubs. In an important sense then black British jazz demonstrates the crucial importance of musical migration in the musical history of the nation and the links between popular and avant-garde forms. But the volume also provides a case study in how music of the African diaspora reverberates around the world beyond the shores of the USA - the engine-house of global black music. As such it will engage scholars of music and cultural studies not only in Britain but across the world. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781472417565

Black Celebrity Racial Politics and the PressFraming Dissent Shifting understandings and ongoing conversations about race celebrity and protest in the twenty-first century call for a closer examination of the evolution of dissent by black celebrities and their reception in the public sphere. This book focuses on the way the mainstream and black press have covered cases of controversial political dissent by African American celebrities from Paul Robeson to Kanye West. Jackson considers the following questions: 1) What unique agency is available to celebrities with racialized identities to present critiques of American culture? 2) How have journalists in both the mainstream and black press limited or facilitated this agency through framing? What does this say about the varying role of journalism in American racial politics? 3) How have framing trends regarding these figures shifted from the mid-twentieth century to the twenty-first century? Through a series of case studies that also includes Eartha Kitt Sister Souljah and Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf Jackson illustrates the shifting public narratives and historical moments that both limit and enable African American celebrities in the wake of making public politicized statements that critique the accepted racial economic and military systems in the United States. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138067189

Black Citizenship and Authenticity in the Civil Rights Movement This book explains the emergence of two competing forms of black political representation that transformed the objectives and meanings of local action created boundaries between national and local struggles for racial equality and prompted a white response to the civil rights movement that set the stage for the neoliberal turn in US policy. Randolph Hohle questions some of the most basic assumptions about the civil rights movement including the importance of non-violence and the movement’s legacy on contemporary black politics. Non-violence was the effect of the movement’s emphasis on racially non-threatening good black citizens that when contrasted to bad white responses of southern whites severed the relationship between whiteness and good citizenship. Although the civil rights movement secured new legislative gains and influenced all subsequent social movements pressure to be good black citizens and the subsequent marginalization of black authenticity have internally polarized and paralyzed contemporary black struggles. This book is the first systematic analysis of the civil rights movement that considers the importance of authenticity the body and ethics in political struggles. It bridges the gap between the study of race politics and social movement studies. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138920866

Black Civil Rights in America This book is the authoritative introduction to the history of black civil rights in the USA. It provides a clear and useful guide to the political social and cultural history of black Americans and their pursuit of equal rights and recognition from 1865 through to the present day. From the civil war of the 1860s to the race riots of the 1990s Black Civil Rights details the history of the modern civil rights movement in American history. This book introduces the reader to: * leading civil rights activists* black political movements within the USA* crucial legal and political developments* the portrayal of black Americans in the media. This a book no American history or cultural studies student will want to do without. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203930106

Black Clouds Over the Isle of GodsAnd Other Modern Indonesian Short Stories The stories in this anthology take issue with worn stereotypes and reflect both everyday life and the great upheavals that have marked modern Indonesian national life. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315702056

Black Communications and Learning to ReadBuilding on Children's Linguistic and Cultural Strengths This book is about effective literacy instruction for students in grades K-4 who use the language variety that many linguists call African American English but which as explained in the Introduction the author calls Black Communications (BC). Throughout considerable attention is given to discussing the integral and complex interconnections among African American language culture and history drawing significantly on examples from African American historical and literary sources. Although it is theoretical in its description of the BC system and its discussion of research on language socialization in African American communities the major focus of this book is pedagogy. Many concrete examples of successful classroom practices are included so that teachers can readily visualize and use the strategies and principles presented. *Part I ‘What is Black Communications?†presents an overview of the BC system providing a basic introduction to the major components of the language—phonology grammar lexicon and pragmatics and illustrating how these components work in synchrony to create a coherent whole.*Part II “Language Socialization in the African American Discourse Community †examines existing research on African American children’s language socialization.*Part III “Using African American Children’s Literature †draws connections between strategy instruction and the linguistic and rhetorical abilities discussed in Part II. Each chapter ends with suggestions for using African American literature to help children develop their speaking and writing abilities.*Part IV “Children Using Language †moves from a focus on teaching comprehension strategies to helping BC speakers learn to decode text. This volume is directed to researchers faculty and graduate students in the fields of language and literacy education and linguistics and is well-suited as a text for graduate-level courses in these areas. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781003064442

Black ConservatismEssays in Intellectual and Political History This volume is the first comprehensive examination of African American conservative thought and politics from the late eighteenth century to the present. The essays in the collection explore various aspects of African American conservatism including biographical studies of abolitionist James Forten clergymen Henry McNeal Turner and J.H. Jackson and activists A. Philip Randolph and Bayard Rustin. Thematic essays in the volume consider southern black conservatism in the late nineteenth century and after World War I African American success manuals Ellisonian cultural criticism the Nation of Islam and African Americans and the Republican Party after 1964. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138867864

Black Cosmopolitanism and AnticolonialismPivotal Moments This book examines the cosmopolitanism and anticolonialism that black intellectuals such as the African American W.E.B. Du Bois the Caribbeans Marcus Garvey and George Padmore and the Francophone West Africans (Kojo Touvalou-Houénou Lamine Senghor and Léopold Sédar Senghor) developed during the two world wars by fighting for freedom equality and justice for Senegalese and other West African colonial soldiers (known as tirailleurs) who made enormous sacrifices to liberate France from German oppression. Focusing on the solidarity between this special group of African American Caribbean and Francophone West African intellectuals against French colonialism this book uncovers pivotal moments of black Anglophone and Francophone cosmopolitanism and traces them to published and archived writings produced between 1914 and the middle of the twentieth century. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138331877

Black DiplomacyAfrican Americans and the State Department 1945-69 This text covers integration of the State Department after 1945 and the subsequent appointments of Black ambassadors to Third World and African nations. Other topics include: the setbacks during the Eisenhower years and the gains achieved during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706092

Black EducationA Quest for Equity and Excellence This highly focused collection of papers commissioned by the National Urban League offers a candid and courageous portrait of black education in transition. This is a period as the editors note in their opening remarks that is characterized by a huge shift from federal responsibility for minority education to authority and autonomy being lodged at the local government level. Further many institutions that once worked well no longer do so. Many ambitious social programs and policies that originally promised much have been abandoned have failed or just faded away. Pivotal to these times and changes is the question of the extent to which the American educational system has been or still is capable of being responsive to incorporating and even instigating equity and excellence for black Americans. This volume asks the hard questions: is the educational system geared up for the maintenance of anything other than mainstream values? can it adapt to minority youth requirements? when why and how do educational policies of majorities and minorities clash? How are priorities to be established on the basis of wealth or need? The legal statutes and administrative enforcement of equal educational opportunities are explored in depth and with a deep compassion for all parties involved. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519602

Black Educational LeadershipFrom Silencing to Authenticity This book explores Black educational leadership and the development of anti-racist purpose-driven leadership identities. Recognizing that schools within the United States maintain racial disparities the authors highlight Black leaders who transform school systems. With a focus on 13 leaders this volume demonstrates how US schools exclude African American students and the impacts such exclusions have on Black school leaders. It clarifies parallel racism along the pathway to becoming teachers and school leaders framing an educational pipeline designed to silence and mold educators into perpetrators of educational disparities. This book is designed for district administrators as well as faculty and students in Race and Ethnicity in Education Urban Education and Educational Leadership. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367466138

Black EdwardiansBlack People in Britain 1901-1914 This study reveals the presence of black people in all walks of life all over the British Isles at the height of the imperialist era - challenging conventional views on imperialism racism and British social history. Historians of British society have largely ignored this most visible of minorities and commentators on racism have been silent on the period. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203044681

Black Electoral PoliticsParticipation Performance Promise The official publication of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists (NCOBPS) this annual publication includes significant scholarly research reflecting the diverse interests of scholars from various backgrounds who use a variety of models approaches and methodologies. The central focus is on politics and policies that advantage or disadvantage groups because of race ethnicity sex or other factors. The research is performed in a variety of contexts and settings.This second volume is dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the NCOBPS and is commemorated in a special introductory section that includes major feature articles a special symposium and a book review section.Lucius J. Barker is Edna F. Gellhorn Professor of Public Affairs and Political Science at Washington University St. Louis and author of a number of books and articles on American judicial politics and public law and African-American politics. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519619

Black Faculty in the AcademyNarratives for Negotiating Identity and Achieving Career Success Through candid discussions and personal counter-narrative stories Black Faculty in the Academy explores the experiences and challenges faced by faculty of color in academe. Black faculty in predominantly White college and university settings must negotiate multiple and competing identities while struggling with issues of marginality otherness and invisible barriers. This important book illuminates how faculty can develop a professional identity that leads to success in academe while at the same time remaining true to cultural and personal identities. Through rich narratives chapter authors situate race-related encounters at the center of their experience in an effort to deconstruct and challenge commonly held assumptions about life in academe. They also provide key recommendations and strategies to help faculty of color ensure their continued professional success. Framed by critical race theory these stories show how faculty can successfully maneuver through all stages of a career in academe including tenure and promotion publication mentoring networking teaching and dealing with institutional climate issues. This valuable book is for faculty and administrators seeking to create an environment that nurtures professional growth and fosters success among Black faculty. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415727556

Black Families In CrisisThe Middle Class First published in 1989. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138871717

Black FamiliesInterdisciplinary Perspectives The condition and characteristics of the black family have been subjects of intense debate since at least the 1960s when the Moynihan Report and the culture of poverty theses held sway. Since then a consistent theme has been that black families are pathological. Despite the fact that research has been inconclusive and contradictory political debate and policy have been strongly influenced by the pathology theme. This volume presents alternative approaches toward understanding the special characteristics of black families. Extending a special issue of The Review of Black Political Economy the book focuses on the economic circumstances and decision making of these families employing Interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives. It examines the general responses of black families to various external factors such as economic systems and to Internal factors such as interpersonal relationships. This compendium of current thinking and research will be of interest to professionals in a number of fields Including family studies counseling social work psychology and sociology. It will be of practical use in training programs for service delivery systems Interested In Incorporating multicultural perspectives as well as those specifically interested in black families today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138519640

Black FathersAn Invisible Presence in America Second Edition This book offers a broader more positive picture of African American fathers. Featuring case studies of African-descended fathers this edited volume brings to life the achievements and challenges of being a black father in America. Leading scholars and practitioners provide unique insight into this understudied population. Short-sighted social policies which do not encourage father involvement are critically examined and the value of father engagement is promoted. The problems associated with the absence of a father are also explored. The second edition features an increased emphasis on: the historical issues confronting African descended fathers the impact of health issues on Black fathers and their children the need for therapeutic interventions to aid in the healing of fathers and their children the impact of an Afrikan-centered fathering approach and the need for research which considers systemic problems confronting African American fathers community focused models that provide new ideas for (re)connecting absent fathers learning tools including reflective questions and a conclusion in each chapter and more theory and research throughout the book. Part I provides a historical overview of African descended fathers including their strengths and shortcomings over the years. Next contributors share their personal stories including one from a communal father working with underserved youth and two others that highlight the impact of absent fathers. Then the research on father-daughter relationships is examined including the impact of father absence on daughters and on gender identity. This section concludes with a discussion of serving adolescents in the foster care system. Part II focuses on the importance of a two-parent home communal fathering and equalitarian households. Cultural implications and barriers to relationships are also explored. This section concludes with a discussion of the struggles Black men face with role definitions. The book concludes with a discussion of the impact of adoption and health issues on Black fathers and their children and the need for more effective therapeutic interventions that include a perspective centered in the traditions and cultures of Afrika in learning to become a father. The final chapter offers an intervention model to aid in fatherhood. An ideal supplementary text for courses on fathers and fathering introduction to the family parenting African American families/men men and masculinity Black studies race and ethnic relations and family issues taught in a variety of departments the book also appeals to social service providers policy makers and clergy who work with community institutions. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415883672

Black Feminism in Qualitative InquiryA Mosaic for Writing Our Daughter's Body Recently Black women have taken the world stage in national politics popular culture professional sports and bringing attention to racial injustice in policing and the judicial system. However rarely are Black women acknowledged and highlighted for their efforts to understand the social problems confronting our generation and those generations that came before us. In the post-civil rights era research faculty and theoreticians must acknowledge the marginalization of Black women scholars’ voices in contemporary qualitative scholarship and debates. Black Feminism in Qualitative Inquiry: A Mosaic for Writing our Daughter's Body engages qualitative inquiry to center the issues and concerns of Black women as researcher(s) and the researched while simultaneously questioning the ostensible innocence of qualitative inquiry including methods of data collection processes of data analysis and representations of human experiences and identities. The text centers "daughtering" as the onto-epistemological tool for approaches to Black feminist and critical race data analysis in qualitative inquiry. Advanced and novice researchers interested in decolonizing methodologies and liberatory tools of analysis will find the text useful for cultural education political and racial critiques that center the intersectional identities and interpretations of Black women and girls and other people of color. Daughtering as a tool of analysis in Black feminist qualitative inquiry is our own cultural and spiritual way of being doing and performing decolonizing work. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138486225

Black Feminist Archaeology Black feminist thought has developed in various parts of the academy for over three decades but has made only minor inroads into archaeological theory and practice. Whitney Battle-Baptiste outlines the basic tenets of Black feminist thought and research for archaeologists and shows how it can be used to improve contemporary historical archaeology. She demonstrates this using Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage the W. E. B. Du Bois Homesite in Massachusetts and the Lucy Foster house in Andover which represented the first archaeological excavation of an African American home. Her call for an archaeology more sensitive to questions of race and gender is an important development for the field. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781598743791

Black Feminist ThoughtKnowledge Consciousness and the Politics of Empowerment In spite of the double burden of racial and gender discrimination African-American women have developed a rich intellectual tradition that is not widely known. In Black Feminist Thought originally published in 1990 Patricia Hill Collins set out to explore the words and ideas of Black feminist intellectuals and writers both within the academy and without. Here Collins provides an interpretive framework for the work of such prominent Black feminist thinkers as Angela Davis bell hooks Alice Walker and Audre Lorde. Drawing from fiction poetry music and oral history the result is a superbly crafted and revolutionary book that provided the first synthetic overview of Black feminist thought and its canon. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138127241

Black Girlhood Punishment and ResistanceReimagining Justice for Black Girls in Virginia Black Girlhood Punishment and Resistance: Reimagining Justice for Black Girls in Virginia provides a historical comprehensive examination of racialized classed and gendered punishment of Black girls in Virginia during the early twentieth century. It looks at the ways in which the court system punished Black girls based upon societal accepted norms of punishment hinged on a notion that they were to be viewed and treated as adults within the criminal legal system. Further the book explores the role of Black Club women and girls as agents of resistance against injustice by shaping a social justice framework and praxis for Black girls and by examining the establishment of the Virginia Industrial School for Colored Girls. This school was established by the Virginia State Federation of Colored Women’s Clubs and its first President Janie Porter Barrett. This book advances contemporary criminological understanding of punishment by locating the historical origins of an environment normalizing unequal justice. It draws from a specific focus on Janie Porter Barrett and the Virginia Industrial School for Colored Girls; a groundbreaking court case of the first female to be executed in Virginia; historical newspapers; and Black Women’s Club archives to highlight the complexities of Black girls’ experiences within the criminal justice system and spaces created to promote social justice for these girls. The historical approach unearths the justice system’s role in crafting the pervasive devaluation of Black girlhood through racialized gendered and economic-based punishment. Second it offers insight into the ways in which historically Black women have contributed to what the book conceptualizes as “resistance criminology †offering policy implications for transformative social and legal justice for Black girls and girls of color impacted by violence and punishment. Finally it offers a lens to explore Black girl resistance strategies through the lens of the Black Girlhood Justice framework. Black Girlhood Punishment and Resistance uses a historical intersectionality framework to provide a comprehensive overview of cultural socioeconomic and legal infrastructures as they relate to the punishment of Black girls. The research illustrates how the presumption of guilt of Black people shaped the ways that punishment and the creation of deviant Black female identities were legally sanctioned. It is essential reading for academics and students researching and studying crime criminal justice theoretical criminology women’s studies Black girlhood studies history gender race and socioeconomic class. It is also intended for social justice organizations community leaders and activists engaged in promoting social and legal justice for the youth. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367530808

Black GlobalismThe International Politics of a Non-State Nation First published in 1998 Black Globalism: The International Politics of a Non-state Nation examines the international political behaviour of African-Americans. From the slave revolts of Denmark Vesey and Nat Turner to the influence of the Congressional Black Caucus on US foreign policy the author examines the impact of the domestic racial environment on the international interests and activities of African-Americans. Black Globalism uses three levels of analysis to describe the dimensions of this international activity. At the individual level the emigration debate which included Frederick Douglass David Walker Benjamin Russworm Paul Cuffee Martin Delany is considered. Here the emigration efforts of Chief Alfred Sam Bishop Henry Turner and Marcus Garvey are examined. The influence of scholar and activist W.E.B. DuBois and the leadership of Malcolm X is examined with respect to their ideological impact on the transnational political activity on organizations such as the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People the Nation of Islam and the Black Panther Party. From the 1869 appointment of Andrew Young to the US Ambassador to the United Nations the impact of African-Americans on US foreign policy decision making is examined. This includes the Congressional Black Caucus’ influence on president Clinton’s humanitarian intervention in Haiti. This governmental level analysis includes an examination of the history and politics of desegregating the US Department of State. Finally the relative economic status of African-Americans in the domestic and global economic system is considered with respect to the shrinking of the welfare state and the challenges of the post-cold war global economy. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138339446

Black Heretics Black ProphetsRadical Political Intellectuals First published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis an informa company. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315865621

Black Holes Wormholes and Time Machines Bringing the material up to date Black Holes Wormholes and Time Machines Second Edition captures the new ideas and discoveries made in physics since the publication of the best-selling first edition. While retaining the popular format and style of its predecessor this edition explores the latest developments in high-energy astroparticle physics and Big Bang cosmology. The book continues to make the ideas and theories of modern physics easily understood by anyone from researchers to students to general science enthusiasts. Taking you on a journey through space and time author Jim Al-Khalili covers some of the most fascinating topics in physics today including: Black holes Space warps The Big Bang Time travel Wormholes Parallel universes Professor Al-Khalili explains often complex scientific concepts in simple nontechnical terms and imparts an appreciation of the cosmos helping you see how time traveling may not be so far-fetched after all. Media > Books > Print Books CRC Press 9781439885598

Black Intellectual Thought in EducationThe Missing Traditions of Anna Julia Cooper Carter G. Woodson and Alain LeRoy Locke Black Intellectual Thought in Education celebrates the exceptional academic contributions of African-American education scholars Anna Julia Cooper Carter G. Woodson and Alain Leroy Locke to the causes of social science education and democracy in America. By focusing on the lives and projects of these three figures specifically it offers a powerful counter-narrative to the dominant established discourse in education and critical social theory--helping to better serve the population that critical theory seeks to advocate. Rather than attempting to "rescue" a few African American scholars from obscurity or marginalization this powerful volume instead highlights ideas that must be probed and critically examined in order to deal with prevailing contemporary educational issues. Cooper Woodson and Locke’s history of engagement with race democracy education gender and life is a dynamic demanding and authentic narrative for those engaged with these important issues. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780415641913

Black Leaders and Ideologies in the SouthResistance and Non-Violence A new collection of philosophical biographies of key figures in Black Southern American social and political thought Frederick Douglass Booker Washington and Ida Wells. Thurgood Marshall and Martin King are focused upon together with Howard Thurman Richard Wright Fred Gray and Barbara Jordan. All are important in various ways to the movements this book seeks out. From the perspective of liberation the two high points in the African-American Odyssey are marked by Emancipation in the nineteenth century and Desegregation in the twentieth. Douglass bestriding the first King and Marshall the second. The thread of resistance runs through most of these philosophical profiles and the thread of non-violence with greater or less force also runs throughout. This volume assumes a distinction between (a) an earlier period when Afro-America was more cohesive and collectively committed to self-improvement despite the odds and (b) the contemporary period beyond desegregation marked by rates never previously rivaled of suicide joblessness imprisonment despair and alienation especially among black poor. The life stories and philosophies presented here make fascinating reading. This book is a Special Issue of the leading journal Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203086803

Black Liberation in the MidwestThe Struggle in St. Louis Missouri 1964-1970 This book offers a response to the inadequate examination of the Midwest in Civil Rights Movement scholarship - scholarship that continues to ignore the city of St. Louis and the Black liberation struggle that took place there. Jolly examines this local movement and organizations such as the Black Liberators Mid-City Congress Jeff Vander Lou Community Action Group DuBois Club CORE Zulu 1200s and the Nation of Islam to illuminate the larger Black liberation struggle in the Midwest in the mid- and late 1960s. Furthermore this work details the larger atmosphere and conditions in St. Louis Missouri and the Midwest from which this local movement developed and operated. This work raises important questions about periodizing and locating Black liberation and Black Nationalism. As racial oppression in the United States was equated with neo-colonialism and internal-colonialism this discussion reveals the global nature of white supremacy race and class oppression and exploitation as well as the material and ideological relationship between local and transnational liberation movements. Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9780203960622

Black Literature and Literary Theory The imaginative literature of African and Afro-American authors writing in Western languages has long been seen as standing outside the Western literary canon. In fact however black literature not only has a complex formal relation to that canon but tends to revise and reflect Western rhetorical strategies even more than it echoes black vernacular literary forms. This book first published in 1984 is divided into two sections thus clarifying the nature of black literary theory on the one hand and the features of black literary practice on the other. Rather than merely applying contemporary Western theory to black literature these critics instead challenge and redefine the theory in order to make fresh stimulating comments not only on black criticism and literature but also on the general state of criticism today. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138683808

Black Lives in the English Archives 1500–1677Imprints of the Invisible Containing an urgently needed archival database of historical evidence this volume includes both a consolidated presentation of the documentary records of black people in Tudor and Stuart England and an interpretive narrative that confirms and significantly extends the insights of current theoretical excursus on race in early modern England. Here for the first time Imtiaz Habib collects the scattered references to black people-whether from Africa India or America-in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England and arranges them into a systematic chronological descriptive index. He offers an extended historical and theoretical interpretation of the records in six chapters which serve as an introductory guide to the index even as they articulate a specific argument about the meaning of the records. Both the archival information and interpretive scholarship provide a strong framework from which future historical debates on race in early modern England can proceed. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9780367649913

Black LivesEssays in African American Biography The chapters in this text comprise biographical sketches of previously unknown (or lesser known) African-Americans among them General Daniel Chappie James Jr; William Levi Dawson (composer); Vinnette Carroll (director and playwright); and Elizabeth Ross Haynes (political speaker and activist). Media > Books > E-books Routledge 9781315706085

Black LooksRace and Representation In the critical essays collected in Black Looks bell hooks interrogates old narratives and argues for alternative ways to look at blackness black subjectivity and whiteness. Her focus is on spectatorship—in particular the way blackness and black people are experienced in literature music television and especially film—and her aim is to create a radical intervention into the way we talk about race and representation. As she describes: "the essays in Black Looks are meant to challenge and unsettle to disrupt and subvert." As students scholars activists intellectuals and any other readers who have engaged with the book since its original release in 1992 can attest that's exactly what these pieces do. Media > Books > Print Books Routledge 9781138821552