
Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE    Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS0001   Subsystem 'MSCF' does not exist in 'DSSM' subsystem catalog. Command not processed


If desired, enter the declaration of the subsystem MSCF in the subsystem
catalog and prepare the subsystem configuration.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS0002   Subsystem 'MSCF' not loaded. Command rejected


At first create the MSCF subsystem by means of the command
START-SUBSYSTEM SUBSYS=MSCF and then try the command again.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS0003   Subsystem 'MSCF' is being loaded. Try command later


Wait until the message "MCS0011 Subsystem 'MSCF' loaded ........" is
displayed on the console.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS0004   Subsystem 'MSCF' is being unloaded. Try command later


Wait until the message "MCS0012 Subsystem 'MSCF' unloaded ........" is
displayed on the console.
Then try command START-SUBSYSTEM SUBSYS=MSCF again.


Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE    Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS0006   Syntax error. Command '(&00)' not processed


(&00): definition of command.
Syntactical invalid option in command MRSSTART, MRSMOD, MRSEND, MRSSTA
or in the STRING operand of command START-SUBSYSTEM SUBSYS=MSCF or


Try the command again with the correct syntax.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0007   MSCF communication not initialized successfully. Error code '(&00)'


(&00): 01: Error when reading the system ID (e.g. dummy sys ID 250) or the
           BS2000 version number.
       03: Error when creating the SERVER bourse.
       04: Error when creating the REPLY bourse.
       05: Error when collecting BCAM requests.
       06: Error when opening BCAM applications $MRSAPP/$MRSAPPS.
       07: Error when creating the MSCF host table.
       08: Error when rejecting BCAM requests.
       09: The MSCF configuration file is incorrect:
           - file is empty or
           - file contains more entries than the maximum value allows or
           - there is an entry with invalid syntax.
       10: The MSCF configuration file is incorrect:
           Double definition of entries.
       11: The MSCF configuration file is incorrect:
           No valid entry for local host.
       12: Error when creating an MSCF host table entry.
       13: Error when creating an MSCF server task.
       14: Error when calling MSCF connection control.
       15: Internal error.
       16: Internal error.
       17: Internal error.
       18: Internal error.
       19: XCS not allowed.
DMS error: Error in the processing of the MSCF configuration file.
           The DMS error is identified by the 4-character DMS error code.
           For more detailed information about the DMS error code enter
           /HELP-MSG DMS(&00) in system mode or see the BS2000 manual
           'System Messages'.


01, 03, 04, 05, 07, 08:
contact the system administrator.
09, 10, 11, 12, DMS error:
retry the command START-SUBSYSTEM SUBSYS=MSCF with the correct
MSCF configuration file or take appropriate steps in accordance with
the DMS error code.
if the message 'MCS0008' appears on the console, activate BCAM and try
the command START-SUBSYSTEM SUBSYS=MSCF again else contact the
BS2000 system administrator.
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19:
contact the BS2000 system administrator.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0008   BCAM not yet started for MSCF communication


Start BCAM and try the command START-SUBSYSTEM SUBSYS=MSCF again.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : YES



The attempt to establish an MSCF connection to host (&00) is not accepted.
(&00): Processor name of remote host
(&01): reasons for the rejection:
       01: MSCF not active on host (&00) (cf. remark).
       02: MSCF on host (&00) does not know the Processor name of the
           local host.
       03: Host (&00) unknown in BCAM network or there is no BCAM
           connection to host (&00) (cf. remark).
       04: BCAM timeout because of fault in connection to host (&00)
           (cf. remark).
       05: An attempt is made to set up a connection to the local host.
       08: The same system ID occurs more than once in a planned network.
       09: Internal error (cf. remark). Possibly the BCMAP command was
           not performed.
       10: The request to include host (&00) in a closely or loosely
           coupled system is rejected. Reason: there is an inconsistency
           in using different coupling types or the password comparison
           is negative or passwords were given for a loosely coupled
       11: The request to include host (&00) in a closely coupled system
           is rejected. Reason: given password for local host is invalid.
       12: The minimum message length to be supported by BCAM is
           insufficient. 8 kB are required.
       13: There is an inconsistency concerning BCAM network (cf. remark).
       14: Internal error from remote host (&00).
       15: MSCF of the remote host (&00) has a version < V10.0
           (cf. remark).
       16: MSCF of the remote host (&00) cannot be coupled with the local
           version of MSCF.
       17: The host (&00) is not longer known on local host.
       18: Inconsistent MSCF connection.
       19: BCAM connection request pending.
       20: The same host name occurs more than once in a planned network.
       21: An MSCF connection to a CCS partner is not allowed
           during XCS start.
           The command will be executed by MSCF internally as soon as
       22: The BCAM route, which is used for the MSCF connection to the
           host (&00), does not support the required functionality in its
       23: Connection request rejected by configuration management of
           local host. The reason is indicated in message MCS1005.
       24: Connection request rejected by configuration management of
           host (&00). The reason is indicated in message MCS1005
           on host (&00).
       25: The remote host (&00) too tries to establish the MSCF
       26: Wrong REMOTE-PASSWORD in command /START-MSCF-CONNECTION on
           local host or remote host (&00).
       27: Error during initial internal communication.
       28: Configuration error. The reason is indicated in message MCS1005
           on host (&00).
Remark:    In the case of reasons marked with '(cf. remark)' possibly the
           remote host as well tries to establish an MSCF connection.


01: Load subsystem MSCF on host (&00).
    on host (&00)
    (<local> means the processor name of the local host).
03: Enter the command again with the correct processor name or
    enter the appropriate /BCIN commands.
04, 13, 14:
    Continue with the attempt to establish an MSCF connection.
    If it is unsuccessful, contact the network administrator.
05: Enter the command again with the correct processor name.
08, 16, 20, 27:
    Contact the system administrator.
09: Check whether correct BCMAP commands were entered at the local host
    and at host (&00) for all MSCF applications. If necessary enter
    corrected BCMAP commands and repeat command /START-MSCF-CONNECTION.
    If message MCS0050 has occurred, destroy connection by call of
    /BCCONN command and repeat command /START-MSCF-CONNECTION.
    If not successful, contact the network administrator.
10, 26:
    Enter the command again with correct data, if necessary also on
    remote host (&00).
11: Enter the command again with correct data.
12: Contact the network administrator.
17: Enter START-MSCF-CONNECTION on local host.
18: Continue with the attempt to set up an MSCF connection.
19: Continue with the attempt to set up an MSCF connection after waiting
    for timeout of BCAM.
22: Enter command BCMAP for the MSCF applications on the local host
    and on host (&00) and try command again.
25: If the MSCF connection is not established by the remote host enter
    the command again.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : YES

MCS0010   MSCF connection to host '(&00)' accepted


(&00): Processor name of remote host.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0011   Subsystem MSCF loaded and MSCF communication activated. (&00) server tasks created


(&00): number of created MSCF server tasks.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0012   Subsystem MSCF unloaded and MSCF communication terminated on local host


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : YES

MCS0013   MSCF connection request from host '(&00)' accepted


The request from host (&00) to establish an MSCF connection to the local
host has been accepted.
(&00): Processor name of remote host.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0014   MSCF connection with host '(&00)' no longer available


Possible reasons:
  STOP-SUBSYSTEM SUBSYS=MSCF has been entered on host (&00)
  (<local> stands for the processor name of the local host).
- the BCAM connection to host (&00) has been closed by BCAM command BCOUT
  or BCEND.
- Unrecoverable network disruption.
(&00): Processor name of remote host.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0015   MSCF connection with host '(&00)' disconnected


(&00): Processor name of remote host.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0016   Host '(&00)' not connected


(&00): Processor name of remote host.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0017   Host '(&00)' already connected. Command rejected


(&00): Processor name of remote host.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0018   Connection interrupted with host '(&00)', but recovered, initiated by '(&01)'


A connection interrupt occurred but was recovered.
MSCF messages sent during the connection interrupt may be lost.
(&00): Processor name of remote host.
(&01): 01: initiated by local host
       02: initiated by remote host


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0019   Number of created MSCF server tasks increased to '(&00)'


The number of MSCF server tasks has been increased to &00 to avoid a
deadlock situation. Possible reasons:
- Excessive load on a slave partner.
- System error (MSCF user).


Contact the BS2000 system administrator.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0021   LOCAL host belongs to shared pubset or XCS configuration. Command '(&00)' rejected


To force execution of the command, reenter the command
STOP-MSCF-CONNECTION with operand FORCED=YES or the command
However, this may have repercussions on applications on another host in
         the shared pubset or XCS configuration.


Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE    Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0022   SYSID '(&00)' not in permissible range. Command not processed


The system identifier specified in MSCF command SHOW-MRS-CONNECTIONS
is not in the range A,...,Z,0,....,9,65,...,192.
(&00): system identifier.


Reenter command SHOW-MRS-CONNECTIONS with a valid system identifier.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0023   Warning: Number of server tasks requested by /START-SUBSYSTEM not in range 2 through (&00). Value from configuration file or default value '4' will be assumed


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0024   (&00) entries written to serslog file during recent MSCF session


Due to internal errors in the MSCF communication,
(&00) error records have been written to the SERSLOG file
during the recent MSCF session.


For error diagnosis consult the SERSLOG file.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0025   Error during processing of command '(&00)'. Processing of command aborted


An error occurred during processing of command (&00). Further hints in
Serslog file.


Contact the system administrator.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: * (main console)    Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0027   Internal MSCF error. MSCF communication terminated. Serslog entry written


If the error persists, contact the BS2000 system administrator.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: * (main console)    Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0029   File '(&00)' will be used as MSCF configuration file


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: * (main console)    Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0030   File '(&00)' is used as MSCF trace file


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: * (main console)    Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0031   File '(&00)' is no longer used as MSCF trace file


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: * (main console)    Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0032   The command /SET-MSCF-ENVIRONMENT is only allowed in an MSCF configuration file


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: * (main console)    Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0033   Operand RECOVERY-START ignored for partner '(&00)'


Operand RECOVERY-START of command START-MSCF-CONNECTION is not defined for
partners with an MSCF version less than V12.0.
(&00):  Processor name of partner.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0035   Command '(&00)' for host '(&01)' is still processed, command '(&02)' rejected


(&01):  Processor name of the remote host


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0036   Command '(&00)' not  allowed for subsystem MSCF. Use command '(&01)' instead




Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0037   Error in management of trace file '(&00)', reason '(&01)'


(&00): Name of the MSCF trace file.
(&01): Error reason:
       01: The assigned user id is unknown.
       02: The assigned pubset
           - has no MRSCAT entry or
           - is not imported exclusively.
       03: Internal error when checking user id.
       04: Internal error when checking MRSCAT entry.
       05: MSCF task not ready to perform this task.
  DMS0XXX: DMS error code. For more detailed information enter command
           /HELP-MSG (&01).


01, 02:  Correct and reenter the command resp. import the pubset
03, 04, 05: Contact the system administrator.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0038   Command 'MODIFY-MSCF-CONNECTION PROCESSOR-NAME=(&00) ...' rejected, reason '(&01)'


Command MODIFY-MSCF-CONNECTION for host (&00) rejected.
(&00): Processor name of the remote host.
(&01): Reason:
       01: Specification of local host is not allowed.
       02: Remote host is unknown.
       03: Remote host is not connected.
       04: Connection type is not CCS.
       05: MSCF version of remote host is less than V14.0.
       06: Internal error.


03: Use command /START-MSCF-CONNECTION instead.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0039   Second control connection noted for host '(&00)'


The second MSCF control connection will be established, as soon as it is
requested by the remote host.
(&00): Processor name of the remote host.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0040   Application '(&00)' established MSCF control connection to host '(&01)'. Control connections: '(&02)'


The local host established a MSCF control connection to a remote host.
(&00): Application name of control connection.
(&01): Processor name of the remote host.
(&02): Number of active control connections including the new connection:


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0043   Application '(&00)' accepted MSCF control connection by host '(&01)'. Control connections: '(&02)'


A remote host established a MSCF control connection to the local host.
(&00): Application name of control connection.
(&01): Processor name of the remote host.
(&02): Number of active control connections including the new connection.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0044   Application '(&00)' lost MSCF control connection to host '(&01)'. Control connections: '(&02)'


A MSCF control connection has been closed or was lost.
(&00): Application name of control connection.
(&01): Processor name of the remote host.
(&02): Number of active control connections after the current loss.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS0048   MSCF control connection '(&00)' interrupted with host '(&01)', but recovered, initiated by '(&02)'


A temporarily interrupted control connection has recovered.
(&00): Application name of control connection.
(&01): Processor name of remote host.
(&02): 01: initiated by local host
       02: initiated by remote host


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS0049   MSCF connection with host '(&00)' interrupted, recovery started


An attempt is made to re-establish interrupted MSCF connection.
(&00): Processor name of remote host.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS0050   BCAM connection to host '(&00)' already established


BCAM connection to remote host already established.
(&00): Processor name of remote host.


Destroy BCAM connection with BCAM command (/BCCONN) and
re-establish MSCF connection with command /START-MSCF-CONNECTION.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : YES

MCS0059   MSCF connection from host '(&00)' not accepted, Error code '(&01)'


The attempt to establish an MSCF connection from host (&00) is not
(&00): Processor name of remote host
(&01): reasons for the rejection:
       02: MSCF on local host does not know the processor name of the
           remote host (&00).
       08: The same system ID occurs more than once in a planned network.
       09: Internal error.
       10: The request of host (&00) to include the local host in a
           closely or loosely coupled system is rejected. Reason: there
           is an inconsistency in using different coupling types or the
           password comparison is negative or passwords were given for a
           loosely coupled connection.
       12: The minimum message length to be supported by BCAM is
           insufficient. 8 kB are required.
       14: Internal error in remote host (&00).
       16: MSCF of the remote host (&00) cannot be coupled with the local
           version of MSCF.
       18: Inconsistent MSCF connection.
       20: The same host name occurs more than once in a planned network.
       21: An MSCF connection to a CCS partner is not allowed
           during XCS start.
           The command will be executed by MSCF internally as soon as
       23: Connection request rejected by configuration management of
           host (&00). The reason is indicated in message MCS1005
           on host (&00).
       24: Connection request from Host (&00) rejected by configuration
           management of local host. The reason is indicated in message
       26: Wrong REMOTE-PASSWORD in command /START-MSCF-CONNECTION on
           local host or remote host (&00).
       27: Error during initial internal communication.
       28: Configuration error. The reason is indicated in message


    at local host.
08, 16, 20, 27:
    Contact the system administrator.
09: Continue with the attempt to establish an MSCF connection.
    If not successful, contact the network administrator.
10, 26:
    Enter the command again with correct data, if necessary also on
    remote host (&00).
12: Contact the network administrator.
14: Continue with the attempt to establish an MSCF connection.
    If it is unsuccessful, contact the network administrator.
18: Continue with the attempt to set up an MSCF connection.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS0999   Unexpected situation in MSCF-C processing, error logged in SERSLOG file


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1001   Local MSCF configuration parameter '(&00)' changed from '(&01)' to '(&02)'


A local MSCF configuration parameter has been modified via command
(&00): Name of the modified parameter.
(&01): Old value.
(&02): New value.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1002   Global MSCF configuration parameter '(&00)' changed from '(&01)' to '(&02)'


A globally effective MSCF configuration parameter has been modified via
command /MODIFY-MSCF-ENVIRONMENT. The modification came into effect on the
local host and all connected partners.
(&00): Name of the modified parameter.
(&01): Old value.
(&02): New value.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS1003   Abort of MSCF. Error code: '(&00)'


The host aborts MSCF. The error code (&00) classifies the possible
reasons. More detailed information about the reason of the abort can be
obtained through analysis of the CONSLOG and SERSLOG files.
(&00): Meaning of the error codes.
       1: A CCS or XCS partner has been detected mistakenly as crashed.
          Cf. message MCS1004.
       2: Internal error: Invalid flow of control.
       3: Internal error: Invalid control data.
       4: Internal error: Error in monitoring protocol.
       5: Total loss of communication.
       6: Total loss of disk monitoring.
       7: Error when requesting necessary resources (e.g. shortage of
          memory or mandatory registered function not available).
       8: Internal error: Program error.
       9: Error in registered function or its interface. Cf. messages
          MCS1007 or MCS1008 in CONSLOG.
      10: Error in XCS occupation management: USER TERM LIMIT elapsed or
          internal error.
      11: The current XCS reconfiguration is terminated abnormally because
          XCS is interrupted.
      12: The partner named in message MCS1009 realized the interruption
          of XCS quicker than the host and initiated the abort of the
          current XCS reconfiguration.
      13: Internal error. XCS configuration inconsistent.
      14: The start of the leave reconfiguration was blocked for more
          than 10 minutes by an other reconfiguration. The leave is
          therefore replaced by an abort.
      15: Partners with identical names in different XCS' with the same
      16: LEAVE LIMIT elapsed. The leave is replaced by an abort.
      17: XCS interrupted by loss of connection. In order to get rid of
          the interruption, the XCS member with the lower HOST PRIORITY is
      99: Abort requested by operator.


1: After the abort of MSCF has been finished reload subsystem MSCF and
    restart affected applications using a consistent database.
2, 3, 4, 8, 13:
    Inform system administrator.
5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17: 
    After elimination of the cause of the error reload subsystem MSCF.
9: Look for messages of the registered function referred to by a
    preceding message MCS1007 or MCS1008. Use these messages to narrow
    down the cause of the error. After elimination of the cause of the
    error reload subsystem MSCF. If not successful, inform the system
10: In case USER TERM LIMIT has elapsed this is a normal reaction.
    In other cases inform system administrator.
14, 16:
    These are normal reactions, no response required.
16: If necessary adjust the parameter LEAVE-LIMIT by means of command
    SET-MSCF-ENVIRONMENT in the MSCF configuration file.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS1004   Erroneous crash detection of partner '(&00)'. Data inconsistencies must be assumed


The remote partner is considered as crashed and the remaining XCS or
shared pubset configuration is reconfigured. The partner became active
again within the same MSCF session revealing the crash detection as
erroneous. An abort of subsystem MSCF is initiated. Data inconsistencies
within XCS or shared pubset applications must be taken into account.
(&00): Host name of the remote partner.
Possible reasons:
  - Wrong MSCF configuration parameter settings.
  - Faulty operating.


After abort of MSCF has been finished reload subsystem MSCF and restart
affected applications using a consistent database.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS1005   Configuration failure. Partner '(&00)' is rejected, reason: '(&01)'


(&00): Processor name of rejected partner.
(&01): Reason for rejection of partner:
   1: During join of host to XCS connections to CCS partners cannot be
   2: Two partners have the same host name.
   3: Partner declared as crashed.
   4: Internal Error.
   5: Shortage of memory.
   6: Two different XCS are using the same XCS name.
   7: Invalid control protocol sequence.
   8: FAIL DETECTION LIMIT not compatible.
   9: RECOVERY START not compatible.
  11: SYSID already used by another partner.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1006   Reconfiguration time limit exceeded by registered function '(&00)'. Reconfiguration: '(&01)'


Reconfiguration of a registered function lasts longer than expected.
(&00): Registered function.
  NSM  Node Synchronization Manager.
  XTS  XCS Time Synchronization.
  XPM  XCS Pubset Management.
  GSM  Global Storage Manager.
  NSG  Node Synchronization - Global storage part.
  GSV  Global Storage Volume emulation.
  CPM  CCS Pubset Management.
  DAB  Disk Access Buffer.
  SHC  Symmetrix Host Component.
(&01): identification of reconfiguration.
   *INIT:               Local initialization.
   *START:              Global initialization.
   *TERM-LOCAL:         Local termination.
   *TERM-GLOBAL:        Global termination.
   *ABORT-LOCAL:        Local termination when aborting.
   *ABORT-GLOBAL:       Global termination when aborting.
   PARTNER=<host name>: Abort of partner <host name> (CCS).
   #<number>:           <number> = reconfiguration number of destination
                        reconfiguration (XCS).
Possible reasons:
  - The setting of fail detection interval is too small.
  - Because of an extraordinary situation reconfiguration takes longer
    than usual.
  - Undetected protocol failure.


  - Correct the setting of fail detection interval.
  - Follow the suggestions made by the registered function.
  - Terminate subsystem MSCF.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS1007   Error when reconfiguring registered function '(&00)'


An error occurred at start or reconfiguration of a registered function.
(&00): Registered function.
  NSM  Node Synchronization Manager.
  XTS  XCS Time Synchronization.
  XPM  XCS Pubset Management.
  GSM  Global Storage Manager.
  NSG  Node Synchronization - Global storage part.
  GSV  Global Storage Volume emulation.
  CPM  CCS Pubset Management.
  DAB  Disk Access Buffer.
  SHC  Symmetrix Host Component.
Possible reasons:
  - error when calling function bourse.
  - protocol error.
Further hints in serslog entry.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS1008   Abort requested by registered function '(&00)'


Abort initiated by a registered function.
(&00): Registered function.
  NSM  Node Synchronization Manager.
  XTS  XCS Time Synchronization.
  XPM  XCS Pubset Management.
  GSM  Global Storage Manager.
  NSG  Node Synchronization - Global storage part.
  GSV  Global Storage Volume emulation.
  CPM  CCS Pubset Management.
  DAB  Disk Access Buffer.
  SHC  Symmetrix Host Component.
Possible reasons:
  - Registered function unable to initialize,
  - registered function unable to reconfigure,
  - registered function operational error.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1009   Abort requested by partner '(&00)'


This message complements error code '12' of message MCS1003
(&00): Host name of partner.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS1010   MSCF termination failure. Subsystem MSCF is terminated at system shutdown


Termination of subsystem MSCF failed. MSCF is terminated in system
shutdown and cannot be started again in the current BS2000 session.
Possible reasons:
  - Error in termination of a registered function. Use command
    /SHOW-MSCF-CONFIGURATION to determine the state of the registered
  - Error during reduction of XCS usage.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1011   System termination started. Fail-reconfiguration on partner may be started after shutdown end


The host could not leave an XCS properly. Shutdown has been initiated.
XCS reconfiguration is not started automatically.


After completion of shutdown answer message
'MCS1100 ... START FAIL-RECONFIGURATION?' displayed at a partner host
remaining in the XCS with 'CRASH'.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1012   Partner '(&00)' with SYSID '(&01)' crashed, reconfiguration follows


Partner (&00) is recognized as crashed. An XCS or CCS reconfiguration
will be initiated.
(&00): Host name of partner.
(&01): SYSID of partner.
Possible reasons:
  - If recovery-start option is set to AUTOMATIC, a failure of connection
    control and disk control has been detected within the time interval
    set for automatic failure detection by all active hosts of the XCS.
  - The operator has confirmed the crash of the partner.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1013   Partner '(&00)' abnormally terminated


Partner (&00) has finished abnormal termination.
(&00): Host name of partner.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS1014   XCS not allowed in this session


Possible reasons:
  - Class 2 option prohibits XCS (MCXSPXCS=N).
  - Subsystem MSCF has been started earlier in this session providing
    XCS functionality locally.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS1015   Fail detection limit too short for snapshot dump


Creation of a SNAPSHOT dump takes longer than a fail detection interval.
If automatic failure recovery is activated, the host may be erroneously
considered as crashed by the partner hosts when a SNAPSHOT is created.
This erroneous crash detection is avoided, if local host and partner
hosts have installed BS2000 versions and MSCF versions V14 or greater
and working disk control paths (XCS pubset or shared pubset) exist
between local host and partner hosts.


Deactivate automatic failure recovery or correct the setting for the fail
detection interval.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1016   (&00) user tasks will be terminated


On termination of subsystem MSCF user tasks holding global locks
will be terminated.
(&00)  Number of user tasks.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS1017   Active XCS partner '(&00)' unknown


The active XCS partner (&00) is not noted in the local XCS configuration.
The configuration files may be inconsistent.
(&00): Host name of partner.


Eliminate the cause of the error and restart subsystem MSCF.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1018   Partner '(&00)' does not reply


Partner (&00) did not respond to a message denoting a change of the XCS
configuration. The message is sent again.
(&00): Host name of partner.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1019   No XCS defined


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 98

Warranty   : NO

MCS1020   Not enough memory to process command '(&00)'


More main memory is needed to process the command than is available at the


Reenter the command.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS1021   MSCF termination blocked by (&00) tasks


Termination of (&00) tasks using XCS functionality is not yet completed.
Subsystem MSCF may only be terminated after release of all XCS resources.


Wait until all tasks that use XCS functionality are terminated or help
them to do so. You can determine these tasks by command


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS1022   Not connected XCS partner '(&00)' using same XCS name '(&01)'


Creation of XCS cluster with XCS name (&01) not possible, because
XCS partner (&00) using the same XCS name already exists; establishing
MSCF connection to XCS partner (&00) has been refused.


Clear configuration on XCS partner (&00), evtl. remove messages
waiting for answer, and restart subsystem MSCF


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1026   XCM task not ready to process command '(&00)'


Reenter the command.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1027   Running '(&00)' timer changed to '(&01)'


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1028   Elapsed '(&00)' time must not be modified


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1029   The undefined MSCF configuration parameter '(&00)' must not be modified


The MSCF configuration parameter (&00) has no meaning in current context.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1030   LEAVE-LIMIT '(&00)' elapsed, MSCF aborts


(&00): LEAVE-LIMIT as specified in command SET/MODIFY-MSCF-ENVIRONMENT.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1031   ABORT-LIMIT '(&00)' elapsed, system termination follows


(&00): ABORT-LIMIT as specified in command SET/MODIFY-MSCF-ENVIRONMENT.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1032   MSCF terminated on partner '(&00)' with SYSID '(&01)', reconfiguration follows


MSCF of partner (&00) is recognized as aborted. An XCS or CCS
reconfiguration will be initiated.
(&00): Host name of partner.
(&01): SYSID of partner.
Possible reasons:
  - The termination of MSCF on partner (&00) was recognized by all active
    hosts of the CCS- or XCS-network.
  - The operator has confirmed the termination of MSCF on partner (&00).


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1033   Partner '(&00)' prevents modification of HOST-PRIORITY


HOST-PRIORITY may be modified only, if all XCS partners have a XCS version
greater or equal 14.0A.
(&00): Host name of partner.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1034   Partner specific MSCF configuration parameter RECOVERY-START for partner '(&00)' not changed


RECOVERY-START setting of partner with MSCF version less than V14.0A
prohibits modification.
(&00): Host name of the remote partner.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1036   XCS member '(&00)' and remote host '(&01)' in different XCS using the same XCS name


XCS names must be unambiguous. A MSCF connection to host (&01) is


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1037   Answer '(&00)' for question MCS1103 rejected, reason: '(&01)'


Question MCS1103 was answered wrongly.
(&02): Reasons:
    1: Partner (&00) does not exist.
    2: (&00) is not offered as possible answer in question MCS1103.
    3: Partner (&00) is blocking a fail reconfiguration. The blockade
       must be removed only by reestablishing the connection or
       terminating the partner.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1038   Partner '(&00)' prevents modification of RECOVERY-START


RECOVERY-START can be changed to *CONSISTENT-BY-OPERATOR only, when
partners with MSCF versions less than 14.0A have set RECOVERY-START to
(&00): Host name of partner.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1039   RECOVERY-START setting of partner '(&00)' prevents MSCF connection with '(&01)'


RECOVERY-START settings of hosts (&00) and (&01) with MSCF versions
less than 14.0A are not compatible.
(&00), (&01): Host names of remote hosts.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1040   Partner '(&00)' changed global MSCF configuration parameter '(&01)' from '(&02)' to '(&03)'


A globally effective MSCF configuration parameter has been modified by a
remote partner. The modification came into effect on the local host.
(&00): Host name of the remote partner.
(&01): Name of the modified parameter.
(&02): Old value.
(&03): New value.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1041   Partner specific MSCF configuration parameter '(&00)' for partner '(&01)' changed from '(&02)' to '(&03)'


A partner specific MSCF configuration parameter has been modified via
command /MODIFY-MSCF-CONNECTION. The modification came into effect on the
local host and on the partner.
(&00): Name of the modified parameter.
(&01): Host name of the remote partner.
(&02): Old value.
(&03): New value.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1042   Partner '(&00)' changes partner specific MSCF configuration parameter '(&01)' from '(&02)' to '(&03)'


A remote partner is modifying an MSCF configuration parameter that has
effects on the local host. The modification came into effect on the local
(&00): Host name of the remote partner.
(&01): Name of the modified parameter.
(&02): Old value.
(&03): New value.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1043   XCS partner '(&00)' is assigned permanently to CONTROL-GROUP='1'


When an MSCF connection to an XCS partner is established for the first
time, the partner is assigned to CONTROL-GROUP=1. This assignment must
not be changed.
(&00): Processor name of the remote XCS partner.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1044   Answer '(&00)' for '(&01)' rejected


Answer (&00) is not allowed for question (&01)


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS1045   Partner '(&00)' erroneously announced crashed


The remote partner or MSCF of remote partner was announced crashed by
means of message MCS1012 or MCS1032 respectively. The partner became
active again within the same MSCF session revealing the crash announcement
erroneous. No pubset is shared with the remote partner. The MSCF session
(&00): Host name of the remote partner.
Possible reasons:
  - Wrong MSCF configuration parameter settings.
  - Faulty operating.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1046   Partner '(&00)' with SYSID '(&01)' in SHUTDOWN


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1047   Partner '(&00)' reports abnormal termination of '(&01)'. Reason: '(&02)'


(&00): Host name of monitoring partner.
(&01): Host name of terminating partner.
(&02): Reasons. Remote operator answers are valid locally:
       MTERM:        MCS1100 was answered with MTERM.
       CRASH:        MCS1100 was answered with CRASH.
       Possibly RECOVERY-START settings require intervention by operator:
       LIVE-MONITOR: System termination confirmed by LIVE-MONITOR.
       MSCF:         At least two independent monitoring paths failed


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1048   System component '(&00)' requests Cluster Recovery Lock


This message logs only the CRL request. Allocation of CRL is logged by
message MCS1002 'LOCKED'.
(&00): ETMDR = Dynamic Reconfiguration
       ETMRK = CPU-Reconfiguration
       EGCREC = GS-Manager
       VM2000 = VM2000


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1049   System component '(&00)' releases Cluster Recovery Lock


This message logs only the release request. The release of CRL is logged
by message MCS1002 ...from 'LOCKED' to...
(&00): ETMDR = Dynamic Reconfiguration
       ETMRK = CPU-Reconfiguration
       EGCREC = GS-Manager
       VM2000 = VM2000


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1050   System component '(&00)' locks modification of RECOVERY-START


Modification of RECOVERY-START is possible only after system component
(&00) releases the Cluster Recovery Lock.
(&00): ETMDR = Dynamic Reconfiguration
       ETMRK = CPU-Reconfiguration
       EGCREC = GS-Manager
       VM2000 = VM2000


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1051   Partner '(&00)' locks modification of RECOVERY-START


A system component of partner (&00) is holding the Cluster Recovery Lock.
(&00): Host name of the partner system.


Modification of RECOVERY-START is possible only after release of Cluster
Recovery Lock.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1052   Cluster Recovery Lock not assigned, command rejected


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: @ (conslog)         Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1053   Cluster Recovery Lock held by system component '(&00)' will be released


This message logs only the release request by the operating. The release
of CRL is logged by message MCS1002 ...from 'LOCKED' to...
(&00): ETMDR = Dynamic Reconfiguration
       ETMRK = CPU-Reconfiguration
       EGCREC = GS-Manager
       VM2000 = VM2000


Destination: USER-TASK, CONSOLE    Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS1054   Host '(&00)' not known on local system


(&00): Processor name of remote host.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1080   Partner '(&00)' with SYSID '(&01)' starts monitoring of local host, RECOVERY-START='(&02)'


(&00): Host name of the remote partner.
(&01): SYSID of the remote partner.
(&02): Consolidated RECOVERY-START value for monitoring of local host
       by partner (&00), resulting from current local and remote, general
       and partner specific settings.
       Possible values in order of decreasing priority:
  LOCKED:      A system component of local or remote system holds the
               Cluster Recovery Lock (cf. message MCS1048).
  BY-OPERATOR: A local setting is *CONSISTENT-BY-OPERATOR or a remote
               setting is *CONSISTENT-BY-OPERATOR or *BY-OPERATOR.
  SECURE:      A local or remote setting is *SECURE.
  AUTOMATIC:   None of the statements above is true.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1081   Partner '(&00)' with SYSID '(&01)' finished monitoring of local host


(&00): Host name of the remote partner.
(&01): SYSID of the remote partner.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1082   Partner '(&00)' with SYSID '(&01)' changed monitoring of local host, RECOVERY-START='(&02)'


(&00): Host name of the remote partner.
(&01): SYSID of the remote partner.
(&02): Consolidated RECOVERY-START value for monitoring of local host
       by partner (&00), resulting from current local and remote, general
       and partner specific settings.
       Possible values in order of decreasing priority:
  LOCKED:      A system component of local or remote system holds the
               Cluster Recovery Lock (cf. message MCS1048).
  BY-OPERATOR: A local setting is *CONSISTENT-BY-OPERATOR or a remote
               setting is *CONSISTENT-BY-OPERATOR or *BY-OPERATOR.
  SECURE:      A local or remote setting is *SECURE.
  AUTOMATIC:   None of the statements above is true.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1090   Monitoring of partner '(&00)' with SYSID '(&01)' started, RECOVERY-START='(&02)'


The partner is monitored by one or both of the monitoring mechanisms,
connection monitoring and disk monitoring. Inactivity of the partner is
signaled by a console message. Depending on the RECOVERY-START settings,
a fail-reconfiguration may be started automatically or by operator.
(&00): Host name of the remote partner.
(&01): SYSID of the remote partner.
(&02): Consolidated RECOVERY-START value for monitoring of partner (&00)
       by local host, resulting from current local and remote, general
       and partner specific settings.
       Possible values in order of decreasing priority:
  LOCKED:      A system component of local or remote system holds the
               Cluster Recovery Lock (cf. message MCS1048).
               or a remote setting is *CONSISTENT-BY-OPERATOR.
  SECURE:      A local or remote setting is *SECURE.
  AUTOMATIC:   None of the statements above is true.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 70

Warranty   : NO

MCS1091   Monitoring of partner '(&00)' with SYSID '(&01)' finished


(&00): Host name of the remote partner.
(&01): SYSID of the remote partner.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1092   Monitoring of partner '(&00)' with SYSID '(&01)' changed, RECOVERY-START='(&02)'


(&00): Host name of the remote partner.
(&01): SYSID of the remote partner.
(&02): Consolidated RECOVERY-START value for monitoring of partner (&00)
       by local host, resulting from current local and remote, general
       and partner specific settings.
       Possible values in order of decreasing priority:
  LOCKED:      A system component of local or remote system holds the
               Cluster Recovery Lock (cf. message MCS1048).
               or a remote setting is *CONSISTENT-BY-OPERATOR.
  SECURE:      A local or remote setting is *SECURE.
  AUTOMATIC:   None of the statements above is true.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 98

Warranty   : NO

MCS1100   No activity of partner '(&00)' detectable, reason: '(&01)'. Start fail-reconfiguration? Reply: (MTERM=MSCF of partner (&00) terminated; CRASH=partner (&00) has crashed or finished SHUTDOWN)


Both monitoring mechanisms, connection monitoring and disk monitoring
notice inactivity of partner (&00). The partner has possibly crashed.
The views of all XCS members coincide in this respect. Live Monitor did
not confirm the partner as crashed. To start the fail-reconfiguration
the failure must be confirmed by the operator.
(&00): Host name of partner.
(&01): Reason for outputting the question:
       Three consecutive letters characterize an explicit inhibition of
       automatic reconfiguration by RECOVERY-START settings:
  L..: The fist letter shows, whether this is a local (=L) or remote (=R)
  R..: setting.
  .G.: The second letter shows, whether this is a general (=G) or
  .P.: partnerspecific (=P) setting.
       The third letter shows the value of the setting characterized by
       first two letters:
  ..S: *SECURE
  ..L: *LOCKED: A system component locks automatic start of recovery.
       Single letters characterize other reasons:
  D:   DOWN: Partner (&00) aborts MSCF or is in SHUTDOWN.
  L:   LOCKED by a system component (e.g. SNAP, ...) of partner.
  M:   MODIFYING: The MSCF configuration parameter RECOVERY-START is being
  S:   SINGLE PATH: Partner is monitored by a single path only.


Make sure whether MSCF of the partner has terminated or the partner system
has crashed or finished SHUTDOWN. Answer 'MTERM' or 'CRASH' respectively
only if you are absolutely sure. Otherwise try to get rid of the
disruption. If not successful, terminate MSCF or the BS2000 session of
partner (&00) and answer 'MTERM' or 'CRASH' only after termination of
MSCF or end of SHUTDOWN.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 98

Warranty   : NO

MCS1101   MSCF connection to XCS-partner '(&00)' lost, reasons: '(&01)'. Re-establish connection or stop MSCF


XCS is interrupted by loss of connection to partner (&00).
(&00): Host name of partner.
(&01): Reasons for outputting the question:
       Three consecutive letters characterize an explicit inhibition of
       automatic reconfiguration by RECOVERY-START settings:
  L..: The fist letter shows, whether this is a local (=L) or remote (=R)
  R..: setting.
  .G.: The second letter shows, whether this is a general (=G) or
  .P.: partnerspecific (=P) setting.
       The third letter shows the value of the setting characterized by
       first two letters:
  ..S: *SECURE
  ..L: *LOCKED: A system component locks automatic start of recovery.
       Single letters characterize other reasons:
  D:   DOWN: Partner (&00) aborts MSCF or is in SHUTDOWN.
  L:   LOCKED by a system component (e.g. SNAP, ...) of partner.
  M:   MODIFYING: The MSCF configuration parameter RECOVERY-START or
       HOST-PRIORITY is being modified.
  O:   OVERDUE: An expected MSCF abort of the partner according to the
       current settings of HOST-PRIORITY is overdue.
  U:   UNCERTAIN: Partner (&00) was lost or considered crashed by all
       XCS-members, but then one partner signaled partner (&00) as


Do one of the following:
  - re-establish the lost MSCF connection, or, if not successful
  - terminate subsystem MSCF at one of the affected hosts.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS1102   MSCF termination failure. System termination required to allow XCS reconfiguration


Subsystem MSCF cannot be terminated because of a non recoverable error.
Reconfiguration of XCS on remaining hosts may only be started after
shutdown end of this host.


Do the following in the indicated order:
  1. Initiate system shutdown.
  2. After completion of shutdown answer message
     'MCS1100 ... START FAIL-RECONFIGURATION?' displayed at a partner
     host remaining in the XCS by 'CRASH'.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 98

Warranty   : NO

MCS1103   Partners '(&00)' are blocking reconfiguration of partners '(&01)'


Partners named in lists &00 and &01 share at least one pubset with the
local host. Systems named in list &01 are SPVS-master of at least one of
the shared pubsets. Fail reconfiguration for SPVS-partners may be started
only, when all active SPVS-partners are connected properly.
(&00): List of host names of blocking partners.
(&01): List of host names of blocked partners.


To remove the blockades act as follows:
1. If there are questions MCS1100 open for partners in list &00, answer
   them for partners that have crashed or terminated MSCF:
   The names of these partners are removed from list &00.
2. If 1. does not apply, re-establish MSCF connections to partners in list
   &00: The names of the corresponding partners are removed from list
3. If another system is backup master for a crashed system in list &01,
   the concerned names are removed automatically from the lists &00 and
   &01, as soon as the corresponding master change has finished.
   Possibly one of the actions described in 1. and 2. is to be executed
   at the remote backup master.
4. When list &00 becomes empty, MCS1103 is retracted and fail
   reconfiguration is started.
Normally MCS1103 should not be answered directly. MCS1103 is retracted
automatically, as soon as all actions described in 1. to 3. have been
executed. Only when you are sure that neither the local system nor a
slave system in list &00 is backup master for any crashed system in list
&01 and relevant to all shared pubsets, you can shorten step 3. (with
effect for the local host only) by answering with the name of this slave
system. In this case, the name of the slave system is removed from list
&00 immediately, without waiting for the termination (or start) of the
master change.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 98

Warranty   : NO

MCS1104   Partner '(&00)' crashed. Reason: '(&01)'. Start fail-reconfiguration? Reply: (YES=start fail-reconfiguration)


Crash of partner (&00) has been confirmed. One or more reasons (&01)
inhibit automatic start of fail-reconfiguration.
(&00): Host name of partner.
(&01): Reason for outputting the question:
       Three consecutive letters characterize an explicit inhibition of
       automatic reconfiguration by RECOVERY-START settings:
  L..: The fist letter shows, whether this is a local (=L) or remote (=R)
  R..: setting.
  .G.: The second letter shows, whether this is a general (=G) or
  .P.: partnerspecific (=P) setting.
       The third letter shows the value of the setting characterized by
       first two letters:
       Single letters characterize other reason:
  M:   MODIFYING: The MSCF configuration parameter RECOVERY-START is being


Answer 'YES' to start fail-reconfiguration.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 98

Warranty   : NO

MCS1110   Current MSCF version does not support Cluster Recovery Lock. Request by '(&00)' cannot be honored


To perform an operator request, system component (&00) requires a Cluster
Recovery Lock, but the currently loaded MSCF version does not support CRL.
(&00): ETMDR = Dynamic Reconfiguration
       ETMRK = CPU-Reconfiguration
       EGCREC = GS-Manager
       VM2000 = VM2000


Terminate MSCF and repeat operator call to (&00).


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 98

Warranty   : NO

MCS1111   MSCF partner '(&00)' prevent allocation of Cluster Recovery Lock. Request by '(&01)' cannot be honored


To perform an operator request, system component (&01) requires a Cluster
Recovery Lock. The MSCF-partners in list (&00) prevent allocation of CRL.
(&00): Host names of partners with MSCF V13 and RECOVERY-START setting
       different from *CONSISTENT-BY-OPERATOR.
(&01): ETMDR = Dynamic Reconfiguration
       ETMRK = CPU-Reconfiguration
       EGCREC = GS-Manager
       VM2000 = VM2000


Terminate MSCF at local system or at systems (&00) and repeat operator
call to (&01).


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 98

Warranty   : NO

MCS1112   System component '(&00)' holds Cluster Recovery Lock


System component (&00) holds Cluster Recovery Lock.
(&00): ETMDR = Dynamic Reconfiguration
       ETMRK = CPU-Reconfiguration
       EGCREC = GS-Manager
       VM2000 = VM2000


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1200   Creation of XCS '(&00)' started


The Host is the first to join XCS (&00) thereby creating XCS (&00).
Creation of XCS is started.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1201   Creation of XCS '(&00)' finished, XCS ready


The Host is the first to join XCS (&00) thereby creating XCS (&00).
Creation of XCS is finished.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1202   Join to XCS '(&00)' started


The local host joins to the existing XCS (&00). Join reconfiguration has
just been started.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1203   Reconfiguration of XCS '(&00)' started. Join of host '(&01)'


Command '/START-SUBSYSTEM MSCF' has been entered at partner (&01)
The partner is joining to the XCS (&00). The message is displayed at all
hosts already participating in the XCS.
(&01): Host name of partner.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1204   Reconfiguration of XCS '(&00)' finished. XCS ready


Possible reasons for the reconfiguration:
  - A partner joined to the XCS.
  - A partner left the XCS normally.
  - A partner left the XCS abnormally.
  - A combination of these reasons.
(&00): Name of XCS.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1205   Join to XCS '(&00)' finished. XCS ready


The reconfiguration for joining the local host to XCS (&00) is finished.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1206   Reconfiguration of XCS '(&00)' started. Leave of host '(&01)'


Command '/STOP-SUBSYSTEM MSCF' has been entered at partner (&01).
Leave reconfiguration of XCS (&00) for partner (&00) is started.
The message is displayed at hosts remaining in the XCS.
(&01): Host name of partner.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1207   Leave from XCS '(&00)' started


command '/STOP-SUBSYSTEM MSCF' has been entered. The local host leaves
XCS (&00). The XCS remains in existence and is reconfigured.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1208   Termination of XCS '(&00)' started


The command '/STOP-SUBSYSTEM MSCF' has been entered. The local host is
the last member of XCS (&00). The XCS will be terminated.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1210   Leave from XCS '(&00)' finished. XCS not available


The local host has left XCS (&00). XCS reconfiguration of the remaining
partners is finished. No XCS functionality is available at the local host.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1211   XCS '(&00)' terminated, XCS not available


The local host has left XCS (&00) as the last member thereby terminating
the XCS. No XCS functionality is available.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1213   Reconfiguration of XCS '(&00)' started. Partner '(&01)' will be removed


Partner (&01) is going to be removed from XCS (&00). The reason is given
in a preceding message.
(&01): Host name of partner.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1214   Reconfiguration of control group '(&00)' started


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1215   SPVS sharer '(&00)' for shared pubset(s) '(&01)' crashed


Possibly a master change for pubsets in list '(&01)' is pending.
(&00): Host name of the crashed system.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1216   Fail reconfiguration of SPVS-partner '(&00)' started


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS1300   System termination to prevent erroneous crash detection by partners


A write error on all pubsets shared by the local host and a controlling
partner occurred simultaneously with the loss of all MSCF connections to
this partner. Because the RECOVERY-START settings (general and partner
specific, local and partners settings) are all set to *AUTOMATIC, the
controlling partner may assume the local host to have crashed and start
fail reconfiguration. To grant consistency even in this case, the local
host is terminated by SETS.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS1301   System termination to allow the reconfiguration at the MSCF partners


The general RECOVERY-START value of the local host is set to *AUTOMATIC.
When terminating XCS membership of this host not all global XCS resources
occupied by the host could be released successfully. To initiate a fail
reconfiguration of the hosts remaining in the XCS the system is
terminated automatically to enable abort reconfiguration at the remaining
Possible reasons:
  - Program error in configuration management.
  - Termination request by an registered function.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS1302   System termination because of irrecoverable error in configuration management


Error recovery of configuration management is unable to recover from an
error. To grant consistency the current system session is terminated
by SETS.


Forward the dump to system diagnosis and restart the system.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS1303   Unexpected situation in XCM processing, error logged in SERSLOG file


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS1304   System termination because of expiration of ABORT-LIMIT time


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS2000   MSCF connection from host '(&01)' with MSCF version '(&02)' for application '(&00)' not accepted


The remote host (&01) tries to open an MSCF connection to local host for
application (&00). But BCAM does not fully support the functionality
required by MSCF on the remote host for the selected route.
(&00): name of application.
(&01): Host name of remote host.
(&02): MSCF version of remote host.


1. On remote host (&01) verify by means of command
   BCSHOW whether command BCMAP has been entered to restrict the selection
   of BCAM routes for application (&00) to ISO class4 or NEA routes.
   If necessary enter command BCMAP.
2. Verify whether BCAM routes for application (&00) were correctly


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 50

Warranty   : NO

MCS2001   Unexpected situation in processing, error logged in SERSLOG file


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS3000   No information found for specified selection


No information is available matching the selection criteria specified in


Reenter the command specifying a different selection criterion.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS4120   The watchdog mechanism is initialized


The watchdog task (TSN=WDGS) has been initialized successfully.
If the host is of type XCS, all XCS pubsets are imported.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS4121   The '(&00)' of the shared pubset '(&01)' is rejected. Reason '(&02)'


(&00): IMPORT: The import of the pubset is rejected.
       EXPORT: The export of the pubset is rejected.
(&01): Pubset-ID
(&02): Possible reasons in case of IMPORT: 
      01: Memory management error.
      02: MRSCAT error.
      03: System error
      04: Configuration error: Failure detection limits of master and
          slave are set differently.
      05: MSCF communication error.
      06: There is no XCS pubset in the XCS network or the XCS hosts use
          different XCS pubsets.
      07: XCS configuration error at the master of the XCS pubset.
      08: No XCS pubset is defined at the host.
      09: Write error at master sharer.
      10: A CCS slave must not import an XCS pubset.
      11: The slave export at the master is not yet finished. Start the
          slave import again.
       Possible reasons in case of EXPORT:
      01: An XCS pubset may be exported by the master only.
      02: MRSCAT error.
      04: DLM-lock error.
      05: The last XCS pubset in the XCS network must not be exported.
      06: An export with master change is not allowed for XCS pubsets.
      07: Pubset must not be exported during conversion into XCS pubset.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS4122   '(&00)' of the shared pubset '(&01)' is not processed


The reconfiguration of the XCS network can not be completed, because a
shared pubset operation of the shared pubset (&01) could not be
(&00): Shared pubset operation:
       IMPORT: The import of the shared pubset could not be finished.
       EXPORT: The export of the shared pubset or exclusively in shared GS
               imported pubset could not be finished.
MASTER-CHANGE: The master change of the shared pubset could not be


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS4123   Error during initialization of the watchdog mechanism. Reason '(&00)'


An error occurred during the initialization of the watchdog mechanism.
The start of subsystem MSCF is aborted.
(&00): Reason:
       01: The previous watchdog session is not terminated completely
       02: Error during  MRSCAT-Access.
       03: A shared pubset import has been started already.
       04: System error.
       05: Error in the task lock management.
       06: Error in the bourse management.
       07: Error at task creation of the WDGS task.
       08: XPM startup error.
       09: Error in memory management.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS4124   Error during initialization or termination of the watchdog mechanism. Reason '(&00)'


   An error occurred during the initialization or termination of the
   watchdog mechanism. The subsystem MSCF is aborted.
   (&00): Possible reasons:
          01: Memory management Error.
          02: Error during MRSCAT access.
          03: System error.
          04: Error in the distributed lock management.
          05: Error in the MSCF communication.
          06: Error in the XCS pubset management.
          07: Error when importing an XCS pubset
          08: No XCS pubset defined.
          09: The XCS pubset master suffers a permanent write error.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS4125   The watchdog mechanism has been terminated


The watchdog mechanism has been terminated normally.
The local host is unable to access shared pubsets.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS4126   Configuration error, the shared pubset '(&00)' has been exported. Reason '(&01)'


A Shared pubset configuration error occurred. To preserve the
consistency of SPVS (&00) and host control, the pubset has been
force exported.
(&01): Possible reasons:
       01: Control state inconsistent.
       02: Invalid block in watchdog file.
       03: SYSID inconsistent.
       04: Version ID inconsistent.
       05: SYSID multiply used.
       06: Host name and SYSID indicate different partners.
       07: Error when calling interface $GETMEM.
       08: HOST-ID inconsistent.
       09: Error when calling interface MCXPSJ. The reason is indicated in
           message MCS1005.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS4127   /SET-XCS-PUBSET for pubset '(&00)' rejected. Reason '(&01)'


An error occurred during the processing of the /SET-XCS-PUBSET command
for pubset (&00).
(&01): Possible reasons:
       01: The pubset is not imported as a shared pubset.
       02: XCM error occurred.
       03: Error in the watchdog mechanism.
       04: The shared pubsets and XCS have different configurations.
       05: DLM error.
       06: Error in the command processing at the partner host.
       07: MSCF communication error.
       08: XCS is not in ready state.
       09: Bourse error.
       10: DLM-Bourse-Timeout.
       11: Internal Error.
       12: The host is not an XCS member.
       13: MRSCAT access error.
       14: The pubset is already an XCS pubset.
       15: Improper state of MRSCAT entry.
       16: Pubset includes a GS volume.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS4128   Export with master change of shared pubset '(&00)' started on host '(&01)'


On host (&01) the export with master change of the indicated shared
pubset (&00) has been started. The pubset is set to quiet state.
After completion of the export processing, processing of the master
change will be continued.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS4129   Import for pubset '(&00)' rejected. Reason '(&01)'


An error occurred during the processing of the /IMPORT-PUBSET command for
pubset (&00).
(&01): Possible reasons:
     01: The subsystem MSCF is not in the proper state to import a shared
     02: The watchdog file can not be allocated on the PUBRES.
     03: The watchdog file information in the TSOSCAT and SVL are
     04: Error during access to the shared pubset MONJV.
     05: The MRSCAT entry of the shared pubset is not in the proper state
         to allow the import.


01: The subsystem MSCF must be loaded and the registered functions CPM
    and XPM must be in an error free state.
02: There is no enough free space on the PUBRES, please delete some files.
03: Please delete the watchdog file.
04: Please delete the shared pubset MONJV.
05: Please consult the MSCF trace file.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS4130   Shared pubset '(&00)' changed to XCS pubset


The shared pubset (&00) has been changed successfully to an XCS pubset by
means of command /SET-XCS-PUBSET.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS4131   The watchdog mechanism will be terminated, all shared pubsets will be exported


The termination of the watchdog mechanism has been started.
The export of all XCS and shared pubsets and of all exclusively imported
pubsets with a volume set in the shared GS is initiated. Only after these
exports are successfully completed, the watchdog mechanism is
terminated and subsystem MSCF unloaded.


Destination: CONSOLE               Routing code: R                   Weight: 99

Warranty   : NO

MCS4132   Watch dog mechanism is running, shared pubsets are monitored again


The failure reported by message DMS03B7 has been fixed, all shared pubsets
are monitored again.