---------------------------------------------------------------------- | README file for POSIX-BC V9.0A | | Edition: Febrary 2011 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This file contains changes to the following manuals: [1] POSIX POSIX Basics Edition May 2009 [2] POSIX POSIX Commands Edition May 2009 Contents ======== 1 edtu - screen-oriented editor EDT (BS2000) 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Starting edtu 1.3 Terminating edtu 1.4 Code set conversion 1.5 Error messages 1.6 Status messages 1.7 Messages/question after the end of the EDT dialog 2 @@Z with block terminals 1 edtu - screen-oriented editor EDT (BS2000) ==================================================== 1.1 Introduction ---------------------- The edtu command calls the BS2000 file editor EDT in its Unicode mode. Thus all new functions of EDT V17.0 (Unicode mode) are available in the POSIX shell. These are amongst others: - Support of XHCS code sets including Unicode. - Editing of files with record lengths up to 32768 bytes. - New screen formats (@VDT F3..F4). - Support of POSIX files in the EDT statements @COPY, @OPEN and @WRITE. (For compatibility reasons the EDT V16 statements @XCOPY, @XOPEN and @XWRITE are supported, too.) - Consistent handling of empty records. As the edt command does, edtu is available on BS2000 block terminals only and cannot be invoked from sub-shells. edtu can read from a pipe, too: command | edtu [options] [file ...] The pipe output will be read into work file (00) and marked as read-only, e.g. the user himself has to care about saving work file (00) if required. Specified files (if any) will be read into work files (01)..(21). 1.2 Starting edtu ----------------------- The usage text can be requested by "edtu -h". This online-help as well as all edtu messages are provided in English. Usage ----- edtu [-hrI] [-i ] [-c | -k] [-v ] [ ...] -h Print help text. -r Open all files read-only. At termination of edtu the work files will not be saved and no queries will be done. -I Diasplay information lines (@PAR GLOBAL,INF=ON). -i Number lines by an increment of 0.0001*. This option is only supported for compatibility reasons. If it is not specified (recommended) automatic line nubering will be done. -c Set code set for file(s) (default: EDF041). -k Set ISO code set for file(s) (equates: -c ISO88591). -v Start EDT with screen format @VDT (F1..F4) (default: F1). Open UFS files for editing. Up to 22 files can be read into work files (00)..(21). Pipe output (e.g. ls | edtu) will always be read into work file (00) and discarded at termination of edtu. A table of contents of the files opened will be written into work file (22). If multiple files have been opened, EDT dialog starts in work file (22) or in work file (00) otherwise. 1.3 Terminating edtu -------------------------- @HALT / @END Modified files will be saved after a query. @HALT FORGET Modified files will be discarded without query. @RETURN Modified files will be saved without query. 1.4 Code set conversion ----------------------------- Options -k and -c only affect opened POSIX files but not BS2000 files opened in the EDT dialog. Automatic conversion of POSIX files residing in ASCII file systems by means of the environment variable IO_CONVERSION is supported, too. This applies only if neither of the options -k and -c is specified. 1.5 Error messages ------------------------ Notice: All messages of the command "edtu" are printed in English. - edtu can run on BLOCK terminals (/dev/term/*) only - file %s does not exist - new file %s may not be created - open failed; file %s is a directory - open failed; no read access for file %s - EDT reports error for cmd '%s' In addition there are other error messages if the options -i, -c, -v, have been specified with invalid arguments or if too many files have been specified. 1.6 Status messages ------------------------- They are displayed in the EDT status line. - POSIX edtu ready (no files) - POSIX edtu opened file: %s - POSIX edtu opened %d files, 1st: %s Following additional information may be displayed: - (stdin pipe, READONLY) - (new) - (empty) - (READONLY) 1.7 Messages/question after the end of the EDT dialog ----------------------------------------------------------- After returning from EDT dialog (statements @HALT, @END, @RETURN) following messages may be displayed, denpending on the work files having been modified or not: - workfile %02d: '%s' not saved (readonly file); return to EDT dialog? (y=yes, n=no): - workfile %02d: ufs file '%s' not saved; ... - workfile %02d: element '%s' in lib '%s' not saved; ... - workfile %02d: BS2000 file '%0.54s' not saved; ... - workfile %02d: %s saved - workfile %02d: ufs file %s saved - workfile %02d: element %s in lib %s saved - workfile %02d: BS2000 file %s saved To the "not saved" message one of these texts is appended: - (discarded because of @HALT FORGET) - save it? (y=yes, n=no, r=return): If the "save it" questions is answered with "y" the successful saving is confirmed by: - workfile %02d: saved 2 @@Z with block terminals ================================== The new key combination @@Z for BS2000 block terminals provides the same functionality as [CTRL][Z] does for character terminals. Entering this key combination causes the running process ("job") to be stopped by a SIGTSTP signal ("tty stop"). The stopped job can be set to background processing using the built-in command bg, it can remain stopped or it can be set back to foreground processing again using the built-in command fg. See also information on [CTRL][Z] in the manual "POSIX Commands" (section 2.3.22 "Jobs", commands bg and fg). After execution of the command bs2pkey on a block terminal instead of the key combination @@Z alternatively the key P5 can be used. NOTE: The key combination @@Z (as well as [CTRL][Z] for character terminals) does not affect built-in shell commands but only commands executed in a forked process. RESTRICTION: The key combination @@Z should not be used for the shell command "more" for this leads to unpredictable results.