
Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: T                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

NJT0001   TAPE SUBSYSTEM SIM: (&00),TCU,(&01),(&02) ALERT,SER=(&03),MC=(&04), ES=(&05),REF=(&06)(&07)


A tape subsystem reported a Service Information Message (SIM).
The specified unit has detected an abnormal condition that requires
operator or service attention.
Meaning of message inserts:
  (&00): Mnemonic names of channel, control unit and device
         Format: xxxxyyyyzzzz
                 xxxx: channel, yyyy: control unit, zzzz: device
  TCU  : Reporting unit = tape control unit
  (&01): Machine type and model number
  (&02): Severity
         SERVICE  : No performance impact
         MODERATE : Error threshold exceeded within control unit
         SERIOUS  : Degraded operation, no loss of device accessibility
         ACUTE    : Loss of device accessibility
  (&03): Product identifier
  (&04): Message code
         F1 : I/O-Subsystem SIM
  (&05): Exception message code
         ---- Control unit exception ...
         1x : ... of unknown effect
         2x : ... without performance impact
         3x : ... on channel interface xx      (xx=SB10)
         4x : ... on device path xx            (xx=SB10)
         5x : ... on library path xx           (xx=SB10)
         6x : ... on node xx                   (xx=SB10)
         7x : ... on partition xx              (xx=SB10)
         ---- Repair will ...
         x1 : ... have an unknown impact
         x2 : ... not impact the performance
         x3 : ... disable nodes on controlunit
         x4 : ... disable channel path on control unit
         x5 : ... disable device path on control unit
         x6 : ... disable library path on control unit
         x7 : ... disable access to control unit
  (&06): Error condition reference codes
         Format: ref1-ref2-ref3
         ref1 - SIM source identification
           00xx : Hardware SIM
           40xx : SIM of unknown type
           60xx : Drive SIM
           E0xx : Microcode detected error (MDE)
           if ref1=00xx or 40xx : Service Reference Number
           if ref1=60xx         : Fault Symptom Code 1 and 2
           if ref1=E0xx         : MDE identifier and data
  (&07): Message extensions
         ,REPEATED : This message has already been presented


An operator intervention or service may be required.
For further instructions see the User's Guide for the installed device.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: T                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

NJT0002   TAPE DEVICE SIM: (&00),TAPE,(&01),(&02) ALERT,SER=(&03),MC=(&04),ES=(&05), REF=(&06)(&07)


A tape device reported a Service Information Message (SIM):
The specified unit has detected an abnormal condition that requires
operator or service attention.
Meaning of message inserts:
  (&00): Mnemonic names of channel, control unit and device
         Format: xxxxyyyyzzzz
                 xxxx: channel, yyyy: control unit, zzzz: device
  TAPE : Reporting unit = tape drive
  (&01): Machine type and model number
  (&02): Severity
         SERVICE  : No performance impact
         MODERATE : Degraded operation, high temporary error rate
         SERIOUS  : Degraded operation, no loss of data/cartridge access
         ACUTE    : Loss of data/cartridge access
  (&03): Product identifier
  (&04): Message code
         F2 : Device SIM
  (&05): Exception message code
         ---- Device exception ...
         1x : ... of unknown effect
         2x : ... without performance impact
         3x : ... on channel path xx                (xx=SB10)
         4x : ... on loader xx                      (xx=SB10)
         5x : ... on message display xx             (xx=SB10)
         6x : ... in tape path
         7x : ... in drive
         8x : Preventive maintenance required
         9x : Preventive maintenance completed
         ---- Repair will ...
         x1 : ... have an unknown impact
         x2 : ... not impact the performance
         x3 : ... disable channel path on device
         x4 : ... disable interface on device
         x5 : ... disable loader on device
         x7 : ... disable access to device
         x8 : ... disable message display on device
         x9 : Clean device
         xA : Device cleaning complete
         xB : Device cleaning required for performance reasons
              If cleaning does not clear this condition:
              Possible service required
  (&06): Error condition reference codes
         Format: ref1-ref2-ref3
         ref1 - SIM source identification
           00xx : Hardware SIM
           40xx : SIM of unknown type
           60xx : Drive SIM
           E0xx : Microcode detected error (MDE)
           if ref1=00xx or 40xx : Service Reference Number
           if ref1=60xx         : Fault Symptom Code 1 and 2
           if ref1=E0xx         : MDE identifier and data
  (&07): Message extensions
         ,CLEAN    : Tape drive requires cleaning cartridge
         ,CLEANED  : Cleaning completed, cleaning cartridge ejected
         ,REPEATED : This message has already been presented


a: If CLEAN is indicated:
   Apply cleaner cartridge according to the User's Guide.
   Repetitive occurences within a short period indicate that service
   beyond cleaning may be required.
b: else
   An operator intervention or service may be required.
   For further instructions see the User's Guide for the installed


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: T                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

NJT0003   TAPE LIBRARY SIM: (&00),TLIB,(&01),(&02) ALERT,SER=(&03),MC=(&04),ES=(&05), REF=(&06)(&07)


An automated tape library reported a Service Information Message (SIM).
The specified unit has detected an abnormal condition that requires
operator or service attention.
Meaning of message inserts:
  (&00): Mnemonic names of channel, control unit and device
         Format: xxxxyyyyzzzz
                 xxxx: channel, yyyy: control unit, zzzz: device
  TLIB : Reporting unit = automated tape library
  (&01): Machine type and model number
  (&02): Severity
         SERVICE  : No performance impact
         MODERATE : Degraded operation,
                    no loss of cartridge accessibility
         SERIOUS  : Degraded operation,
                    loss of some cartridge accessibility
         ACUTE    : Loss of all cartridge accessibility
  (&03): Product identifier
  (&04): Message code
         F3 : Library SIM
  (&05): Exception message code
  (&06): Error condition reference codes
         Format: ref1-ref2-ref3
         ref1 - SIM source identification
           00xx : Hardware SIM
           40xx : SIM of unknown type
           60xx : Drive SIM
           E0xx : Microcode detected error (MDE)
           if ref1=00xx or 40xx : Service Reference Number
           if ref1=60xx         : Fault Symptom Code 1 and 2
           if ref1=E0xx         : MDE identifier and data
  (&07): Message extensions
         ,REPEATED : This message has already been presented


An operator intervention or service may be required.
For further instructions see the User's Guide for the installed device.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: T                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

NJT0004   TAPE MIM: (&00),TVOL,(&01) ALERT,VOLUME=(&02),MC=(&03),ES=(&04), RC=(&05)(&07)


A tape subsystem reported a Media Information Message (MIM).
The specified device has detected an abnormal medium condition that
requires storage administrator attention.
Meaning of message inserts:
  (&00): Mnemonic names of channel, control unit and device
         Format: xxxxyyyyzzzz (xxxx:channel, yyyy:ctrl.unit, zzzz:device)
  TVOL : Tape Volume
  (&01): Severity
         MODERATE : High temporary read/write errors detected.
         SERIOUS  : Permanent read/write errors detected.
         ACUTE    : Block 0 error (possible VOL1 label error).
  (&02): Volume identifier (=VSN)
  (&03): Message code
         F0 : MIM (Media Information Message)
  (&04): Exception message code and source of VSN
         ---- Exception message code
         2x : Data degraded
         3x : Data degraded in partition yyyy    (yyyy=SB14-15)
         4x : Medium degraded
         5x : Medium degraded in partition yyyy  (yyyy=SB14-15)
         6x : Block 0 error
         7x : Medium exception
         8x : Label exception (internal/external VSN mismatch)
         ---- Source of VSN
              (external VSN: read by bar code reader)
         x8 : VSN=internal VSN, did not read external VSN
         x9 : VSN=internal VSN, internal VSN = external VSN
         xA : - invalid -
         xB : VSN=internal VSN, internal VSN <> external VSN
         xC : VSN=external VSN, did not read internal VSN
         xD : VSN=external VSN, external VSN = internal VSN
         xE : VSN=external VSN, not internally labeled
         xF : VSN=external VSN, external VSN <> internal VSN
         else: VSN unknown or possibly invalid
  (&05): REF code, media identifier and format identifier
         Format: refc-medi-fi
         refc - Reference Code
           60xx : Bad Media, Cartridge write protected :
                  Read only is allowed
                  Remove volume from library
           61xx : Data or tape directory degraded:
                  Copy data to new volume
           62xx : Data or tape directory degraded:
                  Reread cartridge to rebuild tape directory
           64xx : Bad media, cannot read or write:
                  Remove volume from library
           72xx : Replace cleaner cartridge
         medi - Medium identifier
           0120 : Type unknown
           0121 : 160m CrO2
           0122 : 320m CrO2
           0130 : 320m Metal Particle (3591 Standard)
           0131 : 635m Metal Particle (3591 Extended)
           0201 :                     (3570 Standard)
           0202 :                     (3570 Extended)
         fi   - Format identifier
           20   : 18  Track          (3580)
           21   : 18  Track extended (3590)
           22   : 36  Track          (3590E)
           23   : 128 Track          (3591)
           24   : 256 Track          (3591E)
  (&07): Message extensions
         ,REPEATED : This message has already been presented


The storage administrator attention is required.
For further instructions see the User's Guide for the installed device.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: T                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

NJT0005   VIRTUAL TAPE SERVER INFORMATION: (&00),TVIR,(&01),(&02) ALERT,SER=(&03), MC=(&04),ES=(&05),REF=(&06)(&07)


A Virtual Tape Server subsystem reported a Service Information Message
The specified unit has detected an abnormal condition that requires
operator or service attention.
Meaning of message inserts:
  (&00): Mnemonic names of channel, control unit and device
         Format: xxxxyyyyzzzz
                 xxxx: channel, yyyy: control unit, zzzz: device
  TVIR : Reporting unit : virtual tape server
  (&01): Machine type and model number
  (&02): Severity
         SERVICE  : No performance impact
         MODERATE : Error threshold exceeded within control unit
         SERIOUS  : Degraded operation. No loss of device accessibility
         ACUTE    : Loss of device accessibility
  (&03): Product identifier
  (&04): Message code
         F4 : VTS-SIM
  (&05): Exception message code
         ---- Control unit exception ...
         1x : ... of unknown effect
         2x : ... without performance impact
         3x : ... on channel interface xx      (xx=SB10)
         4x : ... on device path xx            (xx=SB10)
         5x : ... on library path xx           (xx=SB10)
         6x : ... on node xx                   (xx=SB10)
         7x : ... on partition xx              (xx=SB10)
         ---- Repair will ...
         x1 : ... have an unknown impact
         x2 : ... not impact the performance
         x3 : ... disable nodes on controlunit
         x4 : ... disable channel path on control unit
         x5 : ... disable device path on control unit
         x6 : ... disable library path on control unit
         x7 : ... disable access to control unit
  (&06): Error condition reference codes
         Format: ref1-ref2-ref3
         ref1 - SIM source identification
           00xx : Hardware SIM
           40xx : SIM of unknown type
           60xx : Drive SIM
           E0xx : Microcode detected error (MDE)
           if ref1=00xx or 40xx : Service Reference Number
           if ref1=60xx         : Fault Symptom Code 1 and 2
           if ref1=E0xx         : MDE identifier and data
  (&07): Message extensions
         ,REPEATED : This message has already been presented


An operator intervention or service may be required.
For further instructions see the User's Guide for the installed device.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: T                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

NJT0009   = EXC0858 DER INF. (TAPE): '(&00)'


This message provides information from the device error recovery (D.E.R)
about errors during input/output operations on magnetic tape devices.
It contains information, that is transmitted to the service center
via TELESERVICE call, if applicable.
The message insert is the same as in message EXC0858 (see there for the


The measures to be taken depend on the meaning of the message
insert. An operator intervention or service may be required.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: T                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

NJT0010   TAPE MIM: (&00),(&08),(&01) ALERT,VOLUME=(&02),S=(&06),MC=(&03),E=(&04), RC=(&05)(&07)


A tape subsystem reported a Media Information Message (MIM).
The specified device has detected an abnormal medium condition that
requires storage administrator attention.
Meaning of message inserts:
  (&00): Mnemonic names of channel, control unit and device
         Format: xxxxyyyyzzzz (xxxx:channel, yyyy:ctrl.unit, zzzz:device)
  (&08): Concerned medium
         TVOL : Tape Volume
  (&01): Severity
         MODERATE : High temporary read/write errors detected.
         SERIOUS  : Permanent read/write errors detected.
         ACUTE    : Block 0 error (possible VOL1 label error).
  (&02): Volume identifier (=VSN)
  (&06): Source of VSN
         (external VSN: read by bar code reader)
         <8 : VSN unknown or possibly invalid
         =8 : VSN=internal VSN, did not read external VSN
         =9 : VSN=internal VSN, internal VSN = external VSN
         =A : - invalid -
         =B : VSN=internal VSN, internal VSN <> external VSN
         =C : VSN=external VSN, did not read internal VSN
         =D : VSN=external VSN, external VSN = internal VSN
         =E : VSN=external VSN, not internally labeled
         =F : VSN=external VSN, external VSN <> internal VSN
  (&03): Message code
         F0 : MIM (Media Information Message)
  (&04): Exception message code
         2  : Data degraded
         3  : Data degraded in partition yyyy    (yyyy=SB14-15)
         4  : Medium degraded
         5  : Medium degraded in partition yyyy  (yyyy=SB14-15)
         6  : Block 0 error
         7  : Medium exception
         8  : Label exception (internal/external VSN mismatch)
  (&05): REF code, media identifier and format identifier
         Format: refc-medi-fi
         refc - Reference Code
           60xx : Bad Media, Cartridge write protected :
                  Read only is allowed
                  Remove volume from library
           61xx : Data or tape directory degraded:
                  Copy data to new volume
           62xx : Data or tape directory degraded:
                  Reread cartridge to rebuild tape directory
           64xx : Bad media, cannot read or write:
                  Remove volume from library
           72xx : Replace cleaner cartridge
         medi - Medium identifier
           0120 : Type unknown
           0121 : 160m CrO2
           0122 : 320m CrO2
           0130 : 320m Metal Particle (3591 Standard)
           0131 : 635m Metal Particle (3591 Extended)
           0201 :                     (3570 Standard)
           0202 :                     (3570 Extended)
         fi   - Format identifier
           20   : 18  Track          (3580)
           21   : 18  Track extended (3590)
           22   : 36  Track          (3590E)
           23   : 128 Track          (3591)
           24   : 256 Track          (3591E)
  (&07): Repetition indicator
         ,REPEATED : This message has already been presented


The storage administrator attention is required.
For further instructions see the User's Guide for the installed device.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: T                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

NJT0011   TAPE SUBSYSTEM SIM: (&00),(&08),(&01),(&02) ALERT,SER=(&03),MC=(&04), ES=(&05),REF=(&06),UM=(&09)(&07)


A tape subsystem reported a Service Information Message (SIM).
The specified unit has detected an abnormal condition that requires
operator or service attention.
Meaning of message inserts:
  (&00): Mnemonic names of channel, control unit and device
         Format: xxxxyyyyzzzz
                 xxxx: channel, yyyy: control unit, zzzz: device
  (&08): Reporting unit
         TCU  : Tape Control Unit
         TAPE : Tape Drive
         TLIB : Automated Tape Library
         TVIR : Virtual Tape Server (VTS)
  (&01): Machine type and model number
  (&02): Severity
         ---------- reporting unit = TCU ---------------------------------
         SERVICE  : No performance impact
         MODERATE : Error threshold exceeded within control unit
         SERIOUS  : Degraded operation, no loss of device accessibility
         ACUTE    : Loss of device accessibility
         ---------- reporting unit = TAPE --------------------------------
         SERVICE  : No performance impact
         MODERATE : Degraded operation, high temporary error rate
         SERIOUS  : Degraded operation, no loss of data/cartridge access
         ACUTE    : Loss of data/cartridge access
         ---------- reporting unit = TLIB --------------------------------
         SERVICE  : No performance impact
         MODERATE : Degraded operation,
                    no loss of cartridge accessibility
         SERIOUS  : Degraded operation,
                    loss of some cartridge accessibility
         ACUTE    : Loss of all cartridge accessibility
         ---------- reporting unit = TVIR --------------------------------
         SERVICE  : No performance impact
         MODERATE : Error threshold exceeded within control unit
         SERIOUS  : Degraded operation. No loss of device accessibility
         ACUTE    : Loss of device accessibility
  (&03): Product identifier
  (&04): Message code
         F1 : I/O-Subsystem SIM
         F2 : Device SIM
         F3 : Library SIM
         F4 : VTS-SIM
  (&05): Exception message code
         ---------- reporting unit =TCU or TVIR --------------------------
         ---- Control unit exception ...
         1x : ... of unknown effect
         2x : ... without performance impact
         3x : ... on channel interface xx      (xx=SB10)
         4x : ... on device path xx            (xx=SB10)
         5x : ... on library path xx           (xx=SB10)
         6x : ... on node xx                   (xx=SB10)
         7x : ... on partition xx              (xx=SB10)
         ---- Repair will ...
         x1 : ... have an unknown impact
         x2 : ... not impact the performance
         x3 : ... disable nodes on controlunit
         x4 : ... disable channel path on control unit
         x5 : ... disable device path on control unit
         x6 : ... disable library path on control unit
         x7 : ... disable access to control unit
         ---------- reporting unit = TAPE --------------------------------
         ---- Device exception ...
         1x : ... of unknown effect
         2x : ... without performance impact
         3x : ... on channel path xx                (xx=SB10)
         4x : ... on loader xx                      (xx=SB10)
         5x : ... on message display xx             (xx=SB10)
         6x : ... in tape path
         7x : ... in drive
         8x : Preventive maintenance required
         9x : Preventive maintenance completed
         ---- Repair will ...
         x1 : ... have an unknown impact
         x2 : ... not impact the performance
         x3 : ... disable channel path on device
         x4 : ... disable interface on device
         x5 : ... disable loader on device
         x7 : ... disable access to device
         x8 : ... disable message display on device
         x9 : Clean device
         xA : Device cleaning complete
         xB : Device cleaning required for performance reasons
              If cleaning does not clear this condition:
              Possible service required
  (&06): Error condition reference codes
         Format: ref1-ref2-ref3
         ref1 - SIM source identification
           00xx : Hardware SIM
           40xx : SIM of unknown type
           60xx : Drive SIM
           E0xx : Microcode detected error (MDE)
           if ref1=00xx or 40xx : Service Reference Number
           if ref1=60xx         : Fault Symptom Code 1 and 2
           if ref1=E0xx         : MDE identifier and data
  (&09): Unit modifier codes
         Format: umo1-umo2-u3
         umo1 - Control unit microcode level
         umo2 - Drive microcode level
         u3   - Drive relative address
  (&07): Message extensions
         - Cleaning indicator (only for a TAPE unit)
           ,CLEAN   : Tape drive requires cleaning cartridge
           ,CLEANED : Cleaning completed, cleaning cartridge ejected
         - Repetition indicator
           ,REPEATED : This message has already been presented


a: If CLEAN is indicated:
   Apply cleaner cartridge according to the User's Guide.
   Repetitive occurences within a short period indicate that service
   beyond cleaning may be required.
b: else
   An operator intervention or service may be required.
   For further instructions see the User's Guide for the installed


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: T                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

NJT0021   CLEAN REQUEST SIM: (&00),(&08),(&01),(&02) ALERT,SER=(&03),MC=(&04), ES=(&05),REF=(&06),UM=(&09)(&07)


A tape subsystem reported a Service Information Message (SIM).
The specified unit has detected an abnormal condition that requires
application of a cleaning cartridge.
Meaning of message inserts:
  (&00): Mnemonic names of channel, control unit and device
         Format: xxxxyyyyzzzz
                 xxxx: channel, yyyy: control unit, zzzz: device
  (&08): Reporting unit
         TAPE : Tape Drive
  (&01): Machine type and model number
  (&02): Severity
         ---------- reporting unit = TAPE --------------------------------
         SERVICE  : No performance impact
         MODERATE : Degraded operation, high temporary error rate
         SERIOUS  : Degraded operation, no loss of data/cartridge access
         ACUTE    : Loss of data/cartridge access
  (&03): Product identifier
  (&04): Message code
         F2 : Device SIM
  (&05): Exception message code
         89 : Clean device
         8B : Device cleaning required for performance reasons
              If cleaning does not clear this condition:
              Possible service required
  (&06): Error condition reference codes
         Format: ref1-ref2-ref3
         ref1 - SIM source identification
           00xx : Hardware SIM
           40xx : SIM of unknown type
           60xx : Drive SIM
           E0xx : Microcode detected error (MDE)
           if ref1=00xx or 40xx : Service Reference Number
           if ref1=60xx         : Fault Symptom Code 1 and 2
           if ref1=E0xx         : MDE identifier and data
  (&09): Unit modifier codes
         Format: umo1-umo2-u3
         umo1 - Control unit microcode level
         umo2 - Drive microcode level
         u3   - Drive relative address
  (&07): Message extensions
           ,CLEAN   : Tape drive requires cleaning cartridge
         - Repetition indicator
           ,REPEATED : This message has already been presented


   Apply cleaner cartridge according to the User's Guide.
   Repetitive occurences within a short period indicate that service
   beyond cleaning may be required.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: T                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

NJT0022   CLEANING CONFIRMATION SIM: (&00),(&08),(&01),(&02) ALERT,SER=(&03), MC=(&04),ES=(&05),REF=(&06),UM=(&09)(&07)


A tape subsystem reported a Service Information Message (SIM).
The specified unit reports completion of device cleaning.
Meaning of message inserts:
  (&00): Mnemonic names of channel, control unit and device
         Format: xxxxyyyyzzzz
                 xxxx: channel, yyyy: control unit, zzzz: device
  (&08): Reporting unit
         TAPE : Tape Drive
  (&01): Machine type and model number
  (&02): Severity
         ---------- reporting unit = TAPE --------------------------------
         SERVICE  : No performance impact
         MODERATE : Degraded operation, high temporary error rate
         SERIOUS  : Degraded operation, no loss of data/cartridge access
         ACUTE    : Loss of data/cartridge access
  (&03): Product identifier
  (&04): Message code
         F2 : Device SIM
  (&05): Exception message code
         9A : Device cleaning complete
  (&06): Error condition reference codes
         Format: ref1-ref2-ref3
         ref1 - SIM source identification
           00xx : Hardware SIM
           40xx : SIM of unknown type
           60xx : Drive SIM
           E0xx : Microcode detected error (MDE)
           if ref1=00xx or 40xx : Service Reference Number
           if ref1=60xx         : Fault Symptom Code 1 and 2
           if ref1=E0xx         : MDE identifier and data
  (&09): Unit modifier codes
         Format: umo1-umo2-u3
         umo1 - Control unit microcode level
         umo2 - Drive microcode level
         u3   - Drive relative address
  (&07): Message extensions
           ,CLEANED : Cleaning completed, cleaning cartridge ejected
         - Repetition indicator
           ,REPEATED : This message has already been presented


   Nothing to do.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: T                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

NJT0031   TAPE MIM: (&00),(&08),(&01) ALERT,VOLUME=(&02),S=(&06),MC=(&03),E=(&04), RC=(&05)(&07) - CLEANING CARTRIDGE EXPIRED


A tape subsystem reported a Media Information Message (MIM).
The specified device has detected an abnormal medium condition that
requires storage administrator attention.
Meaning of message inserts:
  (&00): Mnemonic names of channel, control unit and device
         Format: xxxxyyyyzzzz (xxxx:channel, yyyy:ctrl.unit, zzzz:device)
  (&08): Concerned medium
         TVOL : Tape Volume
  (&01): Severity
         MODERATE : High temporary read/write errors detected.
         SERIOUS  : Permanent read/write errors detected.
         ACUTE    : Block 0 error (possible VOL1 label error).
  (&02): Volume identifier (=VSN)
  (&06): Source of VSN
         (external VSN: read by bar code reader)
         <8 : VSN unknown or possibly invalid
         =8 : VSN=internal VSN, did not read external VSN
         =9 : VSN=internal VSN, internal VSN = external VSN
         =A : - invalid -
         =B : VSN=internal VSN, internal VSN <> external VSN
         =C : VSN=external VSN, did not read internal VSN
         =D : VSN=external VSN, external VSN = internal VSN
         =E : VSN=external VSN, not internally labeled
         =F : VSN=external VSN, external VSN <> internal VSN
  (&03): Message code
         F0 : MIM (Media Information Message)
  (&04): Exception message code
         2  : Data degraded
         3  : Data degraded in partition yyyy    (yyyy=SB14-15)
         4  : Medium degraded
         5  : Medium degraded in partition yyyy  (yyyy=SB14-15)
         6  : Block 0 error
         7  : Medium exception
         8  : Label exception (internal/external VSN mismatch)
  (&05): REF code, media identifier and format identifier
         Format: refc-medi-fi
         refc - Reference Code
           72xx : Replace cleaner cartridge
         medi - Medium identifier
           0120 : Type unknown
           0121 : 160m CrO2
           0122 : 320m CrO2
           0130 : 320m Metal Particle (3591 Standard)
           0131 : 635m Metal Particle (3591 Extended)
           0201 :                     (3570 Standard)
           0202 :                     (3570 Extended)
         fi   - Format identifier
           20   : 18  Track          (3580)
           21   : 18  Track extended (3590)
           22   : 36  Track          (3590E)
           23   : 128 Track          (3591)
           24   : 256 Track          (3591E)
  (&07): Repetition indicator
         ,REPEATED : This message has already been presented


The last cleaning cartridge used in the tape drive has worn
out and must be replaced by a new one.