A - Page 1 - +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Readme file for VTSU-B V13.3 | | | | December 2007 | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ This README file describes the extensions valid for VTSU-B Version 13.3 and all versions since VTSU-B V11.0. These extensions refer to the following manual: VTSU-B V11.0 (BS2000/OSD, TRANSDATA) User Guide Order number: U22328-J-Z135-1-7600 Contents -------- 1. Introduction .......................................... Page 2 2. New functionalities in relation with TIAM V13.0 Page 3 2.1. Dynamic prompting Page 3 2.2. Terminal roll-up mode Page 3 2.3. Unicode information on terminal Page 3 3. VTSU Control Block : VTSUCB............................ Page 4 4. Static definition of 8-bit/unicode devices through a configuration file Page 13 4.1. File name, file location Page 13 4.2. Format of the configuration file Page 14 4.3. Device type consistency Page 15 4.4. Examples of definition lines Page 15 A - Page 2 - 1. Introduction ============ VTSU-B V11.2 extends the functions of VTSU-B V11.0 as follows: * VTSU-B has been modified to allow POSIX support from BS2000/ OSD-BC V2.0. VTSU-B V12.0 extends the functions of VTSU-B V11.2 as follows: * VTSU-B supports encryption of input/output when the product VTSU-SEC is installed and when the connection is established from an emulation supporting encryption of messages. A complete description of encryption support is delivered with the product VTSU-SEC 1.0. VTSU-B V13.0 extends the functions of VTSU-B V12.0 as follows: * VTSU-B has been adapted to support new functionalities of TIAM V13.0. Two new operands of the command /MODIFY-TERMINAL-OPTIONS allow to customize both system and program prompts and to modify the system setting concerning the terminal roll-up mode. * VTSU-B allows (with a new VTSU Control Block option: INFOLR) to reset the info line. * Through a configuration file, it is possible to activate an 8-bit CCSNAME. The activation is based on a static variant and depends on the processor name and/or the station name and/or the device type. VTSU-B V13.1 extends the functions of VTSU-B V13.0 as follows: * Adaption to BS2000/OSD V5.0 VTSU-B V13.2 extends the functions of VTSU-B V13.1 as follows: * Adaption to BS2000/OSD V7.0 * support of unicode VTSU-B V13.3 extends the functions of VTSU-B V13.2 as follows: * Adaption to BS2000/OSD V8.0 A - Page 3 - 2. New functionalities in relation with TIAM V13.0 =============================================== 2.1. Dynamic prompting ----------------- Thanks to the TIAM command /MODIFY-TERMINAL-OPTIONS, the user can customize his system and program prompts. The prompt can be maximum 32 characters long and be composed of five keywords #H, #J, #P, #S and #U allowing to insert automatically, respectively, the hostname, jobname, processor name, station name and userid. For more information about this topic, please see the README file delivered with TIAM V13.0 and higher. 2.2. Terminal roll-up mode --------------------- The terminal roll-up mode can be set by the system administrator for all dialog tasks thanks to the operating parameter : TERMROLL. From VTSU-B and TIAM V13.0, it is now possible for each dialog task to modify this setting by the TIAM command /MODIFY-TERMINAL-OPTIONS. The user can set or reset the terminal roll-up mode or set it again to the system default one (TERMROLL value). For more information about this topic, please see the README file delivered with TIAM V13.0 and higher. 2.3. Unicode information on terminal ------------------------------- To support unicode since TIAM V13.1C the information given by the command /SHOW-TERMINAL-ATTRIBUTES has been extended. Shown will be the coded-charachter-set UTFE and the new character-set for unicode with value 240. For a detailled information see manual BS2000/OSD V7.0 commands. A - Page 4 - 3. VTSU Control Block : VTSUCB =========================== The following VTSU Control Block description completes pages 89-107. of the manual. The parameters ENCOUT, ENCIN, INFOLR are new. Operation | Operands ------------+-------------------------------------------------------- VTSUCB | | D | | | C | | [MF=| L |], [PREFIX=],[MACID=] | | ~ | | | M | | | | | NO | | | |[,MODE=(MIXED,inmode,outmode)] [,LOW= | |] | | | | YES | | | | | | | | NO | | NO | | | | [,BELL = | ~~ |] [,GETFC= | ~~ |] | | | | YES | | YES | | | | | | | | NO | | NO | | | | [,HCOPY= | ~~ |] [,LOCIN= | ~~ |] | | | | YES | | YES | | | | | | | | NO | |*NONE| | | | [,NOLOG= | ~~ |] [,RETINF=|~~~~~|] | | | | YES | | xx | | | | | | | | YES | | NO | | | | [,IHDR= | ~~~ |] [,OHDR= | ~~ |] | | | | NO | | YES | | | | | | | | YES | | I | | | | [,CODETR=| ~~~ |] [,SPECIN=| C |] | | | | NO | | N | | | | ~ | | | |*EXTEND| | NO | | | | [,CCSNAME=| |] [,HOM= | ~~ |] | | | |ccsname| | YES | | | | | | | | STD | | NO | | | | [,AUTOTAB=| ~~~ |] [,NOPOS= | ~~ |] | | | | NO | | YES | | | | | YES | | | | | | | | NO | | UNPROT | | | | [,CURPOS=| ~~ |] [,READ=| ~~~~~~ |]| | | | YES | | MODIFIED| | | | | | | | NO | | | | [,UPDATE=| ~~ |] | | | | YES | | | | | A - Page 5 - | | | | | | NO | | NO | | | | [,ENCOUT=| ~~ |] [,ENCIN= | ~~ |] | | | | YES | | YES | | | | | | | | NO | | | | [,INFOLR=| ~~ |] | | | | YES | | | | | | | | NO | | NO | | | |[,MODE=LINE] [,BELL = | ~~ |] [,GETFC= | ~~ |] | | | ~~~~~~~~~ | YES | | YES | | | | | | | | NO | | NO | | | | [,HCOPY= | ~~ |] [,LOW= | ~~ |] | | | | YES | | YES | | | | | | | | NO | |*NONE| | | | [,NOLOG= | ~~ |] [,RETINF=|~~~~~|] | | | | YES | | xx | | | | | | | | I | |*EXTEND| | | | [,SPECIN=| C |] [,CCSNAME=| |]| | | | N | |ccsname| | | | ~ | | | | NO | | NO | | | | [,HOM= | ~~ |] [,NOPOS= | ~~ |] | | | | YES | | YES | | | | | | | | NO | | NO | | | | [,ENCOUT=| ~~ |] [,ENCIN= | ~~ |] | | | | YES | | YES | | | | | | | | NO | | | | [,INFOLR=| ~~ |] | | | | YES | | | | | | | | NO | | NO | | | |[,MODE=INFO] [,BELL = | ~~ |] [,GETFC= | ~~ |] | | | | YES | | YES | | | | | | | | NO | | NO | | | | [,NOLOG= | ~~ |] [,LOW= | ~~ |] | | | | YES | | YES | | | | | | | |*EXTEND| | | | [,CCSNAME=| |] | | | |ccsname| | | | | | | | NO | | NO | | | | [,ENCOUT=| ~~ |] [,ENCIN= | ~~ |] | | | | YES | | YES | | | | | A - Page 6 - | | | | | | NO | | NO | | | |[,MODE=EXTEND][,BELL= | ~~ |] [,GETFC= | ~~ |] | | | | YES | | YES | | | | | | | | NO | | NO | | | | [,LOCIN= | ~~ |] [,LOW= | ~~ |] | | | | YES | | YES | | | | | | | |*EXTEND| | NO | | | | [,CCSNAME=| |] [,CURPOS=| ~~ |] | | | |ccsname| | YES | | | | | | | | UNPROT | | NO | | | | [,READ=| ~~~~~~ |] [,UPDATE=| ~~ |] | | | | MODIFIED | | YES | | | | | | | | STD | | | | [,AUTOTAB=| ~~~ |] | | | | NO | | | | | YES | | | | | | | | NO | | NO | | | | [,HCOPY= | ~~ |] [,INFOLR= | ~~ |] | | | | YES | | YES | | | | | | | | NO | | NO | | | | [,ENCOUT= | ~~ |] [,ENCIN= | ~~ |] | | | | YES | | YES | | | | | | | | YES | | YES | | | |[,MODE=PHYS][,IHDR= | ~~~ |] [,LOW= | ~~~ |] | | | | NO | | NO | | | | | | | | NO | | YES | | | | [,OHDR= | ~~ |] [,CODETR= | ~~~ |] | | | | YES | | NO | | | | | | | |*EXTEND| | NO | | | | [,CCSNAME=| |] [,INFOLR=| ~~ |] | | | |ccsname| | YES | | | | | | | | NO | | NO | | | | [,ENCOUT= | ~~ |] [,ENCIN= | ~~ |] | | | | YES | | YES | | | | | | | | NO | |*EXTEND| | | |[,MODE=FORM] [,LOW= | ~~ |] [,CCSNAME=| |]| | | | YES | |ccsname| | | | | | | | NO | | NO | | | | [,ENCOUT=| ~~ |] [,ENCIN= | ~~ |] | | | | YES | | YES | | | | | | | | NO | | | | [,INFOLR=| ~~ |] | | | | YES | | | | | A - Page 7 - | | | | | | NO | | NO | | | |[,MODE=TRANS] [,ENCOUT=| ~~ |] [,ENCIN= | ~~ |] | | | | YES | | YES | | | | | | | | NO | | | | [,INFOLR=| ~~ |] | | | | YES | | | | | | | | NO | | NO | | | |[,MODE=CHIP] [,ENCOUT=| ~~ |] [,ENCIN= | ~~ |] | | | | YES | | YES | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Operand description: ------------------- ENCOUT= Specifies if the current output must be encrypted or not (valid only when the connection is established from an emulation supporting encryption). YES The output must be encrypted. NO The output must not be encrypted (nevertheless, it will not prevent from encrypting the message if encryption has been requested by another mean). ENCIN= Specifies if the next input must be encrypted or not (valid only when the connection is established from an emulation supporting encryption). YES The next input must be encrypted. NO The next input must not be encrypted (nevertheless, it will not prevent from encrypting the message if encryption has been requested by another mean). INFOLR= Specifies if the info line must be reset. YES The info line must be reset. NO The info line must not be reset. A - Page 8 - RETURN CODE : The return code is placed in the standard header of the parameter list. It can have the following values: X'00 00 0000' Function processed successfully X'00 01 FFFF' Function or unit number not supported X'00 03 FFFF' Invalid Interface version number X'00 04 FFFF' Pl not fullword aligned X'08 01 0004' Bad VTSUCB length X'10 01 0004' Invalid message mode X'11 01 0004' Bad HARDCOPY parameter X'12 01 0004' Bad BELL parameter X'13 01 0004' Error in NOLOG parameter X'14 01 0004' Bad READ parameter X'15 01 0004' Bad HOM parameter X'16 01 0004' Error in RETINF parameter X'17 01 0004' Error in LOCIN parameter X'18 01 0004' Error in OHDR parameter X'19 01 0004' Error in CODETR parameter X'1A 01 0004' Error in IHDR parameter X'1B 01 0004' Error in LOW parameter X'1C 01 0004' Error in SPECIN parameter X'1D 01 0004' Error in GETFC parameter X'1E 01 0004' Error in CCSNAME parameter X'1F 01 0004' Error in CURPOS parameter X'20 01 0004' Error in UPDATE parameter X'21 01 0004' Error in WARINFO parameter X'22 01 0004' Error in AUTOTAB parameter X'23 01 0004' Error in NOPOS parameter X'24 01 0004' Error in ENCOUT parameter X'25 01 0004' Error in ENCIN parameter X'26 01 0004' Error in INFOLR parameter X'40 01 0004' Invalid output header length X'50 01 0004' User buffer length not valid for input X'80 01 0004' Mode not valid for command type X'xx 20 0004' VTSU internal error X'00 40 00OC' Output truncation X'00 40 0010' Input truncation X'00 40 0018' NL in extended line input message X'81 40 0004' Mode=CHIP but no chipcard terminal announced X'82 40 0004' Chipcard not available from terminal X'83 40 0004' Error code from DSS by CKT-message X'86 40 0004' VTSUCB CCSN incompatible with device X'87 40 0004' Encryption for output not supported X'88 40 0004' Encryption for input not supported X'89 40 0004' Info line reset invalid with mode X'10 40 0020' Function not yet supported X'60 01 0004' XHCS requested function not available X'61 01 0004' XHCS function requested for a 7-bit terminal X'62 01 0004' XHCS function not supported X'7A 01 0004' No place enough to insert SI/SO characters X'7B 01 0004' No place enough to insert PAR01L characters X'1E 01 0004' Invalid CCSNAME A - Page 9 - VTSUCB DSECT : ------------ VCBDSECT VTSUCB MF=D,PREFIX=Y VCBDSECT IDLKG VER=350,SECT=D VCBDSECT DSECT FHDR MF=(C,YVTC),EQUATES=NO DS 0A YVTCFHE DS 0XL8 0 GENERAL OPERAND LIST HEADER * YVTCIFID DS 0A 0 INTERFACE IDENTIFIER YVTCFCTU DS AL2 0 FUNCTION UNIT NUMBER * BIT 15 HEADER FLAG BIT, * MUST BE RESET UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE * BIT 14-12 UNUSED, MUST BE RESET * BIT 11-0 REAL FUNCTION UNIT NUMBER YVTCFCT DS AL1 2 FUNCTION NUMBER YVTCFCTV DS AL1 3 FUNCTION INTERFACE VERSION NUMBER * YVTCRET DS 0A 4 GENERAL RETURN CODE YVTCSRET DS 0AL2 4 SUB RETURN CODE YVTCSR2 DS AL1 4 SUB RETURN CODE 2 YVTCSR1 DS AL1 5 SUB RETURN CODE 1 YVTCMRET DS 0AL2 6 MAIN RETURN CODE YVTCMR2 DS AL1 6 MAIN RETURN CODE 2 YVTCMR1 DS AL1 7 MAIN RETURN CODE 1 YVTCFHL EQU 8 8 GENERAL OPERAND LIST HEADER LENGTH * * SUBCODE 1 VALUES * YVTCECPM EQU X'01' ERROR CLASS PARAMETER ERROR YVTCECIN EQU X'20' ERROR CLASS INTERNAL ERROR YVTCECSP EQU X'40' ERROR CLASS SPECIAL ERROR * * SUBCODE 2 VALUES * YVTCERLN EQU X'08' ERROR IN LENGTH OF VTSUCB YVTCERMO EQU X'10' ERROR IN MODE PARAMETER YVTCERHC EQU X'11' ERROR IN HARDCOPY PARAMETER YVTCERBE EQU X'12' ERROR IN BELL PARAMETER YVTCERNO EQU X'13' ERROR IN NOLOG PARAMETER YVTCERRD EQU X'14' ERROR IN READ PARAMETER YVTCERHO EQU X'15' ERROR IN HOM PARAMETER YVTCERRE EQU X'16' ERROR IN RETINF PARAMETER YVTCERLO EQU X'17' ERROR IN LOCIN PARAMETER YVTCEROH EQU X'18' ERROR IN OUTPUT HEADER PARAMETER YVTCERCO EQU X'19' ERROR IN CODETR PARAMETER YVTCERIH EQU X'1A' ERROR IN INPUT HEADER PARAMETER YVTCERLW EQU X'1B' ERROR IN LOWER INPUT PARAMETER YVTCERSP EQU X'1C' ERROR IN SPECIAL INPUT PARAMETER YVTCERGE EQU X'1D' ERROR IN GET FUNCTION CODE PARAMETER YVTCERCC EQU X'1E' INVALID CCSNAME YVTCERCP EQU X'1F' ERROR IN CURPOS PARAMETER YVTCERUP EQU X'20' ERROR IN UPDATE PARAMETER YVTCERWA EQU X'21' ERROR IN WARINFO PARAMETER YVTCERAT EQU X'22' ERROR IN AUTOTAB PARAMETER YVTCERNP EQU X'23' ERROR IN NOPOS PARAMETER YVTCEREO EQU X'24' ERROR IN ENCOUT PARAMETER YVTCEREI EQU X'25' ERROR IN ENCIN PARAMETER YVTCERIR EQU X'26' ERROR IN INFOLR PARAMETER A - Page 10 - YVTCERXH EQU X'60' XHCS FCT REQUESTED BUT XHCS NOT LOADED YVTCER7B EQU X'61' XHCS FCT REQUESTED FOR 7-BIT TERMINAL YVTCERBS EQU X'62' XHCS FCT SUPPORT ONLY FROM BS2000 V10 * YVTCERIN EQU X'7A' NO PLACE ENOUGH TO INSERT SI/SO CHARS YVTCER1L EQU X'7B' NO PLACE ENOUGH TO INSERT PAR01L CHARS * YVTCERM1 EQU X'80' MODE NOT VALID FOR COMMAND TYPE YVTCERM2 EQU X'81' MODE=CHIP USED BUT NO CKT ANNOUNCED YVTCERC1 EQU X'82' CKT NOT AVAILABLE FROM TERMINAL YVTCERC2 EQU X'83' OTHER ERROR CODE FROM DSS BY CKT-MSG YVTCERX2 EQU X'86' VTSUCB CCSN INCOMPATIBLE WITH DEVICE YVTCERE1 EQU X'87' ENCRYPTION FOR OUTPUT NOT SUPPORTED YVTCERE2 EQU X'88' ENCRYPTION FOR INPUT NOT SUPPORTED YVTCERE3 EQU X'89' INFO LINE RESET INVALID WITH MODE * YVTCERO1 EQU X'40' HEADER LENGTH OF OUTPUT MSG NOT VALID YVTCERI1 EQU X'50' USER BUFFER LEN FOR INPUT NOT VALID * * MAINCODE VALUES FOR SUBCODE 1 = X'40' * YVTCMRPM EQU X'04' WRONG PARAMETER FOR DEVICE YVTCMROT EQU X'0C' OUTPUT TRUNCATION YVTCMRIT EQU X'10' INPUT TRUNCATION YVTCMRNL EQU X'18' NL IN EXT LINE INPUT MESSAGE * * MAINCODE VALUES FOR SUBCODE 1 = X'00' * YVTCMRCO EQU X'08' CORRECTED ERROR * * YVTCLEN DS H LENGTH OF VTSUCB * YVTCINM DS C INPUT MODE FOR MODE=MIXED YVTCOUTM DS C OUTPUT MODE FOR MODE=MIXED * DS XL4 RETURN INFO (NOT YET USED) * YVTCMODE DS C MODE OF MESSAGE YVTCLINE EQU C'L' LINE MODE YVTCEXT EQU C'E' EXTENDED LINE YVTCINFO EQU C'I' INFO LINE MESSAGE YVTCPHYS EQU C'P' PYHSICAL MODE YVTCTRAN EQU C'T' TRANSPARENT MODE YVTCFORM EQU C'F' FORM MODE YVTCCHIP EQU C'C' CHIPCARD MODE (FOR CKT) YVTCMIXD EQU C'M' MIXED MODE * YVTCHC DS C HARCOPY FUNCTION YVTCHCN EQU C'N' NO HARDCOPY YVTCHCY EQU C'Y' LOCAL/CENTRAL HARDCOPY * YVTCBEL DS C BELL FUNCTION YVTCBELN EQU C'N' NO BELL YVTCBELY EQU C'Y' BELL AFTER OUTPUT * YVTCNLG DS C NO LOG CHARS TO INTERPRET FUNCTION YVTCNLGN EQU C'N' LOGICAL CHARACTERS TO INTERPRET YVTCNLGY EQU C'Y' NO LOGICAL CHARACTERS TO INTERPRET A - Page 11 - YVTCRBYT DS CL2 RETURN INFO BYTES * YVTCRIN DS C RETURN INFORMATION FUNCTION YVTCRINN EQU C'N' NO RETURN INFORMATION YVTCRINY EQU C'Y' RETURN INFORMATION REQUIRED * YVTCLOC DS C INPUT OF LOCAL CHARACTERS YVTCLOCN EQU C'N' NO LOCAL CHARACTERS REQUIRED YVTCLOCY EQU C'Y' LOCAL CHARACTERS REQUIRED * YVTCOHD DS C OUTPUT HEADER FUNCTION YVTCOHDN EQU C'N' NO OUTPUT HEADER IN USER MSG YVTCOHDY EQU C'Y' OUTPUT HEADER IN USER MESSAGE * YVTCCTR DS C CODE TRANSLATION FUNCTION YVTCCTRN EQU C'N' NO CODE TRANSLATION DONE BY VTSU YVTCCTRY EQU C'Y' CODE TRANSLATION TO/FROM CCS REQ. * YVTCIHD DS C INPUT HEADER FUNCTION YVTCIHDN EQU C'N' NO INPUT HEADER REQUIRED YVTCIHDY EQU C'Y' INPUT HEADER REQUIRED * YVTCLOW DS C LOWER CHARACTERS FUNCTION YVTCLOWN EQU C'N' TRANSLATE LOWER CHARACTERS YVTCLOWY EQU C'Y' RETAIN LOWER CHARACTERS * YVTCSPIN DS C SPECIAL INPUT FUNCTION YVTCNSPI EQU C'N' NO SPECIAL INPUT YVTCIDIN EQU C'I' INPUT FROM ID-CARD READER YVTCCOIN EQU C'C' CONFIDENTIAL INPUT * YVTCFC DS C FUNCTION CODE YVTCFCN EQU C'N' NO FUNCTION CODE REQUIRED YVTCFCY EQU C'Y' FUNCTION CODE REQUIRED * YVTCHOM DS C HOMOGENEOUS OUTPUT YVTCHOMN EQU C'N' NO HOMOGENEOUS OUTPUT REQUIRED YVTCHOMY EQU C'Y' HOMOGENEOUS OUTPUT REQUIRED * YVTCNOP DS C OUTPUT ON SAME LINE YVTCNOPN EQU C'N' OUTPUT STARTS ON NEXT LINE YVTCNOPY EQU C'Y' OUTPUT STARTS ON CURRENT LINE * YVTCCCNA DS CL8 CODED CHARACTER SET NAME * YVTCCUR DS C CURSOR POSITION REQUESTED YVTCCURN EQU C'N' CURSOR POSITION NOT RETURNED YVTCCURY EQU C'Y' CURSOR POSITION GIVEN AFTER INPUT * YVTCPOSL DS XL1 CURSOR POSITION (LINE) YVTCPOSC DS XL1 CURSOR POSITION (COLUMN) * YVTCREAD DS C READ MODE (EXTENDED LINE MODE) YVTCRDUN EQU C'U' READ UNPROTECTED YVTCRDMO EQU C'M' READ MODIFIED * YVTCUPD DS C SCREEN UPDATE IN EXTENDED LINE MODE YVTCUPDN EQU C'N' NO SCREEN UPDATE -> REFRESH YVTCUPDY EQU C'Y' SCREEN UPDATE A - Page 12 - YVTCWAR DS C WAR BYTE REQUESTED YVTCWARN EQU C'N' NO INFO ABOUT WAR BYTE YVTCWARY EQU C'Y' VALUE OF WAR BYTE TO RETURN * YVTCWARI DS XL1 RETURNED WAR BYTE VALUE * YVTCAT DS C AUTOMATIC TABULATION YVTCATS EQU C'S' STANDARD AUTOMATIC TABULATION YVTCATN EQU C'N' AUTOMATIC TABULATION NOT REQUESTED YVTCATY EQU C'Y' AUTOMATIC TABULATION REQUESTED * YVTCEO DS C ENCRYPTION FOR OUTPUT YVTCEON EQU C'N' ENCRYPTION FOR OUTPUT NOT REQUESTED YVTCEOY EQU C'Y' ENCRYPTION FOR OUTPUT REQUESTED * YVTCEI DS C ENCRYPTION FOR INPUT YVTCEIN EQU C'N' ENCRYPTION FOR INPUT NOT REQUESTED YVTCEIY EQU C'Y' ENCRYPTION FOR INPUT REQUESTED * YVTCIR DS C INFO LINE RESET YVTCIRN EQU C'N' INFO LINE RESET NOT REQUESTED YVTCIRY EQU C'Y' INFO LINE REQUESTED * DS XL1 RESERVED * YVTC# EQU *-YVTCFHE LENGTH OF DSECT *,VTSUCB 350 A - Page 13 - 4. Static definition of 8-bit/unicode devices in a configuration file ================================================== The following description completes the description of particular ways to activate 8-bit/unicode variants, pages 209-212 of the manual. A configuration file can be used to activate permanently an 8-bit/ unicode variant. The given variant will get the same properties as a variant activated through the following TIAM command : /MODIFY-TERMINAL-OPTION CODED-CHARACTER-SET=variant_name That means that information concerning this variant is returned to TU applications (EDT, FHS, user applications, ...) by VTSU-B when a TSTAT call is issued, as for a variant activated by another means : VTSUCB, user default or explicitly activated variant (TIAM command). That functionality is available from BS2000/OSD-BC V1.0. 4.1. File name, file location ------------------------ If the VTSU-B subsystem is not installed with IMON, the file must take place under TSOS and be called : SYSPAR.VTSU-B.132.EHCS. If the VTSU-B subsystem is installed with IMON, the system administrator can link the configuration file to the logical id SYSPAR.EHCS. The administrator can then name and/or locate the file as he wants. If he does not use this functionality, the above default filename must be used. A - Page 14 - 4.2. Format of the configuration file -------------------------------- In the file, one line defines one connection (with possible wild cards). During the connection establishment, the configuration is evaluated in the order of the lines. That means that the first line matching the connection characteristics is taken into account. 2nd 11th 20th 29th 38th column +--------+--------+--------+--------+ pppppppp ssssssss tttttttt vvvvvvvv l pppppppp is the processor name, eight characters long ssssssss is the station name, eight characters long tttttttt is the device type, eight characters long For the processor name, the station name and the device type, the character '*' in the first column of the field means respectively all processor names, all station names and all device types. At another location in the fields 'processor name' and 'station name', the '*' can replace any character. Both station name and processor name must be exactly eight characters long. Shorter names must be padded to the right length with blanks. vvvvvvvv is the name of the variant, eight characters l is the line type (7 or 8-bit), where 7 will be assumed if a value different from 8 is specified. It is possible to insert comment line by placing a '*' in column 1. Meaningful lines must have a blank in column 1, 10, 19, 28 and 37. The line length must be at least 38 characters, characters exceeding column 38 are simply ignored. Lines can never exceed 72 characters ! If this format is not respected, the message DCM0222 will be sent to the console with information about the used filename and the erroneous line number. If the device type is not valid, the message DCM0224 will be sent to the console with information about the used filename, the erroneous line number and the rejected device type. Valid device types are : DSS#9750, DSS#9755, DSS#9763, DRS#9001, DRS#9011, DRS#9012, DRS#9013, DRS#9014, DRS#9021 A - Page 15 - If the variant is not defined in the XHCS-SYS subsystem or if the variant is not valid (ISO variant for example), the message DCM0223 will be sent to the console with information about the used filename, the concerned line number and the rejected variant. Any entries or changes to the configuration file will be effective at next VTSU subsystem restart. 4.3. Device type consistency ----------------------- The consistency between the true device type (the one known by VTSU-B and received from the connection letter) and the one given in the configuration file is under the responsibility of the system administrator. Nevertheless, at the connection establishment, VTSU-B receives for devices defined as 9763 in the connection letter dynamic information directly from the device (emulation) concerning supported variants. For this device type only, VTSU-B will check the consistency between the supported variants and the one given in the configuration file. If the variant given in the file is not supported by the device, it is ignored without any error message. The device can nevertheless be used as a standard 8-bit device with the standard 8-bit support. 4.4. Examples of definition lines ---------------------------- * * Definition of static connections with 8-bit variants * *vvvvvvvv wwwwwwww xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy z * D241KR30 DSN30107 * EDF041 8 (1) * * * DSS#9763 EEHCLC 7 (2) * D241**** * * EDF042 X (3) * * end of file * (1) - The connection identified by processor name : D241KR30, and station name : DSN30107 will be activated with the variant EDF041. - The device type is not evaluated. - The line type will be 8-bit. (2) - All devices 9763 will be activated with the variant EEHCLC. - The station name and processor name are not evaluated. - The line type will be 7-bit. (3) - All connections with a processor name beginning by 'D241' will be activated with the variant EDF042. - The device type and the station name are not evaluated. - The line will be assumed as 7-bit.