Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight:
Warranty : NO
REWCOPY Copyright (C) (&00) (&01) All Rights Reserved
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : YES
REWINFO (&00) (&01) (&02) (&03) (&04) (&05) (&06) (&07) (&08) (&09) (&10) (&11) (&12) (&13) (&14) (&15) (&16) (&17) (&18) (&19) (&20) (&21) (&22) (&23) (&24) (&25) (&26) (&27) (&28) (&29)
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight:
Warranty : NO
REWLOAD Program (&00), Version (&01) of (&02) loaded from file (&03)
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight:
Warranty : NO
REWSTRT Procedure (&00), Version (&01) of (&02) started from file (&03)
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: 9 Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
REW0001 Subsystem REWAS not supported on configuration (&00)
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
REW0002 Error occurred during processing of file (&00)
File contents could not be read.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
REW0003 Contents of file (&00) cannot be classified completely
The file content does not correspond to the admissible values.
Please correct the file contents.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: E Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
REW0004 The contents of file (&00), record (&01) was not accepted, reason (&02)
In the subsystem-informationfile (&00) the contents of the record
with number (&01) could not be classified.
(&00): name of the subsystem-informationfile
(&01): serial number of the faulty record
(&02): reason:
1: invalid syntax
2: invalid key specified
3: invalid value specified
4: duplicate key specified
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: 9 Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
REW0005 MU (&00) REWAS READY ON (&01)
The BS2000 system has been registered at the management unit.
(&00): Name of the management unit in charge
(&01): Name of the BS2000 system in the management network
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: 9 Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
REW0006 MU (&00) OFFLINE, REASON (&01)
The connection to the management unit is interrupted.
(&00): Name of the unreachable management unit
(&01): Indication of the cause of the interruption
Selection of exit codes of the cURL program:
CURL 2: Failed to initialize.
CURL 6: Couldn't resolve host. The given remote host was not resolved.
CURL 7: Failed to connect to host.
CURL 18: Partial file. Only a part of the file was transferred.
CURL 23: Write error. Curl couldn't write data to a local filesystem
or similar.
CURL 26: Read error. Various reading problems.
CURL 27: Out of memory. A memory allocation request failed.
CURL 28: Operation timeout. The specified time-out period was reached
according to the conditions.
Note: In BS2000 the timeout for connection requests
is configured globally:
/BCTIMES CONN=<integer 5..32765>
CURL 35: SSL connect error. The SSL handshaking failed.
CURL 52: The server didn't reply anything, which here is considered an
CURL 53: SSL crypto engine not found.
CURL 54: Cannot set SSL crypto engine as default.
CURL 55: Failed sending network data.
CURL 56: Failure in receiving network data.
CURL 58: Problem with the local certificate.
CURL 63: Maximum file size exceeded.
CURL 66: Failed to initialise SSL Engine.
CURL 78: The resource referenced in the URL does not exist.
CURL 79: An unspecified error occurred during the SSH session.
CURL 80: Failed to shut down the SSL connection.
Selection of http status codes supplied by the management unit:
HTTP 4xx: Client-Error
HTTP 400: Bad Request
HTTP 403: Forbidden
HTTP 5xx: Server-Error
HTTP 500: Internal Server Error
HTTP 503: Service Unavailable
HTTP 507: Insufficient Storage
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: 9 Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
REW0007 MU (&00) ONLINE
The connection to the management unit is re-established.
(&00): Name of the recovered management unit
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: 9 Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
REW0008 Service (&00) trying to connect to control-LAN
The REWAS-webserver tries to connect to the control-LAN.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: 9 Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
REW0009 Service (&00) waiting for control-LAN established
The REWAS-webserver waits for the availability of the control-LAN.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: 9 Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
REW0010 REWAS waiting for MU online
REWAS is waiting for reachability of the management unit.
The reachability may be affected by both network problems
and software problems of the management unit.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
REW0011 Hostname (&00) already registered in DNS directory
The hostname is already registered in DNS directory by an instance
outside of a Server Unit and cannot be overwritten by the DNS entry
of the own Server Unit.
(&00): Hostname being in conflict
Remove the concerned DNS entry from the DNS directory, otherwise
REWAS refuses any BS2000 administration by the Management Unit.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: 9 Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
REWAS selected the management unit for communication.
(&00): Name of the management unit in charge
(&01): Reason:
1 - no MU assigned by now
2 - the previous MU was disturbed
3 - the previous MU was outdated
4 - the previous MU was remote
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
REW0020 REWAS: Interface error (&00) with return code (&03) reported from (&01)+(&02)
In subsystem REWAS a system interface call returned with error.
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis, an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file. REWAS takes appropriate actions to
continue processing.
(&00) : short identifier of the called function.
(&01) : module the called function is located.
(&02) : distance inside the module.
(&03) : return code of the erroneous function.
Contact the system administrator or the person responsible for diagnosis.
Destination: USER-TASK Routing code: Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
REW0021 REWAS: Internal error (&00) reported from (&01)+X(&02)
In subsystem REWAS an internal error occurred.
In order to permit more detailed diagnosis, an entry has been
written into the SERSLOG file. In a system with fault intolerance on,
a diagnostic dump will be offered.
(&00) : short identifier of the affected function.
(&01) : module the called function is located.
(&02) : distance inside the module.
Contact the system administrator or the person responsible for diagnosis.
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: 9 Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
REW0022 Logging file opened (&00)
The REWAS subsystem is in DEBUG mode
and has opened its logging file.
(&00) : Name of the logging file
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE Routing code: 9 Weight: 99
Warranty : NO
REW0023 Logging file closed (&00)
The REWAS subsystem is in DEBUG mode
and has closed its logging file.
(&00) : Name of the logging file