Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0001 Parameter error when calling an internal interface. Abnormal program termination
An internal interface has been called with an invalid parameter list.
An entry has been written into the SERSLOG file.
Contact the system administrator.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0002 Erroneous parameters. Abnormal program termination
Possible error causes:
- alignment error
- no storage allocated for parameter area
- output directed to write-protected storage
The calling program is erroneous and should be corrected
as required.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM0003 User ID '(&00)' does not exist on pubset '(&01)'
The specified user ID is not stored in the SRPM file
of the specified pubset.
(&00) : user ID
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Specify the correct user ID or the correct pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM0004 Pubset '(&00)' not found or not accessible. Command rejected
The specified pubset cannot be accessed.
Possible reasons:
- the specified pubset is not known in the system,
- the specified pubset is not locally imported,
- the specified pubset is a 'shared pubset' and this system is slave.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0005 SDF syntax file inconsistent. Command rejected
The SDF syntax file the specified command is defined in
is incorrect. The command could not be processed.
Contact the system administrator.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0006 Error reported during internal system call. Command aborted
Possible reasons:
- insufficient free storage, or
- internal system error.
Repeat the command, if desired; if the error persists contact
the system administrator.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0007 DMS error '(&01)' when processing file 'SYSSRPM' on pubset '(&00)'
Further information: /HELP-MSG DMS(&00)
Contact the system administrator or operator.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0008 Internal error when processing pubset '(&00)'
Possible reasons:
- insufficient free storage, or
- internal system error.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Repeat the command, if desired; if the error persists contact
the system administrator.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0009 DMS error '(&01)' when processing file 'SYSPBN' on pubset '(&00)'
Further information: /HELP-MSG DMS(&00)
The system file SYSPBN has not been processed. If an error occurs
during actions of the user administration, the user catalog cannot
be completely reconstructed.
The current session is not affected by this error.
At the next startup of the system the file SYSPBN will be
corrected automatically.
An entry has been written into the SERSLOG file.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0010 Command rejected
The command has not been processed due to syntactic or semantic
Correct and reenter the command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0011 DMS error '(&01)' when processing file 'SYSSRPM' on pvs '(&00)'
For more detailed information about the DMS error code enter /HELP-MSG
in system mode or see the BS2000 manual 'System Messages' or one of the
BS2000 DMS manuals.
Contact the system administrator or operator.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0012 Internal error during update of system file 'SYSPBN'
Possible reasons:
- insufficient free storage, or
- internal system error.
The system file SYSPBN has not been processed. If an error occurs
during actions of the user administration, the user catalog cannot
be completely reconstructed.
The current session is not affected by this error.
At the next startup of the system the file SYSPBN will be
corrected automatically.
An entry has been written into the SERSLOG file.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0013 Internal error during ADBL processing of SRPM optional parts from pubset '(&00)'
An unrecoverable error has occurred during dynamic loading of the
optional parts of SRPM from SYSLNK.SRPMOPT.nnn or SYSLNK.SRPMNUC.nnn .
Importing of the home pubset will be aborted.
Take SLED and contact the diagnostic support.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0014 Command not available
The subsystem supporting the command has not been loaded.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0015 SERSLOG entry rejected. Abnormal task termination
An SRPM component tried to write a SERSLOG entry for
diagnostic purposes after an internal error occurred.
The $NERLOSI call was rejected with SUBCODE1 not equal
to SUCCESSFUL. A system dump is offered and the task will
be terminated abnormally.
Please contact the diagnostic support.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 70
Warranty : YES
SRM0016 Command aborted
The command is aborted because the user pressed the K2 key.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0017 No further display for pubset '(&01)' owing to modification of user group '(&00)'
The definition of user groups was changed by another task during
processing of the SHOW command.
(&00) : user group ID that has been changed.
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset on whose SRPM file
the command was to take effect.
Wait for completion of the user group modifications and try the command
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0018 Pubset '(&00)' exported during command processing
During command processing the pubset (&00) just handled
was exported with /FORCE-CATALOG-EXPORT. Command processing
will be aborted for this pubset.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Wait until the pubset is available again
and reenter the command.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0020 SECOS: internal error '(&00)' reported from L'(&01)'
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis, an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file. In a system with fault intolerance on,
a diagnostic dump will be offered.
(&00) : short identifier indicating the kind of error.
(&01) : address of the errored SECOS function.
Contact the system administrator or the person responsible
for diagnosis.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0021 Insufficient space for SYSLST file
SYSLST is assigned to a cataloged file whose PRIMARY-ALLOCATION
is exhausted and whose SECONDARY-ALLOCATION is set to 0.
Increase the value of either the PRIMARY-ALLOCATION or
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0022 No information for pubset '(&00)'
The requested information couldn't be provided from the specified pubset.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0023 The following contents of file '(&00)' was accepted: '(&01)'.
File contents was read and classified successfully.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0024 Error occurred during processing of file '(&00)'.
File contents could not be read.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0025 Contents of file '(&00)' can not be classified completely.
The file contents does not correspond to the admissible values.
Please correct the file contents.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0026 Error occurred during init routine of SRPMOPT. Further Information for diagnosis by system development: '(&00)'.
The error occurred while writing of a serslog record was not possible. So
the information for the system development has to be given this way.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: E Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0027 The contents of file '(&00)', record '(&01)' was not accepted, reason '(&02)'
In the subsystem-informationfile (&00) the contents of the record
with number (&01) could not be classified.
(&00): name of the subsystem-informationfile
(&01): serial number of the faulty record
(&02): reason:
1: invalid syntax
2: invalid key specified
3: invalid value specified
4: duplicate key specified
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0028 DMS error '(&01)' when processing file '(&00)'
Further information: /HELP-MSG DMS(&01)
Contact the system administrator or operator.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM0153 Logon already processed
The personal logon serves as an initializing command of dialog tasks
and is not processed again afterwards.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2001 SRPM init for pubset '(&00)': Error during a memory request
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2002 SRPM init for pubset '(&00)': Error when creating the SRPM task
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2003 SRPM init for pubset '(&00)': Error when reading MRSCAT entry for home pubset
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2004 SRPM init for pubset '(&00)': Error when requesting a catalog block number (PBN)
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2005 SRPM init for pubset '(&00)': Error when loading DMS USER TABLE
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 70
Warranty : NO
SRM2006 SRPM init for pubset '(&00)': Error when releasing memory. Processing continues
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2007 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': System error in central task switching routines
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2009 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': Error when creating ISAM pool
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2010 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': Error when creating a bourse
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2011 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': Error when reconstructing F5 label
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 98
Warranty : NO
SRM2012 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': Error abortion or reset ? Reply (A=Abort, R=Reset)
An error occurred when processing the SYSSRPM file
(cf. preceding message). The following actions can now be taken:
A (abort) : Processing stops immediately.
R (reset) : Processing continues in the following defined way.
The SYSSRPM file will be created again as in the
case of a first start.
DUMMY user records are created for all existing user IDs
in the file-catalog TSOSCAT.
The Startup/ IMPORT will be terminated.
The old status of the pubset as regards privilege, group and
LOGON information cannot be generated again. A reset to save the user's
files makes sense only if errors have occurred which indicate physical
destruction of the user catalog.
In the event of temporary problems you should abort.
The pubset has to be generated anew after a reset.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Enter A or R.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2013 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': Files reset, load system again
The file SYSSRPM was successfully reset with DUMMY user entries.
The system now has to be loaded again. After SYSTEM READY
the files of the user IDs can be saved on the pubset concerned.
To restore the old status, the pubset must be generated anew.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2014 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': Files reset, repeat import
The file SYSSRPM was successfully reset with DUMMY user entries.
The IMPORT has to be repeated. After IMPORT
the files of the user IDs can be saved on the pubset concerned.
To restore the old status, the pubset must be generated anew.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 98
Warranty : NO
SRM2015 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': Inconsistent user information detected. Abortion or reset ? Reply (A=Abort, R=Reset)
Inconsistent user information was detected.
The following actions can now be taken:
A (abort) : The IMPORT-PUBSET processing stops immediately.
R (reset) : The IMPORT-PUBSET processing continues.
In case of distroyed user sets Dummy user information
will be created for the contingents and account entries.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Enter A (abort) or R (reset).
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2016 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': Return of pubset in version not possible. Import-pubset aborted
The pubset cannot be imported due to missing corrections for a
return to this version. An IMPORT-PUBSET will be aborted.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Contact the system administrator.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2017 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': reconstructing from backup '(&01)' created '(&02)'
The user-catalog SYSSRPM of the pubset (&00) is reconstructed
with the backup of the pubset (&01), created on (&02).
(&00) : catID of the pubset.
(&01) : catID of the saved pubset.
(&02) : date/time when saved.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2018 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': reconstructing from TSOSCAT
The user-catalog SYSSRPM of the pubset (&00) is reconstructed
from the file-catalog TSOSCAT of this pubset.
(&00) : catID of the pubset.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2019 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': '(&01)' userID reconstructed
The reconstruction of the user-catalog SYSSRPM on pubset (&00)
is completed. (&01) userIDs are imported from the backup-file
SYSSRPM.BACKUP or newly added.
(&00) : catID of the pubset.
(&01) : number of reconstructed userID.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2020 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': '(&01)' userID imported from TSOSCAT
The reconstruction of the user-catalog SYSSRPM on pubset (&00) is
completed. (&01) userIDs are imported from the file-catalog TSOSCAT.
(&00) : catID of the pubset.
(&01) : number of imported userID.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2021 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': invalid file SYSSRPM.BACKUP. Import continues
The backup-file SYSSRPM.BACKUP does not exist or contains invalid data.
The IMPORT-PUBSET processing continues without reconstruction.
(&00) : catID of the pubset.
Restore the backup-file SYSSRPM.BACKUP and repeat the reconstruction.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2022 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': internal error during reconstruction
During reconstruction of the user-catalog SYSSRPM on pubset (&00)
an internal error occurred. A SERSLOG-entry is written to reveal
the kind of error.
(&00) : catID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2023 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': number of userID '(&01)' to high
The number of userID united from backup-file SYSSRPM.BACKUP and
file-catalog TSOSCAT exceeds the maximum number of userID 8189.
(&00) : catID of the pubset.
(&01) : number of userID.
Repeat the reconstruction with either option BACKUP or TSOSCAT
without restoring the backup-file SYSSRPM.BACKUP.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2024 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': partial import rejected
The partial import of a pubset is performed only in case of an absent
user-catalog SYSSRPM. This function is reserved for SIR only.
(&00) : catID of the pubset.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2025 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': invalid file SYSSRPM
The user-catalog SYSSRPM does not exist or contains invalid data.
The IMPORT-PUBSET processing terminates.
(&00) : catID of the pubset.
If the pubset is imported for the first time, use the option FIRST.
If the pubset was already in use, reconstruct user-catalog SYSSRPM
with option RESET, restore a backup-file SYSSRPM.BACKUP and
reconstruct completely.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2026 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': '(&01)' userID removed due to TSOSCAT exhaustion
After reconstruction of the user-catalog SYSSRPM the file-catalog
TSOSCAT was unable to provide an Entry for (&01) of the new added
userIDs due to space exhaustion. The concerned userIDs are removed.
(&00) : catID of the pubset.
(&01) : number of removed userID.
Extend the file-catalog TSOSCAT. Restore the backup-file SYSSRPM.BACKUP
and repeat the reconstruction.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2027 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': complete interrupted reconstruction
During IMPORT-PUBSET processing an incomplete reconstructed
user-catalog SYSSRPM was detected. The reconstruction continues.
(&00) : catID of the pubset.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2028 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': Error when opening file SYSSRPM.BACKUP
The backup-file SYSSRPM.BACKUP could not be created or opened.
The IMPORT-PUBSET processing terminates.
(&00) : catID of the pubset.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2029 SRPM-init for pubset '(&00)': convert version '(&01)'
The user-catalog SYSSRPM of pubset (&00) has the format of version (&01).
It is converted into the format of the current OSD-version.
(&00) : catID of the pubset.
(&01) : version of the user-catalog.
The conversion takes place automatically. In case the pubset is imported
in an OSD-version lower than the actual one afterwards, there may be
REP-corrections necessary. This is indicated by message SRM2016.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2040 SRPM-term for pubset '(&00)': System error in central task switching routines
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2041 SRPM-term for pubset '(&00)': Error when terminating SRPM bourse. Processing continues
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2042 SRPM-term for pubset '(&00)': Error when releasing memory tables. Processing continues
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2043 SRPM-term for pubset '(&00)': Error when returning ISAM pool. Processing continues
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2044 SRPM-term for pubset '(&00)': Internal error when saving current user-specific values in memory
The current user-specific values in memory could not be included
in the user record of the user catalog.
The values will be reconstructed and will be put into the memory
during the next startup or when the pubset is next imported.
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2045 SRPM-term for pubset '(&00)': Memory shortage. Current user-specific values could not be saved
The current user-specific values in memory could not be included in the
user record of the user catalog.
The values will be reconstructed and will be put into the memory
during the next startup or when the pubset is next imported.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2046 File '(&00)' locked by task '(&01)' on host '(&02)' unlocked
An HSMS/ARCHIVE-task tried to save or restore the file (&00)
but it was locked by a previous HSMS/ARCHIVE-task with TSN (&01)
on host (&02). The file was unlocked and made accessible.
(&00): name of the concerned SRPM-backupfile
(&01): TSN of HSMS/ARCHIVE-task of previous SAVE/RESTORE run
(&02): name of the host where the HSMS/ARCHIVE-task resides.
No further action necessary.
For more information about the fate of the task (&01)
and the cause of this problem use:
/SHOW-JOB-STATUS *TSN((&01),'(&02)')
/TURN SRC=(&01)
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2047 DMS error '(&00)' when accessing file '(&01)' locked by task '(&02)' on host '(&03)'
An HSMS/ARCHIVE-task tried to save or restore the file (&01)
but it is not accessible due to DMS error (&00).
A previous HSMS/ARCHIVE-task with TSN (&02) on host (&03)
requested the lock but did not free it yet.
(&00): DMS errorcode from OPEN-file
(&01): name of the concerned SRPM-backupfile
(&02): TSN of HSMS/ARCHIVE-task of previous SAVE/RESTORE run
(&03): name of the host where the HSMS/ARCHIVE-task resides.
Please unlock the file if desired.
For more information use:
/SHOW-JOB-STATUS *TSN((&02),'(&03)')
/TURN SRC=(&02)
Try to remove the lock after investigation:
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2080 Command interpreter detected syntax error. Command rejected
Enter the correct command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2081 Incorrect operand value for operand '(&00)'
Enter the correct command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2082 Incorrect operand '(&00)'
Enter the correct command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2100 Specified user ID 'SYSJV' is reserved and must not be used
The user entered a user ID that is reserved for the system.
Enter the correct command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM2101 Specification of an account number missing. Command rejected
Possible reasons:
- the entry is new,
- an existing user ID has been modified and an operand has
been specified relating to an account number.
Enter the correct command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2102 'DEFAULT-PUBSET=' and 'PUBSET=' have to be identical for user ID 'TSOS'. Command rejected
Enter the correct command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM2103 Privilege error. Caller not authorized to modify this user ID or to create a user ID. Command rejected
This command may only be entered
- for all user IDs by the system user administrator,
- by a user group administrator for those user IDs assigned to his/her
group or subgroups.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2104 Incorrect operand value for 'TEST-OPTIONS=' operand. Command rejected
The write privilege must not be higher than the read privilege.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2105 Specified account number cannot be included. Command rejected
The maximum permissible number of account numbers is already
assigned to this user ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2106 Account number '(&00)' to be deleted could not be found. Command rejected
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2107 Last existing account number cannot be deleted. Command rejected
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2108 Command rejected by system exit routine
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2109 Command modified by system exit routine. Processing continues
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2110 Serialization error. Repeat command
Processing of this command has been overtaken
- by parallel deletion of this user ID or
- by another new insertion which, however, has been aborted.
This command has been ignored, the existing data is consistent.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2111 Request for catalog block number (PBN) rejected by operator. Command aborted
During the creation of a PBN in the TSOSCAT catalog
an error occurred. The operator had to decide whether
to abort the PBN allocation.
The user ID was not added.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2112 Request for catalog block number (PBN) failed owing to insufficient space for TSOSCAT. Command aborted
In the TSOSCAT catalog on the pubset specified in the command,
no block can be assigned to the user ID to be added.
The user ID was not added.
Contact the system administrator.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2113 Lock or remove for user ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)' still in progress. Retry command later
At the moment the user ID (&00) on pubset (&01)
is being handled by one of the commands /LOCK-USER, /UNLOCK-USER
or /REMOVE-USER. An /ADD-USER or /MODIFY-USER for the same
user ID and the same pubset will not be accepted until
processing of the preceding /LOCK-, /UNLOCK- or /REMOVE-USER
command has been completed.
(&00) : user ID to be handled.
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Retry the command later.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2120 User ID '(&00)' does not exist on pubset '(&01)'. Group ID cannot be determined. Command rejected
The user ID of the caller does not exist on the specified
pubset. The group ID can therefore not be determined
from the group table of the specified pubset.
The command will be rejected.
(&00) : user ID of the caller.
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2130 Contingent-hierarchy '(&00)': '(&01)' less than '(&02)'
In the contingent-hierarchy (&00) the necessary condition
'limit (&01) greater or equal to limit (&02)'
not fulfilled.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2131 Contingent-hierarchy '(&00)': '(&01)' greater than '(&02)'
In the contingent-hierarchy (&00) the necessary condition
'limit (&01) less or equal to limit (&02)'
not fulfilled.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2132 Attribute '(&00)' not supported for SF-pubset. Processing continues
The attribute (&00) is only meaningfull for SM-Pubsets.
The specification for SF-Pubsets is ignored.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2133 Check default-storage-class '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'. Processing continues
At the present the default-storage-class is not defined or not
allowed for the specified userID. Nevertheless it is accepted.
Check the default-storage-class, create it or grant it to the
specified userID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2135 Check default-character-set '(&00)'. Processing continues
At present the default-character-set is not defined in XHCS.
Nevertheless it is accepted.
Check the default-character-set, consult the XHCS-manual.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2150 Illegal specification of 'GROUP-IDENTIFICATION=' operand. Command rejected
The SRPM Group Management is not active, and the
'GROUP-IDENTIFICATION=' operand has been specified.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM2151 User ID already exists. Illegal specification of 'GROUP-IDENTIFICATION=' or 'LOCK-USER=' operand. Command rejected
These operands may only be used when adding a new user ID.
The specified user ID, however, already exists.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2152 Group management reports: Illegal profile ID. Command rejected
The specified profile ID does not belong to the potential
of this user group.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2153 Group management reports: Illegal account number. Command rejected
The specified account number does not belong to the potential
of this user group.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2154 Group management reports: Maximum permissible number of users reached. Command rejected
The maximum permissible number of users for this group has been reached,
no more users can be added.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2156 Group management reports: One value in user-specific part of JOIN record not permitted for this group. Command rejected
A privilege or a resource that was to be assigned to the user
is not available to the group.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2157 Group management reports: One value in account-specific part of JOIN record not permitted for this group. Command rejected
A privilege or a resource that was to be assigned to the user
is not available to the group.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2160 User ID already exists. Command rejected
The 'ADD-USER' command adds a new user ID.
The specified user ID, however, already exists.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2161 User ID does not exist. Command rejected
The 'MODIFY-USER' command changes the data of a user ID.
The specified user ID, however, does not exist.
Add the user ID with the 'ADD-USER' command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2162 The specified accountnumber does not exist
The specified accountnumber is not assigned to the userid.
Please use the command SHOW-USER-ATTRIBUTES to inform yourself
about the assigned accountnumbers.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 98
Warranty : NO
SRM2201 Do you want to lock user ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)' ? Reply (Y=Yes; N=No)
(&00) : user ID to be locked,
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Y : user ID is to be locked,
N : user ID is not to be locked.
Any other reply is treated like 'N'.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 98
Warranty : NO
SRM2202 Do you want to delete user ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)' ? Reply (Y=Yes; N=No)
(&00) : user ID to be deleted,
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Y : user ID is to be deleted,
N : user ID is not to be deleted.
Any other reply is treated like 'N'.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2203 Privilege error. Caller not authorized to lock or to delete this user ID. Command rejected
This command may only be entered
- for all user IDs by the system user administrator,
- by a user group administrator for those user IDs assigned to his/her
group or subgroups.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2204 System user ID must not be locked or deleted
The system userid TSOS may not be locked.
Only the system userid SERVICE may be deleted.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2205 When deleting user ID '(&00)' not all job variables of this user ID could be deleted. User ID only locked
(&00) : user ID.
Try to delete the job variables and repeat the command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2206 When deleting user ID '(&00)' not all files of this user ID could be deleted. User ID only locked
(&00) : user ID.
Try to delete the files and repeat the command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2207 Jobs are still active or waiting for processing under user ID '(&00)'. The user ID, that is to be deleted is on the home pubset '(&01)'. User ID is locked
A user ID cannot be deleted while jobs belonging to it
are known in the system (including any REPEAT jobs),
if this user ID is on the home pubset.
(&00) : user ID.
(&01) : cat ID of the home pubset.
Ask the system administrator to delete the jobs of
this user ID, then repeat the command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2208 You must not remove or lock your own user ID. Command rejected
There is no point in removing or locking your own user ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2209 When deleting user ID '(&00)' not all GUARDS of this user ID could be deleted. User ID only locked
(&00) : user ID.
Try to delete the guards and repeat the command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM2210 User ID '(&00)' is locked and cannot be locked again. Command rejected
(&00) : user ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM2211 User ID '(&00)' is already unlocked and cannot be unlocked again. Command rejected
(&00) : user ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2212 User ID '(&00)' to be deleted still owns privileges. Command rejected
A user ID which still has system-global privileges
must not be deleted.
(&00) : user ID
Contact the system privilege administrator to have all privileges
withdrawn from the user ID, then repeat the command, if required.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2213 Lock or remove of user ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)' is still in progress. Retry command later
At the moment the user ID (&00) on pubset (&01)
is being handled by one of the commands /LOCK-USER, /UNLOCK-USER
or /REMOVE-USER. If one of these commands is issued again for the
same user ID and the same pubset, it will only be accepted
when processing of the preceding command has been completed.
(&00) : user ID to be handled.
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Retry the command later.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2214 When deleting user ID '(&00)' not all volume-sets are accessible. User ID only locked.
When deleting the user ID on a SM-pubset not all volsets are accessible.
At this time all files, JV's and GUARDS are deleted but the user ID is
only locked.
Try to make all volsets accessible and repeat the command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight:
Warranty : NO
SRM2215 Jobs are still active or waiting for processing under user ID '(&00)' that is to be deleted. Do you really want to delete user ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)' ? (Y=YES: user ID will be deleted; N=No: user ID will be locked)
Jobs (including any REPEAT jobs), belonging to
the user id (&00) are known in the system.
If this jobs uses data belonging to user ID (&00)
on pubset (&01), they will terminate incorrect.
(&00) : user ID to be deleted,.
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Y : user ID is to be deleted,
N : user ID is not to be deleted, user ID is locked.
Any other reply is treated like 'N'.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2301 Command rejected by system exit routine
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2302 Command modified by system exit routine. Processing continues
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2303 Password must not be modified, deleted or defined on pubset '(&00)'. Command ignored
The user is not authorized to modify, delete or define
the password on the specified pubset.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2304 Password must not be deleted on pubset '(&00)'. Command ignored
No new password was specified; the user must not delete
the password on the specified pubset.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2305 Invalid password specified on pubset '(&00)'. Command ignored
The current password on the specified pubset
does not correspond to the password entered.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM2401 Privilege error. Caller not authorized to get information about the specified user ID on pubset '(&00)'. Command rejected
A group administrator is only authorized to access user IDs
within his/her part of the group tree. If a user ID outside
his/her part of the group tree is specified as the operand value,
the command will be rejected.
(&00) cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2402 Privilege error. Operand value specified for 'INFORMATION=' operand is not allowed for caller on pubset '(&00)'. Command rejected
The possible operand values for the 'INFORMATION=' operand
depend on the privilege of the caller. If the caller does not
have the privilege required for the specified operand value,
the command is rejected.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2403 Caller may specify only own user ID for 'USER-IDENTIFICATION=' operand on pubset '(&00)'. Command rejected
The possible operand values for the 'USER-IDENTIFICATION=' operand
depend on the privilege of the caller. If the caller does not have
the privilege required for the specified operand value, the command
is rejected. In this special case the caller is only allowed to specify
his/her own user ID, personal ID or '*OWN'.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2404 Specification of 'PUBSET=*DEFAULT-PUBSET' is meaningful only for a single user ID. Command rejected
If a list or the keyword '*ALL' is specified in the 'USER-IDENTIFICATION='
operand, the command is rejected.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2501 Specified command not allowed for caller
The administration of the POSIX-user-attributes is restricted to
- the privilege POSIX-ADMINISTRATION or
- the privilege USER-ADMINISTRATION or
- the group administrator-authority.
The administration of the POSIX-default-attributes is restricted to
- the privilege POSIX-ADMINISTRATION or
- the privilege USER-ADMINISTRATION or
- the *UNIVERSAL-group administrator-authority.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2502 Userid '(&00)' does not exist on pubset '(&01)'
The userID to be accessed is not registered in the Usercatalog
of the specified pubset.
(&00) : userID
(&01) : catID of the pubset.
Specify the correct userID or the correct pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2503 User number '(&00)' multiple assigned on pubset '(&01)'. Processing continues
The assigned user number is not unique among the userID's on the
specified pubset.
(&00) : user number
(&01) : catID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2504 Invalid user number for userid SYSROOT
The privileged user number '0' may not be withdrawn from the
System-userID 'SYSROOT'.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2505 No select of userid '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
The specified userID does not fit the SELECT-criterions.
(&00) : userID
(&01) : catID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2506 No information on pubset '(&00)'
On the specified pubset no userID was found to fit the
SELECT-criterions or which may be administered by the caller.
On the specified pubset the POSIX-default-attributes must not
be administered by the caller.
(&00) : catID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2507 Specified operand not allowed for caller
The group administrator needs at least the authority MANAGE-MEMBERS
to modify the user number or group number.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2508 User number '(&00)' already allocated on pubset '(&01)'
The group administrator must assign a unique user number.
(&00) : user number
(&01) : catID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2509 User number '(&00)' not allowed for userid '(&01)' on pubset '(&02)'
The group administrator
- must assign user numbers greater than the default-user-number;
- may assign a user number only for those userIDs, which only
dispose of the default-user number;
- must assign the user number of the home-pubset for the
corresponding userID on the data-pubset.
(&00) : user number
(&01) : userID
(&02) : catID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2510 Userid '(&00)' does not exist on home-pubset
The assignment of the user number '*HOME' is not possible,
because the userID does not exist on the home-pubset.
(&00) : userID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2511 Group number '(&00)' not allowed for userid '(&01)' on pubset '(&02)'
The group administrator
- may only assign the group number of the userIDs
group administrator or the default group number;
- may not modify the group number of his own userID.
(&00) : group number
(&01) : userID
(&02) : catID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2512 No administrator authorized for group of userid '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
The assignment of a the group number '*GROUP-ADMINISTRATOR' is not
possible, because the userID's user group has no group administrator.
(&00) : userID
(&01) : catID of the pubset.
1. Authorize a member of the userid's user group as group administrator.
Command: /MODIFY-USER-GROUP GROUP-ID=<groupid>,GROUP-ADM=<userid>
2. Assign a unique group number to the user group, represented by its
group administrator.
Command: /MODIFY-POSIX-USER-ATTR USER-ID=<userid>,GROUP-NUM=<integer>
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM2513 No access to userid '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
The specified userID does not exist on the specified pubset
or must not be administered by the caller.
(&00) : userID
(&01) : catID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 70
Warranty : NO
SRM3001 Access control record for user ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)' could not be read
The access control record for user ID (&00) on pubset (&01)
could not be read due to a DMS error.
The subsequent message SRM2008 inquires the operator's
next actions.
(&00) : user ID
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3005 Syntax file error
The SDF syntax file contains incorrect information.
Contact the system administrator.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3101 Access not possible to user ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
The user ID (&00) on pubset (&01) specified
in the command is not accessible.
Possible reasons:
- the user ID is not defined
- the user is not authorized to administer the user ID
(&00) : user ID
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM3102 Expiration date '(&00)' already passed
The date specified as expiration date of the user ID
has already passed.
(&00) : date specified in the command.
Enter an expiration date that is in the future.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3103 Password lifetime of (&00) months too long
When a password lifetime is specified in months, 12 months
is the maximum that can be specified.
(&00) : lifetime specified in the command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3104 Warning: Chipcard with CID '(&00)' specified more than once. Redundant specifications ignored
The chipcard with the specified chipcard identifier (CID) (&00)
has been specified more than once in the list of the chipcards
to be defined or deleted.
(&00) : chipcard identifier.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3105 Warning: Terminal '(&00)' specified more than once. Redundant specifications ignored
The terminal (&00) (processor and station) has been specified
more than once in the list of terminals to be defined or
(&00) : processor and station name.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3106 Warning: User ID '(&00)' specified more than once. Redundant specifications ignored
The user ID (&00) has been specified more than once
in the list of user IDs to be defined or deleted.
(&00) : user ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3107 Warning: Chipcard with CID '(&00)' not processed
The chipcard with the specified chipcard identifier (CID) (&00)
has been specified in both the list of new chipcards to be
defined and the list of chipcards to be deleted. The access
authorization of the chipcard remains unchanged.
(&00) : chipcard identifier.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3108 Warning: Terminal '(&00)' not processed
The terminal (&00) (processor and station) has been specified
in both the list of new terminals to be defined and the list
of terminals to be deleted. The access authorization of this
terminal remains unchanged.
(&00) : processor and station name.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3109 Warning: User ID '(&00)' not processed
The user ID (&00) has been specified in both the list of new
user IDs to be defined and the list of user IDs to be deleted.
The access authorization of this user ID for batch
processing remains unchanged.
(&00) : user ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3110 Warning: Chipcard cannot be read
A system error occurred when reading the chipcard placed
in the chipcard terminal. The chipcard cannot be processed.
Remove the chipcard from the chipcard terminal and reenter
the command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3111 Warning: Chipcard with CID '(&00)' already included
The specified chipcard with CID (&00) already has access
to the user ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3112 Warning: Entry for chipcard with CID '(&00)' does not exist
The chipcard with CID (&00) to be deleted has no access
to the user ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3113 Warning: Terminal '(&00)' already included
An entry for the specified terminal (processor/station)
already exists.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3114 Warning: Entry for terminal '(&00)' does not exist
No entry exists for the specified terminal (processor/station).
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3115 Warning: User identification '(&00)' already included
An entry for the specified user ID already exists.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3116 Warning: Entry for user ID '(&00)' does not exist
No entry exists for the user ID (&00) to be deleted.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3117 Too many terminals defined
It is not possible to add the specified list of terminals.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3118 Too many chipcards defined
It is not possible to add the specified list of chipcards.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3119 Too many user ID's defined
It is not possible to add the specified list of user IDs for
batch processing.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3120 Command processing aborted
An error occurred when processing the command or the user
has aborted the command processing by using the K1-key.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3121 Chipcard identifier '(&00)' read
The CID (&00) has been read successfully from the chipcard inserted.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3122 Warning: Chipcard identifier '(&00)' invalid
The CID (&00) contains invalid characters. (0-9,A-F) are allowed.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3123 Combination of chipcard attributes incompatible
The chipcard attributes of the access classes DIALOG-ACCESS and
OPERATOR-ACCESS-TERMINAL are self-exclusive.
Correct the input and try again.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3124 Too many operator chipcards defined
It is not possible to add the specified list of operator chipcards.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3125 INITIAL-LIFETIME in conflict with unlimited LIFETIME-INTERVAL
The initial lifetime may only be specified in conjunction with the
periodical lifetime.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight:
Warranty : NO
SRM3126 Expiration date '(&00)' exceeds 366 days
The date specified as expiration date of the user ID
exceeds the maximum lifetime of 366 days.
(&00) : date specified in the command.
Enter an expiration date that lies within 366 days.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3127 Warning: Terminal-Set '(&00)' specified more than once. Redundant specifications ignored
The terminal-set (&00) has been specified more than once in
the list of terminal-sets to be defined or deleted.
(&00) : name of the terminal-set.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3128 Warning: Terminal-Set '(&00)' already included
An entry for the specified terminal-set already exists.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3129 Warning: Entry for terminal-set '(&00)' does not exist
No entry exists for the specified terminal-set.
(&00) : name of the terminal-set
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3130 Terminal-set '(&00)' does not exist on pubset '(&01)'
The terminal-set (&00) to be assigned does not exist
on pubset (&01).
(&00) : name of the terminal-set
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Specify the correct name for the existing terminal-set.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3131 Too many terminal-sets defined
It is not possible to add the specified list of terminal-sets.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3132 Warning: Certificate '(&00)' specified more than once. Redundant specifications ignored
The certificate (&00) has been specified more than once
in the list of the certificates to be defined or deleted.
(&00) : certificate.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3133 Warning: Certificate '(&00)' not processed
The certificate (&00) has been specified in both the list
of new certificates to be defined and the list of certificates
to be deleted. The access authorization of the certificate
remains unchanged.
(&00) : certificate.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3134 Warning: Certificate '(&00)' already included
The specified certificate (&00) already has access
to the user ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3135 Warning: Entry for certificate '(&00)' does not exist
The certificate (&00) to be deleted has no access
to the user ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3136 Too many certificates defined
It is not possible to add the specified list of certificates.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3137 Too many net-dialog terminal-sets defined
It is not possible to add the specified list of net-dialog
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3138 Too many POSIX-rlogin terminal-sets defined
It is not possible to add the specified list of POSIX-rlogin
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3139 Too many POSIX-remote terminal-sets defined
It is not possible to add the specified list of POSIX-remote
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3140 Warning: Terminal-Set '(&00)' not processed
The terminal-set (&00) has been specified in both the
list of new terminal-sets to be defined and the list of
terminal-sets to be deleted. The access authorization
by this terminal-set remains unchanged.
(&00) : terminal-set.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3141 Warning: Principal '(&00)' specified more than once. Redundant specifications ignored
The principal (&00) has been specified more than once
in the list of the principals to be defined or deleted.
(&00) : principal.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3142 Warning: Principal '(&00)' not processed
The principal (&00) has been specified in both the list
of new principals to be defined and the list of principals
to be deleted. The access authorization of the principal
remains unchanged.
(&00) : principal.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3143 Warning: Principal '(&00)' already included
The specified principal (&00) already has access
to the user ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3144 Warning: Entry for principal '(&00)' does not exist
The principal (&00) to be deleted has no access
to the user ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3145 Too many principals defined
It is not possible to add the specified list of principals.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM3150 No personal logon arranged for userid '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
The specified userid does not require a personal logon for dialog access.
(&00) : userid
(&01) : catid of the pubset
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM3151 No logon-permission for personal userid '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
None of the given userids grants dialog access to the specified
personal userid.
(&00) : userid
(&01) : catid of the pubset
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM3152 No information found on pubset '(&00)'
No one of the given userids grants dialog access to one of the given
personal userids.
(&00) : catid of the pubset
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM3153 The specified command is not allowed for the caller
The privilege is not sufficient to process this command.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: E Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3201 Warning: User ID expires on '(&00)'
The user ID will be locked from the specified date (&00).
If the user ID is still required, contact the user administrator.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: E Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3202 Warning: Password expires on '(&00)'
The password will be invalid from the specified date (&00).
Modify password before the specified date.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: E Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3203 Last dialog-logon by '(&00)' on '(&01)' at '(&02)'
The last successful dialog-logon by (&00) happened on (&01)
at (&02).
(&00) : userid, personal userid in case of personal logon
(&01) : date of logon
(&02) : time of logon
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: E Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3204 Logon-password expired on '(&00)', please enter '/MODIFY-USER-PROTECTION' or '?'
The last valid logon-password expired on (&00).
The user is requested to enter the '/MODIFY-USER-PROTECTION' command.
If he enters '?', all commands possible at this time are displayed.
Please use the command MODIFY-USER-PROTECTION to arrange a new
logon-password now.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3205 Please enter '/SET-PERSONAL-ATTRIBUTES' or '?'
This Userid requires the personal logon. The user is requested
to enter the '/SET-PERSONAL-ATTRIBUTES' command. If he enters '?',
all commands possible at this time are displayed.
Enter the appropriate command or fill out the operand form.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3206 Personal userid not different from LOGON userid
The userid specified for personal logon is equal to the LOGON userid.
This LOGON userid requires to specify a different personal userid.
Specify a different personal userid.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: E Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3207 Personal password expired on '(&00)', please enter '/MODIFY-USER-PROTECTION' or '?'
The last valid personal password expired on (&00).
The user is requested to enter the '/MODIFY-USER-PROTECTION' command.
If he enters '?', all commands possible at this time are displayed.
Please use the command MODIFY-USER-PROTECTION to arrange a new
logon-password now.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: E Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3208 Access to userid '(&00)' suspended until '(&01)' '(&02)'
The access to userid (&00) is suspended until (&01) (&02)
because of several attempts with incorrect specified logon-attributes
or missing authorization.
(&00) : Userid
(&01) : Date
(&02) : Time
Please wait until the suspend state ends or contact the
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: E Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3209 Access to userid '(&00)' suspended
The access to userid (&00) is suspended indefinitely because
of several attempts with incorrect specified logon-attributes
or missing authorization.
(&00) : Userid
Please contact the systemadministrator.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3301 Specified password is too short
The specified password is shorter than the minimum password length
specified for the user ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3302 Specified password is too simple
The specified password does not satisfy the conditions defined for
the user ID to be processed.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3303 Specified values for 'LOGON-PASSWORD' and 'NEW-LOGON-PASSWORD' operands are identical
The specifications for the old and the new passwords must be
Specify another value for the new password.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3304 Specified value for operands 'CONFIRM-NEW-PASSWORD' is neither default value '*NOT-SPECIFIED' nor identical to value specified for operand 'NEW-LOGON-PASSWORD'.
If for operand 'CONFIRM-NEW-PASSWORD' a value else than the default
'*NOT-SPECIFIED' was specified it has to be identical to the value
specified in operand 'NEW-LOGON-PASSWORD'.
Specify identical values for 'NEW-LOGON-PASSWORD' and
'CONFIRM-NEW-PASSWORD' or choose '*NOT-SPECIFIED' for operand
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3305 New logon-password blocked against reuse
The new logon-password may not be reused before its blockingtime
ran out.
Please choose a different password.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3306 Maximum number of password-changes reached
The maximum number of password-changes in the actual period
is reached.
Please wait until the actual period allows the arrangement
of a new password.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3307 Formatspecifications for password-memory invalid
The formatspecifications for the password-memory do not satisfy
the conditions.
Please pay attention to the following conditions:
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3308 Calling Task has no user ID. Command rejected
Possible reason:
- operator task on console in compatible mode.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3309 No personal ID available. Command rejected
Possible reason:
- the personal ID is kerberos protected.
Please logon to the personal ID and change the logon-password
or disable kerberos protection for the personal ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3401 No information for pubset '(&00)'
The specified pubset is not online.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3402 No information for user ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
The specified user ID does not exist or must not be administered
by the command issuer.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3403 No information on pubset '(&00)'
On the specified pubset no user ID was found
with the requested information available or
which may be administered by the caller.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3404 No information for user ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
The specified user ID does not exist or
the information concerning the user ID does not exist or
the user ID must not be administered by the command issuer.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3501 User ID '(&00)' does not exist on pubset '(&01)'
The user ID to be accessed is not registered in the SRPM file
of the specified pubset.
(&00) : user ID
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Specify the correct user ID or the correct pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3502 Operator-role '(&00)' does not exist on pubset '(&01)'
The operator-role to be accessed is not registered in the SRPM file
of the specified pubset.
(&00) : operator-role
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Specify the correct operator-role or the correct pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3503 Operator-role '(&00)' does already exist on pubset '(&01)'
The operator-role to be defined is already registered in the SRPM file
of the specified pubset.
(&00) : operator-role
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Specify the correct operator-role or the correct pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3504 Operator-role '(&00)' assigned on pubset '(&01)'
The operator-role that is to be deleted is assigned to at least one
user ID of the specified pubset.
(&00) : operator-role
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Withdraw the operator-role from the user IDs.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3505 Routing codes '(&00)' specified more than once. Redundant specifications ignored
The routing codes have been specified more than once in the list of
the routing codes to be defined or deleted.
(&00) : routing codes.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3506 Operator-role '(&00)' specified more than once. Redundant specifications ignored
The operator-role has been specified more than once in the list of
the operator-roles to be assigned or withdrawn.
(&00) : operator-role.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3507 Routing codes '(&00)' not processed. Processing continues
The routing codes have been specified in both the list of routing codes
to be defined and the list of those to be deleted.
The current assignment of these routing codes remains unchanged.
(&00) : routing codes.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3508 Operator-role '(&00)' not processed. Processing continues
The operator-role has been specified in both the list of operator-roles
to be assigned and the list of those to be withdrawn.
The current assignment of this operator-role remains unchanged.
(&00) : operator-role.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3509 Routing-codes '(&00)' already included in operator-role '(&01)' on pubset '(&02)'. Processing continues
The routing codes to be defined are already included into the
(&00) : routing codes
(&01) : operator-role
(&02) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3510 Routing-codes '(&00)' not included in operator-role '(&01)' on pubset '(&02)'. Processing continues
The routing-codes to be deleted are not included in the operator-role.
(&00) : routing codes
(&01) : operator-role
(&02) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3511 Operator-role '(&00)' already assigned to user ID '(&01)' on pubset '(&02)'. Processing continues
The operator-role to be assigned is already assigned to the user ID.
(&00) : operator-role
(&01) : user ID
(&02) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3512 Operator-role '(&00)' not assigned to user ID '(&01)' on pubset '(&02)'. Processing continues
The operator-role that is to be withdrawn is not assigned to the
user ID.
(&00) : operator-role
(&01) : user ID
(&02) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3513 Too many operator-roles defined
It is not possible to add the specified list of operator-roles.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3516 No operator-roles defined on pubset '(&00)'
No operator-roles are defined in the SRPM file of the specified
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3517 No operator-roles assigned on pubset '(&00)'
No user ID is entitled to assume an operator-role on the specified
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3518 No information for user ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
The specified user ID does not exist or must not be administered
by the command issuer.
(&00) : user ID
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3519 Specified command restricted to security administrator
Commands for administration and assignment of operator-roles are
restricted to the security administrator.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3520 No operator-roles assigned to user ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
No operator-roles are assigned to this user ID on the specified Pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3521 No information for operator-role '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
The specified operator-role is not assigned to this user ID.
Only information of operator-roles contained in the
operator-attributes is given.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: * (main console) Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3522 Operator-role '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)' routing-codes '(&02)'
The specified operator-role includes the shown routing-codes.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: * (main console) Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3523 User ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)' operator-role '(&02)'
The user ID disposes of the shown operator-role.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: * (main console) Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3524 No user ID assigned
Only operators with user ID disposes of operator-attributes.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3601 Terminal-set '(&00)' already exists on pubset '(&01)'
The terminal-set (&00) to be created already exists on pubset (&01).
(&00) : name of the terminal-set
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Specify a unique name for the new terminal-set.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3602 Terminal-set '(&00)' does not exist on pubset '(&01)'
The terminal-set (&00) to be accessed does not exist on pubset (&01).
(&00) : name of the terminal-set
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Specify the correct name for the existing terminal-set.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3603 UserID '(&00)' does not exist on pubset '(&01)'
The userID (&00) to be the owner of the terminal-set does not
exist on pubset (&01).
(&00) : name of the userID
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Check name and existence of the userID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3604 GroupID '(&00)' does not exist on pubset '(&01)'
The groupID (&00) to be the owner of the terminal-set does not
exist on pubset (&01).
(&00) : name of the usergroup
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Check name and existence of the usergroup.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3605 Terminal-set '(&00)' assigned on pubset '(&01)'
The terminal-set (&00) to be deleted is still assigned
on pubset (&01).
(&00) : name of the terminal-set
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Check if the terminal-set really should be deleted.
Specify the operand REMOVE-ASSIGNMENT to delete.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3606 Terminalentry '(&02)' already exists in terminal-set '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'. Processing continues
The Terminal-Entry (&02) to be created already exists
in terminal-set (&00) on pubset (&01).
(&00) : name of the terminal-set
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
(&02) : processor and station of the terminalentry.
Check the input for correct specifications.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3607 Terminalentry '(&02)' does not exist in terminal-set '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'. Processing continues
The Terminalentry (&02) to be deleted does not exist
in terminal-set (&00) on pubset (&01).
(&00) : name of the terminal-set
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
(&02) : processor and station of the terminalentry.
Check the input for correct specifications.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3608 Terminalentry '(&00)' to be removed specified more then once. Processing continues
The Terminalentry (&00) to be removed has been specified more then once
in the list. The redundant specifications are ignored.
(&00) : processor and station of the terminalentry.
Check the input for correct specifications.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3609 Terminalentry '(&00)' to be added specified more then once. Processing continues
The Terminalentry (&00) to be added has been specified more then once
in the list. The redundant specifications are ignored.
(&00) : processor and station of the terminalentry.
Check the input for correct specifications.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3610 Specified command not allowed for caller
The administration of the terminal-sets is restricted to
- the privilege USER-ADMINISTRATION or
- the group administrator-authority.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3611 No authorization to access terminal-set '(&00)' on Pubset '(&01)'
The commandcaller is not authorized to access the terminal-set (&00)
of the specified userID, usergroup or subgroup on pubset (&01).
(&00) : name of the terminal-set
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Check if the terminal-set belongs to the own group, groupmembers
or subgroups.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3612 Groupadministrator must not administer the terminal-set '(&00)' on Pubset '(&01)'
The groupadministrator is not authorized to administer the
terminal-set (&00) on pubset (&01) with SCOPE *SYSTEM.
(&00) : name of the terminal-set
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Administer a terminal-set with SCOPE=*USER or *GROUP.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3613 Guard-name incorrect
The specified guard-name does not satisfy the required Syntax or
the specified userid does not exist.
Please choose a guard-name with maximal 8 characters or
check the userid.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3614 No Information found on pubset '(&00)'
On the specified pubset (&00) no terminal-set was found to
fit the SELECT-criterions.
(&00) : catID of the Pubset
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3615 Maximum number of terminal-entries reached
In the specified terminal-set the maximum number of terminal-entries
is reached.
Summarize terminal-entries with wildcard, remove them or
create a new terminal-set.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3616 No authorization to access userID '(&00)' on Pubset '(&01)'
The commandcaller is not authorized to use the terminal-sets of
userID (&00) on pubset (&01) as selection criteria.
(&00) : name of the userID
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Depending on your own authorization only the own userid or a member
of your group or subgroup may be spezified.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3650 Specified command restricted to security administrator
Commands for administration of Kerberos-names and keys
are restricted to the security administrator.
Please contact your responsible security administrator
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3651 Entry '(&00)' already exists on pubset '(&01)'
The entry to be defined is already registered in the SRPM file
of the specified pubset.
(&00) : Entry-id
(&01) : Catid of the pubset.
For administration of existing entries please use the
corresponding modify-command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3652 Entry '(&00)' not found on pubset '(&01)'
The entry to be accessed was not found in the SRPM file
of the specified pubset.
(&00) : Entry-id
(&01) : Catid of the pubset.
Please check the specifications of the Command.
To create a new entry please use the corresponding
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3653 Principal already defined in entry '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
The principal to be defined is already registered with
the indicated entry in the SRPM file of the specified pubset.
(&00) : Entry-id
(&01) : Catid of the pubset.
For administration of the specified principal please
specify the indicated entry-id.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3654 Key-version already defined in entry '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
The key-version to be defined is already defined in the
specified entry in the SRPM file of the specified pubset.
(&00) : Entry-id
(&01) : Catid of the pubset.
Please specify a different key-version or
use the INCREMENT-function.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3655 No key removed from entry '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
No key was removed. Either no key is defined or the
existing do not fit to the SELECT-criterions.
(&00) : Entry-id
(&01) : Catid of the pubset.
Please check your input and try again.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3656 No Information found on pubset '(&00)'
On the specified pubset (&00) no entry was found to
fit the SELECT-criterions.
(&00) : Catid of the Pubset
Please check your input and try again.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3657 The specified password was incorrectly repeated
At the hidden password specification the password was
incorrectly repeated.
Please reenter the password and pay attention to
mixed-case spelling.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3658 The specified principal is syntactically incorrect
The principal must satisfy the format 'name@realm'
Please build the principal with 2 names separated by one
character '@'. Please pay attention to mixed-case spelling.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3659 Subsystem SECOSKRB is not available
The subsystem SECOSKRB is not available to create the
Please start the subsystem SECOSKRB.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3660 Warning: Invalid key no. '(&00)' specified, reason is '(&01)'
A specified key is not valid:
(&00) : sequence number of key
(&01) : reason
Possible reasons:
- '1': the key has invalid length,
the key is ignored, processing continues.
- '2': the encryption-type is unknown,
the key is ignored, processing continues.
- '3': the encryption-type is not supported,
the key is stored, processing continues.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3670 No Information found on pubset '(&00)'
No suspended userid was found on the specified pubset (&00).
(&00) : Catid of the Pubset
Please check your input and try again.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3671 userID '(&00)' on Pubset '(&01)' is not suspended
The userID (&00) on pubset (&01) is not under observation
or suspended
(&00) : name of the userID
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3672 userID '(&00)' may only be suspended by initiator
The logon access to userID (&00) may only be suspended by subject
initiator. Subject userid would lock the userID unconditional.
(&00) : name of the userID
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3673 userID '(&00)' may not be deactivated
The logon access to userID (&00) may not be deactivated
not even in case of inactivity.
(&00) : name of the userID
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM3900 Syntax file incorrect in '(&00)' command
The syntax description of the specified command (&00)
(internal name) does not meet the requirements.
In order to aid the diagnosis a SERSLOG entry has been
written together with the command description.
Contact the system administrator providing the internal
command name (&00).
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM3999 System error: Main memory shortage
The main memory required for the command processing is
temporarily not available.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4001 Specified command restricted to privilege administrator. Command rejected
Commands used to assign privileges to a user ID or to
withdraw privileges from one can only be issued by the
privilege administrator.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4002 Privilege administrator cannot assign the privilege to or withdraw it from a user ID with privilege 'SECURITY-ADMINISTRATION'. Command rejected
The privilege administrator cannot assign the system-global
privilege to or withdraw it from a user ID which owns
the privilege SECURITY-ADMINISTRATION on the specified
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4003 Command already in use. Retry command later
The system can process only one single command for
assigning or withdrawing privileges. The processing of
a preceding command has not yet been completed.
Retry the command later.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4004 User ID '(&00)' already has privilege '(&02)' on pubset '(&01)'
On the pubset (&01) the user ID (&00) already has the
privilege (&02) which the privilege administrator wanted
to assign to it.
(&00) : user ID to which the privilege was to be assigned
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset on which the update
of the privileges was to become effective
(&02) : identifier of a system-global privilege.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4005 User ID '(&00)' does not have privilege '(&02)' on pubset '(&01)'
On the pubset (&01) the user ID (&00) does not have
the privilege (&02) which the privilege administrator wanted
to withdraw from it.
(&00) : user ID from which the privilege was to be withdrawn
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset on which the update
of the privileges was to become effective
(&02) : identifier of a system-global privilege.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 98
Warranty : NO
SRM4006 On pubset '(&01)' only user ID '(&00)' has privilege '(&02)'. Withdraw privilege from user ID ? Reply (Y=Yes; N=No)
On the pubset (&01) the user ID (&00) is the only one
that has the privilege (&02). If this privilege is withdrawn from
the user ID and if the specified pubset becomes the
home pubset, nobody has the rights connected with the privilege.
(&00) : user ID from which the privilege is to be withdrawn
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset on which the update
of the privileges is to become effective
(&02) : identifier of a system-global privilege.
Enter Y or N.
Any other reply is treated like 'N'.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4007 Specified operand not allowed. Command rejected
The user has specified an operand which is restricted
to the system privilege administrator.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4008 Only user's own user ID can be specified. Command rejected
Only information on the privileges of the user's own user ID
can be displayed to the user.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4009 User ID '(&00)' is user group administrator on pubset '(&01)'. 'USER-ADMINISTRATION' privilege not assigned
The user ID (&00) cannot get the privilege USER-ADMINISTRATION
on pubset (&01) as it is already administrator of a
user group on this pubset.
(&00) : user ID to which the privilege USER-ADMINISTRATION was to
be assigned.
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset on which the update of
the privileges was to be effective.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 70
Warranty : NO
SRM4010 Privilege record for user ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)' could not be read. Default record written
The privilege record for user ID (&00) on pubset (&01)
could not be read due to a DMS error. A default privilege record
has been written for this user ID.
(&00) : user ID
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 70
Warranty : NO
SRM4011 Warning: No privilege record exists for user ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
The privilege record for user ID (&00) on pubset (&01)
could not be read due to a DMS error. When an attempt was made to write
a default privilege record for this user ID another DMS error occurred.
(&00) : user ID
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4012 Privilege 'SAT-FILE-MANAGEMENT' must not be assigned to user ID 'TSOS' or cannot be withdrawn from this user ID
The system administrator must not be assigned the right to evaluate
and administer the audit files.
It is therefore also not possible to withdraw this right.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4013 Privilege 'POSIX-ADMINISTRATION' cannot be withdrawn from user ID 'SYSROOT'. Command rejected.
The user identification SYSROOT always possesses the privilege
to administer the POSIX user attributes.
It is therefore not possible to withdraw this privilege from it.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4014 Not all privileges may be withdrawn from a user ID. Command rejected
After resetting all the privileges specified in the
/RESET-PRIVILEGE command the user ID would have
no privilege at all. However, a user ID must have
at least one privilege.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 70
Warranty : NO
SRM4016 User ID '(&00)' cannot become security administrator. Reason: '(&01)'. User ID 'SYSPRIV' will become security administrator of system in this session
The user ID (&00) specified in the startup parameter file
cannot be accepted as the user ID of the security administrator
for one of the reasons specified in (&01).
The user ID SYSPRIV becomes the security administrator of the system
and the privilege SECURITY-ADMINISTRATION is assigned to it.
(&00): user ID specified in the startup parameter file
as the user ID of the security administrator.
(&01): reason for the rejection of the specified user ID.
The following values are valid at the moment:
01: The user ID does not exist in the user catalog
02: For security reasons the user IDs TSOS and SYSAUDIT
must not become security administrator of the system
03: The user ID has further privileges besides
05: An error occurred when calling an internal function.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 70
Warranty : NO
SRM4017 User ID '(&00)' cannot become security administrator. Reason: '(&01)'. Setting of preceding session remains unchanged
The user ID (&00) specified in the startup parameter file
cannot be accepted as the user ID of the security administrator
for one of the reasons specified in (&01).
The setting of the security administrator's user ID
of the preceding session remains unchanged.
(&00): user ID specified in the startup parameter file
as the user ID of the security administrator.
(&01): reason for the rejection of the specified user ID.
The following values are valid at the moment:
01: The user ID does not exist in the user catalog
02: For security reasons the user IDs TSOS and SYSAUDIT
must not become security administrator of the system
03: The user ID has further privileges besides
04: The user ID is administrator of a user group
on the home pubset
05: An error occurred when calling an internal function.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 50
Warranty : NO
SRM4018 User ID '(&00)' is security administrator of system in this session
By means of the startup parameter service the user ID (&00)
has been defined as the user ID of the security administrator.
The privilege SECURITY-ADMINISTRATION is assigned to this user ID.
(&00): user ID specified as the user ID of the security
administrator in the startup parameter file.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 70
Warranty : NO
SRM4019 Warning: No security administrator available in this session
An error occurred when trying to install the user ID specified
in the startup parameter file as the user ID of the security
administrator. Before that, the right of security administration
had already been withdrawn from the user ID that had been the
security administrator up to now.
Therefore no user ID with the right of the security administrator
exists in this session.
Enter another user ID as user ID of the security administrator
in the startup parameter file and repeat the startup.
If the error occurs again, a first start should be performed.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4020 Warning: Conversion of privilege record for user ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)' failed
During the import of pubset (&01) it was not possible
to convert the privilege record of user ID (&00) in the file
SYSSRPM into the current format.
(&00) : user ID
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4022 Warning: user id '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)' with privilege SEC-ADM cannot get further privileges per default
The user id (&00) on pubset (&01) should get a newly supported
privilege per default in this version. This is not allowed because
the user id is the user id of the security administrator.
(&00) : user ID
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4040 Privilege set '(&00)' already exists on pubset '(&01)'. Command rejected
An attempt was made to create a new privilege set, but an entry
already exists for this ID in the SRPM file of the pubset.
(&00) : ID of the privilege set to be created
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset in whose SRPM file
the new entry was to be entered.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4041 Privilege set '(&00)' does not exist on pubset '(&01)'
A privilege set for which no entry exists in the SRPM file
of the specified pubset was to be deleted, modified
or assigned to/withdrawn from a user ID.
(&00) : privilege set ID
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset in whose SRPM file
the action was to be performed.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4042 User ID '(&00)' already has privilege set '(&01)' on pubset '(&02)'
On the pubset (&02) the user ID (&00) already has the
privilege set (&01), which the privilege administrator wanted
to assign to it.
(&00) : user ID to which the privilege set was to be assigned
(&01) : name of the privilege set
(&02) : cat ID of the pubset on which the update
of the privilege set distribution was to become effective.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4043 Privilege set '(&01)' must not be assigned to user ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&02)'. Command rejected
Possible reasons:
- On pubset (&02) the privilege set (&01) contains
the privilege USER-ADMINISTRATION and must therefore not be
assigned to a user ID which is administrator of a user group
on this pubset.
- On pubset (&02) the privilege set (&01) contains
the privilege SAT-FILE-MANAGEMENT and must therefore not be
assigned to the user ID 'TSOS'.
(&00) : user ID
(&01) : name of the privilege set
(&02) : cat ID of the pubset on which the update
of the privilege set distribution was to become effective.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4044 User ID '(&00)' does not have privilege set '(&01)' on pubset '(&02)'
On the pubset (&02) the user ID (&00) does not have
the privilege set (&01) which the privilege administrator wanted
to withdraw from it.
(&00) : user ID from which the privilege set was to be withdrawn
(&01) : name of the privilege set
(&02) : cat ID of the pubset on which the update
of the privilege set distribution was to become effective.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4045 Maximum number of privilege sets permitted for user ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)' reached. Command rejected
It is not possible to add the specified list of privilege sets.
(&00) : user ID to which a privilege set was to be assigned
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset on which the update
was to become effective.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4046 Privilege '(&00)' appears in operand lists 'ADD-PRIVILEGE' and 'REMOVE-PRIVILEGE'. Command rejected
Privileges must not appear in the operand lists of
(&00) : ID of a system-global privilege appearing in two operand
lists at the same time.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4047 Privilege '(&00)' already assigned to privilege set '(&01)' on pubset '(&02)'
(&00) : ID of a system-global privilege
(&01) : name of the privilege set
(&02) : cat ID of the pubset on which the update
of the privilege set definition was to become effective.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4048 Privilege '(&00)' not assigned to privilege set '(&01)' on pubset '(&02)'
(&00) : ID of a system-global privilege
(&01) : name of the privilege set
(&02) : cat ID of the pubset on which the update
of the privilege set definition was to become effective.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4049 Specified modification of privilege set '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)' not allowed. Command rejected
Possible reasons:
- On pubset (&01) the privilege set (&00) is assigned
to a user ID which is administrator of a user group on this
pubset. The privilege USER-ADMINISTRATION must therefore not
be added to the privilege set on this pubset.
- On pubset (&01) the privilege set (&00) is assigned
to the user ID 'TSOS'. The privilege SAT-FILE-MANAGEMENT must
therefore not be added to the privilege set on this pubset.
(&00) : name of the privilege set to be modified
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset on which the update
of the privilege set definition was to become effective.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4050 Privilege set '(&00)' still assigned to at least one user ID on pubset '(&01)'. Command rejected
An attempt was made to delete a privilege set, but this privilege
set is still assigned to at least one user ID.
(&00) : name of the privilege set to be deleted.
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset in whose SRPM file
the deletion was to take effect.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4051 Warning: Privilege set '(&00)' specified more than once. Redundant specifications ignored
The privilege set (&00) has been specified more than once
in the list of the privilege sets to be assigned to or withdrawn
from a user ID.
(&00) : name of the privilege set.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM4052 No privilege set defined on pubset '(&00)'
Information was to be displayed on all privilege sets defined
on the pubset (&00). However, no privilege set is
defined on this pubset.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM4053 Task with (&01) '(&00)' does not exist
The specified TID or TSN are not used at this time.
(&00) : identification of the task
(&01) : TSN or TID
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM4054 Task with (&01) '(&00)' not active
The specified TID or TSN is not assigned to an active task.
It indicates a waiting batch- resp. print-task or a task
in creation or destruction.
(&00) : identification of the task
(&01) : TSN or TID
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM4055 No information for task with (&01) '(&00)'
No information can be given for the specified task. The caller
receives information only for tasks running under his own userid.
(&00) : identification of the task
(&01) : TSN or TID
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5001 User group '(&00)' already exists on pubset '(&01)'
An attempt was made to create a new user group ID, but an entry
already exists for this ID in the SRPM file of the pubset.
(&00) : user group ID to be created
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset in whose SRPM file
the new entry was to be added.
Modify user groups using the /MODIFY-USER-GROUP
command or specify the correct pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5002 User ID '(&00)' does not exist on pubset '(&01)'
The user ID specified in the GROUP-ADMINISTRATOR or
ADD-GROUP-MEMBER operand is not entered in the SRPM file
of the specified pubset.
(&00) : user ID
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset on whose SRPM file
the user group command was to take effect.
Specify a correct user ID or pubset or create a new user ID
by means of the /ADD-USER command before assigning it
to a user group.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5003 User group '(&00)' does not exist on pubset '(&01)'
The user group ID specified in the UPPER-GROUP or
GROUP-IDENTIFICATION operand is not entered in the SRPM file
of the specified pubset.
(&00) : user group ID
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset on whose SRPM file
the user group command was to take effect.
Specify a correct user group ID or pubset, or create a new
user group ID by means of the /ADD-USER-GROUP command
before referring to it.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5004 Insufficient potential MAX-SUB-GROUPS for user group '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
The maximum number of subgroups defined by means of
MAX-SUB-GROUPS has been reached.
(&00) : user group ID that has to provide the potential.
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset on whose SRPM file
the user group command was to take effect.
Contact a higher-ranking user group administrator or a system
user administrator in order to have the potential increased.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5005 Insufficient potential MAX-GROUP-MEMBERS for user group '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
The maximum number of group members defined by means of
MAX-GROUP-MEMBERS has been reached.
(&00) : user group ID that has to provide the potential.
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset on whose SRPM file
the user group command was to take effect.
Contact a higher-ranking user group administrator or a system
user administrator in order to have the potential increased.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5007 Group administrator not authorized to administer user group '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
The user group ID specified in one of the commands /ADD-USER-GROUP,
cannot be administered by the user ID issuing the command.
(&00) : user group ID
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset on whose SRPM file
the user group command was to take effect.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5008 Some user ids still assigned to user group '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
An attempt was made to delete a user group ID by means of the
/REMOVE-USER-GROUP command, but there are still some user IDs
assigned as group members.
(&00) : user group ID to be deleted.
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset on whose SRPM file
the deletion was to take effect.
Remove all users by means of /REMOVE-USER or assign them
to a new group by means of /MODIFY-USER-GROUP before
deleting the user group ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5009 Warning: User group '(&00)' specified more than once in operand list. Redundant specifications ignored
The user group (&00) has been specified more than once
in the operand list of the GROUP-IDENTIFICATION operand
in the /SHOW-USER-GROUP command.
(&00) : user group ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5010 No authorization
The caller is not authorized to perform the
specified action.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5011 Access to pubset '(&00)' not possible
The specified pubset cannot be accessed.
Possible reasons:
- the specified pubset is not known in the system,
- the specified pubset is not locally imported,
- the specified pubset is a 'shared pubset'
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
If a required pubset is not available, contact the computer
center or the system administrator, depending on the
computer center organization.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5012 Warning: Only 'GROUP-ADMINISTRATOR', 'PUBSET' and 'ADD-GROUP-MEMBER' operands valid. All other operands ignored
ADD-GROUP-MEMBER operands may be specified in the /MODIFY-USER-GROUP
command for the UNIVERSAL group. All other operands are
ineffective and are ignored during command processing.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5013 Internal error '(&00)' after system call '(&01)'. Command processing terminated abnormally
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file.
(&00) : return information after errored system call.
(&01) : name of the errored system function.
Contact the system administrator or the person responsible
for diagnosis.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5014 Version '(&00)' of file 'SYSSRPM' not supported. Import processing will terminate abnormally
The SECOS release in use from library SYSLNK.SRPMOPT.nnn does not
support the version of the SRPM file stored on the pubset to be imported.
An integration or delivery error can be assumed.
(&00) : version indicator in SRPM file.
Contact the system administrator or the person responsible
for diagnosis.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5015 Internal error '(&00)' after system call '(&01)'. Import processing will terminate abnormally
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file.
(&00) : return information after system call in error.
(&01) : name of the system function in error.
Contact the system administrator or the person responsible
for diagnosis.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5016 Record type '(&00)' not supported. Import processing will terminate abnormally
The SRPM file contains a record type not supported by the User Group
Management. A SERSLOG entry has been written.
(&00) : record type in error.
Contact the system administrator or the person responsible
for diagnosis.
Destination: CONSOLE Routing code: R Weight: 50
Warranty : NO
SRM5017 User group management on pubset '(&00)' initialized with '(&01)' user group(s)
User Group Management has been initialized successfully.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
(&01) : number of user groups installed on the currently
imported pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5018 Group administrator not authorized on pubset '(&00)' to transfer user groups
The user ID issuing the command does not have the group administration
authorization MANAGE-GROUPS and is therefore not
authorized to transfer user groups.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5020 No class (&00) memory available
The system memory is used up.
(&00) : class of memory that is not available.
Contact the system administrator or repeat the command later.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5021 Internal error after system call '(&00)'
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file.
(&00) : name of the errored system function.
Contact the system administrator or the person responsible
for diagnosis.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5023 Warning: Accumulation of rights by user and group administration on pubset '(&00)'. User administration has priority
An illegal situation has occurred in which the user ID issuing the
command has the function of a system-global user administrator
and a group administrator at the same time. Command processing
continues as if a system-global user administrator had entered
the command.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5024 Some subgroups still assigned to user group '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
An attempt was made to delete a user group ID by means of the
/REMOVE-USER-GROUP command, but there are still some subgroups
assigned to it.
(&00) : user group ID to be deleted.
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset on whose SRPM file
the deletion was to take effect.
Remove all subgroups by means of /REMOVE-USER-GROUP or assign
them to another user group by means of /MODIFY-USER-GROUP,
before deleting the user group ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5025 Resource or right '(&00)' of user group '(&01)' is illegal in user group '(&02)'
When modifying a user group ID an attempt was made to provide
it with resources and rights which the higher-ranking user
group ID does not have.
A group transfer was attempted. The group structure to be
transferred contains a user group ID that has resources
and rights which the higher-ranking user group ID does
not have.
An attempt was made to create a new user group ID and provide
it with resources and rights which the higher-ranking user
group ID does not have.
(&00) : illegal resource or right.
(&01) : user group ID containing the resource or right.
(&02) : user group ID in which the resource or right is illegal.
Either reenter the correct command or contact a higher-ranking
user group administrator or a system user administrator
to agree on assigning rights.
Use the /MODIFY-USER-GROUP command to modify all user group IDs
whose resources and rights are not contained in the higher-ranking
user group IDs before performing the group transfer.
The attributes of the user group ID can be displayed by means
of the /SHOW-USER-GROUP command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5026 Due to internal error after system call '(&00)' group tables on pubset '(&01)' are inconsistent. Contact system administrator immediately
Due to an unrecoverable system error the group tables no longer
match the SRPM file.
(&00) : name of the errored system function.
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Contact the system administrator immediately. It makes sense
to continue working only after the system administrator has
removed the error cause.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5027 User group '(&00)' cannot become subgroup of user group '(&01)'
The user group ID specified in the UPPER-GROUP operand is
subordinate in the hierarchy to the user group ID specified
in the GROUP-ID operand.
The UPPER-GROUP operand is identical with the GROUP-ID operand.
(&00) : user group ID specified in the GROUP-ID operand.
(&01) : user group ID specified in the UPPER-GROUP operand.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5028 User ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)' is group administrator of a user group
An attempt was made to transfer a user ID from one user group
to another, neglecting the fact that this user ID is a group
(&00) : user ID to be transferred.
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Withdraw group administration from the user ID by means of the
/MODIFY-USER-GROUP command before transferring it to another
user group ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5029 Group administrator not authorized to administer user ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
The user ID specified in an /ADD-USER-GROUP or a
/MODIFY-USER-GROUP command cannot be administered
by the user ID issuing the command.
(&00) : user ID
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset on whose SRPM file
the user group command was to take effect.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5030 User ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)' has a privilege a group administrator is not entitled to
An attempt was made to make a user ID group administrator, but
the user ID already has privileges incompatible with the functions
of a group administrator.
(&00) : user ID that already has other privileges.
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Either ask the privilege administrator to withdraw the privileges
from the user ID, or make another user ID group administrator.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5031 MAX-SUB-GROUPS limit cannot be decremented for user group '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
The MAX-SUB-GROUPS limit cannot be decremented, otherwise the
number of existing subgroups would exceed the decremented limit.
(&00) : user group ID whose limit was to be decremented.
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Delete or reassign all surplus subgroups before decrementing
the limit.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5032 MAX-GROUP-MEMBERS limit cannot be decremented for user group '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
The MAX-GROUP-MEMBERS limit cannot be decremented, otherwise the
number of existing user IDs would exceed the decremented limit.
(&00) : user group ID whose limit was to be decremented.
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Delete or transfer all surplus user IDs before decrementing
the limit.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5034 Group administrator not authorized on pubset '(&00)' to transfer user ID's
The user ID issuing the command has the group administration
authorization MANAGE-RESOURCES and is therefore not
authorized to transfer user IDs.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5035 User ID '(&00)' already member of user group '(&01)'
An attempt was made to transfer a user ID to a user group ID
which it is already member of.
(&00) : user ID to be transferred.
(&01) : user group ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5036 User ID '(&00)' is not member of user group '(&01)'
An attempt was made to make a user ID group administrator,
but it is neither member of the user group ID nor
was it to be transferred to the user group ID.
(&00) : user ID to be made group administrator.
(&01) : user group ID to which the group administrator was
to be assigned.
A user ID can be transferred by means of the
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5037 Account number '(&00)' of user group '(&01)' is illegal in user group '(&02)'
An attempt was made to assign to a user group ID an
account number that is not contained in the group
potential of the higher-ranking user group ID.
During a group transfer a user group ID was detected
in the group tree to be transferred with an account
number not contained in the higher-ranking user group ID.
(&00) : illegal account number.
(&01) : user group ID containing the account number
(&02) : user group ID in which the account number is illegal
Contact a higher-ranking user group administrator or a system user
administrator in order to assign the account number to the
higher-ranking user group ID.
Delete the illegal account number in the group potential of the
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5038 Resource or right '(&00)' in account number '(&01)' of user group '(&02)' is illegal in user group '(&03)'
An attempt was made to transfer a user group ID with an account
number whose resources and rights exceed the group potential
of the higher-ranking user group ID.
A group transfer was attempted, but in the group structure
to be transferred there is a user group ID which has an
account number whose resources and rights the higher-ranking
user group ID does not have.
(&00) : illegal resource or right.
(&01) : account number containing the resource or right.
(&02) : user group ID containing the account number.
(&03) : user group ID containing the account number in which
the resource or right is illegal.
Either reenter the correct command or contact a higher-ranking
user group administrator or a system user administrator
to agree on assigning rights.
Before performing a group transfer modify all those
user group IDs by means of the /MODIFY-USER-GROUP command
that have account numbers whose resources and rights
are not contained in the higher-ranking user group IDs.
The attributes of the user group IDs can be displayed by means
of the /SHOW-USER-GROUP command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5039 Profile ID '(&00)' of user group '(&01)' is illegal in user group '(&02)'
An attempt was made to assign to a user group ID a profile ID
that is not contained in the group potential of the higher-ranking
user group ID.
During a transfer of a group a user group ID was detected
in the group tree to be transferred with a profile ID not
contained in the group potential of the higher-ranking
user group ID.
(&00) : illegal profile ID.
(&01) : user group ID containing the profile ID
(&02) : user group ID in which the profile ID is illegal
Contact a higher-ranking user group administrator or a system user
administrator to ensure that the profile ID is assigned to
the user group ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5040 Resource or right '(&00)' of user ID '(&01)' is illegal in user group '(&02)'
An attempt was made to transfer a group, but in the group
structure to be transferred there is a user ID which has
resources and rights assigned to it that the higher-ranking
user group ID does not have.
An attempt was made to transfer a user ID that has
resources and rights the higher-ranking user group ID
does not have.
(&00) : illegal resource or right.
(&01) : user ID containing the resource or right.
(&02) : user group ID in which the resource or right is illegal.
Either reenter the correct command or contact a higher-ranking
user group administrator or a system user administrator
to agree on assigning rights.
Use the /MODIFY-USER command to modify all user IDs whose
resources and rights are not contained in the higher-ranking
user group IDs before performing the group transfer.
The attributes of the user ID can be displayed by means
of the /SHOW-USER-ATTRIBUTES command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5041 Account number '(&00)' of user ID '(&01)' is illegal in user group '(&02)'
An attempt was made to transfer a user ID that has an account number
which is not contained in the group potential of the higher-ranking
user group ID.
During a group transfer a user ID was detected in the group tree to
be transferred with an account number not contained in the
higher-ranking user group ID.
(&00) : illegal account number.
(&01) : user ID containing the account number
(&02) : user group ID in which the account number is illegal
Contact a higher-ranking user group administrator or a system user
administrator in order to assign the account number to the
higher-ranking user group ID.
Delete the illegal account number of the user ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5042 Resource or right '(&00)' in account number '(&01)' of user ID '(&02)' is illegal in user group '(&03)'
An attempt was made to transfer a user ID with an account number
whose resources and rights exceed the group potential of the
higher-ranking user group ID.
A group transfer was attempted, but in the group structure
to be transferred there is a user ID which has an account number
whose resources and rights the higher-ranking user group ID
does not have.
(&00) : illegal resource or right.
(&01) : account number containing the resource or right.
(&02) : user ID containing the account number.
(&03) : user group ID containing the account number in which
the resource or right is illegal.
Either reenter the correct command or contact a higher-ranking
user group administrator or a system user administrator
to agree on assigning rights.
Use the /MODIFY-USER command to modify all user IDs that have
account numbers whose resources and rights are not contained in the
higher-ranking user group IDs before performing the group transfer.
The attributes of the user ID can be displayed by means
of the /SHOW-USER-ATTRIBUTES command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5043 Profile ID '(&00)' of user ID '(&01)' is illegal in user group '(&02)'
An attempt was made to transfer a user ID which is assigned a
profile ID not contained in the group potential of the
higher-ranking user group ID.
During a transfer of a group a user ID was detected
in the group tree to be transferred with a profile ID not
contained in the group potential of the higher-ranking
user group ID.
(&00) : illegal profile ID.
(&01) : user ID containing the profile ID
(&02) : user group ID in which the profile ID is illegal
Contact a higher-ranking user group administrator or a system user
administrator to have the profile ID added to the group
potential of the higher-ranking user group ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5044 Warning: User ID '(&00)' specified more than once in operand list. Redundant specifications ignored
A user ID has been specified more than once
in the operand list.
(&00) : user ID specified more than once.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5045 Warning: Profile ID '(&00)' specified more than once in operand list. Redundant specifications ignored
A profile ID has been specified more than once
in the operand list.
(&00) : profile ID specified more than once.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5046 Warning: Account number '(&00)' specified more than once in operand list. Redundant specifications ignored
An account number has been specified more than once
in the operand list.
(&00) : account number specified more than once.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5047 Warning: Pubset '(&00)' specified more than once in operand list. Redundant specifications ignored
A pubset has been specified more than once
in the operand list.
(&00) : cat ID of the pubset specified more than once.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5048 Account number '(&00)' already exists in user group '(&01)'
Another account number was to be added to a group potential
of a user group ID in which it already exists.
(&00) : account number to be added.
(&01) : user group ID already containing the account number.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5049 Account number '(&00)' does not exist in user group '(&01)'
An account number not contained in the group potential was to be
deleted, modified or shown.
(&00) : account number which does not exist.
(&01) : user group ID which must contain the account number.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5050 Profile ID '(&00)' already exists in user group '(&01)'
Another profile ID was to be added to the group potential
of a user group ID in which it already exists.
(&00) : profile ID to be added.
(&01) : user group ID already containing the profile ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5051 Profile ID '(&00)' does not exist in user group '(&01)'
A profile ID not contained in the group potential was to be
(&00) : profile ID which does not exist.
(&01) : user group ID which must contain the profile ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5052 Profile ID '(&00)' appears in operand lists 'ADD-PROFILE-ID' and 'REM-PROFILE-ID'
Profile IDs must not appear in the operand lists of
ADD-PROFILE-ID and REM-PROFILE-ID at the same time.
(&00) : profile ID appearing in two operand
lists at the same time.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5053 Account number '(&00)' appears in operand lists 'ADD-ACCOUNT' and 'MOD-ACCOUNT'
Account numbers must not appear in the operand lists of
ADD-ACCOUNT and MOD-ACCOUNT at the same time.
(&00) : account number appearing in two operand
lists at the same time.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5054 Account number '(&00)' appears in operand lists 'ADD-ACCOUNT' and 'REM-ACCOUNT'
Account Numbers must not appear in the operand lists of
ADD-ACCOUNT and REM-ACCOUNT at the same time.
(&00) : account number appearing in two operand
lists at the same time.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5055 Account number '(&00)' appears in operand lists 'MOD-ACCOUNT' and 'REM-ACCOUNT'
Account Numbers must not appear in the operand lists of
MOD-ACCOUNT and REM-ACCOUNT at the same time.
(&00) : account number appearing in two operand
lists at the same time.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5056 Maximum number of account records has been reached
For system-related reasons, no more than 32767
account records can be processed.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5057 Maximum number of profile records has been reached
For system-related reasons, no more than 32767
profile records can be processed.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5058 Overflow of group potential '(&00)'
The sum of the potential limit of the group administrator
and the potential limit of the system user administrator
exceeds the permissible maximum value.
(&00) : potential type.
Reduce the potential limit.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5059 Error during output to '(&00)'
Due to a system error it is not possible to write
user group information into the system file.
(&00) : System file.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5060 User not authorized to administer user group '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)'
The user group ID specified in the /SHOW-USER-GROUP command
cannot be administered by the user ID issuing the command.
(&00) : user group ID
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset on whose SRPM file
the user group command was to take effect.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5061 No more space in buffer for error messages
During command processing so many errors were detected
that the buffer is not sufficient for the collected
error messages.
Correct and retry the command.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5062 User group *UNIVERSAL has no account number
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5063 User group management inconsistency
The subsystem SRPMOPT (USER GROUP MANAGEMENT included) was started
in a BS2000 session in which the initialization of
USER GROUP MANAGEMENT was not performed or failed.
Contact the system administrator.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5064 Group identification '(&00)' is illegal in user group '(&01)'
An attempt was made to create a user group by means of the
/ADD-USER-GROUP command. The prefix of the user group
identification specified in the GROUP-IDENTIFICATION operand
does not match the prefix required by the higher-ranking
user group.
An attempt was made to assign a new higher-ranking user group
to a user group by means of the /MODIFY-USER-GROUP command.
The prefix of the group identification to be transferred
does not match the prefix required by the higher-ranking
user group.
(&00) : user group ID with the illegal prefix,
(&01) : user group ID which requires a certain prefix.
Choose a group identification with a legal prefix for the
new user group. If this is not possible, change the prefix
required for subgroups in the potential of the higher-ranking
user group.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5065 User identification '(&00)' is illegal in user group '(&01)'
An attempt was made to assign further members to a user group
by means of the /MODIFY-USER-GROUP command. The prefix of the
user identification does not match the prefix required by
the higher-ranking user group.
An attempt was made to create a user ID by means of the
/ADD-USER command. The prefix of the user identification
specified in the USER-IDENTIFICATION operand does not match
the prefix required by the user group.
(&00) : user ID with the illegal prefix,
(&01) : user group ID which requires a certain prefix.
Change the prefix required for group members in the potential
of the user group or choose a user identification with a legal
prefix when creating a new user.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5066 'WRITE-PRIVILEGE' exceeds 'READ-PRIVILEGE' in user group '(&00)'
The value of the WRITE-PRIVILEGE operand must not be higher
than the value of the READ-PRIVILEGE operand.
(&00) : user group ID with the illegal values for the
test privileges.
Increase the value of the READ-PRIVILEGE operand or decrease
the value of the WRITE-PRIVILEGE operand.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5067 Resource or right '(&00)' not permitted in user group. Command rejected
A privilege or a resource that was to be assigned to the user
is not available to the user group.
(&00) : illegal resource or right.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5068 Resource or right '(&00)' of account nummber '(&01)' not permitted in user group. Command rejected
A privilege or a resource that was to be assigned to the user
in the account part is not available to the user group.
(&00) : illegal resource or right.
(&01) : account number containing the resource or right.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5069 Prefix of user ID '(&00)' not permitted in user group. Command rejected
The prefix of the user ID is not available to the user group.
(&00) : user ID with the illegal prefix,
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5070 User not authorized to administer user ID. Command rejected
This command may only be entered
- for all user ID's by the system user administrator,
- by a user group administrator for those user IDs assigned to his/her
group or subgroups.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5071 Profile ID not permitted for user group. Command rejected
The specified profile ID is not available to the user group.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5072 Account number '(&00)' not permitted in user group. Command rejected
The specified account number is not available to the user group.
(&00) : illegal account number.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5073 Maximum permissible number of users reached. Command rejected
The maximum permissible number of users for the user group has been
reached. No more users can be added.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5074 User group '(&00)' does not exist on pubset '(&01)'. Command rejected
The user group ID specified in the GROUP-IDENTIFICATION
operand does not exist in the SRPM file
of the specified pubset.
(&00) : user group ID
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset on whose SRPM file
the user group command was to take effect.
Specify a correct user group ID or pubset, or create a new
user group ID by means of the /ADD-USER-GROUP command
before referring to it.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5075 User ID '(&00)' on pubset '(&01)' is group administrator. Command rejected
An attempt was made to remove or lock a user ID, neglecting
the fact that this user ID is a group administrator.
(&00) : user ID to be removed or locked.
(&01) : cat ID of the pubset.
Withdraw group administration from the user ID by means of the
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5076 Physical maximum number of group members in user group reached. Command rejected
The number of group members exceeds the physical maximum value.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5077 Warning: Only 'GROUP-ADMINISTRATOR', 'PUBSET', 'ADD-GROUP-MEMBER' and 'BASIC-ACL-ACCESS' operands valid. All other operands ignored
BASIC-ACL-ACCESS operands may be specified in the /MODIFY-USER-GROUP
command for the UNIVERSAL group. All other operands are
ineffective and are ignored during command processing.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5078 During system call '(&00)' not enough class (&01) memory is available. Group tables on pubset '(&02)' are inconsistent. Contact system administrator immediately
Not enough memory available.The group tables no longer
match the SRPM file.
(&00) : name of the errored system function.
(&01) : class of memory that is not available.
(&02) : cat ID of the pubset.
Contact the system administrator immediately. It makes sense
to continue working only after the system administrator has
removed the error cause.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5080 Guard-name in the 'BASIC-ACL-ACCESS' operand is syntactically incorrect
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5081 Groupadministrator not authorized to assign the guard of foreign user ID to the user group
The groupadministrator is only authorized to assign in the
'BASIC-ACL-ACCESS' operand the guard of own user ID to the
user group.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
SRM5082 Guard-name in the 'BASIC-ACL-ACCESS' operand contains an unknown user ID
The guard-name in the 'BASIC-ACL-ACCESS' operand contains an user ID,
witch is unknown on the Home PVS.
Please correct the user ID.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM6001 Command executed with warning
The function has been executed only partially or the state required
already existed before the function was executed.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM6010 Syntax error in command
The command is syntactically incorrect or contains an illegal
constellation of operands.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM6020 System error occured during command processing
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM6030 Command cannot be processed at the moment
Some of the resources required are not available at the moment
(e.g memory shortage, reaching of a limit, resource is
locked, ...).
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
SRM6040 Semantic error occurred during command processing
The function could not be executed because some
requirements are not met (e.g. no authorization, the object
to be handled does not exist, ...).