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Clustering and IASPs
for Higher Availability
on the IBM iSeries Server
Clustering and IASPs for Higher Availability on the IBM iSeries Server
Revenir à l'accueil
Au format "texte" :
Domino for iSeries Sizing
and Performance Tuning
Wilfried Blankertz
Christina Fasth
Kim Greene
Deb Landon
Brandon Rau
Colin Stamp
Correctly sizing a server with the
Workload Estimator
Tips and techniques for tuning
Domino for iSeries
Information on iSeries
Dedicated Server for Domino
Front cover
International Technical Support Organization
Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
April 2002
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1999, 2002. All rights reserved.
Note to U.S Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set
forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Second Edition (April 2002)
This edition applies to Release 5.0.8 of Domino for iSeries for use with OS/400 Version 5 Release 1 (V5R1)
and later.
The first edition of this redbook was published in October 1999 and was originally entitled Lotus Domino for
AS/400: Performance, Tuning, and Capacity Planning. It applied to Release 4.6.3 of Domino for AS/400 for
use with OS/400 Version 4 Release 2 and later.
Comments may be addressed to:
IBM Corporation, International Technical Support Organization
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When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a non-exclusive right to use or distribute the information in
any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
Take Note! Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general
information in “Special notices” on page xi.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 iii
Special notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
IBM trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xv
The team that wrote this edition of the Redbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xv
The team that wrote the first edition of this redbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Special notice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii
Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii
Summary of changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
Second Edition, April 2002. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
Chapter 1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Conclusions and references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Chapter 2. Overview of Lotus Domino for iSeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1 Why use Domino for iSeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.1 Scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.2 Reliability and availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.3 Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.4 Proven security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Planning a Domino for iSeries server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2.1 Developing a Notes naming structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2.2 Choosing the right replication topology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.3 How security relates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2.4 What remains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 The value of sizing, performance analysis, and tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3.1 Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4 Domino architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4.1 Layer 0: The kernel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4.2 Layer 1: Kernel extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4.3 Layer 2: System and core applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4.4 Layer 3: Layered end-user applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.5 Tools available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.5.1 Collection Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.5.2 Performance Management/400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.5.3 Performance Tools (5722-PT1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.5.4 iSeries Performance Explorer (PEX). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.5.5 Management Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.5.6 BEST/1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.5.7 Server.Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.5.8 Performance Navigator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.5.9 NotesBench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.5.10 GroupSizr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.5.11 WEBSizr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.5.12 LoadRunner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.5.13 Tivoli Manager for Domino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.5.14 Tivoli Application Response Measurement (ARM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
iv Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
2.6 NSD for OS/400 (Dump utility) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.6.1 Activating the NSD tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Chapter 3. Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.1 Introduction to Workload Estimator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2 Benchmarks to determine the load of specific workloads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.3 Workload Estimator terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.3.1 Workload. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.3.2 Instance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.4 Domino sizing concepts in the Workload Estimator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.4.1 Concurrent users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.4.2 Number of partitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.4.3 Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.5 Domino mail concepts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.5.1 Mail access types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.6 Domino application concepts in Workload Estimator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.6.1 Example application comparisons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.6.2 Database capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.7 Characterizing existing applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.8 Additional options for more accurate estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.9 Using IBM Workload Estimator for iSeries results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.10 Additional tips and insights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.11 Consolidating Domino servers from other platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.11.1 Capabilities of various iSeries and AS/400 models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.12 Additional resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.1 Defining a Domino for iSeries performance methodology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.1.1 Relationship between Domino and the iSeries server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.2 Understanding Domino on the iSeries server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.2.1 Transactions in Domino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.2.2 Domino base functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.2.3 Domino advanced functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.3 Domino tasks on the iSeries server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.4 Application development performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.5 Lotus Domino overall performance on the iSeries server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.6 The Queuing Multiplier (QM) curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.7 Dividing the CPU utilization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.8 A brief discussion of threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.8.1 Threads on the iSeries server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.8.2 Other Domino task that use threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.9 A brief discussion on run attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.9.1 Run priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.9.2 How a change in run priority affects a job. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.9.3 Job priority considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.9.4 Time slice parameter and tuning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.9.5 How the system manages job and run priorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.10 Reviewing iSeries performance using CL commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.10.1 Work with System Status (WRKSYSSTS) command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.10.2 Information about thread state transitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.10.3 Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.10.4 Work with System Activity (WRKSYSACT) command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.10.5 Work with Disk Status (WRKDSKSTS) command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.10.6 Observing network performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4.10.7 Work with System Values (WRKSYSVAL) command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.10.8 Display System Log (DSPLOG) command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4.10.9 Start System Service Tools (STRSST) command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.11 Collecting performance data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.11.1 Starting Collection Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.11.2 Using Work with System Activity (WRKSYSACT) with an output file . . . . . . . . . 89
4.12 Management Central performance monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.12.1 Monitoring real-time system performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
4.12.2 Viewing graph history of monitor data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
4.12.3 Exporting Graph History to PC files for analysis and printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
4.12.4 Combining Management Central’s CPU Utilization metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
4.12.5 Job monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
4.13 Reviewing data using Performance Tools/400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
4.13.1 Print System Report (PRTSYSRPT) command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
4.13.2 Print Component Report (PRTCPTRPT) command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
4.13.3 Print Transaction Report (PRTTNSRPT) command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
4.13.4 Print Activity Report (PRTACTRPT) command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
4.13.5 Convert Performance Thread Data (CVTPFRTHD) command . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
4.14 Performance Explorer (PEX). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
4.14.1 Add PEX Definition (ADDPEXDFN) command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
4.14.2 Start PEX Session (STRPEX) command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
4.14.3 End PEX Session (ENDPEX) command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
4.14.4 Print PEX Report (PRTPEXRPT) command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
4.14.5 Performance Explorer trace points for Domino. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
4.14.6 TPROF PEX trace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Chapter 5. Domino logs and statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
5.1 The commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
5.1.1 The show tasks command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
5.1.2 Understanding the Domino statistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
5.1.3 Show Domino open database statistics (sh DBS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
5.1.4 Platform-dependent statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
5.1.5 Show Domino Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
5.2 The reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
5.2.1 The Log database (log.nsf) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
5.2.2 The Statistics and Reporting database (statrep.nsf). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
5.3 Combining performance data from Domino and iSeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
5.4 Monitoring the Notes Remote Procedure Calls (NRPC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
5.4.1 Using a network sniffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
5.4.2 Lotus Client NRPC Monitoring Tool Client_Clock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Chapter 6. Tuning the iSeries server for Lotus Domino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
6.1 Tuning the iSeries server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
6.2 Automatic performance adjustment (QPFRADJ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
6.2.1 The interactive iSeries tuning chart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
6.2.2 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
6.3 Determining Domino workload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
6.4 Choosing which memory pool to use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
6.4.1 Using expert cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
6.4.2 Activity levels of memory pools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
6.4.3 Faulting rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
6.5 Choosing which processor priority to use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
vi Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
6.5.1 Changing the run priority of Domino tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
6.6 DASD: System ASP, user ASPs, and independent ASPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
6.7 Unleashing iSeries work management on Domino servers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
6.7.1 Configuring a Domino server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
6.7.2 Starting a Domino server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
6.7.3 Working with Domino jobs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
6.8 Online backup with BRMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
6.9 Network tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
6.9.1 Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
6.9.2 TCP/IP buffer size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
6.9.3 Port filtering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
6.9.4 Duplex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
6.9.5 TCPONLY for Ethernet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
7.1 Basics of Domino tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
7.2 Relating Domino tasks to iSeries jobs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
7.3 Domino parameters that affect performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
7.4 Domino Database indexing: Controlling the UPDATE task. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
7.4.1 Components of the Domino database indexer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
7.4.2 UPDATE task CPU utilization in a normal environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
7.4.3 The UPDATE task and CPU utilization in a problem environment . . . . . . . . . . . 188
7.4.4 Affecting the UPDATE task behavior through the view properties . . . . . . . . . . . 190
7.4.5 Detecting UPDATE task problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
7.4.6 Making the changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
7.4.7 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
7.5 TCP/IP between Domino servers on the same iSeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
7.6 GTR search engine version 3.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
7.7 Using the Extended Directory Catalog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
7.7.1 Comparing EDC to a standard directory catalog (DirCat). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
7.7.2 Using Extended Directory Catalog to improve performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
7.8 Investigating mail backlogs and performance issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
7.9 Domino console logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
7.10 Number of users per Domino server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
7.11 Using a separate partition for the R5 SMTP MTA server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
7.12 Excessive translations on iSeries and zSeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
7.12.1 Opening up any suspect job using the new Domino panel group. . . . . . . . . . . 202
7.13 Optimizing mail: White space, compact, and quotas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
7.13.1 Mail file size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
7.14 Domino memory management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
7.14.1 NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size or Nsf_Buffer_Pool_Size_mb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
7.14.2 How queues relate to the NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
7.15 Controlling the details of Domino logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
7.16 iSeries environment variable settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
7.17 Domino for iSeries specific notes.ini parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
7.18 CORBA and Java servlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Chapter 8. Understanding the Domino server jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
8.1 Domino server jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
8.2 Domino server jobs (always necessary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
8.2.1 ADMINP: Administration process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
8.2.2 AMGR: Agent manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
8.2.3 QNNINSTS: The ‘Watchdog’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
8.2.4 ROUTER: The mail router. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
8.2.5 SERVER: The main server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
8.2.6 STATLOG: Database activity logger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
8.2.7 UPDATE: The Indexer task. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
8.3 Domino server jobs (often used) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
8.3.1 CLADMIN: Cluster administration process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
8.3.2 CLDBDIR: Cluster Database Directory Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
8.3.3 CLREPL: Cluster Replicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
8.3.4 COLLECT: Statistics collector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
8.3.5 EVENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
8.3.6 HTTP: The Web server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
8.3.7 LOGASIO: Log asynchronous I/O process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
8.3.8 REPLICA: The replication task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
8.3.9 SCHED: Schedule Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
8.3.10 SMTP: Internet Mail Router. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
8.4 Domino server jobs (very likely not used) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
8.4.1 BILLING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
8.4.2 CALCONN: Calendar connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
8.4.3 QNNINADD: Directory synchronization add-in task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
8.4.4 REPORT: Statistic reporter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
8.4.5 STATS: Statistics on demand via e-mail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
8.5 Domino server database housekeeping jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
8.5.1 COMPACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
8.5.2 UPDALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
8.5.3 Fixup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
8.6 Series SMTP: AnyMail/400 Mail Server Framework (MSF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
8.7 Domino server QNNxxxx programs and QSYSWRK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
Chapter 9. Integration with DB2 performance tips and techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
9.1 Choosing a storage container . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
9.1.1 Domino as a storage container . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
9.1.2 DB2 UDB as a data storage container . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
9.1.3 Why Domino does not scale like DB2 UDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
9.2 Integrating Domino and DB2 UDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
9.2.1 Integration options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
9.2.2 Connection pooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
9.3 Questions to consider when integrating Domino and DB2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Chapter 10. Clustering and partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
10.1 Domino partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
10.1.1 Why partition Domino on iSeries servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
10.1.2 How Domino partitioning works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
10.1.3 Planning for Domino partitioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
10.1.4 Partitioning tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
10.1.5 Communication between Domino servers on the same iSeries server. . . . . . . 278
10.2 Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
10.2.1 iSeries clustering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
10.2.2 ClusterProven Domino for iSeries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
10.2.3 Domino clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
10.2.4 Why cluster Domino servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
10.2.5 How a Domino cluster works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
10.2.6 ICM and the Domino HTTP Clustering components and technology . . . . . . . . 287
10.2.7 Planning for Domino clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
viii Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
10.2.8 Domino clustering limitations and recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
10.2.9 Mail database integration for high availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
10.2.10 Remote access with iNotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
10.2.11 Application hub server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
10.2.12 Network performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
10.2.13 Server_Availability_Index and Server_Availability_Threshold . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
10.2.14 Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
10.2.15 Server-based tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
10.2.16 Clustering tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
11.1 Internet and intranet protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
11.2 HTTP performance tuning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
11.2.1 HTTP terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
11.2.2 Optimizing HTTP threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
11.2.3 Optimizing HTTP cache settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
11.2.4 Optimizing HTTP logging for performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
11.2.5 Best practices for Domino HTTP server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
11.2.6 Summary of HTTP issues, architecture, and tuning possibilities . . . . . . . . . . . 315
11.2.7 Performance tuning of time-out values on the Domino Web server . . . . . . . . . 315
11.2.8 Full Text Search information in a document over the Web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
11.3 Structure of the SMTP MTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
11.3.1 SMTP performance improvements in Domino R5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
11.3.2 Best practices for SMTP messaging using partitioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
11.4 Other Internet and intranet protocols and functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
11.4.1 IMAP or POP3 on Domino Server within a cluster and failover . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
11.4.2 IMAP server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
11.4.3 POP3 server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
11.4.4 LDAP server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
11.4.5 NNTP server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
11.4.6 iNotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
Chapter 12. The iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
12.1 Dedicated Server for Domino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
12.2 Dedicated Server performance behavior and capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
12.2.1 Enhancements with OS/400 V5R1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
12.2.2 Dedicated Server for Domino workload environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
12.2.3 Dedicated server capacity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
12.3 Evaluating iSeries application integration on Dedicated Server for Domino . . . . . . . 350
12.3.1 DB2 database processing defined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
12.3.2 Accessing external databases on the same iSeries server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
12.3.3 Accessing external databases on a different iSeries server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
12.3.4 Java and Domino integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
12.3.5 WebSphere and Domino integration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
12.3.6 File serving on a Dedicated Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
12.3.7 Backup Recovery and Media Services on a Dedicated Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
12.3.8 Logical partitioning (LPAR) on a Dedicated Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
12.3.9 Linux on a Dedicated Server for Domino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
12.4 Observing Dedicated Server performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
12.4.1 Operations Navigator: Management Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
12.5 Observing Domino processing with Performance Explorer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
12.6 Sizing a Dedicated Server for your Domino application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
12.6.1 Special tuning for the Dedicated Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
Chapter 13. Domino transaction logging on iSeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
13.1 Storage management on iSeries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
13.1.1 Single-level storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
13.1.2 When data is actually written to disk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
13.1.3 Auxiliary storage pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
13.2 Domino transaction logging and how it operates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
13.2.1 Performance improvement due to Domino transaction logging . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
13.3 Performance tests with TxL on Domino for iSeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
13.3.1 Test environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
13.3.2 Test results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
13.3.3 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
13.4 When to use Domino for iSeries transaction logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
13.4.1 Incremental online backup with BRMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
13.5 Miscellaneous tips for Domino transaction logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
13.5.1 What is the Database Instance ID (DBIID) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
13.5.2 How transaction logging technically works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
Appendix A. Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
The need for capacity planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
Capacity planning prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
Basic capacity planning process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
CPW values versus Domino mail user ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
Capacity planning unit of measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
Business transaction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
Domino server workload definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
What the different workloads are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
Splitting up the workloads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
Other Domino workload concerns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
BEST/1 for Domino server capacity planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
iSeries Domino server modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
Measuring workload and system resource utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
Creating a model using measured data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
Validating the BEST/1 model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Saving the BEST/1 model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
Appendix B. SMTP and AnyMail/400 Mail Server Framework (MSF) jobs . . . . . . . . . 427
Appendix C. Important notes.ini parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
Steps for changing the notes.ini file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
Description of notes.ini variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
Appendix D. Domino R5 statistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
Other resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
Referenced Web sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
How to get IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
IBM Redbooks collections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
x Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
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xii Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
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xiv Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 xv
Explore the methodologies and approaches to assist in providing optimal performance of
Lotus Domino for iSeries! This IBM Redbook targets technical professionals who are
responsible for, or must advise on, the installation and administration of Lotus Domino servers
on IBM ~ iSeries servers. It can also be used by performance specialists to gain
knowledge on how to collect, measure, analyze, and extrapolate performance data from
Domino servers. This redbook offers you the ability to translate these methodologies into your
own situation and come up with specific performance analysis strategies and a set of tuning
parameters for the best possible performance.
This redbook shows a detailed approach for:
Estimating an appropriate configuration for a new iSeries server to run Domino
Measuring Domino application performance
Tuning Domino servers and OS/400 resources for optimal use
Understanding the impact of many configuration settings
Considering partitioning, clustering, the use of text search, indexing, and views
Improving throughput of the integration of Domino and DB2 UDB for iSeries
Analyzing the impact of the various Domino server tasks
Tuning Domino HTTP server workloads
The team that wrote this edition of the Redbook
This second edition of the Redbook was produced by a team of specialists from around the
world working at the International Technical Support Organization, Rochester Center.
Wilfried Blankertz is an Technical Support Specialist for iSeries in IBM
EMEA region Central located in Frankfurt/Germany. From 1995 to 1998,
he was assigned to the International Technical Support Organization,
Rochester Center. Here, he wrote extensively and taught IBM classes
worldwide on all areas of AS/400 Groupware solutions and Systems
Management. Before joining the ITSO, he worked as a systems
engineer in IBM Germany supporting customers with the AS/400
system and its predecessor systems (IBM System /3, /32, /34, /36, and
/38) for over 26 years. While he still focuses on iSeries technical
support, he is also a Certified Lotus Professional for Domino
Administration for Domino R5 Application Development and Domino
Note: This redbook reflects the IBM ~ iSeries server name. Throughout this
redbook, we use the shortened version “iSeries” to refer to both AS/400e and iSeries
servers. Although the examples in this redbook were conducted using the iSeries running
OS/400 V5R1, they should work the same way on AS/400e servers running OS/400 V5R1.
xvi Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Christina Fasth is a Technical Support Specialist for iSeries in IBM
Sweden, where she provides operational and software support to
customers. Before joining IBM in 1996, she worked with IBM Systems
S/3, S/3X, and AS/400 as a Systems Operator, Application Developer,
System Engineering, and IT Manager. Her areas of expertise include
Domino for iSeries and Client Servers.
Kim Greene, president of Kim Greene Consulting, Inc., specializes in
Domino for iSeries consulting, customized education, and performance.
She has over four years of experience with Domino and 11 years of
experience with the AS/400 and iSeries platform. Kim specializes in
iSeries Domino performance analysis, system, and application tuning,
enterprise integration with back-end applications and data, and Java
and Domino integration. She is also a frequent writer for technology
magazines and speaks at many conferences. Previously, she was
employed at IBM in Rochester, Minnesota, in the PartnerWorld for
Developers (PWD) organization helping IBM Business Partners
incorporate Domino into their existing applications. She worked on
several areas of OS/400 performance in the AS/400 development
Deb Landon is an IT Specialist at the International Technical Support
Organization, Rochester Center, focusing on Domino for iSeries She
writes extensively and teaches IBM classes worldwide on Domino for
iSeries. Before joining the ITSO in November of 2000, she was a
member of the PartnerWorld for developers, iSeries team supporting
business partners in the area of Domino for iSeries. She was a member
of the original team who created the highly successful Domino Days
event that has since been replicated worldwide.
Brandon Rau is a Staff Software Engineer in the Rochester Support
Center. He has seven years of experience with AS/400 and the iSeries
specializing in the areas of performance and work management. He as
written performance articles published in the iSeries magazine, The
Link, and Rochester Support Center Newsletter.
Colin Stamp has been with Lotus/IBM for six years, where he works as
a Senior Lotus Service Manager (LSM) and a Senior FSS consultant
and specialist, in the field resolving performance and capacity issues for
both customers and for Lotus Professional Services Consultancy
colleagues on ongoing projects. Prior to joining the LSM team as a
Senior Messaging, Communications, Platforms, Performance & High
Availability specialist, he worked with the Lotus SoftSwitch Team in a
Senior Support, Troubleshooter, and Consultancy capacity. Previously,
he worked 10 years for Data General as a Senior Communications
Support Engineer. Colin has written a number of white papers around
Domino (transaction logging, High Availability, Mailfile usage).
Preface xvii
Thanks to the following people for their invaluable contributions to this project:
Dave Herbeck
Marcy Howerter
Dave Johnson
Don Morrison
Joseph H. Peterson
Domino for iSeries development
James Cioffi
Michael P Martin
Richard Smitherman
Domino for iSeries Center of Competency
Michael Gilley
Walter Scanlan
Domino for iSeries Support
The team that wrote the first edition of this redbook
The original version of this redbook was produced by a team of specialists from around the
world working at the International Technical Support Organization, Rochester Center.
Gottfried Schimunek
Justine Middleton
Collier Johnson
Chris Larsen
Craig Nash
Petri Nuutinen
Rick Underwood
Mark Van Houten
Thanks to the following people for their invaluable contributions to the first edition of this
Tom Budnik
Terry O’Brien
Jeff Tenner
IBM Domino for AS/400 Development
Wilfried Blankertz
IBM Germany, AS/400 Technical Support Center
George Gaylord
IBM Chicago, USA
Mike Denney
Kim Greene
Chuck Stupca
IBM Rochester, USA
xviii Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Special notice
This publication is intended to help IBM Business Partners and IBM Global Service personnel
to measure, analyze, and extrapolate performance data from Lotus Domino servers running
on the iSeries server and to do tuning to improve performance of the servers. The information
in this publication is not intended as the specification of any programming interfaces that are
provided by the iSeries server. See the PUBLICATIONS section of the IBM Programming
Announcement for iSeries for more information about what publications are considered to be
product documentation.
Comments welcome
Your comments are important to us!
We want our IBM Redbooks to be as helpful as possible. Send us your comments about this
or other Redbooks in one of the following ways:
Use the online Contact us review redbook form found at:
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Mail your comments to the address on page ii.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 xix
Summary of changes
This section describes the technical changes made in this edition of the book and in previous
editions. This edition may also include minor corrections and editorial changes that are not
Summary of Changes
for SG24-5162-01
for Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
as created or updated on April 3, 2002.
Second Edition, April 2002
This revision reflects the addition, deletion, or modification of new and changed information
described below.
New information
Chapter 3, “Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator” on page 19, is
completely new.
The contents of the former Chapter 7, “Capacity Planning for Domino Server” have been
moved to Appendix A, “Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1” on page 391.
Chapter 7, “Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries” on page 183, now
contains the former Section 6.2 with many changes and additions.
New paragraphs and sections have been added to all other chapters.
Changed information
Many pieces of information have been changed to reflect the differences due to the
enhancements of the Domino releases after Domino for AS/400 R4.6 through Domino for
iSeries R5.08, as well as OS/400 Version 5 Release 1.
xx Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 1
Chapter 1. Introduction
Lotus Domino for iSeries has excellent, scalable performance. It has been proven to be a
superior platform for server consolidation since its release. It has been the performance
leader as measured by the publicly available NotesBench Benchmark. However, users do not
typically use the NotesBench workload in their environments. Therefore, some guidance on
how to optimize performance in customer environments is required. Integrating Domino with
commercial applications and data in relational databases also needs careful consideration
when maximizing throughput and providing the best possible response times.
2 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
1.1 Conclusions and references
This section describes briefly some of the most important topics covered in this book. It also
points you directly to the appropriate place in this redbook for finding more details.
What size of an iSeries server do you need to support 1000 Domino users? Unfortunately,
we cannot answer this question in a single sentence without knowing more details. See
Chapter 3, “Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator” on page 19, to learn
about the additional details you need.
If you know Lotus Domino very well, but wonder how you can use OS/400 functions on a
IBM ~iSeries server to analyze why Domino or other applications are not
performing well, read Chapter 4, “Basic concepts of performance analysis” on page 53.
Lotus Domino provides several logs and statistics reports, are described in Chapter 5,
“Domino logs and statistics” on page 127. This information can assist you in
understanding bottlenecks and the throughput of your server.
When you use partitioning to create multiple servers, you are able to allocate different
priorities and memory pools to each server. You can find information about memory
storage pools in 6.4, “Choosing which memory pool to use” on page 166, and 6.5,
“Choosing which processor priority to use” on page 173.
Run separate functions in separate Domino partitions.
You may find it much easier to monitor performance and tune effectively if functions, such
as mail and applications, are run in different Domino servers or partitions. Partitioning
allows you to configure multiple Domino servers on one iSeries server. You can find
information about partitioning in 7.10, “Number of users per Domino server” on page 201,
and 10.1, “Domino partitioning” on page 274. Do not run server tasks that you do not
If your installation is not using calendaring and scheduling, it is a waste of resources to run
the Calendar Connector (CALCONN) task on the server. Another function to look at is
directory synchronization. Directory synchronization is automatically turned on when you
configure a Domino server on the iSeries. If you will not use this function, choose to not
enable the function when you configure your Domino server or change your existing
Domino configure to remove its function. You remove tasks by editing the notes.ini file to
take them out of the line ServerTasks. See Chapter 8, “Understanding the Domino server
jobs” on page 229, to learn about the usage of the most important Domino server tasks.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 3
Chapter 2. Overview of Lotus Domino for
This chapter explains the benefits of running Lotus Domino on an iSeries server. It describes
the planning steps that you have to take when implementing Domino. Plus, it outlines some
tools that you can use for monitoring performance.
4 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
2.1 Why use Domino for iSeries
Domino for iSeries is a powerful solution for building and deploying both business and
e-business applications. As a server, the iSeries server provides reliability and scalability,
which are essential in the dynamic and often unpredictable e-business environment. Domino
for iSeries has the power and tools to enhance existing business applications and reach new
levels of collaboration and coordination.
2.1.1 Scalability
Within a single architecture, the iSeries spans a vast performance spectrum. On the
high-end, running on a 24-way iSeries model, Domino for iSeries provides the processing
strength of 27 partitions, accommodating 100,500 active mail users in a NotesBench audit1.
That is 27 Domino for iSeries servers on one IBM iSeries! Each separate partitioned server
can provide one or more functions of Domino for iSeries.
Many customers run multiple Domino servers on a single iSeries. A typical example involves
multiple Domino servers where one Domino server or partition provides mail function, another
application serving, and another HTTP serving. Scalability is extremely important since the
workload on any Domino server increases. Disk space demand increases rapidly as e-mail
users become more proficient with managing their messages and calendars and Domino
applications are added to the system. As the sizes of Domino databases increase, the server
view indexer tasks need more disk space and CPU cycles to run. During the life cycle of the
iSeries server, you may need to add memory, disk capacity, and additional processors. There
is no better platform to address these growth issues than the iSeries server.
2.1.2 Reliability and availability
Lotus Domino for iSeries takes advantage of the reliability and availability features of iSeries,
such as RAID-5, mirrored disk units, and integrated backup capability. Each Domino for
iSeries server runs as an application in its own subsystem. The unique iSeries architecture
makes it safe to run Domino for iSeries and mission-critical business applications on the
same machine. With a 99.97% proven availability rating, the iSeries is the most available
server in the world for running Domino applications! On top of this, there are additional iSeries
server hardware features to help keep the server running. An uninterruptible power supply
(UPS) and backup procedures are also recommended to ensure maximum reliability.
2.1.3 Integration
Domino for iSeries includes integration between Domino and DB2 UDB for iSeries databases.
Domino for iSeries maximizes its integrated access to OS/400, allowing direct, real-time
access to DB2 UDB for iSeries. Data can be accessed through several methods and provide
tight integration between Domino and DB2 UDB for iSeries.
Domino has a very rich set of integration options available for you to choose from. You can
use one of the graphical tools that allow you to map your Domino environment to DB2 or
program your own application logic. The tools include Domino Enterprise Connection
Services (DECS) and Lotus Enterprise Integrator (LEI). If you choose to use one of the
programming options, you can choose from the @DB functions, LotusScript:Data Object
(LS:DO), Lotus Connector LotusScript Extensions (LC LSX), or Java Database Connectivity
(JDBC). For more details on the performance aspects of these various integration options,
refer to Chapter 9, “Integration with DB2 performance tips and techniques” on page 259.
1 See http://www.notesbench.org
Chapter 2. Overview of Lotus Domino for iSeries 5
2.1.4 Proven security
Integrated, flexible security is a strength of both Domino and the iSeries server. Domino has
built-in security features such as execution control lists (ECL) and access control lists (ACL).
In addition, Domino security policies can be setup on the server along with access controlled
directly in the Domino server document.
iSeries comes with support for some of the functions that would traditionally be found in a fire
wall: IP Packet filtering, Network Address Translation (NAT), and SOCKS support. The iSeries
server provides the flexibility you need in today’s networked world to have function and
security right where you need it.
2.2 Planning a Domino for iSeries server
Are you ready to move to the latest Web server technology known as Domino? Are you ready
to jump right in and install the software? Well, not just yet. There are still some significant
steps in planning that you need to accomplish before you implement your Domino for iSeries
environment. There are several key areas that you want to be sure to include. Due to the
scalability of the iSeries server, along with rich function sets available in Domino for iSeries,
planning enables increased performance and application flexibility. The functionality of
Domino for iSeries requires sufficient planning and testing.
While the product is easy to install, the science is in determining the organizational
requirements and architecting Domino for iSeries to best meet those organizational
requirements. As you find more uses for Domino, you need to account for the resources it
takes to support those new uses. This is why planning and preparation are so important. As
you will notice in the following chapters, the functionality of Domino for iSeries is broad.
2.2.1 Developing a Notes naming structure
Hierarchical naming schemes are the backbone to designing a solid Domino for iSeries
infrastructure. One of the first planning steps to address is designing your naming structure.
Do you want to have several organizational units or just one? The impact of this decision
alone affects how you implement Domino for iSeries.
The hierarchical naming convention used by Domino is common name (CN)/organizational
unit (OU)/organization (O). An example of this naming convention is Jane
Doe/Southeast/Widgets, where Jane Doe is the common name, Southeast is the
Organizational Unit, and Widgets is the organization name (Figure 2-1).
6 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 2-1 Canonical format for names
Only one common name and one organization are allowed. However, you can have multiple
organizational units in your naming scheme. The OU is optional. Therefore, a naming scheme
of CN/O is perfectly acceptable for small companies with a single Domino for iSeries
administrator. However, companies are in the business to grow. Planning for company
acquisitions and growth needs to be in the equation. When planning for common names,
generally shorter names provide for greater ease of use.
Before you implement your hierarchical naming scheme, it is important to do some planning.
Draw a pyramid with the organization name at the top, and one or more levels of OUs below,
as shown in Figure 2-1. Each level in the pyramid represents one OU certifier ID. Maintaining
many certifiers and passwords can be a significant administrative task on the CPU. Multiple
OUs also create excessively long Domino names that contain multiple slashes.
Using departments as OUs has both advantages and disadvantages. It can be difficult to
create and maintain an OU for each department because people can move between
departments frequently. However, since employees in the same department work together
and use the same databases and send e-mail to one another, the advantage of departments
as OUs is their use as implicit groups for security and possibly for mail.
Alternatively, you may consider a hierarchy that consists of a company, division, and
geographic location, or perhaps a naming scheme that aligns with your Notes system
administrators. For example, if your Domino administrators are distributed geographically, you
may want to create an OU for each location.
The naming convention provides a logical security grouping and a potential distribution of the
administrative functions within an enterprise.
2.2.2 Choosing the right replication topology
Replication and mail routing are highly used functions on the Domino for iSeries server.
Designing a replication and mail routing topology is a major step in planning your Domino for
iSeries environment. Engineering an efficient topology allows your Domino for iSeries server
to perform at its highest level of reliability and efficiency while minimizing costs.
Southeast Southwest
Nick Lee Peter Brown Jane Doe
Organization Unit
Organization (O)
Common Name
Organization Unit
Jane Doe/Southeast/Widgets (CN/OU/O)
Chapter 2. Overview of Lotus Domino for iSeries 7
The factors you need to consider when choosing a replication topology are:
Size of your Notes and Domino Network: How many servers will be required to
accommodate the number of users?
Location of your Notes and Domino servers: Are all your servers scattered in several
locations or are most of them in one building? Perhaps in one iSeries server?
Amount and size of the e-mail data being sent: Is the average database (Notes
Storage File) size only 1 or 2 MB in size or over 50 to 100 MB in size?
Keeping data current: Is there a need to keep your databases current or can databases
go without replication for a period of days?
The number of clients that will access the data: Does your organization have several
hundred or several thousand users per server?
If you plan your Domino topology early, your organization's environment will run more
efficiently. You will also be prepared for unlimited future growth. Such issues as mail routing
and replication are primary methods used for passing information between Domino servers.
They are scheduled tasks that can consume many CPU cycles.
2.2.3 How security relates
Lotus Domino includes many layers of security. These layers include keeping your data
secure on the Internet, mail routing, and replication within your organization.
The categories of security are:
Server authentication
Database access control lists (ACL)
Form/view access control lists
Document level access
Field level encryption
2.2.4 What remains
The following list contains more questions that you need to answer:
Will you be accessing the Internet? If so, you should consider using a firewall.
Do you need encryption capability? If so, secure sockets layer (SSL) needs to be enabled.
Where will your Domino for iSeries server be located? Is it behind a firewall?
How do you register new users, and what are the key databases you need to be aware of
when planning registration?
Should you use advanced Domino services such as clustering, partitioning, or billing?
We attempt to address these questions throughout this redbook. Your decision to implement
decentralized or centralized administrative functions is fundamental to this discussion.
8 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
2.3 The value of sizing, performance analysis, and tuning
Figure 2-2 represents the framework for this redbook. In addition, it provides a methodology
for upfront sizing, long-term performance analysis, and tuning. We explore the methodology
in greater detail in Chapter 3, “Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator” on
page 19.
Figure 2-2 Method — Performance, tuning, and capacity planning
This book provides information about the implementation, management, and control of
Domino for iSeries. You may ask why we are including implementation in this book. The
functionality of Lotus Domino is quite diverse when compared to other applications. As a
result, how the Domino for iSeries environment is architected or implemented is imperative.
Never lose sight of the goal of performance monitoring in an organization, which is:
To develop an estimate of the system resources required to deliver performance in
accordance with a documented Service Level Agreement and based on a forecast level of
business activity at some specified date in the future.
Your ability to performance tune and size Domino for iSeries is directly related to how it is
implemented and how it has been architected.
As you may imagine, Domino for iSeries has many features and functions. Each of these
directly impacts the performance of the server in different ways. Due to the scalability and
reliability of the iSeries server, many customers deploy all or many of the function sets of
Domino on a single iSeries server. Knowing the impact that this type of architecture has on
the system is necessary to understand what the system is or is not doing at any one time.
Implementing Domino for iSeries on a single iSeries server is different from implementing
Domino on several distributed Windows/NT servers.
Understand the business
requirements for using
the Domino for iSeries
Analyze Domino
statistics and logs —
PM/Domino (determine
measurements needed
to track objectives).
Domino for iSeries
Sizing, Performance Analysis, and Tuning
Tune Domino for iSeries
using results from
analyzing the iSeries
information, along with
Domino statistics and
Sizing Domino for
iSeries based on the
projected number of
users and function sets
Employ advanced
function sets in Domino
for iSeries to meet
performance objectives.
Establish performance
objectives. Observe
iSeries performance data
using the 57xx-PT1 tool.
Chapter 2. Overview of Lotus Domino for iSeries 9
Because of the iSeries subsystem architecture, multiple Domino servers can be very easily
deployed on a single iSeries server.
The iSeries server is the most popular multi-user business computing system in the world.
Lotus Domino is the most popular groupware solution. The three pillars forming the
foundation upon which Domino for iSeries is built supports the pervasive theme of “simplicity
through integration”. These pillars are:
Reliability: 99.97% uptime, use of subsystems, automatic recovery
Scalability: The most scalable Domino servers available today — up, down, and across
Integration: Database, administration, mail, directory synchronization, save, and restore
2.3.1 Audience
The intent of this book is to provide traditional iSeries server administrators a methodology to
manage the performance and capacity of their Domino for iSeries environment. It attempts to
outline the issues involved in implementing the many functions of Domino while providing
maximum throughput. In addition, it provides a framework for upfront sizing, long-term
performance analysis, and tuning.
Traditionally, the iSeries server administrator evaluates resources in two primary
environments of the iSeries server: interactive and batch workloads. Through the
management of system resources in each of these environments, the server administrator
provides better throughput for the end users. The same approach applies to Domino end
users. As Domino functions are deployed, their impact on system resources can be measured
and analyzed. Consequently, the architecture or implementation of Domino functions on the
iSeries server is critical in understanding how the system is performing or will perform in the
Due to the functionality of Domino for iSeries, this book is primarily directed toward the
traditional iSeries server administrator. However, the content of the book provides a much
needed understanding to Domino administrators on how a particular set of functions can be
better deployed on the iSeries server.
2.4 Domino architecture
Figure 2-3 illustrates the layered architecture of Lotus Domino and the large amount of
functionality it delivers. Lotus Domino offers much more flexibility than simply an e-mail
The layered view accentuates the tight integration of core services and applications. It
contrasts sharply with other products that are assembled from disparate sources and patched
together with ad hoc interfaces.
This section and the following sections outline a few specific examples of services at different
layers of the architecture to show the design.
10 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 2-3 Understanding the Domino for iSeries architecture
2.4.1 Layer 0: The kernel
Layer 0 contains the document-centric object store. Each document, or note2, is a compound
structure of mixed data types arranged in fields that can be arbitrarily modified and extended.
A document may contain text, rich text, binary blobs (attachments, ActiveX or Java Applets,
for instance), encryption keys, doclinks, and so on. Each Domino database contains a
collection of documents, and includes meta-organizing structures for display, security,
retrieval, and access rights to the individual documents.
2.4.2 Layer 1: Kernel extensions
Layer 1 is logically distinct from Layer 0. However, it is tightly bound to the object store.
Critical platform services are encapsulated within this layer. These include security,
replication, routing, formula languages, view indexing, and document editing and rendering.
Domino Architecture
Layer 3
Layer 2
Layer 1
C and C++ Layer 0
Java Beans SDK
LotusScript Java
VB and VBA
NEM (UI Layer)
OS Services
On Disk Structure
Memory Management
iNotes Web Access
Layered Applications
Third-Party Applications
Lotus Enterprise Integrator
FT Search
Free Time
System Applications
Log Billing
Admin News (NNTP)
Kernel Extensions
NIF/VIEW Replication
2 A single document as seen by a Notes user is normally stored as multiple notes.
Chapter 2. Overview of Lotus Domino for iSeries 11
Each Layer 1 module is self-contained, with common interfaces to each other and the object
store. As a result, new modules can be introduced into Layer 1 or existing ones swapped out.
For example, the SMTP Message Transfer Agent (MTA), the router for Internet mail, was
inserted in Release 4 to provide an alternative mail router. Later, with Domino R5, a native
solution for SMTP was implemented to provide reliable and scalable mail router. The same
ability can be used for search engines, security key rings (Public Key Infrastructures), and so
on, as your needs require the adoption of new or standards-based components.
2.4.3 Layer 2: System and core applications
Layer 2 includes core collaborative applications that are coordinated by supporting system
applications. Core applications (mail, calendar and scheduling, discussion, document
management, and so on) are the first level of services directly visible to end users. As
standard Domino applications, they can be modified and extended by Domino developers, but
usually depend on kernel routines. System applications control and monitor these and all
other applications. They include the LDAP-compliant directory service (Domino Directory),
Logging, Administration, Billing, Free Time Lookup, and others.
2.4.4 Layer 3: Layered end-user applications
Layer 3 applications are not distinguishable technically from Layer 2 applications. Layer 3
applications also rely on the kernel and the Domino Directory (formerly called Public Address
Book or Names and Address Book). However, most of them further extend core mail,
calendar and scheduling, discussion features, workflow into higher level, task-specific
The growing set of Domino applications shows the way complex functions evolve from lower
architectural layers, while adding design and user interface elements of their own. Thousands
of existing third-party Notes applications also fit into this layer. An example is a Sales Force
Automation Domino application that utilizes security, workflow, document management, and
SameTime to generate self-help Web applications for end users.
2.5 Tools available
There are a number of tools for sizing, performance analysis, and tuning that are available for
the iSeries Domino environment. This section lists a few of the tools that are available:
iSeries and Domino tools
– Collection Services
– Performance Management (PM/400)
– Performance Tools/400
– Performance Explorer
– Management Central
– BEST/1
– Server.Load
Third-party tools for iSeries and Domino
– PM/Domino
– Performance Navigator
– NotesBench
– GroupSizr
– WEBSizr
– LoadRunner
– Tivoli
12 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Comparisons between the native iSeries statistics and the Lotus Domino statistics are
further explained throughout this redbook.
2.5.1 Collection Services
Collection Services is a data collection tool that is native to the iSeries. It can provide
significant help in troubleshooting performance problems. Data analysis can be performed
against this data collection online or offline. More information is provided on this important
function of OS/400 in Chapter 4, “Basic concepts of performance analysis” on page 53.
Collection Services, formerly known as Performance Monitor, is a part of the operating
system OS/400. To analyze the data acquired by collection services, utilize Management
Central (see 2.5.5, “Management Central” on page 13, and 4.12, “Management Central
performance monitor” on page 89) or the Performance Tools/400, Licensed Program Product
(LPP) 5722-PT1 (or 5769-PT1 before V5R1). See 2.5.3, “Performance Tools (5722-PT1)” on
page 12, and 4.13, “Reviewing data using Performance Tools/400” on page 114, for more
2.5.2 Performance Management/400
Performance Management/400 (PM/400) presents a broad array of benefits to you. As a
systems management tool, PM/400 ensures that you get the most from your system by
regularly monitoring performance and growth. These measurements allow you, your IBM
Business Partner, or IBM to more easily plan for future system growth and identify potential
resource constraints. Measuring system performance helps you make decisions that affect
your budget and human resource plans.
PM/400 is automated and self-managing, which allows for ease of use. PM/400 gathers the
non-proprietary performance and capacity data from your iSeries server and sends it to IBM.
At a cost, you can receive this data in a series of reports and graphs that show the growth and
performance of your system. You can view less detailed data for free online at:
PM/400 is automatically installed on your iSeries server or AS/400 system. It is more than a
service; it is a partnership between you and IBM or your IBM Business Partner. This
partnership helps you achieve the best return from your iSeries investment. Contact your
service provider for more information. You can also visit the Web site at:
2.5.3 Performance Tools (5722-PT1)
Performance Tools/400 (5722-PT1) manages and analyzes performance data, providing
real-time and long-term views, as well as detailed analyses. You can order this product with
one of two features: the Manager feature or the Agent feature. The Agent feature contains a
subset of the functions in the Manager feature. Performance Tools has the capability to
report, analyze, and model system performance. The Advisor function can analyze the
system and give recommendations to improve performance.
The performance capabilities in both the Manager and Agent features allow you to:
Manage performance data
Monitor performance in real-time interactively
Display performance data
Analyze performance data
Create a BEST/1 capacity planning growth model
Chapter 2. Overview of Lotus Domino for iSeries 13
Performance Tools/400 is a licensed software product from IBM. The costs varies depending
on the processor group.
2.5.4 iSeries Performance Explorer (PEX)
The iSeries Performance Explorer (PEX) is a set of performance collection and reporting
functions and commands that became available on the RISC versions of OS/400. The PEX
functions, which are part of a total iSeries performance management methodology, should not
be the first set of performance tools used when analyzing a performance problem. The
Performance Explorer and Collection Services are separate from one another and produce
two completely different sets of database files that contain grouped sets of collected data.
Both collections of data can run at the same time. However, this should be kept to a minimum
because the impact to the system is significant with both collections active. As with Collection
Services, the capability to collect Performance Explorer data is shipped with OS/400. The
ability to analyze this data requires the purchase of Performance Tools for AS/400, LPP
You can find further information on general PEX usage in 4.14, “Performance Explorer (PEX)”
on page 116. You can also find more information for specific PEX trace points for Domino in
4.14.5, “Performance Explorer trace points for Domino” on page 117.
2.5.5 Management Central
Management Central monitors provide the ability to monitor system-wide metrics, as well as
focus in on specific jobs. Prior to V5R1, the monitors were classified in one group that
monitored various performance statistics across the system. These monitors are now called
system monitors. System monitors provide real-time monitoring along with the ability to view
historical data on such areas as disk arm utilization and interactive feature utilization to name
a few. The job monitors can monitor the activity of a single job or numerous jobs by job name,
user, job name, subsystem or server type. You can learn more about Management Central
monitors in 4.12, “Management Central performance monitor” on page 89.
2.5.6 BEST/1
The BEST/1 Capacity Planning tool can be used today to create models of various workloads
to estimate the processor requirements along with disk, memory, input/output processors
(IOP), and other requirements. This tool contains two predefined workloads for Domino that
are based on NotesBench. It is best to collect your own performance data to feed into the
BEST/1 tool for accurate capacity planning results. BEST/1 is part of the OS/400
Performance Tools Licensed Program Product (5722-PT1).
As with every performance estimate (whether a rule of thumb or a sophisticated model), you
always need to remember that it is an estimate. This is especially true with a robust product,
like Domino for iSeries, that offers so many different capabilities with a chameleon-like ability
to conform to characteristics and demands. The typical disclaimers that go with any
performance estimate, such as "your experience may vary", are especially true with Domino.
Note: After OS/400 V5R1, BEST/1 will no longer be a part of Performance Tools and will
no longer be an offered LPP for OS/400.
14 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
2.5.7 Server.Load
Lotus Server.Load is a tool that measures and simulates various Domino server capacity and
response metrics. Server.Load can be used to simulate the load that Notes client-based
applications place on a Domino server. It allows you to select a workload and run it against a
target server. The workloads (also called tests or scripts in this redbook) simulate the behavior
of a Domino workstation to server.
Server.Load offers Domino administrators the flexibility of selecting a built-in script, creating a
custom script from a library of commands, or submitting commands manually. For example,
you can select to run the built-in Simple Mail Routing script and simulate users on a client
reading and sending mail. You can also create a custom script that creates and opens a
Notes mail database and populates it with notes. If you want to test or run individual
commands, such as deleting notes from a database or even running remote server console
commands, you can do this as well.
Server.Load also enables you to monitor server metrics in real time by using the Real Time
monitor window. Server.Load provides the following features:
An easy to use interface for running and customizing scripts and measuring server
The choice of using built-in or custom scripts for the workloads
A command line to submit manual commands
Real-time control of test environment and variables
Real-time characterization of server performance and capacity metrics
Server.Load help database
Starting with R5.06, Server.Load is shipped as part of the client CD or download kit. It
consists of the tool sload.exe and the documentation sload50.nsf, which can be located in the
Notes data directory when installed. Server.Load installs as part of the Administration Client.
2.5.8 Performance Navigator
Performance Navigator is a graphical PC Tool for iSeries Performance Management and
Capacity Planning that runs on Windows 95, 98, NT, and 2000. It has an intuitive interface
combined with advanced statistical capabilities to access the iSeries performance data and
reports dozens of performance metrics. It has a dynamic linear regression algorithm for trend
analysis, capacity planning, and growth prediction. It enables you to sort through the data by
month, week, day, and interval. This is a chargeable program product that runs on your
workstation to analyze the QMPGDATA library from the iSeries server.
For more information, see the Web site: http://www.mpginc.com
2.5.9 NotesBench
NotesBench provides a collection of both benchmarks and workloads for evaluating the
performance of Notes R5 servers. NotesBench is a third-party consortium organization with a
mission to measure vendor server platform performance with Lotus Domino servers.
NotesBench is available to hardware vendors only. The statistics can be used for such
applications as Server.Planner. The workloads are software components that simulate the
behavior of Notes workstation-to-server or server-to-server operations. They return
measurements that let you evaluate server performance in relation to the cost of ownership of
the server.
Chapter 2. Overview of Lotus Domino for iSeries 15
NotesBench provides:
A command-line user interface for running the benchmarks
Scripts used in the benchmarks
Special variables for notes.ini files
A checklist of disclosure information
A checklist for auditors
The Using NotesBench guide
Related Domino and Notes documentation
NotesBench gives you an objective way to evaluate the performance of different platforms
running Notes. It is intended for testing engineers at hardware and software vendors.
NotesBench requires that vendors run the NotesBench tests and publish their performance
results. Each vendor runs the same tests in the same manner, and the tests can be audited.
For more information, see the Web site: http://www.notesbench.org
2.5.10 GroupSizr
GroupSizr (formerly known as and NoteSizr) from Technovations is an application used to
size, benchmark, and analyze Lotus Notes servers, systems, and applications. GroupSizr can
be used to simulate many real Lotus Notes clients using a single PC. The tool is capable of
running a sequence of commands against any specified server or set of servers and any
given database and any Notes application.
GroupSizr produces concise and easy-to-understand results and reports, in addition to
providing run-time analysis of test performance data. GroupSizr is particularly suitable for
simulating a large amount of session requests within a limited duration of time, for example,
on Monday at 8:00 a.m. This is a PC-based Licensed Program Product. However, you can
download an evaluation copy by visiting the Web site at: http://www.technovations.com
2.5.11 WEBSizr
WebSizr is a performance analysis and sizing framework for HTTP-based servers and
applications. Application developers use WebSizr to engineer high-performance Web
applications. WebSizr helps the architect and systems engineer to easily characterize the
performance, scalability, and sizing of:
HTTP-based Web servers
Internet or intranet applications
Electronic commerce applications
This is a PC-based licensed program product. However, you can download an evaluation
copy by going to the Web site at: http://www.technovations.com
2.5.12 LoadRunner
LoadRunner is a load testing tool that predicts system behavior and performance. It exercises
an entire enterprise infrastructure by emulating thousands of users to isolate problems,
optimize performance, and accelerate deployment.
The Virtual User Generator lets you record both two-tier and three-tier client/server traffic into
a clear and readable script. The dynamic monitoring of all virtual users allows you to organize
and control how they test individually and how they interact during a scenario. The server
monitor allows you to observe the database or application server during the load test.
Summary statistics are presented with clear, attractive graphs and reports that help analyze
load scenario results and pinpoint performance bottlenecks.
16 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
LoadRunner is a licensed product. While the costs for this product is rather expensive, it
provides a wide array of functionality. For more information, visit the site at:
2.5.13 Tivoli Manager for Domino
Tivoli Manager for Domino provides the ability to monitor hundreds of Domino servers from a
real-time graphical interface, all of which can be done from a single console. The latest
release of Tivoli Manager for Domino is version 3.1. The latest release contains many new
enhancements that include:
Web-based interface
Additional monitors
Added features for performance stations
Integration with Tivoli Data Protection
New graphic and reporting tools
You can find more information and news updates on Tivoli Manager for Domino at:
2.5.14 Tivoli Application Response Measurement (ARM)
The Application Response Measurement API is a set of standard API calls, agreed upon by a
number of prominent IT companies, that allow an application-centric focus on performance.
The ARM API allows you to monitor the network that connects a client to a server and record
the interval from when a request leaves the client until a response arrives at the client. You
can use a program that generates a typical client workload and make time measurements
within the program. You can also measure the utilization for all the hardware components
involved in providing service to the user. And you can assume that if these values are at
reasonable levels, the user response time must be acceptable.
This tool is a part of the "Enterprise" of Tivoli tools. For more information, visit:
ARM is intended for the application developers who wants to know how to instrument an
application for transaction monitoring using the standard Application Response Measurement
API function calls.
Version 2.0 of the ARM Software Developer's Kit has been developed with the help of the
ARM Working Group of the Computer Measurement Group (CMG). The 2.0 ARM SDK,
including this documentation, is available on CD and from the CMG Web site:
This Web site also contains information on performance measurement agents that use the
data generated by the ARM API function calls and the latest information regarding future
updates or changes to the API.
A public discussion list for ARM, cmgarm is now available by sending e-mail to:
To subscribe, send the following message to majordomo@cmg.org:
subscribe cmgarm
Chapter 2. Overview of Lotus Domino for iSeries 17
2.6 NSD for OS/400 (Dump utility)
The Notes Server Dump (NSD) is a Lotus tool designed to gather information about a failing
Domino Server. The tool extrapolates the critical data during the life of the Domino server.
Upon failure, the tool produces a dump file. This file, when presented to Lotus support is
intended to provide all the Domino information a Lotus Quality Engineer needs to
troubleshoot just why the server failed. This was originally designed to be run with various
UNIX systems. The NSD tool has been ported to run on OS/400 to diagnose Domino for
iSeries. The tool collects and provides the following data to Lotus:
Active jobs
Environment variables
Job call stack
Job locks
Display open files
Dump of semaphores, shared memory, and message queues
Dump of notes.ini file
Commitment control status
Display communications status
Job mutexes (can be seen as locks)
Job activation group
2.6.1 Activating the NSD tool
NSD can be activated by editing the notes.ini file and adding the line:
CleanupScriptPath=call qnotes/nsd
When the server is started, the information is dumped to a Stream File (STMF) in the Data
directory of the Domino server. The file name is nsd_all_os400_(julian date)_(time).
Consider this example nsd_all_os400_19980115_15:22:21.
The file name is often truncated on a green-screen display because it is relatively long. In a
Client Access green screen, if you click the file and then click the F22 key, you see the full file
18 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 19
Chapter 3. Sizing Domino for iSeries using
the Workload Estimator
This chapter is designed to offer guidelines to help use all of the functionality of the IBM
Workload Estimator for iSeries (WLE) when sizing Domino to arrive at the most accurate
estimate possible. Please keep in mind that even after reading this chapter and having a
better understanding of how to use the WLE to achieve a more accurate estimate, it is
necessary that you treat the results and recommendations of the Workload Estimator as
For more detailed sizing information, we encourage you to use the BEST/1 modeling tool. The
BEST/1 tool is designed for performance specialists (including customers) to be used for
complete capacity planning. The BEST/1 capacity planner is part of the IBM Performance
Tools/400 product, which is a licensed program for the iSeries and AS/400. For more
information, see Appendix A, “Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1” on
page 391.
Another alternative is to use the Performance Management/400 integrated with the Workload
Estimator (see 2.5.2, “Performance Management/400” on page 12, for more information).
20 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
3.1 Introduction to Workload Estimator
The purpose of the IBM Workload Estimator for iSeries (WLE) is to provide recommendations
for estimating an appropriate configuration for an iSeries or an AS/400e server running one or
more workloads associated with e-business or collaboration, such as Domino. It is a Java
servlet-based Web application on the Internet that you can find at:
Figure 3-1 Workload Estimator conditions of usage
The majority of the use of the Workload Estimator is to size new iSeries or AS/400e models. It
is, however, possible to estimate for an upgrade of an existing system with a pre-existing
system load by adding additional work.
There are two ways to enter data about an existing system into the Workload Estimator:
1 This URL has been directed recently to be consistent with other iSeries Web pages. The former URL
http://as400service.ibm.com/estimator will redirect you to the current site.
Tip: Before you start using the Workload Estimator for the first time, we highly recommend
that you print and read carefully the help documentation, which opens up automatically in a
separate browser window after you accept the page with conditions of usage (see
Figure 3-1) as well as through the tutorial provided with the tool. The tutorials can be
downloaded as PDF files.
Chapter 3. Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator 21
You can select the Existing workload option on the Workload Selection page and complete
the questions asked about the existing resources of the system.
Import existing system data directly into the Workload Estimator from Performance
Management/400 (PM/400).
The recommendation or Selected System reported by the Workload Estimator includes the
model, processor, interactive feature, CPW capacity, memory, and then number and capacity
of disk storage (DASD) necessary to support the set of workloads defined by the user. When
providing the sizing recommendation, the Estimator always defaults to recommend the latest
technology systems that are available.
Even though these detailed resource requirements for each WLE recommendation are given,
it is important to remember that just as with every performance estimate (whether a rule of
thumb or a sophisticated model), you always need to treat it as an estimate and not a detailed
capacity planner. This is particularly true with a robust system like the iSeries server that
offers so many different capabilities where each installation will have unique performance
characteristics and demands.
The sizing recommendations that are generated by the Workload Estimator began with
benchmark measurements and performance tests based on well-defined repeatable
workloads. For Domino, most of the measurements that were performed were the
NotesBench consortium benchmark tests. Through the experience of running these
measurements with large numbers of users, as well as feedback from internal and external
customers and business partners, certain performance projections for each resource have
been developed. These are used in the calculation for a recommended system.
To arrive at a recommended system, the Workload Estimator goes through a series of
questions to collect the necessary information to calculate the resource requirements of your
solution. As you become more familiar with the Workload Estimator, you can provide more
specific information for particular workloads, thereby leading to a more accurate estimation.
The Workload Estimator is constantly being updated to implement the latest versions and
releases of the workloads. New function is being added on a regular basis to keep the
information and projections current. Periodically review the online version of the Workload
Estimator to keep up-to-date with the most accurate information at
which always describes the latest changes.
3.2 Benchmarks to determine the load of specific workloads
A few of the factors needed to determine a system's overall impact are the number of active or
concurrent users, the type of work being performed, the frequency by which transactions are
performed by the users, and the complexity of the applications being deployed.
Although there are other factors to consider to determine the total impact on the system
(communication lines, I/O processors, bus speeds), the parameters mentioned in the previous
paragraph are the critical factors for the Workload Estimator. A series of questions are asked
in WLE to acquire a combination of these factors to determine the resource requirements to
support the load of your solution.
Because of the diversity of business applications being deployed today, the best way to
appropriately size a system for a given application is to test the behavior of many system
configurations to see how they perform. Testing would require extensive hardware and people
resources. Because of this, detailed testing is not typically performed by customers or IBM
business partners.
22 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
A practical alternative is to select a workload that defines the type and frequency of the
transactions performed by users and use this workload to put a load on a system. After the
workload is defined, you can then extrapolate the results to a real user environment without
having to run the test on many different system configurations to see how they each perform.
This is only meaningful in conjunction with the well-defined workload for the benchmark. In
most cases, the benchmark result does not correlate to the exact type of “real” users working
in your organization. An example of this is the NotesBench workload used to measure the
impact of mail users on a Domino server.
The NotesBench consortium was established to define standard workloads for measuring
Lotus Domino and Notes Benchmarks on different platforms. One specific benchmark that is
of interest when using the Workload Estimator, especially for sizing a messaging workload, is
the R5Mail workload2. The R5Mail script is as follows:
Events occurring every 15 minutes
– Read five documents
– Update two documents
– Delete two documents
– Scroll a view once
– Open and close one database
– Open and close one view
– Send one memo to three recipients
– Do three lookups on the Domino directory
Events occurring every 90 minutes
– Schedule one appointment
– Send one invitation
For many benchmarks being published today, there is a multiplication factor used to project
from the benchmark “virtual” user to a “real” user. As a general rule of thumb, a NotesBench
R5Mail user equals approximately one-half of the complexity of a typical mail user. This
means that in the Estimator, the number of typical users supported by a system is equal to
one half of the number of NotesBench users reported for the same system.
For example, if an iSeries Model 840-2461 was tested with 100,500 concurrent NotesBench
users, then that same system should be able to support 50,250 typical mail users.
You can find the iSeries audited NotesBench results and other useful NotesBench information
at: http://www.notesbench.org
Aside from viewing the existing iSeries and AS/400 benchmarks that have been published to
help give you an idea of the data behind the Domino workload in the Estimator, this is also a
good reference point to start when investigating possible migrations from other platforms. It is
possible to compare the NotesBench results published from another platform for a specific
workload with the results of the same workload on the iSeries to understand how to input your
existing workload on another platform into the Estimator.
2 Earlier NotesBench audits as well as sizing aids for Domino for AS/400 used a different workload based on Domino Release 4.5.
Note: Although the typical user comes much closer to an average user in reality than the
NotesBench R5Mail user does, the workload generated by real users may deviate
considerably! This is most significantly true when it comes to applications other than mail,
but even the real life mail workload can differ substantially.
Chapter 3. Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator 23
3.3 Workload Estimator terms
When using Workload Estimator for sizing a Domino solution, it is important to use WLE
terms as they were intended for use within the tool. This section includes a discussion of a
some terms that could be interpreted differently within the context of Domino.
3.3.1 Workload
On the Workload Selection page (shown in Figure 3-2), the term workload refers to the entire
set of parameters defined within the pages that correspond to one of the types of workload
selected. It is possible to select more than one of the same type of workload. This allows the
user to size more than one Domino application per session of the Workload Estimator.
Specifically to Domino, if mail and applications are selected, the workload, as the Estimator
understands, is both of those Domino uses combined.
Because many different applications can make up your total Domino solution, the workload
selection could include as many different Domino workloads as your total business solution
needs to define all of the applications. Similarly, for a Domino mail solution, it is possible to
select multiple Domino workloads to account for each of the types of mail access.
Alternatively, since each Domino workload that is defined in the Estimator contains both a
mail profile and an application profile, it is possible to only have one Domino workload
defined. For example, you could either define one Domino workload that details your
messaging or mail solution and another Domino workload that details your end-to-end
business application like a Web shopper. Or you could combine both into a single workload.
Figure 3-2 Workload Selection page from Workload Estimator
24 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
3.3.2 Instance
Some Domino administrators use the term instance to refer to a Domino server. For example,
you may have multiple instances of Domino on a single iSeries server. In Workload Estimator,
the term instance in the phrase “the number of partitions being used by this instance of the
Domino workload” (as shown in item 7 in Figure 3-3 on page 25) actually refers to specific
Domino workloads defined in the Workload Estimator such as “Domino #1” in Figure 3-2.
This instance may be one of multiple applications deployed on the same Domino server or
across multiple Domino servers. Therefore, in this reference to the word instance in the
Workload Estimator, the user should think about the specific usage type that is being defined,
not the instance of the Domino server.
3.4 Domino sizing concepts in the Workload Estimator
Due to the diverse Domino solutions being deployed, there are multiple ways to use Workload
Estimator to size a Domino solution. The following sections describe in more detail certain
Domino specific parameters that will help when you are faced with the task of estimating the
load of a total Domino business solution and recommending an appropriate iSeries to support
the solution.
The Domino workload within the Workload Estimator has questions designed to acquire the
factors of your Domino environment to appropriately determine the recommended system.
The default values are suggested values for brand new Domino customers who do not know
how their users will end up using the application.
For those customers and business partners who are familiar with their Domino application
and their user's habits, this section offers some definitions and helpful hints on how to
interpret a few of the Domino workload concepts used to determine the recommended
3.4.1 Concurrent users
The number of registered users is the easiest to understand and always a known input
variable. Note, however, even though this should be the first question to ask, there is no way
to come to a proper estimation, if the number of users is the only information you have.
The number of active or concurrent users is very important when sizing the customer's
solution. There are a couple of ways to report the total number of active users that a customer
will be deploying.
The defaults for concurrency, as shown in Figure 3-3, are set to values that are suggested for
new Domino customers who do not know the frequency that their users will use the
applications. Again, if you accept the defaults, very likely it may not match your environment.
If you know the percentage of users that are active during peak times, adjusting the
concurrency rate for the application accordingly will result in a much more accurate
Tip: We highly recommend that you look at every single parameter and try to understand
its significance and how it might vary depending on your specific environment. The more
often you accept the default values, the less likely the resulting suggested configuration will
be useful.
Chapter 3. Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator 25
Figure 3-3 Workload Estimator Mail Definition
When you adjust the concurrency ratings within WLE Domino workloads, it is important to
understand how the concurrency ratings are used. By selecting one Domino workload,
choosing both mail and applications, and leaving the Estimator defaults for concurrency, the
highest total concurrency rating for all of your users is 65%. This is due to the 50% default
mail concurrency and the 15% default application concurrency rating.
For example, if you have 1000 users and all users work with mail and a Domino application,
then the mail and application profiles would each have 1000 registered users. WLE would
then calculate using the concurrencies of each Domino usage type that 500 users would be
using mail and 150 users would be using the Domino application concurrently. This totals 650
users actively interacting with the server at once. Sixty-five percent (650 out of 1000) of the
users would then be active on the system driving the utilization.
It is probably not appropriate to specify each of the usage types as being 100% busy if you
also specify that all 1000 users are registered users of mail, the user-written applications, and
Domino.Doc. This would give a concurrency rating of 200%, which is very unlikely.
Table 3-1 shows the specific default values for concurrent users for each Domino usage type.
The default concurrency values shown in Table 3-1 are based on feedback from IBM
representatives and Business Partners who are familiar with the way that current customers
are typically running as well as direct feedback from internal and external customers. Note,
however, that these values may be significantly different to your own environment.
26 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Table 3-1 Default concurrency values
In order to determine the total number of concurrent users for each Domino usage type being
defined in Workload Estimator, use a 15 minute interval. This means that an active user is any
user who has performed an activity that made a request to the server within a 15 minute
interval. If a user was active at anytime in that 15 minute interval, they should be counted as a
concurrent user. Please note that this value does not correspond to the default time-out
(Server_Session_Timeout), where inactive users are automatically disconnected after the
specified time.
If you use WLE for existing Domino installations, there are a couple of ways to help determine
users' concurrency. For connected Notes Client users, SH STAT SERVER shows the peak
number of users. This value would be a great starting point for the number of concurrent mail
users. SH STAT SERVER does not show how much work the users are generating.
Therefore, this would not be the place to determine users' complexity.
For Web type users, HTTP is connectionless from a Domino statistics standpoint and,
therefore, the statistics cannot show any numbers for “connected users”, but the value
Domino.Threads.Active.Peak can give some indication of concurrency.
The 15 minute interval recommendation is a rule of thumb used to determine the number of
concurrent users of the Domino application being deployed. This rule of thumb also applies to
remote users. For example, if all of the remote users were replicating every 15 minutes, then
they would be 100% concurrent. It is important to note in this circumstance that disconnected
users should be classified as casual mail users.
3.4.2 Number of partitions
The number of partitions calculated in Workload Estimator refers to the number of Domino
partitions. This metric does not refer to the number LPAR partitions being configured on the
iSeries server.
By using the default of *CALC to determine the number of partitions, WLE uses a value of
3000 concurrently active users per Domino partition. Depending on the workload generated
by each user, it may be possible to support more users per partition. The default of 3000
users per partition is a good starting point3.
Domino usage type Default concurrency
Notes Client Mail access 50%
WebMail access 15%
IMAP Mail access 15%
POP3 Mail access 15%
iNotes Access for Outlook 15%
Applications 15%
3 With Domino R4.6 and before, there was a certain maximum workload which could be handled efficiently by each Domino server. This
made it necessary for many administrator’s to limit the number of mail users, per server. At the time, the recommendation was not to
exceed 500 to 700 users per server. With Domino R5, the implementation has been changed, so each server can support a much higher
Chapter 3. Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator 27
There are of course instances in which overriding the Estimator default would be appropriate.
In a case where you have a total of 3000 users, instead of putting all 3000 users into one
partition, then you could put 1500 users in each of two partitions, to allow easier management
of the servers. Especially for an application like mail, where each user owns a particular
database, a server becomes difficult to manage if the number of databases exceeds a certain
3.4.3 Clustering
It is important to note that clustering defined for a Domino workload is actually Domino
clustering, not OS/400 clustering. Two or more Domino servers on the same or different
hardware (and same or different operating systems) can be grouped as a cluster. Important
for the workload is a task called cluster replication (see 8.3.3, “CLREPL: Cluster Replicator”
on page 246). This task ensures that changes applied to a database that have a replica on a
server in the same cluster are replicated immediately4.
When Domino databases are clustered, the server performs real-time replication for any
changes that occur to the databases. Therefore, clustering introduces additional processing
requirements that are used in sizing. For that reason, and since there are many ways to
configure clustering, it is important to interpret and specify the appropriate information in
In reality, not all databases on clustered servers need to be enabled for cluster replication.
The assumption for clustering in WLE, however, is whichever clustering configuration is
chosen for a particular Domino workload instance applies to all of the databases defined in
that instance. For example, if a Domino workload is defined with mail and applications, the
clustering configuration is applied to the total number of all mail databases and all other
databases on that server.
Your solution may be designed in such a way that clustering is deployed on a more granular
level, so that mail and application databases are not clustered together. It is necessary to
define multiple Domino workloads for each usage type and specify the appropriate clustering
configuration for each. Similarly, if there are some user databases that are not clustered at all,
you should define a separate Domino workload.
The “Clustering with other Domino Servers” option refers to both being clustered to another
server and having another server clustered onto the system being sized. If the system is
being used by another system for clustering, it is also necessary to fill in the amount of disk
storage needed for clustering.
“Cluster on the same iSeries server” refers to the case where you have multiple Domino
partitions on the same iSeries server using Domino clustering. If the partitions are clustered
on the same system, the Estimator will automatically double the number of partitions that
have been either calculated (*CALC) or that the user has specified.
In addition, the Estimator calculates the amount of disk storage needed for clustering by
adding the amount of disk storage required for the total number of mail databases, as well as
any application databases that are defined. Here is how WLE would calculate the resources
needed for clustering based on the input to the specific clustering questions:
1 partition (3000 concurrent users)
+ 1 partition (clustered on the same system)
2 total partitions
4 As opposed to “normal” replication that only takes place periodically.
28 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
3000 mail databases (3000 concurrent users)
+ 3000 mail databases (3000 replicated databases for clustering)
6000 total mail databases
3.5 Domino mail concepts
As noted previously in the NotesBench benchmark discussion, it may not be completely
accurate to extrapolate NotesBench mail users to real life users. The first thing to note is that
WLE uses the NotesBench benchmark value for the number of users that will fit on a system.
Then it divides that by 2.
Although this is done in an attempt to more accurately depict an average mail user, not all of
the users working with mail server today are average or “typical”. Therefore, the user
complexity question in Workload Estimator gives you the ability to further classify the mail
users, as the casual, moderate, and heavy values are given a type of weighting factor.
The default values of 10 casual, 70 moderate, and 20 heavy mail users is a good starting
point if the organization did not use Notes mail before. The default mixture was chosen to
represent a “typical” mail environment. This “typical” user projected for a given system will be
approximately equal to one half of the number of Mail and Calendering users (MCU) specified
for that system. For a more detailed discussion of the mail user metrics used for projections,
see 3.10, “Additional tips and insights” on page 44.
If you use many agents and extra function with your mail solutions, there is only a fine line
between a heavy mail user as defined in Workload Estimator and a Custom Application user.
One possible solution to sizing a very complex messaging solution is to use the Application
profile for Domino in WLE.
For example, a mail profile with 100% heavy Notes Client mail users represents the same
load as an Application profile with an application rating of 1.3. If your mail user profile is very
complex, with many views and agents being deployed, it may be appropriate to use the
Domino Application profile.
Just as it is important to use caution when sizing very heavy mail customers, it is also
important to avoid overestimating the number of casual users. The casual user does e-mail
only, rarely sending or receiving attachments. Therefore, casual users can quickly become
more complex, for example, by starting to use the calendaring and scheduling features as
they become more experienced with Notes mail. New Notes users will generally advance
from being casual users to moderate users in only a few months.
3.5.1 Mail access types
Another factor that has an impact on the workload generated by mail users is the access type.
Mail access types currently supported in the Workload Estimator include:
Lotus Notes Client
iNotes Access for Microsoft Outlook
Note: The mail profile should be used in most cases to estimate a mail workload. You
should only consider using the Application profile in cases when you know your Domino
mail solution very well and understand the differences to a standard mail environment.
However, do not use the mail profile to estimate the load of a custom written or purchased
Domino application.
Chapter 3. Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator 29
iNotes Web Access
As noted above, most of the mail access type profiles in Workload Estimator are based on
information collected from internal benchmarks using the NotesBench suite of workloads.
The recommendations made by WLE are not directly comparable with the audited
NotesBench data.
Because the various NotesBench workloads create differing amounts of work per user, they
have been normalized for the Workload Estimator. For a specific mail access type, the
assumption is that each user would do the same amount of work within 15 minutes. The
difference would be in the way the user's mail client connects to the server.
With the many choices of mail clients that are available, you could support multiple mail
access types with your mail and calendaring solution. When using WLE to size such a
heterogeneous solution, you use multiple Domino workloads to define each separate mail
access type.
Important mail factors
The number of concurrent mail users has a significant affect on the overall recommendation
for a Domino mail workload. Based on feedback from customers, the default concurrency
ratings for each of the mail access types have been set to represent a typical mail
For a new Domino mail user, it is usually appropriate to keep the defaults. If you are familiar
with the way your mail users are working, see 3.4.1, “Concurrent users” on page 24, for
general Domino sizing.
Extremely large databases
Another factor that has some affect on the performance and sizing of a Domino mail solution
is the size of the actual mail databases being deployed along with the size of the Domino
directory. It has been noted that as the size of these databases grows, the more complex the
average user becomes, which results in heavier loads.
The disk storage per registered user needed for the mail databases parameter in WLE
currently effects only the disk capacity recommended by the user. For extreme environments
with gigantic mail databases (for example, over 500 MB) and a huge Domino directory (for
example, over 1 GB), it is possible to account for the extra load by defining a Generic
Workload. In the Generic Workload profile, there is an option to add processor resources as
appropriate to any type of work being deployed.
30 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
The Generic Workload can be a very versatile workload. It provides a controlled manner in
which the user is allowed to enter various raw parameters of a workload. These parameters
include such things as the interactive and non-interactive CPW processing requirements of a
workload, the amount of memory, the number of disk arms, and the amount of disk storage
needed by the workload as shown in Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4 Generic workload panel
When you define mail users with databases larger than 200 MB, it is most likely appropriate to
use the heavy mail setting for those users.
Finally, as new versions of mail clients, Domino releases, and OS/400 releases are
announced, measurements and analysis are done to keep WLE up-to-date with the latest
technology being deployed on the iSeries. Therefore, it is important to continue to use the
latest version of the WLE that is available.
3.6 Domino application concepts in Workload Estimator
When we talk about Domino applications, we mean custom written or purchased Domino
databases that implement certain collaboration logic. The logic of those applications is
typically more complex like Mail and Calendaring.
Chapter 3. Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator 31
Sizing Domino applications is a very complex task due to the varying types of applications as
well as the varying ways in which applications can be designed. Because of these variations,
each application places quite different demands on system components such as CPU,
memory, and disk.
The application discussion concentrates on the interpretation of some of the application
concepts discussed in WLE as well as a short discussion on the Domino application rating
used to rate the complexity of an application. To accompany the application rating discussion
there are also a few questions that may help in determining a rating of an application if it does
not compare to any of the examples included in WLE.
3.6.1 Example application comparisons
Today no good tools exist on any Domino platform to simulate the load characteristics of an
application and map the performance to a specific configuration for a desired number of
users. As stated earlier, the most accurate way to size a system for a specific application is to
benchmark the application on a desired platform with the exact resource configuration.
Since that option is not always feasible or available, Workload Estimator directs you to arrive
at a ballpark estimate of the iSeries capacity you will need by providing examples of several
applications and assisting the user in comparing their application to one or more of the
There are currently seven example applications that represent typical Domino applications
being deployed as shown in Table 3-2. For a more detailed definition on some of the example
Domino applications, go to:
Table 3-2 User-written application examples
Once the comparison is made, you make an educated guess at an application rating for your
own application. If your application fits closely to one of the specific examples in WLE, choose
the appropriate example application from the application type list as shown in Figure 3-5.
The application rating is then selected by WLE, based on which application type was chosen.
The application rating found in Workload Estimator is a complexity rating of the entire
application. More specifically, the rating is used to determine resource requirement
projections for the different applications.
Application example Rating
Custom (default) 6
QuickPlace Light Publishing 3.5
Web Document Library Application 2.4
Customer Relationship Management 5.5
Web Shopping Application 6
Web Shopping DB2/400 Application 6.3
Domino.Doc (light) 0.5
Domino.Doc (medium) 1.5
Domino.Doc (heavy) 4.5
32 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Using the application rating scale
Because there are a wide variety of Domino applications being deployed today, a majority of
them are probably not going to compare exactly to the examples described in the Estimator.
Therefore, the ratings specified for the example applications in Workload Estimator can be
used as references when comparing those applications to your applications.
Once you determine whether your application places more or less demand on the system
resources than the example applications, you can select a custom application rating. If you
selected the custom application type, it is up to you to specify the application rating. An
application rating of 1 would represent a very light application; a rating of 3 would be a
moderate application; and something around an 8 would be a fairly heavy application.
Figure 3-5 Workload Estimator Application Definition
As new technology becomes available, Domino applications continue to grow in complexity.
For that reason, the application rating scale does not stop at 8. There is room in the scale to
rate an application as heavy as 11.
Here is an example of how to use the sample applications to compare with your application
and project an appropriate application rating. The first task is to figure out which application
most resembles your solution. Once this is completed, there are a couple of ways to proceed:
If it is determined that your application users will generate similar activities as the sample
application, but at a different rate, then use an application rating that is proportionately
more or less in the same ratio as the rate difference.
Chapter 3. Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator 33
For example, perhaps you are planning to implement a Web shopping application, so that
the users are completing a group of transactions similar to the one described for Web
Shopper, but are going to be completing the sequence at a rate of 180 seconds instead of
90 seconds. Then this application would use a rating that is approximately half the rating
of Web Shopper. Your application is half as heavy as the example.
It is also possible that the rate and sequence of transactions for the expected workload is
quite similar to an example in the Estimator, but the users will be completing heavier or
lighter transactions. There is a little more guess work that is required to go into this
It is important in this example to have a good idea of the complexity of each of the
transactions that are completed. It is then up to you to decide how much of a difference the
transactions are compared to the example application script. Section 3.7, “Characterizing
existing applications” on page 35, includes some questions and metrics that are useful when
trying to make the complexity classification of an application.
Users versus HTTP hit rates
When defining a mail or application profile in Workload Estimator, it is necessary to specify a
number of active5 users. For Web applications, such as the Web Shopping example, it can be
difficult to predict the number of concurrently active users.
From an HTTP standpoint, it is a bit easier to discuss hit rates. The HTTP protocol does not
have the concept of a session and, in many cases, the browser users don’t even need to
authenticate. The Web master knows how often a certain URL has been visited, but it is
difficult to find out whether 100 hits have been performed by a single person or by 100
different people.
When you use one of the artificial Web applications listed in Table 3-2 on page 31 to rate the
complexity of your real application, you also need to specify a number of concurrently active
users to determine how often they are called. Those applications are described in detail in the
Domino for AS/400: Application Sizing Examples white paper at:
The white paper can help you to calculate the active users, if you know only the HTTP hit rate.
Table 2, “Web Document Library Estimated Sizing” in the white paper (partially shown here in
Table 3-3), allows you to determine a ratio between concurrent users and hits per second by
dividing those two numbers. That way you find out that (according to this model application)
1 hit per second is generated by 15 active users, or in other words, 100 active users produce
6.6 hits per second.
For example, assume you consider your own Web application to have the same complexity as
the Web Document Library sample application and you expect 120 hits per second. Applying
the ration described above would result in 1800 (120 times 15) concurrently active users. You
can specify 1800 registered users and concurrency rate of 100% or 3600 registered with 50%
active users.
Table 3-3 Web Document Library Estimated Sizing
5 The Workload Estimator asks first for registered users, but what really counts are the active users. This is based on the concurrently
active percentage multiplied by the number of registered users.
Model Processor feature # N-way # Concurrent users Hits per second Hits per day
270 2422 1 247 16.5 1,422,720
2423 1 397 26.5 2,286,720
2424 2 777 51.8 4,475,520
34 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
This means that (concurrently active) users generate various numbers of hits during an active
session with the application. Hit rate values, along with the equivalent number of concurrent
users corresponding to those hit rates, are included in the definition and description of the
Web applications in the white paper.
Domino.Doc now part of the Domino application profile
Note, Domino.Doc is now included in the Domino application profile. In older versions of the
WLE, there was a separate profile for Domino.Doc. If you are used to using the Domino.Doc
profile of the Domino workload, it will be simple to transform the information into the
Application profile.
There were originally three different complexities of the Domino.Doc application, that had
different rates in which the script was completed. These three profiles are still included in the
Estimator. They are now application-type examples to be used separately or to be used for
comparisons with other custom written applications.
If you are used to combining complexities of your Domino.Doc users with the complexity
sliding bar, there are two ways to represent this in the Estimator. The easiest and most
accurate way is to define two or three separate Domino workloads and define the different
Domino.Doc user complexity groups each in a separate workload.
It is also possible to make some estimates at what the average complexity your users would
be and use only one Domino workload. This way introduces another level of uncertainty and
should be used with caution.
3.6.2 Database capacity
In this context, database refers to a DB2 UDB database and its associated processes, not a
Notes database. Only the time spent in DB2 database code as well as access methods, such
as SQL and Query/400, is considered to be DB2 database processing. The majority of the
processing in these methods is during the accessing of database records through SQL,
ODBC, JDBC, Query/400, DRDA, and other database access methods.
One specific case in WLE when this metric is important is when sizing a V5R1 Dedicated
Server for Domino iSeries model. For an in-depth discussion on the V5R1 Dedicated Server
for Domino, refer to the white paper at:
The reason for discussing the database capacity as part of the general Domino sizing
concepts of WLE is because of the way it is now used in V5R1 of OS/400 for Dedicated
Server for Domino systems. The V5R1 Dedicated Server for Domino logic allows for
complementary workloads to be deployed as long as certain criteria are met. To account for
this, the Estimator now allows for complementary workloads to be projected onto a Dedicated
Server for Domino, but with these requirements in place:
Domino must be the majority of the projected total work defined in WLE.
Projected DB2 UDB utilization is less than the rated DB2 capacity for the model.
The rated DB2 capacity is equal to 15% of the CPU for Dedicated Server for Domino models.
For more information on optimizing an application's use of DB2 database processing, refer to
the iSeries Information Center for V5R1 at:
820 2425 1 397 26.4 2,286,720
Model Processor feature # N-way # Concurrent users Hits per second Hits per day
Chapter 3. Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator 35
3.7 Characterizing existing applications
Because of the complexity and variety in the Domino applications being deployed, here are
some questions and characteristics that would be useful to classify an application that was
not comparable with any of the examples found in WLE:
Where is the accessed data located?
– In small databases?
– In a large number of databases?
– In DB2 databases?
How is the data structured for accessibility?
How is the load distributed on the server?
If the answers to these questions lead to an observation that your solution is quite complex, it
is appropriate to suggest a fairly high application rating. The following sections offer some
examples of design metrics that may have an impact on the server load or capacity as well as
user response times and can help answer the questions above.
Some application characteristics do not necessarily add extra load to the server that, in turn,
affects the total performance, but have an affect on the user response time.
Too many views or agents
One metric that could potentially have quite an impact on server performance if not tuned
appropriately is the number of views. If your application has hundreds of views and is
constantly refreshing them, the application could prove to be heavier than previously noted.
Similarly, the number of agents in an application could cause a significant performance hit.
The number of add-in tasks that are active in the application also has a significant impact on
the server load.
DB2 access and network overhead
Another factor that could impact the actual load put on the server by an application is the
extent to which the application accesses backend data like DB2. The more network layers
and connections that are involved in accessing the data, the bigger the potential is for longer
response time.
After you determine if the application has any of these characteristics, and to what extent, you
can now select an appropriate application rating. There is no exact science to calculate an
application rating based on the design components of an application. However, having
knowledge of the metrics discussed here will help you to determine the appropriate input
values when using WLE.
Applications currently running on an other platform
If you currently have a Domino application today running on a platform other than iSeries,
there are a couple of ways to obtain useful information needed to define the profile of the
Domino solution in WLE. As mentioned previously 3.2, “Benchmarks to determine the load of
specific workloads” on page 21, it is possible to use the published NotesBench results from a
different platform to help characterize and define a specific workload for WLE.
36 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
3.8 Additional options for more accurate estimation
Aside from the actual Workload definitions, there are additional input capable parameters in
the tool that give the user options to direct the recommended system. To access these
additional parameters, go to the Navigation bar found in the top left corner of every WLE
screen. Choose Edit followed by Options. This opens up the Options page (Figure 3-6)
where you can adjust assumptions that apply to the entire iSeries environment that you are
Figure 3-6 Input-capable parameters in WLE
These options affect both the size of the projected workload or workloads and the manner in
which the Estimator combines multiple workloads. Here are some descriptions to help aid in
using these options to guide the Workload Estimator in recommending an appropriate system
for your solution.
Target Processor Utilization
This parameter affects how the tool selects systems. The Estimator attempts to select a
system that will provide processor utilization no greater than the specified Target Processor
Utilization. To select a system that will provide adequate room for incidental growth as well as
base operating system resources, the Workload Estimator default is 70%.
Chapter 3. Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator 37
You may change this value based on specific needs. However, we do not recommend setting
the default utilization above 70%. This could result in performance problems during peak
usage times, when there are “spikes” in the system utilization. It is important to remember
that, when you adjust this option, the recommendations of the WLE are estimates. This
means that some range should be allowed for around the projected CPU Utilization.
Target Interactive Feature Utilization
The Estimator attempts to select a system whose interactive feature will be used by less than
or equal to the specified amount. The default for this parameter is 100%.
Disk Storage Percent Full
For each workload defined, the Estimator calculates the minimum amount of disk storage that
will fulfill the workload requirements. Before you select a system for the estimation, the
Workload Estimator adds together the storage for each workload, plus extra storage
requirements for base operating system requirements.
If you want the Estimator to calculate extra disk storage as a percentage of the total required,
you can lower this parameter. This is because the parameter is defaulted to 100%. This
means that the Estimator assumes that the workload or workloads can consume all of the
disk storage available for the selected system.
If you lower this value, for example to 75%, then the Estimator would “save” 25% of the disk
storage available to the system and only allow the workloads to consume 75% of the storage
available. This would be an appropriate option to change if you knew that, for example, you
were sizing a mail workload and your users' mail databases were projected to grow in size.
Disk Storage Type
The 10K RPM drives have a faster latency than the 7K RPM drives. This means that they
have a faster spinning rate for reading and writing to disk. Potentially, the 10K drives could
result in approximately ten to fifteen percent more throughput with most workloads.
Target Family
The new iSeries servers with the new, faster processors result in better performance over the
previous 170, 720, 730, and 740 models. The Workload Estimator will default to the highest
available technology. Unless there is a specific case in which you want to size your solution on
a previous technology system, we suggest that you leave this parameter with the default.
38 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
3.9 Using IBM Workload Estimator for iSeries results
The Selected System that is recommended by WLE is a processor model that will support the
processing, disk, and memory requirements calculated from the questions answered in each
of the workloads defined. All of the systems capable of supporting the work defined are
identified and reported in the Selected System drop-down list as shown in Figure 3-7.
Figure 3-7 Selected Systems page
The smallest system model capable of supporting the resources required for the workload or
workloads that is defined, as well as meeting the criteria specified in 3.8, “Additional options
for more accurate estimation” on page 36, is presented as the recommended system.
The Selected System panel actually includes the specific processor model, interactive
feature, processor Commercial Processing Workload (CPW), interactive CPW, database
capacity, processor utilization, memory, and the required number of disks and disk capacity.
Through the options described in 3.8, “Additional options for more accurate estimation” on
page 36, the user can modify how the WLE arrives at these recommendations for
customizing. One suggestion is to lower the Target Processor Utilization. This would allow for
projecting growth. It would also allow for spikes in the system utilization during peak hours of
Chapter 3. Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator 39
For specific cases on the opposite end of the spectrum, if you know that yours is very
constant and there are no major peak times, it is possible to set the target utilizations a bit
higher. After you set the appropriate options, it is time to recommend a system that is capable
of deploying the defined solution. There are a couple of resources that are reported by the
Workload Estimator that need a bit of explanation on how they refer to a Domino solution.
Processor CPW
The Processor CPW, reported in the results of the Workload Estimator (Figure 3-8), should
not be treated as the total CPW in all cases. In some instances, such as the Dedicated Server
for Domino, this metric is actually the non-Domino processor CPW. For a more detailed
discussion on the Dedicated Server for Domino models and the non-Domino processor CPW,
see the Dedicated Server for Domino white paper “Enhanced V5R1 Processing Capability for
the iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino”, which is available on the Web at:
Figure 3-8 Processor CPW
40 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Database Capacity
The Database Capacity metric reported for the Selected System shown in Figure 3-9 is a
measure of the percentage of the overall CPU that is used to perform the DB2 database (not
Domino database) processing. Database processing generally includes processing time in
SQL, ODBC, JDBC, Query/400, DRDA, and other database access methods.
If the database CPU is fully consumed, this does not mean that all of the capacity on the
system is being utilized. It is possible to add more work other than database processing to
take advantage of the remaining cycles.
Figure 3-9 Database Capacity
Chapter 3. Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator 41
Disk Drives
The Disk Drives (arms) value (Figure 3-10) is the number of disk drives required to support
the defined workload. This number is determined by the speed of the drives and the number
of disk operations per second necessary to do the work. It does not take into account the disk
drive size available. You should always configure at least this number of disk drives, even
though you do not need that much capacity.
Figure 3-10 Disk Drives (arms)
42 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Capacity (GB)
The Capacity shown in Figure 3-11 is a separate calculation based on the amount of disk
storage defined for the mail databases plus the storage needed for any application
databases. The calculations for disk capacity and the number of disk drives are done
separately. Only taking one into consideration could result in a number that is too low for the
other. For example, by selecting large disk drives to satisfy the capacity requirements of WLE,
there may not be enough arms for the best performance.
It is also worth noting that the value reported for the Selected System requirements is a
minimum requirement. By including more drives, the system will have better parallel access to
the data, which would reduce the data access time significantly.
Figure 3-11 Capacity (GB)
Chapter 3. Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator 43
Growth Solution
Growth Solution (Figure 3-12) is also included in the Workload Estimator Results. It is
selected by applying the growth rate, defaulted to 50%, to all of the system resources used to
determine the initial recommended system. It is possible, if the Immediate Solution is capable
of supporting 50% more resource, to have a Growth Solution be the same system as the
Immediate Solution.
Figure 3-12 Growth Solution
44 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Further information on both the Immediate and Growth Solutions is summarized in
Figure 3-13.
Figure 3-13 Immediate and Growth Solutions
3.10 Additional tips and insights
The Estimator help text for the Domino workload is very helpful in answering questions about
the basic information on the workload. It is impossible to cover all of the Domino material that
is used in sizing and performance measurements necessary. This section covers a few of the
items that are not found in detail in the WLE help text, but that should be useful when using
the WLE to help size a Domino solution.
Dedicated Server for Domino
For specific Dedicated Server for Domino information, see Chapter 12, “The iSeries
Dedicated Server for Domino” on page 341. You should also see the Dedicated Server for
Domino white paper “Enhanced V5R1 Processing Capability for the iSeries Dedicated Server
for Domino”, which is available on the Web at:
CPW versus CIW
The Commercial Processing Workload rating of a system is determined based on
measurements using a synthetical workload and not based on a real existing application.
CPW is designed to evaluate the system and associated software in a commercial
environment. It is not representative of any specific environment, but generally applies to the
commercial computing environment.
Chapter 3. Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator 45
The applications that follow the CPW patterns tend to have many jobs running short
transactions using relatively few CPU instructions and spending much time waiting for I/O to
complete. Usually this is an environment where more time is spent by system code
performing DB2 operations, rather than by the application executing processor instructions.
CPW ratings can be used best when the application you are sizing is expected to be used for
traditional business uses such as order entry, billing, etc. Domino applications are not sized
well using CPW ratings, because typically the ratio of processing time to I/O time for Domino
is very different from CPW.
When sizing a Domino application, it is more important to consider the necessary CPU cycles
per user per time versus the time waiting for I/O. For this reason, the Compute Intensive
Workload (CIW) metric has been introduced for newer iSeries models to improve Domino
sizing projections. CIW ratings are used when most of the work by the application is done
within the application code instead of system services. For example, a Domino Mail and
Calendar workload might spend 80% of the total processing time outside of OS/400, while the
CPW workload spends most of its time in OS/400 database code.
Since the instruction path length tends to be longer than CPW-like workloads, it is very likely
that processors will spend less time switching from task to task. Therefore, it is not as
important to have a big cache. The cache affect is also due in part to the data being
accessed. Because CPW does more I/O, the cache plays a bigger role than it does for CIW.
Some L2 cache is very important for Domino, especially for applications. That is why we
always recommend that you choose those iSeries or AS/400 models for Domino that have L2
cache (see Table 3-4 on page 48 and Table 3-5 on page 48). But Domino applications that
are more CPU-intensive and more comparable to CIW benefit more from additional processor
speed rather than a bigger cache. Also, because CIW-like applications spend more time on
individual processors, they tend to scale better on multiprocessor systems, than mail and
CPW does.
You can find further information on CIW in Appendix A of iSeries Performance Capabilities
Reference Version 5 Release 1, SC41-0607. You can also find CPW and CIW ratings for
iSeries servers in Appendix D of the same manual.
Typical, Simple, or Mail and Calendaring Users
When using Workload Estimator to size for a Domino mail solution, it is important to
understand the relationships between these three metrics:
Simple Mail Users (SMU)
Mail and Calendaring Users
Typical Mail Users
Due to the NotesBench audit rules, we are not allowed to publish results generated by
NotesBench workloads without having them officially audited. Because it is not possible to
audit results for every possible server configuration, the SMU and MCU metrics are used.
Simple Mail Users
– Open mail database that contains documents that are 1 KB in size
– Open the current view
– Open five documents in the mail file
– Categorize two of the documents
– Compose two new mail memos 1 KB in size (every 90 minutes)
– Mark several documents for deletion
– Delete documents marked for deletion
– Close the view
46 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Mail and Calendaring Users
– Open the mail database that contains documents that are 10 KB in size
– Open the current view
– Open five documents in the mail file
– Categorize two of the documents
– Compose two new mail memos 10 KB in size (every 90 minutes)
– Mark several documents for deletion
– Delete documents marked for deletion
– Create one appointment (every 90 minutes)
– Schedule one meeting invitation (every 90 minutes)
– Close the view
We decided that these two scripts do not represent a typical mail workload. Therefore, we
have determined that a typical user is three times as heavy as a SMU and twice as heavy as
an MCU. This means that a given server that can support x number of Typical users can
support 3x SMU and 2x MCU. To translate these metrics into Workload Estimator
terminology, the equivalent of a Typical user is a moderate mail user.
Registered users versus active users
Note, that so far we were only talking about active users. Most people asking for the proper
size of a Domino server will start similarly to: “We will have xx Domino users ....” The number
xx includes typically all users who will use the Domino server at some point in time. In the
terminology of the Workload Estimator, these are called registered users.
The number of registered users is the first question to be answered for each WLE workload.
However, this number alone cannot be used as a base for sizing, unless you respond to the
following questions. The first question and probably most important questions is: “What is the
percentage of concurrently active users?” Multiplying that value with the registered users
brings you the number of active users.
For example, the Model 820-2457 is rated at 6660 MCU at 70% CPU. If you specify 6660
users in Workload Estimator6, the Estimator will project a utilization of 69.9% CPU utilization
of the 820-2457 at 50% concurrency. If the concurrency rating is changed to 100%, the
number of users projected at 70% is 3330, or one half of the MCU number.
3.11 Consolidating Domino servers from other platforms
Many times we hear a question like this: “How does an iSeries (or AS/400) Model xxx
compare to server yyy running operating system zzz with a processor of nn MHz clock
speed?” Most often this question comes up when someone plans to consolidate multiple
servers from a PC or UNIX platform to one or more iSeries servers. The correct answer is
always: “It depends!”.
It depends on:
The complexity and type of Domino application you are planning to run, as detailed in the
previous sections.
The entire server configuration. That is, processor clock speed (“MHz”) can only set an
upper limit of the potential capabilities at most. Many other factors play an important role
and can further limit the capabilities if they are not sized appropriately, such as size of
memory, the number (not size) and speed of disk drives, and the capacity of
communication lines.
6 Not selecting any additional options such as clustering or other applications.
Chapter 3. Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator 47
While these components can be set by the person who configures the hardware, there are
other factors depending on the internal architecture and design of the server. Such factors
include: bus speed, internal data transfer band width, multitasking overhead, and others.
Having said that, what can you do to estimate the appropriate size of an iSeries server, when
you already know what server is needed on a different platform? Similar to what we said for
sizing a completely new server, you can use benchmark data to provide an order of
magnitude, as long as you are aware of the limitations of this method.
How important is the processor clock rate (MHz)?
Due to the dramatic developments in the area of processors during the last decade, it seems
to many people that the clock rate of the processor (MHz) appears as the one and only
indication of the speed of a computer system. However, the processor is the most important
component and is not alone responsible for performance.
There are some facts that describe where the processor speed is more or less important:
Capacity is affected by a complicated combination of processor, I/O, and overall efficiency
factors. All applications need a different proportion of these resources. That's why we use
CPW, CIW, MCU, or other kinds of well-defined workloads to classify applications.
MHz primarily affects response time of CPU intensive transactions. Some applications are
more processor intensive than others. More importantly, however, is the fact that a short
response time measured for a single transaction does not indicate at all how the server will
be able to handle hundreds or thousands of users.
On servers with multiple processors, “adding up the MHz” will underestimate the capacity
of iSeries servers and probably overestimate the capacity of servers on some other
platforms due the relative efficiencies of the architectures.
When comparing to existing servers, it is necessary to know at which CPU utilization they
work and take it into account. You can use the Domino platform statistics (see 5.1.4,
“Platform-dependent statistics” on page 137) to find out how the utilization of the
processor can raise during peek times.
What about CPW?
The Commercial Processing Workload should not be used to estimate for three main
Most, if not all, Domino applications show a different behavior than the one defined in
The CPW published for the Dedicated Server for Domino applies only to the non-Domino
workload running on a Dedicated Server for Domino. See 12.2, “Dedicated Server
performance behavior and capacity” on page 342, for more information.
CPW is normally not published for any non-iSeries platform.
Simple Mail Users or Mail and Calendaring Users
If the existing servers have a NotesBench audit published, you can roughly compare the
Simple Mail Users with the NotesBench R4.5 Mail users and the Mail and Calendaring Users
with NotesBench R5 Mail and Calendaring Users. While this method is probably the most
accurate, there still some restrictions to consider:
The term users in SMU, MCU, and NotesBench users should be considered as a
benchmark unit rather than real users. The typical mail users, as described in “Typical,
Simple, or Mail and Calendaring Users” on page 45, may come close to reality in a
mail-only environment, but should never be used to estimate the workload for other
Domino applications.
48 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Many Domino applications tend to have a more CPU intensive workload, which is more
comparable to CIW as it is to mail users.
The benchmarks assume a balanced configuration, that is an appropriate proportion of
CPU, memory, and disk resources, which may not be true for an existing server.
When comparing to existing servers, their resources may not be fully utilized.
When keeping the above points in mind, comparing the NotesBench and MCU ratings of
existing servers is still the most reliable method to estimate the appropriate configuration of
an iSeries server. In addition the CPU clock rating, together with actual CPU rating can be
used to verify the necessary number and type of iSeries processors.
In any case, the Workload Estimator should also be used to ensure a balanced system, as
described in the previous sections or this chapter.
The following sections should help you to gather some information about the different iSeries
models and compare it to benchmark data published bey the NotesBench consortium on the
Web at: http://www.notesbench.org
3.11.1 Capabilities of various iSeries and AS/400 models
Table 3-4 and Table 3-5 on page 48 show the Mail and Calendaring Users (estimated at 70%
CPU capacity) for the those 270 8xx Models announced in 2001. The other tables on pages
49 through 50 show the SMU and MCU ratings of older iSeries and AS/400 models. You may
use the tables to compare the potential capacities of the different iSeries models.
Although the ratings Mail and Calendaring Users and Simple Mail Users are not officially the
same as the NotesBench ratings, the tables can give you a very rough idea to compare the
capabilities of a certain iSeries model with another server which does have published
NotesBench ratings.
Table 3-4 and Table 3-5 describe performance capabilities of the current (as of the year 2001)
iSeries models as they relate to MCU.
Table 3-4 iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino performance details
Table 3-5 Further iSeries servers
Model Proc. feature CPUs Chip speed L2 Cache MCU rating Typical mail
820 2458 4 600 MHz 4 MB 11,810 5,905
2457 2 600 MHz 4 MB 6,660 3,330
2456 1 600 MHz 2 MB 3,110 1,555
270 2454 2 600 MHz 4 MB 6,660 3,330
2452 1 540 MHz 2 MB 3,070 1,535
Model Proc. feature CPUs Chip speed L2 Cache MCU rating Typical mail
840 2461 24 600 MHz 16MB 77,800 38,900
2420 24 500 MHz 8 MB 55,610 27,805
2418 12 500 MHz 8 MB 28,430 24,215
830 2403 8 540 MHz 4 MB 22,900 11,450
Chapter 3. Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator 49
Table 3-6 shows Domino mail workloads for the previous generation of the 270 and 8xx
models. MCU results are based on 70% CPU utilization and should not be compared to the
audited NotesBench numbers.
Table 3-6 Domino workloads on first generation of 270 and 8xx models
Table 3-7 shows Domino mail workloads for 170 and 7xx models.
Table 3-7 Mail workloads for 170 and 7xx models
2402 4 540 MHz 4 MB 10,680 5,340
2400 2 400 MHz 2 MB 4,490 2,245
820 2438 4 600 MHz 4 MB 11,810 5,905
2437 2 600 MHz 4 MB 6,660 3,330
2436 1 600 MHz 2 MB 3,110 1,555
270 2434 2 600 MHz 4 MB 6,660 3,330
2432 1 540 MHz 2 MB 3,070 1,535
Model Proc. feature CPUs Chip speed L2 Cache MCU rating Typical mail
Model Proc. feature CPUs Chip
L2 Cache MCU
840 2420 24 500 MHz 8 MB 55,610 27,810 83,420
840 2418 12 500 MHz 8 MB 28,430 14,220 42,650
830 2403 8 540 MHz 4 MB 20,910 10,460 31,370
830 2402 4 540 MHz 4 MB 10,680 5,340 16,020
830 2400 2 540 MHz 2 MB 4,490 2,250 6,060
820 2398 4 500 MHz 4 MB 9,890 4,950 14,840
820 2397 2 500 MHz 4 MB 5,610 2,810 8,420
820 2396 1 450 MHz 2 MB 2,570 1,290 3,860
820 2395 1 400 MHz - 1,650 830 2,480
270 2253 2 450 MHz 4 MB 5,050 2,530 7,580
270 2252 1 450 MHz 2 MB 2,570 1,290 3,860
270 2250 1 400 MHz - 1,600 800 2,400
270 2248 1 400 MHz - 810 410 1,220
Model Proc.
CPUs Chip speed L2
740 2070 12 262 MHz 4 MB 17,860 8,930 26,790
740 2069 8 262 MHz 4 MB 12,350 6,180 18,530
730 2068 8 262 MHz 4 MB 10,960 5,480 16,440
50 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Table 3-8 shows the performance capabilities on 6xx and Sxx models. These results are at
70% CPU utilization and should not be compared to the audited NotesBench results. Use
these figures when comparing AS/400 systems only.
Table 3-8 Simple mail users on 6xx and Sxx models
730 2067 4 262 MHz 4 MB 6,900 3,450 10,350
730 2066 2 262 MHz 4 MB 3,530 1,760 5,290
730 2065 1 262 MHz 4 MB 18,70 940 2,810
720 2064 4 255 MHz 4 MB 4,920 2,460 7,380
720 2063 2 200 MHz 4 MB 2,570 1280 3,850
720 2062 1 200 MHz 4 MB 1,340 670 2,010
720 2061 1 200 MHz - 940 470 1,410
170 2388 2 255 MHz 4 MB 3,150 1580 4730
170 2385 1 252 MHz 4 MB 1,550 780 2,330
170 2292 1 200 MHz - 940 470 1,410
170 2291 1 200 MHz - 450 220 670
170 2290 1 200 MHz - 280 140 420
170 2289 1 200 MHz - 190 100 290
Model Proc. feature CPUs Typical mail Simple mail
600 2129 1 33 100
2134 1 43 130
2135 1 66 200
2136 1 116 350
S10 2118 1 66 200
2119 1 116 350
620 2179 1 123 370
2180 1 166 500
2181 1 300 900
2182 2 666 2000
S20 2161 1 166 500
2163 1 300 900
2165 2 666 2,000
2166 4 1,133 3,400
640 2237 1 466 1,400
Model Proc.
CPUs Chip speed L2
Chapter 3. Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator 51
3.12 Additional resources
The following Web sites offer you additional resources in sizing Domino for iSeries:
Dedicated Server for Domino white papers:
Application sizing examples:
NotesBench consortium: http://www.notesbench.org
2238 2 800 2,400
2239 4 1,533 4,600
S30 2257 1 466 1,400
2258 2 800 2,400
2259 4 1,533 4,600
650 2240 8 2,900 8,700
2188 8 5,500 16,500
2243 12 4,166 12,500
2189 12 7,966 23,900
S40 2207 8 5,500 16,500
2261 12 4,166 12,500
228 12 7,966 23,900
Model Proc. feature CPUs Typical mail Simple mail
52 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 53
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance
This chapter provides recommendations on evaluating Domino performance. The primary
tool used for collecting performance data on iSeries is Collection Services (previously called
Performance Monitor). If a performance problem cannot be identified by the data collected
with Collection Services, the next tool to use is the Performance Explorer. The collection
functions and related commands in Collection Services and Performance Explorer are part of
the OS/400 operating system.
The reporting and analyzing functions for Collection Services and Performance Explorer are
part of Performance Tools for AS/400 Licensed Program Product (5769-PT1). Performance
Tools is a separate product that must be purchased. Its cost is based on the system model.
Contact your sales representative for more information.
An iSeries server can be viewed as a stable, well-balanced system where every job has a slot
(run priority) of its own. System jobs in the iSeries server support all basic functions required
by the applications. All Domino tasks run as high-priority batch jobs. Some have
characteristics that are comparable to traditional (5250-based) interactive jobs. Changing a
run priority of a job, without careful planning, may work for some time. In the long run, it may
cause unpredictable results. Therefore, you should not add applications without proper
As with any performance related activity, there are some general considerations that need to
be applied when doing performance tuning for Domino on the iSeries server. Performance
evaluation and management for Domino for iSeries is similar to performance tuning on the
iSeries server. However, special considerations are given to Domino itself and to its
performance management.
54 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
4.1 Defining a Domino for iSeries performance methodology
Anytime you enter a performance-oriented work environment, you need to consider some
general guidelines or what you may call a “high-level view”. To help with this view, you need
Develop objectives such as customer expectations
Define short-term and long-term goals
Implement a good strategy for deployment of your objectives
Set a benchmark for evaluation of your level of progress
When we talk about objectives, we refer to a clear definition of what the customer expects in a
manner that can be measured. It is very important that the customer clearly understands their
performance objectives before the development of your performance management strategy.
Performance analysis can be a long process. A well-defined strategy can make a difference in
the degree of your success. Performance management generally consists of performance
measurements and a trend analysis. Some type of performance problem may already exist
that may have warranted your involvement.
Setting up a performance management solution for Domino on the iSeries server is more
complex than the traditional iSeries performance tuning. You first need some understanding
of Lotus Domino. This is essential to understanding the relationship between the processes
that are taking place in Domino and how these processes affect the performance of the
iSeries server. Because only limited tools are currently available to provide the analysis of
Domino for iSeries, you may be required to gather some of the necessary information in
making your performance determinations. This redbook was developed to assist you with that
This redbook refers to iSeries performance measurement components such as Queuing
Multiplier, CPU Service Time Equation, and so on. If you require a better understanding of the
components of iSeries Performance Management, we recommend that you see AS/400
Performance Management, SG24-4735, and Performance Tools for iSeries Version 5,
SC41-5340. The best practice for understanding Domino Performance is to have a good
understanding of the information in the Domino 5 Administration Help (help5_admin.nsf)
database and the iSeries specific Domino for AS/400 Help (as400hlp.nsf). Lotus Domino
System Administration classes offered by Lotus Education are also available. The majority of
the performance tuning parameters available for Lotus Domino is found in detail in the
handbook or taught in a System Administration class.
When gathering performance information on Domino on the iSeries server, basic iSeries
techniques, in conjunction with some additional gathering of Domino information, provide a
good foundation for making performance management decisions.
Defining performance gathering objectives
Consider the following points when collecting performance data:
Collect performance data against a set of agreed-to defined objectives. These objectives
set goals and expectations and should focus on specific performance issues.
Plan on meeting one objective at a time. You may start out with an objective of end-user
response time and be asked to pursue optimal transactional throughput. There is a direct
relation between your specific objective and the way that the data is collected for that
Select the criteria for data collection that is a direct result of the performance objective
definition. It should include such things as duration, type of information to be collected,
and so on.
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 55
Select measured data showing a medium-to-heavy workload that the customer feels
accurately reflects the typical workload.
Define a peak period (or critical applications) to measure.
Ensure measurements are made under similar conditions. That is, the same workload,
number of active workstations, and so on must be valid for purposes of comparison.
Making valid performance data evaluations and recommendations
Consider the following points when evaluating the data:
Consider how performance changes may affect the rest of the business organization such
as different user groups.
Involve the necessary decision making individuals with discussion-based feedback on
issues such as cost, objective clarification, and time schedules.
Evaluate business growth on additional resources. Performance information that you
gather now is critical in trend analysis of future system requirements.
Evaluate the pattern of your system workload. Know whether it is steady, increasing, or
decreasing, and what percentage of utilization you are using on your system.
Take several measurements before reaching a conclusion. You need a comparative
measurement to find acceptable or unacceptable system performance.
Implementing performance improvement changes
Consider the following points when implementing performance changes:
Give any change that is made ample time under various working conditions. Managing
system performance is a continuous process involving system changes that may not
produce an immediate performance improvement.
Make and measure changes in a controlled environment.
Make only one change at a time. This allows you to gauge the impact of each change.
4.1.1 Relationship between Domino and the iSeries server
Under OS/400, Domino is considered an application that runs within its own subsystem.
However, the ramification of putting Domino on your iSeries server can be far reaching.
Because Domino has its own server, it has the capability of generating tasks that can
compete for system resources with limited administrator control. Domino, by default, runs
everything at the same priority. Run priority is further described in 4.9.1, “Run priority” on
page 64. This can have a major impact on an iSeries server that has to share resources
between Domino and additional business applications. Domino application developers can
create complex workflow or other GUI-based client/server applications. They can also route
information automatically and exchange information with enterprise software such as
relational databases and transaction processing systems.
Today, by adding Domino, the iSeries server enters into a more complex, collaborative
environment. This environment requires performance specialists to consider processes that
may require looking beyond standard performance techniques. As you come to understand,
Domino acts as its own entity on the iSeries server, running Domino transactions to meet the
Domino server requirements as well as the requirements of the users. Transactions are also
run for any external system requirements such as requests from the OS/400 operating
system. Because Domino is so diverse, Domino on the iSeries server can be optimized, with
proper planning, to take advantage of OS/400 assets such as scalability. The iSeries server
56 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
can also be optimized to take advantage of Lotus Domino assets such as database
clustering. Using the loopback option to cluster Lotus Domino databases on a single iSeries
server provides an example of efficiency and high availability that is unmatched on other
The main function of the Domino server is to service its users by providing database access,
mail routing, and so on. Frequently, these tasks require interaction with the OS/400 operating
system, such as the AnyMail FrameWork for routing messages to the Internet or when
Domino users access DB2 UDB for iSeries databases directly through Domino. Although
these and other interfaces to the OS/400 operating system use system resources, the
Domino server tasks themselves should be the primary focus of performance considerations.
If you understand some of the components of Domino, you should understand the
advantages that Domino can provide under OS/400, as well as the performance implications.
Some of the Domino components are:
Domino objects
Domino base function definitions
4.2 Understanding Domino on the iSeries server
The following sections explore the Domino components in greater detail.
4.2.1 Transactions in Domino
In Domino, a transaction is an action that takes place. It requires a response from the Domino
server to complete the task, for example, open, read, update, and close. Generally, Domino
activities are created from the use of several transaction requests to complete a specific
function. Transactions can be used to provide server functions as well as database
manipulation. Here, we do not focus so much on the specific function. The focus is on the
average response times for a task, which may be comprised of several functions. The goal is
to find the average response time of a specific task and of all of the tasks collectively.
4.2.2 Domino base functions
The Domino server has a variety of tasks available to provide functionality. There are some
tasks that are common to most implementations. We consider these tasks to be the base
functions of Domino. Depending on the function of the task, it is considered either as an
interactive task or a background task. For performance tuning purposes, the Domino tasks
shown in Table 4-1 are identified as a base Domino function.
Table 4-1 How base tasks are executed within Domino
Tasks How tasks are executed
One Router thread (Mail Router) Background task
One Replica Task (Replication) Background task
AdminP running Background task
Events and Reporting enabled Background task
One Updater (Indexing) Interactive task
C&S enabled (Calendar & Schedule) Interactive task
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 57
Table 4-1 indicates how base tasks are run within Domino. Interactive tasks are directed more
toward responding to a Notes Client request. Some tasks are configured with multiple threads
from within Domino.
4.2.3 Domino advanced functions
The following Domino tasks are considered to be the advanced tasks in Domino. You can
increase performance by isolating resources and priorities when these advanced services are
configured on individual servers.
Clustering and failover
Clustering Lotus Domino databases together on one iSeries server provides high
availability and failover that can be managed and optimized for performance from a single
point of administration. By combining Domino clustering with the ability to configure
multiple Domino servers on the same iSeries server, you provide a superior combination
from a performance standpoint because clustered database updates do not have to travel
across the network.
By creating SMTP- and HTTP-specific Domino servers as separate servers, you can use
the native iSeries performance tools to adjust the priority of these servers to a lower level
if desired. With SMTP configured on an individual Domino server, there may be some
additional administration. However, if a problem arises with Internet mail, you can recycle
the server without affecting the active Lotus Notes users.
By configuring the Lotus Domino HTTP on an individual server, you can minimize the
effect of HTTP requests on Lotus Notes users. Also, if an HTTP request begins to loop,
you can recycle the HTTP server without affecting the active Lotus Notes users.
4.3 Domino tasks on the iSeries server
Tasks are specified within the notes.ini file load when the Domino server is started. Domino
tasks are batch immediate. Therefore, there are no interactive jobs to see. Instead, you must
monitor the actual Domino threads. This is accomplished through the standard iSeries
Performance Tools. The initial startup of the Server Tasks causes approximately 8 to 10
threads to activate on the OS/400 operating system. Each thread reserves about 4K of
memory. When additional users sign on, up to 250 threads become active. This causes the
iSeries CPU resource utilization to increase for a short period of time.
One of the most important points to keep in mind when you are working with performance for
Domino for iSeries is that you have to deal with two memory managers. By design, the
OS/400 operating system has its own memory manager. The Work with System Status
(WRKSYSSTS) command provides access to main storage where you can increase pool
sizes, the maximum number of active jobs in the pool, and so on. Domino also has a memory
management capability that is controlled by parameters in the notes.ini file. If you tune only for
iSeries performance, you may see limited or no performance improvement. You must address
Domino memory management in conjunction with the iSeries performance tuning. Having the
parameters set correctly and working together for both memory management tools provides
the best performance results.
Agent Manager running Interactive task
Tasks How tasks are executed
58 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Because there is no way to directly see how Domino is performing on the iSeries server, the
best way to approach performance is to collect and analyze data from both the Domino and
OS/400 environments. By using the Show Transactions command from the Domino console,
you can see the actual transactions that are taking place on the Domino server. You can then
look at the Domino Log Statistics for that transaction to see the time it took to complete the
transaction. You can then analyze the iSeries performance data collected on CPU utilization
and memory during the same time frame by using standard iSeries performance reporting
Although there is no direct comparison, by evaluating the performance factors of both
environments, with a little practice, you can develop a better understanding of the relationship
between the Domino and OS/400 environments. In Domino, interactive and background tasks
run at the same priority. The following tasks can help you tune Domino and the iSeries server:
1. Put Domino in its own system pool.
This makes it is much easier to estimate the workload and, therefore, make a prediction on
the affect of increased workload.
2. Make a base performance evaluation after the Domino server is started.
As the Domino server goes through ramp up and clients begin to access the server,
threads are spawned that cause increased CPU utilization for a short period of time.
Information collected during this time frame can be misleading as you evaluate the
performance data.
3. Pay attention to the notes.ini file.
The correct balance of the iSeries performance parameters and the Domino performance
parameters are essential to overall system performance.
4.4 Application development performance
When you consider the affects of application responsiveness in a Domino environment, there
are several factors that can impact performance:
The number and frequency of users accessing the application
Access to a backend relational database by the application
Client type (simple browser, Lotus Notes Client)
Client and server operations
Domino server architecture
Server deployment topology
Although all of the factors mentioned above are important, the factor that has the most impact
is the actual design of the applications. By building a complex application, you increase the
processing and calculations required by the server, which can compromise performance.
Developers must balance the need for clean, simple functionality with the need for
performance. There is no single means of maximizing the performance of a Domino
application. The desire for application performance does not always leave room for design
elegance or maintainability. When designing an application, always start at the high level,
where you can make performance considerations from the architectural perspective. The
following list contains some application design factors that affect performance. You should
carefully consider these points when developing an application with performance in mind.
Requirement for agents execution
Actions within forms
Field validation
Using formulas in views
Dynamic data versus static data
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 59
Indexing requirements
– Frequency of indexing
– Full text indexing
Further information on application development performance for Domino can be found in
Performance Considerations for Domino Applications, SG24-5602.
4.5 Lotus Domino overall performance on the iSeries server
Today, more customers are buying iSeries advanced servers to use solely as a Domino
platform. However, customers frequently want to maximize resources on their current iSeries
server. In this environment, you may have a mix of applications with performance criteria that
vary over time. This can cause some conflict in performance requirements.
From a system resource utilization viewpoint, it is important to keep these different processing
requirements in mind. The Domino installation must be architected from a perspective that
keeps the total iSeries server environment in mind. The iSeries hardware and software
resources are limited and must be distributed proportionately according to overall
organizational objectives.
Placing Lotus Domino on an iSeries server that is already servicing business applications has
a significant impact on the performance objectives of that system and requires additional
consideration in the future performance management of that iSeries server. Figure 4-1 shows
an example of a performance tuning flowchart.
Figure 4-1 Objectives, measurement, and analysis for good performance
AS/400 Performance Objectives Prior to
Domino Installation
Performance Measurement Prior to
Domino Installation
Performance Evaluation Prior to
Domino Installation
AS/400 Performance Objectives For
Domino Installation
Performance Measurement After
Domino Installation
Performance Evaluation After
Domino Installation
60 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
A good performance analysis should be completed on the target system before installing
Lotus Domino. By properly tuning the iSeries server, you eliminate the possibility of mistaking
any pre-existing performance concerns with Domino installation performance allowances.
Once the Domino installation is complete, performance measurement and analysis should
continue on a frequent basis for an extended period of time. The conclusion from this analysis
may change over time. However, it provides the necessary foundation for making proper
performance adjustments.
4.6 The Queuing Multiplier (QM) curve
Domino on the iSeries, as with any application, is affected by many of the same performance
factors that are common to the iSeries operating system. It is important to give some
considerations to these common performance factors to make sure that you have a firm
understanding of the iSeries performance requirements and the affect that they have on the
Domino server. System performance may decrease primarily because of the workload.
However, it can also be affected by improper system tuning. On the iSeries server, wait times,
including waiting for CPU and disk I/O, are associated with queuing for the server. The higher
the server utilization is, the greater the wait or queuing time is.
In general, the time it takes for a request to be serviced depends on three primary
The number of waiters in the line ahead of a new request
The number of servers responding to requests
The service time to complete a request once given to the server, which is a function of the
speed of the server and the amount of work to do
The Queuing Multiplier is an important factor when projecting the impact of adding work or
additional hardware on current system performance. As the utilization of the a server
increases, queuing accounts for a part of the longer work (for request) completion. The
Queuing Multiplier is a measure of the affect of queuing.
Table 4-2 shows a simple example of describing the affects of queuing in practice. Let us
assume that a transaction completes in one second when CPU utilization is 10%. If the CPU
utilization is 50%, it takes two seconds to complete the transaction. If the CPU utilization is
90%, it takes 10 seconds for the transaction to complete.
Table 4-2 How queuing factors affect response time
Using a simple example, assume that the CPU is 67% utilized. The mathematical equation
says the QM for a single CPU is three. A QM of 3 means, on the average, that there are a total
of three requests in the queue (you and two requests for work ahead of you).
CPU utilization Queuing Multiplier Response time
10 1.11 1 second
50 2 2 seconds
70 3.3 3.3 seconds
90 10 10 seconds
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 61
The Queuing Multiplier values used in the formulas for disk and CPU service time are shown
graphically in Figure 4-2. This shows the utilization at various rates and the significance of the
knee in the curve for each type of N-way processor. Remember, after the knee, the service
times become less stable and may increase dramatically for small utilization changes.
Figure 4-2 Queuing Multiplier versus CPU utilization
4.7 Dividing the CPU utilization
This section discusses CPU usage for jobs run on the iSeries server. The amount of CPU
cycles used are divided among all the jobs in the system. In this example, we assume:
Batch jobs use 30% of the CPU.
Interactive jobs use 20% of the CPU.
Domino jobs use 50% of the CPU.
This is demonstrated in Figure 4-3.
Note: You may expect performance problems as the Queuing Multiplier increases above 4.
This is a conservative guideline since multi-processor systems can provide acceptable
performance with higher Queuing Multiplier values. The CPU queuing multiplier is shown
on the Job Summary Report of Performance Tools.
40 50 60 70 80 90 95
1-way CPU
2-way CPU
4-way CPU
8-way CPU
12-way CPU QM=1/(1-(U**n))
62 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 4-3 Dividing the CPU with all jobs in the system
To introduce more jobs, you need a larger CPU. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the
correct iSeries configuration for the number of users and the jobs that the users will perform.
Figure 4-4 shows how 50% of the CPU used by Domino can be shared between tasks:
The server consumes 45% of the CPU.
The router task consumes 25% of the CPU.
The update task consumes 30% of the CPU.
Figure 4-4 Dividing the CPU time used between the Domino tasks
4.8 A brief discussion of threads
This section provides a brief description of:
Thread concepts
Threads on the iSeries server
Domino server threads
You can find additional information by searching for threads on the iSeries Information Center
site at: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/html/as400/v5r1/ic2924/index.htm
We discuss threads because any Domino subsystem is actually a multi-threaded client/server
application. The term thread is shorthand for “thread of control”. A thread is an independent
unit of execution within a program. Using threads is a programming technique to run various
parts of an application concurrently. For example, one thread may be writing a file while
another thread is receiving input from a communication line. A process is the container for the
memory and resources of the program. Process resources are accessible to all threads.
Each piece of work on the system is performed in a job and each job has a unique name
within the system. All jobs, with the exception of system jobs, run within subsystems. A job
enters the subsystem from any of the work entries, such as, a job queue entry, workstation
entry, communications entry, autostart job entry, or prestart job entry.
Router Task
Server Task
Update Task
30.0% Router Task
Server Task
Update Task
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 63
A job is a collection of one or more threads. Each job has at least one thread, which is
identified as the initial thread. The initial thread is created when the job starts. The job may
also have additional threads, identified as secondary threads, depending on the applications
that are used by a job. A thread inherits the run attributes from a job initiating the thread. They
all start at the same run priority and use a time slice of the same length.
The thread is an independent unit of dispatchable work. Each thread has its own run
environment, such as a call stack. However, a thread shares many of the resources that are
assigned to the job. The identifier for the thread is unique in the job to which the thread
Controlling work in the system is performed mainly at the job level. Most commands and
application programming interfaces (APIs) operate against the entire job.
Resources are owned at the thread level or the job level. The job serves as an owner for
resources that are shared with all threads within the same job. Similarly, some attributes that
determine how work is processed are defined at the thread level and some are defined at the
job level. Individual attributes and interfaces need to be reviewed to determine the scope of
the attribute.
Information about how work is processed is described throughout this redbook. When the
information about the work is referred to as a job, the information applies to all threads as a
single unit within the job. When the information about the work applies to an individual thread
within a job, the information refers to only the thread.
An example of a topic that refers to threads rather than jobs is the information about
maximum activity levels. Because each thread is an independent unit of work, the activity
level of a storage pool applies to threads rather than jobs. However, the maximum active
counts associated with a subsystem and the subsystem work entries apply to jobs. Therefore,
a thread is used in information about storage pool activity levels. A job is used in information
about subsystem maximum active counts.
4.8.1 Threads on the iSeries server
On the iSeries server, a job represents a process. Each process has at least one thread (a
task) in which the program runs its code. The first thread in a process is referred to as the
initial thread. Some processes are capable of supporting additional threads, which are called
secondary threads.
Since V4R2, OS/400 supports a kernel thread model. Kernel threads are separate tasks
associated with a process. The kernel thread model uses a pre-emptive scheduling policy in
which the operating system decides which thread is eligible to share the processor. In a
kernel thread model, there is a one-to-one mapping between program threads and process
The cost in system resources for activating a new thread is far less than for a job. The job
activation and termination is not associated with a thread.
Asynchronous I/O completion ports (IOCP)
You may have already heard of this support in another term, thread pools. Asynchronous I/O
completion ports allows Domino to use fewer threads to support users under the SERVER
job. This means that instead of having one thread per client user, a small group or pool of
threads handles the work for all users. This means less CPU utilization for the Domino server
and a reduction in the amount of memory that is required to handle the client users.
64 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
We highly recommend that you take advantage of this support if possible because the
performance improvements can be substantial:
10 to 30% improvement in CPU utilization
20 to 24% reduction in memory required
You can tune the number of threads in the pool by specifying the following line in your
notes.ini file:
By default, the number of threads is 40 per port. In our testing, 40 threads were able to handle
3000 clients with high efficiency. If your server handles fewer clients concurrently, you can
improve performance by decreasing the number of threads in the pool proportionately.
This support is available in QMU and later releases of Domino for iSeries. It requires
OS/400 level V3R3 or higher.
4.8.2 Other Domino task that use threads
Other Domino tasks include such jobs as Router, Replica Agent Manager, and so on. Some
jobs are single threaded, and some are multi-threaded based on organizational requirements.
4.9 A brief discussion on run attributes
A job entering the iSeries server receives its run-time attributes from the class description.
This provides the ability for certain Domino tasks or the entire Domino server to use different
classes and, therefore, allows more flexibility in adjusting run-time attributes of jobs. Some of
the run attributes or parameters that are important to work management are:
Machine run priority (RUNPTY)
Purge (PURGE)
Time slice (TIMESLICE)
Default maximum wait time (DFTWAIT)
Maximum processing time (CPUTIME)
Maximum temporary storage (MAXTMPSTG)
Maximum threads
Each of these attributes contributes to how and when a thread is processed.
4.9.1 Run priority
Run priority is a value that ranges from 0 (highest priority) through 99 (lowest priority). It
represents the importance of a job when it competes with other jobs for machine resources.
This value represents the relative (not absolute) importance of the job. For example, a job
with a run priority of 25 is not twice as important as one with a run priority of 50.
The value is the highest run priority allowed for any thread within the job. Individual threads
within the job may have a lower priority. Changing the run priority for the job affects all threads
within the job.
Note: Maximum processing unit time and maximum temporary storage limits can help
prevent an erroneous program from impairing system performance. However, a sufficient
amount of processing time and temporary storage must be given to allow the job to
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 65
Run priority can also be seen as a variable that defines the rank of a thread. A thread having
a high priority number is processed later than one having a small priority number. For
example, the system threads run on a priority level of 0, where batch jobs run on a priority of
50. By default, all Domino-related threads run on a priority level of 20, on the same priority
level with interactive threads. The following sequence of events is a high-level view of how the
iSeries work management handles threads:
1. A job enters the system and starts at least one thread.
2. A thread wants to utilize CPU. It is placed on a queue.
3. The CPU signals its readiness to process anything.
4. The gatekeeper on the queue selects the thread with the highest run priority out of the
queue and provides it with access to the CPU.
5. The thread uses the CPU until it has finished with the CPU or it hits the end of its time slice
and is thrown out of the CPU. See 4.9.4, “Time slice parameter and tuning” on page 66, for
more details.
The iSeries server has classes for batch-like jobs and for interactive jobs. By default, the
batch jobs run at a lower run priority than the interactive jobs. This mechanism provides the
higher priority threads CPU cycles even if the low priority jobs seem to use up all of the
available CPU.
Figure 4-5 shows the graphical representation of the CPU utilization between January 2001
and July 2001 for ACME, Inc.
Figure 4-5 How different run priorities use the CPU
The chart in Figure 4-5 shows a summary of the total CPU Utilization per run priority. Pay
attention to the period 03/01. Jobs on run priority 50 used 25 percent of the CPU, which left
70 percent for jobs on run priority level 20. This is interpreted as meaning either:
There were no jobs running on priority level 50.
Jobs on run priority level 20 monopolized the system resources.
During the period 05/01, a different situation occurred. Jobs on run priority level 50 used 70
percent of the CPU cycles, which left only 17 percent for the jobs running on priority level 20.
Who Uses the CPU
01/01 02/01 03/01 04/01 05/01 06/01 07/01
66 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
In both time periods, the overall CPU utilization was about the same. However, different tasks
received the CPU time. High priority jobs suffered when low priority jobs flourished. Likewise
the high priority jobs flourished when the low priority jobs sufferered. The important point is to
complete the work, not the amount of CPU utilization.
4.9.2 How a change in run priority affects a job
When you lower a run priority of a thread, you make the thread stay on a queue longer than
before. When you raise the run priority of a thread, you may decrease the time that the thread
waits in a queue, provided that there are now fewer jobs with equal or higher priority
competing for resources. Therefore, it gains control of the CPU more often and completes the
work faster.
All threads that have the same run priority level are treated equally. If all threads on the
system have the same run priority, the CPU is shared according to the first come, first served
4.9.3 Job priority considerations
Normally, the priority for jobs that run in batch environments should be lower than the priority
for jobs in interactive environments. The time slice should also be small enough to prevent a
looping program from dominating the processor time and activity level in the storage pool.
4.9.4 Time slice parameter and tuning
Time slice is a performance tuning parameter. The time slice value is specified in the job class
discussed in 4.9, “A brief discussion on run attributes” on page 64. The value represents the
amount of processing unit time that each thread in a job is allowed to use while processing a
transaction. It does not represent the elapsed time of a transaction.
If a thread fails to complete a transaction in the specified time slice, one of the following
actions occurs:
If no threads of equal or higher priority are on the ineligible queue, the thread is given
another time slice, remains in main storage, and continues the transaction.
If threads of equal or higher priority are on the ineligible queue, the thread currently
running is removed from main storage and placed on the ineligible queue. A thread from
the ineligible queue is moved into main storage and processing continues.
If the job is interactive and a time slice end pool is specified for the job, the thread is
moved to the time slice end pool.
Note: Changing the priority does not necessarily slow down or speed up a job. Only on a
busy system do high priority jobs gain access to resources earlier and prevent low priority
jobs form running as fast as possible. If a high priority job starts looping, other jobs with
lower or equal priority will stop working.
Note: You can use the QDYNPTYADJ system value to maintain high performance of batch
job processing on iSeries servers. For more information about this system value, see
4.10.7, “Work with System Values (WRKSYSVAL) command” on page 79.
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 67
When observing job transitions, we usually advise that you complete a transaction during a
single time slice. This reduces the number of times the job enters and leaves main storage.
Therefore, the active-to-ineligible transitions should be 0. However, long running transactions
should not occupy activity levels for the entire transaction. Establish a time slice value that
allows 90% of the transactions in your environment to finish in a single time slice. An example
of calculating a time slice value is:
3 × the average CPU per transaction
4.9.5 How the system manages job and run priorities
The iSeries server attempts to allocate main storage as efficiently as possible. A job may not
use the same amount of resources each time it runs. For example, if there are several active
jobs on your system, a job spends more time re-establishing the resources needed for
running than if a dedicated system environment is used. The system uses the run priorities
assigned to different jobs to assist in managing main storage. Therefore, high priority jobs use
less system resource than low priority jobs.
4.10 Reviewing iSeries performance using CL commands
To review iSeries server performance interactively, you can use the following CL commands
for each area:
Processor load
Use the following commands to determine if there are too many jobs in the system or if
some jobs are using a large percentage of processor time:
– Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB)
– Work with System Activity (WRKSYSACT), which is a Performance Tools command
Main storage
Use the Work with System Status (WRKSYSSTS) command to review faulting and the
Wait-to-Ineligible transitions.
Use the Work with Disk Status (WRKDSKSTS) command to determine if there are either
too few arms or if the arms are too slow.
Use the following Performance Tools to find slow lines, errors on the line, or too many
users for the line:
– Performance Tools/400 Advisor
– Performance Tools/400 Component Report
– Communications Trace
Use the following Performance Tools to determine if any input/output processors (IOPs)
are not balanced or if there are not enough IOPs:
– Performance Tools/400 Advisor
– Performance Tools/400 Component Report
Use the Performance Tools or the Work with Object Locks (WRKOBJLCK) command to
investigate locks and mutual exclusion (mutexes).
68 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
4.10.1 Work with System Status (WRKSYSSTS) command
You should observe and balance the overall (system wide) performance before you focus on a
Domino performance problem. Domino performance is only a relatively small part of the
overall performance. If the entire system is functioning poorly, there is no reason to focus on
Domino performance.
The Work with System Status display provides a real-time access to data that is also shown in
the System Report Storage Pool Utilization section. Use this display to both observe and
change the paging fault rates and job transition rates. Pay special attention to the following
indicators (in decreasing order of priority):
Non-database fault rates in the machine pool
Non-database fault rates in all of the other pools
Page rates in all of the pools
Transition rates in all of the pools
The following examples may help you to understand the performance impact of faulting:
The response time of an interactive transaction is affected by any faults that occur during
that transaction. Each fault adds from 10 to 30 milliseconds to the end-user response time.
For example, if the disk response time is 20 milliseconds and the transaction has five
faults per transaction, add about 0.1 seconds to the total response time.
Each fault uses a certain amount of the CPU power. As more faults occur, more CPU is
consumed for unproductive work.
If the faulting rate of your system is close to the poor end of the faulting guideline tables,
approximately 10% to 20% of the CPU is used for faulting. Adding main storage to reduce
the faulting rate also lowers the CPU utilization. Therefore, more processing power is
available to handle more transactions.
With the increasing faulting rate, the amount of disk I/O also increases. If you have only a
few arms, these faults can cause the disk utilizations to increase more rapidly than if you
have many disk arms. As your disk arm (actuator) utilization increases, the time to process
disk I/Os increases and the response times is longer.
While using the Work with System Status display (see Figure 4-6) to analyze a Domino
performance problem, you should concentrate on two storage pools. Press the F11 key two
times to see the pool names. These storage pools are:
*MACHINE pool: This is the pool in which the OS/400 jobs and microcode tasks run.
Normally, this pool should have the rate of non-DB faults set as close to zero as possible.
Other pools: This is the pool to which the Domino jobs are routed. The shipped value for
this is the *BASE pool. Look at the subsystem descriptions for Domino subsystems to see
which storage pool is used by the jobs. Focus on that storage pool.
Then, determine the following information:
The faulting rate in the *Machine pool (if the rate is not acceptable, see “The interactive
iSeries tuning chart” on page 164)
The faulting rate in the storage pool used for Domino jobs
The percentage of disk used
Note: When tuning the system, make sure that the machine pool is adjusted separately
from the other pools.
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 69
Figure 4-6 Work With System Status display
4.10.2 Information about thread state transitions
You can balance your main memory and CPU utilization by allocating the available memory
and setting the activity levels in the storage pools. An active thread exists in main storage and
processes work requested by the application. A thread in the wait state needs a resource that
is not available. An ineligible thread has work to do, but the system is unable to accept more
work at that time.
When a thread is waiting for a resource, it may wait in main storage or it may be removed from
main storage until the resource is available. The terms short wait, short wait extended, and
long wait are used to describe a thread waiting for a system resource.
When observing job transitions, we advise that you allow a transaction to complete during a
single time slice. This reduces the number of times the job enters and leaves main storage.
Therefore, the active-to-ineligible transitions should be 0. However, long running transactions
should not occupy activity levels for the entire transaction. You should establish a time slice
value that allows 90% of the transactions in your environment to finish in a single time slice.
An example of a time slice value is:
3 × the average CPU per transaction
Short wait
A thread in short wait holds an available activity level while waiting for an activity to occur. A
thread can remain in short wait for a maximum of two seconds. When using remote lines,
avoid actions that cause short waits because they cause the wait time in main storage to be
much longer for a thread than if the thread is waiting for resources at a local workstation.
Work with System Status ACME01
17/12/2001 06:15:00
% CPU used . . . . . . . : 26.2 System ASP . . . . . . . : 106.0 G
Elapsed time . . . . . . : 00:15:05 % system ASP used . . . : 76.8542
Jobs in system . . . . . : 776 Total aux stg . . . . . : 106.0 G
% perm addresses . . . . : .007 Current unprotect used . : 7345 M
% temp addresses . . . . : .015 Maximum unprotect . . . : 7930 M
Sys Pool Reserved Max ----DB----- --Non-DB--- Act- Wait- Act-
Pool Size K Size K Act Fault Pages Fault Pages Wait Inel Inel
1 668800 280884 +++++ .0 .0 .0 .0 11.8 .0 .0
2 1741704 20 123 .0 .0 .0 .0 47.2 .0 .0
3 47184 0 9 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0
4 1260104 0 17 .0 .0 .9 1.9 23.6 .0 .0
5 1000800 316 1775 .0 .0 .0 .0 3139 .0 .0
===> F21=Select assistance level
70 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Short wait extended
A thread is in short wait extended if it is in short wait for the maximum two seconds. After it is
in short wait for two seconds and activity has not occurred, the system cancels the short wait,
takes the thread out of the activity level, and puts the thread into a long wait. In the
performance reports, this thread state transition is called a short wait extended.
Long wait
A thread that immediately leaves the activity level is in what is called long wait. A specialized
form of long wait, called key/think wait, occurs outside the activity level when a thread
completes a work assignment and returns to request more work. This is the amount of time it
usually takes the user to decide what data should be entered and to type the data. When the
thread receives a new assignment, it attempts to run again. If no activity level space is
available, the thread becomes ineligible.
Other examples of long waits are:
Record lock conflicts (when two or more threads attempt to lock the same record of a file)
Distributed Data Management data requests
Data queue requests
Tape read
Ineligible queue and job priority
Sometimes threads gain priority if they are held by locks. Normally, if a thread enters the long
wait state by other than a lock conflict, it is placed behind all other threads of equal priority
already on the ineligible queue. This is called a first-in, first-out priority queue.
However, if a thread becomes ineligible after a short wait extended or a long wait caused by a
lock conflict, it is placed in front of threads of equal priority already on the ineligible queue.
The most common reasons for this change to normal queue placement are:
The thread enters a long wait as a result of a lock conflict because it was active (referring
to objects in main storage) before the conflict occurred. If the wait is short (and many are),
you may get the thread back into an activity level before all of the objects in use by the
thread are removed from main storage.
When the thread is granted the lock, it leaves the wait state. If other threads on the
ineligible queue want to use the same object, they must wait until the object is available
again. Therefore, you want to use threads holding locks on objects and make them
available for other threads to use. To accomplish this, the thread moves ahead of any
potential requesters.
4.10.3 Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command
The WRKACTJOB command shows system performance by measuring aspects such as
CPU usage and response time. The threads column shows you the number of threads for
each job. Figure 4-7 shows an example of the Work with Active Jobs display.
Note: Locks can be thread scoped or job scoped. Locks that are job scoped are shared by
all of the threads that are in that job.
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 71
Figure 4-7 Work With Active Jobs display
To view the Work with Active Jobs display, type WRKACTJOB on any command line, and
press the Enter key. To start (or end) an automatic refresh of information on the display that
you are viewing, press the F19 key. The information is updated automatically at time intervals
that are specified on the INTERVAL parameter. See CL Reference, SC41-5722, for details
about the WRKACTJOB command.
While using the WRKACTJOB command, position the cursor on a column and press the F16
key. The items that appear are sorted according to the entries in that column. Use the F11 key
to toggle between the different views of the WRKACTJOB display.
4.10.4 Work with System Activity (WRKSYSACT) command
The WRKSYSACT command is a part of the Performance Tools for iSeries (5722-PT1)
licensed program and actually provides an enhancement to the Work with Active Jobs display
(see Figure 4-8). It is the only tool that shows both jobs and internal OS/400 tasks at the
same time on the display. By default, the jobs are sequenced by CPU usage. You can also
sequence the display by I/O usage.
The WRKSYSACT command is a part of Performance Tools/400 licensed program product.
Figure 4-8 shows the panel displayed by this command when you use the parameter
OUTPUT(*), the default, or OUTPUT(*BOTH).
Work with Active Jobs ACME01
CPU %: 97.8 Elapsed time: 00:00:01 Active jobs: 260
Opt Subsystem/Job User Number Type CPU % Threads
DOMINO QSYS 514292 SBS .0 1
AMGR QNOTES 514321 BCI .0 1
AMGR QNOTES 514324 BCI .0 3
EVENT QNOTES 514334 BCI 1.1 8
ROUTER QNOTES 514310 BCI 4.2 4
SCHED QNOTES 514328 BCI .0 1
SERVER QNOTES 514300 BCI 15.9 257
SERVER QNOTES 514343 BCI 45.6 256
SERVER QNOTES 514344 BCI 22.9 256
UPDATE QNOTES 514318 BCI 1.3 1
F21=Display instructions/keys
Important: WRKSYSACT shows individual measurements for each time interval (snap
shots), where WRKACTJOB calculates average values until you press F10. However, if
you use the parameter OUTPUT(*FILE) or OUPUT(*BOTH), a database file will be
generated with entries for each measurement interval. See 4.11.2, “Using Work with
System Activity (WRKSYSACT) with an output file” on page 89.
72 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 4-8 Work With System Activity display
What to look for
The Performance Tools WRKSYSACT command provides a list of active jobs that used CPU
in the last few seconds. You can determine the specific time by measuring the time interval
between uses of the refresh key, PF10. The list is sorted by the amount of CPU seconds
used. A high priority job (identified by a low number) may use too much CPU (>50%) for an
extended period of time. This may cause poor response time for the entire system.
Note the following points:
The Pty column shows the run priority of the job.
The CPU Util column shows the CPU utilization of the job.
The Total Sync I/O column shows the total amount of synchronous I/O processing that is
required by the job. A low amount of synchronous I/O processing is important, because a
job must wait for the completion of the synchronous I/O operation before continuing.
The Total Async I/O column shows the total amount of asynchronous I/O processing that
is required by the job. The amount of asynchronous I/O processing is not as important as
the amount of synchronous I/O processing, because a job can continue processing
immediately after requesting an asynchronous I/O operation. In a way, an asynchronous
I/O operation is similar to a batch job. After submitting the job, you do not have to worry
about its completion.
The DB CPU Util column is new since V4R5 and shows the amount of DB2 processing
performed by this job. This is important on a iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino, which
has a strict limitation of not allowing more than 15% of the total CPU used for DB2
processing. This value allows you to identify jobs doing too much DB2 processing. See
12.3.1, “DB2 database processing defined” on page 351.
Work with System Activity ACME01
11/09/01 15:33:00
Automatic refresh in seconds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Elapsed time . . . . : 00:00:13 Average CPU util . . : .5
Number of CPUs . . . : 4 Maximum CPU util . . : .7
Overall DB CPU util : .0 Minimum CPU util . . : .4
Type options, press Enter.
1=Monitor job 5=Work with job
Total Total DB
Job or CPU Sync Async CPU
Opt Task User Number Thread Pty Util I/O I/O Util
QYPSJSVR QYPSJSVR 164955 00000004 10 .0 0 0 .0
QYPSPFRCOL QSYS 164938 0000000A 1 .0 0 3 .0
QYPSPFRCOL QSYS 164938 00000009 1 .0 4 0 .0
RMMCHDATAC 0 .0 5 0 .0
QYPSPFRCOL QSYS 164938 0000000B 1 .0 0 10 .0
F3=Exit F10=Update list F11=View 2 F12=Cancel F19=Automatic refresh
F24=More keys
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 73
Entering 1 on the Opt column allows you to monitor this job only. Entering 5 in the Opt
column, allows you to access the Work With Job display. You can monitor up to 20 jobs
and tasks at a single time.
By pressing the F11 key, you can select from three different displays: the summary,
synchronous I/O details, and asynchronous I/O details.
The following information about jobs and CPU utilization provides additional tips to improve
If a job or small set of jobs is using a large percentage of the CPU, check the job priority
(PTY). If the priority of the job that is using too much CPU is a lower number (higher
priority) than the jobs with poor performance, you may want to specify a larger RUNPTY.
Use option 5 (Work with job) and option 40 (Change job) to specify a larger RUNPTY for
the job or jobs that are using too much CPU.
If the job that is using too much CPU is an interactive job that is running a batch function
(such as compile or test case), the user can submit work to batch or change the priority to
If the CPU utilization is high (greater than 80%), but all jobs seem to have an equal
amount of CPU usage, the system may have too many active jobs.
4.10.5 Work with Disk Status (WRKDSKSTS) command
Figure 4-9 shows an example of the Work with Disk Status display.
Figure 4-9 Work With Disk Status command display
Elapsed time: 00:00:17
Size % I/O Request Read Write Read Write %
Unit Type (M) Used Rqs Size (K) Rqs Rqs (K) (K) Busy
1 6607 4194 80.8 2.3 4.9 .2 2.1 4.0 5.0 0
2 6607 3145 81.0 1.2 6.8 .4 .8 12.5 4.0 2
3 6607 3145 80.8 .8 17.8 .1 .6 4.0 21.3 0
4 6607 4194 80.8 6.7 6.4 .4 6.2 21.0 5.3 0
5 6713 6442 80.8 3.6 5.0 .2 3.3 12.0 4.4 0
6 6607 3145 80.8 6.5 4.2 .2 6.3 6.0 4.2 0
7 6607 3145 80.8 2.2 4.9 .1 2.0 10.6 4.4 0
8 6607 4194 80.8 18.1 4.5 .3 17.7 15.3 4.3 0
9 6713 6442 80.8 6.7 7.6 1.3 5.3 8.3 7.5 2
10 6607 3145 80.8 4.7 6.0 .0 4.6 116.0 4.6 0
11 6607 3145 81.0 1.3 5.0 .1 1.2 18.0 3.8 2
12 6607 3145 81.0 1.2 6.6 .1 1.1 28.0 4.4 0
13 6607 4194 80.8 .7 5.5 .1 .5 5.3 5.6 2
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F24=More keys
Note: This display may vary up to 20% from actual values. CL Reference, SC41-5722,
contains a description of the Work with Disk Status (WRKDSKSTS) command and
formatting information.
74 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Before you observe the disk status, tune your system. When viewing the Work with Disk
Status display, observe the percent of busy data. Each unit (arm) should be less than 50%
busy. If each unit is between 50% and 70% busy, you may experience variable response
times. If each unit is more than 70% busy, you do not have enough actuators (arms) to
provide good performance. The actuator is the device within an auxiliary storage device that
moves the read and write heads. If you have a well-tuned system with actuators that exceed
50% busy, you should increase the number of disk actuators.
It is possible to experience inadequate performance even if only one actuator exceeds the
50% busy guideline. This can be caused by the placement of frequently used data on a single
storage device. If this occurs on your system, use the Performance Tools for iSeries licensed
program disk report to determine which data is causing heavy usage. You can save, delete, or
restore some objects to improve performance.
An actuator may exceed the 50% guideline for a short period of time. This condition can be
caused by a batch job that is accessing data. If the data is not concentrated on a particular
storage device, the high level of use should move from actuator to actuator while the batch job
is running. Also, an actuator in an auxiliary storage pool (ASP) may be used heavily. Typically,
this is not considered to exceed the guidelines. If you observe this activity, do not change the
disk configuration.
4.10.6 Observing network performance
While observing the performance, it is important not to forget to verify that the network is not
the bottleneck. If you had all the CPU power in the world but a bad network, your users would
suffer from poor response times or low transaction throughput.
The PING command
The PING command sends an echo to an IP host to determine whether the host is
accessible. The response time shows how long the round trip message takes. This is the first
tool to use to identify connectivity problems.
The PING command can be issued on any workstation that supports TCP/IP, for example:
Workstation client command line
OS/400 command line
UNIX client
In Figure 4-10, the PING command sends a data packet of 256 bytes five times in a row. The
minimum, maximum, and average response times are all 10 milliseconds.
Figure 4-10 PING command output example
If you experience response times between a hundred and a thousand milliseconds or even
time-outs, use the Trace Route (TRACERT) command to obtain additional information.
Verifying connection to host system ACME01 at address
PING reply 1 from took 10 ms. 256 bytes. TTL 64.
PING reply 2 from took 10 ms. 256 bytes. TTL 64.
PING reply 3 from took 10 ms. 256 bytes. TTL 64.
PING reply 4 from took 10 ms. 256 bytes. TTL 64.
PING reply 5 from took 10 ms. 256 bytes. TTL 64.
Round-trip (in milliseconds) min/avg/max = 10/10/10
Connection verification statistics: 5 of 5 successful (100 %).
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 75
The JPING tool
JPING is a GUI tool that is along the same lines as NPING but has additional features over
NotesCONNECT (NPING). You can download this tool from the Web at:
The NPING tool
NPING is a GUI tool to test the various TCP/IP port connections to a particular server. You
can download the tool by accessing it from the Web at:
Trace Route (TRACERT) command
The Trace Route (TRACERT) command is similar to the PING command except that it reports
the round trip time by intermediate hosts. It provides information about how each connection
between the source system and the target system is performing. An example of the
TRACERT output is shown in Figure 4-11.
Figure 4-11 TRACERT command output example
Work with TCP/IP Network Status (NETSTAT) command
Use the Work with TCP/IP Network Status (WRKTCPSTS) command, also known as Network
Status (NETSTAT), to obtain information about the status of TCP/IP network routes,
interfaces, TCP connections, and UDP ports on your local system. You can also use
NETSTAT to end TCP/IP connections and to start or end TCP/IP interfaces.
If Internet Protocol (IP) over SNA (IPS) is enabled, NETSTAT displays information about the
IP over SNA interfaces, routes, and connections. You can also use NETSTAT to end IP over
SNA connections and to start or end IP over SNA interfaces.
To use this command, the TCP/IP protocol stack or IP over SNA must be active. If neither is
active, NETSTAT sends an escape message. Use the display shown in Figure 4-12 to view
the status of your TCP/IP and IP over SNA interfaces, routes, and connections.
C:\>tracert acme01
Tracing route to acme01.acmeland.acme.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <10 ms <10 ms <10 ms acme1342.acmeland.acme.com []
2 20 ms 10 ms <10 ms acmebb11.acmeland.acme.com []
3 <10 ms 10 ms 51 ms acme01.acmeland.acme.com []
Trace complete.
Note: The three times reported for each line show that there were three attempts for each
76 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 4-12 Work With Network Status selection display
To select an option, type the option number and press Enter. To run a command, type the
command and press Enter. For assistance in typing the command, type the command and
press F4. For assistance in selecting commands, press F4 without typing anything.
Option 1: Work with TCP/IP Interface Status
Select option 1 to view the Work with TCP/IP Interface Status display (Figure 4-13).
Figure 4-13 Work with TCP/IP Interface Status display
Use this display to:
View detailed information about a particular interface
View a list of the routes associated with a particular interface
Work with TCP/IP Network Status
System: ACME01
Select one of the following:
1. Work with TCP/IP interface status
2. Display TCP/IP route information
3. Work with TCP/IP connection status
Selection or command
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel
Work with TCP/IP Interface Status
Type options, press Enter.
5=Display details 8=Display associated routes 9=Start 10=End
12=Work with configuration status 14=Display multicast groups
Internet Network Line Interface
Opt Address Address Description Status
x.y.z9.ab2 a.b.ze.192 ACMELINE Active
x.y.z9.ab5 a.b.ze.192 ACMELINE Active
x.y.z9.ab5 a.b.ze.192 ACMELINE Active
x.y.z9.ab6 a.b.ze.192 ACMELINE Active
x.y.z9.ab7 a.b.ze.192 ACMELINE Active
x.y.z9.ab8 a.b.ze.192 ACMELINE Active
x.y.z9.ab3 a.b.ze.192 *VIRTUALIP Inactive
x.y.z33.13 a.b.c33.0 TRNLINE Active
x0.1.1.1 x0.a.y.0 ACMELINE1 Active
x0.1.1.4 x0.a.y.0 ACMELINE1 Active
x0.1.1.5 x0.a.y.0 ACMELINE1 Active
x0.1.1.6 x0.a.y.0 ACMELINE1 Active
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F11=Display line information F12=
F13=Sort by column F24=More keys
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 77
Start or end a TCP/IP interface
Work with configuration status
View multicast host groups associated with your interface
Option 2: Display TCP/IP Route Information
Select option 2 to view the routes defined for the system (Figure 4-14). The IP address of the
route destination is the ultimate destination reached by using this route. When used in
combination with the subnet mask and the type of service values, the route destination
identifies a route to a network or system. This route destination IP address can be the
address of any of these items:
Directly attached network or subnetwork
Host system
Remote subnetwork
Remote network
Default route
Figure 4-14 Display TCP/IP Route Information display
The Subnet Mask column is the actual value of the subnet mask in dotted-decimal notation.
The Next Hop column is the Internet address of the first system on the path from your system
to the route destination. The value that appears is either *DIRECT or a dotted-decimal
Internet address.
*DIRECT is the next hop value of a route that is automatically created. When an interface is
added to this system, a route to the network that the interface attaches to is also created.
These routes to interfaces have a next hop value of *DIRECT.
For all other routes, the next hop value is the dotted-decimal Internet address (for example, of the Internet Protocol (IP) router that forwards data to the next system in the path
to the route destination.
Display TCP/IP Route Information
Type options, press Enter.
5=Display details
Route Subnet Next Route
Opt Destination Mask Hop Available
a.b.ccc.d0 *DIRECT *YES
a.b.cc.dd3 *HOST *DIRECT *NO
a.b.cc.dd2 *DIRECT *YES
a.b.cc.dd2 *DIRECT *YES
a.b.cc.dd2 *DIRECT *YES
a.b.cc.dd2 *DIRECT *YES
a.b.cc.dd2 *DIRECT *YES
a.b.cc.dd2 *DIRECT *YES
aa.bbb.ccc.128 *DIRECT *NO
aa.bb.c.0 *DIRECT *NO
aa.b.c.0 *DIRECT *YES
aa.b.c.0 *DIRECT *YES
aa.b.c.0 *DIRECT *YES
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F6=Print list F9=Command line
F11=Display route type F12=Cancel F13=Sort by column F24=
78 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Because the IP router forwards the data, your system and the route destination do not have to
be on the same network. However, the IP router must be on a network or subnetwork to which
your system is directly connected.
The Route Available column indicates whether this route is available. One of three possible
values appears:
*YES: The route is available.
*NO: The route is not available.
*DOD: The route is used for point-to-point (PPP) dial-on-demand, but is currently not
Option 3: Work with TCP/IP Connection Status
Select option 3 to view or end a TCP/IP connection between a local system and a remote
system (Figure 4-15).
Figure 4-15 Work with TCP/IP Connection Status Display
The Local Internet address field shows which connections are displayed in the Work with
TCP/IP Connection Status list. The following information appears in this field:
*ALL appears when all connections defined on the local system are displayed. This is the
default selection when the connections list is first displayed.
An Internet address appears when a subset of the list is displayed. Only connections with
a local Internet address equal to this Internet address or with a local Internet address of “*”
are shown in the list.
Note: If the status of a route changes from unavailable to available, a period of time
elapses before your system recognizes that the route is available. To make your system
recognize that the route is available, use the Verify TCP/IP Connection (VFYTCPCNN)
command (PING) to verify the connection to the router. If this does not work, notify the
system operator of the problem.
Work with TCP/IP Connection Status
System: ACME01
Local internet address . . . . . . . . . . . : *ALL
Type options, press Enter.
4=End 5=Display details
Remote Remote Local
Opt Address Port Port Idle Time State
* * ftp-con > 019:01:37 Listen
* * telnet 001:48:05 Listen
* * smtp 042:36:54 Listen
* * domain 042:37:04 Listen
* * domain 042:37:04 *UDP
* * tftp 042:36:55 *UDP
* * snmp 042:36:57 *UDP
* * drda 042:37:05 Listen
* * as-svrmap 001:00:53 Listen
* * exec 042:36:59 Listen
* * lpd 042:36:59 Listen
F5=Refresh F11=Display byte counts F13=Sort by column
F14=Display port numbers F22=Display entire field F24=More keys
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 79
The contents of this field can be changed by using F15 to subset by local address.
The Remote Address column shows the Internet address of the remote host. An asterisk (*) is
shown if either your iSeries server is waiting for a connection to open or if the list entry is for a
UDP socket.
The Remote Port column shows either the remote host port number or well-known port name.
An asterisk (*) is shown if either your iSeries server is waiting for a connection to open or if the
list entry is for a UDP socket.
The Local Port column shows your local system port number or well-known port name.
The Idle Time column shows the approximate length of time since the last activity on this
connection. The time is shown in the format hhh:mm:ss (hours, minutes, seconds).
4.10.7 Work with System Values (WRKSYSVAL) command
System values contain specifications that you can use to control or change the overall
operation of your system. You can display one system value at a time. A list of the system
values (shipped with the system) and their initial contents are available in OS/400 Work
Management for Version 5 Release 1, SC41-5306.
Use the WRKSYSVAL command to verify the setting the system values described in the
following sections.
QTOTJOB system value
The QTOTJOB value controls the total number of jobs for which the auxiliary storage is
allocated during IPL. The correct setting of this system value can be obtained by entering the
WRKSYSSTS command. Pay attention to the value displayed in the Jobs in system field. The
number of jobs in the system should never be greater than the value specified for the
QTOTJOB system value. Add 15% to the number in the Jobs in system field. Before you set
this to the QTOTJOB system value, consider the following words of caution:
Clear the output queues regularly. OS/400 reserves auxiliary storage for a job as long as
there is at least one spooled output file for that job even though the job is inactive. The
more files there are in the output queues, the more jobs you see on the Work with System
Status display.
If you have a high number of spooled files on the system while using the WRKSYSSTS
command and you add 15% more to set the QTOTJOB value, you may significantly
increase the time it takes to IPL the system. Performance is also affected when using any
system functions that search through the system-wide work control block table (WCBT).
These functions include the Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB), Work with Jobs
(WRKJOB), and Start Subsystem (STRSBS) commands.
Consider using the OS/400 Operational Assistant options to clean the obsolete spooled
files such as old program dumps from the system. Do this by entering GO CLEANUP on
any command line.
You can suspect a wrong value of the QTOTJOB system value if the system seems to slow
down periodically for no apparent reason. A heavy batch job would be one visible reason. The
system delay situation normally lasts a couple minutes after which the normal processing
continues until the previously created job structures are used up and a new system delay
situation arises. The value shipped with the operating system is 30, which normally is not
large enough.
Note: A change to this system value takes effect only after the next IPL.
80 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
QADLTOTJ system value
The QADLTOTJ system value specifies the additional number of jobs that need storage
allocated when the initial number of jobs (the system value QTOTJOB) is reached. Auxiliary
storage is allocated whenever the number of jobs in the system exceeds the number for which
storage has been allocated.
QACTJOB system value
The QACTJOB value controls the initial number of active jobs for which auxiliary storage is
allocated during an IPL. The correct setting of this value can be determined by entering the
WRKACTJOB command. On the right, top corner of the display is the number of active jobs in the
system. Determine the highest amount of the active jobs during a busy day, and add 10% to
the number. This number is the correct value for the QACTJOB system value. The number of
active jobs should not be greater than this value.
You can suspect a wrong value for the QACTJOB system value if the system seems to fall
asleep periodically for no apparent reason. The slowed performance situation normally lasts a
couple of minutes after which the normal processing continues until the amount of previously
created job structures are used up and a new delay situation arises. The value shipped with
the operating system is 20, which normally is not large enough.
QADLACTJ system value
The QADLACTJ system value specifies the additional number of active jobs that need
storage allocated when the initial number of active jobs (the system value QACTJOB) is
reached. Auxiliary storage is allocated whenever the number of active jobs exceeds the
storage which has already been allocated. The amount of storage allocated for each job is
approximately 110 KB.
QMAXACTLVL system value
The QMAXACTLVL value determines the maximum activity level of the system. This is the
number of all of the jobs that can compete at the same time for main storage and processor
resources. If a job cannot be processed because no activity levels are available, the job is
held until another job reaches a time slice end or a long wait. See Chapter 14 of OS/400 Work
Management for Version 5 Release 1, SC41-5306, for information about job state transitions.
Note: A change to this system value takes effect immediately.
Note: A change to this system value takes effect only after the next IPL.
Note: A change to this system value takes effect immediately.
Important: You must keep QACTJOB, QTOTJOB, QADLACTJ, and QADLTOTJ at
reasonable values. If you make QACTJOB and QTOTJOB excessively high, the IPL is
slower due to excessive storage allocation. If you make QACTJOB and QTOTJOB too
small for your environment and you make QADLTOTJ and QADLACTJ excessively large,
run-time performance can be impacted.
Important: This system value should be set to *NOMAX and the activity levels should be
controlled at the pool level.
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 81
QMCHPOOL system value
The QMCHPOOL system value affects the size of the machine storage pool. The machine
storage pool contains the highly-shared microcode and operating system programs. You must
be careful when changing the size for this storage pool because system performance may be
impaired if the storage pool is too small. This value can be changed by the performance
adjustment support when the QPFRADJ system value is set to 1, 2, or 3.
You can also change the setting of the QMCHPOOL system value by using the Work with
System Status display as described previously.
QDYNPTYADJ system value
The QDYNPTYADJ system value controls whether the priority of interactive jobs is
dynamically adjusted to maintain high performance of batch job processing on iSeries server
model hardware. This value is only effective on systems that are rated for both interactive and
non-interactive throughput and have dynamic priority scheduling enabled (see the
QDYNPTYSCD system value in the following section).
QDYNPTYSCD system value
The QDYNPTYSCD system value allows you to turn on and turn off the dynamic priority
scheduler. The task scheduler uses this value to determine the algorithm for scheduling jobs
running on the system.
QPRCMLTTSK system value
The system value QPRCMLTTSK allows you to turn on and turn off the Processor
multi-tasking capability. If it is enabled, more than one set of task data will reside in each CPU.
Not all iSeries hardware will support Processor multi-tasking. If the system does not support
Processor multi-tasking and it is changed to on, it will be turned back off during the next IPL.
Some workloads may experience increased performance due to caching implications.
On a partitioned system (LPAR, not Domino partitioned servers), this system value controls
the behavior of all partitioned systems and is changed from the primary partition only. Also,
certain guest operating systems, such as LINUX, do not support QPRCMLTTSK set to 1.
4.10.8 Display System Log (DSPLOG) command
The Display Log (DSPLOG) command shows the system history log (QHST). The history log
contains information about the operation of the system and system status. The system history
log contains the messages sent to the log, the date and time the message was sent, and the
name of the job that sent it.
Note: A change to this system value takes effect immediately.
Note: A change to this system value takes effect immediately. The value shipped with the
operating system is 20000KB.
Note: A change to this system value takes effect at the next IPL.
Note: A change to this system value takes effect at the next IPL.
Note: A change to this system value takes effect at the next IPL.
82 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
4.10.9 Start System Service Tools (STRSST) command
System Service Tools rarely provide performance-related information. However, they may
provide you with additional information. For example, a large amount of errors on a
communications line tends to cause error-recovery procedures, which may cause
performance problems.
From the SST screen shown in Figure 4-16, select option 1 to start a Service Tool.
Figure 4-16 Selecting to start a service tool
The Start a Service Tool display appears as shown in Figure 4-17.
Figure 4-17 Start a Service Tool
Select option 1 to use a product activity log. You can see such activities as:
Analyze log
Select option 1 (analyze log) to display or print a summary of product activity entries. This
summary is useful for analyzing intermittent and multiple error conditions.
Display or print by log ID
Select option 2 to display or print data from the product activity log by log identifier. The log
ID is a unique identifier that ties together all data related to a single error condition.
Change log sizes
Select option 3 to verify or change the amount of storage on a disk unit used for product
activity log data.
System Service Tools (SST)
Select one of the following:
1. Start a service tool
2. Work with active service tools
3. Work with disk units
4. Work with diskette data recovery
Start a Service Tool
Warning: Incorrect use of this service tool can cause damage
to data in this system. Contact your service representative
for assistance.
Select one of the following:
1. Product activity log
2. Trace Licensed Internal Code
3. Work with communications trace
4. Display/Alter/Dump
5. Licensed Internal Code log
6. Main storage dump manager
7. Hardware service manager
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 83
Work with removable media lifetime statistics
Select option 4 to display, print, or delete the statistical data logged for the lifetime use of a
removable media. Lifetime is the total length of time one of these media allows for
information to be read from or written to it.
Display or print removable media session statistics
Select option 5 to display or print the statistical data logged for a session of a removable
media. Session is the length of time one of these media is in position to be read from or
written to (read/write heads loaded).
Reference code description
Select this option to display or print the description of a reference code.
4.11 Collecting performance data
Through V4R5, the Start Performance Monitor STRPFRMON command was available with
the OS/400 operating system to allow you to collect performance data. At V5R1, Collection
Services replaces Performance Monitor. STRPFRMON is no longer available at V5R1.
Collection Services collects performance data for all jobs and tasks running on the system. It
allows you to continuously collect performance data with minimal overhead and control what
type or types of data are collected.
Collection Services uses one or two jobs to collect data. QYPSPFRCOL is the primary job of
Collection Services. It collects data into a management collection object (*MGTCOL). The
second job, CRTPFRDTA, is only active if you have chosen the create the database files while
the collection is active. Both of these jobs will run under the QSYSWRK subsystem.
For more information on Collection Services, visit the Web site at:
4.11.1 Starting Collection Services
Collection Services can be started by using any of the following methods:
Operations Navigator
Performance Tools menu options
Management Central APIs
Operations Navigator
In Operations Navigator, Collection Services can be started in several different ways. The
information described here only shows one way in which it can be started.
As shown in Figure 4-18, you can right-click the system name, choose Collections Services
and then Start Collecting to begin the steps necessary to start Collection Services.
84 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 4-18 Starting Collection Services
For the purposes of collecting sample performance data for Domino performance analysis,
Figure 4-19 and Figure 4-20 are set to their default parameters.
Figure 4-19 shows the available parameters that control how the data is collection. From this
window, you can specify or change the interval at which to collect the data, when to cycle the
collection, and how long to retain the data among other options.
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 85
Figure 4-19 General tab from starting Collection Services
Figure 4-20 describes the data that is going to be collected by Collection Services. It is
recommended that you leave this parameter set. Changing the parameter to customer allows
you to collect different varieties of data which is fine. But eliminating certain points of
collection may provide you with insufficient data to do performance analysis.
By clicking OK, Collection Services is submitted to QSYSWRK and data is collected. You also
have the option to schedule a collection from these screens by choosing the Schedule
To end the collection, choose Stop Collecting from the menu shown in Figure 4-18.
86 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 4-20 Data to Collect tab from starting Collection Services
Performance Tools menu options
By entering the GO PERFORM command on an iSeries command line, you see the IBM
Performance Tools for iSeries display (Figure 4-21). The Performance Tools menu is only
available if Performance Tools for AS/400 Licensed Program Product (5769-PT1) is installed
on the system.
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 87
Figure 4-21 Performance Tools main menu
To start Collection Services, select option 2 from the menu.
Figure 4-22 Collection Services status display
Figure 4-22 provides the current status of Collection Services. Here you see:
PERFORM IBM Performance Tools for iSeries
System: ACME01
Select one of the following:
1. Select type of status
2. Collect performance data
3. Print performance report
4. Capacity planning/modeling
5. Performance utilities
6. Configure and manage tools
7. Display performance data
8. System activity
9. Performance graphics
10. Advisor
70. Related commands
Selection or command
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel F13=Information Assistant
F16=System main menu
(C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1981, 2001.
Collect Performance Data ASSLH
10/15/01 10:47:25
Collection Services status:
Status . . . . . . . . . . . . : Started
Collection object . . . . . . . : Q288000001
Library . . . . . . . . . . . : MYLIB
Started . . . . . . . . . . . . : 10/15/01 00:00:01
Default collection interval . . : 00:00:15
Retention period . . . . . . . : 30 days 00 hours
Cycle time . . . . . . . . . . : 00:00:00
Cycle interval . . . . . . . . : 24
Collection profile . . . . . . : *STANDARDP
Select one of the following:
1. Start collecting data
2. Stop collecting data
Selection or command
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel
88 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Status of the collection (started or ended)
Name of the management collection object
Library that contains the management collection object
Interval in which the data is being collected
How long the management collection will reside on the system
Time the collection started
Collection cycle interval
Type of data being collected
To continue starting a collection, choose option 1.
The Start Collecting Data panel (Figure 4-23) provides the list of parameter necessary to
collect performance data. To keep the data centralized, change the library parameter to a
library of your choice. All other parameters can be left alone.
Figure 4-23 Parameter menu for starting Collection Services
When you press Enter at this screen, a new collection is started.
To end the collection, you go into the menu options as shown in the previous steps but choose
option 2 (Stop collecting data). You can see this option in Figure 4-22.
Management Central APIs
If neither Operations Navigator nor Performance Tools are available and PM/400
(Performance Management) is not actively collecting data, there are Management Central
APIs that provide the functionality to start and end Collections Services.
Starting Collection Services
The Start Collector (QYPSSTRC QypsStartCollector) API starts the collection. If a collection
is not currently active, the collection will use the defaults to start collecting data. If there is a
collection active it will use the settings from the currently active collection and start a new
collection using the attributes from the current collection if no new ones have been specified.
Start Collecting Data
Type choices, press Enter.
Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MYLIB Name
Collection interval (minutes) . . . 15 0.25, 0.5, 1, 5, 15, 30,
Retention period:
Days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 *PERM, 0-30
Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0-23
Time to synchronize cycle . . . . 00:00:00 HH:MM:SS
Frequency to cycle collections . . 24 1-24
Create database files . . . . . . . *YES *YES, *NO
Collection profile . . . . . . . . . *STANDARDP *MINIMUM, *STANDARD,
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 89
Use the following command to start Collection Services:
Ending Collection Services
The End Collector (QYPSENDC QypsEndCollector) API ends an active collection. Use the
following command to end Collection Services:
Changing System Collector Attributes
Change System Collector Attributes (QYPSCSCA, QypsChgSysCollectorAttributes) changes
system collector attributes. This API provides the default values for Collection Services.
To learn more about these APIs and other Management Central APIs, go to the iSeries
Information Center and search for Management Central APIs. The Information Center is
located on the Web at:
4.11.2 Using Work with System Activity (WRKSYSACT) with an output file
The WRKSYSACT command allows you to interactively work with the jobs and tasks currently
running in the system. At a first glance, the information shown by this command looks very
similar to the Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) panel. However, the WRKSYSACT has
several advantages over WRKACTJOB:
It uses less system resources.
Besides user jobs, it also shows system tasks.
The resource utilization shown is not cumulative and shows as snapshot of each
measurement interval. When used with Automatic Refresh (F19) function, it shows live
information for the very second, you are watching it.
However, WRKSYSACT is only available, when the OS/400 Performance Tools (5722-PT1)
are installed on your system.
Besides having the ability to view this data on the display station, the user can also direct the
data to be stored in a database file for future use. To direct the data to a database file, specify
either of the following commands:
This allows you to produce a report as described in 4.13.4, “Print Activity Report
(PRTACTRPT) command” on page 115.
4.12 Management Central performance monitor
Through Management Central, you can manage and monitor your Domino server
performance in an easy and understandable way.
Note: There must be six additional spaces after *PFR and before the ending quote on the
first parameter.
Note: There must be six additional spaces after *PFR and before the ending quote on the
first parameter.
90 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
System and Job monitors gather and present real-time performance data for your Domino
servers. You can use monitors to see your server’s performance as it happens at a single
system or across multiple systems and groups of systems.
In contrast, you can use Collection Services to collect performance data for later analysis.
Collection Services allows you to analyze multiple sets of true performance data for a longer
period of your system performance history. Using the Graph History window, you can see a
graphical view of the metrics that you collected for an extended period of time. You can use
the Graph History function as long as you collect data with Collection Services; you do not
need to have a system monitor running.
For information about Collection Services, see 4.11, “Collecting performance data” on
page 83.
This section does not cover all the functions in Management Central performance monitors.
For more detailed and complete information, we recommend that you read Managing OS/400
with Operations Navigator V5R1, SG24-6226.
4.12.1 Monitoring real-time system performance
The system monitor graphs present real-time system performance data in a graphical
interface that you can directly manipulate to gather different or more detailed data. Monitors
allow you to collect performance data simultaneously for a wide variety of system metrics, for
any system or system group, and for any length of time.
To monitor real-time system performance, you start with creating a system monitor.
Creating a new system monitor
You can define a new job monitor by using one of the following methods:
Expand Management Central. Select Monitors. Then right-click System and select New
Right-click a system under My Connections. Then select Monitors->System.
Expand Endpoint Systems under Management Central and select a system. Then select
Expand System Groups under Management Central and select a system group. Then
select Monitors->System.
Each of these methods activates the New Monitor window shown in Figure 4-24.
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 91
Figure 4-24 System monitor
On the General page, you enter the name of the monitor and a brief description of the
The Metrics page for New Monitor or Monitor Properties allows you to select the metrics that
you want to monitor. You can view and change information about the collection interval, the
maximum graphing value, and the display time for each metric. You can define one or two
thresholds for each metric. The thresholds are independent of each other and provide a way
to monitor for different conditions in one monitor. For example, you may monitor for a less
severe condition and send a command to page the system operator. Or, you may monitor for
a more severe condition and send a command page to start ending certain jobs. A threshold
consists of a trigger value and, optionally, a reset value. You can specify an OS/400 command
to be run when the threshold is triggered or reset.
Before V4R5, you could choose from the following CPU Utilization metrics:
CPU Utilization (Average): This metric shows you the percentage of available processing
unit time that is being consumed by all jobs on your iSeries server. This metric includes all
work done on your system, both interactive and non-interactive.
CPU Utilization (Interactive Jobs): Formerly known as CPU Utilization (Interactive), this
metric shows you the percentage of available processing unit time that is being consumed
on the system for all jobs of the type I (interactive). It also helps you manage your
interactive users' work compared to total CPU utilization capacity. The resulting data is
relative to achieving good interactive response time and the amount of CPU left for
non-interactive jobs.
92 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Type I jobs include:
– Twinaxial data link control (TDLC)
– 5250 remote workstation
– 3270 remote workstation
– SNA pass-through
– 5250 telnet
CPU Utilization Basic (Average): This metric shows the percentage of available
processing unit time that is being consumed by all jobs on the system. Unlike the CPU
Utilization (Average) metric mentioned above, this metric does not track detailed data.
In addition to those metrics available before V4R5, the set of CPU Utilization metrics now
includes three new metrics. These new CPU Utilization metrics include:
CPU Utilization (Interactive Feature): This metric is designed to help you monitor and
manage your iSeries server's interactive use. It determines whether a particular job is
doing interactive work and measures the system's overall interactive workload. This new
metric was designed especially with the new iSeries Interactive Feature in mind, but can
be used with other iSeries models where an interactive capability is of interest, such as
iSeries servers. It complements the existing Management Central metrics such as CPU
Utilization (Interactive Jobs) and CPU Utilization (Average). The new metric shows you
when your system is approaching its interactive limits:
– Signed-on 5250 workstation jobs
– Autostart jobs, prestart jobs, or jobs submitted to a batch job queue that run I/O
operations on a 5250 workstation
CPU Utilization (Database Capability): This metric is intended to help you monitor your
iSeries server's database use. Using this metric, you can see how much of your system
CPU is consumed by database activities and which jobs contribute the most to this use. In
addition, you can find detailed data for each job, including the number of milliseconds of
CPU used by that job in database processing during the particular sample interval being
CPU Utilization (Secondary Workloads): This metric is designed for use on iSeries
dedicated servers. It measures how much CPU is being used on the system for work other
than the primary workload for which the system is designed, which can include database
activity. For example, this metric can be used on the iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino
to see how much non-Domino work is being done on the system. The amount of CPU
used by secondary workloads is currently reported only on Dedicated Servers for Domino
systems running V4R5 or later and is a portion of the total CPU utilization capacity. On
other systems and servers, the value is ignored and appears as 0%. This metric does not
track detailed data.
All three new metrics have default threshold values set, that are good starting values.
Interactive Response Time (Average): This includes the average response time for
interactive (5250) jobs on the system. Second level information shows the jobs having the
highest average response time.
Interactive Response Time (Maximum): This includes the highest response time for
interactive (5250) jobs on the system while the monitor is active. Second level information
shows the jobs having the highest response time.
Note: You have to enable these metrics to enable them for use.
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 93
Transaction Rate (Average): This includes the average number of transactions per
second completed by all jobs active on the system. Second level information shows the
jobs having the highest rate.
Transaction Rate (Interactive): This includes the average number of transactions per
second completed by 5250 jobs active on the system. Second level information shows the
jobs having the highest rate.
Batch Logical Database I/O: The average number of logical database input/output (I/O)
operations currently performed by all non-5250 (batch) jobs on the system. Second level
information shows the jobs performing the highest I/Os.
Disk Arm Utilization (Average): The average percentage of disk arm busy doing I/O
operations for all disks on the system. Second level information shows information for
each disk arm.
Disk Arm Utilization (Maximum): The maximum percentage of disk arm busy doing I/O
operations for all disks on the system. Second level information shows information for
each disk arm.
Disk Storage (Average): The average percentage of disk arm storage that is full on your
system during the time you collect the data. Second level information shows information
for each disk arm.
Disk Storage (Maximum): The highest percentage of disk arm storage that is full on your
system during the time you collect the data. Second level information shows information
for each disk arm.
Disk IOP Utilization (Average): The average percent busy the disk input/output
processors (IOPs) are on your system during the time you collect the data. Second level
information shows information for each IOP.
Disk IOP Utilization (Maximum): The maximum percent busy the disk input/output
processors (IOPs) are on your system during the time you collect the data. Second level
information shows information for each IOP.
Communication IOP Utilization (Average): The average percent busy the
communication (LAN, WAN, ...) IOPs are on your system during the time you collect the
data. Second level information shows information for each IOP.
Communication IOP Utilization (Maximum): The maximum percent busy the
communication (LAN, WAN, ...) IOPs are on your system during the time you collect the
data. Second level information shows information for each IOP.
Machine Pool Faults (Average): The average number of faults per second occurring in
the machine pool of the system during the time you collect the data. Only Licensed
Internal Code runs in the Machine pool.
User Pool Faults (Average): The average number of faults per second occurring in all of
the user pools on the system during the time you collect the data. Second level information
shows information for each pool.
User Pool Faults (Maximum): The maximum number of faults per second occurring in all
of the user pools on the system during the time you collect the data. Second level
information shows information for each pool.
Communication Line Utilization (Average): The average percentage of line utilization
for all non-LAN lines active during the time you collect the data. Line utilization is an
approximation of the actual amount of data transmitted compared to the theoretical
maximum line speed configured on the line description object. Second level information
shows information for each non-LAN line. A non-LAN line is supports binary synchronous,
asynchronous, IDLC, X.25, LAPD, or SDLC protocols.
94 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Communication Line Utilization (Maximum): The maximum percentage of line
utilization for all non-LAN lines active during the time you collect the data. Second level
information shows information for each non-LAN line.
LAN Utilization (Average): The average percentage of line utilization for all LAN
(Token-Ring and Ethernet) lines active during the time you collect the data. Line utilization
is an approximation of the actual amount of data transmitted compared to the theoretical
maximum line speed configured on the line description object. Second level information
shows information for each LAN line.
LAN Utilization (Maximum): The maximum percentage of line utilization for all LAN lines
active during the time you collect the data. Second level information shows information for
each LAN line.
Figure 4-25 shows an example of the metrics that can be added for monitoring Domino server
performance. For examples of combining metrics to target specific types of performance
information, see 4.12.4, “Combining Management Central’s CPU Utilization metrics” on
page 104.
Figure 4-25 System monitor metrics
The Actions page for New Monitor or Monitor Properties allows you to specify the actions to
occur when a threshold is triggered and when a threshold is reset.
Log event: Adds an entry to the event log on the central system when the threshold is
triggered or reset. The entry includes the date and time the event occurred, the endpoint
system being monitored, the metric being collected, and the monitor that logged the event.
Open event log: Displays the event log when a trigger or reset event occurs. This
automatically brings up the Event Log window if it is not currently displayed on your PC.
Open monitor: Displays a list of systems that are being monitored for the specified
metrics and a list of the values for the specified metrics as they are collected for each
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 95
system when a trigger or reset event occurs. This automatically brings up the Monitor
window if it is not currently displayed on the PC.
Sound alarm: Sounds an alarm on the PC when the threshold for the monitor is triggered.
Figure 4-26 shows an example of System monitor Action page.
Figure 4-26 System monitor: Action page
Systems and Groups
The Systems and Groups page for New Monitor or Monitor Properties shows you a list of
endpoint systems or system groups. The list can include systems from which the monitor is
currently collecting data. The list can also include systems on which the monitor is not
currently running. You can also add or remove endpoint systems or system groups from this
page. Click Browse to add systems or groups to your list. Click Remove to remove selected
systems or groups from the Selected systems and groups list.
Figure 4-27 shows an example of the systems and groups panel.
96 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 4-27 System monitor: System and Groups
Modifying an existing system monitor
To modify an existing system monitor, follow these steps:
1. Expand Management Central and Monitors.
2. Double-click System.
3. Select the monitor you want to modify and then select Properties.
The Monitor Profile can be changed easily through the Properties option of the Monitor, even
while the Monitor is active.
Figure 4-28 shows an example of the window where you modify a system monitor.
Figure 4-28 Modifying a system monitor
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 97
Starting the Real-time monitor
To start the Real-time monitor, double-click the selected monitor, or select the monitor and
double-click the green arrow icon (start).
Once you start a monitor, you are free to perform other tasks on your server, in Operations
Navigator, or on your PC. In fact, you could turn your PC off! It continues to monitor your
systems and perform any threshold commands or actions you specified. Your monitor will run
until you decide to stop it.
If the monitor window is closed, the monitor is not stopped. If you want to end the monitor, go
to the Operations Navigator session, and end the monitor.
When a Real-time Monitor is started, new threads are associated with the monitor in the
Collection Services job QYPSPFRCOL and Management Central job QYPSSRV, and in
QYPSJSVR jobs in QSYSWRK subsystem.
For more information about the Collection Services job, see 4.11.1, “Starting Collection
Services” on page 83.
Real-time performance data
The premier feature of monitoring is the graphical view. It shows information based on the
metrics selection you make, such as average CPU utilization and average interactive
response time throughout the network.
Once the first-level information, known as a metric, is graphed, the details about the specific
sample or data point can be viewed using the drill-down capabilities. There can be anywhere
from 1 to 3 levels of additional data for some of the data points. This drill-down capability
gives administrators performance information from across the network.
Figure 4-29 shows an example of the real-time monitoring graphical view.
Time zone considerations: If your systems that are controlled by Management Central
are located in different time zones, you must:
Ensure that your system values controlling system date (QDATE) and time (QTIME) are
set correctly.
Be sure that the system value for Coordinated Universal Time Offset (QUTCOFFSET),
which reflects the time difference from GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), is set correctly.
Consider the impact of changes resulting from transition to and from daylight saving
98 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 4-29 Real-time monitor graphical view
The jobs listed in the monitor can be managed and worked on by integrating the Work
Management function. For example, you can monitor for the jobs that take up the most CPU,
then simply right-click a job, and select Hold or End and the job will be held or ended
Figure 4-30 shows an example of how you can hold a job from the real-time monitor view.
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 99
Figure 4-30 Holding a job
Tip: You have more than one server on the system and want to know which server owns
the job. In this case, simply right-click a job and select Job-> Properties-> Tab Active 1,
where you can see which subsystem the job is running under as shown in Figure 4-31.
100 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 4-31 Job properties for the server
Monitors also allow you to set and log events based on thresholds. A threshold is defined by
the creator of the monitor to be a point at which the operator or an automation routine needs
to be involved. For example, upon reaching a threshold, the administrator can define an
OS/400 message to be sent to a particular user or a corrective program to be run. When the
creator of the monitor uses these thresholds, they can also select to log events. These include
two types of events (triggered or reset), and include information such as when, where, and
what caused the event.
Figure 4-32 shows an example of the Threshold 1 setting for CPU Utilization (Average).
Figure 4-33 shows the monitor graphical view in the background with the Trigger mark for the
CPU Utilization (Average) and the Event Log with the Trigger and its properties.
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 101
Figure 4-32 Threshold 1 setting for CPU Utilization (Average)
Figure 4-33 Event triggered by Threshold 1 for CPU Utilization (Average)
102 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
4.12.2 Viewing graph history of monitor data
In V5R1, you can display a graphical history of performance metrics shown in the system
monitors. You can view collected data for the metrics over a long period of time whenever you
want, instead of only viewing real-time data. The amount of data that is available to be
graphed is determined by the settings that you selected in the Collection Services properties,
specifically the Collection retention period.
For more information about Collection Services, see 4.11.1, “Starting Collection Services” on
page 83.
If you want to use the Graph History function to see data that was collected days ago, weeks
ago, or months ago, you need to have PM/400 activated. PM/400 is presented in 2.5.2,
“Performance Management/400” on page 12. Without PM/400 enabled, the graph data field
supports one to seven days. With PM/400 enabled, you can define how long your
management collection objects remain on the system.
For more information about PM/400, select File and View Trend Analysis on the Graph
History window. This takes you to the PM/400 Web site.
Graph History performance data
The Graph History shows a view of the metrics that you collected for a long period of time for
any of the available metrics as compared to the System Monitor window, which shows you
real-time data for the last hour. The Graph History window allows you to display one graph at
a time. However, you can display more than one Graph History window to make comparisons
between systems.
For examples of combining metrics to target specific types of performance information, see
4.12.4, “Combining Management Central’s CPU Utilization metrics” on page 104.
You can view the graph history by following these steps:
1. In Operations Navigator Management Central, you can view the graph history. To do this,
right-click either a system monitor or a Collection Services object and select Graph
History. Then choose the metric and period you want to view.
2. Click Refresh to see the graphical view.
3. To open a new window, select File->New Graph History Window.
Figure 4-34 shows an example of the three windows with the Graph History view.
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 103
Figure 4-34 Graph History view
Collection points on the graph line are shown by three different graphics that correspond to
the three levels of data that are available:
A square collection point means the data includes both the detailed information and
properties information.
A triangular collection point represents summarized data that contains detailed
A circular collection point represents data that contains no detailed information or
properties information.
4.12.3 Exporting Graph History to PC files for analysis and printing
The monitor does not support printing. However, with the new capabilities to view historical
data, it can be useful to obtain a printed version of the graph.
The Graph History allows you to export all of the data displayed for the selected metrics, the
systems and groups, and the date and time range specified, into a file onto your PC. These
PC files provide a history of your data and allow you to work with the data in a spreadsheet
program or other application.
The Graph History data can be exported to the following types of PC files:
Comma separated variables (.csv)
Lotus 1-2-3 compatible (.csv)
ASCII tab delimited text (.txt)
Microsoft Excel 97 (.xls)
Web page (.html)
104 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
The export function only exports what is shown in the graph. It would not export all of the data
for time periods outside of what is displayed.
4.12.4 Combining Management Central’s CPU Utilization metrics
Use Management Central's CPU Utilization metrics (or any other performance metrics) alone
or in concert to target specific types of performance information. The information you want to
gather from your systems may be more complex than a single metric can provide. Running
metrics in combination allows you to analyze system data from multiple perspectives.
Uses for CPU Utilization (Interactive Feature)
One of the best ways to interpret this metric is to use it in combination with others. For
example, you might use:
CPU Utilization (Interactive Feature) with CPU Utilization (Average): This combination
gives you data about total system CPU use as well as interactive feature CPU use. This
can be helpful in interpreting overall system activity.
CPU Utilization (Interactive Feature) with CPU Utilization (Interactive Jobs): Jobs of
type I are a subset of all jobs included in those analyzed by the CPU Utilization (Interactive
Feature) metric. As a result, this combination provides an accurate indication of interactive
activity taking place on your system. This also helps you relate your system interactive
capability to total CPU capability both at the system and job levels.
Uses for CPU Utilization (Database Capability)
CPU Utilization (Database Capability) can help you identify and resolve the impact of complex
queries that are performed while other performance-critical applications are active. You may
get the most value out of this specialized metric when you use it in combination with others to
understand system database activity relative to other aspects of system activity. For example,
you might use:
CPU Utilization (Database Capability) with CPU Utilization (Average): This combination
gives you an accurate perspective of database activity relative to overall CPU activity on
your system.
CPU Utilization (Database Capability) in addition to Disk Arm Utilization (Average) or
Disk Storage (Average): This mix of performance metrics provides valuable information in
an environment where the affects of database activity are important relative to disk
CPU Utilization (Database Capability) together with Communication IOP Utilization
(Average): You may choose to use this combination of performance metrics when
analyzing a server application (such as Web serving or ODBC) for time spent in
communications versus data storage and retrieval.
Tip: You could manage the retention of output from collection services, using the retention
period as permanent. The Graphing/Export capability can then be used to transfer data
into a Lotus or Excel spreadsheet and the data can be manipulated to build your own Trend
Analyses over multiple collection periods.
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 105
Uses for CPU Utilization (Secondary Workloads)
Much like the CPU Utilization Basic (Average) metric, CPU Utilization (Secondary Workloads)
does not provide job-level detail. You can use CPU Utilization (Secondary Workloads) with
other metrics, however, to obtain the additional job-level data if you so require. For example,
you can use:
CPU Utilization (Secondary Workloads) with CPU Utilization (Database Capability):
This combination of metrics helps you monitor those Domino applications running ODBC
or @DB commands to access DB2 Universal Database for iSeries data.
CPU Utilization (Secondary Workloads) with CPU Utilization (Average), CPU Utilization
(Interactive Jobs), and with other similar metrics: These metrics, when used together,
provide a summary of the secondary work taking place on your iSeries server. CPU
Utilization (Secondary Workloads) does not provide job-level detail. However, you can use
this metric with other metrics to obtain detailed job-level information about activity on your
You may discover that different metrics, when used with CPU Utilization (Secondary
Workloads), provide related job-level detail that best suits your performance data needs.
4.12.5 Job monitoring
The ability to monitor for jobs across systems was added to Management Central in V5R1,
which gives you the possibility to monitor your Domino server jobs running on one or more
iSeries servers. For example, you can create a job monitor to monitor one or more systems
that provide services for your Domino server applications. Or, you can create a job monitor to
monitor batch jobs that run in the background.
The term job monitor should not be confused with the term Performance Monitor (with
OS/400 releases before V5R1), which is now called Collection Services (see 4.11, “Collecting
performance data” on page 83). Where Collection Services collects performance data
typically over a longer period of time, job monitors alert you when the jobs you are interested
in do not behave the way you want.
Creating a new job monitor
You can define a new job monitor by using in one of the following methods:
Expand Management Central. Select Monitors. Right-click Job and select New Monitor.
Expand Basic Operations. Select Jobs. Scan the list of jobs displayed in the right pane
and right-click a job. Click Monitor. You may need to use the Basic Operations Include
function to find the job you are looking for.
Expand Work Management. Open the appropriate job grouping (Active Jobs, Server
Jobs, Job Queues, or Subsystems) to view a list of jobs in the right pane. Right-click a job
and select Monitor.
In Management Central, expand Monitors. Select Job. Right-click an existing monitor and
select New Based On, which can save steps in defining a similar monitor from the
Each of these methods activates the new monitor Properties window shown in Figure 4-35.
Note: Each V5R1 OS/400 system is shipped with a sample job monitor – Sample Domino
Server Monitor. It is provided to assist you in getting started with job monitoring and needs
at least a system name added to become operational.
106 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
The General page includes the name of the monitor, a brief description of the monitor, and the
jobs and servers to monitor.
On the Jobs to monitor subtab, you can specify the jobs to monitor based on any combination
of job name, user, subsystem, and job type criteria. You can use an asterisk (*) in the job
name, user name, or subsystem name as a substitute for any number of characters,
anywhere within the name. Or you can select All to monitor all job names. You can select a
job type from the list, or select All to monitor all job types.
Each row in the Selected jobs list shows a combination of criteria that must be met for a job to
be monitored. A job is monitored if it meets the criteria in at least one row. Click Add to add
the specified criteria to the Selected jobs list. Click Remove to remove a selected row or rows
of criteria from the Selected jobs list. Figure 4-35 shows Server as the selected job name for
user QNOTES in subsystem Domsvr2 to be monitored.
Figure 4-35 Job monitor: Jobs to monitor
On the Servers to monitor subtab (see Figure 4-36), you can specify jobs by their server
names. Select from the list of available servers on the Servers to monitor page. One of the
available servers is the Domino server. If you add that one, you will monitor all Domino server
jobs on your system.
Note: The selections you make on the Job to monitor and Servers to monitor pages will be
combined. For example, if you select a job with the subsystem name for one of two Domino
servers and add Domino servers to be monitored, you will see data from both of the
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 107
Figure 4-36 Job monitor: Servers to monitor
The Metrics page for New Monitor or Monitor Properties allows you to view and change
information about each metric to be monitored. You can select metrics to monitor and define
thresholds for metric values. The lower portion of the dialog changes based on the selected
metric in the Metrics to monitor list. You can define one or two thresholds for each metric. The
thresholds are independent of each other and provide a way to monitor for different conditions
in one monitor.
For example, you may monitor for a less severe condition and send a command to page the
system operator or you may monitor for a more severe condition and send a command page
to start ending certain jobs. A threshold consists of a trigger value, and optionally, a reset
value. You can specify an OS/400 command to be run when the threshold is triggered or
For each job, the following metrics can be monitored:
Job Count: Monitor for a specific number of jobs matching the job selection specified
under the General tab.
Job Status: Monitor for jobs in any selected status, such as Completed, Disconnected,
Ending, Held while running, or Initial thread held.
Job Log Message: Monitor for messages based on any combination of Message ID,
Type, and Minimum severity.
Job numeric values:
– CPU utilization: The percentage of available processing unit time used by each job
that is being monitored on this system.
– Logical I/O rate: The number of logical I/O actions, per second, by each job that is
being monitored on this system.
108 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
– Disk I/O rate: The average number of I/O operations, per second, performed by each
job that is being monitored on this system. The value in this column is the sum of the
asynchronous and synchronous disk I/O operations.
– Communications I/O rate: The number of communications I/O (read and write) actions,
per second, by each job that is being monitored on this system.
– Transaction rate: The number of transactions per second by each job that is being
monitored on this system. This is meaningful only for 5250 workstation jobs.
– Transaction time: The total transaction time for each job that is being monitored on this
system. This is meaningful only for 5250 workstation jobs.
– Thread count: The number of active threads in each job that is being monitored on this
– Page fault rate: The average number of times, per second, that an active program in
each job, being monitored on this system, refers to an address that is not in main
Summary numeric values:
– CPU utilization: The percentage of available processing unit time used by all jobs
monitored on this system. For multiple-processor systems, this is the average percent
busy for all processors.
– Logical I/O rate: The number of logical I/O actions (for example read, write and
update) per second, by all jobs monitored on this system.
– Disk I/O rate: The average number of physical I/O operations, per second, performed
by all jobs monitored on this system. The value in this column is the sum of the
asynchronous and synchronous disk I/O operations.
– Communications I/O rate: The number of communications I/O (read and write) actions,
per second, by all jobs monitored on this system.
– Transaction rate: The number of transactions per second by all jobs monitored on this
system. This is meaningful only for 5250 workstation jobs.
– Transaction time: The total transaction time for all jobs monitored on this system. This
is meaningful only for 5250 workstation jobs.
– Thread count: The number of active threads for all jobs monitored on this system.
– Page fault rate: The average number of times, per second, that active programs in all
jobs monitored on this system refer to an address that is not in main storage.
Figure 4-37 shows an example of the job monitor Metrics tab, where CPU Percent Utilization
is monitored and will create a trigger if CPU% is > (greater than) 10%.
Note: Be careful to monitor the smallest number of metrics that will give you the
information you need. Monitoring a large number of metrics may have a negative
performance impact on your system.
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 109
Figure 4-37 Job monitor: Metrics
Collection Interval
When you are setting thresholds for the metrics you have selected to monitor, you should
consider how often you want the data to be collected or sampled. For example, sampling
every 5 minutes or even 15 minutes might be right for your environment.
You can use the same or different collection interval values for each metric. This interval
works in conjunction with the Duration parameter under Threshold on the Metrics page. That
is, you specify the time interval value on the Collection Interval page, such as 5 minutes. For
Duration on the Metrics page, you specify two intervals. This means the threshold condition is
examined every 5 minutes, but the condition must last for two intervals or 10 minutes.
If you want to monitor numeric and status metrics for less than 5 minutes, you must select Use
different collection interval for each metric type.
Figure 4-38 shows an example of the job monitor Collection Interval tab set to 5 minutes.
110 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 4-38 Job monitor: Collection Interval
When you have specified the threshold values for your job monitor, you can click the Actions
tab to select event logging and PC actions to be taken when a threshold is triggered or reset.
The actions that you can select are:
Log event: Adds an entry to the event log on the central system when the threshold is
triggered or reset. The entry includes the date and time the event occurred, the endpoint
system being monitored, the metric being collected, and the monitor that logged the event.
Open event log: Displays the event log when a trigger or reset event occurs. This
automatically brings up the Event Log window if it is not currently displayed on PC.
Open monitor: Displays a list of systems that are being monitored for the specified
metrics and a list of the values for the specified metrics as they are collected for each
system when a trigger or reset event occurs. This automatically brings up the Monitor
window if it is not currently displayed on the PC.
Sound alarm: Sounds an alarm on the PC when the threshold for the monitor is triggered.
Run OS/400 command: A check mark indicates whether a command has been defined
for a threshold triggered or reset. If you have specified an OS/400 command to run when
the threshold for this monitor is triggered or reset, those commands run only during times
that actions are applied. This option cannot be changed from the Actions page. If you do
not want the command to run, you can remove the command from the Metrics page.
In the example shown in Figure 4-39, the Apply thresholds and actions and when to apply
values are modified.
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 111
Figure 4-39 Job monitor: Action
Systems and Groups
Use the Systems and Groups page to view and change the endpoint systems and groups on
which you want the job monitor to run. When you start the monitor, the default system or
systems to start on will be those specified here. If the activity has already been started,
changes made on this page become active when you click OK. The activity is stopped on
endpoint systems that are no longer in the list. The activity is started on systems that you
added to the list.
Figure 4-40 shows an example of the job monitor Systems and Groups display.
Figure 4-40 Job monitor: Systems and Groups
112 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
This is very important, depending on whether you want other OS/400 users to view and
manage your monitor. The sharing options that are available to the creator of the monitor are:
None: Other users cannot view this monitor.
Read-Only: Other users can view and use this monitor, but cannot make any changes to
it. They can, however, create a new monitor based on this one and specify their own share
values on that monitor.
Controlled: Other users can stop, start, and view this monitor and use it as a template for
a new monitor. Only the owner can change the level of sharing, and others cannot change
any of the monitors parameters.
Starting a job monitor
When your monitor is defined, it appears in Management Central under its specific job
monitor type. Right-click the named monitor and select Start.
Just as for a system monitor, once you start a job monitor, you are free to do other tasks on
your server, in Operations Navigator, or on your PC. In fact, you could even turn off your PC,
in which case it would continue to monitor your systems and perform any threshold
commands or actions you specified. Your monitor will run until you decide to stop it.
Figure 4-41 shows an example of how you can start job monitor.
Figure 4-41 Starting a job monitor
Viewing job monitor results
After you have defined and started your monitor, you are ready to view your monitor results.
Double-click the monitor name to open the Job Monitor window. In the Job Monitor window,
you can see the overall status of the monitor and the target systems on which the monitor is
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 113
In the example shown in Figure 4-42, we defined the monitor for the server job in subsystem
Domsvr2 and specified a threshold for the server job that averages 10 percent of CPU over a
five minute period.
Figure 4-42 Job monitoring CPU percent utilization
Viewing a job monitor event log
The Event Log window displays a list of threshold trigger and reset events for job monitors. In
our example in Figure 4-39, we specified under the Action tab that we want to add events to
the Event log. As the server job reached CPU 33.69%, an event was added to the Event Log,
as shown in Figure 4-43.
Figure 4-43 Job Monitor and Event Log
Tip: In the Job monitor view, you can select Options and Columns F11 to customize your
view. For example, if you have more than one Domino server on the system, include the
subsystem name and you can see which Domino server owns the server jobs.
114 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
4.13 Reviewing data using Performance Tools/400
Performance Tools for iSeries Licensed Program Product (5722-PT1) provides the ability to:
Summarize the performance data into reports
Analyze performance data
Perform system modeling based on performance data
Refer to the following publications for a description of these and other capabilities of the
performance tools and how to use them:
Performance Tools for iSeries, SC41-5340
BEST/1 Capacity Planning Tool, SC41-5341
4.13.1 Print System Report (PRTSYSRPT) command
The PRTSYSRPT command creates and prints a system operation overview report from the
performance data collected by Collection Services. The report is written to the printer file
QPPTSYSR. The system workload, resource utilization, storage pool utilization, disk
utilization, and communications summary are shown in the report.
4.13.2 Print Component Report (PRTCPTRPT) command
The PRTCPTRPT command creates a report that provides more detailed information than in
the System Report. Detailed information regarding the system performance of each
component is reported.
This detailed report is produced from the performance data collected by Collection Services
and shows the data by job, user, pool, disk, IOP, local workstation, and exception. The report
is written to the printer file QPPTCPTR. Jobs can be selectively included in the report or
excluded from the report, based on a variety of job details and interval times.
4.13.3 Print Transaction Report (PRTTNSRPT) command
The PRTTNSRPT command creates and prints performance reports that show detailed
information about the transactions that occurred during the time that the performance data
was collected. These reports require that trace data is collected. To collect trace data, use the
STRPFRTRC command (Figure 4-44). You should selectively include or exclude jobs from
the reports, based on a variety of job details and interval times.
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 115
Figure 4-44 STRPFRTRC command parameters
Change Job Type (CHGJOBTYP) command
Use the CHGJOBTYP command to alter the job type for jobs that appear on the reports
produced by using the PRTTNSRPT command. For example, use this command to change
the SERVER job type from batch to interactive to get statistics about the number of
transactions on the Domino server.
4.13.4 Print Activity Report (PRTACTRPT) command
The PRTACTRPT command creates reports based on the data collected by the Work With
System Activity (WRKSYSACT) command.
Start Performance Trace (STRPFRTRC)
Type choices, press Enter.
Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *CALC 128-998000, *CALC, *MAX
Omit trace points . . . . . . . *NONE *NONE, *RSCMGT
Additional Parameters
Job types . . . . . . . . . . . *DFT *NONE, *ALL, *DFT, *ASJ...
+ for more values
Job trace interval . . . . . . . 0.5 .1 - 9.9 seconds
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
Note: The Transaction Report provides Domino-related information down to the service
program level only. At the time this redbook was written, none of the tools provided
information at the module level.
Note: The number of transactions obtained with this approach is not the same value that
you find with using Domino Statistics and Logs. However, it may assist you by providing a
number that represents an amount of work. Then, you can use that number for growth
planning purposes.
116 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
4.13.5 Convert Performance Thread Data (CVTPFRTHD) command
The CVTPFRTHD command converts performance data records collected by Collection
Services. The specified member (MBR parameter) of the QAPMJOBL database file contains
records with thread-level performance data. Use the CVTPFRTHD command to convert this
data and write the resulting records to a member by the same name (MBR parameter) in the
QAPMTJOB file. The output file member contains records with job-level performance data,
which is a total of the performance information for all threads running within the job.
The input file (QAPMJOBL) must exist in the library specified on the LIB parameter. If the
QAPMTJOB file does not exist in the specified library, it is created automatically. A file
member by the name specified (MBR parameter) is automatically added to file QAPMTJOB if
it does not already exist.
4.14 Performance Explorer (PEX)
Performance Explorer is a tool that helps find the causes of performance problems that
cannot be identified by using tools that do general performance monitoring. Using the
Performance Explorer requires more specialized knowledge. You need to:
Have an idea of where the problem may be on the iSeries server
Set up PEX to collect data in specific areas
Interpret the PEX data
For more information on the Performance Explorer, refer to the following resources:
Performance Tools for iSeries, SC41-5340
AS/400 Performance Explorer Tips and Techniques, SG24-4781
iDoctor for iSeries site at: http://www.as400service.ibm.com/i_dir/idoctor.nsf
You can find another example on using PEX in 12.5, “Observing Domino processing with
Performance Explorer” on page 365.
Performance Explorer is probably the last tool that you use to analyze a performance
problem. Using PEX requires some special skills. It is not the tool with which to start your
analysis. The following list shows the process (or the cycle) for using the PEX tool:
1. Add the PEX Definition (ADDPEXDFN).
2. Start Performance Explorer (STRPEX).
3. End Performance Explorer (ENDPEX).
4. Print the PEX Report (PRTPEXRPT).
4.14.1 Add PEX Definition (ADDPEXDFN) command
The ADDPEXDFN command allows you to add a new Performance Explorer definition to the
system. Each definition is stored as a member in the QAPEXDFN file in library QUSRSYS. A
Performance Explorer definition identifies the performance data that is collected during a
Performance Explorer session. A session can be started using the Start Performance
Explorer (STRPEX) command. When starting a new session, a Performance Explorer
definition name is required.
4.14.2 Start PEX Session (STRPEX) command
The STRPEX command allows you to start a new Performance Explorer session. Or, you can
resume a previously suspended Performance Explorer session.
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 117
4.14.3 End PEX Session (ENDPEX) command
The ENDPEX command allows you to stop collecting data. The command requires a session
name to accompany the request that identifies which instance of the Performance Explorer
session to end.
You can either end the data collection session or suspend the data collection session. If you
choose to end the session, the collected data is put into a single physical file or multiple
database files, or it is deleted, based on the value specified for the data option (DTAOPT)
If you choose to suspend the collection of performance data, the session remains active. To
resume data collection for a suspended session, specify OPTION(*RESUME) on a
subsequent call of the STRPEX command.
4.14.4 Print PEX Report (PRTPEXRPT) command
The PRTPEXRPT command allows you to print a formatted listing of the data that is collected
by the Performance Explorer and is saved across a set of physical files in a particular library.
4.14.5 Performance Explorer trace points for Domino
Starting with Domino 5.06a and OS/400 V4R4, Domino has added trace points to further
assist in resolving performance-related problems that cannot be seen using other tools. There
are currently six trace points. The trace points are enabled through the notes.ini file and the
data is collected using PEX.
PEX trace points for Domino
The PEX trace points are enabled by adding a line, DEBUG_OS400_PEX with a value equal
to 1, 2, 3, or 4 to the notes.ini file. It enables the PEX trace points with varying degrees of
collection information, 1 being the least amount of data collected and 4 being the most data.
The trace point structure is designed to collect data for the selected level along with levels
less than the selected value. For example, setting DEBUG_OS400_PEX=2 collects data for
QIBM_QLNT_HTTP_URL trace points. This structure was implemented to reduce the amount
of data that can be logged as a result of using QIBM_QLNT_OPENDBALL.
Table 4-3 describes the six trace points and the information they provide when enabled.
Table 4-3 PEX trace points for Domino
Restriction: You must have read authority for each Performance Explorer database file in
the specified library.
Trace point name Level Type of information collected
QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB 1 Databases opened from the Notes Client. Logs the
database name, user name, and the user’s IP address.
QIBM_QLNT_OPENCOLL 1 Collection (view) opened from the Notes Client. Logs the
database name, view name, user name, and the user’s IP
QIBM_QLNT_UPDATECOLL 1 Collection (view) refreshed or updated from the Notes
Client. Logs the database name, view name, user name,
and the user’s IP address.
118 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Installing the PEX trace points for Domino
For releases prior to V5R1, PTFs are required to install the trace points for Domino. Table 4-4
indicates the PTFs for each release of OS/400 that are needed.
Table 4-4 PTFs required to install PEX trace points for Domino
Enabling the PEX trace points
Enabling PEX trace points is accomplished by adding a line to the notes.ini file. To do this, you
add DEBUG_OS400_PEX=X, where X equals the desired collection level. The new line can
be added anywhere in the file.
To modify the notes.ini file, use the Work with Domino Servers (WRKDOMSVR) command
and choose option 13 (Edit NOTES.INI) next to the applicable Domino server (Figure 4-45).
QIBM_QLNT_HTTP_URL 2 URLs that are received by the HTTP server. This includes
HTML pages, images, etc. You will see multiple entries for
one page request due to sending all the page elements
such as images. It also logs the URL requested.
QIBM_QLNT_SVR_AGENT 3 Scheduled Server Agents that are ran through AMGR.
Logs the database name, agent name, and the time the
agent took to complete.
QIBM_QLNT_OPENDBALL 4 Database opens internally in Domino. This will log many
more opens than just QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB since it
logs opens that Domino does internally. This can be used
to see what databases Web clients or agents may be
accessing. However, every open will not be logged here
since every open does not pass through this trace point.
If this is enabled, then your trace will likely consist of
mostly these trace points. Logs the database name.
OS400 version and release PTF
V4R4 SF64028*
V4R5 SF64108
V5R1 and later No PTF is required.
* These PTFs can be applied immediately and do not have any activation or special instructions.
Trace point name Level Type of information collected
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 119
Figure 4-45 Work with Domino Servers command
Figure 4-46 shows the editing view for the notes.ini file that appears next. Add
DEBUG_OS400_PEX to the bottom of the notes.ini file with the desired logging level. Once
complete press F3 twice to save and exit this screen. The newly added changes will not take
effect until the Domino server has been stopped and started or you’ve performed the Domino
Figure 4-46 Adding DEBUG_OS400_PEX to notes.ini
Work with Domino Servers
System: ACME01
Type options, press Enter.
1=Start server 2=Change server 5=Display console 6=End server
7=Submit command 8=Work console 9=Work server jobs
11=Change current directory 12=Work object links 13=Edit NOTES.INI
Domino Domino
Opt Server Subsystem Status
Parameters or command
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F9=Retrieve F11=Display path
F12=Cancel F17=Top F18=Bottom F22=Display entire field F24=More keys
Edit File: /domino/mailsvr/NOTES.INI
Record : 80 of 91 by 10 Column : 1 59 by 126
Control :
************End of Data********************
F2=Save F3=Save/Exit F12=Exit F15=Services F16=Repeat find F17=Repeat change
F19=Left F20=Right
120 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
After all necessary collections are made, go back into the notes.ini file and comment out
DEBUG_OS400_PEX until it is needed again. To comment out this entry, place a semicolon
in front of the line as shown in Figure 4-47.
Figure 4-47 Commenting out DEBUG_OS400_PEX
Creating a PEX definition for Domino
A PEX definition identifies what data needs to be collected. Depending on the Domino and
the OS/400 release, one of three commands shown in Table 4-5 need to be performed to add
the PEX definition as a member to file QAPEXDFN in library QUSRSYS.
Table 4-5 ADDPEXDFN commands for V5R1, V4R5, and V4R4
Executing one of these commands creates a PEX definition called Domino. The definition
name does not have to be Domino. It can be called any name.
Collecting a PEX trace for Domino in its entirety
We discussed the necessary components needed to run a PEX trace on Domino. This
section walks you through making the collection:
1. Add DEBUG_OS400_PEX with the desired level of collection to the notes.ini file. See
“Enabling the PEX trace points” on page 118 for further information.
Edit File: /domino/mailsvr/NOTES.INI
Record : 80 of 91 by 10 Column : 1 59 by 126
Control :
************End of Data********************
F2=Save F3=Save/Exit F12=Exit F15=Services F16=Repeat find F17=Repeat change
F19=Left F20=Right
Note: Adding and commenting out DEBUG_OS400_PEX requires that you stop and start
the Domino server before the changes will take effect.
OS/400 VRM Command
Important: You must end and restart the Domino server for this to take effect.
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 121
2. Create a library for the data to be dumped into when you end the trace. To do so, use the
Create Library command:
The library’s name can be a name of your choice.
3. Add the desired PEX definition based on the level of OS/400 you are running on. See
“Creating a PEX definition for Domino” on page 120 for further information.
4. Start the PEX trace using the following command:
The PEX trace is now active. To verify whether any events have been logged, use the
ENDPEX command and press Enter. Figure 4-48 shows an example of an ENDPEX
display. On the far right-hand side of the screen, you see the Event Count column. This
column indicates the number of events that have been collected in the active trace so far.
Figure 4-48 ENDPEX display
On average, 100 mail users collect 10M worth of raw PEX data in 15 minutes, so keep this
in mind when deciding whether to end an active PEX collection. Also note that based on
the current PEX definition we defined, we can collect up to 100 MB worth of PEX trace
data before the trace goes into a suspended state. If a larger data collection size is
needed, you can increase the MAXDATA parameter on the ADDPEXDFN command up to
4 GB at V5R1.
Note: For the SSNID (Session ID) parameter of the STRPEX command, you can call
the session name any name you choose.
Attention: If the iDoctor for iSeries PEX Analyzer tool is installed on your system, you
could use the QYPINT/STRIDOCCOL command to automatically start and end the PEX
collection for you. Simply put the name of the definition in the PROBLEM parameter, the
length you want the trace to run in the DURATION parameter, and change the PRTPEX
parameter to “yes”. This command does all the work for you. It starts and ends the PEX
trace along with printing the PEX data.
If you do not have the iDoctor for iSeries PEX Analyzer installed, but want more information
on the tool, go to: http://www.as400service.ibm.com/i_dir/idoctor.nsf
Select Performance Explorer Session
Type option, press Enter.
Option Session User Type State count
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F12=Cancel
122 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
5. Ending PEX can be a long running process and since a good portion of the machines in
production today are iSeries servers with a limited amount of interactive workload
capability, we recommend that you end PEX by submitting a batch job as shown here:
Based on this example, you now have a batch job running called ENDPEX. This job must
complete before you continue on to step 6 and should not be ended manually at anytime,
or the PEX data will be lost.
6. Since the ENDPEX job has finished, you are now ready to print the data using the
PRTPEXRPT command. This also can be a long running job. Therefore, it should be
submitted as a batch job to print the PEX data as shown here:
Once the PRTPEXRPT job finishes, it produces a spooled file named QPVPERPT. The
information in the spooled file resembles the data shown in Figure 4-49. The spooled file is
150 columns wide so not all the information is viewable on the screen at one time.
Figure 4-49 PRTPEXRPT spooled file
7. Obviously, analyzing the data is the most important part of the entire process. All the
necessary information to analyze the problem is contained within the spooled output
(QPVPERPT) created from running the PRTPEXRPT command. If further analysis is
needed, the PEX data is stored in DB2 files so SQL and Query/400 can be used to
extrapolate the data further. Example 4-1 shows an SQL statement that can be used over
the PEX DB2 files to further extrapolate the data. The iDoctor for iSeries, a new function
provided for OS/400 V5R1, allows you to further examine the results of PEX Analyzer. For
more information on iDoctor, see http://www.as400service.ibm.com/i_dir/idoctor.nsf
Example 4-1 SQL statement that can be used over the DB2 files
select qayperuni.qrntsr+qaypetidx.qtitim microseconds,
qaypemiusr.qrecn, qmudta, qaypetaski.qtsjnm, qtsjus, qtsjnb
from qaypemiusr, qaypetidx, qayperuni, qaypetaski
Display Spooled File
File . . . . . : QPVPERPT Page/Line 8/17
Control . . . . . Columns 1 - 130
Find . . . . . .
Address Offset Object Name Obj Seg PRE NPgs LIC-Pgm--Offset MI-Pgm-----Offset NAGP PI
ss.mmm P M Task ID Parent-Pgm HLL-No CurrentPgm RC Delta Run Cycles Event PTY WaitSleep Cycles WODSC RS
34.635 00 0 0000000015F1 0 587865 MEV12 API QIBM_QLNT_HTTP_URL 0 00**/homepage.ns
34.637 00 0 0000000015F1 223433 811298 MEV12 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 00**/xenon/notes
34.658 00 0 0000000015F1 2696295 3507593 MEV12 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 00**names.nsf
34.674 00 0 0000000015F1 1953123 5460716 MEV12 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 00**/xenon/notes
34.686 00 0 0000000015F1 1504802 6965518 MEV12 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 00**names.nsf
34.687 00 0 0000000015F1 178390 7143908 MEV12 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 00**/xenon/notes
34.700 00 0 0000000015F1 1580501 8724409 MEV12 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 00**/xenon/notes
34.790 00 0 0000000015F2 0 369295 MEV12 API QIBM_QLNT_HTTP_URL 0 00**/homepage.ns
34.792 00 0 0000000015F2 141695 510990 MEV12 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 00**/xenon/notes
34.794 00 0 0000000015F3 0 385495 MEV12 API QIBM_QLNT_HTTP_URL 0 00**/xenon/notes
34.827 00 0 0000000015F4 0 340035 MEV12 API QIBM_QLNT_HTTP_URL 0 00**/homepage.ns
34.828 00 0 0000000015F4 134818 474853 MEV12 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 00**/xenon/notes
35.096 00 0 0000000015F2 0 1458298 MEV12 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 00**/xenon/notes
35.115 00 0 0000000015F4 0 1392245 MEV12 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 00**/xenon/notes
43.110 00 0 0000000015DD 0 233407 MEV12 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 00**/xenon/notes
F3=Exit F12=Cancel F19=Left F20=Right F24=More keys
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 123
where (qaypemiusr.qrecn = qaypetidx.qrecn) and (qaypetaski.qtscnt =
order by qaypemiusr.qrecn
Figure 4-50 shows a view of how the SQL statement in Example 4-1 would appear if it was
run against PEX data. Further information containing the job name, job user, and job
number is shown to the right of the information shown in Figure 4-50.
Figure 4-50 Output from the SQL statement
Both analyses show you the job responsible for the event, the API (trace point) that was
triggered, and the specific information associated with the event triggered. Whether it is a
view, agent, or URL causing performance problems, these techniques will help you find
patterns in the data and help isolate the problem.
4.14.6 TPROF PEX trace
In the event the system is not on a release of OS/400 or Domino that supports the Domino
PEX trace points, Trace Profile (TPROF) PEX trace can be very useful in isolating CPU
consumption problems. This trace is also beneficial to be used before enabling the Domino
PEX trace points. It can uncover the problem or help pinpoint the level of Domino PEX trace
points that need to be collected. TPROF is a PEX trace that helps identify system-wide CPU
“hotspots” within application programs, service programs, OS/400 programs, procedures and
modules, and SLIC procedures.
The PEX data is collected by using the Base PEX event PMCO. The data is formatted as if
you had collected *PROFILE PEX data.
Running a TPROF PEX trace
To run a TPROF PEX trace, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Create a library for the data to be stored using the CRTLIB command:
2. Add a PEX definition that describes the data to be collected:
Display Data
Data width . . . . . . : 316
Position to line . . . . . Shift to column . . . . . .
Timestamp expression Rec No User
2001-03-01- 1 API QIBM_QLNT_HTTP_URL 0 * 00**/homepage.nsf?Open
2001-03-01- 2 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 * 00**/xenon/notes/data/homepage.nsf
2001-03-01- 3 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 * 00**names.nsf
2001-03-01- 4 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 * 00**/xenon/notes/data/names.nsf
2001-03-01- 5 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 * 00**names.nsf
2001-03-01- 6 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 * 00**/xenon/notes/data/names.nsf
2001-03-01- 7 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 * 00**/xenon/notes/data/homepage.nsf
2001-03-01- 8 API QIBM_QLNT_HTTP_URL 0 * 00**/homepage.nsf/homePage.gif?OpenImageResource
2001-03-01- 9 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 * 00**/xenon/notes/data/homepage.nsf
2001-03-01- 10 API QIBM_QLNT_HTTP_URL 0 * 00**/xenon/notes/data/domino/icons/ecblank.gif
2001-03-01- 11 API QIBM_QLNT_HTTP_URL 0 * 00**/homepage.nsf/smSpacer.gif?OpenImageResource
2001-03-01- 12 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 * 00**/xenon/notes/data/homepage.nsf
2001-03-01- 13 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 * 00**/xenon/notes/data/homepage.nsf
2001-03-01- 14 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 * 00**/xenon/notes/data/homepage.nsf
2001-03-01- 15 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 * 00**/xenon/notes/data/names.nsf
2001-03-01- 16 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 * 00**names.nsf
2001-03-01- 17 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 * 00**/xenon/notes/data/names.nsf
2001-03-01- 18 API QIBM_QLNT_OPENDB_ALL0 * 00**names.nsf
F3=Exit F12=Cancel F19=Left F20=Right F21=Split F22=Width 80
Cannot show this data at the display station.
124 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
3. Start the PEX trace:
4. Duplicate the performance problem.
5. End the PEX trace:
6. Once the job submitted in step 5 has ended, print the PEX data using PRTPEXRPT as
shown below. This creates a spooled file under the PRTPEXRPT job.
Note: Since most iSeries machines are server machines with limited amounts of
interactive capabilities, the Submit Job command is used.
Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis 125
Analyzing the TPROF trace
The output produced from step 6 in the previous section produces a report that shows which
programs, modules, or procedures the system spent the most time in, based on hit counts.
This is very useful in isolating a point in which a job or jobs are spending most of their time.
Figure 4-51 provides an example of the TPROF PEX trace output.
Figure 4-51 Sample page from a TPROF PEX report
In the example shown in Figure 4-51, note the user program entry that is underlined. By
reviewing this program and the functions it performs within the application, you can improve
the overall performance of the system. Most PEX collections are not always this informative,
which may require more in-depth analysis by looking at the patterns within the data to see
how it all fits together. Collecting PEX data with the Domino PEX trace points may be needed.
Histogram Hit Hit Cum Start Map Stmt Name
Cnt % % Addr Flag Numb
** 15683 6.3 6.3 FFFFFFFFB31D04D4 ++ 0 HMFREHS/#hmfrehs
* 10323 4.1 10.4 FFFFFFFFB1618FE0 ++ 0 QUMUGA/pSpinWait__11QuMutexGateFv
* 9667 3.9 14.3 30FAE17D640197E4 == 0 ACME DATALINK/CheckValidKey
* 9205 3.7 18.0 FFFFFFFFB31E3140 ++ 0 HMALCHS/#hmalchs
* 7797 3.1 21.1 1E88ABC9373296D0 == 0 LIBNOTES OSSEM/OSLockSem
6241 2.5 23.6 1E88ABC93733BDC0 == 0 LIBNOTES MEMLOCK/LockHandle
6124 2.5 26.0 1E88ABC937329490 == 0 LIBNOTES OSSEM/OSUnlockSem
4771 1.9 27.9 1E88ABC93732BC40 == 0 LIBNOTES OSSEM/OSUnlockSpin
4387 1.8 29.7 1E88ABC937350A00 == 0 LIBNOTES THREAD/OSGetNativeThreadID
3860 1.5 31.2 FFFFFFFFFF800690 ++ 0 CFNSBLA/bla_NORTHSTAR
3532 1.4 32.6 1E88ABC93732BE20 == 0 LIBNOTES OSSEM/StaticHangEnable
3051 1.2 33.9 1E88ABC9373C5790 == 0 LIBNOTES VARRAY/OSAddressInVARRAY
2971 1.2 35.1 FFFFFFFFFF027030 ++ 0 STRNGEAO/memmovwteaofree
2912 1.2 36.2 1E88ABC9375C84B4 == 0 LIBNOTES MD/MDTransform
2611 1.0 37.3 1E88ABC93733EF00 == 0 LIBNOTES MEMORY/LockMemHandle
2499 1.0 38.3 222A3D696B00ABE0 == 0 QP0WPTHR/pthread_getthreadid_np
2410 1.0 39.2 1E88ABC9376DD9A0 == 0 LIBNOTES DBUNK/DbUNKGetName
2386 1.0 40.2 1E88ABC93733C490 == 0 LIBNOTES MEMLOCK/LockMem
2225 0.9 41.1 FFFFFFFF802830C0 ++ 0 PDCEACTV/__ct__14PdcEventActiveFCUlT1CQ
2189 0.9 42.0 00CA6A6DC4006190 == 0 QC2UTIL1 QC2ALLOC/malloc
2074 0.8 42.8 30FAE17D640199F0 == 0 ACME DATALINK/GetValidName
2073 0.8 43.6 1E88ABC937391500 == 0 LIBNOTES BPOOL/OSBBlockAddr
1916 0.8 44.4 FFFFFFFFFF0030A0 ++ 0 CFSCV/scv0
1823 0.7 45.1 1E88ABC93733B640 == 0 LIBNOTES MEMLOCK/OSUnlockObject
1753 0.7 45.8 1E88ABC93733B7C0 == 0 LIBNOTES MEMLOCK/OSLockObject
1748 0.7 46.5 1E88ABC937A13500 == 0 LIBNOTES ODS/ODSToOrFromHost
1714 0.7 47.2 1E88ABC93733C330 == 0 LIBNOTES MEMLOCK/UnlockMem
1650 0.7 47.9 80000000000030A0 ++ 0 HVSCVVEC/hvscvvec
1641 0.7 48.5 FFFFFFFFFE6C2980 ++ 0 MASOUBLA/masounlockmutexbla
1608 0.6 49.2 1E88ABC93733BD50 == 0 LIBNOTES MEMLOCK/UnlockHandle
1573 0.6 49.8 1E88ABC937394040 == 0 LIBNOTES CMEM/Cmovmem
1520 0.6 50.4 1E88ABC937325B80 == 0 LIBNOTES OSSEM/OSLockReadSem
1484 0.6 51.0 FFFFFFFFFE6C26C0 ++ 0 MASOLBLA/masolockmutexbla
126 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 127
Chapter 5. Domino logs and statistics
Domino includes a set of commands and statistical reports to monitor server performance.
The commands provide an interactive method for checking performance statistics. The
statistical reports provide a method of collecting the performance statistics on a scheduled
interval. The statistical reports are stored in the default database – Statistics and Reporting
Database (statrep.nsf).
Gathering statistics requires system resources. Keeping what you collect to a minimum
improves the performance of your Domino server.
128 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
5.1 The commands
Of the numerous Domino console commands, the following five commands are probably the
most useful when monitoring performance and investigating a performance problem:
Show tasks
Show stat
Show database
Show platform statistics
Show trans
The commands can be run by using any of these methods:
Enter the Work with Domino Servers (WRKDOMSVR) command on any OS/400
command line. Then, select the server, type option 8 (Work console), press Enter and
enter the Domino console command show xxxx.
Starting from a command line on the iSeries server, enter the Work With Domino Console
(WRKDOMCLS) command. Then, select the server, and enter the Domino console
command show xxxx.
Start the Domino Administrator, and choose the Server tab and Console. Enter the
command show xxxx.
Run the Submit Domino Command (SBMDOMCMD) command from an OS/400 command
line or from a CL program. Then, enter the Domino console command show xxxx and the
server name.
In this case, you do not see the output of the command immediately. You can either
redirect the output to a stream file for further analysis or see the results in the notes log
LOG.NSF. To redirect the output of a Domino console command into a text file, append the
greater than sign (>) followed by a file name to the command:
show xxxx >filename
The output file is stored in the Domino server directory within the iSeries Integrated File
System (IFS). This is specially useful if you wrote a CL program that periodically writes a
certain statistic value into a text file.
Domino commands and their parameters can be abbreviated as long as the remaining
characters are not ambiguous. For example, the command show tasks can also be entered in
the form sh ta.
5.1.1 The show tasks command
The show tasks Domino console command displays:
The status of the active server tasks
The Domino server release
The name of the server
The path of the Notes program directory
Optionally the thread number of each task
Chapter 5. Domino logs and statistics 129
Figure 5-1 shows an example of the output from running the show tasks console command.
Figure 5-1 The show tasks output
An undocumented debug parameter provides the iSeries server job and thread number
associated with tasks running under the SERVER job. The debug parameter helps map a
thread to a user or a system function
Figure 5-2 shows an example of the output from running the show task debug console
Lotus Domino (r) Server (Release 5.0.8 for OS/400) 10/19/2001 09:44:48 AM
Server name: applsvr/sg5162b
Server directory: /domino/applsvr
Partition: APPLSVR
Elapsed time: 00:27:18
Transactions/minute: Last minute: 18; Last hour: 6; Peak: 39
Peak # of sessions: 2 at 10/19/2001 09:22:41 AM
Transactions: 202
Availability Index: 100 (state: AVAILABLE)
Message Tracking: Not Enabled
Shared mail: Not Enabled
Number of Mailboxes: 1
Pending mail: 0 Dead mail: 0
Waiting Tasks: 0
Transactional Logging: Not Enabled
Task Description
Database Server Perform console commands
Database Server Listen for connect requests on TCPIP
Database Server Load Monitor is idle
Database Server Database Directory Manager Cache Refresher is idle
Database Server Idle task
Database Server Idle task
Database Server Perform Database Cache maintenance
Database Server Idle task
Database Server Idle task
Database Server Server for Notes Admin/sg5162b on TCPIP
Database Server Server for Donald Duck/sg5162b on TCPIP
Admin Process Idle
Event Monitor Idle
Calendar Connector Idle
Schedule Manager Idle
Admin Process Idle
Agent Manager Executive '1': Idle
Agent Manager Idle
Stats Idle
Indexer Idle
Router Idle
Replicator Idle
HTTP Web Server Listening on port(s) 8081
DECS Server Idle
130 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 5-2 The show tasks debug results
In the Task column, there is a server task with a thread identified as 17853:0000: 003E. On
the iSeries server, the thread number is eight digits; only the last four digits are shown here. In
this example, you can see that the thread is used by Notes Admin/sg5162b, so you know who
to talk to if there is a performance problem or if a function is not being used properly.
Lotus Domino (r) Server (Release 5.0.8 for OS/400) 11/05/2001 08:08:06 AM
Server name: applsvr/sg5162b
Server directory: /domino/applsvr
Partition: APPLSVR
Elapsed time: 00:03:30
Transactions/minute: Last minute: 1; Last hour: 5; Peak: 9
Peak # of sessions: 2 at 11/05/2001 08:06:19 AM
Transactions: 19
Availability Index: 100 (state: AVAILABLE)
Message Tracking: Not Enabled
Shared mail: Not Enabled
Number of Mailboxes: 1
Pending mail: 0 Dead mail: 0
Waiting Tasks: 0
Thread Pools: Enabled
Transactional Logging: Enabled
Task Description
17853:0012: 0003 Database Server Perform console commands
17853:0013: 0004 Database Server Listen for connect requests on TCPIP
17853:0014: 0005 Database Server Load Monitor is idle
17853:0015: 0006 Database Server Database Directory Manager Cache Refresher is
17853:0016: 0007 Database Server Thread pool member on TCPIP
17853:003D: 002E Database Server Thread pool member on TCPIP
17853:003E: 002F Database Server Thread pool utility task on TCPIP
17853:003F: 0031 Database Server Idle task
17853:0040: 0032 Database Server Idle task
17853:0041: 0033 Database Server Perform Database Cache maintenance
17853:0042: 0034 Database Server Idle task
17853:0049: 003B Database Server Idle task
17853:004A: 003C Database Server Recovery Manager Checkpoint Thread
17853:004B: 003D Database Server Recovery Manager DB Flushing Thread
17853:0000: 003E Database Server Server for Notes Admin/sg5162b on TCPIP
Event Monitor Idle
Calendar Connector Idle
Schedule Manager Idle
Admin Process Idle
Agent Manager Executive '1': Idle
Agent Manager Idle
Stats Idle
Indexer Idle
Router Idle
Replicator Idle
HTTP Web Server Listening on port(s) 8081
DECS Server Idle
Chapter 5. Domino logs and statistics 131
To analyze a performance problem, display the call stack for the thread you suspect that has
a performance issue. To find out what job 17853:0000 003E is doing, perform the following
1. Use the Work with Domino Servers (WRKDOMSVR) command to display a list of all
Domino servers.
2. Select option 9 (Work server jobs) next to the server name.
3. Select option 12 (Work with threads) next to the job name.
4. Select option 10 (Display call stack) next to the thread 0000003E.
You see a panel similar to the Display Call Stack example shown in Figure 5-3.
Figure 5-3 Call stack for thread 0000003E
Display Call Stack: Panel group update to improve readability
If you have Domino 5.03 or higher installed, you may improve the analysis of the call stack for
Domino server tasks. A new panel group named GWVJOB is provided in library QNOTES.
This panel group enables a more readable display of the Call Stack.
To replace the panel group QGWVJOB in QSYS with the panel group shipped with the Lotus
Domino product, enter the CL commands in the order shown below on any OS/400 command
CRTLIB GWVLIB TEXT('Panel Group for better Domino Call Stack display')
Display Call Stack
System: AS06
Job: SERVER User: QNOTES Number: 017853
Thread: 0000003E
Rqs or
Lvl Procedure Library Statement Instruction
< tth_parm_t QSYS 0000001092
< eate_part2 QSYS 0000001587
< eadWrapper QNOTES 0000000008
Scheduler QNOTES 0000000032
< tilityTask QNOTES 0000000024
< elayThread QNOTES 0000000001
< nix_usleep QNOTES 0000000006
select QSYS 0000004667
F3=Exit F10=Update stack F11=Display activation group F12=Cancel
F16=Job menu F17=Top F18=Bottom F22=Display entire name
Tip: In 7.12, “Excessive translations on iSeries and zSeries” on page 202, you can see
another example that explains how to display the call stack and shows a problem with
excessive CCSID translations.
132 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 5-4 shows the Call Stack view with improved readability.
Figure 5-4 Call stack view with improved readability
5.1.2 Understanding the Domino statistics
The Domino console command show stat shows server statistics that relate to:
The number of transactions
The number of concurrent users
The available amount of disk space
The memory available and used
Mail, replication, and network activity
Other useful information
You can use this command without any parameters to show all available statistics, or select a
group or a single value by specifying its name. To display only a group of statistics, specify the
group name (the characters on the left of the period) followed by an asterisk (*) as a wildcard.
You can find a complete list of statistic descriptions in the Domino events4.nsf database, in
the Names & Messages, Statistics Names view.
For monitoring performance and investigating a performance problem, we recommend that
you run the following commands:
Display Call Stack
System: AS06
Job: SERVER User: QNOTES Number: 017839
Thread: 0000003E
Procedure Statement Module program
LE_Create_Thread2__FP12crtth_parm_t 0000001092 QLECRTTH QLESPI
pthread_create_part2 0000001587 QP0WSPTHR QP0WPINT
ThreadWrapper 0000000008 THREAD LIBNOTES
Scheduler 0000000035 SCHED SERVER
OSDelayThread 0000000001 THREAD LIBNOTES
unix_usleep 0000000006 USLEEP LIBNOTES
select 0000004667 QP0LLIB1 QP0LLIB1
F3=Exit F10=Update stack F11=Display instruction F12=Cancel
F16=Job menu F17=Top F18=Bottom F22=Display entire name
Important: The panel group that is used for this function only works well with Domino jobs.
If you attempt to display the call stacks of non-Domino jobs while using this panel group,
you will receive incomplete information. To correct this problem, you must sign off and sign
back on or run the command:
Chapter 5. Domino logs and statistics 133
show stat Server.Trans.PerMinute
show stat Server.Users
show stat Server.Sessions.Dropped
show stat Database.BufferPool*
show stat Domino
show database
Domino transactions per minute
The show stat Server.Trans.PerMinute statistic provides the number of transactions that
occurred on the server during the last minute. This information is useful for monitoring overall
server use.
Figure 5-5 shows an example of the output from running the show stat
Server.Trans.PerMinute console command.
Figure 5-5 The show stat Server.Trans.PerMinute statistic
Number of active Notes users
The show stat console command can also display a group of statistic values by specifying the
wildcard character "*". For example, show stat Server.Users* provides the current number
of active Notes sessions as well as the peaks and the times when they appeared. It includes
all users and all server tasks connecting to the server (for example, the Replicator). It shows
information about peak times and is useful for monitoring overall server use.
The example in Figure 5-6 shows three users that are currently active on the server. On
March 13 at 11:42 AM, the most users (65) were active on the server (since the server was
started or the statistics were reset). On March 14 at 02:01 PM, the most users (17) performed
any network operation to this server in one minute. And on March 14 at 09:14 AM, the most
users (26) performed any network operation to this server within a five minute time frame.
Figure 5-6 The show stat Server.Users* statistic
The parameters shown in Figure 5-6 are explained here:
Server.Users: This specifies the number of active Notes Sessions. This includes all users
and all server tasks connecting to the server (for example, the Replicator). In the example
shown in Figure 5-6, three users are currently connected to the server.
Note: To reset a statistic that is cumulative, you can use Set Statistics statisticname.
Statisticname is a required parameter that names the statistic to be reset. You can't use
wildcards (*) with this argument.
For example, Set Stat Server.Trans.Total resets the Server.Trans.Total statistic to 0.
Server.Trans.PerMinute = 2185
Server.Users = 3
Server.Users.1MinPeak = 17
Server.Users.1MinPeakTime = 03/14 02:01:55 PM
Server.Users.5MinPeak = 26
Server.Users.5MinPeakTime = 03/14 09:14:03 AM
Server.Users.Peak = 65
Server.Users.PeakTime = 03/13 11:42:02 AM
134 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Server.Users.1MinPeak: This specifies the number of users who have, in the last minute,
performed a Notes transaction (some network activity caused, for example, when opening
a database or document on the server). This value does not specify the number of users or
transactions in the last minute. The Domino server checks this data regularly and updates
the value only if the number is greater than the previous value.
Server.Users.1MinPeakTime: This value shows the date/time at which the maximum
number of users have done a network operation in the past minute. Note that
Server.Users.1MinPeak specifies the number of users during this past minute. Users who
have not done any transaction so far, but are waiting for a transaction, are also counted in
this list.
Server.Users.5MinPeak and Server.Users.5MinPeakTime: This shows the number of
users and the time, respectively, at which the server had the most users performing a
transaction during the past five minutes.
Server.Users.Peak and Server.Users.PeakTime: This shows the maximum number of
users and the time, respectively, for users who had an active connection to the server.
Sessions dropped
The show stat Server.Sessions.Dropped statistic provides the number of users who gave up
trying to connect to the server (usually by restarting or pressing Ctrl-Break). This statistic is
useful for monitoring server response time.
The Server.Sessions.Dropped statistic indicates poor server performance if the number of
dropped sessions is high on a regular basis. Resolving a problem with dropped sessions may
Cleaning up and reducing the size of databases
Moving databases and users to a different server
Adding a server
Adding memory
Adding DASD
Upgrading the processor
Figure 5-7 shows an example of the output from running the show stat
Server.Sessions.Dropped server command.
Figure 5-7 The show stat Server.Sessions.Dropped command
Domino database buffer pool statistics
Monitor how much NSF buffer pool your server uses by running the show stat database
command. If BufferPoolPeak is routinely more than 95% of the maximum, you may need to
increase the NSF_Buffer_POOL_Size. For more information about the
NSF_Buffer_POOL_Size, see 7.14.1, “NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size or Nsf_Buffer_Pool_Size_mb”
on page 211.
Also monitor Database.BufferPool.PerCentReadsInBuffer. In our tests under heavy workload,
we saw a BufferPoolPeak of 100%, while PerCentReadsInBuffer was under 95%. Under a
light load, BufferPoolPeak was under 10%, while PerCentReadsInBuffer was over 97%.
Server.Sessions.Dropped = 0
Chapter 5. Domino logs and statistics 135
When the maximum size of NSFBufferPool is reached, old entries are taken out of the pool to
make room for the new entries. At this point, the Database.BufferPool.PerCentReadsInBuffer
statistic will begin to decrease. This is not good because a low number in this pool indicates
that there is not enough memory to cache most of the reads. The higher the percentage is,
the better. This statistic represents the cumulative percentage of time that the buffer pool was
used to service requests.
The Domino server show stat database.Database.BufferPool* command presents a screen
like the example shown in Figure 5-8.
Figure 5-8 The show stat database.Database.BufferPool* command
The parameters shown in Figure 5-8 are explained here:
This is the maximum allowed in the NSF Buffer Pool. It defaults to one-fourth (¼) of
available physical RAM. If the notes.ini parameter NSF_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE=nnnnnn is
set, this parameter overrides the default.
This is the cumulative number of times the buffer has been read.
This is the cumulative number of times that data has been written to the buffer.
This is the largest that the pool has grown to, so far. This value will never decrease until
the Notes server is restarted.
This is the cumulative percentage of time that the buffer pool was used to service
requests. The higher this number is, the better.
HTTP server statistics
The show stat domino command monitors HTTP server activities on the Domino server. The
Domino show stat Domino.Config.ActiveThreads* console command shows the server
document settings (Figure 5-9) for Number active threads and Minimum active threads.
Figure 5-9 The show stat Domino.Config.ActiveThreads* command
The parameters in Figure 5-9 are explained here:
Domino.Config.ActiveThreads.Max: This is the maximum number of active threads
servicing HTTP requests.
Domino.Config.ActiveThreads.Min: This is the minimum number of active threads
servicing HTTP requests.
Database.Database.BufferPool.Maximum.Megabytes = 300
Database.Database.BufferPool.MM.Reads = 0
Database.Database.BufferPool.MM.Writes = 0
Database.Database.BufferPool.Peak.Megabytes = 3
Database.Database.BufferPool.PerCentReadsInBuffer = 97.28
Domino.Config.ActiveThreads.Max = 40
Domino.Config.ActiveThreads.Min = 20
136 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
The Domino show stat Domino.Threads* console command shows the peak number of
active threads.
Domino.Threads.Active.Peak: This indicates the peak number of active threads since
Domino was started.
Domino.Threads.Peak.Total: This value represents the total peak number of active
threads since Domino was started.
Domino.Threads.Peak.Time: This value indicates the time during the peak of the total
thread statistics from above. Domino.Config.ActiveThreads.Max should be greater than
Domino.Config*: If you run the show stat domino.config* command, you will see a list of
how HTTP server is configured. This list may be useful if you don’t have access to the
server document in the Domino directory. Figure 5-10 shows an example of the output
from Domino show stat domino.config* console command.
Figure 5-10 The show stat domino.config* command
5.1.3 Show Domino open database statistics (sh DBS)
The Show Open Databases (show DBS) command is a tool for monitoring the performance of
open databases. This command returns the information shown in Figure 5-11.
Domino.Config.ActiveThreads.Max = 40
Domino.Config.ActiveThreads.Min = 20
Domino.Config.AllowDirectoryLinks = 1
Domino.Config.Directory.CGI = /domino/applsvr/domino/cgi-bin
Domino.Config.Directory.HTML = /domino/applsvr/domino/html
Domino.Config.Directory.Icons = /domino/applsvr/domino/icons
Domino.Config.Directory.JavaRoot = /domino/applsvr/domino/java
Domino.Config.DNSLookup = 0
Domino.Config.HomeURL = /homepage.nsf?Open
Domino.Config.HostName =
Domino.Config.Image.Format = GIF
Domino.Config.Image.Interlaced = 1
Domino.Config.Log.Access = access
Domino.Config.Log.Error = error
Domino.Config.Log.Filter =
Domino.Config.Log.TimeStamp = 0
Domino.Config.PortNumber = 8081
Domino.Config.PortStatus = 1
Domino.Config.SSL.KeyFile = /domino/applsvr/keyfile.kyr
Domino.Config.SSL.PortNumber = 443
Domino.Config.SSL.Status = 0
Domino.Config.Timeout.CGI = 5
Domino.Config.Timeout.IdleThread = 0
Domino.Config.Timeout.Input = 2
Domino.Config.Timeout.Output = 20
Domino.Config.URLpath.CGI = /cgi-bin
Domino.Config.URLpath.Icons = /icons
Domino.Config.URLpath.JavaRoot = /domjava
Domino.Config.URLpath.Servlet = /servlet
Domino.Config.View.Lines = 30
Domino.Config.WelcomePage = default.htm
Chapter 5. Domino logs and statistics 137
Figure 5-11 The show database command
The columns shown in Figure 5-11 are explained here:
Refs: The number of times the database has been opened (the DBHANDLE count for the
Mod: Whether the database has been modified, but not yet flushed to disk.
FDs: The number of file descriptors currently being used for the database.
LockWaits: The number of times a user has had to wait for a lock on the database (read
or write).
AvgWait: The average wait time in milliseconds for each wait.
#Waiters: The number of waiters currently on the database lock. (This number changes
MaxWaiters: The maximum number of waiters ever on the database lock.
5.1.4 Platform-dependent statistics
New with Domino 5.0.3 for iSeries is the integration of platform and Domino statistics.
Platform statistics are enabled by adding PLATFORM_STATISTICS_ENABLED=1 to the
notes.ini file and restarting your server. This feature is disabled by default.
After you enable the platform-dependent statistics in notes.ini, you can only see them on the
console through the show stat platform command. The next step is to make sure those
statistics are also recorded in the statrep.nsf database so you can analyze them.
To collect performance data from Domino, you need to configure a couple of things as
explained in the following process:
1. From your Collection Server (usually a hub in a large environment), open the Statistics &
Events database (events4.nsf). This database allows you to set up the collection interval
of your Domino servers.
2. Click Server Statistic Collection on the left. This displays a Collection Document. Edit
this document or create a new one if one does not exist.
Figure 5-12 shows the Statistics & Events database views.
Database Name Refs Mod FDs LockWaits/AvgWait #Waiters MaxWaiters
/domino/applsvr/statrep.nsf 1 Y 1 0 0 0 0
/domino/applsvr/events4.nsf 8 N 1 0 0 0 0
/domino/applsvr/busytime.nsf 1 N 1 0 0 0 0
/domino/applsvr/statmail.nsf 1 N 1 0 0 0 0
/domino/applsvr/mail.box 1 N 1 0 0 0 0
/domino/applsvr/decsadm.nsf 3 N 1 0 0 0 0
/domino/applsvr/names.nsf 55 Y 9 0 0 0 1
/domino/applsvr/log.nsf 1 Y 1 0 0 0 0
Note: To display LockWaits and AvgWait values, you must temporarily add the setting
COLLECT_DB_LOCK_WAITS=1 to your server's notes.ini file. This setting consumes
server resources, so you should remove it after you view Show DBS statistics.
138 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 5-12 Statistics & Events database views
3. Once the Server Statistic Collection document is opened for editing, click the Basics tab
as shown in Figure 5-13. Be sure to enter the server name of the server that will collect the
statistics. Select the option to collect statistics from All servers in this domain or specify
the names of the servers from which you want to collect performance data. Once this is
complete, click the Options tab.
Figure 5-13 Server Statistic Collection document
4. Under the Options tab, click the Log statistics a database check box and specify the
database that will gather the statistics as shown in Figure 5-14. We recommend you
collect the statistics with the statrep.nsf database, and for performance purposes, collect
statistics every 15 minutes with alarms every 60 minutes.
Chapter 5. Domino logs and statistics 139
Figure 5-14 Server Statistic Collection document options
5. Edit the notes.ini file of the server collecting the statistics by adding add the line
PLATFORM_STATISTICS_ENABLED=1. Figure 5-18 on page 149 shows an example of
how to edit the notes.ini file using Operations Navigator. You can also use option 13 in the
Work with Domino Servers (WRKDOMSVR) panel to edit the notes.ini file.
This ensures the Domino servers gathers platform statistics unique to iSeries, like total
CPU utilization, number of page faults per second, number of Wait-to-Ineligible transitions
for threads in the memory pool, and CPU utilization per Domino tasks, which is very
important for performance analysis.
6. After you save the notes.ini file, replicate your events4.nsf database to all servers in your
domain by issuing the command:
push events4.nsf
Here, server name is the destination server. Make sure to specify a fully qualified server
name. Otherwise, you see the message “Access control is set in events4 to not allow
replication from events4.nsf.”
7. After all servers receive the updated file, recycle your servers (end and restart). When
they restart, they will begin collecting their Domino statistics in the statrep.nsf file of your
destination server.
Metrics are collected continuously, unless they are disabled or reset, or the server is stopped.
The server resets this information each time it is started. OS/400 platform statistics include
performance metrics for CPU, memory, disk, and process utilization.
The Statistics and Reports database (statrep.nsf) includes the platform view, Show Platform
Statistics. However, this does not include iSeries-specific data, except the overall CPU
utilization. If you want to see other iSeries related statistics, you need to create an additional
view. See 5.3, “Combining performance data from Domino and iSeries” on page 152.
The Statistics and Reports database is further described in 5.2.2, “The Statistics and
Reporting database (statrep.nsf)” on page 149.
System statistics
System statistics (Platform.System.TotalUtil.*) indicate the platform system total utilization. It
is the current average CPU utilization for the system. The minimum, average, and maximum
utilization for each of the system statistics values also available.
System statistics collect the same information for each partition, and the same information is
reported for each Domino server. The values reported in each server may vary due to timing
of the collection.
140 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Total CPU utilization
The total CPU utilization includes the entire workload of the iSeries server, that is all Domino
servers and all non-Domino jobs. For the CPU utilization of specific Domino tasks of a single
server, see “Process statistics” on page 140. The average CPU percent utilization of all
processors on the system is reported by the value of Platform.System.TotalUtil.
The smallest TotalUtil sampling for a session is contained in Platform.System.TotalUtil.Min.
The average of all TotalUtil samplings for a session can be found in
Platform.System.TotalUtil.Avg. This is calculated by the finding the sum of all TotalUtil
samplings divided by the number of samplings.
The largest TotalUtil sampling for a session is reported with Platform.System.TotalUtil.Max.
Memory statistics
Memory statistics (Platform.Memory.*) are collected and reported for the storage pool in
which the Domino server is running. If more than one server (partition) shares the storage
pool, the memory statistics reported include all servers. The values reported in each server
may vary due to timing of the collection.
The Platform.memory* statistics include:
The amount of memory in kilobytes allocated to the pool that this Domino partition is
running in.
– Platform.Memory.KBSize
The number of page faults per second in the memory pool this server is using.
– Platform.Memory.FaultsPerSec
– Platform.Memory.FaultsPerSec.Min
– Platform.Memory.FaultsPerSec.Avg
– Platform.Memory.FaultsPerSec.Max
The number of pages per second read to or written from the disk with the memory pool
this server is using.
– Platform.Memory.PagesPerSec
– Platform.Memory.PagesPerSec.min
– Platform.Memory.PagesPerSec.avg
– Platform.Memory.PagesPerSec.max
The number of Wait-to-Ineligible transitions for threads in the memory pool this server is
using. Any value greater than zero indicates your max active in the memory pool is too
– Platform.Memory.WaitToIneligible
Process statistics
Process statistics (Platform.Process.*) are independent from partition to partition; no values
are shared. Some of the server tasks, such as AMGR, REPLICA, SERVER, and UPDATE,
can have statistics collected and reported for up to four instances of the process. If an
instance of a process is not present, 0 is reported. Any new process takes two collections
before it is reported by statistics. This applies for processes started when the server is started
or processes started later with the load command.
Chapter 5. Domino logs and statistics 141
If a process is removed, the metric for that process goes to 0. If a new process begins, it uses
the first unused statistic slot. For example, if there are three AMGR processes, process 2
ends, so you only receive statistics from Platform.Process.AMGR.1.Util and
Platform.Process.AMGR.3.Util. If another AMGR starts, it reports its statistics to the first
unused statistic slot, which is Platform.Process.AMGR.2.Util.
The Platform.process* statistics include:
The CPU utilization of the first ADMINP, AMGR, HTTP, REPLICA, ROUTER, SERVER,
and UPDATE process of this partition. This is the percentage of the sample interval that
the process used the CPU.
– Platform.Process.ADMINP.1.Util
– Platform.Process.AMGR.1.Util
– Platform.Process.HTTP.1.Util
– Platform.Process.REPLICA.1.Util
– Platform.Process.ROUTER.1.Util
– Platform.Process.SERVER.1.Util
– Platform.Process.UPDATE.1.Util
The CPU utilization of the second AMGR, REPLICA, SERVER, and UPDATE process of
this partition. This is the percentage of the sample interval that the process used the CPU.
– Platform.Process.AMGR.2.Util
– Platform.Process.REPLICA.2.Util
– Platform.Process.SERVER.2.Util
– Platform.Process.UPDATE.2.Util
The CPU utilization of the third AMGR, REPLICA, SERVER, and UPDATE of this partition.
This is the percentage of the sample interval that the process used the CPU.
– Platform.Process.AMGR.3.Util
– Platform.Process.REPLICA.3.Util
– Platform.Process.SERVER.3.Util
– Platform.Process.UPDATE.3.Util
The CPU utilization of the fourth AMGR, REPLICA, SERVER, and UPDATE process of
this partition. This is the percentage of the sample interval that the process used the CPU.
– Platform.Process.AMGR.4.Util
– Platform.Process.REPLICA.4.Util
– Platform.Process.SERVER.4.Util
– Platform.Process.UPDATE.4.Util
Disk statistics
Disk statistics (Platform.LogicalDisk.*) are collected and reported for the whole system. All
configure disks in all ASPs are collected. The Percent Used statistic is the percent of all
space of all configured disks that are in use. The Percent Busy statistic is an average of the
percent busy time for every configured disk.
The Platform.LogicalDisk* statistics include:
The average of the percent time that all configured disks in all ASPs are busy. The first
“_Total” refers to all physical disks, and the second “_Total” refers to all logical disks. For
the iSeries, read it as the total of all disks configured.
– Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1._Total.1.PctTime = .1
– Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1._Total.1.PctTime.avg = 1.4
– Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1._Total.1.PctTime.max = 45.7
– Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1._Total.1.PctTime.min = 0
142 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
The percentage of all configured disks in all ASPs that is currently allocated for data.
– Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1._Total.1.PctUsed = 15.6
Figure 5-15 shows an example of the output from running the show stat platform console
Figure 5-15 The show stat platform results
The Domino console platform command
Platform statistics collection is controlled by the PLATFORM command. The following
keywords can be used with the PLATFORM command:
Time: Display or change the current collection interval
Reset: Reset collection of the platform statistics
Wait: Stop collection of platform statistics
Run: Start collection of platform statistics
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1._Total.1.PctTime = .1
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1._Total.1.PctTime.avg = 1.4
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1._Total.1.PctTime.max = 45.7
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1._Total.1.PctTime.min = 0
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1._Total.1.PctUsed = 15.6
Platform.Memory.FaultsPerSec = .3
Platform.Memory.FaultsPerSec.avg = .4
Platform.Memory.FaultsPerSec.max = 8.1
Platform.Memory.FaultsPerSec.min = 0
Platform.Memory.KBSize = 3,600,740
Platform.Memory.PagesPerSec = .3
Platform.Memory.PagesPerSec.avg = 2.1
Platform.Memory.PagesPerSec.max = 63.8
Platform.Memory.PagesPerSec.min = 0
Platform.Memory.WaitToIneligible = 0
Platform.Process.ADMINP.1.Util = 0
Platform.Process.AMGR.1.Util = 0
Platform.Process.AMGR.2.Util = 0
Platform.Process.AMGR.3.Util = 0
Platform.Process.AMGR.4.Util = 0
Platform.Process.HTTP.1.Util = 0
Platform.Process.REPLICA.1.Util = 0
Platform.Process.REPLICA.2.Util = 0
Platform.Process.REPLICA.3.Util = 0
Platform.Process.REPLICA.4.Util = 0
Platform.Process.ROUTER.1.Util = 0
Platform.Process.SERVER.1.Util = .8
Platform.Process.SERVER.2.Util = 0
Platform.Process.SERVER.3.Util = 0
Platform.Process.SERVER.4.Util = 0
Platform.Process.UPDATE.1.Util = 0
Platform.Process.UPDATE.2.Util = 0
Platform.Process.UPDATE.3.Util = 0
Platform.Process.UPDATE.4.Util = 0
Platform.System.TotalUtil = 2.2
Platform.System.TotalUtil.avg = 1.6
Platform.System.TotalUtil.max = 8.5
Platform.System.TotalUtil.min = 0
Chapter 5. Domino logs and statistics 143
For example, to start a new performance data monitoring session with a sampling rate of five
minutes, type the following commands at the console:
1. platform time 5
The server collects performance data every five minutes.
2. platform reset
Statistic values sampled before this command was issued are not used in calculating the
average, maximum, or minimum.
5.1.5 Show Domino Transactions
The show transactions, or in its short form sh tran, Domino console command provides a
performance statistics summary for each Domino kernel transaction that is run. For each type
of transaction, it displays the total number of NRPC transactions, the minimum and maximum
duration of the transaction, the total time to perform all transactions, and the average time to
perform the transaction. Figure 5-16 shows an example of the output from running the show
trans console command.
144 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 5-16 The show trans output
Each column is explained here:
Function: The kernel transactions provided by Domino.
Count: The number of times the function was run.
Min: The minimum CPU time in milliseconds it took to run the function.
Max: The maximum CPU time in milliseconds it took to run the function.
Total: The total CPU time in milliseconds spent running the function.
Average: Indicates the total per count.
Lotus Domino (r) Server (Release 5.0.8 for OS/400) 10/19/2001 01:59:06 PM
Server name: applsvr/sg5162b
Server directory: /domino/applsvr
Partition: APPLSVR
Elapsed time: 04:41:37
Transactions/minute: Last minute: 0; Last hour: 0; Peak: 50
Peak # of sessions: 3 at 10/19/2001 09:47:40 AM
Transactions: 294
Availability Index: 100 (state: AVAILABLE)
Message Tracking: Not Enabled
Shared mail: Not Enabled
Number of Mailboxes: 1
Pending mail: 0 Dead mail: 0
Waiting Tasks: 0
Thread Pools: Enabled
Transactional Logging: Not Enabled
Function Count Min Max Total Average
OPEN_DB 14 1 21 63 4
OPEN_NOTE 105 1 269 1734 16
UPDATE_NOTE 4 7 31 61 15
DB_INFO_GET 2 1 1 2 1
CLOSE_DB 14 0 9 16 1
OPEN_COLLECTION 21 3 361 1387 66
READ_ENTRIES 22 1 126 424 19
LOCATE_NOTE 1 0 0 0 0
FIND_BY_KEY 1 1 1 1 1
NIF_OPEN_NOTE 4 3 4 14 3
NAME_LOOKUP 4 5 11 26 6
NAME_GET_AB 1 2 2 2 2
#81 1 5 5 5 5
POLL_DEL_SEQNUM 15 1 2 27 1
SERVER_TIME 1 1 1 1 1
DB_QUOTA_GET 2 1 2 3 1
START_SERVER 11 61 701 2033 184
Chapter 5. Domino logs and statistics 145
Tracking these statistics in a graph helps to determine if transactions require more or less
CPU time as your use of the server grows.
The average of all transactions in CPU milliseconds may be useful for identifying a Queuing
A good response is less than (<) 1000 milliseconds.
An average response is greater than (>) 1000 milliseconds and less than (<) 5000
A poor response is greater than (>) 5000 milliseconds.
See 5.4, “Monitoring the Notes Remote Procedure Calls (NRPC)” on page 156, for a
description how to analyze the transactions generated by a single Notes client.
5.2 The reports
The Domino server provides services and tasks that create and report information about the
Domino system. This information comes in two forms: statistics and events. Statistics show
the status of processes running on the system. Events are generated when something takes
place on the system. For example, the event “Replicating files with servername” occurs when
a file replicates with a specified server.
Domino collects and stores statistics in two databases:
Notes log database (log.nsf) is created automatically when you start a server for the first
time. The Notes log database contains server events, such as replications performed, mail
routed, and databases used. In addition to standard information that is logged for a server,
you can customize what is logged for a server. For monitoring performance, customization
is discussed in “Controlling what is logged in the database” on page 146.
Statistics and Reporting Database (statrep.nsf) is created automatically when the
server tasks Event or Collect is started for the first time. The Statistics and Reporting
Database (statrep.nsf) contains the statistical reports that are created based on the server
tasks running on the Domino server. For example, if the HTTP task is not running, no
statistics related to the Web server are recorded.
We describe the capabilities of statrep.nsf in 5.2.2, “The Statistics and Reporting database
(statrep.nsf)” on page 149. See also 5.3, “Combining performance data from Domino and
iSeries” on page 152.
Combining statistic into a graph with iSeries server performance monitor data (such as CPU
utilization, pool size, database/non-database faults, average disk response time per I/O
operation, and average line utilization) can provide a method for tracking performance based
on server usage and available system resources.
Note: For Internet workloads, use the show stat command to monitor statistics. For
example, enter these commands at the server console:
SH STAT Domino (for HTTP server statistics)
146 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
5.2.1 The Log database (log.nsf)
Every Domino server has a Log database that reports all server activity and provides detailed
information about databases and users on the server. The terms Notes Log database and Log
File are synonymous.
The Notes Log database is more for server maintenance activities versus monitoring
performance or investigating performance issues. Check the Notes Log database for
problems that relate to replication, mail routing, modem communications, and other
scheduled server tasks.
Setting up and maintaining the Notes log database is handled by the notes.ini setting log:
Log Syntax: Log=logfilename, log_option, not_used, days, size
This syntax controls the name of the log file, whether events are logged to the server console,
and when documents are automatically deleted from the log file. Note the following details:
logfilename: The log database file name, usually log.nsf.
log_option: Log options:
– 1 = Log to the console
– 2 = Force database fixup when opening the log file
– 4 = Full document scan (as opposed to quick scan or open)
not_used: Always set to zero; this parameter is not currently used.
days: The number of days to retain log documents.
size: The size of log text in event documents.
The default is Log=log.nsf, 1, 0, 7, 40000. The log file (log.nsf) is deleted in seven days and
can contain up to 40,000 words. All log information is also sent to the console.
Log=log.nsf, 1, 0, 7, 40000
We recommend that you run with the default Log setting. If you decide to keep the log file for
more days or it contains more words, functions that access or update the log file can
decrease in performance.
Accessing the Notes Log database
The Notes Log Database (log.nsf) can be accessed or viewed by using one of these methods:
From the Lotus Notes client workspace, click File-> Database-> Open. At the Open
Database display, select the server and Notes Log (file name = log.nsf). Click Open.
Start the Domino Administrator client and click the Files tab. To open the database,
double-click Notes Log (filename=log.nsf).
Controlling what is logged in the database
The notes.ini settings affect the amount and type of information that appears in the Notes log
database (log.nsf). The notes.ini file provides all of the initialization settings for a Domino
server. Each time the server starts, it checks this file for information on which server tasks run
and how to set up the server environment.
Tip: If the log option should be both 1 and 2, simply add the options and it becomes log
option 3.
Chapter 5. Domino logs and statistics 147
For monitoring performance, the following notes.ini settings are recommended:
LOG_AGENTMANAGER=1 (no default)
Specifies whether the start of agent execution is recorded in the log file and shown on the
server console:
0 Do not log agent execution events.
1 Log agent execution events.
LOG_MAILROUTING=10 (default is 20)
Specifies the level of information recorded in the log file and controls other logging actions:
0 Defaults to 20.
10 Displays only the errors, warning, and major routing events, for example, startup
and shutdown, number of messages transferred to x, and occurrences of database
compacting. Successful deliveries and transfers are not recorded in the log file.
20 Same as for 10, except that successful deliveries and transfers are logged.
30 Displays thread information.
40 Displays transfer messages, message queues, and full document information for
LOG_REPLICATION=2 (no default)
Specifies whether the start and end of replication sessions are recorded in the log file and
displayed on the console:
0 Do not log replication events.
1 Log server replication events.
2 Log replication activity at the database level.
3 Log replication activity at the level of database elements (views, document, etc.).
4 Log replication activity at the field level.
5 Log summary information.
LOG_SESSIONS=0 (no default)
Specifies whether individual sessions are recorded in the log file and displayed on the
0 Do not log individual sessions.
1 Log individual sessions.
LOG_TASKS=1 (no default)
Specifies whether the current status of server tasks is recorded in the log file and
displayed on the console:
0 Do not send status information.
1 Send the status of server tasks to the log file and console.
LOG_VIEW_EVENTS=0 (no default)
Specifies whether messages created when views are rebuilt are recorded in the log file:
0 Do not log messages when views are rebuilt.
1 Log messages when views are rebuilt.
LOG_UPDATE=0 (no default
Level of index logging:
0 Records when indexer starts and shuts down.
1 Records when the Indexer starts and shuts down + when Indexer updates views +
full text indexes for specific databases.
2 As 1 + record names of views the Indexer is updating.
148 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Determines whether all mail event messages are displayed in the Miscellaneous Events
view of the log file:
0 Does not display mail events in the Miscellaneous Events view.
1 Displays mail events in the Miscellaneous Events view.
Controls whether the Statlog task automatically enables activity logging on all databases:
0 Allows automatic activity logging on all databases.
1 Prevents automatic activity logging on all databases.
PHONELOG=0 (default 2)
Specifies whether phone calls are recorded in the log file:
0 Does not record phone calls to the log file.
1 Records all calls, except those that fail because of a busy signal.
2 Records all phone calls.
Specifies whether server performance events are displayed on the console:
0 Records server performance events in the log file.
1 Displays server performance events on the console.
SHOW_TASK_DETAIL=1 (no default)
Specifies whether the name of the current executing transaction is added to the session
0 Do not include the name.
1 Include the name.
Figure 5-17 shows an example of the notes.ini settings.
Figure 5-17 Server Configuration Document for controlling notes.ini settings
Editing notes.ini settings
There are multiple ways that you can edit the notes.ini file. We outline the three most common
ways here:
Note: The settings listed in Figure 5-17 pertain to logging statistics for performance. For
problem determination work, you may need to change the settings.
Chapter 5. Domino logs and statistics 149
Start the Domino administrator, and click the Configuration tab. Expand the server
section. Edit or add the configuration document. Add or change to the notes.ini section of
the configuration document.
Select option 13 from the Work with Domino Servers (WRKDOMSVR) command to edit
the notes.ini file for a particular server.
Through Operations Navigator, the graphical user interface to the iSeries, you can work
with the Domino servers on a given server. Right-click the server of your choice and
choose Properties. Then, you can edit the notes.ini file.
Figure 5-18 shows an example of editing the notes.ini file using Operations Navigator.
Figure 5-18 Editing notes.ini using Operations Navigator
5.2.2 The Statistics and Reporting database (statrep.nsf)
The Domino server continuously updates statistics. To view system statistics at any time, you
use the show stat command at the server console, as explained in 5.1.2, “Understanding the
Domino statistics” on page 132. To use statistics to monitor the Domino server over a period
of time at a specified interval, you can use the Collect task, which collects statistics and
places the information into the Statistics database (statrep.nsf).
The Domino server also provides monitor documents that you use to configure statistic
thresholds. When the Collect task collects a statistic and places it into the Statistics database
(statrep.nsf), it compares the statistic to the threshold configured in the monitor document.
The first time the statistic reaches the specified threshold in the monitor document or in the
Statistic Names document, an alarm is generated. An Alarm report is nothing more than a
document informing you that a statistic has reached its threshold. To set up an alarm, you
must specify a collection alarm interval in the Server Statistic Collection document. Alarm
documents are automatically created in the Server - Analysis Tab - Statistics Reports -
Alarms view in the Domino Administrator.
150 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
To notify you about important system information, the Domino server has a notification facility
called the Event task. The Event task sends notification about the event to a destination
configured in the Event Notification document.
You can create statistics and events monitoring documents for your particular server and
network needs. To do this, you can create Statistic Monitors and Event Notification
documents from the Statistics & Events view on the Configuration tab in the Domino
Administrator, or create a new event notification in the database for Statistics & Events
(events4.nsf). If you do not set up an Event Notification document, you will not be notified that
an event has occurred.
Accessing the Statistics and Reporting database
The Statistics and Reporting database can be accessed or viewed by using one of the
following methods:
Start from the Lotus Notes client workspace, and click File-> Database-> Open. Then,
select the server and Statistics Reports (file name = statrep.nsf). Click Open.
Start the Domino Administrator client, and click the Files tab. To open the database,
double-click Statistics Reports (file name=statrep.nsf).
Start the Domino Administrator client and click the Server tab. Then, click Analysis and
expand Statistics report.
Controlling what is logged in the database (statrep.nsf)
The following Domino server jobs (tasks) record events and statistics in the Statistics and
Reporting Database:
The Event server job
The Collector server job
To configure which events to monitor and where to report them, create a Statistics Monitor
Document and an Event Notification Document in the Statistics and Events Database
(events4.nsf) for each type of event that you want to monitor.
Configuring statistics monitors and events
To add documents, perform the following steps:
1. Starting from the Lotus Notes workspace, click File.
2. Select Database.
3. Click Open.
4. On the Open Database display, select the server and Statistics & Events Database (file
name = events4.nsf).
5. Click Open.
6. On the Statistics & Events display, select the Statistic view.
7. Under Statistic, click the Monitors view.
8. To add a statistic to monitor, click the Add Statistic Monitor button.
As shown in Figure 5-19, more than 700 users on the server can trigger a statistic server
event of Warning (High).
Chapter 5. Domino logs and statistics 151
Figure 5-19 Statistic Monitor document example
To determine what to do with the statistic server event of Warning (High), you need an Event
Notification document. To create the Event Notification document, perform the following tasks:
1. At the Statistics & Events display, select the Event Monitors view.
2. To add an event to the monitor, click the Add Event Monitor button.
Figure 5-20 shows an example of an Event Monitor document.
Figure 5-20 Event Notification document example
In Figure 5-20, a statistical event of Warning (High) mails a notification to the user “Redbook”.
The Collector server task
The Server Statistic Collection document in Statistics & Events database (events4.nsf) lets
you set up a server that collects statistics from a list of specified servers. If you do not
configure this document, the Collect task collects, by default, statistics only from the server
that has the Collect task running on it.
To optimize performance, use the Collector server job to collect statistics of all servers
because it impacts only one server in the environment. This frees the other servers in your
environment for end-user access.
152 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
The content of the statistical reports is the same information you see by running the show
stat command. The statistical report is basically a collection of show stat commands run
over a period of time at a specified interval.
The Event server task
The Event server job runs by default. At the server console, you can stop the Event server
task by entering the tell event quit command and start the Event server task by using the
load event command.
To optimize performance, minimize the number of monitors used by the Event server task to
meet your organization’s requirement for monitoring server events. If your organization does
not require server event monitoring, do not run the Event server task.
5.3 Combining performance data from Domino and iSeries
To combine performance data from the iSeries with the Domino server or servers, use the
Statistic Collector to sample information from one or multiple Domino servers running on the
iSeries server. For example, if you have two Domino servers on one iSeries server, you can
use one of the servers to collect statistics from both the servers to the same statistics
database. You can also monitor your whole Domino server environment performance
combined with the iSeries performance data.
The statistic database and collector job is further described in 5.2.2, “The Statistics and
Reporting database (statrep.nsf)” on page 149.
To get the statistics records, you must add PLATFORM_STATISTICS_ENABLED=1 to
notes.ini. You must also create a Server Statistic Collection document where you define the
collecting server and the server or servers to collect data from, as well as the database to
receive reports and the collecting report interval. The Domino server Collect job must be
running at the collecting server. You can read more about platform statistics in 5.1.4,
“Platform-dependent statistics” on page 137.
Figure 5-21 shows an example of the Server Statistic Collection document. It has been
configured to collect statistics from two Domino servers at two different domains, with the
collecting server applsvr/sg5162b. Both servers are on the same iSeries.
Figure 5-21 Server Statistic Collection document
The Report task: The Report task no longer exists in R5. It has been replaced by the
Collect task, which must be loaded manually or added to the ServerTasks line in the
notes.ini. If you attempt to load the Report task, the error message appears: “Error
attempting to load or run report.exe: Unable to locate program.”
Chapter 5. Domino logs and statistics 153
Modifying the Statistics Reports database for iSeries and Domino data
In the Statistics and Reports Database (statrep.nsf), there are standard views that come with
the Domino application. If you select to look at the Platform view, the only OS/400 statistics
available are Platform.System.TotalUtil and Platform.System.TotalUtil.avg, as shown in
Figure 5-22.
Figure 5-22 Statistics and Reports Database: Standard views
To view more OS/400 platform statistics in the statistics database, you can modify the
Platform view or a better way is to create one or more additional views.
To prevent your modification from being lost by a replace design or upgrade, we recommend
that you:
1. Create a new copy of the Statistics and Reports Database template (statrep5.ntf).
2. Name the new copy statrep400.ntf.
3. Do the modifications to your template.
4. Create your own statistics database based on statrep400.ntf.
5. Configure the Statistics Collection document to use your statrep400 database as the
Here, we show an example of how you can create an additional view to your new database
template, statrep400.ntf, that shows OS/400 platform statistics and Domino statistics
together. The intent is to give you an idea of how you can modify the views to gather different
sets of statistics and to provide you with performance data that you need in your environment.
1. Start the Domino Designer and open the database template statrep400.ntf.
2. Create a copy of the Statistics Reports\Platform view.
3. Rename the copy to iSeries Platform Statistics\iSeries and Domino Statistics.
4. Open the new view for design changes, remove the fields you don’t need in this view. Add
OS/400 statistics fields (Platform.x.x.x.) and Domino fields that you want to have in the
same view.
5. Save your changes.
Section 5.1.4, “Platform-dependent statistics” on page 137, provides information about the
OS/400 statistics fields (Platform.x.x.x) that are available and can be added to the view.
For detailed information about how to create/modify database views, see the Domino
Designer Help Guide.
Figure 5-23 shows you the statrep400.ntf template opened in Domino Designer.
154 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 5-23 Statrep400.ntf template: Opened in Domino Designer
Figure 5-24 shows you the statrep400.ntf template with the newly copied and the renamed
view iSeries Platform Statistics\iSeries and Domino statistics.
Figure 5-24 Statrep400.ntf with new iSeries Platform Statistics\iSeries and Domino statistics view
Chapter 5. Domino logs and statistics 155
Figure 5-25 shows you the Statistics and Report template, statrep400.ntf, with iSeries
Platform Statistics and Domino statistic fields. The Transactions per minute and Active users
are Domino statistics, and the rest are OS/400 statistics fields.
Figure 5-25 Statrep400.ntf with iSeries Platform Statistics and Domino statistic fields
In Figure 5-26, you see the Statistics and Report database, statrep400.nsf, with iSeries
Platform Statistics and Domino statistic data. The transactions per minute and active users
are Domino statistics, and the rest are OS/400 statistics data.
Figure 5-26 Statistics and Report database with combined iSeries and Domino statistics
156 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
5.4 Monitoring the Notes Remote Procedure Calls (NRPC)
How do you know what actually is happening at the network level with Notes Remote
Procedure Calls to and from a workstation. How can you monitor the actual traffic and know if
your proposed application will actually scale, or indeed whether your network can take the
strain? This section answers these questions.
5.4.1 Using a network sniffer
One option to help you trace frames and packets is to use a network sniffer. A remarkably
good one is available as shareware from: http://www.ethereal.com
Ethereal is a GUI network protocol analyzer. It lets you interactively browse packet data from
a live network or from a previously saved capture file. Ethereal knows how to read libpcap
capture files, including those of tcpdump.
In addition, Ethereal can read capture files from:
Snoop (including Shomiti) and atmsnoop
Sniffer (compressed or uncompressed)
Microsoft Network Monitor
AIX's iptrace
Sniffer Pro
RADCOM's WAN/LAN analyzer
Lucent/Ascend router debug output
HP-UX's nettl
The dump output from Toshiba's ISDN routers
The output from i4btrace from the ISDN4BSD project
The output in IPLog format from the Cisco Secure Intrusion Detection System
Pppd logs (pppdump format)
There is no need to tell Ethereal what type of file you are reading; it determines the file type
by itself. Ethereal is also capable of reading any of these file formats if they are compressed
using gzip. Ethereal recognizes this directly from the file; the “.gz” extension is not required for
this purpose.
Three-view window (whole, line, and hex)
Like other protocol analyzers, Ethereal's main window shows three views of a packet. It
shows a summary line that briefly describes what the packet is. A protocol tree is shown that
allows you to drill down to the exact protocol or field in which you interested. Finally, a hex
dump shows you exactly what the packet looks like when it goes over the wire.
Multiple and DIY display filters
In addition, Ethereal has some features that make it unique. It can assemble all the packets in
a TCP conversation and show you the ASCII (or EBCDIC, or hex) data in that conversation.
Display filters in Ethereal are very powerful; more fields are filterable in Ethereal than in other
protocol analyzers, and the syntax you can use to create your filters is richer. As Ethereal
progresses, expect more and more protocol fields to be allowed in display filters.
Chapter 5. Domino logs and statistics 157
Packet capturing and compressed file support
Packet capturing is performed with the pcap library. The capture filter syntax follows the rules
of the pcap library. This syntax is different from the display filter syntax. Compressed file
support uses (and therefore requires) the zlib library. If the zlib library is not present, Ethereal
will compile, but will be unable to read compressed files.
5.4.2 Lotus Client NRPC Monitoring Tool Client_Clock
Notes also has its own built-in monitoring capability. This is an unsupported, but reasonably
well documented utility, that is well-known as a useful debug parameter. This parameter
analyzes traffic to transaction level and shows the duration in seconds.
For more information, see Technote 163971 and this site regarding Client_Clock:
Overview of NRPC Monitor
The Notes Client uses NRPCs to communicate with the server. Ping-ponging RPC calls
(repeating back and forth) are expensive because they generate network traffic as well as
unnecessary server load. The goal is to reduce as much ping-ponging RPC traffic within the
design of your application as possible, shorten the data payload lengths, and reduce the
frequency that you send packets in the first place. In summary, the goal is to minimize volume
and frequency.
Setting up monitoring
To monitor RPC traffic from a Notes workstation, add three new lines to the notes.ini file as
shown in Table 5-1. The table shows the three client notes.ini variables you need to set to
enable and capture NRPCs.
Table 5-1 Unsupported Client_Clock parameters and syntax
On startup, you see two boxes, the console and the re-directed log, with some additional
information for example:
(54-997) NIF_OPEN_NOTE: 2119 ms. [48+9370=9418]
Table 5-2 shows a quick breakout to help you interpret the results of NRPC tracing.
Important: Before you enable any debug parameters of this type, it is imperative that you
test them out on a Test system and test network. There may be issues surrounding their
use or special precautions that you must consider. Debug parameters often require a large
amount of disk space, dependent upon traffic volumes. Lotus could also change the code
without notice completely altering the affect and implications of use.
Parameter Description
Client_Clock = 1 Activates N-RPC tracing
Debug_Console = 1 DOS Window monitoring real-time traffic
Debug_Outfile= Pipes the trace output to a text file
158 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Table 5-2 RFC command stream breakout and some additional comments
There are a lot of different things that happen between the client and the server. However, if
you follow the commands, and you know the code you wrote, then as with any other
application debugger, you should be able to make sense of it.
Here are some general hints and tips for monitoring NRPC or any Network traffic:
Simplify what you are trying to trace. Start easy and work you way to the more complex
items as you become familiar with the process.
Disable workstation replication to stop any unwanted NRPCs from being merged.
Pause between each key stroke or action so that you can separate/debug commands.
Remember that the tighter the code is, the less traffic there is and the better the performance
We now analyze an example involving LotusScript code in the QueryClose event of a form.
This code opens a view in the current database, retrieves a document by key in the current
database, and finally creates a new document in another database. Table 5-3 shows the
LotusScript statements issued along with the resulting series of NRPCs.
Table 5-3 LotusScript showing as RPC commands using Client_Clock
De-Code: Meaning
(54-997) Sequence Number
NIF_OPEN_NOTE= Interpretation of the call
2119 ms. Time in milliseconds to complete the call
48 Number of bytes sent
9370 Number of bytes returned
9418 Total of bytes for this call
[48+9370=9418] Data sent+data received=total data in bytes
LotusScript statement RPCs
Set MyView=
(332-1952) OPEN_COLLECTION: 514 ms.[32+612=644]
(333-1953) READ_ENTRIES: 2143 ms. [46+7254=7300]
(334-1955) CLOSE_COLLECTION: 0 ms. [12+0=12]
(335-1955) OPEN_NOTE: 1538 ms. [28+2502=2530]
(336-1956) OPEN_NOTE: 1273 ms. [28+2502=2530]
Set MyDoc=
(337-1958) FIND_BY_KEY: 356 ms. [32+34=66]
(338-1958) READ_ENTRIES: 411 ms. [46+94=140]
Chapter 5. Domino logs and statistics 159
For more information, see Performance Considerations for Domino Applications, SG24-5602.
You should also see 5.1.5, “Show Domino Transactions” on page 143.
(339-1959) OPEN_NOTE: 425 ms. [28+342=370]
Call newDoc.Save(True,True) (340-1959) OPEN_DB: 459 ms. [126+210=336]
(341-1959) DB_INFO_GET: 640 ms. [14+140=154]
(342-1960) UPDATE_NOTE: 557 ms. [566+56=622]
(343-1961) CLOSE_DB: 0 ms. [14+0=14]
LotusScript statement RPCs
160 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 161
Chapter 6. Tuning the iSeries server for
Lotus Domino
With Domino and the iSeries working together, there are many different variables that can
affect overall performance. To help you understand the full picture, we need to address both
Domino and iSeries performance.
This chapter is designed to address the OS/400 perspective of the equation so you can have
a full understanding of how to analyze and influence the performance of Domino applications
and functions running on the iSeries server. In Chapter 7, “Tuning Lotus Domino for better
performance on iSeries” on page 183, you can learn how the Domino administrator can effect
the throughput of one or more Domino servers running on an iSeries server.
This chapter includes these topics:
Overview of resource tuning the iSeries with respect to special behaviors of Lotus Domino
OS/400 automatic performance adjustment
When to use separate memory pools
Setting the run time priority of Domino tasks
Using online backup with BRMS
Verifying the configuration of your network
162 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
6.1 Tuning the iSeries server
Working on and fixing a performance problem is similar to solving a three-dimensional puzzle.
All parts of the puzzle initially appear to be unconnected. Changing one part (for example,
increasing a priority) seems to cause unexpected changes and problems with what was
thought of as a totally unconnected part of the whole puzzle! But, after solving several such
puzzles, you begin to grasp a pattern. Solving a Domino performance problem is a
challenging task. It requires an open mind and a “holistic” approach (exclude nothing from
your initial enquiries). It also requires the ability to admit your earlier hypothesis may have
been wrong and you may need to start with a new line of thinking. The most common cause
of failure in diagnosis is to choose the wrong path and never come back for another look
Before you attempt to fix or tune Domino performance issues, you must have a solid base to
work from, that is the platform, which in this case is the iSeries server. The base platform itself
must be tuned properly (as far as you can) before you can even start to determine what is
causing the Domino performance problem.
Domino is simply an application suite that has “work” and “memory management” functions of
its own and is designed (on the iSeries) to run in a dedicated subsystem of its own. Tuning
Lotus Domino for iSeries and tuning the iSeries server, therefore, have to go together. First,
tune the iSeries server to provide Domino with (what you think are) the resources it needs.
Then tune Domino. Then perhaps come back and re-tune the iSeries a little more. And then
possibly go back to re-tune Domino again and so on until everything is balanced and running
in harmony. This chapter explains how to provide those iSeries server resources to the
Domino application.
Any actual tuning (changes to) the iSeries server should only be attempted after a very
careful analysis of the overall performance characteristics of the system is completed. This is
described in Chapter 4, “Basic concepts of performance analysis” on page 53.
Tuning the iSeries server involves these steps:
1. Measure the performance.
2. Change one parameter or setting at a time.
3. Measure the performance again, compare the results, and go back to step 2, if you are not
satisfied yet.
Tuning the system means that you try to allocate the available system resources to users or
batch jobs that are in most need of those resources. Remember, there is an absolute and
finite limit on the number of resources in the system, and all the jobs in the system compete
for available resources. Once all resources have been used up, all “tuning” really achieves is
to take resources away from one job and give them to another. You cannot increase available
resources, obviously, but only re-allocate them.
Hopefully you will find one job or subsystem over-allocated with spare resources, and you can
safely re-allocate those spare resources to a job that is starved of resources and everyone is
happy. But eventually, once all jobs have the correct resources that they need, you will be at
the point where one job is stealing resources from another. That is the time when you must
upgrade the hardware to gain additional resources. In truth, you should have seen this
coming from your monitoring of the system before the workload grew large enough to eat up
all the available system resources.
System tuning also involves making every attempt to minimize or eliminate the unnecessary
system work, for example:
Chapter 6. Tuning the iSeries server for Lotus Domino 163
Monitor the number and arrival rate of messages in the job logs and history logs.
Monitor all error logs in the service tools (SST).
Avoid multiple sign on and sign off functions.
Clear all output queues, old history files, and all old journal entries on a regular basis.
Perhaps the easiest way to affect the system performance is to evenly distribute the system’s
workload, for example:
Move heavy batch jobs to run during the night or other off shift time.
Perform system save activities during a lower system usage time.
Assign the programmers a subsystem and storage pool of their own, reserved only for
their work.
Keep the workload on the system as constant as possible.
Once you have tried re-distributing the workload and tuning as much as possible, and it still
does not meet your performance goals, it’s time to buy more hardware!
Upgrading your system’s hardware may seem like an expensive solution. But when you
consider the costs of hiring and maintaining a staff with the required skills to streamline your
applications (and with the skills to perform a Performance Audit and produce a concise but
accurate report), the cost of upgrading the system hardware may actually be lower in
comparison. If you follow the advice and guidance in this redbook, you will know and
understand the available options and how to measure and justify your decisions.
6.2 Automatic performance adjustment (QPFRADJ)
The automatic performance adjustment in OS/400, activated and controlled through the
system value QPFRADJ, can be a great boon and a great tool, but in very few situations, it
may have a negative impact. In general terms, it is a fine tool to leave switched on; it balances
workloads against resources and constantly strives to optimize the performance of all jobs
and pools on the iSeries server. It is like having a fully skilled OS/400 expert constantly
fiddling and re-balancing your system. Having said that, its very innate ability can also be its
own downfall where Domino is concerned.
The main issue involved in having the automatic performance adjuster turned on is when the
workload on the system changes over the course of a day. Here is a typical customer
scenario that describes the situation:
1. The workload during the prime shift involves Domino applications that provide various
services for the end users. The Domino server may route mail, perform workflow functions
designed into the application, access DB2 UDB data, and serve the company’s Web site.
While all of this is happening, the automatic performance adjustor looks at all of the work
happening on the system and provides Domino with the adequate resources. This
involves increasing the activity level of the memory pool where Domino is executing and
allocating more memory to the jobs that support the Domino function.
2. In the evening, the workload on the system changes. Most of the Domino activity ceases,
and other night time tasks fire up, such as backups, batch jobs, and other clean-up tasks.
The automatic performance adjustor now moves memory and activity levels to these tasks
so they have the appropriate resources.
Important: When making changes, apply only one change at a time and measure the
effect of that change on system performance.
164 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
3. The situation arises in the morning when all of the workers come into work and start using
the Domino applications and services again. At this point, the automatic performance
adjustor needs to start moving all of the memory from the night tasks back to the Domino
server. This can mean poor performance until the automatic performance adjustment has
caught up in rebalancing resources.
Performance adjustment is relatively slow to react to such a sudden change (logically that is
correct; it shouldn’t suddenly rush to allocate massive resources into the first spike of activity
it detects). Because of this, it only re-establishes the resources over a period of some
minutes. Meanwhile every Notes Client is attacking the Domino server with a connection
request. In R5, if Domino doesn’t give a quick response, the client generates another request
to the server, and then another, up to 5, in an attempt to establish a server session.
As hundreds of users fire off these multiple connection attempts (“retries”), Domino will
inevitably belatedly establish multiple connections for each user. Each Domino connection
uses considerable server resources just to actually establish the session. In turn, this further
ramps up the server load, slowing overall processing yet more, and therefore, causing other
users to issue multiple connects in an ever increasing downward spiral.
Domino itself also has a self-protection mechanism to limit maximum user connections with
the Server_MaxUsers parameter in notes.ini. However Domino can easily handle its standard
workload of hundreds or thousands of users, with resources to spare. Every Notes client is
now pretending to be up to five users, before long Server_MaxUsers is reached, and these
connections will stay engaged until Server_connection_timeout (four hours by default1) is
So now your early morning users are being refused access, and your phone starts to ring
(and continues to ring Server_MaxUsers times for Server_Connection_Timeout minutes to be
A simple solution to beat the “early morning rush” is to use the Work with Shared Pools
(WRKSHRPOOL) command, press F11 (Display tuning data), and set a minimum size for the
storage pool where your Domino servers are executing. Typically this is the *BASE pool. See
6.4, “Choosing which memory pool to use” on page 166, for information on using other pools.
Both a minimum and maximum percentage of total main storage can be specified for each
memory pool. These settings are used by the system if the automatic performance
adjustment system value QPFRADJ is set to 2 or 3. This will guarantee a minimum amount of
memory will remain allocated to Domino, therefore, avoiding the early morning ramp up
We recommend that you set QPFRADJ to 3 (Automatic adjustment). Option 2 (Adjustment at
IPL and automatic adjustment) may also work to initially set the environment on a new
system, but the values will be reset after each IPL and need to be re-adjusted after starting
the servers.
6.2.1 The interactive iSeries tuning chart
In many cases, we recommend that you leave performance tuning to the system with the
system value QPFRADJ set to 3. However, in special cases, it may be beneficial to do some
or all of the tuning manually. If you decide to do so, follow our road map shown in Figure 6-1.
1 The default to that is 4 hours, which later we recommend that you lower to 30 minutes.
Chapter 6. Tuning the iSeries server for Lotus Domino 165
To follow the road map, follow steps 1 through 3 to ensure the machine pool has sufficient
resources. If the machine pool is starved for resources, performance of the whole system may
be impacted. After determining that the machine pool has adequate resources, repeat steps 4
through 7 in Figure 6-1 for all of the other pools in your iSeries server. Do this during periods
of high system activity because it has no value to tune the system when there is only a
relatively light workload on the system.
Make sure that system value QPFRADJ is set to zero (to not adjust), before you follow the
tuning road map. If you leave QPFRADJ set to value 2 or 3, it may undo the tuning you are
attempting to perform.
Figure 6-1 Interactive tuning roadmap
6.2.2 Summary
Automatic performance adjustment is extremely useful. iSeries servers work and stay working
at their optimum with it switched on (option 3) and left on. Only on very large sites where a
dedicated team of operators and system programmers permanently monitor and perform the
same functions “by hand” can it be safely left off. Be sure you have looked very carefully at all
the implications of not using this important iSeries feature if you choose not to use it.
1. Enter the WRKSYSSTS command. Press PF21 to set the assistance level to Intermediate.
2. Wait 2 - 3 minutes and press PF5 to refresh.
3. Do the *MACHINE NDB faults meet the guidelines?
Yes..... Press PF10 and go to step 4
No........Adjust QMCHPOOL
-500K if fault rate = 0
+500K if fault rate >3.0
Press PF10 to reset and go to step 2
4. Is the DB fault + NDB fault > 20 in any pool?
Yes ... Increase pool size by 500KB, press PF10 and repeat step 4 (repeat until
all pools are less than 20)
No ... Go to step 5
5. Wait 2 - 5 minutes, and press PF5. Press PF21 to set the Assistance level
to Advanced.
Is the Wait-to-Ineligible state = 0 ?
Yes ... Reduce Activity level by 2, press PF10 to reset and repeat step 5
No .... Go to step 6
6. Is the Active to Wait state 10x the activity level?
No ....System not heavily used or complex application mix; go to step 4
Yes ... Go to step 7
7. Is the sum of all fault rates for all pools within the guidelines?
No .... Go to step 4
Yes ... Go to step 8
8. Activity levels and pool sizes probably OK. Continue monitoring the WRKSYSSTS
display regularly.
166 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
6.3 Determining Domino workload
Domino by itself is not an application. Domino is an Application Architecture Framework onto
which you can hang an almost unlimited type and style of application program/job/task written
in LotusScript, Java, and the Lotus command language (known as @Functions or macro
On the iSeries server, Domino is implemented in the subsystem architecture. Each Domino
server then has its own set of tasks or jobs that comprise the function configured for a given
Domino server. Each of the Domino tasks are presented as an iSeries job. For example, the
SERVER task is implemented as a job called SERVER2 in the Domino subsystem. This one
job will spawn multiple threads to handle simultaneous requests from multiple clients.
Likewise, the HTTP Domino task is implemented as the HTTP job in the Domino server
subsystem. The HTTP task will have multiple threads to handle the requests from various
browser users.
You can find more detailed information about each Domino tasks in Chapter 8,
“Understanding the Domino server jobs” on page 229. With this understanding, it becomes
relatively easy to figure out what your Domino workload is. The Domino work will execute in
Domino subsystems and each of these subsystems will have Domino tasks or jobs that
spawn multiple threads to handle the incoming requests.
In the remainder of this chapter, you will find information about working with these various
tasks or jobs. You’ll also find recommended settings for the various Domino parameters that
you can tweak in your efforts to create the highest performing Domino environment on your
iSeries server.
6.4 Choosing which memory pool to use
A memory pool is a logical division of main memory or storage that is reserved for processing
a job or group of jobs. In OS/400, all main storage can be divided into logical allocations
called memory pools. By default, the system manages memory pools. The system manages
the transfer of data and programs into memory pools if necessary.
You can control how much work can be done in a subsystem by controlling the number and
size of the memory pools. The greater the size of the memory pools in a subsystem, the more
work can be done in the subsystem.
Note: WRKSYSVAL QPFRADJ is not the only performance adjuster tool available for
iSeries. Several IBM Business Partners have built similar and often more comprehensive
toolkits that provide automatic performance monitoring and adjustment to provide a total
and fully tailorable performance adjusting and tuning solution.
2 There is not always a one-to-one match between the name of server tasks and the job name. The INDEXER task appears as an
UPDATE job, and all job names starting with the letter Q (for example QNNINSTS) do not appear in the Domino tasks list.
Note: Prior to OS/400 V5R1, the pools were called storage pools. Now Operations
Navigator, the graphical user interface for OS/400 administrators and operators, uses the
term memory pool, while most of the CL commands still refer to “storage pool”. To be
consistent with the latest version of the user interface, we use the term “memory pool” in
this book.
Chapter 6. Tuning the iSeries server for Lotus Domino 167
By default, all Domino servers will run in the *BASE memory pool. This is quite adequate in
most scenarios, but there are times when you may want to place a Domino server in its own
storage pool to allow you to specify specific priorities, amounts of memory, and so on.
The scenario where this becomes most important is when Domino is running on the same
server that is also hosting interactive, 5250-based applications written in RPG or other
languages. Both the Domino tasks and the 5250 jobs will run at run priority 20. They will
compete for the same CPU cycles. Since Domino tends to require much more processing
power than traditional OS/400 applications, a heavy Domino application may severely impact
the response times of other applications.
If Domino and traditional interactive applications were left to run at the same priority level and
in the same memory pool, neither set of applications would run well. In this scenario, it is
much better to separate the memory pools for the Domino server and interactive jobs.
The reason for doing so is this, as described above, is that the interactive jobs typically stay
active for a very short time. If Domino tasks stay active for much longer time periods, the
pages needed by the interactive jobs will be moved out of memory over time. Once the jobs
become active again, those pages need to be moved back into memory. This costs valuable
time and increases the response times.
The purpose of separate memory pools is to guarantee a certain amount of memory to a
group of jobs, which will not be paged out, because other jobs (not part of the same group)
need memory. Typically this “group of jobs” belongs to the same application or run in the
same subsystem, but that is not necessarily so. For example, you may use the predefined
shared3 pool *INTERACT for all your interactive 5250 applications.
Figure 6-2 shows an example of all active memory pools as they appear under Operations
Figure 6-2 Active memory pools
Periodically checking the amount of memory your memory pools use is important. By
monitoring these levels, you can tune your pools to run at maximum efficiency, which in turn,
keeps the work cycle running smoothly. In Operations Navigator, you can easily monitor the
amount of memory your pools are using.
To check the memory usage, follow these steps:
1. In Operations Navigator, expand My AS/400 Connections.
2. Expand the connection for your iSeries server.
3. Expand Work Management.
3 “Shared” means this pool may be shared by jobs running in multiple subsystems, but not by all jobs in the system.
168 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
4. Expand Memory Pools, and then click Active Pools or Shared Pools.
5. Right-click the memory pool you want to work (for example, Interactive) and select
6. Click the Configuration tab. The Current field, under Size, shows the amount of memory
the pool currently has.
The following sections describe the different types of memory pools and how to assign one to
Domino servers.
The machine pool (*MACHINE)
This is the pool in which highly shared OS/400 jobs and microcode tasks (License Internal
Code) run. The machine pool provides storage for jobs the system must run that do not
require your attention. The size for this memory pool is specified in the system value
QMCHPOOL. No user jobs run in this pool.
While Operations Navigator refers to the pools by name (see Figure 6-2), the machine pool
appears as system pool identifier 1 on the Work with System Status (WRKSYSSTS) display.
Normally, this pool should have the rate of non-DB faults less than one per second.
The base pool (*BASE)
This is the memory pool where all Domino jobs run by default. It contains all memory that is
not allocated by other (private or shared) memory pools.
The base pool contains storage that can be shared by many subsystems. The system value
QBASPOOL specifies the minimum size of the base pool. Its activity level is specified in the
system value QBASACTLVL.
The base pool is used for batch work and miscellaneous system functions. While the
Operations Navigator refers to the pools by name (see Figure 6-2), the machine pool appears
as system pool identifier 2 on the Work with System Status (WRKSYSSTS) display. We
recommend that you keep all Domino jobs in the *BASE pool, unless you decide to isolate the
storage for one or more Domino servers in one of the shared pools*SHRPOOL1 to
General shared pools (*SPOOL, *INTERACT, *SHRPOOLxx)
There can be up to 62 shared memory pools in OS/400. As the name implies, they can be
shared by two or more subsystems. However, to enable automatic performance adjustment
for a pool used by a Domino server, it may make sense to assign one of the shared pools to a
single Domino subsystem.
The size and activity level of a shared pool, as well as the expert cache behavior (paging
option), can be changed with the Change Shared Pool (CHGSHRPOOL) or Work with
Shared Storage Pools (WRKSHRPOOL) command.
After you define the size and activity level for one of the shared pools, you use the Change
Subsystem Description (CHGSBSD) command to assign the pool to the subsystem. For
example, to assign *SHRPOOL3 to the subsystem DOMINO02, enter:
To assign the *BASE pool to the subsystem again, you would use the following command:
Chapter 6. Tuning the iSeries server for Lotus Domino 169
The following rules apply to Domino subsystems:
The subsystem description for each Domino server resides in library QUSRNOTES.
The name of the subsystem description is, by default, DOMINOxx or the name you
assigned to it when you configured the Domino server. You can find out about the existing
subsystem names for Domino by using the Work with Domino Servers (WRKDOMSVR)
In general, each subsystem can have up to 10 memory pools assigned to it. However, the
Domino tasks will only use the first pool in the subsystem description. Therefore don’t
assign more than one pool to each subsystem.
The Change Subsystem Description (CHGSBSD) command can be used while the
subsystem is active. However, if you assign a new pool, it will only be used when new jobs
are started, which is normally only the case when the server is started. Using the Domino
console command restart server is not sufficient, because the SERVER job remains
active in the same pool as before and so do all other tasks submitted by SERVER in order
to complete the restart.
The shared pools *SPOOL and *INTERACT should not be used for Domino subsystems,
since they are predefined for the spool printer (QSPOOL) and the interactive subsystem
(QINTER). QPFRADJ uses some special assumptions.
Private memory pools
Private pools can only be used by a single subsystem and are not automatically tuned by
QPFRADJ. Therefore, we do not recommend using a private pool for a Domino server, unless
you have a good reason for manually tuning a single Domino server.
For more information about creating memory pools, see the iSeries Information Center
(http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/pubs/html/as400/infocenter.htm) or OS/400 Work
Management for Version 4 Release 4, SC41-5306.
6.4.1 Using expert cache
You can set up the system to dynamically adjust a memory pool. Expert cache uses a storage
management tuner, which runs independently of the system dynamic tuner, to examine
overall paging characteristics and history of the pool. There is a setting for each memory pool
that controls how aggressive OS/400 storage management is about paging data into memory.
This setting is called expert cache.
When expert cache is turned on for a memory pool, if objects are referred to sequentially, the
system brings large blocks of data into memory and delays writing changes back to auxiliary
storage. This reduces the number of I/O operations used by the job. It also reduces the
contention for disk drives, which in turn, reduces the time that jobs wait on I/O requests. If
objects are referred to randomly, the system does not bring in large blocks of data because if
would not reduce the number of I/O operations.
One advantage of using expert cache (*CALC) is that the system dynamically determines
which objects should have larger blocks of data brought into main storage. This is based on
how frequently the object is accessed. If the object is no longer accessed heavily, the system
automatically makes the storage available for other objects that are accessed. If the newly
accessed objects become heavily accessed, the objects have larger blocks of data placed in
main storage.
Expert cache was created because of the need for batch jobs to page large amounts of data
into memory and then process it. It was not very efficient for the batch jobs to have to keep
paging data into memory, so expert cache helped to alleviate this problem.
170 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Domino can benefit from expert cache because of its batch-like processing characteristics.
Because a Domino database contains the data and the design elements, it can be very
helpful to use expert cache to keep the Domino database paged into memory.
Setting expert cache
There are two paging options associated with each shared memory pool, *FIXED and *CALC.
By default, all pools have the option *FIXED specified. To turn on expert cache, change the
paging option for the pool to *CALC using either the Work with System Status (WRKSYSSTS)
or the Work with Shared Storage Pools (WRKSHRPOOL) command.
*FIXED: The system limits the amount of memory used by threads that are running in the
memory pool. The system transfers data from auxiliary storage and frequently writes
changed data back to auxiliary storage. When *FIXED is specified for a pool during
performance data collection, the Storage Pool Activity section of the Performance Tools
Component Report shows a value of 0 against the expert cache value for that pool.
*CALC: The system automatically determines the best approach for handling data in the
memory pool. If many threads are running in a small memory pool, the system limits the
amount of memory used by each thread. If the pool for those threads has enough memory,
the system determines (object by object) how much data to bring into the pool.
When *CALC is specified for a pool during a performance monitor data collection, the
Storage Pool Activity section of the Performance Tools Component Report shows a value
of 3 for the expert cache value for that pool.
As with any performance advice, this does not mean that expert cache is recommended for
every Domino environment. Expert cache can help in environments when a single Domino
database is accessed very frequently and by many different users. A Domino help desk
application is a good example. This database will be heavily used by the help desk staff, not
only for the function the application provides, but also for the large quantities of data stored in
the Domino database.
6.4.2 Activity levels of memory pools
Memory pool activity levels allow for efficient use of system resources by allowing more than
one thread to be active at the same time. The activity level of a pool is the maximum number
of threads that can be active at the same time in a memory pool. The system manages the
control of this level. Often during processing in a thread, a program waits for a system
resource or a response from a workstation user. During such waits, a thread gives up its use
of the memory pool so that another thread that is ready to be processed can take its place.
When more threads are started than can run at the same time because of the activity level
controls, the excess threads have to wait to use the processing unit (normally this wait is very
short). The memory pool activity level lets you limit the amount of main storage contention in
the various memory pools for your subsystems.
For the memory pool activity level, the number of threads running (or active threads) refers to
the number of threads that have an activity level. That is, the threads are actually running or
they may be waiting for a disk I/O operation. In this sense, active threads do not refer to
threads that are waiting for input, a message, a device to be allocated, or a file to be opened.
Active threads do not refer to threads that are ineligible (threads that are ready to run, but the
memory pool activity level is at its maximum).
Note: If you tune using *CALC and the system ends abnormally, the recovery time could
be longer than the recovery time would be with fixed paging.
Chapter 6. Tuning the iSeries server for Lotus Domino 171
A rule of thumb for the activity level factor used for the Domino subsystem is to have a value
large enough to support all the threads running on the subsystem. Use the WRKACTJOB
command to find the total number of threads running in the Domino subsystem or better still
use option 9 in the Work with Domino Servers (WRKDOMSVR) panel. Option 9 in
WRKDOMSVR is preferable over WRKACTJOB, because it shows only a subset of all jobs
and, therefore, causes less overhead. From there, you only have to press F11 twice to see the
number of threads for each job (Domino task) or use option 12 to see all threads of an
individual job. Most Domino tasks are multi-threaded. Examples of multi-threaded tasks
include Server, Event, and AMgr.
During previous testing, we found that an inadequate number of activity levels in the main
memory pool can cause time-outs for the threads in the server job, which in turn, could cause
the server application program/job itself, such as Domino, to crash. This is true for OS/400
V4R4 in particular since the threading model changed in V4R4, requiring more activity levels
to be required.
We also found that an insufficient number of activity levels causes the server task to end
abnormally and then automatically start again, which causes a huge performance impact.
These problems are reported in the QSYSOPR message queue with messages CPF0908
and CPF0909.
6.4.3 Faulting rates
Keep the page faulting rate in machine pool, memory pool 1, as low as possible because this
pool contains objects that are used system-wide. One way to affect the paging in the machine
pool is to adjust the size of the pool.
The automatic performance adjustor built into OS/400, QPFRADJ, calculates an acceptable
level of faulting based on the number of active threads in a pool. Even if QPFRADJ = '0' (no
tuning), you can use the same calculations to determine acceptable levels of faulting in your
storage pools. QPFRADJ uses the faulting levels in Table 6-1.
Table 6-1 QPFRADJ faulting levels
QPFRADJ assumes:
*INTERACT has only interactive jobs.
*SPOOL has only spool jobs.
*SHRPOOL1-60 has only batch jobs.
Here are some examples to illustrate this:
In an interactive pool, if there are 40 active threads, an acceptable faulting rate would be:
5 + (40 × .50) = 25 faults per second
If there are 20 batch threads active in a pool, an acceptable faulting rate would be:
10 + (20 × 2.00) = 50 faults per second
Pool Minimum faults Faults per thread Maximum faults
*MACHINE 10.00 .00 10.00
*BASE 10.00 2.00 100
Interactive 5.00 .50 200
Spool 5.00 1.00 100
Batch 10.00 2.00 100
172 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
If the calculation is greater than Maximum Faults, then use the Maximum Faults value.
Here are some general notes on sizing pools, activity rates, and faulting:
The rule for setting the machine pool size is to set it to two times the number shown in the
Reserved Size column.
Notice the sum of Non Database (Non-DB) faults in all of the storage pools. The Non-DB
faults include program code, thread work areas, and variables, among other structures. To
affect the faulting rate in the pool (except the machine pool), change both the size and the
activity level of the pool. You can use one of two methods to decrease the amount of page
– Reduce the activity levels per pool to provide more memory per activity level.
– Increase the size of the storage pool to add more storage available per activity level.
You can use one of two methods to increase the amount of faults:
– Increase the number of activity levels per pool.
– Decrease the size of the storage pool.
Notice the sum of the database faults in all of the storage pools. Remember that a system
with no non-database faults is a dead system.
Basically, a fault is an order to acquire data from a disk and transfer it to main storage to
allow changes to the data. Technically speaking, a page fault is a program notification that
occurs when a page that is marked as not being in main storage is referred to by an active
To increase the number of activity levels, simply specify a new value for pool size on the
WRKSYSSTS screen (see Figure 6-3 on page 175).
Notice the thread state transitions. When the pool size and activity level settings are in
balance with each other, the ratio of columns (from left to right) should be ten to one
(10:1). Usually, when the pool size and activity level settings are correct for the workload,
the transition rates fall within the guidelines.
Wait-to-Ineligible transitions need not be zero all the time. When there is a momentary
period of heavy usage, it may be better to let the jobs become ineligible to avoid excessive
page fault rates or thrashing.
Increase the number of activity levels to reduce the rate of Wait-to-Ineligible transitions.
For pools including interactive like threads, the Wait->Ineligible should be small (less than
10% of Active->Wait). If you see any Active->Ineligible, increase the activity level
(MAXACT) by 5 to 10 until the Active>Ineligible is 0. After you increase the MAXACT
value, press PF10 to reset the statistics. Do not use PF5 to refresh. You should wait at
least one minute between refreshes.
Keep the time frame of the observation period between five and 30 minutes. If the
observation period is less than five minutes, the occasional peak loads tend to distract the
rates of both faults and pages. If the time period is over 30 minutes, the important data
may be lost because the counters holding the data may get wrapped.
The interactive guideline of 0.50 is based on the assumption that the user enters a
transaction every 20 seconds and 10 faults per transaction is acceptable level. (10
faults per transaction per thread ÷ 20 seconds per transaction = 0.5 faults per thread.)
The batch guideline is based on the assumption that a page fault takes 0.010 seconds.
For one job, the acceptable level is 12 faults per second. Therefore, the batch thread
would spend 12% of its time page faulting (.010 × 12 × 100%). This should be an
acceptable level for most systems.
Chapter 6. Tuning the iSeries server for Lotus Domino 173
6.5 Choosing which processor priority to use
The term “interactive” has a very specific meaning in OS/400. It refers to 5250 (or 3270)
green-screen based processing with some strong performance implications. Each processor
has an Interactive Commercial Processing Workload (Interactive CPW) rating that provides
an indication of how much interactive work can be accommodated.
Although we as Domino users would consider much of Domino’s Mail and Applications to be
“interactive”, in OS/400 terms the tasks that support this Domino work are actually
implemented as batch immediate jobs.
When looking at changing or setting priorities, Domino has tasks with different behavior
patterns; some such as the SERVER task, behave more like interactive jobs:
They become active for a relative short period of time, typically for some seconds or less.
Then they wait for the user’s next request, usually longer than a minute.
ADMINP, AMGR, and UPDATE perform in a more batch like manner, similar to traditional
batch jobs:
They run constantly for a long time (minutes or even hours).
They only pause when they have to wait for disk I/O or at time-slice end if another
job/thread with higher priority is ready to run.
The number of jobs/threads with higher priority (and not in long wait) is higher than the
activity level for the pool.
The run priority of jobs on the iSeries is normally set based on the type of work that is being
Interactive jobs started on a 5250 (or 3270) terminal run at priority 20.
Traditional batch jobs that are submitted to run in the background run at priority 50 by
The higher priority of interactive jobs ensures that requests from a user are honored
immediately by possibly interrupting a batch job running with lower priority (50). Since
interactive usually only spend a short time actively processing, control will be soon returned
to the batch job or jobs.
All Domino jobs on the iSeries server run as batch immediate jobs and all have a run priority
of 20. That is, even Domino tasks with a “batch like” behavior compete directly with other
tasks or interactive jobs, which need to respond quickly. In most cases, this does not pose any
kind of problem.
However, we have seen situations where a huge portion of the total CPU utilization was
consumed by background tasks like UPDATE or AMGR. The fact that overall CPU utilization
raises very high does not necessarily mean it causes problems, but when the majority of CPU
resources is consumed by high priority jobs, the response times may increase.
So, if the response times for the Notes clients (and traditional interactive applications, if any)
raises exceptionally high during times when you observe high CPU utilization caused by jobs
like UPDATE, AMGR, it may help if you reduce the priority of those tasks. Note, however, you
should not overestimate.
Note: Remember that the purpose in tuning is to process the workload as smoothly as
possible without overusing any of the system resources.
174 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
You may find out which jobs are consuming most CPU resources by using the Work with
System Activity (WRKSYSACT) command, described in 4.10.4, “Work with System Activity
(WRKSYSACT) command” on page 71, or the platform dependent statistics in statrep.nsf
(see 5.3, “Combining performance data from Domino and iSeries” on page 152).
6.5.1 Changing the run priority of Domino tasks
With Domino R5, you can change the priority (or other runtime characteristics like time slice)
of Domino jobs permanently. Prior to R5, any changes to the runtime priority of a Domino job
only lasted for the life of the job. If the Domino subsystem was stopped and then restarted,
the priority of the individual jobs that had been changed were reset back to the original
runtime priority.
With R5, you can permanently enable a Domino job to run at a different priority than the
default of priority 20. This is a two step process:
1. Create a class that defines the specified run priority. Use the Create Class (CRTCLS)
command for this step. The class must be created in the library QUSRNOTES. Here is an
example of creating a class named updatecls that will have a runtime priority of 30:
crtcls cls(qusrnotes/updatecls) runpty(30)
crtcls cls(qusrnotes/mailcls) runpty(28)
crtslc cls(qusrnotes/amgrcls) runpty(25)
2. Tell the Domino server which tasks should use this class. Domino for iSeries looks for this
information in the directory /qibm/userdata/lotus/notes/ domino_classes. You can use the
Edit File Utility (EDTF) to create this file if it doesn't already exist.
The contents of this file should be SERVER, the name of the Domino server; CLASS, the
name of the class you created in step #1 above; and TASKS, a list of the Domino jobs (or
tasks) that you want to use for the class you created to obtain a different runtime priority.
An example follows:
Each time the update job is started for Domino server Mail01, it obtains the runtime priority
that was defined in class updatecls, with a runtime priority of 30. Notice that the Domino
tasks router and SMTP that which are also associated with Domino server Mail01 will have yet
a different runtime priority, the priority associated with class mailcls (28).
The /qibm/userdata/lotus/notes/domino_classes file is referenced for all Domino servers on a
given iSeries server. To change the runtime priority of a task in a different Domino server,
specify the server with the keyword SERVER and then reference the class and tasks that you
want to use the new runtime priority. Here the AMgr task in the App01 Domino server will
adopt the run priority of the amgrcls class, which is 25.
Be careful when adjusting the run priority of Domino tasks. If you do not fully understand the
impact of the changes you are making, you may cause other performance problems or cause
the application to fail. For example, if you change the run priority of the router task to a lower
run priority (30 as an example), mail may not be routed in a timely fashion and the server can
get back logged.
Chapter 6. Tuning the iSeries server for Lotus Domino 175
6.6 DASD: System ASP, user ASPs, and independent ASPs
Typically on iSeries all disk (DASD) is shared by all jobs, using (system ASP 0). It is possible
to limit disk space by dividing out some of the main DASD storage at a physical disk level into
1 to 32 auxiliary storage pools (ASP) composed of one or more disks in each user ASP.
In V5R1, the independent ASP (IASP) allows the definition of up to 67 IASPs. The IASP
allows a set of disks to be moved to a different iSeries server in the case of a planned or
unplanned outage of one server.
Using ASPs is less commonly done these days with the advent of RAID, mirrored disks, and
storage area network (SAN) systems. But historically separating out some ASPs for journal
files was essential, so that both the journal and data were not sharing the same physical unit
for performance reasons and could be recovered in the event of a disk crash.
This technique with using ASPs is particularly important to separate out the transaction
logging files from the Domino data files and directories for performance reasons to minimize
the movement of the disk access arm.
Figure 6-3 shows the system status display, which includes the pool activity.
Figure 6-3 Work with System Status display
All Domino jobs/tasks can have their runtime priority changed with the exception of the
QNNINSTS job. That can be changed together with the default for all other task by
changing the class with the same name as the domino subsystem (for example
DOMINO01) in library QUSRNOTES.
OS/400 Version 4 Release 3 (V4R3) or higher is required for this support.
12/09/01 12:41:13 ACME01
% CPU used . . . . . . . : 26.2 System ASP . . . . . . . : 106.0 G
Elapsed time . . . . . . : 00:00:05 % system ASP used . . . : 76.8542
Jobs in system . . . . . : 776 Total aux stg . . . . . : 106.0 G
% perm addresses . . . . : .007 Current unprotect used . : 7345 M
% temp addresses . . . . : .015 Maximum unprotect . . . : 7930 M
Sys Pool Reserved Max ----DB----- --Non-DB--- Act- Wait- Act-
Pool Size K Size K Act Fault Pages Fault Pages Wait Inel Inel
1 668800 280884 +++++ .0 .0 .0 .0 11.8 .0 .0
2 1741704 20 123 .0 .0 .0 .0 47.2 .0 .0
3 47184 0 9 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0
4 1260104 0 17 .0 .0 .9 1.9 23.6 .0 .0
5 1000800 316 1775 .0 .0 .0 .0 3139 .0 .0
F21=Select assistance level
176 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
6.7 Unleashing iSeries work management on Domino servers
The way Domino is implemented on the iSeries is to have each Domino server be its own
subsystem. There are various aspects to keep in mind when configuring a Domino server that
can impact the performance. Let’s address some of these areas.
6.7.1 Configuring a Domino server
When you configure a Domino server on your iSeries server, a subsystem description is
automatically created for you. In Domino R5 for iSeries, you have the choice of accepting the
default name of DOMINOxx or providing a more descriptive name of you own choice for the
You may want to consider creating a memory pool for every server instead of using the default
values that point to a system pool *BASE as explained in 6.4, “Choosing which memory pool
to use” on page 166. If you do, you should change the subsystem description in library
QUSRNOTES, which was created during the configuration process. We found, however, that
most Domino implementations are fine by leaving all Domino subsystems running out of the
default *BASE memory pool.
6.7.2 Starting a Domino server
By default (“out of the box”), all the jobs running in the Domino subsystem are started with the
same job class, and same job class name as the default subsystem description for Domino in
library QUSRNOTES. All jobs running in a Domino subsystem have exactly the same run
attributes by default. This works well in the majority of cases, but is not ideal from an iSeries
work management point of view when many Domino servers are competing for the same
resources, or when a Domino server is competing with interactive tasks executing on the
system. Some of the Domino jobs are for batch-like functions, such as router, updater, and
indexer tasks, where some jobs are for highly responsive functions, typically the threads for
users NRPC (client) requests and HTTP requests. If you start seeing a problem on an
“untuned” Domino for iSeries, this is one of the first areas to look.
You have two options to adjust the run parameters on a Domino subsystem:
Use Operations Navigator or option 2 in the Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) panel
to change the parameters of one job (and all the threads initialized by that job) at a time on
a real-time basis. This changes the run priority only for the duration of the job. Once the
Domino server is ended and restarted, the run priority will change back to the default of
run priority 20. For details on adjusting the run priority of individual jobs, see the
discussion in the following section.
Create a partitioned server for separate function sets that enable you to create different
memory pools for these servers. With this method, you can also specify different run
attributes by using different class descriptions in various Domino subsystem descriptions.
For example, create a separate Domino server just for mail routing purposes.
We have customer requests to lower the priority of Domino R5 jobs, including Update, Sched,
and AGMR, that are not used to service users directly. For details on changing the run priority
of these and other Domino jobs/tasks, see 6.5.1, “Changing the run priority of Domino tasks”
on page 174.
Chapter 6. Tuning the iSeries server for Lotus Domino 177
6.7.3 Working with Domino jobs
The Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command measures system performance by
measuring aspects such as the CPU usage and response time. As mentioned before, it may
be better to use option 9 from Work with Domino Servers (WRKDOMSVR) panel to consume
less CPU when looking at the resource consumption of Domino jobs.
To view the Work with Active Jobs display, type the WRKACTJOB command on any
command line and press the Enter key. By pressing F21, more jobs appear on the display as
shown in Figure 6-4.
Pressing F11 cycles the display between the basic status, elapsed data, and information
about threads as shown in Figure 6-4.
Figure 6-4 Work with Active Jobs display
Place the cursor on any column and press F16 to arrange the display in a descending
sequence. For example, you can look at CPU%, response time, and disk I/O.
Answer the question: “Are any Domino jobs consuming a large proportion of CPU?”
Press the F10 key. Wait at least one minute, and press the F10 key again. This ensures that
you have a good sample of data for the time period during which you are experiencing
decreased performance.
Move the cursor to the CPU% column. Then, press the F16 key to sort the list and move
those with the highest CPU usage to the top. If any individual Domino job/task is consuming
large amounts of CPU, you need to determine what application functions are causing the
workload for this task. It may be that too many users are active at one time for the CPU
resources in demand.
You can also use the Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command to change the run
attributes of a job. The following steps show how to change the run priority for one job:
CPU %: 97.8 Elapsed time: 00:24:01 Active jobs: 260
Opt Subsystem/Job User Number Type CPU % Threads
DOMINO06 QSYS 514292 SBS .0 1
AMGR QNOTES 514321 BCI .0 1
AMGR QNOTES 514324 BCI .0 3
DRT QNOTES 516888 BCI .0 1
HTTP QNOTES 515570 BCI .0 48
EVENT QNOTES 514334 BCI 1.1 8
ROUTER QNOTES 514310 BCI 4.2 4
SCHED QNOTES 514328 BCI .0 1
SERVER QNOTES 514300 BCI 15.9 257
SERVER QNOTES 514343 BCI 45.6 256
SERVER QNOTES 514344 BCI 22.9 256
UPDATE QNOTES 514318 BCI 1.3 1
F21=Display instructions/keys
178 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
1. Press the F11 key to see the job priority.
2. Enter option 2 to change the job run attributes. Enter the desired run priority in the
RUNPTY parameter on the command line to change the priority for a job. Valid run priority
entries range from 1 (highest priority) through 99 (lowest priority).
Priority ranges 1 to 10 are reserved for system tasks. You should not change the run
priority of Domino tasks to a priority above run priority 20 (run priority values 1 -19). This
could cause unexpected problems of your Domino environment or other applications.
It is much more typical to lower the run priority of an individual Domino job by changing the
run priority value to something above 20 (a good range is 21 to 35). Remember that
changing the run priority of the job will affect the run priorities of all threads within the job.
3. Press Enter for the change to take affect.
6.8 Online backup with BRMS
Online backup of Domino databases and now incremental online backup on iSeries are
implemented with the IBM licensed product Backup Recovery and Media Services for AS/400
(BRMS), available for OS/400 V4R4 and V4R5 as 5769-BR1 and for V5R1 as 5722-BR1.
Writing individual Domino databases to physical devices would have unacceptable
performance. Therefore, the databases are backed up in groups (5 is the default). You can
change this group value by adding the following entry in the notes.ini file for the server
(WRKDOMSVR for Domino or WRKLQPSVR for QuickPlace - option 13):
Here x is the number of files to group in one BRMS package.
As you increase this number, all databases of your Domino server are backed up more
quickly.However, all databases in the group (that is, the x number) will be logged during the
backup with the changes backed up separately. Because all the databases in the group are
logged until all databases in the group are backed up, the time during which changes to the
databases can occur is increased and the size of the changes backed up will increase. When
the databases are recovered, the changes to the database that occurred during the backup
will be re-applied. This process takes longer as the number of changes increases.
If your server is being backed up during heavy server usage, you will want to keep this group
value relatively small (3 to 7), so that fewer changes occur to the database during the backup
operation. As a result, recovery of the database can occur in a reasonable amount of time.
If your server is being backed up during off hours when server use is low, you can set the
group value higher (10 to 20 or even higher) to speed up the backup operation, while keeping
the recovery time reasonable. The maximum group value is 120. If you are saving your data
to a TSM server, then you should not set your group value higher than 90.
When to take a full backup
A complete backup must be the start point of your recovery. The more you take, the less log
files need to be replayed in the event of a DB loss and subsequent recovery. The more full
backups you take, the slower your backup cycle is (in time taken to backup), and the more
data you need to store. BRMS has a limit of not more than 98 online incremental backups of a
Domino database before you must perform a full backup. We recommend that you perform an
online full backup of the entire Domino data directory at least once a week.
Chapter 6. Tuning the iSeries server for Lotus Domino 179
Server backups using BRMS/400 and how QNNINBRM works
When you use the Configure Domino Server (CFGDOMSVR) or the Change Domino Server
(CHGDOMSVR) command to add incremental backup support, you specify
ADLSVR(*BRMS) on the command. This causes the configure (or change) support to add an
entry to the ServerTasks= line of QNNINBRM.
This QNNINBRM adding task queries if a transaction log is full, copies it, and then tells
Domino, via the API, that it is now available for re-use. There isn't a specific interval it checks
for. If it finds that a transaction log is available, it checks more often to see if a new one
becomes available to be copied. If a log isn't available, it gradually lengthens the time
between checks.
So if the system is busy and filling transaction logs at a fast rate, it checks more frequently to
see if a log is full to be copied. If it slows down and logs aren't being filled as quickly, then the
checks gradually become longer between checks until a log becomes full. Then it shortens
the time again. The work it performs is saving the changes that have been made to the
databases that are stored in the TxL logs (just keeping the changes is the “incremental” part
of incremental backup).
Server backups using BRMS/400 and performance recommendations
BRMS/400 copies each completed log file to a sub-directory until the process of copying the
TxL files to tape or another backup medium is completed. The safest and fastest place for
these BRMS backup copies of the logs would be on another system, preferably in another
building. For example, if the BRMS backup sub-directory were an NFS mount point, the files
would immediately be held at a safe location.
It would in any case also be preferable if that sub-directory were not on the same ASP as the
open TxL logs, for performance reasons, and because if the physical disk failed (and there
was no journaling, RAID mirroring or SAN available), the logs together with their recent
backup copies would both be lost. Losing the TxL disks will crash Domino so all buffered
Notes data will be lost and therefore data loss on restart will be high after fixup, compact, and
Faster backups, reduced volumes, increased recoverability
IBM has shown from their own use of transaction logging that they can cut backup volume by
90% – huge cost savings. You can also recover a database to any point in time with this
method – not just the 24 hour snapshot most companies have now.
Section 13.4.1, “Incremental online backup with BRMS” on page 384, offers some
considerations regarding Domino transaction logging, which is necessary for BRMS online
backup. For more information about Domino online backup with BRMS, refer to:
6.9 Network tuning
Since all users are connected to either a local area network (LAN) or wide area network
(WAN) to your Domino servers, the performance of the network is also crucial to provide
decent response times to your users.
The main items that are of concern here are the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size for
the line description, send and receive buffer size, port filtering, and duplex settings. For the
recommendation for each of these areas, read on.
180 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
6.9.1 Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) Size
The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) Size parameter affects the actual size of the line
flows. By increasing the value of this parameter, you can reduce the overall number of
transmissions, and therefore, increase the potential capacity of the CPU and the IOP
(input/output processor).
Similar parameters also exist on the client. The negotiated value is the minimum of the server
and client (and perhaps any bridges/routers), so increase them all. The recommended setting
varies depending on the communications protocol that is being used:
4 MB Token Ring = 4060
16 MB Token Ring = 16388
Ethernet 802.3 = 1492
Ethernet version 2 = 1500
To change the MTU size, complete these steps:
1. Type CFGTPC on any command line. You see the Configure TCP/IP display.
2. From the Configure TCP/IP display, select option 2 (Work with TCP/IP Routes) and press
Enter. You see the Work with TCP/IP Routes display.
3. From the Work with TCP/IP Routes display, type 2 in the Opt column next to the IP
address used by your Domino server. You see the Change TCP/IP Route display.
4. On the Change TCP/IP Route display, type in the recommendation from above in the
Maximum transmission unit (MTU) parameter.
6.9.2 TCP/IP buffer size
Web serving performance can be increased by tuning the buffer size that is used by TCP/IP,
especially when sending large amounts of data. If your network is very reliable, try increasing
the buffer size from the default (8000) to 64000. If your network experiences a significant
amount of collisions or congestion, you may be able to improve performance by decreasing
the TCP/IP send and receive buffers. This is because it will take less time to detect a bad
packet, and less data will need to be retransmitted.
To change the buffer size, follow these steps:
1. From a command line, type CFGTCP.
2. From the Configure TCP/IP display, select option 3 (Change TCP/IP Attributes).
3. On the Change TCP/IP Attributes display screen, locate the TCP receive buffer size
(TCPRCVBUF) and type a new value.
4. Locate the send buffer size (TCPSNDBUF) and type a new value.
5. Press Enter.
6.9.3 Port filtering
Filtering happens on every communications line, so you want to make sure that you have the
proper hardware configuration to enable this support. It has happened in the past that filtering
has not been setup correctly on a system and the result was a communications performance
The primary concern has been with the 2838 Ethernet card. If you have this card, check the
part number and ensure that filtering is optimally configured.
Chapter 6. Tuning the iSeries server for Lotus Domino 181
If the part number is 21H9067 on the 2838 Ethernet card, then an external filter is required.
The external filter cable with part number 97H7385 is recommended.
If the part number on the 2838 Ethernet card is 21H5458, or anything else, it has built in
filtering, so you should not have an external filter since this double filtering can cause
6.9.4 Duplex
Ethernet supports both half and full duplex. The best performance will be with FULL duplex.
However, the duplex setting on the line description must match the setting on the port on the
switch if the line is hooked up to a switch. Be especially careful if you set your Ethernet switch
or your line description to *AUTO. In many cases, we have found where performance is
severely degraded because the duplex setting did not auto-negotiate correctly. It is probably
best to configure switches and line descriptions to either *FULL or *HALF explicitly.
If the line is connected directly to a 8271 Ethernet switch, the switch's port is FULL duplex.
Therefore, the duplex setting on the Ethernet line description should be set to FULL.
If the line is connected to a “stackable” hub, then the duplex setting on the line should be set
to HALF to match the hub setting.
6.9.5 TCPONLY for Ethernet
TCP/IP performance can be even further improved in V4R4 by setting the TCPONLY
parameter to *YES on an Ethernet line description. This decreases the TCP/IP code path
length by limiting the code that is loaded in the IOP for the line description. Ethernet was a
focus area in improving communications performance in V4R4. To get the best TCP/IP
performance, upgrade to V4R4 and take advantage of the improvements and set up your
network to use full duplex.
182 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 183
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better
performance on iSeries
A Domino server is no more (or less!) than a complex application running in an environment
of its own. To effectively and successfully tune such an application, you obviously have to
know what the application is doing, what all the smaller parts of the application are doing, and
how it all ties in together. For example, consider a case where you reduce the priority on what
appears an insignificant batch-like thread. You could kill the performance or even the entire
application, if, for example this was the common and necessarily single-threaded lock
handler! So you must know what you are tuning if you want consistent and predictable results.
This chapter describes what parameters and configuration options within the Lotus Domino
environment can be changed to influence the performance of the server. See Chapter 6,
“Tuning the iSeries server for Lotus Domino” on page 161, for the influence of OS/400
configuration parameters on the performance of Lotus Domino.
This chapter provides details on:
Tuning Domino using the notes.ini parameters
Special considerations for Domino tasks, for example UPDATE, that often have a high
impact on overall resource utilization
184 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
7.1 Basics of Domino tuning
The following sections emphasize the possibilities a Domino administrator has to optimize the
workload that a Domino for iSeries server can handle. Tuning for best performance, however,
starts with a good application design during the development phase. More information on
application development performance for Domino can be found in the redbook Performance
Considerations for Domino Applications, SG24-5602.
The best way to improve Domino performance is to:
1. Plan ahead.
2. Test the Domino application thoroughly on a test system and then on a pilot system.
3. Start performance monitoring from day one before the first user signs on.
4. Constantly analyze your performance data and adjust your sizing based on actual facts.
5. Implement the application on the production system.
6. Roll it out gradually, a few users at a time, constantly monitoring its performance.
7. Continue to analyze the performance data and report future trends and hardware needs.
It has been considered best industry practice in recent years to use a centralized server or
workstation to centrally capture, collect, and report the statistics of a group of servers. If you
have this type of “background” processing on one of your iSeries machines, always set the
run priority and time slice values relatively low on that subsystem description. This keeps
these background activities in the background and does not disturb the productive work of the
7.2 Relating Domino tasks to iSeries jobs
A Domino subsystem contains a number of jobs. Each supports a different basic Domino
task. The following list explains the OS/400 job names and their corresponding tasks on the
Domino side:
ADMINP The major Domino scheduler job running batch-like updates
AMGR Domino Agent Manager; takes care of pre-defined agents
CALCONN Connects the Domino calendar to other types of calendars
EVENT Domino Event Handler
QNNINSTS Monitors and manages automatic recovery (No corresponding task)
REPLICA Domino database Replicator Task
REPORT Domino Report Generator (adding data to STATREP.NSF)
ROUTER Domino Mail Routing Task
SCHED Domino Scheduler Task
SERVER The main Domino Server Task
UPDATE UPDATE task for Domino database indexes and views
For a fully detailed description of these functions, see Chapter 8, “Understanding the Domino
server jobs” on page 229. After you determine what is using the excessive CPU or any other
system resource, the Domino administrator and OS/400 operator should work together to
reduce or remove the problem.
Remember: A very obvious but important lesson about server tasks and functions is that if
your organizational requirements have no need of a particular function, do not start and
run it on your server!
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 185
7.3 Domino parameters that affect performance
The major tuning tool for Domino is the notes.ini parameters found both in the notes.ini file
and in the configuration documents in the Domino Directory (names.nsf formerly called the
Name and Address book or Public Address Book). Many of these settings drastically affect
Domino performance. They are sorted by function in tables starting with Appendix C,
“Important notes.ini parameters” on page 435. For more detailed information on notes.ini
parameters, see:
Notes Administration help (installed on your Domino server as file help5_admin.nsf)
Search Notes.Net Ask Professor INI: http://www.notes.net/today.nsf/profini?OpenView
The Prominic.net site has a useful lookup and descriptive list:
Chapter 42 and Appendix E in Lotus Domino 5—Administering the Domino System, which
comes in two volumes with your Lotus Domino server.
7.4 Domino Database indexing: Controlling the UPDATE task
One of the most common, preventable causes of poor response time and performance of
Domino servers is excessive and unnecessary activity of the Domino UPDATE task. This task
is responsible for updating and rebuilding the indexes of Domino database views. It is
designed to run in the background and is intended to improve response time and
performance by ensuring that when a user opens a database view, the user does not have to
wait for it to be indexed. Ironically, it often turns out to have the opposite effect.
This section explains how the UPDATE task is supposed to work. It looks at how Domino
administrators and designers can monitor and control it to improve server performance. It also
explains the potential impact to performance when the UPDATE task is running excessively. It
provides a hint of the kind of improvements you might see by correcting the problem.
7.4.1 Components of the Domino database indexer
Lotus Technote #167013 provides a great deal of information regarding the Domino Indexer
and the UPDATE task. This section includes a few excerpts that are relevant to the topics in
this book. However, you should read the entire Technote if you want to understand what
happens under the covers. You can find the Technote by searching for 167013 on the Lotus
Support Web site at: http://www.support.lotus.com
The Indexer is composed of three components:
The UPDATE task
The UPDALL task
The Notes Indexing Facility (NIF) Subsystem
The Indexer, as a whole, is responsible for keeping the active views and the full text indexes
current, within the databases. It processes any requests for changes to documents within a
database, so that the active view collections and the full text indexes display the most recent
modifications and current information.
The UPDATE task
UPDATE is a Domino server task that should run at all times (under normal conditions; this is
explained later). You can load the UPDATE task in one of two ways:
186 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Automatically, by specifying it in the “ServerTasks=” line in the notes.ini file. This is the
default when you configure a Domino server. Here's an example of the “ServerTasks=”
Manually, from the Domino console, using this command:
load update
The UPDATE task works continuously from a queue called $UpdateQueue. When a change
occurs in a database (such as deletions, additions, or edits), a corresponding request is
entered into the UPDATE queue. UPDATE checks the queue every 5 seconds for any new
requests that have been deposited and takes the requests from the queue on a first-come,
first-served basis.
$UpdateQueue is a hard-coded queue that has a maximum capacity of 500 requests. These
requests include updates to view indexes as well as full text indexes. When a request is
placed into the queue, the actual names of the databases and paths to the databases are
stored in the queue, not the view names themselves. No published method is available to
display the actual contents of the $Update queue.
To see if UPDATE is running and what it is doing, you can use the show tasks console
command. From the Domino console, it is displayed as the Indexer task as shown in
Figure 7-1.
Figure 7-1 The Indexer task at the Domino console
However, when you use OS/400 functions (for example, the Work with Active Jobs
(WRKACTJOB) command as shown in Figure 7-2 or using the Operations Navigator), it
appears as an OS/400 job called UPDATE.
Work with Domino Console
Server: FMS170
Previous subcommands and messages:
Statistic Collector Idle
DECS Server Idle
Event Monitor Idle
Calendar Connector Idle
Schedule Manager Idle
Admin Process Idle
Agent Manager Executive '1': Idle
Agent Manager Idle
Indexer Full text indexing documents in m_dir/MSS_TS_C.nsf
Router Idle
Replicator Idle
Billing Idle
QNNINBRM BRMS Log Manager Idle
Enter a Domino subcommand.
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F6=Print F9=Retrieve
F17=Top F18=Bottom F21=Command line
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 187
Figure 7-2 The Indexer task on the Work with Active Jobs panel
The UPDALL task
The UPDALL task is a single instance of the UPDATE task. It does not operate off a queue
like UPDATE, but accomplishes the same purpose in a different way. When the UPDALL task
runs, it processes every Notes database, refreshing the views or updating the full text indexes
for each database. The UPDALL task starts in one of two ways:
Automatically, at a scheduled time each day. By default, the UPDALL task is run at 2:00
AM. It is defined in the ServerTasksAt2 line in the notes.ini file as follows:
Manually, from the Domino console. When you run the UPDALL task from the console
command line, you can use various switches to control it. For example, you can invoke
UPDALL to rebuild only the full text index on a single database.
The UPDALL task performs additional functions beyond what the UPDATE task does. In the
design of a view, you can specify, in View Properties, the frequency with which a view index is
After each use
If inactive for a specified number of days
It is the responsibility of the UPDALL task to remove the view index if a discard option is
specified. In other words, if the Discard Index option is selected for a view, the index is not
actually discarded immediately. Rather, the index is removed the next time the UPDALL tasks
runs. For example, a view has a Discard View option of “After each use”. If you exit from a
view at 1:00 p.m., the view will not be removed until UPDALL is run (usually done at 2:00
Notes Indexing Facility
The Notes Indexing Facility (NIF) is made up of a multitude of functions within Domino that
allow a server to keep data notes ordered and current within a view. Specifically, the NIF
performs these tasks:
Work with Active Jobs FRA820
08.11.01 17:37:28
CPU %: 4,7 Elapsed time: 00:30:55 Active jobs: 209
Type options, press Enter.
2=Change 3=Hold 4=End 5=Work with 6=Release 7=Display message
8=Work with spooled files 13=Disconnect ...
Opt Subsystem/Job User Type CPU % Function Status
Parameters or command
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F7=Find F10=Restart statistics
F11=Display elapsed data F12=Cancel F23=More options F24=More keys
188 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Updates Indexes
Opens and closes view collections/view indexes
Locates Index entries
The majority of these requests are made by the server when users open and close
databases. For example, the NIF subsystem – not the UPDATE task – forces the update of a
view collection when a user switches between views. If a user makes a modification to a
document within a view, and then switches quickly to another view and then back again to the
original view, the new changes should be seen almost immediately by the user.
The rest of this section focuses on the UPDATE task.
7.4.2 UPDATE task CPU utilization in a normal environment
On a typical Domino server (one that is not experiencing performance problems due to the
UPDATE task), UPDATE may run quite often, but usually for very short periods of time.
Unless a database has just had several hundred or thousand documents added or changed,
UPDATE does its work quickly, updates each view in the database it is indexing, and finishes
in a few seconds.
With small databases, even on older, slower hardware, doing an incremental update of a view,
in which only a few or no documents have changed, takes less than a second. If you observe
CPU utilization when this is taking place, you may see the utilization rise to 90% or more (on
a single CPU), but only for a few seconds while UPDATE traverses all the views in a
With very large databases (as long as the number of new or changed documents is small),
the time to do an incremental update of a view still remains short, usually only a second or
maybe a few seconds.
In any case, with small or large databases, or fast or slow servers, the time it takes to do an
incremental update of the views in a given database will be similar for all views in that
database as long as the number of new or changed documents is small.
This activity (incremental updates of view indexes) does not usually cause much of a
performance problem for servers. Although the utilization is high, it is brief. Its effect is hardly
noticeable. Also, although views are also “locked” and, therefore, inaccessible when they are
being updated. No one usually notices because it normally takes, at most, a few seconds.
You should also be aware that the time to do an incremental update of a view, in which few or
no documents have changed, depends more on the number of documents in the database
than the number of documents in the view. This may sound contrary to what you have read,
but it is not. When the number of documents to be indexed is low or zero, the time to update is
really mostly just overhead and depends on the database size. However, if you consider the
time it takes to completely build a view, then it is the number of documents in the view that
matters more than the actual number in the database.
7.4.3 The UPDATE task and CPU utilization in a problem environment
Now, if you consider a server in which the UPDATE task is observed to be running almost all
the time and in which the CPU utilization is consistently at or near 100%, usually something
else is going on. This does not necessarily mean, the UPDATE task permanently consumes
over 90% of all processor resources. There can also be cases where the overall utilization
approaches 100% and the UPDATE task accounts for the major part of it.
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 189
A high total CPU utilization does not necessarily cause problems on an iSeries server.
However, if high priority jobs, such as Domino tasks or interactive (5250) jobs consume a
major part of resources (including disk utilization), you can see the following results:
All jobs with same priority may see longer response times.
Jobs with lower priority, for example traditional batch jobs with lower priority (that is, the
priority value is higher than 20), will drastically slow down or even stop working.
Several reasons may cause the UPDATE task to use up too many processing cycles or even
monopolize the CPU:
The total number of views in databases with many documents, to be maintained by the
UPDATE task, is extremely high.
Full text indexes are created frequently.
Many views (for big databases) have to be completely rebuilt from scratch.
Many views contain time-dependent selection formulas.
Too many views or full text indexes
Since views and the capability of full text search represent the full power of many Domino
applications, it is in most cases not an option to reduce any of them. If these two reasons turn
out to be the cause of excessive resource consumption, probably the only choice is to invest
in more and faster hardware.
Views have to be completely rebuilt from scratch
When the UPDATE task is called upon to completely rebuild a view from scratch, it is also
very CPU-intensive. So far, this is the bad news. The good news is that this should normally
not happen. UPDATE should almost never need to completely rebuild a view. Most of the
time, this is redundant and a waste of CPU resources.
The only circumstances in which UPDATE should rebuild views from scratch are:
All the documents in the view or database have changed or are new. This might occur
– An agent or external program has updated them.
– A Lotus Enterprise Integrator (LEI) Direct Transfer Activity deletes and refreshes all the
documents in a database.
This should be avoided whenever possible. Sometimes other techniques or tools can
be used, such as using LEI Replication Activities, which have a smaller impact.
The database is new. If a new replica is created on a server, and some of the views have
the proper settings, UPDATE builds the indexes for those views.
The design of the view has changed. If the view has the proper settings and previously
existed, changing the design causes the whole view index to be rebuilt.
As you might surmise, the circumstances in the second and third bullets should not be
common occurrences.
Time dependent views
If the examples above are not the cause of views having to be rebuilt, then the likely cause is
the existence of one or more views with time-dependent selection formulas in which the View
Refresh Index options specify that the views should be automatically updated. The UPDATE
task has no business rebuilding these kinds of views. Why? Because they are always out of
190 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Whenever this kind of view is opened by a user, the view index is built from scratch, on the fly,
for that user by the Notes Indexing Facility. It doesn't matter if UPDATE built it 5 minutes ago.
It will be rebuilt again. And if another user opens it, it will be rebuilt again. Since it is always
rebuilt when opened by a user (or by an application, for that matter), it makes no sense for
UPDATE to rebuild it too.
The wisdom of having views with time-dependent functions in their selection formulas is not
discussed here, except to say that there are legitimate reasons to do this and that it is
feasible, if managed correctly. The following section explains how.
7.4.4 Affecting the UPDATE task behavior through the view properties
Before solutions to the CPU utilization problem are discussed, here is a review of the rules
that the UPDATE task follows. The UPDATE task will update or rebuild a view index if and only
if either the following are true:
The Refresh Index option for a view is set to “Automatic”
The view exists already
You can use combinations of the Refresh Index and Discard Index options within the view
properties (see Figure 7-10 on page 197) to control whether UPDATE rebuilds a view.
For example, consider a view that is used rarely, say once a month, which displays only those
records created in the last 30 days. You might specify the Refresh option as “Auto, after first
use” so that the user always sees the most recent information, yet specify the Discard option
as “After each use”. Therefore, according to the second rule above, UPDATE always ignores
the view. You also save the disk space that the view index might otherwise have used.
The solution to the CPU Utilization problem is to use these View Refresh Index and Discard
Index Options properly.
Setting the view properties to improve performance
Here are some recommendations for how you might set these index options in the view
properties, depending on what you want users to see and how often the view is used.
Any view that has a view selection formula with a time-dependent function in it
Time-dependent functions, such as @Now or @Today, are sometimes used in selection
formulas for views for example to show all documents that have been created today or that
are older than a certain number of days. For an example, see Figure 7-9 on page 197. These
kind of views should have its Refresh Index option set to either:
Auto, after first use
Auto, at most every....
It should never be set to “Automatic.”
This controls how often the view is updated by users (that is through the NIF; see “Notes
Indexing Facility” on page 187) who open the database. However, it does not control how the
UPDATE task handles it. It is important to understand that even though it makes no sense for
UPDATE to rebuild a view that has a time-dependent selection formula, if the view exists,
UPDATE will rebuild it. A suggestion to change this behavior has been submitted to
development for consideration in the next major release of Domino.
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 191
The index of a view of this type is always out of date. The setting of “Automatic” tells UPDATE
to always rebuild the view, even if it does not exist. This setting would defeat the purpose of
the Discard Index option, and since the view index will be obsolete as soon as UPDATE is
finished, this should never be done. It is a waste of CPU.
Use Auto, after first use if you want users to always see the latest information in the view and
if the contents of the view might change between the times that UPDALL or UPDATE is run, in
other words, nightly, or if all changes come as the result of replication. (UPDATE will run after
a replication.)
Select Auto, at most every nn hours if the contents of the view changes more frequently than
nightly and if you need users to see the most recent data very soon after it changes.
Select Manual when users do not need to see the most recent changes unless they
specifically ask for it. In reality, UPDATE or UPDALL make sure that the view is no more stale
than one day, assuming you run UPDALL on the server nightly.
Time-dependent function and index refresh option set to ‘Auto, after first use’
Any view that has a view selection formula with a time-dependent function in it, such as
@Now or @Today, and having its index refresh option set to “Auto, after first use”, should
have its discard index option set to After each use (see the example in Figure 7-11 on
page 198). This is necessary to ensure that the UPDATE tasks sees no index on the view and
ignores it.
Time-dependent function and index refresh option set to ‘Manual’
Any view that has a view selection formula with a time-dependent function in it, such as
@Now or @Today, and having its index refresh option set to “Manual”, should have the
discard index option set to Never. The refresh option of “Manual” allows the view index to be
reused by other users.
The view index is refreshed manually by pressing Shift+F9. This view always opens very
quickly. However the user who presses Shift+F9 to refresh the view may have a long wait as it
is being updated. Optionally, the discard option may be set to “If inactive for xx days”. But this
would only be done if there was a need to conserve disk space used by the view.
Seldom or never used views
Views that are seldom or never used can have their discard index option set to “If inactive for
xx days if there is a need to conserve disk space”. This can also shorten the time it takes
UPDATE to refresh views, but the benefit depends on how many changed documents there
are in the database.
For databases with lots of documents (or all of them) changing every day, this setting is useful
for controlling the indexes on views that aren't used. If used, the refresh index option should
be either “Manual” or “Auto, after first use”. Setting it to “Automatic” negates the affect, since
UPDATE always rebuilds the view (it will never be discarded).
When should you use the ‘Automatic’ options?
The refresh index option of “Automatic” should only be used on views that:
Do not have time-dependent selection formulas
Are frequently used
Have a Discard Index option of “Never”
Generally, “Auto, after first use” is a better choice. The difference between these two settings
would only be noticed:
192 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
The first time the view is used
The first time it is used after being copied using the Notes client (File Database Copy)
After having all view indexes discarded on purpose using UPDALL (unlikely except
perhaps when troubleshooting a bug)
Now that you understand the problem and what to do about it, you might wonder if your server
has this problem and how you might determine which views and databases, if any, might be
the cause.
7.4.5 Detecting UPDATE task problems
You might wonder if there is something that might be a tip-off that a Domino server is suffering
from the problem described above. CPU utilization statistics alone may not be enough of an
indicator. The real tip-off is an indication that the UPDATE task is running at high CPU
utilization rates continuously. On OS/400, you can use Management Central (a component of
Operations Navigator) or the Work with System Activity (WRKSYSACT)1 command to
monitor utilization by job or by thread. If you set the refresh rate to around 15 seconds, and
watch for a while, you can usually tell if UPDATE is the cause.
If UPDATE is using 60 to 70% of a single CPU and the total CPU utilization is at 95 to 100%
for more than a minute straight, that's a tip-off. If it only runs that high for a few seconds and
then drops and rises again, it is not so likely to be the result of unnecessary view index
If you want to know for sure, you need to analyze your Domino server's use of UPDATE.
Analyzing your Domino server
Determining whether your Domino servers have any databases with views that are being
rebuilt unnecessarily is actually rather easy. You need access to the Domino Server log
database (log.nsf) and add one statement to the notes.ini file on each server you want to
The basic process is summarized below. Each step is described in more detail following the
1. Add the line LOG_UPDATE=2 to notes.ini.
2. Restart the UPDATE task.
3. Collect data.
4. Filter the log file (using the Domino Administrator’s Analyze feature) to capture only the
entries related to the UPDATE task.
5. Look for views in any database in which the time to update the view is considerably longer
than to update most of the other views in the same database.
6. Examine the design and index options of the views you identify in step 5.
Let's take it one step at a time:
1 The Work with System Activity (WRKSYSACT) command exists only on your iSeries server if the Performance Tools (5722-PT1 or
5769-PT1) are installed. As an alternative, the Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) can be used, but it has several disadvantages.
Note: Another way to approach this is to look at the Database Sizes view in the log and
look at the view sizes of the largest databases. The largest views in the largest databases
are good candidates for being the culprit when UPDATE is running wild. But this process is
trial and error, and you still have to examine the design of the suspected views.
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 193
1. Add the line LOG_UPDATE=2 to notes.ini.
This entry causes the server to log information whenever the UPDATE task updates views
on the server. It records a time stamp, the database name, and the view name as shown in
Figure 7-3.
Figure 7-3 Miscellaneous events view in LOG.NSF
The server also logs information when UPDALL runs. When you enable this logging on a
server, it generates more information in the log, but the additional logging should not have
a noticeable affect on server performance. It is safe to use on a production server. It is
documented in the Domino 5 Administration Database (help/help5_admin.nsf) under
Reference -> NOTES.INI Settings -> Log_Update.
2. Restart the UPDATE task. To restart the UPDATE task, issue the following command from
the Domino Console:
Wait for notification that it has ended, as shown in Figure 7-4.
Figure 7-4 Ending the UPDATE task
3. When the UPDATE task has ended, issue the following command:
Normally, this does not affect any users because UPDATE runs in the background. The
only possible side effect might be that someone encounters a long delay opening a view
for the first time if that person is the first one to do so. But this would only happen if the
database was new or all the documents were just added or changed. If this is a possibility,
then you should schedule the restart off-shift.
194 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
4. Collect data.
It is best to collect a few hours worth of data during the busiest time of the day (or night),
whenever you are experiencing the worst response times and highest CPU utilization. It is
even better if you can be sure, ahead of time, that UPDATE (and not some other task or
job) is responsible for the high utilization. With OS/400, you can do this easily using
Management Central's performance monitor. The platform dependent statistics (see 5.1.4,
“Platform-dependent statistics” on page 137) may also be very helpful.
When you have collected enough data, you can remove the entry from the notes.ini file
and restart the UPDATE task.
5. Filter the log.
Use the Domino Administrator to select the log output you want to examine. From the
Domino Administrator window, select the Server tab and then the Analysis tab as shown
in Figure 7-5. Then click the Analyze button and select Log....
Figure 7-5 Analyzing LOG.NSF with the Domino Administrator
6. After you click Log..., you see the Server Log Analysis dialog window as shown in
Figure 7-6. Enter the text Updating and set the other options as appropriate. As a result of
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 195
the analysis, a new database can be created on your client or the Domino server, or the
logging entries may be added to an existing database.
Figure 7-6 Server Log Analysis dialog
7. After the analysis has been performed, the database containing the results opens
automatically show a view similar to the example in Figure 7-7.
Figure 7-7 Log Analysis results
8. Look for problem views.
196 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
A “problem view” meets this criterion: the time to update the view is more than twice the
time to update most other views in the same database. With the information that you have
in analysis results (Figure 7-7), you can calculate the time it takes to update each view by
looking at the time stamps of the entry for that view and the subsequent entry.
In the example shown in Figure 7-8, the “All Documents” view was updated beginning at
9:10:06 and ending at 9:10:07, taking about 1 second. In fact, most of the views took
about 1 or 2 seconds to be updated. However, the “Time Log\Manager Reports\Not
Submitted” view started at 9:10:26 and took more than 14 minutes to be updated. This is a
clear indication of a problem.
First of all, if all the documents in the database were new or changed, most or all of the
other views would also take a long time to rebuild. You need to examine this view and the
“Time Log\Payroll\HR No Authority” view (more than six minutes to be updated).
Figure 7-8 Log analysis example
9. Examine the design.
Now that you have identified the views that are causing UPDATE to run excessively, you
should examine the design of the views to determine if the view has a time-sensitive
function in its selection formula and to see what the index refresh and discard options are.
You need designer access to the databases to do this.
7.4.6 Making the changes
To illustrate how to make the changes, we assume that the view in the example above is the
one we are going to examine. Follow these steps:
1. Using Domino Designer, open the database and view you want to check. Select the View
Selection object as shown in Figure 7-9 and look at the formula. In this case, it contains
the function @Today. This means that you need to change the Discard index view option.
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 197
Figure 7-9 Example for a time-dependent selection formula
2. Select Design-> View Properties. Click the Advanced tab in the Properties box. You
then see a display like the example in Figure 7-10.
Figure 7-10 Default settings of the View properties
198 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
3. If the Refresh index option is set to “Auto, after first use”, and the Discard index is set to
“Never”, change it to After each use as shown in Figure 7-11.
Figure 7-11 View Properties changed to ‘Discard index after each use’
Once you make the change, save the updated view.
4. To make the change take effect, the current view index needs to be discarded. You can
wait for the nightly run of UPDALL to do this or you can do it manually by running the
UPDALL command against the database from the Domino console2. Refer to the Domino
5 Administrators Help Database for details.
Once that is complete, if you want to test the results, you can simply make some changes to
the database and then close the database. You may have to wait several minutes for UPDATE
to run. If you want to speed up the test, there is a notes.ini parameter you can use to control
how UPDATE runs.
Normally, although UPDATE looks for database changes every 5 seconds, it does not act on
them for about 5 minutes. This is called the suppression time. UPDATE does this to wait for
more updates and to “batch them up”. On a busy server, this reduces the frequency in which
UPDATE runs. You can change the default from 5 minutes to 1 minute by adding
Update_Suppression_Time=1 to the notes.ini file.
Note: If the database you are changing is linked to a design template, the design
change might be overwritten by the Designer Domino task each night. There may be
other considerations as well. We keep it simple here to illustrate what needs to be
2 You may also use the Submit Domino Command (SBMDOMCMD) or Run Domino Command (RUNDOMCMD) commands.
Note: This should be a temporary change only.
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 199
7.4.7 Conclusions
The only way to predict what benefit you might achieve from making the changes described in
this chapter is to actually measure the amount of time UPDATE is running and determine if
there are any views that could be reconfigured. There have been some instances where CPU
utilization has dropped as much as 45%. In others, the average CPU utilization was not
affected much, but spikes in response time when UPDATE was rebuilding a view were greatly
7.5 TCP/IP between Domino servers on the same iSeries
In previous releases of OS/400 and Lotus Domino, if you had multiple Domino servers (that is
partitions) running within the same physical system, we recommended that you use the
loopback interface (LOOPBACK_TcpIPAddress). This gives you more efficient TCP/IP
communications between multiple servers on a single physical system. Starting with OS/400
V4R4, the TCP stack now redirects all communications to the loopback interface if the
destination address is on the local system. However, to allow this new function to work
properly, you should now remove all references to the LOOPBACK interface in the Domino
server by following these steps:
1. Remove the PORT definition in the Server document.
2. Remove any Connection documents that reference the Loopback port, or modify the
documents to reference a valid port such as TCP/IP.
3. Remove any reference to the loopback port from notes.ini (this should have been removed
automatically after performing step 1).
7.6 GTR search engine version 3.4
Domino R5.03 now includes an alternate Global Text Retrieval (GTR) search engine version
3.4. GTR is a set of functions which enables Domino to perform high performance full text
search to a large set of documents. High performance full text search is realized by searching
an index file which is created from source documents in advance.
7.7 Using the Extended Directory Catalog
The Extended Directory Catalog is a new type of directory catalog available in R5.0.5. For
additional information on this feature and further details on setting it up, see the Release
Notes, particularly the “Extended Directory Catalog” section in the “Things you need to know”
Some early deployment work at IBM Research with an IBM Worldwide Extended DirCat
(EDC) indicates substantial (approximately 20%) CPU reduction that would also improve
overall server performance (including the router).
7.7.1 Comparing EDC to a standard directory catalog (DirCat)
The improvement is relative to using a standard directory catalog, as the router can bog down
in Full Text (FT) searches. The standard directory catalog is designed to be small, so it builds
only one sorted view by last name or distinguished name at the Administrator's option, and
uses FT search to find names that aren't matched in the view. For example, if the DirCat is
sorted by last name, “Fred Bloggs/Accounts/MegaCorp" won't show up in the $Users view,
200 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
but FT search will find it. On the client, the difference between delay when finding a value in a
sorted view and when searching for it in a full-text index is trivial, partly because we can't
send messages that fast! Multiplied by thousands of recipients on a server, the delay
becomes a bigger problem. The Extended Directory Catalog (EDC), which is designed to be
fast instead of small, addresses this by aggregating all the source directories into a single
superdirectory with standard views.
The Router must still search the primary directory before searching any secondary directory,
including an EDC. As with directory assistance, there's no necessity, and anyway you must
not include the primary directory in the EDC.
7.7.2 Using Extended Directory Catalog to improve performance
Using an Extended Directory Catalog on a server is particularly recommended if using the
standard Server Directory Catalog (created from the DIRCAT50.NTF template) has been
determined to be causing Mail Router backups. When the Mail Router uses the standard
Server Directory Catalog for mail routing lookups, it uses full-text (FT) searching, a slower
process than using views, to look up names that don't correspond to the “Sort by” directory
catalog configuration selection, as detailed above.
7.8 Investigating mail backlogs and performance issues
If mail routing or performance backlog issues develop, possibly as a result of using a standard
or GTR Server Directory Catalog, try following these steps to troubleshoot the problem and
implement the EDC:
1. To determine if the standard Server Directory Catalog is the cause of the problem, remove
its file name from the Server document or from the Public directory profile.
2. If the standard Server Directory Catalog is the cause of the problem and the “Sort by”
configuration selection is not Distinguished Name, change the selection to Distinguished
Name and then re-enable the Directory Catalog to see if the change resolves the problem.
3. If using Distinguished Name as the “Sort by” selection does not solve the problem, use the
Extended Directory Catalog instead, so that the Router uses view lookups rather than
full-text searches to look up names.
Watch for agents running on mail files that do not have a full text index on the mail files.
searching through each new mail item (for example moving junk mail to a waste bin). If the
mail file is not full text indexed, a temporary full index will be built for each new mail items that
arrives. See “View_Rebuild_Dir” on page 222.
7.9 Domino console logging
One concern with the Domino Console Log (buffer), when it comes to performance, is the
actual size of the Domino console log. On the iSeries server, we recommend that the size of
the Domino console log does not exceed 10,000 entries (the default). A Domino console log
with more than 10,000 entries can result in poor response times for the Display Domino
Console (DSPDOMCSL) and Work With Domino Console (WRKDOMCSL) commands.
The size is set in the iSeries environment variable Notes_AS400_CONSOLE_ENTRIES. The
Add Environment Variable (ADDENVVAR) and Change Environment Variable (CHGENVVAR)
iSeries server commands are used to maintain the size of the Domino console log. You have
to perform the ADDENVVAR or CHGENVVAR command in the job that starts the Domino
server before it is actually started (unless you use system-level environment variable).
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 201
For more information about iSeries environment variables, see 7.16, “iSeries environment
variable settings” on page 224.
7.10 Number of users per Domino server
What is the maximum number of users supported on a Domino for iSeries server? This is a
question we often heard since publishing a guideline3 related to Domino for AS/400 R4.6 in
the first edition of this book. There is no straight answer except for saying: “No limitation,
neither for registered users nor for concurrently active users exists.” Was the
recommendation wrong? No, it was not.
With any version of Domino, there is a certain maximum workload that can be handled
efficiently by each Domino server. With Domino R5, the implementation has been changed,
so each server can support a much higher workload than it could with previous releases.
Assume you observe the Domino response times while increasing workload on a powerful
iSeries server. There is certain point, where hardware and operating system may still be able
to support higher workload, but the response times begin to increase exceptionally because
of contention within the Domino server.
This makes it desirable for many administrators to limit the workload and add partitioned
servers, when there are still hardware resources available. However, the trade-offs in running
multiple partitions are different on different platforms. On other platforms, there is a reluctance
to run more than one, or at most two to four partitions on production servers for reliability and
manageability reasons. On iSeries, because of the way Domino takes advantage of OS/400
architecture, there is no such limitation. Rather, it is viewed as an advantage. By dividing
large numbers of Domino users into smaller Domino partitions, higher reliability is achieved
and greater overall performance and capacity are realized. Now, how do you limit the Domino
In a mail environment in a single organization, you may make two assumptions:
The workload produced by each single user normally does not deviate extremely from the
The percentage of concurrently active users may vary significantly for different times of the
day, but not so much for a (randomly chosen) subset of the total number of users.
Keeping the above in mind, the workload generated is proportional to the number of
registered mail users. Therefore, in a mail environment, for a relatively homogenous
organization, you may limit the workload by simply limiting the number mail databases, in
other words the number of registered users per server.
IBM Rochester, currently supports more than 10,000 Notes users on three iSeries servers
and already started doing that in the early days based on a beta version of Domino 4.5. The
recommendation for R4.6 mentioned above was a result of the experiences at IBM
Rochester. After they migrated to Domino R5, they were able to raise the number of active
mail users per Domino partition much higher.
Therefore, the Workload Estimator now recommends that you distribute the workload over
multiple Domino partitions, if you have more than 3000 concurrently active users (see 3.4.2,
“Number of partitions” on page 26). Keep in mind though, the optimum number may vary in
both directions, depending on the working habits of your users and the complexity of your
3 At the time, we recommended 700 registered or 500 concurrently active users.
202 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
7.11 Using a separate partition for the R5 SMTP MTA server
The R5 SMTP MTA process can be considered to be a pure batch task working on inbound
and outbound SMTP mail streams. Outbound it takes Notes mail, converting it as appropriate
to MIME, and transforming it into an SMTP outbound stream to send to the SMTP relay or
firewall. On the inbound side, it receives SMTP and MIME data streams from totally unknown
origins anywhere on the Internet, and then attempts to parse it and convert it into Notes mail.
In most major organizations and enterprises, we recommend that the SMTP MTA is run in a
separate partition (or on a separate server) to avoid it interfering with the Notes mail servers.
Processing SMTP MIME e-mail, large attachments, anti-virus checking, and anti-spam
filtering can severely slow processing for “real” interactive users and jobs. Also, this type of
“alien file and data” processing, is a high risk activity, much more prone to crashing and errors
than the normal activity of a mail server because of the parsing and mixed file handling of
SMTP data generated, basically, anywhere on the planet.
If you do have a need to keep the R5 SMTP MTA on a mail server, we recommend that you
change the job run-time priority and time slice. See 6.5, “Choosing which processor priority to
use” on page 173, and for detailed information, see Chapter 11, “Internet and intranet
performance tips” on page 301.
7.12 Excessive translations on iSeries and zSeries
On the iSeries and zSeries servers, the whole operating system is based on EBCDIC, unlike
the pSeries and xSeries servers, which are based on ASCII. Domino is based on Lotus
Multi-Byte Character Set (LMBCS), a superset of ASCII, which works reasonably well
translating with ASCII but sometimes is not quite as fast with EBCDIC.
7.12.1 Opening up any suspect job using the new Domino panel group
Make sure to sign on to the iSeries with a user profile having *ALLOBJ and *JOBCTL special
authorities and follow the instructions given in “Display Call Stack: Panel group update to
improve readability” on page 131.
This display shows whether you are spending a lot of time doing (excessive number of) “string
translates” (StringXlate).
Figure 7-12 shows a sample call stack with the string translate clearly shown in the sequence
of procedures:
“LCStreamConvert StreamTranslate StringXlate“
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 203
Figure 7-12 Sample call stack viewed with the new Domino panel group
Note also “pthread_mutex_lock” and “lockSlowWithInitAllowSig__9Qp0wMutexFv”, which are
where the delays and performance problems show up. If you determine from the call stack
that Domino is spending a lot of time doing a high number of string translates, isolate the
active databases (.NSFs) and template files (.NTFs) involved and display the attributes of the
Display Call Stack
System: AS06
Job: SERVER User: QNOTES Number: 017486
Thread: 00000005
Procedure Statement Module program
LE_Create_Thread2__FP12crtth_parm_t 0000000826 QLECRTTH QLESPI
pthread_create_part2 0000001004 QP0WPTHR QP0WPTHR
ThreadWrapper 0000000008 THREAD LIBNOTES
Scheduler 0000000032 SCHED SERVER
DbServer 0000000224 DBSERVER SERVER
ServerNoteOpen 0000000029 SVNTOPEN SERVER
NSFNoteOpenExtended 0000000044 NSFSEM3 LIBNOTES
EMAfter 0000000011 EXTMGR LIBNOTES
EMDispatch 0000000025 EXTMGR LIBNOTES
NoteOpenHandler 0000000050 LNPEXT LIBDECSEXT
FetchDocument 0000000006 LNPEXT LIBDECSEXT
ExecProcedure 0000000026 LNPEXT LIBDECSEXT
LCConnectionCall 0000000001 STATE LIBLCAPI
retry_LCConnectionCall 0000000039 STATE LIBLCAPI
LCXCall 0000000059 DB2 DB2
GetMetadata 0000000028 DB2 DB2
StoreData 0000000135 DB2 DB2
LCStreamConvert 0000000018 STREAM LIBLCAPI
StreamTranslate 0000000058 STREAM LIBLCAPI
StringXlate 0000000002 STREAM LIBLCAPI
LCProcCritSecWait 0000000003 MLTPROC LIBLCAPI
pthread_mutex_lock 0000000900 QP0WPMUT QP0WPTHR
lockSlowWithInitAllowSig__9Qp0wMutexFv 0000000104 QP0WMTX QP0WMTX
F3=Exit F10=Update stack F11=Display instruction F12=Cancel
F16=Job menu F17=Top F18=Bottom F22=Display entire name
204 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 7-13 shows the alog.ntf attributes.
Figure 7-13 Display Attributes of a Notes file alog4.ntf showing a CCSID of 819
If the database does not have the same Coded Character Set ID (CCSID) as your local
iSeries, that is your local country or region’s character set (in the USA that would be 37), it
may need switching. In the above example, the CCSID is set to 819 (that is the ASCII
CCSID). This may be the cause of some of your high number of translates. Unnecessary
translation efforts will cause performance bottlenecks.
Shut down Domino, use the WRKLNK option 3 (Copy) on the database (.nsf or .ntf) in
question, and alter the CCSID.
Figure 7-14 shows the prompt of the Copy (CPY) command preparing to change the CCSID
of the file to 37.
Display Attributes
Object . . . . . . : /domino/applsvr/alog4.ntf
Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : STMF
Owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : QNOTES
System object is on . . . . . . . . . : Local
Auxiliary storage pool . . . . . . . . : 1
Object overflowed . . . . . . . . . : No
Coded character set ID . . . . . . . . : 819
Hidden file . . . . . . . . . . . . . : No
PC system file . . . . . . . . . . . . : No
Read only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : No
Need to archive (PC) . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Need to archive (AS/400) . . . . . . . : Yes
Press Enter to continue.
F3=Exit F12=Cancel F22=Display entire field
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 205
Figure 7-14 Copy Object command preparing to switch from a CCSID of 819 to 37
Once you have checked to see that all your databases are now correctly set to the right
CCSID, if you still have high string translate counts, start looking at the application coding
itself, isolate which agents are causing the issue, and then focus in on the actual code. Is
there a high use of simple STRINGs in the code rather than numeric, date, and binary fields
as appropriate? Perhaps it is now time to review your coding standards and modify the code
based on best industry practice rather than convenience.
7.13 Optimizing mail: White space, compact, and quotas
This section looks at the two main compact styles, whether to recover white space, use
quotas, and why you should have a mail archival policy.
Using COMPACT -b to maintain white space and reach steady state
Here are the latest recommendations on the issue of recovering the white space from Notes
databases, particularly mail files to stop the server running out of space each week.
Do not recover space with COMPACT
We do not believe that our customers are actually doing the correct thing, in running
COMPACT with white space deletion (COMPACT -B or -C). With TxL enabled, our very strong
recommendation is to not remove white space for various reasons, not the least being the fact
that the Database Instance ID (DBIID) will be changed forcing a full backup to be run
immediately, and that the database must be shut down and offline to compact copy style. (For
Copy Object (CPY)
Type choices, press Enter.
Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . mynotes.nsf
To directory . . . . . . . . . . '.'
To object . . . . . . . . . . . mynotes.nsf
Symbolic link . . . . . . . . . *NO *NO, *YES
From CCSID . . . . . . . . . . . 819 1-65533, *OBJ, *PCASCII...
To CCSID . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 1-65533, *OBJ, *CALC...
Data Format . . . . . . . . . . *BINARY *BINARY, *TEXT
Directory subtree . . . . . . . *NODIR *NODIR, *NONE, *ALL
Replace object . . . . . . . . . *YES *NO, *YES
Owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . *KEEP *NEW, *KEEP
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
Note: Either use parameter OWNER(*KEEP) or, after copying the file, reset the Owner
back to QNOTES.
206 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
more information on the DBIID, refer to 13.5.1, “What is the Database Instance ID (DBIID)” on
page 385.) We believe that even on a busy mail server, it is not necessary to COMPACT -B
(or -C) an active mail database to reduce the file size (with or without TxL enabled!) as long
as an archiving policy is also in force.
COMPACT and white space
When COMPACT -b runs on a mail file, or indeed any database, rather than decrease the
physical size of the database, we now recommend that you defragment the database from
within, re-organizing all the records down to one end of the disk space, and shuffling the
empty spaces (white space) up to the other end. COMPACT -b reorders data in a database so
that the data is consecutive. The percent utilization goes up while space is compacted within
the NSF structure. The file size remains the same.
By defragmenting the database, the white spaces become a single large “white space”, and
therefore, we now have room for larger incoming items, mail, attachments, etc. With this new
incoming “data”, we can now accommodate within the existing database without having to
“expand” the database by adding additional new blocks to the end.
The database will gradually again become more fragmented through use. As random records
(notes) are deleted, creating smaller white space holes, the database becomes increasingly
fragmented. Consequently larger incoming notes and files, attachments, etc., will no longer fit
within any spaces inside the database, and so the database must expand itself.
Re-using white space
For pure performance reasons, Notes always re-uses white space within a database before
allocating additional disk blocks of storage. The rate of perceived growth of any database will
slow down, and eventually stop, as the amount of white space created by COMPACT -b
approaches the actual storage required for new messages (or notes etc.) delivered during the
day or days between compactions. This is called steady state.
COMPACT -b nightly reduces fragmentation
If you ran COMPACT -b nightly for a week or two, you would be pleasantly surprised that,
rather than seeing the disk reaching that “full” point on the Friday before your usual
COMPACT -B, it would peak and then achieve “steady state”, probably below your previously
noted high water marks.
Massive fragmentation over a week can cause apparent size problems on your system. We
recommend that you avoid this. The continual gentle online defragmentation achieves steady
state below or close to your previous watermarks.
COMPACT -b nightly can run online, speed up access, allow more users
COMPACT -b can also be run online without affecting live mail or other database users (it
might go slower for a minute or two, but no shutdown, etc. is required). Obviously you can
choose to run it overnight or at quiet times. You may even want to run it more than once per
day. Remember, the more efficient the database structure is, the faster the system can find
and serve up the data, and the lower the overall system loading will be.
Note: The parameters for the COMPACT command are case sensitive. That is, COMPACT
-B and COMPACT -b perform differently.
Important: Frequent inline COMPACT -b defragmentation is required to keep the white
space in a usable, contiguous form for as much of the time as possible.
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 207
Your users will also be pleasantly surprised that mail access feels “quicker” every day of the
week, instead of just on Monday morning. That’s because the data has been re-sequenced
within the database, and can now be accessed more quickly, so maybe you can even add a
few more users!
Why make work for yourself copy compacting your databases?
If you really want, you could always run a COMPACT -B every month or two. But if you do, you
must then run a set of full backups because all the DBIIDs and you are using Archival TxL for
your backups. But by regularly running COMPACT -b, you have achieved steady state long
before then, and the nightly COMPACT will keep things in order.
Steady state nirvana
Let’s say you follow the above recommendation, after you reach steady state, and then did an
operating system level backup, delete, and restore of all databases and files (that is the old
fashioned backup-restore defragmentation of the disk). In this case, each database would
now have all its data and all its white space in sequentially allocated blocks directly
associated with it, not scattered. Therefore, performance would be markedly improved in the
I/O area. We suggest doing this after you reach steady state. We recommend doing the
backup-restore defragmentation after a full backup and then use disk-to-disk copy for the
backup/restore (with Domino down).
Even without this drastic step of backup, delete, and restore, leaving white space alone to
reach steady state would at least halt the march toward total fragmentation. This would occur
by the totally unecessary freeing up and then immediately re-allocating of new blocks by
"freeing up" white space to the operating system.
Table 7-1 shows COMPACT command line options for compacting with and without white
space recovery.
Table 7-1 COMPACT command line options for COMPACT
Option Command-line
Description Domino
Compaction style:
In-place (recommended)
-b Uses in-place compaction and
recovers unused space without
reducing the file size, unless
there's a pending structural
change to a database, in which
case copy-style compaction
occurs. This is the recommended
method of compacting.
New to R5
Compaction style:
In-place with file size
-B Uses in-place compaction,
recovers unused space, and
reduces file size, unless there's a
pending structural change in which
case copy-style compacting
occurs. If you use transaction
logging, do full database backups
after compacting completes.
New to R5
Compaction style:
Upper or lower
case “C” will
Uses copy-style compaction. Use
this option, for example, to solve
database corruption problems with
Release 5 format databases.
New to R5
208 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Implementing mail archiving
Once an archival policy is implemented to restrict indefinite growth of users’ mailboxes, all
users will settle into a pre-defined mail file size. Eventually all databases will reach steady
state, freeing and re-using their own white-space, and taking the laborious task of managing
and worrying about data growth away from the administrator.
Mailbox quotas
Setting mailbox quotas to control disk usage is like using a car crusher to keep a car park tidy.
It makes little or no sense. In attempting to save fractional amounts of cash on disk space
because you did not organize an archival policy, your company suffers for the following
You indiscriminately prevent your users from being able to do their productive job at your
corporation, by stopping them from sending outbound mail, and possibly receiving
inbound mail, until they administrate their own mailbox in peak busy corporate time.
Your e-mail rejects inform all your external suppliers, customers, and e-mail callers to
these people that this person’s e-mail has been shutdown, causing outsiders to think the
user has moved to another company and they should take their business elsewhere.
You are advertising on the Web that you have no control over your users or your IT budget
or infrastructure by sending out unnecessary e-mail rejection notes almost at random.
You must employ additional IT staff to cope with the complaints, run additional backups,
and restore mail hastily deleted to send out an urgent e-mail and manually “copy compact”
the user’s inboxes after they have deleted mail that they may actually need in future.
Where TxL is enabled, you then have to schedule a full backup for that mailbox
immediately if recovery in the future is to be possible.
Potentially each user could spend two hours per week tidying their mail file, on an average
wage of $30,000 per year ($15/hour), in a company with 1000 employees that is a cost of
$30,000 per week, or $1.5m per year. Does that disk cost savings still look cheap to you?
Would you like to estimate the cost of actual lost business during that time? In the above
example, in person hours alone, it comes to 11,250 hours spent tidying the mailbox (that is
work that IT should own), which is the equivalent of seven employees. Are these figures
still looking good to you?
Quotas can cause restore to totally fail
If the option Obey database quotas during message delivery is enabled in the configuration
document in the Domino Directory, the database can be recovered from backup to the size of
the database quota.
Once the quota is reached, however, any replayed transactions from the transactional log
extents cannot be applied to the database past the limit of the quota. This results in lost
transactions and lost data. Furthermore, the database quota cannot be increased until the
database is fully restored. Since transactions cannot be applied over the database quota, a
full database restoration is never achieved.
Quotas add to the overhead and complexity of restores
If Obey database quotas during message delivery is disabled, a database quota has been
exceeded and the database must be recovered for any reason. During recovery, the
transaction or transactions would be replayed into the database (for example, router
delivering mail), so the database would be restored to its original state (which is over quota).
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 209
To work around the issue, the database must be brought under quota and then compacted to
reduce the size of the database. When the problem occurs, however, the default compaction
style changes from copy style to in-place compaction (with no file reduction) for any
databases that are transactionally logged.
If users delete documents to bring the database under quota and compact it, the database
will still remain over quota since in-place compaction is being used and the file size is not
being reduced. The administrator must then compact the database using copy style
compaction. When this is done, however, it changes the DBIID. As a result, a full backup must
then be taken.
Mail archival policy
Use the standard R5 archival utility. Run automated archiving on all mail over 30, 60, or 90
days. Place all archived mail on an archive server (never the mail server). Add an icon to the
user’s desktop, add an archive to the mailbox, and allow users to replicate their archive to
local or access it on an archive server. Show users where “old mail” goes, since that is all they
need to know. You only need a very modest system for an archive server because not many
users will ever access it at any one time. It may, however, need quite a bit of disk space! If you
really want, you can also archive the archives to CD for all mail that is over 12, 24, or 36
months old and give user a copy of the CD (keeping a copy in your off-site warehouse).
Legal advantage of an archival policy
Together with TxL keeping all the mail, a simple archival policy helps you when you are legally
required to recover selected mail items from months or years ago by your legal department or
other legal agency. Because you have a sensible mail backup and archival policy, this is very
easy to do and everyone is happy with your IT department. If you use the quotas, the only one
you will eventually find that you fulfill is part of the quota of staff to be made redundant in your
For more information, see the following documents:
Why you need transaction logging white paper in the Technical Library:
Technotes: For more information, refer to http://www.support.lotus.com and search for
the following Technote numbers:
– Domino R5 Compact Not Reducing the Size of the Database #173311
– Transaction Logging in R5 #172508
– How Do You Check Your Transaction Log Statistics? #173421
– Commonly Asked Questions About Transactional Logging #177785
– How to Utilize Transactional Logging Statistics #177796
– “Circular” Versus “Archive” Transactional Logging in Domino 5.x #179363
– Transactional Logging and How it Operates #179858
7.13.1 Mail file size
“So what’s wrong with my 800 MB mailbox? I might need all my old e-mails one day.”
Let’s quickly go back to the basics and review how Domino databases react to change. Each
addition, deletion, or change to a Notes record forces the active views to be rebuilt to reflect
the new state of that index. With a mail file, every time a new mail item arrives, the view is
rebuilt. The more items there are in the view, the more mailboxes there are on the system,
and the more I/O and CPU are required to rebuild all those separate views. Imagine what an
“All Staff” 1 MB memo does to the mail server. Multiply the amount of mail you expect to
receive daily, by the average number of old e-mail in your inbox, by the number of mailboxes
210 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
on your system. That is the work factor you are imposing on Domino. Now reduce the mailbox
size to a reasonable number and re-calculate. From those savings, you can either add
another 20% more users or enjoy far better server performance. Very simple. Small well
compacted mailboxes perform several hundred percent better than large ones do.
7.14 Domino memory management
Domino is an application suite that has its own work and memory management functions that
are a layer on top of the iSeries work and memory management. Figure 7-15 shows how
Domino memory management is performed. A certain amount of main storage is set aside
NSF buffer (=indexes)
Database Cache (=document data)
Application code
Figure 7-15 How Domino divides the main storage
All of these memory areas are dynamically adjusted by Domino. They both grow and shrink
during a day.
There are a number of variables that we recommend setting in the notes.ini file. Unless you
explicitly add these variables in your notes.ini file, the default values for each of these
variables are used, and in some cases, this is not what we want. Your Domino server needs to
be restarted after these entries are added to the notes.ini file to use the changes.
Use the show stat command on the Domino console to find out the resource utilization.
Change the notes.ini setting accordingly.
COMMAND SENT: sh stat database
Database.BufferControlPool.Peak = 130,812
Database.BufferControlPool.Used = 48,740
Database.BufferPool.Maximum = 502000000
Database.BufferPool.Peak = 4780800
Database.BufferPool.PerCentReadsInBuffer = 98
Database.BufferPool.Reads = 702753
Database.BufferPool.Used = 4091136
Database.BufferPool.Writes = 30648
Database.DbCache.CurrentEntries = 0
Database.DbCache.HighWaterMark = 0
Database.DbCache.Hits = 0
Database.DbCache.InitialDbOpens = 121278
Database.DbCache.Lookups = 0
Database.DbCache.MaxEntries = 723
Database.DbCache.OvercrowdingRejections = 0
Hint: Use a more specific show stat command instead of showing all the statistics
available every time. For example, show stat database produces the following output.
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 211
Database.NIFPool.Peak = 196,218
Database.NIFPool.Used = 128,438
Database.NSFPool.Peak = 130,812
Database.NSFPool.Used = 42,546
The following sections offer a few descriptions of the key notes.ini variables. They include a
table of all the performance related variables and our recommendations on values that may
need to be changed and suggestions on how to calculate a suitable and safe value for each.
7.14.1 NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size or Nsf_Buffer_Pool_Size_mb
The NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size and NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size_MB parameters let you specify the
maximum size of the NSF buffer pool. This pool is a section of memory dedicated to buffering
I/O transfers between the Notes Index Facility (NIF) indexing functions and disk storage.
We recommend that you set both NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size and PercentAvailSysResources
(see “PercentAvailSysResources” on page 213) for all Domino R5 iSeries servers. This
includes all non-partitioned and partitioned servers, because the Domino servers run out of
their own storage pool, which is typically changed dynamically by the auto-performance
Previously if you did not set NFS_Buffer_Pool_Size, Domino would calculate a value to use
based on the total physical memory on your system (taking roughly 3/8). To prevent Domino
from accidently stealing huge amounts of memory on very large iSeries servers (when none
of the NFS_Buffer_Pool_Size parameters were set), the iSeries for Domino sets the notes.ini
value to 300 MB during installation if it was not previously set.
Since the iSeries uses single level (memory) store, the system does not really dedicate the
NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size to the server. In reality, it just forces higher page faulting when using
it. We have seen systems with multiple servers where the total of all NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size
was well above the machine's main storage, and it still performed amazingly well.
Performance was degraded somewhat (about 10%) due to the rather high faulting rate, but
nothing failed and the customer seemed very happy with it.
However, we much prefer to be more scientific and logical about memory allocation and
usage, and control memory using these two parameters. There are a number of memory
buffers used by Domino that are allocated based on one or the other of these parameters.
Therefore, it is best to specify both to carefully worked out values.
This default value of 300 MB may work fine for most servers, but a better value can and
should be calculated. It is even more important to set this variable if your Domino applications
use a lot of indexing. The recommended setting for R5 varies depending on the number of
partitioned Domino servers that are being used.
Here are easy steps to follow to calculate the NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size_MB on iSeries servers:
1. Find out from which storage pool the server is running. You can find this by using the
WRKACTJOB command. The default is pool 2.
2. Find the size of the pool while your system is running in steady state (that is when
QPFRADJ isn't changing the pool sizes). You can see this by running the WRKSYSSTS
3. If you multiple partitioned servers are using that pool, divide the pool size by the number of
servers using the pool (excluding the *HTTPSETUP server) and multiply by 3/8. Set
NSF_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE_MB in notes.ini to this number.
Figure 7-16 shows the four partition Domino on iSeries server.
212 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 7-16 WRKACTJOB shows that all four Domino servers running out of pool 2
Since there are four servers, NSF_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE_MB should be:
3208 / 4 * 3/8 = 300 MB
There are four things to check when fine tuning the NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size parameter:
1. Monitor how much NSF buffer pool your server uses by running the SHOW STAT
DATABASE command. If BufferPoolPeak is routinely more than 95% of the maximum, then
the NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size may need to be increased. If you have sufficient main memory,
some memory may be freed from some other over-allocated task or job. Otherwise, you
may have to consider buying additional memory or upgrading the system.
Here are the statistics you will want to obtain:
– Buffer pool maximum – (Database.BufferPool.Maximum)
– Buffer pool used – (Database.BufferPool.Used)
– Buffer pool peak – (Database.BufferPool.Peak)
2. Monitor Database.BufferPool.PerCentReadsInBuffer. When tested under a heavy
workload, BufferPoolPeak was seen at 100%, while PerCentReadsInBuffer was under
95%. Under a light load, BufferPoolPeak was under 10%, while PerCentReadsInBuffer
was over 97%.
3. Monitor non-database page faulting by using the WRKSYSSTS command or a
performance monitor. High faulting rates indicate memory contention, and you may be
able to actually improve performance by decreasing NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size.
4. Monitor the Mail Router’s database cache size (which defaults to
NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size_MB * 3). You should monitor Mail.DBCacheEntries to see if your
Opt Subsystem/Job Type Pool
WRKSYSSTS at steady state shows pool 2 is 3207 M
System Pool Reserved Max -----DB----- ---Non-DB---
Pool Size (M) Size (M) Active Fault Pages Fault Pages
1 340.52 167.89 +++++ .0 .0 .0 .0
2 3207.63 .17 400 .0 .0 4.5 6.3
3 35.83 .00 1 .0 .0 .0 .0
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 213
system is reaching the maximum available cache size. Then you can compare
Mail.DBCacheHits to Mail.DBCacheReads to see how effectively your cache is being used
For example, the following two parameters are equivalent:
NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size=104857600 (100x1024x1024)
In Domino Release 5.0.4 or later, you can control the amount of memory allocated to each
Domino server (subsystem) by percentage using the PercentAvailSysResources variable.
Before the introduction of this variable in 5.0.4, each Domino server assumed it had 100
percent of system physical memory available to it. And, unless you set an actual value in
NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size, Domino would take three eighths (3/8) of total physical memory.
Other Domino memory allocation sizing parameters would take a percentage of the remaining
five eighths (5/8) of all memory. On iSeries, this behavior was prevented by defaulting the
notes.ini NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size parameter to 300 MB, where it was not set during
With the advent of the PercentAvailSysResources variable with Domino 5.0.4, you can now
assign a portion of total system physical memory to each Domino server by specifying a value
from 2% to 100%, which represents an absolute percentage of the system's total physical
memory. On the iSeries server, memory calculations are based on the main storage size
multiplied by PercentAvailSysResources if the Domino subsystem is running in *BASE pool or
on the actual pool if running in a shared (for example *SHPOOL01) or private pool.
NSFBuffer Pool defaults to approximately three eighths (3/8) of that calculated base for each
server. Note also that if QPFRADJ is not set to zero, and you are using shared pools, your
shared pool sizes will be adjusted on the fly. That may affect how PercentAvailSysResources
works in cases where the Domino server is started or restarted when the subsystem is
already active for a longer time and the pool size has been adjusted meanwhile. In that case,
using NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size will be more predictable.
The NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size (if omitted) is the time allocated three eighths (3/8) of the total
amount of memory allocated to Domino by PercentAvailSysResources. If you need more
memory in the NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size, you must adjust any one (or more) of the following
Physical memory (so that the amount from the same percentage increases)
Proportion of memory that this partition acquires by increasing PercentAvailSysResources
Note: The only difference between NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size and
NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size_MB is that NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size is set in bytes. It also has a
maximum possible value NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size_MB that is set in MB.
Tip: You can create shared pools on the iSeries server and assign a Domino server
instance to run in that pool. This allows performance adjustment to increase the shared
pools storage when and if the base pool is not using the memory allocated. This way, a
Domino server could be granted access to additional memory, when required when, other
processes on the system do not require it.
However, even when using performance adjustments, you must be certain that you have
defined the pool to allow the server to function properly. Undersizing a shared pool can
result in poor performance as the server becomes hindered from a lack of memory.
214 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Deliberately set NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size to a higher value than three eighths (3/8) of
available memory
In the first two cases, the remaining memory buffer allocation parameters (the 3/8 versus 5/8)
will keep their correct relative values and balance. With the third case, you should carefully
make certain that the NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size fits in with your actual requirements for this
particular configuration by calculation if you set it to greater than 3/8 deliberately. Setting both
variables will protect the overall system from Domino’s stealing habits, if, at some future point
more physical memory is added with no (Domino NOTES.INI) parameter adjustments.
You can find details on all the principal system performance parameters in Table C-3 on
page 444.
For example, if you want to dedicate 25 percent of total system memory to a Domino server
(in its own dedicated partition, typically), add the following line to the notes.ini file:
This effectively leaves 75 percent of memory for other Domino partitions or applications.
For example, a Domino server on a system with 10 Gb of memory and a Domino server with
its notes.ini setting PercentAvailSysResources=25 would reserve 2.5 Gb for itself.
The PercentAvailSysResources parameter has significant advantages over the old method of
“hard coding” the memory using NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size parameters:
If you add additional memory, it is immediately proportionally shared between the Domino
servers without any need to change or edit the notes.ini parameters.
In high availability clustering and failover scenarios, when a Domino server’s workload is
failed-over to another partition, the percent of physical memory required by the receiving
partition to cope with the increased workload is quite simply the sum of the two separate
PercentAvailSysResources parameters from the failed and the newly joined partition.
Example with four Domino partitions sharing with other applications
For example, if you have a Domino server with four partitions and want to control the memory
resources allocated to each partition, you could set the notes.ini of partition 1, 2, and 3 with
the line PercentAvailSysResources=20 and the notes.ini of partition 4 with the line
PercentAvailSysResources=40. Here you should make sure that the sum of the values you
specify in each partition do not exceed 100 percent! If it does, the systems will simply steal
from each other, which could cause unnecessary thrashing and paging.
To reserve system memory for other applications, you can choose values that total less than
100 percent.
Indexing and costs associated
If your Domino applications use indexing, it is tempting to think that you can simply increase
the size of the NSF buffer pool and dramatically enhance server performance. However, just
as adding physical memory to a system does not always boost performance, neither does
designating a bigger NSF buffer pool necessarily produce dramatic results. (See the article
“Putting the right spin on Domino Performance” Parts 1 and 2, which is available from the Iris
Today Web site at: http://www.notes.net/today.nsf).
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 215
Using a buffer pool summary
Domino does a good job by itself of allocating memory to the NSF buffer pool by calculating a
default setting based on fixed overhead and total memory available. (Depending on the
Domino version and other factors, the default usually amounts to between 25 percent and 33
percent, that is, the now famous 3/8 of system memory). What's more, changes to the NSF
buffer pool allocation algorithm in R5 mean that the Domino server uses only the amount of
memory it needs, up to the notes.ini NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size (default 300 MB on iSeries), and
uses the amount allowed by PercentAvailSysResources. The R4 strategy pre-allocated and
reserved the entire default or specified amount of memory. But in R5, when you specify a
value of 600 MB for the buffer pool size and only 200 MB is needed, only 200 MB remains
allocated. In Domino R4, if you specified a value of 600 MB, then all 600 MB was immediately
treated as all allocated by Domino.
To summarize, we recommend that you implement the PercentAvailSysResources notes.ini
variable to control total and overall memory allocation. For releases prior to 5.0.4, where
PercentAvailSysResources is not available, there are some scenarios where setting
non-default values for the NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size variable can prove useful. After 5.0.4, we
still recommend that you set NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size together with
If you employ any of these notes.ini variables, test your server performance to see if you get
the results you expect. The number of users, size and number of views, and number of
databases all factor in when determining what the settings should be. And remember to
review the settings when the system configuration changes or after upgrading the system to a
new Domino release, because it is likely that you will need to adjust them.
You should always test and monitor with a realistic data set before you make any
configuration changes to your production environment. To help you do so, we recommend the
following actions:
If you are running 5.03 or higher, enable platform statistics by adding
platform_statistics_enabled=1 to the notes.ini file.
Enable STATREP collection on the server.
While the server is under load, issue the sh stat command in 15 minute intervals. This
dumps information about memory usage to the console.
Review the data.
Table 7-2 lists the SH STAT database.* statistics and their utilization.
The NSF buffer pool setting in R5, up to and including 5.0.3, should not exceed 1920
MB (or 2,013,265,920 bytes).
If you have Domino Release 5.0.4 or later, you should use the
PercentAvailSysResources variable to allocate memory on the iSeries.
216 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Table 7-2 SH STAT output parameters and a description of their content and use
This parameter regulates the number of concurrent transactions that can occur in a server at
one time. When the number of concurrent transactions is reached, the other transactions are
put into a wait state until one of the active transactions completes. In R4, we recommended
that you set this parameter to -1, but in R5 on iSeries, you must not use -1.
Parameter Description
Database.BufferControlPool.Peak Peak number of database control pools used.
Database.BufferControlPool.Size Size of database buffer control pool.
Database.BufferControlPool.Used Number of database control pools used.
Database.BufferPool.Allocated Number of database control pools allocated.
Database.BufferPool.Maximum Maximum size of database control pools.
Database.BufferPool.Peak Peak number of database buffer pools.
Percentage of read requests satisfied from the buffer. In
performance terms, this is “cache hits”.
Note: This value will be low for quite a time after a server
starts as the cache is being populated. This value should not
be referred to if the server has not been running for at least
two hours.
Database.BufferPool.Reads Number of database buffer pool reads.
Database.BufferPool.Used Number of used database buffer pool.
Database.BufferPool.Writes Number of database buffer pool writes.
DataBase.DbCache.CurrentEntries Number of entries in the database cache at this time.
DataBase.DbCache.HighWaterMark High water mark of the database cache.
DataBase.DbCache.Hits Number of hits to the database cache.
DataBase.DbCache.InitialDbOpens Number of database opens done by the database cache.
DataBase.DbCache.Lookups Number of lookups to the database cache.
DataBase.DbCache.MaxEntries Maximum number of entries in the database cache
Number of rejections due to the overcrowding of the
Database.ExtMgrPool.Peak Peak number of external manager pools.
Database.ExtMgrPool.Used Number of External Manager pools.
Notes: Where statistics suggest that the NSF buffer pool size should be increased, the
amount of the increase should not exceed 10%. Be sure to review the data again.
Refer to the StatRep log to see if brief pairs or patterns of spikes are a “normal” daily trend
at particular times and can therefore be safely ignored in the short term.
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 217
In R5 Domino now fully utilizes thread pools. These pools are set by default to forty threads
per port. However, if you set Server_Max_Concurrent_Trans in notes.ini (default is 20), be
aware that IOCP threads default to two times this number (that is 40 if the default is set). If
Server_Max_Concurrent_Trans is set to -1 (representing the maximum), Domino will create
twice that number of IOCP threads, that is, thousands of threads for the server pool. You may
then see:
Server job taking up a lot of CPU
Thousands of threads running under the Server job
High faulting and paging in Domino memory pool
Slow performance
Users unable to connect
This parameter defines the number of user sessions a Domino server can accommodate.
When a new user attempts to log on, if the current number of sessions is greater than the
value of Server_MaxSessions, Domino closes the least recently used session. For a session
to be considered for closing, it must have been inactive for at least one minute.
There is presently no way to prevent a user from opening a new session on a Domino server
(for more information, see 10.2, “Clustering” on page 278). If there are too many concurrent
sessions (active sessions) on the Domino server, errors may occur.
Reaching this limit on iSeries can cause the SERVER task to start taking up a lot of CPU
resources with a single thread, usually the one listening for connect requests on the TCPIP
port, trying to get a lock on a semaphore. Users see the message “Remote system no longer
This parameter specifies the maximum number of active NRPC user sessions allowed on a
server. This is only effective for NRPC (Notes Client) users and does not affect HTTP users or
HTTP sessions. The HTTP user is accessing the server via an ICM server allowing HTTP
users to continue to create new sessions even after this limit is reached.
When this number is reached, the server state becomes “MaxUsers” and the server stops
accepting new Database Open requests from NRPC users. This prevents new sessions from
starting and stops existing NRPC users from opening another database. They also see the
error message:
Server Error: Access to the server is restricted due to maximum number of users.
Servers that are not in a cluster reject the access requests.
Important: Be absolutely certain this parameter is not set it to -1. We recommend that you
do not set this parameter unless specifically advised by IBM Support.
Important note: Reducing Server_MaxSessions to a low number will never prevent
Domino from allowing more than that number of concurrent active users on the server.
Reducing Server_MaxSessions will, however, cause sessions to start dropping very soon
after they become inactive. This technically frees up resources, but becomes very heavy
on the CPU and system in re-creating the sessions for all the same users slightly later.
Conversely, Domino will not close any session that has been idle for less than a one minute
regardless of the demand on the server.
218 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
When using the ICM for failover and workload balancing, here as in standard Domino
clusters. Domino computes the server availability index based on all open sessions, whether
they are from Notes clients, HTTP clients, or other Domino servers. To configure workload
balancing and failover, use the same settings, that is Server_Restricted, Server_MaxUsers,
and Server_Availability_Threshold. For stopping database availability, you would mark a
database out of service or pending delete. We recommend that you set the default to 0
(unlimited access to server by user).
The Server_Session_Timeout parameter from the notes.ini file causes Domino to terminate
an NRPC network or mobile connection/session that has been idle for this amount of time. A
session is considered idle if no activity detected. If it is set too low, the server may have to
re-open database server sessions too often. The best setting for this parameter is determined
by the server load, and numbers of concurrent users on the server, etc.
The sesson timeout only applies to Notes clients and not to Web browsers. The Domino
HTTP task accesses the server directly or via an ICM server so HTTP users are not affected
by changes to this time-out value.
R5 has much improved handling on concurrent user sessions over R4, so this parameter can
be safely removed. It has no affect unless the server is busy. Be aware, creating a new
session is very CPU expensive. Re-using sessions is much more efficient, which is why we
have the parameter.
The term “Session” also includes server “internal” sessions, such as agents, replicator tasks,
server to server, and so on, so plan for it!
Consider this example. If you have 60 agents running every 35 minutes, and you set this
timeout to 30 minutes, you will unnecessarily create one session per minute because every
agent will be timed out!
The default for this parameter is 240 minutes (4 hours). We recommend that you reduce it to
30 to 45 minutes, but not less.
iSeries parameter TCPKEEPALV
The iSeries has a TCP parameter that specifies the time (minutes) that TCP waits before
sending out an idle tickler probe to the other side of a connection to test for signs of activity.
On the iSeries, this is the TCPKEEPALV parameter.
The default value for this parameter is 120 minutes. Setting this value to a smaller number will
cause sessions to be cleaned up sooner. If the tickler finds the “other half” of the conversation
has “gone away”, that is, it does not respond at all, it is cleaned up. It should be noted that a
TCP/IP conversation that responds at the tickler level, but not at application level will never be
closed by TCP/IP, until either the application closes the conversation or the conversation is
ended abnormally by OS/400.
Use CFGTCP option 3.
We recommend that you set this parameter to 15 minutes.
This parameter defines the maximum size in MB that the collection of 64 MB Circular TxL log
files can grow to before being forced to start overwriting (re-using) themselves. This
parameter and Translog_UseAll are both ignored when using archival style transaction
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 219
TxL logs are written in 64 KB chunks. The logs “segment” (next log file “extent”) at 64 MB. The
logs are binary and created empty 64 MB long. When re-used, they are incrementally
renamed and the contents cleared down. All of this helps performance and prevents disk
Never routinely delete TxL log files! The only purpose of TxL on iSeries is fast recovery after a
crash and incremental backups.
Monitor the statistic Database.RM.SinceStartup.Critical.Log.Times. If this value is ever
greater than 0, it suggests that at some point since server startup, the uncommitted
transactions (those not hardened from virtual cached images to real disk images) in the
(circular) log have nearly equalled the size of the log itself. Or it may indicate that new
transactions are flowing through the log as fast, or faster, than the recovery manager can
commit them. Since the recovery manager must not overwrite an uncommitted transaction in
the logs, flushing the virtual database image to disk (hardening) gets a higher priority during
these critical times. This then releases uncommitted transactions from the TxL logs to allow
re-use of TxL log files. As a consequence of this, server performance suffers. To correct this,
you can increase the log size, that is this parameter.
7.14.2 How queues relate to the NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size
A message queue is a queue that Notes uses to store certain tasks that are queued up
(indexing, design updates, full text, agents, open handles for lookups). The Indexer is a
classic example of a Domino “task” that works from a queue.
The following tasks access an Indexer queue:
The Indexer accesses this queue to pull requests from it.
Every “view update” request is added to this queue.
Chronos (the Domino scheduler) adds requests for Full Text updating to this queue.
So, the Indexer queue contains various requests for databases to be indexed from various
sources. The Indexer reads the next request from this queue, removes it from the queue, and
performs the indexing functions. Therefore, a single Indexer task works on a single database
indexing request that it pulled from the queue. If a second request comes into the queue, the
next indexer then removes that request from the queue and starts working on it. If both of
these requests are for the same database, then the two tasks will attempt to work on the
same database, assuming it is on different indexes.
Attention: The minimum size is 192 MB (it ignores all lower values). If you start Domino
with physically less disk space for TxL logs than 192 MB, Domino will identify this as a
severe error (panic).
Note: Translog parameters are always overwritten by the values from the server document,
so there is no point to changing them in the notes.ini directly. Domino has to create more
than 65 MB of Archival TxL log before the Domino API reports the first complete archive
log is complete and available for backup. Some third-party backup solutions use recent API
additions allowing the active log to be flushed and a new log started to allow it to be backed
Note: Queue access is on a first-come, first-served basis; no task has priority over another
task, and the requests are added to the queue in First In, First Out (FIFO) form.
220 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
It is statistically more likely, however, the two tasks will work on different databases. If the
request is for a full text index update, this is a single index and multiple UPDATE processes
cannot update the same full text index at the same time.
While multiple Indexer Tasks can update different view indexes within the same database at
the same time, typically we don't recommend running large numbers of Indexers due to the
fact that it may cause contention.
When a message queue reaches its capacity, this is the error that occurs:
"Server Error: Insufficient Memory - Message Queue Pool is Full"
For the Indexer queue, you can check $UPDATEQUEUE and see if it is the Indexer Queue
that has reached its capacity. “Message Queue Pool” is Full for the Indexer task or tasks may
We do not have sufficient indexers taking work from the Index Queue
We are not servicing the pool fast enough (that is insufficient resources)
The pool itself is full, causing the queue to reject further entries (pool too small)
This type of error message is seen most frequently on mail servers on which mail databases
are full text indexed.
Here are some possible workarounds particularly for Mail Files:
Load another Indexer task on the server to service the queue more frequently.
Change the full-text update frequency from hourly to daily on the mail files.
Limit the number of simultaneous full text Indexers with FullTextMultiProcess=.
Prohibit all full text indexing (usually of user mail files) with Update_No_Fulltext=1.
A display of the Notes statistics may reveal the buffer pools maxed out. In Figure 7-17, the sh
stat database command was entered on the server console (or remote console).
Tip: Loading multiple Indexer tasks on the server may or may not always be beneficial. It
all depends on whether the multiple requests in the queue are for the SAME full text index
on the SAME database.
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 221
Figure 7-17 The sh stat command examining the database buffer cache and pool
In a textbook example where there were major problems, the customer key values were:
Database.BufferPool.Maximum = 74693652
Database.BufferPool.Peak = 75110000
Database.NIFPool.Peak = 2223804
Database.NIFPool.Used = 4292080218
Database.NSFPool.Peak = 1765962
Database.NSFPool.Used = 4286027655
You should notice that:
Database.BufferPool.Maximum < Database.BufferPool.Peak
Database.NIFPool.Peak < Database.NIFPool.Used
Database.NSFPool.Peak < Database.NSFPool.Used
Increasing the NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size in the notes.ini file may help to resolve the issue.
However, the server may need to be monitored to see if the Database.BufferPool.Maximum
still shows less than the Database.BufferPool.Peak or the “Message Queue Pool is Full” error
continues. If this consistently happens, the server may be simply overloaded and need more
memory or another resource to be upgraded.
Each server uses a database cache to minimize the time lags involved with opening and
closing databases on a server. When a user opens a database, Domino puts the database in
the cache, where it remains for a period of time. While a database is in the cache, users can
open and close the database quickly.
Database.BufferControlPool.Peak = 130,812
Database.BufferControlPool.Used = 40,814
Database.BufferPool.Maximum = 7194660
Database.BufferPool.Peak = 1728000
Database.BufferPool.PerCentReadsInBuffer = 98
Database.BufferPool.Reads = 4099
Database.BufferPool.Used = 1717134
Database.BufferPool.Writes = 747
Database.DbCache.CurrentEntries = 7
Database.DbCache.HighWaterMark = 37
Database.DbCache.Hits = 2404
Database.DbCache.InitialDbOpens = 3270
Database.DbCache.Lookups = 3256
Database.DbCache.MaxEntries = 25
Database.DbCache.OvercrowdingRejections = 239
Database.NIFPool.Peak = 130,812
Database.NIFPool.Used = 69,263
Database.NSFPool.Peak = 130,812
Database.NSFPool.Used = 20,812
222 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
How databases are removed from the cache
Databases are removed from the cache through the process described here. An ager thread
automatically “pushes” databases toward closure (by performing necessary writes,
deallocating memory, and so forth) over a period of 15 to 20 minutes. Ideally, databases leave
the cache in time to allow room for new entries, which are added when a database is closed.
If not (the current number of entries exceeds NSF_DbCache_Maxentries), then one of the
following actions occurs:
If the current number of entries is less than NSF_DbCache_Maxentries*1.5, Domino adds
a database entry to the cache and the ager accelerates to quickly get down to the
NSF_DbCache_Maxentries setting.
If the current number of entries is greater than or equal to NSF_DbCache_Maxentries*1.5,
the database is closed normally instead of being put in the cache.
The View_Rebuild_Dir parameter changes the temporary work file directory where the
UPDATE task keeps all of its work files:
The presence of this parameter also causes all views including permuted or categorized
views (for Domino Release 5.0.3 or later), to be rebuilt using the much faster R5 optimized
view rebuild. This places all the temporary files (.DTF files) in the directory specified, instead
of using the R4 default directory (which was the Domino data directory).
If insufficient space is available or it’s an R4 database, the following warning appears and is
“Warning: unable to use optimized view rebuild for due to insufficient
disk space at . Estimate may need <9999> million bytes for this view. Using
standard rebuild instead”
In this case, the R5 Optimized view rebuild cannot be used and the behavior as in Domino R4
takes over.
We recommend that you use R5 Optimized view rebuild and suggest the following actions:
Make certain system account has full rights to the temporary file directory named.
Some platforms (not iSeries) require a trailing directory separator.
Convert all databases to R5 to take full advantage of R5 Optimized view rebuild.
For iSeries, also make sure the QNOTES user profile owns the directory or has full
authority to it.
This directory can be placed completely outside the data directory path. On iSeries, we
recommend that you use a directory in its own ASP for optimal performance.
Note: Views rebuilt by R5 Optimized view rebuild can be much larger than the actual view
size observed in the View Properties of the database and may require this temporary work
file directory to have significant amounts of free space.
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 223
7.15 Controlling the details of Domino logging
Use Domino logging only if you suspect a performance problem, because extensive logging
can seriously impact performance. You can use logging for trouble shooting. Always make a
note of what logging you enable. Make sure that logging is switched off after the problem is
resolved or that investigation ends.
To display server performance events on the server console, use the following command:
show performance
This can be shortened to:
sh pe
This sets the notes.ini Server_Show_Performance parameter to a value of 1. The message
“Server performance monitoring is now enabled” appears on the Domino server console and
will run once a minute. If the notes.ini Server_Show_Performance parameter value is set to 0,
server performance events will display in the Notes log only.
To stop server performance events from being displayed on the console, type show
performance again and performance events will no longer be displayed on the console.
On the Server Console as well as in log.nsf, the concurrent transactions will appears as
shown in the following example:
03:41:55 PM 41 Transactions/Minute, 5 Users
You may find that changing this undocumented parameter helps performance. In the current
releases of Domino, the NIF-semaphores are type “FRWSem” (FairReadWriteSemaphores).
This kind of semaphore allows either one writer or multiple readers (up to 48) at the same
time. If there are more threads trying to read- or write-lock the semaphore, these are queued
to be processed in the correct order (FIFO).
The semaphore-type for nif-semaphores may be changed by the notes.ini setting
DEBUG_DISABLE_FAIRSEM=1. The semaphoretype used instead will not queue the
requests and, therefore, may result in lower performance. It is not recommended to be used
unless there are serious performance issues and even then only with the advice of support.
Set the following parameters:
After you add these parameters, if semaphores are generated, they are captured in a file
called SEMDEBUG.TXT in the Domino program directory. The output of the
SEMDEBUG.TXT file looks like this example:
THREAD [02AB:0123] WAITING FOR FRWSEM 0x030B Collection semaphore (@0BE65A20)
(R=0,W=1,WRITER=0080:015E,1STREADER=0000:0000) FOR 30000 ms
THREAD [01FE:0220] WAITING FOR FRWSEM 0x0244 open database semaphore (@00ECBDD2)
(R=0,W=1,WRITER=0080:015E,1STREADER=0000:0000) FOR 30000 ms
If you see a lot of FRWSem and semaphores are timing out, disabling fair semaphores may
be appropriate. Again, the underlying cause of semaphore time-out should be investigated
with support, rather than masking it by removing the queueing.
224 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
7.16 iSeries environment variable settings
iSeries environment variables are used to control the following specific attributes of the
Domino server. Changes to these variable are activated after the server is terminated and
restarted again. You add new ones with the Add Environment Variable (ADDENVVAR)
command. By default, environment variables only persist for the duration of the job that
submitted the ADDENVVAR command, unless you specify the parameter LEVEL(*SYS).
This is the size of the console file that displays the status messages when you use the Work
with Domino Console (WRKDOMCSL) or Display Domino Console (DSPDOMCSL)
command. As a log file increases in size, the response time on any commands on the Domino
console also increases.
The default value for this was 1 MB at Release 4.6b. It was increased to 12 MB for Release
4.6.2. The current default is 12 MB. You do not need to set this variable for Domino R5.
Other environment variables used by Domino for iSeries are:
FaultRecovery: Defines whether QNNINSTS will attempt to automatically restart the
server after a task ends abnormally.
AS400_DOMSVR_RESTART: Defines the maximum number of restarts.
See the Domino for AS/400 Help database help/as400hlp.nsf on your Domino server for more
information on environment variables.
7.17 Domino for iSeries specific notes.ini parameters
The following parameters are not necessarily unique to Domino for iSeries, but are important
for Domino when running iSeries servers.
This is a variable in the notes.ini file that is usually only used by the directory synchronization
task and when set the entry usually reads NSF_HOOKS=QNNDIHK.
Theoretically, there could be other entries on that line (that is hooks used by other
applications), so just remove the QNNDIHK entry and the associated comma:
One of the processes during the installation of the Domino server with Option 1 selected
creates an autostart job entry in subsystem description QSYSWRK. QNNDIRQS is started
after an IPL as a result of the autostart job entry. The autostart job entry can be verified and
removed using the following commands from an OS/400 command line.
Important: If you are not using directory synchronization, you should perform each of the
following actions:
Remove the “QNNDIHK” entry from the “NSF_HOOKS= line in the notes.ini file.
Remove the “QNNINADD” entry from the “SERVERTASKS=” line in the notes.ini file.
Issue the following O/400 CL command to end directory synchronization:
call qnotesint/qnndiend
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 225
1. Verify that the autostart job entry exists using Work with Subsystem Descriptions screen
a. Enter 5 on the option line next to QSYSWRK.
b. Select option 3 (Autostart job entries).
c. The Display Autostart Job Entries screen may display job QNNDISTJ in library QSYS.
d. If it exists, the QNNDISTJ entry needs to be removed (see next step).
2. Remove the Autostart job entry from the command line with the command:
Another item to carefully scrutinize is the EnableJavaAgents variable in the notes.ini file. This
variable enables or disables the ability to run Java agents in your Domino server. If the
AS/400 Developer Kit for Java (5769-JV1 or 5722-JV1) is installed on your iSeries, the
Domino Agent Manager (AMGR) and HTTP server automatically support running Java
You can disable Java agents by adding the following line to the notes.ini file for the Domino
Controls the maximum number of threads that the mail router job can create. The setting of
this variable is very important for mail hub servers. To appropriately set this variable, we
recommend that you use the show server command at the console and check for pending
mail. Increase MAILMAXTHREADS by 1 until pending mail shows 0 or the desired level of
performance is reached.
The SERVERTASKS variable controls which tasks are started when a Domino server is
brought up. By limiting the number of tasks that start, you can improve the performance of
that Domino server. For example, if you partitioned your Domino servers to handle different
Notes functions, only start the tasks that are needed for a particular server.
Here are some suggestions for which tasks you might consider removing from the
ServerTasks entry in notes.ini. It is likely that very few of these are already in your notes.ini
since many are not there by default. However, the defaults have changed with various
releases. They also change depending on the options chosen when you configured your
iSeries Domino servers. The tasks ICM, HTTP, IIOP, IMAP, POP3, LDAP, QNNINADD, DECS,
LDAP, SMTPMTA, and NNTP are all configurable at the time a server is installed.
Note: The above action does not take effect until the subsystem is ended (ENDSBS
QSYSWRK) and restarted (STRSBS QSYSWRK).
Note: Be careful about removing the UPDATE task. Removing the UPDATE task can
cause serious functional problems on your Domino server if you have an application that
depends on view and index updates that occurs “on the fly”.
Note: The ServerTasks variable is preserved when upgrading, so newer functions may not
have been added automatically.
226 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Table 7-3 lists the majority of the server tasks and summarizes their functions with comments.
Table 7-3 Domino for iSeries server tasks and their descriptions
Task command to run Task description
Administration Process AdminP Automates a variety of administrative tasks. You
should not remove this entry.
Agent manager AMgr Runs agents on one or more databases.
Generally, you should not remove this. Doing so
disables all scheduled agents on the server.
Billing Billing Collects all generated billing information. If
you are not using the Billing function, you may
remove this.
Calendar Connector Calconn Processes requests for free-time information
from another server. If you do not use
Calendaring and Scheduling or if you use it only
on one server, you may remove this. Doing so
disables free-time lookups to other servers.
Cluster Database Directory Manager Cldbdir Updates the cluster database directory and
manages databases with cluster-specific
attributes. If you have not implemented clustering
or if this server is not a member of any Domino
cluster, you may remove this.
Cluster Replicator Clrepl Performs database replication in a cluster. If you
have not implemented clustering or if this server
is not a member of any Domino cluster, you may
remove this.
DIIOP DIIOP allows Domino and the browser client to
use the Domino Object Request Broker (ORB)
server program. If you have written or purchased
Domino applications that contain Java pallets
utilizing the Domino Java Classes, you need to
enable this. It is not enabled by default. If you do
not run the HTTP task, you do not need this.
HTTP Server HTTP enables a Domino server to act as a Web
server so browser clients can access databases
on the server. If you do not wish to allow any Web
browser access to the Domino server, this may
be removed.
IMAP Server IMAP enables a Domino server to act as a
maildrop for IMAP clients. If you have no IMAP
clients, you may remove this.
IMAPMaxSessions R5.0.3 specifies the maximum number of
sessions that will be allowed in the IMAP server.
Default=0 (or unspecified) = No Session Limit
ISpy RunJava ISpy sends server and mail probes and stores the
statistics. It is used primarily for troubleshooting
LDAP Server LDAP enables a Domino server to provide LDAP
directory services to LDAP clients. Only needed
if you support LDAP queries. These usually come
from POP3 and IMAP e-mail clients.
Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries 227
A typical R5 default ServerTasks variable looks like this:
7.18 CORBA and Java servlets
For best CORBA and Java servlet performance, make sure a JVAPGM is associated with
any.JAR files you are using in your servlet. For example, you would typically use
/qibm/proddata/lotus/notes/SHARED/NSCOW.jar for a WebSphere servlet to access Domino
via CORBA. NCSOW.jar doesn't ship with a JVAPGM so you have to create one if you are
going to use it on the iSeries server. To do this, you can use the Create Java Program
(CRTJVAPGM) command. Enter the following command on any OS/400 command line:
CRTJVAPGM CLSF('/qibm/proddata/lotus/notes/SHARED/NSCOW.jar') OPTIMIZE(30)
You can check if one exists, or what its optimization level is by using Display Java Program
(DSPJVAPGM) command on the IFS file:
DSPJVAPGM CLSF('/qibm/proddata/lotus/notes/SHARED/NSCOW.jar')
When using Java agents that reference external Java packages, do not put the entire JAR file
into your agent. JAR files stored in an .NSF file with an agent cannot take advantage of
having a Direct Executable JVAPGM associated with them. For the NOTES.JAR, you do not
need this. It is in the CLASSPATH for your agent when it runs already.
MTC MTC reads log files produced by the router and
writes summary data about message traffic to a
database for message tracking purposes. Only
needed if you are using Mail Tracking.
POP3 Server POP3 enables a Domino server to act as a
maildrop for POP3 clients. If you have no POP3
clients, you may remove this.
This nsf_hooks and servertask pair synchronize
the Domino Directory with the iSeries Distribution
Directory (SDD). If you are not using directory
sync you may disable it.
For details, see “NSF_HOOKS” on page 224.
Replicator Replica Replicates databases with other servers. Do not
Router Router Routes mail to other servers. Do not remove.
Schedule manager Sched Returns meeting times and dates and available
invitees. If you are not using Calendaring and
Scheduling at all, you may remove this.
Stats Stats generates statistics for a remote server on
demand. Do not remove.
Note: This is not a complete list of Domino tasks. See the Domino Help Administration
database for descriptions of other Domino server tasks.
Task command to run Task description
228 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
For other third-party packages, such as the IBM Toolbox for Java (previously known as Java
Toolbox for AS/400; JT400.JAR), add these to the CLASSPATH via the JavaUserClasses
entry in notes.ini instead of putting them directly into the agent. Make sure they have a
JVAPGM created for them (using CRTJVAPGM) and that QNOTES has authority to use them.
For example, to use the JT400.JAR file that ships with 5769-JC1 (IBM Toolbox for Java) and
another .JAR from Whizbang Corp called WHIZBANG.JAR, you'd enter this in the notes.ini
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 229
Chapter 8. Understanding the Domino
server jobs
This chapter discusses the Domino server tasks. It provides insight into each OS/400 job that
represents one of those tasks, how these jobs relate to the implementation of Domino for
iSeries, and what you can do to tune your server environment.
The key to performance tune the server is to understand the relationships between what
appear to be traditional iSeries jobs and Domino jobs. Due to the scalability of the iSeries
server, you then determine if creating another server and subsystem for a specific server job
within the iSeries would improve the performance of the entire environment. This chapter also
offers some best practices that can provide a framework for your server environment.
For fully detailed information about Domino tuning, see Chapter 7, “Tuning Lotus Domino for
better performance on iSeries” on page 183.
Domino for iSeries allows flexibility in the management of Domino server jobs. Only the
iSeries server platform allows you to manage all jobs related to one Domino in one entity: a
subsystem. This provides increased flexibility during the implementation of Domino servers.
Only through in-depth understanding of which server tasks are important to your organization,
you can manage the Domino server environment. Once you identify the critical server jobs
that need to be used for the organization, you are in a position to analyze such items as:
Number of users
Transaction rates per minute
Response time
Disk requirements
Important: In this chapter, when we discuss Domino server jobs, it is the same as if we
use the term Domino server tasks. This may be confusing. However, if you see it from an
iSeries point of view, then it is server jobs, and if you see it from a Domino perspective, it is
server tasks.
230 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
The following sections detail an instance of a server:
Section 8.2, “Domino server jobs (always necessary)” on page 232, covers server tasks
that need to run on the Domino server. Those jobs are started by default when you
configure a new Domino server.
Section 8.3, “Domino server jobs (often used)” on page 245, covers advanced jobs that
may be needed in your environment. However, exploiting the function sets that are running
under these jobs will directly and positively impact the performance of your entire Domino
Section 8.4, “Domino server jobs (very likely not used)” on page 253, describes those
tasks that may not be needed on most Domino servers. Since many tasks are started
unnecessarily by default, it is worth verifying whether you need certain functions.
Section 8.5, “Domino server database housekeeping jobs” on page 256, covers additional
jobs that are run in a background environment. That is, they are started typically by the
Domino system administrator or an agent and run only for a specified period of time.
Each section provides the following information for that particular job running in the Domino
server subsystem:
Description of Domino server functions running under that job
Potential performance impact of Domino servers function under that job
Suggested steps to performance tune that job or function set
8.1 Domino server jobs
Domino server jobs run under the subsystem you defined when you configured the server. If
you did not specify a name for the subsystem, the name DOMINOnn will be used, where nn is
01 for the first1 server you configure on your iSeries. It will be increased by one for each new
partitioned server on your system.
To see the all the server jobs related to one Domino server (therefore running under one
subsystem), you can either use Operations Navigator or enter the WRKDOMSVR or
WRKACTJOB CL commands on an OS/400 command line.
Operations Navigator provides an intuitive, graphical user interface for iSeries operators and
administrators. To manage you Domino for iSeries servers, perform the following steps:
1. Start Operations Navigator on your Windows workstation.
2. Expand the tree under My iSeries Connections by single clicking the plus sign (+).
3. Expand the tree under the name of your iSeries server. When prompted, enter your user
ID and password to access that system.
4. Expand the tree under Network.
5. Expand the tree under Servers.
Note: Some of the tasks are started by default, changing the ServerTasks= line in
notes.ini. A typical default content of that parameter may be:
Others will be added to start based on the selection made when configuring the Domino
server or manually to notes.ini.
1 This should not be confused with the parameters *FIRST and *ADD in the Configure Domino Server (CFGDOMSVR) command. These
refer to the first or additional servers within the Domino organization or domain.
Chapter 8. Understanding the Domino server jobs 231
6. Right-click Domino and select Domino jobs to see the jobs of all Domino servers running
on your iSeries as shown in Figure 8-1.
Figure 8-1 Active Domino jobs shown in Operations Navigator
You may customize the display by selecting Options-> Columns in the menu bar to add,
re-sequence, or delete columns.
If you prefer using CL commands, you may enter one of the following commands on any
OS/400 command line:
The Work With Domino Servers (WRKDOMSVR) command shows all Domino servers on
your iSeries. Then, select the server and type 9 (Work server jobs) in the option field next
to the name of the server.
Alternatively, you can enter the Work with Active Jobs command from an OS/400
command line:
Specify the name of the subsystem with the SBS parameter.
Figure 8-2 shows an example of server jobs that run under a subsystem named MAILSVR.
Note that this is not a complete list of jobs that can run under a Domino server subsystem.
232 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 8-2 WRKACTJOB SBS(MAILSVR): Domino server jobs
8.2 Domino server jobs (always necessary)
The server tasks described in this section should normally not be removed from the
ServerTasks statement in the notes.ini file. They are started by default on every server and
should stay active.
8.2.1 ADMINP: Administration process
The administration process is a server task called ADMINP that automates many routine
administrative tasks. You choose an action, and the administration process completes it for
you. The administration process can perform these administrative tasks:
Create mail files during setup
Upgrade users and servers to hierarchical naming
Rename users
Recertify users and servers
Delete users, servers, and groups
Work with Active Jobs AS06
11/12/01 09:58:04
CPU %: 9.8 Elapsed time: 00:10:28 Active jobs: 296
Type options, press Enter.
2=Change 3=Hold 4=End 5=Work with 6=Release 7=Display message
8=Work with spooled files 13=Disconnect ...
Opt Subsystem/Job User Type CPU % Function Status
Note: When a new server is created, some jobs start by default that might not be needed
at all. These kind of jobs are discussed in 8.4, “Domino server jobs (very likely not used)”
on page 253.
Chapter 8. Understanding the Domino server jobs 233
Add resources to and delete them from the Domino Directory when these actions are
initiated in the Resource Reservations database
Set the Master Address Book field in the Domino Directory to enable directory assistance
Create replicas of multiple databases
Enable password checking during authentication
Add servers and remove servers to and from a cluster
Move databases from a cluster server
Route mail to other servers
In addition to these tasks that you initiate, the administration process automatically copies a
public key of the server to its server record when you start the server and the public key is not
there already. It also places the server build number in the server document. The
administration process can do these two tasks in a flat or hierarchical environment.
Potential performance impact
The ADMINP server job can be very CPU intensive. The tasks performed by ADMINP are
enormous when compared to other tasks in the Domino environment. Due to the various and
numerous tasks involved, any changes to ADMINP should be done with caution. It is possible,
due to the exhausting nature of the tasks completed by ADMINP that your Domino
environment could be negatively impacted by its activities. Let us talk about some of the big
tasks that may very well negatively impact your Domino server performance.
There are two main activities that, relatively speaking, have a more devastating impact on
your Domino server environment when they are started by ADMINP:
Recertification of user IDs
This is mostly due to the impact on the Domino Directory (Name and Address Book) for
the organization. Upon recertification, the Domino Directory must be updated with the new
information regarding these IDs. As a result, a recertification task and a re-indexing task
are executed against the Domino Directory. Therefore, the overhead in accomplishing this
task can be enormous.
Database moves in a clustering environment
This is more of a function of the number of databases that are being copied across the
cluster. If you have a limited number of databases, the impact is less than if you have a
large number of databases.
Stopping ADMINP
There may be cases where a server task, such as ADMINP, has been processing requests for
much longer than expected. This impacts the server's performance. The server console
command tell adminp q brings the tasks down while doing the appropriate cleanup. Do not
use the OS/400 End Job (ENDJOB) command.
For more information, refer to the site http://www-4.ibm.com/software/support/ and search
for document 180515.
Suggested performance tuning
When analyzing the impact of ADMINP on your Domino server performance, consider the
suggestions described here.
The exposure to database moves can be reduced by implementing this particular task outside
of your normal business hours. There are several ways to initiate the ADMINP job. Please
refer to the Domino Administration Help Database that comes with the Domino server
software. One way is to schedule ADMINP functions:
234 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
The tasks completed by ADMINP can have a negative effect on users during normal business
hours. Therefore, you may want to balance the organizational requirements for the ADMINP
tasks against running these tasks outside of the normal business hours of your user
There are several factors that affect the time to complete many of the tasks provided in
ADMINP. For more information, refer to the site http://www-4.ibm.com/software/support/
and search on document 151808.
Figure 8-3 shows the Administration process (ADMINP) of the server document.
Figure 8-3 Administration process section of the Server Document in the Domino Directory
To understand the impact of the ADMINP task on the entire CPU utilization of iSeries server,
you may log the platform dependent statistics in the statrep.nsf database. See Figure 5-26 on
page 155 for an example and 5.3, “Combining performance data from Domino and iSeries” on
page 152, for information on setting it up.
8.2.2 AMGR: Agent manager
Agents let Notes users automate tasks. Users are provided with a set of predefined agents.
For example, an agent may automatically send a response to all incoming e-mail, indicating
that a user is away on vacation or business. Users can use the Notes Agent Builder to create
simple agents, formula agents, or LotusScript agents. There are two types of agents:
Chapter 8. Understanding the Domino server jobs 235
Personal agents: For use only by the user who creates the agent
Public agents: Created by a database designer for use by specified users
Before the Agent Manager task runs a LotusScript agent, it performs the following
security-related steps:
1. Validates the signature on the agent note. If the signature is missing, the agent cannot run.
2. Checks the server document in the Domino Directory to determine whether the user can
run restricted and unrestricted agents.
3. Checks for any API restrictions.
4. Begins agent execution.
Identifying potential performance impacts of AMGR
Because of what the AMGR does during an instance of any agents, the overhead when
running agents can be an exposure.
The real exposure to AMGR predominantly comes from database design personnel. The
number of agents and when they execute against a database and application can significantly
impact Domino server performance. Due to the uniqueness of the database and application
design, it is impossible to predict what affect agents will have in your environment. However,
they will have a negative impact on server performance. To analyze the potential impact,
issue the following command and note the results:
COMMAND SENT: show stat agent
Agent.Daily.AccessDenials = 0
Agent.Daily.ScheduledRuns = 3
Agent.Daily.TriggeredRuns = 0
Agent.Daily.UnsuccessfulRuns = 0
Agent.Daily.UsedRunTime = 208 Seconds
Agent.Hourly.AccessDenials = 0
Agent.Hourly.ScheduledRuns = 0
Agent.Hourly.TriggeredRuns = 0
Agent.Hourly.UnsuccessfulRuns = 0
Agent.Hourly.UsedRunTime = 0 Seconds
Logging agent activities
You can also log information about activities performed by AMGR. The Log_AgentManager
setting in notes.ini provides you with a subset of the debugging information that Debug_AMgr
generates. This option provides less output, but it has a smaller impact on performance.
Some people keep the Log_AgentManager setting turned on even when there are no
problems, just to have additional information in the log. The following values can be specified
for the Log_AgentManager statement:
0 To not show logging
1 To show partial and complete successes
2 To show complete successes
A more powerful and, therefore, much more overhead producing function is Debug_AMgr.
You can debug the agents by adding the following variable to notes.ini:
Here n can have the following values:
r Agent execution
l Agent loading
m Agent memory warning
p Agent performance stats
236 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
e Events
s Schedule
c Agent control parameters display
v Verbose
* Enables everything
If you have both notes.ini variables specified, Debug_AMgr settings take precedence.
Suggested performance tuning
As the administrator, you set up the Agent Manager to control who has the authority to
execute agents on a specified server. By limiting when agents can run and how many can run
at one time, you control server resources. This requires prioritizing those agents that must run
during normal business hours to meet your organizational requirements and those that can
be deferred until after hours.
AMGR lets you control when agents run. By default, daytime is defined as 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.,
and nighttime is from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. Also, by default, more system resources are allocated
to the Agent Manager at night. If you are running complex LotusScript agents, you should
probably schedule them to run at night, when system demand is lower and the agents run
faster. Remember that your primary objective is your Service Level Agreement (SLA) to your
end-user community. Agents can be CPU bound.
Figure 8-4 shows the Agent Manager section of the Server document.
Figure 8-4 Agent Manager section of the Server document in the Domino Directory
Figure 8-5 show an example of the notes.ini server configuration document - Agent Manager.
Chapter 8. Understanding the Domino server jobs 237
Figure 8-5 Notes.ini server configuration document - Agent Manager
Controlling how many concurrent agents are running
You can relieve a heavily loaded Agent Manager by allowing agents to run concurrently. To do
this, modify the “Max concurrent agents” field in the Server Tasks/Agent Manager section of
the Server document. Values greater than 1 allow more than one agent to run at the same
time. Valid values are 1 through 10. Default values are 1 for daytime and 2 for nighttime.
However, we strongly recommend that you carefully study the impact of multiple agent
managers running carefully.
It is very unlikely to gain improvements by concurrently running multiple instances of agent
manager on systems with less than three processors, unless you have agents with very long
waits on I/O.
To understand the impact of the AMGR task or tasks on the entire CPU utilization of the
iSeries server, you may log the platform dependent statistics in the statrep.nsf database. See
Figure 5-26 on page 155 for an example and 5.3, “Combining performance data from Domino
and iSeries” on page 152, for information to set it up. The statrep.nsf can store the CPU
utilization of up to four instances of AMGR.
To see a snapshot of the Agent Manager status, including the number of Agent Executives
currently running, enter the following command at the server console:
tell amgr status
Improving Agent Manager performance
The Agent Manager controls when agents run on a server. Every time an agent runs, it uses
server resources. To control when scheduled and event-triggered agents run, you specify
settings in the Server document and in the notes.ini file. Customizing when agents run may
conserve server resources, but it may also delay when agents run.
Controlling how often Agent Manager runs agents
The following notes.ini settings affect how often the Agent Manager executes agents. In
general, the more frequently agents run, the sooner they perform their tasks. Running agents
more frequently, however, may increase demand on server resources and adversely affect
overall system performance.
238 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
This setting specifies the minimum elapsed time, in minutes, between executions of the
same document update-triggered agent. This lets you control the time interval between
executions of a given agent. Default is 30 minutes. A longer interval can result in the agent
running less often, reducing server demand. If document update events are infrequent,
you can reduce the delay. (Note that setting this and other Agent Manager variables to
zero does not completely eliminate the delay; a built-in delay will always exist.)
AMgr_DocUpdate EventDelay
This setting specifies the delay time, in minutes, that the Agent Manager schedules a
document update-triggered agent after a document update event. The default is 5
minutes. The delay time ensures the agent runs no more often than the specified interval,
regardless of how frequently document update events occur.
When the agent executes, it also processes all additional events (if any) that occurred
during the interval. A longer interval results in the agent running less often, therefore,
reducing demand for server time. If document update events are infrequent, however, you
can reduce the delay to ensure the agent runs soon after the event occurs.
This setting specifies the minimum elapsed time, in minutes, between executions of the
same new mail-triggered agent. The default is 0 (no interval between executions). Similar
to AMgr_DocUpdateAgentMinInterval, entering an interval can result in the agent running
less frequently.
This setting specifies the time (in minutes) that the Agent Manager delays before
scheduling a new mail-triggered agent after new mail is delivered. The default is 1 minute.
Similar to AMgr_DocUpdateEventDelay, the delay time ensures the agent runs no more
often than the specified interval.
This setting specifies whether Web agents triggered by browser clients can run at the
same time (asynchronously). The default is zero (only one agent can run at a time). Set
this to 1 to allow multiple agents to run simultaneously. This can result in faster execution
of agents. However, a high number of agents executing at the same time can slow overall
system performance.
Controlling how quickly the Agent Manager queues agents
The Agent Manager periodically checks to see if it has any new agents that it needs to
schedule. These notes.ini settings control how quickly an agent gets into the schedule queue:
This setting specifies a delay (in minutes) between running the Agent Manager's
scheduler. Valid values are 1 minute to 60 minutes. The default value is 1 minute.
This setting specifies a delay (in minutes) between running the Agent Manager's check for
untriggered mail. Valid values are 1 minute to 1440 minutes (the number of minutes in a
day). The default value is 60 minutes.
Chapter 8. Understanding the Domino server jobs 239
Controlling when the Agent Manager runs agents
When you create or modify an event-triggered agent, the Agent Manager schedules it to run
immediately. This ensures the agent can quickly process new documents. These notes.ini
settings let you specify a time interval between subsequent runnings of the agent. This can
prevent repeated runnings of the agent, for example, because of a rapid series of triggering
This setting specifies a delay of execution (in minutes) that the Agent Manager includes in
the schedule for a document update-triggered agent after a document update event. The
default is 5 minutes.
This setting specifies a delay of execution (in minutes) that the Agent Manager includes in
the schedule for a new mail-triggered agent after a new mail message is delivered. The
default 1 minute.
This setting specifies the minimum elapsed time (in minutes) between execution of the
same document update-triggered agent. The default is 30 minutes.
This setting specifies the minimum elapsed time (in minutes) between execution of the
same new mail-triggered agent. The default is 0.
Monitoring the load on the Agent Manager
Domino Release 4.6 and earlier releases include the field “Max % busy before delay” in the
Server document. This field limits the percentage of time the Agent Manager can use to run
agents. When this limit is exceeded, the Agent Manager delays agent execution. To improve
Agent Manager performance, Domino Release 5 does not include this limitation. You can,
however, still use this field for Domino Release 4.6 and earlier releases.
If your server attempts to schedule agents at a rate faster than the Agent Manager can run
them, the message “AMgr: Agent scheduling is paused” appears on the console. The Agent
Manager will not schedule any new agents until the server processes some agents that are
already scheduled. Therefore, the running of new agents may be slightly delayed.
8.2.3 QNNINSTS: The ‘Watchdog’
After the Start Domino Server (STRDOMSVR) command has been issued2 and the
subsystem is started, a job named QNNINSTS is submitted, which calls program QNNINSTS.
This program in turn starts all server tasks and monitors whether any of them end abnormally.
If one task fails, QNNINSTS tries to end all remaining tasks gracefully and restarts the server.
Note, most of the jobs running under a Domino subsystem relate to a Domino server task.
This does not apply to QNNINSTS.
While QNNINSTS is the first server job to be started, it is always the last to be ended.
However, it typically does not reflect consumption of system resources. The job log stores all
error messages logged on the console at startup.
Same as for all other Domino jobs, you should not end QNNINSTS using the End Job
(ENDJOB) command. Use the End Domino Server (ENDOMSVR) command instead.
2 In OS/400 V5R1 or later, this can be done automatically by the TCP/IP autostart functions when the AUTOSTART(*YES) parameter is
used with the Configure or Change Domino Server (CFGDOMSVR or CHGDOMSVR) command. TCP/IP can be started automatically
after Initial Program Load (IPL) by using the CHGIPLA STRTCP(*YES) command.
240 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
8.2.4 ROUTER: The mail router
Router is the Domino server task that moves mail messages between the sender's mail file
and the recipient's mail file. Mail routing is the process of moving a message along a path of
servers until the Mail Router on a server locates the mail file for the recipient. To help
determine the path, the Mail Router on every server loads a routing table based on the
information supplied in the Domino Directory.
When you register users, each user automatically gets a personal mail file. This mail file
resides on the user's home server. When a user sends a mail message, the server's Mail
Router takes on the job of delivering the message to the next stop on the route to the
The Mail Router on each server works with two databases located on each server:
The mailbox database (mail.box), which stores mail pending delivery and routing
The Domino Directory (names.nsf), which is a directory of users, servers, and connections
between servers in the same Domino domain and between servers in different Domino
When a sender mails a message, the Notes workstation looks for the recipient's mail address
in the Domino Directory. If the recipient is a group and the group is listed in the Domino
Directory, the Mail Router translates the group into a list of individual recipient names. The
workstation appends each recipient's address to the message. Then the Mail Router on the
server examines the document to find the location of the recipient's mail file, which is located
on each recipient's home server. Based on the location of the recipient's home address, the
Mail Router performs one of the following actions:
If the recipient's mail file is on the same server as the sender's mail file, the Mail Router
immediately delivers the message to the recipient's mail file.
If the recipient's mail file is on a server that is in the same Domino named network, the
Mail Router transfers the document to mail.box on the recipient's home server. Then, the
Mail Router on the recipient's home server delivers the document to the recipient's mail
If the recipient's mail file is on a server that is in a different Domino named network and if
the sender's server has a Connection document that specifies how and when to connect
to that server, the Mail Router uses the information in the Connection document to
connect to the recipient's home server. The Mail Router transfers the message to the
mailbox (mail.box) on the recipient's home server. Then, the Mail Router on the recipient's
home server delivers the message to the recipient's mail file.
If there are a number of servers between the sender's server and the recipient's server
and the sender's server cannot connect directly to the recipient's server, the Mail Router
temporarily stores the message in each server's mail.box until the server's Mail Router
moves the message to the next server. This process repeats at each hop until the
document reaches its final destination.
If there is more than one possible route to the recipient's server, the Mail Router on the
sender's server computes the least-cost route to the recipient's server based on the
connection costs defined by Connection documents. Each server at each hop along the
route computes the least-cost route to the destination.
To prevent routing loops, Domino sets a default maximum hop count of 25 for each message.
That is, a mail message can make up to 25 server stops before the Mail Router returns the
message to the sender. Each time the message passes through a server, the hop count
decreases until the count reaches zero.
Chapter 8. Understanding the Domino server jobs 241
Potential performance impact
Mail routing depends on the mail infrastructure, the destination of a message, and the priority.
To plan for mail routing, you must consider the following concepts:
A domain groups Domino servers, which allows you to administer and control them easily.
All servers in a domain have the same Domino Directory, which is the domain control
center. The control center contains all of the documents necessary to route mail, connect
servers, administer users, and configure servers. To send mail to another user in the same
domain, enter the person's name in the To field of a memo. To send mail to a user in
another domain, enter the person’s name and the domain in the To field.
A Domino named network is a subgroup of Domino servers that are physically connected.
Domino treats a Domino named network as physically separate and distinct, even if it is
connected to other servers and other Domino named networks. Mail routes automatically
in a Domino named network and does not require Connection documents for delivery. A
server Domino named network is listed in its Server record in the Domino Directory.
A Connection document specifies how and when two servers connect, usually to
exchange mail and to update common databases through replication. You need a
Connection document from each server to the other to route mail.
A routing table is a list of connections from a Domino server to all other servers it can
contact. Domino assembles this table when the server starts by searching the Server,
Connection, and Domain documents in the Domino Directory. Domino uses the routing
table to determine the best, least-cost path to deliver mail.
A mail.box file is the Domino mailbox. All outgoing and incoming mail on a server is held in
mail.box until it is delivered. Mail is transferred from the sender's mail file to mail.box
before it is routed. Routing moves the message from mail.box on the sender's server to
mail.box on the recipient's server. Domino then moves the message from mail.box to the
recipient's mail file.
A home server for a given user is the server on which that user's mail file is located.
A Message Transfer Agent (MTA) routes and converts messages from different formats,
such as Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) and Notes mail.
Mail routing occurs on the backbone of your mail infrastructure, including your domain and
Domino named network setup. When planning mail routing, consider these tips:
Designate one server in each domain to connect to other domains.
Designate one server in each Domino named network to connect to other Domino named
Use shared mail to reduce network traffic and the space needed to store mail.
Use the mail trace feature in Domino to see the fastest route for mail and to debug routing
Schedule mail routing and replication together as tasks in Connection documents. This
minimizes the number of Connection documents you need to create and reduces network
Suggested performance tuning
Because mail routing can involve the movement of large amounts of data, the way that you
set up and schedule mail routing has significant performance consequences. A well-planned
mail routing schedule that is tailored to your company's infrastructure and usage patterns
prevents uneven server workloads and excessive network congestion.
242 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Follow these guidelines when you set up basic mail routing:
For mail routing to work properly, it is critical to set up replication so that the Domino
Directory replicates to all servers in the Domino domain. Doing this ensures that the
server, connection, and domain documents are up-to-date and consistent for all servers.
Assign roles to restrict who can create Connection documents in the Domino Directory.
You do not need Connection documents to route mail between servers in the same
Domino named network because mail routing between them occurs automatically.
You need two Connection documents, one in each direction (for example, a Server A
connection to Server B and a Server B connection to Server A) to route mail back and
forth between servers in different Domino named networks or in different Domino
domains. To establish a connection between different domains, you need one Connection
document in each Domino Directory.
To minimize the number of Connection documents, designate only two or three servers in
each Domino named network to route mail to other Domino named networks or to outside
If you enable mail routing and replication on the same Connection document, you may
want to create two separate Connection documents to schedule separate repeat intervals
for mail routing and replication. This way, you can control the repeat interval for replication
and mail routing separately and increase or decrease it, as needed.
To locate and debug mail routing problems, use the Mail Trace feature.
You can test mail routing after you create the Connection documents for each server. If the
network is up and modems are available, you are ready to begin testing mail routing.
Increasing the number of threads for the Router task can improve mail-routing performance,
especially on hub servers. When you send the following command, note the result:
COMMAND SENT: show stat mail.waiting
MAIL.Waiting = 0
With Domino R5, you can create mutiple mail boxes (MAIL.BOX files) to run several mail
router tasks in parallel. A general recommendation is to start with two mail.boxes and add
more as you need them. The maximum number recommended to date is 10. To determine if
you have message contention, issue the server console command SHOW STAT
MAIL.WAITING. This gives you information about how much mail is waiting to be routed over
a period of time. If you see that number beginning to grow, then you know that one of the
paths you might need to pursue is to add another mail.box to your server.
Figure 8-6 shows an example of the notes.ini server configuration document - Mail Routing.
Chapter 8. Understanding the Domino server jobs 243
Figure 8-6 Notes.ini server configuration document: Mail routing
8.2.5 SERVER: The main server
The first job to be started after QNNINSTS is always a job called SERVER. It is the controlling
job for all that transpires in the Domino server. It is the gate keeper for the open sessions.
In addition, the server job controls access to NSF (databases). It effectively provides a
conduit for the Domino environment to function with all of the various jobs in the subsystem.
In addition, the server job provides communication between any partitioned servers
throughout the organization.
IOCP: A new way to use with threads
Like some of the other Domino tasks, the SERVER runs as a multi threaded job in OS/400. In
the early releases of Domino for AS/400 (Domino for AS/400 5.0.1 and earlier), each session
between a Notes client and the server was handled by one active thread of the SERVER job.
With the Quarterly Maintenance Update (QMU), a substantial enhancement to
Domino server performance was implemented by using asynchronous I/O completion ports
The new server design enhancement allows Domino for iSeries to use fewer threads to
support the users in the SERVER job. Instead of 1 thread per user, a small group of threads
handles the work for all the users. We tested up to 10,000 users in a single partition, which
required only 200 threads to be active. For more information on IOCP, see:
Threads are also further discussed in 4.8, “A brief discussion of threads” on page 62.
Suggested performance tuning
The performance suggestions for this job are further outlined in 6.1, “Tuning the iSeries
server” on page 162. During the implementation phase of Domino, your organization needs to
analyze functions that are going to be prioritized throughout the enterprise. It may be a good
idea to partition a server for a specific purpose. If you do this, the information in Chapter 6,
“Tuning the iSeries server for Lotus Domino” on page 161, can assist you in managing that
individual subsystem from an iSeries perspective.
244 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
8.2.6 STATLOG: Database activity logger
The Statlog task runs on the server by default once a day at 5 a.m., unless you change the
ServerTasksAt5= setting in notes.ini. It reports database activity for databases on the server
in Database Activity Log entries in the Database - Usage and Database - Sizes views of the
log file (log.nsf) and to the User Activity dialog box of individual databases.
The User Activity dialog box associated with databases summarizes database usage. By
default, the Statlog server task activates this activity recording for server databases.
Potential performance impact
Reporting database activity in the User Activity dialog box of a database adds 64 K to the size
of each database.
Suggested performance tuning
To conserve disk space and rely solely on the log file for database usage information, rather
than viewing this information in User Activity dialog boxes for individual databases, edit the
notes.ini file to include this setting:
This prevents user activity from being automatically recorded in the User Activity dialog for all
databases on a server. However, database managers can still enable user activity recording
for individual databases.
8.2.7 UPDATE: The Indexer task
The UPDATE server task is included by default in the notes.ini setting ServerTasks.
Therefore, it is loaded automatically at server startup. The UPDATE task updates all active
views in a database when a user or a server task, such as the Replicator, updates any
documents in the database. The UPDATE task also updates the full text index if one was
created for the database.
To save space on a server, UPDATE discards unused view indexes. A view index (not related
to a full text index) is an internal filing system that allows Domino to create the most current
list for a view. If a database designer has not chosen a discard index option for a view (by
default, UPDATE discards a view that has been unused for 45 days), you can use the notes.ini
setting Default_Index_Lifetime_Days to change when UPDATE discards unused view
Potential performance impact
You can run multiple UPDATE tasks using the notes.ini setting Updaters or on demand at the
server console. A Domino administrator can start additional UPDATE tasks manually by
entering the load update command at the Domino console. Or you can increase the number
permanently by adding an Updaters=x statement to the notes.ini setting in a Server
configuration document or adding it directly to the notes.ini file.
Note, however, that running multiple UPDATE tasks can severely impact server performance,
so you should do this only if your server has adequate CPU power.
Note: When you use the show tasks (sh ta) Domino console command, the UPDATE task
appears as Indexer. However, the OS/400 job name and the entry in the ServerTasks
statement in notes.ini are called UPDATE.
Chapter 8. Understanding the Domino server jobs 245
To understand the impact of the UPDATE task or tasks on the entire CPU utilization of iSeries
server, you may log the platform dependent statistics in the statrep.nsf database. See
Figure 5-26 on page 155 for an example and 5.3, “Combining performance data from Domino
and iSeries” on page 152, for information on how to set it up. The statrep.nsf file can store the
CPU utilization of up to four instances of UPDATE.
Suggested performance tuning
UPDATE can be CPU intensive. It is best to prioritize those objects that require updating. In
addition, determine the type of updating required.
For detailed information about the update task, see 7.4, “Domino Database indexing:
Controlling the UPDATE task” on page 185.
Figure 8-7 shows an example of the notes.ini server configuration document - Update.
Figure 8-7 Notes.ini server configuration document: Update
8.3 Domino server jobs (often used)
This section covers advanced jobs that may not be currently used in your environment.
However, exploiting the function sets that are running under these jobs will directly and
positively impact the performance of your entire Domino environment.
8.3.1 CLADMIN: Cluster administration process
The Cluster Administration Process (CLADMIN) is responsible for the correct operation of all
cluster components. When a server is added to or removed from a cluster, changes made to
the Public Address Book are detected by the server, which then starts the Cluster
Administration Process.
Potential performance impact
See 10.2.3, “Domino clustering” on page 283.
Suggested performance tuning
See 10.2.3, “Domino clustering” on page 283.
Note: Please see the Administration Help Guide, helpadmn.nsf, on your server.
246 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
8.3.2 CLDBDIR: Cluster Database Directory Manager
The Cluster Database Directory Manager (CLDBDIR) task keeps the Cluster Database
Directory up to date with the most current database information. Each time you add a
database to a server, the Cluster Database Directory Manager creates a document that
profiles the database and adds it to the Cluster Database Directory.
This database document contains information such as the database name, server, path
name, replica ID, and other replication and access attributes. The information in this
document is used by the cluster to determine failover paths and to control access to a
database. It also manages databases with cluster-specific attributes such as databases
marked out of service or pending delete.
Potential performance impact
See 10.2.3, “Domino clustering” on page 283.
Suggested performance tuning
See 10.2.3, “Domino clustering” on page 283.
8.3.3 CLREPL: Cluster Replicator
The Cluster Replicator (CLREPL) task is responsible for the tight synchronization of data
among databases and their replicas in a cluster. Whenever a change occurs to a local
database, the Cluster Replicator pushes the change to the other replicas in the cluster
immediately, where the normal replicator starts working based on a schedule, for example
very 60 minutes. Each server in a cluster runs one Cluster Replicator by default.
Domino administrators may increase the number of tasks on a server. To understand the
impact of the CLREPL tasks on the entire CPU utilization of an iSeries server, you may log
the platform dependent statistics in the statrep.nsf database. See Figure 5-26 on page 155 for
an example and 5.3, “Combining performance data from Domino and iSeries” on page 152,
for information on how to set it up. The statrep.nsf file can store the CPU utilization of up to
four instances of CLREPL.
Potential performance impact
See 10.2.3, “Domino clustering” on page 283.
Suggested performance tuning
See 10.2.3, “Domino clustering” on page 283.
8.3.4 COLLECT: Statistics collector
The Collector task is useful for collecting statistics for one or multiple servers. The Collector
task can be started on only one server, and that server collects statistics for that server and
other servers that you designate. The collection configuration is done in the Statistics and
Events database (events4.nsf), which is described in 8.3.5, “EVENT” on page 247.
For more information about the Collect task, see 5.2.2, “The Statistics and Reporting
database (statrep.nsf)” on page 149.
Chapter 8. Understanding the Domino server jobs 247
Potential performance impact
The determining factor regarding performance depends on three factors:
How often you want to collect statistics
How often you want them analyzed
Where to report them
Suggested performance tuning
To optimize performance, use the Collector server job only at one of the servers, to collect
statistics of all servers because then it impacts only one server in the environment. This frees
the other servers in your environment for end-user access.
Do not collect statistics more times per hour than you really need for analysis.
Figure 8-8 shows an example of Centralized Statistical Reporting.
Figure 8-8 Centralized Statistical Reporting (Collector)
8.3.5 EVENT
The Event server task runs by default. You may also choose to run it manually at the server
console if it is not already running. When the Event task runs, it creates the Statistics &
Events database (EVENTS4.NSF) if this database does not exist. The Event manager was
designed to provide the equivalent to an alarm for given thresholds and specific activity such
as security violations.
The Event server task collects events and reports them to a person, database, or
server-management program. You can monitor the following types of events:
Communications events
Mail events
Miscellaneous events
The Hub collects statics
from all the servers
Collector Task
248 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Replication events
Resource events that relate to system resources
Security events
Server events that relate to server conditions such as tasks not executed or problems with
the Server document in the Domino Directory
Statistics including statistic alarms set by you and generated by the Report server task
Update events (related to Indexer)
To configure which events to monitor and where to report them, you create Event monitor
documents in the Statistics & Events database (eventse.nsf) for each type of event that you
want to monitor. The Event task creates this database if it does not already exist.
In an Event Monitor document, you indicate:
What type of event to report: Communications, mail, miscellaneous, replication, resource,
security, server, statistics, or update
Which events within this selected type to monitor based on severity level: Fatal, Failure,
Warning (high), Warning (low), Normal, or All Severities
Which servers to monitor
Where to report monitored events: Person, database, server-management program, or
OEM viewer
You can also use event monitoring to monitor access-control list changes and replication for
specific databases on a server. To do this, you create ACL Monitor documents and replication
monitor documents in the Statistics & Events database.
Potential performance impact
Typically, the event monitor does not significantly impact your Domino server performance.
However, with a couple of thousand events to monitor, in addition to the ability to create
events, which may be necessary for your organization, this overhead can begin to degrade
Domino server performance.
Suggested performance tuning
Due to the overwhelming number of events that Event manager can monitor, you need a clear
understanding during the architecture phase of your Domino server implementation. You also
need a clear understanding of just what types of events are required to be monitored. In
addition, due to the flexibility of the Event manager, you can turn the Event manager off and
on when required. This may be the case in troubleshooting an intermittent issue or problem.
In addition, you can partition an Administration server that can monitor (Events) on other
servers, and eliminate any event resources from your production server (partition).
To remove events, enter the following command:
Then remove the Event task from the ServerTasks= parameter in the notes.ini file.
Chapter 8. Understanding the Domino server jobs 249
8.3.6 HTTP: The Web server
HTTP enables a Domino server to act as a Web server so browser clients can access
databases on the server. The Domino server includes server technology that transforms
Lotus Domino into a Web applications server. Domino combines the open networking
environment of Internet standards and protocols with the powerful application development
facilities of Notes. This enables you to develop a broad range of business applications for the
Internet and intranet.
Potential performance impact
See 11.2, “HTTP performance tuning” on page 302.
Suggested performance tuning
See 11.2, “HTTP performance tuning” on page 302.
8.3.7 LOGASIO: Log asynchronous I/O process
The LOGASIO task is used to read and write transactional logs. It should never be loaded
manually (it loads when transactional logging is enabled). But seeing a few threads of this
task in an NSD is perfectly normal. It serves several purposes:
It is a single process to do all log I/O, therefore requiring only that process to have file
handles open on the transactional log.
A separate process to allow the asynchronous writing of log records, therefore freeing up
the requesting process unless it needs to know when the write is complete.
Makes the logger appear as a shared resource accessed via shared memory and
The LOGASIO process is used for writing while the server is running, and is used for reading
and writing during recovery. The main point to understand is that LOGASIO is a service, not a
module by itself. The main code in Notes signals LOGASIO to do writes or reads and that
code affects databases.
Potential performance impact
See Chapter 13, “Domino transaction logging on iSeries” on page 371.
Suggested performance tuning
See Chapter 13, “Domino transaction logging on iSeries” on page 371.
8.3.8 REPLICA: The replication task
Replication is a server task that occurs between two servers in one direction. One server at a
time calls a second server and checks for changes in common databases. The server then
either sends changes to the other server or receives changes from it.
There are three types of replication:
Push replication: Sends changes from the first server to the second.
Pull replication: Receives changes from the second server to the first.
Push-pull replication: Sends changes from the first server to the second, and then pulls
updates from the second server to the first.
250 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Controlling replication is a vital challenge. For example, a corporate policies database is
controlled from a central office, with replica copies in all field offices. The company wants to
restrict access to and replication of the database so that changes can only be made in the
replica in the central office. The firm accomplishes this with Push replication so that the field
office replicas receive changes from the central office replica, but cannot send changes to it.
Or, a company has replicas of a database both inside and outside its firewall, such as a
customer comment database accessible through the Web. The company wants to prevent
internal information and status tracking from replicating to the outside database. Therefore, it
uses Pull replication to bring information from the database outside the firewall into the
Potential performance impact
Replication is a task that requires significant CPU and network resources. Plan your
replication topology carefully to eliminate unnecessary connections, and make the most of
each replication while keeping databases as up to date as possible. Replication depends on
your network and server topology and varies greatly with organization size. For small
businesses, replication involves only a few servers. Reducing the number of connections is
less important due to the small number of total connections. For mid-size and enterprise
organizations dealing with many servers, multiple sites, modems, and LAN and WAN
connections, planning replication carefully is critical.
Domino replication is superior to other means of synchronizing databases in that you can
control globally which replicas can make changes that propagate to other replicas. In
addition, Domino offers a variety of replication strategies instead of limiting you to a
superior-subordinate replication mode. Domino field-level replication greatly reduces
replication time and the network and computer resources needed to accomplish this task.
Domino is unique in that the network impact on replication can be eliminated by replicating
between two servers under the covers of the iSeries server.
Scheduled process control by using Connection documents is a poorly designed feature and
has a large negative performance impact on your server.
Suggested performance tuning
Here are some high-level overview items when managing the REPLICA task on the Domino
Be careful about over scheduling the server. When the server becomes overloaded, calls
back up, mail is not delivered, and users may receive poor service from the server.
Replication queue length has a maximum of six jobs queued.
Check the log file (LOG.NSF) to see that databases are replicating properly, mail is routing
promptly, and that the server is not overloaded. If necessary, modify the Connection
documents and make adjustments until the problem is solved.
If replications take too long, change the schedule to replicate more often so that there are
fewer updates per replication.
Schedule replication at off-peak hours. If you are replicating internationally, consider the
time zones for the source and destination servers and plan accordingly.
For the most dramatic improvement in performance, set up multiple replications so that a
server, such as the hub, can replicate with multiple servers simultaneously. This should
improve replication performance immediately. In this scenario, you would dedicate a
server for replication in a spoke-hub typology. The users will realize greater performance
since replication is no longer running on their spoke server.
Chapter 8. Understanding the Domino server jobs 251
Use replication options to shorten replication times. For example, if a hub server replicates
to 50 servers and you want to make sure an entire replication cycle occurs twice a day,
limit the time that the hub connects to each server. Be sure to check the log to see which
databases replicate completely and which do not.
Set the replication priority to high, medium, or low to replicate databases of different
priorities at different times. Set up replication groups based on replication priority.
Do not schedule replication to occur at the same time for all servers! Staggered start times
will increase performance.
Database managers assign a replication priority to databases to let Domino administrators
schedule replication for databases based on their priority levels.
For example, you can schedule high-priority databases that are critical to business
operations, such as Domino Directories, to replicate frequently. You can schedule low-priority
databases to replicate during off hours.
To replicate databases by priority, edit the Replicate databases of the field in the Connection
document. The default setting is Low & Medium & High. That is, Domino automatically
replicates all databases that two servers have in common.
If two replicas are assigned different priorities, Domino uses the priority assigned to the
replica on the server that initiates the replication. If a database is not replicating often enough,
the database manager should increase its priority level. Complete the following steps:
1. Develop a policy that controls how database replicas are placed on the servers. Creating
unnecessary replicas consumes system resources.
2. Check the Statistics & Events database for replication monitors that indicate server
problems with replication.
3. Review the Replication log in LOG.NSF to ensure that replication errors are resolved since
this will increase the speed of replication. Note the following command and result:
COMMAND SENT: sh stat replica.failed
Replica.Failed = 740
Figure 8-9 shows an example of the notes.ini server configuration document - Replicator.
Attention: This is very important! This allows for application categorization to prioritize
replication during normal business hours.
252 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 8-9 Notes.ini server configuration document - Replicator
8.3.9 SCHED: Schedule Manager
The Schedule Manager is responsible for returning meeting times and dates and available
invitees to requests for free time searches.
The first time that the Schedule Manager task starts on a server, it creates a Free Time
database (BUSYTIME.NSF) on that server. It also creates an entry in the Free Time database
for each user whose MailServer field (in the Person document) is set to that server name.
Schedule Manager runs continually. Each time users make a change to their calendars, it
enters the change in the Free Time database. If you delete the Free Time database, next time
when you start the server, the Free Time system recreates the database and enters
information for all users whose mail files are on that server.
When a user invites people to a meeting and chooses to search for the invites' free time,
Schedule Manager searches the Domino Directory for the location of each invited’s mail
server and mail file. It then searches for schedule information for each invited in the Free Time
database on each invited’s mail server. Schedule Manager returns a list of meeting dates,
times, and a number of available invites. The list is in descending order from the date and
time, with the most number of attendees to the least number of attendees available.
The Free Time system consists of two server tasks: Schedule Manager (SCHED) and
Calendar Connector (CALCONN). The server installation program automatically adds both
tasks to the server notes.ini file when you install Domino.
Potential performance impact
The SCHED command opens another database file into memory for every user session on
that server. It is imperative that the number of file handles on your system can cope with the
additional load.
Suggested performance tuning
If free-time lookups are not required, by your organizational requirements, then it can be
removed. Enter the following command:
tell sched quit
Then remove the Sched task from the ServerTasks= parameter in the notes.ini file.
Chapter 8. Understanding the Domino server jobs 253
8.3.10 SMTP: Internet Mail Router
The Simple Mail Transport Program (SMTP) allows the Domino server to transfer SMTP
messages between SMTP networks (both Internet and intranet) and Notes, X.400, and
cc:Mail users. Other Internet mail clients that use Domino as a message store, such as POP3
and IMAP clients, also require SMTP support for transferring messages. SMTP allows the
Domino server to transfer SMTP messages between SMTP networks (both Internet and
intranet) and Notes, X.400 and cc:Mail users. Other Internet mail clients that use Domino as a
message store, such as POP3 and IMAP clients, also require SMTP support for transferring
To transfer mail reliably and efficiently, SMTP defines mechanisms for relaying mail between
networks on the Internet. Previously, you would configure the SMTP MTA on a few dedicated
Domino servers to act as gateways for your Internet mail, converting Notes mail to Internet
mail, and vice versa. All Internet mail had to transfer through these servers.
With Domino Release 5, you no longer need to install a separate MTA. All Domino servers
now have native SMTP capabilities, so all servers can transfer mail directly to and from the
Internet. As mentioned previously, conversions to and from MIME are no longer necessary
since the Release 5 client can send and receive native MIME messages. Of course, the
server can still convert messages for pre-Release 5 clients. Domino also supports Extended
SMTP (ESMTP) for delivery notifications for Internet messages, for example, reporting
whether deliveries are successful, fail, or are delayed. In addition, Domino Release 5 allows
you to secure SMTP connections using TCP/IP or a TCP/IP port secured with Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL). You can require a name and password either unencrypted over TCP/IP
or encrypted over SSL. This is part of the Domino stack and does not use the OS/400 SSL.
Potential performance impact
See Chapter 7, “Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries” on page 183.
Suggested performance tuning
See Chapter 7, “Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries” on page 183.
8.4 Domino server jobs (very likely not used)
Some of the Domino tasks being started automatically with your server may not be necessary
in your environment. This section lists those Domino tasks that are seldom used, but very
likely started, because the were needed in previous releases or because of a configuration
setting not fully understood by the person who set up the server.
The Billing server task enables a Domino server to track specific server activities. The Billing
server task collects the billing information provided by the server and records the data for
billing purposes.
Domino servers can track specific activities for billing. Each type of activity is designated by a
billing class. You select which activities you want the server to track by adding classes to the
BillingClass settings in the notes.ini file. The Domino server places this information in the
billing message queue. The Billing server task then periodically polls the message queue and
removes the billing records to a database or file that you specify.
254 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
You can use the Domino-supplied Billing task or you can design your own server task using
the API. A Billing server can send additional data to the billing message queue using the
BillingWrite API.
Potential performance impact
Billing requires large CPU utilization. If you must use billing, these are some of the
parameters that you must use to control the impact on CPU utilization:
Billing classes (Database Document, Mail, Replication, Session, Agent): Provide a way
for the organization to gather specific billing data.
BillingAddInRunTime parameter: Specifies the duration of the billing task.
Frequency of billing task start: Specifies how frequent the session or database is
stamped or recorded. The larger the number is, the better the server performance is.
Given these factors, the less detail billing information is available.
Figure 8-7 shows an example of the notes.ini server configuration document - Billing.
Figure 8-10 Notes.ini server configuration document - Billing
Suggested performance tuning
Perhaps an alternative is to create an agent (application) that interrogates the native Domino
server logs that already are created by using the server. These logs could easily be replicated
to a consolidated server, and the agent could be written to run at specific times during the day
against the replicated logs (databases). This implementation would provide greater control of
when the agent runs. In addition, it would not impact the production systems because billing
is not running on those systems.
8.4.2 CALCONN: Calendar connector
A user on one server may request free-time information for a user whose calendar information
resides on a different server. When this happens, the Calendar Connector task uses the
Domino Directory to find the paths between the user's and the invitees' mail servers.
Note: Billing requires significant CPU resources. It is not advisable to turn on billing.
Chapter 8. Understanding the Domino server jobs 255
You must have adjacent domain documents to ensure real-time connectivity between
domains for free-time queries. Domains that share scheduling information must have direct
access to each other. Non-adjacent domains do not provide real-time connectivity. You do not
need to create new adjacent domain documents if they already exist for the domains that will
share calendar information.
The Free Time system consists of two server tasks: Schedule Manager (SCHED) and
Calendar Connector (CALCONN). The server installation program automatically adds both
tasks to the server notes.ini file when you install Domino.
Potential performance impact
Exposure to system resources for the Calendar Connector job is not great. However, if your
organization requirements encompass many different users on different servers, you can
realize resource consumption. Typically, this consumption does not significantly reduce
overall system resources or response times.
To analyze the impact of calendar and scheduling on the Domino server, issue the following
command at the Domino server console and note the results:
COMMAND SENT: sh stat calendar
Calendar.Total.All.Appts.Reservations = 1
Calendar.Total.All.Users.Resources = 4
Calendar.Total.Appts = 1
Calendar.Total.Reservations = 0
Calendar.Total.Resources = 0
Calendar.Total.Users = 4
Suggested performance tuning
If your organization has one home server for everyone, there are no other servers throughout
the organization to do free-time lookups. Therefore, you can disable CALCONN.
If your organization is properly configured, chances are that most of the department
individuals would be on one server. Assuming that these are the individuals that need to
check free-time lookup, again CALCONN can be disabled.
However, if you have multiple home servers with many departments, individually assigned to
different home servers, you have a couple of options:
Determine when free-time lookups are to occur (based on requirements).
Limit (turn off) CALCONN for free-time lookups across server boundaries.
After all this, if organization requirements must allow free-time lookups across server
boundaries, CALCONN must be on.
To remove CALCONN, from the subsystem, type the following command:
Then remove the CALCONN task from the ServerTasks= parameter in the notes.ini file.
8.4.3 QNNINADD: Directory synchronization add-in task
QNNINADD is the Domino server tasks that starts Directory synchronization services, which
allows you to keep the iSeries server distribution directory synchronized with the Domino
Directory (previously known as the Public Address Book or the Name and Address Book).
This additional task job calls a specific configuration of Domino server. It is a very brief job
that begins and ends during the start of the server. Its performance impact is very brief and
without CPU performance degradation.
256 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Directory synchronization was installed and started by default in earlier releases. If it is active
at your system and you don’t use Directory synchronization, there are steps you have to
perform to remove the function.
For information about how to remove Directory synchronization, see 7.17, “Domino for iSeries
specific notes.ini parameters” on page 224.
8.4.4 REPORT: Statistic reporter
The Report task no longer exists in Domino server Release 5. It has been replaced by the
Collect task. For information about the Collect task, see 8.3.4, “COLLECT: Statistics collector”
on page 246.
8.4.5 STATS: Statistics on demand via e-mail
The STATS task allows you to collect statistics on demand from a server and mail them to
yourself or other people. Domino loads the STATS task by default on every server. However,
to mail statistics, you must manually load the task on the server so that Domino creates a
mail-in database that has the database name servername Stats and the file name
The STATS server task was designed to collect statistics for Notes version 3.x. The Collector
server task supersedes the STATS server task. The STATS server task, by default, starts
automatically when a server is started. To prevent the STATS server task from starting
automatically, remove the STATS task from the ServerTasks= parameter in the notes.ini file:
Potential performance impact
STATS uses little system resources.
Suggested performance tuning
There are no suggestions available for performance tuning.
8.5 Domino server database housekeeping jobs
Domino server database housekeeping jobs cover additional jobs that are run in a batch
environment. That is, they are instantiated typically by the Domino system administrator or an
agent and run for a specified period of time.
The Compactor task compacts all databases on the server to remove white space and to free
disk space. Deleting documents and attachments from a database leaves blocks of unused
space within the database. As new documents are created, they fill in the unused space.
To compact databases, you can use the administration panel or load the Compactor task from
the server console or a program document. When you load the Compactor task, you do not
need designer access to databases that you compact, and you can use arguments to control
how compacting works.
Chapter 8. Understanding the Domino server jobs 257
Potential performance impact
Compaction is a highly CPU-intensive task. In addition, it needs additional DASD due to the
creation of a temporary copy of the database.
Suggested performance tuning
Because compacting large databases can take some time, be sure to run compacting during
off-peak hours so that users do not experience performance problems. Compacting a
database creates a temporary copy of it. Therefore, the server must have enough disk space
available to store the copy during the process.
There is a notes.ini file setting that enables or disables compacting of the servers mail.box.
Without setting the parameters on this setting, compaction is done routinely when the
COMPACT server task runs. To manage server performance, you can flag the notes.ini file
Assign a value of 0 or 1. In this parameter, note these options:
0 = Enables compacting the mail.box
1 = Disables compacting the mail.box
For a detailed description of the COMPACT task, see “Compacting a Domino database” on
page 385.
8.5.2 UPDALL
The UPDALL task updates all changed views or full-text indexes for all databases. The
UPDALL server task updates all views that have been accessed at least once and all full text
indexes for all databases on a server. UPDALL runs by default at 2:00 a.m., determined by
the notes.ini setting ServerTasksAt2. If you run UPDALL manually or through a program
document, you can include arguments that determine how the task works. For example, you
can update views, but not full text indexes. This task also detects and rebuilds any corrupted
Potential performance impact
You can run multiple UPDATE tasks using the notes.ini setting Updaters or on demand at the
server console. Running multiple UPDALL tasks can impact server performance. Therefore,
you should do this only if your server has adequate CPU power.
Suggested performance tuning
UPDALL requires significant CPU resources. It is not advised to run this task during normal
business hours. You can use the notes.ini setting Update_No_Fulltext=1 to prevent full text
indexing on a server. In addition, you may want to develop a database design strategy that
calls for an update to database views on a scheduled or triggered basis.
See 7.4, “Domino Database indexing: Controlling the UPDATE task” on page 185, for more
8.5.3 Fixup
The Fixup server task checks for and fixes corrupted databases. Although Domino
automatically checks for and fixes a corrupted database, if necessary, each time a user opens
a database, Fixup helps reduce the number of corrupted databases that users encounter.
258 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
In addition, manually loading Fixup from the server console or administration panel rebuilds
any corrupted views or folders. Corrupted views and folders are not fixed when Fixup runs
automatically at server startup or when users open corrupted databases.
Fixup cannot run on open databases and databases cannot be opened when Fixup is running
on them. However, when Fixup encounters an open database (for example, log.nsf, mail.box,
or names.nsf), Fixup reports this to the log file.
Potential performance impact
Fixup is a CPU-intensive task. Multiple Fixup tasks run simultaneously at server startup to
reduce the time required to fix databases. The number of Fixup tasks that Domino runs by
default at startup is equal to two times the number of processors available on the server. The
default behavior should be adequate for most servers. To change the default, edit the notes.ini
file to include the Fixup_Tasks setting. The actual number of tasks run is the smaller of the
configured number of tasks than can run and the number of databases that require fixing. For
example, if you set Fixup_Tasks to 4, but only one database requires fixing, then only one
Fixup task runs.
Suggested performance tuning
Since Fixup uses significant CPU resources, run it manually only when necessary. It must be
run outside of normal business hours whenever possible. In addition, this task can be
executed by database name. If you have a specific database that is corrupted, run FIXUP
against that database during normal business hours. The syntax for Fixup can be found in the
Domino Administration Help database (ADMINHELP.NSF).
You may create a program document indicating to start Fixup during after hours on a specific
day. If this program document were set up to run Sunday morning at 2:00 a.m., it would
reduce the exposure of Fixup running against any open files, and therefore, produce a more
complete task!
8.6 Series SMTP: AnyMail/400 Mail Server Framework (MSF)
iSeries SMTP used together with AnyMail/400 Mail Server Framework (MSF) job are
described in “SMTP and AnyMail/400 Mail Server Framework (MSF) jobs” on page 427.
8.7 Domino server QNNxxxx programs and QSYSWRK
Domino server QNNxxxx and QSYSWRK are described in “Domino for iSeries server
programs QNNDxxxx and QSYSWRK” on page 432.
Most of the QNNDxxxx programs handle the directory synchronization services. Directory
synchronization allows you to keep the iSeries server distribution directory synchronized with
the Domino Directory (also known as the Public Address Book or the Name and Address
Directory synchronization was installed and started by default in earlier releases. If it is active
in your system and you don’t use Directory synchronization, there are steps you have to
perform to remove the function.
For information about how to remove Directory synchronization, see 7.17, “Domino for iSeries
specific notes.ini parameters” on page 224.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 259
Chapter 9. Integration with DB2
performance tips and techniques
To ensure the optimal performance of your Domino servers, it is essential to consider the
impact of application design and function. Domino is an application environment that uses a
client/server architecture to provide functions to users through a common interface. The
interface can be either Web browsers (HTTP) or the Notes client (NRPC).
The nature of this client server architecture allows developers to design applications where
the workload can be distributed to the client workstation or take advantage of workloads
centrally on the server. Application design allows developers this flexibility for each design
element of an application.
Taking the above point into consideration, it can be said that the design impact of applications
running under Domino can greatly impact all facets of Domino server performance. Designing
(or re-designing) the application to optimize performance can often greatly improve end-user
performance, and at the same time, reduce overhead to the Domino server.
There are many different factors that can affect the perceived performance of a Domino
Application design and implementation
Interaction with external systems
Domino server configuration
Network configuration
Traffic generated from other applications
Server and client operating system configurations
Server and client hardware configurations
Most commonly, the biggest factor involved in application performance involves how the
application has been designed and implemented. If the core application has not been
designed properly, the application will not scale with multiple user loads and therefore will not
meet business requirements.
260 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
The redbook Performance Considerations for Domino Applications, SG24-5602, contains
many details on designing a Domino application for optimal performance. It is an excellent
reference when creating a Domino application. It contains information on design
considerations, programming considerations, and performance aspects of different Domino
design elements (views, agents, forms, ...). Using this redbook, you will gain a very good
understanding of what aspects to consider and successfully implement to have a high
performing Domino application.
However, that redbook does not cover the integration of Domino and DB2. Because this
integration is so key for the iSeries server, we include the information in this chapter on
designing a high performing Domino application that interacts with DB2.
You can find more in-depth information about the integration of Domino and other iSeries
applications in:
Lotus Domino for AS/400: Integration with Enterprise Applications, SG24-5345
Developing e-business Applications Using Lotus Domino for AS/400, SG24-6052
New Enterprise Integration Functions for Lotus Domino for AS/400, SG24-6203
9.1 Choosing a storage container
Domino and DB2 UDB for iSeries are very different data storage facilities. Because of these
inherent differences, the performance and scalability of these two options are different. This
section starts out by exploring the differences in how DB2 UDB and Domino are implemented
and then moves into the details on how best to integrate them.
9.1.1 Domino as a storage container
Domino is a very flexible storage container. It is the most popular secure, distributed,
collaborative application environment for document-oriented information. You can store both
structured and unstructured data in Domino. Structured data includes text fields that always
contain text data, numeric fields, date and time fields, or name fields.
Unstructured data can be stored in a rich text field. One document may contain a photo
attachment in this field, the next document may contain simple text in the field, and the third
document may contain some text in addition to a movie attachment.
The ability to combine both structured and unstructured data in Domino makes it a unique
data storage option.
The actual physical structure of a Domino database is a flat file. On an iSeries server, those
files are stored as stream files (OS/400 object type STMF) in the Integrated File System
(IFS). They contain collections of documents that are linked by some common purpose. Each
of these documents is composed of a set of fields that can contain either structured or
unstructured data.
Another aspect of allowing unstructured data within a Domino database is the fact that not all
documents need to contain the same fields. This is very different to an SQL table, where each
row has to have the same layout. Each Domino document is self descriptive. That is, it not
only contains the contents of the fields, but also each field’s attributes.
Another key difference for Domino databases is that they contain the data and the design
elements that are required to manipulate the data. A Domino database typically contains
forms and views that let you add new documents into a Domino database and look at the
existing documents in the database.
Chapter 9. Integration with DB2 performance tips and techniques 261
Forms and views also implement the main application logic in the form of simple actions,
function language (@xxx) procedures, LotusScript, or Java code. In most cases, the logic is
triggered directly be user activities, like displaying or entering data, but a Domino database
can also contain agents that can be started be a time schedule or an event, for example, such
as incoming mail.
Domino databases are best used when you need to manage documents and when replication
of both the application and the data is required.
9.1.2 DB2 UDB as a data storage container
DB2 UDB is a very different storage container than Domino. It is a top-rated relational
database management system (DBMS) that is designed to handle ad hoc structured queries
and transaction processing required to manage and operate a business of any size. The
focus of data stored in DB2 is point-in-time capture of structured data and basic business
The DB2 implementation on iSeries
The physical structure of DB2 databases is quite different from Domino. The relational
database is represented internally on the iSeries server as a set of objects that are managed
and optimized below the Technology Independent Machine Interface (TIMI; formerly called
Machine Interface (MI)).
Every DB2 UDB database on the iSeries is comprised of a cursor and a data space. The data
space contains the actual data and the cursor provides a pointer into the data residing in the
data space. If an index for an SQL table (or physical file) has been created by a programer,
then a data space index is used internally to implement that index.
The data stored in DB2 is basically a named collection of records. Each record is a collection
of fields that represent named items of data that represent attributes of an item. Another way
DB2 UDB differs from Domino in data storage is that DB2 contains structured data.
The data in each record in DB2 contains the same type of data in each field. An integer field
always contains integer data, a numeric field always contains numeric data, and so on. The
only exception to this rule is the use of Binary Large Objects (BLOB) in DB2. These data
types allow unstructured data to be stored in relational databases such as DB2.
SQL and iSeries terminology for DB2
When talking about DB2 UDB on iSeries, compared to other DB2 platforms, the iSeries has a
very unique implementation in several aspects. One differentiator from other platforms is the
choice of the programmer to access DB2 data through SQL or natively on a record-by-record
base. The underlying internal implementation is the same in either case. However, the
terminology is different.
Native iSeries terminology talks about:
Physical files
Logical files
Note: A Domino developer who is experienced with DB2 access on platforms other than
OS/400 most likely does not know the terms physical and logical file, record format and
field. Even the term file in the context of a relational database is misleading, since on most
other platforms, this implies to be a flat, non-database file.
262 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Physical files always have just one record format. That is, all records in the physical file have
the same layout in terms of the number and data type of fields. For an SQL programmer, this
is an SQL table that contains columns and rows.
This is quite different from Domino since Domino databases can have can have multiple
record layouts in the same physical database. In fact, Domino does not have the concept of a
record format in the sense that all documents could contain a different set of fields1.
The value of a DB2 Index
Logical files provide an alternate way to access data in one or more physical DB2 UDB files
(or SQL tables). They are commonly used to:
Select a subset of the records in a physical file. In SQL terminology, this can be compared
to an SQL view.
Merge records from multiple physical file members.
Join related records in two or more physical files.
Provide an index so records can be retrieved in a particular order. In SQL terminology, this
can be compared to an SQL index. This is a huge performance benefit!
When you create an OS/400 logical file and define one or more fields as a key or when you
create an SQL index, the system internally builds and maintains a data space index to allow
extremely fast access to data records and SQL rows through the usage of a binary radix tree.
Relational databases are best used when there is a need to access large quantities of data
and performance is key. Relational databases scale well beyond Domino databases. One of
the most common problems we have seen is the mistake of moving data from DB2 into
Domino. This typically happens because the Domino application developers are not familiar
with DB2 so they just copy the data into Domino where it is accessed.
In smaller databases, this is usually not a problem. But as the size of the database grows to
thousands of records and hundreds of end users are trying to concurrently access this data,
performance quickly becomes an issue. For this reason, it is very important to leave the data
in DB2 where it belongs and use the best performing option for your environment to work with
the data from the Domino application.
9.1.3 Why Domino does not scale like DB2 UDB
We have looked at both the physical structure of the Domino and DB2 storage containers. As
you have seen, they are very different. It is because of these differences that Domino and
DB2 UDB scale differently.
The main difference is in the use of keys. DB2 stores data in tables and can use many keys
(or indexes) to quickly build dynamic views of related data. A relational database can display
views that dynamically combine data from several different tables, relying on multiple keys to
relate the data in one table to the data in another table. This dynamic compilation of data
happens very quickly.
1 This might sound strange assuming all documents were created through the same format, but fields may be added or deleted later or
entire documents from a different database may be pasted or copied into the database containing fields, which are not defined in any form
of this database.
Chapter 9. Integration with DB2 performance tips and techniques 263
Domino, on the other hand, stores data in documents, and a Notes document has only one
key, the document unique ID (UNID). In Domino, you cannot designate one or more fields as
a key. Domino creates and maintains indexes only based on the first sorted field within a
Domino view. This makes it impractical for a developer to code the types of high performing
dynamic looks that can be done in DB2. See 7.4, “Domino Database indexing: Controlling the
UPDATE task” on page 185, for a more in-depth discussion on the impact of Domino indexes
on response times.
This inherent difference between how keys can and cannot be used makes the scalability of
Domino and DB2 UDB divergent.
9.2 Integrating Domino and DB2 UDB
In today’s business environment, most organizations face the challenge of having data and
information stored in a number of different application systems for Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supply Chain Management
(SCM), and others. There is a need to access data from all of these systems and build
business applications based on that data.
Luckily Domino provides many different options for connecting Domino to enterprise data and
information. The benefits of this integration are huge, allowing for rapid connectivity to all of
the most popular RDBMS, transaction processing monitor systems, or directly to some of the
most popular ERP, CRM, or SCM solutions, such as SAP R/3, Lawson, Infinium, and others.
Additional benefits include:
Access to relational data without having to replicate it to a local site
Existing applications do not need to be rewritten to use an alternate data source
Web browser access doesn’t require an ODBC connection on each client and Web agents
run on the server for faster data access
The options for integration include using a choice of programmatic or declarative
(forms-based, visual data mapping) methods. The following sections compare the various
integration options and provide guidance on when each method is most appropriate.
9.2.1 Integration options
As already mentioned, there are many different ways that Domino can integrate with DB2.
The methods are described in the following sections and include:
“Domino Enterprise Connection Services (DECS)” on page 264
“Lotus Enterprise Integrator (LEI)” on page 264
“@DB commands” on page 269
“LotusScript Data Object (LS:DO)” on page 270
“Lotus Connector LotusScript Extension (LC LSX)” on page 270
“Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)” on page 270
Lotus Enterprise Integrator (LEI) is a separately charged product. All other functions listed
above are part of the Domino server or Notes client.
As we move down the list of integration options, we move from graphical, non-programmatic
methods to programmatic options. In addition, as we move down the list of techniques for
accessing data, complexity grows, but so does performance and scalability. We look at each
of these integration options in more detail and provide performance advice on when each of
these options is most appropriate.
264 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Domino Enterprise Connection Services (DECS)
Domino Enterprise Connection Services is a graphical tool based on a Notes client that is
very easy to use. It provides access to relational data with no programming required and is a
fairly simple solution, offering a one-to-one relationship between Domino and DB2. DECS
provides real-time access to data, leaving the relational data in DB2 UDB.
Using graphical wizards, the fields on a Domino form are mapped to fields in one or more
relational tables. When a Notes or Web user is working with data through the DECS-enabled
form, the data is retrieved, updated, inserted, or deleted real-time in DB2 UDB. The only data
stored in the Domino database is the key data that allows for unique access to the data stored
in DB2.
Advantages and disadvantages of using DECS
DECS is great for single record lookup. It does not work for retrieving multiple records and
then manipulating this data in a Domino application.
Performance may suffer when using DECS in these scenarios:
Many fields on a form are populated from DB2
Hundreds of connections are open from Domino to DB2
DECS has been successfully implemented in many customer environments and provides
quite good scalability even for hundreds of users. However, when you get into the situation
where you are populating many fields on a Domino form through DECS or when there are
hundreds of DB2 UDB database connections open through DECS, the performance and
throughput of this option breaks down quite quickly.
Lotus Enterprise Integrator (LEI)
Lotus Enterprise Integrator, formerly known as NotesPump, is another graphical tool that
makes integrating with DB2 easier and also requires no programming. Unlike the other
functions described here, it is a product that needs to be purchased separately from Domino.
LEI is best utilized when the need is to download massive quantities of data from relational
tables in batch mode (as opposed to DECS, which always needs the user to access the data).
It is most commonly used to replicate data between Domino and DB2, allowing Domino users
to replicate data from the Domino application to their laptop so they can work in a
disconnected environment. As such, LEI is a great option when access to relational data is
needed when users must work offline.
LEI can be used very successfully to replicate or synchronize data between Domino and DB2
when the replication activities are run during off-shift hours or the replication involves smaller
quantities of data. Performance becomes a concern with LEI when:
The number of records to download or synchronize is greater than 10,000.
There is a need to run replication or direct transfer activities during “prime shift”.
Sort sequence is different between Domino and DB2 for replication activities.
Many replication activities are running concurrently.
The following paragraphs explain some techniques to improve LEI performance.
Increased run time because of different sort sequence for ASCII and EBCDIC
When using a LEI Replication Activity to replicate DB2 data from an iSeries server to a
Domino database, using a mixed alpha-numeric key, that is alpha characters and numeric
digits at the same position, you find that LEI performs unnecessary record inserts and
deletes. What causes this behavior?
Chapter 9. Integration with DB2 performance tips and techniques 265
This is caused by the different sort sequences used by EBCDIC-based systems and Domino
servers. Specifically, EBCDIC-based systems sort mixed alpha-numeric data by alpha
characters first and then by numeric characters. Domino, on the other hand, sorts mixed
alpha-numeric data by numeric characters first and then by alpha characters. When this
occurs, LEI inserts records that do not match the sorted order that is presented by the DB2
connector and then removes the same records after Notes presents the same records.
This is a fairly common occurrence and can potentially cause an increase in processing time
for the Activity or the insertion of duplicate records, if deletions are skipped on the Notes
The purpose of this section is explain how the iSeries server sorts data and how you can
make adjustments to the sorting sequence. Domino for iSeries, although running natively on
OS/400, still sorts data as an ASCII-based system or, to be more exact, based on the Lotus
Multi-Byte Character Set (LMBCS) a superset of ASCII.
With this information, you can understand how to change the sort order of data when
retrieved from DB2 UDB for iSeries. Ideally, this causes the data that is retrieved from DB2 to
be presorted before it is presented to the LEI Activity. This eliminates the need for using an
Order MetaConnector against a DB2 connector when retrieving DB2 data from an iSeries
By default, the iSeries server is not configured to sort data, which causes an order mismatch
when retrieving data from DB2 tables via Lotus Domino, especially with LEI or DECS. This is
most noticeable when running an LEI Replication Activity from DB2 to Notes, where
unnecessary record insert and deletes may occur. LEI provides an Order MetaConnector that
can be used to address this specific issue. However, the use of this connector affects the
performance of LEI, and, if the result set is too large, can cause the Activity to fail.
By changing the QNOTES user profile, and configuring it to use a specific sort sequence, you
can avoid the issue entirely. When the data is retrieved, it will be presorted before it is
presented to LEI. Therefore, because the data is presorted, there is no need to use an Order
MetaConnector against a DB2 connection that references DB2 for iSeries. This is important
because it eliminates the need for the connector against the DB2 connection. It also prevents
the unnecessary insertions or deletions of records during a Replication Activity, therefore,
enhancing overall LEI performance.
The sort sequence (SRTSEQ), along with the language ID (LANGID) parameter in the Create
User Profile (CRTUSRPRF) and Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF) commands, is used to
determine the sort sequence table to be used for sorting character data. You can change
SRTSEQ to any one of the values listed in Table 9-1.
Important: This has no effect when non-alpha-numeric data is involved, such as #, @, $,
%, &, etc. Also, language-specific special characters (ä, ü, ö, ß, ... , é, è, ..., ø, ... etc.) are
not considered to be non-alpha-numeric characters. If non-alpha-numeric data is involved,
then an Order MetaConnector against the Notes connection, specifying a character set of
ASCII, needs to be used.
266 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Table 9-1 Values for the sort sequence parameter of an OS/400 user profile
With the above settings in mind, you can make the comparison shown in Table 9-2 between
the iSeries and Order MetaConnector settings.
Table 9-2 OS/400 user profile and LEI Order MetaConnector comparison
Sort sequences are supported only for SBCS* EBCDIC languages. The example in Table 9-3
shows the relative sort sequence weights for characters sorted using the default sort
sequence tables shipped with the system. When looking at these tables, consider the
following points:
Several tables shipped with the system represent a single sort sequence, each encoded
with a different coded character set identifier (CCSID) value. Not all of the characters in a
given sort sequence exist in every CCSID in which the sort sequence is encoded.
Use the language identifier (LANGID) parameter and the sort sequence (SRTSEQ)
parameter to access the unique-weight tables (*LANGIDUNQ) or the shared-weight tables
When using the relative sort sequence, the relative weights shown in these tables differ
from the actual weights in the sort sequence table on the system. The relative weights
shown in these tables are examples only.
The relative unique weight of a character is shown by the order of the characters in the
table. The relative unique weight is determined by assigning a weight of 1 to the first
character in the table and incrementing by 1 for each of the following characters until the
end of the table is reached.
Table 9-3 shows a subset of the table Common Sort Sequence for Latin-1. To see the
complete table, go to:
Value Meaning
*HEX No sort sequence table is used. The hexadecimal values of the graphic characters
are used to determine the sort sequence (a binary sort). This is the only sort
sequence available for Double Byte Character Set (DBCS) data.
*LANGIDSHR The sort sequence table may use the same weight for multiple graphic characters.
The shared-weight sort table associated with the language specified in the LANGID
parameter is used. This sort applies only to SBCS data.
*LANGIDUNQ The sort sequence table contains uniquely weighted graphic characters. The
unique-weight sort table associated with the language specified in the LANGID
parameter is used. This sort applies only to SBCS data.
Qualified sort
table name
The name and library of the sort sequence table to be used. This value allows you
to specify a sort sequence table other than those associated with the language
specified in the LANGID parameter. This sort sequence table applies only to SBCS
OS/400 user profile (SRTSEQ) LEI Order MetaConnector
*HEX Binary
*LANGIDUNQ Sort with case sensitivity
*LANGIDSHR Sort without case sensitivity
Chapter 9. Integration with DB2 performance tips and techniques 267
Table 9-3 Latin-1 common sort sequence
As Table 9-3 demonstrates, the shared weights of all forms of an alpha character are the
same, for example, 'a' = 73, 'A' =73, and 'ä' =73. However, the unique weight is different, for
example, 'a' = 81, 'A' = 82, and 'ä'= 90. With this in mind, review Table 9-4, which shows an
example of a shared-weight sort sequence, a unique weight sort sequence, and the binary
sort sequence for English code page 00037.
Table 9-4 Using the English language sort sequence table
The iSeries ships with the QSRTSEQ defaulted to *HEX. The QNOTES user profile setting
SRTSEQ defaults to *SYSVAL, but it is overridden by the LOCALE definition for *SRTSEQ,
which is *HEX for all LOCALEs used by Domino for iSeries. The display shown in Figure 9-1
demonstrates the user profile settings.
GCGID Character Shared
GCGID Character Shared
SP100000 - 6 6 SM030000 & 47 48
SP080000 , 7 7 SM010000 # 48 49
SP140000 ; 8 8 SM020000 % 49 50
SP130000 : 9 9 ND010000 1 64 69
SP150000 ? 12 12 ND020000 2 65 71
SP060000 ( 27 27 ND050000 5 68 76
SP070000 ) 28 28 LA010000 a 73 81
SM060000 [ 29 29 LA020000 A 73 82
SM080000 ] 30 30 LA270000 ä 73 90
SM050000 @ 37 37 LB010000 b 74 98
SC040000 ¢ 39 39 LB020000 B 74 99
SC030000 $ 40 40 LC010000 c 75 100
SM070000 \ 46 47 LC020000 C 75 101
Binary sort
Shared-weight sort sequence
using LANGID(ENU) and
Unique-weight sort sequence using
Smith, Ron SMITH, ROBERT Smith, Ron
268 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 9-1 Work With System Status display
To force the QNOTES user profile to use the *LANGIDSHR sort sequence, enter the following
command on any OS/400 command line:
This forces QNOTES to use the shared weight table that is specific to the language specified
by the LANGID setting for the QNOTES user profile, and prevents it from using the *SRTSEQ
setting specified by the LOCALE definition.
It is possible to specify a specific table to use, and to even create a custom table. However,
this is rare and should only be done by someone with considerable iSeries expertise.
In summary, by default, the iSeries is not configured to sort the data being accessed through
the SQL Call Level Interface (CLI). This causes an order mismatch when retrieving data from
DB2 UDB for iSeries tables via Lotus Domino, especially LEI and DECS.
By changing the QNOTES user profile, and configuring it to use a specific sort sequence, the
issue can be addressed before it occurs. Because the data is presorted, there is no need to
use an Order MetaConnector against a DB2 connection that references DB2, therefore,
enhancing overall performance of LEI.
For more information, see the Lotus Technotes 184006 and 183813. You can find background
information in:
AS/400 National Language Support, SC41-5101
AS/400 DB2 UDB for AS/400 SQL Programming Information, SC41-5611
Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF)
Type choices, press Enter.
Sort sequence . . . . . . . . . *SYSVAL Name, *SAME, *SYSVAL, *HEX...
Library . . . . . . . . . . . Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Language ID . . . . . . . . . . *SYSVAL *SAME, *SYSVAL...
Country ID . . . . . . . . . . . *SYSVAL *SAME, *SYSVAL...
Coded character set ID . . . . . *SYSVAL *SAME, *SYSVAL, *HEX...
Character identifier control . . *SYSVAL *SAME, *SYSVAL, *DEVD...
Locale job attributes . . . . . *CCSID *SAME, *SYSVAL, *NONE...
Locale . . . . . . . . . . . . . *SAME
User options . . . . . . . . . . *NONE *SAME, *NONE, *CLKWD...
+ for more values
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
Note: The above setting has been tested and used when using Domino for iSeries and LEI
for iSeries. It is possible to make the same changes to a user profile that is used to access
DB2 UDB for iSeries data from a Windows NT-based server. However, this has not been
Chapter 9. Integration with DB2 performance tips and techniques 269
AS/400 DB2 UDB for AS/400 SQL Reference Information, SC41-5612
AS/400 DB2 UDB for AS/400 Call Level Interface (ODBC) Information, SC41-5806
Other performance improvements for LEI
There are some things you can do to improve the performance of your LEI activities. The
primary one is related to using the replication activity. If you are replicating larger quantities
(more than 10,000 records) of DB2 and Domino records, we highly recommend that you use
time stamp replication rather than primary key replication.
Let’s look at a scenario to fully describe the performance situation of using primary key
replication versus using time stamp replication. In the scenario, you are replicating 100,000
records in DB2 with 100,000 records in Domino. Only 18 of the records have changed in total.
With primary key replication, all 100,000 records are examined in DB2, and all 100,000
records in Domino are examined. The 18 records that have changed are replicated to
synchronize the databases.
With time stamp replication, only the 18 records that have a time stamp greater than the
time the last replication activity ran are examined. The 18 records that have changed are
then replicated to synchronize the databases.
As you can see, there would be a dramatic performance difference between these two
options. We have had customers that were performing primary key replication switch to using
time stamp replication, reducing their replication times from 20+ hours to less than 45
If used in the proper way, LEI is a great option for keeping DB2 and Domino databases in
sync. However, if misused, LEI activities can be performance bottlenecks on your system.
@DB commands
@DB commands have been around for a long time in Domino and provide a very easy
mechanism for accessing DB2 data from a Domino application. Because they are so easy to
use, this programming technique often gets application developers into a lot of trouble. @DB
functions are not very efficient. They are very CPU intensive, so when used inappropriately,
they quickly create a performance problem.
@DB commands should be used sparingly in your application. If you have a Domino form that
has multiple fields populated using @DB commands, you need to rethink your design. A form
that contains multiple @DB commands to populate fields can take multiple seconds to load.
This will cause unacceptable response times to end users. In addition, because these
commands are CPU intensive, you will see spikes in the server CPU that may impact other
work executing on the system.
We have seen applications in the past that used multiple @DB commands on a single form,
causing the form to take over 17 seconds to load. By redesigning the form, the time to load
the form was reduced to 0.5 seconds. This is a significant response time improvement. The
changes involved in this performance improvement involved getting rid of unnecessary @DB
commands by using cached data and moving some of the lookups behind buttons rather than
having them evaluate in keyword fields and pop-ups. When formulas are placed behind
buttons, they are not evaluated at document open time, therefore delaying the processing of
these functions.
Note: When a Notes client opens a form with uses @DB commands to access DB2 data
on iSeries, the PC needs to have an ODBC or DB2Connect definition to the iSeries server.
If the forms are accessed by a Web browser or part of an agent running on the server, it
uses Call Level Interface (CLI) to access the DB2 tables directly.
270 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
LotusScript Data Object (LS:DO)
LS:DO is a LotusScript Extension (LSX) that provides a set of classes for accessing backend
databases and applications. This programming option is also very easy to use since only
three different classes are involved in manipulating the data:
LS:DO connects Domino applications to data sources via ODBC technology. However, similar
to the @DB functions, it uses Call Level Interface when accessed by a Web browser or part of
a server-based agent.
Support for full read and write access to the external ODBC data source is provided. This
option is quite popular because of its ease of use. However, beware of the performance
issues you may run into.
LS:DO is not a great option when you:
Need to access backend data frequently
Retrieve large quantities of data
Lotus Connector LotusScript Extension (LC LSX)
The Lotus Connector LotusScript Extension classes are a set of LotusScript classes that
allow you to write your own business logic to access backend data and applications. Using
the LC LSX classes offers the ultimate in flexibility in designing an application. Not only is it
supported on all Domino platforms, but the object model of LC LSX allows you to easily
switch backend systems without having to change the application.
Coding your agent or script with LC LSX requires more skill than using the LS:DO set of
classes, but the performance benefit is well worth it. The LC LSX classes allow you to perform
very complex queries and return large quantities of data from DB2 to Domino while
maintaining good performance.
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
Java is another programming language option when integrating Domino with DB2 UDB.
Through the use of the Java Database Connectivity programming API, data can be retrieved
from relational databases. Here you do not have the backend programming independence
offered with the LC LSX classes, but you will find that using Java opens your applications to
other programming options that out perform LotusScript programming options.
The first programming option that Java opens our application up to is Common Object
Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). CORBA is an industry standard specification that
defines how distributed applications “talk” to each other. CORBA not only allows you to build
robust, distributed applications for the Web, it also offloads processing from the server to the
browser. Using the CORBA specification, remote Java programs can access Domino and
DB2 server data as if it’s local. This means fewer trips to the server and less load on the
server because some processing can be offloaded to the browser.
Chapter 9. Integration with DB2 performance tips and techniques 271
Servlets versus agents
The second options that opens when using the Java programming language is the use of
servlets. Why is this so important? It has to do with scalability. The underlying Domino
architecture creates a performance problem when we run agents. Agents are loaded from the
Domino database when they are invoked. They perform the function they have been coded to
handle, and then they are unloaded from memory. The very next time the agent is invoked,
the same thing happens. It must be loaded into memory, execute, and be unloaded from
memory. This is not very efficient!
Servlets on the other hand can be loaded when the HTTP task starts in the Domino server.
Connections to backend systems can also be established at this point in time. As a result,
when a servlet that has been preloaded into memory is invoked, it simply needs to execute. It
does not need to be loaded and unloaded from memory. This is a huge performance benefit
over using agents.
9.2.2 Connection pooling
Connection pooling is one of the items that is overlooked 98% of the time. It allows
connections to backend resources to remain open and to be reused by subsequent
processes that need to access the same resource. Without connection pooling enabled, when
an agent or script code needs to perform a connection to a backend resource and retrieve
results, the following steps occur:
1. A connection must be established to the backend system.
2. A full database open occurs against the backend database.
3. The query can be executed to extract the necessary results.
4. The backend database is closed.
5. The connection to the backend system is disconnected.
6. Results are returned to the application.
With connection pooling enabled, the following steps occur:
1. A connection request sees that an existing connection can be used from the connection
2. The query can be executed to extract the necessary results because the database is
already open.
3. The application disconnects and returns the connection to the pool of connections.
4. Results are returned to the application.
The main reason connection pooling is so often overlooked is that it is turned off by default.
Unless you are using DECS or LEI, which use connection pooling by default, you need to
explicitly turn connection pooling on when using one of the programming options discussed
Enabling connection pooling is very simple. It is a boolean value that is set to false (or turned
off) by default. All you need to do is set it to true to enable it. For example, in the LC LSX set
of classes, connection pooling is controlled by the ConnectionPooling property of the
LCSession class. To turn connection pooling on for LC LSX, simply code:
Dim lcsession As LCSession
Set lcsession = New LCSession
lcsession.ConnectionPooling = True
It’s that simple; just set the boolean value of ConnectionPooling property equal to True. The
actual property that needs to be set varies with the programming language and option
chosen. It is typically set as a property of the connection or session object.
272 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
By default, the maximum number of pooled connections for a data source is 20. You can
override this default by adding the ConnectionPool variable to the server’s notes.ini file:
This example shows providing 10 pooled connections for Oracle, giving DB2 20 pooled
connections with a maximum of five assigned to a specific data source, and PeopleSoft 7.0
gets four pooled connections.
9.3 Questions to consider when integrating Domino and DB2
With all of this information, let’s look at some questions and answers that may be helpful in
when designing your application. They give you a good idea of which of the integration
options discussed will best meet your performance needs.
Does the logic need to be inside the Domino application?
– If not, consider using a DB2 function instead of a Domino application function. Many
dynamic lookups are much better performers when executed by DB2; simply pass the
query to DB2 for best performance.
Does the information need to be stored in both environments, DB2 and Domino?
– If not, DECS real-time access allows you to work with data stored in Domino document
fields and at the same time display DB2 data for reading or editing. If many databases
will be involved in this type of information exchange, look at writing your own business
logic using LC LSX or Java.
– If yes, LEI offers the best solution. This product has the built-in capability to
synchronize disparate data sources. Keep in mind that LEI can cause performance
bottlenecks when large quantities of records need to be replicated. Use time stamp
replication when possible.
How much data do you need to retrieve form DB2 and how often?
– If you only need to retrieve a list of values, then @DB functions may be okay.
– If you need to execute several statements with one SQL connection or work with large
result sets, use:
• LS:DO if the frequency of execution of the data retrieval is only every 2 to 5 minutes
• LC LSX or Java using JDBC if the frequency of execution of data retrieval is 1
minutes or less
Is your application Web-based?
– Consider using Java servlets and CORBA. Servlets can be preloaded into memory for
high performance. CORBA allows browser applications to interface with server-based
data locally, without involving the server in each transaction. This not only cuts down on
server CPU processing, but also improves network performance.
Note: When using connection pooling, be aware that commits and rollbacks are not
performed automatically when using commitment control because the file is never actually
closed. The connection is simply returned to the pool of connections. You need to perform
these functions explicitly in your code now.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 273
Chapter 10. Clustering and partitioning
Clustering is designed primarily to provide high availability to the applications. In Domino
clustering, the very fact that data is being physically duplicated in almost real time (cluster
replication) to additional databases will impact overall performance. This performance impact
will be greater if the whole clustering design is not carefully thought out beforehand and if it is
not carefully monitored on an on-going basis once implemented. On the other hand, using the
workload balancing feature to distribute the workload across multiple clustered servers may
well improve overall performance significantly, by balancing all servers with an (more or less)
equal workload.
Partitioning for Domino is the ability to run multiple Domino servers on a single iSeries server
within an OS/400 subsystem. Domino partitions help to avoid contention within any one
Domino server, particularly if there are too many users accessing that server at the same
time. Because adding extra partitions (iSeries subsystems) significantly increases the
demands on the server, you need to review resource allocation and possibly need additional
hardware resource to maintain service levels and response times.
This chapter attempts to contrast the pros and cons from a performance point of view of
partitioning and clustering.
274 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
10.1 Domino partitioning
Domino server partitioning is a feature that allows multiple Domino servers to run under a
single instance of the OS/400 operating system, within a single physical machine or within
one LPAR (see next paragraph). Each Domino partitioned server runs in its own OS/400
subsystem, and all Domino partitions share a single version of the Domino program code.
You cannot have multiple releases or language versions of Domino running an single instance
of OS/400.
Do not confuse the Domino partitioning concept with the iSeries logical partitioning (LPAR).
The LPAR architecture allows you to run multiple operating systems (currently OS/400 or
Linux) on the same physical iSeries hardware. Each LPAR can have a different version of the
operating system or a different national language version and a different version of Domino
with multiple Domino partitions. Each secondary LPAR can perform an IPL without interfering
with any other LPAR.
The term “Domino partition” is also used generically to describe the Domino partitioned
server across all Domino supported hardware platforms.
10.1.1 Why partition Domino on iSeries servers
The key goals for any Domino application running on a Domino server in an OS/400
subsystem is to improve both the reliability and the performance of the application. A Domino
application running in one OS/400 subsystem will not be affected if an application in another
OS/400 subsystem fails. This is actually a feature of the OS/400 job structure rather than the
subsystem structure, which mainly groups the jobs into convenient manageable groups.
All OS/400 subsystems share and make the most efficient use of common resources such as
the underlying disk subsystems, LAN and I/O cards, and CPU resources. By default, memory
is shared between subsystems. But you can also assign a private memory pool to a single
subsystem (not recommended) or use a shared memory pool by one or more subsystems
(see 6.4, “Choosing which memory pool to use” on page 166).
The Domino servers do not share data between each other except by replication.
Before the advent of multiply partitioned servers, it was necessary to have a collection of
small disparate Domino servers, each of which needed to have its own individual and
separate software and hardware maintained. Today iSeries servers have been tested to run
up to 32 partitions, with a theoretical limit of 99 partitions per OS/400. By also configuring
multiple LPARs, the maximum number of defined Domino servers is limited only by the power
of your iSeries hardware.
You can thus take full advantage of the iSeries inherent hardware reliability and highly
available and scalable disk subsystems and combine all those small independent servers into
one single physical box. This means there is only one physical machine and operating system
to manage (within a single LPAR) and one version of the Domino software shared between all
Domino servers.
There are also advantages to partitioning when the Domino servers are in the same domain.
Even though there is some extra overhead in managing multiple replicas of Domino Directory
address books (one per server) in this environment, there are distinct performance
advantages to be gained from running several partitioned servers on one large single box,
rather than on one single large partition. The deliberate distribution of the Domino server
tasks, databases, and users across multiple Domino partitions on a single physical box
provides the following key advantages:
Chapter 10. Clustering and partitioning 275
Better processing of multiple simultaneous requests for Domino services
Maximized parallel task execution by the highly optimized iSeries operating system
Smaller mail delivery lists by having multiple small Mail servers rather than one large one
Faster mail.box access because less users share it and you have multiple mail.boxes
A better distribution of the overhead of processes that must touch every database
No (physical LAN) network to traverse for server-to-server traffic
Instant reaction by Domino partitions and iSeries subsystems to initiate failover
There are limits on the number of users that can be handled by a single Domino server while
maintaining good stability. In fact, it is not the number of users that actually matters. It is
merely the workload those users are generating, how much resource it uses, and therefore,
how much contention it causes. However, in an environment like a Mail server, where most
users behave in a similar way, you can use the number of mail users to limit the workload per
server. This cannot so easily be applied to any other Domino applications. This maximum
number of users will vary from installation to installation. However, a good starting point or
guideline would be to use the IBM Rochester’s own mail server site guideline of 1500 to 2000
registered mail users.
If you have more mail users but they are light users, you may be able to increase the number
of mail users supported on a single partition. Conversely if you have a lot of “power users”,
you may need to decrease the count on some servers, but we think that guideline is an
excellent beginning reference point. See 7.10, “Number of users per Domino server” on
page 201.
10.1.2 How Domino partitioning works
The Setup program automatically assigns a unique subsystem name (DOMINO01, etc.) to
each Domino partitioned server. Or if you prefer, you can select your own name (up to 10
characters), which it must be unique on this OS/400.
When you configure the Domino server with Configure Domino Server (CFGDOMSVR)
command, you can specify the desired name with parameter SBS or leave the default *GEN.
This name is also used for some other OS/400 objects that are used for the server. These
objects include a job description (*JOBD), a job queue (*JOBQ), a class (*CLS), and possibly
BRMS lists.
If a partitioned server encounters a fatal error, an automatic cleanup procedure allows the
server to restart without interfering with any other subsystems or Domino partitions. This is
accomplished by the QNNINSTS job, which permanently monitors all other jobs (that is
Domino tasks) running in the same subsystem. If one of them fails, QNNINSTS gracefully
brings down all other tasks and starts the entire server again.
The Domino program files are held in an OS/400 library (QNOTES) that is shared between all
the partitioned servers, each running in its own subsystem and a data directory of its own.
This is why all partitioned Domino servers run the same revision of the Domino code. This is
slightly different to many iSeries applications where it is usually possible to run multiple
language versions or releases under the same OS/400. Domino is different for various
technical, internal, and optimization reasons.
Partitioned Domino servers can even share a single network adapter, either through port
mapping or multiple IP addresses.
Note: For automatic cleanup and restart to occur, the notes.ini file for each partitioned
server must contain the KillProcess=1 setting.
276 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Port mapping allows the partitioned server to use the same IP address for communication,
each server listening on a TCP port of its own. One of the servers has to be designated as the
port mapper, who listens to the standard Domino port 1352 and reroutes requests to up to
four other servers.
More flexible is the possibility to use multiple IP addresses. You can assign up to 2048 IP
addresses to a single network adapter and up to 16384 for the entire iSeries server. Most
customers, however, prefer that each Domino partitioned server has its own IP address.
You can find full instructions for setting up both alternatives in Lotus Domino for AS/400 R5:
Implementation, SG24-5592.
10.1.3 Planning for Domino partitioning
When you begin the planning phase in regard to partitioning, consider the following
How do partitioned servers fit into your current Domino environment?
How many partitioned servers should you install?
What are the unique IP address considerations for each server?
Rules for naming each Domino partitioned server?
Rules for naming the data directory of each Domino partitioned server?
Before starting to create your partitioned Domino servers (which also automatically creates
the OS/400 subsystems at the same time) on your iSeries server, be sure you perform the
following actions:
1. Select option 7 (Advanced Services) when you run the Load and Run (LODRUN)
2. When you use the Configure Domino Server (CFGDOMSVR) command to set up a
Domino server, specify either *ALL or *PARTITION for the Advanced parameter. In fact, you
should set this even for the first server. Admittedly at that point, it cannot be called
“partitioned”, because there is only the one. But, if you decide at a later point to add
Domino partitioned servers, you have to change the first one with the Change Domino
Server command, if it was not set up partitioned in the first place.
When you run the CFGDOMSVR command, if it fails with the message LNT0109 (Maximum
number of servers exceeded), this usually means you did not configure partitioning support
for one of the servers (which may be the existing server).
To tell if an existing server was configured as partitioned, check the server notes.ini file for the
variable NPN=1. This is the first partition.
Note: By default, a Domino server listens to all IP addresses on the system. If you plan to
use partitioned servers, you must assign one (or more) IP addresses specifically to each
server in the Configure Domino Server (CFGDOMSVR) command.
Note: In Domino R4, you could check for the existence of partitions by checking the
existence of file /QIBM/UserData/Lotus/Notes/lotus_servers/.sgf.notespartition. After
Domino R5.02, this file was no longer used and now there is a file called
A new function was added to the QNNINAPI service program (Get_Partition_Number API),
which is what the installer now uses to check Domino partitions.
Chapter 10. Clustering and partitioning 277
Once up and running, it is important to remember to look at system resources along with
Domino statistics. You should regularly determine which Domino partitioned server is using
the most and the least system resources. That is to say all of the partitioned servers should
be monitored as a group to ensure that the workload is reasonably evenly balanced between
the servers. If one server is extremely over loaded, this will affect other servers that rely on
that server for part of their own performance.
For example, the user of a mail server will perceive poor mail delivery performance if their
outbound mail is queueing waiting on an overloaded SMTP server in another subsystem. The
affect of one server on the performance of another server has to be taken into consideration
and regularly monitored or at least checked!
Monitoring a partitioned server is no different from monitoring a single Domino server.
Partitioned servers include the same set of tools as a single Domino server. What is important
to remember with partitioned Domino servers is that a particular Domino server may take
advantage of any shared system resources or pools and could deny that resources to another
partitioned Domino server that shares the same pools and resources.
10.1.4 Partitioning tips
When running Internet tasks, such as HTTP, POP3, IMAP, and SMTP, on Domino partitioned
servers, you need to perform additional configuration steps if you intend to run these services
on more than one Domino partitioned server, or you are also running iSeries native versions
of HTTP, SMTP, and so on. For example, if you are using a unique IP address for each server,
you need to bind that hostname with the HTTP server. If you don’t do this, any other HTTP,
SMTP, and similar “service providers” that start up in the future or that are already running on
the same iSeries server might try to use the same host name, and a conflict would occur. The
binding is done by editing the server document and setting the host name value in the HTTP
server section of the server document.
Managing partitioned servers involves the same concepts as managing any Domino server or
any iSeries subsystem running any production application. Each Domino partitioned server
has its own private administration interface through the Work with Domino Console
(WRKDOMCSL) command or option 8 of the Work with Domino Servers (WRKDOMSVR)
panel. The console can also be accessed from a Domino administrative client on a Windows
workstation, which in turn can be activated from the Domino functions in Operations
You use the same set of tools to analyze Domino partitioned servers that you use to analyze
the activities of a single Domino server. The main difference is how the servers are
monitored. You have to remember that the partitioned servers share the resources of the
same physical machine. Therefore, bad server performance on one partitioned server could
be the result of a task on another partitioned server. When analyzing server performance, you
have to look past individual server statistics. Look at system resources and compare the
statistics for each individual server
Before you start any of the partitioned servers for the first time, the notes.ini file needs to be
modified to define which IP address and port each server is listening to and if a port mapper
should be used. Starting with R5, this can be done during the configuration with:
From the Notes client workstation point of view, two partitioned servers look like two different
systems, that is, two different IP hosts. From the iSeries server TCP/IP configuration point of
view, there are two different ways to implement partitioned servers:
278 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Unique IP addresses
If the servers use the same iSeries communication adapter, you need to assign more than
one IP interface to the same line description. Each server must appear with its correct IP
address on a name server (DNS) or the client host table.
Share IP addresses using a Port Mapper
All servers running on the iSeries server use the same IP address. Unique port numbers
are used to distinguish between each partitioned server.
Once you configure multiple Domino partitioned servers on the same iSeries server, you may
need to replicate your databases or allow mail routing between those servers. Since these
servers reside on the same iSeries server, it is desirable to exchange information between
them without the need for an external communication network. Domino for iSeries servers
use TCP/IP for replication and mail routing.
10.1.5 Communication between Domino servers on the same iSeries server
In the past, we recommended that you define a loopback interface for the communication
between servers on the same AS/400 hardware. This is a special virtual TCP/IP interface that
allows socket connections without the use of a real hardware interface. The TCP/IP address
of the loopback interface is It is defined on every system, using TCP/IP as a
networking protocol. If you set up two or more partitioned servers either with unique IP
addresses or using a port mapper, we recommended in the past that you perform additional
configuration to allow those servers to connect using the loopback interface.
OS/400 V4R4 and later realizes when two IP ports are on the same system and then allows
them to communicate without even involving any communication interface. Therefore, it is no
longer necessary to use the loopback interface. In V4R4, TCPIP was enhanced so that local
IP addresses are handled internally by the TCPIP stack. As a result, it is better to not
configure one manually (for example, PORTS=TCPIP,LOOPBACK in notes.ini). If you take it
out for OS/400 V4R4 and later, you simplify administration and eliminate some Domino
The difference from V4R3 and V4R4 concerns sending from one local IP address to a
different local IP address. With the latest cum tapes applied, the current implementation is:
V4R2 and earlier: Packets sent to any non-*LOOPBACK local IP address are sent out on
the wire.
V4R3: Packets sent to and from the same local IP addresses are looped internally, which
is similar to *LOOPBACK handling.
V4R4: Packets sent to and from any local IP addresses are looped internally, which is
similar to *LOOPBACK handling.
With no PTFs applied, the base code of V4R3 code worked like V4R2 and the base code of
V4R4 worked like V4R3. But the PTFs to enhance local packet handling have been on V4R3
and V4R4 cum tapes for some time.
10.2 Clustering
The iSeries itself has a number of clustering architectures, which we highlight here to avoid
confusion and show the various options. There has been Domino clustering (since Domino
4.x), and now we have also iSeries and OS/400 based cluster functions. All can be used
independently or in combination.
Chapter 10. Clustering and partitioning 279
10.2.1 iSeries clustering
Clustering is employed by the iSeries to provide availability protection from both planned and
unplanned outages. IBM has spent a significant amount of design and development resource
to enable high levels of availability in a single system environment. It is becoming increasingly
clear that there is no time for either planned or unplanned outages. Unlike many platforms,
the iSeries uses its single system high availability, high reliability design for protection from
unplanned outages. Clusters are deployed to offer protection from planned outages and site
disasters as well as other unplanned outages. In the iSeries world, the lion's share of outage
time comes from planned outages. By solving the planned outage problem, the unplanned
outage coverage is a side benefit.
iSeries continuous availability
To further address the needs of the continuous availability market, iSeries has invested in
cluster technology. Significant advanced features and functions were introduced in V4R4 that
put iSeries in a leadership position. Cluster technology has been around for many years, but
only recently have common terms and concepts begun to emerge. In the case of iSeries, it
has adopted these concepts and integrated the infrastructure needed to achieve a level of
standardization, an advancement of cluster technology, and the involvement of the Solution
Developer (SD) and the cluster middleware business partner in the total solution. While the
iSeries provides the basic cluster infrastructure, the cluster middleware business partner
provides data resiliency and the ISV provides application resiliency. Together, these three
parts provide the whole solution to continuous availability.
iSeries solutions for the continuous availability market
Beginning with OS/400 V4R4, cluster technologies provide our cluster middleware business
partners, solution developers, and customers a set of key integrated functions for building
solutions for the continuous availability market. Already independently rated as the most
highly available single-server platform on the market today by a Gartner Group study, the
iSeries cluster architecture delivered beginning with V4R4 allows application developers to
build continuous availability solutions that handle both planned and unplanned outages.
Synchronizing and managing multiple iSeries servers
iSeries integrated cluster technologies provide the key functions and interfaces necessary to
synchronize and manage multiple iSeries servers ... all the while monitoring for system
failures and providing key data and application switchover administration. In addition, new IP
address takeover functions further simplify this support, delivering high availability Internet
serving capabilities. With this technology, and in cooperation with cluster middleware
business partners, the iSeries server is further enhanced with easy-to-use cluster
management and robust data resiliency required in today's 24x365 e-business world.
Integration of IBM Business Partner cluster management software
Cluster Resource Services, included in OS/400, enable IBM High Availability Business
Partners' cluster management software to easily create, configure, and administer iSeries
clusters. With an architecture that supports up to 128 servers and a choice of OptiConnect,
ATM and LAN connections in any combination, customers can tailor iSeries clusters to meet
the availability needs of their business.
280 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Highly available applications using a common interface architecture
Solution Developers can build enhanced high availability applications using a common
interface architecture to cluster management and data resilience products. Properly
designed, these applications can be configured and activated from cluster management
utilities and made resilient to planned and unplanned outages. Applications meeting the
criteria may receive the right to be recognized as ClusterProven™ for iSeries. The Cluster
Middleware solutions from IBM Business Partners support ClusterProven applications.
For more details, see the high availability Web page at:
OptiConnect for OS/400
OptiConnect for OS/400 provides solutions to many high availability and capacity problems by
enabling capacity growth through shared database clustering. The OptiConnect cluster not
only achieves horizontal growth and high availability but also aids in data warehousing and
database parallelism architectures.
The OptiConnect cluster consists of a collection of systems, each of which dedicates a
system bus to connect to a common or shared bus. The system that provides this shared bus
is referred to as the OptiConnect hub system. The systems that attach to this shared bus are
referred to as OptiConnect satellite systems.
The OptiConnect system area network connects multiple cluster nodes, either unique
systems or partitions, using one of the three high-speed technologies:
HSL OptiConnect: A system-to-system connection that uses the High Speed Link (HSL)
Virtual OptiConnect: A high-speed communication connection between partitions. In
addition, a partition can participate in an HSL or SPD OptiConnect connection.
SPD OptiConnect: Provides high-speed connections between multiple systems using
SPD OptiConnect hardware.
For more details, see the OptiConnect Web page at:
10.2.2 ClusterProven Domino for iSeries
ClusterProven Domino for iSeries is an iSeries-specific enhancement for Lotus Domino that
allows a V5R1 OS/400 cluster management (CM) utility to manage iSeries-based Domino
servers. In the case of ClusterProven Domino, the “application” that is managed through
OS/400 cluster management functions is an instance of a Domino server defined to an
iSeries server that is also configured as a cluster node. Any number of Domino servers can
be configured on a cluster node and each Domino server can further be individually
configured and defined to the cluster as a part of an application Cluster Resource Group
(CRG). A list of cluster nodes is configured as part of the CRG. The Domino server can be
started on any of these nodes and is automatically created on all these nodes when the
application CRG is created and the Domino server is first started on each node.
Chapter 10. Clustering and partitioning 281
Automatic failover
Using cluster management to support Domino provides automatic failover to backup iSeries
servers or logical partitions (LPARs) in the case of a system failure. Perhaps even more
important than the built-in support for failover provided by OS/400 cluster management is the
support for a function known as “switchover”. Switchover entails essentially the same
functions that allow a ClusterProven application to be restarted in the case of a failover but
enables operational control so that the process of ending the application on one cluster node
and restarting it on another can be done “on demand”.
In the case of a Domino server configured as a cluster resource, switchover can be used to
effectively switch the same Domino server so that is can be ended on one system and
restarted another. This would be an ideal means to provide continuous support for the
server's applications and users on a backup system in the case of system downtime for
scheduled maintenance or a system IPL.
Defining and starting Domino on multiple nodes in a cluster
The means of allowing the same Domino server to be defined and started on multiple nodes
in a cluster without maintaining multiple copies of its data on these nodes is provided via an
independent auxiliary storage pool (IASP). In OS/400 V5R1, these IASPs can be defined so
that IFS file object access can be switched between two iSeries servers.
ClusterProven Domino represents the first practical example of how an application CRG can
provide “application resiliency” using OS/400 cluster services and have that application's
“data resiliency” provided using a separate device CRG to manage the access to the
application's data. In the case of a Domino server, the application data is essentially the
server's entire data directory.
A device CRG allows the IASP to be managed as a cluster resource, most importantly it
allows access to the same IFS file objects that are part of a Domino server's data directory to
be switched between nodes in the cluster. In this case, the device CRG allows a single copy
of a Domino server's data directory to be created within a user defined file system (UDFS)
defined as part of the IASP device. In this way, access to a single copy of a Domino server's
IFS file objects can be switched from one node in the cluster to another.
Switching and restarting Domino on different cluster nodes
The same “switchover” concept that allows the Domino server to be “switched” to be restarted
on different cluster nodes is also used as the means to manage access to the server's data
directory. In this case, the device CRG is what is switched between the cluster nodes. When
the device CRG is switched to a new cluster node, the device associated with the device CRG
is varied on and the UDFS associated with that device is automatically mounted within the
IFS file system on that cluster node.
To a Domino server that has its data directory contained within that UDFS, the affect is that its
data directory simply “appears” on that node and the Domino server can then be started on
that node.
Automatic IP address takeover to a new cluster
Lotus Notes clients access their Domino server though a configured IP address. When a
Domino server is configured with an application CRG, the server's IP address is used for the
configured IP address of the server's application CRG as well. When an application CRG fails
over or is switched over to a different cluster node, OS/400 cluster management automatically
does IP address takeover to activate the configured application CRG's IP address on the new
cluster node. This is ideal for Notes client because they automatically reconnect to the
Domino server though the server's configured IP address when the server is restarted on the
282 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
new cluster node. There is no special configuration required on the Notes client. Except for
the period of time that a Domino server is ended and restarted on a different cluster node, the
user of a Notes client is not aware that a Domino server was failed or switched over and
restarted on a different cluster node at all.
Managing the Domino server like any other cluster resource
When configured as high availability servers with an application CRG, a Domino server can
be managed like any other cluster resource. As an application CRG, it can be started,
stopped, or switched over between cluster nodes. This can be done with Operations
Navigator Management Central, with OS/400 cluster management APIs and CL commands,
or with high availability business partner applications that support the management of iSeries
clusters and their application CRGs. The device CRG that controls the access to the Domino
server's data directory can also be managed through these same interfaces.
ClusterProven Domino
ClusterProven Domino requires OS/400 V5R1 and Domino QMR 5.0.7 to be installed on
every cluster node if that node will support Domino servers configured as part of an
application CRG.
Some restrictions apply
Some restrictions apply in regard to the functions that a Domino server configured with an
application CRG can support. The OS/400 system directory integration and using the
OS/400's mail server framework to provide e-mail support should not be enabled for a
Domino server that can be started on multiple cluster nodes. Other precautions have to be
taken to support Domino server-based applications such as those that directly access iSeries
DB2 databases or call iSeries program objects for example. Domino server-based
applications that directly access system specific objects as part of their solution might not
work in an environment where the same Domino server that supports the applications could
be started on different iSeries servers within a cluster.
Domino clustering versus ClusterProven Domino for iSeries
Domino itself provides a Domino database clustering capability that is still fully functional in
environments where Domino servers are configured as part of an application CRG. In the
case of Domino database clustering, Domino databases are configured so that if a given
Domino server fails, a backup server that effectively maintains a copy of that database will
automatically be used to provide continued access to that database. This is specific to each
database and requires a copy of the database to be stored and kept current on every Domino
server that would provide support for the Domino database if the database's server was not
In the case of providing continuous availability though ClusterProven Domino for iSeries,
instead of the a Domino database being replicated to multiple servers as a means to provide
continuous access, the entire server is itself duplicated to multiple iSeries cluster nodes, each
having the ability to start that same Domino server. Each of these cluster nodes can
potentially access any Domino database that is defined within that server's data directory.
Effectively the databases are not replicated, but rather the server definition itself is copied to
the multiple cluster nodes. Each node has the ability to have access to the same server's
entire data directory through an IASP switched to that cluster node. That cluster node can
start the same Domino server and access the same, single copy of its Domino databases
maintained on an IASP that can be switched from node to node within the cluster.
Chapter 10. Clustering and partitioning 283
10.2.3 Domino clustering
Domino clustering refers to a set of Domino servers that make up a loosely-coupled set of
systems and application instances. To put it simply, Domino maintains replicas of either all or
typically only selected databases on other Domino servers on a very frequent or even on
demand basis.
Should any Domino server fail, the cluster management services (Domino Cluster Manager
and Cluster Admin) redirects all subsequent client traffic to an alternative cluster replica,
pretty much transparently to the user and with minimal data loss due to the crash. Another
benefit offered by the Domino cluster management services is (optionally) load balancing the
members of the Domino cluster to evenly spread the workload between servers
Domino cluster benefits summary
The advantages of Domino clusters can be summarized as follows:
Provide load balancing and failover capabilities through event-driven replication.
Provide uninterrupted access to Notes networked information resources, including Notes
messaging, databases, and other service components.
Provide higher availability and scalability, and enable more efficient use of resources than
is possible from a single application instance system.
Interconnects between cluster members within the same Notes domain across any
network connection of LAN, ATM, or a high-speed WAN connection.
On iSeries, allows multiple iSeries Domino partitions to be clustered within the same
iSeries server for maximum availability, flexibility and load balancing.
The iSeries fully supports Domino clustering within the same iSeries server between multiple
iSeries Domino partitions. Being “platform agnostic”, Domino servers can be easily
configured to cluster with other iSeries servers, as well as with all the non-iSeries Domino
server platforms. Because of the inherent reliability of the iSeries hardware, clustering within
the one iSeries server is a key deliminator. It provides the failover support expected to protect
key sites against the failure of tasks within Domino subsystems.
10.2.4 Why cluster Domino servers
This section explains the importance of clustering Domino servers.
High availability of critical applications
Critical server tasks such as mail, replication, and passthru tasks particularly benefit from
operating in a clustered environment. For applications that require 7-by-24 availability,
Domino clustering can help by enabling multiple replicas of these applications to be installed
on a Domino cluster using anywhere from two to six Domino servers. If a server goes down,
the user is redirected to another available Domino server that houses the application
requested by the user. Therefore, users accessing these applications can achieve high
availability. Note these benefits:
With failover, users can continue accessing their critical data even after a server becomes
unavailable. When a server goes down, Domino clustering and the cluster-aware Notes
client help redirect user requests to the best available data source in the cluster. This
provides failover protection for business-critical databases and servers including
pass-through servers to other servers in a cluster format, and Domino Web users such as
iNotes Web Access, iNotes for Outlook, and QuickPlace.
The workload balancing feature lets you distribute user workloads across multiple
clustered servers. You can create replicas of heavily used databases on other cluster
284 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
members, which will ensure that heavily used servers can pass requests to other cluster
servers and that work is evenly distributed across the cluster. Through the use of Domino
load balancing, users are dynamically redirected to the lesser loaded server to allow for
more efficient resource utilization in a cluster. Workload balancing uses the same
techniques as failover, but with the server availability threshold parameter. If the server is
available and it has been determined that the server is too busy to take on any more user
or server sessions, the administrator can redirect users to a more available (less heavily
loaded) server. Workload balancing appears as virtually transparent to the user. If they are
switched to a different server, the user will just see an additional icon on the desktop or a
stacked icon for the database on the second server. They will not receive an error
message or other indication that workload balancing has occurred.
As the number of users, transactions, and applications increase, you can add servers to your
cluster. By adding replicas of critical databases throughout your cluster, you can distribute the
workload to optimize system performance. This ensures efficient resource utilization and
maintains a high degree of scalability to provide flexibility for future growth.
There is no requirement that each clustered Domino server run on the same operating
system or hardware platform. This advantage of great flexibility allows Domino clustering to
assist in server consolidation and software migration. On iSeries, Domino clustering is
frequently used to the same iSeries server because of its inherent reliability to achieve load
balancing and maximum availability.
Disaster preparedness
Domino clustering can be seen as an enhanced backup feature when developing disaster
preparedness plans. By using Domino clustering locally or across a WAN to a Domino server
in another location, the clustering of mission-critical information provides a replica of the
databases you want backed up to a safe backup or “off-site” location in almost real time.
10.2.5 How a Domino cluster works
In the event of failover or load balancing, the users of the failing server will "failover". That is
they will be transferred to other servers in the cluster. The users return to their home server
the next time they start the client, provided the home server is available. Notes clients are
re-directed by the Cluster Manager, and Web clients (browsers) are directed and re-directed
by the Domino Internet Cluster Manager (ICM).
Event-driven cluster replication
Domino clustering provides event-driven cluster replication among servers in the cluster to
keep tight synchronization of data across the cluster. Within a cluster, every database change
is replicated online. Every time a document or any of its properties is changed, that change is
replicated to all of the database replicas within the cluster. The Domino Directory (formerly
known as the Name and Address Book or NAB) is where clusters are defined and servers
added or delete from that cluster. When you add a server to a cluster, the Administration
Process (ADMINP) adds the cluster name to the server document.
Chapter 10. Clustering and partitioning 285
Notes client cluster components
The Notes client is cluster-aware and maintains the cluster cache (an image of where all the
current cluster components are) locally. The cluster cache provides a list of servers in the
cluster. When the client tries to open a database on a Domino server that is unavailable, the
client uses the cluster cache to find the next available server in the cluster. There are two
Notes client cluster components:
Cluster-aware Notes client: When the Notes client tries to open a database on a Domino
server that is unavailable, the cluster cache (CLUSTER.NCF file in the data directory) on
the client provides a list of other servers in the cluster. The Notes client accesses the
cluster manager on another server in the cluster, which redirects the client to the best
available Domino server that holds the content (replica) requested by the Notes client.
Cluster unaware browser client: When a standard desktop Web browser tries to access
a URL (that is really a Web enabled Notes database on a Web-enabled Domino server),
the TCP/IP request is re-directed to the best available Domino (Web) server that holds the
content (replica) desired by the browser. If that Domino server then fails, on the next HTTP
request (refresh, next page, next selection, etc.), the ICM will catch the request, and
re-direct it to an alternative Domino (Web) server that holds another (replica) of the
database requested by the browser.
Notes API: Notes APIs exist to allow Notes applications to be written that take full
advantage of Domino failover and load balancing. The Domino server, Notes client, and
Web browser work together to provide all the clustering features, so no setup at all is
required on the client or in the browser, making your clustering rollout extremely easy.
Cluster Administration Process (CLADMIN)
This server task is responsible for the correct startup of all cluster components. On clustered
servers, the process runs automatically at server startup and whenever the cluster
membership changes. CLADMIN is a Domino add-in task. It is responsible for the correct
operation of all cluster components, which include the configuration (adding or deleting) and
launching of other cluster components.
Cluster Manager
Cluster Manager runs on each server in a cluster and tracks the state of all members in a
cluster. The Cluster Manager is a ClusterTask thread in the Domino server and is created at
server cluster startup or when Domino detects a change in NAMES.NSF. Information about
the servers in the cluster is stored in the cluster cache on each server in the cluster.
Cluster Manager tracks all members in a cluster by:
Determining which servers belong to the cluster and monitoring the Directory for changes
Polling the other servers in a cluster and exchanging periodic messages (called probes)
and keeping a list of which servers in the cluster are currently available
Advising other Cluster Managers of changes in cluster server status
Redirecting database requests, based on known cluster server status
Balancing server workloads in the cluster, based on known cluster server status
Logging failover and workload balancing events in the server log file
Cluster Replicator (CLREPL)
The Cluster Replicator is a Domino add-in task. CLREPL uses the cluster database directory
to determine databases changes. It is responsible for:
286 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Tightly synchronizing data among databases and their replicas in a cluster
Providing continuous event-driven replication among the cluster members
Pooling changes within the replicator to provide improved performance
Cluster statistics cache
The cluster statistics are stored in the cluster statistics cache on each Domino server in the
cluster. There are two kinds of cluster statistics:
Server.Cluster: These statistics are related to clustered server activities such as failover,
workload balancing events, the server state within the cluster, and information on a
specific cluster configuration such as the server names within the cluster.
Replica.Cluster: These statistics are related to cluster replication events, such as the
number of documents updated, number of replica retry events, and the number of bytes
received during cluster replications.
Cluster Database Directory (CLBDIR.NSF)
The Cluster Database Directory is updated by the Cluster Database Directory Manager and is
kept in synchronization by the Cluster Replicator. The CDBDIR.NSF replica ID number is
stored in the server document of each server in the cluster. The database document contains
information such as the database name, server, path name, replica ID, and other replication
and access attributes. It is common to all of the clustered servers for the use of determining
failover paths and access control. It provides other cluster tasks and components with the
data that they need to perform their functions. And, it manages databases with
cluster-specific attributes such as databases marked out of service or pending delete.
Domino servers fail over clients by redirecting database requests to other servers in the
cluster. This redirection is managed by a Cluster Manager.
Through the use of Domino workload balancing, users are dynamically redirected to the
lesser loaded server. Workload balancing uses the same techniques as failover. However, the
administrator sets the level when the server is considered to be too busy, and new client
requests are “failed over” to another server that is not as busy as the original server. Workload
balancing depends on the server state. The server state (busy or available) is determined by
the server availability threshold value. When the server availability index drops below the
server availability threshold, the server becomes busy. If a client tries to open a session with a
request that triggers failover, they are redirected to an available clustered server. The
workload on the server is expressed as the server availability index, which is a value between
0 and 100. The value 100 indicates a lightly loaded server (fast response times), and the
value 0 is a heavily loaded server (slow response times).
Despite the fact that the server availability index is a number between 0 and 100, it is not a
percentage. The server availability index is closely related to a common performance metric
called the expansion factor. The expansion factor is simply the ratio of the response time for a
function under the current load to the response time for this same function in an optimum
(light load) condition. To compute the server availability index, the Domino server computes
the expansion factor for a representative set of Notes RPC transactions over a recent time
interval (roughly the previous minute). The server availability index is then set to 100 minus
this expansion factor. Remember that the server availability index only considers the
response time as measured at the server, which is typically only a small portion of the overall
response time as seen by clients. In particular, the network time between the client and server
often accounts for a significant portion of client response time.
Chapter 10. Clustering and partitioning 287
10.2.6 ICM and the Domino HTTP Clustering components and technology
Domino R5 supports failover and workload balancing of HTTP and HTTPS client access to
the Domino HTTP servers running in a Domino cluster. This capability is provided by a
Domino application called the Internet Cluster Manager (ICM).
Running as a Domino server task, the ICM serves as a liaison between the HTTP clients and
the HTTP servers of a Domino cluster. The HTTP clients direct requests for a database to the
ICM. The ICM maintains availability information of the Domino servers in the Domino cluster
and maintains information about the distribution of databases on the servers. The ICM
determines the best server to receive a particular client request and directs the request to that
In summary, ICM and Domino HTTP Clustering offer these functions:
Monitors backend Domino servers and HTTP task for availability
Disallows any new connections to servers out of service
Fails over new connections to the best available server
Gives you the ability to set priorities (availability thresholds) for your Domino servers
Provides content routing for your clients
Failover and load balance over Web sites that contain different content
ICM corporate and enterprise use of Domino HTTP Clustering
Domino HTTP Clustering provides failover and load balancing of browser client access to
Domino applications. An organization that wants to provide high availability to its customers
that use browsers to access Domino Web applications would enable HTTP clustering to
provide failover support for their Domino servers. An organization that wants to provide
scalability for its Domino Web applications would enable HTTP clustering to achieve load
balancing of browser clients that access their Domino Web applications. Domino HTTP
clustering finds the best available Domino server and redirects the browser client to that
ICM characteristics of Domino HTTP Clustering
The characteristics of Domino HTTP Clustering are end-to-end security and authentication.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption and decryption are preserved. If you choose to
require name and password and SSL support on your servers, the ICM preserves those
capabilities. Domino HTTP Clustering also provides simple but strong affinity of the client with
the server. The ICM does not require any additional hardware but can be installed on your
Domino server.
ICM platform support for Domino HTTP Clustering
The ICM runs on all the operating systems and hardware platforms supported by the Domino
Windows NT
Sun Solaris
Domino HTTP Clustering is available for any of these platforms, and the servers in the cluster
may be any combination of these platforms.
288 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
ICM network protocols supported by Domino HTTP Clustering
Domino HTTP Clustering supports client connections via TCP/IP only. Any supported Notes
protocol can be used between the ICM and the servers in a cluster.
ICM conditions triggering failover and load balancing to occur
The ICM conditions that trigger failover and load balancing are:
The Domino server is unreachable due to hardware, software, or network failures.
The Domino server is restricted.
The Domino server is busy.
The Domino server reaches the maximum number of user sessions allowed as specified
by Server_MaxUsers setting.
The Domino database (replica) is unavailable because it is either marked out of service or
marked pending delete.
ICM workload balancing
Workload balancing is enabled on the Domino server by using the setting Server
_Availability_Threshold in the notes.ini file. If the server availability index falls below the
specified threshold, then the server is busy. The ICM dynamically load balances the workload
to a better available server.
ICM server availability index and maximum scalability
The server availability index is a value between 0 and 100 that indicates the workload on the
server. It is calculated based on the response time of a representative set of server
operations that takes into account both Notes clients and Web client access on the Domino
server. The article “Workload Balancing with Domino Clusters” on the Iris Today Web site
explores these questions in detail. You can find the Iris Today Web site at:
ICM and user identification plus authorization
The security model for the ICM is to support the current Domino security model used for Web
access. The HTTP requests are sent with no user ID or password to the ICM. The ICM then
redirects requests at the protocol level and sends the redirection response code and target
server information directly back to the HTTP client. The HTTP client then issues a request to
the specified target Domino server whereupon the local Domino security policy takes effect,
which may result in authentication dialogs between the HTTP client and the target Domino
server. If the user successfully authenticates, the user ID and password are supplied in the
HTTP headers for all subsequent requests to that Domino server. In this manner, the ICM is
not involved in the user identification/authentication dialog.
The ICM uses SSL for transport level security. The ICM is configurable to require SSL
sessions to be used. The ICM can use the same certificates that the browser and Domino
HTTP server use.
ICM unauthorized access
Install an Internet firewall when it is necessary to protect the ICM from unauthorized access.
ICM and bookmarks with Domino HTTP Clustering
If a browser creates a bookmark, it will contain the URL of the backend Domino server that
contains the page that is being viewed. The bookmark will not point to the ICM, and therefore,
it will not support failover at this time.
Chapter 10. Clustering and partitioning 289
ICM URL processing
The ICM accepts and processes all URLs currently supported by the Domino HTTP server,
including Domino URLs to:
Open servers, databases, and views
Open forms, navigators, and agents
Open, edit, and delete documents
Open documents by name from a view
Open image files, attachments, and OLE objects
Create search queries
ICM non-targeted requests
In the current version of the ICM, when an HTTP client makes a request to the ICM that is not
targeted at a Domino database, the ICM simply selects the most available server in the
cluster that is running a Domino HTTP server and redirects the HTTP client to that server.
Files not stored in a Domino database should be replicated across all servers in the cluster.
ICM and Domino
Changes were made in the Domino HTML generation to direct HTTP clients to the ICM for
databases within a cluster if that cluster is configured with ICM support. The ICM knows the
location of databases because the ICM has access to the CLDBDIR.NSF, which houses
information about all the databases in the cluster, about the servers on which they reside, and
database availability indicators.
ICM Domino HTTP Clustering performance
Domino HTTP Clustering provides for failover and workload balancing of HTTP and HTTPS
client access to the Domino HTTP servers running in a Domino cluster. Users that access
Domino servers through the ICM can experience some small increase in response time on
the first access to a Domino application. This increase in response time is caused by the extra
network communication needed for the redirection. Once redirection has occurred, the user
communicates directly with the target server, so response times will be identical to a
configuration without the ICM. Furthermore, because the ICM distributes the total client load
across the servers in the cluster, overall client response times should improve.
Performance testing revealed a performance advantage to having the ICM in the cluster, in
that a redirection to the HTTP task on its server will have slightly better performance. This is
because redirection to the same machine can reuse certain low level network connections
and therefore be more efficient. The disadvantage to this approach is that the server will have
the additional overhead associated with executing the ICM tasks.
10.2.7 Planning for Domino clustering
When planning for Domino Clustering, examine the following list to ensure that all of the
components and the effects of the clustering process are given some consideration:
The advantages that you want to gain from Domino clustering
How the organization is distributed geographically
Networking considerations
Number and distribution of database users
Expected volume of new data, records added, updated or deleted per day, week or year
The overhead of the cluster replication on each server
Memory and CPU cycles for the cluster tasks
Sensitivity of data
The server roles
Whether to use a dedicated server
290 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
The number of servers to put in a cluster
Plan the databases to be clustered
The databases that need high availability
Number and type of databases
Size of the databases
Load balancing
Mail database integration
Estimated growth
The cluster management tasks themselves have little impact on the performance of the
individual servers, except for a minimal amount of server-to-server communication that is
used to determine availability. The overhead of clustering on server CPU and resource
workloads comes from the work and I/O required to actually replicate all the cluster member
databases and data changes as they occur. Every server holding a replica of a database to
be kept synchronized through Domino clustering creates a little more LAN traffic and small
increases in the CPU, memory, and storage requirements. The cluster members should have
enough spare capacity to reasonably service the users of any failed server. In the case where
two existing mail servers are put into a new cluster of two, and all the databases are
replicated onto both server, consider the CPU and resource utilization of two servers when
suddenly added together and placed on just one of them. If these servers are primarily mail
servers, then, when they are clustered, all the users' mail databases will be replicated on the
both servers. Therefore, the individual servers CPU utilization may increase dramatically.
Remember that the servers are not only completing their original workload, but they are
duplicating the workload from the other server. A cluster of two servers would be running at
under 50% capacity while a cluster of six, on average, would only have to absorb one-fifth of
the failed server workload. You could run these servers at 80% capacity in non-failure cases
and still have the spare capacity needed for a failure situation. Memory can become a
bottleneck in a Domino environment, especially when users perform more advanced
When deciding how to distribute application databases, you have to consider client network
traffic and server performance versus client open sessions. If you create too many replicas,
you can impact Domino server performance by reducing disk space and overloading the
Cluster Replicator tasks. Take the time to understand database characteristics such as the
kind of databases (mail or application), the amount of paging, disk queue length, and so on.
This will enable you to make the correct decision when estimating the hardware required to
provide a particular level of service. You should remember to allow enough disk space for the
replicas from other servers in the cluster as well.
Sizing using Work Load Estimator (see Chapter 3, “Sizing Domino for iSeries using the
Workload Estimator” on page 19) will greatly assist you in correctly estimating the spare
capacity you need to allow for to make clustering function as you would want it to. As a rule on
iSeries servers, we recommend sizing the entire configuration as though it would all be fully
clustered. This will give you enough additional resource and capacity to successfully
implement a significant clustered Domino server.
10.2.8 Domino clustering limitations and recommendations
The limitations of Domino clustering include:
A server can participate in only one cluster at a time.
All servers in the cluster should share the same set of networking protocols.
All servers in a cluster must be in the same domain.
You must use hierarchical naming, not flat naming, to implement clustering.
Chapter 10. Clustering and partitioning 291
WAN clustering is not recommended unless you can guarantee WAN speeds similar to
your LAN speeds.
Consistent replication formulas for selective replicas across cluster-member databases
that share the same selective replication formula must share the same relative path name
across clustered servers.
10.2.9 Mail database integration for high availability
One of the most important objectives of clustering is to provide high availability access.
Clusters have a big role to play in mail delivery.
Clustering mail.box not recommended
The mail servers themselves can be clustered, but we do not recommend clustering the
mail.box databases. These mail.box files are specialized Notes databases. They are
constantly working and rarely have any content for more than a few milliseconds, which would
put a huge and almost constant workload on the Cluster Replicators, seriously slow down the
router and the SMTP gateway causing potentially huge performance problems resulting in a
massive mail backlog on busy systems. Routed mail and mail for delivery to and at the SMTP
gateway should therefore never be clustered.
Mail trapped in mail.box
Mail actually in a mail.box is only there for a very short time, usually. But if a mail item is
trapped in a mail.box at a crash, it will have to stay there until the server is finally restarted. If
the mail item was not fully posted to mail.box, it will be retried by the sender to the alternative
mail.box and despatched. Any incomplete trapped item will be discarded from mail.box when
the failed router and server are restarted.
User mail failover
When a user actually clicks the button to send a mail item (that is transfer it from the mail file
into a mail.box), and the mail file server has just gone down, the user will still be able to post
the mail to mail.box on the next cluster member where their mail file exists as soon as the
cluster manager fails them across to it.
Highly available SMTP gateways
We recommend a separate SMTP gateway or multiple gateways. The conversion of inbound
MIME and e-mail streams from unknown originating mail systems is not a set of tasks you
should have running on your live production mail server with several thousand users. This
type of mail stream parsing and MIME translation should be done on a dedicated platform or
in an iSeries case, a dedicated Domino partition or preferably more than one for resilience.
The SMTP gateway is also not suitable for clustering, but a simple pair of SMTP gateways
(Domino partitions) can be made highly available by the use of MX records on the firewall or
Internet mail relay, directing inbound traffic normally to one SMTP gateway, and then to the
other if the first stops responding or crashes. Alternatively it could do Round Robin if both are
Outbound the various mail servers need to be configured with either one SMTP gateway pair
or the other as their Domino “least cost routing” next hop. The other SMTP gateway is
configured to a slightly higher value. Therefore, the outbound SMTP load can be balanced by
the operations staff, with some mail servers pointing “least cost routing” to one SMTP
292 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
gateway, and the others to the second one. If either gateway fails, half of the traffic will fail
over using the rule set in the "least cost routing" next hop. The other half of the traffic was
already there, so it won't be affected. This function provides a simple but effective highly
available SMTP gateway configuration.
Mail server failover
The only function that works even after one clustered mail server goes down is mail delivery,
as long as the notes.ini variable MailClusterFailover is set to 1. The mail routing from other
mail servers then fails over to an alternative (cluster) of the crashed mail server. When you set
up mail for your cluster, you need to set up failover for mail routing and mail delivery, directory
assistance, and shared mail if necessary.
When a message is about to make its final hop (to the user's home server) and the
destination server is unavailable, the router checks if the destination server is a member of a
cluster. If the user's home server is still unavailable, the router then delivers the message into
the cluster replica of the user's mail file. Again, a cunning combination of alternate routes,
least-cost mail routing, and mail delivery failover provides a complete, end-to-end solution for
high availability of mail routing, SMTP delivery and despatch, and successful delivery to end
users within the group of clustered mail servers. For the domain configuration document, the
settings are applied to all servers in the domain.
Passthru servers in a clustered environment
A passthru server is always useful for mobile users when there is more than one server in
your Domino environment. This is because the remote clients only use one phone connection
to access multiple servers. If use of the passthru server is considered mission critical to
provide high availability, you can ensure optimal performance of the server by making it a
dedicated passthru server. You can provide high availability for passthru servers by creating a
clustered passthru server if you are using local area network connections.
10.2.10 Remote access with iNotes
An alternative that is well worth considering for secure remote access of this type for mobile
users is iNotes Web Access. This allows the user to securely retrieve and send mail. They
can access their calendar, diary, and address book directly from your corporate secure Web
site without the need for any specialized modems or equipment. Or they can access the Web
from a customer’s premises, their own home, or in an Internet cafe.
10.2.11 Application hub server
The hub-and-spoke replication scheme establishes one central server as the hub and other
servers as the spokes. This replication scheme is recommended because it is generally the
most efficient replication topology, which minimizes network traffic, especially in larger
organizations. A hub server is a mission-critical server, and setting up a clustered hub server
will provide high availability.
10.2.12 Network performance
With Domino clustering, network performance depends a great deal on the network
implementation. If you are clustering within a single iSeries box, you will take advantage of
loopback, which is described in 10.1.5, “Communication between Domino servers on the
same iSeries server” on page 278.
Chapter 10. Clustering and partitioning 293
10.2.13 Server_Availability_Index and Server_Availability_Threshold
The availability of cluster servers and the process of load-based failover is based on the
comparison of the SERVER_AVAILABILITY_INDEX and
To display the actual SERVER_AVAILABILITY_INDEX of the server, enter sh cluster on the
server console. This value is calculated by the following formula:
Here the default value for Server_Transinfo_Normalize is 3000.
The transactions are counted within a statistic-interval. The length of the interval may be set
by the notes.ini setting:
The default here is 15s. The number of intervals that are used to average the transaction
counts may be set by SERVER_TRANSINFO_MAX, where the default is 5 (these values
usually require no change).
As soon the value of the SERVER_AVAILABILITY_INDEX falls below the
SERVER_AVAILABILITY_THRESHOLD (also a notes.ini setting, default is 0), the cluster
server becomes busy.
Since the SERVER_AVAILABILITY_INDEX is based on transactions only, it does not depend
on tasks like full text indexing and agent activity that may consume a noticeable amount of
system resources. This means that depending on the type of Notes application used on the
server, server tasks running, and available resources, the server's responsiveness may be
poor while the transaction count is low as well. Therefore, SERVER_AVAILABILITY_INDEX
will not decrease by a lot. In this case, it makes no sense to set
SERVER_AVAILABILITY_THRESHOLD to a value of, say 98, since the archivable resolution
is poor.
Setting the notes.ini variable SERVER_TRANSINFO_NORMALIZE to a value < 3000 will
result in smaller values for SERVER_AVAILABILITY_INDEX for a given transaction count.
This allows more appropriate tuning of when the server becomes busy. We recommend that
you set the SERVER_AVAILABILITY_THRESHOLD to approximately 50 and adjust the
Server_Transinfo_Normalize to meet the requirements.
10.2.14 Tools
The following parameters are available in the notes.ini file for modification and provide
additional performance enhancement and monitoring. You can see the full details of these
parameters in Table C-2 on page 442.
Enables or disables the monitoring of Cluster Replicator activity (be aware of the
considerable overhead on this option, use this only while investigating problems, never
leave enabled).
Works directly with the Domino statistic Server.Availability. When Server.Availability
reaches the threshold set in the Server_Availability_Threshold parameter, the server
begins rejecting user requests. The threshold may need to be set high (95 to 97) for the
best failover characteristics.
294 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
In addition, Server_Transinfo_Normalize may need to be set. This allows you to
“normalize” the response times experienced by your Domino server and ensures that the
failover processing will occur only when it's supposed to. This value can be tailored for
your environment.
See 10.2.13, “Server_Availability_Index and Server_Availability_Threshold” on page 293.
Specifies the maximum number of active NRPC user sessions allowed on a server.
This is only effective for NRPC (Notes Client) users and does not affect HTTP users or
sessions. When this number is reached, the server state becomes “MaxUsers,” and the
server stops accepting new Database Open requests from NRPC users. This prevents
new sessions from starting and stops existing NRPC users from opening another
database. They also see the error message:
Server Error: Access to the server is restricted due to maximum number of users.
The default is 0 (unlimited access to server by user). We recommend you use the default.
For further information, see “Server_MaxUsers” on page 217.
Enables or disables the caching of open databases in a cluster:
– 0 - Enables caching of open databases
– 1 - Disables caching of open databases
Cached handles improve response times, but can cause excessive I/O on very busy
Default 1 (min) max 120: The Interval the cluster server probe each other for availability.
Can cause serious performance issues if set too fast depending on loading.
This is the number of intervals that are used to average the transaction counts. The
availability of cluster servers and the process of load-based failover are based on the
comparison of the Server_Availability_Index and Server_Availability_Threshold. The
Server_Availability_Index is calculated by the following formula:
Transactions are counted within the statistic interval Server_Transinfo_Update_Interval.
The number of intervals that are used to average the transaction counts may be set by
The default is 5, which we recommend you do not change.
See 10.2.13, “Server_Availability_Index and Server_Availability_Threshold” on page 293,
for more information.
Used when calculating the server availability index to “normalize” the response times
observed at the server (that is, it divides the observed response times by this normalize
value). Until now, this setting was undocumented, but it is available in both R4.6 and R5.
Tip: Manually set this parameter to carefully calculate the value.
Chapter 10. Clustering and partitioning 295
For the availability index calculation to work properly, the normalize value should be
roughly equal to the average Domino transaction time (for the server in question) in
milliseconds*100. The default value is 3000 ms, which corresponds to an average
response time of 30ms per transaction.
See 10.2.13, “Server_Availability_Index and Server_Availability_Threshold” on page 293,
for more information.
This indicates the transactions counted within the statistic interval. The availability of
cluster servers and the process of load-based failover are based on the comparison of the
Server_Availability_Index and Server_Availability_Threshold. The
Server_Availability_Index is calculated by the following formula:
Transactions are counted within the statistic interval Server_Transinfo_Update_Interval.
The number of intervals that are used to average the transaction counts may be set by
Server_TransInfo_Max. The default is 15 seconds, which we recommend that you use and
do not change.
See 10.2.13, “Server_Availability_Index and Server_Availability_Threshold” on page 293,
for more information.
10.2.15 Server-based tools
This section describes the server-based tools for clustering.
Logging replication
The Cluster Replicator generates Replication Event log records once an hour and records
information about all replications performed during that hour. Each Replication Event record
provides information about database replications and any currently outstanding errors. The
Cluster Replicator generates one Replication Event document for each server with which it
replicates. You can force the Cluster Replicator to generate a log record immediately by
typing the following command at the server console:
The log analysis tool
By using the log analysis tool, you can collect all the information related to a specific word that
is stored in the log database.
Note: This default setting was appropriate for “the average server” when clustering was
first shipped several years ago, but it is too large for the current generation of servers.
You should use a lower normalize value with today's faster servers, so loads fail over
Tip: Be sure to manually set this to a sensible value.
296 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Cluster analysis tools
The Domino server contains a cluster analysis tool to help you determine that clustering has
been implemented successfully. If you are experiencing problems with a cluster configuration,
running a cluster analysis also provides you with the information you need to troubleshoot
problems. The cluster analysis tool tests different aspects of the cluster configuration and
reports the results back to the cluster configuration database. Cluster analysis is performed
from the administration panel and enables you to specify the types of analysis you want to
You set up the cluster analysis tool using a remote console. By running the cluster analysis
tool, you test the cluster status for every server in the cluster. The tool can be run on any
server in the cluster.
Report types
There are two report types:
You can run cluster server reports that test:
– Number of cluster members: Checks the number of servers in the cluster
– Consistent domain membership: Checks that all servers are members of the same
– Consistent protocols: Checks that servers are running consistent protocols
– Required server tasks: Checks that the required cluster tasks are running
You can run database reports that test:
– Consistent ACLs: Checks that access control lists are consistent among replicas
– Disabled Replication: Checks databases for disabled cluster replication
– Consistent replication formulas: Checks for inconsistent replication formulas among
– Replicas exist within cluster: Checks databases for replicas in the cluster
Replication backlogs and Cluster Replicator tuning
During peak activity periods, servers may show an especially high frequency of replication
events. Replication backlogs may occur if the Cluster Replicator is unable to handle all
replication requests. Complete these steps:
1. Determine which servers are showing replication backlogs by typing the following
statement at the server console:
show statistic replica
2. Examine the Replica.Cluster.WorkQueueDepth statistic in this report.
This statistic shows the current number of modified databases that are awaiting
replication. If this value is consistently greater than zero, enabling additional Cluster
Replicators may help you to decrease replication backlogs.
Note: You can run more than one Cluster Replicator (CLREPL) at a time to increase
performance of the system. However, only one cluster database directory task (CLDBDIR)
can be run. The suggested Cluster Replicator per server is the number of servers in the
cluster minus one.
Chapter 10. Clustering and partitioning 297
10.2.16 Clustering tips
You can designate servers for specific Domino tasks. This can improve system efficiency,
especially in large organizations, and make administration easier. Some Domino clustering
limitations are listed here:
For large, busy clusters, cluster analysis may require several hours or more to complete.
You may find it convenient to dedicate an administration client when you run cluster
analysis tests for any period of time.
Databases tend to grow faster than expected, so it is normally better to over-estimate the
demand for the storage space.
There are performance impacts when adding multiple Domino servers together into a
cluster. These impacts include CPU utilization, increased I/O, and increased network
traffic. Putting the server-to-server transactions on a separate network eliminates this
As the cluster administrator, you should closely monitor your system for usage patterns
during peak periods and adjust cluster resources accordingly.
If the server is an application server, where LotusScript or Java applications are heavily
used, adding CPUs may be the best solution to get rid of the bottleneck.
If processor utilization is constantly close to 100%, consider spreading the server
workload within the cluster or adding another processor.
Getting started with Domino clustering, you may want to start with just two servers. As
your experience and understanding grows, you will want to add more servers.
Remember that the servers in a cluster must share the same set of protocols. If a client
connects to a server using a protocol, the client must use the same protocol when it fails
over on a clustered server. For the iSeries server, this must be TCP/IP. TCP/IP also
provides better failover performance than other protocols.
Reserve extra memory and CPU cycles for the cluster tasks. The servers in the cluster
must be able to take care of the increased workload in case the clients are redirected from
another server or servers.
Consider disk space very carefully for mail servers. As users start to use more advanced
features such as attachments, mail messages typically get larger.
You must use hierarchical naming, not flat naming, to implement clustering. Clustering
uses the Administration Process (AdminP), which cannot use the flat naming convention.
A cluster can contain from two to six servers.
Because of the high volume of messages exchanged between clustered servers with
replicated databases, we recommend that you dedicate a network to the cluster. This
means that you need to define a Notes named network and a port dedicated for the
Domino servers in the cluster.
A useful guideline for determining the number of Cluster Replicators to run on each server
is to set up as many Cluster Replicators as there are cluster members, minus one. For
example, if there are four servers in the cluster, enable three CLREPL tasks on each
server in the cluster. This way, there will always be at least one CLREPL task available to
handle replication requests to another server in the cluster.
We recommend that you dedicate a private LAN connection for the cluster's internal traffic.
If you have heavily-used databases that consistently overload the Cluster Replicator with
update requests, consider running multiple Cluster Replicators. When multiple Cluster
Replicators are enabled on a server, they work in parallel to replicate changes to other
servers. If one Cluster Replicator is busy replicating changes to one database, a second
Cluster Replicator can begin replicating changes to another database. By sharing
298 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
replication workloads, multiple Cluster Replicators ensure that data updates are made
quickly and stay tightly synchronized.
The iSeries server Cluster server makes Domino clusters more attractive in large
environments where there may be several thousands of clients.
To avoid the distribution of the same document to multiple users' mailboxes, you can also
create a document database. Encourage users to create all of the documents to be
distributed in this database.
Instead of attaching an entire document to a mail message, the user should insert a
document link to the document database. The document database, in turn, can be
clustered to ensure high availability.
When clustering mail databases, two replicas in a cluster should be adequate to
guarantee availability at any given time for mailboxes, and still keep the overhead of
cluster replication low.
Mail database replicas should be distributed roughly evenly among the servers in the
cluster to avoid unreasonable growth of workload on one server in the case of failure of
another server in the cluster.
For application databases that have a lot of changes and updates from the clients or a
high transaction rate, do not to create more than three replicas.
It is a general recommendation that database replication across the clustered servers be
scheduled on an hourly basis to serve as a backup to cluster replication. This would
eliminate the possibility of any database updates being lost in the event of hardware or
network failure.
You can designate servers for specific Domino tasks. This can improve system efficiency,
especially in large organizations, and make administration easier.
We recommend that you use a passthru server when mobile users need to access a
cluster. This way, the client takes advantage of the cluster configuration for the destination
When databases are replicated, all I/O operations that complete on the original file are
also completed on each replica. When placing database files on a server, place them in an
optimal location whenever possible.
Replicator memory is a consideration only in large clusters or if the workload is very heavy
and several Cluster Replicator tasks need to be run simultaneously.
We recommend that a passthru server is used when mobile users need to access a
cluster. The client takes advantage of the cluster configuration for the destination servers.
The server availability threshold is a key configuration setting for workload balancing.
Setting the threshold too high can cause user requests to fail unnecessarily. Setting the
threshold too low can result in poor performance for some users that may have received
better service from another server.
To determine the proper value for the server availability threshold, you should start by
simply monitoring the server availability index during periods of a normal to heavy load.
Once you gather some data on the range of typical values of the server availability index
for a server, select an initial value for the server availability threshold. This should be a
value toward the lower end of the range of typical values. You should also consider how a
server outage may impact server workload. If a server in the cluster fails, the failover
capability in Domino clustering will direct clients to other servers in the cluster. To allow for
this, you may want to set the server availability threshold to allow “extra” capacity to handle
the failover workload.
See 10.2.13, “Server_Availability_Index and Server_Availability_Threshold” on page 293.
Chapter 10. Clustering and partitioning 299
Analysis tests can be extensive on clusters with a large number of databases. If you do not
have a dedicated server for analysis tests, you may want to run database report types for
problems that you suspect. Or, run the tests during low utilization hours.
300 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 301
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet
performance tips
More and more applications today are Web-based or have a “Web enabled” part to allow
access to data or to share existing application functionality over the Web.
Domino servers can also act as good full integrated Web servers, enabling browser clients to
directly access selected databases on the server, to send and retrieve electronic mail, and
access newsfeeds for example. The Domino server includes server technology that very
quickly and easily transforms Lotus Domino databases and applications into Web
applications on the same server. Domino combines the open networking environment of
Internet standards and protocols with the powerful application development facilities of Notes.
This enables you to develop a broad range of business applications for the Internet, extranet
and intranet. The distinctions between extranet, intranet and Internet are bounded by the
physical network connectivity using the TCP/IP protocol.
An intranet is an internal organization wide area network (WAN) or Metropolitan Area
Network (MAN) that uses the TCP/IP protocol. These intranets are protected from external
access (from the Internet) using firewalls and proxy servers.
An extranet is any sub-set of your intranet that is deliberately exposed while being made
securely available through firewalls to allow business partners and suppliers controlled
access to a limited amount of the data and functionality that is normally hidden behind the
The Internet is the “jungle”; it is a publicly accessible wide area network that uses TCP/IP
protocol standards to facilitate many forms of communication. A large corporation is usually
only exposed to the Internet at their Web site (the company shop window, with real-time
trading possibilities as appropriate) and the corporate external e-mail systems.
The firewall and proxy servers provide the intranet and the extranet with the secure TCP/IP
communications and protection that are essential to protect the boundary between the Web
and e-mail access points and the insecure Internet.
302 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
11.1 Internet and intranet protocols
The Internet and intranet protocols and functions that Domino servers currently support
include (Figure 11-1):
HyperText Transfer Protocol + HTTP Secure (HTTP/HTTPS) Web serving
Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP)
Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP3) and Internet Mail Application Protocol Version 4
Internet/intranet news feed services (NNTP)
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
Web page retrieval (WEB)
Figure 11-1 Internet protocols for Domino on iSeries
This chapter discusses the performance tuning configurations and considerations of the
following base protocols or functions:
HTTP performance tuning
SMTP performance tuning
In addition, this chapter identifies the impact that the other Internet or intranet protocols can
cause to performance on the iSeries server.
The following section assumes that you are familiar with the configuration and setup
requirements for the Domino HTTP server.
11.2 HTTP performance tuning
Due to the complex nature of the HTTP protocol, several variables come into play when
tuning server performance. Armed with a more in-depth understanding of Domino Web server
thread management and its impact on performance, it is possible to tune the Web server for
better performance.
Note: From this point onward, we assume that “intranet” includes extranet.
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips 303
Parameters such as “Number active threads” (see “Number of active threads” on page 307)
and “Maximum requests over a single connection” (see “Maximum connections over a single
connection” on page 307), and “asynchronization” of agent execution (see “Controlling how
often Agent Manager runs agents” on page 237) can be used to tune the Domino Web server
for maximum performance.
Knowing the impact of these settings allows you to make appropriate changes when tuning
your servers. Unfortunately, additional factors strongly affect HTTP performance, namely
complexity of application design and user load. It is often necessary for customers to perform
their own bench-marking tests to determine optimal configuration. Since so many possible
design configurations are possible, it is not realistic for Lotus to provide benchmarking
numbers that can suit all customers.
You should consider performance when designing applications. Increased functionality from
agents, shared fields, and subforms can lead to a decrease in performance. You should keep
in mind that heavily loading up each Domino partitioned server with functionality means it
cannot support large numbers of users. Factoring in all of these considerations allows you to
optimize thread usage as well other Web server resources (such as memory caches) to
achieve the most efficient use of the Domino Web server.
The HTTP server is configured using the “HTTP Server” section within the Domino server
document contained in the Domain’s Public Address Book.
The Domino HTTP server is started, stopped, and controlled with some previously existing
and several new Domino Console commands. (Additional information can be found in the
Domino 5 Administration Help). Table 11-1 shows the basic and new R5 Domino Console
commands with a brief description of their actions.
Table 11-1 The new R5 Domino console commands and descriptions.
Domino console command Description
Load HTTP Manually start the HTTP server task.
Tell HTTP QUIT Manually stop the Domino HTTP server task.
Tell HTTP Restart This command results in the HTTP task shutting down, reloading,
and refreshing certain Web server settings. It is the equivalent to
issuing “Tell HTTP Quit” followed by “Load HTTP.” However, the
down time for the server is much shorter because it is not
completely reloading all HTTP memory. This command deletes the
in-memory page and user-authentication caches.
Tell HTTP Show Thread State Gathers information about the status of each worker thread.
Tell HTTP Show Users Display authenticated users. This command can be used only if the
server is configured to use session-based tracking for the Web.
This command shows the User Name, IP address, and the time of
expiration, which is 30 minutes by default. The results display only
users who are authenticated; anonymous users cannot be tracked.
Tell HTTP Show File Access Displays information about file system protection on the machine
and each virtual server if configured.
Tell HTTP Show Security Displays the current status on the use of SSL for the server and
each virtual server or virtual host.
Tell HTTP Show Virtual Servers Displays a list of all configured virtual servers or virtual hosts
running on the server.
304 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
11.2.1 HTTP terminology
Some of the terminology regarding the Domino HTTP servers is defined in the following
HTTP server
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the standard Internet protocol that enables Web
clients to talk to Web servers. The Domino Web server “speaks” HTTP and, therefore,
enables Web clients to communicate with Domino servers. The server task that allows the
Web server to understand HTTP is the HTTP server task that you start when you set up the
Web server.
URL interface
The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) interface is the standard Internet protocol that enables
Web clients to tell Web servers what item they are requesting. The Domino Web server
examines the URL in the incoming request and determines if the request is for an item in a
Notes database or if it is for an HTML file in the file system.
HTML file request
If the request is for an HTML file, Domino acts like any other Web server and serves the file to
the Web client. Domino for iSeries is just as quick doing this with native HTML files as any
other Web server.
Notes DB request
When the request is for something in a Notes database, Domino interacts with the Notes
database to locate the document and subsequently serve the information to the Web client or
conversely to put information from the Web client into a Notes database.
HTML translation
Domino automatically translates Notes features such as navigators, views, documents, and
links into HTML for display in the Web client. For example, Notes links and action bar buttons
become URLs in the Web client. You simply develop your Web application in Notes, and
Domino does the rest. Figure 11-2 shows the main components of Domino regarding HTML
Figure 11-2 HTML translation
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips 305
11.2.2 Optimizing HTTP threads
The Domino for iSeries HTTP server task is a multi-threaded client/server task. Threads of
the HTTP job are prepared and executed for handling incoming HTTP requests from Web
Unlike Native Notes Client sessions, which are held open for a default period of four hours for
each user as “persistent connections”1, HTTP threads are considered stateless threads. A
stateless thread is a thread that is not associated directly with a user session. HTTP threads
are available for requests to the HTTP server and not associated directly with the number of
users currently visiting your Web site.
The number of active threads on a Domino HTTP server represents the number of concurrent
HTTP requests that the Web server can handle. The reason why HTTP servers are
considered stateless is that the HTTP request must convert them and then send the following
information to the Web browser user:
Document data
Document design
Execute all agents prior to conversion (formulas or scripts within the document)
Next action information (links, submit, edit, and so on)
This allows the HTTP server to not keep track of previous commands since the Web user has
all the required data to execute the next step in navigating the Domino HTTP server. This
stateless environment also has a higher overhead than the native Notes Client, since native
Notes does not need to pass design and next step information because these functions are
built into the Notes Client software.
With Domino R 6, we anticpate significant improvement in the performance of basic
file-serving through some major enhancements to the HTTP server task:
The threading model has been re-engineered to be much more fair about allocating
network resources among clients. This will particularly benefit sites that have heavy
file-download traffic.
The HTTP task now fully supports HTTP 1.1 “persistent connections,” which should
improve performance for users who connect over slow networks because less time is
spent establishing and closing connections. This should also impose less overhead on the
server constantly re-creating connections.
To specify the number of threads that you want active on your Domino server in Domino R5,
use the “Number of active threads” field in the HTTP section of the Server document in the
Public Address Book (see Figure 11-3). The default setting is 40 (maximum recommended is
1 Note, since the introduction of I/O completion ports (IOCP) with Domino for AS/400 5.01.02, each client connection is no longer
permanently assigned to a SERVER job. However, it still makes sense to talk about “persistent connections”, because the connection
between client and server remains active.
306 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 11-3 Basics of HTTP configuration for a Domino server
On new installations of Domino R5, the value for “Maximum requests over a single
connection” defaults to 1. This means that, by default, the server will not honor the
Keep-Alive-Header. As of R5.01, the use of this parameter is disabled, causing the server to
ignore persistent connections regardless of this setting.
When the HTTP server task initializes on the Domino server, the defined threads are created
and occupy approximately 20 to 40 KB of memory each. These threads are fixed in number
until you change the value in the server document. Then, restart the HTTP task.
Use the Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command or option 9 of the Work with
Domino Servers (WRKDOMSVR) panel and then press F11 twice to confirm that the HTTP
job has started the defined amount of threads as shown in Figure 11-4.
Figure 11-4 WRKACTJOB with 40 plus threads activated for the HTTP job
Work with Active Jobs ACME01
CPU %: 13.5 Elapsed time: 00:04:37 Active jobs: 240
Type options, press Enter.
2=Change 3=Hold 4=End 5=Work with 6=Release 7=Display message
8=Work with spooled files 13=Disconnect ...
Opt Subsystem/Job User Number Type CPU % Threads
DOMINO06 QSYS 514575 SBS .0 1
AMGR QNOTES 515297 BCI .0 1
AMGR QNOTES 515298 BCI .0 3
HTTP QNOTES 515570 BCI .0 48
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips 307
Measuring thread activity
The following areas regarding threads are discussed in this section:
Number of active threads
Minimum active threads
Idle thread time-out
Number of active threads
The following statistics regarding threads can be measured using the Domino Console
command show stat domino:
COMMAND SENT: show stat domino
Domino.Config.ActiveThreads.Max = 40
Domino.Config.ActiveThreads.Min = 20
Domino.Threads.Active.Peak = 2
Domino.Threads.Peak.Time = 12/13/01 14:32:06
Domino.Threads.Peak.Total = 40
Domino.Threads.Total = 40
If Domino.Threads.Active.Peak is equal to Domino.Threads.Total, HTTP requests may be
waiting for the HTTP server to make an active thread idle before handling the request. If this
is the case, increase the number of active threads in the HTTP section of the server
document (as shown in the above example) until Domino.Threads.Active.Peak is less than
To ensure optimal performance, increase or decrease the number of active threads in jumps
of five so that the Domino.Threads.Total is close to five threads greater than
Domino.Threads.Active.Peak. This minimizes the iSeries resources used and provides the
greatest user responsiveness.
By having the number of active threads five above the peak active, it also allows for the
increased use of your Web site in the future. To ensure that there are sufficient threads in the
future, it is important that you review Domino.Threads.Active.Peak on a regular basis.
Maximum connections over a single connection
As of R5.01, the use of this parameter is disabled, causing the server to ignore persistent
connections regardless of this setting.
Number active threads setting
As mentioned previously, an administrator can set the number of “Number active threads” to
allow the server to handle a higher number of concurrent browser connections. However, this
number must be optimized appropriately – too low and the resources go unused, too high and
there is CPU contention.
Increasing the number of active threads may not actually improve performance. Although
increasing threads does not necessarily affect CPU utilization, it increases the use of memory
and I/O. In addition, a high number of threads increases context switching, which may lead to
slightly higher CPU usage (though not drastic increases).
Determining the optimum number of HTTP threads requires server load tests and tuning.
Lotus’ current recommendation is to start by setting HTTP active threads to 10% of the
estimated number of concurrent Web users. For example, if a customer anticipates 200 mail
users on a system, they should begin with 20 active threads. Although Lotus cannot
recommend a definite upper limit, we suggest that you do not exceed more than 64 threads
per CPU, or half the amount of RAM in MB and generally no higher than 128 threads
regardless of the number of processors.
308 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Idle threads time out
From release R4.6.2, including R5 of Domino for iSeries, there are only two statuses for
Since the HTTP task in Release 4.6.2 no longer manages the establishment of new threads,
the overhead on processing is substantially reduced. For the reasons stated here, we highly
recommend that you update your Domino server to release 4.6.2, rather than setting this
11.2.3 Optimizing HTTP cache settings
There are several cache settings for Domino HTTP servers that include:
Images and files
Design elements
Authenticated users
The following sections describe some configuration settings to influence caching of the
Domino HTTP server.
Maximum cache size
Note, the Maximum cache size setting is no longer needed with Domino R5 and only valid for
previous releases of Domino. If you are using the new release 5 database format (On Disk
Structure (ODS) Version 41), you can resave the images and HTML in their native format.
Therefore this conversion is no longer necessary. If you have done this step after upgrading to
Domino R5, then you will not need to change the cache setting size.
The Maximum cache size is the cache size used by Domino for the HTTP server threads for
the conversion process from a Domino database to HTML. (This includes the conversion of
text, .gifs, and .jpgs). The default value for this variable is 50 MB. To increase your Domino
HTTP server performance, change this to a larger value on Domino servers that are used
predominately for HTTP serving. The cache is an amount of storage that is carved out on
disk, so it can be set to a rather large value.
The best way to determine an optimal setting is to look at the size of the text and image files
that are being served up to see how much space they consume on disk. This will give you a
pretty good indication of how large to set this value.
Setting this value is especially important for 4.6.x servers, since prior to 5.0, all text that is
served up has to be converted from text into HTML on the fly. This conversion process takes
time and CPU. Also, any images that you stored in 4.6.x Domino databases were stored as
bitmaps, so they need to be converted back to their native format (.jpgs, .gifs, ...) on the fly as
they are served up. The larger you can make this cache size, the more of these converted
images and converted HTML can be stored for access by other users.
Maximum cached commands
Caching commands within the Domino HTTP server converts standard Domino server
requests to HTTP format and holds the translation within main storage such as:
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips 309
The design and functionality of your Web site on Domino determines the number of
commands required to be cached for optimal performance. To measure the number of
cached commands on a Domino HTTP server, issue the following Domino server Console
command and note the output:
COMMAND SENT: show stat domino
Domino.Cache.Command.Count = 5
Domino.Cache.Command.DisplaceRate = 0
Domino.Cache.Command.HitRate = 0
Domino.Cache.Command.MaxSize = 128
If Domino.Cache.Command.Count is equal to Domino.Cache.Command.MaxSize, increase the
maximum command cache by five entries at a time until Domino.Cache.Command.Count is less
than Domino.Cache.Command.MaxSize. This provides optimized performance for your Domino
HTTP server.
Maximum cached designs
The cached design parameter converts Notes database design elements to HTML and stores
them in main storage while the server is operational. The number of design elements within
your Web site databases determines the number of design cache maximum required to
optimize the design cache of the Domino HTTP Web site. This varies depending on the
functionality and purpose of your Web site.
To measure the required maximum cached design elements, issue the following command at
the Domino Server Console and note the output:
COMMAND SENT: show stat domino
Domino.Cache.Design.Count = 20
Domino.Cache.Design.DisplaceRate = 0
Domino.Cache.Design.HitRate = 79.2857142857143
Domino.Cache.Design.MaxSize = 128
To optimize the performance of your Domino HTTP design cache, ensure that
Domino.Cache.Design.Count is slightly less than Domino.Cache.Design.MaxSize. If these
statistics are equal, increase the maximum cached design parameter with the HTTP section
of the server document by five until Domino.Cache.Design.Count is less than
Domino.Cache.Design.MaxSize. This provides optimal performance for design caching on
your Domino HTTP Web site.
Maximum cached users
The Maximum cached users and Cached user expiration interval parameter controls the
cached information stored in main storage of the OS/400 for HTTP users that have
authenticated to the Domino server. Anonymous users are not cached. If your Domino HTTP
Web site does not use HTTP user and password authentication, Maximum cached users
provides no additional performance improvement.
To measure the required maximum cached users for a Domino HTTP Web server, issue the
following command at the Domino server console and note the output:
COMMAND SENT: show stat domino
Domino.Cache.User.Count = 1
Domino.Cache.User.DisplaceRate = 0
Domino.Cache.User.HitRate = 87.1794871794872
Domino.Cache.User.MaxSize = 64
310 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
To optimize the performance of your Domino HTTP user cache, ensure that
Domino.Cache.User.Count is slightly less than Domino.Cache.User.MaxSize. If these statistics
are equal, increase the maximum cached users parameter with the HTTP section of the
server document by five until Domino.Cache.User.Count is less than
Domino.Cache.User.MaxSize. This provides optimal performance for user caching on your
Domino HTTP Web site.
The cached user expiration period should be left to default (120 seconds). This parameter
would be used as a security parameter rather than a performance improvement based on
your organization requirements.
11.2.4 Optimizing HTTP logging for performance
The level of logging that can be achieved within a Domino HTTP Web server can be
extremely detailed if required. Figure 11-5 shows the logging portion of the HTTP section
within a server document in the Domino Directory (formerly Public Name & Address Book or
PNAB) that is used to control HTTP logging.
Figure 11-5 HTTP logging configuration section for HTTP
It is important to minimize the required logging within your Domino HTTP environment since
this optimizes the performance of the HTTP server. If logging is not an organizational
requirement, it should not be enabled. Logging can be turned on temporarily for
troubleshooting if required.
The HTTP logging function is separate from native Domino logging in the LOG.NSF database
and requires separate analysis.
11.2.5 Best practices for Domino HTTP server
Consider the following items when looking to provide improved performance for HTTP:
Web site design
Domino server partitioning
Web application categorizing
Web site design
The design of a Domino HTTP Web site is the most critical part to optimize the performance
of the Domino HTTP server. All other parameters discussed previously may provide five
percent improvement, but a poorly designed site will still perform badly.
The following design features can cause large overheads to the performance of a Domino
HTTP Web server and should be taken into consideration:
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips 311
Dynamic @Function agents
LotusScript agents
Large file attachments such as Java applets
Multiple @Functions on a form pre-computed (place them under buttons)
Native HTML pages can sometimes provide serious improvement to Web performance.
Dynamic @Function agents
Dynamic @Functions are used in agents contained in forms, views, and navigators, such as
@UserName, @Now, and so on. They cannot be cached since they are considered too
dynamic for caching within HTTP access.
For details on the @Functions that cannot be cached, see the document “Expanded
command caching in Domino” on the Web at: http://www.notes.net
To optimize the performance of your Domino HTTP Web site, minimize the use of formulas of
the nature previously described to improve command cache usability.
LotusScript agents
Use of LotusScript within agents contained in forms, views, and navigators cannot be cached
for HTTP serving. To improve performance of your Domino HTTP Web server, minimize the
use of LotusScript agents within the design of your Web applications where possible.
Large file attachments
If the size of attachments, such as Java applets and images, is minimized, the performance of
the Domino HTTP Web site can be dramatically improved since the amount of conversion
and image and file cache can be minimized. Concentrate on small, simple images and
Native HTML pages
Domino has two mechanisms for storing native HTML code:
Within the body of a Notes document
As a pointer to the HTML and CGI directories
Information stored in native HTML requires no conversion process by the Domino HTTP
server and can dramatically improve CPU utilization. If the information within your Web site is
predominately static, using native HTML code can provide performance improvement.
Domino HTTP server partitioning
The iSeries server platform for Domino provides one of the best partitioned environments
since each server partition can be separated from the operating system and other Domino
partition memory pools.
The Domino HTTP server can take advantage of this fact by using partitioning of HTTP Web
sites to distribute load across multiple partitioned servers running on the same iSeries server.
This can substantially increase the total number of HTTP requests that can be submitted to all
HTTP servers at any one point in time.
There is also an advantage in separating your Domino HTTP servers from your production
Notes servers since HTTP no longer impacts the performance of either system.
Figure 11-6 shows an example of how Domino partitioning on the iSeries server can
segregate and improve total performance of Domino HTTP access and native Notes Client
312 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 11-6 Distributing Domino HTTP workload across multiple partitions
This figure shows that the workload for both HTTP and Notes clients can be distributed
across multiple subsystems within the iSeries server. Assume that:
Each server for Notes Mail (using a Notes client) can sustain 1500 Notes sessions.
Each server for the Notes Application (using a Notes client) can sustain 500 Notes
Each HTTP WebChat server (using a browser) can sustain 500 HTTP requests.
Each HTTP HR Web server (using a browser) can sustain 250 HTTP requests.
On a single server, we could service (assuming a proportionate mix of each type):
Users totals / server total = 1500/4 + 500/4 + 500/4 + 250/4
375 + 125 + 125 + 62 = 687 users (max)
On a partitioned server, we could service (assuming we had a sufficient iSeries server):
Assume max users on every server = 1500 +1500 + 500 + 500 + 250 = 4250 users
This increases the iSeries server total supported users by 80% (from 687 => 4250).
To achieve the HTTP configuration described here, the home-page application would point to
a database stored on another Domino HTTP server to distribute the load, such as the Web
application and Web discussion database. This can be simply achieved within the design of
the home page application.
HR Web
Web Browser
Notes Client
iSeries Server
DomMail1 DomMail2 DomMail3
Home Page
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips 313
Another advantage of splitting the server functions across multiple partitions is that
organizational priorities can now be assigned to a particular subsystem job class to ensure
that the highest priority tasks (Native Notes Mail & Databases access) of the organization get
a larger portion of iSeries server resources than lower organizational priority tasks (such as
intranet services). For more information regarding job priorities, see 6.5, “Choosing which
processor priority to use” on page 173.
Web application categorization and which HTTP stack to use
Currently three Web servers are available for OS/400:
IBM HTTP Server for iSeries licensed program is free of charge and gives you the ability
to create two different types of Web servers:
– The HTTP Server (original) server: The “native” OS/400 HTTP stack also supports
Domino databases and WebSphere Application Server through plug-ins.
– The HTTP Server (powered by Apache) HTTP stack: A port of the Apache Software
Foundation's Apache HTTP Server Version 2.0; also has full WebSphere support, but
cannot server Domino contents.
The Domino HTTP server
Performance advantages of using the OS/400 native HTTP stack
Is there any performance advantage by using the OS/400 “Native HTTP stack plug-in” for
serving on the iSeries server compared with Domino’s own HTTP server? Many times, we
heard the opinion that the Domino HTTP server performance not as efficient was the native
HTTP server does. In reality there is no difference, if both serve the same type of documents.
In other words, if HTML documents are served, Domino and the OS/400 HTTP server need
the same resources and will show the same response times. Much more CPU power is
needed, however, if Domino documents need to be converted to HTML. That also applies if
you use the Domino HTTP or the Domino plug-in for the OS/400 HTTP server.
Performance would not be a reason to decide to use the OS/400 HTTP stack with the Domino
plug-in, because there would be no worthwhile gain. But be aware that from the Domino side,
there are some very significant other issues.
Restrictions on using iSeries Domino Plug-in for OS/400 HTTP Server
The Domino plug-in for the OS/400 HTTP Server is new for Domino 5.0.4. The setup
instructions are contained in the Domino for AS/400 5.0.4 Release Notes (Readas4.NSF or
Readas4.PDF from the Notes.Net Doc Library at http://www.notes.net/notesua.nsf/).
There are a number of prerequisites and restrictions that should be clearly understood before
you attempt to use this feature.
– Review information in the Domino for AS/400 5.0.4 Release Notes.
– OS/400 must be at V4R4 or later.
– Install 5722-DG1 (or 5769-DG1 for OS/400 Version 4) with the latest Group PTFs2:
SF99156 forV5R1 and SF99036 for V4R5.
– Apply PTF SA89753 to 5769-LNT.
Major (Domino) restrictions:
– Client authentication using SSL is not supported.
– Domino Administration via the WebAdmin application (WebAdmin.NSF) is not
2 See URL http://ibm.com/servers/eserver/iseries/support/supporthome.nsf/document/10000031 for a list of all iSeries group PTFs.
314 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
– Automatic Domino restart after crash not supported. It must be restarted manually.
– OS/400 HTTP Server must be ended before ending the associated Domino server.
– After a Domino server crash, the associated OS/400 HTTP Server must be ended
before attempting to restart the Domino server.
– Applications that generate URLs that reference a Domino databases by its unique ID
(UNID) instead of its file name (for example, my_db.nsf) are not supported.
Domino.Doc is an example of an application that generates URLs in this
non-supported format.
– The Domino Plug-in for OS/400 HTTP Server is not supported with QuickPlace.
– Applications that use Domino Web Server API (DSAPI) filters are not supported, for
example, Domino Off-Line Services (DOLS) a key part of iNotes Web functionality.
– The Domino Internet Cluster Manager (ICM) is not supported.
Where Domino HTTP fits in best
Domino HTTP servers are best used as dynamic and interactive Web applications due to the
native advanced function sets offered within Domino. Static Web serving, even using
Domino, is always most efficiently performed by using Native HTML documents at a local file
system level since this saves all the overhead of Domino authenticating and then retrieving
the data from within a secure Notes database, converting it to HTML, and finally serving it.
Flat documents and pictures in the local file system requiring no HTML conversion will
perform much better. Taking this into consideration, we should categorize Web applications
that may fit better with Domino HTTP and those perhaps better served by the WebSphere
Application server using Native OS/400 HTTP.
The categories of Web applications can be identified as:
Static Web application (no change to pages)
Informational only (minimal changes to pages)
Submission-based Web applications (simple data feedback forms)
Interactive Web applications (complex data feedback forms)
Workflow-driven Web applications (workflow with SSL or e-commerce)
The native OS/400 HTTP server with WebSphere would be the best option for the static and
informational-only Web applications since the dynamic Web application abilities of Domino
are not required and here WebSphere will be significantly faster. The disadvantage is that,
unlike Domino, which is “Web Application out of the box”, WebSphere will take more setup
and programming. This is especially true if you then want the workflow and feedback from the
Web to Domino without setting up entirely new data stores.
The Domino HTTP server would be better used for the submission-based, interactive, and
workflow Web applications. These take full advantage of the advanced function sets of the
Domino HTTP server. With the Domino stack, you also benefit from full SSL authentication to
Domino, support for DOLS, iNotes Web and Access, Cluster Manager, and easy
The decision about whether to use WebSphere, Domino, or both on iSeries needs to be
carefully thought out. In future revisions, WebSphere, Domino, and Apache will continue to
pull closer together until we standardize on one very flexible and extremely secure, industry
standard HTTP stack.
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips 315
Defining your HTTP applications
As you can see, the possible divisions of the Domino HTTP applications can be very involved.
It is important that you set organizational Service Level Agreements for each type of
application and divide the functionality according to your organizational requirements. HTTP
applications, like Notes applications, can have a huge impact on overall performance.
11.2.6 Summary of HTTP issues, architecture, and tuning possibilities
HTTP is a stateless protocol. This means that HTTP does not allow for a dedicated session or
connection between the browser and the server (as is the case with Notes RPC). Instead,
when a browser submits an HTTP request for data (typically over port 80), it has a limited
connection. In other words, a specific HTTP thread services that socket connection for a
limited number of HTTP requests. Once the browser hits this limit, the server forces the
browser to make a new connection. The server thread is then freed up to service other
pending requests.
In HTTP 1.0, during a single transaction (or socket connection), the server allows the browser
to submit only one request, for example, HTML source. Once the browser retrieves the item
(HTML file, image, etc.), the connection is closed and the browser is forced to establish
another socket connection.
The HTTP 1.1 specification allows for persistent connections. The browser is able to submit
additional requests without the overhead of making a new connection. This is an advantage
since creating connections can be very time consuming. However, even though connections
take time to establish, keeping a connection open also takes resources from the server. Many
HTTP servers have a limit on the number of connections they can keep open at one time.
Likewise, Domino limits the number of items that can be requested over an open connection
before it terminates the connection, freeing up resources.
This limit is configured in the HTTP section of the Server document in the Domino Directory
(previously Public Name and Address Book, NAB), in the Maximum number of requests over
a single connection field. For Domino 4.6x, this value defaults to five requests. This means
that any browser submitting requests over a connection can submit no more than five
requests before the connection is closed and the browser must request a new connection.
Since R5.0.1, we recommend that you change this setting to allow only one request per
connection (setting of 1). This is to avoid certain time-out problems with browsers.
The HTTP specification does not limit the browser from submitting several requests over the
connection at once, referred to as “pipelining”. However, as of today no browsers currently
pipeline requests in a single connection. In other words, the browser waits for the first request
submitted to be returned before it submits an additional request (for example, in the case of
images). This in turn affects how HTTP threads on the server interact with HTTP sockets.
11.2.7 Performance tuning of time-out values on the Domino Web server
The following sections give a brief overview on what Domino Web server process connection
thread is, how it times out, and how time-outs can be tuned for better performance or to avoid
connection failures from Web browsers.
How threads work on the Domino Web server
When a browser makes a request to a Domino server HTTP process, the following occurs.
1. A thread is opened.
2. When the request is fulfilled, the thread becomes idle.
316 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
3. If the same browser makes a request again, the thread is reused for that browser.
4. If all threads are in use, the server will buffer the transaction request until a thread is free.
Table 11-2 shows the three time-out values that control HTTP time-outs in R5.
Table 11-2 Time-out settings used
Figure 11-7 shows the default timeouts for HTTP that may need altering. The Timeouts
section is located in the Domino server configuration document under the Internet Protocols
tab, HTTP subtab.
Figure 11-7 HTTP default timeouts
Guidelines for tuning HTTP time-out values
When tuning HTTP time-out values, consider these guidelines:
Input timeout (default 2 minutes): A common error over modem connections, typically
seen when users submit a form after having it open for editing for an extended period of
time. Increase (as below) by 20% and monitor carefully.
Output timeout (default 20 minutes): most often observed over slow modem connections
when downloading or requesting a large files. We recommend you increase this to 300
CGI timeout: Ensure you know how long it takes your CGI scripts to execute before you
set the CGI time-out value. If there are a lot of external processes to run, it may take
longer than the default of 5 minutes.
Idle Thread Timeout (default 0 minutes “no timeout”): Zero means an idle thread will be
kept open indefinitely. Setting this to 5 or 10 minutes may improve performance on slower
servers or in high-traffic situations. This is ignored in R5. Applies to Domino R4 only.
Time-out setting Description
Idle Thread Timeout This is the length of time that the Domino server should keep an idle thread
open. The default is 0, which means the server never drops idle threads.
(This was R4 only.)
Input Timeout This is the time that a client has to send a request after connecting to the
Domino server.
Output Timeout This is the maximum time that the Domino server has to send output to a
CGI Timeout This is the maximum time that a CGI program, started by the Domino server,
has to finish.
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips 317
11.2.8 Full Text Search information in a document over the Web
A document is enabled with Full Text Search against a database from the Web and collects
various fields from a user. Then it performs a Full Text Search in the database based on the
user's input. This works as expected for simple and medium requests. However, complicated
searches can return an Error 500 to the user. The search document works without any
problems from a Notes client and only fails on a Web client (browser).
This error occurs if the time it takes for the server to return the search results surpasses the
time indicated in the (Idle Thread Timeout if R4), Input Timeout, Output Timeout, or CGI
Timeout options listed in the HTTP Server section of the Server document.
To resolve this, increase the time-outs listed as Idle Thread Timeout (R4 only), Input Timeout,
Output Timeout, and CGI Timeout options in the HTTP Server section of the Server
document. The amount of the increase is dependent on the application. However, we suggest
that you try increasing the amount by 20%.
11.3 Structure of the SMTP MTA
The SMTP MTA is based on the Internet Request for Comments (RFCs), summarized in
Table 11-3. This lists the majority of the RFCs, but should not be taken as a complete and
definitive list.
Table 11-3 Key RFCs implemented with Domino R5
RFC Description
RFC821 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
RFC822 Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text Messages
RFC974 Mail Routing and the Domain System
RFC1123 Requirements for Internet Hosts - Application and Support
RFC1495 Mapping between X.400 and 822 messages. (SoftSwitch only)
RFC1496 Downgrading rules between 88 and 84 X.400 (Softswitch only)
RFC1494 Equivalences between X.400 and 822 message bodies (Softswitch only)
RFC1652 SMTP Service Extension for 8bit-MIMEtransport
RFC1700 Internet Assigned Numbers
RFC1734 POP3 Authentication command
RFC1740 MIME Encapsulation of Macintosh files - MacMIME
RFC1741 MIME Content Type for BinHex Encoded Files
RFC1777 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
RFC1778 The String Representation of Standard Attribute Syntaxes
RFC1823 The LDAP Application Program Interface
RFC1847 Multipart/Signed and Multipart/Encrypted
RFC1869 SMTP Service Extensionsv
318 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
RFC1870 SMTP Service Extension for Message Size Declaration
RFC1891 SMTP Service Extension for Delivery Status Notifications
RFC1892 Multipart/Report Content Type for the Reporting of Mail System Admin Messages
RFC1893 Enhanced Mail System Status Codes
RFC1894 An Extensible Message Format for Delivery Status Notifications
RFC1939 Post Office Protocol (POP version 3) STD 53
RFC1960 A String Representation of LDAP Search Filters
RFC1959 An LDAP URL Format
RFC1985 SMTP Service Extension for Remote Message Queue Starting
RFC 2017 Definition of URL Message/External-Body Access Type
RFC2045 MIME Part 1: Format of Internet Message Bodies
RFC2046 MIME Part 2: Media Types
RFC2047 MIME Part 3: Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text
RFC 2048 MIME Part 4: Registration Procedures
RFC2049 Conform to (MIME) Part Five: Conformance Criteria and Examples
RFC2060 Internet Message Access Protocol - Version 4rev1
RFC 2086 IMAP4 ACL extension (implemented in R5 client)
RFC 2088 IMAP4 non-synchronizing literals (implemented in R5 client)
RFC 2095 IMAP/POP AUTHorize Extension for Simple Challenge/Response (implemented in R5
RFC 2110 MIME E-mail Encapsulation of Aggregate Documents, such as HTML (MHTML)
(implemented in R5) Obsoleted by RFC 2557 (see below)
RFC 2111 Content-ID and Message-ID Uniform Resource Locators (obsoleted by RFC 2392)
RFC 2112 MIME Multipart/Related Content-type (obsoletes 1872) (implemented in R5)
RFC 2177 IMAP4 IDLE command (implemented in R5)
RFC 2183 MIME Content Disposition Header Support
RFC 2193 IMAP Mailbox Referrals (implemented in R5 client)
RFC 2221 IMAP Login Referrals (implemented in R5 client)
RFC 2197 SMTP Command Pipelining
RFC 2222 Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)
RFC 2311 S/MIME Version 2 Message Specification
RFC 2312 S/MIME Version 2 Certificate Handling
RFC 2313 PKCS #1: RSA Encryption Version 1.5
RFC Description
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips 319
11.3.1 SMTP performance improvements in Domino R5
Release 5 provides a native SMTP router that eliminates the conversion that is typically
performed in 4.6x (MIME<–>CD record). This alone significantly boosts overall message
routing throughput compared to R4.
R5 MIME goes native
The Notes R5 client implements MIME natively. This means that IMAP and POP3
performance improves over 4.6x as a result of leveraging a new “on-disk” Notes MIME type.
Beginning in Domino 5.0, the Notes Mail Router (the Router task) now has the ability to route
mail via Notes Remote Procedure Calls (NRPC) or via Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
SMTP for POP3 and IMAP4
Other Internet mail clients that use Domino as a message store, such as POP3 and IMAP4
clients, also require this SMTP support for transferring messages even into the local Notes
Domain for other Notes mail users.
Retry interval and limit
Specifying the “retry limit” or “retry interval” is not available on any particular documents.
Options are available (see “SMTP notes.ini variables” on page 320) that somewhat control the
amount of time the Router will try to route a particular message. By default, the Router will
attempt delivery of pending mail for a 24-hour period of time before generating a
Non-Delivery Notification report and notifying the sender.
R5 Router includes the SMTP (MTA)
The R5.x Router works differently than the R4 SMTP MTA did, in regard to setting a
predetermined number of attempts and the time between these retries. The Router works
based off the “Initial Transfer Retry Interval” field on the Server Configuration document in the
Domino Directory (NAMES.NSF). The value of this field will be used to determine when a
failed message is retried for the first time. The additional attempts to send the message will
be based on two times and three times the value of this field. All remaining attempts, after the
third retry, will be done at this interval (three times the Initial Transfer Retry Interval) for the
total of the 24-hour period.
Example of SMTP timeout and retry parameter
The following example is based on the default value of 15 minutes to illustrate the point:
RFC 2314 PKCS #10: Certification Request Syntax Version 1.5
RFC 2315 PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Version 1.5
RFC 2557 MIME Encapsulation of Aggregate Documents, such as HTML (MHTML)
RFC 2421 Voice Profile for Internet Messaging (version 2)
RFC 2480 Gateways and MIME Security Multiparts (in 5.01)
RFC 2487 SMTP Service Extension for Secure SMTP over TLS (in 5.01)
RFC 2505 Anti-Spam Recommendations for SMTP MTAs (Best Practices RFC 2/99) (in 5.01)
RFC 2554 SMTP Service Extension for Authentication (in 5.01)
RFC Description
320 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
1. The initial retry is attempted at 15 minutes. Since this is a retry, it is already the second
2. If the initial retry attempt is unsuccessful, the Router backs off the attempts, by doubling
the “Initial Transfer Retry Interval” (here 15 minutes) before trying again.
3. A retry is attempted at 30 minutes. This is now the third attempt to send the message.
4. If the second retry (third attempt) is unsuccessful, the Router backs off the attempt again.
This time it triples “Initial Transfer Retry Interval” (here 15 x 3 = 45 minutes) before trying
5. A retry is attempted in 45 minutes. This is the now the fourth attempt to send the message.
6. All remaining attempts are done at the 45 minute interval for 24 hours.
Lowering the value of the “Initial Transfer Retry Interval” increases the retry attempts per hour
and could possibly increase the success rate of routing the messages.
Increasing the value of the “Initial Transfer Retry Interval” decreases the retry attempts per
hour and results in longer routing times.
SMTP notes.ini variables
Of course, there are the inevitable notes.ini variables that can be set that will increase or
decrease when the Router generates a Non-Delivery Notification.
The MailTimeout parameter (MailTimeout=) specifies the number of days after which
the server returns undelivered mail to the sender. Increase this setting when you have a lot of
mail returned in one day or when you are sending mail to foreign domains. To specify a
timeout period of less than one day, use the notes.ini MailTimeoutMinutes setting.
There is no default. Although if this setting is omitted, undelivered mail is returned after one
The MailTimeoutMinutes parameter (MailTimeoutMinutes=) specifies the number
of minutes after which the server returns undelivered mail to the sender. The maximum
number of minutes is 1440 (24 hours). Increase this setting when you have many messages
returned in one day or when you are sending mail to foreign domains. To specify a timeout
greater than a day, use the notes.ini MailTimeout setting.
There is no default. Although if this setting is omitted, undelivered mail is returned after one
Measuring SMTP performance
You can measure the current performance of the inbound and outbound messages
independently as described in the following section and Table 11-4.
Note: The only way to reset the retry interval is to end and start (“recycle”) the router
process. Issuing a “route servername” at the console attempts an immediate transfer. But
if it is unsuccessful, the next retry interval is used for the next attempt.
Important: Implementing either of the MailTimeout=counter or MailTimeoutMinutes=mins
parameters will apply to Notes-to-Notes mail, as well as Notes-to-SMTP mail.
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips 321
Inbound and outbound performance measurements
Statistics on the status of outbound messages can be gathered by issuing the Domino
console command. Note the output of the messages:
SMTP.Command.DATA = 643
SMTP.Command.EHLO = 98
SMTP.Command.HELO = 522
SMTP.Command.MAIL = 643
SMTP.Command.QUIT = 617
SMTP.Command.RCPT = 695
SMTP.Command.RSET = 12
SMTP.MessagesProcessed = 642
SMTP.MsgRecipients.Ave = 1
SMTP.MsgRecipients.Max = 13
SMTP.MsgRecipients.Min = 1
SMTP.MsgRecipients.Total = 694
SMTP.MsgSizeKBytes.Ave = 17
SMTP.MsgSizeKBytes.Max = 2539
SMTP.MsgSizeKBytes.Min = 0
SMTP.MsgSizeKBytes.Total = 11224
SMTP.SessionDuration.Ave = 6
SMTP.SessionDuration.Max = 331
SMTP.SessionDuration.Min = 0
SMTP.Sessions.Accept.Queue = 0
SMTP.Sessions.Active = 0
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesReceived = 11,068,685
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesSent = 237,235
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.non-SSL = 621
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.Total = 621
SMTP.Sessions.Peak = 6
SMTP.Sessions.Threads.Busy = 0
SMTP.Sessions.Threads.Idle = 6
SMTP.Sessions.Total = 62
Table 11-4 shows the MTA, SMTP, and SMTPMTA statistics and their meanings from
EVENTS4.NSF from Notes R5.0.8.
Table 11-4 SMTP SMTPMTA and MTA statistics
SMTP MTA statistics Meaning and value
Mail.TotalRouted.SMTP Number of mail messages moved from mail.box
via SMTP
MTA.Smtp.Dead Dead messages in SMTP/MIME MTA Inbound
and Outbound work queues
MTA.Smtp.TotalKBTransferred Total number of Kilobytes (Inbound and
MTA.Smtp.TotalRouted Total recipients in SMTP/MIME MTA messages
routed (Inbound and Outbound)
MTA.Smtp.TransferFailures Total SMTP/MIME MTA transmission failures
resulting in an NDR or UMN
MTA.Smtp.Transferred Total SMTP/MIME MTA messages transferred
(Inbound and Outbound)
MTA.Smtp.Waiting Total messages waiting in SMTP/MIME MTA
work queues
322 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
MTA.Smtp.WaitingRecipients Number of Responsible Recipients in waiting
mail held in Inbound and Outbound work queues
SMTP..Ave SMTP average
SMTP..Count SNTP count
SMTP..Max SMTP maximum
SMTP..Total SMTP total
SMTP.Command. SMTP command
SMTP.MessagesProcessed Number of SMTP messages processed
SMTP.Sessions.Accept.Queue SMTP listener work queue of incoming sessions
to be processed
SMTP.Sessions.Active Current number SMTP server tasks
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesReceived Total Number of BytesReceived by this SMTP
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesSent Total Number of BytesSent by this SMTP server
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.Non-SSL Number of SMTP server inbound TCP
connections (non SSL)
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.SSL Number of SMTP server inbound SSL
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.SSL.Bad_Handshake Number of SMTP server SSL Handshake
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.Total Total Number of SMTP server inbound
connections (SSL and non SSL)
SMTP.Sessions.Peak Peak number SMTP server tasks since server
SMTP.Sessions.Threads.Busy Number of SMTP server tasks currently running
SMTP.Sessions.Threads.Idle Number of SMTP server tasks currently idle
SMTP.Sessions.Total Total number SMTP server tasks since server
SMTPMTA.ConvFailures Total SMTP MTA conversion failures
SMTPMTA.Dead Dead SMTP MTA messages
SMTPMTA.Delivered Total SMTP MTA messages delivered
SMTPMTA.HighInBound Highest number of inbound processes
SMTPMTA.HighOutBound Highest number of outbound processes
SMTPMTA.InBoundBytes Total number of bytes inbound
SMTPMTA.InBoundSize Largest message inbound
SMTPMTA.OutBoundBytes Total number of bytes inbound
SMTPMTA.OutBoundSize Largest message outbound
SMTP MTA statistics Meaning and value
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips 323
11.3.2 Best practices for SMTP messaging using partitioning
Since SMTP messaging is predominately used to connect Domino Mail servers to Internet
mail servers, the organizational priority of SMTP messaging would be lower than normal
Notes Mail priorities. In addition, in 7.11, “Using a separate partition for the R5 SMTP MTA
server” on page 202, we recommend that you run the SMTP MTA in a separate partition so
that any MIME conversion or parsing errors, virus detection, and general communications
with the mail relays and firewalls will not impact the performance of the Mail servers or the
end-user performance or response times. The iSeries server uses partitioning of Domino
servers well by placing each Domino server in a separate subsystem on the iSeries server.
Each subsystem can be assigned different pool sizes and job run priorities.
To optimize overall Domino server performance for end users, as above, we again
recommend that the best practice is to create a separate partitioned server to facilitate SMTP
messaging only. Then, manage it independently to the Domino servers accessed by end
This SMTP isolation prevents any impact caused by SMTP messaging from impacting
end-user access and mail servers. Also the job run priority can be raised for the SMTP MTA
server to ensure that end users get first access to CPU resources on the iSeries server.
Taking these points into consideration, you may consider it unimportant to optimize
performance for SMTP and allocate the SMTP server the minimal resources that are required
to facilitate base messaging. The conversion between the Notes and SMTP message format
is also a large overhead on the iSeries server processor and can impact user sessions on
that server.
For further details on optimizing the priorities for subsystem jobs, see Chapter 6, “Tuning the
iSeries server for Lotus Domino” on page 161.
Separating inbound and outbound SMTP messaging
Partitioning can also be used to create separate SMTP servers for inbound and outbound
SMTP messaging. This can distribute the overhead of SMTP messaging across two iSeries
server subsystems. This configuration provides high availability and is useful for high-volume
SMTP servers. It also provides a significant level of redundancy in the event that one of the
SMTP MTA servers becomes unavailable to ensure that SMTP mail still flows in both
Troubleshooting SMTP, IMAP, and POP3 issues for Notes clients
The following parameters are available to troubleshoot POP3 and SMTP issues on the Notes
client side of the transaction.
SMTPMTA.TotalRouted Total SMTP MTA messages routed
SMTPMTA.TransFailures Total SMTP MTA transmission failures
SMTPMTA.Transfered Total SMTP MTA messages transfered
SMTPMTA.Waiting Total SMTP MTA messages waiting
SMTPMTA.WaitingConv Mail waiting to be converted
SMTPMTA.WaitingRecipients Mail waiting to be delivered
SMTPMTA.WaitingTrans Mail waiting to be transfered
SMTP MTA statistics Meaning and value
324 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
In a Notes 4.6x or 5.x client used as a POP3 client, you can enable a log file for POP3,
SMTP, or both protocols. The following steps enable client debugging for POP3 and SMTP.
1. Exit Notes.
2. At the operating system level, create a subdirectory called C:\NOTESLOG.
3. Go into Edit mode in notes.ini, and add the following lines:
4. Restart Notes.
The following code is a sample for the log after restarting:
Sample Output:09:44:47AM
09:44:49 AM POP3Client: GetMessageCount
09:44:49 AM POP3Client: Connect: Host acme1.lotus.com, Port 110
09:44:49 AM POP3 Server: connected
> 09:44:49 AM POP3 Server: [00B0:00A2] Greeting state
09:44:49 AM POP3 Server: [00B0:00A2] AuthenticateUser state
09:44:49 AM POP3Client: ReceiveResponse: +OK Lotus Notes POP3 server version X1.0 ready on
09:44:49 AM POP3Client: Authenticate: User Joe User/Mikey, Pass xxx
09:44:49 AM POP3Client: CommandUSER: Joe User/Mikey
09:44:49 AM POP3 Server: [00B0:00A2] USER command
09:44:49 AM POP3 Server: [00B0:00A2] AuthenticatePass state
09:44:49 AM POP3Client: ReceiveResponse: +OK Joe User/Mikey, your papers please.
09:44:49 AM POP3Client: CommandPASS: xxx
09:44:49 AM POP3 Server: [00B0:00A2] PASS command
09:44:49 AM POP3 Server: JOE USER/MIKEY logged in
09:44:49 AM POP3 Server: [00B0:00A2] Transaction state
09:44:49 AM POP3Client: ReceiveResponse: +OK Joe User/Mikey has 0 messages (0 octets).
09:44:49 AM POP3Client: CommandSTAT:
09:44:49 AM POP3 Server: [00B0:00A2] STAT command
09:44:49 AM POP3 Server: [00B0:00A2] Transaction state
09:44:49 AM POP3Client: ReceiveResponse: +OK 0 0
09:44:49 AM POP3Client: CommandSTAT: 0 0
09:44:49 AM POP3Client: CommandQUIT:
09:44:49 AM POP3 Server: [00B0:00A2] QUIT command
> 09:44:50 AM POP3Client: ReceiveResponse: +OK Lotus Notes POP3 server signing off.
09:44:50 AM POP3 Server: disconnected
09:44:50 AM POP3 Server: JOE USER/MIKEY logged out
09:44:50 AM POP3 Server: [00B0:00A2] Terminal state
> 09:44:50 AM Opened session for JOE USER/MIKEY (Build 147)
> 09:44:52 AM Closed session for JOE USER/MIKEY
Databases accessed: 4 Documents read: 0 Documents written: 0
> 09:45:00 AM Index update process shutdown
09:45:25 AM POP3Client: GetMessageCount
09:45:25 AM POP3Client: Connect: Host acme1.lotus.com, Port 110
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips 325
09:45:25 AM POP3 Server: connected
09:45:25 AM POP3 Server: [00B0:00A2] Greeting state
09:45:25 AM POP3 Server: [00B0:00A2] AuthenticateUser state
09:45:25 AM POP3Client: ReceiveResponse: +OK Lotus Notes POP3 server version X1.0 ready on
09:45:25 AM POP3Client: Authenticate: User Joe User/Mikey, Pass xxx
09:45:25 AM POP3Client: CommandUSER: Joe User/Mikey
09:45:25 AM POP3 Server: [00B0:00A2] USER command
09:45:25 AM POP3 Server: [00B0:00A2] AuthenticatePass state
09:45:25 AM POP3Client: ReceiveResponse: +OK Joe User/Mikey, your papers please.
09:45:25 AM POP3Client: CommandPASS: xxx
09:45:25 AM POP3 Server: [00B0:00A2] PASS command
09:45:25 AM POP3 Server: JOE USER/MIKEY logged in
09:45:25 AM POP3 Server: [00B0:00A2] Transaction state
09:45:25 AM POP3Client: ReceiveResponse: +OK Joe User/Mikey has 0 messages (0 octets).
09:45:25 AM POP3Client: CommandSTAT:
09:45:25 AM POP3 Server: [00B0:00A2] STAT command
09:45:25 AM POP3 Server: [00B0:00A2] Transaction state
09:45:25 AM POP3Client: ReceiveResponse: +OK 0 0
09:45:25 AM POP3Client: CommandSTAT: 0 0
09:45:25 AM POP3Client: CommandQUIT:
09:45:25 AM POP3 Server: [00B0:00A2] QUIT command
09:45:25 AM POP3Client: ReceiveResponse: +OK Lotus Notes POP3 server signing off.
09:45:25 AM POP3 Server: disconnected
09:45:25 AM POP3 Server: JOE USER/MIKEY logged out
09:45:25 AM POP3 Server: [00B0:00A2] Terminal state
09:45:25 AM Opened session for JOE USER/MIKEY (Build 147)
> 09:45:26 AM Closed session for JOE USER/MIKEY
Databases accessed: 2 Documents read: 0 Documents written: 0
> 09:45:31 AM Index update process shutdown
09:45:32 AM SMTPMTA: Reloading configuration
09:45:32 AM SMTPMTA: omsgcnv Reloading configuration
09:45:32 AM SMTPMTA: osesctl Reloading configuration
09:45:32 AM SMTPMTA: imsgcnv Reloading SMTP MTA Configuration
09:45:32 AM SMTPMTA: drt Reloading configuration
> 09:45:33 AM SMTPMTA: isesctl Reloading configuration
> 02/24/01
09:46:04 AM SMTPMTA: iseshlr0 Startup complete
> 09:46:04 AM SMTPMTA: isesctl iseshlr0 startup completed
09:46:04 AM SMTPMTA: iseshlr0 Attempting SMTP session with
09:46:04 AM SMTPMTA: iseshlr0 Inbound SMTP connection with
[acme1.lotus.com] has been established.
09:46:04 AM SMTPMTA: iseshlr0 Active SMTP session with
09:46:04 AM SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 220 ACME1.LOTUS.COM Lotus SMTP MTA Service Ready
09:46:04 AM SMTPClient: CommandHELO: Connecting Domain acme1.lotus.com
09:46:04 AM SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250 ACME1.LOTUS.COM
09:46:04 AM SMTPClient: SubmitMessage:
326 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
09:46:04 AM SMTPClient: CommandMAIL: ReversePath mikey@acme1.lotus.com
09:46:04 AM SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250 OK
09:46:04 AM SMTPClient: CommandRCPT: ForwardPath Joe_User@Lotus.com
09:46:04 AM SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250 OK
09:46:04 AM SMTPClient: CommandDATA:
09:46:04 AM SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 354 Enter Mail, end by a line with only '.'
> 09:46:05 AM SMTPMTA: iseshlr0 Inbound message from [acme1.lotus.com] has been
09:46:05 AM SMTPMTA: iseshlr0 Message notification sent to Inbound Message Converter
> 09:46:05 AM SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 250 Message received OK.
09:46:05 AM SMTPClient: Disconnect:
09:46:05 AM SMTPClient: CommandQUIT:
09:46:05 AM SMTPMTA: iseshlr0 Inbound SMTP connection with
[acme1.lotus.com] has been closed.
09:46:05 AM SMTPClient: ReceiveResponse: 221 GoodBye
IMAP, LDAP, NNTP, and SMTP IP addressing for partitioned servers
In R4, the notes.ini parameter SMTPMTA_IPADDR=n provided an alternative way to use a
designated Network Interface Card (NIC) particularly on partitioned Domino servers. The
alternative way is to set this variable to the IP address that has been assigned to a NIC. For
example, a service provider is running multiple partitioned servers on an iSeries server, and
has an SMTPMTA on each partitioned server for each different company. Any SMTP inbound
mail to a specific partitioned server on this iSeries is received and processed by the
corresponding SMTP MTA of that server, for example:
R5 does not have this notes.ini parameter. However, by using a combination of two notes.ini
variables, we can achieve this functionality.
The R5 “InternetServers” in this context means (IMAP, LDAP, NNTP, SMTP, ICM) support for
partitioned servers. This is the one area that is not backward compatible with R4.6. The new
way to set this up is more in line with the Domino Port Driver Model. Logically an
Administrator needs to bind a Notes TCP Port to a specific address and then tell the Internet
Server to use that Notes port. The process of binding an IP address to a Notes port has been
required since R3 and R4 for Notes Domino servers and is accomplished by the following
notes.ini setting:
Port 1352 here is actually optional but refers to the Domino TCP port number.
The Internet Servers need to be told what Notes TCP Port Name to use. If not specified, the
Framework chooses the first one it sees. The Notes TCP Port Name used by an Internet
Server must be specified by adding the following notes.ini:
Here equals IMAP, LDAP, NNTP, SMTP, or ICM. Each Internet server can
only support one Notes TCP port.
Here is an example of the notes.ini file:
TCPIP=TCP, 0, 15, 0
TCPIP1=TCP, 0, 15, 0
TCPIP2=TCP, 0, 15, 0
TCPIP3=TCP, 0, 15, 0
TCPIPETH1=TCP, 0, 15, 0
TCPIPETH2=TCP, 0, 15, 0
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips 327
First associate an IP address with a Notes port, for example:
Then, configure the Internet servers for which Notes TCP Port name to use:
11.4 Other Internet and intranet protocols and functions
The performance optimization of the remaining intranet or Internet protocols and functions
would be solely based on your organizational requirements for these functions. There is little
additional configuration that can be set to offer specific performance improvement for these
Where priorities for these protocols can be separated, the Domino servers hosting these
protocols should be partitioned to ensure that the impact of one Internet or intranet protocol
server does not impact another Domino server.
The following sections describe briefly the functionality of these additional intranet or Internet
protocols and functions.
11.4.1 IMAP or POP3 on Domino Server within a cluster and failover
IMAP or POP3 running on a Domino server within a cluster cannot use the Domino failover
technique. To have failover functionality, you need the Notes client since this is the only client
that will detect unavailability of the server and possible failover to a cluster from the Cluster
Manager. IMAP and POP3 clients do not have this functionality.
However, with either IMAP or POP3, you can use a “Round Robin” using TCP/IP and DNS
(see 11.4.3, “POP3 server” on page 329) or use a Router that can direct the client to an
available server within the cluster.
11.4.2 IMAP server
IMAP clients can download mail to a local mail file or interact with and manage mail directly
on a Domino server that runs the IMAP service. They use the IMAP protocol to read and
manage mail, use SMTP to send mail, and use LDAP to access the Domino Directory. Lotus
Notes Release 5 includes IMAP client functionality.
328 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Additional IMAP client support
IMAP services on the Domino server have been enhanced to provide for wider support of
IMAP clients, such as PINE, Eudora, Cyrusoft Mulberry, and Execmail 5.1 clients, as well as
Netscape, IE and Notes.
IMAP performance: Imposing session limits
Domino administrators in R5.0.3 now limit the number of sessions that the IMAP server will
allow. A notes.ini parameter - IMAPMaxSessions - allows administrators to specify the
maximum number of sessions that will be allowed in the IMAP server. If the parameter is not
specified, or if the parameter is specified with a value of 0, then no limit will be enforced.
R5 IMAP variations: IMAP Online, IMAP Offline, and IMAP Disconnected
The principal differences between IMAP Online, IMAP Offline, and IMAP Disconnected are
documented in Table 11-5.
In 5.0 (R5), both the Notes client and the Domino server are IMAP compliant. This means that
all of the following scenarios can use IMAP mail:
Notes client with a non-Domino IMAP server
Non-Notes IMAP client with a Domino server
Notes client with a Domino server
For this last scenario, most people would communicate over NRPC. However, customers
who want non-proprietary protocols can have Notes clients communicate over IMAP to a
Domino server.
Regardless of the scenario you use, you need to enable the R5 mail file for IMAP by one of
the following methods:
Specify that the mail type is IMAP during user registration.
Load the Convert task with the -m option (for a mail file that was not IMAP-enabled during
user registration)
Three types of IMAP available in R5.0: Online, Offline and Disconnected. Each type is
described in Table 11-5.
Table 11-5 IMAP types, purposes, and configuration
Purpose How to configure in a Notes R5.0 client
To allow an IMAP client to display and manipulate
messages and folders stored on an IMAP server.
The IMAP user can create, rename, move, and
delete folders. The user can also send, edit, copy,
paste, and save messages.
Analogous to a Notes client or a browser reading
a mail file on a Domino server.
Create an Account document in which you specify
IMAP as the type and Online as the access method.
This creates a proxy database in the client's data
directory. The proxy database allows you to see and
manipulate documents in the server-based mail file
even though the proxy NSF itself does not store any
message documents.
Close and re-open the Account document and click
the Open Proxy button in the Action bar.
The proxy database displays the contents of the
server-based mail file even though the proxy
database stores no documents itself.
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips 329
For a listing of IMAP clients and more information on IMAP, see the IMAP Web site at:
11.4.3 POP3 server
The Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP3) is an Internet mail protocol that allows a client
running POP3, such as Netscape Navigator, Eudora Pro, or Microsoft Internet Explorer, to
retrieve mail from a host server also running POP3. You can set up a Domino server to be a
POP3 host server for POP3 clients. POP3 clients do not run Notes, but have Notes mail files
on the POP3 server. They periodically connect to the server to retrieve their mail. To use a
Domino server as a POP3 server, run server task POP3. Then, create a mail file on the
server and a Person document in the Public Address Book for each POP3 client that will use
the server as its POP3 host.
POP3 clients do not use Notes IDs, and their Person documents do not contain public keys.
Therefore, they are not authenticated through Notes, and they cannot read encrypted mail. A
Notes mail file can be accessed from both Notes and POP3 clients.
To download messages stored in a mail file on an
IMAP server to the client and then disconnect.
Very similar to how a POP3 client downloads
messages from a POP3 server with the exception
that the IMAP server does not delete messages
after transferring them to the client.
This supports the concept of Universal Inbox
whereby a Notes client can download and store
messages from various sources – POP3, IMAP,
and Domino – all in the R5 Notes mail file. The
mail file can be either local to the client or
server-based. The user could also use Notes
replication to replicate this Universal Inbox.
Create an Account document specifying IMAP as the
type and Offline as the access method.
No proxy database is created.
In the Location document, specify the mail file that
will receive the downloaded messages.
Open the replicator and click the Send and receive
mail button.
The messages on the IMAP server download to the
specified mail file.
The disconnected mode allows for the following
Editing a local mailbox on the IMAP client
Editing a server-based mailbox (Online)
Synchronizing the documents and folders
between the two.
This synching is analogous to Notes replication.
However since the protocol is IMAP instead of
NRPC, the following differences exist even if the
server and client are both Notes:
Design elements do not synchronize.
There are no replication formulas, although
you can select a subset of folders to
Follow the configuration steps for IMAP Online.
Then make a local replica of the proxy database. The
local replica contains a copy of all messages and all
folders in the IMAP mailbox. The user can
manipulate the local replica while disconnected.
To synchronize the local and server mail files, open
the replica of the proxy, which is local, and select
File-> Replication-> Replicate. The interface is the
same as replication but it is really invoking the IMAP
protocol and uses the proxy database. The proxy
does not have to be open in the GUI for synching to
One final point is that Notes R5.0 is one of the first
products to implement the disconnected mode,
which is part of the IMAP RFC. Netscape has also
implemented this.
Purpose How to configure in a Notes R5.0 client
330 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Failover and load balancing
Failover and load balancing can be achieved by the configuration of the POP3 client and the
DNS or Host files in your environment. First, the DNS server or local Host file must be
configured to respond for both servers using one host name. This is achieved by listing the
server host name twice with two separate IP addresses. For example, in a local Host file, this
would be:
Pop3server 1.1.1.ServerA
Pop3server 1.1.1.ServerB
This is an example of using Round Robin DNS. This also provides rudimentary rather crude
but quite serviceable load balancing between the two POP3 servers. It doesn’t actually load
balance; it simply alternates every other inbound request equally between the hosts. If a host
fails, the re-directed request fails. The IP address will be made “unavailable” for a period (this
is a TCP/IP parameter) and then retried again. It will be repeated at usually ever increasing
intervals until the failed server is up and running again.
11.4.4 LDAP server
As with other components of the Domino infrastructure, full support for the latest open
standards gives customers maximum flexibility. It enables each organization to leverage their
Domino Directory infrastructure as its unique needs dictate.
Domino and LDAP V3
Domino R5 server continues to enhance Domino and Notes standards support by
implementing the latest version of the LDAP. Lotus provides the most comprehensive LDAP
support available anywhere, with a full implementation of the new LDAP Version 3.0. This
includes UTF-8 character set support, language tags, full protocol support, SASL/SSL
support, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) V3, retrieval of X.509 User Certificates, LDAP URL
referrals, and attributes defined by the Lightweight Internet Person Schema (LIPS), and
LDAP makes Domino highly accessible
LDAP support in Domino makes directory information highly accessible. It lets mail clients,
applications, and other servers securely access information in the Domino Directory. For
example, organizations can make appropriate directory information (such as a white pages)
securely available via Web browsers outside the corporate firewall. Domino for iSeries R5
LDAP supports the Notes R4 and R5 Clients, Microsoft IE5 and IE6, Netscape 6.2, and the
ever popular NC Navigator V3 for IBM Network Station (5648-B10).
LDAP and X.509 security
Robust security allows Domino customers to specify exactly what directory information is
visible to any LDAP client and how searches can be configured. LDAP support also lets
Domino servers and applications, and Notes clients, access other directory servers that
support LDAP. This enables Domino to act as a proxy server for any Web browser, LDAP
client or Notes client. It provides a common interface for access to information in the
directories of suppliers and other business partners, for example. Domino R5 continues its
Note: You must ensure that when you are configuring your POP3 client that you use this
shared hostname with multiple IP addresses to identify the POP3 server farm, rather then
a specific IP address, which is just a single host without “cluster support”.
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips 331
X.509 support of being able to store, create, and authenticate X.509 Version 3 certificates. It
maintains our own built-in Notes certificates and in R5 added support for using X.509 Version
3 for certification purposes, providing enhanced interoperability by allowing a single certificate
to be used across multiple applications.
Continuation references
Continuation references are a key new area now fully supported above Domino R5.0.5. They
allow an organization to distribute a directory tree across multiple directory servers. When an
LDAP client specifies a search base when searching an LDAP server that is configured to
hold continuation references, the server can return URLs (referrals) that allow the search to
continue over on additional servers that potentially hold entries applicable to that search
Domino LDAP service cannot return continuation references, only referrals. A referral is an
alternate server address (along with that of usually one replica) that a directory server returns
when its directory does not contain a search base specified by a client. A referral is a form of
error message, while a continuation reference is a positive response indicating that one or
more servers have to be traversed to complete a search.
How to view LDAP statistics in Domino R5
Domino R5 creates statistics when the LDAP task runs. You can view these statistics in
several different ways. For example, on the server console, when you type show stats
ldap, the statistics are written to the Log, as shown in the example below.
In addition, if the Event and Collect task are running on the server, or you are collect the
statistics via another server, the LDAP stats are written to the STATREP.NSF database on
the collecting server. You can see these stats by checking the Document Properties for the
document Statistics Report.
However, because the Statistic Report form does not include defined fields for these
statistics, you must customize the form and create an additional view in order to see them in a
view or in the document. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Open the Statistics Report form in the Designer.
2. Create a new section named LDAP.
3. Create a table with two columns.
4. For each LDAP statistic, create a field. Use the statistic name for the field name.
Note that, because the following LDAP statistics contain a space or are longer then 32
characters, they cannot be used for field names:
LDAP.Anonymous LDAP Connections
LDAP.Total LDAP Connections
LDAP.Total LDAP Search Entries Returned
LDAP.Total LDAP Searches
Another way to view the LDAP Stats in the STATREP.NSF is to populate them to a rich text
field. If you are using Domino Release 5.0.2 or later, follow these steps:
1. Open STATREP.NSF in the Designer.
2. Copy the Platform Report form and rename it to LDAP Report.
Note: LDAP Directory vendors do not necessarily use the term “continuation references”;
for example, Netscape uses the term “Smart Referrals.”
332 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
3. In Globules Declarations, replace “Platform Statistics” with LDAP Statistics Report:
Const PLATFORM_SECTION_TITLE = “LDAP Statistics Report.
4. In the “QueryOpen” LScript Code, replace “platform*” with ldap*:
Forall item In doc.items
If Lcase(item.name) Like "ldap*" Then
platformStatCount = platformStatCount + 1
statReport.appendStat item.name +":", item.values
End If
End Forall
5. Copy view 1 (Statistics Reports\Platform) and rename it to 1. Statistics Reports\LDAP.
6. In the Form-Formula, replace “Platform Report” with LDAP Report.
7. Delete all columns except columns 1 and 2.
A Statistic Report from this view shows that all LDAP statistics are now populated to the body
of the document (Figure 11-6).
Table 11-6 Sample statistics report generated from LDAP
For further information, refer to the Script Library “StatReportBuilder” in STATREP.NSF.
Session information Value
Boot ID: 4088521
Statistics collected at: 10:29:26 yesterday
Reporter task running for: (hr:min:sec)
Server Location:
Server Administrator:
LDAP Statistics
LDAP.Anonymous LDAP Connections: 89
LDAP.Sessions.Accept.Queue: 0
LDAP.Sessions.Active: 0
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesReceived: 1246
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesSent: 1246
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.non-SSL: 89
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.Total: 89
LDAP.Sessions.Peak: 1
LDAP.Sessions.Threads.Busy: 0
LDAP.Sessions.Threads.Idle: 1
LDAP.Sessions.Total: 89
LDAP.Total LDAP Connections: 89
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips 333
Extracting the Domino LDAP schema
Application developers need access to the Lotus Domino LDAP Schema to program the
correct attributes to search for. For an immediate listing of the latest LDAP schema, Domino
itself can provide this information. To extract it, you must use the LDAPSEARCH utility that is
included with every installation of the Notes client or Domino server. This is a simple
command line utility that can perform LDAP queries against a Domino LDAP server, and can
also redirect output for LDIF import, etc.
The command line to obtain the schema is:
LDAPSEARCH -h hostname -b "cn=schema" -s base "(objectclass=subschema)"
The resulting output is very large and details the entire LDAP schema of the Domino server. It
is usually best to redirect this output to a text file.
Another option to obtain the needed information is to publish the schema in a Domino
database. To do this, type the following command at the Domino server terminal window:
The Domino LDAP Schema (SCHEMA50.NSF) database is then created. This database
allows for full text searching on the entire contents of the schema and can be very useful for
looking for a particular attribute or object class.
LDAP performance
It should be remembered that LDAP is a Notes application, running on the Domino
Application Architecture or Framework, the same as any other Notes application. The LDAP
data is stored in some highly tuned LDAP notes databases. LDAP is basically a name and
address lookup and fast find mechanism, so when tuning LDAP you should make maximum
use of the latest ultra fast Full Text Indexing (GTR and EDC) functionality and make use of
optional temporary work space options to minimize the impact LDAP has on other Domino
partitions, and maximize it’s speed, keeping the LDAP users happy with the service.
Global text retrieval (GTR)
Domino for iSeries now includes an alternate GTR search engine beginning in Release 5.0.5.
The GTR 34 engine is activated by placing the FT_LIBName=ftgtr34 entry in the server's
notes.ini file. For details, see 7.6, “GTR search engine version 3.4” on page 199.
Extended Directory Catalog (EDC)
The Extended Directory Catalog is a new and much faster type of directory catalog available
in R5.0.5. For additional information on this feature and further details on setting it up, see the
Release Note, particularly the “Extended Directory Catalog” section in the “Things you need
to know” section of the Release Notes. Some early deployment work at IBM Research with an
IBM Worldwide Extended DirCat (EDC) indicates a substantial (approximately 20%) CPU
reduction that would also improve overall server performance (including the router). See
7.7.2, “Using Extended Directory Catalog to improve performance” on page 200.
Note: The database does not act on the schema in any way; its entire purpose is to list the
schema for informational purposes. Also note that, if the schema is extended or modified,
changes will not automatically appear in the database; rerun the TELL LDAP
EXPORTSCHEMA command again to update it.
334 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
The View_Rebuild_Dir parameter (View_Rebuild_Dir=) allows
you to change the temporary work directory where the UPDATE task keeps all of its work
files. It also causes all views, including (after R5.0.3) permuted (categorized) views, to be
rebuilt using the faster R5 Optimized view rebuild. The Optimized view rebuild uses the
system TEMP directory (or the specified directory) to generate all temporary files (.DTF files)
instead of the R4 default of the DATA directory. We recommend that for LDAP on iSeries, you
place this directory outside the data directory path, preferably on its own ASP. See
“View_Rebuild_Dir” on page 222.
Useful LDAP Web sites
For more information, search these sites on the Web:
LDAP v3 Proposal/Draft:
LDAP v2 RFC 1777: http://andrew2.andrew.cmu.edu/rfc/rfc1777.html
U of Michigan LDAP site: http://www.umich.edu/%7Ersug/ldap/ldap.html
SSL v3 and LDAP v3:
11.4.5 NNTP server
When you run the Network News Transport Protocol (NNTP) on your Domino server, the
server becomes a Domino NNTP server. You enable NNTP in one of three ways:
Selecting an NNTP server during the Domino server setup
Adding NNTP to the ServerTasks setting in notes.ini
Loading the NNTP server tasks after your Domino server is running
A Domino NNTP server lets users participate in private discussion groups or public USENET
newsgroups using a Notes Designer client, a standard NNTP newsreader (such as Netscape
Communicator Collabra or Internet Explorer news), or a Web browser. Each newsgroup is
stored in a separate database.
Table 11-7 shows the actual console commands and the resulting actions.
Table 11-7 NNTP Newsgroup console commands and actions
Command Actions
Tell NNTP newgroup groupname Creates a new newsgroup. Use this command to
create newsgroups that are not automatically created
during a newsfeed.
Tell NNTP Newgroup groupname pathname Tells NNTP to add a group to its current cache list
with the specified groupname and pathname. This is
used when a group is created via the template.
Tell NNTP Quit Stops the NNTP task.
Tell NNTP Show Config Displays the NNTP server configuration settings
specified in the NNTP section of the Server
Tell NNTP Show Groups Displays the names and path names of newsgroups
on the server.
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips 335
Table 11-8 shows the complete list of available statistics for monitoring NNTP.
Table 11-8 NNTP statistics and descriptions
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
NNTP..Articles.Posted Number of news articles posted by the server
NNTP..Articles.Sent Number of news articles sent to the server
NNTP..Bytes.Received Number of bytes received from the server
NNTP..Bytes.Sent Number of bytes sent to the server
“RemoteServerName” by the NNTP.
Number of failed news article transfers from the
server "RemoteServerName".
Number of news articles offered by the server
Number of news articles requested from server
Number of news articles transfered from
"RemoteServerName" to the NNTP.
Number of failed news article transfers to server
Number of news articles offered to the server
Number of news articles requested by the server
Number of news articles transfered to the server
RemoteServerName by this server.
NNTP.Articles.Posted Number of news articles posted to the NNTP
NNTP.Articles.Sent Number of news articles sent from the NNTP
NNTP.Bytes.Received Number of bytes received by NNTP server.
NNTP.Bytes.Sent Number of bytes sent from NNTP server.
NNTP.Pull.Articles.Failed Number of failed news article transfers received
by the NNTP server
NNTP.Pull.Articles.Offered Number of news articles offered by the NNTP
server during pull feeds.
NNTP.Pull.Articles.Requested Number of news articles requested from the
NNTP server during pull feeds.
NNTP.Pull.Articles.Transfered Number of news articles transfered by the NNTP
server during pull feeds.
NNTP.Push.Articles.Failed Number of failed news article transfers by the
NNTP server during push feeds.
336 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
NNTP status code interpretation
Each response from an NNTP server starts with a numeric status code. The codes indicate
the response to the last command the server received from the client. Status response lines
begin with a three-digit numeric code.
The first digit of the response broadly indicates the success, failure, or progress of the
previous command:
1xx Informative message
2xx Command successful
3xx Command successful so far, send the rest of it
4xx Command was correct, but couldn't be performed for some reason
5xx Command unimplemented, or incorrect, or a serious program error occurred
NNTP.Push.Articles.Offered Number of news articles offered by the NNTP
server during push feeds.
NNTP.Push.Articles.Requested Number of news articles requested from the
NNTP server during push feeds.
NNTP.Push.Articles.Transfered Number of news articles transfered by the NNTP
server during push feeds.
NNTP.Sessions.Accept.Queue NNTP listener work queue of incoming sessions
to be processed.
NNTP.Sessions.Active Current number NNTP server tasks.
NNTP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesReceived Total Number of BytesReceived by this NNTP
NNTP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesSent Total Number of BytesSent by this NNTP server.
NNTP.Sessions.Inbound.Non-SSL Number of NNTP server inbound TCP
connections (non SSL).
NNTP.Sessions.Inbound.SSL Number of NNTP server inbound SSL
NNTP.Sessions.Inbound.SSL.Bad_Handshake Number of NNTP server SSL Handshake
NNTP.Sessions.Inbound.Total Total Number of NNTP server inbound
connections (SSL and non-SSL).
NNTP.Sessions.Outgoing.non-SSL Total Outgoing non-SSL TCP Connections.
NNTP.Sessions.Outgoing.SSL Total Outgoing SSL TCP Connections.
NNTP.Sessions.Peak Peak number NNTP server tasks since server
NNTP.Sessions.Threads.Busy Number of NNTP server tasks currently running.
NNTP.Sessions.Threads.Idle Number of NNTP server tasks currently idle.
NNTP.Sessions.Total Total number NNTP server tasks since server
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips 337
The next digit in the code indicates the function response category:
x0x Connection, setup, and miscellaneous messages
x1x Newsgroup selection
x2x Article selection
x3x Distribution functions
x4x Posting
x8x Nonstandard (private implementation) extensions
x9x Debugging output
For specific error codes and their meanings, refer to RFC 977 - Network News Transfer
Protocol at the following sources:
NNTP performance enhancement
NNTP replication performance was improved in R5.0.3 to spend less time pulling articles. The
nntpcl5.ntf template is required to take advantage of the performance improvements. If you
use NNTP, make sure you have performed a Design Refresh on the all your NNTP data
bases with the latest version of the template nntpcl5.ntf.
Check the NNTP server configuration settings specified in the NNTP section of the Server
document. Make sure NewsGroups doesn’t become your servers prime time activity, unless
you are a News Service, of course!
11.4.6 iNotes
iNotes is a client brand that was announced at Lotusphere Orlando 2000. It is one of the three
Lotus client brands along with Notes and Mobile Notes and consists of three separate
Domino Off-Line Services (DOLS)
iNotes Access for Microsoft Outlook
iNotes Web Access
iNotes represents general client access (primarily browsers) to Domino. It is licensed under
the Client Access License (CAL) program.
iNotes Access for Microsoft Outlook
iNotes Access for Microsoft Outlook is part of the iNotes client offering that provides Microsoft
Outlook 98 and 2000 the ability to use Domino server as a mail and calendaring backend via
MAPI. It installs a set of DLLs that provides additional Microsoft private MAPI functions to the
existing MAPI services developed for Notes.
iNotes Access for Outlook uses many services of Notes such as replication and local security
without the requirement of a full Notes client. iNotes Access for Microsoft Outlook also gives
the Outlook user better mobile access via Domino Offline Services and again better server
platform coverage and all the other places where Domino outshines when put in comparison
to Exchange.
Citrix Metaframe is not a supported platform for iNotes Access for Microsoft Outlook.
338 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Performance of iNotes Access for Microsoft Outlook
The iNotes DLLs make Outlook look just like a Notes client – using NRPC as the access
protocol. As such, Domino servers are scaled exactly the same way as they are for Notes
clients. Also there is no additional software or services required or installed on the Domino
server to enable access from an Microsoft Outlook client.
Because iNotes Access for MS Outlook is identical (to the server) to a Notes Client, it has all
the advantages of a true Notes client including Clustering and failover.
iNotes Web Access
iNotes Web Access is the next generation of browser-based access to Domino messaging
and Calendaring & Scheduling (C&S) and Personal Information Manager (PIM) functionality.
iNotes Web Access is based on Dynamic HTML (DHTML), which is a combination of HTML,
XML, DOM 2, and Java Script and offers feature-rich browser-based access to Domino mail
and C&S. It initially shipped on Win 32 (98, 2000, NT) and will eventually replace the current
Webmail offering once platform parity is reached.
Because iNotes Web Access requires only a Web browser, users have easy access to their
Notes mail file from just about any location: Internet Cafe, Kiosk, or another person's desk.
This trait also makes iNotes Web Access ideal for a shared PC scenario in which multiple
users access their messaging and PIM from a single machine.
iNotes Web Access was designed specifically to provide messaging and PIM functionality.
Therefore, although very powerful in its implementation, the product provides a very
straightforward and intuitive interface.
From the administrator’s perspective, iNotes Web Access is an ideal client for simple,
cost-effective deployment and maintenance. Being a thin client with a server-based
deployment model and minimal to no training requirements, iNotes Web Access will enable
administrators to get their users up and running in no time.
Refer to the document titled “What is iNotes Web Access?” (#182718) and
http://www.lotus.com/inotes for more information on iNotes Web Access.
The only supported browsers that can be used to access iNotes Web Access mail files is
Win32 Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 1 or later. See “iNotes Web Access 1.0 Release
Notes” (#186566). (Support for IE6 is anticipated but not guaranteed in R5.0.10.)
Unsupported browsers include:
Internet Explorer 5.0 Macintosh Edition
Pocket Internet Explorer for IPAQ 3670 running Windows CE 3.0
Netscape Navigator
iNotes Web Access encryption and signing
The first release of iNotes Web Access does not support signed and/or encrypted e-mail. This
feature is being considered for a future release of iNotes Web Access. Encrypted mail viewed
through iNotes Web Access displays a message stating that the message is encrypted and
cannot be displayed in a browser. It then instructs the user to reopen the message using a
Notes client.
Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips 339
iNotes performance
iNotes Web Access is a straight Domino Web application. It has some extremely complicated
HTML, XML, DOM 2 and JavaScript coding, but it is a Web Application and must be sized as
such. Compared to our previous offering in this class (Notes Web Mail), the expected user
ratio compared to Notes clients is much higher, possibly as high as 4:1 (one iNotes Web
Access equals four Notes clients).
Obviously with so little processing happening at the client end (ignoring DOLS for the
moment), all significant processing of Mail and C&S function must now occur at the server
end, therefore, the ratio of users. And as with any Notes Application and Web Application, the
performance is based on what the users really do, be they power users or humble mail
End-user workstation requirements
Despite what we said above, note that iNotes Web Access is much richer in function than the
previously available WebMail solution. Therefore, there is much more logic running on the
Web browser. Based on customer feedback, we recommend that you have at least a Pentium
II 500 MHz with 128 MB memory (256 MB for Windows 2000 or newer) to have a reasonable
performance and response time on client side.
See also the Lotus whitepaper iNotes Web Access Deployment Guide for Domino 5.0.9,
which you can download from the Web at: http://www.notes.net
You should also refer to the redbook iNotes Web Access, SG24-6553.
Domino Off-Line Services (DOLS)
Domino Off-Line Services was the first component of the iNotes brand to ship, with the first
release in first quarter of 2000. DOLS consists of a server component, a DSAPI extension to
the Web service, and a client component – the iNotes Sync Manager. DOLS gives browser
users the ability to take Domino Web-based applications offline via the browser, work with the
application offline, and synchronize the local application with the server-based copy of the
application. From a conceptual standpoint, it is the same idea as using the Notes client to
create a local replica and replicate changes between the local and server-based database.
Refer to the document “Domino Off-Line Services Frequently Asked Questions” (#179258)
and http://www.lotus.com/dols for more information on DOLS.
340 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 341
Chapter 12. The iSeries Dedicated Server for
This chapter introduces you to and provides details on the Dedicated Server for Domino. The
iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino is the member of a family of servers built especially for
running Lotus Domino R5, unique in the industry. The Dedicated Server for Domino provides
the reliability, manageability, and availability on which the iSeries has built its reputation.
These systems are packaged as low-cost-to-own, low-cost-to-buy boxes designed specifically
for Domino applications.
Lotus Domino offers the leading software for collaboration, messaging, and Web-enabled
productivity that spreads quickly in an organization. What starts as casual e-mail in one
department rapidly expands to become a critical messaging infrastructure. A simple form
application can grow to workflow, then human resources self-service, sales-force automation,
and customer care on the Web. Soon, Domino is at the heart of your business, helping
everyone work smarter and more effectively.
With the iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino, you can add new Domino applications without
adding new server footprints in your organization. The unique subsystem architecture of the
iSeries combined with the partitioning capabilities of Domino enables a single iSeries
Dedicated Server for Domino to support multiple Domino servers at the same time. Domino
servers are reliable and easy to manage from your home office or remotely from the other
side of the world through familiar graphical interfaces.
342 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
12.1 Dedicated Server for Domino
First announced in January of 1998, Lotus Domino for iSeries has achieved tremendous
success in the marketplace. It offers the rock-solid reliability that customers seek as their
e-mail, collaborative, and Web-enabled applications become mission-critical. Through ease
of management and the ability to reliably run a mixed workload on a single server footprint,
AS/400 and iSeries servers deliver low total cost of ownership as Domino servers. IBM and
Lotus offer iSeries customers two server choices to meet their Domino needs:
The traditional AS/400 and iSeries servers support both Domino work and other
workloads, such as line-of-business ERP and on-line transaction processing applications.
The Dedicated Server for Domino is designed specifically to support Domino work, either
in a stand-alone environment or as a frontend to other types of work running on separate
servers. With the latest V5R1 announcements, we’ve expanded the definition of “Domino
work” as you’ll learn in 12.2.1, “Enhancements with OS/400 V5R1” on page 343.
In April 2001, IBM and Lotus announced the third generation of Dedicated Server for Domino
processors, which build on Model 270 and 820 technology. The five new processor features
deliver 20% greater CPU capacity and two times the memory growth compared to their
predecessors. By focusing the processing power on Domino, the Dedicated Server for
Domino delivers a significantly better Domino price/performance than other iSeries servers.
Even the cover of the Dedicated Server for Domino, with its yellow accent panel, emphasizes
its design – processing capability targeted for Domino applications.
The April 2001 announcement also included Version 5 Release 1 of OS/400, which provides
significant Domino performance improvements with respect to Java and Web processing
capability. Availability for V5R1 and the new Dedicated Server for Domino processor features
occurred in May 2001. A resave version of OS/400 V5R1, available via PRPQ 5799-DSD after
September 28, 2001, provides expanded Dedicated Server for Domino capacity for workloads
complementary to Domino such as Java servlets and WebSphere Application Server.
The importance of Domino as a component in e-business implementations, together with
Java and WebSphere, continues to grow. This enhanced V5R1 support, available for all
Dedicated Server for Domino models including the Model 170, makes the power and
price/performance of Dedicated Server for Domino available to customers who want to take
advantage of Domino’s strength as an e-business application server.
12.2 Dedicated Server performance behavior and capacity
Prior to the V5R1 Dedicated Server for Domino enhancements, the simplest implementation
for the Dedicated Server was a “pure Domino” implementation, such as e-mail and
applications that use “out of the box” Domino templates and capabilities. However, many
customers and business partners want to integrate Domino on the Dedicated Server for
Domino with other applications and data. Now, with the enhanced support in OS/400 V5R1,
functions such as Java servlets and WebSphere Application Server are considered
complementary workloads when they are used in conjunction with Domino.
Note: In October 2000, IBM announced the IBM ~ iSeries servers. All Model 270
and 820 Dedicated Server for Domino servers are part of the iSeries family. We use the
term iSeries throughout this chapter to discuss the Model 270 and 820 Dedicated Server
for Domino servers.
Chapter 12. The iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino 343
In conjunction means that Domino-based processing must be present on the server.
Complementary workloads have access to the full capability of the Dedicated Server, with
limitations for the amount of DB2 related work, however. The DB2 database components of
both complementary and Domino-based workloads on the Dedicated Server for Domino are
allowed to use up to a total of 15% of the system CPU. These concepts are developed in
more detail below.
12.2.1 Enhancements with OS/400 V5R1
IBM and Lotus launched the original Dedicated Server for Domino in 1999 in response to the
marketplace. Customers and business partners wanted the characteristics of OS/400 as a
Domino server (reliability, scalability, ease of management) without paying for the ability to
run non-Domino applications such as ERP. The outstanding Domino price-performance of
the Dedicated Server for Domino is the response to this request.
Since then, the role of Domino in e-business solutions has grown dramatically. Domino is
often a critical e-business component, in partnership with other e-business components such
as WebSphere Application Server and Java servlets. Customers and business partners have
occasionally reported difficulty in determining whether the Dedicated Server for Domino will
deliver its price-performance in these environments, given our original definition of Domino
The marketplace has spoken and we have responded again. With the enhanced V5R1
Dedicated Server for Domino support that became available in September 2001, we are
greatly expanding support for complementary workloads (which we describe in detail below).
Users can be confident that applications will run well on the Dedicated Server for Domino
when they are used in conjunction with Domino-based processing (also described in detail
Such processing as file serving, virus detection software for Domino, Java agents and
servlets, and WebSphere Application Server can all run as complementary processing and
have access to the full performance capability of the Dedicated Server. These V5R1
advantages are supported on all Dedicated Server for Domino models going back to the initial
AS/400 Model 170 Dedicated Server offering.
Dedicated Server performance behavior with V5R1
Dedicated Server for Domino performance behavior with the V5R1 Dedicated Server for
Domino enhancements can be summarized as follows:
100% of the CPU is available for Domino-based applications.
Note: When determining whether a Dedicated Server is the right iSeries server for
deploying applications that will be considered complementary on the Dedicated Server for
Domino, consider the question:
“Does it make sense to run these applications independent of Domino?”
If the answer to this question is “yes”, and it is likely that the applications will require more
than 15% of the CPU being consumed, then you should consider an iSeries server without
a non-Domino CPW limit such as an iSeries server with a base processor. This will ensure
that you have constant access to the full performance capability of the server even when
Domino processing is not present.
Note: Domino-based applications are invoked by Domino function, but the function
being called may be a non-Domino function.
344 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
100% of the CPU is available for complementary, non-Domino workloads in support of
Domino applications.
15% of the CPU is available to DB2 database processing.
15% of the CPU is available for all processing when no Domino applications are in use.
0% of the CPU is available for 5250 interactive processing, with an allowance for a single
5250 interactive user to perform all necessary system administration activity.
For administration activity, we recommend that you use Operations Navigator, since it does
not need 5250 interactive processing.
Dedicated Server performance behavior before V5R1
Dedicated Server for Domino performance behavior prior to the V5R1 Dedicated Server for
Domino enhancements can be summarized as follows:
100% of the CPU is available for pure Domino applications.
– Pure Domino applications have all processing contained within the Domino function.
– Pure Domino is more restrictive than Domino-based.
15% of the CPU is available for non-Domino applications and DB2 database processing.
All processing that is not pure Domino is subject to the 15% CPU guideline, including DB2
database processing.
0% of the CPU is available for 5250 interactive processing, with an allowance for a single
5250 interactive user to perform all necessary system administration activity.
For information on Dedicated Server for Domino behavior prior to the V5R1 Dedicated Server
for Domino enhancements, see the white paper “Evaluating Appropriate Workloads for the
IBM eServer iSeries 400 Dedicated Server for Domino”, which you can find on the Dedicated
Server home page at: http://www.iseries.ibm.com/domino/dsd.htm
Dedicated Server for Domino V5R1 enhancement installation
Since the Dedicated Server for Domino enhancement became available after the general
availability of OS/400 V5R1, it may or may not be installed on your iSeries Dedicated Server
for Domino even if you have V5R1 installed. For all Dedicated Server for Domino servers that
have been shipped before September 2001, a refreshed version of the iSeries Licensed
Internal Code (Level RSC) and the latest Cumulative PTF package (C1254510) needs to be
PTF RE01200 is an identifier that indicates whether your system already has the RSC level of
the iSeries Licensed Internal Code installed. Use the following command to determine
whether PTF RE01200 is already on your system:
Installing the Dedicated Server for Domino enhancements
If PTF RE01200 is not on your system, you do not have the RSC level installed. If you want to
install this new code, complete the following steps:
1. Install the Licensed Internal Code.
a. Use the enclosed Licensed Internal Code CD as your installation media in your
Dedicated Server for Domino.
b. If your system is up and running, put it into restricted state.
c. Using manual installation, perform task 1 of the instructions in Chapter 4 of the manual
iSeries Software Installation, SC41-5120.
Chapter 12. The iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino 345
d. At the end of task 1, select Option 1 on the IPL or Install the System menu. This option
performs an Initial Program Load (IPL) of the operating system.
2. Install the latest Cumulative PTF package. Use the instructions included in this package to
install the latest Cumulative PTF package (C1254510).
3. If you installed any individual Licensed Internal Code PTFs before this installation
process, you need to install those PTFs again.
4. If your Dedicated Server for Domino is a Model 270 Processor Feature 2452, you should
obtain and install Hiper PTF MF27217. This PTF could provide an additional performance
For reference purposes, this set of materials is packaged as PRPQ 5799-DSD.
12.2.2 Dedicated Server for Domino workload environments
Workload environments for the Dedicated Server with the V5R1 Dedicated Server for Domino
enhancements fall into the categories: Domino-based, complementary, and not appropriate.
This section explores each of these categories in more detail.
Domino-based applications
Domino-based applications are applications that are started by a Domino, Sametime, or
QuickPlace server. You can observe the jobs and threads of Domino-based applications on
an iSeries or AS/400 server using Operations Navigator or the WRKDOMSVR or
WRKLQPSVR commands and option 9.
The Domino-based category includes more applications than what we described in previous
Dedicated Server for Domino white papers as “Appropriate for the DSD”. Beginning with the
enhanced support in V5R1, Domino applications that make external program calls and use
functions, such as Java servlets, now have full access to Dedicated Server for Domino
capacity, provided their use of DB2 database processing is below the 15% recommended
guideline. These enhancements enable the Dedicated Server for Domino to reach its full
potential supporting Domino applications that serve as a frontend to legacy data on another
iSeries or AS/400 server.
You can expect Domino-based applications to take full advantage of the price/performance
characteristics of the Dedicated Server. Examples of Domino-based applications include:
Domino e-mail
Domino applications that use Java agents and servlets
Domino applications or agents using only Domino databases
Domino Workflow
Domino applications that use normal integration methods (for example @db, LS:DO,
DECS, LEI, LC LSX) to access DB2 databases on another iSeries or AS/400 server
DRDA support is considered DB2 database processing but generally falls well within the 15%
recommended DB2 database processing guideline. Information about potential exception
cases is provided in 12.3.3, “Accessing external databases on a different iSeries server” on
page 355.
Note: These integration methods take advantage of the OS/400 Distributed Relational
Database Architecture (DRDA) support.
346 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
We expect that other Domino add-in applications besides Domino.Doc will fall within the
Domino-based category. Domino add-ins that come with Domino and customer-written
add-ins that make frequent use of Domino APIs are also considered Domino-based. We do
not have complete test results for other add-in applications. Their omission from this list
should not be interpreted as evidence that they will not perform well. See a related discussion
in 12.3.4, “Java and Domino integration” on page 356.
Complementary processing
This new category of processing has been introduced in response to the need for the
Dedicated Server for Domino to allow for enhanced integration with functions such as Java
servlets and WebSphere Application Server. The intent for complementary processing is that
it be used with or in direct support of Domino, where Domino is the primary server workload.
Complementary processing has access to the full CPU capacity of the Dedicated Server for
Domino. Processing that is essentially non-Domino in nature is considered complementary
when it is used in conjunction with Domino-based processing. Again, in conjunction with
Domino-based processing means that Domino-based processing must be present on the
system. All DB2 database processing must be within the 15% CPU guideline. Examples of
complementary processing include Java servlets, WebSphere Application Server, virus
detection software for Domino, and other applications and workloads such as file serving with
Integrated xSeries Server.
Inappropriate processing
Dedicated Server for Domino servers are designed to support Domino work, they are not an
all encompassing server. As a result, there are workloads that do not fit the Dedicated Server
for Domino system.
The following applications and processing are not appropriate for the Dedicated Server for
Interactive 5250 applications
Applications that exceed the DB2 database 15% CPU processing guideline
Applications that are not used in conjunction with or in support of a Domino-based
Table 12-1 provides a summary of the main types of applications that are inappropriate for the
Dedicated Server for Domino along with a description of the resulting performance behavior
when you run these applications on the Dedicated Server for Domino.
Table 12-1 Workloads not intended for the Dedicated Server for Domino servers
Application description/limitations Resulting performance behavior when
limitation is exceeded
Interactive 5250 applications: Limited to
approximately 0% CPU, with an exception for a
single 5250 session to perform all necessary
systems administration functions.
Multiple interactive jobs attempting to use CPU
resource will experience increased response
times. Other processing on the system will not be
All DB2 database processing, regardless of what
type of applications are generating the DB2
database processing, must use less than 15%
If the 15% CPU guideline is exceeded, the
specific jobs or threads using DB2 database
resources may experience increased response
times. Other processing on the system will not be
Chapter 12. The iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino 347
Several remedies are available for a workload that is not appropriate for a Dedicated Server
Make sure non-Domino processing is used in conjunction with Domino-based processing,
thereby allowing the non-Domino processing to be treated as complementary.
If just slightly more than 15% CPU is required for DB2 database processing on a current
Dedicated Server for Domino and no additional DB2 database processing is anticipated,
upgrade to a larger Dedicated Server with a higher processor CPW rating.
If significantly more than 15% CPU is required for DB2 database processing, you should
implement it on a traditional iSeries server.
If interactive 5250 processing is regularly required for more than system administrative
processing, you should implement on a traditional iSeries server with a larger interactive
Keep in mind that, in general, traditional iSeries servers with standard or base processors are
the best choice to provide real-time integration between Domino applications and DB2 on the
same server. This chapter explores the behavior and performance of light DB2 data
integration on the same server to help with your planning and analysis. However, our bottom
line recommendation for data integration is either to use a Dedicated Server as a frontend to
another iSeries or AS/400 server or to run Domino applications on a suitably configured
traditional server that houses your DB2 data.
Applications that are not Domino-based will be
limited to using 15% CPU when not run in
conjunction with a Domino-based application. We
also refer to this kind of processing as
“non-Domino”. Non-Domino processing is limited
to 15% CPU and includes DB2 database
processing. If these applications are used in
conjunction with Domino-based processing, they
will be considered complementary and have
access to the full Dedicated Server for Domino
CPU capacity. If your Domino application invokes
an RPG or COBOL program using LS:DO, the
execution time spent in the RPG or COBOL
program is considered complementary.
Because this situation by definition occurs when
no Domino-based processing is present, Domino
processing is not affected. Any non-Domino
processing that exceeds the 15% guideline might
experience increased response times. In
addition, you might observe increased system
Application description/limitations Resulting performance behavior when
limitation is exceeded
348 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
12.2.3 Dedicated server capacity
This section discusses the processing capabilities for the V5R1 Dedicated Servers.
Table 12-2 shows the performance capacities for the five V5R1 iSeries Dedicated Server
processor features.
Table 12-2 Performance capabilities of V5R1 Dedicated Server for Domino servers
The following sections describe the performance capacities shown in Table 12-2.
Mail and Calendaring Users (MCU)
Mail and Calendaring Users is a workload metric for comparing Domino capacity across
different Domino server platforms. Each Mail and Calendaring user completes the following
actions an average of every 15 minutes except where noted:
Opens mail database, which contains documents that are 10K bytes in size.
Opens the current view.
Opens five documents in the mail file.
Categorizes two of the documents.
Composes two new mail memos/replies 10K bytes in size (every 90 minutes).
Marks several documents for deletion.
Deletes documents marked for deletion.
Creates one appointment (every 90 minutes).
Schedules one meeting invitation (every 90 minutes).
Closes the view.
Processor Commercial Processing Workload (CPW)
Commercial Processing Workload describes the amount of non-Domino processing that is
available on the Dedicated Server for Domino for applications that are not Domino-based and
are not used in conjunction with Domino-based applications. The processor CPW represents
a planning estimate, not a guaranteed level of capacity to perform non-Domino work. As
discussed earlier, non-Domino processing is considered complementary when it is used in
conjunction with Domino-based processing. Throughout the remainder of this chapter, we use
the terms non-Domino and non-Domino processing to refer to processing that is subject to
the Processor CPW rating.
You can think of the non-Domino capacity (Processor CPW) of a Dedicated Server in the
following ways:
Non-Domino work should not exceed 15% of the total capacity of the processor. This is
the amount the Processor CPW guidelines state for all Dedicated Server for Domino
Mail &
Users (MCU)
Processor CPW
Processor CIW Interactive CPW
270-2452 3,070 100 380 0*
270-2545 5,050 240 825 0*
820-2456 3,110 120 385 0*
820-2457 6,660 240 825 0*
820-2458 11,810 380 1,590 0*
As a rule, when
equating mail &
users to real
world users,
divide by two.
Chapter 12. The iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino 349
Non-Domino work on the Dedicated Server may consume up to the full capacity of
Processor CPW. When the maximum Processor CPW capacity is exceeded, the response
times of non-Domino processes increase since they contend for a fixed and saturated
Processor CPW capacity. System overhead is generally not observed except for brief
periods of time, typically when fluctuating non-Domino work is occurring.
Executing non-Domino work in conjunction with Domino-based processing allows the
system to treat the non-Domino work as complementary work. Since complementary work
is not subject to the 15% non-Domino guideline, the work can use the full processor
capability of the system.
Processor Compute Intensive Workload (CIW)
Compute Intensive Workload values are application compute-intensive projections based on
the characteristics of workloads like SAP, Domino Mail and Calendaring Users and Domino
applications, and typically Java WebSphere.
The Processor CIW rating was introduced in V5R1. It provides a better metric than CPW for
comparing iSeries servers with respect to compute intensive workloads such as Domino
processing. The V5R1 Performance Capabilities Reference at
http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/pubs/html/as400/online/chgfrm.htm contains CIW
ratings for all V5R1 iSeries models as well as additional information about the metric itself.
The CIW is meant to depict a workload that has the following characteristics:
The majority of the system processing time is spent in the user application instead of
system services. For example, typical Domino applications spend about 80% of the total
processing time in application code (Domino code).
Compute-intensive applications tend to be considerably less I/O intensive than the
commercial application processing depicted by CPW. Therefore, cache miss rates are low
and I/O contention is minimal.
Interactive CPW
Interactive CPW (often referred to as green screen processing) is designed to support system
administration functions using a 5250 session. The Dedicated Server for Domino Models 270
and 820 are defined as having an Interactive CPW of 0.
In practice, a single interactive job running on these models will have access to up to 15%
processing capacity of the Processor CPW while performing system administration activities.
However, if two or more interactive jobs are simultaneously using CPU resource, then all
interactive jobs will contend for the Interactive CPW capacity that is effectively 0 and will
experience increased response times. If a single interactive job is doing significant
input/output to the display device (which is not characteristic of system administration
activities), that interactive job will conform to the Interactive CPW capacity, which is
effectively 0.
Tip: We recommend that you use Operations Navigator to perform as much as possible of
the administration work. Since the workload caused in the iSeries server by Operations
Navigator is not interactive work, it has the full processor capacity available as long as a
Domino server is active and up to 15% in situations where all Domino servers have been
Note: Mail & Calendar Users, Processor CPW, Processor CIW, and Interactive CPW
capacities are not additive. Each of the guidelines in Table 12-2 on page 348 individually
represent a recommended maximum capacity.
350 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
12.3 Evaluating iSeries application integration on Dedicated
Server for Domino
Many of the questions we have received about appropriate workloads for the Dedicated
Server focused on application and database integration. The V5R1 Dedicated Server for
Domino enhancements have made this issue much less complex by providing significantly
improved support for application integration. This section provides general guidance and
analysis to help you determine whether your proposed workload mix can be expected to take
full advantage of the Dedicated Server for Domino capacity and whether it falls within the 15%
DB2 database processing guideline.
Figure 12-1 shows the common techniques for integrating Domino applications with DB2
UDB database files. It classifies the methods as to whether they are generally considered
Domino-based, DB2 database, or Java processing on the Dedicated Server. From a
programming standpoint, these integration techniques are the same on the iSeries as they
are on other Domino platforms.
Figure 12-1 Domino enterprise integration techniques
Under the covers, most of the methods shown use the OS/400 SQL Call Level Interface (CLI)
to access DB2 data. The AS/400 Toolkit for Java uses the Licensed Internal Program
Interface (LIPI) by default. But for local DB2 database access, it can be directed to use the
CLI interface. To access remote data, the Toolkit uses the LIPI interface along with QZDA
processing rather than the CLI and DRDA path. (Another possible exception would be some
custom-written connectors.)
When the data being accessed resides on a different server in the network, OS/400 uses the
DRDA layer to provide the access. Again, this happens under the covers without extra coding
by the Domino programmer.
The sections that follow discuss each of these methods and their likely performance
implications on the Dedicated Server in more detail. But first, here is more detail on what is
considered DB2 database processing.
Domino Applications
Domino DB2 Connector
Domino-based processing
Java processing
DB2 database processing
Chapter 12. The iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino 351
12.3.1 DB2 database processing defined
Since the Dedicated Server has a 15% guideline for all DB2 database processing, it is
important to understand what exactly is considered DB2 database processing by the system
and to consider some methods for optimizing DB2 database processing.
A V4R5 enhancement to OS/400 provided reporting capability that shows the percent of CPU
time spent in DB2 database processing. This mechanism can distinguish between processing
time spent in application code versus when the application accesses database records in
DB2 database files. Only the processing time in database code and access methods is
considered DB2 database processing. Processing time in SQL, Query/400, DRDA, and other
database access methods is generally considered DB2 database processing.
The small amount of processing time to establish connections and do database-related work,
such as obtaining time stamps, is not considered DB2 database processing. Generally, the
vast majority of processing in these methods is related to accessing database records.
Processing time in JDBC and ODBC is described in Figure 12-1 as Java processing because
it technically does not count as DB2 database processing for a workload until control is
passed to an SQL-type layer.
To determine how much system resource is being consumed by DB2 database processing,
refer to 12.4, “Observing Dedicated Server performance” on page 362, 4.10.4, “Work with
System Activity (WRKSYSACT) command” on page 71, and Figure 4-8 on page 72.
For information on optimizing your application's use of DB2 database processing, refer to the
iSeries Information Center for V5R1 at:
At this site, click the following links:
1. Database and file systems in the left column
2. DB2 UDB for iSeries
3. Manuals and redbooks
4. Database Performance and Query Optimization
Domino Enterprise Connection Services (DECS)
Domino Enterprise Connections Services runs as part of the Domino server. DECS allows
access to backend databases in real time mode for Domino users. The data that a Domino
user sees looks like it is coming from a Domino database. In fact, it is coming from a relational
database outside Domino. This access happens through a connector, which in our case is
most likely DB2, but may also be a custom-written connector or a premium ERP connector.
The amount of DB2 database processing required varies based on the design of the
connector being used by DECS.
We examine some DECS scenarios to show how the DB2 processing varies depending on
the environment. All of the environments have the Domino server and the DB2 relational
database on a Dedicated Server for Domino system. The database access is done locally; no
DRDA connectivity is involved.
DB2 DECS scenario 1 is a good fit for the Dedicated Server because of its minimal use of
DB2 database processing. The second and third examples, DB2 DECS scenario 2 and
Custom written DECS Connector scenario, might require more DB2 database processing
than what is available on the Dedicated Server for Domino depending on how heavy the DB2
database processing requirements are. Hopefully these scenarios will help provide some
guidance when deciding if a Dedicated Server for Domino is appropriate for inclusion of
DECS for DB2 database access.
352 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
DB2 DECS scenario 1
In our first example, we have a Domino application that is exposing DB2 UDB records to
application users via a DB2 DECS connection. Only one relational table is involved and the
connection is through the DB2 connector. The amount of processing involved for DB2 access
is quite minimal, so this scenario is a good fit for the Dedicated Server for Domino system.
The application overall performs relatively simple DB2 processing that does not require
significant processor resources. The various steps involved in a transaction originating from
the application user are outlined in the following list. For each step, we highlighted which
processing steps are Domino-based processing versus DB2 database processing:
1. (Domino-based) Domino user opens a document.
2. (Domino-based) Domino server receives a request and passes it to DECS.
3. (Domino-based) DECS sends a request to DB2 connector to find fields in the DB2 table.
4. (DB2 database) DB2 receives a request.
5. (DB2 database) DB2 finds a row.
6. (DB2 database) DB2 returns fields to DECS.
7. (Domino-based) DECS receives fields from DB2.
8. (Domino-based) DECS sends fields to the Domino document that the user is viewing.
Because DB2 UDB is integrated on iSeries and because this scenario involves simply
fetching or possibly inserting a single row, this use of DECS is not likely to exceed the DB2
database processing limits on the Dedicated Server.
DB2 DECS scenario 2
The second scenario we examine is quite similar to the first one. However, there is more use
of DB2. Again we are exposing DB2 UDB records to a Domino application user via DB2
DECS connection. This time we access information from multiple DB2 relational tables. The
increase in the number of tables connecting into increases from 1 in the first scenario to 10 in
this scenario.
This application is more complicated in that a single document is populated with multiple DB2
tables. Each DB2 table requires a separate connection from DECS to be active to work with
the data in that table. This scenario requires much more DB2 database processing because
of the multiple table access and therefore is not appropriate for the Dedicated Server for
Domino server. More than 15% of the CPU will be utilized for DB2 access, not allowing the
application to fully use the capability of the Dedicated Server for Domino.
The various steps involved in a transaction originating from the application user for this
scenario are outlined here. As before, each step indicates which is Domino-based processing
and which is DB2 database processing:
1. (Domino-based) Domino user opens a document with fields that will be populated from
multiple DB2 tables.
2. (Domino-based) Domino server receives a request and passes it to DECS.
3. (Domino-based) DECS sends multiple requests to a DB2 connector to find fields in DB2
4. (DB2 database) DB2 receives requests.
5. (DB2 database) DB2 finds a row selected in each table.
6. (DB2 database) DB2 returns fields from each table to DECS.
7. (Domino-based) DECS receives fields from DB2.
8. (Domino-based) DECS sends fields to the Domino document the user is viewing.
Chapter 12. The iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino 353
This scenario is not appropriate for the Dedicated Server for Domino server because too
much time is spent doing DB2 database access. The number of tables involved to populate
the document are too numerous to stay within the 15% CPU guideline.
Custom written DECS Connector scenario
In this scenario, we use a custom-written connector written by business partner AppXYZ. The
AppXYZ connector interfaces Domino with its custom database environment. Instead of using
DECS access data directly in DB2 UDB, DECS will interface with the business rules that are
required when working with the AppXYZ application data. This data is in the format of people
and accounts rather than direct DB2 tables. The data that represents these people and
accounts is generated from DB2 tables, but there are business rules that need to be followed
when working with the various accounts and people in the AppXYZ application. In this
scenario, to return values of fields in the database, DECS sends requests to the AppXYZ
connector to generate a report.
The steps that are involved in a DECS connection using the AppXYZ connector are outlined
here. Each step specifies Domino-based processing versus DB2 database processing:
1. (Domino-based) Domino user opens a document.
2. (Domino-based) Domino server receives a request and passes it to DECS.
3. (Domino-based) DECS sends the request to AppXYZ connector to find a field in the
AppXYZ application. That is, the Domino application is requesting information about an
AppXYZ account. The AppXYZ connector will ensure the proper business rules are
followed when accessing the underlying DB2 tables that comprise the account information
being requested.
4. (Complementary) AppXYZ connector receives a request for account information.
5. (Heavy DB2 database) AppXYZ connector uses the field request to collect records from
DB2 that represent the account. In addition, the connector creates a log entry of the query
results and sends a report to a printer.
6. (Complementary) AppXYZ connector returns the account information back to DECS.
7. (Domino-based) DECS receives fields from the AppXYZ connector.
8. (Domino-based) DECS sends fields to the Domino document that the user is viewing.
The AppXYZ connector described above may not perform well on the Dedicated Server. The
complexity of the work this connector performs in DB2 database processing may require
more than the 15% CPU guideline. Therefore, it is not recommended for implementation on a
Dedicated Server for Domino server.
Information about determining the amount of DB2 database processing on a system is
provided in 12.4, “Observing Dedicated Server performance” on page 362.
To ensure that an application consistently takes full advantage of the Domino price/
performance capabilities of the Dedicated Server, we recommend that you use Domino
database integration between the Dedicated Server and DB2 databases on another iSeries
or AS/400 server. This implementation involves DRDA connectivity, which requires very little
DB2 database processing on the requesting Dedicated Server for Domino server.
Lotus Enterprise Integrator (LEI)
Lotus Enterprise Integrator, known previously as NotesPump, is a method for replicating or
transferring the contents of one database to another. The source and target database can be
any combination of supported formats, including Domino, DB2, SAP, etc. Like DECS, LEI
uses a connector to interface the databases. Here are the recommendations for using LEI on
the Dedicated Servers:
354 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Generally, when at least one of the databases in the transfer is a Domino database, DB2
database processing will be within the 15% CPU guideline. Unless you have multiple
transfers occurring simultaneously, this may push you above the 15% CPU guideline. In
this case, the transfers will still complete but may take a bit longer since the DB2 database
processing will be limited to 15% of the CPU.
When both the source and target databases are something other than Domino databases,
it is likely that the DB2 database processing will exceed the 15% guideline. Consequently,
the performance you experience for the data transfer will be less than the full performance
capabilities of your Dedicated Server.
Many customers want to perform large-scale LEI data transfers infrequently, during
off-shift hours. In these cases, the 15% CPU guideline will be exceeded. However, due to
the off-shift processing, the reduced performance that results from exceeding DB2
database performance limits during the data transfer is acceptable. The data transfers will
run successfully; they will simply not be able to take full advantage of the performance
capabilities of the Dedicated Server.
12.3.2 Accessing external databases on the same iSeries server
An external database is a database that is not a Domino.NSF file, such as a DB2 database
file. From Domino, you can access an external database by using @DB Functions or agents
written in LotusScript or Java (via JDBC).
LotusScript access
LotusScript has been the long running programming language of choice for the majority of
Domino application. As such, there are rich API sets available to choose from when coding
your Domino application in LotusScript to access external data sources. The LotusScript
programming language in Domino provides two sets of classes for accessing backend
resources – LS:DO and LC LSX.
LotusScript:Data Object (LS:DO) is a set of classes that allow easy programming access to
external databases. LS:DO offers an ODBC-like programming interface. The API set is
composed of three classes that make access to backend resources very easy to program.
Lotus Connector Lotus Software Extension (LC LSX) is a set of classes that allow for a
consistent programming interface to multiple backend systems and disparate data sources.
The LC LSX set of APIs provides the ultimate flexibility in programming your Domino
application to access many different types of data sources on different backend systems.
Using the LC LSX classes, it is very easy to program an application that accesses DB2 data
on the iSeries server and that accesses Oracle data on a Sun system.
On the iSeries, the underlying access from LS:DO or LC LSX occurs in two ways, both of
which have components that are considered DB2 database processing:
When the Domino LS:DO or LC LSX processing is requested from a browser interface,
OS/400 provides direct access to DB2 UDB using the SQL Call Level Interface (CLI).
For Notes client applications, LS:DO or LC LSX access is through an ODBC connection to
access external database files.
Processing time in SQL CLI and ODBC will be considered DB2 database processing.
Note: The Real-time component of LEI has the same characteristics as DECS.
Chapter 12. The iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino 355
Java access
Java is the other major programming language to choose from when writing your Domino
applications. If you choose Java, you are opening your application up to applets, servlets, and
stand-alone Java applications, in addition to agents and script that execute directly in your
application. The Java interface to backend relational databases is Java Database
Connectivity (JDBC). JDBC is a defined interface that allows Java programs to access
external data, such as DB2 UDB databases.
There are two different JDBC drivers that can be used on the iSeries platform:
Native JDBC driver
iSeries Toolkit for Java JDBC driver
The JDBC driver classes are considered DB2 database processing and thereby will need to
follow adhere to the 15% CPU guideline to enjoy the full performance capabilities of the
Dedicated Server for Domino server.
Java programs, in general, when used in conjunction with Domino-based applications, are
considered complementary processing. So, the non-JDBC processing that is done in your
application, servlet, or agent, will be considered complementary. Only the JDBC classes
execution portion of the code will be considered DB2 databases processing.
So you may ask, “How much external database access is OK?” We have found that simple
queries from a Domino application using JDBC access to DB2 databases on the same
Dedicated Server should perform acceptably. Factors that could potentially push this DB2
database processing above the 15% limit include:
Running complex queries that are processor intensive
Running many queries simultaneously
Running queries against extremely large DB2 databases
More complex database access
As mentioned in the DECS discussion, to ensure that an application consistently takes full
advantage of the Domino price/performance capabilities of the Dedicated Server, we
recommend using the Domino database integration between the Dedicated Server and DB2
databases on another iSeries or AS/400 server, or keeping DB2 database access light.
12.3.3 Accessing external databases on a different iSeries server
When a Domino application accesses an external database on another server, you use
OS/400 Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA) support. From a programming
perspective, you use one or more of the normal Domino techniques for accessing relational
data: @db commands, LS:DO, LC LSX, JDBC, 00 DECS, or LEI. Under the covers, these
techniques use OS/400 DRDA support when the relational data resides on another server.
The DRDA call, which occurs on your Dedicated server, is DB2 database work. However, all
of the DB2 work to access the database and return the result runs on the connected server
that houses the database. Therefore, the processor load on the Dedicated Server to send
DRDA database requests to another machine is light and should generally perform well on
the Dedicated Server, requiring less than the 15% DB2 database guideline.
As mentioned in the explanation that followed Figure 12-1 on page 350, the AS/400 Toolkit for
Java uses the LIPI interface by default. It uses QZDA processing to access DB2 database
resources on a remote system. This processing is also considered DB2 processing.
356 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Although standard DRDA access will perform acceptably on the Dedicated Server, extensive
use of the following factors has the potential to increase the SQL CLI component and push
your DB2 database processing above the recommended 15% guideline:
Large data streams being returned: This causes increased buffer management work.
Character translation: Occurs on the source server (the Dedicated Server). Character
translation occurs when manipulating string data types. iSeries is an EBCDIC-based
system and Domino is LMBCS-based. String data needs to be converted when working
with native string data and Domino string data. This character conversion is performed
automatically by many of the integration options.
Two-phase commitment control: Is coordinated by the source server (the Dedicated
Large number of transactions per request: More SQL DRDA transactions require more
processing on the source. If the application is doing many queries or inserts, each query
or insert requires an invocation of the SQL CLI and DRDA code.
Buffer format: If the remote system is not an iSeries or AS/400 (or if it is an iSeries or
AS/400 but the data tends to have large amounts of NULLABLE or variable length
character (VARCHAR) fields), then the formatting type used is less efficient and requires
more processing on the source.
12.3.4 Java and Domino integration
Java can be used in many ways on an iSeries server. With the V5R1 Dedicated Server for
Domino enhancements, Java processing is considered complementary processing when run
in conjunction with a Domino-based application. If the Java processing is being invoked from
a Domino application, then the processing time in Java will be complementary processing. If
the Java processing is invoked from a source other than a Domino application, then as long
as the processing is used in conjunction with Domino processing, it will be considered
complementary. Be sure you understand that when Domino processing is not present, Java
workloads will be allowed to use only 15% of the CPU resource.
As noted in the discussion about JDBC data access, with the new V5R1 Dedicated Server for
Domino enhancement, Java processing will have access to the full capability of the Dedicated
Server for Domino resources, assuming it does not use more than 15% CPU for DB2
database processing. External database access using JDBC is DB2 database processing.
Keeping the database access light and hosting the DB2 database on a non-Dedicated Server
for Domino system will increase the chances your Java code will perform well on the
Dedicated Server.
When sizing a new Java workload, IBM Workload Estimator for iSeries (see 12.6, “Sizing a
Dedicated Server for your Domino application” on page 368) can be used to project the
amount of DB2 database processing that will be required. The Workload Estimator can
project DB2 database utilization for workloads, such as Java and WebSphere, in addition to
Domino. For an existing Java workload, see “Observing DB2 database processing” on
page 363 to determine how much DB2 database resource is currently being consumed.
12.3.5 WebSphere and Domino integration
Like Java processing, with the V5R1 Dedicated Server for Domino enhancements,
WebSphere processing such as WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Commerce
Suite is now considered complementary processing when used in conjunction with
Domino-based processing. Similar to what we described for Java in the section above, be
sure you understand that when Domino processing is not present, WebSphere processing
Chapter 12. The iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino 357
will be allowed to only use 15% of the CPU resource. If you plan to run WebSphere
applications independently of Domino, then you should consider an iSeries server with
standard or base processors to ensure that you have constant access to the full capability of
the server when Domino processing is not present.
There are two basic techniques for integrating Domino and WebSphere. In the first case, you
would use Domino’s HTTP support as your primary HTTP server and connect to WebSphere
Application Server as needed for supporting function such as JavaServer Pages (JSP) and
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB).
In the second case, you would use IBM’s HTTP support as the primary HTTP server to
support WebSphere processing and only connect to Domino to handle requests involving
Domino objects. In both cases, WebSphere processing and Domino processing run under
separate job structures, and WebSphere processing will be considered complementary when
run in conjunction with Domino.
When using WebSphere Commerce Suite as part of a WebSphere solution on a Dedicated
Server, it is essential that your DB2-based catalogue reside on a server other than a
Dedicated Server for Domino. If the WebSphere Commerce Suite catalogue in DB2 is
accessed locally, it is likely that you will exceed the 15% DB2 database processing guideline
either right away or as your application grows. If you are designing a new application that
includes Domino and WebSphere integration, you should use the IBM Workload Estimator for
iSeries (see 12.6, “Sizing a Dedicated Server for your Domino application” on page 368). The
Workload Estimator can help you determine whether the Dedicated Server for Domino has
adequate DB2 database processing capacity to handle the projected amount of DB2
database activity.
12.3.6 File serving on a Dedicated Server
Many customers have inquired as to whether it is feasible to perform file serving processing
on a Dedicated Server in addition to their Domino applications. With the Dedicated Server for
Domino enhancements in V5R1, file serving processing is considered complementary and
has access to the full CPU capacity of the Dedicated Server for Domino when the file serving
activity is performed when Domino processing is active. When Domino processing is not
active, file serving processing is subject to the 15% non-Domino CPU limit.
We have found in this scenario that generally more than enough CPU processing is available
to handle your file serving requirements, even though Domino is not running in conjunction
with file serving. Please consider standard file serving guidelines to help ensure you have
sufficient capacity on your Dedicated Server for Domino to perform your required file serving
processing. When sizing a Dedicated Server to include file serving, you should take into
account that you might need more disk arms to accommodate the I/O activity generated by
the file server. File serving performed by an Integrated xSeries Server or with iSeries
NetServer requires very little DB2 database processing and is not a concern for exceeding
the 15% DB2 database guideline.
Sizing for Integrated xSeries Server
Each Integrated xSeries Server requires some iSeries processor resources. Therefore, you
should not plan on supporting a large number of Integrated xSeries Servers on a Dedicated
Server. Chapter 17 of iSeries Performance Capabilities Reference Version 5 Release 1
provides information about the performance characteristics of the Integrated xSeries Server,
as well as for the Integrated Netfinity Server. It also includes information on the new 850 MHz
PCI version of the Integrated xSeries Server. You can find this document online in the iSeries
library at: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/pubs/html/as400/online/chgfrm.htm
358 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
As a rule of thumb, one to two Integrated xSeries Servers can be supported on Dedicated
Server for Domino with a 1-way processor, two to three on a Dedicated Server for Domino
with a 2-way processor, and possibly up to four on the Dedicated Server for Domino Model
820 with a 4-way processor.
Chapter 17 in Performance Capabilities Reference V4R5 indicates that you should plan
approximately 32 CPW for each 700 MHz Integrated xSeries Server that is doing fairly heavy
file serving. This CPW requirement is due to the I/O that is being generated from the xSeries
server. These I/O requests consume a certain amount of CPW to process. The CPW
requirement can be as high as 45 in a worst case heavy file serving scenario. An Integrated
xSeries Server that is running applications may require up to 50 CPW. With the 850 MHz
Integrated xSeries Server, the CPW requirements may be even higher since this faster file
server can generate a large number of I/O requests to the Dedicated Server for Domino
Sizing for iSeries NetServer
If you have an existing environment running NetServer (OS/400 Support for Windows
Network Neighborhood), the most accurate way to size additional NetServer traffic, or to size
it on another server, is to determine how many CPW are required for NetServer processing.
Use the performance monitor or another technique to determine how much CPU resource is
being used over a representative time period, for example 30 minutes, by the following
Let’s look at an example. If the SMB and QZLS processes use 5% CPU of a Model 720-2062,
which has a Processor Rating of 420 CPW, then you can project that the workload measured
requires approximately 21 CPW for NetServer processing (420 * 0.05 = 21). Use this
number to compare with the Processor CPW (non-Domino) rating for a Dedicated Server for
Domino. As long as the Processor CPW on the Dedicated Server for Domino is greater than
21, the Dedicated Server for Domino can accommodate the NetServer workload.
Based on informal tests in the laboratory, it was found that when using a simulated file serving
workload to test NetServer, approximately 7000 bytes per second could be processed per
CPW. To scale this up for multiple clients, 50 CPW would handle approximately 350,000 bytes
per second (7000 * 50 = 350,000) of NetServer file serving traffic. This may be another way
to estimate your needed CPW requirements for NetServer if you have an idea of the expected
workload in terms of document sizes and data transfer rates.
12.3.7 Backup Recovery and Media Services on a Dedicated Server
Backup Recovery and Media Services (BRMS) on iSeries provides the following capabilities:
Media management
Automation of backup
Simplification of recoveries
Note: IPRTRxxx tasks are also used for NetServer processing, but it may not be possible
to separate out the portion due to NetServer versus other TCP/IP traffic.
Chapter 12. The iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino 359
Hierarchical storage management
Tape library support
It includes the ability to save databases from a Domino server (or a QuickPlace or SameTime
server) while the databases are in use. For additional information on using BRMS with
Domino, see 6.8, “Online backup with BRMS” on page 178, 13.4.1, “Incremental online
backup with BRMS” on page 384, and the Online Lotus Server Backup site at:
This section provides information and results based on informal testing of BRMS backup
function on a Dedicated Server for Domino Model 270-2423 with OS/400 V4R5. BRMS
backup has a range of performance behaviors that depend on the options selected for
backup. We tested three scenarios using the STRBKUBRM CTLGRP(QLTSSVR)
SBMJOB(*NO) command. All tests had the following characteristics:
Tests were performed with a 6386 ¼" tape drive (13 GB) with a specified density of
The objects being saved were primarily 9 MB mail databases.
Each test was approximately one hour in duration.
Each test issued the STRBKUBRM command from the system console (an interactive
In addition, the notes.ini SAVDOMBRM_FILES_IN_GROUP variable was utilized to specify
the number of objects that were saved in a group. The SAVDOMBRM_FILES_IN_GROUP
variable controls how many objects are bundled together for a save operation. The larger the
number is, the larger the blocks of objects are that are written out to tape. This variable can be
used to optimize save times by blocking the number of separate writes to tape.
Scenario 1: Backup all Domino servers saving five objects at a time, servers not active
Scenario 2: Backup all Domino servers saving five objects at a time, servers active
Scenario 3: Backup all Domino servers saving 120 objects at a time, servers not active
The test results are reflected in Table 12-3.
Table 12-3 BRMS backup performance results
Based on the test results, the following observations can be made:
Performing backup with fewer objects at a time resulted in shorter waits for the tape, more
frequent use of the CPU lasting a few seconds, and a higher average CPU utilization
during the backup.
Backing up the servers while active used approximately 15% more CPU as shown based
on the results of scenarios 1 and 2.
Specifying SAVDOMBRM_FILES_IN_GROUP=120 in the notes.ini files of the servers for
scenario 3 provided a more efficient use of CPU resource to perform the backup. Backing
up a large number of files at a time, such as 120, resulted in a longer wait for the tape
resource between the times when CPU was used.
When the CPU was used, it tended to be for many seconds at a high utilization followed by
long wait for the tape with a low overall CPU utilization.
Scenario CPU utilization SAVDOMBRM_FILES_IN_GROUP notes.ini variable
1 17.3% 5
2 19.9% 5
3 3.5% 120
360 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Using a faster tape drive such as a 3590 should decrease the amount of tape wait time. A
decrease in tape wait time will, therefore, result in an increase in the amount of CPU that
will be requested by the STRBKUBRM command.
Online backup recommendations
When BRMS backup is the only interactive job on the system, it is not limited by the
zero-interactive rule. If other interactive jobs are active simultaneously with the backup
operation, all interactive jobs including BRMS backup will experience increased response
times and will approach the Interactive CPW capacity, which is effectively 0.
This should not impact Domino-based processing or complimentary processing. Performing
backup during periods with the fewest number of users active reduces the performance
impact to attached users. It also allows the backup operation to run as efficiently as possible.
BRMS processing in this case is complementary because Domino processing is present.
Offline backup recommendations
If all Domino processing is ended on the Dedicated Server for Domino, the offline backup will
be subject to the non-Domino 15% CPU processing guideline. In the case when one Domino
server is being backed up offline while another Domino server on the same system is still
active, the offline backup processing is considered complementary processing.
Note that while the non-Domino processing guideline is 15% CPU utilization, we observed a
slightly higher utilization during our tests. The backup operation might experience increased
response times if the backup operation exceeds the Processor CPW guidelines. You can
control the amount of CPU used by BRMS backup by using OS/400 job priority to set the
priority of the BRMS backup lower than other jobs. This action can lessen the impact to
Domino processing on the system.
12.3.8 Logical partitioning (LPAR) on a Dedicated Server
With V5R1, iSeries logical partitioning is supported on both the Model 270 and Model 820
non-Dedicated Server for Domino and Dedicated Server for Domino servers. iSeries logical
partitioning lets you run multiple independent servers, each with its own processors, memory,
disk and operating system, within a single symmetric multiprocessing iSeries. It also provides
special capabilities such as having multiple versions of OS/400, multiple versions of Domino,
different system names, languages, and time zone settings. For additional information on
logical partitioning on the iSeries, see the logical partitioning site at:
iSeries LPAR is different from running multiple Domino partitions (servers) on the same
physical system. It is not necessary to use iSeries LPAR to run multiple Domino servers on an
iSeries server.
When you use LPAR with a Dedicated Server, the Dedicated Server for Domino CPU
processing guidelines are pro-rated for each logical partition based on how you divide the
CPU capability. For example, suppose you use iSeries logical partitioning to create two logical
partitions, and specify that each logical partition should receive 50% of the CPU resource.
Note: While the overall CPU utilization was lower for saving 120 files in a group, there
were shorter CPU spikes that did occur during the save operation that could have
impacted end user response time of other jobs running on the server.
Chapter 12. The iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino 361
From a Dedicated Server for Domino perspective, each logical partition runs independently
from the other, so you will need to have Domino-based processing active in each logical
partition in order for non-Domino work to be treated as complementary processing. Other
Dedicated Server for Domino processing requirements, such as the 15% DB2 processing
guidelines and the 15% non-Domino processing guideline, will be divided between the logical
partitions based on how the CPU was allocated to the logical partitions.
In our example above with 50% of the CPU resource in each logical partition, the DB2
database guideline will be 7.5% CPU utilization for each logical partition. The non-Domino
processing guideline would be divided similarly. Only Domino and complementary Domino
work runs independently in each logical partition. All other work is totalled across all logical
partitions on the single symmetric multiprocessor iSeries.
12.3.9 Linux on a Dedicated Server for Domino
As with other iSeries servers, to run Linux on a Dedicated Server for Domino, it is necessary
to use logical partitioning. Because Linux is its own unique operating environment and is not
part of OS/400, Linux needs to have its own logical partition of system resources, separate
from OS/400. The iSeries Hypervisor allows each partition to operate independently. When
using logical partitioning on iSeries, the first logical partition, the primary partition, must be
configured to run OS/400. For more information on running Linux on iSeries, see:
You may also reference Chapter 13, “iSeries Linux Performance” in the AS/400 Performance
Capabilities Reference Version 5 Release 1 document. You can find this document online in
the iSeries library at:
Running Linux in a Dedicated Server for Domino logical partition will exhibit different
performance characteristics than running OS/400 in a Dedicated Server for Domino logical
partition. As described in 12.3.8, “Logical partitioning (LPAR) on a Dedicated Server” on
page 360, when running OS/400 in a Dedicated Server for Domino logical partition, the
Dedicated Server for Domino capacities, such as the 15% DB2 processing guideline and the
15% non-Domino processing guidelines, are divided proportionately between the logical
partitions based on how the processor resources were allocated to the logical partitions.
However, for Linux logical partitions, the Dedicated Server for Domino guidelines are relaxed,
and the Linux logical partition can use all of the resources allocated to it, outside the normal
guidelines for Dedicated Server for Domino processing. This means it is not necessary to
have Domino processing present in the Linux logical partition. In addition, all resources
allocated to the Linux logical partition can essentially be used as though it were
complementary processing. It is not necessary to proportionally increase the amount of
Domino processing in the OS/400 logical partition to account for the fact that Domino
processing is not present in the Linux logical partition.
By providing support for running Linux logical partitions on the Dedicated Server, it allows
customers to run Linux-based applications, such as Internet firewalls, to further enhance their
Domino processing environment on iSeries. At the time this publication was written, a version
of Domino did not exist that is supported for Linux logical partitions on iSeries.
362 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
12.4 Observing Dedicated Server performance
With the introduction of complementary behavior in V5R1, the task of managing Domino
versus non-Domino processing to a 3 to 1 ratio is no longer required. When Domino-based
processing is present on the system, other processing is treated as complementary and has
access to the full capacity of the Dedicated Server. However, observing how system
resources are being used by applications can assist with system administration and help you
plan for future growth. This section discusses the use of the Management Central function of
Operations Navigator and other tools to observe Dedicated Server for Domino performance.
The Management Central function of Operations Navigator uses a client interface to provide
real-time observation of performance metrics such as CPU utilization, disk utilization, and
paging and faulting rates. Beginning with V4R5, a new metric called Secondary CPU
Utilization is available that is specific to the Dedicated Server. It shows the amount of
non-Domino processing that is occurring on the system. We explain this metric in more detail
below. To provide a good indication of overall system performance, you can select and then
view multiple metrics simultaneously in real time through Management Central. For additional
information on getting started with Operations Navigator and Management Central functions,
see the iSeries Information Center at:
Once you reach this site, click Operations Navigator in the left column and then
Management Central.
You can also find more details on how to use Management Central to collect performance
statistics for your Domino environment in 4.12, “Management Central performance monitor”
on page 89.
12.4.1 Operations Navigator: Management Central
Operations Navigator provides a graphical view into how your system is performing. System
monitors gather and present real-time performance data. You can choose from a wide variety
of system metrics to be displayed simultaneously. We use Management Central to display
information about our Domino environment to see how much complementary processing and
non-Domino work is happening.
Observing non-Domino and complementary processing
Following is the official description of the Management Central Secondary Workload utilization
CPU Utilization (Secondary Workloads): This metric can be used on the Dedicated
Server for Domino to see how much non-Domino work is being done on the system.
Because the Dedicated Server for Domino is intended to be used as a server devoted to
Domino work, this metric helps you to identify and manage those workloads not directly
contributing to that primary system activity. As with interactive utilization, managing
secondary workloads helps you to maintain optimal system performance.
The Secondary Workload metric shows processing on the Dedicated Server for Domino that
is not Domino-based. When non-Domino processing is active without Domino-based
processing, non-Domino processing can use up to the allowed guideline which is 15% CPU
utilization. In practice, you might observe slightly higher utilizations for this kind of processing.
The Secondary Workload metric will show the actual amount of CPU processing that is
non-Domino in nature.
Chapter 12. The iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino 363
The Dedicated Server for Domino is designed so that Domino-based processing should be
present on the system. In this case, non-Domino processing is considered complementary
and is allowed use of the full capability of the Dedicated Server for Domino. When
Domino-based processing is present, the Secondary Workload metric will show
complementary processing that may be significantly more than 15% since it is allowed access
to the full capability of the system.
Here is an example. Suppose we have a Dedicated Server for Domino environment with
Domino-based processing present, and the complementary processing shows 40% CPU as
reported by the Secondary Workload metric. If the Domino-based processing is removed, the
non-Domino processing that was being treated as complementary now becomes non-Domino
processing (which is allowed up to 15% CPU if Domino-based processing is not present) and
the Secondary Workload metric would show this processing dropping from 40% CPU to
something closer to 15% CPU. It is because of this potential for an application’s CPU
resources to be reduced that we recommend that only applications in support of Domino or
applications that require no more than 15% of the CPU be deployed on the Dedicated Server
for Domino in addition to Domino-based applications.
Observing DB2 database processing
Another metric called Database Capability is available for observation using Management
Central. The Database Capability metric has the following definition:
CPU Utilization (Database Capability): This metric allows you to monitor DB2 Universal
Database for iSeries activity on your system. This metric applies to all systems running
V4R5 or later and includes all database activity, including all SQL and data I/O operations.
Use this metric to see how much of your system CPU is being consumed by a database
function. By selecting a specific point on the system monitor graph, you can see which
jobs are doing the most database activity. In addition, you can find detailed data for each
job, including the number of milliseconds of CPU used by that job in database processing
during the particular sample interval being graphed.
The Database Capability metric measures how much processor time is being used for
database activity. More specifically, the Database Capability shows database activity relative
to the total database capability. Since the total database capability for the Dedicated Server
for Domino is 15% CPU, the Database Capability metric would show 50%, for example, when
7.5% CPU on the Dedicated Server for Domino is being consumed by DB2 database
processing. If the total DB2 database processing on the system was at the maximum 15%
CPU, then the Database Capability metric would indicate 100% utilized.
Management Central provides dual thresholding function so you can set two limits when you
want the system administrator notified that certain levels of CPU or capacity have been
reached. Unique thresholds can be set for each metric being monitored such as Secondary
Workload and Database Capability. For most of the metrics, Management Central provides
the ability to select a point on the graph and display a list of the jobs that are consuming
processing time for that metric. This can help identify the heavy users of resources such as
DB2 database processing. You can drill down on individual the jobs in the list for additional
Additional techniques for observing the amount of DB2 database processing that is occurring
are described in the following section. Unlike the Management Central Database Capability
metric, these other techniques show the actual amount of CPU being used, rather than the
relative terms reflected in Database Capability in Management Central.
364 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Other methods for observing DB2 database CPU utilization
Several techniques are available for observing the amount of DB2 database processing on a
Dedicated Server for Domino or a traditional server in addition to Operations Navigator
Management Central as described above. The methods described below can be used to
observe the amount of DB2 database CPU processing that is occurring on an iSeries or
AS/400 with OS/400 V4R5 or later.
Work with System Status (WRKSYSSTS) command
This command is included with OS/400. On the Work with System Status display
(Figure 12-2), the amount of DB2 database processing occurring can be observed via the %
DB capability statistic.
Figure 12-2 Work with System Status display
Work with System Activity (WRKSYSACT) command
This command is provided as part of the IBM Performance Tools for AS/400. On the Work
with System Activity display (Figure 12-3), the amount of CPU being used by DB2 database is
shown via the Overall DB CPU util statistic.
Figure 12-3 Work with System Activity display
Work with System Status FROGGER
05/10/01 11:00:48
% CPU used . . . . . . . : 24.0 Auxiliary storage:
% DB capability . . . . : .0 System ASP . . . . . . : 310.3 G
Elapsed time . . . . . . : 00:00:05 % system ASP used . . : 49.0248
Jobs in system . . . . . : 1293 Total . . . . . . . . : 326.4 G
% perm addresses . . . . : .010 Current unprotect used : 1119 M
% temp addresses . . . . : .012 Maximum unprotect . . : 1120 M
Type changes (if allowed), press Enter.
System Pool Reserved Max -----DB----- ---Non-DB---
Pool Size (M) Size (M) Active Fault Pages Fault Pages
1 935.60 588.51 +++++ .0 .0 .0 .0
2 11352.39 .28 2000 .0 .0 1.7 1.9
Work with System Activity QBERT
05/10/01 10:59:20
Automatic refresh in seconds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Elapsed time . . . . : 00:00:01 Average CPU util . . : .5
Number of CPUs . . . : 2 Maximum CPU util . . : .9
Overall DB CPU util : .0 Minimum CPU util . . : .1
Type options, press Enter.
1=Monitor job 5=Work with job
Total Total DB
Job or CPU Sync Async CPU
Opt Task User Number Thread Pty Util I/O I/O Util
QPADEV0002 DJOHNSON 043837 00000007 1 .3 0 0 .0
Chapter 12. The iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino 365
The IBM Performance Tools for iSeries
The Performance Tools can be used to monitor system performance over an extended period
of time. These tools also provide the ability to summarize performance for desired periods of
time using a variety of predefined reports. In the Workload section of the System Report, the
Total CPU Utilization (Database Capability) statistic shows the amount of CPU processing
that was spent in DB2 database. Figure 12-4 shows the Workload section of a sample
System Report.
Figure 12-4 Performance Tools System Report
Using these methods to observe the amount of DB2 database processing that is occurring
can help determine whether a given application will fall within the 15% DB2 database
processing guideline for a Dedicated Server.
12.5 Observing Domino processing with Performance Explorer
For those of you who might be interested in observing how much processing time is being
spent specifically in Domino code (which would not include any OS/400 services or external
programs that Domino might call), the Performance Explorer (PEX) can help you do exactly
that. Prior to the V5R1 Dedicated Server for Domino enhancements, the process described
below was used to determine whether an application was spending enough time in Domino
processing to predict whether it would run well on a Dedicated Server for Domino.
Note, with the V5R1 enhancements of Fall 2001 described 12.2.1, “Enhancements with
OS/400 V5R1” on page 343, the process described below is no longer needed since
non-Domino processing is complementary when it is run in conjunction with Domino-based
processing. Nonetheless, the information is provided here for those with an interest in lower
level performance analysis.
Tools such as the Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command provide a high level view
of CPU consumption showing the amount of work running under the QNOTES user profile.
However, when a Domino application calls system services as well as many other
non-Domino functions, this non-Domino processing runs under the same job structure and
QNOTES user profile.
System Report 5/09/01 13:53:08
Workload Page 0001
Member . . . : PERFMON02 Model/Serial . : 270/10-4D2RM Main storage . . : 8192.0 M Started . . . . : 05/08/01 14:00:00
Library . . : NQBE050801 System name . . : QBERT Version/Release : 4/ 5.0 Stopped . . . . : 05/08/01 14:29:59
Partition ID : 00 Feature Code . : 22AA-2253-1516
QPFRADJ . . . : 0 QDYNPTYSCD . . : 1 QDYNPTYADJ . . . : 1
Interactive Workload
Job Number Average Logical DB -------- Printer ---------- Communications MRT
Type Transactions Response I/O Count Lines Pages I/O Count Max Time
------------- ---------------- -------- ----------------- ------------- ---------- -------------- --------
There was no interactive data collected for the jobs you specified.
Non-Interactive Workload
Job Number Logical DB --------- Printer --------- Communications CPU Per Logical
Type Of Jobs I/O Count Lines Pages I/O Count Logical I/O I/O /Second
---------- --------- ---------------- ------------- ----------- -------------- ----------- -----------
Batch 6 30 0 0 0 95.3338 .0
Total 6 30 0 0 0
Average 95.3338 .0
Average CPU Utilization (Interactive Jobs) . . : 82.1
CPU 1 Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 79.4
CPU 2 Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 84.9
Total CPU Utilization (Interactive Feature). . : .0
Total CPU Utilization (Database Capability). . : .1
366 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Therefore, you cannot assume that all processing that runs using the QNOTES user profile is
Domino processing. The best method for determining the exact amount of Domino
processing is by using the Performance Explorer.
The OS/400 Performance Explorer tool provides detailed information on the use of CPU
cycles at a library, job, program, or procedure level. Here are the recommended prerequisites
for using the PEX tool for Dedicated Server application analysis:
OS/400 at least at V4R3 (V4R4, V4R5, or V5R1 is preferred for a more accurate estimate)
Domino 4.6 or higher (R5 is preferred for a more accurate estimate)
iSeries or AS/400 Performance Tools Licensed Program
To use PEX to collect, report, and analyze Domino data on your iSeries or AS/400, follow
these steps:
1. Use the following command to create a definition for the PEX data that you plan to collect:
TEXT('5 millisecond profile based on run cycles')
2. Use the following command to create a library for storing the data that the PEX tool
CRTLIB LIB(DSDPEXDATA) TEXT(‘a place for my Dedicated Server PEX data’)
3. Before you begin collecting data, ensure that your Domino application or applications are
running in a way that is representative of what you want to measure. In addition, system
CPU utilization should be above 50% to ensure a high degree of confidence in the results.
4. Use the following command to begin the PEX data collection process:
5. Wait 20 to 30 minutes while PEX collects data. Then use the following command to end
the data collection process:
ENDPEX SSNID(younameit) DTALIB(DSDPEXDATA) TEXT('brief description of test')
When the PEX data collection ends, the system deposits the data into the library you
created in step 2.
6. To generate the PEX report, use the following command:
Installation of the Performance Tools is only required for printing PEX reports. PEX
data can be collected without the Performance Tools product being installed.
You can run PEX on any iSeries or AS/400 server that meets the above requirements.
A Dedicated Server is not required for this analysis.
Note: You can use any library name you choose. Just remember to replace
DSDPEXDATA with the specific library name you have chosen in all of the remaining
commands as well.
Note: If you want to measure multiple scenarios, simply use a different session name
(the SSNID parameter) for each scenario. If you want to reuse a session ID, you must
specify RPLDTA(*YES) on the ENDPEX command (Step 5) for the system to write over
previously collected data.
Chapter 12. The iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino 367
To analyze the PEX report at a library level, start on page 3 of the report as shown in
Figure 12-5. Look for the line that says QNOTES in the Name column. On this line, observe the
value in the Hit % column. This value tells you what percent of the CPU cycles consumed on
the server during your test was spent executing Domino code. In addition to the type of
information shown below, the PEX report provides a list of all the jobs and tasks active on the
system during the PEX collection. You can use this information to better understand how the
various applications are using system resources.
Figure 12-5 Performance Explorer report: Library section
The Print PEX Report (PRTPEXRPT) command described earlier also generates a list of all
of the procedures used by Domino, OS/400, and other applications that were active during
the trace. This can help you to identify “hot spots” in code that may be candidates for
optimization. An example of the procedure list is provided in Figure 12-6. This data was
collected while a Mail and Calendar Users workload was active. All of the procedures are
either Domino or OS/400, and only the first 20 entries have been included.
Note: If you do not have the Performance Tools LP installed on this iSeries or AS/400
server, you need to move the library with the data, DSDPEXDATA, to a system that has
the Performance Tools LP.
Performance Explorer Report 5/09/01 05:34:20
Profile Information Page 3
Library Section
Library . . : DOMINO507
Member. . . : TPROF01
Description : Web Shopper DB2 over DRDA to system Clara 78 users, 8 iterations
Histogram Hit Hit Cum Start Map Stmt Name
Cnt % % Addr Flag Numb
1080 2.0 19.6 FFFFFFFF8036CF84 MP 0 QU LIC
1 0.0 19.6 263ED2E5D1004D34 MP 0 QNOTESINT
34712 63.4 83.0 0743B72BD507B960 MP 0 QNOTES
11 0.0 83.0 FFFFFFFFC10BE400 MP 0 QM LIC
48 0.1 83.1 FFFFFFFFC1208E38 MP 0 PX LIC
4 0.0 99.7 FFFFFFFFC1574E3C MP 0 M2 LIC
368 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure 12-6 Performance Explorer report: Profile information
You can find more detailed information on PEX in 4.14, “Performance Explorer (PEX)” on
page 116, in the redbook AS/400 Performance Explorer Tips and Techniques, SG24-4781,
and at the Web site: http://www-1.ibm.com/servers/eserver/iseries/sftsol/pex.htm
12.6 Sizing a Dedicated Server for your Domino application
The recommended method for sizing Domino workloads is to use the IBM Workload
Estimator for iSeries. See Chapter 3, “Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload
Estimator” on page 19, for an in-depth discussion. You can access the Workload Estimator
from the Domino on iSeries home page (select Sizing information) or at:
The Workload Estimator is refreshed on a regular basis. At the time this redbook was written,
the two latest refreshes are April 2001 and June 2001. Several Domino-related
enhancements of special interest when projecting workloads for the Dedicated Servers have
been added. These include:
The Estimator now supports projecting other workloads besides Domino on the Dedicated
Server for Domino. The Estimator allows the combined effect of Domino, Java,
Net.Commerce, WebSphere, and traditional workloads to be simultaneously estimated for
a single server.
Performance Explorer Report 5/13/01 19:40:35
Profile Information Page 16
Library . . : NQBE051301
Member. . . : TPROF01
Description : BLANK
Histogram Hit Hit Cum Start Map Stmt Name
Cnt % % Addr Flag Nbr
* 28867 5.5 5.5 1196FA8E6933E2AC == 0 LIBNOTES OSSEM/OSLockSem
* 20984 4.0 9.4 FFFFFFFFFF0612B0 ++ 0 TDASMBL/switchin
* 20900 4.0 13.4 1196FA8E693A72AC == 0 LIBNOTES VPOOL/OSVBlockHandle
* 20651 3.9 17.3 1196FA8E693A50A0 == 0 LIBNOTES DPOOL/AllocDBlock
* 19521 3.7 21.0 1196FA8E693E37A4 == 0 LIBNOTES VARRAY/OSAddressInVARRA
* 15998 3.0 24.0 1196FA8E697288AC == 0 LIBNOTES DBUNK/DbUNKGetName
* 15982 3.0 27.0 1196FA8E693ACEA0 == 0 LIBNOTES BPOOL/OSBBlockAddr
* 15309 2.9 29.9 1196FA8E693A5FA0 == 0 LIBNOTES DPOOL/FreeDBlock
* 14747 2.8 32.7 1196FA8E6933E0AC == 0 LIBNOTES OSSEM/OSUnlockSem
14045 2.7 35.4 1196FA8E693543CC == 0 LIBNOTES MEMORY/LockMemHandle
12050 2.3 37.6 FFFFFFFFFF074AFC ++ 0 STRNGEAO/memmovwteaofree
11971 2.3 39.9 FFFFFFFFFF800C00 ++ 0 CFPLBLA/bla_Pulsar
11333 2.1 42.0 1196FA8E693408EC == 0 LIBNOTES OSSEM/OSUnlockSpin
9285 1.8 43.8 1196FA8E699E23C0 == 0 LIBNOTES OPEN/UnlockCollection
8936 1.7 45.5 1196FA8E693296AC == 0 LIBNOTES MEMINIT/AccessSHTChunks
8175 1.5 47.0 1196FA8E69350ECC == 0 LIBNOTES MEMLOCK/LockHandle
6413 1.2 48.3 1196FA8E69353A0C == 0 LIBNOTES MEMORY/OSMemoryLock
6240 1.2 49.4 1196FA8E697290CC == 0 LIBNOTES DBUNK/GetUNKAddr
6125 1.2 50.6 1196FA8E6972882C == 0 LIBNOTES DBUNK/
Note: The Workload Estimator requires that Domino comprise at least 50% of the
projected CPU utilization when projecting for a Dedicated Server.
Chapter 12. The iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino 369
A projection of DB2 database processing is provided for Domino workloads as well as
other workload types such as Java, WebSphere, and HTTP.
Here are the April 2001 and June 2001 Domino-related Workload Estimator enhancements
as described in the Estimator’s “What’s New” help text:
Domino enhancements: The Domino workload has been enhanced to include new
defaults and assumptions based on feedback received from sales representatives and
business partners about how typical customers are using Domino as well as how they are
using the Workload Estimator to project Domino workloads. Along with these
enhancements, a couple of user interface adjustments have been made to eliminate some
ambiguity in both Domino planned usage, as well as classifying the complexity of a
Domino user written application. Even if you are familiar with previous versions of the
Workload Estimator, we strongly suggest that you visit the Domino workload help text for a
more complete explanation of the Domino workload enhancements.
New DSD calculations: New with OS/400 V5R1, the Dedicated Server for Domino
models will support Domino complementary workloads such as Java servlets and
WebSphere Application Server. This includes the five new Dedicated Server for Domino
models announced April 2001, as well as previous Dedicated Server for Domino models.
When specifying V5R1 for the operating system version, the Estimator will allow other
workloads in addition to Domino on a Dedicated Server for Domino as long as the
following requirements are met:
– Domino must be the majority of the projected workload.
– The projected DB2 Universal Database utilization is less than the rated DB2 capacity
for that model.
The rated DB2 capacity is 15% of the CPU for Dedicated Server for Domino models. The
new V5R1 function that supports complementary workloads for Dedicated Server for
Domino models has been available since 28 September 2001 with the refreshed version
of OS/400 V5R1. Prior to that date, you may want to specify V4R5 for OS Version when
projecting Domino workloads for previously installed Dedicated Server for Domino
systems. Removal of Domino 4.6 Support – Domino Version 4.6 will no longer be
iNotes Outlook Mail Client added to the Domino workload: The Domino workload has
been enhanced to include the iNotes Outlook Mail client as an option.
Lotus QuickPlace: The help text for the Domino workload has been updated to include
the instructions needed to size a QuickPlace installation. Visit the Domino workload help
text for a more complete explanation.
12.6.1 Special tuning for the Dedicated Server
No special tuning is required for a Dedicated Server. General recommendations for improving
the performance of Domino on traditional iSeries models apply to the Dedicated Server as
We encourage you to use the latest supported version of Domino for iSeries and to regularly
apply the maintenance updates and OS/400 PTFs. The Lotus Domino site
http://www.iseries.ibm.com/domino/support/ provides information specific to Lotus
Domino on AS/400 and iSeries for:
Note: All Domino Version 4.6 workload definitions previously sized and saved will
automatically be converted to Domino Version 5 when restored into the Workload
370 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Maintenance Release information (formerly called QMRs)
Maintenance Updates (MUs)
Other helpful support information
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 371
Chapter 13. Domino transaction logging on
Introduced with Domino R5 for all platforms, transaction logging (TxL) was described in the
Release Notes. It states that “transaction logging is an industry-standard technique for
reliable data storage. A transaction log is a sequential file to which everybody writes;
sequential writing on disk is much faster than writing in various places on disk.”
For anyone who knows how the iSeries architecture provides automatic storage management
and optimization through its implementation of single-level storage, this statement
immediately raises the question of whether TxL may impact performance on an iSeries
This chapter describes the advantages and disadvantages of Domino transaction logging
from an iSeries perspective. First it gives a brief overview of iSeries storage management
followed by an introduction of Domino transaction logging. Then it presents some results of
performance measurements, along with conclusions and recommendations.
372 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
13.1 Storage management on iSeries
On an iSeries server, main memory is called main storage. Disk storage is called auxiliary
storage. You may also hear disk storage referred to as direct access storage device (DASD).
Many other computer systems require you to take responsibility for how information is stored
on disks. When you create a new file, you must tell the system where to put the file and how
big to make it. You must balance files across different disk units to provide good system
performance. If you discover later that a file needs to be larger, you need to copy it to a
location on a disk that has enough space for the new, larger file. You may need to move other
files to maintain system performance.
The iSeries server takes responsibility for managing the information in auxiliary storage.
When you create a stream file (for example a Domino database), an SQL table or any other
OS/400 object type, the system places it in the best location for good performance. In fact, it
may spread the data in the file across multiple disk units. When you add more records to the
file, the system assigns additional space on one or more disk units.
The system uses a function that is called virtual storage to create a logical picture of how the
data looks. This logical picture is similar to the way we think of the data. In virtual storage, all
of the records that are in a file are together (contiguous), even though they may be physically
spread across multiple disk units in auxiliary storage.
Single-level storage is the unique architecture of the iSeries server that allows main storage,
auxiliary storage, and virtual storage to work together accurately and efficiently. With
single-level storage, programs and system users ask for data by name, not by where the data
is located.
13.1.1 Single-level storage
Application programs on an iSeries or AS/400e server are unaware of the underlying
hardware characteristics, because of the Technology-Independent Machine Interface (TIMI).
Applications are also unaware of the characteristics of any storage devices on the system
because of single-level storage.
As with TIMI, the concept of single-level storage means that the knowledge of the underlying
characteristics of hardware devices (in this case, main storage and disk storage) reside in the
System Licensed Internal Code (SLIC). All of the storage is automatically managed by the
system. No user intervention is ever needed to take full advantage of any storage technology.
Programs work with objects. Objects are accessed by name, not by address.
The iSeries and AS/400e server address space is vast. iSeries and AS/400e models can
address the number of bytes that 64 bits allows it to address. The value 264 is equal to
18,446,744,073,709,551,616. Therefore, the iSeries and AS/400e models can address 18.4
quintillion bytes. To put this into more meaningful terms, it is twice the number of millimeters in
a light year. Light travels at approximately 6,000,000,000,000 miles in one year. Refer to the
IBM ~ iSeries Handbook, G19-5486, for more information on iSeries architecture.
Chapter 13. Domino transaction logging on iSeries 373
13.1.2 When data is actually written to disk
The virtual storage function keeps track of where the most current copy of any piece of
information is – in main storage or in auxiliary storage. This also enables another extremely
important iSeries and AS/400 benefit – disk I/O optimization. SLIC takes care of:
Where on a particular disk (as a part of all auxiliary storage) each piece of information will
be stored, when an object is created.
When changed data is actually moved from main storage to disk.
For example, normally the system determines when changed records of a DB2 file are
written to auxiliary storage, unless the user specified the Records to force a write
(FRCRATIO) parameter when creating the physical file with Create Physical File (CRTPF)
Domino databases are not stored in physical files. They are rather implemented as stream
files in the Integrated File System (IFS). However, when stream files are changed by an
application, such as Domino, some functions within the microcode (SLIC) decide when
and how often changed data will be written to disk. This can optimize the number of
physical I/O operations. The “sync daemon” P0FSYNC is responsible for forcing stream
file changes to disk, if that was not already done by storage management within a certain
time limit.
In the context of this chapter as a consequence of the two facts mentioned above, we can
draw the following conclusions:
By default, the user does not select a specific disk drive when storing data in iSeries
auxiliary storage. This applies as well for the contents of the Domino data directory and
other directories used by Domino. However, there is a way to do so described in 13.1.3,
“Auxiliary storage pools” on page 373.
If an iSeries application, such as Domino for iSeries, implements its own scheme to defer
and group write operations to disk drives, you may see less or no performance
improvements compared to other operating systems with less sophisticated storage
The latter statement is the reason why we are skeptical about performance improvements
caused by the implementation, but this is discussed in more depth later in this chapter.
13.1.3 Auxiliary storage pools
An auxiliary storage pool (ASP), also referred to as a disk pool in Operations Navigator, is a
software definition of a group of disk units on your system. Conceptually, each ASP on your
system is a separate pool of disk units for single-level storage. The system spreads data
evenly across the disk units within an ASP. There are three types of ASPs:
System auxiliary storage pool
User auxiliary storage pools
Independent auxiliary storage pools
Your iSeries server may have many disk units attached to it for ASP storage. To your system,
they look like a single unit of storage. You can use ASPs to separate your disk units into
logical subsets. For more ideas on how to use auxiliary storage pools on your system, see the
iSeries Information Center at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/html/as400/ and search for
374 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
When you have multiple ASPs configured on your system, each ASP can have different
strategies for availability, backup and recovery, and performance. The availability and backup
and recovery-related issues are now more or less topics of the past since they can be
addressed much better by using Redundant Array of Independent Disks Type 5 (RAID5) or
mirrored storage protection (RAID0).
Using an ASP to improve disk performance
What is more interesting in the context of Domino transaction logging is the performance
improvement that can be gained, if ASPs are wisely used. In situations where an extremely
high amount of data permanently has to be written sequentially to a single object, the disk
response can be dramatically reduced by placing that object on a dedicated disk unit. Or
more specifically, the data must be placed under one (or more) disk arms, which are not used
to access any other information.
This method has always been recommended for highly active OS/400 journal receivers.
Although not implemented through OS/400 journal objects, the concept of Domino
transaction logging is very similar to DB2 UDB for iSeries journaling, which has been
implemented on IBM System/38 over 20 years ago and since then successfully used on
AS/400 and iSeries servers.
For more information on improving disk performance with ASPs, see the iSeries Information
Center at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/html/as400/ and search for the string “Using
ASPs for improved performance”.
In other words, according to Technote 179858, the recommendation for other Domino
platforms sounds like this:
“The transactional logs must be on a separate physical drive for there to be any
performance improvement.” See 13.2.1, “Performance improvement due to Domino
transaction logging” on page 376, for more details.
On iSeries, the statement translates to:
“The Domino transactional logs should be placed into a separate user ASP to avoid
performance degradation due to the additional disk I/O operations.”
To place a directory to be used by Domino for iSeries into a user ASP, you create and mount
an OS/400 user-defined file system (UDFS). While an integrated file system directory can be
created only in the system ASP, a UDFS and its directory structure can be created in any
available ASP.
Creating a new auxiliary storage pool
After you install new disks, you can create a new ASP with the Dedicated System Tools (DST)
menu or Operations Navigator. If you want to move an existing disk drive from one pool to
another, you need to use DST.
To change the size of an ASP, complete the following steps:
1. From the IPL or Install the System display, select option 3 (Use Dedicated Service Tools).
Sign on using the QSECOFR profile.
2. From the DST menu, select option 4 (Work with disk units).
3. Select option 1 (Work with disk configuration).
4. Select option 3 (Work with ASP configuration).
5. From the Work with ASP Configuration menu, select the option that matches your task and
follow the screen prompts to complete the task.
Chapter 13. Domino transaction logging on iSeries 375
You can find more information about working with an ASP in OS/400 Backup and Recovery,
SC41-5304. Or go to the iSeries Information Center at
http://as400bks.rochester.ibm.com/pubs/html/as400/v5r1/ic2924/index.htm and look
under System planning and installation-> Hardware and software-> System hardware->
Managing disk units in disk pools-> Managing data in independent disk pools. You may
also download a PDF version of the book Managing data in independent disk pools from this
site by selecting System planning and installation-> Hardware and software-> System
hardware-> Print this topics.
Creating and mounting a user-defined file system
Assume, you already created a new user ASP called ASP02, containing no data. This section
describes a sample procedure to create a UDFS in ASP02 and mount it for use. Two views
are presented:
Operations Navigator (recommended)
Command Language (CL) equivalent for those who prefer to use a 5250 session; see
“Creating and mounting a UDFS using OS/400 CL commands” on page 376
For a more detailed description and examples, see Chapter 10 of the redbook Lotus Domino
for AS/400 Internet Mail and More, SG24-5990.
To perform this task using Operation Navigator, follow these steps:
1. To create a UDFS on your iSeries server, open Operations Navigator and expand File
Systems-> Integrated File System-> Root-> dev.
Under the dev folder, QASPnn folders correspond to each ASP that exists on the system.
The QASPnn directories are automatically created when ASPs are added to the system.
2. To create a new UDFS object in ASP02, right-click QASP02. On the pop-up menu that
appears, select New UDFS.
3. In the New User-Defined File System window, enter the name of the new UDFS and its
Once created, the newly created UDFS object appears on the right side of the Operations
Navigator window.
4. To create an integrated file system directory onto which the UDFS object will be mounted,
complete these tasks:
a. Right-click the Root file system, and select New Folder.
b. Specify \domino\dommail1\logdir as the name of the new integrated file system
c. Click OK to create a new integrated file system directory named logdir within the
existing Domino server data directory \domino\dommail1. This directory is used to map
the file system in the user ASP to the integrated file system root file system.
5. Right-click the newly created UDFS object (myudfs.udfs). Select Mount in the pop-up
menu that appears.
In the Mount User-Defined File System window that appears, specify the integrated file
system directory path on which to mount the UDFS (it is \domino\dommail1\logdir in our
example). Alternatively, click the Browse button to bring up a graphical directory tree of
the system, and select the integrated file system directory of your choice. Then select the
access type as read only or read/write. Click OK to finish.
As long as the UDFS object is mounted, any stream files placed in the integrated file system
directory \domino\dommail1\logdir are stored in the ASP02 disk space of the
\dev\qasp02\myudfs.udfs object.
376 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Creating and mounting a UDFS using OS/400 CL commands
For those who prefer using OS/400 CL commands, the steps necessary to create a subset of
the Domino data directory in an user ASP are outlined below.
A CL command equivalent to step 3 on page 375 uses the Create User-Defined FS
(CRTUDFS) command. Enter the following command on any OS/400 command line:
CRTUDFS '\dev\qasp02\myudfs.udfs' TEXT('My UDFS in ASP 2')
To create a new directory use the following Make Directory (MD) CL command:
MD ’/domino/dommail1/logdir’
The new file system can be mounted by entering the following command on any OS/400
command line:
MOUNT *udfs '\dev\qasp02\myudfs.udfs' '\domino\dommail1\moredbs'
As long as the UDFS object is mounted, any stream files placed in the integrated file system
directory \domino\dommail1\logdir are stored in the ASP02 disk space of the
\dev\qasp02\myudfs.udfs object.
For further information on user defined file systems, refer to the Information Center CD,
SK3T-2027, shipped with your iSeries server or the iSeries Information Center at:
For more information regarding UDFS with Lotus Domino for iSeries, see Chapter 10 in the
redbook Lotus Domino for AS/400 Internet Mail and More, SG24-5990.
13.2 Domino transaction logging and how it operates
Domino transaction logging is a new feature in Domino R5. It is essentially a new method of
writing out database changes to improve performance and to ensure data integrity. Most of
the information in this section has been taken from Technote 179858 and modified regarding
the unique architecture of iSeries servers.
A transactional log is simply a binary file where transactions are written. The transactions are
saved in log extents that have a TXN extension. Each log extent is 64 MB and will fill before a
new extent is created or a spare one is reused. Multiple log extents collectively can grow to a
maximum size of 4 GB with circular logging or available disk space for archive logging.
13.2.1 Performance improvement due to Domino transaction logging
According to Technote 179858, the main purpose of Domino transaction logging is to improve
performance on the R5 server through sequential writes to the transactional logs.
When transaction logging is enabled on the server, the performance improvement is mainly
due to the nature of how transaction logging operates. The write operations to the
transactional log are sequential. This is faster since there is less head movement, provided
the log is on a separate disk, is not used for other I/O, and there is never a need to search for
a place on the disk to write as there is in R4 or if transaction logging is not enabled.
Attention: Although serving a similar purpose, OS/400 journal objects and Domino
transactional logs are not the same and are implemented differently. While journals are
implemented as special OS/400 object types, the Domino transactional logs are stored in
stream files within the OS/400 Integrated File System (IFS).
Chapter 13. Domino transaction logging on iSeries 377
However, the above statement only holds true for disk constrained environments and for
operating systems that do not provide functions to optimize disk access like OS/400 does as
described in 13.1.1, “Single-level storage” on page 372.
Using separate disk drives
Technote 179858 also recommends that you place the transactional logs on a separate
physical drive for there to be any performance improvement. It is not sufficient to simply
redirect the logs to a separate partition or a separate logical drive. In general, if the
transactional logs are on a separate drive, a 10 to 20% improvement should be seen.
However, if the logs are put on the same drive, it is likely that there will be approximately a
60% degradation.
In OS/400 terms (see also “Using an ASP to improve disk performance” on page 374), this
means you should place the transactional log for Domino into a user ASP, which does not
contain any other data, to avoid the performance degradation due to the additional disk
writes. See “Creating a new auxiliary storage pool” on page 374 for information on how to
make a directory in a user ASP accessible for Domino.
Without using transaction logging and in Domino R4, writing to disk was time consuming
under operating systems not providing single-level storage. Modifications could occur across
multiple databases or different parts of one database. As a result, the head had to move over
various areas of disk to change or update data. This means there was a significant amount of
transaction time committing data to the actual NSF file. Again, this does not necessarily apply
to an iSeries server, since all data is spread evenly over all disk drives (in the same ASP) and
asynchronous writes can be performed in parallel.
When transaction logging is enabled, complete transactions are “committed” to the
transactional log. All writes are done to the transactional log before they are ever written to
the database. The writes are done sequentially at least after each transaction so the
transactional log is up to date generally to the hundredth of a second. Again, since the writes
are sequential, there is less I/O and performance is improved.
Flushing and hardening
Once changes are put into the transactional log, the changes must also eventually be
“hardened” to the database, that is physically written to disk. This occurs through a process
called flushing. Any open database has an in-memory version of the database that is held in
the Unified Buffer Manager (UBM). Flushing moves all changes that were made to the
database but only kept in memory in the UBM, to the actual NSF file.
There is no set interval for this since the UBM determines when flushing will occur. It is
usually done when there is a lull in the server activity. The Database Instance ID (DBIID) is
used to correlate the updates in the transactional logs and in memory to the respective
database. It is important to note, however, that the transactional logs are not read from during
this process since the transactional logs are mainly a write-only object. The updates are read
and flushed from the UBM. They are only read from the transactional logs during crash
Controlling performance: Favor Run Time or Restart Recover Time
The Runtime/Restart Performance field in the Server document (within the Domino directory
Names.nsf, see “Setting up transaction logging” on page 379) determines how many MB of
changes are kept in memory. The amount of space used is defined by the performance level
chosen in the Server document. There are three choices:
Standard (default)
Favor Runtime
Favor Restart Recovery Time
378 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
If Standard is selected, the Redo-Limit is 49 MB. This means that checkpoints during runtime
are minimal, and 49 MB worth of changes are held in the UBM before they are flushed and
hardened to databases.
The Favor Runtime choice has a Redo-Limit on the smaller side of 500 MB or half the defined
log size. This means that more information is held in the UBM and hardened to the database
less frequently. Allowing UBM to manage more of the database changes allows larger
machines to better utilize memory and reduce unnecessary flushing.
The Favor Restart Recovery Time choice allows for more checkpoints during runtime. Less
information is held in the UBM, and data is hardened to databases more frequently. The
trade-off is that production time is slower but server restart is faster.
Checkpoints are internal state snap shots of all current activities. They are written into the
transactional log to record the current state of all databases and transactions in the system at
that moment in time. On restart, TxL first locates the last checkpoint written to the logs, then
starts the recovery based on that state snap-shot and works forward. That is, the more
frequently a checkpoint is written to the TxL, the sooner it can be located and the sooner
recovery commences. The Runtime/restart Performance field is also used to select an
appropriate regime of setting checkpoints to suit the performance style chosen. Table 13-1
shows both checkpoint intervals and cache/redo limits.
Table 13-1 Runtime performance cache redo and checkpoint frequencies
Crash recovery
When transaction logging writes transactions to the logs, an UNDO record and a REDO
record are usually committed for each transaction. First an UNDO log record is generated to
be used in the event of a system outage. This is done before a change is written to a
Before committing a transaction, a REDO record is also generated. It is used to re-apply a
transaction from the transactional log to the database in the event that it was not flushed to
the NSF before a server outage. Undo and redo records ensure that if a change is half done,
it will be fully undone, and if a change was completely done, then it will be fully redone to the
After a server outage, the transactional logs are played back. The Recovery Point is
determined for each NSF requiring log updates; it is the oldest log information that needs to
be re-applied to databases. The databases are restored to the exact moment of the outage,
guaranteed to restore any data from a completed transaction. Partial transactions are undone
and rolled back to the last good state in an effort to avoid corruption in the database. The
partial work will be removed from the database before restart completes and the database is
made available for use.
Note, view indexes are not transactionally logged in R5 so views may need rebuilding after a
restart or media recovery. Attachments, however, are transactionally logged. It is important to
note that attachments are logged as redo only, so if the database is recovered using media
recovery, the last copy of the attachment (once they are done, they stay done) will be returned
to you. If, however, the server crashes with uncommitted attachment updates, they will not be
undone since an undo record is never created for them.
Performance style Cache/redo max buffer size Checkpoint frequency
1 = Favor runtime 500 Mb 500 Mb
2 = Standard (default) 49 Mb 16 Mb
3 = Favor Restart 15 Mb 5 Mb
Chapter 13. Domino transaction logging on iSeries 379
Without the benefit of transaction logging, the Domino FIXUP task relies on the fact that
99.9% of the data is present in the NSF to correct integrity problems.
You should not move databases away from a server and copy them over from another server
after a server crash. The database may be missing a significant amount of changes that are
only stored in the transaction log and if the database is not found during restart the changes
will not be restored. Recovery restart must be performed first and can be triggered, for
example, by a request to compact a nonexistent database.
Setting up transaction logging
To set up transaction logging, follow these steps:
1. Make sure that all databases you want to log are in the Domino data directory.
2. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab.
3. In the Use Directory on field, choose the server's Domino Directory.
4. Click Server Configuration, and then click Current Server Document.
5. Click the Transactional Logging tab.
6. Complete these fields as shown in Figure 13-1, and then save the document.
Figure 13-1 Enabling and configuring transaction logging in the server document
The server needs to be restarted to enable or disable transaction logging or to activate the
configuration settings. The following section describes the parameters in detail.
Configuration parameters related to transaction logging
Transaction logging is enabled in the Server document. All the fields in the Server document
map to specific notes.ini parameters.
The parameters are:
TRANSLOG_Status: Whether transaction logging is Enabled (1) or Disabled (0). The
default is Disabled; choose Enabled.
Important: The TRANSLOG_ parameters are always overwritten by the values from the
server document, so there is no point to change them in notes.ini directly. Use the method
shown in Figure 13-1 instead.
380 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
TRANSLOG_Path: Specify the path to the TXN files.
The default path name is LOGDIR in the Domino data directory. We strongly recommend
that you store the log on a separate, mirrored ASP with a dedicated controller (Disk IOP).
See “Creating a new auxiliary storage pool” on page 374 for information on how to make a
directory in a user ASP accessible for Domino.
In theory, you could also use RAID5 protected disks, but this makes only sense in an
environment where you need more than one disk drive to contain the transactional log,
which is very unlikely with the capacity of currently available disk drives. However, if you
decide to use RAID5 or a disk controller not dedicated to this ASP, you should closely
monitor the utilization of the disk IOP as described in 4.11, “Collecting performance data”
on page 83 and “Disk IOP utilization” on page 93.
The ASP containing the directory should have at least 1 GB of disk space for the
transaction log. If you are using the device solely for storing the transaction log, set the
“Use all available space on log device” field to Yes.
TRANSLOG_UseAll: Specify whether you want to use all available space. If enabled, you
do not need to enter a value in the “Maximum log space” field.
TRANSLOG_MaxSize: If you placed the log on a separate disk, specify as much space
as is available. Values over 200 MB are recommended. The maximum size, in MB, is for
the transaction log. The default is 192 MB; the maximum is 4096 MB (4 GB). Domino
formats at least three and up to 64 log files, depending on the maximum log space you
allocate. It is used only for Circular style logging.
TRANSLOG_AutoFixup: Enabled by default. This means that, if a database is found to
be corrupt after restart, in which case the transaction log cannot be used to recover it,
Domino runs the Fixup task automatically. If disabled, Domino notifies the administrator to
retrieve a backup and recover the database from the logs, or to run Fixup manually.
TRANSLOG_Performance: Favor runtime (1), Standard (2), Favor restart recovery (3).
This parameter allows you to control how often Domino records a recovery checkpoint in
the transaction log. Checkpoints entail system overhead, but they are important for restart
performance. You can choose the default (recommended), or skew the frequency of
checkpoints to favor server performance (fewer checkpoints) or to shorten recovery time
(more checkpoints). The fewer the checkpoints there are, the longer restart will take if a
system failure occurs. See “Controlling performance: Favor Run Time or Restart Recover
Time” on page 377 for a more in-depth discussion.
TRANSLOG_Style: Circular (0) versus Archive (1).
Choose Circular (default) to continuously re-use the log files and overwrite old
transactions. You are limited to restoring only the transactions stored in the transaction
Choose Archive (recommended) to not re-use the log files until they are archived. A log file
can be archived when it is inactive, which means that it does not contain any transactions
necessary for a restart recovery. Use a third-party backup utility to copy and archive the
existing log. When Domino starts using the existing file again, it increments the log file
name. If all the log files become inactive and are not archived, Domino creates additional
log files.
Choose Circular (the default) only if you do not have an R5 compatible backup utility in
Important: If you want to use Domino for iSeries online backup provided by Backup
Recovery and Media Services (BRMS), you have to change this parameter to Archive.
Chapter 13. Domino transaction logging on iSeries 381
After you understood the basics about how OS/400 handles disk I/O operations in 13.1,
“Storage management on iSeries” on page 372, and the principles of Domino transaction
logging in this section, you are ready to interpret some testing results.
13.3 Performance tests with TxL on Domino for iSeries
Based on numerous questions regarding the performance impacts of Domino transactional
logging on iSeries and AS/400 servers, the IBM Rochester performance group conducted
several tests to explore its performance behavior in a controlled environment. All tests used a
workload similar to the NotesBench R5Mail and were performed on an iSeries Model 820
server. It is expected that the results and conclusions can generally be applied to other
iSeries and AS/400 servers.
13.3.1 Test environment
The main objective of the tests described below was to study the impact of Domino
transaction logging on the responses times for Notes clients, the CPU, and disk utilization in
different scenarios:
Scenario 1: No transaction logging
Scenario 2: TxL dedicated user ASP
Scenario 3: TxL non-dedicated in same ASP as the Domino data directory
Scenario 4: TxL dedicated user ASP with “Favor Recovery Time”
Scenario 5: TxL dedicated user ASP with less memory
Scenario 6: TxL non-dedicated ASP with less memory
Scenario 7: TxL dedicated user ASP with less memory limited disk space for the
transaction log
These tests allow the following comparisons to be considered:
Logging versus no logging
Logging to the same versus different drives as the Domino mail databases
Favoring runtime versus favor restart recovery time logging option
Use all available disk space versus limiting the disk space to 1 GB
Memory rich versus a less memory rich (but not constrained) environment
For all of the tests, the Domino mail databases used by the workload resided in ASP1, the
system ASP. When testing the dedicated ASP for the transaction log, we used ASP3 which
was configured with two mirrored drives. For these tests a User Defined File System (UDFS)
was created which was defined to reside on ASP3 (as described in “Creating and mounting a
UDFS using OS/400 CL commands” on page 376).
All tests were conducted by simulating a constant workload produced by 6,000 users
performing in average the following activities every 15 minutes:
Read five documents
Update two documents
Delete two documents
Scroll a view once
Open and close one database
Open and close one view
Send one memo to three recipients
Do three lookups on the Domino Directory
382 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Every 90 minutes, the test schedules one appointment and sends one invitation to the
recipients. There are also server name lookups, and messages are deposited in the mail
13.3.2 Test results
The main results of the tests are summarized in Table 13-2.
Table 13-2 System level results of TxL performance tests
Note, the disk I/O per second reported here is from the performance monitor reports. The
reports show the I/O counts that are sent the disk controller. For RAID5 configurations, one
write I/O generates four physical I/O requests: two reads and two writes. Depending on the
disk controller write cache, each disk device's read ahead buffer, and other I/O requests to the
device, these I/O requests may be grouped with others and a single larger I/O to the device
may actually satisfy multiple smaller requests.
The Average Disk Utilization reflects the actual utilization of the disk devices. An environment
with a larger percentage of write I/O per second will generate higher disk utilizations than one
with a larger percentage of reads.
13.3.3 Conclusions
Several conclusions can be drawn from the test results shown above.
Performance improvements
Implementing transactional logging on iSeries should be done for recovery reasons since it
does not improve performance as reported for some other operating systems. Transactional
logging, in all cases tested, increased system CPU utilization, increased disk I/O per second,
and caused higher response times. The extent of the increases depends on how the system
is configured and which transactional logging options are selected.
So why have many claimed that transactional logging will improve performance? Well, there
are a couple of reasons for this. Early in Domino Version 5, it was widely held that enabling
transactional logging improved performance. This was primarily because the transactional
logging testing was being done in disk constrained environments. And for other operating
systems, they may in fact see performance improvement because enabling transactional
logging makes more of the I/O asynchronous, which iSeries always did automatically. The
term asynchronous I/O means the application does not have to wait for all physical disk
operations to complete.
Favor Mem
Disk I/O/sec Disk Util. %
1 - - 12 - 38.0 32ms 267.0 - 7.7 -
2 Y Run 12 All 42.3 42ms 269.6 50.6 11.4 8.9
3 N Run 12 All 41.9 74ms 329.8 - 19.2 -
4 Y Restart 12 All 46.2 85ms 379.3 52.7 10.3 9.5
5 Y Run 8 All 44.2 62ms 388.6 51.9 18.5 9.6
6 N Run 8 All 43.6 118ms 433.2 - 25.2 -
7 Y Run 8 1GB 42.6 60ms 384.4 51.3 17.8 9.6
Chapter 13. Domino transaction logging on iSeries 383
Meanwhile other operating systems have also reported that transactional logging may not
necessarily improve performance unless they are in a disk constrained environment. iSeries
sizing and capacity planning tools, such as the Workload Estimator (see Chapter 3, “Sizing
Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator” on page 19), are designed to configure
balanced systems that are not disk constrained. In addition, the single level store, as
described in 13.1.2, “When data is actually written to disk” on page 373, and I/O subsystem
architecture optimize all I/O activity by using disk and controller caches. In fact, they do this
best when applications do not attempt to manage the I/O processing themselves.
For example, in scenario 1 (no logging), 190 (71%) of the 267 I/Os per seconds were
asynchronous. In scenario 2 (logging to a dedicated ASP), 201 (63%) of the 320 I/Os per
second were asynchronous. The majority of the increase in I/O per second in scenario 2 was
actually synchronous I/O. Since applications, in this case a Domino task, need to wait until
synchronous I/O operations are completed, this may be the main reason for increased
response times.
Using dedicated disk arms
When implementing transactional logging on iSeries, you should place the transaction logs on
their own drives to limit impact on response time performance. This is the same
recommendation as for other operating systems and what we said in “Using separate disk
drives” on page 377.
Comparing scenario 2 (log to ASP3) and scenario 3 (log to ASP1), we see that logging to the
same drives as the Domino mail databases significantly degraded response time, even
though CPU utilization and disk I/O per second were about the same. Logging to the same
drives as the mail databases caused higher contention for the disk drives, which increased
user response times by about 75% from 42 to 74 milliseconds.
A similar comparison can be made between scenarios 5 and 6 for a less memory rich
environment. In this comparison, the system CPU and disk I/O per second was again
approximately the same for the two scenarios, but logging to the same drives as the mail
databases caused response time to increase from 62 to 118 milliseconds, or 90%.
Optimizing for run time or restart time
Favor Runtime performance provides better run time performance than Favor Restart
Recovery Time. Comparing scenario 2 (Favor Run Time) and scenario 4 (Favor Restart
Recover Time), Favor Restart Recovery Time nearly doubled the response time, generated
25% more total system I/O and increased CPU by about 9%. In scenario 4, the Domino
server was doing more forcing of the mail databases itself rather than allowing the system to
optimize the writing out of the changed mail databases to disk.
You can set this option to control the behavior of transaction logging in the server document
as described in “Controlling performance: Favor Run Time or Restart Recover Time” on
page 377 and “Configuration parameters related to transaction logging” on page 379.
Limiting the disk space to be used
In scenario 7, we configured transactional logging to log to ASP3 and to not use all available
disk space, but rather to only use 1 GB worth of space. As expected, the results show
essentially no difference from scenario 5 in which the logs used closer to 4 GB worth of disk
space. Limiting the log to using 1 GB may be a better option if the logs are going to reside on
the same drives as your applications and databases, and it does limit the number of log
entries before the log wraps on itself when using circular logging.
384 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
13.4 When to use Domino for iSeries transaction logging
As we showed with the test environment described in 13.3.1, “Test environment” on
page 381, there are not necessarily any run-time performance benefits for using Domino
transaction logging, simply because the iSeries server is already fully I/O optimized and
adding TxL will impose a small overhead because by definition, the data is being written twice
instead of once.
You will, however, achieve huge improvements in restart times should Domino ever crash.
Your data integrity and exposure to lost records after a crash is vastly reduced compared to
using FIXUP task, which may be necessary to run.
Another good reason to use transaction logging is reductions in backup data volumes and
timings by up to 90% through incremental backups on all Domino databases including Mail,
Domino.Doc, and QuickPlace.
13.4.1 Incremental online backup with BRMS
Online backup of Domino databases and now incremental online backup on iSeries are
implemented with the IBM licensed product Backup Recovery and Media Services for AS/400
(BRMS), available for OS/400 V4R4 and V4R5 as 5769-BR1 and for V5R1 as 5722-BR1.
Online backup implies that QuickPlace, Domino, and other Lotus server databases on the
iSeries can be saved while they are in use, with no save-while-active synchronization points.
This is true online backup support.
Note, that incremental online backup needs archival logging and cannot be used if you leave
the default of circular logging style.
Circular or archival logging style
Circular transaction logging is designed for fast and efficient recovery after a crash, to
improve the performance (not necessarily for iSeries, see earlier explanation), and
automatically re-use the log files in rotation. Only the archival logging style can be used for
backup purposes, because the log files are not overwritten before they are saved. See
“Setting up transaction logging” on page 379 for information on setting up transaction logging
and selecting archival logging style.
Full backup
With a new Domino API, BRMS (or other backup suites) can instruct Domino to flush a
database to disk immediately, overriding the “performance” buffering options (see
“Configuration parameters related to transaction logging” on page 379). This is essential
because the backup suite will copy the Notes database physically from disk via the operating
system command set, and will not use the Notes interface that would always read all the data
from the UBM virtual image in memory. The operating system will read the possibly unflushed
disk based copy, therefore, the need to force a flush.
Incremental backup
BRMS can also perform “incremental backups” by querying Domino about which logs are
“unprotected” (not backed up) but “available” (that is not the current log) using API commands
like NSFGetFirstLogToArchive(). This allows the software to back up the TxL log files from the
oldest to the most recently created in date order, therefore “protecting” all log files written to
since the last incremental backup. Once they have done this, the backup suite must notify
Domino which of the Archival logs has just been successfully backed up (“protected”) and
allow Domino to rename and re-use them when it is ready to do so. The one log file that will
not be offered for backup by Domino is the presently open “active” log file.
Chapter 13. Domino transaction logging on iSeries 385
Section 6.8, “Online backup with BRMS” on page 178, contains some considerations
regarding the performance during BRMS online backup. For more information about Domino
online backup with BRMS, refer to the online incremental backup support site at:
13.5 Miscellaneous tips for Domino transaction logging
The following sections contain several, not necessarily performance related, tips on Domino
transaction logging.
13.5.1 What is the Database Instance ID (DBIID)
When you enable transaction logging, Domino assigns a Database Instance ID to each
Domino Release 5 database, that is all databases with ODS 41. When Domino records a
transaction in the log, it includes the DBIID. During recovery, Domino uses the DBIID to match
transactions to databases (it identifies to which database the changes should be applied).
The DBIID is stored in the file header, along with the database ID and the Replica ID. Note,
there is no relation to the Replica ID or the database ID (DBID).
Some database maintenance activities, such as compaction with options, cause Domino to
assign a new DBIID to a database. From that point forward, all new transactions recorded in
the log use the new DBIID. However, any old transactions still have the old DBIID and no
longer match the database's new DBIID. As a result, Domino cannot restore these old
transactions to the database.
To avoid losing data, you should immediately perform a full database backup whenever a
database receives a new DBIID. When you perform this backup, you capture all the database
transactions up until that point and ensure that Domino needs only the new transactions (with
the new DBIID) to restore the database. If the DBIID changes and a backup is not taken after
the fact, the database cannot be successfully restored (backup will have the old DBIID and
the transactional log will not “know” the old DBIID.
Changes to DBIID
The Database Instance ID is generated when transaction logging is enabled. Domino assigns
a new DBIID to Domino Release 5 databases when:
You enable transaction logging for the first time.
System logging is disabled and then re-enabled.
Fixup is forced on the database (fixup -j).
You move an ODS 41 database from one logged server to another logged server or from
an unlogged server to a logged server.
The database is compacted copy-style.
The DBIID changes when a database is copy-style compacted because it essentially creates
an entire new NSF with a new structure, which basically does not match the structure in the
logs for the “old” NSF anymore. You should use the new inline COMPACT method of COMPACT
-b (with lowercase -b).
Compacting a Domino database
A Domino database can be compacted using the Domino console command load compact
databasename -switch, where switch defines the type of compaction to be performed. Since
transaction logs cannot be applied after the DBIID was changed, it is important to understand
when COMPACT changes it. The following rules apply to DBIID by the COMPACT task:
386 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
If a database is logged, the default for COMPACT with no switches is -b (lowercase)
If a database is unlogged, the default for COMPACT with no switches is -B (uppercase).
COMPACT with no switches and COMPACT -b (lowercase b) are the only times
COMPACT does not change the DBIID.
The DBIID changes when a database is copy-style compacted because a copy-style
essentially creates an entire new NSF with a new structure, which basically does not
match the structure in the logs for the “old” NSF anymore.
COMPACT -B may change the DBIID. This option uses in-place compaction unless there
is a pending structural change in which case copy-style compacting occurs. When you use
this option and transaction logging, do full database backups after compacting completes.
For additional information on the COMPACT tasks switches, refer to the Technote “Switches
for COMPACT Server Task for Domino R4 and R5 Document” (#172454).
13.5.2 How transaction logging technically works
Although it is new to Domino, transaction logging is a mature technology that represents the
state of the art in reliable data storage. It is based on Algorithm for Recovery and Isolation
Exploiting Semantics (ARIES), developed by Almaden Computer Science at IBM, and is
implemented in Domino by a joint team of developers and researchers from IBM and Iris
Lotus Domino R5 is the first semi-structured data store that implements transaction logging.
The ARIES algorithm has been in production since 1988. Versions are used not only in
Domino R5 but also in IBM DB2 mainframe and workstation products and IBM MQSeries,
among numerous other products. (See the Lotus white paper “Why you need transaction
logging” at http://www.lotus.com)
So what's that? Simply put, all updates to a Domino database are actually a series of
“transactions” between the user and the Domino database engine, using our Domino-defined
procedure calls that we must use to make any changes to the data within the database. There
is no other way to update the Domino database. That is how our security and database
integrity are managed and are the core of our product.
We tried to log the actual data itself at the field or record level to some log file, and then tried
to determine how to roll these changes back later, perhaps by comparing the data
byte-by-byte with the database being recovered. This was painfully slow. Instead, with
Domino transactional logging, we logged both the data and actual transactional commands
used to make the change, for example “NSFNoteOpen, NoteUpdate, NoteClose”.
Therefore, we log the actual commands used, plus the data itself with date and timestamps,
etc., to create a complete series of “replayable transactions”. We don't really log words like
“NSFNoteOpen”; but we log in binary, of course, and use our command offsets to minimize
log file size.
These individual Domino R5 transactions are limited to a maximum size of 16k.
Note: -L, -c, and -i are switches that enable copy style compaction. -B at times uses
copy style compaction.
Chapter 13. Domino transaction logging on iSeries 387
Recovery with UNDO and REDO as a series of data slices
To simplify the picture you are building here, we wrap our series of 16k Domino transaction
data slices between two matching “crusts”, the UNDO and REDO records. However, we don't
actually write them to the log file until we are ready to commit the whole series of transaction
If during recovery we find an UNDO record, then some transaction slices, then a matching
REDO record, we then make certain that the hardened database contains all the transaction
data slice records.
If during recovery from backup we also lose the most recent log files, we may find an UNDO
record but no matching REDO record. In this case, we reverse the process with all the
remaining transaction data slice records and discard all the data slices.
If the data sliced transaction records following the UNDO record (with no matching REDO
record) were never in fact hardened into the database, then during the recovery we can
simply ignore them.
Maximum log file sizes
Currently Domino can only create a maximum of 4 Gb of circular log files. With archival
logging, Domino can currently only pre-allocate 4 Gb. So if you do not do any backups, it
creates new log files as it goes along after it reaches 4 Gb if none of the log files (current
contents) have been “protected” by being flagged as backed up. Archival logging continues to
do this until the disk space on the notes.ini variable Translog_Path= runs out. Archival logging
ignores the Translog_MaxSize in this situation. (As you may recall, it used it for the
Be aware that there is a recommended (supported) limit of 4 Gb of uncommitted log files. This
equates to a supported maximum of 70 extent files (4.48 Gb) for your backup software to
protect and then release back to Domino.
Protected log file
Therefore, as the next log is opened for use, the just completed log is flagged as “protected”
and available for backup. The backup API can also locate the current (open) log file using
NSFGetFirstLogToArchive() and NSFGetNextLogToArchive() to return LogPath of any
transaction log whether it was waiting to be archived. Backup software vendors have the
ability to back up the current (active) log file as well.
Archival logs and the 4 Gb and 70-log limit
Archival transaction logging is used for partial and full online Domino database backups.
Archival can pre-allocate 4 Gb (same as circular logging) but archival can then continue
logging additional extents way beyond 4 Gb until it runs out of space if you don’t run a backup.
We currently only recommend and support a maximum of 4 Gb of unprotected (unbacked up)
data in the TxL logs.
The Domino TxL API currently passes the names of only the first 70 unprotected log files. The
backup mechanism needs to know to ask again after the first 70 for the next 70 or remaining
files and so on. This may result in leaving an unknown number of TxL logs (if there were more
than 70) unprotected. Also note that a bug that was reported as fixed in R5.0.9 actually
prevented successful backup of more than 70 unprotected logs even if the software knew to
ask twice! See SPR SCON4W3UZD on the Web at:
388 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
While Domino may not crash or stop, be very careful if you step over the 70 logs or 4 Gb TxL
unprotected log limit, especially before Domino R5.0.9. Your backup software may not do
what you expect, and you risk not backing up all the unprotected TxL files. They are not
overwritten because the backup software doesn’t “release” them. They just aren’t backed up
as part of your backup strategy and lie around forever! This limit will be increased in future
The 64 MB exposure between last closed and the open TxL log file
Every transaction hardened to the Domino databases disk and caught in the backed up log
files is not necessarily complete and may not be recoverable in the event of a crash and
restart, unless you look at the boundary.
Suppose we have an UNDO in the recently closed TxL log, with the matching REDO in the
current (open and active) TxL log. Any data in the open “live” TxL log is not backed up (unless
we also take the current open (partial) log file that we can find with the API). The log
containing the final REDO will have to wait for the next backup cycle before it is fully secured
to the backup media. Therefore, if we now lose all the log files, we will try to roll back any
transaction spanning the “backup boundary” to remove any partially complete transactions
(because we lost the REDO in the crash). This is assuming we don’t have a suitable
checkpoint to work from. If it’s hardened in the database and we have a checkpoint to confirm
this, we will not roll it back out. But assuming we have no suitable checkpoint, or we also lost
the actual Notes databases, we locate our full database backup and recover from it. As we
recover from our original incremental backups, we definitely won't apply those boundary
changes because there is absolutely no matching REDO record.
To prevent this (as much as possible), be sure that the backup suite you use must be capable
of finding, backing up, and recovering from the partially written “open” or “active” log file
(“extent”) whenever the backup runs. Or, like the BRMS backup, you must have an add-in task
that monitors the active log file and backs it up as soon as it is full, and also backs up what
residual data is in the new active TxL log file as well! Just be aware that you are potentially up
to a maximum of 64 MB of live data file changes “behind” after every backup if you don’t
consider this. This is 64 MB of actual changes (not reads or index); it is up to 64 MB of new or
changed data, potentially very valuable. Remember, we have to lose the actual TxL log files
(disks) in a major disaster for this to be a worry.
Hardening databases and log files
The change from one transaction log to another does not relate at all to the frequency of
hardening of the database. That is the UBM task depending on that memory image size via
the performance factors selected, as mentioned above. And we do not record the hardening
in the log file either, not directly.
The occurrence of hardening is actually recorded in the checkpoint snapshot that we write to
the log periodically, again depending on the performance factors selected. On a
restart/recovery, the UBM will find the most recent hardening time stamp from the actual
database on disk (which of course may be our original backup, and not the one it last
hardened anyway). From that information, it will search back through the transaction logs for
the last checkpoint written to the TxL log for that particular database with the exact matching
The UBM then works forward from that matched checkpoint and locates all subsequent
transaction log files for that period of time. Then it searches them for transaction records that
occurred after that last hardening time stamp (on the actual database), and proceeds from
Chapter 13. Domino transaction logging on iSeries 389
The 64 MB log size limit is a compromise between fast sequential writing to a single file
versus the number of log files that need to be searched on recovery. Remember, the bigger
the file is, the less close and open operations between log files need to happen, and the faster
the serial write speed will be. With less records in each log, the sooner we can locate the
record with the time stamp we are looking for, the sooner the actual recovery can start.
This “only check for subsequent changes from recent logs” is why it can recover so quickly,
because it does not have to “fixup” the entire database. It just has to replay or backout things
using the log records created subsequent to the last hardening as recorded in the disk image
of the database.
Views and indices are not logged
Views and indices are not transactionally logged in R5. There isn’t really much point adding
overhead and I/O to the log extents when they can easily be re-created after the database is
recovered using the UPDALL task.
As a consequence, in Domino R5, after successfully recovering your Notes database from the
wreckage or from backup media and replaying the TxL log files, you should run UPDALL -R to
recreate all the indices and views again to complete the recovery operation. However, using
this option is resource-intensive, so use it as a last resort to solve corruption problems with a
specific database. It is rumored that views may be logged in a future release, so watch the
release notes.
Other benefits of transaction logging
Transaction logging offers benefits of tracking and capturing all mail for banking, insurance
finance and city institutions.
By setting up transaction logging on all user mail files on all mail servers, it is possible for the
first time to capture every single piece of mail! TxL records every mail item, plus attachments,
as soon as it arrives or is sent out. Even if it is immediately deleted, we can still recover a full
copy of all mail items by playing back the transaction log to the point before any mail item was
With Domino R5’s full secure mail tracking, keeping copies of all inbound and outbound mail
can now be achieved just by using TxL! Other incremental backup methods can only record
the items actually still remaining in the Notes databases at the end of the day and those that
were added since the last incremental backup. On the other hand, TxL keeps the full context
of all mail conversations, plus attachments, no matter how soon the mail items were erased,
even if deletion stubs are purged. This particularly helps auditor in the event of suspected
fraud or insider dealing.
Related documents
For more information, consult the following sources:
“Why you need transaction logging” white paper from the Technical Library at:
– Transaction Logging in R5 #172508
– How Do You Check Your Transaction Log Statistics? #173421
– Commonly Asked Questions About Transactional Logging #177785
– How to Utilize Transactional Logging Statistics #177796
– “Circular” Versus “Archive” Transactional Logging in Domino 5.x #179363
– Transactional Logging and How it Operates #179858
390 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 391
Appendix A. Capacity planning for Domino
server using BEST/1
This appendix describes how you can use BEST/1 for capacity planning for Lotus Domino for
iSeries. However, BEST/1 will not be supported on OS/400 releases later than Version 5
Release 1 (V5R1). Therefore we decided to move this chapter from the main part of the book
to this appendix.
The generalized approach covered in this chapter is simple. However, the approach relies
heavily on having good performance monitoring process in place. Essentially, it consists of
using historic data on the key aspects of the system and using mathematics and graphing to
predict when a particular area of the system’s performance exceeds the relevant guideline.
However, the approach does not use the sophisticated mathematical modeling techniques
that are found in tools such as BEST/1. Consequently, only rough estimates can be
determined. These estimates may not apply to all situations. Following the generalized
approach, we describe the use of BEST/1 in the context of Lotus Domino for AS/400.
The first section discusses capacity planning concepts in general and offers an in-depth view
of how capacity planning is done for a Domino server. General information on workload
definitions for Lotus Domino are also provided.
392 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
The need for capacity planning
The objective of any capacity planning activity is to estimate the system resources required to
deliver performance based on a forecast level of business activity, a specific application, or a
specific area of business. The estimate is delivered according to a documented service level
agreement (SLA).
Another term that is often used in this area is capacity sizing or application sizing. This
document works on the basis that capacity sizing is the process of estimating the system
resource required to deliver performance in accordance with a documented SLA for a
forecast level of business activity, a specific application, or a particular area of the business.
Capacity planning prerequisites
You must consider the following factors before you start capacity planning:
Work management must be set up properly.
A workload profile must be established.
The IT environment must be tuned.
All components must be below utilization guidelines.
History of performance data should be available.
Details of new applications should be known.
SLA should have been published.
Growth data needs to be available.
In the real world, it is rare that all of these prerequisites for a capacity planning exercise are in
place. However, if they are not in place, the accuracy of the outcome of the exercise is
adversely affected. Therefore, it is important that any shortcomings in these areas are fully
documented in the final deliverable from the capacity planning exercise. This allows readers
of the plan to make the appropriate allowances.
Basic capacity planning process
The following list highlights the steps for a basic capacity planning process:
1. Build a spreadsheet to summarize collected data.
Review the collected performance data and build a spreadsheet to summarize the data for
the peak hour each day. All of the data in the spreadsheet can be obtained from the
Performance Tools/400 System Report. However, Domino transactions are not collected
as interactive, and therefore, do not show up on the report. The transactions can be found
within the Domino REPORTER log file.
The data in the spreadsheet should be organized to allow easy assimilation of the key
aspects of workload and performance. The following list identifies information to put in the
– System level: An overall view of performance given by total CPU utilization and
interactive response time. However, interactive response times are only useful for
non-client/server interactive workloads. This is true for Domino jobs as well.
– Applied workload: The workload that is customized to the particular environment. For
Lotus Domino, a workload can be defined for each functional area of work such as
Calendaring & Scheduling, mail use, Web serving, and each specific Domino
application. The Applied Workload section of the spreadsheet is expanded for each
area of work. The information within this section is found in the System Report when
Appendix A. Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1 393
printed, if the workloads are separated by subsystem. If this is not the case, the
workload areas must be calculated based on the different types of jobs running. This is
a manual process, which increases the amount of possible errors.
– CPU breakdown: The first of three utilization figures that should be monitored
carefully. The high priority CPU figure is usually the figure that is watched closely
because if it exceeds its threshold figure, high priority work is affected.
– Main storage: The guideline figures here obviously depend on the model, but they
provide a quick check. If the figures approach the guidelines, then further investigation
should be instigated.
– Disk performance: Both arm utilization and space utilization need to be monitored
since they can adversely affect performance if they exceed their guideline figures (50%
and 85% respectively).
We are only considering capacity planning for the iSeries server, and are not taking
into account any network issues. Therefore, we have ignored any
communications-related usage figures.
2. Calculate weekly averages, and plot “best fit” lines.
For each week, determine the average set of values for the week. Review them to see
which of the three crucial values (CPU, main storage, or disk drives) is closest to its
threshold value. Extract this number into a separate worksheet.
From the worksheet, calculate the coordinates of a simple best-fit line for transactions per
hour and for high priority CPU percentage. You may also want to graph transactions per
hour and high priority CPU utilization.
3. Forecast when an upgrade is required.
Zero in on the high priority CPU. An increase in this over a period of time dictates when
you need to upgrade. As long as the increase is linear, and workloads are not added or
removed, the time frame in which to upgrade can be reasonably predicted. Be careful not
to track the wrong data. A trend at month end does not provide an accurate view of your
overall CPU utilization. It is important to focus on the peak periods of high priority CPU
These three simple steps show simple capacity planning. They do not answer the questions
that any business usually asks with regard to upgrades to their system. These questions are:
What upgrade is required and what will it cost?
How long will the upgrade last?
To answer these questions, we leave behind our simple graphs and best-fit lines, and use the
BEST/1 modeling tool.
CPW values versus Domino mail user ratings
The Commercial Processing Workload (CPW) is a synthetic workload used to measure the
relative throughput capabilities of the iSeries family. This workload may not be representative
of any particular customer environment. The overall throughput in any processing
environment results from the combined affect of hardware capability and operating system
394 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Although the CPW workload modeling still holds true for traditional interactive (5250)
applications with high I/O and relatively low processor demand, it may not be the best
modeling tool available for sizing Domino workloads. New sizing ratings like Compute
Intensive Workload (CIW), Simple Mail Users (SMU), Mail and Calendaring Users (MCU) and
Typical users may be more beneficial in sizing machines for Domino workloads.
CIW ratings are modeled projections based on the internal workloads of such application as
Domino, SAP, and J. D. Edwards where most of the workload is spent inside the application
performing instructions versus disk I/O. CIW workloads tend to spend a lot of time computing
and less time doing I/O. You can find more information on CIW in the iSeries Performance
Capabilities Reference Version 5 Release 1, SC41-0607.
SMU and MCU workload ratings were calculated in an automated environment similar to what
is done in the mail workload from Lotus NotesBench.
SMU was driven by a NotesBench mail workload on Domino 4.6. This workload was based
on the user performing the following tasks every 15 minutes on average:
Open mail database (documents <1K)
Open view
Open five documents in the mail file
Categorize two of the documents
Compose two mail memos 1K in size every 90 minutes
Mark documents for deletion
Delete documents
Close views
The MCU workload came along with the transition to Domino R5. This workload is heavier
than SMU due to the fact that it contains calendaring and scheduling functions. The MCU
workload is similar to SMU in respect to what the user will do on average every 15 minutes,
but at a greater intensity. The following tasks are performed:
Open mail database (documents <10K)
Open view
Open five documents in the mail file
Categorize two of the documents
Compose two mail memos 10K in size every 90 minutes
Mark several documents for deletion
Delete documents
Create one appointment every 90 minutes
Schedule one meeting every 90 minutes
Close views
Both SMU and MCU workloads are not heavy enough workloads to depict real life users.
Therefore, the typical mail workload was defined. It is used in the Workload Estimator (WLE)
and several publications comparing iSeries performance capabilities. This workload is three
times heavier than SMU and two times heavier than MCU. Based on the above information, if
you have one rating, you can calculate the other two ratings. Here are a couple of scenarios:
If a given server supports X typical mail users (and we rate these at 70%), the same
system will support 3x SMU and 2x MCU.
A 270-2423 has a rating of 2570 MCU. This server would support 1285 typical mail users
(2570/2=1285) and 3855 SMU users (1285*3=3855).
You can find further information on these ratings in Appendix A of iSeries Performance
Capabilities Reference Version 5 Release 1, SC41-0607. You can also find CPW and CIW
ratings for iSeries servers in Appendix D of the same manual.
Appendix A. Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1 395
Capacity planning unit of measure
All work performed by the AS/400 processors can be considered as tasks. Each task
represents one or more requests for service and associated responses.
Each request and response is an identifiable unit of activity. In this chapter, we refer to this as
a capacity planning unit of measure (CPUM). The boundaries of a CPUM can be determined
according to the needs and measurability afforded by the specific Domino application being
considered. You are free to select the most suitable set of boundaries for the request and
response, based on measurement facilities available in the business environment, the
application suite, and the AS/400 Domino server.
For example, a traditional batch job can have a request such as the complete processing of
specific input data sets or the achievement of specific completion criteria. In this case, the
boundary of this CPUM is the beginning and end of the batch task with a CPUM value of 1.
The response time is the elapsed time of the task.
In the case of an interaction with a Notes user or client device, the request is initiated by
pressing Enter, a function key, or making a selection with the mouse. The response to this
request completes the CPUM. This is similar to a transaction referred to in interactive iSeries
performance measurements. The computer systems, communications activity, and
communications line turnarounds that occur within a CPUM depend on the specific
client/server or interactive application.
In terms of determining Domino transactions, the most appropriate or easiest way to do this is
to collect the STATS information in the REPORTER log file. You can also run the show stat
command for a running transaction total. Doing this periodically (every 15 minutes) should
give you a transaction and throughput value that you can use as the CPUM. This transaction
value is at a more functional level and is not related to transactions made by pressing the
Enter key. Still, this information can be used for modeling, because, as the business
transactions increase, the transactions at a functional level should also increase.
Business transaction
It is important to distinguish the request and response interactions between the Notes user
and the client, or between the client and the Domino server from a business transaction. A
business transaction is made up of multiple user interactions to complete a single business
transaction such as an e-mail transmission, calendaring, or Domino application. One of the
fundamental points to cover in capacity planning, is the relationship between a business
transaction and a system transaction. When this is identified, the growth analysis is done in a
proportionate fashion.
In certain environments, the application software may provide precise measurements of
numbers and response times of each window change at the client. The measurement of
response time is taken at the Notes client or at the Domino server.
Attention: Although this is called a typical mail workload, the real workload my vary
extremely from one customer environment to another and even between users within the
same environment.
396 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
The primary focus when dealing with measurements is that there is an assumption made that
the system and Domino server are well tuned before any capacity planning is performed. In
particular, the utilization of the Domino server must be within the recommended guidelines of
the system. If not, a non-linear result may occur and the results of the capacity planning may
be unpredictable.
Domino server workload definition
One of the essential points in capacity planning is to determine the different types of work that
are being performed on the system. Looking at the transactions being processed on the
system, you can categorize each transaction into specific groupings. These groups contain
like transactions relative to what the system is processing. Each group has defined a basic
workload and describes similar characteristics. The following section describes in general
what these different workloads are for Domino.
What the different workloads are
As mentioned earlier, a workload is just that, a specific definition of work being loaded on the
system. All the jobs or tasks on the system are categorized into certain workloads. This is
useful for capacity planning because these workloads usually relate to a business function.
The workloads can also modeled using business terms that a customer can easily
For example, you can group Domino into four key workloads: Domino Mail Users, Domino
Calendar & Scheduling Users, Domino Web serving, and Domino Applications. A fifth
workload that you cannot ignore is any non-Domino application running on the system. For
the scope of this appendix, we assume that non-Domino applications are tuned and modeled
Having these areas of work defined helps explain where the resources of the system are
used. However, there is a difficult problem that shows up when attempting to define workloads
in a client/server application. It is not possible to directly map the relationship between the
client performing the work and the resources being used on the server. With the open ended
architecture to which all platforms are moving, there is a problem in tracking client to server
transactions. Therefore, modeling transactions per user, or even per workload can be difficult
if not impossible.
As described in this chapter, one of the best solutions to this problem is in setting up
workloads relative to subsystems. This process is easily done with Domino, because each
Domino server is a subsystem. Therefore, you simply set up a server for each type of
workload. For example, Server1 is mail users, Server2 is Domino Web serving, and Server3
is Domino application. Each server has its own subsystem, and therefore, allows you to
monitor the different workloads at a functional level.
Note that in a client/server environment, we do not typically associate a single job running on
a server for the client. Instead, a single job running on the server may be used by multiple
clients. This is because the client is not technically running on the server, and therefore, does
not have a unique job solely owned by it. In a traditional green-screen environment, the client
resided on the server, and therefore, owned a portion of the resources. In today’s client/server
environment, the client only borrows enough resources to get its work done and attempts to
process what it can by itself. Therefore, Notes clients come in and perform work in generic job
names, making it virtually impossible to gather performance information at the job name level
in the traditional way.
Appendix A. Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1 397
Domino mail user
Attempting to define in detail what a Domino mail user workload includes, in actuality, is an
overwhelming task that is not useful in a real environment. This is due to the complexity of the
mail user itself. You may have a simple mail user that only sends quick messages to a few
users in their department. Or, you may have a user that sends long messages to multiple
users with attached documents. In another situation, you may have a mail user that sends
hundreds of e-mail messages a day.
There is a complexity to the definition. In general, only a few functions show what a mail user
is doing. The user deals with database opens and closes, as well as routing if the mail is
being sent through the Internet or intranet. Although this gives you information on what mail
users are doing from a functional level, defining a relationship between functions and
transactions for capacity planning may be a difficult task. Therefore, we recommend that you
associate mail users with a server if you want to monitor performance information for the mail
user workload.
Domino Calendar & Scheduling
Domino Calendar & Scheduling brings about another type of workload for Domino. This
workload depends primarily on the frequency of use. Furthermore, the general area of work
being performed is with text searches when attempting to schedule a meeting for users. As
the number of scheduled meetings increases, the work for this workload increases.
Although text searching is the key point in processing for this workload, determining a
relationship between Domino Calendar & Scheduling transactions and text searching may be
a difficult task. Therefore, we recommend that you place the Calendar & Scheduling workload
in its own server. This allows you to track transactional information by server, which, in turn,
shows you transactions by workload. This can be used for proper capacity planning.
Domino Web serving
Determining the Domino Web serving workload is one of the more complex tasks. The
resources used by the system heavily depend on how your Web site is setup. If you have a
simple home page setup with static pages, a more straightforward capacity plan can be used.
However, this changes when dynamic pages are involved, database lookups are used, and
complex intelligent agent processing is performed. This change affects the complexity of the
workload and makes it more difficult to plan for capacity. As with the other Domino workloads,
we recommend that you set up Web serving on its own server if gathering workload
performance information is necessary.
Domino user applications
Domino user applications can seem like a vague term at first. In general, all Domino user
applications center around one concept: document processing. Although there are many
different ways to access, create, delete, and maintain Domino documents, they all relate to
database manipulation.
Notice that some applications written for Domino may not center around this concept. In this
case, take extreme care in reviewing the application, especially if the application is trying to
focus on an online transaction process environment. Although Domino can easily handle
online transactional processing, be aware of the additional overhead in CPU processing.
Other than this, a Domino user application generally requires heavy database open and close
functions. As with the other workloads, the best way to monitor performance information for
capacity planning is to have the Domino user application in its own server.
398 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Splitting up the workloads
As indicated in the previous section, break the work being performed in Domino into different
workloads. Each workload can be placed in its own server. In doing this, there is a
relationship between the workload and subsystem for each Domino server. This allows you to
gather performance information relative to the subsystem. You can use the iSeries
performance tools reports to review information by subsystem.
In many cases, setting up multiple subsystems may not be possible because of the size of the
system or the requirements of the business. In such a case, it is increasingly difficult to
capture pertinent information relative to performance by workload. This is not to say that it is
absolutely necessary. However, it is more convenient for capacity planning purposes. In the
worst case, capturing performance data for the single Domino server still gives you accurate
information, but not at the workload level. You can still use the data for capacity planning, but
it may not be as accurate.
Other Domino workload concerns
The workloads mentioned in the previous section describe, in general, what Domino is made
up of in terms of the work being performed. However, there are other areas of work that
Domino performs that are not covered. These functions tend to run in the background and are
not associated with a particular transaction. They are database replication, clustering, using
multiple databases, and non-Domino applications. The following sections briefly describe how
the different functions affect performance and, in turn, capacity planning.
Database replication
Database replication primarily affects performance and capacity planning through its
database open and close functions. As a database is replicated, the database is opened and
closed to copy the data. This process in itself is not too difficult to monitor. However, it is
important to know when replication is occurring so you can ensure that proper performance
data collection is taking place. Replicating a database may skew the collected performance
data. If you are not aware of this, inaccurate capacity planning may result.
Clustering is another area of work that can affect the results of performance collection for
capacity planning. With clustering, additional overhead is involved to handle the failover
processing that can occur. Furthermore, you must be aware of clustering on the system and
ensure proper data collection if failover has occurred during performance collection. The data
collected during a failover does not represent typical performance for that server.
Using multiple databases
Using multiple databases may be more of a necessity than an option. In some cases, you
may need to split up your data among multiple databases, depending on the workload.
Dividing your data over several databases may improve performance by reducing the time
Domino takes to index over a single database. Multiple requests for a database may have to
wait for a previous request to complete if they are all accessing a database for updating. If
multiple databases were used, multiple requests may gain access faster. We recommend that
you keep a more simple view by using only one database, unless definite performance
improvements are possible.
Appendix A. Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1 399
Non-Domino applications
The key point in observation here is to know your entire system workload. Make sure you
understand if there are applications other than Domino running on the system. These other
applications can adversely affect Domino performance and capacity planning, depending on
what resources they require. Also, note whether you will add non-Domino application
workloads in the future.
BEST/1 for Domino server capacity planning
The objective of any capacity planning effort is to determine the optimum, cost-effective
configuration required to support a specified workload (typically based on currently
measurable levels of activity). This configuration must ensure that acceptable response times
are delivered to the user.
This section presents an overview of the factors that you need to consider before launching a
capacity planning project. These considerations are valid for most capacity planning efforts
and are not confined to an iSeries server environment. With this in mind, the same capacity
planning process can be used for a Domino Server with the exception of a few points that are
described in this section.
While it is not within the scope of this section to discuss performance tuning and performance
optimization, we strongly recommend that you make every effort to ensure that the Domino
server and other applications on the system are as efficient as possible. If this is not done as
a prerequisite, any problems associated with the inefficiencies are carried through with the
increased workload, causing increased resource overhead.
Capacity planning is a process to determine future computing hardware resources to support
the estimated changes in computing workload. The increased workload on computing
resources can be a result of growth in business volumes or the introduction of new
applications and functions to enhance the current suite of applications.
The results of capacity planning are only an approximation at best. The implementation of the
same application in different environments can result in significantly different computing
system requirements. There are many factors that can influence the degree of success in
achieving the predicted results. These include changes in application design, the way users
interact with the application, and the number of users who may use the applications. It is also
difficult to determine external factors that affect the distribution of the workload over a given
period of time, such as phone-in customer orders during a working day.
The objective of this section is to present techniques to assist in the prediction of iSeries
system requirements where the iSeries server functions as a Domino server in a Notes client
or Domino server computing environment. No attempt is made to determine client or network
requirements. The functions of the iSeries capacity planning facility (BEST/1) are available as
part of the iSeries Performance Tools Licensed Program (5722-PT1) Manager feature. The
functions are used to predict iSeries requirements. Detailed information about the use of
these functions is available in BEST/1 Capacity Planning Tool Version 5 Release 1,
Attention: After V5R1, BEST/1 will no longer be a part of Performance Tools and will no
longer be an offered Licensed Program Product for OS/400.
400 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
This section introduces the key aspects of BEST/1 that need to be considered in capacity
planning projects for iSeries Domino server tasks and applications. The objective is to help
you become familiar with the relevant BEST/1 facilities.
The suggested approach assumes that performance data collected with the Collection
Services is available to build the model. However, the Collection Services does not record
non-5250 transactions. Therefore, there is no granularity in the measurement of resource
usage in an iSeries Domino server environment. The iSeries performance measurements do
not recognize individual requests to or responses from a job running on a Domino server.
Also, all Domino server tasks are “batch-like” and no LAN or WAN times are attributed to
them. Therefore, it is not possible to use the iSeries measured performance data for capacity
planning if you require some response time indications.
Any references to transactions and response times from reports produced by Performance
Tools for iSeries (5722-PT1) refer to interactive work produced by 5250 sessions. They do not
apply to any Domino server applications that may be running at the time. The reports
produced using the standard Performance Tools options provide you with information on the
total use of resources, such as processor, disk, and so on for server jobs. However, you may
use the Change Job Type (CHGJOBTYP) command to change the job type for batch jobs to
interactive, and run the performance reports to make the appearance of interactive workload.
This gives you interactive information. However, it can be misleading and a skilled
performance specialist should be involved to interpret the results.
iSeries Domino server modeling
There is no intent to discuss designing Domino applications for performance, performance
management techniques, or system tuning options. The projections start from a known,
measurable workload and extrapolate the resource utilization and response times using a
specified rate of growth.
The basic prerequisites are:
The system and all applications run optimally at expected levels of performance both for
Domino and non-Domino applications.
There are no application-dependent constraints that invalidate BEST/1 extrapolations.
No changes are expected in patterns of application usage or user behavior.
A particular period of measurable activity on the iSeries server is established as being
representative of a sustained high peak workload within recommended guidelines.
The proposed increase in workload is related to the activity measured.
An acceptable average response time estimate is established.
A suitable capacity planning unit of measure is determined based on application
knowledge and measurability.
The key topics covered in this section include:
Model creation using measured data for a non-interactive workload
Model validation
Growth analysis
Note: There were no functional enhancements to BEST/1 in V5R1. However, revisions
were made to the documentation.
Appendix A. Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1 401
The capacity planning process makes the following assumptions:
The Domino server and applications under consideration are optimized for the
environment it is running in with regard to:
– Functions
– Business requirements
– User behavior
The performance measurements used in the capacity planning project are a good
representation of a typical busy workload on the system, including the mix of activity and
volume of work.
There are no Domino servers or application-dependent bottlenecks that prevent growth in
throughput or improved response times. For example, an application may support only a
single communications I/O processor, or there may be a common code-path within the
application that only allows requests to the application server to be single threaded.
The performance data is collected on a system that has not reached a saturation point
with regard to any key system resources such as memory, processor, disk, and so on.
When system resources are saturated, they introduce overhead, such as queuing, that is
difficult to isolate and eliminate in the modeling process.
The nature of the Domino server or applications and its complexity do not change
significantly as a part of the capacity projection. For example, a version upgrade of an
application suite often results in significant changes in resource requirements associated
with additional functions, processing architecture, and user behavior.
There is no change in the overall use of any functions of the Domino server or applications
that results in increased utilization of system resources.
If any of these assumptions is not valid, plan to make allowances for these increases in the
projected workload increases.
Understanding the Domino server environment
Consider the multiple areas of work within a Domino server environment. Several different
workloads are collected together using the same underlying resources. An increase in one
workload may cause a cascading effect on related server jobs as well as an increase in their
workload. For example, a planned increase in mail users, due to an acquisition of a company,
increases the workload of the Domino server tasks and may increase workload on a
non-Domino sales application.
You also need a good understanding of the overall architecture of the system and its
applications, both Domino and non-Domino. For example, you need to know if the Domino
application uses a distributed logic approach with a significant amount of processing
performed at the client. Associated with this type of application, there may be significant
workload on the communications bandwidth resulting from high data volumes and line
turnarounds. This knowledge enables you to determine the impact of the capacity of the
iSeries Domino server on the total end-to-end client/server throughput and response. It also
assists you in setting levels of expectation with regard to results that may be achieved once
your recommendations are implemented. A good understanding of the Domino server and
applications can also assist in taking measurements that enable you to create a reasonably
accurate workload model for extrapolation.
Selecting a capacity planning unit of measure
Identifying a measurable capacity planning unit of measure is critical to the success of a
capacity planning project. The selected unit of measure must be clearly understood and have
boundaries that can be defined and identified.
402 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
It is important to measure a specific workload with regard to:
Response time per CPUM
Number of CPUMs per unit of time
Components included in the measure
Overall iSeries resource utilization such as:
– Memory
– Disk
The capacity to measure within a Domino server can be difficult to capture because of the
broad functional areas that the individual tasks perform. A server task can process for a mail
user at one moment and an application user the next. Attempting to define workloads is made
easier if the workloads are partitioned across multiple servers to ensure that each Domino
server supports a separate workload. In doing so, capacity measurements can be found
within the performance data collected and viewed by the subsystem. It may not be possible to
completely separate the workloads into different subsystems. Even if most of the workloads
are separated, you can more accurately determine capacity planning.
One other aspect in collecting capacity planning measurements is the inability to easily collect
response time information. This, like most client/server environments, presents a problem
when it comes to capacity planning.
In some cases, you may want to use business transactions, such as Domino e-mail read or
send, document lookup, or Web browsing, as a capacity planning unit of measure. The
volume of transactions is easily calculated for a period of time. However, each business
transaction is the product of multiple interactions with the computer system with some amount
of key think time between each interaction. In this situation, the capacity planning model must
make allowances for these external delays.
Determining growth objectives
An effective capacity planning project requires an estimation of the proposed increase in
workload with which the computing system must cope. Often the business managers predict
increases in terms of sales revenue, profit projections, or other business measurements.
These business measurements must be translated into the impact on the computing
You must work closely with the customer to establish these increases and gain agreement on
the estimated increases. A simple increase in volume at one level of the business can have a
cascading effect on the overall computing activity on the system. Ensure that you document
the assumptions and the basis on which the increases in computing workload were
determined. This helps in reconciling any differences that may be encountered when the
changes actually occur.
Setting expectations
A clear understanding of the expected deliverable of the capacity planning project must be
agreed upon. It is important to stress the predictive nature of the process, and the fact that
there are many factors that can influence the degree of success in achieving the predicted
There are margins for error at every stage of the predictive process including:
Estimation of workload at the business level
Existence of application dependent bottlenecks
Translation of the business workload into CPUMs
Appendix A. Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1 403
Prediction of user behavior
Determination of periods of peak activity
For these reasons, the conclusions and recommendation of a capacity planning project can
only be an approximation. The customer should also indicate expected average response
times. It is normally the practice to specify response time requirements below a particular
value (for example, under 1.5 seconds) for a specified percentage of the transactions (for
example, 90% of the interactive transactions).
Measuring workload and system resource utilization
This is a critical aspect of the capacity planning project because it forms the basis of
extrapolation for the growth estimates provided by the customer. Note these points:
The duration over which performance data is collected should provide representative
information over a period of high activity. If the customer cannot identify a period of
sustained peak activity, you may have to measure performance data over a period of time
to establish a suitable time frame from which to develop a capacity planning model.
Select a capacity planning unit of measure that can assist you in modeling the growth. The
selected CPUM must be measurable in terms of the quantity and the response time over
the measured period.
Identify the various components of response that contribute to the CPUM response time
so that the necessary adjustments can be made when determining the iSeries resource
Building a workload model for BEST/1 requires the following basic information:
iSeries resource utilization information
Domino server workload measurements:
– Number of capacity planning units of measure (CPUMs)
– Average response time per CPUM
– iSeries resource category used by the Domino server
The first step is to collect iSeries performance data and Domino server workload statistics for
the selected period of system activity. In a Domino server environment, the information is
collected from more than one source. Most of the required data comes from the performance
data. Additional information, specific to workloads, comes from the log files within Domino.
See Chapter 5, “Domino logs and statistics” on page 127, for more details.
Collecting iSeries performance data
To collect iSeries performance data, see Chapter 4, “Basic concepts of performance analysis”
on page 53, for details.
Collecting Domino server workload data
The major components of the Domino server environment that you need to capture are:
Number of capacity planning units of measure (CPUMs)
Average response time per CPUM
iSeries resource allocation category used by the Domino server (such as job numbers,
subsystem name, and so on)
Averages: The BEST/1 modeling facilities use averages. Their predictions of utilization
and response times are also averages.
404 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Creating a model using measured data
BEST/1 provides the facility to use measured iSeries performance data in building a model for
capacity planning. The objective is to create separate workloads within the model to
represent the various Domino server tasks and applications that are involved in the capacity
planning project.
After the separate workloads are created, you can review them for the effect of independent
rates of growth on resource utilization and response time. After the workloads are created,
they can be saved and used in other BEST/1 models combined with other workloads.
The workloads can be defined using the following categories or groups:
User ID
Job type
Job name
Account code
Job number
Memory pool
For Domino workloads, we recommend that you categorize data by subsystem if your servers
are split up by workload.
The major steps in using BEST/1 to create a model with one or more distinct workloads
based on your definitions are:
1. Use the Start BEST/1 (STRBEST) command to activate the advanced user level of
2. Select the performance data set to be used in modeling.
3. Identify the time period to be considered.
4. Classify the Domino server jobs into suitable workloads.
5. Define the number of CPUMs per hour for each Domino server workload.
6. Create the model.
The remainder of this section shows the steps in building a BEST/1 model and validating
(calibrating) a model.
Start BEST/1
Sign on the system and start BEST/1 by typing the STRBEST command. Press F4 to receive
a prompt for input.
Note: Obtaining this information requires an understanding of the Domino server
Appendix A. Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1 405
Figure A-1 Start BEST/1
In the following parameters (shown in Figure A-1), enter the information as indicated:
BEST/1 data library: Enter the name of an existing library to contain BEST/1 objects
created during modeling.
Performance data library: Enter the name of the library that has the previously collected
performance data.
An initial menu appears after the disclaimer display is shown.
Type choices, press Enter.
BEST/1 data library . . . . . . a Name, *CURLIB
Performance data library . . . . b Name
Log member . . . . . . . . . . . *NONE Name, *NONE
Log library . . . . . . . . . . *BESTDTAL Name, *BESTDTAL
User level . . . . . . . . . . . *ADVANCED *ADVANCED, *BASIC
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
406 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
BEST/1 for the AS/400 system
On the BEST/1 for the AS/400 menu (Figure A-2), select option 1 (Work with BEST/1
Figure A-2 BEST/1 main menu
BEST/1 for the AS/400
Select one of the following:
1. Work with BEST/1 models
5. Create BEST/1 model from performance data
10. Work with results
50. About BEST/1
60. More BEST/1 options
Selection or command
===> 1
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel
Appendix A. Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1 407
Work with BEST/1 Models
Select option 1 (Work with BEST/1 models) and you see the display shown in Figure A-3.
Figure A-3 Work with BEST/1 Models
Select option 1 to create a model. Enter a name for the model you want to build.
Create BEST/1 Model
The display in Figure A-4 appears. Select option 1 (Create from performance data). You can
specify option 2 and use the predefined workload for Domino under the SERVER category.
This definition is used as a best estimate. It centers around planning for simple mail users but
does not allow for any further complexity.
Figure A-4 Create BEST/1 Model
Work with BEST/1 Models
Library . . . . . CHRIS Name
Type options, press Enter.
1=Create 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Work with 6=Print 7=Rename
Opt Model Text Date Time
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel
F15=Sort by model F16=Sort by text F19=Sort by date and time
Create BEST/1 Model
Select one of the following:
1. Create from performance data
2. Create from predefined and user-defined workloads
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
408 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Create BEST/1 Model from Performance Data
On the Create BEST/1 Model from Performance Data display, type the following information
and press Enter:
A: Enter the description text for your model.
B: Enter the member name containing the iSeries performance data.
C: Enter the name of the library containing the measured iSeries performance data.
Figure A-5 Create BEST/1 Model from Performance Data
Create BEST/1 Model from Performance Data
Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : YOURMODEL
Type choices, press Enter. Use *SLTHOUR to select an hour-long time period or
use *SLTITV to select select first and last interval of a one to two hour
time period. The time period selected should be representative of your peak
processing activity.
Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . A
Performance data:
Member . . . . . . . . . . . B Name, F4 for list
Library . . . . . . . . . . C Name
Start time . . . . . . . . . . *SLTHOUR Time, *FIRST, *SLTHOUR, *SLTITV
Start date . . . . . . . . . . *FIRST Date, *FIRST
Stop time . . . . . . . . . . *LAST Time, *LAST
Stop date . . . . . . . . . . *LAST Date, *LAST
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F12=Cancel
Note: Use the Start time and date and Stop time and date specifications to select the
performance data you want to include in your model. Use the F1 (Help) key for assistance
on using these fields.
Appendix A. Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1 409
Selecting the time interval
If you select *SLTITV for the start time in the display shown in Figure A-5, a display appears
that allows you to select the start time and end time of the performance data to be included in
the model (Figure A-6).
Figure A-6 Select Hour-long Period
Select the start and end times only by entering a 1 in the Opt column.
Classify Jobs into workloads
The display in Figure A-7 allows you to specify how you want to classify the resource usage
into workloads. Select option 2 and press Enter.
Figure A-7 Classify Jobs
Select Hour-long Period
Library . . . . . . . : QPFRDOMINO Performance member . . : MEMBER10
Type option, press Enter. Select an hour-long period representative of your
peak processing activity. Each time period is the sum of a one-hour
performance monitor data collection. The time stamp shown is that of the
last interval in the time period.
Start ---Transaction--- --CPU Util--- I/Os per Sec
Opt Date Time Count Rsp Time Total Inter Sync Async
11/23/01 16:28:25 307 .1 42 0 12 58
11/23/01 16:33:25 201 .5 47 0 10 52
F3=Exit F12=Cancel F15=Sort by interval F16=Sort by count
F17=Sort by rsp time F18=Sort by total CPU util F19=Sort by total I/Os
Classify Jobs
Select one of the following:
1. Use default job classification
2. Classify jobs into workloads
3. Use existing job classifications
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
410 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Specify Job Classification Category
The display shown in Figure A-8 allows you to select the job category you want to use in
assigning the iSeries Domino server jobs to workloads. Select the category that can assist
you in defining your workloads. For example, if each of the Domino server workloads runs in
separate subsystems, you may select option 6 (Subsystem) as the classification category. For
this example, we assume that the Domino workloads are, in fact, separated into different
subsystem. If this is not the case, use Job name as a classification and separate the different
jobs such as SERVER, UPDATE, and so on.
Figure A-8 Specify Job Classification Category
Edit Job Classifications
The details of the display shown in Figure A-9 depend on your selection of the classification
category. The following example is based on the subsystem.
Figure A-9 Edit Job Classifications
Specify Job Classification Category
Type choice, press Enter.
Category . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1=User ID
2=Job type
3=Job name
4=Account code
5=Job number
8=Control unit
9=Comm line
10=Functional area
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
Edit Job Classifications
Enter workload names and category values which are assigned to each workload,
press Enter. Jobs with unassigned values become part of workload QDEFAULT.
Workload Subsystem Workload Subsystem Workload Subsystem
________ _________ ________ _________ ________ _________
________ _________ ________ _________ ________ _________
________ _________ ________ _________ ________ _________
________ _________ ________ _________ ________ _________
________ _________ ________ _________ ________ _________
________ _________ ________ _________ ________ _________
________ _________ ________ _________ ________ _________
________ _________ ________ _________ ________ _________
________ _________ ________ _________ ________ _________
F3=Exit F9=Display values from data F12=Cancel
To display values from performance data, press F9
Appendix A. Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1 411
Press F9 to analyze your performance data and present the available values within the
category selected.
Assign the iSeries Domino server jobs to as many workloads as you want to create within
your model (Figure A-10). If your measured data has interactive work in addition to Domino
server applications, you can define these as well.
Figure A-10 Assign Jobs to Workloads
BEST/1 has internal algorithms to allocate *LIC tasks to the appropriate workload.
Specify Paging Behaviors
Accept the default value of *GENERIC for all workloads as shown in Figure A-11.
Figure A-11 Specify Paging Behaviors
Note: We recommend that you do not explicitly assign *LIC tasks to a specific workload.
Assign Jobs to Workloads
Workload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Type options, press Enter. Unassigned jobs become part of workload QDEFAULT.
1=Assign to above workload 2=Unassign
Number of CPU I/O
Opt Workload Subsystem Transactions Seconds Count
0 141.687 166779
DOMINO06 0 4367.528 21935
DOMINO07 0 212.705 1309
DOMINO08 0 256.651 1432
QBATCH 0 483.879 208703
QCMN 0 .002 0
QCTL 0 5.608 1817
QHTTPSVR 0 .000 0
QINTER 307 7.939 611
QSERVER 0 1.202 1083
QSNADS 0 .018 0
F3=Exit F12=Cancel F15=Sort by workload F16=Sort by subsystem
F17=Sort by transactions F18=Sort by CPU seconds F19=Sort by I/O count
Specify Paging Behaviors
Type choices, press Enter.
Paging Behavior
Workload (F4 for list)
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F12=Cancel
412 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Define Non-Interactive Transactions
The display in Figure A-12 allows you to specify the number of CPUMs for each server
workload. Refer to “Selecting a capacity planning unit of measure” on page 401 for a
discussion on the selection of CPUMs.
For CPUMs per Hour, the value entered is per hour regardless of the time period over which
the model was built. Ensure that you change the "Type" field to *NONE for all of the server
Figure A-12 Define Non-Interactive Transactions
Save Job Classification Member
The display in Figure A-13 allows you to save job classifications as a member in a library.
Figure A-13 Save Job Classification Member
Define Non-Interactive Transactions
Job classification category . . . . . . : Subsystem
Type choices, press Enter.
---Activity Counted as Transaction--- Total Transactions
Workload Type Quantity when Type = *NONE
WEBSRV *NONE 100.0 10000
CALENDAR *NONE 100.0 5000
MAIL *NONE 100.0 20000
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
Save Job Classification Member
Change values if desired, press Enter.
Member . . . . . . . . . . . . A Name
Library . . . . . . . . . . B Name
Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . C
Replace . . . . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
Appendix A. Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1 413
Enter the following information and press Enter:
A: Enter the member name to contain the classification.
B: Check the library name for BEST/1 objects.
C: Enter description text for your classification.
Confirm Creation of BEST/1 Model
Check the model and library name and the associated text and press Enter to submit a batch
job to create your BEST/1 model. The display shown in Figure A-14 appears.
Figure A-14 Confirm Creation of BEST/1 Model
Enter the following information and press Enter:
A: Check the member name to contain the classification.
B: Check the library name for BEST/1 objects.
C: Check the description text for your classification.
Next, you return to the Work with BEST/1 Models display. You may issue the Work with
Submitted Job (WRKSBMJOB) command to find out when your create model job completes,
tune the Display Message (DSPMSG) command to look for a model completion message, or
repeat using the F5 key (Refresh) until you see your new model name appear on the Work
with BEST/1 Models menu. After you see your new model on this display, proceed to the next
Validating the BEST/1 model
Before you evaluate the affect of workload growth, review the model created by BEST/1 to
ensure that it conforms to the measured workload and response times. This section
discusses the process to achieve this.
Confirm Creation of BEST/1 Model
Type choices, press Enter.
Model . . . . . . . . . . . . A Name
Library . . . . . . . . . . B Name
Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . C
Replace . . . . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
Job name . . . . . . . . . . . CRTBESTMDL Name, *JOBD
Job description . . . . . . . QPFRJOBD Name, *NONE, *USRPRF
Library . . . . . . . . . . QPFR Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Member JOBCLASS has been saved
Model objectives: A BEST/1 model is considered properly calibrated when the measured
data values have response times within 0.5 seconds of the corresponding predicted data
values, and the resource utilizations between the measured and predicted are within 20%
of each other.
414 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
In Domino server capacity planning, you can ignore any differences in communications
resource utilization because we limit the modeling to the Domino server only.
Refer to BEST/1 Capacity Planning Tool, SC41-5341, which discusses the adjustments
required when modeling “server jobs”.
You must rely on your experience with BEST/1 and your understanding of the Domino server
application and the OS/400 operating environment to effectively adjust or calibrate the model.
BEST/1 workload components
You may have to verify and modify the workloads if analysis shows that BEST/1 calculations
for some important resource usages do not coincide with actual measurements. These
Total CPU utilization
Disk I/O activity
Number of non-interactive transactions per hour model
A BEST/1 model is made of one or more user-defined workloads. This is the main unit of
input to capacity planning.
From the Work with BEST/1 Model display, select option 1 (Work with workloads) to see all
the workloads in a BEST/1 model. The display shown in Figure A-15 appears.
Figure A-15 Work with Workloads
Each workload is made up of one or more functions. Each defined workload created using
performance data defaults to one function per user per hour. This function represents all of
the work done by this workload. Use option 5 to display the functions in a workload (see
Figure A-16).
Work with Workloads
Type options, press Enter.
1=Create 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display 6=Print 7=Rename
8=Save workload to workload member 9=Edit transactions
Opt Workload Text
F3=Exit F6=Add saved workload F9=Add predefined workload F12=Cancel
F13=Combine workloads
Note: Non-interactive workloads have a usage mode represented by N/A.
Appendix A. Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1 415
Figure A-16 Display Workload
Two additional values are available at the Function level to assist you in calibrating a BEST/1
model. These are:
Key/think time (not applicable for non-interactive work)
Additional delays
These parameters can be modified by selecting the Change Function option (Figure A-17).
Figure A-17 Change Function
Display Workload
Workload . . . . . . . : MAIL
Workload text . . . . . : Measured from QPFRDOMINO (MEMBER10)
Workload type . . . . . : *NORMAL
CPU architecture . . . : *RISC
Usage mode . . . . . . : 4 1=Casual, 2=Interrupted, 3=Steady,
Type option, press Enter.
Functions Avg K/T Inter Tns
Opt Function Function Text per User (secs) per Function
MAIL Function of MAIL 1.00 N/A .00
F3=Exit F9=Display chars to comm line resources F10=Display I/Os to ASPs
F11=Display non-inter transactions F12=Cancel
Change Function
Workload . . . . : MAIL Measured from QPFRDOMINO (MEMBER10)
Function . . . . : MAIL
Change fields, press Enter.
Function text . . . . . . . . . . Function of MAIL
Key/Think time . . . . . . . . . N/A Seconds
Additional delays . . . . . . . . .0 Seconds
Transaction Pool Transactions CPU Time Total
Type ID Priority per Function (Secs) I/Os
2 2 0 1.00 1.513 6.5
2 5 20 20000.00 16.521 1.2
2 1 0 1.00 11.859 407.3
Transaction Type: 1=Interactive, 2=Non-interactive
F3=Exit F6=Work with transactions F12=Cancel
416 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Each function is made up of one or more transactions. The details of a function and the
transactions included in the function are displayed using option 5. The transactions in a
Domino server workload are non-interactive. The display in Figure A-18 shows the
transactions per hour.
Figure A-18 Display Function
The display in Figure A-19 shows an example of the information included in a transaction,
which is obtained by selecting option 5.
Figure A-19 Display Transaction
Display Function
Workload . . . . : MAIL Measured from QPFRDOMINO (MEMBER10)
Function . . . . : MAIL Function of MAIL
Key/Think time . . . . . . . . : N/A Seconds
Additional delays . . . . . . . : .0 Seconds
Type options, press Enter.
Transaction Pool Transactions CPU Time Total
Opt Type ID Priority per Function (Secs) I/Os
2 2 0 1.00 1.513 6.5
2 5 20 20000.00 16.521 1.2
2 1 0 1.00 11.859 407.3
Transaction Type: 1=Interactive, 2=Non-interactive
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
Display Transaction
Workload . . . . : MAIL Measured from QPFRDOMINO (MEMBER10)
Function . . . . : MAIL Function of MAIL
Transaction Type . . . . . . . . : 2 1=Inter, 2=Non
Pool ID . . . . . . . . . . . . : 5
CPU Priority . . . . . . . . . . : 20
CPU time . . . . . . . . . . . . : 16.521 Secs (on B10)
Permanent writes . . . . . . . . : 98.2 Percent
Chars transferred in . . . . . . : 0
Chars transferred out . . . . . : 0
Exceptional wait . . . . . . . . : .0 Msec
Paging behavior . . . . . . . . : *GENERIC
Reads Writes
Sync DB I/Os . . . . . . . . . . : .0 .0
Async DB I/Os . . . . . . . . . : .0 .0
Sync non-DB I/Os . . . . . . . . : .1 1.1
Async non-DB I/Os . . . . . . . : .0 .0
Press Enter to continue.
F3=Exit F12=Cancel F13=Display paging behavior
Appendix A. Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1 417
Work with BEST/1 Models
On the Work with BEST/1 Models menu (Figure A-3 on page 407), select option 5 (Work with)
for your model.
Analyzing the current model
On the Work with BEST/1 Model menu (Figure A-20), select option 5 (Analyze current
model). This option runs the specified workload against the current configuration in the
Figure A-20 Work with BEST/1 Model
Note: You can make adjustments to the model for any or all of the following components:
Work with BEST/1 Model
Performance data . . . : QPFRDOMINO (MEMBER10)
Model/Text . . . . . . : YOURMODEL Domino Workload
Select one of the following:
1. Work with workloads
2. Specify objectives and active jobs
5. Analyze current model
6. Analyze current model and give recommendations
7. Specify workload growth and analyze model
10. Configuration menu
11. Work with results
Selection or command
===> 5
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel F15=Save current model
F17=Analyze using ANZBESTMDL F22=Calibrate model F24=More keys
418 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Work with Results
Use the facilities within this function (see Figure A-21) to evaluate the suitability of the BEST/1
model. The values predicted by the model may be substantially different from the values
measured by Collection Services and the application profile measurements. In this case, you
must make the necessary "artistic adjustments" to the model.
Calibration expertise is where skill and experience play a major role.
Figure A-21 Work with Results
Some of the possible anomalies are discussed in the following section.
Workload type *BATCHJOB
On the Work with Results menu (Figure A-21), you may see the message Current system
CPU cannot handle the measured workload. This observation may not coincide with the
analysis of iSeries performance data.
On the Work with Results menu, type option 5 (Measured and predicted comparison). This
shows a column of measured statistics compared to the values evaluated by the BEST/1
The example in Figure A-22 shows the CPU as a highlighted field, which indicates that CPU
usage is in excess of 98%. Relatively high predictions for other system resources may also
Work with Results
Printed report text . . . . . . Domino workload
Type options, press Enter.
5=Display 6=Print
Opt Report Name
Measured and Predicted Comparison
Analysis Summary
Workload Report
ASP and Disk Arm Report
Disk Resources Report
Main Storage Pool Report
Communications Resources Report
All of the above
F3=Exit F12=Cancel F14=Select saved results F15=Save current results
F18=Graph current results F19=Append saved results F24=More keys
Appendix A. Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1 419
Figure A-22 Measured and Predicted Comparison
It is important to understand how BEST/1 came up with the predicted CPU utilization of
approximately 98%. This can affect the modeling of all Domino "server jobs”. This happens
because they are not perceived by the iSeries performance measurements as interacting with
any external agent and, therefore, are treated as a batch job.
For Modeling Batch Jobs, BEST/1 assigns a workload type of *BATCHJOB when all jobs in
the BEST/1 workload have met all of the following criteria:
All jobs are non-interactive jobs.
All jobs were active for at least 95% of the time in which Collection Services collected
All storage pools used by the jobs service only non-interactive jobs.
The *BATCHJOB workload type was designed to assist in modeling traditional batch job
runtime, which gives all additional CPU capabilities to a *BATCHJOB workload.
However, this algorithm has problems when the actual non-interactive environment contains
Domino server-type jobs that periodically wait for work, similar to an interactive workstation
job. Domino server jobs include mail serving, Web serving, and calendar work that can all be
considered interactive in nature.
If the workload is identified by BEST/1 as *BATCHJOB, BEST/1 assigns all available CPU
that is not used by other workloads to the server workloads, such as Domino. This causes
high-predicted CPU utilization.
The BEST/1 user must understand the Domino server job implementation included in
performance data and manually change the workload attribute from *BATCHJOB to
*NORMAL if it shows as *BATCHLOAD. Making this change and other changes to the model
are called calibrating the model.
Measured and Predicted Comparison
Measured Predicted
Total CPU util . . . . . . . . . . . : 42.2 42.2
Disk IOP util . . . . . . . . . . . : .0 .0
Disk arm util . . . . . . . . . . . : 5.8 11.9
Disk IOs per second . . . . . . . . : 192.4 186.2
Multifunction IOP util . . . . . . . : 10.9 10.9
Disk IOA util . . . . . . . . . . . : 9.2 17.4
LAN IOA util . . . . . . . . . . . . : .0
WAN IOA util . . . . . . . . . . . . : .0
Integrated PC Server IOA util . . . : .0 .0
CPU util . . . . . . . . . . . . . : .1 .1
Int rsp time (seconds) . . . . . . : .1 .0
Transactions per hour . . . . . . : 335 334
Non-interactive thruput . . . . . . : 36520 36765
Performance estimates -- Press help to see disclaimer.
F3=Exit F6=Print F9=Work with spooled files F12=Cancel
F17=Calibrate response time
420 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Transactions per function
Ensure that the number of transactions per function match the value input to the model.
When Adjusting Transactions, BEST/1 always takes some of the unassigned OS/400 system
work (pool 2) and Licensed Internal Code (LIC) work (pool 1) and adds a portion to all
BEST/1 workloads. It does this because some system and LIC work is required to do tasks
such as manage the job and perform disk and communications I/O operations. For
non-interactive workloads that are classified as *BATCHJOB, the number of active jobs is set
to the number of jobs that contribute to the workload. This may not reflect the true profile of
the workload. If the workload is made up of non-interactive jobs but are not classified as
*BATCHJOB, the number of active jobs is set to 1.
For example, you may have six active jobs, but the workload was really derived from only four.
You may have to examine the number of Active Jobs shown in the display in Figure A-23 by
selecting option 2 from the Work with BEST/1 Model menu.
Figure A-23 Specify Objectives and Active Jobs
This difference can result in erroneous reporting of the number of non-interactive transactions
for the function.
Manual calibration of resource usage
BEST/1 allows you to manually calibrate resource utilization, such as CPU and disk, by
adjusting workload functions until the predicted utilizations are a close approximation to the
measured values. Manual calibration requires a good understanding of the parameters that
you are changing.
For model calibration, press the F22 key to enter the manual calibration mode. While you are
in manual calibration mode, any changes to the number of active jobs, or functions per user
do not affect total workload throughput (transactions per hour). The values for transactions
per function are modified to offset changes to either active jobs or functions per user. In
addition, all paging coefficients are recalculated during analysis.
After manual calibration, return to the Work with BEST/1 Model menu, and press F22 to exit
the manual calibration mode.
Specify Objectives and Active Jobs
Type changes, press Enter.
Workload Active ----Interactive----- Non-inter
Workload Connect Type Jobs Rsp Time Thruput Thruput
MAIL *LOCAL *NORMAL 1.0 .0 0 0
F3=Exit F11=Show all quantities F12=Cancel F15=Sort by connect type
F19=Work with workloads
Appendix A. Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1 421
Calibrating response times
Domino server applications are reported as non-interactive jobs, and any external interfaces
are not recognized. Therefore, BEST/1 does not recognize the impact of any communications
delays or overhead.
However, if you need to represent an "interactive response time" to a Domino server
application (because the user perceives performance from this viewpoint), you can adjust the
BEST/1 representation of response time by adjusting the Additional delays value in the
workload specification. The response time indication visible in the Display Workload Report
display should be considered as representing internal response time.
For example, on the Work with Results menu, select option 5 to display the workload report.
You can then display the response time details using the F11 key. Add an amount equal to the
difference between the perceived user response time and the internal response time shown in
the Workload Report. See Figure A-24.
Figure A-24 Display Workload Report
Display Workload Report
Period: Analysis
Total --------Rsp Time Secs spent in--------
Workload Type Connect Rsp Time CPU I/O Pool Comm Other
QDEFAULT 1 *LOCAL .3 .0 .0 .0 .2 .0
QDEFAULT 1 *LAN 20.9 .0 .0 .0 20.9 .0
CALENDAR 2 *LOCAL .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0
MAIL 2 *LOCAL .2 .2 .0 .0 .0 .0
QDEFAULT 2 *LOCAL 1.0 .5 .5 .0 .0 .0
QDEFAULT 2 *LAN 1.0 .5 .5 .0 .0 .0
WEBSRV 2 *LOCAL .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0
Type: 1=Interactive, 2=Non-interactive, 3=*BATCHJOB
Performance estimates -- Press help to see disclaimer.
F3=Exit F10=Re-analyze F11=Workload summary F12=Cancel
F15=Configuration menu F17=Analyze multiple points F24=More keys
422 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Return to the Work with BEST/1 Model menu and select option 1 (Work with workloads).
Select option 2 (Change) for the workload. Then you see the display in Figure A-25. Press F6
(Work with functions), and select option 2 (Change) for the workload. Increase the additional
Figure A-25 Change Workload
Exceptional wait time can also be added at the transaction level of the workload
(Figure A-26).
Figure A-26 Display Transaction
Change Workload
Workload . . . . . . . : MAIL
CPU architecture . . . : *RISC
Type changes, press Enter.
Workload text . . . . . . Measured from QPFRDOMINO (MEMBER10)
Workload type . . . . . . *NORMAL F4 for list
Usage mode . . . . . . . 4 1=Casual, 2=Interrupted, 3=Steady,
Functions Avg K/T ------Tns per Function------
Function Text per User (secs) Inter Non-inter
Function of MAIL 1.00 N/A .00 20002.00
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F6=Work with functions F9=Specify chars to comm lines
F10=Specify I/Os to ASPs F11=Show all functions F12=Cancel
Display Transaction
Workload . . . . : MAIL Measured from QPFRDOMINO (MEMBER10)
Function . . . . : MAIL Function of MAIL
Transaction Type . . . . . . . . : 2 1=Inter, 2=Non
Pool ID . . . . . . . . . . . . : 5
CPU Priority . . . . . . . . . . : 20
CPU time . . . . . . . . . . . . : 16.521 Secs (on B10)
Permanent writes . . . . . . . . : 98.2 Percent
Chars transferred in . . . . . . : 0
Chars transferred out . . . . . : 0
Exceptional wait . . . . . . . . : .0 Msec
Paging behavior . . . . . . . . : *GENERIC
Reads Writes
Sync DB I/Os . . . . . . . . . . : .0 .0
Async DB I/Os . . . . . . . . . : .0 .0
Sync non-DB I/Os . . . . . . . . : .1 1.1
Async non-DB I/Os . . . . . . . : .0 .0
Press Enter to continue.
F3=Exit F12=Cancel F13=Display paging behavior
Appendix A. Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1 423
Saving the BEST/1 model
When calibration of the BEST/1 model is complete, save the model and workloads to use it
later for modeling the growth of this workload and for modeling it with other measured data
workloads. This is especially important if considerable manual adjustments are made to the
Perform the following tasks:
1. Return to the Work with BEST/1 Model menu. Select option 1 (Work with workloads).
2. Select option 8 (Save workload to workload member) for each of the workloads and save
the workload.
Figure A-27 Save Workload to Workload Member
Enter the following information and press Enter:
A: Enter a member name to contain the workload.
B: Enter the library name for BEST/1 objects.
C: Enter a description text for your workload.
The workload member is saved to a file called QACYWKLS in your library. You can use this
workload in any other system, or you can add this workload to any other model from any other
On the Work with BEST/1 Model menu, select F15 (Save the current model), and enter a
name (Member) of the model. Press Enter to save the model.
Work with Selected BEST/1 Model
Select option 7 to specify the workload growth amounts and the number of periods you want
the model to grow.
Save Workload to Workload Member
Change values if desired, press Enter.
Member . . . . . . . . . . . . A Name
Library . . . . . . . . . . B Name
Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . C
Replace . . . . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
CPU architecture . . . . . . . *RISC *CISC, *RISC
424 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Specifying workload growth and analyzing the model
The display shown in Figure A-28 allows you to grow all of the workloads by a single
percentage for up to 10 periods.
Figure A-28 Specify Growth of Workload Activity
Pressing F11 allows you to specify growth rates for each workload in the model (Figure A-29).
Figure A-29 Specify Growth of Workload Activity by workload
Specify Growth of Workload Activity
Type information, press Enter to analyze model.
Determine new configuration . . . . . . . . . . Y Y=Yes, N=No
Periods to analyze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 - 10
Period 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1 Name
Period 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 2 Name
Period 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 3 Name
Period 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 4 Name
Period 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 5 Name
------Percent Change in Workload Activity-------
Workload Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5
*ALL .0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0
F3=Exit F11=Specify growth by workload F12=Cancel
F13=Display periods 6 to 10 F17=Analyze using ANZBESTMDL
Specify Growth of Workload Activity
Type information, press Enter to analyze model.
Determine new configuration . . . . . . . . . . Y Y=Yes, N=No
Periods to analyze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 - 10
Period 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1 Name
Period 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 2 Name
Period 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 3 Name
Period 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 4 Name
Period 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 5 Name
------Percent Change in Workload Activity-------
Workload Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5
CALENDAR .0 10.0 15.0 20.0 15.0
MAIL .0 10.0 20.0 25.0 10.0
QDEFAULT .0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0
WEBSRV .0 15.0 20.0 25.0 10.0
F3=Exit F11=Specify total growth F12=Cancel F13=Display periods 6 to 10
F17=Analyze using ANZBESTMDL
Appendix A. Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1 425
You can either have BEST/1 determine the required upgrade system, or you can modify the
configuration and review the effect on system resource usage as the workload increases.
Status messages are issued as growth analysis is performed. When analysis is complete, the
message Model has been analyzed appears.
426 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 427
Appendix B. SMTP and AnyMail/400 Mail
Server Framework (MSF) jobs
The Domino server jobs, which are described in the following sections, appear in the Domino
subsystem. This jobs are more representative of the SMTP function sets within Domino for
iSeries, when SMTP services are configured with *MSF to support both Domino mail and
iSeries mail. This support uses the iSeries SMTP server in combination with the AnyMail/400
Mail Server Framework.
These jobs are highlighted with the intent that if your system should represent a high
utilization of any of these jobs, you have more knowledgeable information in front of you to
determine just why this is happening. Some of these jobs will appear just briefly, and others
may stay active during extended periods.
For more information about SMTP and AnyMail/400, see the redbook Lotus Domino for
AS/400 Internet Mail and More, SG24-5990.
428 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
SMTP Local Deliver Request Queue. Conversion Services.
The Delivery Report Task (DRT) is responsible for collecting the statistics. Therefore, if the
DRT is not running, statistics are not updated. This also means that the statistics will not be
updated at the point when every message is processed. Statistics are only updated when
DRT processes the messages in the queues. The Total Routed and Waiting Recipients
statistics will not be incremented.
The TotalKBTransferred is an approximation. Each message is rounded to the closest KB size
and this value is added to the total.
The Waiting statistic is first a snapshot of the inbound work queue count. Then, the outbound
work queue count is added to the inbound. In addition, if either queue is greater than 100, the
count for that queue will only be 100.
Examples of statistical information reported include:
The total number of messages sent and received by the MTA since the MTA started
The total accumulated size of all messages in KB sent and received by the MTA since the
MTA started (MTA.Smtp.TotalKBTransferred)
The total number of Non-Delivery Reports and Undeliverable Message Notifications
generated by the MTA since the MTA started (MTA.Smtp.TransferFailures)
A snapshot of the total number of messages pending in the MTA internal work queues
A snapshot of the total number of messages that are marked dead in the MTA internal
work queues (MTA.Smtp.Dead)
The Inbound Message Conversion Task (task name SMTPMTA IMSGCNV) converts
messages received by the Inbound Sessions Handlers to a Notes format. It also converts the
destination user address to a Notes format and checks that this address is deliverable.
If the message is not convertible or the address not deliverable, the Inbound Message
Conversion Task indicates that the message has failed delivery so that a Non-delivery Report
can be generated. If the message is not destined for Notes, it puts the message into the work
queue for the Outbound Transport. The process flow is shown in Figure B-1.
Appendix B. SMTP and AnyMail/400 Mail Server Framework (MSF) jobs 429
Figure B-1 Outbound/inbound message converter flow
This task is started by the SMTP add-in task when the MTA loads. The Inbound Session
Controller appears on the server console as SMTPMTA ISESCTL listening on SMTP port 25.
This controller listens for connection requests on TCP port 25. When a connection request is
made, the controller checks an internal list for available session handlers, transfers the
connection to such a handler, disconnects, and returns to its listening state. If no handler is
available, the controller spawns a new handler, provided that the maximum number of
inbound handlers has not been reached.
If the maximum number of inbound handlers has been reached (as defined in the Internet
Message Transfer Agent section of the Server document), the controller stops listening on
TCP port 25. This state of "not listening" is very infrequent. However, when it occurs, the
controller relies on the standard TCP retry time-out to ensure that the request is eventually
Note: Some IP stack implementations queue a certain amount of session requests when
all session handlers are busy. In such cases, all session handlers and the session queue
have to be busy or full before a connection fails.
430 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Potential performance impact
On low end iSeries servers that are dedicated as a Lotus Notes server, the SMTP MTA server
job, ISESCTL, may use excessive amounts of CPU (approximately 40%) that prevent other
jobs from starting or acquiring CPU to perform tasks. The error may also occur on high-end
systems, which may be dedicated as a Lotus Notes server. The problem has not been
identified to exist on high-end systems. However, there is an indication that the problem does
occur, but it is not recognized.
Suggested performance tuning
This issue was reported to Lotus Quality Engineering and has been addressed in Domino for
iSeries QMUs 4.6b.03 and 4.6.2a.
Review this excerpt from the Lotus Domino Release 4.6b.03 and 4.6.2a QMU fix lists:
“SPR #JBLM3XKULB - ISESCTL is using approximately 40% of CPU UTIL causing
processor utilization to max out.”
Domino 4.6b.03 and 4.6.2a have been changed to prevent the SMTP MTA ISESCTL job from
obtaining excessive amounts of CPU for extended periods.
This task is spawned by the Inbound Session Controller on an as-needed basis and appears
on the server console as SMTPMTA ISESHLR0. The handler "speaks" SMTP (as defined by
RFC 821) with connected hosts that have been passed to the handler by the session
controller. Information received during an SMTP session is placed into a document in the
Inbound Work Queue (the Notes database that temporarily stores messages that need
conversion to Notes format) for processing by the conversion task.
When the message is complete, the handler checks the state of the Inbound Message
Conversion task (which converts messages from RFC-standard Internet format to Notes
format). If the task is idle, the handler "kick starts" the task through Inter-Process
Communication (IPC). The handler then updates its state information in the internal list of
inbound handlers and returns to an available state.
MTA platform independent and platform dependent OS Interfaces
Mapping Table Service
MTA work queue interfaces
The Outbound Message Conversion task converts outbound messages from a Notes format
to an RFC-standard Internet format. The format of the SMTP message and the conversion of
Notes addresses to SMTP Addresses is fully configurable.
Appendix B. SMTP and AnyMail/400 Mail Server Framework (MSF) jobs 431
This task is also started by the SMTP add-in task during the SMTP initialization and appears
on the server console as SMTPMTA OSESCTL. This controller waits for notification that there
are new messages to send from the Outbound Message Converter (the task that converts
outbound messages from Notes format to RFC-standard Interned format). When the
controller receives such notification, it checks an internal list for available outbound session
handlers and passes the available handler a reference ID to the pending message.
If there are no available handlers, the controller spawns a new handler, provided the
maximum number of handlers has not been reached. If the maximum number of outbound
handlers has been reached (as defined in the Internet Message Transfer Agent section of the
Server document), the controller keeps checking its internal list of handlers until a handler
becomes available and then passes the handler a reference ID to the pending message.
This task is spawned by the Outbound Session Controller on an as-needed basis and
appears on the server console as SMTPMTA OSESHLR0. The handler transfers messages
to destination host systems.
As new messages appear in the Outbound Work Queue (the Notes database that temporarily
stores messages ready for transmission), the Outbound Session Controller passes a
message reference ID to an available, or newly spawned, session handler. The handler is
responsible for domain name resolution and makes the connection with the destination host
system of the message recipient.
Once an SMTP connection is established, the message is transferred according to SMTP
commands defined in RFC 821. When the handler has completed a session, it updates the
status of the message in the work queue, updates its own state in the internal list of handlers,
and returns to an available state.
Note: As a secondary method for locating new messages to be sent, the Outbound
Session Controller routinely polls the Outbound Work Queue for new messages.
Note: OSESHLR0 and ISESHLR0 represent the first handlers spawned by their respective
controllers. As more handlers are spawned, the number appended to the end of the task
name increases. For example, the second Outbound Session Handler spawned appears
on the server console as SMTPMTA OSESHLR1.
432 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Figure B-2 Message, Transport Services components
The Add-in Controller (task name SMTPMTA) is the task that is loaded on the Domino server.
It acts as a control point for all the other tasks. All commands for the MTA are sent to the
Add-in Controller and it notifies the necessary child processes, for example, Tell SMTPMTA
SMTP local deliver request queue
Domino for iSeries server programs QNNDxxxx and QSYSWRK
The following programs may use many resources. They are listed here only so you can
identify them. There is no way to influence or to tune them. Some of these programs may
appear only briefly, while others may stay active during an extended period of time.
Most of the QNNDxxxx programs handles the directory synchronization services. Directory
synchronization allows you to keep the iSeries server distribution directory synchronized with
the Domino Directory (also known as the Public Address Book or the Name and Address
The QNNDxxxxx programs provide the following functions:
QINSTAPP Domino server installation program
QNNDI2NA Frontend to Notes Domino Directory to SDD (System Database Directory)
QNNDI2SD Frontend to SDD (System Database Directory) to Notes Domino Directory
QNNDICFG Native Notes dir sync main configuration
QNNDICIN Native Notes dir sync common code
QNNDICLN Frontend directory cleanup program
QNNDICSD Cleanup SDD NoteID field
QNNDIDFV Native Notes dir sync HiTest Interfaces
Appendix B. SMTP and AnyMail/400 Mail Server Framework (MSF) jobs 433
QNNDIEND End directory sync jobs
QNNDIENV Sets up Domino application environment
QNNDIFMG Frontend to message queue processor
QNNDIHK Native Notes dir sync DB Hook Driver
QNNDILCK Native Notes dir sync database locking PGM
QNNDILOG Native Notes dir sync configuration logging
QNNDIMAL Native Notes dir sync mail related information
QNNDIMAP Native Notes dir sync mappings configuration
QNNDIMPC Native Notes dir sync SDD—>Domino Directory map tool
QNNDIMSG Native Notes dir sync message handler
QNNDIOBJ Native Notes dir sync iSeries object function
QNNDIPNA Populate Domino Directory to SDD
QNNDIPOP Directory sync populate program
QNNDIPSD Populate SDD to Domino Directory
QNNDIQ2N Native Notes dir sync from SDD to Domino Directory
QNNDIQ2S Native Notes dir sync from Domino Directory to SDD
QNNDIRML Native Notes dir sync mail field handler
QNNDIRQS Data queue front-end program
QNNDIRSY Native Notes dir sync common Q processes
QNNDISCD Schedule directory sync "populate"
QNNDISTJ Start queue processor jobs
QNNDIXIT SDD exit program for Notes Dir Sync
QNNDI2NA Front-end to SDD to Domino Directory processor
QNNDI2SD Front-end to Domino Directory to SDD processor
QNNINAPI Native Notes partitioned server API function
QNNINCSD Console display
QNNINCSL Domino console support
QNNINCSS Console start
QNNINEDS End Domino server
QNNINSDS Start Domino server
QNNINSTS Start the server
QNNINSVC Common choices program
QNNINVAL CFGDOMSVR validity checker program
QNNINVCP Common validity checker program
434 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 435
Appendix C. Important notes.ini parameters
This appendix lists in functional groups the some of the most important parameters in the
notes.ini file:
Table C-1 on page 436 contains the settings in the notes.ini file that are most useful for
performance analyzing and tuning.
Table C-2 on page 442 shows all the notes.ini logging parameters that are useful for
debugging but have a considerable performance cost and should be left switched off when
not required.
Table C-3 on page 444 lists the key notes.ini parameters related to agents that affect
Table C-4 on page 446 shows all the Domino notes.ini parameters related to Indexing and
full text (FT) indexing, all of which can and will have a significant effect on Domino
Table C-5 on page 449 shows the mail related notes.ini parameters that may affect
Table C-6 on page 451 shows all the clustering parameters that will affect performance.
436 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Steps for changing the notes.ini file
There are multiple ways that you can edit the notes.ini file. We outline the three most common
ways here:
Add to the notes.ini section of a configuration document in the Domino Directory
(names.nsf - previously called Public Address Book). If you create a default configuration
document, you can propagate these changes throughout your domain simply by
replicating the Domino Directory.
Simply select option 13 from the Work with Domino Servers (WRKDOMSVR) command to
edit the notes.ini file for a particular server. This is much more convenient in that you do
not have to know or specify the data directory path to the notes.ini file.
Through the Operations Navigator graphical user interface to the iSeries, you can work
with the Domino servers on a given iSeries server. By right-clicking the server of choice,
you can edit the notes.ini file. This is probably the easiest method of editing the notes.ini.
Tips on editing or adding entries in the notes.ini file
You can place notes.ini variables anywhere in the notes.ini file. However, we recommend that
you group them near the end of the file to make it easier to find your changes in the future.
Here are some tips:
Add them before the last entry in the notes.ini file to avoid potential problems with an
incorrect final character in the file. If the final character is not character, the server might
not recognize the final entry in the file.
It is always a good idea to put in a comment before entering a change to the notes.ini file
so you have a good record of the change that was made, why, and when the update
For the server to pick up most changes in the notes.ini file, the server needs to be stopped
and restarted after the changes are made.
Description of notes.ini variables
Table C-1 contains the settings in the notes.ini file that are most useful for performance
analyzing and tuning.
Table C-1 Notes.ini parameters affecting performance
Domino system
CleanupTimeout R5.0.7: Allows changes to the default time of 5 minutes allowed for CleanupScriptPath
to execute.
Reduce database directory scan frequency.
Domino periodically scans your data directory for new files or files that have been
removed. By default, this scan happens every 15 minutes. If you have a lot of files in your
data directory, or a complicated directory structure, traversing the directory can take a
significant amount of CPU. You can reduce the overhead by increasing the refresh
interval. Keep in mind, however, that it will take Domino longer to recognize new files.
Default=15 (minutes)
0=Disabled (Never scan).
Appendix C. Important notes.ini parameters 437
EnableJavaAgents Disables Java Agents when = 0
If the AS/400 Developer Kit for Java (5722-JV1) is installed on your iSeries, the Domino
Agent Manager (AMgr) and HTTP server automatically support running Java agents.
You can disable Java agents by adding the following line to the notes.ini file for the
Domino server:
Default=1 ENABLED (if Java installed)
See also “EnableJavaAgents” on page 225.
Fixup_Tasks The maximum number of fixup tasks that are allowed to be started upon server startup
to look at databases that need fixing.
Default = 2 x the number of CPUs
Fixup= Controls what database fixup options are run at server startup. We recommend that you
do not use this option, especially with transaction logging enabled. (Need fixup -J or
serious damage occurs).
The Fixup task should be used as a "last resort" when a database cannot be opened.
Domino R5 is more robust. Run COMPACT, or UPALL -R on a database, or create a new
replica or a database copy before resorting to running Fixup. Only run Fixup on a
database that cannot be opened. Fixup deletes any documents that it determines are
Memory_Quota OS/2 only will be ignored by Domino for iSeries.
The NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size (bytes) and NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size_MB specify the
maximum size of the NSF buffer pool.
We recommend that you set this and PercentAvailSysResources.
On iSeries, the default is added to notes.ini as 300 Mb during installation. Without this
parameter, the default is 3/8 of total physical memory. For full details, see 7.14.1,
“NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size or Nsf_Buffer_Pool_Size_mb” on page 211.
NPN= Notes Partition Number on iSeries (Domino Partitions). Set by configuration tools and
the API; do not adjust by hand!
NOTESPARTITION=1 Defines the notes partition number for this instance.
= <#-of-DBs>
Sets the max number of databases that can be cached in the DBCache. Increasing the
database cache size may well improve system performance, but may require additional
memory and will requires Maxentries to be increased.
The minimum is 25 and the maximum is 2000 (platform).
Default: None, but if this setting is omitted, the number is either 25 or the
NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size value is divided by 300K (whichever is greater).
See the details in “NSF_DbCache_Maxentries” on page 221.
PercentAvailSysResources Since R5.0.4, this new parameter controls the amount of memory allocated to each
Domino Server (Subsystem) by percentage. With the PercentAvailSysResources
variable, you assign a portion (%) of total system memory to each Domino server by
specifying a value from 2% to 100%, which represents an absolute percentage of the
system's total physical memory. This in turn limits NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size (not present in
notes.ini) to 3/8 of the memory allocated by PercentAvailSysResources, leaving 5/8 for
other Domino buffers to maintain proportion and balance.
Recommendation: Set both PercentAvailSysResources and NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size
See “PercentAvailSysResources” on page 213.
Previous_TransLog_Path Describes the path to transaction logs in the previous configuration. Allows system to
restart after manual changes to logfile status, location or style or loss of log files.
Note: Some operating systems require a trailing path separator.
Use just for recovery and emergencies only.
Domino system
438 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Previous_TransLog_Status Describes the status of transaction logging in the previous configuration. Allows system
to restart after manual changes to logfile status, location or style or loss of log files.
Use just for recovery and emergencies only.
Default=0 (DISABLED)
Previous_TransLog_Style Logging style in the previous configuration
DEFAULT=0 (Circular)
Allows the system to restart after manual changes to logfile status, location or style or
loss of log files. Use for recovery and emergencies only.
Default=0 (CIRCULAR)
Replicators= Specifies the number of Replicator tasks that can run concurrently on the server. A
replicator task synchronizes a source database with its replicas. Starting more than one
replicator allows a server to replicate its databases with more than one server
simultaneously. If, however, you enable two replicators, and the server only needs to
replicate with one other server, then only one replicator is used. The other task remains
Multiple replicators will speed up synchronization especially in clustering, but increase
workload significantly on the server.
Recommendation: (number of processors -1)
Need to restart the server or start extra replicators with the load replica console
Regulates the number of concurrent transactions that can occur in a server at one time.
When the number of concurrent transactions is reached, the other transactions are put
into a wait state until one of the active transactions completes.
Note: The R4 value of -1 must not be used in R5 because Domino now optimally uses
thread pools. These pools are set by default to 40 threads per port. If you set this
parameter (default 20), be aware that IOCP threads will default to two times this number
(for example, 40). A value of -1 means unlimited and will set IOCP threads to twice
unlimited and causes very serious performance problems with threads.
Recommendation: Do not use.
For further details, see “Server_Max_Concurrent_Trans” on page 216.
Server_MaxSessions Defines the number of user sessions a Domino server can accommodate. When a new
user attempts to logon, if the current number of sessions is greater than the value of
Server_MaxSessions, Domino closes the least-recently-used session. In order for a
session to be considered for closing, it must have been inactive for at least one minute.
If there are too many concurrent (active) sessions on the Domino server, errors may
Reaching this limit on iSeries causes the SERVER job to take up a lot of CPU with a
single thread. Users see the message “remote system no longer responding”.
Default=Not applicable
For further details, see “Server_MaxSessions” on page 217.
Server_MaxUsers Specifies the maximum number of active NRPC user sessions allowed on a server
This is only effective for NRPC (Notes Client) users and does not affect HTTP users or
sessions. When this number is reached, the server state becomes “MaxUsers”, and the
server stops accepting new Database Open requests from NRPC users. This prevents
not only new sessions from starting but also stops existing NRPC users from opening
another DB, and they also see the error message:
“Server Error: Access to the server is restricted due to maximum number of users.”
Default is 0 (unlimited access to server by user).
Recommendation: DEFAULT
For further details, see “Server_MaxUsers” on page 217.
Domino system
Appendix C. Important notes.ini parameters 439
Server_Pool_Tasks Sets the number of threads assigned to each thread pool. Enables a small pool of
threads to do server work instead of one per user.
Default: The number of threads is 40 per port.
In testing, 40 threads were able to handle 3000 clients with high efficiency. If your server
handles fewer clients concurrently, you can improve performance by decreasing the
number of threads in the pool proportionately.
If you are using the server just as an HTTP server, drop the number of threads in the
core server threadpool to a low value (for example, 10). In R5, the Domino HTTP server
manages its own pool of threads, so any threads existing in the main server threadpool
simply use up resources on the system, even if they are idle. The next release will be a
little different.
Default is 40
Recommendation: DEFAULT
Cause Domino to terminate an NRPC connection or session that has been idle for this
amount of time. A session is considered idle if no activity detected. If it is set too low, it
may cause the server to have to re-open database server sessions too often. The best
setting for this parameter is determined by the server load, numbers of concurrent users
on the server, etc.
Beware, creating a new session is very CPU expensive; for example, re-using sessions
is much more efficient, which is why we have the parameter.
The term “Session” also includes server “internal” sessions, such as agents, replicator
tasks, server to server and so on, so plan for it!
Default: 4 hours (240)
Recommendation: 30/45 minutes (but never less)
For further details, see “Server_Session_Timeout” on page 218.
Server_Show_Performance This parameter writes server performance events into the Notes Log when set =0
Using the console command SHOW PERFORMANCE sets this parameter to =1 and the
"Server performance monitoring is now enabled" message appears on the Domino
server console. The statistics will run once a minute onto the console. To stop server
performance events from being displayed on the console, type SHOW PERFORMANCE again
and performance events will be toggled off and no longer be displayed on the console.
On the Server Console the concurrent transactions will display as:
03:41:55 PM 41 Transactions/Minute, 5 Users
The FT function is quite similar to the WRKACTJOB command on the iSeries server.
List of all ServerTasks Tasks that will start automatically at server startup. In addition to
the default tasks Replica, Router, Update, Stats, clrepl, cldbdir, cladmin, you can run
almost any other server task such as Compact, Event, and Fixup. Just be aware that
each task increases the server's load.
Note: This parameter is not automatically updated on install or upgrades and new
and NNTP are all configurable at the time a server is installed.
For details, see Chapter 8, “Understanding the Domino server jobs” on page 229.
skip_fixup=1 5.0.4 Client is the only method of stopping auto-fixup removing all the docs from a
damaged database and allowing some form of recovery, etc.
Will be ignored in the server notes.ini.
Domino system
440 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Translog_AutoFixup Only if Domino cannot use the TxL logs to fully recover a database will the FIXUP -J task
be run to allow that DB to be accessed again.
1=ENABLED (Default)
Translog parameters are always overwritten by the values from the server
document, so there is no point to changing them in the notes.ini directly.
If FIXUP -J has to run after a crash, it assigns a new DBIID to that database, and
notifies the administrator that a new full DB backup is required for that database +
any others it has fixed.
WIth this parameter enabled, this happens automatically during startup after a
crash but only if the TxL recovery failed for some reason.
When this parameter is disabled, Domino does not run the FIXUP -J task
automatically. It just notifies the administrator to run the FIXUP task with the -J
parameter on the corrupt database/s later!) and those databases will not be
This parameter should only be disabled during debugging to allow you to take a
copy of a corrupt DB before running FIXUP -J b hand.
Default=1 ENABLED
Recommendation: ENABLED
Defines the maximum size in Mb that the collection of 64 Mb Circular TxL log files can
grow to before being forced to start over-writing (re-using) themselves. This parameter
plus Translog_UseAll are both ignored when using Archival TxL.
Attention: The minimum size is 192 MB (it ignores all lower values!), so if you start
Domino with physically less disk space for TxL logs than 192 Mb, it identifies a fatal error
TxL logs are written in 64k chunks. The logs “segment” (next log file “extent”) at 64 Mb.
The logs are binary and created empty 64 Mb long. When re-used, they are
incrementally renamed and the contents cleared down. Never routinely delete TxL log
files! The only purpose of TxL on iSeries is fast recovery after a crash and incremental
Circular: 4096 (4Gb) (This is also the max value)
Archival: 8192 (8Gb)
Default: (3 x Physical RAM)
For further details, see “Translog_MaxSize” on page 218.
Directory path to location of TxL Log files. Default location is \logdir in data directory.
However, on non-iSeries servers, we strongly recommend that you store the transaction
log on a separate mirrored device, such as a RAID level 0 or 1 device with a dedicated
On iSeries, the Translog_Path is for convenience of locating your log files. It does not
impact performance.
Attention: Ensure TxL has sufficient rights to either create the directory named, or rights
to use that directory. If TxL has insufficient rights, it considers that it has lost its log files
and freezes rather than starting Fixup and trashing your DBs.
Domino system
Appendix C. Important notes.ini parameters 441
Translog_Performance Specifies the trade-off between transactional log runtime and restart recovery time, as
1 = Favor runtime.
Checkpoint every 500 Mb. Flush after 500 Mb.
2 = Standard (default)
Checkpoint every 16 Mb, Flush at 49 Mb.
3 = Favor restart recovery time.
Checkpoint every 5 Mb, Flush at 15 Mb.
Using a 500 Mb cache makes no sense with less than 500 Mb of logging space available.
Default: 2 = (Standard)
For further details, see “Controlling performance: Favor Run Time or Restart Recover
Time” on page 377.
Used when the all the TxL logs (*.txn) exist, but the control file (logctrl.lfh) is missing.
Translog_Status Translog_Status
Enable TxL logging for all Release 5 databases
0 - Transactional logging disabled
1 - Transactional logging enabled
You must upgrade databases to the Domino Release 5 format before they can be
transactionally logged. Setting Translog_Status=0 disables transaction logging when the
server is restarted, but the second restart re-enables it.
Note: TxL can improve server overall performance in most cases, except on iSeries,
where memory management and I/O are fully optimized anyway. TxL, however,
dramatically improves restart times after a Domino crash (all platforms), improves data
integrity, significantly reduces data loss after a crash, and allows online incremental and
full backups using the TxL logs via a new Domino API for backup software developers.
Default is 0 (DISABLED)
Recommendation: ENABLED
Translog_Style Type of transaction logging.
0 = Circular (default). The system continuously re-uses the extent log files, overwriting
old TxLs
1 = Archive.
The system does not immediately re-use extent log files until after you use a Domino R5
API backup utility to archive TxL logs.
Recommendation: Either. Depends on needs.
Note: Translog parameters are always overwritten by the values from the server
document, so there is no point to changing them in the notes.ini directly.
Domino system
442 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Table C-2 shows all the notes.ini logging parameters that are useful for debugging but have a
considerable performance cost and should be left switched off when not required.
Table C-2 Logging parameters
Translog_UseAll Allow TxL Logger to use all the available space to be found on the
“Translog_Path= parameter” for Circular Transaction log files.
0=DISABLED (Default)
Translog parameters are always overwritten by the values from the server
document, so there is no point to changing them in the notes.ini directly.
This parameter and Translog_MaxSize are both ignored when using Archival TxL
Logging, which keeps filling up your disk until either you run a backup or the disk
runs out of space (resulting in Domino crashing).
This parameter is also partially ignored even in Circular TxL because the maximum
size for Circular is 4 GB, which is all it will ever grow to if you let it.
On iSeries, you should always have this parameter disabled and you should always
set the Translog_MaxSize parameter if using any form of TxL either Circular or
Archival TxL logging.
Recommendation: DISABLED
Changes the temporary work directory where the UPDATE task keeps all its work files
and causes all views including (after R5.0.3) permuted (categorized) views to be rebuilt
using the faster R5 Optimized view rebuild which uses the system TEMP directory (or
the specified directory) to generate all temporary files (.DTF files) instead of the R4
default of the DATA directory. Some operating systems require a trailing directory
Convert all DBs to R5 to take full advantage.
Recommendation: This directory be placed outside the data directory path preferably
on its own ASP. For iSeries, also make sure qnotes owns the directory, and has full
authority to it.
Default: R4 standard rebuild.
For details, see “View_Rebuild_Dir” on page 222.
Domino system
Logging variable Description
Log Modifies logging behavior
Variable 1 = Log's file name
Variable 2 = Logging options to be added together
1= Log to console
2= Force database fixup when opening log
4= Full document scan (as opposed to quick scan or open)
Variable 3 = Not currently used
Variable 4 = Number of days at which to delete log documents
Variable 5 = Size of log text in event documents
Log_Replication Indicates level of replication session logging
0 - Do not log replication events
1 - Log that a database is replicating
2 - Log summary information about each database
3 - Log information about each replicated document (both design and data documents)
4 - Log information about each replicated field
Appendix C. Important notes.ini parameters 443
Log_Sessions Enable or Disable logging of all sessions as they start + stop; use for troubleshooting
0 - Do not log
1 - Log Sessions as they begin and end
Log_Tasks Whether to log server task info to the console and log file.
0 - Do not send status information
1 - Send status of server tasks to log file and to the console
Log_Update Level of index logging.
0 - Records when indexer starts and shuts down
1 - Records when the Indexer starts and shuts down + when Indexer updates views + full
text indexes for specific databases.
2 - As 1 + record names of views the Indexer is updating.
Log_View_Events Logging level for view rebuilds.
0 - Do not log messages when views are rebuilt
1 - Log messages when views are rebuilt
Mail_Log_To_MiscEvents Determines if all mail event messages are displayed in the Miscellaneous Events view
of the log file:
0 - Does not display mail events in Misc Events
1 - Displays mail events in the Miscellaneous Events view of log file
No_Force_Activity_Logging Sets the database activity logging mode.
Without this, set the Statlog server task enables the Record Activity option for every
database on the server and adds 64 KB to each database.
0 - Allows automatic activity logging on all databases
1 - Prevents automatic activity logging on all databases
Passthru_LogLevel Specifies the level of trace information recorded for all network connections (including
passthru) in the Miscellaneous Events view of the log file.
0 - No information is recorded
1 - Only errors are recorded
2 - Summary progress information is recorded
3 - Detailed progress information is recorded
4 - Full trace information is recorded
PhoneLog Settings to define which, if any, phone calls are written to the Notes Log.
0 = Don't log phone calls
1 = Log all phone calls except fails due to “busy”
2 = Log all phone calls
Track performance metrics of operating system + output results to server and statrep.
Type show stat platform to display them.
Disabled by default in R5.0.3 and later versions.
The PLATFORM command controls this feature at the console using the following
TIME Change sample rate n (minutes) def 1
RESET Begin new stats session; reset metrics
WAIT Pauses the collection of performance data
RUN Resume the collection of performance data
RTR_Logging Enables or disables monitoring of Cluster Replicator activity.
0 - Disables monitoring of the Cluster Replicator
1 - Enables monitoring of the Cluster Replicator
Show_Task_Detail Enables additional information on the Show Task command.
Logging variable Description
444 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Table C-3 lists the key notes.ini parameters related to agents that affect performance. For
more information, refer to Julie Kadashevich’s frequently asked questions (FAQ) on
everything you wanted to know about agents on Notes.net on the Web at:
Table C-3 Agent Manager and the Adminp parameters that affect performance
Unsupported Client only parameter.
Enable client NRPC calls, timings and sizing
For details, see “Lotus Client NRPC Monitoring Tool Client_Clock” on page 157.
Console_Loglevel= Logging level for the Domino server console.
No information displayed
1 - Only errors are displayed
2 - Summary progress information is displayed
3 - Detailed progress information is displayed
4 - Full trace information is displayed
Log_AgentManager= 0 - Do not show logging
1 - To show partial and complete successes
2 - To show complete successes
The Log_AgentManager setting provides you with a subset of the debugging information
that Debug_AMgr generates. This option provides less output, but it has a smaller impact
on performance. Some people keep the Log_AgentManager setting turned on even
when there are no problems, just to have additional information in the log.
If you have both notes.ini variables specified, Debug_AMgr settings will take
Log_DirCat= Non-Zero=enabled (values 0 or 1)
Allows you to log the dir cat task more frequently. Without this setting, the log file only
shows when the DirCat starts.
Log_Disable_Session_Info= Non-Zero=enabled (valid 1 or 0)
Allows administrators to turn off the writing of session events to the log.
Log_MailRouting= Degree of logging for the router task
0 - Note: Defaults to 20
10 - Shows errors, warning, and major events
20 - As 10 but successful deliveries + transfers also logged
30 - Add thread information
40 - Add transfer messages, message queues, + full document information for
Logging variable Description
Agent Manager variable Function
AdminPInterval Interval cycle (in minutes) for when the Administration Process (ADMINP) carries out
many types of requests. This setting corresponds to the interval setting in the
Administration Process section of a Server document. The Administration Process looks
in the Server document first, and if it does not find a value in the Interval field, it refers to
the notes.ini setting.
Default: If setting omitted and no value is specified in the Server document, the interval
cycle is 60 minutes.
Appendix C. Important notes.ini parameters 445
Specifies the minimum elapsed time (in minutes) between execution of the same
document update-triggered agent.
A delay between the execution of the same event-triggered agent (triggered by a
document update or by new mail) exists so the user has control over the interval between
the given agents. If the agent is triggered and its corresponding minimum interval hasn't
passed, the Agent Manager schedules the task to run at its last run time plus the
minimum interval.
Default value is 30 minutes.
Specify a delay of execution (in minutes) that the Agent Manager includes in the
schedule for a document update-triggered agent after a document update event.
This delay between when an event occurs (a document is updated or new mail is
delivered) and the time at which the agent is scheduled to be executed, exists so that
any rapid series of events will only result in one execution of a given agent. Then, the
Agent Manager as well as the overall server can perform more efficiently.
The default value is 5 minutes.
Specifies the minimum elapsed time (in minutes) between execution of the same new
mail-triggered agent.
A delay between the execution of the same event-triggered agent (triggered by a
document update or by new mail) exists so the user has control over the interval between
the given agents. If the agent is triggered and its corresponding minimum interval hasn't
passed, the Agent Manager schedules the task to run at its last run time plus the
minimum interval.
The default value is 0.
AMgr_NewMailEventDelay Specifies a delay of execution (in minutes) that the Agent Manager includes in the
schedule for a new mail-triggered agent after a new mail message is delivered.
This delay between when an event occurs (a document is updated or new mail is
delivered) and the time at which the agent is scheduled to be executed, exists so that
any rapid series of events will only result in one execution of a given agent. Then, the
Agent Manager and the overall server can perform more efficiently.
The default value is 1 minute.
AMgr_SchedulingInterval Controls how quickly an agent gets into the schedule queue by specifying a delay (in
minutes) between running of the Agent Manager's scheduler. Valid values: 1 minute to
60 minutes. The default value is 1 minute.
The Agent Manager automatically uses the default values for this variable. To override
the default values, you can add it to the server's notes.ini file. In general, this rarely
require tuning.
Controls how quickly an agent gets into the schedule queue by specifying a delay (in
minutes) between running of the Agent Manager's check for untriggered mail. Incoming
Mail (or indeed any notes document) is classed as "untriggered" when it's added to a
database through replication, which does not cause a “new mail” trigger to fire. This
parameter helps guarantee that the replicated mail will be processed by an agent.
Valid values: 1 minute to 1440 minutes (the number of minutes in a day). The default
value is 60 minutes.
The Agent Manager automatically uses the default values for this variable. To override
the default values, you can add it to the server's notes.ini file. In general, this rarely
require tuning.
Specifies whether agents on a Web Server triggered by browser clients can run at the
same time. Options are:
0 - Only run one agent at a time (serially)
1 - Run more than one at a time (asynchronously)
Applies to: Browser clients
Agent Manager variable Function
446 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Table C-4 shows all the Domino notes.ini parameters related to Indexing and full text (FT)
indexing, all of which can and will have a significant effect on Domino performance.
Table C-4 Indexing and full text (FT) indexing parameters
Parameter Definition
Allows administrators to set a default lifetime for indexes associated with database views
if none was selected by the database designer in the Design View Attributes dialog box
("Discard index on server after n days of inactivity").
Examples: Default_Index_Lifetime_Days=30
Valid on workstations
Default: 45 days
DominoAnalyzeFormulas Web pages that contain @functions can be cached through the Formula Analyzer, which
“analyzes” the formula on the page to determine if it propagates changes frequently, and
under what conditions the cached command becomes invalid. If the command
propagates changes frequently or is prone to becoming invalid, then it will not be cached.
Values: 0 or 1.
Default=1 (ENABLED)
FT_Alternate_Filter R5.0.3: Alternate filter added for attachment indexing which enhances the capabilities of
the Keyview filter. This alternate filter provides support for file types, such as the Ichitaro
file format, which is important in international regions.
For example: FT_ALTERNATE_FILTER=naltfltr.dll
R5.03 Select location & name of Domain Index.
Default is FTDOMAIN.DI. in Data Directory
By adding this setting, Domino will support directory links and Index relocation.
FT_DOMAIN_IDXTHDS= Specifies the number of indexing threads to use for Domain Search. Using more threads
lets the Domain Catalog server index more files simultaneously, but requires more CPU
utilization, and response to search queries may be slow. With fewer indexing threads,
search speeds up because of greater CPU availability, but changes are not reflected in
the index as quickly.
Default: None, although if this setting is omitted, the default number of threads used is
two per CPU. For example, a server with two CPUs uses four indexing threads by default
when indexing. Do not exceed eight threads per server or you may degrade the
performance of the server, even on servers with more than four CPUs.
FT_HTML_Title By default, when Domino indexes HTML files for Domain Search, only the text in the
field is indexed. Domino does not index text included in any other fields. To
include all HTML fields in a Domain index, for example, or fields: Edit
the FORMATS.INI file. Find the 210=htm statement & remark out the statement:
REM 210=htm
FT_Index_Accent_Sens Enables accent sensitive full text searching for special language characters.
Default=0 (DISABLED)
FT_Index_Attachments Disable indexing of attachments.
Setting = 2 overrides any setting in a Notes database or the domain indexer and
overrides any setting in a notes database or the domain indexer and turns off attachment
R5.0.4: Control which type of attachments are not to be included in your Domain Index.
A neat option, because files like .TIF and .JPG can consume considerable amounts of
space. Add: =.exe, .tif, .jpg comma separated, restart server
FT_Intl_Setting Imposes several limitations on full text functionality to let Notes work properly with the
Japanese language. When enabled (set to 1), this setting turns off stemming, makes all
full text indexes case-sensitive, and ignores the setting for the stop word file.
Applies to workstations.
FT_KV_LOG=1 Switch this on to log output from a run to see if and why Keyview is failing to filter.
Appendix C. Important notes.ini parameters 447
FT_LIBName R5.0.5: Domino for iSeries now includes an alternate GTR search engine beginning in
Release 5.0.5. This engine is not turned on by default. If you activate the new engine,
you may see improvements in index creation and search response time, particularly with
large databases or databases containing a mixture of different languages. However, a
limitation is that the maximum document size that can be indexed will be reduced to
approximately 5.3 MB, verses a maximum of about 8 MB with the original search engine.
Documents that are too large will be excluded from the database's index.
The GTR 34 engine is activated by placing the following parameter in the server's
notes.ini file.
Note: If you activate the alternate search engine, using this .ini parameter, Domino will
re-build the indices for all databases that are currently indexed. If the parameter is later
removed from the notes.ini file, all indices will again be rebuilt in their original R5 format.
See 7.6, “GTR search engine version 3.4” on page 199.
Governs the maximum unique keys found by a wildcard search. Default was 1000 now
FT_Max_Instances_Large= R5: Control the maximum number of instances which can be indexed. Both must be
taken into consideration:
Notes uses this second one FT_MAX_INSTANCES_LARGE=< > if there is plenty of
memory available. Otherwise, it will use FT_MAX_INSTANCES=< >.
Current defaults are:
Both variables must be set. It is not sufficient to set one of the variables and not the other
FT_Max_Search_Results Increases the default return limit for FT searches
FT_No_CompWinTitle Setting the variable to 1 will disable computing of the window title. This variable was
introduced because computing a window title can be expensive in terms of CPU
resources. By default, Domain Indexing will Compute Window titles. Many Notes
Documents do not populate a Title, Subject, or Topic field. Consequently, the Domain
Indexer assigns the title "Document has no title" to these documents. Options to avoid
this are using Site Search, and to create a better title for the document by running the
Note through the default View formula. Even if set, it is still possible to get a “Document
has no title” warning.
Default=0 (ENABLED)
Set the Domain Search Summarizer language. Whenever the Summarizer assigns a
language to a document, and is then unable to summarize in that language, it will then
try to summarize using the default language instead. Whenever the Summarizer cannot
summarize a document because it is too short, or it cannot summarize a document
because it cannot summarize in the language it is trying to summarize in, no error
message and no summary will be produced.
Values: Any language, for example Dutch, English, French
Valid: R5.0.3 NT
Default=English (if null string) or if not present use Native language from locale
Parameter Definition
448 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
FT_Use_AltFltr Enables the indexing of file attachments in the Ichitaro format.
Full Text Search supports for attachments in the Ichitaro file format. The user must also
set two values in the ftaf.ncf file: aftaro6 and aftaro9. (The ftaf.ncf file is in your Notes
program directory. It is not automatically installed with Notes; the file will not exist unless
the user or administrator has created it.)
Note: ftaf.ncf file should be owned by QNOTES.
Valid: R5.0.8 (Client + Server) on iSeries
Default=0 DISABLED
FTG_Index_Limit= X You can increase this index size limit by setting the value of X calculated as follows:
8MG is calculated as 8*1024 *1024=8388608; thus FTG_INDEX_LIMIT=8388608
12MB is calculated as 12*1024*1024 = 12582912; thus FTG_INDEX_LIMIT=12582912
NOTE: There is no upper limit to the size.
FTG_No_Summary Disable the Summarizer. Domain Search can, under certain circumstances, return a
result to a user who cannot access the result document. If summarization is also
enabled, this problem is exacerbated, because the result of a search will, if detailed
results are specified, now include several key sentences from the document. If you have
such a situation, you may want to disable the Summarizer by setting this variable to 1.
Valid: R5.0.3 on NT
Default=0 (ENABLED)
FTV_Fields_ FTV_Fields_database specifies the numeric and date fields in a specific database that
are full text indexed. Using this parameter, you want the ability to specify a path to a
database located in a subdirectory.
Not valid in R5
FTV_Max_Fields Limiting Date and Number Fields to be Full Text Indexed
Not valid in R5
FullTextMultiProcess Allows multiple full-text Indexer server tasks to run on the server simultaneously. The
value argument specifies the maximum number of Indexers that can run at the same time.
QueryMaxResults Defines the maximum number of documents that the query engine will return. The query
engine cannot handle a query that results in more than 5000 matches in 800 documents,
and will return the error “Query is not understandable”.
Update_No_Fulltext Disables the full-text indexer, set to 1
Default: If omitted, full-text indexing is ENABLED.
Note: If you disable full-text indexing, you must restart the server for this change to take
Defines the delay time in minutes between full text index and view updates, even if
immediate indexing is set.
The server builds a queue of changed documents for the indexer and the agent manager,
which wake up periodically and process from the queue. This will increase your CPU
load significantly.
Default=5 minutes
Overrides the Update_Suppression_Time variable if number of duplicate
requests are received to update indexes and views.
The server builds a queue of changed documents for the indexer and the agent manager,
which wake up periodically and process from the queue. This will increase your CPU
load significantly.
Parameter Definition
Appendix C. Important notes.ini parameters 449
Table C-5 shows the Mail related notes.ini parameters that will affect performance
Table C-5 The mail related notes.ini parameters that most affect performance
Updaters During startup, this fires up the heavy interactive-like UPDATE task on the iSeries side.
By default, one job is started. The number of additional tasks is controlled with this
parameter. Set this value according to your organization’s requirements. The formula for
calculating the number of tasks is:
- < 1>
Change this parameter only after careful planning. Multiples of these can have a serious
impact on performance.
Parameter Definition
Parameter Definition
MailClusterFailover This has the affect of forcing a server to try to deliver mail to the primary server and
deliver it to the backup server if the primary is unavailable. The users will obviously have
switched servers in line with their CLUSTER.NCF file when the primary server is
The delivery failover to the backup server does not happen until a number of connection
failures have occurred on any server (that has the MailClusterFailover=1 option set in its
notes.ini) trying to connect to the primary server. This is expected as the cost of routing
has to increase for failover to occur. These failover times will also vary depending on
whether the connecting server is in the same Notes Named Network.
MailClusterFailover=1 allows failover (0 Disables)
MailCompactDisabled Enables or disables the routine compacting of the server's mail.box. Without this setting
in the notes.ini file, mail.box is compacted routinely when the COMPACT server task
0 - Enables compacting of mail.box
1 - Disables compacting of mail.box
Default: Not applicable
When disabled, the transfer/delivery threads are no longer shutdown and restarted.
Previous behavior was that the router would shutdown the transfer/delivery threads and
immediately restart them, simply skipping the compaction of mail.box.
MailDisablePriority Used to disable high priory mail delivery (when requested by the sender) and treats all
mail as if it were normal priority mail. 1=Disable.
Default=0 (Allow High Priority Mail)
Routes low-priority mail during the specified time. Without this setting in the notes.ini file,
the Notes server routes low-priority mail only between 12 a.m. (midnight) and 6 a.m. Set
the time range using 24-hour format. You must specify a time range for this setting; Notes
won't deliver low-priority mail if you specify only one specific time, such as 4 p.m. For
example: MailLowPriorityTime=21:00-23:00
Specifies that low-priority mail is routed from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.
This setting determines the maximum number of concurrent mail transfer threads per
destination. The default is the MailMaxThreads value (see below) divided by 2.
Note that in Domino Release 5, this setting is no longer included in notes.ini; it is a field
in the Configuration Settings document.
MailMaxDeliveryThreads Setting determines the maximum number of threads the Router can create to perform
local mail delivery. The default is 1. Increasing this value can improve message
throughput for local deliveries. The ideal number ranges from 3 to 25. This is determined
by a formula, based upon the NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size
Note: In Domino Release 5, this setting is no longer included in notes.ini; it is a field in
the Configuration Settings document.
450 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
MailMaxThreads Controls the number of concurrent outbound connections the Domino router task
supports over each active port driver. If this parameter is omitted, Domino uses one
thread per server port. Increasing this number creates more threads to handle mail
transfers. However, additional threads may increase the demand for server processing
time. In Domino Release 5, this setting is no longer included in notes.ini; it is a field in the
Configuration Settings document.
Default is one thread per server port.
See also “MAILMAXTHREADS” on page 225.
This value applies to the "Route at once if X messages are pending" field on the
Connection Record. It is designed to control the Retry Algorithm of the Mail transfer
queue. When a remote server is unavailable or goes down in the middle of a session, the
Retry algorithm kicks in and attempts to re-establish the connection with the remote
server and complete the transfer. This parameter controls the number of minutes used
before an attempt is made to retry a failed connection. Should a Scheduled Event fail the
notes.ini MaxRetryDelay=X is used to control the total amount of time Notes will attempt
to retry. The usefulness of this override is limited because the value is not an absolute. It
can be overridden by other factors.
MaxRetryDelay Used to control the total amount of time Notes will attempt to retry should a Scheduled
Event fail. The usefulness of this override is limited because the value is not an absolute.
It can be overridden by other factors.
Setting determines the number of mail files a user can have on the server.
Note: In Domino Release 5, this setting is no longer included in notes.ini; it is a field in
the Configuration Settings document.
MinNewMailPoll Setting determines how often workstations can contact the server to see if new mail has
arrived for the user. This setting overrides the user's selection in the Mail Setup dialog
box. You can increase the mail polling interval if there are a large number of mail users
on your server and you want to prevent frequent polling from affecting server
NoMsgCache Setting disables per-user message caching by the IMAP task. This can improve capacity
(number of users) on a server by reducing memory consumption. However, response
time for some user operations may be slower.
Setting determines how often (per minute) the Domino server that runs the POP3 service
update its configuration information.
Default= 2 minutes.
SecureMail Setting this variable to 1 causes the Notes mailer to sign and encrypt all mail sent from
the workstation and removes the Sign and Encrypt options from all dialog boxes.
SharedMail Specifies whether the shared mail “feature” is used for new mail delivered to this server:
0 - Shared mail not used for new mail
1 - Shared mail used for new mail to this server.
2 - Shared mail for new mail to this server and for new mail transferred through this server
Default: 0 (shared mail not used)
Recommendation: Avoid if at all possible.
Parameter Definition
Appendix C. Important notes.ini parameters 451
Table C-6 shows all the clustering parameters that will affect performance.
Table C-6 Clustering parameters
Paremeter Definition
Server_TransInfo_Max The number of intervals to average the transaction counts. The availability
of cluster servers and the process of load-based failover is based on the
comparison of the Server_Availability_Index and
Server_Availability_Threshold. The Server_Availability_Index is
calculated by the following formula:
Transactions are counted within the statistic interval
Server_Transinfo_Update_Interval. The number of intervals that are used
to average the transaction counts may be set by Server_TransInfo_Max.
Default is 5
Recommendation: No change
Server_TransInfo_Update_Interval Transactions counted within the statistic interval. The availability of cluster
servers and the process of load-based failover is based on the comparison
of the Server_Availability_Index and Server_Availability_Threshold.
The Server_Availability_Index is calculated by the following formula:
Transactions are counted within the statistic interval
Server_Transinfo_Update_Interval. The number of intervals that are used
to average the transaction counts may be set by Server_TransInfo_Max.
Default is 15 seconds
Recommendation: No change
Server_Cluster_Probe_Timeout Default 1 (minute) max 120: The interval in which the cluster servers probe
each other for availability. Can cause serious performance issues if set too
fast depending on loading.
CLREPL_Poll_Interval Cluster Polling Interval (Seconds)
Attention: The default and very large values in some earlier revisions are
reset to a very small value that can cause continuous polling and
Tip: Manually set this to a sensible value.
RNext: parameter to defines the number of Cluster Replicators and
another to enable/disable clustering. (1=Enable 0=Disable) The R5
Cluster Administrator is now a server thread and performs and replaces all
the former CLADMIN functions (CLREPL & CLDBDIR) each time the
server starts.
Note: CLREPL and CLDBDIR will be removed from notes.ini ServerTasks
on upgrade to R5. Excessive or unnecessary cluster replication will
seriously impact performance.
RTR_Cached_Handle_Disable Enables or disables the caching of open databases in a cluster.
0 - Enables caching of open databases
1 - Disables caching of open databases
Cached handles improves response times, but can cause excessive I/O on
very busy systems.
Cluster initial retry and max allowed interval. The default was a very large
values in some earlier revs and gets reset to very small value causing
initial value to override the maximum retry interval.
Tip: Manually set this to a sensible value.
452 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Server_Availability_Threshold=<%> Works directly with the Domino statistic Server.Availability. When
Server.Availability reaches the threshold set in the
Server_Availability_Threshold parameter, the server begins rejecting user
requests. The threshold may need to be set high (95 to 97) for the best
failover characteristics.
In addition, Server_Transinfo_Normalize may need to be set. This allows
you to "normalize" the response times experienced by your Domino server
and insures that the failover processing will occur only when it's supposed
to. This value can be tailored for your environment.
Tip: Manually set to a carefully calculated value.
Server_transinfo_Normalize Used when calculating the server availability index to "normalize" the
response times observed at the server (that is, it divides the observed
response times by this normalize value). Until now, this setting was
undocumented, but it is available in both R4.6 and R5.
For the availability index calculation to work properly, the normalize value
should be roughly equal to the average Domino transaction time (for the
server in question) in milliseconds*100. The default value is 3000ms,
corresponding to an average response time of 30ms per transaction.
Note: This default setting was appropriate for "the average server" when
clustering was first shipped several years ago, but it is too large for the
current generation of servers. You should use a lower normalize value with
today's faster servers, so loads failover correctly.
Tip: Manually set to a sensible value.
Server_Cluster_Default_Port =TCPIP This directs cluster communications between the servers through TCP/IP.
Even if your network uses multiple protocols, you should configure all
servers in a single cluster to support the same set of network protocols.
This ensures that clients can connect to any server in the cluster in the
event of failover or for workload balancing. You should specify the TCP/IP
port of the server on the Server_Cluster_Default_Port setting in the
notes.ini file of all servers that belong to a cluster.
Server_Cluster_On=<0 or 1> Enables clustering when set to 1. We recommend that you use TCP/IP for
cluster server configurations for optimum communications between the
servers in the cluster. Although the failover and workload balancing logic
was designed and implemented to be independent of the actual network
protocol, Lotus only fully certifies Domino clusters running with TCP/IP.
Server_Cluster_Probe_Port= Determines the communications port the cluster manager uses for
availability probes. The release notes for some versions of Domino instruct
you to set the Server_Cluster_Default_Port and this one. This is an error
in the documentation; Domino does not use the
Server_Cluster_Probe_Port setting. Doesn’t actually do anything in
current revisions, but you can put it in if you choose.
Paremeter Definition
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 453
Appendix D. Domino R5 statistics
Table D-1 shows the entire R5 statistics table and their meaning. These names and some of
the following descriptions can be located on any Domino R5 server in the “names and
messages (advanced)” / “statistic names” view inside events4.nsf.
Table D-1 Domino R5 statistics and their descriptions
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
Agent.Daily.AccessDenials Number of daily access denials for agents
Agent.Daily.ScheduledRuns Number of daily scheduled agent runs
Agent.Daily.TriggeredRuns Number of daily triggered agent runs
Agent.Daily.UnsuccessfulRuns Number of daily unsuccessful agent runs
Agent.Daily.UsedRunTime Number of seconds to run agent
Agent.Hourly.AccessDenials Number of hourly access denials for agents
Agent.Hourly.ScheduledRuns Number of hourly scheduled agent runs
Agent.Hourly.TriggeredRuns Number of hourly triggered agent runs
Agent.Hourly.UnsuccessfulRuns Number of hourly unsuccessful agent runs
Agent.Hourly.UsedRunTime Number of seconds to run agent
Calendar.Total.All.Appointments.Reservations Total appointments and reservations in scheduling
Calendar.Total.All. Users.Resources Total users and resources in scheduling
Calendar.Total.Appts Total appointments in scheduling
Calendar.Total.Reservations Total reservations in scheduling
Calendar.Total.Resources Number of resources in scheduling
Calendar.Total.Users Total users in scheduling
Collector.Time.Collected Time statistics were collected
Collector.Time.Elapsed Time since collector was started
454 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Comm.NumOldSessionsClosed Number of sessions closed by the Notes server to
accommodate new users
Database.BufferControlPool.Peak Peak number of database control pools used
Database.BufferControlPool.Size Size of database buffer control pool
Database.BufferControlPool.Used Number of database control pools used
Database.BufferPool.Allocated Number of database control pools allocated
Database.BufferPool.Maximum Maximum size of database control pools
Database.BufferPool.Peak Peak number of database buffer pools
Database.BufferPool. PerCentReadsInBuffer Percentage of buffer pool reads
Database.BufferPool.Reads Number of database buffer pool reads
Database.BufferPool.Used Number of used database buffer pool
Database.BufferPool.Writes Number of database buffer pool writes
DataBase.DbCache.CurrentEntries Number of entries in the database cache at this time
DataBase.DbCache.HighWaterMark High water mark of the database cache
DataBase.DbCache.Hits Number of hits to the database cache
DataBase.DbCache.InitialDbOpens Number of Db opens done by the database cache
DataBase.DbCache.Lookups Number of lookups to the database cache
DataBase.DbCache.MaxEntries Max number of entries in the database cache
DataBase.DbCache.OvercrowdingRejections Number of rejections due to the overcrowding of the
Database.ExtMgrPool.Peak Peak number of external manager pools
Database.ExtMgrPool.Used Number of External Manager pools
Database.NIFPool.Size Size of database NIF pool
Database.NIFPool.Used Number of database NIF pools
Database.NSF.FreeHandleStack.FreeHandleStackHits Number of free handle stack hits
Database.NSF.FreeHandleStack.HandleAllocations Number of database free handle stack allocations
Database.NSF.FreeHandleStack.MissRate Free handle stack miss rate
Database.NSFPool.Peak Peak number of database NSF pools
Database.NSFPool.Size Size of database NSF pool
Database.NSFPool.Used Number of database NSF pools
Database.RM.Current.K.Restart.Redo.Hold Changes sitting on log but not in database(s) yet
Database.RM.Current.K.UnCommited.Undo.Hold Changes held back by long running transaction(s)
Database.RM.Current.MaxChkptScan.msec Slowest time to create a checkpoint
Database.RM.LastChkpt.Avg.K.Logged.PerTran The size of transactions
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
Appendix D. Domino R5 statistics 455
Database.RM.LastChkpt.Interval.Sec Time since last checkpoint (Ex. 27 hours. This is an Idle
Database.RM.LastChkpt.K.Logged Amount logged in Checkpoint interval (usually near
Database.RM.LastChkpt.Time “07/07/1999 09:31:10” PDT Time of checkpoint
Database.RM.LastChkpt.Total.DBs Databases open or in DBCache at time of checkpoint
Database.RM.LastChkpt.Trans Actual transactional logging type transactions (API calls
that did DB updates)
Database.RM.Peak.Avg.K.Logged.PerTran The size of transactions
Database.RM.Peak.Interval.Sec Time since last checkpoint
Database.RM.Peak.K.Logged Amount logged in Checkpoint interval (usually near
Database.RM.Peak.Time “06/01/1999 08:14:47” PDT Time of checkpoint
Database.RM.Peak.Total.DBs Databases open or in DBCache at time of checkpoint
Database.RM.Peak.Trans Actual transactional logging type transactions (API calls
that did database updates)
Database.RM.Peak.Trans.PerMin Transactions/Min
Database.RM.Restart.Duration.Sec Time to apply the incomplete changes after a crash (in
Database.RM.Restart.K.Applied Amount of incomplete changes detected and applied in
KB (Ex. 22MB in 33 sec.)
Database.RM.Restart.Time “06/01/1999 08:11:59” PDT Time the server was started
Database.RM.SinceChkpt.K.Logged Logged records since last checkpoint (Kb)
Database.RM.SinceChkpt.Trans Transactions since last checkpoint
Database.RM.SinceStartup.Aborts Failed transactions (usually caused by some corrupt
database or Notes in database. Look at log.nsf Misc
Events if this is a large value)
Database.RM.SinceStartup.Critical.Log.Times Shows how many times your system ran critically log full.
If non-zero, consider increasing log size
Database.RM.SinceStartup.Log.Recs.Analyzed (internal)
Database.RM.SinceStartup.Log.Recs.Applied Log records applied (Redo=>Undo)
Database.RM.SinceStartup.Log.Recs.Read Log record has been read
Database.RM.SinceStartup.Log.Recs.Written Log record has been written
Database.RM.SinceStartup.M.Logged How much log has been written in MB
Database.RM.SinceStartup.Trans Actual transactional logging type transactions (API calls
that did database updates)
Database.RM.Sys.Log.Type Circular Logging style (Circular or Archive)
Database.RM.Sys.Logged Enabled If Disabled, no other Database.RM statistics are
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
456 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Database.RM.Sys.M.Chkpt.Interval Checkpoint interval
Database.RM.Sys.M.Log.Size Max Log size defined
Database.RM.Sys.M.Redo.Limit Recommended max Redo.Hold span before aggressive
flushing occurs
Database.RM.Sys.Phase Normal would show if Media Recover was under way
Disk.C.Free Free space on drive C:
Disk.C.Size Size of disk C
Disk.D.Free Free space on drive D:
Disk.D.Size Size of disk D
Disk.Swapdisk.Free Number of free bytes on the disk that contains the
server's swap file
Domino.BuildName Build name for this Domino server
Domino.BuildNumber Build number for this Domino server
Domino.BuildPlatform OS platform for this Domino server
Domino.BuildVersion Build version for this Domino server
Domino.Command.CreateDocument Count of “OpenDocument” URLs that have come into the
Domino.Command.DeleteDocument Count of “DeleteDocument” URLs that have come into
the server
Domino.Command.EditDocument Count of “EditDocument” URLs that have come into the
Domino.Command.Login Count of “Login” URLs that have come into the server
Domino.Command.Navigate Count of “Navigate” URLs that have come into the server
Domino.Command.OpenAbout Count of “OpenAbout” URLs that have come into the
Domino.Command.OpenAgent Count of “OpenAgent” URLs that have come into the
server since server was
Domino.Command.OpenDatabase Count of “OpenDatabase” URLs that have come into the
Domino.Command.OpenDocument Count of “OpenDocument” URLs that have come into the
Domino.Command.OpenElement Count of “OpenElement” URLs that have come into the
Domino.Command.OpenForm Count of “OpenForm” URLs that have come into the
Domino.Command.OpenHelp Count of “OpenHelp: URLs that have come into the
Domino.Command.OpenIcon Count of “OpenIcon” URLs that have come into the
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
Appendix D. Domino R5 statistics 457
Domino.Command.OpenNavigator Count of “OpenNavigator” URLs that have come into the
Domino.Command.OpenServer Count of “OpenServer” URLs that have come into the
Domino.Command.OpenView Count of “OpenView” URLs that have come into the
Domino.Command.ReadForm Count of “ReadForm” URLs that have come into the
Domino.Command.SearchSite Count of “SearchSite” URLs that have come into the
Domino.Command.Total Count of all URLs that have come into the server
Domino.Command.Uknown Count of unknown URLs that have come into the server
Domino.Requests.Per1Day.Peak Peak requests over the past day
Domino.Requests.Per1Day.PeakTime Time of peak requests over the past day
Domino.Requests.Per1Day.Total Total requests over the past day
Domino.Requests.Per1Hour Total requests over the past hour
Domino.Requests.Per1Hour.Peak Peak requests over the past hour
Domino.Requests.Per1Hour.PeakTime Time of peak requests over the past hour
Domino.Requests.Per1Hour.Total Total requests over the past hour
Domino.Requests.Per1Minute Total requests over the past minute
Domino.Requests.Per1Minute.Peak Peak requests over the past minute
Domino.Requests.Per1Minute.PeakTime Time of peak requests over the past minute
Domino.Requests.Per1Minute.Total Total requests over the past minute
Domino.Requests.Per5Minute Total requests over the past 5 minutes
Domino.Requests.Per5Minute.Peak Peak requests over the past 5 minutes
Domino.Requests.Per5Minute.PeakTime Time of peak requests over the past 5 minutes
Domino.Requests.Per5Minute.Total Total requests over the past 5 minutes
Domino.Requests.Total Total requests
ICM.Command.Redirects.ClusterBusy Number of commands received when all servers are
ICM.Command.Redirects.Successful Number of successful redirects
ICM.Command.Redirects.Unsuccessful Number of unsuccessful redirects
ICM.Command.Total Total number of commands received
ICM.Command.Unknown Total number of unknown commands received
ICM.Receive.Error Total number of commands not received due to error
ICM.Requests.Per1Hour.Total Number of requests received in the last hour
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
458 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
ICM.Requests.Per1Minute.Total Number of requests in the last one minute
ICM.Requests.Per5Minutes.Total Number of requests in the last 5 minutes
ICM.Sessions.Threads.Busy Number of ICM server tasks currently running
ICM.Sessions.Threads.Idle Number of ICM server tasks currently idle
ICM.Sessions.Total Total number ICM server tasks since server startup
IMAP.Sessions.Accept.Queue IMAP listener work queue of incoming sessions to be
IMAP.Sessions.Active Current number IMAP server tasks
IMAP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesReceived Total Number of BytesReceived by this IMAP server
IMAP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesSent Total Number of BytesSent by this IMAP server
IMAP.Sessions.Inbound.Non-SSL Number of IMAP server inbound TCP connections (non
IMAP.Sessions.Inbound.SSL Number of IMAP Server inbound SSL connections
IMAP.Sessions.Inbound.SSL.Bad_Handshake Number of IMAP server SSL Handshake Failures
IMAP.Sessions.Inbound.Total Total Number of IMAP server inbound connections (SSL
and non SLL)
IMAP.Sessions.Peak Peak number IMAP server tasks since server startup
IMAP.Sessions.Threads.Busy Number of IMAP server tasks currently running
IMAP.Sessions.Threads.Idle Number of IMAP server tasks currently idle
IMAP.Sessions.Total Total number IMAP server tasks since server startup
LDAP.Anonymous LDAP Connections Anonymous connection count
LDAP.Average LDAP Search time Average of all successful search times
LDAP.Failed LDAP Connections Failed connections count
LDAP.Longest LDAP Search request Search value for longest search
LDAP.Longest LDAP Search time Longest individual search time
LDAP.Sessions.Accept.Queue LDAP Listener work queue of incoming sessions to be
LDAP.Sessions.Active Current number LDAP server tasks
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesReceived Total Number of BytesReceived by this LDAP server
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesSent Total Number of BytesSent by this LDAP server
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.Non-SSL Number of LDAP server inbound TCP connections (non
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.SSL Number of LDAP server inbound SSL connections
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.SSL.Bad_Handshake Number of LDAP server SSL Handshake failures
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.Total Total Number of LDAP server inbound connections (SSL
and non SSL)
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
Appendix D. Domino R5 statistics 459
LDAP.Sessions.Peak Peak number LDAP server tasks since server startup
LDAP.Sessions.Threads.Busy Number of LDAP server tasks currently running
LDAP.Sessions.Threads.Idle Number of LDAP server tasks currently idle
LDAP.Sessions.Total Total number LDAP server tasks since server startup
LDAP.Simple LDAP Connections Simple connection counter
LDAP.Strong Authentication Connections Strong authentication connection count
LDAP.Total LDAP Abandons Count of abandoned operations
LDAP.Total LDAP Adds Count of attempted add operations
LDAP.Total LDAP Compares Count of attempted compare operations
LDAP.Total LDAP Connections Total of all connections
LDAP.Total LDAP Deletes Count of attempted delete operations
LDAP.Total LDAP Extended Operations Count of attempted extended operations
LDAP.Total LDAP Modifies Count of attempted modify operations
LDAP.Total LDAP ModifyDNs Count of attempted modfydn operations
LDAP.Total LDAP Searches Count of attempted searched performed
LDAP.Total LDAP Searches for Root DSE Count of search requests for root DSE
LDAP.Total LDAP Searches for Subschema Count of search requests for subschema entry
Mail.AverageDeliverTime Average time for mail delivery.
Mail.AverageServerHops Average number of server hops for mail delivery.
Mail.AverageSizeDelivered Average size of mail delivered.
Mail.Dead Number of dead (undeliverable) messages in mail.box
Mail.Delivered Number of mail messages moved into mail.box by router
Mail.Deliveries Count of actual mail items delivered (may be different
from delivered)
Mail.Domain Mail domain name
Mail.Hold Number of mail messages in message queue on hold
Mail.IMAP.Cache.MsgInsertAttempts Number of IMAP server attempts to insert message in
Mail.IMAP.FindCacheAttempted Number of attempts by IMAP server to find message in
Mail.IMAP.NumCacheHits Number of messages IMAP server found in cache
Mail.IMAP.NumMsgInsertedInCache Number of messages IMAP server inserted into cache
Mail.MaximumDeliverTime Maximum time for mail delivery
Mail.MaximumServerHops Maximum number of server hops for mail delivery
Mail.MaximumSizeDelivered Maximum size of mail delivered
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
460 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Mail.MinimumDeliverTime Minimum time for mail delivery
Mail.MinimumServerHops Minimum number of server hops for mail delivery
Mail.MinimumSizeDelivered Minimum size of mail delivered
Mail.PeakByteTransferRate Peak transfer rate
Mail.PeakMessagesTransferred Peak number of messages transferred
Mail.PeakMessageTranferRate Peak message transfer rate
Mail.PeakMessageTranferRate.Time Time of peak message transfer rate
Mail.PeakTotalBytesTransfered Highest number of bytes transferred
MAIL.TotalFailures Total number of mail failures
Mail.TotalKBTransferred Total mail transferred in KB
Mail.TotalPending Number of mail messages pending
Mail.TotalRouted Number of mail messages moved from mail.box to other
Mail.TotalRouted.SMTP Number of mail messages moved from mail.box via
Mail.TotalRouter.NRPC Number of mail messages moved from mail.box via
Mail.TransferFailures Number of mail messages router was unable to transfer
Mail.Transferred Number of mail messages router attempted to transfer
Mail.Waiting Number of outgoing mail messages currently in mail.box
Mail.WaitingforDNS Number of mail messages in mail.box waiting for DNS
Mail.WaitingRecipients Number of pending mail messages in mail.box awaiting
delivery into user's
MailByDest..Delivered Total number of delivered messages
MailByDest..TotalFailures Total number of mail failures
MailByDest..TotalRouted Total number of mail failures
Mem.Allocated Total amount of memory allocated by the server
Mem.Allocated.Process Total amount of non-shared memory allocated by
individual processes
Mem.Allocated.Shared Total amount of server memory allocated as shared
Mem.Availability Availability of server memory
Mem.Free Amount of free memory available to the server
Mem.FTVDKMaxBufferSizeUsed FTVDK Max buffer size used
Mem.PhysicalRam Total amount of physical memory on the server
Mem.Quota Maximum memory that can be allocated by the server
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
Appendix D. Domino R5 statistics 461
Mem.SwapFile.Size Size (in bytes) of system swap file
Mem.Timeouts Memory timeouts
Monitor..Failure Event queue failure
Monitor..Fatal Event queue fatal error
Monitor..Warning(High) Event queue failure warning
Monitor..Heartbeat Event heartbeat count
MTA.ccMail.Dead Dead messages in ccMail MTA Inbound and Outbound
work queues
MTA.ccMail.TotalKBTransferred Total number of Kilobytes (Inbound and Outbound)
MTA.ccMail.TotalRouted Total recipients in ccMail MTA messages routed (Inbound
and Outbound)
MTA.ccMail.TransferFailures Total ccMail MTA transmission failures resulting in an
MTA.ccMail.Transferred Total ccMail MTA messages transferred (Inbound and
MTA.ccMail.Waiting Total messages waiting in ccMail MTA work queues
MTA.ccMail.WaitingRecipients Number of Responsible Recipients in waiting mail held in
Inbound and Outbound work queues
MTA.Smtp.Dead Dead messages in SMTP/MIME MTA Inbound and
Outbound work queues
MTA.Smtp.TotalKBTransferred Total number of Kilobytes (Inbound and Outbound)
MTA.Smtp.TotalRouted Total recipients in SMTP/MIME MTA messages routed
(Inbound and Outbound)
MTA.Smtp.TransferFailures Total SMTP/MIME MTA transmission failures resulting in
an NDR or UMN
MTA.Smtp.Transferred Total SMTP/MIME MTA messages transferred (Inbound
and Outbound)
MTA.Smtp.Waiting Total messages waiting in SMTP/MIME MTA work
MTA.Smtp.WaitingRecipients Number of Responsible Recipients in waiting mail held in
Inbound and Outbound work queues
NET..BytesReceived Number of network bytes received
NET..BytesSent Number of network bytes sent
NET..Sessions.Established.Incoming Number of Incoming sessions established
NET..Sessions.Established.Outgoing Number of Outgoing sessions established
NET..Sessions.Limit Number of sessions at limit
NET..Sessions.LimitMax Number of sessions at maximum limit
NET..Sessions.LimitMin Number of sessions at minimum limit
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
462 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
NET..Sessions.Peak Peak number of sessions
NET..Sessions.Recycled Number of sessions that have been recycled
NET..Sessions.Recycling Number of sessions recycling
NET.Log..UnwrittenEntries Number of unwritten log notes waiting to be written
NET.TCP.BytesReceived Number of network bytes received
NET.TCP.BytesSent Number of network bytes sent
NET.TCP.Sessions.Established.Incoming Number of Incoming sessions established
NET.TCP.Sessions.Established.Outgoing Number of Outgoing sessions established
NET.TCP.Sessions.Limit Number of sessions at limit
NET.TCP.Sessions.LimitMax Number of sessions at maximum limit
NET.TCP.Sessions.LimitMin Number of sessions at minimum limit
NET.TCP.Sessions.Peak Peak number of sessions
NET.TCP.Sessions.Recycled Number of sessions that have been recycled
NET.TCP.Sessions.Recycling Number of sessions recycling
NET.TCPIP.BytesReceived Number of network bytes received
NET.TCPIP.BytesSent Number of network bytes sent
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.Established.Incoming Number of Incoming sessions established
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.Established.Outgoing Number of Outgoing sessions established
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.Limit Number of sessions at limit
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.LimitMax Number of sessions at maximum limit
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.LimitMin Number of sessions at minimum limit
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.Peak Peak number of sessions
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.Recycled Number of sessions that have been recycled
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.Recycling Number of sessions recycling
NET.VINES.BytesReceived Number of network bytes received
NET.VINES.BytesSent Number of network bytes sent
NNTP..Articles.Posted Number of news articles posted by the server
NNTP..Articles.Sent Number of news articles sent to the server
NNTP..Bytes.Received Number of bytes received from the server
NNTP..Bytes.Sent Number of bytes sent to the server
"RemoteServerName" by the NNTP
NNTP..Pull.Articles.Failed Number of failed news article transfers from the
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
Appendix D. Domino R5 statistics 463
NNTP..Pull.Articles.Offered Number of news articles offered by the server
NNTP..Pull.Articles.Requested Number of news articles requested from server
NNTP..Pull.Articles.Transfered Number of news articles transferred from
"RemoteServerName" to the NNTP
NNTP..Push.Articles.Failed Number of failed news article transfers to server
NNTP..Push.Articles.Offered Number of news articles offered to the server
NNTP..Push.Articles.Requested Number of news articles requested by the server
NNTP..Push.Articles.Transfered Number of news articles transferred to the server
NNTP.Articles.Posted Number of news articles posted to the NNTP server
NNTP.Articles.Sent Number of news articles sent from the NNTP server
NNTP.Bytes.Received Number of bytes received by NNTP server
NNTP.Bytes.Sent Number of bytes sent from NNTP server
NNTP.Pull.Articles.Failed Number of failed news article transfers received by the
NNTP server
NNTP.Pull.Articles.Offered Number of news articles offered by the NNTP server
during pull feeds
NNTP.Pull.Articles.Requested Number of news articles requested from the NNTP
server during pull feeds
NNTP.Pull.Articles.Transfered Number of news articles transferred by the NNTP server
during pull feeds
NNTP.Push.Articles.Failed Number of failed news article transfers by the NNTP
server during push
NNTP.Push.Articles.Offered Number of news articles offered by the NNTP server
during push feeds
NNTP.Push.Articles.Requested Number of news articles requested from the NNTP
server during push feeds
NNTP.Push.Articles.Transfered Number of news articles transferred by the NNTP server
during push feeds
NNTP.Sessions.Accept.Queue NNTP listener work queue of incoming sessions to be
NNTP.Sessions.Active Current number NNTP server tasks
NNTP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesReceived Total Number of BytesReceived by this NNTP server
NNTP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesSent Total Number of BytesSent by this NNTP server
NNTP.Sessions.Inbound.Non-SSL Number of NNTP server inbound TCP connections (non
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
464 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
NNTP.Sessions.Inbound.SSL Number of NNTP server inbound SSL connections
NNTP.Sessions.Inbound.SSL.Bad_Handshake Number of NNTP server SSL Handshake Failures
NNTP.Sessions.Inbound.Total Total Number of NNTP server inbound connections (SSL
and non-SSL)
NNTP.Sessions.Outgoing.non-SSL Total Outgoing non-SSL TCP Connections
NNTP.Sessions.Outgoing.SSL Total Outgoing SSL TCP Connections
NNTP.Sessions.Peak Peak number NNTP server tasks since server startup
NNTP.Sessions.Threads.Busy Number of NNTP server tasks currently running
NNTP.Sessions.Threads.Idle Number of NNTP server tasks currently idle
NNTP.Sessions.Total Total number NNTP server tasks since server startup
Object.Mailobj.NSF.SharedBy.01 Number of objects shared by one user
Object.Mailobj.NSF.SharedBy.xx Number of objects shared by xx users
Object.Mailobj.NSF.SharedBy.20 Number of objects shared by 20 users
Object.Mailobj.NSF.SharedBy.Greater Number of objects shared by more than 20 users
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1._Total.1.PctTime The percent time that all configured disks in all ASPs are
busy. The first "_Total" refers to all physical disks, and the
second "_Total" refers to all logical disks. For the iSeries,
read it as the total of all disks configured.
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1._Total.1.PctTime.avg The average of the percent time that all configured disks
in all ASPs are busy. The first "_Total" refers to all
physical disks, and the second "_Total" refers to all
logical disks. For the iSeries, read it as the total of all
disks configured.
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1._Total.1.PctTime.max The max of the percent time that all configured disks in
all ASPs are busy. The first "_Total" refers to all physical
disks, and the second "_Total" refers to all logical disks.
For the iSeries, read it as the total of all disks configured.
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1._Total.1.PctTime.min The min of the percent time that all configured disks in all
ASPs are busy. The first "_Total" refers to all physical
disks, and the second "_Total" refers to all logical disks.
For the iSeries, read it as the total of all disks configured.
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1._Total.1.PctUsed The percentage of all configured disks in all ASPs that is
currently allocated for data on iSeries
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1.AvgQueueLength The average number of both read and write requests that
were queued for all logical disks on all physical disks
during the sample interval
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1.AvgQueueLength.avg The average of the average number of both read and
write requests that were queued for all logical disks on all
physical disks during the sample interval
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1.AvgQueueLength.max The maximum of the average number of both read and
write requests that were queued for all logical disks on all
physical disks during the sample interval
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
Appendix D. Domino R5 statistics 465
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1.AvgQueueLength.min The minimum of the average number of both read and
write requests that were queued for all logical disks on all
physical disks during the sample interval
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1.PctTime The percentage of the sampling interval that all logical
disks on all physical disks are servicing read or write
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1.PctTime.avg The average percentage of the sampling interval that all
logical disks on all physical disks are servicing read or
write requests
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1.PctTime.max The maximum percentage of the sampling interval that
all logical disks on all physical disks are servicing read or
write requests
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1.PctTime.min The minimum percentage of the sampling interval that all
logical disks on all physical disks are servicing read or
write requests
Platform.Memory.FaultsPerSec The number of page faults per second in the memory
pool this iSeries server is using
Platform.Memory.FaultsPerSec.avg The average number of page faults per second in the
memory pool this iSeries server is using
Platform.Memory.FaultsPerSec.max The maximum number of page faults per second in the
memory pool this iSeries server is using
Platform.Memory.FaultsPerSec.min The minimum number of page faults per second in the
memory pool this iSeries server is using
Platform.Memory.KBFree Currently Available KB of physical memory available
(“free”) to processes
Platform.Memory.KBFree.avg Average amount in KB of physical memory available
(“free”) to processes
Platform.Memory.KBFree.max Maximum KB amount of physical memory ever available
to (“free”) processes
Platform.Memory.KBFree.min Minimum KB is the lowest amount of physical memory
(“free”) that was available to processes
Platform.Memory.KBSize The amount of memory in KB allocated to the iSeries
server memory pool that this Domino partition is running
Platform.Memory.PagesPerSec The number of memory pages per second read from or
written to disk
Platform.Memory.PagesPerSec.avg The average number of memory pages per second read
from or written to disk
Platform.Memory.PagesPerSec.max The maximum (peak) number of memory pages per
second read from or written to disk
Platform.Memory.PagesPerSec.min The minimum (lowest) number of memory pages per
second read from or written to disk
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
466 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Platform.Memory.Wait->Ineligible The number of Wait-to-Ineligible transitions for threads in
the memory pool this iSeries server is using. Any value
greater than zero indicates your max active in the
memory pool is too low.
Platform.Memory.WaitToIneligible The number of Wait-to-Ineligible transitions for threads in
the memory pool this iSeries server is using. Any value
greater than zero indicates your max active in the
memory pool is too low.
Platform.PagingFile._Total.Util Current page file utilization percentage
Platform.PagingFile._Total.Util.avg Average page file utilization percentage
Platform.PagingFile._Total.Util.max Max (peak) page file utilization percentage
Platform.PagingFile._Total.Util.min Min (lowest) page file utilization percentage
Platform.Process.ADMINP.1.Util The CPU utilization of the first adminp process of this
iSeries server partition.
Platform.Process.AMGR.1.Util The CPU utilization of the first agent manager process of
this iSeries server partition
Platform.Process.AMGR.2.Util The CPU utilization of the second agent manager
process of this iSeries server partition
Platform.Process.AMGR.3.Util The CPU utilization of the third agent manager process
of this iSeries server partition
Platform.Process.AMGR.4.Util The CPU utilization of the fourth agent manager process
of this iSeries server partition
Platform.Process.HTTP.1.Util The CPU utilization of the first http process of this iSeries
server partition
Platform.Process.nadminp.1.Util The CPU utilization of the first adminp process
Platform.Process.nadminp.2.Util The CPU utilization of the second adminp process
Platform.Process.nadminp.3.Util The CPU utilization of the third adminp process
Platform.Process.nadminp.4.Util The CPU utilization of the fourth adminp process
Platform.Process.namgr.1.Util The CPU utilization of the first amgr process
Platform.Process.namgr.2.Util The CPU utilization of the second amgr process
Platform.Process.namgr.3.Util The CPU utilization of the third amgr process
Platform.Process.namgr.4.Util The CPU utilization of the fourth amgr process
Platform.Process.nhttp.1.Util The CPU utilization of the first http process.
Platform.Process.nhttp.2.Util The CPU utilization of the second http process.
Platform.Process.nhttp.3.Util The CPU utilization of the third http process
Platform.Process.nhttp.4.Util The CPU utilization of the fourth http process
Platform.Process.nreplica.1.Util The CPU utilization of the first replica process
Platform.Process.nreplica.2.Util The CPU utilization of the second replica process
Platform.Process.nreplica.3.Util The CPU utilization of the third replica process
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
Appendix D. Domino R5 statistics 467
Platform.Process.nreplica.4.Util The CPU utilization of the fourth replica process
Platform.Process.nrouter.1.Util The CPU utilization of the first router process
Platform.Process.nrouter.2.Util The CPU utilization of the second router process
Platform.Process.nrouter.3.Util The CPU utilization of the third router process
Platform.Process.nrouter.4.Util The CPU utilization of the fourth router process
Platform.Process.nserver.1.Util The CPU utilization of the first server process. This is the
percentage of the sample interval that the process used
the CPU.
Platform.Process.REPLICA.1.Util The CPU utilization of the first replica process of this
iSeries server partition
Platform.Process.REPLICA.2.Util The CPU utilization of the second replica process of this
iSeries server partition
Platform.Process.REPLICA.3.Util The CPU utilization of the third replica process of this
iSeries server partition
Platform.Process.REPLICA.4.Util The CPU utilization of the fourth replica process of this
iSeries server partition
Platform.Process.ROUTER.1.Util The CPU utilization of the first router process of this
iSeries server partition
Platform.Process.SERVER.1.Util CPU utilization of the first iSeries server process of this
partition. This is the percentage of the sample interval
that the process used the CPU.
Platform.Process.SERVER.2.Util CPU utilization of the second iSeries server process of
this partition. This is the percentage of the sample
interval that the process used the CPU.
Platform.Process.SERVER.3.Util CPU utilization of the third iSeries server process of this
partition. This is the percentage of the sample interval
that the process used the CPU.
Platform.Process.SERVER.4.Util CPU utilization of the fourth iSeries server process of this
partition. This is the percentage of the sample interval
that the process used the CPU.
Platform.Process.UPDATE.1.Util The CPU utilization of the first update process of this
iSeries server partition
Platform.Process.UPDATE.2.Util The CPU utilization of the second update process of this
iSeries server partition
Platform.Process.UPDATE.3.Util The CPU utilization of the third update process of this
iSeries server partition
Platform.Process.UPDATE.4.Util The CPU utilization of the fourth update process of this
iSeries server partition
Platform.System.TotalUserUtil % Total User Time is the average percentage of non-idle
time all processors
Platform.System.TotalUserUtil.avg % Total User Time is the average percentage of non-idle
time all processors
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
468 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Platform.System.TotalUserUtil.max % Total User Time is the average percentage of non-idle
time all processors
Platform.System.TotalUserUtil.min % Total User Time is the average percentage of non-idle
time all processors
Platform.System.TotalUtil The current percent CPU utilization of all CPUs on the
system from current total util sample
Platform.System.TotalUtil.avg The average percent CPU utilization of all CPUs on the
system. Average of all TotalUtil samplings for a session,
calculated by summing all TotalUtil samplings, and
dividing by number of samplings.
Platform.System.TotalUtil.max The maximum percent CPU utilization of all CPUs on the
system, which is the largest TotalUtil sampling for a
Platform.System.TotalUtil.min The minimum percent CPU utilization of all CPUs on the
system, for example, the smallest TotalUtil sampling for a
POP3.Command. POP3 command
POP3.Sessions.Accept.Queue POP3 listener work queue of incoming sessions to be
POP3.Sessions.Active Current number POP3 server tasks
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.BytesReceived Total Number of BytesReceived by this POP3 server
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.BytesSent Total Number of BytesSent by this POP3 server
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.Non-SSL Number of POP3 server inbound TCP connections (non
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.SSL Number of POP3 server inbound SSL connections
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.SSL.Bad_Handshake Number of POP3 server SSL Handshake Failures
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.Total Total Number of POP3 server inbound connections (SSL
and non SSL)
POP3.Sessions.Peak Peak number POP3 server tasks since server startup
POP3.Sessions.Threads.Busy Number of POP3 server tasks currently running
POP3.Sessions.Threads.Idle Number of POP3 server tasks currently idle
POP3.Sessions.Total Total number POP3 server tasks since server startup
POP3.UserCache.Attempts POP3 attempt to find user in cache
POP3.UserCache.Hits Found in cache
POP3.UserCache.Inserts Successful insert into cache
POP3.UserCache.Lookups POP3 successful lookup user in cache
POP3.UserCache.OpenReasonCacheFull Cache full
POP3.UserCache.OpenReasonDBChanged Reason for open is database changed
POP3.UserCache.OpenReasonNewEntry Reason for open is new entry
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
Appendix D. Domino R5 statistics 469
TCP Probe response time
QOS.Mail.ISpy..ResponseTime Mail Probe response time
QOS.Mail.ISpy.ProbeError Mail Probe Error
Replica.Cluster.CachedHandles Number of handles cached by cluster
Replica.Cluster.Docs.Added Number of docs added by Cluster Replicator
Replica.Cluster.Docs.Deleted Number of docs deleted by Cluster Replicator
Replica.Cluster.Docs.Updated Number of docs updated by Cluster Replicator
Replica.Cluster.Failed Number of failed replications since server startup
Replica.Cluster.Files.Local Number of cluster replicas on this server
Replica.Cluster.Files.Remote Number of cluster replicas on other servers in cluster
Replica.Cluster.Retry.Skipped Number of times the Cluster Replicator did not attempt
replication because it
Replica.Cluster.Retry.Waiting Number of replicas currently waiting for replication retry
Replica.Cluster.SecondsOnQueue Number of seconds Cluster Replicator was on queue
Replica.Cluster.SecondsOnQueue.Avg Average number of seconds Cluster Replicator was on
Replica.Cluster.SecondsOnQueue.Max Maximum number of seconds Cluster Replicator was on
Replica.Cluster.Servers Number of other servers in the cluster that are receiving
replications from this
Replica.Cluster.SessionBytes.In Number of incoming bytes to the Cluster Replicator
Replica.Cluster.SessionBytes.Out Number of outgoing bytes to the Cluster Replicator
Replica.Cluster.Successful Number of successful replications since server startup
Replica.Cluster.WorkQueueDepth Current number of modified databases in the queue
waiting to be replicated
Replica.Cluster.WorkQueueDepth.Avg Average number of modified databases in the queue
waiting to be replicated
Replica.Cluster.WorkQueueDepth.Max Maximum number of modified databases in the queue
waiting to be replicated
Replica.Docs.Added Number of documents added to the server's databases
via replication.
Replica.Docs.Deleted Number of documents deleted from the server's
databases via replication
Replica.Docs.Updated Number of documents updated in the server's databases
via replication
Replica.Failed Number of attempted replications that returned some
kind of error
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
470 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Replica.Successful Number of replication attempts that returned no error of
any kind
Reporter.Time.Analysis Time statistics were analyzed
Reporter.Time.Collected Time statistics were collected
Reporter.Time.Elapsed Time since reporter was started
SEM.Timeouts OS Sem timeout
Server. Server access error
Server.Administrator Name of administrator (from server record in Name and
Address Book
Server.AvailabilityIndex Current percentage index of a server's availability. Value
range is 0-100. Zero
Server.AvailabilityThreshold Current setting of a server's availability threshold.
Server.BootID Unique number identifying this boot session
Server.BusyTimeQuery.ReceivedCount Number of queries to busytime in scheduling
Server.BusyTimeQuery.Returned.Objects.Schedules Number of responses to queries to busytime in
Server.Cluster.AvailabilityIndex Current percentage index of a server's availability. Value
range is 0-100. Zero
Server.Cluster.AvailabilityThreshold Current setting of a server's availability threshold
Server.Cluster.Name Name of the cluster to which the server belongs
Server.Cluster.OpenRedirects.Failover.Successful Number of times that a server successfully redirects a
client to another cluster
Server.Cluster.OpenRedirects.Failover.Unsuccessful Number of times that a server is not able to redirect a
client to another cluster
Server.Cluster.OpenRedirects.FailoverByPath.Successful Number of times a server successfully redirects a client
to another cluster
Server.Cluster.OpenRedirects.FailoverByPath.Unsuccessful Number of times a server is not able to redirect a client to
another cluster
Server.Cluster.OpenRedirects.LoadBalance.Successful Number of times that a server successfully redirects a
client to another cluster
Number of times that a server is unable to redirect a
client to another cluster
Number of times that a server successfully redirects a
client to another cluster
Number of times that a server is not able to redirect a
client to another cluster
Server.Cluster.OpenRequest.ClusterBusy Number of times that a client tries to open a database on
the server
Server.Cluster.OpenRequest.DatabaseOutOfService Number of times a client tries to open a database that is
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
Appendix D. Domino R5 statistics 471
Server.Cluster.OpenRequest.LoadBalanced Number of times a client tries to open a database on the
Server.Cluster.Portname Name of the default port that is used for intracluster
network traffic
Server.Cluster.ProbeCount Number of times that a server completes a probe request
of the other cluster
Server.Cluster.ProbeError Number of times that a server receives an error when
probing another server
Server.Cluster.ProbeTimeout(mins) Interval at which the intracluster probe or cluster member
heartbeat occurs
Server.Cluster.Trans.IntervalAvgTime Average interval time of cluster transactions
Server.Cluster.Trans.IntervalInMinutes Interval between cluster transactions
Server.Cluster.Trans.IntervalInSeconds Interval between cluster transactions
Server.Cluster.Trans.IntervalsUseInAvg Current setting for the number of intervals used to
capture transaction data
Server.Cluster.Trans.LastIntervalAvgTime Last average interval time of cluster transactions
Server.Cluster.Trans.NormalizeValue Current setting of acceptable average transaction time in
Server.Cluster.Trans.RunningAvgTime Average total running time of cluster transactions
Server.Cluster.Trans.RunningCount Number of cluster transactions
Server.Cluster.Trans.RunningTime Total running time of cluster transactions
Server.Coprocessor Yes or No, depending on whether the server contains a
math coprocessor
Server.CPU.Count Count of processors in system
Server.CPU.Type Type of system processor (for example, 386, 486,
Server.Description Server's one line description from server's Name &
Address book
Server.Location Physical location of server
Server.MinIdleDisconnect Minimum number of minutes for disconnect
Server.MinIdleDisconnect.Time Time at which minimum number of minutes for
disconnect happened.
Server.Monitor.Start Time at which server monitor started
Server.Name Server name
Server.OpenRequest.Maxusers Open requests for that have reached maximum users
Server.OpenRequest.PreV4Clients Open requests for pre-R4 clients
Server.OpenRequest.Restricted Open requests for restricted clients
Server.OpenRequest.V4Clients Open requests for R4 clients
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
472 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Server.Path.Data Server's default data drive and directory
Server.Path.Swap Complete path of swap file
Server.Ports Server ports
Server.Ports.RS232 Number of RS232 (serial) ports on the server
Server.PoweredBy.Notes Self explanatory
Server.Sessions.Dropped Sessions dropped in mid-transaction
Server.Task This statistic appears once for every task running on the
Server.Tasks Number of tasks currently running on the server
Server.Time.Start Time at which server was started
Server.Title Server title
Server.Trans.PerMinute Number of server transactions in the last minute
Server.Trans.PerMinute.Peak Highest number of transactions to occur during a
one-minute interval
Server.Trans.PerMinute.Peak.Time Time that peak transactions per minute occurred
Server.Trans.Total Number of transactions processed since server started
Server.User This statistic occurs once for each user, listing the user
name, session ID
Server.Users Number of users with open sessions on the server
Server.Users.1MinPeak Peak number of users in one minute
Server.Users.1MinPeakTime Time when peak users in one minute was reached
Server.Users.5MinPeakPeak Peak number of users in five minutes
Server.Users.5MinPeakTime Time when peak users in five minutes was reached
Server.Users.Peak Peak number of concurrent users since server was
Server.Users.Peak.Time Time that last peak users occurred
Server.Version.MTBF Version of MTBF running on the server
Server.Version.NLM Version of NetWare running on the server
Server.Version.Notes Version of Lotus Notes running on the server
Server.Version.NT Version of Windows NT running on the server
Server.Version.OS Version of OS2 running on the server
Server.Version.OS2 Version of OS/2 running on the server
Server.WorkThreads Maximum number of concurrent transactions to create
SMTP..Ave SMTP average
SMTP..Count SMTP Count
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
Appendix D. Domino R5 statistics 473
SMTP..Max SMTP maximum
SMTP..Min SMTP.Minimum
SMTP..Total SMTP total
SMTP.Command. SMTP command
SMTP.MessagesProcessed Number of SMTP messages processed
SMTP.Sessions.Accept.Queue SMTP listener work queue of incoming sessions to be
SMTP.Sessions.Active Current number SMTP server tasks
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesReceived Total Number of BytesReceived by this SMTP server
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesSent Total Number of BytesSent by this SMTP server
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.Non-SSL Number of SMTP server inbound TCP connections (non
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.SSL Number of SMTP server inbound SSL connections
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.SSL.Bad_Handshake Number of SMTP server SSL Handshake Failures
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.Total Total Number of SMTP server inbound connections (SSL
& non SSL)
SMTP.Sessions.Peak Peak number SMTP server tasks since server startup
SMTP.Sessions.Threads.Busy Number of SMTP server tasks currently running
SMTP.Sessions.Threads.Idle Number of SMTP server tasks currently idle
SMTP.Sessions.Total Total number SMTP server tasks since server startup
SMTPMTA.ConvFailures Total SMTP MTA conversion failures
SMTPMTA.Dead Dead SMTP MTA messages
SMTPMTA.Delivered Total SMTP MTA messages delivered
SMTPMTA.HighInBound Highest number of inbound processes
SMTPMTA.HighOutBound Highest number of outbound processes
SMTPMTA.InBoundBytes Total number of bytes inbound
SMTPMTA.InBoundSize Largest message inbound
SMTPMTA.OutBoundBytes Total number of bytes inbound
SMTPMTA.OutBoundSize Largest message outbound
SMTPMTA.TotalRouted Total SMTP MTA messages routed
SMTPMTA.TransFailures Total SMTP MTA transmission failures
SMTPMTA.Transfered Total SMTP MTA messages transferred
SMTPMTA.Waiting Total SMTP MTA messages waiting
SMTPMTA.WaitingConv Mail waiting to be converted
SMTPMTA.WaitingRecipients Mail waiting to be delivered
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
474 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
SMTPMTA.WaitingTrans Mail waiting to be transferred
SNTP..min Stamp Network TadPole Minibus
SPIN.AvtIterToHit Average of Spin Lock Iterations to Hits
SPIN.Delays Count of Spin Lock Delays
SPIN.DelaysMsecs SpinLock Delay in msecs
SPIN.FRWSemGetReadExt SpinLock FRW semaphore read
SPIN.FRWSemPutReadExt SpinLock FRW semaphore put
SPIN.Hits Count of Spin Lock Hits
SPIN.MaxDelayMask SpinLock max delay mask
SPIN.MaxDelayMsecs SpinLock max delay in msecs
Stats.Time.Current Time statistics package is updated
Stats.Time.Start Time statistics package was started
Web.Retriever.Access.FTP Number of FTP retriever accesses
Web.Retriever.Access.Gopher Number of Gopher retriever accesses
Web.Retriever.Access.HTTP Number of HTTP retriever accesses
Web.Retriever.Bytes.Received Number of retriever bytes received
Web.Retriever.Bytes.Sent Number of retriever bytes sent
Web.Retriever.ImageCache.Hits Number of successful accesses on retriever image
Web.Retriever.ImageCache.Misses Number of unsuccessful accesses on retriever image
Web.Retriever.LogLevel Web retriever logging Level
Web.Retriever.LogMessages Web retriever logging messages? (Yes/No)
Web.Retriever.Process.Access.HTTP Number of retriever process HTTP accesses
Web.Retriever.Process.Access.FTP Number of retriever process FTP accesses
Web.Retriever.Process.Access.Gopher Number of retriever process Gopher accesses
Web.Retriever.Process.Bytes.Received Number of bytes received by retriever process
Web.Retriever.Process.Bytes.Sent Number of bytes sent by retriever process
Web.Retriever.Process.Num.Active Number of active retriever processes
Web.Retriever.Process.Num.Busy Number of busy retriever processes
Web.Retriever.Process.Num.Idle Number of idle retriever processes
Web.Retriever.Process.Num.Maximum Maximum number of retriever processes
Web.Retriever.Process.ProcessID Process ID number
Web.Retriever.Process.State State of retriever processes
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
Appendix D. Domino R5 statistics 475
The following list shows the server commands followed by their abbreviation in
parentheses (). For the complete syntax and parameters of these commands, refer to the
Lotus Domino Administrator's Guide or the Domino 5 Administration Help database
Broadcast (b)
Dbcache Flush (db f)
Dbcache Show (db s)
Drop (dr)
Exit (e)
Help (he)
Load (l)
Pull (pul)
Push (pus)
Quit (q)
Replicate (rep)
Restart Port (res po)
Restart Server (res se)
Route (ro)
Set Configuration (se c)
Set Secure (se se)
Set Statistics (se st)
Show Allports (sh a)
Show Cluster (sh cl)
Web.Retriever.Process.URLs.Failed Number of failed retriever process URLs
Web.Retriever.Process.URLs.Requested Number of requested retriever process URLs
Web.Retriever.Process.URLs.Succeeded Number of successful retriever process URLs
Web.Retriever.Time.Current Current time
Web.Retriever.Time.Duration Elapsed time since retriever started
Web.Retriever.Time.Start Time retriever started
Web.Retriever.URLs.Failed Number of retriever URLs that have failed
Web.Retriever.URLs.Requested Number of retriever URLs that have been requested
Web.Retriever.URLs.Succeeded Number of retriever URLs that have been successfully
Web.Retriever.Version Web retriever version
Web.Retriever.VPOOL.Max.Buf Number of buffer VPOOLs that have reached maximum
Web.Retriever.VPOOL.Max.Element Number of element VPOOLs that have reached
maximum size
Web.Retriever.VPOOL.Max.Marker Number of marker VPOOLs that have reached maximum
Web.Retriever.VPOOL.Max.Text Number of text VPOOLs that have reached maximum
Web.Retriever.VPOOL.Max.URL Number of URL VPOOLs that have reached maximum
R5 statistic name Statistic functional description
476 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Show Configuration (sh co)
Show Directory (sh dir)
Show Diskspace (sh dis)
Show Memory (sh me)
Show Performance (sh pe)
Show Port (sh po)
Show Schedule (sh sc)
Show Server (sh se)
Show Stat (sh st)
Show Tasks (sh ta)
Show Users (sh u)
Show Transactions (sh tr)
Start Port (sta po)
Stop Port (sto po)
Tell (t)
Trace (tr)
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 477
Related publications
The publications listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a more detailed
discussion of the topics covered in this redbook.
IBM Redbooks
For information on ordering these publications, see “How to get IBM Redbooks” on page 481.
All Domino redbooks covering performance related topics
Measuring Lotus Notes Response Times with Tivoli's ARM Agents, SG24-4787
Image and Workflow Library: Capacity Planning and Performance Tuning for VisualInfo
and Digital Library Servers, SG24-4974
Performance Considerations for Domino Applications, SG24-5602
Getting the Most From Your Domino Directory, SG24-5986
iSeries server-related Redbooks
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Lotus Domino for AS/400 R4.6: Installation, Customization and Administration, REDP0032
Lotus QuickPlace for AS/400: Setup and Management Considerations, REDP0045
iNotes Access for Microsoft Outlook on Domino for iSeries: A Migration Guide, REDP0126
Business-to-Business Integration Guide: Using WebSphere Application Server and
Domino for iSeries, REDP0139
Integrating WebSphere Commerce Suite with Domino Back-End Application: iSeries 400
Edition, REDP0141
iSeries Handbook Updates: Changes from April 2001 to August 2001, REDP0143
Backup Recovery and Media Services for OS/400: More Practical Information, REDP0508
IBM ~ iSeries Handbook Version 5 Release 1, GA19-5486-21
AS/400 Server Capacity Planning, SG24-2159
AS/400 Electronic-Mail Capabilities, SG24-4703
AS/400 Performance Management, SG24-4735
AS/400 Performance Explorer Tips and Techniques, SG24-4781
Mail Integration for Lotus Domino 4.5 on the IBM Integrated PC Server for AS/400 V3R2 or
V3R7, SG24-4977
A Fast Path to AS/400 Client/Server Using AS/400 OLE DB Support, SG24-5183
AS/400 Consolidation Strategies and Implementation, SG24-5186
AS/400 IBM Network Station: Techniques for Deployment in a WAN, SG24-5187
AS/400 Client Access Express for Windows: Implementing V4R4M0, SG24-5191
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How to Replace OfficeVision/400 in Your Applications: Looking at Domino for AS/400 and
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478 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Lotus Domino for AS/400 R5: Implementation, SG24-5592
iSeries e-business Handbook: A Technology and Product Reference, SG24-5694
Lotus Fax for Domino for AS/400: Getting the Straight Facts, SG24-5941
Lotus Domino for AS/400 Internet Mail and More, SG24-5990
Lotus Domino for AS/400: Problem Determination Guide, SG24-6051
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Lotus Domino and other Lotus software
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Domino Certification Authority and SSL Certificates, REDP0046
Notes and Domino Connectivity - A Collection of Examples, REDP0115
International Standards - A Document Imaging Review, GG24-2544
Exploring The IBM eNetwork Communications Suite, SG24-2111
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Platform, SG24-4837
The Domino Defense: Security in Lotus Notes 4.5 and the Internet, SG24-4848
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Lotus Notes Release 4.5: A Developer's Handbook, SG24-4876
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Related publications 479
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Lotus Solutions for the Enterprise, Volume 5 NotesPump: The Enterprise Data Mover,
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Lotus Domino Release 5.0: A Developer’s Handbook, SG24-5331
Eight Steps to a Successful Messaging Migration: A Planning Guide for Migrating to Lotus
Notes and Domino, SG24-5335
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Using VisualAge for Java to Develop Domino Applications, SG24-5424
Connecting Domino to the Enterprise Using Java, SG24-5425
Lotus Domino R5.0 Enterprise Integration: Architecture and Products, SG24-5593
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Exchange to Lotus Domino Part One: Comparison, SG24-5614
The Three Steps to Super.Human. Software: Compare, Coexist, Migrate. From Microsoft
Exchange to Lotus Domino. Part Two: Coexistence and Migration, SG24-5615
A Roadmap for Deploying Domino in the Organization, SG24-5617
Lotus Notes and Domino Take Center Stage: Upgrading from R4 to R5, SG24-5630
Lotus Sametime Application Development Guide, SG24-5651
IBM Enterprise Information Portal A Primer, SG24-5749
Using Domino Workflow, SG24-5963
Customizing QuickPlace, SG24-6000
Using LDAP for Directory Integration: A Look at IBM SecureWay Directory, Active
Directory, and Domino, SG24-6163
Lotus Sametime 2.0 Deployment Guide, SG24-6206
XML Powered by Domino How to use XML with Lotus Domino, SG24-6207
Inside the Lotus Discovery Server, SG24-6252
CommonStore for Domino, Exchange and SAP, SG24-6405
Lotus Mobile and Wireless Solutions, SG24-6525
Lotus Domino and IBM WebSphere Redbooks
Domino and WebSphere Together Second Edition, SG24-5955
Applying the Patterns for e-business to Domino and WebSphere Scenarios, SG24-6255
Other resources
These publications are also relevant as further information sources:
iSeries Performance Capabilities Reference Version 5 Release 1, SC41-0607
OS/400 Work Management V4R5, SC41-5306
Performance Tools for iSeries Version 5, SC41-5340
BEST/1 Capacity Planning Tool for V4R1, SC41-5341
CL Reference, SC41-5722
480 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Note, information related to OS/400 Version 5 Release 1 (V5R1) is now published in the
iSeries Information Center, which is located on the Web at:
You can still obtain the V4R5 Work Management manual through the Information Center:
Supplemental Manuals.
Referenced Web sites
These Web sites are also relevant as further information sources:
Lotus Web site: http://www.lotus.com
IBM home page: http://www.ibm.com
Iris Cafe — Notes.Net: http://www.notes.net
IBM Services: http://www.ibm.com/services
IBM Software: http://ibm.com/software
IBM ~ iSeries home page: http://ibm.com/servers/eserver/iseries
Lotus Domino on iSeries: http://ibm.com/servers/eserver/iseries/domino
Domino for iSeries Performance:
Domino for iSeries Sizing:
IBM Workload Estimator for iSeries: http://as400service.ibm.com/estimator
iNotes Web Access Performance Analysis white paper:
iSeries Technical Studio: http://www.iseries.ibm.com/tstudio/
iSeries Information Center:
iSeries Online Library: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/pubs/html/as400/onlinelib.htm
iSeries Performance Capabilities Reference:
PartnerWorld for Developers: http://www.developer.ibm.com/
NotesBench Consortium: http://www.notesbench.org
MidRange Performance Group: http://www.mpginc.com/
Mercury Interactive: http://www.merc-int.com/
Performance Management/400 (PM/400):
NotesBench Consortium: http://www.notesbench.org
Technovations (GroupSizr WebSizr): http://www.technovations.com
Computer Measurement Group (ARM): http://www.cmg.org/regions/cmgarmw
Related publications 481
How to get IBM Redbooks
You can order hardcopy Redbooks, as well as view, download, or search for Redbooks at the
following Web site:
You can also download additional materials (code samples or diskette/CD-ROM images) from
that site.
IBM Redbooks collections
Redbooks are also available on CD-ROMs. Click the CD-ROMs button on the Redbooks Web
site for information about all the CD-ROMs offered, as well as updates and formats.
482 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 483
#Waiters 137
$UpdateQueue 186
*ADD 230
*BASE 171
*BASE pool 168
*BASE storage pool 167
*BATCHJOB workload type 418
*CALC 169
*Calc 170
*CLS 275
*FIRST 230
*INTERACT 167, 169
*JOBD 275
*JOBQ 275
*MACHINE pool 68, 165
*SPOOL 169
.DTF files 222
.sgf.notespartition 276
@DB commands 269
@DB functions
on a Dedicated Server for Domino 354
@Now 190, 191
@Today 190, 191
Numerics 278
5722-PT1 12, 192
5769-PT1 192
5799-DSD 342
access control lists (ACL) 5
Actions page 94, 110
active users 24, 46
ActiveX 10
activity levels 170, 172
actuator 74
Add Environment Variable (ADDENVVAR) command
Add PEX Definition (ADDPEXDFN) command 116
ADDENVVAR (Add Environment Variable) command
ADDPEXDFN (Add PEX Definition) command 116
adjusting activity levels 172
administration process (ADMINP) 232
ADMINP (administration process) 232
AdminPInterval 444
advanced Domino functions 57
After each use 190, 191
Agent Manager
improving performance 237
run multiple concurrently 237
Agent.Daily.AccessDenials 453
Agent.Daily.ScheduledRuns 453
Agent.Daily.TriggeredRuns 453
Agent.Daily.UnsuccessfulRuns 453
Agent.Daily.UsedRunTime 453
Agent.Hourly.AccessDenials 453
Agent.Hourly.ScheduledRuns 453
Agent.Hourly.TriggeredRuns 453
Agent.Hourly.UnsuccessfulRuns 453
Agent.Hourly.UsedRunTime 453
Algorithm for Recovery and Isolation Exploiting Semantics
(ARIES) 386
AMGR 173, 225
potential performance impacts 235
AMGR (Agent Manager) 234
AMgr_DocUpdate EventDelay 238
AMgr_DocUpdateAgentMinInterval 238, 239, 445
AMgr_DocUpdateEventDelay 239, 445
AMgr_NewMailAgentMinInterval 238, 239, 445
AMgr_NewMailEventDelay 238, 239, 445
AMgr_SchedulingInterval 238, 445
AMgr_UntriggeredMailInterval 238, 445
Analyze LOG.NSF 194
AnyMail/400 427
Apache 313
applet 10
application 67
application development performance 58
application hub server 292
Application Response Measurement (ARM) 16
application sizing 392
applied workload 392
archival logging style 384
archival policy legal advantages 209
archival TxL logs and 4 Gb (70 log) limit 387
ARIES (Algorithm for Recovery and Isolation Exploiting
Semantics) 386
ARM (Application Response Measurement) 16
as400hlp.nsf 54
ASCII tab delimited text 103
ASP 175, 373
transaction logging files 175
ASP (auxiliary storage pool) 373
asynchronous I/O 382
Asynchronous I/O Completion Ports (IOCP) 63
Auto, after first use 190, 191
Auto, at most every.... 190, 191
484 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
automatic failover 281
Automatic option 191
Domino with TCP/IP 239
TCP/IP during IPL 239
Autostart entry, removing 225
auxiliary storage 372
auxiliary storage pool (ASP) 373
availability 4
AvgWait 137
Backup Recovery and Media Services (BRMS) 178, 380,
base Domino functions 56
base pool 168
batch job 189
Batch Logical Database I/O 93
batch pool 171
BEST/1 13, 391
for Domino server capacity planning 399
for the AS/400 System 406
saving the model 423
workload components 414
BILLING task 253
BillingAddInRunTime 254
BillingClass 253
BillingWrite API 254
Binary Large Objects (BLOB) 261
BRMS 178, 275, 384
on a Dedicated Server for Domino 358
BRMS (Backup Recovery and Media Services) 380
BRMS/400 179
BRMS/400 and how the QNNINBRM works 179
BRMS/400 and performance 179
buffer pool summary 215
build a view 188
business transaction 395
CALCONN (Calender connector) 254
Calendar & Scheduling 397
Calendar.Total.All.Appointments.Reservations 453
Calendar.Total.All.Users.Resources 453
Calendar.Total.Appts 453
Calendar.Total.Reservations 453
Calendar.Total.Resources 453
Calendar.Total.Users 453
calibrating response times 421
calibration expertise 418
Call Level Interface (CLI) 269, 270, 350
capacity planning 392
basic process 392
CPW values 393
prerequisites 392
unit of measure 395
capacity planning unit of measure (CPUM) 395, 401
capacity sizing 392
capturing NRPCs 157
CCCVS (Conversion Services) 428
CCSDI set to wrong character set causing performance
problems 204
CFGDOMSVR (Configure Domino Server) command
Change Environment Variable (CHGENVVAR) command
Change Job Type (CHGJOBTYP) command 115
Change Shared Pool (CHGSHRPOOL) command 168
Change Subsystem Description (CHGSBSD) command
168, 169
checkpoint 388
for transaction logging 378
checkpoint frequencies 378
CHGENVVAR (Change Environment Variable) command
CHGJOBTYP (Change Job Type) command 115
CHGSBSD (Change Subsystem Description) command
168, 169
CHGSHRPOOL (Change Shared Pool) command 168
Chronos 219
circular transaction logging 384
CIW (Compute Intensive Workload) 45, 394
CLADMIN (Cluster Administration Process) 245
class 174, 275
class description 64
classifying jobs into workloads 409
CLDBDIR (Cluster Database Directory Manager) 246
CleanupScriptPath=call qnotes/nsd 17
CleanupTimeout 436
CLI (Call Level Interface) 269, 350
Client_Clock 157
CLREPL (Cluster Replicator) 246
CLREPL_Poll_Interval 451
Cluster Administration Process (CLADMIN) 245, 285
cluster analysis tool 296
Cluster Database Directory (CLBDIR.NSF) 286
Cluster Database Directory Manager 246
cluster management software 279
Cluster Manager 285
cluster node, switching and restarting Domino 281
cluster replication 27
Cluster Replicator (CLREPL) 285
Cluster Replicator tuning 296
cluster statistics cache 286
Cluster unaware browser client 285
Cluster_Replicators 451
Cluster-aware Notes client 285
clustering 27, 57, 278, 398
Domino servers 283
mail.box not recommended 291
on the same iSeries server 27
tips 297
ClusterProven Domino 282
Index 485
ClusterProven Domino for iSeries 280
COLLECT task 246
collecting performance data 83
Collection Interval 109
Collection retention period 102
Collection Services 12, 53, 83, 85, 88, 105
Collector server task 151
Collector.Time.Collected 453
Collector.Time.Elapsed 453
combining metrics 94, 102
Comm.NumOldSessionsClosed 454
comma separated variable 103
commands 127
Commercial Processing Workload (CPW) 348, 393
common interface architecture 280
common name (CN) 5
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
Communication IOP Utilization (Average) 93, 104
Communication IOP Utilization (Maximum) 93
Communication Line Utilization (Average) 93
Communication Line Utilization (Maximum) 94
communications 67
I/O rate 108
Communications I/O rate 108
compact 205
COMPACT -b 205
COMPACT -b nightly 206
COMPACT task 256
complementary processing 346
complementary workload 342, 344, 369
Compute Intensive Workload (CIW) 45, 349, 394
concurrency rate 24
concurrent users 24, 26
concurrently active users 46
configuration document 185, 436
Configure Domino Server (CFGDOMSVR) command
Confirm Creation of BEST/1 Model window 413
connection documents referencing the Loopback port
console logging 200
Console_Loglevel 444
continuation reference 331
continuous availability market 279
Convert Performance Thread Data 116
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture)
CPF0908 171
CPF0909 171
CPU breakdown 393
CPU utilization 107, 108
CPU Utilization (Average) 91, 104
CPU Utilization (Database Capability) 92, 104
CPU Utilization (Interactive Feature) 92, 104
CPU Utilization (Interactive Jobs) 91, 104
CPU Utilization (Secondary Workloads) 92, 105
CPU Utilization Basic (Average) 92
CPU Utilization metrics 104
CPUM (capacity planning unit of measure) 395, 401
CPW 44, 47
CPW values 393
Create BEST/1 Model from Performance Data window
Create BEST/1 Model window 407
Create Class (CRTCLS) command 174
Create User-Defined FS (CRTUDFS) command 376
creating a model using measured data 404
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) 263
CRTCLS (Create Class) command 174
CRTUDFS (Create User-Defined FS) command 376
cursor 261
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 263
CVTPFRTHD (Convert Performance Thread Date) command
system ASP, user ASP, independent ASP 175
DASD (direct access storage device) 372
data notes 187
data space 261
Database Capability 92, 363
Database Capacity 40
database hardening 388
Database Instance ID (DBIID) 205, 377, 385
database replication 398
Database.Buffer 216
Database.BufferControlPool.Peak 454
Database.BufferControlPool.Size 454
Database.BufferControlPool.Used 454
Database.BufferPool 135
MM.Reads 135
Peak.megabytes 135
PerCentReadsInBuffer 134, 135
Database.BufferPool.Allocated 454
Database.BufferPool.Maximum 212, 454
Database.BufferPool.Maximum.Megabytes 135
Database.BufferPool.MM.Writes 135
Database.BufferPool.Peak 212, 454
Database.BufferPool.PerCentReadsInBuffer 454
Database.BufferPool.Reads 454
Database.BufferPool.Used 212, 454
Database.BufferPool.Writes 454
DataBase.DbCache 216
DataBase.DbCache.CurrentEntries 454
DataBase.DbCache.HighWaterMark 454
DataBase.DbCache.Hits 454
DataBase.DbCache.InitialDbOpens 454
DataBase.DbCache.Lookups 454
DataBase.DbCache.MaxEntries 454
DataBase.DbCache.OvercrowdingRejections 454
Database.ExtMgrPool 216
Database.ExtMgrPool.Peak 454
Database.ExtMgrPool.Used 454
Database.NIFPool.Size 454
486 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Database.NIFPool.Used 454
Database.NSF.FreeHandleStack.HandleAllocations 454
Database.NSF.FreeHandleStack.MissRate 454
Database.NSFPool.Peak 454
Database.NSFPool.Size 454
Database.NSFPool.Used 454
Database.RM.Current.K.Restart.Redo.Hold 454
Database.RM.Current.K.UnCommited.Undo.Hold 454
Database.RM.Current.MaxChkptScan.msec 454
Database.RM.LastChkpt.Avg.K.Logged.PerTran 454
Database.RM.LastChkpt.Interval.Sec 455
Database.RM.LastChkpt.K.Logged 455
Database.RM.LastChkpt.Time 455
Database.RM.LastChkpt.Total.DBs 455
Database.RM.LastChkpt.Trans 455
Database.RM.Peak.Avg.K.Logged.PerTran 455
Database.RM.Peak.Interval.Sec 455
Database.RM.Peak.K.Logged 455
Database.RM.Peak.Time 455
Database.RM.Peak.Total.DBs 455
Database.RM.Peak.Trans 455
Database.RM.Peak.Trans.PerMin 455
Database.RM.Restart.Duration.Sec 455
Database.RM.Restart.K.Applied 455
Database.RM.Restart.Time 455
Database.RM.SinceChkpt.K.Logged 455
Database.RM.SinceChkpt.Trans 455
Database.RM.SinceStartup.Aborts 455
Database.RM.SinceStartup.Critical.Log.Times 219, 455
Database.RM.SinceStartup.Log.Recs.Analyzed 455
Database.RM.SinceStartup.Log.Recs.Applied 455
Database.RM.SinceStartup.Log.Recs.Read 455
Database.RM.SinceStartup.Log.Recs.Written 455
Database.RM.SinceStartup.M.Logged 455
Database.RM.SinceStartup.Trans 455
Database.RM.Sys.Log.Type 455
Database.RM.Sys.Logged 455
Database.RM.Sys.M.Chkpt.Interval 456
Database.RM.Sys.M.Log.Size 456
Database.RM.Sys.M.Redo.Limit 456
Database.RM.Sys.Phase 456
DB CPU Util column 72
DB2 processing
on a Dedicated Server for Domino 344
shown in WRKSYSACT 72
DB2 UDB 261
integrating with Domino 263
DB2Connect 269
DbDir_Refresh_Interval 436
DBID 385
changed by compact 385
changes 385
DBIID (Database Instance ID) 205, 377, 385
DBMS 261
debug 129
Debug_AMgr 235
Debug_Console 444
DECS 264
as component of LEI 354
workload scenarios for DSD 352
DECS (Domino Enterprise Connection Services) 351
Dedicated Server for Domino (DSD) 44, 341, 342
Dedicated System Tools (DST) 374
Default_Index_Lifetime_Days 244, 446
Define Non-Interactive Transactions window 412
developing a naming structure 5
different workloads for Domino 396
direct access storage device (DASD) 372
directory synchronization 2, 255
removing 225
Disable_Cluster_Replicator 451
disaster preparedness 284
Discard Index 187, 190, 191
disconnected users 26
disk 67
Disk Arm Utilization (Average) 93, 104
Disk Arm Utilization (Maximum) 93
Disk Drives 41
Disk I/O rate 108
Disk IOP 380
Disk IOP Utilization (Average) 93
Disk IOP Utilization (Maximum) 93
disk performance 393
disk pool 373
disk statistics 141
Disk Storage (Average) 93
Disk Storage (Maximum) 93
Display Call Stack 131
Display System Log (DSPLOG) command 81
Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA)
on Dedicated Server for Domino 355
dividing CPU utilization 61
doclinks 10
document unique ID 263
document-centric object store 10
DOLS 314
advanced functions 57
base functions 56
Calendar & Scheduling 397
commands 127
jobs 231
logging 223
mail concepts 28
mail user 397
statistical reports 127
switching and restarting on different cluster nodes
tasks on iSeries 57
trace points 117
transactions 56
tuning iSeries performance 161, 183
user applications 397
Index 487
Web serving 397
Domino 5 Administration Help 54
Domino application design tips and techniques 259
Domino architecture 9
Domino cluster 284
benefits summary 283
defining, starting Domino on multiple nodes 281
Domino clustering 27, 278, 283
limitations 290
on iSeries and across all platforms 227
planning 289
versus ClusterProven Domino for iSeries 282
Domino console logging 200
Domino console platform 142
Domino Directory 11, 436
Domino Enterprise Connection Services (DECS) 264,
Domino for iSeries
available tools 11
Help 54
performance tests with TxL 381
planning 5
sizing using the Workload Estimator 19
understanding 56
Domino HTTP Clustering
components and technology with ICM 287
ICM and bookmarks 288
ICM characteristics of 287
ICM corporate and enterprise use of 287
ICM platform support 287
supported ICM network protocols 288
Domino HTTP server best practices 310
Domino HTTP server partitioning 311
Domino Indexer 185
Domino Internet Cluster Manger (ICM) 314
Domino Off-Line Services (DOLS) 314
Domino panel group 203
Domino parameters that affect performance 185
Domino partitioning 274, 275
planning 276
tips 277
Domino performance methodology for iSeries 54
Domino server
clustering 283
communication between servers on the same iSeries
server 278
partitioning 274
Domino server database housekeeping jobs 256
Domino server environment 401
Domino server jobs 230
Domino server jobs, always necessary 232
Domino server jobs, very likely not used 253
Domino server managed like any other cluster resource.
Domino server modeling 400
Domino server workload 396
Domino task threads 64
Domino tasks as they relate to AS/400 jobs 184
Domino Web Server API (DSAPI) 314
Domino workload 24, 166
Domino.BuildName 456
Domino.BuildNumber 456
Domino.BuildPlatform 456
Domino.BuildVersion 456
Domino.Command.CreateDocument 456
Domino.Command.DeleteDocument 456
Domino.Command.EditDocument 456
Domino.Command.Login 456
Domino.Command.Navigate 456
Domino.Command.OpenAbout 456
Domino.Command.OpenAgent 456
Domino.Command.OpenDatabase 456
Domino.Command.OpenDocument 456
Domino.Command.OpenElement 456
Domino.Command.OpenForm 456
Domino.Command.OpenHelp 456
Domino.Command.OpenIcon 456
Domino.Command.OpenNavigator 457
Domino.Command.OpenServer 457
Domino.Command.OpenView 457
Domino.Command.ReadForm 457
Domino.Command.SearchSite 457
Domino.Command.Total 457
Domino.Command.Uknown 457
Domino.Config 135, 136
ActiveThreads.Max 135
ActiveThreads.Min 135
Domino.Requests.Per1Day.Peak 457
Domino.Requests.Per1Day.PeakTime 457
Domino.Requests.Per1Day.Total 457
Domino.Requests.Per1Hour 457
Domino.Requests.Per1Hour.Peak 457
Domino.Requests.Per1Hour.PeakTime 457
Domino.Requests.Per1Hour.Total 457
Domino.Requests.Per1Minute 457
Domino.Requests.Per1Minute.Peak 457
Domino.Requests.Per1Minute.PeakTime 457
Domino.Requests.Per1Minute.Total 457
Domino.Requests.Per5Minute 457
Domino.Requests.Per5Minute.Peak 457
Domino.Requests.Per5Minute.PeakTime 457
Domino.Requests.Per5Minute.Total 457
Domino.Requests.Total 457
Active.Peak 136
Peak.Time 136
Domino.Threads.Active.Peak 26
Domino.Threads.Peak.Total 136
domino_classes 174
DominoAnalyzeFormulas 446
DominoAsynchronizeAgents 238, 445
Domino-based applications 343, 345
DRDA 345, 350
on a Dedicated Server for Domino 355
DRT (Delivery Report Task) 428
DSD (Dedicated Server for Domino) 341
DSPLOG (Display System Log) command 81
DST 374
DTF file extension 222
488 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Dump utility 17
Dynamic @Function agents 311
EDC 199, 333
EDC compared to standard DirCat 199
Edit File Utility 174
Edit Job Classifications window 410
EDTF 174
EnableJavaAgents 225, 437
End Performance Explorer (ENDPEX) 116
Ending Collection Services 89
ENDPEX (End Performance Explorer) 116
ENDPEX (End PEX) command 117
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) 357
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 263
environment variable settings (iSeries) 224
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) 263
Error 500 317
error recovery procedure 82
Ethereal 156
Ethernet port filtering 180
Event server task 152
EVENT task 247
Event task 150
event-driven cluster replication 284
events 145
events4.nsf 132, 137
excessive translations on iSeries and zSeries 202
execution control lists (ECL) 5
expert cache 168, 169
Export Graph History to PC 103
Extended DirCat 199
Extended Directory Catalog 199
Extended Directory Catalog to improve performance 200
failover 57
FairReadWriteSemaphores 223
Faster backups, reduce volumes, increase recoverability
faulting rates 171
Favor Restart 378
Favor Restart Recovery Time 378
Favor Runtime 378
FD (file descriptor) 137
file descriptor (FD) 137
firewall 5
first-in, first-out priority queue 70
Fixup 437
Fixup task 257
Fixup_Tasks 437
flexibility 284
flushing 377
FRWSem 223
FT_Alternate_Filter 446
FT_Domain_Directory_Name 446
FT_HTML_Title 446
FT_Index_Accent_Sens 446
FT_Index_Attachments 446
FT_Index_Ignore_Attachment_Types 446
FT_Intl_Setting 446
FT_LIBName 447
FT_Max_Instances 447
FT_Max_Instances_Large 447
FT_Max_Search_Results 447
FT_No_CompWinTitle 447
FT_Summ_Default_Language 447
FT_Use_AltFltr 448
FTG_Index_Limit 448
FTG_No_Summary 448
FTV_Fields_ 448
FTV_Max_Fields 448
full backup 178, 384
full text indexes 189
FullTextMultiProcess 220, 448
general notes on sizing pools 172
Get_Partition_Number API 276
Global Text Retrieval (GTR) 199
Graph History performance data 102
GroupSizr 15
GTR 199
GTR search engine 199
hardening 377
hardening databases and logfiles 388
help5_admin.nsf 54
hierarchical naming 5
high availability of critical applications 283
highly available applications using a common interface architecture
highly available SMTP gateways 291
hit rates 33
how databases are removed from the cache 222
HSL OptiConnect 280
HTML file request 304
HTML translation 304
HTTP 1.0 315
HTTP 1.1 315
HTTP hit rate 33
calculate 33
HTTP performance tuning 302
HTTP server 226, 304
HTTP server statistics 135
Index 489
HTTP task 305
I/O completion ports (IOCP) 243, 305
IASP (independent ASP) 175
IBM Business Partner cluster management software 279
IBM Toolbox for Java 228
IBM Workload Estimator for iSeries (WLE) 20
ICM 314
ICM and bookmarks with Domino HTTP Clustering 288
ICM and Domino 289
ICM and Domino HTTP Clustering
components and technology 287
functional summary 287
ICM and SSL 288
ICM and user identification plus authorization 288
ICM characteristics of Domino HTTP Clustering 287
ICM conditions triggering failover and load balancing to
occur 288
ICM corporate and enterprise use of Domino HTTP Clustering
ICM Domino HTTP Clustering performance 289
ICM network protocols supported by Domino HTTP Clustering
ICM non-targeted requests 289
ICM platform support for Domino HTTP Clustering 287
ICM server availability index and maximum scalability
ICM unauthorized access 288
ICM URL processing 289
ICM workload balancing 288
ICM.Command.Redirects.ClusterBusy 457
ICM.Command.Redirects.Successful 457
ICM.Command.Redirects.Unsuccessful 457
ICM.Command.Total 457
ICM.Command.Unknown 457
ICM.Receive.Error 457
ICM.Requests.Per1Hour.Total 457
ICM.Requests.Per1Minute.Total 458
ICM.Requests.Per5Minutes.Total 458
ICM.Sessions.Threads.Busy 458
ICM.Sessions.Threads.Idle 458
ICM.Sessions.Total 458
iDoctor 121
iDoctor for iSeries 122
IFS 373
IMAP 26, 327
IMAP server 226, 327
IMAP.Sessions.Accept.Queue 458
IMAP.Sessions.Active 458
IMAP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesReceived 458
IMAP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesSent 458
IMAP.Sessions.Inbound.Non-SSL 458
IMAP.Sessions.Inbound.SSL 458
IMAP.Sessions.Inbound.SSL.Bad_Handshake 458
IMAP.Sessions.Inbound.Total 458
IMAP.Sessions.Peak 458
IMAP.Sessions.Threads.Busy 458
IMAP.Sessions.Threads.Idle 458
IMAP.Sessions.Total 458
IMAP4 319
IMAPMaxSession 226
IMSGCNV (Inbound Message Conversion) task 428
inappropriate processing 346
incremental backup 384
independent ASP (IASP) 175
index refresh option 191
Indexer 185, 186, 244
indexing and associated costs 214
indices and views not TxL logged 389
ineligible queue 70
initial thread 63
iNotes 337
remote access 292
iNotes Access for MS Outlook 337
iNotes Access for Outlook 26
iNotes Web Access
client requirements 339
performance analysis 480
instance 24
Integrated File System (IFS) 260, 373
Integrated xSeries Server on Dedicated Server for Domino
integration 4
Interactive 171
interactive 173
interactive applications 167
interactive AS/400 tuning chart 164
Interactive CPW 173, 349
Interactive Response Time (Average) 92
Interactive Response Time (Maximum) 92
Internet address
local 78
remote 79
IOP 13, 67
IP address takeover to a new cluster 281
IPL 239
iSeries clustering 279
iSeries Continuous availability 279
iSeries Online Library (URL) 480
iSeries parameter TCPKEEPALV 218
iSeries server
environment variable settings 224
excessive translation 202
synchronizing and managing multiple 279
threads 63
iSeries solutions for the continuous availability market
iSeries Technical Studio (URL) 480
iSeries Toolkit for Java 355
iServer backups using BRMS/400 179
ISESCTL task 429
ISpy RunJava 226
Java 261
on a Dedicated Server for Domino 356
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 270
490 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
on a Dedicated Server for Domino 355
Java servlet 227, 343
Java Toolbox for AS/400 (JT400.JAR) 228
JavaServer Pages (JSPs) 357
JavaUserClasses 228
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) 270, 355
job 63
run attributes of 64
job class 176
Job Count 107
job description 275
Job Log Message 107
job monitor 13, 90, 105
log event 110
open event log 110
open monitor 110
run OS/400 command 110
starting 112
job monitoring 105
job numeric values 107
job priority 70
considerations 66
job queue 275
Job Status 107
Jobs to monitor 106
journal receivers 374
JT400.JAR 228
kernel 10
extension 10
thread 63
key/think wait 70
LAN Utilization (Average) 94
LAN Utilization (Maximum) 94
large file attachments 311
layered end-user applications 11
LC LSX (Lotus Connector LotusScript Extension) 270
LC LSX (Lotus Connector LotusScript Software Extension)
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) server
LDAP server 226
LDAP.Anonymous LDAP Connections 458
LDAP.Average LDAP Search time 458
LDAP.Failed LDAP Connections 458
LDAP.Longest LDAP Search request 458
LDAP.Longest LDAP Search time 458
LDAP.Sessions.Accept.Queue 458
LDAP.Sessions.Active 458
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesReceived 458
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesSent 458
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.Non-SSL 458
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.SSL 458
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.SSL.Bad_Handshake 458
LDAP.Sessions.Inbound.Total 458
LDAP.Sessions.Peak 459
LDAP.Sessions.Threads.Busy 459
LDAP.Sessions.Threads.Idle 459
LDAP.Sessions.Total 459
LDAP.Simple LDAP Connections 459
LDAP.Strong Authentication Connections 459
LDAP.Total LDAP Abandons 459
LDAP.Total LDAP Adds 459
LDAP.Total LDAP Compares 459
LDAP.Total LDAP Connections 459
LDAP.Total LDAP Deletes 459
LDAP.Total LDAP Extended Operations 459
LDAP.Total LDAP Modifies 459
LDAP.Total LDAP ModifyDNs 459
LDAP.Total LDAP Searches 459
LDAP.Total LDAP Searches for Root DSE 459
LDAP.Total LDAP Searches for Subschema 459
LEI 263, 264
improve performance 269
LEI (Lotus Enterprise Integrator) 353
Level RSC 344
Licensed Internal Code (Level RSC) 344
Licensed Internal Program Interface (LIPI) 350
Linux on Dedicated Server for Domino 361
LIPI (Licensed Internal Program Interface) 350
LMBCS (Lotus Multi-Byte Character Set) 202
LoadRunner 11, 15
local area network (LAN) 179
locked views 188
lockSlowWithInitAllowSig__9Qp0wMutexFv 203
LockWaits 137
Log 442
log analysis tool 295
Log event 94
log.nsf 145, 146, 192, 223
Log_AgentManager 444
Log_Disable_Session_Info 444
Log_MailRouting 444
Log_Replication 442
Log_Tasks 443
LOG_UPDATE 192, 193
Log_Update 443
Log_View_Events 443
LOGASIO job 249
logfile hardening 388
logging replication 295
logging style 384
logging with Domino 223
Logical I/O rate 107, 108
logical partitioning (LPAR) 274, 360
long wait 69, 70
loopback interface 199, 278
LOOPBACK_TcpIPAddress 199
Lotus 1-2-3 103
Lotus Client NRPC Monitoring Tool 157
Lotus Connector LotusScript Extension (LC LSX) 270
Lotus Connector LotusScript Software Extension (LC
Index 491
LSX) 354
Lotus Domino for AS/400 1, 3
overall performance 59
Lotus Enterprise Integrator 263, 264
Lotus Enterprise Integrator (LEI)
on a DSD 353
Lotus Multi-Byte Character Set (LMBCS) 202
Lotus Quality Engineer 17
LotusScript 10, 261
LotusScript agent 311
LotusScript:Data Object (LS:DO) on a DSD 354
LPAR 26, 81
on a DSD 360
LPAR (logical partitioning) 274
on a DSD 354
LS:DO on a DSD 354
machine pool 168
Machine Pool Faults (Average) 93
Mail and Calendaring Users (MCU) 46, 348, 394
mail archival policy 209
mail archiving 208
mail backlogs and performance issues 200
mail concepts 28
mail database integration 291
mail routing 240
mail server failover 292
mail trapped in mail.box 291
mail user 397
Mail.AverageDeliverTime 459
Mail.AverageServerHops 459
Mail.AverageSizeDelivered 459
mail.box 240
Mail.DBCacheEntries 212
Mail.DBCacheHits 213
Mail.DBCacheReads 213
Mail.Dead 459
Mail.Delivered 459
Mail.Deliveries 459
Mail.Domain 459
Mail.Hold 459
Mail.IMAP.Cache.MsgInsertAttempts 459
Mail.IMAP.FindCacheAttempted 459
Mail.IMAP.NumCacheHits 459
Mail.IMAP.NumMsgInsertedInCache 459
Mail.MaximumDeliverTime 459
Mail.MaximumServerHops 459
Mail.MaximumSizeDelivered 459
Mail.MinimumDeliverTime 460
Mail.MinimumServerHops 460
Mail.MinimumSizeDelivered 460
Mail.PeakByteTransferRate 460
Mail.PeakMessagesTransferred 460
Mail.PeakMessageTranferRate 460
Mail.PeakMessageTranferRate.Time 460
Mail.PeakTotalBytesTransfered 460
MAIL.TotalFailures 460
Mail.TotalKBTransferred 460
Mail.TotalPending 460
Mail.TotalRouted 460
Mail.TotalRouted.SMTP 460
Mail.TotalRouter.NRPC 460
Mail.TransferFailures 460
Mail.Transferred 460
Mail.Waiting 460
Mail.WaitingforDNS 460
Mail.WaitingRecipients 460
Mail_Log_To_MiscEvents 443
Mail_Number_of_Mail_Boxes 450
Mail_Transfer_Retry_Minutes 450
Mailbox quotas 208
MailByDest..Delivered 460
MailByDest..TotalFailures 460
MailByDest..TotalRouted 460
MailClusterFailover 449
MailCompactDisabled 449
MailCompactDisabled= 257
MailDisablePriority 449
Mailfile size 209
MailLowPriorityTime 449
MailMaxConcurrentXferThreads 449
MailMaxDeliveryThreads 449
MailMaxThreads 450
main storage 67, 372, 393
Make Directory (MD) command 376
Management Central 12, 13, 89, 192
APIs 88
CPU Utilization metrics 104
performance monitor 89
manual calibration of resource usage 420
maximum cached commands 308
maximum cached designs 309
maximum cached users 309
maximum log file sizes 387
maximum number of users 201, 275
Maximum requests over a single connection 306
maximum transmission unit (MTU) 179
Maximum Transmission Unit Size (MTU)
list of recommended values 180
MaxRetryDelay 450
MaxWaiters 137
MCU 28, 45, 46, 48, 394
MCU (Mail and Calendaring Users) 394
MD (Make Directory) command 376
measuring inbound SMTP performance 323
measuring SMTP performance 320
measuring tuning thread activity 307
Mem.Allocated 460
Mem.Allocated.Process 460
Mem.Allocated.Shared 460
Mem.Availability 460
Mem.Free 460
Mem.FTVDKMaxBufferSizeUsed 460
Mem.PhysicalRam 460
Mem.Quota 460
Mem.SwapFile.Size 461
Mem.Timeouts 461
492 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
memory pool 166, 167
Memory statistics 140
memory statistics 140
Memory_Quota 437
message queue for QSYSOPR 171
Message Transfer Agent 11
Metrics page 91, 107
MF27217 345
MHz 46
Microsoft Excel 97 103
MinNewMailPoll 450
mirrored disk 175
mirrored storage protection (RAID0) 374
Mod 137
moderate mail user 46
modifying an existing system monitor 96
Monitor..Failure 461
Monitor..Fatal 461
Monitor..Warning(High) 461
Monitor..Heartbeat 461
monitoring performance with iSeries tools 53
MTA 11, 430
MTA.ccMail.Dead 461
MTA.ccMail.TotalKBTransferred 461
MTA.ccMail.TotalRouted 461
MTA.ccMail.TransferFailures 461
MTA.ccMail.Transferred 461
MTA.ccMail.Waiting 461
MTA.ccMail.WaitingRecipients 461
MTA.Smtp.Dead 461
MTA.Smtp.TotalKBTransferred 461
MTA.Smtp.TotalRouted 461
MTA.Smtp.TransferFailures 461
MTA.Smtp.Transferred 461
MTA.Smtp.Waiting 461
MTA.Smtp.WaitingRecipients 461
MTC 227
MTS 430
MTU 179, 180
list of recommended values 180
MTU (maximum transmission unit) 179
multiple databases 398
multiple Indexer tasks on the server 220
multiple IP addresses 276
multiple iSeries servers 279
Names and Address Book 11
native HTMP pages 311
NET 461
NET..BytesReceived 461
NET..BytesSent 461
NET..Sessions.Established.Incoming 461
NET..Sessions.Established.Outgoing 461
NET..Sessions.Limit 461
NET..Sessions.LimitMax 461
NET..Sessions.LimitMin 461
NET..Sessions.Peak 462
NET..Sessions.Recycled 462
NET..Sessions.Recycling 462
NET.Log..UnwrittenEntries 462
NET.TCP.BytesReceived 462
NET.TCP.BytesSent 462
NET.TCP.Sessions.Established.Incoming 462
NET.TCP.Sessions.Established.Outgoing 462
NET.TCP.Sessions.Limit 462
NET.TCP.Sessions.LimitMax 462
NET.TCP.Sessions.LimitMin 462
NET.TCP.Sessions.Peak 462
NET.TCP.Sessions.Recycled 462
NET.TCP.Sessions.Recycling 462
NET.TCPIP.BytesReceived 462
NET.TCPIP.BytesSent 462
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.Established.Incoming 462
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.Established.Outgoing 462
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.Limit 462
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.LimitMax 462
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.LimitMin 462
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.Peak 462
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.Recycled 462
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.Recycling 462
NET.VINES.BytesReceived 462
NET.VINES.BytesSent 462
NetServer on a DSD 358
NETSTAT (Work with TCP/IP Network Status) command
network performance 74, 292
network sniffer 156
next hop 77
NFS_Buffer_Pool_Size 437
NFS_Buffer_Pool_Size_MB 437
NIF 187
NIF (Notes Indexing Facility) 185
NIF-semaphores 223
NNTP (Network News Transport Protocol) server 334
NNTP..Articles.Posted 335, 462
NNTP..Articles.Sent 335, 462
NNTP..Bytes.Received 335, 462
NNTP..Bytes.Sent 335, 462
NNTP..Pull.Articles.Failed 335,
NNTP..Pull.Articles.Offered 335,
335, 463
335, 463
NNTP..Push.Articles.Failed 335,
335, 463
335, 463
335, 463
NNTP.Articles.Posted 335, 463
NNTP.Articles.Sent 335, 463
NNTP.Bytes.Received 335, 463
Index 493
NNTP.Bytes.Sent 335, 463
NNTP.Pull.Articles.Failed 335, 463
NNTP.Pull.Articles.Offered 335, 463
NNTP.Pull.Articles.Requested 335, 463
NNTP.Pull.Articles.Transfered 335, 463
NNTP.Push.Articles.Failed 335, 463
NNTP.Push.Articles.Offered 336, 463
NNTP.Push.Articles.Transfered 336, 463
NNTP.Sessions.Accept.Queue 336, 463
NNTP.Sessions.Active 336, 463
NNTP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesReceived 336, 463
NNTP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesSent 336, 463
NNTP.Sessions.Inbound.Non-SSL 336, 463
NNTP.Sessions.Inbound.SSL 336, 464
NNTP.Sessions.Inbound.SSL.Bad_Handshake 336,
NNTP.Sessions.Inbound.Total 336, 464
NNTP.Sessions.Outgoing.non-SSL 336, 464
NNTP.Sessions.Outgoing.SSL 336, 464
NNTP.Sessions.Peak 336, 464
NNTP.Sessions.Threads.Busy 336, 464
NNTP.Sessions.Threads.Idle 336, 464
NNTP.Sessions.Total 336, 464
No_Force_Activity_Logging 443
No_Force_Activity_Logging=1 244
NoMsgCache 450
non-Domino applications 399
note 10
note.ini 237
Notes Agent Builder 234
Notes API 285
Notes client cluster components 285
Notes Client Mail access 26
Notes DB Request 304
Notes Indexing Facility (NIF) 185, 187
Notes log database 145
Notes naming structure 5
Notes Remote Procedure Calls (NRPC) 156
Notes Server Dump (NSD) 17
notes.ini 185
notes.ini parameter 435
Notes_AS400_CONSOLE_ENTRIES 200, 224
NotesBench 14, 22, 394
NotesBench Consortium (URL) 480
NotesBench workload 22
NoteSizr 15
NotesPump 264, 353
NPC (Notes Remote Procedure Calls) 156
NPING tool 75
NRPC 143, 338
NRPC (Notes Remote Procedure Calls) 156
NRPC Monitor 157
NSCOW.jar 227
NSD (Notes Server Dump) 17
nsd_all_os400_(julian date)_(time) 17
NSF buffer pool 219
NSF buffer pool size 216
NSF buffer pool size relation to queues 219
NSF_BUFFER pool size 211
NSF_Buffer_POOL_Size 134
NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size 213
behavior if omitted 213
NSF_Buffer_Pool_Size_MB 213
NSF_DbCache_Maxentries 222, 437
NSFGetFirstLogToArchive() 387
NSFGetNextLogToArchive() 387
Number of active threads 305
Obey database quotas during message delivery 208
Object.Mailobj.NSF.SharedBy.01 464
Object.Mailobj.NSF.SharedBy.19 464
Object.Mailobj.NSF.SharedBy.20 464
Object.Mailobj.NSF.SharedBy.Greater 464
observation period 172
ODBC 269, 270
ODS (On Disk Structure) 308
ODS 41 385
On Disk Structure (ODS) 308
Open event log 94
Open monitor 94
Operations Navigator 83, 166, 167, 176
work with Domino jobs 230
OptiConnect for OS/400 280
OptiConnect hub system 280
OptiConnect satellite systems 280
optimizing HTTP cache settings 308
optimizing HTTP logging for performance 310
optimizing HTTP threads 305
organization (O) 5
organizational unit (OU) 5
OS/400 statistics 153
OS/400 work management 176
other pool 68
outbound performance measurements 321
Page fault rate 108
paging option 168
panel group
new extended version released with Domino but not
implemented 202
update to improve readability 131
partitioning 274, 323
Domino servers 274
separate for the R5 SMTP MTA server 202
partitions 26
PartnerWorld for Developers (URL) 480
passthru server 292
Passthru_LogLevel 443
PercentAvailSysResources 213, 214, 437
PerCentReadsInBuffer 212
494 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
performance adjustment 163
performance analysis concepts 53
performance data 83
from Domino and iSeries 152
Performance Explorer 53, 116
trace points for Domino 117
Performance Explorer (PEX) 13, 116
observe non-Domino workload 366
performance level 377
Performance Management/400 12
Performance Management/400 (PM/400) 12, 21, 480
Performance Monitor 12, 53, 83, 105
Performance Navigator 14
performance recommendations 179
performance tests
with TxL 381
Performance Tools 53
Performance Tools/400 12, 114
personal agent 235
PEX (Performance Explorer) 13, 116, 366
PEX Analyzer tool 121
PEX definition 120
PEX trace points 118
PhoneLog 443
PING command 74
planning for Domino for iSeries 5
platform dependent statistics 234, 237, 245, 246
Platform view 153
Platform.LogicalDisk 142
Platform.LogicalDisk* 141
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1._Total.1.PctTime 464
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1._Total.1.PctTime.avg 464
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1._Total.1.PctTime.min 464
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1._Total.1.PctUsed 464
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1.AvgQueueLength 464
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1.PctTime 465
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1.PctTime.avg 465
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1.PctTime.max 465
Platform.LogicalDisk._Total.1.PctTime.min 465
Platform.Memory 142
Platform.memory* 140, 141
Platform.Memory.FaultsPerSec 465
Platform.Memory.FaultsPerSec.avg 465
Platform.Memory.FaultsPerSec.max 465
Platform.Memory.FaultsPerSec.min 465
Platform.Memory.KBFree 465
Platform.Memory.KBFree.avg 465
Platform.Memory.KBFree.max 465
Platform.Memory.KBFree.min 465
Platform.Memory.KBSize 465
Platform.Memory.PagesPerSec 465
Platform.Memory.PagesPerSec.avg 465
Platform.Memory.PagesPerSec.max 465
Platform.Memory.PagesPerSec.min 465
Platform.Memory.Wait->Ineligible 466
Platform.Memory.WaitToIneligible 466
Platform.PagingFile._Total.Util 466
Platform.PagingFile._Total.Util.avg 466
Platform.PagingFile._Total.Util.max 466
Platform.PagingFile._Total.Util.min 466
Platform.Process 142
Platform.process* 141
Platform.Process.ADMINP.1.Util 466
Platform.Process.AMGR.1.Util 466
Platform.Process.AMGR.2.Util 466
Platform.Process.AMGR.3.Util 466
Platform.Process.AMGR.4.Util 466
Platform.Process.HTTP.1.Util 466
Platform.Process.nadminp.1.Util 466
Platform.Process.nadminp.2.Util 466
Platform.Process.nadminp.3.Util 466
Platform.Process.nadminp.4.Util 466
Platform.Process.namgr.1.Util 466
Platform.Process.namgr.2.Util 466
Platform.Process.namgr.3.Util 466
Platform.Process.namgr.4.Util 466
Platform.Process.nhttp.1.Util 466
Platform.Process.nhttp.2.Util 466
Platform.Process.nhttp.3.Util 466
Platform.Process.nhttp.4.Util 466
Platform.Process.nreplica.1.Util 466
Platform.Process.nreplica.2.Util 466
Platform.Process.nreplica.3.Util 466
Platform.Process.nreplica.4.Util 467
Platform.Process.nrouter.1.Util 467
Platform.Process.nrouter.2.Util 467
Platform.Process.nrouter.3.Util 467
Platform.Process.nrouter.4.Util 467
Platform.Process.nserver.1.Util 467
Platform.Process.REPLICA.1.Util 467
Platform.Process.REPLICA.2.Util 467
Platform.Process.REPLICA.3.Util 467
Platform.Process.REPLICA.4.Util 467
Platform.Process.ROUTER.1.Util 467
Platform.Process.SERVER.1.Util 467
Platform.Process.SERVER.2.Util 467
Platform.Process.SERVER.3.Util 467
Platform.Process.SERVER.4.Util 467
Platform.Process.UPDATE.1.Util 467
Platform.Process.UPDATE.2.Util 467
Platform.Process.UPDATE.3.Util 467
Platform.Process.UPDATE.4.Util 467
Platform.System 142
Platform.System.TotalUserUtil 467
Platform.System.TotalUserUtil.avg 467
Platform.System.TotalUserUtil.max 468
Platform.System.TotalUserUtil.min 468
Platform.System.TotalUtil 140, 468
Platform.System.TotalUtil.Avg 140
Platform.System.TotalUtil.avg 468
Platform.System.TotalUtil.Max 140
Platform.System.TotalUtil.max 468
Index 495
Platform.System.TotalUtil.Min 140
Platform.System.TotalUtil.min 468
Platform_Statistics_Enabled 443
platform-dependent statistics 137
PM/400 12, 88, 102, 480
POP3 26, 319, 327
logging 324
POP3 (Post Office Protocol Version 3) server 329
POP3.Command. 468
POP3.Sessions.Accept.Queue 468
POP3.Sessions.Active 468
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.BytesReceived 468
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.BytesSent 468
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.Non-SSL 468
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.SSL 468
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.SSL.Bad_Handshake 468
POP3.Sessions.Inbound.Total 468
POP3.Sessions.Peak 468
POP3.Sessions.Threads.Busy 468
POP3.Sessions.Threads.Idle 468
POP3.Sessions.Total 468
POP3.UserCache.Attempts 468
POP3.UserCache.Hits 468
POP3.UserCache.Inserts 468
POP3.UserCache.Lookups 468
POP3.UserCache.OpenReasonCacheFull 468
POP3.UserCache.OpenReasonDBChanged 468
POP3.UserCache.OpenReasonNewEntry 468
POP3_Config_Update_Interval 450
PORT 199
filtering 180
local 79
mapping 276
remote 79
Previous_TransLog_Path 437
Previous_TransLog_Status 438
Previous_TransLog_Style 438
primary key replication (LEI) 269
Print Component Report 114
Print Performance Explorer Report (PRTPEXRPT) 117
Print PEX Report (PRTPEXRPT) command 116
Print System Report 114
Private Memory Pools 169
process statistics 140
Processor CIW (Compute Intensive Workload) 349
processor clock speed 46
Processor CPW (Commercial Processing Workload) 39,
processor load 67
processor priority 173
protected log file 387
5799-DSD 342
PRTACTRPT (Print Activity Report) command 115
PRTCPTRPT (Print Component Report) command 114
PRTPEXRPT (Print PEX Report) command 116, 117
PRTSYSRPT (Print System Report) command 114
PRTTNSRPT (Print Transaction Report) command 114
MF27217 345
RE01200 344
pthread_mutex_lock 203
Public Address Book 11
public agent 235
pull replication 249
push replication 249
push-pull replication 249
QASPnn 375
QDYNPTYADJ system value 81
QDYNPTYSCD system value 81
QMCHPOOL system value 81
QMPGDATA library 14
qnndiend 224
QNNDIHK 224, 227
QNNDISTJ 225, 433
QNNINADD 224, 227
QNNINADD task 255
QNNINSTS 175, 239, 275
Ending 239
QNOTES (library) 275
QOS....ResponseTime 469
QOS.Mail.ISpy..ResponseTime 469
QOS.Mail.ISpy.ProbeError 469
QPFRADJ 163, 169, 171
QPFRADJ system value 81
QSYSOPR message queue 171
QSYSWRK 83, 85, 97
QueryMaxResults 448
queue access 219
queue relation to the NSF buffer pool size 219
queues relate to the NSF 219
Queuing Multiplier 60, 145
quotas 205
total failure of restore 208
QUSRNOTES 169, 174, 175, 176
496 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
QypsChgSysCollectorAttributes 89
QypsEndCollector 89
QypsStartCollector 88
QZDA 350
R5 optimized view rebuild 222
performance with TxL 381
user 22
workload 22
RAID 175
RAID0 (mirrored storage protection) 374
RAID5 (Redundant Array of Independent Disks Type 5)
RDBMS (relational database management system) 261
RE01200 344
Real-time monitor 97
real-time performance data 97
real-time system performance 90
record format 262
Redbooks Web site 481
Contact us xviii
redirecting Domino console command output 128
REDO 378
Redundant Array of Independent Disks Type 5 (RAID5)
Referenced Web sites 480
Refresh Index 190
Refs 137
registered users 24, 46
relational database management system (RDBMS) 261
reliability 4
remote access with iNotes 292
removing the Autostart job entry 225
REPLICA task 249
Replica.Cluster 286
Replica.Cluster.CachedHandles 469
Replica.Cluster.Docs.Added 469
Replica.Cluster.Docs.Deleted 469
Replica.Cluster.Docs.Updated 469
Replica.Cluster.Failed 469
Replica.Cluster.Files.Local 469
Replica.Cluster.Files.Remote 469
Replica.Cluster.Retry.Skipped 469
Replica.Cluster.Retry.Waiting 469
Replica.Cluster.SecondsOnQueue 469
Replica.Cluster.SecondsOnQueue.Avg 469
Replica.Cluster.SecondsOnQueue.Max 469
Replica.Cluster.Servers 469
Replica.Cluster.SessionBytes.In 469
Replica.Cluster.SessionBytes.Out 469
Replica.Cluster.Successful 469
Replica.Cluster.WorkQueueDepth 469
Replica.Cluster.WorkQueueDepth.Avg 469
Replica.Cluster.WorkQueueDepth.Max 469
Replica.Docs.Added 469
Replica.Docs.Deleted 469
Replica.Docs.Updated 469
Replica.Failed 469
Replica.Successful 470
replication backlog 296
replication topology 6
Replicators 438
REPORT task 256
report types 296
Reporter.Time.Analysis 470
Reporter.Time.Collected 470
Reporter.Time.Elapsed 470
Request for Comments (RFCs) 317
reset a statistic 133
restart server 169
re-using white space 206
RFCs 317
rich text field 260
ROUTER task 240
RPC traffic from a Notes workstation 157
RPG 167
RSC 344
RTR_Cached_Handle_Disable 294, 451
rtr_initial_retry_interval 451
RTR_Logging 293, 443
rtr_max_retry_interval 451
run attributes 64
Run Domino Command (RUNDOMCMD) command 198
run priority 64, 66
RUNDOMCMD (Run Domino Command) command 198
runpty 174
runtime performance cache redo 378
Runtime/Restart Performance 377
SameTime 11
Sample Domino Server Monitor 105
SAN (storage area network) 175
Save Job Classification Member window 412
SBMDOMCMD (Submit Domino Command) command
scalability 4, 284
SCHED (Schedule Manager) 252
scheduling ADMINP 233
SCM (Supply Chain Management) 263
scripts 14
Secondary CPU Utilization 362
secondary thread 63
Secondary Workloads 92, 105
SecureMail 450
Index 497
security 5
SEM.Timeouts 470
server backups using BRMS/400 179
server communication 278
SERVER task 217, 243
server tasks 223
Server. 470
Server.Administrator 470
Server.AvailabilityIndex 470
Server.AvailabilityThreshold 470
Server.BootID 470
Server.BusyTimeQuery.ReceivedCount 470
Server.Cluster 286
Server.Cluster.AvailabilityIndex 470
Server.Cluster.AvailabilityThreshold 470
Server.Cluster.Name 470
Server.Cluster.OpenRedirects.Failover.Successful 470
Server.Cluster.OpenRequest.ClusterBusy 470
Server.Cluster.OpenRequest.LoadBalanced 471
Server.Cluster.Portname 471
Server.Cluster.ProbeCount 471
Server.Cluster.ProbeError 471
Server.Cluster.ProbeTimeout(mins) 471
Server.Cluster.Trans.IntervalAvgTime 471
Server.Cluster.Trans.IntervalInMinutes 471
Server.Cluster.Trans.IntervalInSeconds 471
Server.Cluster.Trans.IntervalsUseInAvg 471
Server.Cluster.Trans.LastIntervalAvgTime 471
Server.Cluster.Trans.NormalizeValue 471
Server.Cluster.Trans.RunningAvgTime 471
Server.Cluster.Trans.RunningCount 471
Server.Cluster.Trans.RunningTime 471
Server.Coprocessor 471
Server.CPU.Count 471
Server.CPU.Type 471
Server.Description 471
Server.Load 14
Server.Location 471
Server.MinIdleDisconnect 471
Server.MinIdleDisconnect.Time 471
Server.Monitor.Start 471
Server.Name 471
Server.OpenRequest.Maxusers 471
Server.OpenRequest.PreV4Clients 471
Server.OpenRequest.Restricted 471
Server.OpenRequest.V4Clients 471
Server.Path.Data 472
Server.Path.Swap 472
Server.Ports 472
Server.Ports.RS232 472
Server.PoweredBy.Notes 472
Server.Sessions.Dropped 134, 472
Server.Task 472
Server.Tasks 472
Server.Time.Start 472
Server.Title 472
Server.Trans.PerMinute 133, 472
Server.Trans.PerMinute.Peak 472
Server.Trans.PerMinute.Peak.Time 472
Server.Trans.Total 472
Server.User 472
Server.Users 133, 472
1MinPeak 134
1MinPeakTime 134
5MinPeak 134
5MinPeakTime 134
Peak 134
PeakTime 134
Server.Users* 133
Server.Users.1MinPeak 472
Server.Users.1MinPeakTime 472
Server.Users.5MinPeakPeak 472
Server.Users.5MinPeakTime 472
Server.Users.Peak 472
Server.Users.Peak.Time 472
Server.Version.MTBF 472
Server.Version.NLM 472
Server.Version.Notes 472
Server.Version.NT 472
Server.Version.OS 472
Server.Version.OS2 472
Server.WorkThreads 472
Server_Availability_Threshold 218, 293, 452
Server_Cluster_Default_Port 452
Server_Cluster_On 452
Server_Cluster_Probe_Port 452
Server_Cluster_Probe_Timeout 294, 451
Server_Max_Concurrent_Trans 216, 438
Server_MaxSessions 217, 438
Server_MaxUsers 217, 218, 294, 438
Server_Pool_Tasks 439
Server_Restricted 218
Server_Session_Timeout 26, 218, 439
Server_Show_Performance 223, 439
Server_TransInfo_Max 294, 451
Server_TransInfo_Normalize 294
Server_transinfo_Normalize 452
Server_TransInfo_Update_Interval 295, 451
server-based tools 295
498 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
Servers to monitor 106
ServerTasks 186, 225, 232, 244, 439
ServerTasksAt2 187
ServerTasksAt5 244
Service Level Agreement (SLA) 236
servlet 271
Set Stat 133
SH PE 223
sh stat calendar 255
SH STAT database.* parameters 215
sh ta 128
sh tran 143
shared memory pool 168
shared pools 213
SharedMail 450
sharing options 112
short wait 69
short wait extended 69, 70
show DBS 136
Show Domino open database 136
show performance 223
Show Stat 210
show stat 132
show stat agent 235
Show Stat command 132
Show Stat Database 210
show stat database 134
show stat domino 135
show stat mail.waiting 242
show stat platform 137
show task debug 129
show tasks 186, 244
show tasks command 128
Show Trans command 144
show transactions 143
Show_Task_Detail 443
Simple Mail Users (SMU) 45, 394
single-level storage 372
size of the storage pool 172
sizing pools 172
skip_fixup 439
SLA (Service Level Agreement) 236
SLIC (System Licensed Internal Code) 372
sload.exe 14
sload50.nsf 14
SMTP 11, 57, 427
logging 324
SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Program) 253
SMTP messaging best practices 323
SMTP MIME in Domino R5 202
SMTP MTA in Domino R5 202
SMTP MTA structure 317
SMTP..Ave 472
SMTP..Count 472
SMTP..Max 473
SMTP..Total 473
SMTP.Command. 473
SMTP.MessagesProcessed 473
SMTP.Sessions.Accept.Queue 473
SMTP.Sessions.Active 473
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesReceived 473
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.BytesSent 473
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.Non-SSL 473
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.SSL 473
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.SSL.Bad_Handshake 473
SMTP.Sessions.Inbound.Total 473
SMTP.Sessions.Peak 473
SMTP.Sessions.Threads.Busy 473
SMTP.Sessions.Threads.Idle 473
SMTP.Sessions.Total 473
SMTPLDQ (SMTP local deliver request queue) 432
SMTPMTA 432, 473
SMTPMTA.ConvFailures 473
SMTPMTA.Dead 473
SMTPMTA.Delivered 473
SMTPMTA.HighInBound 473
SMTPMTA.HighOutBound 473
SMTPMTA.InBoundBytes 473
SMTPMTA.InBoundSize 473
SMTPMTA.OutBoundBytes 473
SMTPMTA.OutBoundSize 473
SMTPMTA.TotalRouted 473
SMTPMTA.TransFailures 473
SMTPMTA.Transfered 473
SMTPMTA.Waiting 473
SMTPMTA.WaitingConv 473
SMTPMTA.WaitingRecipients 473
SMTPMTA.WaitingTrans 474
SMU 45, 394
SMU (Simple Mail Users) 394
SNTP 474
SNTP..Min 473
Sound alarm 95, 110
source directories to a single superdirectory 200
SPD OptiConnect 280
Specify Job Classification Category window 410
Specify Paging Behaviors window 411
specify workload growth 424
SPIN.AvtIterToHit 474
SPIN.Delays 474
SPIN.DelaysMsecs 474
SPIN.FRWSemGetReadExt 474
SPIN.FRWSemPutReadExt 474
SPIN.Hits 474
SPIN.MaxDelayMask 474
SPIN.MaxDelayMsecs 474
Spool 171
index 262
view 262
Index 499
SST 163
Start BEST/1 command 404
Start Domino Server 239
Start Performance Explorer (STRPEX) command 116
Start System Service Tools (STRSST) command 82
Starting Collection Services 88
Statistic Collector 152
Statistic Monitor 150
statistical reports 127
statistics 145
Statistics & Events database 137
Statistics & Events database (EVENST4.NSF) 247
Statistics and Reporting Database 127, 145
Statistics Collection document 153
Statistics Reports database for monitoring iSeries and
Domino server performance data 153
STATLOG task 244
statrep.nsf 127, 137, 138, 145, 174, 234, 237, 245, 246
statrep400.ntf 153
STATS task 256
Stats.Time.Current 474
Stats.Time.Start 474
Steady state 207
STMF 260
storage area network (SAN) 175
storage pool activity levels 170
storage pools 166
stream files 373
StringXlate 202
Causing severe performance problems 202
STRPEX (Start Performance Explorer) command 116
STRPEX (Start PEX) command 116
STRPFRMON (Start Performance Monitor) command 83
STRSST (Start System Service Tools) command 82
Submit Domino Command 128
Submit Domino Command (SBMDOMCMD) 198
subnet mask 77
subsystem name 275
summary numeric values 108
Supply Chain Management (SCM) 263
Suppression time 198
system and core applications 11
system ASP 175
System Collector Attributes 89
system level 392
System Licensed Internal Code (SLIC) 372
system monitor 13, 90
modifying existing 96
system pool 1 171
system resource utilization 403
system statistics 139
system value
QPFRADJ 81, 163
Systems and Groups 95, 111
TCP/IP Buffer Size 180
TCPKEEPALV iSeries parameter 218
TCP-only for Ethernet 181
Technology-Independent Machine Interface (TIMI) 372
Technote #167013 185
Technovations 15
tell adminp q 233
tell amgr status 237
tests 14
thread 62
Thread count 108
thread number 129
thread of control 62
thread state transitions 69, 172
threads 62, 63
thresholds 100
time interval selection 409
time slice 174
time slice parameter 66
time-dependent function 190
time-dependent selection formulas 189
timestamp replication (LEI) 269
TIMI (Technology-Independent Machine Interface) 372
tips and techniques for designing Domino applications
Tivoli 16
Tivoli Application Response Measurement (ARM) 16
Tivoli Manager 16
Tivoli Manager for Domino 16
tools 293
TPROF PEX trace 123
trace points for Domino 117
Trace Profile 123
Trace Route (TRACERT) command 75
TRACERT (Trace Route) command 75
transaction logging
how it technically works 386
other benefits 389
transaction logging (TxL) 371
transaction logging file 175
transaction logging mail 205
Transaction rate 108
Transaction Rate (Average) 93
Transaction Rate (Interactive) 93
Transaction time 108
transactional log 376
transactions in Domino 56
transactions of workload functions 416
transactions per function 420
translations (excessive) on iSeries and zSeries 202
TRANSLOG_AutoFixup 380
Translog_AutoFixup 440
500 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
TRANSLOG_MaxSize 380
Translog_MaxSize 218, 440
Translog_Path 440
TRANSLOG_Performance 380
Translog_Performance 441
TransLog_ReCreate_LogCTRL 441
TRANSLOG_Status 379
Translog_Status 441
TRANSLOG_Style 380
Translog_Style 441
Translog_UseAll 218, 442
triggered 100
tuning 66
tuning iSeries performance for Domino 161, 183
tuning the iSeries server 162
tuning thread activity 307
TxL 371
performance tests 381
related documents 389
TxL log 387
TxL log file
64 MB exposure between a closed an open file 388
typical mail users 28
typical mail workload 394
typical user 22, 46, 394
UBM (Unified Buffer Manager) 377, 388
UDFS (user-defined file system) 374
UDFS, creating and mounting with CL commands 376
UNDO 378
UNDO and REDO records in TxL 387
UNDO and REDO with recovery as a series of data slices!
UNID (unique ID) 263, 314
Unified Buffer Manager (UBM) 377
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) 304
unique ID (UNID) 263, 314
UPDALL 185, 187, 191, 192, 193, 198, 257, 389
UPDATE 173, 185, 188, 190, 191, 244
Update 185
UPDATE task 244
Update_No_Fulltext 220, 448
Update_Suppression_Limit 448
Update_Suppression_Time 198, 448
Updaters 244, 449
URL interface 304
user applications 397
user ASP 175
user mail failover 291
User Pool Faults (Average) 93
User Pool Faults (Maximum) 93
user-defined file system (UDFS) 374
users per Domino server 201
V5R1 391, 480
validating the BEST/1 model 413
View Properties 187
view properties 190
View_Rebuild_Dir 334, 442
views and indices not TxL logged 389
views, locked 188
virtual storage 372
long 70
short 69
short extended 70
Wait-to-Ineligible transitions 172
Web application categorization 313
Web serving 397
Web site design 310
Web.Retriever.Access.FTP 474
Web.Retriever.Access.Gopher 474
Web.Retriever.Access.HTTP 474
Web.Retriever.Bytes.Received 474
Web.Retriever.Bytes.Sent 474
Web.Retriever.ImageCache.Hits 474
Web.Retriever.ImageCache.Misses 474
Web.Retriever.LogLevel 474
Web.Retriever.LogMessages 474
Web.Retriever.Process.Access.FTP 474
Web.Retriever.Process.Access.Gopher 474
Web.Retriever.Process.Access.HTTP 474
Web.Retriever.Process.Bytes.Received 474
Web.Retriever.Process.Bytes.Sent 474
Web.Retriever.Process.Num.Active 474
Web.Retriever.Process.Num.Busy 474
Web.Retriever.Process.Num.Idle 474
Web.Retriever.Process.Num.Maximum 474
Web.Retriever.Process.ProcessID 474
Web.Retriever.Process.State 474
Web.Retriever.Process.URLs.Failed 475
Web.Retriever.Process.URLs.Requested 475
Web.Retriever.Process.URLs.Succeeded 475
Web.Retriever.Time.Current 475
Web.Retriever.Time.Duration 475
Web.Retriever.Time.Start 475
Web.Retriever.URLs.Failed 475
Web.Retriever.URLs.Requested 475
Web.Retriever.URLs.Succeeded 475
Web.Retriever.Version 475
Web.Retriever.VPOOL.Max.Buf 475
Web.Retriever.VPOOL.Max.Element 475
Web.Retriever.VPOOL.Max.Marker 475
Web.Retriever.VPOOL.Max.Text 475
Web.Retriever.VPOOL.Max.URL 475
WebAdmin.NSF 313
WebMail 26, 339
WebSizr 15
Index 501
WebSphere 227
WebSphere Application Server 343
on a DSD 356
WebSphere Commerce Suite on a DSD 356
white space 205
wide area network (WAN) 179
WLE (IBM Workload Estimator for iSeries) 20
Work with Active Jobs 176, 186, 192
Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command 177
Work with BEST/1 Models option 407
Work with Domino Console (WRKDOMCSL) 277
Work with Domino Servers (WRKDOMSVR) 277
Work with Domino Servers (WRKDOMSVR) command
Work with Results display 418
Work with Shared Storage Pools (WRKSHRPOOL) command
168, 170
Work with System Activity (WRKSYSACT) command 71,
89, 174, 192
Work with System Status 168
Work with System Status (WRKSYSSTS) command 68,
Work with System Status (WRKSYSSTS) display 168
Work with System Values (WRKSYSVAL) command 79
Work with TCP/IP Network Status (NETSTAT) command
Work with TCP/IP Network Status (WRKTCPSTS) 75
workload 23, 414
Workload Estimator 19
Workload Estimator (URL) 480
workload functions 414
workload measurement 403
WRKACTJOB 171, 176, 186, 192
WRKACTJOB (Work with Active Jobs) command 70, 177
WRKDOMSVR 131, 171, 231, 277
WRKDOMSVR (Work with Domino Servers) command
WRKDSKSTS (Work with Disk Status) command 73
WRKSHRPOOL (Work with Shared Storage Pools) command
168, 170
WRKSYSACT (Work with System Activity) command 71,
89, 174, 192
WRKSYSSTS (Work with System Status) command 68,
163, 170
WRKSYSVAL (Work with System Values) command 79
WRKTCPSTS (Work with TCP/IP Network Status) command
75 X
X.509 330 Z
zSeries server, excessive translation 202
502 Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning
(1.0” spine)
460 <-> 788 pages
Performance Tuning
Domino for iSeries Sizing and
SG24-5162-01 ISBN 0738422517
IBM Redbooks are developed
by the IBM International
Technical Support
Organization. Experts from
IBM, Customers and Partners
from around the world create
timely technical information
based on realistic scenarios.
Specific recommendations
are provided to help you
implement IT solutions more
effectively in your
For more information:
Domino for iSeries Sizing
and Performance Tuning
Correctly sizing a
server with the
Workload Estimator
Tips and techniques
for tuning Domino for
Information on iSeries
Dedicated Server for
Explore the methodologies and approaches to assist in providing
optimal performance of Lotus Domino for iSeries! This IBM Redbook
targets technical professionals who are responsible for, or must
advise on, the installation and administration of Lotus Domino
servers on IBM ~ iSeries servers. It can also be used by
performance specialists to gain knowledge on how to collect,
measure, analyze, and extrapolate performance data from Domino
servers. This redbook offers you the ability to translate these
methodologies into your own situation and come up with specific
performance analysis strategies and a set of tuning parameters for
the best possible performance.
This redbook shows a detailed approach for:
Estimating an appropriate configuration for a new iSeries
server to run Domino
Measuring Domino application performance
Tuning Domino servers and OS/400 resources for optimal use
Understanding the impact of many configuration settings
Considering partitioning, clustering, the use of text search,
indexing, and views
Improving throughput of the integration of Domino and DB2
UDB for iSeries
Analyzing the impact of the various Domino server tasks
Tuning Domino HTTP server workloads
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