Pages Per Sheet Printing

Pages Per Sheet printing allows you to print two or four pages on single sheets of paper.
This feature is not available for borderless printing.

Printer settings for Windows

Open the file you want to print.
Access the printer settings.
Click the Main tab, select the appropriate Media Type setting, and then select your preferred items for Color, Print Quality, and Mode settings.
Availability of setting items may vary depending on the setting you select.
Select Sheet as the Source setting.
Select the appropriate Size setting.
Click the Page Layout tab, select Portrait (tall) or Landscape (wide) to change the orientation of your printout, and then select Multi-Page, then select N -up.
Click Settings to open the Print Layout window. In the Print Layout window, specify the order in which the pages will be printed. To print frames around the pages printed on each sheet, check the Print page frames check box.
Click OK to close the printer settings window.
After completing the steps above, print one test copy and examine the results before printing an entire job.

Printer settings for Mac OS X 10.5

Access the Print dialog box.
Click the button to extend this dialog box.
Select the printer you are using as the Printer setting, and then select appropriate settings.
Depending on your application, you may not be able to select some items in this dialog box. If so, click Page Setup on the File menu of your application, and select the appropriate settings.
Select Layout from the pop-up menu.
Select from the following settings:
Pages per Sheet
Prints multiple pages of your document on a single piece of paper. You can choose from 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, or 16.
Layout Direction
Allows you to specify the order in which the pages will be printed on the sheet of paper.
Prints a border around the pages printed on each sheet. You can choose from None, Single hairline, Single thin line, Double hairline, or Double thin line.
Select Print Settings from the pop-up menu.
Select the appropriate Media Type, Color, and other settings, then start printing. See online help for details of Print Settings.
After completing the steps above, print one test copy and examine the results before printing an entire job.

Printer settings for Mac OS X 10.3 or 10.4

Access the Page Setup dialog box.
Select the printer you are using as the Format for setting.
Select the appropriate Paper Size and Orientation settings.
Click OK to close the Page Setup dialog box.
Access the Print dialog box.
Select Layout from the pop-up menu.
Select from the following settings:
Pages per Sheet
Prints multiple pages of your document on a single piece of paper. You can choose from 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, or 16.
Layout Direction
Allows you to specify the order in which the pages will be printed on the sheet of paper.
Prints a border around the pages printed on each sheet. You can choose from None, Single hairline, Single thin line, Double hairline, or Double thin line.
Select Print Settings from the pop-up menu.
Select the appropriate Media Type, Color, and Mode settings. See the online help for details of Print Settings.
After completing the steps above, print one test copy and examine the results before printing an entire job.