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IBM Systems - iSeries Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Version 5 Release 4
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IBM Systems - iSeries Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Version 5 Release 4 IBM Systems - iSeries Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Version 5 Release 4 Note Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the information in “Notices,” on page 165. Second Edition (February 2006) This edition applies to version 5, release 4, modification 0 of Communications Utilities for iSeries (product number 5722-CM1) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. This version does not run on all reduced instruction set computer (RISC) models nor does it run on CICS models. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1998, 2006. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Contents Add Forms Control Entry (ADDFCTE) . . 1 Add RJE Communication Entry (ADDRJECMNE) . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Add RJE Reader Entry (ADDRJERDRE) 13 Add RJE Writer Entry (ADDRJEWTRE) 17 Configure VM/MVS Bridge (CFGRPDS) 23 Change Forms Control Table (CHGFCT) 25 Change Forms Control Entry (CHGFCTE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Change RJE Communication Entry (CHGRJECMNE). . . . . . . . . . . 35 Change RJE Reader Entry (CHGRJERDRE) . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Change RJE Writer Entry (CHGRJEWTRE). . . . . . . . . . . 43 Change Session Description (CHGSSND). . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Cancel RJE Reader (CNLRJERDR). . . 55 Cancel RJE Writer (CNLRJEWTR) . . . 59 Create Forms Control Table (CRTFCT) 63 Create RJE BSC File (CRTRJEBSCF) 65 Create RJE Configuration (CRTRJECFG). . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Create RJE Communication File (CRTRJECMNF) . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Create Session Description (CRTSSND) 93 Convert RJE Data (CVTRJEDTA). . . . 99 Delete Forms Control Table (DLTFCT) 105 Delete RJE Configuration (DLTRJECFG) . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Delete Session Description (DLTSSND) . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Display RJE Configuration (DSPRJECFG) . . . . . . . . . . . 113 End RJE Session (ENDRJESSN) . . . 115 End of File (EOF) . . . . . . . . . . 119 Read a File (READFILE) . . . . . . . 121 Remove Forms Control Entry (RMVFCTE) . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Remove RJE Communication Entry (RMVRJECMNE) . . . . . . . . . . 127 Remove RJE Reader Entry (RMVRJERDRE) . . . . . . . . . . 129 Remove RJE Writer Entry (RMVRJEWTRE) . . . . . . . . . . 131 Submit RJE Job (SBMRJEJOB) . . . 133 Send RJE Command (SNDRJECMD) 141 Start RJE Console (STRRJECSL) . . . 143 Start RJE Reader (STRRJERDR) . . . 145 Start RJE Session (STRRJESSN) . . . 147 Start RJE Writer (STRRJEWTR) . . . 151 Work with Forms Control Table (WRKFCT). . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Work with RJE Session (WRKRJESSN) . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Work with Session Description (WRKSSND) . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Appendix. Notices . . . . . . . . . 165 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 iii iv IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Add Forms Control Entry (ADDFCTE) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Add FCT Entry The ADDFCTE command adds an entry to an existing FCT. The FCT can contain up to 9999 entries. Each entry includes the following forms-control attributes: v Host form type v Host subsystem writer type v Local form type v Physical file member creation information v Format of the output data v Channel values and associated line numbers v Form size v Lines and characters per inch v Number of copies v User program name. Error messages for ADDFCTE *ESCAPE Messages RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0050 Entry cannot be added to the forms control table &1. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes FCT Forms control table Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: Forms control table Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB FORMTYPE Host form type Character value Required, Positional 2 DEVTYPE Device type *PRT, *PUN Optional, Positional 3 LCLFORM Local form type Character value, *FORMTYPE Optional FILE Output file Single values: *WTRE, *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Output file Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 1 Keyword Description Choices Notes MBR Member Name, *WTRE, *FIRST, *GEN Optional FSN File member sequence number 0-999, *WTRE Optional DTAFMT Data format *WTRE, *DATA, *FCFC, *CMN Optional CHLVAL Channel values Single values: *FILE Other values (up to 12 repetitions): Element list Optional Element 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Element 2: 1-255 FORMSIZE Form size Single values: *FILE Other values: Element list Optional Element 1: Form length 1-255 Element 2: Form width 1-255 LPI Lines per inch *FILE, 4, 6, 8, 9 Optional CPI Characters per inch *FILE, 10, 15 Optional COPIES Number of copies 1-99, *FILE Optional PGM Program to call Single values: *WTRE, *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Program to call Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB MSGQ Message queue Single values: *WTRE, *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Message queue Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB Top Forms Cntrl Table (FCT) Specifies the qualified name of the FCT to which the entry is added. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the FCT. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the FCT. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the FCT is located. forms-control-table-name: Specify the name of the FCT to which an entry is added. Top Host Form Type (FORMTYPE) Specifies the host form type for the FCT entry. The value is received from the host subsystem in either a peripheral data set information record (PDIR) for SNA, or a form-mount message for BSC. It must contain from one through eight alphanumeric characters. Lowercase letters, blanks, or special characters must be enclosed in apostrophes. For example, a host form type of blanks is specified as FORMTYPE (’ ’) (four blanks). Top 2 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Device Type (DEVTYPE) Specifies the device type associated with the FCT entry. The possible values are: v *PRT: The printer device is used. v *PUN: The punch device is used. Top Local Form Type (LCLFORM) Specifies the local form type. It replaces the FORMTYPE value received from the host subsystem. This makes the form-mount messages more understandable to the system user when the output from the job is received. The local form type contains more characters than the host form type, and therefore can be more descriptive. The possible values are: v *FORMTYPE: The host form type is not replaced. v local-form-type: Specify the local form type. It replaces the host form type when the output from the job is received. Valid values are from one to 10 alphanumeric characters. Lowercase letters, blanks, or special characters must be enclosed in apostrophes. Top Output File (FILE) Specifies the qualified name of the file that receives the data from the host subsystem. The possible values are: v *WTRE: The file specified in the session description writer entry is used. v *NONE: A file is not associated with this entry. The session description writer entry determines where the data is sent. RJE does not use the information in the FCT entry. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the file. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the file. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the file is located. v file-name: Specify the name of the diskette, DDM, physical, printer, or source physical file that receives the data from the host subsystem. Diskette and printer files must be program described. Top Member (MBR) Specifies the file member to which output is directed. This parameter applies only if you specify a DDM, physical, or source physical file in the FILE parameter. The possible values are: v *WTRE: Creates file members according to the method specified in the session description writer entry. v *GEN: Creates a member name formatted as either Affffffccc or Bffffffccc where: Add Forms Control Entry (ADDFCTE) 3 A Indicates that the file member contains print data. B Indicates that the file member contains punch data. ffffff Up to the first six non-blank characters of the host form type that was received from the host subsystem. Only A through Z, 0 through 9, $, #, @, and _ are valid in the form type that is used to generate member names. ccc Indicates a three-digit FSN controlled by the session to maintain member uniqueness. If a member name already exists in the file, the three-digit FSN is incremented by one until either a unique name is reached and a member is created, or sequence numbers up to and including 999 have been tried without creating a member. If no member is created, the writer issues a message requesting you to either try again or to cancel this file. v *FIRST: The first member in the file is used. v member-name: Specify the name of the file member. If the member is not found, an inquiry message is sent to the RJE message queue. Top File Member Seq Number (FSN) Specifies the initial three-digit FSN that is used to create member names. This parameter applies only if you specify *GEN for the MBR parameter. The possible values are: v *WTRE: The FSN in the session description writer entry is used. v file-sequence-number: Specify the initial three-digit FSN. Leading zeros are not required for sequence numbers less than 100. Top Data Format (DTAFMT) Specifies the format of the output data. The possible values are: v *WTRE: The output format from the session description writer entry is used. v *FCFC: The output data is in first-character forms control (FCFC) format. If DEVTYPE(*PUN) is specified, *FCFC is not valid. The data can be written to a physical file in FCFC format and printed later using the Copy File (CPYF) command, specifying an FCFC printer file for the TOFILE parameter. The record length of the physical file must include one extra byte for the FCFC code. v *DATA: The output data is in data format. No FCFC codes are embedded in the data. Specify *DATA to send data to a physical file to be processed by a program. v *CMN: The output data is in communications format (256-character records). *CMN format decreases communications time. Before using the data, issue the CVTRJEDTA command to convert it to either FCFC format or data format. If you specify *CMN, the output file must be a physical file with a record length of 256 bytes. Top 4 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Channel Values (BCHLVAL) Specifies the printer carriage channel information, which is used to determine which line on a page to skip to before printing the next line of output. The possible values are: v *FILE: The printer carriage channel information is the same as that in the device file. v carriage-channel-identifier line-number: Specify the channel identifiers and line numbers. Each identifier has a value from 1 to 12, corresponding to printer channels 1 to 12. For each carriage channel identifier, RJE skips to the associated line number before printing. If a line number is not specified, single spacing is used. An identifier is specified only once for each command call. The maximum line number is 255. The CHLVAL parameter associates the channel identifier with a page line number. For example, CHLVAL((1 5)(10 55)) means to associate channel 1 with line 5, and channel 10 with line 55. Top Form Size (FORMSIZE) Specifies the form size on the server printer. The possible values are: v *FILE: The form size specified in the device file is used. Element 1: Form Length v form-length: Specify the form length in the FCT entry. The maximum value is 255, and it must be greater than or equal to the overflow line number specified in the device file. If it is not, the form length will not be changed when the FCT entry is used. Element 2: Form Width v form-width: Specify the form width in the FCT entry. The maximum value is 255. Note: If you specify OUTRCDLEN(*FIXED), use a form width of 198 with 15 characters per inch (cpi) and a form width of 132 with 10 cpi. If FORMSIZE(*FILE) and CPI(15) are specified, the form width should be 198 in the printer file description. If you specify OUTRCDLEN(*FILE), ensure that the form width is either greater than or equal to the length of the longest record that is received for this form type. If the form width is greater than the record length, the record is right-padded with blanks. Top Line per Inch (LPI) Specifies the number of print lines per inch (lpi) on the server printer. The possible values are: v *FILE: Specify the number of print lines per inch in the device file. v 4: Four print lines per inch is used. v 6: Six print lines per inch is used. v 8: Eight print lines per inch is used. v 9: Nine print lines per inch is used. Top Add Forms Control Entry (ADDFCTE) 5 Characters per Inch (CPI) Specifies the number of characters per inch (cpi) on the server printer. The CPI parameter applies only when RJE is writing to a printer file. The possible values are: v *FILE: The number of characters per inch in the device file is used. v 10: RJE produces 132-character records at 10 cpi when *FIXED is specified for OUTRCDLEN. v 15: RJE produces 198-character records at 15 cpi when *FIXED is specified for OUTRCDLEN. Note: When host data is written by an RJE printer to a printer file, the record size that RJE uses is dependent on the cpi when *FIXED is specified for OUTRCDLEN, and on the page width when *FILE is specified. If OUTRCDLEN(*FIXED) and CPI(15) are specified, the form width in the FORMSIZE parameter should be 198 characters. Otherwise, the record is truncated to the specified form width. Top Number of Copies (COPIES) Specifies the number of copies to print. This parameter applies only to spooled files. The possible values are: v *FILE: The number of copies specified in the device file is used. v number-of-copies: Specify a value between 1 and 99 for the number of copies to print. Top Program to Call (PGM) Specifies the qualified name of a user program associated with the session description. The possible values are: v *WTRE: The program specified in the session description writer entry is used. v *NONE: No user program is associated with the writer. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the user program. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the user program. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the user program is located. v program-name: Specify the name of the user program. Top Message Queue (MSGQ) Specifies the qualified name of the message queue to which messages for the writer are sent. The possible values are: v *WTRE: The message queue in the session description writer entry is used. v *NONE: A message queue is not used. The possible library values are: 6 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the message queue. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the message queue. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the message queue is located. v message-queue-name: Specify the name of the message queue. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0050 Entry cannot be added to the forms control table &1. Top Add Forms Control Entry (ADDFCTE) 7 8 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Add RJE Communication Entry (ADDRJECMNE) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Add RJE Comm Entry The ADDRJECMNE command adds a communications or a BSC file entry to an existing session description. If an entry is added to a session description while the session is active, the change does not take effect until the session is ended and started again. Each entry refers to a unique communications or BSC file. All files must reference devices attached to the same controller. For SNA, there must be at least one communications entry to operate RJE. There must be at least two communications entries if you are using direct-workstation input. There is a maximum of 46 communications entries. Too many burdens the operating overhead, while too few interrupts functions. If more devices are used than communications entries, the entries must be shared among the devices. BSC requires two communications entries to start a session: one for console input jobs, and one for console output jobs. In addition, one is required for each active reader or writer in the session. Error messages for ADDRJECMNE *ESCAPE Messages RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0036 Maximum of &1 &2 entries was surpassed. RJE0082 Communications entry &1 already exists in &3. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSND RJE session description Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: RJE session description Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB FILE BSC/CMN file Qualified object name Required, Positional 2 Qualifier 1: BSC/CMN file Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB DEV BSC/CMN device Name, *FILE Optional, Positional 3 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 9 Keyword Description Choices Notes DTACPR Compress output data *FILE, *YES, *NO Optional Top RJE Session Desc (SSND) Specifies the qualified name of the session description to which the communications entry is added. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job used to locate the session description. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the session description. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the session description is located. session-description-name: Specify the name of the session description. Top BSC/CMN File (FILE) Specifies the qualified name of the communications or BSC file entry that is added to the session description. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the communications or BSC file. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the communications or BSC file. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the communications or BSC file is located. communications-or-BSC-file-name: Specify the name of the communications or BSC file. Top BSC/CMN Device (DEV) Specifies the communications device to and from which the communications or BSC files send and receive data. The possible values are: v *FILE: The communications device in the communications or BSC file is used. v device-name: Specify the name of the communications device. This device replaces the device that was specified when the communications or BSC file was created. Top 10 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Compress Output (DTACPR) For BSC only, specifies whether data compression is performed. Note: For SNA, data compression is controlled by the bind request, which is sent by the host subsystem. The possible values are: v *FILE: Data is compressed according to the specifications in the BSC file. v *YES: Data is compressed. v *NO: Data is not compressed. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0036 Maximum of &1 &2 entries was surpassed. RJE0082 Communications entry &1 already exists in &3. Top Add RJE Communication Entry (ADDRJECMNE) 11 12 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Add RJE Reader Entry (ADDRJERDRE) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Add RJE Reader Entry The ADDRJERDRE command adds a reader entry to an existing session description. If an entry is added to a session description while the session is active, the change does not take effect until the session is ended and started again. An *AUTO reader entry can be defined that finds the first available reader and uses it to run the reader job. For SNA, one communications entry can be shared between multiple readers. Up to 15 reader entries are supported. For BSC, each reader entry (except *AUTO) requires a corresponding communications entry. See the ADDRJECMNE command for more information. Up to seven reader entries are supported. Error messages for ADDRJERDRE *ESCAPE Messages RJE0018 &1 already exists in &2 in library &3. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSND RJE session description Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: RJE session description Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB RDR RJE reader identification *AUTO, RD1, RD2, RD3, RD4, RD5, RD6, RD7, RD8, RD9, RD10, RD11, RD12, RD13, RD14, RD15 Required, Positional 2 JOBQ Reader job queue Single values: *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional, Positional 3 Qualifier 1: Reader job queue Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB MSGQ Message queue Single values: *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Message queue Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 13 Top RJE Session Desc (SSND) Specifies the qualified name of the session description to which the reader entry is added. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the session description. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the session description. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the session description is located. session-description-name: Specify the name of the session description. Top RJE Reader ID (RDR) Specifies the reader entry that is added to the session description. The possible values are: v *AUTO: The first available reader is used for the input. There is one entry per job. v RD1 - RD15: A value between RD1 and RD15 is used for the input. Top Reader Job Queue (JOBQ) Specifies the qualified name of the job queue on which the jobs for this reader are placed. The possible values are: v *NONE: A reader job queue is not associated with this reader. Input streams are reserved for interactive users by specifying OPTION(*IMMED) on the SBMRJEJOB command. Therefore, such users do not compete with the batch reader jobs that start from the reader job queue. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the job queue. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the job queue. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the job queue is located. v job-queue-name: Specify the name of the job queue. Top Message Queue (MSGQ) Specifies the qualified name of the message queue to which messages for the reader are sent. The possible values are: v *NONE: A message queue is not specified. The possible library values are: 14 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the message queue. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the message queue. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the message queue is located. v message-queue-name: Specify the name of the message queue. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0018 &1 already exists in &2 in library &3. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. Top Add RJE Reader Entry (ADDRJERDRE) 15 16 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Add RJE Writer Entry (ADDRJEWTRE) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Add RJE Writer Entry The ADDRJEWTRE command adds a writer entry to an existing session description. If an entry is added to a session description while the session is active, the change does not take effect until the session is ended and started again. Each SNA writer entry can point to a single communications entry, although for performance reasons this method is not recommended. Each writer entry for BSC requires a corresponding communications entry as described in the ADDRJECMNE command. The maximum number of writers supported depends on the host subsystem. For SNA, RJE supports up to 15 printers and 15 punches. The total number of printers and punches is 30, depending on the host subsystem. For BSC, RJE supports up to seven printers and seven punches, but the total number of writers cannot exceed eight. Several parameters of the writer entry can affect the processing of an output stream if any of the following conditions are true: v An FCT is not associated with the RJE session description v The PDIR or form-mount message from the host subsystem specifies a form type that does not exist as an entry in the FCT v The value *WTRE is specified for the FILE parameter of the FCT entry v The value *NONE is specified for the FILE parameter of the FCT entry v The default value of *WTRE is specified for any of the optional parameters of the Start RJE Writer (STRRJEWTR) command. The parameter values specified for this writer entry can be overridden by parameter values specified in the STRRJEWTR command. Error messages for ADDRJEWTRE *ESCAPE Messages RJE0018 &1 already exists in &2 in library &3. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0067 No members were found in file &1 in &2. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 17 Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSND RJE session description Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: RJE session description Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB WTR RJE writer identification PR1, PR2, PR3, PR4, PR5, PR6, PR7, PR8, PR9, PR10, PR11, PR12, PR13, PR14, PR15, PU1, PU2, PU3, PU4, PU5, PU6, PU7, PU8, PU9, PU10, PU11, PU12, PU13, PU14, PU15 Required, Positional 2 FILE Output file Qualified object name Required, Positional 3 Qualifier 1: Output file Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB MBR Member Name, *GEN, *FIRST Optional, Positional 4 SPLFNAME BSC Spooled file name *DEVFNAME, *JOBNAME Optional FSN File member sequence number 0-999, 1 Optional FORMTYPE Host form type Character value, *STD Optional DTAFMT Data format *FCFC, *DATA, *CMN Optional PGM Program to call Single values: *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Program to call Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB MSGQ Message queue Single values: *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Message queue Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB Top RJE Session Desc (SSND) Specifies the qualified name of the session description to which the writer entry is added. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the session description. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the session description. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the session description is located. session-description-name: Specify the name of the session description. Top 18 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands RJE Writer ID (WTR) Specifies the writer entry that is added. The possible values are: v PR1 - PR15: Specifies the number of the printer being added. v PU1 - PU15: Specifies the number of the punch being added. Top Output File (FILE) Specifies the qualified name of the file that receives the data from the host subsystem. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the file. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the file. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the file is located. file-name: Specify the name of the diskette, DDM, physical, printer, or source physical file that receives the data from the host subsystem. Diskette and printer files must be program described. Top Member (MBR) Specifies the file member to which output is directed. This parameter applies only if you specify a DDM, physical, or source physical file in the FILE parameter. The possible values are: v *GEN: Creates a member name formatted as either Affffffccc or Bffffffccc where: A Indicates that the file member contains print data. B Indicates that the file member contains punch data. ffffff Up to the first six non-blank characters of the host form type that was received from the host subsystem. Only A through Z, 0 through 9, $, #, @, and _ are valid in the form type that is used to generate member names. ccc A three-digit FSN controlled by the session to maintain member uniqueness. If a member name already exists in the file, the three-digit FSN is incremented by one until either a unique name is reached and a member is created, or sequence numbers up to and including 999 have been tried without creating a member. If no member is created, the writer issues a message requesting you to either try again or to cancel this file. v *FIRST: The first member in the file is used. v member-name: Specify the name of the file member. If the member is not found, an inquiry message is sent to the RJE message queue. Top Add RJE Writer Entry (ADDRJEWTRE) 19 BSC Spooled File (SPLFNAME) Specifies the name of the spooled file for printer or punch device output. This parameter applies only to BSC sessions. Note: SNA sessions use the job name in the peripheral data set information record (PDIR) sent from the host subsystem. The possible values are: v *DEVFNAME: The spooled file name is the same as the printer file name. v *JOBNAME: The spooled file name is the same as the job name received in the job name message of the BSC host subsystem. Top File Member Seq Number (FSN) Specifies the initial three-digit FSN that is used to create member names. This parameter applies only if *GEN is specified on the MBR parameter. The possible values are: v 1: The three-digit FSN is 001. v file-sequence-number: Specify the initial three-digit FSN. Leading zeros are not required for FSNs less than 100. Top Host Form Type (FORMTYPE) Specifies the initial form type used if no form-mount message is received from the host subsystem. The possible values are: v *STD: The initial form type used is *STD. v form-type: Specify the initial form type. Valid entries range from one to eight alphanumeric characters. Top Data Format (DTAFMT) Specifies the format of the output data. The possible values are: v *FCFC: The output data is in first-character forms control (FCFC) format. If DEVTYPE(*PUN) is specified, *FCFC is not valid. The data can be written to a physical file in FCFC format and printed later using the Copy File (CPYF) command, specifying an FCFC printer file for the TOFILE parameter. The record length of the physical file must include one extra byte for the FCFC code. v *DATA: The output data is in data format. No FCFC codes are embedded in the data. Specify *DATA to send data to a physical file being processed by a program. 20 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands v *CMN: The output data is in communications format (256-character records). *CMN format decreases communications time. Before using the data, issue the CVTRJEDTA command to convert it to either FCFC format or data format. If you specify *CMN, the output file must be a physical file with a record length of 256 bytes. Top Program to Call (PGM) Specifies the qualified name of a user program associated with the session description. The possible values are: v *NONE: No user program is associated with the writer entry. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the user program. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the user program. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the user program is located. v program-name: Specify the name of the user program associated with the session description. Top Message Queue (MSGQ) Specifies the qualified name of the message queue to which messages for the writer are sent. The possible values are: v *NONE: A message queue is not specified. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the message queue. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the message queue. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the message queue is located. v message-queue-name: Specify the name of the message queue. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0018 &1 already exists in &2 in library &3. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. Add RJE Writer Entry (ADDRJEWTRE) 21 RJE0067 No members were found in file &1 in &2. Top 22 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Configure VM/MVS Bridge (CFGRPDS) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Configure VM/MVS Bridge (CFGRPDS) command, previously named the Configure RSCS/PROFS Distribution Services (CFGRPDS) command, configures the VM/MVS bridge application. You can configure system network architecture distribution services (SNADS) and Virtual Machine (VM) destinations, and you can enroll users in the system distribution directory. Restriction: You must have security officer authority to use this command. There are no parameters for this command. Top Parameters None Top Examples None Top Error messages Unknown Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 23 24 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Change Forms Control Table (CHGFCT) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Change FCT The CHGFCT command changes attributes of an existing FCT. Error messages for CHGFCT *ESCAPE Messages RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0028 Device type &2 for form type &1 does not exist in &3. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes FCT Forms control table Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: Forms control table Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB TEXT Text ’description’ Character value, *SAME, *BLANK Optional Top Forms Cntrl Table (FCT) Specifies the qualified name of the FCT being changed. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the FCT. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the FCT. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the FCT is located. forms-control-table-name: Specify the name of the FCT being changed. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 25 Text Description (TEXT) Specifies text that briefly describes the object. The possible values are: v *SAME: The text in the FCT does not change. v *BLANK: No text is specified. v ’description’: Specify no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0028 Device type &2 for form type &1 does not exist in &3. Top 26 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Change Forms Control Entry (CHGFCTE) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Change FCT Entry The CHGFCTE command changes the attributes in an existing FCT entry. The parameters FCT, FORMTYPE, and DEVTYPE uniquely identify the entry being changed. FCT entries are read by an active session when a writer is started and when a form-mount message is received from the host subsystem. If an FCT entry is updated and not read by the active session, the update does not change the way the host subsystem data is processed. For example, if you are receiving data for form type xxxx and issue a CHGFCTE command for the same form type, the change does not take effect until the writer is canceled and restarted, or until another form-mount message is received from the host subsystem. Error messages for CHGFCTE *ESCAPE Messages RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0028 Device type &2 for form type &1 does not exist in &3. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes FCT Forms control table Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: Forms control table Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB FORMTYPE Host form type Character value Required, Positional 2 DEVTYPE Device type *PRT, *PUN Optional, Positional 3 LCLFORM Local form type Character value, *SAME, *FORMTYPE Optional FILE Output file Single values: *SAME, *WTRE, *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Output file Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB MBR Member Name, *SAME, *WTRE, *FIRST, *GEN Optional FSN File member sequence number 0-999, *SAME, *WTRE Optional DTAFMT Data format *SAME, *WTRE, *DATA, *FCFC, *CMN Optional © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 27 Keyword Description Choices Notes CHLVAL Channel values Single values: *SAME, *FILE Other values (up to 12 repetitions): Element list Optional Element 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Element 2: 1-255 FORMSIZE Form size Single values: *SAME, *FILE Other values: Element list Optional Element 1: Form length 1-255 Element 2: Form width 1-255 LPI Lines per inch *SAME, *FILE, 4, 6, 8, 9 Optional CPI Characters per inch *SAME, *FILE, 10, 15 Optional COPIES Number of copies 1-99, *SAME, *FILE Optional PGM Program to call Single values: *SAME, *WTRE, *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Program to call Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB MSGQ Message queue Single values: *SAME, *WTRE, *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Message queue Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB Top Forms Cntrl Table (FCT) Specifies the qualified name of the FCT associated with the entry being changed. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the FCT. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the FCT. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the FCT is located. forms-control-table-name: Specify the name of the FCT being changed. Top Host Form Type (FORMTYPE) Specifies the host form type for the FCT entry. The value is received from the host subsystem in either a peripheral data set information record (PDIR) for SNA, or a form-mount message for BSC. It must contain from one through eight alphanumeric characters. Lowercase letters, blanks, or special characters must be enclosed in apostrophes. For example, a host form type of blanks is specified as FORMTYPE (’ ’) (four blanks). Top 28 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Device Type (DEVTYPE) Specifies the device type associated with the FCT entry. The possible values are: v *PRT: The printer device is used. v *PUN: The punch device is used. Top Local Form Type (LCLFORM) Specifies the local form type that replaces the FORMTYPE value received from the host subsystem. This form type makes the form-mount messages more understandable to the system user when the output from the job is received. The local form type has more characters than the host form type and, therefore, can be more descriptive. The possible values are: v *SAME: The local form type replaced by the host form type specified in the FCT entry does not change. v *FORMTYPE: The host form type is not replaced. v local-form-type: Specify the local form type that replaces the host form type when the output from the job is received. Valid values range from one to ten alphanumeric characters in length. Lowercase letters, blanks, or special characters must be enclosed in apostrophes. Top Output File (FILE) Specifies the qualified name of the file that receives the data from the host subsystem. The possible values are: v *SAME: The file associated with the FCT entry does not change. v *WTRE: The file specified in the session description writer entry is used. v *NONE: A file is not associated with this entry. The session description writer entry determines where the data is sent. RJE does not use the information in the FCT entry. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the file. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the file. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the file is located. v file-name: Specify the name of the diskette, DDM, physical, printer, or source physical file that receives the data from the host subsystem. Diskette and printer files must be program described. Top Change Forms Control Entry (CHGFCTE) 29 Member (MBR) Specifies the file member to which output is directed. This parameter applies only if a DDM, physical, or source physical file is specified in the FILE parameter. The possible values are: v *SAME: The file in the FCT entry does not change. v *WTRE: Creates file members according to the method specified in the session description writer entry. v *GEN: Creates a member name formatted as either Affffffccc or Bffffffccc where: A Indicates that the file member contains print data. B Indicates that the file member contains punch data. ffffff Up to the first six non-blank characters of the host form type that was received from the host subsystem. Only A through Z, 0 through 9, $, #, @, and _ are valid in the form type that is used to generate member names. ccc A three-digit FSN controlled by the session to maintain member uniqueness. If a member name already exists in the file, the sequence number is incremented by one until a unique name is reached and a new member is created, or until sequence numbers up to and including 999 have been tried without creating a member. If no member is created, the writer issues a message requesting you to either try again or to cancel this file. v *FIRST: The first member in the file is used. v member-name: Specify the name of the file member. If the member is not found, an inquiry message is sent to the RJE message queue. Top File Member Seq Number (FSN) Specifies the initial three-digit FSN that is used to create member names. This parameter applies only if *GEN is specified for the MBR parameter. The possible values are: v *SAME: The FSN in the FCT entry does not change. v *WTRE: The FSN in the session description writer entry is used. v file-sequence-number: Specify the initial three-digit FSN. Leading zeros are not required for sequence numbers less than 100. Top Data Format (DTAFMT) Specifies the format of the output data. The possible values are: v *SAME: The data format in the FCT entry does not change. v *WTRE: The output format from the session description writer entry is used. v *FCFC: The output data is in first-character forms control (FCFC) format. If DEVTYPE(*PUN) is specified, *FCFC is not valid. 30 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands The data can be written to a physical file in FCFC format and printed later using the Copy File (CPYF) command, specifying an FCFC printer file for the TOFILE parameter. The record length of the physical file must include one extra byte for the FCFC code. v *DATA: The output data is in data format. No FCFC codes are embedded in the data. Specify *DATA to send data to a physical file to be processed by a program. v *CMN: The output data is in communications format (256-character records). *CMN format decreases communications time. Before using the data, issue the CVTRJEDTA command to convert it to either FCFC format or data format. If you specify *CMN, the output file must be a physical file with a record length of 256 bytes. Top Channel Values (CHLVAL) Specifies the printer carriage channel information, which is used by RJE to determine which line on a page to skip to before printing the next line of output. The possible values are: v *SAME: The carriage information specified in the FCT entry does not change. v *FILE: The carriage information specified in the device file is used. v carriage-channel-identifier line-number: Specify the channel identifiers and line numbers. Each identifier has a value from 1 to 12, corresponding to printer channels 1 to 12. For each carriage channel identifier, RJE skips to the associated line number before printing. If a line number is not specified, single spacing is used. An identifier is specified only once per command call. The maximum line number is 255. The CHLVAL parameter associates the channel identifier with a page line number. For example, CHLVAL((1 5)(10 55)) means to associate channel 1 with line 5, and channel 10 with line 55. Top Form Size (FORMSIZE) Specifies the form size on the server printer. The possible values are: v *SAME: The form size in the FCT entry does not change. v *FILE: The form size specified in the device file is used. Element 1: Form Length v form-length: Specify the form length in the FCT entry. The maximum value is 255, and it must be greater than or equal to the overflow line number specified in the device file. If it is not, the form length will not be changed when the FCT entry is used. Element 2: Form Width v form-width: Specify the form width in the FCT entry. The maximum value is 255. Note: If you specify OUTRCDLEN(*FIXED), use a form width of 198 with 15 characters per inch (cpi) and a form width of 132 with 10 cpi. If FORMSIZE(*FILE) and CPI(15) are specified, the form width should be 198 in the printer file description. If you specify OUTRCDLEN(*FILE), ensure that the form width is either greater than or equal to the length of the longest record that is received for this form type. If the form width is greater than the record length, the record is right-padded with blanks. Top Change Forms Control Entry (CHGFCTE) 31 Lines per Inch (LPI) Specifies the number of print lines per inch (lpi) on the server printer. The possible values are: v *SAME: The number of print lines per inch in the FCT entry does not change. v *FILE: The number of print lines per inch specified in the device file is used. v 4: Four print lines per inch is used. v 6: Six print lines per inch is used. v 8: Eight print lines per inch is used. v 9: Nine print lines per inch is used. Top Characters per Inch (CPI) Specifies the number of characters per inch (cpi) on the server printer. The CPI parameter applies only when RJE is writing to a printer file. The possible values are: v *SAME: The number of characters per inch in the FCT entry does not change. v *FILE: The number of characters per inch specified in the device file is used. v 10: RJE produces 132-character records at 10 cpi when *FIXED is specified for OUTRCDLEN. v 15: RJE produces 198-character records at 15 cpi when *FIXED is specified for OUTRCDLEN. Note: When host data is written by an RJE printer to a printer file, the record size that RJE uses is dependent on the cpi when *FIXED is specified for OUTRCDLEN, and on the page width when *FILE is specified. If OUTRCDLEN(*FILE) and CPI(15) are specified, the form width in the FORMSIZE parameter should be 198 characters. Top Number of Copies (COPIES) Specifies the number of copies to print. This parameter applies only to spooled files. The possible values are: v *SAME: The number of copies of either printed or punched output specified in the FCT entry does not change. v *FILE: The number of copies specified in the device file is used. v number-of-copies: Specify a value between 1 and 99 for the number of copies to print. Top Program to Call (PGM) Specifies the qualified name of a user program associated with the session description. The possible values are: v *SAME: The user program name in the FCT does not change. v *WTRE: The program specified in the session description writer entry is used. 32 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands v *NONE: No user program is associated with the writer. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the user program. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the user program. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library in which the user program is located. v program-name: Specify the name of the user program. Top Message Queue (MSGQ) Specifies the qualified name of the message queue to which messages for the writer are sent. The possible values are: v *SAME: The message queue in the FCT entry does not change. v *WTRE: The message queue in the session description writer entry is used. v *NONE: A message queue is not used. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the message queue. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the message queue. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the message queue is located. v message-queue-name: Specify the name of the message queue. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0028 Device type &2 for form type &1 does not exist in &3. Top Change Forms Control Entry (CHGFCTE) 33 34 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Change RJE Communication Entry (CHGRJECMNE) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Change RJE Comm Entry The CHGRJECMNE command changes attributes in an existing session description communications entry. If the session is already active when the change is made, the change becomes effective only when the current session ends and the STRRJESSN command is reissued. Error messages for CHGRJECMNE *ESCAPE Messages RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0111 &1 does not exist in session description &3. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSND RJE session description Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: RJE session description Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB FILE BSC/CMN file Qualified object name Required, Positional 2 Qualifier 1: BSC/CMN file Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB DEV BSC/CMN device Name, *SAME, *FILE Optional, Positional 3 DTACPR Compress output data *SAME, *FILE, *YES, *NO Optional Top RJE Session Desc (SSND) Specifies the qualified name of the session description that contains the communications entry being changed. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the session description. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the session description. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the session description is located. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 35 session-description-name: Specify the name of the session description being changed. Top BSC/CMN File (FILE) Specifies the qualified name of the communications or BSC file entry being changed. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the communications or BSC file. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the communications or BSC file. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the communications or BSC file is located. communications-or-BSC-file-name: Specify the name of the communications or BSC file being changed. Top BSC/CMN Device (DEV) Specifies the communications device to and from which the communications or BSC files send and receive data. The possible values are: v *SAME: The communications device specified in the session description communications entry does not change. v *FILE: The communications device in the communications or BSC file is used. v device-name: Specify the name of the communications device. This device replaces the device that was specified when the communications or BSC file was created. Top Compress Output (DTACPR) For BSC only, specifies whether data compression is performed. Note: For SNA, data compression is controlled by the bind request sent by the host subsystem. The possible values are: v *SAME: The value in the session description communications entry does not change. v *FILE: Data compression is controlled by the specifications in the BSC file. v *YES: Data is compressed. v *NO: Data is not compressed. Top Examples None Top 36 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0111 &1 does not exist in session description &3. Top Change RJE Communication Entry (CHGRJECMNE) 37 38 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Change RJE Reader Entry (CHGRJERDRE) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Change RJE Reader Entry The CHGRJERDRE command changes the attributes in an existing session description reader entry. The change takes effect when readers are identified in the SBMRJEJOB command and OPTION(*IMMED) is specified. The change can also take effect when the next STRRJERDR command is issued for a reader identified in a SBMRJEJOB command with OPTION(*QUEUE) specified. Error messages for CHGRJERDRE *ESCAPE Messages RJE0017 &1 was not found in session description &2. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSND RJE session description Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: RJE session description Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB RDR RJE reader identification *AUTO, RD1, RD2, RD3, RD4, RD5, RD6, RD7, RD8, RD9, RD10, RD11, RD12, RD13, RD14, RD15 Required, Positional 2 JOBQ Reader job queue Single values: *SAME, *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional, Positional 3 Qualifier 1: Reader job queue Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB MSGQ Message queue Single values: *SAME, *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Message queue Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 39 RJE Session Desc (SSND) Specifies the qualified name of the session description that contains the reader entry being changed. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the session description. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the session description. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the session description is located. session-description-name: Specify the name of the session description being changed. Top RJE Reader ID (RDR) Specifies the reader entry being changed. The possible values are: v *AUTO: Any reader that is available when the SBMRJEJOB command runs is used. v RD1 - RD15: A value between RD1 and RD15 is used to determine which reader is used. Top Reader Job Queue (JOBQ) Specifies the qualified name of the job queue on which jobs for this reader are placed. The possible values are: v *SAME: The job queue in the session description reader entry does not change. v *NONE: A reader job queue is not associated with this reader. Input streams are reserved for interactive users by specifying OPTION(*IMMED) on the SBMRJEJOB command. Therefore, the interactive user does not compete with the batch reader jobs that start from the reader job queue. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the job queue. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the job queue. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the job queue is located. v job-queue-name: Specify the name of the job queue on which the reader jobs are placed. Top Message Queue (MSGQ) Specifies the qualified name of the message queue to which messages for the reader are sent. The possible values are: v *SAME: The message queue in the session description reader entry does not change. v *NONE: A message queue is not used. The possible library values are: 40 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the message queue. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the message queue. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the message queue is located. v message-queue-name: Specify the name of the message queue to which messages for the reader are sent. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0017 &1 was not found in session description &2. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. Top Change RJE Reader Entry (CHGRJERDRE) 41 42 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Change RJE Writer Entry (CHGRJEWTRE) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Change RJE Writer Entry The CHGRJEWTRE command changes attributes in an existing session description writer entry. The change takes effect when the STRRJEWTR command is issued for this entry. Error messages for CHGRJEWTRE *ESCAPE Messages RJE0017 &1 was not found in session description &2. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0067 No members were found in file &1 in &2. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSND RJE session description Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: RJE session description Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB WTR RJE writer identification PR1, PR2, PR3, PR4, PR5, PR6, PR7, PR8, PR9, PR10, PR11, PR12, PR13, PR14, PR15, PU1, PU2, PU3, PU4, PU5, PU6, PU7, PU8, PU9, PU10, PU11, PU12, PU13, PU14, PU15 Required, Positional 2 FILE Output file Single values: *SAME Other values: Qualified object name Optional, Positional 3 Qualifier 1: Output file Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB MBR Member Name, *SAME, *GEN, *FIRST Optional, Positional 4 SPLFNAME BSC Spooled file name *SAME, *DEVFNAME, *JOBNAME Optional FSN File member sequence number 0-999, *SAME Optional FORMTYPE Host form type Character value, *SAME, *STD Optional DTAFMT Data format *SAME, *FCFC, *DATA, *CMN Optional PGM Program to call Single values: *SAME, *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Program to call Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 43 Keyword Description Choices Notes MSGQ Message queue Single values: *SAME, *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Message queue Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB Top RJE Session Desc (SSND) Specifies the qualified name of the session description that contains the writer entry being changed. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the session description. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the session description. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the session description is located. session-description-name: Specify the name of the session description being changed. Top RJE Writer ID (WTR) Specifies the writer entry being changed. The possible values are: v PR1 - PR15: A value between PR1 and PR15 is used. v PU1 - PU15: A value between PU1 and PU15 is used. Top Output File (FILE) Specifies the qualified name of the file that receives the data from the host subsystem. The possible values are: v *SAME: The file name in the session-description writer entry does not change. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the file. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the file. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the file is located. v file-name: Specify the name of the diskette, DDM, physical, printer, or source physical file that receives the data from the host subsystem. Diskette and printer files must be program described. Top 44 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Member (MBR) Specifies the file member to which output is directed. This parameter applies only if a DDM, physical, or source physical file is specified in the FILE parameter. The possible values are: v *SAME: The member name in the session-description writer entry does not change. v *GEN: Creates a member name formatted as either Affffffccc or Bffffffccc where: A Indicates that the file member contains print data. B Indicates that the file member contains punch data. ffffff Up to the first six non-blank characters of the form type that was received from the host subsystem. Only A through Z, 0 through 9, $, #, @, and _ are valid in the form type that is used to generate member names. ccc A three-digit FSN controlled by the session to maintain member uniqueness. If a member name already exists in the file, the three-digit sequence number is incremented by one until a unique name is reached and a member is created, or until sequence numbers up to and including 999 have been tried without creating a member. If no member is created, the writer issues a message requesting you to either try again or to cancel this file. v *FIRST: The first member in the file is used. v member-name: Specify the name of the file member. If the member does not exist, an inquiry message is sent to the RJE message queue. Top BSC Spooled File (SPLFNAME) Specifies the name of the spooled file for printer or punch device output. This parameter applies only to BSC sessions. Note: SNA sessions use the job name found in the peripheral data set information record (PDIR) sent from the host subsystem. The possible values are: v *SAME: The spooled file member name in the session description writer entry does not change. v *DEVFNAME: The spooled file name is the same as the printer file name. v *JOBNAME: The spooled file name is the same as the job name received in the job name message of the BSC host subsystem. Top File Member Seq Number (FSN) Specifies the initial three-digit FSN that is used to create member names. This parameter applies only if *GEN is specified for the MBR parameter. The possible values are: v *SAME: The FSN in the session-description writer entry does not change. v file-sequence-number: Specify the initial three-digit FSN. Leading zeros are not required for FSNs less than 100. Change RJE Writer Entry (CHGRJEWTRE) 45 Top Host Form Type (FORMTYPE) Specifies the initial form type used if no form-mount message is received from the host subsystem. The possible values are: v *SAME: The initial form type in the session-description writer entry does not change. v *STD: The initial form type used is *STD. v form-type: Specify the initial form type. Valid entries range from one to eight alphanumeric characters in length. Top Data Format (DTAFMT) Specifies the format of the output data. The possible values are: v *SAME: The format in the session-description writer entry does not change. v *FCFC: The output data is in first-character forms control (FCFC) format. If DEVTYPE(*PUN) is specified, *FCFC is invalid. The data can be written to a physical file in FCFC format and printed later using the Copy File (CPYF) command, specifying an FCFC printer file for the TOFILE parameter. The record length of the physical file must include one extra byte for the FCFC code. v *DATA: The output data is in data format. No FCFC codes are embedded in the data. Specify *DATA to send data to a physical file to be processed by a program. v *CMN: The output data is in communications format (256-character records). *CMN format decreases communications time. Before using the data, issue the CVTRJEDTA command to convert it to either FCFC format or data format. If you specify *CMN, the output file must be a physical file with a record length of 256 bytes. Top Program to Call (PGM) Specifies the qualified name of a user program associated with the session description. The possible values are: v *SAME: The user program name in the session-description writer entry does not change. v *NONE: No user program is associated with the writer. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the user program. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the user program. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the user program is located. v program-name: Specify the name of the user program associated with the session description. Top 46 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Message Queue (MSGQ) Specifies the qualified name of the message queue to which messages for the writer are sent. The possible values are: v *SAME: The message queue in the session-description writer entry does not change. v *NONE: A message queue is not used. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the message queue. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the message queue. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the message queue is located. v message-queue-name: Specify the name of the message queue. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0017 &1 was not found in session description &2. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0067 No members were found in file &1 in &2. Top Change RJE Writer Entry (CHGRJEWTRE) 47 48 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Change Session Description (CHGSSND) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Change Session Description The CHGSSND command changes attributes in an existing session description. Changes to the session do not take effect until the session is started again. Error messages for CHGSSND *ESCAPE Messages RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSND RJE session description Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: RJE session description Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB TYPE Host system type *SAME, *JES2, *JES3, *RSCS, *PWR, *RES Optional, Positional 2 JOBQ RJE job queue Single values: *SAME Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: RJE job queue Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB MSGQ RJE message queue Single values: *SAME Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: RJE message queue Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB FCT Forms control table Single values: *SAME, *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Forms control table Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB IDLETIME Idle time in minutes 0-99, *SAME, *NOLIMIT Optional USRDTA User data *SAME, *SYSDATE, *PRTF Optional TEXT Text ’description’ Character value, *SAME, *BLANK Optional SEPFILE Separate files *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional OUTRCDLEN Output record length *SAME, *FIXED, *FILE Optional © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 49 Top RJE Session Desc (SSND) Specifies the qualified name of the session description being changed. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the session description. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the session description. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the session description is located. session-description-name: Specify the name of the session description being changed. Top Host System Type (TYPE) Specifies the host subsystem type with which the session communicates. The possible values are: v *SAME: The host subsystem in the session description does not change. v *JES2: MVS/SP JES2 is used. v *JES3: MVS/SP JES3 is used. v *RSCS: VM/SP RSCS is used. v *PWR: VSE/POWER subsystem is used. v *RES: OS/VS1 RES is used. Top RJE Job Queue (JOBQ) Specifies the qualified name of the job queue on which session jobs are placed. Session jobs are jobs associated with the RJE session other than RJE reader jobs. The possible values are: v *SAME: The job queue in the session description does not change. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the job queue. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the job queue. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the job queue is located. v job-queue-name: Specify the name of the job queue on which the session jobs are placed. Top 50 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands RJE Message Queue (MSGQ) Specifies the name of the message queue to which messages are sent. The possible values are: v *SAME: The RJE message queue in the session description does not change. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the message queue. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the message queue. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the RJE message queue is located. v message-queue-name: Specify the name of the RJE message queue. Top Forms Cntrl Table (FCT) Specifies the qualified name of the FCT associated with this session. The possible values are: v *SAME: The FCT in the session description does not change. v *NONE: An FCT is not associated with this session description. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the FCT. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the FCT. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the FCT is located. v forms-control-table-name: Specify the name of the FCT associated with this session. Top Idle Time in Min (IDLETIME) Specifies, in minutes, the amount of time that the session can remain idle before it ends in a controlled manner. If the number of minutes is set to zero and a line connection is made, a controlled ending of the session begins immediately. If the number of minutes is not set to zero, the idle time countdown begins either following the end-of-file character of the last input or output stream, or following the establishment of the line connection. It is reset each time data becomes available for sending or receiving. Except for console input streams, if input streams start but do not end (that is, no end-of-file character is received), the idle time countdown does not begin. Ending a session in a controlled manner consists of holding delivery of the reader job queues, allowing reader and writer jobs to complete, and ending the session and all RJE functions. If an ENDRJESSN command specifies a controlled ending, its IDLETIME parameter value overrides that of the session description. Change Session Description (CHGSSND) 51 The possible values are: v *SAME: The idle time value in the session description does not change. v *NOLIMIT: End processing of a session is not started unless the ENDRJESSN command is issued. v idletime-in-minutes: Specify the idle time between 0 and 99 minutes. Top User Data (USRDTA) Specifies whether the user data field of the printer spooled file is overwritten with the two-byte configuration identifier plus the current system date stamp. The possible values are: v *SAME: The value specified for the user data field of the printer spooled file does not change. v *SYSDATE: The user data field is overwritten. The description does not change. v *PRTF: The user data field is not overwritten. Top Text Description (TEXT) Specifies text that briefly describes the object. The possible values are: v *SAME: The text in the session description does not change. v *BLANK: No text is specified. v ’description’: Specify no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes. Top Separate Files (SEPFILE) Specifies whether jobs with multiple data sets have separate output files created for them when they specify the same form type and number of copies. This parameter will affect output directed to any of the destinations which RJE supports: v Diskette files (spooled) v DDM files v Physical file members v Printer files (spooled or non-spooled) v User programs. Some host subsystems send a PDIR before every data set; others send one at the beginning of the job, and after that only if the following data set has setup changes. Subsystems that support PDIRs before each data set are MVS/SP JES2 and MVS/SP JES3, the latter only if PDIR=ALL is specified on the device statement for the SNA workstation definition. This parameter applies only to SNA sessions. The possible values are: v *SAME: The current value is used. 52 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands v *NO: RJE writes each print or punch data set in a job to the same output file. If, however, a host data set specifies a different form type or number of copies than the previously received data set of the job, RJE will begin a new output file. v *YES: RJE writes each printer or punch data set in a job to a new file. If your host subsystem does not fully support PDIRs, specifying *YES or *NO for this parameter has no effect. (The OS/VS1 and VSE/POWER subsystems do not fully support PDIRs.) Top Output Rec Lngth (OUTRCDLEN) Specifies the record length of data that is received from the host and written to an output file. The possible values are: v *SAME: The record length specified in the session description does not change. v *FIXED: RJE re-blocks the data according to its own defaults, which are as follows: – When an RJE printer is processing the output stream: - If data is being written to a printer file, it is re-blocked to 132-byte records for 10 or fewer characters per inch (cpi), and 198-byte records when the cpi is greater than 10. - If data is being written to a physical file, it is re-blocked to 132-byte records. – When an RJE punch is processing the output stream, the data is re-blocked to 80-byte records. – For diskette files, the output stream is re-blocked to 128-byte records. v *FILE: RJE re-blocks the output stream as follows: – When an RJE printer is processing the output stream: - If data is being written to a printer file, the record length is determined by the page width of the printer file. - If data is being written to a physical file, the record length of the output data is determined by the record length of that file. – When an RJE punch is processing the output stream: - If data is being written to a printer file, the record length is determined by the page width of the printer file. - If data is being written to a physical file, the record length of the output data is determined by the record length of that file. – For diskette files, the output stream is re-blocked to 128-byte records. The maximum record length that RJE supports, including carriage-control characters, is 255 bytes. To ensure record alignment, the record length (page width) of the output file must be greater than or equal to the logical record length of the data that is received from the host subsystem. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages Change Session Description (CHGSSND) 53 RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. Top 54 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Cancel RJE Reader (CNLRJERDR) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Cancel RJE Reader The CNLRJERDR command cancels a reader job and holds the associated reader job queue. Error messages for CNLRJERDR *ESCAPE Messages RJE0003 RJE session &1 is not active. RJE0004 You are not permitted to access session description &1. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0063 RJE session &1 is already ending. RJE0143 No RJE readers were defined for this RJE session. RJE0144 RJE device &3 was not defined in RJE session &1. RJE0145 You do not have authority to library QRECOVERY. RJE0146 You do not have authority to message queue &1. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes RDR RJE reader identification *ALL, RD1, RD2, RD3, RD4, RD5, RD6, RD7, RD8, RD9, RD10, RD11, RD12, RD13, RD14, RD15 Required, Positional 1 SSN Active RJE session Name Required, Positional 2 OPTION Cancel *CNTRLD, *IMMED Optional, Positional 3 Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 55 RJE Reader ID (RDR) Specifies the name of the reader to be canceled. The possible values are: v *ALL: All readers in the session are canceled. v RD1 - RD15: A reader ID, between RD1 and RD15, is canceled. Top Active RJE Session (SSN) Specifies the session that contains the reader being canceled. Top Cancel (OPTION) Specifies how the reader is canceled. The STRRJERDR command must be issued to continue RJE reader operations. The possible values are: v *CNTRLD: The reader ends processing in a controlled manner by holding the job queue associated with the reader. A controlled ending prevents new reader jobs from running, and allows the job currently running to complete normally. v *IMMED: The reader ends processing immediately. No more data records are sent to the host subsystem, and no new reader jobs are allowed to start. For SNA, an end-abort function management header (FMH) is sent to the host subsystem. For BSC, a normal end-of-file sequence is sent to the host subsystem. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0003 RJE session &1 is not active. RJE0004 You are not permitted to access session description &1. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0063 RJE session &1 is already ending. 56 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands RJE0143 No RJE readers were defined for this RJE session. RJE0144 RJE device &3 was not defined in RJE session &1. RJE0145 You do not have authority to library QRECOVERY. RJE0146 You do not have authority to message queue &1. Top Cancel RJE Reader (CNLRJERDR) 57 58 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Cancel RJE Writer (CNLRJEWTR) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Cancel RJE Writer The CNLRJEWTR command cancels a writer. Error messages for CNLRJEWTR *ESCAPE Messages RJE0003 RJE session &1 is not active. RJE0004 You are not permitted to access session description &1. RJE0017 &1 was not found in session description &2. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0034 No writers were defined in session &1. RJE0063 RJE session &1 is already ending. RJE0145 You do not have authority to library QRECOVERY. RJE0146 You do not have authority to message queue &1. RJE0147 RJE did not find message file QRJEMSG. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes WTR RJE writer identification *ALL, PR1, PR2, PR3, PR4, PR5, PR6, PR7, PR8, PR9, PR10, PR11, PR12, PR13, PR14, PR15, PU1, PU2, PU3, PU4, PU5, PU6, PU7, PU8, PU9, PU10, PU11, PU12, PU13, PU14, PU15 Required, Positional 1 SSN Active RJE session Name Required, Positional 2 OPTION Cancel *CNTRLD, *IMMED Optional, Positional 3 Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 59 RJE Writer ID Specifies the name of the writer to be canceled. The possible values are: v *ALL: All writers in the session are canceled. v PR1 - PR15: A printer ID, between PR1 and PR15, is canceled. v PU1 - PU15: A punch ID, between PU1 and PU15, is canceled Top Active RJE Session (SSN) Specifies the session that contains the writer being canceled. Top Cancel (OPTION) Specifies how the writer is canceled. The STRRJEWTR command must be issued to continue writer operations. The possible values are: v *CNTRLD: The writer ends processing in a controlled manner. A controlled ending prevents new writer jobs from running, and allows the job currently running to complete normally. v *IMMED: The writer ends processing immediately. RJE sends commands to the host subsystem to prevent it from sending more data to the writer. RJE ends jobs being received by the writer. If OPTION(*IMMED) is used to cancel the writer, or if the writer ends abnormally, one or more blocks of data can be lost. Each host subsystem has commands to keep a backup copy of the data. For information, see the appropriate host subsystem documentation. Note: For an OS/VS1 RES host subsystem, the data set is placed in the output queue and held. To release if, enter the following command from the console: RELEASE jobname, OUT=x Where x is the output class. The host subsystem DN command shows the names of the jobs held and their output class. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0003 RJE session &1 is not active. 60 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands RJE0004 You are not permitted to access session description &1. RJE0017 &1 was not found in session description &2. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0034 No writers were defined in session &1. RJE0063 RJE session &1 is already ending. RJE0145 You do not have authority to library QRECOVERY. RJE0146 You do not have authority to message queue &1. RJE0147 RJE did not find message file QRJEMSG. Top Cancel RJE Writer (CNLRJEWTR) 61 62 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Create Forms Control Table (CRTFCT) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Create FCT The CRTFCT command creates an FCT with no entries. After an FCT is created, it can contain up to 9999 entries. See the CRTSSND, CHGSSND, or CRTRJECFG command for information on how to make the FCT entries available to the session. See the ADDFCTE command description for information on how to add entries to the FCT. Error messages for CRTFCT *ESCAPE Messages RJE0015 Forms control table &1 already exists in library &2. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes FCT Forms control table Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: Forms control table Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *CURLIB TEXT Text ’description’ Character value, *BLANK Optional AUT Authority Name, *LIBCRTAUT, *ALL, *CHANGE, *USE, *EXCLUDE Optional Top Forms Cntrl Table (FCT) Specifies the qualified name of the FCT being created. If a library name is not specified, the FCT is stored in the user’s current library (*CURLIB). The possible library values are: v *CURLIB: The FCT is created in the current job library. If no current job library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the FCT is created. forms-control-table-name : Specify the name of the FCT being created. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 63 Text Description (TEXT) Specifies the user-defined text that describes the FCT file. The possible values are: v *BLANK: No text is specified. v ’description’: Specify no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes. Top Authority (AUT) Specifies the authority given to users who themselves and whose user group do not have specific authority to the object. The possible values are: v *LIBCRTAUT: The public authority for the object is taken from the CRTAUT keyword of the target library (the library that is to contain the object). This value is determined when the object is created. If the CRTAUT value for the library changes after the object is created, the new value does not affect any existing objects. v *CHANGE: Public users can change the FCT. v *ALL: Public users have all authority to the FCT. v *EXCLUDE: Public users cannot use the FCT. v *USE: Public users can use the FCT, but cannot change it. v authorization-list-name: Specify the name of an authorization list. Users included on the authorization list are granted authority to the object as specified on the list. The authorization list must exist when the object is created. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0015 Forms control table &1 already exists in library &2. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. Top 64 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Create RJE BSC File (CRTRJEBSCF) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Create RJE BSC File The CRTRJEBSCF command creates a BSC file that the session uses in a BSC environment to send records to and from the host subsystem. You can use the CRTRJECFG command to create the BSC line description with the name provided by the user. Error messages for CRTRJEBSCF None Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes FILE File Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: File Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *CURLIB SRCFILE Source file containing DDS Qualified object name Optional, Positional 2 Qualifier 1: Source file containing DDS Name, QRJESRC Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB SRCMBR Source member containing DDS Name, *FILE Optional, Positional 3 OPTION Source listing options Values (up to 2 repetitions): *SRC, *SOURCE, *NOSRC, *NOSOURCE, *LIST, *NOLIST Optional, Positional 4 GENLVL Generation severity level 30, 20, 10, 0 Optional, Positional 5 BLKLEN Block length 1-8192, *CALC Optional, Positional 6 TRNSPY Send as transparent data *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 7 DTACPR Compress output data *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 8 AUT Authority Name, *LIBCRTAUT, *ALL, *CHANGE, *USE, *EXCLUDE Optional, Positional 9 TEXT Text ’description’ Character value, *SRCMBRTXT, *BLANK Optional, Positional 10 Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 65 File (FILE) Specifies the name of the BSC file being created. If a library name is not given, the file is stored in the user’s current library (*CURLIB). The possible library values are: v *CURLIB: The BSC file is created in the current job library. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the BSC file is created. BSC-file-name: Specify the name of the BSC file being created. Note: The BSC file is created in the RJE session library. Top File Contain DDS (SRCFILE) Specifies the qualified name of the source file containing the DDS statements that create the BSC file. The possible values are: v QRJESRC: The IBM-supplied RJE source file QRJESRC contains the source descriptions used to create the BSC file. The descriptions are contained in member QRJEBSCSRC of QRJESRC. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the source file. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the source file. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the source file is located. v source-file-name: Specify the name of the source file. Top Srce Mem Contain DDS (SRCMBR) Specifies the member name in the source file that contains the DDS statements for the BSC file. The possible values are: v *FILE: The source file is the same as the BSC file specified in the FILE parameter. v source-file-member-name: Specify the name of the source file member. Top Source Listing Opt (OPTION) Specifies the type of output produced when the file is created. The possible values are: v Source Listing Options v *SRC or SOURCE: An output of source statements and errors that occur is created. v *NOSRC or *NOSOURCE: Output is not created unless errors are detected. If errors are detected, they are listed along with the keyword or record format that caused the error. 66 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Program Listing Options v *LIST: An expanded output is created. It shows a detailed list of file specifications that result from the source statements and references to other file descriptions. The list shows the file and field keywords and attributes. v *NOLIST: An expanded output is not produced. Top Generation Sev Level (GENLVL) Specifies the severity level at which the creation operation will fail. If errors occur that have a severity level greater than or equal to this value, the operation ends. The possible values are: v 20: Severity level is 20. v 0: Severity level is 0. v 10: Severity level is 10. v 30: Severity level is 30. Top Block Length (BLKLEN) Specifies the maximum block length (in bytes) of the data being sent. The possible values are: v *CALC: The block length is determined by the system. The length is 512 bytes or the length of the DDS record, whichever is greater. The length of the DDS record is the sum of the field lengths, in bytes, within the record of the DDS source file. v block-length: Specify the maximum block length of records. The value must be at least the size of the largest record sent. Valid values range from 1 through 8192 bytes. Top Snd as Transparent (TRNSPY) Specifies whether text transparency is used to send blocked records. Text transparency allows all 256 EBCDIC character codes to be sent. This is used to transmit packed or binary data fields. The value must equal the value specified for the host subsystem. 1. ASCII text transparency is not supported by the operating system. 2. Transparency of received data is determined by the data stream; therefore, this parameter does not apply to received data. The possible values are: v *NO: Text transparency is not used. Files sent do not contain data characters less than hex 40. v *YES: Text transparency is used. Files sent contain data characters less than hex 40. If *YES is specified for this parameter, *NO must be specified for the DTACPR parameter. Top Create RJE BSC File (CRTRJEBSCF) 67 Compress Output (DTACPR) Specifies whether data compression is performed. Note: The value must be the same as the value specified for the host subsystem. The possible values are: v *NO: Data compression is not performed. v *YES: Data compression is performed. If *YES is specified for this parameter, *NO must be specified for the TRNSPY parameter. Top Authority (AUT) Specifies the authority given to users who themselves and whose user group do not have specific authority to the object. The possible values are: v *LIBCRTAUT: The public authority for the object is taken from the CRTAUT keyword of the target library (the library that is to contain the object). This value is determined when the object is created. If the CRTAUT value for the library changes after the object is created, the new value does not affect any existing objects. v *CHANGE: Public users can change the BSC file. v *ALL: Public users have all authority to the BSC file. v *EXCLUDE: Public users cannot use the BSC file. v *USE: Public users can use the BSC file, but cannot change it. v authorization-list-name: Specify the name of an authorization list. Users included on the authorization list are granted authority to the object as specified on the list. The authorization list must exist when the object is created. Top Text Description (TEXT) Specifies text that briefly describes the BSC file. The possible values are: v *SRCMBRTXT: Text is taken from the source file member to create the BSC file. To add or change text for a source member, use the Start Source Entry Utility (STRSEU) command, the Add Physical File Member (ADDPFM) command, or the Change Physical File Member (CHGPFM) command. If the source file is an inline file or a device file, the text is blank. v *BLANK: No text is specified. v ’description’: Specify no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes. Top Examples None Top 68 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Error messages None Top Create RJE BSC File (CRTRJEBSCF) 69 70 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Create RJE Configuration (CRTRJECFG) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Create RJE Configuration The CRTRJECFG command creates the following objects, which are necessary for operating a session in a specific environment: v Session description v Job queues v Message queue v Subsystem description v Job descriptions v Line, controller, and device descriptions v Communications or BSC files v Printer and physical files. A configuration must be created for each environment (host subsystem or line type). If you decide not to use this command, you can use other CL commands to create these objects individually. Error messages for CRTRJECFG *ESCAPE Messages RJE0013 RJE configuration for session &1 was not created. RJE5303 Create RJE Configuration (CRTRJECFG) command was canceled. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSN Session Name, QRJE Optional, Positional 1 CFGLIB Configuration library Name, QRJE Optional, Positional 4 TYPE Host system type *JES2, *JES3, *RSCS, *PWR, *RES Optional, Positional 5 LINTYP Communication line type *BSC, *SDLCS, *X25, *LAN Optional LOGON Host signon/logon command Character value, *NONE, *PROMPT Optional, Positional 2 FORMATTED Formatted SNA logon *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 3 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 71 Keyword Description Choices Notes RJERDRS Number of readers 0-15, 3 Optional RJEPRTS Number of printers 0-15, 3 Optional RJEPUNS Number of punches 0-15, 3 Optional USRDTA User data *PRTF, *SYSDATE Optional SEPFILE Separate files *NO, *YES Optional SPLFNAME BSC Spooled file name *DEVFNAME, *JOBNAME Optional BLKLEN Block length 1-8192 Optional OUTRCDLEN Output record length *FIXED, *FILE Optional TRNSPY Send as transparent data *NO, *YES Optional DTACPR Compress output data *NO, *YES Optional FCT Forms control table Single values: *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Forms control table Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB OUTQ Output queue Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Output queue Name, QPRINT Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB RSRCNAME Resource name Name, LIN011 Optional CFGID Configuration identifier Character value, 01 Optional DEV Devices Values (up to 46 repetitions): Name, *GEN Optional CTL Controller description Name, *GEN Optional INTERFACE Physical interface *RS232V24, *V35, *X21, *X21BISV24, *X21BISV35 Optional CNN Connection type *MP, *NONSWTPP, *SWTPP Optional LINESPEED Linespeed 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 14400, 19200, 48000, 56000, 57600, 64000 Optional SNBU Switched network backup *NO, *YES Optional NRZI NRZI decoding *NO, *YES Optional DUPLEX Duplex *FULL, *HALF Optional MODEM Modem *NORMAL, *V54, *IBMWRAP, *IBMLPDA1, *IBMLPDA2 Optional UNITADR Unit address list in hex Values (up to 46 repetitions): Character value, *GEN Optional STNADR Station address Character value Optional SSCPID SSCP identifier Character value Optional EXCHID Exchange identifier in hex Character value, *SYSGEN Optional MAXFRAME Maximum frame size 265, 521, 1033, 2057 Optional CNNNBR Switched connection number Character value, *NONE Optional RMTID Remote identifier Character value, *NONE, *ANY, *NOID Optional AUTODIAL Automatic dialing feature *NO, *YES Optional AUTOANS Automatic answer feature *NO, *YES Optional DIALCMD Dial command type *NONE, *V25BIS Optional AUTOCALL Autocall unit *NO, *YES Optional ACRSRCNAME Autocall resource name Name Optional Top 72 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Session (SSN) Specifies the session name associated with the configuration being created. The name specified is also the name of the session description, subsystem description, and message queue. The possible values are: v QRJE: QRJE is the name of the session, the session description, the subsystem description, and the message queue. v RJE-session-name: Specify the name of the session, the associated session description, subsystem description, and message queue. Top Configuration Lib (CFGLIB) Specifies the name of the configuration library that stores the RJE configuration objects (other than the line, controller, and device descriptions) being created. The possible values are: v QRJE: The IBM-supplied library (QRJE) stores the objects. v RJE-configuration-library-name: Specify the name of the configuration library. Top Host System Type (TYPE) Specifies the host subsystem type with which the session communicates. The possible values are: v *JES2: MVS/SP JES2 is used. v *JES3: MVS/SP JES3 is used. v *RSCS: VM/SP RSCS is used. v *PWR: VSE/POWER subsystem is used. v *RES: OS/VS1 RES is used. Top Communication Line Type (LINTYPE) Specifies the type of communications line or protocol that is associated with this configuration. The possible values are: v *BSC: A point-to-point line with the BSC communications protocol is used. v *SDLCS: A secondary line with SDLCS communications protocol is used. The SDLC link (station) address of the server system is specified by the STNADR parameter. v *X25: A connection to an X.25 network is used. v *LAN: A line connection to a token-ring network is used. Top Create RJE Configuration (CRTRJECFG) 73 Host Logon Command (LOGON) Specifies the signon (logon) value the host subsystem receives from the server system. Note: For formatted logons, this value must equal the value expected at the host subsystem. The possible values are: v *PROMPT: An input display is used to assist in assigning the signon text. LOGON(*PROMPT) is not valid for LINTYP(*BSC) when a device name (DEV parameter) is specified. v *NONE: If LINTYP(*SDLCS) is specified, the host subsystem uses the SIMLOGON feature (no signon or logon text). v ’host-system-signon/logon-text’: Specify up to 80 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes, for the signon or logon information for the host subsystem. (For BSC, if the controller description already exists, any value entered here is ignored because the logon text is specified in the controller description.) Note: Apostrophes are not needed if the prompt is used to enter the text. Top Format SNA Logon (FORMATTED) Specifies (for SNA only) whether the signon text is formatted. The possible values are: v *NO: The signon text is not formatted. v *YES: The signon text is formatted. This text must be entered in uppercase characters and must match the host system data. Top Number of Readers (RJERDRS) Specifies the number of readers supported by the session. For LINTYP(*BSC), a device description, BSC file, and job queue are created for each reader. Associated reader and communications entries are added to the session description. For LINTYP(*SDLCS), LINTYP(*LAN), and LINTYP(*X25), a job queue is created for each reader. Associated reader entries are added to the session description. Unless the number of readers specified is 0, a job queue and a reader entry provide the automatic reader function for either SDLC or BSC. The possible values are: v 3: The default is three readers. v number-of-readers: Specify the number of readers supported by the session. Valid values range from 0 through 15 readers. Objects are created for each SNA or BSC reader. The entries associated with the reader are added to the session description. Top Number of Printers (RJEPRTS) Specifies the number of printers supported by the session. 74 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands For LINTYP(*BSC), a device description, a BSC file, and an output printer file are created for each printer. Associated writer and communications entries are added to the session description. For LINTYP(*SDLCS), LINTYP(*LAN), and LINTYP(*X25), an output printer file is created for each printer. Associated writer entries are added to the session description. The possible values are: v 3: The default is three printers. v number-of-printers: Specify the number of printers supported by the session. Valid values range from 0 through 15 printers. Top Number of Punches (RJEPUNS) Specifies the number of punches supported by the session. For LINTYP(*BSC), a device description, a BSC file, and an output physical file are created for each punch device. Associated writer and communications entries are added to the session description. For LINTYP(*SDLCS), LINTYP(*LAN), and LINTYP(*X25), an output physical file is created for each punch device. Associated writer entries are added to the session description. The possible values are: v 3: The default is three punches. v number-of-punches: Specify the number of punches supported by the session. Valid values range from 0 through 15 punches. The number depends on the host subsystem and the line protocol supported by the session. Top User Data (USRDATA) Specifies whether the user data field of the printer spooled file is overwritten with the two-byte configuration identifier plus the current system date stamp. The possible values are: v *SAME: The value specified for the user data field of the printer spooled file does not change. v *SYSDATE: The user data field is overwritten. The description does not change. v *PRTF: The user data field is not overwritten. Top Separate Files (SEPFILE) Specifies whether jobs with multiple data sets have separate output files created for them when they specify the same form type and number of copies. This parameter will affect output directed to any of the destinations that RJE supports: v Diskette files (spooled) v DDM files v Physical file members Create RJE Configuration (CRTRJECFG) 75 v Printer files (spooled or non-spooled) v User programs. Some host subsystems send a PDIR before every data set; others send one at the beginning of the job, and after that only if the following data set has setup changes. Subsystems that support PDIRs before each data set are MVS/SP JES2 and MVS/SP JES3, the latter only if PDIR=ALL is specified on the device statement for the SNA workstation definition. This parameter applies only to SNA sessions. The possible values are: v *NO: RJE writes each print or punch data set in a job to the same output file. If, however, a host data set specifies a different form type or number of copies than the previously received data set of the job, RJE will begin a new output file. v *YES: RJE writes each printer or punch data set in a job to a new file. If your host subsystem does not fully support PDIRs, specifying *YES or *NO for this parameter has no effect. (The OS/VS1 RES and VSE/POWER subsystems do not fully support PDIRs.) Top BSC Spooled File (SPLFNAME) Specifies the name of the spooled file for printer or punch device output. This parameter applies only to BSC sessions. Note: SNA sessions use the job name in the peripheral data set information record (PDIR) sent from the host subsystem. The possible values are: v *DEVFNAME: The spooled file name is the same as the printer file name. v *JOBNAME: The spooled file name is the same as the job name received in the job name message of the BSC host subsystem. Top Block Length (BLKLEN) Specifies the maximum block length (in bytes) of the data being sent and received. For LINTYP(*BSC), the default block length is 400, but a block length up to 8192 can be specified. The value specified must equal the block length specified for the host subsystem. For LINTYP(*SDLCS) and LINTYP(*X25), the default block length is 256, but any block length up to 4096 that is a multiple of 256 can be specified. The value specified is the same as the request/response unit (RU) size specified at the host subsystem, and it is used on the MAXLENRU parameter in the CRTDEVHOST command. The BLKLEN parameter on the CRTRJECMNF command is assigned the value (*CALC). Top 76 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Output Rcd Lngth (OUTRCDLEN) Specifies the record length of data that is received from the host and written to an output file. The possible values are: v *FIXED: RJE re-blocks the data according to its own defaults, which are as follows: – When an RJE printer is processing the output stream: - If data is being written to a printer file, it is re-blocked to 132-byte records for 10 or fewer characters per inch (cpi), and 198-byte records when the cpi is greater than 10. - If data is being written to a physical file, it is re-blocked to 132-byte records. – When an RJE punch is processing the output stream, the data is re-blocked to 80-byte records. – For diskette files, the output stream is re-blocked to 128-byte records. v *FILE: RJE re-blocks the output stream as follows: – When an RJE printer is processing the output stream: - If data is being written to a printer file, the record length is determined by the page width of the printer file. - If data is being written to a physical file, the record length of the output data is determined by the record length of that file. – When an RJE punch is processing the output stream: - If data is being written to a printer file, the record length is determined by the page width of the printer file. - If data is being written to a physical file, the record length of the output data is determined by the record length of that file. – For diskette files, the output stream is re-blocked to 128-byte records. The maximum record length that RJE supports, including carriage-control characters, is 255 bytes. To ensure record alignment, the record length (page width) of the output file must be greater than or equal to the logical record length of the data that is received from the host subsystem. Top Snd as Transparent (TRNSPY) Specifies (for BSC only) whether text transparency is used to send blocked records. Text transparency allows all 256 EBCDIC character codes to be sent. This is used to transmit packed or binary data fields. The value must equal the value specified for the host subsystem. 1. ASCII text transparency is not supported by the operating system. 2. Transparency of received data is determined by the data stream; therefore, this parameter does not apply to received data. The possible values are: v *NO: Text transparency is not used. Files sent do not contain data characters less than hex 40. v *YES: Text transparency is used. Files sent contain data characters less than hex 40. If *YES is specified for this parameter, *NO must be specified for the DTACPR parameter. Top Compress Output (DTACPR) For BSC only, specifies whether data compression is performed. Create RJE Configuration (CRTRJECFG) 77 Note: The value must be the same as the value specified for the host subsystem. For SNA, data compression is controlled by the bind request sent by the host subsystem. The possible values are: v *YES: Data compression is performed. If *YES is specified for this parameter, *NO must be specified for the TRNSPY parameter. v *NO: Data compression is not performed. Top Forms Cntrl Table (FCT) Specifies the qualified name of the FCT associated with this session. To create the FCT, use the CRTFCT command. The possible values are: v *NONE: An FCT is not specified. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the FCT. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the FCT. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the FCT is located. v forms-control-table-name: Specify the name of the FCT. Top Output Queue (OUTQ) Specifies the qualified name of the output queue that contains output being sent to the printer. The output queue name is the queue name for the job description and printer files created as a result of this command. Only one set of RJE job descriptions is created in a configuration library. The first RJE configuration created in a library specifies an output queue. Additional configurations in the library use the existing job descriptions and their output queues. Use the Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ) command to create an output queue. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the output queue. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the output queue. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the output queue is located. The possible values are: v QPRINT: The IBM-supplied output queue, QPRINT, is used. v output-queue-name: Specify the name of the output queue. Top 78 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Resource Name (RSRCNAME) Specifies the resource name that identifies the hardware that the description represents. Use the Work with Hardware Resources (WRKHDWRSC) command to determine the resource name. The resource name consists of the input/output adapter (IOA) resource name and the port number on the IOA. For example, if the resource name of the IOA is LIN01 and the port on the IOA is 2, then the resource name would be LIN012. Top Configuration ID (CFGID) Specifies the two-character identifier that is used to name RJE objects associated with this configuration. This value must be unique because all line, controller, and device descriptions are stored in the QSYS library. The possible values are: v 01: The two-character identifier is 01. v RJE-configuration-identifier: Specify a two-character alphanumeric identifier. Note: The only special characters you can use are: @, #, $. Top Devices (DEV) Specifies the device description objects associated with the host subsystem and this configuration. The possible values are: v *GEN: The device descriptions are created by RJE. This also allows RJE to create the controller and line description if CTL(*GEN) is used. v device-description-name-list: Specify up to 46 device description names associated with the host subsystem. For BSC, the minimum number of devices must equal the sum of readers (RJERDRS parameter), printers (RJEPRTS parameter), and punches (RJEPUNS parameter), plus two (one for console input, the other for console output). The BSC devices must be specified in the proper order to appear correctly in the session description display. The proper entry order is the input console, the output console, the printers, the punches, and then the readers. To create a device description for a device to use with the host subsystem, use the Create Device Description (SNA Host) (CRTDEVHOST) command for SNA devices, and the Create Device Description (BSC) (CRTDEVBSC) command for BSC devices. Top Controller Description (CTL) Specifies the controller associated with the host subsystem. The possible values are: Create RJE Configuration (CRTRJECFG) 79 v *GEN: The controller and line descriptions are created by the RJE configuration. The line interface is RS232V24. v controller-name: Specify the name of the controller. Both the controller description and the line description must be created manually. – To create a controller description, use the CRTCTLHOST command for SNA, or the CRTCTLBSC command for BSC. – To create a line description, use the CRTLINSDLC command for SDLC lines, the CRTLINTRN command for token-ring networks, the CRTLINX25 command for X.25 lines, or the CRTLINBSC command for BSC lines. Top Phys Interface (INTERFACE) Specifies the type of physical interface on the input/output adapter port. The possible values are: v *RS232V24: RS-232/V.24 physical interface (BSC, SDLC only). v *V35: V.35 physical interface (BSC, SDLC only). v *X21: X.21 physical interface (SDLC only). v *X21BISV24: X.21 BIS/V.24 physical interface (BSC, SDLC only). v *X21BISV35: X.21 BIS/V.35 physical interface (BSC, SDLC only). Top Connection Type (CNN) Specifies the type of line connection used. Note: This parameter applies only if *GEN was specified on the DEV and CTL parameters. The possible values are: v *NONSWTPP: A point-to-point nonswitched connection is used. v *SWTPP: A switched connection, accomplished by telephone dial-up, is used. v *MP: A multipoint connection is used. This parameter value applies only if *SDLCS is specified on the LINTYP parameter. Top Linespeed (LINESPEED) Specifies the line speed in bits per second (bps). The possible values are: v 9600: The default is 9600 bits per second. v data-rate: Specify the data rate in bits per second. Valid values are: 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 14400, 19200, 48000, 56000, 57600, or 64000 bits per second. Values greater than 19200 cannot be used with the RS-232/V.24 interface. Top 80 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Switched Ntwk Backup (SNBU) Specifies, for controllers attached to nonswitched lines only, whether the switched network backup (SNBU) feature is activated or deactivated. This feature lets you bypass a broken nonswitched connection by establishing a switched connection. This parameter applies only if SWITCHED(*NO) and SNBU(*YES) were specified when the controller description was created. Note: *GEN must be specified on the DEV and CTL parameters. The possible values are: v *NO: The nonswitched line modem does not have the switched network backup feature. v *YES: The nonswitched line modem has the switched network backup feature. To activate the feature when nonswitched connections are broken, specify *YES on the ACTSNBU parameter on both the Change Line Description and Change Controller Description commands. Top NRZI Decoding (NRZI) Specifies whether non-return-to-zero-inverted (NRZI) data encoding is used for modems that are sensitive to certain bit patterns in the data stream. This ensures that the signal does not stay the same for an extended period of time. This parameter applies only if *GEN is specified on the DEV and CTL parameters and *SDLCS is specified on the LINTYP parameter. Note: All data communications equipment on the line must use the same transmission method. The possible values are: v *NO: NRZI data encoding is not used. v *YES: NRZI data encoding is used. If the field is left blank, the keyword NRZI is not applicable. Top Duplex (DUPLEX) Specifies whether request-to-send (RTS) is set on permanently (for full-duplex modems) or only when transmission is required (for half-duplex modems). Note: This parameter applies only if *GEN is specified on the DEV and CTL parameters. The possible values are: v *FULL: RTS should be permanently set on (for full-duplex modems). v *HALF: RTS should be turned on only when transmission is required (for half-duplex modems). You can run half-duplex even if the modem can support full-duplex communication. Data is sent in one direction at a time. Top Create RJE Configuration (CRTRJECFG) 81 Modem (MODEM) Specifies the type of modem that supports the communications line. This parameter applies only if *GEN is specified on the DEV and CTL parameters. Refer to the modem manual for the appropriate value to select. The possible values are: v *NORMAL: No attempt is made to run diagnostic tests to the modem. v *V54: A certain type of diagnostic test (as defined by the CCITT recommendations) is run to the modem. The operating system supports CCITT V.54 loop 3, local loop back, and loop 2, which is remote loop back. v *IBMWRAP: An IBM modem with wrap test capabilities is used on the communications line. v *IBMLPDA1: An IBM modem with Link Problem Determination Aid-1 (LPDA-1) is used on the line. v *IBMLPDA2: An IBM modem with Link Problem Determination Aid-2 (LPDA-2) is used on the line. Top Unit Address List (UNITADR) Specifies the unit address of the device associated with the host subsystem for the LU-(logical unit)-to-LU communications in an SNA communications environment. The number of LUs supported depends on the limitations of the host subsystem. This parameter applies only if DEV(*GEN) and SNA line types are specified. A device description and communications file are created for each unit address. Associated communications entries are added to the session description. Note: To minimize interruptions during processing, the number of LUs should be the sum of the number of readers (specified by the RJERDRS parameter), printers (RJEPRTS), and punches (RJEPUNS), plus one. Direct-workstation input is accepted only if there are at least two idle LUs. The possible values are: v *GEN: The unit address for the device description is used. The number of unit addresses that are created equals the sum of the readers (RJERDRS parameter), printers (RJEPRTS parameter), and punches (RJEPUNS parameter), plus one for console support. Assigned unit addresses range from hex 01 through hex 2E. v unit-address-list: Specify the logical unit address (in hexadecimal notation) or the list of addresses. Top Station Address (STNADR) Specifies, for LINTYP(*SDLCS), DEV(*GEN), and CTL(*GEN) only, the station address to which the local system responds when polled by the host system if it answers a call. It has a two-digit hexadecimal value between 01 and FE. Top 82 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands SSCP Identifier (SSCPID) Specifies the system service control point (SSCP) identifier of the host subsystem. This applies only when LINTYP(*SDLCS), DEV(*GEN), and CTL(*GEN) are specified. Note: The SSCP identifier is a 12-digit hexadecimal value, in which the first two digits are hex 05. Top Exchange ID (EXCHID) Specifies the hexadecimal exchange identifier that is used to identify the local system to the remote system. The eight-digit hexadecimal exchange identifier contains three digits for the block number and five digits for the identifier of this system. This applies only when LINTYP(*SDLCS), DEV(*GEN), and CTL(*GEN) are specified. The possible values are: v *SYSGEN: When an exchange identifier is needed, the server system creates one internally. v exchange-identifier: Specify the identifier of the server system. The exchange identifier is a hexadecimal value in the format nnnxxxxx, where nnn is the block number (which must be 056) and xxxxx is the system identifier. Top Max Frame Size (MAXFRAME) Specifies the maximum frame (path information unit (PIU)) size that the controller can send or receive. This value is used to calculate request unit (RU) sizes. Because the maximum PIU size that the controller can send or receive is negotiated at exchange identifier time, the maximum PIU size used at run time may be different. This value matches the corresponding value on the host subsystem. This applies only when LINTYP(*SDLCS), DEV(*GEN), and CTL(*GEN) are specified. maximum-frame-size: Specify one of the following values for the maximum frame size for this controller: v 265 bytes v 521 bytes (the default) v 1033 bytes v 2057 bytes. Top Switched Connection (CNNNBR) Specifies, for switched lines, the telephone number used to establish a switched connection on this line description. This parameter value is sent to the automatic call unit if automatic calling is used to establish a switched connection, or it is sent to the V.25 bis modem if V.25 bis automatic dialing is used to establish the connection. When manual dialing is used to establish a switched connection on the line, this number is displayed to the system operator. For X.25, this number is the remote DTE address for the SVC provided by the X.25 network. This applies only when DEV(*GEN) and CTL(*GEN) are specified. The possible values are: v *NONE: There is no telephone number for the controller. Create RJE Configuration (CRTRJECFG) 83 v connection-number: Specify the telephone number of the controller. It uses the digits 0 through 9, and two other special characters: the separator character and the end-of-number character. The separator character is designated by the keyboard’s apostrophe symbol, and the end-of-number character is designated by the asterisk symbol. Top Remote ID (RMTID) Specifies, for CTL(*GEN) and DEV(*GEN) only, a list of identifiers for remote BSC controllers. This parameter applies only to switched lines. It is required if SWITCHED(*YES) or SNBU(*YES) is specified. The possible values are: v *NONE: A remote identifier is not specified. Do not confuse this value with *NOID, which is a valid remote identifier. v *NOID: A null remote identifier. v *ANY: Any remote identifier sent by the host controller. v remote-identifier: Specify a remote identifier. If a two-character identifier is specified, both characters must be the same. The identifier cannot contain BSC control characters. Top Automatic Dial (AUTODIAL) Specifies, for CTL(*GEN) and DEV(*GEN) only, whether the automatic dialing feature is installed. This feature automatically dials the telephone number of the modem that connects the host subsystem to the server system station. AUTODIAL(*YES) is used only if CNN(*SWTPP) or SNBU(*YES) is specified. The possible values are: v *NO: The automatic dialing feature is not installed. v *YES: The automatic dialing feature is installed. Top Automatic Answer (AUTOANS) Specifies, for CTL(*GEN) and DEV(*GEN) only, whether the automatic answer modem feature is installed. This feature allows incoming calls on the line to connect automatically to communications equipment. AUTOANS(*YES) is used only if CNN(*SWTPP) or SNBU(*YES) is specified. The possible values are: v *NO: The automatic answer feature is not installed. v *YES: The automatic answer feature is installed. Top 84 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Dial Command Type (DIALCMD) Specifies, for CTL(*GEN) and DEV(*GEN) only, the type of dial command used to establish a connection with a remote system. The possible values are: v *NONE: No dial command type is specified; the autocall unit is used. v *V25BIS: V.25 bis allows the use of one physical interface for call establishment and data transmission. It is sometimes referred to as a serial automatic call interface, because the digits are presented serially on the link from the system (DTE) to the modem (DCE). Top Autocall Unit (AUTOCALL) Specifies, for CTL(*GEN) and DEV(*GEN) and for switched lines or switched network backup lines, whether the line has an associated automatic call unit that performs automatic calling to the remote system. The possible values are: v *NO: The switched line does not have an automatic call unit. v *YES: The switched line does have an automatic call unit. Top Autocall Rsrce (ACRSRCNAME) Specifies, for CTL(*GEN) and DEV(*GEN) only, the resource name that describes the automatic call unit port. The resource name consists of the input/output adapter (IOA) resource name and the port number on the IOA. For example, if the resource name of the IOA is LIN02 and the port is 1, the resource name is LIN021. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0013 RJE configuration for session &1 was not created. RJE5303 Create RJE Configuration (CRTRJECFG) command was canceled. Top Create RJE Configuration (CRTRJECFG) 85 86 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Create RJE Communication File (CRTRJECMNF) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Create RJE Comm File The CRTRJECMNF command creates a communications file, which is used by SNA devices to send records to and from the host subsystem in an RJE environment. The same communications file is used for input and output operations. It contains not data, but rather a file description that identifies the communications device. This information is specified both in the source file that contains the DDS statements, and in the CRTRJECMNF command. Error messages for CRTRJECMNF None Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes FILE File Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: File Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *CURLIB SRCFILE Source file containing DDS Qualified object name Optional, Positional 2 Qualifier 1: Source file containing DDS Name, QRJESRC Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB SRCMBR Source member containing DDS Name, *FILE Optional, Positional 3 OPTION Source listing options Values (up to 2 repetitions): *SRC, *SOURCE, *NOSRC, *NOSOURCE, *LIST, *NOLIST Optional, Positional 4 GENLVL Generation severity level 0, 10, 20, 30 Optional, Positional 5 LOGON Host signon/logon command Character value, *NONE Optional, Positional 6 FMTLOG Formatted SNA logon Character value, *NONE, *YES, *NO Optional, Positional 11 LOGOFF Logoff text Character value, *NONE Optional, Positional 7 BLKLEN Block length 256-32767, *CALC Optional, Positional 8 AUT Authority Name, *LIBCRTAUT, *ALL, *CHANGE, *USE, *EXCLUDE Optional, Positional 9 TEXT Text ’description’ Character value, *SRCMBRTXT, *BLANK Optional, Positional 10 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 87 Top File (FILE) Specifies the qualified name of the communications file being created. If a library name is not given, the file is stored in the user’s current library (*CURLIB). The possible library values are: v *CURLIB: The communications file is created in the current library for the job. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the communications file is located. communications-file-name: Specify the name of the communications file being created. Top File Contain DDS (SRCFILE) Specifies the qualified name of the source file containing the DDS statements that create the communications file. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the source file. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the source file. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the source file is located. The possible values are: v QRJESRC: The IBM-supplied RJE source file QRJESRC contains the source descriptions used to create the communications file. The descriptions are contained in member QRJECMNSRC of QRJESRC. v source-file-name: Specify the name of the RJE source file. Top Member Contain DDS (SRCMBR) Specifies the member name in the source file that contains the DDS for the communications file. The possible values are: v *FILE: The source file name is the same as that of the communications file specified in the FILE parameter. v source-file-member-name: Specify the name of the source file member. Top 88 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Srce Listing Opt (OPTION) Specifies the type of printout produced when the file is created. The possible values are: v Source Listing Options v *SRC or *SOURCE: A printout of source statements and errors that occur is produced. v *NOSRC or *NOSOURCE: A printout is not created unless errors are detected. If errors are detected, they are listed, along with the word or record formats that caused them. Program Listing Options v *LIST: An expanded printout is produced, showing a detailed list of file specifications that result from the source statements and that refer to other file descriptions. The list shows the file and field keywords and attributes. v *NOLIST: An expanded printout is not produced. Top Generation Sev Level (GENLVL) Specifies the severity level at which the creation operation will fail. If errors occur that have a severity level greater than or equal to this value, the operation ends. The possible values are: v 20: The severity level is 20. v 0: The severity level is 0. v 10: The severity level is 10. v 30: The severity level is 30. Top Host Logon Command (LOGON) Specifies up to 80 characters of text that are sent to the host subsystem when the file is opened. The format is host-dependent. The possible values are: v *NONE: No signon text is specified. v logon-characters: Specify the signon text that is sent to the host subsystem when the file is opened. Top Formatted SNA Logon (FMTLOG) Specifies whether the signon text is formatted. The possible values are: v *NONE: No signon text is specified. v *NO: The signon text is not formatted. v *YES: The signon text is formatted. This text must be entered in uppercase characters and must match the host system data. Create RJE Communication File (CRTRJECMNF) 89 Top Logoff Text (LOGOFF) Specifies up to 80 characters of text that are sent to the host subsystem when the file is closed. The format is host-dependent. The possible values are: v *NONE: No signoff text is specified. v logoff-characters: Specify the signoff text that is sent to the host subsystem when the file is closed. Top Block Length (BLKLEN) Specifies the maximum block length (in bytes) of the data records being sent. The possible values are: v *CALC: The block length is determined by the system. The length is 512 bytes or the length of the DDS record, whichever is greater. The length of the DDS record is the sum of the field lengths, in bytes, within the record of the DDS source file. v block-length: Specify the maximum block length of the data records being sent. The value must be at least the size of the largest record sent. Valid values range from 256 through 8192. Top Authority (AUT) Specifies the authority given to users who themselves and whose user group do not have specific authority to the object. The possible values are: v *LIBCRTAUT: The public authority for the object is taken from the CRTAUT keyword of the target library (the library that is to contain the object). This value is determined when the object is created. If the CRTAUT value for the library changes after the object is created, the new value does not affect any existing objects. v *CHANGE: Public users can change the communications file. v *ALL: Public users have all authority to the communications file. v *EXCLUDE: Public users cannot use the communications file. v *USE: Public users can use the communications file, but cannot change it. v authorization-list-name: Specify the name of an authorization list. Users included on the authorization list are granted authority to the object as specified on the list. The authorization list must exist when the object is created. Top Text Description (TEXT) Specifies text that briefly describes the communications file. The possible values are: 90 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands v *SRCMBRTXT: Text is taken from the source file member to create the communications file. To add or change text for a source member, issue either the Start Source Entry Utility (STRSEU) command, the Add Physical File Member (ADDPFM) command, or the Change Physical File Member (CHGPFM) command. If the source file is an inline file or a device file, the text is blank. v *BLANK: No text is specified. v ’description’: Specify no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes. Top Examples None Top Error messages None Top Create RJE Communication File (CRTRJECMNF) 91 92 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Create Session Description (CRTSSND) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Create Session Desc The CRTSSND command creates a session description that defines the attributes of a session. This is necessary for each session. After the session description is created, it can be updated with commands that add reader entries, writer entries, and communications entries. For more information, see the descriptions of the ADDRJERDRE, ADDRJEWTRE, and ADDRJECMNE commands. Error messages for CRTSSND *ESCAPE Messages RJE0001 Session description &1 already exists in library &2. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0032 Ownership of RJE object not correct. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSND RJE session description Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: RJE session description Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *CURLIB TYPE Host system type *JES2, *JES3, *RSCS, *PWR, *RES Required, Positional 2 JOBQ RJE job queue Qualified object name Optional, Positional 3 Qualifier 1: RJE job queue Name, QRJESSN Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB MSGQ RJE message queue Qualified object name Optional, Positional 4 Qualifier 1: RJE message queue Name, QRJE Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB FCT Forms control table Single values: *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional, Positional 5 Qualifier 1: Forms control table Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 93 Keyword Description Choices Notes IDLETIME Idle time in minutes 0-99, *NOLIMIT Optional USRDTA User data *PRTF, *SYSDATE Optional TEXT Text ’description’ Character value, *BLANK Optional SEPFILE Separate files *NO, *YES Optional OUTRCDLEN Output record length *FIXED, *FILE Optional AUT Authority Name, *LIBCRTAUT, *ALL, *CHANGE, *USE, *EXCLUDE Optional Top RJE Session Desc (SSND) Specifies the qualified name of the session description. The possible library values are: v *CURLIB: The session description is created in the current job library. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the session description is created. session-description-name: Specify the name of the session description being created. Top Host System Type (TYPE) Specifies the host subsystem type with which the RJE session communicates. The possible values are: v *JES2: MVS/SP JES2 is used. v *JES3: MVS/SP JES3 is used. v *RSCS: VM/SP RSCS is used. v *PWR: VSE/POWER subsystem is used. v *RES: OS/VS1 RES is used. Top RJE Job Queue (JOBQ) Specifies the qualified name of the job queue on which session jobs are placed. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the job queue. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the job queue. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the job queue is located. The possible values are: v QRJESSN: The job queue named QRJESSN in the library list is used. Note: You must first create this job queue, as it is not supplied as part of Communications Utilities. 94 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands v job-queue-name: Specify the name of the job queue. Top RJE Message Queue (MSGQ) Specifies the qualified name of the message queue to which RJE messages for this session are sent. This message queue contains messages received from, and commands sent to, the host subsystem, and messages sent by RJE jobs. It serves as a job log for RJE jobs in the active session. To see the messages in the queue, issue the STRRJECSL command. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the message queue. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the message queue. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the message queue is located. The possible values are: v QRJE: The RJE message queue named QRJE in the library list is used. Note: You must first create this message queue, as it is not supplied as part of Communications Utilities. v message-queue-name: Specify the name of the message queue. Top Forms Cntrl Table (FCT) Specifies the qualified name of the FCT associated with this session description. The possible values are: v *NONE: An FCT is not used. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the FCT. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the FCT. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the FCT is located. v forms-control-table-name: Specify the name of the FCT. Top Idle Time in Min (IDLETIME) Specifies, in minutes, the amount of time that the session can remain idle before it ends in a controlled manner. If the number of minutes is set to zero and a line connection is made, a controlled ending of the session begins immediately. Create Session Description (CRTSSND) 95 If the number of minutes is not set to zero, the idle time countdown begins either following the end-of-file character of the last input or output stream, or following the establishment of the line connection. It is reset each time data becomes available for sending or receiving. Except for console input streams, if input streams start but do not end (that is, no end-of-file character is received), the idle time countdown does not begin. Ending a session in a controlled manner consists of holding delivery of the reader job queues, allowing reader and writer jobs to complete, and ending the session and all RJE functions. If an ENDRJESSN command specifies a controlled ending, its IDLETIME parameter value overrides that of the session description. The possible values are: v *NOLIMIT: End processing is not started unless the ENDRJESSN command is issued. v idletime-in-minutes: Specify a value between 0 and 99 for the number of minutes the session remains idle. Top User Data (USRDATA) Specifies whether the user data field of the printer spooled file is overwritten with the two-byte configuration identifier plus the current system date stamp. The possible values are: v *SYSDATE: The user data field is overwritten. The description does not change. v *PRTF: The user data field is not overwritten. Top Text Description (TEXT) Specifies text that briefly describes the session description. The possible values are: v *BLANK: No text is specified. v ’description’: Specify no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes. Top Separate Files (SEPFILE) Specifies whether jobs with multiple data sets have separate output files created for them when they specify the same form type and number of copies. This parameter will affect output directed to any of the destinations that RJE supports: v Diskette files (spooled) v DDM files v Physical file members v Printer files (spooled or non-spooled) v User programs. 96 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Some host subsystems send a PDIR before every data set; others send one at the beginning of the job, and after that only if the following dataset has setup changes. Subsystems that support PDIRs before each data set are MVS/SP JES2 and MVS/SP JES3, the latter only if PDIR=ALL is specified on the device statement for the SNA workstation definition. This parameter applies only to SNA sessions. The possible values are: v *NO: RJE writes each print or punch data set in a job to the same output file. If, however, a host data set specifies a different form type or number of copies than the previously received data set of the job, RJE will begin a new output file. v *YES: RJE writes each printer or punch data set in a job to a new file. If your host does not fully support PDIRs, specifying *YES or *NO for this parameter has no effect. (The OS/VS1 RES and VSE/POWER subsystems do not fully support PDIRs.) Top Output Rcd Lngth (OUTRCDLEN) Specifies the record length of data that is received from the host and written to an output file. The possible values are: v *FIXED: RJE re-blocks the data according to its own defaults, which are as follows: – When an RJE printer is processing the output stream: - If data is being written to a printer file, it is re-blocked to 132-byte records for 10 or fewer characters per inch (cpi), and 198-byte records when the cpi is greater than 10. - If data is being written to a physical file, it is re-blocked to 132-byte records. – When an RJE punch is processing the output stream, the data is re-blocked to 80-byte records. – For diskette files, the output stream is re-blocked to 128-byte records. v *FILE: RJE re-blocks the output stream as follows: – When an RJE printer is processing the output stream: - If data is being written to a printer file, the record length is determined by the page width of the printer file. - If data is being written to a physical file, the record length of the output data is determined by the record length of that file. – When an RJE punch is processing the output stream: - If data is being written to a printer file, the record length is determined by the page width of the printer file. - If data is being written to a physical file, the record length of the output data is determined by the record length of that file. – For diskette files, the output stream is re-blocked to 128-byte records. The maximum record length that RJE supports, including carriage-control characters, is 255 bytes. To ensure record alignment, the record length (page width) of the output file must be greater than or equal to the logical record length of the data that is received from the host subsystem. Top Create Session Description (CRTSSND) 97 Authority (AUT) Specifies the authority given to users who themselves and whose user group do not have specific authority to the object. The possible values are: v *LIBCRTAUT: The public authority for the object is taken from the CRTAUT keyword of the target library (the library that is to contain the object). This value is determined when the object is created. If the CRTAUT value for the library changes after the object is created, the new value does not affect any existing objects. v *CHANGE: Public users can change the session description. v *ALL: Public users have all authority to the session description. v *EXCLUDE: Public users cannot use the session description. v *USE: Public users can use the session description, but cannot change it. v authorization-list-name: Specify the name of an authorization list. Users included on the authorization list are granted authority to the object as specified on the list. The authorization list must exist when the object is created. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0001 Session description &1 already exists in library &2. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0032 Ownership of RJE object not correct. Top 98 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Convert RJE Data (CVTRJEDTA) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Convert RJE Data The CVTRJEDTA command converts data written in communications format to data in FCFC or data format written to a device, DDM, or physical file. The INFILE must be in SNA or BSC communications format, and can be a DDM file. If a file in the list of input files causes an error condition, the command issues an error message and skips to the next input file in the list. If a DDM file is specified as the OUTFILE parameter, *FIRST must be specified as the MEMBER parameter. Note: If an FCT is specified in this command, the PGM parameter in the FCT entries is ignored. Error messages for CVTRJEDTA *ESCAPE Messages RJE0109 Processing of command ended because of error. RJE0110 Error(s) occurred during processing of command. RJE0196 Record from host longer than expected length. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes INFILE Input file Values (up to 8 repetitions): Element list Required, Positional 1 Element 1: Input file Qualified object name Qualifier 1: Input file Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB Element 2: Member Name, *FIRST, *ALL OUTFILE Output file Qualified object name Required, Positional 2 Qualifier 1: Output file Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB OUTMBR Output member Name, *GEN, *FIRST Optional, Positional 3 FSN File member sequence number 0-999, 1 Optional © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 99 Keyword Description Choices Notes DTAFMT Data format *FCFC, *DATA Optional OUTRCDLEN Output record length *FIXED, *FILE Optional FCT Forms control table Single values: *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Forms control table Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB Top Input File (INFILE) Specifies up to eight qualified names for communications format input files. If an input file does not contain data in communications format, an error message is issued. You cannot override the INFILE parameter with OVRDBF MBR(*ALL). If this is attempted, the file is skipped and an error message is sent. To format all the members of a physical file, use the *ALL option for the physical file member name. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the communications format input file. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the communications format input file. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the communications format input file is located. Element 1: Input File Names input-file-name: Specify up to eight names for communications format input files. Element 2: Member Names The possible values are: v *FIRST: The first member of the physical file is converted. v *ALL: All members of the physical file are converted. v member-name: Specify the name of the physical file members being converted. Top Output File (OUTFILE) Specifies the qualified name of the file that receives the formatted output of the command. This file is only used when no matching FCT entry is found. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the file. If the file is not found, one is created in the current library. If no current library exists, the file is created in the QGPL library. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the file. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the file is located. 100 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands file-name: Specify the name of the diskette, DDM, physical, printer, or source physical file that receives the formatted output. Diskette and printer files must be program described, with a single record format and field. Top Output Member (OUTMBR) Specifies the file member to which output is directed. This parameter applies only if you specify a DDM, physical, or source physical file in the OUTFILE parameter. The possible values are: v *GEN: Creates a member name formatted as either Affffffccc or Bffffffccc where: A Indicates that the file member contains print data. B Indicates that the file member contains punch data. ffffff Up to the first six non-blank characters of the form type that was received from the host subsystem. Only A through Z, 0 through 9, $, #, @, and _ are valid in the form type that is used to generate member names. ccc A three-digit FSN controlled by the session to maintain member uniqueness. If a member name already exists in the file, the three-digit sequence number is incremented by one until a unique name is reached and a member is created, or until sequence numbers up to and including 999 have been tried without creating a member. If no member is created, the writer issues a message requesting you to either try again or to cancel this file. v *FIRST: The first member of the file is used. v member-name: Specify the name of the file member. If the member does not exist, an inquiry message is sent to the RJE message queue. Top File Member Seq Number (FSN) Specifies the initial three-digit FSN that is used to create member names. This parameter applies only if *GEN is specified for the MBR parameter. The possible values are: v 1: The three-digit FSN is 001. v file-sequence-number: Specify the initial three-digit FSN. Leading zeros are not required for FSNs less than 100. Top Data Format (DTAFMT) Specifies the format of the output data. The possible values are: v *FCFC: The output data is in first-character forms control (FCFC) format. If DEVTYPE(*PUN) is specified, *FCFC is not valid. Convert RJE Data (CVTRJEDTA) 101 The data can be written to a physical file in FCFC format and printed later using the Copy File (CPYF) command, specifying an FCFC printer file for the TOFILE parameter. The record length of the physical file must include one extra byte for the FCFC code. v *DATA: The output data is in data format. No FCFC codes are embedded in the data. Specify *DATA to send data to a physical file to be processed by a program. Top Output Rcd Lngth (OUTRCDLEN) Specifies the record length of the converted data. The possible values are: v *FIXED: RJE re-blocks the data according to its own defaults, which are as follows: – When a printer output stream is being converted: - If data is being written to a printer file, it is re-blocked to 132-byte records for 10 or fewer characters per inch (cpi), and 198-byte records when the cpi is greater than 10. - If data is being written to a physical file, it is re-blocked to 132-byte records. – When a punch output stream is being converted, the data is re-blocked to 80-byte records. – For diskette files, the output stream is re-blocked to 128-byte records. v *FILE: RJE re-blocks the output stream as follows: – When a printer output stream is being converted: - If data is being written to a printer file, the record length is determined by the page width of the printer file. - If data is being written to a physical file, the record length of the output data is determined by the record length of that file. – When a punch output stream is being converted: - If data is being written to a printer file, the record length is determined by the page width of the printer file. - If data is being written to a physical file, the record length of the output data is determined by the record length of that file. – For diskette files, the output stream is re-blocked to 128-byte records. The maximum record length that RJE supports, including carriage-control characters, is 255 bytes. To ensure record alignment, the record length (page width) of the output file must be greater than or equal to the logical record length of the data that is received from the host subsystem. Top Forms Cntrl Table (FCT) Specifies the qualified name of the FCT to be used when converting the data. The possible values are: v *NONE: An FCT is not used. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the FCT. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the FCT. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the FCT is located. 102 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands v forms-control-table-name: Specify the name of the FCT. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0109 Processing of command ended because of error. RJE0110 Error(s) occurred during processing of command. RJE0196 Record from host longer than expected length. Top Convert RJE Data (CVTRJEDTA) 103 104 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Delete Forms Control Table (DLTFCT) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Delete FCT The DLTFCT command deletes an FCT or group of FCTs. If a session that refers to the FCT being deleted is active, the FCT cannot be deleted. Error messages for DLTFCT *ESCAPE Messages CPF2105 Object &1 in &2 type *&3 not found. CPF2110 Library &1 not found. CPF2113 Cannot allocate library &1. CPF2114 Cannot allocate object &1 in &2 type *&3. CPF2117 &4 objects type *&3 deleted. &5 objects not deleted. CPF2182 Not authorized to library &1. CPF2189 Not authorized to object &1 in &2 type *&3. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes FCT Forms control table Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: Forms control table Generic name, name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *ALL, *USRLIBL, *ALLUSR, *CURLIB Top Forms Cntrl Table (FCT) Specifies the qualified name of the FCT being deleted. The possible library values are: © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 105 v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the FCT. If a specific FCT name is entered (rather than a generic name), only the first FCT found with that name is deleted. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the FCT. If no current library has been specified, QGPL is used. v *USRLIBL: The libraries listed in the user portion of the library list are searched for the FCT. If a particular FCT name is specified (instead of a generic name), the first FCT found with that name is deleted. v *ALL: All libraries in the system, including QSYS, are searched for the FCT. v *ALLUSR: All non-system libraries, including all user-defined libraries and the QGPL library, are searched for the FCT. Libraries with names that begin with the letter Q, other than the QGPL library, are not included. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the FCT is located. The possible values are: v generic*-forms-control-table-name: Specify the generic name of the FCTs to be deleted. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. If a generic name is specified, then all FCTs with names that begin with that string, and for which you have authority, are deleted. If an asterisk is not included, the system assumes the string to be the complete FCT name. For more information on the use of generic functions, see the CL Reference. v forms-control-table-name: Specify the name of the FCT. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages CPF2105 Object &1 in &2 type *&3 not found. CPF2110 Library &1 not found. CPF2113 Cannot allocate library &1. CPF2114 Cannot allocate object &1 in &2 type *&3. CPF2117 &4 objects type *&3 deleted. &5 objects not deleted. CPF2182 Not authorized to library &1. CPF2189 Not authorized to object &1 in &2 type *&3. Top 106 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Delete RJE Configuration (DLTRJECFG) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Delete RJE Configuration The DLTRJECFG command deletes all objects associated with this session that use the RJE default naming convention, except for FCTs and output queues. You must end the associated subsystem before issuing this command. If more than one configuration exists in the configuration library, job descriptions are not deleted. Error messages for DLTRJECFG *ESCAPE Messages RJE0026 RJE configuration for session &1 was not deleted. RJE0029 RJE configuration for session &1 was not found. RJE5340 Configuration for &1 was not completely deleted. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSN Session Name Required, Positional 1 CFGLIB Configuration library Name, QRJE Optional, Positional 2 CFGID Configuration identifier Character value, 01 Optional DLTCMN Delete communication objects *NO, *YES, *DEV Optional Top Session (SSN) Specifies the name of the session associated with the configuration being deleted. The name specified is also the name of the session description, subsystem description, and message queue. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 107 Configuration Lib (CFGLIB) Specifies the name of the configuration library that contains the RJE configuration objects (other than the line, controller, and device descriptions) being deleted. The possible values are: v QRJE: The IBM-supplied configuration library (QRJE) is used. v RJE-configuration-library-name: Specify the name of the configuration library. Top Configuration ID (CFGID) Specifies the two-character identifier that names the RJE objects associated with this configuration. The possible values are: v ’01’: The two-character identifier is 01. v RJE-configuration-identifier: Specify a two-character configuration identifier. Top Delete Comm Obj (DLTCMN) Specifies whether the communications objects are deleted when the configuration is deleted. RJE deletes only the line, controller, and device descriptions that it creates. All these objects must be varied off before they can be deleted. The possible values are: v *YES: Communications objects are deleted. v *NO: Communications objects are not deleted. v *DEV: Only the device descriptions are deleted. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0026 RJE configuration for session &1 was not deleted. RJE0029 RJE configuration for session &1 was not found. RJE5340 Configuration for &1 was not completely deleted. Top 108 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Delete RJE Configuration (DLTRJECFG) 109 110 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Delete Session Description (DLTSSND) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Delete Session Description The DLTSSND command deletes a session description (or group of session descriptions) for an inactive session. Error messages for DLTSSND *ESCAPE Messages CPF2105 Object &1 in &2 type *&3 not found. CPF2110 Library &1 not found. CPF2113 Cannot allocate library &1. CPF2114 Cannot allocate object &1 in &2 type *&3. CPF2117 &4 objects type *&3 deleted. &5 objects not deleted. CPF2182 Not authorized to library &1. CPF2189 Not authorized to object &1 in &2 type *&3. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSND RJE session description Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: RJE session description Generic name, name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *ALL, *ALLUSR, *USRLIBL, *CURLIB Top RJE Session Desc (SSND) Specifies the qualified name of the session description being deleted. The possible library values are: © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 111 v *LIBL: All libraries in the user and system portions of the library list for the job are searched. If a specific session name is entered (rather than a generic name), only the first session description found with that name is deleted. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the session description. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v *USRLIBL: Only the libraries listed in the user portion of the library list are searched. v *ALL: All libraries in the system, including QSYS, are searched. v *ALLUSR: All nonsystem libraries, including all user-defined libraries and the QGPL library, are searched. Libraries whose names start with the letter Q, other than QGPL, are not included. v library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched. The possible values are: v generic*-session-description-name: Specify the generic name of the session descriptions to be deleted. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. If a generic name is specified, then all session descriptions with names that begin with that string, and for which you have authority, are deleted. If an asterisk is not included, the system assumes the string to be the complete session description name. For more information on the use of generic functions, see the CL Reference. v session-description-name: Specify the name of the session description being deleted. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages CPF2105 Object &1 in &2 type *&3 not found. CPF2110 Library &1 not found. CPF2113 Cannot allocate library &1. CPF2114 Cannot allocate object &1 in &2 type *&3. CPF2117 &4 objects type *&3 deleted. &5 objects not deleted. CPF2182 Not authorized to library &1. CPF2189 Not authorized to object &1 in &2 type *&3. Top 112 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Display RJE Configuration (DSPRJECFG) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Display RJE Configuration The DSPRJECFG command displays RJE configuration objects associated with one or more session descriptions. If the resulting display includes more than one choice, you can select a configuration to be displayed or printed. Error messages for DSPRJECFG None Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSND RJE session description Single values: *LIBL, *ALL, *CURLIB Other values: Qualified object name Optional, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: RJE session description Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional, Positional 2 Top RJE Session Desc (SSND) Specifies the qualified name of the session description that contains the configuration objects to be displayed. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the session description. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the session description. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v *ALL: All libraries in the system, including QGPL, are used to locate the session description. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the session description is located. session-description-name: Specify the name of the session description whose associated configuration objects are to be displayed. If you do not specify a name, all sessions in *LIBL are selected. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 113 Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting workstation or printed with the job’s spooled output. The possible values are: v *: Output requested by an interactive job is shown on the display. Output requested by a batch job is printed with the job’s spooled output. v *PRINT: The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. Top Examples None Top Error messages None Top 114 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands End RJE Session (ENDRJESSN) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages End RJE Session The ENDRJESSN command ends communications with the host subsystem in either a controlled or an immediate manner. Error messages for ENDRJESSN *ESCAPE Messages RJE0003 RJE session &1 is not active. RJE0063 RJE session &1 is already ending. RJE0147 RJE did not find message file QRJEMSG. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSN Active RJE session Name Required, Positional 1 OPTION Cancel *CNTRLD, *IMMED Optional, Positional 2 DELAY Delay time in sec, if *CNTRLD 0-99999, *NOLIMIT Optional, Positional 3 IDLETIME Idle time in minutes 0-99, 0 Optional Top Active Session (SSN) Specifies the name of the session being ended. Top Cancel (OPTION) Specifies whether the session is ended in a controlled manner (allowing RJE to perform end processing), or it is canceled immediately. The possible values are: © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 115 v *CNTRLD: The session ends in a controlled manner. BSC sessions send a SIGNOFF command to the host subsystem before ending communications. When an end-of-file is received from the host subsystem for each active printer and punch device, and an end-of-file is sent to the host subsystem for each active reader job, RJE ends communications. RJE continues to send and receive printer, punch, reader, and message data until the output and input streams are completed. A new SBMRJEJOB command request is honored until the idle time has elapsed. After that, reader job queues for the session are held. v *IMMED: The session ends immediately, meaning the programs that are running are not allowed to perform any cleanup. Reader job queues for the session are held. This option may cause undesirable results if data has been partially updated and, therefore, should be used only after a controlled ending has been attempted unsuccessfully. Note: For BSC, the /*SIGNOFF command is not sent to the host subsystem. This will cause the session to end abnormally, and may result in the logging of error messages on the host. Top Delay Time (DELAY) Specifies the number of seconds allowed for the controlled ending. If the amount of time specified has passed and the end processing is not complete, the session being processed is ended immediately. The possible values are: v *NOLIMIT: A controlled ending process has no time limit. v delay-time-in-seconds: Specify the number of seconds of delay time. Valid values range from 0 through 99999 seconds. When the delay time has elapsed, the end request is changed to an immediate end request. The delay time countdown begins when the command is processed. Top Idle Time (IDLETIME) Specifies the number of minutes the session remains idle before it ends in a controlled manner. The possible values are: v 0: The idle time value is zero. All reader job queues for the session are put on hold. v idletime-in-minutes: Specify the number of minutes that the session remains idle after the files are closed. The idle time countdown begins following the end-of-file of the last file that is sent or received, and is reset each time data becomes available for sending or receiving. If any input streams have started but not ended (except for console input streams), the idle time countdown does not begin. Valid values range from 0 through 99 minutes. If an ENDRJESSN command specifies a controlled ending, its IDLETIME parameter overrides that of the session description. If it specifies an immediate ending, the IDLETIME value of the session description is ignored. Top Examples None Top 116 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0003 RJE session &1 is not active. RJE0063 RJE session &1 is already ending. RJE0147 RJE did not find message file QRJEMSG. Top End RJE Session (ENDRJESSN) 117 118 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands End of File (EOF) Where allowed to run: v Batch job (*BATCH) v Interactive job (*INTERACT) v Batch REXX procedure (*BREXX) v Interactive REXX procedure (*IREXX) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages .. EOF Control Statement Use the end-of-file (.. EOF) control statement to end the reader input stream. When this control statement is in the input stream, it sends an end-of-file sequence to the host subsystem. This control statement can be placed in a command file, issued using direct-workstation input, or issued from the RJE console. It has no parameters. Top Parameters None Top Examples None Top Error messages Unknown Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 119 120 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Read a File (READFILE) Where allowed to run: v Batch job (*BATCH) v Interactive job (*INTERACT) v Batch REXX procedure (*BREXX) v Interactive REXX procedure (*IREXX) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages .. READFILE Control Stmnt Use the .. READFILE control statement to include a new file in the input stream. This control statement can be placed in a command file, issued using direct-workstation input, or issued from the RJE console. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes FILE Input file Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: Input file Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB MBR Member Name, *FIRST, *ALL Optional, Positional 2 CMD Command file *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 3 SNDDLTRCD Send deleted records *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 4 DTATYP Data type *CHAR, *ANY Optional, Positional 5 RLS Release Control *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 6 MSGQ Message queue Qualified object name Optional, Positional 7 Qualifier 1: Message queue Name, *PRV, *NONE, *RDRE Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB Top Input File (FILE) Specifies the qualified name of the file that contains the input stream being included. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the file. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the file. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the file is located. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 121 database-file-name: Specify the name of the database file that contains the input stream. Top Member (MBR) Specifies the database file member being sent to the host subsystem. The possible values are: v *FIRST: The first member of the database file is sent to the host subsystem. v *ALL: All members of the database file are sent to the host subsystem. v member-name: Specify the member name of the database file. If the member does not exist, an inquiry message is sent to the RJE message queue. Top Command File Specifies whether the file specified in the FILE parameter is searched for embedded RJE control statements. The possible values are: v *NO: The file is not searched. Records are re-blocked to 80-byte records. v *YES: The file is searched. Records longer than 80 bytes are truncated. Top Send Del Records (SNDDLTRCD) Specifies whether blank records are sent to the host subsystem when deleted records are found in the database file member. The possible values are: v *NO: Blank records are not sent. v *YES: Blank records are sent. Top Data Type (DTATYP) Specifies whether the file specified in the FILE parameter contains data characters less than hex 40. The possible values are: v *CHAR: The file does not contain data characters less than hex 40. v *ANY: The file does contain data characters less than hex 40. Top 122 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Release Control (RLS) Specifies whether RJE will process the rest of the current file (that is, the file from which .. READFILE was issued) after the included file is processed. If not, the file is released from the nested stack of the files being read. The possible values are: v *NO: RJE will continue to process the current file after the included file is processed. v *YES: RJE will not process the current file after the included file is processed. Processing reverts to the previous file. In other words, the current file is released from the nested stack of files. This improves performance, as each file left open in a nested stack has an impact on system resources. Do not specify *YES if this control statement is entered using direct-workstation input. Top Message Queue (MSGQ) Specifies the qualified name of the message queue to which messages for the reader are sent. The possible values are: v *PRV: The message queue specified with the previous .. READFILE control statement is used. v *NONE: A message queue is not used. v *RDRE: The message queue name is retrieved from the session description reader entry. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the message queue. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the message queue. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the message queue is located. message-queue-name: Specify the name of the message queue. Top Examples None Top Error messages Unknown Top Read a File (READFILE) 123 124 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Remove Forms Control Entry (RMVFCTE) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Remove FCT Entry The RMVFCTE command removes an FCT entry from an FCT that is not in use. Error messages for RMVFCTE *ESCAPE Messages RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0028 Device type &2 for form type &1 does not exist in &3. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes FCT Forms control table Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: Forms control table Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB FORMTYPE Host form type Character value Required, Positional 2 DEVTYPE Device type *PRT, *PUN Optional, Positional 3 Top Forms Cntrl Table (FCT) Specifies the qualified name of the FCT entry being removed. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the FCT. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the FCT. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the FCT is located. forms-control-table-name: Specify the name of the FCT. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 125 Host Form Type (FORMTYPE) Specifies the host form type for the FCT entry. The value is received from the host subsystem in either a peripheral data set information record (PDIR) for SNA, or a form-mount message for BSC. It must contain from one through eight alphanumeric characters. Lowercase letters, blanks, or special characters must be enclosed in apostrophes. For example, a host form type of blanks is specified as FORMTYPE (’ ’) (four blanks). Top Device Type (DEVTYPE) Specifies the device type associated with the FCT entry. The possible values are: v *PRT: A printer device entry is removed. v *PUN: A punch device entry is removed. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0028 Device type &2 for form type &1 does not exist in &3. Top 126 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Remove RJE Communication Entry (RMVRJECMNE) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Rmve RJE Comm Entry The RMVRJECMNE command removes an SNA or BSC communications entry from a session description for an inactive session. It also deletes the corresponding communications or BSC file after a reader or writer is removed. Error messages for RMVRJECMNE *ESCAPE Messages RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0111 &1 does not exist in session description &3. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSND RJE session description Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: RJE session description Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB FILE BSC/CMN file Qualified object name Required, Positional 2 Qualifier 1: BSC/CMN file Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB Top RJE Session Desc (SSND) Specifies the qualified name of the session description that contains the communications or BSC file entry being removed. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the session description. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the session description. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the session description is located. session-description-name: Specify the name of the session description that contains the communications or BSC file entry being removed. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 127 Top BSC/CMN File (FILE) Specifies the qualified name of the communications or BSC file entry being removed. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the file. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the file. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the file is located. communications-or-BSC-file-name: Specify the name of the communications or BSC file entry being removed. Note: If you specified *LIBL when the entry was added, you must also specify *LIBL (rather than the actual library name) for this command. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0111 &1 does not exist in session description &3. Top 128 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Remove RJE Reader Entry (RMVRJERDRE) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Rmve RJE Reader Entry The RMVRJERDRE command removes a reader from a session description for an inactive session. Error messages for RMVRJERDRE *ESCAPE Messages RJE0017 &1 was not found in session description &2. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSND RJE session description Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: RJE session description Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB RDR RJE reader identification *AUTO, RD1, RD2, RD3, RD4, RD5, RD6, RD7, RD8, RD9, RD10, RD11, RD12, RD13, RD14, RD15 Required, Positional 2 Top RJE Session Desc (SSND) Specifies the qualified name of the session description that contains the reader entry being removed. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the session description. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the session description. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the session description is located. session-description-name: Specify the name of the session description that contains the reader entry being removed. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 129 RJE Reader ID (RDR) Specifies the reader entry being removed. The possible values are: v *AUTO: The *AUTO reader entry is removed. v RD1 - RD15: Specify a value between RD1 and RD15 to indicate the reader entry being removed. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0017 &1 was not found in session description &2. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. Top 130 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Remove RJE Writer Entry (RMVRJEWTRE) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Rmve RJE Writer Entry The RMVRJEWTRE command removes a writer entry from a session description for an inactive session. Error messages for RMVRJEWTRE *ESCAPE Messages RJE0017 &1 was not found in session description &2. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSND RJE session description Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: RJE session description Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB WTR RJE writer identification PR1, PR2, PR3, PR4, PR5, PR6, PR7, PR8, PR9, PR10, PR11, PR12, PR13, PR14, PR15, PU1, PU2, PU3, PU4, PU5, PU6, PU7, PU8, PU9, PU10, PU11, PU12, PU13, PU14, PU15 Required, Positional 2 Top RJE Session Desc (SSND) Specifies the qualified name of the session description that contains the writer entry being removed. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the session description. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the session description. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the session description is located. session-description-name: Specify the name of the session description that contains the writer entry being removed. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 131 RJE Writer ID (WTR) Specifies the writer entry being removed. The possible values are: v PR1 - PR15: Specify a value between PR1 and PR15 to indicate the printer entry being removed. PU1 - PU15: Specify a value between PU1 and PU15 to indicate the punch entry being removed. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0017 &1 was not found in session description &2. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. Top 132 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Submit RJE Job (SBMRJEJOB) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Submit RJE Job The SBMRJEJOB command sends an input stream to the host subsystem. Through the OPTION parameter of this command, an input stream can be sent to the host subsystem immediately. Alternately, a batch job is placed on an RJE reader job queue, and the input stream is sent when the batch job runs. Through the FILE parameter (*), you can start an interactive reader for direct-workstation input. Error messages for SBMRJEJOB *ESCAPE Messages RJE0003 RJE session &1 is not active. RJE0004 You are not permitted to access session description &1. RJE0017 &1 was not found in session description &2. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0035 &1 in &2 must be a data-base file. RJE0041 Remote job was not submitted. RJE0059 RJE cannot send host command to complete request. RJE0065 Reader &1 can be used only for interactive jobs. RJE0067 No members were found in file &1 in &2. RJE0080 You must define at least one batch reader in session &1. RJE0112 RJE reader &1 is not available. RJE0113 No RJE readers are available. RJE0144 RJE device &3 was not defined in RJE session &1. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 133 RJE0204 FILE(*) is not valid on SBMRJEJOB in batch program. RJE0216 No SNA sessions are available now. Try later. RJE3041 &1: Host subsystem rejected exchange record length. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes FILE Input file Single values: * Other values: Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: Input file Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB MBR Member Name, *FIRST, *ALL Optional, Positional 2 SSND RJE session description Qualified object name Optional, Positional 3 Qualifier 1: RJE session description Name, QRJE Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB RDR RJE reader identification *AUTO, RD1, RD2, RD3, RD4, RD5, RD6, RD7, RD8, RD9, RD10, RD11, RD12, RD13, RD14, RD15 Optional, Positional 4 CMD Command file *NO, *YES Optional OPTION Submit RJE job *QUEUE, *IMMED Optional SNDDLTRCD Send deleted records *NO, *YES Optional DTATYP Data type *CHAR, *ANY Optional MAXRCDLEN Maximum record length 1-255, *FIXED Optional MSGQ Message queue Single values: *REQUESTER, *RDRE, *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Message queue Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB RESUBMIT Resubmit RJE job *NO, *YES Optional Top Input File (FILE) Specifies the qualified name of the file that contains the input stream being submitted. The possible values are: v *: The input stream is entered at the workstation where the SBMRJEJOB command is issued. If this value is specified for the FILE parameter, OPTION(*IMMED) and CMD(*YES) must also be specified. For SNA, at least two LU sessions are required. An interactive input stream sends data one record at a time (each time the Enter key is pressed). The .. READFILE control statement embeds the data files and commands in the input stream. The .. EOF control statement is used to end the input stream. No other jobs are submitted to the reader. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the file. 134 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the file. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the file is located. v database-file-name: Specify the name of the database file that contains the input stream being submitted to the host subsystem. You cannot override the file parameter by specifying *ALL on the MBR parameter for the OVRDBF command. If you do this: v If the job is submitted with the *IMMED option, RJE issues an inquiry message prompting you to cancel the job or to continue it after this file v If the job is submitted with the *QUEUE option, the override is ignored. Top Member (MBR) Specifies the member being sent to the host subsystem. This parameter applies only if you specified a database file with the FILE parameter. The possible values are: v *FIRST: The first member of the database file is sent to the host subsystem. v *ALL: All members of the database file are sent to the host subsystem. v member-name: Specify the member name of the database file. If the member does not exist, an inquiry message is sent to the RJE message queue. Top RJE Session Desc (SSND) Specifies the qualified name of the session description that sends the input stream to the host. The possible values are: v QRJE: QRJE is the session description name. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the session description. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the session description. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the session description is located. v session-description-name: Specify the name of the session description. Top RJE Reader ID (RDR) Specifies the reader that is associated with the job being submitted. The possible values are: v *AUTO: The first available reader is used. v RD1 - RD15: Specify a value between RD1 and RD15 to indicate the reader to be used. Top Submit RJE Job (SBMRJEJOB) 135 Command File (CMD) Specifies whether the file specified in the FILE parameter is searched for embedded RJE control statements (for example, .. READFILE or .. EOF). The possible values are: v *NO: The file is not searched. Records are re-blocked to 80-byte records. v *YES: The file is searched. Records longer than 80 bytes are truncated. Top Submit RJE Job (OPTION) Specifies whether the reader job is sent to a reader job queue or started immediately. The possible values are: v *QUEUE: The job is submitted to the job queue associated with the reader specified in the RDR parameter. The session does not have to be active. The reader job queue is released when the session starts and the STRRJERDR command is issued. v *IMMED: Job processing starts immediately and control is not returned to the workstation until the job is complete. The session must be active. The specified reader must be started and not in use. OPTION(*IMMED) cannot be used with RESUBMIT(*YES). Top Send Del Records (SNDDLTRCD) Specifies whether blank records are sent to the host subsystem when deleted records are encountered in the database file member. The possible values are: v *NO: Blank records are not sent. v *YES: Blank records are sent. When files created through the database join function are submitted, deleted records will only be recognized in the primary part of the logically joined file. Top Data Type (DTATYP) Specifies whether the file specified in the FILE parameter contains data characters less than hex 40. The possible values are: v *CHAR: The file does not contain data characters less than hex 40. v *ANY: The file does contain data characters less than hex 40. Top 136 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Max Rcd Lngth (MAXRCDLEN) Specifies the maximum input record length for data sent to a host subsystem. The record length range which is supported depends on the type of host subsystem: v JES2, 1 to 252 bytes v JES3, *FIXED v VSE/POWER, 1 to 128 bytes v RSCS, *FIXED For BSC, only *FIXED is valid. RJE command files are read as 80-byte records. Command file records read from a file with a data record length greater than 80 bytes are truncated to 80 bytes. Command file records read from a file with a data record length less than 80 bytes are padded to 80 bytes. Command file records are always sent to the host as 80-byte records regardless of the value of the MAXRCDLEN parameter. The possible values are: v *FIXED: The data is re-blocked into 80-byte records when it is sent to the host subsystem. v maximum-record-length: This allows the user to define the maximum input record length that can be processed by the host subsystem. RJE data files with a data record length less than or equal to this value are sent unchanged. Conversely, if the data record length is greater, the data files are reblocked to the maximum input record length before they are sent. Top Message Queue (MSGQ) Specifies the qualified name of the message queue to which messages for the reader are sent. The possible values are: v *REQUESTER: Messages are sent to the requester’s workstation message queue and the RJE message queue. If this command is run in a batch job, *REQUESTER is treated as *NONE (inquiry messages cannot be sent to a batch job). v *RDRE: The message queue name is retrieved from the session description reader entry associated with this reader function. v *NONE: A message queue is not used. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the message queue. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the message queue. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the message queue is located. v message-queue-name: Specify the name of the message queue. Top Resubmit RJE Job (RESUBMIT) Specifies whether jobs in the queue are resubmitted if they end abnormally. Submit RJE Job (SBMRJEJOB) 137 Note: The job sequence of each reader is preserved unless the jobs were submitted to the *AUTO reader. To use this parameter, a job submitted by CL commands must have a job priority (JOBPTY) of 6, and the user profile that submits reader jobs must have the priority limit (PTYLMT) parameter set from 1 through 5, inclusive. The MAXACT parameter of the reader job queue entries in the RJE subsystem description must be set to 1. A reader job submitted with this parameter can be canceled only from the job queue. Other commands, such as CNLRJERDR OPTION(*IMMED), cause the job to be resubmitted. The possible values are: v *NO: Files are not resubmitted. v *YES: Files are resubmitted. RESUBMIT(*YES) cannot be used with OPTION(*IMMED). Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0003 RJE session &1 is not active. RJE0004 You are not permitted to access session description &1. RJE0017 &1 was not found in session description &2. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0035 &1 in &2 must be a data-base file. RJE0041 Remote job was not submitted. RJE0059 RJE cannot send host command to complete request. RJE0065 Reader &1 can be used only for interactive jobs. RJE0067 No members were found in file &1 in &2. RJE0080 You must define at least one batch reader in session &1. RJE0112 RJE reader &1 is not available. RJE0113 No RJE readers are available. 138 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands RJE0144 RJE device &3 was not defined in RJE session &1. RJE0204 FILE(*) is not valid on SBMRJEJOB in batch program. RJE0216 No SNA sessions are available now. Try later. RJE3041 &1: Host subsystem rejected exchange record length. Top Submit RJE Job (SBMRJEJOB) 139 140 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Send RJE Command (SNDRJECMD) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Send RJE Command The SNDRJECMD command allows you to send a command to an RJE host communications subsystem through an active RJE session. Commands can only be transmitted through an active RJE session. If the session is not active, the host command is discarded, and an error message is displayed. Note: Avoid sending commands to your host communications subsystem when starting or ending the RJE session. Unexpected host commands issued at these times could disrupt the normal starting or ending process, and leave the session in an unknown state. If the command detects that the RJE session is not fully active, then the host subsystem command is discarded and an error message displayed. Error messages for SNDRJECMD None Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSND RJE session description Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: RJE session description Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB HOSTCMD Host Command Character value Required, Positional 2 Top RJE Session Desc (SSND) Specifies the qualified name of the session description of the session through which the RJE host command will be sent. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the session description. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the session description. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the session description is located. session-description-name: Specify the name of the session description. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 141 Top Host Command (HOSTCMD) Specify up to 77 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes, for the command to be sent to the host. No syntax checking of the host subsystem command is performed. Please refer to your host documentation to understand which commands you can issue, their syntax, and the effect that they may have on your RJE session. Top Examples None Top Error messages None Top 142 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Start RJE Console (STRRJECSL) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Start RJE Console The STRRJECSL command displays RJE messages and host subsystem console messages for the specified session at the workstation from which the command is issued. Operating system commands can be issued from the console. If the session is active, host subsystem commands and RJE control statements can be issued. This command is issued interactively from a workstation. Error messages for STRRJECSL *ESCAPE Messages RJE0003 RJE session &1 is not active. RJE0059 RJE cannot send host command to complete request. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSND RJE session description Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: RJE session description Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB Top RJE Session Desc (SSND) Specifies the qualified name of the session description for the session for which the console is being started. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the session description. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the session description. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the session description is located. session-description-name: Specify the name of the session description for which messages will be displayed. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 143 Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0003 RJE session &1 is not active. RJE0059 RJE cannot send host command to complete request. Top 144 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Start RJE Reader (STRRJERDR) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Start RJE Reader The STRRJERDR command starts a reader to send data to the host subsystem. If a job queue is specified in the reader entry of the session description, that job queue is released. If a job queue is not specified in the session description reader entry, the reader is reserved for interactive jobs. This command sends a start command to the host subsystem to start the associated host subsystem reader, as required. If the reader is already started and available, some host subsystems return error messages indicating this. In this situation, RJE ignores these messages. If the STRRJESSN command is sent with RDRS(*NO) and SNDSTRCMD(*NO), a start command is not sent when the reader is first started. Error messages for STRRJERDR *ESCAPE Messages RJE0003 RJE session &1 is not active. RJE0004 You are not permitted to access session description &1. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0059 RJE cannot send host command to complete request. RJE0143 No RJE readers were defined for this RJE session. RJE0144 RJE device &3 was not defined in RJE session &1. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes RDR RJE reader identification *ALL, RD1, RD2, RD3, RD4, RD5, RD6, RD7, RD8, RD9, RD10, RD11, RD12, RD13, RD14, RD15 Required, Positional 1 SSN Active RJE session Name Required, Positional 2 Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 145 RJE Reader ID (RDR) Specifies which reader is started. The possible values are: v *ALL: All readers in the session are started. v RD1 - RD15: Specify a value between RD1 and RD15 to indicate the reader to be started. Note: The *AUTO reader is started (its job queue is released, when specified) when a reader is started that allows *AUTO to be used. Top Active RJE Session (SSN) Specifies the active session associated with the reader that sends reader jobs to the host subsystem. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0003 RJE session &1 is not active. RJE0004 You are not permitted to access session description &1. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0059 RJE cannot send host command to complete request. RJE0143 No RJE readers were defined for this RJE session. RJE0144 RJE device &3 was not defined in RJE session &1. Top 146 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Start RJE Session (STRRJESSN) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Start RJE Session The STRRJESSN command starts a session. Each session that is active or pending restart must have a unique name. In addition, STRRJESSN controls the operation of automatic restart for that session. If the default values are used, no attempt will be made to restart the session if it ends abnormally. When readers and writers are started, start commands can be sent to the host subsystem to start the associated host functions. If you specify SNDSTRCMD(*YES), only the start commands for the readers and writers being started are sent. If the host subsystem reader or writer is already started, some host subsystems return error messages. RJE ignores these messages. If you specify SNDSTRCMD(*NO), the start commands for the specified readers and writer are not sent. Error messages for STRRJESSN *ESCAPE Messages RJE0012 RJE session &1 in &2 is already active. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0045 Session &1 needs at least two communications entries. RJE0228 You require job control authority. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSND RJE session description Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: RJE session description Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB RDRS Start RJE readers *YES, *NO Optional, Positional 2 WTRS Start RJE writers *YES, *NO Optional, Positional 3 SNDSTRCMD Send HOST start commands *YES, *NO Optional CLRMSGQ Clear RJE message queue *YES, *NO Optional RETRIES Number of retries 1-99, *NONE Optional INTERVAL Retry interval 1-60, 10, *NONE Optional © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 147 Keyword Description Choices Notes PGM Program to call Single values: *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Program to call Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB Top RJE Session Desc (SSND) Specifies the qualified name of the session description for the session being started. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job that issued the command is used to locate the session description. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the session description. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the session description is located. session-description-name: Specify the name of the session description. This session description must have been created by the CRTRJECFG or CRTSSND command. Top Start RJE Readers (RDRS) Specifies whether the readers defined in the session description are started. The possible values are: v *YES: Readers are started. That is, all reader job queues defined in the session description are released by RJE, and a START command is sent to the host subsystem. Only readers with corresponding communications entries are started. The corresponding communications devices also must be varied on, or the session is not started. v *NO: Readers are not started. Use the STRRJERDR command to start the readers after the session is active. Top Start RJE Writers (WTRS) Specifies whether the writers defined in the session description are started. The possible values are: v *YES: Writers are started. Corresponding communications devices must be varied on, or the session is not started. v *NO: Writers are not started. If a request is received from the host subsystem for a writer that is not started, a message is sent to the RJE message queue. The data is held by the host subsystem until the writer is started. Use the STRRJEWTR command to start the writers after the session is active. Top 148 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Snd Host Start Cmd (SNDSTRCMD) Specifies whether, when the session is started, commands are sent to the host subsystem to start its readers and writers. The possible values are: v *YES: The start commands are sent. v *NO: The start commands are not sent. The start commands are sent to the host subsystem if the readers and writers are canceled and restarted in the same session. Use this option for RJE sessions in which the host logon procedure is set up to automatically issue the reader and writer start commands. Top Clear RJE MSGQ (CLRMSGQ) Specifies whether the messages from previous sessions are printed and cleared from the session description message queue. The possible values are: v *YES: Messages from the previous session are printed, and the session message queue is cleared. v *NO: The messages are not printed, and the queue is not cleared. Note: The CLRMSGQ parameter only takes effect when the session is initially started. If the session is restarted by automatic restart, CLRMSGQ is set to *NO. Top Number of Retries (RETRIES) Specifies the number of times automatic restart will attempt to restart a session that has ended abnormally. The possible values are: v *NONE: No restart attempts are made. v number-of-retries: Specify a value, from 1 to 99, to indicate the number of restart attempts. Top Retry Interval (INTERVAL) Specifies the length of time in minutes between each retry attempt. The possible values are: v 10: Retries will take place every 10 minutes until the session successfully restarts or the retries number is exceeded. v retry-interval: Specify a value between 1 and 60 to indicate the number of minutes. v *NONE: The interval between retry attempts is controlled by the user program. Top Start RJE Session (STRRJESSN) 149 Program to Call (PGM) Specifies a user program that will be called by automatic restart prior to each restart attempt. If automatic restart is activated, a user program should be used to recover the connection to the host system. RJE makes no attempt to recover this connection. The possible values are: v *NONE: A user program is not provided. v program name: Specify the name of a user program. If a library name is not specified, *LIBL is used. Note: The user is responsible for providing the program and for ensuring that it runs successfully, and returns control to RJE. If a user program is specified when the RETRIES parameter is *NONE, an error message is issued. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0012 RJE session &1 in &2 is already active. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0045 Session &1 needs at least two communications entries. RJE0228 You require job control authority. Top 150 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Start RJE Writer (STRRJEWTR) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Start RJE Writer The STRRJEWTR command starts either all writers, or a specific writer, which allows them to receive writer output from the host subsystem. If the host subsystem writer is already started, some host subsystems return error messages, which RJE ignores. If the STRRJESSN command is issued with WTRS(*NO) and SNDSTRCMD(*NO), a start command is not sent to the host subsystem the first time the writer is started. Error messages for STRRJEWTR *ESCAPE Messages RJE0003 RJE session &1 is not active. RJE0004 You are not permitted to access session description &1. RJE0017 &1 was not found in session description &2. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0034 No writers were defined in session &1. RJE0059 RJE cannot send host command to complete request. RJE0067 No members were found in file &1 in &2. RJE0146 You do not have authority to message queue &1. RJE0147 RJE did not find message file QRJEMSG. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes WTR RJE writer identification Qualifier list Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: RJE writer identification *ALL, PR1, PR2, PR3, PR4, PR5, PR6, PR7, PR8, PR9, PR10, PR11, PR12, PR13, PR14, PR15, PU1, PU2, PU3, PU4, PU5, PU6, PU7, PU8, PU9, PU10, PU11, PU12, PU13, PU14, PU15 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 151 Keyword Description Choices Notes SSN Active RJE session Qualifier list Required, Positional 2 Qualifier 1: Active RJE session Name FORMTYPE Host form type Character value, *WTRE Optional FILE Output file Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Output file Name, *WTRE Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB MBR Member Name, *WTRE, *FIRST, *GEN Optional FSN File member sequence number 0-999, *WTRE Optional DTAFMT Data format *WTRE, *DATA, *FCFC, *CMN Optional PGM Program to call Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Program to call Name, *WTRE, *NONE Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB MSGQ Message queue Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Message queue Name, *WTRE, *NONE Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB Top RJE Writer ID (WTR) Specifies the writer that is started. The possible values are: v *ALL: All writers in the session are started. v PR1 - PR15: Specify a value between PR1 and PR15 to indicate the printer to be started. v PU1 - PU15: Specify a value between PU1 and PU15 to indicate the punch to be started. Top Active RJE Session (SSN) Specifies the name of the active session that contains the writer being started. Top Host Form Type (FORMTYPE) Specifies the initial type of form on which to print the output if no PDIR or form-mount message is received from the host. The identifiers used to indicate the type of forms are user-defined, and can be up to eight characters in length. The possible values are: v *WTRE: The form type specified in the session description writer entry is used. v form-type: Specify the initial form type. Valid entries are from one to eight alphanumeric characters in length. This value corresponds to a valid entry in the FCT specified either in the CRTSSND or CRTRJECFG command. 152 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Top Output File (FILE) Specifies the qualified name of the file that receives the data from the host subsystem. The possible values are: v *WTRE: The file specified in the session description writer entry is used. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the file. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the file. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the file is located. v file-name: Specify the name of the diskette, DDM, physical, printer, or source physical file that receives the data from the host subsystem. Diskette and printer files must be program described. Top Member (MBR) Specifies the file member to which output is directed. This parameter applies only if you specified a DDM, physical, or source physical file in the FILE parameter of this command or in the associated session description writer entry. The possible values are: v *WTRE: Members are created according to the method specified in the session description writer entry. v *GEN: Creates a member name formatted as either Affffffccc or Bffffffccc where: A Indicates that the file member contains print data. B Indicates that the file member contains punch data. ffffff Up to the first six non-blank characters of the form type that was received from the host subsystem. Only A through Z, 0 through 9, $, #, @, and _ are valid in the form type that is used to generate member names. ccc Indicates a three-digit FSN controlled by the session to maintain file member uniqueness. If a member name already exists in the file, the three-digit sequence number is incremented by one until a unique name is reached and a member is created, or until sequence numbers up to and including 999 have been tried without creating a member. If no member is created, the writer issues a message requesting you to either try again or to cancel this file. v *FIRST: The first member of the file is used. v member-name: Specify the name of the member. If the member does not exist, an inquiry message is sent to the RJE message queue. Top Start RJE Writer (STRRJEWTR) 153 File Mbr Seq Number (FSN) Specifies the initial three-digit FSN that is used to create member names. This parameter applies only if *GEN is specified for the MBR parameter of this command or in the session description writer entry. The possible values are: v *WTRE: The FSN in the session description writer entry is used. v file-sequence-number: Specify the initial three-digit FSN. Leading zeros are not required for FSNs less than 100. Top Data Format (DTAFMT) Specifies the format of the output data. The possible values are: v *WTRE: The output format specified in the session description writer entry is used. v *FCFC: The output data is in first-character forms control (FCFC) format. If DEVTYPE(*PUN) is specified, *FCFC is not valid. The data can be written to a physical file in FCFC format and printed later using the Copy File (CPYF) command, specifying an FCFC printer file for the TOFILE parameter. The record length of the physical file must include one extra byte for the FCFC code. v *DATA: The output data is in data format. No FCFC codes are embedded in the data. Specify *DATA to send data to a physical file for processing by a program. v *CMN: The output data is in communications format (256-character records). *CMN format decreases communications time. Before using the data, issue the CVTRJEDTA command to convert it to either FCFC format or data format. If you specify *CMN, the output file must be a physical file with a record length of 256 bytes. Top Program to Call (PGM) Specifies the qualified name of a user program associated with the writer. The possible values are: v *WTRE: The program specified in the session description writer entry is used. v *NONE: No user program is associated with the writer. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the user program. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the user program. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the user program is located. v program-name: Specify the name of the user program. Top 154 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Message Queue (MSGQ) Specifies the qualified name of the message queue to which messages for the writer are sent. The possible values are: v *WTRE: The message queue specified in the session description writer entry is used. v *NONE: A message queue is not used. The possible library values are: – *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the message queue. – *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the message queue. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. – library-name: Specify the name of the library where the message queue is located. v message-queue-name: Specify the name of the message queue. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0003 RJE session &1 is not active. RJE0004 You are not permitted to access session description &1. RJE0017 &1 was not found in session description &2. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0034 No writers were defined in session &1. RJE0059 RJE cannot send host command to complete request. RJE0067 No members were found in file &1 in &2. RJE0146 You do not have authority to message queue &1. RJE0147 RJE did not find message file QRJEMSG. Top Start RJE Writer (STRRJEWTR) 155 156 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Work with Forms Control Table (WRKFCT) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Work with FCT Use the WRKFCT command to display, change, or remove FCT entries. The output is either shown on the Work with Forms Control Table Entries display, or printed with the job’s spooled output. Each line of the display presents information about the FCT entries. This information includes the host form type, the type of writer used (indicated by *PRT or *PUN), the local form type, and the name of the file that receives the output stream. Error messages for WRKFCT *ESCAPE Messages RJE0028 Device type &2 for form type &1 does not exist in &3. RJE0214 Command &1 failed. Entry &2 in &3 was not changed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes FCT Forms control table Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: Forms control table Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB FORMTYPE Host form type Character value, *ALL Optional, Positional 2 DEVTYPE Device type *ALL, *PRT, *PUN Optional, Positional 3 OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional Top Forms Cntrl Table (FCT) Specifies the qualified name of the FCT with which to work. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the FCT. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the FCT. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 157 v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the FCT is located. forms-control-table-name: Specify the name of the FCT with which to work. Top Host Form Type (FORMTYPE) Specifies the host form type associated with the FCT. The possible values are: v *ALL: Specifies all form types. v generic*-host-system-form-type: Specify the generic name of the host form type. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. If a generic name is specified, then all host form types with names that begin with that string, and for which you have authority, are shown. If an asterisk is not included, the system assumes the string to be the complete name of the host form type. For more information on the use of generic functions, see the CL Reference. v host-system-form-type: Specify the host form type. Top Device Type (DEVTYPE) Specifies the device type for which the specified form type is displayed. The possible values are: v *ALL: All device types are selected. v *PRT: Only printer devices are selected. v *PUN: Only punch devices are selected. Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether output from the command is displayed at the requesting workstation, or printed with the job’s spooled output. The possible values are: v *: Output requested by an interactive job is shown on the display. Output requested by a batch job is printed with the job’s spooled output. v *PRINT: Output is printed with the job’s spooled output. The IBM-supplied printer file QPDSPFCT is used to print the FCT. Top Examples None Top 158 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0028 Device type &2 for form type &1 does not exist in &3. RJE0214 Command &1 failed. Entry &2 in &3 was not changed. Top Work with Forms Control Table (WRKFCT) 159 160 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Work with RJE Session (WRKRJESSN) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Work with RJE Session The WRKRJESSN command allows you to work with information about the status of an active session. You can start and cancel readers and writers; and show information about active readers and writers, about the session used by an active reader or writer, and about the session attributes. Error messages for WRKRJESSN *ESCAPE Messages RJE0003 RJE session &1 is not active. RJE0004 You are not permitted to access session description &1. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0126 RJE session ended while WRKRJESSN command was active. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSN Active RJE session Name Required, Positional 1 OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional, Positional 2 Top Active RJE Session (SSN) Specifies the name of the session being shown. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 161 Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether output from the command is displayed at the requesting workstation, or printed with the job’s spooled output. The possible values are: v *: Output requested by an interactive job is shown on the display. Output requested by a batch job is printed with the job’s spooled output. v *PRINT: Output is printed with the job’s spooled output. The IBM-supplied printer file QPRJESTS is used to print the session status. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0003 RJE session &1 is not active. RJE0004 You are not permitted to access session description &1. RJE0024 Errors found. Processing of request ended. RJE0126 RJE session ended while WRKRJESSN command was active. Top 162 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Work with Session Description (WRKSSND) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Work with Session Desc The WRKSSND command allows you to work with the current contents of either an active or an inactive session description. Error messages for WRKSSND *ESCAPE Messages RJE0221 Command &1 was canceled or failed. Entry &2 not changed. RJE0222 Command &1 was canceled or failed. Entry &2 was not changed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SSND RJE session description Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: RJE session description Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional, Positional 2 Top RJE Session Desc (SSND) Specifies the qualified name of the session description being worked with. The possible library values are: v *LIBL: The library list for the job is used to locate the session description. v *CURLIB: The current library for the job is used to locate the session description. If no current library is specified, QGPL is used. v library-name: Specify the name of the library where the session description is located. session-description-name: Specify the name of the session description to be shown. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 163 Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether output from the command is displayed at the requesting workstation, or printed with job’s spooled output. The possible values are: v *: Output requested by an interactive job is shown on the display. Output requested by a batch job is printed with the job’s spooled output. v *PRINT: Output is printed with the job’s spooled output. The IBM-supplied printer file QPRTSSND is used to print the session status. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages RJE0221 Command &1 was canceled or failed. Entry &2 not changed. RJE0222 Command &1 was canceled or failed. Entry &2 was not changed. Top 164 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Appendix. Notices This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user’s responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. 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Notices 167 168 IBM Systems - iSeries: Communications Utilities for iSeries Commands Printed in USA Voir également : IBM Systems - iSeries Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Version 5 Release 4 IBM Systems - iSeries Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Version 5 Release 4 Note Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the information in “Notices,” on page 477. Second Edition (February 2006) This edition applies to version 5, release 4, modification 0 of Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries (product number 5722-BR1) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. This version does not run on all reduced instruction set computer (RISC) models nor does it run on CICS models. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1998, 2006. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Contents Add Media to BRM (ADDMEDBRM) . . . 1 Add Media Information to BRM (ADDMEDIBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Add Media Library Media to BRM (ADDMLMBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Analyze Libraries using BRM (ANZLIBBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Change Link List (CHGLNKLBRM) . . . 33 Change Media using BRM (CHGMEDBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Change Job Scheduler (CHGSCDBRM) 43 Check Expired Media for BRM (CHKEXPBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Copy Media Info for BRM (CPYMEDIBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Dump BRMS (DMPBRM) . . . . . . . 55 Display ASP Information (DSPASPBRM) 59 Display Backup Plan using BRM (DSPBKUBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Display Duplicate Media (DSPDUPBRM) 63 Display Log for BRM (DSPLOGBRM) 65 Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Extract Media Information (EXTMEDIBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Initialize BRMS (INZBRM). . . . . . . 89 Initialize Media using BRM (INZMEDBRM). . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Migrate using BRM (MGRBRM) . . . . 103 Monitor Save While Active (MONSWABRM) . . . . . . . . . . 107 Move Media using BRM (MOVMEDBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 111 Move Spooled Files using BRM (MOVSPLFBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 117 Print Labels using BRM (PRTLBLBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Print Media Exceptions for BRM (PRTMEDBRM). . . . . . . . . . . 127 Print Media Movement (PRTMOVBRM) 129 Remove Log Entries from BRM (RMVLOGEBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 133 Remove Media Volumes from BRM (RMVMEDBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 137 Remove Media Info from BRM (RMVMEDIBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 139 Resume Retrieve using BRM (RSMRTVBRM). . . . . . . . . . . 141 Restore Authority using BRM (RSTAUTBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Restore Object using BRM (RSTBRM) 151 Restore DLO using BRM (RSTDLOBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Restore Library using BRM (RSTLIBBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Restore Object using BRM (RSTOBJBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Save Object using BRM (SAVBRM) 185 Save DLO using BRM (SAVDLOBRM) 205 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 iii Save Folder List using BRM (SAVFLRLBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 223 Save Library using BRM (SAVLIBBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Save Media Info using BRM (SAVMEDIBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 261 Save Object using BRM (SAVOBJBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 273 Save Object List using BRM (SAVOBJLBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 295 Save Save Files using BRM (SAVSAVFBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 317 Save System using BRM (SAVSYSBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Set Media Controls using BRM (SETMEDBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 335 Set Retrieve Controls for BRM (SETRTVBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 341 Set User Usage for BRM (SETUSRBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 351 Start Archive using BRM (STRARCBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Start Backup using BRM (STRBKUBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 357 Start Expiration for BRM (STREXPBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 365 Start Migration using BRM (STRMGRBRM). . . . . . . . . . . 369 Start Maintenance for BRM (STRMNTBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 375 Start Recovery using BRM (STRRCYBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 385 Start Subsystems using BRM (STRSBSBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . 399 Verify Moves using BRM (VFYMOVBRM). . . . . . . . . . . 401 Work with ASP Descriptions (WRKASPBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 403 Work with Calendars using BRM (WRKCALBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 407 Work with Classes using BRM (WRKCLSBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 409 Work with Containers using BRM (WRKCNRBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 411 Work with Control Groups (WRKCTLGBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 415 Work with Devices using BRM (WRKDEVBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 417 Work with Saved Folders (WRKFLRBRM). . . . . . . . . . . 419 Work with Lists using BRM (WRKLBRM) . . . . . . . . . . . . 423 Work with Link Information (WRKLNKBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 425 Work with Locations using BRM (WRKLOCBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 429 Work with Media using BRM (WRKMEDBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 431 Work with Media Information (WRKMEDIBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 439 Work with Migration Info (WRKMGRIBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 447 Work with Media Libraries (WRKMLBBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 453 Work with Media Library Media (WRKMLMBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 455 Work with Saved Objects (WRKOBJBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 459 Work with Policies using BRM (WRKPCYBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 465 Work with Recovery Activities (WRKRCYBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 467 iv IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with Save Files (WRKSAVFBRM) 469 Work with Saved Spooled Files (WRKSPLFBRM) . . . . . . . . . . 471 Appendix. Notices . . . . . . . . . 477 Contents v vi IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Add Media to BRM (ADDMEDBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Add Media to BRM (ADDMEDBRM) command adds a media volume to the BRMS media inventory. The volume can be a volume from another media inventory that contains active data, the volume can be a volume from some other outside source, or a new volume that you want to initialize. Once added, BRMS tracks the volume’s characteristics, location, use and content. When you add the volume, you must specify the media class of the volume. You can also specify how you want the volume to move, where the volume is located, its container (if any) and other miscellaneous attributes. If the numbering scheme of the volumes that you are adding is consecutive, the ADDMEDBRM command will automatically add the volumes without having to add the volumes one at a time. Virtual tape media and devices can be used with this command. The following restrictions apply to the use of virtual media and virtual devices. v The Device (DEV) parameter is limited on only one device or *MEDCLS special value for serial operations. v Execute authority is required to the Load or Unload Image Catalog (LODIMGCLG) command. v *CHANGE authority is required to the image catalogs. v Execute (*X) authority is required to each directory in the image catalog path name. v Read, write, execute (*RWX) authority is required to each image file in the parent directory that will be loaded or mounted. v *USE authority is required to the virtual devices using the image catalogs. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. i5/OS uses certain volume identifiers for special purposes. You should avoid using these volume identifiers in your volume labeling. Volume identifiers that you should avoid are: TAPxxx NLTxxx BLKxxx CLNxxx ERRxxx SLTxxx IMPxxx 2. To add a virtual volume, you must specify the name of an existing tape image catalog on the Image catalog (IMGCLG) parameter, These additional restrictions apply when adding virtual media: v The name specified for the Volume identifier (VOL) parameter must exist as a tape volume name in the image catalog entries. v The density of the virtual volume (image catalog entry) must be the same as the density of the media class. v You must specify 1 for Number to add (VOLCNT). Virtual volumes can only be added individually. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 1 v You must specify *LCL or the current system name for System (SYSNAME). Virtual tape media resides in storage on the current system. v Cleaning and volume statistic are not maintained for virtual tape media. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes VOL Volume identifier Character value Required, Positional 1 MEDCLS Media class Name Required, Positional 2 VOLCNT Number to add 1-999, 1 Optional INZ Initialize tape *NO, *YES Optional EXPDATE Expiration date Character value, *NONE, *PERM Optional MOVDATE Last moved date Character value, *NONE Optional MOVPCY Move policy Name, *NONE Optional CRTDATE Creation date Date, *CURRENT Optional SLOT Slot number 1-999999, *NEXT, *NONE Optional SYSNAME System Name, *LCL Optional TEXT Text Character value, *NONE Optional IMGCLG Image catalog Name, *NONE Optional DEV Device Name Optional NEWOWNID New owner identifier Character value, *BLANK Optional CHECK Check for active files *YES, *FIRST, *NO Optional CODE Code *EBCDIC, *ASCII Optional ENDOPT End of tape option *REWIND, *UNLOAD Optional CLEAR Clear *NO, *YES Optional NXTVOLMSG Next volume message *YES, *NO Optional DLY Tape mount delay 1-900, *DEV, *IMMED Optional LOC Location Name, *HOME Optional CNR Container ID Name, *NONE Optional USECNT Media uses Decimal number, 0 Optional READERR Read errors Decimal number, 0 Optional WRTERR Write errors Decimal number, 0 Optional BYTEREAD Bytes read Decimal number, 0 Optional BYTEWRT Bytes written Decimal number, 0 Optional CURBYTES Current bytes written Decimal number, 0 Optional MAXBYTES Maximum bytes written Decimal number, 0 Optional LASTCLN Last clean date Date, *NONE Optional USECLN Uses since cleaning Decimal number, 0 Optional Top 2 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Volume identifier (VOL) Specifies the identifier of the volume being added to the BRMS media inventory. If the volume is being added to a media class using a virtual density, the volume-identifier must match the Tape volume nameof the image catalog entry. This is a required parameter. volume-identifier Specify the identifier of the volume being added to the media inventory. The volume identifier is a maximum of six characters in length. A volume cannot be added if its volume identifier already exists in the BRMS media inventory. Note: Valid characters for the volume identifier are 0 - 9 and A - Z. Top Media class (MEDCLS) Specifies the user-defined name of a media class for the volume you are adding. Media classes can be reviewed in the Work with Media Classes display. This is a required parameter. Top Number to add (VOLCNT) Specifies the number of volumes to add during this session. The value specified in the Volume identifier (VOL) parameter is increased by 1 for each volume added until the end of the count is reached. If the new volume identifier cannot be increased because of the way a volume is named, such as TAPEB9, an error message is sent. Note: You can add a maximum of 999 volumes at a time, even though the field can hold up to 5 digits. 1 Adds a single volume. number-to-add Specify the number of volumes to add. For instance, specifying a ″5″ would add 5 volumes, each volume being increased by 1, such as T00001, T00002, T00003 and so on. The first volume (T00001 in the above example) is the volume specified in the Volume identifier (VOL) parameter. The maximum number of volumes that you can add at a time is 999. Top Initialize tape (INZ) Specifies whether the volumes that you are adding are to be initialized. *NO The volume that you are adding is not to be initialized. This is used if the volume has been initialized outside of BRMS and contains active data. You can specify the expiration date for this volume in the Expiration date (EXPDATE) parameter. *YES The volume is to be initialized with the ADDMEDBRM command and is to be added to the BRMS media inventory. The date in the Expiration date (EXPDATE) parameter is set to *NONE (all zeros). Add Media to BRM (ADDMEDBRM) 3 If you specify *YES for the Initialize tape (INZ) parameter, you must specify the Device (DEV) parameter. You must specify a device of category *VRTTAP if the media class uses a virtual density (*VRT32K *VRT64K *VRT240K *VRT256K). Top Expiration date (EXPDATE) Specifies the expiration date of the media volume that is added to the media inventory. If a date is specified, the file is protected and cannot be overwritten until the expiration date. *NONE The media is expired media and can be used in backup or archive processing. A value of *NONE means that the volume is a new volume that has been added to the media inventory or that the volume has been reinitialized. *PERM The media has a permanent retention and cannot be used in backup or archive processing. expiration-date Specify the date when protection for the media ends. Top Last moved date (MOVDATE) Specifies the last date this volume was moved prior to being added to the media inventory. *NONE You are not assigning a last moved date for this volume. move-date Specify the date that this volume was last moved. Top Move policy (MOVPCY) Specifies the user-defined name of a move policy that you want to use for this volume. Note: Virtual media cannot be moved. Move policies are assigned to virtual volumes so the policy can be replicated to the output media when the virtual volume is duplicated. *NONE You are not assigning this volume a move policy. move-policy-name Specify the user-defined name of the move policy that you are assigning to this media volume. Top Creation date (CRTDATE) Specifies the date that the first file on this volume was written. *CURRENT You are assigning the current date as the creation date for this volume. 4 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands creation-date Specify the date that this volume had data written on it. The date must be specified in job date format. Top Slot number (SLOT) Specifies the slot number for the volume that you have selected to add. *NEXT Use the next available slot number if the specified location allows media slotting. *NONE No slot is assigned to the volume that you are adding. slot-number Specify the slot number that you are assigning to this volume. Slot numbers can be any number from 1 to 999999. Top System (SYSNAME) Specifies the system identifier for the volume that you are adding. *LCL Specifies that the system is the local system. BRMS uses the default local location name, LCLLOCNAME and not the system name SYSNAME. In most cases, the systems have the same value specified in the LCLLOCNAME and in the SYSNAME. You can use the DSPNETA command to view the system network attributes. location-name Specify the name of the remote location associated with the system. The local system’s network identifier, as seen by using the DSPNETA command, is used as the system’s network identifier. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value. network-id.location-name Specify the network identifier and the name of the remote location associated with the system. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the network identifier and cccccccc is the remote location name. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value. Top Text (TEXT) Specifies text to describe the media that you are adding. *NONE There is no text associated with the volume that you are adding. text Specify the text for the volume that you are adding. Top Add Media to BRM (ADDMEDBRM) 5 Image catalog (IMGCLG) Specifies the name of the image catalog for a tape volume being added which is a virtual volume. The image catalog and image catalog entry for the volume being added must exist before you can add and initialize the virtual volumes. Note: Use GO CMDCLG and GO CMDCLGE to view the menus for commands used to manage image catalogs and image catalog entries. *NONE Specifies this is not a virtual volume. image-catalog Specifies the name of the image catalog which contains the image catalog entry for a virtual volume. Top Device (DEV) Specifies the name of the tape device which is used to initialize the volume. The tape device you specify must be one whose category is *TAP or *TAPMLB as shown on the WRKDEVBRM display. This is a required parameter when *YES is specified in the Initialize tape (INZ) parameter. You must specify a device of category *VRTTAP if the media class uses a virtual density (*VRT32K *VRT64K *VRT240K *VRT256K). Top New owner identifier (NEWOWNID) Specifies the volume owner’s identifier to write in the volume label of the volume being written. *BLANK The owner identification field is set to blanks. new-owner-identifier Specify no more than 14 characters to identify the owner of the volume. If fewer than 14 characters are specified, the field is left-justified and is filled with blanks on the right. Top Check for active files (CHECK) Specifies whether a labeled volume should be checked for active data files before it is initialized for use. If an unlabeled volume is placed in the specified device, this parameter is ignored. *YES All data file labels on the volume are checked. If any active files are found, the operation is ended and an error message is sent. *FIRST Only the first data file label on the volume is checked. If there are no data files on the volume or if the first data file has expired, the volume is initialized for use without checking for any other files on the volume. If the first data file has not expired, the operation is ended and an error message is sent. *NO Volume initialization continues with no checking for active files. To initialize a new or empty volume, *NO must be specified and *MOUNTED must be specified on the Volume identifier (VOL) parameter. 6 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Top Code (CODE) Specifies the character code in which the volume label is written. All data that is not save/restore data written after the label must be in the same code; codes cannot be intermixed on a volume that is not a save/restore volume. *EBCDIC The volume label is written in EBCDIC and is an IBM standard label; all additional data must also be written in EBCDIC. *ASCII The volume label is written in ASCII and is an American National Standard Institute standard label; all additional data must also be written in ASCII. Top End of tape option (ENDOPT) Specifies whether the volume is only rewound, or rewound and unloaded after it has been initialized for use. *REWIND The volume is rewound after it has been initialized for use. *UNLOAD The volume is rewound and unloaded. Top Clear (CLEAR) Specifies whether all labels and data are to be deleted from the volume when it is initialized for use. If the volume must be cleared of all data, it is deleted from the location of the volume label or volume marks to the end of the volume marker. *NO Existing data is not deleted. Even though the existing data is not deleted, the data on the volume is not usable after the volume has been initialized for use. *YES After the beginning of the volume has been initialized for use, the remaining data on the volume is deleted. Top Next volume message (NXTVOLMSG) Specifies whether you want BRMS to notify you through messages to place another volume on a device. *YES BRMS will send you messages when the device is ready to accept another volume. *NO You do not want BRMS to send you messages as soon as the device is ready to accept another volume. Top Add Media to BRM (ADDMEDBRM) 7 Tape mount delay (DLY) Specifies how long you want the device to delay before it begins processing the next volume on a device. *DEV The device should begin processing the next volume based on the device default. *IMMED The device should begin processing the next volume as soon as it finishes the previous volume. number-of-seconds Specify the number of seconds that the device should wait before is begins processing the next volume. The number of seconds can range from 1 to 900. Top Storage location (LOC) Specifies the name of the storage location for the volume you are adding. Storage locations are used to hold media and containers. Storage locations can be local, that is, your computer room, or volume inventory or offsite, like a vault or vaulting service. Storage location names are user-defined. Storage locations are set up in the Work with Storage Locations display. The choices on the command reflect the locations that you have set up. *HOME The volume is assigned to a location called *HOME. location-name Specify the name of the storage location for this volume. Top Container ID (CNR) Specifies the name of a container to which you want to add this volume. The container must be of a class that can accommodate this type of media. *NONE You are not storing this volume in a container. container-ID-name Specify the name of the container in which you are storing this volume. Top Media uses (USECNT) Specifies the number of times that a media volume has been read from or written to. When the volume exceeds the usage threshold value for media in its media class, it should be taken out of service and replaced with a newer volume. The usage threshold value can be reviewed in the Work with Media Classes display. Media uses is expressed in number of uses. 0 Initializes the media uses as zero. media-uses Specify a number of media uses. Top 8 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Read errors (READERR) Specifies the number of read errors that have been recorded for each media volume in the media inventory. When the number of read errors exceeds the value specified in the read error threshold for a volume’s media class, the volume should be replaced with a new volume. The read error threshold value can be reviewed in the Work with Media Classes display. Read errors are expressed in kilobytes per read error. The following guidelines can be used to determine the Read error threshold value for your media class. If a volume or cartridge exceeds the criteria, copy the contents to a new volume and discard the old volume. 3570 One temporary read error per 1000 megabytes read. 3580 One temporary read error per 10 gigabytes read. 3590 One temporary read error per 10 gigabytes read. 3480 and 3490 One temporary read error per 50,000,000 KB read. 1/4-Inch cartridge (6341, 6346, 6366 and 9346 and 6342 and 6347 at 10,000 bpi density) One temporary read error per 12,500 KB read. 1/4-Inch Cartridge (6342 and 6347 at 16,000 bpi density) One temporary read error per 4,170 read. 8-Millimeter cartridges (7208) One temporary read error per 100 KB read. 1/2-inch volume reel (9347) One temporary read error per 50,000 KB read. 1/2-inch tape reel (9348 and 2440) One temporary read error per 100,000 KB read. 1/2-inch tape reel (3422) One temporary read error per 144,000 KB read. If all volumes used in a single drive exceed these criteria, the read/write heads are probably dirty. You should also discard tape reels and tape cartridges with a hard read error. 0 Initializes the read errors as zero. read-errors Specify a number of read errors. Top Write errors (WRTERR) Specifies the number of write errors that have been recorded for each media volume in the media inventory. When the number of write errors exceeds the value specified in the write error threshold for a volume’s media class, the volume should be replaced with a new volume. The write error threshold value can be reviewed in the Work with Media Classes display. Write errors are expressed in kilobytes per write error. The following guidelines can be used to determine the Write error threshold value for your media class. If a volume or cartridge exceeds the criteria, copy the contents to a new volume and discard the old volume. 3570 One temporary write error per 250 GB written. Add Media to BRM (ADDMEDBRM) 9 3580 One temporary write error per 10 GB written. 3590 One temporary write error per 1 GB written. 3480 and 3490 One temporary write error per 12,500 KB written. 1/4-Inch Cartridge (6341, 6346, 6366 and 9346 and 6342 and 6347 at 10,000 bpi density) One temporary write error per 1,250 KB written. 1/4-Inch Cartridge (6342 and 6347 at 16,000 bpi density) One temporary write error per 890 KB written. 8-Millimeter cartridges (7208) One temporary write error per 50 KB written. 1/2-inch tape reel (9347) One temporary write error per 4,500 KB written. 1/2-inch tape reel (9348 and 2440) One temporary write error per 5,000 KB written for 1600 bpi. One temporary write error per 8,500 KB written for 6250 bpi. 1/2-inch tape reel (3422) One temporary write error per 8,500 KB written. If all tapes used in a single drive exceed these criteria, the read/write heads are probably dirty. You should also discard volumes and tape cartridges with a hard write error. 0 Initializes the write errors as zero. write-errors Specify a number of write errors. Top Millions of bytes read (BYTEREAD) Specifies the number of bytes read (in millions of bytes) from the volume since its creation date. 0 Initializes the bytes read as zero. bytes-read Specify a number of bytes read (in millions of bytes). Top Millions of bytes written (BYTEWRT) Specifies the number of bytes written (in millions of bytes) to the volume since its creation date. 0 Initializes the bytes written as zero. bytes-written Specify a number of bytes written (in millions of bytes). Top Current millions of bytes written (CURBYTES) Specifies the number of bytes currently written (in millions of bytes) on the media volume. 10 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands 0 Initializes the current bytes written as zero. current-bytes-written Specify a number of current bytes written (in millions of bytes). Top Maximum millions of bytes written (MAXBYTES) Specifies the maximum number of bytes (in millions of bytes) that can be written to this volume. 0 Initializes the maximum bytes written as zero. maximum-bytes-written Specify a maximum number of bytes written (in millions of bytes). Top Last clean date (LASTCLN) Specifies the last date that the media volume was cleaned. *NONE No date is specified for the last cleaning date. last-cleaning-date Specify the last date that the volume was cleaned. Top Uses since cleaning (USECLN) Specifies the number of uses since the last cleaning. When this number equals or exceeds the uses before cleaning parameter for this media class, the volume should be cleaned before using it further. The uses before cleaning value can be reviewed in the Work with Media Classes display. 0 Initializes the uses since cleaning as zero. uses-since-cleaning Specify a number of uses since cleaning. Top Examples Example 1: Adding a Volume to BRMS ADDMEDBRM VOL(T00001) MEDCLS(QIC1000) This command adds volumes to the BRMS media inventory. In this example, volume T00001 is assigned a media class of QIC1000 and is added to the BRMS media inventory. The volume is not initialized and is added as expired. Example 2: Adding and Initializing a Volume to BRMS ADDMEDBRM VOL(T00002) MEDCLS(QIC1000) INZ(*YES) DEV(TAP01) Add Media to BRM (ADDMEDBRM) 11 This command adds the volume T00002 to the BRMS media inventory with a media class of QIC1000. The volume is initialized using device TAP01. Example 3: Adding a Virtual Volume to BRMS ADDMEDBRM VOL(VRT001) MEDCLS(VRT256K) INZ(*YES) DEV(VRTTAP) IMGCLG(VRTIMGCLG) This command adds the virtual volume VRT001 to the BRMS media inventory with a media class of VRT256K. The volume is initialized using device VRTTAP. Image catalog VRTIMGCLG contains the image catalog entry for VRT001. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1134 Device &1 not found. BRM133E Image catalog entry does not exist for virtual volume &2. BRM133F Image catalog does not exist for virtual volume &2. BRM1713 Media class &2 not found. BRM1717 Volume cannot be renamed &1. BRM1762 Volume &1 was not initialized. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM4041 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 12 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Add Media Information to BRM (ADDMEDIBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Add Media Information to BRM (ADDMEDIBRM) command adds file level detail to the BRMS media inventory content volume information. The files, and the volumes that contain them can be from another tape inventory or from some other outside source. The purpose of the command is to allow user applications or another volume management system to insert data (volume file descriptions) into the BRMS media contents information so that the volumes and their contents can be managed. Multiple volumes will write a media information record for each volume with the volume sequence being increased as the records are added. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. You can only add media content information to an expired volume. 2. This command adds records to the BRMS media content information file based on the information you supply, particularly in regard to file sequence, volume and so on. It is critical that you are careful to apply the correct information and have a full understanding of the command before you use it. 3. The volume for which you are adding content information must exist in the media inventory and the volume, file sequence and volume sequence must be unique in the BRMS media inventory contents information. 4. You can specify only one virtual tape device for the Device (DEV) parameter. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes VOL Volume Values (up to 300 repetitions): Character value Required, Positional 1 VOLSEQ Volume sequence 1-9999 Required, Positional 2 SEQNBR Sequence number 1-16777215 Required, Positional 3 LABEL File label Character value, *TYPE Optional, Positional 4 TYPE Type *LIB, *ALLDLO, *LINK, *QHST, *SAVCFG, *SAVSECDTA, *SAVSYS Optional, Positional 5 LIB Library Name Optional LNKLIST Link list Name, *LINK Optional © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 13 Keyword Description Choices Notes FILE File origin *FILE, *SAV, *SAVCFG, *SAVCHG, *SAVCHGOBJ, *SAVCHGDLO, *SAVDLO, *SAVLIB, *SAVOBJ, *SAVSECDTA, *SAVSYS Optional INCTYPE Incremental type *CUML, *INCR Optional CRTDATE Entry date Date, *CURRENT Optional CRTTIME Entry time Time, *CURRENT Optional EXPDATE Expiration date Character value, *PERM Optional DEV Device Single values: *NONE Other values (up to 4 repetitions): Name Optional STRVOL Beginning volume Character value, *VOL Optional ASP Auxiliary storage pool 1-255, *SYSTEM Optional ASPDEV Auxiliary storage pool device Name, *NONE Optional FLR Folder Character value, *ANY Optional OBJSAV Objects saved 1-999999, 1 Optional OBJNOTSAV Objects not saved 0-999999, 0 Optional CTLGRP Control group Name, *NONE, *ARCGRP, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Optional RCDFMT Record format U, F, V, *NONE Optional RCDLEN Record length 0-32760, 0 Optional BLKLEN Block length 0-32760, 32760 Optional BLKCNT Block count 0-999999, 1 Optional TEXT Text Character value, *NONE Optional Top Volume (VOL) Specifies the volume identifier or identifiers of the volume or volumes that contain the file that is being added to the BRMS media inventory contents information. Volumes must be enrolled in the BRMS media inventory. A maximum of 300 volumes can be specified here. This is a required parameter. volume-identifier Specify the identifier of the volume that contains the file being added to the BRMS media inventory contents information. The volume identifier is a maximum of six characters in length. The volume must already exists in the BRMS media inventory. Top Volume sequence (VOLSEQ) Specifies the sequence number of the volume that contains the file that you are adding to the BRMS media inventory contents information. The volume sequence number is the sequence number of the volume that contains the beginning of the file that you are adding. If you specify a volume sequence other than 1 in the Volume sequence (VOLSEQ) parameter, you must specify the beginning volume of the media set in the Beginning volume (STRVOL) parameter. If you specify a 1 in the Volume sequence (VOLSEQ) parameter, the volume specified in the Volume (VOL) parameter must match the volume specified in the Beginning volume (STRVOL) parameter or be *VOL. This is a required parameter. 14 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Top Sequence number (SEQNBR) Specifies the sequence number of the file that you are adding to the media inventory. The sequence number is the file sequence of the file on the volume that you are adding. This is a required parameter. Top File label (LABEL) Specifies the label for the file that you are adding to the media content information. *TYPE The label of the file is used. label-identifier Specify the label identifier for the file. Top Type (TYPE) Specifies the special value associated with the file that you are adding to the BRMS media content information. *LIB The type of information that you are adding is library information. If you specify *LIB for the Type (TYPE) parameter, you must specify a library name in the Library (LIB) parameter. *ALLDLO The type of information that you are adding is document library information. *LINK The type of information that you are adding is integrated file system object information. *QHST The type of information that you are adding is history information. *SAVCFG The type of information that you are adding is configuration information. *SAVSECDTA The type of information that you are adding is security information. *SAVSYS The type of information that you are adding is system save information. Top Library (LIBRARY) Specifies the library name of the library whose content information you are adding to the BRMS media content information. This parameter is required when *LIB is specified in the Type (TYPE) parameter. Top Add Media Information to BRM (ADDMEDIBRM) 15 Link list (LNKLIST) Specifies the link list name to be associated with the integrated file system object information that you are adding to the BRMS media content information. *LINK Specifies that the entry created is associated with the *LINK type save used in a control group. list-name Specifies the list name that the entry created is associated with. Note: The list name that you specify is shown as the backup item name when working with media information. Top File origin (FILE) Specifies the operation that was used to create the file that you are adding to the media information file. *FILE The file that you are adding was not created using a save operation. *SAV The file that you are adding to the BRMS media inventory contents information was created using a Save Object (SAV) command. *SAVCFG The file that you are adding to the BRMS media inventory contents information was created using a Save Configuration ( SAVCFG) command. *SAVCHG The file that you are adding to the BRMS media inventory contents information was created using a SAV command with a selected reference date and time. *SAVCHGDLO The file that you are adding to the BRMS media inventory contents information was created using a SAVDLO command with a selected reference date and time. *SAVCHGOBJ The file that you are adding to the BRMS media inventory contents information was created using a Save Changed Objects (SAVCHGOBJ) command. *SAVDLO The file that you are adding to the BRMS media inventory contents information was created using a Save Document Library Object (SAVDLO) command. *SAVLIB The file that you are adding to the BRMS media inventory contents information was created using a Save Library (SAVLIB) command. *SAVOBJ The file that you are adding to the BRMS media inventory contents information was created using a Save Object (SAVOBJ) command. *SAVSECDTA The file that you are adding to the BRMS media inventory contents information was created using a Save Security Data (SAVSECDTA) command. *SAVSYS The file that you are adding to the BRMS media inventory contents information was created using a Save System (SAVSYS) command. Top 16 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Incremental type (INCTYPE) Specifies the type of incremental save for the content information that you are adding to the BRMS media content information. *CUML Only save items that have changed. *CUML indicates that the incremental save includes all objects that have been changed since the last full save. *INCR Only save changed items. *INCR indicates that the incremental save includes all objects that have been changed since the last incremental save. Top Entry date (CRTDATE) Specifies the date the file was created. Dates are entered in job date format with or without date separators. *CURRENT The date the file was saved is the current date of the system. entry-date Specify the date that the file was saved. Top Entry time (CRTTIME) Specifies the time that each file was created. Time is expressed in the hhmmss format where hh = hours, mm = minutes, and ss = seconds. *CURRENT The time the file was saved is the current time of the system. entry-time Specify the time the file was saved. Top Expiration date (EXPDATE) Specifies the expiration date of the file that is added to the media content information. If a date is specified, the file is protected and cannot be overwritten until the expiration date has passed. Dates are entered in job date format with or without date separators. *PERM The file has a permanent retention and cannot be used. *VER nnn Specify the number of versions that are kept in the BRMS media inventory contents information. For instance, *VER 003 indicates that three versions of the save item are kept. When the fourth version of the save item is created, the earliest version is removed and replaced by the fourth version of the save. Note: *VER 003 is not the version number. It is the number of versions as specified in the media policy. Add Media Information to BRM (ADDMEDIBRM) 17 expiration-date Specify the date when protection for the file ends. Top Device (DEV) Specifies the name of the device or devices which were used to create the file. Single values *NONE No devices are to be associated with the file that you are adding to the BRMS media inventory contents information. Other values (up to 4 repetitions) device-name Specify the name of the device that you want to associate with the file that you are adding to the BRMS media inventory contents information. Top Beginning volume (STRVOL) Specifies the beginning volume of the media set that contains the file that you are adding to the media information. For instance if you had a 3 volume media set, T00001, T00002 and T00003 and you were adding the fourth file in the media set (which is on T00002), the value in the Volume (VOL) parameter would be T00002, the value in the Sequence number (SEQNBR) parameter would be 4, the Volume sequence (VOLSEQ) parameter would be 2 and the Beginning volume (STRVOL) parameter would be T00001. *VOL The first volume specified in the Volume list is the beginning volume. This can only be true when the Volume sequence is equal to 1. volume-identifier Specify the volume identifier that is the beginning volume for the media set that contains the file that you are adding to the BRMS media inventory contents information. Top Auxiliary storage pool (ASP) Specifies the auxiliary storage pool number for the file that you are adding to the media content information. *SYSTEM The content information you are adding was saved from the system (1) auxiliary storage pool. auxiliary-storage-pool-number The content information you are adding was saved from the auxiliary storage pool identified by this number. Note: The auxiliary storage pool number must be less than 33 if a value of *ALLDLO or *SAVCAL is specified for the Type (TYPE) parameter. Top 18 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Auxiliary storage pool device (ASPDEV) Specifies the auxiliary storage pool device for the file that you are adding to the media content information. *NONE The content information you are adding was saved from the system (1) or a basic user (2-32) auxiliary storage pool. *NONE must be specified if the value for ASP is *SYSTEM or 1-32. auxiliary-storage-pool-name The content information you are adding was saved from the auxiliary storage pool device identified by this name. An auxiliary storage pool device name must be specified if the value for ASP is 33-255. Top Folder (FLR) Specifies the name of the folder that is associated with the file that you are adding to the BRMS media inventory contents information. The Folder (FLR) parameter is associated with values that are specified in the Library (LIB) parameter and the File origin (FILE) parameter. If you specify *ALLDLO or QDOC in the Library (LIB) parameter, the value *ANY is defaulted in the Folder (FLR) parameter. If you specify SAVDLO or SAVCHGDLO on the File origin (FILE)parameter, you must specify either QDOC or *ALLDLO on the Library (LIB) parameter. The Folder (FLR) parameter defaults to *ANY. *ANY The file that you are adding to the media content information can contain any folder. folder-name Specify the name of the folder for the file that you are adding to the media content information. Top Objects saved (OBJSAV) Specifies the number of objects saved for the file that you are adding to the media content information. 1 The number of saved objects is one. number-of-objects-saved Specify the number of objects saved. Top Objects not saved (OBJNOTSAV) Specifies the number of objects that were not saved for the file that you are adding to the media content information. 0 The number of objects not saved is zero. number-of-objects-not-saved Specify the number of objects that were not saved. Top Add Media Information to BRM (ADDMEDIBRM) 19 Control group (CTLGRP) Specifies the control group with which you want to associate the file that you are adding to the media content information. *NONE You do not want to associate the file that you are adding to the media content information with a control group. *ARCGRP You want to associate the file that you are adding to the media content information with the archive control group. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKUGRP You want to associate the file that you are adding to the media content information with the backup user data control group. *SYSGRP You want to associate the file that you are adding to the media content information with the system data control group. *SYSTEM You want to associate the file that you are adding to the media content information with the backup entire system control group. control-group-name Specify a control group name that you have defined to associate with the file that you are adding. Top Record format (RCDFMT) Specifies the record format for the file that you are adding to the media content information. U The record format is undefined for the file that you are adding to the media content information. F The record format is fixed length records for the file that you are adding to the media content information. V The record format is variable length records for the file that you are adding to the media content information. *NONE There is no record format associated with the file that you are adding to the media content information. Top Record length (RCDLEN) Specifies the record length of the file. v Fixed length records = Number of bytes in each record v Variable length records = Maximum number of bytes in each record v Undefined format = Zero 0 The record length is zero. record-length Specify the record length of the record in the file. 20 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Top Block length (BLKLEN) Specifies the number of bytes in each block. 32760 The block length is 32760 bytes. block-length Specify the block length for this file. Top Block count (BLKCNT) Specifies the number of blocks. 1 The block count is one. block-count Specify the block count for this file. Top Text (TEXT) Specifies text information about the file that you are adding to the media content information. *NONE No text is specified for the media content. text Specify the text that describes the media content. Top Examples Example 1: Adding Contents to a Volume ADDMEDIBRM TYPE(*ALLDLO) VOL(T00001) SEQNBR(1) VOLSEQ(1) This command adds an entry in the media inventory content information for volume T00001. The volume’s contents are updated to show that a save of the document library resides as file sequence number 1 on the first volume. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. Add Media Information to BRM (ADDMEDIBRM) 21 BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 22 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Add Media Library Media to BRM (ADDMLMBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Add Media Library Media to BRM (ADDMLMBRM) command allows you to add volumes to a media library (MLB). The command adds the specified media volumes to a usable category and optionally enrolls them to BRMS. If the Add volume to BRM (ADDVOL) parameter is *YES, you can specify a media class for the volume or volumes that you are adding. If the Add volume to BRM (ADDVOL) parameter and the Initialize tape (INZ) parameter are both *YES, you are supplied with additional parameters such as move policy and initialization information. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes MLB Media library Name Required, Positional 1 VOL Volume identifier Single values: *INSERT Other values (up to 300 repetitions): Character value Optional, Positional 2 ADDVOL Add volume to BRM *YES, *NO Optional INZ Initialize tape *NO, *YES Optional MEDCLS Media class Name Optional MOVDATE Last moved date Character value, *NONE Optional MOVPCY Move policy Name, *NONE Optional EXPDATE Expiration date Character value, *NONE, *PERM Optional DEV Device Name, *MLB Optional NEWOWNID New owner identifier Character value, *BLANK Optional CHECK Check for active files *YES, *FIRST, *NO Optional CODE Code *EBCDIC, *ASCII Optional CLEAR Clear *NO, *YES Optional Top Media library (MLB) Specifies the name of the media library to which you are adding media. The MLB must be one that BRMS lists on its Work with Media Libraries display. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 23 Volume identifier (VOL) Specifies the volume identifier of the media being added to the BRMS media inventory. This is a required parameter. Single values *INSERT Volume identifiers that are in the insert category in the MLB are to be changed to a usable category within the MLB based on the value specified in the Add volume to BRM (ADDVOL) parameter. If the value specified in the Add volume to BRM (ADDVOL) parameter is *NO, only volumes already enrolled in BRMS will be changed from the insert category to a usable category. If the value specified in the Add volume to BRM (ADDVOL) parameter is *YES, volumes that are currently enrolled in BRMS as well as those that are not currently enrolled in BRMS and are in the insert category, will be added to BRMS and changed from the insert category to a usable category. Other values (up to 300 repetitions) volume-identifier Specify the identifier of the volume or volumes that you want to change from the insert category to a usable category within the MLB. Top Add volume to BRM (ADDVOL) Specifies whether you want to add the volumes specified in the Volume identifier (VOL) parameter to the BRMS media inventory. *YES You want to add the volumes specified to the BRMS media inventory. When you specify *YES, you are asked to supply a media class in the Media class (MEDCLS) parameter. *NO You do not want to add the volumes specified to the BRMS media inventory. Top Initialize tape (INZ) Specifies whether you want to initialize the volumes specified in the Volume identifier (VOL) parameter. This parameter is ignored if ADDVOL=*NO. *NO You do not want to format the specified volumes. *YES You want to format the specified volumes. When you specify *YES, you are asked to supply a device and initialization information. Top Media class (MEDCLS) Specifies the name of a media class for the volume you are adding. Media classes can be reviewed in the Work with Media Classes display. 24 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands The media class is also used to determine the category for volumes that are being added to the media library. If the Shared media attribute in the media class is *NO, the category is changed from *INSERT to *NOSHARE, otherwise the category is changed to *SHARE400. This is a required parameter if ADDVOL=*YES. This parameter is ignored if ADDVOL=*NO. This is a required parameter if you are adding a volume. Top Last moved date (MOVDATE) Specifies the date of the last time this media volume was moved prior to being added to the media inventory. This parameter is ignored if ADDVOL=*NO. *NONE You are not assigning a last moved date for this media volume. move-date Specify the date that this volume was last moved. Top Move policy (MOVPCY) Specifies the user-defined name of a move policy that you want to use for this volume. This parameter is ignored if ADDVOL=*NO. *NONE You are not assigning this volume a move policy. move-policy-name Specify the name of the move policy that is to control the movement of this volume. Top Expiration date (EXPDATE) Specifies the expiration date of the volume that is added to the media inventory. If a date is specified, the file is protected and cannot be overwritten until the expiration date. This parameter is ignored if ADDVOL=*NO. *NONE The media is understood to contain no active data and can be used in backup or archive processing. Use *NONE when the volume is a new volume or when the volume is a previously used volume whose data is expired. *PERM The media has a permanent retention and cannot be used in backup or archive processing. expiration-date Specify the date after which data on the volume is considered to be non-essential and can be overwritten. The date must be specified in job date format. Add Media Library Media to BRM (ADDMLMBRM) 25 Top Device (DEV) Specifies the name of the device that you want to use to initialize the specified volumes. The location of the device and the location of the MLB specified in the Media library (MLB) parameter must be the same. This parameter is ignored if ADDVOL=*NO. *MLB Any device associated with the specified MLB can be used to initialize the specified volumes. device-name Specify the user-defined name of the device that you want to use to initialize the specified volumes. Top New owner identifier (NEWOWNID) Specifies the volume owner’s identifier to write in the volume label of the volume being written. Note: This parameter is ignored if ADDVOL=*NO. *BLANK The owner identification field is set to blanks. new-owner-identifier Specify no more than 14 characters to identify the owner of the volume. If fewer than 14 characters are specified, the field is left-justified and is filled with blanks on the right. Top Check for active files (CHECK) Specifies whether a labeled volume should be checked for active data files before it is initialized for use. If an unlabeled volume is placed in the specified device, this parameter is ignored. This parameter is ignored if ADDVOL=*NO. *YES All data file labels on the volume are checked. If any active files are found, the operation is ended and an error message is sent. *FIRST Only the first data file label on the volume is checked. If there are no data files on the volume or if the first data file has expired, the volume is initialized for use without checking for any other files on the volume. If the first data file has not expired, the operation is ended and an error message is sent. *NO Volume initialization continues with no checking for active files. To initialize a new or empty volume *NO must be specified here and *MOUNTED must be specified on the Volume identifier (VOL) parameter. Top 26 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Code (CODE) Specifies the character code in which the volume label is written. All data that is not save/restore data written after the label must be in the same code; codes cannot be intermixed on a volume that is not a save/restore volume. This parameter is ignored if ADDVOL=*NO. *EBCDIC The volume label is written in EBCDIC and is an IBM standard label; all additional data must also be written in EBCDIC. *ASCII The volume label is written in ASCII and is an American National Standard Institute standard label; all additional data must also be written in ASCII. Top Clear (CLEAR) Specifies whether all labels and data are to be deleted from the volume when it is initialized for use. If the volume must be cleared of all data, it is deleted from the location of the volume label or tape marks to the end of the tape marker. This parameter is ignored if ADDVOL=*NO. *NO Existing data is not deleted. Even though the existing data is not deleted, the data on the volume is not usable after the volume has been initialized for use. *YES After the beginning of the volume has been initialized for use, the remaining data on the volume is deleted. Top Examples Example 1: Adding a Volume to a Media Library ADDMLMBRM MLB(MLB01) VOL(T00001) INZ(*NO) ADDVOL(*NO) This command adds volume T00001 to the media library MLB01, but the volume is not initialized. Volume T00001 must be a member of the BRMS media inventory. Example 2: Adding and Initializing a Volume to BRMS ADDMLMBRM MLB(MLB01) VOL(*INSERT) INZ(*YES) MEDCLS(CART3490E) This command adds all volumes that are in the *INSERT category to the media library MLB01, and adds the volumes to the BRMS media inventory as media of class CART3490E. The volumes are initialized with the density specified in media class CART3490E. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages Add Media Library Media to BRM (ADDMLMBRM) 27 BRM1134 Device &1 not found. BRM1342 Volume identifier &2 not correct. BRM1707 Media library &1 not found or not defined. BRM1763 Device &1 cannot be used. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM4041 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 28 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Analyze Libraries using BRM (ANZLIBBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Analyze Libraries using BRM (ANZLIBBRM) command prints an analysis of libraries that you have backed up as well as those that you did not back up. The size of the library and the number of objects is listed for each library. Before you can run the ANZLIBBRM command you must have first run the Retrieve Disk Information (RTVDSKINF) command. The RTVDSKINF command creates the files required by ANZLIBBRM to analyze your libraries. You can run the RTVDSKINF command by using Option 1 = Retrieve disk space information from the BRMS Backup Analysis panel (GO BRMBKUANL). If you have auxiliary storage pool devices on the system, you will need to run the RTVDSKINF command multiple times, once for each auxiliary storage pool device. Note: The RTVDSKINF command requires you to be enrolled in system distribution directory. Use the Work with Directory Entries (WRKDIRE) command to create a distribution directory entry. You only need run the ANZLIBBRM command once after the RTVDSKINF jobs have completed. The RTVDSKINF commands are submitted to the QBATCH job queue using a job name of RTVDSKINF. Monitor for the completion of all RTVDSKINF jobs in the QBATCH subsystem before running the ANZLIBBRM command. The report produced by the ANZLIBRBM command is the Library Backup Analysis report. There will be multiple reports if you run the RTVDSKINF command for auxiliary storage pool devices in addition to the basic system report. The reports are written to printer file QP1ALA for the system and basic user auxiliary storage pools, and to printer file QP1ALAnnnnn for auxiliary storage pool devices, where nnnnn is the ASP identifier. There are no parameters for this command. The command uses the first device listed in the System Policy to determine the Transfer rate entry shown on the report. The transfer rate defaults to the device transfer rate as reported by the operating system. The transfer rate for a device can be changed using the Work with Devices using BRM (WRKDEVBRM) command, selecting option 2=Change from the Work with Devices panel, and changing the value of the Transfer rate per second prompt on the Change Tape Device display. If BRMS cannot find the device specified in the System Policy, the transfer rate used in the report will be zero, the estimated times on the report will also be zero, and the following message will be printed at the bottom of the report. Error: Device information entries do not exist or default device not specified in the System Policy. The command uses the Media Class listed in the System Policy to determine the Media capacity entry shown on the report. The media capacity defaults to a fixed value established by BRMS for that Media Class. The media capacity for a Media Class can be changed using the Work with Classes using BRM (WRKCLSBRM) command, selecting option 2=Change from the Work with Media Classes panel, and changing the value of the Media capacity prompt on the Change Media Class display. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 29 If BRMS cannot find the Media Class specified in the System Policy, the Media capacity used in the report will be zero, the estimated volumes will also be zero, and the following message will be printed on the report. Error: Default media class has not been established or is not specified in the System Policy. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters None Top Examples Example 1: Analyse the Base System GO BRMBKUANL 1. Retrieve Disk Space Information RTVDSKINF ASPDEV(*SYSBAS) ANZLIBBRM These commands retrieve the disk information for the system and basic user auxiliary storage pools. Analysis of the retrieved data generates report QP1ALA. Example 2: Analyse Auxiliary Storage Pool PRIMETIME GO BRMBKUANL 1. Retrieve Disk Space Information RTVDSKINF ASPDEV(PRIMETIME) ANZLIBBRM These commands retrieve the disk information for the auxiliary storage pool device which uses device description PRIMETIME and is configured as auxiliary storage pool 35. Analysis of the retrieved data generates report QP1ALA00035. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. 30 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Top Analyze Libraries using BRM (ANZLIBBRM) 31 32 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Change Link List (CHGLNKLBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Change Link List (CHGLNKLBRM) allows you to change a list of object to be used in backup or archive processing. You can include the fully qualified object name and whether you want to include or exclude the object from the list. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. The CHGLNKLBRM command uses the i5/OS Save Object (SAV) and Restore Object (RST) commands to process the lists that you enter into the CHGLNKLBRM command. These restrictions can be reviewed in the SAV and RST command help information. 2. You cannot save QDLS or QSYS.LIB using the Save Object using BRM (SAVBRM) command. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes LIST List Character value Optional, Positional 1 TYPE Usage type *BKU, *ARC Optional OBJ Objects Values (up to 300 repetitions): Element list Optional Element 1: Name Path name Element 2: Include or omit *INCLUDE, *OMIT SUBTREE Directory subtree *ALL, *DIR, *NONE, *OBJ Optional TEXT Text Character value Optional Top List (LIST) The name of the list being changed to contain integrated file system objects. The list must be an existing BRMS link list. This is a required parameter. Top Usage type (TYPE) Specifies the intended usage type of the items that you are grouping together for processing. *BKU The list is used in backup processing. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 33 *ARC The list is used in archive processing. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. Top Objects (OBJ) Specifies the objects that you want to include or exclude from a list of objects you want to save. A maximum of 300 object name patterns can be specified. This is a required parameter. Element 1: Name ’*’ The objects in the current directory are saved. ’object-path-name-pattern’ Specify an object path name or a pattern that can match many names. Restriction: v You cannot list QDLS or QSYS.LIB objects in a link list. Use the appropriate *OBJ or *FLR list for objects in these file systems. To create lists of objects in these file systems, use the Work with Lists using BRMS (WRKLBRM) command. Element 2: Include or omit The second part specifies whether names that match the pattern should be included or omitted from the operation. Note that in determining whether a name matches a pattern, relative name patterns are always treated as relative to the current working directory. The Directory subtree (SUBTREE) parameter determines whether the subtrees are included or omitted. *INCLUDE Objects that match the object name pattern are to be saved, unless overridden by an *OMIT specification. *OMIT Objects matching the object name pattern are not to be saved. This overrides a *INCLUDE specification and is intended to be used to omit a subset of a previously selected pattern. Top Directory subtree (SUBTREE) Specifies whether directory subtrees should be processed. *ALL The entire subtree for each directory that matches the object name pattern will be processed. *DIR Objects in the first level of each directory that matches the object name pattern will be processed. *NONE No subtrees are included in the save operation. If a directory matches the object name pattern specified, the objects in the directory are included. If the directory has subdirectories, neither the subdirectories nor the objects in the subdirectories are included. *OBJ Only the objects that exactly match the object name pattern will be processed. If the object name pattern specifies a directory, objects in the directory are not included. Top 34 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Text (TEXT) Specifies the text that describes the integrated file system object list. text Specify the text that describes the integrated file system object list. Top Examples Example 1: Changing a Link List CHGLNKLBRM LIST(MYLIST) USE(*BKU) OBJ((’/*’ *INCLUDE) (’/QSYS.LIB/’ *OMIT) (’/QDLS/’ *OMIT) (’/NOTES/DATA/’ *OMIT)) In this example a list of integrated file system objects includes the entire system except the QSYS.LIB and QDLS file systems, and the /NOTES/DATA directories. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top Change Link List (CHGLNKLBRM) 35 36 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Change Media using BRM (CHGMEDBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Change Media using BRM (CHGMEDBRM) command changes an attribute or several attributes of a media volume in the BRMS media inventory. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. Consideration should be given to changing the authority to the CHGMEDBRM command from PUBLIC(*CHANGE) to a more restrictive authority to assure that changes are not made to media without proper authorization. 2. These following restrictions apply for changing virtual tape volumes. v The density of the virtual volume (image catalog entry) must be the same as the density of the media class. v Virtual tape media must reside in storage on the current system. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes VOL Volume identifier Character value Required, Key, Positional 1 MEDCLS Media class Name, *SAME Optional EXPDATE Expiration date Character value, *SAME, *NONE, *PERM Optional MOVDATE Last moved date Date, *SAME, *NONE Optional MOVPCY Move policy Name, *SAME, *NONE Optional CRTDATE Creation date Date, *SAME Optional VOLSEC Secure volume *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional SLOT Slot number 1-999999, *SAME, *NONE Optional SYSNAME System Name, *SAME, *LCL Optional TEXT Text Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional IMGCLG Image catalog Name, *SAME, *NONE Optional Top Volume identifier (VOL) Specifies the volume identifier of the volume being changed in the BRMS media inventory. This is a required parameter. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 37 volume-identifier Specify the identifier of the volume being changed in the media inventory. The volume identifier is a maximum of six characters in length. Note: Valid characters for the volume identifier are 0 - 9 and A - Z. Top Media class (MEDCLS) Specifies the user-defined name of a media class for the volume you are changing. Media classes can be reviewed in the Work with Media Classes display. *SAME Use the same value as is currently assigned to the parameter. media-class Specify the media class to which you want to change. Top Expiration date (EXPDATE) Specifies the expiration date of the media volume that is changed in the media inventory. If a date is specified, the file is protected and cannot be overwritten until the expiration date. Changing the expiration date of a volume will change the expiration date for all entries that contain data on that volume. If the data for an entry spans multiple volumes, the expiration date for those volumes may also change. The other volumes expiration dates will change only if the changed date is further in the future or the changed entry is the only entry having data on that volume. *SAME The expiration date currently assigned to the media is not changed. *NONE The media is expired media and can be used in backup or archive processing. *PERM The media has a permanent retention and cannot be used in backup or archive processing. expiration-date Specify the date when protection for the media ends. Top Last moved date (MOVDATE) Specifies the last date that this media volume was moved. *SAME You are not going to change the last moved date currently assigned to the volume. *NONE You are not assigning a last moved date for this media volume. last-moved-date Specify the date that this volume was last moved. Top 38 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Move policy (MOVPCY) The user-defined name of a move policy that you want change for this volume. Note: Virtual media cannot be moved. Move policies are assigned to virtual volumes so the policy can be replicated to the output media when the virtual volume is duplicated. *SAME You want to use the same move policy as is currently assigned to the volume. *NONE You are not assigning this volume a move policy. move-policy-name Specify the user-defined name of the move policy that you are assigning to this media volume. Top Creation date (CRTDATE) Specifies the date that this volume had data written on it. *SAME You are not going to change the creation date currently assigned to the volume. creation-date Specify the date that this volume had data written on it. Top Secure volume (VOLSEC) Specifies whether you want to change who has access to this volume. *SAME You are not going to change the accessibility of the volume. *NO This volume is not secured. *YES This volume is secured. Only users with special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS can read this volume. Top Slot number (SLOT) Specifies the slot number for the volume that you have selected to change. *SAME You are not going to change the slot number currently assigned to the volume. *NONE No slot number is assigned to the volume that you are changing. slot-number Specify the slot number that you are assigning to this volume. Slot numbers can range from 1 to 999999. Top Change Media using BRM (CHGMEDBRM) 39 System (SYSNAME) Specifies the system identifier for the volume that you have selected to change. *SAME You are not going to change the system identifier currently assigned to the volume. *LCL Specifies that the system is the local system. BRMS uses the default local location name, LCLLOCNAME and not the system name SYSNAME. In most cases, the systems have the same value specified in the LCLLOCNAME and in the SYSNAME. You can use the DSPNETA command to view the system network attributes. location-name Specify the name of the remote location associated with the system. The local system’s network identifier, as seen by using the DSPNETA command, is used as the system’s network identifier. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value. network-id.location-name Specify the network identifier and the name of the remote location associated with the system. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the network identifier and cccccccc is the remote location name. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value. Top Text (TEXT) Specifies text to describe the media that you are changing. *SAME You are not going to change the text that describes the volume. *NONE No text is specified to describe this volume. text Specify text that describes the volume. Top Image catalog (IMGCLG) Specifies the image catalog name for the tape volume which is being changed. If an image catalog name is specified, the image catalog and image catalog entry for the volume must exist to use the volume. Note: Use GO CMDCLG and GO CMDCLGE to view the menus for commands used to manage image catalogs and image catalog entries. *SAME Use the same value as is currently assigned to the parameter. *NONE Specifies this is not a virtual volume. image-catalog Specifies the name of the image catalog which contains the image catalog entry for a virtual volume. Top 40 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Examples Example 1: Changing a Volume in BRMS CHGMEDBRM VOL(T00001) MEDCLS(QIC1000) EXPDATE(*PERM) MOVDATE(’2/12/03’) This command changes the media information for volume T00001. The media class has been changed to QIC1000, the expiration date has been changed to *PERM and the last moved date has been changed to February 12, 2003. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1147 Volume &1 not found. BRM133E Image catalog entry does not exist for virtual volume &2. BRM133F Image catalog does not exist for virtual volume &2. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top Change Media using BRM (CHGMEDBRM) 41 42 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Change Job Scheduler (CHGSCDBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages BRMS uses the i5/OS job scheduler as the default job scheduler. You can also choose to use the IBM Job Scheduler for iSeries job scheduler as your default scheduler or select any other i5/OS job scheduler as your default. The Change Job Scheduler for BRM (CHGSCDBRM) command changes the job scheduler interface used by BRMS. You can use the i5/OS job scheduler, which is the default, IBM Job Scheduler for iSeries or another job scheduler that you choose. You can change the commands that BRMS uses to add, list and select job schedule entries. You can also specify whether you want to be prompted when BRMS uses these commands. The following substitution variables can be used in these commands to pass values from BRMS to the scheduler: v &JOBNAME - QBRMBKUP or QBRMARC v &REQUEST - will be either STRARCBRM or STRBKUBRM v &APPL - BRMS v &GROUP - control group name You can change these to your operating requirements or choose to use the defaults. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes TYPE Scheduler type *SYSTEM, *IJS, *USRDFN Optional, Positional 1 ADDCMD Add a job command Character value, *SAME, *IJS, *SYSTEM Optional ADDPMT Command prompt for add *NO, *YES Optional LISTCMD List jobs command Character value, *SAME, *IJS, *SYSTEM Optional LISTPMT Command prompt for list *NO, *YES Optional SLTCMD Select jobs command Character value, *SAME, *IJS, *SYSTEM Optional SLTPMT Command prompt for select *NO, *YES Optional Top Scheduler type (TYPE) Specifies which scheduler you want to use for scheduling BRMS control groups and commands. Any commercial or user developed scheduler can be used with BRMS. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 43 *SYSTEM Specifies that BRMS is to use the i5/OS job scheduler and its associated command set. Note: When you specify *SYSTEM for the Scheduler type (TYPE) parameter, the ADDCMD, ADDPMT, LISTCMD, LISTPMT, SLTCMD and SLTPMT parameters are ignored. *IJS Specifies that BRMS is to use IBM Job Scheduler for iSeries and its associated command set. Note: When you specify *IJS for the Scheduler type (TYPE) parameter, the ADDCMD, ADDPMT, LISTCMD, LISTPMT, SLTCMD and SLTPMT parameters are ignored. *USRDFN Specifies that you want to use another scheduling package command set or change the way in which BRMS starts the i5/OS job scheduler. Note: When you specify *USRDFN in the Scheduler type (TYPE) parameter, all of the job scheduler commands are displayed and can be changed. Top Add job command (ADDCMD) Specifies an alternative command to be used by BRMS to add a job schedule entry. When you are in a BRMS function that allows you to add a job to the job scheduler, the command that you specify here is started in lieu of the BRMS default command. *SAME The command used does not change. *IJS The Job Scheduler for iSeries command to add a job to the job schedule is used. *SYSTEM The i5/OS command to add a job to the job schedule is used. user-command Specify the command that you want BRMS to use when adding a job schedule entry. Top Command prompt for add (ADDPMT) Specifies whether BRMS should prompt the command specified in the Add a job command (ADDCMD) parameter. *NO The command is not prompted when started by BRMS. *YES The command is prompted when started by BRMS. Top List jobs command (LISTCMD) Specifies an alternative command to be used by BRMS to list all jobs in the job schedule. When you are in a BRMS function that allows you to list all jobs in the job schedule the command that you specify here is started. *SAME The command used does not change. *IJS The Job Scheduler for iSeries command to list all jobs in the job schedule is used. 44 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *SYSTEM The i5/OS command to list all jobs in the job schedule is used. user-command Specify the command that you want to use when listing all jobs in the job schedule. Top Command prompt for list (LISTPMT) Specifies whether BRMS should prompt the command specified in the List jobs command (LISTCMD) parameter. *NO The command is not prompted when started by BRMS. *YES The command is prompted when started by BRMS. Top Select jobs command (SLTCMD) Specifies an alternative command to be used by BRMS to list selected jobs in the job schedule. When you are in a BRMS function that allows you to select a list of BRMS jobs in the job schedule, the command that you specify here is started. *SAME The command used does not change. *IJS The Job Scheduler for iSeries command to select jobs in the job schedule is used. *SYSTEM The i5/OS command to select jobs in the job schedule is used. user-command Specify the command that you want BRMS to use when listing BRMS jobs in the job schedule. Top Command prompt for list (SLTPMT) Specifies whether BRMS should prompt the command specified in the Select jobs command (SLTCMD) parameter. *NO The command is not prompted when started by BRMS. *YES The command is prompted when started by BRMS. Top Examples CHGSCDBRM TYPE(*USRDFN) ADDCMD(’ADDJOBJS JOB(&JOBNAME) APP(&APPL) SCDCDE(*DAILY) TIME (2300) CMD(&REQUEST)’) ADDPMT(*YES) This command changes the CL command used by BRMS to add a job schedule entry. In this example, an alternative scheduler is being used. When adding a back up job to the schedule BRMS will use the ADDJOBJS command and the substitution variables specified here. Change Job Scheduler (CHGSCDBRM) 45 Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 46 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Check Expired Media for BRM (CHKEXPBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Check Expired Media for BRM (CHKEXPBRM) command is used to check to see if there is enough expired media to satisfy the media requirements of a save operation. The command calculates the media of a specified media class available for a save operation, taking into account the location of the media based on the location specified in the media policy or a location that you specify. You can calculate the available media for single or multiple media classes, with single or multiple location combinations depending on the values that you specify in the command. For instance, if you specified 20 in the Required volumes field, FMT2GB in the Media class field and *HOME in the Location field, you would have one media class, location combination. If you changed the Location field to *ANY, you could potentially receive messages about media class availability for each of the locations that you have set up that have the specified media class. If you had a situation where you specified *MEDPCY in the Required volumes field, *CTLGRP in the Media policy field and *ALL in the Control group field, then you would expect to have multiple media class, location combinations. The command returns messages that specify whether enough media is available for each media class, location combination. This command works in conjunction with the value specified in the Required volumes field. The value can be a specified number of volumes or a special value for media policy. The number of available volumes calculated by the CHKEXPBRM command is compared against the value in the Required volumes field. If the expired media calculated by the CHKEXPBRM command is greater than or equal to the Required volumes field value, the save operation can continue. If the value is less, then the save operation is canceled. The number of expired volumes can also be checked by user jobs using the CHKEXPBRM command. For example, the CHKEXPBRM command could be incorporated into a job scheduler and used to determine at various times if there is enough expired media available for a save operation. This command is used by all BRMS save operations. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes EXPMED Required volumes 1-9999, *MEDPCY Required, Positional 1 MEDCLS Media class Name Optional LOC Location Name, *ANY, *HOME Optional MEDPCY Media policy Name, *CTLGRP Optional CTLGRP Control group Single values: *ALL Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Name, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Optional © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 47 Keyword Description Choices Notes DATE Date for save Character value, *CURRENT Optional Top Required volumes (EXPMED) Specifies the number of expired volumes required to process a save operation. You can specify a number of volumes or you can specify that you want to base the number of required volumes on a media policy. When the command is processed the number of available expired volumes that meet the criteria are counted and compared against the value specified here. Note: If you specify *MEDPCY, the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter is a required parameter. *MEDPCY The number of expired volumes required to process a save operation is the number of volumes specified in the Required volumes field of the media policy specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter. number-of-volumes Specify the number of volumes required for the save operation. Top Media class (MEDCLS) Specifies the media class of the expired volumes that you want to count. This is a required parameter when a number is entered in the Required volumes (EXPMED) parameter. If you enter a media policy, the media class is derived from the media policy. Top Location (LOC) Specifies the location of the media to be included in the count of expired volumes. *ANY Expired volumes of the media class or classes at each location are included in the count of expired volumes available for a save operation. *HOME Only expired volumes at the home location are included in the count of expired volumes available for a save operation. location Specify the location whose expired volumes are to be included in the count of expired volumes. Top Media policy (MEDPCY) Specifies the media policy that you want to use to determine the required number of expired volumes for the save operation. This a required parameter when *MEDPCY is specified in the Required volumes (EXPMED) parameter. 48 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *CTLGRP Use the media policy associated with a control group to determine the number of expired volumes required for the save operation. The Control group (CTLGRP) parameter is a default with the *CTLGRP choice. media-policy Specify the media policy to use to determine the number of expired volumes required for the save operation. Top Control group (CTLGRP) Specifies the name of the control group or all control groups whose media policy you want to use to determine the required number of expired volumes required for the save operation. This is a default field when *CTLGRP is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter. Single values *ALL The media policy of each backup control group is used to determine the number of volumes required for each media class, location combination for the save operation. Other values (up to 50 repetitions) *BKUGRP The media policy used by the default backup user data control group is used to determine the number of volumes required for the media class, location combination for the save operation. *SYSGRP The media policy used by the default system data control group is used to determine the number of volumes required for the media class, location combination for the save operation. *SYSTEM The media policy used by the default backup entire system control group is used to determine the number of volumes required for the media class, location combination for the save operation. control-group-name Specify the name of the backup control group, such as WEEKLY that you want to use to determine the number of volumes required for the media class, location combination for the save operation. Top Date for save (DATE) Specifies the date that the control group was saved. *CURRENT The current date is used to determine the control group and its associated media policy. expiration-date Specify the date to use to determine the control group and its associated media policy. number-of-days Specify a number of days to calculate a future date to be associated with a control group. Top Check Expired Media for BRM (CHKEXPBRM) 49 Examples Example 1: Checking on Available Volumes CHKEXPBRM EXPMED(50) MEDCLS(FMT2GB) LOC(*HOME) This command checks to see if there are 50 expired volumes of media class FMT2GB available for a save operation at the home location. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1118 No active entries found in control group &1. BRM1157 Control group &1 not found. BRM1169 Policy &1 not found. BRM1441 Media usage not valid, control group not processed; BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM1930 Request for &1 expired volumes for media class &3 was not successful. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 50 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Copy Media Info for BRM (CPYMEDIBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages This command is typically used when you are bringing a system into a network of systems that share BRMS media inventory information. The Copy Media Information using BRM (CPYMEDIBRM) command copies media inventory information to a work file, or copies the contents of the work file to the media inventory. Using the CPYMEDIBRM command prior to adding the system name to a BRMS network allows you to save the contents of the current media inventory into the work file. After network synchronization is complete, you can use CPYMEDIBRM with OPTION (*FROMFILE) on the newly added system to copy the original media inventory information back into the media inventory. Information that is inconsistent with the system’s new network level media inventory information will be reported but unresolved when OPTION(*FROMFILE) is used. The Media Merge report is produced when the CPYMEDIBRM command is processed. The report will indicate differences that have been diagnosed. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1AEN. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restriction: v The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this command. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes OPTION Type of copy *TOFILE, *FROMFILE Optional, Positional 1 FILE File Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: File Name, QA1AMED Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB CPYMEDI Copy media information *NO, *YES Optional Top Type of copy (OPTION) This command is designed to allow you to merge existing BRMS information from the current system with an existing network group of one or more systems. The command allows you to store temporary copies of the current systems BRMS information to a temporary file. After an Initialize BRM (INZBRM) command using the option *NETSYS is used, the stored temporary copies can be merged in with the BRMS information brought from the other system © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 51 *TOFILE You are copying media information from the media inventory to a work file. This option should be used before an INZBRM *NETSYS. *FROMFILE You are copying media information from the work file to the media inventory. Information that is inconsistent with the system’s new network level media inventory information will be reported but unresolved when OPTION(*FROMFILE) is used. This option should be used after an INZBRM *NETSYS. Top File (FILE) Specifies the name of the work file that BRMS uses when it copies media inventory information. Qualifier 1: File QA1AMED The media inventory file is copied to or from this file depending on the value specified in the File to copy (OPTION) parameter. file-name Specify the name of the file that you want to use when copying the media inventory. If the file that you specify does not exist, BRMS will create it for you. Qualifier 2: Library *LIBL The library list is used to locate the file. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the file. If no current library entry exists in the library list, QGPL is used. library-name Specify the library name where the file is located. Top Copy media information (CPYMEDI) Specifies whether you want to copy media information for the media inventory that you are copying. Note: *NO should be specified if you are planning to attach your system to a network. *NO Media information is not copied. *YES Media information is copied. Top 52 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Examples Example 1: Copying BRMS Media Information To a File CPYMEDIBRM FILE(WORKFILE) This command copies BRMS media information to a file called WORKFILE. Example 2: Copying BRMS Media Information From a File CPYMEDIBRM OPTION(*FROMFILE) FILE(WORKFILE) This command copies BRMS media information from a file called WORKFILE to the network media inventory. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top Copy Media Info for BRM (CPYMEDIBRM) 53 54 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Dump BRMS (DMPBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Dump BRM (DMPBRM) command saves BRMS files and related files to assist IBM support personnel in problem determination. You can specify various levels of detail and one or more job logs to dump. This command saves various files from QUSRBRM and related system files (depending on the specified level) to a device or save file. This information is used in problem determination by your technical representative. Processing this command should be done in conjunction with this representative. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes DEV Device Name, *SAVF Required, Positional 1 VOL Volume identifier Character value, *MOUNTED Optional LVL Level 1-9, *ALL Optional TGTRLS Target release Character value, *CURRENT Optional DMPDEV Dump device Single values: *ALL, *NONE Other values (up to 10 repetitions): Name Optional JOBLOG Joblog to dump *NONE, *JOB Optional JOB Job name Single values: * Other values (up to 10 repetitions): Element list Optional Element 1: Job name Qualified job name Qualifier 1: Job name Name Qualifier 2: User Name Qualifier 3: Number 000000-999999 Top Device (DEV) Specifies the name of the device or save file to which you want the dump information to be saved. *SAVF Write the dump information to a save file. device-name Specify the name of the device to which you want to write the dump information. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 55 Volume identifier (VOL) Specifies the volume identifier to dump the data to. *MOUNTED Any labeled volume that is placed in the specified device is used. volume-identifier Specify the identifier of the labeled volume to use. Top Level (LVL) Specifies the level of detail to be included in the dump. The level of detail can range from 1 to 9 with 1 being the least amount of detail and 9 being the most detail. You should ask your support representative for the level of detail to specify. *ALL Include all information required by your service provider. level-of-detail Specify the level of detail that you want to include in the dump. Top Target release (TGTRLS) Specifies the release of the operating system on which you intend to restore the objects being saved. *CURRENT The objects are to be restored on a system that is running the same release of the operating system currently running on your system. For example, if V5R2M0 is running on the system, *CURRENT means that you intend to restore the objects on a system with V5R2M0 installed. The objects can also be restored on a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. *PRV The objects are to be restored on a system that is running on the previous release with modification level 0 of the operating system. For example if V5R2M0 is running on your system, *PRV means you intend to restore the objects on a system with V5R1M0 installed. The object can also be restored on a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. Note: Not all objects can be targeted to another release. Objects that are new to a release typically cannot be saved to a previous release. target-release Specify the release in the format VxRxMx, where Vx is the version, Rx is the release, and Mx is the modification level. For example, V5R2M0 is version 5, release 2, modification level 0. The objects can be restored on a system with the specified release or with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. Note: Not all objects can be targeted to another release. Objects that are new to a release typically cannot be saved to a previous release. Valid values depend on the current version, release, and modification level, and they change with each new release. If you specify a release-level that is earlier than the earliest release level supported by this command, an error message is sent indicating the earliest supported release. Top 56 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Dump device (DMPDEV) Specifies a device or devices for which you would like to get diagnostic information. When specified, BRMS invokes the QTADMPDV API to gather this information using the special value *SPLF as the problem identifier. Note: When an *APPC or *NET type device is specified for this parameter, BRMS will dump the save/restore flight recorder. Single values *ALL All devices defined to BRMS are included in the information to be gathered. *NONE No devices are specified. Other values (up to 10 repetitions) device-name Specify the device for which you want to gather diagnostic information. Top Joblog to dump (JOBLOG) Specifies whether you want to dump job log information. *NONE Do not dump job log information. *JOB Dump job log information from the specified jobs. Top Job (JOB) Specifies the name of the job whose job log information is to be retrieved. Single values * Dump information from the current job. Other values (up to 10 repetitions) Qualifier 1: Job name job-name Specify the name of the job to be dumped. If no job qualifier if given, all of the jobs currently in the system are searched for the simple job name. Qualifier 2: User user-name Specify the name that identifies the user profile under which the job is run. Qualifier 3: Number number Specify the job number assigned by the system. Dump BRMS (DMPBRM) 57 Top Examples DMPBRM DEV(TAP01) LVL(2) JOBLOG(*JOB) This command causes level 2 dump information, along with the job log for the current job, to be written to tape unit TAP01. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4060 BRMS product initialization required. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 58 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Display ASP Information (DSPASPBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Display ASP Information (DSPASPBRM) command shows you the Display ASP Information display. This display shows you a summary of all auxiliary storage pools (ASP) that are set up and various statistical information about the auxiliary storage pools on your system. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. The report that is produced is the Display ASP Information report. The report, if printed, is written to the printer file QP1AASP. Top Examples Example 1: Printing the Display ASP Information Report DSPASPBRM OUTPUT(*PRINT) This command prints the Display ASP Information report. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 59 BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 60 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Display Backup Plan using BRM (DSPBKUBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Display Backup Plan using BRM (DSPBKUBRM) command shows you the Display Backup Plan display or prints the Backup Plan report. The Display Backup Plan display or report shows you a summary of all backup control groups that are set up, the libraries, special values and lists that are in each backup control group and the type of backup that each control group performs. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. The report that is produced is the Backup Plan report. The report, if printed, is written to the printer file QP1ABP. Top Examples Example 1: Printing the Display Backup Plan Report DSPBKUBRM OUTPUT(*PRINT) This command prints the Display Backup Plan report. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 61 BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 62 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Display Duplicate Media (DSPDUPBRM) Where allowed to run: Interactive environments (*INTERACT *IPGM *IREXX *EXEC) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Display Duplicate Media using BRM (DSPDUPBRM) command displays all duplicate copies of a volume that you specify. The Display Duplication Cross Reference display includes volume identifier, sequence number, expiration date and duplication time and date. Volumes that are the original and the copy are identified as input (*INP) or output (*OUT) respectively. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restriction: v This command can not be run in batch. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes VOL Volume identification Character value Required, Positional 1 Top Volume identification (VOL) Specifies the volume identifier of the volume that you want to review for duplication. The volume and all the resulting duplicate volumes are shown. If the specified volume is a member of a media set all the original volumes and their duplicate volumes are shown. This is a required parameter. Top Examples Example 1: Displaying Duplicate Volumes DSPDUPBRM VOL(T00001) This command shows all duplicate copies of volume T00001 on the Display Duplication Cross Reference display. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 63 BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM4041 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 64 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Display Log for BRM (DSPLOGBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Display Log for BRM (DSPLOGBRM) command displays the BRMS log. The BRMS log is a display by date and time of messages that BRMS has created as a result of processing. The DSPLOGBRM command allows you to display or print all or part of the log. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes TYPE Type *ALL, *ARC, *BKU, *MAINT, *MED, *MGR, *RCY, *RTV, *SEC Optional, Positional 1 PERIOD Time period for log output Element list Optional Element 1: Start time and date Element list Element 1: Beginning time Time, *AVAIL Element 2: Beginning date Character value, *CURRENT, *BEGIN Element 2: End time and date Element list Element 1: Ending time Time, *AVAIL Element 2: Ending date Character value, *CURRENT, *END SEV Severity 0-99, 00 Optional OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional DETAIL Detail *BASIC, *FULL Optional USER User Name, *ALL Optional MSGID Message identifier Name, *ALL Optional Top Type (TYPE) Specifies the type of entry for which you want to review log entries. Note: The default parameter for Type (TYPE) parameter depends on the area that you use to access this command. For instance, if you access this command from a backup menu, the default Type is *BKU. If you access the command from the archive menu, the default Type is *ARC and so on. If you type the command on a command line or from the System Policy display, the default is *ALL. *ALL Selects all log entries for display or print. *ARC Selects only archive log entries for display or print. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 65 *BKU Selects only back up log entries for display or print. *MAINT Selects only maintenance log entries for display or print. *MED Selects only media management log entries for display or print. *MGR Selects only migration log entries for display or print. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *RCY Selects only recovery log entries for display or print. *RTV Selects only retrieve log entries for display or print. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *SEC Selects only security log entries to be displayed or printed. Any log entries whose primary area or secondary area are security will be displayed. An entry may be logged for any reason and have security as a secondary area. Top Time period for log output (PERIOD) Specifies the period of time for which the log entries are selected for the display or report. Element 1: Beginning time and date Log entries created on or after the beginning date and time are selected. Log entries created prior to the beginning date and time are not selected. Element 1: Beginning time Specifies the beginning time at which or after log entries are selected. *AVAIL Any entries available for the beginning date are selected. begin-time Specifies the beginning time for the beginning date for which log entries are selected. The time is specified in 24-hour format and can be specified with or without a time separator: v Without a time separator, specify a string of 4 or 6 digits (hhmm or hhmmss) where hh=hours, mm=minutes and ss=seconds. Hours, minutes, and seconds must each be exactly 2 digits (using leading zeros if necessary). v With a time separator, specify a string of 5 or 8 digits where the time separator specified for your job is used to separate the hours, minutes, and seconds. If you enter this command from the command line, the string must be enclosed in apostrophes. If a time separator other than the separator specified for your job is used, this command will fail. Element 2: Beginning date Specifies the beginning date for which the log entries are selected. *CURRENT Log entries with the current date are selected. *BEGIN Log entries from the beginning of all available log entries are selected. 66 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands begin-date Specifies the beginning date for which log entries are selected. The date must be specified in the job date format. Element 2: Ending time and date Log entries created on or before the ending date and time are selected. Log entries created after the ending date and time are not selected. Element 1: Ending time One of the following is used to specify the ending time before which log entries are included. Any items created after the specified time and date are not included in the log entries for the report. Specifies the ending time at which or before log entries are selected. *AVAIL Any entries available for the ending date are selected. end-time Specifies the ending time for the ending date for which log entries are selected. The time is specified in 24-hour format and can be specified with or without a time separator: v Without a time separator, specify a string of 4 or 6 digits (hhmm or hhmmss) where hh=hours, mm=minutes and ss=seconds. Hours, minutes, and seconds must each be exactly 2 digits (using leading zeros if necessary). v With a time separator, specify a string of 5 or 8 digits where the time separator specified for your job is used to separate the hours, minutes, and seconds. If you enter this command from the command line, the string must be enclosed in apostrophes. If a time separator other than the separator specified for your job is used, this command will fail. Element 2: Ending date Specifies the ending date for which the log entries are selected. *CURRENT Log entries with the current date are selected. *END Log entries to the end of all available log entries are selected. end-date Specifies the ending date for which log entries are selected. The date must be specified in the job date format. Top Severity (SEV) Specifies the message severity level that you want to include in the display or print. For example, a severity level of 30 would include all messages that are severity level 30 and above. The severity level can be specified from 0 to 99. 00 The default severity level is zero. severity-level Specify the message severity level that you want to display. Top Display Log for BRM (DSPLOGBRM) 67 Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. The report that is produced is the BRMS Log report. The report, if printed, is written to the printer file QP1ALG. Top Detail (DETAIL) Specifies the format used for the printed output. *BASIC The entries are printed in abbreviated list format. *FULL The detail of each entry is printed in an expanded format. Top User (USER) Specifies the name of the user profile for the log entries that you want to display or print. *ALL Include all user profiles in the display or report. user-name Specify the user profile whose log entries you want to include in the display or report. Top Message identifier (MSGID) Specifies the message identifier for the log entries that you want to display or print. *ALL Include all message identifiers in the display or report. message-identifier Specify the message identifier whose log entries you want to include in the display or report. Top Examples Example 1: Displaying BRMS Log Entries for a Date Range and Severity Level DSPLOGBRM TYPE(*BKU) PERIOD((*AVAIL *BEGIN) (*AVAIL *END)) SEV(20) This command displays backup log entries and the range of dates is from the beginning of the log to the end of the log. Log entries related to backups will be displayed in the Display BRM Log Information display that have a severity level of 20 or above. 68 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM4041 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top Display Log for BRM (DSPLOGBRM) 69 70 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) command copies the contents of a single volume, a single volume in a media set, media set, or set of marked saved items to other volumes. You can specify the volumes which are to be duplicated, or specify a search be performed to identify the volumes or saved items which are to be duplicated. You can also resume a previous duplication operation which ended with errors. Note: The tape devices do not have to support the same media classes. The media policy is specified in the DUPMEDBRM command. Note: The density field in the file header labels are changed to reflect the true density. Note: If you are using DUPMEDBRM to copy a file group, the output media assumes the group number of the input media. An exception to this is if a Set Media Controls using BRM (SETMEDBRM) command overrides the value for file group and type for the output volumes. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. The volumes to be copied must be active volumes, be members of the BRMS media inventory. 2. If you are copying a media set in batch mode by specifying a volume of the media set in the VOL parameter, you must use the special value *SET in the FROMVOL parameter. 3. You cannot duplicate TSM (ADSM) media using the DUPMEDBRM command. 4. Devices whose category is *APPC or *NET cannot be used to duplicate data using the DUPMEDBRM command. 5. You must have two tape drives to use this command. If the devices are shared devices, BRMS will vary the devices on for you. If the devices are not shared devices, you must vary them on. 6. If you are using devices with optimum block size enabled, the optimum block size supported by the output device must be greater than or equal to the optimum block size of the input device. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes VOL From volume identifier Character value, *LIST, *RESUME, *SCHHST, *SEARCH Required, Key, Positional 1 RSMKEY Resume key 1-999999, *ALL Optional FILEGRP File group Name, *ALL, *NONE, *ARCGRP, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Optional, Positional 2 GRPTYPE File group type Name, *ALL, *ARC, *BKU Optional, Positional 3 SCHMEDCLS From media class Name, *ALL Optional FROMDEV From device Name Optional © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 71 Keyword Description Choices Notes TODEV To device Name Optional FROMSEQNBR From sequence number Single values: *ALL Other values: Element list Optional Element 1: Starting file sequence number 1-16777215, *FIRST Element 2: Ending file sequence number 1-16777215, *LAST, *ONLY TOSEQNBR To sequence number 1, *END Optional MEDPCY To media policy Name, *SYSPCY, *NONE Optional FROMVOL Input volume list Single values: *VOL, *SET Other values (up to 300 repetitions): Character value Optional FROMENDOPT From device end option *REWIND, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD Optional TOENDOPT To device end option *UNLOAD, *LEAVE, *REWIND Optional FROMSYS From system Character value, *LCL Optional TOVOL To volume identifier Single values: *MOUNTED Other values (up to 300 repetitions): Character value Optional OBJDTL Retain object detail *NO, *YES Optional EXPDATE Expiration date Date, *MEDPCY, *PERM Optional MOVPCY Move policy Name, *MEDPCY, *NONE Optional MEDCLS Media class Character value, *MEDPCY, *SYSPCY Optional LOC Location Name, *MEDPCY, *ANY, *HOME Optional VOLSEC Secure volume *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional MINVOL Required volumes 1-9999, *MEDPCY, *NONE Optional MARKDUP Mark volumes for duplication *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional MARKHST Mark history for duplication *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional SAVMEDINF Save media information *NONE, *BKUPCY, *LIB, *OBJ Optional Top From volume identifier (VOL) Specifies the volumes to be duplicated or the type of search used to identify volumes or saved items to be duplicated. This parameter can be used in conjunction with the Input volume list (FROMVOL) parameter to specify the volume or volumes that you want to copy. You can copy a single volume, volumes in a media set, a list of volumes or all volumes marked for duplication. If you want to copy a single volume or a single volume in a media set, specify the name of the volume that you want to copy in the VOL parameter and the special value *VOL in the FROMVOL parameter. Note: If you are prompting the command, use F9 to display all command parameters before you specify a volume in the VOL parameter. The prompter will set the default value in the FROMVOL parameter to *VOL. For instance, if you are copying a volume T00009, which is not a member of a media set, you would prompt the command, press F9, then enter T00009 in the VOL parameter. The *VOL should be the default value displayed in the FROMVOL parameter. If the volume is a member of a media set you would follow the same procedure. 72 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands If you are not sure if a volume is a member of a media set, enter the volume in the VOL parameter and press the Enter key. If the volume is a member of a media set, the volume identifiers of all volumes in the set will be displayed in the FROMVOL parameter. For instance, if you had a media set made up of T00001, T00002 and T00003 and you can enter T00002 in the VOL parameter and pressed the enter key. Volumes T00001, T00002 and T00003 would be displayed in the FROMVOL parameter. The volumes in the FROMVOL parameter cannot be changed at this point. This helps assure that you are duplicating all members of the set. An alternate method of copying a media set is to specify a volume contained in the media set in the VOL parameter and using the special value *SET for the FROMVOL parameter. You can specify *LIST in the VOL parameter to copy a list of volumes that you specify in the FROMVOL parameter. You can specify *SEARCH in the VOL parameter to search the media inventory for the marked volumes that are to be duplicated, or *SCHHST to search the history information for marked saved items to be duplicated. When using *SEARCH or *SCHHST the FROMVOL parameter is not used. This is a required parameter. *LIST Specify this special value to duplicate a list of active volumes that you specify. Enter the list of volumes that you want to duplicate in the FROMVOL parameter. *RESUME Specify to resume history or media duplication operations which end with errors. Use the Resume key (RSMKEY) parameter to specify the duplication operation to be resumed. Note: You must correct any errors which caused the duplication operation to end before you resume the duplication operation. *SCHHST All saved items that are marked for duplication, and meet the specified search values are duplicated. Search values are specified by using the following parameters: v File group (FILEGRP) parameter v File group type (GRPTYPE) parameter v Media class (SCHMEDCLS) parameter v From system (FROMSYS) parameter *SEARCH All active volumes that are marked for duplication, and meet the specified search values are duplicated. Search values are specified by using the following parameters: v File group (FILEGRP) parameter v File group type (GRPTYPE) parameter v Media class (SCHMEDCLS) parameter v From system (FROMSYS) parameter from-volume-identifier Specify the name of the volume that you want to duplicate. The volume identifier that you specify must be a active volume that is in the BRMS media inventory. Top Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) 73 Resume key (RSMKEY) Specifies the previous duplication operation to resume. You may want to resume a previous duplication if the operation ended with errors. A resume key is returned in the recovery text of diagnostic message BRM4137 for duplication operations which end with errors. A resume key for pending duplication of saved items is also displayed on the Duplication view of the Work with Media Information display. Use the Work with Media Information (WRKMEDIBRM) command to display the saved items, then use F11 to select the Duplication view. Note: This parameter is required when *RESUME is specified for the Volume (VOL) parameter. *ALL All pending duplications of saved items with resume keys are duplicated. 1-999999 The pending duplication of saved items having the specified resume key are duplicated. Top File group (FILEGRP) Specifies the file group that you want search for and duplicate the volumes that contain the specified file group. *ALL Include all file groups that meet the other specifications in the search. *ARCGRP Include volumes that contain the default archive control group in the group of files to duplicate. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKUGRP Include volumes that contain the default backup user data control group in the group of files to duplicate. *SYSGRP Include volumes that contain the default system data control group in the group of files to duplicate. *SYSTEM Include volumes that contain the default backup entire system control group in the group of files to duplicate. file-group Specify the name of the file group whose volume you want to be duplicated. Top File group type (GRPTYPE) Specifies the type of file group that you want to search for and duplicate the volumes that contain the specified file group type. *ALL Include all file groups that meet the other specifications in the search. *ARC The file group is an archive file group. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. 74 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *BKU The file group is a backup file group. file-group-type Specify the file group type that you want to include in the search. Top From media class (SCHMEDCLS) Specifies the media classes that you want to search for and duplicate the input volumes that are associated with the specified media class. This parameter is only used in conjunction with the From volume identifier (VOL) parameter when the special value *SEARCH is specified. *ALL Include all media classes that meet the other specifications in the search. from-media-class Specify the name of the media class that you want to duplicate. Top From device (FROMDEV) Specifies the device name from which the volume or volumes is copied. This is a required parameter. Top To device (TODEV) Specifies the device name on which you are placing the volume that you want to copy to. This is a required parameter. Top From sequence number (FROMSEQNBR) Specifies which data file sequence numbers are to be copied. Note: If *ALL is specified for Starting file sequence number, or *FIRST for Starting file sequence number and *LAST for Ending file sequence number, then file sequences prior to *FIRST or after *LAST which do not reside in the history information for the volumes will not be duplicated. Single values *ALL All files are duplicated. Element 1: Starting file sequence number *FIRST All files starting with the first file sequence are duplicated. Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) 75 file-sequence-number Specify the starting file sequence number do be duplicated. The valid range of sequence numbers is 1 through 16777215. Only the files in the specified sequence number range are duplicated. Element 2: Ending file sequence number *LAST All files ending with the last file sequence are duplicated. *ONLY Only the file specified in the starting file sequence is duplicated. If *ALL is specified in the first element, then this parameter is ignored. file-sequence-number Specify the ending file sequence number of the range to be duplicated. The valid range of sequence numbers is 1 through 16777215. Top To sequence number (TOSEQNBR) Specifies which sequence number the data files are to be copied to. 1 The data files are copied to file sequence 1. *END The data files are added to the logical end of tape. The next valid sequence number is used. file-sequence-number Specify the sequence number in which the data file will be copied to. This value is not allowed if the device does not have overwriting capabilities and the value specified is not the next logical value to be used at the end of the logical tape volume. Top To media policy (MEDPCY) Specifies the media policy for the volumes to which you are copying. Media policies are used to determine: v The type of retention to use, such as days, date or version, for media used in control group processing. v The move policy to use with this media policy. v The media class to use. v Whether or not to use save files. v The type of retention to use, such as days or date for save files created in control group processing. The media policy you specify must be a media policy that is in the BRMS media policy table. *SYSPCY The media policy specified in the system policy is used as the value for media policy. *NONE No media policy is specified for this duplication operation. Media policy values must be supplied from the command for each parameter that has a default of *MEDPCY. to-media-policy-name Specify a media policy that has been set up in the BRMS. You can press F4 to get a list of these media policies. 76 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Top Input volume list (FROMVOL) Specifies the list of volumes that are to be copied. This parameter works in conjunction with the From volume identifier (VOL) parameter to specify the volume or volumes that you want to copy. You can copy a single volume, a set of volumes or a list of volumes. You can specify up to 300 volumes in the FROMVOL parameter. To copy a single volume, specify a volume in the VOL parameter and specify the special value *VOL in the FROMVOL parameter. Note: If you are prompting the command, use F9 to display all command parameters before you specify a volume in the VOL parameter. The prompter will set the default value in the FROMVOL parameter to *VOL. If you are not sure if a volume is a member of a media set, enter the volume identifier in the VOL parameter and press the Enter key. If the volume is a member of a media set, the volume identifiers of all volumes in the set will be displayed in the FROMVOL parameter. If you specify *LIST in the VOL parameter, you can enter a list of volumes to copy in the FROMVOL parameter. If you specify *SEARCH in the VOL parameter, this parameter is not used. If you want to duplicate the volumes in a media set, specify a volume of the media set in the VOL parameter and specify *SET in the FROMVOL parameter. You must use this method to duplicate the volumes of a media set in a batch job. Single values *VOL You want to copy a single volume that is specified in the VOL parameter. The *VOL special value is displayed but not used when the special value *SEARCH is specified in the VOL parameter. *SET Specify this special value to copy all volumes in a media set when only one volume of the set is specified in the VOL parameter. If you are copying a media set in batch mode by specifying a volume of the media set in the VOL parameter, you must use the special value *SET in the FROMVOL parameter. Other values (up to 300 repetitions) volume-identifier Specify the volume identifiers of a list of active volumes, that you want to duplicate. Top From device end option (FROMENDOPT) Specifies whether the volume placed on the device specified on the From device (FROMDEV) parameter is rewound and unloaded after the operation completes. *REWIND The volume is automatically rewound, but not unloaded after the operation ends. *LEAVE The volume does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the device. Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) 77 *UNLOAD The volume is automatically rewound and unloaded after the operation ends. Top To device end option (TOENDOPT) Specifies whether the volume placed on the device specified on the To device (TODEV) parameter is rewound and unloaded after the operation is completed. *UNLOAD The volume is rewound and unloaded after the operation is completed. *LEAVE The volume does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the device. *REWIND The volume is rewound after the operation is completed. Top From system (FROMSYS) Specifies the location and network identification of the system that owns the volumes you would like to duplicate. When specifying a remote system, the input and output volumes used in the operation will be owned by the specified system. Note: Use the Display Network Attributes (DSPNETA) command to view the system network attributes. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value if a value other than *LCL is specified. *LCL Specifies that the from-system is the local system. BRMS uses the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute and not the System name (SYSNAME) network attribute to determine the current system name. In most cases, the systems have the same value specified for LCLLOCNAME as for SYSNAME. location-name Specifies the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute of the remote system for the network operation. The current system Local network ID (LCLNETID) network attribute is used to connect with the remote system. network-id.location-name Specifies the Local network ID (LCLNETID) and the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attributes of the remote system for the network operation. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the LCLNETID and cccccccc is the LCLLOCNAME. Top 78 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands To volume identifier (TOVOL) Specifies the volume identifiers of the volumes to which data is being copied. The volume identifier that you specify must be a volume that is in the BRMS media inventory. Single values *MOUNTED The volume identifier of the volume placed in the device specified on the To device (TODEV) parameter is used. If the source volume is a standard labeled volume and the volume placed in the device is not labeled or is initialized to the wrong density, the volume is reinitialized to the correct density using the volume identifier of the source volume currently placed in the device. Other values (up to 300 repetitions) volume-identifier Specify the volume identifier of the volumes to which data is being copied. When the end of a volume is reached, you will be able to reinitialize the volume using this volume identifier. If the volume contains the correct volume identifier but is in the wrong density, the volume will be reinitialized to the correct density. The volume identifier is saved. Top Retain object detail (OBJDTL) This parameter has no function. Object detail, including member level detail for physical files, is always retained for duplicated media as long as object detail was available for the input volumes. Top Expiration date (EXPDATE) Specifies the expiration that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this duplication operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this duplication command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *PERM Output volumes from this duplication operation are assigned a permanent expiration. expiration-date Specify an expiration date with or without date separators that will be assigned to output volumes from this duplication operation. Top Move policy (MOVPCY) Specifies the move policy that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this duplication operation. Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) 79 *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this duplication command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE There is not a move policy associated with the output volumes that are created as a result of this duplication operation. move-policy Specify a move policy that will be assigned to output volumes from this duplication operation. Top Media class (MEDCLS) Specifies the media class that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this duplication operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this duplication command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *SYSPCY The value for media class in the system policy will be assigned to output volumes from this duplication operation. media-class Specify a media class that will be assigned to output volumes from this duplication operation. Top Location (LOC) Specifies the location that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this duplication operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this duplication command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ANY Any valid location is assigned to output volumes from this duplication operation. *HOME The home location is assigned to output volumes from this duplication operation. location Specify a location that will be assigned to output volumes from this duplication operation. Top 80 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Secure volume (VOLSEC) Specifies whether you want to apply volume security to volumes in this media class. Volumes that are secured can only be read by users with the special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this duplication command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO Volume security has not been applied to this media class. Volumes that do not have volume security can be read by anyone. *YES Only users with special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS can read media volumes in this media class. Top Required volumes (MINVOL) Specifies the minimum number of expired volumes that must be present before any duplication can be done using this media policy. The value can also be checked by user jobs using the Check Expired Media for BRM (CHKEXPBRM) command. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this duplication command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE There is no check done to determine the minimum number of required volumes before a duplication operation begins. number-of-volumes Specify the number of expired media volumes that must be available before any BRMS duplication operation will begin. The number can range from 1 to 9999. Top Mark volumes for duplication (MARKDUP) Specifies whether to mark volumes for duplication after they have been duplicated. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this duplication command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO Do not mark volumes for duplication. *YES Mark volumes for duplication. Top Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) 81 Mark history for duplication (MARKHST) Specifies whether to mark history items for duplication after they have been duplicated. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this duplication command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO Do not mark the history items for duplication. *YES Mark the history items for duplication. Top Save media information (SAVMEDINF) Specifies whether you want to automatically save the media information after duplication has run. The media information is the changes to the save history and volume information that occur during the duplication operation. You can specify whether the save history in the media information is saved at the library or object level. Note: Object level saved history information can only be saved if object level or member level detail was retained when the objects were originally saved. Note: The saved media information will be appended to the last output volume used for duplication. *NONE Specifies you do not want media information saved after duplication has run. *BKUPCY Specifies you want the Backup Policy to specify whether media information is saved after duplication has run. If this value is specified, the current value of the Automatically backup media information prompt on the Backup Policy will determine whether media information is saved when this command is run. *LIB Specifies you want media information saved after the duplication has run, but you only want to save library level history information. With library level history information, you must know the object names to restore individual objects. *OBJ Specifies you want media information saved after the duplication has run and you want to save object level history information. With object level history information, you can use BRMS to help you locate saved objects that you want to restore such as physical files or members. Top Examples Example 1: Copying a Single Volume DUPMEDBRM VOL(T00001) FROMDEV(TAP01) TODEV(TAP03) FROMVOL(T00001) This command duplicates volume T00001 using TAP01 as the from device and TAP03 as the to device. Because T00001 is not a member of a media set, the input list (FROMVOL) contains only T00001. Example 2: Duplicating a List of Volumes 82 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands DUPMEDBRM VOL(*LIST) FROMDEV(TAPMLB01) TODEV(TAPMLB02) MEDPCY(FMT3570) FROMVOL(VOL001 VOL002 VOL003) This command duplicates volumes VOL001, VOL002 and VOL003 using media library TAPMLB01 as the from device and media library TAPMLB02 as the to device using the media class in the FMT3570 media policy for the to volumes. Example 3: Duplicating a Volume Set DUPMEDBRM VOL(VOL002) FROMDEV(TAPMLB01) TODEV(TAPMLB02) FROMVOL(*SET) MEDPCY(FMT3570) This command duplicates all volumes in the volume set which contains VOL002 using media library TAPMLB01 as the from device and media library TAPMLB02 as the to device using the media class in the FMT3570 media policy for the to volumes. Example 4: Duplicating All Marked Volumes for Another System DUPMEDBRM VOL(*SEARCH) FROMDEV(TAPMLB01) TODEV(TAPMLB02) FROMSYS(SYSTEM_B) If this command is run on SYSTEM_A, the command will search for all volumes marked for duplication owned by SYSTEM_B using media library TAPMLB01 as the from device and media library TAPMLB02 as the to device. SYSTEM_A and SYSTEM_B are in a BRMS network and share the media library resources. Example 5: Resume a Previous Duplicate Media using BRM DUPMEDBRM VOL(*RESUME) RSMKEY(123456) This command resume a previous duplication operation which ended abnormally. The resume key 123456 was returned in message BRM4137 when the duplication operation ended with exception BRM4138. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM15A2 Volume &1 cannot be duplicated by this system. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM1934 Media duplication not successful. BRM1936 No media found for duplication. BRM2338 Duplication completed with errors. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) 83 BRM4138 Media duplication completed with errors. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 84 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Extract Media Information (EXTMEDIBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Extract Media Information (EXTMEDIBRM) command adds information about a volume in the BRMS media file. You specify the identifier of the volume and what is contained on the volume. BRMS records content information only for media already added to the BRMS media inventory, and then only for media whose contents are currently shown as expired. If active contents information for the media already exists, or if the media has not been added to the media inventory, no content information is added. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes DEV Device Name Required, Positional 1 VOL Volume identifier Character value, *MOUNTED Optional, Positional 2 FILE File origin *FILE, *SAV, *SAVCFG, *SAVCHG, *SAVCHGDLO, *SAVCHGOBJ, *SAVDLO, *SAVLIB, *SAVOBJ, *SAVSECDTA, *SAVSYS Optional ENDOPT End of tape option *UNLOAD, *LEAVE, *REWIND Optional Top Device (DEV) Specifies the name of the device on which you are loading the volume. The device name must be defined in the BRMS device table. Top Volume identifier (VOL) Specifies the volume identifier of the volume on the device whose information is being added to BRMS. *MOUNTED The information on the volume identifier that is loaded on the device is added to BRMS. volume-identifier Specify the volume identifier of the volumes from which data is being added to the BRMS media content information. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 85 Top File origin (FILE) Specifies the type of information that is stored on the volume. *FILE The information on the volume is a file. *SAV The information on the volume is IFS information. *SAVCFG The information on the volume is a save of configuration information. *SAVCHG The information on the volume is an incremental save of IFS information. *SAVCHGDLO The information on the volume is an incremental save of document information. *SAVCHGOBJ The information on the volume is an incremental object save. *SAVDLO The information on the volume is a full save of document information. *SAVLIB The information on the volume is a saved library. *SAVOBJ The information on the volume is a full object save. *SAVSECDTA The information on the volume is a save of security information. *SAVSYS The information on the volume is system save information. Top End of tape option (ENDOPT) Specifies, when tape is used, what positioning operation is automatically done on the tape volume after the save operation ends. If more than one volume is included, this parameter applies only to the last volume used; all other volumes are rewound and unloaded when the end of the tape is reached. Note: If no objects are saved the volume is not opened and the ENDOPT parameter is ignored. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is a shared device, the device will not be varied off after the save operation. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is not a shared device, the device will be varied off after the save operation. *UNLOAD The volume is automatically rewound and unloaded after the operation ends. *LEAVE The volume does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the device. *REWIND The volume is rewound, but not unloaded. 86 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Top Examples Example 1: Adding Media Information EXTMEDIBRM DEV(TAP06) FILE(*SAVLIB) This command adds save library content information for the volume that is mounted on device TAP06 to the BRMS media inventory. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1134 Device &1 not found. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. BRM6708 Command ended due to error. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top Extract Media Information (EXTMEDIBRM) 87 88 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Initialize BRMS (INZBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Initialize BRMS (INZBRM) command performs several types of initialization. These are: v Allows you to estimate the time to update the BRMS product to a future version and release. v Allows you to start BRMS product initialization after installation or update. v Allows you to estimate the time remaining to complete BRMS product initialization. v Initializes all major files as well as establishing default policies and control groups v Starts the subsystem for networking in a multi-system environment v Allows you to reset BRMS and re-initialize all major files as well as establishing default policies and control groups v Creates auxiliary storage pool (ASP) descriptions v Allows you to re-register all BRMS functional authority elements with the i5/OS registration facility. This option is used during a full system recovery prior to restoring user profiles v Allows you to change the system name for BRMS media information to a new system name when restoring this information to a different system or logical partition v Allows you to merge the BRMS database files contained on one library with the BRMS database files in another library The INZBRM command is used to add a system to a BRMS network group. The INZBRM command must be processed from the system that you are adding to the network group. Note: All references to system name assume that the system name and the system location name are the same and are used interchangeably in the help information. If they are not the same, use the system location name instead of the system name. You can review the setting for the system name and location name by using the Display Network Attributes (DSPNETA) command from any command line. Systems that are members of the network group share BRMS media inventory. Additions, changes and removals from shared media inventory on any system in the network result in the same changes being made to all systems that are members of the network group. When a system is added to a network group, the media information common to the network group is copied to the system that you are adding. The system’s media information is replaced by the network group’s media information. When a system is first added, it is added in an inactive status on an active network group member. Note: This is accomplished by adding the system to a network group list using the Change Network Group display which is found in the System Policy menu. When the system name is added to the list, it is shown in inactive status. The INZBRM OPTION(*NETSYS) option changes the status from inactive to active and synchronizes media information. The following shared BRMS information files are replaced on this system with the information from the incoming system: v Media inventory © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 89 v Media classes v Media policies v Container inventory v Container classes v Move policies v Network systems v Storage locations To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. 2. All BRMS operations must be ended before running this command. 3. All object authority is required to run the *RUNPRDINZ option. 4. These additional restrictions apply when *MERGE is specified for the Option (OPTION) parameter: v All BRMS operations must be ended if library QUSRBRM is specified for the To library (TOLIB) parameter. v Ownership of the from library and its objects and the to library and its objects will be changed to QBRMS prior to the merge. The public authority will be changed to *USE. v Exclusive locks will be placed on the physical files in the from library objects and to library objects prior to the merge. v Logical files will be deleted from the from library and to libraries prior to the merge. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes OPTION Option *DATA, *CHGSYSNAM, *DEVICE, *ESTPRDINZ, *ESTPRDUPD, *MERGE, *NETSYS, *RESET, *RUNPRDINZ, *SETAUT Optional, Positional 1 FROMSYS From system Character value Optional PRVSYSNAM Previous system name Character value, *LCL Optional NEWSYSNAM New system name Character value, *LCL Optional FROMLIB From library Name Optional MERGE Merge Single values: *ALL Other values (up to 5 repetitions): *ARC, *BKU, *DEV, *HST, *MED, *MGR Optional TOLIB To library Name Optional TGTRLS Target release Character value Optional Top Option (OPTION) Specifies which of the types of initialization you want to perform. 90 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *DATA You are initializing BRMS. Default control groups, policies and tables are built based on the characteristics of the system that is being initialized. Additionally, new devices are added and ASPs are configured. Default ASP descriptions for ASPs defined to the system, but not already defined to BRMS are added. When ASPs are configured, the following default information is added: v ASP name value is *NONE, with the exception of ASP 1, which is given the ASP name of *SYSTEM. v Low and high threshold values are set to *NONE. v Text is ″Entry created by BRM configuration″. If the parameter contains the special value *DATA, you must process the INZBRM command on the system on which you want to initialize for BRMS. This option does not affected the saved history. No parameters are used with this option. *CHGSYSNAM Allows you to change the system name stored in the BRMS media information. The system name is used to distinguish the media information of this system from the media information of other systems in a BRMS network. The system name is applied to the media information even if you do not use the BRMS networking feature. BRMS uses the system’s local network ID (LCLNETID) and default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) for the system name. You can use the DSPNETA command to view these system network attributes. You must change the system name of the media information to the current system name when recovering the BRMS media information to a different system or different logical partition having a system name different from the saved system name. You must specify a previous system name using the Previous system name (PRVSYSNAM) parameter and a new system name using the New system name (NEWSYSNAM) parameter. The From library (FROMLIB) , To library (TOLIB) and Merge (MERGE) parameters are not used with this option. *DEVICE You are clearing device and media library information and re-initializing the files with the devices currently described on the system. In addition to clearing and re-initializing the device file, *DEVICE also performs the same functions as *DATA. Using the *DEVICE special value causes CSI objects and APPC device information to be removed from the BRMS inventory if no APPC device entries by the same name are found. Using the *DEVICE special value does not cause NET device information to be removed. This option does not affected the saved history. No parameters are used with this option. *ESTPRDINZ Use this option to determine the approximate time required to complete initialization of the BRMS program product after installation or update. An estimate of the initialization time is returned in message BRM402B. For more precise estimates, always run this option in the same system environment as the initialization job. If this option is run concurrently with product initialization, the approximate time remaining is returned. Product initialization is only required once following a product update. Use option *RUNPRDINZ of this command to run product initialization after the update. No parameters are used with this option. Initialize BRMS (INZBRM) 91 *ESTPRDUPD Use this option to determine the approximate time required to complete a BRMS program product update to a future version and release. The time estimate is returned in message BRM402C. Note: The actual time could vary from the estimated time if the update occurs on a different system or uses a different job environment. You must specify a value for Target release (TGTRLS) when using this option. *MERGE Allows you to merge the BRMS database files contained in one library specified on the From library (FROMLIB) parameter with the BRMS database files in another library specified on the To library (TOLIB) parameter using options specified on the Merge (MERGE) parameter. This function may be useful when consolidating multiple systems onto a single system, or copying BRMS objects from library QUSRBRM to another library for subsequent archive. Refer to Appendix A in the Backup Recovery and Media Services book for additional guidance on using this option. Note: Because of the extensive file processing involved in the merge operation, this could be a long running process depending on the merge options you select and the size of the merged files. Note: If you intend to merge more than one library to the current system it is recommended that you merge these libraries to an intermediate library then perform a final merge of the intermediate library into the QUSRBRM library. The From system (FROMSYS), Previous system name (PRVSYSNAM) and New system name (NEWSYSNAM) parameters are not used with this option. *NETSYS BRMS files will be copied from the system specified in the From system (FROMSYS) parameter which should be in the network system group. Prior to using this option, use the Copy Media Information (CPYMEDIBRM) command to copy the current BRMS information from this system to a temporary file. After the INZBRM *NETSYS is complete, to merge the old information, use the CPYMEDIBRM again to copy the information back from the temporary file. This option will replace data in some current BRMS files. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value. Only the From system (FROMSYS) parameters is used with this option. *RESET You are resetting BRMS. When you use this option BRMS information is removed from your system and all major files are re-initialized. Using OPTION(*RESET) clears all major BRMS files and processes the INZBRM command OPTION(*DATA). This option erases all hierarchial storage management (HSM) information and resets all configurations to be consistent with those created when the product is first installed. Since APPC information is not automatically configured by BRMS, *RESET removes all APPC device information from BRMS including any CSI objects that may have been created. No parameters are used with this option. *RUNPRDINZ Use this option to complete initialization of the BRMS program product after installation. The BRMS program product cannot be used until initialization is complete. Product initialization is only required once following a product update. Use this option if you receive message BRM40A2 - BRMS product initialization required when attempting to perform a BRMS operation after a product update. BRMS product initialization can be a long running process. Performance can be optimized by running this option when there is little or no other activity on the server. 92 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Use option *ESTPRDINZ of this command to retrieve an approximation of the time required to perform the initialization in the current environment. Note: All object authority is required to use this option. No parameters are used with this option. *SETAUT Allows you to re-register all BRMS functional authority elements with the i5/OS registration facility. This option is used during a full system recovery prior to restoring user profiles. No parameters are used with this option. Top From system (FROMSYS) Specifies the name of any system which is already in the network group that you want the new system to join. The network media information on the system that you specify here is copied to your system. For example, if system A is a system that you want to add to the network and system B is an active member of a network group, you would specify system B in the From system (FROMSYS) parameter. The network media inventory from system B replace the media inventory on system A and system A has now become an active member of the network group. The following media inventory files are copied from the active system in a network group to replace the media inventory files on the inactive system. You are notified before each file is replaced: v Media inventory v Media classes v Media policies v Container inventory v Container classes v Move policies v Network systems v Storage locations Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this parameter. location-name Specify the name of the remote location associated with the from-system. The local system’s network identifier, as seen by using the DSPNETA command, is used as the from-system’s network identifier. network-id.location-name Specify the network identifier and the name of the remote location associated with the from-system. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the network identifier and cccccccc is the remote location name. Top Previous system name (PRVSYSNAM) Specifies the previous name of the system when changing the system name in the media information for recovery to a different system or different logical partition. Initialize BRMS (INZBRM) 93 *LCL Specifies that the local system name is to be used for the previous system name. BRMS will use this system’s local network ID (LCLNETID) and default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) for the previous system name. previous-system-name Specifies the name that is to be used as the previous system name . If you specify this value, BRMS will use the local network ID (LCLNETID) and the specified name to create the previous system name. network-id.location-name Specify the local network identifier and default local location name that is to be used for the previous system name. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the network identifier and cccccccc is the remote location name of the previous system. Top New system name (NEWSYSNAM) Specifies the new name of the system when changing the system name in the media information for recovery to a different system or different logical partition. *LCL Specifies that the local system name is to be used for the new system name. BRMS will use this system’s local network ID (LCLNETID) and default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) for the new system name. new-system-name Specifies the name that is to be used as the new system name . If you specify this value, BRMS will use the local network ID (LCLNETID) and the specified name to create the new system name. network-id.location-name Specify the local network identifier and default local location name that is to be used for the new system name. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the network identifier and cccccccc is the remote location name of the new system. Top From library (FROMLIB) Specifies the name of the source library containing the BRMS files with the records to be merged. This should be a version of the QUSRBRM library saved from another system and restored to the current system using a different library name. Note: Prior to the start of the merge operation, the ownership of the library and all objects in the library will be changes to QBRMS and the public authority will be changed to *USE. Also, all logical files will be deleted from this library and all physical files will be converted to the current release. from-library-name Name of the library containing the BRMS database files which are to be merged. Library QUSRBRM cannot be specified as the from library. Top 94 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Merge (MERGE) Specifies the options for the merge process. These options define the types of BRMS data to be merged. Single values *ALL Specifies all BRMS media, device, history and policy files are to be merged. Other values (up to 5 repetitions) *ARC Specifies all BRMS archive control group and archive list files are to be merged. *BKU Specifies all BRMS backup control group and backup list files are to be merged. *DEV Specifies all BRMS user devices such as Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) of type *NET and user media library devices of type *USRMLB are to be merged. *HST Specifies all BRMS media information files containing backup, archive and migration history are to be merged. *MED Specifies all BRMS volume information and media related files are to be merged. *MGR Specifies all BRMS migration control group files are to be merged. Top To library (TOLIB) Specifies the name of the target library containing the BRMS files which will receive the merge records. Note: Always save library QUSRBRM before performing a merge operation when QUSRBRM is specified for the to library. Note: You must end all BRMS operations before performing a merge operation when QUSRBRM is specified for the to library. The merge operation will fail if exclusive locks cannot be obtain ed for the files in the to library. to-library-name Name of the library containing the BRMS database files which will receive the merge records. Top Target release (TGTRLS) Specifies the target release for estimating the BRMS product update time. This is a required parameter when *ESTPRDUPD is specified for the Option (OPTION) parameter. *DEFAULT Specifies the default action is to be used when estimating the BRMS product update time. The default action assumes the target release is not available and a worst case update time is returned. Use this value if a future version and release of the product is not available, or the current version and release is no longer serviced and an available target release is not listed. target-release Specify the target release for the update in the format VxRxMx, where Vx is the version, Rx is the release, and Mx is the modification level. For example, V5R4M0 is version 5, release 4, modification level 0. Top Initialize BRMS (INZBRM) 95 Examples Example 1: Initializing the BRMS Product INZBRM OPTION(*RESET) This command initializes BRMS resetting all values to the default value. Example 2: Activating a System on the Network INZBRM OPTION(*NETSYS) FROMSYS(MYNETID.MYSYSID) This command activates system MYSYSID on network MYNETID into the BRMS network. The command is run on system MYSYSID. Example 3: Register All Functional Authorities INZBRM OPTION(*SETAUT) This command registers all policies and functions currently defined in BRMS to the i5/OS Registration facility. Example 4: Rename Media Information INZBRM OPTION(*CHGSYSNAM) PRVSYSNAM(MYNETID.MYSYSID) NEWSYSNAM(*LCL) This command renames all BRMS media information currently owned by system MYSYSID on network MYNETID to the local network identified and default local location name as defined in the network attributes. Example 5: Merge BRMS Database Files INZBRM OPTION(*MERGE) FROMLIB(QUSRBRMSAV) TOLIB(QUSRBRM) MERGE(*ALL) This command merges the records found in the database files found in library QUSRBRMSAV with the records found in library QUSRBRM. Example 6: Estimate BRMS initialization INZBRM OPTION(*ESTPRDINZ) This command estimates the time required to initialize BRMS following installation of the product primary language. The estimate is returned in message BRM402B. Example 7: Run BRMS initialization INZBRM OPTION(*RUNPRDINZ) The user has received exception BRM40A2 trying to run BRMS operations. This command completes the BRMS product initialization and allows for normal BRMS operations to continue. Example 8: Estimate BRMS update time INZBRM OPTION(*ESTPRDUPT) TGTRLS(VxRxMx) Estimates the time to update the current version and release of BRMS to the version and release specified by the VxRxMx value for the TGTRLS parameter. Top 96 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM13FF Merge operation not successful. Reason &5 BRM1521 Connection to system &1 could not be established. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM4041 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A5 BRMS product initialization ended abnormally. BRM40A6 BRMS product initialization already started. BRM412B Values not valid for parameters. BRM6708 Command ended due to error. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top Initialize BRMS (INZBRM) 97 98 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Initialize Media using BRM (INZMEDBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Initialize Media using BRM (INZMEDBRM) command prepares media for use in the BRMS system. This command is used to initialize a volume with a standard volume label for standard label magnetic volume processing. Note: It is recommended that you use the INZMEDBRM command in place of the i5/OS INZTAP command. To assure the protection of media, BRMS disables INZTAP CHECK(*NO) for users who do not have *SECADM, *SECOFR, *SERVICE or *SAVSYS authority. Unlike users of INZTAP, users of INZMEDBRM do not need these levels of authority in order to use the CHECK(*NO) option. Virtual tape media and devices can be used with this command. The following restrictions apply to the use of virtual media and virtual devices. v The Device (DEV) parameter is limited on only one device or *MEDCLS special value for serial operations. v Execute authority is required to the Load or Unload Image Catalog (LODIMGCLG) command. v *CHANGE authority is required to the image catalogs. v Execute (*X) authority is required to each directory in the image catalog path name. v Read, write, execute (*RWX) authority is required to each image file in the parent directory that will be loaded or mounted. v *USE authority is required to the virtual devices using the image catalogs. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes DEV Device Name Required, Positional 1 NEWVOL New volume identifier Character value Required, Positional 2 MEDCLS Media class Name Required, Positional 3 NEWOWNID New owner identifier Character value, *BLANK Optional VOL Volume identifier Character value, *MOUNTED Optional CHECK Check for active files *YES, *FIRST, *NO Optional CODE Code *EBCDIC, *ASCII Optional ENDOPT End of tape option *REWIND, *UNLOAD Optional © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 99 Keyword Description Choices Notes CLEAR Clear *NO, *YES Optional Top Device (DEV) Specifies the name of the device which is used to initialize the volume. The device name must be defined in the BRMS device table. This is a required parameter. Top New volume identifier (NEWVOL) Specifies the volume identifier for a volume being initialized for use as a BRMS volume. New volume identifier is a required field. new-volume-identifier Specify the 6 character identifier of the new volume. The identifier must contain only alphanumeric characters (A through Z and 0 through 9), and cannot have a prefix or be filled with blanks. This is a required parameter. Top Media class (MEDCLS) The MEDCLS parameter defines the density used to format the volume. It does not define the media class the volume is assigned. Use the CHGMEDBRM command to change the media class assignment of the volume. This is a required parameter. Top New owner identifier (NEWOWNID) Specifies the volume owner’s identifier to write in the volume label of the volume being written. *BLANK The owner identification field is set to blanks. new-owner-identifier Specify no more than 14 characters to identify the owner of the volume. If fewer than 14 characters are specified, the field is left-justified and is filled with blanks on the right. Top 100 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Volume identifier (VOL) Specifies the existing volume identifier of the volume being initialized for use or indicates that the volume currently on the magnetic device should be initialized for use. *MOUNTED Any labeled or unlabeled volume that is placed in the specified volume device is initialized for use. To initialize a new or empty volume for use, *MOUNTED must be specified, and *NO must be specified on the Check for active files (CHECK) parameter. volume-identifier Specify the identifier of the labeled volume being initialized for use. This parameter value can be used only to initialize a volume for use that is already a labeled volume. If the volume on the specified device has a different volume identifier than the one specified or if it is an unlabeled volume, an error message is sent. Top Check for active files (CHECK) Specifies whether a labeled volume should be checked for active data files before it is initialized for use. If an unlabeled volume is placed in the specified device, this parameter is ignored. *YES All data file labels on the volume are checked. If any active files are found, the operation is ended and an error message is sent. *FIRST Only the first data file label on the volume is checked. If there are no data files on the volume or if the first data file has expired, the volume is initialized for use without checking for any other files on the volume. If the first data file has not expired, the operation is ended and an error message is sent. *NO Volume initialization continues with no checking for active files. To initialize a new or empty volume for use, *NO must be specified here and *MOUNTED must be specified on the Volume identifier (VOL) parameter. Top Code (CODE) Specifies the character code in which the volume label is written. All data that is not save/restore data written after the label must be in the same code; codes cannot be intermixed on a volume that is not a save/restore volume. *EBCDIC The volume label is written in EBCDIC and is an IBM standard label; all additional data must also be written in EBCDIC. *ASCII The volume label is written in ASCII and is an American National Standard Institute standard label; all additional data must also be written in ASCII. Top End of tape option (ENDOPT) Specifies whether the volume is only rewound, or rewound and unloaded after it has been initialized for use. Initialize Media using BRM (INZMEDBRM) 101 *REWIND The volume is rewound after it has been initialized for use. *UNLOAD The volume is rewound and unloaded. Top Clear (CLEAR) Specifies whether all labels and data are to be deleted from the volume when it is initialized for use. If the volume must be cleared of all data, it is deleted from the location of the volume label or tape marks to the end of the tape marker. *NO The existing data is not deleted. Even though the existing data is not deleted, the data on the volume is not usable after the volume has been initialized for use. *YES After the beginning of the volume has been initialized for use, the remaining data on the volume is deleted. Top Examples Example 1: Initializing a Volume INZMEDBRM DEV(TAP06) NEWVOL(T00004) MEDCLS(QIC1000) This command initializes volume T00004 using device TAP06. The volume is assigned a media class of QIC1000 and initialized using the density specified by the QIC1000 media class. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1317 Volume &1 cannot be initialized now. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM4041 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 102 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Migrate using BRM (MGRBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Migrate using BRM (MGRBRM) command allows you to migrate a library or first level folder to a specified auxiliary storage pool. This command is used by BRMS migration processing and by you to request migration of a specific library or folder as needed. You can specify the auxiliary storage pool to which you want to migrate the library or folder. When the MGRBRM command is used BRMS ignores low storage threshold constraints for the auxiliary storage pool from which the item is being moved, but does honor the target auxiliary storage pool’s high storage threshold. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restriction: v The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this command. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes TOASP To asp Character value, *SYSTEM Required, Positional 1 TYPE Type *LIB, *FLR Optional, Positional 2 LIB Library Name Optional, Positional 3 FLR Folder Name Optional Top To ASP (TOASP) Specifies the auxiliary storage pool to which the specified library or first level folder is to be migrated. *SYSTEM The library or folder is to be migrated to the system (1) auxiliary storage pool. ASP-name Specify the name of the auxiliary storage pool to which the library or folder is to be migrated. auxiliary storage pool names are assigned using the WRKASPBRM command. ASP-number Specify the number of the auxiliary storage pool to which the library or folder is to be migrated. Note: UDFS, primary, secondary auxiliary storage pools are not supported for this parameter. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 103 Top Type (TYPE) Specifies the type of item that you want to migrate. You can select a library or a first level folder. *LIB The type of item that you want to migrate to another auxiliary storage pool is a library. *FLR The type of item that you want to migrate to another auxiliary storage pool is a first level folder. Top Library (LIB) Specifies the library name that you want to migrate to another auxiliary storage pool. This is a required parameter with TYPE *LIB. Top Folder (FLR) Specifies the folder name that you want to migrate to another auxiliary storage pool. This is a required parameter with TYPE *FLR. Top Examples Example 1: Migrating a Library MGRBRM TOASP(COMPRESS) TYPE(*LIB) LIB(GLLIB) This command migrates library GLLIB to the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) named COMPRESS. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1867 Error writing file &1. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM1F24 Cannot migrate item &1, already in ASP &4. BRM1F25 Cannot migrate item &1, objects in use. 104 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands BRM1F26 Cannot migrate item &1, not allowed. BRM1F27 Operation not allowed, resources not available. BRM1F34 Cannot migrate item &1, threshold too low. BRM1F41 ASP &1 does not support migration BRM1F42 ASP &1 not eligible for migration. BRM1F44 ASP &1 does not support migration BRM2112 ASP &2 not valid. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM4041 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top Migrate using BRM (MGRBRM) 105 106 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Monitor Save While Active (MONSWABRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Monitor Save While Active (MONSWABRM) command reviews the save while active message queue and looks for the message indicating the end of library synchronization. When synchronization is detected, you can issue a command to the system. The MONSWABRM command can be used as an exit (*EXIT) special value in a control group during backup processing. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes LIB Saved library Name, *MSGQ Required, Positional 1 CMD Command to run Command string Required, Positional 2 JOBD Job description Single values: *USRPRF Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Job description Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB JOBQ Job queue Single values: *JOBD Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Job queue Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB WAITMSG Time limit in seconds 1-999999, 3600, *NOMAX Optional MSGQ Message queue Name Optional Top Saved library (LIB) Specifies the name of the library or message queue that you want to review for synchronization during a save while active operation. This is a required parameter. library-name Specify the name of the library that you want to review for synchronization. *MSGQ When you specify *MSGQ, you must specify a message queue name in the Message queue (MSGQ) parameter. The message queue name that you specify is reviewed for synchronization. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 107 Top Command to run (CMD) Specifies the command that you want to process when library synchronization is achieved during a save while active operation. For instance, you may want to restart a subsystem once synchronization has occurred for the library you are saving. Note: Effective use of MONSWABRM in a control group requires that you specify *YES for ″Save while active″ in the control group entry for the monitored library, and that the *EXIT entry precedes the control group entry for the monitored library. This is a required parameter. Top Job description (JOBD) Specifies the job description used with this job. Single values *USRPRF The job description in the user profile under which the submitted job runs is used as the job description of the submitted job. Qualifier 1: Job description name Specify the name of the job description used for the job. Qualifier 2: Library *LIBL The library list is used to locate the job description. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the job description. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. name Specify the name of the library where the job description is located. Top Job queue (JOBQ) Specifies the job queue in which this job is placed. This job queue must be different from the job queue in which the control group will run, so that the MONSWABRM command will run at the same time with the control group. Single values *JOBD The submitted job is placed on the job queue named in the specified job description. Qualifier 1: Job queue name Specify the name of the job queue on which the submitted job is placed. 108 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Qualifier 2: Library *LIBL The library list is used to locate the job queue. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the job queue. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. name Specify the name of the library where the job queue is located. Top Time limit in seconds (WAITMSG) Specifies the time in seconds that the MONSWABRM command should wait for the library synchronization message in the job queue. If the specified time is exceeded, the MONSWABRM command will stop monitoring the message queue. The time can be specified from 1 to 999999 seconds, with a default time of 3600 seconds (1 hour). 3600 The default time limit is one hour. *NOMAX The program waits indefinitely for the arrival of the library synchronization message. time-limit-in-seconds Specify the time limit in seconds. The time can range from 1 to 999999 seconds. Top Message queue (MSGQ) Specifies the name of the message queue that you want to review for synchronization. This parameter is required when *MSGQ is specified in the Saved library (LIB) parameter. Restriction: v The message queue name specified must match the name used on the SWA Message Queue field on the control group entries intended to be monitored, or the name specified in the Save active message queue (SAVACTMSGQ) parameter specified in the BRMS save command(s) intended to be monitored. MONSWABRM always uses the message queue from library QUSRBRM. Top Examples Example 1: Processing a Command after Synchronization MONSWABRM LIB(GLLIB) CMD(SBMJOB JOB(GLDAILY)) This command will submit the GLDAILY job when the synchronization message is sent during the save of library GLLIB. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages Monitor Save While Active (MONSWABRM) 109 BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 110 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Move Media using BRM (MOVMEDBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Move Media using BRM (MOVMEDBRM) command moves media based on BRMS move policies. Media that is moved as a result of processing this command must meet not only the move policy requirements (for example, allowable move day) but also the criteria specified in the command for location, media class, system name and so on. The MOVMEDBRM command can be a job in the system scheduler that can run automatically or you can submit the command manually. The output produced when you run the MOVMEDBRM command is either the Volume Movement report written to printer file QP1AVMS or the moved media records written to the output file. Note: If you have a network of systems using BRMS, it is only necessary to process the MOVMEDBRM command on one of the members of the network, although the process can be done an a system by system basis. Note: The system in the network that is running the movement for all of the other systems in the network should be physically attached to all media libraries that support the network operations. If this is not the case, you may have to run MOVMEDBRM again, specifying the appropriate move policy for the logically attached media library device. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restriction: v When using special value *OUTFILE for the Output (OUTPUT) parameter, refer to section General Rules for Object Authorities on Commands in Appendix D of the iSeries Security Reference book for the authorities required for the output file and output file library. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes MOVPCY Move policy Name, *ALL Optional LOC From location Name, *ALL, *HOME Optional CNR Container Name, *ALL Optional MEDCLS Media class Name, *ALL Optional SYSNAME System name Character value, *ALL, *LCL Optional FILEGRP File group Name, *ALL, *NONE, *ARCGRP, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Optional GRPTYPE File group type Name, *ALL, *ARC, *BKU, *NONE Optional OUTPUT Output *PRINT, *OUTFILE Optional © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 111 Keyword Description Choices Notes OUTFILE File to receive output Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: File to receive output Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB OUTMBR Output member options Element list Optional Element 1: Member to receive output Name, *FIRST Element 2: Replace or add records *REPLACE, *ADD Top Move policy (MOVPCY) Specifies the user-defined name of a move policy that you want to use to select volumes. *ALL All media that has a move policy are selected. move-policy-name Specify the user-defined name of the move policy that you are using to select media volumes. Top From location (LOC) Specifies the location of the media that you want to use when selecting volumes to be moved. *ALL Select media volumes that reside in any storage location. *HOME Select volumes that reside in the home location. from-location-name Specify the name of the media storage location. Top Container (CNR) Specifies the container that you want to select for media movement. You can specify a container or all containers. *ALL Select all media for media movement that is currently in a container. container-ID Specify the name of the container that you want to select for media movement. Top Media class (MEDCLS) Specifies the media class that you want to select for media movement. You can select a specific media class or all media classes. *ALL Select all media regardless of the media class. 112 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands media-class-name Specify the name of the media class that you want to use to select volumes for media movement. Top System name (SYSNAME) Specifies the system name whose media inventory you want to consider for media movement. *ALL Include all media on all systems in the media selected for media movement. *LCL Specifies that the system is the local system. BRMS uses the default local location name, LCLLOCNAME and not the system name SYSNAME. In most cases, the systems have the same value specified in the LCLLOCNAME and in the SYSNAME. You can use the DSPNETA command to view the system network attributes. location-name Specify the name of the remote location associated with the system. The local system’s network identifier, as seen by using the DSPNETA command, is used as the system’s network identifier. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value. network-id.location-name Specify the network identifier and the name of the remote location associated with the system. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the network identifier and cccccccc is the remote location name. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value. Top File group (FILEGRP) Specifies the file group that you want to use when selecting volumes that you want to move. *ALL Include all file groups when selecting the media that you want to move. *NONE Do not include media in file groups. *ARCGRP Include media that contain the default archive control group in the group of files. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKUGRP Include media that contain the default backup user data control group in the group of files. *SYSGRP Include media that contain the default system data control group in the group of files. *SYSTEM Include media that contain the default backup entire system control group in the group of files. file-group Specify the name of the file group whose media you want to select for movement. Top Move Media using BRM (MOVMEDBRM) 113 File group type (GRPTYPE) Specifies the type of file group that you want to select for movement. *ALL Include all types of file groups that meet the other specifications in the search. *ARC Include file groups that are archive type file groups in the media that you want to move. Note: *ARC is not a special value, but rather indicates that this is an archive file group type. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKU Include file groups that are backup type file groups in the media that you want to move. Note: *BKU is not a special value, but rather indicates that this is a backup file group type. *NONE Do not include any file group types in the media that you want to move. file-group-type Specify the file group type that you want to include in the file groups that you want to move. An example file group type is QBRMBKUP which indicates that it is a backup control group file group type. Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output is to be printed with the job’s spooled output or directed to a database file. *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. *OUTFILE The output is directed to the database file specified on the File to receive output (OUTFILE) parameter. Top File to receive output (OUTFILE) Specifies the qualified name of the database file receiving the output when *OUTFILE is specified on the Output (OUTPUT) parameter. If the file does not exist, this command creates a database file in the specified library. New files are created using database file QO1AVMS in library QBRM with the format name QBRMMOVMED as the model. Qualifier 1: File to receive output database-file-name Specifies the name of the database file receiving the output from the command. If this file does not exist, it is created in the specified library. Qualifier 2: Library *LIBL All libraries in the job’s library list are searched until the first match is found. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the file. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. 114 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands library-name The specified library is used to locate the file. Top Output member options (OUTMBR) Specifies the name of the database file member receiving the output of the command when *OUTFILE is specified for the Output (OUTPUT) parameter. Element 1: Member to receive output *FIRST The first member in the file receives the output. If OUTMBR(*FIRST) is specified and the member does not exist, the member is created with the name of the file specified on the File to receive output (OUTFILE) parameter and the record options. member-name Specifies the file member that receives the output. If OUTMBR(member-name) is specified and the member does not exist, the member is created. If the member exists, the user can add records to the end of the existing member or clear the existing member and add the records. Element 2: Replace or add records *REPLACE The existing records in the specified database file member are replaced by the new records. *ADD The new records are added to the existing information in the specified database file member. Top Examples Example 1: Selecting All Volumes to Move for Location *HOME MOVMEDBRM LOC(*HOME) This command selects all volumes for all move policies that are located at the location *HOME for media movement. A summary of the movement activity is printed as file QP1AVMS. Example 2: Selecting All Volumes to Move for Location *HOME MOVMEDBRM LOC(*HOME) OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) OUTFILE(MYLIB/MOVEMENT) This command selects all volumes for all move policies that are located at the location *HOME for media movement. A summary of the movement activity is placed in the first member in data base file MOVEMENT in library MYLIB. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. Move Media using BRM (MOVMEDBRM) 115 BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM4041 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. BRM6708 Command ended due to error. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 116 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Move Spooled Files using BRM (MOVSPLFBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Move Spooled Files using BRM (MOVSPLFBRM) command provides for the movement of selected spooled files to a specified library-qualified output queue. Selection criteria includes library-qualified from output queue name, from auxiliary storage pool, spooled file, job name, job user, job number, user data, create date range, last used date range, and size range. A run option of *REPORT is provided to allow the user to review the ″Move Spooled Files using BRM″ report prior to moving the selected spooled files. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1AMSF. Using the output queues’ spooled file auxiliary storage pool attribute, BRMS determines whether spooled files will actually move from one auxiliary storage pool to another when moved from one output queue to another. If a spooled file that moves from one outq to another does not move from one auxiliary storage pool to another then BRMS does not check the auxiliary storage pool high storage threshold since the spooled file does not move. If a spooled file that moves from one outq to another also moves from one auxiliary storage pool to another, then before requesting the spooled file to move BRMS determines if the target auxiliary storage pool has sufficient space to accommodate the spooled file without exceeding the high storage threshold. If the spooled file cannot be moved without exceeding this threshold, BRMS will show that the file was not moved, and the file will be included in the summary section detail which indicates the number of files and amount of spooled data that could not be moved. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restriction: v The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this command. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes OPTION Option *REPORT, *MOVE Optional, Positional 1 TOOUTQ To output queue Qualified object name Optional, Positional 2 Qualifier 1: To output queue Name Qualifier 2: Library Name FROMOUTQ From output queue Qualified object name Optional, Positional 3 Qualifier 1: From output queue Generic name, name, *ALL Qualifier 2: Library Name, *ALL FILE File Name, *ALL Optional, Positional 4 JOB Job name Name, *ALL, * Optional USER User Name, *ALL Optional USRDTA User data Name, *ALL Optional FROMASP From ASP Character value, *ALL, *SYSTEM Optional © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 117 Keyword Description Choices Notes SLTCRTDATE Select create date Element list Optional Element 1: From date Character value, *BEGIN, *CURRENT Element 2: To date Character value, *END, *CURRENT SLTUSEDATE Select last used date Element list Optional Element 1: From date Character value, *BEGIN, *CURRENT Element 2: To date Character value, *END, *CURRENT SLTSIZE Select size Element list Optional Element 1: Size type *KB, *MB, *GB, *PAGES Element 2: Minimum size 0-999999, 0 Element 3: Maximum size 0-999999, *NOMAX Top Run option (OPTION) Specifies whether you want to produce a report of spooled file candidates for movement or process a move operation. Note: You should always run a report of move candidates (*REPORT option) prior to processing the move operation. *REPORT You want to produce the Move Spooled Files using BRM report. The report is written to printer file QP1AHSF. *MOVE You want to process a move operation. Top To output queue (TOOUTQ) Specifies the name of the library and output queue to which you want to move spooled files. The result can be either a report or movement of spooled files to output queue from another output queue. Qualifier 1: To output queue to-output-queue-name Specify the name of an output queue to which you want to move the spooled files. Qualifier 2: Library library-name Specify the name of a library that contains the output queue. Top From output queue (FROMOUTQ) Specifies the name of the library and output queue from which you want to move spooled files. A special value of *ALL is provided to indicate that all output queues on the system are to be processed. If *ALL is specified, no value can be specified for a library name. When *ALL is not specified for the From output queue name, a library name must be specified to indicate which library contains the from output queue. 118 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands A special value of *ALL is supported for the From output queue library meaning all libraries in the system, including QSYS, are searched. The result can be either a report or movement of spooled files from an output queue to another output queue. Qualifier 1: From output queue *ALL Include all output queues in the report or move process. No value can be specified for library when using the special value *ALL. generic*-from-output-queue-name Specify the generic name for the output queue. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*): for example, ABC*. The asterisk (*) substitutes for any valid characters. A generic name specifies all output queues with names that begin with the generic prefix, for which the user has authority. If an asterisk is not included with the generic (prefix) name, the system assumes it to be the complete output queue name. from-output-queue-name Specify the name of an output queue that you want to include in the report or move process. Qualifier 2: Library You must specify a library name or the special value *ALL when you specify the from output queue name. *ALL All libraries in the system including QSYS are searched. library-name Specify the name of a library that is to be searched for the spooled file. Top Select file (FILE) Specifies which spooled files based on file names are to be moved. *ALL Include all spooled files regardless of name in the report or move operation. spooled-file-name Specify the name of a spooled file that you want to include in the report or move operation. Top Select job name (JOB) Specifies which spooled files, based on the name of the job that created them, are to be moved. *ALL Include all spooled files, regardless of the job that created them, in the report or move operation. * All spooled files for the jobs whose name matches the job running this command are selected. job-name Specify the name of a job whose spooled files are to be included in the report or move operation. Top Select user (USER) Specifies which spooled files based on the name of the user that created them are to be included in the report or move operation. *ALL Include spooled files for all users in the report or move operation. Move Spooled Files using BRM (MOVSPLFBRM) 119 user-name Specify the name of a user whose spooled files are to be included in the report or move operation. Top Select user data (USRDTA) Specifies which spooled files, based on the associated user data tag, are to be included in the report or move operation. *ALL Include spooled files with any data tag in the report or move operation. user-data Specify the user data that you want to include in the report or move operation. Top From ASP (FROMASP) Restricts spool file search to include only data from output queues contained in libraries residing in the specified auxiliary storage pool. *ALL Include all auxiliary storage pools in the report or move operation. *SYSTEM Include only the system (1) auxiliary storage pool in the report or move operation. from-ASP-name Specify the name of an auxiliary storage pool that you want to include in the report or move operation. from-ASP-number Specify the number of an auxiliary storage pool that you want to include in the report or move operation. Note: UDFS, primary and secondary auxiliary storage pools are not supported for this parameter. Top Select create date (SLTCRTDATE) Specifies a range of creation dates that you want to use when reporting or moving spooled files. The From date is the beginning of a date range and the To date is the end of the date range. Only spooled files that were created on or after the From date and on or before the To date are included in the selected spooled files. Note: Using this parameter, it is possible to enter a date with no separator, or a number of days which can be up to 5 digits in length. For instance, if you are using month/day/year format, the number 12904 would be formatted as January 29, 2004. If on the other hand, you entered a number 13904, BRMS assume that this is not a date, but rather is a number. BRMS always tries to calculate a calendar date first when a number is entered and then if the date it calculates is not valid, assumes that it is a number of days. If the number that is entered is over 5 digits and the date that it calculates is not valid, you receive an error message. Element 1: From date 120 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *BEGIN The earliest creation date is the beginning date of a date range. *CURRENT The current date is the beginning date of a date range. from-create-date Specify the date in job date format with or without date separators that you want to be the beginning date of a date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the starting date of the date range. Element 2: To date *END The last date found is the end of the date range for the search. *CURRENT The current date is the ending date of the date range. to-create-date Specify the date in job date format with or without date separators that you want to be the ending date of a date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the ending date of the date range. Top Select last used date (SLTUSEDATE) Specifies a range of last used dates that you want to use when reporting or moving spooled files. The From date is the beginning of a date range and the To date is the end of the date range. Only spooled files that were last used on or after the From date and on or before the To date are included in the selected spooled files. Note: Using this parameter, it is possible to enter a date with no separator, or a number of days which can be up to 5 digits in length. For instance, if you are using month/day/year format, the number 12904 would be formatted as January 29, 2004. If on the other hand, you entered a number 13904, BRMS assume that this is not a date, but rather is a number. BRMS always tries to calculate a calendar date first when a number is entered and then if the date it calculates is not valid, assumes that it is a number of days. If the number that is entered is over 5 digits and the date that it calculates is not valid, you receive an error message. Element 1: From date *BEGIN The earliest last used date is the beginning date of a date range. *CURRENT The current date is the beginning date of a date range. from-use-date Specify the date in job date format with or without date separators that you want to be the beginning date of a date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the starting date of the date range. Move Spooled Files using BRM (MOVSPLFBRM) 121 Element 2: To date *END The last date found is the end of the date range for the search. *CURRENT The current date is the ending date of the date range. to-use-date Specify the date in job date format with or without date separators that you want to be the ending date of a date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the ending date of the date range. Top Select size (SLTSIZE) Specifies the size of spooled files that are to be included in the report or move operation. Three positional values can be be specified to select the files. Only files that are larger in size than the Minimum size or smaller in size than the Maximum size are selected. Element 1: Size type *KB The spooled file size is specified in kilobytes. *MB The spooled file size is specified in megabytes. *GB The spooled file size is specified in gigabytes. *PAGES The spooled file size is specified in pages. Element 2: Minimum size 0 Spooled files with a size that is greater than zero are included. minimum-size Specify the size that a spooled file must equal or exceed to be included in the report or move operation. The spooled file size can range from 0 to 999,999 and is used with the Size type and Maximum size values to determine which files to include. Element 3: Maximum size *NOMAX All spooled are included that are greater than or equal to the value specified in the Minimum size parmameter. maximum-size Specify the size that a spooled file must not exceed to be included in the report or move operation. To be included in the selection, the specified size must also be equal to or greater than the minimum size specification and less than or equal to the specified size. The spooled file size can range from 1 to 999,999 and is used with the Size type value to determine which files to include. Top Examples Example 1: Move Large Spooled Files in System ASP 122 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands MOVSPLFBRM OPTION(*MOVE) TOOUTQ(MYLIB/MYOUTQ) FROMASP(*SYSTEM) SLTSIZE(*MB 50 *NOMAX) This command moves all spooled files currently in the system ASP that are fifty or more megabytes in size to the output queue named MYOUTQ in the library named MYLIB. This example assumes MYLIB is not in the system ASP, and the ASP attribute of the spooled file for the MYOUTQ output queue specifies that spooled files are placed in the same ASP as the output queue. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1131 Library &1 not found or not available. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM1F18 No output queues were found meeting selection criteria. BRM2112 ASP &2 not valid. BRM1F27 Operation not allowed, resources not available. BRM1F28 Migration not performed. BRM2112 ASP &2 not valid. BRM2270 Output queue &2 in library &3 cannot be used for migration. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top Move Spooled Files using BRM (MOVSPLFBRM) 123 124 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Print Labels using BRM (PRTLBLBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Print Labels using BRM (PRTLBLBRM) command prints media labels that you have selected as a result of media processing. Label information includes: v Volume serial identifier v Creation date v Expiration date v Location v Container identifier Note: If you change the printer file description, you should keep a copy. Any release upgrade may cause the printer files to change and your version may be back level. Note: The source for the printer files is located in QUSRBRM/QA1ASRC. There are three printer files, QP1A1LP, QP1A2LP and QP1A3LP. These correspond to 6 lines per inch, 8 lines per inch and 9 lines per inch. To change the format of the printer labels, edit the source member corresponding to the labels you selected for the media. Editing can be done with an editor (for example Source Entry Utility (SEU)), but you must first give the members the correct member type of PRTF. You can do this through PDM when you are working with members. When changing the source, do not change the record name or any of the field names. The print programs depend on these named items being present. You can change the position. When you compile the printer file, be sure and specify level check (*NO) on the CRTPRTF command. There are no parameters for this command. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters None Top Examples PRTLBLBRM This command prints the media labels. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 125 Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 126 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Print Media Exceptions for BRM (PRTMEDBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Print Media Exceptions for BRM (PRTMEDBRM) command provides information about volumes in the BRMS media inventory that have exceeded use thresholds, number of reads or writes and so on that are specified in the media class for the volume. Based on that information, you can make decisions about the reported volumes. You can specify all volumes including exceptions or just volumes that are exceptions. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes TYPE Type *THRESHOLD, *STATISTICS Optional, Positional 1 VOL Volumes to list *ALL, *EXCP Optional Top Type (TYPE) Specifies the type of report that you want BRMS to print. *THRESHOLD The Media Volume Threshold Information report includes volumes that have equaled or exceeded the usage or read/write threshold limits set by the Work with Media Classes display. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1AVOL. *STATISTICS All other volume related statistics including media life, uses before cleaning and so on are reported compared against values set by the Work with Media Classes display. The report is the Media Volume Statistics report. The report, if printed is written to the printer file QP1AVU. Top Volumes to list (VOL) Specifies whether you want to list all volumes in the report including exceptions or only exceptions. *ALL The report includes all volumes including exceptions. *EXCP Only exception volumes are to be included in the report. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 127 Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM4041 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 128 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Print Media Movement (PRTMOVBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Print Media Movement (PRTMOVBRM) command prints the Media Movement report based on a specified date range, type of move that you request, locations and so on. The report shows all the volumes that have moved (or in the case of *NEXT, which volumes will move to a new location), the from and to locations, the move policy for each volume and the move date. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1APVMS. The Media Movement report can be used to report volumes that have already moved or can be used to report the next scheduled media movement for a volume. Reporting of next scheduled move is performed by selecting the *NEXT variable for the Type parameter. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SLTDATE Select dates Element list Optional Element 1: From date Character value, *BEGIN, *CURRENT Element 2: To date Character value, *CURRENT, *END TYPE Type *ALL, *NEXT, *NOTVFY, *VFY Optional LOC From location Name, *ALL, *HOME Optional Top Select dates (SLTDATE) Specifies a range of dates that you want to use when printing the Media Movement report. The From date is the beginning of a date range of media movement and the To date is the end of the date range. Note: Using this parameter, it is possible to enter a date with no separator, or a number of days which can be up to 5 digits in length. For instance, if you are using month/day/year format, the number 12904 would be formatted as January 29, 2004. If on the other hand, you entered a number 13904, BRMS assume that this is not a date, but rather is a number. BRMS always tries to calculate a calendar date first when a number is entered and then if the date it calculates is not valid, assumes that it is a number of days. If the number that is entered is over 5 digits and the date that it calculates is not valid, you receive an error message. Element 1: From date *BEGIN Uses the earliest activity date for the beginning date of the date range. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 129 *CURRENT Use the current date for the beginning date of the date range. from-date Specify the date entered in job date format with or without date separators for the beginning date of the date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the starting date of the date range. Note: If you specify *NEXT in the Type (TYPE) parameter, the number of days after the current date is used to determine the startingdate of the date range. Element 2: To date *CURRENT Uses the current date for the ending date of the date range. *END The last date that a media moves is the ending date of the date range that you want to use for the search. to-date Specify the date in job date format with or without date separators that you want to be the ending date of the date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the ending date of the date range. Note: If you specify *NEXT in the Type (TYPE) parameter, the number of days after the current date is used to determine the ending date of the date range. Top Type (TYPE) Specifies the type of media movement activity that you want to include in the report. *ALL Includes all volumes that have ever been moved and shows the most recent media movement associated with each volume. *NEXT Produces the Media Movement report for the next location that media will move to rather than completed moves. The *NEXT option will include all media movement to the next location. Ending dates should be future dates to assure that report results are meaningful for the date range selected. *NOTVFY Includes only media waiting to be verified in the report for the date range selected. *VFY Includes only verified media movement in the report for the date range selected. After this option has been used to report on media, the volumes that were selected in the specified date range do not appear in the report the next time the report is processed. Top From location (LOC) Specifies whether you want the Media Movement report to include a single location or all locations. 130 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *ALL Includes all locations in the Media Movement report. Each from and to location movement that is reported will cause a page break, such as From Vault to *HOME would be one part of the report and *HOME to vault would page break and begin a new part of the report. *HOME You want to include the home location (*HOME) in the Media Movement report. from-location-name Specify the name of the location that you want to include in the Media Movement report. Top Examples Example 1: Printing the Media Movement Report PRTMOVBRM TYPE(*VFY) LOC(*HOME) This command prints a report that includes media entries that have been verified (*VFY) and that are moving from the home location (*HOME). Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top Print Media Movement (PRTMOVBRM) 131 132 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Remove Log Entries from BRM (RMVLOGEBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Remove Log Entries from BRM (RMVLOGEBRM) command clears the BRMS log based on a type of entry and a date range that you specify. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes TYPE Type *ALL, *ARC, *BKU, *MAINT, *MED, *MGR, *RCY, *RTV, *SEC Optional, Positional 1 SLTDATE Select dates Element list Optional Element 1: From date Character value, *CURRENT, *BEGIN Element 2: To date Character value, *CURRENT Top Type (TYPE) Specifies the type of entries that you want to clear from the BRMS log. Examples of types of entries are backup, archive and so on. Note: The default for the TYPE parameter depends on the area of BRMS that you use to access this command. For instance, if you access this command from a backup menu, the default Type is *BKU. If you access the command from the archive menu, the default Type is *ARC and so on. If you type the command on a command line or from the System Policy display, the default is *ALL. *ALL Selects all log entries to clear within the specified date range. *ARC Selects only archive log entries to clear within the specified date range. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKU Selects only back up log entries to clear within the specified date range. *MAINT Selects only maintenance log entries to clear within the specified date range. *MED Selects only media management log entries to clear within the specified date range. *MGR Selects only migration log entries to clear within the specified date range. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *RCY Selects only recovery log entries to clear within the specified date range. *RTV Selects only retrieve log entries to clear within the specified date range. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 133 Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *SEC Selects only security log entries to remove within the specified date range. Only log entries whose primary area are security will be removed. An entry may be logged for any reason and have security as a secondary area. Top Select date (SLTDATE) Specifies a range of dates that you want to use when selecting entries to remove from the BRMS log. The From date is the beginning point in the date range and the To date is the end of the date range. Note: Using this parameter, it is possible to enter a date with no separator, or a number of days which can be up to 5 digits in length. For instance, if you are using month/day/year format, the number 12904 would be formatted as January 29, 2004. If on the other hand, you entered a number 13904, BRMS assume that this is not a date, but rather is a number. BRMS always tries to calculate a calendar date first when a number is entered and then if the date it calculates is not valid, assumes that it is a number of days. If the number that is entered is over 5 digits and the date that it calculates is not valid, you receive an error message. Element 1: From date *CURRENT The current date is the starting point of the range of dates used to remove entries from the BRMS history log. *BEGIN The earliest log entry in the BRMS log is the beginning date of the date range. from-date Specify the date entered in job date format with or without date separators that you want to be the beginning date of the date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is the beginning date of the date range. Element 2: To date *CURRENT The current date is the ending date of the date range. *END The last date in the log is the ending date of the date range. to-date Specify the date in job date format with or without date separators that you want to be the ending date of the date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is the ending date of the date range. Top Examples Example 1: Removing Entries from the BRMS Log Based on a Date Range RMVLOGEBRM SLTDATE(’1/1/03’ ’4/01/03’) This command removes all log entries from January 1, 2003 to April 1, 2003 from the log. 134 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top Remove Log Entries from BRM (RMVLOGEBRM) 135 136 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Remove Media Volumes from BRM (RMVMEDBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Remove Media Volumes from BRM (RMVMEDBRM) command removes a media volume from the BRMS media inventory. A volume is removed because of age, error rate, shipment to another location, and so on. Note: Media can only be removed if it was previously added using the ADDMEDBRM command. All information about the volume including content and statistics, is deleted when the volume is removed. Also the total number of volumes in BRMS is decremented. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes VOL Volume identifier Character value Required, Positional 1 Top Volume identifier (VOL) Specifies the volume identifier of the volume being removed from the BRMS media inventory. This is a required parameter. volume-identifier Specify the identifier of the volume being removed from the media inventory. The volume identifier is a maximum of six characters in length. Top Examples Example 1: Removing a Volume from BRMS RMVMEDBRM VOL(C00005) This command removes volume C00005 from the BRMS media inventory. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 137 Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1147 Volume &1 not found. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM4041 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 138 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Remove Media Info from BRM (RMVMEDIBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Remove Media Information from BRM (RMVMEDIBRM) command is used to specify when to remove records from the BRMS media content information and how long to keep object detail. The Media contents (MEDCON) parameter indicates whether records are to be removed when they expire or when the expired volume is re-used. The Object level detail (OBJDTL) parameter indicates when the object level detail is to be removed. You can remove object level detail at the same time you remove record level information or you can specify a number of days to keep object information. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes MEDCON Media contents *EXP, *REUSE Optional OBJDTL Object level detail 1-9999, *MEDCON Optional Top Media contents (MEDCON) Specifies whether records are removed when media expires or when the media is re-used. *EXP All BRMS media content information entries that have an Expiration date that are equal to or less than the current date are removed from the media content information. *REUSE Media content information entries associated with a media volume are not removed from the file until the volume is re-used, even though the volume has already expired. Top Object detail (OBJDTL) Specifies when you want to remove object level detail for media records in the media content information. *MEDCON The object level detail information is removed based on the value specified in the Media contents (MEDCON) parameter. number-of-days Specify the number of days that object detail for an entry is kept on the file. If this number of days is greater than the number of days implied in the Media contents (MEDCON) parameter, such as the volume expires in 60 days and you specify 90 days in the Object level detail © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 139 (OBJDTL) parameter, the parameter has no meaning since the contents record has already been removed. However, if you specify 45 days and the object expires in 60 days, the object level detail is removed after 45 days and the accompanying contents record is removed after 60 days. Top Examples Example 1: Removing Media Information from BRMS RMVMEDIBRM MEDCON(*REUSE) OBJDTL(45) This command allows you to remove BRMS media contents information. In the example, media contents information remains on the BRMS media contents file until the media is reused and accompanying object detail is removed after 45 days. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 140 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Resume Retrieve using BRM (RSMRTVBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages You can resume delayed retrieve operations for libraries, documents and bytestream files, including those held due to lack of disk space. The Resume Retrieve using BRM (RSMRTVBRM) command attempts to retrieve items from tape. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this command. 2. *ALLOBJ special authority is required to use any value other than *NONE for the ALWOBJDIF parameter. 3. You can select only one virtual tape device for serial retrieve operations. In addition, only one *MEDCLS can be specified when using media classes which specify a virtual tape device density. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes HDLOBJ Retrieve select *ALL, *DELAY, *SECURITY, *STORAGE Optional, Positional 1 ACTION Action *RETRIEVE, *REPORT Optional, Positional 2 CFMRTV Confirm retrieval *YES, *NO Optional, Positional 3 ASP Auxiliary storage pool Character value, *ALL, *SYSTEM Optional, Positional 4 TYPE Item type *LIB, *FLR, *LNK Optional SAVLIB Library Name, *ALL Optional DEV Retrieve device Single values: *RTVPCY Other values (up to 4 repetitions): Name, *MEDCLS Optional PRLRSC Parallel device resources Element list Optional Element 1: Minimum resources 1-32, *SAV, *AVAIL, *NONE Element 2: Maximum resources 1-32, *MIN, *AVAIL ENDOPT End of tape option *RTVPCY, *LEAVE, *REWIND, *UNLOAD Optional RSTOPT Option *RTVPCY, *ALL, *FREE, *NEW, *OLD Optional ALWOBJDIF Allow object differences Single values: *RTVPCY, *ALL, *NONE Other values (up to 4 repetitions): *AUTL, *FILELVL, *OWNER, *PGP Optional Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 141 Retrieve select (HDLOBJ) Specifies the type of held items that you want to retrieve when you process the command. You can specify a type of held object such as an item that was not retrieved due to lack of storage space on the disk unit or you can specify all held items. *ALL Attempts to retrieve all items that have been held during a previous retrieve process. *DELAY Attempts resume delayed retrieve operations. *SECURITY Attempts to retrieve items that were held due to insufficient security during a previous retrieve request. *STORAGE Attempts to retrieve items that were held due to insufficient disk unit space in a previous retrieve request. Top Action (ACTION) Specifies whether you want to create a report or perform an actual retrieve. *RETRIEVE You want to retrieve the requested items from the BRMS media content information. *REPORT You want to create the Retrieve Report. This will allow you to review what will be retrieved prior to retrieving the selected items. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1ASX. Top Confirm retrieve (CFMRTV) Specifies whether items that are selected for retrieve are displayed on the Confirm Retrieve display prior to retrieve. Note: This parameter is ignored in batch. *YES The Confirm Retrieve display is shown before the retrieve begins. *NO The Confirm Retrieve display is not shown before the retrieve begins. Top Auxiliary storage pool (ASP) Specifies the auxiliary storage pool into which you want to retrieve items. *ALL You want to retrieve items into all auxiliary storage pools. *SYSTEM You want to retrieve items into the system (1) auxiliary storage pool. ASP-number Specify the number of the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool (2-32) into which you want to retrieve items. 142 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands ASP-name Specify the auxiliary storage pool name into which you want to retrieve items. Restriction: v The auxiliary storage pool specified for retrieval must be valid for the Item Type specified. Top Item type (TYPE) Specifies which type of item is displayed on the Confirm Retrieve display prior to retrieve operations. *LIB Retrieve information for libraries is to be included. *FLR Retrieve information for folders is to be included. *LNK Retrieve information for bytestream files is to be included. Top Library (SAVLIB) Specifies the library into which you want to retrieve items. *ALL Items are retrieved to their original library. library-name Specify the name of the library into which items are retrieved. Top Retrieve device (DEV) Specify the device name that is to be used in the retrieve process. You must use a single device for retrieve processing. Single values *RTVPCY The retrieve device specified in the BRMS retrieve policy is used. Other values (up to 4 repetitions) *MEDCLS BRMS determines the media class of the media on which the requested item is saved. Once the media class is determined, a device that supports that media class is selected to retrieve the requested save item or items. device-name Specify the name of the device that is used as the default retrieve device in retrieve processing. Top Resume Retrieve using BRM (RSMRTVBRM) 143 Parallel device resources (PRLRSC) Specifies the minimum and maximum number of device resources to be used in a restore operation. Element 1: Minimum Resources Specifies the minimum number of device resources required for a parallel restore. Note: If a Media Library Device (MLB) is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will wait for the MLB to become available for a time period specified by the user. The wait time is determined by the value specified on the *MLB device description for INLMNTWAIT. If a *TAP device is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will fail. Note: Transferring save files to tape does not support parallel operations. *SAV Specifies that the same number of device resources used for the save will be used for the restore. If the save was a serial save, then the restore will also be serial. *AVAIL Use any available devices up to the maximum specified. Specifying this value for the minimum will allow BRMS to use any available resources, but will complete using one resource if only one is available at the start of the command. *NONE No device resources are to be used. The restore will be performed as a serial restore. 1-32 Specify the minimum number of device resources to be used with this restore command, up to the maximum of what was used for the save. Element 2: Maximum Resources *MIN Uses the value specified for the minimum number of device resources. *AVAIL Use any available devices. Specifying this value for the maximum will allow BRMS to use any available resources but at a minimum use the value specified in the minimum element. 1-32 Specify the maximum number of device resources to be used with this restore command, up to the maximum of what was used for the save. Top End of tape option (ENDOPT) Specifies, when tape is used, what positioning operation is automatically done on the volume after the save operation ends. If more than one volume is included, this parameter applies only to the last volume used; all other volumes are rewound and unloaded when the end of the volume is reached. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is a shared device, the device will not be varied off after the save operation. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is not a shared device, the device will be varied off after the save operation. *RTVPCY The value specified in the BRMS retrieve policy is the value that is used. *LEAVE The volume does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the device. 144 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *REWIND The volume is automatically rewound but not unloaded after the recovery operation ends. *UNLOAD The volume is automatically rewound and unloaded after the recovery operation ends. Top Option (RSTOPT) Specifies which items are retrieved, depending on whether the items exist in the library on the system. *RTVPCY The value from the BRMS retrieve policy is used. *ALL All the items in the saved library are retrieved to the library. Old items on volume or in a save file replace the current versions in the library on the system. Items not having a current version are added to the library on the system. Items presently in the library, but not on the media, remain in the library. *FREE The saved items are retrieved only if they exist in the system library with their space freed. The saved version of each item is retrieved in the system in its previously freed space. This option retrieves items that had their space freed when they were saved. If any saved items are no longer part of the current version of the library, or if the space is not free for any item, the item is not retrieved. The retrieve operation continues, and all of the freed items are retrieved. *NEW Only the items in the saved library that do not exist in the current version of the library on the system are added to the library. Only items not known to the library on the system are retrieved; known items are not retrieved. This option retrieves items that were deleted after they were saved or that are new to this library. If any saved items have a version already in the library on the system, they are not retrieved, and an informational message is sent for each one, but the retrieve operation continues. *OLD Only the items in the library having a saved version are retrieved; that is, the version of each item currently in the library is replaced by the saved version. Only items known to the library are retrieved. If any saved items are no longer part of the online version of the library, they are not added to the library; an informational message is sent for each one, but the retrieve continues. Top Allow object differences (ALWOBJDIF) Specifies whether differences are allowed between the saved objects and the restored objects. These differences include: v Authorization list: The authorization list of an object on the system is different than the authorization list of an object from the save operation. Or the system on which a new object with an authorization list is being restored is different from the system on which it was saved. v File level identifier: The creation date and time of the database file on the system does not match the creation date and time of the file that was saved. v Member level identifier: The creation date and time of the database file member on the system does not match the creation date and time of the member that was saved. v Ownership: The owner of an object on the system is different than the owner of an object from the save operation. v Primary Group: The primary group of an object on the system is different than the primary group of an object from the save operation. Note: To use this parameter, you need *ALLOBJ special authority. Resume Retrieve using BRM (RSMRTVBRM) 145 Single values *RTVPCY The value from the retrieve policy is used for this value. *ALL All of the differences listed above are allowed on the restore operation. File level identifier and member level identifier differences are handled differently than the *FILELVL value. If there is a file level difference and *ALL is specified on the Data base member option (MBROPT) parameter, the existing version of the file is renamed and the saved version of the file is restored. If there is a member level difference, the existing version of the member is renamed and the saved version of the member is restored. This value will restore the saved data, but the result may not be correct. For other differences, see the description of each individual value to determine how differences are handled. Note: If restoring objects that were saved with SAVOBJ or SAVCHGOBJ, BRMS will change the parameter to ALWOBJDIF(*FILELVL *AUTL *OWNER *PGP) for these objects to prevent the renaming. *NONE None of the differences listed above are allowed on the restore operation. See the description of each individual value to determine how differences are handled. Other values (up to 4 repetitions) *AUTL Authorization list differences are allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different authorization list than the saved object, the object is restored with the authorization list of the object on the system. New objects that are being restored to a system that is different from which they were saved are restored and linked to their authorization list. If the authorization list does not exist on the new system, the public authority is set to *EXCLUDE. If this value is not specified, authorization list differences are not allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different authorization list than the saved object, the object is not restored. New objects that are being restored to a system that is different from which they were saved are restored, but they are not linked to the authorization list, and the public authority is set to *EXCLUDE. *FILELVL File level identifier and member level identifier differences are allowed. An attempt will be made to restore existing physical files even though the physical file on the save media may have a different file level identifier or member level identifier than the physical file on the system. The physical file data will only be restored for those physical files whose format level identifiers on the save media match the format level identifiers of the corresponding physical file on the system. If this value is not specified, file level identifier and member level identifier differences are not allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different file level identifier or member level identifier than the saved object, the object is not restored. *OWNER Ownership differences are allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different owner than the saved object, the object is restored with the owner of the object on the system. If this value is not specified, ownership differences are not allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different owner than the saved object, the object is not restored. *PGP Primary group differences are allowed. 146 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands If an object already exists on the system with a different primary group than the saved object, the object is restored with the primary group of the object on the system. If this value is not specified, primary group differences are not allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different primary group than the saved object, the object is not restored. Top Examples Example 1: Resuming a Retrieve for Security Items RSMRTVBRM HDLOBJ(*SECURITY) This command resumes the retrieve operation for items that were held due to lack of authorization. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM2112 ASP &2 not valid. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF3700 All CPF37xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF3800 All CPF38xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top Resume Retrieve using BRM (RSMRTVBRM) 147 148 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Restore Authority using BRM (RSTAUTBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Restore Authority using BRM (RSTAUTBRM) command reestablishes the object owner, primary group and authorization list names for objects on basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) if this information was saved. This information is saved unless it was explicitly omitted from the save by specifying *USRASPAUT as the omit for either a *SAVSYS or *SECDTA entry in the backup policy omit list. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. The user profiles must be restored before using the RSTAUTBRM command. 2. The libraries and objects on the saved user auxiliary storage pools must be restored before using the RSTAUTBRM command. 3. This command does not replace the i5/OS RSTAUT command. RSTAUTBRM is used in addition to the RSTAUT command when restoring the authority information of saved user auxiliary storage pool objects during a system recovery. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes USRASP Auxiliary storage pool Values (up to 31 repetitions): Character value, *ALLUSR Optional, Positional 1 Top ASPs to restore (USRASP) Specifies the basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) for which saved authority information is to be restored. The libraries and objects must be restored to the basic user auxiliary storage pools before using the RSTAUTBRM command. Note: A maximum of 31 values may be specified. *ALLUSR Saved authorization information is to be restored for objects that reside in all basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32). auxiliary-storage-pool-number Specifies the number identifying a basic user auxiliary storage pool containing the objects for which saved authority information is restored. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 149 auxiliary-storage-pool-name Specifies the name identifying the basic user auxiliary storage pool containing the objects for which saved authority information is restored. Top Examples Example 1: Restoring Saved Authority Information for All ASPs RSTAUTBRM -orRSTAUTBRM USRASP(*ALLUSR) This command restores the owner profile, primary group, and authorization list names for objects contained in all basic user auxiliary storage pools (ASPs 2-32). Example 2: Restoring Saved Authority Information for ASPs 2 and 3 RSTAUTBRM USRASP(2 3) This command restores the owner profile, primary group, and authorization list names for objects contained in basic user auxiliary storage pools 2 and 3. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 150 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Restore Object using BRM (RSTBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Restore Object using BRM (RSTBRM) command restores a copy of one or more objects that can be used in the integrated file system. For more information about integrated file system commands, see the Integrated File System Introduction book. Virtual tape media and devices can be used with this command. The following restrictions apply to the use of virtual media and virtual devices. v The Device (DEV) parameter is limited on only one device or *MEDCLS special value for serial operations. v Execute authority is required to the Load or Unload Image Catalog (LODIMGCLG) command. v *CHANGE authority is required to the image catalogs. v Execute (*X) authority is required to each directory in the image catalog path name. v Read, write, execute (*RWX) authority is required to each image file in the parent directory that will be loaded or mounted. v *USE authority is required to the virtual devices using the image catalogs. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. For detailed restrictions on using this command to restore objects by using name patterns in the root directory, to restore objects in libraries, or to restore document library objects, see the Restore Object (RST) command in the Backup and Recovery book. 2. The RSTBRM command does not support optical files. 3. You must have authority to use the Restore Object (RST) command. 4. You must have save system (*SAVSYS) special authority, or have all of the following object authorities: v You must have *W and *OBJEXIST authority to restore a file if it already exists on the system. v You must have *WX authority to the parent directory. v You must have *ADD authority to the owning user profile of the directory into which the parent directories are created. v You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to create parent directories with a user profile other than your own. 5. You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use any value other than *NONE for the ALWOBJDIF parameter. 6. You can restore data from a TSM server device by using this command. You can only specify one TSM device or *MEDCLS, which must select a TSM device. The TSM device selected can either be *APPC, which supports the SNA network protocol, or *NET, which supports the TCP/IP protocol. 7. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 151 Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes DEV Device Values (up to 4 repetitions): Name, *MEDCLS Required, Positional 1 PRLRSC Parallel device resources Element list Optional Element 1: Minimum resources 1-32, *SAV, *NONE, *AVAIL Element 2: Maximum resources 1-32, *MIN, *AVAIL OBJ Objects Values (up to 300 repetitions): Element list Optional, Positional 2 Element 1: Name Path name, * Element 2: Include or omit *INCLUDE, *OMIT Element 3: New object name Path name, *SAME SUBTREE Directory subtree *ALL, *DIR, *NONE, *OBJ Optional SAVLVL Save level 1-99, *CURRENT Optional ENDOPT End of tape option *REWIND, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD Optional OPTION Option *ALL, *NEW, *OLD Optional ALWOBJDIF Allow object differences Single values: *NONE, *ALL Other values (up to 2 repetitions): *AUTL, *OWNER, *PGP Optional OBJID Object ID *SAVED, *SYS Optional CRTPRNDIR Create parent directories *NO, *YES Optional PRNDIROWN Parent directory owner Name, *PARENT Optional FROMSYS From system Character value, *LCL Optional Top Device (DEV) Specifies the device name or a specific media class that is to be used to restore the object. You must use a single device for recovery processing. You can restore data from a TSM (ADSM) server using this command. You can only specify one TSM type server or *MEDCLS, which must select a TSM server. The device selected can either be *APPC, which supports SNA network protocol, or *NET, which supports TCPIP protocol. This is a required parameter. *MEDCLS BRMS determines the media class of the media on which the requested item is saved. Once the media class is determined, a device supporting that media class is selected to restore the requested object or objects. device-name Specify the name of the device that you want to use to restore the selected object or objects. Top 152 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Parallel device resources (PRLRSC) Specifies the minimum and maximum number of device resources to be used in a restore operation. Element 1: Minimum Resources Specifies the minimum number of device resources required for a parallel restore. Note: If a Media Library Device (MLB) is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will wait for the MLB to become available for a time period specified by the user. The wait time is determined by the value specified on the *MLB device description for INLMNTWAIT. If a *TAP device is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will fail. Note: Transferring save files to tape does not support parallel operations. *SAV Specifies that the same number of device resources used for the save will be used for the restore. If the save was a serial save, then the restore will also be serial. *AVAIL Use any available devices up to the maximum specified. Specifying this value for the minimum will allow BRMS to use any available resources, but will complete using one resource if only one is available at the start of the command. *NONE No device resources are to be used. The restore will be performed as a serial restore. 1-32 Specify the minimum number of device resources to be used with this restore command, up to the maximum of what was used for the save. Element 2: Maximum Resources *MIN Uses the value specified for the minimum number of device resources. *AVAIL Use any available devices. Specifying this value for the maximum will allow BRMS to use any available resources but at a minimum use the value specified in the minimum element. 1-32 Specify the maximum number of device resources to be used with this restore command, up to the maximum of what was used for the save. Top Objects (OBJ) Specifies the objects that you want to include or exclude from a list of objects you want to restore. A maximum of 300 object name patterns can be specified. For more information on specifying path names, refer to Chapter 2 of the Command Language Reference book. Additional information about object name patterns is in the Integrated File System Introduction book. The first element specifies the path names of the objects saved on the media. Directory abbreviations (for example, the current directory) are expanded with their current values, not the values they had at the time of the save operation. Element 1: Name object-path-name-pattern Specify an object path name or a pattern that can match many names. Restore Object using BRM (RSTBRM) 153 Element 2: Include or omit The second part specifies whether names that match the pattern should be included or omitted from the operation. Note that in determining whether a name matches a pattern, relative name patterns are always treated as relative to the current working directory. The SUBTREE parameter determines whether the subtrees are included or omitted. *INCLUDE Objects that match the object name pattern are to be restored, unless overridden by an *OMIT specification. *OMIT Objects matching the object name pattern are not to be restored. This overrides a *INCLUDE specification and is intended to be used to omit a subset of a previously selected pattern. Element 3: New object name The third element specifies the new path name of the object. *SAME The objects are to be restored with the same names they had when they were saved. new-path-name Specify the path name with which to restore the object. If a pattern is specified in the first element, the new path name must be the directory into which to restore any objects that match the pattern. If an object name is specified in element 1, each component in the new path must exist with the exception of the last component. If the object described in the last component doesn’t exist, it will be restored as new. Top Directory subtree (SUBTREE) Specifies whether directory subtrees are included in the restore operation. *ALL The entire subtree for each directory that matches the object name pattern is included. The subtree includes all subdirectories and the objects within those subdirectories. *DIR Objects in the first level of each directory that matches the object name pattern are included. The subdirectories of each matching directory are included, but the objects in the subdirectories are not included. *NONE No subtrees are included in the restore operation. If a directory matches the object name pattern specified, the objects in the directory are included. If the directory has subdirectories, neither the subdirectories nor the objects in the subdirectories are included. *OBJ Only the objects that exactly match the object name pattern will be processed. If the object name pattern specifies a directory, objects in the directory are not included. Top Save level (SAVLVL) Specifies the copy of the object that you want to restore from the media content information. *CURRENT The most current copy of the object is restored. 154 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands save-level-number Specify the age of the copy that you want to restore from the media content information. You can specify a copy number from 1 - 99. For instance, if you want to restore the next to the last most recent copy specify 1. Top End of tape option (ENDOPT) Specifies, when volume is used, what positioning operation is automatically done on the volume after the restore operation ends. If more than one volume is included, this parameter applies only to the last volume used; all other volumes are rewound and unloaded when the end of the volume is reached. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is a shared device, the device will not be varied off after the save operation. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is not a shared device, the device will be varied off after the save operation. *REWIND The volume is automatically rewound but not unloaded after the recovery operation ends. *LEAVE The volume does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the device. *UNLOAD The volume is automatically rewound and unloaded after the recovery operation ends. Top Option (OPTION) Specifies how to handle restoring each object. *ALL All the objects are restored to the system. Saved objects replace the objects on the system. Saved objects not on the system are added to the system. Objects in the system library but not in the saved library remain in the library. *NEW Only the objects that do not exist on the system are restored. *OLD Only the objects that exist on the system are restored. Top Allow object differences (ALWOBJDIF) Specifies whether differences are allowed between the saved objects and the restored objects. These differences include: v Authorization list: The authorization list of an object on the system is different than the authorization list of an object from the save operation. Or the system on which a new object with an authorization list is being restored is different from the system on which it was saved. v Ownership: The owner of an object on the system is different than the owner of an object from the save operation. v Primary Group: The primary group of an object on the system is different than the primary group of an object from the save operation. Note: To use this parameter, you need *ALLOBJ special authority. Restore Object using BRM (RSTBRM) 155 Single values *NONE None of the differences listed above are allowed on the restore operation. *ALL All of the differences listed above are allowed on the restore operation. File level identifier and member level identifier differences are handled differently than the *FILELVL value. If there is a file level difference and *ALL is specified on the Data base member option (MBROPT) parameter, the existing version of the file is renamed and the saved version of the file is restored. If there is a member level difference, the existing version of the member is renamed and the saved version of the member is restored. This value will restore the saved data, but the result may not be correct. For other differences, see the description of each individual value to determine how differences are handled. Other values (up to 4 repetitions) *AUTL Authorization list differences are allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different authorization list than the saved object, the object is restored with the authorization list of the object on the system. New objects that are being restored to a system that is different from which they were saved are restored and linked to their authorization list. If the authorization list does not exist on the new system, the public authority is set to *EXCLUDE. If this value is not specified, authorization list differences are not allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different authorization list than the saved object, the object is not restored. New objects that are being restored to a system that is different from which they were saved are restored, but they are not linked to the authorization list, and the public authority is set to *EXCLUDE. *OWNER Ownership differences are allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different owner than the saved object, the object is restored with the owner of the object on the system. If this value is not specified, ownership differences are not allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different owner than the saved object, the object is not restored. *PGP Primary group differences are allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different primary group than the saved object, the object is restored with the primary group of the object on the system. If this value is not specified, primary group differences are not allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different primary group than the saved object, the object is not restored. Top Object ID (OBJID) Specifies whether the SOM object ID of the restored object will be the SOM object ID of the object from the save media, the SOM object ID of the object that exists on the system prior to the restore, or a new SOM object ID generated by the system if the object does not exist on the system prior to the restore. *SAVED The restored object will have the SOM object ID it had when it was saved. *SYS The restored object may have a new SOM object ID generated by the system. If the object is being restored as a new object, a new SOM object ID will be given to the restored object. If an object 156 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands with the same name as the object from the media already exists on the system, the SOM object ID of the restored object will be the same as the SOM object ID of the object on the system before the restore. Top Create parent directories (CRTPRNDIR) Specifies whether parent directories are to be created automatically if the directories do not exist before the object is restored. This parameter only applies to ″root″ (/), QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems. *NO Specifies parent directories are not to be automatically created. *YES Specifies parent directories are to be automatically created. The parent directory owner can be specified using the Parent directories owner (PRNDIROWN) parameter. Top Parent directory owner (PRNDIROWN) Specifies the name of the owner to be used for the parent directory when creating parent directories which do not exist. *PARENT Specifies the owner of the directory into which the parent directory is created will be used for the owner of the created parent directory. user-profile Specifies the name of the user profile to use for the parent directory owner when creating parent directories which do not exist. Top From system (FROMSYS) Specifies the location and network identification of the system from which you want to restore media information to the local system. Note: Use the Display Network Attributes (DSPNETA) command to view the system network attributes. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value if a value other than *LCL is specified. *LCL Specifies that the from-system is the local system. BRMS uses the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute and not the System name (SYSNAME) network attribute to determine the current system name. In most cases, the systems have the same value specified for LCLLOCNAME as for SYSNAME. location-name Specifies the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute of the remote system for the network operation. The current system Local network ID (LCLNETID) network attribute is used to connect with the remote system. network-id.location-name Specifies the Local network ID (LCLNETID) and the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attributes of the remote system for the network operation. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the LCLNETID and cccccccc is the LCLLOCNAME. Restore Object using BRM (RSTBRM) 157 Top Examples Example 1: Restoring All Integrated File System Objects RSTBRM DEV(TAPE01) This command allows you to select and restore integrated file system objects that were saved using the SAVBRM command and whose contents information still exist in the media contents information. In this example, the restore operation is for all integrated file system objects and will use device TAPE01 for the restore operation. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1177 Cannot establish connection with remote system. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM2262 Errors occurred receiving data from TSM server. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF3700 All CPF37xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF3800 All CPF38xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 158 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Restore DLO using BRM (RSTDLOBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Restore DLO using BRM (RSTDLOBRM) command restores documents, folder and distribution objects (mail) to the system from tape or save files. The media policy in force when the media information was saved determines whether this information resides on tape or is stored in save files. Note: Using the RSTDLOBRM command allows you to restore selected copies of document, folder and distribution objects to the system based on the number of copies that are in the BRMS media content information. This is accomplished by specifying a copy number for the Save level (SAVLVL) parameter. Virtual tape media and devices can be used with this command. The following restrictions apply to the use of virtual media and virtual devices. v The Device (DEV) parameter is limited on only one device or *MEDCLS special value for serial operations. v Execute authority is required to the Load or Unload Image Catalog (LODIMGCLG) command. v *CHANGE authority is required to the image catalogs. v Execute (*X) authority is required to each directory in the image catalog path name. v Read, write, execute (*RWX) authority is required to each image file in the parent directory that will be loaded or mounted. v *USE authority is required to the virtual devices using the image catalogs. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. To use this command, you must be enrolled in the system distribution directory. 2. You must have authority to the Restore Document Library Object (RSTDLO) command to use this command. 3. You must have *CHANGE authority to the parent folder and *ALL authority to the document if it already exists on the system. 4. You must have *EXECUTE authority to the document library. 5. You cannot run another RSTDLOBRM, RSTDLO, SAVDLOBRM, SAVDLO or Reclaim Document Library Object (RCLDLO) command specifying DLO(*ALL) while this command is running. 6. You can restore data from a TSM server device by using this command. You can only specify one TSM device or *MEDCLS, which must select a TSM device. The TSM device selected can either be *APPC, which supports the SNA network protocol, or *NET, which supports the TCP/IP protocol. 7. *ALLOBJ special authority is required to use any value other than *NONE for the ALWOBJDIF parameter. 8. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 159 Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes DLO Document library object Character value, *ALL Required, Positional 1 SAVFLR Saved folder Character value Required, Positional 2 DEV Device Name, *MEDCLS Required, Positional 3 RSTFLR Restore into folder Character value, *SAME Optional RENAME New object name Character value, *SAME Optional SAVLVL Save level 1-99, *CURRENT Optional ENDOPT End of tape option *REWIND, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD Optional NEWOBJ Object name generation *SAME, *NEW Optional ALWOBJDIF Allow object differences *NONE, *ALL Optional RSTASP Restore to ASP Character value, *SAVASP, *SYSTEM Optional FROMSYS From system Character value, *LCL Optional Top Document library object (DLO) Specifies the name of the document library object that you want to restore. This is a required parameter. *ALL All documents, folders and distribution objects (mail) that are saved on media and meet the criteria specified on the Saved folder (SAVFLR) parameter are restored. document-name Specify the name of the document library object that you want to restore. Top Saved folder (SAVFLR) Specifies the name of the folder on the media from which the documents are restored. This is a required field. Top Device (DEV) Specifies the device name or a specific media class that is to be used to restore the object. You must use a single device that is known to the system for recovery processing. You can restore data from a TSM (ADSM) server using this command. You can only specify one TSM type server or *MEDCLS, which must select a TSM server. The device selected can either be *APPC, which supports SNA network protocol, or *NET, which supports TCPIP protocol. *MEDCLS BRMS determines the media class of the media on which the requested item is saved. Once the media class is determined, a device supporting that media class is selected to restore the requested object or objects. 160 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands device-name Specify the name of the device that you want to use to restore the selected object or objects. Top Restore into folder (RSTFLR) Specifies the name of the folder in which the restored folders and documents to be restored will be placed. The folder must exist on the system or when *ALL is specified on the Document library object (DL0) parameter, the saved folder must exist on the media. *SAME The folders and documents to be restored are placed into the same folder from which they were saved. restore-folder-name Specify the name of the folder where the restored documents and folders are to be placed. Top New object name (RENAME) Specifies the new user-assigned name for the restored document. *SAME The document is restored with the name it had when it was saved. document-name Specify the new user-assigned name that the document had after being restored. Note: You cannot specify a document name if you specify *ALL in the Document library object (DLO) parameter. Top Save level (SAVLVL) Specifies the copy of the object that you want to restore from the media content information. *CURRENT The most current copy of the object is restored. save-level-number Specify the age of the copy that you want to restore from the media content information. You can specify a copy number from 1 - 99. For instance, if you want to restore the next to the last most recent copy specify 1. Top End of tape option (ENDOPT) Specifies, when volume is used, what positioning operation is automatically done on the volume after the restore operation ends. If more than one volume is included, this parameter applies only to the last volume used; all other volumes are rewound and unloaded when the end of the volume is reached. Restore DLO using BRM (RSTDLOBRM) 161 If you specify *LEAVE and the device is a shared device, the device will not be varied off after the save operation. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is not a shared device, the device will be varied off after the save operation. *REWIND The volume is automatically rewound but not unloaded after the recovery operation ends. *LEAVE The volume does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the device. *UNLOAD The volume is automatically rewound and unloaded after the recovery operation ends. Top Object name generation (NEWOBJ) Specifies whether a new library-assigned name and system object name are generated for the folders and documents being restored. *SAME The library-assigned name and system object name do not change. *NEW A new library-assigned name and system object name are generated for each document or folder being restored. Top Allow object differences (ALWOBJDIF) Specifies whether differences are allowed between the saved objects and the restored objects. Note: To use this parameter, you need *ALLOBJ special authority. *NONE None of the differences listed above are allowed on the restore operation. *ALL All of the differences listed above are allowed on the restore operation. File level identifier and member level identifier differences are handled differently than the *FILELVL value. If there is a file level difference and *ALL is specified on the Data base member option (MBROPT) parameter, the existing version of the file is renamed and the saved version of the file is restored. If there is a member level difference, the existing version of the member is renamed and the saved version of the member is restored. This value will restore the saved data, but the result may not be correct. For other differences, see the description of each individual value to determine how differences are handled. Note: If restoring objects that BRMS saved with SAVOBJ or SAVCHGOBJ, BRMS will change the parameter to ALWOBJDIF(*FILELVL *AUTL *OWNER *PGP) for these objects to prevent the renaming. Top Restore to ASP (RSTASP) Specifies the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool (2-32) number to which you want to restore document library objects. 162 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *SAVASP Restore the saved document library object to the auxiliary storage pool that it resided in when it was saved by BRMS. *SYSTEM The document library object is restored to the system (1) auxiliary storage pool. restore-to-ASP-name Specify the name of the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool (2-32) to which you are restoring the document library object. restore-to-ASP-number Specify the number of the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool (2-32) number to which you want to restore the document library object. Note: UDFS, primary and secondary auxiliary storage pools are not supported for this parameter. Top From system (FROMSYS) Specifies the location and network identification of the system from which you want to restore media information to the local system. Note: Use the Display Network Attributes (DSPNETA) command to view the system network attributes. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value if a value other than *LCL is specified. *LCL Specifies that the from-system is the local system. BRMS uses the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute and not the System name (SYSNAME) network attribute to determine the current system name. In most cases, the systems have the same value specified for LCLLOCNAME as for SYSNAME. location-name Specifies the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute of the remote system for the network operation. The current system Local network ID (LCLNETID) network attribute is used to connect with the remote system. network-id.location-name Specifies the Local network ID (LCLNETID) and the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attributes of the remote system for the network operation. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the LCLNETID and cccccccc is the LCLLOCNAME. Top Examples Example 1: Restoring All DLOs in a Subfolder RSTDLOBRM DLO(*ALL) SAVFLR(’ACCTMST/ACCT03’) COPY(*CURRENT) DEV(TAP09) This command allows you to select and restore folders and subfolders that were saved using the SAVDLOBRM command and whose contents information still exist in the media contents information. In this example, the restore operation is for all DLO with a folder called ACCTMST and a subfolder called ACCT03. The most recent copy is restored using device TAP09. Restore DLO using BRM (RSTDLOBRM) 163 Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM2112 ASP &2 not valid. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF3700 All CPF37xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF3800 All CPF38xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 164 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Restore Library using BRM (RSTLIBBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Restore Library using BRM (RSTLIBBRM) command allows you to restore a library that is in the BRMS media information. Any library that was saved by the Save Library using BRM (SAVLIBBRM) command or was in a control group that was saved can be restored by the RSTLIBBRM command. The RSTLIBBRM command restores the whole library, which includes the library description, object descriptions and contents of the objects in the library. Note: Using the RSTLIBBRM command allows you to restore selected copies of a library from the BRMS media content information. For instance, a recovery request for a copy of a library will restore the full backup of the library that corresponds to the copy requested in the Save level (SAVLVL) parameter, plus the last incremental backup of that library preceding the next full backup of the library, plus any object level saves that are between the two full saves. This assures that the copy that you requested has all changes applied prior to the next full save. Virtual tape media and devices can be used with this command. The following restrictions apply to the use of virtual media and virtual devices. v The Device (DEV) parameter is limited on only one device or *MEDCLS special value for serial operations. v Execute authority is required to the Load or Unload Image Catalog (LODIMGCLG) command. v *CHANGE authority is required to the image catalogs. v Execute (*X) authority is required to each directory in the image catalog path name. v Read, write, execute (*RWX) authority is required to each image file in the parent directory that will be loaded or mounted. v *USE authority is required to the virtual devices using the image catalogs. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. You must have authority to the Restore Library (RSTLIB) command to use this command. 2. You must have save system (*SAVSYS) special authority, or have all of the following object authorities: v You must have *ADD and *READ authority to the QSYS library to restore libraries which do not exist. v You must have *OBJEXIST authority to restore over objects contained in a library. 3. You must have *USE authority to any auxiliary storage pool device specified for the Auxiliary storage pool (RSTASP) parameter. 4. You can restore data from a TSM server device by using this command. You can only specify one TSM device or *MEDCLS, which must select a TSM device. The TSM device selected can either be *APPC, which supports the SNA network protocol, or *NET, which supports the TCP/IP protocol. 5. *ALLOBJ special authority is required to use any value other than *NONE for the ALWOBJDIF parameter. 6. These additional restrictions apply when applying journal changes: v You must have authority to the APYJRNCHG command. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 165 v You must have *EXECUTE authority to the libraries containing the files, journals and journal receivers. v You must have *OBJEXIST authority to restore any files that already exist on the system. v You must have *CHANGE and *OBJMGT authority to apply journal changes to journaled files. v You must have *USE authority to any journal or journal receiver used to apply journal changes. 7. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SAVLIB Library Single values: *MEDINF Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Name Required, Positional 1 DEV Device Values (up to 4 repetitions): Name, *MEDCLS Required, Positional 2 PRLRSC Parallel device resources Element list Optional, Positional 3 Element 1: Minimum resources 1-32, *SAV, *NONE, *AVAIL Element 2: Maximum resources 1-32, *MIN, *AVAIL SAVLVL Save level 1-99, *CURRENT, *SAVDATE Optional SAVDATE Save date Date Optional ENDOPT End of tape option *REWIND, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD Optional OPTION Option *ALL, *NEW, *OLD, *FREE Optional MBROPT Database member option *MATCH, *ALL, *NEW, *OLD Optional SPLFDTA Spooled file data *NEW, *NONE Optional ALWOBJDIF Allow object differences Single values: *NONE, *ALL Other values (up to 4 repetitions): *AUTL, *FILELVL, *OWNER, *PGP Optional RSTLIB Restore to library Name, *SAVLIB Optional RSTASP Auxiliary storage pool Character value, *SAVASP, *SYSTEM Optional FROMSYS From system Character value, *LCL Optional Top Library (SAVLIB) Specifies the name of the library that you want to restore. This is a required field. Single values *MEDINF You want to restore BRMS media information. The QUSRBRM library contains the BRMS media information. Note: Recovery for library level information consists of seven objects that are restored to the QUSRBRM library. Recovery for object level information consists of the eight objects that are 166 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands restored to the QUSRBRM library. The first seven objects are required for library level recovery and the eighth object is required for object level recovery. Other values (up to 50 repetitions) library-name Specify the name of the library that you want to restore. The library name must be an entry in the BRMS media content information. Top Device (DEV) Specifies the name of the devices used for the restore operation. The device must already be in the BRMS device table. Note: Multiple systems can share the use of a tape device or a Media library device (MLB). When the device is a tape device (not an MLB device), BRMS can help you manage the use of the device by multiple systems if you indicate that the device is shared. You can restore data from a TSM (ADSM) server using this command. You can only specify one TSM type server or *MEDCLS, which must select a TSM server. The device selected can either be *APPC, which supports SNA network protocol, or *NET, which supports TCPIP protocol. This is a required parameter. *MEDCLS BRMS determines the media class of the media on which the requested item is saved. Once the media class is determined, a device supporting the density specified in the media class is selected to perform the save operation. Note: The special value *MEDCLS can be specified up to four times on the Device (DEV) parameter only if the parallel Min Resource is of value *NONE. Otherwise, *MEDCLS can only be specified once. BRMS will attempt to use the maximum number of devices that can be allocated for this operation. To perform a parallel restore with more devices, the value *MEDCLS can and may only be specified once and parallel minimum and maximum resources must be greater than one or *SAV. device-name Specify the names of one or more devices used for the restore operation. If you are using more than one device (up to a maximum of four), specify the names of the devices in the order in which they are used. Note: When doing a serial restore, only one media library device can be specified. When doing a parallel restore, multiple media library devices can be specified. Top Parallel device resources (PRLRSC) Specifies the minimum and maximum number of device resources to be used in a restore operation. Element 1: Minimum Resources Specifies the minimum number of device resources required for a parallel restore. Restore Library using BRM (RSTLIBBRM) 167 Note: If a Media Library Device (MLB) is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will wait for the MLB to become available for a time period specified by the user. The wait time is determined by the value specified on the *MLB device description for INLMNTWAIT. If a *TAP device is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will fail. Note: Transferring save files to tape does not support parallel operations. *SAV Specifies that the same number of device resources used for the save will be used for the restore. If the save was a serial save, then the restore will also be serial. *AVAIL Use any available devices up to the maximum specified. Specifying this value for the minimum will allow BRMS to use any available resources, but will complete using one resource if only one is available at the start of the command. *NONE No device resources are to be used. The restore will be performed as a serial restore. 1-32 Specify the minimum number of device resources to be used with this restore command, up to the maximum of what was used for the save. Element 2: Maximum Resources *MIN Uses the value specified for the minimum number of device resources. *AVAIL Use any available devices. Specifying this value for the maximum will allow BRMS to use any available resources but at a minimum use the value specified in the minimum element. 1-32 Specify the maximum number of device resources to be used with this restore command, up to the maximum of what was used for the save. Top Save level (SAVLVL) Specifies the copy of the library that you want to restore from the media content information. *CURRENT The most current copy of the library is restored. This will include the most recent library as well as all incremental backups of the library. *SAVDATE Specifies a save date will be used to identify the level of object you want to restore. The save date is specified on Save date (SAVDATE) parameter. save-level-number Specify the age of the copy that you want to restore from the media content information. You can specify a copy number from 1 - 99. For instance, if you want to restore the next to the last most recent copy specify 1. Top Save date (SAVDATE) Specifies a save date for the object you want to restore. The most recent save of the object on the specified date will be restored. The object is not restored if no save of the object occurred on the specified date. 168 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Note: A value must be specified for this parameter if *SAVDATE is specified for the Save level (SAVLVL) parameter. save-date Specify the save date of the object you want to restore. The date must be entered in the format specified by the QDATFMT system value with or without date separators. The system value QDATSEP specifies the date seperator character that can be used. Top End of tape option (ENDOPT) Specifies, when volume is used, what positioning operation is automatically done on the volume after the restore operation ends. If more than one volume is included, this parameter applies only to the last volume used; all other volumes are rewound and unloaded when the end of the volume is reached. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is a shared device, the device will not be varied off after the save operation. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is not a shared device, the device will be varied off after the save operation. *REWIND The volume is automatically rewound but not unloaded after the recovery operation ends. *LEAVE The volume does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the device. *UNLOAD The volume is automatically rewound and unloaded after the recovery operation ends. Top Option (OPTION) Specifies how to handle restoring each object. *ALL All the objects in the saved library are restored to the library. Old objects on tape or in a save file replace the current versions in the library on the system. Objects not having a current version are added to the library on the system. Objects presently in the library, but not on the media, remain in the library. *FREE The saved objects are restored only if they exist in the system library with their space freed. The saved version of each object is restored in the system in its previously freed space. This option restores objects that had their space freed when they were saved. If any saved objects are no longer part of the current version of the library, or if the space is not free for any object, the object is not restored. The restore operation continues, and all of the freed objects are restored. *NEW Only the objects in the saved library that do not exist in the current version of the library on the system are added to the library. Only objects not known to the library on the system are restored; known objects are not restored. This option restores objects that were deleted after they were saved or that are new to this library. If any saved objects have a version already in the library on the system, they are not restored, and an informational message is sent for each one, but the restore operation continues. *OLD Only the objects in the library having a saved version are restored; that is, the version of each object currently in the library is replaced by the saved version. Only objects known to the library are restored. If any saved objects are no longer part of the online version of the library, they are not added to the library; an informational message is sent for each one, but the restore continues. Restore Library using BRM (RSTLIBBRM) 169 Top Database member option (MBROPT) Specifies for database files that exist on the system, which members are restored. If *MATCH is used, the member list in the saved file must match, member for member, the current version in the system. All members are restored for files that do not exist, if the file is restored. *MATCH The saved members are restored if the lists of the members where they exist are a match, member for member, for the lists of the current system version. MBROPT(*MATCH) is not valid when *ALL is specified on the Allow object differences (ALWOBJDIF) parameter. *ALL All members in the saved file are restored. *NEW Only new members (members not known to the system) are restored. *OLD Only members already known to the system are restored. Top Spooled file data (SPLFDTA) Specifies whether saved spooled file data and attributes are restored for restored output queues. *NEW Specifies new saved spooled file data and attributes are restored for saved output queues. The saved spooled files will be restored to the same output queue from which these were saved if there is no existing spooled file on the system having the same attributes. *NONE Specifies no spooled file data or attributes are restored for restored output queues. Top Allow object differences (ALWOBJDIF) Specifies whether differences are allowed between the saved objects and the restored objects. These differences include: v Authorization list: The authorization list of an object on the system is different than the authorization list of an object from the save operation. Or the system on which a new object with an authorization list is being restored is different from the system on which it was saved. v File level identifier: The creation date and time of the database file on the system does not match the creation date and time of the file that was saved. v Member level identifier: The creation date and time of the database file member on the system does not match the creation date and time of the member that was saved. v Ownership: The owner of an object on the system is different than the owner of an object from the save operation. v Primary Group: The primary group of an object on the system is different than the primary group of an object from the save operation. Note: To use this parameter, you need *ALLOBJ special authority. Single values *NONE None of the differences listed above are allowed on the restore operation. 170 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *ALL All of the differences listed above are allowed on the restore operation. File level identifier and member level identifier differences are handled differently than the *FILELVL value. If there is a file level difference and *ALL is specified on the Data base member option (MBROPT) parameter, the existing version of the file is renamed and the saved version of the file is restored. If there is a member level difference, the existing version of the member is renamed and the saved version of the member is restored. This value will restore the saved data, but the result may not be correct. For other differences, see the description of each individual value to determine how differences are handled. Note: If restoring objects that BRMS saved with SAVOBJ or SAVCHGOBJ, BRMS will change the parameter to ALWOBJDIF(*FILELVL *AUTL *OWNER *PGP) for these objects to prevent the renaming. Other values (up to 4 repetitions) *AUTL Authorization list differences are allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different authorization list than the saved object, the object is restored with the authorization list of the object on the system. New objects that are being restored to a system that is different from which they were saved are restored and linked to their authorization list. If the authorization list does not exist on the new system, the public authority is set to *EXCLUDE. If this value is not specified, authorization list differences are not allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different authorization list than the saved object, the object is not restored. New objects that are being restored to a system that is different from which they were saved are restored, but they are not linked to the authorization list, and the public authority is set to *EXCLUDE. *FILELVL File level identifier and member level identifier differences are allowed. An attempt will be made to restore existing physical files even though the physical file on the save media may have a different file level identifier or member level identifier than the physical file on the system. The physical file data will only be restored for those physical files whose format level identifiers on the save media match the format level identifiers of the corresponding physical file on the system. If this value is not specified, file level identifier and member level identifier differences are not allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different file level identifier or member level identifier than the saved object, the object is not restored. *OWNER Ownership differences are allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different owner than the saved object, the object is restored with the owner of the object on the system. If this value is not specified, ownership differences are not allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different owner than the saved object, the object is not restored. *PGP Primary group differences are allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different primary group than the saved object, the object is restored with the primary group of the object on the system. If this value is not specified, primary group differences are not allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different primary group than the saved object, the object is not restored. Top Restore Library using BRM (RSTLIBBRM) 171 Restore to library (RSTLIB) Specifies whether the library contents are restored to the same library from which they were saved, or to a different library. *SAVLIB The library contents are restored to the same library or libraries in which they were saved. library-name Specify the name of the library to which the saved library contents are restored. Note: If a Structured Query Language (SQL) database is restored to a library other than the one in which it was saved, the journals are not restored. Top ASP (RSTASP) Specifies whether libraries and objects are restored to the auxiliary storage pool from which they were saved or to a different auxiliary storage pool. Libraries and their contained objects can only be restored to the system (1) auxiliary storage pool, a basic user (2-32) auxiliary storage pool, a primary auxiliary storage pool or a secondary auxiliary storage pool. More information about object types which can be restored to auxiliary storage pools can be found in the Backup and Recovery book. *SAVASP The library and objects are restored to the ASP from which they were saved. *SYSTEM The library and objects are restored to the system (1) auxiliary storage pool. auxiliary-storage-pool-name The library and objects are restored to the auxiliary storage pool identified by this name. This can be the name of any available basic user auxiliary storage pool (2-32) or any available primary or secondary auxiliary storage pool. auxiliary-storage-pool-number The library and objects are restored to the system (1) or basic auxiliary storage pools (2-32) identified by this number. The range of auxiliary storage pool number is 1-32. Top From system (FROMSYS) Specifies the location and network identification of the system from which you want to restore media information to the local system. Note: Use the Display Network Attributes (DSPNETA) command to view the system network attributes. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value if a value other than *LCL is specified. *LCL Specifies that the from-system is the local system. BRMS uses the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute and not the System name (SYSNAME) network attribute to determine the current system name. In most cases, the systems have the same value specified for LCLLOCNAME as for SYSNAME. 172 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands location-name Specifies the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute of the remote system for the network operation. The current system Local network ID (LCLNETID) network attribute is used to connect with the remote system. network-id.location-name Specifies the Local network ID (LCLNETID) and the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attributes of the remote system for the network operation. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the LCLNETID and cccccccc is the LCLLOCNAME. If the FROMSYS parameter is specified and the connection to the remote system could not be established then the command will not use local data to perform the restore operation. Use the Work with Media Information (WRKMEDIBRM) or Start Recovery using BRM (STRRCYBRM) commands to select and restore the object. Top Examples Example 1: Restoring a Library using BRMS RSTLIBBRM SAVLIB(MYLIB) DEV(*MEDCLS) COPY(2) RSTASP(3) This command restores a library called MYLIB. Any device that supports the media class assigned to the media containing MYLIB can be used in the restore operation. The second copy of the library in the media information is restored to auxiliary storage pool (ASP) 3. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1177 Cannot establish connection with remote system. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM2112 ASP &2 not valid. CPF4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF3700 All CPF37xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF3800 All CPF38xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Restore Library using BRM (RSTLIBBRM) 173 Top 174 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Restore Object using BRM (RSTOBJBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Restore Object using BRM (RSTOBJBRM) command restores an object or objects from the BRMS media content information. any object that was saved by the Save Object using BRM (SAVOBJBRM) command or was saved as part of a control group can be restored by the RSTOBJBRM command. The types of objects that can be restored by this command are listed on the Object types (OBJTYPE) parameter. They can be saved either as separate objects or as part of the library save operation. The RSTOBJBRM command restores the object description and contents of each object specified in the command. Note: Using the RSTOBJBRM command, Save level (SAVLVL) parameter allows you to restore selected copies of an object from the BRMS media content information. For instance, a recovery request for copy 1 of an object will restore the next to the most recent copy of the object on the BRMS media content information (current copy is the most recent copy). Virtual tape media and devices can be used with this command. The following restrictions apply to the use of virtual media and virtual devices. v The Device (DEV) parameter is limited on only one device or *MEDCLS special value for serial operations. v Execute authority is required to the Load or Unload Image Catalog (LODIMGCLG) command. v *CHANGE authority is required to the image catalogs. v Execute (*X) authority is required to each directory in the image catalog path name. v Read, write, execute (*RWX) authority is required to each image file in the parent directory that will be loaded or mounted. v *USE authority is required to the virtual devices using the image catalogs. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. If the user domain object user space (*USRSPC), user index (*USRIDX), or user queue (*USRQ) is restored to a library that is not permitted in the system value QALWUSRDMN (allow user objects in library), the object is converted to the system domain. 2. You must have authority to the Restore Object (RSTOBJ) command to use this command. 3. You must have save system (*SAVSYS) special authority, or have all of the following object authorities: v You must have *EXECUTE authority to the restore library when restoring over objects contained in a library. v You must have *OBJEXIST authority to the objects contained in a library when restoring over those objects. 4. You must have *USE authority to any auxiliary storage pool device specified for the Auxiliary storage pool (RSTASP) parameter. 5. You can restore data from a TSM server device by using this command. You can only specify one TSM device or *MEDCLS, which must select a TSM device. The TSM device selected can either be *APPC, which supports the SNA network protocol, or *NET, which supports the TCP/IP protocol. 6. *ALLOBJ special authority is required to use any value other than *NONE for the ALWOBJDIF parameter. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 175 7. These additional restrictions apply when applying journal changes: v You must have authority to the APYJRNCHG command. v You must have *EXECUTE authority to the libraries containing the files, journals and journal receivers. v You must have *OBJEXIST authority to restore any files that already exist on the system. v You must have *CHANGE and *OBJMGT authority to apply journal changes to journaled files. v You must have *USE authority to any journal or journal receiver used to apply journal changes. 8. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes OBJ Object Single values: *ALL Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Generic name, name Required, Positional 1 SAVLIB Library Name Required, Positional 2 DEV Device Values (up to 4 repetitions): Name, *MEDCLS Required, Positional 3 PRLRSC Parallel device resources Element list Optional Element 1: Minimum resources 1-32, *SAV, *NONE, *AVAIL Element 2: Maximum resources 1-32, *MIN, *AVAIL OBJTYPE Object type Single values: *ALL Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Character value Optional SAVLVL Save level 1-99, *CURRENT, *SAVDATE Optional SAVDATE Save date Date Optional ENDOPT End of tape option *REWIND, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD Optional OPTION Option *ALL, *NEW, *OLD, *FREE Optional MBROPT Database member option *MATCH, *ALL, *NEW, *OLD Optional SPLFDTA Spooled file data *NEW, *NONE Optional ALWOBJDIF Allow object differences Single values: *NONE, *ALL Other values (up to 4 repetitions): *AUTL, *FILELVL, *OWNER, *PGP Optional RSTLIB Restore to library Name, *SAVLIB Optional RSTASP Auxiliary storage pool Character value, *SAVASP, *SYSTEM Optional FROMSYS From system Character value, *LCL Optional Top Object (OBJ) Specifies the name of the object that you want to restore, a generic group of objects that you want to restore, or all objects. If the Object type (OBJTYPE) parameter is not specified when the command is run, all the object types, listed in the description of that parameter are restored, if they are in the specified library on the media or in the save file, and if they have the specified names. 176 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands This is a required parameter. Single values *ALL Restore all objects that meet the other requirements specified in the command. Other values (up to 50 repetitions) generic*-object-name Specify one or more generic names of groups of objects that you want to restore. A generic name is a character string that contains one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*). If an * is not specified with the name, the system assumes that the name is a complete object name. object-name Specify the name of the object that you want to restore. You can specify up to 50 objects to restore from the specified library. Top Library (SAVLIB) Specifies the name of the library in which the objects reside that are to be restored. If the Restore to library (RSTLIB) parameter is not specified, this is also the name of the library to which the objects are restored. Specify the name of the library. This is a required parameter. Top Device (DEV) Specifies the name of the devices used for the restore operation. the device name must already be in the BRMS device table. Note: Multiple systems can share the use of a tape device or a media library device (MLB). When the device is a tape device (not an MLB device), BRMS will manage the use of the device across multiple systems if you indicate that the device is shared. You can restore data from a TSM (ADSM) server using this command. You can only specify one TSM type server or *MEDCLS, which must select a TSM server. The device selected can either be *APPC, which supports SNA network protocol, or *NET, which supports TCPIP protocol. This is a required parameter. device-name Specify the names of one or more devices used for the restore operation. If you are using more than one device (up to four), specify the names of the devices in the order in which they are used. Note: When doing a serial restore, only one media library device can be specified. When doing a parallel restore, multiple media libraries can be specified. *MEDCLS BRMS determines the media class of the media on which the requested item is saved. Once the media class is determined, a device supporting the density specified in the media class is selected to do the restore operation. Restore Object using BRM (RSTOBJBRM) 177 Note: The special value *MEDCLS can be specified up to four times on the device parameter only if the parallel min resource is of value *NONE. Otherwise, *MEDCLS can only be specified once. BRMS will attempt to use the maximum number of devices that can be allocated for this operation. To perform a parallel restore with more devices, the value *MEDCLS can and may only be specified once and the parallel minimum and maximum resources must be greater than one or *SAV. Top Parallel device resources (PRLRSC) Specifies the minimum and maximum number of device resources to be used in a restore operation. Element 1: Minimum Resources Specifies the minimum number of device resources required for a parallel restore. Note: If a Media Library Device (MLB) is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will wait for the MLB to become available for a time period specified by the user. The wait time is determined by the value specified on the *MLB device description for INLMNTWAIT. If a *TAP device is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will fail. Note: Transferring save files to tape does not support parallel operations. *SAV Specifies that the same number of device resources used for the save will be used for the restore. If the save was a serial save, then the restore will also be serial. *AVAIL Use any available devices up to the maximum specified. Specifying this value for the minimum will allow BRMS to use any available resources, but will complete using one resource if only one is available at the start of the command. *NONE No device resources are to be used. The restore will be performed as a serial restore. 1-32 Specify the minimum number of device resources to be used with this restore command, up to the maximum of what was used for the save. Element 2: Maximum Resources *MIN Uses the value specified for the minimum number of device resources. *AVAIL Use any available devices. Specifying this value for the maximum will allow BRMS to use any available resources but at a minimum use the value specified in the minimum element. 1-32 Specify the maximum number of device resources to be used with this restore command, up to the maximum of what was used for the save. Top 178 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Object type (OBJTYPE) Specifies the type of the object that you want to restore. This is a required parameter. Single values *ALL All types of objects are to be included in the restore process. Other values (up to 50 repetitions) object-type Specify the value for the type of object that you want to restore, such as command (*CMD), file (*FILE), or program (*PGM). For a complete list of object types, position the cursor on the Object type (OBJTYPE) parameter and press the F4 key. Top Save level (SAVLVL) Specifies the copy of the object that you want to restore from the media content information. *CURRENT The most current copy of the object is restored. *SAVDATE Specifies a save date will be used to identify the level of object you want to restore. The save date is specified on Save date (SAVDATE) parameter. save-level-number Specify the age of the copy that you want to restore from the media content information. You can specify a copy number from 1 - 99. For instance, if you want to restore the next to the last most recent copy specify 1. Top Save date (SAVDATE) Specifies a save date for the object you want to restore. The most recent save of the object on the specified date will be restored. The object is not restored if no save of the object occurred on the specified date. Note: A value must be specified for this parameter if *SAVDATE is specified for the Save level (SAVLVL) parameter. save-date Specify the save date of the object you want to restore. The date must be entered in the format specified by the QDATFMT system value with or without date separators. The system value QDATSEP specifies the date seperator character that can be used. Top Restore Object using BRM (RSTOBJBRM) 179 End of tape option (ENDOPT) Specifies, when volume is used, what positioning operation is automatically done on the volume after the restore operation ends. If more than one volume is included, this parameter applies only to the last volume used; all other volumes are rewound and unloaded when the end of the volume is reached. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is a shared device, the device will not be varied off after the save operation. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is not a shared device, the device will be varied off after the save operation. *REWIND The volume is automatically rewound but not unloaded after the recovery operation ends. *LEAVE The volume does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the device. *UNLOAD The volume is automatically rewound and unloaded after the recovery operation ends. Top Option (OPTION) Specifies how to handle restoring each object. *ALL All the objects in the saved library are restored to the library on the system. Objects in the saved library replace the objects in the library on the system. Saved objects not on the system are added to the library on the system. Objects in the system library but not in the saved library remain in the library. *FREE Only objects that exist in the library on the system with their storage freed are restored. *NEW Only the objects in the saved library that do not exist in the library on the system are restored. *OLD Only the objects that exist in the library on the system are restored. Top Database member option (MBROPT) Specifies for database files that exist on the system, which members are restored. Unless *MATCH is used, the member list in the saved file need not match member for member, the current version in the system. *MATCH The saved members are restored if the lists of the members where they exist are a match, member for member, for the lists of the current system version. MBROPT(*MATCH) is not valid when *ALL is specified on the Allow object differences (ALWOBJDIF) parameter. *ALL All members in the saved file are restored. *NEW Only new members (members not known to the system) are restored. *OLD Only members already known to the system are restored. Top 180 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Spooled file data (SPLFDTA) Specifies whether saved spooled file data and attributes are restored for restored output queues. *NEW Specifies new saved spooled file data and attributes are restored for saved output queues. The saved spooled files will be restored to the same output queue from which these were saved if there is no existing spooled file on the system having the same attributes. *NONE Specifies no spooled file data or attributes are restored for restored output queues. Top Allow object differences (ALWOBJDIF) Specifies whether differences are allowed between the saved objects and the restored objects. These differences include: v Authorization list: The authorization list of an object on the system is different than the authorization list of an object from the save operation. Or the system on which a new object with an authorization list is being restored is different from the system on which it was saved. v File level identifier: The creation date and time of the database file on the system does not match the creation date and time of the file that was saved. v Member level identifier: The creation date and time of the database file member on the system does not match the creation date and time of the member that was saved. v Ownership: The owner of an object on the system is different than the owner of an object from the save operation. v Primary Group: The primary group of an object on the system is different than the primary group of an object from the save operation. Note: To use this parameter, you need *ALLOBJ special authority. Single values *NONE None of the differences listed above are allowed on the restore operation. *ALL All of the differences listed above are allowed on the restore operation. File level identifier and member level identifier differences are handled differently than the *FILELVL value. If there is a file level difference and *ALL is specified on the Data base member option (MBROPT) parameter, the existing version of the file is renamed and the saved version of the file is restored. If there is a member level difference, the existing version of the member is renamed and the saved version of the member is restored. This value will restore the saved data, but the result may not be correct. For other differences, see the description of each individual value to determine how differences are handled. Note: If restoring objects that BRMS saved with SAVOBJ or SAVCHGOBJ, BRMS will change the parameter to ALWOBJDIF(*FILELVL *AUTL *OWNER *PGP) for these objects to prevent the renaming. Other values (up to 4 repetitions) *AUTL Authorization list differences are allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different authorization list than the saved object, the object is restored with the authorization list of the object on the system. New objects that are Restore Object using BRM (RSTOBJBRM) 181 being restored to a system that is different from which they were saved are restored and linked to their authorization list. If the authorization list does not exist on the new system, the public authority is set to *EXCLUDE. If this value is not specified, authorization list differences are not allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different authorization list than the saved object, the object is not restored. New objects that are being restored to a system that is different from which they were saved are restored, but they are not linked to the authorization list, and the public authority is set to *EXCLUDE. *FILELVL File level identifier and member level identifier differences are allowed. An attempt will be made to restore existing physical files even though the physical file on the save media may have a different file level identifier or member level identifier than the physical file on the system. The physical file data will only be restored for those physical files whose format level identifiers on the save media match the format level identifiers of the corresponding physical file on the system. If this value is not specified, file level identifier and member level identifier differences are not allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different file level identifier or member level identifier than the saved object, the object is not restored. *OWNER Ownership differences are allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different owner than the saved object, the object is restored with the owner of the object on the system. If this value is not specified, ownership differences are not allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different owner than the saved object, the object is not restored. *PGP Primary group differences are allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different primary group than the saved object, the object is restored with the primary group of the object on the system. If this value is not specified, primary group differences are not allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different primary group than the saved object, the object is not restored. Top Restore to library (RSTLIB) Specifies whether the objects are restored to a different library or to the same library where they were saved. *SAVLIB The objects are restored to the same library from which they were saved. library-name Specify the name of the library to which the saved objects are restored. Top ASP (RSTASP) Specifies whether objects are restored to the auxiliary storage pool from which they were saved or to a different auxiliary storage pool. Library objects can only be restored to the system (1) auxiliary storage pool, a basic user (2-32) auxiliary storage pool, a primary auxiliary storage pool or a secondary auxiliary storage pool. 182 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands More information about object types which can be restored to auxiliary storage pools can be found in the Backup and Recovery Book. *SAVASP The objects are restored to the auxiliary storage pool from which they were saved. *SYSTEM The objects are restored to the system (1) auxiliary storage pool. auxiliary-storage-pool-name The objects are restored to the auxiliary storage pool identified by this name. This can be the name of any available basic user auxiliary storage pool (2-32) or any available primary or secondary auxiliary storage pool. auxiliary-storage-pool-number The objects are restored to the system (1) or basic auxiliary storage pools (2-32) identified by this number. The range of auxiliary storage pool number is 1-32. Top From system (FROMSYS) Specifies the location and network identification of the system from which you want to restore media information to the local system. Note: Use the Display Network Attributes (DSPNETA) command to view the system network attributes. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value if a value other than *LCL is specified. *LCL Specifies that the from-system is the local system. BRMS uses the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute and not the System name (SYSNAME) network attribute to determine the current system name. In most cases, the systems have the same value specified for LCLLOCNAME as for SYSNAME. location-name Specifies the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute of the remote system for the network operation. The current system Local network ID (LCLNETID) network attribute is used to connect with the remote system. network-id.location-name Specifies the Local network ID (LCLNETID) and the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attributes of the remote system for the network operation. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the LCLNETID and cccccccc is the LCLLOCNAME. If the FROMSYS parameter is specified and the connection to the remote system could not be established then the command will not use local data to perform the restore operation. Use the Work with Media Information (WRKMEDIBRM) or Start Recovery using BRM (STRRCYBRM) commands to select and restore the object. Top Examples RSTOBJBRM OBJ(AP1000) SAVLIB(APLIB) DEV(*MEDCLS) OBJTYPE(*FILE) Restore Object using BRM (RSTOBJBRM) 183 This command restores an object named AP1000 which was saved from library APLIB. Any device that supports the media class assigned to the media containing AP1000 can be used in the restore operation. AP1000 is a file object. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1177 Cannot establish connection with remote system. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM2112 ASP &2 not valid. CPF4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF3700 All CPF37xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF3800 All CPF38xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 184 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Save Object using BRM (SAVBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Save Object using BRM (SAVBRM) command saves a copy of one or more objects that can be used in the integrated file system. For more information about integrated file system commands, see the Integrated File System Introduction book. Virtual tape media and devices can be used with this command. The following restrictions apply to the use of virtual media and virtual devices. v The Device (DEV) parameter is limited on only one device or *MEDCLS special value for serial operations. v Execute authority is required to the Load or Unload Image Catalog (LODIMGCLG) command. v *CHANGE authority is required to the image catalogs. v Execute (*X) authority is required to each directory in the image catalog path name. v Read, write, execute (*RWX) authority is required to each image file in the parent directory that will be loaded or mounted. v *USE authority is required to the virtual devices using the image catalogs. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. The SAVBRM command does not support optical files. 2. You cannot save QSYS and QDLS file systems using this command. 3. You must have authority to the SAV commands to use this command. 4. You must have *USE authority to any auxiliary storage pool device specified for the Auxiliary storage pool (ASPDEV) parameter. 5. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. 6. For additional restrictions when using this command to save objects by using name patterns in the root directory, to save objects in libraries, or to save document library objects, see the Save Object (SAV) command in Backup and Recovery book. You can save data to a Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) server using this command. To save data to a TSM server, the following conditions must be met: v Only user data can be saved to TSM servers. BRMS does not allow *IBM type libraries to be saved TSM servers. Also, BRMS does not allows IBM supplied libraries that are considered user data such as QGPL, QUSRBRM, or QUSRSYS libraries to be saved TSM media. v You can only specify only one device for the Device (DEV) parameter and this device must be of category *NET or *APPC. v You can specify DEV(*MEDCLS) with the Location (LOC) parameter to identify the *NET or *APPC category device to be used. v You can specify a media policy name for the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter if the media policy uses specifies *ADSM (TSM server) for the Media class attribute. Alternately you can specify © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 185 MEDPCY(*NONE) in which can you must also specify *ADSM for the Media class (MEDCLS), Move policy (MOVPCY) and Secure volume (VOLSEC) parameters. v The Sequence number (SEQNBR) parameter must be *END. v The Save to save file (SAVF), Mark volumes for duplication (MARKDUP) and Mark history for duplication (MARKHST) parameters must be *NO. If *MEDPCY is specified for these parameters, then the respective value for the Save to save file attribute, Mark volumes for duplication attribute and Mark history for duplication attribute of the media policy specified by the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter must be *NO. v The Required volumes (MINVOL) parameter must be *NONE. If SAVF(*MEDPCY) is specified then the value for the Required volumes attribute of the media policy specified by the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter must be *NONE. v If *SYNCLIB is specified for the Save active (SAVACT) parameter each library is saved individually rather than as a group. Synchronization messages are therefore sent individually for each library rather than for the libraries as a group and synchronization is only within one library, not across libraries. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes CTLGRP Control group Name, *NONE, *ARCGRP, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Optional CTLGRPATR Use control group attributes *NO, *YES Optional DEV Device Single values: *NONE Other values (up to 4 repetitions): Name, *MEDCLS Optional, Positional 1 PRLRSC Parallel device resources Element list Optional Element 1: Minimum resources 1-32, *NONE, *AVAIL Element 2: Maximum resources 1-32, *MIN, *AVAIL MEDPCY Media policy Name, *SYSPCY, *NONE Optional, Positional 2 OBJ Objects Values (up to 300 repetitions): Element list Optional Element 1: Name Path name, * Element 2: Include or omit *INCLUDE, *OMIT SUBTREE Directory subtree *ALL, *DIR, *NONE, *OBJ Optional SAVACT Save active *NO, *SYNC, *YES Optional SAVACTOPT Save active option *NONE, *ALWCKPWRT Optional SAVACTMSGQ Save active message queue Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Save active message queue Name, *NONE, *WRKSTN Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB USEOPTBLK Use optimum block size *BKUPCY, *DEV, *NO, *YES Optional SAVTYPE Type of save *FULL, *CUML, *INCR Optional ENDOPT End of tape option *REWIND, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD Optional SEQNBR Sequence number 1-16777215, *END Optional TGTRLS Target release Character value, *CURRENT Optional CLEAR Clear *NONE, *AFTER, *ALL Optional PRECHK Object pre-check *NO, *YES Optional DTACPR Data compression *DEV, *NO, *YES Optional COMPACT Data compaction *DEV, *NO Optional 186 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Keyword Description Choices Notes REFDATE Reference date Character value, *REF Optional REFTIME Reference time Character value, *REF Optional EXPDATE Expiration date Date, *MEDPCY, *PERM Optional MOVPCY Move policy Name, *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *NONE Optional MEDCLS Media class Character value, *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *SYSPCY Optional LOC Location Name, *MEDPCY, *ANY, *HOME Optional SAVF Save to save file *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional SAVFASP Save file ASP Character value, *MEDPCY, *SYSTEM Optional SAVFEXP Retain save files Date, *MEDPCY, *NONE, *PERM Optional MAXSTG ASP storage limit 1-99, *MEDPCY Optional VOLSEC Secure volume *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *NO, *YES Optional MINVOL Required volumes 1-9999, *MEDPCY, *NONE Optional MARKDUP Mark volumes for duplication *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional MARKHST Mark history for duplication *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional PKGID Package identifier *NEW, *PRVSAV Optional RCYEXITPGM Recovery exit program Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Recovery exit program Name, *NONE Qualifier 2: Library Name RCYEXITDTA Recovery exit program data Character value, *NONE Optional Top Control group (CTLGRP) Specifies the name of the control group that you want to associate with the objects saved by this command. The control group name is stored with the media information and can be used with the Control group (CTLGRP) parameter on other BRMS commands to filter the media information or recover saved objects by control group. Note: None of the attributes of the control group are used for the save. If you are using version control for the items you are saving, this save operation will be recorded as part of the specified version control. Version control is specified in the media policy associated with this control group and can be reviewed by using the Work with Media Policies display. *NONE Do not specify a control group name for this command. *ARCGRP The name of the default archive control group. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKUGRP The name of the default backup control group used to save all user data. *SYSGRP The name of the default system control group used to save all system data. *SYSTEM The name of the default system control group used to save the entire system. Save Object using BRM (SAVBRM) 187 control-group-name Specify the name of the control group to be assigned to the items you are saving. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, then the control group must be an existing BRMS control group. If CTRLGRPATR(*NO) is specified, then you can specify an existing control group name, or a name that you want to be associated with the save operation, even if the name is not an existing control group. Top Use control group attributes Specifies whether to use control group attributes for device, parallel device resources, media policy, save type, optimum block, sequence number, target release, clear, pre-check object, compression, compaction, reference date and time, and expiration date from the control group specified in the control group (CTLGRP) parameter. The control group must be an existing BRMS backup control group. Media policies using versioning cannot be used with the value *YES. *NO Values will not be used from the specified control group. Values for device and media policy are required. *YES Values will be used from the specified control group. Top Device (DEV) Specifies the device or devices to be used by this command. Single values *MEDCLS Devices for this policy or control group are selected based on device types that support the density for the media class specified in the media policy. The *MEDCLS special value is used for devices that are part of a device pool, such as several systems that share a single or set of devices. Devices are specified in the Work with Devices display. Note: If you want to use more than one device for a serial save operation, the *MEDCLS can be repeated up to four times, once for each device used, except for virtual tape devices which is limited to a single value. The Parallel Device Resource (PRLRSC) parameter must be *NONE. BRMS will attempt to use the maximum number of devices that can be allocated for a save operation. If you want to use more than one device for a parallel save operation the *MEDCLS must only be specified once and the PRLRSC minimum and maximum responses must be greater than one. Other values (up to 4 repetitions) Specifies the name of the devices to be used for the save operation. the specified device name must already be in the BRMS device table. You can enter multiple values for this parameter. If you are on an entry display and you need additional entry fields to enter these multiple values, type a plus sign (+) in the entry field opposite the phrase ″+ for more″ and press the Enter key. 188 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Note: Multiple systems can share the use of a tape device or a media library device (MLB). When the device is a tape device (not an MLB device), BRMS can help you manage the use of the stand alone device by multiple systems if you indicate the device is shared. You can save data to a TSM (ADSM) server using this command. You can only specify one TSM type server in the list of devices or *MEDCLS, which must select a TSM server. The device type can either be *APPC, which supports SNA network protocol, or *NET, which supports TCPIP protocol. *NONE There is no device for this save operation. Save files are used to store the saved data. Data in a save file created with device *NONE will never be copied by BRMS. It is intended for online access only. device-name Specify the names of one or more devices used for the save operation. If you are using more than one device (up to a maximum of four), specify the names of the devices in the order in which they are used. Note: When doing a serial save, only one media library device or one virtual tape device can be specified. When doing a parallel save, multiple media library devices or virtual tape devices can be specified. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, this parameter cannot be specified. The value for this parameter will be determined from the attributes of the control group specified on the CTLGRP parameter. Top Parallel device resources (PRLRSC) Specifies the minimum and maximum number of device resources to be used in a parallel save operation. Note: Transferring save files to tape does not support parallel operations. Element 1: Minimum Resources Specifies the minimum number of device resources required for a parallel save. Note: If a Media Library Device (MLB) is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will wait for the MLB to become available for a time period specified by the user. The wait time is determined by the value specified on the *MLB device description for INLMNTWAIT. If a *TAP device is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will fail. *NONE No device resources are to be used. The save will be performed as a serial save. *NONE must be specified when using a TSM or virtual tape device. *AVAIL Use any available devices up to the maximum of what was used for a save. Specifying this value for the minimum will allow BRMS to use any available resources, but will complete using one resource if only one is available at the start of the command. 1-32 Specify the minimum number of device resources to be used with this save command. Element 2: Maximum Resources Specifies the maximum number of device resources. *MIN Uses the value specified for the minimum number of device resources. Save Object using BRM (SAVBRM) 189 *AVAIL Use any available devices for the save operation. Specifying this value for the maximum will allow BRMS to use any available resources but at a minimum the value specified in the minimum element. 1-32 Specify the maximum number of device resources to be used with this save command. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, this parameter cannot be specified. The value for this parameter will be determined from the attributes of the control group specified on the CTLGRP parameter. Saves using multiple parallel device resources with a target release prior to V5R4M0 will be performed using only a single device resource. Top Media policy (MEDPCY) Specifies the media policy that you want to use with this save command. Media policies are used to determine: v The type of retention to use, such as days, date or version, for media used in control group processing. v The move policy to use with this media policy. v The media class to use. v Whether or not to use save files. v The type of retention to use, such as days or date for save files created in control group processing. The media policy you specify must be a media policy that is in the BRMS media policy table. This a required parameter. *SYSPCY The media policy specified in the system policy is assigned to output volumes from this save operation. *NONE No media policy is specified for this save operation. Media policy values must be supplied with the save command for each parameter that has a default of *MEDPCY. Note: If you specify *NONE, and you are saving data to a TSM (ADSM) server, you must specify the *ADSM special value in the MOVPCY, MEDCLS and VOLSEC parameters which are part of the media policy values for this save operation. You must still supply the additional media policy values for the remaining parameters with *MEDPCY as the default. The TSM management class STANDARD, and the TSM node *LCL, are used as default values for the save operation. media-policy Specify the name of the media policy that you want to use with this save operation. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, this parameter cannot be specified. The value for this parameter will be determined from the attributes of the control group specified on the CTLGRP parameter. Top Objects (OBJ) Specifies the objects that you want to include or exclude from a list of objects you want to save. A maximum of 300 object name patterns can be specified. 190 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands For more information on specifying path names, refer to Chapter 2 of the Command Language Reference book. Additional information about object name patterns is in the Integrated File System Introduction book. Element 1: Name ’*’ The objects in the current directory are saved. ’object-path-name-pattern’ Specify an object path name or a pattern that can match many names. Restriction: v You cannot list QDLS or QSYS.LIB objects in a link list. Use the appropriate *OBJ or *FLR list for objects in these file systems. Element 2: Omit or include The second part specifies whether names that match the pattern should be included or omitted from the operation. Note that in determining whether a name matches a pattern, relative name patterns are always treated as relative to the current working directory. The Directory subtree (SUBTREE) parameter determines whether the subtrees are included or omitted. *INCLUDE Objects that match the object name pattern are to be saved, unless overridden by an *OMIT specification. *OMIT Objects matching the object name pattern are not to be saved. This overrides a *INCLUDE specification and is intended to be used to omit a subset of a previously selected pattern. Top Directory subtree (SUBTREE) Specifies whether directory subtrees are included in the save operation. *ALL The entire subtree for each directory that matches the object name pattern is included. The subtree includes all subdirectories and the objects within those subdirectories. *DIR Objects in the first level of each directory that matches the object name pattern are included. The subdirectories of each matching directory are included, but the objects in the subdirectories are not included. *NONE No subtrees are included in the save operation. If a directory matches the object name pattern specified, the objects in the directory are included. If the directory has subdirectories, neither the subdirectories nor the objects in the subdirectories are included. *OBJ Only the objects that exactly match the object name pattern will be processed. If the object name pattern specifies a directory, objects in the directory are not included. Top Save active (SAVACT) Specifies whether an object can be updated while it is being saved. Save Object using BRM (SAVBRM) 191 Note: If your system is in a restricted state, this parameter is ignored and the save operation is performed as if SAVACT(*NO) was specified. Note: If you are using the MONSWABRM command as part of an *EXIT special operation in a control group, the Save while active field must have a value of *YES for the entry that you want to save while active. The Monitor Save While Active (MONSWABRM) command reviews the save while active message queue and looks for the message indicating the end of synchronization. When synchronization is detected, you can issue a command to the system. *NO Objects that are not in use are not saved. Objects cannot be updated while being saved. *SYNC Objects can be saved and used at the same time. All of the object checkpoints occur at the same time. *YES Objects can be saved and used at the same time. The object checkpoints can occur at different times. Top Save active option Specifies options to be used with the save while active (SAVACT) parameter. *NONE No special save while active options will be used. Normal save while active processing will take place; all objects will be locked and cannot be updated before the save while active checkpoint is reached. *ALWCKPWRT Enables objects to be saved while they are being updated if the corresponding system attribute for the object is set. This option should only be used by applications to save objects that are associated with the application and that have additional backup and recovery considerations. For more information see the Backup and Recovery book, SC41-5304. Top Save active message queue (SAVACTMSGQ) Specifies the message queue that the save operation uses to notify the user that the checkpoint processing is complete. This parameter can be used to save the objects at a known, consistent boundary to avoid additional recovery procedures following a restore operation. Applications can be stopped until the checkpoint processing complete message is received. Qualifier 1: Save active message queue *NONE No notification message is sent. *WRKSTN The notification message is sent to the work station message queue. message-queue-name Specify the name of the message queue that the notification message is sent to. Qualifier 2: Library 192 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *LIBL The library list is used to locate the message queue. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the message queue. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used. library-name Specify the name of the library where the message queue is located. Top Use optimum block size (USEOPTBLK) Specifies whether or not the optimum block size is used for the save operation. *BKUPCY Use the value from the backup policy for the Use optimum block size parameter. *DEV Use the value specified on the Work with Devices display for the Use optimum block size parameter. *NO The optimum block size supported by the device is not used. Save commands use the default block size supported by all device types. The tape volume can be duplicated to any media format using the Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) command or the Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) command. *YES The optimum block size supported by the device is used for Save commands. If the block size used is larger than a block size that is supported by all device types then: v Performance may improve. v The tape file that is created is only compatible with a device that supports the block size used. Commands such as Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) and Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) do not duplicate files unless the files are being duplicated to a device which supports the same block size that was used. v The value for the Data Compression (DTACPR) parameter is ignored. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, this parameter cannot be specified. The value for this parameter will be determined from the attributes of the control group specified on the CTLGRP parameter. Top Type of save (SAVTYPE) Specifies whether the save operation is to save all objects, objects changed since the last full save or objects saved since the last incremental save. *FULL Save all objects. *CUML Save only objects that have changed since the last full save. *INCR Save only objects that have changed since the last incremental save. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, this parameter cannot be specified. The value for this parameter will be determined from the attributes of the control group specified on the CTLGRP parameter. Top Save Object using BRM (SAVBRM) 193 End of tape option (ENDOPT) Specifies, when tape is used, what positioning operation is automatically done on the volume after the save operation ends. If more than one volume is included, this parameter applies only to the last volume used; all other volumes are rewound and unloaded when the end of the volume is reached. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is a shared device, the device will not be varied off after the save operation. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is not a shared device, the device will be varied off after the save operation. *REWIND The volume is automatically rewound, but not unloaded, after the operation has ended. *LEAVE The volume does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the device. *UNLOAD The volume is automatically rewound and unloaded after the operation ends. Top Sequence number (SEQNBR) Specifies, when tape is used, the sequence to use for the save operation. If you are saving to a BRMS volume that is expired, BRMS will begin writing information at the beginning of the volume, even though you have specified *END. If you are saving to a BRMS volume, BRMS will redirect the output to begin at the logical end of the output volume (after the end of the last active file), depending on the output device that you are using. For example, a 3490 device can write to any sequence number whereas a 6525 device can only write to sequence number 1 or *END. *END The save operation begins after the sequence number of the last active file on the volume. file-sequence-number (1-16,777,215) Specify the sequence number of the file to be used for the save operation. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, this parameter cannot be specified. The value for this parameter will be determined from the attributes of the control group specified on the CTLGRP parameter. Top Target release (TGTRLS) Specifies the release of the operating system on which you intend to restore the objects being saved. *CURRENT The objects are to be restored on a system that is running the same release of the operating system currently running on your system. For example, if V5R2M0 is running on the system, *CURRENT means that you intend to restore the objects on a system with V5R2M0 installed. The objects can also be restored on a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. *PRV The objects are to be restored on a system that is running on the previous release with modification level 0 of the operating system. For example if V5R2M0 is running on your system, *PRV means you intend to restore the objects on a system with V5R1M0 installed. The object can also be restored on a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. Note: Not all objects can be targeted to another release. Objects that are new to a release typically cannot be saved to a previous release. 194 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands target-release Specify the release in the format VxRxMx, where Vx is the version, Rx is the release, and Mx is the modification level. For example, V5R2M0 is version 5, release 2, modification level 0. The objects can be restored on a system with the specified release or with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. Note: Not all objects can be targeted to another release. Objects that are new to a release typically cannot be saved to a previous release. Valid values depend on the current version, release, and modification level, and they change with each new release. If you specify a release-level that is earlier than the earliest release level supported by this command, an error message is sent indicating the earliest supported release. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, this parameter cannot be specified. The value for this parameter will be determined from the attributes of the control group specified on the CTLGRP parameter. Saves using a target release prior to V5R4M0 with multiple parallel device resources will be performed using only a single device resource. Top Clear (CLEAR) Specifies whether uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. *NONE None of the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If the save operation cannot proceed because an uncleared volume is encountered, an inquiry message is sent to the operator, allowing the ending of the save operation, or specifying that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue. If a save file is not cleared, the inquiry message is sent to the work station message queue for an interactive job, or to the operator for a batch job. All volumes used to perform the save operation should be cleared, or the save file must be empty, before the save command is issued. *AFTER All the uncleared volumes after the initial volume are automatically cleared. This option is not valid for save or restore operations to a save file. If the operation cannot proceed because the first volume is uncleared, an inquiry message is sent to the system operator, allowing him to end the operation or to specify that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue. *ALL All the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If tapes are used and a sequence number is specified, the volume is cleared and, starting with that sequence number, all volumes following the first volume are cleared. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, this parameter cannot be specified. The value for this parameter will be determined from the attributes of the control group specified on the CTLGRP parameter. Top Object pre-check (PRECHK) Specifies whether the save operation ends if any of the selected objects cannot be saved. *NO The save operation for a library continues, saving only those objects that can be saved. Save Object using BRM (SAVBRM) 195 *YES If after all specified objects are checked, one or more objects cannot be saved, the save operation for a library ends before any data is written. If multiple libraries are specified, the save operation continues with the next library. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, this parameter cannot be specified. The value for this parameter will be determined from the attributes of the control group specified on the CTLGRP parameter. Top Data compression (DTACPR) Specifies whether data compression is used. *DEV If the save is to tape and the target device supports compression, hardware compression is performed. Otherwise, no data compression is performed. Note: If *DEV is specified on both the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device. If *YES is specified on the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and *DEV is specified on the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device. *NO No data compression is performed. *YES If the target device supports compression, hardware compression is performed. if compression is not supported, software compression is performed. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, this parameter cannot be specified. The value for this parameter will be determined from the attributes of the control group specified on the CTLGRP parameter. Top Data compaction (COMPACT) Specifies whether data compaction is performed. *DEV Device data compaction is performed if the data is saved to tape and all devices specified on the Device (DEV) parameter support the compaction feature. Note: If *DEV is specified on both the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device. If *YES is specified on the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and *DEV is specified on the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device. *NO No data compaction is performed. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, this parameter cannot be specified. The value for this parameter will be determined from the attributes of the control group specified on the CTLGRP parameter. Top 196 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Reference date (REFDATE) Specifies the reference date that the save operation uses for an incremental save. The reference date is the date of a save that was performed under BRMS control. *REF Use the date of the last full BRMS save for the *LINK keyword specified in a control group as the reference date for this incremental save operation. reference-date Specify the date of the last full BRMS save that you want to use as the reference date for this incremental save operation. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, this parameter cannot be specified. The value for this parameter will be determined from the attributes of the control group specified on the CTLGRP parameter. Top Reference time (REFTIME) Specifies the reference time that the save operation uses for an incremental save. The reference time is the time of save that was performed under BRMS control. *REF Use the time of the last full BRMS save for the *LINK keyword specified in a control group as the reference time for this incremental save operation. reference-time Specify the time of the last full BRMS save that you want to use as the reference time for this incremental save operation. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, this parameter cannot be specified. The value for this parameter will be determined from the attributes of the control group specified on the CTLGRP parameter. Top Expiration date (EXPDATE) Specifies the expiration that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *PERM Output volumes from this save operation are assigned a permanent expiration. expiration-date Specify an expiration date with or without date separators that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, then *MEDPCY must be specified. Top Save Object using BRM (SAVBRM) 197 Move policy (MOVPCY) Specifies the move policy that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation. If this save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the MOVPCY parameter, since a TSM server controls the use of media in this case, not BRMS. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ADSM Media movement is controlled by TSM server specifications. *NONE There is not a move policy associated with the output volumes that are created as a result of this save operation. move-policy Specify a move policy that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, then *MEDPCY must be specified. Top Media class (MEDCLS) Specifies the media class that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation. If this save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the MEDCLS parameter, since a TSM server controls the use of media in this case, not BRMS. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ADSM The save operation uses media that is selected and controlled by TSM server specifications. *NONE There is not a media class associated with the output volumes that are selected for this save operation. *SYSPCY The value for the media class in the system policy will used to select output volumes for this save operation. media-class Specify a media class that will be used to select output volumes for this save operation. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, then *MEDPCY must be specified. 198 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Top Location (LOC) Specifies the location that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ANY Volumes from any location are selected as output volumes for this save operation. *HOME Volumes from the home location are selected as output volumes for this save operation. location Specify the location from which volumes are selected as output volumes for this save operation. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, then *MEDPCY must be specified. Top Save to save file (SAVF) Specifies whether the output from this save operation is saved to a save file. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify SAVF(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Save to save file field in the referenced media policy must be *NO. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy) (MEDPCY parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO Output from this save operation is not saved to a save file. *YES Output from this save operation is saved to a save file. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, then *MEDPCY must be specified. Top Save file ASP (SAVFASP) Specifies the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool (2-32) to which a save file is created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. Save Object using BRM (SAVBRM) 199 *SYSTEM The save file is saved to the system (1) auxiliary storage pool. save-file-ASP-name Specify the name of the auxiliary storage pool to which you are saving the save file. save-file-ASP-number Specify the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool number (2-32) for the save file that is created as a result of the save operation. Note: UDFS, primary and secondary auxiliary storage pools are not supported for this parameter. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, then *MEDPCY must be specified. Top Retain save files (SAVFEXP) Specifies how long save files are to be kept that are created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE Save files generated from the save operation are not kept. *PERM Save files generated from the save operation are kept permanently. expiration-date Specify the date that indicates how long save files created from this save operation are to be kept. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, then *MEDPCY must be specified. Top ASP storage limit (MAXSTG) Specifies the maximum percentage auxiliary storage pool (ASP) utilization that is acceptable during a save operation. For example, an entry of 90 would mean that a save process would continue until the auxiliary storage pool utilization exceeded 90%. If the upper limit is reached, the save process is stopped and a message sent to the BRMS log. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. storage-limit Specify the maximum auxiliary storage pool utilization limit. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, then *MEDPCY must be specified. Top 200 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Secure volume (VOLSEC) Specifies whether you want to apply volume security to volumes in this media class. Volumes that are secured can only be read by users with the special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS. If the save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the VOLSEC parameter, since a TSM server controls volume security in this case, not BRMS *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ADSM Volume security is controlled by TSM server specifications. *NO Volume security has not been applied to this media class. Volumes that do not have volume security can be read by anyone. *YES Only users with special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS can read media volumes in this media class. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, then *MEDPCY must be specified. Top Require volumes (MINVOL) Specifies the minimum number of expired volumes that must be present before any save can be done using this media policy. The value can also be checked by user jobs using the Check Expired Media for BRM (CHKEXPBRM) command. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NONE in this parameter. If you specify MINVOL(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Required volumes field in the referenced media policy must be *NONE. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE There is no check done to determine the minimum number of required volumes before a save operation begins. number-of-volumes Specify the number of expired media volumes that must be available before any BRMS save operation will begin. The number can range from 1 to 9999. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, then *MEDPCY must be specified. Top Save Object using BRM (SAVBRM) 201 Mark volumes for duplication (MARKDUP) Specifies whether media volumes will be marked for duplication. When *YES is selected, all volumes used during a save operation are marked for duplication. You can use VOL(*SEARCH) on the Duplicate Media using BRM command to duplicate the saved items after the save has completed. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify MARKDUP(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Mark for duplication attribute in the referenced media policy must be *NO. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO Volumes written to during a save operation will not be marked for duplication. *YES Volumes written to during the save operation will be marked for duplication. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, then *MEDPCY must be specified. Top Mark history for duplication (MARKHST) Specifies whether history items will be marked for duplication. When *YES is selected, all history items created during a save operation are marked for duplication. You must use VOL(*SCHHST) on the Duplicate Media using BRM command to duplicate the saved items. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify MARKHST(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Mark history for duplication attribute in the referenced media policy must be *NO. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO History items created during the save operation will not be marked for duplication. *YES History items created during the save operation will be marked for duplication. Top Package identifier Specifies whether the package that this save operation will be part of is for a new package or a previous package created by this job. A package is a group of related media files. This parameter allows separate save operations to be tied to one entity of related objects from one or multiple save operations. *NEW The save operation will write the first or the only media file to be included in the package. Subsequent save operations could use the *PRVSAV special value to be included in the same package. 202 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *PRVSAV The package identifier of the preceding save operation will be used. This allows the media file output from this save operation to be considered related to (and will be recovered with) the preceeding save operation. This group of related media files is called a BRMS package. If the maximum number of media files allowed in a single package is reached, a new package will be automatically created. Top Recovery exit program Specifies the name of the recovery exit program and library that will be called on a recovery of the object. The exit program will be called before the restore and after the recovery of the object being saved. A recovery exit program may only be specified when *NEW is specified for the Package identifier (PKGID) parameter. The exit program must exist during post processing of a recovery. Qualifier 1: Recovery exit program *NONE No recovery exit program is assigned to the current package. recovery-exit-program Specify the name of the recovery exit program to be called. Qualifier 2: Library library-name Specify the name of the library in which the recovery exit program exists. Top Recovery exit data Specifies the user defined data that will be passed to the recovery exit program on the recovery of the object or objects being saved. *NONE No recovery exit program data will be passed to the recovery exit program. recovery-exit-program-data Specify data to be passed to the recovery exit program. Top Examples Example 1: Save Integrated File System Objects SAVBRM DEV(*MEDCLS) MEDPCY(*SYSPCY) This command saves all integrated file system objects using the device specified in the system policy. Example 2: Save Integrated File System Objects on an Auxiliary Storage Pool Device Save Object using BRM (SAVBRM) 203 SAVBRM DEV(*MEDCLS) OBJ((’/dev/PRIMETIME/*’)) MEDPCY(*SYSPCY) This command saves all integrated file system objects in auxiliary storage pool device PRIMETIME using the device specified in the system policy. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF3700 All CPF37xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF3800 All CPF38xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 204 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Save DLO using BRM (SAVDLOBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Save Document Library Object using BRM (SAVDLOBRM) command saves a copy of the specified document, folders or distribution objects (mail). Note: v When a folder is saved, the folder object is saved along with the documents contained in that folder and the subfolders and documents in the subfolders and all successively nested folders and documents. v Distribution objects (mail) cannot be saved or restored for individual users. Mail can be saved only for all users. Virtual tape media and devices can be used with this command. The following restrictions apply to the use of virtual media and virtual devices. v The Device (DEV) parameter is limited on only one device or *MEDCLS special value for serial operations. v Execute authority is required to the Load or Unload Image Catalog (LODIMGCLG) command. v *CHANGE authority is required to the image catalogs. v Execute (*X) authority is required to each directory in the image catalog path name. v Read, write, execute (*RWX) authority is required to each image file in the parent directory that will be loaded or mounted. v *USE authority is required to the virtual devices using the image catalogs. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. If *SEARCH is specified for the Document library object (DLO) parameter, then *CUML or *INCR must be specified for the Type of save (SAVTYPE) parameter. 2. If *SEARCH is specified for the Document library object (DLO) parameter, then *NONE must be specified for the Omit folders (OMITFLR) parameter. 3. If *ANY is specified for the Folder (FLR) parameter, then *ALL or *SEARCH must be specified for the Document library object (DLO) parameter. 4. You must have authority to the SAVDLO command. 5. You must have *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS special authority to use this command. Users that do not have *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS special authority must: v Have *ALL authority for each document or folder to be saved. v Be enrolled as Document Interchange Architecture (DIA) users. 6. This command does not support the *MAIL choice found on the SAVDLO command, Document library object (DLO) parameter. 7. This command cannot be used while another job is running commands such as RCLDLO, SAVDLO, SAVDLOBRM, RSTDLO and RSTDLOBRM because exclusive use of internal objects may have been obtained by these commands. 8. Determining document or folder ownership does not include checking group profiles if one is associated with the specified user profile. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 205 9. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. You can save data to a Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) server using this command. To save data to a TSM server, the following conditions must be met: v Only user data can be saved to TSM servers. BRMS does not allow *IBM type libraries to be saved TSM servers. Also, BRMS does not allows IBM supplied libraries that are considered user data such as QGPL, QUSRBRM, or QUSRSYS libraries to be saved TSM media. v You can only specify only one device for the Device (DEV) parameter and this device must be of category *NET or *APPC. v You can specify DEV(*MEDCLS) with the Location (LOC) parameter to identify the *NET or *APPC category device to be used. v You can specify a media policy name for the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter if the media policy uses specifies *ADSM (TSM server) for the Media class attribute. Alternately you can specify MEDPCY(*NONE) in which can you must also specify *ADSM for the Media class (MEDCLS), Move policy (MOVPCY) and Secure volume (VOLSEC) parameters. v The Sequence number (SEQNBR) parameter must be *END. v The Save to save file (SAVF), Mark volumes for duplication (MARKDUP) and Mark history for duplication (MARKHST) parameters must be *NO. If *MEDPCY is specified for these parameters, then the respective value for the Save to save file attribute, Mark volumes for duplication attribute and Mark history for duplication attribute of the media policy specified by the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter must be *NO. v The Required volumes (MINVOL) parameter must be *NONE. If SAVF(*MEDPCY) is specified then the value for the Required volumes attribute of the media policy specified by the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter must be *NONE. v If *SYNCLIB is specified for the Save active (SAVACT) parameter each library is saved individually rather than as a group. Synchronization messages are therefore sent individually for each library rather than for the libraries as a group and synchronization is only within one library, not across libraries. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes DLO Document library object Character value, *ALL, *SEARCH Required, Positional 1 FLR Folder Single values: *ANY, *NONE Other values (up to 100 repetitions): Character value Optional, Positional 4 DEV Device Single values: *NONE Other values (up to 4 repetitions): Name, *MEDCLS Required, Positional 2 MEDPCY Media policy Name, *NONE, *SYSPCY Required, Positional 3 SAVACT Save active *NO, *YES Optional OBJDTL Retain object detail *NO, *YES Optional CTLGRP Control group Name, *NONE, *ARCGRP, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Optional SAVTYPE Type of save *FULL, *CUML, *INCR Optional ENDOPT End of tape option *REWIND, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD Optional USEOPTBLK Use optimum block size *BKUPCY, *DEV, *NO, *YES Optional SEQNBR Sequence number 1-16777215, *END Optional TGTRLS Target release Character value, *CURRENT Optional CLEAR Clear *NONE, *AFTER, *ALL Optional 206 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Keyword Description Choices Notes DTACPR Data compression *DEV, *NO, *YES Optional COMPACT Data compaction *DEV, *NO Optional OMITFLR Omit folders Single values: *NONE, *BKUPCY Other values (up to 100 repetitions): Character value Optional ASP Auxiliary storage pool Character value, *ANY, *SYSTEM Optional REFDATE Reference date Character value, *REF Optional REFTIME Reference time Character value, *REF Optional EXPDATE Expiration date Date, *MEDPCY, *PERM Optional MOVPCY Move policy Name, *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *NONE Optional MEDCLS Media class Character value, *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *SYSPCY Optional LOC Location Name, *MEDPCY, *ANY, *HOME Optional SAVF Save to save file *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional SAVFASP Save file ASP Character value, *MEDPCY, *SYSTEM Optional SAVFEXP Retain save files Date, *MEDPCY, *NONE, *PERM Optional MAXSTG ASP storage limit 1-99, *MEDPCY Optional VOLSEC Secure volume *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *NO, *YES Optional MINVOL Required volumes 1-9999, *MEDPCY, *NONE Optional MARKDUP Mark volumes for duplication *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional MARKHST Mark history for duplication *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional Top Document library object (DLO) Specifies the documents and folders to save. To save an entire folder, *ALL must be specified. All other values for this parameter only save documents. This is a required parameter. *SEARCH All documents and folders that meet the specified search values are saved. Search values are specified by using the following parameters. v Folder (FLR parameter) v Last changed date (REFDATE parameter) v Last changed time (REFTIME parameter) *ALL All document library objects further qualified by the FLR parameter are to be saved. Specifying DLO(*ALL) FLR(*ANY) saves all document library objects. document-name Specify the user-assigned name of the document that you want to save. Top Folder (FLR) Specifies the folder or generic folder name in which the objects specified on the Document library object (DLO) parameter are located. Single values Save DLO using BRM (SAVDLOBRM) 207 *ANY Document library objects can be saved from any folder. Consider the following when using the FLR parameter: v FLR(*ANY) is not valid when DLO(document-name) is specified. v When SAVDLOBRM DLO(*ALL) FLR(*ANY) is specified, the following are saved: – All documents – All folders – All distribution objects (mail) *NONE The documents saved are not in any folder. FLR(*NONE) is valid only when DLO(*ALL) is specified. Other values (up to 100 repetitions) generic*-folder-name Specify the generic name. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*): for example, ABC*. The asterisk (*) substitutes for any valid characters. A generic name specifies all folders with names that begin with the generic prefix, for which the user has authority. If an asterisk is not included with the generic (prefix) name, the system assumes it to be the complete folder name. folder-name Specify the name of the folder that you want to save. Note: Folder names that have upper and lower case characters as part of the name must be enclosed in single quotation marks. A few examples are: Folder Name Entry in SAVDLOBRM Folder ’Folder’ FOLDER FOLDER FOLDER/SUBFOLDER FOLDER/SUBFOLDER Top Device (DEV) Specifies the device or devices to be used by this command. Single values *MEDCLS Devices for this command are selected based on device types that support the density for the media class specified in the media policy. The *MEDCLS special value is used for devices that are part of a device pool, such as several systems that share a single or set of devices. Devices are specified in the Work with Devices display. Note: If you want to use more than one device for a serial save operation, the *MEDCLS can be repeated up to four times, once for each device used, except for virtual tape devices which is limited to a single value. Other values (up to 4 repetitions) Specifies the name of the device to be used for the save operation. The device name must already be in the BRMS device table. 208 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands You can save data to a TSM (ADSM) server using this command. You can only specify one TSM type server in the list of devices or *MEDCLS, which must select a TSM server. The device type can either be *APPC, which supports SNA network protocol, or *NET, which supports TCPIP protocol. This is a required parameter. You can enter multiple values for this parameter. If you are on an entry display and you need additional entry fields to enter these multiple values, type a plus sign (+) in the entry field opposite the phrase ″+ for more″ and press the Enter key. Single values *MEDCLS Any device that supports the media class specified in the media policy can be used for this save operation. Other values *NONE There is no device for this save operation. Save files are used to store the saved data. device-name Specify the names of one or more devices used for the save operation. If you are using more than one device (up to a maximum of four), specify the names of the devices in the order in which they are used. Note: Only one media library device or one virtual tape device can be specified. Top Media policy (MEDPCY) Specifies the media policy that you want to use with this save command. Media policies are used to determine: v The type of retention to use, such as days, date or version, for media used in control group processing. v The move policy to use with this media policy. v The media class to use. v Whether or not to use save files. v The type of retention to use, such as days or date for save files created in control group processing. The media policy you specify must be a media policy that is in the BRMS media policy table. This a required parameter. *SYSPCY The media policy specified in the system policy is assigned to output volumes from this save operation. *NONE No media policy is specified for this save operation. Media policy values must be supplied with the save command for each parameter that has a default of *MEDPCY. Note: If you specify *NONE, and you are saving data to a TSM (ADSM) server, you must specify the *ADSM special value in the MOVPCY, MEDCLS and VOLSEC parameters which are part of the media policy values for this save operation. You must still supply the additional media policy values for the remaining parameters with *MEDPCY as the default. The TSM management class STANDARD, and the TSM node *LCL, are used as default values for the save operation. Save DLO using BRM (SAVDLOBRM) 209 media-policy Specify the name of the media policy that you want to use with this save operation. Top Save active (SAVACT) Specifies if an object can be updated while it is being saved. *NO Document library objects in use are not saved. Document library objects cannot be updated while being used. *YES Document library objects can be changed during the save request. Objects that are in use but are not using application recovery will not be saved. See the Backup and Recovery Bookfor more information on DLOs, saving while an object is in use, and application recovery. Top Retain object detail (OBJDTL) Specifies whether the object detail is kept in the BRMS database for the documents saved. *NO Do not save object detail. *YES Save object detail. Top Control group (CTLGRP) Specifies the name of the control group that you want to associate with the objects saved by this command. The control group name is stored with the media information and can be used with the Control group (CTLGRP) parameter on other BRMS commands to filter the media information or recover saved objects by control group. Note: None of the attributes of the control group are used for the save. If you are using version control for the items you are saving, this save operation will be recorded as part of the specified version control. Version control is specified in the media policy associated with this control group and can be reviewed by using the Work with Media Policies display. *NONE Do not specify a control group name for this command. *ARCGRP The name of the default archive control group. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKUGRP The name of the default backup control group used to save all user data. *SYSGRP The name of the default system control group used to save all system data. *SYSTEM The name of the default system control group used to save the entire system. control-group-name Specify the name of the control group to be assigned to the items you are saving. 210 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Top Type of save (SAVTYPE) The Type of save parameter allows you to specify whether all documents in a folder are to be saved or only those documents that have changed. *FULL Save all document library objects. *CUML You only want to save changed documents. *CUML indicates that the incremental save includes all documents created or changed and all folders created since the last full save, and all mail. *INCR You only want to save changed documents. *INCR indicates that the incremental save includes all documents created or changed and all folders created since the last incremental save, and all mail. Top End of tape option (ENDOPT) Specifies, when tape is used, what positioning operation is automatically done on the volume after the save operation ends. If more than one volume is included, this parameter applies only to the last volume used; all other volumes are rewound and unloaded when the end of the volume is reached. Note: If no objects are saved the volume is not opened and the ENDOPT parameter is ignored. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is a shared device, the device will not be varied off after the save operation. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is not a shared device, the device will be varied off after the save operation. *REWIND The volume is rewound, but not unloaded. *LEAVE The volume does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the device. *UNLOAD The volume is automatically rewound and unloaded after the save operation ends. Top Use optimum block size (USEOPTBLK) Specifies whether or not the optimum block size is used for the save operation. *BKUPCY Use the value from the backup policy for the Use optimum block size parameter. *DEV Use the value specified on the Work with Devices display for the Use optimum block size parameter. *NO The optimum block size supported by the device is not used. Save commands use the default block size supported by all device types. The tape volume can be duplicated to any media format using the Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) command or the Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) command. Save DLO using BRM (SAVDLOBRM) 211 *YES The optimum block size supported by the device is used for Save commands. If the block size used is larger than a block size that is supported by all device types then: v Performance may improve. v The tape file that is created is only compatible with a device that supports the block size used. Commands such as Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) and Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) do not duplicate files unless the files are being duplicated to a device which supports the same block size that was used. v The value for the Data Compression (DTACPR) parameter is ignored. Top Sequence number (SEQNBR) Specifies, when tape is used, the sequence to use for the save operation. If you are saving to a BRMS volume that is expired, BRMS will begin writing information at the beginning of the volume, even though you have specified *END. If you are saving to a BRMS volume, BRMS will redirect the output to begin at the logical end of the output volume (after the end of the last active file), depending on the output device that you are using. For example, a 3490 device can write to any sequence number whereas a 6525 device can only write to sequence number 1 or *END. *END The save operation begins after the sequence number of the last active file on the volume. file-sequence-number (1-16,777,215) Specify the sequence number of the file to be used for the save operation. Top Target release (TGTRLS) Specifies the release of the operating system on which you intend to restore the objects being saved. *CURRENT The objects are to be restored on a system that is running the same release of the operating system currently running on your system. For example, if V5R2M0 is running on the system, *CURRENT means that you intend to restore the objects on a system with V5R2M0 installed. The objects can also be restored on a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. *PRV The objects are to be restored on a system that is running on the previous release with modification level 0 of the operating system. For example if V5R2M0 is running on your system, *PRV means you intend to restore the objects on a system with V5R1M0 installed. The object can also be restored on a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. Note: Not all objects can be targeted to another release. Objects that are new to a release typically cannot be saved to a previous release. target-release Specify the release in the format VxRxMx, where Vx is the version, Rx is the release, and Mx is the modification level. For example, V5R2M0 is version 5, release 2, modification level 0. The objects can be restored on a system with the specified release or with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. Note: Not all objects can be targeted to another release. Objects that are new to a release typically cannot be saved to a previous release. Valid values depend on the current version, release, and modification level, and they change with each new release. If you specify a release-level that is earlier than the earliest release level supported by this command, an error message is sent indicating the earliest supported release. 212 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Top Clear (CLEAR) Specifies whether uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. *NONE None of the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If the save operation cannot proceed because an uncleared volume is encountered, an inquiry message is sent to the operator, allowing the ending of the save operation, or specifying that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue. If a save file is not cleared, the inquiry message is sent to the work station message queue for an interactive job, or to the operator for a batch job. All volumes used to perform the save operation should be cleared, or the save file must be empty, before the save command is issued. *AFTER All the uncleared volumes after the initial volume are automatically cleared. This option is not valid for save or restore operations to a save file. If the operation cannot proceed because the first volume is uncleared, an inquiry message is sent to the system operator, allowing him to end the operation or to specify that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue. *ALL All the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If tapes are used and a sequence number is specified, the volume is cleared and, starting with that sequence number, all volumes following the first volume are cleared. Top Data compression (DTACPR) Specifies whether data compression is used. *DEV If the device has the hardware compression feature installed, processing proceeds as if DTACPR(*YES) is specified. If the compression feature is not installed or save data is written to a save file, processing proceeds as if DTACPR(*NO) is specified. Note: If *DEV is specified on both the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device. If *YES is specified on the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and *DEV is specified on the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device. *NO No data compression is performed. *YES If the save is to tape and the target device supports compression, hardware compression is performed. If device compression is not supported, or if the save data is written to a save file, software compression is performed. If the save is running while other jobs on the system are active and software compression is used, the overall system performance can be affected. Top Save DLO using BRM (SAVDLOBRM) 213 Data compaction (COMPACT) Specifies whether data compaction is performed. *DEV Device data compaction is performed if the data is saved to tape and all devices specified on the Device (DEV) parameter support the compaction feature. Note: If *DEV is specified on both the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device. If *YES is specified on the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and *DEV is specified on the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device. *NO No data compaction is performed. Top Omit folder (OMITFLR) Specifies the names of one or more folders, or the generic names of each group of folders, to be excluded from the save operation. Single values *NONE No folders are excluded from the save operation. Other values (up to 100 repetitions) *BKUPCY The folders that are to be excluded are specified in the backup policy. generic*-folder-name Specify the generic name. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*): for example, ABC*. The asterisk (*) substitutes for any valid characters. A generic name specifies all folders with names that begin with the generic prefix, for which the user has authority. If an asterisk is not included with the generic (prefix) name, the system assumes it to be the complete folder name. folder-name Specify the name of a folder that you want to omit from this save operation. Top Auxiliary storage pool (ASP) Specifies the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool (2-32) of the document library object to be saved. *ANY The objects to be saved reside in the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool (2-32). When *ALL is specified on the DLO parameter, all document library objects on the system are saved. *SYSTEM The objects to be saved reside in the system (1) auxiliary storage pool. All document library objects in basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) are ignored. 214 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands auxiliary-storage-pool-name Specify the name of the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool (2-32) whose objects you want to save. All document library objects in other auxiliary storage pools are ignored. auxiliary-storage-pool-number Specify the number of the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool (2-32) whose objects you want to save. All document library objects in other auxiliary storage pools are ignored. The number specified must designate an existing auxiliary storage pool that contains document library objects. Note: Document library objects are not supported for UDFS, primary and secondary auxiliary storage pools. Top Reference date (REFDATE) Works in conjunction with an incremental (save changed objects) save performed under BRMS control. *REF Uses the date of the last full BRMS save for this save operation as the beginning point for this incremental save. reference-date Specify a date for this save operation to use as a beginning point for this incremental save. Top Reference time (REFTIME) Works in conjunction with an incremental (save changed objects) save performed under BRMS control. *REF Uses the time of the last full BRMS save for this save operation as the beginning point for this incremental save. reference-time Specify a time in hour, minute, second (hhmmss) format for this save operation to use as a beginning point for this incremental save. Top Expiration date (EXPDATE) Specifies the expiration that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *PERM Output volumes from this save operation are assigned a permanent expiration. expiration-date Specify an expiration date with or without date separators that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation. Save DLO using BRM (SAVDLOBRM) 215 Top Move policy (MOVPCY) Specifies the move policy that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation. If this save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the MOVPCY parameter, since a TSM server controls the use of media in this case, not BRMS. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ADSM Media movement is controlled by TSM server specifications. *NONE There is not a move policy associated with the output volumes that are created as a result of this save operation. move-policy Specify a move policy that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation. Top Media class (MEDCLS) Specifies the media class that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation. If this save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the MEDCLS parameter, since a TSM server controls the use of media in this case, not BRMS. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ADSM The save operation uses media that is selected and controlled by TSM server specifications. *NONE There is not a media class associated with the output volumes that are selected for this save operation. *SYSPCY The value for the media class in the system policy will used to select output volumes for this save operation. media-class Specify a media class that will be used to select output volumes for this save operation. 216 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Top Location (LOC) Specifies the location that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ANY Volumes from any location are selected as output volumes for this save operation. *HOME Volumes from the home location are selected as output volumes for this save operation. location Specify the location from which volumes are selected as output volumes for this save operation. Top Save to save file (SAVF) Specifies whether the output from this save operation is saved to a save file. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify SAVF(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Save to save file field in the referenced media policy must be *NO. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy) (MEDPCY parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO Output from this save operation is not saved to a save file. *YES Output from this save operation is saved to a save file. Top Save file ASP (SAVFASP) Specifies the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool (2-32) to which a save file is created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *SYSTEM The save file is saved to the system (1) auxiliary storage pool. Save DLO using BRM (SAVDLOBRM) 217 save-file-ASP-name Specify the name of the auxiliary storage pool to which you are saving the save file. save-file-ASP-number Specify the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool number (2-32) for the save file that is created as a result of the save operation. Note: UDFS, primary and secondary auxiliary storage pools are not supported for this parameter. Top Retain save files (SAVFEXP) Specifies how long save files are to be kept that are created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE Save files generated from the save operation are not kept. *PERM Save files generated from the save operation are kept permanently. expiration-date Specify the date that indicates how long save files created from this save operation are to be kept. Top ASP storage limit (MAXSTG) Specifies the maximum percentage auxiliary storage pool (ASP) utilization that is acceptable during a save operation. For example, an entry of 90 would mean that a save process would continue until the auxiliary storage pool utilization exceeded 90%. If the upper limit is reached, the save process is stopped and a message sent to the BRMS log. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. storage-limit Specify the maximum auxiliary storage pool utilization limit. Top Secure volume (VOLSEC) Specifies whether you want to apply volume security to volumes in this media class. Volumes that are secured can only be read by users with the special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS. 218 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands If the save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the VOLSEC parameter, since a TSM server controls volume security in this case, not BRMS *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ADSM Volume security is controlled by TSM server specifications. *NO Volume security has not been applied to this media class. Volumes that do not have volume security can be read by anyone. *YES Only users with special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS can read media volumes in this media class. Top Require volumes (MINVOL) Specifies the minimum number of expired volumes that must be present before any save can be done using this media policy. The value can also be checked by user jobs using the Check Expired Media for BRM (CHKEXPBRM) command. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NONE in this parameter. If you specify MINVOL(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Required volumes field in the referenced media policy must be *NONE. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE There is no check done to determine the minimum number of required volumes before a save operation begins. number-of-volumes Specify the number of expired media volumes that must be available before any BRMS save operation will begin. The number can range from 1 to 9999. Top Mark volumes for duplication (MARKDUP) Specifies whether media volumes will be marked for duplication. When *YES is selected, all volumes used during a save operation are marked for duplication. You can use VOL(*SEARCH) on the Duplicate Media using BRM command to duplicate the saved items after the save has completed. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify MARKDUP(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Mark for duplication attribute in the referenced media policy must be *NO. Save DLO using BRM (SAVDLOBRM) 219 *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO Volumes written to during a save operation will not be marked for duplication. *YES Volumes written to during the save operation will be marked for duplication. Top Mark history for duplication (MARKHST) Specifies whether history items will be marked for duplication. When *YES is selected, all history items created during a save operation are marked for duplication. You must use VOL(*SCHHST) on the Duplicate Media using BRM command to duplicate the saved items. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify MARKHST(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Mark history for duplication attribute in the referenced media policy must be *NO. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO History items created during the save operation will not be marked for duplication. *YES History items created during the save operation will be marked for duplication. Top Examples Example 1: Performing a Save of All DLO’s SAVDLOBRM DLO(*ALL) FLR(*ANY) DEV(TAP01) MEDPCY(FULL) This command saves all folders, documents and mail to device TAP01 using the media policy FULL. Example 2: Saving Objects Changed After a Specific Date SAVDLOBRM DLO(*SEARCH) DEV(TAP01) MEDPCY(FULL) REFDATE(’1/1/03’) This command saves all documents changed after 1/1/03 to device TAP01. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. 220 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF3700 All CPF37xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF3800 All CPF38xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top Save DLO using BRM (SAVDLOBRM) 221 222 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Save Folder List using BRM (SAVFLRLBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Save Folder List using BRM (SAVFLRLBRM) command saves backup or archive folder lists. Folder lists are groups of folders that you select to include in a user-defined list name. Various parameters are used to further define the save folder list process to BRMS. Virtual tape media and devices can be used with this command. The following restrictions apply to the use of virtual media and virtual devices. v The Device (DEV) parameter is limited on only one device or *MEDCLS special value for serial operations. v Execute authority is required to the Load or Unload Image Catalog (LODIMGCLG) command. v *CHANGE authority is required to the image catalogs. v Execute (*X) authority is required to each directory in the image catalog path name. v Read, write, execute (*RWX) authority is required to each image file in the parent directory that will be loaded or mounted. v *USE authority is required to the virtual devices using the image catalogs. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. You must have authority to the SAVDLO command to use this command. 2. You must have *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS special authority to use this command. Users that do not have *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS special authority must: v Have *ALL authority for the documents and folder to be saved. v Be enrolled as Document Interchange Architecture (DIA) users. 3. This command cannot be used while another job is running commands such as RCLDLO, SAVDLO, SAVDLOBRM, RSTDLO and RSTDLOBRM because exclusive use of internal objects may have been obtained by these commands. 4. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. You can save data to a Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) server using this command. To save data to a TSM server, the following conditions must be met: v Only user data can be saved to TSM servers. BRMS does not allow *IBM type libraries to be saved TSM servers. Also, BRMS does not allows IBM supplied libraries that are considered user data such as QGPL, QUSRBRM, or QUSRSYS libraries to be saved TSM media. v You can only specify only one device for the Device (DEV) parameter and this device must be of category *NET or *APPC. v You can specify DEV(*MEDCLS) with the Location (LOC) parameter to identify the *NET or *APPC category device to be used. v You can specify a media policy name for the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter if the media policy uses specifies *ADSM (TSM server) for the Media class attribute. Alternately you can specify MEDPCY(*NONE) in which can you must also specify *ADSM for the Media class (MEDCLS), Move policy (MOVPCY) and Secure volume (VOLSEC) parameters. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 223 v The Sequence number (SEQNBR) parameter must be *END. v The Save to save file (SAVF), Mark volumes for duplication (MARKDUP) and Mark history for duplication (MARKHST) parameters must be *NO. If *MEDPCY is specified for these parameters, then the respective value for the Save to save file attribute, Mark volumes for duplication attribute and Mark history for duplication attribute of the media policy specified by the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter must be *NO. v The Required volumes (MINVOL) parameter must be *NONE. If SAVF(*MEDPCY) is specified then the value for the Required volumes attribute of the media policy specified by the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter must be *NONE. v If *SYNCLIB is specified for the Save active (SAVACT) parameter each library is saved individually rather than as a group. Synchronization messages are therefore sent individually for each library rather than for the libraries as a group and synchronization is only within one library, not across libraries. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes FLRL Folder list Name Required, Positional 1 DEV Device Single values: *NONE Other values (up to 4 repetitions): Name, *MEDCLS Required, Positional 2 MEDPCY Media policy Name, *NONE, *SYSPCY Required, Positional 3 SAVACT Save active *NO, *YES Optional OBJDTL Retain DLO detail *NO, *YES Optional CTLGRP Control group Name, *NONE, *ARCGRP, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Optional SAVTYPE Type of save *FULL, *CUML, *INCR Optional ENDOPT End of tape option *REWIND, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD Optional USEOPTBLK Use optimum block size *BKUPCY, *DEV, *NO, *YES Optional SEQNBR Sequence number 1-16777215, *END Optional TGTRLS Target release Character value, *CURRENT Optional CLEAR Clear *NONE, *AFTER, *ALL Optional DTACPR Data compression *DEV, *NO, *YES Optional COMPACT Data compaction *DEV, *NO Optional REFDATE Reference date Character value, *REF Optional REFTIME Reference time Character value, *REF Optional EXPDATE Expiration date Date, *MEDPCY, *PERM Optional MOVPCY Move policy Name, *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *NONE Optional MEDCLS Media class Character value, *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *SYSPCY Optional LOC Location Name, *MEDPCY, *ANY, *HOME Optional SAVF Save to save file *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional SAVFASP Save file ASP Character value, *MEDPCY, *SYSTEM Optional SAVFEXP Retain save files Date, *MEDPCY, *NONE, *PERM Optional MAXSTG ASP storage limit 1-99, *MEDPCY Optional VOLSEC Secure volume *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *NO, *YES Optional MINVOL Required volumes 1-9999, *MEDPCY, *NONE Optional MARKDUP Mark volumes for duplication *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional 224 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Keyword Description Choices Notes MARKHST Mark history for duplication *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional Top Folder list (FLRL) Specifies the name of the folder list that you want to save. Lists are groups of folders that you want to save together. Lists are added, changed or displayed using the Work with Lists using BRM (WRKLBRM) command. This is a required parameter. Top Device (DEV) *MEDCLS Devices for this command are selected based on device types that support the density for the media class specified in the media policy. The *MEDCLS special value is used for devices that are part of a device pool, such as several systems that share a single or set of devices. Devices are specified in the Work with Devices display. Note: If you want to use more than one device for a serial save operation, the *MEDCLS can be repeated up to four times, once for each device used, except for virtual tape devices which is limited to a single value. Specifies the name of the device to be used for the save operation. The device name must already be in the BRMS device table. You can save data to a TSM (ADSM) server using this command. You can only specify one TSM type server in the list of devices or *MEDCLS, which must select a TSM server. The device type can either be *APPC, which supports SNA network protocol, or *NET, which supports TCPIP protocol. This is a required parameter. You can enter multiple values for this parameter. If you are on an entry display and you need additional entry fields to enter these multiple values, type a plus sign (+) in the entry field opposite the phrase ″+ for more″ and press the Enter key. Single values *MEDCLS Any device that supports the media class specified in the media policy can be used for this save operation. Other values *NONE There is no device for this save operation. Save files are used to store the saved data. device-name Specify the names of one or more devices used for the save operation. If you are using more than one device (up to a maximum of four), specify the names of the devices in the order in which they are used. Save Folder List using BRM (SAVFLRLBRM) 225 Note: Only one media library device or one virtual tape device can be specified. Top Media policy (MEDPCY) Specifies the media policy that you want to use with this save command. Media policies are used to determine: v The type of retention to use, such as days, date or version, for media used in control group processing. v The move policy to use with this media policy. v The media class to use. v Whether or not to use save files. v The type of retention to use, such as days or date for save files created in control group processing. The media policy you specify must be a media policy that is in the BRMS media policy table. This a required parameter. *SYSPCY The media policy specified in the system policy is assigned to output volumes from this save operation. *NONE No media policy is specified for this save operation. Media policy values must be supplied with the save command for each parameter that has a default of *MEDPCY. Note: If you specify *NONE, and you are saving data to a TSM (ADSM) server, you must specify the *ADSM special value in the MOVPCY, MEDCLS and VOLSEC parameters which are part of the media policy values for this save operation. You must still supply the additional media policy values for the remaining parameters with *MEDPCY as the default. The TSM management class STANDARD, and the TSM node *LCL, are used as default values for the save operation. media-policy Specify the name of the media policy that you want to use with this save operation. Top Save active (SAVACT) Specifies if an object can be updated while it is being saved. *NO Document library objects in use are not saved. Document library objects cannot be updated while being used. *YES Document library objects can be changed during the save request. Objects that are in use but are not using application recovery will not be saved. See the Backup and Recovery Bookfor more information on DLOs, saving while an object is in use, and application recovery. Top Retain DLO detail (OBJDTL) You can specify whether the Document Library Object (DLO) detail is kept in the BRMS database for the DLO’s saved. *NO DLO detail is not kept in the BRMS backup history. 226 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *YES DLO detail is kept in the BRMS backup history. Top Control group (CTLGRP) Specifies the name of the control group that you want to associate with the objects saved by this command. The control group name is stored with the media information and can be used with the Control group (CTLGRP) parameter on other BRMS commands to filter the media information or recover saved objects by control group. Note: None of the attributes of the control group are used for the save. If you are using version control for the items you are saving, this save operation will be recorded as part of the specified version control. Version control is specified in the media policy associated with this control group and can be reviewed by using the Work with Media Policies display. *NONE Do not specify a control group name for this command. *ARCGRP The name of the default archive control group. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKUGRP The name of the default backup control group used to save all user data. *SYSGRP The name of the default system control group used to save all system data. *SYSTEM The name of the default system control group used to save the entire system. control-group-name Specify the name of the control group to be assigned to the items you are saving. Top Type of save (SAVTYPE) The Type of save parameter allows you to specify whether all documents in a folder are to be saved or only those documents that have changed. *FULL Save all documents in the list. *CUML Save only changed documents since the last full save. *CUML indicates that the incremental save includes all documents created or changed and all folders created since the last full save, and all mail. *INCR You only want to save changed documents. *INCR indicates that the incremental save includes all documents created or changed and all folders created since the last incremental save, and all mail. Top Save Folder List using BRM (SAVFLRLBRM) 227 End of tape option (ENDOPT) Specifies, when tape is used, what positioning operation is automatically done on the volume after the save operation ends. If more than one volume is included, this parameter applies only to the last volume used; all other volumes are rewound and unloaded when the end of the volume is reached. Note: If no objects are saved the volume is not opened and the ENDOPT parameter is ignored. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is a shared device, the device will not be varied off after the save operation. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is not a shared device, the device will be varied off after the save operation. *REWIND The volume is rewound, but not unloaded. *LEAVE The volume does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the device. *UNLOAD The volume is automatically rewound and unloaded after the save operation ends. Top Use optimum block size (USEOPTBLK) Specifies whether or not the optimum block size is used for the save operation. *BKUPCY Use the value from the backup policy for the Use optimum block size parameter. *DEV Use the value specified on the Work with Devices display for the Use optimum block size parameter. *NO The optimum block size supported by the device is not used. Save commands use the default block size supported by all device types. The tape volume can be duplicated to any media format using the Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) command or the Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) command. *YES The optimum block size supported by the device is used for Save commands. If the block size used is larger than a block size that is supported by all device types then: v Performance may improve. v The tape file that is created is only compatible with a device that supports the block size used. Commands such as Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) and Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) do not duplicate files unless the files are being duplicated to a device which supports the same block size that was used. v The value for the Data Compression (DTACPR) parameter is ignored. Top Sequence number (SEQNBR) Specifies, when tape is used, the sequence to use for the save operation. If you are saving to a BRMS volume that is expired, BRMS will begin writing information at the beginning of the volume, even though you have specified *END. If you are saving to a BRMS volume, BRMS will redirect the output to begin at the logical end of the output volume (after the end of the last active file), depending on the output device that you are using. For example, a 3490 device can write to any sequence number whereas a 6525 device can only write to sequence number 1 or *END. 228 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *END The save operation begins after the sequence number of the last active file on the volume. file-sequence-number (1-16,777,215) Specify the sequence number of the file to be used for the save operation. Top Target release (TGTRLS) Specifies the release of the operating system on which you intend to restore the objects being saved. *CURRENT The objects are to be restored on a system that is running the same release of the operating system currently running on your system. For example, if V5R2M0 is running on the system, *CURRENT means that you intend to restore the objects on a system with V5R2M0 installed. The objects can also be restored on a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. *PRV The objects are to be restored on a system that is running on the previous release with modification level 0 of the operating system. For example if V5R2M0 is running on your system, *PRV means you intend to restore the objects on a system with V5R1M0 installed. The object can also be restored on a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. Note: Not all objects can be targeted to another release. Objects that are new to a release typically cannot be saved to a previous release. target-release Specify the release in the format VxRxMx, where Vx is the version, Rx is the release, and Mx is the modification level. For example, V5R2M0 is version 5, release 2, modification level 0. The objects can be restored on a system with the specified release or with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. Note: Not all objects can be targeted to another release. Objects that are new to a release typically cannot be saved to a previous release. Valid values depend on the current version, release, and modification level, and they change with each new release. If you specify a release-level that is earlier than the earliest release level supported by this command, an error message is sent indicating the earliest supported release. Top Clear (CLEAR) Specifies whether uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. *NONE None of the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If the save operation cannot proceed because an uncleared volume is encountered, an inquiry message is sent to the operator, allowing the ending of the save operation, or specifying that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue. If a save file is not cleared, the inquiry message is sent to the work station message queue for an interactive job, or to the operator for a batch job. All volumes used to perform the save operation should be cleared, or the save file must be empty, before the save command is issued. *AFTER All the uncleared volumes after the initial volume are automatically cleared. This option is not Save Folder List using BRM (SAVFLRLBRM) 229 valid for save or restore operations to a save file. If the operation cannot proceed because the first volume is uncleared, an inquiry message is sent to the system operator, allowing him to end the operation or to specify that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue. *ALL All the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If tapes are used and a sequence number is specified, the volume is cleared and, starting with that sequence number, all volumes following the first volume are cleared. Top Data compression (DTACPR) Specifies whether data compression is used. *DEV If the device has the hardware compression feature installed, processing proceeds as if DTACPR(*YES) is specified. If the compression feature is not installed or save data is written to a save file, processing proceeds as if DTACPR(*NO) is specified. Note: If *DEV is specified on both the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device. If *YES is specified on the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and *DEV is specified on the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device. *NO No data compression is performed. *YES If the save is to tape and the target device supports compression, hardware compression is performed. If device compression is not supported, or if the save data is written to a save file, software compression is performed. If the save is running while other jobs on the system are active and software compression is used, the overall system performance can be affected. Top Data compaction (COMPACT) Specifies whether data compaction is performed. *DEV Device data compaction is performed if the data is saved to tape and all devices specified on the Device (DEV) parameter support the compaction feature. Note: If *DEV is specified on both the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device. If *YES is specified on the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and *DEV is specified on the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device. *NO No data compaction is performed. Top 230 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Reference date (REFDATE) Works in conjunction with an incremental (save changed objects) save performed under BRMS control. *REF Uses the date of the last full BRMS save for this save operation as the beginning point for this incremental save. reference-date Specify a date for this save operation to use as a beginning point for this incremental save. Top Reference time (REFTIME) Works in conjunction with an incremental (save changed objects) save performed under BRMS control. *REF Uses the time of the last full BRMS save for this save operation as the beginning point for this incremental save. reference-time Specify a time in hour, minute, second (hhmmss) format for this save operation to use as a beginning point for this incremental save. Top Expiration date (EXPDATE) Specifies the expiration that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *PERM Output volumes from this save operation are assigned a permanent expiration. expiration-date Specify an expiration date with or without date separators that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation. Top Move policy (MOVPCY) Specifies the move policy that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation. If this save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the MOVPCY parameter, since a TSM server controls the use of media in this case, not BRMS. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Save Folder List using BRM (SAVFLRLBRM) 231 Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ADSM Media movement is controlled by TSM server specifications. *NONE There is not a move policy associated with the output volumes that are created as a result of this save operation. move-policy Specify a move policy that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation. Top Media class (MEDCLS) Specifies the media class that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation. If this save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the MEDCLS parameter, since a TSM server controls the use of media in this case, not BRMS. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ADSM The save operation uses media that is selected and controlled by TSM server specifications. *NONE There is not a media class associated with the output volumes that are selected for this save operation. *SYSPCY The value for the media class in the system policy will used to select output volumes for this save operation. media-class Specify a media class that will be used to select output volumes for this save operation. Top Location (LOC) Specifies the location that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ANY Volumes from any location are selected as output volumes for this save operation. 232 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *HOME Volumes from the home location are selected as output volumes for this save operation. location Specify the location from which volumes are selected as output volumes for this save operation. Top Save to save file (SAVF) Specifies whether the output from this save operation is saved to a save file. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify SAVF(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Save to save file field in the referenced media policy must be *NO. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy) (MEDPCY parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO Output from this save operation is not saved to a save file. *YES Output from this save operation is saved to a save file. Top Save file ASP (SAVFASP) Specifies the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool (2-32) to which a save file is created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *SYSTEM The save file is saved to the system (1) auxiliary storage pool. save-file-ASP-name Specify the name of the auxiliary storage pool to which you are saving the save file. save-file-ASP-number Specify the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool number (2-32) for the save file that is created as a result of the save operation. Note: UDFS, primary and secondary auxiliary storage pools are not supported for this parameter. Top Retain save files (SAVFEXP) Specifies how long save files are to be kept that are created as a result of this save operation. Save Folder List using BRM (SAVFLRLBRM) 233 *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE Save files generated from the save operation are not kept. *PERM Save files generated from the save operation are kept permanently. expiration-date Specify the date that indicates how long save files created from this save operation are to be kept. Top ASP storage limit (MAXSTG) Specifies the maximum percentage auxiliary storage pool (ASP) utilization that is acceptable during a save operation. For example, an entry of 90 would mean that a save process would continue until the auxiliary storage pool utilization exceeded 90%. If the upper limit is reached, the save process is stopped and a message sent to the BRMS log. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. storage-limit Specify the maximum auxiliary storage pool utilization limit. Top Secure volume (VOLSEC) Specifies whether you want to apply volume security to volumes in this media class. Volumes that are secured can only be read by users with the special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS. If the save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the VOLSEC parameter, since a TSM server controls volume security in this case, not BRMS *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ADSM Volume security is controlled by TSM server specifications. *NO Volume security has not been applied to this media class. Volumes that do not have volume security can be read by anyone. *YES Only users with special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS can read media volumes in this media class. 234 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Top Require volumes (MINVOL) Specifies the minimum number of expired volumes that must be present before any save can be done using this media policy. The value can also be checked by user jobs using the Check Expired Media for BRM (CHKEXPBRM) command. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NONE in this parameter. If you specify MINVOL(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Required volumes field in the referenced media policy must be *NONE. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE There is no check done to determine the minimum number of required volumes before a save operation begins. number-of-volumes Specify the number of expired media volumes that must be available before any BRMS save operation will begin. The number can range from 1 to 9999. Top Mark volumes for duplication (MARKDUP) Specifies whether media volumes will be marked for duplication. When *YES is selected, all volumes used during a save operation are marked for duplication. You can use VOL(*SEARCH) on the Duplicate Media using BRM command to duplicate the saved items after the save has completed. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify MARKDUP(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Mark for duplication attribute in the referenced media policy must be *NO. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO Volumes written to during a save operation will not be marked for duplication. *YES Volumes written to during the save operation will be marked for duplication. Top Mark history for duplication (MARKHST) Specifies whether history items will be marked for duplication. When *YES is selected, all history items created during a save operation are marked for duplication. You must use VOL(*SCHHST) on the Duplicate Media using BRM command to duplicate the saved items. Save Folder List using BRM (SAVFLRLBRM) 235 Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify MARKHST(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Mark history for duplication attribute in the referenced media policy must be *NO. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO History items created during the save operation will not be marked for duplication. *YES History items created during the save operation will be marked for duplication. Top Examples Example 1: Saving Changed Folders in a List SAVFLRLBRM FLRL(LISTA) DEV(TAP01 TAP02) MEDPCY(INCR) SAVTYPE(*INCR) This command saves changed folders in folder list LISTA to tape devices TAP01 and TAP02 using media policy INCR. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF3700 All CPF37xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF3800 All CPF38xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 236 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Save Library using BRM (SAVLIBBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Save Library using BRM (SAVLIBBRM) command saves a copy of one or more libraries. This command saves the entire library, including the library description, the object descriptions, and the contents of the objects in the library. For job queues, message queues and logical files, only the object definitions are saved, not the contents. The contents of output queues can be saved using SPLFDTA(*ALL), otherwise, only the output queue object definition is saved. The contents of save files can be saved using SAVFDTA(*YES), otherwise, only the save file object definition is saved. Virtual tape media and devices can be used with this command. The following restrictions apply to the use of virtual media and virtual devices. v The Device (DEV) parameter is limited on only one device or *MEDCLS special value for serial operations. v Execute authority is required to the Load or Unload Image Catalog (LODIMGCLG) command. v *CHANGE authority is required to the image catalogs. v Execute (*X) authority is required to each directory in the image catalog path name. v Read, write, execute (*RWX) authority is required to each image file in the parent directory that will be loaded or mounted. v *USE authority is required to the virtual devices using the image catalogs. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. You must have authority to the SAVLIB or SAVCHGOBJ commands to use this command. 2. You must have *USE authority to any auxiliary storage pool device specified for the Auxiliary storage pool (ASPDEV) parameter. 3. You must have either the *SAVSYS special authority or you must have: v Read authority for, or be the owner of, each library specified. v Object existence authority for each object in the library. 4. When saving to a save file, only one library can be specified. 5. No library (or object in the library) being saved can be updated by a job that is running at the same time the save operation occurs unless save-while-active is used. 6. *NONE must be specified for the Spooled file data (SPLFDTA) parameter if the value for the Target release (TGTRLS) parameter resolves to a release prior to V5R4M0. Use backup spooled file lists to save of spooled files for restore to target releases prior to V5R4M0. 7. *NONE must be specified for the SPLFDTA parameter if the value for the Save type (SAVTYPE) parameter is *CUML or *INCR. 8. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 237 You can save data to a Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) server using this command. To save data to a TSM server, the following conditions must be met: v Only user data can be saved to TSM servers. BRMS does not allow *IBM type libraries to be saved TSM servers. Also, BRMS does not allows IBM supplied libraries that are considered user data such as QGPL, QUSRBRM, or QUSRSYS libraries to be saved TSM media. v You can only specify only one device for the Device (DEV) parameter and this device must be of category *NET or *APPC. v You can specify DEV(*MEDCLS) with the Location (LOC) parameter to identify the *NET or *APPC category device to be used. v You can specify a media policy name for the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter if the media policy uses specifies *ADSM (TSM server) for the Media class attribute. Alternately you can specify MEDPCY(*NONE) in which can you must also specify *ADSM for the Media class (MEDCLS), Move policy (MOVPCY) and Secure volume (VOLSEC) parameters. v The Sequence number (SEQNBR) parameter must be *END. v The Save to save file (SAVF), Mark volumes for duplication (MARKDUP) and Mark history for duplication (MARKHST) parameters must be *NO. If *MEDPCY is specified for these parameters, then the respective value for the Save to save file attribute, Mark volumes for duplication attribute and Mark history for duplication attribute of the media policy specified by the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter must be *NO. v The Required volumes (MINVOL) parameter must be *NONE. If SAVF(*MEDPCY) is specified then the value for the Required volumes attribute of the media policy specified by the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter must be *NONE. v If *SYNCLIB is specified for the Save active (SAVACT) parameter each library is saved individually rather than as a group. Synchronization messages are therefore sent individually for each library rather than for the libraries as a group and synchronization is only within one library, not across libraries. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes LIB Library Single values: *ALLPROD, *ALLTEST, *ASP01, *ASP02, *ASP03, *ASP04, *ASP05, *ASP06, *ASP07, *ASP08, *ASP09, *ASP10, *ASP11, *ASP12, *ASP13, *ASP14, *ASP15, *ASP16, *ASP17, *ASP18, *ASP19, *ASP20, *ASP21, *ASP22, *ASP23, *ASP24, *ASP25, *ASP26, *ASP27, *ASP28, *ASP29, *ASP30, *ASP31, *ASP32, *ALLUSR, *IBM Other values (up to 300 repetitions): Generic name, name Required, Positional 1 DEV Device Single values: *NONE Other values (up to 4 repetitions): Name, *MEDCLS Required, Positional 2 MEDPCY Media policy Name, *NONE, *SYSPCY Required, Positional 3 PRLRSC Parallel device resources Element list Optional Element 1: Minimum resources 1-32, *NONE, *AVAIL Element 2: Maximum resources 1-32, *MIN, *AVAIL SAVACT Save active *NO, *LIB, *SYSDFN, *SYNCLIB Optional 238 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Keyword Description Choices Notes SAVACTWAIT Save active wait time Element list Optional Element 1: Object locks 0-99999, 120, *NOMAX Element 2: Pending record changes 0-99999, *LOCKWAIT, *NOCMTBDY, *NOMAX Element 3: Other pending changes 0-99999, *LOCKWAIT, *NOMAX SAVACTMSGQ Save active message queue Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Save active message queue Name, *NONE, *WRKSTN Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB OBJDTL Retain object detail *ERR, *MBR, *NO, *OBJ, *YES Optional CTLGRP Control group Name, *NONE, *ARCGRP, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Optional SAVTYPE Type of save *FULL, *CUML, *INCR Optional ENDOPT End of tape option *REWIND, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD Optional USEOPTBLK Use optimum block size *BKUPCY, *DEV, *NO, *YES Optional SEQNBR Sequence number 1-16777215, *END Optional TGTRLS Target release Character value, *CURRENT Optional CLEAR Clear *NONE, *AFTER, *ALL Optional PRECHK Object pre-check *NO, *YES Optional ACCPTH Save access paths *SYSVAL, *NO, *YES Optional DTACPR Data compression *DEV, *NO, *YES Optional COMPACT Data compaction *DEV, *NO Optional SAVFDTA Save contents of save files *YES, *NO Optional SPLFDTA Spooled file data *NONE, *ALL Optional REFDATE Reference date Character value, *REF Optional REFTIME Reference time Character value, *REF Optional OBJJRN Journaled objects *NO, *YES Optional STRLIB Starting library Name, *FIRST Optional OMITLIB Libraries to omit Single values: *BKUPCY, *NONE Other values (up to 300 repetitions): Generic name, name Optional OMITOBJ Objects to omit Values (up to 300 repetitions): Element list Optional Element 1: Object Qualified object name Qualifier 1: Object Generic name, name, *NONE, *ALL Qualifier 2: Library Generic name, name, *ALL Element 2: Object type Character value ASPDEV Auxiliary storage pool Name, *SYSBAS, *CURASPGRP Optional EXPDATE Expiration date Date, *MEDPCY, *PERM Optional MOVPCY Move policy Name, *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *NONE Optional MEDCLS Media class Character value, *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *SYSPCY Optional LOC Location Name, *MEDPCY, *ANY, *HOME Optional SAVF Save to save file *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional SAVFASP Save file ASP Character value, *MEDPCY, *SYSTEM Optional SAVFEXP Retain save files Date, *MEDPCY, *NONE, *PERM Optional MAXSTG ASP storage limit 1-99, *MEDPCY Optional VOLSEC Secure volume *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *NO, *YES Optional MINVOL Required volumes 1-9999, *MEDPCY, *NONE Optional Save Library using BRM (SAVLIBBRM) 239 Keyword Description Choices Notes MARKDUP Mark volumes for duplication *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional MARKHST Mark history for duplication *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional Top Library (LIB) Specifies which libraries are saved to removable media or to a save file. Note: If you specify *ALLUSR or *IBM on this parameter, this command should be run when the specified libraries are not being used. If objects in a library are in use while the library is being saved, the objects are not saved unless you use SAVACT. To ensure a complete save of all libraries, run this command with the systems in a restricted state. For example, if SAVLIBBRM LIB(*ALLUSR) is run when the subsystem QSNADS is active the QAO* files are not saved in library QUSRSYS. To save the QAO* files, end the QSNADS subsystem before running SAVLIBBRM LIB(*ALLUSR). Note: Doing a SAVLIBBRM LIB(*IBM) and then doing a SAVLIBBRM LIB(*ALLUSR) saves the same libraries as a SAVLIB LIB(*NONSYS), but requires two restore commands. Restrictions: 1. The value *IBM is not valid on the Library (LIB) parameter when *SYNCLIB is specified on the Save active (SAVACT) parameter. 2. A value other than *CURRENT cannot be specified for the Target release (TGTRLS) parameter when *ALLUSR or *IBM is specified for the Library (LIB) parameter. You can enter multiple values for this parameter. *ALLPROD Saves all libraries with an *PROD attribute. If you save both *ALLPROD and *ALLTEST, it is equivalent to saving *ALLUSR. *ALLTEST Saves all libraries with an *TEST attribute. If you save both *ALLTEST and *ALLPROD, it is equivalent to saving *ALLUSR. *ASPnn The system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool (2-32) that you want to save. For example: to save libraries in ASP 2, enter *ASP02. Note: When you specify ASPnn, only libraries in the specified basic user auxiliary storage pool are included. No other object types are included. Note: The usage of ASPnn applies only to system (1) or basic auxiliary storage pools. Support is not provided for auxiliary storage pools that contain only individual objects such as save files, journals, or journal receivers. Note: The usage of ASPnn does not support UDFS, primary, or secondary auxiliary storage pools. *ALLUSR The special value *ALLUSR saves all user libraries. Refer to the Special Values table for the Save Library (SAVLIB) Command in the Saving Libraries section of the iSeries Backup and Recovery book for a list of libraries which can be restored using this special value. 240 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Note: Libraries QGPL, QUSRSYS and QUSRBRM will be omitted in an *ALLUSR save to a TSM (ADSM) server. *IBM The special value *IBM saves all system (IBM) libraries. Refer to the Special Values table for the Save Library (SAVLIB) Command in the Saving Libraries section of the iSeries Backup and Recovery book for a list of libraries which can be restored using this special value. library-name Specify the names of a maximum of 300 libraries to be saved. The libraries QSYS, QSRV, QTEMP, QSPL, QSPLxxxx, QDOC, QDOCxxxx, QRPLOBJ, and QRECOVERY cannot be specified. generic*-library-name Specify one or more generic names of groups of libraries that you want to save. A generic name is a character string that contains one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*). If an * is not specified with the name, the system assumes that the name is a complete library name. Top Device (DEV) Specifies the device or devices to be used by this command. Single values *MEDCLS Devices for this policy or control group are selected based on device types that support the density for the media class specified in the media policy. The *MEDCLS special value is used for devices that are part of a device pool, such as several systems that share a single or set of devices. Devices are specified in the Work with Devices display. Note: If you want to use more than one device for a serial save operation, the *MEDCLS can be repeated up to four times, once for each device used, except for virtual tape devices which is limited to a single value. The Parallel Device Resource (PRLRSC) parameter must be *NONE. BRMS will attempt to use the maximum number of devices that can be allocated for a save operation. If you want to use more than one device for a parallel save operation the *MEDCLS must only be specified once and the PRLRSC minimum and maximum responses must be greater than one. Other values (up to 4 repetitions) Specifies the name of the devices to be used for the save operation. the specified device name must already be in the BRMS device table. You can enter multiple values for this parameter. If you are on an entry display and you need additional entry fields to enter these multiple values, type a plus sign (+) in the entry field opposite the phrase ″+ for more″ and press the Enter key. Note: Multiple systems can share the use of a tape device or a media library device (MLB). When the device is a tape device (not an MLB device), BRMS can help you manage the use of the stand alone device by multiple systems if you indicate the device is shared. You can save data to a TSM (ADSM) server using this command. You can only specify one TSM type server in the list of devices or *MEDCLS, which must select a TSM server. The device type can either be *APPC, which supports SNA network protocol, or *NET, which supports TCPIP protocol. Save Library using BRM (SAVLIBBRM) 241 *NONE There is no device for this save operation. Save files are used to store the saved data. Data in a save file created with device *NONE will never be copied by BRMS. It is intended for online access only. device-name Specify the names of one or more devices used for the save operation. If you are using more than one device (up to a maximum of four), specify the names of the devices in the order in which they are used. Note: When doing a serial save, only one media library device or one virtual tape device can be specified. When doing a parallel save, multiple media library devices or virtual tape devices can be specified. Note: PRLRSC must be *NONE when DEV is *NONE. Note: When doing a serial save, only one media library device or one virtual tape device can be specified. When doing a parallel save, multiple media library devices or virtual tape devices can be specified. Top Media policy (MEDPCY) Specifies the media policy to be used with this save command. Media policies are used to determine: v The type of retention to use, such as days, date or version, for media used in control group processing. v The move policy to use with this media policy. v The media class to use. v Whether or not to use save files. v The type of retention to use, such as days or date for save files created in control group processing. The media policy you specify must be a media policy that is in the BRMS media policy table. This a required parameter. *SYSPCY The media policy specified in the system policy is assigned to output volumes from this save operation. *NONE No media policy is specified for this save operation. Media policy values must be supplied with the save command for each parameter that has a default of *MEDPCY. Note: If you specify *NONE, and you are saving data to a TSM (ADSM) server, you must specify the *ADSM special value in the MOVPCY, MEDCLS and VOLSEC parameters which are part of the media policy values for this save operation. You must still supply the additional media policy values for the remaining parameters with *MEDPCY as the default. The TSM management class STANDARD, and the TSM node *LCL, are used as default values for the save operation. media-policy Specify the name of the media policy that you want to use with this save operation. Top 242 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Parallel device resources (PRLRSC) Specifies the minimum and maximum number of device resources to be used in a parallel save operation. Note: Transferring save files to tape does not support parallel operations. Element 1: Minimum Resources Specifies the minimum number of device resources required for a parallel save. Note: If a Media Library Device (MLB) is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will wait for the MLB to become available for a time period specified by the user. The wait time is determined by the value specified on the *MLB device description for INLMNTWAIT. If a *TAP device is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will fail. *NONE No device resources are to be used. The save will be performed as a serial save. *NONE must be specified when using a TSM or virtual tape device. *AVAIL Use any available devices up to the maximum of what was used for a save. Specifying this value for the minimum will allow BRMS to use any available resources, but will complete using one resource if only one is available at the start of the command. 1-32 Specify the minimum number of device resources to be used with this save command. Element 2: Maximum Resources Specifies the maximum number of device resources. *MIN Uses the value specified for the minimum number of device resources. *AVAIL Use any available devices for the save operation. Specifying this value for the maximum will allow BRMS to use any available resources but at a minimum the value specified in the minimum element. 1-32 Specify the maximum number of device resources to be used with this save command. Top Save active (SAVACT) Specifies if an object can be updated while it is being saved. Note: If your system is in a restricted state and the SAVACT parameter is specified, the save operation is performed as if SAVACT(*NO) was specified. Note: If you are using the MONSWABRM command as part of an *EXIT special operation in a control group, the Save while active field must have a value of *YES for the entry that you want to save while active. The Monitor Save While Active (MONSWABRM) command reviews the save while active message queue and looks for the message indicating the end of library synchronization. When synchronization is detected, you can issue a command to the system. *NO Objects that are in use are not saved. Objects cannot be updated while being saved. *LIB Objects in a library can be saved while they are in use by another job. All of the objects in a library reach a checkpoint together and are saved in a consistent state in relationship to each other. Save Library using BRM (SAVLIBBRM) 243 Note: Libraries with thousands of objects may be too large for this option. *SYNCLIB Objects in a library can be saved while they are in use by another job. All of the objects and all of the libraries in the save operation reach a checkpoint together and are saved in a consistent state in relationship to each other. Note: Multiple checkpoints will occur when using *SYNCLIB with an incremental *ALLUSR backup item if new libraries were added to the system since the last save because synchronization is only within commands, not across libraries. New libraries are saved using Save Library (SAVLIB) command. Changed libraries are saved using the Save Changed Object (SAVCHGOBJ) command with a reference date and time that is the earliest occurance of either that last full or last incremental backup. BRMS uses its own reference dates rather than those in the object description information to protect incremental saves from being affected by native save operations. Note: The *SYNCLIB choice cannot be used for the *IBM save type. Note: If the libraries are being saved to save files or to TSM servers, each library is saved individually rather than as a group. Synchronization messages are therefore sent individually for each library rather than for the libraries as a group and synchronization is only within one library, not across libraries. *SYSDFN Objects in a library can be saved while they are in use by another job. Objects in a library may reach checkpoints at different times and may not be in a consistent state in relationship to each other. Note: Specifying this value eliminates some size restrictions and can allow a library to be saved that could not be saved with SAVACT(*LIB). Top Save active wait time (SAVACTWAIT) Specifies the amount of time to wait for an object that is in use, or for transactions with pending changes to reach a commit boundary, before continuing the save operation. Element 1: Object locks Specifies the amount of time to wait for the object to become available for each object that is in use. If an object remains in use for the specified time, the object is not saved. For each object that is in use, specifies the amount of time to wait for the object to become available. If an object remains in use for the specified time, the object is not saved. 120 The system waits up to 120 seconds for each individual object lock before continuing the save operation. *NOMAX No maximum wait time exists. wait-time Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait for each individual object lock before continuing the save operation. Valid values range from 0 through 99 999. Element 2: Pending record changes For each group of objects that are checkpointed together, specifies the amount of time to wait for transactions with pending record changes to reach a commit boundary. The Save active prompt 244 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands (SAVACT) parameter determines which objects are checkpointed together. If 0 is specified, all objects being saved must be at commit boundaries. If any other value is specified, all objects that are journaled to the same journals as the objects being saved must reach commit boundaries. If a commit boundary is not reached in the specified time, the save operation is ended, unless the value *NOCMTBDY is specified. *LOCKWAIT The system waits up to the value specified on Element 1 for commit boundaries for record changes. *NOCMTBDY The system will save objects without requiring transactions with pending record changes to reach a commit boundary. Therefore, objects may be saved with pending transactions. If you restore an object that was saved with pending transactions, you cannot use the object until you apply or remove journal changes (APYJRNCHG or RMVJRNCHG command) to reach commit boundaries. You will need all journal receivers that contain information about the pending transactions to apply or remove the changes. Until you apply or remove the changes, any future save of that object will include the pending transactions, even if you do not specify *NOCMTBDY. Restrictions: 1. The value of the Target release (TGTRLS) parameter must be *CURRENT, V5R3M0 or later release to use *NOCMTBDY. 2. The value of the Object detail (OBJDTL) parameter must be *YES or *MBR to use *NOCMTBDY. 3. The name of the saved library cannot begin with the letter Q or # when using *NOCMTDBY. *NOMAX No maximum wait time exists. wait-time Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait for transactions with pending record changes to reach a commit boundary. Valid values range from 0 through 99 999. Element 3: Other pending changes For each library, specifies the amount of time to wait for transactions with other pending changes to reach a commit boundary. Other pending changes include the following: v Data Definition Language (DDL) object level changes for that library. v Any API commitment resource that was added without the option to allow normal save processing. For more information, see the Add Commitment Resource (QTNADDCR) API in the System API Reference information in the iSeries Information Center at http://www.ibm.com/eserver/iseries/infocenter. If a commit boundary is not reached for a library in the specified time, the library is not saved. *LOCKWAIT The system waits up to the value specified on Element 1 for the types of transactions that are listed above to reach a commit boundary. *NOMAX No maximum wait time exists. wait-time Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait for the types of transactions that are listed above to reach a commit boundary. Valid values range from 0 through 99 999. Top Save Library using BRM (SAVLIBBRM) 245 Save active message queue (SAVACTMSGQ) Specifies the message queue that the save operation uses to notify the user that the checkpoint processing for the library is complete. A separate message is sent for each library to be saved when the *SYSDFN or *LIB value is specified on the Save active (SAVACT) parameter. When the *SYNCLIB value is specified on the Save active (SAVACT) parameter, one message is sent for all libraries in the save operation. Note: When multiple save operations are generated by BRMS, then one message is sent for each command generated. This parameter can be used to save the objects at a known, consistent boundary to avoid additional recovery procedures following a restore operation. Applications can be stopped until the checkpoint processing complete message is received. Qualifier 1: Save active message queue *NONE No notification message is sent. *WRKSTN The notification message is sent to the work station message queue. message-queue-name Specify the name of the message queue that the notification message is sent to. Qualifier 2: Library *LIBL The library list is used to locate the message queue. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the message queue. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used. library-name Specify the name of the library where the message queue is located. Restrictions: If MONSWABRM is used to monitor the save while active message queue, and LIB(*MSGQ) is specified for the MONSWABRM, the name specified here must match the name on the MSGQ parameter for the MONSWABRM command. MONSWABRM always uses the message queue from library QUSRBRM. Top Retain object detail (OBJDTL) Specifies whether the object detail is kept in the BRMS database for the objects saved. *ERR Error detail is kept in the BRMS backup history. *MBR Object and member detail is kept in the BRMS backup history. Note: Member level information is included with the object information for physical files, and saved spooled file information is kept for saved output queues if *ALL was specified for the Save spooled file data (SPLFDTA) parameter. Note: This choice is the same as *YES. *NO No object detail is kept in the BRMS backup history. 246 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *OBJ Object detail is kept in the BRMS backup history. No member level information or saved spooled file information is kept. *YES Object detail is kept in the BRMS backup history. Note: When *YES is specified, member level information is kept for physical files in addition to object information, and saved spooled file information is kept for saved output queues if *ALL was specified for the Save spooled file data (SPLFDTA) parameter. Top Control group (CTLGRP) Specifies the name of the control group that you want to associate with the objects saved by this command. The control group name is stored with the media information and can be used with the Control group (CTLGRP) parameter on other BRMS commands to filter the media information or recover saved objects by control group. Note: None of the attributes of the control group are used for the save. If you are using version control for the items you are saving, this save operation will be recorded as part of the specified version control. Version control is specified in the media policy associated with this control group and can be reviewed by using the Work with Media Policies display. *NONE Do not specify a control group name for this command. *ARCGRP The name of the default archive control group. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKUGRP The name of the default backup control group used to save all user data. *SYSGRP The name of the default system control group used to save all system data. *SYSTEM The name of the default system control group used to save the entire system. control-group-name Specify the name of the control group to be assigned to the items you are saving. Top Type of save (SAVTYPE) Specifies whether all objects in a library are to be saved or only those objects that have changed. Note: If a backup includes new libraries and BRMS has no history of a full backup of these libraries, then a full backup will be performed regardless of the type of incremental specified. *FULL Save all objects in the library. *CUML Only save items that have changed. *CUML indicates that the incremental save includes all objects that have been changed since the last full save. Save Library using BRM (SAVLIBBRM) 247 *INCR Only save changed items. *INCR indicates that the incremental save includes all objects that have been changed since the last incremental save. Top End of tape option (ENDOPT) Specifies, when tape is used, what positioning operation is automatically done on the volume after the save operation ends. If more than one volume is included, this parameter applies only to the last volume used; all other volumes are rewound and unloaded when the end of the volume is reached. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is a shared device, the device will not be varied off after the save operation. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is not a shared device, the device will be varied off after the save operation. *REWIND The volume is automatically rewound, but not unloaded, after the operation has ended. *LEAVE The volume does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the device. *UNLOAD The volume is automatically rewound and unloaded after the operation ends. Top Use optimum block size (USEOPTBLK) Specifies whether or not the optimum block size is used for the save operation. *BKUPCY Use the value from the backup policy for the Use optimum block size parameter. *DEV Use the value specified on the Work with Devices display for the Use optimum block size parameter. *NO The optimum block size supported by the device is not used. Save commands use the default block size supported by all device types. The tape volume can be duplicated to any media format using the Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) command or the Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) command. *YES The optimum block size supported by the device is used for Save commands. If the block size used is larger than a block size that is supported by all device types then: v Performance may improve. v The tape file that is created is only compatible with a device that supports the block size used. Commands such as Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) and Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) do not duplicate files unless the files are being duplicated to a device which supports the same block size that was used. v The value for the Data Compression (DTACPR) parameter is ignored. Top 248 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Sequence number (SEQNBR) Specifies, when tape is used, the sequence to use for the save operation. If you are saving to a BRMS volume that is expired, BRMS will begin writing information at the beginning of the volume, even though you have specified *END. If you are saving to a BRMS volume, BRMS will redirect the output to begin at the logical end of the output volume (after the end of the last active file), depending on the output device that you are using. For example, a 3490 device can write to any sequence number whereas a 6525 device can only write to sequence number 1 or *END. *END The save operation begins after the sequence number of the last active file on the volume. file-sequence-number (1-16,777,215) Specify the sequence number of the file to be used for the save operation. Top Target release (TGTRLS) Specifies the release of the operating system on which you intend to restore the objects being saved. *CURRENT The objects are to be restored on a system that is running the same release of the operating system currently running on your system. For example, if V5R2M0 is running on the system, *CURRENT means that you intend to restore the objects on a system with V5R2M0 installed. The objects can also be restored on a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. *PRV The objects are to be restored on a system that is running on the previous release with modification level 0 of the operating system. For example if V5R2M0 is running on your system, *PRV means you intend to restore the objects on a system with V5R1M0 installed. The object can also be restored on a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. Note: Not all objects can be targeted to another release. Objects that are new to a release typically cannot be saved to a previous release. target-release Specify the release in the format VxRxMx, where Vx is the version, Rx is the release, and Mx is the modification level. For example, V5R2M0 is version 5, release 2, modification level 0. The objects can be restored on a system with the specified release or with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. Note: Not all objects can be targeted to another release. Objects that are new to a release typically cannot be saved to a previous release. Valid values depend on the current version, release, and modification level, and they change with each new release. If you specify a release-level that is earlier than the earliest release level supported by this command, an error message is sent indicating the earliest supported release. Top Clear (CLEAR) Specifies whether uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. *NONE None of the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If the save operation cannot proceed because an uncleared volume is Save Library using BRM (SAVLIBBRM) 249 encountered, an inquiry message is sent to the operator, allowing the ending of the save operation, or specifying that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue. If a save file is not cleared, the inquiry message is sent to the work station message queue for an interactive job, or to the operator for a batch job. All volumes used to perform the save operation should be cleared, or the save file must be empty, before the save command is issued. *AFTER All the uncleared volumes after the initial volume are automatically cleared. This option is not valid for save or restore operations to a save file. If the operation cannot proceed because the first volume is uncleared, an inquiry message is sent to the system operator, allowing him to end the operation or to specify that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue. *ALL All the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If tapes are used and a sequence number is specified, the volume is cleared and, starting with that sequence number, all volumes following the first volume are cleared. Top Object pre-check (PRECHK) Specifies whether the save operation ends if any of the selected objects cannot be saved. *NO The save operation for a library continues, saving only those objects that can be saved. *YES If after all specified objects are checked, one or more objects cannot be saved, the save operation for a library ends before any data is written. If multiple libraries are specified, the save operation continues with the next library. Top Save access paths (ACCPTH) Specifies whether the logical file access paths that are dependent on the physical files being saved are also saved. The access paths are saved only if all members on which the access paths are built are included in this save operation. Informational messages are sent indicating the number of logical file access paths saved with each physical file. All physical files on which an access path is built must be in the same library. This parameter does not save logical objects; it only controls the saving of the access paths. Information on the restoring of saved access paths is in the Backup and Recovery Book. Attention: If the based-on physical files and the logical files are in different libraries, the access paths are saved. However, if the logical files and the based-on physical files are in different libraries and the logical files or physical files do not exist at restore time (such as during disaster recovery or the files were deleted) the access paths are not restored. They are rebuilt. For the fastest possible restore operation for logical files and the based-on physical files must be in the same library and must be saved at the same time. *SYSVAL The system value QSAVACCPTH determines whether to save the logical file access paths that are dependent on the physical files that are being saved. *NO Only those objects specified on the command are saved. No logical file access paths are saved. *YES The specified physical files and all eligible logical file access paths over them are saved. Top 250 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Data compression (DTACPR) Specifies whether data compression is used. *DEV If the save is to tape and the target device supports compression, hardware compression is performed. Otherwise, no data compression is performed. Note: If *DEV is specified on both the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device. If *YES is specified on the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and *DEV is specified on the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device. *NO No data compression is performed. *YES If the target device supports compression, hardware compression is performed. if compression is not supported, software compression is performed. Top Data compaction (COMPACT) Specifies whether data compaction is performed. *DEV Device data compaction is performed if the data is saved to tape and all devices specified on the Device (DEV) parameter support the compaction feature. Note: If *DEV is specified on both the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device. If *YES is specified on the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and *DEV is specified on the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device. *NO No data compaction is performed. Top Save contents of save files (SAVFDTA) Specifies for save file objects, whether the description of a save file, or both the description and the contents of a save file, are saved on the tape or in another save file. *YES The description and contents of save files are saved. *NO Only the description of a save file is saved. Top Spooled file data (SPLFDTA) Specifies whether to save the spooled file data and attributes for saved output queues. The saved spooled files and attributes can be viewed after the save using the Work with Saved Spooled Files (WRKSPLFBRM) command if *YES or *MBR is also specified for the Retain object detail (OBJDTL) parameter. Save Library using BRM (SAVLIBBRM) 251 Note: Spooled file data is saved only when *FULL is specified for the Type of save (SAVTYPE) parameter. *NONE Specifies no spooled file data or attributes are saved with saved output queues. *ALL Specifies all available spooled file data and attributes are saved with saved output queues. Top Reference date (REFDATE) Works in conjunction with an incremental (save changed objects) save performed under BRMS control. *REF Uses the date of the last full BRMS save for this save operation as the beginning point for this incremental save. reference-date Specify a date for this save operation to use as a beginning point for this incremental save. Top Reference time (REFTIME) Works in conjunction with an incremental (save changed objects) save performed under BRMS control. *REF Uses the time of the last full BRMS save for this save operation as the beginning point for this incremental save. reference-time Specify a time in hour, minute, second (hhmmss) format for this save operation to use as a beginning point for this incremental save. Top Journaled objects (OBJJRN) Specifies whether to save changed objects that are currently being journaled and that have been journaled since the date and time specified on the REFDATE and REFTIME parameters. *NO Objects being journaled are not saved. If journaling was started after the specified date and time, the changed objects or changed database file members are saved. The date and time of the last journal start operation can be shown by using the Display Object Description (DSPOBJD) command. *YES Objects whose changes are entered in a journal are saved. Note: The value entered applies only to save types of *INCR or *CUML. For save type *FULL, this value is always treated as *YES. Top Starting library (STRLIB) Specifies the library with which to begins the *IBM, *ALLUSR, *ALLPROD, *ALLTEST and *ASPnn save operations. 252 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands If an irrecoverable media error occurs during the save operation, this parameter can be used to restart the operation. *FIRST The save operation begins with the first library in alphabetical order. library-name Specify the name of the library with which to begin the save operation. Top Libraries to omit (OMITLIB) Specifies the libraries to be excluded from the save operation. This parameter is valid only if *ALLUSR, *IBM or *ASPnn is specified on the Library (LIB) parameter. Single values *BKUPCY The value specified for Libraries to omit field in the backup policy is used as the default value. The default value for Libraries to omit (OMITLIB) parameter is assigned in the backup policy. Other values (up to 300 repetitions) *NONE No libraries are excluded. generic*-library-name Specify the generic name. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*): for example, ABC*. The asterisk (*) substitutes for any valid characters. A generic name specifies all libraries with names that begin with the generic prefix, for which the user has authority. If an asterisk is not included with the generic (prefix) name, the system assumes it to be the complete library name. library-name Specify the name of the library to be excluded. You can specify a maximum of 300 libraries. Top Object to omit (OMITOBJ) Specifies the objects to be excluded from the save operation. Up to 300 objects or generic object values can be specified. If the OMITOBJ parameter is not specified, no objects are excluded from the save operation. *NONE No objects are excluded from the save operation. Element 1: Object Qualifier 1: Object *ALL Objects in the specified libraries are excluded, depending on the value specified for the object type. generic*-object-name Specify the generic name of the object. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by the asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. The asterisk (*) substitutes for any Save Library using BRM (SAVLIBBRM) 253 valid characters. A generic name specifies all objects with names that begin with the generic prefix, for which the user has authority. If an asterisk is not included with the generic (prefix) name, the system assumes it to be the complete object name. object-name Specify the name of the object that will be excluded from the save operation. Qualifier 2: Library *ALL The specified objects are excluded from all libraries that are part of the save operation. generic*-library-name Specify the generic name of the library. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by the asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. The asterisk (*) substitutes for any valid characters. A generic name specifies all libraries with names that begin with the generic prefix, for which the user has authority. If an asterisk is not included with the generic (prefix) name, the system assumes it to be the complete library name. library-name Specify the name of the library that contains the object to be excluded from the save operation. Element 2: Object type *ALL All object types are excluded from the save operation, depending on the value specified for the object name. object-type Specify the type of the object to be excluded from the save operation. Top Auxiliary storage pool device (ASPDEV) Use this parameter to specify the auxiliary storage pools from which libraries and objects can be included in the save operation. *SYSBAS Specifies libraries or objects from only the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) are included in the save. *CURASPGRP Specifies libraries or objects from only the auxiliary storage pool group currently set for the job are included in the save. Libraries or objects from the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) are omitted from the save. auxiliary-storage-pool-device-name Specifies libraries or objects from the named auxiliary storage pool device are included in the save operation. This must be the name of a primary or secondary auxiliary storage pool. Libraries or objects from the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) are omitted from the save. Top Expiration date (EXPDATE) Specifies the expiration that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation. 254 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *PERM Output volumes from this save operation are assigned a permanent expiration. expiration-date Specify an expiration date with or without date separators that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation. Top Move policy (MOVPCY) Specifies the move policy that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation. If this save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the MOVPCY parameter, since a TSM server controls the use of media in this case, not BRMS. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ADSM Media movement is controlled by TSM server specifications. *NONE There is not a move policy associated with the output volumes that are created as a result of this save operation. move-policy Specify a move policy that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation. Top Media class (MEDCLS) Specifies the media class that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation. If this save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the MEDCLS parameter, since a TSM server controls the use of media in this case, not BRMS. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. Save Library using BRM (SAVLIBBRM) 255 *ADSM The save operation uses media that is selected and controlled by TSM server specifications. *NONE There is not a media class associated with the output volumes that are selected for this save operation. *SYSPCY The value for the media class in the system policy will used to select output volumes for this save operation. media-class Specify a media class that will be used to select output volumes for this save operation. Top Location (LOC) Specifies the location that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ANY Volumes from any location are selected as output volumes for this save operation. *HOME Volumes from the home location are selected as output volumes for this save operation. location Specify the location from which volumes are selected as output volumes for this save operation. Top Save to save file (SAVF) Specifies whether the output from this save operation is saved to a save file. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify SAVF(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Save to save file field in the referenced media policy must be *NO. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy) (MEDPCY parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO Output from this save operation is not saved to a save file. *YES Output from this save operation is saved to a save file. Top 256 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Save file ASP (SAVFASP) Specifies the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool (2-32) to which a save file is created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *SYSTEM The save file is saved to the system (1) auxiliary storage pool. save-file-ASP-name Specify the name of the auxiliary storage pool to which you are saving the save file. save-file-ASP-number Specify the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool number (2-32) for the save file that is created as a result of the save operation. Note: UDFS, primary and secondary auxiliary storage pools are not supported for this parameter. Top Retain save files (SAVFEXP) Specifies how long save files are to be kept that are created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE Save files generated from the save operation are not kept. *PERM Save files generated from the save operation are kept permanently. expiration-date Specify the date that indicates how long save files created from this save operation are to be kept. Top ASP storage limit (MAXSTG) Specifies the maximum percentage auxiliary storage pool (ASP) utilization that is acceptable during a save operation. For example, an entry of 90 would mean that a save process would continue until the auxiliary storage pool utilization exceeded 90%. If the upper limit is reached, the save process is stopped and a message sent to the BRMS log. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. Save Library using BRM (SAVLIBBRM) 257 storage-limit Specify the maximum auxiliary storage pool utilization limit. Top Secure volume (VOLSEC) Specifies whether you want to apply volume security to volumes in this media class. Volumes that are secured can only be read by users with the special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS. If the save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the VOLSEC parameter, since a TSM server controls volume security in this case, not BRMS *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ADSM Volume security is controlled by TSM server specifications. *NO Volume security has not been applied to this media class. Volumes that do not have volume security can be read by anyone. *YES Only users with special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS can read media volumes in this media class. Top Require volumes (MINVOL) Specifies the minimum number of expired volumes that must be present before any save can be done using this media policy. The value can also be checked by user jobs using the Check Expired Media for BRM (CHKEXPBRM) command. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NONE in this parameter. If you specify MINVOL(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Required volumes field in the referenced media policy must be *NONE. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE There is no check done to determine the minimum number of required volumes before a save operation begins. number-of-volumes Specify the number of expired media volumes that must be available before any BRMS save operation will begin. The number can range from 1 to 9999. Top 258 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Mark volumes for duplication (MARKDUP) Specifies whether media volumes will be marked for duplication. When *YES is selected, all volumes used during a save operation are marked for duplication. You can use VOL(*SEARCH) on the Duplicate Media using BRM command to duplicate the saved items after the save has completed. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify MARKDUP(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Mark for duplication attribute in the referenced media policy must be *NO. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO Volumes written to during a save operation will not be marked for duplication. *YES Volumes written to during the save operation will be marked for duplication. Top Mark history for duplication (MARKHST) Specifies whether history items will be marked for duplication. When *YES is selected, all history items created during a save operation are marked for duplication. You must use VOL(*SCHHST) on the Duplicate Media using BRM command to duplicate the saved items. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify MARKHST(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Mark history for duplication attribute in the referenced media policy must be *NO. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO History items created during the save operation will not be marked for duplication. *YES History items created during the save operation will be marked for duplication. Top Examples Example 1: Saving a Library on a Tape Device SAVLIBBRM LIB(MYLIB) DEV(TAP01) MEDPCY(FULL) This command saves library MYLIB to device TAP01 using the media policy FULL. Example 2: Saving a Generic Library on Multiple Devices SAVLIBBRM LIB(MY*) DEV(TAP01 TAP02) MEDPCY(FULL) This command saves all libraries that begin with the letters ’MY’ to devices TAP01 and TAP02 using the media policy FULL. Save Library using BRM (SAVLIBBRM) 259 Example 3: Saving a Library on an Auxiliary Storage Pool Device SAVLIBBRM LIB(MYLIB) DEV(TAP01) MEDPCY(FULL) ASPDEV(PRIMETIME) This command saves library MYLIB which resides on auxiliary storage pool device PRIMETIME to device TAP01 using the media policy FULL. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF3700 All CPF37xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF3800 All CPF38xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 260 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Save Media Info using BRM (SAVMEDIBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Save Media Info using BRM (SAVMEDIBRM) command saves a copy of the information required to perform recovery of items saved using BRMS. Media information can be saved at the object or library level. Virtual tape media and devices can be used with this command. The following restrictions apply to the use of virtual media and virtual devices. v The Device (DEV) parameter is limited on only one device or *MEDCLS special value for serial operations. v Execute authority is required to the Load or Unload Image Catalog (LODIMGCLG) command. v *CHANGE authority is required to the image catalogs. v Execute (*X) authority is required to each directory in the image catalog path name. v Read, write, execute (*RWX) authority is required to each image file in the parent directory that will be loaded or mounted. v *USE authority is required to the virtual devices using the image catalogs. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. You must have authority to the SAVOBJ command to use this command. 2. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes DEV Device Single values: *NONE Other values (up to 4 repetitions): Name, *MEDCLS Required, Positional 1 MEDPCY Media policy Name, *NONE, *SYSPCY Required, Positional 2 OPTION Option *LIB, *OBJ Optional CTLGRP Control group Name, *NONE, *ARCGRP, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Optional ENDOPT End of tape option *REWIND, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD Optional USEOPTBLK Use optimum block size *BKUPCY, *DEV, *NO, *YES Optional SEQNBR Sequence number 1-16777215, *END Optional TGTRLS Target release Character value, *CURRENT Optional CLEAR Clear *NONE, *AFTER, *ALL Optional ACCPTH Save access paths *SYSVAL, *NO, *YES Optional DTACPR Data compression *DEV, *NO, *YES Optional COMPACT Data compaction *DEV, *NO Optional © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 261 Keyword Description Choices Notes EXPDATE Expiration date Date, *MEDPCY, *PERM Optional MOVPCY Move policy Name, *MEDPCY, *NONE Optional MEDCLS Media class Character value, *MEDPCY, *SYSPCY Optional LOC Location Name, *MEDPCY, *ANY, *HOME Optional SAVF Save to save file *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional SAVFASP Save file ASP Character value, *MEDPCY, *SYSTEM Optional SAVFEXP Retain save files Date, *MEDPCY, *NONE, *PERM Optional MAXSTG ASP storage limit 1-99, *MEDPCY Optional VOLSEC Secure volume *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional MINVOL Required volumes 1-9999, *MEDPCY, *NONE Optional MARKDUP Mark volumes for duplication *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional MARKHST Mark history for duplication *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional Top Device (DEV) Specifies the names of the devices used for save media information operation. Each device name must already be known on the system in the BRMS device table. If multiple devices are specified, they must use the same media classes. If more than one device is used, specify the names of the devices in the order in which they are used. This is a required parameter. You can enter multiple values for this parameter. Single values *MEDCLS Any device that supports the media class specified in the media policy can be used for this save operation. Other values (up to 4 repetitions) *NONE The save operation is to a save file. device-name Specify the name of the device or devices that you want to use for this save operation. Top Media policy (MEDPCY) Specifies the media policy for the volumes you are creating as a result of saving media information. Media policies are used to determine: v The type of retention to use, such as days, date or version, for media used in control group processing. v The move policy to use with this media policy. v The media class to use. 262 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands v Whether or not to use save files. v The type of retention to use, such as days or date for save files created in control group processing. The media policy you specify must be a media policy that is in the BRMS media policy table. This a required parameter. *NONE No media policy is specified for this save operation. Media policy values must be supplied with the save command for each parameter that has a default of *MEDPCY. *SYSPCY The media policy specified in the system policy is assigned to output volumes from this save operation. media-policy Specify the name of the media policy that you want to use with this save operation. Top Option (OPTION) Specifies whether you want to save media information at the object or library level. *LIB You save media information at the library level. Recovery can only be done for libraries, not individual objects in libraries. *OBJ You save media information at the object level. Recovery can be done for libraries, individual objects in libraries or members in physical files. Top Control group (CTLGRP) Specifies the name of the control group that you want to associate with the objects saved by this command. The control group name is stored with the media information and can be used with the Control group (CTLGRP) parameter on other BRMS commands to filter the media information or recover saved objects by control group. Note: None of the attributes of the control group are used for the save. If you are using version control for the items you are saving, this save operation will be recorded as part of the specified version control. Version control is specified in the media policy associated with this control group and can be reviewed by using the Work with Media Policies display. *NONE Do not specify a control group name for this command. *ARCGRP The name of the default archive control group. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKUGRP The name of the default backup control group used to save all user data. *SYSGRP The name of the default system control group used to save all system data. Save Media Info using BRM (SAVMEDIBRM) 263 *SYSTEM The name of the default system control group used to save the entire system. control-group-name Specify the name of the control group to be assigned to the items you are saving. Top End of tape option (ENDOPT) Specifies, when tape is used, what positioning operation is automatically done on the volume after the save operation ends. If more than one volume is included, this parameter applies only to the last volume used; all other volumes are rewound and unloaded when the end of the volume is reached. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is a shared device, the device will not be varied off after the save operation. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is not a shared device, the device will be varied off after the save operation. *REWIND The volume is automatically rewound, but not unloaded, after the operation has ended. *LEAVE The volume does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the device. *UNLOAD The volume is automatically rewound and unloaded after the operation ends. Top Use optimum block size (USEOPTBLK) Specifies whether or not the optimum block size is used for the save operation. *BKUPCY Use the value from the backup policy for the Use optimum block size parameter. *DEV Use the value specified on the Work with Devices display for the Use optimum block size parameter. *NO The optimum block size supported by the device is not used. Save commands use the default block size supported by all device types. The tape volume can be duplicated to any media format using the Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) command or the Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) command. *YES The optimum block size supported by the device is used for Save commands. If the block size used is larger than a block size that is supported by all device types then: v Performance may improve. v The tape file that is created is only compatible with a device that supports the block size used. Commands such as Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) and Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) do not duplicate files unless the files are being duplicated to a device which supports the same block size that was used. v The value for the Data Compression (DTACPR) parameter is ignored. Top 264 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Sequence number (SEQNBR) Specifies, when tape is used, the sequence to use for the save operation. If you are saving to a BRMS volume that is expired, BRMS will begin writing information at the beginning of the volume, even though you have specified *END. If you are saving to a BRMS volume, BRMS will redirect the output to begin at the logical end of the output volume (after the end of the last active file), depending on the output device that you are using. For example, a 3490 device can write to any sequence number whereas a 6525 device can only write to sequence number 1 or *END. *END The save operation begins after the sequence number of the last active file on the volume. file-sequence-number (1-16,777,215) Specify the sequence number of the file to be used for the save operation. Top Target release (TGTRLS) Specifies the release of the operating system on which you intend to restore the objects being saved. *CURRENT The objects are to be restored on a system that is running the same release of the operating system currently running on your system. For example, if V5R2M0 is running on the system, *CURRENT means that you intend to restore the objects on a system with V5R2M0 installed. The objects can also be restored on a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. *PRV The objects are to be restored on a system that is running on the previous release with modification level 0 of the operating system. For example if V5R2M0 is running on your system, *PRV means you intend to restore the objects on a system with V5R1M0 installed. The object can also be restored on a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. Note: Not all objects can be targeted to another release. Objects that are new to a release typically cannot be saved to a previous release. target-release Specify the release in the format VxRxMx, where Vx is the version, Rx is the release, and Mx is the modification level. For example, V5R2M0 is version 5, release 2, modification level 0. The objects can be restored on a system with the specified release or with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. Note: Not all objects can be targeted to another release. Objects that are new to a release typically cannot be saved to a previous release. Valid values depend on the current version, release, and modification level, and they change with each new release. If you specify a release-level that is earlier than the earliest release level supported by this command, an error message is sent indicating the earliest supported release. Top Clear (CLEAR) Specifies whether uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. *NONE None of the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If the save operation cannot proceed because an uncleared volume is Save Media Info using BRM (SAVMEDIBRM) 265 encountered, an inquiry message is sent to the operator, allowing the ending of the save operation, or specifying that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue. If a save file is not cleared, the inquiry message is sent to the work station message queue for an interactive job, or to the operator for a batch job. All volumes used to perform the save operation should be cleared, or the save file must be empty, before the save command is issued. *AFTER All the uncleared volumes after the initial volume are automatically cleared. This option is not valid for save or restore operations to a save file. If the operation cannot proceed because the first volume is uncleared, an inquiry message is sent to the system operator, allowing him to end the operation or to specify that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue. *ALL All the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If tapes are used and a sequence number is specified, the volume is cleared and, starting with that sequence number, all volumes following the first volume are cleared. Top Save access paths (ACCPTH) Specifies whether the logical file access paths that are dependent on the physical files being saved are also saved. The access paths are saved only if all members on which the access paths are built are included in this save operation. Informational messages are sent indicating the number of logical file access paths saved with each physical file. This parameter does not save logical objects; it only controls the saving of the access paths. Information on the restoring of saved access paths is in the Backup and Recovery Book. *SYSVAL The system value QSAVACCPTH determines whether to save the logical file access paths that are dependent on the physical files that are being saved. *NO Only those objects specified on the command are saved. No logical file access paths are saved. *YES The specified physical files and all eligible logical files access paths over them are saved. Top Data compression (DTACPR) Specifies whether data compression is used. *DEV If the save is to tape and the target device supports compression, hardware compression is performed. Otherwise, no data compression is performed. Note: If *DEV is specified on both the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device. If *YES is specified on the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and *DEV is specified on the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device. *NO No data compression is performed. *YES If the target device supports compression, hardware compression is performed. if compression is not supported, software compression is performed. 266 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Top Data compaction (COMPACT) Specifies whether data compaction is performed. *DEV Device data compaction is performed if the data is saved to tape and all devices specified on the Device (DEV) parameter support the compaction feature. Note: If *DEV is specified on both the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device. If *YES is specified on the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and *DEV is specified on the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device. *NO No data compaction is performed. Top Expiration date (EXPDATE) Specifies the expiration that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *PERM Output volumes from this save operation are assigned a permanent expiration. expiration-date Specify an expiration date with or without date separators that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation. Top Move policy (MOVPCY) Specifies the move policy that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE There is not a move policy associated with the output volumes that are created as a result of this save operation. Save Media Info using BRM (SAVMEDIBRM) 267 move-policy Specify a move policy that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation. Top Media class (MEDCLS) Specifies the media class that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE There is not a media class associated with the output volumes that are selected for this save operation. *SYSPCY The value for the media class in the system policy will used to select output volumes for this save operation. media-class Specify a media class that will be used to select output volumes for this save operation. Top Location (LOC) Specifies the location that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ANY Volumes from any location are selected as output volumes for this save operation. *HOME Volumes from the home location are selected as output volumes for this save operation. location Specify the location from which volumes are selected as output volumes for this save operation. Top Save to save file (SAVF) Specifies whether the output from this save operation is saved to a save file. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. 268 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO Output from this save operation is not saved to a save file. *YES Output from this save operation is saved to a save file. Top Save file ASP (SAVFASP) Specifies the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool (2-32) to which a save file is created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *SYSTEM The save file is saved to the system (1) auxiliary storage pool. save-file-ASP-name Specify the name of the auxiliary storage pool to which you are saving the save file. save-file-ASP-number Specify the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool number (2-32) for the save file that is created as a result of the save operation. Note: UDFS, primary and secondary auxiliary storage pools are not supported for this parameter. Top Retain save files (SAVFEXP) Specifies how long save files are to be kept that are created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE Save files generated from the save operation are not kept. *PERM Save files generated from the save operation are kept permanently. expiration-date Specify the date that indicates how long save files created from this save operation are to be kept. Top Save Media Info using BRM (SAVMEDIBRM) 269 ASP storage limit (MAXSTG) Specifies the maximum percentage auxiliary storage pool (ASP) utilization that is acceptable during a save operation. For example, an entry of 90 would mean that a save process would continue until the auxiliary storage pool utilization exceeded 90%. If the upper limit is reached, the save process is stopped and a message sent to the BRMS log. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. storage-limit Specify the maximum auxiliary storage pool utilization limit. Top Secure volume (VOLSEC) Specifies whether you want to apply volume security to volumes in this media class. Volumes that are secured can only be read by users with the special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO Volume security has not been applied to this media class. Volumes that do not have volume security can be read by anyone. *YES Only users with special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS can read media volumes in this media class. Top Require volumes (MINVOL) Specifies the minimum number of expired volumes that must be present before any save can be done using this media policy. The value can also be checked by user jobs using the Check Expired Media for BRM (CHKEXPBRM) command. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NONE in this parameter. If you specify MINVOL(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Required volumes field in the referenced media policy must be *NONE. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE There is no check done to determine the minimum number of required volumes before a save operation begins. 270 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands number-of-volumes Specify the number of expired media volumes that must be available before any BRMS save operation will begin. The number can range from 1 to 9999. Top Mark volumes for duplication (MARKDUP) Specifies whether media volumes will be marked for duplication. When *YES is selected, all volumes used during a save operation are marked for duplication. You can use VOL(*SEARCH) on the Duplicate Media using BRM command to duplicate the saved items after the save has completed. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify MARKDUP(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Mark for duplication attribute in the referenced media policy must be *NO. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO Volumes written to during a save operation will not be marked for duplication. *YES Volumes written to during the save operation will be marked for duplication. Top Mark history for duplication (MARKHST) Specifies whether history items will be marked for duplication. When *YES is selected, all history items created during a save operation are marked for duplication. You must use VOL(*SCHHST) on the Duplicate Media using BRM command to duplicate the saved items. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify MARKHST(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Mark history for duplication attribute in the referenced media policy must be *NO. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO History items created during the save operation will not be marked for duplication. *YES History items created during the save operation will be marked for duplication. Top Examples Example 1: Saving Media Information for a Control Group SAVMEDIBRM DEV(*MEDCLS) MEDPCY(FULL) OPTION(*OBJ) CTLGRP(CG01) Save Media Info using BRM (SAVMEDIBRM) 271 This command saves object level information for control group CG01. The recovery information can be written to any device that supports the media class specified in the media policy FULL. Example 2: Saving Media Information and Access Paths SAVMEDIBRM DEV(*MEDCLS) MEDPCY(FULL) OPTION(*OBJ) ACCPTH(*YES) This command saves all BRMS object level recovery information including access paths to any device that supports the media class specified in the media policy FULL. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF3700 All CPF37xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF3800 All CPF38xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 272 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Save Object using BRM (SAVOBJBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Save Object using BRM (SAVOBJBRM) command allows you to save individual objects or a group of objects that are in the same library. For job queues, message queues and logical files, only the object definitions are saved, not the contents. The contents of output queues can be saved using SPLFDTA(*ALL), otherwise, only the output queue object definition is saved. The contents of save files can be saved using SAVFDTA(*YES), otherwise, only the save file object definition is saved. The system saves the specified objects by writing a copy of each object on tape, or in a save file. The objects are not affected in the system unless the command specifies that the storage should be freed. Virtual tape media and devices can be used with this command. The following restrictions apply to the use of virtual media and virtual devices. v The Device (DEV) parameter is limited on only one device or *MEDCLS special value for serial operations. v Execute authority is required to the Load or Unload Image Catalog (LODIMGCLG) command. v *CHANGE authority is required to the image catalogs. v Execute (*X) authority is required to each directory in the image catalog path name. v Read, write, execute (*RWX) authority is required to each image file in the parent directory that will be loaded or mounted. v *USE authority is required to the virtual devices using the image catalogs. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. You must have authority to the SAVOBJ or SAVCHGOBJ commands to use this command. 2. You must have *USE authority to any auxiliary storage pool device specified for the Auxiliary storage pool (ASPDEV) parameter. 3. You must have either the *SAVSYS special authority or you must have: v Read authority for, or be the owner of, each library specified. v Object existence authority for each object in the library. 4. When saving to a save file, only one library can be specified. 5. No object being saved can be changed by a job that is running at the time the save operation occurs unless save-while-active is used. 6. *NONE must be specified for the Spooled file data (SPLFDTA) parameter if the value for the Target release (TGTRLS) parameter resolves to a release prior to V5R4M0. Use backup spooled file lists to save of spooled files for restore to target releases prior to V5R4M0. 7. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. You can save data to a Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) server using this command. To save data to a TSM server, the following conditions must be met: © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 273 v Only user data can be saved to TSM servers. BRMS does not allow *IBM type libraries to be saved TSM servers. Also, BRMS does not allows IBM supplied libraries that are considered user data such as QGPL, QUSRBRM, or QUSRSYS libraries to be saved TSM media. v You can only specify only one device for the Device (DEV) parameter and this device must be of category *NET or *APPC. v You can specify DEV(*MEDCLS) with the Location (LOC) parameter to identify the *NET or *APPC category device to be used. v You can specify a media policy name for the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter if the media policy uses specifies *ADSM (TSM server) for the Media class attribute. Alternately you can specify MEDPCY(*NONE) in which can you must also specify *ADSM for the Media class (MEDCLS), Move policy (MOVPCY) and Secure volume (VOLSEC) parameters. v The Sequence number (SEQNBR) parameter must be *END. v The Save to save file (SAVF), Mark volumes for duplication (MARKDUP) and Mark history for duplication (MARKHST) parameters must be *NO. If *MEDPCY is specified for these parameters, then the respective value for the Save to save file attribute, Mark volumes for duplication attribute and Mark history for duplication attribute of the media policy specified by the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter must be *NO. v The Required volumes (MINVOL) parameter must be *NONE. If SAVF(*MEDPCY) is specified then the value for the Required volumes attribute of the media policy specified by the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter must be *NONE. v If *SYNCLIB is specified for the Save active (SAVACT) parameter each library is saved individually rather than as a group. Synchronization messages are therefore sent individually for each library rather than for the libraries as a group and synchronization is only within one library, not across libraries. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes LIB Library Name Required, Positional 1 OBJ Object Single values: *ALL Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Generic name, name Required, Positional 2 DEV Device Single values: *NONE Other values (up to 4 repetitions): Name, *MEDCLS Required, Positional 3 OBJTYPE Object type Single values: *ALL Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Character value Optional MBR Member Generic name, name, *ALL Optional MEDPCY Media policy Name, *NONE, *SYSPCY Required, Positional 4 PRLRSC Parallel device resources Element list Optional Element 1: Minimum resources 1-32, *NONE, *AVAIL Element 2: Maximum resources 1-32, *MIN, *AVAIL SAVACT Save active *NO, *LIB, *SYSDFN, *SYNCLIB Optional SAVACTWAIT Save active wait time Element list Optional Element 1: Object locks 0-99999, 120, *NOMAX Element 2: Pending record changes 0-99999, *LOCKWAIT, *NOMAX, *NOCMTBDY Element 3: Other pending changes 0-99999, *LOCKWAIT, *NOMAX 274 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Keyword Description Choices Notes SAVACTMSGQ Save active message queue Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Save active message queue Name, *NONE, *WRKSTN Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB CTLGRP Control group Name, *NONE, *ARCGRP, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Optional ENDOPT End of tape option *REWIND, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD Optional USEOPTBLK Use optimum block size *BKUPCY, *DEV, *NO, *YES Optional SEQNBR Sequence number 1-16777215, *END Optional TGTRLS Target release Character value, *CURRENT Optional CLEAR Clear *NONE, *AFTER, *ALL Optional PRECHK Object pre-check *NO, *YES Optional ACCPTH Save access paths *SYSVAL, *NO, *YES Optional DTACPR Data compression *DEV, *NO, *YES Optional COMPACT Data compaction *DEV, *NO Optional SAVFDTA Save contents of save files *YES, *NO Optional SPLFDTA Spooled file data *NONE, *ALL Optional OBJJRN Journaled objects *NO, *YES Optional OMITOBJ Objects to omit Values (up to 300 repetitions): Element list Optional Element 1: Object Qualified object name Qualifier 1: Object Generic name, name, *NONE, *ALL Qualifier 2: Library Generic name, name, *ALL Element 2: Object type Character value ASPDEV Auxiliary storage pool Name, *SYSBAS, *CURASPGRP Optional EXPDATE Expiration date Date, *MEDPCY, *PERM Optional MOVPCY Move policy Name, *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *NONE Optional MEDCLS Media class Character value, *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *SYSPCY Optional LOC Location Name, *MEDPCY, *ANY, *HOME Optional SAVF Save to save file *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional SAVFASP Save file ASP Character value, *MEDPCY, *SYSTEM Optional SAVFEXP Retain save files Date, *MEDPCY, *PERM, *NONE Optional MAXSTG ASP storage limit 1-99, *MEDPCY Optional VOLSEC Secure volume *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *NO, *YES Optional MINVOL Required volumes 1-9999, *MEDPCY, *NONE Optional MARKDUP Mark volumes for duplication *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional MARKHST Mark history for duplication *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional Top Library (LIB) Specifies which library contains the objects that you want to save. This a required parameter. Top Save Object using BRM (SAVOBJBRM) 275 Object (OBJ) Specifies the names of one or more objects or the generic name of each group of objects to be saved. All the objects must be in the library specified on the Library (LIB) parameter. If the Object type (OBJTYPE) parameter is not specified, all the object types listed in the description of that parameter are saved, provided they are in the specified library and have the specified names. This is a required parameter. You can type multiple values for this parameter. Single values *ALL All the objects in the specified library are saved, depending on the values specified on the Object type (OBJTYPE) parameter. Other values (up to 50 repetitions) object-name Specify one or more names of specific objects to save. Both generic names and specific names can be specified in the same command. generic*-object-name Specify one or more generic names of groups of objects in the specified library to be saved. A generic name is a character string that contains one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*). If an * is not specified with the name, the system assumes that the name is a complete object name. Top Device (DEV) Specifies the device or devices to be used by this command. Single values *MEDCLS Devices for this policy or control group are selected based on device types that support the density for the media class specified in the media policy. The *MEDCLS special value is used for devices that are part of a device pool, such as several systems that share a single or set of devices. Devices are specified in the Work with Devices display. Note: If you want to use more than one device for a serial save operation, the *MEDCLS can be repeated up to four times, once for each device used, except for virtual tape devices which is limited to a single value. The Parallel Device Resource (PRLRSC) parameter must be *NONE. BRMS will attempt to use the maximum number of devices that can be allocated for a save operation. If you want to use more than one device for a parallel save operation the *MEDCLS must only be specified once and the PRLRSC minimum and maximum responses must be greater than one. Other values (up to 4 repetitions) Specifies the name of the devices to be used for the save operation. the specified device name must already be in the BRMS device table. You can enter multiple values for this parameter. If you are on an entry display and you need additional entry fields to enter these multiple values, type a plus sign (+) in the entry field opposite the phrase ″+ for more″ and press the Enter key. 276 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Note: Multiple systems can share the use of a tape device or a media library device (MLB). When the device is a tape device (not an MLB device), BRMS can help you manage the use of the stand alone device by multiple systems if you indicate the device is shared. You can save data to a TSM (ADSM) server using this command. You can only specify one TSM type server in the list of devices or *MEDCLS, which must select a TSM server. The device type can either be *APPC, which supports SNA network protocol, or *NET, which supports TCPIP protocol. *NONE There is no device for this save operation. Save files are used to store the saved data. Data in a save file created with device *NONE will never be copied by BRMS. It is intended for online access only. device-name Specify the names of one or more devices used for the save operation. If you are using more than one device (up to a maximum of four), specify the names of the devices in the order in which they are used. Note: When doing a serial save, only one media library device or one virtual tape device can be specified. When doing a parallel save, multiple media library devices or virtual tape devices can be specified. Note: PRLRSC must be *NONE when DEV is *NONE. Note: When doing a serial save, only one media library device or one virtual tape device can be specified. When doing a parallel save, multiple media library devices or virtual tape devices can be specified. Top Object type (OBJTYPE) Specifies the types of system objects to save. For a complete list of object types that can be saved, move the cursor to Object type (OBJTYPE) parameter and press the F4 key. You can type multiple values for this parameter. Single values *ALL All object types that are specified by name and are in the specified library are saved. If *ALL is also specified on the Object (OBJ) parameter, then all the objects in the library that are of the types that can be saved are saved. Other values (up to 50 repetitions) object-type Specify the value for each of the types of object that are saved such as command (*CMD), file (*FILE), or program (*PGM). Top Member (MBR) Specifies the database file members that are saved. You can choose a specific member, a generic member name or all members. To use the Member (MBR) parameter for a member or generic member, the Object (OBJ) parameter cannot be *ALL or generic and the Object type (OBJTYPE) parameter must be *FILE. *ALL All members are saved from the specified file. Save Object using BRM (SAVOBJBRM) 277 member-name Specify the name of the member to be saved from the given file. generic*-member-name Specify the generic name of the members to be saved from the specified file. A generic name is a character string that contains one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*). If an * is not specified with the name, the system assumes that the name is a complete member name. Top Media policy (MEDPCY) Specifies the media policy that you want to use with this save command. Media policies are used to determine: v The type of retention to use, such as days, date or version, for media used in control group processing. v The move policy to use with this media policy. v The media class to use. v Whether or not to use save files. v The type of retention to use, such as days or date for save files created in control group processing. The media policy you specify must be a media policy that is in the BRMS media policy table. This a required parameter. *SYSPCY The media policy specified in the system policy is assigned to output volumes from this save operation. *NONE No media policy is specified for this save operation. Media policy values must be supplied with the save command for each parameter that has a default of *MEDPCY. Note: If you specify *NONE, and you are saving data to a TSM (ADSM) server, you must specify the *ADSM special value in the MOVPCY, MEDCLS and VOLSEC parameters which are part of the media policy values for this save operation. You must still supply the additional media policy values for the remaining parameters with *MEDPCY as the default. The TSM management class STANDARD, and the TSM node *LCL, are used as default values for the save operation. media-policy Specify the name of the media policy that you want to use with this save operation. Top Parallel device resources (PRLRSC) Specifies the minimum and maximum number of device resources to be used in a parallel save operation. Note: Transferring save files to tape does not support parallel operations. Element 1: Minimum Resources Specifies the minimum number of device resources required for a parallel save. Note: If a Media Library Device (MLB) is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will wait for the MLB to become available for a time period specified by the user. The wait 278 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands time is determined by the value specified on the *MLB device description for INLMNTWAIT. If a *TAP device is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will fail. *NONE No device resources are to be used. The save will be performed as a serial save. *NONE must be specified when using a TSM or virtual tape device. *AVAIL Use any available devices up to the maximum of what was used for a save. Specifying this value for the minimum will allow BRMS to use any available resources, but will complete using one resource if only one is available at the start of the command. 1-32 Specify the minimum number of device resources to be used with this save command. Element 2: Maximum Resources Specifies the maximum number of device resources. *MIN Uses the value specified for the minimum number of device resources. *AVAIL Use any available devices for the save operation. Specifying this value for the maximum will allow BRMS to use any available resources but at a minimum the value specified in the minimum element. 1-32 Specify the maximum number of device resources to be used with this save command. Top Save active (SAVACT) Specifies if an object can be updated while it is being saved. Note: If your system is in a restricted state and the SAVACT parameter is specified, the save operation is performed as if SAVACT(*NO) was specified. Note: If you are using the MONSWABRM command as part of an *EXIT special operation in a control group, the Save while active field must have a value of *YES for the entry that you want to save while active. The Monitor Save While Active (MONSWABRM) command reviews the save while active message queue and looks for the message indicating the end of library synchronization. When synchronization is detected, you can issue a command to the system. *NO Objects that are in use are not saved. Objects cannot be updated while being saved. *LIB Objects in a library can be saved while they are in use by another job. All of the objects in a library reach a checkpoint together and are saved in a consistent state in relationship to each other. Note: Libraries with thousands of objects may be too large for this option. *SYNCLIB Objects in a library can be saved while they are in use by another job. All of the objects and all of the libraries in the save operation reach a checkpoint together and are saved in a consistent state in relationship to each other. Note: Multiple checkpoints will occur when using *SYNCLIB with an incremental *ALLUSR backup item if new libraries were added to the system since the last save because synchronization is only within commands, not across libraries. New libraries are saved using Save Library (SAVLIB) command. Changed libraries are saved using the Save Changed Object (SAVCHGOBJ) command with a reference date and time that is the earliest occurance of either Save Object using BRM (SAVOBJBRM) 279 that last full or last incremental backup. BRMS uses its own reference dates rather than those in the object description information to protect incremental saves from being affected by native save operations. Note: The *SYNCLIB choice cannot be used for the *IBM save type. Note: If the libraries are being saved to save files or to TSM servers, each library is saved individually rather than as a group. Synchronization messages are therefore sent individually for each library rather than for the libraries as a group and synchronization is only within one library, not across libraries. *SYSDFN Objects in a library can be saved while they are in use by another job. Objects in a library may reach checkpoints at different times and may not be in a consistent state in relationship to each other. Note: Specifying this value eliminates some size restrictions and can allow a library to be saved that could not be saved with SAVACT(*LIB). Top Save active wait time (SAVACTWAIT) Specifies the amount of time to wait for an object that is in use, or for transactions with pending changes to reach a commit boundary, before continuing the save operation. Element 1: Object locks Specifies the amount of time to wait for the object to become available for each object that is in use. If an object remains in use for the specified time, the object is not saved. For each object that is in use, specifies the amount of time to wait for the object to become available. If an object remains in use for the specified time, the object is not saved. 120 The system waits up to 120 seconds for each individual object lock before continuing the save operation. *NOMAX No maximum wait time exists. wait-time Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait for each individual object lock before continuing the save operation. Valid values range from 0 through 99 999. Element 2: Pending record changes For each group of objects that are checkpointed together, specifies the amount of time to wait for transactions with pending record changes to reach a commit boundary. The Save active prompt (SAVACT) parameter determines which objects are checkpointed together. If 0 is specified, all objects being saved must be at commit boundaries. If any other value is specified, all objects that are journaled to the same journals as the objects being saved must reach commit boundaries. If a commit boundary is not reached in the specified time, the save operation is ended, unless the value *NOCMTBDY is specified. *LOCKWAIT The system waits up to the value specified on Element 1 for commit boundaries for record changes. *NOCMTBDY The system will save objects without requiring transactions with pending record changes to reach a commit boundary. Therefore, objects may be saved with pending transactions. 280 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands If you restore an object that was saved with pending transactions, you cannot use the object until you apply or remove journal changes (APYJRNCHG or RMVJRNCHG command) to reach commit boundaries. You will need all journal receivers that contain information about the pending transactions to apply or remove the changes. Until you apply or remove the changes, any future save of that object will include the pending transactions, even if you do not specify *NOCMTBDY. Restrictions: 1. The value of the Target release (TGTRLS) parameter must be *CURRENT, V5R3M0 or later release to use *NOCMTBDY. 2. The value of the Object detail (OBJDTL) parameter must be *YES or *MBR to use *NOCMTBDY. 3. The name of the saved library cannot begin with the letter Q or # when using *NOCMTDBY. *NOMAX No maximum wait time exists. wait-time Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait for transactions with pending record changes to reach a commit boundary. Valid values range from 0 through 99 999. Element 3: Other pending changes For each library, specifies the amount of time to wait for transactions with other pending changes to reach a commit boundary. Other pending changes include the following: v Data Definition Language (DDL) object level changes for that library. v Any API commitment resource that was added without the option to allow normal save processing. For more information, see the Add Commitment Resource (QTNADDCR) API in the System API Reference information in the iSeries Information Center at http://www.ibm.com/eserver/iseries/infocenter. If a commit boundary is not reached for a library in the specified time, the library is not saved. *LOCKWAIT The system waits up to the value specified on Element 1 for the types of transactions that are listed above to reach a commit boundary. *NOMAX No maximum wait time exists. wait-time Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait for the types of transactions that are listed above to reach a commit boundary. Valid values range from 0 through 99 999. Top Save active message queue (SAVACTMSGQ) Specifies the message queue that the save operation uses to notify the user that the checkpoint processing for the library is complete. A separate message is sent for each library to be saved when the *SYSDFN or *LIB value is specified on the Save active (SAVACT) parameter. When the *SYNCLIB value is specified on the Save active (SAVACT) parameter, one message is sent for all libraries in the save operation. Note: When multiple save operations are generated by BRMS, then one message is sent for each command generated. Save Object using BRM (SAVOBJBRM) 281 This parameter can be used to save the objects at a known, consistent boundary to avoid additional recovery procedures following a restore operation. Applications can be stopped until the checkpoint processing complete message is received. Qualifier 1: Save active message queue *NONE No notification message is sent. *WRKSTN The notification message is sent to the work station message queue. message-queue-name Specify the name of the message queue that the notification message is sent to. Qualifier 2: Library *LIBL The library list is used to locate the message queue. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the message queue. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used. library-name Specify the name of the library where the message queue is located. Restrictions: If MONSWABRM is used to monitor the save while active message queue, and LIB(*MSGQ) is specified for the MONSWABRM, the name specified here must match the name on the MSGQ parameter for the MONSWABRM command. MONSWABRM always uses the message queue from library QUSRBRM. Top Control group (CTLGRP) Specifies the name of the control group that you want to associate with the objects saved by this command. The control group name is stored with the media information and can be used with the Control group (CTLGRP) parameter on other BRMS commands to filter the media information or recover saved objects by control group. Note: None of the attributes of the control group are used for the save. If you are using version control for the items you are saving, this save operation will be recorded as part of the specified version control. Version control is specified in the media policy associated with this control group and can be reviewed by using the Work with Media Policies display. *NONE Do not specify a control group name for this command. *ARCGRP The name of the default archive control group. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKUGRP The name of the default backup control group used to save all user data. *SYSGRP The name of the default system control group used to save all system data. 282 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *SYSTEM The name of the default system control group used to save the entire system. control-group-name Specify the name of the control group to be assigned to the items you are saving. Top End of tape option (ENDOPT) Specifies, when tape is used, what positioning operation is automatically done on the volume after the save operation ends. If more than one volume is included, this parameter applies only to the last volume used; all other volumes are rewound and unloaded when the end of the volume is reached. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is a shared device, the device will not be varied off after the save operation. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is not a shared device, the device will be varied off after the save operation. *REWIND The volume is automatically rewound, but not unloaded, after the operation has ended. *LEAVE The volume does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the device. *UNLOAD The volume is automatically rewound and unloaded after the operation ends. Top Use optimum block size (USEOPTBLK) Specifies whether or not the optimum block size is used for the save operation. *BKUPCY Use the value from the backup policy for the Use optimum block size parameter. *DEV Use the value specified on the Work with Devices display for the Use optimum block size parameter. *NO The optimum block size supported by the device is not used. Save commands use the default block size supported by all device types. The tape volume can be duplicated to any media format using the Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) command or the Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) command. *YES The optimum block size supported by the device is used for Save commands. If the block size used is larger than a block size that is supported by all device types then: v Performance may improve. v The tape file that is created is only compatible with a device that supports the block size used. Commands such as Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) and Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) do not duplicate files unless the files are being duplicated to a device which supports the same block size that was used. v The value for the Data Compression (DTACPR) parameter is ignored. Top Save Object using BRM (SAVOBJBRM) 283 Sequence number (SEQNBR) Specifies, when tape is used, the sequence to use for the save operation. If you are saving to a BRMS volume that is expired, BRMS will begin writing information at the beginning of the volume, even though you have specified *END. If you are saving to a BRMS volume, BRMS will redirect the output to begin at the logical end of the output volume (after the end of the last active file), depending on the output device that you are using. For example, a 3490 device can write to any sequence number whereas a 6525 device can only write to sequence number 1 or *END. *END The save operation begins after the sequence number of the last active file on the volume. file-sequence-number (1-16,777,215) Specify the sequence number of the file to be used for the save operation. Top Target release (TGTRLS) Specifies the release of the operating system on which you intend to restore the objects being saved. *CURRENT The objects are to be restored on a system that is running the same release of the operating system currently running on your system. For example, if V5R2M0 is running on the system, *CURRENT means that you intend to restore the objects on a system with V5R2M0 installed. The objects can also be restored on a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. *PRV The objects are to be restored on a system that is running on the previous release with modification level 0 of the operating system. For example if V5R2M0 is running on your system, *PRV means you intend to restore the objects on a system with V5R1M0 installed. The object can also be restored on a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. Note: Not all objects can be targeted to another release. Objects that are new to a release typically cannot be saved to a previous release. target-release Specify the release in the format VxRxMx, where Vx is the version, Rx is the release, and Mx is the modification level. For example, V5R2M0 is version 5, release 2, modification level 0. The objects can be restored on a system with the specified release or with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. Note: Not all objects can be targeted to another release. Objects that are new to a release typically cannot be saved to a previous release. Valid values depend on the current version, release, and modification level, and they change with each new release. If you specify a release-level that is earlier than the earliest release level supported by this command, an error message is sent indicating the earliest supported release. Top Clear (CLEAR) Specifies whether uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. *NONE None of the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If the save operation cannot proceed because an uncleared volume is 284 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands encountered, an inquiry message is sent to the operator, allowing the ending of the save operation, or specifying that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue. If a save file is not cleared, the inquiry message is sent to the work station message queue for an interactive job, or to the operator for a batch job. All volumes used to perform the save operation should be cleared, or the save file must be empty, before the save command is issued. *AFTER All the uncleared volumes after the initial volume are automatically cleared. This option is not valid for save or restore operations to a save file. If the operation cannot proceed because the first volume is uncleared, an inquiry message is sent to the system operator, allowing him to end the operation or to specify that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue. *ALL All the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If tapes are used and a sequence number is specified, the volume is cleared and, starting with that sequence number, all volumes following the first volume are cleared. Top Object pre-check (PRECHK) Specifies whether the save operation ends if any of the selected objects cannot be saved. *NO The save operation for a library continues, saving only those objects that can be saved. *YES If after all specified objects are checked, one or more objects cannot be saved, the save operation for a library ends before any data is written. If multiple libraries are specified, the save operation continues with the next library. Top Save access paths (ACCPTH) Specifies whether the logical file access paths that are dependent on the physical files being saved are also saved. The access paths are saved only if all members on which the access paths are built are included in this save operation. Informational messages are sent indicating the number of logical file access paths saved with each physical file. All physical files on which an access path is built must be in the same library. This parameter does not save logical objects; it only controls the saving of the access paths. Information on the restoring of saved access paths is in the Backup and Recovery Book. Attention: If the based-on physical files and the logical files are in different libraries, the access paths are saved. However, if the logical files and the based-on physical files are in different libraries and the logical files or physical files do not exist at restore time (such as during disaster recovery or the files were deleted) the access paths are not restored. They are rebuilt. For the fastest possible restore operation for logical files and the based-on physical files must be in the same library and must be saved at the same time. *SYSVAL The system value QSAVACCPTH determines whether to save the logical file access paths that are dependent on the physical files that are being saved. *NO Only those objects specified on the command are saved. No logical file access paths are saved. *YES The specified physical files and all eligible logical files access paths over them are saved. Top Save Object using BRM (SAVOBJBRM) 285 Data compression (DTACPR) Specifies whether data compression is used. *DEV If the save is to tape and the target device supports compression, hardware compression is performed. Otherwise, no data compression is performed. Note: If *DEV is specified on both the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device. If *YES is specified on the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and *DEV is specified on the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device. *NO No data compression is performed. *YES If the target device supports compression, hardware compression is performed. if compression is not supported, software compression is performed. Top Data compaction (COMPACT) Specifies whether data compaction is performed. *DEV Device data compaction is performed if the data is saved to tape and all devices specified on the Device (DEV) parameter support the compaction feature. Note: If *DEV is specified on both the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device. If *YES is specified on the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and *DEV is specified on the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device. *NO No data compaction is performed. Top Save contents of save files (SAVFDTA) Specifies for save file objects, whether the description of a save file, or both the description and the contents of a save file, are saved on the tape or in another save file. *YES The description and contents of save files are saved. *NO Only the description of a save file is saved. Top Spooled file data (SPLFDTA) Specifies whether to save the spooled file data and attributes for saved output queues. The saved spooled files and attributes can be viewed after the save using the Work with Saved Spooled Files (WRKSPLFBRM) command. 286 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *NONE Specifies no spooled file data or attributes are saved with saved output queues. *ALL Specifies all available spooled file data and attributes are saved with saved output queues. Top Journaled objects (OBJJRN) This parameter is ignored for SAVOBJBRM. Since the command does not support *INCR and *CUML backup types, the OBJJRN parameter does not apply. Top Omit object (OMITOBJ) Specifies the objects to be excluded from the save operation. Up to 300 objects or generic object values can be specified. If the OMITOBJ parameter is not specified, no objects are excluded from the save operation. *NONE No objects are excluded from the save operation. Element 1: Object Qualifier 1: Object *ALL Objects in the specified libraries are excluded, depending on the value specified for the object type. generic*-object-name Specify the generic name of the object. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by the asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. The asterisk (*) substitutes for any valid characters. A generic name specifies all objects with names that begin with the generic prefix, for which the user has authority. If an asterisk is not included with the generic (prefix) name, the system assumes it to be the complete object name. object-name Specify the name of the object that will be excluded from the save operation. Qualifier 2: Library *ALL The specified objects are excluded from all libraries that are part of the save operation. generic*-library-name Specify the generic name of the library. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by the asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. The asterisk (*) substitutes for any valid characters. A generic name specifies all libraries with names that begin with the generic prefix, for which the user has authority. If an asterisk is not included with the generic (prefix) name, the system assumes it to be the complete library name. library-name Specify the name of the library that contains the object to be excluded from the save operation. Element 2: Object type *ALL All object types are excluded from the save operation, depending on the value specified for the object name. Save Object using BRM (SAVOBJBRM) 287 object-type Specify the type of the object to be excluded from the save operation. Top Auxiliary storage pool device (ASPDEV) Use this parameter to specify the auxiliary storage pools from which libraries and objects can be included in the save operation. *SYSBAS Specifies libraries or objects from only the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) are included in the save. *CURASPGRP Specifies libraries or objects from only the auxiliary storage pool group currently set for the job are included in the save. Libraries or objects from the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) are omitted from the save. auxiliary-storage-pool-device-name Specifies libraries or objects from the named auxiliary storage pool device are included in the save operation. This must be the name of a primary or secondary auxiliary storage pool. Libraries or objects from the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) are omitted from the save. Top Expiration date (EXPDATE) Specifies the expiration that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *PERM Output volumes from this save operation are assigned a permanent expiration. expiration-date Specify an expiration date with or without date separators that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation. Top Move policy (MOVPCY) Specifies the move policy that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation. If this save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the MOVPCY parameter, since a TSM server controls the use of media in this case, not BRMS. 288 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ADSM Media movement is controlled by TSM server specifications. *NONE There is not a move policy associated with the output volumes that are created as a result of this save operation. move-policy Specify a move policy that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation. Top Media class (MEDCLS) Specifies the media class that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation. If this save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the MEDCLS parameter, since a TSM server controls the use of media in this case, not BRMS. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ADSM The save operation uses media that is selected and controlled by TSM server specifications. *NONE There is not a media class associated with the output volumes that are selected for this save operation. *SYSPCY The value for the media class in the system policy will used to select output volumes for this save operation. media-class Specify a media class that will be used to select output volumes for this save operation. Top Location (LOC) Specifies the location that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. Save Object using BRM (SAVOBJBRM) 289 *ANY Volumes from any location are selected as output volumes for this save operation. *HOME Volumes from the home location are selected as output volumes for this save operation. location Specify the location from which volumes are selected as output volumes for this save operation. Top Save to save file (SAVF) Specifies whether the output from this save operation is saved to a save file. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify SAVF(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Save to save file field in the referenced media policy must be *NO. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy) (MEDPCY parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO Output from this save operation is not saved to a save file. *YES Output from this save operation is saved to a save file. Top Save file ASP (SAVFASP) Specifies the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool (2-32) to which a save file is created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *SYSTEM The save file is saved to the system (1) auxiliary storage pool. save-file-ASP-name Specify the name of the auxiliary storage pool to which you are saving the save file. save-file-ASP-number Specify the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool number (2-32) for the save file that is created as a result of the save operation. Note: UDFS, primary and secondary auxiliary storage pools are not supported for this parameter. Top Retain save files (SAVFEXP) Specifies how long save files are to be kept that are created as a result of this save operation. 290 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE Save files generated from the save operation are not kept. *PERM Save files generated from the save operation are kept permanently. expiration-date Specify the date that indicates how long save files created from this save operation are to be kept. Top ASP storage limit (MAXSTG) Specifies the maximum percentage auxiliary storage pool (ASP) utilization that is acceptable during a save operation. For example, an entry of 90 would mean that a save process would continue until the auxiliary storage pool utilization exceeded 90%. If the upper limit is reached, the save process is stopped and a message sent to the BRMS log. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. storage-limit Specify the maximum auxiliary storage pool utilization limit. Top Secure volume (VOLSEC) Specifies whether you want to apply volume security to volumes in this media class. Volumes that are secured can only be read by users with the special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS. If the save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the VOLSEC parameter, since a TSM server controls volume security in this case, not BRMS *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ADSM Volume security is controlled by TSM server specifications. *NO Volume security has not been applied to this media class. Volumes that do not have volume security can be read by anyone. *YES Only users with special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS can read media volumes in this media class. Save Object using BRM (SAVOBJBRM) 291 Top Require volumes (MINVOL) Specifies the minimum number of expired volumes that must be present before any save can be done using this media policy. The value can also be checked by user jobs using the Check Expired Media for BRM (CHKEXPBRM) command. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NONE in this parameter. If you specify MINVOL(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Required volumes field in the referenced media policy must be *NONE. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE There is no check done to determine the minimum number of required volumes before a save operation begins. number-of-volumes Specify the number of expired media volumes that must be available before any BRMS save operation will begin. The number can range from 1 to 9999. Top Mark volumes for duplication (MARKDUP) Specifies whether media volumes will be marked for duplication. When *YES is selected, all volumes used during a save operation are marked for duplication. You can use VOL(*SEARCH) on the Duplicate Media using BRM command to duplicate the saved items after the save has completed. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify MARKDUP(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Mark for duplication attribute in the referenced media policy must be *NO. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO Volumes written to during a save operation will not be marked for duplication. *YES Volumes written to during the save operation will be marked for duplication. Top Mark history for duplication (MARKHST) Specifies whether history items will be marked for duplication. When *YES is selected, all history items created during a save operation are marked for duplication. You must use VOL(*SCHHST) on the Duplicate Media using BRM command to duplicate the saved items. 292 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify MARKHST(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Mark history for duplication attribute in the referenced media policy must be *NO. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO History items created during the save operation will not be marked for duplication. *YES History items created during the save operation will be marked for duplication. Top Examples Example 1: Saving Objects of a Particular Type SAVOBJBRM LIB(MYLIB) OBJ(AP* GLMST) DEV(TAP09) OBJTYPE(*FILE) MEDPCY(FULL) This command saves selected file objects whose names begin with the letters ’AP’ and the file object named GLMST from library MYLIB using device TAP09. Example 2: Saving Generic Objects from a Library SAVOBJBRM LIB(MYLIB) OBJ(DIST*) DEV(TAP09) MEDPCY(FULL) This command saves all objects that begin with the letters ’DIST’ from library MYLIB using device TAP09. Example 3: Saving Objects of a Particular Type in Parallel SAVOBJBRM LIB(MBALIB) OBJ(AP* GLMST) DEV(MLB01) OBJTYPE(*FILE) MEDPCY(FULL) PRLRSC(2 2) In this example all objects are saved that begin with AP or the object called GLMST if they are object type *FILE. The objects are found in library MBALIB. They will be saved to two device resources in MLB01. Example 4: Saving Objects of a Particular Type on an Auxiliary Storage Pool Device SAVOBJBRM LIB(MYLIB) OBJ(AP* GLMST) DEV(TAP09) OBJTYPE(*FILE) MEDPCY(FULL) ASPDEV(PRIMETIME) This command saves selected file objects whose names begin with the letters ’AP’ and the file object named GLMST from library MYLIB which reside on auxiliary storage pool device PRIMETIME using device TAP09. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. Save Object using BRM (SAVOBJBRM) 293 BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF3700 All CPF37xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF3800 All CPF38xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 294 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Save Object List using BRM (SAVOBJLBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Save Object List using BRM (SAVOBJLBRM) command saves objects that are specified in a BRMS object list. It does not save the list itself. For job queues, message queues and logical files, only the object definitions are saved, not the contents. The contents of output queues can be saved using SPLFDTA(*ALL), otherwise, only the output queue object definition is saved. The contents of save files can be saved using SAVFDTA(*YES), otherwise, only the save file object definition is saved. Virtual tape media and devices can be used with this command. The following restrictions apply to the use of virtual media and virtual devices. v The Device (DEV) parameter is limited on only one device or *MEDCLS special value for serial operations. v Execute authority is required to the Load or Unload Image Catalog (LODIMGCLG) command. v *CHANGE authority is required to the image catalogs. v Execute (*X) authority is required to each directory in the image catalog path name. v Read, write, execute (*RWX) authority is required to each image file in the parent directory that will be loaded or mounted. v *USE authority is required to the virtual devices using the image catalogs. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. You must have authority to the SAVOBJ or SAVCHGOBJ commands to use this command. 2. You must have *USE authority to any auxiliary storage pool device specified for the Auxiliary storage pool (ASPDEV) parameter. 3. You must have either the *SAVSYS special authority or you must have: v Read authority for, or be the owner of, each library specified. v Object existence authority for each object in the library. 4. When saving to a save file, only one library can be specified. 5. No object being saved can be changed by a job that is running at the time the save operation occurs unless save-while-active is used. 6. *NONE must be specified for the Spooled file data (SPLFDTA) parameter if the value for the Target release (TGTRLS) parameter resolves to a release prior to V5R4M0. Use backup spooled file lists to save of spooled files for restore to target releases prior to V5R4M0. 7. *NONE must be specified for the SPLFDTA parameter if the value for the Save type (SAVTYPE) parameter is *CUML or *INCR. 8. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. You can save data to a Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) server using this command. To save data to a TSM server, the following conditions must be met: © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 295 v Only user data can be saved to TSM servers. BRMS does not allow *IBM type libraries to be saved TSM servers. Also, BRMS does not allows IBM supplied libraries that are considered user data such as QGPL, QUSRBRM, or QUSRSYS libraries to be saved TSM media. v You can only specify only one device for the Device (DEV) parameter and this device must be of category *NET or *APPC. v You can specify DEV(*MEDCLS) with the Location (LOC) parameter to identify the *NET or *APPC category device to be used. v You can specify a media policy name for the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter if the media policy uses specifies *ADSM (TSM server) for the Media class attribute. Alternately you can specify MEDPCY(*NONE) in which can you must also specify *ADSM for the Media class (MEDCLS), Move policy (MOVPCY) and Secure volume (VOLSEC) parameters. v The Sequence number (SEQNBR) parameter must be *END. v The Save to save file (SAVF), Mark volumes for duplication (MARKDUP) and Mark history for duplication (MARKHST) parameters must be *NO. If *MEDPCY is specified for these parameters, then the respective value for the Save to save file attribute, Mark volumes for duplication attribute and Mark history for duplication attribute of the media policy specified by the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter must be *NO. v The Required volumes (MINVOL) parameter must be *NONE. If SAVF(*MEDPCY) is specified then the value for the Required volumes attribute of the media policy specified by the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter must be *NONE. v If *SYNCLIB is specified for the Save active (SAVACT) parameter each library is saved individually rather than as a group. Synchronization messages are therefore sent individually for each library rather than for the libraries as a group and synchronization is only within one library, not across libraries. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes OBJL Object list Name Required, Positional 1 DEV Device Single values: *NONE Other values (up to 4 repetitions): Name, *MEDCLS Required, Positional 2 MEDPCY Media policy Name, *NONE, *SYSPCY Required, Positional 3 PRLRSC Parallel device resources Element list Optional Element 1: Minimum resources 1-32, *NONE, *AVAIL Element 2: Maximum resources 1-32, *MIN, *AVAIL SAVACT Save active *LIB, *NO, *SYSDFN, *SYNCLIB Optional SAVACTWAIT Save active wait time Element list Optional Element 1: Object locks 0-99999, 120, *NOMAX Element 2: Pending record changes 0-99999, *LOCKWAIT, *NOMAX, *NOCMTBDY Element 3: Other pending changes 0-99999, *LOCKWAIT, *NOMAX SAVACTMSGQ Save active message queue Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Save active message queue Name, *NONE, *WRKSTN Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB OBJDTL Retain object detail *ERR, *MBR, *NO, *OBJ, *YES Optional 296 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Keyword Description Choices Notes CTLGRP Control group Name, *NONE, *ARCGRP, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Optional SAVTYPE Type of save *FULL, *CUML, *INCR Optional ENDOPT End of tape option *REWIND, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD Optional USEOPTBLK Use optimum block size *BKUPCY, *DEV, *NO, *YES Optional SEQNBR Sequence number 1-16777215, *END Optional TGTRLS Target release Character value, *CURRENT Optional CLEAR Clear *NONE, *AFTER, *ALL Optional PRECHK Object pre-check *NO, *YES Optional ACCPTH Save access paths *SYSVAL, *NO, *YES Optional DTACPR Data compression *DEV, *NO, *YES Optional COMPACT Data compaction *DEV, *NO Optional SAVFDTA Save contents of save files *YES, *NO Optional SPLFDTA Spooled file data *NONE, *ALL Optional REFDATE Reference date Character value, *REF Optional REFTIME Reference time Character value, *REF Optional OBJJRN Journaled objects *NO, *YES Optional OMITOBJ Objects to omit Values (up to 300 repetitions): Element list Optional Element 1: Object Qualified object name Qualifier 1: Object Generic name, name, *NONE, *ALL Qualifier 2: Library Generic name, name, *ALL Element 2: Object type Character value ASPDEV Auxiliary storage pool Name, *SYSBAS, *CURASPGRP Optional EXPDATE Expiration date Date, *MEDPCY, *PERM Optional MOVPCY Move policy Name, *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *NONE Optional MEDCLS Media class Character value, *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *SYSPCY Optional LOC Location Name, *MEDPCY, *ANY, *HOME Optional SAVF Save to save file *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional SAVFASP Save file ASP Character value, *MEDPCY, *SYSTEM Optional SAVFEXP Retain save files Date, *MEDPCY, *NONE, *PERM Optional MAXSTG ASP storage limit 1-99, *MEDPCY Optional VOLSEC Secure volume *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *NO, *YES Optional MINVOL Required volumes 1-9999, *MEDPCY, *NONE Optional MARKDUP Mark volumes for duplication *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional MARKHST Mark history for duplication *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional Top Object list (OBJL) Specifies the name of the backup object list that you want BRMS to use during the save operation. Lists identify groups of objects that you want to save together. Lists are added, changed or displayed using the Work with Lists (WRKLBRM) command. This is a required parameter. Top Save Object List using BRM (SAVOBJLBRM) 297 Device (DEV) Specifies the device or devices to be used by this command. Single values *MEDCLS Devices for this policy or control group are selected based on device types that support the density for the media class specified in the media policy. The *MEDCLS special value is used for devices that are part of a device pool, such as several systems that share a single or set of devices. Devices are specified in the Work with Devices display. Note: If you want to use more than one device for a serial save operation, the *MEDCLS can be repeated up to four times, once for each device used, except for virtual tape devices which is limited to a single value. The Parallel Device Resource (PRLRSC) parameter must be *NONE. BRMS will attempt to use the maximum number of devices that can be allocated for a save operation. If you want to use more than one device for a parallel save operation the *MEDCLS must only be specified once and the PRLRSC minimum and maximum responses must be greater than one. Other values (up to 4 repetitions) Specifies the name of the devices to be used for the save operation. the specified device name must already be in the BRMS device table. You can enter multiple values for this parameter. If you are on an entry display and you need additional entry fields to enter these multiple values, type a plus sign (+) in the entry field opposite the phrase ″+ for more″ and press the Enter key. Note: Multiple systems can share the use of a tape device or a media library device (MLB). When the device is a tape device (not an MLB device), BRMS can help you manage the use of the stand alone device by multiple systems if you indicate the device is shared. You can save data to a TSM (ADSM) server using this command. You can only specify one TSM type server in the list of devices or *MEDCLS, which must select a TSM server. The device type can either be *APPC, which supports SNA network protocol, or *NET, which supports TCPIP protocol. *NONE There is no device for this save operation. Save files are used to store the saved data. Data in a save file created with device *NONE will never be copied by BRMS. It is intended for online access only. device-name Specify the names of one or more devices used for the save operation. If you are using more than one device (up to a maximum of four), specify the names of the devices in the order in which they are used. Note: When doing a serial save, only one media library device or one virtual tape device can be specified. When doing a parallel save, multiple media library devices or virtual tape devices can be specified. Note: PRLRSC must be *NONE when DEV is *NONE. Note: When doing a serial save, only one media library device or one virtual tape device can be specified. When doing a parallel save, multiple media library devices or virtual tape devices can be specified. Top 298 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Media policy (MEDPCY) Specifies the media policy that you want to use with this save command. Media policies are used to determine: v The type of retention to use, such as days, date or version, for media used in control group processing. v The move policy to use with this media policy. v The media class to use. v Whether or not to use save files. v The type of retention to use, such as days or date for save files created in control group processing. The media policy you specify must be a media policy that is in the BRMS media policy table. This a required parameter. *SYSPCY The media policy specified in the system policy is assigned to output volumes from this save operation. *NONE No media policy is specified for this save operation. Media policy values must be supplied with the save command for each parameter that has a default of *MEDPCY. Note: If you specify *NONE, and you are saving data to a TSM (ADSM) server, you must specify the *ADSM special value in the MOVPCY, MEDCLS and VOLSEC parameters which are part of the media policy values for this save operation. You must still supply the additional media policy values for the remaining parameters with *MEDPCY as the default. The TSM management class STANDARD, and the TSM node *LCL, are used as default values for the save operation. media-policy Specify the name of the media policy that you want to use with this save operation. Top Parallel device resources (PRLRSC) Specifies the minimum and maximum number of device resources to be used in a parallel save operation. Note: Transferring save files to tape does not support parallel operations. Element 1: Minimum Resources Specifies the minimum number of device resources required for a parallel save. Note: If a Media Library Device (MLB) is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will wait for the MLB to become available for a time period specified by the user. The wait time is determined by the value specified on the *MLB device description for INLMNTWAIT. If a *TAP device is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will fail. *NONE No device resources are to be used. The save will be performed as a serial save. *NONE must be specified when using a TSM or virtual tape device. *AVAIL Use any available devices up to the maximum of what was used for a save. Specifying this value for the minimum will allow BRMS to use any available resources, but will complete using one resource if only one is available at the start of the command. Save Object List using BRM (SAVOBJLBRM) 299 1-32 Specify the minimum number of device resources to be used with this save command. Element 2: Maximum Resources Specifies the maximum number of device resources. *MIN Uses the value specified for the minimum number of device resources. *AVAIL Use any available devices for the save operation. Specifying this value for the maximum will allow BRMS to use any available resources but at a minimum the value specified in the minimum element. 1-32 Specify the maximum number of device resources to be used with this save command. Top Save active (SAVACT) Specifies if an object can be updated while it is being saved. Note: If your system is in a restricted state and the SAVACT parameter is specified, the save operation is performed as if SAVACT(*NO) was specified. Note: If you are using the MONSWABRM command as part of an *EXIT special operation in a control group, the Save while active field must have a value of *YES for the entry that you want to save while active. The Monitor Save While Active (MONSWABRM) command reviews the save while active message queue and looks for the message indicating the end of library synchronization. When synchronization is detected, you can issue a command to the system. *NO Objects that are in use are not saved. Objects cannot be updated while being saved. *LIB Objects in a library can be saved while they are in use by another job. All of the objects in a library reach a checkpoint together and are saved in a consistent state in relationship to each other. Note: Libraries with thousands of objects may be too large for this option. *SYNCLIB Objects in a library can be saved while they are in use by another job. All of the objects and all of the libraries in the save operation reach a checkpoint together and are saved in a consistent state in relationship to each other. Note: Multiple checkpoints will occur when using *SYNCLIB with an incremental *ALLUSR backup item if new libraries were added to the system since the last save because synchronization is only within commands, not across libraries. New libraries are saved using Save Library (SAVLIB) command. Changed libraries are saved using the Save Changed Object (SAVCHGOBJ) command with a reference date and time that is the earliest occurance of either that last full or last incremental backup. BRMS uses its own reference dates rather than those in the object description information to protect incremental saves from being affected by native save operations. Note: The *SYNCLIB choice cannot be used for the *IBM save type. Note: If the libraries are being saved to save files or to TSM servers, each library is saved individually rather than as a group. Synchronization messages are therefore sent individually for each library rather than for the libraries as a group and synchronization is only within one library, not across libraries. 300 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *SYSDFN Objects in a library can be saved while they are in use by another job. Objects in a library may reach checkpoints at different times and may not be in a consistent state in relationship to each other. Note: Specifying this value eliminates some size restrictions and can allow a library to be saved that could not be saved with SAVACT(*LIB). Top Save active wait time (SAVACTWAIT) Specifies the amount of time to wait for an object that is in use, or for transactions with pending changes to reach a commit boundary, before continuing the save operation. Element 1: Object locks Specifies the amount of time to wait for the object to become available for each object that is in use. If an object remains in use for the specified time, the object is not saved. For each object that is in use, specifies the amount of time to wait for the object to become available. If an object remains in use for the specified time, the object is not saved. 120 The system waits up to 120 seconds for each individual object lock before continuing the save operation. *NOMAX No maximum wait time exists. wait-time Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait for each individual object lock before continuing the save operation. Valid values range from 0 through 99 999. Element 2: Pending record changes For each group of objects that are checkpointed together, specifies the amount of time to wait for transactions with pending record changes to reach a commit boundary. The Save active prompt (SAVACT) parameter determines which objects are checkpointed together. If 0 is specified, all objects being saved must be at commit boundaries. If any other value is specified, all objects that are journaled to the same journals as the objects being saved must reach commit boundaries. If a commit boundary is not reached in the specified time, the save operation is ended, unless the value *NOCMTBDY is specified. *LOCKWAIT The system waits up to the value specified on Element 1 for commit boundaries for record changes. *NOCMTBDY The system will save objects without requiring transactions with pending record changes to reach a commit boundary. Therefore, objects may be saved with pending transactions. If you restore an object that was saved with pending transactions, you cannot use the object until you apply or remove journal changes (APYJRNCHG or RMVJRNCHG command) to reach commit boundaries. You will need all journal receivers that contain information about the pending transactions to apply or remove the changes. Until you apply or remove the changes, any future save of that object will include the pending transactions, even if you do not specify *NOCMTBDY. Restrictions: Save Object List using BRM (SAVOBJLBRM) 301 1. The value of the Target release (TGTRLS) parameter must be *CURRENT, V5R3M0 or later release to use *NOCMTBDY. 2. The value of the Object detail (OBJDTL) parameter must be *YES or *MBR to use *NOCMTBDY. 3. The name of the saved library cannot begin with the letter Q or # when using *NOCMTDBY. *NOMAX No maximum wait time exists. wait-time Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait for transactions with pending record changes to reach a commit boundary. Valid values range from 0 through 99 999. Element 3: Other pending changes For each library, specifies the amount of time to wait for transactions with other pending changes to reach a commit boundary. Other pending changes include the following: v Data Definition Language (DDL) object level changes for that library. v Any API commitment resource that was added without the option to allow normal save processing. For more information, see the Add Commitment Resource (QTNADDCR) API in the System API Reference information in the iSeries Information Center at http://www.ibm.com/eserver/iseries/infocenter. If a commit boundary is not reached for a library in the specified time, the library is not saved. *LOCKWAIT The system waits up to the value specified on Element 1 for the types of transactions that are listed above to reach a commit boundary. *NOMAX No maximum wait time exists. wait-time Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait for the types of transactions that are listed above to reach a commit boundary. Valid values range from 0 through 99 999. Top Save active message queue (SAVACTMSGQ) Specifies the message queue that the save operation uses to notify the user that the checkpoint processing for the library is complete. A separate message is sent for each library to be saved when the *SYSDFN or *LIB value is specified on the Save active (SAVACT) parameter. When the *SYNCLIB value is specified on the Save active (SAVACT) parameter, one message is sent for all libraries in the save operation. Note: When multiple save operations are generated by BRMS, then one message is sent for each command generated. This parameter can be used to save the objects at a known, consistent boundary to avoid additional recovery procedures following a restore operation. Applications can be stopped until the checkpoint processing complete message is received. Qualifier 1: Save active message queue *NONE No notification message is sent. 302 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *WRKSTN The notification message is sent to the work station message queue. message-queue-name Specify the name of the message queue that the notification message is sent to. Qualifier 2: Library *LIBL The library list is used to locate the message queue. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the message queue. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used. library-name Specify the name of the library where the message queue is located. Restrictions: If MONSWABRM is used to monitor the save while active message queue, and LIB(*MSGQ) is specified for the MONSWABRM, the name specified here must match the name on the MSGQ parameter for the MONSWABRM command. MONSWABRM always uses the message queue from library QUSRBRM. Top Retain object detail (OBJDTL) Specifies whether the object detail is kept in the BRMS database for the objects saved. *ERR Error detail is kept in the BRMS backup history. *MBR Object and member detail is kept in the BRMS backup history. Note: Member level information is included with the object information for physical files, and saved spooled file information is kept for saved output queues if *ALL was specified for the Save spooled file data (SPLFDTA) parameter. Note: This choice is the same as *YES. *NO No object detail is kept in the BRMS backup history. *OBJ Object detail is kept in the BRMS backup history. No member level information or saved spooled file information is kept. *YES Object detail is kept in the BRMS backup history. Note: When *YES is specified, member level information is kept for physical files in addition to object information, and saved spooled file information is kept for saved output queues if *ALL was specified for the Save spooled file data (SPLFDTA) parameter. Top Control group (CTLGRP) Specifies the name of the control group that you want to associate with the objects saved by this command. The control group name is stored with the media information and can be used with the Control group (CTLGRP) parameter on other BRMS commands to filter the media information or recover saved objects by control group. Note: None of the attributes of the control group are used for the save. Save Object List using BRM (SAVOBJLBRM) 303 If you are using version control for the items you are saving, this save operation will be recorded as part of the specified version control. Version control is specified in the media policy associated with this control group and can be reviewed by using the Work with Media Policies display. *NONE Do not specify a control group name for this command. *ARCGRP The name of the default archive control group. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKUGRP The name of the default backup control group used to save all user data. *SYSGRP The name of the default system control group used to save all system data. *SYSTEM The name of the default system control group used to save the entire system. control-group-name Specify the name of the control group to be assigned to the items you are saving. Top Type of save (SAVTYPE) Specifies whether all objects in a library are to be saved or only those objects that have changed. Note: If a backup includes new libraries and BRMS has no history of a full backup of these libraries, then a full backup will be performed regardless of the type of incremental specified. *FULL Save all objects in the library. *CUML Only save items that have changed. *CUML indicates that the incremental save includes all objects that have been changed since the last full save. *INCR Only save changed items. *INCR indicates that the incremental save includes all objects that have been changed since the last incremental save. Top End of tape option (ENDOPT) Specifies, when tape is used, what positioning operation is automatically done on the volume after the save operation ends. If more than one volume is included, this parameter applies only to the last volume used; all other volumes are rewound and unloaded when the end of the volume is reached. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is a shared device, the device will not be varied off after the save operation. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is not a shared device, the device will be varied off after the save operation. *REWIND The volume is automatically rewound, but not unloaded, after the operation has ended. *LEAVE The volume does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the device. 304 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *UNLOAD The volume is automatically rewound and unloaded after the operation ends. Top Use optimum block size (USEOPTBLK) Specifies whether or not the optimum block size is used for the save operation. *BKUPCY Use the value from the backup policy for the Use optimum block size parameter. *DEV Use the value specified on the Work with Devices display for the Use optimum block size parameter. *NO The optimum block size supported by the device is not used. Save commands use the default block size supported by all device types. The tape volume can be duplicated to any media format using the Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) command or the Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) command. *YES The optimum block size supported by the device is used for Save commands. If the block size used is larger than a block size that is supported by all device types then: v Performance may improve. v The tape file that is created is only compatible with a device that supports the block size used. Commands such as Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) and Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) do not duplicate files unless the files are being duplicated to a device which supports the same block size that was used. v The value for the Data Compression (DTACPR) parameter is ignored. Top Sequence number (SEQNBR) Specifies, when tape is used, the sequence to use for the save operation. If you are saving to a BRMS volume that is expired, BRMS will begin writing information at the beginning of the volume, even though you have specified *END. If you are saving to a BRMS volume, BRMS will redirect the output to begin at the logical end of the output volume (after the end of the last active file), depending on the output device that you are using. For example, a 3490 device can write to any sequence number whereas a 6525 device can only write to sequence number 1 or *END. *END The save operation begins after the sequence number of the last active file on the volume. file-sequence-number (1-16,777,215) Specify the sequence number of the file to be used for the save operation. Top Target release (TGTRLS) Specifies the release of the operating system on which you intend to restore the objects being saved. *CURRENT The objects are to be restored on a system that is running the same release of the operating system currently running on your system. For example, if V5R2M0 is running on the system, *CURRENT means that you intend to restore the objects on a system with V5R2M0 installed. The objects can also be restored on a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. Save Object List using BRM (SAVOBJLBRM) 305 *PRV The objects are to be restored on a system that is running on the previous release with modification level 0 of the operating system. For example if V5R2M0 is running on your system, *PRV means you intend to restore the objects on a system with V5R1M0 installed. The object can also be restored on a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. Note: Not all objects can be targeted to another release. Objects that are new to a release typically cannot be saved to a previous release. target-release Specify the release in the format VxRxMx, where Vx is the version, Rx is the release, and Mx is the modification level. For example, V5R2M0 is version 5, release 2, modification level 0. The objects can be restored on a system with the specified release or with any subsequent release of the operating system installed. Note: Not all objects can be targeted to another release. Objects that are new to a release typically cannot be saved to a previous release. Valid values depend on the current version, release, and modification level, and they change with each new release. If you specify a release-level that is earlier than the earliest release level supported by this command, an error message is sent indicating the earliest supported release. Top Clear (CLEAR) Specifies whether uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. *NONE None of the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If the save operation cannot proceed because an uncleared volume is encountered, an inquiry message is sent to the operator, allowing the ending of the save operation, or specifying that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue. If a save file is not cleared, the inquiry message is sent to the work station message queue for an interactive job, or to the operator for a batch job. All volumes used to perform the save operation should be cleared, or the save file must be empty, before the save command is issued. *AFTER All the uncleared volumes after the initial volume are automatically cleared. This option is not valid for save or restore operations to a save file. If the operation cannot proceed because the first volume is uncleared, an inquiry message is sent to the system operator, allowing him to end the operation or to specify that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue. *ALL All the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If tapes are used and a sequence number is specified, the volume is cleared and, starting with that sequence number, all volumes following the first volume are cleared. Top Object pre-check (PRECHK) Specifies whether the save operation ends if any of the selected objects cannot be saved. *NO The save operation for a library continues, saving only those objects that can be saved. 306 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *YES If after all specified objects are checked, one or more objects cannot be saved, the save operation for a library ends before any data is written. If multiple libraries are specified, the save operation continues with the next library. Top Save access paths (ACCPTH) Specifies whether the logical file access paths that are dependent on the physical files being saved are also saved. The access paths are saved only if all members on which the access paths are built are included in this save operation. Informational messages are sent indicating the number of logical file access paths saved with each physical file. All physical files on which an access path is built must be in the same library. This parameter does not save logical objects; it only controls the saving of the access paths. Information on the restoring of saved access paths is in the Backup and Recovery Book. Attention: If the based-on physical files and the logical files are in different libraries, the access paths are saved. However, if the logical files and the based-on physical files are in different libraries and the logical files or physical files do not exist at restore time (such as during disaster recovery or the files were deleted) the access paths are not restored. They are rebuilt. For the fastest possible restore operation for logical files and the based-on physical files must be in the same library and must be saved at the same time. *SYSVAL The system value QSAVACCPTH determines whether to save the logical file access paths that are dependent on the physical files that are being saved. *NO Only those objects specified on the command are saved. No logical file access paths are saved. *YES The specified physical files and all eligible logical files access paths over them are saved. Top Data compression (DTACPR) Specifies whether data compression is used. *DEV If the save is to tape and the target device supports compression, hardware compression is performed. Otherwise, no data compression is performed. Note: If *DEV is specified on both the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device. If *YES is specified on the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and *DEV is specified on the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device. *NO No data compression is performed. *YES If the target device supports compression, hardware compression is performed. if compression is not supported, software compression is performed. Top Data compaction (COMPACT) Specifies whether data compaction is performed. Save Object List using BRM (SAVOBJLBRM) 307 *DEV Device data compaction is performed if the data is saved to tape and all devices specified on the Device (DEV) parameter support the compaction feature. Note: If *DEV is specified on both the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device. If *YES is specified on the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and *DEV is specified on the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device. *NO No data compaction is performed. Top Save contents of save files (SAVFDTA) Specifies for save file objects, whether the description of a save file, or both the description and the contents of a save file, are saved on the tape or in another save file. *YES The description and contents of save files are saved. *NO Only the description of a save file is saved. Top Spooled file data (SPLFDTA) Specifies whether to save the spooled file data and attributes for saved output queues. The saved spooled files and attributes can be viewed after the save using the Work with Saved Spooled Files (WRKSPLFBRM) command if *YES or *MBR is also specified for the Retain object detail (OBJDTL) parameter. Note: Spooled file data is saved only when *FULL is specified for the Type of save (SAVTYPE) parameter. *NONE Specifies no spooled file data or attributes are saved with saved output queues. *ALL Specifies all available spooled file data and attributes are saved with saved output queues. Top Reference date (REFDATE) Works in conjunction with an incremental (save changed objects) save performed under BRMS control. *REF Uses the date of the last full BRMS save for this save operation as the beginning point for this incremental save. reference-date Specify a date for this save operation to use as a beginning point for this incremental save. Top 308 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Reference time (REFTIME) Works in conjunction with an incremental (save changed objects) save performed under BRMS control. *REF Uses the time of the last full BRMS save for this save operation as the beginning point for this incremental save. reference-time Specify a time in hour, minute, second (hhmmss) format for this save operation to use as a beginning point for this incremental save. Top Journaled objects (OBJJRN) Specifies whether to save changed objects that are currently being journaled and that have been journaled since the date and time specified on the REFDATE and REFTIME parameters. *NO Objects being journaled are not saved. If journaling was started after the specified date and time, the changed objects or changed database file members are saved. The date and time of the last journal start operation can be shown by using the Display Object Description (DSPOBJD) command. *YES Objects whose changes are entered in a journal are saved. Note: The value entered applies only to save types of *INCR or *CUML. For save type *FULL, this value is always treated as *YES. Top Omit object (OMITOBJ) Specifies the objects to be excluded from the save operation. Up to 300 objects or generic object values can be specified. If the OMITOBJ parameter is not specified, no objects are excluded from the save operation. *NONE No objects are excluded from the save operation. Element 1: Object Qualifier 1: Object *ALL Objects in the specified libraries are excluded, depending on the value specified for the object type. generic*-object-name Specify the generic name of the object. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by the asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. The asterisk (*) substitutes for any valid characters. A generic name specifies all objects with names that begin with the generic prefix, for which the user has authority. If an asterisk is not included with the generic (prefix) name, the system assumes it to be the complete object name. object-name Specify the name of the object that will be excluded from the save operation. Qualifier 2: Library Save Object List using BRM (SAVOBJLBRM) 309 *ALL The specified objects are excluded from all libraries that are part of the save operation. generic*-library-name Specify the generic name of the library. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by the asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. The asterisk (*) substitutes for any valid characters. A generic name specifies all libraries with names that begin with the generic prefix, for which the user has authority. If an asterisk is not included with the generic (prefix) name, the system assumes it to be the complete library name. library-name Specify the name of the library that contains the object to be excluded from the save operation. Element 2: Object type *ALL All object types are excluded from the save operation, depending on the value specified for the object name. object-type Specify the type of the object to be excluded from the save operation. Top Auxiliary storage pool device (ASPDEV) Use this parameter to specify the auxiliary storage pools from which libraries and objects can be included in the save operation. *SYSBAS Specifies libraries or objects from only the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) are included in the save. *CURASPGRP Specifies libraries or objects from only the auxiliary storage pool group currently set for the job are included in the save. Libraries or objects from the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) are omitted from the save. auxiliary-storage-pool-device-name Specifies libraries or objects from the named auxiliary storage pool device are included in the save operation. This must be the name of a primary or secondary auxiliary storage pool. Libraries or objects from the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) are omitted from the save. Top Expiration date (EXPDATE) Specifies the expiration that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *PERM Output volumes from this save operation are assigned a permanent expiration. 310 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands expiration-date Specify an expiration date with or without date separators that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation. Top Move policy (MOVPCY) Specifies the move policy that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation. If this save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the MOVPCY parameter, since a TSM server controls the use of media in this case, not BRMS. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ADSM Media movement is controlled by TSM server specifications. *NONE There is not a move policy associated with the output volumes that are created as a result of this save operation. move-policy Specify a move policy that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation. Top Media class (MEDCLS) Specifies the media class that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation. If this save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the MEDCLS parameter, since a TSM server controls the use of media in this case, not BRMS. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ADSM The save operation uses media that is selected and controlled by TSM server specifications. *NONE There is not a media class associated with the output volumes that are selected for this save operation. *SYSPCY The value for the media class in the system policy will used to select output volumes for this save operation. Save Object List using BRM (SAVOBJLBRM) 311 media-class Specify a media class that will be used to select output volumes for this save operation. Top Location (LOC) Specifies the location that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ANY Volumes from any location are selected as output volumes for this save operation. *HOME Volumes from the home location are selected as output volumes for this save operation. location Specify the location from which volumes are selected as output volumes for this save operation. Top Save to save file (SAVF) Specifies whether the output from this save operation is saved to a save file. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify SAVF(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Save to save file field in the referenced media policy must be *NO. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy) (MEDPCY parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO Output from this save operation is not saved to a save file. *YES Output from this save operation is saved to a save file. Top Save file ASP (SAVFASP) Specifies the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool (2-32) to which a save file is created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. 312 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *SYSTEM The save file is saved to the system (1) auxiliary storage pool. save-file-ASP-name Specify the name of the auxiliary storage pool to which you are saving the save file. save-file-ASP-number Specify the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool number (2-32) for the save file that is created as a result of the save operation. Note: UDFS, primary and secondary auxiliary storage pools are not supported for this parameter. Top Retain save files (SAVFEXP) Specifies how long save files are to be kept that are created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE Save files generated from the save operation are not kept. *PERM Save files generated from the save operation are kept permanently. expiration-date Specify the date that indicates how long save files created from this save operation are to be kept. Top ASP storage limit (MAXSTG) Specifies the maximum percentage auxiliary storage pool (ASP) utilization that is acceptable during a save operation. For example, an entry of 90 would mean that a save process would continue until the auxiliary storage pool utilization exceeded 90%. If the upper limit is reached, the save process is stopped and a message sent to the BRMS log. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. storage-limit Specify the maximum auxiliary storage pool utilization limit. Top Secure volume (VOLSEC) Specifies whether you want to apply volume security to volumes in this media class. Volumes that are secured can only be read by users with the special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS. Save Object List using BRM (SAVOBJLBRM) 313 If the save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the VOLSEC parameter, since a TSM server controls volume security in this case, not BRMS *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ADSM Volume security is controlled by TSM server specifications. *NO Volume security has not been applied to this media class. Volumes that do not have volume security can be read by anyone. *YES Only users with special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS can read media volumes in this media class. Top Require volumes (MINVOL) Specifies the minimum number of expired volumes that must be present before any save can be done using this media policy. The value can also be checked by user jobs using the Check Expired Media for BRM (CHKEXPBRM) command. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NONE in this parameter. If you specify MINVOL(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Required volumes field in the referenced media policy must be *NONE. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE There is no check done to determine the minimum number of required volumes before a save operation begins. number-of-volumes Specify the number of expired media volumes that must be available before any BRMS save operation will begin. The number can range from 1 to 9999. Top Mark volumes for duplication (MARKDUP) Specifies whether media volumes will be marked for duplication. When *YES is selected, all volumes used during a save operation are marked for duplication. You can use VOL(*SEARCH) on the Duplicate Media using BRM command to duplicate the saved items after the save has completed. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify MARKDUP(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Mark for duplication attribute in the referenced media policy must be *NO. 314 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO Volumes written to during a save operation will not be marked for duplication. *YES Volumes written to during the save operation will be marked for duplication. Top Mark history for duplication (MARKHST) Specifies whether history items will be marked for duplication. When *YES is selected, all history items created during a save operation are marked for duplication. You must use VOL(*SCHHST) on the Duplicate Media using BRM command to duplicate the saved items. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify MARKHST(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Mark history for duplication attribute in the referenced media policy must be *NO. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO History items created during the save operation will not be marked for duplication. *YES History items created during the save operation will be marked for duplication. Top Examples Example 1: Saving All Objects in a List SAVOBJLBRM OBJL(LISTO) DEV(*MEDCLS *MEDCLS *MEDCLS) MEDPCY(FULL) This command saves all objects in the object list LISTO to any three devices that support the density specified in the media class in the media policy FULL. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. Save Object List using BRM (SAVOBJLBRM) 315 CPF3700 All CPF37xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF3800 All CPF38xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 316 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Save Save Files using BRM (SAVSAVFBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Save Save Files using BRM (SAVSAVFBRM) command saves save files created during BRMS processing to tape. Various parameters allow you to select which save files that you want to copy to tape. For instance, you can select a range of save file creation dates to include in the save files that you want to copy to tape with further qualification of control group and media class. You can schedule the SAVSAVFBRM command through the system job scheduler, through another job scheduler or on demand. Expired save files that are not waiting to be copied to tape are deleted when the SAVSAVFBRM command processes. Data in a save file created with device *NONE will not be copied to tape unless a device is specified on the Device (DEVICE) parameter when using this command. Virtual tape media and devices can be used with this command. The following restrictions apply to the use of virtual media and virtual devices. v The Device (DEV) parameter is limited on only one device or *MEDCLS special value for serial operations. v Execute authority is required to the Load or Unload Image Catalog (LODIMGCLG) command. v *CHANGE authority is required to the image catalogs. v Execute (*X) authority is required to each directory in the image catalog path name. v Read, write, execute (*RWX) authority is required to each image file in the parent directory that will be loaded or mounted. v *USE authority is required to the virtual devices using the image catalogs. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. You must have authority to the SAVSAVFDTA command to use this command. The SAVSAVFBRM command does not support the transfer of saved file data to TSM (ADSM) media. 2. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes CTLGRP Control group Single values: *ALL Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Generic name, name, *NONE, *ARCGRP, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Optional © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 317 Keyword Description Choices Notes LIB Library Single values: *ALL Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Generic name, name, *MEDINF Optional MEDCLS Media class Generic name, name, *ALL Optional PERIOD Time period for save files Element list Optional Element 1: Start time and date Element list Element 1: Beginning time Time, *AVAIL Element 2: Beginning date Character value, *BEGIN, *CURRENT Element 2: End time and date Element list Element 1: Ending time Time, *AVAIL Element 2: Ending date Character value, *END, *CURRENT DEV Device Single values: *SAVF Other values (up to 4 repetitions): Name, *MEDCLS Optional MEDPCY Media policy Name, *SAVF, *SYSPCY Optional SEQNBR Sequence number 1-16777215, 1, *END Optional ENDOPT End of tape option *UNLOAD, *LEAVE, *REWIND Optional USEOPTBLK Use optimum block size *BKUPCY, *DEV, *NO, *YES Optional CLEAR Clear *AFTER, *ALL, *NONE, *SAVF Optional COMPACT Data compaction *SAVF, *DEV, *NO Optional ALWADLSAVE Add subsequent saves *NO, *YES Optional Top Control group (CTLGRP) Specifies the name of the control group that was processed to create the save files that you want to copy to removable media. Single values *ALL Save files created by any control group that meet the other parameters are copied to removable media. Other values (up to 50 repetitions) *NONE No control group is used to copy save files to removable media. generic*-control-group-name Specify a generic control group name. For example, specifying WEEK* would cause all control groups whose names begin with WEEK to be included in the control groups whose save files are copied to removable media. control-group-name Specify the control group whose save files are copied to removable media. You can specify up to 50 control group names. Note: You can specify an existing control group name, or a name that you want to be associated with the save operation, even if the name is not an existing control group. The control group name is saved with the media information and can be used with the control group name parameter in recovery processing by control group. 318 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Top Library (LIB) Specifies the name of the library that is saved in save files that you want to copy to removable media. Single values *ALL All libraries that are saved in save files and meet the other parameter specifications are copied to removable media. Other values (up to 50 repetitions) *MEDINF You want to copy BRMS media information saved in save files to removable media. The QUSRBRM library contains the BRMS media information. generic*-library-name Specify a generic library name. For example, specifying APP* would cause all libraries whose names begin with APP to be included in the libraries that are saved in save files to be copied to removable media. library-name Specify the name of the library that is saved in save files that you want to copy to removable media. You can specify up to 50 library names. Top Media class (MEDCLS) Specifies the name of the media class associated with the control groups whose save files you want to move to removable media. *ALL Save files with any media class that meet the other parameter specification are copied to removable media. generic*-media-class-name Specify that the media class name is generic. For example, specifying CART* would cause all media classes whose names begin with CART to be included in the media classes associated with save files that are copied to removable media. media-class-name Specify the media class associated with save files that you want to copy to removable media. Top Time period for save files (PERIOD) Specifies the period of time for which the save files are selected to save to tape. Element 1: Start time and date One of the following is used to specify the beginning creation time at which or after save files are included. Any save files created before the specified time and date are not included in the selected save files for copy to removable media. Element 1: Beginning time Save Save Files using BRM (SAVSAVFBRM) 319 *AVAIL Any time that is available for the beginning date is included. begin-time Specify the beginning time for the specified beginning date that indicates which save files are to be included. The time is specified in 24-hour format and can be specified with or without a time separator: v Without a time separator, specify a string of 4 or 6 digits (hhmm or hhmmss) where hh=hours, mm=minutes and ss=seconds. Hours, minutes, and seconds must each be exactly 2 digits (using leading zeros if necessary). v With a time separator, specify a string of 5 or 8 digits where the time separator specified for your job is used to separate the hours, minutes, and seconds. If you enter this command from the command line, the string must be enclosed in apostrophes. If a time separator other than the separator specified for your job is used, this command will fail. Element 2: Beginning date One of the following is used to specify the beginning date on which or after which the save files must have been created. Any entries created before the specified date are not included in the copy to tape. *BEGIN Save files from the beginning of the save file media content information are copied to tape. *CURRENT Save files with a current date creation date and between the specified beginning and ending times (if specified) are copied to tape. begin-date Specify the beginning date. The date must be specified in the job date format. Element 2: End time and date One of the following is used to specify the ending time before which save files are included. Any save files created after the specified time and date are not included in the items selected for copy to tape. Element 1: Ending time *AVAIL Any time that is available for the ending date is included. end-time Specify the ending time for the specified ending date that indicates which save files are to be included. Element 2: Ending date One of the following is used to specify the ending date on which or before which the save files must have been created. Any save files created after the specified date are not included in the copy to tape operation. *END The save files to the end of the save file media content information are copied to tape. *CURRENT The save files with a current day creation date is the last day for which save files are copied to tape. end-date Specify the ending date. The date must be specified in the job date format. 320 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Top Device (DEV) Specifies the name of the device to which you want to copy selected save files. Single values *SAVF Save files are copied to the device specified when the save files were created. Other values (up to 4 repetitions) *MEDCLS BRMS determines the media class specified for the save file. Once the media class is determined, a device that supports that media class is selected to copy the save file. device-name Specify the device to which you want to copy the selected save files. Top Media policy (MEDPCY) Specifies the name of the media policy that BRMS should use when it selects media to contain the save file data. *SAVF Media is assigned using the media policy specified when the save files were created. *SYSPCY Media is assigned using the media policy specified in the system policy. media-policy Specify the media policy that you want to use for selected save files. Top Sequence number (SEQNBR) Specifies, when tape is used, the sequence to use for the save operation. Note: If you are saving to a BRMS volume that is expired, BRMS will begin writing information at the beginning of the volume, even though you have specified *END. Note: If you are saving to a BRMS BRMS will redirect the output to begin at the logical end of the output volume (after the end of the last active file), depending on the output device that you are using. For example, a 3490 device can write to any sequence number whereas a 6525 device can only write to sequence number 1 or *END. 1 The first file is to be sequence number 1. *END The save operation begins after the sequence number of the last active file on the volume. file-sequence-number Specify the sequence number of the file to be used for the save operation. Sequence numbers can range from 1 to 16,777,215. Top Save Save Files using BRM (SAVSAVFBRM) 321 End of tape option (ENDOPT) Specifies, when tape is used, what positioning operation is automatically done on the volume after the save operation ends. If more than one volume is included, this parameter applies only to the last volume used; all other volumes are rewound and unloaded when the end of the volume is reached. Note: If no objects are saved, the volume is not opened and the ENDOPT parameter is ignored. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is a shared device, the device will not be varied off after the save operation. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is not a shared device, the device will be varied off after the save operation. *UNLOAD The volume is automatically rewound and unloaded after the save operation ends. *LEAVE The volume does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the device. *REWIND The volume is rewound, but not unloaded. Top Use optimum block size (USEOPTBLK) Specifies whether or not the optimum block size is used for the save operation. *BKUPCY Use the value from the backup policy for the Use optimum block size parameter. *DEV Use the value specified on the Work with Devices display for the Use optimum block size parameter. *NO The optimum block size supported by the device is not used. Save commands use the default block size supported by all device types. The tape volume can be duplicated to any media format using the Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) command or the Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) command. *YES The optimum block size supported by the device is used for Save commands. If the block size used is larger than a block size that is supported by all device types then: v Performance may improve. v The tape file that is created is only compatible with a device that supports the block size used. Commands such as Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) and Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) do not duplicate files unless the files are being duplicated to a device which supports the same block size that was used. v The value for the Data Compression (DTACPR) parameter is ignored. Top Clear (CLEAR) Specifies whether uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. *SAVF Uses the value specified when the save file was created. *AFTER All the uncleared volumes after the initial volume are automatically cleared. If the operation 322 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands cannot proceed because the first volume is uncleared, an inquiry message is sent to the system operator, allowing him to end the operation or to specify that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue. *ALL All the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If tapes are used and a sequence number is specified, the volume is cleared and, starting with that sequence number, all volumes following the first volume are cleared. *NONE None of the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If the save operation cannot proceed because an uncleared volume is encountered, an inquiry message is sent to the operator, allowing the ending of the save operation, or specifying that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue. If a save file is not cleared, the inquiry message is sent to the work station message queue for an interactive job, or to the operator for a batch job. All volumes used to perform the save operation should be cleared, or the save file must be empty, before the save command is issued. Top Data compaction (COMPACT) Specifies whether data compaction is performed. *SAVF Uses the data compaction value specified when the save file was created. *DEV Device data compaction is performed if the data is saved to tape and all devices specified on the Device (DEV) parameter support the compaction feature. *NO No data compaction is performed. Top Allow subsequent saves (ALWADLSAVE) Specifies whether you intend to save save files to tape in subsequent save file operations. *NO You do not intend to save save files on subsequent save operations. The save files will be deleted from the system when maintenance is run after these save files are saved to tape or when these save files expire. *YES You intend to save save files on subsequent save operations. The save files will not be deleted from the system when maintenance is run. If you specify this value, you must run a subsequent SAVSAVFBRM command using ALWADLSAVE(*NO) to enable removal of these save files from the system. Top Examples Example 1: Saving Save Files to Removable Media SAVSAVFBRM CTLGRP(BACK*) MEDCLS(QIC1000) BEGIN(*AVAIL ’1/1/03’) END(*AVAIL *CURRENT) This command saves all backup control groups whose name begins with the BACK that created save files with media class QIC1000. The device to which the save files are to be saved is specified in the save file itself and is thus not specified in the command. The save files that are to be included are save files that Save Save Files using BRM (SAVSAVFBRM) 323 were created between 1/1/2003 and the current date. Creation time does not matter. Expired save files that are not waiting to be copied to tape are deleted when the command processes. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1500 Save file processing is canceled. BRM1502 Save file processing is canceled. BRM1504 Save file processing is canceled. BRM1506 Save file processing is canceled. BRM1520 Operation canceled by user reply. BRM1646 Save operation canceled. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM1941 Operation canceled because of reply to check of expired media. BRM2265 Errors occurred initiating session using device &1. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF3700 All CPF37xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF3800 All CPF38xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 324 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Save System using BRM (SAVSYSBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Save System using BRM (SAVSYSBRM) command saves a copy of the Licensed Internal Code and the QSYS library in a format compatible with the installation of the operating system. It does not save objects from any other library. In addition, it saves security and configuration objects that can also be saved using the Save Security Data (SAVSECDTA) and Save Configuration (SAVCFG) commands. Virtual tape media and devices can be used with this command. The following restrictions apply to the use of virtual media and virtual devices. v The Device (DEV) parameter is limited on only one device or *MEDCLS special value for serial operations. v Execute authority is required to the Load or Unload Image Catalog (LODIMGCLG) command. v *CHANGE authority is required to the image catalogs. v Execute (*X) authority is required to each directory in the image catalog path name. v Read, write, execute (*RWX) authority is required to each image file in the parent directory that will be loaded or mounted. v *USE authority is required to the virtual devices using the image catalogs. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. You must have authority to the SAVSYS command to use this command. 2. You must have *SAVSYS special authority to use this command. 3. You must have *USE authority to all online auxiliary storage pool devices. 4. All subsystems will be ended when using the SAVSYSBRM command. You must have job control (*JOBCTL) authority to use the ENDSYS or the ENDSBS command. 5. Volumes created using this command that will be used for installation should be initialized with a media class with a density that is supported by the current alternate IPL device. If this is not done, the current IPL volume will have to be changed to a device that supports the density of the created SAVSYSBRM volumes before installation begins. 6. Volumes created using the SAVSYSBRM command cannot be used for automatic installation. 7. The media class associated with the device must specify Shared media *NO. 8. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes DEV Device Values (up to 4 repetitions): Name, *MEDCLS Required, Positional 1 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 325 Keyword Description Choices Notes MEDPCY Media policy Name, *NONE, *SYSPCY Required, Positional 2 DTACPR Data compression *DEV, *NO, *YES Optional COMPACT Data compaction *DEV, *NO Optional CTLGRP Control group Name, *NONE, *ARCGRP, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Optional ENDOPT End of tape option *REWIND, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD Optional USEOPTBLK Use optimum block size *BKUPCY, *DEV, *NO, *YES Optional OMIT Omit Single values: *BKUPCY, *NONE Other values (up to 3 repetitions): *CFG, *SECDTA, *USRASPAUT Optional CLEAR Clear *NONE, *AFTER, *ALL Optional STRCTLSBS Start controlling subsystem *YES, *NO Optional EXPDATE Expiration date Date, *MEDPCY, *PERM Optional MOVPCY Move policy Name, *MEDPCY, *NONE Optional MEDCLS Media class Character value, *MEDPCY, *SYSPCY Optional LOC Location Name, *MEDPCY, *ANY, *HOME Optional VOLSEC Secure volume *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional MINVOL Required volumes 1-9999, *MEDPCY, *NONE Optional MARKDUP Mark volumes for duplication *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional MARKHST Mark history for duplication *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional ASPDEV Auxiliary storage pool Name, *ALLAVL, *CURASPGRP, *SYSBAS Optional Top Device (DEV) Specifies the names of the devices used for the save system operation. Each device name must already be known on the system in the BRMS device table. If multiple devices are specified, they must use compatible media classes. If more than one device is used, specify the names of the devices in the order in which they are used. A maximum of four device names can be specified. This is a required parameter. You can enter multiple values for this parameter. device-name Specify the name of the device or devices that you want to use for the system save operation. Note: Only one media library device or one virtual tape device can be specified. *MEDCLS Any device that supports the media class specified in the media policy for this save can be used for this save operation. Top 326 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Media policy (MEDPCY) Specifies the media policy for the volumes you are creating as a result of processing a system save. Media policies are used to determine: v The type of retention to use, such as days, date or version, for media used in control group processing. v The move policy to use with this media policy. v The media class to use. v Whether or not to use save files. v The type of retention to use, such as days or date for save files created in control group processing. The media policy you specify must be a media policy that is in the BRMS media policy table. This a required parameter. *NONE No media policy is specified for this save operation. Media policy values must be supplied with the save command for each parameter that has a default of *MEDPCY. *SYSPCY The media policy specified in the system policy is assigned to output volumes from this save operation. media-policy Specify the name of the media policy that you want to use with this save operation. Top Data compression (DTACPR) Specifies whether data compression is used. *DEV If the save is to tape and the target device supports compression, hardware compression is performed. Otherwise, no data compression is performed. Note: If *DEV is specified on both the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device. If *YES is specified on the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and *DEV is specified on the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device. *NO No data compression is performed. *YES If the target device supports compression, hardware compression is performed. if compression is not supported, software compression is performed. Top Data compaction (COMPACT) Specifies whether data compaction is performed. *DEV Device data compaction is performed if the data is saved to tape and all devices specified on the Device (DEV) parameter support the compaction feature. Save System using BRM (SAVSYSBRM) 327 Note: If *DEV is specified on both the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device. If *YES is specified on the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and *DEV is specified on the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device. *NO No data compaction is performed. Top Control group (CTLGRP) Specifies the name of the control group that you want to associate with the objects saved by this command. The control group name is stored with the media information and can be used with the Control group (CTLGRP) parameter on other BRMS commands to filter the media information or recover saved objects by control group. Note: None of the attributes of the control group are used for the save. If you are using version control for the items you are saving, this save operation will be recorded as part of the specified version control. Version control is specified in the media policy associated with this control group and can be reviewed by using the Work with Media Policies display. *NONE Do not specify a control group name for this command. *ARCGRP The name of the default archive control group. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKUGRP The name of the default backup control group used to save all user data. *SYSGRP The name of the default system control group used to save all system data. *SYSTEM The name of the default system control group used to save the entire system. control-group-name Specify the name of the control group to be assigned to the items you are saving. Top End of tape option (ENDOPT) Specifies, when tape is used, what positioning operation is automatically done on the volume after the save operation ends. If more than one volume is included, this parameter applies only to the last volume used; all other volumes are rewound and unloaded when the end of the volume is reached. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is a shared device, the device will not be varied off after the save operation. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is not a shared device, the device will be varied off after the save operation. *REWIND The volume is automatically rewound, but not unloaded, after the operation has ended. 328 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *LEAVE The volume does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the device. *UNLOAD The volume is automatically rewound and unloaded after the operation ends. Top Use optimum block size (USEOPTBLK) Specifies whether or not the optimum block size is used for the save operation. *BKUPCY Use the value from the backup policy for the Use optimum block size parameter. *DEV Use the value specified on the Work with Devices display for the Use optimum block size parameter. *NO The optimum block size supported by the device is not used. Save commands use the default block size supported by all device types. The tape volume can be duplicated to any media format using the Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) command or the Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) command. *YES The optimum block size supported by the device is used for Save commands. If the block size used is larger than a block size that is supported by all device types then: v Performance may improve. v The tape file that is created is only compatible with a device that supports the block size used. Commands such as Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) and Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) do not duplicate files unless the files are being duplicated to a device which supports the same block size that was used. v The value for the Data Compression (DTACPR) parameter is ignored. Top Omit (OMIT) Specifies whether configuration objects, security objects or additional basic user auxiliary storage pool information should be omitted during a system save. Single values *BKUPCY Use the values specified in the items to omit for the *SAVSYS special value in the backup policy. *NONE No omissions are to be made for this system save operation. Other values (up to 3 repetitions) *CFG All configuration objects are to be omitted for this system save operation. *SECDTA All security objects are to be omitted for this system save operation. *USRASPAUT Omit the BRMS save of additional authority information for objects in basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32). This authority information includes the object owner, authority list and primary group. Save System using BRM (SAVSYSBRM) 329 Top Clear (CLEAR) Specifies whether uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. *NONE None of the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If the save operation cannot proceed because an uncleared volume is encountered, an inquiry message is sent to the operator, allowing the ending of the save operation, or specifying that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue. If a save file is not cleared, the inquiry message is sent to the work station message queue for an interactive job, or to the operator for a batch job. All volumes used to perform the save operation should be cleared, or the save file must be empty, before the save command is issued. *AFTER All the uncleared volumes after the initial volume are automatically cleared. This option is not valid for save or restore operations to a save file. If the operation cannot proceed because the first volume is uncleared, an inquiry message is sent to the system operator, allowing him to end the operation or to specify that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue. *ALL All the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If tapes are used and a sequence number is specified, the volume is cleared and, starting with that sequence number, all volumes following the first volume are cleared. Top Start controlling subsystem (STRCTLSBS) Specifies whether the controlling subsystem should be automatically restarted when the system save is complete. *YES The controlling subsystem is restarted when the save operation is complete. *NO The controlling subsystem is not restarted when the save operation is complete. Top Expiration date (EXPDATE) Specifies the expiration that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *PERM Output volumes from this save operation are assigned a permanent expiration. 330 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands expiration-date Specify an expiration date with or without date separators that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation. Top Move policy (MOVPCY) Specifies the move policy that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE There is not a move policy associated with the output volumes that are created as a result of this save operation. move-policy Specify a move policy that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation. Top Media class (MEDCLS) Specifies the media class that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE There is not a media class associated with the output volumes that are selected for this save operation. *SYSPCY The value for the media class in the system policy will used to select output volumes for this save operation. media-class Specify a media class that will be used to select output volumes for this save operation. Top Location (LOC) Specifies the location that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Save System using BRM (SAVSYSBRM) 331 Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *ANY Volumes from any location are selected as output volumes for this save operation. *HOME Volumes from the home location are selected as output volumes for this save operation. location Specify the location from which volumes are selected as output volumes for this save operation. Top Secure volume (VOLSEC) Specifies whether you want to apply volume security to volumes in this media class. Volumes that are secured can only be read by users with the special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO Volume security has not been applied to this media class. Volumes that do not have volume security can be read by anyone. *YES Only users with special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS can read media volumes in this media class. Top Require volumes (MINVOL) Specifies the minimum number of expired volumes that must be present before any save can be done using this media policy. The value can also be checked by user jobs using the Check Expired Media for BRM (CHKEXPBRM) command. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NONE in this parameter. If you specify MINVOL(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Required volumes field in the referenced media policy must be *NONE. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NONE There is no check done to determine the minimum number of required volumes before a save operation begins. number-of-volumes Specify the number of expired media volumes that must be available before any BRMS save operation will begin. The number can range from 1 to 9999. Top 332 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Mark volumes for duplication (MARKDUP) Specifies whether media volumes will be marked for duplication. When *YES is selected, all volumes used during a save operation are marked for duplication. You can use VOL(*SEARCH) on the Duplicate Media using BRM command to duplicate the saved items after the save has completed. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify MARKDUP(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Mark for duplication attribute in the referenced media policy must be *NO. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO Volumes written to during a save operation will not be marked for duplication. *YES Volumes written to during the save operation will be marked for duplication. Top Mark history for duplication (MARKHST) Specifies whether history items will be marked for duplication. When *YES is selected, all history items created during a save operation are marked for duplication. You must use VOL(*SCHHST) on the Duplicate Media using BRM command to duplicate the saved items. Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify MARKHST(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Mark history for duplication attribute in the referenced media policy must be *NO. *MEDPCY The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command. Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter. *NO History items created during the save operation will not be marked for duplication. *YES History items created during the save operation will be marked for duplication. Top Auxiliary storage pool device (ASPDEV) Use this parameter to specify the auxiliary storage pools from which libraries and objects can be included in the save operation. *ALLAVL Specifies the save of the backup item is to include objects from the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) and all available primary, secondary and UDFS auxiliary storage pools. *CURASPGRP Specifies libraries or objects from only the auxiliary storage pool group currently set for the job are included in the save. Libraries or objects from the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) are omitted from the save. Save System using BRM (SAVSYSBRM) 333 *SYSBAS Specifies libraries or objects from only the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) are included in the save. auxiliary-storage-pool-device-name Specifies libraries or objects from the named auxiliary storage pool device are included in the save operation. This must be the name of a primary or secondary auxiliary storage pool. Libraries or objects from the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) are omitted from the save. Top Examples SAVSYSBRM DEV(TAP09) MEDPCY(SAVSYS) This command saves a copy of the Licensed Internal Code and the QSYS library. In this example, you are saving to device TAP09 using a media policy named SAVSYS. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF3700 All CPF37xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF3800 All CPF38xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 334 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Set Media Controls using BRM (SETMEDBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Set Media Controls using BRM (SETMEDBRM) command has two distinct parts, a set of input controls and a set of output controls. Input controls pertain only to volumes from which data is being retrieved or read. Output controls start with the Media class (MEDCLS) parameter continue through the Text (TEXT) parameter, and pertain to volumes on which data is being written. For example, if you plan to perform a CPYTOTAP operation, you can use the SETMEDBRM command beforehand to assign a move policy and retention period for the volumes that are used. The controls you specify with SETMEDBRM remain in effect for your job until they are reset or otherwise changed by another SETMEDBRM command. To see control values that are currently in effect, type the SETMEDBRM command on a command line and press F4. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes LABEL Input controls Element list Optional Element 1: File label Character value, *SAME, *ANY, *NONE Element 2: Select version 1-999, *SAME, *CURRENT ALWCNV Allow conversion *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional MEDCLS Media class Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional MOVPCY Move policy Name, *SAME, *NONE Optional VOLSEC Secure volume *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional RET Retention Element list Optional Element 1: Retention type *SAME, *DATE, *DAYS, *NONE, *PERM, *VERSION Element 2: Retain media Character value, *SAME FILEGRP File group Name, *SAME, *NONE, *ARCGRP, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Optional GRPTYPE File group type Name, *SAME, *ARC, *BKU, *NONE Optional MARKDUP Mark volumes for duplication *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional MARKHST Mark history for duplication *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional TEXT Text Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 335 Input controls (LABEL) Specifies the file label and version selection controls enforced for your job on subsequent input operations involving media. These controls remain in effect for your job until they are reset or otherwise changed by another SETMEDBRM command. Element 1: File label *SAME The previous SETMEDBRM specification for this value, if any, is to remain in effect. *ANY File label, version selection controls apply to any file subsequently processed for input by this job. *NONE No file label, version selection controls are in effect for this job. file-label File label, version selection controls apply only to those files whose labels match the file label specified here. Element 2: Select version In addition to the file label, you can specify which version of the file to use. BRMS uses the file label and version specified here along with its inventory of media content to determine which volume should be mounted. If the volume is not found, a message is issued to indicate this. *SAME The previous SETMEDBRM specification for this value, if any, is to remain in effect. *CURRENT The most recent version of the file is to be used. version-number Specify which version of the file relative to the *CURRENT version should be mounted. For example, version 1 means the version taken just prior to the *CURRENT version. Top Allow conversion (ALWCNV) Specifies whether conversion controls are enforced for your job on subsequent input operations involving media. These controls remain in effect for your job until they are reset or otherwise changed by another SETMEDBRM command. *SAME The previous SETMEDBRM specification for this value, if any, is to remain in effect. *NO Do not convert ASCII data, if found on the media, to EBCDIC. *YES Convert ASCII data, if found on the media, to EBCDIC. Top Media class (MEDCLS) Specifies the type of media to be used when output operations require media. The media class that you specify here is used by BRMS to control subsequent mount operations. These controls remain in effect for your job until they are reset or otherwise changed by another SETMEDBRM command. 336 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *SAME The previous SETMEDBRM specification for this value, if any, is to remain in effect. *NONE No media class enforcement should be done. media-class Specify the name of a media class. Only media of this class is allowed to be used when output operations require media. Top Move policy (MOVPCY) You can specify which move policy should be used for media once it has been written on by your job. This value remains in effect for your job until it is reset or otherwise changed by another SETMEDBRM command. *SAME The previous SETMEDBRM specification for this value, if any, is to remain in effect. *NONE The volume will not be assigned a move policy. move-policy Specify the name of a move policy which will be used to control the physical movement of media once your job writes data on it. This move policy is not assigned when the media already has a move policy in effect. Top Secure volume (VOLSEC) Specifies whether the volume is secured against subsequent read operations. Volumes that are secured can only be read by users with the special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS. This value remains in effect for your job until it is reset or otherwise changed by another SETMEDBRM command. *SAME The previous SETMEDBRM specification for this value, if any, is to remain in effect. *NO The media is not secured. Media that is not secured can be read by anyone. *YES The media is secured. Only users with special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS can read secured media. Top Retention (RET) Specifies the type of retention that you want to use for this volume. Certain Retention type specifications require additional Retain media detail. The Retention type parameter specifies the type of retention and the Retain media parameter specifies a number or a date as appropriate with the specified Retention type. For instance, if Retention type is specified as *VERSION and Retain media is 4, then 4 versions of the information on the media will be managed by BRMS. Element 1: Retention type *SAME The previous SETMEDBRM specification for this value, if any, is to remain in effect. Set Media Controls using BRM (SETMEDBRM) 337 *DATE You want to assign a retention date. Dates are specified in job date format with or without date separators. BRMS does not allow media that is assigned the specified retention date to expire until the date passes. *DAYS You want to assign a retention period measured in days, which begins when data is written on the media. An expiration date is calculated based on the number of days specified. BRMS does not allow media with this retention to expire until the date passes. *NONE No retention type is assigned to the volume. *PERM You want to permanently keep the data. BRMS does not allow media containing *PERM data to expire. Note: If you specify *PERM, Retain media specifications are is ignored. *VERSION You want to keep a selected number of versions for this file on media. BRMS does not allow media with this retention to expire until the number of versions in the BRMS inventory exceeds the number of versions specified. Element 2: Retain media *SAME The previous SETMEDBRM specification for this value, if any, is to remain in effect. retention-date Specify the retention date when the Retention type (RET) parameter is *DATE. number-of-days Specify the number of days when the Retention type is *DAYS. number-of-versions Specify the number of versions when the Retention type is *VERSION. Top File group (FILEGRP) Specifies the file group that you want to use with the current SETMEDBRM command. *SAME The previous SETMEDBRM specification for this value, if any, is to remain in effect. *NONE No file group name should be assigned. file-group Specify the name of the file group to which the data being written belongs. *ARCGRP The data belongs to the default archive control group. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKUGRP The data belongs to the default backup user data control group. *SYSGRP The data belongs to the default system data control group. 338 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *SYSTEM The data belongs to the default backup entire system control group. Top File group type (GRPTYPE) Specifies the type of file group to which the data being written belongs. *SAME The previous SETMEDBRM specification for this value, if any, is to remain in effect. *ARC The file group type is an archive file group type. Note: *ARC is not a special value, but rather indicates that this is an archive file group type. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKU The file group type is a backup file group type. Note: *BKU is not a special value, but rather indicates that this is a backup file group type. *NONE No file group type should be assigned. file-group-type Specify the name of the file group type to which the data being written belongs. An example file group type is QBRMBKUP which indicates that it is a backup control group file group type. Top Mark volumes for duplication (MARKDUP) Specifies whether to mark the volumes for duplication after they have been duplicated. *SAME The previous SETMEDBRM specification for this value, if any, is to remain in effect. *NO Do not mark volumes for duplication. *YES Mark volumes for duplication. Top Mark history for duplication (MARKHST) Specifies whether to mark the history items for duplication after they have been duplicated. *SAME The previous SETMEDBRM specification for this value, if any, is to remain in effect. *NO Do not mark the history items for duplication. *YES Mark the history items for duplication. Top Text (TEXT) Specifies the text that briefly describes the data being written. This text can be displayed in the BRMS media inventory. Set Media Controls using BRM (SETMEDBRM) 339 *SAME The previous SETMEDBRM specification for this value, if any, is to remain in effect. *NONE No text is specified. text Specify no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes. Top Examples Example 1: Using Input Controls SETMEDBRM LABEL(*ANY 1) ALWCNV(*YES) This command sets the input controls so that any file with a version number 1 greater than the most current version is read. If ASCII data is found, convert it to EBCDIC. Example 2: Using Output Controls SETMEDBRM MEDCLS(QIC1000) MOVPCY(OFFSITE) RET(*DATE ’3/3/03’) This command sets the output controls so that output operations will use media class QIC1000, a move policy of OFFSITE and a retention date of 3/3/2003 will be assigned to any volumes produced while these output controls are in effect. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 340 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Set Retrieve Controls for BRM (SETRTVBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Set Retrieve Controls for BRM (SETRTVBRM) command can be used to change the way that retrieve operations work when performed by your job. The controls you specify with SETRTVBRM remain in effect for the duration of your job or until they are reset or otherwise changed by another SETRTVBRM command. The controls you specify with this command are not kept when the job ends. To see control values that are currently in effect, type the SETRTVBRM command on a command line and press F4. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this command. 2. You can retrieve data from a TSM server device by using this command. You can only specify one TSM device of *MEDCLS, which must select a TSM device. The TSM device selected can either be *APPC, which supports SNA, or *NET, which supports TCP/IP. 3. *ALLOBJ special authority is required to use any value other than *NONE for the ALWOBJDIF parameter. 4. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. 5. You can select only one virtual tape device for serial retrieve operations. In addition, only one *MEDCLS can be specified when using media classes which specify a virtual tape device density. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes DEV Retrieve device Single values: *SAME Other values (up to 4 repetitions): Character value Optional, Positional 1 PRLRSC Parallel device resources Element list Optional Element 1: Minimum resources 1-32, *SAV, *AVAIL, *NONE Element 2: Maximum resources 1-32, *MIN, *AVAIL RECALL Retrieve confirmation Element list Optional Element 1: Interactive operation *SAME, *DELAY, *NONE, *NOTIFY, *RTVPCY, *SBMJOB, *VERIFY Element 2: Batch operation *SAME, *DELAY, *NONE, *NOTIFY, *RTVPCY, *VERIFY RTVAUT Retrieve authorization *SAME, *ADD, *ALL, *CHANGE, *DLT, *OBJEXIST, *OBJMGT, *OBJOPR, *READ, *RTVPCY, *UPD, *USE Optional ENDOPT End of tape option *SAME, *LEAVE, *REWIND, *RTVPCY, *UNLOAD Optional RSTOPT Option *SAME, *ALL, *FREE, *NEW, *OLD, *RTVPCY Optional © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 341 Keyword Description Choices Notes ALWOBJDIF Allow object differences Single values: *SAME, *ALL, *NONE, *RTVPCY Other values (up to 4 repetitions): *AUTL, *FILELVL, *OWNER, *PGP Optional STG ASP high storage threshold 1-95, *SAME, *ASP, *RTVPCY, *SYS Optional RET Retrieved object retention 0-9999, *SAME, *ARC, *NOMAX, *RTVPCY Optional EXTEND Extend retention on usage 0-9999, *SAME, *RTVPCY Optional RESET Reset days used counter *SAME, *NO, *RTVPCY Optional Top Retrieve device (DEV) Specifies the device name to be used for retrieve operations. You must use a single device for retrieve processing. You can restore data from a TSM (ADSM) server using this command. You can only specify one TSM type server or *MEDCLS, which must select a TSM server. The device selected can either be *APPC, which supports SNA network protocol, or *NET, which supports TCPIP protocol. Single values *SAME The previous specification for this value, if any, is used. Other values (up to 4 repetitions) *MEDCLS BRMS determines the media class of the media on which the requested item is saved. Once the media class is determined,, a device supporting the density specified in the media class is selected to retrieve the requested save item or items. device-name Specify the name of the device that is to be used for retrieve operations. Top Parallel device resources (PRLRSC) Specifies the minimum and maximum number of device resources to be used in a restore operation. Element 1: Minimum Resources Specifies the minimum number of device resources required for a parallel restore. Note: If a Media Library Device (MLB) is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will wait for the MLB to become available for a time period specified by the user. The wait time is determined by the value specified on the *MLB device description for INLMNTWAIT. If a *TAP device is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will fail. Note: Transferring save files to tape does not support parallel operations. *SAV Specifies that the same number of device resources used for the save will be used for the restore. If the save was a serial save, then the restore will also be serial. 342 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *AVAIL Use any available devices up to the maximum specified. Specifying this value for the minimum will allow BRMS to use any available resources, but will complete using one resource if only one is available at the start of the command. *NONE No device resources are to be used. The restore will be performed as a serial restore. 1-32 Specify the minimum number of device resources to be used with this restore command, up to the maximum of what was used for the save. Element 2: Maximum Resources *MIN Uses the value specified for the minimum number of device resources. *AVAIL Use any available devices. Specifying this value for the maximum will allow BRMS to use any available resources but at a minimum use the value specified in the minimum element. 1-32 Specify the maximum number of device resources to be used with this restore command, up to the maximum of what was used for the save. Top Retrieve confirmation (RECALL) Specifies how retrieve operations are processed in an interactive job or a batch job. Element 1: Interactive operation *SAME The previous specification for this value, if any, is used. *DELAY You want to postpone retrieve operations. These objects can be retrieved later using the Resume Retrieve using BRM (RSMRTVBRM) command. *NONE You do not want BRMS to perform retrieve operations. *NOTIFY The object is to be retrieved immediately. Status messages indicate that the retrieve operation is taking place. *RTVPCY The value from the retrieve policy is used for this value. *SBMJOB You want the retrieved object to be retrieved using a batch job. *VERIFY A message is sent for each object that is retrieved. You can proceed with the retrieve operation, delay or cancel it. Element 2: Batch operation *SAME The previous specification for this value, if any, is used. *DELAY You want to postpone retrieve operations. These objects can be retrieved later using the Resume Retrieve using BRM (RSMRTVBRM) command. Set Retrieve Controls for BRM (SETRTVBRM) 343 *NONE You want to bypass retrieve processing. *NOTIFY The object is to be retrieved immediately. Status messages indicate that the retrieve operation is taking place. *RTVPCY The value specified in the retrieve policy is used. *VERIFY A message is sent for each object that is retrieved. You can proceed with the retrieve operation, delay or cancel it. Top Retrieve authorization (RTVAUT) Specifies the minimum authority required to allow BRMS to process a retrieve request. The value specified in the Retrieve authorization (RTVAUT) parameter is checked against the authority level of the user making the request. The authority list is checked at the time of the retrieve. If the user’s authority level to the requested object is equal to or greater than the authority level specified in the Retrieve authorization (RTVAUT) parameter, then BRMS allows the object to be retrieved. If the user’s authority to an object is less than the authority specified in the Retrieve authorization (RTVAUT) parameter, then the retrieve request does not take place. For example, if the value in the Retrieve authorization (RTVAUT) parameter is *READ and the user has *OBJEXIST authority to the object, then BRMS will retrieve the requested object since the user’s authority to the object is greater than the minimum authority specified in the retrieve policy. If the value in the Retrieve authorization (RTVAUT) parameter is *OBJEXIST and the user has *READ authority for the requested object, the retrieve request will not be processed since the user’s authority is less than the minimum required authority specified in the retrieve policy. *SAME The previous specification for this value, if any, is used. *ADD Add authority is checked. *ALL Object operational authority, object management authority, object existence authority and all data authority for the object are checked regardless of the object type. *CHANGE Object operational authority and all data authority for the object are checked regardless of the object type. *DLT Delete authority is checked. *OBJEXIST Object existence authority, which provides the authority to control object ownership and existence, is checked. These authorities are necessary for a user who wants to delete, free storage, save, retrieve or transfer ownership of an object. (If a user has the special save system (*SAVSYS) authority, he does not need object existence authority.) *OBJMGT Object management authority, which provides the authority to manage the access and availability of an object, is checked. A user with object management authority can grant (and revoke) the authority that he has, as well as move and rename objects, and add members to database files. *OBJOPR Object operational authority, which provides authority to manage the access and availability of an object, is checked. Object operational authority has no data authorities associated with it. 344 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *READ Read authority is checked. *RTVPCY The value from the retrieve policy is used for this value. *UPD Update authority is checked. *USE Object operational authority and read authority are checked regardless of the object type. Top End of tape option (ENDOPT) Specifies, when tape is used, what positioning operation is automatically done on the volume after the retrieve operation ends. If more than one volume is included, this parameter applies only to the last volume used; all other volumes are rewound and unloaded when the end of the volume is reached. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is a shared device, the device will not be varied off after the save operation. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is not a shared device, the device will be varied off after the save operation. *SAME The previous specification for this value, if any, is used. *LEAVE The volume does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the device. *REWIND The volume is automatically rewound but not unloaded after the retrieve operation ends. *RTVPCY The value from the retrieve policy is used for this value. *UNLOAD The volume is automatically rewound and unloaded after the retrieve operation ends. Top Option (RSTOPT) Specifies which objects are retrieved, depending on whether the objects exist in a library on the system. *SAME The previous specification for this value, if any, is used. *ALL All the objects in the saved library are retrieved to the library. Old objects on volume or in a save file replace the current versions in the library on the system. Objects not having a current version are added to the library on the system. Objects presently in the library, but not on the media, remain in the library. *FREE The saved objects are retrieved only if they exist in the system library with their space freed. The saved version of each object is retrieved in the system in its previously freed space. This option retrieves objects that had their space freed when they were saved. If any saved objects are no longer part of the current version of the library, or if the space is not free for any object, the object is not retrieved. The retrieve operation continues, and all of the freed objects are retrieved. *NEW Only the objects in the saved library that do not exist in the current version of the library on the system are added to the library. Only objects not known to the library on the system are retrieved; known objects are not retrieved. This option retrieves objects that were deleted after Set Retrieve Controls for BRM (SETRTVBRM) 345 they were saved or that are new to this library. If any saved objects have a version already in the library on the system, they are not retrieved, and an informational message is sent for each one, but the retrieve operation continues. *OLD Only the objects in the library having a saved version are retrieved; that is, the version of each object currently in the library is replaced by the saved version. Only objects known to the library are retrieved. If any saved objects are no longer part of the online version of the library, they are not added to the library; an informational message is sent for each one, but the retrieve continues. *RTVPCY The value from the retrieve policy is used for this value. Top Allow object differences (ALWOBJDIF) Specifies whether differences are allowed between the saved objects and the restored objects. These differences include: v Authorization list: The authorization list of an object on the system is different than the authorization list of an object from the save operation. Or the system on which a new object with an authorization list is being restored is different from the system on which it was saved. v File level identifier: The creation date and time of the database file on the system does not match the creation date and time of the file that was saved. v Member level identifier: The creation date and time of the database file member on the system does not match the creation date and time of the member that was saved. v Ownership: The owner of an object on the system is different than the owner of an object from the save operation. v Primary Group: The primary group of an object on the system is different than the primary group of an object from the save operation. Note: To use this parameter, you need *ALLOBJ special authority. Single values *SAME The previous specification for this value, if any, is used. *ALL All of the differences listed above are allowed on the restore operation. File level identifier and member level identifier differences are handled differently than the *FILELVL value. If there is a file level difference and *ALL is specified on the Data base member option (MBROPT) parameter, the existing version of the file is renamed and the saved version of the file is restored. If there is a member level difference, the existing version of the member is renamed and the saved version of the member is restored. This value will restore the saved data, but the result may not be correct. For other differences, see the description of each individual value to determine how differences are handled. Note: If restoring objects that were saved with SAVOBJ or SAVCHGOBJ, BRMS will change the parameter to ALWOBJDIF(*FILELVL *AUTL *OWNER *PGP) for these objects to prevent the renaming. *NONE None of the differences listed above are allowed on the restore operation. See the description of each individual value to determine how differences are handled. *RTVPCY The value from the retrieve policy is used for this value. 346 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Other values (up to 4 repetitions) *AUTL Authorization list differences are allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different authorization list than the saved object, the object is restored with the authorization list of the object on the system. New objects that are being restored to a system that is different from which they were saved are restored and linked to their authorization list. If the authorization list does not exist on the new system, the public authority is set to *EXCLUDE. If this value is not specified, authorization list differences are not allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different authorization list than the saved object, the object is not restored. New objects that are being restored to a system that is different from which they were saved are restored, but they are not linked to the authorization list, and the public authority is set to *EXCLUDE. *FILELVL File level identifier and member level identifier differences are allowed. An attempt will be made to restore existing physical files even though the physical file on the save media may have a different file level identifier or member level identifier than the physical file on the system. The physical file data will only be restored for those physical files whose format level identifiers on the save media match the format level identifiers of the corresponding physical file on the system. If this value is not specified, file level identifier and member level identifier differences are not allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different file level identifier or member level identifier than the saved object, the object is not restored. *OWNER Ownership differences are allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different owner than the saved object, the object is restored with the owner of the object on the system. If this value is not specified, ownership differences are not allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different owner than the saved object, the object is not restored. *PGP Primary group differences are allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different primary group than the saved object, the object is restored with the primary group of the object on the system. If this value is not specified, primary group differences are not allowed. If an object already exists on the system with a different primary group than the saved object, the object is not restored. Top ASP high storage threshold (STG) Specifies the auxiliary storage pool high threshold value that cannot be exceeded when retrieving an object. If the limit is exceeded, the object is not retrieved, but is put on a list of objects to be retrieved later (using the RSMRTVBRM command) with an indication that a lack of space is the reason for postponing retrieval. The special value, *SYS, indicates that BRMS is to reference system information for the auxiliary storage pool’s high storage threshold value. *SAME The previous specification for this value, if any, is used. *ASP The value for auxiliary storage pool high threshold value specified in the BRMS auxiliary storage pool descriptions is used. You can view the auxiliary storage pool high threshold value by Set Retrieve Controls for BRM (SETRTVBRM) 347 processing the Work with ASP Descriptions (WRKASPBRM) command. If the reference value is *NONE, indicating that the auxiliary storage pool is not managed by BRMS, the object will not be retrieved, and a message is placed into the BRMS log to indicate that retrieval did not occur because the auxiliary storage pool high storage threshold is *NONE. Otherwise BRMS uses the referenced limit and the size of the object being retrieved to determine if the threshold will be exceeded. If so, the object is not retrieved, but is put on a list of objects to be retrieved later (using the RSMRTVBRM command) with an indication that a lack of space is the reason for postponing retrieval. If no BRMS information exists for the auxiliary storage pool, BRMS uses the operating system’s high threshold value for the auxiliary storage pool. *RTVPCY The value from the retrieve policy is used for this value. *SYS The high storage threshold as identified by the system’s auxiliary storage pool threshold is used. ASP-high-storage-threshold Specify the maximum percentage of an auxiliary storage pool’s storage capacity that cannot be exceeded as a result of an object being retrieved. The percentage can range from 1 to 95. Top Retrieved object retention (RET) Specifies how long objects that have been retrieved, are kept on the system. After the object retention period has passed, the storage associated with the object is freed when maintenance is run. *SAME The previous specification for this value, if any, is used. *ARC The retrieved objects use the retention values specified, if any, when the archive process occurred. If no object retention was specified when the object was archived, BRMS uses *NOMAX. *NOMAX The retrieved objects are kept indefinitely. *RTVPCY The value from the retrieve policy is used for this value. number-of-days Specify the number of days that retrieved objects should remain available before their storage is freed. The number of days can range from 0 to 9999. Top Extend retention on usage (EXTEND) Specifies the number of days to extend the retention of a retrieved object if it is used again after the retrieval operation. You can select the number of days, ranging from 0 to 9999 to add to the date of last use to determine a new retention date. *SAME The previous specification for this value, if any, is used. *RTVPCY The value from the retrieve policy is used for this value. number-of-days Specify the number of days to extend the retention of a retrieved object if it is used again after the retrieval operation. The number of days can range from 0 to 9999. 348 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Top Reset (RESET) Specifies whether the days used count counter will be reset on the dynamic retrieval of an object. *SAME The previous specification for this value, if any, is used. *NO The days used count will not be reset to zero on the dynamic retrieval of an object. *RTVPCY The value from the retrieve policy is used for this parameter. *YES The days used count will be reset to zero on the dynamic retrieval of an object. Top Examples Example 1: Resetting Control Values for BRMS Retrieve Operations in Your Job SETRTVBRM DEV(TAP01) RECALL(*NOTIFY *NOTIFY) RTVAUT(*READ) This command will set control values so that retrieve operations that occur during your job will use device TAP01, will simply notify you when they occur, and require that you only need read authority to be able to retrieve an object. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1134 Device &1 not found. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top Set Retrieve Controls for BRM (SETRTVBRM) 349 350 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Set User Usage for BRM (SETUSRBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Set User Usage for BRM (SETUSRBRM) command allows you to set or reset function usage values for a user or group profile. This command will use the registration facility to set the BRMS recommended usage options for each BRMS function registered with the system. SETUSRBRM does not not control security to BRMS objects. Use i5/OS security to maintain user authority to BRMS objects. For more information, see section ″The Functional Usage Model abd BRMS Security Considerations″ in the Backup, Recovery and Media Services manual. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. *SECADM authority is required to use the SETUSRBRM command. 2. The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this command. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes USER User Character value, *DEFAULT Required, Positional 1 USAGE Usage Character value, *OPERATOR, *ADMIN Optional Top User (USER) Specifies the user or group profile to be given usage of BRMS functions. This is a required parameter. user-or-group-profile Specify the name of an existing user or group profile. The usage for the specified user or group profile will be set for BRMS functions. *DEFAULT The default public usage will be set for BRMS functions. Top Usage (USAGE) Specifies the usage that will be given to the user or group profile specified in the User (USER) parameter. Specific usage controls can be tailored using iSeries Navigator. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 351 To navigate to Backup Recovery and Media Services functions, click on the system name in the iSeries Navigator hierarchy, click on the Configure Application Administration task, or choose File and click on Application Administration. Open the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries folder listed under the Host Applications tab. *OPERATOR The user or group profile specified in the User (USER) parameter will be given usage to BRMS functions recommended for operators. These include: v Basic archive activities v Basic backup activities v Basic media activities v Basic migration activities v Basic movement activities *ADMIN The user or group profile specified in the User (USER) parameter will be given usage to all BRMS functions recommended for administrators. Top Examples Example 1: Setting Administrator Usage SETUSRBRM USER(payroll) USAGE(*ADMIN) This command gives the group profile ’payroll’ usage of all BRMS functions. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 352 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Start Archive using BRM (STRARCBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Start Archive using BRM (STRARCBRM) command selects a control group and begins the archive process. You can start the archive immediately or you can schedule it using the system job scheduler. Processing can be batch or interactive. Note: The default value for the Option (OPTION) parameter is *REPORT, which produces a report of archive candidates. To perform an archive you must change the OPTION parameter to *ARCHIVE. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: v The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this command. v The special values *LOAD and *EXIT are ignored when you choose the *REPORT option. v This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes CTLGRP Control group Name, *ARCGRP Required, Positional 1 OPTION Run option *REPORT, *ARCHIVE Optional SCDTIME Schedule time Decimal number, *IMMED Optional SBMJOB Submit to batch *YES, *NO Optional JOBD Job description Single values: *USRPRF Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Job description Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB JOBQ Job queue Single values: *JOBD Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Job queue Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB Top Control group (CTLGRP) Specifies the name of the control group that you want to schedule for archive. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 353 Archive control groups are groups of lists and special values that share common archive characteristics. You can create multiple archive control groups to complete your archive strategy. This is a required field. *ARCGRP The default archive control group is processed. The default archive control group is set up in the BRMS archive policy. control-group-name Specify the name of the archive control group, such as QUARTERLY, that you want to process. Top Run option (OPTION) Specifies whether you want to produce a report of candidates for archive or process an archive. Note: You should always run a report of candidates for archive (*REPORT option) prior to processing the actual archive. The special values *LOAD and *EXIT are not processed when using the *REPORT option. *REPORT You want to produce the archive candidate reports. There are three archive candidate reports. The reports and the printer file to which they are written are: v Archive DLO Candidate report - QP1A8ARF v Archive Object Candidate report - QP1AARC v Archive Spooled File Candidate report - QP1AOQ *ARCHIVE You want to process an archive. There are three archive reports. The reports and the printer file to which they are written are: v DLO Archive report - QP1A8ARF v Object Archive report - QP1AARC v Spooled File Archive report - QP1AOQ Top Schedule time (SCDTIME) Specifies the time that you want BRMS to begin processing the archive. *IMMED Archives are to begin immediately. schedule-time Specify the time in hour and minutes that you want the archive to begin. The time is expressed in 24 hour clock format ’hhmm’. Top Submit to batch (SBMJOB) Specifies how you want to process the selected control group. *YES Submits the processing of the control group to batch. The job is dependent on the job queue and job description specified as subsequent parameters. 354 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *NO Performs the processing of the control group within the current job. Top Job description (JOBD) Specifies the job description used with this job. Single values *USRPRF The job description in the user profile under which the submitted job runs is used as the job description of the submitted job. Qualifier 1: Job description name Specify the name of the job description used for the job. Qualifier 2: Library *LIBL The library list is used to locate the job description. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the job description. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. name Specify the name of the library where the job description is located. Top Job queue (JOBQ) Specifies the job queue in which this job is placed. Single values *JOBD The submitted job is placed on the job queue named in the specified job description. Qualifier 1: Job queue name Specify the name of the job queue on which the submitted job is placed. Qualifier 2: Library *LIBL The library list is used to locate the job queue. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the job queue. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. name Specify the name of the library where the job queue is located. Top Examples Example 1: Producing a Report of Archive Candidates STRARCBRM CTLGRP(ARCH01) SCHTIME(1230) Start Archive using BRM (STRARCBRM) 355 This command will start processing for archive control group ARCH01 at 12:30 p.m.. A report of all archive candidates is produced. Example 2: Processing an Archive STRARCBRM CTLGRP(ARCH01) OPTION(*ARCHIVE) SCHTIME(1230) This command will start archiving, using archive control group ARCH01, at 12:30 p.m.. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1034 Control group &1 type &2 canceled. BRM1391 Control group &2 type &3 canceled. BRM1393 Control group &2 type &3 canceled. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF3700 All CPF37xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF3800 All CPF38xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 356 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Start Backup using BRM (STRBKUBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Start Backup using BRM (STRBKUBRM) command selects a control group to back up. You can start the backup immediately or you can schedule it using the system job scheduler. Processing can be batch or interactive. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. 2. You must have *USE authority to backup item exit programs and *EXECUTE authority to libraries containing the backup item exit programs. *********** End @F0A ********************************* Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes CTLGRP Control group Name, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Required, Positional 1 SCDTIME Schedule time Decimal number, *IMMED Optional SBMJOB Submit to batch *YES, *CONSOLE, *CTLSBS, *NO Optional STRSEQ Starting sequence Element list Optional Element 1: Number 1-9999, *FIRST Element 2: Library Name, *FIRST APPEND Append to media *CTLGRPATR, *BKUPCY, *NO, *YES Optional JOBD Job description Single values: *USRPRF Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Job description Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB JOBQ Job queue Single values: *JOBD Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Job queue Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB ACTIVITY Activity *CTLGRPATR, *FULL, *INCR Optional RETENTION Retention Element list Optional Element 1: Retention type *CTLGRPATR, *DAYS, *PERM Element 2: Retain media 1-9999, 35 OMITS Omits *PROCESS, *IGNORE Optional Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 357 Control group (CTLGRP) Specifies the name of the control group that you want to schedule for backup. Backup control groups are groups of libraries, special values and lists that share common backup characteristics. You can create multiple backup control groups to complete your backup strategy. This is a required field. *BKUGRP The default backup control group is processed. The default backup user data control group is set up in the BRMS backup policy. *SYSGRP The default system backup control group is processed. The default backup system data control group is set up when BRMS is installed. *SYSTEM The default backup control group is processed. The default backup entire system control group is set up in the BRMS backup policy. control-group-name Specify the name of the backup control group, such as DAILY that you want to process. Top Schedule time (SCDTIME) Specifies the time that you want BRMS to begin processing the backup. *IMMED The backups are to begin immediately. start-time Specify the time in hour and minutes that you want the backup to begin. The time is expressed in 24 hour clock format ’hhmm’. Top Submit to batch (SBMJOB) Specifies how you want to process the selected control group. *YES Submits the processing of the control group to batch. The job is dependent on the job queue and job description specified on subsequent parameters. *CONSOLE Transfers the processing of the control group to the system console. This special value is used with the console monitoring function in BRMS. *CTLSBS Submits the control group to the Q1ACTLSBS job queue in the controlling subsystem for batch processing. Note: If the control group requires all subsystems to be ended, this special value should only be used if the backup can complete without operator intervention because the interactive system console job is ended and will not be available. 358 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands If the control group requires all subsystems to be ended, system reference code A900 3C70 is displayed while the system is in restricted state. Unresponsive restricted state backups can be ended and the interactive system console job restarted in two ways: 1. Start DST from the control panel, sign on to DST, select option 14 - End batch restricted state. 2. Specify a value for Maximum time for backup on the System Policy which is large enough to allow the backup job to complete but small enough to end the backup job if the controlling subsystem has not been restarted in the specified time. *NO Performs the processing of the control group within the current job. Top Starting sequence (STRSEQ) Specifies the sequence number and library from which you want to restart backup processing. Note: If you are not restarting a control group, then you will always start at the first sequence number in the control group, regardless of the values specified in the STRSEQ parameter. Note: You can use this parameter when *IBM, *ALLUSR, *ALLPROD, *ALLTEST,*ASPnn or a generic library name is specified as the Save item in the specified sequence number in the control group. Element 1: Number *FIRST Backup processing starts with the first item in the control group. sequence-number Specify the sequence number within the control group from which you want to restart backup processing. Element 2: Library *FIRST Backup processing starts with the first library in the specified sequence number. library-name Specify the name of the library within the sequence number from which you want to restart backup processing. Top Append to media (APPEND) Specifies whether you want to append the backup data for the backup processing you are restarting to an active volume. Note: The APPEND parameter applies only to removable media, and must be *NO if media of class *ADSM (TSM server) is used. *CTLGRPATR Use the value from the control group for Append to media . *BKUPCY Use the value from the backup policy for Append to media . *NO Do not append backup data for the backup you are restarting to an active volume. Start Backup using BRM (STRBKUBRM) 359 *YES Append the backup data for the backup you are restarting to an active volume. Backup data is written to the volume immediately following the last active file on the volume. Top Job description (JOBD) Specifies the job description to be used with this job. Single values *USRPRF The job description in the user profile under which the submitted job runs is used as the job description of the submitted job. Qualifier 1: Job description name Specify the name of the job description used for the job. Qualifier 2: Library *LIBL The library list is used to locate the job description. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the job description. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. name Specify the name of the library where the job description is located. Top Job queue (JOBQ) Specifies the job queue in which this job is placed. Single values *JOBD The submitted job is placed on the job queue named in the specified job description. Qualifier 1: Job queue name Specify the name of the job queue on which the submitted job is placed. Qualifier 2: Library *LIBL The library list is used to locate the job queue. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the job queue. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. name Specify the name of the library where the job queue is located. Top 360 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Activity (ACTIVITY) The Activity parameter allows you to specify the activity that is to be used when processing the control group. You can specify that the Weekly activity attribute of the control group entries is to be used or specify a specific type of activity which will override the Weekly activity attribute of the control group entries. Activity overrides must be enabled for the control group specified in the CTLGRP parameter when specifying a value other than *CTLGRPATR for the Activity parameter. Activity overrides for the control group can be enabled or disabled from the properties Activity tab for the BRMS backup policy using the BRMS iSeries Navigator client. The backup policy will have the same name as the control group name. Diagnostic message BRM400A is sent by the STRBKUBRM validity checking program if activity overrides are disabled and the value for the ACTIVITY parameter is not *CTLGRPATR. *CTLGRPATR Specifies the Weekly activity attribute of the control group entries is to be used when processing the control group. This is the default value. *FULL Specifies the Weekly activity attribute of the control group entries is to be overriden and processed as a full save. The override applies to all days of the week. *INCR Specifies the Weekly activity attribute of the control group entries is to be overriden and processed as a incremental save. The type of incremental save is determined by the current value of the Incremental type attribute of the control group. The override applies to all days of the week. Each entry in the control group will be processed when the command is run regardless of the current value specified for the Weekly activity attribute for the entry. This includes exit entries. If the control group entry does not support incremental saves, the entry will not be processed and diagnostic message BRM400F will be entered into the job log. Top Retention (RETENTION) The Retention parameter allows you to specify the retention attributes that are to be applied to objects saved by the control group. You can specify that the retention attributes of the media policies defined in the control group are to be used or specify new retention attributes which will override the media policy retention attributes. Retention overrides must be enabled for the control group specified in the CTLGRP parameter when specifying a value other than *CTLGRPATR for element 1 of the Retention. Retention overrides for the control group can be enabled or disabled using the properties Media Retention tab for the BRMS backup policy using the BRMS iSeries Navigator client. The backup policy will have the same name as the control group name. Diagnostic message BRM400B is sent by the STRBKUBRM validity checking program if retention overrides are disabled and the value for element 1 of the Retention parameter is not *CTLGRPATR. Element 1: Retention type *CTLGRPATR Specifies the retention attributes of the media policies defined in the control group are to be applied to the saved objects. This is the default value. *DAYS Specifies days retention is to be applied to all objects saved by this control group. Saved objects Start Backup using BRM (STRBKUBRM) 361 remain active for the specified number of days, after which the saved objects expire. The number-of-days must be specified in element 2 when using this retention type. *PERM Specifies a permanent retention is to be applied to all objects saved by this control group. Permanent retention means the saved objects remain active indefinitely or until explicitly expired. Element 2: Retain media number-of-days Specifies a number of days from 1-9999 that saved objects remain active. Top Omits (OMITS) Specifies whether omit items are to be processed or ignored when the backup control group is run. Note: This attribute does not apply to backup lists or the *SYSTEM backup control group. *PROCESS Process omit items during the save. Omit items will be excluded from the save *IGNORE Ignore omitted items during the save. Omit items will be included in the save. Top Examples Example 1: Backing up a Control Group STRBKUBRM CTLGRP(BACK01) This command submits a batch job for backup control group BACK01. The batch job is not scheduled, so it will start immediately assuming batch job processing is active. Example 2: Overriding the Save Activity STRBKUBRM CTLGRP(BACK01) ACTIVITY(FULL) This command submits a batch job for backup control group BACK01. The control group is set up to normally perform cumulative saves. When this backup is run, the cumulative saves will be overriden and a full save will be performed. Example 3: Overriding the Save Retention STRBKUBRM CTLGRP(BACK01) ACTIVITY(FULL) RETENTION(*DAYS 2555) This command submits a batch job for backup control group BACK01. The control group is set up to normally perform cumulative saves with a retention of 30 days. When this backup is run, the cumulative saves and retention will be overriden. A full save with a retention of 2555 days will be performed. Example 4: Overriding Omitted Save Items STRBKUBRM CTLGRP(BACK01) ACTIVITY(FULL) RETENTION(*DAYS 2555) OMITS(*IGNORE) This command submits a batch job for backup control group BACK01. The control group is set up to normally perform cumulative saves with a retention of 30 days and uses omits defined in the backup 362 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands policy. When this backup is run, the cumulative saves, retention and omits will be overriden. A full backup which includes the omit items will be performed and a retention of 2555 days will be applied to the save. Example 5: Submit to System Save to Batch STRBKUBRM CTLGRP(*SYSTEM) SBMJOB(*CTLSBS) This command submits the *SYSTEM backup control group to the controlling subsystem for batch processing. Since the backup does not use the BRMS console monitor or any interactive processing, the backup requires complete media management automation. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1034 Control group &1 type &2 canceled. BRM1391 Control group &2 type &3 canceled. BRM1393 Control group &2 type &3 canceled. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4041 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF3700 All CPF37xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF3800 All CPF38xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top Start Backup using BRM (STRBKUBRM) 363 364 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Start Expiration for BRM (STREXPBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Start Media Expiration Processing for BRM (STREXPBRM) command expires media that is in the BRMS media content information database. When media is expired it can be reused in save processing. Volumes are expired when the expiration date or number of days are exceeded or when the volume has been reused. Volumes that are expired are marked with *YES in the Expired field on the Work with Media display. The STREXPBRM command can be scheduled to run periodically or can be processed as part of the STRMNTBRM command. The Media Expiration report can be produced by specifying *REPORT in the Active file action (ACTION) parameter. The report, if printed, is written to the printer file QP1AEP. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes ACTFILCNT Active file count 0-999, 0 Optional ACTION Active file action *REPORT, *EXPMED Optional EXPSETMED Expire media set volumes *NO, *YES Optional ACTFILRET File retention type *ANY, *VERSION Optional SLTCRTDATE Select creation dates Element list Optional Element 1: Beginning creation date Character value, *BEGIN, *CURRENT Element 2: Ending creation date Character value, *END, *CURRENT Top Active file count (ACTFILCNT) Specifies the number of active files that are allowed to exist on a volume before an expiration warning is issued for the volume in the Media Expiration report or automatically expired if the *EXPMED choice is selected for the Active file action (ACTION) parameter. Note: If the Active file count (ACTFILCNT) parameter is 0, and you specify *REPORT in the Active file action (ACTION) parameter, BRMS produces a report and expires media with 0 active files. If the Active file count (ACTFILCNT) parameter is greater than 0, only a report is produced. 0 The default number of active files is 0. number-of-files Specify the number of active files. You can specify from 0 to 999 active files. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 365 Active file action (ACTION) Specifies the action that you want to perform, based on the value specified in the Active file count (ACTFILCNT) parameter. You can print the Media Expiration report, expire media or take no action. *REPORT A warning is issued in the Media Expiration report for all media that have a number of active files equal to or less than the number of active files specified in the Active file count (ACTFILCNT) parameter. Note: An exception to this is that if the Active file count (ACTFILCNT) parameter is 0, media with no active files will be expired. *EXPMED Media is expired that has a number of active files equal to or less than the number of active files specified in the Active file count (ACTFILCNT) parameter and the active file count is less than the total number of files on the volume. For example, if you specified 1 in the Active file count (ACTFILCNT) parameter and the media held only one file, the media would not expire. If the media held two files and one file was active and the other had expired, the media would be allowed to expire. Top Expire media set volumes (EXPSETMED) Specifies whether to expire all eligible media in a media set with no active files when the STREXPBRM command processes. This will cause media that are members of media sets to expire even if there is unexpired media with active file sequences at subsequent positions in the set. This allows the media to be reused prior to expiration of the set and reduces the number of active media being managed. By default, BRMS will not expire media in a set prior to unexpirable media unless the entire set can be expired. *NO Volumes in a media set are not expired unless the entire set is expired. *YES Volumes in a media set are expired. Note: Expiring all eligible media in a set can reduce the size of the set or create two or more new sets. Note: It is recommended that you run this function periodically and it can be a long running process. Top File retention type (ACTFILRET) Specifies the type of retention for the active files that you want to include in media expiration. *ANY Include active files with any type of retention. *VERSION Include only active files whose expiration is based on version retention. Top Select creation dates (SLTCRTDATE) Specifies a range of creation dates that you want to use when selecting media to expire or report. The Beginning creation date is the beginning of a date range of media selected and the Ending creation date is the end of the date range of creation dates. 366 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Note: Using this parameter, it is possible to enter a date with no separator, or a number of days which can be up to 5 digits in length. For instance, if you are using month/day/year format, the number 12904 would be formatted as January 29, 2004. If on the other hand, you entered a number 13904, BRMS assume that this is not a date, but rather is a number. BRMS always tries to calculate a calendar date first when a number is entered and then if the date it calculates is not valid, assumes that it is a number of days. If the number that is entered is over 5 digits and the date that it calculates is not valid, you receive an error message. Note: This parameter is active only when you specify *EXPMED in the Active file action (ACTION) parameter. Element 1: Beginning creation date *BEGIN Uses the earliest media volume creation date that is on the file for the beginning of the creation date range. beginning-creation-date Specify a date that is the beginning of the creation date range. The date must be less than or equal to the current date. *CURRENT Uses the current date as the beginning of the creation date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the beginning date of the date range. Element 2: Ending creation date *END The last creation date in the media inventory is used as the end of the creation date range. *CURRENT Uses the current date as the ending of the creation date range. ending-creation-date Specify a date that is the ending of the creation date range. The date must be equal to or greater than the beginning creation date and less than or equal to the current date. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the ending date of the date range. Top Examples Example 1: Expiring Volumes Under Version Control STREXPBRM ACTFILCNT(2) ACTION(*EXPMED) ACTFILRET(*VERSION) This command starts expiration processing for any volume that has 2 or less active files on it and whose media expiration is controlled using version control. Example 2: Expiring Volumes in a Set STREXPBRM ACTION(*EXPMED) EXPSETMED(*YES) This command starts expiration processing for expiring volumes contained in a set if there are no active files on the volumes. Start Expiration for BRM (STREXPBRM) 367 Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 368 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Start Migration using BRM (STRMGRBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Start Migration using BRM (STRMGRBRM) command allows you to specify a migration control group to process. You can start the migration immediately or you can schedule it using the system job scheduler. Processing can be batch or interactive. The default for the OPTION parameter is *REPORT, which produces the Migration Item Candidate report. This allows you to process a report and review what will be migrated prior to performing the migration operation. To perform a migration for the items in the Migration Item Candidate report created by the *REPORT option or to restart a migration that was interrupted for some reason, you can specify the special value *RESUME. Each time you process the STRMGRBRM command using either the *REPORT or *MIGRATE special values, BRMS creates a migration candidate file for the items in the control group. This file contains information about the items in the control group at the time that you processed the STRMGRBRM command, as well as information about auxiliary storage pool sizes and utilization. The migration candidate file that you created is used for producing candidate reports and performing migration operations for the control group. If you specify *RESUME for a control group, the migration candidate file that was created for the control group when you processed the STRMGRBRM command is used. A new migration candidate file is not created when you specify *RESUME, even though items in the control group or auxiliary storage pool characteristics may have changed. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this command. 2. If you use the special value *EXIT in a migration control group and the resulting processing modifies the characteristics of either the control group items or auxiliary storage pool characteristics, BRMS does not record the changes in the resulting migration candidate file. You should consider not using the *EXIT special value in migration control groups if the resulting processing alters item or auxiliary storage pool characteristics. 3. The migration candidate list that is created as a result of processing a control group using either the *REPORT or *MIGRATE special values is not associated with a job or user id, only the name of the control group. If Job A processes a migration control group and Job B subsequently processes the same migration control group, the migration candidate list created for Job A will be overwritten by the migration candidate list created for Job B. If you want to resume a migration control group using the *RESUME special value, the migration candidate list created for Job B is the list that would be available for the resume operation, even if Job A was the job that was interrupted. 4. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 369 Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes CTLGRP Control group Name, *MGRGRP Required, Positional 1 OPTION Run option *REPORT, *MIGRATE, *RESUME Optional SCDTIME Schedule time Element list Optional Element 1: Beginning time Character value, *IMMED Element 2: Ending time Character value, *NONE SBMJOB Submit to batch *YES, *CONSOLE, *NO Optional JOBD Job description Single values: *USRPRF Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Job description Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB JOBQ Job queue Single values: *JOBD Other values: Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Job queue Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB ENDINTJOB End interactive jobs *SYSPCY, *NO, *YES Optional DELAY Delay 0-999, *SYSPCY Optional Top Control group (CTLGRP) Specifies the name of the control group that you want to to migrate. This is a required field. *MGRGRP The default migration control group is processed. The default migration control group is created by BRMS at installation. control-group-name Specify the name of the migration control group, that you want to process. Top Run option (OPTION) Specifies whether you want to produce a report of migration candidates or process the control group. Note: You should always run a report of migration candidates (*REPORT option) prior to processing the actual migration. The special value *EXIT is not processed when using the *REPORT option. *REPORT You want to produce the Migration Item Candidate report. The printer file the report is written to is QP1AHC. *MIGRATE You want to process a migration control group based on the migration plan. 370 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *RESUME You want to resume processing a migration control group. The migration will use the last migration report generated for this control group. Top Schedule time (SCDTIME) Specifies the time that you want BRMS to begin and end processing items in the migration control group. The beginning time is the time expressed in 24 hour format that you want the migration processing to begin. The ending time determines when you want migration processing to end. The migration process will not end in the middle of processing a migration item. Note: If the time that you specify for the beginning time is earlier than the current time, processing is delayed until the next day. Likewise the ending time specified will be moved to the next day. Note: Leading zeroes must be used when indicating hour and/or minute values less than 10. The use of a time separator is not supported. Element 1: Beginning time *IMMED You want to start migration control group processing immediately. begin-time Specify the time in hour and minutes that you want the migration to begin. The time is expressed in 24 hour clock format ’hhmm’. Element 2: Ending time *NONE The migration process continues until it ends, regardless of how long it takes. ending-time Specify the time that you want to conclude the migration process. The process will not end until it has completed processing the item that it is currently processing when the ending time is reached. Top Submit to batch (SBMJOB) Specifies how you want to process the selected control group. *YES Submits the processing of the control group to batch. The job is dependent on the job queue and job description specified as subsequent parameters. *CONSOLE Transfers the processing of the control group to the system console. This special value is used with the console monitoring function in BRMS. *NO Performs the processing of the control group within the current job. Top Start Migration using BRM (STRMGRBRM) 371 Job description (JOBD) Specifies the job description to be used with this job if SBMJOB(*YES) is specified. Single values *USRPRF The job description in the user profile under which the submitted job runs is used as the job description of the submitted job. Qualifier 1: Job description name Specify the name of the job description used for the job. Qualifier 2: Library *LIBL The library list is used to locate the job description. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the job description. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. name Specify the name of the library where the job description is located. Top Job queue (JOBQ) Specifies the job queue to use if SBMJOB(*YES) is specified. Single values *JOBD The submitted job is placed on the job queue named in the specified job description. Qualifier 1: Job queue name Specify the name of the job queue on which the submitted job is placed. Qualifier 2: Library *LIBL The library list is used to locate the job queue. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the job queue. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. name Specify the name of the library where the job queue is located. Top End interactive jobs (ENDINTJOB) Specifies whether BRMS should automatically notify active users that a migration process is about to occur and then sign them off. When *SYSPCY is specified, BRMS references the system policy to determine whether interactive users are to be notified and signed off. *SYSPCY The value for sign off interactive users from the system policy is used for this migration process. *NO You do not want BRMS to automatically sign off interactive users. 372 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *YES You want BRMS to automatically sign off interactive users. Top Delay (DELAY) Specifies the maximum time limit in minutes that BRMS automatically notifies users prior to automatically signing off active users. The number of minutes can range from 0 to 999 minutes. Messages are sent using the following schedule: v Zero - send the message one time and then the user is signed off. v 1-10 - send the message every minute and then the user is signed off. v 11-60 - send the message every 2 minutes and then the user is signed off. v 61+ - send the message every 10 minutes and then the user is signed off. *SYSPCY The sign off limit value from the system policy is used for this migration process. number-of-minutes Specify the number of minutes that will be the sign off limit for this migration process. The number of minutes can range from 0 to 999 minutes. Top Examples Example 1: Producing a Report of Migration Candidates STRMGRBRM CTLGRP(MGR01) SCDTIME(2000 0400) This command starts migration operations, for items identified in control group MGR01, between the hours of 10:00 PM and 4:00 AM. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM10A2 Control group &1 type &2 completed with errors. BRM1387 Error occurred processing exit command for control group &1. BRM1820 Control group &1 type &2 ended abnormally. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM1955 Console monitor is not active. BRM1F27 Operation not allowed, resources not available. Start Migration using BRM (STRMGRBRM) 373 BRM2160 Migration for control group &1 ended. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF3700 All CPF37xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF3800 All CPF38xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 374 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Start Maintenance for BRM (STRMNTBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Start Maintenance for BRM (STRMNTBRM) command performs various BRMS maintenance and clean-up functions. The STRMNTBRM command can be scheduled to process periodically either by manual submission or inclusion in an automatic job scheduler. The STRMNTBRM command processes several other commands that can be run separately. These include: v RMVMEDIBRM - Remove media information from BRM v MOVMEDBRM - Move media using BRM v STREXPBRM - Expire media from BRM v RMVLOGEBRM - Remove BRM log entries v WRKMEDIBRM - Work with media information v STRRCYBRM - Recovery analysis The STRMNTBRM produces multiple reports depending on the print options you select as well as the current conditions that it detects. For instance, the Centralized Media Audit report will not print if you are not using a clustered network environment in BRMS. Listed below are the printer files and associated reports that can be produced when the STRMNTBRM command processes: v QP1AVER - Version Control v QP1AEP - Media Expiration v QP1AMM - Media Report by Expiration Date v QP1AHS - Media Information v QP1ALE - Save Strategy Exceptions v QP1ARCY - Recovering Your Entire System v QP1AASP - Display ASP Information v QP1ARW - Recovery Activities v QP1A2SL - Location Analysis v QP1ASYN - Centralized Media Audit v QP1A2RCY - Recovery Volume Summary To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. 2. All object authority is required to run this command. 3. This command should not be run as a remote command. 4. Depending on the size of your media inventory, this command can take a long time to process. 5. This command should be run as an independent job. No other BRMS functions should be active when the STRMNTBRM command is processing. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 375 6. Reorganizing the BRMS database files can be a long running process requiring additional disk storage. Reorganization will occur on all BRMS data base files. Reorganization of files may be skipped if sufficient disk storage is not available, or if the file has no members or records. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes EXPMED Expire media *YES, *NO Optional EXPSETMED Expire media set volumes *NO, *YES Optional RMVMEDI Remove media information Element list Optional Element 1: Media contents *EXP, *NONE, *REUSE Element 2: Object level detail 1-9999, *MEDCON RMVMGRINF Remove migration information 1-9999, 180, *NONE Optional MOVMED Run media movement *NO, *YES Optional RMVLOGE Remove log entries Element list Optional Element 1: Type *ALL, *NONE, *ARC, *BKU, *MAINT, *MED, *MGR, *RCY, *RTV, *SEC Element 2: From date Character value, *BEGIN, *CURRENT Element 3: To date Character value, 90, *CURRENT, *END RUNCLNUP Run cleanup operations *YES, *NO Optional RTVVOLSTAT Retrieve volume statistics *YES, *NO Optional AUDSYSMED Audit system media Single values: *NONE, *NETGRP Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Character value Optional CHGJRN Change BRM journal receivers *YES, *NO Optional PRTEXPMED Print expired media report *YES, *NO Optional PRTVSNRPT Print version report *EXPMED, *NO, *YES Optional PRTBKUACT Print media information *YES, *NO Optional PRTRCYRPT Print recovery reports Single values: *ALL, *NONE Other values (up to 3 repetitions): *RCYACT, *RCYANL, *SAVEXCP Optional RCYLOC Recovery locations Single values: *ALL Other values (up to 10 repetitions): Name, *HOME Optional PRTSYSINF Print system information *NO, *YES Optional RGZBRMDB Reorganize BRMS database *NO, *YES Optional REFREE Auto-retrieved objects Element list Optional Element 1: Refree *NO, *YES Top Expire media (EXPMED) Specifies whether to expire media when the STRMNTBRM command processes. Expired save files that have been copied to tape are deleted when this command is run. The STREXPBRM command is processed by the STRMNTBRM command to expire media. *YES Media is expired when maintenence is run. *NO Media is not expired when maintenence is run. 376 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Top Expire media set volumes (EXPSETMED) Specifies whether to expire media set volumes when the STRMNTBRM command processes. This will cause media that are members of media sets to expire even if there is unexpired media with active file sequences at subsequent positions in the set. This allows the media to be reused prior to expiration of the set and reduces the number of active media being managed. By default, BRMS will not expire media in a set prior to unexpirable media unless the entire set can be expired. *NO Volumes in a media set are not expired when the STRMNTBRM command is processed unless the entire set is expired. *YES Volumes in a media set are expired when the STRMNTBRM command is processed. Note: Expiring all eligible media in a set can reduce the size of the set or create two or more new sets. Note: It is recommended that you run this function periodically and it can be a long running process. Top Remove media information (RMVMEDI) Specifies what information to remove from the BRMS media content inventory and how long to keep object detail. The RMVMEDIBRM command is used by the STRMNTBRM command to accomplish BRMS media content information removal. The Media contents (MEDCON) parameter indicates when media content information is removed from the media content information and the Object level detail (OBJDTL) parameter indicates when the object level detail is to be removed. Element 1: Media contents *EXP All BRMS media media content information entries that have an expiration date that is equal to or less than the current date are removed from the media content inventory. *NONE No media content information is to be removed from the media content information inventory when the STRMNTBRM command is run. *REUSE Media content information associated with a volume is not removed from the media content inventory file until the volume is re-used, even though the volume has already expired. Element 2: Object level detail *MEDCON Object detail is removed when media content information is removed. number-of-days Specify the number of days that object detail is kept in the media content inventory. If this number of days is greater than the number of days implied in the Media contents field, such as the volume expires in 60 days and you specify 90 days for the Object level detail , the value has no effect since object detail is always removed when media content information is removed. However, if you specify 45 days and the object expires in 60 days, the object level detail is removed 15 days before other media content information is removed. Top Start Maintenance for BRM (STRMNTBRM) 377 Remove migration information (RMVMGRINF) Specifies how old in number of days that migration information should be before it is removed from the migration information history. 180 Migration information is removed from the migration information history after 180 days. *NONE Migration information is not removed from the migration information history. number-of-days Specify the number of days after which migration information is considered old and no longer useful. For instance, if you specified 200, migration information older than 200 days would be removed from the migration information history when the STRMNTBRM command was processed. You can specify from 1 to 9999 days. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. Top Run media movement (MOVMED) Specifies whether to process scheduled media movement. The MOVMEDBRM command is processed by the STRMNTBRM command to move the selected media. *NO Media movements are not processed when the STRMNTBRM command is processed. *YES Scheduled media movements are processed when the STRMNTBRM command is processed. Top Remove log entries (RMVLOGE) Specifies whether to remove log entries when the STRMNTBRM command is run. You can specify the type of log entries that you want to remove and a date range of log entries. The RMVLOGEBRM command is processed by the STRMNTBRM command to remove log entries. Note: Using this parameter, it is possible to enter a date with no separator, or a number of days which can be up to 5 digits in length. For instance, if you are using month/day/year format, the number 12904 would be formatted as January 29, 2004. If on the other hand, you entered a number 13904, BRMS assume that this is not a date, but rather is a number. BRMS always tries to calculate a calendar date first when a number is entered and then if the date it calculates is not valid, assumes that it is a number of days. If the number that is entered is over 5 digits and the date that it calculates is not valid, you receive an error message. Element 1: Type *ALL Selects all log entries to remove within the specified date range. *ARC Selects only archive log entries to remove within the specified date range. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKU Selects only back up log entries to remove within the specified date range. *MAINT Selects only maintenance log entries to remove within the specified date range. *MED Selects only media management log entries to remove within the specified date range. *MGR Selects only migration log entries to remove within the specified date range. 378 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *NONE No log entries are removed when the STRMNTBRM command processes. *RCY Selects only recovery log entries to remove within the specified date range. *RTV Selects only retrieve log entries to remove within the specified date range. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *SEC Selects only security log entries to remove within the specified date range. Only log entries whose primary area are security will be removed. An entry may be logged for any reason and have security as a secondary area. Element 2: From date *BEGIN The earliest log entry date in the BRMS log is the beginning date of the date range. *CURRENT The current date is the starting point of the range of dates used to remove entries from the BRMS log. from-date Specify the date entered in job date format with or without date separators that you want to be the beginning date of the date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the beginning date of the date range. Element 3: To date 90 90 days before the current day is the ending date of the date range. *CURRENT The current date is the ending date of the date range. *END The last date in the log is the ending date of the date range. to-date Specify the date in job date format with or without date separators that you want to be the ending date of the date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the ending date of the date range. Top Run cleanup operations (RUNCLNUP) Specifies whether BRMS is to run clean up operations when the STRMNTBRM command processes. Cleanup operations includes various BRMS general routines such as creation of the location analysis report, analysis of deleted libraries, media policies with expiration dates that have past, and more. *YES Clean up operations are performed when the STRMNTBRM command is processed. *NO Clean up operations are not performed when the STRMNTBRM command is processed. Top Start Maintenance for BRM (STRMNTBRM) 379 Retrieve volume statistics (RTVVOLSTAT) Specifies whether BRMS is to retrieve volume statistics when the STRMNTBRM command processes. *YES Volume statistics are retrieved when the STRMNTBRM command is processed. *NO Volume statistics are not retrieved when the STRMNTBRM command is processed. Top Audit system media (AUDSYSMED) Specifies whether media information as contained by one or more systems in the network group should be audited and differences in media information resolved. You can enter one or more system/network identifiers or you can select the special value *NETGRP for all systems in the network group or *NONE for none of the systems in the network group. Note: Running shared inventory audit processing on each and every system using STRMNTBRM results in undue system and communications work. This auditing could be performed on just one system, in order to accomplish the same result. Note: Shared inventory audit processing is not generally required (except when users are restoring a back level QUSRBRM database) and need a way to resynchronize this local back level copy, or correct for problems due to loss of QA1ANET2 records. Note: Shared inventory audit processing is skipped if the current system is in restricted state or the remote systems required to complete the audit are not available. You can enter multiple values for this parameter. If you are on an entry display and you need additional entry fields to enter these multiple values, type a plus sign (+) in the entry field opposite the phrase ″+ for more″ and press the Enter key. Single values *NONE No media information for any system in the network group is to be audited and differences resolved. *NETGRP Media information for all systems in the network group is to be audited and differences resolved. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value. Other values (up to 50 repetitions) location-name Specify the name of the remote location associated with the system. The local system’s network identifier, as seen by using the DSPNETA command, is used as the system’s network identifier. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to specify a remote system. network-id.location-name Specify the network identifier and the name of the remote location associated with the system. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the network identifier and cccccccc is the remote location name. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to specify a remote system. Top 380 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Change BRM journal receivers (CHGJRN) Specifies whether to change the receivers for the BRMS journals when the STRMNTBRM command processes. When the BRMS journal receivers are changed, the old BRMS journal receiver is deleted. *YES The journal receivers are changed when the STRMNTBRM command is processed. *NO The journal receivers are not changed when the STRMNTBRM command is processed. Top Print expired media report (PRTEXPMED) Specifies whether to print a report of media that was expired when the STRMNTBRM command processes. *YES A report of media that was expired prints when the STRMNTBRM command is processed. *NO No report is created of the media that was expired when the STRMNTBRM command is processed. Top Print version report (PRTVSNRPT) Specifies whether to print a version control report when the STRMNTBRM command processes. The special value *EXPMED indicates that the version control report should be printed whenever media expiration processing is performed. *EXPMED Print a version control report whenever media expiration processing is performed. *NO No version control report prints when the STRMNTBRM command is processed. *YES A version control report prints when the STRMNTBRM command is processed. Top Print media information (PRTBKUACT) Specifies whether to print a report of what was backed up. The report will include backups done the day of the report and the previous day. The Work with Media Information using BRM (WRKMEDIBRM) command with parameter OUTPUT(*PRINT) is run by the STRMNTBRM command to produce the report. *YES A report is printed of what was backed up today and yesterday when the STRMNTBRM command is run. *NO No report is created of what was backed up. Top Start Maintenance for BRM (STRMNTBRM) 381 Print recovery reports (PRTRCYRPT) Specifies which recovery reports to print for recovery when the STRMNTBRM command runs. If you want to print two of the three reports, specify the special values for the reports. If you want to print all three of the reports, specify *ALL. Single values *ALL Print all reports for recovery when the STRMNTBRM command is processed. Recovery information that is printed will included system information. Reports generated from the value *SYSINF will not be included with *ALL. *NONE You do not want to print any of the reports when the STRMNTBRM command is processed. Other values (up to 3 repetitions) *RCYACT Print the Recovery Activities report when the STRMNTBRM command is processed. *RCYANL Print the Recovery Analysis report when the STRMNTBRM command is processed. *SAVEXCP Print the Save Strategy Exceptions report when the STRMNTBRM command is processed. Top Recovery locations (RCYLOC) Specifies the locations for which you want to print recovery reports. Reports printed depend on the value specified in the Print recovery reports (PRTRCYRPT) parameter. Single values *ALL Reports are printed for all locations. Other values (up to 10 repetitions) location-name Specify the location names for which you want to print reports. Top Print system information (PRTSYSINF) Indicates if BRMS should issue the i5/OS command PRTSYSINF to produce reports of system information. These reports include user library information, system hardware and resource information, configuration information, and much more. *NO BRMS will not issue the PRTSYSINF command and the associated reports will not be generated. *YES BRMS will issue the PRTSYSINF command and the associated reports will be generated. Top 382 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Reorganize BRMS data base (RGZBRMDB) Use this parameter to reorganize the BRMS database. This option removes deleted records from the BRMS database. You should reorganize the BRMS database on a periodic basis, particularly if you save many objects and save with object detail. Note: Reorganizing the BRMS database can be a long running process requiring additional disk storage. Reorganization will occur on the BRMS media inventory, media information (history) and object detail. BRMS may skip reorganization of the database if sufficient disk storage is not available, or if the database has no members or records. *NO The BRMS database is not reorganized. *YES The BRMS database is reorganized. Top Refree auto-retrieved objects (REFREE) Use this parameter to refree archive objects that have been auto-retrieved. *NO Do not refree auto-retrieved objects. *YES Refree auto-retrieved objects. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. Top Examples Example 1: Start Maintenance, Move Media, Clean the Archive Log STRMNTBRM MOVMED(*YES) RMVLOGE(*ARC) This command performs normal maintenance, starts media movement processing, and removes archive entries that are older than 90 days old from the BRMS log. Example 2: Start Maintenance to Reorganize the BRMS Database Files STRMNTBRM RGZBRMDB(*YES) This command performs normal maintenance and runs the RGZDBF commmands on all the BRMS data base files. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1177 Cannot establish connection with remote system. BRM1343 Date &2 is not correct. BRM1856 Job information cannot be retrieved. Errors occurred. Start Maintenance for BRM (STRMNTBRM) 383 BRM1868 File &1 not opened successfully. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM4041 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. BRM6708 Command ended due to error. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 384 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Start Recovery using BRM (STRRCYBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Start Recovery using BRM (STRRCYBRM) command recovers items ranging from a single library to the entire system. Any library or group of libraries that were saved by a BRMS save command can be restored by this command. Recovery is based on entries in the BRMS media inventory contents information. Recovery using the STRRCYBRM uses the most recent times and dates of entries in the BRMS media content information. This reflects the order in which libraries and objects were saved. For instance, a recovery request for a library will restore the most recent full backup of a library, the latest incremental backup of that library, and all object level saves that have dates after the last full save. BRMS always uses non-duplicated media information when selecting items for recovery regardless of whether the location of the media if a value of *ALL is specified for the Volume location (LOC) parameter. If you want to select recovery items from duplicated media information, then specify *YES on the Use duplicate media (USEDUPMED) parameter. The design of the STRRCYBRM command concerning libraries is to report all the resources needed to recover a library in its entirety. This means that during the search of media information a full backup is required as a starting point in recovering the library. If a full backup is not found meeting the search criteria, any subsequent saves of objects for that library are ignored. This could happen if control group A saves libraries full and control group B saves libraries incremental and the STRRCYBRM OPTION(*CTLGRP) CTLGRP((B) is issued. This could also happen if the time period specified does not have a full backup of the library. Note: Prior to processing a restore, you should use the report option (*REPORT) to produce a report of the steps required to restore a portion of the system or the entire system. The report that is produced is the Recovery Analysis report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1ARCY. Note: When you are restoring multiple items, such as a *SYSTEM , *SYSBAS or *SAVSYS, it is advisable to first run a Recovery Analysis Report to assist you in evaluating the steps required to restore the requested items. For instance, BRMS cannot install the Licensed Internal Code and restore the operating system for you automatically. The report assists you in locating the required volumes and identifies the manual steps needed to restore the Licensed Internal Code, the operating system, the BRMS product and required system libraries. After you have performed the manual steps, BRMS is able to provide automated assistance in restoring the remainder of the system. The steps required to restore the system are provided in the Recovery Analysis report. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restrictions: 1. You must have authority to the following restore commands: Restore Object (RST) Restore Document Library Object (RSTDLO) Restore Library (RSTLIB) © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 385 Restore Object (RSTOBJ) Restore Configuration (RSTCFG) Restore User Profiles (RSTUSRPRF) Restore System Information (RSTSYSINF) and must have the object authorities required by those commands as outlined in Appendix D of the iSeries Security Reference. 2. To restore libraries and objects: v You must have *ADD and *READ authority to the QSYS library to restore libraries which do not exist. v You must have *OBJEXIST authority to restore over objects contained in a library. 3. To restore documents and folders: v You must be enrolled in the system distribution directory. v You must have *CHANGE authority to the parent folder and *ALL authority to the document if it already exists on the system. v You must have *EXECUTE authority to the document library. 4. To restore directories and files: v You must have *W and *OBJEXIST authority to file if it already exists on the system. v You must have *WX authority to the parent directory. v You must have *ADD authority to the owning user profile of the directory into which the parent directories are created. v You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to create parent directories with a user profile other than your own. 5. You must have *USE authority to any auxiliary storage pool device when recovering objects to auxiliary storage pool devices. 6. These additional restrictions apply when *APYJRNCHG is specified for the Option (OPTION) parameter: v You must have authority to the APYJRNCHG command. v You must have *EXECUTE authority to the libraries containing the files, journals and journal receivers. v You must have *OBJEXIST authority to restore any files that already exist on the system. v You must have *CHANGE and *OBJMGT authority to apply journal changes to journaled files. v You must have *USE authority to any journal or journal receiver used to apply journal changes. 7. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes OPTION Option *SYSTEM, *ALLDLO, *ALLUSR, *APYJRNCHG, *ASP, *ASPDEV, *CTLGRP, *IBM, *LIB, *LNKLIST, *RCYEXITPGM, *RESUME, *SAVSYS, *SYSBAS Optional, Positional 1 ACTION Action *REPORT, *RESTORE Optional 386 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Keyword Description Choices Notes PERIOD Time period for recovery Element list Optional Element 1: Start time and date Element list Element 1: Beginning time Time, *AVAIL Element 2: Beginning date Character value, *BEGIN, *CURRENT Element 2: End time and date Element list Element 1: Ending time Time, *AVAIL Element 2: Ending date Character value, *END, *CURRENT USESAVF Use save files *YES, *NO Optional USEADSM Use TSM *YES, *NO Optional ASP Auxiliary storage pool 1-32, *SYSTEM Optional LIB Library Generic name, name Optional LIST List Name, *ALL Optional JRN Journal Single values: *JRNLST Other values (up to 25 repetitions): Qualified object name Optional Qualifier 1: Journal Name Qualifier 2: Library Name ASPDEV ASP device Values (up to 25 repetitions): Element list Optional Element 1: From system Name, *LCL Element 2: Auxiliary storage pool Name, *ALL Element 3: Objects *ALL, *LIB, *LNK CTLGRP Control group selection Single values: *SELECT Other values (up to 300 repetitions): Element list Optional Element 1: Control group Name, *NONE, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Element 2: Sequence number 1-99, 1 OMITLIB Libraries to omit Values (up to 25 repetitions): Generic name, name, *DELETE, *NONE Optional ALWDUP Allow duplicate entries *NO, *YES Optional LOC Volume location Single values: *ALL Other values (up to 10 repetitions): Name, *HOME Optional FROMSYS From system Character value, *LCL Optional PRTSYSINF Print system information *NO, *YES Optional USEDUPMED Use duplicate media *NO, *YES Optional USRRCYINF User recovery information *NONE, *ADD Optional Top Option (OPTION) Specifies what you want to restore from the BRMS media content inventory. *SYSTEM You want to restore the system (1) and basic user (2-32) auxiliary storage pools and auxiliary storage pool devices based on the BRMS media content information. *ALLDLO You want to restore all documents, folders, and distribution objects (mail) from the media content information that meet the specified starting and ending date. Start Recovery using BRM (STRRCYBRM) 387 *ALLUSR You want to restore all user libraries that were saved using the *ALLUSR special value. Refer to the Special Values table for the Save Library (SAVLIB) Command in the Saving Libraries section of the iSeries Backup and Recovery book for a list of libraries which can be restored using this special value. *APYJRNCHG You want to apply journaled changes. Specify the journals using the Journal (JRN) parameter. The value of the From system (FROMSYS) parameter will be ignored if this value is specified. If you want to apply journaled changes to a point in time, specify the point in time on the End time and date prompt of the Time period for recovery (PERIOD) parameter. *ASP You want to restore the system (1) or basic user (2-32) auxiliary storage pool. You must specify the auxiliary storage pool using the Auxiliary storage pool (ASP) parameter. If you are restoring system (1) auxiliary storage pool, only user data is restored, not the operating system. *ASPDEV You want to restore auxiliary storage pool devices. Specify the systems, auxiliary storage pool devices, and objects using the ASP device (ASPDEV) parameter. The value of the From system (FROMSYS) parameter will be ignored if this value is specified. *CTLGRP You want to restore a control group and its associated save items from the media content information. You must specify the control group name in the Control group selection (CTLGRP) parameter. Note: When you select *NONE in the CTLGRP parameter you are indicating that you want to restore saved items from the media content information file not associated with a control group name. Additionally you have the option of selecting up to 300 control groups to restore when you use the *SELECT option in the CTLGRP parameter. You can sequence the order in which the selected control groups are restored by using the Sequence number element of the CTLGRP parameter. *IBM You want to restore all system (IBM) libraries that were saved using the *IBM special value. Refer to the Special Values table for the Save Library (SAVLIB) Command in the Saving Libraries section of the iSeries Backup and Recovery book for a list of libraries which can be restored using this special value. *LIB You want to restore a library from the media content information. You must specify the library name in the Library (LIB) parameter. The latest version of the library is restored from the BRMS media content information by using the latest full save plus any incremental and object saves subsequent to the latest full save. *LNKLIST You want to restore all integrated file system objects that were specified in a list from the media content information that meet the specified starting and ending date. Specify the backup link list using the List (LIST) parameter when using this special value. *RCYEXITPGM Any objects that have been recovered and are waiting for a recovery exit program to be called to reestablish relationships between related objects will be called passing the list of objects that were restored. This step is required to successfully rebuild objects that specified recovery exit processing when the objects were saved. During a complete system recovery, steps are provided to restore all system and user data back to the system. Some of these objects were saved requesting that a recovery exit program be called via the Recovery exit program (RCYEXITPGM) parameter. The objects are all restored by BRMS 388 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands in the appropriate recovery step, and each object that requires a call to a recovery exit program is put into a list. After all data for the recovery is restored, the exit program is called for each package through processing of this option. A package is a related group of media files that were grouped together during the save operation by specifying a value on the Package identifier (PKGID) parameter. In a recovery of a single object or package that had requested a recovery exit program be called on recovery, this step will be done in the same way, the objects will be restored and the exit program will be called with the list of objects. *RESUME You want to start the recovery from the point where the recovery stopped. *SAVSYS You want to restore the operating system based on the BRMS media content information. *SYSBAS You want to restore only the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) based on the BRMS media content information. Top Action (ACTION) You can either specify whether you want to create a Recovery Analysis Report or perform an actual recovery. *REPORT You want to create the Recovery Analysis Report. This is recommended prior to restoring the system or *IBM to assure that the required media is available and that all necessary saves have been performed. *RESTORE You want to restore the requested items from the BRMS media content information. Note: If you specify *RESTORE and have specified *SYSTEM for the Option (OPTION) parameter, you will be returned to the Perform Recovery display. Top Time period for recovery (PERIOD) Specifies the period of time for which the recovery items are selected for recovery. Selected items are either included in the recovery report or recovered. This is dependent on the value specified in the Action (ACTION) parameter. Element 1: Start Time and date Element 1: Beginning time One of the following is used to specify the beginning creation time at which or after recovery items are included. Any items created before the specified time and date are not included in the selected recovery items. *AVAIL Any time that is available for the beginning date is included. Start Recovery using BRM (STRRCYBRM) 389 begin-time Specify the beginning time for the specified beginning date that indicates which recovery items are to be included. The time is specified in 24-hour format and can be specified with or without a time separator: v Without a time separator, specify a string of 4 or 6 digits (hhmm or hhmmss) where hh=hours, mm=minutes and ss=seconds. Hours, minutes, and seconds must each be exactly 2 digits (using leading zeros if necessary). v With a time separator, specify a string of 5 or 8 digits where the time separator specified for your job is used to separate the hours, minutes, and seconds. If you enter this command from the command line, the string must be enclosed in apostrophes. If a time separator other than the separator specified for your job is used, this command will fail. Element 2: Beginning date One of the following is used to specify the beginning date on or after which the recovery items must have been saved. Any entries saved prior to the specified date are not included in the recovery. *BEGIN Recovery items from the beginning of the media content information are recovered. *CURRENT Recovery items with a current date creation date and between the specified beginning and ending times (if specified) are recovered. begin-date Specify the beginning date. The date must be specified in the job date format. Element 2: End time and date Element 1: Ending time One of the following is used to specify the ending time before which recovery items are included. Any items created after the specified time and date are not included in the recovery items selected for recovery. *AVAIL Any time that is available for the ending date is included. end-time Specify the ending time for the specified ending date that indicates which recovery items are to be included. Element 2: Ending date One of the following is used to specify the ending date on which or before which the recovery items must have been saved. Any recovery items created after the specified date are not included in the recovery operation. *END The recovery items to the end of the recovery information are recovered. *CURRENT Recovery items whose save date is on or before the current date are included in the recovery. end-date Specify the ending date. The date must be specified in the job date format. Top 390 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Use save files (USESAVF) Specifies whether you want to use save files for recovery. *YES You do want to use save files for recovery. If the library that you want to recover is saved both on tape and a save file, and the save time and dates are the same, then BRMS will use the save file for recovery. *NO You do not want to use save files for recovery. Top Use ADSM (USEADSM) Specifies whether data stored on the TSM (ADSM) server is included in the recovery. When the recovery includes data saved to TSM servers, additional steps are added to the recovery report to assist in the recovery of this data. During a full system recovery, the TSM server data is recovered after the system (1) and basic user (2-32) auxiliary storage pool data is recovered and after the initial IPL. This assures the necessary operating system resources are available for establishing the connection to the TSM server. BRMS also makes recovery decisions based on where the recovery data resides. For example, when the current full backup is stored on a TSM server, but incremental backups are stored on tape, the BRMS report or plan will indicate that the full backup from the TSM server must occur first, followed by the recovery of the incremental saves from tape. *YES Include TSM data in the recovery report or plan. *NO Do not include TSM data in the recovery report or plan. Top Auxiliary storage pool (ASP) Specifies the system (1) or basic user (2-32) auxiliary storage pool that you want to restore. The ASP parameter is a required field when the Option (OPTION) parameter is *ASP. If you are restoring the system (1) auxiliary storage pool, only user data is restored, not the operating system. *SYSTEM You want to restore the system (1) auxiliary storage pool. auxiliary storage pool name Specify the name of the basic user auxiliary storage pool that you want to restore. auxiliary-storage-pool-number Specify the number of the system (1) or basic user (2-32) auxiliary storage pool that you want to restore. Top Library (LIB) Specifies the name of the library that you want to restore. Library is a required field when the Option field contains *LIB. library-name Specify the name of the library that you want to restore. generic*-library-name Specify one or more generic names of groups of libraries that you want to restore. A generic Start Recovery using BRM (STRRCYBRM) 391 name is a character string that contains one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*). If an * is not specified with the name, the system assumes that the name is a complete library name. Top List (LIST) Specifies the name of the list for the recovery operation. When *LNKLIST is specified for the Option (OPTION) parameter the List (LIST) parameter specifies the name of the integrated file system list that you want to restore. You can restore a single list or all lists. *ALL All integrated file system lists are selected for recovery. link-list-name Specify the name of the integrated file system list that you want to restore. Top Journal (JRN) Specifies the qualified names of the journals to be included in the apply journal changes operation. Up to 25 qualified names can be specified. Restrictions: v This parameter is only valid when *APYJRNCHG is specified for the Option (OPTION) parameter. v *LCL must be specified for the From system (FROMSYS) parameter. Single values *JRNLST The names of the journals to be included in the apply journal changes operation are retrieved from a list of saved journals. Qualifier 1: Journal name Specify the name of the journal to be included in the apply journal changes operation. Qualifier 2: Library name Specify the name of the library containing the journal to be included in the apply journal changes operation. Top ASP device (ASPDEV) Specifies auxiliary storage pool devices which are to be included in the recovery of the current system. Up to 25 iterations can be specified. Restrictions: v This parameter is only valid when *SYSTEM or *ASPDEV is specified for the Option (OPTION) parameter. v *LCL must be specified for the From system (FROMSYS) parameter. 392 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Note: To include objects in auxiliary storage pool devices saved on other systems in the recovery, the current system must be receiving media content information from the systems which saved the auxiliary storage pool device information. Note: To recover objects in auxiliary storage pool devices saved on other systems, the current system must have devices which support the density of the media volumes containing the saved items. Element 1: From system Specifies the system where the auxiliary storage pool device was saved. *LCL Include auxiliary storage pool devices saved on the current system in the recovery. system-name Include auxiliary storage pool devices saved on the specified system in the recovery. network-id.system-name Include auxiliary storage pool devices saved on the specified system in the recovery. Format of the system name is nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the network identifier and cccccccc is the default local location name. Element 2: Auxiliary storage pool Specifies the name of the auxiliary storage pool device. *ALL Include all auxiliary storage pool devices in the recovery. auxiliary-storage-pool-name Include the auxiliary storage pool device identified by this name in the recovery. Element 3: Objects Specifies the type of objects. *ALL Include all objects in the recovery. *LIB Include only library objects in the recovery. *LNK Include only directory and file objects in the recovery. Top Control group selection (CTLGRP) Specifies the name of the control group that you want to restore. The CTLGRP) parameter is a required field when the Option (OPTION) parameter contains *CTLGRP. You can specify a single control group or you can specify multiple control groups and sequence the order in which they are restored. When you want to select a control group or groups from a list of control groups, specify *SELECT in the CTLGRP parameter and press Enter. You are taken to the Select and Sequence Control Groups display where all control groups that are in the media content information are displayed. You can select and sequence each control group that you want to restore by putting a sequence number by each control group to establish a relative restore order. Sequence numbers can range from 1 to 99. Up to 300 control groups can be selected and can share the same sequence number. If the full and incremental saves are done in different control groups, it would be necessary to specify both control groups in order for the incremental entries to be selected. For example you could specify STRRCYBRM OPTION(*CTLGRP) CTLGRP((A) (B)). Start Recovery using BRM (STRRCYBRM) 393 A sequence number can be used with the control group names to ensure the sequence of the entries on the report. Do not sequence the incremental control group ahead of the full control group. If this is done, the full save will be restored over the incremental. It is a good idea to use different sequence numbers for control groups that are running at the same time. Otherwise there may be alot of loading and unloading of different tapes. For instance, control group C runs at the same time as A, and D the same time as B. In this case STRRCYBRM OPTION(*CTLGRP) CTLGRP((A 10) (C 10) (B 20) (D 20) may be an appropriate use of sequence numbers. Single values *SELECT You want to select a control group or groups from a list of control groups to restore from the media content information. This parameter can not be used in batch operations. Other values (up to 300 repetitions) Element 1: Control group *NONE You want to restore data that is not associated with a control group. *BKUGRP You want to restore the backup user data control group. *SYSGRP You want to restore the system data control group. *SYSTEM You want to restore the backup entire system control group. control-group-name Specify the name of the control group that you want to restore. Element 2: Sequence number sequence-number Specify a number from 1 to 99 to indicate the order in which you want to restore selected control groups. You can specify the same sequence number on several control groups. Note: The sequence number is ignored if *NONE is specified in the CTLGRP parameter. Top Libraries to omit (OMITLIB) Specifies the libraries you want to omit from recovery. You can choose to includes all libraries, or exclude deleted libraries and/or specifies libraries, and/or generic libraries. Up to 25 iterations can be specified. Single values: *NONE Include all libraries in the recovery. Other values: *DELETE Exclude deleted libraries from the recovery. library-name Exclude the named library from recovery. 394 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *generic-library-name Exclude libraries beginning with this generic name from recovery. Top Allow duplicate entries (ALWDUP) Specifies whether to allow duplicate entries in the list of control groups that you can select to restore. *NO Duplicate control group entries are not allowed in the Select and Sequence Control Groups display. *YES Duplicates are allowed in the Select and Sequence Control Groups display. Top Volume location (LOC) Specifies the locations that you want to include in the recovery. Single values *ALL Include all locations that have been set up in BRMS. Other values (up to 10 repetitions) *HOME Include the home location in the recovery. location-name Specify the name of the location that you want to include in the recovery. You can specify up to 10 locations. Top From system (FROMSYS) Specifies the location and network identification of the system from which you want to restore media information to the local system. Note: Use the Display Network Attributes (DSPNETA) command to view the system network attributes. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value if a value other than *LCL is specified. *LCL Specifies that the from-system is the local system. BRMS uses the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute and not the System name (SYSNAME) network attribute to determine the current system name. In most cases, the systems have the same value specified for LCLLOCNAME as for SYSNAME. location-name Specifies the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute of the remote system for the network operation. The current system Local network ID (LCLNETID) network attribute is used to connect with the remote system. network-id.location-name Specifies the Local network ID (LCLNETID) and the Default local location name Start Recovery using BRM (STRRCYBRM) 395 (LCLLOCNAME) network attributes of the remote system for the network operation. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the LCLNETID and cccccccc is the LCLLOCNAME. Top Print system information (PRTSYSINF) Specifies whether you want to include system information in recovery reports that you print when processing this command. If you specify *YES, the Print System Information (PRTSYSINF) command is processed. *NO Do not included system information when recovery reports are printed. *YES Include system information when recovery reports are printed. Top Use duplicate media (USEDUPMED) Specifies whether you want to use the original save media or duplicate save media when selecting history items for recovery. You may want to use this option if you move your original media offsite and keep duplicates of the original media onsite. The default value is *NO. *NO Specifies you want to use the original save media when selecting history items for recovery. *YES Specifies you want to use duplicate media when selecting history items for recovery. Top User recovery (USRRCYINF) Specifies whether you want user recovery information added to the BRMS Recovery Report (QP1ARCY) created by this command. Usage notes: 1. User recovery information can be included in the recovery report by adding records containing the information to the appropriate members of file QO1AUSRRCY in library QUSRBRM. Add records to member PROLOG to include user recovery information to the prolog information in the report. Add records to members STEPnnn to include user recovery information to specific steps in the report, where nnn is the step number as it appears on the report. Up to 92 bytes of user recovery information can be added to each record. There is no limit to the number of records. 2. User recovery information is added to the report following the BRMS information and before any saved items in the step. This information will be clearly highlighted on the report as user recovery information. 3. Each record is read sequentially from the file member, starting from the first record and ending with the last record, and will be added to the report in the same order as read. Each record will be placed on the report following the last printed line starting in column 8. 4. The user is responsible for all spacing, positioning and translation of the recovery information in each record. 5. The user is responsible for assuring the accuracy of the user recovery information. 6. The step numbers in the report differ depending on the value of the Option (OPTION) parameter and the content of the recovery. If the OPTION or content is changed, the names of the members in file QO1AUSRRCY may need to be renamed accordingly. The step numbers should be consistent if the report type and saved item content are consistent. 396 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands 7. No exception is signaled if user recovery information is requested but no records are found in the members. *NONE Specifies no user recovery information is available for the report. *ADD Specifies user recovery information is available and is to be added to the report. Note: This value can only be specified if *REPORT is specified for the Action (ACTION) parameter. Top Examples Example 1: Print the Recovering Your Entire System Report STRRCYBRM OPTION(*SYSTEM) This command produces a recovery report to assist you in restoring the entire system which includes the system (1) and basic user (2-32) auxiliary storage pools and any auxiliary storage pool devices. Example 2: Omit Libraries from the Recovering Your Entire System Report STRRCYBRM OPTION(*SYSTEM) OMITLIB(*DELETE QSC*) This command produces a report to assist you in recovering the entire system which includes the system (1) and basic user (2-32) auxiliary storage pools and any auxiliary storage pool devices. However, deleted libraries and libraries beginning with the generic name QSC* are omitted from the report. Example 3: Customize STEP 002 of the Recovering Your Entire System Report Enter the following command to work with the user recovery information file. WRKMBRPDM FILE(QUSRBRM/QO1AUSRRCY) MBR(STEP002) Edit the member using option 2=Edit on member STEP002. Enter the detailed user recovery information you want added to the report. When finished, exit the Edit display and indicate on the Exit display to save the edit session changes. Run the following command to print the report and validate the user recovery information in STEP 002. Use the same command to generate all future reports using the user recovery information. STRRCYBRM OPTION(*SYSTEM) USRRCYINF(*ADD) The above steps show how to customized STEP 002 in the Recovering Your Entire System Report by adding your own user recovery information. You might do this to provide your system operators with special detailed guidance unique to your recovery. You can do this with any or all steps in the report. Example 4: Print the Recovering Your Entire System Report for the Base System STRRCYBRM OPTION(*SYSBAS) This command produces a report to assist you in restoring the base system which includes the system (1) and basic user (2-32) auxiliary storage pools, excluding any auxiliary storage pool devices. Example 5: Print the Recovering Your Entire System Report for Auxiliary Storage Pool 2 STRRCYBRM OPTION(*ASP) ASP(2) This command produces a report to assist you in restoring saved items to basic user auxiliary storage pool 2. Start Recovery using BRM (STRRCYBRM) 397 Example 6: Restore Auxiliary Storage Pool Device MYASP STRRCYBRM OPTION(*ASP) ACTION(*RESTORE) ASP(MYASP) This command present the Select Recovery Items display containing a list of storing objects saved items from auxiliary storage pool device MYASP. Example 7: Entire System Recovery Report with a Switched Auxiliary Storage Pool Device STRRCYBRM ACTION(*REPORT) OPTION(*SYSTEM) ASPDEV(SYSTEM_B PAYROLL) This command produces a report to assist you in restoring the current system including auxiliary storage pool device PAYROLL saved on SYSTEM_B. SYSTEM_B is a system in the BRMS network and is networking media information about its saves to the current system. Example 8: Applying Journal Changes STRRCYBRM OPTION(*APYJRNCHG) JRN(*JRNLST) This command prompts the BRMS Work with Journals using BRMS display. The display will be populated with the names of journals which have been saved using BRMS. Use Option 1=Apply changes to show the associated journals receivers on the Apply Journal Changes using BRMS display, then use F16=Apply changes to apply journal changes. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1177 Cannot establish connection with remote system. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. BRM61FF Recovery completed with errors. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 398 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Start Subsystems using BRM (STRSBSBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Start Subsystems using BRM (STRSBSBRM) command restarts subsystems that have been ended as a result of control group processing and have been specified with a value of *YES for the Restart field for the control group Subsystems to process entries. You can specify the control group name and the type of control group that you are restarting subsystems for Note: If you specify this command for a *EXIT backup item entry in a control group and specify the current control group name for the CTLGRP parameter, this has the effect of restarting the subsystems, defined in the Subsystems to Process for the current control group, earlier than these would normally occur. Subsystems would normally be restarted during post processing after all saves have been completed. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes CTLGRP Control group Name, *BKUGRP, *ARCGRP, *MGRGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Optional TYPE Type *BKU, *ARC, *MGR Optional Top Control group (CTLGRP) Specifies the control group that you want to restart subsystems for *BKUGRP You want to restart the subsystems for the default backup user data control group. *ARCGRP You want to restart the subsystems for the default archive control group. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *MGRGRP You want to restart the subsystems for the default migration control group. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *SYSGRP You want to restart the subsystems for the default backup system data control group. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 399 *SYSTEM You want to restart the subsystems for the default backup entire system control group. control-group-name Specify the name of the control group for which you want to restart subsystems. Top Type (TYPE) Specifies the type of control group that you have identified. Type is ignored if *SYSTEM, *BKUGRP, *ARCGRP, *SYSGRP or *MGRGRP are specified for the CTLGRP parameter. *BKU The control group is a backup control group. *ARC The control group is an archive control group. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *MGR The control group is a migration control group. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. Top Examples STRSBSBRM CTLGRP(ARCHIVE01) TYPE(*ARC) This command restarts subsystems after the archive control group ARCHIVE01 completes archive processing. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1381 Control group &1 type &2 not found. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 400 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Verify Moves using BRM (VFYMOVBRM) Where allowed to run: Interactive environments (*INTERACT *IPGM *IREXX *EXEC) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Verify Moves using BRM (VFYMOVBRM) command shows you the Verify Media Moves display. The Verify Media Moves display allows you to verify individual media volume movement, verify all volumes scheduled to move or cancel movement for individual or selected volumes. You can specify all systems or a selected system to verify. The Volume Movement Report is produced when you run the VFYMOVBRM command. The report is written to printer file QP1AVMS. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes SYSNAME System name Character value, *ALL, *LCL Optional Top System name (SYSNAME) Specifies the system identifier for which you want to verify media movement. *ALL Include all media on all systems in the media selected for media movement. *LCL Specifies that the system is the local system. BRMS uses the default local location name, LCLLOCNAME and not the system name SYSNAME. In most cases, the systems have the same value specified in the LCLLOCNAME and in the SYSNAME. You can use the DSPNETA command to view the system network attributes. location-name Specify the name of the remote location associated with the system. The local system’s network identifier, as seen by using the DSPNETA command, is used as the system’s network identifier. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value. network-id.location-name Specify the network identifier and the name of the remote location associated with the system. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the network identifier and cccccccc is the remote location name. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 401 Examples Example 1: Verifying Media Movement VFYMOVBRM This command takes you to the Verify Media Moves display. Media chosen for media movement for all systems in the network is displayed. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top 402 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with ASP Descriptions (WRKASPBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Work with ASP Descriptions (WRKASPBRM) command takes you to the Work with ASP Descriptions display or produces the ASP Descriptions report. The resulting display or report depends on the values that you specify in the Work with ASP Descriptions command. You can specify an individual auxiliary storage pool, all auxiliary storage pools or a generic auxiliary storage pool. You can further define your request by ASP class and the sequence in which you want to sort the resulting output. Output can be a display or printed report. The report that is produced is the ASP Descriptions report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1AXS. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restriction: v The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this command. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes ASP Auxiliary storage pool Generic name, name, *ALL, *NONE, *SYSTEM, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 Optional ASPCLS ASP class Generic name, name, *ALL, *NONE Optional SORT Sort sequence *NAME, *CLASS Optional OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional Top Auxiliary storage pool (ASP) Specifies the name of the auxiliary storage pool or special value that you want to display or report. *ALL All auxiliary storage pools are to be included in the display or report. *NONE Do not include any auxiliary storage pools in the display or report. *SYSTEM Only the system (1) auxiliary storage pool is to be included in the display or report. generic*-ASP-name Specify a generic auxiliary storage pool name. For example, specifying ASP0* would cause all auxiliary storage pools whose names begin with ASP0 to be included in the report or on the display. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 403 ASP-name Specify the name of an auxiliary storage pool to be included in the report or display. ASP-number Specify the number of the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool (2-32) to be included in the report or display. Top ASP class (ASPCLS) Specifies the name of the ASP class or special value that you want to display or report. *ALL All ASP classes are to be included in the display or report. *NONE Only auxiliary storage pools that have not been assigned to an ASP class are to be included in the display or report. generic*-ASP-class-name Specify a generic ASP class name. For example, specifying MEDIUM* would cause all ASP classes whose names begin with MEDIUM to be included in the report or on the display. ASP-class-name Specify the name of a specific ASP class to be included in the report or display. Top Sort sequence (SORT) Specifies the order in which you want to to display or report the resulting information. *NAME The resulting display or report is sequenced in auxiliary storage pool name order. Auxiliary storage pools that have no name are listed first. *CLASS The resulting display or report is sequenced in ASP class hierarchy order. ASPs which have not been assigned to a class are shown last. Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. Top 404 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Examples Example 1: Working with the System ASP WRKASPBRM ASP(1) This command will show the Work with ASP Descriptions panel for ASP 1, which is the system ASP. From this panel you can review or change the description for the system ASP. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. CPF9800 All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF. Top Work with ASP Descriptions (WRKASPBRM) 405 406 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with Calendars using BRM (WRKCALBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Work with Calendars (WRKCALBRM) command works with all calendar entries by taking you to the Work with Calendars display. From there you can add, remove, change, copy or display calendar information. Output can be a display or printed report. The report that is produced is the Calendars report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1ACA. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restriction: v Calendar names can be up to ten characters in length and adhere to i5/OS naming conventions. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. Top Examples WRKCALBRM This command displays the Work with Calendars panel. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 407 BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. Top 408 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with Classes using BRM (WRKCLSBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Work with Classes using BRM (WRKCLSBRM) command works with all or selected container, auxiliary storage pool (ASP) or media classes. You can select a single class or all classes. Output can be a display or printed report. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes TYPE Type *MED, *ASP, *CNR Optional, Positional 1 OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional Top Type (TYPE) You can specify whether you want to display or report on media classes, ASP classes or container classes. *MED You want to display or report on media classes. The report that is produced is the Media Class report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1AMT. *ASP You want to display or report on ASP classes. The report that is produced is the ASP Class report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1AXC. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *CNR You want to display or report on container classes. The report that is produced is the Container Class report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1ACT. Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 409 Examples WRKCLSBRM TYPE(*CNR) This command displays the Work with Container Classes panel. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM4041 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. Top 410 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with Containers using BRM (WRKCNRBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Work with Containers using BRM (WRKCNRBRM) command works with all or selected containers. You can select all containers or those that are open or closed. Your selection can be further refined by location. Output can be a display or printed report. The report that is produced is the Container report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1ACN. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes CNR Container ID Name, *ALL Optional, Positional 1 STATUS Status *ALL, *CLOSED, *OPEN Optional, Positional 2 LOC Location Name, *ALL, *HOME Optional, Positional 3 CNRCLS Container class Name, *ALL Optional, Positional 4 OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional, Positional 5 Top Container ID (CNR) Specifies whether you want to work with a specific container or all containers. *ALL You want to work with all containers in the BRMS container inventory. container-ID Specify the container ID in the BRMS container inventory that you want to work with. Top Status (STATUS) Specifies whether you want to work with all containers, open containers or closed containers. Open containers can accept additional media volumes and closed containers cannot. *ALL You want to work with all containers in the BRMS container inventory. *CLOSED You want to work with closed containers. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 411 *OPEN You want to work with open containers. Top Location (LOC) Specifies a location that you want to work with. You can specify a single location, containers that are in the home storage location, containers that are in other storage locations or all locations. *ALL You want to work with all containers in all locations. *HOME You want to work with containers in the location *HOME. location-name Specify the location that contains the containers that you want to work with. Top Container class (CNRCLS) Specifies the container class for the containers that you want to work with. Container classes define the types of physical containers that are used to store and transport physical media classes. Container classes are distinguished by attributes such as capacity and media class. For instance, there could be several container classes for eight millimeter cartridges. One container class could be CONT8MM10 indicating that this container class is used for eight millimeter cartridges and has a capacity of 10 cartridges. If you used another container for eight millimeter cartridges that had a 25 cartridge capacity, you could set up CONT8MM25 as a container class. *ALL You want to work with all container classes that are assigned to the containers you are working with. container-class-name Specify the user-defined name of the container class for the containers that you want to work with. Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. Top Examples WRKCNRBRM STATUS(*OPEN) LOC(*HOME) This command displays the Work with Containers panel where all open containers that are at the home location are displayed. 412 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. Top Work with Containers using BRM (WRKCNRBRM) 413 414 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with Control Groups (WRKCTLGBRM) Where allowed to run: Interactive environments (*INTERACT *IPGM *IREXX *EXEC) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Work with Control Groups using BRM (WRKCTLGBRM) command allows you to produce a display or report of backup, archive and migration control groups. If you display control group information you are taken to the selected Work with Control Groups display where you can create, delete, change or display control groups. If you report control group information, the selected control group report is produced. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes TYPE Type *BKU, *ARC, *MGR Optional, Positional 1 OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional Top Type (TYPE) Specifies the type of control group that you want to work with. *BKU You want to work with backup control groups. *ARC You want to work with archive control groups. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *MGR You want to work with migration control groups. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. Note: OUTPUT(*PRINT) is only supported for TYPE(*MGR). © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 415 Top Examples WRKCTLGBRM This command displays the Work with Backup Control Groups panel. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1039 &1 currently in use. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM4041 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. Top 416 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with Devices using BRM (WRKDEVBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Work with Devices using BRM (WRKDEVBRM) command works with all device entries by taking you to the Work with Devices display. From there you can add, remove, change or display device information. Output can be a display or printed report. The report that is produced is the Device report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1ADV. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. Top Examples WRKDEVBRM This command displays the Work with Devices panel. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1240 Device &1 is not allowed. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 417 BRM1291 Device entry &1 in use. BRM1706 Media library &1 in use. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. Top 418 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with Saved Folders (WRKFLRBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Work with Saved Folders using BRM (WRKFLRBRM) command displays or prints a report of saved folders, including all subfolders. Folders are selected by date ranges and the resulting display/print can be sequenced in several ways. If the display option is selected, you can display the documents in each folder and restore them from the media inventory. The report that is produced is the Saved Folders report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1AFD. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes FLR Folder Character value, *ALL Optional, Positional 1 SLTDATE Select dates Element list Optional Element 1: From date Character value, *BEGIN, *CURRENT Element 2: To date Character value, *END, *CURRENT SAVSTS Save status *ALL, *ERROR, *NOERROR Optional SORT Sequence option *DATE, *FLR Optional FROMSYS From system Character value, *LCL Optional OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional Top Folder (FLR) Specifies the name of the folder or group of folders that you want to display or print. *ALL Include all folders in the display or print. folder-name Specify the name of the folder that you want to display or print. generic*-folder-name Specify the generic folder name. For example, specifying ACCFLR* would cause all folder whose names that begin with ACCFLR to be included in the display or print. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 419 Select dates (SLTDATE) Specifies a range of dates that you want to use when displaying or printing saved folders. The From date is the beginning of a date range of saved folders and the To date is the end of the date range. Note: Using this parameter, it is possible to enter a date with no separator, or a number of days which can be up to 5 digits in length. For instance, if you are using month/day/year format, the number 12904 would be formatted as January 29, 2004. If on the other hand, you entered a number 13904, BRMS assume that this is not a date, but rather is a number. BRMS always tries to calculate a calendar date first when a number is entered and then if the date it calculates is not valid, assumes that it is a number of days. If the number that is entered is over 5 digits and the date that it calculates is not valid, you receive an error message. Element 1: From date *BEGIN Uses the earliest activity date for the beginning date of the date range. *CURRENT Use the current date for the beginning date of the date range. from-date Specify the date entered in job date format with or without date separators for the beginning date of the date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the starting date of the date range. Element 2: To date *END The last date that a folder was saved is the ending date of the date range that you want to use for the search. *CURRENT Uses the current date for the ending date of the date range. to-date Specify the date in job date format with or without date separators that you want to be the ending date of the date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the ending date of the date range. Top Save status (SAVSTS) Specifies whether you want to display or report all successful saves, unsuccessful saves or both. *ALL Include both successful and unsuccessful saves in the display or report. *ERROR Include only unsuccessful saves in the display or report. *NOERROR Include only successful saves in the display or report. Top 420 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Sequence Option (SORT) The Work with Saved Folders display or report can be sequenced several ways. *DATE Orders the display or report in date sequence. *FLR Orders the display or report in folder sequence. Top From system (FROMSYS) Specifies the location and network identification of the system whose folder information that you want to work with. Note: Use the Display Network Attributes (DSPNETA) command to view the system network attributes. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value if a value other than *LCL is specified. *LCL Specifies that the from-system is the local system. BRMS uses the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute and not the System name (SYSNAME) network attribute to determine the current system name. In most cases, the systems have the same value specified for LCLLOCNAME as for SYSNAME. location-name Specifies the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute of the remote system for the network operation. The current system Local network ID (LCLNETID) network attribute is used to connect with the remote system. network-id.location-name Specifies the Local network ID (LCLNETID) and the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attributes of the remote system for the network operation. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the LCLNETID and cccccccc is the LCLLOCNAME. Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. Top Examples WRKFLRBRM SLTDATE(*BEGIN *END) This command displays the Work with Saved Folders panel, where all folders from the beginning of the file to the end of the file are displayed. Work with Saved Folders (WRKFLRBRM) 421 Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1177 Cannot establish connection with remote system. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM4041 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. Top 422 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with Lists using BRM (WRKLBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Work with Lists using BRM (WRKLBRM) command displays or prints a report of lists that you select. You can select to display or print all lists, backup lists or archive lists. If the display option is selected, you are taken to the Work with Lists display where you can create, remove, change or display lists. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes TYPE Type of usage *ALL, *ARC, *BKU Optional, Positional 1 OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional Top Type of usage (TYPE) Specifies the type of list that you want to work with. *ALL You want to work with all types of lists. *ARC You want to work with archive lists. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKU You want to work with backup lists. Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. If you want to print the archive lists, the following reports are written to the associated printer files: v Archive Folder List report - QP1AAF v Archive Object List report - QP1AAO © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 423 v Archive Spooled File report - QP1AAQ If you want to print the backup lists, the following reports are written to the associated printer files: v Backup Folder List report - QP1AFL v Backup Object List report - QP1AOB v Backup Spooled File report - QP1ALQ v Backup Object List report - QP1AFS Top Examples WRKLBRM TYPE(*BKU) This command displays the Work with Backup Lists panel. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1177 Cannot establish connection with remote system. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM4041 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. Top 424 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with Link Information (WRKLNKBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Work with Link Information (WRKLNKBRM) command allows you to work with all or selected directories that contain integrated file systems object link information. You are taken to the Work with Link Information display where you can work with integrated file system object link information or remove integrated file system object link information. Output can be a display or printed report. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes DIR Directory Path name, * Optional SAVTYPE Save type Single values: *ALL Other values (up to 3 repetitions): *ARC, *CUML, *FILE, *FULL, *INCR, *NONE, *QBRM Optional SLTDATE Select dates Element list Optional Element 1: From date Character value, *BEGIN, *CURRENT Element 2: To date Character value, *END, *CURRENT FROMSYS From system Character value, *LCL Optional OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional Top Directory (DIR) Specifies the path for the directories that you want to work with in a display or report. * Include all directories in the display or report. object-name-pattern Specify the name of the object or a pattern to match the name(s) of the object(s) to be shown. The object path name can be either a simple name or a name that is qualified with the name of the directory in which the object is located. A pattern can be specified in the last part of the path name. An asterisk (*) matches any number of characters and a question mark (?) matches a single character. If the path name is qualified or contains a pattern, it must be enclosed in apostrophes. Top Save type (SAVTYPE) Specifies the type of save items that you want to work with. You can specify all types of items, a specific type or a mix of types. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 425 You can enter multiple values for this parameter. If you are on an entry display and you need additional entry fields to enter these multiple values, type a plus sign (+) in the entry field opposite the phrase ″+ for more″ and press the Enter key. Single values *ALL Work with all types of save items. Other values (up to 3 repetitions) *ARC Only work with save items that were a result of an archive process. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required for this value. *CUML Only work with save items that were a result of an incremental (save changed objects) save. *CUML indicates that the incremental save includes all objects that have been changed since the last full save. *FILE Only work with save items that were a result of native i5/OS save commands. *FULL Only work with save items that were a result of a full save. *INCR Only work with save items that were a result of an incremental (save changed objects) save. *INCR indicates that the incremental save includes all objects that have been changed since the last incremental save. *NONE Only work with save items that have never been saved. *QBRM Work with BRMS media information items that have been saved. Top Select date (SLTDATE) Specifies a range of dates that you want to use when selecting entries to include in the display or report. The From date is the beginning point in the date range and the To date is the end of the date range. Note: Using this parameter, it is possible to enter a date with no separator, or a number of days which can be up to 5 digits in length. For instance, if you are using month/day/year format, the number 12904 would be formatted as January 29, 2004. If on the other hand, you entered a number 13904, BRMS assume that this is not a date, but rather is a number. BRMS always tries to calculate a calendar date first when a number is entered and then if the date it calculates is not valid, assumes that it is a number of days. If the number that is entered is over 5 digits and the date that it calculates is not valid, you receive an error message. Element 1: From date *BEGIN The date of the earliest entry is the beginning date of the date range. *CURRENT The current date is the starting point of the range of dates to select for the display or report. from-date Specify the date entered in job date format with or without date separators that you want to be the beginning date of the date range. 426 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is the beginning date of the date range. Element 2: To date *END The last date is the ending date of the date range. *CURRENT The current date is the ending date of the date range. to-date Specify the date in job date format with or without date separators that you want to be the ending date of the date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is the ending date of the date range. Top From system (FROMSYS) Specifies the location and network identification of the system whose integrated file system information that you want to display or print. Note: Use the Display Network Attributes (DSPNETA) command to view the system network attributes. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value if a value other than *LCL is specified. *LCL Specifies that the from-system is the local system. BRMS uses the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute and not the System name (SYSNAME) network attribute to determine the current system name. In most cases, the systems have the same value specified for LCLLOCNAME as for SYSNAME. location-name Specifies the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute of the remote system for the network operation. The current system Local network ID (LCLNETID) network attribute is used to connect with the remote system. network-id.location-name Specifies the Local network ID (LCLNETID) and the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attributes of the remote system for the network operation. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the LCLNETID and cccccccc is the LCLLOCNAME. Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. Top Work with Link Information (WRKLNKBRM) 427 Examples WRKLNKBRM SLTDATE(*CURRENT *CURRENT) This command displays the Work with Link Information panel where all integrated file system information for the current date is displayed. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1177 Cannot establish connection with remote system. BRM1867 Error writing file &1. BRM1868 File &1 not opened successfully. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM4041 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. BRM4117 Recovery of first media file required. Top 428 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with Locations using BRM (WRKLOCBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Work with Locations using BRM (WRKLOCBRM) command allows you to work with all storage locations. You can select a single location or all locations. Output can be a display or printed report. The report that is produced is the Storage Location report. The report is written to the printer file QP1ASL. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. Top Examples WRKLOCBRM This command displays the Work with Locations panel. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 429 BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. Top 430 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with Media using BRM (WRKMEDBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Work with Media using BRM (WRKMEDBRM) command works with active, expired or all media volumes in the media inventory by creation and expiration date for any or all locations. The following parameters can be used to tailor this display or printed report. The report that is produced is the Media report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1AMM. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes TYPE Select volumes *BOTH, *ACT, *EXP Optional, Positional 1 SLTCRTDATE Select creation dates Element list Optional Element 1: Beginning creation date Character value, *BEGIN, *CURRENT Element 2: Ending creation date Character value, *END, *CURRENT SLTEXPDATE Select expiration dates Element list Optional Element 1: Beginning expiration date Character value, *BEGIN, *CURRENT, *PERM Element 2: Ending expiration date Character value, *END, *CURRENT VOL Volume identifier Single values: *ALL Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Character value Optional LOC From location Name, *ALL, *HOME Optional CNR Container Name, *ALL Optional MEDCLS Media class Name, *ALL Optional SYSNAME System name Character value, *ALL, *LCL Optional FILEGRP File group Name, *ALL, *NONE, *ARCGRP, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Optional GRPTYPE File group type Name, *ALL, *ARC, *BKU, *NONE Optional TEXT Text Character value, *ALL, *NONE, *generic* Optional SORT Sequence *VOL, *CRT, *EXP, *LOC Optional OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional Top Select volumes (TYPE) Use this parameter to specify the type of media volume that you want to display or print. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 431 *BOTH Displays or prints both active and expired media volumes. *ACT Displays or prints only active media volumes. *EXP Displays or prints only expired media volumes. Top Select creation dates (SLTCRTDATE) Specifies a range of creation dates that you want to use when working with media. The Beginning creation date is the beginning of a date range of media selected and the Ending creation date is the end of the date range of creation dates. Note: Using this parameter, it is possible to enter a date with no separator, or a number of days which can be up to 5 digits in length. For instance, if you are using month/day/year format, the number 12904 would be formatted as January 29, 2004. If on the other hand, you entered a number 13904, BRMS assume that this is not a date, but rather is a number. BRMS always tries to calculate a calendar date first when a number is entered and then if the date it calculates is not valid, assumes that it is a number of days. If the number that is entered is over 5 digits and the date that it calculates is not valid, you receive an error message. Element 1: Beginning creation date *BEGIN Uses the earliest media volume creation date that is on the file for the beginning of the creation date range. *CURRENT Uses the current date as the beginning of the creation date range. beginning-creation-date Specify a date that is the beginning of the creation date range. The date must be less than or equal to the current date. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the beginning date of the date range. Element 2: Ending creation date *END The last creation date in the media inventory is used as the end of the creation date range. *CURRENT Uses the current date as the ending of the creation date range. ending-creation-date Specify a date that is the ending of the creation date range. The date must be equal to or greater than the beginning creation date and less than or equal to the current date. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the ending date of the date range. Top 432 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Select expiration dates (SLTEXPDATE) Specifies a range of expiration dates that you want to use when working with media. The Beginning expiration date is the beginning of a date range of media selected and the Ending expiration date is the end of the date range of expiration dates. Note: Using this parameter, it is possible to enter a date with no separator, or a number of days which can be up to 5 digits in length. For instance, if you are using month/day/year format, the number 12904 would be formatted as January 29, 2004. If on the other hand, you entered a number 13904, BRMS assume that this is not a date, but rather is a number. BRMS always tries to calculate a calendar date first when a number is entered and then if the date it calculates is not valid, assumes that it is a number of days. If the number that is entered is over 5 digits and the date that it calculates is not valid, you receive an error message. Element 1: Beginning expiration date *BEGIN Uses the earliest media volume expiration date that is on the file for the beginning of the expiration date range. *CURRENT Uses the current date as the beginning of the expiration date range. beginning-expiration-date Specify a date that is the beginning of the expiration date range. The date must be less than or equal to the current date. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the starting date of the date range. Element 2: Ending expiration date *END The last expiration date in the media inventory is used as the end of the expiration date range. *CURRENT Uses the current date as the ending of the expiration date range. ending-expiration-date Specify a date that is greater than or equal to the beginning expiration date. number-of-days Specify the number of days after the current day that is used to determine the ending date of the date range. *PERM Selects all media volumes that are marked with a permanent retention. Top Volume identifier (VOL) Specifies the volume or volumes that you want to display in the Work with Media display or print. Single values *ALL You want to display or print all volumes in the media inventory that meet all specified parameters. Other values (up to 50 repetitions) Work with Media using BRM (WRKMEDBRM) 433 generic*-volume-name Specify the generic volume name. For example, specifying VOL* would cause all volumes whose names that begin with VOL to be included in the display or print. volume-name Specify that you want to display or print the volume or volumes that meet all specified parameters. Top From location (LOC) Specifies the location of the media that you want to display or print. *ALL Use the media volumes that reside in any storage location. *HOME Use the media volumes that reside in the local storage location, *HOME. from-location-name Specify the name of the media storage location. Top Container (CNR) Specifies the container that you want to display or print. You can select a specific container or all containers within a location. *ALL Work with all containers that reside in a storage locations. container-ID Specify the name of the container you want to display or print. Top Media class (MEDCLS) Specifies the media class that you want to display or print. You can select a specific media class or all media classes. *ALL Work with all media classes. media-class-name Specify the name of the media class that you want to display or print. Top System name (SYSNAME) Specifies the system name whose media inventory that you want to display or print. *ALL You want to display or print the media inventory for all system names. *LCL Specifies that the system is the local system. BRMS uses the default local location name, LCLLOCNAME and not the system name SYSNAME. In most cases, the systems have the same value specified in the LCLLOCNAME and in the SYSNAME. You can use the DSPNETA command to view the system network attributes. 434 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands location-name Specify the name of the remote location associated with the system. The local system’s network identifier, as seen by using the DSPNETA command, is used as the system’s network identifier. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value. network-id.location-name Specify the network identifier and the name of the remote location associated with the system. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the network identifier and cccccccc is the remote location name. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value. Top File group (FILEGRP) Specifies the file group that you want to include on the volumes that you want to display or print. *ALL Include all file groups that meet the other specifications for the media that you want to display or print. *NONE Do not include file groups. *ARCGRP Include volumes that contain the default archive control group in the group of files. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKUGRP Include volumes that contain the default backup user data control group in the group of files. *SYSGRP Include volumes that contain the default system data control group in the group of files. *SYSTEM Include volumes that contain the default backup entire system control group in the group of files. file-group Specify the name of the file group whose volumes you want to display or print. Top File group type (GRPTYPE) Specifies the type of file group that you want to display or print. *ALL Include all types of file groups that meet the other specifications in the search. *ARC Include file groups that are archive type file groups in the media that you want to display or print. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKU Include file groups that are backup type file groups in the media that you want to display or print. *NONE Do not include any file group types in the media that you want to display or print. Work with Media using BRM (WRKMEDBRM) 435 file-group-type Specify the file group type that you want to include in the file groups that you want to display or print. Top Text (TEXT) Specifies the text related to the media with which you want to work. You can search for any string of characters, and only those media inventory entries that contain the string of characters in the text are included in the display or print. *ALL You want to display or print all media inventory entries, regardless of the text. *NONE You want to display or print all media inventory entries that have blanks for text. *generic*-text Specify that you want to display or print all media inventory entries that have the text string specified. Top Sequence (SORT) Specifies the sort sequence that you want to use for this display or report. *VOL Sorts the display or report in volume sequence. *CRT Sorts the display or report in creation date sequence. *EXP Sorts the display or report in expiration date sequence. *LOC Sorts the display or report in location sequence. Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. Top Examples Example 1: Working with Expired Media WRKMEDBRM TYPE(*EXP) This command displays the Work with Media panel, where expired media are shown. Example 2: Working with Active Media Sorted by Location 436 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands WRKMEDBRM TYPE(*ACT) SYSNAME(MYSYS) SEQ(*LOC) This command displays the Work with Media panel, where active media that is in the media inventory for a system named MYSYS are shown in location order. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. Top Work with Media using BRM (WRKMEDBRM) 437 438 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with Media Information (WRKMEDIBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Work with Media Information using BRM (WRKMEDIBRM) command displays or reports media information based on specified libraries, date ranges and sequences. The Work with Media Information command shows the date and time each library was saved, the type of save, the volume serial and its associated expiration date and the number of objects that were saved and the number that were not saved. The command gives you the option to display or print the report. The report that is produced is the Media Information report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1AHS. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes LIB Library Generic name, name, *ALL, *ALLDLO, *LINK, *LNKOMTLTS, *LNKOMTONL, *LTSOMTONL, *QHST, *SAVCFG, *SAVSECDTA, *SAVSPLF, *SAVSYS Optional, Positional 1 VOL Volume Character value, *ALL Optional ASP Auxiliary storage pool Character value, *ALL, *SYSTEM Optional CTLGRP Control group Name, *ALL, *NONE, *ARCGRP, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Optional SAVTYPE Save type Single values: *ALL Other values (up to 3 repetitions): *ARC, *CUML, *FILE, *FULL, *INCR, *NONE, *QBRM Optional SLTDATE Select dates Element list Optional Element 1: From date Character value, *BEGIN, *CURRENT Element 2: To date Character value, *END, *CURRENT SAVSTS Save status *ALL, *ERROR, *NOERROR Optional SORT Sequence option *DATE, *LIB, *VOL Optional START Entries to be displayed first *LAST, *FIRST Optional FROMSYS From system Character value, *LCL Optional OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional Top Library (LIB) Specifies the name of the library or special value that you want to display or report. *ALL All libraries are to be included in the media information report. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 439 *ALLDLO You want to display or print media information for all folders that you have saved using the *ALLDLO special value. *LINK You want to display or print media information for all saves using the special value *LINK which saves all IFS directories except files in /QSYS.LIB and /QDLS directories. *LNKOMTLTS You want to display or print media information for all saves using the special value *LNKOMTLTS. This value saves all IFS directories and files except all Lotus server files and files in /QSYS.LIB and /QDLS directories. *LNKOMTONL You want to display or print media information for all saves using the special value *LNKOMTONL. This value saves all IFS directories and files except online Lotus server backup files and files in /QSYS.LIB and /QDLS directories. *LTSOMTONL You want to display or print media information for all saves using the special value *LTSOMTONL. This value saves all Lotus server files except online Lotus server files. *QHST You want to display or print media information for all entries you have saved using the *QHST special value. *SAVCFG You want to display or print media information for all configurations that you have saved using the *SAVCFG special value. *SAVSECDTA You want to display or print media information for all security data that you have saved using the *SAVSECDTA special value. *SAVSPLF You want to display or print media information for all spooled files that you have saved in a list. *SAVSYS You want to display or print media information that was the result of using the *SAVSYS special value. library-name Specify the name of a specific library on which you want to report media information. generic*-library-name Specify that the library name is generic. For example, specifying ACCTP* would cause all libraries whose names begin with ACCTP to be included in the report or on the display. Top Volume (VOL) Specifies the name of the media volume which you want to include in the Work with Media Information display or *ALL if you want to include all volumes. Note: If you specify *SAVF, the resulting display or report will include all BRMS saves to save files. This is a required parameter. *ALL You want to include all volumes in the media information display or report. 440 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands volume-identifier Specify the name of a media volume on which you want to display or report media information. Top Auxiliary storage pool (ASP) Specifies an auxiliary storage pool for the retrieved media information. Only those objects which reside on the specified auxiliary storage pool when the save operation occurred will be displayed or reported. *ALL You want to display or report all saved items from all auxiliary storage pools. *SYSTEM You want to display or report all saved items from the system (1) auxiliary storage pool. auxiliary-storage-pool-number You want to display or report all saved items from the auxiliary storage pool identified by this number. auxiliary-storage-pool-name You want to display or report all saved items from the auxiliary storage pool identified by this name. Top Control group Specifies the name of the control group that you want to work with when displaying saved items. *ALL Work with all control groups. *NONE Work with items that were not saved using a control group. *ARCGRP The name of the default archive control group because you want to work with items saved using the default archive control group. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKUGRP The name of the default backup control group because you want to work with items saved using the default user data backup control group. *SYSGRP The default system backup control group because you want to work with items saved using the default system data backup control group. *SYSTEM The default system backup control group because you want to work with items saved using the default entire system backup control group. control-group-name Specify the name of the control group for the items that you want to work with. Top Work with Media Information (WRKMEDIBRM) 441 Save type (SAVTYPE) Specifies the type of save items that you want to work with. You can specify all types of items, a specific type or a mix of types. You can enter multiple values for this parameter. If you are on an entry display and you need additional entry fields to enter these multiple values, type a plus sign (+) in the entry field opposite the phrase ″+ for more″ and press the Enter key. Single values *ALL Work with all types of save items. Other values (up to 3 repetitions) *ARC Only work with save items that were a result of an archive process. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required for this value. *CUML Only work with save items that were a result of an incremental (save changed objects) save. *CUML indicates that the incremental save includes all objects that have been changed since the last full save. *FILE Only work with save items that were a result of native i5/OS save commands. *FULL Only work with save items that were a result of a full save. *INCR Only work with save items that were a result of an incremental (save changed objects) save. *INCR indicates that the incremental save includes all objects that have been changed since the last incremental save. *NONE Only work with save items that have never been saved. *QBRM Work with BRMS media information items that have been saved. Top Select dates (SLTDATE) Specifies a range of dates that you want to use when reporting on media information. The From date is the beginning of a date range of media information and the To date is the end of the date range. Note: Using this parameter, it is possible to enter a date with no separator, or a number of days which can be up to 5 digits in length. For instance, if you are using month/day/year format, the number 12904 would be formatted as January 29, 2004. If on the other hand, you entered a number 13904, BRMS assume that this is not a date, but rather is a number. BRMS always tries to calculate a calendar date first when a number is entered and then if the date it calculates is not valid, assumes that it is a number of days. If the number that is entered is over 5 digits and the date that it calculates is not valid, you receive an error message. Element 1: From date *BEGIN The earliest media information date on the file is the beginning date of a date range. *CURRENT The current date is the beginning date of a date range. 442 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands from-date Specify the date in job date format with or without date separators that you want to be the beginning date of a date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the starting date of the date range. Element 2: To date *END The last date found in the file is the end of the date range for the search. *CURRENT The current date is the ending date of the date range. to-date Specify the date in job date format with or without date separators that you want to be the ending date of a date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the ending date of the date range. Top Save status (SAVSTS) Specifies whether you want to display or report all successful saves, unsuccessful saves or both. *ALL You want to include both successful and unsuccessful saves in the display or report. *ERROR You want to include only unsuccessful saves in the display or report. Note: Errors that are included are those that would have resulted in an abnormal completion condition if you had used a native i5/OS save command for the save operation. *NOERROR You want to include only successful saves in the display or report. Note: Objects that are not saved are not necessarily considered an error condition. For instance, if one object within a library is in a locked condition during a save operation, and the remainder of the objects in the library are not, a save operation of the library can complete successfully, even though the locked object will be omitted. The omitted object will be indicated in the Not saved column of the resulting Work with Media Information display or report. Top Sequence (SORT) Specifies that the media information report is to be sequenced in several ways. *DATE Sequences the media information report by date. *LIB Sequences the media information report by library. *VOL Sequences the media information report by volume. Top Work with Media Information (WRKMEDIBRM) 443 Entries to be displayed first (START) Specifies the starting position of the media information entries. The display station user can roll the display up or down to see other media information entries if the media information entry is on another display screen. *LAST Media information is shown starting with the last entry at the bottom of the display. *FIRST Media information is shown starting with the first entry at the top of the display. Top From system (FROMSYS) Specifies the location and network identification of the system whose media that you want to work with. Note: The values specified in the FROMSYS parameter are ignored if a volume identifier is specified in the Volume (VOL) parameter. In this case the location and network identifier associated with the specified volume is used. Note: Use the Display Network Attributes (DSPNETA) command to view the system network attributes. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value if a value other than *LCL is specified. *LCL Specifies that the from-system is the local system. BRMS uses the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute and not the System name (SYSNAME) network attribute to determine the current system name. In most cases, the systems have the same value specified for LCLLOCNAME as for SYSNAME. location-name Specifies the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute of the remote system for the network operation. The current system Local network ID (LCLNETID) network attribute is used to connect with the remote system. network-id.location-name Specifies the Local network ID (LCLNETID) and the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attributes of the remote system for the network operation. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the LCLNETID and cccccccc is the LCLLOCNAME. Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. Top 444 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Examples WRKMEDIBRM LIB(MY*) SAVTYPE(*FULL) SORT(*LIB) This command displays the Work with Media Information panel, where all libraries that begin with the letters ’MY’ and were saved during a full save, are shown in library sequence. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1177 Cannot establish connection with remote system. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM2154 ASP value of *ALL must be specified. BRM215A ASP value of *ALL or 1-32 must be specified. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM4041 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. Top Work with Media Information (WRKMEDIBRM) 445 446 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with Migration Info (WRKMGRIBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Work with Migration Information using BRM (WRKMGRIBRM) command displays or reports migration information based on specified items, item type, date range, migration status, migration policy, source auxiliary storage pool and/or target auxiliary storage pool. Default values are provided to produce the most inclusive display or report. A Sequence (SORT) parameter allows the user to specify the sequence of the resulting output. The Entries to be displayed first (START) parameter determines whether the resulting output is positioned at the beginning or end of the information. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1AHH. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Restriction: v The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this command. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes TYPE Item type *FLR, *LIB Optional, Positional 1 LIB Library Generic name, name, *ALL Optional FLR Folder Generic name, name, *ALL Optional FROMASP From ASP Character value, *ALL, *SYSTEM Optional TOASP To ASP Character value, *ALL, *SYSTEM Optional FROMASPCLS From ASP class Name, *ALL Optional TOASPCLS To ASP class Name, *ALL Optional SLTDATE Select dates Element list Optional Element 1: From date Character value, *BEGIN, *CURRENT Element 2: To date Character value, *END, *CURRENT MGRSTS Migration status *ALL, *ERROR, *NOERROR Optional SORT Sequence *DATE, *FROMASP, *NAME, *TOASP Optional START Entries to be displayed first *LAST, *FIRST Optional OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional Top Item type (TYPE) Specifies the type of item whose migration information you want to display or report. *LIB Migration information for libraries is to be included. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 447 *FLR Migration information for first level folders is to be included. Top Library (LIB) Specifies whether all libraries, a generic group of libraries or a single library is to be included in the resulting display or report. This parameter is required when *LIB is specified in the Item type (TYPE) parameter. *ALL You want to include all libraries in the migration information display or report. generic*-library-name Specify a generic name of a library that you want to include. A generic name is a character string that contains one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*). If an * is not specified with the name, the system assumes that the name is a complete library name. library-name Specify the name of the library about which you want to display or report migration information. Top Folder (FLR) Specifies whether all libraries, a generic group of libraries or a single folder is to be included in the resulting display or report. This parameter is required when *FLR is specified in the Item type (TYPE) parameter. *ALL You want to include all libraries in the migration information display or report. generic*-folder-name Specify a generic name of a folder that you want to include. A generic name is a character string that contains one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*). If an * is not specified with the name, the system assumes that the name is a complete folder name. folder-name Specify the name of the folder about which you want to display or report migration information. Top From ASP (FROMASP) Specifies all auxiliary storage pools or a single auxiliary storage pool from which items have been migrated that you want to include in the display or report. *ALL Include all auxiliary storage pools from which items have been migrated in the display or report. *SYSTEM Include only items that have been migrated from the system (1) auxiliary storage pool. from-ASP-name Specify the name of the auxiliary storage pool that you want to include in the display or report. from-ASP-number Specify the number of the auxiliary storage pool that you want to include in the display or report. Note: UDFS, primary and secondary auxiliary storage pools are not supported for this parameter. Top 448 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands To ASP (TOASP) Specifies all auxiliary storage pools or a single auxiliary storage pool to which items have been migrated that you want to include in the display or report. *ALL Include all auxiliary storage pools to which items have been migrated in the display or report. *SYSTEM Include only items that have been migrated to the system (1) auxiliary storage pool. to-ASP-name Specify the auxiliary storage pool name that you want to include in the display or report. to-ASP-number Specify the auxiliary storage pool number that you want to include in the display or report. Note: UDFS, primary and secondary auxiliary storage pools are not supported for this parameter. Top From class (FROMASPCLS) Specifies that auxiliary storage pools in all ASP classes or a single ASP class from which data has been migrated are to be included in the display or report. *ALL All ASP classes are included in the display or report. from-ASP-class-name Specify the ASP class that is to be included in the display or report. Top To ASP class (TOASPCLS) Specifies that auxiliary storage pools in all ASP classes or a single ASP class to which data has been migrated are to be included in the display or report. *ALL All ASP classes are included in the display or report. to-ASP-class-name Specify the ASP class that is to be included in the display or report. Top Select dates (SLTDATE) Specifies a range of dates that you want to use when reporting on migration information. The From date is the beginning of a date range of migration information and the To date is the end of the date range. Note: Using this parameter, it is possible to enter a date with no separator, or a number of days which can be up to 5 digits in length. For instance, if you are using month/day/year format, the number 12904 would be formatted as January 29, 2004. If on the other hand, you entered a number 13904, BRMS assume that this is not a date, but rather is a number. BRMS always tries to calculate a calendar date first when a number is entered and then if the date it calculates is not valid, assumes that it is a number of days. If the number that is entered is over 5 digits and the date that it calculates is not valid, you receive an error message. Work with Migration Info (WRKMGRIBRM) 449 Element 1: From date *BEGIN The earliest migration information date on the file is the beginning date of a date range. *CURRENT The current date is the beginning date of a date range. from-date Specify the date in job date format with or without date separators that you want to be the beginning date of a date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the starting date of the date range. Element 2: To date *END The last date found in the file is the end of the date range for the search. *CURRENT The current date is the ending date of the date range. to-date Specify the date in job date format with or without date separators that you want to be the ending date of a date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the ending date of the date range. Top Migration status (MGRSTS) Specifies whether you want to display or report all successful migration information, unsuccessful migration information or both. *ALL You want to include both successful and unsuccessful migration information in the display or report. *ERROR You want to include only unsuccessful migration information in the display or report. *NOERROR You want to include only successful migration information in the display or report. Top Sequence option (SORT) Specifies the way in which migration information is to be sequenced. *DATE Sequences the migration information by date and time. *FROMASP Sequences the migration information by source auxiliary storage pool, target auxiliary storage pool, date and time sequence. *NAME Sequences the migration information by item name and type. 450 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands *TOASP Sequences the migration information by target auxiliary storage pool, source auxiliary storage pool, date and time sequence. Top Entries to be displayed first (START) Specifies the starting position of the migration information entries. The display station user can roll the display up or down to see other migration information entries if the migration information entry is on another display screen. *LAST Migration information is shown starting with the last entry at the bottom of the display. *FIRST Migration information is shown starting with the first entry at the top of the display. Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. Top Examples WRKMGRIBRM ITEM(ABC*) TOASP(03) This command displays the Work with Migration Information panel, where all libraries that begin with the letters ’ABC’, and were migrated from any auxiliary storage pool (ASP) to ASP number 3, are displayed in date sequence. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. Work with Migration Info (WRKMGRIBRM) 451 Top 452 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with Media Libraries (WRKMLBBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Work with Media Libraries (WRKMLBBRM) command works with media libraries (MLB). Output can be a display or printed report. The report that is produced is the Media Library report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1AMD. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional, Positional 1 Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. Top Examples WRKMLBBRM This command displays the Work with Media Libraries panel. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 453 BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM4040 Access denied for user &1. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. Top 454 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with Media Library Media (WRKMLMBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Work with Media Library Media using BRM (WRKMLMBRM) command works with all media or specific media in a media library device that you specify. Various parameters can be used to tailor this display or report. The report that is produced is the Media Library Media report. The report, if printed, is written to the printer file QP1A1MD. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes MLB Media library Name Required, Positional 1 VOL Volume Character value, *ALL Optional CGY Category Name, *ALL, *EJECT, *INSERT, *IPL, *NL, *NOSHARE, *SHARE400 Optional BRMVOL BRM volume *ANY, *NO, *YES Optional MEDCLS Media class Name, *ALL Optional OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional Top Media library (MLB) Use this parameter to specify the media library (MLB) that you want to display or print. This is a required field. Top Volume (VOL) Specifies all media, a generic media volume or the specific media volume that you want to display or print. *ALL Include all media for the selected media library in the display or report. generic*-media-volume Specify the generic name of a volume. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*); for example ABC*. The asterisk (*) substitutes for any valid characters. A generic name specifies all volumes with names that begin with the generic prefix, for which the user has authority. If an asterisk is not included with the generic (prefix) name, the system assumes it to be the complete volume name. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 455 media-volume Specify the media volume for the selected media library device that you want to include in the display or report. Top Category (CGY) Specifies which media by category from the selected media library (MLB) to include in the display or print. *ALL All media in the MLB is to be included in the display or report. Note: If you have defined your own media categories, they will not be included when you specify CGY(*ALL). *CNV Only convenience station media in the selected MLB is included in the display or report. *EJECT Only media in the eject mode in the selected MLB is included in the display or report. *INSERT Only media already in the MLB which does not have a category such as *SHARE400 or *NOSHARE and which are otherwise not assigned to a system is to be included in the display or report. *IPL Only alternate IPL media in the selected MLB is included in the display or report. *NL Only non-labeled media in the selected MLB is included in the display or report. *NOSHARE Only private media already added to the MLB are to be included in the display or report. Private media are those which are only able to be used by this system. *SHARE400 Only share media already added to the MLB are to be included in the display or report. category-name Specify the user defined media category name. Top BRM volume (BRMVOL) Specifies whether you want to include only BRMS media, non-BRMS media or any media in the display or report. *ANY Any media, whether registered in BRMS or not, is included in the display or report. *NO Only non-BRMS media is included in the display or report. *YES Only media registered in BRMS is included in the display or report. Top Media class (MEDCLS) Specifies the media class that you want to select for the specified media library. You can select a specific media class or all media classes. *ALL Select all media regardless of the media class. 456 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands media-class-name Specify the name of the media class that you want to use with the specified media library. Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. Top Examples WRKMLMBRM MLB(MLB01) BRMVOL(*YES) This command displays the Work with Media Library Media panel, where BRMS media that is used by MLB01 is shown. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1232 Media class &1 not found. BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. Top Work with Media Library Media (WRKMLMBRM) 457 458 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with Saved Objects (WRKOBJBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Work with Saved Objects using BRM (WRKOBJBRM) command prints/displays a report of saved objects. Groups of objects are selected by date ranges and the resulting display or report can be sequenced in several ways. If the display option is selected, you can restore objects from the media inventory. The report that is produced is the Saved Objects report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1AOD. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes OBJ Object Qualified object name Optional, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: Object Name, *ALL Qualifier 2: Library Name, *ALL OBJTYPE Type Character value, *ALL Optional, Positional 2 ASP Auxiliary storage pool Character value, *ALL, *SYSTEM Optional SLTDATE Select dates Element list Optional, Positional 3 Element 1: From date Character value, *BEGIN, *CURRENT Element 2: To date Character value, *END, *CURRENT SAVSTS Save status *ALL, *ERROR, *NOERROR Optional INFTYPE Object information *ALL, *DLO, *MBR, *OBJ Optional SORT Sequence option *SAVDAT, *LIB, *OBJ Optional FROMSYS From system Character value, *LCL Optional OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional Top Object (OBJ) Specifies the name and library of the object or group of objects that you want to display or print. Qualifier 1: Object *ALL Include all objects that are the object types specified in the Type (TYPE) parameter in the Work with Saved Objects display or report. object-name Specify the name of a specific object for which you want to produce the Work with Saved Objects display or print. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 459 Qualifier 2: Library *ALL Search all libraries for objects to include in the Work with Saved Objects display or report. library-name Specify the name of a specific library to search for objects to included in the display or print. Top Type (OBJTYPE) Specifies the type of object that you want to display or print. *ALL Include all object types in the display or print. object-type Specify the object type that you want to display or print. Top Auxiliary storage pool (ASP) Specifies the auxiliary storage pool that contained the saved objects you want to display or report. *ALL You want to include saved objects in all auxiliary storage pools. *SYSTEM You want to include saved objects that were in the system (1) auxiliary storage pool. auxiliary-storage-pool-number Specify the number of an auxiliary storage pool that contained the saved objects you want to include. auxiliary-storage-pool-name Specify the name of an auxiliary storage pool that contained the saved objects that you want to include. Top Select dates (SLTDATE) Specifies a range of dates that you want to use when reporting on saved objects. The From date is the beginning of a date range and the To date is the end of a date range of saved objects. Note: Using this parameter, it is possible to enter a date with no separator, or a number of days which can be up to 5 digits in length. For instance, if you are using month/day/year format, the number 12904 would be formatted as January 29, 2004. If on the other hand, you entered a number 13904, BRMS assume that this is not a date, but rather is a number. BRMS always tries to calculate a calendar date first when a number is entered and then if the date it calculates is not valid, assumes that it is a number of days. If the number that is entered is over 5 digits and the date that it calculates is not valid, you receive an error message. Element 1: From date *BEGIN Uses the earliest date in the file for the beginning date of the date range. *CURRENT Uses the current date for the beginning date of the date range. 460 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands from-date Specify the date in job date format with or without date separators that you want to use as the beginning date of the date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the starting date of the date range. Element 2: To date *END Use the last date that an object was saved as the ending date in the date range that you want to use for the search. *CURRENT Uses the current date as the ending date of the date range. to-date Specify the date in job date format with or without date separators to use as the ending date of the date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the ending date of the date range. Top Save status (SAVSTS) Specifies whether you want to display or report all successful saves, unsuccessful saves or both. *ALL Include both successful and unsuccessful saves in the display or report. *ERROR Include only unsuccessful saves in the display or report. *NOERROR Include only successful saves in the display or report. Top Object information (INFTYPE) Specifies whether you want to display or report all objects or selected objects. *ALL Include all objects in the display or report. *DLO Include only DLO objects in the display or report. *MBR Include only members in the display or report. *OBJ Include only non-DLO objects in the display or report. Top Sequence Option (SORT) The saved object display or report can be sequenced several ways. *SAVDAT Orders the list in save date sequence. Work with Saved Objects (WRKOBJBRM) 461 *LIB Orders the list in library sequence. *OBJ Orders the list in object sequence. Top From system (FROMSYS) Specifies the location and network identification of the system whose object information that you want to work with. Note: Use the Display Network Attributes (DSPNETA) command to view the system network attributes. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value if a value other than *LCL is specified. *LCL Specifies that the from-system is the local system. BRMS uses the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute and not the System name (SYSNAME) network attribute to determine the current system name. In most cases, the systems have the same value specified for LCLLOCNAME as for SYSNAME. location-name Specifies the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute of the remote system for the network operation. The current system Local network ID (LCLNETID) network attribute is used to connect with the remote system. network-id.location-name Specifies the Local network ID (LCLNETID) and the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attributes of the remote system for the network operation. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the LCLNETID and cccccccc is the LCLLOCNAME. Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. Top Examples Example 1: Working with Objects Not Successfully Saved WRKOBJBRM SAVSTS(*ERROR) INFTYPE(*OBJ) SORT(*OBJ) This command displays the Work with Saved Objects panel, where all objects that were not successfully saved are displayed in object name sequence. Top 462 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. Top Work with Saved Objects (WRKOBJBRM) 463 464 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with Policies using BRM (WRKPCYBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Work with Policies using BRM (WRKPCYBRM) command specifies the BRMS policy with which you want to work. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes TYPE Policy type *MOV, *ARC, *BKU, *MED, *MGR, *RCY, *RTV, *SYS Optional, Positional 1 OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional Top Type of policy (TYPE) Specifies the type of policy that you want to work with or print. *MOV You want to work with or print move policies. The report that is produced is the Move Policy report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1AMP. *ARC You want to work with or print the archive policy. The report that is produced is the Archive Policy report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1AAX. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *BKU You want to work with or print the backup policy. The report that is produced is the Backup Policy report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1ABX. *MED You want to work with or print media policies. The report that is produced is the Media Policy report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1AME. *MGR You want to work with or print migration policies. The report that is produced is the Migration Policy report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1AHX. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. *RCY You want to work with or print the recovery policy. The report that is produced is the Recovery Policy report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1ARX. *RTV You want to work with or print the retrieve policy. The report that is produced is the Retrieve Policy report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1ARP. Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 465 *SYS You want to work with or print the system policy. The report that is produced is the System Policy report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1ASP. Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. Top Examples WRKPCYBRM TYPE(*MED) This command displays the Work with Media Policies panel. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. Top 466 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with Recovery Activities (WRKRCYBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Work with Recovery Activities using BRM (WRKRCYBRM) command creates a display or report of recovery activities that you have defined to BRMS. If you request a display, you are taken to the Work with Recovery Activities display where you can add, change or remove recovery activities. The report that is produced is the Recovery Activities report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1ARW. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. Top Examples WRKRCYBRM This command displays the Work with Recovery Activities panel. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 467 BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. Top 468 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with Save Files (WRKSAVFBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Work with Save Files using BRM (WRKSAVFBRM) command displays or prints a report of all save files that are on the BRMS media content information. Information in the display or report includes save information such as date and time of save, auxiliary storage pool number and so on. If the display option is selected, The Work with Save Files display allows you to display, remove and expire save files. Additionally, you can select object detail to review or restore objects from a save file. The report that is produced is the BRM Saved Files report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1ASF. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional, Positional 1 Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. Top Examples WRKSAVFBRM This command displays the Work with Save Files panel. Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 469 Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. Top 470 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Work with Saved Spooled Files (WRKSPLFBRM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The Work with Saved Spooled Files using BRM (WRKSPLFBRM) command creates a display or report of saved spooled files based on specified libraries, output queues, auxiliary storage pools, files, job names, users, date ranges and sequences. Processing the Work with Saved Spooled Files command takes you to the Work with Saved Spooled Files display where you can remove, display or retrieve selected spooled file entries as well as work with media that contains saved spooled files. If you want to produce a report, the report that is produced is the Saved Spooled File report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1AOQ. To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes OUTQ Output queue Qualified object name Optional, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: Output queue Name, *ALL Qualifier 2: Library Name, *ALL ASP Auxiliary storage pool Character value, *ALL, *SYSTEM Optional, Positional 2 FILE File Name, *ALL Optional, Positional 3 JOB Job name Name, *ALL Optional, Positional 4 USER User Name, *ALL Optional, Positional 5 USRDTA User data Character value, *ALL Optional, Positional 6 SLTDATE Select dates Element list Optional Element 1: From date Character value, *BEGIN, *CURRENT Element 2: To date Character value, *END, *CURRENT SAVSTS Save status *ALL, *ERROR, *NOERROR Optional SORT Sequence option *DATE, *FILE, *JOB Optional FROMSYS From system Character value, *LCL Optional OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional Top © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 471 Output queue (OUTQ) Specifies the name of the library and output queue that you want to include in the display or report. Qualifier 1: Output queue *ALL Include all output queues in the display or report. output-queue-name Specify the name of an output queue that you want to include in the display or report. Qualifier 2: Library *ALL All libraries or special values containing the spooled files are to be included in the list of spooled files. library-name Specify the name of a library that contained the spooled file. Top Auxiliary storage pool (ASP) Specifies the auxiliary storage pool that contained the spooled files when the spooled files were saved. *ALL Include all auxiliary storage pools that contained saved spooled files in the report or display. *SYSTEM You want to include saved spooled files that were in the system (1) auxiliary storage pool in the report or display. auxiliary-storage-pool-number Specify the number of an auxiliary storage pool that contained the saved spooled filed you want to include in the report or display. auxiliary-storage-pool-name Specify the name of an auxiliary storage pool that contained the saved spooled file that you want to include in the report or display. Top File (FILE) Specifies the name of the printer file that contained the spooled file when it was saved that you want to include in the display or report. *ALL Include all files in the display or report. file-name Specify the name of a file that you want to include in the display or report. Top Job name (JOB) Specifies the name of the job that which created the spooled file that you want to include in the display or report. *ALL Include all spooled files for jobs in the display or report. 472 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands job-name Specify the name of a job whose files are to be included in the display or report. Top User (USER) Specifies the name of the user that created the spooled file that you want to include in the display or report. *ALL Include files for all users in the display or report. user-name Specify the name of a user whose files are to be included in the display or report. Top User data (USRDTA) Specifies the data associated with the spooled file that was saved and that you want to include in the display or report. *ALL Include all user data in the display or report. user-data Specify the user data that you want to include in the display or report. Top Select dates (SLTDATE) Specifies a range of dates that you want to use when reporting on saved spooled files. The From date is the beginning of a date range and the To date is the end of the date range. Note: The From date is based on the date the spooled file was created. Note: Using this parameter, it is possible to enter a date with no separator, or a number of days which can be up to 5 digits in length. For instance, if you are using month/day/year format, the number 12904 would be formatted as January 29, 2004. If on the other hand, you entered a number 13904, BRMS assume that this is not a date, but rather is a number. BRMS always tries to calculate a calendar date first when a number is entered and then if the date it calculates is not valid, assumes that it is a number of days. If the number that is entered is over 5 digits and the date that it calculates is not valid, you receive an error message. Element 1: From date *BEGIN The earliest save date on the file is the beginning date of a date range. *CURRENT The current date is the beginning date of a date range. from-date Specify the date in job date format with or without date separators that you want to be the beginning date of a date range. Work with Saved Spooled Files (WRKSPLFBRM) 473 number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the starting date of the date range. Element 2: To date *END The last date found in the file is the end of the date range for the search. *CURRENT The current date is the ending date of the date range. to-date Specify the date in job date format with or without date separators that you want to be the ending date of a date range. number-of-days Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the ending date of the date range. Top Save status (SAVSTS) Specifies whether you want to display or report all successful saves, unsuccessful saves or both. *ALL You want to include media information that was saved successfully and unsuccessfully in the display or report. *ERROR You want to include only unsuccessful saves in the display or report. *NOERROR You want to include only successful saves in the display or report. Top Sequence option (SORT) The saved spooled file report can be sequenced several ways. *DATE Sequences the saved spooled file report by date. *FILE Sequences the saved spooled file report by file. *JOB Sequences the saved spooled file report by job. Top From system (FROMSYS) Specifies the location and network identification of the system whose spooled file information that you want to work with. Note: Use the Display Network Attributes (DSPNETA) command to view the system network attributes. Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value if a value other than *LCL is specified. *LCL Specifies that the from-system is the local system. BRMS uses the Default local location name 474 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute and not the System name (SYSNAME) network attribute to determine the current system name. In most cases, the systems have the same value specified for LCLLOCNAME as for SYSNAME. location-name Specifies the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute of the remote system for the network operation. The current system Local network ID (LCLNETID) network attribute is used to connect with the remote system. network-id.location-name Specifies the Local network ID (LCLNETID) and the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attributes of the remote system for the network operation. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the LCLNETID and cccccccc is the LCLLOCNAME. Top Output (OUTPUT) Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job’s spooled output. * The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job). *PRINT The output is printed with the job’s spooled output. Top Examples Example 1: Work with Saved Spooled Files by Date WRKSPLFBRM SLTDATE(’1/1/03’ ’4/2/03’) SORT(*JOB) This command displays the Work with Saved Spooled Files panel, showing a list of all spooled files that were saved from January 1 to April 2, 2003. The spooled files are displayed in job sequence. Example 2: Work with Saved Spooled Files by ASP WRKSPLFBRM ASP(PRIMETIME) This command displays the Work with Saved Spooled Files panel, showing a list of all spooled files that were saved from auxiliary storage pool device PRIMETIME. The spooled files are displayed in date sequence. Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages BRM1917 Feature not installed. BRM1921 Feature not licensed. Work with Saved Spooled Files (WRKSPLFBRM) 475 BRM2154 ASP value of *ALL must be specified. BRM215A ASP value of *ALL or 1-32 must be specified. BRM40A2 BRMS product initialization required. Top 476 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Appendix. Notices This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user’s responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation 500 Columbus Avenue Thornwood, NY8809 U.S.A. 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Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the information which has been exchanged, should contact: IBM Corporation © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 477 Software Interoperability Coordinator, Department 49XA 3605 Highway 52 N Rochester, MN 55901 U.S.A. Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions, including in some cases, payment of a fee. The licensed program described in this information and all licensed material available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement, IBM International Program License Agreement, or any equivalent agreement between us. Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. This information contains examples of data and reports used in daily business operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include the names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business enterprise is entirely coincidental. COPYRIGHT LICENSE: This information contains sample application programs in source language, which illustrate programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating platform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM for the purposes of developing, using, marketing, or distributing application programs conforming to IBM’s application programming interfaces. Each copy or any portion of these sample programs or any derivative work, must include a copyright notice as follows: (C) IBM 2006. Portions of this code are derived from IBM Corp. Sample Programs. (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006. All rights reserved. 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IBM reserves the right to withdraw the permissions granted herein whenever, in its discretion, the use of the publications is detrimental to its interest or, as determined by IBM, the above instructions are not being properly followed. You may not download, export or re-export this information except in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including all United States export laws and regulations. IBM MAKES NO GUARANTEE ABOUT THE CONTENT OF THESE PUBLICATIONS. THE PUBLICATIONS ARE PROVIDED ″AS-IS″ AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE Appendix. Notices 479 480 IBM Systems - iSeries: Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries Commands Printed in USA Voir également : IBM Systems - iSeries AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands Version 5 Release 4 IBM Systems - iSeries AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands Version 5 Release 4 Note Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the information in “Notices,” on page 39. Second Edition (February 2006) This edition applies to version 5, release 4, modification 0 of AFP Utilities for iSeries (product number 5722-AF1) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. This version does not run on all reduced instruction set computer (RISC) models nor does it run on CICS models. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1998, 2006. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Contents Convert Overlay to PFM (CVTOVLPFM) 1 Convert Page Segment to PFM (CVTPAGSPFM) . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Convert PCD to Page Segment (CVTPCDPAGS) . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Convert PFM to Page Segment (CVTPFMPAGS) . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Print PFD Data (PRTPFDDTA) . . . . . 23 Start AFP Utilities (STRAFPU) . . . . . 29 Start Overlay Utility (STROVLU) . . . . 31 Start Print Format Utility (STRPFU) . . 35 Appendix. Notices . . . . . . . . . . 39 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 iii iv IBM Systems - iSeries: AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands Convert Overlay to PFM (CVTOVLPFM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Convert Overlay to PFM This command allows you to convert an overlay to a member in a physical database file. Error messages for CVTOVLPFM *ESCAPE Messages AFP0010 An error occurred. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes OVL Overlay Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: Overlay Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB DTAFMT Format of data *FIXED, *CONTINUOUS Required, Positional 2 FILE To file Qualified object name Required, Positional 3 Qualifier 1: To file Name, *VM, *MVS Qualifier 2: Library Name, *CURLIB MBR To member Name, *OVL Optional, Positional 4 TEXT Text ’description’ Character value, *OVLTXT Optional REPLACE Replace *YES, *NO Optional CRTFILE Create file *YES, *NO Optional FILETEXT Text ’description’ Character value, *BLANK Optional Top Overlay (OVL) Specifies the qualified name of the overlay that is converted. This is a required parameter. The possible library values are: *LIBL The library list is used to locate the overlay. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the overlay. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 1 library-name Specify the library where the overlay resides. Top Format of data (DTAFMT) Specifies how data are filled in a physical file member. The possible values are: *FIXED One record has one structured field. The padding character is binary 0s. The record length of the file using fixed format is the longest length of the AFPDS structured fields in the overlay or the page segment. If the length of the existing file is smaller than the longest length of the structured field, an error message is displayed. If the length of the existing file is larger than the longest length of the structured field, padding characters are added to the end of the records. This format is for the VM system or the MVS system. *CONTINUOUS The structured fields are filled continuously and folded. Only the last record has padding characters; the padding characters are binary 0s. Any record length of the existing file is allowed. The created record length of the file is 256 bytes. This format is for the OS/2 system. This is a required parameter. Top File (FILE) Specifies the qualified name of the physical file being used to fill the overlay data. The possible values are: *VM Specifies that the name OVLY38PP is used. It will be a valid filetype for an overlay on the VM system. *MVS Specifies that the name O1xxxxxx is used. The ’xxxxxx’ is the first six valid characters of the name specified in the OVL parameter. It will be a valid member name for an overlay on the MVS system. physical-file-name Type the name of a physical file used to fill the overlay data. The possible library values are: *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the file. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. library-name Specify the library where the file resides. Top 2 IBM Systems - iSeries: AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands Member (MBR) Specifies the name of the physical file member which is filled with the overlay data. The possible values are: *OVL Specifies the name of the overlay specified in the OVL parameter. member-name Specify the name of a member used to fill the overlay data. Top Text ’description’ (TEXT) Specifies text that briefly describes the member and its function. The possible values are: *OVLTXT Specifies the same description specified in the OVL parameter. ’description’ Specifies no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes. Top Replace (REPLACE) Specifies whether or not the physical file member replaces the existing physical file member if a physical file member of the same name already exists in the library. The possible values are: *NO A new physical file member is not created if an old physical file member of the same name already exists in the library. *YES A new physical file member is created and the old physical file member is replaced by it. Top Create file (CRTFILE) Specifies whether or not the file is created if the file does not exist. The possible values are: *NO Do not create the file. *YES Create the file. Top Convert Overlay to PFM (CVTOVLPFM) 3 Text ’description’ (FILETEXT) Specifies text that briefly describes the file and its function. This prompt is valid only when CRTFILE parameter is *YES. The possible values are: *BLANK No text is specified. ’description’ Specifies no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages AFP0010 An error occurred. Top 4 IBM Systems - iSeries: AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands Convert Page Segment to PFM (CVTPAGSPFM) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Convert Page Segment to PFM This command allows you to convert a page segment to a member in a physical database file. Error messages for CVTPAGSPFM *ESCAPE Messages AFP0010 An error occurred. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes PAGSEG Page segment Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: Page segment Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB DTAFMT Format of data *FIXED, *CONTINUOUS Required, Positional 2 FILE To file Qualified object name Required, Positional 3 Qualifier 1: To file Name, *VM, *MVS Qualifier 2: Library Name, *CURLIB MBR To member Name, *PAGSEG Optional, Positional 4 TEXT Text ’description’ Character value, *PSGTXT Optional REPLACE Replace *YES, *NO Optional CRTFILE Create file *YES, *NO Optional FILETEXT Text ’description’ Character value, *BLANK Optional Top Page segment (PAGSEG) Specifies the qualified name of the page segment that is converted. This is a required parameter. The possible library values are: *LIBL The library list is used to locate the page segment. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the page segment. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 5 library-name Specify the library where the page segment resides. Top Format of data (DTAFMT) Specifies how data are filled in a physical file member. The possible values are: *FIXED One record has one structured field. The padding character is binary 0s. The record length of the file using fixed format is the longest length of the AFPDS structured fields in the overlay or the page segment. If the length of the existing file is smaller than the longest length of the structured field, an error message is displayed. If the length of the existing file is larger than the longest length of the structured field, padding characters are added to the end of the records. This format is for the VM system or the MVS system. *CONTINUOUS The structured fields are filled continuously and folded. Only the last record has padding characters; the padding characters are binary 0s. Any record length of the existing file is allowed. The created record length of the file is 256 bytes. This format is for the OS/2 system. This is a required parameter. Top File (FILE) Specifies the qualified name of the physical file being used to fill the page segment data. The possible values are: *VM Specifies that the name PSEG38PP is used. It will be a valid filetype for a page segment on the VM system. *MVS Specifies that the name S1xxxxxx is used. The ’xxxxxx’ is the first six valid characters of the name specified in the PAGSEG parameter. It will be a valid member name for a page segment on the MVS system. physical-file-name Type the name of a physical file used to fill the page segment data. The possible library values are: *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the file. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. library-name Specify the library where the file resides. Top 6 IBM Systems - iSeries: AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands Member (MBR) Specifies the name of the physical file member which is filled with the page segment data. The possible values are: *PAGSEG Specifies the name of the page segment specified in the PAGSEG parameter. member-name Specify the name of a member used to fill the page segment data. Top Text ’description’ (TEXT) Specifies text that briefly describes the member and its function. The possible values are: *PSGTXT Specifies the same description specified in the PAGSEG parameter. ’description’ Specifies no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes. Top Replace (REPLACE) Specifies whether or not the physical file member replaces the existing physical file member if a physical file member of the same name already exists in the library. The possible values are: *NO A new physical file member is not created if an old physical file member of the same name already exists in the library. *YES A new physical file member is created and the old physical file member is replaced by it. Top Create file (CRTFILE) Specifies whether or not the file is created if the file does not exist. The possible values are: *NO Do not create the file. *YES Create the file. Top Convert Page Segment to PFM (CVTPAGSPFM) 7 Text ’description’ (FILETEXT) Specifies text that briefly describes the file and its function. This prompt is valid only when CRTFILE parameter is *YES. The possible values are: *BLANK No text is specified. ’description’ Specifies no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages AFP0010 An error occurred. Top 8 IBM Systems - iSeries: AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands Convert PCD to Page Segment (CVTPCDPAGS) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Convert PCD to Page Segment This command allows you to convert a PC document in a folder to a page segment. The PC document must contain only one Image Data Stream (IMDS) or one Image Object Content Architecture (IOCA) function set 10 image data stream. Error messages for CVTPCDPAGS *ESCAPE Messages AFP0010 An error occurred. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes PAGSEG Page segment Qualified object name Required, Key, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: Page segment Name, *PRV Qualifier 2: Library Name, *CURLIB FRMFLR From folder Character value, *PRV Optional, Key, Positional 2 FRMDOC From PC document Name, *PRV, *PAGSEG Optional, Key, Positional 3 CHGIMGSIZE Change image size *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 4 IMGSIZE Image area size Element list Optional, Positional 5 Element 1: Unit of measure *SAME, *INCH, *CM Element 2: Width 0.1-57.79, *SAME Element 3: Length 0.1-57.79, *SAME MAPPING Mapping option *PAT, *STF, *CAT, *IPTP, *IPTPD, *SAME Optional, Positional 6 IMGRTT Degree of rotation 0, 90, 180, 270, *SAME Optional, Positional 7 CHGOFF Change image offset *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 8 AUT Authority Name, *LIBCRTAUT, *CHANGE, *ALL, *USE, *EXCLUDE, *SAME Optional, Positional 9 TEXT Text ’description’ Character value, *SAME, *BLANK Optional, Positional 10 REPLACE Replace *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 11 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 9 Top Page segment (PAGSEG) Specifies the qualified name of the page segment to be created. This is a required parameter. The possible values are: *PRV Specifies that the name of the page segment and library used when you performed this command last is used. If you specify *PRV for the PAGSEG parameter, it is not necessary to specify a library. page-segment-name Specifies the page segment name to be created. The possible library values are: *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to create the page segment. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. library-name Specify the library in which the page segment will be created. Top From folder (FRMFLR) Specifies the name of the folder that contains the PC document to be converted. The possible values are: *PRV Specifies the name of the folder used when you previously created a page segment of the same name. folder-name Specifies the folder name. Top From PC document (FRMDOC) Specifies the PC document name to be converted. The possible values are: *PRV Specifies the name of the PC document used when you previously created a page segment of the same name. *PAGSEG Specifies the name of the page segment to be created is the same as the name of the PC document. PC-document-name Specifies the PC document name that is to be converted. Top 10 IBM Systems - iSeries: AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands Change image size (CHGIMGSIZE) Specifies whether the size of the image in the page segment is changed or not. The possible values are: *SAME Specifies the same value for this parameter used when you previously created a page segment of the same name. *NO Specifies not to change the image size. *YES Specifies to change the image size. If you specify *YES, the IMGSIZE and MAPOPT parameters will appear, and you can specify the new image size in the page segment and how to map the input image to the size. Top Image area size (IMGSIZE) Specifies the unit of measurement, width, and length of the image to be created in the page segment when Change image size parameter is specified as *YES. This prompt is ignored when Change image size is specified as *NO. Unit of measure Specifies the unit of measurement used to specify the following two parameters. The possible values are: *SAME Specifies the unit of measurement used when you previously created a page segment of the same name. *INCH Inch is used as the unit of measurement. *CM Centimeter is used as the unit of measurement. Width Specifies the width of the image to be created. The possible values are: *SAME Specifies the value of the width used when you previously created a page segment of the same name. width-value Specify the width value in the selected unit of measurement. Length Specifies the length of the image to be created. The possible values are: *SAME Specifies the value of the length used when you previously created a page segment of the same name. length-value Specify the length value in the selected unit of measurement. Convert PCD to Page Segment (CVTPCDPAGS) 11 Top Mapping option (MAPPING) Specifies how the input image is mapped to the specified size of output image in the page segment when Change image size parameter is specified as *YES. This prompt is ignored when Change image size is specified as *NO. The possible values are: *SAME Specifies the mapping option used when you previously created a page segment of the same name. *PAT (Position and trim) The top left corner of the input image is located to the top left corner of the output image area. The image size is not changed, and any portion of the input image that falls outside of the output image size is trimmed. *STF (Scale to fit) The center of the input image is located to the center of the output image area. The image size is changed so that the input image fits in the output image size. *CAT (Center and trim) The center of the input image is located to the center of the output image area. The image size is not changed, and any portion of the input image that falls outside of the output image size is trimmed. *IPTP (Image point to pel) The top left corner of the input image is located to the top left corner of the output image area. No resolution correction is done and each image point in the input image is mapped to a pel of the output printer. The image size may vary depending on the pel-density of the output printer, and any portion of the input image that falls outside of the output image size is trimmed. *IPTPD (Image point to pel with double dot) The top left corner of the input image is located to the top left corner of the output image area. No resolution correction is done and each image point in the input image is doubled (replicated) in both dimensions and mapped to pels of the output printer. The image size may vary depending on the pel-density of the output printer, and any portion of the input image that falls outside of the output image size is trimmed. Top Degree of rotation (IMGRTT) Specifies the degree of the clockwise rotation of the output image. The center of the rotation is the top left corner of the image. The possible values are: *SAME Specifies the degree of rotation used when you previously created a page segment of the same name. 0 No rotation is done. 90 The image is rotated 90 degrees clockwise. 12 IBM Systems - iSeries: AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands 180 The image is rotated 180 degrees clockwise. 270 The image is rotated 270 degrees clockwise. Top Change image offset (CHGOFF) A rotated IOCA image (page segment) created with no change in offset can be placed at the same point on a rotated overlay, record layout, or page layout that the corresponding image that is not rotated is placed on a layout that is not rotated. If the option is used to change the offset, the upper left corner of the rotated image will be placed at the specified point on the overlay or layout. This placement is the same as that used for IM1 raster images. For an image rotated 90 degrees, the upper left corner is the same as the bottom left corner of an image that is not rotated. For an image rotated 180 degrees, the upper left corner is the same as the bottom right corner of an image that is not rotated. The possible values are: *NO Offset is not changed. *YES Offset is changed so that the image must be placed on the layout the same as IM1 raster images. Top Authority (AUT) Specifies the authority given to the user who does not have specific authority, who is not on the authorization list, or whose user group has no specific authority to the created page segment. This value is ignored and the current authority remains if a page segment already exists and this is replacing it. The possible values are: *SAME Specifies the authority used when you previously created a page segment of the same name. *LIBCRTAUT The system determines the authority for the page segment by using the value specified for the Create authority prompt (CRTAUT parameter) on the Create Library command (CRTLIB) for the library containing the page segment to be created. If the value specified on the Create authority prompt (CRTAUT parameter) is changed, the new value will not affect this page segment. *CHANGE Change authority allows the user to perform all operations on the page segment except those limited to the owner or controlled by object existence authority and object management authority. The user can change the page segment and perform basic functions on the page segment. Change authority provides object operational authority and all data authority. *ALL All authority allows the user to perform all operations on the page segment except those limited to the owner or controlled by authorization list management authority. The user can control the page segment’s existence, specify the security for the page segment, change the page segment, and perform basic functions on the page segment. The user cannot transfer ownership of the page segment. *USE Use authority allows the user to perform basic operations on the page segment, such as read the page segment. The user is prevented from changing the page segment. Use authority provides object operational authority and read authority. Convert PCD to Page Segment (CVTPCDPAGS) 13 *EXCLUDE Exclude authority prevents the user from accessing the page segment. authorization-list-name Specify the name of an authorization list. Users included on the authorization list are granted authority to the page segment as specified by the list. The authorization list must exist when the page segment is created. Top Text ’description’ (TEXT) Specifies text that briefly describes the page segment to be created. The possible values are: *SAME Specifies the text used when you previously created a page segment of the same name. *BLANK Specifies the text is blank. ’description’ Specifies no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes. Top Replace (REPLACE) Specifies whether or not the page segment replaces the existing page segment if a page segment of the same name already exists in the library. The possible values are: *YES A new page segment is created and the old page segment is replaced by it. *NO A new page segment is not created if an old page segment of the same name already exists in the library. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages AFP0010 An error occurred. Top 14 IBM Systems - iSeries: AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands Convert PFM to Page Segment (CVTPFMPAGS) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages Convert PFM to Page Segment This command allows you to convert a member in a physical database file to a page segment. The member must contain only one Image Data Stream (IMDS) or one Image Object Content Architecture (IOCA) function set 10 image data stream. Error messages for CVTPFMPAGS *ESCAPE Messages AFP0010 An error occurred. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes PAGSEG Page segment Qualified object name Required, Key, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: Page segment Name, *PRV Qualifier 2: Library Name, *CURLIB FILE From file Single values: *PRV Other values: Qualified object name Optional, Key, Positional 2 Qualifier 1: From file Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB MBR From member Name, *PRV, *PAGSEG Optional, Key, Positional 3 CHGIMGSIZE Change image size *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 4 IMGSIZE Image area size Element list Optional, Positional 5 Element 1: Unit of measure *SAME, *INCH, *CM Element 2: Width 0.1-57.79, *SAME Element 3: Length 0.1-57.79, *SAME MAPPING Mapping option *PAT, *STF, *CAT, *IPTP, *IPTPD, *SAME Optional, Positional 6 IMGRTT Degree of rotation 0, 90, 180, 270, *SAME Optional, Positional 7 CHGOFF Change image offset *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 8 AUT Authority Name, *LIBCRTAUT, *CHANGE, *ALL, *USE, *EXCLUDE, *SAME Optional, Positional 9 TEXT Text ’description’ Character value, *SAME, *BLANK Optional, Positional 10 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 15 Keyword Description Choices Notes REPLACE Replace *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 11 Top Page segment (PAGSEG) Specifies the qualified name of the page segment to be created. This is a required parameter. The possible values are: *PRV Specifies that the name of the page segment and library used when you performed this command last is used. If you specify *PRV for the PAGSEG parameter, it is not necessary to specify a library. page-segment-name Specifies the page segment name to be created. The possible library values are: *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to create the page segment. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. library-name Specify the library in which the page segment will be created. Top From file (FILE) Specifies the qualified name of the physical file that contains the member to be converted. The possible values are: *PRV Specifies the file and library used when you previously created a page segment of the same name. file-name Type the name of an existing physical database file to be used. If you do not specify a library name, *LIBL is used. The possible library values are: *LIBL The library list is used to locate the file. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the file. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. library-name Specify the library where the file resides. Top 16 IBM Systems - iSeries: AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands From member (MBR) Specifies the name of the physical file member to be converted. The possible values are: *PRV Specifies the member name used when you previously created a page segment of the same name. *PAGSEG Specifies the name of the page segment to be created is the same as the name of the member. member-name Specifies the member name that is to be converted. Top Change image size (CHGIMGSIZE) Specifies whether the size of the image in the page segment is changed or not. The possible values are: *SAME Specifies the same value for this parameter used when you previously created a page segment of the same name. *NO Specifies not to change the image size. *YES Specifies to change the image size. If you specify *YES, the IMGSIZE and MAPOPT parameters will appear, and you can specify the new image size in the page segment and how to map the input image to the size. Top Image area size (IMGSIZE) Specifies the unit of measurement, width, and length of the image to be created in the page segment when Change image size parameter is specified as *YES. This prompt is ignored when Change image size is specified as *NO. Unit of measure Specifies the unit of measurement used to specify the following two parameters. The possible values are: *SAME Specifies the unit of measurement used when you previously created a page segment of the same name. *INCH Inch is used as the unit of measurement. *CM Centimeter is used as the unit of measurement. Width Specifies the width of the image to be created. The possible values are: Convert PFM to Page Segment (CVTPFMPAGS) 17 *SAME Specifies the value of the width used when you previously created a page segment of the same name. width-value Specify the width value in the selected unit of measurement. Length Specifies the length of the image to be created. The possible values are: *SAME Specifies the value of the length used when you previously created a page segment of the same name. length-value Specify the length value in the selected unit of measurement. Top Mapping option (MAPPING) Specifies how the input image is mapped to the specified size of output image in the page segment when Change image size parameter is specified as *YES. This prompt is ignored when Change image size is specified as *NO. The possible values are: *SAME Specifies the mapping option used when you previously created a page segment of the same name. *PAT (Position and trim) The top left corner of the input image is located to the top left corner of the output image area. The image size is not changed, and any portion of the input image that falls outside of the output image size is trimmed. *STF (Scale to fit) The center of the input image is located to the center of the output image area. The image size is changed so that the input image fits in the output image size. *CAT (Center and trim) The center of the input image is located to the center of the output image area. The image size is not changed, and any portion of the input image that falls outside of the output image size is trimmed. *IPTP (Image point to pel) The top left corner of the input image is located to the top left corner of the output image area. No resolution correction is done and each image point in the input image is mapped to a pel of the output printer. The image size may vary depending on the pel-density of the output printer, and any portion of the input image that falls outside of the output image size is trimmed. *IPTPD (Image point to pel with double dot) The top left corner of the input image is located to the top left corner of the output image area. No resolution correction is done and each image point in the input image is doubled (replicated) 18 IBM Systems - iSeries: AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands in both dimensions and mapped to pels of the output printer. The image size may vary depending on the pel-density of the output printer, and any portion of the input image that falls outside of the output image size is trimmed. Top Degree of rotation (IMGRTT) Specifies the degree of the clockwise rotation of the output image. The center of the rotation is the top left corner of the image. The possible values are: *SAME Specifies the degree of rotation used when you previously created a page segment of the same name. 0 No rotation is done. 90 The image is rotated 90 degrees clockwise. 180 The image is rotated 180 degrees clockwise. 270 The image is rotated 270 degrees clockwise. Top Change image offset (CHGOFF) A rotated IOCA image (page segment) created with no change in offset can be placed at the same point on a rotated overlay, record layout, or page layout that the corresponding image that is not rotated is placed on a layout that is not rotated. If the option is used to change the offset, the upper left corner of the rotated image will be placed at the specified point on the overlay or layout. This placement is the same as that used for IM1 raster images. For an image rotated 90 degrees, the upper left corner is the same as the bottom left corner of an image that is not rotated. For an image rotated 180 degrees, the upper left corner is the same as the bottom right corner of an image that is not rotated. The possible values are: *NO Offset is not changed. *YES Offset is changed so that the image must be placed on the layout the same as IM1 raster images. Top Authority (AUT) Specifies the authority given to the user who does not have specific authority, who is not on the authorization list, or whose user group has no specific authority to the created page segment. This value is ignored and the current authority remains if a page segment already exists and this is replacing it. The possible values are: *SAME Specifies the authority used when you previously created a page segment of the same name. Convert PFM to Page Segment (CVTPFMPAGS) 19 *LIBCRTAUT The system determines the authority for the page segment by using the value specified for the Create authority prompt (CRTAUT parameter) on the Create Library command (CRTLIB) for the library containing the page segment to be created. If the value specified on the Create authority prompt (CRTAUT parameter) is changed, the new value will not affect this page segment. *CHANGE Change authority allows the user to perform all operations on the page segment except those limited to the owner or controlled by object existence authority and object management authority. The user can change the page segment and perform basic functions on the page segment. Change authority provides object operational authority and all data authority. *ALL All authority allows the user to perform all operations on the page segment except those limited to the owner or controlled by authorization list management authority. The user can control the page segment’s existence, specify the security for the page segment, change the page segment, and perform basic functions on the page segment. The user cannot transfer ownership of the page segment. *USE Use authority allows the user to perform basic operations on the page segment, such as read the page segment. The user is prevented from changing the page segment. Use authority provides object operational authority and read authority. *EXCLUDE Exclude authority prevents the user from accessing the page segment. authorization-list-name Specify the name of an authorization list. Users included on the authorization list are granted authority to the page segment as specified by the list. The authorization list must exist when the page segment is created. Top Text ’description’ (TEXT) Specifies text that briefly describes the page segment to be created. The possible values are: *SAME Specifies the text used when you previously created a page segment of the same name. *BLANK Specifies the text is blank. ’description’ Specifies no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes. Top Replace (REPLACE) Specifies whether or not the page segment replaces the existing page segment if a page segment of the same name already exists in the library. The possible values are: *YES A new page segment is created and the old page segment is replaced by it. *NO A new page segment is not created if an old page segment of the same name already exists in the library. 20 IBM Systems - iSeries: AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages AFP0010 An error occurred. Top Convert PFM to Page Segment (CVTPFMPAGS) 21 22 IBM Systems - iSeries: AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands Print PFD Data (PRTPFDDTA) Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages This command allows you to print a database file member according to the design of a PFD definition. Error messages for PRTPFDDTA *ESCAPE Messages AFP0010 An error occurred. AFP0040 Database file &2 in library &1 cannot be allocated. AFP22A0 Print request canceled. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes PFDFILE PFD file Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: PFD file Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB PFDMBR PFD definition Name, *FIRST Optional, Positional 2 FILE Database file Single values: *PFD Other values: Qualified object name Optional, Positional 3 Qualifier 1: Database file Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB MBR Member Name, *FIRST Optional, Positional 4 GRID Include grid *YES, *NO, *YES, *NO Optional, Positional 5 RCDSLT Record selection *YES, *NO, *YES, *NO Optional, Positional 6 ENDPAGE Ending page 1-9999, *END Optional, Positional 7 DRAWER Source drawer 1-255, *PFD, *E1, *CUT Optional, Positional 8 OUTBIN Output bin 1-65535, *DEVD Optional, Positional 9 COPIES Copies 1-255, *PFD Optional, Positional 10 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 23 Keyword Description Choices Notes OUTQ Output queue Single values: *JOB Other values: Qualified object name Optional, Positional 11 Qualifier 1: Output queue Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB FORMDF Form definition Qualified object name Optional, Positional 12 Qualifier 1: Form definition Name, *PFD, *DEVD, *INLINE Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB Top PFD file (PFDFILE) Specifies the PFD definition file and library that contain the PFD definition to be used. The possible values are: PFD-definition-file-name Type the name of an existing PFD definition file to be used. If you specify the PFD-definition-file-name and a library name, print format utility searches the specified library for the PFD definition file. If you do not specify a library name, *LIBL is used. The possible library values are: *LIBL The library list is used to locate the file. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the file. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. library-name Specify the library where the file resides. Top PFD definition (PFDMBR) Specifies the name of the PFD definition to be used to print a database file member. The possible values are: *FIRST This is the default value. The first PFD definition in the PFD definition file is used. PFD-definition-name Type the name of the PFD-definition you want to use. Top Database file (FILE) Specifies the database file and library that contain the member to be printed. The possible values are: 24 IBM Systems - iSeries: AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands *PFD Specifies that the database file and library that are specified in the PFD definition are used to print the member. file-name Type the name of an existing database file to be used. If you specify the file-name and a library name, print format utility searches the specified library for the database file. If you do not specify a library name, *LIBL is used. The possible library values are: *LIBL The library list is used to locate the file. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the file. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. library-name Specify the library where the file resides. Top Member (MBR) Specifies the name of the member to be printed. The possible values are: *FIRST This is the default value. The first member in the database file is printed. member-name Type the name of the member you want to print. Top Include grid (GRID) Specifies whether a grid is included in the printout or not. A Grid consists of horizontal lines and vertical lines, and the distance between horizontal lines and that between vertical lines are specified in the PFD specifications. The possible values are: *NO This is the default value. A grid is not included in the printout. *YES A grid is included in the printout. Top Record selection (RCDSLT) Specifies whether the records are selected according to the selection conditions specified in the PFD definition or not. The possible values are: *YES Type *YES if you want to select and print only those records that match the selection conditions specified in the PFD definition. Print PFD Data (PRTPFDDTA) 25 All records are printed if no conditions are specified in the PFD definition. *NO Type *NO if you want to print all records regardless of the selection conditions specified in the PFD definition. Top Ending page (ENDPAGE) Specifies whether printing should stop at a certain page or continue until all records are processed. The possible values are: *END Specifies to print until all records are processed. page-number Specifies the last page number to be printed. Print format utility stops printing when the last page specified by this parameter is printed. If all records have been processed before the last page is printed, print format utility will stop printing. The possible value range is 1 - 9999. Top Drawer (DRAWER) Specifies the source drawer used when single-cut sheets are fed into the printer. The possible values are: *PFD The value specified in the Printout specifications is used. *PFD is the default. *E1 Envelopes are fed from the envelope drawer on the sheet-feed paper handler. *CUT For printers with manual feed, cut sheets are fed manually through the manual feeder. source-drawer Specify the drawer from which the paper is fed. Valid values range from 1 through 255. For printers with manual feed, specifying 100 is the same as specifying *CUT. Top Output bin (OUTBIN) Specifies the destination of the output on printers capable of multiple output bins. The possible values are: *DEVD The value specified in the Device description is used. *DEVD is the default. output-bin Specify the output bin for the destination of the output. Valid values range from 1 through 65535. Top 26 IBM Systems - iSeries: AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands Copies (COPIES) Specifies the number of copies to be printed. The possible values are: *PFD Specifies that the number specified in the PFD definition is used. This is the default value. number-of-copies Specifies the number of copies to be printed. The possible value range is 1 - 255. Top Output queue (OUTQ) Specifies the qualified name of the output queue in which the spooled file will be created. The possible values are: *JOB Specifies the output queue specified in the job description associated with this job is used. This is the default value. output-queue-name Specifies the name of the output queue to be used. The possible library values are: *LIBL The library list is used to locate the output queue. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the output queue. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. library-name Specify the library where the output queue resides. Top Form definition (FORMDF) Specifies the qualified name of the form definition to use when printing the spooled file. The possible values are: *PFD Specifies that the form definition and library that are specified in the PFD definition will be used to print the member. *DEVD Specifies that the form definition specified in the device description for the printer will be used. *INLINE Specifies that the print format utility will create an inline form definition with the name F1AFPU and use that form definition when printing the data. The page width and length specified in the printout format definition will be placed in the created form definition for page control with Print PFD Data (PRTPFDDTA) 27 continuous form printers. These values will be used when the page size control value for the printer is set to *YES. Use the Work with PSF Configurations (WRKPSFCFG) command to set the page size control value. form-definition-name Specifies the name of the form definition to be used. The possible library values are: *LIBL The library list is used to locate the form definition. *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the form definition. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. library-name Specify the library where the form definition resides. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages AFP0010 An error occurred. AFP0040 Database file &2 in library &1 cannot be allocated. AFP22A0 Print request canceled. Top 28 IBM Systems - iSeries: AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands Start AFP Utilities (STRAFPU) Where allowed to run: Interactive environments (*INTERACT *IPGM *IREXX *EXEC) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages The command displays the main AFP Utilities menu that allows you to use the AFP Utilities functions. There are no parameters for this command. Error messages for STRAFPU *ESCAPE Messages AFP0010 An error occurred. AFP10C0 Error occurred while AFPU main menu was displayed. AFP22A0 Print request canceled. AFP3303 Page segment &5 was not created in library &1. Top Parameters None Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages AFP0010 An error occurred. AFP10C0 Error occurred while AFPU main menu was displayed. AFP22A0 Print request canceled. AFP3303 Page segment &5 was not created in library &1. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 29 Top 30 IBM Systems - iSeries: AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands Start Overlay Utility (STROVLU) Where allowed to run: Interactive environments (*INTERACT *IPGM *IREXX *EXEC) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages This command allows you to perform an option of the overlay utility directly without viewing the Work with Source Overlays display. Error messages for STROVLU *ESCAPE Messages AFP0010 An error occurred. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes FILE Source overlay file Single values: *PRV Other values: Qualified object name Optional, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: Source overlay file Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB MBR Source overlay Name, *PRV, *SELECT Optional, Positional 2 OPTION Option *BLANK, ’ ’, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 Optional, Positional 3 Top Source overlay file (FILE) Specifies the source overlay file and library that contain the source overlay to be worked with. The possible values are: *PRV Specifies that the overlay utility is to use the name of the source overlay file and library used in your last overlay utility session. If you specify *PRV for the FILE parameter, it is not necessary to specify a library. source-overlay-file-name Type the name of an existing source overlay file to be used. If you specify the source-overlay-file-name and a library name, overlay utility searches the specified library for the source overlay file. If you do not specify a library name, *LIBL is used. The possible library values are: *LIBL The library list is used to locate the file. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 31 *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the file. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. library-name Specify the library where the file resides. Top Source overlay (MBR) Specifies the name of the source overlay to be worked with or created. The default value for this parameter depends on if you specify the FILE parameter. The possible values are: *SELECT This is the default value if you specify the FILE parameter. If you choose *SELECT, you will get the lists of all source overlays in the specified source overlay file and library. Select one or more source overlays to work with on the display. *PRV This is the default value if you do not specify the FILE parameter. *PRV is the name of the previous source overlay that was used. source-overlay-name Type the name of the source overlay you want to work with. Top Option (OPTION) Specifies the function to perform on the selected source overlay. The possible values are: *BLANK or ’ ’ This is the default value if you do not specify a source overlay name. *BLANK specifies no action. 1=Create Type 1 to create a source overlay. 2=Change This is the default value if you specify a source overlay name. Type 2 to change a source overlay. 3=Copy Type 3 to copy a source overlay. 4=Delete Type 4 to delete a source overlay. 6=Print Type 6 to print a source overlay. 7=Rename Type 7 to rename a source overlay. 32 IBM Systems - iSeries: AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands 9=Create overlay Type 9 to create an overlay from a source overlay. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages AFP0010 An error occurred. Top Start Overlay Utility (STROVLU) 33 34 IBM Systems - iSeries: AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands Start Print Format Utility (STRPFU) Where allowed to run: Interactive environments (*INTERACT *IPGM *IREXX *EXEC) Threadsafe: No Parameters Examples Error messages This command allows you to perform an option of print format utility directly without viewing the Work with PFD Definitions display. Error messages for STRPFU *ESCAPE Messages AFP0010 An error occurred. AFP22A0 Print request canceled. Top Parameters Keyword Description Choices Notes PFDFILE PFD file Single values: *PRV Other values: Qualified object name Optional, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: PFD file Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB PFDMBR PFD definition Name, *PRV, *SELECT Optional, Positional 2 OPTION Option *BLANK, ’ ’, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 Optional, Positional 3 Top PFD file (PFDFILE) Specifies the PFD definition file and library that contain the PFD definition to be worked with. The possible values are: *PRV Specifies that the print format utility is to use the name of the PFD definition file and library used in your last print format utility session. If you specify *PRV for the PFDFILE parameter, it is not necessary to specify a library. PFD-definition-file-name Type the name of an existing PFD definition file to be used. If you specify the PFD-definition-file-name and a library name, print format utility searches the specified library for the PFD definition file. If you do not specify a library name, *LIBL is used. The possible library values are: *LIBL The library list is used to locate the file. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 35 *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the file. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used. library-name Specify the library where the file resides. Top PFD definition (PFDMBR) Specifies the name of the PFD definition to be worked with or created. The default value for this parameter depends on if you specify the PFDFILE parameter. The possible values are: *SELECT This is the default value if you specify the PFDFILE parameter. If you choose *SELECT, you will get the lists of all PFD definitions in the specified PFD definition file and library. Select one or more PFD definitions to work with on the display. *PRV This is the default value if you do not specify the PFDFILE parameter. *PRV is the name of the previous PFD definition that was used. PFD-definition-name Type the name of the PFD-definition you want to work with. Top Option (OPTION) Specifies the function to perform on the selected PFD definition. The default value depends on if you specify a PFD definition name. The possible values are: *BLANK or ’ ’ This is the default value if you do not specify a PFD definition name. *BLANK specifies no action. 1=Create Type 1 to create a PFD definition. 2=Change This is the default value if you specify a PFD definition name. Type 2 to change a PFD definition. 3=Copy Type 3 to copy a PFD definition. 4=Delete Type 4 to delete a PFD definition. 6=Print Type 6 to print a PFD definition. 7=Rename Type 7 to rename a PFD definition. 36 IBM Systems - iSeries: AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands 9=Print database file Type 9 to print a database file member by using a PFD definition. Top Examples None Top Error messages *ESCAPE Messages AFP0010 An error occurred. AFP22A0 Print request canceled. Top Start Print Format Utility (STRPFU) 37 38 IBM Systems - iSeries: AFP Utilities for iSeries Commands Appendix. Notices This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user’s responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. 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Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the information which has been exchanged, should contact: IBM Corporation © Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006 39 Software Interoperability Coordinator, Department 49XA 3605 Highway 52 N Rochester, MN 55901 U.S.A. Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions, including in some cases, payment of a fee. The licensed program described in this information and all licensed material available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement, IBM International Program License Agreement, or any equivalent agreement between us. Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. This information contains examples of data and reports used in daily business operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include the names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business enterprise is entirely coincidental. COPYRIGHT LICENSE: This information contains sample application programs in source language, which illustrate programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating platform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM for the purposes of developing, using, marketing, or distributing application programs conforming to IBM’s application programming interfaces. Each copy or any portion of these sample programs or any derivative work, must include a copyright notice as follows: (C) IBM 2006. Portions of this code are derived from IBM Corp. Sample Programs. (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2006. All rights reserved. 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